#harlivy recs
mataurin · 2 years
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Commission for the actually perfect @the-saltwaterselkie-writer of my favorite scene in their monster au harlivy fic 👀👀
Commission me if you want :)
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b1pirate · 1 year
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Where is the lie??
Q: Who’s your favorite queer couple or ship?
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ao3sbatfamily · 5 months
'No Whammies' by Unpretty
Author: @unpretty
"Why didn't I just say 'fuckmadness'." It both was and was not a question.
"Stop saying that!" Robin protested, navigating back toward Batman.
Harley swung her hammer at Catwoman with enough force for a quadruple pirouette. "Fuckmadness?" she asked, stumbling in a circle.
Robin, frustrated, grabbed Batman's hands and pressed them against his ears. "There is an impressionable child present!"
Ivy squinted. "Is he serious?"
"I don't know." Batman attempted to reclaim his hands, and lifted Robin off the ground. Robin continued to hold Batman's hands like earmuffs, and kicked furiously at vines with both legs. "I think it's some kind of ironic meme thing."
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darkpurpledawn · 6 months
my favorite Batman fics from 2023, part one
I read a metric ton or so of batman fanfic this year--this is part one of my faves from January-November. We’ve got harlivy, batfam/gen, batcat, and Bruce-centric stuff in this list, next one will be rogues ships, batjokes, and riddlebat. I’ve only included fics that were completed this year, might make a separate post for faves that are ongoing
Client Services by Anon_and on_and on
Lawyer Pamela defends Harley from a malpractice suit...just in time to fall in love with her client. Totally fun and well-realized no capes AU
The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Barbley Quinn by iamawilderness
This is one of the wildest fics I’ve ever read--a lovely crossover that doesn’t seem it like should work but does beautifully. The writing really sparkles!
Retail Therapy: Gotham Edition by paprikaflakes (@paprikaspice)
now that’s some grade-A Harley Quinn dialogue
Batfam-ish (aka Dick and Alfred)
the quiet noise by orphan_account
Batman's in surgery and Jim Gordon and Superman sit with a distraught but stoic Robin in the hospital waiting room. Really lovely outside pov on baby Dick Grayson
They Also Serve by Ginevra_Benci
Really lovely look at Alfred’s POV on the morning after a young Dick Grayson comes to stay in Wayne Manor
Happy Endings: a John and Mary story by @lordwisteria
Based on a Margaret Atwood short story, this metafictional piece about Dick Grayson’s parents is stunning
Umbra by TheResurrectionist (@frownyalfred)
A hilarious and poignant look at the batcape’s debut through the eyes of Alfred Pennyworth
Catch and Release by winterkill
A super hot 2022 batcat fic to warm you in the winter chill
I'll Bring You Sparrows by AnonymousMink
Bruce makes Selina a new costume, things get E rated from there
Oh Man Oh My Oh Me by whaleofatime (@cetaceans-pls)
Two Bruce Waynes show up at the same party, and Batman is thrown for a loop. Shenanigans ensue!
Damsel by @gement
um so this is possibly the most insanely hot fic I’ve ever read. Bruce has Issues and deals with them by hiring a guy to pretend to be Batman and have sex with him. yeah. it’s really good.
link to part two
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britcision · 8 months
Anyway in case anyone was wondering why I do firmly aver I did not get to DPxDC from DC and am not a DC fan despite having consumed all of the Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad runs up to 2018
(And have an exciting grab bag of shows, movies, and assorted trivia under my belt besides
Batman vs Dracula was fucking great fight me)
It’s because DC as a whole is hostile as fuck to the concept of being a casual fan
(And about 90% of the main heroes annoy the hell out of me for the very tropes that DC is known and praised for in their heroes I am here for villains, antiheroes, and sidekicks exclusively)
There is no such thing as consistent characterization, especially as you consume more content or fall down a rabbit hole, and the rabbit holes are ENDLESS
Everyone cameos everywhere else, referential jokes are often dropped in as Easter eggs for people who have read every single other DC comic put out in the same decade and yet within the same comics you get glaringly inconsistent characterization and different retcons for the same events
Big stories are retold and retconned every couple years, we got 3 separate Spiderman origin movies and the exact same Batman origin in more than half the live action movies; DC PAYS PEOPLE to make up their own different versions of canon events
There is a REASON that the Marvel and DC cinematic universes are both officially divorced from comic canon; the sheer volume of canon content is inaccessible to most of the population, and DC and Marvel know it
That’s why the New 52 was a big divorce from all previous canon too - it’s an on ramp for new fans, because sorting through the web of old content is off putting as fuck
It’s the one thing not a single DC fan I’ve spoken to who complained about “canon characterization” has bothered defending or even acknowledging, and yet it has been the core of all of their arguments:
“Canon is what I want it to be, not what any of the sources say”
And listen, I was a Torchwood fan, we were the archetypal example of “canon only happened if I acknowledge it” (so sad that show ended after only two seasons and nothing else ever happened again Children of Earth who), you just gotta acknowledge that that’s what you’re doing
But you frankly cannot have a serious conversation about canon characterization with someone who does not acknowledge entire swaths of canon and cannot understand why that makes their argument completely invalid
Any kind of conversation about the “right” characterization for a DC character necessarily has to involve the acknowledgement that it’s your personal preferred characterization, not a One True Canon, because I guarantee there are canon incidents for every single big name and most of the small ones that directly counter the ones you like
You may note I share a bunch of posts with things like “My Batman would never do this”, as opposed to “canon Batman would never do this”
Hell, on Batman specifically there are hundreds of beautifully put together posts talking about how the different canon runs get him wrong; I too prefer a Bruce Wayne who does genuinely care about his family and tries to protect them, but isn’t perfect or always right over the massive asshole elitist who just grunts and treats them like soldiers
Canon Batman slaps his kids around, it’s the meme that broke containment and you don’t have to like it or accept it as something your Batman would do!
But it’s still canon
Both versions have a massive well of canon support, and exist simultaneously in the multiverse
Every single characterization of a character is true and exists in the multiverse
And that is why the idea of a “canon version” of any DC character is utterly meaningless
TL;DR: write DC characters however the fuck you want and do not worry about it for more than 10 minutes together, that is what the paid DC writing staff do
There will be at least two pieces of canon media to back up whatever interpretation of the character you pick
Not everyone will like that characterization or agree with how you see the character, and that is all fine and good! But “canon” is meaningless in this context, neatly encapsulated by the “multiverse” explanation
Everything is canon, which means that nothing is canon
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fairymascot · 2 years
Which comics or media do you like with Poison Ivy? Genuinely, I want to see the take on the character you like.
hi anon, thanks for the ask! :)
the definitive version of the character for me is in the harley quinn animated series! it's also one of my favorite takes on harley, their relationship with each other, and honestly the batman universe in general. if you want to give it a go, though, do note it's very much an Adult Animated Series TM with lots of violence, gore, foul language, and crude/off-color humor. people can be put off by it, but as someone who normally can't stand that type of series, i've found it carries itself with considerable elegance. it's genuinely funny and has remarkably good character development, many emotional moments, and great development for harley and ivy. so if you have the stomach for this kind of show, i definitely recommend it.
when it comes to comics:
gotham city villains anniversary giant: a villain-centric anthology that includes an ivy oneshot by g. willow wilson, serving as a prequel for ivy's current ongoing miniseries. featuring beautiful, delicate art and incredibly poignant and gripping writing, wilson does an amazing job of getting into ivy's head and sharing her inner world with the reader. she's deeply troubled, more plant than person, part gorgeous ethereal forest spirit and part terrifying bog witch-- but ultimately still incapable of burying her own humanity. if you only read one thing out of this list, read this!
poison ivy 2022: the aforementioned continuation of the above story, it's fantastic for all the same reasons. only one issue out of six is currently out, but for once in my life where dc comics are involved, i have very high hopes!
more under the cut--
secret origins: gardener is the current canon origin story for ivy in the main continuity, told from the pov of her college girlfriend turned also-ecoterrorist, bella garten. the art is lush and gorgeous, ivy is shown in an extremely sympathetic light (bella might be MILDLY biased), and it reinforces her romantic relationship with harley from early on. i'd say my only fault with it is that it insists on her relationship with woodrue being mutual and romantic, instead of y'know, her college professor exploiting her, conducting inhumane experiments on her and ruining her life. still, though, a great read! 
poison ivy: thorns is a young adult reimagining of her origin story, including gorgeous shoujo manga-esque art, an original female love interest for ivy, and a story that makes her equal parts sympathetic and fearsome. on its own, it's not exactly groundbreaking literature -- the plot is fairly predictable, the romance is shallow -- but as an ivy story, it's a gem. it focuses on her trauma & her craving for human intimacy that's ultimately eclipsed by her connection to the green, and spins a narrative of a victim that learns to stand up for herself and take revenge on those who've wronged her.
catwoman: soulstealer is another ya retelling, this time focusing on-- you guessed it-- catwoman. despite being clumsy at times (the comic adaptation has a bad habit of slapping entire paragraphs from the novel directly onto the page) and featuring a wholly uninteresting romance between selina and batwing (apparently that’s a real guy?), it's also got some of the best sirens content dc's ever put out. selina's budding friendship with ivy and harley is one of the focal points of the book, and the two of them are fully fledged, engaging characters in their own right. they're all just starting out in their villain careers here, and ivy is young, optimistic, and confident, her character focused less on the trauma of becoming poison ivy and more on the ways it's empowered her. (she's still, however, very weak for harley, and desperate for friendship). a very sweet and enjoyable take, if you skim through the dragging/cluttered sections. the art and designs are top notch, too!
dc pride 2021: features a short harlivy story by mariko tamaki and amy reeder which, despite being around twelve pages long, manages to nail so much of what makes their relationship great. it shows them bantering, arguing, revealing their vulnerabilities, and talking out major issues in their relationship that seem so obvious and yet have basically never come up in mainline canon. it was really great to see. plus, the art rocks!
dc: love is a battlefield: a romance-based anthology featuring a harlivy short, detailing the evolution of their relationship through the years. though it's condensed into a handful of pages, it shows probably my favorite 'redemption arc' for ivy-- in which she gets older, mellows out (in big part due to harley's influence, but also, i think, just due to the passage of time), batman and the justice league also mellow out, and then they kinda meet halfway when they realize that by compromising, they can join forces and actually make the world a better place. on the whole, it's a very sweet, emotional story.
though she’s only a supporting character in them, and they’re still ongoing series so who knows how they’ll turn out, the alternate universe titles knights of dark steel and catwoman: lonely city feature great takes on ivy, as well.
you’ll notice practically all of these recs are standalone, and don’t require immersion in any of the bigger canon titles to read. this is because getting into the meat of comic continuity is a nightmare process that is simply not worth anyone’s energy or time. there are a few points in mainline canon where i've enjoyed her characterization, like the everyone loves ivy arc starting in batman vol 3 #41, or the harley quinn and poison ivy 2019 miniseries. in my personal opinion, though, the majority of main canon arcs are so bogged down with crap that it’s just not worth it. they sprawl across a billion titles, featuring heaps of characters i don’t care about, and the plot itself is usually nonsensical at best. but yeah! if you’re interested in ivy, this list should keep you busy for a while! hope ya dig :”)
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ivebeenmade · 8 months
Can anyone recommend me some good, naughty harlivy fics?
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I refuse to acknowledge Angela and Sera canon content after Queen of Hel, I simply refuse you can fuck off.
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audhd-nightwing · 8 months
batfam/dc fic recs
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34594006/chapters/86113789 birdflash, batfam, yj & titans team, talon!dick keeps adopting people
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35671243/chapters/88939798 batfam, dick is taken by william cobb, good brother jason todd, pov jason & dick
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42905253/chapters/107791386 batfam, time travel, 15y/o and 20 y/o jason swap places, all the batkids (minus duke), discowing
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30951686/chapters/76441190#main batfam, jason is magically turned 15, jason & bruce, jason & dick
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21071939/chapters/50129498 batboys, birdflash, damijon, alt reality with no batman, villain au but not really, dick jason tim & dami centered (fav of mine)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40843479 minor birdflash, batfam, dick kills the joker in arkham, jason pov
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29812065 batfam, talon!dick saves robin!jason
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17024694/chapters/68542389?view_adult=true batfam, talon!dick, coffee shop au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/840565?view_adult=true birdflash, time travel shenanigans, wally time travels w/o warning all the time but always to a version of dick
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33840772 birdflash, talon dick grayson, young justice!dick, batbrothers tim and jason
https://archiveofourown.org/works/525987/chapters/931106 batfam, the team, birdflash, gotham academy, young justice!au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15756108 batfam and bruce’s bathroom, superbat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18329522/chapters/43390649 batfam, superbat, batkids calling bruce ‘dad’
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16599113 superbat, bruce gets turned into a kitten, clark takes him home
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14159745/chapters/32636481 jayroy, neighbors au, single parent roy, secret identity & miscommunication
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37824247/chapters/94444957 birdflash, white collar au, wally west is neal caffrey, dick is a little shit
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2724655 birdflash, white collar au, soulmate au, dick grayson is neal caffrey
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15919062 superbat, JL bbq and identity reveal
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2096913 birdflash + batfam stuff, no capes au
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20699210 birdflash, nightwing!dick & civilian!wally
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18942745 mini-robin being chaotic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17470007 birdflash, fix-it, soulmate au (bruises&scars)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45381850/chapters/114180319 talon!dick, young justice au, open ended (my fic 😅)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37157692 batfam & in-laws, birdflash jayroy timkon etc. (another one of my fics 👉👈)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37462546/chapters/93491716 robin!dick & harley quinn, yj!dick & hq show!harley, harlivy (last one i swear, aka it’s also mine)
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greatcheshire · 6 months
WOOO congrats on the rec from hbomb!! have u gotten more people from that so far
Haha I’m not sure? I think I’ve gotten some more Twitter followers. But I don’t keep good track of my analytics. I was just flattered to get referenced at all, especially for the Harlivy video that I did in fact bust my ass and do a lot of research to make for pride month
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slightlycomicobsessed · 4 months
anyone got some queer dc recs? I only know harlivy and want to ✨expand my horizons✨. the men deserve my attention too <3
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mraivyc · 2 years
Green therapy 101 is such a good fic omg. Do u have any harlivy fic recs?
boy do i - as for writers anything by baitedtodeath or A_Spicy_bowl_of_Olives is god tier. i also like wellthen’s depiction of harlivy a lot but it’s kinda bitter and angry but well written.
for fics itself my personal favs are
they’re all really smutty sorry not sorry , enjoy!
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violentlyscreaming · 2 months
Anyone have any Harlivy fic recs where Harley is super anti capitalist I just kinda wanna see her smash it yk
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7evenmoon · 1 year
harumatsu fics
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• jealous ⤳oneshot, 704 words, fluff/angst, jealous matsuri, established relationship
• needy ⤳oneshot, 390 words, catgirl!matsuri, fluff
• cold ⤳oneshot, 399 words, fluff, established relationship
• cuddle me? ⤳oneshot, 564 words, fluff, comfort, established relationship
• i got you ⤳oneshot, 1,168 words, fluff, smut, established relationship
• deal with the devil ⤳oneshot, 1,462 words, smut, light dom/sub, bratty matsuri, overstimulation, established relationship
• sweater weather ⤳ oneshot, 1,016 words, smut, g!p harumi, friends with benefits
• you just have to ask ⤳ oneshot, 1,610 words, canon universe, angst, feelings realization
• i'm yours already, don't break me ⤳longfic, work in progress, omegaverse, unplanned pregnancy, alpha harumi, omega matsuri, smut, angst, idiots in love, college setting
qingguang fics
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• cigarette duet ⤳oneshot, 2,259 words, modern setting, smut, keqing is stupid, ningguang is annoying, beidou and keqing are friends, crack
• up no more ⤳oneshot, 1,311 words, modern setting, fluff and smut, ningguang is down bad for keqing, established relationship
more info ♡
about me: i'm a twenty years old woman. i'm a big fan of horror movies, i like playing calming video games like animal crossing and stardew valley but ironically i don't really like horror games. i spend most of my time watching movies/shows and reading fics. i mostly read angsty fics with toxic relationships and fucked up characters but if you've read my fics you'll notice most of them are fluffly. the reason for that is that i use writing as a coping mechanism so i prefer writing about cute moments for my ships. also it takes a lot of energy out of me to write really angsty fics but sometimes i'm in the mood for an emotional rollercoaster lol. i'm currently battling with an opiate addiction, which is why i haven't put out a lot of content but lately writing is really helping me cope so yeah. but still, please be patient with me i don't have a schedule for writing and as i've said life is rough at the moment
rules: honestly i'm open to anything on this blog. you can ask me about my fics, tell me about your day, ask questions about me (obviously not personnal information like my adress or boob size 😭), give me fic recs or send me your fics i will be happy to read them! ideas, shows and movies,etc. we can discuss anything really, there is no need to be shy and there is an anonymous option in the ask box for those who are really shy <3
ships i love: harumatsu, qingguang, kokoyae, kokoeimiko, kaebedo, dainkae, tamber, harlivy, emison, jikook/taekook/vminkook (only in fiction, i don't ship them in real life), namo/sanayeon/samoyeon (same i don't ship irl),
ships i like: kokoei, eimiko, jeanlisa, ninglan, mira harberg x laurie, choni, beidou x ganyu, posie, shenhe x yun jin, haleb, spoby, aria x men her age 🤨
ships i'm curious/would like to read about: chilumi, zhongli ships, lisa x la signora
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intro post ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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about me!
call me octo :D - they/he/any
intj-t audhd omni
feel free to dm me i LOVE talking to ppl abt my silly little interests
ao3: octopusoptimusprime
spotify <- (including byler playlist)
my favourite…
fandoms: community, stranger things, one day at a time, brooklyn 99, marvel, into the spiderverse, dc, agggtm, she-ra, bbc ghosts, his dark materials, bojack horseman, osemanverse, good omens, young royals, red white & royal blue, inside no. 9, never have i ever, percy jackson, hannibal, murder most unladylike, doctor who, criminal minds, psychoville, tlog
characters: mike wheeler, todd chavez, abed nadir, the captain (ghosts), miles morales, amy santiago, harley quinn, spencer reid, nick nelson, alex claremont-diaz, troy barnes, batman, prince wilhelm, ravi singh, crowley, ross gaines
people: jack manifold, finn wolfhard, james marriott, ben willbond, david tennant, mathew baynton, john mulaney, tom simons, andy samberg, bo burnham, reece shearsmith
music: frank ocean, tyler the creator, childish gambino, deftones, kali uchis, brent faiyaz, crywank, los campesinos!, steve lacy, slipknot, system of a down, kendrick lamar, baby keem, giveon, hozier
ships: byler, elumax, trobed, jeffabed, sydlena, peraltiago, dianetti, pipravi, harlivy, catradora, silverparry, narlie, wilmon, aziracrow, firstprince, jeffbritta, benvi, tenrose, hannigram
things: tv shows, poetry, murder documentaries, kids’ movies, cats, lesbianism
post links
autistic mike masterpost
mike headcanons
byler fic recs
gay mike post
links for my fics
back to you - ‘Mike Wheeler and Will Byers go to the Upside Down, and after an encounter with Vecna, Will decides to sacrifice himself. Mike, of course, is having none of it. And some truths and explanations slip out along the way.’
like real people do - ‘byler goes on a date. that's it that's the fic. enjoy <3’
in the moment - ‘mike gets vecnaed and all he wants is for lucas to accept him.’
racist/homophobic/transphobic/proshipper/bigot/transmed/hp fan/etc
fic recs
(platonic) stobin
my tags
#octo talks - me saying things
#about me! - self explanatory
#tag game - picrews etc
#favs - very cool stuff
#motherocto / #fatherocto - my parents
#asks - inbox replies
#music - me talking about music
& all tv shows/ships are tagged accordingly!!
∞༺♡༻✧ thank you! love you <3
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fairymascot · 2 years
Which Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy comics and graphic novels do you recommens buying and reading?
hi anon! please see my previous rec posts here and here :)
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