#hope you don't mind this took a bit time and got a bit longer :D
Would I be able to request Navia, Clorinde, Natasha and Himeko bathing with their S/O whilst S/O is just getting increasingly flustered (NSFT or fluff idk) (also maybe Stelle but I feel like the only reason she'd take a bath would be for NSFT reasons unless forced too)
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Sharing a bath with their S/O
Genshin Impact - Navia, Clorinde, Dehya, Furina, Arlecchino, Chiori Honkai: Star Rail - Natasha, Himeko, Firefly, Stelle
Mild NSF-W Implications below the cut!
Because you don't take a bath with your clothes on. At least, I hope that you don't, dear reader.
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As Navia is relaxing into the bath, she notices that her S/O is actively avoiding meeting her gaze.
And truth be told, she wasn't immune entirely herself as her face started to heat up as well, and not from the hot water.
But that being said, Navia didn't mind. She thought it was cute more than anything that S/O was getting flustered.
(Navia) "S/O? You alright?"
(S/O) "J-Just fine, thanks!"
With a soft chuckle, Navia shifted over to them with the water rippling as she did so, sitting directly next to them.
(Navia) "You know I don't mind, right?"
Her heart began to pound as she took S/O's hand into her own and out of the water.
(Navia) "I'm here right now because I want to be, S/O."
That finally got them to stare lovingly into her eyes, with Navia returning the gesture before she couldn't resist the urge to not kiss them any longer.
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Clorinde is enjoying the silence, but at the same time it was admittedly a bit awkward.
Both her and S/O were doing their best to remain respectful and not stare too long at each other in the bath.
Yet, she would catch them stealing the occasional glance as they noticed her doing the same.
At the very least, she appreciated that S/O attempting to keep some form of modicum, but at the same time, it was a bit redundant to do so considering they decided to bathe together.
Especially since they were lovers.
(Clorinde) "Would...it be easier for us to simply look where we please?"
(S/O) "...O-Only if you don't mind, Clorinde."
Realizing just how needlessly the two of them were beating around the bush, they let out a small laugh together.
(Clorinde) "I only request that you don't stare too long. You have my word I will do the same."
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Dehya is no stranger to sharing baths, so it didn't really bother her too much to do the same with S/O.
Though the idea of doing so with her lover gave enough pause for at least a second upon first consideration.
S/O on the other hand looked like they were on the verge of exploding, which tempted her to tease them for it.
(Dehya) "Jeez, you look like you're going to pop a vein."
(S/O) "D-Do I?"
Letting out a hearty laugh, she gives a pat to their naked back, which makes them yelp out.
(Dehya) "I'm joking! You can loosen up a little, y'know. It's just me to see you like this."
(S/O) "That's exactly why I'm panicking!...Uh, I mean-"
Dehya ruffled their hair, letting droplets of water go onto the floor, not that she particularly cared.
(Dehya) "S/O, it's fine. I promise I don't care. Well, too much anyway."
Part of her wants to do this again solely just to see what kind of reactions S/O would make, but she figured she tortured them enough for one night.
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Furina is extremely quiet as both her and S/O shared the bath, the silence and tension hanging in the air to the point it could be cut with a knife.
Her fingers slightly fidgeted with each other under the water, doing her best to not stare at S/O.
Which both Furina and S/O failed to do.
Balling her fists up, she decided to take the first step! Scooting inch by inch over to S/O, who noticed her working up the courage to get closer.
In which they bumped into each other, before staring wide eyed at each other in silence.
Instead of saying anything, Furina embraced S/O in a tight hug, a deep exhale leaving her body and finally relaxing.
(Furina) "Can we...stay like this for a while?"
(S/O) "Hah...anything for you, Furina."
The feeling was completely alien to her, being able to feel someone so intimately, but she didn't hate it. The farthest thing from it, in fact.
Furina loved this.
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Arlecchino decided to go along with S/O's request to share a bath, partly just to see what would happen.
She never did anything so intimate with another person before, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.
Meanwhile, S/O already looked so nervous asking Arlecchino to come along, now they actually had her with them.
And honestly? They didn't think they would get this far.
Arlecchino leaned against the tub with her eyes closed, knowing fully well S/O was peeking glances every now and then, something that amused her.
(Arlecchino) "S/O."
Her calling their name caused S/O to freeze up in mild terror, making Arlecchino let out a breath of amusement.
(Arlecchino) "You needn't be so nervous. Had I wanted to strike you down for looking, I would not have accepted your request."
(S/O) "I know it's...I want to be respectful you know?"
Arlecchino hummed in response, whether that was acknowledgement or indifference, S/O didn't know.
A few moments later, S/O worked up the courage to hold her hand, a gesture she returned by simply squeezing theirs and saying nothing.
(Arlecchino) "...With all that being said, we do not speak of this to the children, understand?"
(S/O) "Y-Yes, ma'am!"
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Chiori rolls her eyes at the blush on her S/O's face.
First of all, it's not like this was the first time they've seen her without clothes on.
Secondly, it was their idea to take a bath together and-
Her thought process was interrupted as Chiori felt the muscles in her legs loosen up.
(Chiori) "Ugh, today was killer. Thanks for warming up the bath for us at least, S/O."
(S/O) "Y-Yeah, no problem, Chiori."
(Chiori) "And no need to be so jittery. Yes, we're both naked, it's nothing that should get you that nervous."
(S/O) "I feel like you'd kill me for staring."
(Chiori) "In public, yeah. But if it's just us, then who cares? I stare at you all the time, y'know."
Turning Chiori head to them, she gives S/O a small smirk, playfully tapping their nose with her finger.
(Chiori) "Besides, nothing I haven't seen before. I am the one who takes your measurements."
(S/O) "I guess that's fair..."
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Natasha is a little embarrassed herself to be sharing such an intimate space, but it quickly washes (HA) away after a few moments.
She smiles at S/O trying to look away, but feels their entire body stiffen in response as she hugs them.
(Natasha) "Aw, what's the matter? Getting shy?"
(S/O) "N-Nat!"
S/O's voice whined, making her tighten her embrace.
(Natasha) "Don't worry too much, S/O. Otherwise I'll have to do an impromptu physical right now-"
Not being able to hold back her laughter anymore, she caresses their cheek as soon as Natasha sees them pouting.
(Natasha) "Joking aside, you're allowed to look. It's a privilege only you get after all."
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Himeko's beautiful laugh fills the bathroom air as her hand grazes their shoulder, feeling them jerk upwards in surprise.
(Himeko) "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you. You just look so tense."
(S/O) "Hah well...The most beautiful woman is next to me, how could I not?"
(Himeko) "You could at least say that when you've actually looked at me once, S/O. It's not a crime to look."
She moves closer to them, kissing their cheek and watching their face turn into an even brighter shade of red.
Not that she wasn't a little nervous herself, but she figured they could at least see that, instead of having to tell them herself.
(Himkeo) "Please?"
With a sigh, S/O turns to Himeko, staring at her smile for what seemed like a small eternity.
Before Himeko closed the gap again to kiss them on the lips, S/O not saying anything in protest this time as her hands brought them closer.
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Firefly's face was burning a bright shade of red, at least at first.
She had never done so with a lover, and things were awkward with S/O not knowing what to say either as they sat in the water.
But Firefly couldn't resist staring, and just affectionately eyed them up and down before speaking up.
(Firefly) "Is...it okay if I can move closer, S/O?"
(S/O) "O-Of course."
Her shoulders slumped downwards, taking their hesitance for rejection before S/O quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.
(S/O) "Ah! Wait, I want to be close with you! I'm...J-Just a little nervous too, is all."
Instead of a smile or even a demure look like S/O was expecting, Firefly instead pouted.
(Firefly) "T-Then why did you invite me to a bath if you were nervous too?"
...And to be fair, that was a good question.
But they both knew the answer to that already.
S/O made the move first against their rapidly beating heart to hug Firefly close, the action making her freeze up.
Before Firefly quickly relaxed and returned the embrace, her admittedly adorable pout melting into an even cuter smile.
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Stelle sat in the waters with S/O, expecting to chat away or even get a little more...spicy in their interactions.
Instead, S/O was looking at the walls, everywhere except for her.
To show her disapproval, Stelle playfully splashed water at them, which got S/O to momentarily forget themselves.
(S/O) "H-Hey!"
(Stelle) "Hands slipped."
S/O smirked and splashed water back, making Stelle's stoic expression break with a smile of her own.
(S/O) "Take that, ya little punk!"
The tense atmosphere was quickly replaced by a more lighthearted one, with the two splashing water at each other before Stelle closed the gap between them, almost kabedoning them in the tub.
Which got S/O to quickly become silent again.
(Stelle) "So why'd you invite me in here if you were gonna get so embarrassed?"
(S/O) "I just wanted to spend time with you but I didn't think it'd be so...well, awkward at first."
Stelle smiled and rolled her eyes before sitting down next to them, getting S/O to relax.
...To which she promptly splashed water onto their face again.
(Stelle) "Whoops."
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lvvcian · 1 year
hello!! :D this is my first request ever so im sorry if i worded it or did it wrong. also english is not my first language so im sorry if this makes no sense.
i have a request for The disastrous life of saiki k with a romantic saiki x reader(gender neutral) pairing.
Heres my idea! so aiura and toritsuka start seeing some girl constantly following saiki during school and aiura and toritsuka are like “😨⁉️ lets help him get away from this stalker!” so aiura and toritsuka start doing dumb goofy stuff to sabotage the reader from following saiki and in the end it is revealed that saiki and the reader are dating so reader and saiki have been talking telepathically so it just LOOKS like the reader has been tailing saiki. so yea basically crack fic💀
maybe as a little bonus you could include some fluff between saiki and reader<3
☆ aaah the famous trio <3 also first Saiki fic, very happy about it c:
☆ I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG :'C it's 1:33am here, so I'm sorry if the ending is shitty , no energy fr but wanted to finish this today ":/
☆ (tw! slight bulling and not cool jokes ; swearing) ; gender neutral reader , fluff, crack fic ; Saiki has longer hair in here! Just a lil bit :)
☆ saiki talking normally ; saiki speaking in your mind ; your thoughts
☆ enjoy <3
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"Do you think we should tell some people about... y'know" You looked up at Saiki. It was a normal sunday and you two were supposed to have a so called 'date' (which was sitting in comfortable silence at some cafe and enjoying each others company). But the weather had some other plans and once you stepped outside it started to rain. Of course Saiki could've change it in matter of seconds but he suggested to stay at home. They were too many people from his school on the mainstreet anyway.
"And draw attention to ourselves? Definitly not. We just have to keep the distance between us for school time ..." Saiki looked down at you. Who would've thought that Saiki out of all people would be the first to have a partner. "Enjoy while you can... I'll teleport you on the roof if you hug me at school..." you just giggled and snuggled up closer into his chest.
It couldn't be that bad... right?
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Monday mornings weren't your favourite, at all. Shitty weather, cold shower and not so great breakfast. It was all making you fell even worse then you felt already.
It wasn't something natural for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but today your body felt extremely stressed. Something didn't let you sleep, your thoughts were going miles per hour and you could feel your whole body getting colder with every second (which was weird 'cause the temperature in the room was pretty high).
So you got up, rolled yourself in a blanket and went to close your window hoping it would get at least warmer, but as you walked up to it and started opening it...
"Holy shit..!" You backed away from the wall and fell on your back. There's was something standing right outside your window. It was horrible, like a ghost or a monster. It didn't matter at that time, you quickly run up to to window again and looked around your backyard.
There wasn't a single soul, just a stray cat walking around. You sat down on the floor and hold your face trying to calm yourself down.
After few minutes you were finally feeling better and decided to go back to sleep. At least try.
You were near PK Academy when you saw your lovely psychic and two other people. If you remember correctly one was a medium and the other... fortune teller?
"Its... Aiura and Toritsuka if I'm not mistaken. Should I say hi? Or just-"
"Don't do anything. They're already being very suspicious of you. Just walk past us as normal as you can. I'll meet with you at lunch." It wasn't something new for you to hear Saiki in your head. You didn't know why he was communicating like that, but you accepted it after a while.
"Sure, see you later then. I love you!" you saw Saiki close his eyes and shake his head a little, but you could see a faint smile forming on his lips
Giggling you walked past the trio with a small smile and went inside the building. Quickly you changed your shoes for school ones and headed to your classroom. You greeted some people on the way, saying 'hi' or just nodding at them.
Soon you saw Saiki entering the room too with Aiura. He looked at you, gave you a soft and quick smile and sat not far away from you.
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Around 2pm lunch break started. Saiki immediatly left the classroom, avoiding his friends and went to your meeting spot, which was next to vending machines near the caffeteria.
As he got there, you were nowhere to be seen. He saw you packing your things and leaving right after him so he thought you would be there in few seconds.
Few seconds turned into few minutes and then into half of the break.
"Where are they... they couldn't forget about it, right?" Saiki checked his phone for second time, scrolling through your messages and refreshing them. Even if you'd be late he would got a text about it, but there was nothing.
He tried to focus on your thoughts, but it was immposible with so many people around. He sighed at went to bathroom, locked himself in one of the cabins and used his 'crossed eye thingy' as you called it.
"What...?" He got up and teleported to you, making sure no one was around. You were sitting on the ground, all wet and cold, in one of the hallways. Your clothes were all soaked which made you shiver and Saiki knew you'd be sick in few days.
"What happened? Why are you sitting here all wet?" He said and kneeled next to you as he took your face in his hands, holding it gently. "Are you... crying?" He asked, but your lack of answer told him everything. He took your hand, helped you get up and brushed off some of wet hair from your face.
He held you tightly as he teleported you to your room. Saiki went to your wardrobe, grabbed some dry clothes and a towel and then went back to you. He started to gently dry your hair and your cheeks from tears. You were looking everywhere but not him, which made him worried.
"y/n, what is it? What happened, please tell me." He kneeled down and looked at you with soft gaze. You looked away and closed your eyes.
"I went to get some documents for teacher... I forgot to tell you about it. I-I don't know how... some stupid bucket of water was on the door to the class." Saiki noded and rubbed your back as he sat next to you. He thought for a second and shook his head.
"Just... stay here, ok? I'll go make you some tea" Saiki got up and went to the kitchen. He didn't care about school right now, he would deal with that later.
Day passed with sometimes even worse 'jokes' and incidents. Sometimes it was missing shoes, sometimes weird notes. At night you felt this weird feeling of being watched as cold air got into your house. You woke up with cold sweat on your face from nightmares and night terrors.
Saiki heard about everything, comforting you day after day. He didn't know why it happened, weirdly he couldn't find any person with thoughts of making another prank to you. It pissed him off a lot.
"I'm staying at home for few days... you can come meet me after classes." You said to Saiki as you covered yourself under the blankets. The temperature in your house was incredibly low which made you wear your warmest hoodie and cuddle into the softest and thickest blanket at your place.
"I'll be there soon..." Saiki answered. His voice was cold , but you could swear you heard some concern in it. You chuckled and buried yourself in the blanket.
Saiki was getting closer to the bathroom, making sure no one followed him or saw him. He could become invisible, but that would take too much time.
As he went inside one of the cabins, he took out his phone and checked his messages. There were few of yours, he could tell you were really bored, one from his mom and one from Aiura.
"Aiura? What does she want now...?" Saiki opened the chat, read the message and sighed. She wanted him to help out with something. "Good grief, right now?" He grumbled while texting you that he would be later.
Future teller told him to come behind the school. He got there and looked at her with bored eyes. It was a really pain in the neck to help with some irrelevant things...
"What is it?" He said with neutral and cold tone.
"Oh! Finally you're here! We need some help to... hang something." She said as she looked up.
"We?" Pink haired boy asked, quickly realising who was the other person. He rolled his eyes annoyed. He should be there with you by now... but no, he's stuck with two idiots behind the school. "Nevermind... I don't care, it's your problem."
He started walking away, not listening to Aiuras pleading and some offers (although they did grab his interests for a second or two). He shook his head and was already next to school corner.
"Saiki it's for your good! We're doing this to help you!" Kusuo heard another, not really pleasant, voice from above. "We've seen someone smiling and looking at you all the time! It's giving a creep vibe, you know?"
Toritsuka looked at Saiki from the top of the rooftop. Psychic stopped walking and looked at them both with confused look. "Stalking? What are you talking about..?"
"You didn't see it? There's this one creep whose staring at you in every class! They smile randomly when looking at you and sometimes even blushing! It's just... Ew!" auira said as she got closer to saiki. He frowned a little.
"Me and Mikoto have been making some pranks from time to time. One time we've scared them at night! I asked some ghost for help and spooked them!" Toritsuka chuckled, remembering the look on your scared face.
Saiki didn't say anything, he only grabbed his friends by the shoulders harshly and teleported them to your place.
"O-Oi Saiki! What are you doing man?" He didn't answer, only knocked gently on your door. He could've teleported directly to your room, but he didn't want to scare you with... his nuisances.
You jumped a little as you heard soft knocking.
"Probably saiki." You got up, still cuddled up in a blanket and went to the door. "Finally you-" You cut your sentence as you saw your boyfriend holding his two friends by their shoulders tightly. " Kusuo why are your friends with you?"
He didn't say anything, just got inside your place and leading his friends to the living room. You didn't know what was going on at.all. Saiki never brought his friends. Even Kaidou or Nendou which were much closer to saiki then Aiura.
you walked behind the three of them. Saiki dropped them near the couch and looked at it. You sat down and started asking questions.
"What's going on? Is everything alright? You could've told me you were bringing your friends, I would prep-"
"They're here to apologize to you." His friends looked at him surprised. Saiki sounded like it was an obvious intention.
"Apologize? Saiki, this person was-"
"They're my partner. We've been together for... some time now." Saiki said, looking away. He thought this 'announcement' would look different. Well he didn't thought about those two..
"Partner? Saiki actually pulled someone?" Toritsuka said, but he got quiet right after his head was hit with one of the cans from the table. "What?! You never told us about having someone! How could we know!" Toritsuka said rubbing his head.
"R-Right! We thought it was some kind of stalker or a creep...!" Aiura wad explaining their motives to Saiki and you thought about all the stuff that happened 'cause of them.
"Saiki it's alright, they didn't know. Maybe you should let go." Even tho you wanted to see what kind of punishment those two would get, you couldn't bring yourself to. Damn your good nature and big heart.
Your boyfriend looked at you and sighed. He loosened his grip and let his friends go. Saiki didn't expect that to happen. He really wanted to send Aiura and Toritsuka on deserted island and leave them for few days. But that would be against his principals... unfortunately.
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"I told you we should have said something..."
It was pretty late when you and Saiki cuddled together on his bed. The night was peaceful with clear sky and bright moon. It was nice and warm, even if it was middle of February.
You had your head on saikis chest as he played with your hair. He had his eye closed, resting them a little. His pink bangs fell on his glasses covering his nose and tickling his cheeks. He looked peaceful and relaxed. Finally after a week he wore his ring so there was no thought in his head. No annoying ideas, thoughts or questions. Only silence.
"Yeah... sorry I didn't know sooner.." Saiki looked at you with soft look. His eyes were half closed and his face was decorated with gentle smile. Kusuo being the 'tusndere' he is doesn't really smile often, but when he does toy cherish those few seconds. "Could've stopped them and prevent this whole thing..."
"Don't be, at least they know now." You looked up and placed few kisses on his jaw and face. He hummed in response, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "Thank you for looking out for me.." You said as you finally planted last kiss on his lips.
"Always..." he smiled and cuddled you closer to him. He made the lights turn off and closed the curtains. You were finally able to have a peaceful and good night sleep and he would be damned if Saiki didn't try making it even better for you.
"I love you.."
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reblogs are very much appreciated<33 thank you for reading ☆
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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Alright it was so fun to write hehehe ^^ I hope you like it too, dear!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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You were now in the surgery room, as doctors made sure everything went smoothly... and it did! Tho... you could hear some boy with low voice putting up a fight... and you knew well enough it was your boyfriend.
"Let me see her!!"
You couldn't help but catch a hint of worry and desperation in his voice... and that only made you want to finally see him even more!
"Can... my boyfriend enter now?"
You asked hopeful, and one of the doctors was kind enough to nos and head for the door.
"If that's what you wish for... Mr. Shinonome, you can enter but please be calm."
After that, you noticed some ginger boy enter the room. He was pretty, you couldn't deny your heart skipped a bit... you could just hope it was your boyfriend and not some random dude... tho it had to be him! Those clothes and hair just screamed it's him! Especially the streak you could even feel!
"You're really seeing now?"
He asked as if wanting confirmation this isn't a dream... he carefully came over to you and took one of your hands with genuine and soft smile, you'd never expect to fit him so well...
"I'm so glad you're safe and sound..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stories13 @hakulivesformusic @wabatle @luhvashh @akiritoz @sucodelaranja86 - come get your pancakes lover!
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"Sorry Toya, but I can't give you 6th expresso..."
"Please An... I know it's bad but I'm panicking..."
You heard familiar voices as soon as you entered, so luckily you didn't had to look around. You knew the name An and you certainly were familiar with the name Toya...
You called out to your boyfriend as soon as you came over, making him immideitly turn around and the girl making smile gladly as she walked away a bit to leave you alone for a while.
"Ah- finally, you're safe... I was afraid this operation could've harmed you..."
"But it didn't! I can see now!"
He smiled gladly and took your hands in his as he brought your palms towards his lips. He maybe acted calm but you could see in his eyes that he was actually really close to breaking down.
"I'm so glad... So glad..."
"Hehe~ Magazine is free~"
"We'll take that. Thank you, An."
Toya carefully got up, taking your hand into his, trying to hold back happiness tears untill you'll be alone, so he won't break in front of whole cafe... Oh it's gonna be long time cuddling... but you don't mind!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @stellas-starry-stories13 @sucodelaranja86 - come get your cookie lover!
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You were just chilling in your room after operation. It was pretty calm for now... Untill you heard your door open with loud thud... you were literally about to hide, but were stopped and also calmed down by way too loud voice and sound of running up the stairs.
And then, door to your room slammed open as your boyfriend ran up to you. Despite not seeing him ever before, you had no problem recognizing him by the hair, built and... his voice... because who else can have voice like him?!
"D-Don't scare me like that..."
"I'm sorry!! I was just worried! I ran here as soon as you told me you're home!!! So HOW WAS IT?! Are you alright?!!"
"Yes... Everything went fine..."
You smiled up at him and put your hand on his cheek to hopefully calm him down a little bit.
"I can see your orange eyes clearly now~"
"I have so much to show you now~ I guarantee you'll enjoy my shows even more!! I'll throw the best effects for the first show you'll be able to see!"
"Hehe thanks, Tsuaksa~"
"Of course! It's my duty as your boyfriend to make you happy!"
He made the pose that he used to describe to you as "proud to be the shining star" pose. You being the rational one tho... quickly remembered the fact it may not be good moment to relax yet...
"But first... Let's maybe close the door before someone breaks in..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @wholesaleboi @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @hakulivesformusic @sucodelaranja86 - come get your future star!
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After you finally could freely wander around after operation... first thing you did after arriving to school was look for your boyfriend! You didn't told him about the operation because you wanted to surprise him! But... you obviously don't know how he looks... you know how his hair is, how he's built and what his voice sounds like but... it's still hard to see him...
But luckily, universe did the looking for you, because you heard familiar voice behind you!
"You're awfully quick today... slow down, darling, please... We don't want you bumping into anything or anyone..."
He looked at you as you stared up at him with a big smile. He didn't think much about it as he figured you might not even realize you're staring at him as if you actually could see him...
"Your hair really IS interesting~"
"Huh? Fufu~ Want to feel it, dear?"
"No need. Seeing is enough."
His jaw hanged love as he stared at you not believing what he just said...
"I had operation!!"
"A-And it was successful?! No awful side effects?!"
"No~ I'm all good now!"
"I'm so happy you're well~"
He didn't even hesitate before trapping you in tight loving hug, just taking in what he knows and your presence alone.
"We'll definitely have to revisit some spots~"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stories13 @alicewinterway18 @hakulivesformusic @wabatle @sucodelaranja86 - come get your crazy inventor~
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teetle-time · 11 months
…so the writing demons grabbed me by the throat this morning and wouldn't let me go until i wrote this. anyway @hasello the cousins au is living in my brain rent-free so i hope u don't mind that i took a crack at something first-meetings-y with rise and 03 and wound up with 2.5k words of the babies :D
The rat who once was Lou sprinted down the rain-slick alleyway with one arm clutching his boys to his chest and the other digging through his pockets.
"I saw it run this way!"
He bit back a curse; his pursuers were still hot on his trail.
And his tail.
What a time to be alive.
The mystic key bumped against his fingers, and he quickly snatched it out of his pocket and darted to the nearest wall. He needed to be quick and precise.
…well, he at least managed speed. He spent too many precious seconds glancing back to watch the beams of light bounce ever higher just a turn away, so he really had no idea if his sigil was anywhere near accurate.
As if in answer to prayer, it lit up, opening a circular portal for him, and he leapt through without a second thought, pocketing the key as he fell.
His luck held out long enough for him to hear it close behind him without any of the humans chasing him shouting in surprise.
It did not hold out long enough to actually drop him into the Hidden City.
Instead, when the portal ended, he stumbled out into a long tunnel, directly in front of another rat with four humanoid turtles around them.
No-Longer-Lou froze like a deer in headlights, staring at the strangers and heaving for air.
The strangers all mirrored him, freezing in place and scanning him in all their various capacities.
The other rat spoke first: "My, isn't this unexpected?"
A snort forced its way from No-Longer-Lou against his will at that, though he quickly brought a hand (no, he had paws now) to his mouth to stifle it. "I- I'm so sorry, I just- I didn't mean to- This isn't where-!"
"Peace," said the other rat, carefully maneuvering the turtle in front of him a bit to the side and standing up. "Whatever circumstances brought you here, it is clear that you have been moved by the strings of fate, rather than by choices of your own design. You mean no harm to us, yes?"
"I-I- yes."
"And we mean no harm to you," soothed the other.
No-Longer-Lou breathed heavily for a moment more, but then his attention was quickly arrested by motion in his arms.
Raphael- the quickest to grow, but still so, so small- screwed up his face. "Papa?"
"I'm right here, Raphael," No-Longer-Lou murmured, reaching into the sling to give the boy's hand a squeeze.
The other rat's eyes widened at the name. "Now, that is a one-in-a-million chance, indeed."
"Why's he got a baby with my name?" demanded the turtle wearing a red mask over his eyes.
It was No-Longer-Lou's turn to be surprised. "Raphael? But then…"
He took in the colors of the masks on the other three turtle boys' faces.
Purple, blue, and orange.
"Donatello? Leonardo? M-Michelangelo?"
At least, until the turtle boy in orange leaned over to his brothers and whispered loudly, "How does he know our names, dudes?!"
No-Longer-Lou's sons roused at their names, and he quickly realized his mistake as Michelangelo began to fuss. "Oh, oh, no, Michelangelo, please, it is alright, please don't-!"
Michelangelo may have been the youngest, but he had a record-shattering set of lungs, for sure.
The moment Michelangelo began to wail, Leonardo jumped in with him, refusing to be left out, and then Raphael was crying and Donatello was shoving his tiny head into No-Longer-Lou's chest with his hands over where his ears would have been and the rat could feel his own ears on the verge of bleeding-!
The other rat's back straightened, and he turned to the older turtle boys. "My sons, I still have some of the supplies I scavenged when you were tots. Raphael, the pacifiers. Leonardo and Donatello, the blankets. Michelangelo, the pillows."
The boys nodded seriously, wincing as the cries reached a peak before darting across the tunnel and digging through various chests and boxes. Meanwhile, the other rat carefully took No-Longer-Lou's arm and led him towards the chair the others had been gathered around in the first place. "Please, have a seat. I would quite like to hear the tale of how you came to this place-"
-an ear-splitting cry from Leonardo-
"-but first, we must calm your children," finished the other rat with a tired smile.
No-Longer-Lou nodded just as tiredly and began to gently bounce his boys. "There, there, your Papa is right here, we are all together, and…and we are safe."
The other rat's expression warmed.
"I got the pacifiers!" called the older boy named Raphael, charging back over and brandishing the four objects in one hand.
"Excellent work, Raphael," praised the other rat as he took the pacifiers.
The boy beamed.
"These should do for now," the other rat said, pressing one into No-Longer-Lou's paw. "These were enchanted by an old friend of mine to allow them to keep up with beaked babies."
No-Longer-Lou managed a weak smile at that, then carefully reached in to nudge the pacifier against Michelangelo's mouth. "Here we are, little Orange. Wouldn't it be nicer to suck on this instead of crying?"
Michelangelo hiccuped, but after a moment of what seemed like confusion, his mouth closed around the pacifier and he looked up at No-Longer-Lou with wide, wet eyes.
"One down, two to go," chuckled the other rat, handing off another pacifier. This one went to Leonardo, who contented himself quickly once he had something to do with himself. He seemed to be gnawing on the pacifier, rather than sucking on it, but No-Longer-Lou chalked it up to curiosity at the foreign object.
Surprisingly- or perhaps not- Donatello was the next one to need something to work with. Raphael began calming down after a few moments of being the only one still crying, but when Donatello caught sight of Leonardo messing with the pacifier, he turned an utterly betrayed stare up at No-Longer-Lou until he gave the boy one to fiddle with.
With the remaining pacifier in hand, No-Longer-Lou smiled wearily at Raphael. "You may be a bit big to use this, Red. Do you still want to try?"
Raphael nodded firmly. "Raphie's the big brother. Gotta be the bestest essample."
No-Longer-Lou handed the pacifier over, and…yep, it was completely dwarfed by his son. Still, his boy held it in his mouth and smiled over at Michelangelo when the two met eyes.
Michelangelo blinked, then smiled back.
"Blanket delivery!" called the bigger Donatello, carrying a pile of blankets nearly as tall as he was.
Next to him, his brother Leonardo fussed. "Donnie, I told you I could have held some!"
"Easy, Leonardo," chuckled the other rat, easily lifting the blankets from Donatello's hands. "How about you make sure our visitors are tucked in and comfortable?"
"Okay, Father," chirped Leonardo, immediately doing exactly that- and perhaps peeking into No-Longer-Lou's arms a few times to peer at his boys.
Little Raphael watched the bigger boy curiously, then said around the pacifier, "Raphie thought we were th'only turtle people."
The bigger Leonardo paused for a moment, then looked at him. "So'd we."
Leonardo- the baby- met the other Leonardo's eyes, then spat out his pacifier- and yes, it was much more chewed-on than before. "Hi! Hi, hi, hi! I'm Leo!"
The other Leonardo blinked, then grinned. "Me too. It's a good name, right?"
Little Leonardo nodded, shaking his entire body from the effort. "Daddy pickeded it!"
No-Longer-Lou chuckled. "Feeling better now, are we?"
Little Leonardo nodded again, just as energetically. "Mikey no sad no more!"
"Did somebody say Mikey?!" crowed the older boy of the same name, wildly waving pillows over his head as he ran over.
"Midey! Midey! Midey!" cheered the baby around his pacifier, flailing his arms.
"That's right, little dude!" Older Michelangelo grinned and peered over at him as soon as he skidded to a stop in front of No-Longer-Lou. "We're the mightiest!"
"MIDEYST!" shrieked the baby in glee.
Little Donatello winced and paused his inspection of his pacifier to glare witheringly at his youngest brother.
"Careful, Michelangelo," chastised No-Longer-Lou. "Your brother has sensitive hearing, remember?"
Baby Michelangelo blinked, then frowned very seriously and wiggled until he was able to grab Little Donatello's arm in a hug- or rather, a- "Dondon hubbub."
Little Donatello's glare softened, and he went back to fiddling with the pacifier with his free hand. It seemed the hinge on the back occupied more of his attention than the squishy part meant to be sucked on.
The older Michelangelo pressed the pillows in his hands to his face. "D'awww, they're so cute!"
No-Longer-Lou smiled warmly. "They are, aren't they?"
"It seems like we've established that we have similar taste in names," chuckled the other rat. "Though, just to be sure, might I ask yours?"
No-Longer-Lou's smile turned bitter. "It doesn't matter. I'm only a splinter of the man I used to be, anyway."
The other rat's eyebrows rose. "What curious phrasing. I never was a man, but the name I was given before my mutation by the family I was brought into was…well, Splinter."
No-Longer-Lou straightened in the chair at that. "Curious indeed…"
After a moment of thought, on a half-formed hunch born of one too many late night sci-fi movie marathons, he continued, "You know, before my own mutation, I'd more-or-less befriended a rat in my- well. A rat. I…I'd chosen the name Lou Jitsu years ago, but…the name I was given was Yoshi."
A shaky breath from Splinter. "…Hamato Yoshi?"
No-Longer-Lou steadfastly kept his focus on his boys. "I haven't deserved that name in a long time."
He kept the part about not wanting to be associated with his family's 'traditions' firmly unsaid.
"You okay, Papa?" asked Raphael, reaching up to pat at his face.
"I will be," No-Longer-Lou said, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.
Splinter gently laid a hand on No-Longer-Lou's shoulder. "I swear to you, you and your children will be safe here for as long as you need. I don't know how you came to be here, but I will help you return home if you so wish."
No-Longer-Lou nodded, thickness rising up in his throat and clogging it.
"Mr. Lou, can I see Baby Mikey?" asked the older Michelangelo, setting the pillows down.
Both rats' eyebrows rose, and Splinter asked, "Mr. Lou?"
"Well, if he doesn't use that Yoshi name, and we can't call him Splinter because you're Splinter, then he's Mr. Lou!" Older Michelangelo crossed his arms and nodded decisively, his point made.
Splinter and…and Lou met each other's eyes with equally bemused expressions, then Lou looked down at his boys. "I don't know. Orange, would you like to see Big Michelangelo?"
"Bihmidey!" Michelangelo said seriously, patting at Donatello's arm before wriggling upright and peeking out at the older boy. "Bihmidey hi?"
"Heh, yep," said Older Michelangelo, beaming widely. "Hi, li'l Mikey!"
The baby chirped excitedly, bouncing in place until Older Michelangelo reached over to pick him up. Lou watched carefully, but it seemed the older boy had at least some idea of how to hold a young child, as he easily hefted Little Michelangelo against his side.
"I wanna see the babies!" exclaimed Older Leonardo.
"Me too!"
Little Leonardo giggled and clambered out of Lou's arms too quickly for him to react. "Hey, hey, hi! I'm big boy!"
Older Raphael darted forward to keep Little Leo from tumbling to the ground. "You sure are, yeesh! Don't hurt yourself!"
Little Raphael whined. "Leo, don't fall down like that! You'll get a owie!"
"S'okay, Raphie!" Little Leonardo grinned up at his brother, then at Older Raphael. "There's two Raphies! That's even more Raphie! Gonna be saferest!"
Little Raphael whined again, but after a brief moment where Older Raphael's eyes grew suspiciously moist, the older boy blinked quickly before grinning at his younger double. "You heard 'im. I'll keep your bro outta trouble, swear."
Little Raphael scowled. "You better."
"Did you want to come out and keep an eye on them?" asked Older Leonardo knowingly.
That got a nod out of Little Raphael, and the older boy helped him climb down to the ground.
With only Donatello left in his arms, Lou couldn't find it in himself to be surprised when the older Donatello peered at the younger boy. "What about you, Tinytello? You wanna come hang out?"
Little Donatello hissed in displeasure and flipped the hinged handle on the pacifier up and down more quickly.
"I'm guessing that's a 'no,' then," said Lou. "It's nothing against you, I promise. Today has simply been…a lot."
"Oh, I can get that," agreed Older Donatello immediately. "Like, I dunno what you were doing before you came here, but it didn't look very fun. And now a bunch of big brother wannabes are getting all up in his space and playing with his bros without him? I'd be on-edge, too."
Little Donatello's handle-flipping stilled, and he shifted to look at Older Donatello's chest. (Wasn't there a turtle-specific word for that part of their shells…?)
"I'm close, huh?" asked Older Donatello. "Figured it'd be something like that. That's okay, Tinytello! Sounds like you've been having a rough time of it. Do you want me to go do something else, or should I stay put?"
Little Donatello's forehead furrowed for a moment, then he gravely held the pacifier out to the older boy.
Lou's brows shot up. "Huh. I know Purple is unique in many ways, but he usually isn't so quick to decide a stranger is worthy of a gift…even if that gift belonged to the stranger, first."
Little Donatello frowned when Older Donatello didn't immediately take the pacifier, then gave the handle a demonstrative flip before shaking the pacifier a little.
Older Donatello's eyes widened, and he carefully took the pacifier and gave the handle a tentative flip.
Little Donatello chirruped, shifting in place to get comfy in the crook of Lou's elbow in such a way as to keep watching the older boy.
Splinter chuckled as the two Donatellos went back and forth, flipping and chirping. "I do believe your son has found a new friend in mine."
Lou huffed a weak laugh of his own. "I suppose he has."
He took the opportunity to scan the tunnel- or rather, now that he had a moment to think, the room within the tunnel.
Little Raphael and Older Leonardo stood aside as Little Leonardo cartwheeled in circles, ooh-ing and aah-ing whenever the younger boy glanced their way. Older Raphael kept a hawklike eye on the toddler, constantly circling around him to place himself between Leonardo and the nearest obstacles. Older Michelangelo hopped around the room, bouncing the baby with each hop and getting the both of them to giggle madly.
Little Donatello yawned contentedly and smushed the side of his face against Lou's arm, still watching Older Donatello bemusedly flip the handle of the pacifier.
Lou felt the adrenaline that had kept him moving for the past hour finally begin to drain, and it quickly became a struggle to keep his eyes open.
Splinter's hand came down on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Rest, Lou. You and your sons are safe here. The rest can wait for now."
Lou nodded tiredly, and his eyes fluttered shut before he could have any further say in the matter.
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sokoviansimp · 1 year
Hey i saw you wanted two prompt ideas, so how about
"I can't protect you."
"I don't know how much longer I can do this."
With Wanda saying both lines and if you could add a 'both' after you in first one.
And maybe its wanda being worried for yn who's pregnant with their daughter about whether she's strong enough to protect them both, and contemplating turning herself in to protect them. Or being retired but still being called. Something along those lines of whatever takes your fancy :D just happy ending tho lol
Thank you
Love's Triumph: A Maximoff Miracle
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✒ Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
✒ Summary: Wanda almost loses you in battle and then finds out that you're pregnant in the hospital while you fight for your life.
✒ Tags and Warnings: angst and fluff
✒ Author's Note: Hope you like it Twilight! Thanks for the request :)
✒ Word Count: 1487
✒ Read Time: 7 minutes
Masterlist : Socials : Part 1.5
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The Avengers had faced countless battles, but this one was different. The enemy was more formidable, and the stakes had never been higher. It almost seemed as if all those previous fights led them to this one. After years of searching for leads and extracting moles from their own organization, they knew the new information that they extracted would lead to something big. 
In the midst of the chaos and devastation, a blue streak appeared rushing past the front lines. Too quick to even make out anything, but before anyone could even react, a powerful blast struck the battlefield, sending shock waves through the Avengers' ranks. Wanda, not having time to notice the action, was thrown to the ground, her world spinning. She desperately looked around for you, panic gripping her heart.
It took agonizing moments for Wanda to locate her wife amidst the smoke and rubble. You lay motionless, buried beneath a pile of debris. Wanda's heart nearly stopped as she rushed to your side, using her powers to clear the wreckage as quickly as she could.
When Wanda finally reached you, you were pale and unconscious. Fear coursed through her like a tidal wave. Desperate, she cradled your limp form in her arms, her voice shaking as she called for help. 
The battle raged on around them, but Wanda was oblivious to it all. She focused all her energy on protecting you, her mind consumed by the thought of losing the love of her life. Her emotions got the best of her as she sat there helplessly by your side. In an explosion of her power, the battle wrapped up instantly. Her only thought was to get you somewhere safe. 
In the aftermath of the battle, you were rushed to the hospital, battered and bruised, but miraculously alive. The relief that washed over Wanda was almost unbearable, but it was short-lived.
Read here for part 1.5 (takes place here)
As Wanda sat by your bedside, days passed before you regained consciousness. On the third day, you groggily opened your eyes as you gently rubbed your thumb against Wanda’s hand as she held yours tightly, you looked up at Wanda with a weak smile. "Detka, oh thank god." she let out relieved to see your eyes again as she smothered you in a tight hug. Never wanting to let you go again. Tears welled up in Wanda's eyes as she leaned down to kiss you's forehead. "I thought I had lost you," she whispered, her voice trembling.
You reached out to cup Wanda's cheek, her touch gentle and loving. "You'll always protect me, Wanda. That's what you do."
But Wanda's relief was tainted by a new fear that had taken root in her heart. She had been so close to losing you, and now, as they faced the reality of the situation, she couldn't escape the overwhelming anxiety that had been building inside her, “I don't know how much longer I can do this." Wanda whispered, almost ashamed. The last thing she wanted was to lose you, but somewhere in her heart, she truly felt you would be safer without her. 
“What? Wanda, what do you mean?” Still a bit groggy, you weren’t sure where this was coming from, what you had done to make her feel this way. 
"I can't protect you both," Wanda finally admitted, her voice barely audible. She placed a trembling hand on your stomach, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion. "Wanda, what are you talking about?"
“It worked. We’re pregnant.” Tears streamed down Wanda's cheeks as she tried to explain. "I'm scared, Y/N. Scared that my powers, my life, will put you and our child in danger. I can't bear the thought of losing you both." She rambled on as you were still processing the new information.
Your expression softened with understanding. She reached for Wanda's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Wanda, we'll face this together. We always do, and little Benji will be even stronger for that." 
At the sound of the name you had chosen for your child, Wanda perked up as if instantly forgetting all the fears she was harboring, “Benji?” She nearly snapped, “What are we giving birth to, a dog?” 
You knew the name would get a rise out of your wife, and just as you expected, you were able to distract her from the fear she was spiraling into as you pondered on a name, “Oh, you think you can do better, Ms Maximoff?”
“Eh ehm, that’s Mrs. Maximoff to you, and yes absolutely. What about Tommy?” she reasoned. 
“Hmm, I like Timmy better.” You didn't really, in fact, you loved the name Tommy, but you just liked to get under Wanda’s skin a bit in any playful way that you could. 
The night that you were released from the hospital, you had both decided to spend a quiet evening at home. Wanda had ordered your favorite takeout, and the cozy aroma of food filled your living room as you snuggled up on the couch, blankets draped over your laps. 
Wanda leaned into you, resting her head on your shoulder. In return, you wrapped your arm around Wanda, pulling her close. You both let out contented sighs, reveling in the comfort of each other's presence.
As the two of you ate, Wanda couldn't help but steal glances at you. You were radiant, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light on your features. Wanda reached out and traced a gentle finger along your jawline, her touch feather-light.
You turned to look at Wanda, a soft smile playing on her lips. "What's on your mind, love?"
Wanda blushed, her cheeks turning a faint shade of scarlet. "Just how lucky I am to have you."
Your smile widened, and you leaned in to place a sweet kiss on Wanda's lips. "The feeling is mutual, baby."
They continued to eat, their conversation drifting from the mundane to the profound. Wanda's fingers found their way to yours, as you interlocked them, your hands fitting together like pieces of a perfect puzzle.
After you finished eating, the two of you were sitting on the couch snuggled in each other's arms when Wanda decided now was a good time to bring up something that had been bothering her, “Y/N?” 
You leaned into her further in response, “Hmm?” you acknowledged. 
“What do you remember about the battle?” she wondered. 
“Oh, uhm. I think I remember it all. We were fighting the soldiers at the peak of the hill when there was an explosion.” You explained from what you could recall, “After that, I woke up with you by my side.”
“Do you remember what caused the explosion?” Wanda pushed. 
“I don’t, oh! I remember something weird happening. Like a light or something.” You tried your best to give her the answers that she was looking for. 
“There was a blue streak of light and then an explosion before we knew it. It was him.” She softly said, knowing you might think she was out of her mind for thinking this, but if anyone would believe her, it was going to be you. 
“Who?” you weren’t sure where she was going with this. 
“My brother.” she said just above a whisper, “I know it was, you have to trust me. I could feel it. When they said he was dead I- I never believed them and you knew that.” She tried to get the information out as quickly as she could, worrying you were going to cut her off and dismiss her like all the other Avengers often did. It was easy for them to chalk her feelings up to denial, as it was just a part of the grieving process. 
You weren’t like the other Avengers though, you trusted your wife, “You really think so?” you said pulling back and catching her eyeline. 
“I know it was him.” She said confidently. 
“Where do we go from here?” you asked. Not knowing what she had in mind, especially with a baby on the way, “Why was he attacking us?” you wondered further. 
“I’m not sure. Do you think they’ll believe me?” she asked, wondering how the rest of the team would react to her theory. 
“If you’re sure it was him, they'll come around. I’m sure of it.” You matched her confidence. Knowing that even if they dismissed her, you would be able to persuade them. 
Wanda nuzzled her wife's neck, breathing in your familiar scent. "You know," she whispered, "every moment with you feels like magic."
You chuckled softly, your heart swelling with affection. "You're the magic in my life, Wanda."
As you gazed into each other's eyes, Wanda pressed her lips to yours once more. This time, the kiss deepened, a gentle dance of love and devotion. In that quiet, intimate moment, you found solace, knowing that your love was the most precious magic of all.
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sabcandoit · 1 year
Lately it's been raining in my town, so I had an idea, how do you think Spider-Noir would protect the reader from the rain? Would he give her an umbrella or would he give her his coat?
Do you think Noir would give the reader a kiss in the rain? 😏🌧
- Crystal ✨️💞
Thank you Crystal! Hope you like it :)
Walking in the Rain
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Spider-Man Noir x Female reader
Summary: Reader and Peter are on a walk and it suddenly rains, causing them to run to shelter as Peter gives her his coat. They share a few kisses and get back home, sharing a few more.
Warnings: Fluff! Pet names and lots of romance, very on-brand for Noir. Kinda suggestive at the end there! What if I wrote a part two... what would you guys think?
A/N: Thanks for all of the continued love! Requests are still open. I love reading all of them although it takes me some time to actually write them. So please don't lose hope that I will write your request if I don't answer it right away :D
You and Peter were out for a walk. It was your average New York evening, except for the sudden sprinkle of rain starting to come down. Also, it was getting quite dark and cold. You wore a simple house dress and some comfortable flat shoes, not thinking much of it as the walk was supposed to be short anyway. It ended up lasting much longer than anticipated, with both of you conversing about your day. He wore his usual white button-down with black dress pants and a trenchcoat. 
You both looked up at the sky as the first few droplets came down, catching you off guard. “Oh, no,” he said disappointedly, watching as you giggled and grabbed his arm, leading him to the nearest shelter. He followed swiftly behind, both of you smiling now. After successfully getting away from the rain, you held your upper arms, shivering from the cold wetness. Your hair and clothes were damp now, but Peter was fairly dry except for the outer layer of his coat. He noticed your quivering and quickly took off said coat, shaking off some of the rain and holding it out to you. “Please take it, dear, I can’t allow my lady to be in such distress,” he went on dramatically as you accepted the coat. “Thank you, Peter,” you blushed and chuckled, hastily putting it on.
 It was long and large on you. You looked up at Peter with a grin, holding your arms up in a playful manner to show him the size difference. He smiled wider, bringing a hand out to adjust the shoulder of the coat to cover you better as you looked down at his actions. You both were grinning idiots, occupied with this sweet moment, it only becoming more romantic as your eyes met, his deep with love and yours softening. He brought his hand up to your cheek, cupping it as his thumb caressed the area. He was the first to lean in, bringing his lips close and kissing yours. As he closed his eyes, the rainwater dripped from his hat and onto his nose, trickling towards your skin. You kissed back, changing the positions of your faces making it only deepen. You parted for a moment, murmuring, “Such a gentleman,” to which he responded with a smirk, kissing you harder and wrapping an arm wound your waist. You put your arms around his shoulders and chuckled a bit more, seeing the rain pour down behind him. 
“Race ya,” you blurted, running with Peter’s trench coat above your head. He was left high and dry, the kisses only getting more passionate before he caved in and ran after you. You got to the front steps of your apartment before him, laughing heartily with your hands on your hips and bending over as he was still making his way. He stopped at the steps, looking up at you perched on them. As he tried to catch his breath he stared at you with total adoration, making your laughter turn into the familiar blushing you always felt whenever he did this. His entire self was now drenched, but he didn't mind, all that mattered was you, looking as beautiful as ever, even in your house dress and messy hair. What really topped the cake was seeing his coat completely covering your smaller frame. “You’re pretty as a picture,” he said exasperatedly. You shooed him teasingly but were swooning under the masquerade. “Come inside, you lover boy,” you unlocked the door and swung it open, walking inside and shrugging off his coat. You looked back to see him making his way up the stairs but still ogling at you as you strained your wet hair between your hands. You blushed more and rolled your eyes as he closed the door behind him, making his way over to you. He pinned you against the wall with his soaked white shirt, not leaving much to the imagination. He snaked both hands around your waist again, smirking in the kiss as he mumbled, “Oh, darling, I love you”.
TAGS: @miguelswifey04 @kairiscorner @alliwriteistrash @thecoolerdor
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Helloooo ! How r u ? Can I request how would HSR mens will react with a s/o that is the Herrscher of Finality ? (Like Jing Yuan, Blade, Welt and Dan Heng) s/o has the same power as this Herrscher, and that has travelled through HSR world with their powers. Would they make theories about them being someone related to Terminus (Aeon of Finality) ? And how they would react to their powers as well (like earth being placed down a samsara, stopping time, and maybe if you want ascending Herrschers ?)
It's okay if you don't, take care of you :D
(By the way, sorry if I'm making grammatical errors, english is not my original language :( )
A/N: Hello Anon! Sorry this took years to complete and I hope you can forgive me for that! Also, thank you for the request! This maybe quite short though, as I admittedly stopped playing the game way before HoF came out and I don't know how to write alot for this. But I hope you'll like it anyways.
Content: Fluff, established relationship, mentions of battle, Reader has HoF abilities, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Blade doesn't ever admit it, but he finds your abilities secretly very intriguing. Even if he's absolutely convinced, that you somehow got them from an Aeon. Not that he really cares for their origins, as your strength and power is what he loves the most. Especially your ability to just stop time whenever you want, as he finds it to be the only moment he can find some peace from the busy world around him. He also will begrudgingly listen to you speak about your many journeys, acting like he doesn't care, as he leans in closer for more.
He always watches in anticipation, when you're in battle. The moment you use your abilities and defeat your unsuspecting enemies with ease, he always nods in quiet acknowledgement at your strength he respects so much. When you explain to him your origins and ability to even ascend herrschers, he finds himself even more impressed. Your power is unrivaled to him and anyone that dares disagree, will meet the end of his sword.
》Jing Yuan
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When he first learns of your abilities and strength, his mind immideatly theorises just how exactly you could have gained them. The first one that came to mind, was ofcourse you being somehow blessed by an Aeon and eventually, he concludes that that might just be true. You are certainly divine to him after all. And he has no qualms to use your great abilities for his plans and strategies as well. He has you therefore always working very closely to him and admires your powers that way to the fullest. He also always urges you to tell him about your travels and wants to know every single detail.
He secretly near worships your abilities on the battlefield, often standing back with a smug, proud smile, as you obliterate your common enemy. Your ability to ascend other herrschers also fills him with a deep need to know more and perhaps even see it himself. To say that he was absolutely smitten with you, would be an understatement.
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng didn't really care much for your abilities. Not because he didn't find them impressive, he just simply saw no point in making a big deal out of them and simply just saw them as another part of you he loved dearly. He however doesn't mind you telling him all about your journeys and often wonders, if he can join you on the next one. He might even archive your stories for future use in his database.
On the battlefield, he'll nod impressively at your power and feats, but that's where his visible praise usually stops. Your time stopping abilities do intrigue him however, even if it isn't too noticeable. He just finds the way everything comes to a full stop, except for you and him, somewhat comforting. Especially when he can just hold onto the moment with you for just a bit longer.
》Welt Yang
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Welt was impressed by your abilities, but not surprised by them. He ofcourse knew all about Herrschers, having been one himself, which is why he doesn't make too much of a big deal out of it. He'll even help you with a cover story from everyone else too, if needed be. But with that said, he loves hearing of your travels and enjoys sharing his own stories too, whenever you catch up after missions. He chuckles softly, whenever you tell him about the theories people have about your existence, as he knows the full truth ofcourse.
He has your back during battles and often keeps you safe, even during your time stopping ability. He respects your power and strength and doesn't allow anyone to underestimate you. Even if he's the only person to know of your real origins, he takes alot of pride in having you as his s/o.
A/N: Okay, I hope this was fine! And thank you again for the request!<33
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Hi im.. a tad... late, (12 days exactly), But i was... wondering if i could request a platonic fic with Ghost and Gaz where they take reader to an arcade for their 18th bday? (You can probably guess who this is, Mr Cerise, Heh, Howdy howdy!)
Hey, Archi! Don't worry about requesting anything late, I don't mind in the slightest :] This got a little bit longer than I wanted it to be, I hope you don't mind that! I hope you can like it at least a little bit as well, I really tried! Have a nice day! @butchersflower And happy (belated) birthday again! :D
Happy Birthday!
“Well, look who it is. If it isn’t one of us fossils!”
Smiles all around, even with a statement as stupid as that one. And yet, as embarrassing as it may have been, you couldn’t help but be fond of those two fools. Dangerous as they were, they were among the best pals you could have ever found. Yes, an adult may sometimes spell danger to someone much younger than them, but those two goofballs had known you since you were ten years old. And after all this time, they were among the first to celebrate proper adulthood with you. As proper as being 18 could possibly be.
“Kyle, be mindful of what you say, Archi might feel old and his back might start hurting.” A sly grin, crossed arms, even familiar as you were to him, Simon still seemed closed off. But it ultimately didn’t matter, it was his idea to meet up near the old arcade after all. For as intimidating a man as he might have been to anyone, who didn’t know him all that well, you couldn’t say you feared that man. He was tall, muscular and had probably killed more people than you ever knew by now, but fear was the last thing on your mind as you rolled your eyes at him.
“Howdy. Good to see the both of you as well.”
“Come on now, show a little more enthusiasm. Today is a special day!” Kyle gave you a pat on your back. “Happy birthday! Welcome to adulthood!” There was a certain sweetness to him being so excited for you. He was usually so calm, even when put under pressure, it was almost astounding, but on that day, Kyle seemed almost more excited than you were. Not that it was a day unlike any other, but it was still nice to be appreciated a little bit for once.
“Happy birthday, kid! Let’s make this a nice day for you.” You would have never thought either of them cared this much for you. As they were still on deployment, fighting for their lives, they texted you about that day. As they were still on deployment, they remembered your birthday, wanting to spend it with you. As they were still on deployment, they realized you liked going to arcades, wanting to take you there to make the day a little more special. It was far sweeter than you expected two men, capable of killing people without a second thought, could be. Even as you tried to bite back a smile, even as you tried to seem nonchalant about all of this, it felt good to be spending time with someone, who cared this much about you.
“Well, you brought me to the arcade, didn’t you? Just as a heads up, I don’t have too much money with me, so we might not be able to make the most of it today.”
Kyle huffed in response, clearly amused. “Oh, yeah? You think we’re gonna let you use up your allowance for this? Pocket your wallet again, we’re paying for everything today. It’s a good use for our military money.” And with that, he took out his wallet, checking its contents. He seemed rather satisfied, knowing fully well that, if he did run out of money, Simon could always just pitch in. Besides, there was an ATM nearby anyway, so it’s not like he had to walk too far to get some either.
“You gonna let us wait out here all day or are you gonna go in? Lead the way, champ.” If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that Simon was more excited to go to the arcade than you were. When had he even gone there for the last time? He was quite a bit older than you were, so it might have been quite a long time ago. Not that he had much time for games these days anyway. Either way, he hinted at the arcade doors with his head. For a sniper, he sure was an impatient one. But you supposed it was a rather hot August day, so it’s not like you didn’t understand where he was coming from. You agreed, opening the door and going inside. It was much cooler in there, the cold air hitting your face. Much more pleasant than that hot summer day outside, you would have preferred to spend all day there.
It was a rather dim room, illuminated by the small lights above, that barely lit up anything. But it was still rather chic. Very retro, very nice. It was hard to believe that something like this would do as well as it did these days, but the teens seemed to be in agreement that an arcade was a nice place to hang out in, with the adults giving into their nostalgia for the good old days. But aside from a few people, it seemed rather empty today. Perfect for playing some rounds. But what to play first? There was quite the selection there. From classic Mario Bros to Pac-Man, it was hard to decide on one game. You didn’t want to take advantage of Kyle’s and Simon’s monetary situation either. However, there was nothing wrong with going for one of the classics first: Tetris.
For as eerily quiet as it was at first, there was something undeniably nice about that song starting to play. By no means had you been alive for long enough to be able to be nostalgic for it, but it was nice to hear such an old melody, one that has been famous throughout generations, in all its chiptune glory. If you had to take a guess, then you would have said that you were doing quite well as you played. With unwavering concentration, you stacked those blocks. With unfaltering determination, you decided on your next move, hoping it would result in another level. But no matter how much you tried to keep your cool, you were bound to lose eventually as the blocks fell at a velocity you could no longer keep up with. As you looked at the high scores of previous players, you were somewhat baffled. How could anyone score this high? You were likely never going to make it into the top five, but it didn’t bother you as much. Playing Tetris at the old arcade was time well spent. You considered whether or not you should play another round.
“You know, back in my day, I used to score pretty high on Tetris. Could always give you a tip or two, if you’d like.” Ah, cheeky Kyle, always so confident in himself. At least he seemed to have been having fun alongside you.
“You’re more than welcome to beat my score. I’d love to see it.”
“Alright, I’ll come get you once I lost. You can find Simon at the Mortal Kombat machine over there. Play a few rounds with him, will ya? But do watch out, he gets a little vicious once he’s played a few rounds.” It’s not that you were unfamiliar with playing video games with Simon, but unfortunately, Kyle was right. If you wanted a chance at beating Simon, then you had better hurry over to him while he was still unfamiliar with the controls. Once he had figured those out, you were never going to win against him. Besides, it seemed as though Kyle was busy now anyway, proud as a peacock, flaunting his skill at Tetris. You were happy he was enjoying himself this much, though.
Looking around, you definitely found another few machines that caught your eye. Mainly Contra and Galaga, but you were definitely eyeing Space Invaders as well. But for now, you had a mission. Not a hard one as Simon was just across the room, thinking. He wasn’t really moving, just looking at the machine more so than anything else.
“Howdy, Simon. You wanna play a little bit? I think it’s a two player game.”
“Gladly.” And with that, he immediately put in a coin, waiting for you to join him. Although he wasn’t bad, it was evident he wasn’t sure of what he was doing at first either, pressing buttons at random to figure out what they were doing. Yes, he may have gotten a few hits in at first, but he was fairly far from beating you. Yet, it didn’t take long for him to figure everything out, giving you a harder fight for your well earned victory each time. At first, there was no rhyme or reason to what he was doing, but soon enough he was just like a viper. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, injecting his venom into you. Indeed, he was playing nice at first, but his hunger for victory grew more and more into a certain type of greed. You were an adult, you were his equal, you were not to be underestimated. But it felt kind of unfair anyway to watch him use his special moves, without you actually knowing the button combinations for any. After your ninth match, there was no beating him anymore and losing every match didn’t seem like much fun either.
“It’s so unfair how quickly you figure everything out. But I’m glad you seem to be having fun.”
Much like Kyle, he seemed proud of himself, even if he did try to hold himself back. That amused glint in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. “We can always play something else. Find something new that you can beat me in, I don’t mind. I want this to be a fun day for you first and foremost.”
“I wanna check on Kyle, see how he’s doing.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He’s playing Tetris, saying that he used to be really good at the game when he was younger. It kind of got me curious to see how good he really was back then.”
“He’s an intelligent man who can keep his calm, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a fairly high score.”
“Do you wanna try to beat him too?”
“No, I don’t think I can.” Huh, even Simon knew his limits, it seemed.
Watching Kyle from afar, you weren’t sure he even noticed the both of you as you got closer to him, too engrossed in his little block stacking game. The blocks were unbelievably fast by then, with half the screen being covered in them already. Two other men gathered around him, watching in awe as he never faltered. It was quite the spectacle, it seemed. Looking over his shoulder, you saw that his score was roughly 795.000. Well, you felt accomplished enough with your 56.000. Truly, there was no denying that he was good at Tetris, he had every right to boast about that. Especially since his score just kept going up and up. You knew that Kyle was a very capable man, he was a sergeant in the SAS after all, you just didn’t know that this also extended to arcade games. He didn’t curse, he didn’t flinch, his eyebrows didn’t even furrow as the blocks got closer to the upper part of the screen. A few times, he was able to lessen them, but in the end, even he lost. It wasn’t a game meant to be won.
897.000. It was fair to say that he was pretty good at the game. But he still didn’t make it into the top five.
“Oh, you’re really good at Tetris, you weren’t lying.” You almost didn’t want to believe that score, but you weren’t exactly sure it was possible to cheat at an arcade game either. Especially not Tetris.
“I’ve played a little more than you have in my life. I was young at one point too, you know.” Wasn’t he 31? He wasn’t that old yet either. Well, if you asked him to, he probably could give you some good tips on how to score a little higher in the game. You almost couldn’t tear your eyes from that score. The other two men congratulated Kyle before leaving him alone again. “Nothing wrong with admiring that work of art, but I used to score higher than that when I was younger.” Show off. But you still felt inclined to believe him.
“Kid, when do you want to grab a bite? Wouldn’t want to let you starve in here either.” You took out your phone to look at the time. For some reason, the time being 13:43 was less believable than Kyle’s score. You hadn’t even noticed that it was that late already. Well, some food definitely wouldn’t hurt. Wouldn’t want those two men to get grouchy.
“Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get something to eat. I don’t think I’d want to miss out on Kyle’s gaming prowess, after all.” You put your phone back in your pocket. Unfortunately, this was likely the time where you had to decide on what to eat. You didn’t really mind anything, in fact, you were okay with most things. But if you had to choose… “Well, Wilson’s is open right now. I could go for a really good burger right now. Besides, a chocolate pie would be pretty good as well, not gonna lie. I hope that’s not too expensive for you guys.”
“Archi, I don’t think you understand that we earn enough money to buy you whatever you want today. If you were 21 we could take you to a damn casino as well and it wouldn’t hurt us too much to lose a few hundred bucks. Just tell us what you want, we’ll get it for you. Unless it’s an expensive car, we can get you just about anything. Buying you a burger or two won’t set us back. Order whatever you want at Wilson’s, it’s on us. We mean it.” Considerate as always, even when he was preaching to you, Kyle was just being kind. You were so glad to have him and Simon as your friends.
“Come on, get in the car. Tell us where that restaurant is and we’ll take you there. Wouldn’t want you to starve on us, after all.” Even Simon was being more stern than usual right now. Maybe you really shouldn’t mention money around those two, as conscious as you were about costing them too much. Then again, you really didn’t know how much they earned. As curious as you were, you weren’t sure you should be asking the two of them about that. ‘It’s enough to feed you and have you have a nice day today.’ Right.
Well, not like you were complaining. It was about time you got a nice burger. And maybe you could go back to the arcade later as well? You haven’t gotten to play as much yet as you would have liked. Surely, Simon and Kyle were open to the suggestion, it did seem as though the two of them had fun as well. Besides, there was a chance you weren’t going to be able to spend as much time with them anymore in the near future, so you had to make what little time you did have with them count. How nice it was to have the two of them care about you, even if you had no idea yet how to repay them. Knowing them, you likely didn’t have to either, but that just wasn’t your style, no. If anything, because it was your birthday, you should have gotten the two of them something as well.
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xkseii · 2 years
umm, inspired by 'what type of subs are they', tartaglia's part. this is just like a brainrot, and my request is, can you make a longer version of this? :)
when he wants you to be the only person you wanted to touch. seeing you patching up aether's wounds as you utter sweet and reassuring words to him, telling the traveller you promise him that you will accompany his journey on finding his sister. saying all that sweet words and promises, hugging him by his waist, making him receive a sense of protection while doing so. he loses it. the he in here is ajax
thats all, you don't really need to do this, but since you said your request us open so I want to see how this turns out! :D
anyways, your al-haitham fic🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
⎮Tartaglia's jealousy⎮
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⏤ Characters: Childe⎮reader (no pronouns used)
⏤ Including: implied nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings: jealousy / yandere behaviour
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Tartaglia is the sweetest with you, he loves you so much to the point he would do absolutely anything for you. He's obsessed, not in a healthy way but the love that he feels for you is real. After he met you for the first time, his mind was filled with you and you only, and he did everything to find you again. When he did, he never left your side, going everywhere with you, learning your habits, and what you liked or hated, and then used all the knowledge he had to seduce you.
He did everything, absolutely everything possible to win your heart, and despite his competition, Tartaglia got you to succumb to his charm. Only after this, and some months in your relationship, he genuinely fell for you, really hard. When he realized it, it was over for you, your possible hope of getting away from him was reduced to zero, only if you wanted to leave him though. But what really made you understand how much he was in love and trusted you, was when he gave you his real name.
At first, it was rather difficult for you to get used to Ajax's behaviour, how he always needed to be close to you, in any circumstances, or how he craved physical contact whenever he was with you. When time passed, it became a habit to hold him, from the most subtle touch like linking your pinkies, to more obvious ones like holding his waist or kissing his neck and resting your head on his shoulder, Ajax loved it. But there's something you understood really quickly, he may love receiving physical contact from you, but give some to someone else, or it will drive him crazy.
For him, when you touch him, when your fingertips slide over his forearm in a gentle manner, or when you take him in your arms, it's a declaration of love. It is the most personal and intimate thing you can do, and he considers that as your lover, he should be the only one receiving it and nobody else.
So, imagine how he felt when you told Ajax that you needed to leave for a while, to assist Aether in his journey to find his sister. He didn't say anything, but the rage was noticeable, and his glare pierced through Aether's head with murderous intent.
It was supposed to only last a week, but some things happened, and it extended to a two-week journey. You were sure it would pass quickly, but only have two days, and you were missing Ajax, a bit too much. You couldn't help but think about him, and you were waiting impatiently to see him again. On his side, it was so much worse, he was annoyed, rude to everyone and on the edge, knowing that you were alone with Aether was driving him insane, he just wanted to kill the damn pretty boy.
He waited cravingly for the end of the week, but when you didn't come back, he snapped. He left the house you shared and immediately travelled to where you were supposed to be, it took him two days but when he finally found you, his blood ran cold. It wasn't even the fresh injuries you had on your body that pissed him off, neither the ones that weren't taken care of, but what you were doing.
Your hands… Your hands were on him, the hands that were supposed to hold him only, to touch him only and not have any skin-to-skin contact with anyone else, those hands were touching Aether. He clenched his jaw so hard he could have broken his own teeth, nails digging into his palm as he was holding back from jumping on Aether and choking him, cutting off his arms and legs, and leaving his corpse to rot here.
Just the view of you patching up his wounds was giving him murder ideas, and it was even worse as your own wounds were taken care of. And as he stepped closer, he felt his heart skip a beat, his blood boiling as you were talking sweetly to Aether, your hand running through his hair as you try to reassure him, telling him that he will find his sister.
Ajax didn't care that Aether was sobbing, or breaking down, the only thing he was seeing was how gentle you were with someone else than himself, how you were promising to help Aether more, stay longer with him on this journey. And his breaking point, was when you kissed the wound you just patched up before hugging Aether, wrapping your hand around his waist as you become even more sweet and gentle. Ajax could see how Aether rested against you, his face hidden in your neck, and he snapped when his hands touched your back, holding you even closer.
You barely had the time to hear someone moving closer to you before Ajax pulled you away violently, placing himself in front of you, his hand grasping at your arm and his nails piercing through your skin. Aether tried to step forward, but Ajax's bow was already under his jaw, the sharp side touching his neck and drawing a drop of blood out. He told Aether through gritted teeth to get away, and not get closer to you. His rage was sweeping out of his body in waves, hitting you harder and harder until you understood that Ajax was ready to really kill him.
He was feral, like a wolf protecting his territory, threatening Aether openly. You had no other choice than to leave, dragging Ajax away by his harness as you send an apologetic look to the blond man. You could see his confusion, and hurt by what happened, but he also didn't want to risk his life. And Ajax wasn't any better, he was hurt, feeling betrayed, he could already see you leave him and never come back. But all of this was overcome by his anger, insanity showing itself for the first time in a really long while.
You were too far from home to go there immediately, and you had to stop at an inn. On the way there, Ajax had the time to calm down a bit, but you could still feel his murderous aura. You barely had the time to pay for a room that you were pushed into one, your back hitting the wall, he tears your clothes off, talking under his breath to himself.
Before you knew it, you were naked, sitting on a chair with your hands behind your back, tied by the wrists. Your shirt, in shreds, was holding onto your shoulders pathetically, some fresh blood straining it as Ajax left deep bites onto your shoulders and neck. He was sitting on your lap, arms thrown over your shoulders as he gives you an annoyed and devilish smirk.
He was going to make you regret touching someone else than him.
Let's just say, that after this night, you were never left alone with anyone. Ajax would be here, pressing himself against you, and his glare was mean and crazy enough to prevent anyone to get too close. Unsurprisingly, Aether never tried to go on a journey with you again, fearing for his life. Thankfully for him, he was the one that survived the madness of Ajax, the rest didn't have so much chance. At least, that's what the smell in your basement was telling you.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
Hi, there 🌼! :D
I saw your recent event of Songs from the heart! So I want to take the opportunity to place my order (I hope I do it right):
Fandom: Twst
Character: Silver and Deuce (normal no Yanderes)
Type: Romantic, fluff (or just fluff I leave it to your preference)
Song: Meteor Shower bye Cavetown
Reader: Female but neutral it's okay 👍
Take your time and no pressure, thank you 💐🌠✨
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | Meteor Shower
Characters: Silver and Deuce
Song: Meteor Shower by Cavetown
Warnings: None
A/U: Self aware Twisted wonderland AU
a/n: I only do male or gender neutral reader so reader is gender neutral, but pronouns aren't used (only you/your)
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Deuce was very happy that you picked him for his lessons, wanting to level up his various cards. He noticed a habit you had, however, listening to music while you played the game. It put a smile on his face as he heard you humming the tune. The lessons would mostly go over Deuce’s head because he was more focused on the song you were playing. He couldn’t help but blush deeply as he felt that this song was directed at him. 
“I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones. 'Cause blue is your favourite colour”
That one lyric did something to his heartstrings. Deuce’s eyes were gleaming, deep in his heart and his mind he hoped that you directed that at him. Sure, his favorite color might not have been blue, but it seemingly meant that you would do anything to make him smile. The god over Twisted Wonderland wanted to make him happy. He started to kick his legs under the desk, feeling an overwhelming feeling of joy. This meant you loved him, even if it was a little bit.
Deuce was trying too hard to conceptualize your feelings, reading a bit too much into the song. All his thoughts were trying to rationalize that one lyric. His eyes were spinning to represent what was going on inside him. He felt his heart beat even faster the more his mind was stuck on that one song lyric. Nothing around him, except you, could pull him out of his lovesick spiraling mind. 
It took him a while to stop the swarming ideas and focus back on you. Deuce just stared at you as you were exiting the lessons. He wished you stayed a little longer, even if he was on your main screen, so he could tell you his thoughts. Deuce’s lips curled into a huge smile, one that kind of hurt his cheeks. He pledged to himself after the last lesson ended, as a compromise, bringing a hand to his heart.
“I’ll try my best to make you happy too, oh great creator!”
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Silver was very prideful the moment you picked one of his cards to use for the exams. It meant that he got to fight for you, and he was used to fighting for others. He is a knight in training, after all, so could you really blame him for wanting to be your knight? During the exams, there were times where your team got close to losing, but only because you kept getting distracted by the music you were listening too. Silver had heard the music, but this one song, along with one particular lyric, had caught his attention.
“But don't go outside, it's dangerous tonight. Without me right here by your side”
Silver paused in the middle of his attack, which wasn’t a good idea, but he couldn’t help it. That one lyric caught him off guard. And it came out of your lips as you sang along. It must have meant something. A sign from you, the overseeing creator of this world, as you looked at him.
Silver tried his best not to worry too much about it, focusing so much on the fight. But that lyric buzzed around in his head, over and over again. It was on repeat, as if it were a mantra or a holy prayer to you. He wondered if you would say this to anyone else, or if it was just reserved to him. Silver tried to keep his composure and keep his focus on his attacks on the battle.
As the final exam finished up, he felt proud he won all five of them, but also feeling so prideful about that one lyric. It didn’t leave Silver’s mind as he stared at you through the victory screen. He saw your bright smile, further confirming that the lyric you muttered was directed at him. Silver had so much love and joy in his heart as you closed the victory screen. He still watched you on the main screen, hoping you heard his promise. 
“I will protect you too, and I’m honored you wish to protect me.”
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Isa my darling! Happy Birthday, albeit a couple of days early.
Seeing you screech in Philza's streams because Apollo hit you with that dodgeball yet again makes me giggle a lot.
How about since headcanon's for qPhilza's past/pre island relationship with qFit. How they got to know each other, and how quickly they became friends?
Idr if I said this on Tumblr yet but deadass I asked Apollo on my pendulum if qPhil is his blorbo and he said yes. He's been as invested in shit as me and it's been hilarious. I literally have crows yelling at me irl to keep writing rn but I'm answering headcanons first.
The entire time I've been distracted between writing these, crows have been yelling at me about it. Which. Is how Apollo communicates with me when I'm not actively talking to him through readings LMFAO.
Also thank you for the birthday wish :D [desperately hoping nothing else horrible happens this weekend please god]
Anyway qPhil headcanons masterlist let's go
Disclaimer that I didn't know of Fit before QSMP (I've only been in mcyt for 4 years monkaS) so these are gonna be largely pulled out of my ass and a lil repetitive.
These two both have experiences in anarchy and war, they've definitely brushed shoulders a couple times bc of it
They admired each other's work ofc. Phil is a macro scale kinda guy, total annihilation and victory that makes a statement. Fit's more of a micro scale kinda guy, zeroing in on one person or group individually and making their lives hell until the end in the name of surviving a little longer
On that note, I think we all sleep a little bit on the fact that Fit is Also a survivalist like Phil, just in a very different set of high stakes conditions. These two are equally skilled in it and equally sharp strategists
On that note, anyone who knew them from the past would fear the idea of them coming together to create a plan of any kind, especially of the anarchist-fueled variety. If the Federation has done their research right, they should know full well how terrifying this duo could be in an effort to dismantle their authority
Btw by brushing shoulders I don't just mean brief passings by, I mean they've like. Camped out for a night together, temporarily truced for the sake of safety in numbers, etc. More than a few conversations have been had even if the time they've spent together totals to less than a week.
However, even when they weren't actively paired together, they'd still occasionally trade or gift each other surplus resources. It was a genuine kind act, even if it simultaneously served as a reason for each of them to not come after the other. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Like why do you think Fit was one of the first threats on Phil's mind in Purgatory. He Knew(tm). And he knew Fit has an affinity for picking off the weak first, like a lion after a herd of antelope. To him, Purgatory was the awakening of a monster who'd been dormant for a long time.
See, present day they're QPR as fuck, they'd never do this now without 10x the pressure Purgatory put on them, but back in the day they took close notes on each other's strengths and weaknesses. Just In Case, yknow? They could very much kill each other. Back in the day they would've if it came to it, no matter how good an ally they were.
Something about how these two used to be so cold and hard to the world. Be it to self-preserve or some other reason. Something about how now they've both softened and warmed after becoming parents. They never could've imagined the other would "weaken" like this, especially back then.
Phil 🤝🏻 Fit - Phil being a historian of the deities/builds of his Hardcore World, Fit being a historian of 2B2T
A lot of this boils down to mutual respect, common interests, and secret admiration tbh. And what's more homoerotic than that?
They're both crisis preppers. Not doomsday type shit, just. Being ready for shit to hit the fan. They both come from places where life is significantly more dangerous than it is in other realms.
The crazy thing is though? Despite the above, they can't imagine being from each other's realms. Phil would LOATHE 2B2T and Fit would hate the absoluteness of Hardcore. Isolation is absolute, death is absolute. There's no wiggle room or margin for error.
With how adaptive the two of them are due to their origins, they could probably acclimate to any conditions. They'd complain about having to, especially if it was inconvenient, but they could. They used to swap tips & tricks with each other on how to improve their adaptability too.
Fit would've 100% been down to join Phil on Doomsday in DSMP. He was thoroughly impressed when Phil told him the story.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
You know what would be cute and kind of funny with just a bit of angst and misunderstanding?
Ingo and/or Emmet overheard their s/o saying “you’re lucky I love you” but in a non romantic way to a very platonic friend but took it as “oh no, are they no longer in love with me” but it’s not like that, s/o could never see their friend in that way and friend doesn’t see s/o like that too
Like s/o’s friend is a little shit (affectionately) so they get told similar stuff a lot and friend responds the same way to s/o
cw: a little angsty but with comfort
The Subway Boss was excited to have got off early. It was a rare change of pace in his normally all-consuming schedule, which dared not give him any leniency. Ingo was excited, even daring to surprise you instead of his normal actions of calling you to tell you that he had left early. His joy was apparent, in his opinion, as he eagerly approached his apartment building after following his usual path to get home.
He entered the lobby but felt surprised by a scene unfolding before him. You stood across from someone he recognised as one of your friends. He was about to call out to you both, when he watched you pull your friend into a tight hug. “You're lucky I love you,” you told them with a teasing tone as they hugged you back. Ingo's grip on his suitcase turned deathly as he felt his heart start racing.
Your friend returned the affectionate gesture and replied with a similar statement to your own. Ingo did not know how to react to this situation but to rush out of the building and away to a nearby shop to regain himself. His breaths were heavy from both the running and the stress consuming his mind. Was he failing you? Did you fall out of love with him and into it with another? He wanted to cry. Ingo loved deeply and personally.
He bought a bottle coffee and stepped back outside into the city streets to debate his next move. Everything screamed for him to call Emmet or Elesa and tell them what he just saw, but it seemed fate hoped to pull another on him. You and your friend headed down the street together, obviously heading out somewhere. He could only freeze as you laid your eyes on him. It was times like this that made him wish he didn't stand out as much as he did.
You stopped in your tracks upon seeing him and grinned brightly. Rushing up to him, you reached out to hug him. A gesture that made him freeze and refuse to move, his brain replaying the scene he had just observed. This caused you to hesitate. Tilting your head, you spoke, “Ingo! You're off early, today? Did something happen?” His heart ached terribly.
“... I… I'm fine,” he would not even dare cause such a scene in public, “I had wanted to surprise you… Ah, but I see you have your friend with you, I will just head home.” You looked even more worried. A look was exchanged between you and your friend. Something much like what he and Emmet shared when giving each other a glance happened, as your friend politely excused themselves and left you and Ingo alone. You easily grabbed his hand and led him back to your apartment.
Once in the isolated walls, his feelings began to bubble over completely. Ingo felt burning tears run down his face as he desperately tried to think of how to say his feelings without coming off wrong. “D-do you love another?” he asked in the end, “If you want to be with another, please end our relationship before initiating such things… It is pointlessly cruel otherwise.”
You stood there, letting the gears in your head turn. Standing up tall, you wiped away the tears from Ingo's eyes. You cupped his face and rested his forehead against yours. “Ingo… Did you see me hug my friend?” your voice was gentle. He nodded, desperately trying to pretend he did not enjoy the comfort of your touch. “I meant that platonically, hubby,” you moved to brush your nose against his, “I don't love anyone else in the way I do you. You are the only person I want to be with like this.” You sealed your words with a kiss on his lips. His arms came around you tightly.
“Oh, my beloved,” Ingo's normally strong and loud voice was scratchy and too soft, “I am so sorry that I accused you of such things and I will wor-” You kissed him again to silence him. Always a mood ruiner, that mouth of his. Well, except when it was not.
Ingo felt completely reassured by your words and spent the rest of the day cuddling and talking about random things with you.
The younger twin giggled to himself as he rushed through the streets of Nimbasa to his apartment building. Today, he had got off early from work. He was simply excited beyond description to have a chance to surprise you. Even more, he was happier that his leaving early let him visit a bakery that normally closed before he got off st the station. Emmet could not wait to hug you and enjoy the cute Joltik cake he bought together with you.
As he unlocked the apartment door, he tried to sneak in as quietly as he could to surprise you. Just as he had put the cake down on the counter, however, he heard you… And another person. He quickly crept over to where you were and saw you with another person, a friend of yours, he thought. He was about to make himself known, but you quickly wrapped your arms around your friend and let out a laugh. “You're lucky I love you,” you said to them. They quickly returned the affection, and Emmet felt sick.
Why? Why would you do this to him? Was he not loving enough? Did he not give you enough attention? Did you… Did you get bored with him? Emmet felt his mind rush with thoughts, entirely seeing the scene as a romantic moment that he would often share with you. His face scrunched up as tears threatened to escape his eyes. He rushed in, emotions in a messy way.
Your name escaped his lips as you quickly jumped away from your friend, obviously startled by his unexpected presence. Even your friend looked in shock as they turned their heard toward him. He stood stiffly, a smile much too large and with glistening eyes. You instantly had a demeanour change as you made your way over to him. Instantly, your hands grasped his own. “Emmet?” your voice was heavy with worry, “Are you okay? Did something happen at the station?” Your eyes looked over him desperately.
He could not respond, only shaking his head and trying to pull away. He hated when he got emotional like this because it always became too hard for him to talk. You had a moment of realisation. Quietly, you turned to your friend and managed to convey politely that you needed to be alone with Emmet. They understood and headed out. Turning back to the Subway Boss, you squeezed his into a tight hug.
“Emmy… Did you overhear me saying I love them?” you asked. His utterly destroyed expression became a harsh one. You sighed. “... I didn't mean it in a romantic way,” you reassured him softly, “I only love you like that, honey.” He shifted into clinging on to you like his Galvantula did him. You imitated the move.
A quiet cry left him, and you rubbed his back. “... I… I wanted to surprise you,” he managed to get out, “I got a cake.” You smiled at him and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Well, how about we have that cake, then?” you told him, “C'mon, Emmy.” He walked closely behind you, needing to keep contact with you.
The cake was shared, with you feeding it to him playfully. Emmet was cheered up almost instantly.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 27 days
I am wondering about Mephistopheles relationship with Glasya? From the wiki.
Perhaps Mephistopheles's strangest relationship was with his master Asmodeus, for he was the Prince of Evil's most dangerous enemy and most capable ally. Despite Mephistopheles making it abundantly clear that he dreamt of the day when he could depose his lord, Asmodeus still seemed to trust the counsel of his boundlessly jealous companion when offered. The relationship was further clouded by the existence of Glasya, to whom Mephistopheles was something of a godfather.
Is Glasya jalus of Areana? And is she sceaming to get rid of her? She took uncle from her!
Is she going to daddy dearest to complain? Is she spying on them? Does she tell daddy to take Mephisto as his consort, to get rid of Areana?
Feel free to ignor this if it makes you uncomfterble to anser.
Hello Hello Nonnie! :D
Thank you for coming by!
first, let's go with our usual Morning cup of Coffee! Please, do have some!
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I apologize for the delay in which I answer this question: I was mulling it over in the back of my mind in the past few days, and wanted to reason upon it a bit longer to give you a thoughtful response!
(seriously, if you see that I don't answer, usually it's because I am pondering about the response :) Alternatively, it might happen that tumblr eats the asks - I know it happened A LOT in the past- so, be mindful that this could also happen).
I went and read about Glasya and her relationship both toward Mephisto and Asmodeus, and I have to be honest, I do not truly envision her as jealous of Aranea, but I DO envision her thinking of Aranea as both an hindrance (she somewhat managed to snatch the attention of Mephisto, making him go in full hyperfocus mode) and someone that can be used to her advantage.
You see, Mephisto loves Aranea, in ways that even he cannot understand or explain (he did something for her that he had NEVER done before, something that even he didn't know he had in him), and this is something that cannot be truly kept secret.
It would be impossible, both because Aranea resides in Mephistar the majority of her time and both because, let's be honest, Mephisto and Aranea are really not that subtle about their relationship.
But this means that gossips go around, and it wouldn't be very long before this information were to reach the Archdukes of the other Nine Circles of Hell.
And this is seen as a liability, a HUGE chink in Mephisto's armour, because they know that if they get a hold of Aranea, they got a sure way to get to Mephisto and destibilize him (which is one of the many reasons why Mephisto tries to keep Aranea in Mephistar. He is aware of the huge danger she would face outside of Cania - and sometimes, even inside Cania).
So, to reconnect to what you wrote, I think that Glasya - and by extent Asmodeus- would actually be keeping an eye on Aranea and spy her moves, to see how she could be of use, so to speak.
I don't think that she would ask Asmodeus to get rid of her because she herself knows that if they were to do anything to Aranea, Mephisto would know no peace until he found the culprits, and the Gods only knows what he would do, with that temper of his.
Like, Glasya is quite intelligent, so she knows that the risks and consequences are too high to risk something like that.
I hope I was able to answer your question!!
thank you so much for this ask! <3
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i-am-a-fraud · 2 years
congras on the new blog! this is me asking for a funny scenario with kalego with his human s/o. maybe something funny like his s/o is cooking for him and it tastes so bad that he dies a little inside every bite but he wont say anything coz he doesnt want to hurt his s/o's feelings :D
Oh my god thank you so much your so sweet!
Kalego x reader
Trying readers really bad cooking
No warnings
I personally headcanon kalego to be autistic but that doesn't limit him it just explains some stuff about him
He is very sensitive to foods he likes them cooked his way and his way only
Not to be a ass or Gordon Ramsey 2.0 but because of textures and flavors
When he walked through the door after a long day to see you setting out plates, he got nervous
Can you even cook? Have you ever cooked before? Did you use HIS recipes?
He has so many questions but not enough energy to ask
"Thank you" is all he could say as you made him sit down
Your eyes where bright and you looked so excited as you layed out a feast of your favorite meal you really wanted kalego to try
He took a bite and died a little bit inside
His soul left his body and not in a good way
You looked so happy to be eating your favorite dinner and so happy that he was too
He clenched his jaw and sucked it up
Although he did slide some of the food into his pockets because of how bad it was.
"Wow you eat all that in such little time do you want more?"
"No I feel bloated"
"Oh I am sorry, I really thought!"
"No! It is good, definitely needs some improving but how about next time we make it together"
"You can take the *food* out of your pocket, I know I'm not a good cook thank you for trying it"
Now if you where not a crush or s/o it would go something like this . . .
"Are you trying to poison me?"
"No just try it"
Takes one bite
"I wouldn't feed this dry ass burt to the crisp bumpy lumpy dumpy bull shit to a mouse or iruma!"
(Ok he doesn't talk like that but you almost made bro go on his evil cycle smh)
Will avoid you for a week or month or the rest of your life because he will probably live longer than you because you will die of your own cooking but that's beside the point.
Anways back on track . . .
He loves you and doesn't want you upset and you know that
Your honestly surprised how nice he was about it kalego hates and I mean HATES people touching or messing with his food
(Probably eats the same 3 meals every week)
It is the thought that counts to him
He will make a point to make your favorite dinner for you so it doesn't look like the bottom of a grill at the end of summer time. Or rather the remaines of a house fire
Will be sure to make you watch him cook so you can "learn"
Needless to say you do not learn, you are just born a bad cook
Doesn't mind cooking with you, gives you small tasks you can't possibly mess up
If you do, he will give you the most annoyed horse face every to be seen
Loves you either way master chef or white trash grill fire (ok, but if there is a grill fire, you know them burgers gonna taste like heaven or like lacking charcoal)
If you say something like "master chef who?" He will give you the most confused and disappointed face known to man to this day
He will not tease you or make fun of you and will go along with lies
Your lies may include lying when you bring baked goods to a gathering saying you made them not him
I feel like he doesn't want anyone to know that he can cook.
He doesn't want to seem housewife like I guess I don't know
BBQ god that's all I am gonna say
I tried to make this a little longer. I don't like writing short things. I feel like I am failing you guys (you guys being my one follower, that is my other account)
I hope you like it annon please request again
Requests cure my depression
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rebeltigera · 8 months
I have some questions for you if your in the mood to answer yes there a little big but I’ve been reading through old post and comics and I just have to know.
1) dose lord macaque help wukong to groom his fur at times and if so dose he avoid the area of where the scar of the circlet is also is he glad the wukong doesn’t have long hair anymore.
2) Dose savage and Ruble sometimes hang with wukong or somthing cause I realised in an mini comic that wukong got to meet them while he looked very tired.
3) will MK be able to visit or at least write letters to pigsty and tang since he’s stuck there for while I mean lord macaque can at least let MK tell pigsty hes okay and not to have a heart attack.
4) for the monkey cop and street art macaque what the cool story behind them if you don’t mind me asking I really want to know if there’s any if there isn’t that’s okay.
5) how dose lord macaque react seeing wukong care or hanging with little monkey cubs on FFM or in macaque kingdoms and if so would he join or sit back dose he even visit FFM time to time
6) how would lord macaque react to wukong having amnesia if so what would he do to revers this.
7) (the last one) Dose wukong struggle to read due to his eyes being burned if so dose lord Macaque try getting someone to help him or dose he just tease wukong time To time.
Thank you for your time and marvellous comics and how hard you’ve been working to answer everyone questions I do hope you have a great year 🙃
o/ 1) Oh yea he doeees , wukong got quite messy fur and if monkeys doesn't help him , Mac will surely . Especially it will get longer in the future again :D He takes special care where scar is , always making Wukong melt into touch he also like long hair wukong 2) In that one mini comic where Wukong was reaaaly tired in the middle of the night - they went visit him far in the past, uknowingly to Macaque. And Wukong doesn't remember it. He thought those were hallucinations . He met them much later on Mac's island again. These days , they do every time when Wukong visit Island, usually sitting on his shoulders. 3) Oh ye, He can call him through phone , and astral projection... Yeah, maybe phone . SO they call each other every evening It tooke hella lot of convincing pigsy to not get on the island himself- 4) Straight up romance n smut. /lh I have nothing to add ,i just thought that the music was fitting soooo much 5) He visit FFM from time to time during their healing arc . and usually, if monkeys will let him that is, he would sit back and watch. He's usually bit sad seeing it. He don't have monkey's on his own Island , he got only Savage and Rumble. Seeing that he feel much nostalgia and longing.
6) He would smack him in the head. if that wouldn't work he would seek doctor's help. If that wouldn't work he would go to Tang , Unless Wukong would lull him and beg with big teary eyes to stop.
7) Nah he doesn't tease him about it. Wukong got a bit of a problem, just a teeny tiny bit and Mac knows from where it come from , so he doesn't touch the subject
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rrcenic · 9 months
in memory of neil perry on his. suicide day lol. i’m dropping my anderperry playlist 💪💪💪
im putting the songs, the artists, and some reasons/lyrics that put them on my list :)
just take my wallet by jack stauber
it’s singing to a loved one who is no longer there, implied that they took their own life
lyrics that give anderperry vibes:
“your mamas crying for you”
“good times are singing, they sang, they sang, those times are echoing through me”
“what’s the softest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy, what’s the kindest way to say the end”
hidden in the sand by tally hall
this song is a bit unsettling but sweet and sad. it’s about confusion and love
there are no lyrics that really scream anderperry, it’s just the vibes tbh
when she loved me by sarah mclachlan
yeah this was the toy story song. but it still. it’s just. aaaah
it’s a forlorn memory of a love that is gone
literally all of them are anderperry istg
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this december by ricky montgomery
i’ve actually already made a post about this!! https://www.tumblr.com/rrcenic/735574508285689856/this-december-by-ricky-montgomery-is-the
talk to me by cavetown
this song holy shiiiit-
it’s kind of. it’s like asking someone you love that it’s okay to talk to you about their problems. saying it’s okay to not be perfect.
lyrics that scream anderperry:
“we can talk here on the floor, on the phone if you prefer, i’ll be here until you're okay”
“let your words release your pain, you and i will share the weight, growing stronger day by day”
“it’s so dark outside tonight, build a fire warm and bright, and the wind, it howls and bites”
“anxiety, tossing, turning in your sleep, even if you run away, you still see them in your dreams”
“it's so dark tonight, it looks nice, fall asleep, it's alright, come inside, and talk to me”
smoke signals by cavetown
i know i’m a freak, ripped the band-aid, broke the peace, took the lock but lost the key”
“guess i set you free, i hope you found a place to sleep, i know you're bound to think of me”
“you can come home to me when you're ready, i left the gate unlocked for you, til then i’m sending out smoke signals, hoping i’ll see yours too”
also, the ending is just repeating the line “i miss you” seven times as it fades out
the village by wrabel
this song is technically about the transmasc experience in a conservative area but i think some of the messages fit anderperry so well!!
learning from someone wiser that you don’t need to be ashamed of yourself, the hate you can get from your family for being queer, the fact that there is nothing wrong with you and your gender and your sexuality and your dreams, very dps coded
it also discusses the fact that oppression of young queer folks can often lead to suicide
no, your mom don't get it, and your dad don't get it, uncle john don't get it. and you can't tell grandma, cause her heart can't take it, and she might not make it. they say don’t dare, don’t you even go there”
“feel the rumors follow you from monday all the way to friday dinner, you’ve got one day of shelter then it's sunday hell to pay, you young lost sinner”
“well i’ve been there, sitting in that same chair, whispering that same prayer half a million times. it’s a lie though, buried in disciples, one page of the bible isn't worth a life”
these are just the first few songs that come to mind for anderperry, but i’m sure there’s more!! anyways rip neil you slayed 😔
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