#however ✨THE SHINIES✨
roxybirdie · 11 months
me: look at all these pretty google docs codes on tumblr! maybe I should- toyhou.se: AHEM! me: ...? toyhou.se: am I a joke to you? me: what- toyhou.se: you post your characters on MY domain 😤 me: but-but-pretty codes- 🥺 toyhou.se: I have prettier codes, thank you very much me: yeah IF I HAD PREMIUM! toyhou.se: I- me: the codes I like the most are for premium users. I'm not paying for premium toyhou.se: you'd pay for codes on tumblr so- me: yeah, but they don't require premium. GOODBYE!
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viivenn · 8 months
have you ever wondered what captain phasma looks like without her helm? perhaps i have an answer to your burning curiosity…
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in this i’d like to also discuss some headcannons for miss phasma because cappie phazzie is just so… 🥰😍🙏✨✨
- the scar on her eye is both a cut and a burn. when she fell in all that fire the only spot unprotected by her armor was the break in her helm, and now it's a patch of burned skin. the harsher scar pictured here is present as well because that scar comes from the initial blow from finn.
- i'm also willing to bet phasma doesn't wear makeup either. "there's no time for it nor is there a need". however she would, on free time/when she's training, wear industrial/cargo pants, thick military/combat boots, and a gray tee tucked in neatly with a simple black belt. the logo to accompany that shirt is a small first order sigil near the collarbone and on her pants she would wear patches with her name, rank, and perhaps home flag on it as well as the first order's sigil as a patch.
- she's not offended by the assumption of masculinity, because she takes on the role of forceful and brutal commander whilst maintaining a strong reputation amongst the ranks of the first order. secretly, though she sees him as freakish and only tolerates him for his status, she's quite amused by kylo ren and wouldn't have it any other way. “the first order is not the same without him." she would also quietly tease him for his inability to find the map to skywalker.
- she would also probably take great pride in how shiny her armor is and routinely keep it clean on her free time, desperate to keep scuffs and marks out of it. she doesn't like deformalities, especially when it comes to her personal items.
- in terms of where her loyalties lie , she is ultimately loyal to herself despite her position and rank amongst her fellows. she would never admit it out loud though, and keep to herself about that opinion, but if it came down to her or a few members of her troops, she'd be fine with the sacrifice.
- phasma would probably pretend her baton is a lightsaber on occasion, side training with saber combat on either opponents or training dummies. if she is caught doing so, she would most certainly threaten the life of whoever caught her playing pretend. "you won't tell a soul if you value your life. now get back to work.”
- she probably secretly drinks tea in her quarters as well because she's british and it's natural.
in my humble opinion , she is most certainly , “gaslight , gatekeep , girlboss”.
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just-a-creep-babe · 1 month
Caught (NSFW)
(Creeps x Male! Reader)
Commissioned by @taboo-delusion tysm!! I really hope you enjoy 💖💞✨💖💓
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
BEN Drowned
When he first agrees to go for a snack run at the old abandoned gas station, he doesn’t expect it to be eventful
Despite being abandoned, the place is semi-regularly stocked by the proxies to use as a last-resort shelter and supply hoard in case anyone needs it
So it’s not like the building is used to seeing a lot of traffic, much less any kind of excitement
Which is why he never, ever in his undead life would have expected to walk in on what he does
Just barely half-concealed near the back of the store, BEN does a full-on double-take as he sees the newest member of the mansion naked, his legs spread and his cock hard and twitching as he pumps a gun in and out of his ass
It completely stuns BEN in place
He can't tear his eyes away from the shiny barrel rhythmically pounding in and out of the new guy's slick hole
With a low, whiny moan, he screws his eyes shut and throws his head back in sheer bliss, and it's like that's just enough to snap BEN out of it
He ducks behind a nearby shelf, the ghost of his heart pounding in his chest, and he prays he didn’t get noticed
When the faint moaning doesn’t subside, he realizes he’s probably in the clear
BEN counts down from ten to catch his breath, and then, with the adrenaline coursing through his system, he sneaks another peek
It’s filthy, perverted—a complete lack of respect and total breach of trust—but how could he not?
Acting on instinct, he whips out his phone, aims it at the pornographic scene unfolding just inches away from him, and hits record
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Bloody Painter
It isn’t a particularly eventful night for Helen at first
Alone in the studio, inspiration just isn’t coming to him, and he finds himself zoning out in front of an empty canvas, hoping to get blessed with the miracle of motivation
When his phone buzzes, he initially doesn’t think much of it
It’s only when he opens it to a particularly interesting video that his lackluster night suddenly takes a turn
In a shoddy, poorly-lit building, the video cuts straight to the point with a guy squirming and whimpering, fully naked on the ground
He's fisting at his dick, whining under his breath, and at the same time, he's bouncing his ass against something dark and metallic
Squinting, Helen zooms in to confirm his suspicion; he’s fucking himself on a gun
If he wasn't so entranced by the sight, Helen might’ve wondered why the fuck this was sent to him
But his mind is suddenly blank, and the one thought he has left is who the fuck is that guy?
He racks his brain trying to think of anyone who might fit the description
And, suddenly, he realizes—that’s the new guy
The faintest hints of a smile ghost over the artist’s lips
He finishes watching the video, picks up a paintbrush, and brings it to the canvas
He gets the feeling that his next piece is going to be very inspired~
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Candy generally doesn’t get too involved in whatever happens at the mansion
He gets along decently with some creeps, but he either doesn’t care about the others, or he’s grown to fully hate them over the years
Despite that, however, he adores meddling in other people's business
So when word starts spreading that the newest creep got caught and filmed jerking off with a gun, Candy just knows things are about to get exciting~
He asks around for a copy of the video, and right from the first watch, he's fascinated by the newest member
He can’t help but think what a good pet this creep would be to have around
Like, he seems kind of masochistic, a possible exhibitionist, and he likes receiving?
Sounds like way too much fun~
He watches the video an unhealthy amount of times, and although he isn’t welcomed at the mansion, he makes it a point to somehow meet this guy
The video gives Candy way too many ideas—which, for a demonic clown, is most certainly not a good thing
Unknowingly, it seems like the new guy's sexual habits are already garnering attention from some pretty dangerous entities
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Clockwork regularly goes to that gas station
She likes the quiet solitude it offers, not to mention the weirdly cozy vibes and decent array of snack foods
So, naturally, when Toby suggests the snack run, Nat is one of the first to agree to join
She beelines it to her favorite spot in the building, the employee break room near the back, and as she approaches, she actually hears the new guy before seeing him
Is that… moaning?
Curiosity getting the better of her, she follows the sound
And right as she's about to stumble in on the big reveal, she's grabbed and yanked behind one of the nearby shelves
Instincts kicking in, she nearly punches BEN right in the face, but something stops her before she does
That look on his face
She pauses, notices the phone in his hand, and, combined with the sounds she's hearing, everything makes sense
Her face immediately flushes
Before she can stop herself, her eyes shift to the spot at the back corner, and, surely enough, she sees what’s happening
The new guy throws his head back, his body convulsing as he shudders and his cock twitches and throbs
He pumps the gun in and out faster, harder, like he’s approaching his climax
Before she can see anything more, before she violates his privacy any further, Nat spins on her heels and gets the hell out of there, too flustered to say or even do anything else
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Dark Link
Like Candy, Dark doesn’t typically keep up with whatever the hell kind of nonsense happens at the mansion
So he only discovers the video when he's snooping through BEN’s files in an attempt to get the upper hand in their rivalry
As soon as he sees that video file, he knows he's in for a treat~
The guy, who he assumes must be a new member, isn’t too bad on the eyes to begin with
And when the video pans down to get a better view of just what he's using to jerk himself off, Dark needs to know more about him
He rummages through a few more files to find out more information on him, just for the fun of it
He honestly doesn't expect to do anything with the intel, but the deeper he looks into it, the more he wants to meet him
The more he wants to torment him
Technically, however, being on neutral terms with Slender means that he isn't allowed to do such things to members of the safehouse
So Dark realizes that he, unfortunately, will just have to wait for him to step out of the mansion's boundaries before trying anything a bit more... risky
If they do end up meeting, he plans on using the... intimate knowledge he has of him to embarrass him
And if they don’t meet anytime soon, he’ll simply have to content himself with replaying that video over and over and over again~
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Eyeless Jack
Being more of an introvert, Jack doesn’t join the outing at the abandoned station
But as soon as everyone comes back, he can tell something is a bit… off
After cautiously asking around to find out what happened, he finally gets BEN to show him the video
And, let’s just say, Jack’s never been happier to have a mask concealing his face
He only lasts a few seconds in before telling BEN to turn that thing off
From an outside perspective, it probably looks like he disapproves of the creeps violating the newest member’s privacy
Which, to be fair, he does
But, more than that, he’s just really flustered about the whole thing
He doesn’t know how he’ll manage to face the new guy again
The next time they meet, Jack tries to act cool and natural, but he completely fumbles the bag and gets visibly flustered
If anything might tip the new guy off that something funky's going on, it's probably the way Jack acts around him from that point on
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Homicidal Liu
Since Liu rarely uses the shelter of the mansion, it also takes him a while to find out about the incident
By the time he discovers it, chances are, the new guy knows he got busted, so most creeps are already in on his dirty little secret
It’s therefore a huge relief when the new guy initially meets Liu, and Liu doesn't seem to know about it
Their first meeting goes well, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for Liu to find out about the video anyway
The difference between meeting the newbie normally and seeing how depraved he is when he's turned on is shocking
Next time he runs into him, it's almost hard not to gawk
Poor Liu gets too flustered trying to talk to him after seeing that side of him, so he inevitably ends up retreating into himself
Which gives just enough space for Sully to show face
And whew boy is Sully ever ruthless with the intel he has
They probably give the new guy whiplash if he wasn't previously warned about Liu's alter
As much as Liu was sweet and accommodating, Sully, on the other hand, takes pleasure in embarrassing the new guy until he’s squirming
He borderline starts degrading and dirty-mouthing him right then and there
And, unfortunately for the newbie, he very quickly becomes Sully’s new favorite plaything~
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Also part of the gang going for the snack run, Hoodie has a sneaking suspicion it's going to be an eventful outing
Not necessarily because of anything, mind you—it's just a sort of premonition, if you will
And yet, even despite his intuition, it still catches him off guard when he hears that faint moaning coming from the back of the store
The sound leads him to BEN and Nat acting strange behind a shelf hidden off to the side
They don't notice him, so he stays just out of their line of sight as he peeks around the corner to the source of the quiet, shuddering breaths
And he absolutely can't contain that shit-eating grin on his face as he finds the newest member of the mansion unknowingly responsible for all of the agitation in the store
Fisting his cock, he quietly mewls and whimpers as he grinds his ass down against something long and hard that looks kind of familiar
Leaning in as much as he can without jeopardizing his hiding spot, Hoodie finally realizes what he's masturbating with
He’s about to pull out his phone, when Nat briskly turns and leaves
Right at the last second, he ducks out of sight, and when the coast is clear, he starts his own recording of the action
He doesn't know if he'll use it for blackmail, or just for his own... personal fun, but he figures it'll be useful to have, either way~
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Jane the Killer
She originally hears the gossip about the new guy being an exhibitionist when she's out of town
When she returns to the mansion, Nat explains what happened, and Jane just doesn’t know how to react
He got caught doing what where??
She meets the newbie not too long after, and all she can think about while trying to make casual chit-chat is that she knows
She, for obvious reasons, doesn’t want to let on that she knows, and thankfully, her mask does a great job of concealing her expression
He doesn’t seem to notice what she’s thinking, and their interaction goes over pretty smoothly, all things considered
She gets the impression that he isn't a bad person, despite whatever kind of sexual habits he has, so she actually doesn't mind him
She's really not the type to kink shame, anyways
And so, after their meeting, Jane makes it a point to shut people down when they try to make rude or disrespectful comments about him
She hates bullying, and she's not afraid to stand up against assholes, even if she's alone in doing so, so she grows to become really protective of the newbie
She absolutely doesn’t let anyone tease him or make any kind of jokes at his expense
Whether he knows it or not, the new guy owes her big time for defending him so much
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Jason the Toymaker
He’s one of the first “outsiders” to originally hear about it
He actually even gets his hands on a copy of the video
At first, he plans on using it for blackmail material as well
But as he watches through it, he can’t help but think how the new guy would make such a good addition to his collection of dolls
He could probably make him so nice and malleable, so deliciously obedient oh so easily~
And, really, he thinks, the mansion is already so full of creeps as is—would they really miss one measly little member?
Something about it—something about how pure and innocent, yet filthy and depraved the new guy looks as he fucks himself with a weapon in an abandoned gas station—it just kind of riles Jason up
And, being a very obsessive demon, it isn’t long before he realizes how badly he'd love to abduct the new guy and claim him
He thinks about all of the weapons he could use on him, all of the places he could test and push his limits to
It gives him way too many ideas
He makes it his goal to add him to his collection of dolls, and he’ll wait as long as it takes to get what he wants
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Jeff the Killer
Jeff is minding his own business, for once, at the gas station during the snack run when he gets a text from BEN telling him to come to the back of the store
When he hears the faint moans and whimpers, he thinks BEN is playing some kind of prank
But boy is he ever wrong
He walks in on BEN sneakily filming the new guy, who’s bouncing up and down on a gun and panting like a depraved whore while he does so
Like most of the others, it takes him a second to process what he’s seeing
There’s no way he just walked in on that
He's too surprised to pull himself away at first, and when he snaps out of it, he realizes he's enjoying it too much to leave
He watches the whole show, even as the new guy starts moaning louder, even until his body starts shaking and his cock starts tensing and twitching as he approaches his peak
He can’t look away as the newbie throws his head back, plunges the gun as deep as it’ll go inside him, then cums all over himself in a sticky white mess
As he starts coming down from his high, both Jeff and BEN quickly sneak away to avoid being seen
And although Jeff doesn’t usually like newbies, he figures he might make an exception for this guy
Unfortunately for the new guy, however, Jeff's love language is bullying
And what he saw at that gas station is just perfect bullying material
And he doesn't plan on going easy on him just because he's new
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Kate the Chaser
Since she’s antisocial, she’s hardly ever at the mansion, even despite being a proxy
She mostly just hangs around abandoned buildings, caves, half-decrepit huts in the woods—that kind of thing; and she feels very protective of those places
So when she senses a group of people wandering through what she’d consider her abandoned gas station, she makes sure to keep a close watch on everyone
She doesn’t actively see what happens with the new guy, but she definitely hears about it when everyone’s leaving the place
By overhearing bits of conversations, she's able to piece together what happened, and she develops a certain curiosity about the new guy
Kate teeters between states of consciousness, where, most of the time, she’s almost basically feral
But every now and then, remnants of her old humanity peek through
And hearing about this new guy somehow brings bits of her old self out, which piques her interest
It’s like a mix of curiosity and sexual fascination that has her sticking around to watch the new guy stumble his way back to the mansion
And even though she’d likely never confront him on her own, she secretly hopes that she’ll stumble in on him doing something like that again
Alas, until that day comes, maybe she’ll content herself with merely stalking him for now
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Even though he and Hoodie are almost always together, he doesn’t join the group at the gas station
He needs to rest and recover, so he hangs back, but he immediately knows he missed out on something big when Hoodie comes back
And when Hoodie shows him the video, Masky's furious he missed out on it
Honestly, he gains some respect for the newbie for being so ballsy to pull something off like that
Unlike a lot of others, it doesn’t really affect the way he interacts with him afterward
He doesn’t get flustered, doesn’t tease or bully the guy about it, he doesn’t even mention it because, in Masky's opinion, it’s not that big of a deal
Really, all it does is make him more interested in seeing what other tricks the new guy has up his sleeve
He wouldn’t mind personally finding out about them~
Other than that, if he sees other creeps being excessive about their commentary towards the newbie, he’ll also shut them down alongside Jane
He figures it must suck for the poor guy, so he tries to minimize the damage however he can
Jane and Masky honestly kind of become the new guy’s lifeline after that incident
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Nurse Ann
She also only hears about it much, much later since she usually stays off the grid
She’s masochistic, sadistic, and hypersexual, so she definitely gets having more… deviant sexual urges
Not to mention, with the sheer amount of strange people in that house, it really isn’t surprising that at least one of them would pull that kind of stunt
She doesn’t think too much of it as she goes about her work, but every now and then, she’s suddenly reminded of it out of nowhere
And she can’t help but think how fun it would be to use someone like that in her experiments~
So she keeps an eye out, and, similarly to Kate, she also hopes to have a random run-in with the new recruit
Honestly, she doesn’t even know who the new creep is or what he looks like—even if she did run into him—because they all look the same to her
But she knows that if she did get the chance to run into him, she also wouldn’t go easy on him
Honestly, Nurse Ann is definitely one of the more dangerous creeps, so garnering her attention is almost never a good thing
The new guy's unknowingly put himself in a lot of danger by attracting so many outsiders' attention
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Oh, he absolutely adores hearing about this new creep~
He’s not technically banned from the mansion, but he’s on thin fucking ice, so he knows to be careful when he visits to meet him
Preying on people’s sexual urges is what he does best—it makes it all the easier to mold his victims into perfectly obedient little slaves~
So this new guy has him salivating at the thought of kidnapping him
Try as he might to be subtle about his intentions to whisk him away, Slender is, for obvious reasons, fully aware of what he’s trying to do
So new security measures are reinstated at the house, and the new guy is placed under extra protection
Which might be confusing to the new guy, since he doesn’t exactly know why he’s being so carefully protected
Why would anyone even care about a random newbie like him?
Even if he tries to ask Slender what the reasoning behind all the fuss is, Slender won't tell him because just knowing what Offender does can be risky
To counter the new safety precautions, Offender might try to bribe and manipulate creeps from the inside
And who knows; maybe one day, Offender will finally slip through Slender’s cracks and snatch up his prize~
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Ticci Toby
Oh god oh god oh fuck
Initially the first one to suggest going for a snack run, he somehow blames himself for stumbling in on the new guy doing the dirty
He’s the first one to discover the scene, even before BEN walks in on it
And as soon as he sees it, as soon as he sees the new guy naked with his legs spread, squirming and whining with the barrel deep inside of him, Toby’s face goes red
He’s so close he can practically hear the slick sounds as he humps the weapon like a depraved little puppy
He’s frozen for a few seconds, too stunned to react, but once he comes to his senses, he immediately gets the hell out of dodge
But he doesn’t even make it all that far before he realizes—shit
There’s at least, like, five other creeps in here that might stumble in on him
He’s paralyzed in place as his mind races to figure out how to get everyone out without raising suspicion
But before he can think of a plan, BEN stumbles in on it and it’s all over
Not knowing what else to do, Toby practically makes a run for it because the secondhand embarrassment is too real
He comes face-to-face with Cody as he’s leaving, and when Cody asks what’s wrong, Toby blurts everything out before thinking twice
Needless to say, he’s insanely embarrassed about the whole thing, even though he’s not even the one who got caught
Poor guy can’t look the newbie in the eyes for a good few months after that incident
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When Toby mentions a hideout off the side of an old highway, of course Cody wants to check it out
He thought it would be a nice, chill way to spend his evening, so you can just imagine his confusion when he runs into Toby, who looks like he just saw a ghost and is on the verge of crapping himself about it
Before he can even open his mouth to ask, Toby blurts everything out, and Cody is thoroughly stunned
The new guy is doing what? Here? Right now??
He can see that Toby is visibly shaken, so he does his best to calm him down
But the whole time he’s talking Toby down, all he can think about is how he wants this damn conversation to end so that he can go off and have a quick peek of his own
Like—it’s not his fault the new guy’s cute
And, surely, one quick little peek wouldn’t do anyone any harm, right?
Once Toby bails, Cody doesn’t think twice before going to the back of the store
A few creeps are huddled behind a shelf, watching the scene intently, and Cody gets his own spot to watch the show
He was already interested in the newbie before this, but now?
Oh, now he definitely wants more
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The fact that he’s essentially the lord of the underworld, it’s nothing short of a miracle that news reaches him about a new sexually deviant creep
And at first, when the news does reach him, he honestly doesn’t care too much about it
Like, he’s basically the lord of sin—it takes a lot to impress him, even regarding sexual tendencies
It’s only one day, when nothing seems to be exciting him in the underworld, that he finally decides to investigate the new guy
What he discovers is actually fairly interesting, especially when he notices that other creeps and demons have developed an interest in him too
It means that the newbie might actually be more valuable than Zalgo initially realized
He gathers more intel on him, sending a few demons here and there to stalk him, all while remaining under Slender’s radar
And it, admittedly, is a long shot, but there’s a chance that this new guy might play a role in freeing the lord of the underworld from his imprisonment
He lays low for the most part, so it's not like the new guy is ever made aware of his presence, or even his existence as a whole
But the beginnings of a plan slowly yet surely start taking shape
Who knew such a small little mishap could cause such a stir?~
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scekrex · 7 months
Okay, okay, okay, ANOTHA ONE. Winner!reader who got lost in Heaven on his first, because Adam forgot that he was supposed to give him a tour and simply kept walking while Reader got distracted and went after something shiny that he thought would look nice on Adam. Now cue in Brandon Rogers skit with a "mother" looking for her son Timmy. Just Adam running around and screaming "Y/N!!!!" and asking around, cause he's totally shitting himself. He lost a soul IN HEAVEN of all places. After some time he sits down on a bench in a park or something, completely exhausted and distressed, when suddenly the reader appears behind him, placing a shiny little tiara between his mask horns saying: "✨👸🌺You're a fucking pretty princess!🌺👸✨" while holding ice cream in the other hand and Adam just looks at him like:
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You can end it however you want, cause honestly you're gonna nail it either way 💁🏻‍♂️
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Babes, I fucking love you for that request. I feel like I'll write so many crack fics for Adam n Reader just bc of you and I'm fucking ready for it
Lost and Found
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, this is a crack fic (kinda)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you had first appeared in Sera's office you had been confused and overwhelmed, the little girl, her name was Emily, was full of energy that you weren't able to deal with at that point. She had been all in your face and while you were aware that it was all good intentions, it made you feel like stumbling right into a panic attack.
So Sera had made a call with some guy named Adam, she hadn't explained who he was and why she called him and not someone else but once Adam had arrived at Sara's office, you understood. The guy was a lot more chill than Emily, sure he could talk a lot - that was the first thing he had proven once he had entered the office - but he wasn't draining you by doing so. He wasn't all up in your face either and you appreciated that a lot.
So once you two had introduced yourself to each other, the two of you took off.
The streets weren't as full and crowded as you had expected them to be. Heaven was painted in bright colors, pastel blue, white and gold were the most common colors you came across. Adam was currently rambling about some chick that he had fucked a couple weeks ago at one of his gigs, you weren't really paying attention though, you were too focused on all the shiny lights that surrounded you.
So your attention was on many things, on everything but Adam, the person you probably should've focused the most on considering that you had no clue where exactly in heaven you two were. And when the two of you walked past a jewelry store you couldn't help but walk right through the door. In your mind you thought Adam would notice and follow you - or wait outside the store.
Well, Adam didn't even notice you were gone at first, he was too caught up in his storytelling. So he continued to walk through the streets of heaven for a good twenty minutes without you. That was until the man stopped to look at you - or at least that was why he turned around. But you weren't there.
For how long had he been walking alone? Where were you and why weren't you following him anymore? A wave of panic hit him. What if Sera would find you all alone without him in sight? He'd be in so much trouble if that were to happen.
So he walked in the direction he came from, checking every back alley he had walked past but he couldn't find you. “Y/N?” he called out for you as he entered yet another back alley, hoping he'd get a response. He tried to remain as calm as possible, that wasn't easy considering that he had just lost a fucking soul in heaven. Oh he was so fucked if he weren't to find you by sunset. He was so fucked if Sera were to find out.
Another wave of panic shot through his body as he rushed out of the alley. He grabbed an angel who just went about his day by his shoulders, shook him slightly as his voice filled with panic got louder and louder, “Have you seen my-” Adam stopped for a moment. His what? You weren't his. Ah, fuck this, “Have you seen the dude I'm supposed to watch? He's about this tall,” he raised his hand to show the angel - who was slightly frightened by Adam's behavior - how tall you were, “clearly gay and has a thing for me, but we haven't had the talk yet.” The second the angel started to shake his head Adam was gone, calling out your name over and over again.
“You fucking little shithead, get your sexy ass over here,” Adam yelled, earning himself a few strange looks from bypassing angels, he couldn't care less though. A panicking expression was visible on his mask as he continued to walk all the way back to where you and him had come from. He opened a door to one of the countless stores you two had passed, “Y/N are you in there? You better get the fuck out if you are!” The customers inside the store looked at Adam in confusion and disgust for yelling so loud. He slammed the door shut and crossed the street to enter a park, maybe you had seen some kind of animal or whatever bullshit it was a soul like you were interested in.
“C’mon you little bitch, I'll let you fucking do drugs if you move your ass over here right now,” that was a total lie, obviously it was, but Adam was trying to get you back and he really had no idea how to do it properly.
Another angel walked up to him, she seemed slightly worried about the situation that was playing out, “Have you tried retracing the steps?” Adam shoved her out of the way, “Fuck, you think I'm stupid? Of course I have!” The lady who just had wanted to help flinched away from the first man and was quick to take off once his attention had shifted away from her.
He rushed through the entire park, even looked at the entire thing from above in hope he would be able to spot you, but nothing. Once his feet were back on the ground he broke down on a park bench, his hands were covering the LED face that was displayed on his mask and he was done with it, there was no way he'd find you before sunset - which was when Sera was expecting the both of you to return.
He was completely fucked, there was no way he'd be able to explain to Sera what had happened. And even worse: what if you got hurt? Shit, he didn't even know why he cared about that, you were just some random soul he had met a couple hours ago but yet there he was, worrying about your fucking ass.
Adam flinched when he heard the sound of metal clicking against his mask and turned his head around. There you were. A soft smile was curled around your lips and you held a cone of ice cream in your hand as if nothing had happened, “Y’know,” you started to speak up and pointed to the thing that was resting on top of his mask now, “For someone who talks about ‘fucking bitches’ a lot you're a fucking pretty princess.”
Adam reached for the object you had placed on his head and looked at it closely. It was a fucking golden tiara. It had tiny purple gemstones attached to it and it surprisingly fit his aesthetic pretty well. He stared at the shiny accessory for a moment before he put it down on the bench, got up and lifted you over the bench he had been sitting on. Before you knew it your ice cream cone landed on the ground and Adam pulled you into a bone crushing hug, your feet still dangling in the air, you simply decided to wrap them around his waist. The taller man didn't seem to mind it all that much.
“Don’t you fucking dare to ever run off again you little shithead,” he whispered as he held you, the face of his mask was pressed flush against your neck. “And I thought I was the one having a thing for you when clearly it's not one sided,” you teased the first man, your hand playfully grabbing his horns and pulling him away from your neck to look at him. “You heard that?” he asked in a mix of anger and embarrassment. “Yeah,” you shrugged, “Next time when you're looking out for me, do better.” Adam couldn't help but simply stare at you in pure disbelief. There was simply no fucking way he had missed you. “Also,” you looked down on the ground where your ice cream cone was melting, “You owe me ice cream, idiot.”
“I swear I'll fucking get you a shirt that says 'If lost, return to Adam' or some shit in case that ever happens again,” Adam mumbled and even though he sounded slightly annoyed, he seemed pretty happy you were back. “Oh, it will happen again, trust me,” you simply grinned.
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biteofcherry · 1 year
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must pick one CE fictional babe and share a hoe thought including the prompts: forest + “I can hear you breathing.” 😏 Go on and spread those shameless hoe vibes and your legs 😘❤️
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The Sacred Hunt
Curtis Everett x reader
summary: Traditions were sacred. You were always vehement in seeing to that. But you never considered that at some point you may become a core part of one of your people's traditions.
warnings: sliiight dub-con (not really, but just to be sure); chase kink of sorts; arranged relationship (kinda); exp**cit se*ual content; loss of vir-g-i-n-ity;
Author's Note: This is a story of firsts - my first fic written on new laptop and my first time writing something for Curtis! @stargazingfangirl18 you kinda deflowered my Curtis virginity here with your prompt 🤣 I hope the wild mess of it will be a sufficient sacrifice to sate you.
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Smoky scent of bonfires has dispersed into warmed aroma of pine and ferns the further you got into the forest. The wild beat of music and pounding of feet stomping to the rhythm, as people danced in celebration, completely died out. There was only the spooky hoot of owls hidden in the tree nooks.
And the echo of your heart, thundering rapidly in your chest.
You crossed the point of expected escape quite a while ago; stopping only for a second to look at the prepared bedding on the forest floor, before you bolted further.
You shouldn't have done that, you knew. But you couldn't make yourself to simply wait there for the champion to appear in his scary glory and seal your fate.
The Hunt was sacred.
While other seasonal celebrations were approached with variously eager engagement, all the villages in the area went beyond reason to organize this night. To show deepest kind of gratitude to the best hunter of past seasons.
The Hunt happened only once a decade, taking into consideration all of young and older hunters who provided for all the villages throughout the seasons. Elders chose the one most worthy of the title and bountiful benefits.
Each household provided a gift for the Hunter, from a barrel of mead, to a roll of silk.
The greatest prize, however, was a bride.
Each village appointed a female of age, ripe for the taking. It was considered an honor and, to be quite honest, was a position desired by many women.
Any of them could say no; they could decline the offer and wouldn't be forced to participate. They simply never wanted to say no.
You admitted you were one of those women, as well. To be wed to a husband who is strong, hard working and respected; to have your pantry and chests filled with gifts at the start of your married life.
Truly, you gasped in disbelief, then almost jumped in joy, when the elders picked you as one of the betrothed to choose from. Perhaps the honor of being chosen was enough, as it also put additional value to you as a wife for any other men who would be looking for a bride once The Hunter rejected you.
But then, as you stood in a semi circle with few other young women and The Hunter stepped into the light cast by the biggest bonfire, your elation skittered into fear.
The elders chose Curtis.
It shouldn't come as a surprise. He was the one who brought the biggest prey, who showed inhuman endurance during long, freezing winter hunts. He protected your villages from Wilford's raids and got rid of the tyrant permanently.
Yes, Curtis definitely deserved the title and the gratitude.
And a dutiful bride to share a life with him and ease his burdens.
But staring at him as he walked out of the shadows, you felt yourself cowering away. Curtis was big and intimidating. His naked chest bore scars, his corded muscles flexed as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Wolf pelt was thrown over his shoulders, the hollowed head of the animal resting atop Curtis' head, shiny animal teeth glinting right above Curtis' astonishingly blue eyes.
He was a quiet and brooding type, rarely smiling for anyone. You couldn't imagine sharing a warm, soft moment with him.
Though you certainly could imagine a rough and heated communication of bodies...
When Curtis stopped in front of you and offered you his hand, you felt like fleeing that very moment. Yet your trembling fingers slipped into his large hand; your world narrowing to the brutal shades dancing on Curtis' face, as everyone else disappeared from your peripheral vision.
A cup of mead was given to Curtis and he took a sip before lifting it to your lips. Without taking your eyes off of him, you swallowed the thick, sweet drink; felt it's heat fill your veins.
Then you were led to the edge of the clearing where a line of torches and flower garlands were forming an entrance into the woods.
For The Hunt to be complete, The Hunter had to chase his prey and claim victory.
It was mostly a formality nowadays: a joyful chase through the forest, until the couple reaches the prepared spot where they were supposed to consummate their bonding.
You followed the expected motions, running into the woods toward suggested direction. Lush greenery soothed you, for a moment you even felt a spark of excitement.
Then your feet stopped at the edge of the narrow clearing, where linens and pelts and adorning trinkets were splayed. You could imagine yourself there, naked and spread for your future husband. When your mind inserted the image of Curtis - a dark, rough shard in that fair, soft setting - you nearly squeaked.
"Will you lay down, or do you want me to help you?"
You jumped in place at his deep, low timbre resounding unexpectedly right behind you.
You didn't even sense him approach!
Not a snap of a twig, not a rustle of leaves. Not even your own instinct, which you considered to be quite good, warned you of the hunter's approach.
You turned around, nearly bumping your nose right into Curtis' naked chest. He smelled of sandalwood oil and earth.
You forced your eyes upward, meeting his gaze. He wasn't looking at you with anger; rather with curiosity. And a hungry gleam that caused your thighs to clench.
There wasn't a single logical though behind your action, but you simply bolted.
You ran through the woods blindly. Ferns licked the skin of your thighs, as your simple, short white shift lifted up. Moss made your feet slippery, the ground wasn't easing your moves either.
You slowed only for a split of a second, just to catch a breath and decide on direction. You forgot a single heartbeat was enough for a skilled hunter to strike. It was definitely enough for the best of hunters.
"I can hear you breathing."
Curtis' tone held a hint of amusement as he leaned against a tree trunk, opposite of the one you were braced against.
Before you made a single step to ran again, Curtis moved. He was so damn fast! Breath stuttered in your chest as he pinned you against the tree with his heavy mass.
"Was the chase for my benefit, doe?" He asked, tracing a single finger along your cheek.
"I-" you tried to regain steady breathing.
"I enjoyed it," though he didn't smile, somehow you sensed he was genuine, not mocking you. "Though to the mystic depths of the night forest, I'd rather enjoy sweet, moist caverns of my bride."
His other hand squeezed your thigh. Your pupils blew wide as Curtis slid it up, pushing it beneath your shift.
You clenched your legs, your hands landing on Curtis' bared chest. You didn't push him away; the heat seeping from him and the firm structure of his muscles made you pause.
The finger on your cheek disappeared. Curtis brushed the petals on the flower crown adorning your head.
"The other women," he spoke, "they looked excited and in bliss. But you-" he picked a single petal, then traced the delicate pad along your lips and down the column of your neck-
"You looked determined. So sure and ready for your future."
Curtis cocked his head, eyes holding yours as he dipped the petal into the valley of your breasts.
"What changed it?" He asked.
"I-" it was really hard to think of anything when Curtis' hands were touching you.
And he made the contrast between teasing tickle of a petal on your breasts and a massive hand pushing between your thighs maddening.
"I don't know," you sighed, spreading your legs a bit in defeat.
"I think I got a little scared." Your hands moved to Curtis' shoulders, your hold tightening.
"I can be scary." Curtis nodded. "But you have nothing to fear, doe. I will never hurt you."
He paused; his gaze dropping to the petal swaying on the swell of your breast as it rose and fell in quickened breath. Curtis bowed his head slightly, then blew the petal away.
"As long as you don't run from me," he lifted his head, stark blue irises sparking with mischief and lips curling into a wolfish grin.
Then his hand was tearing the top of your shift, exposing your breasts, while his other hand cupped your mound.
Calloused fingers squeezed your breast as Curtis' mouth claimed your lips in a hungry kiss. Oxygen seemed to stop flowing to your brain for a moment, your heart stopping in shock, when you felt the pressure of his power.
Was it how prey felt when a predator sank its teeth into their neck? A freezing shock that melted into surrender for the inevitable.
You tensed like a string, but your body quickly gave in. Lips parting obediently, you allowed Curtis' tongue to tease yours. Your hands pushed at the pelt on his shoulders, yanking the whole cover off of him, so your fingers were finally able to move to the back of his head.
A keen spilled from your throat into Curtis' mouth when a single, thick digit pushed into your core.
Curtis cooed softly, trailing wet kisses along your jaw. His teeth scraped your earlobe, drawing your attention to the sting of it as he rubbed a thumb against your clit.
"We have to sate the hunt, doe," Curtis rasped, pushing another finger in and thrusting them into you quicker.
You scraped at the back of his head, crying out at the intrusion. It was more, so much more, than your small fingers. He reached deeper, too; stretching you and touching spots that seemed to both hurt and be deliriously pleasant.
"A good hunt demands blood." His breathy growl made you shiver.
Curtis pulled his fingers out of you, suddenly; your wetness smeared on your skin when he gripped the back of your thigh.
The world twirled as he laid you down on the forest ground, quickly cutting off splashes of green of the tree crowns with the frame of his huge body hovering above you.
"Please!" You whined, hands clawing at Curtis' sides.
You weren't sure if you were pleading for mercy, or if your own need was so bloodthirsty.
He spread your legs wide, settling himself between them. Your shift was rolled up on your belly, your slick glistening on the thatch of curls around your folds.
Curtis' gaze was focused between your bodies and your own eyes shifted downwards too. You let out a strangled gasp at what you saw.
Curtis was palming his cock - big, like the rest of him. When he rested it over your mount, the tip of it reached almost your bellybutton.
He would be so deep...
Your fingernails pierced his skin as Curtis guided himself into your opening. He was barely in and it already stretched you impossibly.
Then he pushed more of his weight onto you, bracing himself on his forearms on both sides of your head. He looked down at you; drinking in the metamorphosis of grimaces on your beautiful face as he thrust into your virgin cunt.
Your cry echoed through the forest as the merciless slide split you in two. Every second felt like torment that dragged overwhelming pleasure along with the sting.
And he kept on driving in, even when you felt there's not an inch left inside you to fill.
"There you go, doe," Curtis moaned, rocking his hips and pushing his cock deeper and deeper. "That's a good girl. That's it."
When he finally stilled, buried so deep inside it felt nearly uncomfortable, your forehead was dewy with sweat and your thighs were shaking.
You felt so full. Wetter, too. Your arousal mixing with a dab of virginal blood.
"You're mine, doe," Curtis mouthed against your lips, nipping your bottom lip with his teeth.
"Yours," you mewled, feeling your walls fluttering.
Though Curtis didn't seem to mind you scratching his sides, as you tried to tame the tension and need bubbling inside of you, he yanked your hands off of him. He put your hands above your head, gripping your wrists with one of his hands.
And then he started moving.
The pace wasn't fast, but each thrust was rough and forceful, causing your body to jolt. Your untried pussy welcomed each stroke like the first one - resilient to the stretch and loving how Curtis made you take it anyway.
Curtis bent his head, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth. Was it the sucking, or the way his hips shifted and the head of his cock bumped into a special spot, but your knees drew up and your back arched.
You screamed into the night as your first orgasm shook every bone in your body.
Trickle of your juices, pinked with your blood, dripped into the ground beneath you.
A long while later (when your voice grew hoarse and your brain stopped registering anything beyond the feeling of Curtis owning every part of your body), Curtis' cum soiled the forest floor too.
He spilled deep inside, groaning against your lips as his dick twitched. He kept rocking erratically, pushing excess of his cum out of you.
You were a boneless mess when Curtis picked you up a few heartbeats later.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he nestled you against his chest. His scent became headier, earth and musk overpowering the subtle sandalwood.
Curtis carried you back to the abandoned bedding. He laid you down on soft linens and you welcomed the clean, fresh fabrics.
"No rest yet, doe," Curtis rolled you onto your side and settled behind you.
He gripped beneath your knee and pulled your leg outward. He guided his cock between your folds, rubbing the head back and forth over your oversensitive clit.
He caught your hand when you tried patting him away in protest.
"Tradition of The Hunt is sacred," he said. "Evidence of the coupling is necessary for our betrothal to be officially binding."
In the back of your mind, you knew that. There were foggy memories of a hunt ten years earlier; a couple returning in the early morning from the depths of the woods and matrons of the elders going in to check upon the consummation evidence.
But you were sore and exhausted, your brain wasn't working in logical ways. You never imagined how draining sex would be.
And you happened to be chosen by the hunter known for limitless endurance.
"Besides," Curtis pushed into you, "I want you again."
"I will never stop wanting you, doe."
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megbanned · 6 months
I got a qeustion!
So pretty sure your mascot is- MB right? Well I’m curious…
Do they have any character lore or a story? Or just serve as a persona?
I think they look pretty adorable ✨
Was just curious since idk if they have any funky powers, but one of your posts has fire around them? Soooo-
MB it's my sona and OC, both things I think XD
And yes, they have Lore!
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This is a general reference of how they looks-
MB goes for They/Them in case you get a bit confused-
But for the lore: Right now I'm inspired to write, so expect a LOT of text, some things could be misspelled since I use Google Translate to write-
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This image explains it more x'D
Basically it is a subtype of Worker Drone that works Underground at high temperatures where humans and normal worker drones may not be able to withstand that much heat.
They have shiny parts that allow them to light the way, such as their horns and tails. These parts appear to be made of lava, but it is another equally hot material that in turn helps them create mining tools.
This information is new and I did not explain it before: instead of having normal WD feet, they have paws, this in a way helps to feel the vibrations of the ground, as well as feeling that someone is nearby or that the cave where they are possibly about to collapse.
The hotter it is, the more efficient they are, however you should not let them consume each other or things will happen-
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BUT Now that the planet froze What is MB's role? Survive
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Due to the explosion caused by humans, the artificial heat that the MB colony maintained began to run out and they had no idea how to fix what gave them life, where could they get more heat? They need to consume that to live… They are made of heat, aren't they? They attacked each other until little by little there was no one left.
MB had to grow up during these conflicts and fights over the heat, he had never known what was above them even though some left the colony and did not return (they did not return since the Dissasembly drone killed them, curiously the DD did not come down to the colony since entering the caves was dangerous if you didn't know where to go, so the DDs who entered also died of overheating from not eating)
Due to certain decisions, 4 UWD (Underground Worker Drone) killed the few that remained of the colony, there was no more heat, there was nothing more to consume, MB fled the colony before they killed them, which meant that he had to go up to the surface, it took them a while to get there due to the different caves, MB met 2 other UWDs but no good things happened, when MB finally reached the surface it was not as they imagined it, it was even more spacious, and a great light covered everything, MB had seen the sun for the first time, something they had only heard from stories from other older UWDs, it didn't provide him with as much heat because of the cold snow but it was better than being down and dying.
While MB walked through this spacious place they couldn't help but see parts of other UWDs on the ground, as if something or someone had torn them apart. This terrified them, believing that the surface would be just as brutal as underground, but still decided to investigate, finding traces who were guiding to a camp seeing bodies of… Worker drones???, it was the first time MB had seen the body of a Worker drone, MB had only heard about them again because of what they told them, with the hope that they could help him to look for a warm area, MB was looking for them in that camp, but only saw abandonment and destruction, until saw the tracks left by the tires of a certain machine, a type of transport was what MB thought of, so they followed these tracks, it was a long road and the sun was beginning to set and their internal heat was not going to help for a long time, at one point and near a certain place MB ended up getting cold and collapsing because of it.
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They found MB's body, they didn't know what type of Drone it was due to its appearance, but its visor showed the image "Low Temp", so they looked for something that could provide heat and a heater could help with that, for now.
Andddd this is a mexican drone- If MB were on the show, would speak completely in Spanish just like Doll speaks Russian.
SOOO this is what I have for now of MB Lore XD
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The inspiration for some of the UWD lore was the Naica crystal caves located in a part of my country. sooo probably I will draw something about it later
and MB original design was this one
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I later wanted to convert it into a Worker Drone and ended up creating a whole subtype of WD and the lore that I wrote previously.
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silkwhim · 1 year
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Sophonts for a shiny new project ✨ Beatha (bay-ha) ✨, an alternate earth set a couple thousand years ago
The first species (green bg), Lau, are offshoots of Indriidae and are most closely related to sifakas. They originate in Madagascar but now occupy most of the continent of Africa.
The second (yellow bg) are a species of wallaby (yet to be named). They originate in the East coast of Australia, now occupying most of the country as well as most of Asia and some Pacific Islands. They are the earliest sophonts.
Finally, the Kepa-ka-o-o, an ancient relative of corvids. They originate in Aotearoa, with many relatives across the Pacific Islands which they now also live across. They have many colonies in Australia and Asia, having a close relationship with the wallaby sophont.
Despite the distance, it's not uncommon to see Lau living in Asia and Oceania and vice versa. The Americas and Europe aren't completely untouched but they don't hold very large populations of the three sophonts due to their mostly colder climate which is not preferred, however there are colonies quickly growing in South America in particular.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Good evening Grande Starbucks Frappe!! ✨✨
This is oddly specific so feel free to not take all the details into account and creative freedom and all that but perhaps Genya x Reader where Sanemi terrified our ass at the beginning of the year and now reader is scared of both Shinazugawa brothers despite Genya harbouring a crush? Just thought it'd be funny to see him despairing and demanding why Sanemi had to ruin his chances so badly-
Firstly THANK YOU IM SO HAPPY! 😭 Secondly sure. @six-eyed-samurai
This is written as a female s/o since it's easier for me to write I hope that's ok. For this Genya and reader are both 18 in their senior year so slightly aged up Genya and Co.
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-You were the newest student in Kimetsu Academy, just transferred over from another school when your parents moved you closer to your father's workplace. You weren't too nervous. Some of your friends went to the school so it's not like you wouldn't go in not knowing anyone. However your first day was anything but a good start.
-First you were really late because your mom's car got a flat tire on the way to driving you there. Then you dropped your coin purse containing your lunch money outside while you were rushing into the school. A teacher happened to have noticed that you dropped it but you didn't hear him calling out to you. Then you got laughed at when you busted into the chemistry class (which was the first class you had) and got both laughed at by a lot of the other students and chewed out by Professor Obanai for being late to his class. Then when lunch came around you had to sit down and go hungry except for some spare things given by your friends because you didn't have money or brought your own lunch. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse too-
-Sanemi, the scariest teacher in the entire School even more than Professor Obanai, had just roughly pushed the door to the cafeteria open and his narrowed eyes scanning the area until they lasered focused on you. "HEY YOU!" The entire place silences immediately terrified at the sounds of the scary man's voice. "NEW GIRL!!" You feel yourself freeze up on the spot as the heavily scarred man comes marching up towards you looming over your terrified form before a cute teddy bear themed coin purse is roughly pushed into your shaking hands. "I've been trying to fucking track you down all day! Don't forget your purse outside again!"
-Its cannon in Kimetsu Gauken that Sanemi likes kids and respects women but most are scared by his appearance and honestly sometimes he comes off as scary without meaning too. Sanemi honestly wasn't trying to scare you, he was genuinely just trying to return your purse to you but he wasn't socially aware enough to realize that calling out a trembling girl in the middle of everyone and looming over her scared you so much that you became very scared of your new math teacher.
-It was around the second week you were there that you learnt one of your fellow students was the younger brother of the scary teacher. From the first day forward whenever you had math class you kept your head down and very quiet to avoid him singling you out but today was study day before a big test so everyone was partnered up. "Kanao get with Inosuke! Kamado's with the blonde kid!  New girl go get with my brother! All of you take turns asking questions with these flashcards! All of this will be on the test tomorrow so PAY THE HELL ATTENTION AND STUDY!"
-Your pupils shrank in fear and a rock fell in your stomach. Brother? Mr. Sanemi had a BROTHER?! As soon as Genya sat down in front of you holding the flashcards for your shared study session, you knew without a doubt they were related. Their faces were similar shaped especially their eyes, and like a brother he also had scars on his body although a lot less than Sanemi did. As soon as Genya saw your big doe eyes all shiny and pretty looking up at him, the baby boy was smitten.
-He's had crushes before. He's had fleeting crushes on both his friends Aoi and Kanao before they gotten into relationships with his other guy friends and when he was younger he always thought Ms. Kanao was the prettiest girl ever, but after seeing you he gained the biggest crush in his life that it felt like Cupid smashed his head with a mallet of love.
-It then started a cycle between you two. He started to try and approach you. "Hey! New girl!" You freaked out by the sudden repeating appearance from him. It was bad enough the teacher seemed to be annoyed with you but did his brother have to harass you too?! You kept running away from him or had your friends block his way to you until he left or you escaped. He was hurt you seemed to be so scared of him and for the longest time didn't have the foggiest idea why. He tried getting Tanjiro's help in convincing you to hang out with him in a group setting to see if maybe he could ease your worries by having other people around but you always asked if Genya would be there and Tanjiro...Well he's an awful liar so even if he said no you knew otherwise and declined. 
-Then one day while reading it hits him. Your very first day the week prior to meeting Genya. Sanemi returned your purse and you seemed terrified of him. I'm turn it must've made you genuinely afraid of him as well. That day when Genya gets home he literally kicks down the doorway startling his mother, Sanemi, and their younger siblings with his anger. "SANEMI WHAT THE FUCK?!"
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Twst in “ The wizard of oz” ( a shitpost)
Yuu as Dorothy ( obvious choice)
Grim as Todo
Ace (or Deuce) as The Scarecrow
Ortho as The Tin Man
Epel (or Jack) as The Cowardly Lion
Vil as Glinda (He would look pretty in her dress)
Azul as the Wicked Witch of the West
Jade and Floyd as The Flying Monkeys
Crowley (or Idia) as the Wizard himself
And the rest of the cast are the munchkins
( let me know what you think of the cast, and who would you choose to cast here)
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I uh 💀 recall being forced to watch Wizard of Oz once as like a 7 year old, so my recollection of it is vague at best 💦 I did refer to its Wikipedia page to summarize the story and characters to me, so hopefully that’s enough to get an understanding of this prompt!
My interpretation would be:
Yuu as Dorothy and Grim as Toto! The obvious picks ✨
Expanding Team Dorothy and co. to create novel roles so each of the first years can have a part in the journey; I very much like the idea of the first year friend group!
If we’re sticking with just the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion… I’d choose Deuce for Scarecrow (since he is objectively the less intelligent between him and Ace). What Deuce would gain at the end wouldn’t be smarts, but rather the understanding and the acceptance that he’s stubborn and simple-minder, and that’s his strength. This would be similar to how Deuce unlocks his UM in book 5, by embracing his true self.
Jack would be my pick for Lion (since he is more beast-like). Additionally, Jack had to deal with finding the courage to stand up to the rest of his dorm, including the dorm leader, in book 2.
Vil as Glinda works, but I can also see Azul playing Glinda in a sleazier manner befitting the shadiness of a used car salesman. I just think that juxtaposition between how kind he looks and his real attitude would be hilarious (think of like Fairy Godmother from Shrek 2).
Back to the idea of Vil as Glinda though, he’d totally kill the look!! I think it would be funny if the ruby red slippers that bring Yuu home are the crimson Ténèbres brand mirror heels 👠👠 mentioned in Jade’s Dorm Uniform vignettes (a highly exclusive shoe that even Vil dreams of but finds it hard to get his hands on). RIP Yuu though, having to walk to the Emerald City in those…
Azul and the twins work as the Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying Monkey (Flying Fish?) henchmen. However, I can also see Malleus and Sebek + Silver in these roles since Malleus is TWST’s poster child for “villains”. He’d be mad that you killed his mother—/j
I can kind of see Idia as the Wizard since they’re both mysterious shut-ins, but I feel Crowley is more befitting since he’s the one constantly promising to find Yuu a way home. Crowley also works better since the Wizard kinda pep talks the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion about how they had the traits the most wished for all along. It seems like the kind of corny thing he would spout to try and convince his students to be friends. The enigmatic headmaster who loves shiny things and oversees a school that looks great from the outside but is constantly dealing with traumatic events on the inside… Doesn’t that kind of man fit the role of someone who lives in the shining Emerald City made of smoke and mirrors?
SHORT KINGS RIDDLE, LILIA, AND EPEL SHOULD BE MUNCHKINS… (Riddle and Epel would be mad about it, but Lilia would have fun with it and ask the others if they think he rocks the outfit.) This is only, of course, if Epel is not already a part of Team Dorothy and co. as a new character and/or if Lilia is not already serving as one of Malleus’s minions.
The Seven Dwarves and Cheka should be included among the Munchkins.
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sylenth-l · 4 months
Hi hello, I love your art so much LIKE MY BROTHER. IT'S SO YUMMY, THE SHADOWS THE EXPRESSIONS, I love how you draw Timur , Felwinter and Osiris together 🙏 little bird with his two funky adoptive parents. I stare at your art like , I'm always ready and hyped to give traditional art another try ✨
If I was to go back, any tips for which watercolours to pick? I so far got only aniline colours.
Aah, thank you so much!! 😳💙
Hmmm, the thing is, I use fountain pen inks almost always for painting. I don't use watercolour much, so I can't really suggest anything in particular… I have a selection of colours from different brands, of course, I know quite a lot about pigments, and I like using watercolour from time to time to add some special effects to my works. For sketching outdoors it's also the easiest to use among all other paints, probably. But painting a whole artwork with it……… I try doing it sometimes, but every single time I end up thinking "God, I wish I used inks instead, I hate this so much, why is it so BLEURGH". I guess watercolour just isn't my medium 😂 
I can share my thinking process when building up a palette though, I use it with all mixable mediums I use, be it inks, watercolour, gouache, etc. I found it to be the most effective (and money-saving, lol) approach for me.
So what I want for my main mixing palette is to have 3 sets of primary trios. All colours also must be as smooth as possible, with no surprises or unwanted colour separation. For watercolour - not granulating ones.
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(my camera tends to make all colours brighter and also fails to see the subtle difference between some shades, but you can still get the idea)
The first trio is extremely vivid, consisting of bright cool colours - lemon yellow, cyan, magenta-leaning pink. It gives you access to all the bright, open colours.
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Second is the classic they teach in all art schools (probably, from what I've heard, I never went into one alkjdshfk) - sunshine yellow, bright warm red and ultramarine blue. This gives you a huge selection of warmer, natural colours, like all shades of golds, eggplant purples, olive greens, etc. It also allows some nice selection of wood browns.
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Third is my personal favorite, the muted trio. You kinda can get similar colours from the previous trio, but I prefer having these separately, because of how often I use them all. It consists of golden ochre-leaning yellow, dark bloody red and dark indanthrone blue. It gives you the most beautiful browns, beiges, blacks and other rich, deep colours.
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On top of that I also like to have at least one decent black (in my case it's Quink Black ink, I cannot live without it).  And these 10 would be my essentials. Other colours I add to my mixing palette are basically shortcuts to the shades I find myself mixing the most - like a few browns and violets. There are also a few inks that I need for some very specific purposes - like, I have a very vivid cold magenta ink to mix a certain bright cold shade of the Void, and also a fluorescent orange for adding shiny Exo LED lights. And etc.
(Actually I'm currently in the process of re-organizing my main palette and also considering making a few small sets for painting some characters specifically)
I also have a separate selection of chromatographic inks, which can probably be compared to granulating watercolours… But not quite. A few examples:
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Here I don't have any special notes or advices, just get the ink you like and enjoy it. Some of these I use so often that I always keep them in my main palette, and others I only get out for some special occasion. These are also mixable btw - I constantly add other ink in Quink Black to get different shades of it.
However, I must say that not all of the ~special effects~ inks are polite and well-behaved, some will agree to work only on some specific paper after a significant amount of coaxing, and others will straight out say "fuck you" at the most crucial moment, even if they worked perfectly just a moment ago.
Btw, when working with inks, I really recommend to put it into smaller bottles with a dropper, so you don't have to open the big bottle each time. It's both easier to use for you and much safer for inks! 
ANYWAY, I hope this post was of some use for you 🌈
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ahollowgrave · 7 months
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@actxiisceneiv asked: Send ✨ to see them in something they aspire to wear or would like the chance to wear.
Odette doesn't own a full suit of armor -- yet. Her current Paladin kit is of a humble nature, having been a gift from her Sisters. The shield is unadorned but sturdy, the blade simple but true. The armor rather limited but decorated with embroidered moon daises, each by a different sister. She feels nothing but the divine love of Menphina when she wears it. However, she has a terrible fondness for stories about lady knights and the women they love and has grown delighted by the thought of someday donning a full suit herself. Shiny, with details of flowers and twining vines and moths. Someday she'll commission it, but only after she feels like she's earned it.
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Thank you so much for the ask!
][ Screenshot Meme ][
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eleni-cherie · 2 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.8
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
22nd February
Hanoi, Vietnam
"I might've found us a new job."
Curiously they looked at Jimin who had just entered and waved an envelope in his hands with a mischievious grin.
"Hard pass," Yoongi only countered, going back to grinding his sword, "Forgot I'll be gone for the next month?"
Jimin's smile faded, replaced by a musing expression. "Ah, right.. there was something.. So you really just gonna leave to meditate for a whole month? That wasn't a joke?"
Shaking his head, the older one offered him a small apologetic fold of his lips.
With a deep sigh, Jimin's hopeful glance was directed now at Taehyung, who only blinked back, with a lost expression in his brown eyes wide as he hadn't paid attention. Too occupied by the game he was playing on his phone. "Huh?"
Rolling his eyes, Jimin walked over to him. Holding the envelope right in front of his eyes and blocking his view on the display. It seemed like he had to spell it out for him. "Are-you-in-for-the-job?"
Annoyed, Taehyung shoved his hand away. "Depends," he shrugged then, going back to his mobile game, "What, where and when?"
He opened the envelope, sliding a photo out to wiggle in front of him. It showed a dragon made of jade. "Location: Montreal. The 'when' depends on how fast we'll work out a plan. Now that we're only gonna be à deux." Jimin couldn't miss side-eyeing Yoongi who only ignored him, pretending being oblivious to his scowl. He turned to Taehyung again, facing him with an innocent smirk then. "Unless of course we'd find a third person."
"And who would t-" before he could even finish his own question, Taehyung cut himself off when recalling Jimin could only head into one specific derection. Arabella. So he immediately shook his head. "No."
"Aw, c'mon."
"Jimin, no. Absolutely not."
Jimin began whining, scooting to him and falling to his knee, begging. "C'mon, Tae. Why not? She could -" 
Yoongi's sudden burst of laughter startled them and they looked at him confused. He only shot them a gummy grin. "Seriously, Jimin, you expect us to trust her for a job again after Cairo?" Taehyung nodded vigoriously, obviously agreeing with his older friend. And Jimin had to realise reaching a dead-end. Disappointedly, he got up and brushed off dust from his pants. 
"Fine, then I won't ask Bella for help and it's only gonna be the two of us. But I better not hear any complains about difficulties."
Taehyung folded his arms, his videogame laying forgotten on his lap. "Who says she'd even help us anyway?"
"She surely would have if I asked her nicely." And if he promised her shiny diamonds. 
However, seeing the steadfast glare in Taehyung's eyes, he admitted defeat.
Feeling the urgent need for a whiff of fresh ear and also annoyed with his friends, he stepped out into the balcony. The mild evening atmosphere greeting him.
He propped his hands on the railing and stared out when soon sensing Taehyung beside him.
They both remained silent for awhile, just staring over the sea of cement with specks of green in between.
It had rained not too long ago, evident by the puddles on the shiny asphalt and the smell of humidity in the air. It was almost March, but spring was still far away.
"Why.. why are you so into Arabella?"
Jimin dragged out a breath, getting slowly fed up with the same sarcastic comments and rhetoric questions about his, admittedly, weakness for the female spy and thief.
With a small groan, he threw his head back. "I get it, you guys don't like her and I understand why. I really do. But it's seriously getti-"
"No," Taehyung interrupted his rant with a quick shake of his head, "I mean it. How.. how are you so sure.. it's her? I get that she's all 'dangerous and hot' or whatever your reasons were but.. There has to be more, right? You're not constantly making a fool of yourself only 'cause she's hot." At least he hoped so.
Not having expected his friend to be genuinely curious about the relationship between him and Arabella, his lips parted taken aback. "Well.." Jimin slowly began then, glancing at him cautiously as his random, yet genuine sounding question triggered suspicion in him. 
His glance returned to the city then, trying to comprise in sentences the complicated emotions he felt for the mischievous woman. "She's more than just a gorgeous and intriguing woman who keeps me busy, you know." Taehyung noticed the fond smile in Jimin's eyes. Making him almost gag, but he successfully contained it and allowed him to continue. "Me and her.. we got history you don't know of. She's more than her habit of outwitting us."
"Oh, is she?" It was kind of hard to believe. Then again, he tried spending as little time as possible with her and only if absolutely necessary. Simply not trusting her an inch.
Jimin chucked at his disbelief and nodded. "Yeah. I know, hard to believe."
"A little bit."
Again, he understood where his friends' mistrust came from. He paused for dramatic effect as he glanced at Taehyung who was mindlessly resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Only to get impetiend and arch an inquiring brow at him.
"It's true though. Because at the end of the day, she's the only woman I trust and I can be myself with. She takes me for who I am. And when it's only the two of us, I can see the real Bella. The one no one but me knows. And that's why I love her."
"Even after Cairo?"
He grinned. "Maybe I don't trust her with the loot, but with my life. And isn't that more important? That's why I forgive her and let her get away with her stunts. It's nothing but a game between us. Don't forget, I'm also often the one tricking her."
He winked and Taehyung knew what he was referring to. 
It was true. There were times Jimin was the one fooling her, leaving Arabella handling interpol or without the jewels. It was indeed just a game between the two. A game only Jimin and Arabella understood and enjoyed and perhaps that was the secret to it all. Perhaps outsiders like Taehyung and Yoongi weren't supposed to understand it in the first place.
Taehyung only hummed and went silently back to staring out. Unable to contain his inner turmoil as his gaze became dull. Blankly staring into the cold grey.
If put like that, he understood it. He couldn't even nearly fathom how this was possible or applied to a person like Arabella Valentine, but he could at least comprehend a little more how his partner could be so in love with her.
"Say," Jimin said then, leaning at the railing with an intrigued smile, "How comes you're suddenly so invested in my love life? It doesn't happen to have anything to do with you and your doctor friend, does it?" He wiggled his brows and nudged his shoulder, interrupting Taehyung's train of thoughts.
The taller guy swallowed, avoiding his smug, knowing glance. He'd seen right through him, like he always did. Perhaps this time hadn't been so hard to do and yet, it bothered him how in front of Jimin, he'd be an open book just like everyone else.
"Ah!" Jimin felt like a lightbulb appearing above him, finally putting one and one together. And he fashed a lopsided smirk to his childhood friend. "So that's why you've been moping around for two months now."
The only response those accusations earned was a click from Taehyung's tongue and a scowl. Causing Jimin to dramatically sigh, averting his eyes from him since he knew very well he wouldn't get Taehyung to talk if he didn't want to. So he pushed himself off the railing instead.
"Perhaps it's hard to look past Bella's imperfections," he began than with a musing glance as he let his gaze wander over the concrete, "But at the end of the day, we all just want someone who knocks our breath away, don't we? Someone who understands and takes us for who we are. Someone we'd fight for. So if you ever find someone like this, consider yourself lucky. These people are rare." With a bright smile, he patted his sulky friend's shoulder and Taehyung coughed out by the sudden hit. 
He went back to observing the glistering streets then.
Jimin had a point, he supposed. People like these were indeed rare. At least he hadn't crossed paths with any or perhaps he'd never bothered paying much attention to any contrary to his friend who'd never say no to a pretty woman.
Until now, it seemed.
Because his guilt-ridden dreams and thoughts revolved around one person and one person only the past two months. And the kind of smile of hers he thought only he ever received and no one else. A withering look full of the sort of subtext someone could only get from a lot of conversations whispered after dark. Like the ones they always shared.
Sirens erupted suddenly and interrupted his wandering thoughts. Several black cars coming into view and parking in front of the building then, blocking the exit, Shortly after a familiar figure exiting one of them.
"Yah, Park Jimin! Long time no see!" Seokjin was waving at them with a triumphant grin when spotting them up there at the balcony of the third floor. His open palm closing then, with a pointing index finger directed at them. "Don't you dare move from there!"
Jimin laughed under his breath. "Of course, who else," he muttered before leaning over the railing then to yell back with more energy, "Never! You know how much I missed your handsome face!"
Taehyung couldn't help but stifle a laugh before glancing over his shoulder to see Yoongi having joined them to check out what all the ruckus was about.
"Pack your sword, Yoongs, pops is here. "
4th April
Barcelona, Spain
Cassandra was uncertain whether she liked birthdays or not. At this point, they were overrated anyway. She couldn't remember the last one she'd got to properly celebrate. It was probably in high school but her memory fadedthe more she tried to go back to the past.
It was the dawn of her 27th birthday and she didn't know how to feel or what to expect, besides calls and messages from relatives and friends. She was glad her parents couldn't visit her this time as they were currently somewhere in Central America, so she at least could save herself from another round of staged photos in front of a birthday cake for her mother's sake.
Once someone told her that birthdays and weddings were rather for the family than the actual celebrated person and there was some truth to it. You did it more for the people you loved, to make them happy by letting them celebrate you. This year, however, she wouldn't have been able to bring herself from going through this. Not even for her mother who she loved dearly.
"Stella, where are you? I brought the glucometer you requested for the patient," she called out at her colleague and friend. Frowning at the unusual darkness in the staffroom, she flipped on the light switch. Only to be greeted with loud cheers and applause. "What-"
"Happy birthday!"
Utterly perplexed, she took a step back and blinked. She never expected anyone to care enough to organise a small surprise party and even holding a cake with candles which they were now hurriedly lighting up so she could blow them.
Cassandra wasn't particularly close friends with most people there. She got along with everyone though - save for Pavlo the jerk - and was friends with Stella and maybe three other assistant doctors. She also joked with some of the nurses. This was her circle of friends there. A small but good one. So seeing those very same people now beaming at her while holding the cake close to her face and singing the birthday-song, was quite unexpected. And moving.
With an uncertain smile, she clapped along with them. Appreciating the gesture. It meant that perhaps she did belong somewhere after all. Or that her presence mattered in some way. Taking a deep breath then, she finally blew out the melting candles.
"Did you make a wish?" Stella, the one she'd describe as the closest one of her work-buddies, asked then as the rest hurried to cut the cake.
"Sure," she lied. Her artificial smile fading as soon as her colleague's attention turned to the cake.
What point was there to make a wish if she couldn't have the one thing she truly wanted.
Her night-shift ended a few hours later at 6am. Besides the small birthday gathering thankfully nothing else unexpected happened. Especially not with any of her patients.
Tired, both physically and mentally, she returned home. Trying her hardest to prevent her eyes from going to the space on the wall where the numerous postcards from around the world were hanging on strings. Mockingly staring at her while depicting far-away places she'd never see herself. With the latest addition grazing a new string on the bottom. A postcard from Montreal with a Renaissance-style domed basilica on it - the kind of old-fashioned buildings she liked.
What irritated her the most, however, were the two sentences written in the back.
"some films shot here:
the score, catch me if you can, lucky number slevin, red 2, john wick 2
That was all. 
Now, that was their usual thing. This inside joke between them. Him teasing her love for heist-films by writing some famous works shot or playing in the place he was sending the postcard from. And usually that would lighten her mood.
But considering the way they had parted ways on New Year's and the fact he'd stopped calling or texting her, she somehow expected more. Maybe even an apology for just disappearing after stealing a kiss from her like that.
Hah, she laughed bitterly, be glad he even sent a postcard again.
The past three months and four days had been a blur. Or at least that was what she tried to remember them as. Her thoughts did not revolve around that particular man, wondering where he was and what he was doing and if he'd ever have the courage to show himself in front of her again or if he'd just avoid her for the rest of their lives.
And they surely did not revolve around that heart-pulling, breath-taking, mind-dazzling, dream-like, passionate kiss they'd shared that night. A kiss so incomparable and mind-altering that she sometimes doubted it had ever really happened or if it had simply originated from a wild fever dream. From a straight up delirium state she had seen patients with 39°C fever or more in.
Then again, the fact she had never experienced something like this before, let her doubt her mind would've had the source material to create a moment like this on its own.
No, surely she wasn't wasting a single thought about that.
Tears blurred her vision for a second, heartache along with her overall exhaustion cumulating along with the crushing expectations of that very day. Her birthday.
Everything rising to the surface for a split second before she got a hold of herself again and swallowed everything but one single tear down.
It'd have been easier getting over such a disappointment if it was some random guy online she'd merely wasted a week talking to. But this wasn't a random guy from the internet. This was Taehyung.
Deciding not to dwell into self-pity, she blanked out all these negative emotions.
After eating the left-over cake she'd brought home, she decided to head for her bed when the doorbell rang. Something blue on the door mat catching her attention then. She squatted down and picked up the object, pushing the blue fancy paper aside. Only to reveal a flower pot of blue hydrangeas.
Her eyes widened. She always wanted blue hydrangeas but missed their season. Did her mother send her this?
She stood up and heaved it higher, turning it around to see if she could spot any clue about the sender when a small white card fell down and landed in front of her feet. 
"Happy birthday, Cas.
I know I was an idiot to you. I'm not the type to talk directly about my feelings. But it occurred to me that I could still talk about them through my actions."
Her heart dared to skip a beat at the handwriting and words. It was the same handwriting as on the countless postcards before. Taehyung's. With furrowed brows she flipped the card, seeing a another text written there.
Her eyes widened, intrigued by its arcane nature.
"Font Mágica de Montjuic - four columns / 5:55pm / ? "
It was late afternoon when Taehyung set foot in front of the four tall columns above the so-called 'magical' fountain. Having a perfect view over it. He pushed his sunglasses, which soon would become pointless, up the bridge of his nose and stifled a yawn as he leaned against the white marble. 
Their last job had ended over two days ago but after multiple layovers - not able taking the easy route as some angry millionairs were on their tails - he still hadn't adjusted to the time-difference.
He stretched his arm then, revealing the watch under the sleeve of the hoodie. Due to a delay he'd feared not making it, but thankfully he was on time. Five more minutes till the show began.
The threaneningly red evening sun would soon disappear behind the buildings but the temperature remained pleasant. It was nice to finally feel spring on his skin after being in the north for so long. 
His brown irises where fixated on the enormous fountain in front of him, although seemingly unspectacular right now due to the water jets currently kept low. For now.
Cassandra liked this place. The fountain with the view of the cascades and the art museum on the top in the background being one of her favourite places in the city, he remembered that. Of couse he did. He remembered everything she had ever told him. Every little insigificant detail because the sum of it made up her. 
He had to admit, however, he also liked that place a lot. It looked like straight from a fairytale, especially at night with all the lights illuminating it.
Now in the evening, the warm colours of the sunset sparkled on the water surface, adding an even bigger mystical almost eery atmosphere to it. It looked quite different from the last time he'd been there, with her. Fond memories creeping up his mind when remembering that day. The first day he'd waited outside of the hospital for her.
His gaze wandered over the greenery, wondering if Cassandra would even follow his invitation and appear. He couldn't blame her if she didn't, he knew he didn't treat her particularly fairly. This was why he wanted to redeem himself after all.
Taehyung felt guilty for disappearing on her for over three months. Sure, they'd got caught by Seokjin and his men, however, their custody stay only lasted a couple of days like it always did before they escaped. No, this hadn't been the reason, neither was it them having to lay low for some weeks or their time-consuming next coup. Or at least, these hadn't been his sole reasons for not visiting but also not contacting her.
Truth was, he was scared - terrified even - to face her again. Not only because of her reaction, but also because all those months he tried figuring out what he actually wanted and if he should even cave into it considering the life he lived. It hadn't been easy and he still wasn't sure if he made the right decision, but he knew he couldn't keep her waiting anymore - in case she even bothered to still waste a single thought on him and hadn't already completely crossed him out of her life. Again, he couldn't blame her if she had.
However, even if so, Cassandra wasn't just anybody to him and he owed her an explanation at least. Whether she despised him now or not.
There was a significantly lower amount of people at this time of the day. Now with the dim afternoon light lesser people strolling around the square.
From the corners of his eyes he caught someone nearing the colums then. Familiar long curls swaying over a plaid coat coming to a halt in front of the railing. And Taehyung's muscles instantly relaxed, only now realising how strained his whole body had been with nervousness and worry.
Of course he couldn't be sure it was her as the figure was standing further afar, and yet his heart had recognised her and pulsed faster.
With a deep inhale to calm his nerves, he pushed himself off the column and neared her with quick steps. Afraid she might change her mind after all and walk away at any second. 
He sensed Cassandra tense up when pausing beside her, not daring to move her head and meet his gaze. Her usual warm eyes rested instead on the illuminated blueish green water in the distance. She blinked once, twice. And Taehyung began getting nervous all over again as the seconds passed without her saying anything. Only staring blankly ahead. 
"Happy.. happy birthday."
Finally, her expression softened with a sigh. "Thank you."
"Uhm, I assume you got the flowers then."
"Y-yeah, I liked them." Of course she liked them. He'd even remembered that she preffered pots over cut flowers. "Thank you." Her voice was paper-thin, distant and almost sorrowful and it caused his own gaze to fall.
"I'm glad you did."
Cassandra nodded quietly. "Blue's my favourite colour.."
"I know. That's why I chose them." His lips curving into a weak smile. And it annoyed her, how well he knew her despite all the time apart. "Thank you for coming here," he began then with cautious, his voice almost a timid whisper not to scare her away in any way. It didn't take a genius to see that this time was different from the previous ones. Especially since Cassandra was always wearing her heart on her sleeve, no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. "Wasn't sure if you would or not."
"Got the night shift. Have to leave in a bit."
They grew quiet, gaze falling to the solemn water surface. Taehyung scratched his neck, uncertain how to proceed.
"You're probably wondering what I'm doing here," he eventually spoke up then, only seeing her shaking her head. Much to his surprise.
"Not really," she deadpanned and he wanted to laugh at this.
With a shrug she averted her eyes from the water jets to finally spare him a brief glance. "It's not the first time you disappear for months only to randomly show up again. I'm kinda used to it. It was just the first time you disappeared without any trace since the beginning." She would've cracked a sarcastic smile if she hadn't felt a rush of anger when recalling the past months.
It was so irrational. This was what she'd waited and hoped for all that time, for him to show up again. Then why did she feel so incredibly mad at him the second she saw his usually charming face? 
"Oh," was all he could muster up to say. He could clearly see that it was burdening her, just like he'd feared. "It's good that I came to put some things straight then," his voice gainining firmness, "I know last time we saw each other I left with.." He paused, carefully choosing his words. "I must've left you with lots of questions."
"You did," she plainly stated and he almost shuddered. 
So that was how it felt when Cassandra was mad. She was cold and distant, nothing like her kind and sweet self. It was probably what he deserved anyway.
He was about to speak up when the alarm on his watch went off and he remembered why he'd called her there in the first place. 
Her lips parted, but he stopped her from saying anything else with a bright smile. "Please wait a few more minues before telling me off, okay? Because the second part of your birthday gift starts now!"
She frowned, puzzled at his sudden excitement. "S-second?"
"Of course!" He sounded offended. "Did you think flowers were all you'd get?" The corners of his lips curled up in that adorably boyish manner that distinguished his grins from anyone else. Grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her to face the fountain again. 
And Cassandra saw what Taehyung meant, her eyes widening in awe.
The water jets began attaining height in different distances of time, first the big ones in the centre followed by the small ones all around, creating a beautiful choreography of lowering, highening and arching water streaks along with different coloured lights. Blue and pink specifically.
She knew of the fountain show once or twice a day, depending on the season. However, 6pm was not its usual time. At least not in early April when it was still too chilly and not a touristic season. 
She couldn't take her gaze from the performance against the darkening sky and pastel-coloured clouds. She was so stunned by it that she didn't pay attention to the music playing. Taking her a moment longer to recognise the melody over the noise of the dancing water. And when she did, her head immediatelly turned to search for his eyes, only to catch them already fondly staring at her. He'd anticipated her mesmerised expression, observing her this whole time without paying attention to the water show. 
"That's -"
He nodded. "You like it?"
She did. Of course she did. It was her absolut favourite movie soundtrack after all.
Her breathing got irregular, her head was spinning and she had to avert her gaze from his affectionte look. Returning to the impressive fountains.
No, she couldn't start misinterpreting things yet again. She'd already done that enough times in the past, she couldn't be fooled yet again. He had disappeared for months, clearly regretting the kiss and feeling guilty now for leading her on. She knew it, she knew it and it broke her heart and set anew tears in her heart. The only reason he made her such a wonderful gift was because he pitied her and felt sorry. And yet it also made all these locked away feelings resurface and it wasn't fair, how he gave her heart arrhythmia and her lungs dyspnoea all over again for all the wrong reasons.
He didn't have feelings for her. At least not any romantic ones. She had to finally accept that and she had. She really had until now, when her delusional hope and irrational expectations took over her senses as she watched water dancing to the 'Love Theme' from'The Godfather'. 
- What an irony, out of all songs.
And she felt the tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. She was touched by the thoughtful gift. Goosebumps spreading over her skin at the melancholic melody playing over the elaborate water show in the middle of the grand fountain. But she also choked up from her unrequited feelings and the false hope his lovely gesture gave her.
The song finished, the water jets lowered and everything fell silent.
There were some people gathered around the fountain now, spectators of the show. Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Taehyung -" 
"Wait, it's not over yet. Now my favourite movie soundtrack follows."
Her eyes fluttered open and before she could even ask, another melody began playing and water was being splashed up again. And she saw him smile softly while looking ahead.
She'd missed his voice. She'd missed his gentle yet stern eyes. She'd missed the curve of his nose and his smile. She'd missed the way his parted hair flowing over his forehead and eyes whenever he moved or got windblown.
Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she faced the fountain again. Standing there beside him and preoccupying herself by trying remembering the title of the familiar melody.
Of course, she eventually thought then when recalling the famous song and one of her favourite soundtracks, too. It was 'Strangers in the Night'.
However, Taehyung hadn't only picked it because it was his favouite soundtrack, the main reason was because it reminded him of Cassandra. He had never paid much attention to the lyrics before but for the first time, he could relate to them. And perhaps that's why it was his favouite one after all.
"You know Sinatra disliked that song," he stated then, making her perk up. She hummed, gaze returning to the performance. 
"He was an idiot then."
And Taehyung laughed, it was a genuine laugh. Causing Cassandra to purse her lips to prevent herself from laughing as well.
Instead she saw the colours of the lights intensifying the darker the sky became. And she couldn't help but think of the night she and Taehyung had first met when recalling the lyrics herself. The lump returning.
The song ended soon after. Now even more people having gathered down at the fountain and even up there at the platform. It was fairly crowded by now. And Taehyung realised this was probably not the best place to discuss. So he held his hand out for her, meeting her arched brow.
He exhaled frustrated, retriving it instantly. "Come, let's go somewhere quieter."
She seemingly contemplated it, looking over her shoulder then back at the beautiful fountain. With a deep sigh, she eventually stepped back and nodded. Following him up the stairs of the cascades and reaching the top in front of the palace-like building. With the broad panorama view of the glistening city and the four columns, the magical fountain visible behind them. Up there, there was little to no one at this time and day.
"So, why did you make me climb up all these stairs?" Cassandra whined in between of panting. Propping herself at the stone-railing when seeing Taehyung beside her, casually leaning against it. Both of them standing there with a respectable distance.
"It's quieter here, don't you think?"
"I suppose.."
Neither one knew what to say or where to begin. And Taehyung felt his cheeks blushing when seeing her there in the light of the illuminated water basin behind them. The soft and curious eyes, the dark curls that got longer over the months, swaying in the light breeze against her cuddly cheeks. He just wanted to hug her and hold her in his arms again. 
Cassandra straightened herself then, her sudden movement interrupting his silent gaping.
"Thank you for.. for this. The fountain show, I mean. How did you do it?"
He only gave her an ambigious smile. "Don't worry about that."
She hmphed at this but didn't persist as something else was more imprtant to her. "You asked me to let you explain yourself.. so go on. Explain why you kissed me in a way that knocked my breath away - something medically impossible by the way - only to disappear for months with nothing but a postcard as a sign of life."
He should've been astonished by her sudden straightforwardness, but he figured she was simply too fed up with him at this point. Still, he couldn't keep himself from biting back an unappropiate smirk that threatened to break onto his lips when hearing her description of the kiss. It flattered his ego as he agreed with her. "I didn't want to discuss it on the phone."
"Fair enough, then do it now."
His lips parted but his throat, however, felt dry and itchy. His mind an endless void, absent of all the words he wanted to say to her. All of the sudden, he felt like a deer caught in the headlights. And nothing came out. Lips pressing together again as he awkwardly looked away.
Cassandra's jaw clenched and she abrubtly checked the time on her phone. "If that's all, you've got to excuse me but I gotta head to work now and don't have time for this game."
He knew her night shift started at 10pm and they still had almost four hours to go, but he understood the cue and pushed himself off the railing.
"Didn't expect any less of someone as smart as you."
She only huffed at this. Her eyes wandered up to meet his. Something in the atmosphere shifting in that moment. She swallowed.
"You do realise songs and pretty flowers aren't enough, right?"
He nodded, taking a few steps closer to her. The light from the building's spotlights illuminating her face, bathing her in a warm almost etheral glow. "Of course I know."
She exhaled, looking away as she was unable to remain upset because at the end of the day, this was Taehyung. The only man that ever moved her.  And with a much gentler voice, she almost pleaded, "Just say it then. Say why you kissed me only to dip and disappear before.. before giving me the chance to properly react to it. Just cut the games and tell me."
"Why can't you admit it?" Her voice raised now and she almost stomped her foot out of frustration. Why couldn't he just admit he was regretting it? "Whatever it is, I deserve a proper explanation. Don't I?"
He breathed. "Of course you do." He could tell she was trying her best to keep herself together but the angry tears brimming in her eyes, threatening to roll down her cheeks, gave her away. Along with her cracking voice.
"Why are you such a coward then? I thought a thief would be much braver."
He softly grabbed her arms, causing her to look him in the eyes. "It's easier to break into a safe or hunt down a treasure than putting into words.. I simply can't express myself properly. But for you I'll try." His steady voice held certainty and a promise she wanted to believe. "You're far more stubborn than anyone I've ever encountered before, you know that?" he smiled then and a faint, tiny grin finally crossed her face. Finally managing to steal a small giggle from her.
Cassandra sniffed then, wiping under her eyes. "That's like the pot calling the kettle black." Her expression clouded then. "What do you want from me, Tae?" she whispered, a low thread of anguish flickering below the surface.
With a sigh, Taehyung took her cold hands in his warm ones and lowered his head, resting his forehead against hers. One of his hands heaved then, slender fingers brushing away a strand from her blushing cheek before tenderly touching her jaw. Cupping it with a pained expression on his features as his brows furrowed.
He didn't know what he was doing. That was not what he'd settled on. He knew he should stay away from her, he had decided on confessing his feelings but explain that it simply couldn't be. However, he didn't have the heart to do it anymore because, frankly, he didn't want to. His heart was betraying his mind in that moment and as much as he had argued with himself and chosen the rightful, the logical path, being there with her, getting lost in her fierce irises and holding her so close to him, made him weak.
And suddenly his lips were on hers, causing every synapse in her brain to short out for a moment before going to overdrive. Her whole body melted only to rebuild and float into the air.
The sensation of his lips gently pressing onto hers taking her back to the cold winter night months ago. And her lips instinctively moved against his.
Dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin.
She remembered them well, the chemical cocktail designed to make humans feel good and crave more. And indeed, it did. It did make her crave more. Just like that New Year's night back then. 
The first time she hadn't realised as it had been rushed and unexpected, but it was a terrifying thing, to let a thief kiss you like that. There was always the danger of him stealing more than just a kiss after all. And she feared that had already happened.
Taehyung held her closer. Trying telling her all the things he wasn't even sure what exactly they were with the press of his mouth on hers. Lips fueled by unknown desire. Not that it mattered, really. There was no way to hide it anymore. It was too overwhelming by now. He had never wanted anyone like this before. He'd had brief, sporadic flicker of interest here and there over the years, but nothing came even close to the way he felt when he was with her. And in that, he was certain.
She understood him, calmed him, laughed with him, saw what was underneath. The realest version of himself was the one he saw in her beautiful round eyes when being with her. He knew he could visit every country in the world, steal every treasure there was, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when he kissed Cassandra.
Their lips parted. Dark eyes flickering over her smooth features then. He didn't know what angel he owed this chance to, he was simply going to make it count. And eventually he breathed out the only right answer.
"You, Cassandra. I only want you."
next chapter: 0.9 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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Intro to Romantic Literature: Prologue
Professor!Terzo x TA!Reader (pretty gen for this part, but the main fic describes fem parts)
CW: implied smut, MDNI, 18+ only please, romantic tension, professor Terzo is a tease ✨
Word Count: 1.2k
I have been working on a Professor Terzo fic for MONTHS now, literally months. I'm getting close to the end, and this prologue popped in my head at 5 o'clock this morning, so I had to scribble it down. Plus, I think it'll make a cute little teaser 🥰 enjoy!
Intro to Romantic Literature: here!
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Every day feels like a big day as you barrel towards the end of your degree. The pressure of arranging your final portfolio of works, defending final arguments, typing papers... it's all really starting to get to you.
𝘐𝘵'𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯, the bittersweet thought crosses your mind. You'd finally be done with all this stress and move onto the ease of a consistent career, but you'd also be leaving behind the best job you've ever known. Leaving 𝘩𝘪𝘮 behind.
In fact, you're so lost in your thoughts, collecting and organizing papers and files so efficiently--you could do it in your sleep at this point--that you don't notice him staring at you, the pained expression on your professor's face that would tell you it eats him up to see you like this: so stressed you're ready to snap.
He reads you like the many leaves and pages studied in his romantic literature class, like a poem written just for him. You recite your feelings to him daily without knowing it; it's in the way you walk, the way you hold yourself, the way you tilt your head when you rest the tip of your pen on your bottom lip, lost in thought on the class discussion at hand.
Sauntering into his office, you drop your shoulders as you flop into his soft leather chair, taking a deep breath before sorting papers accordingly: lesson plans in the bottom right desk drawer, books on the bookshelf, papers to be graded in the third slot of the black wire rack, anything needing immediate attention left squarely on his desk in plain sight.
"Grazie, stellina," his voice snaps you back to reality, immediately causing your cheeks to flush at the nickname. 'Little star' is what it means. It makes you feel like a teacher's pet, which would've bothered you if it had been anyone else; however, it makes you feel special to earn attention from him. "La mia brava ragazza, you always do such a good job for me." He leans in the doorway, running a hand through his graying locks.
"Thank you, Professor Emeritus," it comes just above a whisper, and you look down at the desk briefly before standing to make your exit.
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast," he murmurs, catching your waist as you try to pass him in the little room. Spinning you around, he pins the back of your thighs to the desk before leaving some space between you... Just enough space to be respectful, but a clear indication that you're not getting out of this so easily.
You're so caught up in the intoxicating scent of his expensive cologne that you hardly hear him when he asks how you've been. "Hm?" you reply, playing naïve.
"Tesoro, please, I can't have my favorite student looking as distracted as you've been lately," he starts, but you interrupt him.
"I'm not your student, I'm your teaching assistant," you remind him with a light hearted smile.
"You are still learning things, no?" he cocks one thick black eyebrow in that way that always makes your heart skip a beat, his intense white eye putting you in checkmate.
"I suppose so," you whisper, looking down at his ridiculously shiny loafers.
His fingers under your chin direct your stare back up, "What has you so distant, eh? Would you like to talk about it, cara? Confess your sins... So to speak." He winks at you, earning a small huff of a laugh from you.
"What are you, the Pope?" you joke.
His eyebrows quirk in an unreadable way, but he stays silent, urging an answer from you.
"I've just been really stressed with school," you finally concede, letting out a breath you'd been holding.
"Have I put too much on you?" he worries about the workload he's given you cutting into your schedule.
"No!" you look up at him almost desperately, "No, I enjoy this position so much. It's everything else. The final papers, getting good grades, trying to graduate." You choke on the last few words; it was something you'd been emotional about the last few weeks, plus your professor had your guard down.
"Don't cry, tesoro," he commands softly, but it's already too late as tears flood your waterline. Without a second thought, he cups your face in his hands, wiping away anything that threatens to spill across your cheeks. Wrapping a protective arm around your waist, he pulls you flush to his chest before fishing a handkerchief from his pocket, because of course he has one, and dabbing softly under your eyes before offering the piece of silk to you.
"Thank you," you stutter, clutching the cloth in your hand. Hesitantly, you glance up at him before laying your head on his chest, folding your arms under his in a hug.
His hand on your waist falls to caress the small of your back while the other cradles your head, while you regulate your breathing. You can't say for certain, but you think you feel a whisper of a kiss placed on the crown of your head. Holding each other like that for however long, you don't know, but when his fingertips gently start to massage your scalp, you let out an involuntary moan.
Your cheeks blush pink again, meeting a much more heated look in his mismatched eyes. As his warm hands move to grasp at your hips and waist, suddenly all of your worries melt away, as the only thing you can think about is him hoisting you up on the perfectly organized little desk and having his way with you, your panties tossed aside in his office chair, and you laid back and arched up into him while he works every tension from your needy body.
Your fantasy fades away when Professor Emeritus's hand cups your chin again, fingers pressing into your jawbone in a dominant way to lift your face to his. Your gaze wanders to his plump lips... how many times you've thought of having them on you.
His thumb gently strokes your cheek as he leans impossibly closer, and one of your hands smoothes over his firm chest.
But before he makes a move that he can't come back from, he presses the pad of his thumb firmly against your supple lips, stopping himself from crossing the line, even though he so badly wants to... wants you.
He gives you a solemn nod before putting some distance between your bodies, "I hope you're feeling a little better, after our, uh... chat, stellina."
"Uh huh..." is all you manage to breathe out before straightening up. "Yes, sir."
Offering a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder, he carefully presses a kiss to your cheek before sending you on your way.
Tonight, you'll tell yourself that you misread the situation, that he was only trying to be a kind and caring professor, but somewhere deep down inside you, under lock and key, you know that isn't true. Especially because you felt something hard graze against your hip as you squeezed past him and out into the hallway, but you put that thought far behind you as you head back to your dorm.
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moonvisi0n · 1 month
How I walk into my town’s sports card store 🎇🌌🗯✨
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Once again lured in by shiny objects 🦋
- Have a booklet ✨for all my cards now, it has an IndyCar section, it has a Josef Newgarden section…,It has an F2 section ! I keep a Fernando Alonso card in my wallet and that new Räikkönen, Hamilton, and Oscar Piastri in my purse :)
- One entire photo for Alex Albon BC neither me nor my sister have a card of him and that’s just wrong. Raging Bulls is one of the better episodes of the netflix series. However, when I did watch the 2019 szn I completely missed the Gasly/Albon switch cause Verstappen was actually insane in Hungary and Leclerc in SPA.
-What a gorgeous Vettel card, one of my new favorites (Aston Martin yay) but we screamed even louder for my sister’s AYRTON SENNA card ! Topps needs to make more F1 legends editions 🚗🚙🏎
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cinderfeather · 3 months
Short Story Writing Tips for Fanfic Authors
While Edgar Allen Poe has many pretentious things to say on the merits of the Short Story (‘a work of art should be able to achieve its effect in one sitting’), I want to talk about them from a fanfiction perspective.
As fic writers, we are doing this hobby for fun, and frequently find ourselves hopping between shiny new idea, to shiny new idea, to shiny new idea…
...which is totally fine. However: to reduce this, I want to impress this upon you:
Keep your fic short enough to write within the span of dopamine it generates.
So while it’s still easy to generate long plots, I usually like to keep my stories small and focused wherever possible, so I can feel proud about ✨finishing✨ it and then have more energy to work on the next idea. In addition, if I have an idea tha t I think is cool, but not something I can fathom spending an entire year writing a novel-length-fic about, I can still write the idea if I think carefully about how I can work it into a short story.
Often writers way things like: 'I have 30k words to write just to get to the fun bit 😭😭😭'
Just write the fun bit.
It might be one thing for me to say that, but learning a bit of craft about short stories can make this easier.
So: one of the hardest things in a story is the ending, and short stories (especially origific) can be very challenging to create a satisfying ending with so little to work with.
In short story craft, there is a lot of talk about things like Hemingway’s ‘Iceberg Theory’:
Hemingway said that only the tip of the iceberg showed in fiction—your reader will see only what is above the water—but the knowledge that you have about your character that never makes it into the story acts as the bulk of the iceberg. And that is what gives your story weight and gravitas. — Jenna Blum in The Author at Work, 2013 (Wikipedia Link)
Fanfic is great for this! You already have a ton of character and plot fleshed out, so you can already have your iceberg while putting very little effort in. Short stories are already much easier as fic because they already have the 'iceberg of canon' beneath them, so make the most of it!
The next trick is ✨Authors Notes✨!
You can just say the background info plainly to the reader, without having to worry about crafting it nicely for the reader.
However, if you feel that the background info might be served best by putting it into the story, then let me introduce you to the next trick: Telling!
Think about summary the you have in your AN, and expand it into slightly longer ‘pretty’ prose:
Months went by. Trees bloomed, and forsook their leaves. One day, Mina stepped outside again.
That covers a year of a character being stuck in their grief, without having to mire reader in being stuck like that too.
We’ve all had ‘Show, don’t tell’ beaten into us with a hammer. But if it’s not important or interesting for you or your story, then just Tell it, and move on to the next exciting thing! What you want to do is research ways to use prose to convey the passing of time, write summaries and transition sequences, and work out ways to cut down and remove ‘all that writing you have to do to get to the fun scene’.
So, let’s say you had an idea for an achingly beautiful Suparbat story that worked like a Shakespearean tragedy inspired by Othello. You start brainstorming and writing fragments of all these scenes where they meet, fall in love, then have all these gradual misunderstandings caused by Lex trying to meddle and break them apart.
They pile up super high, and then there is this devastating, heart-pounding finale where they fight, along with the tragic ending and denouement.
You take your notes and start trying to plan out what scenes you will need, and your face goes pale as you estimate the story will probably be about 80k words.
You can’t commit to that, and you sense another shiny idea might be lurking on the horizon soon (and besides, you have other fics to finish). You consider abandoning it, resigned to the beauty of the story haunting you forever.
Hold up.
The tragic fight scene. That’s the one that excites you the most. Start writing that.
Bam, bam bam.
Why are they fighting? The audience is now curious and hooked, sitting breathless on the edge of their seat.
Line of dialogue! Ultra specific accusation!
Now the reader is intellectually hooked. What event is this specific detail referring to?
Flashback to one of the scenes where they met and were tenderly in love, linked by the line of dialogue before.
Now the reader is emotionally hooked. What happened to make them hate each other so?
The fight scene continues! Dramatic moments of action interspersed with flashbacks of those snippets you wrote—
Now the reader has been enthralled by all this awesome action, and has a good grasp of emotional arc and events that brought them to this point, with the juxtaposition of the moments of love and hate creating a tremendous experience.
The fatal wound, juxtaposed by the fatal misunderstanding that set Batman on this path… Those painful words exchanged in the present, that have been stuck in your head for weeks: Why? I loved you! Lex (aka Iago) comes out, doing a slow clap, and revealing how he plotted and schemed to sow this discord between Batman and Superman, to make Batman kill Superman for him. The achingly haunting moment of looking into each others eyes and Superman forgiving and trying to absolve Batman of his guilt before he dies. Bruce swiftly disabling Lex’s failsafe (to stop him from taking revenge, but its useless because he’s Batman) and holding a batarang to Lex’s throat.
Now you’ve used 80% of your notes, and you have a decent first draft already!
So now, what will Batman do? Break his moral code about killing again (he already did with Superman) and kill Lex? Try to set Lex on a path of rehabilitation?
So then you get stuck. But Cinder, this doesn’t work for me! All I can think of is to end it the same way as Othello! Which I can’t bear to write.
Hold up.
Go back over your story and start tightening it up. The idea that Bruce is willing to kill someone is quite important. Go back and add flashbacks (or add context to the existing flashbacks) about Bruce developing, sticking to or explaining his no-kill rule.
Then you write an epilogue, where a reformed Lex starts making all kinds of structural changes in the world, alongside all the people who stepped up after being inspired by Superman’s life and determination to let everyone have a chance at forgiveness. After this, you realise that the last line Superman needs to say is to beg Bruce not to continue his murder-rampage and kill Lex.
Then you go back over your story again, fleshing out Lex’s character and some of the hints and lines of dialogue he drops to round out his arc as well. The story feels nice, but still a little off. The ending of Othello haunts you. Do you need to kill Batman after all?
You try writing the scene with the climax ending on: ‘Now, the only way: the Bat will die upon the light.’
Then, as you edit the last bit of the epilogue, you add at the end that Bruce is still alive, observing it all, having hung up his cape as Batman, (because how else could their love end after this but with ‘Batman’ dying with him?). With the transformation that happened for both Lex and Bruce when he honoured Clark’s last wish, this meant that world also grew into a place where Batman wasn’t needed anymore.
So there you have a beautiful short story about not just love and romance, but grief and betrayal and death and killing and absolution and forgiveness and a love that grows beyond a romantic entanglement into a love that changes the world— 🥰🥰🥰
And under 3000 words.
Now other people will be haunted by your story for the rest of their lives, instead of you.
You will have to edit harder if you try to write as concisely as this, but overall I think you’ll get more stories finished if you experiment with focusing on writing the exciting bits, then sprinkling just enough scene fragments to make it work.
I often write out an idea for a few thousand words, till I get stuck, then go back over it and start thinking about how I can reorder and tweak it to bring what I already have to a satisfying ending.
It requires fumbling and sitting and thinking and figuring it out as I’m revising (as you saw in the example) but if you keep focused on making things shorter you’ll be surprised at just how short you can make it.
And how many things you can finish!
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biteofcherry · 2 months
The Babe Lottery - I’m putting in for Curtis to steal me away from my job!!
The floor was buzzing with excited whispers - gossip and "what-if" musings exchanged in hushed tones as all of you were more focused on the big changes about to happen at your workplace than with the work itself.
It appeared that the world has shaken and crumbled over the weekend. A big takeover, followed by an instant action to make the changes.
Your old boss was being fired.
Already was, considering the ungraceful way John stormed out of his polished office, raging about being unappreciated and how they will all fucking regret it.
Not many cared for John, however. You didn't, for sure. You were more interested in who would be taking his place. You had your fingers crossed for Curtis.
He was a colleague who showed incredible intelligence and skill. Even though he was a man of a few words and kept mostly to himself, he always fought for the team and had the ability of gaining trust and support of others.
He had that streak of a leader, whom you would trust in any dire situation.
Your admiration of Curtis might've been slightly biased, since your gaze tended to linger on him and in the privacy of your home a few of your toys were used with his name on your lips.
Giddy, you watched as Curtis came back from the meeting he's been summoned to. His eyes were shiny with surprise and happiness. The whole floor burst into a cheer when he blurted out that he just got promoted.
But it was followed by a loud gasp of disappointment. Because Curtis wasn't promoted to John's position, but even higher up. Quite literally, too - three floors up. Meaning he would become a boss of your new boss.
Which was great! You were happy for him, truly. It's just that your heart broke a little as you realized you wouldn't be seeing him daily.
Curtis was still packing his things, since he was rushed to move as quick as possible, and you lingered at his side with a few others, exchanging as excited as nervous comments, when someone cleared their throat.
A completely new face. Never seen before. A handsome one, you had to admit. With a chiseled jaw covered in neat stubble, wearing a sharp, undoubtedly designer suit.
His gaze swept across the room - seemingly warm, but there was a sharp assessment to it. It lingered on you as he spoke his first words.
"I'm Nick Fowler. It appears you'll be working under me."
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