#how you're the strange one for getting “too attached to friendships”
nocreativityfornames · 11 months
Don't you just love it when it's the middle of the night and that aromantic loneliness hits you in the face because once again you're thinking about the fact that society values romantic relationships way more than platonic ones and that you'll never be as important to your friends as they are to you because romantic relationships are the most valuable thing in the world and platonic ones will almost always be overlooked, left in second place, sometimes even forgotten?
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Final part to the Giyuu's Secret Family AU story thingy. This has single handily made me attached to the OC even though I still won't give her a name. Might draw her one day.... She/Her Pronouns.
Shinobu and Mitsuri seemed enraptured in Lady Tomioka’s tales of her friendship with Giyuu. The man she described was different from the one they had come to know. Telling these stories also helped calm her down and let Shinobu slip out to send word to the Master of her return. It was strange that the thought of love was so unbelievable but, here (Y/N) is, a blushing mess while just thinking of her husband.
“How cute..” Shinobu thought.
(Y/N) didn’t seem to mind, the dark and brooding Giyuu had disappeared a long time ago and now was her loving husband and father to their son. And Giyuu loved his son and wife so much. They both came from less than happy backgrounds. No village or home to return to or at least that would welcome them. Their families were destroyed and they hoped to forever be the loving parents for Hiroshi. That’s what (Y/N) loved most about Giyuu, he was hopeful. Hope was something she lost long ago but, if Giyuu believed in it, then she would believe in him.
Even when things got troublesome Giyuu still had hope and looked out for her. On one of her more troublesome missions, (Y/N) had believed the threat was over and she could sleep the night away. She fought valiantly and the village rewarded her for it. To her surprise she is awoken in the wee hours by a large crash. Just outside her room was Giyuu fighting a demon he chased from his location. Fighting with injuries and reopening wounds slowed her down but she managed to help kill the beast. She could barely stand from then on and the days following Giyuu would carry her back home, stopping at a Wisteria House along the way.
“You don’t have to take care of me Tomioka.” She said quietly as he rebandaged her leg.
“You say that all the time.” He stated. 
“I just… I don’t want to be a burden.” She replied.
“You aren’t.”
His tone had a slight tinge of annoyance. Hesitantly (Y/N) spoke again, “I don’t understand why you would care for me this much.”
“You ask me ‘why’ a lot. I care about you, isn’t that enough?” 
“I haven't done anything remarkable to be cared about by you. Or anyone for that matter.” (Y/N)’s voice trailed off. She clutched the edge of her robe, not trying to maintain eye contact.
“You are alive (L/N), that’s all I need.”
“I don’t need you to do grand gestures, you talking to me everyday is enough.”
(Y/N) was at a loss for words. She couldn’t hide her blush as Giyuu finished and looked her in the eye. She quickly turned her head to the side. Her heart was racing and emotions washed over her like a waterfall.
“I like having you around.” He said softly.
This only made her blush deeper. She wasn’t even sure of her own feelings when she blurted out, “I-I would stay by your side if you asked me to! You're one of my only friends, Tomioka, so I won’t be a burden anymore! I promise!”
(Y/N) continued on with her stuttering. Giyuu felt a slight twinge in his chest. Looking at her, he could only think of one thing.
A feeling he knew all too well. That wasn’t (Y/N) though. She could never be a burden to him. She made time to talk with him. Go out to dinner. They trained together, fought together. She made him feel lighter. (Y/N) was no burden. She was an integral part of him, one he couldn’t lose. Not again.
“-I know I can’t do much but I’ve already made it to Hinoe! I can get better, I can-”
Giyuu gently and slowly pulled (Y/N) in for a hug. He was somewhat awkward at it but it felt too good to hold her close to him. “Would you really stay by my side if I asked?”
“Y-Yes, of course.”
“Then stay by me, please. Stay alive (Y/N). That’s all I want.”
“I will,” She smiled to herself hugging him back. “I’ll stay by you Giyuu.”
(Y/N) remembered how they stayed up talking until they both fell asleep. How that became a routine and she practically lived at Giyuu’s estate. Giyuu’s not an openly affectionate person so it wasn’t a challenge to keep the relationship a secret. Despite (Y/N) only becoming stronger she was still not yet a Hashira so the thought of her dating one never crossed anyone’s mind (aside Masato). She giggled to herself as her face flushed again.
“Are you okay (Y/N)?” Mitsuri asked.
“I’m fine! I was just thinking of how we were years ago. I was so shy around Giyuu, it’s embarrassing!” (Y/N) laughed.
Mitsuri couldn’t help but be endeared to (Y/N). “Now I have to know! How did he propose?” Shinobu popped back into the room, intrigued to know as well. (Y/N) face heated up again, remembering the night.
It wasn’t very often that Giyuu and (Y/N)’s days off crossed with each other but today was a lucky day. Looking back on it, she suspected he asked the Master for the day off. (Y/N) had been suspicious over the last couple days, starting with her Master being a lot happier these days. Actually Giyuu seemed happier too. Instead of staying in like normal, he suggested going out. After a good breakfast, the two left to walk around town and shop. It was a very calm day. It almost felt normal. As the day shifted to the evening they ate a hearty dinner and slowly made their way back to Giyuu’s estate. The sun was slowly starting to set as Giyuu turned to a clearing in the trees.
“What are you doing?”
“I think we should go this way, it’s a longer way back.”
(Y/N) smiled and took Giyuu’s hand, “Why the sudden change?”
“Just thought it would be nice.” He said as you two stepped off onto the clearing.
“Giyuu if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to lead me somewhere.” (Y/N) teased. A small light peaked through the clearing and you both came upon a clearing. There was a garden surrounded by two small ponds and wisteria trees overlooking them both. It was a gorgeous sight to see, especially with the full moon illuminating the area. Giyuu lead (Y/N) across the path to the large gazebo on the far side of the garden.
“Did you set all this up? It’s beautiful,” (Y/N) smiled.
Giyuu’s face was redder than it’s ever been before. He couldn’t look her in the eye as he took both her hands in his. He stood there in an embarrassed silence, grateful (Y/N) wasn’t rushing him.
“(Y/N),” He started slowly, “If I asked, would you stay by me…always?”
“My answer never changed, Giyuu. I’d follow you anywhere.”
Giyuu felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He finally looked up to see (Y/N)'s smiling face. She’s beautiful…
“I love you. The chances of us dying grow greater every day and I know one day I may go somewhere you cannot follow but, I’d rather come to that day knowing I had you with me. I feel happy around you, like I was given life again. I want to give that happiness to you. I want to marry you.”
(Y/N) was stunned. It was like the world stopped and they were the only ones that were alive still. Giyuu started to worry as (Y/N) hadn’t replied. She started crying!
“I-I understand if you don’t want to, it’s fine. I just wanted to be with you- we don’t have to-“
“Giyuu! Of course I’ll marry you!” (Y/N) pulled him into a kiss. Giyuu recovered from the shock and kissed back. They pulled away and he rested his forehead against hers.
“I don’t think I believed in love until I met you.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I don’t think I was really living until I met you. I promise to always make you happy.”
“I think because we knew this life would eventually take us both that we should cherish what we have right now. We’re alive right now, let’s be happy and in love too. It’s a selfish wish, especially considering Hiroshi but, I can’t regret my choices now. I can only be better from here on out.”
“That was so beautiful!” Mitsuri cheered in full tears. “I’m so happy you and Tomioka found each other!”
“Thank you, I’m happy I met him.” (Y/N) smiled.
“I’ll go get you something to drink,” Shinobu excused herself. She barely made it two steps out the door before being bombarded by a frantic Tomioka at the door.
“Where is she?! Where is (Y/N)!?” Giyuu’s eyes darted around looking for his wife. Uzui and Sanemi were close behind with bags in hand. 
“She’s stable. She’s talking to Mitsuri right now, calm down. You’ll worry her if she sees you so scared.” Shinobu said calmly. Giyuu tried to slow his breathing but could barely muster the confidence. He quickly moved past Shinobu into the room. (Y/N) and Mitsuri both jumped in their seats at the sound of the door slamming open. All composure left Giyuu as soon as he saw his bandaged wife. Giyuu pulled her into a tight hug.
“Giyuu, I-I didn’t send for you yet.” She said turning all her worry to her husband.
“The news came from Master.” He finally let go of the breath he was holding in. “I was so worried (Y/N).”
“I didn’t mean to scare you dear.” She smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. Giyuu settled on the bed, refusing to leave or even let go of (Y/N). A stark shift from the man that didn’t even want anyone to see his wife. You would think Giyuu was the one injured with the way she suddenly doted on him. The Hashira stood idly by as (Y/N) tended to her very worried husband. The same husband that hardly showed any affection last they all met was now clinging to her side. Both of them noticeably wearing their wedding bands as well.
“We brought food!” Uzui declared. “We were eating when we got the news. We might have left Muichiro behind.”
Sanemi and Uzui soon left after that, along with Mitsuri. They each waved their goodbyes to (Y/N) and she thanked them again. To Giyuu’s disapproval Shinobu informed them (Y/N) would stay the night. Regardless of his protess, (Y/N) agreed. “I couldn’t let Hiroshi see me like this.”
“I’ll tell Master Yamato that Hiroshi is staying the night then.” Giyuu stated, earning a look from (Y/N). “I’m not leaving you.”
“Giyuu I am fine.” (Y/N) reassured him.
With Hashira gone Giyuu spoke in a softer tone. “I know, but I want to stay with you.”
Knowing she couldn’t argue, (Y/N) gave in. Shinobu came back soon after to lend (Y/N) clothes. The Butterfly girls helped her to the bath while Giyuu stayed, still worried.
“It’s so strange seeing you affectionate Tomioka.” Shinobu smiled, handing him a set of sleeping clothes.
“Are you teasing me?”
“No. I just wanted to say, I’m happy for you. You and your family.”
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Hello, I just wanted to tell you that I love how you write!!!!...and I was wondering if I could ask for Geo x friendly reader with everyone, only if it is possible 🙌
Serenity within Camaraderie (Geo x Friendly and Kind! MC/Reader)
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Hope you enjoy Anon! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Camaraderie: mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.
You were possibly one of the most amiable people to have ever lived.
You were kind, respectful, honest, sweet.
You treated everyone well...you made people feel hopeful, calm, content.
It wasn't for show either.
Your heart was gilded and gold, opulent and adorned with angels. Like you. You were an angel.
In Geo's cold, hardened heart, you were like a flame.
Hot tongues that wrapped around his frozen soul, warming it until the ice and numbness melted away.
When Crowe first introduced you to the group, Geo was sceptical.
Nobody was simply nice for the sake of it, there had to be an aim, a desire, a goal involved. (He has no self-worth)
He reacted more hostile to you in the beginning, he wanted you to leave, to have that stupid niceness leave.
He wanted you to avoid him, hell, even insulting him would make more sense.
Kindness? Showing him respect and caring for him because he fucking exists? His bullshit detector is blaring.
Will try and sus out anything remotely strange that you do, trying to see if you have ulterior motives...
Well, until he asks you. Maybe with a bit of an underlying threat. "What's your motive." "My what?" "Nobody is as nice and polite as you without wanting something." "I mean...yeah. I guess." "So what're you after? Money, influence-" "I just wanna be friends Geo! Jeez!"
After a while, Geo does notice how charmingly sweet you are.
No matter who it may be, you always treated people with kindness, with respect. You made people at ease with your friendliness.
So he starts to accept that might just be your nature.
You treat people the way you want to be treated, with kindness, love and respect.
Then he slowly starts to realise how popular you are.
And...well...he dislikes it.
Your attention is elsewhere, is it not? Always trying to help out others, trying to support and be the pillar for the skies that are the student body.
Geo wanted you to stick with the group, to stick with him.
He'd never confess that of course, but he would try to use his reputation and intimidation to slowly get people away from you, much to your dismay.
You often grew sad when people pushed you away, telling them that they simply were too busy for you.
Well, except his group, along with his stupid brother and his friend.
So, despite his plans working, he decides to let you be as long as he his group are your priority.
Your favourites.
Your best friends.
He wants you to get attached, because then you won't go.
You won't abandon him for the hundreds of other people whom adore and cherish you.
And soon, you don't.
You hang out with the group, you grow close to Brittney, Jess and Deryl, before slowly worming your way further into his gelid, stone heart.
He fears the effect you have, he fears what would happen if his stoic facade were to collapse under the weight of your benevolence.
He doesn't think he deserves to be cared for by you...but alas, you continue to be your amiable self.
You tell him things about your day, while he is slowly panning out all the priceless nuggets of information that he has on you.
He will eventually start being more open to you.
Well, as open as Geo can be.
But you don't mind, you're just happy he wants to talk to you.
And it warms his heart bit by bit.
Seeing your smile when you wave to him.
He wants more. And he'll get more.
Will he eventually realise his feelings? Debatable.
But he does care for you, and if you happen to like him back? He'll accept. Quietly. "So...uh...wanna. Ehem, uh. Do you wanna hang out...some...sometime?" "Fine...sure."
He will be a bit caught off guard. And frankly, can you blame him? He's never been loved a day in his life.
But you're gonna change that. Bit by bit.
And slowly, your warmth, your kindness, your friendliness cracks Geo(de)'s cold exterior more and more. Until little cracks form, and from those cracks you see slits of a beautiful heart of gold, one filled with love, but frozen under endless layers of 'security'.
You'll make sure he relearns, that he understands that he's perfect the way he is.
And he'll slowly, after a long time, start to believe it.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
can you make one for solo 😩🙏
where the female reader is a part of the bloodline and she’s like hella badass and during a match, one of the opponents get flirty and touchy with reader and solo gets jealous (bonus pls make him call her ma 😫😝🫶🏽🫶🏽)
PROTECTIVE, solo sikoa.
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warnings: curse words, teasings, slight kayfabe, misogyny, unwanted flirtings, inaccurate events
tags: ocs to fit the plot, first time writing solo i am so excited!!
summary: jealousy, jealousy
AS usual, you arrived early to practice some lines. people were looking at you as soon as you stepped inside the arena. first, it was obviously because of your intimidating persona that caught their attention. second, you were alone today. no sight of the bloodline with you. you usually were attached hip-to-hip with all of them. but today, you were scheduled to cut a promo on your own, for the sake of the storyline.
your faction members, on the other hand, were worried. the group chat was blowing up with messages.
jimmy: be careful today!!
jey: anyone messes with u i'll drive myself there
sami: me too!!!
roman: i'm sure she can handle being on her own
(y/n): suddenly ur all worried about me? what happened to spearing me last week??
jey: that was an accident
jey: solo's fault idk
solo: now why u gotta bring me into this shit
solo: take care ma
jimmy: lmao don't forget to meet other dudes for us (y/n)
solo: i'll beat ur ass rn
(y/n): i will, jimmy!! since ur little brother doesn't love me
solo: who said that
solo: (y/n)
solo: come back
his message made you laugh. everyone knew that you had a strange dynamic with him. you were well-known for your provocative behavior, always teasing everyone from left to right. while solo sikoa was known to be a tough man in the ring, but he was always weak for you. solo sikoa was insatiable and so were you to him.
you didn't have to try hard to gain his attention–he had his own ways to show affection. whether it was a small hug after every show to showing up in front of your door with a huge pout, saying that he missed you–the man was indescribable. there was one thing you noticed as your friendship (with a sexual tension) bloomed, he was very protective of you.
on stage and off stage, he always tried his best to lessen the bumps for you. everyone, even the crew, knew that the usos were always trying to get on their little brother's nerves by messing around with you. but it was never serious, they loved you with all of their hearts. roman and sami too, felt like they needed to rile up their second-youngest faction member for the sake of solo to act affectionate in front of them.
but there was one problem. someone had his eyes on you too and solo didn't like it. you were his girl. well, not officially yet–but solo was sure that he was closer to you than that man was. although he saw you flirting around with him, he couldn't help but to feel jealous. you, on the other hand, were flirting around just to get a reaction from him. you felt bad giving adam attention, but you just wanted to be with solo.
you were going to cut a promo today, building up your storyline with the bloodline. it was going to be your first time representing the bloodline on your own. you weren't nervous at all, you were on top of your game, you never messed up your matches and all your promos. "(y/n), we also have some changes for the script, i'll hand them over when you're ready!" one of the production crew knocked on the locker room door.
not another change, you thought. "alright, i'll be out in a bit!" you replied, still fixing your boots. once you were ready to go, you opened the door–only to be greeted by a familiar face. "and what are you doing here today?" your mouth curved into a smile as you walked back inside the locker room with him. "got called in by creatives for a last minute change, you're not going on your own today, ma."
of course, solo didn't have any lines, like usual. they changed the script, showcasing how strong your bond was with the enforcer. the off camera chemistry made it easier for the two of you. you were flipping through the pages, laying your head on his lap as he studied your features. "something on my face, baby?" you teased him. solo only stared at you with dead-panned eyes, trying his best not to crack a smile. "oh come on, i know you love me." you pinched his cheeks, causing him to groan. "yeah, yeah, i love you. whatever. stop pinching my cheeks." the man complained.
"i'm going to the pantry, do you want anything?" "can you please get me some water?" you nodded and stood up from your position. the walk to the pantry was filled with several crews greeting you. "hey! i haven't seen you in a bit!" you turned around and saw adam. "oh, hey! i was with solo." you saw adam's eye twitch. "no wonder, he always likes to keep you for himself! i mean i want to meet you too."
"no, sheamus' workout routine is insane. it was fun though shooting the video with him." you were still talking to adam, with two bottles of water in your hands. "i'm invited to his gym next week, i should be prepared." you chuckled at his sentence. "where you going after this?" he suddenly asked. "i'm probably going back to solo's." adam sighed. "you never have time for me, (y/n)." he complained. "i'll make time next week!"
you bid goodbye to him and entered the locker room, which was already filled with your other coworkers. "who were you with?" solo asked, taking the water from you. "adam!" you smiled, making him jealous. he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "what?" you raised a brow. "nothing." solo muttered. "come on, he's my friend!" you nudged him with your elbow. "sure, whatever you say." he dismissed you. you sighed, not wanting to continue the conversation.
solo had to keep his composure. he felt bad seeing you pout because of his dismissive attitude. truth be told, all he wanted was you–in his arms. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be rude." he apologized. "yeah, don't worry about it!" your cheery attitude made him smile. "i just don't like him being around you..." solo added. "are you jealous?" you smirked. solo didn't answer, only shrugging his shoulders in response. "aw, you're jealous!" "shut up before i kiss you in front of everyone."
the night went on and you were ready to go on stage. "(y/n), you're up in 5!" you quickly took a sip of your water, preparing yourself to go on stage. solo was right next to you, already in his attire. "looking good, baby." you winked at him. solo mumbled something you didn't catch. "here, i'll hold your belt. you can tie your boots." he saw you struggling with your shoes. it was the little things that made your heart beat faster than usual. he was always attentive to your situation. you passed him your championship belt, fixing your boots. "let's go kill this promo!" you kissed his cheeks before going out.
"accompanied to the ring by solo sikoa. the smackdown's women champion, (y/n) (l/n)!" the crowd cheered as you walked down the ramp with your chin up, savoring every moment of your entrance song. as you were doing your signature pose, solo couldn't help but to admire you. he was head over heels for you and he really couldn't wait to clock out of work just to spend time with you. people thought this on-screen romance was definitely something to look forward because of your character being the polar opposite of solo's.
you were billed as this uncontrollable character, always had something to say and always had something under your sleeves. in the bloodline, you were the one in charge when roman wasn't there. meanwhile solo, his character wasn't far from his personality. "chicago!" you yelled to the mic. "the double trouble is here tonight!" you continued, raising a finger up to pay tribute to the bloodline. "i am here with solo, behalf of the tribal chief to deliver a message for you all." you acted out the script.
"okay, calm down everyone. don't speak unless i tell you to." you rolled your eyes in annoyance. "the tribal chief said that y'all better respect me when he's not here." you announced, earning a cheer from the crowd. "other than that... next week, y'all better be prepared for solo to fight with adam, what was his full name?" you asked solo and he just stared at you. "right, right. it doesn't matter what his name is, all i know is that solo's going to beat his ass-" your sentence was cut off by adam's music.
"would you look at that, it's the fake chief and her bodyguard." the crowd booed as adam walked inside the ring, with a mic on his hand. "adam." you were having a stare down with him. "who invited you here?" you smirked, looking straight into his eyes. "i don't need an invitation, i'm allowed to be in the ring whenever i want." the brown-haired man said his lines, moving slightly closer to you, which was off-script. solo noticed that he was moving closer to you and decided to intervene.
he slightly pushed you behind him, getting in between you and adam–that made adam moved back. the crowd was always ecstatic to see solo doing his part. "now i can't speak to you without having your bodyguard shielding you? you're pretentious, (y/n)." once again, the crowd booed at his sentence. "i'm not pretentious, i am respected. get out of my face before i ruin it, see you next week pretty boy."
the promo ended and you walked backstage, ready to clock out of work. "you did great, (y/n)." you pulled him into a hug. "of course, you did great too, baby." you winked at him. "i didn't like it when that man was inches away from you." you chuckled at his jealousy. "it's okay, he didn't mean any harm." you assured him. "i know, forget it." his sentence made you smile. “come on, let's go back. we have a movie to watch!”
"i'll meet you at the car okay? need to speak to creatives for next week. it'll be quick." you nodded, parting ways with him. the locker room was full unlike before. "see you, (y/n)!" your friends waved at you and you returned the gesture. you went to the other locker room, wanting to meet sheamus because he borrowed your earphones last time you worked out together. you knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. to your surprise, it was adam, not a certain ginger man you wanted to see.
"came to see me, huh?" you chuckled. "i need to see sheamus actually, he has my earphones." you stated. "lies." the man laughed. "i'm getting tired of seeing your face, adam." the two of you walked inside the locker room. "hey, got my earphones?" you tapped his shoulder. "oh, (y/n)! here... thank you, you saved my life." you took the earphones from sheamus and turned around. "you sure you don't want to ditch sikoa for me?" that sentence made you shook your head. "sorry buddy, we already have plans!"
everyone knew that adam took an interest on you ever since you were drafted from raw to smackdown. creatives saw this tension and decided to add him to your storyline with solo as a duo. "i think i like you better with solo, (y/n)." santos piped in the conversation. "yeah, adam can go date money in the bank briefcase or something." montez joked. adam slung his arms on your shoulder. "come on, i think i look better with her than solo!"
"you got a problem with me?" everyone's attention shifted from you to solo. he was practically glaring daggers at adam, causing him to drop his arms. "nothing, we were all joking around." tension filled the air. backstage drama was definitely something interesting for everyone. "you ready to go, (y/n)?" solo asked. "yep, let's go! goodbye everyone, see you next week!" you left the room, but solo stayed for a bit. "keep your hands off her, man." he said to adam. "hey, you're not her boyfriend, bro." adam defended himself. solo didn't say anything and walked away. "you got a competition there, bro." sheamus patted adam's back.
you were driving back to his house, noticing the man being quiet. "something wrong?" you asked, pulling up to his garage. "nah, i just don't like adam having his hands on you." you chuckled at his response, turning off the engine. "i know i like to mess around and stuff, but i think i only have eyes for you, pretty boy." that caused him to flush–redness in his cheeks were visible to you. "oh my god, you're so cute." you couldn't help but to pinch his cheeks. "shut up, i swear to god you will the death of me, (y/n)."
"showered yet?" he saw you laying on his bed, focusing on your phone. "nah, i need to reply to my manager first and i'm too lazy." you groaned, still feeling sore from today’s work. “come on, don’t be lazy.” solo complained, dragging your body into the bathroom. “ooh, are you gonna shower with me?” you teased him. “no, i just finished like 5 minutes ago. you’re showering on your own.” you pouted in response, only earning a chuckle from him. “alright, maybe i’ll wash my hair again.” he finally gave in.
practice came and you were at the gym with your friends. “i bet solo's excited for this match." sami sat down next to you, all sweaty and ready to leave the gym. "yeah, i'm actually scared that he might break adam's bones." the man was standing inside the ring, practicing his moves with jimmy. "ay, big boy has been eyeing you. you want to prank him?" jey came from the pantry with a bottle of water in his hands. "nah, my boy needs to focus.”
that sentence made jey smirk. “your boy? since when?” he teased you. “shut up, fatu.” you rolled your eyes. “watch this.” jey faced sami, taking a seat next to you. he slung his arms on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. solo, who was focusing on his older brother, lost his temper. “ay, back up, man!” he yelled from the ring. “alright, alright. calm down!” you chuckled at their exchange. “i swear, he’s gonna break my legs someday if i don’t stop messing around with you.”
“LET’S GO, SOLO!” jimmy yelled, hyping up his younger brother who was totally annoyed by the loud noises he was making. “okay, i get it. be calm.” solo sighed. “i won’t shut up because this is a big match! you’re gonna beat adam's ass for real!” jimmy continued. “yeah, yeah! beat his ass for all of us. for our lil (y/n).” “who you calling lil (y/n)?” you entered the locker room, already in your new gear.
solo stoped wrapping his thumb with his tape to look at you. “new gear?” he asked. “yes! do i look good?" you twirled around, showing him your new gear. he opened his mouth but nothing came out. "okay then. jey, do i look good?" you nudged him with your elbow. "you look-" "don't answer that." solo cut him off, making jey giggle. "okay, i think we'll leave you alone now." sami stood up, dragging jimmy and jey out of the locker room–leaving you with you him.
"you look breathtakingly beautiful." solo blurted out, still focusing on your new gear. "now you wanna compliment me?" you poked his cheeks, causing him to groan. "yeah sorry, the guys won't hop off my ass with their teasings." the man complained. "i mean you're right... but it's just so fun teasing you, baby." you ruffled his hair. "if anyone dares to look at you, i'll actually kick their ass." he grinned. you felt a shiver run down your spine. he was always protective and you loved it.
"ah, (y/n)!" adam spotted the two of you in the hallways. "hi adam!" you greeted him with a hug. "new gear suits you, pretty girl." adam winked at you, causing solo to grunt in annoyance. "man, back off." solo said. "can't a man compliment a beautiful girl?" before solo could do anything, several familiar faces crowded the hallways. "okay, that's enough." diego, adam's faction member intervened. "bye adam!" "bye (y/n)! good luck!"
the jealousy got into solo. the show started and the entire bloodline (except for roman, of course) was already in their position. "you guys are up in 3, 2, 1..." you had a smirk plastered on your face, already in character. solo was riled up from the encounter you had with adam. he was in his zone. the walk down the ring was one of your favorite things in work. you were bumping your chest with sami, jumping around with the twins, and hyping solo up for his match. adam was already in the middle of the ring, with his faction members.
"accompanied to the ring by sami zayn. the undisputed tag-team champions, the usos. smackdown's women champion, (y/n) (l/n). solo sikoa!" the announcer yelled. the crowd went wild as they saw their favorite superstars in front of them. solo did his entrance and was ready to fight. "we know that there is tension backstage... sikoa and adam are always on each other's neck... it's all because of (y/n), how will this match play out?" the commentator narrated the situation.
"get up!" you shouted at solo from the sides. "come on, baby!" solo stood up from his position, getting ready to attack adam. his opponent, on the other hand, had his eyes on you the entire time. solo took the opportunity to pin him. "LET'S GO!" you shouted once again, but you knew how it would play out. adam kicked out before the referee counted down to 3, causing the crowd to groan. solo was baffled, sticking to the script. adam once again picked up solo and dropped him on his back.
while waiting for solo to get up, adam went off-script, which was totally normal during house shows. "where you going after this, pretty girl?" he winked at you as you felt adam's hands on your shoulders, trying to pull you closer. "what are you doing?" you mouthed to him. before jey, jimmy, and sami could do anything to intervene–adam felt his body being dragged and slammed into the mat. "that's a warning sign for anyone not to mess with sikoa's business!"
solo was furious. the walk backstage was quiet. you knew he was pissed off. "hey, you okay?" you patted his back, trying to calm him down. "what the hell was that man trying to do? touching you and all that?" his tone sent a shiver down your spine. "calm down, it's for the show..." you furrowed your brows in confusion. sure, he was always protective and you noticed the jealousy once in a while–but this was all new. you had never seen him this furious.
"hey, (y/n). good show!" adam offered you a hug, only to have solo blocking him from you. "what's your problem?" adam raised a brow. "move, me and my girl need to go somewhere after this." before you could say anything, solo took your arm and went to a now empty locker room. "girl...?" adam tilted his head.
"what's wrong with you?" you asked him, clearly confused at his fuming state. "i don't like it when he touches you," solo paused for a second. "he should know that you're mine." he continued. "i mean i get it that we always joke around by flirting and other stuff, but at this point... i'm not your girlfriend, solo. we're not officially dating." he stared at you, trying to get his mind straight. "i like you and i know that adam likes me too... but what are we?" you asked.
"i flirt around just to get a reaction from you, you know that right? i know you say that i'm yours or whatever, but when are we gonna make it official? i'm getting tired of waiting this long." you admitted, confessing your feelings. the room went quiet, the only source of sound came from the ticking clock. time went slow for the two of you. "i mean sure, if you just wanna fuck around like usual. but i think i'm in too deep."
the bleached blond-haired wrestler sat in silence. "come on, say something." you sat down in front of him. "fuck, (y/n). i love you, i've said that countless times and i want you to be with me. not anybody else. not that shithead babyface wrestler... i love you. no more messing around this time, i'm serious." you smiled at his sentence. solo sikoa finally cracked. "i love you too, baby. you have nothing to worry about from now on. i'm yours."
a/n: not my best bc i'm trying to get out of my writing slump but i hope u enjoyed it!!! requests are open like usual <3
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sl-vega · 1 month
pairings: Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi x [GN!] Reader
genre: headcanon/drabbles, imagines, fluff, can be read as canon compliant/pre-bluelock au or school/no bluelock au
synopsis: flowers that the bluelock boys would give you at different stages in your relationship
CW/additional tags: mild language, potentially ooc, potential inaccuracies with flower language, might make a second part with different characters if people want it.
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╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ DAFFODILS
daffodils are bright and sunny, just like the strange boy who seemed to develop an affinity towards you
"don't they remind you of me?" :D
Is what he'd probably say with the brightest smile on his face as he'd eagerly hand them to you
Bachira would probably hand them to you on the daily, sometimes he'd freshly pick them on his way to school, and while they were impulsive gifts, that doesn't mean he doesn't put effort into making them presentable
he'll usually add a matching pastel yellow ribbon to them, sometimes borrowing his mother's art supplies to fancy them up
You always thought the boy was rather...
peculiar, to say the least
but you could sense that Bachira meant well, he was incredibly open about his feelings towards you, he would never directly state that he was attracted to you, but it was rather obvious
you'd often catch him staring at you in class, shamelessly admiring your features or making eye contact that was way too close for comfort, and he'd never deny it if you ever caught him
of course, whenever you did, the boy would simply slide you a mini bouquet of daffodils with a cheeky smile, and a cute little note attached to it
╰┈➤ flower of choice: DAISIES
upon actually getting to know meguru, you realized that he was actually quite fun to be around
the boy's personality and smile was rather infectious, not that you were complaining
despite his extroverted and chatty nature, he was a pretty good listener
after becoming properly acquainted with the boy, you found yourself spending more and more time with bachira
some of your classmates had already assumed the two of you were together with how clingy the boy would be towards you, following you around like a lost puppy
sometimes, whenever he would accompany you on your way to school, he'd surprise you with little daisy chains he made on his way there
at first they'd be a little lopsided, but after seeing how much you liked the chains, he started to get better and better at them
he'd often place them on your head during lunch hours, or give them to you as bracelets, sometimes adorned with little clay or polymer charms that his mother would help him make
at this point in your relationship, he'd retire from attaching little notes to his flowers, one, because they weigh down the daisy chains, two because they make the flowers look less pretty and all lopsided, and three, because why write notes when he's perfectly comfortable telling you how he feels?
at this point in what you assume is a friendship with bachira, you can't seem to decide what you should label your relationship as
with how shameless the boy is around you, you're certain that you're supposed to be more than friends, but he hasn't fully committed to you yet
sure situationships suck, but with meguru, it's a little more bearable
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ✿ JONQUIL (NARCISSUS)
could you even label it as a confession?
is what you kept asking yourself as bachira held out the bright yellow petals as he professed his love to you in an oddly bashful way
much like how the narcissus is shameless in it's own beauty, bachira was shameless in his own love for you
except for now that is, the usual mischievous glint in his eyes was replaced with something else, something genuine and sincere
you already knew that he had feelings for you, all your classmates knew that he had feelings for you, at this rate, he may as well just shout it from the roof tops that he's head over heels in love with you
yet right here, right now, the few simple words that you thought you had been expecting all along, they had felt like a wave coming over you
you saw it coming, yet it had still shocked you
of course, you accepted his confession, how could you deny him at this rate?
he already had you far under his spell, even if he never realized it
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ YELLOW TULIPS
even after he's finally won you over, bachira still makes a point to surprise you with cute gifts
flowers included
tulips represent deep, true love
not at all
sometimes, when he's luck and you let him play with your hair, he'll weave flowers into it, sometimes daffodils, sometimes daisies, sometimes jonquils, and most of the time tulips
you say that they look a little lopsided in your hair and that it makes you look strange, but meguru always assures you that you look gorgeous no matter what
it's safe to say that the tulips perfectly convey how he feels about you, deep and truly in love
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╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ GREEN ZINNIAS
when isagi first meets you, he's incredibly taken by you, head over heels, love at first sight, lovesick, you name it, he felt it
unlike bachira he's rather reserved when it comes to his feelings for you, he's hardly ever talked to you so actually making a move and trying to flirt is way out of the question
so he settles for becoming your secret admirer, discreetly leaving small bunches of zinnias in your locker
he didn't know what to give you at first, but after stumbling upon these lovely blossoms in a flower shop, he thought that they would suit the situation quite nicely
occasionally, on the days where he was feeling bold, he would leave a note with a short message along the lines of;
"you have a nice smile :D" -your secret admirer
sometimes, isagi would hang back as you got stuff from your locker just to see your reaction, it was always positive, and his heart would always leap into his throat whenever he saw you smile at his corny little messages
you had your suspicions about the boy, he wasn't the best liar either, but you never questioned him too much whenever you caught him lurking
it was rather cute honestly, he was rather intense whenever you saw him play soccer out on the field, but he was so bashful around you, a bit of a dork too
somehow you still hadn't put two and two together and realize that the was your secret admirer
isagi found your obliviousness adorable however
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ GARDENIAS
after some time had passed, you and isagi had started hanging out more, and more and you had developed a close friendship with the boy
all while you still didn't know that he was your secret admirer
after becoming well acquainted with yoichi, you started to develop feelings for him, making you care less about your secret admirer, who's true identity was still a mystery to you
isagi, like the oblivious boy he was, didn't pick up on your newfound feelings for him, and only saw your decreasing interest in your admirer
perhaps you found out it was him and this was your way of letting him down easy
his head was always swarmed with thoughts of what he could've done to make you seem a lot more distant towards his anonymous affection
so he decided to change things up a little
he heard from a friend of a friend that you thought gardenias were pretty
so isagi "head over heels for you" yoichi decided that the only logical course of action was to buy you some gardenias, bunched together and carefully arranged, and wrapped with a lovely silky bow
upon doing some reading into it, isagi found out that gardenias actually symbolize "hidden love" which made it even more perfect for the current situation
he even included a cute little card with the meaning on it after he slipped the bouquet in your locker
over time, you'd grow fonder of the gifts once more, and isagi, like the sly little bastard he is, would always try to be slick whenever he asked you about the gifts
"so you have a secret admirer huh? cool, cool. hypothetically, if they got you this colour of gardenias, would you like them?"
and surprise, surprise, those very flowers would show up in your locker the following school day
after some time, you picked up and you were well aware of isagi's little game, you were more than happy to play along though
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ WISTERIA
in western culture, wisterias represent the passing of time, new beginnings, and romance
several things that described your relationship with isagi
(he thought he was being so clever w/ this one, in his defense, he was, gotta give credit where credit is due)
so, several mirror pep-talks later, isagi finally musters up the courage to leave the final note in your locker asking you to meet him on the school rooftop after school
(cliche i know, but this whole secret admire thing is the most tropey you can get so it's go big or go home with him)
after finally climbing your way up to the top of the school, you are met with a familiar pair of bright blue eyes
bashful as ever, yoichi hands a small bouquet of wisteria flowers bound together with a cream white ribbon as he pours his heart out to you, a dreamy pink sunset painting the backround to his touching confession
after his whole speech asking you to go out with him, you naturally agree
"y'know, i had a feeling it was you all along..."
poor guy wishes you put him out of his misery sooner, but at least he's finally won you over
╰┈➤ flower of choice: ❀ WHITE LILY
white lilies symbolize rebirth or new beginnings
they are also commonly used during easter in catholic masses, as well as weddings! (isagi may or may not be planning in advance for all you know)
your newfound relationship with isagi is simply wonderful, he knows how to treat you right and he's just a wonderful guy in general
sometimes, for nostalgia's sake, he'll leave you notes in your locker with lilies attached to them, only difference now is that he's your boyfriend rather than your secret admirer <3
the second you close your locker and place the cheesy note back into it, you're always met with his arms wrapped around your waist and his lips against your own
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imagine--if · 2 years
banda protecting quiet reader during jack of hearts?
A/N: This was the second most voted after Chishiya, so ya, enjoy 😁 I did some headcanons because I felt like an imagine would be too long and complicated haha 🖤 also there's a bit of Chishiya x reader near the end 😏
♡ Banda Being Protective Includes... ♡
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💜• Banda probably noticed you being your quiet self, once everyone's gathered together and he's assessing the players around him in his head. Like, the Jack intrigued him since he already had an air of superiority and independence about him, and Banda picks up on those things about a person with mild interest as he waits to see what they'll do and if they're worth his time. So when he sees you watching everyone starts to exclaim at the game's strange rules and how they could be trapped in it forever, and then you just sitting quietly by yourself, his grey-blue gaze lingers, and he stalks over to you.
💜• We know what he's like at this point - basically antagonising the person with some backhanded compliment that could be considered an insult, before he follows it up with an offer of alliance or friendship. So with you, you'll get something like, "Being this quiet will only make people want to kill you more. They'll think you're up to something." And as you stare at him uneasily, his serious expression suddenly morphs into a smirk, as he comments, "I hope you are. I'll help."
💜• Yeah, he's an odd guy 😅 but at least you're not one of his targets or anything. For the first couple of rounds, he won't do much in terms of communication and protection, not just yet. Banda wants to see if you can survive on your own, if you're smart enough. And when it's proved that you are, it only makes you more of a pretty curiosity, and that's when he'll start shadowing you and speaking for you when you don't want to.
💜• It's a little similar to that woman who Jack secretly communicated with and the other psycho if you know what I mean 😂 but less servant-master vibes, and more partner vibes. For example, if someone's asking you too many questions, or if the bouncy manipulator girl tries getting into your head with a sweet smile, he'll make a remark from sitting behind you or something. One remark, but its what he says and the way he says it that's all they need to get the picture and back up with a confused and uncomfortable look on their face.
💜• Banda's way of protecting you comes through telling you the truth about what card symbol is on your collar, basically following you around wherever you go, speaking for you when you prefer to stay silent and simply look, and whispering things to you for you to whisper back in your naturally hushed tone when its something private or important about the game.
💜• I'm gonna throw in some Chishiya here because I can't help it 😉 you'll come to realise that Banda's protective nature over a mysteriously quiet and observant person can be borderline possessive when the game's drawing to a close and he's become more attached and obsessive. So, when there are only a few of you left, and Chishiya's lost his partner, naturally coming over to you to try to convince you not to ally yourself with Banda because he's a murderer... 😵
💜• Suddenly Banda himself steps from behind you with a dangerous glint in his eyes you've never seen before, and whispers something in Chishiya's ear that you can't hear. When Banda pulls away with a self-satisfied smirk, and takes your hand to pull you away, Chishiya's left watching after him blankly, his usually amused features slightly caught off guard by whatever threat Banda breathed into his ear. It doesn't stop Chishiya from trying to figure you out though - if anything, it intreguies him, though he'll be more sneaky in the ways he does it so as not to catch Banda's attention.
💜• If you ask Banda what he said, he'll only shrug and give you a half-smile, tracing a finger down your cheek to hook impossibly softly under your chin with "Don't you like me protecting you, baby?"
💜• And you're just like 😶
💜• So when the game finishes, and Banda and the other guy go after Jack, Banda manages to get a hold of some sort of tracker and makes you keep it on you. "I've got some things to do for us," he'll tell you with a casual smile, "but I'll come back from you. I'll be watching. Always. Can't let anything happen to this pretty face, can I?"
💜• And he won't. But meanwhile, Chshiya's observing the scene hidden behind a wall somehwere in interest.
okay maybe i should follow this storyline up with an imagine now cus im loving it bahaha
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etheries1015 · 6 months
I finally decided to suck it up and catch up with twst book 7, I stopped after seeing Silver cry because I'm sCARED OF BEING SAD 😭😭 anyway here's a few reactions I had to it 😭
And hearing about the update coming soon-ish to ENG servers I really need to read up
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Lilia pressuring Epel like the old man he is 😭😭 I love the moments that they remind us just how old Lilia actually is and how he sees most if not all the students as if they were his children/grand children, making sure they get the most out of the party and drink...its giving "What do you mean you're not hungry? Absolutely not. Here Is at least 5 servings of whatever dish I made to help u grow big and strong."
Okay I didn't take a screen shot of it but the entire section where Lilia looked kind of guilty with Ortho about exchanging addresses because you just KNOW he probably isn't gonna check in, presumably because he doesn't want anyone to get More attached to him seeing as he is nearing the end of his life span (crying shaking throwing up)
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THIS. THIS. THIS INTERACTION HE HAD WITH US. I LOVE HIM. I AM SO SILLY FOR HIM. I totally forgot I changed my in-game name from my nickname to my REAL name and when he said my name I verbally yelled "WHAT THE HELL" before giggling and kicking my feet hehehehe I'm clinically insane for him
But the fact that he acknowledged us as Malleus friend probably means we've spent a lot of time at the dorms or around Lilia for him to see how our friendship and interactions with him work, and it melts my heart hehe. Being part of the diafam fr. But honestly bro back me up, I'm tired of being called a hench-human 😭💀
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I wonder just how bad we must look with everyone noticing the strange shift??? Either we REALLY made a scene (tripping over, going pale) or the twst boys are just that attentive to us and I think that is the sweetest thing ever 😭😭 Ace and Deuce is so sweet for thinking of us and trying to get us out while also being polite to the people who kindly held the party. Despite not being there long, ace and deuce is willing to skip out on free food and drinks in order to make sure you're okay and I'm just 😭😭 ANGELS. I LOVE THEM.
But also the way Lilia worries for you is so sweet 😭💜 I should write a fic of sick reader and Lilia, or reader trying to tough it out because I know for a FACT Lilia would not let that slide! (Hypocrite 😐)
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I ACTUALLY DROPPED MY JAW WHEN SEBEK SAID THIS SHIT. I WAS. WHAT. WHAT THE HELL LMFAOOOOO 😭 thats fucking insane bro I actually found myself chastising him thru the phone, I would NOT let that discrimination against humans bullshit pass fr 😭 slap him right upside the head and give him a stern talking to. I like seeing Lilia get frustrated, he's so cute and UGH. Although it went in one ear out the other, Seeing Lilia mad is so hot if I'm being real with y'all rn BUAHAHA.
I didnt screen shot this either (and I can't fit anymore photos on this post smh) but Silvers nose being red and obvious he was crying but Lilia confused. DudE OF COURSE he was crying!!! You're his dad!! You raised him since he was a baby, he's just now going into adulthood and doing that WITHOUT HIS DAD who is going to a far away land! Sure, traveling is a thing , but honestly nothing beats having that support just a moments away. Silver is literally the sweetest and wants to support his dad , but who's going to support him????!?! Lilia is putting him in a position where Silver feels the need to be strong and hide his tears for Lilias sake, but of course this is hard on him, its so sudden, too! Being so close to your parent and next thing you know mere days later they are stripped away from your arms?!
I just want to give them all hugs. Lilia obviously has some issues and misconstrued ideas of love (a million people have made posts and comments on this, so I will not repeat it) and I just. Need them to all sit around and be their mediator while we go thru their emotional states.
Ugh. I was in my twst burnout stage and still low key am, but fuck does it spark so much passion in you 😭😭
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iouinotes · 8 months
You're my dream | Alex Walter
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pairing: Alex Walter x female!reader
genre: fluff word count: 3,4k
show: My life with the Walter boys
summary: Alex thinks you prefer Cole over him. You show him that he is the most important person in your life.
a/n: @bbr0wni3 and I had the same idea for a story, so I hope you like the final result :) and sorry for gatekeeping sooo long
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Alex had been quiet for the entire walk home. It felt like the school day had passed painfully slow, without his sympathy, his jokes, or his comments in math class. I've tried to find out the reason for his silence, but each time I asked about it, he changed the topic and I was left clueless.
Of course, I thought about what could bother him so much, but none of my suggestions were that convincing. Maybe it was his bad history essay? Or did he have had another fight with Cole? Was it about Paige? She had become his black shadow over the last year and if I'm being honest, I never really liked her. I mean, as Alex's best friend, I have little say in his dating life, even though my opinion is important to him.
Because when Alex falls in love, no one can stop him. It happens quickly and is usually associated with a lot of pain afterwards.
But if I remember things correct, Alex has been acting a bit strange for a while now. I mean, I tried to get to the bottom of his sudden mood-changes, but understanding Alex's mind has never been an easy task.
Good thing for me, I've never liked things too easy. Then again, bad thing for me, that I'm in love with my best friend.
I didn´t notice it at first and I can't pinpoint the exact moment, when my feelings for him meant more than just friendship.
Alex has always been a special person in my life, someone I could open my heart to and who would never hurt me. Apparently, I opened the doors to my heart a little too wide for him, because on one warm spring day, when I couldn't stop looking at his smiling face, my feelings for him became very clear to me. I literally hung on every word he said and I didn't even know at that point, that you could see a light in his eyes, when he talked about something he liked, that shone as beautiful as the rays of the sun.
And then, without even paying attention to what he was saying anymore (I think it was something about a new video game, he was playing), I quickly wrote down a few phrases in my notebook. that came to my mind. Unfortunately, I probably acted a little bit too hectic, because he stopped talking mid-sentence, irritated but curious.
"What are you doing?" I heard him ask, a smile on his lips. He leaned towards me and before I could hide it, he read the words out loud.
"Looking at you is like having the sun right in front of me.
I´m blinded by your beauty."
I thought my heart would give out at that moment, but he just grinned at me with twinkling eyes and asked who these two poetic sentences were addressed to. I said back then that it was about a character from a movie, because he wouldn't have bought anything else. After all, he had known me for so long that he knew about every crush I ever had, so choosing a boy from school would have been out of question.
But he never found out that my inspiration was actually him.
However, when I clear my thoughts and turn to look at him now, a visible frown is attached all over his beautiful features. I decide to put my arm around his arm, the typical pose for a married couple, so he isn´t able to get away from me and I can convince him to hang out. With the aim that I can lighten up his sadness.
Unfortunately now, much to my discomfort, he's looking at me with raised eyebrows, which is why I finally bring up the sensitive topic.
"So, something is clearly bothering you and I will take it as my duty to change your miserable mood. Don´t protest, because we are going to my place and I will take care of you with lots of ice cream. How does that sound?" I see a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, he signs but then quietly nods. And when we arrive at my house, luckily my parents are still at work, I turn the key and let us in. He takes off his jacket, my eyes secretly wander to him and I notice, while my heart is pounding, that he wears my favorite sweater. A white one with a blue hood.
He fixes his hair, that always need to look perfect and I smile lightly, because I love every time that I can get on his nerves, when I ruffle through it. He throws himself on the sofa and while I turn on the heater and go into the kitchen to get the ice cream, he has already made himself comfortable with a blanket. When I see him hugging a pillow, still scowl on his face, I sit myself right next to him. But as he keeps his attention at the black TV, I notice his exhausted figure and decide to speak up.
"Alex, come on. Talk to me, something is obviously going on. I don´t like it, when you are sad. Plus, I really miss your smile." My hand rests on his shoulder, lightly stroking the hair on the back of his neck, because I know he has a weakness for physical touch. When I see him struggling to keep up his act, I approach him and whisper "you can tell me anything, you know that right? I would never judge you."
Again, he signs loudly, but finally looks at me. His eyes are searching for mine and now that his attention is focused completely on me, I suddenly feel uneasy.
"D-did I do something?" My nerves are getting thinner by the second. I hate to upset him. Probably because I love seeing him happy so much.
"No, it´s-" his hand brushes over his face. "It is complicated." I'm still trying to understand, why he can't tell me what's going on.
"You didn´t do something illegal, didn´t you? I mean, I would still be your best friend, but I would have to make up a story, why I'm visiting you in prison-" at that, he quietly laughs and shakes his head.
"It´s legal, even though I feel like it shouldnt be." Now I'm curious and scared at the same time.
"Please, tell me. I´m dying to know." I try to put on my best puppy dog look, even though it probably looks pretty stupid.
A few seconds later, he slowly raises his hand and places it on my cheek, gently stroking my skin, while still holding the eye contact. His gesture leaves me speechless. I mean we cuddled every now and then during a movie or I've fallen asleep on him. I've also kissed him on the cheek once while doing a chore, but otherwise we always kept a decent distance. The fact that he's coming so close to me now is catching me off guard.
"You...you would tell me if you like someone, right?" His question surprises me.
"Yeah, of course. You now, that I can barely keep something from you. You always know what I get you for your birthday, because I can´t resist, when you keep asking me about it." His hand slowly sneaks into mine. My eyes wander to our laps. I feel myself getting more and more confused.
"Alex, what´s going on? I don´t hide anything from? Do you think otherwise?" I feel a pang in my heart as I look into his eyes.
"I heard a rumor" he begins to say and I draw my eyebrows together at his words. He never considers any rumors, because most of the time they are false anyway.
"And?" I want him to continue.
"It was about you and-" hopefully not about the fact that I'm in love with you, just let it stay my secret.
"-Cole." What?
"What?" He signs, looking away from me.
"Someone said, he heard you talking about how in love you were with him or something. That you prefer him over me." He averts his eyes so he's no longer looking at me. I almost laugh at this ridiculous statement.
"Do you really believe that? That I would prefer Cole over you? My funny and kind, but sometimes very very stupid best friend? You really think, I hang out with you in every free second, that I have, because I like your brother? Who is by the way, not even close on my list of people I would visit in prison." I'm glad he didn't do anything illegal and it's just about a stupid rumor. But now, I still have to convince him, that it is in fact just a rumor.
He is quiet for a moment, but when he speaks up, I almost laugh at his question.
"Where am I on your list?" His eyes look into mine and now I'm the one taking his hands.
"Alex" I start to speak in a gentle voice "you will always be my number one, you hear me? I don´t think, I like another person in this world or in this universe as much as I like you. Sometimes, it feels like you are literally the reason, that the earth revolves. Because for me, my world revolves around you. I enjoy every second, I spent with you and I would never, ever trade this for even a minute with Cole. Okay? Never. I promise."
I finally see his shoulders relax and a genuine smile that spreads across his face. When I nudge him on the shoulder, he laughs.
"You, big dummy. I thought, you would tell me, you robbed a bank or something."
"Oh, I would never dare. You would kick my ass." We smile at each other in silence.
But I still want to know, how it comes, that he would believe something so ridiculous.
"So, why did you think, I would prefer Cole over you?" It hurts a little to think, that he believes he´s not that important for me.
"Because" he begins to say, gesturing with his hands "the Cole effect exits and all that. Every girl falls for his charm or whatever. I can´t compete with him." Something I will never understand. How he always makes himself look bad in comparison to his older brother.
"Well, for the matter, you affect me with your smart and kind soul. And I think my heart could bear it a lot better, if you would not look like a dream come true."
He's silent for a moment and I begin to panic, when he suddenly looks at me with a nervous expression.
"Can I- I mean, I think I´m going to say something really concerning. And it will affect our friendship, like a lot. So, just let me say it." Since that means, that he wants to talk about something important, I stay quiet. Nevertheless, still holding his hand for support.
He exhales heavily, but then looks directly at me. "I know you for as long as I can remember, you were by my site since the second I walked on this earth. You know, quite literally, because we were in the same kindergarden group. You were my first friend and I remember so many moments, that will forever exist in my memory. And...in my heart. Because you seem to have a say in what my heart wants and it feels like it wants you, for some time now. I know you are my best friend, but I cant imagine someone else being so connected in my life. In everything I do, everything I am. You support my decisions, even if you don´t like them. When you force me to watch rom-coms with you and the characters talk about finding their soulmate, doing all these cheesy things, I realize I want that too. With you. Since watching the Notebook three weeks ago, I wake up every day and wish that you would lay next to me. So, I could-"
He leans forward and with a shy smile, that makes my heart burst with happiness, he kisses me. It´s a feeling, I never want to miss again.
"-kiss you. It would be the first thing I would do in the morning."
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears.
"I would-" his hands move to my waist and pull me onto his lap. "-make you sit right here and whisper all the things I adore about you. Like-" he kisses my forehead, I feel his lips across my face. I close my eyes and enjoy being so close to him. He leans further towards me, his lips brush over my neck and leaves a kiss there.
He mutters a few words, that I -much to my dislike- can´t understand. But I´m too caught up in his embrace to ask about it.
But then, he seems to get more confident and when he speaks again, I almost tear up.
"I love you. As my best friend, my heart, my love, my person. If you let me. I'll be yours, if you want to be mine."
I kiss him again, letting the tears flow, because I don´t know what else I could do to show my happiness. When we break apart, I look at him. A lovesick feeling inside my chest.
We're holding each other in our arms, but just a few seconds pass until his curiosity wins and he turns to me.
"That quote, that you wrote a few weeks ago, about someone being like the sun for you. Who was it about? Because you did not, just for once, talked about a fictional character. I would remember." Okay, I didn't expect that.
His beautiful eyes continue to look at me, encouraging me to come out with the truth. I nervously smile, tracing the lines in his hand.
"As you said, you ever looked at someone and just thought: This is my person? Someone, you want to have in your life, no matter, if it´s just a friend, a boyfriend or maybe even a best friend." I look at him, searching in his eyes, that he knows how I feel. Then I continue.
"Someone who makes you smile just by existing. Or someone who has a shitty humor, but he delivers his jokes so perfect, it makes you laugh anyway. Someone, who holds my heart and my mind in his hands, even if he doesnt know it."
"What´s he like?" His eyes are curious, but to my surprise, he seems irritated by the thought, that I could be in love with someone. Someone, who isnt him. You big, big, idiot.
"He's kind, has a fascination for fantasy books and for riding horses, playing baseball or fighting creatures in video games. He doesn't know, why I have a soft spot for sweet, gentle and caring characters, even though he is my inspiration for writing them."
His lips part in surprise.
"He's my everything. Sometimes it makes me sad, because I can´t love someone else, the same way. But then, I look at him and I feel like, why do I even want to love someone else, when he exits." I pause for a moment.
"When you exist."
My words make him speechless, but he continues to hold me close to his heart.
"For a long time, I didnt even know I had feelings for you too, Alex. You were always like a second home for me.
You are someone I trust the most and who I rely on in any kind of situation. You make me laugh and you´re always there for me. At first, I didnt notice my change of feelings. Because you kept being my safe place, but as I grew up, I realized that nothing mattered the way, you matter to me.
Sometimes, when I look at you, it feels like I have met my other soul or that maybe, we share the same. Nothing in this world is as important to me than you or your feelings. Maybe it wasnt clear enough for you to see, but I am in love with you.
Your existence in this world is so special and like nothing else, I could ever dream of. Because you are my dream, the most-dearest one."
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I have another Idea for male pc(I don't really know a lot about dol I'm still new to this fandom thing)
You know how he gone all through shit because of this town having to deal with s/a and other more etc etc what if the reader is from another universe/ country they are normal unlike everybody else so he cling into them he finds comfort and feels sane around them
I saw your headcanon thou what if his " love interest" ended up getting having an obsession with his darling
( honestly I don't know what I just put in here this sounds kinda boring if you're uncomfortable don't have to write it and let me know )
( I don't really know much about this fandom / game sorry 🤡 and I really like how you write canon characters )
Anyways have a good day/night
( also sorry for the two requests for male pc I should have clarified my request before sending lol)
Matthew - Male PC
Matthew knew something was different with you from the second the two started talking. Sure, some people were nice to him, but that niceness usually came from the desire to sleep with him. Nobody was nice without wanting something. Nobody but you.
You weren't overly nice like Sydney, nor were you someone too innocent to understand how the world worked like Robin. You were just a very nonchalant and.. normal person. Well, he wasn't exactly sure how a normal person would act, but you must be exactly the ideal.
Hanging with you felt comfortable. There were never any strings attached, and he felt safe, considering you could handle yourself.
Being used to protecting everyone from others, Matthew wasn't sure how to feel now that he was given the chance to be the one whose being protected.
He liked it. Liked it a lot.
It wasn't strange that Matthew started hanging with you whenever he wasn't standing up for Kyler, walking Robin home, or helping Sydney in the library or his dad's shop.
Matthew worked very hard to earn you a reputation through Mickey as someone that people shouldn't mess around with, just to be sure that you were safe and could continue to make him feel safe.
One sleepover turned into him practically always living with you, and the friendship between you two turned into something more serious. He loved being around you, more than anything else. You were everything he ever wanted in his life. His knight in shining armor.
Does it really matter that he meticulously worked to make sure nobody got in the way of that fantasy and gave you ever chance to shine like the star you are?
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newtdrawz · 11 months
Paul and Darry friendship (homo) headcanosn ?!?#??%?@
Omg omg ok,, I had to do a lot of rereading and searching to remember Paul and get the vibe of these two down 🙏😭
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(Tried to find a picture and this is the only one I could get,,, the tension in here is INSANE. bro,, I'm like going insane)
Ok so these guys,, crazy. They DEF were on and off during high-school
Take that in a friendship way or another way, but they definitely had SOMETHING going on 😭
One week they're attached at the hip and the next they're not even talking to each other, no one knows why that keeps happening but they end up being fine the next week
When it comes to football tho, suddenly any weird feelings the two have are gone, evaporated from existence and they work perfectly fine with each other and communicate well
When they are talking and being normal they do try to hang out outside of school
In secret tho,, hm. Strange.
Is it cuz Paul's embarrassed to be friends with a greaser? Maybe. Is it cuz Darry doesn't wanna be seen with a soc? Maybe. Who knows definitely not them 😭
Paul does come over to the Curtis's tho for HW or class projects or to just hang out with Darry
The Curtis's like him! They like having him around and Mrs. Curtis likes how polite he is, there's only one member in the family who has a problem with Paul,,
It's Ponyboy. He cannot STAND him. No one knows why, Paul doesn't know what he did and he's constantly trying to get on his good side. Darry thinks it's hilarious cuz it bothers Paul so much
Imagine having beef with your situationship/friend/teammate's little kid brother 😭😭 (Pony: yeah well you're a poopyhead and you're ugly and I don't like you. Paul: oh yeah? Well- Darry: Paul. He's like 10, leave him alone. Paul: Darrel. He called me a poopyhead.)
(This part is inspired by @deflated-leaf 🙏 if you're not fine with your hc in here lmk!!!) Paul see's Pony drawing in the living room one day and makes a comment on how he used to draw a lot too (and Pony being the little hater he is probably says something sassy but he's kinda interested) so he shows Pony his old drawings (they're not perfect or amazing and half of them are of Darry but Pony's a little young to think anything of it) and that ends up with Pony showing Paul his drawings
So Darry walks in and sees them talking and showing each other drawings and this is the first time he's ever seen Pony not calling him names or flat out ignoring him
They try to have alone time though and it's always interrupted
It does not matter where they are they never get to be alone, it's like an on-going bit and they're sick and tired of it 😭😭
At Paul's he's either getting calls from soc friends or his dad is trying to talk to the both of them
At Darry's it's either Soda being Soda, just being loud or it's Pony straight up coming into Darry's room to talk to Darry or ask him for help with something OR it's someone in the gang (love younger versions of the gang 🙏😭) being annoying and wanting to talk to him
At school it's their own friends always popping up out of nowhere and they can't really go out in public to spend time with each other
They do end up drifting in senior year/near graduation tho :(
With the stress of graduation coming and choosing colleges they don't hang out or talk as much, those weird periods of time where they're not close lasts longer
Then Darry finds out he won't be able to go to college, scholarship or not he can't go and he's upset obviously
Paul and Darry had a plan to go to the same college and share a dorm or live together or something like that
Darry has to tell Paul and it turns into a fight that they're not gonna come back from, they leave on bad terms and they split up their weird off-on relationship they have with each other
Paul tries to reach out though
The first time he decides to reach out he hears about how Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died and now Darry's raising his two brothers on his own so he decides not too
But when he finally does his timings off all of the time, when he tries to call some kid named Dallas always answers and he's rude and hangs up, another time some guy named Two-bit (he sort of remembers Two-bit but he's not so sure, he never really hung out with the gang or saw them much) answers saying he'll let Darry know he called (he forgets immediately and ends up never telling Darry Paul called)
He ends up giving up on trying to reach Darry, when he comes home from college he sees him around though, he never stops and says hello or chases after him. He's not sure why he doesn't
He see's Darry with the gang sometimes or he see's him with his brothers (he's shocked to see how big Soda and Pony got, especially little guy Pony who was a menace to Paul all of the time)
Rumbles between them are crazy
Darry had no clue Paul has tried to reach out he's seen him around too but he's never tried to reach out or say hi either
During the rumble Paul was the one to go up to Darry and that was the first time in a awhile they've been fave to face
Paul gets to see Pony (who he thinks is a little young to be here but he's not gonna judge Darry's parenting lol) and Soda
When they fight tho, they fight HARD. It's all the pent up anger and resentment and jealously and,, dare I say longing. OH I DID. I SAID IT. Longing.
After the rumble they kinda just look at each other for a minute, Paul nods and Darry nods and they just leave (insane ik.)
The aftermath is a little weird
Guess who wants to reach out again? It's Paul. But guess what? Darry's two close friends just died so once again he feels weird and like it's bad timing to reach out
But he finally does this time and THIS time it's Pony who answers and when Paul says it's him and asks if he can speak to Darry you better believe Pony quietly calls Soda over so now they're both on the phone being nosey
Pony once again starts being a menace and once again Soda starts being annoying (PB: why do YOU wanna talk to him? Soda: yeah. Why do YOU wanna talk to him? Paul: can I just please- Soda: No you cannot. PB: he's not here. Paul: then why have I been on the phone for 10 mins with you two for both of you to tell me he's not even there?)
This post is already really long but I gotta add a little extra one/au where no one dies and everything ends up fine 😭😭
This is where Paul and Darry DO decide to meet up and catch up after the rumble cuz they both realize they both miss each other
When they do start talking more and seeing each other (hehehehehehhehe) he starts introducing him to the gang, once again no one has any problems (they do but they don't lol he's a soc but he makes Darry happy so it's whatever to them) but guess who has beef with Paul?
Ponyboy AND Sodapop.
Paul has like war flashbacks to all the times a younger Pony would call him names but 14 year old Pony is MUCH more mean 😭😭 (14 year olds are so mean bro 😭😭)
He's definitely not used to Soda being petty though, Darry just tells him to wait it out and they'll come around, which eventually they do
They don't really confirm what they are but they're both just together now and that's really all they care abt :)
ok,, I think that's all I have,, y'all... this Paul and Darry stuff is insane 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 I really tried, I never really hear much about Paul besides him and Darry going to school together and being old friends 😭😭 my fav part honestly is him having beef with like a 10 year old Ponyboy and then once again having the same beef but with Soda too 😭😭😭 (protective Curtis brothers 🙏) also once again sorry if Darry is ooc 😞 also dedicated to crow 🙏 I TOLD YOU NOTHING WOULD STOP ME 💪💪💪
Also the idea of them not being friends and one being able to get out and go to college while the other will be there forever and is stuck,,, hhh and they're only 20-21 plzz,, they're so young and ones literally raising his brothers,, 😭😭😭 I'm devastated man
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moriartyluver · 2 years
i absolutely loved your beauty is terror boo on Wattpad and when I found out I did tumble, I rushed over here to find you.
anyways can we please have general dating hcs for Dazai?? Thank you sm in advance please marry me
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A/N: thank you for your request nonnie! Took me a while to do this so I’m sorry
Character(s) :Dazai Osamu x reader
Format: headcannons
Genre: fluff
Prompt: general dating hcs
Warnings: general Dazai behaviour. Might be OOC
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• Dazai Osamu was a strange man. Nobody knew what was going on inside that strange head of his. Not even his family or friends.
•I'd imagine you would meet him while attempting to commit suicide, hopefully trying to stop him. He's definitely like you since you had met.
•I think if he truly liked someone romantically, he's definitely be a bit shy about it and although he'd rather be more than friends, he's happy to be there for you.
•once you realised you liked him, you'd probably start realising that he didn't treat you the same way he did other people.
•Dazai would be scared of getting too attached to you. He knows that one day, everyone will leave. Nobody stays forever and he'd rather not witness you leaving him.
•he's already lost odasaku, I think he'd be really upset about possibly losing you too.
•he'd be desperate to impress you though. As soon as you'd walk into the agency's office, hems stop clowning around and show off his deep and amazing concentration skills.
•he'd also magically have money for food whenever you would be hungry with him.
•(he defo stole it from kunikida though.)
•He'd probably have planned out a very nice confession. If you're into mind games, he'd definitely have you go on a scavenger hunt of some sort but that's just what he had planned
•i think that he wouldn't actually do a fancy confession in the moment.
•I love angry confessions.
•He'd definitely get upset about you doing something and there would be a small argument between the two of you and then you'd pull the "why do you even care?" Card.
•he'd be a bit surprised you had said that, seeing as you had a pretty good friendship. He'd say exactly that.
“-But you're willing to betray your friends. Why cant you just let me do this one thing-"
"-Because I love you!"
•he'd go on a rant about how much he wants you with him but he's scared about what could happen to you.
•as much as he is smart, he doesn't expect you to feel the same.
•so when you meet his lips with yours, naturally he's very surprised.
•as for actual dating headcannons-
•wouldn't really flirt with anyone after you got with him. Actually, when he realised he liked you, you noticed that he had slowly stopped flirting with random women and asking for them to join him in a double suicide.
•the Ada isn't surprised. Everyone knew dazai liked you and they were relieved that you finally knew too.
•if you're a calm and responsible person, everyone's glad that dazai has you to keep him in check. I think he'd be more into that kind of person to be honest.
•they'd probably be a bit like "him?! Fr?!" Especially kunikida. Every time dazai does something stupid, kunikida goes to you and is like "how tf do you cope with that man? You need him on a leash"
• if you're a bit more extroverted and chaotic, Dazai wouldn't mind at all. He liked having someone with more energy than him. No matter how you're like, he will love you no matter what. The ADA and everyone else thinks you're a match made in hell.
•I feel like dazai wouldn't move in straight away but he'd have this thing where he'd use every excuse in the book to go to your place and cuddle with you before you fall asleep in his arms, before the two of you eventually decide to move in together.
•and it was unexpectedly expected.
•this man is a HOG. He is the worst roommate eveerrr.
•you'd be tidying up after him so often omg.
•living with him is fun though because he's quite a playful partner to be honest.
•teenage girl type of slumber parties, pillow forts, tickle fights. You name it, he'll do it.
•if you ever share a bed, he'll stretch out so much while you sleep that you tumble out of bed and wake up to hitting the cold ground.
•yet somehow, when you wake up, it's impossible to pull yourself away from his grasp.
• library dates. Definitely.
•imagine shopping at a supermarket with dazai. It'd honestly be so fun.
•coffee dates.
•he'd sometimes just be like "yo you wanna go out?" And you and him would just walk around Yokohama, exploring for a few hours straight.
•icecream dates. He definitely is a massive icecream fan.
• He's very affectionate in both private and public. The former is a lot more intimate and vulnerable though.
•sometimes dazai would just plop himself down onto your lap while you try working in the office.
•kunikida has tried to pry him away from you multiple times so you don't keep getting distracted by the brunette who would be hugging onto you like a koala and just mumbling on about his day while hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
•he also will hug you when he sees you, no matter where. That's just how he greets you. Also would give you gentlemanly hand kisses and kiss your forehead.
•if he ever gets jealous, he'll probably hug you by the waist and glare at the man or woman who seemed to be looking a bit too long and hard at you.
•he liked kissing you at the most random times just to see your adorable surprised expressions.
•in private, he is alot more affectionate. People like to say he'd be really handsy public and although I don't think he'd be shy to show how much he loves you, he's a gentleman who wouldnt just make out with you in the office of the detective agency in front of everyone
•as I was saying, in private hes a lot more vulnerable when he shows his affection. Whether it's hugging you from behind while you make breakfast or letting you kiss his scars underneath his bandages.
•he loves you alot and if anything ever happened to you, he'd be so mad. He'd get thorough revenge and everything.
•please give this man the love he deserves.  Idc what he does I love him
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Thank you a lot! You deserve a flower (•́ᴗ•̀✿)
So, for my request, I was thinking of a scenario for the Fox (colt). So, if you are in a gorey mood and want to write something rather dark, how about a scenario where he eats darling? His darling's experience with him will probably end with them dying to him anyway, so why not go all out
I just really love how you write horror. Your disturbing content is so good
Well...you get what you asked for.
Appetite of A Predator
Yandere! The Fox Short/Scenario
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, GORE WARNING, Darling is quite literally eaten, Blood, Delusional behavior, Possessive behavior, Manipulation, Stalking implied, Dark themes, Murder, Religious themes briefly mentioned, Forced companionship (Dubious)
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It started with small deals. Deals made late at night with a mysterious hooded fox. Being alone at night is dangerous as is...
But the fox always reassured you he wouldn't hurt you.
He always wanted one thing, in return he'd give you something else. Perhaps you considered this elusive fox a friend. Someone to keep you company in the late hours of the night....
He always offered chat, appearing when you least expect him on your nightly walks. You thought you saw glowing red eyes stare at you at night. But surely... such a thing isn't connected to the friendly fox who just wants to chat.
He seems to listen to every word you say with a strange fascination. Afterwards, the fox makes a suggestion... a deal. He's always quite hungry.
Very hungry.
In response to appease your mysterious friend, you bring food. You bring meat... you bring fish... you bring all sorts of goods for the hungry fox. Said fox is appeased by your gifts.
In return he gives you friendship. He gives you all the attention you could ever ask for. Just as long as you keep his gaping maw fed and happy.
Soon enough the fox begins to grow attached to you. You feed him... you talk to him... you treat him like he isn't some predator. It's a very naive aspect of you that he adores.
After all... he is a very hungry predator... one who could easily make you prey.
The thought comes to the fox a lot. When he sees you talk and babble to him his mouth salivates. You look so adorable... so small and cute... so edible.
You put so much blind trust into him. You make things too easy. The food you give him fills him... but it's never enough.
He wants to not only fill his stomach... but his heart. The fox both wants to create a bond with you... but never let you go. In his glaring red eyes... you're his...
His prey.
Your innocence is slaughtered like the lambs slain by the Bishops of The Old Faith. Once you get close enough to the fox one night... he beckons you closer. He offers you a deal... he offers you his adoration...
He'll end any suffering in your life... if you give in to him.
So you do.
Your cries and squeals almost make him feel bad as he sinks his teeth into your flesh. His sharp canines tear into your meat and blood as though he was starved for days. The taste is that of ambrosia.
You fill his hunger deliciously. He feels himself grow possessive as he devours you. You make him finally feel full... his desires fulfilled.
You will now forever belong to him nestled deep in his gut. He adores the thought as he tears off an arm. He nibbles on you even as you voice your cute noises of betrayal.
He reassures you the pain will end soon as he laps up your juices with the hunger of a true predator. Nothing could satiate his desires before. But then he met you... he was patient... he waited...
Then he got what he wanted.
By the time he was done blood soaks his maw. He growls softly... the taste settling on his tongue. You were perfect for him... part of him wishes he savored you more.
Guilt does not echo within him as he sinks back in the depths. Why should he feel bad? It was meant to be.
You two were meant to be for each other...
Predator and Prey.
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saika077 · 2 years
Random HC:
The first years (+Ortho) playing DnD in Ramshackle Dorm
Yuu/MC is DMing of course
Player characters (I won't go too deep into their character details tho)
I feel like Ace'd be a Human Rogue, it kinda fits his personality imo. I personally don't see him as someone who uses brute force or blast magic, so Rogue it is. Specifically, I feel like he'd be an arcane trickster.
Deuce's character would be a Monk 100%. As for the race I can sorta see him being a Tiefling. Now you might be asking, "why a Monk and not a Barbarian?", While I do acknowledge his tendency to go apeshit at times, he actively tries to grow and change from his past habits. Perhaps his character could be an ex-barbarian who is training hard to be a Monk (multiclass)?
Jack's character'd be a Goliath Fighter, the only justification I have for this is that I feel like the competitive nature of a Goliath and their desire to push beyond new limits fits him like a glove, also the fighter class suits him just fine imo.
Given his background, I feel like Epel would be a Druid (they're basically magic farmers/gardeners). However, he'd give his character cantrips like Poison Spray, various spells but no healing spells (yea this party is pretty much fucked). You can fight me on this but post-character arc Epel would be a Halfling, he'd use his size as an advantage in combat.
As for Sebek, I can't see him being anything other than a Paladin. He'd most likely be an Aasimar... or maybe a half-elf? No? Too on the nose? Anyways, he'd give his character enchantment spells, and maybe some healing spells like Cure Wounds.
Ortho is the party's main support, with him being a tiny fairy bard (now you see why I had to bring Ortho in this otherwise the party won't even survive the winter). He's just a little lad who loves berries and cream :). He also provides bgm and sfx for the campaign.
I'm sorry but I have very little to no faith for this party. But I'm sure they'll somehow survive.
Together, the fate of the world somehow lies in the hands of these murder hobos.
Random shenanigans
Ace attempting to steal a treasure/sacred item from a monster's lair, only to miserably fail a stealth roll. Everyone had to haul ass out of there.
Deuce getting emotionally attached to an Npc with tragic backstories and/or noble goal, and then stubbornly tried to save that npc and getting upset at the DM for killing them.
something tragic happens and someone just says "this is so sad, Ortho play the acoustic rendition of Piece of My World"
Ace, to every barmaid bc he's broke: "hey (with rizz)" *rolls a Nat 1 Charisma*
With how hotheaded the NRC kids are it's only a matter of time until an npc taunted or look at them the wrong way and they'd be like "oh that's it, now you're gonna get it! I ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!" completely unprompted (like in the second half of the Halloween event bc I still find it insane how everyone immediately resorts to violence, even some of the more levelheaded students).
The one time Ortho and/or Sebek can't make it to a session, Jack gets knocked out by an enemy and the gang tried to heal him. Ace: "ok but can we try slapping him awake?" Deuce:"oh that's a good idea! Can we, Yuu/MC?" Yuu/MC:"...roll me a strength check" (they forgot that they have a healing potion)
The DM sitting there horrified while watching the party using the "power of friendship" on an NPC
I feel like half of them would brute force puzzles in a dungeon and it works like one out of three times or something.
"why do I hear boss music?"
Yuu, the DM, puts their hands together in front of them, a strange smile plastered on their face as they calmly said; "everyone, I want you to roll for initiative 🙂"
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quinloki · 2 months
Your post "it's just smut" really spoke to me. I see you often post about this topic so I was wondering if you had any wisdom to pass on about something that's been bothering me. I don't really have anyone in my life I can comfortably talk to about this kind of stuff. I don't know if it's normal or something weird with me, but I always feel a strong attachment during/after sex or even just with touching and cuddling stuff. And I get this strange need to tell them I love them, even if I don't... It feels embarrassing and shameful. I started avoiding both sex and touch and intimacy with people because of how easily attached I get. I was wondering if you had anything to say about this, like any advice or perspectives or anything?
One of the things I mentioned in that post was that the intimacy inherent in sex - and cuddling honestly - is a way that people bond.
Bonding, leads to love.
Love has a lot of different shapes and forms. We often assume there's Friend Love, Family Love, Romance Love, and we'll say Lust Love, and then that's... it?
I think there's something like a dozen named kinds of love, but more to the point for this:
Love takes a lot of shapes, way more than a dozen or so. In the hazy comfort of sex and cuddling, it can be easy to assume that it's romantic, or even lust driven. But you're enjoying the moment, and the people involved are part of that moment, so you're enjoying them too.
You Love all of it.
I don't think there's anything shameful about telling people you love them. It doesn't have to be some binding phrase that means you're going to marry them.
You're happy. Content. Safe - and that IS love. That is something worth loving. That's a good time to feel love.
But I have a hard time saying it too, honestly. I usually tell my friends I love them way more when I'm drunk than when I'm sober. The love I feel isn't any different, it's always there. It's not even smoochy kinds of love, but I love them. They're important to me.
I tell my spouse I love them fairly often for reasons, but how I say it during sex/cuddles/post-sex/etc. is different. Because with the bonding and interaction there's MORE to the emotion at that point.
I don't need sex and cuddles to love them, but sex and cuddles release chemicals in your brain - this is a thing that happens, it's part of why such things have a social bonding component to them. So you're going to feel those feels harder.
All that said, I guess if I had any advice to give, it's that you should tell your friends and sexual partners that you love them outside of sex and cuddles, so when you're compelled to say it during/after it's less of a big deal. Sadly, the only way forward is to rip the proverbial bandaid, but however you broach the subject know a few things:
~ Good people will listen and understand, even if they might not get it right away. ~ People worth keeping in your life won't make you feel bad for saying that you love them. ~ If being honest causes someone to leave, you're NOT a bad person, and probably neither are they. Sometimes that's just how life goes. It's okay for it to suck, but cherish who stays and don't dwell too much. <3
And you can even say "This is hard for me" or "This might sound weird" or "Hey I don't mean this in a 'marry me' way, but"
And then just tell them. "Post sex/during cuddles, I feel so good, and it feels so good, and I'm so glad we're making each other feel good that I want to say I love you. Cause I love you. Maybe it's romantic, maybe it's just really intense friendship love, maybe it's just the orgasm talking, but the feeling is still legit. The love is still there, and I wanted to talk to you about it, because keeping it in has been making me feel ashamed."
I'd rather love too hard, too deep, and too often than not at all, personally. I'd rather regret the words I've said, and the choices I've made, than say nothing and do nothing and regret that instead.
In my experience you find so many good people, and learn so many important things that way.
And it is scary. It's okay to be scared.
But there's nothing wrong with you. It might not matter much, but as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing for you to be ashamed of. And a curse of stubbed toes on anyone who makes you feel bad for it, frankly.
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terrence-silver · 3 months
What would Terry do if beloved asked if they could just be friends. Would Terry respect that?
I keep mentioning this man's worldview of things is skewed.
Friends? Just friends? Okay then, but take a moment to consider what Terry Silver's definition of friendship even is in the first place. It's still all about undying love, dedication, devotion and 'I would do anything in the world for you, for the rest of your life, always' at the end of the day...strangely enough, not that far from from what a romantic relationship usually should classically and most ideally contain.
Even as a friend, in the right circumstances where he seemingly agrees to 'respect' your integrity and choice to merely have him around as a buddy (emphasis on the seemingly), he'd still be the most overly intense, overly involved, overly passionate person in your life. He'd still fund your life (even if you don't let him). He'd still help you. Aid you. Hide a body with you. Do anything for you. He'd fuck you if he felt you needed to, to destress. He'd be touchy. Feely. Invade personal space. He'd be strangely perverse. Over attached and unwilling to compete with anyone for a place in your life, even if he's competing with someone there purely platonically, just like he PRESUMABLY is. He'd be awfully territorial too, to the degree one could almost feel he owns you and gets to decide who can have you and who doesn't deserve to (read: nobody who isn't him). He'd cross every boundary. He'd be overwhelming. Until? Until everything that makes a friendship and separates it from friendship with benefits and a sexual or romantic union is entirely and totally blurred and all these labels lose their meaning and people looking from the inside in might just see a couple. Or two people in love. Or two people very obviously attracted to each other to the point the tension in the room can be cut with a knife. Or two people who are way too close for comfort to be purely platonic. Even if he does set you up with someone (or allows you to have your own romantic life), because that's what good friends do, it'll be according to his choices and someone he personally vetted (and tried), maintaining an upper hand of control all while simultaneously appearing like someone out to help you find happiness and he'll ask, in tedious detail, how 'things are going' in, yes, that department. Might just do it mid-coitus, casually phoning you up to talk to you and joke around, because hey...friends. He slept with the person you're sleeping with sometime in 1982 and he can attest that they're indeed, the best. Like you deserve. You broke apart two weeks later? What a shame. He totally didn't orchestrate and arrange that.
So, do you want revenge? Because, he thinks you could use some!
He says, maintaining a vice grip on your shoulder.
At that point? Just quit this whole 'just friends' tirade with Terry Silver and be in a full-on relationship because it is quite frankly easier to explain and digest. There's no putting this guy in the friendzone, because a friendzone is just another sphere where he'll overshadow everything with his influence to the point you're more his than your own.
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eldritchelfwriter · 4 months
What if we could peek into Florwyn's thoughts in Shadowheart Begins?
Here's what Florwyn (Tav) might have been thinking up to the end of Act 1 ...
Poor woman, I wonder if my powers would be enough to ... gods it worked! The pod opened!
Pull yourself together Florwyn, it's not as though you've never been in battle before. Under duress. Enough, none of that. You're not charmed, this time. Be brave and use your power, unless you want to die? Didn't think so. Don't be a wuss.
It's the woman from the ship ... Shadowheart, I think she said? Strange name. Oh gods is she dead? She's breathing! But what if we're all dead? What if I'm a mindflayer and I haven't realised it?!
Huh, she ... wants to stick together. Unexpected for a person with so much "go away" energy around her. Relieved though, I have no idea where we are ... And there's a thing in my head, ugh.
More people. Gods.
I don't know how much longer I can put up with this pain. Perhaps, if I use the cool stream to dull it down?
Hmm these people aren't too bad, on their own. Just my luck there'd be a wizard. Honestly, where do wizards get off with their egos?
I cannot make Shadowheart out at all. Night and day that one - in the space of a minute.
Why is she so hostile toward me? I give up.
Astarion is such a darling. He makes me laugh. Pain inside him, though. Lots of it. Strange, to be around so many people all the time. Maybe I've been missing out ...
Gods my bones ache. Gods. I deserve it. I deserve it.
I can't believe that druid was prepared to kill a child. Madness!
So Shadowheart is afraid of wolves. Unexpected. She seems a little frightened of people, too. I can understand that. I get the feeling she hasn't had a lot of kindness in her life.
So. Painful. Gods. Gods. This is my punishment. For all those people ... my parents ... Oh gods. Of all the people to - Shadowheart. Is this part of my punishment? She seems ... softer, somehow. And she wants to help. Should I let her? Come on, Florwyn, you have to trust people sometimes. Hmm, this is an unexpected side of her, is that what she has been hiding all along?
I would never have thought there was all of this softness underneath that barbed exterior. It seems hard for her, even more than me, to trust. I hope I don't hurt her.
Something doesn't add up. When I compare everything I've heard and read about Shar, it doesn't reconcile at all with the woman beside me. She's lovely!
I swear I've seen her reading that book before. Oh gods it can't be D'vanya Mettle!
I don't think I've had as much fun in my life, as I've had these evenings with Shadowheart. Such beautiful company.
Can't stop thinking about those green eyes. Come on Florwyn. You're not a teenager. And we're all about to die.
I wonder if there'll be a storm soon? It's been a while ... but I want this. I ... want to feel all that power. Uncharmed ... free ...
Is it wildly transparent that I'm asking her if she's available? You have no tact Florwyn, none at all. I can't believe she's never been in love, a beauty like her?! Her religious doctrine around attachment is quite alarming. Best to back off, if she's serious about that. But we're friends, isn't that an attachment? Gods I want to kiss her though ...
What? Why is Shadowheart so upset? I told her I'd be fine ... But she was ... really worried about me. In fact she's completely distraught. Could it be? Does she have feelings for me?! I think she does ... maybe ...
If we find Halsin, this could all be over. I'm going to tell her how I feel. I don't care how nervous I'll get. I'm going to say it.
I wish I could throw myself in the stream and die. Idiot, idiot, idiot!
Well that's the friendship ruined. Well done Florwyn. Well done. Alone is all you'll ever be.
Gods this is awkward. I think I'll just hide myself away with the children. Children always cheer me up, bless their little hearts.
The way Shadowheart is looking at me ... something is wrong. And I just can't help myself, can I? Better check she's OK.
Oh gods she likes me!! SHE. LIKES. ME.
Well this is awkward. I wish I wasn't so shy.
And she manages to do it again. She and the wine, admittedly. Why do I always feel that I can open up around her? Because you're smitten, idiot. Better not tell her too much. Some things are best left unsaid.
Gods she's beautiful. Does anyone else see this side of her? When she's ... vulnerable?
I'm going to do it. I'm going to kiss her. What if she doesn't want to? Stop shaking Florwyn just ... roll closer to her and ...
I think ... I'm already in love ...
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