#how do i go back to my schoolwork after learning this. i have ALL THE QUESTIONS
torchickentacos · 1 year
Turns out one of my relatives is part of a snake-handling church??? which is a thing that exists??? what in the ever-loving appalachia is this????
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Frustrated - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin is frustrated and you save the day HC (based on THIS request)
Warnings: just fluff
Word Count: 1.8k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I am not a gamer but your girl tried.
Caitlin met you in one of her classes - the two of you were partnered up for a project that had to do with marketing strategies. Your topic was video games and how they are marketed differently than other products. You had talked to one another here and there throughout your time at Iowa since you shared a major but nothing more than the simple 'Hi' or 'Did you get this part of the notes?'.
Partnering up with Caitlin was harder than you had expected considering her schedule but you made it work. Since the project was the whole semester long and would all culminate into your final project, you both made it a priority to meet up regularly to work on it. This included working around Caitlin's basketball schedule and your work schedule.
Due to both of your schedules, you ended up meeting up at the oddest times. Typically it was a late study night back at one of your apartments or the occasional weekend afternoon if you weren't working. But in all reality, neither of you wanted to be doing any sort of schoolwork on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
As the project progressed, so did your friendship with the school's star athlete. There would be times that you had planned to meet up to work on the project and ended up getting takeout and talking.
"You know I have never been a fan of partner work for class but you have made it bearable," you say as you take a bite of your food. "Thank you?" She asks confused but is followed by a laugh. "You're welcome," you say now also laughing. "Hey will all this talk about games and stuff, do you play?" She asks looking over at you. You bob your head around, "I dabble. I don't really play much anymore but grew up with brothers who were always gaming." "Well you should try sometime," Caitlin says taking a bite. "I don't have any sort of console," you say passing her a napkin. "You can always play here," she says knowing that she is widening the scope of your interactions. Up to this point, you would really only consider her your marketing partner but her asking you to do something more than the project projects you two in to the friend zone. "That would be cool," you say with a smile. You could use more friends on campus.
Over the course of the semester, in addition to working on your project, you found yourself over at Caitlin's apartment gaming. It mostly consisted of you watching her play games and keeping her company. Not that you ever minded. You would chill on her bed and watch her play.
Watching her play consisted of you typically watching her for the first few minutes and then picking up the book you brought to read. Caitlin never minded and really just enjoyed your company. She always played with one of her ears uncovered from her headset to hear your little remarks.
"Those flowers look like weeds my grandma would have me pick from her garden when I was little," you say, book in hand but looking at the screen in front of her. "Really?" Cait asked. "That's random." "You asked," you say as you look back down towards your book. "I didn't ask," she says turning to face you now. "You did, you asked when you invited me over to watch you game," you say with a smile. She rolls her eyes and turns back to the monitor. A few minutes pass before Caitlin is pulled out of the game by you but this time not by a comment. She sees you put your book down and make your way out of her room. "Where are you going?" She yells after you but doesn't leave her spot. "Don't worry about it," you say. Cait knows you weren't leaving because your book was still propped open on her bed and if there is anything she has learned about you it's that you don't go anywhere without it. You come back 30 minutes later with a plate in your hand. Caitlin perks up knowing the smell of what's on it before you even enter the room. "Cookies?" She asks. "Cookies," you say as you sit on the corner of her bed and offer the plate to her. She goes to take the plate and you swat her hand. "Not the whole plate, just take one, you say biting into the one in your hand. She grabs one and it is gone in two bites. "Mmmm chocolate chip, my favorite," she says and turns back to her game.
Little to your knowledge, Caitlin was getting quite comfortable with your presence. She would invite you over just to have you present. You never minded. You enjoyed her company as well. It was easy - the two of you never needed to entertain each other when you were together.
Little to her knowledge, you sort of fibbed a little when you told her you dabbled in gaming before. You did much more than dabble. You would dominate your brothers which caused them to never want to play with you. Gaming just came naturally to you. Your instinct and reaction were something that couldn't be taught.
All of this leads to a turning point in Caitlin's knowledge of you as well as her feelings.
Caitlin groans yet again as she tosses her controller and removes her headset. "What's up CC?" You ask, not looking up from your book. "So stupid," she says and flops down on her bed next to you. You look up and see the screen she is on. You have been there before - your brothers had gotten the game over the summer and played it nonstop, all the way through. "Mind if I try?" You ask. "Good luck," she says sarcastically. When you grab the controller and give it a go - Caitlin knows you have been holding out on her when you didn't ask what buttons mean what and what the goal is for where her character is at in the game. She sits back and watches you, jaw-dropping as watches you navigate the side quest she was so adamant about completing. When you complete it on the first go, Caitlin is in awe. She pushes you over and presses you into the bed, shaking you. "Where did that come from???" She yells both in excitement and confusion. "Cait, you are crushing me," you say as the girl over you continues to press all the air in your lungs out of you. "You have been lying to me!" She is still shaking you. "Caitlin Clark!" You yell with every ounce of breath you have left. She finally lets up on you but sits on her knees next to you. "Why haven't you been playing with me?" She asks as she lets you sit up. "Cause when I play - people end up getting frustrated with me and never want to play with me," you say. "I don't believe it, we are playing together right now," Caitlin says as she gets up and grabs a second controller.
Caitlin very quickly learns why no one likes to play with you. You don't mess up. It takes her about a week to realize she misses the days when you would come over and read while she plays.
One night in particular, Cait reaches a breaking point.
The night is a little different than the others as you have brought a book and decided to read while CC plays. As you are reading you hear Cait groan in frustration - multiple times. "What Cait," you say not also annoying because her sighing and groaning now interrupting your reading. She doesn't say anything as she is lying face down next to you with her face in her hands. You see the screen and grab her controller. You seamlessly make your way through another scene, getting it on the first try. Caitlin whips her head around when she hears the sound of the level begin complete. "Unbelievable," Caitlin says frustrated. "CC," you say as you watch her move from her laying position to a sitting one and cross her arms. "Oh come on, CC," you say and she just pouts. Whenever she gets frustrated, she acts like a toddler. You thought it was adorable but never made that known since the two of you had always just been friends. You begin to poke at her sides, pinching them and causing her to squirm. A smile peaks on your face as you keep poking at her. Caitlin's arms now are unfolded trying to stick to her sides to diminish the surface area you have access to. When you begin to tickle her full-on - you can see her fighting a smile as her hands come up to try to grab yours to get you to stop. "I surrender!" Caitlin yells trying to get you to stop, which you do. You didn't realize you had moved to straddle her and are now sitting on her while Cait's hands hold yours on her stomach. Caitlin sits up a little, her hands leaving yours and holding your waist to make sure you don't move off of her when she sits up. You don't know what to feel - your heart is racing and you don't know if that is from just trying to tickle the girl you are on or because of your growing feelings. Caitlin is looking at your lips and you can't help but lick your bottom lip. This causes Cait to lean in. "Don't move," she whispers as she brings her lips to meet yours. Her hands are firm on your hips as your hands come to wrap around her neck. Once you begin to kiss her back, she pulls you closer to her and kisses you in a manner that is much more than friendly. You pull away, both of you panting. Your head is spinning. "Caitlin," you say and she leans her forehead against yours. "Yes?" She asks one of her hands coming to cup your face, brushing her thumb along your cheek. "Caitlin," you say with a sigh. She smiles and pulls you in for another kiss.
From then on, the two of you decided that you could not game together and that Caitlin would only call on you to help her when she really needed it. Which she never liked to admit but loves watching you dominate.
The two of you end up having to catch up on your project as the semester comes to an end. It is annoying but you both end up having to put a few Saturdays into it. When you finally present your project a weight is lifted off of your shoulders because you no longer have to be Cait's marketing partner and could just be her girlfriend.
AN: Strayed a little from the request but I hope it makes sense. Let me know what you think. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 40
Part 1 Part 39
Days pass, and Steve’s painkiller script runs dry. Without the pills, Steve’s every waking moment twinges, but what irks him more is the way his life is passing him by.
He spent almost a week in a painkiller haze of sleep, and now he’s awake and pissed off.
The swimming season is almost over, he’s going to be drowning in schoolwork, and he’s just sitting in the Munson trailer, rotting with Eddie by his side.
Will had gone back to school yesterday, and Steve’s itching to scrabble back into mundanity.
His doctor, Wayne, Eddie, hell even Joyce, all act like it’s too soon, like he’s made of crumpled paper, like he needs handled delicately or he’ll tear.
He’s sick of it. Steve wakes up, too early with the taste of ash in his throat. Eddie’s already awake, curling his fingers around Steve’s forearm and dragging him closer in his small shoebox bed.
“What day is it?” Steve asks.
Eddie squints at the clock, reading the vivid red 4:43 on the clock like it’s a calendar. “Thursday…” he says, voice ragged with sleep, trailing off, clearly unsure.
Steve stares up at the dark ceiling, doesn’t look at the glowing red, and says, “I’m going to school today.”
Eddie squeezes his forearm, says, “Steve,” plaintively.
“I can’t do this Eddie,” Steve whispers. He blinks and he’s there, staring up at the vines writhing on Eddie’s ceiling, the red of Eddie’s alarm clock pouring through the windows. He blinks again, and he’s back, Eddie’s warmth beside him. “I’m going crazy, cooped up in here.”
Eddie sighs, a long, dramatic groan that vibrates Steve’s head where it’s propped up against his chest. “I can’t believe you’re making me go to school, Stevie,” he says, trailing his fingers gently up and down Steve’s shoulder.
“Don’t you miss your friends?” Steve asks, pointedly not thinking of his own.
Eddie’s still rubbing Steve’s shoulder, as he replies, “Yeah. Jeff called a few days ago, and Wayne told him I had the flu.” He sighs. “I just hate lying to them.”
Steve’s relationship with Tommy and Carol is built on a bed of deflection and lies. No, what you said didn’t hurt my feelings. Of course, I want to throw a party and get stuck holding the bag when the cops show up. Yeah, my parents are out of town a lot, you’re right, it’s the best.
But sometimes, when Tommy was just the right level of tipsy, or late at night at one of his sleepovers with Carol, one of them would say something real. Carol would whisper about the diet her Mom was on, how her bones were that of a bird and Carol was so afraid of being whittled down to nothing. How Tommy’s dad had hit his face hard enough to bruise, and then gotten made that he looked like a ruffian the next day.
How Steve’s parents don’t stick around long at all.
Those are the people he misses. The people left rotting in the corners of the ones who roam the halls of Hawkins High. That’s not who he’ll get to see at school today.
“They’d understand,” Steve says. “If they’re your friends, they’d understand.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Eddie says, letting the topic drop.
Wayne grumbles over his mug of coffee when they stumble out of Eddie’s bedroom, both dressed in Eddie’s clothes, but doesn’t say much. They share a quiet breakfast, as Wayne scarfs down his meal before bed, drooping into his plate.
Eddie rifles through the whole trailer until he finally finds the van keys discarded in the bathroom. Wayne sends them off with a gruff, “come home if ya get tired,” as they walk through the door.
Steve doesn’t notice he doesn’t have any of his stuff until Eddie’s already pulling into the parking lot, students glaring and giving a wide berth to his van as it loudly chug chug chugs into a space.  
He can’t remember if he had any assignments due, what they were learning, barely even remembers his class schedule. It’s like everything from before has the haze of a dream. Only the nightmare of after is crisp and real.
The whispers as he stumbles out of Eddie’s van, start slow. They grow louder when Eddie rushes to the other side of the van, holding out his arm in an offer of support that Steve snubs.
Eddie walks by his side, leaning into him like he just can’t help himself. “You know,” he whispers conspiratorially. “It’s not too late to pretend I kidnapped you or something.”
Steve snorts, letting his elbow slide into Eddie’s ribs as he takes a step closer, even as the stares fillet his skin right open. “I’d make a terrible captive.”
Eddie laughs. “You really do,” Eddie says, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Coming here against the doctor’s orders? Naughty naughty!”
Steve jams his elbow into Eddie’s ribs, hard this time, sending him reeling even as he laughs, clutching the abused spot.
No one approaches them, treating the whole spectacle like it’s a television show. Fascinating and untouchable.
But the bubble inevitably bursts. Tommy’s loitering by Carol’s locker, arm slung over her shoulder as she digs through its contents. She laughs, smacking his arm even as she smiles up at him. They look happy. Fine. Normal. Like Steve hasn’t been missed at all.
There’s something dark and slimy slithering up Steve’s throat. He swallows it down.
He keeps walking, Eddie by his side, not looking their way. So, it’s a shock when a small hand grabs his hand and yanks.
“What the hell, Steve?” Carol says, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Where have you been?”
“Nevermind that, what happened to your hair?” Tommy asks, laughing. Like Steve being missing is a joke. Like everything always is, with him.
“Just felt like a change,” Steve says, smiling sarcastically at them before trying to continue on his way.
Carol’s hand tangled in his sleeve stops him. He looks down at it. Her fingernails are turning white under her pretty pink nail polish. He sighs, stops, Eddie stopping beside him.
“I was in the hospital,” he says, meeting Carol’s eyes, pretending Tommy isn’t there at all. “Thanks for visiting by the way.”
She takes a startled step back, stretching Steve’s borrowed sweatshirt out with the way her fingers are still hanging onto it. As if she can sense people staring, she steps forward, holds her ground as she glares up at him, hissing, “we didn’t know!” she stamps her foot, loud with her clunky heels. “We went to your house, and no one answered!”
“And you didn’t think that was weird?” Steve demands. “You didn’t think, huh, maybe we should look for Steve? You couldn’t even pretend to give a shit?”
“Steve, I—” Carol starts, before Tommy interrupts her.
“So, what?” he demands, posturing into Steve’s space before Eddie throws out an arm, pushing him back. “You got your feelings hurt and you decide to start slumming it with the trailer trash?”
That dark thing slithers back up Steve’s throat. He pours it out at Tommy’s feet. “Anyone’s an upgrade compared to you,” he spits. “Poor little Tommy, has to make everything a joke so no one will notice there’s nothing underneath.”
“Steve!” Carol gasps.
“Oh, like you’re any better!” he says, something vicious and snarling crawling out of him. “Act like a bitch so no one gets any closer.”
“And what does that make you?” she demands.
“Steve,” Eddie says, pulling him back. “Let’s go.”
Steve looks at the two people who were his best friends and feels nothing. “You’re right,” he says, turning around and not looking back. “They’re not worth it.”
“Whatever,” Tommy shouts. “Just go off and fuck your new boyfriend, see if I care!”
People in the hallway are staring. Steve feels their eyes like fingernails down his face. Eddie takes a step away from him but doesn’t leave his side.
“Are you okay?” Eddie asks.
Steve nods, afraid he’ll spit up rage like bile if he opens his mouth. Eddie doesn’t leave him alone until he’s at the threshold of English class.
“I’m in shop,” he says, eyeing Steve critically. “Get me if you need me, okay?”
Steve nods.
“Promise me,” Eddie says, crossing his arms and staring Steve down. They both ignore the furtive look other students give them as they slip past to get into the classroom.
Steve chokes out, “I promise,” maintaining eye contact with Eddie until he finally turns and leaves with a strained sigh.
Once he’s out of sight, Steve runs on shaky legs, shoving through the nearest bathroom door and dropping painfully to the tile as he leans over the open lid of the toilet, stomach heaving.
It’s not rage that crawls out. Something small, and slimy, and black slithers out of his throat and into the bowl.
Steve flushes the bowl, washes his mouth out and goes back to class just before the bell.
Part 41
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar
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noellawrites · 3 months
Stress Relief - stepdad!Rafael Barba x reader
requested by @rafaslittleboy
summary: Rafael comes home angry and frustrated with your mom, so he decides to use you to relieve some of his stress.
warnings: father/stepchild incest, fingering, inappropriate relationship
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Being Olivia Benson's kid had never been easy. Between angry criminals seeking revenge and never-ending cases that kept your mom away from you, you'd experienced more than your fair share of turmoil.
But even then, nothing compared to the night your mother and Rafael Barba came home and announced they'd gotten married down at the courthouse.
Somehow, taking care of Noah had always fallen on you. It didn't matter that you were working and going to school. Even though you were now in college and Noah was a bit older, you were still expected to be the responsible older sibling.
It had never been much of a secret that your mom and stepdad favored Noah over you. After all, they doted on him and told him how much they loved him all the time. You were practically invisible compared to him. Even though you were the one actually genetically related to one of them.
One night while you were doing schoolwork at the kitchen table, you were startled by the front door being flung open.
"Jeez, dad, what's wrong?" you ask, looking up at him and setting down your pencil.
"Elliot Stabler is back," Rafael grumbles, dropping his briefcase on the floor. It fell to the ground with a thud.
"I thought he was gone for good. Lizzie didn't tell me anything so she probably didn't know he was coming back, either. Poor kids," you sigh.
"Where's Noah?"
"A playdate with Amanda's girls. I'm picking him up later," you explain, looking up from your work briefly.
"Ah. Well, your mother is having a drink with Elliot. She'll be home later," Rafael spat.
"Damn. Jealous much?" you laugh, then realize it was the wrong move. You swore you saw fire rising up in Rafa's eyes as he stormed away to his and your mom's bedroom.
"Get in here, now." you hear Rafael growl from the other side of the bedroom door just a few minutes later.
A shiver runs down your spine. You were almost never allowed in your parents' bedroom. Only when you were being punished or scolded.
Even though you were in college, your parents still had absurd rules and acted like everything you did was wrong. Even though you weren't rebellious at all and spent most of your time watching your little brother.
"Dad, whatever I did, I'm sorry," you offer.
As you crack the bedroom door open, you notice your stepdad undressing himself, only his shirt, suspenders and pants remaining.
"I had a shit day and you sure aren't making it any better. Your mother and I have decided you need to learn to be more independent. I'm not even your real father, and you're not a little kid like your brother is. Grow up and stop relying on us for everything," he sighs, not even looking at you as if ashamed by your very existence.
"B-but you're the only d-dad I've ever had," you sniffle, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Stop getting emotional, don't be jealous over your brother. He didn't do anything wrong. Now get out, please. You're stressing me out," he says, rolling his eyes at you.
"What do I have to do to make you love me again? I'll do anything, please, dad."
"There's nothing you can do, I already have your mom," he states, laughing at your helpless desperation.
His words puncture your heart like a knife. He had your mom and Noah, so why were you still here? You'd always known you were useless, unloved, but now your stepdad had confirmed it.
"I can give you affection, anything you want. I-I can be better than my mom, please... please give me a chance!" you blurt, barely processing your words before you say them.
"Get out of my room. OUT!" he bellows, voice echoing through the walls. You leave, trying to preserve at least some of your dignity.
You sweep your homework off the dining table and drag it into your room. Your small, dark room. Somehow, even as the oldest, you'd gotten the worst bedroom. Of course. You flopped down on your bed and sobbed into your pillow, wishing fruitlessly for someone to make you feel wanted.
You couldn't remember when you had fallen asleep, but you hear a soft knock on your door some time later.
"Huh?" you rasp, eyes widening as your stepdad enters. Now clothed in a sweater and flannel pajama pants, he looks so much softer than before.
His sympathetic gaze fixes on you before saying, "c'mon, out of bed, sweetie."
Rafael leads you to the master bedroom once again, your mother still nowhere to be seen. Probably still out with Elliot Stabler.
"C'mon, sit in my lap. Don't worry, your dad's got you, okay? " you nod, so touch-starved as you climb onto the bed and into his lap.
"You were right earlier, we haven't been paying enough attention to you. Even big kids need love too. C'mon, cuddle with your dad," he says warmly, allowing you to climb under the blankets with him and snuggle up close to his warm body.
"I missed this," you hum, feeling his warm breath on your forehead as he wraps his arms around you.
You lean into his touch as his arm moves down your back, eventually stopping so his hand is resting on the small of your back.
Your breath hitches when you feel your stepdad's thick fingers reach down towards your underwear, gently teasing the waistband.
“Dad, w-what are you doing?” you hiss, writhing around gently to try and shake him off.
“Shh, just let me touch you, okay?”
You look at him with wide eyes, terrified at his uncharacteristic behavior.
Now, Rafael was sniffing your hair as he pressed a finger against the edge of your hole.
You tried to shake your head, or open your mouth, or do anything, but you were paralyzed with fear.
“Don’t tell your mom about this, alright kiddo?” your stepdad says with a breathy whisper as he plunges two fingers deep into your hole, nudging your pleasurable spot.
You try to muffle a shriek as your stepdad clutches your body close to his so you can’t get away. He was older and bigger than you and doesn't hesitate to exert his power over you.
The change was like night and day. You'd always considered Mr. Barba to be your own father, as he was the closest thing you had to a dad.
"Da-ad— please, please stop!" you hiss, feeling his thick fingers plunge in and out of you, working to pleasure you like he knew you deserved.
"Nuh, uh, baby. I want to apologize for neglecting you. And all this time, I've had a cute little stepchild right under my nose just waiting to be used. I'm sorry it took me so long," he says with a chuckle, like this is all some sick joke.
"I-I think I'm g-gonna—" your breath hitches and Rafael immediately knows, can feel your orgasm about to hit you.
"Mhm, just focus on my fingers, mi amor. Daddy's gonna make you feel really, really good," he coos.
You gasp and suddenly you can feel your little hole throb, trying hard to push your stepdad's fingers out. You clutch him even closer and he pulls you tight into his chest. His scent filling your nose just as his fingers were filling you.
Everything feels muddy, slow, dark. Your dad slipping his fingers out, throwing the sheets over and licking your cum out of your hole. His gentle touches, little kisses, reassuring you of his love.
He is just dressing himself in his pajamas as your mom opens the front door. You can hear your mom talking to your little brother in a babyish voice.
"Remember, not a word to your mother. It's not like she'd believe you anyways," your stepdad laughs, pushing your face away before going into the living room, acting as if he hadn't just fingered his kid to orgasm.
"They're not feeling great, I let them sleep in our bed. Thought some pampering was in order for such a good kid," Rafael says, kissing Olivia on the cheek. It's the last thing you see before you pull the covers over your head and welcome the darkness.
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
Irregular heartbeat
Riddle Rosehearts x gn!reader
We learned about disney in film class this week and my mind was infected by images of twst boys lmaoo this game is a disease
I've had a turbulent week but its finally time for the holidays which means.... more schoolwork because our school doesnt subscribe to mental health
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Lately, Riddle has been unfocused in class. This is very much unlike him, and he realises this. For him, being this distracted is like a death sentence to his perfect test scores.
He needs to get to the bottom of this, and quick.
Classes are over for the day and he's returning to his dorm to check up on the rose maze. Soon, it will be time for an unbirthday party and he must make sure everything is progressing smoothly.
Especially the painting of the roses, which was started a little late this time.
Ace and Deuce ended up complaining to you about the workload and since you have nothing to do anyways you decided to join them in painting the roses. Grim opted out of it this time since he "has better things to do".
You hummed to yourself as you painted the first rose on a heart shaped bush by yourself.
"What are you doing here?" a strict voice stopped you in your tracks. You'd recognise that voice anywhere. You probably should have asked if it was fine for you to help out beforehand, but you've helped without his permission before, even if it was on account of a certain first year's stupidity.
"I was bored and Ace and Deuce were complaining, so I decided to join. Don't tell me you're mad about free labour from the good of my own heart?" you added the final spot of paint to the rose, pouting back at him dramatically.
"I am thankful for your help, I don't know why you would make such an accusation." And yet, he still looked pissed off for some reason.
You stepped off from the stepstool, moving closer to him and humming. "Then why do you look like an old grumpy persian cat right now?"
"What- I do not!" he defended himself, cheeks turning a little pink as he crossed his arms.
In reality, he's angry that you're doing more work than you have to. He knows how horrible it is to be overworked a little too well and he wants you to be well rested and happy under every circumstance, not helping out when you really don't need to.
"I'll paint the roses. Don't bother yourself. I am much faster because I can simply transform them with my magic anyways." He moved past you, stepping up on the stepstool (which was unnecessary since he can use magic from a distance).
He doesn't really know why, but he gets the urge to protect you sometimes. Even from a task like painting the roses.
"If you say sooo..." you sat down on the soft grass, watching Riddle paint rose after rose. You have to admit, the slight smile on his face is quite adorable.
You could get used to watching this.
"Hey! Get back here, you stupid weasel!" you heard Ace's voice from somewhere in the rose maze. Weasel...? There's only one weasel you know.
And sure enough, in a few seconds Grim was running past you with a mischevious look on his face and a magical pen in his mouth, which you presume belongs to Ace.
Seems he got bored of "all the better stuff he had to do" and decided to cause trouble for poor Ace again. You got up, trying to grab him but ultimately failed in doing so.
"Wait right there!" Riddle yelled after Grim, attempting to stop him with his magic but he was a moment too late with Grim dissapearing behind a corner.
A few moments after him, Ace came running around the corner. "Where did he go?!" he asked frantically, whipping his head around at all the paths where Grim could have gone.
"That way." you pointed casually, already used to their shenanigans.
Ace quickly ran past you, accidentally moving the stepstool in the process and making Riddle stumble and fall over.
You quickly caught him, softening his fall. Thank god you were standing so close to him.
"Wha..." he whispered, cheeks turning red again. What in the world is this feeling? It feels like his chest is tightening, but it feels... good? Being caught in your arms is strange.
"Are you okay?" you asked, concerned by the look on his face.
"I umm.... I am completely fine." Riddle cleared his throat, straightening up and taking a singular step away from you.
"Are you sure? Because you look pretty shaken up to me." you moved close to him again, inspecting his face up close.
"You must be doing that on purpose." he felt like his heart was about to explode out of his chest. Now that he thinks about it, this feeling is similar to the one he gets during class. The one he can't get rid of for the life of him.
"What do you mean?" you asked innocently. You really want to kiss his red cheeks right now, but with Riddle you never know if they're red from anger or... something else. You don't want to take any chances, but it's hard to hold back around him sometimes.
"Nevermind. Just do something about those two!" he huffed, turning his head away, face now completely red.
Oops, looks like you ended up painting the housewarden red instead of the roses.
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koolades-world · 3 months
Hello!! I was reading through the prompts and I realised there could be great angst hurt/comfort potential too, so here is my scenario with fem! MC x Satan pairing (established relationship): MC scored higher than some demons. Since she’s usually quiet, they take that as her arrogance and attack her. She barely escapes with a shallow slash on her back. Once she reaches HoL, she tries to treat her wound, but her hand won’t reach properly, so she messages Satan to come back quickly. While her room has become a slightly bloody mess, Satan is already freaked out by the bloody trail leading from RAD to HoL to MC’s room. Once he comes in, MC uses “Don’t freak out” prompt and proceeds to turn around, move her long hair only for Satan to see the wound, and a brand. Let’s say the brand symbolises a time when demons were allowed to have human slaves, so MC has had that since her childhood. When Satan asks why she didn’t seek immediate medical help, she responds with prompt 20, while having the medical supplies next to her. (I just adore the intimacy, domesticity, angst and comfort potential!) Sorry if it’s too long! You don’t have to write this, or you could shorten it to your liking! Have a lovely day/night!
this mc was fun to write! i had a good time creating a whole backstory haha. slight blood warning for this one, i don't go too in detail though :) i think this was my longest piece for the followers special yet
enjoy <3
prompt 20 and 38 w/ Satan
The test you’d taken last week had finally been graded and you had gotten your score back. Another A, as expected. You didn’t take your schoolwork lightly, not with Lucifer breathing down your neck anyways. Besides, you kind of enjoyed it. It gave you something to focus on. You weren’t exactly sure how useful the skills you were learning were, but it helped you learn more about the place you called home. You felt as if every time you began a new lesson, it was something entirely new.
Since you’d expected that grade, you weren’t exactly proud. Doing well just ensured Lucifer wasn’t upset. As of lately though, your boyfriend, Satan, had tried to make every good grade a small occasion. He wanted to put emphasis on your achievements since you didn’t. Once you told him it was because you didn’t want to seem like you were bragging, he reassured you it wouldn’t come across like that. He just wanted you to recognize your worth and celebrate yourself, because you deserved it. So, once you got that test paper back in your hand, you couldn’t help but smile because that meant a date with your significant other.
You were one of two humans attending RAD so you’d gotten used to the stares. So, you didn’t notice the deadly stares you were getting from a couple classmates. You carefully put the test in the folder of the subject it belonged to and sat through the rest of the lesson. Since it was the last of the day, you packed up your things, ready to head home. You were going home alone that day. Mammon was supposed to accompany you at home, but he got wrapped up in another one of his schemes last minute after the opportunity presented itself. As long as you didn’t tell the other brothers, it would be fine, since you knew they’d freak out. But you wanted the chance to prove yourself that you were more than capable, and could walk home alone more often. Unfortunately for you, it seemed like everything fell perfectly into line with those who were watching you.
You set off out of the school, waving goodbye to your friends as you split off in different directions. As soon as you got home, you were ready to get leftovers from the previous night’s dinner, and had been what you were thinking about all day. While walking, you messaged a couple friends, discussing your plans for the next day. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you failed to notice a few demons from your class following you. Finally, you noticed them when you stopped to cross a street. It made you a little uneasy, so you sped up.
Halfway home, a demon you didn’t recognize stepped out into your path. When you tried to step around him, he blocked your path. The demons following you from behind caught up, trapping you between the two groups. “Can I help you guys?” You’d barely had a chance to speak when you felt a rough shove from behind that stung. You could just barely reach the area, and the tips of your fingers came back with blood on them.
“That’s for being a stuck up brat and Lucifer’s little princess.” The one that shoved you snickered. Solomon had taught you a couple spells just for situations like this. Despite what they’d done to you, you couldn’t bring yourself to harm them. So instead of casting any offensive spells, you cast a defensive spell that granted you a temporary shield of sorts to allow you to get away further unscathed. As you ran, you were able to push past the demon in front of you. They followed you for a little bit, but after you yelled back at them, telling them you’d summon Lucifer or Satan, they promptly stopped in their tracks. They watched as you continued running. Even after you were out of their sight, you didn’t stop running until you were inside, in your room.
You stood still for a moment, trying to catch your breath. The adrenaline was dying down. It was only now that you could finally rest that you noticed the slow, but steady drip of blood made itself evident when you noticed it on the floor behind where you stood. You knew you kept a first aid kit in a box underneath your bed, so you fished it out. You began to try to patch yourself up, but you quickly realized there wasn’t much that you could do without help. You shed a couple layers, ans studying the now ruined jacket and green button up. You could worry about that later though. You studied yourself in the mirror, trying your best to get a look at your back. Your undershirt hadn’t been slashed, but the blood had started to run down into it, staining it.
The slash was just underneath the sigil mark you had at the nape of your neck that you’d had your entire life. You knew you needed help getting your wound treated since you couldn’t reach it yourself. The first demon your thought of was Satan, but that meant you’d have to explain the sigil, since you’d never told him about it. Reluctantly, you sent him a message, asking for his help. You knew he’d come running, so you didn’t elaborate. He responded quickly, asking you to summon him instead. You thought you had enough energy left, so youdid as he asked.
When he appeared, he was still in his RAD uniform and was clutching his bag to his side. He threw it down to the side and rushed towards you. “What happened?” He saw the blood on the floor and the discarded pieces of your uniform sitting face down on your bed.
“Don’t freak out. Please.” He looked worried, but nodded his head. You turned around and pushed your hair aside to reveal both the wound and the sigil. He gently placed his hand on your back, thumbing over the mark. His hands were cold on your skin, causing you to shiver.
“Sit down. I have a spell book back in my room. Don’t go anywhere.” He looked sad to leave, but he wasn’t gone long. In the short window of time that he was, you began to overthink and worry about what he might think of how that happened. You didn’t want him to think you were an idiot, or a coward. “Hold still, love. It might feel a little funny, but it’ll totally close the wound.” He held the book in one hand and placed his other hand flat on your back. He muttered an incantation under his breath, and right after he was done, you felt an odd tingle along the length of where the wound was.
“Thank you.” You tried to get up, but he pressed on your shoulders to sit you back down.
“I’m not done. I still want to clean off the blood.” Instead of using a spell for the task, he grabbed a pach of wipes he mustve brought with him to wipe off your back. You felt him pass it over your sigil a couple times. “Why didn’t you go to a professional, and why did you wait so long?” He threw the wipe in the trash, and grabbed another one to continue his work.
“You’re the only one I trust to do this, you know that as well as I do. Not that others would botch it, it’s just that it’s you.” You felt a little awkward admitting that, but it was the truth. You didn’t want to have to explain the sigil to anyone else, or trust them to see it, for that matter.
“I’m glad you trust me, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. If it does, you should do what is best for your well being.” He comfortingly rubbed your arm. The two of you sat quietly for a little longer as he finished patching you up.
“Do you want the story behind it?” You broke the silence, knowing he wanted the answer.
“Only if you want to tell me. It it would make you unforgettable, don’t. You don’t owe me an answer.” His voice was soft. You still couldn’t see his face because he was behind you, but you knew he’d be smiling at you if you were.
“I probably should tell you. It would’ve come up sooner or later anyways.” You paused for a moment, a little nervous, but you knew Satan wouldn’t judge you for something so out of your control. “I was actually born in the Devildom. My parents exchanged their firstborn for riches and whatnot. Thanks to that deal, I was born with this sigil, and no matter what, there’s nothing I can do to cover it up. I’ve tried every way possible, and the best I can do it a large bandaid, but that never lasts too long because it’s in a strange spot. I don’t remember much about my life here, but I was eventually rescued by some demon I wish I knew the name of when I was six or seven, and they found me a new, loving family in the human realm. Sometimes, I can still feel the pull of their magic, but that mysterious demon severed the deal.” You let out sigh.
“Is that why you were so apprehensive to be in the Devildom?” Satan asked. You nodded. “That would explain the light traces of demonic energy on you. I could never place it, but always just assumed it was because you have a pact with seven demons.” He suddenly hugged you. It surprised you a little at first, but you welcomed it. “If you want, I’ll help you find the demon that saved you.” You knew he would also find the demon your parents made a deal with, and the classmates that injured you, but he probably wanted to keep the moment sweet.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what I’d do without you.” You finally turned around to face him to hug him better.
“I could say the same about you. I’ll see what I can do about your shirt and jacket. A mending spell and a wash should do the trick.” He offered.
“Hey, by the way. I got an A on the test I took last week. Would it be too much to ask for a date night tonight?” You grew a little shy asking so directly, but it’s what you needed after the day you had.
“Of course. Congrats, my sweetheart. I’m so proud of you. Anywhere you’d like to go?” He gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Dealers choice please. You always pick something nice,” you said.
“I have the perfect place then. I have a favor to use. Put on something nice and meet me downstairs in an hour and a half.” You could tell he was already creating the plan for your evening together in his head. “I have a call to make. Will you be alright alone for now?” You practically melted at his gesture.
“Yes, thank you. I love you.” You meant what you said.
“I love you too.” He replied. You’d never guessed you’d end up back in the Devildom after all these years, but it was the place where you found true happiness, with Satan.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 5 months
I'm Making Fluff Headcannons Cause I'm Sad: Savanaclaw
I've gotta remember how I set this up.
Otherwise it'll turn out like shit.
Oh well. Let's just see how it goes.
I hope you like sleeping a lot
Cause this man will pull you into so many naps
Ruggie's gonna have to start making excuses for you in class
Also, this mans in loaded, so if you need anything, ask him
He'll just hand you his card
(with a sidenote of something he wants you to buy for him)
Not a pda guy
It's not that he's not ok with it
It's just that he doesn't feel the need to do it
Yes, he cuddles
But he's not into lovey dovey stuff
So you're gonna have to do it first
Teasing teasing teasing
I really hope you're ok with teasing
Cause unlike Ace, he won't lay off
And if it hurts your feelings, he probably won't know what else to do besides take a nap with you
But trust me, if he thinks you're asleep, he's whispering the nicest, most loving shit
And if you're awake when he does it, you'll just know he loves you, even when he can't say that stuff to your face
Get ready to learn some life skills, my friend
Ruggie will teach you everything he knows
Haggling, thieving, speaking in different languages
You are gonna be well learned in the ways of the streets
Will always look out for you
He's a family guy
And a pack animal
So he's constantly checking on you
And making sure you're eating
And that you have enough money
And if you're feeling down, he'll ask Leona for some money and bring you your favorite food
And if you're favorite food is something Ruggie makes, you best bet he'll make it for you
Some days he'll be attached to you at the hip
And others you probably won't see him at all
But when he comes back after disappearing, he always brings you something (usually food)
And he'll be right by your side until he disappears again for whatever reason
But you never miss him
You just feel happy whenever he's with you
You're about to get some muscle
Mans is gonna get you a workout routine
Y'all are gonna go on runs
(But if you get tired, he'll carry you)
You're gonna sweat together
(Outside and inside the bedroom hehehe (sorry, couldn't help myself with that one))
And you're gonna get a cactus
And your cactus and his cactus are gonna be friends
And they're gonna have matching names (probably named after some Spelldrive players who are friends)
He will keep you motivated
No procrastination with this guy
You not feeling up for schoolwork?
He'll hype you up!
You don't feel like working out?
Get ready to be motivated!
(unless you're really not feeling it, in which case he's ok with break days every now and then)
Also, nobody's gonna mess with you
Trust me
Jack's got your back
And even if you just need help, he'll be there
I'm gonna be honest, Ruggie's was kinda hard.
But anyway, we'll see when I get the next part done.
Hope somebody enjoyed this.
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AITA for leaving my friend groups Discord server?
💐💐💐 So I can find this later. For context, I was in 2 servers that were friend groups, where my friends would all interact with each other, play & stream games, etc. However, recently we had a situation where someone, let's call her Sasha, would send many vent messages in the general channel, then delete said message before we could respond or even look at the messages, & get mad at us for not responding. She'd also complain about everything that happened in her life, school, in games, & she'd always repeat the same things, over & over again. In the end, we got tired of how she was forcing everyone to stop being as active in the server because of her behavior & actions, so we all made another server, without Sasha, so we could interact with peace without her interrupting conversations. This all happened 3-4 months ago. Then 3 of the people in our new server got a game on Roblox, Deepwoken. Another person, let's call him Kevin, already had the game for a while, so they all got the game & started playing all together. They were incredibly passionate about it, it would be the only thing talked about. One of them got me the currency to get Deepwoken, so I could play with them all. A while later, I got a hang of the game, then when I asked if any of them could play with me, one of them, let's call him Tim, would keep telling me that "Oh, you have to play the game alone to get the real experience, & to learn things better." every time I would ask. Sometimes, rarely, they'd answer some questions I had about the game that I didn't quite grasp yet, & a lot of the time i'd just, not receive any answer. After a while, I got tired of how they didn't respond to me at all, so I just stopped playing. Keep in mind, I don't have any other friends that have the game, so I didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. I love my friends but I felt ignored & was hurt, so I passed ownership to another friend of mine, & left. About a day after leaving, I ended up feeling extremely depressed & overwhelmed with schoolwork, eye appointments, a random limb & joint pain that I had no idea why I was having, & I accidentally unfriended Tim. With my being extremely overwhelmed, thinking it was a good idea at the time, I sent him a message saying "accidentally unfriended u mb. u could also not accep, that works too" Then another message after that one, "okay well um, im gonna assume that you arent going to accept it again so thank you for all youve done for me before you say that im making it sound like i gave up; i have given up i gave up a little while ago" After that, I got a message from him saying that I needed to calm down, that my friend request wasn't the most important thing in his mind right now, & that he's allowed to put it on hold for at least a day before I start telling him some "nvm shit". I sincerely apologized & told him that I needed to take a break, that I hope he's doing okay, & that I hope college goes well for him. I did indeed, take a break, for only 2 weeks because I felt extremely guilty, stupid & reckless. Those weeks felt like forever because that whole thing was on my mind 24/7. It was eating me alive. & No, I am not saying to gain pity. Just trying to explain what I felt. Tim answered, told me that I should grow & change as a person, & that he doesn't mean it in a condescending way, that the server was meant to be a safe space, that in order to make everyone comfortable, there's some things we need to just not say or some things we need to think about a lot before saying them. It's the reason Sasha got booted, & that we give as much as we get. I'm reading back on his messages, & I didn't say anything in the server to make everyone uncomfortable. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
also for my second WIP ask PLEASE brussels!!!! im not from belgium but its close enough (to the netherlands) so im really really excited about that one too!!!!
oh gosh I've only been to brussels once for 2 days so im hoping i don't do it dirty. i LOVED brussels and the netherlands!!
Neil realized with gut clenching clarity that Andrew would be sitting with him in each and every class that he took.
He and his mother had rules.  Don’t draw attention, don’t ask questions, don’t answer questions, and don’t- definitely don’t make friends.  Neil didn’t have any intention on befriending Andrew, but it was hard to go unnoticed when they sat beside one another for seven hours a day.
Neil had been determined for the last four years to follow his mother’s rules, but it wasn’t often that he went this unnoticed as the new kid.  His mother would never know it, but it was normal for him to be bugged by a good five different students at each new school before everyone learned to leave him alone.  If she knew that, then he’d never be allowed to go to school to all.  Neil didn’t think he could handle that isolation.
So, since he was excelling with flying under the radar, he turned to Andrew two weeks into their introduction.  “Why don’t you speak to anyone?” he asked in English.
Andrew stilled from where he was writing down notes in a mixture of two languages.  Neil didn’t know why he didn’t just pick one.  His own notes were written in French so that no one would know, at least from afar, that he was writing down aimless things instead.  Making lists, like the food they needed to buy when it was his turn, keeping track of the last time he dyed his hair, and sometimes writing “letters” as if he had someone to give them to to tell about their adventures.
Adventures, his mother called them, as if he hadn’t known exactly what this was from the day they left.  That his father was obsessive and angry, and that if they stopped he would find and kill them.
He shivered and tensed so as to not let it show.  After a moment, Andrew slowly sat back in his seat and let his gaze slowly wash over the classroom.  Their teacher, grading last night’s homework at her desk.  Students, mumbling and quietly giggling to one another in favor of doing their schoolwork for as long as they could get away with.
When his eyes landed on Neil, he raised his eyebrow.  “Do you really want to ask that?” he asked in slow, low, Dutch.  Neil wanted to roll his eyes and tell him to fuck off.  He was using the language against him because he knew- he knew that Neil was still working on it.  The exact thing he’d refuted two weeks prior.  “Let me also ask,” he started.  Neil’s heart pounded.  He looked like a deer caught in a pair of headlights.  “How many times are you going to re-wear the same five outfits?”
Neil’s free hand, sweaty and needing something to grip onto that wasn’t the pencil he was close to breaking, clenched around his knee instead.  When he didn’t answer, Andrew kept his eyes on him in uncomfortable silence.  Waiting, and waiting, for what felt like a half hour but was only three minutes, until Neil opened his mouth just as their teacher dismissed the class.
Andrew stood and slung his bag over his shoulder.  “You and I are somewhat alike, I hate to think.  No,” he said when Neil nearly cut him off.  “I don’t care.”
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hadesforpreswrites · 6 months
dirty laundry, pt. 4
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a/n: here's part 4! guess who's back, back again, ash is back, tell a friend. i'm so sorry for how long this took, i kept hitting a wall every time i opened the document. but here we are now! as always i hope you enjoy! please like, comment, reblog!
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
genre: idiots-to-lovers
warnings: slight angst (if you squint, no like it's really minimal); oral (f. receiving)
word count: 2,508
summary: it's birthday time! noah's been on a mini tour, will he make it back in time for y/n's birthday dinner?
part one part two part three part five
as promised he stayed the rest of the week with her. it mostly consisted of them staying in and learning more about each other, in a different, more romantic way than they had previously.
then he had to go for a few weeks to perform various shows. he desperately wanted her to go with them but she just smiled and said that she needed to focus on her schoolwork and she wouldn’t do that if she was around everyone. he worried he wouldn’t be back in time for her birthday dinner that scarlett planned every year. 
every year their group of friends get dressed up in their best and go out to dinner. a lot of times after dinner they’d end up at a bowling alley that was half bowling, half arcade. 
it was something that she looked forward to every year and he was worried a majority of the group wouldn’t be able to make it due to commitments they had. 
“noah, it’s honestly okay,” she said over the phone one night after a show. he could tell she was trying her best to sound nonchalant but that she was sad about it. “if it was a dumb reason i’d be upset but this is far from dumb in my book. besides, we can always just push it to another date. doesn’t have to be on my exact birthdate.”
“yes it does!” he heard scarlett’s voice shout, causing him to chuckle. 
“she’s right. it’s tradition,” he said. “we’re gonna try our best to be there, doll. it mostly depends on how travel goes.”
“i know. maybe i should’ve come with you like you wanted. so you wouldn’t stress as much about it,” she said, quietly.
“doll, even though i desperately want you here with me, i’d still stress about it.”
“it’s not so important that you should stress this much though.”
“i’m going to pretend i didn’t just hear you say that the day my girlfriend was born isn’t important.”
“how very dare she!” jolly’s voice shouted from the other side of the couch on the bus.
“hear that? you’ve upset the swede.”
she was silent. 
“doll, regardless stress is going to happen because i love you and the guys love you and we want to continue our tradition.”
“you’re awfully quiet over there. what’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”
he heard sniffles from the other side of the phone and immediately wished he was there. “i just don’t know what i did to deserve this kind of niceness.” 
“you exist as you are and we like the way you are. so there,” he explained.
she laughed. 
“there she is.”
“i love you,” she said.
“i love you,” he replied with a smile. 
“and as much as i love you and talking to you, i should probably try to sleep.”
“yes, you should.”
“wish you were here,” she said quietly. he could hear her getting under her comforter and settling in for the night on the other side of the phone. 
“soon. then you’ll get sick of me, promise,” he joked.
“doubt it. night, noah.”
“good night, doll.”
“good night!!” the rest of the crew on the bus yelled into the phone, causing him to hear her giggle before she hung up.
“is she doing okay?” nicholas asked, plopping down between noah and jolly.
“i think so. just had a moment of doubt is all.”
“what happened when you went to stay with her?” nick asked.
“i don’t think that’s something i can tell you. she barely wanted to tell me.”
“well, whatever it was, even though it was obviously bad, i’m glad it happened. if only to finally get you two together,” jolly said. “not because i want her hurting, obviously. silver lining in the clouds.”
noah nodded. he’d been feeling similarly. he didn’t know when he’d finally have broken his silence on loving her if that night didn’t happen. that, of course, didn’t mean that he was happy her past had come back to haunt her in such an intense way.
“so what’d you get her for her birthday?” bryan asked, slightly changing the subject.
noah’s eyes widened. “shit.”
“she’s not gonna want anything from anyone,” nick tried to cover for noah.
“right. but it’s definitely his obligation as boyfriend to get her something anyway.”
“what if you just get a hotel room or airbnb for a weekend getaway? she’d like that since you’ve been gone,” nicholas offered.
“that’s actually a great idea,” jolly said, gaining looks from everyone on the bus. “we’re practically soulmates, i know what she’d like.”
“soulmates?” noah leveled a playful glare at the guitarist.
“oh, chill. i mean it in a totally platonic way.”
“i think you’d have to fight scarlett for that title,” nicholas laughed. 
“i’m not convinced she’s not holding out hope for y/n to be gay,” jolly said.
“she’s bi. i think if they were to happen, they’d have happened already,” noah explained. he earned some questioning looks. “she literally went to pride and bought a bi flag. it’s not difficult to put two and two together to make four. you guys just don’t pay attention.”
“so much for being her soulmate, joakim,” nick laughed, causing everyone else to laugh.
while laying in his bunk on the bus later that night, noah began to look up hotel in the area they lived, looking for one that gave off just the right vibe.
a couple days had passed and the band and crew were making their way home as fast as they could in order to make it for dinner. noah was on edge and kept to himself most of the trip. 
in the end, they had made it back to town with a couple of hours to spare.
as much as noah wanted to tell her they’d made it, it kind of wanted it to be a surprise, so he just text scarlett and told her to keep her mouth shut. 
he showered and dressed quickly. then he packed a bag for the weekend. as much as he loved his band, he couldn’t wait to have some alone time with his girl after a few weeks with them. 
he drove alone to the restaurant because of his later plans, but waited for the rest of them to arrive before exiting his vehicle. they walked into the building as a group, y/n and scarlett already at a table. the hostess seemed shocked to see the group but led them to the table which was in the back of the restaurant.
y/n and scarlett weren’t paying attention, immersed in a conversation together, so he walked quietly behind y/n and placed his hands over her eyes, careful not to smudge her glasses.
“oh my god, you made it!” she said, excitedly.
he chuckled, taking the seat on her other side. “how’d you know it was me?”
“cologne. and also who else would dare?”
“i dunno, jolly said something about being your soulmate, so he might dare.”
“okay, he might. but he wears a different cologne. did you know that smell is the sense most linked to memory?”
“i missed you, smartypants,” he said, kissing the side of her head. 
“missed you more,” she said, smiling.
“be gross after dinner,” scarlett said, not a hint of seriousness in her voice. 
“you ladies both look very nice tonight,” jolly complimented.
“thank you. it took so long for us to find something perfect for the night. still has to look good with bowling shoes, ya know,” scarlett answered.
the rest of the table carried on in conversation while noah placed a hand on y/n’s thigh, pulling her attention to him.
“i didn’t get an actual present for you this time and for that i’m so sorry. but i did get us a hotel room for the weekend so we can spend some much needed time together without these yahoos.”
“you don’t need to beat yourself up about not getting anything because all i wanted was you here. i think a hotel room is a great idea.”
he kissed the side of her head again as the waiter walked up to the table to take their orders. 
dinner was filled with laughter and good conversation, as it always is when they all get together. noah’s hand rarely left its place on y/n’s thigh. it was a subtle touch but after being gone from her for as long as he had been, though not as long as a normal tour, it was all he could do to not beg her to skip the bowling and go straight to the hotel.
when she stood up at the end of dinner and he saw her outfit in full, he had to stifle a groan that threatened to erupt. she looked so good and was wearing heels that made her legs look even better than normal. 
he shook himself as he noticed her stretching her hand out to him with a smile. “c’mon, we have pins lanes to dominate.”
he stood, his hand in hers, and followed their group out to their vehicles. 
“who’re you riding with, love?” scarlett asked.
noah was already opening the passenger door of his car for her when y/n shot scarlett a glance, causing them to laugh.
y/n carefully slid into the passenger seat of noah’s car before he shut the door and slid into his own seat. “you look so fucking good, doll.”
“thank you,” she blushed. “i wanted to try something a little different from the last couple of years.”
“i liked those to but there’s something about this that makes me a little feral.”
“good to know.”
“you sure you want to go bowling?”
she laughed. “yes, of course i want to go bowling.”
“yeah, right, of course,” he choked out.
“noah, we have all weekend.”
“trust me, i’m aware.”
“but i did tell scar that we’d be late because i want to pick up clothes for our weekend.”
“good idea.”
“i’ve been known to have a few.”
noah drove the familiar route to her and scarlett’s house, walked around the car to help her out, and held her hand as they walked to the front door.
once they were inside, he pulled her to him and pushed his lips to hers. her arms wound around his neck as she returned his kiss with the same urgency. he walked them until her back hit the closest wall and let his hands roam down her body to the backs of her thighs. he pulled, indicating to her that he wanted them around his waist, she obliged. he broke from her lips and she put her forehead against his as he walked them back to her room. 
“i missed you so fucking much,” he said, his voice husky.
“i missed you,” she breathed out.
“i know you want to go bowling with our friends but just give me a little more time.”
“okay, i can do that.”
he pushed open her bedroom door and kicked it shut again as they entered. he laid her on the bed, pecking her lips before sliding down her body and kneeling on the carpet in front of her.
“baby, can i please?” he almost whined out. “and then we can pack you a bag and go. promise.”
she leaned up on her elbows and looked at him. both of their eyes were blown with lust and hair was mused. “okay,” she said quietly.
“okay,” he said, placing a kiss on her thigh.
he slid his hands up under the skirt of her outfit and found the elastic band of her underwear and pulled them down her legs. he didn’t fight the groan that left his throat at the sight of the black lace underwear his fingers were pulling down. 
“my shoes,” she said, breathlessly.
“they’re fine,” he said simply as he hooked her knees on his shoulders. 
he kissed up the inside of one of her thighs to the apex of her legs. he used his tongue to lap up the juices that were already flowing out of her. he pushed a finger into her as he licked. he moaned into her, the vibration making her moan loudly as she snaked her fingers through his hair. he nibbled on her clit as lightly as he could and soothed it with his tongue. he inserted another finger and began working them faster as her breathing sped up.
“noah,” she breathed out, spurring him on.
he reached his free hand up toward her, and she released the grip of one of her hands on his hair to grip his hand instead. 
“c’mon, baby, i know you can do it. you’re so close,” he said as he felt her squeezing his fingers before continuing his ministrations with his tongue. he coaxed it out of her. she fought to keep her thighs open as she came, he continued until she was spent and breathing heavily above him.
he sat back on his heels and licked his fingers clean, her slick glistening on his chin. “fuck,” they said together, causing them to laugh.
“hang on, doll. let me clean you up before you start moving around,” he walked into the adjoining bathroom, grabbed a clean washcloth, and wet it before walking back to her, wiping his face as he did. he cleaned the inside of her thighs and any drippage from her core before placing her feet in the leg holes of her underwear and helping her pull them back on.
she raised her arms and he pulled her up. he chuckled as he saw her look in her phone screen with a look of horror. “now i have to fix my make up and hair,” she whined. 
“i dunno, i think you still look great,” he kissed her forehead.
“you would.” she said, attempting to stand. “you know, in these shoes i’m almost your height.”
“i noticed. my neck thanks them for their service.” 
she laughed again as he helped her stand, he laughed as her knees wobbled.
“stop that. and help me with these things,” she said, plopping back on her bed and bending to unbuckle her shoes.
he saluted her and kneeled once more to help her remove the high heels. 
she breathed a sigh of relief as she stood on bare feet and walked to her closet for a bag and her converse. he was at her dresser pulling out yoga pants, shorts, and a couple of t-shirts. she pulled out clean underwear and a different bra and some socks and stuffed everything into her bag. before they left she went to the bathroom and cleaned up her makeup and hair, motioning for him to sit so she could straighten up his hair as well.
he grabbed her bag as she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the front door, locking it behind them, and to the car once more.
once they were situated in the vehicle, she shouted enthusiastically, “to the bowling alley!”
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h2llish · 8 months
【╰ヾ❝ LOVER ✧„
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ROOK HUNT ━━━━ "i love you" ☆ angst, heartbreak, gender neutral, lowercase intended
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you and rook were an almost unlikely pair, your friends and everyone who knew the two of you seemed shocked when you started dating. you were just so different, they'd say. but you'd argue, in your eyes, between the two of you, you were actually quite alike. your friends didn't know what you meant, and you never explained, even when they asked, so they learned to just let it go.
while everyone thought you guys to be very different, it wasn't unnoticeable how you and rook cared for each other. while rook was known to be extravagant in his person, you weren't, but nonetheless, neither of you were shy of showing the other how much you cared. and that also meant showing the rest of nrc in the process.
you loved him, it showed.
rook remembers the first time you told him you loved him; it wasn't when you confessed to him, and it wasn't on any of your dates. but he still remembered the scene of it all down to the smallest details. he remembered, because it left him hurt. he remembered because of the choice you made after.
rook realizes more than anyone, that falling in love with the prefect not from his world was probably a bad idea, but it's not like he could very well control his feelings. and it certainly wasn't an option to ignore his newfound crush on you, when you approached him and confessed your feelings.
but despite how much it hurt, if asked, rook would never say he regrets loving you, even when your choice in the end was made clearly.
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it was common for you two to meet up after class when rook wasn't busy with science club or vice housewarden duties. usually, you'd sit silently studying or completing schoolwork, happy to just be in the presence of your boyfriend. sometimes you two did talk, and rook always did his best to make you smile.
and it wasn't any different at the time; you were silent as you focused on studying for an upcoming test. (which, looking back at it, was useless as you didn't stay long enough to take it.)
"ortho found me a way home."
he's happy you weren't paying attention to him, focused on the study material in front of you. because then you would've noticed the way he frowned and tensed for just a moment. he forgot, so distracted by the euphoria of having you as his that it slipped his mind that twisted wonderland was not your home. (how careless.)
you finally turned to look at him, and he smiled, feeling his bones begin to ache at the thought of you leaving. he couldn't bring himself to celebrate for you, even though he wanted to, he wanted to support you. he knew how much you missed your home; he's been at the end of your moments when the homesickness became too much, and you needed someone to lean on. he wanted you to be happy. (were you not you happy with him? ── no, you were, but not enough to stay.)
you reached over, taking his hand into yours and lacing your fingers together, looking distraught ── about leaving, he thinks (so stay). you held his hand close, and finally sighed as you placed a kiss to his knuckles, "i love you, rook."
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rook should've been overjoyed knowing you loved him too. but under the circumstances, he couldn't find it in himself to celebrate. because he knew what you meant, the underlining of your first i love you.
"i love you, rook." but not enough to stay.
but perhaps it didn't matter how much you loved him; you would've never chosen him first. not over your home.
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i really should be focusing on my series but i don't feel like it
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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azullumi · 2 years
kamisato ayato — modern relationship hcs ☆彡
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summary — kamisato ayato, the school's student body president and your boyfriend.
pairing — kamisato ayato /gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship, modern au ; headcanons
word count — 700+
note — this was supposed to be 3 characters in one but yeah. i'll focus on requests once i get some time ^^
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"Hello, sweetheart, when are your classes going to end?"
Not surprisingly, he is in a position of power—once the people learned that he's going to run as president, nobody competed against him and he won by default. He is quite famous in both students and teachers due to his charismatic personality and charming face, as well as the intelligence he holds.
How did you even bag this man? That is the question you ask yourself every time you see him because, Archons, he's so perfect and amazing. But, him, hearing and knowing your thoughts, he makes sure that you don't feel small or insecure and lets you know that you're perfect and wonderful in your own kind of way. He's the one even wondering how he ended up with such an amazing person like you.
"Is (Name) here? Oh hey, there you are. You forgot something in my house so I came to give this to you."
He doesn’t tell you but he likes to show off even when it's just through subtle actions like walking you to your class during the morning or taking you out during lunch so you could eat with him. Definitely likes to wear the gifts that you give him and if someone asks him about it, he'll immediately say it's from his lovely s/o which is you.
He occasionally asks you to come over to his home, reasoning that his sister misses you already even if he's the one who actually does. What will you do there? You could just watch, play games, or anything with him, depending on either of you two's moods. Sometimes, you'll just spend some time cuddling and gossiping about the students in the school.
He would also schedule a study date in a nearby library or just in his home but the thing is, the two of you won't spend your whole time studying—occasionally being distracted by the things around you and flowing through a different plan than the one intended, you'll end up doing something else that is not in any of your plans.
"Did you know a student beat up their friend after they lost the student's favorite pen?"
"What? Is that the one that happened in the cafeteria?"
And not surprisingly, instead of falling asleep in each other's arms, the two of you are just chatting in bed while holding one another, telling stories and everything that you know to him.
The two of you wouldn't even notice the time and how you spent hours chatting and gossiping but it's fine because you got the juiciest and delicious tea of all and it's exclusively just for you.
"Did you know that this girl, a student from another school, was being cheated on by her boyfriend?"
"You know that's common, right?"
"Not when the guy was cheating on a dating app and it turns out that the girl the guy was cheating with was still actually her girlfriend who was using a fake identity."
Despite his busy schedule, he always manages to make some time for you. He takes you out on dates, helps you with your schoolworks, and anything. Loving, affectionate, and sweet, he dotes on you and makes sure that he is able to convey his feelings of affection to you.
He'll make sure to always accompany you home so that he is assured that you returned to your house safe and even has your schedule memorized so he knows what classes you are going to take for that day (since the two of you are in separate sections)—honestly, he just loves reminding you over text that you're going to have next the subject you most hate with your whole blood and entire family tree and seeing you be filled with dread and despair as soon as you'll learn about it has him chuckling.
If ever he'll be unable to accompany you though due to duties and tasks holding him back, he'll tell you as soon as possible while apologizing, however, you have a choice to stay and wait for him to finish, lending him a hand on the area he needs help on. He'll be happy if you decide to do so but would feel guilty as he might be bothering you or anything and he'll just have Thoma or Ayaka accompany you—you'll have to reassure him and tell him it's fine.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, let's go home already, hm?"
One thing that he loves to do while you two are walking together is holding hands or linking arms, he likes the feeling of his fingers laced with yours or how you would cling to his arm and be close to him. 
You two would also occasionally eat at a cafe or drink in a boba shop if you have some time left and it's still not dark while going home, often visiting newly-opened ones. Oh, but if you don't have money? Not a problem really since he'll be glad to use his wallet for you. He loves spoiling and treating you to anything even when you won't ask him to do so.
In the students and staff's books, he is the definition of perfect.
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catohphm · 2 months
HPHM Ship Week '24 Day One - Quidditch
The Day before the Match
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Special thanks to @autisticarachnid and @eternalchaoschocolaterain.
This is the first of my fic for @hphm-ship-week! I have been writing a trilogy of short fics about my main MC x Canon ship over the summer for this event. It is my MC Cato paired with Penny Haywood, which I like to call Reesewood. I've been long-awaiting for it to come and now it's here. These were so fun to brainstorm and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them!<3
The fic begins after clicking the "keep reading" cut below.
The next day would be the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Cato Reese, one of the Ravenclaw team’s chasers, had been trying his best to focus on transfiguration homework. He was in the courtyard studying with Rowan to complete the assignments. They had just finished for the day when Rowan saw his best friend looking concerned.
“What are you thinking about, Cato? You can say, I won’t assume anything.”
“I’m having a hard time getting my mind off the match tomorrow, Rowan.”
He leaned in closer to Cato “I get uneasy whenever something big comes up too. It’s never stopped us from passing exams or being on time with homework, even the vaults.”
“Well, I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s hard to keep those thoughts to the side. I think it's because every challenge is different, so are the steps.”
Putting up his hand up to his cheek, Rowan commented in a thoughtful tone. “Hmmm, I see where you’re coming from on that. I doubt it is necessarily a problem, though.”
Cato quickly paused and elaborated “I’ve been trying to remind myself of that. It’s hard because there are so many things going on.”
Something clicked in Rowan. “Ravenclaw honors and values big achievements in learning, being intelligent and knowledgeable.”
“Yes, Rowan. It’s the pressure to do well when you’re dealing with the cursed vaults and people who doubt, or depend on you. I’m trying to enjoy my time here, I’m only fighting them out of a sense of duty.”
Cato’s friend nodded. “I wouldn’t worry about letting anyone down. You’ve got us, your friends. I’m confident you’ll best Slytherin in the game.”
“Thank you! I best put the vaults aside for now. They’re missions that take time to complete.”
Penny was walking by. She saw her friends and approached them
“Hi Cato and Rowan! How’s it going?”
Cato spoke first. “Hi Penny. I was a bit worried how well I’d do in the upcoming Quidditch match against Slytherin.”
“He’s been stressed somewhat about everyone expecting highly of him.” added Rowan.
“Ahh, I know how hard it is being popular.” Cato and Rowan encouraged her to join them. The Hufflepuff smiled and sat down with her two Ravenclaw friends. 
She then elaborated “Many of our classmates look up to me because of my beauty and my skills at potions. I really do appreciate it, but they must remember it all comes naturally.”
“That’s a great point!” Rowan exclaimed then frowned. “Sadly people these days tend to take those things for granted.”
In a somewhat exhausted tone, Cato reflected “I only wanted to build my skills in magic and make friends at Hogwarts. Never have I imagined in the first place that I’d have such obligations. Schoolwork is one thing, but all it together with quidditch and the vaults is too much.”
Penny and Rowan rested their hands on Cato's shoulders. He looked at both of them on his sides and felt brighter.
“I wouldn't dwell too much on trying to impress or prove to everybody. I try to pay attention to my own work first.” she said.
Rowan added “We can only do the best we can. All we want from you is to be happy, do well in class and stay in touch with you. We're always by your side regardless of what comes, Cato.”
“Thank you, Penny and Rowan, it does mean a lot.” their friend answered with a warm smile and nod.”
Rowan then got up from the bench. “I need to return this book real fast before the library closes. I'll be back.” Cato and Penny nodded in response as their friend went to drop off the book.
With them having a short moment to themselves, Penny then spoke.
“So, Cato, are you still feeling nervous about this at all?” she asked him.
“Still some, I guess. Worrying about getting knocked off my broom by a bludger keeps me going in the game but it's more a hard thought to shake off more than anything, Penny.”
She smiled. “You can always keep me in your thoughts.”
“Ah, Penny, how so?” he asked in a giggly voice.
“Even if you get knocked off your broom by a bludger, I'll be there with you in the hospital wing.”
She then kissed him on the cheek. It made Cato blush a bit and laugh. “How could I never count on you, Penny? You've always done your best to look out for me ever since the day I first faced Merula in a duel, got in trouble just for standing up for Ben and helped me up, get my things when I fell trying to face Rowan about to be late for Charms. That's some real above and beyond stuff.”
“I've always appreciated that about you, Cato. The prophet and those other students, they treated you harshly for what? Stuff your brother did when you were just at home? I could never see any of that being true in the first place. You've always been there to help people who need it, even when you know it goes against the rules.”
“I still did what was right?”
“Yes!” assured Penny. “It doesn't make anything you did less right, Cato. I wouldn't worry about it. Rest up when the time comes for tomorrow, I have faith you'll make an amazing effort for the team!”n
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Batman au but Thomas Wayne lives
Thomas lives, and well Bruce has his Uber traumatised ready to murder people father.
Thomas becomes Batman, his favourite weapon is the gun that killed his wife and a scalpel bc he’s poetic like that.
Bruce being literally 8-10 is like
“dad where are you going don’t leave me!”
He has like really bad attachment issues now.
“Son I have to avenge your mother”
“dad, what-what are you going to do? Can I come with you?”
“no you can’t”
Bruce follows along anyway sneaking out to find his dad, he watches him suit up in his Batman suit it looks scary as fuck but little Bruce keeps following
(Thomas doesn’t have like Uber amazing fighting skills he’s just strong and a doctor”
little Bruce keeps following along making sure he doesn’t lose his dad, until they come to a weird warehouse. It’s old rundown and looks abandoned, Thomas enters little Bruce is still scared but he can’t leave his dad.
Thomas enters the warehouse and pulls the gun from his holster. And starts staring at the man who killed his wife.
“You thought I wouldn’t come back for you huh? How does it feel to be in the same situation again?” Thomas says darkly and loud.
little Bruce is off to the side confused why his dad is doing this, and starts sneaking towards him.
“Man I- I- don’t know what you want! It was a hit! It was a hit!”
“You know what I want.. I want your blood spilled. But it won’t be quick no, it will hurt. It will hurt so badly you’d wish you were dead.”
“Please- ple- I will give you anything you want! Money! Bitches! Smokes! Whatever! Just leave me alone!”
little Bruce has snuck up and starts asking his dad what’s he’s doing?
“Dad! Wh- why are you threatening that man? You, you said all life was-was sacred! That’s not okay! You shouldn’t um kill people! You should turn him over to the police!”
“Bruce? What are you doing here?! You should be in bed!”
“Dad I can’t sleep. I don’t wanna lose you like mom”
Thomas stares at Bruce and back at the man who killed his wife, and he sighs.
“Okay Bruce, okay. Your lucky, your so lucky don’t you ever tell anyone you saw me or your life is as good as gone, trust me I follow through with my promises.”
“Yay! What do, we do now?”
“Well Bruce we are going to take this bastard to the police, and then we are going to have a LONG conversation about what you just did”
“Jesus what the fuck are you doing”
Thomas grabs a tranq and stabs it into the man.
“Okay dad!”
flash forward a couple years, Bruce is 12 and he is very very determined to follow his dad out on patrol.
he even made his own version of the bat suit with Alfred’s help!
he dubs himself “batboy”
and starts to follow his dad, his dad isn’t as stealthy as him he’s been practicing for a while now.
but he follows, his little black cape and gray and yellow suit modeled after his favourite show gray ghost, and a domino mask cover his face.
he can barely keep up with his dad but he does, following him through alleyways and up. Eventually he stops and he goes up to his dad to hug him.
“Bruce! What are you doing here?”
“No! Dad call me ‘batboy’ I thought that.. if I made a costume I could join you!”
Thomas stares at him, he looks adorable and so happy.
this isn’t the first time he’s done this and it won’t be the last, the kid sneaky and persistent this is the 4th time this week he’s snuck off to go find him.
maybe it won’t be so bad, but he just can’t fathom anything happening to Bruce.
“Okay ‘batboy’ you can only come on patrol when you finish your schoolwork and are able to fight. I know you will keep following me again and again but it’s just not safe, go home buddy, go home.”
Bruce sulks and heads home, but with a new goal. Learn how to fight! And finish all his school work, if he does it all he’ll be able to work with his dad so much faster!
so we have a training montage of Bruce being taught by Alfred and him getting self defence lessons and learning how to use different weapons and stuff.
by the time he’s 13 he’s completed all his schoolwork and has gotten into college, and learned a ton of different fighting styles and tactics.
he also started learning about forensics and criminal justice and sciences, his dad may be a doctor but he’s not really good with the whole forensics stuff.
he actually just passed it off to Bruce to Learn about, Bruce is estatic about being able to work with his dad.
eventually Bruce tries again and sneaks out to follow his dad, his dad is going to take down a mafia deal. And Bruce feels comfortable with going and helping his dad.
he arrived shortly after his dad and sneaked into the battle field he started running at a goon and thumped HARD against them. Whilst laughing and turning to face his dad.
“Hiya dad!”
“I finished my homework. And I know how to fight people now, I did everything you asked of me so why am I not allowed to help you?”
Bruce said while jumping onto someone and start punching their face.
“Dad, this is nothing this is a Tuesday for me!”
Thomas scowls, but let’s him continue to fight.
they quickly defeated the mafia and high-five!
“Maybe I was wrong batboy, maybe you can help me fight crime.. but there’s still more to learn, and I’d prefer if you stuck to your studies.”
“Aw, really wanted to help you dad!”
too be added idk, here you go please write more about them
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arabaka · 9 months
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸ sfw. serizawa katsuya x afab!reader. 1.6 words. while i don't mind ageless/minors interacting with my sfw posts, do NOT follow if you do not have your age in bio.
₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. author's note ⤸ wowie this has been in my drafts for a thousand years so i thought, why not post <3 i do have a chapter 2 of sorts, just need to polish it up! thank you for reading <3
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He never used to do this…
Play video games online, that is.
Serizawa Katsuya had long preferred games of the retro persuasion; they were a familiar comfort, much like a security blanket. For so long, he’d only known a controller with a single stick and two buttons and that had been enough for him. It still is, most days. But that all changed when he found a new reason to turn to his desktop computer, the one he saved up every 1-yen coin for from his job working for Reigen.
But it wasn’t the graphics of new age games that kept him coming back. It wasn’t the carousel of variety that got his chair rolling and his PC buzzing. No, it was never something– it was someone.
Now he knows your name but your username used to come first. It was how Serizawa met you after all, when he was still a complete and total noob to the pixel MMORPG you’ve frequented since day one. 
And like most things, your friendship with Serizawa happened by chance. You were helping a buddy out, shepherding them if you will because after all, they were trying the game out because of your incessant begging and pleading. You needed another person in your group after all, a certain raid requirement wouldn’t let you participate otherwise and you’d much rather go in with a group of friends than some randos that might steal all your loot in the end.
Serizawa just happened to be in your party when playing as a duo through the tutorial. After you tore down the first boss, an aquamarine monster made of slimy goo, Serizawa had typed an innocuous question in the main chat.
『 How do I equip the armor? 』
And you weren’t about to ignore the help of someone trying the game out for the first time. So what started as casual advice turned into a friend request popping in your inbox… Then spontaneous meet-ups…
『 Hey Gyudon-san! Are you going to be playing for long? 』
『 Hello! Yes, I have an hour. 』
『 Want to play together? 』
『 Yes! Thank you! 』
Turned into repeat plans…
『 Gyudon! I have a day off tomorrow, want to play? 』
『 Yes! That would be fun. I have night school but we can play after. 』
『 How are your studies going? Don’t play if you have a lot of work! Education comes first :p 』
『 No, not a lot. I want to play with you! 』
Which then led to chatting outside the game…
『 Gyudon-san, do you use LINE? 』
『 Yes, but mostly for schoolwork... 』
『 We should add each other! 』
『 Okay! 』
… And that’s when you learn his name for the first time. Serizawa Katsuya. The discoveries wouldn’t stop there; with the game no longer a crutch for communication, your conversations became a staple for having a good day. Good morning texts, good night texts. You messaged him when you saw something that reminded you of him, things that went beyond your shared interest in video games. He was so kind, you could feel his warmth over the phone even from simple messages; you have so many of them saved because sometimes, you need a pick me up from the man in particular. When you are on your phone with a smile that makes the apples of your cheeks glow, more often than not it’s because of him.
“You so like him.” One of your friends tells you one day over a bowl of ramen and they just know that it isn’t the steam rising from the broth that’s making your face clammy all of a sudden.
“He’s just– He’s a really good guy! Can’t I have friends?” You remark, stuffing your face with noodles and slurping loud enough to hopefully drown out the teasing that would soon follow. But you know they’re right. Who else do you think of when the lights are off and you’re left to ruminate in your bed, the mattress seeming larger and emptier as the days go by? Who else are you always looking forward to calling, even though phone calls aren’t really your thing? How many times have you looked up train tickets and times for Seasoning City, only to click back with your heart thumping in your eardrums?
“Don’t you want something more?” The words bounce off the walls in your head long after you say goodbye to your friend. 
Don’t you want something more? 
You can practically see the words when you close your eyes as you try to go to sleep but it’s deep into the night already and you’ve been tossing and turning for hours now. You stuff a groan into a pillow, cramming your face in the plush to silence the sounds even though you live alone. You groan because… you do want something more.
But does he?
You don’t know if you can live like this. Pining is one thing, something you’ve apparently been doing all this time (and you’ve known, god you’ve known but coming to stare it blank in the face is making your heart stutter at a pace that makes your chest cavity feel like it’s going to break at the seams if you’re not careful) but living in a shadow of doubt makes you feel even worse. 
“So that’s it,” You grumble into the pillow, “I gotta do it.” The pillow wilts in your arms from all the tight squeezing, the sheet blotted with a few drops of frustration straight from your scrunched up eyes. You grab your phone– no, you’re not doing it now but you figure, since you’re already going down this path, you might as well soothe yourself by rereading some of his messages from earlier.
Only, when you go into your chat history with Serizawa, you see three little dots greeting you from the dimmed screen. 
🗨 I can’t sleep… I hope you’re resting well.
Your thumb jitters on the screen, your last swallow lodged in your throat as you read the message. 
🗨 Same here. 
That’s it? That’s all you can come up with? You don’t want the conversation to die here so you’re flipping through conversation notecards in your brain, chiding yourself for not having anything to say when suddenly, you get another message.
🗨 Would you like to talk on the phone?
You say yes. Your stomach bounces, fraught with nerves, but you say yes. And when you answer, you don’t see the face of your phone until hours later when the sun’s already come up and a new day’s begun. 
“I didn’t realize what time it was… Sorry…” Serizawa sheepishly apologies and you swear you hear him stifle a yawn at the tailend of his words. Cute.
“No, no– it’s okay! Talking with you always makes my day… Night. Day and night?” You stumble over your words but it seems to charm him nonetheless, Serizawa’s soft laughter a gift to your ears. You wish you could hear it in person.
“I– I feel the same.” He briskly coughs, almost like he’s working himself up to something, “I– I was going to ask you… My last week of school is coming up. My friends want to have dinner and I– I was wondering if–”
Your shirt wrinkles in your balled up fist, trying as you might to still the beating of your heart but failing.
“If you would like to come? Y-You don’t have to, of course!”
“I’d love to!” You blurt out, incapable of keeping your lips in an airtight seal for any longer. “J-Just tell me the date!”
And he does– it’s in two weeks, which feels like so much time and not enough all at once. You put him on speakerphone, smiling all the while as he scrambles for the right words; is he as worked up about this as you are? You’re already on the shuttle website, looking at the price of tickets, debating on buying them early just because you can. 
“... It’s going to be a lot of fun, you’ll like my friends,” Serizawa’s voice drifts back to focus, “and I’ve… Told them about you too.” He’s blushing, glad that you can’t see the red painted across his cheeks. 
Your grip wobbles, phone nearly falling on your face when you gasp, “You have?!” 
“A-Ah, should I not–”
“No, no! I’m – I’m happy you have! I’ve talked about you to my friends too… Besides the ones we play with…” How is it already 7 AM? “Hey, you don’t have to go to work or anything do you?” 
You hear him yelp, “I-I do! I have work! I gotta go! Sorry!” 
How can somebody sound cute even when they’re panicked? How smitten with this man are you? “Go, go, go! Talk to you later, Serizawa-kun!” 
The phone line ends. You wish it didn’t. You already miss him. You blink, your retinas burning from the lack of sleep, your lids suddenly so heavy you can’t help but… Close them for just a little bit…
And when you wake up – is that really the time? – you’re greeted with a flurry of notifications but the only one you really care about is the message from Serizawa.
🗨 Very tired at work but I am glad we got to talk. I hope we can do it again sometime. 
Sometime would end up being an understatement. You go a day, tops two without talking over the phone, the next few times coupled with alerts that remind you to GO TO SLEEP because otherwise… You’ll end up repeating a sleepless night and as cute as Serizawa’s eye bags were (he’d sent you a selfie for the first time that week, which you stared at for an amount of time you are still too embarrassed to utter aloud), you weren’t about to make them worse… Though you were tempted.
And so was he.
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The third Schemmenti
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Sister!Reader, Emily Prentiss x Writer!Fem!Reader
Warning: angst, hurt/comfort, drunk calls, Child neglect, Melissa being a prune, mentions of passing, sickness, mentions of divorce
Word count:1,113
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"You should read this book" Jacob spoke to nobody in particular "What's it about?" Janine asked as she took a seat beside him. "It's a story through the eyes of a girl about her family, she was the middle child. Always had to be great-do great, she was the black sheep".
Melissa kept her eyes on her crossword as she listened to him continue "Ann, Ellie and Marie are all sisters, Ellie is... a glass child". Melissa's ears perked up Ann, Ellie and Marie were the names of her and her two sisters.
"She has a book signing this Sunday, we should go" Jacob suggested before being shut down.
Later that day after work Melissa raced to the nearest store to find that damned book plaguing her mind. It was too familiar to her and the author didn't help when she held it in her hands.
Y/n Schemmenti
I listened from my bedroom next door as my older sister sobbed over her grades, she wasn't failing but wanting to please our parents was hard. I waited as she went to the bathroom to wash up the remnants of her tears before slowly treading into the kitchen.
I made her a cup of tea, leaving it on her desk so she wouldn't have to lie to Marie, the youngest of us three. Still innocent to the world of grief and the next day when Ann left for work after school, her cup was empty.
And as I washed off the residue of her pink peachy lipstick I struggled with how to help her not become like me. My parents often spoke about our differences, Ann and Marie were perfect while I was always out of touch- too "unique".
Ann was tired when she arrived home just before dinner, I knew her schedule by now so I had done her schoolwork. Placing it neatly in a folder that she'd slip into her bag by the morning ready for college.
She was always out of the house and the same went for Marie, where Ann had a job Marie had dance. My hands placed face down on the counter as my mother placed a kiss on their faces praising them outwardly.
Melissa lifted her head from the book "It was her all that time?" She whispered as her voice cracked slightly. The redhead sighed angry with herself, she'd berate you for going into her room not realising that you were the one doting after her.
I hope she wasn't angry with me, Marie. Bless her, loved to raid our wardrobes for whatever pretty dresses she could find. One day Marie had been careless ending in Ann's beautiful green silk gown to be ruined.
Ann had worked hard for that dress so she'd look good for Joel, a man she'd one day marry. When she arrived home I took the blame, I couldn't fathom Marie being punished so I took the hit.
My days soon became school, work and protecting my sisters from as much of this gruesome world as I could. I worked to replace Ann's dress, late nights and early mornings until my back was numbed from pain and my fingers nearly bled.
Marie had asked me after I came back with the new dress in hand why I took the blame for something I hadn't done. I merely shrugged saying "It's my job to protect my sisters" Marie nodded but I could see in her eyes she still felt guilty.
"Oh Y/n/n, I'm so sorry" Melissa whimpered to nobody as she almost sobbed, she too had never understood anything until now. Why you had left, never attended family dinners, ignored your parent's calls, you were strong.
The redhead continued to read until the early mornings of Saturday and even though she had watched you grow. She found that there was still more of her little sister she had yet to learn.
My sister had called me for the first time in five years, drunk. My mother had passed, and I wasn't invited to the funeral although the family believed that I had been.
Ann began to blame me for her divorce, our mother dying, her fallout with our sister Marie, Nonna becoming Ill and much more. I listened to her for hours as she screamed, cried and begged.
Ann was in her mind meant to be the strongest since she was the eldest but she forgot that she too was human just like me. She had passed out exhausted from her wails, I called her best friend to check on her the next day.
From Virginia, I flew back to Philadelphia to visit Nonna for what I thought would be my last time. I held her hand as I cried beside her hospital bed, she told me to give it time...Ann would come around.
Marie would be the first to call again, Nonna would be fine that she had pulled through. I visited when I could, my sisters- we had changed. Nothing would ever be as they were and I'll always carry the burden.
But almost fifteen years later, Ann still hadn't come around, maybe it was her pride or naturally strong will. Sometimes I wonder if she misses me just as much as I do her, my older sister was well and truly my dearest friend.
Melissa held her breath as she walked into the now rowdy bookstore, there you were...her little Y/n/n. She had heard you laughing at one of the smaller children's jokes as you signed their mother's book.
You were glowing in your sky-blue summer dress, Melissa took her place in line anxiously waiting to talk to you.
She thought about turning around and leaving once she was next in line, you looked up with a gasp. "M-Melissa?" She dropped the book softly onto the table below "I read it, your book" she whispered.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologise, I'm sorry too"
You had stood rounding the table to hug the woman, it hadn't been until you were in her arms that she noticed your swollen belly. "You're pregnant?" Melissa asked "Number two" you giggled before a joyful "Mommy!" Boomed before little arms were around your legs.
"Baby, who's this?" Asked Emily as she pressed a kiss to your cheek "This is Melissa honey, my sister". Your wife nodded before looking over at the redhead "Agent Emily Prentiss but you may call me Emily" she teased.
"Oh em ghee" you groaned "The feds?" Melissa asked looking your way "She's hot" you argued.
"Thank you, Emily, for taking care of my sister for me. God knows she deserves a person like you"
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