#hero (oc)
Pt 4: No luck today
Engineering is probably one of your good subjects - mainly due to the grades you get and the equipment you get to create for your second life.
That being said, your luck isn't very high right now because just as you enter the classroom you're called up to the office. Over the loud speaker. In front of everyone.
This is your last straw. You're going to actually break down and cry.
Taking a deep breath you head to the office and stand in front of the receptionist.
"Uh, hi.. I was called up?" You state to the distracted receptionist. "Huh? Okay. Go into the principal's room I guess." She waves you off dismissively and you hold back a retort.
You make your way to the room and knock on the door. It opens with the principal on the other side. "Ah, There you are. I was worried you wouldn't show! Please, have a seat." He opens the door wide enough for you to get in.
You enter and your eyes fall onto a boy with spiky black hair and tanned skin. His back is to you. Next to him is a taller, more bulkier man in a pressed suit.
Your stomach lurches, feeling ill all of a sudden. Your senses go off and you fight the urge to run away. You can't tell who these people are but something isn't right.
Slowly you make your way to a third chair that was placed at the desk. You glance at the two males and have to swallow the bile - it was none other than Damian al Ghul-Wayne and Bruce Wayne. Your eyes immediately snap forward and you clench your fists slightly.
There's no doubt Tim had said something horrid about you to them, maybe he snitched on the fights you two had, whatever it was now you're in deep shit.
You try to get a read on them but it was near impossible, they were both stoic. It didn't help that you refuse to look at the two. The principal sits down at his desk and crosses his arms.
"So, I have been made aware of some things that you have done recently, (Reader). According to numerous anonymous reports you have cyber bullied someone, picked fights, had plans to build dangerous weapons and had hit animals... Listen, you're a good kid but with what I have here I might have to expel you."
Fuck. You can't get expelled your parents would throw you out or something! You can't! You didn't hit animals! The most you hit was a fly! Dangerous weapons? There's nothing like that at all, besides the plans for you superhero weapons. Those aren't dangerous though. You cyber bullied your vigilante persona to make it more realistic! You never pick fights - you don't want to risk hurting someone with your increased strength!
Though, something makes you freeze. If you were called here for that then why are the two Wayne's here?
You think the principal is a telepath because he speaks up.
"You're very lucky Bruce Wayne and his son are kind enough to vouch for you though they said they wanted a favor in return." Oh. Manipulation. You scrunch your eyebrows, they probably reported me alongside Tim. They're doing this so they can hold it above my head and make me complacent or subservient to them.
Maybe it'd be best if Aranea faked their death. Started a new identity or something... You probably wouldn't go through with it but it's a nice thought.
Well, you don't have much of a choice. You can still silently make your hate known towards the vigilante and it's not worth losing a scholarship over. Especially with parents like yours.
"... Fine... Thank you for this offer, Mr Wayne and Mr al Ghul-Wayne" you mutter. God it's shameful, you want to crawl into your skin and die. Was it worth putting your dignity on the line? You're not too sure. What you're sure of though is that you will get to eat tonight. If your family has the money...
Bruce nods his head in affirmation and puts on his Brucie smile, one that even you struggle to see past. "Of course, what kind of person would I be if I would overhear something so tragic and not do anything about it. We can go over the favor later." He states. You hold back a grimace though you're sure everyone can see the effort.
You don't know what to respond with, humiliated enough by this clear manipulation. You just give him a double thumbs up. Damian stares at you weirdly and the principal raises a brow. Bruce however chuckles, though it's forced.
The principal ushers you out of his office and tells you to wait out the front with the receptionist for Bruce and Damian while they chat some more with the principal himself.
After waiting for a bit the door opens and the two males walk down the hallway to where you are. Damian scowls and glares at you while Bruce looks to you blankly, detached.
You stand and awkwardly rub your hands on your uniform. Something they clearly don't miss as their eyes snap to the motion.
"uh, thank you for this opportunity... What's the favor?" You managed to work up the courage to speak without stuttering like a madman. Something you believed you should get a pat on the back for because the two guys were terrifying.
"The favor is simple really," Bruce starts his Brucie personality back in play "Stop speaking badly of Aranea and don't pick fights with my ward, Tim. Easy right?" You nod. You expected this. Honestly you should be a detective or something you think to yourself.
Nah, that's Batman's job.
You pick up your bag and head to the door, Bruce however had moved while you had seemingly zoned out while in thought and was standing in front of the door while talking to the receptionist and in your haste to leave you bumped into his side.
He automatically puts his arm on your shoulder to steady you and your mind connects the dots.
Bruce has the same build as Batman. Batman seemingly adores Aranea, or at least you think so, he's hard to read - like Bruce (for both being hard to read and adoring Aranea to a weird point). Same amount of kids. Plus Batman had to be rich if he could have a plane and a new looking suit after gruesome nights.
God, how did you not see this before...
Amidst your freaky reality check you fail to notice Bruce trying to get your attention until he snaps in your face - like how your dad does. You hate that.
Your head shoots up and you take a couple steps back while muttering an apology while Bruce stands there with a raised brow, confused while Damian looks at you with disdain as if you soiled a good outfit.
Feeling humiliated and terrified you quickly move around the two men and out of the door. You're in deep shit now... Even something as simple as secretly knowing the identities of the vigilantes that watch over Gotham is a death wish.
This is going to be the worst day of school, so, you decide to leave. You go to the sick bay and get a slip to leave school and you do.
You run home as fast as possible and get to your room. Your mother is out cold in her room with some man she met from the bar so you shouldn't have to worry about her.
You take a couple deep breaths and contemplate on what to do now that you left school, you could catch up on assignments, you could take a nap, or you could go on patrol...
It's daytime and you're pretty sure Signal will be patrolling today, you like Signal, he's a chill guy. Now though, now you don't really want to be near any of the vigilantes.
You decide to check your phone to see what area Signal is patrolling, it comes up in the GC, Westside Gotham at the Midtown area.
Okay. You can do East Park Side then. It's not your favorite area but at least you won't be confronted with one of the vigilantes so soon. Plus, the park is nice.
You suit up and head out. East Park side wasn't far away from you due to the lack of money your family has you are stuck in downtown.
You spend a majority of your time on patrol, helping people and just hanging around. Soon, much to your surprise, you get a call from Batman.
"Aranea. What are you doing patrolling without your comm on and without informing us?" He sounds as serious as ever, usually you'd roll your eyes but right now you're struck with fear. His voice holds maliciousness and anger deep under it. The very same way that Bruce Wayne had spoken to you. You don't want to admit it but knowing the identities of these heroes makes it more suffocating to be around them.
It also meant you had to be much more careful around them.
"Uh... I was bored at home so I went out on patrol?" You respond, trying to keep the energy in your voice, even if it felt like you were going to explode.
"That doesn't answer my question." He responds, you're sure he's picked up on the fakeness of your cheerfulness. "Right! Ha! Forgot about that. I didn't wanna disturb you all! Plussssss, Signal is patrolling so it's all good!" You laugh it off.
Batman isn't laughing. When does he ever?
"That's no reason to not inform us or at the very least turn on your comm. What if something happened to you? What if you died? You aren't invincible. You'll die in that stupid suit if you don't work with us!" You wince slightly. Fuck him. Does he really think you need him and the others to survive? Not to mention him calling your suit stupid, sure it's not perfect but stupid is just overkill. He only even thinks it's stupid because it isn't made with his money!
You honestly couldn't find the effort to continue talking to him, so with your faux cheerfulness you decide to end the call. "I get it. I'll know better next time! Bye bye!"
Sometimes you wish you were old enough to drink.
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jnephrite · 19 days
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jaceverse batgirls ^^
featuring one of morgan’s “abilities” that is actually based on julie powers swearing censorship
u guys saw this first, instagram will see this later
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niagaragrape · 2 months
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finally finished my girl's ref sheet! lyre birb go car alarm
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sirwolficus · 2 months
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all from fall of last year, except for chainsmoke's ref, which i did last month
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nephleft · 3 months
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(repost/redraw) who’s afraid of little old me?
i wasn’t satisfied with the old one 😭
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teakip · 3 months
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Chase Goya, UA hero class 2nd year reporting for *BELCH* duty!
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ch3rryb00m98 · 2 months
I wanna see a hero at McDonald’s so bad…
Anyway here’s the Supers ordering food
Send asks pls!
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normal-water · 8 months
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cowboysuperhero · 1 year
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something something pre-canon where he's thinking about quitting the villain life but hasn't quite given it up just yet
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charlioak · 1 year
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lots of art i neglected to post here these past... months... GOD. featuring my supers :^)
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bluu3berry · 3 months
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This is hero 🙌🙌!!
It uses they/its pronouns, they're a virus like character that in facts genocide games and will take sanses place to 'fight you' they can affect your save files making you fully restart from your genocide.
They will trap you in a hell scape of fighting them over and over and over again until you give up.
Theyre an outcode not with any story of anybody's knowledge, but people do know hero isn't a child, infact hero is 18!
@anon-coke @borisboring @thelunarsystemwrites
@scramble-eg @ruelin024 @skellavelva @z0mbielovrr @mush0407 @the-second-reason @nidwonss @spookuzmm
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jnephrite · 2 months
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“How To Become a Villain’s Sidekick So You Have Backup When You Go And Plan To Kill Another Villain, A Guide” written by Carnival
join dc community for dc ocs!
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1-beansss-1 · 2 months
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Hebi Yamaguchi
He's a MHA oc of mine and he's new
Hero name - Audition Amp
Quirk - Amplify - the user can amplify their voice and others' voices they are touching. They produce and amplify the noise the speakers they have in their palms and the one in their chest.
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sirwolficus · 2 months
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updated (AND SUPER FUCKING RUSHED) reference pages for my characters from my show idea, the golden boys! and some misc. sketches i've made recently. i really wanted to be able to have better references for artfight 2024. i love them a lot, gonna try and post art more. i know i became super inactive here, but i wanna come back <3
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nephleft · 4 months
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morgan & lucy quinzel !!
morgan is a professional back seat gamer and ipad kid lucy ft. my own design of lucy because i don’t like her canon design
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floralete · 11 months
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finally made a proper ref for my girl Amber 💖 she's just kind of a multifandom OC at this point lol
This design is specifically for her MHA AU, but you can read general info about her here! Along with some stuff below:
Amber possesses telekinetic aura, and is able to manifest weapons out of pure energy. She can also levitate objects, people, and herself. However, prolonged use of this quirk can give her migraines, so she usually sticks to weapon creation or hand to hand combat. When her quirk is not in use, she uses a whip attached to her costume, and has a pair of cat-themed headphones in case she needs to call for backup.
While not an official hero, Amber works as an underground vigilante, preferring to do her own thing more often than not. She has a rough relationship with authority, and while she does air on the side of good, she has a tendency to disregard the law in order to accomplish her goals. Generally pretty friendly (if not slightly annoying), Amber can come off as rude and sarcastic to those who don't know her very well. She tends to not take things very seriously, and usually says and does whatever comes to mind. She considers herself a vigilante, but she can be seen as an anti-hero.
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