#guess whose making yet another stupid freak
unsanctitude · 27 days
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my warrior of light , CBT Wizard
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
HARMONYYY i just finished the penacony quest and OH MY GOD. the emotional damage wtf... and the murderer 😕 i honestly don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that
on another note, sunday really does have huge yandere potential !!! (i was swooning the entire time he was on screen im sorry.) he literally isn’t beating the allegations at all. even the other characters comment on how weird it is for him to casually keep a model of the golden hour, because what in the control freak 😭
he seems like he’d play dollhouse with darling. after all, in a place like that, every single aspect of it is under his thumb — literally. having that much control over your circumstances is a reassurance. oh, are the placeholder models crashing? don’t worry dear, he can fix the malfunctions. he can even make them speak more realistically for you. he can give anything to you, even change the layout of the place entirely if you’re bored of it. you want to get back to normal size? well, he can’t quite do that just yet, please understand..
or if he pulls that weird interrogation magic thing on them. darling who just lies through the entire thing, and he uses this to scare them about the death countdown while not mentioning the part that he has the power to really just cancel it in the end. though, the same trick won’t work on them twice. at least the process gets darling to become part of the family in the end.
not to mention the spies he has everywhere. stupid birds watching you in every corner…
idk i just want to hold him and shake him aggressively. out of love, of course.
- 🕯️
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When I tell you I've lost sleep over the thought of just how much more Sunday is probably capable of doing, nonnie.
If he has access to technology and power like this, which are all unrestricted for his personal use moreover, imagine the things he's hiding. And imagine farther the things he had to do to get to where he is today, another dash of spice to the mix. I went back to his scenes and did some thinking. The me-slandering-Sunday is obviously a joke but I really, really hope people just don't focus on the morally-gray and questionable aspects of him and completely disregard his other characteristics now.
If you think about things from his perspective, he really is just trying his best to keep the image of The Family. But the loss of probably the only person he trusted with his heart and the disregard to bring justice to that case from The Family's side, compelled him to put his agenda first (as he himself mentions that he allowed Aventurine to pull that stunt so that it'd lure Gallagher out). What we get from this is, while Sunday is an extremely dedicated member of their faction, he had to learn to be selfish in certain situations to save his and Robin's backs.
The desire to control usually comes from a feeling of helplessness. We can make some speculations based on the current information of why Sunday has these tendencies, I've also seen some people say he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but, we can't be sure until his full lore drops. Another thing to note about Sunday is how lonely he probably is, especially at present. The Family is in chaos, the situation of Robin, external forces' traps, the Charmony festival's deadline and he doesn't even have one person he can sit down with and not question their motives. He really must want to rest just as much as the characters around him are suggesting.
So basically, Sunday is a multi-layered character, just like Aventurine. He's definitely a politician, is what I'll say. Even though he is a control freak whose motives are hard to guess, he's still that little boy fighting for his and Robin's shared dream inside.
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eddiexfreakxmunson · 2 years
Worlds Apart
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Title: World’s Apart
Pairing: Reader X Eddie Munson
Genre: angst with no comfort
CW: mentions of gross behavior (reader’s mother’s boyfriend hits on her), suggestive situation between Eddie and reader (not explicit), cursing?
Word Count: 2,380
A/N: This is the first time i’ve written for anything other than anime in like a year so I hope i’m still able to do it! It may seem a little vague at some parts cause I wrote it while sleep deprived, and I really had to convince myself not to make it into a mini series 
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They say that life kills young love, and maybe that is true.
It certainly was for you and Eddie Munson.
You could still remember being in that stupid, awful trailer park with him. The smell of cigarette smoke heavy in the air as he drove around, constantly teasing you for not being old enough to have a license yet. You used to shoot back a quick response of "only six more months, Munson, and then you'll never see me again!"
He used to frown at that, glaring at you out of the corner of his eye and huffing under his breath about how he hoped you never got it if that was the case.
You used to talk about nothing and everything as he drove, taking the back roads until they connected to the new pavement running through the nice neighborhoods. You'd pick the houses apart as he drove by, building your dream homes in your minds, even as you joked that it all was too good for you and your 'trailer trash' pasts.
You and Eddie hadn't been so different. With your shared expertise in absent fathers and your mother who drank a little too much all the time. It hadn't really mattered, though. You had one another, and that was enough.
Somewhere between those all-night drives and the safe evenings spent watching movies at his trailer when his uncle was out working- your mother's boyfriend had made a pass at you again- something had developed.
A hesitant kiss just to 'get it over with' had turned into hands on skin under the stars and promises of something better whispered against open mouths.
It hadn't quite been a relationship, neither of you ever uttering those three words, but it hadn't been nothing, either. For a while, it was enough, and you both had been happy.
Before everything changed. Before news of your father's death had come, and with it, the money. You never quite understood your mother's explanations as to why your runaway father had left you both so much, but it didn't matter. Because suddenly you were living in one of those nice houses in the suburbs, you were accepted at school, freed up your work schedule to join the student council and Eddie?
Eddie was left behind.
He'd never said it, but it was what happened. You'd just drifted. Your new friends thought he was a freak, and for once in your life, you weren't grouped with him. You told yourself you didn't tell them otherwise cause you figured it didn't bother Eddie, but the truth was that you were too afraid to lose all your new things and never could've guessed how badly losing him would hurt.
You'd give everything if you could go back to senior prom.
As Student President, it was the most significant event you'd throw. Your last chance to make sure everyone remembered it as the best year. And it turned out beautiful, couples gleefully getting their pictures taken together, and even the jocks respecting it enough to keep the peace.
Until Eddie Munson walked in with his friends, that is.
Your VP had tugged on your sleeve as you'd been pouring a drink for yourself, pointing worriedly to the group standing off against the basketball team, Jason and Eddie already toe-to-toe.
"Shit," you cursed, dropping your cup back in the bowl and rushing over, catching the tail end of the two boy's conversation.
"-last time I checked, it was my senior prom, too," he grinned at Jason, whose fists visibly clenched at his side. "You can go next year, reject," the blonde sneered, and you cleared your throat, stepping forward.
"Jason, you should go dance with your girlfriend," you invited, smiling sweetly as their attention turned to you, Eddie's eyes sweeping over you, his expression unreadable as he took in your form.
"Not until he leaves," Jason snapped back, and you rolled your eyes, your sweet facade dropping quickly.
"Jason, you're not the prom police. Just go dance." you sighed, having no patience for his bullshit. He made no move to listen, instead stepping further into Eddie's space, his friends snickering, eyes hungry for a fight.
"Jason." you hissed, shoving between the two men to glare up at the basketball captain. "If you start a fight, I'm gonna call the cops on your party tonight," you hissed, low enough that Eddie had to strain to hear, but Jason's eyes snapped to yours, narrowing.
"You wouldn't do that," he scoffed, and you raised a brow, your smile quickly returning as you saw a chaperone glance over.
"Try me, Jason. You ruin my party, I ruin yours." you challenged, and for a moment, you were sure Jason would start a fight anyways, letting out a sigh of relief when he only clenched his jaw and stepped back.
"You're lucky she's got a soft spot for freaks, Munson," he threw over his shoulder, his friends grumbling as they followed and disappeared into the crowd.
"Sorry about that," you laughed tightly, turning back to face Eddie, unaware of how close you were to him. You stumbled slightly over his feet, hand shooting out to grab his shirt as his hands landed on your waist to stabilize you.
Your eyes shot up to his at the contact, both faces suddenly red, and he cleared his throat, hands dropping. You followed suit, swallowing thickly as your hand fell from his shirt, searching for something to say.
"Not exactly blending in, are we?" you blurted, gesturing to his dress pants and white button-down, covered by the very leather jacket you used to wrap yourself in when his trailer would get cold. You hadn't meant it to come out the way it did, but he only grinned, shrugging.
"Do I usually blend in?" he pointed out, and you smiled, shaking your head slightly.
"No, you do not," you amended, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. You let yourself stand there for a moment before giving yourself a slight shake, smiling at him and his friends. "Enjoy your night, guys," you murmured, forcing yourself away.
It was hours later when he found you again, leaning against the wall outside the gym, cigarette held firmly between your lips as you struggled to light it, cursing under your breath.
You hadn't even heard him, but there he was, offering a light as he raised a brow at you, grinning knowingly. "Who knew Hawkins High's very own President still smoked?" he teased.
You'd glared half-heartedly at him as you inhaled, smoke filling your lungs as relief crashed over you. "I'm working on it," you mumbled, eyes darting up sharply when he'd plucked the cigarette from your mouth, inhaling as he watched you.
"I lit it; you have to share," he shrugged at your questioning expression, and you sighed, resigning yourself.
He leaned back against the wall next to you as he passed the cigarette back, hands shoved in his pockets. "You're gonna miss finding out who they crown prom king and queen," he teased, bumping your shoulder with his. "Isn't that every senior girl's dream or something?"
You coughed as you laughed, waving away smoke. "It's Jason and Chrissy; not much to dream of there," you flicked ash to the pavement below, tapping it with the toe of your heels to make sure it was out.
"Whoa! Spoiler alert!" Eddie protested dramatically, pushing off the wall to throw his hands in the air, one coming down to cover his mouth. "Now, how am I supposed to feel all magical during their dance?" he pouted, and you laughed, missing the way his face split into a smile at the sound.
"Guess you'll just have to pretend, Munson," you smiled apologetically, and he sighed deeply, taking the cigarette as you offered it again. He glanced towards the gym doors as the sound of applause and a slow song seeped towards the two of you.
"Better get going, or you're gonna miss it," you warned, hugging yourself as he eyed you, his expression unreadable.
"Has anyone asked you to dance yet tonight?" he asked quietly, and you shook your head with a shrug.
"No, but honestly, I've been too busy to dance," you admitted, watching him take a deep drag, smoke billowing out his nose.
You made a sound of protest as he dropped the cigarette to the ground, smashing it with his toe before he stepped towards you, hand outstretched.
"Dance with me?" he asked softly, and your mouth parted in surprise. Gone was the usual grin, the usual confidence that Eddie had always had. He seemed genuinely concerned, letting out a deep breath when you nodded, silently stepping forward to take his hand.
Like it had never left, that confidence returned, and he pulled you quickly to him, earning him a yelp as his hand landed on your hips, the other entwining your fingers.
"Can't believe I'm dancing to Cyndi freaking Lauper," he teased quietly, swaying you as Time After Time played from the gym, muffled but unmistakable. "Whoever picked this has awful taste," he added, laughing at your indignant expression.
"Excuse me, jackass, I picked this!" you defended, unable to help the grin that crept up when he pulled you tighter against him as you tried to untangle yourself, giving in and melting into his chest.
He swayed with you quietly after that, surprising you when he stepped back and spun you around gently, pulling you back to him, hand landing on your lower back to keep you close this time.
You hid your smile from him, dipping your head and shaking it at his dramatics while he moved with you, leading effortlessly. You could hear the song was nearing the end and found yourself filled with disappointment. In a moment, he'd let you go, and once again, you'd only see him from afar in the halls, that smile hardly ever--
He cut into your thoughts as he stopped for half a second, planting his feet and repositioning his hands to steady himself as he dipped you, face hovering over yours with a gentle smile as your hold on him tightened, fingers digging into the leather of his jacket.
He rose with you again, forehead pressed against yours as he slowed to a stop with the song. You expected him to release you then, but he didn't. Instead, he kept you close, breathing deeply, and you swore if he focused too hard, he'd be able to hear your heart hammering in your chest.
"Didn't know you could dance," you spoke finally, softly, given his close proximity, if only to cut through the heavy silence that now flowed between the two of you.
He scoffed at that, his voice strained. "You never asked. Besides, there's a lot you don't know about me anymore," he sighed, hurt seeping into his words.
You shut your eyes in shame as if you could hide from him, leaning into his touch as one hand left your waist to cup your face, his thumb smoothing over your cheek.
"Eddie-" you began, but he cut you off.
"I gotta know.” He laughed quietly, though there was no joy in the sound. “Did you ever...miss me?" he asked quietly, and your frown deepened. "They say distance makes people fonder, or whatever shit it is, but I guess not for me cause you uh- you didn't come back." he cleared his throat sharply as his voice cracked. Your resolve crumpled, stretching onto your tiptoes to slot your mouth against his softly, fingers curling into his jacket to tug him down to you.
He kissed you back slowly, his mouth molding over yours like he was trying to memorize its shape and how it felt against his. But he pulled away first, eyes squeezed shut as he thunked his forehead back against yours.
"You look really, really pretty," he mumbled, and then he was gone, leaving you alone outside to gape after him, the taste of his lips still fresh on your mouth.
He was gone before you returned to the dance, tears threatening to ruin your makeup.
You didn't talk again after that, not until shit hit the fan and Dustin Henderson and his friends had shown up at your house, a desperate attempt to find him.
You'd forced their hand, refusing to give any information until they'd explained what they knew, and you'd still been skeptical until you'd finally found him and he'd explained what had happened in his trailer that night with Chrissy.
You surprised even yourself when you insisted they let you go with them and help, making food runs for Eddie and keeping him company when you could, settling into old routines.
At one point, the two of you sat looking over the lake quietly, an empty beer pressed in his hand, and you jumped at his sudden laugh when you stood. "This is ridiculous; I'm wanted for manslaughter and being a cult leader, I watched someone die, the freaking basketball team is hunting me, and here I am wondering if the girl I've loved since I was 15 feels the same way I do."
You blushed at his words, his dark eyes turning up to look at you in the dark, an amused smile tugging at his lips. "That's pretty messed up, isn't it?" he joked weakly, eyes returning to his lap. "Think I've had enough of these," he added quietly, shaking the empty beer.
You said nothing, just sat down again, shifting closer to press yourself into his side, his arm automatically lifting to slide over your shoulders and keep you close. You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers, and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, lips pressed against his skin as you spoke.
"She feels the same, Munson," you assured quietly and felt relief roll over the man next to you, his head dropping to press a lingering kiss to your head as you smiled.
"Thank God," he breathed, laughing softly.
And even with everything going wrong around you, things felt right. Once again, you had each other, and that was enough.
You lost him two days later.
You'd thought maybe it was true then, sitting on the floor of your bedroom, wrapped in that stupid leather jacket, the smell of his cologne already beginning to fade; life did kill young love.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Oh I am not a fan of being lied to by people setting up medical appointments.
When I was first contacted for my Gastric Emptying test to schedule my appointment for my referral, I specifically asked if I was going to need to furnish any payment at the time of my appointment. And I was told no I would not, in no uncertain terms.
I get a callback today to confirm some of my information, and she starts rattling off financials at the end of it. So I stop her and I'm like, "Wait. I'm sorry, I don't remember the lady's name now but I specifically asked if I needed to have payment at time of appointment and she told me no. So I'm a little confused now". And she says "I have no idea who you spoke to or why they'd tell you that, because everything here is based off of insurance acceptance. We don't know what you'll pay until you make the appointment and we can actually bill insurance for it". Which is also the opposite of what I was told.
That same woman also initially told me the procedure didn't need insurance verification- which is what my doctor and I had been checking for by putting in the referral in the first place: To see if my insurance would cover it so that I could afford it ... So did that idjit just jump the entire gun and try and fuck me over? I mean it is Alliance Health. I literally wouldn't be freaking surprised if that was the case. But also fuck them, wow.
Regardless, I need the stupid test. So guess whose forking over an unexpected $600 now on the 3rd 🙃 Technically it'll only be $270 now, "at time of service" (and then another $75 per month until the rest of the bill is paid off) because I managed to throw enough of a fit ... But that still absolutely fucks all of my plans regarding paying off what I could of all the other medical debt I'd planned on using our taxes on. So thanks, Alliance. For bending me over without Lube yet again.
One of these days I will learn my lesson and finally say no when my Doctor says "it can only be done in [City that exclusively uses Alliance Health Services]" and will instead force the issue with Stillwater Medical.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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It’s another beautiful night at Union Manor and Maxx beats up Abbey while D’vorah watches TV in front of the couch she destroyed, man, pets are the best.
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Shajar is skilling like crazy and banned from doing anything else, because a) I can just see Wyatt’s pathetic career trajectory repeating itself b) if he and Jojo die before Shaj and Don top their careers we’re once again gonna have to go out and make friends for their promotions, like when goddamn Komei died the day Wyatt was gonna get promoted and took all his friends with him. 
I had a hard enough time with the friend-making last gen and Wyatt and Jojo were a lot more socially competent than this group of assholes. 
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Case in point, this is what Shajar does when practicing ‘charisma’ in the mirror. Are you charmed yet??
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Meanwhile, no longer content to just set men’s hearts alight, Cyneswith has taken to starting fires in the kitchen. I’m still mad at Sophie for getting knocked up ahead of schedule but good Lord, when you look at everyone else in this house it’s like who even cares.
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-I don’t like following recipes, I wanna follow my culinary instincts instead!!🌸 
Ya I’m literally not even letting you in the general kitchen area until you have 5 cooking points so get cracking.
-This is boring!!!💗
Can I maybe interest you in cheating on Don? 
-Always, huhu!🌸
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We go to our beloved karaoke place and meet this iconically dressed downtownie, whose name I do remember for once, it’s Wren! Just look at his style, FINALLY a proper lover for Cyn.
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-So strangers are always coming up to me on the street, asking, ‘Wren, how can I become as cool and stylish as you?’ -Strangers come up to you on the street but they already know your name?💗 -Baby, everyone on the street knows my name.. ;) -Wow, huhu!🌸 -Just one of the many advantages of having as many DUIs as I do, word gets around to keep the streets clear when I’m driving!
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-I love him!!!💗💗💗
Ya he’s a dreambot..
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..he’s also dumped us to go hit on this chick, is this goddamn Christy from the pet asylum?? Ugh.
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-I’ll just make him jealous by chatting up Amin!🌸 Wren: Man, that’s the stuff, if I’m not eating cereal in a club I’m just not living.
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Ok Wren I’ve had enough of your shit, time to win your love with the most powerful aphrodisiac known to man: a drunken karaoke duet. Frances will you gtfo pls? Why must you be on every lot we’re at.
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Somehow inviting Wren to karaoke was all it took for him to get a crush on Cyn, damn girl! Amanda is HORRIFIED by this visage. 
Didn’t you hook up with Victoria??
-That was different, she was married to *Komei*!
Well Cyn is married to *Don* who is about 100 times worse. But ya I guess unlike Komei he’s been fAiThFuL, ugh. Whatever!!
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Honestly these two look unironically great together, their lewks really complement each other. I love Wren’s pink scarf!
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FINALLY. Mary Gavigan is INTO it-
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-but Cyn is not. Why are you rolling wants for stupid Malcolm who’s not even here, we got his love, we’re done with him!
-Malcolm is special! He’s been with my grandma, it makes me feel in touch with my ancestors!💗
Kill me.
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Well Wren is stinking so it’s time to call this a night-
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-especially because of all the karaoke joints in all the towns in all the world, the slob walks into this one. After the Jake Do debacle I legit live in perma fear of Cyn getting caught on a date by a different lover. Time to return to the safety of our home..
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..and find Jake Do there. WTF. WHY ARE YOU HERE, FREAK
YA IT’S KINDA HARD NOT TO. Aren’t you still furious with Cyn for ‘cheating’ on you???
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BRO. It’s a shame Jake is a face 1 and thus not marriage-able because he’s truly the most criminally insane townie I’ve ever encountered (if you don’t remember the deal with him we met him in this update)
Like legit, he ran into the house, stood there creepily doing nothing, and then ran out. I’d also like to point out that he was never in actual love with Cyn, all he had on her was a CRUSH since their hot tub adventures were interrupted by his oppressive maitre d’ mother.
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After spending an eon in the attic lab, Jojo finally got the golden robo badge, it’s servo time!
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-Jòjò, hâve toi bèèn méssing avec mon tràin modèle?? -Yes Wyatt, absolutely, during my lifelong quest to create conscious life out of matter, I took a break to mess with your model train. -Je knèw it!!!
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It’s an amazing day, Shajar maxes the two remaining skills she needs to top the politics career thanks to this chance card..
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..the kits grow up and they’re ADORB, black eyes is Ferra and yellow eyes is Torr..
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..AND WE HAVE DOUBLE PROMOTIONS. HELL YA. Maybe you two aren’t such hopeless losers after all. Also Shajar as a judge, LMAO
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I can’t stress enough to you guys the degree to which Wyatt does fuck all around here, so now that Sophie is prego I’ve delegated the dog bathing to him to take some of the pet burden off her-
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-especially since her pregnancy bump was so intense it momentarily turned her into a brachiosaurus. Ok Soph, the pet careers can wait, just take it easy these days, alright??
-Like hell I will! And this kid is gonna be named Sophie Junior, regardless the gender! And if we have more, they’ll also be named Sophie Junior! 
So many cool Spanish names and you want to name the poor kid SOPHIE JUNIOR.
Not happening!
-Then I’m not giving birth!! Do you have any idea how much control I have over my muscles??? I’ll keep that thing in there till it’s 30!!!
Just go relax and we’ll talk about it later!!!
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-HA, KNOCKED UP LOSER! Couldn’t win the conception game, can’t win this one either!!
SHAJAR!!!! WILL YOU JUST. GOD. You get one promotion and you think you’re hot shit.
-She’s right, I am a knocked up loser :(
You’re not a loser!!!! Everyone else in this family is a loser!!!!! Shajar literally, I will fucking murder you, stop upsetting your hormonal wife. MORON
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Cyn also pops and she is SHOCKED. Probably shocked that the kid is Don’s, I am too, Cyn!
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Donaldo is at work so we invite Wren over to make him fall in love with us and never see him again, huhu!
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Cyn finally busts out the voodoo doll Jojo got on vacation, I’ve never tried this thing before and man, it. is. AWESOME. Both Cyn and I are so excited that our our way to 20 lovers became easier, I’m like ah what a great day~ but unbeknownst to us, we are about to experience the Mary Sue/Daniel scripted event all on our own:  
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So fucking Don gets demoted the exact second Cyn and Wren fall in love and the GODDAMN VOODOO DOLL has an instant make out interaction-
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Wren: Oh hi, Don!
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We send Wren home pronto, and at this point I remember that Cyn has unlocked the ‘smooth talk’ aspiration benefit, which like the voodoo doll, I have never used before. And much like the voodoo doll, it turns out it’s OP AF:
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My expectations of this thing were non-existent, so basically she just gave him a rose, he accepted it-
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-he got this red glow with little hearts, I’m like ok so that means per the description that he’s not furious anymore, at least that’s something-
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-but no, this shit full on restores the relationship to pre-cheating levels!!!! I’m sure everyone else knows about it but I was SHOOK. That’s it Cyn, between this and the voodoo doll there’s no stopping us!!!
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ICONIC. It’s literally like it never happened, best reward ever!!!
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Both Wyatt and Jojo dislike Don immensely and never interact with him, so I thought it was so cute when Wyatt autonomously did their school cheer with him..
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..but it turned out he just wanted to shittalk him to Sophie! Poor cucked Don :(  I don’t know how I’m STILL constantly surprised by what a bunch of bitches this family is.
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-You have trod the arduous paths of excellence~
Tell me about it.
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FULL REVIEWS: “Understanding Willow”
Damn this episode was hyped up. Everyone was looking forward to this. Everyone wanted to know how this was going to go down. I did too and when we got it we were not disappointed. 
However it did prove why I don’t participate in fan theories because we’re all usually wrong all the time. So I say just shut up and be patient. But enough of why I’m not invited to discussions. Lets get it on!
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We start the cold open with a Skara sighting! I still think her design is cute. She inviting her friends to her fifteenth birthday party. Neat. We see a bit of Amity’s dynamic with the two. Boscha is actively mean to Willow and Luz while the other two seem more neutral. 
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“It’s fun because it’s stupid.” This was hilariously adorable. 
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This was adorably hilarious.
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Again we get another quick shot of how Boscha and her group pick on Willow. Skara doesn’t actively join but she does laugh at Willow which does suck. And we know Amity used to put down Willow too. My lumity loving heart is guessing that she’s stopped because of Luz’s influence but it’s just a guess. Still not cool that she doesn’t stop Boscha but that’s for another episode.
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That must be an odd sensation.
We cut to photo memory class(?) and it’s big brain time again. What track would this be in? What purpose would this serve? Who would need to pull out memories with tweezers? If this process could permanently damage a person why would you let teenagers do it to other teenagers? It’s a madhouse I tells ya. A madhouse.
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So Willow was always a cutie.
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Luz notices the Amity memory, but Willow asks her to drop it and leave it alone. Which she doesn’t do. It’s another character flaw of Luz that we’re going to see more of. She always has good intentions but she tends to overstep her bounds. It’s (to me) another form of being innocently insensitive, a common character flaw in characters like Luz.
Amity notices the memory too when she passes by the room. She wants to put their previous friendship behind them and does the reasonable thing of setting the memory on fire. Which sets all the memories on fire because of course it does. It’s fire! Dammit Amity, I thought you were the smart one. 
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“I’ve connected the dots.” “You haven’t connected shit.” “I’ve connected them.”
We start the B-plot with Gus. Apparently after being kicked out of the Human Appreciation Society, he’s been looking for another club to join and is trying the school paper. He has to interview someone to get in but can’t decide on who.
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Is it hot in here or am I just dying?
Willow starts freaking out and getting all sweaty and everyone (you included) figures out why immediately.
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And there it is.
So Willow is going to to bye-bye for good unless they do something. So Luz takes everyone to the smartest person she knows because it’s clearly not Amity right now.
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It’s a good thing you went to Eda and not a teacher or Willow’s parents.
So Eda explains that they can recover Willow’s mind before all the memories are permanently destroyed by physically sending someone in there to recover and repair the memories.
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“Be still my fantasy loving heart!”
I agree with Luz. I love the journey to the center of the mind trope. But Eda believes in the buddy system so someone has to go with her and since we need Gus for the B-plot, it’s Amity.
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Luz and Amity enter Willow’s mind and it takes a quick second to organize itself to a form that they can perceive because it’s the mind. That’s kind what it does. It likes to organize things to recognize patterns and because magic. 
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Luz and Amity start fixing the memories. Apparently, Willow and Amity were really good friends when they were little and even Amity feels bad about almost getting rid of them. But there’s one memory that Amity doesn’t want Luz to see. 
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Meanwhile in the B-plot, Gus is still trying to find someone to interview. Eda suggests herself because she’s Eda, and King demands attention. They don’t care about Gus’s whatever; they just like attention.
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Back in Willow’s mind, Luz and Amity are going a good job repairing the memories but something is undoing all their work. We get a cute moment between Luz and Amity that I want to talk about more when I do my lumity analysis after I finish the reviews.
BTW, I’m going to do a lumity analysis.
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They discover that the monster undoing all their work wasn’t actually that one fire Digimon whose name escapes me, but was actually the Inner Willow. The Inner Willow reveals that Willow actually resents Amity for ending their friendship and letting her new friends pick on her for years.
Now she has the opportunity to let out all her anger and hate like The Emperor’s dialogue in a STAR WARS movie. I know I’ve made that joke before but it still applies. 
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Inner Willow plays back the memory of when Amity ended their friendship. We know they said that Amity did it because Willow was bad at magic but the acutal memory is a little off. Amity reveals why as well as the truth on why she really ended her friendship with Willow.
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Amity’s parents never liked Willow because she wasn’t from an elite witch family. Of course Amity didn’t care. She was a little kid and kids don’t care about stuff like that. Amity’s parents say that she can have one of the friends that they picked out for her. (So Amity’s parents don’t even see Skara and Boscha as people either, huh?) Turns out they were brats even back then too. I guess Skara mellowed out over time. When Amity refuses, her parents promise that they’ll use their influence to make sure that Willow can’t get into Hexside.
This a threat but I always wondered why it was a threat. The best guesses are that Amity and Willow wouldn’t be able to see each other at all, Willow wanted to go to Hexside, Hexside is one of the better schools on The Boiling Isles, Hexside was the closest school to Willow’s house and going somewhere else would be too much of a pain in the ass. Whatever the case, the threat worked and Amity broke off their friendship in her birthday. Amity’s, not Willow’s. Pronouns.
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Amity can’t undo the years of pain she’s put on Willow, but she can promise to make things better from now on. Amity apologizes and promises that she will try to stop Boscha and her gang from picking on her. Egg on her face, huh?
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Hayden Christensen is going to show up next. I can feel it.
Luz and Amity repair the memories and leave Willow’s mind. In a very mature twist for a Disney show, Willow admits she can’t forgive Amity yet. There were literal years of pain between them. But it’s a start. And the episode ends with Gus interviewing Hooty and that goes exactly the way you think it would. Hoot.
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FINAL SCORE: 5 - Loved it.
This episode was everything people wanted and more. The drama, the depth, the heart all came across strong here. Not a major turning point for the plot (because I know some people who dismiss every episode that isn’t about the main plot as filler. BTW fuck you guys), but this was a major turning point for the characters. Luz may be the main character of the show, but the main characters of the episode were Willow and Amity. 
If I had to find any faults it’s that I didn’t think the B-plot was that great. I don’t think Gus is very funny yet. Especially when you put him next to two comedic powerhouses like King and Eda. Other than that, this was a mind blowing episode. And it’s not even the first one!
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Batfam x Child!Reader - Confused Pt. 2
Guess who’s back after like year
Honestly I didn’t want to come back to it but I decided just to go with it. Hopefully the small amount of people reading this will enjoy it. I hated the first part but here’s the link to it if you haven’t read it yet!
Batfam x childreader! - Confused pt. 1
Just a quick warning, there’s swearing in this one!
“Knock Knock Knock”
A man, who was definitely a bit older, opened the door. “Ah, Master Dick,” The man started in a thick but posh British accent. “Welcome home.” He bowed a bit and opened the door wider for “master Richard” to walk in. “Thank you Alfred.” 
Dick and Alfred. Got it. 
Y/n made sure to remember their names, not wanting to be rude. “And what do we have here?” Alfred asks with a small smile and his brows raised. “My name is Y/n L/n,” she bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Alfred looked at Dick with a questionable face. Dick just shrugged with a nervous chuckle. “No need for that Miss L/n, up you go.” She stood up straight and nodded. Alfred turned his attention back on Dick, waiting for an explanation. “I found her looking at the mansion when I came back from patrol and I asked her what she was doing. Apparently, she’s an orphan so I kinda just decided to keep her…..?” The end of his sentence turned into a question instead of a statement. 
Y/n looked at Alfred curiously as he nodded. It was so weird. He definitely had emotion but didn’t really show anything. It was almost completely stoic. She nodded to herself and decided that she liked him.
“Would you like to show her to Master Bruce sir?” Alfred says. Dick sighed and nodded, “I guess I kinda have to.” He mumbled. “It was nice meeting you Miss L/n.” She did another quick bow, “Thank you for your hospitality, Mister Alfred.” She stood up quickly and ran after Dick.
Her tiny legs slowed down as she finally caught up with him. “You’re very fast mister,” she panted. He looked down at her. “How old are you?” he questioned, realizing how small she actually was. “I’m four.” she looked at her hands making sure she was holding up the right amount. Sometimes she screwed up. Her fingers were just so tiny it was hard to bend them correctly. “Yeah,” she smiled excitedly for doing it right the first time. “Four.” He looked at her curiously. “Four? That’s pretty young,” he added. “I guess,” she shrugged. “But I’m turning five next week!” Dick chuckled at her on and off going excitement. ���I guess we’ll have to celebrate then huh?” she looked at him. “Really? I’ve never had a birthday party before!” Y/n felt kinda weird. I mean, it was common for her to feel excitement but definitely not this much. “Then it’s gonna have to be huge in that case.” She tried to hold the bounce in her step after he said that.
“Who are you talking to Grayson?” An almost harsh voice said. It was coming from Y/n’s right. She leaned forward to try and see past Dick. A boy who looked around 10-13 was standing in front of an open door which Y/n assumed was his room. 
“How are you Dami. Awwww, I found a quick nickname for youuu~” Dick says in a baby voice and pinches the boy’s cheeks. “Don’t touch me you filthy hag.” He shouts and swats his hands away, but Dick didn’t seem to take any offense to it. “This is Y/n, she’s probably gonna be living with us from now on so treat her like your little sister okay?” Was he babying him? Y/n couldn’t really tell. 
“What do you mean she’s going to be living with us?” The boy’s voice cuts her from her thoughts. “Where the hell did you even get her? Off the streets, I’m assuming.” He talked in almost a proper manner but definitely not a proper tone. “Actually yeah, she’s an orphan like the rest of us,” Dick grabs Y/n’s hand and pulls her gently to his side so Damian can see her better. I mean, she tried her best to stay clean but it was kinda hard when you don’t really have anywhere to live. Damian scoffed, “I’m the only one with actual Wayne blood.” 
Dick patted his head, “Well it was nice running into you little bro but now we gotta leave.” He started walking, still holding the toddler's hand. Y/n waved at the boy even though she was sure he didn’t like her very much. Damian just stared back at her. He would rather die than admit this, but a tiny part of him wanted to pat her head. “Tch, whatever,” he mumbled and walked back into his room. 
Dick was quiet for a moment. “Wait, you live with Bruce Wayne? That’s a bit random,” Y/n says. “Well...Uh, it’s complicated.” He just realized he pretty much told a child his secret identity and probably everyone else's by bringing her inside. Her brows furrowed but tried to hide her confusion. 
There were sudden shouts coming from what seemed to be a kitchen of some sort. “Great, now look what you’ve done!” “I didn’t do anything, this was your fault, Drake!” “Yeah right, you’re just so angsty you just had to push me huh?” “Not my fault you’re so fucking clumsy.” Dick covered Y/n’s ears quickly. “You bumped into me.” “Keep telling yourself that.” The taller one says. “What do you want Dick?” The other one says harshly, now aware of his presence, and was definitely annoyed. His eyes widen when he sees the small girl whose face was being slightly squashed because of Dick’s hands. He removed them after both of them seemed to be more confused than calm. “What the hell is that?” Jason blurts. “It’s a child dumbass.” “I know that shithead, why is she here?” Jason retorts.  “Well right now I’m wishing she wasn’t so she wouldn’t have to listen to you two fight like an old married couple.” He says sassily. “Answer the damn question, Grayson,” Jason growls. “Alright alright, chill. She is here because I brought her here.” “I’m going to murder you.” He sighed, annoyed. Dick rolled his eyes. “She’s an orphan and you know the orphanage kinda broke or something so here she is I guess,” he says, finally giving a complete answer. Not gonna lie, she was honestly kinda scared and probably a little shy. Dick felt his arm being tugged and looked down to see Y/n hiding behind it but her eyes were still peeking out. “Now look what you did, you scared her,” Tim says to Jason. “What do you mean I scared her. We wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you.” “Oh my god, I’m not gonna even try anymore.” “So now you want to acknowledge what you did.” “I swear to god I am going to pour my burning coffee all over you.” 
Dick sighed and used his other hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.  “This one is Jason,” Dick says to Y/n, pointing at the taller one. “This one is-” “A dumbass, this one is a dumbass.” Jason finished for Dick, glaring at the shorter one. “This one is Tim.” He says again, pointing to the shorter one. “I hate you. I have decided to pour the coffee and no one is stopping me.” Tim says. “Try me bitch.” Y/n could tell Dick was losing his patience. “Can you stop with the freaking swear words!” Dick shouts suddenly. “Well sooorry Mr. I can’t hear the word ‘fuck’ or I’ll throw holy water on you.” Tim rolled his eyes at Jason’s response. 
“Well I don’t know if you were paying attention or not, but there’s a small child, who doesn’t look older than 6, in the same room as us right now and I don’t think she should be listening to you cuss out profanities because you think you’re emo or something.” Timothy sassed slightly and Jason grumbled something under his breath. 
“We’re going now but have fun with whatever...this is,” Dick says motioning to the mess. Y/n waved behind Dicks arm, still a bit shy. Dick grabs Y/n’s hand again and walks off. “Oh yeah, you wanna go?” she could hear Jason shout in the distance, probably at something Time had said. 
Dick looked a bit annoyed with what just happened. “Mister Dick,” he looked at her. “What does dumbass mean?” (Listen I know I said she was smart but I don’t care at this point) His eyes widened. “It’s uh-It’s a meaner way of saying stupid butt.” Her brows furrowed. “Why would someone call something like that? It’s not a very good insult.” he shrugged. “Good question however I do not know the answer.” 
Dick opens a door to reveal a pretty normal study/office other than it was gigantic. He looks at Y/n and sighs. “I’m going to have to have to cover your eyes.” She nods and puts her hands over her eyes, turning around in the process. There was a loud but weird noise, almost like gears moving or something. “Alright, come on.” She turns around and removes her hands. Her small e/c orbs widen. There was a big gray elevator thingy in place of where the wide bookshelves should have been. She walked in slowly, being cautious. 
“It’s okay, I promise. It’s actually really cool.” She looked back up at Dick and nodded slowly.
 This family 100 percent confused her. They were weird. Really weird.
 Maybe she should have stayed outside.   
Sorry it was really short, I still hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. I’m probably going to end it here unless people start wanting a part three. I’ll try to start posting more once I get ideas on what to write. Hope you all have a fabulous dayyyy  
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0castergirl0 · 4 years
Fear The Full Moon
Yandere Marauders x Reader
Requested by: @ksierra
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Breath in.
Breath out.
Please look away. The need to beg him/she-it to let you go was extremely difficult to keep to yourself, but those yellow eyes wouldn’t leave you, they were big and cold, whereas his breath was extremely warm, almost burning the skin it touched.
Your back was pressed against a hollow tree as you tried to keep as much possible distance as you could without him jumping forward and possibly ripping you apart. Cold sweat was covering you whole as you cursed that damn school.
It was supposed to be the safest place in the world! But instead they didn’t didn’t hear the screams, neither did they see you leave school grounds, they did however, manage to keep a moody werewolf in the freaking dark forest.
The heaviness and speed of your ur heart was almost unbearable “Let me go” you whispered, certain that if you raised your tone a little more whoever that werewolf was would jump and eat you alive. Still, it was the loud barks that made you stiffen even more in your place.
And then a deer was holding him back with his antlers as the black dog started barking in your direction, you were certain that he nodded. But that was all you needed as you started running towards the gray castle. Just a little more.
Your body was freezing from the cold air and sweat that was covering every part of your body and the grass became more and more uncomfortable to step on.
Just a little more.
Five more steps and you would be out of that god forsaken forest.
Then the side of your waist started burning as your back slammed against the ground, forcing a groan to leave you as you focused on holding back your scream. You were almost sure that if it ever came out you’d give a Banshee a run for her money.
And just then did the air found it’s way back into your lungs as you sat on your bed. Everything seemed almost normal around you, almost as if everything had been just a dream, but your heart hadn’t stopped racing, not for a second.
But everything looked almost immaculate. Almost. Your room was quiet and tidy, of course except for those muddy steps in your floor that seemed to direct from the door to your bed and from there back to the door. As you tried to move you felt an overwhelming pain in your lower body. And when you looked down you found some raggedy bandages covering your waist, the side of them seemed to be almost dripping blood.
Your blood. So in an attempt of bravery you started taking your bandages off, but the reason wasn’t clear in your mind, were you trying to evaluate the damage? Trying to bandage yourself? Or trying to remember more?
And there you found it, a bite. But you knew about werewolves, even though they can turn someone with a bite, when they are turned the bite disappeares, but yours was there, already healed but left scarring, something that was certainly not supposed to happen. You could even say that it looked like a huge hickey.
What now? You were lost in a crossroad there, were you about to go to Dumbledoor and tell that something bit you? Wait-someone. Or were you going to just act as if nothing had happened the night before that?
Altough, werewolves aren’t supposed to be in Hogwarts, you reasoned, and the guardings are up, so there was no possible way of one entering unless they were from the inside, a professor, maybe?
You utterly doubted that a student would be admitted if they were wolves. You were utterly wrong too. But whoever it had been must have had a reason to be there, and you couldn’t risk snitching on them, with it being already hard for your family to get you to go to hogwarts you wondered if you ever said that you got out of school grounds after curfew, would they kick you out?
Then it was decided. You wouldn’t decide, not yet, not before a proper bath and breakfast. Which was exactly what you did, showering the night off of you and then bathing in warm water to forget, that followed only by getting dressed and walking straight to the great hall, doing your best not to limp or double over your harmed waist.
It wasn’t until your first portion of toast and jam that you saw three of the four most hyperactive boys in the whole school quiet, eyes glued to you, the intensity of their glances sending shivers up your spine, they looked as intense as the wolf’s.
You gulped and tilted your head in an attempt to silently question them but that only seemed to intensify two of their glances as one of them, whose face was turning green seemed to get nervous and started shaking the others away from their sudden trance.
Which also seemed to wake you up, your ears flushing with embarrassment and returning to your food, suddenly not finding yourself too hungry. You stepped up in a sudden motion, what surprised you whatsoever, was they they stood up too mere seconds after you, with way less grace, hitting the table, dropping plates, food and everything in between, one of them even fell backwards with the motion.
You walked out while everyone else was laughing at them. And as you hurriedly walked back to your room in an attempt to make up your mind you were dragged away.
“Please don’t scream! Everything is okay!” Someone whispered as he covered your moth with his hand, he was unnervingly close, so much that you found his hazel eyes extremely warm. And then you saw his big lenses, looking around you saw another boy your age with black hair, and then it hit you, James Potter and Sirius Black, of course they had to be involved in whatever mess this was.
“Well maybe if you weren’t acting as if you were going to kill her...” Sirius teased, and you would’ve wanted to read them or at least try to if they weren’t so close, in an empty broom closet and the idea of them killing you right there didn’t seem so far fetched at the moment. “She’s not going to scream, okay?”
But James didn’t seem as convinced, looking back at you, his eyes seemed deep and glancing directly into yours, you almost wondered if he was searching for something “Are your going to scream?” He asked while pressing his hand more against your face as he himself got closer.
Your muffled reply was something along the lines of “Just let me go” Sirius however seemed to think that your response was different when he started laughing “See? She can’t even talk if you keep covering her mouth” and you just had to roll your eyes making him laugh again and As James lets you go you felt the warmth of his breathed laugh.
As much as you weren’t held against your will anymore the space was really small and you were cornered on opposite side from the door, leaving you with no space to escape.
“So...?” Sirius asked staring at you, you just tilted your head still unsure of what was happening “Are you going to scream?” James finished the question and you just couldn’t hold your tongue back.
“I think that if I was going to I would’ve done that by now” as soon as the sarcasm left you did you realize that you were literally trapped, in a small space, with the two worse trouble makers of your school, no way to escape and your response was to be sarcastic and probably convince them even further to prank you, or trick you, or kill you.
But instead of getting angry they looked at each other and laughed together, “You’re right, sorry sweet cheeks” Potter replied and you blushed, but you could’ve sworn that he did too, then Sirius palmed his back and turned towards you “Okay darling,” Sirius started, were they always this flirty? “I need you to tell us what happened last night, how are you feeling?”
You tried to play dumb “What are you talking about?” you replied while doing your best to keep your voice soft and your eyes innocent and glued to theirs, but they looked so decided that you had to look away.
“Hey, it’s okay, you can trust us” James said as he got a step closer “He’s right, we would never hurt you” Sirius finished, but there was something weird about that sentence and the way it intensified both of their eyes, almost as if it was an absolute truth that they would never harm you.
“I-I just- I heard screams” in that moment, undies their eyes it got hard for your mind and mouth to coordinate, you realized that they started smiling as soon as you started talking, James had a soft smile as Sirius wore a smirk “I needed to know if whoever it was was okay” then you realized how stupid you sounded, but being almost raised by books made you develop a hero complex, or at least you wanted to blame it on that. They were about to talk when you interrupted the silence again “Please, don’t tell anyone, I almost can’t afford it here and any trouble might grant me a way out” you weren’t sure why you said that part, what you knew was that you needed to stay there.
Both of their pairs of eyes got bigger almost in unison “That’s not happening” “Never” they seemed determined on you not leaving and you couldn’t help but at least be glad that they understood, at least you thought that was the reason, not that they didn’t want to lose sight of you.
Then it hit you, “How did you know about-“ but Sirius interrupted you “Long story, but we need Moony here” before you could ask James nodded in your direction “He’s referring to Remus” it made it even harder for you to understand what the hell was happening, but you decided not to question them any further.
After they tried to explain that they needed to take you to the infirmary, they placed a sort of blanket over your head and theirs as they guided you out, but you couldn’t get away, because as James led the way he was holding your waist and Sirius grabbed your hand, ever so often rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb, to comfort you, was your best guess.
Once inside you saw Remus laying down, surrounded with chocolates and blankets “What’s wrong? What happened?” You asked the boys in whispers, but Remus looked around, searching for you as if you had screamed, he called your name once, it was almost a question but his eyes had lighted up.
“She’s here, it’s time to talk” James quickly said as Sirius made sure to close the curtains and make a cloaking spell around all of you.
You got out of the invisibility cloak, and as if it was the most normal thing, Remus made space for you in the bed and you awkwardly sat there. Suddenly the other two boys were sitting by the other end of the bed, all of them glancing at you.
Before you even thought about making a question, James clapped his hands loudly and rubbed them, he seemed excited, his eyes shining, almost like a kid seeing a firework for the first time “How are you feeling?” He asked you, which seemed even weirder since you weren’t the one who actually was in the infirmary, you waited a second to make sure the question was directed to you, and all eyes were on you.
“Good, I guess?” You couldn’t help that in the end it sounded like a question, everything was just so awkward.
“Can I- uh, can I see it?” Remus asked, his voice was slightly trembling and he looked very nervous, but as happy as James. You tilted your head “The bite, can we see it?” Sirius rephrased.
“How do you know about the bite?” You asked in hushed whispers, even as you knew that no one outside of the courtains would be able to hear.
“We’ll tell you everything you want to know, just let us see it, please” James sounded calm but all his body screamed as much as the other boys.
With a frown you decided to pull your shirt up just enough for them to see the bite, as weirded out as you were, you decided to play along in an attempt to find out whatever had happened. When you looked up you saw three different expressions, James was happy, his eyes blurred with tears as a soft smile took place on his shaky features, Sirius had the brightest smile you had ever seen, his eyes not once leaving the scar as his eyes brightened up more by the second, and Remus, his mouth was just slightly open, shaking between breaths and a soft-delighted laugh.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, as much as you realized that they seemed happy, their expressions were just too big for it to be normal.
“Nothing” Remus breathed out “Everything is perfect” James continued “Really, really perfect” Sirius was almost bouncing.
You dropped the shirt back down and all eyes returned to yours “But something is happening, whatever it is, I want to know”
They all exchanged looks and started explaining by turns. “See, when I was eight I got bitten by a werewolf” Remus started, he told you his story first, as background “I-when they found out what I-what I was, they-“ but he seemed overwhelmed by emotions so Sirius interrupted him “we decided to take the full moons with him, we would turn into-eh-into different animals, but sharing this bond” you didn’t even realize when they started mixing lies with truth.
James took the words at that point “We had this kind of bond that made sure that what happened to one of us happened to the rest” Lies, lies, lies, but you never noticed “So last night...” he left the phrase hanging.
“You bit me, but if I’m not turning then why did you?” The truth didn’t settle in, not just yet. “Why bite if not for-oh” You we’re still figuring things out as you returned to their smiley faces, Remus and James grabbed one of your hands each and Sirius rubbed your leg, all of them trying to either comfort you or keep their excitement and happiness, telling you the news as if you became rich or had found the cure of cancer.
“It’s a mating bite!” James almost yelled one whispers, as Sirius nodded frantically, “but-but how?” You looked at Remus looking for answers only to find him already looking at you. “We all had this uh, feelings for you, but last night, with the bond they became stronger, and with you there, I-we couldn’t contain ourselves, and with the sp-bond” why didn’t you realize that they were mixing words every so often? “With the bond” he corrected himself under heavy glances “when I marked you, it was as if we all did, you’re ours!” They were just so happy.
Now, you didn’t notice how they always mixed the word ‘bond’ with ‘spell’. Truth was, they did a binding spell the hour before the full moon, agreeing on the plan, calling you out, making sure only you could hear, and they took matters into their own hands.
“So, how could this work?” You asked “Relationships are hard even just for two people, but-“ Remus interrupted you “We will make it work” You didn’t notice this, but the bite wouldn’t just mark you, no, it does way more than that, it creates a connection, even feelings for the one that but you, and because of the binding spell it was all of them, so you weren’t really against the situation. “You are ours now” Sirius declared and James nodded in agreement.
You decided that they weren’t the worst people to get stuck with, they were actually nice and would always be there for you. And it’s a good thing that you did, because they weren’t letting go, not even if you refused.
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 1
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is "I have the power of god and anime on my side, don't mess with me," and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.  
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it.Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 1-2: Is this a kidnapping?
Chapter Summary: Waking up in a coffin is a great way to spend your day! Don't even ask about the sus masked man and creepy cat.
Words: 3.5k
Relationships: Developing as of now, but future twisted character/reader
Warning: Curse words, jokes about death because lack of fear of danger, joke about Crowley being mentally insane, low-key sex jokes, self deprecating humor, (If I missed anything, please tell me)
Covered in darkness, you were stuck in a small, somewhat squared space. It seemed like today was not your day, but you did get a lot of sleep, you assume. You reached out to every side to make sure that there was no opening or latch that you just could not see. While you were reaching around for something, all the sudden you heard an old creaky door open. Apparently, you were supposedly in a bigger room if this large box containing you could fit in it.
“Was I... kidnapped…?” You could have never guessed this would happen, and you always thought they would be too annoyed with you to actually keep you, “but I’m not a kid.”
It seemed that really nothing would ever go your way because immediately after you affirm your belief that you would not be someone good to kidnap a much greater voice entered the room, and so you stopped your mind to process the words being said, “...lid is too heavy.. Time for my secret move!”
Confusion seemed to radiate off of you at that line, at least, until there was a sharp thud to whatever you were in. But after the thud was a second of calm; nothing happened, no footsteps were heard, and no one spoke. Yet suddenly instead of a loud thud there was slowly heat entering the area you were in. The heat began to engulf the box around you, and soon you could see the bright blue flames eating everything up. In your desperation and in your brain’s rush of survival skills, your mind freaked and decided to take control of your body to both scream and kick the front of this box. The door or whatever of the box spasmed when your kick hit it and your body threw itself up from the heat located in the now black box that looked really much like a coffin. Your observations on where you were ended quickly when you saw a little being running to you. The creature looked like a weird cat mix between a fox or something, but the fact that it was running on its back legs really threw you off. The creature stared at you after you stopped your evaluation of this strange being, and he panicked much like your previous actions.
“wHY aRe yOu up?” the creature could never seem to stop mumbling to themself you learned, and you only heard his last phrase before you could process the rest.
“Wow, the CGI on you is amazing!” This place seemed to be like a living breathing set from your assumption because no kidnapping could ever be as odd and elegant as this place. You always assumed that whenever someone gets kidnapped they would wake up in an abandoned warehouse tied to a wooden chair and men with weapons would come in and interrogate the kid. Waking up in a coffin is not how a kidnapping should happen. Anyway, the cat just seemed as stunned as you and stopped his motions.
“CGAI?? What are you talking about? I am the Great Grim,” the cat bounced back awfully quick after your so-called rude statement to him, “Now give me your clothes, human! Otherwise,... I’ll roast ya.” This “Great Grim” seemed to have quite the ego to think that you would strip for him. He even puffed out his chest throughout his speech and put his paws on his hips.
“Ah ah, no way am I stripping without you giving me money.” You would not be stopped or told to do anything by a little creature that in your eyes could not hurt you.
However, the creature could not swallow your lack of obedience or the words that came out of your mouth, so he in all honesty started to attack you with this “CGI blue fire” again. He acted a lot more like an arrogant child than an arrogant child would act. He even screams something about him being “The Great Grim” again before he gets closer to you. Once he got close to your personal bubble, you decided to see if the fire really was the claimed hottest fire in the world because of its color. You reached out and basically grabbed the fire with an open hand and left it there letting your mind pend what was going on around you, and immediately your brain and its nerves picked up on the pain in your hand. Not believing your nerves, you kept your hand there for another second and pulled it away to look at it, only to notice that the skin on some of your hand was distinguishably different from the rest of your hand. Your mind paused, and you snorted at yourself while you observed your hand and slowly turned around and sprinted from the creature that was gaining on you while you stood there gazing at your hand.
This set or whatever had very real effects as seen by the cat that was continuing to chase you and scream for you to give him your uniform or something and by the bright blue flame. It didn’t just look cool but it also hurt and in your book that’s amazing! The world of CGI and effects really have changed, and wherever and whenever you are, they are way ahead of their time.
Your running from the cat never seemed to stop and you passed tons of weird areas. There was a little classroom, a weird well, and some odd architecture but overall this set was ‘set to perfection.’
You decided to go into the next room you saw to see if this set continued or had any more different scenes, and so you went into this library with tons of floating books. When entering, you noticed that the cat creature was still behind you, but you paid it no mind, not willing to listen to the being and continuing to explore this library.
“You really thought you could get away from my nose? Dumb human! Hand over your clothes if you don’t wanna-” The creature really seemed set on your clothing, but another great sound cut him off as he screamed a large “owww” and later only to respond to the previous sound with a “What’s this cord?”
You turned from the books you were observing and saw a tall man with a top hat and a bird mask like a masquerade party. His cloak and whole ensemble appeared to be out of a fairy tale; he looked like a misunderstood villain whose whole family and lover had died in the past and so he turned to evil in order to help himself deal with the pain. He did look somewhat like an asshole though. Not the point though, let’s get on task.
“This is no mere cord. It is a lash of love.” Briefly in your head you thought that this man deserved to be called clinically insane, but at this point that’s just being rude to those who are. The man after he caught the cat by wrapping the cord around the creature turned to you. “Found you at last. Are you one of the new students?”
And in your haze instead of being confused you nodded, so he continued his speech.
“You should not do things like that. Leaving the Gate on your own!” his manner of speaking was almost too flamboyant for you, but right now all you can do is stick with him and get out of this place, “Not only that, you have yet to tame your familiar which has broken a number of school rules.”
Just as confused as seeing the talking cat, you decided to nod your head and shepley mumble an apology so this man would get off your ass about the talking CGI cat and you apparently. And as quickly as you thought you figured out the situation and what he was trying to lecture you on, the man continued his speech after the cat screamed out that he “wasn’t your familiar!” or something and another.
“Sure, sure The rebellious ones always say things like that. Now quiet down for a moment.” You just watched on as the man slammed his hand over the cat’s mouth and continued on talking, “My goodness. It’s unprecedented for a new student to leave the Gate on their own...how impatient can you be?” His eyes locked on yours to make sure you were paying attention, so you just nodded your head again to show that you were listening when you weren’t.
His speech seemed to be going for a century so you got bored and noticed that after a while he closed his eyes and was not paying attention to you while still having animated hand movements. You, then, began to observe the shelves around you again to see if there was anything odd, and there was, many of the books seemed to be in this weird language that you have never seen. The language looked like something you would find in a horror movie where the people would be so curious to actually touch the book and not throw it away like they should have, so you decided that as much as this place was odd and mysterious you did not want to be that kind of idiot. However, in your inner dialogue of stupid characters in horror movies, the theatrical man turned around with his cap flying behind him and sauntered on out of the room. You realized he probably said something important, but the worst case scenario is he was the one that kidnapped you and would kill you later. No big deal. The main problem right now is that the man was walking too fast for your tastes and has already disappeared from your vision, so you ran to catch up with him.
Finally, you met his step in a hallway, and you decided to ask just what this all was. “Wait, wait, wait sir. First, what’s this Gate or whatever?” You did fake quotes around the word gate by putting up peace signs and bending your fingers, and then you looked at the man with your arms situated over your chest and puffed your chest out to show you meant to be answered when you resumed with “And who are you, man?”
The man, though, was not at all bothered at your vibe and started a new explanation, “It’s the room you woke up in with all the doors...” Then, he went on about this “academy” or something, and you were getting the vibe that this man and this set had to be some kind of prank, “Let’s get a move on!”
You really seemed to be missing the important parts of the conversation or lecture of whatever this so-called teacher is doing if this even is a school, but at this point and time you just want to go back to bed.
He began to stare at your dazed and puzzled form and said, “For I am gracious I will explain everything to you!” This man is like teachers in the fact that if you nod your head and look like you are paying attention, anything is possible. At the end of his speech, you caught the word “ceremony” before he sped off for you to only follow behind him. You went through several more hallways to get to where you think you woke up around. No one remembers what happened once they woke up; it is all just blurred reality.
The man in all of his glory decides that once you arrive at this large door to fling the door open and teacher-yell “Not at all!”
Out of the flurry of voices you were greeted by once the door was opened one person in the cloak just like you calmly states a little disappointedly “Ah, he’s here.”
You decided that with the added amount of people you should probably pay more attention so you can get home quicker and figure this prank out.
“I cannot believe you all…” You really are getting better at tuning the man out because after his short speech this time he turned to you as motioned for you to move in the direction of another object that would come out of a horror movie. You having no context for this mirror or what you were going to do started walking for the mirror while making out the mirror and area around it. Actually, there was a familiar face in the mirror, something you think you have seen from a Disney movie. It was the magic mirror mask (?) from the Snow White movie. It did look a little different with some mask markings by the face’s eyes and the mirror had some more intricate details, but other than that the mirrors looked almost identical.
After your moment of remembrance of the past, you stopped from your walk and put your hand on your chin and just paused to process it all, causing the entire room to stop from their constant talking that you didn’t notice and stare. In a brilliant moment of association, you turned around to the man and the cat that was still in his arms and tried to get out all of what your brain has concluded from the situation, “So like can we just stop this… like I know you were probably hired to prank me or something, but this situation is giving me hardcore cult vibes. Are you gonna like sacrifice me to Satan or something? Please do tell.” The time of the room stopped waiting for a single response to your question. Before there were murmurs here or there as the people were watching you, but now silence pierced the air.
You watched the man’s face after you said your opinion, and while it was covered by a mask, it was clearly obvious from his open mouth and sagged shoulders that he was shocked about the situation. After a moment, he adjusted his tie and dusted his shoulder off in an effort to steel himself, but you were having none of his b.s, and prattled on again.
“Like, I’ll tell you, you lecturing me about this school and that cat is not what I was planning to do today. I would like to get back to my bed and sleep.” You even told him the name of your town, but this just made him more lost than before.
He repeated your town and asked, “Are you even from Twisted Wonderland?”
“Twisted what,” now both of you were lost and gawking at each other.
“Were you not listening to me?”
“Honesty, I thought this was a prank from the second you walked in, and I still kinda do, so I blanked everything out.” You scratched your cheek and made sure you lost your previous eye contact with him. The lack of of chatter from the crowd made your interaction more awkward than even you could make one.
He placed his free hand on his forehead looking almost as disappointed as the first voice you heard besides him and looked down to the floor.
“Right now we are in Night Raven College in Twisted Wonderland where we are at the end of the entrance ceremony. You should be here to become a student at this school as a magician. However, even if you are not from here, the mirror did send for you, so please,” he paused and weakly threw his hand back in the direction of the mirror, “Step in front of the mirror.”
While you knew you could not trust the man, the only thing to do in this situation is turn and step in front of the familiar mirror. The mirror then grasped the attention of all those in the room as asked you to “State thy name,” and you told the mirror your name.
“The shape of thy soul is…” Consequently, the mirror began to join in the confusion of you and the man behind you, “I don’t know.”
You turned around and threw both your hands up in a “don’t look at me” sign only for the man to gaze right in the mirror past you. “Come again?”
The mirror still pulling a puzzled face when it was only a mask tried to state what it knew, “I sense not a spark of magic from this one… the color, the shape, all are nothing. Therefore, they are suited for no dormitory.”
While the people around you began their whispers, and the man behind you gasped in a weird over exaggerated way, you decided to state your mind. “So, like I knew that, but pissy. I’ve always wanted magic and stuff.”
The masked man did not comment on what you said; you think that he probably has had enough of everything. “An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can’t use magic. In a hundred years, there has not been one mistake in student selection. So why in the world…”
You cut in with “I’m a total mistake, sir, that’s why,” but the CGI ‘Great Grim’ jumped out of the man’s hold and further cut you off: “Then, I’ll take their place!” All of this is getting too weird too fast so you just casually walked out of the limelight next to someone who was in a group of five, you think, not counting the floating tablet (??). The cat appeared mad before but being in that man’s hold just made him worse.
“Stay right there! Raccoon!” The masked, clearly sus man bolted out after the cat and chased him around at least for a few feet.
“Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead! If you need proof, I’ll show you right now!” The cat was running around the room trying to avoid as many things as possible. You thought that he looked like a crewmate in the waiting ship for Among Us.
The peace did not last longer before the same disappointed voice from when you walked in the room became cross while screaming “Everyone, get down!”
The cat, then, spit out fire in every direction. Neither you nor the person next to you ducked, but you noticed some fire make its way to you and tried to get them out of the way before anything happened. Just as you were about to reach them, they caught on fire. Oops.
“Waaaaah! Hot! My butt’s on fire!” the male, you assumed, yelled right in your ear vibrating your eardrum and causing you to take a step back before fixing the problem. You spotted the man from before screaming to the other people in the room, and then, pointing at the cat.
Two of the taller people next to you began a conversation which you tried to listen in on:
“Good at hunting?... nice, plump snack?” You don’t think you wanted to hear this conversation.
“...Do it yourself.”
You focused your mind back to the boy who was still screaming in your ear until more voices piped up in response to the man.
“Mr. Crowley, please leave it to me.” another boy in the group of five said with this really profound voice. You could just tell he was a bottom or something. You are also assuming that “Mr. Crowley” is the masked sus man.
“That’s Azul for you. Always trying to earn himself points.” Let’s just ignore the talking, floating tablet and everything that should be questioned and focus on the fact that the bottom’s name is Azul.
The boy next to you with his butt still on fire did not find this conversation as interesting as you which in retrospect is obvious because of the fire on his butt. “Um, hey, could someone put out the fire on my butt already?”
“O gosh, I’m so sorry. I got really distracted by everything,” You aimed all your concentration that you had at the boy. You slapped the area that was on fire several times to get the fire out, and after a few slaps, the fire slowly extinguished on the boy. The fire was not as bad as it looked.
The boy turned around to face you and beamed at you as you believe the personification of the Sun would look like. “Thank you!!” His bright red eyes gazed right through your soul through your eyes, sparkling every couple of seconds. You patted the golden retriever’s hood as he just continued to beam through you. He even grabbed your hands and shook them rapidly several times to show his thanks to you and squeezed them to finally drop his grip.
You ignored the conversation that was happening between several others of the group of five in favor of staring at the young sun. A couple seconds after two of the clocked people began to run after the cat. That was your clue to start to pay more attention to the situation at hand than the sun.
So this was supposed to be a lot sooner but then exams hit and that's always fun. This chapter just had to have my mind commenting on everything, so half of the chapter we don't even know what happens, but it's really only gonna be for this chapter. Thank you for reading this, and I apologize for any mistakes, but I hope you enjoy it! Have a great day or night!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hello, I like it when you write angst, I would like to request a scenario. Chisaki and angel have a daughter, so one day while Chisaki works, his wife and daughter decide to go out because it is a good day. When his wife and daughter go back home, both dead, the author of his death was a leader of a rival yakuza.
Angsty yes, yes, YESSSSSSSS
Warnings: mentions of rape, beating, blood. Carefull. Really. Dont read this was one I detailed.
I blame Law and Order for this.
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"Papa!" To anyone else whose saw Chisaki pn that specific moment, they would think that he had an annoyed look towards the little girl running after him. But not even his wife could spot the smile and the fondness at the girl whose attached to his leg.
"Hey brat. Your mother got tired of you already?" He asked in a nonchantly tone but ruffled the dark brow hair his daughter had, messing the pigtails she was wearing as she scolded.
"Papa no! My hair!" She whined as she, with a pout on her lips, took off the hair bows. Giggling at when Chisaki messed her hair with two of his gloved hands now.
"Mama!" She squealed your name out loud while giggling, going to you and being picked up as she showed her tongue to her father who's wonky arched one eyebrow at her childishness.
"Cant anyone of you take a break on getting onto each other's nerves?" You giggled as Yua mumbled in a pout that if her dad attacked then she would do the same.
"You cant complain since she got your attitude." He sighed as if it wa a bother, but you knew exactly how much your husband held pure love and affection towards that little smart little girl.
That's what her name was about...binding love and affection. Chisaki himself chose the name after Yua was born.
"Did you told tell daddy what we are doing today?" You put Yua down as she gasped.
"Girls day!!!" She extended her arms open as Kai only raised an eyebrow again.
"We will go shopping, just that." You giggled "Yua needs some new clothes anyway, and she was begging me to take her to enjoy some new strawberry flavored ice cream or something." You sighed. "Wanna come with us honey?"
"No. Papa cant go, is only girls night mama." Yua spoke nonchantly as you gasped preparing to lecture her but Chisaki beated you on that.
"Can't deny that I was wounded by this brat words but I have work to do anyways." He sighed with crossed arms and closed eyes, opening them a bit when he felt his daughter hug his legs and tugging on his jacket.
"I'm sowwy papa..." her golden eyes locked with his as he sighed and crouched down to flip her forehead, one which she learned that was one of the most affectionate things her father was able to do.
"After lunch I guess you both will be going out then?" He asked with a grunt when he got up as you nodded.
"Nemoto agreed to leave us on the shopping and pick up us both later."
"I will call uncle Nemoto right now." Nefore you or your husband could say something, Yua ran before tripping and falling on the ground... Mumbling insults towards the "Bad dirty floor" before walking away.
"She got my attitude but the rest is all "kai chisaki energy" on my opinion." You giggled as Kai chuffed.
"Wouldn't it be my daughter if she hadn't something from me. At least she knows the importance of cleaning."
"Sure. Threw a fit when Rappa dropped chips on the floor, and I thought she was going to do the same thing as you do with the poor guy."
"... That's my daughter." You laughed at the bit of pride he carried on the sentence as he chuckled and accompanied you to lunch.
"Yua." He called "Come here."
The said girl come in one blink of a eye, asking cutely what was it.
"There." He crouched down to show a a flower she hadn't know of.
"What flower is that Papa?"
"Is a lilie." He twirled the flower on his gloved fingers with boredoom "I gave once a rose to your mother, and now I am giving you this one simply because represents purity of the soul, innocence and intelligence. It is said, therefore, that nothing better than a lily to tell a woman that she is ideal and superior to all others.... So I am giving this one to you." He put the flower on a little box of glass and closed it, using his quirk to prevent close and pressed against the flower to not decay.
"You and your mother are above of all things and people on the world for me." He smirked at the adoration on her little golden eyes as she jumped on him to give him a hug.
"I knew it you loved us!" She squealed when he pinched her to get off of him.
"Go with your mother already you brat." He ruffled her hair with a nonchantly look as Yua stormes off "Hey put that flower on your room dont carry it everywhere you go!"
Soon you entered his office to give him your good byes and wishes of a good day. Begrudily he allowed to a simple kiss, not ever admiring how he usually craved for those as he wished a good day for you as well... jumping on a pile of work and waiting for the hour both of his girls would be back.
"Slow down pumpkin!" You giggled as you walked hand on hand with Yua... well, actually you were being dragged by the little girl.
"The ice cream stand will close mama if we slow down." She looked up at you with the same look Chisaki gave to you when you asked "stupid things" as he said.
"Fine fine." You picked her up with a huff before nuzzling your nose agaisnt her, making her giggle "Straberey flavor huh?"
"Yep!" She nodded "Just like daddy!"
You smiled at sign as she talked politely with the man whose was selling the ice cream.
"My my." You yelped and twirled around, scaring your daughter accidentaly without wanting "Isn't this a pretty sign my boys?"
A man with a tuxedo was surrounded by younger males as you brought your daughter closer to you as she wrapped her arms around your neck, sensing that this was not a start of a good talk.
"Is not everyday we get to see Overhaul's plaything and a failed abortion walking around." You growles at them as Yua clinged to you tighter.
"If you wouldn't mind sir. We are doing nothing to annoy you or your minor gang. So excuse me and let me and my Yua alone, will you?" You give your back to then with a huff, thanking the man and handing the ice cream to your daughter, whose was playing with the little molded flower she had just been gifted by her father.
The man took his cigarette out of his mouth with a huff. The other males staring at him expectantly before he chuckled.
"Get them."
"No master Overhaul. They didn't come back yet."
"Sorry man. Hadn't see them all day."
"Didn't saw (Y/n)-sama neither Yua-chan all day sir."
"I'm sorry master but (Y/n)-sama didn't called me back."
He was almost going crazy. Your phone went straight to the mail. Nemoto hadn't gotten a message for him to pick you up and Yua... Heavens what the hell happened with his wife and girl?
"Chisaki stay calm my boy. Maybe they just are enjoying some time between mother and daughter." Pops tried to calm his sucessor down, trying his nest to not freak out as well at his daughter in law and granddaughter dissapearing.
"(Y/n) is not one to turn off her phone Pops." He got up abruptly and picked his jacket and tossing over his shoulder "I will go look for then, call me if anything old man."
"Will do my boy. If anything I will send some of the guys to look after these two."
With one nod he got out, not caring if it was starting to rain...
"We searched the whole place Chisaki they're not here." Chrono pointed out regretfully as Kai checked his phone at each two minutes.
"If not here then where would these two would have gotten..?" He mumbled under hsi breath while walking. His phone buzzed on hsi pocket and hsi heart skipped a beat at the thought of finally being you to tell him you were okay, that Yua was okay, to hear his little blgirl chip in the phone to tell him about the walk like she usually did despites his scoldings to not interrupt his mother.
Although when he took off the phone of his pocket there was only two messages. One of Mimic and one of Pops.
Dont come here dude... for your sake.
Kid... please come back home.
What the hell happened...?
The moment his car was turning on the street he braked brutally when he saw police cars parked in front of Shie Hassaikai.
"FUCK THAT BITCH KNOCKED ME WHAT WAS THAT K ... Kai ..?" when Chrono recovered from the fright of the friar he was able to see the face of his childhood friend, pale as a ghost.
Not only police cars but he had a car that he would never think of seeing in his life ... a funeral card.
He accidentaly overhauled the door of the car. Ignoring the calls of the cops and hurting one that got in his process where he was walking...
He then saw a black send toilet loaded on a table and another but much smaller ... Pops arrived at him but what he said did not make sense ... he barely knew what to do or look until he saw a little arm outside bag ... dropping something very familiar to him.
The flower he picked up. The lily he gave to his daughter ...
He let out a scary scream that even scared the police after he accidentally overhauled the guard's arm that was preventing him from passing
When he used his quirk to open the two bags and his golden eyes widened on the almost unrecognizable faces of his wife and daughter.
They broke your nose ... you was stabbed and he wanted to vomit when he heard from a coroner that you were raped ... while his poor daughter had her body burned and beaten ... also with evidence of rape.
"NO!" he cried and screamed. an act of despair when using the overhaul to at least try but the guards caught him just when he was going to use touching the dead body of his child and wife.
"LEAVE ME YOUR DISCRAFTS IS MY DAUGHTER AND MY WIFE THERE FOR GOD'S SAKE FUCK-!" He cried as Pops almost begged him to calm down while the coroners took the bodies to the funeral van and closed the doors.
The screams and cries echoing of Overhaul were able to even leave each policeman, hero dying the death of a mother and child.
He was sitted with his head in his hands, eyes still wide open as Pops talked with the officer.
"We will do our best to discover whose were responsible for-"
"WHAT FOR SINCE NONE OF YOU DO SHIT ON YOUR LIFES?!" he punched the wall behind him as he glared daggers at the young hero.
"Forgive my-"
Nd with that he stormed out of the room...
He stood on a pile of blood soaked floor with bodies around him... the fluid of the bastards dripping from his hands and face... he panted tiredly as he kicked with enough force, to send the mafia boss's head flying to the wall of the place.
He brought his hands to see the mess he had made... sobs got stuck on his throat. Flashbacks of his daughter and wife's smiles and laughter.
His throat was sore... yet he didn't cared anymore when he shouted until he had no voice anymore...
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales: Jaw$! or How Lena Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Webby (Lena Retrospective Commissioned by WeirdKev27)
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Trigger Warning: Part of this review contains discussions of abuse which can’t be avoided but I still want to be senstive to my audience and any trauma they’ve gone through.  Welcome back weblena world to Shadow Into Light: My Lena Sabrewing Retrospective. And Jaw$ is here, long live Jaw$. Tiffany was a shark who bites the law she was in an episode i’m reviewing called Jaw$. 
And it’s the money shark before the storm as next month i’ll be going from two Ducktales reviews a week with the Lena retrospective and the last few episodes.. to three, as i’ll ALSO be covering the Della arc from season 1 in the build up to shadow war. And if your wondering if I expertly planned this to coincide with the finale, to the point the shadow war review and those leading up to it will be on the same week as the finale.... nope. I just got REALLLLY lucky as I already had all of that planned out, and the schedule for the  new episodes happened to synch up perfectly, ending just in time for me to revisit the series start and having Magica’s big in person appearance reviewed a week after we get her backstory in Life and Crimes. Though I am VERY happy it worked out this way as I get to properly celebrate the series end with more ducks than ever, and get to cover the pilot the same month as the finale, all things i’d of loved to do anyway and probably would’ve rejiggered my schedule to do. Point is lot of Ducktales content coming for this blog if you like that so stay tuned, but for now join me won’t you under the cut as we dive into a money bin of gay ducks, shadowy machinations, and Bad PR. 
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We open as Lena and Donald awkwardly sit on the couch, waiting for Scrooge and the Kids to get home. Understandably it’s just.. dead silence.Given their a cynical teenager secretly working for and forced to obey a horrifying shadow monster and a 35 year old man who dosen’t like living in this house due to painful memories of his presumed dead sister.. and painful memories of pain in general, you have a huge awkward bowl of chips and “I really don’t want to be here right now”. 
Our heroes return though, and Louie tries to take some of their haul for himself but Scrooge stops that “It goes in the bin not to next of kin. “... Man in a Hurry if you would please. 
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Thank you. Man in a Hurry everybody. He has to go now, he’s in a hurry. 
 As you can probably guess I do not like this, as it reminds me WAY too much of Scrooge’s worst “quirk” in the comics: how he’d barely pay his nephews, who are often hard up for cash mind you and one of whom is supporting three children ALONE, take them around the world and reap all the benefit for their hard work. It’s not like he did nothing, he did, but it’s way to exploitive for my tastes and can often sink a story if taken too far. It’s not AS bad... but they all went on the mission they all deserve at least something. I DO get keeping the rarest and most dangerous stuff for himself, as he is bankrolling things and does have two bins and a massive garage to safetly store them. But this just comes off as douchey for this version, who while liable to make mistakes with them, is far more nurturing towards his boys and girls. 
Thankfully this was course corrected next season. While Scrooge’s greed was properly restored.. this sort of treatment wasn’t. “Treasure of the Found Lamp” had him undergo character development and realize simply hoarding his treasures isn’t right or fair, and set up a musuem wing so both duckburg and his descendants can see them and get the stories behind them. And on not getting to take things clearly he’s eithe relaxed or stopped the policy as our heroes do have souveneers from time to time. Not a LOT mind, but little things like Dewey having a giant sword or Scrooge outright giving Louie one of his things show he did soften up. Though Della’s return and likely lack of tolerance for this stupid policy in the first place probably helped a lot, I also like to think he did change a bit and realize it was deeply unfair they didn’t get more than a few treasures of their own. So the writers did realize they kind of went overboard here.  I suspect this was more to setup for the episode’s subplot and to make Scrooge’s karma at the end feel justified. Speaking of which we get the start of said Subplot as Beakley comes in with a money cart and the news the board called. Why they called his house instead of his phone I don’t know, some things slip through the cracks when you running both a billion dollar company an da trillion dollar fiendish organization  for world larceny. I mean they clearly worked themselves so hard the other two apparently died between seasons. That or it was the diet of whiskey, orphan tears and grease in a wine glass both had. Bradford always told them it’d kill them though to his credit he only said I told you so twice at their funeral. 
For once no their not mad Scrooge is spending all the money they use to buy fowl jetskis, but because the Company’s having a bit of a PR nightmare now that Scrooge is back in the adventuring game. And we cut to the beanstalk they just adventured on having tore up a good chunk of the town and destroyed large swaths of it just to sell the point this isn’t their normal old man yells at other old man for spending all me money schitck, but a serious problem. As such they’ve booked him an interview with Roxanne Fetherly to improve his image and the companies. 
Scrooge scoffs at this, baffled why he has bad pr as his adventuring is GOOD for the city in the long run: He pays for any damages it causes, and likely at a cost no less which is a LOT coming from scrooge, and puts most of the money he makes on these adventures back into the city and his company, creating more jobs and better living conditions. He does get a wakeup call via  truly hilarous gag as Launchpad pops his head up to say “Good news mr. mcdee, it missed the orphange!” before getting ready to chainsaw the stalk for him. He quickly realizes MAYBE he needs some PR and agress to the interview. 
 This whole subplot really plays into one of the series main themes, one Frank brought up a few months back: Risk vs Reward. Adventuring is entirely about this, that adventure is dangerous, can cost you a lot as we see with Della and the aftermath of her terrible decision making, and can hurt people.. but it can also help people, bring money to those who need it, free those who are being oppressed and open new worlds to everyone. This subplot distills it down great: Scrooge is right that his adventures do bring in money, and as seen with the first episode brought in clean water and power with no drawbacks and only asked to be paid for it, which is fair given he still has to run machines and likely help relocate any workers whose jobs are now redundant to other parts of the company and retrain them. But it costs people their homes and jobs, not forever but still as long as it takes to construct, tears up roads and puts people in danger. It’s plots like this that make Bradford the perfect final boss for the series: He’s someone who blinds himself to the reward of all this and only sees the risk, and raises valid points even if he himself is deeply wrong. He’s right Scrooge causes a lot of danger and threat to the world.. but wrong in that he dosen’t see it’s all worth it for the good of everyone. 
But enough about future story arcs let’s get back to this one, as Webby excitedly greets Lena and hugs her, realizes she’s not hugging her back then gives her another squeeze anyway after claming to hate hugs when just a LOOK at Webby would tell you that’s false. The two are having a sleepover, Webby’s first ever.. and given Lena’s essentially an Emo Hobo and the closest thing she has to home is that starlight ancient amptheater that’s never properly explained. Seriously ancient ruins near Duckburg dosen’t suprise me, but at least tell me what they are and why Magica chose them. And why Louie hasn’t tried to sell tickets to Dewey boxing a gorilla in them. Or probably a possum I mean their on a budget and gorillas snap necks, but still i’d pay to see that as would we all. 
Point is it’s their first sleepover and naturally Webby’s first bit of smalltalk.. is how tucking in can be used for interogation techniques. I’d be more suprised if earlier this season it hadn’t already been shown Beakly regularly enrolls her daughter in the no murder, unless you really want to, hunger games every year. The fact Webby hasn’t become the bat is only because she hasn’t found a costume that’s the right combintion of pinks and purples to instill pantswetting terror yet. That shit takes time. 
Lena goes to the bathroom.. to talk to Magica who we properly get to meet. She did speak last time, but this ep is the one that properly establishes her personality for the reboot: she has clever plans, tons of power, if sealed currently, and is a genuine threat.. but she’s also a bit of a ham, in love with the old ultra violence and really short sighted in her plans, something we got hints of last time as her best solution to the Beakly Problem was  to just leave her to die and hope scrooge and webby, two people who love solving mysteries and unlocking puzzles, don’t investigate the horrifying death, accident or not, of their only friend and grandmother, and that neither, especially the 12 year old spiraling with grief, would suspect a former spy died. Thoguh in fairness on the spy thing it’s plausable Magica didn’t know that, but still it’s a bad plan. Magica has good ideas but is just so obessed with the brute force way of doing things she forgets the subtle approach works better.. and so far it has well for Lena.  Problem is it’s VERY clear by this point that Lena likes Webby, maybe not romantic styles JUST YET but it’s getting there. Webby on the otherhand has been in love with Lena from the freaking concept art which showed her blushing around her.. and that was in her 87 design.. which they thankfully changed. It’s not terrible but it just dosen’t fit well with this universe. Point is Lena is catching feelings and Magica realizes this and tries to gaslight her telling her she’d never acccept the truth abotu her and so on. As we all know and as we’ll see that’s bullshit but it’s an effective manipulation. We also find out Magica’s plan: she had Lena sneak a jewel into the treasure going into the bin, and it’s going to turn into a monster that will seek out the Number One Dime for them. She also vaugely hints that there’s something Lena needs from Magica. 
Once Lena returns, and Webby let’s her rabbit know the interogation isn’t over, she gives her possible future girlfirend a gift: friendship bracelets! They both put them on and it’s really fucking cute.. and will be both a tangible symbol of hteir friendship and a plot point several times, something I honestly hadn’t thoguht about till now. Lena, put off by the gesture not because she dosen’t aprpciate it because of the crushing guilt of lying to the one person who cares about her under the insucrtions of a sociopath, goes to Webby’s big old corkboard which is always fun to look at.. especially since it’s clearly the ONLY glimpse at Hortense we’re going to get all series. 
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We’re not getting Grandma Duck either. Though at least Frank actually regrets that one. But the important part is one of the posts mentoniing Scrooge hates magic, something Webby elaborates on: He hates spells, hexs curses and what not and feels them a shortcut.  From the man who has a garage full of them. 
I do kid as I did realize there’s a valid expliantion for this: Scrooge will use magical items, protection spells that sort of thing.. but he uses them like anything else as needed. He’s too pragmatic to not say, use the jewel of atlantis to give a city clean energy and water he can montizie, or the split sword against FOWL.. but more often than not he just dosen’t need them. He collects them because it’s fun, oftne profitable.. and their simply SAFER in his museum wing, garage and second bin will get to in two weeks. He’s seen time and time again how people misuse magic, forget it has a price, or just rely on it instead of actual skill. He’s also clearly been on the bad end of a LOT of evil sorcerers and soreceresses, especially magica. Magic isn’t inherently bad, which in itself is a BIG message of Lena’s arc, it’s just somethign that’s the OPPPSOITE OF everythign scrooge is: sacrifcing others for power, relying on something besides yourself, distance attacks versus up close and personal phsycial attacks.. it was never going to be for him and tons of bad experinces with it only cemented it. He’s just not so stubborn outside of the santa thing to avoid something if it’s going to net him a profit or come in a pinch. 
So naturally Scrooge has banned any magic books from his house, as he has no use for spellcasting and any he’d need to keep for saftey or history’s sake are likely at the archives, but just as naturally, Webby smuggled one in and wants to try it with Lena ducking it and asking to play some games. I”m sure Huey has a few yugioh decks in his room go bug him. But before they can decide on one, the boys attack for a PILLOW FIGHT.... which is a sweet gesture and them just wanting to hang out, but ends with them all eating the ground and questioning why they thought attacking the duck equilvent of cassandra cain was a good idea. Louie decides to salvage it with a swim.. but since their pool has a boat in it he has a diffrent location in mind: the bin.
So while they head off to get head injuries, Beakly tries to prepare Scrooge as the Media are vultures and looking for the next scandal with public figures and it’s accurate. But given Scrooge’s natural mood is grumpus, this dosen’t go well at all and even a spray bottle dosen’t exactly help.. I mean it is the best method to deal with grumpy old men but it can only do so much. 
At the bin we get a lovely bit as Dewey prepares to dive and his brothers treat it like an olympic one, with both doing commentary, Dewey’s apparently response to if he was worried about brain damage was Nerp, and we get the wonderous national anthem of dewdonia. Just nice as well as lovely to see the brothers just having a crack and enjoying each others company with their own weird injokes but without the injokes feeling as forced as they were in “Beagle Birthday Massacre”. Things take a turn though as we see just what magica created with the stone... a giant shark made of scrooges money who eats that fucker in a single bite.. in this case Dewey. Louie and Huey naturally run off panicked.
So while Huey and Louie gain another scarring memory to tell their therapist when their older, Scrooge begins his interview with Roxanne Fetherly who.. honestly just weirds me out. Not for any personality stuff but because she has green feathers. And it just.. really feels WEIRD. I mean green ducks are a thing in real life.. but it just looks off to have such a pastel color on a duck when the other colors are white or tones meant to invoke real world races, allowing ducks to be black, latino, asian and so on and so on coded. That’s fine and blends in fine.. but with that metaphor the green just really dosen’t fit well at all. It feels like an early decision they made, but decided not to retcon or go with for anyone else which makes it all the more weird. We’re 3 seasons in , almost at the end, and the only other green duck we’ve seen was like that because of magic and the offputting nature of it WORKS for magica. Here I just don’t get it and I never well. But naturally Roxanne starts in on invasive, gotcha questions with no real good answers or time to respond, so fox news level questions, and then asks what part of ireland he’s from. 
Naturally that sets him off so while that rant goes on, literally next time we see him he’s still going on about it, we cut to the girls playing truth or dare.. and given Webby’s first question is about deepest darkest secrets the boys once again save her by running in... to report on the monster she created that just ate their brother. Lena brushes it off but does get them not to go to scrooge claming he’ll throw them to the shark himself. I mean he’s not comics scrooge so he probably woudln’t but their also two scared 11-12 year olds so it works well enough. They just need a way to go after the money shark. Enter launchapd who in the second best bit of the episode, says he sensed his best friend dewey was in danger. Beck’s delivery is what sells it.. and I’m not going to question it. He’s somehow alive despite presumibly living off a diet of spaghett-o’s, barely avoiding a car accident on his best days, and as we’ll find out later believing children in costumes are monsters he summoned when he was 8. The fact he suddenly has spider sense specifically related to people he cares about is honestly less of a surprise than the fact he’s not in heaven crashing God’s Speedboat into God’s Golden Castle with God’s Golden Lion riding shotgun. 
So they do the natural thing and.. steal Donald’s houseboat while he sleeps. He has no more involvement in this episode other than noticing it’s back and not in great condition at the end. I bring this up because this is one of Donalds ONLY apperances this season, and it’s part of the larger more irritating problem that he’s hardly ever used.. despite promoting him as a major part of the series. 
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I will talk about this more during the Della arc as i’ts more relevant there, but needless to say it bothers me a lot and not knowing how to ballance it’s massive main cast was a constant struggle for the series even up to the final episodes going on right now. 
So our heroes head out on the bin late at night, where could the Jaw$ be she’s nowhere in sight. So they decide to use other treasure as a lure they either fished out of a bin or out of scrooge’s bathwater. How bathing in coins gets him clean I don’t know and frankly I dont’ think we want the answers to that and the idea of scrooge fully naked is so horrifying I forgot what I was talking about.
Ah yes our heroes are playing bait the money monster and find out it’s a shark, and Lena.. is not okay with that and goes to talk to Magica inside the boat. Magica tells us she has a name, Tiffany. Awww what a lovely name for a money shark. I would of gone with Rags to Bitches, but I may have brain damage.  Lena understandabily does not like the idea of getting eaten by a shark, asked to be informed and while Magica is mad at her for going after the thing, Lena reasonably points out that it was this or Scrooge got involved.  Up top Huey tries catching it with a bit of treasure on a rope.. after not shutting up about shark facts because “Facts comfort me when i’m nervous!” Precious angel. But Huey’s leg gets caught and he and Louie, somehow on the latter get thrown up in the air and chomped. Back bellow Webby has a suggestion: using magic. Lena naturally not wanting to blow her cover or really liking magic period is against it for now. 
Back at the interview, Roxanne brings on a special guest to prove people don’t like scrooge: GLOMGOLD!
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Glomgold may create some issues for the subplot and we’ll get to those in due time, but damn if it isn’t always a pleasure to see him. He’s also on good terms with Roxanne... are.. are we sure this is local news and not fox news? Taking the word of a conservative greedy billionare over a progressive one seems like a fox move. Though I might actually watch fox news if glomgold was a commentator.  “I propose a red new deal instead of this blasted green new deal, I throw Scrooge to a tank of sharks connected to a generator, the tank turns red with his blood and that somehow creates power! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT MCDUCK” 
So we get the best bit of the episode as Glomgold tries to complain about his building being destroyed which would be fair... if he hadn’t tried to blow up Scrooge’s bin twice this week, with Glomgold going for THREE.. for threee.. for three... it dosen’t go off but it does get scrooge to say he’s glad the building was destroyed. Which is fair but NOT super great PR.  
Back at the shark things don’t get better as Webby and Lena argue over the use of magic, I mean as much as they can argue Webby just wants to know why she’s so cagey about this while they go with plan “Launchpad crash into it”. Launchpad also gives a hell of a monologue. Good on you bud. As you can see launchpad’s gotten 100% better since his low point in our last episode. That’s because it’s clear the writers had some struggle ballancing his amped up stupidity with actual competence, making him primarily jokey comic relief in the first few episodes and I wouldn’t be shocked if Terror of The Terra Firmians was written before a lot of the later episodes despite airing around the same time. But by mid-season he’s got his much more lovable charactersation of a dangerous moron..l but one who CAN be competent and is genuinely charming due to how much he cares about his friends and his job. They also dialed down the stupid down to an acceptable homer simpson level: still a danger to himself and others but hilariously so. Point is they fixed it and while i’ll complain about mistakes the show made I will give this crew all the credit for course correcting time and time again and actually listening to fan feedback.
So Webby figures they tried the Jaws option and lost the boat and launchpad, time for plan Magic. They hold hands, EEEEEEEEE, and try a spell.. and it clearly starts working but almost works TOO well, as Lena starts glowing first purple.. then blue. Hmmmm... intresteing. Lena breaks it off and Tiffany breaks out of the bin.. just as scrooge says on the news his adventures aren’t dangerous. 
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Scrooge naturally goes to face it while Webby wonders why Lena didn’t go for it. To make it a triple Scrooge shows up in time to distract tiffany.. with the number one dime, which as lena found out earlier is on his person rather than at the bin like the public thinks. So while Scrooge puts up a good show.. seriously it’s really awesome and really neat looking, though he also gets VERY upset that people are naturally holding out buckets for the cash shark, which he’s not happy about because well.. he did EARN that money. Most bin money is stuff directly earned by him so fair enough. But while he’s you know, Scrooge Fucking McDuck, and thus puts up a good fight the monster eats him.. and gets the dime stuck in it’s tooth with Magica wanting Lena to grab for it, forgetting that minons, while mildly disposable, aren’t really replaceable when your SOUL’S ATTACHED TO THEM. That’s where Magica’s weakness is. her plans aren’t half bad but as I said, she’s far too bloodthirsty and short sighted. She has better ones than glomgold but ironcially they share the same problem of not thinkign them through. And Magica cares so little for lena she’s blinded to the fact her own personal saftey is tied up in her. 
Lena naturally dives for her future girlfrriend and heads into the belly of the beast. And it’s here her REAL moment of truth is. While the one last episode was noble.. it was also easy enough to brush off internal as pragmatisim. Letting Beakly die would’ve brought too much heat and been too easy to quickly go terrible, while saving her got her off Lena’s trail and gave her free reign of the manner. But here? Webby is about to slip into Tiffany’s stomach and whle she hasn’t digested anyone yet given who made Tiffany with it’s likely just because she hasn’t had enough mass to create chainsaws to carve them all up. It’s the Dime or Webby. Lena’s own freedom or the girl she loves. Nothing good comes from saving Webby.. other than Webby. Other than the one person whose truly loved her. I mean think about it: She was created by magica, abused for a good decade and a half. No one but Magica has had a chance to care about her and as we’ve seen Magica only sees her as a weapon to get back at scrooge and not as a person. Webby was the first person she’s ever made a genuine connection with, that’s been there for her, that loves her unconditionally and woiuld be there for her no matter what. And it’s in that moment Lena realizes she can’t sacrifice her for her own good... that after years of having to be selfish to surivive being chained to that monster... she can’t be this time. No mastter what it costs her.. Webby is priceless. So Lena recites the spell, growing bright blue and blowing up tiffany. Lena gladly hugs webby who reciorpates, awww gaybies, and Launchpad hugs dewey. Awww... what it’s still precious he’s a good surrogate uncle. The wacky kind who sleeps in a van on your lawn. 
So Scrooge is glad.. though it’s here his subplot falls flat. Him getting attacked by the media and getting a compupance by loosing tons of money from tiffany is fine. Evne if he earned it, his lack of care did bring this on him.. hte problem is they take it too far by having all his nemies show up, him unable to say anything and glomgold blatantly doing so just to steal from him. Otherwise the subplot is fine, a bit heavy on scrooge being a dick but it has to to work and puts him in an awkward situation. But this ending just feels to over the top to realy enjoy. And the series does do over the top humor well so I don’t know what happened here. But having a bunch of outright thieves steel his money instad of a bunch of citizens who didn’t know better and deserved it for the damage, feels wrong and it tastes wrong. 
Speaking of feels wrong and tastes wrong we get an INTEINTONAL dose of that as back at the amptheater, Lena and Magica argue about the situation and Magica trying to kill her. Lena tries to walk away but can’t.. phsyically. Magica won’t let her. And this is honestly a very crushing and very well crafted metaphor for how abuse victims sometimes CAN’T escape their abusers. Magica is verbally abusive, treats lena like she’s disposable and constnatly downtalks her self esteem. To Lena magica is nothing but a tool.. but like MANY children caught in horrifcally abusive situations Lena can’t get away. It’s a literal metaphor, an da good one, for how you can’t ALWAYS escape abuse easily, and this especially true for kids who have nowhere to go and hte law on their abusers side more often than not. It’s hard to escape an abusive parent and even harder when they dont’ consider you a person. I thankfully have no personal experince with this but it dosen’t make it any less of a problem nor any less noble of this show to tackle the subject in a frank, if fantastical, way, and a good chunk of Lena’s arc is overcoming this abuse and not letting her abusive past drown her. But for now.. all she can do is agree to do what Magica says till she can hopefully be rid of her. But the light at the end of the tunnel’s coming.. there’s just a whole lotta darkness first. 
Next Time: We take a break from the episodes to cover some Lena related comics for a double feature; The first Spies Like Us has everyones faviorite lesbian ducks go on a spy adventure that was never printed in the us for silly reasons we’lll get to and then the 87 ducktales comic dime after dime which features Lena’s predecessor Minima. 
Later Today: Close Enough Season 2 is here! I”m going to talk about it! Exclimation Points! 
If you liked this review feel free to follow for more. And if you have an episode of Ducktales or another animated show you’d like me to cover just hit me up via my asks or direct messages on here and comission it. And if you’d rather just support me on a monthly basis, head over to my patreon. THE LINK IS RIGHT HERE.  Even a buck a month would help and the more of you that donate the closer we get to my Duckcentric stretch goals. The current closest ones are 15, which would lead to reviews of The Goofy Movies and Treasure of the Lost Lamp, and 20 which would lead both to a review of the Super Ducktales mini series, and monthly darkwing duck reviews! So if you like me talking about ducks and want to bolt some duck reviews to the schedule, even a dollar a month would inch me closer to that goal. Eveyr bit helps. But money or not, it’s been a pleasure and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
36 notes · View notes
matth1w · 4 years
Can I ask for a Lucifer Morningstar fic where the reader to pregnant, hasn’t told Lucifer yet and panics starting to lie to him and avoid him. They resolve it when he does some of his own detective work and he decides he wants you to know he likes the child. Bonus points of stuff like ‘well now I’ve trapped you and you’re mine...’ (like playfully) Thanks.
Detective Morningstar
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Summary: You’re pregnant with Lucifer’s baby. Great, right? Wrong. You know how much he doesn’t like children. So being a responsible adult, you… lie and avoid him. Lucifer does some detective work and finds out, because of course he would.
Warnings: Unplanned pregnancy, angst, language, talk of period, talk of yeast infections (just wait) 
Rating: Everyone
Word Count: 2,709 words
Note: Lots of internal dialogue in this one, with lotsa cursing. Indicated by italics. Also, part of what took so long - my first attempt at this was much less happy and required me to get into a certain mindset. The rewrite is much happier and lighter. And pregnancy fics just take more effort from me.
Note to Requestor: Thank you for requesting and your patience, nonnie! I hope you enjoy! 💕
Tags: @kittenlittle24​
It was about four in the morning and you were thankful for your natural inability to hold your bladder through the night. Lucifer didn’t seem disturbed by your getting out.
Heavy sleeper and used to it, I guess.
You slowly closed the bathroom door with a soft click and opened the cabinet just as slow. Thankful you had fixed that squeaky hinge.
Your eyes fell on the bright box in front of you and you grabbed it with trepidation - hoping your period would start and wake you from this nightmare. You opened the box quietly, swearing internally at the foil wrapping.
Why did they make these things so loud??
It wasn’t necessary. All it did was make it perfectly clear to anyone within a mile’s radius that you were taking a pregnancy test.
You paused after finally pulling it out - so on edge and nervous of making any sound Lucifer would overhear.
Nothing came from the bedroom so you got down to business.
Yuck, of course you got a little on your fingers.
Okay. All done. Now just five minutes.
God it felt like an hour.
Any bleeding?
You checked. Still had hope even if it was a week late. You had been practically begging for your period.
You made empty promises to never complain about your period again.
You checked your phone for the hundredth time in the five minutes.
You didn’t even pause before looking at the test.
Hold up, it could be a -
Nope. Definitely a +
+ means pregnant right??
Shit shit shit.
Could be a false positive. Those happen all the time.
Yeah, sure, your brain aka reasonable Y/N thought.
You looked into the cabinet to get another one, a different brand.
As much as you were freaking out, you realized that wasn’t the best idea. You’d wait until tomorrow.
I’m sure I’ll get my period by then and it’ll be some weird false positive...
You pushed the feeling in your gut down. It could be wrong.
It had to be.
1 day and 1 more positive test later...
You sat on the couch, Netflix running but not earning your attention.
You were too busy thinking at break-neck speed.
... Well he came around to liking Trixie. Becoming like an uncle to her. Now when he called her monkey it was affectionate.
And he loved and was even affectionate to baby Charlie.
So maybe he wouldn’t be mad. Or upset? Or idk disappointed?
Oh God, that would be the worst.
Wait, God!
Hey! Dad in law! Can you help out here? Take little bugger out?
I mean you helped Mary so just like say the spell backwards.
Let’s hope He wasn’t listening. Pretty sure that sent you straight to Hell ten times over.
Speaking of Hell, this was his fault! He’s the one with the freaking sperm!
But.... you’re the one whose body betrayed you. Apparently your uterus had too many months of preparing for a baby just for it to get torn down.
Maybe it was a fake. False positive. People get those all the time.
Across two different brands?
Ugh, shut up, reasonable Y/N.
3 days and 3 more positive tests later...
Maze you whisper-yelled through your teeth and shook your hand to get her to come over once she looked up from her spot on the barstool.
“I’m fucked.”
Maze asked with a suspicious look.
“I’m... fucked”, you cursed.
“You can’t tell anyone. Especially you know who.”
Maze smiled and nodded, curiosity piqued. She loved secrets.
You sighed, the omnipresent string of curses running through your head before you spoke again, taking a deep breath and spilling it all out.
“I’m like 99.999 percent sure I’m pregnant.”
You sucked in air, having to breath after saying that all so hurried also because FUCK, you just said it out loud.
Your best friend/practical sister just started at you, chewing on your lip.
She shifted on her feet.
“Are you...” she was trying to gauge you and the situation. “Happy?”
You made faces as you tried to think.
Were you?
Petrified. Anxious. Happy? Okay a little. If you weren’t worried about Lucifer’s reaction maybe you would be.
You mean, it was kinda cool you were like making life.
Maze nodded slowly at that. Understanding nearly perfectly well what was going on.
“I see. And you’re worried about Lucifer?”
You nodded, scared of even saying his name.
“What if he doesn’t like me like that?”, you sighed, wanting to cry.
She just stared at you, but it was no use as you had dropped your head in your hands. She waited until you lifted your head back up before speaking.
“You’re literally married.”
Oh. Right.
“Yeah but...”
She flicked you in the forehead.
“Stop being an idiot, YN.”
“What are my two favorite ladies gossiping about?”
You jumped out of your skin. Neither of you had noticed your husband/ father of your child until he stood just a foot away.
Shit shit shit.
Say something!
You looked to Maze but she was giving you nothing.
Fuck. Okay uh...
Lucifer stopped himself from putting his hand on your shoulder. His face was a hilarious mixture of confusion and strange acceptance.
No one said anything so you had to go again.
“Um... yeah. Maze,” you gulped at the daggers coming from her eyes.
“I mean, I.... uh, I think I got a yeast infection.”
Lucifer nodded furrowing his eyebrows. He just turned on his feet and walked away.
Once he was out of reach, Maze snorted.
“You’re a mess! Vaginal itching??”
You buried your head in your hands once more and groaned.
— — —
When you went to bed that night Lucifer was already there.
“What have you been up to darling?”
Reading articles about how to tell your husband you’re pregnant.
“Um. Uh.... Reorganizing the closet.”
You smiled and laughed a little too loud as you realized how utterly stupid that was considering he was in the bedroom. With full view of the closet.
You blushed and tried to laugh it off.
“Sorry, babe. I’m super tired. I’ve been out of it.”
He chuckled. “That yeast infection?”, he mused.
You nodded over enthusiastically. “Yeah the uh, yeast infection.... Itchy itch!”
You cringed.
Itchy itch? Who says that??
Lucifer pursed his lips, trying so hard not to laugh at you.
“Yes, itchy itch indeed. Let me know if you need me to run to the store and get you something for that. I was planning on going out tomorrow.”
You gulped. Fear and paranoia coursing through your veins.
He nudged your shoulder.
“CVS has those chocolates you like on sale so I thought I’d pick some up.”
You sighed. A little too eagerly. Then tried to cover it up.
You couldn’t trust your words so you smiled and leaned in to kiss Lucifer.
He held your lips for an extra moment and pulled away slowly.
“I love you, Y/N” he said. Certainty and firmness evident through his tone and eyes that held yours.
You closed your eyes.
“I love you too, my angel”
— — —
You stopped as you stepped out of Lux, taking a moment to appreciate the warm LA sun hitting your skin. You closed your eyes and held your head high.
Today was going to be a good day.
Someone cleared their throat next to you and you frowned.
Or not.
Opening your eyes you saw you sister in law, Remiel.
Ah, fuck.
“Remy!” you exclaimed, trying to be excited. Like you didn’t know what was going on or why she was here.
She looked at you unamused.
“Y/N. I thought you said you used protection.”
Your face fell and you slumped. Embarrassed as Remy brought up your old conversation.
When she came down to try to take Charlie to Heaven she made a comment about expecting Lucifer to be the one to create a nymphlim.
And you of course said that you two used protection and she wouldn’t have to worry about that.
Which wasn’t a lie, you had been! You just... kinda stopped.
You laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah…” You swallowed.
“Since you’re here... am I actually…?” your throat tightened. You couldn’t say it.
In an instant your sister in law eyes softened.
You nodded, looking away as you bit your lip, trying to hold back the tears from spilling onto your cheeks.
Remy came closer to you and put her hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” she began, her voice soft and almost unfamiliar from what you knew of the hunter.
You looked up at Remy and tried to smile.
“I guess,” you sniffled. “I kept thinking it wasn’t real. That all the tests were somehow wrong.”
You shuddered out a shaky laugh, meeting her eyes quickly.
“But I guess if you’re here and you can tell...”
Remy grunted in agreement. “I can smell it clearly.”
You chuckled and looked back at her, not surprised to see her serious face. But that left after a moment to a sly smirk.
You sighed and decided to go in for a hug. After a quick flinch, Remy brought her arms loosely around you.
“You’re not mad?” You sniffled against her shoulder.
She laughed under you as she pulled away, holding you at arms length.
“No. I learned my lesson with Amenadiel. I wanted to offer my help. The child of Lucifer will be highly sought out.”
You blanched. “Sought out? Like...”
She nodded seriously. Her mood instantly changing.
“Yes, Y/N. Many will try to get ahold of your child for their own benefit.”
You just nodded back, unable to handle the situation and desperately wanting to not think about it.
Remy seemed to notice your fatigue and tried to smile again.
“But there’s no need to worry about that now!”
You smiled back, trying to relax as well.
“Well... since you’re here...”
Lucifer shouted from behind you.
Your husband walked up to you both and pulled his sister in for a tight hug.
“So lovely for you to stop down. What are you doing here?”
Remy went to say - the truth. So you spoke up first. Almost drowning her out.
“I invited her for pedicures!”
“Ooh pedicures?” Lucifer turned to you with excitement.
“Yeah. Uh, Girl family bonding. Like just girls! ... Sorry uh no boys allowed.”
Luci chuckled as Remy just looked on.
“Sounds lovely.” Luci couldn’t even try to hide the love in his heart seeing his wife and sister together.
You stepped in to give him a quick peck on the cheek then back to Remy and wrapped your arm in hers.
“Bye Luci!”
There was a glimmer in his eyes as he pulled out the corvette keys from his pocket and handed them to you.
“Have fun, darling”.
You smiled up at your husband, appreciative of the act.
He gave Remy one last look before he walked back inside.
It was quiet for almost a minute before Remy broke the silence.
“You haven’t told him yet?”
You sighed and hung your shoulders.
“I’ve been meaning to but I just... I’m so scared.”
“Of what?”
You looked at her. She really did want to help.
“Hey uh, if you’re not busy. A pedicure would be nice.”
She smiled. It truly was a nice sight.
— — —
After you got home and said your goodbyes to your sister in law you hummed happily, trying to not be nervous.
Thankfully Lucifer wasn’t home so you relaxed in front of the tv with a snack.
When the elevator door dinged, you jumped up as Lucifer was quite cheery.
“What’s got you all smiley, Mr. Morningstar?”
He chuckled. “Well, Mrs. Morningstar, not only did they have your chocolates on sale. I also got a coupon!”
You giggled at him. Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil himself. Clipping coupons with such eagerness like a domestic housewife.
He walked over to you and held up the bags. You gawked.
“Luci, how much chocolate did you get??”
He gave you a sly smile.
“Oh I noticed we were running low on some items so I got them as well”
He held your eyes and in that moment you knew you were caught. But you tried to play dumb.
“What stuff?”
He tilted his head at you.
“You know, darling. Pregnancy tests. You’ve gone through quite a lot these past few days.”
You felt the color drain from your face.
He held up his hand and walked over to sit beside you.
“Y/N. Whatever the reason, I want you to know you don’t need to lie anymore.”
You had to look away at the intensity of his look.
“I’m the Devil. Sensing truth and lies is my thing.”
He put two fingers under your chin to make you meet his eyes.
“And even if I wasn’t. You’re a bloody awful liar. Pedicures?”
He gave you a crooked cheeky smile and you couldn’t help the groan that escaped you.
“I know. But Luci...”
He wasn’t moving to speak so you took a breath and continued.
“I thought you would be upset. I mean, other than Trixie and Charlie, you don’t really like kids. And having a kid, it would tie us together forever. And I know we’re married but it’s different? And I just...”
Your voice trailed off when you looked back up at Lucifer and saw him shaking his head.
“Y/N, my darling wife. We were tied together forever the moment I first saw you. And a child? To be honest, seeing my brother with Charlie it sparked something in me.
“And when I saw you and Remy standing together today - I hoped she was here for the same reason you had taken almost every kind of pregnancy test. And didn’t use any tampons. And didn’t eat any of your period ice cream.”
You felt the blush grow on your cheeks and bumped your head into his shoulder - trying to desperately hide your embarrassment.
“You used your detective skills on me, Morningstar?”
He laughed wholeheartedly as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You aren’t that challenging of a case, love.”
You let yourself laugh.
It shouldn’t surprise you.
He said hoped.
“Luci...” you stilled under him, “You said you hoped?”
“Yes,” he said simply.
“Really?”, you said softly, so surprised by his words.
He nodded then leaned in to kiss you, saying all he needed to say with the passion and love pouring from his lips to yours.
When he pulled away you took a breath, feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Staring into the eyes of your husband, you knew his words to be true.
“You want this? A baby? Our baby?”
He smiled, lighting up at your words.
“Yes.” He shook you slightly.
“I want all the babies you’re willing to give me. Because it’s you, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help it.
Yep, time for the waterworks.
“Oh, Luci” you sobbed as you dove to hug him.
He held you tightly as he soothed your pain.
“It’s alright, love. Everything’s alright now.”
After a few minutes of crying and comfort, you sniffled and wiped your eyes. Unable to form words that could convey how you felt, you just looked at your husband, smiling softly, eyes glistening and showing relief, gratitude, and love.
He brought you back into his arms and hummed softly.
— — —
Later that night, when your limbs were intertwined between the sheets, the emotional toll of the day mixed with sleep to loosen your tongue.
“Luci... you don’t feel tied down to me??” Your voice was quiet - scared and hopeful.
“Darling.” Lucifer chuckled before he saw the seriousness on your face.
“We’re married.” He said as he stroked your cheek down to your shoulder.
“But a baby.” You nuzzled into him. “It I don’t know... it kinda ties you to someone forever.” The wetness of your eyes coming back again for what felt like the millionth time that day.
Lucifer shifted, pulling you closer to him and lifting your head so your eyes would meet his.
“Being tied to you for the rest of my life isn’t a prison, my darling - it’s a gift.”
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pairing: eb!frank x reader
summary: frank realises he’s in love with his sister’s best friend. inspired by taylor swift’s style, a prequel to this.
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You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt, and when we go crashing down, we come back every time 'cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style. So it goes, he can't keep his wild eyes on the road, takes me home, lights are off he's taking off his coat
Parties had never been Y/N’s cup of tea, she found them more to be an excuse for people to drink and smoke their worries away rather than deal with their issues. It was more of an escapism, in her mindset, for those which daylight brought too much worry and thus the night darkness and blinding neon lights allowed for a forgetfulness of what awaited outside. As one to try and solve whatever came her way, she absolutely despised them. There were better ways of socialising. However, Clara seemed to be just like her brother when it came to partying as right now, the house that during Christmas looked like every American sitcom’s house looked more like the drug den where the mafia would be hiding out with all the empty solo cups and random people making out on various corners.
Nevertheless, she was here and somehow here sounded better than her cold, mouldy student apartment. With a solo cup in hand, Y/N had taken refuge by the door, looking as people exited and entered the home and taking mental notes about Clara’s behaviour and how to properly tease her once her drunkenness faded away.  Still, the real reason why she wasn’t inside freaking out whenever someone did use a coaster was Frank. When she agreed to come to the party, not in the wildest of her wildest thoughts did she think Frank would be around. He lived in the city and, following his mother, would only come out if he was broke or in huge trouble, however, here he was. Well, at least his broken up, terrible car was and considering how much he loved the piece of junk, he was probably around trying to flirt with as many university girls as he could while she was hiding, not wanting to face the events that took place during Christmas. 
     - Y/N ... - she could hear Clara almost sing out her name as she stumbled onto the porch of her home, tall and probably older man next to her which made alarm bells sound on her mind. The drunk girl must’ve realised that as she quickly explained who was next to her. - Y/N, this is Jack. Jack is a friend of Frank’s and he’s a writer like you. Thought you’d like to chat. 
     - Pleasure. - he stuck out a hand for her to shake which she did, worried look still settled on her face. Clara, happy with her match making, returned to the inside of the house, probably to down more of the cheap cider she had gotten from the corner shop. - So, what are you majoring on? 
     - English at Yale. 
     - Yale, that’s a big one. How is it going so far? One of my mates has started a teaching assistant position there, all I hear are good things from it. - he was nice, maybe too nice. Nice enough that Y/N wondered if he had a weirder darker side he wasn’t showing to her as that would be the only reason someone would decide to be friends with Frank whose occupation was still a big question mark on her head. 
     - Well, it’s Yale, never changes that much I suppose. - she shrugged, not entirely sure how to keep the conversation interesting.
     - Who are you hiding from? - he leaned by her side, a much less used solo cup in his hand with clear liquid which Y/N guessed by the colour and smell was probably vodka. Not her favourite poison. She raised her brow at his question, wondering if she was putting it out in the world that she was constantly trying to escape from that party. - No one wears full black and then hangs by the porch unless they’re trying to hide from someone.
    - Maybe I’m in mourning. - she tilted her head slightly up, smirk on her lips as she took the last sip from whatever cheap corner shop strawberry flavoured wine she had been drinking for the past hour. - Besides, July nights have the best night skies. 
     - I’m afraid I’ll have to agree. - Jack looked upwards to the particularly clear sky. It was one of those weird hot nights which contained only the slightest of warm air coursing through and one of the most stunningly clear skies. Had she been back in her youth, Y/N would have been rushing outside with her telescope to see if she could see any celestial bodies. 
Meanwhile Frank was having his own sort of fun. He was never one to say no whenever his sister rarely invited him to a party with her university friends as that normally meant a wide array of less than five dollar spirits, cheap keg beer and people willing to give you a cigarette if asked. It also didn’t hurt that university girls were extremely easy for him to flirt with, however, tonight, he was looking for Y/N. He had even arrived earlier to see if he could catch her helping Clara with the decorations but she was nowhere to be seen and in the past four hours, he hadn’t seen or heard her name. It wasn’t like Clara was much of help, ignoring him whenever he asked for her best friend. 
Things were starting to get boring and he wondered if he’d be better off at home either sleeping or having quality alcohol. As he saw yet another couple climb up the stairs to what he hoped wasn’t his childhood bedroom, he decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. Y/N most likely wasn’t at the party, it wasn’t her style, and he was wasting time. Besides, he was a fully grown man and she was a girl in the middle of university, not even mentioning his sister’s confidant. This was probably just his instinct of trying to stick it up to his sister by screwing around with her friends. 
Frank threw his cup onto the growing pile in the bin and grabbed his jacket Moving through the crowds of people and ignoring the few girls who tried to stop him by grabbing his hand, he eventually made it to the red entrance door which was slightly open to reveal Jack. Maybe he was up to go to an actual bar, Frank thought to himself. However, what he wasn’t expecting as he stepped closer was to see Y/N in a slip black dress with a drink in hand and a stupid little smile as if Jack was telling her the best of jokes, which he probably wasn’t considering he had no sense of humour. At least not a good one. 
    - Hey man, you alright? - Jack noticed him as he turned to place the cup on the ground. - Going home already? 
    - It’s a university party, I’ve had my few share of it. - his eyes lingered on Y/N who suddenly found the tree of their front garden the most exciting and fantastic thing in the whole world. He probably should’ve just ignored it and let it slide but he couldn’t help it. - I see you’ve meet Rory. 
    - Shut up, Frank. - she rolled her eyes at the nickname he refused to drop. Jack looked utterly confused at the both of them, he was certain Clara had introduced her as Y/N and not Rory. Was he that drunk already? - Frank insists in calling me Rory, I’ve told him to stop.
    - You know each other? - he moved his finger between both his friend and Y/N who was trying to find something to look at other than Frank. 
    - We’re acquaintances. - Y/N quickly replied before Frank had any ideas or any snarky comments, which, let’s be honest, he most likely did. - Spent Christmas together. 
    - Oh ... - Jack rubbed his neck and, feeling the atmosphere settling between the three of them, decided to go back inside with the excuse of needing a refill which he clearly didn’t. If looks could kill, Y/N’s look as he left would’ve dropped him straight to the ground in less than a second yet sadly they couldn’t and now she was stuck with the last person in the world she wanted to be stuck with. 
    - Flirting with my friend to get my attention? - he spoke up in that tone of voice that made her want to hit his head against the side of the house. - You could’ve just come and find me. 
    - Knock it off. - she threw her plastic cup at him, watching as the pink of her drink stained his shirt and took off inside the house to try and find her purse. Why she had stayed in so long she didn’t know but suddenly the moldey, icy apartment sounded like paradise to her.
Y/N entered the storage closet which Clara had conveniently turned into a coat hanger and stared to look for her coat and purse. All she wanted to do was find her coat and her phone so she could call an Uber and evaporate from this party before Frank could find her and make another snarky remark. Sometimes she wondered if he only existed so he could poke fun of her.
As she kept browsing through the endless sea of jackets, between the noise of the crumbling fabrics, she heard the door being shut behind her. Y/N rolled her eyes, expecting it to be Frank trying to play a trick on her but as she turned to face the door she didn’t see Frank. Instead, she saw one of her colleagues with whom she shared Medieval Narratives class with. 
   - Hi Nate. Looking for your coat? 
   - I was actually looking for you. Clara said she saw you come in here so I followed you. - he took a step closer to her, turning their once comfortable distance into one that she wasn’t very comfortable with. - You look stunning tonight. 
   - I know. - she said, taking a step back hoping it’d send a message that she was not keen with such closeness. She grabbed her coat from the hanger and purse quickly and tried to excuse herself but he refused to move. - Nate, I have to go. I have some essays I need to look into and I’m not in the mood for whatever this is. 
   - C’mon, I’m a nice guy. - he put his hand on her waist thus ending the tiny shred of patience that was still within her. With a might, she kicked him in the leg, making him crutch which gave her enough time to reach for the door, opening it wide and power walking out of it. However, he seemed to not be done with the constant following. - NEXT TIME DON’T DRESS LIKE A WHORE IF YOU DON’T SOMEONE TO APPROACH YOU!
She stopped on her tracks, still facing the door as she wondered if she had heard it correctly. By the sounds of the people surrounding her who had suddenly stopped their chats allowing her to listen to the music playing wide and clear, she had heard it well. 
   - You’re drunk, Nate. - she turned around to look at him, still keeping her distance and surrounding herself by other party goers who had found her answer not interesting enough to hold their attention. 
   - And you’re clearly still the same uptight goody two shoes who needs a good fuck to be put in her place. - Y/N rolled her eyes. Just what she fucking needed tonight. As she prepared to find a comeback for that and return to her beloved mission of reaching her home, someone punched him, the strength of the blow itself sending him to the ground. - What the fuck? 
   - Stay down if you know what’s good for you. - she recognised that voice way too well to know who it was. Her gaze went from Nate who was standing on the ground, clearly following orders, to Frank who had just punched him hard enough to scare him into not going up. God, great. Just what she needed, Frank to get a saviour complex. 
Deciding this was too much for her, she returned to her mission of reaching the outside which after a few “are you okay?” from some of her friends who were sober enough to recognise the situation, had been successfully reached. Y/N sat down on the sidewalk by the house, phone in hand as she read that her driver would be in her with an hour. On that specific moment, she agreed with Frank as she let out angry huff. 
   - Fuck the suburbs. - she mumbled, bringing her knees up to her chin. There was no way this night could get any worse. 
   - Are you alright? - Y/N looked up to see Frank. Had she not been harassed by someone she probably would need to see again, she would’ve probably found the strength within to tell him to leave her alone. - I can leave if you want me too, Y/N. 
   - Nice to know you can use my name. - she commented. - You didn’t need to do that, didn’t need your help. 
   - Yeah, I know but he was asking for it. - he took a seat on the sidewalk, a bit further from her. - I think Clara’s got the rest of the beating handled. God, she’s ruthless when she drinks cider. 
   - Should’ve seen her during Fresher’s week. She climbed up the roof of our student housing topless and screaming the lyrics of "Wake me Up Before you Go”. - Y/N giggled at the memory of her and her flatmates trying her hardest to remove Clara from the wet roof. 
   - How come you never tell me the interesting stories? - Frank slightly turned to look at her. He couldn’t see her face completely due to her hair in front of it, but of what he could see, she thought she was the most stunning thing brought to life. 
   - Well, you never ask me. - she too turned to look at him. - You cannot tell Clara that I told you that. 
   - Can’t promise anything. - he raised his hands. - How long til your Uber arrives?
   - An hour. - she huffed again. - Now I understand why you like the city so much.
   - Get up. - he raised from his seating position, lending her a hand so she could do the same. - I’ll take you home. 
   - Frank, I will not enter the death machine again specially when you’ve been drinking. - her eyes turned to the same car. God, how come someone whose parents were well off decided to get that type of thing and call it a car? 
   - Cheap alcohol does not affect me besides I want to give you a ride. Just to make sure you’re safe.
   - I’m safe enough in an Uber, Frank. 
   - Consider this, you’re an university student and it’s not gonna be cheap to catch an Uber during a Friday night. Just humour me, you don’t even have to speak with me, I’ll just drive you and drop you off. - he took his keys from his jacket pocket, the little keychain catching the little and she couldn’t help but let out a small smile as she recognised he was still using the keychain she had given him for Christmas. - You pick the music? 
  - No snarky comments? - she decided to negotiate. - And by snarky comments it includes calling me Rory Gilmore, Gilmore, Rory or any variation of the name. You will make me hate watching Gilmore Girls. 
  - Fine, deal. - Y/N followed Frank into his death machine also known by common people as a car. He kept his promise, not saying a single word and only turned on the radio which was playing some instrumentals. Throughout most of the journey, both their gazes were set on the road, not entirely sure how to interact to each other. She was the first to break the gaze from the road, turning her head ever to slightly to look at the side of his face. Y/N would never admit it out loud that Frank was an attractive but he was and somehow managed to look even better whenever his face was calm. Lips partially open, eyes slightly narrowed as his hands gripped onto the steering wheel. Her gaze settled on his parted lips, almost as if she could feel them against hers like Last Christmas.
If she were to be completely honest, she had put the event right in the back of her head fully knowing exactly what type of guy he was. She didn’t need to hear it from him, she knew it from accounts from Clara who’d normally complain about how many girlfriends her brother had gone through and how he liked to mess around with her friends to get under her skin. However, she was still a woman with taste and as such she found him wildly handsome.
    - Stop staring at me, Y/N. - he pulled over one of Yale’s residencies, not entirely sure where Y/N and Clara lived. - We’re here. 
    - Thanks. - she put her hands on her lap, diverting her gaze from him. - Uhm, I think I should also thank you for punching Nate. 
    - I would punch whatever guy disrespected you. - he shrugged, almost as if being her protector came to him naturally. - Even if you flirted with my friend prior.
   - I did not flirt with Jack, Frank. Even if I did it was none of your business. - if she didn’t know any better, she would’ve said he was being jealous. - Clara introduced us, if you must know. 
   - You can tell me you fancy him. I saw you all smiley as if he were a comedian which let me tell you, sweetheart, he definitely isn’t. 
   - I don’t fancy him. - she harshly opened the door of his car, huffing as she stepped out. Frank did the same but instead of lighting a cigarette, he instead walked to her, arms crossed. - Even if I was interested in Jack, I wouldn’t owe an explanation. You, out of all people who is constantly screwing around. 
   - Just asking, sweetheart. No need to get worked out over it. 
   - If it bothers you so much at least admit it, Frank. Don’t sulk about it like a school boy. - she took a step forward, heel clicking against the worn out asphalt of the ground.
   - You’re my baby sister’s friend, I couldn’t care less.  
   - Seems like you’re awfully interested, Frank.
   - You wish I was. - he put his hand on his pocket to fish for his cigarette pack along with his lighter. - Is that why you were flirting with Jack?
   - You know what ... - she dropped her purse to the ground, hands coming to grab his face as her lips collided with his for the first time since Christmas. The kiss went on for a while, lasting substantially longer than she had intended.
Y/N tested the waters plenty of times by pulling away slowly but, much to her surprise, Frank took a step forward each time with a smirk against his lips as he slowly pushed her against the side of his car. She thought it would last forever or at least until one of them lost breath. That someone proved to be Frank, who pulled away, a very large stretched grin across his wet chapped lips as he stared down at her, her eyes staring right back.
    - Hey! - a bright light shined their way, interrupting the moment. She looked in the direction seeing one of the campus security guard with a flashlight in hand. - No funny business on campus grounds. 
    - Sorry. - she mumbled as the guard went his merry way. Her eyes settled back on Frank. - I should go back to my flat. 
    - I’ll walk with you.
    - No. - she raised her hand. - You can go back, I know the way. 
    - Y/N ... wait. - he rushed after her. - I know you don’t wanna talk about it but I don’t flirt with you just because you’re my sister’s friend. 
    - It’s really not the point, Frank. I know the type of man you are and I know exactly how you act. I should probably know better but I don’t and I’m a few cups in of cheap wine so my judgement is clouded. 
    - Listen, maybe when your judgment isn’t so clouded, we can discuss this.
    - Sure, Frank. - she sighed, tired and wanting to go into a hole and scream at herself. What was wrong with her? God, this was worse than when she had a crush on the neighbour’s son. Why would she kiss him? Out of everyone? Was she feeling way too thankful for him being her weird white knight, she did not know, all she knew is that she needed to leave his sight, fast. - Good night. 
    - Night, Ace. 
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AU: Helloooo how are you all ? I hope you’re all doing fine and that you’re safe. I haven’t posted anything for a quite long time, sorry, collège is stealing my time ahah. Here is one fanfic I wrote on a break at college! Hope you’ll like it!
Summary: Sam is so done to be stuck in the middle of his brother and his angel’s constant flirting. This has to end, he has a devious plan to make them both confess their feelings.
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A devious plan (Destiel)
That day, Sam Winchester had enough. The sexual tension between his stupid brother and his stubborn Angel was becoming unbearable. Yet, neither of them had the guts to admit their feelings.
Sam was powerless in this exhausting situation. He was always in the middle of those two, and every time it was like he was caught up in a couple fight. It was enough! Today he’ll break this infernal spiral because it was Toxic and heartbreaking for the three of them.
The younger brother had conceived a whole plan in his head, a truly devious plan. Since his brother was too proud to admit that he really liked Castiel, Sam will make him spit the truth by force. He’ll make him believe that he’s interested in the Angel to drive him mad until Dean loses it. Sam will play dumb like he had no idea of their feelings. That was gonna be a sweet revenge for Sam.
He will teach both of them a lesson they will be force to learn and that they will remember for sure.
They were on a vamp nest case today. Some kids went missing and people reported strange sounds coming from the street. A woman even claimed she saw a man covered in blood yesterday. Of course, the first question Sam asked her was pretty obvious.
« Miss Pratt, why didn’t you call the police yesterday then? When you saw that woman? »
As usual, Sam was staring at the potential suspect with his piercing eyes. It was like he knew everything you might possibly tell him and therefore, he was only testing you. He could either make you freak out so bad that you needed to confess right away or make you weak in the knee. I must say that either way you ended up telling him everything he needed. This was how Sam Winchester worked.
In this precise case, the woman seemed to have been the victim of the second option. She was staring back at Sam intently with shiny blue eyes. She was pretty good looking even considering the recent events which were noticeable due to the bags under her eyes. She was about Sam’s age and the hunter decided he would take advantage of the situation. He wanted her to hit on him in front of his brother so that he could nicely turn her advances down. That will definitely catch Dean’s attention.
« I guess I was scared, and I wasn’t sure of what I saw, what I think I saw. I thought nobody would have believed me. But now I realize that I should have called the police. I’m sorry. » she answered with a shaking voice.
« It’s okay, as long as you’re telling us the truth now. Was there anything weird on that woman ? Except the blood of course. Any detail could be important. »
She hesitated for a moment and then she started to talk again with an uncertain look.
« I’m not sure, but ... »
« You can tell us, me anything Aria. We will believe you. » Sam added with a little smile.
« I might be crazy but I think she had fangs, like vampire fangs »
« You’re not crazy, thank you for your time. »
Sam leaned forward to pick his phone that « accidentally » felled from his pocket and « inadvertently » knocked the cup of coffee on his way up. The cup shattered on the wooden floor and the brown liquid spread everywhere. Of course, Sam pretended it was an accident and Dean mocked his little brother for being the trouble maker for once.
« Oh my god! I’m really sorry miss Pratt, can I help you clean this mess? » Sam asked with little concern in his voice.
The woman, -whose name was Aria- had a quicker reaction than Sam and caught a napkin on the table before he could.
« Oh no no don’t worry! It happens! » She answered.
When she bent herself in front of Sam -which, Sam was certain, she did on purpose- Dean winked at his brother.
« Come on dude, don’t you see the signs? That woman is blinking like a traffic light.» Dean whispered
Sam couldn’t help a little chuckle from his throat. He couldn’t get enough of his brother and his constant sex allusions which, by the way, didn’t make any sense sometimes. The woman interrupted his train Of thoughts as she got up.
« I would have offered you another cup but, I’m afraid I’m running out of coffee. » she made a small pause as if she was scared of her next words. « But, if you like, I can offer you one » she almost whispered.
This was exactly what Sam wanted to happen. Everything was just perfect for now.
« Oh! I’m sorry but I have to refuse. It would have been a pleasure but I need to focus on the case right now. »
If Sam hurt her feelings nobody would have known.
« Right, of course. Good luck to you gentlemen. »
She then, gently directed us towards the way out and the second Sam crossed the door Dean went completely hysterical.
« What the hell Sammy? This woman wanted you and you refused? Have you seen her? We don’t have any research to do we both know that it’s a vampire nest that we’re looking for. »
Dean almost yelled.
« Yeah so? She was hot but not my type. » Sam said whilst trying to look enigmatic.
« Not your type? Are you sick Sammy? Is there anything I need to know ‘bout you ? » he said with a truly concerned tone.
« No I’m not sick Dean. I’m just not in the mood. Besides, I have someone on my mind and I can’t do that. »
There, Sam said it and Dean was now staring at him with wide eyes.
« WHAT? Who is she Sammy? Another crazy ass bitch like Ruby? » he screamed
« That was low Dean. He’s not crazy, he’s different. »
Dean stopped in the side of the road.
« A he ? You’re thinking about a he ? You’re gay? »
Dean was so surprised that it looked like his eyes would just pop out of his head.
« I’m not gay, I’m pan. »
« What is pan ? » dean asked suspiciously
« It means that I do not care about the genre of the person. I only care about the person and his or her mentality. »
« Well, okay. Who is he then ? »
« I’m not sure if I should tell you. » Sam said playing dramatic.
« Oh come on Sam! I’m your brother. Tell me. » Dean was starting to to be annoyed. Perfect.
« Okay I’ll tell you but you can’t tell anyone. »
Sam suddenly felt like a teenage boy again and he was dying of amusement inside. Dean made no answer but it was pretty clear with the look on his face that he wanted Sam to continue.
« Ok, it’s Cas. »
For a minute I though that Dean had an attack. When he finally moved again I could see a very weird expression on his face. My revelation hurt him because he finally realized that Cas was not to take for granted. As long as their relation was blurry anything could happen. If someone had the guts to make a declaration to the Angel and that the Angel accepted it Dean would be left aside. He’ll end up blaming himself because he left the only good thing in his life.
« I like him, like, really really like him. I think I might be in love with him. » Sam added.
« No you’re not. You’re definitely not In love with Cas. » Dean reacted.
« What do you mean I’m not in love your Cas? I just told you I am! And I’m gonna ask him out today. »
Dean got out of the car and slammed baby’s door. Sam followed.
« What’s wrong with you Dean ? Dammit get over yourself you can’t stand that I like an other man ? Really ? »
« No Sammy it has nothing to do with you. You can like anyone but not Cas. »
« But why ? Why not Cas ? » Sam asked again
« Because Cas is mine okay! You can’t be in love with Cas and ask him out because I do ! I won’t watch my brother kiss the man I am so desperately in love with! » Dean finally shouted.
The plan had worked. Dean had confessed his love for the Angel.
« Of course you are, and of course I’m not Dean. »
When Dean understood the meaning to that he started to cry and I thought he was about to kick my ass.
« Why did you ... why would you do this? »
« Trust me I’m helping you right now Dean. Turn around. »
Cas was there. He showed up minutes ago when he heard his name being said again and again as we were fighting. He needed to hear this too.
« You like me ? » Cas asked
« Of course I love you stupid Angel. Don’t you dare like someone else. »
« How could I ever? I love you too Dean. I thought it was pretty obvious when I saved you all those times. I even abandoned heaven and God for you, only for you. »
And so the story ends, the beautiful story of how Sam Winchester help the two men in his life to get together. We always knew you were such a fangirl Sam.
Please let me know what you think about this story and support me on Archiveofourown ❤️ my username is « ClaireMcKenzieFraser »
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
No More Promises
Genre: Mafia/Neo Tech AU
Warning: Fire, Nightmares, Fainting, Panic, Kidnapping
Words: 3.6K
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Epilogue
Prompt: Donghyuck had spent all his life on the streets, over the years making a family out of other random strays he came across. He did his best to look after them, that is until Mark came into his life. The boy was like a gift, being able to provide and look after all of them. It was wonderful, at first anyway. Things quickly got complicated as Mark got involved in all kinds of dangerous things in order to keep a promise, one of many promises. This eventually tore them apart, Hyuck’s little family leaving Mark in the wind after another broken promise. They did the best they could on their own, that is until Mark finds his way back into their life. He made another promise, to someone who would absolutely make sure he kept it.
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    Haechan sat quietly when the conversation took place. It was unbelievable when he first heard it, so of course the others didn’t take it seriously. That is until they realized Haechan wasn’t joking along with them.
“Really? Like…” Jisung fumbled with his words. “Superhero superpowers?”
“It depends.” Ten corrected. “Your gifts are very unique, and not all are really meant for fighting crime, if you know what I mean.”
“Chenle can create fire, sounds like the human torch.”
“I suppose you’re right, but we’ll see what you get. Chenle is already being quarantined, for everyone’s safety. The rest of you need to be too.”
“You want us to leave, Haechan?” Jeno questioned. “Alone?”
“Temporarily. While your powers develop you could wind up hurting yourself or each other. All the recent fires in the dorm were because of Chenle.”
“How long will we be away for?” Jaemin asked. “A few days?”
“It’ll depend on your powers, and how long it will take you to manage them. Haechan’s powers aren’t so dangerous, so quarantine isn’t necessary. We’ll have to wait and see.”
“And you don’t know what we’ll get?”
“No, it’s quite random really. Hendery’s research couldn’t really find any correlation between the individual and their powers.”
“But why…” Renjun began. “Did you give us powers? We didn’t ask and-”
“I did.” Haechan spoke up. “They told me about it… as a sign of trust and… offered it… I thought it’d be best… that way you’d all be better off… I could never give you much… but something like this… it’d feel more like our lives had meaning… and we weren’t just thrown away… I should have said something before but I wasn’t so sure you’d believe, and I wanted to make sure it was safe… it’s why I did it…”
“Is this why you were sick for so long?” Jisung asked.
“Yeah. It was just a minor side effect.”
“Precisely.” Ten added. “It’s a major change in your own genetic make up, but as you can see, we’re all fine, even Haechan and Chenle.”
“You don’t have to do this… it’s just something I thought… I could do for you…”
“Haechan.” Jeno sat down next to him. “You should have told us about this before, before you went off and gave yourself powers.”
“Yeah.” Jaemin exclaimed. “How dare you be cool first.”
“I’m not cool.” Haechan laughed. “I don’t see how.”
“Having powers automatically makes you cool.”
“What can you do?” Renjun asked, looking at Ten. “What’s your power?”
“Similar to Haechan.”
“I’ll be fine.” Haechan assured. “I can be alone for a while. I just want you guys to be okay.”
    It was quiet for a while, but slowly, one by one, they agreed. Haechan was glad, knowing he was lying to them about certain things hurt, but things were out of his hand now, so all he could do was hope things would work out. The sooner they were quarantined the better, so Haechan assured them everything would be alright, and that they’d be okay. That was the start of a week of isolation.
    It’s been years since Haechan’s been alone, and he couldn’t really get used to it. Everyday he’d wake up to silence, and just have himself to worry about. Despite what was said, he didn��t really need much training. All he had to do was watch his words, and Ten gave him some gloves, in case he wanted to have an extra precaution. He didn’t wear them at first, but ultimately decided he should. It was best to get used to it now, before he was surrounded by people again.
    There were moments when he got really worried about them, but had to remind himself that they were safe, and they were probably having fun. He didn’t really know what to do with himself while he was alone. Back then he always had something to do, whether it was cook, or clean, or get groceries, or fix their clothes. They kept him busy, they gave him meaning, but without them, he didn’t really know who he was. When Ten would come by he’d ask about them, and he was always told they were doing well, and missed him too. He still had to be patient though until they were in a better place to be seen.
    A little over a week passed before he could see them. Even though it was what he had been waiting for he was a bit nervous. Surely they’ve changed some, and he wasn’t sure what to expect from any of them. They had gotten a good handle of their powers, but still needed to be contained for their own safety, so Haechan found himself in a new place of the building. He was nervous and excited all at once, but he just wanted to see his boys more than everything.
    Chenle ran to his hyung and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tight. The moment was short cause as soon as Chenle remembered his powers he jumped away.
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“Huh? No, no I’m fine. Aren’t you supposed to be better with your powers?”
“Well… yeah, but if I get too excited, I might cause a fire.”
“I’m fine, what about you though?”
“Good, it’s actually been fun.”
“Who’s been helping you?”
“Taeil’s been around, but YangYang and Lucas have been a big help.”
“That’s good, so you’re more confident.”
“Yeah, check this out.” Chenle created a fireball. “I’m still trying to figure out how to throw it accurately.”
“That’s pretty cool. I’m impressed.”
“I know I can do better, maybe like an actual fire bender one day.”
“Oh, now that’d be awesome.”
“What about you, I know you’ve been alone, do you miss us?”
“Nope, finally got time to myself. It’s long overdue.”
“Kidding, I’ve missed you all. Have you seen the others?”
“A bit, we can’t really hang out just yet.”
“Any idea when?”
“Not sure. We’ve all got different powers, so we go at different paces.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“What about you? And your powers?”
“Ah, I just need gloves so I don’t accidentally use my powers on people.”
“Are you poison to the touch?”
“No, mind control, I used it on you accidentally…”
“You did?”
“When you were freaking out in the kitchen.”
“Oh, that explains a lot.”
“It wasn’t weird, was it?”
“No… I just… felt like you were right, so it was easy to do what you said.”
“Okay, still, I never wanna do that again to you, or the others.”
“I’m sure you won’t, but those gloves should be fashionable.”
“Just saying.”
    Haechan spent some time with Chenle, before going to check on each one. He didn’t like the rooms they were in, how plain they were, and lonely. For Chenle he could understand the seclusion given the potential fire risk he is. The rest, not so much, but it depended on what they could do, and how they were taking it. Given Jisung’s abilities, he was mostly worried about the youngest. He knocked on the door and let himself in. Jisung was curled up in bed, hiding under the covers, and for a moment he thought the boy was still asleep.
“Yeah, how are you? I’ve-”
“Don’t come closer.”
“Just… just stay over there.”
“Jisung, are you okay?”
“Please… I don’t want to hurt you…”
“How could you hurt me?”
“I can’t… I can’t really control it yet…”
“That’s okay. I just wanted to check in on you.”
    Despite the warning Haechan approached and sat next to the bed. Jisung’s concern was clear in his voice, but Haechan wanted him to know that he wasn’t scared of him.
“Have you been eating well?”
“Good. When you come back to the dorm I’ll make you something delicious.”
“I will. Now, what power is this that’s got you so scared? You’re not hurting yourself are you?”
“No… Ten said I cause hallucinations… but not the good kind…”
“Oh, I guess I can never take you to a haunted house now.”
Jisung chuckled. “I guess not.”
“You’re okay right? You’re not hiding some weird mutation? You didn’t lose all your hair did you.”
“No. I’m fine, I swear.”
“You better be, don’t want to see you in a wig later.”
“I won’t.”
“But I gotta be sure.”
    Haechan shot up and yanked the blanket down, revealing Jisung’s face. The boy screamed and flailed around, trying to hide.
“I told you I was fine!”
“Just had to make sure. I gotta go see the others. I’ll stop by and visit again soon.”
“Okay. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I was going to say the same thing.”
    Haechan stepped out, waving at Jisung. He was glad he was okay, and not too shaken up. When he got out into the hall he found himself alone. Ten had been with him, but something must have come up.
“It’s always Haechan this, Haechan that, when was the last time they did something for you?”
    Haechan whipped around to see himself down the hall, leaning against the wall.
“When was the last time you had a break?”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t what? Remember? Life used to be so much easier with Mark around. Then again, he’s also the reason this whole mess happened.”
“Shut up!”
“You know when the last time you were happy was too?”
“I said shut-”
“The day before Mark left you.”
“Let’s talk about Mark. Like the fact you’ve missed-”
    The boy turned around, being met with an unfamiliar face. He did quickly look back but his double was gone. He rubbed his eyes, making sure.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Ah… yeah, fine. Sorry, we haven’t met yet.”
“Right, I’m Taeil.”
“Oh, you’re Taeil? The one whose power is… taking everyone’s away? How does that work?”
“Just like you said for the most part. No one has an advantage against me. Ten told me to be here with you, in case the others accidentally do something. You’re not hurt are you?”
“Me? No, I’m fine. I was just about to check on Jaemin.”
“Ah, of course. He’s over here. I’ll be outside, call if you need anything.”
    As soon as Haechan walked in he was tightly embraced. He laughed, and then starting hitting Jaemin as he began to squeeze too tightly.
“It hurts.”
“I just missed you so much.” Jaemin let go. “It feels like forever.”
“Well I’m glad you missed me, it makes one of us.”
“What? You didn’t miss me?”
“Not even a little?”
“You’re lying.”
“Am no.”
“You so are! What else can you do but miss me?”
“I can do all kinds of things. Picked up one of your games, beat your high score too.”
“No you did not!”
“Yes I did. You better hurry up and come back then.”
“I cannot believe you.”
“What else was I gonna do? It’s so quiet and lonely up there.”
“So you did miss me?”
“Of course I did, who do you think I am?”
“Haechan.” Jaemin hugged him again. “I’ll join you up there real soon, I almost got this power thing figured out.”
“Yeah? And what can you do?”
“Oh, check this out.”
    Jaemin grabbed the pillow off his bed. After a moment it began floating up in the air as if it was a balloon. Haechan watched in awe.
“You can make things levitate?”
“Not exactly. I was told it was more about messing with the gravitational pull of objects that I touch.”
“Oh, that’s cool. Can you bring it down?”
“I figured out how to make things pretty weightless but… I don’t know how to return them to normal…”
“There are a lot of things stuck in the ceiling of the training room.”
“Wait, so could you make something really heavy?”
“Yeah… I think.”
Haechan chuckled. “You’re doing well though, I’m proud.”
“Aish, you’re embarrassing me.”
“To who? It’s just us.”
“But they’re always listening… just in case…”
“They’ve been treating you well right? Who’s training you?”
“Yuta’s been around, he has telekinesis, and Taeil, but he’s around for all of us.”
“Yeah, renders everyone’s powers useless.”
“It’s a good thing, like an emergency brake.”
“He brings me great relief that you won’t hurt yourselves.”
“Chenle’s the only one who could really hurt himself.”
“So you do see each other?”
“A few times in training.”
“Good, I was worried you’ve been alone with strangers.”
“Nah. They’re treating us well.”
“That’s good, I was gonna beat them up if I had too.”
“Yeah right, you can’t take them.”
“I could.”
“Nah, I’ve seen them fight each other, you can’t. Maybe Mark, but not you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t…”
“You’re fine, I’m just glad you’re all okay.”
“Yeah… say hi to Renjun and Jeno for me… we haven’t seen them much.”
“It’s their choice, but still.”
“I will. Behave yourself.”
“I know. It was good seeing you.”
    They shared another hug before Haechan excused himself. Taeil gave him a smile but continued playing games on his phone. Given the little warning on the other too, he was very eager to see the others. He knocked on Renjun’s door and walked in. The boy was sitting in bed, reading a book.
“Hey, long time no see.”
“Hi.” Ren didn’t look up. “Are you okay?”
“I was just about to ask you the same thing… are you gonna look at me? I dyed my hair.”
“You didn’t.”
“How would you know?”
“Sorry.” Renjun took a breath and closed his book, laying down. “It’s best I don’t look at you.”
“Why? You sound like Jisung all of a sudden.”
“Just a precaution, I forgot my glasses in the training room.”
“Glasses? Do you have laser eyes?”
    Haechan sat down on the bed, keeping his back to Renjun and looking at the wall. He reached his hand over, looking for Renjun’s. The boy noticed and scoffed, reaching over and holding his hand.
“So I can’t see your eyes anymore?”
“Not right now…”
“Why? You a vampire and gonna drink my blood?”
“No… I just don’t want to make a mistake.”
“What kinda mistake?”
“I… I can make you forget something…”
“Like amnesia?”
“Yeah… I made Kun forget his name… I couldn’t fix it… I think he’s okay now but still… I could do worse…”
“Wow, you can get away with anything now can’t you?”
“It’s not funny.”
“I didn’t say it was, just thinking of your future… so you have special glasses?”
“Yeah, as long as I don’t make direct eye contact I can’t… do things…”
“But you’re learning, right?”
“Bit by bit…”
“Then close your eyes cause I want to see your face.”
“Aish, no.” Ren pulled his hand away. “You can see me later.”
“But I’m here now.”
“Then you can wait longer.”
“But Renjun!”
“Ya, let it go. Are the others okay?”
“Yes, everyone’s learning. I’m proud of all of you, but…”
“Did I do the wrong thing?”
“Letting you guys… get powers… you’re all isolated and… scared…”
“And you’re the only one who gets to have them? Jaemin and Chenle seem fine though, maybe it’s the rest of us who are scared. I don’t regret it… I’ll be fine one day, and we can all be super special together.”
“Okay. I’m glad.”
“Go see the others, unless I’m the last.”
“I gotta check in on Jeno.”
“Good, tell him to stop being a loner.”
“I will. Don’t be too hard on yourself, okay?”
    Haechan laid down to hug Renjun, keeping his eyes closed. He hugged him tight and headed out. It was obvious where Jeno was, so he just walked across the hall. After knocking he let himself in.
    There was no response and he walked in. He could see Jeno lying in bed and approached cautiously. He shook him, but it seemed the boy was deep in sleep. Haechan smiled at him.
“Jeno… Jeno, wake up… I wanna see your stupid face.”
    He continued shaking Jeno until he woke up. He seemed disoriented until his eyes met Haechan. He jumped out of bed and pulled the boy into a tight hug.
“Ah, Jeno… that’s tight.”
“It’s really you… you’re here right…”
“Yes, yes it’s me, Jeno. Have you missed me that much?”
“You have no idea…”
“I was just up in the dorm. If you wanted to see me you should have told the others.”
“You can’t leave us.”
“Huh? Why would I do that?”
“Please don’t leave… no matter what…”
“Jeno? What are you talking about?”
    Jeno pulled away and smiled at Haechan before collapsing in his arms. Haechan was so caught off guard he ended up collapsing to the floor with an unconscious Jeno. He screamed for help and Taeil came in, seeing the two and being told what happened. He rushed away to get the others while Haechan tried to wake Jeno. It was now that he noticed how pale the other was, the sweat that had built up.
    When the others came they took Jeno from him, taking him to the infirmary. They asked what happened but there wasn’t much to tell, he just collapsed. Haechan went back to the dorm, having to impatiently wait for an update on Jeno’s condition. He hoped the other boys weren’t told, they didn’t need to worry if Jeno wasn’t in serious condition. Eventually he got the news that the boy was fine, just exhausted, probably from training. It was a relief to hear.
    Even if things got cut short at the end he was glad he got to see them all. He had been getting so worried he was gonna beg to see them. They were all better now, so surely he’d get to see them more often. He wanted to see them in action and see if they were getting along. That was the goal, but without seeing them all together, he could only wonder if they really were building friendships. At least for the night he could rest easy.
    That was the idea, but hours into his sleep, Haechan was suddenly grabbed and dragged out of bed. A bag was put over his head, and he could hear the elevator. He screamed and demanded an answer for this, very confused since they were supposed to be getting along. No one spoke to him, so eventually he just shut up and waited. Eventually he was forced into a chair and left. He waited a while, expecting some random interrogation, but he seemed to be alone. He took the bag off his head, only to discover he wasn’t actually alone.
“So… what brings you here?”
    Haechan glared daggers at Mark. The boy got the message and kept quiet, averting his gaze. Haechan got up and tried the door, but it was locked. He banged his fist on it loudly, demanding to be let out, but there was no response. He looked around the room and found a camera in the room. He waved at it and shouted but he got nothing. He collapsed to the floor in frustration, refusing to look at the other.
“I don’t think they’re coming…”
“Who told you to talk?!”
“I’m just… they’re not gonna come.”
“How would you know?”
“Cause… they said they wanted to talk… and put me here… then you were brought in…”
“I think… they want us to talk…”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“I do…”
“I don’t care. So shut up, and stop looking at me!”
“Don’t call me that! Don’t ever fucken call me that! You don’t get to talk to me!”
“What are you gonna do? Shut me up forever?”
“Oh I fucken can!”
    Haechan shot up and lunged for Mark, but the boys’ reflexes were far better than before. He quickly dodged, and pinned Haechan against the table. Although he quickly freaked out and apologized, stepping back.
“Please, can we just talk?”
“I don’t wanna hear it! So shut up!”
“Didn’t they tell you I have mind control powers? I can make you eat your own tongue right now?”
“You can what?”
“Oh, right, they still don’t trust you cause you’re so fucken stubborn and bull headed! You don’t even know you have powers!”
“I have powers? Like the others? And you?”
“See, useless.”
“How do I not know…”
“Forget it. Give me your hand so I can shut you up.
“I said-”
    When Haechan tried to reach for him, Mark moved away, starting to run from the other boy. They began a little chase in the small room.
“Wait, wait, wait!”
“Let’s talk.”
“I said I don’t want to!”
“But this is our chance.”
“You can make me do anything right? So you can ask me anything and I’ll tell the truth… no matter what it is.”
“I don’t care what you say.”
“That’s not true… there’s gotta be something you wanna know…”
“I don’t.”
“Okay… fine… we’ll do it your way.”
    Mark approached Haechan, and took his hands in his. He watched as he intertwined their fingers together. For a moment he could just appreciate the touch, and remember the past.
“Do what you want with me… I know I deserve it.”
    For the first time in a long time Haechan locked eyes with Mark. He never wanted to look at them again, never wanted to feel so vulnerable again, but those stupid brown eyes, they were still the same after all this time, they still looked at him the same way. Haechan’s gaze fell to their hands, also reminiscing in the past. He took a breath and closed his eyes, knowing what he was going to say next.
“Tell me the truth… why did you leave that night?”
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
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*Tom Hiddleston x reader*
Words: 7.1k
Warnings: none (minor mention of blood)
Summary: You're an aspiring actress who has landed a minor role in the newest Marvel production. What could possibly go wrong in a scene including you, Tom and a real golden dagger? Maybe what seems like one giant mistake to you is all it takes to change your life forever. And definitely not in the way you anticipated.
Request: by @lady-of-lies , you definitely get some villain vibes here, dear 😁💗 hope you like it even though I changed some stuff 🙈
Also check out my Masterlist!
"You have no idea who you are up against… I'm a god!" He roared, black hair tickling his neck as he dodged a sharp shred of reality-shaking energy. The young woman in front of him stared right into his soul with her incredibly piercing eyes as she strode closer with a threatening elegance that made him shudder as he stumbled backwards.
"It is the gods who created mortals, and who taught them how to fear. I am who created the gods." Her velvet voice wrapped around his senses as he tripped over a helmet lying on the blood soaked battlefield. He fell backwards, landing first on his butt and then on his back, seeing stars once his head hit the hard ground a little too forcefully for his own good. A brief glimmer of irritation flashed through her eyes, but passed as quickly as it had appeared.
Just as he was about to scramble back onto his feet, she had closed the distance between them and he knew it was over now. It was done, there was nothing he could do but stare up at her with wide, frightened eyes.
In a slowness that bordered on torture, she drew a golden dagger from beneath her bloodied garments, taking her time as she sat down on his torso to keep him pinned to the ground. Not that he could've moved anyway… it was as if she had bewitched him, caught him in the trap that was her beauty, only to finally grand him the honor to find his master at her own hands.
The heavy, sleek metal of her dagger met the heated skin of his neck as she softly drew the blade along his throat, with too little pressure to cause serious harm and yet with too much to leave the skin unharmed. She let out a sigh, a moan that lay on the thin line between alluring and insane, tracing the thin bloody line she had left on his throat with one single finger.
His chest rose and fell faster than the seconds that passed as he couldn't help but watch her, parted lips, breathing in the lethal aura of danger that radiated off her like the sweetest perfume.
His heart skipped a beat as she lifted her fingers to her lips, licking his dark crimson blood off her fingertips as her eyes remained fixed on his. Maybe the line between alluring and insane was even more narrow than he had known…
The dagger lay heavy against his throat yet again, and he closed his eyes with a wicked grin of his own. "Do it, darling… I am ready to meet my creator."
He didn't see it, but heard it clear as day, as night in your sweet and gentle voice, the same grin, the same twisted sense of humor. "Oh, but sweet god of mine… You already have."
"Cut!" A loud voice bellowed through the open air of the current set, followed by an overwhelming silence that was nerve wrecking in its depth. Then a sheer incredible amount of people erupted in chattering and talking. Bright lights came into focus, white reflective screens, fuzzy microphones…
You let out a shivering breath, closing your eyes for a second. That… had been more intense than expected, deeper, more difficult to come back from. Then you gazed down at Tom, your scene partner on whose chest you were still sitting, as he looked at you like a deer in the headlights. A deep blush came onto your cheeks immediately as you moved off his torso as quickly as possible, standing next to his large frame on the ground in awkward silence.
After a second of being overwhelmed by the intensity of the previous scene, you finally offered him a hand to get up, which he took reluctantly at first, but then with certainty. God, that Loki costume was heavy as hell… and Tom was too freaking tall.
After helping him onto his feet, you looked at his overwhelmingly handsome yet stunned face for a second longer, then quickly down to your feet. Slowly you came back to your right mind, becoming Y/n once more instead of your nameless character in the movie.
You'd clearly overdone it with the scene, you realized that only now… oh gosh, you'd literally hurt him! Physically cut his real skin with that stupid dagger! Who on earth had deemed it a good idea to give you a real fucking dagger?! Oh no… you'd actually hurt Tom! The cut on his throat was still bleeding a tiny bit, and your lips parted in shock at what you had done. This was your first major movie, and even though you only played a minor character that literally had only this one appearance, you had managed to screw up even that and cut a fellow actor with a dagger. Tom, of all people! The main character of this movie, and the sweetest human being in existence. Going by the unusually loud chattering around you, you had severely screwed up. Did Tom even know your name…? There were so many minor roles in this movie, so many extras… He would need your name in order to make an official complaint.
Your eyes snapped back up to meet his wide ones as your mouth opened and closed a few times, no sound coming out.
"I… I'm so sorry!" You finally breathed as tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks in small rivers. Then a swarm of assistants came rushing to his side, tending both to his costume and the small wound you had caused. Everyone was ignoring you for now, everyone but Tom, whose eyes were still fixed on yours intently. You opened your mouth to say something, to apologize over and over again, but by the time your mind had caught on, someone had taken a hold of your arm and dragged you off the current set, and out of Tom's earshot.
"I'm so sorry!" You rambled over and over again, not allowing yourself to cry just yet. "I'm so incredibly sorry! Please, let me talk to Tom… Or at least let me do the scene again, I promise I won't screw up this time!"
Yet, the middle aged assistant remained in silent indifference as he accompanied you to the costume department to get your garments and makeup removed. Only once the two of you reached his destination, he turned around to you once more with a sigh in resignation. "Your job is done, Miss L/n."
"What?" You frowned in irritation as your head spun a million miles a minute. "Am… am I getting kicked out?"
"The director said we're moving on to the next scene while we still have Mr. Hiddleston on set. He asked you to please wait here until further notice." The man looked at you so neutrally that you wondered if he had even been around to witness your disaster of a scene. At least he didn't seem to judge… but your own mind was doing enough of that already for a good dozen of people. Without another word he turned on his heels and headed back to where you had come from, while you tried your best to keep from crying as you stepped into the department.
Honestly, you didn't even care much for the three women working to turn you back into yourself, nor for their attempts at aimless chattering. Your mind was stuck trying to analyze what had happened, when things had taken a turn for the worse… how you could've gone THAT much into character to even turn the simplest scene into… whatever it had become now.
Probably because of Tom. Acting with him was like stepping into an entirely different world where being someone else was so incredibly easy… and being yourself was the hardest thing in existence. Not because you were scared of him, or insecure about yourself, but because you hadn't even spoken to the man in question up until two minutes before your scene. And you probably wouldn't be able to talk to him again, to apologize for what you had done… It wasn't like the extras got to spend a lot of time with the main cast anyhow, but now that you'd hurt him they probably would make sure to not let you close to him ever again.
Gosh, you'd screwed up big time. Nobody would ever give you a role again if the industry got notice of your failure here… Your career would be over before it had even started properly. Maybe your only defense was that they didn't prepare you in acting school, for the overwhelming package that was Tom. That was the poorest excuse ever, and just thinking about him brought a blush onto your cheeks and tears to your eyes. You just wanted to talk to him… to apologize a million times and maybe even get some advice on how to improve your acting so that this wouldn't happen again.
Once you had changed back into your own clothes, once you were ready to leave the role and this movie behind for good, the door was opened and another assistant stuck her head inside. "Is someone called Y/n here?"
"Yeah..." You almost yelled towards her from the other end of the huge hall, wondering just how many people were working on this set. Probably hundreds, at the same time. But this woman was younger than most others, closer to your own age, you saw that as you made your way towards her.
She looked at you with a bright smile. "Wow, YOU are Y/n? I could've guessed… You look all different without your costume and makeup… less scary!"
"Thanks, I guess..." You snorted as you packed up the few belongings you'd left here earlier this morning.
"Oh no, I meant it as a compliment!" She grinned excitedly, clicking her pen a few times too often. "Your scene was absolutely amazing! I was so scared just watching it from afar… but it was also kinda hot, really, I've never seen something like it! I honestly can't wait to see it on the big screen! I think the whole crew was stunned to silence for a moment back there, you scared the living daylights out of them!!!"
"Really?" You frowned at her deeply while a small blush crept onto your cheeks. "You enjoyed the scene?"
"Of course I did! You're an incredible actress! I feel so honored to work with you, even if only this briefly now." She kept grinning as she skipped on her heels in excitement and you couldn't help but give her a small smile in return. Maybe the scene hadn't looked too bad from the outside, after all, and your only fault was that you'd overstepped your boundaries in terms of both creative freedom and with the thing about the dagger… you still felt most wretched about that.
"You flatter me way too much… I think the producers didn't like that I improvised quite a bit. And I think Tom didn't like that I… cut his throat." You said in a twisted sigh as you nodded towards the makeup crew in acknowledgement before stepping outside, next to the nice assistant. "I'm fairly certain that everyone but you hates me now."
"Unlikely." She grinned even more, if that was even possible. "Mr. Hiddleston asked his assistant to ask you to wait in his trailer."
"You're his assistant?" You blurted out in order to keep your mind from registering the rest of the sentence.
"NO! I mean… no. His assistant asked their assistant, and they asked me to find you and tell you. I'm just a directorial trainee." She shrugged with a smile. "No one important."
"That explains it…" You gave her a half smile, and only continued once she frowned in irritation. "It explains why you're talking to me. Everyone else seems to be too important to be bothered with such a minority that is me."
"I'm sure that's not true…" She gave you another encouraging smile, and you found yourself really liking her indeed. Too bad you wouldn't be seeing her again.
"What's your name?" You asked out of sincere curiosity. Maybe once you'd been officially kicked out, you could at least bribe someone on set to get her contact info so you could buy her coffee sometime. For being nice to you, and for making you feel a little better in this moment of despair.
"Oh, I'm Emma." She chuckled. "Basically no one, compared to you guys. Just the girl who's sent to fetch coffee."
"I'm sure you're not no one!" You replied, feeling the odd need to comfort her as well. "Everyone starts out small… Believe me, in no time you'll be a director of your own. I mean at least YOU won't get kicked out for cutting anyone's throat today. You still have an entire career ahead of you! Nobody will want to talk to ME after this..."
"You're too kind, Y/n… For now I can only hope, dream, to move up the career ladder and become some famous actor's personal assistant. And I doubt that you will be fired though. Mr. Hiddleston seems fairly interested in talking to you, once he is done shooting for the day."
"Why?" You asked, a little too slowly for your own liking. While you really wanted to make things right with him, you also couldn't help but wonder why he would want to talk to you, out of all people. He didn't seem like the revenge kinda guy...
"Well, I have no idea. I'm only supposed to accompany you to his trailer now and make sure you have everything you need." She giggled as you followed her through the maze of the trailer city built a little offside the main set. It was still under construction, for this was only the first week of shooting. "Have you talked to him a lot?"
"I haven't talked to him at all outside of the scene." You sighed. "I mean I tried to apologize for what I did, but I didn't get to."
"Looks like you're going to talk to him now. Well, later today." She shrugged again, stopping in front of one of the most plain trailers on the whole ground, unlocking the door and holding it open for you. "He said you're welcome to make yourself at home."
It was odd at first to be alone in Tom's trailer, and you felt like you were severely intruding in his privacy. But he'd asked you to wait here, and you would not disappoint the man you admired so much yet again. Thus you had the smallest look around, eyes lingering longest on the small collection of books he kept stacked in a dainty shelf. With an unyielding curiosity that fought its way to the front of your mind, you picked out the most worn out looking book and flipped it open on the first page as you sat down on the small couch.
You didn't know how much time passed as you were completely absorbed into the story, the scenes and chapters playing out in your head like a movie on its own. It was so captivating that you completed forgot about the messed up scene, about your worries and about where you were, leaving you raw and open only to the world of the book.
Up until the door was ripped open, making you jump badly and drop the book into your lap with a small gasp. With a start everything came rushing back to you, the fear, the anxiety, the guilt, the request for you to wait here... but the person who was currently staring at you in equal confusion was neither blond nor tall. And definitely not informed that you'd been asked to be here.
"Hi." You blurted out in nervousness, staring at the bald man in the doorway.
"Who are you and what are you doing here? Where's Tom?" He rasped with a deep frown, scanning the trailer with his eyes before they basically dug into your forehead.
"Y/n; reading; I have absolutely no idea." You answered quickly, and he seemed fairly irritated at your answer for a second, then his eyes widened in recognition.
"You're the girl from the battle scene! The one everyone's talking about!" He uttered in surprise. "Almost didn't recognize you without all the makeup."
Once more you blushed upon hearing that for the second time of the day. Being recognized by anyone wasn't something that happened to you… You'd only ever been in very small productions after finishing acting school, and even if people like Tom Holland were roughly the same age as you, you were nowhere near as famous. You doubted you'd ever be. But this guy at least seemed to have seen your scene, and you didn't know if being recognized for THAT was really an achievement.
"Uh, yeah…" You finally managed to say, blushing even more. "That's me. Sorry."
"Sorry for what, dear?" He laughed, shaking his head to himself. "I must say… You did scare the crew quite a bit. And you scared poor Tom a very large bit! Didn't see that coming, and neither did he probably."
You opened your mouth to reply, but yet again didn't find the right words to express how sorry you were for scaring Tom, and everyone else. How incredibly sorry you were for hurting him, for changing the scene without talking about it. So you put on the best half smile you could manage and just looked at the man in hopes that he would leave soon.
"And… You're waiting for Tom?" He asked after a moment of awkward silence, leaning in the doorway as if he owned the place. But who were you to judge, reading Tom's books and all… However you didn't like that he was blocking the only exit, it was making you more nervous by the second.
"Yes." You replied in mostly faked certainty, wondering who exactly he was and what he wanted.
"Are you two… well acquainted?" He inquired further and you weren't sure if you were comfortable with where this conversation was headed.
"No, we… we actually haven't talked to each other much on set. Outside of the scene, I mean." You replied nonetheless, playing nervously with the zipper of your hoodie.
"So… You're not dating or anything? Good… I mean, uhm… Because whew, that scene you put on back there was pretty hot." He shrugged with a nervous laugh. "You… you played the little tease really well."
"I didn't play a tease, I played a goddess." You replied earnestly, giving him a deep frown. "I take my characters very seriously, and you might consider doing the same."
A deep crimson colored his cheeks a short moment later and he looked to the ground, then back at you with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I… I didn't mean to insult you. I was just honestly surprised that someone so young could have such an intense energy on stage."
"I will take that as a compliment, so thank you." You replied politely and returned a small smile. Maybe he was odd, but politeness was just one of the things you had trained yourself to show in any situation, no matter what. In the end, kindness always pays off.
After another short moment of uncomfortable silence, exchanged glances in awkwardness, you picked up the book in your lap once more and the man started pacing back and forth outside, in front of the trailer. The cold wind that blew through the open door chilled you in an uncomfortable way, covering your skin in goosebumps as you tried reading the words on the page… But you couldn't focus with that guy walking up and down outside the door. So your thoughts went back to Tom, to the scene… You wondered if the cut had stopped bleeding by now.
However you didn't get to dwell on these thoughts, or on the cruel emotions that followed, as the velvet voice of none other than Tom rang out to your ears. Immediately your head snapped towards the door, but you could see neither him nor the man who'd been waiting here for his arrival. But you could hear them talking about something you didn't quite understand.
"What are you doing here, Jerry?" That was Tom… So Jerry was the name of the odd chap who had been so ineloquent in telling you that he fancied you.
"David sent me… I'm supposed to let you know that your proposition has been thought through and calculated." He said in a hushed voice that clearly told you that you weren't supposed to hear about this. Obviously that made it all the more interesting.
"And? What do they think about the idea?" Tom inquired, and you could practically hear his frown. You smiled… just because he didn't know you, didn't mean you also didn't know him.
"I don't know what exactly the whole thing is about, they said it's under closure until the whole thing is officially through the books, so don't expect me to give you any information about that… but I was told that after 'serious contemplation', your proposal has been deemed appropriate and will be put into action upon your notice." Jerry said in one single breath and you could hear him breathing heavily afterwards. Weird man.
"That is absolutely amazing!" Tom said with such a joy in his voice that you had to smile as well, despite not having any clue as for what he was excited about. But knowing him happy, for whatever reason, made you feel happy yourself.
Jerry whispered something after that, and you couldn't understand anything but your own name. A second later he excused himself, and Tom came into sight as he stepped through the door and closed it behind himself.
You jumped to your feet immediately, hiding the book in your hands behind your back as you looked at him with a slightly worried expression. You had no idea what to expect…
The cut on his throat was still faintly visible, now that he'd taken off his makeup and costume too. You felt your heart sink upon the sight.
"Hello Y/n…" He smiled at you as he closed the door behind himself and moved to stand in front of you. "I'm very sorry for the long wait, and yet glad you waited for me nonetheless."
"I…" You started, lips parting as you looked at him in a search for the right words. He didn't look angry at all, and it irritated you a great deal. "Of course I waited. You asked me to."
"I did indeed. We didn't get the time to chat before, and I wanted to get to know the woman who made my legs shake." He smiled down at you, then peaked over your shoulder. "What do you have there?"
With a small blush you showed him the book you'd almost finished reading by now. Maybe you should've put it back before he had come here…
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snoop at all! But I was waiting for so long, and started reading… and somehow lost track of time." You confessed, still finding nothing but amusement and happiness in his face.
"It's a great read for sure… One of my favorites." He chuckled softly and your racing heart relaxed a little. Why was he being so nice to you after what you'd done to him? "Would you like some tea?"
"What?" You blurted out, completely irritated.
"Tea… You know, dried herbs and boiling water? I'm making tea." He smirked ever so slightly, moving towards the small kitchenette. "Earl grey or green vanilla?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?!" You asked instead of answering his question, for the tension building up within you was just becoming unbearable. "I hurt you, and I ruined the scene… and you want to make me tea like we're friends."
"I surely hope we can get to the point of being friends soon." He leaned his head to the side with the softest smile. "Now, black or green?"
"Green please." You sighed in resignation, sitting back down on the couch as you watched Tom boiling water and setting up two mugs. Only once he placed your cup on the coffee table and then sat down on the couch next to you, you finally dared speaking your mind once more. "Tom, I'm so incredibly sorry… For just everything! For changing the scene without talking about it first, for just letting them drag me off afterwards and especially for hurting you! I still can't believe they gave me an actual dagger! I'm so sorry, I don't know how I could get so carried away… I'm really, sincerely sorry. Does it hurt much?"
"Please, you don't have to be sorry for anything. It doesn't hurt at all, don't worry. I've had far worse accidents on set." He offered you a reassuring smile that actually fulfilled its purpose in calming you down. "One time, I had Chris punch me in the face in order to make the scene look real. We had to repeat that a couple times… And it hurt way more than the little scratch I got today."
"So you're not angry with me? Not even slightly upset?" Your eyes widened as they were fixed on his curious ones intently. There really was nothing but genuine curiosity and kindness in his face, and it made your skin crawl.
"You almost sound like you want me to be upset." He chuckled, carefully removing his tea bag from the mug and placing it on a saucer. "But I'm most definitely not. I'll have to wear a scarf or a turtleneck for a couple days, but it's winter after all. I'm all good."
You let out a long and quite shaky breath, closing your eyes for a second. Then you moved to follow his example in removing your tea bag from the steaming water.
"You still seem quite distraught…" He commented after a short moment of silence, without a smile this time, but with honest concern. "Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?"
"Well, I'm honestly glad that I didn't hurt you all too much, and that you're not mad at me… but I still screwed up my only scene in the movie. And I need to get accustomed to the idea of getting kicked out now." You replied honestly, finding it oddly easy to talk to him. Really, it was as if he just radiated some enchanting sense of comfort, a magnetic field you couldn't help but respond to.
"Oh dear, you really do think you messed up our scene, don't you?" He asked in a sigh, giving you another smile that made your cheeks flush and your skin burn up.
"I did think so, yeah… but then I had two people telling me that somehow, I scared the entire crew… And that I scared you." You admitted the last part rather quietly, looking down to the tea in your hands.
"Oh, you definitely scared everyone on set! And you really did scare me as well." He laughed, making you look back up at his face. "It was absolutely amazing. I mean, it doesn't happen every day that the director is perfectly happy with the very first take! Especially not with younger actors. That's maybe the biggest compliment he could've given you… not having us redo the scene. It really speaks volumes about the quality of your acting."
Your eyes widened for a second, then you couldn't help but snort in return. "Yeah, sure…" You laughed in sarcasm. "He probably loved me cutting you open with a dagger and going all psycho on you."
"Well, I loved it for sure." He grinned, taking a sip of his tea in amusement. "As Loki and as Tom. But probably for different reasons."
"You…" You started, but the words stopped on your lips as they just parted in honest surprise. At least you didn't blush yet again, like a silly schoolgirl. "You LIKED what I did with the scene? But… it wasn't scripted or anything. I mean you weren't supposed to trip over that helmet, and I wasn't supposed to even come that close to you. Leave alone actually sit on you… oh god, I actually did that. Well, my character did. I kinda let her take the lead a little too much." You groaned, hiding your face in your hands. "I'm sure you'll laugh at me for preparing such an in-depth character for such a minor role…"
"Do you want me to laugh? Because I most definitely could, but that wouldn't be very sincere at all." Tom still smiled at you so fondly that you were slowly believing him that he really did like your performance indeed. "No, in all seriousness, I think your skill is remarkable. You are an amazing actress, and I loved working with you."
"Thank you. Really, it means a lot to me." You finally allowed yourself to smile back. "It has been such a pleasure to work with you too. I mean, I probably wouldn't have done what I did if I hadn't been comfortable with you."
"Well, I'm honestly glad to hear that." He chuckled softly, looking down to his tea now. "And as for the director and the crew, I think they were immensely impressed with your acting as well. Of course, going off script isn't something most newcomers are expected or appreciated to do, but you just did so remarkably well that I think no one will believe you were new to the art in the first place."
"You flatter me way too much." You smiled at him, feeling truly comfortable and appreciated for the first time today. Well, maybe it was the second time you were appreciated. "It's rather easy to shine in your light."
"Now you're the one doing the flattering." He laughed and finally looked at you again with such a joyous twinkle in his eyes that you started grinning involuntarily. Tom was every bit the man you had thought him to be, and even more than that.
"Just telling the truth…" You shrugged. "You're kind and funny and smart AND talented, and I'm…"
"The perfect match for that." He smiled at you in an almost teasing friendliness that only made you grin even more.
"Too bad we only had one single take together. I'm sure we would've had a good time." You sighed, feeling greatly disappointed now that you had been forced to see your scene in a different light. And getting to know Tom wasn't making it any better, the man was freaking amazing. "But I'm sure you have a great deal of nice extras to drink tea with in the future."
Tom rose an eyebrow at you in amusement as he took another sip of his tea, badly hiding his grin with the mug. You closed your eyes for a second, cringing internally at how wrong that last statement had come out.
"Sorry, that didn't really sound like anything I meant to say at all." You groaned, hitting your head against the backrest behind you in annoyance at yourself. "I only meant to say that I won't be coming back, now that my only scene is done. I'm just silly for being sad about it now."
"You're not silly at all! It's always sad to let a character go, especially if one developed it on their own, like you did. Did your character have a name, by the way?"
"Not in the script, no…"
"I read the script, Y/n… I know that. But I would like to know the name you gave the character."
"Yeah… of course." You sighed at your own stupid mind, rolling your eyes at yourself and making Tom chuckle with the small gesture. Well, at least you were amusing him. "I called her Ivy, in my head."
"That's a great name." He replied softly, finishing his tea a moment later. "Ivy and Loki… flows fairly well, wouldn't you say?"
For rest of the afternoon, Tom and you remained sitting on his couch, drinking tea and talking about the movie, about your character development, your previous works… But once the evening rolled around, you also started talking about Tom's and your interests, your hobbies and preferences, anything that came to your minds. Conversation was so easy between you that once you found yourself wondering why he was even bothering to get to know a random minor actress such as yourself, you actually asked him without hesitation.
"You're really intriguing, Y/n. Special. I would like to be your friend." Was all he answered to that, with the brightest smile. So you just let it go and enjoyed the fact that you got to spend time with him.
Yet, once the early evening had made way for late nighttime, you realized that you might actually have to get going. But leaving now meant quite possibly never seeing Tom again, and the thought left a pretty painful sting in your guts, heart and soul. Well… you shouldn't be surprised. He was a top scale celebrity, and you were at the point where even your relatives forgot your name at times. Friendships spanning over such an enormous social gap were rare, if even possible at all.
Tom seemed just as reluctant to let you go, for you could tell he had been enjoying the conversation, your time together, just as much as you had. But once you had gotten up and walked to the door, put on your jacket and taken your bag, he just stood towering in front of you with a kind smile.
"I really enjoyed today. It was a surreal experience to be here, to be in a scene with you, but a very fun one." You smiled back up at him with a bittersweet feeling in your entire being.
"I did too. Seriously. Maybe we will see more of Ivy in the future, who knows… I will see more of you for sure, if you allow me." He grinned and you rolled your eyes with a small smirk and a nod, making him chuckle. "Friends?"
"Definitely friends."
It had been a week and a half since your rather out-of-this-world-amazing experience on set, when you got a text message from an unknown number, asking you to come to the studios' executive office for a change in your contract.
In the sincere belief that they would cut your payment, now that you'd only been on set for one single day, you decided to wear the most professional dress you owned in hopes to seem somewhat more experienced in these things than you really were. Then you made your way to the office.
Upon your arrival, you were ushered into a conference room full of people you had mostly seen only once before, but never spoken to due to your simple insignificance in this production.
A second after you had taken a seat at the far end of the table, the door opened once more and in strolled Tom alongside the director of the movie. The deep frown that showed on your face as they moved to sit down next to you spoke volumes of the deep unsettlement rooted within your mind, and you silently looked at Tom in question, for you didn't dare to disrupt the silence of the room with words. He gave you a reassuring smile, which eased your nerves only slightly. What the hell was all of this about? Surely they wouldn't ask Tom to come in if it was only about cutting down your payment.
"Thanks for coming, everyone, I hope we can make this quick and go back to production." A woman at the other end of the table took up the word and went on about how production was going well thus far. Your attention was only partially on her though, as you couldn't stop glancing at Tom next to you, who kept grinning widely behind his strategically placed hand covering his mouth. What did he know that you didn't? Very unsettling indeed. But if it amused Tom, it couldn't be all too much to your disadvantage.
"Due to some serious convincing from various people in the producing crew – I'm looking at you, Tom – there has been a slight alteration made to the cast and the script." She stated more or less neutrally, but you could tell that she was most likely annoyed by whatever was going on. Everyone else seemed rather pleased nonetheless.
"As discussed before, we will expand Miss L/n's part in the movie and make her character a regular." The woman stated and went on talking about how that would mean they had to redo most of the previous week's work, but your mind was still stuck at her first sentence. They were bringing your character back for more scenes? Even as one of the mains?! How the heck…. Hiddleston. Your eyes snapped to the man next to you only to find that he was already looking at you in both happiness and amusement. Oh, this had to be his work… you just knew it. You wanted to smack and kiss him for it at the same time.
"Miss L/n will get a new contract for the entire duration of this production. If she agrees to become part of the main cast, that is…" The woman's words made your head snap back towards her in an instant, drawing your mind out of its own depth once more.
"Yes! Of course, I… I'm honored! I'd love to." You spluttered the words in an unnecessary haste, as if this amazing opportunity could be taken away from you any second that passed without your agreement.
A little while later, as most of the people had left and only the guys for the legal stuff remained, along with Tom who was patiently waiting for you to finish signing the thick pile of papers, the woman from before came stalking back into the room on her way too high heels.
"Miss L/n…" She started, rising her eyebrows as she spoke in a slightly condescending way that made you frown in return as you signed the last of the pages. "I assume you do not have your own assistants, trailer or security as of yet…?"
"No." You replied easily, polite as ever. Hopefully you wouldn't have to see much more of her in the future.
"I didn't expect so… It is unusual for such not-at-all known actors to be added to the main cast of a major production." She chirped and you hid your distaste for her behind a polite smile.
"Oh, she will be known everywhere by the end of the day, most likely. Don't worry about that." Tom commented from the side and you gave him a quick but sincere smile. Somehow, you got the feeling that even though you were new to this world of fame and setwork, you would be fine, for Tom would be there to help you.
"Alright, then we will assign you any of our own people for this production… do you have a preference of gender?" She sighed, not even trying to bother with Tom. That was a fight anyone was doomed to lose, after all.
"Can I have Emma?" You asked out of instinct, for once not caring that making direct requests wasn't something you could allow yourself in your position. But maybe it would be, now…
"Who?" The woman frowned, then rose an eyebrow at you.
"Emma… a directorial trainee?" You asked with an insecure frown of your own, looking at Tom for help.
"Curly black hair, rather tall, bronze skin?" He asked, furrowing his brows in thought.
"Exactly!" You smiled at him.
"She's David's assistant's assistant's assistant." Tom shrugged, giving you an amused smile. "She's always been too scared to talk to me."
"You want a trainee as your assistant?" The woman asked in disbelief. "We have better qualified personnel for that."
"Well, everyone starts small. And as you put it so very accurately, I'm not one of your A-listers. So a trainee will be just fine for me." You replied politely and Tom snorted quietly off to your right, making it even harder for you to suppress a devious smirk.
"If that's what you wish for, then you will get it." The woman smiled in disgusting politeness. "And for a trailer…"
"Put hers somewhere close to mine." Tom commented yet again and now you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing.
"Of course." She replied in a breath. "Here's your new script, Miss L/n. Please be on set tomorrow morning for a runthrough with the writers." Then she turned to leave in as much composure as she still could manage.
Once the door fell closed behind her, you let out a loud snort and rose to your feet, picking up the script and flipping through the pages. "This thing is freaking huge!"
"Yeah." Tom chuckled, watching you as you sauntered towards him. "Looks like the producers liked some Ivy to their Loki."
Right at his words, your eyes fell upon a random scene right in the middle of the movie. They really had named your character Ivy… You took some very much unnecessary pride in it.
"How on earth did any of this happen?" You laughed incredulously, looking at a widely smiling Tom.
"I told you I wasn't the only one impressed by your marvelous acting." He shrugged, and together you made your way out of the conference room and towards the elevators. "But I might have made a few suggestions to a few people here and there…"
"You're unreal, Tom… absolutely incredible." You shook your head to yourself as you clutched the script tightly to your chest with the happiest smile on your face. "Thank you."
"Hey, I did it for entirely selfish purposes." He laughed, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back as he followed you into the elevator. "I get to work with you every day now. That was worth the trouble."
"Are you looking forward to me making your legs shake again?" You teased with a smirk, knowing full well that today marked the beginning of something very great yet to come.
"Absolutely, darling."
Story tags:
@lokixme @catsladen @anxiousdreamersworld @nonsensicalobsessions @runningawaywithloki @letoursilencebreaktonight @miruwen @crystal-28 @thats-what-i-call-british @randomlokifan
General tags:
@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333 @tomstoobeautiful @dreary-skies-stuff @averyhill4445 @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @kthemarsian @lady-of-lies @sadly-falling-through-wonderland @strawberrysandcream @noplacelikehome77 @theoneanna @mishaandthebrits @mygodisloki @i-am-a-mes @nonsensicalobsessions @exygon @hiddles-lobotomy @rjohnson1280 @annwhojumps @spookycatqueen @salempoe @headoverhiddleston @fanfiction-and-stress @createdfromblue @halszka-potter @thecreatiivecorner @themusingsofmany @inthemarvelvoid @from-hel-i-with-love @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpionchild81 @foodthatsgoodforyoursoul
Hope you guys enjoyed it 💗✨☺️ please let me know what you think 😁 I'm always so curious for your thoughts 🥰
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