#hes talking to barty and evan
childsaturn · 8 months
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
The emeralds are definitely the group that everyone fearfully avoids as much as possible
And not because they're popular or violent, they're just weird to the point of it being unsettling to anyone who knows them. They're just sort of scary and it's not because they try to be, they just are. They're so used to each other that they don't even realise.
People won't think twice about them at first because they're just like any other random friend group but the second you've sat and actually paid attention to them you're avoiding them like the plague. They don't typically have many other close friends outside of their group because people are too wary of them so they've sort of become one group so close-knit that seem to be on the same brainlength permanently.
Like you've got-
Dorcas: who can modify almost any spell to be ten times as powerful as usual. She won't use them against people but she'll make her talent known by practicing and performing spells with her friends where others can see. To her she's just practicing her skill and to her friends it's just 'normal cassie' but it scares the shit out of most people who see it. Even teachers are startled at her skill and power levels. She is also fiercely protective of her group and her younger sister. Not that anyone would dare try anything after seeing his strong her channeling of magic is. She has all the potential to be a popular girl but everyone's fear of her power and her loyalty to her existing friends hold her back from that.
Barty: who is so much of a genius he could outsmart the minister if he wanted. He's clever and a little intimidating but also really good at hiding information about himself. Ask ten different people what he's like and you'll get ten different answers. Nobody ever knows what he's really thinking except apparently his own group. He has ways of having an hour long conversation and extracting your entire life story while sharing nothing in return. He'll sometimes get a small glint in his eye that only his friends seem to understand as a strange mix between inspiration and anger. To an outsider it just looks strange.
Evan: has on multiple occasions set people's essays on fire for talking shit about his friends and always gets away with it through the word of one of his groups. He managed to get an in with snape's gang, the popular Ravenclaws in the year below and the entire Hufflepuff quidditch team. Everyone knows he doesn't actually like any of them- he only truly likes his main group (the emeralds)- but nobody can figure out why he likes to float around and watch others. In reality he just likes knowing how people's minds and dynamics work. Getting people to defend him is he faces trouble is just a bonus
Regulus: he is the confusing one. He's quiet and isn't easily noticed if you aren't paying close attention. But he's smart. Not Barty's level of academic genius, he's a very logical person. He can be given one small piece of information and do almost anything with it, draw any conclusion. He can seemingly communicate a train of thought with his friends just by looking at them to the point where there are rumours of him being a legilimens. He gives the feeling of knowing more than he lets on. To his friends, despite his quietness he is warm and sensitive but where they get that impression from is anybody's guess.
Pandora: who's just on such another level of morbid that people will be scared to whisper about her behind her back incase she or one of the other's hear them. She carries small, probably haunted porcelain dolls with her at all times, which are apparently gifts to her from some of the forest-folk during one of her many visits to the forbidden forest. She is also known to dabble in necromancy, particularly regarding animals. She meddles a lot with whatever niche types of magic she can find with little guidance, which many find scary. She's very empathetic but her curiosity in the morbid only scares people off. She's usually kind to anybody she comes across but that won't stop them from being wary and staying away.
And in their heads they're just another normal group who hang out a lot, understand each other, are liked by the teachers, and help new first years when they get lost. But to the rest of the people in their year as well as the year above and below, they're insane.
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bombyxluna · 4 months
Barty who brings Evan little trinkets is so dear to me. He finds a dead bug and thinks oh Evan would love this. When he shaves his hair to annoy his dad he gives Evan a lock of it. He finds dead animal remains and cleans them up and bring Evan their skull and bones. If it’s a recent death, he brings Evan the whole thing. He steals books from the restricted section and the Crouch private library and brings them to Evan. He loves watching the way Evan’s usually flat stare brightens when he sees what new thing he brought for his ever growing collection, to watch the boy he’s so dearly obsessed with examine and prod at and dissect and keep whatever he gives him.
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t1oui · 6 months
barty crouch jr. is eleven the first time evan rosier takes his breath away.
he's a second year in barty's house, with warm brown skin and blonde hair and amber eyes that flash gold in the sunlight. he knows regulus. one of barty's dormmates, somehow, and he smiles at barty like he wants to know him, too.
barty is thirteen when he finally figures out what the butterflies in his stomach mean.
they're sitting down at the lake, barty on the grass, soaking up the sun. pandora sits on a blanket next to him, her half of it in the sun, the other half underneath regulus in the shade of a tree. dora's busied herself with making flower crowns, and evan and dorcas are swinging at each other and laughing, both ankle deep in the water of the black lake. evan reaches up to kick water at her, and the silver of his anklet - a thin chain with a silver daisy charm hanging off of it - catches the light.
dorcas ducks away and shoves evan square in the chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps before he finally lands hard on the grass next to barty. it must've hurt, even in the soft green, but instead of wincing, he just turns to barty and grins.
oh, barty thinks. it's so obvious, he thinks.
barty is a fourth year the first time he kisses evan rosier.
it's the first christmas he doesn't go home for. he spends long hours knocking about the castle, staying out past both the regular curfew and the one made later for the break.
"can't sleep, crouch?" evan had asked him, making him jump, polished prefect badge - no doubt pandora's handiwork - sparkling from his collar. and suddenly there was mistletoe and the chance to finally make his fantasies a reality. there was the taste of evan's lips (vanilla) and the smell of his shampoo (cucumber) and the feeling of his arms around barty's waist (intoxicating).
even on that dreary, cold evening, there was hope.
barty is a sixth year when regulus begins going out with james potter.
they're on the train, barty halfway out the window, evan's arms tight around his middle in the fear of him falling, and barty hoots with laughter when regulus jumps into potter's arms. potter's a seventh year like evan. head boy, a gryffindor, and one of pandora's best friends, for some reason.
"leave them be, barty," evan snorts, pulling him back through the window. barty watches him, opening his mouth to speak, only to be swiftly cut off by his boyfriend adding, "we can be as dramatic as we like, but i'm not risking missing this train just so we can kiss in front of it."
barty groans in protest, but by that point regulus has arrived at the door to their compartment with a sheepish-looking james potter in tow, so he decides to annoy them instead.
barty is seventeen the first time he comes to hogwarts without evan, and it makes him feel empty.
he's still got regulus and dorcas, of course, but there's a gaping hole in the group now that the twins have graduated. regulus is quiet without james to bring him out of his shell. dorcas doesn't cheer as hard during quidditch games - ones without regulus in them, of course - without marlene mckinnon there to cheer on. and barty? barty isn't himself without ev there to easy his anxieties.
night after night, barty and regulus curl up in the same bed for nights of bad rest. it gets easier, over time. letters pile up. floo calls happen weekly. and while regulus and dorcas struggle, barty thinks about the future. the one decided by him, and not anyone else.
two days after his eighteenth birthday, barty steps off the hogwarts express for the last time.
regulus and dorcas don't hesitate to sprint past him towards james and marlene, who wait with evan futher down the platform. barty, though, hesitates. gives himself a moment to take a deep breath, smile at evan, and start running.
evan envelopes him in a hug, his arms a reassuring weight around barty.
"you must be tired," he whispers, the hint of a smile in his voice. "eight newts, barty. you're insane."
barty grins into evan's chest. "i missed you too, rosie," he mumbles. he lets out a content sigh he didn't realize he was holding in, and evan hums.
"welcome home, love," he says. "our home."
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florsial · 4 months
How the pantheon r named on phones:
Regulus Black (Rarely gives out his phone number): Sirius: REGGIE James: My Heart <3 Barty: reg Evan: Brother (real) Pandora: Unofficial brother 💗 Dorcas: Bitch <3
Barty Crouch Jr (surprisingly dry): Regulus: Barty Evan: fav pain in the ass <3 Pandora: junior Dorcas: BB Mrs. Crouch: my son ❤️
Evan Rosier (doesn't even reply but has everyone's number somehow): Regulus: 🌹🌹🌹 Barty: rosie Pandora: Twin <33 Dorcas: E(mergency) R(oom)
Pandora Rosier (Only person worth texting): Lily: love 💕 Regulus: Dora <3 Barty: pannn Evan: Twin <33 Dorcas: only person who gets me
Dorcas Meadowes (also doesn't reply): Marlene: FAVORITE MF Regulus: Cas Barty: dorcas Evan: the smart one Pandora: Cas <333
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risetherivermoon · 11 months
rosekiller au where Evan posts a random fit check to tt, where Barty is in the bg talking to him abt something while Evan just stares at him awe-struck and everyone is either trying to lip read to figure out what Barty is saying or saying that Evan definitely has a crush on Barty,
and Evan continues to post fit checks and Barty is basically in all of them and whenever he isnt the comments are just like "excuse me??? where is your cute brunette???"
(this is in fact the way Evan figures out he likes Barty... )
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icarus-last-fall · 3 months
hc that since Sirius hates his middle name and his last name (it's his father's name), when his friends want to call him by his full name they just say random names like:
Remus, annoyed because he takes hours to get ready: 'Of course, mister Sirius John Hopkins HAS to have perfect hair.'
James, cheering him up: 'Come on, you're Sirius Mike Anderson, you're gonna nail this test.'
First years are really confused as to what is Sirius' full name.
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foursaints · 3 months
evan "why do you twitch so much in your sleep" rosier and barty "there is no rest for the wicked" crouch jr
i laughed...
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tadaxii-i · 6 months
Thinking about Barty holding Evan's dying body, promising he'd see him in the afterlife. He doesn't see him ever, ever again. Evan lives an eternity missing half of his heart.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
i was today years old when i realised that people hc evan to be in the same year as regulus and barty
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Dorcas: How do I look?
Marlene: Tu eres magnífica.
James: Mals, that spanish
Marlene, blushing: Du bist großartig
Peter: German, not even close.
Marlene: Fuck off!
James: and we are back to english!
Dorcas: Wait, how many languages you know?
Marlene: four, english, german, spanish and tagalog.
Dorcas: oh [starts mentally preparing the wedding venue]
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
peter pettigrew is one of my favorite characters to analyze. what made him change sides when he had such good friends? is he to blame, or was he forced to join them? are the other marauders to blame?
personally i think he, like many of the other death eaters, joined for the sense of belonging. he's not power-hungry, he's not a wizard racist (as it were), but i feel like he'd begin to grow apart from his friends at some point. he also wouldn't like the lifestyle of the order of the phoenix members, and the death eaters offer the luxury he was used to growing up (he wasn't necessarily rich, but he had rich friends and he was at least middle class). he cared about james, sirius, remus, lily, etc., but he just wasn't as tight-knit with them. he was worried about his family, and he didn't want them to be hurt because of the side he was on. i think he chose what he thought was the safe, winning side, because it was more welcoming to him.
he's a coward, but he's a complicated coward.
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 months
One time in secondary school we did secret Santa in my English class. The lad that had me “gifted” me a FIFA 12 Xbox 360 game.
It was 2019.
I didn’t own an Xbox.
The game was clearly opened.
Anyway that’s the type of shit I’d expect Barty or Evan to do. They’re clearly minted but they’d go out of their way to gift the most useless nonsensical thing they could find.
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starchasersunseeker · 11 months
Is it just me and my fyp or is it finally another wave of people reading / talking about crimson rivers? Because if so I am /so/ here for it!!!
Crimson rivers is a masterpiece that broke me and put me back together over and over again too many times to count
The worst part was that I predicted everyone's deaths {of those that did end up dying} and knew exactly when it was going to happen...
Like in the chapters that it happened I could sense it.. I knew it was coming so every time i started sobbing before it even happend.. they were still all good and happy and I was already crying and mourning them 😭💔
Anyway happy reading to everyone getting into it or rereading it!! {I am living for all of this new cr content}
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lexithwrites · 7 months
i will die on the hill that sirius and james make a successful podcast together
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Head canon that Evan was obsessed with bugs as a kid. So, when he started at Hogwarts and found out Barty was obsessed with bees, he just assumed that bees were Barty's favorite but he liked all bugs like he did. So he would go on and on about different bugs for hours to Barty, and Barty would just sit and listen, occasionally putting his input, but mainly just sitting and letting Evan continue to talk his ear off. Which was something new for Evan, since most people thought bugs were gross they didn't usually like when Evan would talk about them. But Barty never cared, in fact, he loved it! It wasn't until years later, when Evan learned the truth, that Barty didn't actually like bugs, only bees, and had been letting Evan go on and on about them for year! When Evan asked him why he never told him he didn't actually like bugs, Barty simply smiled and said "Casue it made you happy." And that's when Evan knew, truly knew, he was in love with Barty Crouch jr.
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