#honestly still gotta work on it a lil bit
merry-the-cookie · 2 years
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✨ the feeling of falling upwards ✨
these are the designs for the phone charms that ive been working on for, way too long for what it is gfhjGHFDGdf hope you like them <3 im also thinking of making it a sticker sheet (without the copyright infringement in the middle ofc lmfao)
here’s the still <3
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I managed to pull this together in the middle of an Absolutely Horrible work day! Yay! (Writing this is probably part of what got me out of a stress and caffeine induced panic attack) Unfortunately I didn’t get it edited on time to post on time, but Hey! It Exists :D Anyway, people should write more characters having autism shutdowns. It’s very frustrating being barely able/unable to talk (I am autism btw)
Anyway, this one’s very environmental. I feel like the timespace distortions in PLA could have been a LOT more horrifying, and I’m here to deliver! Warnings: animal attack (again), uuuuhh what do you call this.. time and space are being bent and torn around him and it is some sort of cosmic horror or something idk what that term means exactly I just know it’s what comes to mind, but uuuh yeah this one’s kinda tame actually.
All of mine so far have been pretty tame, let’s be honest. I promise I can write other stuff we just haven’t gotten to the Good Stuff I Have Planned yet
Day 5: Reckless
Takes place some time after the battle atop Mount Coronet. (After day 4 of this event, far before day 3, which happened before days 1 and 2)
Volo should have known this would happen when a strange energy started to fill the air. He should’ve known this would happen when sparks started to fly.
He thought he had more time before it did, thought he could pick a few more berries from this tree and run.
He should’ve known better than to test his fate, especially in a distortion that he had indirectly caused. Arceus has a sense of humor, after all, and Volo is no stranger to the cruelty that fate seems to love to bring him.
Scents from past and future flow into the air, and he can hardly breathe, stumbling as the ground morphs and shifts under him. One moment, he’s standing on the grassy hill, and the next, a structure he doesn’t understand appears out of nowhere, trapping him inside.
He scrambles his way out a window and brings his fingers to his mouth, whistling as loud as he can.
But Toge doesn’t come. She can’t hear him in the storm.
I could die here.
The realization sends chills down his spine.
He’s been confronted by his own mortality plenty of times in his life. It’d be a surprise to hear someone hasn’t, really, in a world as dangerous, as cruel as this one. Wild Pokémon attacks that aren’t immediately deadly can still be incredibly dangerous later, after all, and there’s a myriad of other dangers in this world.
Volo happens to be particularly good at getting himself into bad situations, and fate has always seemed to be especially cruel to him. He’s faced death plenty of times.
But it’s never felt so close.
He could run from murderers and wild Pokémon. He managed to strike a deal with Giratina when they met, he learned everything he could forage so he would never starve, he had even escaped the wrath of a particularly powerful zoroark, which is an impressive feat, considering the fact that even the normal zoro put plenty of people on the death toll.
But he can’t run from this. Not when he can’t breathe and the ground itself doesn’t seem to work as it should, flickering in and out of existence at the drop of a hat.
He curses himself for his stupidity as a terrified steelix shrieks, a sound like boulders tumbling down a mountain. It’s moving too quickly to see where it’s going, barreling straight towards Volo.
He just manages to dodge out of the way, ducking and rolling behind a tree- but an electric attack hits him, and he shrieks as his whole body jolts from it, falling to his knees.
It’s hard to move, he’s shaking, his muscles are spasming.
He can’t run.
I’m going to die here.
Something falls into his hands, a strange device. Some sort of bracelet, with a thick, flat face.
It lights up as he touches it.
He frantically presses back against the tree as an alpha raichu steps forward, holding the strange device up.
He’s about to move to throw it in desperation-
And then something he touches on it creates a shield of pink and blue energy, surrounding him just as the raichu tries to hit him with a Thunder.
He can breathe.
Volo scrambles to his feet, catching his breath. “Is this- some sort of shield..?” It moves with him as he walks- no? It’s moving with the device.
He scoops it off the ground, shaking his limbs out to try to get the rest of the electric attack out of his system, and he sprints towards the outside of the distortion, carrying the device with him. The ground materializes beneath his feet, holding steady even as it breaks around him, and he thanks fate for finally giving him something good.
Some attack hits the shield, and he yelps as he’s thrown, but he isn’t hurt by anything except his own bad landing. Scrambling back to his feet, he runs the rest of the way out, jumping through to the outside of the bubble of distorted land just as the timespace storm starts to swirl.
Terrified pokemon shriek as they’re swept into it. Volo nearly throws up as he sees human remains inside, swirling with the rest.
And, in a flash, all of it is gone, leaving no sign of what just happened but specks of shimmering pink dust, floating softly to the ground.
He’s in a cold sweat, shaking as he stares at where he was almost swept away. The trio would RUN INTO these. For FUN, to collect the things inside.
What the HELL is wrong with them!?
He takes a few shaky breaths, collapsing to his hands and knees. The device makes a clicking sound as it wraps around his hand, but he pays it no mind for now.
Okay, I’m okay. I’m alive. I’m okay.
..I have nobody to blame for that except myself. I shouldn’t have stayed when the storm started to gather. And for what, a few handfuls more of berries? That wasn’t worth the risk!
He stares at the strange device, which has moved to his wrist. There’s numbers on the front, though he’s not sure what they’re for.
It’s a miracle I made it out. And it’s because of this wondrous device..
It’s locked itself around his wrist somehow. He can’t see the locking mechanism- it looks like a clean band, aside from the face. The only sign as to its origin is some strange lettering on the side, though he doesn’t really recognize the characters. He knows he’s seen them somewhere before, though.
With some experimentation, he figures out he can move the device up and down his arm, but he can’t take it off. It’s comfortable no matter where it is, fitting perfectly to his skin, but it won’t go over his hand, despite obviously having the capability of doing so.
Okay, he’ll deal with that later. He stands, making his way back to the little camp he’s set up.
He’s still feeling a little stiff with the after effects of a fairly mild electric attack paralysis, but he’s not too hurt- he must’ve not been hit too bad, thankfully.
Volo sits at camp, dumping out his bag and counting the supplies he’s managed to gather.
If he finds a way to preserve the food, what he has gathered today will be enough for a few days. So the progress towards what he and his Pokémon need to survive the winter is slow, but it is progressing.
The extra berries he grabbed are enough for two extra meals for Toge, so there’s that, at least.
Was it worth the risk? No, not in the slightest. Not when he can easily gather that safely.
But does it make him feel a little better about it?
He looks up as a shadow falls over him, quickly moving to catch Toge as she flies into his chest. “Hey!”
She squeaks happily, shaking her bag- and that’s the sound of a bunch of apricorns. He can also see the leaves of a few different edible plants and medicinal herbs sticking out.
Volo smiles, cuddling her close. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he murmurs, burying his face in her feathers with a quiet sigh. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
A young woman leans over to look at the alert, brushing curly red hair out of her eyes. “Oh! Well, that explains where he got his watch.. That is a dangerous paradox, wow. Very lucky it didn’t break anything. Dialga must have helped..” She sighs, tapping a few buttons on her watch and sending a quick message to Management. “..Dragons. I need to figure out how Eclipse got it off so I can update the security systems.. What a bother.”
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
doing the review sessions at 2x speed but it all cancels out and i dont actually save time lmfao
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Hazbin Hotel Characters React to You Asking for a Hug (PART 2)
Buckle in bitches, its time for some COMFORT
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Guys he’s SO nervous
“Oh really? You, uh, you want a hug from me? Are you sure?”
Nervous laughter 100
Takes a hot minute for him to adjust, but DOES give good hugs
Y’all gotta remember he’s a dad
So good, firm dad hug
His hands are clammy af, but don’t mention that pls
Gives you the opportunity to talk out whatever’s going through your head
Actually has really insightful advice
Like his daughter, honestly so honoured you chose to come to him
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“Must I?”
Begrudging as FUCK
But she’ll do it
If she has to
Stiff, awkward hugs that last for 5 seconds tops
No wing hugs :(
“Human souls are weird”
Tries to teach you how to fight so you can use sparring as a “normal” coping mechanism
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As much as I hate him, would give BANGIN hugs
“Fuck, you wan’ a hug? Fuck yeah bitch, get over here!”
Super enthusiastic about it????
Like, gives you shit, but its still one of the tightest and most excited hugs you’ve ever received
Very very warm
You will probably overheat if you stay there too long
WING HUGS!!!!!!!
Will be extra touchy with you from here on out
Arm around the shoulder, etc
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Is she mom, or mommy? Jury’s still out on that one.
Will never ever refuse you if you need a hug
Will, however, try to pull you aside and make it a private moment
Not a big fan on PDA, but your wellbeing takes priority
Makes you rest your head against her chest, no matter how tall you are
If you tell her what’s going on, will fix it
You don’t even need to ask.
She’s gonna check up on you after at LEAST twice
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Is she mom or mommy part 2: electric boogaloo
Ushers you into a sunroom and brews you a pot of tea to share
And grabs snacks, of course
Definitely forgets if cannibalism makes you queasy
Holds you hand from across the table and encourages you to talk it out with her
A lil bit pushy about it, but its from a place of love
But if you need it, will definitely hug you
Another one with bone shattering hugs
Her hands are cold af tho, so beware
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Tbh doesn’t hear you the first time, he’s super focused on whatever else he’s doing
Once he hears you/it registers to him, he’s pretty confused
“Why do you need a hug?”
Only hugs you if y’all are really close
Generally not a touchy person
He won’t stop whatever he’s doing though
Most likely will just sit you in his lap, so he can cuddle And work
Multitasking, bitch
Don’t do it while he’s actively broadcasting though
Super against PDA (bc he’s embarrassed) and will probably snap at you if you break this boundary
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“Wot. Why?”
Also confused
Like Vox, usually to busy to properly hug you
But will let you stick around and lay all over her while she works
Anyone who questions it dies Very quickly, and Very grotesquely
Very protective
“Babes, do I need to hurt someone? Coz you Know I’ll do it”
Probs takes selfies of you hanging off of her bc she thinks its cute
Will dress you up to try and make you feel better
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Seek psychological help 💕
I know he’s got a sexy voice, but you know I’m right
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bunnliix · 3 months
Most to least likely in Ateez to casually give you their black card for purchases
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I feel a lil like I may have gotten some of these wrong, but also I'm working from a list I made months ago, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to rearrange these, or who I'd put where. So here this is, because I really wanted to get it out today
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He is just gonna hand you his card silently. He knows you'll be responsible with it, plus he doesn't mind. No matter if you're older or younger than him, he still finds this a small way to take care of you. He has enough that he wouldn't be able to spend it all himself, so he wants you to spend it for him. It makes both of you happy.
This man is gonna be sweet about it. He might be quiet about giving you his card, but I also feel like he’d pair it with a kiss to the forehead, or the cheek or wherever. He’d just be a total sweetheart about it, and you usually buy him something when you use it anyways, so he gets happy seeing you use it. Plus, pulling out a black card makes a person seem a bit intimidating, so it’s in theory a way to protect you even when he can’t be by your side. 
This man is a golden retriever of a boyfriend, but also, he’s gotta brag just the tiniest bit about these kinda things. Honestly, the bragging is more wholesome, where he shares what you bought him on the shopping trips with his card, rather than the more braggy brags that the others might do. Plus, he’s more of the lowkey kinda guy, especially if he goes shopping with you. He’ll slide the card over the counter to pay, before you even have the chance to grab your own card. And then he’ll kiss you on the forehead afterwards and thank you for letting him take care of you in this way, because he’s really thankful to be able to look after you financially, should you let him.
I feel like he’d be a bit more vocal about it than either Jongho, Yeosang or Yunho would be. He’d be proud that he could hand you his card and have no worries about what you could do, he has more than enough money that he couldn’t spend it all on himself. Besides, you always bring him home something that you found on your trips, and it’s another thing he’ll cherish, because you thought of him when you bought it. He has a whole section in his home studio dedicated to everything you’ve bought him, it’s cute honestly. Plus, he’s honestly so adorable when you show him what you bought, his expressions are priceless and the happiness on his face makes any guilt you have about spending his money disappear. 
I think we all know this man would be braggy, this man is proud of himself and his work. So he’ll be proud of his baby spending his well earned money, but he’d also be the kind of person that wouldn’t want to bring too much attention to it at times. He’d share pictures of you and your haul with the boys, and if you were both out as a couple, with Atiny as well. Of course, he’d want to go with you, because this man loves his fashion, but he also wouldn’t mind you spending it on whatever, like the rest of Ateez. 
I wanna say this man would be quiet about it, but I feel like he’d also be proud to be able to dress you in pretty clothing, and that you’d want for nothing, so he’d talk about it a lot. If Atiny knew about you, he’d talk to them about what you bought for him lately, and show it off, and tell them how you bought matching hoodies or other matching pieces. He’d just be happy to see you happy, and honestly, he’d probably just slip the card into your bag, and you’d find it later and call him about it, and he’d just tell you to use it to buy yourself whatever you want. 
He’s going to blatantly hand you his card and make sure it’s seen. He’d also be like 50/50 on whether he’d be loud about telling you to use his card, or if he’d just flirt with you about it. There’d be times where you drop into the company to bring him and the other boys food or drinks, and because he’s basically given you free use of his card, he’d ask if you used it lately. If you said no, well, he’d complain loudly, but half-jokingly, about using it because he gave it to you for you to buy things. If you said yes, he’d get the biggest grin on his face as the other boys would groan, knowing the minute you left, he’d be bragging about it for the millionth time. 
This man is going to be the loudest out of everyone, even with how chaotic Ateez is. He's going to be bragging left and right about how he makes enough money to be able to spoil you like this. That you can take his card and spend it without a care and that he has the money to spend on you and for you to spend on yourself however you want. He'd encourage you to go spend money on yourself if it made you happy. And of course the boys would never hear the end of his gushing, because this man would never stop talking about you and how sweet you were because you absolutely buy him things while you're out shopping, purely because you think he'd like them, or it reminded you of him. Which further encourages him to give you his card again.
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kismets-barista · 6 months
Lil Brozone, Floyd- centric oneshot for y'all's enjoyment!
Spoilery for Band Together, so if you're still awaiting watching the movie I'd suggest waiting to read, my friends! Have a lovely night!
Five months, twenty eight days.
That’s how long it had taken him to be able to walk without having to stop for breath.
Floyd was fully recovering, slowly but surely. After moving back to Pop Village, there’d been nothing for him except plenty of rest, John Dory’s incessant mother henning (seriously, that guy was the textbook definition of Anxiety even if he continued to deny it,) and help from his brothers to recuperate. They’d laid off on any public performances, putting aside thoughts of the word tour for later on. Way later on. 
But today was the day. Finally the day they’d decided to put on a public performance, a day that had all of them on their toes with preparations for the five song ‘concert.’ The energy buzzing in the air was something Floyd had missed, but the troll could honestly barely concentrate on how excited he was as his chest filled with sticky, sludgy feelings of dread. The magenta-haired troll sat in front of his light-rimmed vanity mirror, staring back at the shock of white that ran from the roots of his hair and up to the middle. 
He thought he’d gotten over this. 
It wasn’t going to change. It was evident that his hair, along with himself, had permanently changed as a result of that capture. Of his death. 
And pretty much everyone in the village knew that it was a result of something. A bad something. 
Some of them, Cooper specifically, had outright asked. But he didn’t have the best buffer, so Floyd couldn’t find it in his heart to be mad. Others had given him looks, even staring as he began to get out of the house those first months. He could remember the eyes trained on him as John Dory slowly helped him along, talking about an adventure he’d gone on way ‘back in his day,’ as he liked to call it. Floyd had kept to himself, mostly, until John Dory noticed how quiet his brother was being and did something the younger couldn’t.
He stared back at the trolls. Sure, it probably planted the seeds of assumption that John Dory was every bit as standoffish as Branch used to be, but Floyd had to admire his brother’s determination to keep him comfortable. 
“Ten minutes til final soundchecks!” Mayday (Brozone’s stage director’s) voice cut through the silence, and Floyd jerked out of his reverie. He sighed, opening the drawer to his desk and fished through a thousand hair products and ties to pull out a fluffy, white scrunchy. Maybe pulling it up would help lessen the… amount of times people had to see his hair. Floyd let out another sigh as he pulled up his hair, staring himself down in the mirror as he twisted it every which way. “Come on… there’s gotta be some way I can make you look normal again,” he whispered fiercely, tugging on his hair harder as desperation bubbled in his chest. Every way he moved it, white, white, white. The young troll’s hands began to shake as he started to tie it up, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as his breathing shortened. 
How could he go out there looking like this? It’s bad enough as it is, why did he think for a second that today would be any different with how he felt about this… this awful hair of his? 
He considered flaking on his brothers as his breaths began to come out in short gasps. A thousand different excuses flitted through his mind, and Floyd began to grasp at them, one by one. He wasn’t feeling well. He was exhausted again. He couldn’t catch his breath quite right - no, that one would send them into a panic, probably. The thoughts crescendoed, and Floyd yanked on the scrunchie a bit too hard. It snapped, and rebounded on his hand. Causing the duo-tone haired-troll to yelp in pain. He flicked his head in the air, waving off the sting before letting his head sink down to rest on the top of the vanity. He was getting himself way too worked up… this wasn’t going to help anything. He needed to do this show. Needed to prove that he was… fine. Well. As fine as he could be.
“This is for all the lonely people…” he whisper-sang to himself, voice breathy as he steadied his pounding heart. Pulling on his fingers gently. “Thinking that life has passed us by…”
“We won’t give up until we, drink from that silver cup, and ride…” Floyd’s voice tapered off as he frowned, momentum to sing even to himself puttering off. Today was supposed to be a happy day. But here he slumped, moping like someone had just kicked a box of kittens in front of him.
“Ride that highway in the sky.” The lyric lifted softly as a question, and the troll sat up and looked behind himself in confusion. His face lit up at the sight of Branch, his baby brother leaning against the doorframe with his arms loosely crossed against each other.
“Oh, Branch. Hey.” Floyd offered him a grin, to which his younger brother readily responded with one of his own. 
“Hey. Was looking for you. JD wanted us to have a little meeting or whatever before our final soundchecks for the show so I came to get you. How’re you feeling?” He asked while walking over, sitting near his brother. Taking in everything about the older troll, inquisitive blue eyes flitting over the top of Floyd’s hair and down to his toes.
“I’m fine,” Floyd shrugged, stretching as he stood. Paused as he realized that saying ‘I’m fine’ was not an appropriate response, as Branch had told him so many times before. Practically drilled it into his head, at this point. He cut Branch off before his younger brother could say anything by shaking his head and letting out a loud “I meant- I meant that I’m feeling really good. I’m excited for the show, I slept plenty last night so I’m not tired, and I stretched this morning so I’m not achy like I usually am when I wake up.”
He could visibly see Branch’s tightly-wound demeanor relax, and the younger troll stood to join his brother as they headed out of the dressing room.
“Great. Now come on. They’re not too far away.”
And it was only when they made it into the break room, overstuffed couches laden with throw pillows and the ground practically made of mismatched rugs that Floyd realized all of his brothers had hair caps on. They’d happily yelled out his name when he walked in, and Branch had guided the troll over to a couch to sit down before nodding at JD, who’d been chuckling at the fact that Floyd was staring at them as if they all had grown second heads. 
“How ya feelin’, bro-bro? Ready for BroZone’s big debut into Pop Village?”
“Well, when you put it like that, admittedly nervous. But excited, all the same. I’ve missed singing with you all, truly.” He smiled up at his older brothers, who, upon hearing that, all exchanged a look. They nodded at each other, and Bruce took a deep breath while reaching up to the cap covering his hair.
“Well, buddy, we’ve got a bit of a pre-show gift for you,” he started.
“We know how much your hair means to you, and how hard the change has been on you,” Clay continued.
“So we wanted to do a little something just to remind you that you aren’t alone, with how you’re feeling. No matter how hard it may be at times,” Branch finished, and all four of them pulled off their hair caps after JD counted down from three.
And Floyd instantly burst into tears.
Streaking through each of their hair was bold white streaks, the color dyed at the roots of their hair and stretching up and up, just like Floyd’s. It looked natural- how did they do that? 
A million thoughts were running through his mind, but Floyd couldn’t grasp at a single one as the tears continued to pour down his face. He reached out to them, and his brothers were all surrounding him, hugging him tightly. 
“Surprise,” Branch sang softly, and Floyd grabbed onto his arm, squeezing it tightly as he hugged him. He was making his best attempt to hug everyone, which, seeing as it was four full-grown trolls was a bit hard- but the appreciative smile that was plastered onto his face like the sun piercing through a veil of thick clouds was hard to miss. He continued to cry into the hug, emotions overwhelming him as he went from sobs, to weeping that had the four of them pulling him down from the couch and to the ground and up into their arms. 
It took him a few minutes to pull himself together enough to wipe his eyes, but when he did, Floyd gave his brothers the most grateful look he could manage. He didn’t expect to see them crying, too, but it was clear that he’d affected them by crying so hard- and, the fact that they’d already been having a hard time keeping it together even before surprising him with the monumental change. Trolls didn’t just dye their hair- tinsel and extensions were normal in Pop Village but to physically change it like that? It was almost taboo.
“Man, I love you guys so much. I can’t believe you’d just… do that. For me. It means… it means so much.” His voice wavered as he broke down into tears again, but forced himself to reel it in as John Dory patted his back with a big grin.
“Believe it, bro. We’d go to the ends of the earth for you, this wasn’t nothin’ but a stone’s throw across the water if you ask me.”
“What’d I do to deserve such good brothers?” Floyd laughed tearfully, and Clay ruffled his hair gently. “Some would say you were born into this family. And that’s how you got such good brothers.”
The younger troll laughed, taking his brother’s hand and squeezing it tightly.
“Okay, that was a little cheesy,” Floyd chuckled. “But I gotta ask, who…”
“It was John Dory’s idea,” Bruce boasted proudly for the older troll, who’s ears turned bright red as he looked away.
“Dah, anything for my little brother,” he tried to play it off. But Floyd wasn’t having any of that. The younger troll dove into his older brother, pulling him into a hug. He was followed by his four other brothers, who practically dogpiled him and fell on top of each other. A stunned silence befell the brothers before they burst into laughter, and Floyd could feel a massive weight he didn’t even know that was sitting on his chest lift and dissipate. And he knew right then and there that no matter how down he was feeling about himself, how bad everything could get at times, he would always have his brothers to rely on. There were going to be much, much brighter days ahead.
“I love you guys. So much.” “We love you too, Floyd. Don’t you forget it.”
And he wouldn’t. He never would. 
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skzooweemama · 8 months
Because this tiktok trend is really old now how would skz reaction to you wiping off thier kisses? Like because it's an old trend they probably wouldn't be thinking that's what you're doing.
gotta keep them on their toes right? i gotchu!!
oh my gosh it’s been nearly a month since i’ve posted anything i- 😭😭 midterms are over now, so i’m hoping i’ll have more time! still working on the rest of the requests i’ve received not to worry 🫡🫡
i hope y’all like this one! i’m gonna be honest, i didn’t have a lot of ideas going into it, so i changed it up a lil from how the prompt was. i think it turned out okay though!
Bang Chan:
"Baby?" Your boyfriend called down the hall, wandering from the in- home studio to find you in the kitchen making a snack.
You smiled as Chan rounded the corner, with bleary eyes and messy hair. "Hi love, did you just finish?" He hummed and drew you into a hug once he was close enough, burying his head into the crook of your neck. You giggled at his cute behavior and rubbed his back gently.
"Finished and fell asleep..." Chan mumbled into your neck, the sensation making you giggle.
You brought a hand up to scratch at the nape of his neck. "Sounds like you needed it, hm?" Another hum escaped your sleepy boy. "Do you want some of my snack?" Chan nodded, raising his head to see what you were making.
You pulled away briefly to grab the snack (cheese and crackers, a classic) and fed him some. Chan giggled when he realized you wanted to feed him and let you, blushing a bit from the gesture. Afterwards, he pressed a crumby kiss to your cheek.
"Gah! Chris!" You cried out, dramatically wiping at your cheek. Honestly, you didn't really mind, but you wanted to see how he'd react.
Chan just giggled, a shy smile spreading on his face as he pulled you close once again, covering you in more (yet significantly less crumby) kisses.
You squealed out and pushed at his chest, Chan’s laughter mixing with your own as he continued with his attack. “Baby!” You whined, playfully squirming in his hold.
Chan’s arms slipped around your waist and held you fast, his lips trailing down to yours. His warm breath fanned across your face, leaving you completely defenseless. Then he pressed a searing kiss right to your lips, leaving you breathless when he pulled away. You stared up at him, a dazed look in your eyes.
“You’re not gonna wipe that one away now, are you?”
Lee Know:
"Honey? Is that you?" Minho's voice was soft, but it still broke through your post-work haze as you toed off your shoes by the door.
"Yeah Min, I'm home." You called back, shrugging off your jacket and hanging it up. Your scalp was screaming from being up in a bun all day, so you worked on wrestling out the bobby pins while you made your way to the living room.
You freed your hair from its confines just as you came around the corner, finding Minho’s gentle gaze peering back at you. He offered you a warm smile and patted the couch, beckoning you over.
“Hi love…” You said softly, plopping down beside Minho and letting him pull you into his side. You buried your head into the fabric of his hoodie and took a deep breath. “Missed you…”
Minho made a small cooing noise in the back of his throat and pet your hair gently. “Long day?”
“Only the longest… I just keep telling myself that this is my dream job…” You sighed, turning to rest your cheek against his chest.
“That bad, hm? You wanna talk about it?” Minho’s words sent tingles through your body from being pressed so close to him. You huffed out a laugh and shook your head.
“It’s okay, I’m just tired."
"Okay." Minho responded, shifting so he could press a smooch to your forehead.
The kiss was loud and dramatic, and it made you giggle. Without thinking, you wiped at the excess spit his left on your forehead. "Minho! You slobbered me!" You exclaimed, looking up at your boyfriend with a goofy grin on your face.
Minho was staring back at you. If looks could kill, you would be at death's door. It was as if his eyes were screaming at you, beyond offended at you wiping away his love. You couldn’t help but laugh and sat up, pressing your own kisses onto his skin in an apology.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Give me another kiss, I won't wipe it off again!"
Changbin, your love, your light, your life, had been annoying you to no end. This morning it had been his excessive screaming, this afternoon it had been his covers of random songs, and now he would not stop trying to teach you his rap parts in one of their new songs. And he was a really bad teacher.
"No, baby! The flow isn't right, you miss this syllable," He gestured to the lyrics written out in front of you, "and it really kills the rhythm. Let's try again!"
"Bin! I don't get it! I'm not a rapper!" You exclaimed, feeling more and more frustrated by his criticisms. Plus his hand writing was so bad that you could hardly read the lyrics in the first place.
Changbin pouted, grabbing your hand gently. “Can we try again? Please?” You groaned and slumped forward in your seat, laying your head on the table for a moment.
“Fineeee…” You said after a moment. Changbin smiled at the success of his pouting and started the track again.
This time, the word flowed from your lips like water in a stream. You didn't have near as much swagger as your boyfriend did while rapping, but you didn't sound bad by any means. When you chanced a glance over to Changbin, he was sitting there with stars in his eyes. You smiled despite yourself as the verse came to an end.
"So? Was that better?" You asked, leaning back in your chair.
"Was it better? That was great! My baby is a natural!" Changbin exclaimed, leaning over the table to press kisses to your cheeks.
You giggled and batted at him playfully. "I'm not a natural! You had to help me, silly!" Changbin stopped his attack and sat back, and you took the chance to wipe at all the kisses he left on your face. "That's for instilling me with false confidence." You snickered, smiling at him mischievously.
Changbin gasped and let out a dramatic whine. "Babyyyyy!! How could you?! Do you not love your Binnie??" You just started laughing, heart melting immediately at Changbin's cute pout.
"Noooo! Wait I'm sorry!" You laughed, getting up from your chair to hug your pouty boy. "I'll give you all the kisses you want, no more wiping them off!"
"Yah! Stay still!" Hyunjin barked at you from his seat in front of the canvas, throwing you a playful glare. You sighed and sat up straighter, trying your hardest to stay posed how he wanted you.
"Hyunnnn... my back is hurting!" You whined (because he didn't say anything about staying quiet). "Are you almost done?"
Hyunjin glanced at you again, his gaze softened. You knew he was starting to feel guilty for keeping you sat there for so long. He looked back to the canvas and started to work more diligently.
"Just a bit longer, okay? You look so beautiful, my love. I don't wanna rush..." Your boyfriend responded, his voice much less harsh now.
You nodded and settled in, keeping perfectly still and trying to ignore the burning that was slowly creeping up your spine. You distracted yourself by watching Hyunjin work. His long black hair was pulled up and away from his eyes, which were focused and calculating as he worked. He was just too pretty. It was unfair, honestly, but selfishly checking him out was your compensation so you couldn't complain too much.
Except for the fact that the pain in your back was getting harder to ignore.
You let out a loud, frustrated sigh before finally, finally, Hyunjin put down that godforsaken brush.
"Okay, okay, I'm done for now." He said, getting up and stretching. You did the same, trying to quell the fire in your muscles. "Come here, baby." You looked to see Hyunjin with his arms out, offering you a hug.
"I don't feel like I should hug you after that torture." You said, crossing your arms. Hyunjin smiled and shook his head, walking forward to wrap you up in his embrace anyway.
"Too bad, I missed you~" He hummed, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You couldn't help but smile and melt into him. Hyunjin chuckled and stepped back, brushing your hair away from your face and giving you a loving look. You pulled a playful scowl back onto your face, which made him laugh once again. "You're cute..." He hummed, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead...
...which you promptly wiped right off, jumping up from your seat and making your way to the door.
Hyunjin caught you around the waist just before you could escape. "Yah! That's not nice! Don't wipe away my love!" He exclaimed, a playful lilt in his tone. You began to giggle gleefully, which made him growl in your ear. "Oh, you wanna laugh?"
You squealed as his fingers dug into your tickle spots, and through your laughter you cried out, "I'm sorry! I won't wipe them away again!"
When you heard the front door close, it was nearing 1am. This was much later than the time that Jisung promised to be home. You'd practically been worried sick, especially since he wasn't answering your calls or texts. But no, clearly he was fine- just ignoring his worried partner.
So there you sat, arms crossed, silently fuming as your lovely boyfriend came around the corner.
Immediately, you felt bad when you saw him. He looked so tired. His big eyes were bloodshot and framed with dark circles when they were usually bright and full of life, and he was a bit slouched as he walked. But still, he perked right up when he saw you, lips pulling into his big, gummy smile.
"Hi baby!" He said cheerfully. His voice would be a sharp contrast to his appearance, if it wasn't for the hoarseness from recording all day. You glanced at the clock once again and felt yet another pang of frustration.
"Hi Ji," You greeted, offering him a tight lipped smile. "Little late, isn't it? Why didn't you answer my texts? I was worried." Jisung visibly deflated at your words as he sat beside you and that made your heart wrench in your chest.
"Ah- it is late, huh? I'm sorry, baby. I got caught up editing tracks with Chan and my phone died. The studio doesn't have Apple chargers anymore, so I couldn't fix it and there's no clock so-," You cut off his rambling with a hand on his arm.
"Ji- calm down. It's okay, I was just worried, that's all. I'm glad you're home." You told him, offering him a smile to assure him that you were being genuine. Jisung relaxed, and you opened your arms to pull him into a hug. "You okay?"
He nodded against your shoulder, holding you close. The two of you sat in silence for a moment before he pulled away and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You gave him a teasing look and dramatically wiped at the kiss, attempting to get a rise out of him.
That did not go over well, and instead of playing along, tears gathered in Jisung's eyes and his lips immediately pulled into a deep frown.
You laughed in disbelief and pulled him into another hug, holding the back of his head protectively.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry! I was just joking, please don't cry! I won't wipe any more off!"
"Babe, are you gonna finish up soon? I'm bored..." You whined, laying face down on your boyfriend's bed, phone abandoned beside you. He'd been working on his PC for hours and you just wanted his attention.
"Impatient, hm?" Was all Felix said in response, and you could practically hear the smile in his voice.
You groaned loudly and kicked your legs. "Lix, it's been hours. I'm wasting away over here!" Felix just laughed, his deep chuckle sounding way too teasing.
You lifted your head and scowled at his back, wishing he'd set down those stupid tools and come pay attention to your before you literally went insane. As you glared at him, an idea crossed your mind. There was an old Tiktok couples prank that you had been wanting to try since you started dating... What better way to get back at him for ignoring you?
Felix was hunched over his keyboard at you approached him from behind, focused on screwing something into something else. When you reached him, you leaned forward, pressing your chest against his back, and wrapped him up in a back hug.
"Lix... pay attention to me..." You whispered in his ear, you voice overly sensual. Felix tensed up beneath you, and you heard his breathing pick up in the quiet of the room. "Oh? Was that all it took?" You teased, nipping at his earlobe before returning to your place on the bed.
It took about .5 seconds until Felix was on you, pushing you down onto the bed and kissing your feverishly. You giggled into the kiss, allowing him to cage you in just for a moment before you pushed at his chest. Felix pulled away and looked at you wildly, his cheeks and ears still bright red from when you flustered him.
You held eye contact with him as you wiped your lips with the back of your hand, giving him a wink as you did so. Felix's face was shocked for a moment, but then he smiled. Fuck, you forgot about how much he was on Tiktok too.
"Did you try to prank me? Why don't I make you regret ever wiping my kisses off, then?"
Today was one of those rare days that you had off from work. It was a small blessing after a hectic week of project reports and visits from your higher ups, and you were thankful to have some time to recooperate. Unfortunately, Seungmin was still working and you wouldn't see him until the evening.
Luckily he forgot to pack lunch today, so you had the perfect excuse to cook him something he liked and visit him at work.
When you knocked on the door to the practice room all he and his members were in, they had all just finished a dance practice. Seungmin couldn't help the goofy smile that took over his face when he saw you, which made you laugh. The boys teased him for a moment as they gathered their things, greeting you kindly when they filed out the door.
"How was practice?" You asked once everyone had left. Seungmin groaned dramatically and flopped onto the small couch near the door. You laughed and maneuvered him so you had some room to sit too. "That bad?"
"'S fine, just hardddd... my body hurts..." He whined, throwing an arm over his eyes. You hummed and patted his tummy, which made him groan again.
"I'm sorry you're hurting, love. Do you want some food?" Your question had him interested, so he removed his arm from over his eyes and looked at you.
"You brought me food?" He asked. You were almost offended at how surprised he looked.
"Duh, you forgot to pack anything this morning. I wasn't gonna let my baby starve!" Your words were teasing, but genuine, and you watched joyfully as Seungmin's cheeks got all rosy. He sat up and scooted towards you, wrapping you up in a hug and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
It would've been a nice gesture if he wasn't so sweaty.
"Ah! You're getting me all gross with your sweat!" You cried, cringing at the hug and shying away from the kiss. Once he let you go, you immediately began wiping at your lips and trying to rid yourself of any residual boyfriend sweat.
"Oh yeah? You're gonna be like that? Wiping off my kisses?" Seungmin asked, giving you a challenging look. Without a second thought, you attempted to jump up and run away, only to be caught around the waist.
"Wait! I won't wipe them off again! Seungmin!"
You considered messing with Jeongin to be a sort of art form, to say the least. He was clever, but he could also be gullible. That made pranks a 50/50 shot with him, either he figured you out immediately or he would fall for it hook, line, and sinker.
Today, you had devised a fool-proof plan to make sure that he would let you have your fun.
Couple pranks were something you had been wanting to try for a while. You didn't want to film them or post them or anything, you just purely liked a good, light-hearted prank and your boyfriend was a decent victim. There was one that had caught your attention back before you had started dating Jeongin, and it seemed like one he was unlikely to catch onto. Until you told him about it, at least.
It all started when you came back from grabbing groceries at the store. Errands were no fun to do alone, but since it was hard to go out in public together with Jeongin, you usually had no choice. It was all better when you got back home, though.
Jeongin had the weekend free from schedules, which was pretty uncommon. It also meant he was there to greet you when you came home instead of you waiting for him. He was sitting in the kitchen doing work on his computer when you came through the door.
A smile immediately broke out across his face when he saw you, his dimples greeting you just as eagerly. "Hi, babe. Need some help?" It wasn't really even a question he needed to ask, because he was already getting up to grab the bag from you before you could answer.
You smiled at him lovingly and set down the second bag. Jeongin set down the one he took beside it, and when you turned towards him, he captured your lips in a gentle kiss. You sighed into the kiss and cupped his cheek, drawing him in closer.
“Hi…” You whispered when you pulled away, still feeling those classic butterflies when you looked into his bright eyes. Jeongin giggled and leaned to kiss you again, just a peck this time, before he turned to start putting the groceries away.
“Was the store okay? I heard-,” Whatever he was gonna say next died on his tongue as he turned and looked to see you wipe your mouth on the back of your hand. “Did… did you just wipe my kiss away?”
You couldn’t help but break out into laughter at his words and the look of pure confusion on his face. He didn’t look remotely offended, just confused.
“I’m sorry baby, it was just a prank!”
“Too bad, I’m never kissing you again.”
“Nooo!! I promise to never wipe off another one!”
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heavenlyhischier · 10 months
can we get Z discovering Mark and reader please, I love reading traumatized Trev
honestly this was loosely inspired by something that happened to me so enjoy ahahahah.
kinda sucks but here’s a lil blurb of trev accidentally finding out about you and mark 🫢
Your fingers dragged across Mark’s chest, delicately tracing over the bruises splotched across his skin. You had a mischievous smile on your face as you admired your work, Mark’s hand staying on your hips while he watched you. Typically, you would try and avoid leaving any sort of mark on him because you didn’t want the boys to say anything about them in the locker room. Mark didn’t care about that, constantly telling you that no one was going to know they were from you, especially not your brother, and you finally let loose today.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” He teased, squeezing the flesh on your hips.
“You know what? I think I will,” You moved your gaze up to his face, giving him a playful wink as you leaned over to grab your phone.
You were straddling his thighs, so you slightly leaned back and held your phone up and away from your own naked body as you snapped the picture. Just as you went to save the picture to your my eyes only in snapchat, Mark was tugging you back towards him and capturing your lips with his own. You groaned into his mouth, placing your phone back on the table it was on before. However, the picture of your boyfriend was still slapped on the screen.
“I gotta get ready for dinner with the boys,” Mark whispered against your lips, pulling away from you.
“You suck,” You grumbled, rolling off his body so he could get up to find his clothes.
He gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead, hauling himself out of your bed to get himself dressed. After relishing in the moment a bit longer, you followed his path and tugged your own clothes over your body. Mark had left the door open when he went to search for his shorts and shirt, and your roommate's cat took the opportunity to venture into the room. You didn’t mind him being in there, but you watched as he walked all over your phone before sitting directly on it.
“Murphy, get your ass off my phone,” You shooed the cat away, grabbing your phone. Going to wipe the cat hair off, your eyes widened as you stared at the screen. “Oh fuck. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
Mark slowly walked back into the room, brows pulled together as he was tugging his shorts back on, “What’s wrong?”
“The cat sent that fucking picture of you to twelve people, four of them being either my brothers or one of their friends,” You were frantically trying to delete the snapchat before anyone was able to open it, silently thanking the app for that update.
Your heart was racing, cheeks and necks red with embarrassment because of just how outrageous the situation is. After all the hard work you’ve put into keeping your relationship hidden from everyone, your roommate's cat was going to be the one to out you?
“How does that even happen,” He laughs as he picks up the cat, stroking his fur while you throw your phone on the bed, “What?”
“Trevor opened it before I could delete it,” Your face paled. Not even ten seconds later, the facetime ringtone was filling your room. “Should I answer it? I should, right?”
“That’s up to you, baby,” He used the cat to hide his amused face, ignoring the harsh glare you sent his way.
“I’m going to answer it. If I don’t he’ll say something to the boys,” You rationalized before hesitantly picking up the device.
“LITTLE HUGHES WHO WAS THAT,” Trevor screamed into the phone as soon as you answered, “WHY WAS HE NAKED?! YOU BETTER NOT BE HAVING SEX!”
“Trevor, stop yelling,” You cringed, from both the loud noise and the awkwardness of the situation, “I’m going to tell you, but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone? Including my brothers. Especially my brothers.”
“Oooh, a secret,” His voice was calmer now, more intrigued and curious, “I like secrets.”
“Trevor, I’m serious. No one is allowed to know about this okay?”
He nodded his head, eyes wide and hungry for information. You begin recounting the events of your relationship with Mark, telling him that you both decided to keep it to yourself for a while because you didn't want your brothers to make it a big deal. Trevor listened intently the entire time, interrupting only a few times to ask questions, but he ultimately swore that he would do his best to keep your secret. Though , after you stared at him for a moment, he eventually agreed that his lips were going to remain sealed until you were ready to tell everyone.
“So, does this mean I don’t have a chance anymore?”
“Bye, Zegras,” Mark rolled his eyes.
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nanamistiee · 4 months
valentine's day dates with the jjk characters
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ where the boys would take you for valentine's day! pt 1 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ i might be a few days late
━━━ ( ⋆。°✩ satoru: ) ✧  i don't care what anyone says, my boy is a ROMANTIC !!! satoru is caring and very observant. he knows your likes, your dislikes -- everything about you down to the different ways your eyes light up in correspondance to your favorite foods. he knows your favorite flowers & chocolates and while he's happy giving that to you, that's not enough. nowhere near enough, actually.
as a matter of fact, he lets you know pretty quick that you two are gonna go somewhere. satoru won't tell you where -- he thinks it's funny to be all mysterious and get you so worked up like this. but, before you know it, you're being pulled into the car and dragged off somewhere against your will.
satoru takes you to the park. he pulls out a basket and an iconic red gingham blanket. a picnic. it's cheesy and silly but incredibly romantic. of course, you two sit somewhere nice and in the shade. he's packed a ton of different things, a lunch, chocolate covered strawberries, a nice bottle of wine or champagne for you two to share -- the whole nine yards.
"aren't i just the best boyfriend ever?" he'd have to ask and tease the hell out of you. but, honestly, moments like this remind you that that's entirely true.
━━━ ( ⋆。°✩ suguru: ) ✧  suguru is determined to make memories with you. taking you to a restaraunt or somewhere flashy is a little bit too cheesy and cliche for his taste. honestly, he's really not that big on the traditional idea of valentine's day, anyway. he thinks teddy bears and flowers that're gonna go dead in a couple days are kinda stupid. so, he always takes it upon himself to do something a hell of a lot better.
of course, you're getting the sappiest text message as soon as you wake up, though. (yes, he's had this written for ages and he's been staring anxiously at the send button, he's the type to send this at 12:01 in the morning) he's letting you know you're the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on, that there's no one that could ever be as perfect as you, how lucky he is to have you, etc. you will not get out of today without hearing this a million times.
suguru's taking you somewhere special. at first, you two probably stop somewhere like an art gallery or a museum. he's got a couple "you're the prettiest thing in the room" type cheesy pickup lines up his sleeves (but coming from him they're somehow oh-so-smooth!) but afterwards? he's taking you somewhere like a couple's cooking class or wine painting. it sounds stupid, but it's somewhere you make memories of you two that you can actually cherish.
━━━ ( ⋆。°✩ kento: ) ✧  kento is all things traditional. you're getting roses delivered to your job with the absolute sweetest note about how much he loves and cherishes you. they've gotta be red roses, too. he's a complete sucker for the idea of a classic valentine's day -- red roses, a teddy bear, heart-shaped chocolates, etc. he's a true romantic at heart.
kento's doing the absolute most. when you get home, you're definitely walking into rose petals all over the floor, leading you to your shared bedroom. on your bed, of course, is none other than a pretty lil dress and some nice new jewelry wrapped up in an elegant giftbox. he's got everything planned down to the last detail. pretty tea light candles illuminate your room, in your favorite scent, of course. you've got some more chocolates and sweet things he thought you'd like -- maybe some new makeup or skincare, or even a silly little plushy that he knew you'd like.
with that being said, kento's gotta take you to dinner. you're going to the nicest & fanciest place he could find. after all, you've gotta wear that dress somewhere (:
━━━ ( ⋆。°✩ toji: ) ✧  toji might not be as showy as some of the other people *cough cough* on this list, but he still knows how to show you just how much he loves you. after a long and stressful day at work, you know he knows how to take care of you and treat a lady right. he's the type of guy to spend all day preparing. yeah, he might be standing there like an idiot at lush trying to ask the employee what bath bomb he should get. yeah, he might think the one called 'sex bomb' is funny (that's totally not the only reason he'd buy it, too!) but, deep down, it's pretty clear he's got a goal in mind. to make you happy.
as soon as you get home, toji's whisking you off your feet and probably suffocating you with kisses. like a true gentleman, he's taking your coat and your bag before he's practically shoving you toward the bathroom and not giving you a real say in anything. before you can even question what the hell he's doing, you're gonna realize he's actually drawn a bath for you. like i'm talking full on candles for the ambiance, a glass of wine, that stupid little bathbomb he bought, etc. he might try to steal a few glances under the guise of wanting to see what the bathbomb does, but it doesn't make you feel any less loved.
while you're enjoying your bath, he picks up some take out from your favorite restaraunt so the two of you can cuddle up on the couch, eat some good-ass food & watch a movie or two. it's a quiet night, but absolutely perfect.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ i will eventually make more of these to make up for how late i am with posting this dskfnsdgk let me know what characters u'd like to see in pt 2 !! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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katshelluvacritic · 7 months
So…. Glitz and Glam huh… y’know what that means my fellow artists and critics…
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REDESIGN TIME!!!! + (A bit of critics/opinions on the characters and the og design :-] )
To start it out a lil’ positive, If I gotta be honest I actually kinda liked these two characters from the mid-season special, even though they were just the bitchy woman character your supposed to hate (as if we needed any more of those characters than we already got viv), they were still really fun as characters in my opinion!
I feel like bitchy esc kind of character very much works for these two coupled with them being very competitive towards fizz in the episode, I feel like those two things were like the bread and butter for these characters and if I wanna be honest… I kinda wanna see these two again but wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t happened bc c’mon this helluva boss we’re talking about after all!
The only thing I would have to say negatively about these two is that they literally got crushed by a rock in the end, like I get it viv hates writing characters who are woman but COME ONNN, you had these two characters that seem really interesting and the only climax you could’a think for them in the ep was to crush them with a rock? That’s literally lame.
But other than that, I think overall these characters were alright! At least writing wise….
Now for the redesign + critic thing on the og designs
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I decided to change her outfit bc although I loved the character’s personality, the outfit viv gave them not fit them at all. The jester esc outfit personally I think doesn’t really work for these two because 1. The jester theme Fizzarolli’s thing and 2. It doesn’t really work well with their personality, the song they sang in my opinion shows that.
So I thought I’d base their outfits off of the bratz outfits and also any outfits similar to that, to try to fit their characters more!
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That and I’m just getting real sick and tired of the jester/clown theming that’s going on in hb because oh my god it feels so out of place, especially with the theme of greed ring being a trashy polluted city. And even if, EVEN IF viv wanted to give them clown esc themed outfits, I feel like it would’ve made more sense if she gave them outfit that were similar to mimes because technically those guys are like elegant clowns! While jesters aren’t even the same as clowns at all.
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I also kept the green ish’ tones while also giving them a bit off red and purple colors to compliment the identical twin duo thing they have going on! Because like… do I even have to say why I did it? Their colors are literally just black and the same exact hues of green, it was literally hard to focus on them when watching the episode because of much they blended in with the background.
I also took inspiration from this fish when designing them because from as far as I can tell (and do correct if I’m wrong), they’re supposed to be fish demons??? So I tried to add more fish motifs for them!
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I also made them half succubus from the horns looking similar to that and also because I thought it’d be fitting for them!
I also made their hair look like fish fins because oh my god their hair in the canon design was probably the worst part about their designs, not only did it have too many details that it was too distracting when I was trying to pay attention to the characters but also I just trying to figure out how the hair works in general, because it honestly their hair kinda looked like paper instead of fish fins or even actual hair.
But other than that uhh…
TLDR: I love these guys sm, they deserved much better and uhhh I love women /hj
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caycaysdiamond · 2 years
Calling the housewardens your "lil meow meow".
Sooo self indulgent, I call Leona my lil meow meow all the time and I just had to wonder his reaction <3 he is my baby girl fr <3!!! Expanded to the housewardens because I think it would be funny to call ‘em that. Established relationship, cringe writing, mushy fluffy lovesick writing
Riddle Rosehearts
Firstly, do NOT call this man any pet names in public he will combust! Riddle is a very private person, not a huge fan of PDA or being too lovey-dovey in front of people.
Anyways! I’d imagine you’d only call him this after your relationship has been established more and Riddle is more used to intimacy with you. He’s never been in a relationship before you (no shocker) and would like to take it slow.
Imagine the scene: you’re cuddling, Riddle’s the little spoon because he’s had a particularly stressful day. You’re holding him tightly, whispering sweet little affirmations…
“Tomorrow will be a better day, my lil meow meow,” You say, giggling.
Riddle.exe stopped working???
He’s as red as the roses in the garden!
It’s not that Riddle wasn’t used to your little pet names by now but what the HELL was a lil meow meow ???
What happened to darling, love, sweetheart?
You gotta explain to him it’s a meme and endearing! You’re just calling him as cute as a kitten <3
He accepts it but the redness of his face isn’t going down anytime soon.
Dear reader, he will never get used to that pet name so use it sparingly unless you want a broken boyfriend all the time.
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Leona Kingscholar
It’s so fitting for him, huh? Couldn’t resist yourself could you, dear reader?
It’s okay cause nor could I.
His reaction is silence. Just plain silence. You could see the speech bubble of just a period of ellipses if you really tried.
He’s blinking and you, you’re blinking at him. We’re playing the blinking game!
Leona isn’t mad, per se, nor is he as embarrassed as Riddle. I feel like he would also know the origin of the whole lil meow meow meme.
He’s more like ???? what was the reason?
You’re still sitting in silence btw. I feel like you would have to break that silence. He’s not entertaining you, he knows your game.
“You don’t like it, Leona?” :(((
He thinks it’s time for you both to take a nap, and go to sleep... Again! You’re obviously still tired, reader if you think the Leona Kingscholar is cute enough to be called “lil meow meow”.
New flash he is cute enough to be called lil meow meow <3
And honestly … Leona, baby, you’re a literal cat. The pet name fits!
“Lil meow meow.”
The pet name stays and if you pay close enough attention, whenever you say it just the slightest bit of a smile can be seen on Leona’s face.
He’s only soft and cute for you, after all.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Reader stop breaking your boyfriends, this is really mean!
Azul is working as usual. You sit near him and work on whatever schoolwork you have, sometimes talking and ranting about your day. He listens, of course, occasionally nodding along or offering his input.
But today you’re feeling playful and flirty! You slip in the lil meow meow after one of your usual pet names for your lover.
“Am I your lil meow meow?” He’ll ask. His face will be the brightest shade of pink and he’ll probably have dropped his pen at this point.
He’s gonna bury his hands in his face, you’re not seeing him this flustered over just a pet name! Not for free.
Oh, he’s so fun to tease. Keep calling him it, he’ll be as red as Riddle’s hair.
Please for the love of god do NOT let the Leech twins find out about this little pet name you tease him with.
He’ll never live it down, the twins will never stop calling him it randomly.
Azul will be telling them what needs to be done in the lounge today and all of a sudden,
“Of course, lil meow meow.” - Jade, wearing that signature smirk of his.
GAH !!!
Reader for his sake be careful with this pet name.
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Kalim Al-Asim
You’re definitely just using it randomly as a greeting. The minute you see Kalim that day you’re just like, “Hi, my precious lil meow meow handsome snookums.”
Kalim is just :D!!!!
“Hi (enter the most love sick pet names here)!!!!!”
Okay, I’m over exaggerating but you two are disgustingly in love. NRC’s sweetheart couple.
If Grim is with you he’s fake gagging!! Get him out of here rn!!
If anyone else is around, the reaction is a mix of “ew”, “damn I want what they have”, “god they’re so cute”, “GROSS!!!”
You two have a habit of bouncing between many, many different pet names. So you pulling out a new one was nothing new.
And you guys use them, whenever, wherever.
Kalim may actually acknowledge that you’ve never called him that.
He probably really like it! Especially when you say it’s because he’s just so cute like a little kitty :>!
Expect him to use it for you too now!
Mutually you are lil meow meow’s <3
(I’m gagging)
Jamil is so tired of you two!!
Please for the sake of his sanity (and NRC not burning to the ground) limit yourself to one pet name per sentence per HOUR.
But yea…not much to say on Kalim’s reaction other than he’ll love it.
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Vil Schoenheit
It’s hard for me to imagine even when you would drop this name on him.
Maybe you’re doing one of your usual spa days in his room and you sneak it in.
Or you’re alone in a classroom before the housewardens meeting, before anyone else showed up.
Regardless of when or where you decided to try it out. He’s not feeling this one, dear reader.
It’s funny and a bit cute, he’ll admit, but umm no.
His reaction is just a straight face and a small hum.
There’s also an awkward silence between you saying it and him even acknowledging what was said.
He might ask you why you decided to use it, I’d imagine he’d already know its meme origins.
“Just wanted to see your reaction.”
“Are you satisfied?” A small sigh escaped his lips.
Well, are you?
No matter if you got your few seconds of satisfaction or not, it’s already in the past.
I can’t imagine Vil being a big fan of a lot of pet names in general. He has a few that he really likes that you use and that’s it.
Try something else next time <3
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Idia Shroud
There’s two ways I can see this going and it depends on how far in your relationship you two are.
If you’re early in your relationship: he’s a mess.
You cannot keep getting away with doing this to these boys !!!
He’s stuttering.
His hair is a vivid pink.
He’s trying to hide his face in his jacket because that’s also a vivid pink.
He can’t even try to hide his embarrassment.
He’s malfunctioning!
And you’re just laughing! You’re enjoying this? Seeing your boyfriend turn into a puddle of mush?
If you’re further along in your relationship, he’s turning it around and teasing YOU.
“I can’t believe you used such a cringe ass pet name for me, normie. Did you think I was gonna be embarrassed?”
Idia, the tips of your hair is pink and your cheeks are too.
You two are playfully arguing about it 1) not being cringe 2) him actually being embarrassed.
He’s gonna call you it back within the argument too and you’re like ??:??/?/?
Oh, you want cringe? He’s gonna give you cringe.
“Sorry, my discord kitten. Couldn’t help myself.”
He’s giving you that cocky little grin he occasionally has.
Throw a pillow at him and take him off his high horse, reader.
Then hit him with another pet name that you know will give you a flawless victory.
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Malleus Draconia
You guys were doing one of your nightly walks around the campus. Hand in hand, you both were talking about your day and plans for tomorrow.
You’re gonna have to explain to him the origins of this peculiar pet name and also explain to him what a meme even is. He’s amused at the fact you think he’s “as cute as a kitten” and “simply adorable”.
He’s never been described as adorable and cute before (at least not by anyone that wasn’t Lilia lmao)
Child of man, have you no fear? Calling the Malleus Draconia cute? Ofc you don’t, he is cute. He loves how casual you are with him, not afraid to tease him, and treat him normally.
For the rest of your walk, you swear his voice is just a bit higher and the grip on your hand a bit tighter. He takes a longer path back to Ramshackle. He wants to stay in this moment for as long as possible.
Just like Kalim, he’s probably gonna turn around and use lil meow meow on you.
Just as you’re about to return back into Ramshackle for the night, “Have a good night, my lil meow meow.”
You: !!!???;!!.!!.!/!/!/!!/!.!.!
“Child of man, are you alright?” He’s smirking while saying that, knowing his effect on you already.
Assure him that you’re fine and really, really sleepy before he tries to tease you anymore!
I swear that night Grim heard you scream into your pillow and kick your feet up and down, sighing ever so dramatically at the end of it.
His henchman is weird…
Oh, and don’t think Lilia didn’t notice Malleus the moment he walked through the doors of Diasomnia. His whole demeanor was different from the way he left earlier and a beautiful smile was on his face.
“Ohoho seems like someone had a good walk.”
Lilia will surely tease him about it in the morning but for now, he just enjoys how absentmindedly Malleus starts his lovesick rambles about you.
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barleyo · 1 month
Miles Quaritch X Fem! Recom! Reader (smut)
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A/N: God, I've been gone for so long. You all already know the deal, I come and go as I please, I'm afraid! Thanks for sticking by me, though! Much love!
Tags: rushed, smut, fingering, somewhat dubcon, short fic, hunting, predator-prey themes
Word Count: 1k
"Alright, Miss Ain't-Gotta-Listen, how about I give you a five minute head start, and you'll find out exactly what all that yappin' gets you?"
"Colonel, please, I didn't mean to interrupt! I can shut  up, see--?" She made a zipping sound and dragged her fingers over her mouth.
Miles had really had it with her this time. (Y/N) was always a chatty girl, which, when dealing with a tough, no-nonsense commanding officer, was no good. Miles was dealing out instructions for a 'hide-and-seek' of sorts for the recoms. They would hide and try to use their new Na'vi bodies to get used to Pandora's rough terrain, while avoiding the traps he had set up for them. During his explanation, however, the voice of his very annoying, yet secretly favorite, soldier nipped at his ears.
"Uh-uh, not this time, loudmouth. Everybody else, head back to your quarters. Thanks to this little squeaker here, you're all free for the day." Miles jabbed his thumb over in the girl's direction, giving his eyes a light roll.
The other soldiers snickered amongst themselves and barked out 'thank you' and 'good luck' quickly, before heading inside of the RDA facility.
The colonel stood expectantly, arms crossed over his blue, stripe covered chest. 
"When I said I'd give you a five minute head start, I meant it. You better run as fast as your lil' legs'll take you." His hands gestured out into the depths of the forest circling the training yard. "Any minute now, sweetheart."
(Y/N) started to run, her tail snapping nervously as she looked back at him. He stood eerily still, and she honestly would have preferred if he chased her, rather than him continuing to stand so menacingly.
"That's it girl, keep running," he said, voice booming. He trailed off a bit, speaking through a tight, toothy smirk, "you'd better hope I don't find you."
Her legs felt like jelly already. The pure pressure of being chased was enough to make her crazy, and being crazy was not going to be helpful in this moment. She needed to take her time, to calm herself down, but that was the last thing on her mind. All she thought right then? 'Run.'
She ran until she couldn't think, until she couldn't breathe. Her knees started to buckle, but she pushed through it, not knowing what her colonel had planned for her if she was caught by him until--
She felt her entire body get snatched up, a few feet off the ground. She hung by her ankle, slowly swinging upside down on a branch.
She tried to curl upwards to yank the rope off of her ankle, but she could not reach it. She tried wriggling out, but that proved to be completely unhelpful. Just when she thought it couldn't get worse, the rough crunch of leaves under heavy boots sounded through the forest.
"I knew you wouldn't get very far, sugar," a sickly, antagonizing voice said. "If you were listening to me, you would've heard the whole traps in the forest spiel I had going on."
"Can you please cut me down, sir? I learned my lesson, alright? No more speaking out of turn, no more interrupting, I promise!"
(Y/N) tried to steady her swinging body to focus on the tall, blue figure in front of her, but the blood rushing to her head made that almost impossible.
"You know that's not how it works." Miles took a few steps forward, until the crotch of his cargos were directly in front of her upside down face. He squatted down, meeting her face to face. "Punishment breeds perfection." 
Quickly, he tugged at the band of her pants, pulling them just enough to give himself access to her cunt. He sloppily stuck his hand in her hands, manhandling her most sensitive area with disregard for her current upside down state. 
"H-hey, what's all that--?" She said, eyes traveling up as she felt the intrusion. 
"Still a loudmouth, aren't you? You don't know when to quit."
Miles slipped his fingers under her panties and took the slickness accumulating on her and rubbed it between his fingers, chuckling softly. 
"Dunno how you get this wet. Like a damn slip'n'slide." His fingers made firm strokes around her clit, applying enough pressure to make her hips already buck. 
"This would be so much better," she said trying to sit her head up, "if you would cut me down from this tree."
"Good thing it's a punishment, yeah?" Miles took his spare hand and spread her thighs as far apart as he could while still allowing her to keep a semblance of balance, with only one ankle in the air. "If you wanna have some real fun, we'll talk later." With a soft smack to her pussy, he pulled her pants down further to her knees, giving himself room to place her head comfortably between her legs.
His rough, scratchy tongue felt like heaven and hell at the same time. The roughness of it lapped uncomfortably at her clit, but the sheer size and pressure of it left her chest heaving wildly. 
She lazily threw her hand up to grip onto his belt loop, pulling him closer to her body. Her legs started to ache a bit, but she ignored it, instead trying to focus on the waves of pleasure that were being brought onto her.
"No, no don't stop," she whined, feeling his head pull away from her. 
"Oh, please, you big baby," he sneered, forcing his hand back into her pants, this time using two of his fingers to push into her hole. They slipped in easily, now assisted by his saliva, and he used that to his advantage, scissoring her open a few times before pounding his digits into her.
It didn't take long for her to cum. She had been trailing the line ever since Miles unzipped her pants. It came as no surprise when she loudly groaned, squeezing her legs together and shaking a bit.
"Ah, fuck." He could feel her pulsing around his trapped fingers, her core coiling around him tightly before going slack enough for him to pull his fingers out.
She mumbled incoherently while he zipped her back up and looked down at her, giving her a sly smile.
"Gonna let me down?" She asked.
"Yeah, for now. When we get back though, I think I'll tie you up in other ways too."
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cupiidzbow · 26 days
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OK SORRY I WAS THINKING ABOUT THINGS TOO HARD AGAIN here’s an expanded character relationship chart ( there’s placeholders and it’s still not done but here’s a general idea 😭😭) expanded ideas under the cut in case it’s hard to read 😭
- candy, dk , funky and freddie (all childhood friends, grew up together.)
candy + freddie: best friends through and through!! ( Freddie admires her confidence and skills and Candy appreciates his willingness to help his friends and soft heart , but “you gotta stand up for yourself more sweetie.” 😭.) roommates before things started getting serious between freddie and funky.
candy + dk: dated for a point in time but had a mutual breakup, still great friends regardless! ( dk is kinda into people who can kick his ass )
candy + funky: she had the hots for him for a while but he never showed any feelings back. ( she found out he was gay) “OH! Oh, yeah that check out.” she got over him after that. funky appreciates her, one of his closest friends!
freddie + dk: great friends! Freddie had feelings for him but never said anything abt it, thought it wasn’t going to work out so moved on. Dk didn’t realize he had feelings for him until he got with funky ( “why do i feel so jealous?” 🙁 ) figured out that Freddie use to like him at some point and started crying sobbing and throwing up when he realized he fumbled the bag.
funky + freddie: best friends! funky had a crush on freddie for YEARS. he was so down bad abt him and wanted to always make him feel loved and appreciated even if there was the possibility they would never get together. freddie was oblivious to his affections for a bit but started gaining feelings for funky as he noticed the way he treated him as they got older, they want eachother so bad it makes them look stupid. 🫶🏽
Dk + funky: best bros for life!!! funky never noticed any animosity between them and considers dk one of his best friends. dk thinks very highly of funky of course! but he couldn’t help but start getting extremely jealous of funky for getting with freddie after he realized his feelings for him too late. ( biting his fist till it bleeds) “CONGRATULATIONS. IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU…… 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁” ( he then proceeds to drive into traffic)
additional kong relationships!
- freddie + diddy: cousins!! diddy was raised with Freddie when he was born and he has a cool older cousin watching after him always!!! Freddie would kill and die for diddy. that’s his baby cousin 😢😢 when diddy found out funky liked Freddie he was like 🤨. (standing on 5 boxes ) break his heart I will get you. ( He won’t diddy don’t worry.)
dixie + diddy: best friends and first crushes! they’re like 14. watched her punch a guy in the face or something and he started having feelings for her. idk they’re cute 😭😭😭
Blondie (guard kong) + freddie - Freddie befriended him at some point and got to know him!! he’s very kind and he honestly thought he was kinda cute but he probably doesn’t feel that way back so I’m happy being his friend. ^-^ (Blondie in his head) I have loved you for a million lifetimes. He has the biggest crush on freddie but he is not much of a talker and way too shy to ever admit how he feels to him so he will take it to the grave.
( general best friend/ familial relationships between dk/diddy/cranky/dixie/candy/funky/tiny)
bluster + everyone: everyone wants to jump him. kremlings included.
kremling/kong dynamics
everyone can’t stand k. rool he’s literally a public menace.
cranky + k. rool: they had a lil gay thing going on in the 70s and they’re bitter exes now. cranky got over him, k. rool never got over it. “I will torture ur grandson and his friends to get back at you now.”
candy + kalypso- recongnized eachother from the barrel blast completions and were neutral abt eachother even tho they’re on opposite sides. they both ended up being kinda …. “ 😳😳😳” over eachother eventually
funky + kludge + freddie - funky only really saw him as an unserious rival in the barrel blast competitions. Freddie helped Candy during the challenges and never participated….. they both kind where like….. 🧐 hold awn he’s kinda….. Over kludge. kludge does not like the kongs at all so it is not at all reciprocated.
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sadie-bug345 · 1 month
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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munsonhoneybaby · 5 months
Beginning Traditions | Eddie Munson X F!Reader
Summary: It’s your first Christmas in your new home with Eddie and the two of you are ready to explore the next steps you’ll take together as you form your own Christmas traditions.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: 18+ mdni, just some heavy making out honestly nothing bad in this one
A/N: takes place in december of ‘94. bit more of a blurb/drabble. this was originally gonna be some super sweet extensive thing with a lil breeding kink and some sex by the fireplace but uh- the month really got away from me. i’ll try and make it up to y’all with whatever i post next <3
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The bluesy cadence of Elvis’s voice floated quietly through the main rooms of your home, the old holiday records your family had passed down having been dusted off in the name of the season. It was certainly a change of pace from the rock and metal cassettes you typically had playing. The golden twinkle of the Christmas lights worked hand in hand with the flickering fireplace to fill the room with a warm glow.
Four inches of snow blanketed the ground outside and, according to the weather report, the elements wouldn’t be letting up anytime soon. Inside, however, Eddie had turned up the heat and started the fire while you had made two mugs of hot chocolate ‘with all the fixins’. The Christmas tree was fully decorated, including multiple ornaments the two of you had made together. The only thing missing was the star on top, which was what led you to balance precariously at the top of your step stool, stretching to reach the top of the eight-foot tree.
Warm palms met your exposed skin as your boyfriend of eight years grasped your hips to steady you. “You gotta be more careful, pretty girl. Gonna gimme a heart attack.”
“Eds, babe, the ladder’s like two feet tall. If anything, I’m worried about takin’ the tree down with me.” You fidgeted with the fake branches, “Is the star sitting straight?”
“Looks perfect, honey.” He held a hand out to help you step down, tugging you a few steps back to take a look.
You hummed in agreement as he kissed your temple, your back pressing into his chest. “It’s pretty. You did a good job on the lights.”
He smiled at you before glancing out the window where the wind howled and the tree branches shook. “Thank God I put up the lights outside yesterday. Who knows when this storm’s gonna let up.”
Hip bumping his, you gave him a suppressed smirk. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll find ways to keep busy. I just hope we don’t lose power, even with the heat going I’m still freezing.”
“If we can find ways to keep busy, we can definitely find a way to keep warm. Don’t you worry, honey baby.”
A ding from the oven drew you to the kitchen as Eddie put away the step stool. Grabbing the bag he’d stowed away in the guest room, he met you in the kitchen where you were swapping out the freshly baked sugar cookies for unbaked cookie dough. “Hey, I’ve got somethin’ for us to do tonight.”
“When did you go to Family Video?” You frowned in confusion at the bag in his hands.
Ignoring your question, he asked, “Remember that one kids’ Christmas movie you liked that came out last year? The Tim Burton one?”
“The Nightmare Before Christmas?” The smile spreading on your face had him pulling the brand-new VHS from the bag. With a little squeal, you took it from him to inspect it. He’d even gotten one with a plastic hardcover instead of a paper one. Your arms wound around his neck with a tight squeeze, “Thank you, Eddie!”
Squeezing your waist right back, he chuckled. “‘Course, pretty girl. Why don’t you go turn the movie on and I’ll make us some popcorn, hm?”
Less than a year until he’d turn thirty, and even after so many years with you he still stood in the doorway to watch you bend over and put the VHS in– only then did your boyfriend attend to his task of making popcorn. The hot bag burned his fingers as he dumped the microwaved popcorn into a big bowl. He joined you on the couch after pressing play for you, the festive pattern of your matching pajama pants blending together as your legs curled against his.
Eddie eyed your content expression as you watched the movie with a small smile. It had been a philosophy of yours to try and maintain the spirit of the holiday season for as long as Eddie had known you. Even when he’d still lived with Wayne, you’d insist on coming over to help decorate the trailer. He still remembers asking you about it on your first Christmas together as a couple. My family doesn’t really get along, you’d explained with an expression of shame that made his chest hurt. Not a lot of people show up to celebrate, and there’s always a fight when they do. I guess I just wanna try and enjoy what I have around times like this, y’know? Bring people together. He looked over at the two stockings hanging from the mantle of the fireplace and imagined more hanging beside them. “So, are you gonna leave cookies and milk out for Santa this year?”
Meeting his eyes out of the corner of yours, you smiled and popped a piece of popcorn in your mouth. “I s’pose I could if Santa actually wants to sneak in the living room at midnight to put the presents under the tree.”
“Well, I think he’s going to. He’s gonna need the practice if he’s gonna have a little one or two to deliver presents to in the Christmases to come.” He tried to keep a lightheartedly teasing expression on his face, but part of him tried to gauge how you would react to that.
“Little ones, huh?”
“Doesn’t have to be by next Christmas,” He reassured with a little smile. “All this’s just makin’ me think about it.”
“Yeah?” Your hand soothed over his clothed chest before slipping beneath his shirt to do the same to his skin. “Eddie Munson’s really thinkin’ about kids?”
His face flushed, head tilting down as his eyes darted around. “I don’t know, it’s just…we’re in such a good place– and I wanna stay like this for a while longer, I do, ‘cause this is perfect, y’know? I just think we’re getting there, I guess. Like maybe it’s time to start talking about parenting stuff a little more and preparing together?”
Cupping his cheek, you met his gaze with a small smile. You couldn’t help but kiss him, fingers winding into the loose messy bun that was falling out at the base of his neck. “We’ll talk about it, Eds. I promise.” You could feel his smile against your lips as they molded to his again, his arms surrounding you to draw you into his lap. “Eddie, the movie,” You pouted half-heartedly into the kiss.
“We’ve got it on VHS now, babe. We can watch it anytime,” He argued as his mouth found its way to your neck. Head rolling back to give him more room, you pulled your borrowed scrunchie from his hair. His hands wandered from your hips over your waist and up your back, mapping out each curve as though he didn’t already have them all memorized.
Pulling back slightly, your thumb stroked over his jaw. “You’re gonna be such a good dad.”
“You really think so?” He asked, a little nervousness seeping into his tone.
“I know so, baby. You’re gonna be amazing.”
He pulled you down into another ravenous kiss, mumbling against your lips. “I love you.”
On Christmas that year, he got down on one knee and gave you a ring.
The next year, you bit your nail as you watched Eddie unwrap his final Christmas gift from you– the first of several positive pregnancy tests.
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melancholysway · 1 year
TMNT (Bayverse) Headcanons: Fem!S/O Meets Master Splinter
@freakishfandomfiend said:
Could I get a request of Master Splinter meeting the turtles S/O and absolutely falling in love with her, wanting to adopt her immediately and telling the boys that they better marry her. Or something cute and sweet to that effect.
PS: prefer Bayverse or 2003 turtles
I got you! What a nice submission! I'm pretty backed up on posts now and finals are whooping my ass, so I've been pretty slow on updating and such (not to mention the last chapter of serendipity is still in the works, ugh)
Anyhoozle, I did this one a little different! It's still a long-shot, but instead of making individual one-shots for the boys, i wrote a universal one for all 4 of them at the bottom after all the hc's! I honestly hit writer's block when it came to writing the meeting splinter bit to be unique to each turtle 4 different times, so you could say i took the easy route LMAO
anyway I'll stfu
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Acceptance from his father is an absolute must
Like seriously if Splinter doesn’t like you
You gotta go
He was still wondering when the good time would be for you to meet his Sensei and father
He’s been able to keep it on the low amongst his brothers (they promised not to say anything, though Mikey is walking on thin ice right now,)
Theyre just so intrigued on how mr perfect got a girlfriend first
He’s now the guinea pig for the other brothers. The blueprint. Of what you should (or shouldn’t) do when bringing your girlfriend down to the lair to meet Master Splinter for the first time
But when you tell him you love him for the first time, he knows he has to tell his father at some point
Lucky for you that some point is right now
He confesses to splinter about you, and he wants to meet you.
Its the first thing he wants to do, because well, you’d better be a good girlfriend to his son
Especially his lil Leo
He would hate it if you brought stress to Leo’s already stressful life, so he has to meet you
To read you, to see what you’re about
So as you make your way down to the lair for the first time you’re anxious, scared, nervous, everything. 
“Love, don’t be so nervous. Just…be yourself.” It’s this followed by a soft kiss on your lips that gives you the reassurance you need to meet his Sensei.
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Raph- to no surprise- is the first to get a girlfriend.
It’s not a shocker to his brothers, I mean, he always did have a way with the ladies (according to Mikey,)
Plus, he has that bad boy / hidden softie persona that girls would fall head over heels for
Splinter’s ultimatum is that if you can get Raph to like you enough to even date you, you were alright in his book
Because Splinter doesn’t have to worry about Raph’s intuition, he follows after Leonardo
He knows when someone’s bad news, and you were most definitely not bad news
Raph is actually pretty quick to getting you and Splinter to meet
Because he wants- no- needs his father’s blessing
“Splintah gotta know, baby. I just…I’m…what if he doesn’t approve?”
You can feel Raphael’s nervousness seep through his words, and you give him a soft smile, and squeeze his hand, to let him know that a father knows best. He would not disapprove of something or someone that made his son happy
Unless she was the enemy…then uh…yeah no.
Splinter’s blessing matters a lot to him. He didn’t care what Leo thought about another human being so close to them, what mattered is that Splinter gave his blessing 
And once he gives his blessing, it’s final. No if ands or buts about it
He brings you down one evening, after a lecture from Leo that any human they interact with, must meet Splinter
It just happened to be that you were his girlfriend
He brings you over, the first time you go in the sewers of New York
You greet his brothers, all shocked that you’re actually down here. That Raph’s girlfriend was about to meet their master
You see a large rat in a room, and once Raphael calls out to him, you see him walking slowly over to you, eyes filled with curiosity
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Donnie is seriously nervous introducing you to his sensei
You ARE the first girlfriend. Donnie got a girlfriend first. 
Surprising, I know. You would think it would be Raph or even Leo.
But anyway
He’s afraid of what he’ll say
Because for some reason, Donnie usually expects the worst. 
But, he’s always surprised of the things Splinter says, because like I said, he expects the worst
He’s scared Splinter doesn’t like you and forbids any contact with you
Or that Mikey would open his big mouth before you could even meet Splinter
Or that you and him don’t last long after and this whole introducing you to his father thing would be pointless
“Donnie, I’m not going anywhere.” He’s relieved to hear this. You weren’t planning on leaving him any time soon. Or any time at all. 
Donnie practices exactly how he’ll introduce you to his father. He goes through many dialogue options, eventually realizing that he cannot predict what his father will say when he first meets you
All of that doubt running through Donnie’s head comes to a halt when Splinter lays eyes on you for the very first time. 
He knows it, that you’re the one for his son. 
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Mikey isn’t as nervous as his brothers to introduce you
He psyches himself out when he doesn’t know what Splinter’ll say or how he’ll react to you 
“But…but what if he doesn’t accept you, Angelcakes?”
He doesn’t know for sure, if he will or not
He’s usually optimistic, unlike Donnie, but right now, he was thinking of the what-ifs. 
Because, well, he and his brothers didn’t have to worry about introducing their girlfriend to Splinter. Mikey is the first. 
He doesn’t have any advice from his three brothers, only a “good luck with that” from Raph when he mentions it. 
Master Splinter had not expected any of them to have a girlfriend, so he did not give them the run-down of how to introduce them or the formalities when they do
So he’s sort of left to do things himself. 
Since he’s the first. Mikey got the girl first. 
He hypes himself up on the way to the lair, then immediately searching for master Splinter and boasting about you and all your good qualities
But, Splinter doesn’t need to know that. He knows just by looking at you. 
“It is a pleasure to meet you.”
You decide to be formal. As your boyfriend had told you, it's something his father is so used to being. Splinter often is formal, never using slang or harsh language. He’s proper, always has been and always will be. You’re the first to speak, because Splinter is too busy observing you. Looking at you, looking into you. Trying to map you out and see what you’re about all with one stare. It’s something he’s good at, something that his other sons envy him as he’s a pro. 
You wonder what’s going through your turtle’s head, the way he’s looking at his Sensei and father, wondering what’s going to come out of his mouth. He’s waiting for the climax of this whole thing, and it’s driving him mad on the inside. 
Splinters eyes meet yours after taking your presence in, and you feel mildly uncomfortable whilst making eye contact. Just like your boyfriend, you’re not wondering what’s going to come out of Splinter’s mouth. Up until this point, he has not known of your existence. The mutant turtle was keen on keeping you a secret from his father for the time being. He needed time. Time to be with you and see if you would potentially pass the rest of meeting his father. 
So as Splinter begins to speak, you’re surprised by what he says. 
“I always knew you would get into a relationship first, my son. Do not tell the others.” Splinter says, smiling as his wrinkles fold every which way on his face. Splinter has told each of his sons things like this before. 
That Leo was destined to be the leader
That Raph was always going to be the most passionate for things he loved
That Donnie would become the genius of the family
That Mikey would have the biggest heart. It’s not something he hides. 
But this relationship bit? Yeah, don’t tell his brothers about that. 
“Oh thank god-“ It feels as though a big weight has been lifted off the terrapin’s shoulders, as he’s now engulfing you into a soft embrace. Splinter doesn’t have to say anything else to know that you were accepted by him. And by the way his son acts around you in comparison to the rest of his brothers? How calm he is around you? Yeah. Splinters more than okay with it. That you get to be his son’s first girlfriend. 
But, he has a funny feeling about one thing. 
“I’m assuming she’ll be your only girlfriend?” Splinter states, giving you a small smile and his son a devious wink. It confuses the hell out of your boyfriend, and when you catch on to what his father means, you’re both laughing with each other, already finding common ground and things to bond over. 
After meeting the turtle’s Sensei, your boyfriend leaves you to go on patrol with the rest of his brothers, as Splinter mentioned he would love to get to know you more. After all, it’s not everyday he talks to a human that isn’t April or Casey. 
You wind up talking in the dojo, whilst white noise plays in the background and you get to know one another over tea. He tells you things about his son- your boyfriend- things that he hopes you can help with. 
All of his sons have a bad habit or two that he thinks you’d be able to alleviate them from. 
Leonardo overworks himself to be the best he can be. 
Raphael carries the world's problems on his shoulders. 
Donatello gets lost in his lab and loses track of time, often letting himself go in the process. 
Mikey needs to focus more on things that matter in the long run. 
“I often wonder if my sons will ever feel this emotion we call love. I’ve taught them everything, but to love a woman.” Splinters voice falters, as he seems to be beating himself up for the fact that he failed to teach his sons a crucial part of life. As bad as it may sound, he assumed they wouldn’t be able to find it. That humans will never see them as anything but ugly. 
So he’s grateful for you. 
“While I hope my other sons get their turn in loving a woman, I am glad one of my sons has been able to properly love.  you,” He takes a sip of tea, glancing at the Ifamily portrait that sits atop a shelf in the corner of the dojo, a shrine of kinds.
 “…without any guidance from me. It is truly admirable. He has made me one happy old rat.” You can’t help but giggle softly at that last part. 
“I can see through you, miss Y/n. I can see you. For what you are. That is why I accept you.” Splinter is very in tune with his intuition, there was no doubt about it. So much so, that you were dying to know what he meant by that. 
“If I may ask…what do you see?” 
And…he tells you. 
He sees an accepting woman in front of him. One that gives those the benefit of the doubt before anything. That he can tell that’s how you started your relationship with his son. He just knows that they struggled with grasping the fact that you were attracted to him, despite being a mutant turtle. Despite the roughness of his skin, you still accepted him. Despite the difference in height and appearance, you still accepted him. That you wanted this. You wanted a relationship, not out of pity, but because you had fallen in love. You’d fallen in love with one of the four mutant brothers. 
He tells you the story of how they became to be who they are today. You’ve heard this story from your mutant boyfriend, but it’s something about the way Splinter describes it- from his point of view, that gives you a newfound respect for the entire family. Their sensei had raised mutants to be something so special, not even realizing it until they went to the surface for the very first time. 
You continue to converse, and time seems to pass you both by. It had to have been an hour or two, because the Lair doors open, and three brothers are helping one turtle to the couch, obviously in pain. 
It hits you that it’s your boyfriend. 
As Splinter sees the look of concern on your face, you immediately rush to the turtle’s side, already ordering his brothers around to get ice from the freezer, the med-kit from the lab, and bandages from the cabinet. It is now where Splinter sees how gentle you are with his son, that he could almost hear wedding bells. 
It was beautiful to see the way you handled him with such care, like a mother. How nurturing you were, and how you gave him a kiss when you were finished, helping him up and getting him to his room to rest. That’s what he needed. After a lot of TLC from you, he needed rest. 
So when you emerge from your boyfriend’s room, relieved that he’ll be okay, Splinter commends you on your actions. 
That he knew you would do that. It’s the type of person you are- he’s seen that when looking at you. 
“Thank you, for tending to my son.” He takes your hands in his paws, smiling gently at you. 
He has fuzzy hands. 
As you decide to spend the night with the guys in the Lair, Splinter sneaks past you as you converse with the remaining three turtles in the living room while grabbing an ice pack, and walks over to his son’s room. 
He watches as the turtle groans in pain from the bed, the ice pack already melted, and his ankle elevated for proper blood flow. How he sits there, slightly defeated, but grateful that his girlfriend went all doctor on him. 
“May I ask you something, my son?” He makes his presence known, as the turtle’s face scrunches in confusion, but gives a weak nod for his sensei to continue.
Splinter strokes his beard, before giving him that gentle smile he and his brothers have all come to know and love, “when is the wedding?” 
“Dad!” You overhear their conversation as you walk up the stairs, and you stop in your tracks, wondering what your boyfriend would say. 
“Too soon? My apologies,” You hear Splinter chuckle weakly, before continuing,  “She is very nice, my son. Caring, nurturing, everything that men search for in a woman. Treat her right, and marry her. She will bring nothing but joy to your life, I can tell.”
It ends with a laugh coming from your injured boyfriend, “I plan on it.”
It’s enough to make your heart soar. Splinter is now the unofficial wingman for you, and you hope your boyfriend holds up to that plan. Because honestly, spending the rest of your life with him was something you daydreamed about. 
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