#how do mfs move on to be platonic ???
redwhiteandmorallygay · 8 months
this is actually on loop in my head. my skull is missing my brain bc this video is just echoing repeatedly in it instead.
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randomperson3736 · 7 months
hello! could i request platonic batfam x sister reader who has seizures? maybe the first time it happens and how they would help her deal with it (i understand if you aren’t comfortable 👍)
A/N: Hiiiii! Thank u for her request and I am so sorry it took so long for me to do 🙏 and I'm more than comfortable doing this request 😙
~How the batfam would react to batsis having a seizure~
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●I feel like the first time you ever had a seizure would be at one of Bruce's galas.
●Like one minute you would be talking and laughing with your brothers and the next you were having a seizure.
●I'm not gonna lie, i feel like Damian would first recognize the signs of a seizure and he would immediately spring into action
●He would quickly assess the surroundings to ensure there are no objects that could harm you during the seizure.
●He would also carefully observe your condition, making sure nothing changes during it like- nose bleeds or vomiting.
●During this time, he would remain calm and reassuring, offering words of comfort to you experiencing the seizure. He would avoid restraining or trying to stop the seizure, as it's crucial to let the seizure run its course. Instead, he would focus on ensuring your safety and providing support.
●Unlike Damian, dick would freak out if he saw you having a seizure.
●Yes he would jump straight into action but dick would still fear that something bad will happen to you during that time.
●He'll move away dangerous objects so you don't hurt yourself during the seizure.
●Dick would be the type of person who would hold your hand during it and repeat, "You're okay" or "you're gonna be okay".
●Once an ambulance does arrive, he would not leave your side. He'll definitely start fighting a paramedic if they said he couldn't ride with you to the hospital.
●I feel like Tim would be calm on the outside but freaking out on the inside.
●Like yes, he's a nerd and I believe he would have some knowledge about seizures and the best ways to help you through it.
●He may or may not pass out during it but hey, he'll be there in the hospital when you wake up. (May not be slapped awake by damian or Jason)
●Jason would kinda be a mix of dick and damian.
●He would move sharp objects away from you and try and help stop the seizure the best he can.
●Jason most likely would be yelling at people to move the fuck away from you and God help anyone who makes fun of you for having seizures. This mfs would be died- damian would help hide the bodies-
●Bruce would remain calm and call for an ambulance straight away.
●He would make damn sure that you had the best doctors helping you.
●Bruce would also make sure that if the media posted about you having seizures... let's just say there will be some long written apologies in the news for while.
●He's VERY overprotective of his babygirl. (I mean all the batboys are)
●And if you do have seizures regularly, they would do all the research they can ro help you through them.
●They'll still love you no matter what.
●But if someone did say anything mean about you having them.... let's just say some people about to be murdered.
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weebsinstash · 4 months
more valentino PLEASE 🙏
How does the saying go, "i want this man in ways that are concerning to feminism"?
I was thinking of how Angel used to live in V Tower and, how fucked up would it be for him to receive a good morning text from Val to head up to his room, and AD is thinking it's a booty call, but it's ACTUALLY Valentino being a manipulative piece of shit
Angel comes into the room and Valentino is already half or fully naked but like, he's not hard or anything and Angel is confused? The moth is just, chilling naked smoking with this satisfied look on his face? And Valentino just, gives him some menial command to run him a favor, and he pauses mid-sentence to turn and call out YOUR name before regarding his Fizz Bot, "Kitty, why don't you make my baby a drink?" and you're just like, slinking out from under the covers, ashamed that Angel now knows you slept with the Overlord, let alone someone you know uh, treats him pretty fucking poorly (although I imagine not like, the entire entire brutal extent of it, also, Angel Dust using Reader as a shield against Val because they're both calmer when you're around)
Could you imagine some scenario, platonic romantic it doesn't matter, where like. Angel is talking to Valentino and he sees you in the corner of his eye and he just stops mid sentence, does a double take, looks at you half naked in his boss' bed, and Val forces him to focus and carry on the conversation while he's crying. Angel is just all but sprinting out of the room by the time he's dismissed and Valentino may even play fucking mind games to make him like, MARINATE in how horrible this makes him feel. Valentino is dragging out the conversation and putting on his nail caps or doing his skincare routine at his vanity and making Angel sit there and wait as he's deliberate dragging on his sentences and constantly pausing but if Angel moves to leave Val snaps IMMEDIATELY. So Angel is just. Forced to stand there.
VALENTINO TALKING TO Y O U, MAKING YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ANGEL AND THE REVERSE. Valentino being manipulative and awful and shitty and doing shit like "so Angel baby, I was gonna take a trip to the spa tomorrow, mhm, and also hey you're coming too *looks at you* so Angel what do you think we should get my other amorcito over here done?" the evil bastard is making you two talk to each other, about each other, when you're both like, IN TEARS
Angel, trying to hold on to the last shreds of his sanity: s so... h have you... ever had a facial before
Valentino pausing from doing his mascara with the biggest shit eating grin on his face: oh yeah, someone just had a really, really BIG one
Reader, happily getting drunk off the drink Kitty brought you because it helps take away the pain of this entire interaction: a. .. a massage or something might be nice
Valentino, doing his contour: but baaaabe, I thought you told me you were shy about who puts their hands on your body. Are you trying to make me jealous?
Angel, desperately trying to ignore Val blowing you a kiss and you clearly having bites and hickies alllllllll over you like there wasn't a single inch of you the moth didn't put his hands mouth or otherwise on: uh huh! Cool! So! Guess we can! Decide later right! :)
Valentino, doing his nails: wrong 💅 I also need you to
And the mf is just doing that shit for like 20 minutes straight which doesn't SOUND like a lot but when you're standing there just talking and waiting and, especially having a moment like THIS, it's just DRAGGING ON, and when Angel finally leaves, you're crying, and here's Valentino, "awwww, pobrecita, come here, what's wrong?" and hugging you and you need the comfort and you're drunk and, now maybe you're just a little scared he's the only person you have left....
Also. Bonus round for the angst. Can you imagine. Angel runs off and it's you sleeping with Valentino that finally hurts him so much he's finally RUNNING running away, meeting Charlie, having another place to live. He's still working under contract but the second his shift ends he's out of the studio without another word because... he can't protect you anymore. He feels like this is his fault. He failed Molly and now he failed you and he's worthless and trash and an addict loser-- meanwhile you're beating yourself up because you've lost your only friend down here and also your biggest supporter and Valentino all but lovebombs you (and the worst part is, it's genuine and if you reject ANYTHING, he's getting Offended Bigly)
Ugh. Ok. I'm sorry. Finally finishing the post with one more thing. Valentino is definitely the type to give you expensive gifts and he doesn't actually care about the amount of money he spends on you BUT, will use the fact he's spent so much money on you to manipulate you IN A HEARTBEAT
And also. You're not allowed to reject gifts because it sets him off in like 5 different ways. "Oh so my gifts aren't good enough for you?" "Do you have any idea how much I spent on this?" "I TOOK THE TIME to get this for YOU" God forbid if it's something custom. Could you imagine he offers you something and he doesn't immediately tell you it's custom, like he's got sketches in a notebook somewhere, this is MADE WITH LOVE ableit his creepy obsessive love, and you could literally have a very polite "oh my gosh I couldn't that's so expensive I, I don't deserve it, wow" where you're obviously very happy but just shocked and feeling guilty, like a FLATTERING rejection that is obviously an insult to YOU, NOT him, and he's just. The switch fucking flips. His head tilts. He lets out a hum as his smile pulls way too tight. Lashes out within seconds. Grabs you. takes that jewelry or watch or expensive thing he bought you and literally forces it onto your body, and he's not screaming or raising his voice, he's getting right up in your face and growling out the deeeeeetails of how he got this for you until you're crying and apologizing for your ingratitude
Ugh he's so cunty and mean and awful UGH WHY WOULD I LET HIM HIT, he would use that heart shaped belt he has to put heart shaped welts on your ass and then set your cute bruised heart covered butt as his phone wallpaper and your icon in his contacts and save your name as Ropebunny or something rhfkcsbfkhdxkfh
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kechiwrites · 2 years
i hate toxic baby daddies but toxic bd!ghost seem like the type of mf throw a fit whenever you tell him to come get his son (let’s call him tommy after Simon’s brother cus i feel like he’d try to honor his brothers memory that way) so you can go on a date. he thinks just because you two created another person together, you belong to him even though you guys aren’t together. You go on your date and look outside the window just to see him in a car with your baby in the car seat. 😭 i feel like he’d just do mad corny shit to ruin any chances of you moving on.
No because he would pretend to be so nonchalant about it too, sending you off while he assures you that your house won't burn down around them in your absence. It's all very new, Ghost being in your life as a permanent fixture, but you have rules firmly in place to keep things civil (and platonic) between you. But you couldn't have predicted him gleefuly pushing you out the door and into your uber to spend an evening with another man, but hey! maybe people change.
Meanwhile, he's plotting exactly how he'll crash your date with poor little Tommy who at this point is just along for the ride.
You haven't been on a date in so long (because no matter what he insists, letting Ghost finger you in the kitchen while Tommy watches Cocomelon in the other room doesn't count), and it's not like the guy's the next love of your life or anything, but it's nice to be wanted, to feel wanted by someone who doesn't have court mandated contact with you. So you accept the invitation to dinner, and yes the guy is handsy, but your ass is fat in those pants and you'll put a stop to it when he gets outta pocket. It's actually a surprisingly fancy place and your eyes go wide as dinner plates when you scope some of the prices. So imagine your surprise when you spot your ex and your son who can barely stand the sight of non-dinosaur shaped food sitting innocently at the table across from yours.
You barely toss your date an "excuse me" before you’re stomping over to his table, demanding to know just what the fudge he's doing here?! (you're both trying to limit your profanity in front of Tommy). "The little one and I were just feeling hungry, ain't that right, Boo?" and your sweet little baby is just happy to see you, waving his little hands in the air from his booster seat.
Before you can continue to read him the riot act, he's up and in your face, crowding into your personal space and clapping a heavy hand against the soft curve of your ass, well within the sight of your date, digging his fingers in until you’re pressed chest to chest with him.
"We'll see you at home."
Your date ends pretty quickly after that.
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Platonic yandere!Ace & Deuce
Warning(s): Yandere shit, unhealthy behavior, this shits only good for fiction irl this is no fuckin good obv, basically me rambling abt whatever comes to mind, cussing, not edited
A/N: getting more into yandere shit again, might write a fic at some point, but knowing me i doubt it lol. Sorry for the extreme lack on content, ive recently moved and been so much busier then i ever expected, also no wifi yet so its rly hard to to this on the computer. rn im pet sitting for a friend and they let me use their wifi so im able to write.
These two as yanderes wouldn't be too bad in all honesty
their just both extremely overprotective
and maybe Ace is a lot tad manipulative
Deuce just wants you to be safe and happy.
They downright refuse to let you alone with anyone that has or has tried to hurt you, it took a lot of convincing and reassuring just to let those ppl near you period
and there are quite a few ppl that fall into that category,
All the house wardens + Jamil
except for Kalim,
I cannot express into words how much they hate Crowley,
The tweels,
just in case.... (≖_≖ ),
he and Leona are kinda a package deal in that regard,
for B6 spoiler reasons,
And a bunch of random students
cause a lot students at this school are assholes.
And i think that's abt it so far-
Deuce worries so much abt you all the time, he's like a clingy big dog
he rarely lets you leave his or Ace's sight
Ace acts like he could give a rats ass abt you but rly he worries just as much as Deuce
These two will do virtually anything for you
want answers to a test?
they got them for you by the end of the day!
some rando bothering you?
this world might have one less person or a hospital might gain a patient!
want Ramshackle cleaned
that mf is ganna be spotless once they're done with it!
ok maybe not the last one they'll rly just casually clean when they're there and in a month it'll be sparkling
The only downside to this is that they will always bicker wth each other while doing these things.
Oh Ace and Deuce almost never leave Ramshackle btw
Just imagine having a clingy dog and cat and that's abt the same experience.
Oh and this might go without saying, but by the end of the story they won't let you more than 6 feet away from either of them at all times
and i mean ALL
also there is no way in hell you are ever going to go home
these two will fr get a sledgehammer and go to town on that mirror no matter the consequences.
Buuut before that, they'll mostly Ace try and convince you to stay willingly by saying almost anything from guilt-tripping you too antagonizing your friends and family.
Decue will try to convince you too stay by getting you things, both sentimental and otherwise
he might even go back into stealing if the time comes.
Overall, rly these two aren't all that bad, but kidnapping is still on the table if they ever need to take dire measures....
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poppy-metal · 14 days
angsty patrick au where the reader is a holdover from his closest days with art, a friend of the two of them who didn’t know jack about tennis but was always there to cheer the two on. she stays friends with him after the rift forms between him and art, one of the few constant supportive presences in his life, the two of them becoming attached at the hip. she’s spent years pining for his affection in a non-platonic way, and he flirted and was physically affectionate in torturous ways (holding her hand, cuddling, manhandling, compliments that make her feel lightheaded) but patrick is patrick and never saw her that way. after years of only the occasional meaningless relationship used a balm for patrick zweig related wounds, she actually finds a partner she thinks she could go the distance with and thinks the only way it can really work, is if she distances herself from patrick a bit. after all, this might be her only chance to find someone who loves her how she hopes to be loved right? it cant just be her and patrick forever, and it cant be her and patrick and her partner. this distance makes him question everything, is there something wrong with him? did he make her get tired of him? why do all the people he loves end up away from him? why does his stomach turn when he thinks of a life without her close to him? why does he hate her partners face and voice and how they think they have the right to be with his best friend? (sorry for the novel lol i just had the thought)
why do all the people he loves always end up away from him? AW HELL
patricks the kind of mf to go all laurie from little women, "dont marry him," like you didn't give him YEARS to recognize you as a woman he could fall in love with or fuck or date and it just makes you want to cry and yell and throw things at him because yes, you're still in love with him, yes it feels good to hear him say those words but it also hurts - because its too late and you found someone who wants you and shows it and you have to hold onto that and he cant - he cant just be a spoiled brat who cant share his toys. you're not a toy.
except, you kind of are. your patrick zweigs favorite toy who's been plucked from his room and he wants you back and he IS spoiled and a brat and an egotistical asshole but you knew all that from the start and you still hung around, still fell in love with him, still stayed by his side. he's not going to let you go so easy.
and you can blame it soley on him all you like, if it helps you sleep at night, but you're the one always rising to the bait, always answering his texts, always meeting him under the guise of telling him to back off - only to end up clawing him closer when he drags you into a kiss. you can say you've moved on all you like, like you aren't wincing through sex with your partner and secretly anticipating the next time you'll be under patrick instead.
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insuke69 · 11 months
My god, uh- part three but this is before y'all get together
DIFFERENT POVS AHSHDJ Warnings; Miles doin a little prowler stuff, Just description of someone who was beaten.
(So, there's gonna be if he asks you out/crushes on you first, we both know damn well you wouldn't do shit if you liked him and he were real.)
implied female reader :[
When Miles was crushing..:
-He'd draw you, like- during lunch if you're done eating and just laughing with friends he draws you sitting and with your smile
If you don't hang out with anyone during lunch then he'd draw you as you sat by yourself with a calm neutral expression while you did your own thing.
-Bold mf yet shy. He'd ask what you're doing and act all smug and confident but as soon as y'all stop interacting he'd over think his every line
did she actually like that joke? she looked upset, wait- was she? why didn't I ask what was wrong?
-He was always himself around you, yet toned it down when he didn't know exactly how you'd react to him.
-when y'all had your first date, this man is a gentlemen and picked you up in his motorcycle, (yes I declare he has a motorcycle.) He called you gorgeous in every way possible along with more flirty or bold lines
"Damn, If I knew you were this fine than I would've dressed up more myself."
"jealous of your belt, my hands would feel better on your hips."
he was always hella smooth with it too.
-he first asked for your number and he texted so politely for a good first impression. "Hey, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to dinner with me sometime?"
"Alright, perfect. see you then 😗"
but a lil after y'all actually date he just ..is.
"When did yo say the daye was"
he's a fast typer.
-Hated seeing you talk to other guys when he was just crushing on you, mostly pissed at himself for not growing a pair and asking you out though.
okay this is just a scenario I cannot stop thinking about once I said that:
you were freshly broken up with your cheating boyfriend- well, you were never labeled but he made you seriously think it was exclusive and that'd piss you off beyond belief, Miles was the perfect shoulder to cry on. Never once did he make a move on you during that time. "That prick said he didn't care for labels but got a public girlfriend after 4 months of being with me!" You mumble out with small tears of frustration pooling in your eyes, your vision was blurred a bit so you couldn't see Miles reaction. He was seething.
how could a guy just use and fuck with you like that? He doesn't deserve to even be treated as a man, much less a person.. But Miles simply comforted you in that moment and reminded you how it was to be cared for platonically, or at least that's how he showed it. The next day? your 'ex' was nowhere to be found, the day after that: he went to school battered and bruised, broken nose, black eye, limping and bandaged everywhere. He told everyone that he was just chilling out in an alleyway by his house and some rando with a purple dark mask and metal gauntlet kind-of-thing just attacked him. weird. Vague coincidence that Miles' knuckles are bruised and he visibly bites back a grin as he hears your ex talk about it. what helped most was that when you told his girlfriend about what your ex did to you, she dumped him and told everyone exactly why, which made him lose any pity he could have gotten.
-Was terrified to tell you he was prowler, never knew how you'd actually react. THATS IT OMFG IDK- DO I MAKE A P4?!
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talaok · 1 year
platonic(?)!spencer reid x gn!reader reader gets friendzoned and calls spence to feel a bit better-- the mf shows up to their door with snacks. reader is all hurt so crying before spence hugs them and they just melt d o w n and spence tells them how amazing/beautiful/handsome etc they are and how much they deserve can you tell I'm having a bad day LMFAO THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU WRITE THIS MWAH MWAH TAKE CARE OF URSELF <333
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I looove this idea sm. also, I've never written a gn reader so if I've done something wrong, don't hesitate to tell me.
"What happened?"
you had just said hi, and somehow, he'd already figured something was wrong.
"Nothing it's-" a sob fell from your lips-
"hey..." he cooed, worry tracing his tone "What is it y/n?"
"I-" you felt hot tears fill your eyes again, "I talked to Thomas"
"That's good, right?"
"well he-" another sob, "he said he doesn't want-" you paused, sighing deeply "he doesn't want to be with me" you fully cried now 
"he said he just sees me as a friend"
Spencer felt his heart skip a beat.
It was as if he could physically feel your pain.
"I'm sorry y/n" was all he could say "he doesn't deserve you" he said "I mean who would say no to you?"
"him, apparently" you forced a laugh.
"I'm coming over," he said, resolute
"no Spence you don't have to-"
"I'm coming over y/n, don't even start" he decided, and you heard shuffling as he probably got up
You paused, as you took a deep breath.
"thank you" you could only whisper.
"you don't have to thank me" he shook his head "I'll be there soon"
__ __ __
You felt like you had just hung up the phone when he knocked at your door.
"hey" you said weekly
"hi" he whispered, not even giving you the time to fully open the door before wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry" he murmured, your head was against his chest as he smoothed your hair, "he's an asshole" 
You chuckled a bit, as tears streamed down your cheeks nonetheless.
You hated how pathetic you looked. Crying over a guy like you were 16, but there was nothing you could do, the tears just never seemed to stop.
"no hey" he leaned away to look at you "Don't cry over him," he said "I'm here" his eyes were full of worry as they dug into yours "and even if I might not be as handsome as that other guy" you laughed "I, at least, come bearing gifts"
"you're serious?" you asked, sniffling, and he reached back outside the door, his hand coming back full.
chips in one, and chocolates in the other.
You were beaming.
"I love you Spence" you squeaked, hugging him so tight he probably couldn't breathe.
"hey there, now, don't go overboard"
" 'm not" you mumbled against him "Thank you so much," you said, and then, just like that, the tears started again.
It was like a waterfall with a broken dam.
"no hey" he moved some hair out of your face "Here, let's sit down" he suggested, closing the door and guiding you to the couch.
countless used tissues sat on it, and Spencer felt his heart break as he saw you reach for a new one to dry your tears.
He had tried comprehending what you'd told him after you'd called him, he had tried to wrap his head around it, but the truth was, he couldn't understand.
He couldn't understand how someone reject you, how someone could not love you.
"I'm sorry I'm just-" you sobbed "I don't understand" you cried "I feel like every person I like doesn't want to have anything to do with me"
"That's not true " he spoke, sitting beside you 
"but it is"
"y/n you have men and women falling at your knees everywhere you go, you do realize that right?"
You chuckled "But not the ones I like"
"that's because they're stupid"
You wanted to laugh, but the weight on your chest impeded you to.
"I just-" you looked up at him "I don't-" a sob climbed up your throat "I don't know what's wrong with me"
"y/n " he stopped you immediately, holding your face between his hands "you are the most brilliant, beautiful, and amazing person I've ever met," he said "You deserve the world and everything else there is to deserve" he explained "there is nothing wrong with you, if anything, you're too perfect"
You were shuddering as his words warmed your heart.
"so please don't think even for a second that anyone who'd be with you wouldn't be the luckiest person on earth, because they would" he promised "and if Thomas can't see that then he's clearly not even remotely good enough for you, y/n"
His thumb was troaking your cheek so gently you felt like you could melt.
"you'll find the right person, who will see you for all you really are," he said "I promise" 
"who, when?" you asked, 
me, now. A familiar voice inside of him suggested, but he quickly silenced it.
"I don't know" he welcomed you as you snuggled closer to him, hugging him once more "but I'm sure you will"
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remotepixel · 5 months
Hello! I love your work so so so much it's so good!! I was just wondering if you could write a platonic yandere Tony stark with a biological male reader who wants to gain independence? Thank you so much 💗💗
Thank you so much, I'm always happy to hear someone likes my work!! <33
Also, thank you for requesting :))
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Growing up with a famous father, especially one targeted by numerous terrorist organisations in the past, you have a lot of regulations placed on you.
-Trackers, CCTV, bodyguards (that are only hired after a lengthy questioning), anything you can think of.
-You’d be home-schooled and would only go out if either Tony or Pepper (maybe Rhodey if it was urgent for any reason) can go with you.
-It was a way of keeping you safe at first, but it turns more into a game of keeping you where he wants you.
He knew you would want to explore more as you grew up, and, if if he was being honest, it scared him.
-What if you lost interest in talking to your dad and started hanging out with other people? Other people who could have any intentions and could easily break your heart?
-Or got dragged into danger just because of your ties with him?
-It was selfish to keep you isolated just because of his own insecurities/paranoia, but he justified it for his own mental benefit.
When you first approach him to gain some more independence, he shuts it down real quick.
-If it’s a small idea, like maybe getting your own bank account, he may go along with it, but he’ll probably hit you with an excuse not to.
-Like, “i’m a billionaire, ask and I’ll just get it for you”.
-He probably sounds patronizing on accident, which doesn’t help when you’re trying to be taken seriously for once.
-If it’s something pretty out there, like wanting to move out, you’re getting questioned (after a long silence).
-He’ll try to hide how offended/upset he feels about you even bringing up the idea but you can easily tell.
-He’ll desperately refute anything you’re saying, even if it means missing the point sometimes.
-You don’t want to completely cut him out of your life, but that’s what he’s assuming.
-He’s given you everything he can, done everything he can to be the best father? and yet you don’t seem to care (you do, mf is spiralling).
Obviously, the conversation ends with no but, in the aftermaths, he’ll think over your suggestions with a clearer head.
-I think the overall outcome of this depends on your personality.
-For example, if the sheltered-ness of your childhood is obvious and/or you’re more naïve than most, he’s more inclined to keep with disagreeing.
-You don’t know what it’s like without him, and he thinks you won’t be able to cope.
-However, if you’re more confident, aware of the world outside your bubble, he has a higher chance of agreeing.
-Though, not fully of course.
-It’d be more of a compromise that gives you the technicalities and him the actual power.
-For example, he’ll give you your own apartment. However, he’s paying for it all (meaning you have no control over your own finances), it’s extremely close to his, he shows up whenever (aka everyday), there’s probably CCTV outside and still trackers installed onto your devices, etc.
-It’s like you’ve moved into a slightly bigger bedroom rather than your own house.
He wants you to be happy, and you might be able to push your luck if you act upset over his decision, but, at the end of the day, he’s your father first - what he says, goes.
If keeping you in the tower, somewhere safe where he can watch over you, is the only way he feels content? That’s the life you have to live with, even if it means threatening your independence.
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wowowwild · 10 months
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For my krisnix enjoyers. Pls accept my ramblings below.
Good evening. It's me, Mx. Wild. First and foremost, I don't think anyone does, but I definitely do not think they are health, just to be exceedingly clear. Also these are my mostly canon compliant musings, I have other 'if this, then that' headcanons I'm not shoving in here bc nobody has the time for all of that at once. Now, moving on.
Look, Phoenix has bad taste. Kristoph is known to make horrible decisions. Match made in a hell equivalent. Kris wants to keep Phoenix close bc he's paranoid, Phoenix wants to keep Kris close bc he's a sketchy mf (imo).
I think Phoenix would know Kris wanted something out of the relationship. Some random guy he doesn't know stands up for him and tries to be besties with him all of a sudden? Kristoph could absolutely spin it that he knew the legendary Phoenix Wright would never and he feels bad bc it was his little brother who exposed the fake and is so appalled that someone would frame Phoenix and he wants to get to the bottom of it. That's even believable. I don't think that takes away from the clear indication that Kristoph wants something out of the relationship.
And Phoenix isn't stupid. Don't get me wrong, mans is dumb of ass, but he's incredibly intelligent. I think fairly early on if not immediately he would expect that the relationship (at this point budding friendship) is transactional to a certain degree. And honestly, he would get a lot out of it, too. Someone definitively believes he's innocent and is helping him through the worst years of his life. At some point Phoenix figures out the truth, but I don't see any universe where him knowing that is immediate. There would be too much going on. They have time.
From Kristoph's perspective, he needs to keep Phoenix close and figure out what he knows at all times. Kristoph isn't stupid either, just spiralling further and further out of control. Once Phoenix begins to suspect, it's a matter of time before Kristoph suspects that he suspects. Whole lot of suspecting going on. But until then they have time.
So while they have time, they 're both putting into this relationship they have. They're 'friends'. From the outside it wouldn't look like it, but they care, Phoenix might care a bit more genuinely on purpose, but Kris would also have to care somewhat after all that time. Even if it was on accident, if someone is a big enough part of your life, even if you hate them, you start to care.
I think the type of person Phoenix is, is someone that Kristoph has not seen a lot of. Phoenix and Klavier are pretty similar, I can see him drawing some parallels, but he's not really close to Klavier at this point. I think Phoenix's true personality would be pretty disarming for Kris, he wouldn't know what to do, how to act towards someone like Phoenix. With that loss of control and stability, I can find him accidentally very quickly coming to care to Phoenix, despite also hating him. As strange as it is to say, you can hate someone without disliking them, just like you can love someone without liking them.
So taking this time, we've come to a situation where they care for each other. Depending on how long they have, maybe they've come to love each other platonically, romantically, and/or otherwise. But at some point Phoenix begins to suspect. It would be complicated for him. He doesn't want to suspect his friend of being a forger or eventually a murderer. It's hard to say exactly when those two dots might connect or which came first, but at some point he realizes these things. So what happens then?
Phoenix has learned his poker face by now, but Kristoph knows him fairly well at this point too. Phoenix can probably keep the fact that he's suspicious under wraps for a while. Even though Kris knows him well enough to eventually see through, Phoenix knows Kristoph well enough to know how to hide it. Kristoph can never get out of Phoenix anything definitive. Nothing that could be used as an admission. At this point they both know what game they're playing and that the other is in just as deep.
At this point, it would hurt them both deeply if they had fallen into a committed relationship (qpr, romantic relationship, exclusive fwb, etc.). Phoenix has to have some PTSD about the Dahlia situation, and Kristoph doesn't strike me as the type to have thought much about that type of relationship before if at all. He's honestly way too paranoid imo. I think it would cut them both deeply either way, but having someone you've committed to sizing you up like that hits a little different in most cases. (I am aroace but i've been in relationships, I am working based off of my own experiences which are not universal.)
They're out of time now. Any day the other shoe could drop. Kristoph could take Phoenix out of the game once and for all. Phoenix could find the one piece of evidence he needs to pull the curtain crashing down on Kristoph. In the end, it's the latter, but until that day they're frozen, stuck pretending everything is ok, playing their roles the best way they know how, time is standing still around them.
And then a hard rubber sole meets the concrete. That is my broad interpretation of the relationship between smarmy bitch Kristoph and shady asshole Phoenix (affectionate in both cases). I could pick all my little headcanons about this, that, and the other thing to show you, but I'll do that later if y'all want. (pls ask me questions, I would love to explore answers to them)
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snailsaxophone · 1 year
Arven headcanons for the soul
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ok first post im so nervous ahhh anyways at first its gonna be platonic hcs and then some fluffy romantic ones cause arven is very good for the soul
+ He does not know how to bake. He's amazing at cooking, but everything he bakes burns.
+ Really enjoys math actually, he'd offer to help you with it
+ Sucks at writing, he'd ask you to write essays for him lmaoo
+ Wakes up early. Has a good sleep schedule. Takes vitamins. He knows how important health is, and he's gonna make it his goal to fix whatever the hell you got going on.
+ Is really scared you'll laugh at him (when u first go to his dorm room he asks you not to laugh before he tells u his dream so not really hc but wanted to make it known)
+ he's a radiohead mf
+ you two would be picnicking and then he just starts whistling creep or something
+ i also think he's the type of guy to whistle a lot. you ever meet one of those people who just whistle a lot? he's one of those
+ he's taking a humanities course so i think he's doing that to figure out why his parents left and to see what he wants to do with his life
+ will visit you a lot. wants to hang out a lot. he has a friend now and he's gonna enjoy it
+ despite popular opinions, i think that after the events of area zero arven is ready to move on past his parents judging by the way he acts at the academy if you go back and talk to him.
+ will visit you when ur sick (might do a whole fanfic on this cause i just got over being sick lemme know whatchu think)
+ ALWAYS has first aid supplies on him, so if you ever get hurt within a fifty mile radius of him he's gonna take care of you
ok more romantic ones now
+ blushes VERY easily
+ will always give you flowers
+ he's like one of those kids who were raised by their grandparents (clavell) he's a true gentleman. will hold the door for you. will pull your chair out. will give you his coat when its cold out.
+ you're probably his first lover, so he's gonna do everything he can to not mess this up. he's gonna doubt himself sometimes
+ but more importantly, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need it. even when you don't think you need it. if you've had a rough day, he's the first to notice, and he's gonna whip you up a 5-star meal and take good care of you
+ he's an outdoorsman, so you're gonna have a lot of hiking, picnicking, and exploring dates.
+ he'll take you to see the ten sights of paldea (ok maybe not paldea's highest peak, but he'll do everything else)
ok thank u for ready im so nervous posting this lol anyways request some stuff please thank you :)
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beansnsoup · 1 year
can you share some of your (romantic or platonic) luigi hcs? literally anything, i am scouring this site for crumbs of this man
Literally me
Luigi headcanons
*Platonic and romantic
Warnings: Fluffy tooth rotting fluff, gn reader, slight spoilers to the movie
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The two of you became acquainted after him and Mario officially moved to Mushroom Kingdom.
You offered to show him around and teach him how everything works around there.
That was the start of an endless friendship.
Every time he and Mario are away on an adventure, he'll send you letters and photographs, bragging about how great he's doing.
You're also each others wingmen. When you two are at a party, that Princess Peach held, he'll walk over to someone you have your eye on and then vice versa for you.
You guys also get drunk and sing karoke a majority of the time at these parties, causing the people you just picked up to sneak out.
You'll steal his hat and hide it, like all the time, the mf looks naked without it.
He will also invite you over to eat dinner with him and Mario.
You guys also have sleepovers where you just have a night in and watch chick flicks.
Let's just start by saying he will praise the ground you walk on. He honestly doesn't know what he'd do without you.
He loves to spoil you, like say you saw something you liked or even just looked at for 5 seconds or more and he'll buy it.
Most of your dates are just stay in, he will make you dinner and then you'll both cuddle up enjoying eachothers company.
He isn't too big on PDA. The most he will do in public is hold your hand and kisses on your cheek and forehead. But he is still fairly clingy.
The two of you are attached at the hip. When someone needs to find one of you, all they have to do is track down the other.
When you both are by yourselves it's very different, he always has his arms wrapped around you and is flooding you with tiny kisses.
When a fight between you guys occurs he's always the first to apologize, he'll go straight to the door of your home, or if you're living to together the door of your room, and drown you in sorries.
You honestly can't not forgive him.
Your romance is very cheesy too, even though the two of you are together, you'll share stupid pick-up lines and give each other the most dumb nick names.
I love this man
He'll also go out of his way to learn about anything you're interested in, whether it be a book, movie, TV show, etc.
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imayanderesimp · 2 years
Can you do yandere Shigiraki clan when reader has white hair and emerald eyes and is weak like Yoichi ( all for one's brother)
shigaraki clan x gender-neutral reader (platonic yandere)
word count: 516
characters count: 2,866
edited: yes
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all for one:
overprotective : 6/10
clingy: 4/10
Manipulative: 10/10
Delusional: 9/10
sadistic: 4/10
impulsive: 2/10
self-indulgent: 3/10
obsessive: 7/10
Probably the most attached to you as he thinks of you as his brother and honestly projects how he treated his brother to you.
he doesn’t see you as somebody different he sees you as his brother so don’t be surprised when he slips up and calls you Yoichi.
He will manipulate you so hard because that's what he’s great at so prepare to be gaslighted by the biggest gaslighter of history.
If you try to escape: He’ll just look at you all disappointed. He’s probably the one who found you after you escaped because he has connections.
punishments: he just locks you up and treats you like a baby coddling you and telling you you’ll never escape while using a voice you use to talk to babies. But piss him off too far and he won’t hesitate to Dark Vader choke you in the air
rewards: letting you spend like 10 - 30 seconds outside and getting you stuff you want from stores and that's it.
summary: He truly loves and cares for you like you are a baby and would do anything to make you happy. Just play your cards right and you’ll be fine and on your way out of the base in no time.
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Tomura shigaraki:
clingy: 8/10
obsessive: 7/10
manipulative: 5/10
overprotective: 9/10
sadistic: 4/10
delusional: 6/10
self-indulgent: 7/10
impulsive: 11/10
He sees you as the little sibling he never had. He honestly adores you and will give and attend to anything you need.
He was a little jealous of you at the start because all for one paid more attention to you than him but he slowly started getting more and more protective of you.
Tomura doesn’t have much self-control and his patience wears thin with you sometimes so be careful because he may accidentally hurt you and mock you for being weak.
if you try to escape: he’s so angry mf will be cursing every curse word at you and won’t let you go anywhere for weeks even going so far as sitting by the bathroom door like a cat waiting for you.
punishment: threatens to disintegrate you and your family and breaks your kneecaps so you can’t move so you rely on him. He takes away all privacy for you and makes you beg for him to do anything
Rewards: plushies anything you want from your favorite brands and maybe a tiny little bop of time outside and also cuddles from him.
summary: watch your back because at any moment this mf may snap and hurt you so play your cards very very carefully.
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That's all the energy I have left I would add Yoichi but I’m too tired and I have a family reunion tmrw.
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soluchi · 2 years
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SUMMARY: them reacting to your death but ur being a little whore
WORDS: 1.6k
WARNINGS: death, suicide (technically, the reader jus wants to die, part 7 spoilers, mostly platonic but can be read romantically
PARTS: 4-7
NOTES: none of this is in order i write as the ideas come 2 me (slay i sound so artistic), i havent written for some of these characters but it's not obvious cause all of it is actual dog shit, I DO NOT HATE GIORNO i just wrote his part first n thought everything else wld b kept shprt 🤡
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josuke higashikata
appears calm cause you won't stop fucking joking around
  please assure him tht it's ok for him to cry
will try to heal you but you're like "hey. quit it >:("
jesus hes literally a mess
"you can cry, i know losing such a hot and sexy person wld hurt extremely." "*tearing up* hot and sexy mean the same thing"
"this must be payback for that time i told a 6 year old he looked like a chewed up lego." you laughed. before josuke even moved, you gripped his wrist and stared at him like a dead fish. "if you fucking pull out crazy diamond, i'm going to bring you with me."
he looked away from you in guilt. "you're too young to die." you scoffed and squinted at him. "dude, i'm literally older than you." when you flopped on him, he almost fell over. "yea, by a year." you punched him lightly, as that was all you could manage. "jesus christ man, i'm dying. are you seriously going to be mean to me while i'm fuckin bleeding out?!"
after a semi comfortable silence with you staring at josukes eyes and josuke trying to look you in the eyes. he couldn't do it, he couldn't bear to watch the color drain from your eyes. it'd hurt too much. "your eyes are pretty." you smiled at him.
"are you trying to be nice now so do can go to heaven?" you scowled at your friend. "can i not be nice?" he wasn't staring at you directly but you could see his deadpan expression. "not in practice." you sneered at him. "but i just was." he rolled his eyes and a tear fell out from his eye. "barely."
"...hey, josuke. you know you can cry right? i'm sure losing such a stunning and breath taking person would hurt immensely." there were tears dropping on your face before you could even finish talking. "stunning and breath taking means the same thing." you pushed him slightly as a response.
he holds you as if you would turn to dust right in front of his eyes, and because all that he's seen, you're pretty sure he expects that to happen. "do you think the afterlife will be fun?" he considers what he should say, hearing the tiniest bit of worry in your voice. "probably not, but you'll make it fun."
your dimples show as you smile up at him, pretending not to hear the crack in his voice because i'd make you sad. "i didn't know you thought so highly of me." an impossible amount of tears escape his eyes as his voice quivers as he feels you starting to go limp. "you know i love you, right?"
"no shit."
giorno giovanna
he litch rillee does not know how to react
and it's not really his fault cause you keep on acting like a fuckin goofy goober
like damn bitch shut up !!! anyways.
bro can barely talk like aw :( mm :(( anyways !
another mf tht tries to heal you when you literally just want to die like damn 😕
"hey, giorno." you called for him but watched the sky, laying on your back. "now that this... mess is all over, are we finally going to get to vandalize the boboli gardens?" the blonde slightly flinched at your laughter. "ah, shit!" you groaned, half because of the way your ribs felt. "do you think i'll have enough time to try every biscotto della nonna? maybe prank a tourist one last time?"
his hands are shaking but they still find their way to the left side of your waist. "you're fine, you're fine. i can help. you'll be fine." he notices that you've stopped talking but he still brings his stand out. "giorno."
the way you say his name with a tone he thinks hes never heard you use. you sound so sweet and tender at this moment, despite what's actually going on. this makes it all the more unfair because there's still so much of you that you haven't shown to the world, or even him. 
"remember to visit the boboli gardens for me."
jolyne cujoh
she won cry cause her momma didn't raise a little bitch !!! (lie)
when u hit her w tht "stay gold, ponyboy" type shit she starts fuckinf bawling
yall know tht monologue johnny from the outsiders does in the hospital
"17 years ain't long enough!!!"
she starts bawling
like, damn, bro !!! was tht really necessary !?!?
at least she wasn't making a big deal about this, you smiled at your friend. "just one time, before i.. go, you've got to promise me that you'll eat microwaved cereal at least once." you laugh at your choice of words, and jolyne laughs too, but it sounds a little forced. "you know you can cry right? it's just us and i'm literally dying. who's gonna tell?" jolyne exhales from her nose, slightly turning her head to the left, so she wouldn't have to stare at the blood on your lips.
when you finally found what you were looking for, you took jolyne's hand. "jolyne, you know how i've been joking around and wishing that someone would just kill me? i mean, i guess it's still true but..." you squeeze her hand, and she can't keep her eyes off of your hand. you felt so cold. 
"i can't believe im gonna die in a fucking prison!" you lament. "god, my mother was right." the blue bunned girl wants to say something when she sees you crying, but she doesn't know what. "it's not enough. i didn't get enough time! there are so many things i could've been doing if i wasn't rotting here!"
jolyne stares at the floor which you lay on, contemplating her next words. "hermes and i are planning to escape. somehow, i can get someone to help you and-" you nod your head until your eyes light up. she savors the moment and burns the image into her brain. hopefully, it'll help her cope with another friend dying to protect her.
"this," you put something cold in her hands, but it wasn't necessarily cold like your hands. when she opened her hands and glanced at it, she looked back to you with furrowed eyebrows. "this is your..."
you sat up, at least to the point where you were able to hug her. "take it with you. i feel like if you take my most prized possession, i'll still be alive. diamonds and rust probably won't work anymore, but at least i'll still be out of here." 
"i'm gonna miss you." you say after closing your eyes. "hey, you haven't died yet. quit being dramatic." you laughed softly while deciding to ignore the way her voice cracked. "i'll come back to haunt you so i can tell you what the afterlife is like."
you opened your eyes for a few seconds to see her smile. you always loved how her eyes crinkled when she smiled, even when she was crying. jolyne wiped her eyes and held your hand to her face. "bring back a souvenir."
"i already gave you my necklace, greedy."
johnny joestar
"we was bout 2 make it out the hood bro what the fuck 😭😭😭"
you touched your chest when you saw the president sucked into the ground. when you made the contact, there was something liquid like on you. "oh." was the only thing you said when you raised your hand to your eyes. you must've been injured while the three of you were shooting at each other, you thought while staring at the crimson liquid.
johnny turned to you after hearing your reaction, to what he assumed was the death of funny valentine. you were eerily quiet for someone who jokes even in the worst situations. you took your attention away from your hand and on to johnny. when you opened your mouth, you coughed up blood while johnny watched you in dread. 
"johnny, you need to get to a doctor." the fact that you didn't say 'we' did not go over his head. "you..." you pursed your lips and looked to the ground. "this journey sure has been fun, huh?" you force out a laugh when you see him tearing up. "i told you already i knew i was going to die on the road. it's been fun being your friend."
"but we're so close, you- you can't-" you attempt a smile, but it only makes the situation worse. "you can finish for me, don't be a whore." the blood on your hand is drying and the texture makes you uncomfortable. "i'm so sorry." you finally look him in the eyes and you wish you didn't. "i truly hope you find happiness after this."
god, he really was a loud crier. or maybe it was the fact that he had no one else left. "i don't know if you're crying cause i'm going to hell or because i'm dying right now." after yelling a string of curses, he crawls over to you. you warned him about doing this because of his wounds. "fuck! you can't just... can't you use heart shaped box?" you shook your head. "if i could, i still wouldn't." he wanted to hug you but he was afraid that you'd be cold. he wasn't sure he'd be able to go on after this. 
"i'll kill the devil for you after i die. maybe i'll beat up god too." he couldn't even glare when you made that dumb joke. "are you seriously going to go out without having a single moment where you weren't joking around?" you grinned at him and closed your eyes.
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yall have no idea how many times ive reposted this shit trying to get it into tags 😭
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
I read your Platonic!Hyuga with his older sis (And Rocky). And I love itt!!!
I was thinking about Murayama since this man is just straight up... man-child... Anyways!!
I imagine that when fights between sword and Mighty over, Y/N came to check her lil bro and Rocky while she was checking on them Murayama shamelessly come and whining about how hurts his hands is (that mf's hands literally full of blood) and asking to patch him up (Y/N mother instinct instantly kick in of course she would agree)
I dunno about Rocky but he probably jealous...a bit..??
But Hyuga? If stare could kill, Murayama would die in miserable ways
And Murayama looking at them and just like :D
Could you write little scenario of this? Have A Nice Day!! XD
('M sorry, my English is suck)
Platonic!Murayama x Hyuga's Older Sister x platonic!Hyuga x Rocky
a/n: okay, I had SO MUCH FUN while writing this. My 3 favorite leaders are in the same story jdkdkkf It was a great request, I hope you like it ♥️🥳 More H&L requests !! (Sword gangs, Amamiyas, Oya and Housen High Students and Hope Hill 6)
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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When the fight was over, the leaders were proudly looking at each other. Everyone looked at each other and smiled at the news of victory. And at that moment, a voice was heard.
"Where is that little bastard?"
Everyone looked in that direction as the woman shouted from afar. The Daruma leader knew who she was as soon as he heard the voice. Rascals too.
Koo appeared next to the young woman, trying to block and stop her.
"Y/n-san! Please calm down! It's dangerous for you to be here."
Koo swallowed, looking seriously terrifying as the young woman turned her head to look at the man trying to stop her.
Rocky looked at Hyuga and shook his head. He took a few steps forward and when Y/n saw her boyfriend, she quickly rushed towards him.
Closing the distance between them, she quickly moved forward to the tall man in front of her and stopped in front of him. Seeing the scars on her lover's face, she softened a little and nervously put her hand on his chest and whispered.
"Are you okay ?"
Rocky smiled and nodded. Y/n let out a sigh of relief and frowned again.
"You're getting into such a dangerous fight and you won't tell me? For God's sake Rocky! Do you realize how much you worry me?"
When Rocky saw how serious and frightened the young woman was, he was upset and shook his head.
"I just wanted to protect you, you know-"
Before he could finish, the young woman sighed and wrapped her arms around the man across from her.
"I am glad you are well" Rocky smiled and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, kissed her hair and laughed.
"I know you're angry, but I still don't like it when you call me a bastard."
Y/n quickly broke away from him and chuckled
"I wasn't actually talking about you-"
Hyuga couldn't take this soggy scene any longer and called out.
"Hey Nee-san! I'm here too, you know..."
Her eyes twitched and she spoke angrily at the voice that interrupted her sentence.
"There's the bastard I was talking about!"
Rocky watched the young woman in surprise as y/n angrily left him. Watch y/n walk up to her brother and shout
"You! You're the biggest idiot I've ever seen, Hisa! How could you join such a big fight without telling me!"
Hyuga grimaced at his older sister's shrill voice
"Hey, you're so loud. I'm fine, don't worry!"
Hyuga grins as Y/n looks at him with disappointment.
"I'm really fine nee-chan, let's go home. I want to sleep."
Y/n rolled her eyes and looked around. Everyone had scars and bruises on their faces. She thought they were all stupid.
Hyuga smiled, putting the Daruma jacket on his sister's shoulders and ruffling her hair.
"Lets go"
Y/n nodded "I'm going with Rocky today, see you tomorrow."
As Hyuga rolled his eyes, y/n hit his arm and turned around.
Just then, she turned her head to the left at the sound she heard.
Y/n looked at the young man approaching him and pursing his lips and pouting. He had scars on his face like the others.
"Murayama-kun! Are you okay?"
Murayama nodded and showed his hands.
"Y/n-nee, my hands... my hands hurt so much..."
Y/n looked at the boy and his hands. Her eyes opened wide and she shouted in a shrill voice.
"Oh my god! My poor baby! What happened to you? Do you want me to patch them up?" Murayama smiled broadly and nodded his head as Y/n put his hands on Murayama's cheeks and shouted. Y/n smiled and squeezed the young man's cheeks and pulled her hands away.
Murayama smiled and bowed slightly. He loved his y/n-nee very much and loved to be pampered by her. But there was something he didn't realize.
Turning his head, he saw Rocky scowling at him and Hyuga looking like he was going to kill him, and he grinned innocently. Y/n took his arm and walked him towards the other two
"Hey Rocky, I'm going to patch this poor guy's hands first. Then I'll come to Heaven, okay?"
Rocky knew how motherly and helpful his girlfriend was. He sighed and said nothing as he knew she had absolutely no bad intentions. He was jealous and wanted to beat up that stupid brat, but he gave up and nodded his head lightly.
Y/n smiled and turned to her brother. Hyuga turned to her sister with a scowl and sarcastic tone.
"You know I have scars too, right?"
Y/n gave a smirk and turned serious when she noticed the jealousy in Hyuga's voice.
"If you can go without telling your sister, you can bandage your wounds yourself."
As Y/n raises an eyebrow, Hyuga rolls his eyes and gives Murayama another deadly look.
"Let's go Murayama-kun"
Murayama nodded his head excitedly and followed y/n. He looked back for a while and swallowed as Hyuga's hand went his throat and pretended to cut it. I guess he had made new enemies now...
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sultrybaby · 2 years
Fallin' (EN- REACTION)
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Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them.
Requested by: ANON
'Enhypen reaction to you tripping down the stairs and crashing onto them
Why? Cuz my head is running laps around the east coast prison near the asylum. '
💞Warnings: a lot of falling, im pretty sure there's cursing, really cliché at times, this honestly feels like a fever dream💞 Word count:200 something 💞Pairing: Enha x gn!Reader💞 Genre: Fluff, crack (can be interpreted as established romantic relationship OR platonic relationship)
Poor boy was coming upstairs to check on you
When he saw you coming downstairs. He turned away for like...1 second and suddenly u yelped.
He ran to you in order to catch you but in vain.
You just smashed into him.
Both of you fell on the floor, Heeseung suffering slightly more than you did considering u used him as a mattress when u fell, while he hit the ground straight up (RIP 💀)
You both start checking if the other was ok
"Dude you good?"
"I mean u almost curried me but yeah wtv"
"Hey I didnt MEAN to-"
U both make eye contact and just...start laughing.
"BRO that was epic"
"r u srsly bro-zoning me rn"
"i talk like this when im embarrassed shut up-"
I can imagine him just, catching u out of reflex
Like you would trip and fall and he would just extend his arm and casually catch u (Damn that's hot 😳)
"Uhh..thanks man"
"Oh baby, what would u do without me, mm?"
Tripping and falling onto jake would be so cute
Like i think you'd both be going down the stair when u trip, and he would wrap his arms around you and envelope you
"noo bby r u okay??? 🥺🥺"
You'd be a blushing mess because of how embarrassed you are, and he will just make it worse by pecking ur crown and being all "i caught you falling for me 😉"
He might even go as far as bridal carrying u down the stairs (provided he does not give up and jsut leave u on the stairs by then)
This guy would react similarly to jay
As in he'd probably catch u perfectly with his reflexes
But his attitude
He is NOT as carefree as jay
This cocky mf is not gonna let u forget about it god
You'd trip, fall, and land straight into his arms. And he would push you in until ur noses are almost touching.
"If ur so desperate to be held, u can just ask baby"
And you'd eyeroll but ur also secretly, like, so flustered
And honestly HE'S EMBARRASSED TOO he does not know where all this confidence is coming from
Like he'll manage one more 'I see ur falling for me" before breaking and bursting into laughter, his face a red mess.
And u would laugh along with him, hitting his chest.
"You dork😡"
"You clutz 😡"
Okay yall
Dont kill me for this BUT
I think sunoo would actually just let you fall LMFAOO 😭💀
Like he would be near the stairs when he would hear you trip
And he'd see you falling down, and he's jsut make that disgusted face he makes and move the fuck out of ur way like ur some dead insect
LIKE IM SAWRY but that is the only way i see this going down
And you would rub ur butt and stand up, and then he'd be like
"u okay?? 🥺🥺"
And yall would just bicker endlessly until he notices like a red spot on ur elbow and gets seriously worried
Prepare for cuddle night
The most normal out of all of them
U trip, crash on to him. He almost falls but then he catches his balance
He's lowkey amused but he keeps his cool and he's checking if you're okay
"Im good Im good dont worry"
He kinda dusts you all over
And then
Yall just go your merry way
Every once in a while he does bring it up when ur going downstairs tho
"Hey be careful...remember when u almost died"
"That's way too dramatic baby 😭"
The craziest out of all of them.
I feel like this would go down really badly.
He would probably be at the end of the stairs with some col drink in his hands, when you trip and fall
But he'd be listening to something with headphones in so he wouldnt know
Would get an inkling like a millisecond too late
You crash into him, he drops his phone and drink (which spills all over the two of you)
He would fall, and you would fall on him
Everything would happen way too fast and he would be so confused while you were embarrassed (and drenched)
You barely recover from the shock when you hear him yelp
Bruh wot 🤡💀
"Come on yn let's do it again"
So yeah you would somehow convince him to not do it again by getting him a new drink 
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@soobin-chois @one16core @hoonsmarsbar
@yogurteume @annoyingbitch83
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