#him not being the brightest is pointed out a few times in the show
minty-bunni · 2 years
If Dash doesn't have a future in football, he may have one in mechanics. A kid putting together a haunted house room with an original ride about the horrors of foot fungus and animatronics is pretty advanced.
I see him as a car dude so maybe he'll go on to restoring old cars or something if football doesn't work out.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
I love every fic That has Danny still being Phantom even while in the DC universe but sometimes I just want my little guy to flex his intellect and be all around little mad scientist that only sometimes uses his powers to pick up a screwdriver
Danny is smart.
He knows he is brilliant.
He may have been outshined by his family when he was younger, but that was because his focus was on something else, and frankly, being born last into a family of geniuses made one feel like one wasn't as intelligent as them.
He constantly compared himself to them, knowing that they had already achieved what he was doing and falling further and further behind in his self-wellow.
Then Danny left Amity Park and went into the real world.....he found his intelligence got him far. Danny was exceptionally brilliant when he was working on machinery, chemistry, and, above all else, engineering.
Maybe it had something to do with watching his parents repurpose any household item into a completely new technology that affected beings from different dimensions simply because they used math.
Or maybe it was that his brain was always moving, always connecting, and constantly processing. Danny didn't realize that people couldn't just make whatever idea came into their heads a reality.
Hell, his dad heard about Mr. Freeze's ray and he made a copy in two months. Danny made Mr. Freeze's ray in two weeks. He made other ghost tech in that same amount or enough to arm his schoolmates in one afternoon.
The point is that Danny is good at what he does. Put a screwdriver in huis hand, and he be off until whatever hair brain idea he had a physical form.
Everyone in Amity Park knew this as a fact about the Fentons/ Since they moved in, there was nothing but experiments one right after the other. Sure, they wasted it on things like Ecto-studies, but his parents made their money from somewhere before the world learned about ghosts.
Danny's parents had many, and he means many, patents. Everything from a brand of microwaves to vehicle parts.
His parents created them, sold them to partial rights to companies, and then wasted whatever money they got on some new experiment for a ghost that had not yielded any fortunes.
He thought he could do the same. Just apply to anywhere that would take him after creating a portable phone changer on one's wrist. He figured it would have gotten less attention than he did hadn't he just shown up at Wayne Expo as an unknown inventor through his parents contacts.
Danny had felt relatively small with his foldable plastic table and his four cardboard boxes of his invention while everyone had booths and screens, and a few even had prominent speakers with people in suits that cost more than his house
. Danny felt like a little kid trying to sell lemonade in the five-star hotel lobby. Everyone walked right by him without a glance, or they jeered and mocked him.
That was until Bruce Wayne wandered over. Kind and charming the man, maybe he wasn't the brightest- but he stood there listening to Danny excitedly explain how moving the hand on the bracelet caused it to charge, so walking around with it was all the kinetic energy it needed.
His ward- Dick Grayson, in all his tiny ten-year-old authority, had purchased a bracelet from Danny. It had been the only sale he made that night, but it was the only one he needed. Bruce had called him to offer him a position at WE.
Like his parents, Danny enjoyed his freedom, so instead, he offered to be a freelance inventor. He would show the Wayne's first dibs but go where the wind took him. He made them if he found buyers who weren't trying to ice him out of profits.
Unlike his parents, he didn't waste the funds past his travels. Slowly but surely building up a fortune over time.
Danny still went out as Phantom, but over the years he invented random gadgets and chemicals that he would ship to Bruce for a healthy paycheck. Ussually he makes something that the rich man off-handedly comments on.
"Oh Danny, I just loved skydiving, but I'm scared Dick's parachute will get stuck."
Danny invented one with small rocket blasters Bruce could manually control into landing for his son.
"I always enjoy undersea diving. The tanks are a killer on my back. Jason was almost weighted down by them too."
Danny created a breathing mask that had the tanks in smaller easier-to-carry cylinders.
"Tim really loves his computers. Wish I could take the whole thing with me when I go out!"
Danny had a working computer on a heliographic wristwatch the next month.
It was awesome. Danny traveled a lot but always found time to call and speak with Bruce. He got to know the man well over the years, found himself chatting with him for hours, and even spent his visits to Gotham at Wayne Manor as a guest.
Bruce's kids were a riot to be around. He would often go away for a while only to return and find that they had grown in numbers. He loved them like his own and found himself a confidant among the children.
It was he that Dick called to whispers about his insecurity within Bruce's home. He would go to all the gymnastics and mathletes shows he could catch, cheering the loudest among the rich parents as Dick outshone the rest of the children.
Danny had practically flown home to rip Bruce a new one until the man admitted to his gapping son that he had applied to be his father mere months after taking him in.
It was Danny that Jason spoke to when Dick and Bruce's fights were too loud. He would take the boy on trips, and talk for hours about books to calm down, then he had sat Bruce and Dick down to rip another new one.
It was no surprise that Jason had called him when he had tried to run away to confront his birth mother. He had been there to see the bitch arrested before she could hurt Jason.
It was Danny that Tim often sought out to showcase his photos. He always made sure to call the boy right before he was meant to sleep, regardless of which part of the world Danny was on, to wish him goodnight and talk about their days.
Tim always brightened whenever Danny caught his skateboard competitions or club performances. He was the one who found out Tim's biological parents neglected him after the boy told him, and he was the one to help Bruce win custody.
Then came Damian, who was as scared as he was angry. Danny adored him and saw so many ghost-like mannerisms in him that connecting to the boy wasn't hard at all.
Bruce didn't seem to understand that his son was used to outlined expectations and grew irritable when he felt he failed them. He was the one that help Damian get used to his environment and was the one the boy was much more willing to try new things with.
Steph and Danny often got along well with their sense of humor, but mostly she followed him around, seeking approval that likely missed out from her parents. They would sit down and talk about her future and what she wanted in life, and he even let her practice her makeup on him and giggle about boys.
Sometimes, it felt like she didn't have to be the tough girl from the rough part of town. She could be a teenage girl without a care in the world. At least, that's what she claimed Danny made her feel like.
Cass didn't talk much, but she didn't have to for Danny to not see how much she enjoyed their days out, too.
He loved taking her to see the arts, to sit and listen to music together, and most of all, to see her slowly bloom into a sociable young lady so different from the closed-off girl that first arrived at Wayne Manor.
Duke was still relatively new, but Danny could spot the wild, unhinged look in his eye that would have made him a proper Fenton. The two often spent their time playing video games and working in the community together.
Duke seemed to enjoy when Danny invited him to tag along on short trips, especially when the two would go camping. As someone who grew up in the city, he had never been fishing until Danny taught him how to reel in a big one at a lake a state over. The whole Wayne family had cheered the dark skin boy on as he held the trout over his head for the photo.
Alfred treated him like one of the family sometimes meeting up with Danny on his travels for a cup of tea or a nice phone call to gossip about Bruce.
Danny loved it but adored when the Waynes would help with his inventions. Even if all they did was sit in his makeshift lab inside his RV or the west wing of Wayne Manor like Bruce did, having them made his hands fly faster and his calculations sharper.
Sometimes, he caught the strangest, softest look on Bruce's face when Danny would be wielding.
Danny was so used to this lifestyle that he would forget about his ghost powers. It's not like he really needed them.
That came to head when he returned to Gotham on a whim, wanting to surprise Bruce for his birthday by taking the other man out to dinner somewhere fancy he happened to stumble across the scene of Scarecrow holding the Waynes- his Waynes- as hostages at an award ceremony in the new mental hospital they had funded.
Danny hadn't thought.
He saw the Fear Gas vents open and pulled one of his gadgets. He threw it as hard as he could at Scarecrow, watching with satisfaction as it bounced off the manic's head- knocking him out and spinning in place as it activated.
It was a miniature vacuum- meant to gather pollution in the air to hopefully clean up their planet- sucking in all the green smoke before it could harm.
He three out of the other five at the goons that had tried to gas the spectators before, pressing his anti-gravity plates- reversing them to slam the goons into a heap and officially knocking them out.
Danny took down the Rouge in under a minute.
"Bruce! Kids! Are you alright?" He cried rushing the stage to the stunned family. He helped them out of their bonds, gentelly tracing the bruise on Bruce's face with a soft whine. "They hurt you."
"I'm alright, darling," Bruce muttered, leaning into his palm. "I'm better with you here. What was that?"
"Oh just a-"
"Look out!" Dick suddenly screams as a flash of ice comes from nowhere. Danny tucks Bruce onto his chest and rolls away from the ray's pathway. They land with his friend on his back and Danny leaning over him in a protective hunch.
Quickly, he stops his foot against the ice, pressing the heel back and watching bursts of electricity from his built-in tazer race up the ice to the beam of Dr. Freeze.
The man doesn't have time to react before spamming and hitting the ground. Danny scoffs. "Using a ray with a cryogenic laser beam so last season. Invent something new, you one act poney."
Bruce stares up at him with those soft eyes again, and Danny smiles now that he is sure the Danger is gone.
"Is there nothing that mind of yours can't do?" Bruce asks and Danny laughs helping him to his feet as police swarm the place.
"Find me a date, maybe." Danny jokes, "I haven't had one since you took in Dick.""
"Neither has Father!" Damian shouts from behind them. Danny bemussingly watches the young boy march up to gesture at the mortified-looking man.
Despite his father's obvious embarrassment, Damian does not seem bothered to shout for everyone to hear. "He may swing both ways but hasn't acquired a suitable spouse. What says you, Danny? You could assist in correcting this error."
"Sure, I'll take him out." Danny laughs, patting the boy on his shoulder, knowing he hates to have his hair touched. Damian all but melts into his hand like his father seemingly smug. "I know a great club to meet some great people in Metropolis!"
Damian's smug look fades away as Bruce's eyes fall. "I meant for you to be Father's sp-"
"Danny, would you mind explaining those tazer shoes?" Bruce cuts in, throwing a arm over the inventor's shoulder. "They were dazzling!"
"Oh, Bruce, I'm always happy to explain my creations!"
Damian pouts as the two walk away, acting like a married couple to the scattered spectators. If only his Father would just man up and tell Danny that he's practically been his second Father all these years, they need to officiate it.
Tim sighs, placing a hand like Danny did on his shoulder. "It's okay, Dami. This time, we will surely succeed in the Parent Trap plan. Maybe before Danny gets lost in the lab trying to invent a way to warp travel."
"Don't even joke, Tim," Jason says. "Danny would figure that out. He created the Zeta Beams to make it to my senior play. He'll figure out warping if we ask him to."
"Dad's the best," Steph laughs, and they all agree, determined more than ever to make Parent Trap happen.
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“Hey Caleb.  You were in that bathroom for a while.  Big shit or were you giving it a tug?  Considering your swim trunks is showing no bulge whatsoever, I doubt you were enjoying your right hand.  Or do you use the left?  Me personally, I’m a lefty….
“Your dad and I were just talking by the pool.  I asked him how long he knew you were gay….  Oh I wish you could see the shocked look on your face.  So you haven’t told him.  He was shocked too.  He said you weren’t.  I told him that I’ve been around sperm burpers all my life and you were a classic pole rider.
“You haven’t said much.  Not one word of protest.  You are just trying to figure out what your next step is going to be.  Don’t worry, I love fucking with your dad.  He’s worked for me for ten years now.  He knows my sense of humor and just brush it off.  Besides he’s been drinking.  But I got enough out of him to convince me that you definitely gob the knob.
“You wanna swing on my dick, or not?  Here let me take it out for ya.  I can see by the lump forming in your shorts that you want it.  Am I right?...  Your dad likes to say that you are quiet and keep to yourself.  I can see that.  Just nod then.
“Ok, let’s do this then.  This guest room’s toilet serves as the overflow bathroom.  Someone will interrupt us.  Come with me.  My bedroom will offer us some more privacy.  Your dad already thinks you are off reading a book on your phone.  Nobody is going to miss me for a while….  It’s a large house.  When I bought it, I had an addition put on for my master suite….  When you enter my bedroom, lose the swim trunks.  Boys are to be naked at all times in my bedroom.
“Damn boy, you are rock hard.  So, were you jerking off or taking a dump in the toilet?...  Look, when it comes to sex, I cut to the point.  There’s no need to be coy.  I’m going to be fucking that pussy of yours, and I want to know if you are empty first.  Good.  Did you also give it a tug?...  Of course, you did. 
“Come here.  Point to the guy you were jerking off to….  You are at a construction company pool party where 80% of the men here work for me.  There are more muscles out there from hard work than a fag like you can take in.  Which one?...
“…Of course, you would go for Stan.  So you like big guys?  He’s six four and built like a brick shit house.  Have you talked to him?...  He can be a bit of an gruff asshole.  The guys call him Ox.  He has a dick to match.  Not the brightest guy, but damn he’s a hard worker and a brutal fucker.  Yeah, he’s tag teamed with me a couple of times.  He can fuck for hours.
“Come with me.  This closet door leads downstairs to my hidden playroom.  I had it specifically designed and loaded up for just about every kink my dick was interested in.  You’re what 20?  You probably don’t know about all these things.  I do know this: you are leaking up a storm. 
“Don’t touch yourself.  Let the leak flow.  Why don’t you have a look around?  I need to text a few of my guests to let them know that I had to step away for a bit.
“That’s a St. Andrew’s cross.  If you have an interest in being whipped, I’d be happy to oblige….  Didn’t think so. 
“Those are my four rim seats.  They are for eating ass.  Depending on my mood, they vary based on how secure the boy is underneath.  That last one secures the boy’s legs up so he can get fucked while he’s eating my shithole. 
“No. No.  Leave your dick alone.  I want you to leak….
“There.  All the appropriate texts have been sent.  Now, we’ll have some time to really have fun.  Come over there.  This is a fuck bench.  Simple.  Easy access both holes.  Climb up.  Knees go here; elbows here.
“Oh, you have a pretty cunt.  Nice….  Oh, you are not as tight as I thought you would be; my finger just slid in.  I take it you are not a virgin.  That’s fine.  I get it, a cunt needs to be fed.  You get fucked at college?...  Kinda figured. 
“Ever been tied up?...  No?  There’s always a first time. 
“Ok, so here’s the situation.  I’ve applied a small amount of lube to your cunt lips.  Your mouth, or rather your throat needs to put some slime on me.  I will probably go between your holes.
“I put a sludge plate under your dick to collect your pre-cum and when I eventually allow you, your cum.
“Open wide…. Oh fuck.  Your mouth feels good.  Oh shit, you know how to work your tongue.  You little faggot whore.  Oh man.  Fuck.
“I gotta try that cunt.  If it’s as good as your throat, boy…
“…Right to the root.  Right to the fucking root.  Wait.  What the fuck?...  Do that again….  Boy you are something.  I could just stand here, and you can squeeze my cock like that all day.  It feels like you are jerking me off with your hole.
“Where the fuck did you learn all this?  No twenty-year-old stumbles on how to treat a cock like you.  Who taught you?
“…Your math professor?  Damn, I never would have thought a math professor would have been so twisted. 
“Say faggot, you have a job?...  Living off your dad, hunh?  You probably go out looking for dick when he’s at work.  You fucking faggot whore.  How would you like to come work for me?  It’ll be in my main office.  It’s a tiny office, just me and my manager Dwight.  You’ll actually have office responsibilities in addition to servicing me and Dwight.  Yeah, he’s another guy that I work with that I play around with.  I employ four or five guys that also enjoy using faggots like you, although Dwight also uses bitches too.
“This is a serious offer.  Your dad doesn’t need to know anything other than you are working in my office.  I need to have these holes accessible.  You want to do that?...
“…Fuck yeah!  I’m getting close faggot.  Keep doing what you are doing.  Oh shit.  Oh shit!  Here it cums!  Shit yeah!
“You keep performing like this, and I’ll pay you what I do your dad.
“So, did the math professor teach you other kinks?…  Eating ass and piss drinking!  Hell yeah!  So you have been under a rim seat?...  No, he just sat on your face.  Did he tie you up, or get rough?...  He wanted to?  Boy, when a man wants to use you the way he wants you need to let him.
“Oh fuck, climb down.  And keep my load in you.  Here hop up on this fuck table.  I want to sample that tongue.  Legs go in the stirrups.  I will be securing your legs in them….  Wrists will be secure at your sides in these cuffs.
“You still in contact with the professor?...  Good.  I want to invite him over some weekend so we can use you all weekend long. 
“This table was designed for butt play as well as eating ass.  Your head goes here onto the head rest off the end.  I can lower the head rest and your head back so that opens your throat to a deep straight throat fuck, but I primarily use it by lifting it up like this to support your head when I straddle it like this.  Now your face is wedged in my ass, with me just standing here.  Get that tongue going.
“Oh fuck.  Fag, this will definitely be part of your office responsibilities.  Dwight will love it too.  As will Ox….
“Hey Ox….
“Faggot, I took the liberty of telling Ox to join us when I sent out those texts.
“Holy shit Ox, this is Murphy’s boy.  He’s a total cunt pig.  I just hired him to work for me in the main office.  Wait until you try his holes. 
“Shut up faggot!  This doesn’t concern you….  Get back to sticking your tongue into my shitter.
“He does this pulse thing with his cunt muscles.  You have to try it.  My load is still inside.
“Hey fagboy, you ever have a baseball bat in your cunt?...  No?...  Well it would have been practice for what’s about to be shoved into you.  You know that bulge you jerked off to is going in your twat.
“Scream in my ass.  Keep that tongue going in deep.  Oh fuck! 
“Look at how much he’s leaking.  Give it to him.  Hard.  He’s shaking.  Keep plowing….  Oh shit!  He’s fucking cumming.  Without his hands, that’s fucking amazing.
“Fag, I don’t care that you shot a huge load.  Ox takes a while to get going.  I’ll be right back.  Ron Owens needs to try you out. 
“Fag, while I’m gone, I want you to focus on the man you jerked off to—the man that is tearing up your cunt.  Here, let me undo your hands.  Run them over his chest.  Feel those muscles and that chest hair.
“Ox, don’t you dare cum before we get back.  Keep pile driving into him, and don’t let up, even if he begs.”
“Faggot, this is only the beginning….”
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watchmegetobsessed · 7 months
A/N: oh my god??? im actually posting something??? wow!!! okay joke aside lol its been ages since i last poste anything and im not saying im back, but i've been trying to write here and there so hopefully i will be back soon. until then, here is this little something i manage to finish last month!
SUMMARY: Everyone knows Harry is crushing on Y/N, but he hasn't made any major moves. Maybe tonight, when they find themselves under the mistletoe...
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“So Styles, are you gonna man up and ask her out finally, or be a baby?” Niall laughs, bumping his shoulder against Harry’s as they are approaching the pub they spend almost every Friday night at. 
“Shut up,” he groans, but it’s impossible to miss the blush on his cheeks. Niall didn’t even drop a name, but they both knew who he was talking about.
It’s kind of an open secret that Harry has been very into Y/N. Well, all the boys know at least and they very much enjoy teasing him about it. Or maybe not about the crush, but about how long he’s been into her and he still hasn’t made any major moves. The past couple of weeks it’s been even more intense, because it seems like Y/N has been very much open towards Harry and his interest in her, but he’s been clearly waiting for him to make a move. 
As the boys arrive at the pub it’s just as buzzing as always even despite the painfully cold weather that’s been keeping everyone on campus wrapped up in their warmest clothes. A few days ago it was even snowing for a bit, though there’s nothing left from the whiteness by now.
Harry sighs happily as the warmth of the crowd inside hugs him in an instant. The bunch that’s already there, including Y/N, is sitting in the back at a table they often sit by, it’s kind of their spot at this point. 
He spots her in an instant and his cheeks warm up, but this time it’s not because of the temperature inside the pub. He saw her just the other day at lunch, but he can always feel his heart skipping a beat as if she was coming back from a months long trip. 
“You’re being obvious,” Niall bumps his shoulder against his, grinning at his friend, but Harry just rolls his eyes again as they make their way over to the table.
With only two weeks until winter break the place is decorated, there are garlands running along the walls and pipes, ornaments hanging from the corners of the framed photos, there’s a tiny christmas tree on top of the bar and if you’re not paying attention you can end up standing underneath a mistletoe here and there as well. 
“Hey! Thought you guys weren’t even gonna make it!” Jackie exclaims as she stands from the table, hugging the boys one by one. She is practically the person who brought the group together, everyone in the gang either had a lecture together with her, went to practice with her or shared a room with her. The latter is how Y/N got to meet the boys, including Harry. Though the two girls are not roommates anymore, they are still very close. 
Just as Harry wraps his arms around Jackie his eyes meet Y/N’s over her shoulder and his ming blanks for a moment. With her shy smile, simple yet flattering outfit and vibrant aura she is definitely the one who steals the show, at least in Harry’s mind. 
“Hi,” he breathes out when they are finally facing each other and she gifts him with the brightest smile as she lifts her arms to wrap them around his neck.
“Hi,” she giggles, her front pressing against his and he holds her just a bit tighter and longer than anyone else. Which she seemingly doesn’t mind. 
Of course they end up sitting next to each other. It’s no surprise to anyone. Niall is sitting across Harry and every time Harry looks his way he gives him a nudging, teasing look that screams “come on, make a move” which Harry tries to ignore as much as possible, though Niall tends to be a bit much at times.
“What are your plans for the break?” Y/N asks him, the two of them have kind of tuned out of the conversation that’s happening around the table. 
“Just going home, spending time with my family. My mum is very excited,” he chuckles softly. “What about you?”
“Pretty much the same,” she smiles. “I’m pretty sure my mum has already started cooking.”
They talk about family traditions, gifting and funny stories from past holidays, completely forgetting about the rest of the group for a while. When their glasses empty out they head over to the bar for a refill, sticking to each other’s side still.
When Y/N tries to pay for her drink Harry steps in, earning a knowing look from the bartender. 
“What a gentleman,” he murmurs under his breath with a smirk, pushing the two beers towards them. Harry’s ears turn red, while Y/N just nods in agreement. 
A guy hurries past them, pushing Y/N slightly against Harry whose hand moves to her waist out of instinct to steady her. The moment gets lost in the crowd to everyone else, but not to them. Harry’s whole body flames, the closeness of her feels exciting and calming at the same time and he doesn’t know, but she shares the same feeling. 
“You alright?” he manages to ask her, their faces way closer than ever before. She peeks up at him with a short nod.
“Yeah, thanks.”
It feels like a moment that would be perfect to finally make a move. Harry knows and as he is looking at her he also knows that she wouldn’t reject him, yet he still can’t get himself to take that step and cross the line he’s been dancing on for so long. 
The seconds pass by and the moment fades as well, disappointment bubbling in her gut as she moves back from him, his hand falling off her waist and he is already regretting being such a coward.
“Fuck,” he whispers to himself as Y/N starts to move ahead of him, back to the table and he follows her feeling like the biggest loser ever. 
Why is he so afraid of making a move? She’s all he’s been thinking about, they get along so well and everyone’s been telling him she wants him too. But still, that awful voice in the back of his head keeps reminding him there’s a chance she rejects him and everything would be ruined after that. 
Defeated, they join the rest of the table again and they both can feel a wall sitting right between them. Harry keeps replaying the moment in his head, he thinks of everything he could have done not to mess up his chance, wishing he could go back in time and man up finally.
Soon enough the group moves to the darts boards as Niall and Liam start a match, the rest enjoying the show because Niall is known to be quite competitive in any and all sports. 
Harry is standing by Y/N again, but there’s tension between them obviously and his mind is racing to find a way to ease the situation. Should he ask her to talk? Pretend like nothing happened? Or what if he just swung an arm around her right now? What if–
“Oh! You two!” Niall snaps him out of his thoughts, pointing at him and Y/N. “You’re standing under the mistletoe!”
They look up at the same time, checking that he did not lie, there really is a mistletoe hanging above them. Their gazes meet and the moment is back. Y/N is looking at him with hope tinkering in her eyes and Harry knows he can’t mess it up this time, but he needs just a few seconds to build up the courage, this is a big step and he…
He is taking too long. He sees the moment when Y/N is letting go and panic sets in, screaming at him to do something and then… he finally does. Just when Y/N turns her face in defeat he gently cups her cheek, turning it back and she sucks on her breath before he finally presses his lips to hers. 
A lot happens around them, there’s whistling and clapping and Niall shouts something but it all tunes out to Harry, she is all he can sense. Her arms are quick to snake around his neck and his hands find their way to her waist, pulling her tight into his embrace, hoping he never has to let go of her. 
All his fantasies about what kissing her would feel like vanish and he swears it’s all he has ever known, the touch of her soft lips, the way her tongue swirls against his, the warmth of her body pressed against his. 
Their mistletoe kiss stretches long and neither of them really wants to end it, but reality pushes its way back into their bubble and the noise pops it. Pulling apart they stare at each other for a while before Y/N’s lips slowly break into a smile that Harry feels like wants to own forever. He can’t bear the thought of anyone else being the reason she smiles this way. 
“Harry Styles finally grew some balls!” Niall shouts, completely stomping over the moment they just shared as they turn back to face their friends, arms still around each other. 
“A Christmas miracle!” Jackie joins in on the teasing. 
“Okay, okay! I get it!” Harry groans, not quite enjoying being in the center of attention. 
Y/N’s arms have moved to circle around his abdomen and she gently squeezes him, grabbing his attention. The moment he looks at her smiling face he forgets about everything that’s making him uncomfortable. 
Leaning down he presses a short, lingering kiss to her lips, replacing every word he ever wanted to tell her and she understands it all, happy to be finally speaking the same language. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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xiao-come-home · 6 months
Argenti relationship headcanons;
✰ Characters: Argenti x reader.
✰ Words: ~1k.
✰ SFW ; gn!reader, no mentions of pronouns. fluff.
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Warnings: might be slightly sug/gestive here and there. i tried but he's too hot :pensive: written with jp voice in mind
A/N: I'm honestly so surprised there's so little Argenti content that IM OFFENDED. i need MORE OF HIM BEING CUTE AND LOVING ME. i cant pull him now but i next time he wont escape me
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He absolutely wakes up looking like a princess. Sun rays illuminating his face so beautifully, his chest slowly rising up and down (and his um, chest muscles being also blessed by the sun rays if you get me), his lips parted ever so slightly, hair sprawled out, but still looking untouched by the nights sleep.
His long eyelashes flutter open, and his emerald eyes scan the room drowsily; once the knight sets his eyes on you, he smiles to himself and turns to his side to face you.
He admires you sleeping, for... quite some time. Even if your hair is not perfect at all, or there's a drool running down your face - he's mesmerized. and I truly mean it, he's trying to calm down the butterflies in his stomach. Argenti can't help but cup your cheek and caress it gently with his thumb; his sleepy smile growing even wider when he feels you stir in your sleep.
even though it's never in his intentions to awaken you (he actually kinda wishes you kept sleeping so he could still admire you lol), he takes advantage of that and begins to place warm and slow kisses on your face to wake you up. his hair shields you from the harsh sunlight, faintly tickling you here and there.
hear me out, it surely looks nice from your angle, but his back muscles..
depending on your mood, these kisses may trail somewhere else. i mean.. can you imagine him between your thighs. because i can and it's not making me feel well.
"my brightest rose, good morning. seeing your magnificent eyes once again fills me with happiness and energy for the upcoming day." wipes off your drool sexily
he sleeps SHIRTLESS (you told him you were cold. he pretended to believe it).
random dances across all the planets at (seemingly) random times. he doesn't care whether you can dance or not, but he'll be honored to teach you if you wish. argenti would absolutely get you to dance whenever you feel down just to make you laugh; wrong moves don't matter - it'd probably hurt you more if you stepped on his armor...
listen. he doesn't care if it's cringe, but he will hold a rose between his teeth and dance with you, if that's what makes you laugh.
has probably thought once or twice if you're the truest manifestation of Idrila. He's never been so mesmerized by someone's beauty, so... maybe? ... *rubs hands and smirks*
does NOT give a single sheet if he's in public or not - but he always, ALWAYS kisses you like it's your last kiss. They're so passionate, intimate, and sensual, that it makes people flustered at the sight of you. He pulls you close by your waist, swiftly switching his hands to cup your cheeks; the knight puts his forehead against yours and whispers a few silly words before finally connecting your lips together. The kiss, although as simple as it could be, leaves you hungry for more - it takes a while for him to finally part, but just enough to refill the air in your lungs.
now, it wouldn't be as awkward to other people if it took you a few minutes, but argenti TAKES HIS TIME. he has to kiss you (or makeout at this point lol) until your lips are swollen from his kisses. then he moves on to his duties like nothing happened.
he truly wants you to hold him by his waist when you two kiss, or at least have your hands on his chest. he'll put them on the desired place by himself if you don't do it. what a dork.
touch is just so, so important to him. he has a hard time getting rejected, no matter if it's a hug or kiss, it makes him feel unwanted. he won't show it outside much, but he might be less... dramatic and excited than usual.
he SO SHOWS OFF FOR YOU it's almost reckless sometimes. "My lady, fear not, as I am here to protect your beauty until my very end!" Argenti kisses your knuckles before parting to defeat the enemy with ease.
Calculated how to fall just enough to dramatically appear on his knees and put his hand on his heart before you, "Beloved, the evil has been obliterated with the power of love my heart stores for your beautiful soul!"
He KNOWS his cheesy lines either make you cringe (with love), laugh or you're just an adorable soul who genuinely likes lines like these, he RAMPS them up like crazy.
just throwing it out there so we're clear: to argenti, consent is a must, regardless of the activity. no consent, he's moving on. thinks consent is se/xy. HE'S THE EMBODIMENT OF CONSENT.
his hair probably smells really nice. a faint smell of strawberry, perhaps..
the beauty knight usually wants you to stay out of battles, but holy sheet if he sees you kick someone's ass so good, he's impressed and proud. probably needs a bathroom break also..
"oh, how much do i wish that was me instead..." - argenti probably
actually wouldn't mind to have friendly spares with you from time to time - it's a good opportunity for both to test your skills. or maybe give argenti an opportunity to straddle you... that's also an option.
remembers every date that's important for you. in return, he doesn't really care about his, but might tear up when you show up with a gift.
he'd actually love to help you dress up! nothing sexual involved, just pure intimacy of helping his beloved. his moves are precise, careful not to harm you in any way with his armor; he relishes in the feeling of your skin being so tender compared to his.
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akutasoda · 3 months
hello, platonic aventurine with an in-debt teen reader?
a debt repaid
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synopsis - aventurine with an indebt teen
includes - aventurine
warnings - gn!teen!reader, fluff, slight angst??, wc - 528
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↪the ipc had many partners and clients across the vast galaxy, they are responsible for the economy across the entire cosmo afterall. and sometimes that was quite the inconvenience to the workers who were sent halfway across the cosmo to sort out dealings and, mainly, minor issues.
↪quite alot of those were to deal with debts. a common occurrence as sometimes people, or even entire planets, could no longer keep up the ipc's demands and quota's. as a result, the ipc would send a range of employees directly there to retrieve the payments or atleast strike a deal - one that always worked for the ipc.
↪stonehearts weren't normally dispatched for such reasons but either the situation was too important or nobody else was available. aventurine would still see no reason for hom being sent all the way across the galaxy to deal with a single person in debt.
↪ he'd excuse it of it had more importance - topaz was recently dispatched to solve an entire planets debt! however he wasn't exactly in the position to dispute with the ipc's demands and would begrudgingly make his way to deal with a single persons debt.
↪aventurine knows the struggles people can face in the early years of their life, so he became rather conflicted when he learnt the person in debt was you.
↪on one hand, he did have his job to do and not doing so would be a direct denial of orders and most likely would have consequences for him. but on the other, you were only a teenager trying your hardest.
↪you knew exactly what his appearance meant as soon as he told you he was from the ipc and all you could do was hope that he had atleast a little bit of sympathy for you. now normally you wouldn't resort to begging but you had heard of what happens to those in debt to the ipc.
↪it wasn't really begging, just a desperate plea that you just needed more time and you could only do so much at this point in your life. you couldn't tell but it was working.
↪your words only tore into his heart and he really would prefer to face the ipc's punishment than do his job. especially because you were young, you didn't need the ipc breathing down your neck for repayment.
↪aventurine would only make deals with people if it benefitted him, but right now he handed you a contract that worked for you and you only. he just really hoped that it'd pay of for the both of you in the future - a huge gamble that he wanted to work out for him and you.
↪you were incredibly grateful for the generous situation granted to you and couldn't thank him enough. although it scared you when aventurine showed up only a few days later, immediately assuming you were going to be placed into debt again.
↪aventurine visited you often and would tell you that he was only there to make sure that you could eventually pay off your debt. while that was partially true, he also wanted to make sure the ipc didn't send someone else to take away all you owned.
↪the day you finally payed off your debt to the ipc, you thanked aventurine personally. and that was all he needed. one of the greatest gambles he ever took and all he won was a thank you and the brightest smile he'd ever seen. the greatest reward.
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
My North Star
Cassian x reader
Summary: You and your siblings represent the eight points of your father, King Astraeus’, brightest star. After his death your seven siblings have come to the decision to banish you since you don’t agree with their way to rule. Sending you across space and time you end up landing in the Illyrian Mountains.
Warnings: violence, angst, fluff, and very long
A/n: based on this request
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They had you dress in your armor. Had you strap your sword to your back. All to get rid of you. In your twenty-five years of life never once had you been a nuisance to your siblings. Being the youngest made you unseen and you had handled it with grace.
Never had you defied your father or the woman you are forced to call mother. Never once had you gotten in their way of ascending the throne.
Your siblings were all in agreement on how they wanted to rule. And who would question gods?
You are young, you’ll learn is something you always heard from the seven of them. But you didn’t want to learn. You wanted to change things. Make the world a better place for the people you ruled over.
Clearly, your older siblings did not like that idea. You wouldn’t be standing here with a portal to gods knew where at your back as they all looked down at you from the dias in the throne room. Guards surrounding you with their weapons drawn.
“I have been nothing but compliant all my life. Learning to live in your shadows as father favored all of you, never paying attention to me. You were all I had. And now you’re abandoning me because what? I won’t agree to Castor’s ruling?”
Your eldest brother sighed, looking bored as he spread out on the throne. The sight made you sick. He was lazy, arrogant, and cruel. He is the last person in existence who should be king. “What’s done is done little sister. I can’t have descent among the ranks. Our brothers and sisters are in agreement with me.”
Tears stream down your face as you realize what Castor was truly mad about. Were you truly being punished for something you had no control over? "That's not why you're getting rid of me, is it? You hate that I'm more powerful. If I'm still around our people will question your rule when they see me." Castor pounded his fist against the arm of the throne. He stood so abruptly the throne almost toppled over.
Guards and courtiers and even a few of your siblings were confused at the reaction you drew from him. Castor points a finger at you, the rage simmering on his face threatening to boil over. “You have no right to speak to me that way!” He stomps down the dias stopping at the line of guards keeping you from your family.
Castor takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm his temper. It’s too late though. He’s already ruined himself for the people who are supposed to show him blind loyalty. “You will hand over your sword before you go.” He said plainly. “No.” You say firmly, standing straighter, ready to defend yourself. If you were going to take something with you it would be the silver and pearl sword at your back. You forged it when you were fifteen before your first battle to match the bright silver armor you were wearing now. Like hell you’d give that up. It was imbued with your power. Castor would melt it down for its core and the beautiful thing you’d created would be gone.
The guards looked conflicted as Castor waved his hand for them to stand in attack position. You discreetly step back two paces, trying to get as closer to the portal before they strike. It was shrinking as Castor wasted time. You realize that you’d have to jump soon or die here.
“Give it here, little sister.” He holds out his hand, impatience running low. You shake your head vehemently. You take two more steps back. The cold breeze from the portal sending chills through the open spots in your armor. “No Castor.” You say trying to keep the shakiness from your voice. “You want me gone? Then all of me is going.”
The room around you fades. Closing the distance between you and the unknown, you leap before anyone can grab you. There’s a moment where you’re suspended in mid air. A light feeling taking over your body. Like you weigh nothing. Looking back you find the chaos of the throne room frozen. Castor lunging to grab any part of you he can reach. Guards mid-swing to strike you down.
You don’t have a chance to fully take in the scene before you're falling. There's just darkness as you tumble through time and space. You feel a pull in your stomach. It's unbearable. Your bones feel like they’re compressing. Before it gets worse the pain vanishes as you keep falling. And falling. And falling.
It felt like you were falling for hours. Days. Years. All sense of time and direction was gone. Left was up and Down was right. Tears from your eyes spilled upward, floating away from your face. You didn't know if it was from the wind whistling past or your fear of the unknown.
When you could finally see again you started slowing down. As if the universe was deciding where to put you. Taunting you with what could be.
Different worlds in all different periods of time flew by. Major cities that looked old and new. Gleaming towers touching the sky, people with and with out wings flying through the air. Lush green worlds with castles, some with odd architecture that seemed millennia away built into the land, others with flying ships coming and going. Worlds made entirely of water with structures just above the restless surface.
But the universe didn't stop at any of these places. If you could choose you don't know which world you would pick. You'd love to explore all of them if you could.
Time slowed again, bringing you to another world. The final one it seems. A glittering night sky came into view until it was the only thing you saw. Snow capped mountains appeared to get closer, the air chilly with a roaring wind.
Gasping, you realized this is where you were being dropped. The universe picked a world and it was this gorgeous, endless night. At least you'd have the stars. Maybe there would be new constellations for you to discover.
You tried to control the rest of your fall. Summoning your power, your hands eminated that familiar shimmering white glow. You could use the propulsion of the 'star beams'—you and your sister Vesper lovingly called them—to slow down. The light flickered like you couldn't fully connect to it. Your heart pounded hoping it was just a one-time thing.
It was not.
In fact your light seemed to dim every few hundred feet. You felt an odd buzzing rush through your body at what seemed like the five hundered feet mark. By three hundred feet your power fully flickered out on you.
Holding in your scream you braced for impact. You silently prayed the snow was deep enough to cushion you. Feeling the ground rush up at you, you screwed your eyes shut, not wanting to watch.
The snow was no help at all. You hit the hard, cold earth hard. You rolled over onto your back taking in deep breaths to help dispel the pain running rampant through your bones. To distract yourself from your shaking body you focus on the night sky.
The stars seemed so familiar but new. Even though your current situation sucked a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. You have a new night sky to discover. A new north star to navigate the land with.
Sitting up you move and crack your joints to get feeling back in your body. Now that your bones have stopped shaking you stand, stretching again.
You look around the mountain region and spot what you hope is a village in the distance. Lanters and fire light told you that the residents were still awake. Hope flared in your heart. Maybe this mountain village would be your new home. A smiple life but it would be yours and no one would try to control you.
Rhys felt the breach in the wards an hour ago. With every minute he wasted winnowing to Windhaven, telling Devlon, and tracking down Cassian and Azriel he was on edge. Anyone could have broken through. And that anyone could have any kind of power with a grudge or looking to destroy a city.
While waiting the High Lord donned his fighting leathers, strapping his sword to his back. His brothers came rushing up to him as he pulled the leather srap through it's buckle.
"Devlon sure took his time getting you two. Did he tell you about the wards?" Rhys asked, tension in his voice from the concern for his court. The pair shook their heads givinging their brother a worried look. “An hour ago the wards were breached. Whoever it was is up here in the mountains so they have a ways to go before the city. I want this done quietly so we don’t cause panic, ready?”
“Let’s go.” Cassian said, checking the glowing ruby siphons on the back of his hands. The three brothers spread their wings, taking off into the night sky.
Cutting your way through the forest the trees finally thinned out. You must be getting close to that village. Taking a pause, you lean against one of the thick tree trunks to stretch out your back. Your body still feels tight and achey from the fall. Gods, you’d kill to have a hot bath right now.
Letting go of the rough bark you wiped your hands together to get rid of the dirt. Continuing your trek up the steep mountain the sound of beating wings above you making you freeze. Not knowing what is attached to said wings you find it in your best interest to hide. And you better hide fast because they sound like they’re slowing down.
Running on silent feet you backtrack a few feet to the left to hide behind one of the larger trees. The sound of someone whooshing through the branches and landing, shaking your surroundings makes you hold your breath. Pressing your back to the tree trunk hard you will your powers to come back to you. That familiar light sensation in your body had noticeably dimmed.
If you had to fight you were terrified you’d have to rely on hand-to-hand combat or weapons. You weren’t at full strength, no way you could last.
Crunching footsteps got louder and louder as whoever was searching the woods drew closer. You had to make a decision and fast. Attack first or wait. The thing about waiting is that you can get too comfortable with your hiding spot. You let your guard down and someone surprises you.
Taking a chance you peek out from behind the tree. The thing with large membranous wings had his back to you. It looked like a male, male shaped at least. He could have a creature like face for all you knew. Something nasty and horrible or sharp teeth meant for ripping limbs from your body. You had never encountered anything like that on your home world but you always had a wild imagination.
Home world. What an odd thing to say.
The winged creature turned slightly, just enough so you could see his profile. Definitely not a sharp toothed monster. He seemed quite handsome actually. You wanted a closer look at him except every warning bell in your head was going off telling you to stay put.
His nostrils flared, sniffing the air. You quickly duck back behind the tree holding your breath once again.
A red blast shot through the tree just next to your head. You roll sideways, shooting to your feet. The male was closer now. Glowing red stones adorned his hands, shoulders, knees, and chest. They were pulsing with power as his face portrayed a warriors rage.
Holding your hands out at your sides, palms out, you willed your power back to you harder than you ever had in your entire life. To your relief, your hands glowed brighter than you had ever seen them. You felt the light in your whole being. It felt like it was emanating from your whole body.
The male looked frightened for a moment before snapping back into a battle stance. The dam you were keeping up on your rage at your family was breaking. If this male was looking for a fight you would give it to him. You bring your palm up to cover his chest in your line of sight.
A red shimmering shield absorbed some of the light, pushing the male backwards a few feet. Once the light died the rage on his face was clear. His teeth were bared at you and he let out a deep threatening growl. He started running at you drawing his sword.
You mimic his movements, bring the metal to clash in a loud ringing that shook your eardrums. It didn’t affect you as much as the male, who winced in pain. You didn’t hold back. You slashed and slashed and slashed. Hoping he’d fall soon.
You brought the male to his knees with a flash of your power and extra aggressive swing of your sword. Your blade sticks in his, creating a small notch. The surprise on his face changed to anger. He pushed back hard with a loud cry. You tried your hardest to dig the heels of your silver boots into the ground. The snow and frozen dirt making it impossible to find purchase.
He pushes you over a thick root causing you to lose balance. Calling to your power again you find it flickering out again. The white light dying as it reaches your finger tips. He notices and takes advantage. Elbowing you in the chest you fall the ground hard for the second time that night.
Before you can recover and fight back he dropped his knees down on either side of you, straddling your middle. Your instincts scream at you to start scratching and hitting him. But he acts like he’s being bothered by a fly as he bats your hands away. Catching your wrists in one hand he pins them above your head. You still struggle. You didn’t want to make it too easy.
Watching his face you noticed his eyes glaze over. His attention was on you, but it seemed like he was somewhere else. Taking advantage of the moment you attempt to knee him in the groin. He catches on to what you’re trying to do and moves to trap your legs tighter. You were now fully pinned under this hulking male.
There’s no way to get out of this. He’s far stronger and if you did break free he’d have no problem reaching out to pull you back. Or he could fly off with you. Then your chances at reaching the small mountain village would be zero. Your chances were looking pretty grim right now anyway.
As you stopped struggling and accepted your fate for right now. Adrenaline wearing off had the exhaustion of everything hit you. The bruises and stiffness from falling out of the sky. The ache in your chest from where the male elbowed you. Your arms were shaking from wielding g your sword. You are a certified mess.
Your vision began to go in and out. Between long blinks you saw two other figures standing over you. They were almost identical to the male on top of you. Almost. Even in your tired haze you could tell there was something unique about each of them. That they each held a special power. And then nothing.
You came to with a jolt. Feeling ropes tight around your wrists you started to panic. The door to the room you’re being held in opens with a bang. You wince and tuck your chin to your chest.
You had to get out. Escape somehow. You refuse to be locked away after escaping (well…being banished) from your own personal hell. How sad would it be if you traded your brother for another monster. Maybe you should’ve stayed. Continued being the silent, unquestioning sister and support Castor’s rule.
Looking up you see the three males from last night. You assumed everything happened last night since it was day time. You hoped it was last night.
The three look down at you with an odd curiosity. Like they’re dissecting you. You notice that glazed over look in all their eyes. As quickly as you noticed it their gazes refocus on you. The one in the middle who clearly carries himself like a leader steps forward.
“You’re a curious little silver thing. No one in the seven courts, or on the Continent for that matter, has claimed you to be their spy or warrior.” You raise an eyebrow at him, pursing your lips. Courts? The Continent? Just where exactly did you end up? The only positive you see right now is that the two of you can communicate. Hopefully you can clear things up and this male will believe your story.
You start to say something but the words get caught in your throat. Your mouth feels dry as you start to get anxious. What if they don’t believe how you got here? Would they just kill you? You had to stop catastrophizing. You’ll never talk if anxiety gets the better of you.
“I’m not from here. I had no idea where I was landing.” They all give you the same confused look. “From Prythian or another continent?” Ok, now’s your time to shine. Just drop that mind blowing piece of info on them and be done with it. “I’m from a different world.”
You bet if you knew them personally those expressions they are making would be priceless. The three males are completely dumbfounded. The one in the middle snaps back to his leader stance, something like curiosity and the knowledge of being right sparkling in his violet eyes.
“Please explain,” he said with a slight, confused smirk pulling at his lips. “Can I sit somewhere more comfortable? It’s a long story and I’m in so much pain.” You shouldn’t have mentioned the pain part but you are desperate for a cushy arm chair or a couch. A fluffy rug even. Anything but a rickety wooden chair and ropes that cut off your circulation.
He looks like he’s debating letting you. His hesitance makes you start your epic tale. “I was banished from my home, but it felt more like running before something bad happened.” The sincerity in your eyes makes up his mind. With a wave of his hand the ropes disappear.
Pushing yourself to stand you’re a bit wobbly. Now that you’ve rested you are starting to truly feel all the pain from last night. You should be fine in a day thanks to your accelerated healing. At least being part god from your father’s side was good for something.
The male who had been questioning you lightly grabbed your arms. Steadying, he leads you into a sitting room. Looking over your shoulder you see the room you were just in is no longer empty. The wooden chair was gone and bedroom furniture decorated the space. Curious. A place of magic then.
Stretching out on the large couch you let out a sigh. It feels good to be comfortable. The three males, still nameless to you, you realize, take up different seats around you. “I’m y/n, by the way.” “My name is Rhysand. You are already well aquatinted with Cassian,” Rhysand gestures towards the male with the red gems in his leathers, giving you a small two-fingered salute. “And this is Azriel.” He silently gives you a small nod in greeting, like you just entered their home and haven’t been their “prisoner” for the last twelve hours.
You tell Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian the story of your fathers passing, how you think your oldest brother murdered him, that he didn’t want you around anymore under the guise of not agreeing to his way of ruling. You did not give up the extent of your power. You still didn’t know if you could fully trust these three.
Rhysand then explained that you were now in the realm of the Fae. That there are seven courts in Prythian and fate had chosen the Night Court for you, the court he is High Lord of. You were blown away by the description of these courts. Wanting to explore them all.
After being told about his powers you let Rhysand into your mind. You wanted to establish trust and you knew how to fight off someone with telepathic powers. You could easily crush his mind if it came to that. Seeing that your story was true, and that you truly could not return home, Rhysand gave you a sympathetic look.
Days went by. The High Lord let you stay in his cabin until he thought of a permanent solution for you. The male you fought, Cassian, was staying with you. Not to watch you, Rhysand had reassured, to keep you company. It didn’t feel like it though. You still felt like you were tied to that rickety wooden chair.
Sitting around didn’t feel right to you. Learning there was a whole camp outside the cabin where a fighting style you had no idea about was being taught made you restless. You wanted to learn. Wanted Cassian to teach you.
You like talking with Cassian. During meals and at night before bed you would trade stories from childhood or fights you had been in. He was amazed you could fight so well and wielded so much power at twenty five years old.
Tension seemed to be growing between the two of you. Not bad tension. It was almost awkward. Like neither of you wanted to say the wrong thing. For the first time a male wasn’t speaking to you to climb a social ladder or to get to one of your family members. Cassian seemed truly interested in you, and you didn’t want to mess that up.
You couldn’t deny that he’s attractive. You have a craving for him. You want him to be yours. You want all of his attention. Plus he is everything you want in a male. Strong, good looking, a fighter, kind, and caring.
Over dinner that night you finally worked up the courage to ask Cassian if he would be willing to show you the camp and let you train. he had paused, thinking through his options. You didn’t know Illyrians, which scared him. Cassian would never forgive himself if anything happened to you. “I will ask Rhys if you can train. I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” Truthfully, he wanted you to stay in the safety of the cabin until your permeant solution was available. But he knew the reality of what you are. You’re a warrior, a fighter like him. And you would rather die than sit still.
Three days passed without an answer from Rhys. You had become impatient and irritated with Cassian’s answer each time you asked. “He hasn’t made his decision yet. But he will soon.” Soon. You were getting sick of that word. You could tell Cassian felt bad each time he didn’t give you the answer you wanted. He knows what it’s like to want to let the warrior out. To do your routine. To fight.
Making the decision for Rhys you dress in the fighting leathers Cassian had made for you. Adding your silver gauntlets to your arms and strapping your sword to your back. The leathers fit like a glove. Flexible and breathable. If only you could fully mix these with your armor. Then you’d have quite the battle suit.
You weren’t allowed to roam the village alone. Suspecting that was more Cassian than Rhys given the way residents of Windhaven were staring at you. Murmurs joined their curious looks. But you held your head high, keeping your pace calm as you look for the training rings.
None of them are Castor. He is not here. He cannot hurt you. You had been repeating those words to yourself more than you’d like to admit. Every night since you arrived in the Night Court sleep had been restless. Nightmares of Castor getting his hands on your sword or killing you or locking you up plagued you.
Cassian had been there, though. He sat with you, talked with you. One night, after a particularly horrible nightmare, Cassian sat with you on the couch letting you grip his hand. The two of you sat in silence for hours as his warm, rough hands grounded you.
He never asked questions. Never pushed you to talk about it. He let you take things at your own pace, which you were grateful for.
Your siblings or father or handmaidens never let you talk about things that bothered you. They all believed nightmares were silly things to dwell on. “Ignore it,” you had been told when all you wanted was comfort.
Clanging metal had you shaking the thoughts from your head. Especially the ones of Cassian. You find him in one of the training rings with his shirt off, sparring with another male that looks younger. The ring was surrounded by a group of males who all looked younger than him. You watch him spar, his muscles flexing and those wings move to help keep his balance.
Something you couldn’t get over was his tattoos. The black intricate swirls spanning his chest and arms left you breathless.
As Cassian blocked the males strike he struck the younger males abdomen with a fist, sending him sprawling in the dirt. As the male stands you find yourself in line at the edge of the ring. Cassian turns from the male to talk about everything his opponent had done wrong. He stopped short noticing you among the Illyrians. The rest of the group follows his gaze, those closest to you edging away. Cassian looks at you bewildered. Trying to tell you to go back to the cabin with his eyes.
“I got bored.” You say nonchalantly, giving him a small shrug. A male across the ring sneers at you. Good. You were looking to let off some steam.
Cassian opens his mouth to most likely tell you no until the male who sneered at you spoke up. “Since when did outside females get to join training?” He smirked, thinking he struck a nerve. You returned his smirk with your own. Taking a step over the chalk line. “If you want we can spar. Unless you’re afraid to lose to a female,” you taunt him. Anger flashed in his face before that cocky smirk returned.
“Fine,” he bites out, drawing his sword. From the corner of your eye you spot Cassian. He had a torn look on his face. Like he wanted to stop you but he couldn’t help but wonder what you looked like at full power. How truly unleashed you could get. Gods was he…turned on by this?
Yes. Yes, he absolutely is.
After this—he told himself—he would make his move. You were made for him. Literally fell from the sky for him. After that first fight Cassian knew he met his match.
Focusing back on the fight in front of you, you draw your sword. The pure silver blade and mother of pearl inlay gleaming in the afternoon sun. A collective gasp sounded from the group at the pure power of the blade.
The two of you face off in a ready stance. Cassian marks the start of the fight and you begin circling each other. He makes the first move, trying to rush you. You block, spinning out into a defensive stance to continue circling. This was taking too long. You wanted more action than this.
Spinning your sword you run feel speed, watching the cocky look melt from the bastards face. He rushes to block your slashes. Catching him off guard you knock the sword from his hand, sending it flying past the chalk line.
Something snapped in you. The male looked at you ready to brace the storm that brewed in your eyes. Driving your sword into the dirt you launch yourself at him. Landing a hard, unforgiving kick to his chest. Stumbling back a few steps he regains his balance, putting his fists up. You dodge each punch he throws at you.
After you counted six punches you could tell he was tiring himself out. Pathetic. When his fists were lowered you saw your opening. Throwing a right hook his jaw made a sickening crunch. Finally down on the ground you dropped all your weight onto your right knee, falling onto his ribs.
You couldn’t help but punch his face over and over and over and over again. You couldn’t stop seeing Castor’s smug face. That smiling, thinking he had won by getting rid of you. You didn’t stop until a dark power rumbled all around you. A deep, dark voice booming through the village.
“ENOUGH Y/N!” Rhysand was standing next to Cassian, who looked like he didn’t know what to do. His warm hazel eyes sparkling as he looked from your bloody fists to your wild face. Looking Rhysand dead in the eyes you land one more punch.
Shoving yourself off the male you stand at your full height. Rolling out your shoulders and neck. Letting the tension in your muscles fall away. Picking up your sword and walking out of the ring right up to the high lord the other Illyrian’s gave you weary looks. Worried that if they breathed wrong they would be on the ground and bloody next.
“I’m a god Rhys,” your tone cool and confident, “you don’t tell me to stop fighting.” As you walk back in the direction of the cabin you miss the look of Cassian is giving you. His hazel irises are practically in the shape of hearts as he watches you saunter off.
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toska-writes · 4 months
“Where the stars can shine”
Summary: the fighting never stops, and it never will so it’s in everyone’s best interest to find the calm moments when you can.
Pairing: The Bad Batch x padawan!reader (OF COURSE THIS IS PLATONIC)
Warning: none just so much fluff!
Word count: 1261 (not proof read but what did you expect)
Notes: IM WATCHING THE NEW BAD BATCH SEASON AFTER THIS! So this is my way of manifesting everyone being alright to end the show 🥲
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The war never ended, nor would it for anyone who has endured it and its intensity.
One fight always rolled into another and nothing could be done to stop it. The only way to get through it was to find the little cracks in all the bad. The place where the sun could shine and the flowers could grow.
Or in this case, the stars could twinkle.
"This is already too high for me." Wrecker stated loudly hauling himself up the side of the Marauder.
Crosshair, who was currently under Wreck scoffed to himself before clambering up the side like it was nothing. "You never seem to have that problem when we're in the air." He quipped.
"Well I'm inside then." He whined finally being assisted by Hunter who had the small hands of Omega making sure he didn't fall.
You could only laugh at the scene, leaning back on Echo you could feel him laugh too.
"Who do you think's falling off first?" You ask with a smile that was masked by the moonlight.
"The real question is," Echo leaned forward, surprised a little bit that the top of the marauders could fit 5 fully grown clones plus omega and the Jedi padawan. "Who's going to be pushed off first."
You looked back towards him and in an instant you spoke the same word together. "Tech."
Speaking of the devil, Tech's voice rang out as you looked over to where he had an arm pointing something out beyond the horizon.
"-and if you look there you'll be able to see Endor"
Omega's eyes lit up brighter than they have been in the past few days, nothing seemed to be going right for that bad batch no matter how much they tried.
"Have you guys been there?" Omegas eyes scanned the rest of her family that sat gazing with her. The sky on this backwater planet was surprisingly clear, clearer than you thought it would be.
"Eh once or twice." Hunter shrugged it off with a smile as all that Omega could do was gawk up at her big brother.
"Thats an understatement." Crosshair added quietly from beside you. With a nudge to your shoulder he added. "That meat-head over there blew up more than half the forest and got us kicked out. For life."
"Hey!" Wrecker let go of his strong grip of the Marauder with one hand to wave it at the sniper.
Omega giggled giving you a glance as you could help but laugh at the exchange. "Have you?"
You could only smile at the found memories the question brought you. Landing with your Master on a planet you've never even heard of at that time. The trees the towered over you and the abundant shades of green that you didn't even know existed. The faint sound of your master laughing as you stared up from the base of the tall trees fathomed by the hight.
"Yeah I went once I think during the Clone Wars. It was beautiful there." You spoke, the smiles spread from Omegas face to Hunters as he watched you retell the fond memories.
"Well I also did kinda crash into a tree there but other than that the rest was beautiful." Echo hide his laugh behind you as you told the more embarrassing part of the trip.
"I think I did hear about that one." The ex arc trooper spoke out. You shoved him back slightly as your gaze returned to the stars above.
"Now if you all turn your gazes eastward you can spot the Orion constellation which should also mean the Canis Major is pretty close." Tech pointed upward now, his own eyes locked tightly on the stars.
"That one has the brightest star in the whole galaxy right?" Omega filled in, whether Tech wanted to continue himself or not he could only beam down at the girl, who clearly heard this from him before.'
You smiled also recounting when Tech probably told the group for the first time.
The bounty hunters came from nowhere that day, Omega gripped on the back of Echo's armor plate  with tears streaking down her face clearly scared.
Tech stood above you the, a data pad scanned over you as Hunter tried to apply some pressure to a wound you sustained on your side. Wrecker and Cross stood around the group, the sniper's gaze fixed on the darken horizon beyond.
Panicked breath sounded out and flown into the barren night, as much as you didn't want to scare Omega more you really could help it. You were scared yourself.
"Do you see that over there." Tech took your free arm in his hand and pointed up to the looming sky with it. "That really bright star?"
You were pulled back from your thoughts with the slightest nudge from Crosshair who spared you a glance, nobody else seemed to notice his movements
"I want to go to all of those planets one day." The words were light from Omega, a smile still evident in her voice.
"You'll definitely need to learn to fly then." You added shooting a look at Tech who finally spared a glance at someone else and was immersed in taking pictures of the different planets and constellations.
"If you can find another ship." Tech said mater-o-factly with a finger in the air.
"Aweeee Tech." Omega did the only thing she could think of, huge tooka eyes found Tech and with the pout of her bottom lip you could almost see the moment Tech cracked.
"More contemplation will be needed for that"
Though Omega wasn't disappointed for long as Crosshair whispered to her. "That's practically a yes."
Hunter laughed now shoving Crosshair back into a lying down position. He noted that his brother looked quite different without his armor, but it was a sight he could get used to.
Opening his mouth Tech was about to defend himself before a snore racked through the air. 
"Put someone else to sleep too Techy." Crosshair jabbed a finger at wrecker who still seemed to gripped the ship tightly.
You couldn't blame him though, and is wasn't just because of Tech talking, but you did insist the stars and planets were best to see in the late night. A yawn stifled through you, Echo wasn't the warmest person but the arms that wrapped around you from the clone seemed to do it.
"It's not even that late." Omega protested but her heavy eyelids seemed to contradict her own words.
"No no, we all can't fall asleep up here or it's going to be a pain getting down." Omega curled up into Hunters chest as he spoke. He slowly started to get up.
"One of us should get Wreck." Your own eyelids battled against you as you fought to sit up.
"On it." Crosshair was the last person who you thought would offer but as his leg extended you watched Wrecker rolled over the side.
His startled yell was masked by the thud of him hitting the soft grass below. 
"See it wasn't even that far." The skipper shrugged pushing himself over the edge and landing gracefully with even using the side to get down.
You chuckled as you rolled your eyes at the brothers were up to their old antics.
The chill air was a good contrast to the heated days that came before, so much fighting it seemed that it would never end.
Moments like these would always be cherished, and surprisingly Tech wasn't the one to get pushed off the Marauder.
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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heauxvibez · 4 months
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Roman Reigns Warning: Soft smut (18+)
Girl come through,
and let's do
what we do in your imagination...
Renee and Roman sat in his home theatre binge watching Law and Order: SVU. It was their favorite show to watch together when they had the time.
With how hectic Roman's schedule was, she was surprised that he was able to keep his promise to her after all these years of him wrestling. Early on he had promised her that he would always make time for her even after his career took off. They both wanted to preserve their friendship as best as they could even through the tough times of adulting.
She snuggled deeply into her seat while clutching the blanket that Roman kept at his place for her. He, on the other hand, had his seat reclined with one hand embedded in his sweats and the other tugging at his beard hair. He had a horrible habit of doing that when he was focused.
Renee glanced away from the screen to look his way for just a moment to take in his features. He had changed so much over the years. He had looked the same, yet he didn't. But nonetheless he had aged like fine wine. How? Who knows. But his skin had grew darker over time, jaw line more structured, teeth done and his beard...God his beard. She loved it. It was full, thick and had hints of gray hair. In her opinion, the only thing it needed was to be covered in her juices.
Of course, just like any ole Netflix movie or Wattpad story, Renee had found herself becoming more and more attracted to him over the years. The feelings literally consumed her on a day to day basis. She couldn't stop thinking about him, dreaming about him and often fantasized what he was like in bed.
At this point she was a professional at day dreaming. Scenario after scenario, she constantly pictured herself in his arms.
The thought of being intimate with him sent shivers down her spine. Just imagining his breath against her skin, lips grazing her neck and his eyes..damn those eyes, she often imagined him forcing her to look into them while they made love in front of the mirror in his bedroom.
"Look at me, baby girl.", she shook her head 'no' as he thrusted in and out of her from the back. Her ass slapped against his skin as he pushed deeper..and deeper..and deeper.
His hand gripped her throat and forced her head up.
"You're saying no like you got an option. Look at daddy.." her eyes shifted up, Roman bit down on his bottom lip at the sight.
"Oh God.." she widened her eyes, the words accidently slipped out of her mouth.
"What happened?" Roman looked over at her, fingers still playing with his beard. She looked at him and the look he was giving her was enough to make her want to rid herself of every single piece of clothing that clung to her body. He was looking at her with those same eyes that she remembered from her fantasies.
"I just..I was just thinking about an embarrassing moment I experienced at work a few days ago is all.."
He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Mmm, sure.." he teased.
Men aren't the brightest people in the world, but Roman definitely wasn't oblivious to the fact that his friend was attracted to him. He never failed to notice the numerous amounts of times she looked at him and the way she looked at him. He'd been teasing her a lot lately and surprisingly she hadn't noticed that he was attracted to her as well. He gave plenty of hints, became a little touchier, called her new nicknames such as baby girl, beautiful, love and they always flew over her head. If he hadn't already had a clue that she'd liked him, he'd probably feel rejected.
They stared each other down a bit longer, his hand moved from his beard and he reached it out in her direction.
"What?" she questioned.
"C'mere," his eyes softened and he licked his lips. She was a bit frozen in place. Is she losing her mind or is he really looking at her like this. The way she'd only dream of him looking at her.
She looked in his eyes, at his lips and back to his eyes.
"Come," his voiced deepened a bit, which she didn't think was possible. She rid herself of the blanket and hesitated.
"Like..sit on your lap?" she questions, now her eyebrow was raised. He bit down on his bottom lip and nodded.
She must be deep in a daydream right now because this isn't real. She finally met his reach, grabbed onto his hand and climbed over the custom theatre seat. She straddled him, legs at either side of his hips. He sighed in pleasure as she sat on top of his covered member. She felt it as well and did her best not to lose it. Her moans were begging to be released from her throat.
"You want to tell me about that embarrassing moment that made the words 'Oh God' leave those pretty lips?" he asked as he looked up at her. His hand returned to his beard while the other held tightly onto her waist.
Her hands rested on his chest. It was nice and firm. His build has definitely changed in the best of ways since he had started wrestling. He looked so edible, it was ridiculous.
"No not really, it's an embarrassing moment for a reason bud." she stated with a sarcastic smile while softly patting his chest. He thrusted up slightly, the lump under his black sweats rubbed against her core which made a soft moan escape her lips.
"You want to tell the truth?" he asked, now both hands rested on her hips. She shivered and her stomach was now consumed with butterflies. What was he doing to her?
She was now biting her lip and looking down at him with a look he thought was irresistible. His stomach was also fluttering as the beautiful woman looked down at him.
Her pretty black curls fell perfectly on her forehead. She often talked about how her 4c hair drove her mad but he loved it. He loved everything about her, her hair, her beautiful black skin, her shape, everything. She could do no wrong and in this moment, he was ready to show her how beautiful she really was to him.
"Maybe I can make whatever you were thinking about come true.." he said softly. His hand slowly began traveling from her hip, up her stomach, over her breast and found it's way around her neck. He began thrusting against her core slowly and his dark eyes looked into her soul while doing so.
Her breath became short and her hands were no longer on his chest but now grasping his tatted arm that had a nice hold on her throat.
"You just have to let me know what you were daydreaming about. I can make it come true.." she softly moaned at his words.
"Was it something like this? Is this what you were thinking about baby?" He questioned. He knew he was making the woman weak, but he wanted to hear from her mouth what she wanted. He wanted the confirmation from her lips. The lips that he wanted against every inch of him.
She shook her head 'no'. He licked his lips, smirking at the fact that she was still holding back. He fully sat up and wrapped his arms around her, his hands were now on her back. His beautiful hair draped over his shoulders. It wasn't wet like he usually had it for his matches, but dry, soft and flowing beautifully.
He snaked his arms under her shirt. Her warm skin against his cold hands made her breath hitch in her throat. He dipped his head down and into the crook of her neck. He placed soft gentle kisses against her pretty soft skin. She smelt so good, like vanilla and peony; he couldn't help but moan. She moaned back in response. His lips felt like heaven.
Her pussy throbbed immensely; she swears he could feel it. She just knew her heart was no longer in her chest and now in her panties.
"Fuck." she whispered; he continued showering her in his kisses. He worked his way up to her ear. Now it was his turn to whisper.
"Tell me what we do in your imagination.." she caved, she couldn't take it anymore.
"You were fucking me while we looked at each other in the mirror-" the hairs stood up from her skin as Roman's hand slowly slid down her back.
"Mhm, what else.." he whispered before his tongue traced the outer of her ear.
"Joe, please" She begged he pulled away from her ear and looked at her through hooded lids.
"Keep. Talking." he spoke sternly.
"You were giving me back shots, you told me to look at you and I didn't. So you wrapped your hand around my throat and made me look at you while...shit..while you fucked me." she uttered in almost agony. She had always imagined what it was like to be intimate with him and the thought always made her knees weak. But to actually experience his hands, his breath, his lips all over her..it was a whole other experience.
Roman's lips curved into a devious yet sexy smile. He loved seeing this side of her. She didn't know that she was driving him crazy just as much.
He licked his lips for what seemed like the millionth time and tilted his head slightly.
She felt her cheeks get hot and quickly became embarrassed. She looked down from his gaze and took a deep breath.
"That's what I was daydreaming about, nosey. Are you satisfied?" she giggled softly hitting him.
That devious smirked still accompanied his soft lips. He finally got want he wanted and was very satisfied matter of fact.
He grabs the wrist that she swatted him with and placed it behind her back. This caught her by surprise. With his other hand he lifted her chin and forced her to look at him.
"Very," he whispered huskily. He wasn't showing it, but he wanted her so bad. Just her looking at him was enough to make him cum. He needed to take her upstairs to the room not now but right now.
"Just know that tonight, every single time you cum I want my hand wrapped around that pretty little throat of yours and I will demand eye contact if you want to nut. We're going to make sure we do what we do in your imagination."
Hi ya'll! This is my first time writing Roman. I hope ya'll like it!
Just gonna tag my favorite writers below!
@harmshake @visionarymode @thesamoanqueen @southerngirl41
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chihoshisai · 2 months
Guitarist Ace
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Ace x Reader
cw : established relationship, cursing, angst, hurt with no comfort, ace is a guitarist in a band, mention of sex, oral and fingering, drinking // wc : 1,755K words // also on ao3
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A Drowned Temper
Ace was a good boyfriend. 
Until he started drinking. 
He was a good drunk — lively, sometimes the life of the party and occasionally he would black out. Though only for a moment, as he would regain consciousness soon enough for people to assume he wasn't completely wasted. But that was on the good nights, where his band did a good liveshow, when tickets were sold out and everything seemed to go without trouble. During the afterparties, he was loving. Towards his members, towards you and even towards any strangers who happened to cross paths with him as the heat of alcohol flushed his body. And you enjoyed that — the way he would whispers hushed affection in your ears, how his hands would travel across the parts of your body he usually was too prude to touch in public, how he easily egged you into joining the fun despite your claims that someone needed to stay sober to watch river the group. Even though that someone was frequently you. 
This part of Ace was fiery, far from the heat he demonstrated on stage. A contagious side of him that left you worried as you watched him drink and drink and drink some more. With no words of concern holding the power to stop him from intoxicating his system. Only when he stopped waking up from his occasional black outs did you put down your soft drink, bid goodnight to the other members of the band, and drag him into a taxi to finally reach the destination of his apartment. It wasn't too much to handle. 
But the thing with alcohol is that once you're used to it, once your body is used to handling it, it becomes a habit. A habit that becomes harder and harder to control the more accessible drinks are to you. The more often they are offered to you. And Ace found himself a victim of all of it. He was an accustomed drinker, his body had built a tolerance. A threshold that he would often go beyond, under the sheer fortunate glasses that would be handed to him during dîners with recording companies as he pitched the idea of his group, and sometimes his bandmates who wanted to drink after a long week of practice sessions. Or by walking down to the convenience store on his day off because he simply wanted to drink. And sometimes pressure. 
Being the guitarist and leader of a four people band was fucking exhausting. Like really. It was a group effort but being the glue to the group, the representative, could be stifling. Shouldering the dreams and hopes of everyone, as they applied and auditioned to countless record companies was stressful. What with the sheer reality of being rejected once again hitting everyone like a hard heavy truck, Ace had to be the one to keep the smile going on his face. Telling everyone that it would be okay. That they would do better next time. Or that the recording company sucked ass and they're worth more than they could imagine. Most importantly that they were still doing pretty well hosting their own shows at live houses, even gathering their own fanbase. 
If he showed weakness during these times what would become of their group. What if everyone lost hope? What if they all went their separate way? He had worked ridiculously hard to get to that point. To find his members. To create the group. There was no way in hell that he would allow it to dissolve into nothing. And over what? A few rejections from power and money hungry old conglomerate bastards? Over his dead body. All that to say that Ace dealt with a lot, felt a lot and lived through a lot. 
Meaning he needed a drink.
Sometimes more than he needed you. 
Now, you were probably the brightest light of hope and inspiration in Ace's life. Being his girlfriend meant listening to his music whenever you or he pleased, witnessing their practice sessions, getting to know the other members, walking home late, hand in hand, as he shared his aspirations for the future, his eyes glazed with passion. Late night calls where he'd ask for your thoughts on this new melody he thought of while you sleepily yawned that it was 3am, but he would argue that he wanted you to be the first to hear it. On the times he would invite you to sleep over, his floor hidden underneath piles of clothes though not without empty bottles, he would sheepishly pick them up saying not to mind the mess though you assured with a grin that  you saw nothing. 
Until the curtains of night fell and he would fuck, lick and finger your cunt until you were either visibly pleased or begging him to stop while being a drooling mess. Ace would then gently stroke your hair, whisper how much you meant to him. How much he loved you, the words sweet in your ears, before he grabbed his acoustic guitar and played a ballad that would proficiently lull you to sleep. 
The next morning you would wake up, not to the soreness of your body but to the savory smell of breakfast waltzing its way throughout the house. With your eyes peeking open to the empty place next to you, your steps would instinctively lead you to the kitchen, where you'd wrap yourself around Ace, the chimes of good mornings and kisses filling the soft golden room that basked in the sun before eating breakfast together while making small talk. You were happy. You were both happy. 
Not being part of the group meant that they were hidden sides of him you got to see. Some more often than others. And some more bittersweet than you'd like to admit. Oftentimes, you blamed the industry, feeling that they were purposely sabotaging the band rather than the pressure Ace put on himself. Even as his count of drinks kept going up on the bad days, you had decided to stop by his place for once out of worry, but mostly to offer support along with a shoulder to lean on as his partner. Like a storm you always showed up banging on his door to make sure he would hear it over the rhythm of his guitar. 
The ceaseless noise, rattling at Ace's brain, irritated him. He wondered which of his band members had come and for what reason when they knew he preferred to be left alone on days like these. Though since they were a team, it made him feel like the world turned agaisn't him everytime he was having a bad day. And with each pound of the door he found himself unable to mute the sound from his mind, forcing his feets to trail towards the door, his right hand opening a crack to reveal his head while his left hand remained hidden with a bottle nestled in it.
“What do you fucking want,” he slurred, before releasing a sigh once he recognized the person behind. “Oh, it's just you,” he let himself disappear behind the dusk of his place, visibly unaware of the alarmed expression that settled on your face while he left the door to hang open for you to slip in.
“Ace are you alright?” You asked, following him inside, feeling a pit form in your stomach at the sight of bottles that lined up on the floor, the place looking messier than you had ever seen. “I heard from Marco about what happened. Do you want to talk about it?” 
Standing in his living room, a hand pressing the bridge of his nose while an exasperated sigh escaped his lips, Ace tried not to blame his member for blabbering like that. “Are you here to give me a pep talk?” He gave you a stern look, eyebags clouding his face, a tint of red blurring the white of his eyes from a sleepless night while he stood shirtless, dressed in nothing but shorts.
“No I'm not.”
“Good. Because I really am not in the mood for it,” he exhaled from his nose before swallowing a swig of his drink.
“I just wanted to make sure that you're okay,” you spoke in an hesitating voice, slightly taken aback by his attitude.
“Well clearly I'm not and there's nothing you can do about it,” he shook his head, seemingly as though to say can't you see how I look.
You tempted a few careful steps towards him while you spoke, “Ace, why don't you slow down on the drinks a little,” you reached out a hand, slowly almost as if you were scared to frighten him. “I think you've had enough for today,” as your hand further approached it was met with the empty air due to the recoil of Ace's hand. 
“Don't try to tell me how much I can drink,” Ace involuntarily raised his tone. Surely it wasn't him speaking, but the alcohol, right? “Who do you think you are?” He didn't mean for the words to sound so harsh. But they did.
“I'm your girlfriend,” your voice broke in your throat, memories of your time together flashing in your mind. “Does that not mean anything to you?” 
“Certainly not now,” he began before pointing a finger in your direction. “Look, you're not a musician, you can't understand how shitty it can be, how fucked up my reality is and how we are not in this together. You're a bystander that can only cheer for me from a distance, okay.”
The burning heat of the words that charred your skin, along with the rapid heartbeats that mingled to create a pained expression to form on your features made you question the tangibility behind the shared past that slowly turned into bitterness. “It doesn't mean I can't empathize with you,” your voice pleaded, finding itself unable to get upset at his words.
“Sympathy is not what I need right now. It is not going to do shit for me!” Ace boomed in your face. His temper had completely slipped out of his grasp. “If you want to help, go home.”
“Ace,” your voice cracked as you shook your head, tears glistening in the corners of your eyes.
“Go home!” He yelled, pointing towards the door. And as he watched you go with tears streaming down on your cheeks, relief and anger conflicted inside him, before he went to sit down on his couch and drown in the sweet toxin of alcohol. 
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Part 2
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.2]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if our mc meets a boy of red hair and blue eyes to show them the way around RSA?)
(also please read the small authors notes at the bottom if you make it that far T-T)
it's been a good short hours on the ship and this whole time you've been chatting up a storm with your new friend Rielle, and during this time you've both actually warmed up and learned a handful about each other! 
you learned about each other's basic favorite things like colors, food, subjects, and even in music! Conversations seemed to flow smoothly like water between you two and you even learned how enchanting and magical his singing voice sounds, it almost had you entranced.
your new friend and you were now having a moment of silence while taking in the sounds of the water splashing against the ship until the boy spoke.
"if you don't mind me asking-- and I don't mean to pry! just that.." Rielle spoke while he nodded his head forward towards the direction of your cast holding your broken arm."is the reason why you're wounded related to your experience in Night Raven?... you don't have to answer if you don't want to I'm just genuinely curious." he gave you a comforting smile and his eyes were right on you, listening intently.
you gave a half-hearted and sheepish smile as you looked away and quickly started reminiscing about the events these past few months had in store for you in your head before you started to speak.
"well... in a way yes. I don't want to point any fingers--" you did want to point fingers, in fact you had many people to point fingers to. you sighed as you lightly shook your head in disappointment whilst facing the ship's floor "there were people who should've just done their job." your face started to form in a bit of a scowl "then maybe, just maybe... I wouldn't be in this state."
the young man formed an 'o' with his lips as he understood what you're trying to say.
"hmm..I see.. I'm very sorry _____, I promise that with my friends and I you'll never get a scratch on you while you're with us! and if it makes you feel any better, our staff too is always responsible and capable of finding a solution for any problem you're facing!" Rielle tried his best to sound optimistic and uplifting with the brightest smile on his face to get your frown turn upside down! and to also make you feel a little more confident in yourself as to give you more hope that your situation will turn around.
his very short speech made your head turn towards him and as he intended, you smiled warmly back with a new spark of optimism rising in your chest.
"thank you Rielle, that's... very kind of you." you spoke "I'm sure that while I'm with you, I'll at least have less than half of the injuries I have now."
he chuckled softly before responding to your comment "i'm sure you'll have few to none."
there was a moment where you two just looked at each other, both smiling and chuckling with the cold yet fresh sea breeze hitting both of your faces and the last few shines of the setting sun hitting both of your faces so perfectly. when you both calmed down you could feel this feeling of optimism rise up in your system even further.
this guy, his school-- you had a really good feeling about this change.
as well as a terrible feeling but about NRC.
but you didn't want to think much of it, not right now at least.
 on Rielle's side he genuinely feels and understands your predicament, having to adapt into a strange new world that works differently than your own home does... he gets the feeling of being a total fish out of water. so because of this he feels he has this kind of connection with you because of this small detail you both have in common.
but in a really random way you also couldn't help but notice how ethereal the shade of blue was in his eyes.
you were about to ask a question but were rudely interrupted when the sailors of the ship were yelling from up above and hanging on the ropes beside the sails, announcing that the ship is now slowly arriving towards the school.
the news made you automatically want to stand up and get a good look of the school. to then have your eyes finally meet the shape of a large white castle as the focal point with the peaks of each of it's towers glistening while still being overshadowed by the shining and setting sun behind. the scene was breathlessly magical with the special touch of this entire moment being the mixed splashes of orange, deep purple, and yellow of the sky blending in with the glistening waters of the calm ocean.
Rielle slowly stood up beside you while facing the school as well "amazing isn't it? seeing the academy shining against the sunset is one of my favorite things to see here." he said before he took in a big inhale of the ocean air to then exhale, taking in the scene and all it's beauty.
"you're damn right it's amazing." you chuckled at your comment before Rielle quickly joined in too in a shared chuckling fit. For the rest of your time on the ship you two decided to just calmly enjoy the view until the ship reached ashore.
Let's speed up to now reaching and stopping on the shore.
A gangplank was set down for you and any other residents to hop off the ship. Rielle and you slowly yet excitedly walked off at the exit to finally walk down to RSA-- that was until Rielle stopped you before you could step a foot on the large plank.
"Here, let me help you out my friend." Rielle then offered a helping hand by extending his elbow out, asking you to link your uninjured arm around his as a way to help and avoid slipping but also because he's just a gentleman at heart.
you gave him a smile and a small 'thank you' as you accepted his offer while linking both of your arms together with him(or only hold onto his arm with your hand, whichever you feel comfy with)and carefully walked off the ship with him at your side. when you two find yourselves on the shore at the edge of the sea you could feel a bit of nervousness now in your system since to you it seems like you're in a whole new world. Rielle noticed this and in another attempt to cheer you up he gently tugged at your arm that you linked with him to have you look at him, to give you a reassuring smile.
"You'll be just fine _____, I'll show you where you need to go if you'd like. just know I'll be right here with you."
His words started to sink in as you gave him a hesitant nod but a strong statement,
"Let's do this."
Meanwhile... at Night Raven College..
well... I'll save all the NRC chaos in the next post, it deserves it's own chapter ;)
(will include descriptive yet somewhat short reactions of only house leaders unless there is demand for other characters)
(also if you're confused why I had a ship travel you to RSA instead of just going through the forest and through the town I completely forgot that the isle of sages housed both NRC and RSA 💀💀but im already this far in so pretend it makes sense please T-T)
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dkisms · 11 months
Velvet Varnish
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Jeonghan x afab!reader /// 5.7k words ///fluff, smut, a lil bit of angst for the road
Warnings: ex being an absolute asshole
Pale, slender fingers moved their way down the canvas, gently touching as if to not harm the work underneath. The fan in the room continued to blow, as the man’s fingers gently unwrapped fishing wire from the frame of the canvas, and slowly pulled the loosened nails from the frame. 
“Pass me my hammer?” The man’s voice said, breaking you from your stupor. 
          Your eyes blinked into focus, as you quickly handed him the hammer to loosen more nails. He gave you a look, before getting back to work.
“Tired?” Jeonghan asked, blowing a piece of blonde hair from his face.
          You met Jeonghan in your freshman year of college, four years ago. He was the bright-eyed, beautiful senior art student everyone had a crush over, and gushed about in their free time. To be honest, when you first worked with him, you thought of Jeonghan as overrated. The art project you were assigned with him, however, quickly changed that. As an assignment at the end of the year to show his growth as a student and your potential, you quickly fell for Jeonghan, as many others had.
          You remember the scene vividly, as sunlight danced in the room, the elegance of each miniscule brush stroke on the painting, the laugh he let out at a joke you made, as he taught you new ways to use your emotions in art. Ever since then, he took over every part of your brain, every second. Any paint brush you found at any store, you wondered if he would love. You remember at the end of the year, smiling with red cheeks at the invitation to his exposition, and the bright grin you held on your face as he left his classmates to greet you when you showed up.
          You even remember the feeling of your heart shattering into miniscule pieces, as you saw his brightest smile, the most beautiful look of love on his face, as he looked at another senior from his class. As much as everyone adored Yoon Jeonghan, he was untouchable. He had fallen in love with a sculptor on his first day, and they had dated ever since. From that day forward, you kept any signs of your crush under lock and key.
          When he graduated, you promised yourself to focus on your own work, and not worry about Jeonghan. You had been far too cowardly to approach him, and instead buried yourself in your work, leaving your crush behind. After your senior year, however, you had received an offer from an art conservation facility, and was ready to move forward with your life. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for you.
          You remember a pretty receptionist telling you about the office, and workers, and during your first week, listened to all the petty gossip about how the office crush was out on vacation with his family. A few days after, you nearly dropped your coffee in shock, as the office crush, Yoon Jeonghan, approached you. His freshly dyed blonde hair, clean apron, and excited smile had been a far change from the man you remember, but your heart quickly brought every memory back. 
          When he approached you every day after that for small talk, coffee, or for help on a project, your crush grew. Quite quickly after that, your realization (after two mimosas with a friend) that you were in love with Yoon Jeonghan wasn’t quite unwelcome, but caused many unfortunate struggles.
The amount of times you simply couldn’t help but sit and watch Jeonghan’s work on any painting given led you to be a quick addition to the office “I think I have the hots for Jeonghan club”, much to your chagrin. As much as you loved the water cooler gossip, the conversations about how perfect Jeonghan was did nothing to quell your feelings, and then your stupid boss found out your school history, leading you to now. At this point, you were Jeonghan’s assistant, helping on pretty much every project he had been given. As thankful as you were to be off of paperwork, you weren’t sure your heart could take much more.
          You shook your head as you took a breath, collecting yourself. The blue paint on your palette swirled together with your paintbrush as you lightly worked away at the painting. 
“Good job,” Jeonghan said, looking over at your work. He had let you work on paint matching something simple he had made up. “You’ll be able to help me with touch ups on the next ones.” 
          You returned the soft smile he gave you, looking over the painting he worked on, noting how the colors changed as he removed the old varnish, life coming back to the painting, an inch at a time.
“What is this painting?” You asked, and he moved slightly to the left, letting you roll you and your chair over to him to see.
“A man in love.” He said, leaning back for you to see the full work.
          The full painting was a portrait of a woman’s face. While the skin and clothes had little focus, the eyes were full of color, and the expression of her face as if she had laid eyes on the most beautiful creature in the world. Pinks and reds decorated the background, as if cupid had colored it himself.
“It’s pretty.” You said softly, as he nodded in agreement. “I am confused, though. Why is it a man in love?” You asked, and he smiled.
“It’s because he painted it. She’s looking at him,” Jeonghan said, setting the painting on another table to rest until he could finish it the next day. 
          You knew better than to continue any conversation, seeing his blank face. A year previously, the beautiful, elegant sculptor you swore Jeonghan was going to marry disappeared without a trace from his life, only leaving a note of her wanting to start a journey on her own, and as a new woman.
          Everyone in the office stayed away from Jeonghan for quite awhile after that, not wanting to push. He had been depressed for the longest of while after that, ignoring the world around him. The bags under his eyes had intensified, and he struggled at work, until your boss had talked to him. After two days of him not being in office, he came back, looking normal, but you knew the truth.
          You packed up your brushes, putting the cloth roll holding them back into your desk, and hung your apron back in your locker, as Jeonghan packed his own things, talking and laughing along with another coworker nearby. You pulled out your phone, seeing a few random notifications.
“Anywhere unique tonight?” Your coworker asked, looking at you and Jeonghan.
“Nothing,” Jeonghan said. “I’m not a busy man, fortunately.”
You laughed at the comment, putting on your sweater. “I might stop by somewhere for dinner.” You said, shrugging. “I’m not sure.”
          You picked up your purse, offering the group a good night, and got into the elevator, Jeonghan following. His phone made a sound as he stood in front of you, and as much as you tried to not be nosy, the big red ‘ex’ as the name made it hard not to. Getting back together, I guess, you thought, looking away, and avoiding to look anywhere near him until you both got to the parking garage, and waved goodbye as you both left to opposite sides.
          You couldn’t even go outside of work without seeing Yoon Jeonghan, it seemed. You had seen him across the street, and barely managed to hide when you noticed a woman greet him, knowing it to be the ex. You weren’t nosy, you swear, as you watched her sit with him at a cafe. Definitely not, you assured yourself, even when seeing him laugh at something he said. After seeing her hand him a letter, and talk to him for a while longer, and then hug each other, tears running, you couldn’t defend yourself. You opted to leave quickly after that, not wanting to interfere. It wasn’t your business, after all.
          When you came into work the next day, and greeted Jeonghan, you nearly did a double take at the bags under his eyes, and his hair up in a ponytail. There had only been a few days you had seen him in this state, the day he was dumped being one of them.
“Are you okay?” You asked, and he nodded, working on his retouching. 
“Grab your brushes, please, and help,” Jeonghan said. “I’ve got your palette here.”
          The hours you spent working with Jeonghan were spent in relative silence, other than the sounds of paintbrushes and paint, and the few times you cleaned off your brush. Against your better judgement, or maybe just morbid curiosity, you decided to finally speak up.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked, and he barely responded, if only to make a noise of affirmation.
“I just… I went out for dinner last night, and uh, saw you.” You said, eyes flickering over to his form, as his brush stopped moving. “If you’re too uncomfortable, you don’t have to say anything, I’m sorry I asked,” You stuttered out, positive you were just kicking this man while he was down.
“No, no… I suppose you did know us in school, and are curious,” He said, setting his brush down. “She ran off months ago, and I guess wanted to give me closure.” He continued, letting out a sigh as he leaned back into his chair. 
“Sorry,” You blurted. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
“No, you’re fine. We’re friends, right?”
          As much as you wanted to believe him, the hurt in his watery eyes told you better, and you both silently returned to your work, letting the elephant in the room go.
          The months spent with Jeonghan after that seemed to have rejuvenated the man, as he threw himself into his work. You remember in the fall of that year, ages after the ‘incident’. At the moment, he had gone to lunch with friends, leaving you by yourself at work on a painting he had paused before leaving. 
          A knock at the doorway perked you up, as a man with soft brown hair, and a kind smile greeted you. 
“Hi! I’m Joshua,” He said, waving. “Have you seen Jeonghan?”
“Oh, he went out to lunch with a friend. I can leave a message…?” You asked, putting your brush down.
“It’s okay, I’ll just wait, if that’s fine.” He said, moving to sit on Jeonghan’s stool, watching you.
          After ages of silence, you could feel the tension grow in the room. It was clear that Joshua wanted to talk to you, but didn’t want to bother you, so you turned to him, instead.
“How do you know Jeonghan?” You asked, breaking the silence, and the face of relief as Joshua was able to speak to you, without feeling awkward.
“Oh! We met in college. I own a flower store,” He said, grinning. “He’s a great guy.” 
“He is.” You said, finishing a paint spot.
          Joshua eyed you, and you heard a couple of voices, as Jeonghan came into work, greeting a coworker in another room. You looked up and smiled at him, and Joshua watched, mouth opening in light surprise as it clicked in his head. He did remember you, as all three of you had gone to the same college. He was in the same year as Jeonghan, and while he never hung out with him separately, he had seen you go to him for advice over art, and paint styles. He knew the look in your eyes you held, as he felt the same about a tattoo artist a few doors down from his own business.
“How long have you been in love with Jeonghan?” Joshua asked, and your head shot up to see him sitting across from you, piercing eyes staring you down.
“Wh-what?” You asked, ears burning at the accusation. “I’m not.. I don’t like him.”
“We went to school together. I remember you. Everyone saw it,” he said. “I’m surprised you work with him, but I suppose that’s fate.”
“I don’t…”
“Listen,” Joshua said, cutting you off. “I can see it, it’s very obvious. Can I give you some advice?” He asked.
          Against your better judgement, you agreed. Joshua seemed like a kind soul, and to be honest, anything he told you couldn’t hurt you in the future. Either it would make you even more delusional, or it would give you the kick in the head you needed to bring you back to reality.
“I think you should tell him,” Joshua said, honestly. “I’ve seen some people in my life make themselves miserable just because they don’t want to change what they have. You deserve to be happy, and I think he’d love you just as much.” He said, quiet.
          You stared at him in shock as you processed his statement, barely able to breathe. If Joshua, his own friend, wanted you to say something, maybe you should. Before you could even respond, he was grabbing his jacket, and heading over to greet Jeonghan at the door, talking about some event later that week his friends were suddenly planning. He turned to wave at you, saluting you, before disappearing into the closing elevator doors.
Maybe you’d get the courage.
          Weeks later, you were stuck with Jeonghan, at three AM, at your office. Your boss had been a moron, and had taken in a painting with a giant tear, misjudging the time it would take to complete the assignment. After sealing the last piece, you both let out a sigh of relief, letting the glue set in. 
“Finally done.” He said, stretching, and helping you clean up.
          You were quiet for a second, before abruptly turning to him, making him jump, and turn to look at you.
“Are you hungry?” You asked.
“I mean, yeah. Want me to get something delivered before we leave?” He asked, blinking.
“Um, no,” you said, nervous. “Uh, no, I wanted to see if you wanted to go with me to eat. Uh, sit down somewhere.” You asked, face getting redder by the second. 
“Oh,” Jeonghan said, seeing your face, his own ears turning red. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d be okay with that.” He said.
          He helped you clean up, and grabbed your purse, carrying it for you, as the two of you walked to a 24/7 ramen store. You both ordered the same, sitting with each other awkwardly, ears red. To you, it felt like middle school again, of a barely teenaged you sitting at lunch with the crush of the week. Except, you were an adult, and you’ve been in love with Jeonghan for years.
          Jeonghan watched you, talking away about how excited he was about future work projects, and when the waitress approached with the two bowls of noodles, and two bottles of soju, he gave you an excited look.
“Soju..?” You asked, unsure of yourself.
“Mhm,” Jeonghan said, pouring both of your glasses, much to your chagrin. “As courageous as it was to ask me out, you’re nervous, and get that same look when someone tries to talk to you instead of me on a project. So, soju.”
          He took the shot, and quickly poured another, taking it again before starting at his noodles. Well, might as well, you thought, and quickly downed two to match him, and he laughed at your awkwardness. Thankfully, it didn’t last for long, as an hour later, the bowls of noodles were empty, but the two of you were going back and forth about the most random stuff, cheeks red from the liquor. 
          He walked you home, and you kissed his cheek, leaving him grinning at the door, as you nearly felt your heart explode after the date. You felt like you were on your first date again, excited for the future, and hoping this would last forever, the two of you against the world. Your grin wouldn’t go away, feeling awkward and lopsided, like you were trying hard not to squeal. When you took your shower, hopping into bed, the squeal finally let itself out when you checked your phone, seeing a text from Jeonghan.
‘Got home safely. Would you like to go out again sometime soon?♥️’
“Mocha latte~” A voice sang in your ear, making you jump from your concentration of your work, and you gave Jeonghan a scowl.
“You’re going to make me mess up,” You whined. “Thank you.” You said, setting it to the side. 
          He sat down next to you, letting you get back to work as he watched you, slowly pulling your chair over to him. You looked over to him, and he looked away, pretending he was doing nothing, and when you looked back to your work, he continued moving you closer to him. 
“Jeonghan…”  You said, giving him a look. “We’re supposed to finish this by the end of the week.”
“We have time.” Was all he said, before turning your chair to face him, eyes staring at your lips.
“You look like you’re a lion staring at his next meal.” You teased, and he licked his lips.
“I’d love to eat you right now,” He said, and you turned bright red.
“Jeonghan! Not at work!” You said, and he laughed, giving you a kiss. “Happy six months.” He said, handing you a box.
“We- I thought we weren’t doing anything,” You stressed, and he shook his head. “I… I can’t not get you something.” He said. “I love you.” 
          You looked up in shock at him, as you had told him a few times before this, but he never reciprocated. While you were a little upset (I mean, who wouldn’t), you talked to Joshua, and he confirmed it normally took him a while to say it, even if he already felt that way. 
“I love you too.” You said, eyes watering.
“Please don’t cry, darling,” Jeonghan said, opening the box to show the necklace.
It was a simple gem, with a pretty pink gem, and he quickly spun you around to put it on you, and spun you back, wiping the tears from your eyes. When that didn’t work, he sighed and pulled you into a hug, kissing everywhere on your face until you broke out into giggles.
          The hand holding your thigh was heavy as you drank your margarita, arguing with one of Jeonghan’s friends, Mingyu, on a rule.
“Seriously? You can’t do that!” You said, mad at how he was bowling. His girlfriend agreed, and Mingyu glared at the two of you, sitting down with a huff, as Dino pulled out the rulebook, shooting him down instantly.
          Jeonghan chuckled in your ear, leaning to kiss your head, squeezing your thigh. The skirt you opted to wear was clearly bugging the hell out of him, but you didn’t mind, as it let you have an excuse to have his fingers on you. You hadn’t spoken to him about it, but when he started wearing rings every so often, he very clearly noticed how it affected you. He sipped on his bourbon and winked at you, grinning. He had been on a work trip in Paris for the past two weeks, and had returned the day before, and the two of you opted to meet up when hanging with his friends, and then go over to his house later.
          You figured it would just be watching a movie, and cuddling, but the ghost of his lips on your ear told you otherwise. The second Mingyu finished the last set, and the game ended, Jeonghan was out of his seat, saying goodbye to his friends, and practically yanking you to his car. The ride back, you felt heat growing in your stomach, as his hand remained on your thigh, and he drove quickly to his house. His thumb caressed your thigh, and you looked over at him.
“Miss me?” You teased, and his ears reddened, the grip on the steering wheel tightening. 
“Shush.” He said, hand moving closer to your inner thigh, his thumb dangerously close to your underwear. 
           He kneaded at the skin of your thigh, and you felt your face grow hot, along with the heat in your stomach. 
“Jeonghan.” You said, in a barely audible whisper, and let out a whine as he gave in to touch you through your underwear. 
           His fingers felt like they were teasing you, lightly touching, but never committing. “Stop teasing.” You said, and he laughed at you, before moving your underwear to the side, and inserting two of his fingers. 
          You let out a moan at the feeling, intensified by the stupid rings you had got him after he got you the necklace. The heat from his fingers was directly opposed by the cold metal, and it did nothing but turn you on more. 
“And to think I almost took them off.” Jeonghan teased, spurred on by the sounds you were making. 
           You grabbed his arm as his finger curled at your sweet spot, and he gave a shit eating grin, looking straight ahead at the road, looking completely unbothered, as you say a quivering mess in the passenger seat. The heat grew in your belly as you squeezed your thighs together, and his eyes flicked to you, smirking. 
“I.. please, Jeonghan,” You whined, grip tightening on his arm, your other hand holding onto the door handle. 
“Come for me.” Jeonghan said, and when you felt him on your spot again, you came with a loud cry, head smacking against the headrest. He pulled his hand away, and he licked his fingers, giving a hum, as you composed yourself. 
          You fixed yourself to be more presentable as you got to his apartment, and he parked, walking over to open your door, looking like the cat killed the canary. 
“You can’t look like that after fingering me, Jeonghan.” You hissed, shoving his side. 
“I missed you too.” Jeonghan said, pushing your arms back to pull you into a tight hug. “I want movies and cuddles, and you can’t get away.” 
“Whatever you’d like.” You said, and he shut the door, grabbing your hand to hold, swinging it with the two of you. 
“Thank you, Joshua!” You called to the florist as you left, carrying a bouquet of roses. 
“Have fuuuuuun!” Joshua teased, looking amused at the pep in your step.
          Jeonghan had called you right after work, offering you a date. It had been to make up for having to pick his drunk ass up from Woozi’s the week before without warning. You headed to the restaurant he had offered, texting him that you were walking there, honestly wanting to go to his place instead that night.
          As you turned the corner, you grinned brightly, seeing Jeonghan, only to slow to a stop once you saw him talking to someone. It was his fucking ex, and he was fucking laughing at something she was saying. You took a breath to continue over and tell her to back up, but at the sight of her kissing him, you felt yourself wither. You dropped the flowers, the shaky breath you let out the only sound around you as your heart pounded in your ears. 
          You saw Jeonghan finally see you, and call for you, but you could only slowly back up, turning to walk away swiftly from the situation. After turning a few blocks, you jumped into a taxi, requesting it take you home immediately, a look of pity on his face as tears fell from your eyes.
          Your phone buzzed like crazy as you ignored it in favor of calling your friends, who showed up 10 minutes later, a bottle of wine in hand, giving you a big hug. You opted to chug from the bottle straight as one took your phone to read the texts with pursed lips, annoyed. 
“Can he take a fucking hint?” She asked, as the other nodded in agreement.
          Before you could respond, you heard a knock. One of your friends got up to check, and gave you a look. You sighed and got up, shooing your friends away, going over to open the door, and stepping outside with him. Jeonghan looked like a mess, with red eyes, and his clothes looked  like a mess.
“Can I help you?” You asked, voice hoarse. 
“I want to tell you exactly how everything went, so you get the full story, okay?” He said, nervous. You gave him a nod, and he continued. “When I got off of work, I headed to our reservation. She was outside, waiting for someone. I tried to avoid her, but she kissed me. I went after you, but you left so fast.”
“Yes,” You said. “Because I saw the two of you kissing. I wasn’t going to stay.” 
“Yeah. I wouldn’t either,” He said, voice almost a whisper. “I didn’t kiss her back, I promise. She jumped onto me. I’d never do that to you.”
“I… I think she planned to see me,” He said, taking a shaky breath. “I started posting you with Woozi and Josh a ton recently, and Woozi mentioned her name was among people that had seen my post.”
“You should have told me.” You said, wiping your eyes. “The moment you noticed her, you should’ve told me. She knew what she was doing, and knew I’d see. I don’t blame you, baby,” you said, as he took a big sniffle, eyes watery. “I blame her. She’s the moron that left you, and I get you all to myself now.” You said, and he gave a watery laugh.
He hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head. “If you want to know, I blocked her on everything, and so did the guys. And I threatened to take her to court over harassment if she won’t leave us, so hopefully it’s done and dealt with. But I’m very sorry. I should’ve called you, texted you, anything. I love you, seriously.” 
          You heard a noise of someone clearing their throat, and your friends gave a light wave to Jeonghan, who turned red, jumping back from you. 
“Sorry,” Your friend laughed. “We are gonna head out, okay?” 
          You gave a nod to them, as they said goodbye to you and Jeonghan, and warned him to take good care of you. You let him inside, and he called up somewhere to get you food, while you hung out on the couch, cuddled up in a blanket, scrolling through your phone.
“So, you tell her to back off?” You teased, and he rolled his eyes. 
“Please, I’m emotionally devastated from today. Give me a break.” He whined, and you laughed at him, giving him a kiss on his neck, as he squirmed.
“OH!” He shot up at the doorbell, shoving you away to grab the food. 
“How dare you.” You said, grabbing your order from him. 
          He grinned from his tteokbokki at you, sticking his tongue out. After shoveling your face for a good 20 minutes, you lay down on the couch, face first, and let out a sigh. Jeonghan sat next to you, and sighed.
“What a shame. If only I had a girlfriend to cuddle.” He said, and sighed again, louder. 
“Ah,” He jumped up, running over to his bag, and returning back to the couch. “This is for you.”
          You curled into his side and took the gift, giving him a look as you opened the box. As you opened it, Jeonghan clearly looked nervous, avoiding looking at your face, as you opened the black box that was inside of the gift, and nearly dropped it in shock. A shining, glittery ring stared up at you, and you stared up at Jeonghan, who gave you a kiss on your forehead. 
“I was going to ask you today at dinner,” He said. “But, then everything happened. I don’t want to wait.” He said, getting up to kneel at you in front of the couch. “I truly do love you, I promise. I can’t let you go.” 
          You nearly launched yourself off the couch to hug him, taking him down with you, and pulling the ring from the box to put it on. 
“You absolute moron, of course I’d marry you,” You blubbered, as he kissed your face. “I’ve been in love with you for so long, I don’t know why you’d think I’d say no.”
“I could tell a long time ago, but I didn’t expect you to ask me out.” He said. “Almost messed up my painting, and Joshua teased me for weeks. But I love you too.” He said.
“Quick, let’s take a picture. Rub it in Joshua’s face.” You said, sending a picture of the two of you with your ring, getting happy messages from the group in response.
          After a few pictures, Jeonghan stole your phone to throw it on the couch, and stared up at you with a playful smirk.
“What was that for?” You whined, and his eyes darkened, the lopsided grin on his face giving you butterflies.
“As much as I’d like to show off, I really want to fuck my fiance.” Jeonghan said, sitting up, and letting you wrap your legs around your waist.
          He let out a groan as he lifted the two of you up, muttering about how that was definitely the last time he’d ever do that, and carrying the two of you to your room. He dropped the both of you onto the bed with a grunt, and kissed you. You felt like your brain was floating, the only thing you could process being his lips over your skin. He kissed down your neck and you pulled his ponytail out, letting the blonde strands cover his face. 
          You nearly cried as he kissed you all over, feeling your heart swell. The love in each kiss given made you feel like an absolute queen, and the slow hands removing each article of clothing felt like feathers over your skin. Jeonghan sucked at your neck, creating bright red and purple marks, grinding his hips into yours. His hands glided across your stomach and to your back as he undid your bra, throwing it onto a chair across your room. He threw the rest of both of your clothes onto the same chair, and adjusted your hips, before diving down. 
          The moment his mouth met your mound, it was over. His hands held you down as he licked and sucked at you, moaning at the noises you made. The friction of the sheets against his hips felt like he couldn’t get any relief, and he reached down to rub at your clit, sighing at the shudder you let out, moans getting louder and louder with each flick of his tongue.
          The heat in your stomach was close to snapping, and within seconds, Jeonghan had pulled away. He licked his finger with a moan, watching your face, as you whined about the loss of his mouth, his fingers, anything - begging him to let you come.
“Only with me.” He said, before lining up to push into you, letting out a moan.
          He let out a shudder as he slotted himself completely, your insides feeling like butter against him, as he slowly rocked into your hips. He grabbed your hand to intertwine your fingers, the gems of your ring glittering in the moonlight. He could’ve come right then and there at the look on your face, instead burying his face into your neck. 
          You let out whines as he moved in you, the slow build of your orgasm coming back in full force.
“Baby,” You whined at Jeonghan, tugging at the blonde strands of his hair. “I want to come, please, Jeonghan. Can I, please?” You begged.
Jeonghan moaned, shifting to hit you deep, and all you could process was him giving the a-okay, before you felt your orgasm hit you like a thousand waves, his following right after. He didn’t let go of your hand until he got up to clean the both of you up, immediately returning to hold you as close as possible.
“I love you,” He whispered in the lightest tone, barely audible, and kissed your hair.
          Your fingers glided over the canvas, nailing the canvas onto the new stretcher, and placing the keys into the sides. You wrapped fishing wire to hold them in place, and made sure the frame was clean, and put it inside, using a dry brush to wipe down the piece, and put your card into the frame for the buyer.
“Y’know, I see why you like my hands now.” He said, and you froze, ears turning red. 
“Shush.” You said, and he grinned at you.
          You flicked a piece of wood at him and he grinned, dodging it, only for his smile to drop, seeing the buyer of the piece at the front office, and the secretary giving a sorry wince to the two of you. You grabbed the piece and headed up front, a tight smile on your face as you handed the piece over for Jeonghan’s ex to look at, and she nodded slowly.
“Thank you.” She said, turning to Jeonghan. “What other pieces do you work on? And can we set up a system for you to receive and give any pieces we work on?” She said, and you nearly scoffed at the flirty look.
“You can email our boss to see if we have an open spot, but we do not do home calls.” You said, tight lipped. 
          She frowned as she finished signing her receipt, and you gave a bright smile as you finished up, holding out your hand for her to shake, but she did so, only to freeze part way through, seeing the ring on your finger. You squeezed her hand and she winced, and you let go. 
“Have a great day!” You cheerfully said, waving as she left, clearly upset. 
          You turned to see Jeonghan giving you a look, raising a brow. You shrugged at him with a bright smile and he laughed, grabbing your hand, and swinging it as he led you back to his office.
“What?” You asked, playing stupid, as he kissed you, the air nearly leaving your lungs at the harsh kiss. 
“Gotta be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He said, grinning at you, and brushing a thumb against your lips. “But seriously, can we just get married tomorrow? I’ve gotta be your husband. If that’s how you act as my fiance, I’ve- wait, where are you going? Don’t leave me! I didn’t know you were possessive! We’ve gotta talk about this!”
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Idk if you've done this but, the 141+Los Vaqueros reacting to US proposing to them
A/n: I haven’t done this yet! So tada :), gender neutral per usual
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-he wasn’t expecting it in the slightest, even when people tried to tell him beforehand he always thought they were just joking. His eyes went wide to see you down on one knee, right after a long night out for gods sake,
-decided to tease you, saying no before he saw you were being genuine, to which he said yes to with the brightest smile ever.
-he had just gotten home, from a very very long mission. His clothes still caked in grime since he was to tired to change before you brought him a cup of coffee that he chugged
-he felt something cold and metal touch his tongue and stopped drinking, seeing the stunning ring placed in his coffee.
-“you do know I could have choked on this If I was too tired to notice it, no mi vida? And the answer is yes, as soon as I sleep enough to even physically be happy.”
-he had been home for a couple of months, a comforting time for both of you to simply spend time together if anything. So when you asked him to go out to dinner, in public, somewhere fancy? he KNEW something was up.
-got dressed as quick as he could, a nervous smile showing from under the mask he wore off duty. He expected a new promotion, or something usual.
-eyes went like saucers when he saw the ring you slid onto his finge while eating. A subtle but meaningful proposal; in public but not making a crowd. He truly adored you for it. (And said yes)
-you and him never got any time to spend together with him away at base or on mission all the time
-that was until he fell out of a damn helicopter at least, which got him a month or two of leave just in case something was wrong that the medical staff didn’t catch
-you two took that opportunity as MUCH as you could. Cuddling, kissing, doing hobbies, and basically being attached at the hip
-seeing you get down on one knee while simply in your home, the safe place you two stay? His heart leaped to the point he just stood frozen for a second before saying yes in the most emotional voice possible
-he had just gotten back off the plane from a mission (and the hospital afterwards). his steps were slow as he found you in the crowd of airport goers before hugging you tightly with tears staining his mask.
-you and him held each other the whole way home in a taxi. It felt like hours to be honest.
-you couldn’t even get down at one knee since he wouldn’t let you go! So you simply held the ring out in the palm of your hand.
-he was tired. Wounded. In full mask and gear. And smiling like a fool.
-he went completely silent. To be honest he didn’t think you would ever propose, let alone ON MSSION.
-he was in the middle of reloading his gun when you were fixing up a wound on your shoulder, you two a few rooms apart and talking through comms
-and then out of the blue, you ask the simple question of ‘captain, if I proposed right here right now would you say yes or no?’
-that made him go silent for a bit before muttering into his comm “oh for gods sake, you really chose the one mission were on together alone? But yes. Yes I’d marry you.”
-you and him were on a trip to Scotland, a trip he had been BEGGING you to go with him on for years.
-you two had done about anything you could think of there, and today you decided to go out on a hike
-at the very top you proposed to him in just as extravagant way as soap himself was. By pretending to fall off a ledge and sliding the ring on his finger while he pulled you up
-took him a good two minutes to notice because he was too worried about you.
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gatoru · 1 year
are there still beautiful things? || natsuo todoroki x reader
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synopsis/content warnings: natsuo finds himself coming back to you in times of need. after all, you’ve been doing it for over a decade. (childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, domestic love, SMUT; heavy dirty talking, unprotected sex, breeding kink if you squint, natsuo is a bit posessive lol, yan!natsuo during dirty talk, idiots in love, not beta read we die like men)
wc: 3k
author's note: i wrote this as a gift for my dear friend @strawberrystepmom ! thank you so much for inspiring me, talking to me and being there for me. i wanted to show you that i really appreciated you :) <3 hope u like it
Natsuo has a habit. 
Such a habit consists of knocking at your door, usually late at night – desperate, big eyes begging for help. He’s been doing it for years, ever since he was merely a lost kid. This time, his head is down and he won’t seem to fully look into your eyes.
“I didn’t know where else to go.” Todoroki breaks the silence, shaky voice leaving his chest with force. 
Truth be told, you knew he’d show up at your small apartment as soon as the news broke, as soon as you saw the scarred man on the television proclaiming to be one of the Todorokis.
You let him in – of course you do. There’s nothing in the world that would stop you from letting Natsuo in your home, and in your heart. 
“Is it true?” 
Your question seems to cut the tension in the air, as a knife ripping the thickness apart. Context isn’t needed: the white haired boy – man – is still staring at the coffee mug you handed him moments earlier. You’re past the point of asking how he likes his coffee, black and no sugar, thank you very much. 
“No. Yes.” He finally looks up at you, dark gray eyes looking for an answer. “I… I have no idea.”
There’s silence once more - only this time, it isn’t thick with tension. It’s still heavy, with a hint of sadness. There’s only so much to be said about a dead brother coming back to life, and becoming evil. Still, you’ve known Natsuo long enough to know what he’s thinking. 
“Touya was dead.”
You uncross your arms, taking your mug from the coffee table in front you. The coffee was running cold already. 
Natsuo is still staring at you. You can’t help but notice there’s a certain resemblance between him and his father – his nose and eyes belong to his mother, yes, but the rest? It 's all Enji. 
You can’t imagine how he feels. 
“Natsuo…” You whisper his name, placing a gentle palm over his hand. “I don’t know what to say.”
He nods, recognizing your truthness. He sighs – a tired one, and exhausted one. 
“I don’t think there’s a lot to be said.” His confession lifts a weight from your chest, and you’re glad you didn’t close your fist around something so delicate. “Just… I don’t wanna go home.”
It’s your turn to nod, knowing exactly what he means. 
The first time Natsuo showed up at your door, you were merely kids. 
Your mother answered. immediately recognizing him as one of the Todorokis that lived down the street. Years later, she would tell you the truth: his household was hell on earth. But, again, it wouldn’t take the brightest mind to notice that. 
You were both seven. Or he was eight, maybe. You don’t remember all the details.
However, you do remember the dynamic: he’d come knocking at your door whenever things got rough at home. Your mom would feed him, you’d play video games together, and he’d get a chance at a normal life – even if only for a few hours. 
“Do you wanna play pirates?” You’d ask, a toothless grin plastered on your face. 
Natsuo would smile – as big as he knew how to.
Needless to say, you didn’t have to show him the guest room. He knows his way around.
You lean against the door frame as he takes his jacket off, throwing it on the chair besides the bed. He doesn’t look out of place, strangely so. The 6’3 man doesn’t look uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, you’ve never seen him look so at home before. 
“Want me to order take out?” He asks, fishing his phone out of his backpack. 
“Only if you’re craving something. Was thinking we’d cook something simple.”
He frowns, gray eyebrows knitting together. 
“If you think I’m staying at your place and let you cook for me, you’re out of your mind.”
“Technically,” You hold a finger up, getting closer to him. “It’s for us.”
He scoffs, mainly in amusement. 
“Absolutely not. My mother would have my head at the sheer disrespect.” 
You chuckle, although not missing the shadow that crosses his eyes at the mention of his mother. 
“Fine. Whatever makes you happy.”
“How come I’ve known you for almost 15 years and you still suck at Mario Kart?” He asks, in pure disbelief at your 8th position. 
“It’s hard!” You cry, failing at avoiding another green turtle shell an NPC threw in your direction. The pink car stumbles once again. Peach has always sucked, anyway. 
Natsuo finishes the race in first place, as you see Yoshi celebrate on the top of the screen
“You suck.” He adds, chugging at his can of diet coke and giving you a smirk.
You have to actively avoid acknowledging the butterflies rebelling in your stomach. 
“And you’re mean.”
There’s a hint of playfulness in your tone. He takes the controller from your hand, getting closer to you. He’s so big and warm… so inviting.
“Cry about it.”
Despite the mocking, he finishes the race for you.
The first person to defend you from monsters was Natsuo. 
Well, not actual monsters – more like shitty 5th grade bullies. 
The whole playground saw it. An older kid – although the same size as Natsuo – tried to steal one of your toys. The white haired boy puffed his chest, and displayed the meanest face he could. Much like his dad.
“Give it back!” You screamed at the older kid. 
Natsuo, however, didn’t ask. no, he punched the kid. Right in the stomach.
You remember gasping in surprise, but gladly taking your toy back. No one’s ever messed with you again.
It’s only fair you do the same to him every now and then. 
“It’s getting late.” You notice, turning the television off. 
“Yeah.” Natsuo gets up from your worn out sofa, towering over you. “I’m heading to bed.”
“Need an extra blanket or something?”
“Nah, I’m good.” He walks towards the bedroom door, turning on his heels halfway there.
“Uh… thanks for letting me stay, by the way. Really means a lot.”
You smile at him. He smiles back.
“Anytime, Natsuo. Knock on my door if you need anything.”
He nods, excusing himself. 
Unsurprisingly, Todoroki knocks on your bedroom door a little after one in the morning. 
“Natsuo?” You whisper, sitting up in your bed, still hazy from sleep.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispers from the half-opened door, an apologetic look on his face. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Come in.”
He does, gently closing the door after him. 
You barely notice the routine established by you and Natsuo.
It’s been a few days since he first came to your place.He didn’t leave – and it’s now like you wanted him too. Having him around is nice. Better than nice. You don’t wanna name what you’re currently feeling.
“I’m home!” He announces loudly, and you almost jump from your spot at the table. Your eyes scan him up and down. 
“Natsuo, what’s all this?” You ask, a hint of curiosity in your voice. 
He lets the paper bags on top of the counter, sighing happily at the sight.
“Went grocery shopping after visiting my dad at the hospital.”
Your shock doesn’t seem to go unnoticed by him, although he doesn’t seem to be in the mood to acknowledge it. Your eyes drift back to the laptop in front of you. 
“Nice.” It’s all you can come up with. 
“Got you your favorite chocolate, by the way.”
It’s been two weeks, and Natsuo doesn’t stay in the guest room anymore. 
No, he stays with you. His giant figure can’t possibly be comfortable in your not-so-large bed, but you don’t have the heart to inquire about that. 
“G’night.” He mumbles, curling up beside you. 
“Night, Natsuo.” You whisper back, your words getting softly lost in the darkness. 
Natsuo smells like mint and something fiery. It’s fresh, it screams his name. His white locks gently frame his face, looking like a layer of now. His lips seem soft, plushy and pink. 
Natsuo is sleeping right beside you when you finally name what’s going on with the two of you, although only for you to know. 
It’s love.
Sleepingly, he wraps an arm around you. Despite such surprise, you nuzzle your face in his chest. 
You both sleep the whole night, peacefully – for the first time in a while. 
There’s only so much he can hide from Fuyumi, he thinks. 
“Did you officially move out?” His sister shows up in his room – his actual room, at the Todoroki household – as he’s packing another bag. The white room seems empty, soulless. 
Natsuo is taken by surprise. Of course, it didn’t seem like that to him. 
“Uh…” He scratches the back of his neck, avoiding all eye contact. Fuyumi’s eyes look for his, behind thick glasses. She leans against the doorframe. 
“Are you staying at ____’s?”
He nods.
“Good. It’s good to at least know you’re safe.”
Natsuo blushes at his sister’s words, warmth blooming on his cheeks.
“Tell her I said hi.”
With that, Fuyumi leaves him alone.
At the dinner table – with food that isn’t take out, cooked by the both of you – Natsuo gets himself looking at you.
Your eyes glistening and your hands moving rapidly as you talk about your day.
His heart swells on his chest when you start speaking about something you love – something related to work, something he can’t quite understand. 
Natsuo realizes he loves you and almost chokes on homemade soba. 
That night, when you start your bedtime routine, Natsuo breaks the silence. 
“I…” He starts to speak, and you look at him through his reflection in the bathroom mirror, applying nighttime moisturizer on your face, in gentle circles. 
“Yeah?” You encourage him to actually start speaking, moving your hands like a fan in order to dry the products on your skin.
“I love you, _____.”
You turn around, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Natsuo…” you say his name, like a thousand times before, only this time it feels different.
“I do. Always have, I think. Ever since we were kids. I love you.” He completes, taking a strand of hair from your face. You look at him, incredulous. “I’m not asking for you to love me back, by the way. I just wanted to let you know that I do.”
He’s comfortable with just loving you.
The words seem to come back to you at such an insult. 
“I’m in love with you too, idiot.”
He seems shocked at such revelation, and a stubborn smile starts to blossom on his lips. His eyes seem different now. 
“You do?”
“Natsuo.” You whisper his name again. “I’ve loved you ever since you asked if I wanted to play pirates.”
He bites his lips, grabbing your waist gently. 
“Yeah? What about all the boyfriends? All the other crushes?”
You figure what the hint in his irises mean.
Natsuo towers over you, and it makes your stomach do flips. You mumble something, and he brings you closer.
“Sorry, couldn’t hear that.”
“Was trying to distract myself. From you.”
He smirks, gray eyes becoming wolf like. 
“Yeah, but I’m here now. And if you think I’m letting you go, you’re fucking insane.”
Your lips crash into his; desire traveling through your veins.Your tongues dance against each other, slowly and curious to taste each other. Your breath hitches in your throat as he bites your lower lip, sensually.
“Bedroom?” You whisper against his lips, in between pecs. He nods, smiling against your lips.
Natsuo’s shirt and your pajama bottoms get discarded somewhere from the bathroom to your bed. 
Your nails gently scratch his abs, earning a reaction from him. His hips jerk against yours, and you bite back a moan. He looks at you adoringly, passionately. Your heart explodes in fireworks. All the movies and poems, books and songs about love make sense now. 
“So pretty.” He mumbles against your neck, placing open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin. 
Natsuo takes his shirt off while your hands discover his body, reaching his gray sweatpants. The volume behind the soft fabric makes you smile, devilishly so.You gently grab his erection, playing with him a little, in order to discover more of his pretty sounds. 
He groans, grinding his hips against you. 
“You’re evil. You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Whatever leverage you thought you had is gone once he takes his bottoms off, as his dick gloriously stands against his abdomen, with heavy balls hanging below it. Your mouth slightly falls agape at his thickness as he gently strokes his cock. 
Natsuo finally removes your panties, slowly. He’s taking his sweet time with you, despite your constant squirming and whines. 
“You know,” He whispers, husky voice sending a shot of desire right to your core. “when we graduated high school and you told me you lost your V card to some jackass, I tried my best not to go after the bastard. After all, it wasn’t my right to.”
His fingers ghost over your now exposed pussy, feeling your sticky wetness. 
“And before that, you confessed to me how you’d use the showerhead to finish, cause your fingers couldn’t do it. They’re not thick or long enough. Can’t reach all the right places, right?”
You nod, eating his words up. Slowly, your hips start to move against his hand, but Natsuo seems to not be having any of that. He places a strong hand on your waist, holding you down. He doesn’t need words to make you obey him. 
“I wonder if mine can?” He asks, pushing a single finger inside of your gummy walls. Whining, you throw your head back due to his unsatisfactory rhythm. He pushes the digit in and out, curving his finger a bit. 
“What, baby?” He purrs, swallowing your moans with open-mouthed kisses. “What d’you want?”
A bubble of warmth starts to bloom on your lower abdomen, sending a white-hot feeling through your entire body. There’s sweat, there’s spit, there's desire. You feel like your body might combust at any given moment. 
“More, please. Need more.” You manage to babble, eyes getting glossy over the neediness. 
He obliges your wishes, shoving another finger into your needy cunt.
“Fuck baby, yo’ure so fucking sexy. ‘ve been dreaming about this for so long.” He confesses, shortly after sucking a love bite on your collarbone. 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, feeling your pussy clench on his thick fingers. Right as you feel the tension start to explode inside of you, he removes his digits.
“Natsuo!” You cry, in a needy way. “C’mon, please.”
You’re not even sure what you’re asking for anymore. He smiles at you, sickeningly sweet. His white hair glues against his forehead, messy silver locks. Natsuo’s face is flushed with desire, a light shade of pink decorating his cheeks. 
“Want my cock, baby? Huh? Want this as much as I do?” His clean fingers gently hold your jaw open, as he places the stained ones on your mouth. You suck on them, tasting yourself and making such dirty sounds that make him grunt. 
“Yes, please. Want your cock inside me. Want you to fuck me, Natsuo” You beg, mumbling through his fingers. “Make me yours.”
The last words seem to fire a light inside of him, as he smiles at you wolfishly. Natsuo grabs his erection, teasing the tip on your wet entrance. You give him a fucked out smile, softly moaning at his actions. 
“You’re such a tease, _____. I’ve been fantasizing about your sweet, tight pussy forever.” He groans, finally pushing his fat cock inside of you. It stretches you in the most delicious way, hitting spots you’ve never reached before — nor your or anyone else. 
He grabs your legs, folding them against your chest, and you whine at the new found angle. It’s so deep, he’s so big. It’s overwhelming.
“Fuck, Natsuo! So good, so fucking good.”
He makes a strangled noise in return, picking up the rhythm. The slapping sound of his balls against you is filthy, and it only adds to the feeling. Natsuo – who’s usually very well composed and controlled, looks wild and predatory. 
“Yeah, am I fucking you good baby? Am I fucking you dumb, so dumb you can’t even talk properly?”
You whine, only nodding in response. The bubble of warmth starts to grow on your abdomen again.
“Fuck, fuck.” He groans. “Are you on the pill?”
Rapidly, you nod, silently consenting what you know he’s actually asking for.
“Gonna feel you up so good, baby. Gonna make you mine.” He places a couple of digits against your puffy clit, rubbing them in circles, and you cry even louder. 
“Cum for me, baby. Can feel you clenching down on me. Go ‘head, I got ya.”
You feel the Earth stutter on its axis as a white hot feeling explodes on your tummy, making your legs shake. Waves of fire travel through your entire body, as your vision slightly fades to black. You can feel Natsuo spill inside of you, with a groan of your name against your ear. 
You stay like this, for a moment, lost in blissful silence. Hissing, he removes his now soft dick from inside of you, his cum spilling out. Slowly, your breathing comes back to normal and you sit up, finding your lover with a wet cloth on his hands. 
Gently, in between soft kisses and praises of “you did so good for me” and “love you, love you so much”, he cleans you up, just enough so you won’t be too uncomfortable before summoning the energy to go shower with him. 
“I love you.” You whisper.
“I love you too.”
Natsuo looks at you, adoringly, slowly taking in the fact that you’re his. The only thing he’s ever chosen in life, the only thing that actually belongs to him, he won’t have to share. 
He smiles at the feeling. 
“Mine.” He whispers, before kissing you one more time. “Now let’s take a shower, stinky.”
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astarlitsoul · 3 months
Morning Star
Azriel x OC
@starfallweek prompt: Character A is a fallen star, Character B finds them.
A/n: This is my first time posting on tumblr (Ik I'm a decade late) and my first time trying to write fanfic. I wanted to give this prompt from Starfall Week a try. I hope to make at least a second part bc I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Feedback is appreciated, I hope you enjoy.
This is set a year after ACOSF when the red star (likely Aelin) was seen by Rhysand on Starfall.
Warnings: Angst, blood, wounds (not too graphic), I think that's it...
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Rhys had truly outdone himself this year. In anticipation of Nesta and Cassian’s wedding, the High Lord had created his largest guest list yet for the upcoming Starfall. The House of Wind had been undergoing preparations for the week prior to the holiday in preparation for all the guests. The residence was being readied to host the courtiers and their plus ones, the ruling families of allied courts, and Keir and Lord Devlon plus their ilk. Even the owners of businesses the Inner Circle frequented had been extended an invitation. 
Azriel had attended far more of the balls than he could remember. In his youth, Rhys, Cassian, and he would perch atop the roof of Rhys’ mother's house to watch the streaks of light until they dwindled away. In his adolescence, it was not uncommon for one of them, often Cassian, to bring their lover at the time and share kisses under the show. (Of course, the perpetrator would be teased to no end the following day.) More recently, as Rhys and Cass found their mates, Azriel found himself missing those days. He was happy for his brothers, and he loved his found sisters. But that didn’t change the feelings of unworthiness that were spurred when he was left without a date at event after event. 
In the recent weeks leading up to Starfall, these thoughts were the subject of Azriel’s dreams. The dreams were not nightmares, per se, which Azriel was well acquainted with. They all began with a depiction of a different Starfall from his youth. However, the good memories were soured when Rhys and Cassian would fall silent beside him atop the roof. Azriel would call out for them, but their eyes would remain glued to the sky as if seeing something he couldn’t. They pointed and murmured things he couldn’t hear before they grabbed him in an attempt to winnow away. 
Even now, as he flew home the morning before the holiday, he found himself thinking over the dreams. Lost in thought, he was surprised to find himself flying over the quaint cabin. He had subconsciously altered his flight path to pass the first home he’d known. Landing softly in front of Rhys’ mother’s house, he scanned his surroundings before entering. Assured that the sun was just beginning its ascent and that much of the world still slept, he entered the cabin. 
Strolling through the small foyer and into the kitchen, he observed just how worn it was. As boys, they did a number on the cabin, leaving lasting scuffs on the floor and permanent dents in their favorite chairs. He loved the damages now, seeing them for what they were. Signs of life, proof that joy and love had filled the space. Proof that even he had known joy and love. After walking through the small rooms, he exited and flew up to the roof. He told himself he wouldn’t get too comfortable, that he’d rest for only a few moments before heading to the House of Wind. Facing the spot where the sun threatened to rise from the ocean, he took in the orange and pink hues of the pre-dawn sky. While Velaris was mostly obscured by the trees, he could glimpse the city in the distance. 
His musings were interrupted by a rising feeling that moved from his stomach up behind his ribs. His shadows, which had settled into languid movements upon arrival at the cabin, began flaring out from him in a frenzy. He inhaled deeply at the foreign sensation, and it was then that he noticed the first star in the darkening sky. Azriel cocked his head at it. Prythian's brightest star — and the last to disappear each morning — should lay behind him in the sky. His confusion only grew as the star began flickering and growing.
No, not growing, approaching. The white-hot mass was careening towards him. He ducked, lying flush against the roof, his shadows making themselves scarce in the presence of the foreign glow. He closed his eyes against the brightness before he felt a wave of searing heat through his leathers as it passed overhead. Only when the light stopped attempting to shine through his shut lids, did Azriel open his eyes. Standing once more he looked himself over, then at his surroundings. Whatever it was had bowed the trees in its path, unobscuring the view to Velaris and leaving char marks and a glittering substance in its wake. 
Let us see. Let us investigate. A few of his shadows hovered in front of his face, and he permitted them to follow the path. Reaching for Truth-Teller, Azriel wracked his mind for any information he’d know of objects falling into their atmosphere. He’d gone with Rhys to see multiple experts about the upcoming celestial event. The High Lord was still shaken by the red star he’d seen during last year's Starfall. Yet none of the court’s prophets nor astronomers had forecast this. They’d all claimed the view on Starfall was set to be uninterrupted, that only good things would come from the spectacle. It was another reason that Azriel’s dreams confused him. And a reason why he didn’t mention it to his brothers.
There is blood, Master. So much blood. His shadows whizzed back to him, wrapping around his middle and tugging him in the direction of the foreign object. Taking to the sky, he spotted a clearing a few hundred feet behind the cabin that hadn’t been there before. Upon passing the last of the trees, Azriel drew up short and hovered over the sight. There were so few things that turned his stomach after centuries of horrors. But the sight of a body laying in the crater, a tangle of limbs and wings and branches and moss had the foreign feeling returning to his chest. Landing softly, he rolled the hilt of his dagger in his palm, a nervous tic of his. He stood at the edge of the crater and found his throat tightening as he took a closer look. 
The being was breathtaking, even as it lay limply in the ground. Pale blue feathers lay beneath the body, adorning wings that bent at a too-wrong angle. The being was dressed in nondescript robes of a darker blue hue, which now lay in tatters. Much of the flesh that wasn’t shredded, was obscured by long, curly locks of dark hair and a thick layer of glittering dust. His shadows were snaking their way towards the body, picking up some of the glistening flecks as they approached when they froze suddenly. 
Alive. But the breaths are too shallow. There is a great wound.
A faint groan escaped the being and he found himself stepping down into the crater. Precaution thrown to the wind, he saw no need to intimidate the dying creature. It appeared female, as he took in the soft facial features and shapely figure as she lay against the dark soil.
“Hello?” he asked gently. 
Another groan, then a cry as the being shifted. Tightening his grip on Truth-Teller, Azriel watched a shaky hand emerge from beneath a heap of feathers to reach for what he believed was a thigh. It was then he saw the wound. The Illyrian winds had been known to whisk away even the largest tents and banners, typically with sandbags and iron posts still attached. The stake of one of those posts was protruding through the leg, too close to the center for her femur to still be intact. 
“Hey hey hey,” he sputtered as he reached for the delicate hand hoping to prevent her from causing herself further harm. While he was no healer, he knew that the bones and arteries in the thigh posed a life threat when damaged. The moment his scarred hand closed around her wrist her eyes flew open. 
Time may as well have frozen. His eyes met her own, pools of a similar hazel but flecked with stardust. Within his chest, he felt a new ebb and flow. Not of his diaphragm as he remembered to breathe, but of his end of the mating bond that had awoken within him. He was shaken from the moment when another cry left her lips.
She began speaking frantically in a language he’d never heard as she attempted to move, her eyes jumping between his face, his shadows, his flared wings, and the weapon in his hand. Her feathered wings shifted again, as she attempted to free her other arm. Sheathing his dagger, he held up his hands, a sign that he meant no harm. Realizing the efforts to free herself were futile, the female stilled, throwing him a pleading look. 
He brought his hands towards the wound slowly, one hand steadying the bloodied stake before the other felt beneath her leg. Wherever the stake had come from, this piece had broken off when it caught in her leg. 
She must be moved. She will not last long. His shadows had been working their way around her form, through the hair, feathers, and tatters as they tried to gain a full picture for their master. A few of them brushed the hair off of her face, while others seemed to stroke her hand. Something in his chest squeezed at their report.
“Let me,” he gestured to himself, “help you.” He finished by making a scooping motion with his arms. Azriel had no idea if she understood his miming, or if the bond had come to life in her chest too, but she nodded once in agreement. He pushed an arm under her back gently, before leaning her torso up from the ground. Her face screwed in pain and he paused as she took a shaky breath. He ordered his shadows to steady the stake before pushing his arms under her legs as well.
Standing up, he took note of her limp wings. What he had believed were two large wings, were actually two sets of wings. Looking up at her face, he flared his shadows as he prepared to shadow-walk to Velaris. Once again, despite her ragged breathing and pained face, she nodded at him with resignment in her eyes. Azriel was unsure if she could feel it, but he tried to soothe her through the bond before he allowed his shadows to envelope them. He hoped that she was able to receive the calming waves he sent her, and none of the panic he felt as his mate’s blood soaked his leathers.
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bedoballoons · 11 months
@aleksai42 thank you for this idea!! I hope you enjoy!!<3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
A/n: Modern School AU! Part 2! Requests/asks open!!
{༻~What type of classmate/bf they would be~༺}
(Includes: Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Alhaitham, Venti, and Childe!)
Diluc would be quieter than most, preferring to sit in silence as he listens to the teacher and not partake in the whispers of the other students. In fact most of the time he has nothing to do with his classmates, unless someone's being picked on or in some type of trouble. Whenever he sees something like that he'll step in, making himself known as a hero to the select few he's helped and one that doesn't require any thank you afterwords, walking away as soon as he knows the person's safe.
After the two of you started dating, you realized he had a lot more going on in his life than you had originally thought. He's a classic gentleman, holding the door open for you after walking you to school, carrying your books cause he knows they're heavy, and giving you a kiss goodbye whenever you part ways. His absolute favourite thing though, is when the two of you are alone, cuddled up together, his arms holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let you go.
Gorou is a bit of a teacher's pet, he has good grades in every class, follows every rule to the letter and keeps others out of mischief. He has really sweet personality, but because he is such a do-gooder he often gets bullied. He doesn't let that get him down though, in fact he always seems to have a good attitude. He can't pick a favourite class, they're all his favourite...though he really enjoys being outside.
He's honestly a ray of sunshine the second he sees you, getting a little hyper and talking faster than he normally does, usually saying how much he missed you. He absolutely loves when the two of you picnic outside the school, especially when you read aloud to him or you study together. Whenever you're walking somewhere his hands in yours, swinging your intertwined fingers gently back and fourth in time with your steps.
Itto is considered, the tall class clown. He's pretty popular, telling jokes in the middle of lessons or answering questions so wrong everyone has to laugh. He's...not the brightest, getting low grades in most classes, but he makes up for it with his charisma and dedication to the things he enjoys. His favourite thing about school being his mechanical beetle fighting club, it doesn't have a lot of members, but that's never stopped him from having fun.
As soon as the two of you started dating your life became so much better, he was funny, sweet and he loved you so much. Sure he got into some childish messes you had to help him with, but he made it up to you tenfold. Planning adventurous dates, getting you gifts (some sillier than most) and absent mindedly complimenting you all the time, because in his eyes you're truly incredible.
He almost never speaks, to the point most of the class assumes he's mute, until a question he finds particularly intriguing arises and then he could spend a hour describing the answer. He's intelligent beyond his years and most people envy him for it, making alot of the class dislike him. He doesn't really care though, he'd prefer to spend all day reading books then discuss anything with them anyway.
He's not great at showing romance at first, not because he doesn't want to but because he simply doesn't know how. After a couple months though, the two of you find a rhythm and he turns out to be surprisingly good at being a boyfriend. He shows up early to walk you to school, holds you whenever he's reading (so very often) and whenever you two bicker, he's extremely careful to never hurt you. You're truly his favourite person and he'll do whatever he can to keep it that way.
He's extremely charismatic, chatting with everyone at least once and going with the flow to avoid arguments. His favourite class is music, he can play almost any instrument, but his favourites are all string based. He also enjoys theater, though he's pretty good at being in plays he prefers to be the narrator, telling the stories in such a way that captures the whole audience.
His love language is touch, meaning he's always holding your hand, hugging you whenever he can and cuddling up to you during lunchtime. He leaves you origami paper birds in your locker and desk, each one a little poem for you. He also enjoys singing to you, especially when you come to one of the plays he's in and you're in the front row, he can't help but sing right to you, especially when it's a love song.
Childe is slightly confusing to his classmates, he seems nice, always laughing and joking around, people even see him walk his younger siblings to school...but there's something about him that gives off a bad boy vibe. No one can really put their finger on why he seems the tiniest bit like a villain but everyone agrees that there's a reason. His favourite class is p.e., he really enjoys competitive games and is even apart of a sports team.
He loves when you show up to his games, it makes him work even hard to win and when you cheer it makes him confident he can do anything with you there for him. He brags about you often to his teammates and whenever you two are walking through the halls, his arms around you. He loves your kisses, begging you for them whenever you two have been apart more than a day. He also really enjoys when the two of you watch his siblings together, it never seems like a chore with you both there and after everyone's gone to sleep, he can cuddle up with you at last.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day!*⁠.⁠✧
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