#i added this in my rules a while back but anyone here is free to refer to me as kris / kristen <3
sevnthhart-a · 1 year
the s in aeris ( not referring to the flower girl herself hdjshd ) is optional when it comes to this blog lmao
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cyn-write · 9 months
“The Sun Caught in her Raven Hair”
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Note - My first request!! Thank you @fellowhonesttwst, I really enjoyed writing this! If anyone else has request please read my rules and send them to my ask box!
Prompt: Rollo has been eyeing you since your arrival, seeing you as the diamond amongst coals. At the Ball, he corners you into a dance, but your BF is not going to let this slide...
Pairing: F!reader x Leona, Floyd, and Vil (Separate)
Warnings: Possessive behavior, suggestive, manipulation and obsessive (Rollo); established relationship, romantic, swearing (Leona and Floyd's parts); violence (Floyd)
Notes: This is part of my Glorious Masquerade series! So if you want to read the other parts of this series staring different characters click the links below:
“She Blazes Me Beyond All Control” - Azul, Idia, and Mallues
“I Feel her, I See Her” - Riddle, Deuce, Ruggie, and Jamil
“Her Smoldering Eyes Still Scorch My Soul” - Rook, Epel, Silver, and Sebek
“Heaven’s Light” - Rollo
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"Who might you be miss?"
Y/n gave a kind smile and nodded her head in greeting "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you," she stayed next to Trein as she was there as his assistant.
"Yuu is our magicless perfect of Ramshackle. She will be working as my assistant throughout the trip," Trein added.
She felt Rollo's eyes scan her and, unlike his greetings to the rest, he held out a hand. Being polite, she offered her hand as well, and he lifted it to his lips, grazing her knuckles quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, y/n. I understand it must be difficult, being surrounded by mages every second of the day. I hope you get a chance to relax this trip."
Y/n blushed at the motion and bit her lower lip. All the while, she could feel her boyfriend glaring daggers at her and Rollo.
"I-I'll do my best..." Y/n replied.
Throughout the entire trip, Rollo seemed to gravitate towards y/n and used every excuse to isolate her from the group. They chatted about her difficulties at NRC and of the festival. Due to her being Trein's assistant and the constant reminders to behave, she and her boyfriend had little time together.
This all accumulated at the Masquerade. Rollo had given Y/n a proper dress for the occasion instead of the attire his counsel had chosen. The (color) fabric decadently adorned her figure and stunned the NRC boys with her beauty. But before her boyfriend could ask for a dance, Rollo stole y/n away. He whisked her to the dance floor, and they started chatting.
At this point, Y/N's boyfriend has had enough of the student council president, but what sends him over the edge is when he takes you to the balcony and dares suggest the worst:
"Y/n, stay here with me." Y/n turned quickly on her heels to look at Rollo in shock and confusion, "Those fools at NRC do not deserve your purity. You belong here. with me." He has her pinned against the balcony, "This is your sanctuary."
Y/n pushed Rollo away slightly and spoke up, "Thank you for the offer, but I have no intention of leaving NRC. It is difficult at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the ball."
Rollo grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled her against him. "It's because of him, isn't it? He has bewitched you!" He pinned her between the balcony wall and him. "Those fiends have enchanted you, but I will free you from those chains and show you salvation! No matter the cost!"
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Leona Kingscholar
“Get your filthy mitts off her.” Leona growled.
Rollo turned from his cornered prey to the hungry beast. Leona was already pissed that he had to attend the ball in princely clothes, but the sight of his herbivore pinned by a knock-off, overly righteous Riddle made his mood darken even more. With a few lazy strides, Leona was now cornering Rollo. He pulled his herbivore out from under the bastard. Once she was safe behind him. Leona leaned in close to the righteous ass.
"You listen close, 'cause I'm only going to say this once." He snarled. He could smell the fear on Rollo as he physically overpowered the man. "When she says no. You listen. You don't. You deal with me."
Leona leaned back and offered Rollo an exit. "Scram. While I'm feelings nice."
Rollo did not hesitate to leave, straightening up his clothes as he did. And he did not dare look back.
Once Rollo vacated the premise, Leona turned to the perfect and enveloped her in his warm arms. He was a beacon of warmth in the bitter night wind.
Leona didn't say anything, the way his arms gently enveloped y/n close to his body, as close as two bodies could be, and the relief in his shoulders spoke for him. He was so scared that she would say yes. That something would happen. That she would be hurt. All those fears released into the hug.
Y/n also releases all her anxieties into the hug. The fear of Rollo doing something to her to keep her there. The fear no one would get to her in time. All the what ifs... but Leona washes away all the what it's with an embrace. She was safe.
After a moment, Leona leaned back and caressed y/n's soft cheek, "What am I gonna do with ya Herbivore?"
Y/n shook her head and replied, "Such eloquent words from a handsome prince."
Leona chuckled and stepped back, "Don't remind me... but if I'm a prince, I guess that makes you my princess?"
Y/n nodded and said, "Guess so.."
Leona looked back to the ball and heard the others calling their names, "Well then, Will the Princess Dance with her Handsome Prince?" He offered his arm to the y/n with the suggestion of grins.
Y/n nodded and laced her arms in his, "Of course, your highness."
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Floyd Leech
“Ya really wanna die. don’t ya Hammerhead.”
Floyd loomed over Rollo. Neither knew how he got there without notice, but both Rollo and y/n nearly pissed themselves at his appearance.
Floyd grabbed Rollo by the collar of his uniform and pushed him against the balcony. Face out, looking over the railing at the concrete road underneath. Floyd held onto Rollo's collar with a death grip as he pushed him against the edge.
"LEECH! WHAT IN THE SEVENS NAME ARE YOU DOING!?" Rollo yelled in fear as he looked down death.
"FOLYD!" Y/n called and tried to snap him out of this.
"You’ve been leerin’ at her all week. You’ve been taken away my shrimps time. Ya hog her durn’ the dance. Then ya try ‘n take her from me. Permanently." Floyd was seeing red. He forced Rollo against the balcony and could push him over at any minute, “What’s worse. Ya hurt her. No. One. Hurts. MY. Shrimpy.”
Rollo was sweating. Floyd was mad. And Y/n was trying to snap him out of it. “Floyd! He didn’t hurt me! I’m Okay! I promise! He won’t steal you from me, no one can!”
Floyd looked over at y/n at this. He saw the look in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. They were full of worry, but unwavering. “Please let him go. If you push him over then we will be separated. You did what you needed to, I’m safe, I’m here, and I’m with you. Please let him go and we can go dance together, please…”
Floyd looked back and forth between y/n and Rollo. The adrenaline subsided and he stepped back, letting Rollo go. Once release, Rollo took a few deep breaths and clutched his chest. Shrimpy ran into Floyd’s arms and the two embraced. He gave her a big squeeze and held her close. She was okay.
“You-“ Rollo caught his breath, “You’re going to pay for that. I will have you expelled from Night Raven and destroy you and everyone at NRC-“
“I would beg to differ,” From the door, the smooth voice of Azul broke the building tension, “Before we do anything rash, I think we need to chat.”
At Azul’s side was Jade with his unnerving smile looking Rollo up and down like a tuna. Azul walked to Rollo and nodded to Floyd and y/n, “They band is play lovely music, you two enjoy the ball, dance, we will be down in a minute.” Underneath the business smile, Azul was fuming, “we will talk later.”
Understanding the message, Floyd looked down at his Shrimpy and picked her up princess style, “Let’s go shrimpy, this is boring.”
Y/n nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. As they walked out of the balcony, Jade closed the door behind them with a menacing grin, “Have fun~”
Y/n didn’t want to think of what was happening outside, she didn’t want to think of Rollo. His words haunted her mind, “…you belong here, with me. This is your sanctuary.” Floyd did not go to the ballroom, instead he found an alcove and sat down with y/n in his lap. He took her arms off his neck n’s inspected her wrist with such delicacy. There were slight purple marks where Rollo held her.
He brushed his thumb over the marks and brought them to his lips, kissing the bruise softly. Dispute his rough exterior, Floyd was incredibly gentle when it came to those he loves. “Did he hurt you anywhere else?”
Y/n shook her head and leaned against his large chest, “…thank you…” she said softly, “I have no clue what would’ve happened if you didn’t intervene.”
Floyd held shrimpy closer and looked thoughtful for a moment, “I wasn’t going to kill him… just scare him…”
“I know,” She replied and curled closer.
“I was just…” he couldn’t find the word to describe what he was feeling, what he felt when he saw Rollo so close to her, when he made her the offer, when he pinned her. It was a mixture of rage and terror that he couldn’t contain. Then he saw y/n look at him with those pleading eyes and realized she felt the same.
“You wanted to protect me,” she said and kissed his cheek, “you where my knight in shinning armor, and saved me from the wicked student counsel president.”
Floyd smiled and leaned his head against her’s “I guess I am…” then he chuckled and smiled, “Guess that makes you Lady Shrimpy~”
Y/n giggled as well, “Guess so,”
For a quiet moment, the two cuddled. Enjoying the others embrace. Then the orchestra played a familiar tune and the couple looked at each other with the same idea. Floyd stood up and gently put shrimpy on the ground. He then bowed dramatically and held out a hand, mirroring a storybook painting.
“Lady Shrimpy, may I have I have this dance?”
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil had seen this scene a million times on stage, screen, and page. The monologue was almost word for word one of his own; and Vil hates nothing more than a thief.
Vil clapped and grabbed the villain and princess’ attention. He walked forward in his purple and maroon masquerade garb. His mask in place made him look like a classic movie hero like Zorro, Dread Pirate Robert, or the Musketeers of old. “How clique, the high-rank Nobel, in a delusion of lust, corner’s the damsel and forces himself on to her, making her choose between him or another preverbal prison.”
Vil was a few mere steps from Rollo, and with the aid of his heels, loomed over Rollo with head held high, “I guess that makes me the masked, debonair hero. Stopping the villain just in time for the final duel.” He draped his magic pen and held it like a sword ready to parre, “Now, shall we duel or discuss this like civil beings?”
Rollo release y/n from his grip and held his hands up in defeat, “There is no need for the hostility, I am a civil man.”
Once release, the perfect slid away from her captor and rushed to Vil’s side. Once there, Vil placed an arm around her waist and held her close. To outsider’s the couple looked like a movie poster. He sheathed his magic pen and turned to look at his dearest. He caressed her cheek and quickly checked her for injury. Other than a small bruise around her wrist, she seemed fine. He looked back at Roll and glared at the incompetent villain who dare thought he could steal his beloved.
“A civil man would not threaten a lady in such a manner. He would also have the common sense not to go after a taken women, or maybe that was not clear enough.” Vil retorted, “Perhaps I need to make a more gallent effort in displaying my affection.”
Suddenly, Vil spun y/n into a deep dip and kissed her passionately in front of Rollo. He spun her up again and held her close, wrapping both arms around her and holding her close. “There, that should do it~”
The perfect was out of breath from the sudden, deep, passionate kiss. Rollo curled his lip in disgust. He took out his handkerchief and held it against his mouth. “No need. I get the message.” He started to walk back to the main doors, “I’ll take my leave. Y/n if you change your mind, Nobel Bell’s doors are always open to you.” He smiled at y/n one last time before leaving as if nothing had transpired.
Once Rollo left, Vil loosened his grip and run his thumb underneath y/n’s lip. “Are you alright?”
Y/n nodded and smiled, “Thank you, I know you’re not a fan of public displays of affection but it means a lot.”
“All that matters is your safety.” He said and fished two lipstick out of his pocket. He held her face as he fixed the smudging on his dearest lips, “Besides, it was nice to play the hero for once.”
After he finished, he admired his work and her lips as she said, “You will always be a hero in my eyes.”
He smiled and kissed his dearest again, softly this time. “and you will always be my dearest princess,” he said, his voice full of earnest.
The music inside swelled and an idea brewed in Vil’s mind. In the same manner as classic bandit heroes, Vil flourished his cape, kneeled before y/n, grasped her hand and asked, “My Lady, will you be my princess for this night?”
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
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villain-enthusiast · 3 months
tw: very toxic/possessive relationship and behavior, captivity
“Would it hurt you to smile a little more?” the villain mused, eyes trained on the reflection of the hero in the vanity’s mirror.
“Hard to do when there’s nothing to smile about,” the hero muttered, shifting uncomfortably in their seat. The villain had given them—or rather forced them into—an intentionally revealing outfit for the night.
The hero hated the villain’s parties. They hated the false luxury of it, the wealthy spectacles, the self-conceited conversations of people whose money was bought through blood. They wouldn’t let themselves get swept away in any of it—not when they knew of the people suffering beyond the villain’s gilded walls.
But if they wanted to live, if they were ever going to have a chance of making it out of this hellhole, they had to tolerate it. They had to pretend they liked it all—the sheer shirts, fine wine, the penetrative gaze of the clamoring guests…
“I’ve given you so much to smile about.” The villain tilted their head in a similar way a snake does to analyze its prey. “Silk clothes, a warm bed, good food.” A corner of their lips tilted up seductively before they added, “My love.”
A shudder ran down the hero’s spine and they looked away from the mirror, determined to avoid the villain’s possessive expression.
Fast as lighting, the villain’s hand shot out and grabbed the hero’s chin, forcing their face back towards their reflection. They squeezed their eyes shut. They didn’t want to look at themselves anymore, didn’t want to see how vulnerable they were, laid bare for the the hunger in the villain’s eyes—
“Darling,” the villain purred, the word dripping with venom. “By now you should know what the rules are.”
“We’re not at the party yet,” the hero retaliated. “I don’t need to follow any rules—,”
The villain’s fingers dug painfully into their jaw and the hero inhaled sharply, cracking their eyes back open.
They could do nothing as the villain tilted their head back ever so slightly, just enough to keep their eyes locked on the mirror while the villain leaned down to press feather-light kisses to their exposed throat.
Helpless. Just the way the villain liked it. The hero’s eyes burned with the embarrassment of it all.
“And here I’d thought we were past your disobedient stages,” the villain murmured against the hero’s skin, sending goosebumps skittering down their jugular. “Do I need to remind you who you belong to?”
I don’t belong to anyone, the hero wanted to snap, but they held their tongue, knowing better than to answer with such defiance.
The hand holding the hero’s chin trailed down to curl around their neck, the villain’s thumb fitting right over the hero’s racing pulse. Their free hand brushed slyly over the hero’s bare abdomen, tracing sensitive circles up and down their torso.
It was too much. Too overwhelming. The hero couldn’t stop the whimper that clawed up their throat, and at the way the villain’s eyes flashed with lust, the hero wanted to risk looking away all over again.
“I want you to say it, Hero.” The villain tilted their head in that predatory way again. “Who do you belong to?”
The hero swallowed. Their skin flushed with heat, even with the sparse amount of clothing they had on. They knew what game the villain was playing at, knew what part they had to act, but they still hesitated.
I don’t belong to anyone, I don’t belong to anyone…
The villain’s grasp on their throat tightened in warning, enough for the hero’s breath to hitch. “Say it,” they whispered, deadly.
“You,” the hero bit out. “I belong to you.” Their eyes shuttered as they fought the instinct to close their eyes and pretend that the shame gnawing through them was just as fake as their words.
The villain smirked. “Good.” They let go of the hero’s throat and ruffled their hair in a mocking show of playfulness, as if whatever just happened was all a joke. “I’ll be back in five to take you to the guests.” They made their way to the exit and paused at the doorway. “Oh, and do me a favor and smile a bit more when we get down there. You are mine, after all.”
Only when the door slammed shut behind the villain did the hero finally close their eyes, silent tears tracking down their cheeks as the villain’s words echoed incessantly through their head.
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dduane · 29 days
Ma’am Im in the final third of writing my first draft for my novel (just passed 70k words!) do you have any advice about book marketing or self publishing? Ive been looking at something called Royal Road also in regards to those two things but no on I know has even heard of it…
First of all: congrats on your 70K!
"Do I have advice about marketing or self-publishing?" Wow, probably way too much, at this point. But for the moment let's limit ourselves to specifics. :)
I hadn't heard of Royal Road either, so I went and did some poking around. Below is an article that deals with some basic questions about them.
(Adding a cut here, because this gets long...)
Having read this article, I went and had a look at Royal Road's ToS, and their fee structures.
The fees were the first thing that gave me pause. Specifically, this; while RR has free options for readers, they don't appear to have any free options for writers. (If I'm wrong about this, I invite anyone with a pertinent link to point me at it.)
Now, the rule in writing as regards money is this: "The money flows toward the writer." This rule was codified years back by writer Jim McDonald and called Yog's Law (and over here at John Scalzi's blog there's a discussion of the Law and what it involves in these self-publishing days). It means that any kind of professional writing or writing-for-pay that involves the writer paying someone else to get their work where people can read it must routinely be carefully examined. You, after all, as the writer, are the source of the product and of the value in the product. If you're paying anybody to help get your writing seen, you need to look carefully at who controls whatever you're paying for along the road to being published.
So: if you use RR, you're paying them to show your work to people. (It seems a bit like AO3, except RR charges you for publishing with them.) Their ToS emphasizes that you own your work, but if you use them to publish, "...you grant Royal Road a non-exclusive, worldwide, sub-licensable, revocable license to use, display, promote, edit, reformat, reproduce, publish, distribute, store, and sub-license Your Content on the Services. This allows us to provide the Services, and to promote Your Content or Royal Road in general, in any formats and through any channels, including any third-party website or advertising medium."
Okay. So how, though, do you get paid for publishing on this site?
RR simply says that you're allowed to link your work to your Patreon or your PayPal account, and can accept donations that way.
Well, that's nice. But it doesn't strike me as much in the way of a payday. (Especially after what Patreon takes off its subscribers' earnings these days.)
What people are seeing this work?
Just Royal Road members, as far as I can tell.
And how many of those are there?
...I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to quickly determine that with any certainty. There are numerous sites that talk about millions of pageviews (assuming that's what "M" means these days): but views are not users.
And what is feedback worth, from that readership? ...Also hard to say.
This equation has way too many imponderables in it for my liking.
There are a number of articles scattered around that discuss numerous webpublishing options and which seem preferable. (This one seems to rank RR highest.)
...If I'm starting to sound unenthusiastic about this whole prospect, I think that perception would be correct. From where I'm sitting, RR looks to me kinda like paying for feedback... and from what might be a fairly small, and at the very least, limited, pool of contributors. I'm not at all sure how this experience would be likely to do anything much but help you feel better about yourself as a writer. Which, well, sure, that's nice. But is it value for your money?
More: how does what you get from RR actually help you transit into the wholly different experience of getting your work edited, getting a cover for your first novel(s), and learning about marketing out in the broader marketplace? That's unclear to me.
(I have to add one thing here as a general caveat. I'm in the Really Annoying Congestion stage of a head cold at the moment, and as a result my view of everything today is significantly jaundiced. But I also have to say that I doubt this particular assessment is going to change much after my nose stops running.)
So. If I was in your position, I'd be tempted to give the RR concept a miss and start inquiring into how best to use actual online publication resources that feed into a system where to get your work at all, people give you money.... because Writers Gotta Eat. (And yes, there's a whole self-publishing strategy that runs on the Nickel Bag paradigm: make sample work free online—sometimes through a retailer like the 'Zon—and then have all the samples "point at" work that people have to pay for. But that's another discussion.)
Anyway: hope this has been of some general help!
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
I found a probably illegal fighting range posting as a gym near my house and so, picture THIS
Engel just wanted to get a good workout near the place she lives. Not knowing German, she just googled first thing that popped near her on the map, and decided to get a first workout just so think if this place works for her.
Konig, getting his steam off in barely legal fighting range and very nasty, testosterone-filled gym while he is out of deployments. Engel in her dumb little workout clothes, with her silly water bottle, probably pink or baby blue or lavender, stands in front of the administrator desk because she was told it was a gym(((
Konig who uses her as a workout now!! Not even in a nasty way, just making her sit on him and so on, for the added weight. Bench presses with her on his back((( makes her cheer for his fight and acts like nasty personal trainer
My fellow yandere pookie!! I love this ask! 💋
I bet König would love to parade his sweet angel around some nasty, testosterone-filled gym/ fighting range :( Loves to show her off and also wants to murder anyone who dares to look at her! She’s too cute when she’s sweating and panting like that, don't you dare check her out when she's exerting herself in those dumb, tight sports clothes or else you'll get yourself a new asshole....
At least 90 % of the “customers” are men seeking a brawl so Engel stands out like a sore thumb, taking hungry gulps from her pink water bottle which is the only spot of colour in the bleak brutal gym. A kind, sweet girl just trying to have a nice lil workout, and they can’t turn her away because they have to pose as a real gym… (lol I’m not surprised Engel somehow managed to get herself into a situation like this AGAIN)
And König is so proud of her! Trying to attempt a squat PR with weights he uses for a quick warmup, it's too adorable. He cheers her on when she’s trying to do her very first chin up – he has to help her up because the bar is positioned too high.
These two are simply disgusting because Engel will flirt through the mirror as revenge for König being low key nasty, always putting his hands around her middle, trying to remind her to keep her core tight or some silly stuff like that. Climbs on his lap when he’s trying to bench press, they get a warning because they’re distracting the other “customers” and look it’s also potentially dangerous. König knows it but he’s got his pump on and it makes him a little soft in the head, besides Engel trying to help him in her own way only makes him lift more because of course he has to show off to her and to the other men. He’s the strongest male around here and he’s having fun with his darling angel, everyone else can fuck off with their warnings and rules.
And NOO not König kicking everyone’s butt at the range while Engel watches him with wide eyes 🥺 He’s being so violent again, she doesn’t know if she’s grossed out or aroused :// It might be a little sick but they both get turned on by this, König “letting out steam” and Engel being his “innocent” little cheerleader. They go home and take a shower together, Engel cleans his wounds too, whispering confessions on how scared she was – when in reality she knew all along that König would destroy those guys, like is this the same girl who screamed from joy when he bashed someone's face in lol – and König being more than happy to have a worried but sparkly eyed angel, fussing about his health after he just gave some poor guy a free nose job.
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Kelly Link's "Book of Love"
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Kelly Link is one of science fiction's most important writers, a master of the short story to rank with the likes of Ted Chiang. For a decade, Kelly's friends have traded whispers that she was working on a novel – a giant novel – and the rumors were true and the novel is glorious and you will love it:
It's called The Book of Love and it's massive – 650 pages! It is glorious. It is tricky.
If you've read Link's short stories (which honestly, you must read), you know her signature move: a bone-dry witty delivery, used to spin tales of deceptive whimsy and quirkiness, disarming you with daffiness while she sets the hook and yanks. That's the unmistakeable, inimitable texture of a Kelly Link story: deft literary brushstrokes, painting a picture so charming and silly that you don't even notice when she cuts you without mercy.
Turns out that she can quite handily do this for hundreds of pages, and the effect only gets better when it's given space to unfold.
Hard to tell you about this one without spoilers! But I'll tell you this much. It's a story about three teenaged friends who return from death and find themselves in the music room at their high school, face to face with their mild-mannered music teacher, Mr Anabin. Anabin explains what's happened in frustratingly cryptic – and very emphatic – terms, but is interrupted when a sinister shape-shifting wolf enters the music room.
This is Bogomil, and whenever he speaks, Mr Anabin turns his back – and vice versa. Anabin and Bogomil appear to be rivals, and Bogomil may or may not have been the keeper of the land of the dead from which the three have escaped. There's also a forth, a tattered shade who's been dead so long they don't remember who they are or anything about themselves. Bogomil would like to take the four back to the deadlands, but Anabin proposes a contest and Bogomil agrees – but no one explains the contest or its rules (or even its stakes) to the four dead teenagers.
That's the wind up. The pitch that follows is flawless, a long and twisting mystery about friendship, love, queerness, rock-and-roll, stardom, parenthood, loyalty, lust and duty. There's a terrifying elder god of Lovecraftian proportions. There are ghosts upon ghosts. There are ancient grudges. There are sudden revelations that come from unexpected angles but are, in retrospect, perfectly set up.
More than anything, there are characters. It's impossible not to love Link's characters, despite (because of) their self-destructive choices and their impossible dilemmas. They are so sweet, but they are also by turns mean and spiteful and resentful, like the pinch of salt that transforms a caramel from inedible spun sugar into something that bites even as it delights.
These characters, so very likable, are often dead or at death's door, and that peril propels the story like an unstoppable locomotive. From the very start, it's clear that some of them can't survive to the end, and Link is merciless in making you root for all of them, even though this means rooting against them all. This, in turn, creates moments of toe-curling, sublime horror.
Link has built a complex machine with more moving parts than anyone has any business being able to keep track of. And yet, each of these parts meshes flawlessly with all the others. The book ends with such triumphant perfection that it lingers long after you put it down. I can't wait to read this one again.
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smalltimidbean · 3 months
Hey you!!! Do you wanna make a silly, little guy in my style? Well now you can!!!!!
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Here are some free-to-use linearts of my versions of the Fake Peppinos and Peppino Clones from Pizza Tower! Link to Drive with all versions here!
There are five different linearts; Tall Fake, Wide Fake, Peppiclone, Baby Fake and Baby Peppi! (tho the last two are technically mostly the same but shh)
And each variation has four versions, so at least one should hopefully work regardless of your art program! (Except traditional, sorry traditional artists kjgfsl)
There is: PNG with white background, PNG with transparent background (marked with 'Trans'), Photoshop Document (marked with 'PS'), and an MS Paint friendly version (marked with 'Paint')
Please Read Before Use!
I have a few rules when using these, so please follow them! If these rules are broken, I reserve the right to ban anyone from using them or revoke free use entirely. Just be respectful, please!
These are free to use - but if you would like to support me or give a tip, I have a Ko-fi right here!
Please do not remove my signature!
Please credit me when posting your own versions - I am SmallTimidBean on most sites, but if posting to a site I am not on, just say SmallTimidBean on Tumblr (also probably credit McPig/Tour De Pizza for the og concept!)
You may edit the lineart to add features (tails, horns, wings etc) or change features (the expression etc) - just keep in mind, if you are going to edit very heavily, then consider drawing your own version first!
Please do not use for commercial use - IE Making designs to sell (aka adoptables)
Please do not use in AI databases, or for AI bots
Please do not use for hate or bigotry
Please do not draw anything sexually explicit on these - I don't mind what you do with your clones outside this lineart, but I don't wanna see that on my art Imao (Also, two of these guys are literal babies)
Adding Body Horror or Gore aspects is fine, - those come with the territory of being a clone - just be sure to use the appropriate content warnings!
While these are based on clone characters from Pizza Tower, they do not have to be used as such - any characters you make with these, are yours to do with as you wish!
I encourage you to draw your new clones after you have created them! I would love to see them in YOUR style, not just mine!
And have fun!
Hopefully that's everything! I do plan to make versions with additional features and maybe even a version with all features to mix and match - but I do not have the spoons for that right now, so check back later!
Please let me know if there are any issues, or if you have any questions or suggestions for me!
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
Whole Lot in Love
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: MDNI, smut. Oral, fingering, pet names(reader receiving). Coarse language, fluff
Part 2 for ‘Kiss It Better’
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Things between you and Capri weren’t awkward. Until you two were in school, that’s where the silence was so loud, it was almost tangible.
No one knew what happened between you and her at the pool party, no one knew about the kiss. Well, the kisses. Technically. The sweet little peck to your thumb, and the needy, yearned for, first kiss. You knew the girl had a reputation to uphold, as did you. So your anxiety began to set in when she talked to you, and stood right next to you. You were terrified of being seen and talked about by others.
It was the last week of school before summer. You just had to make it through these five days then you didn’t have to worry about it anymore. “Hi, you.” Capri says while walking up to you. She readily leans in to kiss your cheek but you dodged it— right. This — the PDA ‘rules’ hadn’t been discussed yet.
“What’s the matter?” The girl asks with a chuckle, face almost confused by your reaction.
You told her, “We haven’t exactly discussed anything.”
She got what you meant and kept a bit of a space between you and herself, "Right, right. We'll talk that out after school? Today?"
"Sure." You agreed.
"Where's your last class?"
"Gym." You told her, eyes narrowed and watching the students walking by.
"I'll wait for you outside." Capri says, "See you later, y/n."
"Bye." You responded, an awkward chuckle escapes your mouth as you turned to go in the direction opposite hers. Capri nearly cackled at your reaction but bit the laugh back.
The rest of you day at school went by without a hitch, but she did keep looking at you whenever she got the chance to. You could feel her eyes on you, practically burning holes into the back of your head.
Did you want to look back at her? Yes.
Were you afraid to because of what other students would say? God yes.
You were never used to any attention from anyone, you always just slid under the radar at school and floated by, much like Darby.
Quickly changing out of your gym attire, you got out of the locker room as a trio of popular girls in your gym class entered. You’d just spared yourself some snickering and finger-pointing. Looking both ways when you stepped out of the gymnasium, you spot Capri leaning against the wall on your left. She looked up, saw you and skipped over. “Hey!” Capri beamed.
“Hi.” You gave her a small smile, “Uh, are you parents home?”
“Not right now but they’ll be by dinner time.” Capri replied, “Yours?”
“They’re on business trips for another week.”
“Ooh.” She chuckles, “Okay, we’ll talk at your place. You don’t drive, do you?”
“It’s a twenty minute walk.” You shrug.
“Well, my car’s parked here and I don’t want to leave it here in the parking lot.” She continues, “C’mon, let’s take my car.” You followed Capri to her car, and got in the front with her.
“You wanna pick up anything from the store on the way back?”
“No, I’m good.” You said while buckling your seatbelt.
“Okay, then.”
The brief drive was filled with light-hearted conversation. She asked you a bunch of questions to get to know you and you just answered them without a second thought. In the privacy of her car, where no one else could see. You were free as a bird, no worries, no nothing.
“Nice place.” She commented as you two walked into the place.
“It’s really not.” You laughed.
“Oh, come on. It is.”
“It’s…small.” You added on.
“Not really.” She retorted.
“Fine, it’s not. Your mansion is huge.”
She smirked, “Touché, y/n. It feels so empty a lot of the times.”
“I’m gonna go take a shower.”
She gasped, “Wait, what do you want me to do?”
“I dunno. Make yourself at home? Watch TV, raid the pantry. I’m all gross from gym class. Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” She asked teasingly, stepping closer to you. Her arm was smoothly winded around your waist, face to face with you.
You looked at her, brows raised, bewildered. “You know what you’re doing.”
“Maybe I don’t.” She continues.
“Let me take a shower first, alright?” You avert your eyes, requesting.
“M’kay.” She hummed, her palm rubbing small circles on your lower back as she broke away from the embrace. That gesture ignited a swarm of butterflies in your stomach, and the blush on your cheeks to deepen. Clearing your throat, you scampered upstairs before she could poke fun at you for it.
You didn’t take long, not wanting to keep her waiting. “Hey.” She turned to look at you from her seat on the couch. You silently walked up to her and sat down next to her. “Okay, let’s…talk.”
“So…” You sigh, “What are we?”
“What do you mean?” She asks, absolutely confused.
“What…are we? We kissed, so…are we dating? Or was that, just—”
“I told you, I like you, y/n.” Capri says softly.
“So?” You asked back. “That doesn’t mean that we’re—”
“Is that why you didn’t want me to kiss you on the cheek at school?” She questioned, her gaze gentle, as was her tone.
“I just— I like you too, but the thought of me being openly affectionate with— I’m sorry, I’m not out yet and I— I’m scared.” You revealed to her, finally.
“That’s okay. I got you. We don’t have to do anything while we’re out in public.” Capri held onto your hand as she spoke, “And to answer your question, yes. We’re dating. But we’ll keep things…lowkey. Hm?”
You sniffled, eyes still not completely meeting hers. Nodding your head, you mumble, “Okay.”
Before you could realise, she’d wrapped her arm around you again, pulling you closer to her. Reflexively, your head was on her shoulder. You didn’t fight it, knowing you were…safe in this space. No comments, no judgement.
“What’re you doing?” You ask, looking up at her.
“Nothing.” She smirked, chuckling as she continues to caress your lower back.
“Right.” You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully.
“What do you want me to be doing?” She asks suggestively, palm now gliding lower and lower. Approaching your ass. You let out a harsh exhale as her hand cups the muscle, you flinch, glaring at her. You were almost too quickly losing focus on whatever the hell was playing on TV.
Soon, you relaxed again, letting her leave those lingering touches all over you. You wanted her to, but you didn’t exactly want to say it just yet. Just to be a little playful with her. Capri definitely didn’t mind it. “Capri.”
“Yeah.” She hand stops moving for a second.
“Prove it to me.” You muttered.
“Oh, no problem.” She practically purred, sending a rush of heat down south.
“Show me you mean it, show me that you like me like you say you do.” You weren’t sure where this confidence came from, but it was definitely the way to rile her up.
“Baby girl, you know I love a challenge.” Capri smirked, flipping you over onto the couch.
“Do you?” You asked cheekily as she straddled you, face inches away from yours.
“You wanna do this here?” She snaps out of the mood for a moment.
“What?” You squint at her.
“You wanna go to your room?” She asks, pressing a rough kiss to your lips.
You nodded eagerly, unable to hide your excitement. “Okay, get up.” She climbs off you, you got up. Capri picks you up and carried you up the stairs, impatiently.
“Second door on the right.” You said into the kiss.
She lowers you onto your mattress, lips never leaving yours as her knees were on either side of you. The intensity of the kisses varied and left you aching and wanting more. “Done this before?”
“No.” You admitted, swallowing thickly.
“We’ll take it slow.” She assured.
You nodded, feeling your cheeks flushing with her eyes fixated on you, “Okay.”
Capri grins, cupping your cheek as she leaned down to capture your lips again.
“You smell so good.” She says while kissing her way down your neck. You whined quietly when her lips were no longer felt on your mouth. You laughed at the comment and squirmed, but she kept going, wanting to hear that sweet, sweet noise again.
“You can tell me to stop anytime, you hear me?” Her lips broke away, Capri looked at you directly, “Anytime. No questions asked.”
“Yeah.” You nod, “Yeah— I hear you.”
“Good.” She smiled, brushing the hair out of your eyes as she lowered herself again.
When her lips started to attack a certain spot of your neck, you bit your lip to muffle the noise that was trying to force its way out of your mouth. Capri noticed it instantly. “Hey.” She hums, “It’s okay. Don’t hold back.”
Well, fuck. That gentleness in her tone only made you more flustered and needy. Why is she like that with you? And only you? Whatever, you were enjoying it. You loved it. Being the only one to see this side of her.
Obviously, she was taking the lead since this was your first time. She was gentle— not just her words, but also her actions. How she was kissing you, how her hands were roaming your body to explore it and what made you tick. Slow, and soft but passionate and eager.
It made your mind fuzzy, your eyes begin to watch her as she worked you over. She grins when she realises, letting out a chuckle and she squeezed your thighs. “You good?”
“Mhm.” Came a strained reply from you, “So good.”
“Aw.” She continues to grope your thighs, “So glad.”
That ignited something in your core— this little bit of her usual cheeky facade…
You licked your lips and gnawed on it again when her hand headed down your front. Her eyes, they flicked up to look at yours to ask you for permission silently. You gave her the green-light to proceed, and very slowly, you feel her middle finger gliding up and down your slit to gather your arousal before it enters you. Capri watches your face as she does so, making sure she wasn’t hurting you.
Her question was answered by a whimper from you, making her smile smugly. She picks up her pace, hooking up her finger to press onto your sensitive spot inside. Your mouth hung open, a soft gasp escapes. Capri couldn’t take her eyes off you, she was infatuated. She could watch you all day while she fucked and edged you. Her other arm was smoothly hooked under your thigh as her finger pumped in and out of you steadily. More arousal leaked out of you, making her lose the friction and you both to start hearing a rather obscene noise come from the juncture between your legs.
Your head was spinning and Capri started to pick up her pace while you felt a second finger lazily moving between your folds, as though trying to tease you. “You want more, baby?” Capri asks, voice low-pitched and faint.
You took in a quick breath while you nodded feverently without saying a word, this was what you were reduced to. Nothing coherent was forming in your mind, your mind was miles away now as your eyes focused on the girl between your thighs and your body focused on chasing your release.
A second finger slides inside you without resistance, and again, she observed your face. Noting that you were fine, she begins to move them in and out of you, pace quickened once more.
Feeling her two digits poke your g-spot for the first time, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Then, Capri was rewarded with a breathy moan from you. From then on, your noises matched up with her ministrations. The more vocal you were, the more eagerly she was fucking you. Eventually, something made you scream. Capri had pressed her thumb onto your clit and started to rub it. And at this moment, every single word that ran through your head were profanities. So you hesitated opening your mouth, expecting them to be flying out of there if you did. Aaand you weren’t usually one with much of a potty mouth.
“I want to hear you.” She demanded, but her smile was almost sickeningly sweet.
“Okay.” You agreed.
“Hey.” Her free hand caresses your inner thigh, you look at her.
“Do you want me to try something else?” She inquired, fingers inside you never stopping.
“Try what?”
“Using my mouth.” She answered the very next moment.
“Wh— oh.” You looked at her, straight in the eye. She was serious. “Okay.” You chuckled, “Yeah, alright.”
Her tongue darted out and you saw her literally dive right in. Her tongue flicks persistently at your swelling clit while her mouth was closed around the hood of it.
“Oh— fuck!” You cried out, “Fuck…”
She hums in approval, “Does that feel good, baby?”
“Mm— yeah, yeah. Yes, oh my God.” Your breaths were beginning to come out in short pants. Her arm hooked around your thigh pulls you closer right as your back arches. Your hands grasp the sheets beneath yourself as you felt the pleasure building up and up to a breaking point.
It was…peculiar. You didn’t know what to expect.
“Oh, shit.” You gasped, “More— more. I want more.”
Her fingers joined in on the action post-haste, causing profanities and her name to fall from your lips unendingly. The girl was basking in it, and your pleasure. Fuck, was she good at this.
“Are you close?” She asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I— Capri, I don’t know what the hell to expect, I—”
“Probably kinda feels like you have to pee.” Capri says, mouth barely detached from you. The heat and her breath fanning against your cunt makes you flinch and then you were throbbing. So goddamn intensely.
“What?” You muttered. But you didn’t have much time to think when you began to feel exactly what she described.
“Fuck— shit, don’t stop— don’t stop, don’t stop— oh, my God, Capri—” You babbled, back arching and pushing yourself closer to her than ever. Capri slows down gradually but doesn’t stop just yet, allowing you to ride out each and every wave of your high.
“Oh, good girl.” Capri laughs softly, caressing your inner thighs as you start to calm down and find your breath again.
That made your heart flutter, you were giddy happy. Still a little breathless, but you felt great.
“How was that?” She asks, glancing at you.
You let out an exhale in amusement, “I’m…surprised.”
She bites her lip, chuckling again, “Really? Why?” Capri grabs a tissue from your nightstand to clean off her mouth and chin before laying down next to you.
“It was my first time, so…” You looked at her, she was laid down next to you, hand resting on your torso, fingers absentmindedly tracing squiggles on your skin, “That, and um, you were actually way gentler than I though you would be.”
“What?” She gasped, feigning offence.
You giggled, laying on your back.
Capri sighs softly, tilting your face so you were looking at her again. You returned to laying on your side. Her hand goes up your cheek, her thumb stroking against the skin softly, “I love you.”
“Do you, now?” You teased with a chuckle.
She pushes with a finger on your chest playfully, “Yes, I do, silly.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
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rreeaahh · 1 year
Green eyes VS green badge | R. A. B.
Second chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader | > mentions of james potter x reader | > james potter x lily evans
summary> the hate between y/n and regulus is hidden from anyone else, but maybe his actions combined with a heartbreak aren't the best outcome for y/n
word count> 2.7k
warnings> regulus being a jerk, again? reader being kind of a teacher's pet? mentions of discrimination based on blood purity; nothing else, in my opinion, feel free to tell me if i should add anything!
a/n> THIS WAS WRITTEN IN ONE GO, HOLY SHIT. I DID NOT PROOFREAD IT. thank u guys for all the support showed here<3 its crazy, honestly. the tag list is open for this series, so feel free to send me an ask or a comment of you want to be added! also, i have a thought and idk, i'd make this idea more detailed but on wattpad, and keep it a little shorter here, what do you think?
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There were four simple rules that Y/N needed to follow since she could talk and understand what she was being told.
The first one was that she could never, ever in her whole life disobey her father – he was the only one who cared for her, for her future, for her dignity and he was the only one who wished to see her become a strong and powerful witch; that’s what he claimed, at least.
The second one was that she was not allowed to ever question the Dark Lord’s word – her father said that Tom Riddle, his old friend, was the one who told him to keep her, to raise her and protect her as a father should. In other words, she has a dad because a bald snake-looking man said she was worth the effort.
The third one, one with a great significance, was that she should not interact with Mudbloods more than necessary – which was, in her opinion, pretty confusing, given the fact that Voldemort himself was a Half-blood. But, she could not put that problem to a question because she would break rule number one and rule number two at the same time.
The last one was simple – don’t be a disappointment, don’t ruin the family’s image.
And that’s how she lived her life until her first year at Hogwarts. That’s when she started to disobey her dad by giving up on rule number three and talk to all her colleagues – nothing more than acquaintances, though, because the other Purebloods could mock her for doing so. She learned that everyone should be treated equally, no matter the blood that was running in their veins – they were all wizards, after all. That’s a reason she got close to James Potter last year, in her fourth one. The older boy was shocked to see a Slytherin act that politely towards a first-year Muggleborn Gryffindor and jokingly asked her if she was sick. He said she was not like the others. He said she was quite nice.
They had a few other accidental meetings in the hallway, and without realizing Y/N started to get nervous around him; her heart would beat faster when she’d hear his voice in the Great Hall and her cheeks would burn when she’d wake up from another dream about him – that was her first crush ever. While at the final party of the year, where only a few Slytherins were invited – it was hosted by the Marauders, after all – Y/N was kissed by James. The party was at the end, she wanted to leave and he offered to walk her back to the Dungeons. It was the best night of her life, she finally felt seen, heard, liked. Maybe it was because of their encounters, maybe because James could see behind her social mask or maybe it was simply because of all the firewhiskey and beer, but he kissed her. He really kissed her, right at the door of the Slytherin’s common room. He grabbed her waist, cupped her cheek and even groaned against her lips when she gathered the courage to put her hands in his dark curly hair. He smiled at her and wished her a great summer, and then walked off backwards, still watching her.
That’s why she was excited all summer to get back at Hogwarts. That’s why she was determined to learn more about Muggleborns, to change her life and morals. That’s why she started fighting her father when he’d open the topic of marriage – James was, of course, a Pureblood, as Cyrus wished for his only child, but he was also a blood traitor. She never told her dad about him, but she wouldn’t even once let him get the idea that she was willing to marry one of his friends’ sons. They were all pricks, and she was only thinking about James.
That’s why her heart broke on the train – he wouldn’t even look at her. That’s why now, a few days after, she still looks like the train hit her. That’s what she thought, at least, because everyone else complimented her new jewelry, her hair, her nail polish, every stupid and insignificant thing. Her eyes had dark circles under them, her skin felt strange and her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Don’t you like the porridge?” asks Evan and points to her bowl.
His sister, Pandora, gets her head out of the tarot book and scoff in disapproval. “Could you mind your business, Evan?” She should be at the Ravenclaw table, but she really likes to spent time with them.
Y/N only smiles to them and pushes away the bowl. “You can have it, Evan, I’m not that hungry,” she winks in his direction and starts writing on her parchments again.
Because that’s what she does – that’s the only way not to look at the other side of the room, at the Gryffindor table. She studies over her Potions’ notes, her first class from that day. Professor Slughorn announced another meeting of the Slug Club and her new goal was to get invited, again. There are a few girls that get to be invited to those dinners, and Y/N was one of them but Horace liked to see new faces from now and then.
“You really want to go,” mutters Bruce Mulciber, looking at her with a bored expression. Edmund Avery hits his arm in a not-that-subtle manner and smiles at her widely.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are while studying, Y/N? So smart,” the boy says and winks in her direction.
“How disgusting,” Pandora whispers at their behavior. Y/N nods her head and smiles politely to Edmund, while wishing she could slam his head to the table until she’d see blood. But that would definitely against any existing rule – both Hogwarts’ and her father’s.
She gets up and starts gathering her belongings, taking a last sip from her tea cup. “I have to go, guys. Evan, I’ll see you in Potions, right?”
“Yeah, I have to wait for Regulus, though,” he informs her and grabs her porridge bowl, smiling thankful in her way.
Y/N laughs and grabs her parchments, drinking the remaining tea in her cup. While at it, a body slams into hers and the contact makes her to drop the tea on her notes, her white shirt and her shoes. And there’s silence.
“Sorry,” says in a blank tone no one else than Regulus Black. His uniform is perfect, his hair is put in place and he even got the chance to get away from Y/N before any drop could be on him. “I didn’t see you there.”
She wants to shout. She wants to scream at him, grab her wand and curse him. She wants him to be as embarrassed as she is now, wet and watched by the entire dining hall. But she can’t. She got her father’s temper but she learned from him how to handle it. She needs to handle it.
“Regulus,” she says in a happy tone, “Evan was waiting for you,” it’s the only thing that comes out of her mouth as she looks only at him. Not at her housemates, her friends, or even over her shoulder at the boy who froze there with his friends, who are laughing at her.
“Yeah, I know,” he mutters. “Let’s go, Rosier,” he demands in a now friendly voice. “Horace is waiting in the classroom; he probably wants to talk about the Slug Club.”
That’s when Y/N forgets about everything and in the silence of her mind there is only Regulus’ voice. He probably wants to talk about the Slug Club. Still with a smile on her face, she gets her robes from the bench, wave goodbye to her friends and starts walking away. She cannot resists the temptation and looks at the Gryffindor table. He’s there, with Sirius on his left, laughing with his friends.  After she leaves the Great Hall there’s a feeling of pressure on her whole body. Was he laughing of her? He could never, right? She was quite nice, after all.
Before entering the Potions class, she stood there for a few minutes, calming down. Now she’s putting on her dark robes, the silver snake shining on the green badge. As she’s buttoning it up, the steps of her colleagues echo through the dark corridor.
“There you are, Y/N,” sights Evan. He’s followed by Barty Crouch Jr and Regulus, who watches her like she’s sick with a blood curse. “You went ahead without looking back.”
“Oh, yeah, I got to make sure my robes cover the whole…” she looks only for a second at Regulus, “tea accident.” She says it while chuckling, like it was just a silly little accident which could happen to anyone. But not anyone would get away clean like he did after that kind of an accident.
“And yet you look worse than before,” Regulus speaks and his eyes points at her now clearly stained shirt. “Let’s go, boys, I’m sure Y/N knows how to dress herself,” he scoffs and smiles to her.
The other two boys follow him along and she sits there, blood boiling in her veins. Her anger is born because of two persons – her father, because he’d kill her if she was arguing with another Pureblood in public, especially Orion Black’s son, and Regulus Black, for being such and arse.
Horace Slughorn, however, didn’t seem to be that preoccupied by her entrance. He greeted her and went on with his lesson and for Merlin knows what time she finds herself thinking about Regulus, and how she’d strangle him with the tie around his neck if given the opportunity. Regulus has that power, to awake something in her that only wants to hurt him, to make him suffer and get out those cold eyes – maybe she could make a pair of earrings out of them. He was right besides her, sitting with Evan while she tried to ignore Barty’s jokes about their professor. Sometimes, she wishes so much to be away from them – she feels suffocated to be near them at school and also at home, when her father would take her with him at different events, but there’s no way that she could cross his word. You will act nice towards any pureblood kid, they are the only ones that deserve it – they are you only equals.
“That’s all for today, my dear students,” announces Slughorn and claps his hands together. “You have to write an essay about today’s lesson, in order for me to see that everything was very clear.”
She puts away her quill and ink and starts rolling the parchments that she took notes on. Barty plays drums in the wood of the table and Evan hits him behind his head with his notes. The two of them laugh and she can’t help but her Regulus’ scoff at their silly action.
“Oh, Mister Black, Miss Lestrange, could you stay for a little? I have something to tell you,” Slughorn says happily and goes over to his desk at the front of class.
“Yes, professor,” they both say and get up. They both also look at each other, eyes burning with annoyance.
“We’ll see you outside, ok?” asks Evan.
“Go on, don’t wait,” is the only answer he receives from Regulus before he goes first to Slughorn, Y/N right after him.
“Oh, my two favorite students!” the professor says as they remain alone in the classroom. “I hope the first days where excellent, kids.”
“Of course, sir,” Y/N smiles and Slughorn can’t help but lays his eyes a little longer on her, on her clothes. She was the only one that wore the robes during class.  
“How are your parents, hm?” His question sits uneasy on them both. Y/N does not look at Regulus, Regulus does not look at Y/N – they both hope the other one will talk first.
And because she remembers her father’s words, she opens her mouth. “My father sends his greetings, sir. He got me a new potions book that I’ve read over the summer,” she says and accepts happily the proud nod from her professor.
“Very good, I’m pleased to hear that the vacation didn’t stop your liking for studying,” he laughs in a soft manner. “Right, Regulus? Miss Lestrange here sure is a great housemate, keeping our pride safe,” now is the Horace Slughorn, Head of Slytherin, that’s talking.
She sees with the corner of her eye that his body tenses. “Of course, professor,” he forces himself to say.
“Right,” Horace claps his hands together again, excited. “You two are the brightest students in my house, that’s the reason I’m sure you two will be also the brightest Prefects that Hogwarts has and will ever see!” He hands them the green badges, the word PREFECT being written on it with silver letters. “I’m sure you’ll make me very proud, children,” he says.
“You can be sure of it, sir. We’ll do our best,” Y/N smiles and looks at the metal badge from between her fingers.
“That’s all,” the professor says. “Come on, go to your business, I have another class now.”
She bites her tongue and smiles polite at him, before turning around.
“What about the Slug Club, sir?”
Regulus Black was not the most talkative person Y/N knew, but he sure was stubborn.
“Oh, Merlin, I nearly forgot! Of course, Mister Black, you and Miss Lestrange are more than welcome, I thought that’s already settled,” he said and smiled at them – Horace Slughorn wanted to make sure that the kids of two important families in the Wizarding World liked him as a teacher.
As soon as they leave the class, Regulus scoffs, the sound echoing in the corridor. “Maybe you’ll learn how to dress now that I’m forced to spend even more time with you.”
His voice is mocking, rude and teasing. Now that they’re alone, they can finally act how they really wish to. Y/N grabs the wand from her robes’ pocket and points it at Regulus, who’s now pressed against the stone wall and grins at her.
“If you ever try to outsmart me again, Black, I swear I’m gonna Crucio you,” she spats the words in his face and only for a second Regulus’ face drops, his eyes looking at the tip of the wand before returning at her face.
“Only if you’d be capable of doing something like that, you pathetic try of a witch,” he says and grabs her wand, pushing it away from his face.
“You really have a death wish?” she asks annoyed by his eyes that watch her with superiority, his curved lips that laugh at her.
 “Careful, Y/N, you wouldn’t want you-know-who to find out what a brave and cruel witch you are, right? He may like it,” he laughs and walks away from her, leaving her alone at the door of the Potions’ class.
For a moment, she’s alone. And there’s silence. She looks at the green badge in her hand and exhales all the air in her lungs. And then, there’s laughter. And there’re steps which walk in her direction, and she wants to leave but she freezes pressed against the wall, right where Regulus was only a moment ago.
James Potter is walking beside a ginger girl; tall and beautiful and dressed in a red uniform, matching his. He makes her laugh as she’s playfully hitting his arm, telling him to stop. Y/N just stays there, and James doesn’t even seem to notice her. But the girl does – Y/N recognizes her as Lily Evans, the Muggleborn girl in James’ year. Lily’s green eyes watch Y/N as she sits there, badge in her hand, and the older witch smiles at her. She ignores James for a moment, giving Y/N a thumbs-up before pointing to her red badge, which had written HEADGIRL on it.
As they enter the room, Y/N starts walking away. She feels sad, maybe, heartbroken, even. She’s not sure. But she’s sure that she’s furious, angry, mad. Her father was right. Mudbloods and blood traitors deserve nothing.
And that’s only because James Potter picked the green eyes over the green badge.
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tenebraevesper · 23 days
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 61: What I'm Here For
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''I don't care what you're thinking as you turn to me. 'Cause what I have in my two hands is enough to set me free (set me free). I could fight the feeling to resist it over time. But when it's just too much to take, you sneak up from behind. Is it me, you say, you're looking for? Let me show you who I am and what I'm here for... (here for)!''
– What I'm Made Of (Shadow Remix) by Sonic Heroes (Zarkator Cover, Sonic X Shadow Generations, Theme of Neo Metal Sonic)
Sonic took a deep breath, smiling contently as he stretched on the tree branch he was lying on and feeling the warm rays of the sun warming his body in patches as the tree crown partially obscured the light. He was in Heizeru Park, him and his friends having returned home a couple of days ago, and he had to admit that, while their little adventure in the Surya Empire was quite exciting, he was genuinely happy to be back in Starpoint Area, and more importantly, on solid land. Despite the fatigue he felt due to the jet lag, he immediately ran off the moment they landed at the airport near Neos City, rushing into freedom. It appeared that none of his teammates minded it, as they were also tired and happy to be back home, and when Sonic crashed on the couch again, he woke up the next day in his bedroom, realizing Lucas carried him over when he was completely knocked out.
The next day, they met up with Omega, who bitterly recounted how nothing had happened in the past few days and got really annoyed when he talked about Metal Sonic rejecting a battle with him. Sonic had to admit that it was a bit strange to see the normally headstrong robot go through such a range of emotions, but considering how he was disappointed that he couldn't get to destroy any Eggman robots – even more when Silver innocently mentioned they came across robots during their adventure – it wasn't really surprising. At least Touka managed to comfort him by patting him on the back in a compassionate manner and promising they'll call him immediately if Eggman decided to attack them. Her promise did manage to cheer him up.
Nevertheless, it appeared that Eggman, or Metal Sonic and Ferra for that matter, have taken note of Team Neos' return, as no attack had happened, which was fine with the rest of the team. They just wanted to have a day off when they could relax. Sonic had the same mindset, except the time he needed to relax was much shorter, so he bounced back almost immediately and was ready for another adventure. However, it appeared that none of his friends could match his energy, let alone were ready to get back into action and preferred to just have a quiet day.
Well, save for one.
''I wonder why Metal Sonic was so insistent on fighting me,'' Sonic said, seemingly talking to no one.
''I could think of a few reasons, but considering how Metal Sonic views you, none of them are particularly flattering,'' Shadow responded in a calm and matter-of-fact, but slightly deadpan tone, causing Sonic to snort in amusement, well aware what he meant. He glanced below, taking note of Shadow sitting below the branch Sonic was lying on, and reading a novel he had downloaded on his AR Visor while Sonic was taking a nap. Sonic knew that, to anyone alse, Shadow sounded rather contemptous, if not outright rude, but to him, this was just another snarky remark typical for his rival.
After all, they were still navigating through their new dynamic, trying to figure out how to interact with each other. They actually had one of their usual battles just earlier, albeit with an added condition. It wasn't really a rule they had set up, but more of a silent agreement that happened naturally when during the battle, one of them would win by pinning the other down and then promptly kiss the loser. The first time it happened, both were caught a little off guard, as they were still feeling a strong surge of adrenaline, as well as affection for each other, but one glance was enough for them to agree that this was something they both wanted, as it made things even more exciting for both.
That, and Sonic loved seeing the normally guarded and careful Shadow acting more on impulse.
Sonic hummed for a moment, reminding himself that being openly affectionate, especially in a romantic sense, was still new to both of them, and they exploring the situation within a space they were comfortable with. He had to admit that it also felt a little ironic, maybe even comical, that even though they knew exactly how they felt about each other, they would at times act as if they had no clue why they had the sudden urge to just kiss. This would lead to them trying to suppress whatever they felt in the moment and act like nothing happened. It couldn't be helped, but that didn't prevent the loser of the battle from feeling annoyed, especially when he was in mood for some affection while his partner was flustered by the whole thing.
Rest assured, Sonic was already silently plotting his revenge on Shadow denying him that affection, especially after seeing his rival staring at him with a smug grin after pinning him down on the ground.
''Well, my assumption is that Metal just wants to have another go at proving himself to be the real Sonic,'' Sonic replied, crossing his arms behind his back and leaning against the tree. ''That won't work, because we all know there is only one Sonic in existence.''
''I agree. After all, one Faker is already enough for me to deal with,'' Shadow replied in a deadpan tone, but the corners of his lips curved slightly upwards. Sonic rose an eyebrow, Shadow's comment leaving him wondering. Then, he smirked.
''Right, which is why you chose me as your boyfriend,'' Sonic said in a snarky tone, leaping off the branch and leaning against the tree, his arms folded as he gave Shadow a smug look. ''After all, there is no one who could replicate my unique and irresistible charm and handsome looks.''
Shadow rolled his eyes, trying to morph the earlier smirk into a frown. He was well aware where this was going as he closed the holographic screen and stood up, facing Sonic. He had to admit that he was getting a little bored and Sonic was clearly up for another challenge, so he was fine with engaging in some pre-battle banter.
''Don't get too arrogant, Hedgehog, else-''
Before Shadow could even finish his sentence, he was caught off guard by Sonic as the cupped his muzzle and pulled him into a warm and longing kiss. He could feel fluttering in his chest, which turned into a flaring sensation when Shadow returned the kiss, even pulling him closer by wrapping his arm around Sonic's waist. Sonic couldn't help but chuckle softly when he saw Shadow's expression after they broke off the kiss. His tan muzzle was tinted red, and it was clear that he was flustered by this, but at the same time, he managed to keep this serious and unamused look on his expression, growing more and more irritated when Sonic laughed louder and louder.
''Are you serious?!'' Shadow suddenly shouted at him angrily, but that didn't stop Sonic's heartful laughter. The azure hedgehog was well aware that Shadow was just angry because he was caught off guard like this. Shadow then scoffed, folding his arms, trying to regain his composture. Sonic's laughter finally died down and he grinned.
''Not so smug now, are we?'' Sonic replied, with Shadow understanding why Sonic did this, and sighed in defeat.
''I suppose you're satisfied now,'' Shadow responded. Sonic gave him a simple and innocent smile.
''You know, I'm not the only charming and irresistible and handsome hedgehog here, so I just had to find a way to make that clear,'' Sonic told him in a sincere tone.
He could see Shadow's eyes widen slightly, and a tint of red spread across his tan muzzle once again, his expression softening and a shy smile forming on his lips. Sonic considered this to be a victory, feeling quite proud of himself to be one of the handful people capable of making Shadow smile sincerely. He also had to admit that he absolutely adored the way Shadow looked at him, well aware that those kinds of gazes were reserved only for him and he cherished them dearly.
''You are worth all of the trouble, regardless of how difficult things get,'' Shadow told him.
Sonic beamed at him, a sense of joy swelling in his chest and he leaned closer, the familiar scent of lavender filling the air as he intertwined his fingers with Shadow's… only for their ears to twitch when they heard people cry for help, causing both of them to snap out of their current state.
''I guess this is what you call 'impeccable timing','' Sonic said in a slightly dry tone, the sense of joy he felt earlier vanishing instantly. However, he quickly bounced back to his usual chipper mood, and winked at Shadow. ''Wanna bet that Eggman is causing trouble again?''
''That is the most logical answer in this situation,'' Shadow replied, with the two immediately rushing towards where they heard the cries for help.
They ended up on the other side of Heizeru Park, where they saw people running away from Egg Pawns. Sonic smirked, quickly rushing towards them and crushing an Egg Pawn with his spin attack, while Shadow threw a Chaos Spear at another. Sonic then followed his attack by a spin-dashing right into the Egg Pawn that sneaked up behind Shadow.
''Is it just me, or is trashing those Badniks getting a bit too easy?'' Sonic said, ignorant to the fact that an Egg Pawn was creeping up on him. However, Shadow did, spin-dashing into the Egg Pawn and ripping the cords out for good measure. Shadow frowned, staring back at Sonic.
''You were saying?'' Shadow asked in a deadpan tone. Sonic just gave him a sheepish look, with the two quickly finishing off the rest of the Egg Pawns. They then looked around, with this area of the park being mostly empty due to everyone running off the moment they saw the Badniks, leaving both of them with an eerie feeling.
''Say, isn't this Eggman's cue to appear and throw an even bigger robot at us?'' Sonic asked, staring at the remnants of the Egg Pawns.
''I agree. The Doctor would've done much more than this if he actually wanted to do some damage,'' Shadow replied. Sonic hummed in thought.
''Maybe this was supposed to be our 'Welcome Home Committe','' Sonic suggested, grinning, while Shadow rose an eyebrow as the azure hedgehog crossed his arms behind his head. ''From what we know about Omega's encounter with Metal Sonic and Ferra, the two probably told Eggman that we were gone, and now he's aware that we're back.''
''If that's the Doctor's idea of welcoming us back, then we should remain alert,'' Shadow replied, folding his arms across his chest, his expression now serious. Sonic shrugged.
''Well, it's Eggman. I don't think he'll do something without broadcasting it all over city, so we will be alerted one way or another.'' Sonic gave Shadow a carefree look.
''This wasn't what I… Never mind,'' Shadow sighed, shaking his head and realizing that he shouldn't argue with Sonic over this, as he knew better, and decided to act instead. ''Do you want to sweep the city for any Badnik activity?''
Sonic nodded confidently. ''Of course I want to. If we come across any, we'll keep score of who destroys more.''
With that said, both rushed off, not even noticing Ferra gazing at them from a distance.
''Thank you for helping us out,'' Vector said as he, Espio and Charmy entered the Taylor Workshop, with Vector carrying a bag.
''No problem,'' Tails replied, welcoming them inside the workshop. ''You know that you can always ask us for help.''
''Right, so what we can do for you? You told us that you have been investigating something,'' Warren said.
''Yeah,'' Vector replied, him and Espio sitting down on the couch, while Charmy decided to buzz around, looking at Tails' and Warren's inventions. ''We had to investigate several disappearances of ARNavs, which led us to some kind of underground fighting ring.''
''What?!'' Tails and Warren were stunned by this revelation.
''The kidnapped ARNavs have been put into a battle against robots which were built to look more like a chimera than anything we have seen,'' Espio added in clarification. Vector then patted the bag he had brought along.
''We managed to scrap the robots, and when we asked the guy where he even got the robots, he told us he was supplied by someone named Mr. Grip. We looked into him, but-'' Vector was suddenly cut off by Charmy who flew right between him and Tails and Warren.
''He doesn't exist! It's a fake name!'' Charmy said. ''That's why we brought all the robot parts to you!''
''I see. You want us to identify where those robot parts came from,'' Tails said.
''If you can. The trail on the supplier went cold, so this is all that we have,'' Vector replied, with Tails pointing to the nearby work table.
''Put it over there,'' he said, reaching for the bag after Vector put it on the table, him and Warren examining each piece carefully. Both of them furrowed a brow after placing all the parts on the table and sorting them out, with the detectives observing the two.
''Have you found something?'' Espio asked curiously.
''Well, we would need a bit more time, but these parts look really familiar,'' Warren replied, picking up a piece, then pointed at a CPU. ''This is actually a CPU used by Eggman for his Badniks. I've seen this type in the Egg Pawns.''
''So, Eggman is Mr. Grip?'' Charmy asked, completely shocked by this reveal.
''I have my doubts about this,'' Vector suddenly said. ''Why would Eggman supply some random criminal with his own technology? That doesn't sound like him.''
''I agree, especially when you consider that these parts belonged to the Buddy Bots the Tamago Corporation had created a while ago,'' Tails said, drawing everyone's attention. He then pointed at one pile. ''In fact, a lot of these parts seem to have damage that was fixed hastily.'' He frowned. ''It's pretty shoddy work.''
''In other words, those parts aren't new?'' Espio asked, with Tails shaking his head. Vector hummed in thought.
''In conclusion, Eggman isn't supplying any of his own tech to outsiders, but instead, someone is stealing scrapped Badnik parts and selling them to others. Not only that, but they also made the effort to steal Tamago Corporation tech as well,'' Vector said.
''Didn't the Tamago Corporation clean up and recalled all of the Buddy Bots?'' Espio asked.
''They did, but it is possible that they missed some of them. The Buddy Bots were scattered all over Neos City,'' Vector pointed out.
''Vector is right,'' Tails said, adding, ''And that's not even counting the Buddy Bots we personally destroyed. Anyone could've picked them up and taken them away.''
''I suppose we would go and ask at the Tamago Corporation to see whether they have any records of stolen Buddy Bots,'' Espio suggested.
''That sounds like a good plan!'' Charmy chimed in.
''There is something that bothers me,''  Vector suddenly said, surprising everyone. ''Why would they just steal robots from Eggman and the Tamago Corporation? I assume there are other companies who manufucture robots.''
''Maybe it's because it's easy to steal from Eggman, since he always leaves his Badniks lying around?'' Charmy suggested.
''I think there is another reason for why they would specifically steal those from Eggman and the Tamago Corporation,'' Warren said, drawing their attention. ''Both of them are known to produce robots of the highest quality. The Tamago Corporation has, in fact, a monopoly on this, both hardware and software that is being used by almost everyone. As for Eggman, we already know that, while we are more than able to trash his robots, if someone else confronted them, they would have a lot of difficulty.'' He then turned to the patched remains of the Badnik. ''Even if the repairs were shoddy, you can tell that the robot was made by someone who values good quality and in better hands, it would've been restored to its original form.'' Warren then noticed the moment of silence, realizing everyone as staring at him and gave the group a confused look. ''What's wrong?''
''You sounded like you're praising Eggman for his work,'' Vector pointed out. Warren gave them a sheepish look.
''Well, he may be our enemy, but that doesn't mean that I cannot appreciate his work in the robotics industry,'' Warren replied, scratching the back of his head. ''My grandfather had told me that he had rivals in his field of work, and while some didn't hide their own jealousy of his work, he still would praise them for their accomplishments.'' His expression then changed to a confident one, and he fist-pumped. ''After all, an engineer should take pride in their creations and learn from and appreciate the creations of others. The only reason society has advanced so far is because we built on the creations of our predecessors.''
He then paused, glancing around and noticing the stunned look everyone gave him, only to feel a little embarrassed, realizing he got carried away by his speech. Tails then gave him a wide smile.
''I agree,'' he said, with Warren just smiling in response.
Silver was sitting on a bench at the botanical garden, reading the message he had gotten from Blaze, feeling quite happy about it, his heart warm. They had agreed to remain in contact and message regularly about anything that happened in their lives, especially since both Blaze and Sana wanted to get more involved, even if they lived in a different country and had their own duties to attend to.
''Anything new?'' Makoto asked, approaching Silver.
''Blaze said that they found another AR Field and plan on investigating it. She believes it might be another Sol Emerald,'' Silver replied.
''Sounds to me like they're going to have another adventure,'' Makoto said, humming in thought. ''I wonder why the Sol Emeralds actually remained in comparison to the Chaos Emeralds.''
''I don't know, and neither does Blaze, but she told me that she feels as if she'd find the answer if she gathers all of them,'' Silver replied, closing the holographic screen and getting on his feet. He gave Makoto a confident look. ''While she is busy with the Sol Emeralds, I will keep my part of the promise and protect the future from any kind of danger.''
Makoto was about to respond, when suddenly, both of them heard people shouting. They quickly ran towards the source of the noise, only to spot Egg Pawns marching towards the main building. Upon seeing this, Silver gave Makoto an anxious look. ''I hope I didn't just jinx us.''
''Don't worry. At this point, we should just get used to Dr. Eggman attacking us for whatever reason,'' Makoto assured them. Silver nodded, with both rushing towards the Egg Pawns, which suddenly found themselves lifted and crushed by a wave of cyan energy. It was a small group, but Makoto did scan around for any stragglers, only to spot Ferra standing nearby, staring at them. He had no idea why, but he felt a sudden chill due to just how intense her gaze was. Despite being well aware that Metal Sonic was also probably nearby, he still decided to confront her.
''Ferra, why are you attacking us?'' Makoto asked, stepping towards her. Ferra seemingly ignored the question, as well as the trashed Egg Pawns, and walked up to them instead, with Makoto and Silver giving her a suspicious look.
''It was rude of you and your friends to leave without telling me anything,'' Ferra told him, folding her arms as she stood before the two. Makoto and Silver gave her confused looks.
''No offense, but why should we tell you anything about where we're going?'' Makoto asked. Ferra tilted her head.
''It would be a courtesy, but I suppose this is something I should've expected from Sonic,'' Ferra said, turning to Silver and suddenly grabbing his arm, leaving both Makoto and Silver stunned. She smirked. ''Nevertheless, I can still take what I want with no resistance.''
''Let go!'' Silver shouted, ripping his arm out of Ferra's grip. He felt chills flowing down his spine when he saw her ominous gaze. She looked as if she had just accomplished something. Ferra then turned on her heel and walked away.
''Hey, where are you going?'' Makoto shouted after her, but she ignored the two. Makoto turned to Silver, who placed his hand on his other arm, suddenly feeling cold. ''Silver, are you okay?''
''I-I don't know. This was really weird,'' Silver replied, his voice a mix of shock and confusion. He felt as if someone dumped a bucket of cold water over him.
''This place definitely doesn't look like a water deity rampaged through it… Oh, hey, Big!'' Minami lifted her hand to wave at the purple cat and his frog companion, who was sitting on the bank of Cosmo River, fishing as usual. Big waved back at Minami and Amy, who were accompanied by Cream and Cheese, with Cream holding a small flower crown.
The four had decided to visit the area that had been destroyed by Perfect Chaos, as per Cream's request. She had talked about how it was unfair that Gamma was destroyed by Perfect Chaos and how she wanted to thank him properly for the sacrifice, so she made a flower crown and asked Amy and Minami to accompany her and Cheese to the area. The group noted how, while the streets have been cleaned from the debris, there were still many destroyed buildings and it would take a while before they could complete any repairs. The group then joined Big and Froggy at the riverbank, staring into the water.
''Even though I know that this wasn't where Mr. Gamma sacrificed himself, I still think it is the best place to do this,'' Cream said, with her friends nodding in acknowledgement. She then turned towards the river, closing her eyes. ''I know that you were a robot created by Dr. Eggman and that you were supposed to be very mean to us. However, you showed your kind side, and I will always be thankful for your help. I hope you'll rest easy.'' She then threw the flower crown into the water, then took a deep breath and turned to Cheese, Amy and Minami. ''I'm done now.''
''Chao, chao?'' Cheese flew up to Cream, giving the rabbit a worried look.
''Don't worry Cheese, I'm fine,'' Cream said, clapsing her hands. ''I actually feel a little better now.''
''You know, I'm sure that Gamma would've appreciated your speech and the flower crown,'' Amy told her. Cream smiled in response, only to sniffle and wipe her eyes, blinking away the signs of tears. She then felt Amy patting her head, comforting her.
''If you want, we could go and…'' Before Minami could even finish her sentence, they were met by a sudden blast of energy. Even Big got on his feet, brandishing the fishing pole as if it was some kind of weapon. Fortunately, the blast didn't hit anyone, but it drew their attention, with the group realizing that Egg Pawns were walking towards them. Minami groaned in annoyance. ''You've got to be kidding me!''
Sonic was standing on top of a street light pole, keeping himself balanced surprisingly easily and looking around for any sign of trouble. However, all he saw was the usual hustle and bustle of the streets in Sentoraru. Feeling slightly disappointed, he climbed down the pole and just shrugged when Shadow turned to him. ''I didn't see anything.''
''That still doesn't mean that the Doctor isn't up to something,'' Shadow told him in a matter-of-fact tone. ''It doesn't make sense for him to just send his Badniks after us without any given reason.''
''I know…'' Sonic muttered, only to snort in amusement. ''This kinda feels like we're trying to solve a puzzle.''
''I suppose you could call it that,'' Shadow replied. He then beckoned Sonic to follow him, as they still had a lot of searching to do. They had just gone through one part of Sentoraru, and Neos City was huge, so it would take some time until they came across anything.
That is also why he felt quite suspicious when they came across Ferra after taking a shortcut through a narrow side alley. Sonic, on the other hand, was more surprised than suspicious.
''Oh, hey, Ferra!'' he said in a chipper tone. Even though the teenage girl was technically an enemy, he didn't feel any hostility towards her and was fine with greeting her in a casual manner. Shadow, however, remained on guard, his quills bristling as he felt that there was something off, especially when he saw the look Ferra gave them… or rather, the look she gave Sonic. Even if it wasn't directed towards him, Shadow could feel a chill creeping up his spine and turned to Sonic, who seemed to also feel unsettled.
''I finally found you,'' Ferra muttered, only to suddenly charge towards the two, startling both Sonic and Shadow, and managing to grab their arms.
''What are you doing?!'' Shadow growled, ripping his arm out of Ferra's grip and pushing her away, with her letting go off both him and Sonic, stumbling back. Instead of answering, Ferra just gave them a smirk, with the two hedgehogs wondering what was wrong with her. Before they could do anything, their environment suddenly changed, but their attention was still on Ferra.
''It was just a matter of time until we met again, my loathsome copy,'' she said, and to Sonic and Shadow's horror, she started to melt into a silver liquid, morphing into another, quite familiar shape.
''Metal Sonic?!'' Sonic exclaimed, stunned by what had happened. Shadow, on the other hand, immediately took a battle stance. ''But, how?''
''You will learn soon enough,'' Metal Sonic replied, only for Sonic to suddenly interrupt him.
''Wait, since when can you speak?'' he asked, only for Metal Sonic to shoot him a glare.
''That is what you're focusing on?'' Metal Sonic was a little disappointed.
''Well, yeah… I mean, you never talk, so this came as a bit of a shock to me,'' Sonic said, not noticing Shadow rolling his eyes and clearly sharing Metal Sonic's sentiment of where Sonic's priorities were. Sonic then smirked. ''But, that means that we can finally throw in some proper banter during our fights.''
''It is quite baffling how you can be so oblivious to your situation,'' Metal Sonic told Sonic, then glanced at Shadow when the dark hedgehog gave a sharp nod, apparently agreeing with the robot hedgehog. Metal Sonic turned back to his counterpart. ''Fortunately, this is something you won't have to worry about anymore. We will have our battle soon enough and then, I will prove my superiority!''
To Sonic and Shadow's surprise, Metal Sonic suddenly vanished, leaving them within an AR Field that resembled a coastal archipelago filled with ancient temples. Shadow's eyes narrowed as he turned to Sonic.
''We need to escape this AR Field and go after Metal Sonic,'' he said.
''I know, but, how do we get out of here? There doesn't appear to be an exit,'' Sonic said. Both hedgehogs looked around the AR Field, noting its size.
''We'll either find it or make an exit of our own,'' Shadow said. ''Keep up with me.''
Sonic nodded, him and Shadow dashing along the coastline.
Lucas was on his hoverboard, speeding down Eas and going towards Sentoraru. Despite wanting to have a quiet day, he jumped into action right after he got messages from Makoto, Minami and Touka, who was at the Solar Stadium, telling him about the Badniks that suddenly appeared in the city. Lucas sent Sonic a message, but the cobalt hedgehog didn't respond at all. This caused Lucas to worry, as he sensed that this wasn't an ordinary attack. He stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the hoverboard increasing, with the wind whistling in his ears. He did get a messages from Warren, Tails and Team Chaotix, as well as Lily and Knuckles, that they would meat up en route. He also knew that Minami and Amy were at Cosmo River with Cream, Cheese, Big and Froggy, while Touka was in Sentoraru, having left Solar Stadium after she got help from Omega and Rouge.
From the information he got, the attacks were rather unfocused, but always close to where Team Neos or their allies were. He had figured that Dr. Eggman was probably targeting them, a sentiment his friends echoed, but there was something that was bothering him. He didn't understand why Sonic wasn't responding to his calls, and from what Touka had told him, she couldn't reach Shadow either. It as possible that the two were in trouble, but Lucas believed that they could handle themselves. Nevertheless, this didn't stop him from worrying.
I hope you're okay, Sonic.
Ferra was sitting on top of a small building, staring ahead at the streets below and waiting patiently for someone to appear. It didn't take this person long, revealing himself to be Metal Sonic. Ferra smiled knowingly.
''I thought you'd take the opportunity to destroy Sonic and Shadow,'' Ferra told him. Metal Sonic gazed at his hand.
''I have all of their data, but I don't know whether that will be sufficient enough,'' Metal Sonic told her. ''I might need more power.''
''I see…'' Ferra muttered, feeling a little concerned. ''But, would more power be enough?'' Metal Sonic gave her a surprised look, with Ferra's eyes narrowing. ''They don't know yet what you're capable of, but I'm certain that they'll figure it out soon. We have two options here – either go full out on them, or keep the stakes low and test your current abilities.''
Metal Sonic lowered his head, silent for a moment. He gave no answer.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
22 notes · View notes
lucy90712 · 6 months
Only here to party- Pedri
Deciding to study abroad was a hard decision to make but I knew it was best for me to move off the island and broaden my horizons by moving to England. As much as studying abroad was a good idea studying biology has turned out to be a bad decision I barely have any free time I never get to go out and I can never come home as I am always so busy. However now that the year has come to an end and it's summer break I can finally go home for a couple months and boy am I ready to have the best summer ever. 
I am going to make this summer the best few months of my life I want to spend nearly every day with my friends and go out as much as possible. The entire summer is going to be about going out and having fun not a single mention of university and definitely no boys. I tried dating a guy at university but he cheated on me with multiple people one being one of my friends so unless I don't want to get involved with any boys. Heartbreak is not on my to do list and I've told my friends to not let me get attached and they will definitely stick to that as they can be harsh with me when they need to be.
After getting back yesterday tonight is our first girls night out and I couldn't be more excited. I've spent pretty much all day getting ready I woke up late as I was tried from my flight but after that I showered, washed my hair, shaved pretty much everything. It's been a long while since I got dressed up at all but I still have all of my dresses and nice makeup which are definitely going to get a lot of use these next few months. I was really feeling myself so I picked my absolute favourite dress I own it's a bit short and quite form fitting but I want to look and feel good so I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me. I'm not one for wearing much makeup but I decided to put on a bit more than I usually would as I was feeling adventurous. 
It took me a good while but once I was ready I got my shoes on and made my way to the club which is only just down the road from my place so I decided to walk. The rest of the girls live a bit further out so we agreed to meet at the club as they were all coming together. Just as I got to the club a taxi pulled up with all of my friends in, we hadn't seen each other since I left last summer so there was a lot of hugs and a lot of catching up we need to do. 
"You look gorgeous girl that post break up glow is making you look magical" one of my friends said 
"All the guys in the club are going to be looking at you" another added 
"Thank you guys you all look amazing too but remember I don't want to be involved with any new guy so if you see me getting too close with someone stop me" I said 
"You got it girl no men we won't let you get hurt again" my best friend said 
We headed into the club and I was dragged straight to the bar to get a drink or maybe two whatever it takes to get me slightly tipsy. I'm not here to get drunk out of my mind I just want to have some fun and enjoy my life as I haven't done that in nearly a year. It was clear very quickly that there was a lot of guys in the club were staring at me but I didn't take any notice some of them were cute but not cute enough for me to change the one rule I set for myself this summer. My friends however are not following the same rules as me so they all quickly ran off to find a guy that took their fancy. That left me alone but it didn't bother me I can handle myself as I'm used to doing that when I'm back in England. I decided to dance for a bit and found my best friend on the dance floor so we danced together for a bit but at some point she went to the bathroom and never came back but I saw her talking to some guy that was definitely her type so I left her be. 
Seeing as the group had broken apart I took myself back to the bar to just sit and watch over them all just to make sure nothing bad happened. As I was watching the dance floor I made eye contact with a guy who sent me a smile. He was very attractive exactly my type with his brown eyes and hair and his slight beard that somehow made his features stand out even more. I quickly realised I was staring at him and stopped myself because I could feel myself being drawn to him but I don't want to find someone to get attached to. He clearly noticed my staring as the next thing I knew he was taking a seat next to me at the bar and flashing that smile that drew my attention in the first place. 
"Hey I'm Pedro can I buy you a drink?" He asked 
"Sure I'm y/n by the way" I said 
He ordered another of what I had drunk before and a drink of his own and we were also given free food.
"You must be well known here to get free things" I joked
"Wait you don't recognise me" he said 
"No am I supposed to" I said 
"No it's just most people here seem to know who I am" he said 
"Well now I need to know I feel left out" I laughed 
"I'm a footballer for Barcelona and for Spain I go by a nickname though the name Pedri might be more familiar to you" he said 
"I have heard that name but I'm not into football sorry to bruise your ego" I said 
"I like it people who don't care who I am are much more fun to be around" he smiled 
We continued talking he asked about my life and once I told him I was studying in England there was a lot he wanted to know. I asked him a few questions about his life as it's not everyday you meet a footballer especially in Tenerife but he wanted to focus the conversation on me. It was quite clear that there was a connection between us and really to stick to my rules I should stop talking to him but I can't help myself. It would feel wrong to leave this here and not give Pedri a chance especially as both of us don't live in Tenerife so it's not like we could run into each other once I think I'm ready to date again. Sometimes our plans don't line up with what the universe has set out for us and I don't want to ruin something that could go somewhere even if we only end up as friends Pedri is a cool person to be friends with. 
One by one my friends came to find me and say they were leaving with whoever they had met leaving me with Pedri. So much for them stopping me from getting attached to someone but honestly I kind of appreciate it I definitely would've fought them if they tried to take me away from Pedri. Once we reached the early hours of the morning both of us wanted to go home Pedri offered to walk me home and I wasn't going to say no to spending more time with him so we walked down the road together. As we got to the door I was starting to wish I lived further from the club so I could spend more time with Pedri. 
"I know both of us won't be here for long so can I have your number I'd love to see you again before we both leave" he asked 
"Of course give me your phone and I'll put my number in" I said 
I did just that and once I had put my number in we said goodbye and Pedri promised he'd text me in the morning. 
This summer has flown by I have been back home for 2 months but I leave again in a few days and I'm really sad about it. My summer has gone completely differently to how I imagined it would too I was expecting to spend time mostly with my friends out at the beach most days and then going out drinking on the weekends but I have done that like 3 times. I have seen my friends and spent time on the beach but I've spent more of my time with Pedri. When I told my friends about Pedri they weren't shocked that I broke my rule in fact they told me that they saw me with him and were going to drag me away but once they saw how happy I was they let me be. If it wasn't for them I probably wouldn't have spent as much time as I have with Pedri they were the ones to tell me to just go for it and see where things go as I won't get another chance like this and that turned out to be good advice.
Pedri and I have spent so much time together we've seen each other nearly every day and we text each other constantly. In the last month we have been on a few dates all of which have been amazing. Whenever we spend time with our friends they are always telling us to get a room as we are pretty much attached at the hip, Pedri has developed a habit of having his hand on my waist pretty much at all times which I'm not complaining about as I love it. Over the last two months I've really fallen for Pedri and I'd like to think he feels the same way the trouble is we both have to leave at some point and I don't know if things will be the same when we can't see each other all the time. 
Today is the last day Pedri and I can see each other has we both leave in a few days so we need some time to pack. He invited me to his for the day as he has a pool so we can swim together and just sit outside in the sun all day. Pedri wanted me to come over early so I had to drag myself out of bed and to his place but it was worth it as he had breakfast ready for both of us and he greeted me with a kiss which always makes my morning better. 
After having some breakfast we both got into swimwear and got into the pool. More often than not we don't really do any swimming we just float around in the water and today was no different. I leant against the side in the shallowest part of the pool as that's where I can touch the bottom and Pedri stood in front of me with his arms around my waist. His hair was wet but somehow he still looked incredible possibly better than he looks on any normal day which is saying something. We were just staring at each other sharing the odd kiss but I could tell Pedri was thinking about something he had the look in his eye that I've learnt means he's deep in thought considering something. 
"What are you thinking about?" I asked 
"Oh nothing just daydreaming" he said 
"I know that's a lie you have that thinking expression of yours tell me what's on your mind" I said 
"What's going to happen to us when we both leave?" He asked 
This is the question I have been thinking about myself and dreading having to answer. I don't want to end things with Pedri but is long distance going to work. I'm always so busy and I know he is too so will we even get to see each other and if we don't will we just fall out of love. There is so many questions and most of which we won't know the answer to unless we give things a try. 
"I don't know I really like you and I've enjoyed these last two months more than the rest of the last year but we would have to be long distance" I said 
"I know it won't be easy but if you are willing to I'd love to try long distance I don't just want to let what we have go this feels special more than just a holiday romance" he said 
"If you're willing to give it a go then so am I but we need to communicate well and be ready not to see each other that often" I said 
"I will do anything to make this work we can FaceTime every night and any breaks we have we can visit each other we can make this work" he said 
"Then let's do it" I said 
"First though I have something I want to ask" he said 
"What's that" I questioned 
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked 
"I would love to" I replied leaning in to kiss him
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bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Starting Over | 5
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The sagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start… will you find your happily ever after?
Characters: Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix (eventually) , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 11.1k -- not even sorry lol. Giving you more for being patient!
Warnings: Angst, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, smut in later chapters, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler… if I miss any please let me know.
A/N: I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ and  @beyondthesefourwalls​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!!
Taglist is open! If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM  to be added. It’s getting to hard to keep track of asks.
CH 1  CH 2  CH 3  Ch 4
True to his word, the following Monday, Bradley was on your doorstep bright and early ready for babysitting duty. Jake was getting Gracie breakfast while you finished getting ready for court. You were meeting your lawyer a half hour before you were due in court to go over everything. She wanted to discuss correspondence she’d received from Trent’s lawyer before going into the hearing.
“It’s open!” Jake yelled when Bradley rang the doorbell.
Bradley came through the front door as you were walking out to the living room. You picked out a green sheath dress with a navy blue fitted ¾ length sleeve jacket and navy pumps. You pulled your hair back into a low messy bun with tendrils hanging around your face. You’d kept the makeup to a minimum, not wanting to have to worry about any running in the event you cried.
“You look really pretty, Y/N.” Bradley said, offering you a sweet smile, “You feeling ok for today?”
“Thank you,” You smiled back. “I’m nervous… like…REALLY… nervous.”
“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Sweetheart.” He said, “It’s going to go your way. No judge would rule in favor of that douche.”  
“I just want the whole thing over and to be free, but I have a bad feeling it’s going to drag out.” You said. “I can’t thank you enough though for taking off work to stay with Gracie. It means so much to me.”
“It’ll be over soon, and all in your past.” He said, “You don’t have to thank me, Sweetheart. I get to spend the day with a Princess. That’s better than work.”
“Even when work involves flying F-18s at stupid speeds?” You challenged, smiling.
“Even then.” He confirmed, not missing a beat.
“Hey Rooster.” Jake said, poking his head out from the kitchen. “I made extra if you’re hungry. Gracie is finishing up her waffles now. I just have to change shirts quickly… in hindsight, I should have known better than to get dressed before serving waffles and syrup to a toddler.”
“Rookie move, Bubs.” You laughed, “We’ve got a little time though so go ahead and change, I’ll hold down the fort here.”
“Then you’ll get sticky from the syrup.” Jake pointed out.
“I’ll handle the syrup situation.” Bradley said, walking into the kitchen, “Go change. It’s my turn with Princess Gracie.”
“WOOSTA!” She exclaimed, holding up very sticky fingers and making grabby hands towards Bradley. “We pway?”
“Good Morning, Baby Girl.” He beamed at Gracie, “Are you all done eating? Or are you still hungry?”
“All done!” She said, “Up pwease!”
“Let me wipe the stickiness from your fingers and face then we’ll play ok?” He compromised, wetting a cloth under the kitchen faucet, before picking her up.
“Otay!” She agreed.
“I laid out some play clothes for her on her bed and the diaper bag is packed if you wanted to go anywhere, the keys to my car are hanging up on the hook by the door.” You said, “You can move the car seat over to your Bronco if you’d rather drive that.”
“We’ll be just fine.” He promised, “Princess Gracie and I are going to have lots of fun today.”
“Thank you again, Bradley.” You said, smiling, “It really means a lot to me.”
“Sweetheart, please stop thanking me.” He laughed, “I will never turn down a playdate with this sweet girl.”
“See, Rooster,” Jake teased, coming in with a clean shirt on and tucked in. “Your dating life is picking up after all.”
“Jakey, be nice!” You admonished your big brother. “Your tie is crooked too, come here.”
“He’s not wrong.” Bradley laughed good naturedly, “My dating life is nonexistent… but I have a feeling hanging out with Gracie is better than any date I’ve been on recently.”
“Well mine is and will remain nonexistent for the foreseeable future.” You said, tying Jake’s tie so it was straight. “There, all better.”
“Thanks Tulip.” He said, flashing you a soft smile, “Let’s go get this first step to your freedom taken care of. Gotta get you back up on that horse.”
“I don’t think that’s the right analogy here, Jakey.” You said, rolling your eyes.
“I think it’s absolutely the right analogy, Sweetheart.” Bradley winked.
“I love you, Gracie Girl.” You said, leaning in to kiss your daughter, “Be good for Bradley. Mommy will see you this afternoon when we get back.”
“Wuv you Mommy!” Gracie said smiling, perfectly content to have time with her ‘Woosta’.  
You and Jake arrived at the courthouse and were greeted by your lawyer.
“Thank you for meeting me before we go in.” She said, “I have a small meeting room booked, we can go in and go over what we have so far.”
“Thank you.” You replied, following her to the room. Once inside, you remembered to introduce her to Jake. “This is my brother Jake.”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Lauren Kennedy.” She replied, shaking Jake’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Ma’am.” Jake smiled, “Thank you for all you’re doing for my sister.”
“I am absolutely happy to help.” She replied, “Especially after some interactions I’ve had with Trent and his lawyer… I’m even happier to help.”
“Is this going to be drawn out?” You asked, your shoulders tensing with the prospect of being stuck longer in this situation. “I don’t even care if I walk away with absolutely nothing. I just need to be free.”
“Not necessarily.” She said, offering a soft smile, “As we discussed last week, he did contest the divorce and also the same day countersued for custody. This, in itself is a contradiction and I would argue shows it’s all a power move on his part. I’ve had several conversations with the attorney that he has hired as well as a few rambling emails and voicemails from Trent himself since that initial contact.”
“He’s already admitted he never wanted Gracie and has since said so on voicemail.” Jake seethed, “That piece of shit doesn’t deserve Gracie. He’s never been involved in her life even when she was living under the same roof.”
“That admission will certainly help strengthen our already very strong case.” Lauren assured us. “If the judge grants the order of protection today, we will certainly use that to accelerate both the divorce and the custody case. I honestly don’t see this dragging out indefinitely, so please don’t get discouraged. Trent doesn’t strike me as someone with the means to keep this tied up in court. He is your typical playground bully. We push back hard enough, he’ll give up in favor of finding an easier target.”
“What if he comes out here and tries to take Gracie?” You asked, the fear suddenly choking you, “He can’t take my baby.”
“He’ll have to go through me.” Jake said, rubbing your back comfortingly, “It’ll be a cold day in hell before my Princess G ends up in his hands.”
“Hopefully today will help prevent that.” Lauren said, encouragingly, “Y/N, I promise you, I will do everything in my power to get you freed from this man in every way. Whether he contests the divorce or not, there are safeguards in place with the laws and we will use them. Him agreeing just makes it happen faster. In all of my years practicing family law, I have never seen a judge side with a parent showing so many red flags as Trent does, especially when the other parent is stable and established as the child’ sole caregiver. I need you to remember that the only questionable variable in this situation is the amount of time it takes to get it through. You will be divorced from this man, you will reclaim your life, Sweetie. I promise you that.”
“Thank you.” You replied, quietly. “I really do appreciate all you’re doing for me.”
“It’s absolutely my pleasure.” She smiled, “Let’s head on into the courtroom and get situated.”
“He isn’t here right?” You asked, suddenly scared to enter the courtroom. “Or his lawyer?”
“His attorney may be in attendance” She replied, “I would be surprised, being he is based out of Texas. If Trent is present, due to it being an order of protection hearing, we will do everything we can to maintain as much distance as possible. In the event he’s here and the order is approved, a deputy would escort you out of the courthouse ahead or behind Trent, upholding the distance ordered and to prevent illegal contact.”
“And I will be here with you every single step of the way, Tulip.” Jake promised, “I will never let him hurt you in any way ever again.”
In the end, Tent, thankfully, had not shown up. His lawyer Zoomed into the hearing on his behalf. After looking at all of the texts, reviewing the voicemails, and listening to your account of your marriage, the judge ordered a no contact order. All communication now had to officially go through lawyers. Trent was not allowed to text or call you and was not allowed within 500 feet of you. The order was temporary, but would hopefully be enough to allow you to get the divorce you needed and to start your life over. Your attorney said the order would help with the custody and divorce hearings. Trent’s lawyer had objected and insisted all of the evidence was a result of emotional distress you’d caused by leaving and taking your daughter out of state. You were thankful the judge hadn’t seen it that way.
“What are the next steps?” Jake asked, as you all left the courtroom. Even just this small victory took a load off of your shoulders. At least now he could be held in contempt of court if he contacted you or showed up on your doorstep.  “Can you file anything that legally separates them so she can start to rebuild her life while waiting on the divorce to go through?”
“Legally, they are already separated.” Lauren explained, “The moment we filed the intent to dissolve the marriage, they were legally separated. The next steps are getting a court date for the divorce and custody of Gracie. Since he’s contesting, it will need to go before a judge. The judge would normally order mediation to work out the divorce agreement but since Y/N only wants custody and nothing from the marital home or any monetary compensation, and in light of the no contact order in place as of today, the judge will be more inclined to waive the mediator and grant the divorce. Custody could be done the same day if we can get Trent to agree to vanquish his parental rights or to simply agree to you having full custody, Y/N.”
“So, the divorce is just a formality at this point, she’s already free of that piece of shit?” Jake clarified.
“The marriage is essentially on ‘hold’ until the divorce is finalized. Legally speaking though, yes, Y/N you are free to move on, Sweetie.” She replied. She smiled warmly, winking at you. “That includes dating.”
“I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.” You replied, offering a small smile, “I just want to focus on being a good mom to Gracie.”
“Tulip, you’ve already nailed that.” Jake assured you, “You’re the best mom and Princess G is so lucky to have you as her mommy.”
“I love you, Jakey.” You said, hugging him.
“Love you too, Tulip.” He replied, hugging you back.
“Alright, I will continue to keep you posted” Lauden said, “I’ll be calling Trent’s lawyer again today to encourage his client to settle now and agree to dissolve the marriage rather than drag it out. If his lawyer is competent, he’ll know this is a losing battle on their end. It’s to their advantage to settle and not let the judge set the terms.”
“Thank you. For everything.” You said.
“You’re very welcome.” She replied, “Keep your chin up, this will be over and just a bad memory in no time at all.”
After leaving the courthouse, Jake decided to treat you to lunch before heading home. He took you to one of his favorite Mexican restaurants, knowing you’d love it too.
As you sat eating your lunch you could tell Jake was thinking about something. “I can see the wheels turning in your head, Bubs.” You laughed, “What’s on your mind?”
“Just thinking about what your lawyer said.” Jake said.
“Which part?” You asked, “She said a lot today.”
“About being free to start over.” He replied slowly, “Dating and all that.”
“No need to go into overprotective brother mode, Jakey.” You smiled, “I meant it when I said I don’t think I’m ready. I don’t really trust my own judgment anyway.”
“Do you trust mine?” He asked.
“Of course I do, Jakey.” You replied, “What’s going on in that head though?”
“OK, hear me out.” He said. “If someone were interested in dating you and you were interested in them… would you trust my judgment on whether they were a good fit or not?”
“Yes.” You replied, confused where this was coming from, waiting on him to elaborate.
“Ok.” He smiled, relaxing. “So what do you think you want to do first, now that you’re well on your way to freedom?”
“A job.” You replied, shaking your head at your brother. Sometimes he was so hard to get a read on. “Penny offered me a part time job. If she’s still serious about it, I want to accept. I just need to find daycare.”’
“I can help with that!” He assured you, “I think getting out of the house and being around adults will be good for you.”
“Jake you can’t take Gracie to base” You laughed, “She can’t be your WSO at 2 years old.”
“I know that.” He said, playfully rolling his eyes, “I can look into daycare on base though, or at least ask around for recommendations. Being around other kiddos will be good for her too.”
After lunch you headed home to relieve Bradley of babysitting duties. Jake hung the keys to the truck on the hook by the door when you walked in, immediately reaching up to loosen and untie the tie he wore to court.
“Hey…how did it go?” Bradley asked cautiously.
“It went well!” Jake replied, “That piece of trash can’t contact Tulip anymore!”
“That’s fantastic, Y/N!” Bradley said, flashing a bright smile at you, “How are you feeling?”
“So much relief.” You replied, smiling back at him, “My lawyer also said that this will help us in the custody and divorce proceedings.”
“Even better.” He said, “This calls for a celebration! How about drinks at the Hard Deck tomorrow night?”
“I don’t have a babysitter for Gracie.” You replied, “But you all can go and celebrate for me!”
“Tulip, we can’t celebrate without you when you’re the reason for the celebration.” Jake laughed, “We will find a sitter for Gracie and we will go for a bit.”
“Ok.” You agreed. “Going out does sound fun. It’s been awhile. I’m going to go change and start getting stuff put together for dinner. Bradley, you’re joining us… if you don’t have plans. It’s the least I can do for you taking a day off to stay with Gracie.”
“I will happily accept dinner.” He replied, “But it’s because you’re cooking is amazing and too good to say no to, not because you owe me anything for spending time with that sweet Princess. She was good as gold and we had fun.”
“Well, thank you all the same.” You said, kissing his cheek before heading to the bedroom to change.
***** Jake’s POV *****
“Thanks, Rooster.” Jake said, removing his tie completely now and slumping down on the couch. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done for Y/N and Gracie.”
“Look, I know we definitely started off on the wrong foot but, like we keep reminding Y/N…this is a family.” Bradley said, “For me, it’s the only one I’ve got. So there really isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you, Jake. And let’s be real, 5 minutes in her presence and Gracie had me wound tightly around her adorable, chubby little finger.”
“She has a way of doing that.” Jake laughed, “She’s had me hooked since she drew her first breaths.”
“Y/N is the same way.” Bradley said, treading carefully, unsure how Jake would react to knowing he was falling hard for his sister.
“She’ll kill me for this…” Jake said, sitting up and turning to face Bradley, “Here’s the thing. She’s kinda fragile at the moment and very unsure of herself…actually said she doesn’t trust her own judgment when it comes to guys and dating now… but she does trust me. And I trust YOU. I know you’ve got a thing for Y/N. I’ve seen the way you look at her. I’ve also seen the way she looks at you when she thinks nobody is looking. What’s more… I’ve seen how much you care about Gracie.  Those girls are the most important people in my life, Bradley. They’re the only actual family I’ve got. I just need you to know…to really know… what you’re getting into. If you’re not playing the long game here where my sister and niece get their fairytale ending… I’m asking you to bow out now. I failed her once in my role as her big brother and protector. I can’t fail her again.”
“Jake, I genuinely already care deeply about them both.” Bradley admitted. “I would never do anything to intentionally or knowingly hurt either of them. I’d rather burn in than do that. Just to be clear though, because I’m not trying to get my face rearranged at any point… are you saying that you’re actually OK with the fact that I’m falling for your sister?”
“You’re probably the only guy I WOULD trust with her heart.” Jake shrugged, smiling, “And now that you’ve confirmed you do in fact have feelings for her…what do you plan to do about it?”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Bradley admitted, “And this isn’t me ‘being safe on a perch’. I just don’t wanna screw this up or spook her.”
“I appreciate that.” Jake replied, “Me giving you shit in the air about playing it safe doesn’t mean I can’t see the value in being cautious and taking things slow when it matters. Just… not too slow. The lawyer even said she can get started building her life and even mentioned dating. She’s legally separated if that’s what is holding you back.”
“I don’t know that the military cares about legal separations, man…” Bradley said, “Pretty sure it’s still against the code… but… I don’t think it’s against the code to spend time with a friend and her adorable little girl. Especially when I am in fact, playing the long game.”
“Good to know.” Jake said, “On that note. I’m going to change quickly. Are you hanging around for dinner?”
“Yeah, there’s no way I’m passing up more time with those two…and a home cooked meal.” Bradley replied, smirking, “And I guess you’re alright to hang out with too.”
“Asshole.” Jake laughed, getting up and heading upstairs to change. Bradley laughed at his retreat.
*** Your POV ***
After changing into a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a Texas Longhorns t-shirt, you made your way out of your room. Before heading to the kitchen to start meal prepping you peeked into Gracie’s room to check on her quickly, smiling at the sight of her curled up sleeping soundly.
“You must have worn her out this morning.” You said, smiling at Bradley who was still seated on the couch. “She’s out like a light still.”
“We played pretty hard.” Bradley said, “Lots of chasing, flying, tea parties, and even went for a walk around the block.”
“Flying, huh?” You asked, laughing. “Starting her young?”
“Yup!” He replied, “Gotta get her used to those G’s. That little princess is fearless though. She loves to be tossed up in the air and completely trusts that you’ll catch her.”
“Believe it or not, she’s only been as outgoing as she is since coming here.” You said, “Back home she was always painfully shy and quiet. I only got to see this version of her when it was just the two of us.”
“Seriously?” He asked, shocked. Gracie had taken to him instantly and he’d never experienced the shy girl being described. “I can’t even picture that… she’s so full of life, full speed ahead.”
“Well it helps that it was love at first sight with you.” You smiled warmly, “She claimed you from the start.”
“The feeling is quite mutual.” He replied, holding your gaze. “Her mom is working her way in too.”
You felt butterflies erupt in your belly, your heart rate picked up and you could feel heat spreading over your body. You weren’t really sure how to respond. You definitely liked the man, but was it really fair to him to be saddled with a complicated mess like yourself?
“I can see the wheels turning, Sweetheart.” he said gently, offering a warm smile that reached his eyes. “No pressure. I know you’ve got a lot going on right now. All the cards on the table though, I really like you… a lot. You know I’m crazy about Gracie. If or whenever you’re ready, if you’re interested, I want you to know that so am I.”
“I like you too…” You admitted quietly, “More than I should considering the circumstances. It’s just… Bradley, I’m a mess. You deserve so much more than someone who doesn’t have their shit together. Hell, I don’t even have a job. I’m literally mooching off of my brother right now.”
“Hey.” He said, taking your hands and turning you so that you’re facing him. “First of all, I’d be willing to bet a paycheck that if Jake heard you talk like that he’d blow a gasket. Secondly, Sweetheart you’re not a mess. You were stuck in a shitty marriage with a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve you and you were strong enough to get you and your daughter out and are taking steps to keep him out of your lives. Thirdly, and most importantly, you are  so incredible, so beautiful, intelligent, funny, an amazing mom, and I would be LUCKY to get to spend time with you and get to know you.”
He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on your cheek, then pulling back to look into your eyes, willing you to see yourself in his eyes. To believe what he was saying.
“Like I said before, Sweetheart,” He continued, “No pressure. I just really want to get to know you more and would love to spend time with you.”
“I would really like to spend time with you too.” You admitted.
“Then we will start there.” He smiled sweetly at you.
“Look who’s up?” Jake said, carrying Gracie into the room. “I peeked in to check on her and my little Princess was awake and ready to play again.”
“There’s my sweet Gracie Girl!” You beamed at your daughter, “Did you sleep well?”
“Hi Mommy” She smiled, still rubbing her eyes, “Woosta, we pway again?”
“Wow, I see where her priorities are now.” You laughed.
“Hi Princess,” Bradley chucked, “I will happily play with you again. Do you want to go outside to play?”
“Yes! Outside!” She happily exclaimed, then looked at Jake, “Unco Jakey pway too?”
“Of course, Princess G!” He replied, kissing her forehead. “Let’s get your shoes on and we’ll go out back. I think we need to get you a swing for the backyard… or a playhouse and a slide!”
“Jakey!” You exclaimed, “There is a perfectly good park within walking distance. We’re not putting in a playground in your backyard.”
“No fun, Tulip.” He pouted, “Princess G needs her own playground.”
“Lord help me,” You rolled your eyes playfully, “You’re going to spoil that child rotten.”
“Nope.” he replied, “Not possible.”
“If you two have her, I’m going to go get started on dinner prep.” You said, heading to the kitchen.
While the guys were out back running with Gracie, you pulled out everything you needed to make dinner. Before getting too involved in prepping though, you paused to make a snack for Gracie, knowing she’d be hungry after her nap. You peeled and sliced apples for her, cutting them into bite size chunks and placed them on a plate with a handful of mini pretzels and cubes of cheese. This way she had a choice of what she’d snack on and you knew Jake or Bradley would help her finish if need be. Grabbing a sippy cup with water, you made your way out back.
“Snack time for my little Princess.” You said, setting the plate and cup down on the outdoor table.
“What about our snacks?” Jake asked, winking.
“You can see if your niece will share with you.” You said, smirking at him, “If not, there’s more fruit and cheese in the fridge. And dinner isn’t too far off.”
“Need any help with anything?” Bradley asked, “I promise I’m slightly more competent than Jake in the kitchen.”
“That’s not setting the bar too high.” You teased. “Gracie would be sad if I took her new bestie away from her.”
“I’ll cover.” Jake said, winking at you knowinging. “Princess G! Rooster has to help Mommy cook dinner, wanna go for a walk around the block with me?”
“Yes!” She said, dropping the ball she’d been playing with. “Bye Mommy! Bye Woosta!”
“And just like that, Uncle Jakey is the favorite again.” Jake said, flashing a victory smile. “Let’s go, Princess G!”
“Stay with Uncle Jakey, Gracie.” You reminded her, “Hold his hand!”
“Kitchen assistant Bradshaw reporting for duty.” Bradley said as the two of you stepped into the kitchen.
“When you said you are slightly more competent than Jake in the kitchen… How much more competent are you talking?” You asked, “He makes decent breakfast food and knows his way around a grill.”
“I can cook, Sweetheart.” He laughed, “I’m not a huge fan of it and it’s just me I’ll pick up take out, but my mom made sure I could cook.”
“Ok then.” You replied, trying and failing to maintain a serious expression. “You’re in charge of cutting the potatoes and veggies. The potatoes just need to be cut into wedges,  the broccoli cut off the stalk, and the  zucchini and yellow squash need to be cut into small chunks. That’s all going onto a sheet pan to be roasted.”
“I can handle that.” He promised, “Cutting board and knife, please.”
You handed him the  needed equipment and the veggies before turning to get  the chicken ready.
“Where’d you learn to cook so well?” He asked as he started to cut the potatoes.
“Jake got us through until I was old enough to read and understand a cookbook.” You said, “We ate a lot of eggs and toast, hot dogs and mac n cheese, and  grilled cheese sandwiches before that. When I was in 4th grade I checked out a cookbook from the library and made Jake get the ingredients… first few meals were rough, but then I got the hang of it. After that, Jake made sure we had a well stocked kitchen… well as best as  he could given the lack of funds we really had to work with.”
“I can’t even imagine, Sweetheart.” He replied, “It was just mom and Me…occasionally Mav when he wasn’t deployed, but my mom made sure I had everything I needed. You and Jake had to raise yourselves. Did you have any other family?”
“Just each other.” You replied, “We learned early that we were all we had. Jake did all he could to make sure nobody had reason to call family services on us. We took care of each other and stayed out of our parent’s way. What was your mom like?”
“Amazing.” He replied, a soft smile forming on his lips. “She was so full of life and love. She was the fun neighborhood mom. There were always extra kids hanging around. I think her mission was to make sure every kid was well fed. She made everything we did together fun, even the mundane things like chores.”
“I’m so sorry you lost her.” You said, “She sounds incredible.”
“I definitely wish she was still alive, but I’m lucky I had her for the time I did.” He replied. “Her and my dad had such a deep and complete love. After he died she was kinda lost for a bit. I don’t remember much of that time since I was so young, but it was almost like she snapped out of it and threw herself fully into just being my mom and raising me. She never dated anyone after my dad died. That’s probably the only thing I’d change. She deserved to be happy.”
“Maybe raising you and being there for you was what made her happy?” You suggested, “She had her one true love, and rather than settling for something less than that, she just poured all of her love into her child.”
“Isn’t there a balance though?” Bradley asked, “And do we only get one true love per lifetime?”
“I’m the wrong person to ask about that.” You said sadly, “I’ve never really been able to see what a healthy love is supposed to look like. I clearly didn’t find it with Trent.”
“Maybe not romantic love, but you and Jake love each other and have a sibling bond that not many reach.” He said, “You’ve also nailed the whole Mom gig, Sweetheart. So that proves you don’t need to have had a ‘good’ example in order to be capable of it.”
“Were you always so smart?” You asked, a smile forming on your face, “Or is this a new development?”
“Always.” He smirked, “You should trust me on this one.”
“I’ll take it under consideration.” You teased, “In the meantime, keep choppin’. I need to put the veggies in at the same time as the chicken.”
“On it.” He smirked, winking.  He finished chopping the vegetables while you finished getting the chicken seasoned and on the cooking sheet.
Once everything was on the cooking sheets and in the oven you grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and passed one to Bradley.
“Well done, kitchen assistant Bradshaw.” You smiled, “You can help me out anytime.”
“How about, I help you this Friday when the squad invades for dinner.” He suggested, “Then… you let me take you out to dinner on Saturday night, so you’re not having to cook.”
“I’d have to see if Jake has plans…” You said, “Unless we do an early dinner and at a kid friendly restaurant.”
“Sweetheart, I am completely on board with both of those options.” Bradley said, “We could even take her and have a beach day and then dinner in the evening. I’m sure the squad would take a beach day too if you’d be more comfortable with a group.”
“I’d be comfortable with just you too, Bradley.” You said, offering a smile.
“How about we see if Jake and Phoenix want to join us?” He suggested, “That way we can give them a gentle push together. And while we do that, we get to spend more time together, with Gracie as an added bonus.”
“I like that.” You replied. Then, deciding to be brave and trust not only yourself, but also your brother’s judgment in friends and most importantly in Bradley.  “I’d also like to spend time with you… just the two of us… if you’re willing to deal with complicated.”
“Complicated is good.” He smiled, moving to stand closer to you, his hand coming to gently push some hair from your face, “You’re worth complicated, Sweetheart.”
“We’re back!” Jake called from the living room.
“We back Mommy!” Gracie parroted her uncle. The pair made their way into the kitchen, Gracie hitching a ride on Jake’s back.
“Someone was lucky enough to get a piggy back ride from Uncle Jakey, I see.” You laughed.
“She made a solid case for why she should get a ride.” Jake shrugged, smiling.’
After dinner you got Gracie in the bath, letting her play in the warm water for a bit, while Jake and Bradley played a flying video game.
Once you had Gracie bathed and her pajamas on, you took her back out to the living room to let her play for a bit before you started her bedtime routine.
“You’d think you two got enough of that piloting stuff in your actual jobs.” You teased, sitting down in the oversized chair next to the couch. “Just can’t get enough of it huh?”
“This is different, Tulip.” Jake insisted, “We get to fly planes from different eras and hone our skills in different terrains.”
“And we get to blow stuff up.” Bradley added, smirking. “That’s fun too.”
“That’s more in line with what I figured.” You said, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Mommy, you wead book pwease?” Gracie said, bringing over one of her books.
“I will happily read you a book, Baby Girl.” You said, smiling at your little girl. “Do you want to go snuggle in your bed and read before it’s sleepytime?”
“Yes, pwease.” She agreed, rubbing her eyes. All of the playtime and fresh air wore her out.
“Say goodnight to Uncle Jakey and Bradley.” You said. You watched as they instantly paused their game, and turned their full focus on Gracie. It warmed your heart as it’s not something her father ever did.
“Night Unco Jakey.” Gracie said, hugging him first. “Wuv you.”
“I love you too, Princess G.” He replied, hugging her tightly, “Sweet dreams.”
“Night Woosta.” She says, climbing over into Bradley’s lap and hugging him. “Wuv you.”
“Goodnight, Princess.” He replied softly, holding her gently and hugging her back and dropping a soft kiss on her head. “I love you too.”
“We pway tomorrow?” She asked him.
“I have to work tomorrow, Sweetheart.” He answered, “But, I promise to come play with you again soon, OK?”
“Otay.” She agreed before hopping down and heading to her room.
The rest of the week went pretty smoothly. You’d talked to Penny about the part time job she offered at the Hard Deck. She’d told you that it was yours and that she’d work around daycare for you. Amelia was willing to babysit once school was out for the summer, so you only needed a sitter part time for about a month. You were going to meet with her next week to figure out the hours and everything the job would entail.
Friday night was the squad dinner night, everyone loved the homemade pizzas. Bradley had arrived after work and had helped you make the pizzas. Gracie’s favorite night of the week was Friday when the squad was over. She loved having all the playmates.
“What time are we headed to the beach tomorrow?” Phoenix asked once everyone but Bradley had left.
“Probably mid morning, I’m guessing.” Jake said, “We can bring the pack n play and an umbrella so Gracie can nap at the beach.”
“It’s sweet seeing you with her.” Phoenix says, offering Jake a soft smile. He blushed, a smile forming on his face.
“Gracie is really good at wrapping Naval aviators around her little finger.” You said.
“Yes she is.” Bradley agreed. “She’s got me hooked.”
“She’s not the only one.” Phoenix said, smirking knowingly at Bradley.
“That I’ve already admitted to.” He said, winking at you.
“Hey, Nix” Jake said, “Feel like being on babysitting duty with me tomorrow night? We get to hang with a really sweet toddler. She’s lots of fun…”
“That sounds fun.” She said, it was now her turn to blush. “I’d love to.”
You and Bradley shared a conspiratory look. You really hoped spending time together would push the pair together.
The next morning Jake was loading the pack n play, umbrella and beach chairs into the truck while you pulled together snacks and a lunch for everyone. You’d packed the beach bag before going to bed the night before so all you needed to do was get dressed and get Gracie dressed.
“Alright, the truck is packed up. Phoenix and Bradley just got here. I’ll get Gracie changed.” Jake said, “Go get dressed so we can hit the beach.”
Fifteen minutes later you were ready. You’d opted for a simple blue two piece swimsuit, one of two you’d bought while shopping with Phoenix. You threw a pair of cut off jean shorts and a tank top over your suit and slipped on flip flops.
“Ok, I’m ready.” You said, pulling your hair into a messy bun, while walking into the living room. “I packed towels, food, drinks, sunscreen, toys… what am I forgetting?”
“I think you got it covered, Tulip.” Jake laughed, “Let’s go! Princess G, do you wanna ride with Uncle Jakey and Phoenix?”
“Ok, so we’re taking two vehicles.” You laughed.
“Yay! I wide wif Unco Jakey and Nix!” Gracie exclaimed.
“Let’s load up!” Jake said, scooping Gracie up onto his shoulders, making her giggle.
“He’s so adorable with her.” Phoenix told you, a soft look in her eyes.
You flashed her a knowing smile and grabbed your purse.  The three of you followed Jake and Gracie out to the vehicles.
“See y’all at the beach.” Bradley said, opening the passenger door for you.
“Such a gentleman.” You smirked when he got into the driver’s seat.
“My mom raised me well.” he said, chuckling.
“She sure did.” You smiled, looking at him over your sunglasses.
“You’re gonna be trouble, Sweetheart.” He laughed.
After pulling into the beach parking lot. Bradley helped Jake carry all of the big stuff to where you would set up for the day. While they got the umbrella up and the pack n play set up…which was amusing to watch… you and Phoenix grabbed Gracie and the rest of the stuff from the truck.
“We have to put sunscreen on you before you play, Gracie.” You said, kneeling down on the sand to apply the sunscreen. “Alright, play here for a little bit until it soaks into your skin.”
You pulled out a couple of her toys for her to play with while she waited. In the meantime, you pulled off the tank you’d put over your swimsuit, dropping it on the bag. You started to apply sunscreen to your own skin, not wanting to burn.
“I’ll get your back.” Bradley offered, his eyes wandering over you. You smiled, feeling heat creep over your neck and face, having nothing to do with the sun. You handed him the bottle.  “Turn around.”
You turned around so your back was to him. You had to bite back a moan when his warm, strong hands started rubbing the lotion into your back. He clearly knew what he was doing to you, judging by the smirk on his face once he’d finished.
“Your turn.” You replied, making a spinning motion with your finger to get him to turn around. “Shirt off, Flyboy.”
He laughed, complying with your order. He shrugged out of the Hawaiian shirt he had on and pulled off the white tank undershirt over his head, revealing a well toned, back and wide shoulders. You squeezed some sunscreen onto your hand and rubbed them together to warm the lotion before running your hands over his back, rubbing the lotion in thoroughly.
You smirked when you were done and he’d turned to you, his eyes betraying the effect your hands had on him. It was a boost to your confidence that you clearly needed.
“Mommy we swim?” Gracie asked, abandoning the toys she’d been playing with. “Pwease?”
“Absolutely, Sweet Girl!” You said, picking your little girl up. She was wearing a Disney Princess swimsuit with ruffles around the middle making it look like it had a tutu attached. You put the toddler sized life jacket on her, making sure it was secure. Someone would be holding her at all times in the water but you were always very cautious, having seen too many news stories of toddlers accidentally drowning.
“Let’s play in the water, Princess.” Bradley said, gently tapping Gracie’s nose with his finger, making her laugh.
You all headed to the water, Jake and Phoenix walking ahead of you, sending flirty looks back and forth between them. You glanced over to Bradley to see if he was noticing, but his whole focus was on you. You ducked your head, resting it against Gracie’s as you kept walking towards the water.
The four of you all took turns holding Gracie and spinning her the water. Jake and Bradley tossed her back and forth between them, dipping her as they caught her so her feet splashed the water. When she was tired of being in the water, you and Phoenix took her to shore to play with her sand toys, the two of you sitting in the sand to watch. Jake and Bradley stayed in the water, tossing a football back and forth.
“This was a good idea.” Phoenix said, “Thanks for inviting me.”
“This is probably the most fun I’ve had in… I don’t even know how long.” You admitted, “I’m really glad you’re here. It’s nice having a friend.”
“It’s even nicer not to be outnumbered by men.” Phoenix laughed, “I love my squad, but it’s a LOT of testosterone.”
“I can only imagine.” You said, “Just from what I’ve seen at our dinners and the zoo trip… they’re a lot to wrangle.”
“Worth it though.” She smiled, looking out at where the guys were now apparently locked in a water war.
“Definitely.” You agreed, your eyes on Bradley and his rippling muscles on display.
“He’s one of the good ones, Y/N.” She remarked, catching you staring at Bradley. “I know you’re going through it right now, and might not be fully ready, but know that it doesn’t get much better than Bradshaw. He’s safe. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but he’s gone for you and Gracie.”
“We actually talked… Monday after Jake and I got back from court.” You admitted. “He laid all the cards on the table. I really like him, Nat. A lot. He’s so easy to fall for. He’s amazing with Gracie… I know he’s one of the good ones…”
“But…?” She pushed, maintaining eye contact.
“I’m a mess. I come with a lot of baggage and I’m scared.” You said, “Not of him. I’m scared of being too much of shit show and dragging him down. He deserves so much more than that.”
“Sweetie, he might look like he’s got it all together, but that man comes with some pretty heavy baggage too.” She replied gently, “Rooster has some trust issues caused by Mav. They’re good now, but there’s history there. He also has baggage relating to everything that went down with his dad and seeing how it affected his mom. BUT…despite all that, he’s willing to take the risk and trust you with his heart. I can see it all over his face. You should also know, he’s never been like this with anyone before. He’s… different with you and Gracie. He’s settled… calm. All I’m saying is… if you feel the same about him, go with it, Y/N… trust him.”
“I think I’ve decided I am.” You said, “He’s taking me out tonight, which is why you and Jake are on babysitting duty.”
“I wondered about that.” She smiled, “Good. Just stay out of your head. Don’t think.”
“Just do.” You finished, laughing at the catchphrase that had taken over the Dagger squad.
“See? You fit right in.” She smirked, before pushing some sand towards Gracie, who was busy scooping the sand into her bucket.
“Speaking of giving guys a chance…” You said, leveling her with a look. “You should know that the same applies to you and my brother. Jake also doesn’t let many in, or let his guard down, yet around you…. He’s himself one hundred percent of the time. He trusts you to see the real Jake. The softer, sometimes insecure Jake. He LIKES you… a lot. It scares him though. He doesn’t want to screw up the friendship with you because it’s something he treasures dearly.”
“I really like him too.” She admitted, “A Lot. I keep trying to drop hints or show him, but I just assumed he wasn’t interested… that him being flirty is just Jake.”
“You’re both idiots.” You laughed, “Ok, so here’s what’s going to happen… tonight after Gracie is in bed, the two of you need to talk. I’ll have dinner delivered for you. My brother is oblivious, Nat… you can’t be subtle.”
“What if I freak him out and he really doesn’t want to try anything beyond friendship?” She asked, “We just got reassigned to Top Gun with the Dagger squad… I can’t put in for reassignment.”
“You’re not going anywhere!” You exclaimed, “This will work out. I promise. Have you seen him flirt with anyone else since you all came back from the mission? Has he hooked up with any females or left the bar with any? The answer to that is no… because Jake is completely on team Phoenix.”
“Mommy, I hungy.” Gracie said, looking up from her buckets.
“Ok, Sweet Girl,” You said, “Let's rinse off then go back to the blanket and Mommy will get you lunch.”
You picked up your sandy toddler and walked into the water with her, rinsing off the sand as best as you could. You’d have to wipe her down with the towel and some baby wipes before she could eat. You got Jake and Bradley’s attention, letting them know you were gonna get lunch stuff ready. Nodding, they made their way back to shore as well.
After everyone ate, Jake and Phoenix decided to take a walk for a bit. Gracie was starting to rub her eyes and get sleepy so you placed her in the pack n play under the umbrella, with a towel over her and she drifted off to sleep quickly.
You and Bradley settled down onto the blanket laid out under the beach umbrella next to the pack n play.
“This was a really good idea.” You told him, “It’s been an amazing day.”
“It really has.” He agreed. “I think our plan is working on Jake and Nat too, so added bonus.” “It is! She admitted to really liking him… and she’s been trying to subtly let him know.” You said, “I told her tonight she has to spell it out for him. Jake doesn’t always pick up on subtleties.”
“That’s the truth!” He laughed. “I have to admit though, Sweetheart, as much as I’m enjoying today and getting to see you in this amazing swimsuit… I’m really looking forward to taking you out to dinner tonight.”
“I’m really looking forward to it too.” You smiled, “But I’ve also been enjoying the view of you shirtless today. It’s kinda distracting.”
“Distracting huh,” He smirks, turning his body towards you.
“You know you’re hot, Flyboy.” You replied, playfully rolling your eyes.
“I’ve done alright, but I wouldn’t classify myself as ‘hot’, Sweetheart.” He said, averting his eyes.
“I thought you had to have good eyesight to fly those expensive planes.” You said, leaning over to nudge him gently.
“I mean, yeah…” He replied, looking back up at you with confusion in his eyes.
“I’m thinking maybe you need your vision checked, Lieutenant.” You teased, “If you can’t see that you’re incredibly good looking, I don’t know that you should be flying those planes.”
“Trust me, Sweetheart,” He said, leveling you with a steamy look, before allowing his eyes to wander, “There’s nothing wrong with my vision.”
Now it was your turn to avert your gaze, heat creeping over your body again. Even though you weren’t entirely sure what you were doing or where this was going, it felt really good to be noticed and to know that Bradley was attracted to you.
The warmth of the day and the sound of the waves lulled you into a drowsy state, and at some point relaxed you to the point of falling asleep. Bradley watched you, committing this moment to his memory. He was no match for the sun and waves though either, and ended up falling asleep next to you, one arm tucked under his head as a pillow the other ended up draped over your stomach.
“Do we wake them up?” Jake asked, taking in the scene in front of him when him and Phoenix returned from their walk.
“Nah, let them sleep.” She replied, smiling, “It’s sweet. They’re both completely relaxed, not a care in the world.”
“I doubt Tulip has let her guard down like this in a very long time.” Jake agreed, “It’s nice to see. He’s one of the only guys I’d trust with my sister.”
“She really likes him.” Phoenix said, “A lot. She’s scared that she’s got too much baggage though. I set her straight on that.”
“Good.” He replied, “Thank you, Nix. It means a lot to me that you’ve become her friend. She needs it.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Jake.” She replied, “I really like your sister. She’s easy to be friends with.”
Jake grabbed his phone from the bag he’d set it in and opened the camera app, capturing the moment before him. Phoenix chuckled, shaking her head.
“Blackmail?” She asked
“Nope. Just figured they’d want this moment someday.” Jake admitted, smiling. “Those two are going to be each other’s endgame. Princess G will get to grow up with two parents that love her and she’ll see what it’s supposed to look like. She won’t grow up like we did.”
“Jake, I can’t imagine what it was like for you and Y/N growing up” Phoenix said, “But the two of you grew up to be incredible people despite it all. Just… don’t doubt that, ok?”
“Thank you, Nat.” He replied softly, “You don’t know how much that means.”
After Gracie’s nap, and yours and Bradley’s impromptu nap, everyone spent a little more time in the water and playing with Gracie in the sand before rinsing off in the outdoor showers and loading the vehicles again.  
Bradley dropped you off, promising to return at 6 to get you for your dinner date. Phoenix had brought a change of clothes with, so she showered in Jake’s shower while you showered and got ready in the main bathroom.
You weren’t really sure where Bradley planned to take you, so you decided to wear a sundress with a cardigan in case it got cooler once the sun set and paired it all with strappy sandals to complete the look. You left your hair down after showering, deciding to just dry it and let it hang in soft waves.
You left your room to head out to the living room. Gracie was playing with her toys, freshly bathed and in jammies. Jake, haven given her a bath while you were getting ready.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N!” Phoenix said, once you’d entered the room.
“Thank you,” You replied, smiling, “I’m not sure where we’re going…so I didn’t want to go too fancy or too casual.”
“You look beautiful, Tulip.” Jake said, coming in from the kitchen with drinks for himself and Phoenix. “I ordered pizza, it’ll be here in 45 minutes.”
“Sounds great.” Phoenix said, “Does Gracie like pizza? I can make her something else if she doesn’t.”
“She loves pizza.” You assured her, “Hopefully she doesn’t give y’all too much trouble falling asleep tonight.”
“I’m sure with all the fresh air she got today, she’ll pass right now.” Jake laughed, “But you’re not allowed to worry or even think about that while you’re out. Enjoy the time with Rooster. We’ve got this under control.”
“Thank you for taking care of her.” You replied, “You’re a fantastic uncle… and the best big brother.”
“Mommy, come pway?” Gracie asked from her play area.
“Mommy is going to go out for a bit with Bradley for dinner.” You said, walking over to her and crouching down next to her, “You’re going to stay here with Uncle Jakey and Nix.”
“We’re going to have so much fun, Princess G.” Jake said.
The doorbell rang and Jake stepped over to open the door.
“Come on in.” he said, “Lookin’ sharp, Rooster.”
“Thanks, Hangman.” He chuckled, stepping into the house.
“Woosta!” Gracie exclaimed, running over to him. You smiled, standing back up, as Bradley picked her up.
“Hi, Princess.” He chuckled, hugging her to him. She immediately laid her head down on his shoulder, snuggling into him. Unable to resist, you pulled your phone out and snapped a quick picture. He looked up, flashing a warm smile towards you. “You look beautiful, Sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” You replied, “You look pretty hot yourself.”
“Alright, you two.” Jake said, “It’s time for our slumber party with Princess G. No Moms and Roosters allowed.”
“Sounds like you’re going to have so much fun, Princess.” Bradley said, walking with her towards you.
“Come give Mommy hugs and kisses, Sweet Girl.” You said, reaching for her. She put her arms out for you to take her and immediately snuggled into you.
“Wuv you Mommy.” She said softly.
“I love you too Baby Girl.” You replied, “Be good for Uncle Jakey and Nix ok?”
“Otay.” She said, then looked back at Bradley, “Wuv you Woosta.”
“I love you too, Princess.” He replied, leaning down to drop a kiss on her head.
“Have her home by midnight.” Jake said, “No funny business. I’d hate to have to kick your ass.”
“Wow, Jakey.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Ok, Dad, let the kids go on their date.” Phoenix laughed. Shaking her head at Jake. “You two go have fun, we’ve got it under control.”
“Thanks, Nat.” You replied, hugging Gracie again before handing her to Jake. “Thanks Jakey.”
“It’s not a problem, Tulip. I get time with two beautiful ladies. It’s a win win.” Jake replied.
After saying goodbyes Bradley leads you out to the Bronco, opening the passenger door and helping you up before going around to the driver’s side and sliding in.
“I asked Jake for ideas of where to go… I didn’t wanna blow my one shot…” He said, giving you a sheepish look, “So I hope you like the Italian place he suggested.”
“Bradley, there is zero chance of you blowing this.” You assured him, “Italian sounds great.”
He visibly relaxed as he backed out of the driveway and started the journey to the restaurant.
“I feel like I’m the one that should be nervous.” You teased, “It’s been… a while….since I’ve been on a date.”
“Are you? Nervous?” he asked, glancing over at you.
“I was.” You admitted, “Getting ready, I was kinda a mess. But I’m not now. I feel comfortable with you… safe. You have a calming presence.”
He reached across the seat, taking your hand in his own, “You have no idea how much that means to me, Sweetheart.” He said softly, “I feel the same… being with you is calming. I love getting to spend time with you and Gracie, especially after a crazy week on base. I live for Fridays.”
“You never have to wait for Fridays,” You said, “Gracie and I would love to see you any day of the week.”
“You’re killing me, Sweetheart.” He groaned, “I know we need to take this slowly, but I didn’t realize how difficult that would be. I fall deeper every minute we get to spend together.”
“I’m sorry, Bradley.” You said, a mixture of feelings swirling inside you. You were happy and felt good that he was just as affected as you were, but feelings of guilt surfaced because of all of your baggage and the fact that you were still technically married was holding everything back. He needed someone who was free to love him the way he deserved without being bogged down.
“Hey, Sweetheart, no.” He said, squeezing your hand reassuringly, “Don’t apologize. I will happily go as slow as you need and wait as long as needed for the opportunity to be with you. You are worth it, Y/N.”
You gave him a soft smile, squeezing his hand back.
“You shouldn’t have to wait around for someone to figure their life out though. It’s not fair to you.” You said quietly.
“Sweetheart, some things in life are very much worth the wait.” He replied, “YOU are one of those things. I WANT to wait and be here when you’re ready. I want nothing more than a shot with you and Gracie.”
“You have more than a shot, Bradley.” You replied, deciding to trust in his words and in what Natasha had told you earlier at the beach, “Just promise if it gets to be too much, you’ll tell me. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“I promise.” He said, flashing you a bright smile that went all the way to his honeyed eyes, “It won’t be too much, but I promise to keep open communication with you. Do you promise to tell ME if it’s too much, if you need more or need me to back off?”
“I promise.” You said, “But I don’t want or need you to back off.”
You arrived at the restaurant, Bradley once more opening your door and keeping his hand on the small of your back as you walked in. Once seated you ordered drinks before the waiter left you to look over menus. The night went smoothly, falling into easy conversation with Bradley. The two of you talked about everything and anything that came up.  The more you learned about the aviator the further you fell for him. You knew you were dangerously close to falling in love with him.  
“That was so good.” You sighed, taking a final bite of the chocolate cake you and Bradley had ordered to share. “I’m so full.”
“It was pretty good.” Bradley agreed, “I like that layered cake you made last week better though. That was amazing.”
“That’s Gracie’s favorite too.” You smiled, “I’ll have to make it again soon…for two of my favorite people.”
“I have it on good authority that you’re our favorite person too.” He replied, reaching across the table to gently take your hand in his again. “I’ve really enjoyed tonight, Sweetheart… not really ready for it to end… How would you feel about taking a walk? Or if you want, we can go to the Hard Deck.”
“I’m really enjoying it too.” You replied, “How about we walk on the beach near the Hard Deck and if we decide to get a drink we’ll be right there?”
“That sounds perfect.” He replied.
After Bradley paid the check, the two of you walked out hand in hand to the Bronco. The ride to the beach parking closest to the Hard Deck was relaxed, Bradley never letting go of your hand. He had the radio set to a classic rock station but the volume down so you could still talk.  
The parking lot was essentially deserted when he pulled in, only a few cars remaining. It was close enough to the Hard Deck, it sometimes doubled as overflow parking when needed. It didn’t appear to be the case tonight.
The two of you made your way to the beach, kicking off shoes once you reached the sand. You walked hand in hand down the beach, enjoying each other’s company and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. After a while Bradley paused, tugging on your hand gently to get you to stop.
“Want to sit here for a while? The sun will be completely setting soon.” He suggested.
“Sure.” You replied, smiling softly. You followed him over to some rocks that had been smoothed out over time, making them perfect for sitting on.
Bradley sat down first, then pulled you down to sit in front of him, allowing you to rest against him. His arms coming around you to hold you.
“Is this ok?” He asked softly, his breath warm against your ear.
“It’s perfect.” You replied, relaxing into him. You rested your hands on his legs, sinking back into his warmth.
“This is way better than the Hard Deck.” He said, chuckling. “I love Penny and it’s a fun place to hang out, but this way I don’t have to share you.”
“I’ve not been there yet to make the judgment, but I think it would be really hard to top this.” You replied, “Penny offered me a part time job there though until I get my life figured out. I just need to find a temporary part time sitter until Amelia is off for the summer.”
“You’ll like working with Penny. She’s great.” He replied, “It’ll be good for you to be out of the house too, and good for Gracie to be around new people.”
“I’m just scared to trust anyone with her.” You admitted. “Scared Trent will show up and take her while I’m not there to protect her.”
“We won’t let that happen, Sweetheart.” He replied, “We will find someone to watch her where she’s completely and 100% safe.”
“Do you know how absolutely amazing you are?” You asked, moving your head so you could look back at him. “I can’t even express how full my heart gets when I see you with Gracie and how sweet you are with her. I don’t know how we got so lucky to get to have you in our lives.”
“Sweetheart, I’m the lucky one.” He replied, his voice thick with all the emotions he was feeling, “You and Gracie are all I never knew I was missing from my life. I don’t even want to think about my life without you two now. I was just sort of existing on auto-pilot until walking into Jake’s that day on an SOS Princess mission.”
“I can’t give you a definitive time for everything with Trent to be wrapped up, but I promise, Gracie and I aren’t going anywhere.” You said.
“I don’t need a timeline, Sweetheart.” He replied, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “I’m not going anywhere either.”
You continued to sit together, watching as the sun set over the water. The sky changed colors until darkness settled in. Once the sun set the temperature started to drop, making you shiver despite Bradley’s warm body against your back.
“You’re getting cold, Sweetheart.” Bradley said, noticing the shivering, “Let’s head back to the Bronco. We can decide where to go from there.”
“Ok,” You replied, “I wasn’t anticipating such a big difference in the temp once the sun set.”
“It’s not as noticeable, unless you’re on the water.” He replied, “By the beach, you end up feeling the difference more.”
You walked back the way you’d come, hand in hand. This time you stopped to put your shoes back on before hitting the pavement of the parking lot.
Once back at the Bronco, Bradley walked with you to the passenger side. Instead of opening the door, he turned so that he was standing facing you, one of his hands coming up to cup your face. You leaned into his hand, enjoying the feel of it against his warm palm. You moved your hands up and around to his back, while he moved his other hand up to cup your face, looking into your eyes. You took a slight step closer, your hands moving up on his back in the process.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to misread this situation…” He said, “But I really want to kiss you right now.”
“You’re not misreading anything.” You whispered.
Bradley leaned in slowly, giving you time to change your mind. His hands moved into your hair, tipping your head back and leaning further down until his soft lips connected with your own. A few seconds later, he pulled back to see your reaction. Seeing you smile, he leaned back in, chasing your lips again. You tightened your grip on his back, trying to get closer. He holds you tighter, his tongue snaking out to lick the seam of your lips. You open, granting him access, your own tongue meeting his as you both tentatively give in to the attraction that had been building. You remain locked in the heated exchange for what felt like hours but was only moments, before the need for oxygen forced you to separate enough to pull in shaky breaths.
“Holy shit.” Bradley whispered, not able to trust his voice. “That was incredible.”
“You are an exceptionally good kisser, Bradley.” You replied, your voice shaky from the kiss.
“That was all you, Sweetheart.” He said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this affected by a kiss before.”
“I thought the ‘feeling fireworks’ or ‘sparks flying’ were just figures of speech.” You smiled, “I can confirm it is an actual occurrence.”
“Right there with you,” He smirked, “I need a minute to recover here.”
By the time Bradley was pulling the Bronco onto Jake’s street it was close to 11. The two of you had stopped at the Hard Deck for a drink before calling it a night. Coyote, Payback, Fanboy and Bob had been there. They tried to coerce Bradley into a game of pool, but he’d firmly declined, wanting to devote all of his attention to you.
“I had a really good time tonight, Bradley.” You said, smiling over at him. Your hands were once again entwined. “Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure, Sweetheart.” He replied, smiling over at you. “I hope I get to take you out again soon… and I’d love to spend time with you and Gracie together too.”
“We’d both love that” You assured him. “And look, we’re home before midnight.”
“That we are.” He agreed, then frowned at an unfamiliar car parked on the street with Texas plates. “Hey, Sweetheart, do me a favor and call Jake quick. Tell him and Nat to come outside. You’re going to go with Nat into the house and call the police. Stay inside with Gracie.”
“Bradley, what’s going on?” You asked, looking around to see what you’d missed, your eyes landing on the very familiar car. You felt bile start to rise in your throat, your heart started to race.
“Baby, I need you to stay calm ok?” Bradley said, “There is nothing he can do to you. Neither Jake nor I will let him anywhere near you, I promise you that. Can you please call Jake? I’m going to park and get out so I’m able to get you ok?”
You nodded then pulled your phone out and called Jake.
“Tulip, why are you calling me from the driveway?” Jake asked, confusion in his voice.
“Jakey” You whispered, fear choking your voice. “It’s Trent… he’s here.”
A/N: PHEW! That was was along one...what do we think??? Always love hearing your reactions! <3 
@harrysgothicbitch​ ,
, fulla02 ,
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
A compilation of sassy Lucien
“My apologies, lady. I’m Lucien. Courtier and emissary. Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold.” “Then you’ve got your work cut out for you, old son. I’m sure her life will be a fine replacement for Andras’s—maybe she can even train with the others on the border.”
“I told you so, Tamlin. Your skills with females have definitely become rusty in recent decades.”
“Well, you don’t look half as bad now. A relief, I suppose, since you’re to live with us. Though the tunic isn’t as pretty as a dress.” “We’re not going to bite.” “Won’t you stay for wine?” “It’s been a few decades since I last saw one of you, but you humans never change, so I don’t think I’m wrong in asking why you find our company to be so unpleasant, when surely the men back home aren’t much to look at.” “True. But indulge me: you’re a human woman, and yet you’d rather eat hot coals than sit here longer than necessary. Ignoring this, surely we’re not so miserable to look at. Unless you have someone back home. Unless there’s a line of suitors out the door of your hovel that makes us seem like worms in comparison.”
“Were you admiring my sword, or just contemplating killing me, Feyre?” “So young, and so grave. And a skilled killer already.” “We also dance with the spirits under the full moon and snatch human babes from their cradles to replace them with changelings—” “No ash arrows today, unfortunately.” “Well, you certainly have the quiet part of hunting down." “Well? No game good enough for you to slaughter? We’ve passed plenty of squirrels and birds.” “Tamlin said as much, which was no doubt why he brought you here. Or maybe you looked so pathetic in those rags that he took pity on you.” “So, when are you going to start trying to persuade me to beseech Tamlin to find a way to free you from the Treaty’s rules?” “Well, thank the Cauldron that you didn’t. Cleaning up that mess would have ruined the rest of my day.” “Would you like me to teach you how to wield a blade, or do you already know how, oh mighty mortal huntress? If you took down Andras, you probably don’t need to learn anything. Only where to aim, right?” “I suppose you humans are such hateful cowards that you would have wet yourself, curled up, and waited to die if you’d known beyond a doubt what Andras truly was.” “Back off? Back off while you seal our fates and ruin everything? I stayed with you out of hope, not to watch you stumble. For someone with a heart of stone, yours is certainly soft these days. The Bogge was on our lands—the Bogge, Tamlin! The barriers between courts have vanished, and even our woods are teeming with filth like the puca. Are you just going to start living out there, slaughtering every bit of vermin that slinks in?” “I had to go sort out some hotheads on the northern border—official emissary business. I got back in time to hear your little spat with Tam, and decided I was safer up here. I’m glad to hear your human heart has warmed to me, though. At least I’m not on the top of your killing list.” “I’ll be conveniently hunting on the grounds, and with my superior hearing, I might be feeling generous enough to listen if someone screams from the western woods. But it’s a good thing I had no role in telling you to go out today, since Tam would eviscerate anyone who told you how to trap a Suriel; and it’s a good thing I had planned to hunt anyway, because if anyone caught me helping you, there would be trouble of a whole other hell awaiting us. I hope your secrets are worth it.” “I might die of surprise. You made a joke, Feyre.” “Well, I’m late for something incredibly important." “If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” “Unfortunately for you and your neck, tonight’s just a party.” “So there’s singing and dancing and excessive drinking. And dallying,” he added with a wicked grin. “I’ll have you know that while you two were dancing with the spirits, I was stuck on border patrol. With some company.” "I'm trying to eat." “What do you know about anything? You’re just Amarantha’s whore.” “Those clothes are enough to convince me I never want to enter the human realm.” Lucien told her to go back to the shit-hole she’d crawled out of. “Fixed—as pert and pretty as before.” “I’ve seen enough of you through that gown to last a lifetime.” You might as well look good if you’re going to arm yourself to the teeth. “Isn’t that what all human women wish for? A handsome faerie lord to wed and shower them with riches for the rest of their lives?” “If you expect our gratitude, you’ll be waiting a while, Ianthe.” “Whatever you’re planning, it’ll land us knee-deep in shit.” “I knew. I knew you were lying the moment you unleashed that light in Hybern. My friend at the Dawn Court has the same power—her light is identical. And it does not do whatever horseshit you lied about it doing.” “You have the gall to question my priorities regarding Elain—yet what was your motive where I was concerned? Did you plan to spare me from your path of destruction because of any genuine friendship, or simply for fear of what it might do to her?”
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cakerybakery · 14 days
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The Object of Your Affection
Dub Con warning. Object is being literal here. Very unhinged. Seriously. I don’t know if I call it a dead dove, but it gets weird.
Weird weird.
I literally said I wanted to go outside of my comfort zone and do some weird shit. I don’t even know what kind of kink this is. I consider this a fair warning without spoilers. Good luck if you read it.
I can’t believe you decided to read this. Fuck man. Go hard.
Adam died but he wasn’t gone. His soul, groundless, flittered about hell like litter in the wind. He was garbage, refuse, in a dump called hell.
Stuck wherever the rotting wind blew him. An object or a demon, it didn’t matter. Only dislodged by a jolt. He’d spent a week stuck in a light pole until it was struck and he was freed.
He bobbed along, trying to grab at anything and only grabbed at nothingness.
He’d been tight, pinchy shoes, and the woman who wore them as she was fucked fast and dirty in an alleyway. Adam had moaned and cum in her body as a thick cock of one of descendants rubbed her cunt just right. Only to be dislodged as her ass was slapped.
Adam was the blade of a knife plunging into the heart of some poor screaming bastard, jolted and freed as he was tossed aside so the welder could use his hands and get real dirty.
Eventually he figured he needed to come up with a plan. Maybe instead of being flotsam he could try to jump from person to person, or object, and get somewhere.
But to where?
He was fake balls deep in some chick and wondering what the hell the chick he was in was getting out of this when he spotted an ad on the bus they were riding for the Hazbin Hotel.
Lucifer’s bitch daughter was front and center and he knew, he just knew, if anyone had anything that could do something about his driftwood lifestyle, it was the big bad of hell himself.
The bus jolted and Adam screamed as the strap on he’d been fucking into the chick was now buried way too deep in their pussy.
“Sorry!” The chick he’d just been apologized. “I blanked out for a moment and didn’t see that turn coming.”
Adam just groaned. It was kind of his fault. He didn’t mean to take her over, he’d been aiming for the bus in general, so while he overrode her soul she wasn’t even aware he was there, and he hadn’t been paying attention. He’s just happy he didn’t end up as the strap on. Not how he wanted to fuck a chick. And god knows how long it would be until he was out of it.
“It’s okay. Just be more careful.” He sighed and let her keep going. No point ruining their good time. And it wasn’t bad getting fucked. Besides, he wasn’t planning on staying. The bus turned and he slapped the sinner’s hand hard enough to jolt him free and out a window.
He slipped along on the wind until he landed in some dog thing. Slipping the collar was easy. He dashed through the streets and avoided traffic the best he could. Adam didn’t want to kill the little thing. In fact he slowed to allow the owner time to catch up.
The streets were busy so it was easier to get around as a tiny creature to avoid being bumped.
Wiggling through the gate carefully he ran up the doors and barked until someone opened the door.
The little maid ohhed at him and then at the guy yelling as he ran up the drive that that was his dog.
Adam backed up, mentally apologized the the dog thing, and ran head first into the glass door to dislodge himself.
He got lucky and slipped into the maid. Adam picked the dog thing up and returned it to its owner before dashing into the hotel.
In the last few months he’d been in more than a few sinners who sold their souls. Puppetting the body of the sinner overrode that soul’s contract so he was never bound by the rules that governed the sinner.
But this chick was something else.
Her contract tethered her to her master, yes, but it also seemed to be keeping her mind from falling apart.
She did something no other sinner ever had.
Her mouth opened and she said, “hello.”
He could feel her eye turning. He wasn’t turning it.
She tip tip tipped across the floor quickly. He wasn’t moving her.
The maid giggled maniacally. “Who are you?”
Adam explained who he was, explained what happened, and what he was trying to do.
“I’m Nifty!”
“Well, that’s just nifty, dear. But-“
“I killed you.”
He could see himself in her memory. Being stabbed. The blood as it sprayed out of him.
This was a mistake.
“I can take you to him.”
“Good girl, Nifty.” He praised her. Good, violent deranged person, good.
They had to wait through until he returned that evening. “He has a routine. I know the perfect moment to tell him what happened. He’ll never believe me if I just tell him. They never believe me.” Her eye darted around and Adam could see other lost soul like himself stuck to things.
She giggled.
Oh no.
“They’re all asleep and I can’t wake them. Maybe you’ll work.”
She zipped them around for hours. Adam tried to see what was going on in her head but it was all static.
Eventually Lucifer did come home.
Zipping up, Nifty dead stopped in front of him. Lucifer shivered and gave a strained hello. They looked right up at him.
“There’s a second soul in my body.”
“Uuhhh, that’s… nice?” Lucifer responded, unsure.
“See. I told you.” Her shoulders slumped and he could feel the weight of the sadness in her from not being taken seriously.
“Yes. You did.” He and Lucifer said at the same time with differing inflections.
“Uhh, Charlie! Sweetie, your little friend is doing it again.” Lucifer backed up a step uneasily.
Charlie hurried over and cheered Nifty up by asking if she wanted to kill some bugs. Off they went, even climbing in the vents.
Adam complained but Nifty just giggled. After what seemed like forever he could feel their face grin as she looked through a vent straight over a fancy looking bed.
“Almost time.” She ducked back and Adam saw a spell cast in the dirt.
The door opened and he heard the rustling of clothing.
“Nifty?” Lucifer’s voice rang out. “If you’re here come out now and I won’t be angry.”
How often did she spy on Lucifer??
The spell in the dirt glowed.
He heard a sigh of relief and realized the spell was shielding Nifty from Lucifer.
There was more rustling and a drawer opening and closing. Nifty peeked their head up to see again.
Lucifer was completely naked. The vent had a good view of his hard cock and his closed eyes as he touched his chest and dick. Adam couldn’t close their one big eye and he was forced to watch as Lucifer moaned and groped his flat chest.
As a hand slid down slowly to his dick and he pumped it.
Then the buzzing started.
Adam had been transfixed on Lucifer and hadn’t seen the toy.
Lucifer started to tease his ass with the vibrator, pouring a generous amount of lube before pushing it in roughly. “Oh yeah.” He moaned. “Nice and rough. Come on, daddy can take it. Wreck my ass.” He dirty talked himself and fucked himself harder.
Burying it deep inside of him, Lucifer panted.
Nifty undid the latch and Lucifer frozen as Nifty tumbled down onto the bed.
Lucifer let out an indignant scream and tried to cover himself but Nifty was too fast.
“Tag! You’re it!” She shouts and slapped the vibrator deeper into Lucifer.
Adam panicked for a second thinking she was pushing him into Lucifer. Only to realize he was in a dark, warm, space.
Oh no.
He heard Lucifer scream as he/the vibrator was shoved completely inside of him.
“NIFTY YOU CUNT! YOU DERANGED CUNT!” Adam screamed fruitlessly. Knowing he couldn’t be heard.
“Hello?” Lucifer’s voice was muffled. “Is someone there?”
“Lucifer?” Adam tried. “Can you hear me?”
“Yes?… sort of… hang on. I have to get this thing out of me.”
Adam could feel Lucifer’s fingers grasp at the edge of his handle. How Lucifer’s ass squeezed him.
If he could get an erection as a formless invisible soul blob, he’d have one. Lucifer was so tight.
Slowly he was worked out and dropped gently on the bed.
“Okay. What soul is here? And where?”
Adam could see the whole room. The worst part being an object is no direct eyes so he kind of just saw everything. Including Lucifer gaping ass.
“It’s me! You as-“ he almost said asshole, but thought better of it. “Fucker!”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh me! That narrows it down. You’re a bit of a douche bag, you know that? … Adam?”
If Adam jaw could drop it would. “Fuck you!”
“Hey buddy. You survived! Good for you. Now where are you?” Lucifer was looking around the room, not bothering to cover himself.
“Well, you know how you complain about my being a pain in your ass?”
Lucifer’s eyes fell on Adam. “No.”
“You’re a tight bitch. You know that?”
Gold flared over Lucifer’s face. “Oh you fucker! Did you get Nifty to do this?!”
“Ha! No. I don’t like being in objects. I can’t get out unless someone dislodges me. That freak surprised me too.”
They lapsed into silence before Adam asked, “wait, how can you hear me?”
“I’m the king of hell. I have dominion over all the souls in hell. Even the lost ones. I can hear any soul that wants my attention. I don’t usually listen or care. But I can.” Lucifer picked him up. “You know, Nifty kind of interrupted me. How about a little fun before we put you in something more mobile?”
Adam hated that he wasn’t saying no.
Lucifer turned him back on and shoved Adam back into his ass. Adam enjoyed that tight heat more than he should have. He liked the way Lucifer moaned and talked dirty to him.
“God, fuck me, Adam. You’re hitting all the right spots. I wish this was your cock. Fucking me good and deep. I want to feel your cum in me. Making me drip all day.” It didn’t take Lucifer long to cum and he laid there, a moaning mess with Adam still vibrating inside him.
Pulling Adam out, Lucifer had trouble walking straight to the bathroom to clean him off.
“So did you get anything from that?” Lucifer asked earnestly.
“Metaphorical blue balls. I can’t cum but apparently I can get turned on.”
“I got a few more toys we can play with. See if we can get you over that edge.” Lucifer ran is hands over Adam and bit his lip. His dick was already starting to harden again.
“I’d rather have a body back.”
Lucifer hummed and went to the bedside table. “Sure but I’ll have to figure out how. In the meantime. How about meeting my friends?”
He opened a drawer and Adam saw a bunch of sex toys.
Reaching in, Lucifer rummaged around. “I promised you something more mobile right? So let’s save that fleshlight for later, when I can fuck you. If it has a battery can you move?”
Adam tried it and turned himself on and back off. “Seems so.”
“Oh that’s hot. Okay. Butt plug it is.”
Adam didn’t have time to protest as Lucifer knocked him into the new toy. Quickly he found himself back in Lucifer.
“Okay. Now you can have some fun. I’m going to get dressed and go down for some dinner, then look up some spells. Feel free to turn yourself on, it has some speeds and even some small thrusting. Just have fun driving me nuts as I try to keep a straight face in front of everyone. See if you can get off. Feel free to get nasty too. I’m the only one that can hear you anyways.”
“Doesn’t seem like I have much of a choice.” Adam grumbled.
“You can always say no.”
“Well, let’s not go crazy here.” Adam could spend a few hours teasing Lucifer in front of a crowd.
See if he could humiliate the guy. Get him to cum in from of his kid. “Anything off limits?”
“Haven’t found any yet. But how about I mention Nifty got into my room again if I hit one?”
“Fucking deal.”
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
Hey, so I saw that you had requests open for TWD stuff on your Daryl post! I LOVED that fic so much! I read it last night and oh my lord, you write for Daryl so well! It felt like I could picture him right in front of me with how well you captured him. He wasn't ooc at all!
Anyways, I was wondering if you could write a part two? Maybe Reader stays with Daryl while he is in the kingdom and they find Carol together. Maybe reader stays with her and she picks up on the signs and tells the reader to get tested to see if she's pregnant 👀 Sorta just want a fic where Daryl has a baby <3 And I feel like you could write that super well! If you are uncomfortable with this request feel free to ignore this! Thank you for the beautiful fic last night 🙏 I will be reading it again now.
Baby, It's Okay
Pt. 1; I Love You, and I Don't Say It Enough{smut}
A/N: Ahh I am so glad that people like it! I wasn't sure if people would be too into it lmao. I had the idea, but I wasn't sure haha. Glad that you think I wrote him pretty in character too! I was a bit worried lmao. Apologies if this isn't that well written. I have been struggling with words lately.
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warning: AFAB!Reader, She/her pronouns used, pregnancy,
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Carol reached over to hand you one of the apples that Ezekiel had brought for the two of you. A soft smile on her lips. "So, you and Daryl," she motioned to her own neck with a smirk. You swore you couldn't feel any hotter at the moment. Hands reaching up instinctively to feel your neck, even though you knew you wouldn't be able to feel the hickeys she was motioning to.
She only laughed softly, shaking her head with a sigh. "Don't worry, I get it. I'm just glad he has you," You chuckled softly, nodding. "Yeah, I am too. He treats me better than anyone I've ever dated in the past," "he better. Or else he'll be dealing with me." She commented and you snickered, rolling your eyes with a soft sigh. Carol had always been yours and Daryl's number-one supporter. She was always there when one of you needed advice. Though it was mostly you that went to her, Daryl would occasionally ask or wait for advice from her. She was pretty good at reading when he needed some.
"I'm glad that we found you out here. Daryl doesn't want me in The Kingdom in case they find him. He knows Negan and his men will probably come looking for me next in order to teach him a lesson." You added with pursed lips at the thought of it all. "So he thought me being here would be better. Plus, then neither of us is alone." She smiled at your words. Reaching across the table to hold your hand. "I asked to be alone here, you know?" Your smile was quick to fade at that. Looking her over cautiously, hoping that you didn't say the wrong thing. Or that you weren't intruding. "But I wouldn't ask for anyone else to break those rules than you and Daryl." You chuckled, giving her hand a light squeeze. "We're thankful, Carol. I'll try my best not to be a burden."
You tried not to get in her way for the next few days. Daryl coming to visit the both of you every night and leaving back for The Kingdom or Hilltop in the morning. Promising to return later that night. He always came back, too. You and Carol both knew he wouldn't stay long, though. He loved you, but he had to keep moving. Keep helping the groups prepare for the fight against the Saviors.
"Are you all right?" Her voice was hardly audible as you held your head in your hands. You had just thrown up again, the third time that morning. Carol frowned as she looked you over. "Honey, do you feel all right?" She asked, coming to sit beside you. When you finally processed what she was asking, you nodded. "Yeah, just feeling nauseous is all. I don't know what's going on." "Morning sickness?" You froze at those words. It couldn't be.
You shook your head, dropping your hands to look over to Carol. "What? No, it can't be, I..." You were about ready to tell her that you and Daryl had used protection, but thinking back to it. You hadn't. He'd came inside you and that was that. "I.." you stammered again, the realization of it all finally setting in. "Hun, relax, everything will be okay." She assured you. Reaching out to place her hands on top of yours once more. "But what if he doesn't..?" tears were pricking your eyes. Unable to finish the question as dread set in. "Look at me, Daryl won't be mad at you. This is just as much his fault as yours. He might be a little scared at first, but he won't be mad. He'll love you and the baby if you are pregnant. I know he will." She smiled, and you nodded. She was right.
You both sat there quietly for a moment or two before she let out a sigh of her own. "I can go into The Kingdom today. Get you a pregnancy test to make sure. No use telling him just to find out you're getting sick 'cause of stress. Don't wanna put any ideas in that head of his." She spoke and the both of you chuckled. Nodding your head while sniffling. "Thank you, Carol." "Anything for my favorite couple."
It wasn't long before you had the test in hand. Staring at it with anxious eyes as you waited for the stick to decipher your future for you. To your disfavor, it was positive too. Frowning with a sigh as you tried to rake your brain for a way to tell Daryl. How would you? Maybe you could just wait it out, and he'd notice. Or wait until you were further along to be sure you would stay pregnant and nothing would happen to the baby. God, what if something happened to it? You were so overwhelmed, holding the test in your hand while entering the house again. Staring down at it while your feet led you to where Carol last was.
"Darlin', everythin' okay? What's the matter?" your head snapped up in a panic. Wide eyes stared back at Daryl who was now standing in the kitchen with Carol. You held your breath, hoping that she would say something to get you out of this situation. But when you looked over at her she was sneaking into the other room. Neither of you expected him to be back for another few hours, so you were both surprised by his arrival.
Your mouth opened to say something, but no words came out. A tear rolling down your cheek while you stared back at your lover. You didn't know what to say without scaring him away. You had a feeling that whatever you said or did would send him out the door, never to come back. Even if you knew that he wouldn't leave you. So, when he approached you with worried eyes, you extended your arm to hand him the test.
He was quick to reach out for it. Grabbing and inspecting it. It took a moment of looking it over and finally, he read over the words on it. Finally realizing what was going on.
Daryl's worried brows relaxed as reality set in. Blinking while he stared blankly at the test. If anything, this felt worse than him pushing you to the side and bolting out the door.
"Is this.." He pursed his lips, eyes flickering up to yours and then back to the test. "Is it mine?" The fact he even asked that made you frown. Nodding your head with sad eyes. "Yes it's yours, why would you even ask that?" He only gave you a shrug in response. Trying his best to figure out how to feel about the situation. He was happy, hell. He'd never felt so excited about the thought of kids! He just wasn't prepared for it. Nor was right now the time for you two to be worrying about a baby. It was already a lot making Sure Maggie and her baby stayed safe. This would be a whole other ball game for Dixon.
"So, I'm gonna be a daddy, huh?" He asked, flashing you a half smile as if to assure you that he wasn't upset by the whole thing. You nodded, letting out a relieved sigh while sniffling, which caught his attention real quick. Though he smiled, you couldn't help but worry it was just so you wouldn't freak out. That was too late. Every bad thought you could have was already plaguing your mind. "If you want to, if you wanna leave me, I get it." It was his turn to frown. He hated that you thought he would leave you over this. It was his kid, why would he want to leave?
Daryl put the test in his pocket. Unsure what else to do with it. Living in the apocalypse he had a habit of shoving everything in his hands into his pocket. Once his hands were free he grabbed you to pull you close. Cradling the back of your head with his hand, kissing the side of your head with a hum. "Baby, it's okay. I ain't leavin' you. I just.." He pondered for the right words, and you clung onto his shirt. Trembling a little while you waited anxiously for what he would say.
"I just never thought I'd be able to be a dad. With the dead and all, plus. I just never supposed I'd be a good one." He told you, and you pulled back to look up at him. Reaching up to cup the side of his face. "Dar'," you called, and he sighed. Resting his forehead against your own. "You'd be one of the best fathers in the world. You've proved that with how you treat Judith and Carl, and how you watched over Beth... I was worried you wouldn't want it." He shrugged, smiling softly. "Well, it wasn't on my to-do list, but we can't really do anything else. I ain't leavin' you anytime soon, either. Not over no damn kid. I'll love you and them just fine." He muttered in assurance, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips and you giggled lightly. "I'm glad." He nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to your jaw. Sighing while his free hand came between the both of you to rest on your stomach. Forehead now resting on your shoulder. "Can we name 'em, Little Ass Kicker?" It was time for you to roll your eyes, sighing deeply at your lover. Which only seemed to make him smile more. "Daryl," he hummed, pulling back so his eyes met your own. "You aren't allowed to name the baby." He chuckled, sighing while pressing another kiss to your lips. "Alright, fine. You and Rick ain't no fun." And so that was that. Daryl knew about the baby, and everything was going to be all right. He would be sure of it. Or at least you hoped everything would be all right. As good as it could be in this fucked up world, anyhow.
You and Daryl had decided on keeping the baby between the two of you and Carol until the whole Negan situation was handled. Or until Daryl could find a safe place to keep you. Carol would get you the supplies you needed. Such as vitamins, and enough food to make sure you were somewhat healthy. Daryl would spend a lot more time with you, too. The further along that you got, the harder it was to get the hunter to leave your side.
Once Negan was somewhat stopped and finally imprisoned within Alexandria. You and Daryl finally told the group about what you were both expecting. It was like a weight was lifted off everyone's shoulders. Even if it was something that they would have never known until you were showing significantly. It was wonderful to hear the great news after stopping the Saviors for what you all hoped was for good.
Rick had pulled Daryl in for a hug. Smiling widely at his friend. "Never saw you as a father type," Daryl chuckled, shrugging. "Me neither." He spoke, looking over at you as you spoke with Maggie and a few of the others. Smiling and laughing as you talked about the big news. "Guess Abraham was right though, is nice thinking about settlin' down. 'Specially with 'er." Rick nodded, squeezing his friend's shoulder with a sigh. "I'm happy for you. If you two ever need anythin', you just give me a holler. Got it?" Daryl nodded, keeping his eyes on you. Smiling when you glanced over and waved at him. "Thank you, Rick." "Anything for family."
It was a little weird having Daryl at your beckon and call at all times of the day. Once he was finally able to feel the baby, you were done for. Privacy was a thing of the past and Daryl couldn't get enough of you. He had to have his eyes on you at all times. Making sure that you were safe and okay, that nothing would happen to you or your baby. He'd never forgive himself if anything happened.
When he did have to leave your side. Michonne or Carol, sometimes both of them, would be with you. Helping you and giving you the time away from your lover that you needed.
"I don't think I've ever seen him stay in Alexandria this long, he's always going on runs and doing something" Michonne stated. "Well, he's got a baby to take care of now," Carol spoke with a smile, and you chuckled, sitting back in your chair with a sigh. "Well, he's driving me crazy." You huffed, a hand resting on your stomach while you looked between the two women. "I love him, but god. He's been a lot, lately." You laughed, and they laughed with you. "Give him a break, he's just trying to do what he thinks is best for you and your guys' little one." You nodded, shrugging. "Yeah, I guess you're right." "I'm always right," Carol spoke, and the three of you laughed once more.
When Daryl came back from his hunt later that night, you were already asleep. Michonne was passed out on the couch downstairs with a book in her hand. Carol back in her own house. He smiled faintly at the woman on the couch, thanking her silently in his head and reminding himself to do so later when they were both awake. She nor Carol didn't have to stay with you, but they did, and he appreciated that more than either of the women knew.
When he made it to the room he cleaned himself up, first. Showering to get all the blood and grime off himself before climbing in bed with you. His hand instinctively came to rest on your stomach while he curled up beside you. Kissing your shoulder with a sigh. "Hey," you muttered, and he smiled. He should have known you would have woken up. "Hey," he spoke back. Both of you lay there for a moment before you spoke again. "You get anything good today?" You spoke groggily and he shrugged. "Nah, not really." He lied, but you believed him. Cozying up next to him with a hum. "Better luck next time," you muttered, and he nodded. "Yeah," he mumbled, kissing the side of your head.
Daryl didn't want to tell you that he actually did hit the jackpot out on his run today. Not only did he have a deer hanging in the garage to butcher later on. But he also found you some stuff. Some clothes for the baby, some baby food, and even a set of rings for you and him. Or at least he hoped the ring would fit you, if not he'd put it on a necklace for you. He had never asked you to marry him, and everyone already assumed that you were both married if they weren't a part of your original group. Hell, even the original group considered you both to be spouses, so why not make it official with rings? It may not actually be official, but to Daryl, and hopefully yourself, it would be.
Daryl never knew that he would ever be married to the love of his life. Let alone having a pup with them. He'd never been happier with the idea. Smiling softly at the thought of the baby being born. Being able to hold both of you. Being able to teach it how to hunt and track. He had to chew on his bottom lip to hide back the wide grin that threatened to show. Watching you sleep while rubbing your stomach. He'd never felt more normal in his life than now, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone take this away from him. Not Negan, not the dead, no one could hurt his family. Not on his watch.
Not now, not ever. He'd be sure of it, too.
You hoped that he would lay off being protective after the baby was born, and he knew it. But truth be told, Daryl knew he'd only get worse as time went on. The moment he held the little one in his arms, and realized what you both had made. How precious it was and perfect. This little bundle of joy that brought hope for the future. Your future. You'd both just have to grow to live with it because he'd never let either one of you out of his sight. Not in a million years.
"Daryl, we aren't having any more kids," you'd tell him, but Carol was right. Back when she mentioned not to tell him until you knew it was certain you were pregnant. Because even just the thought of a baby might give him ideas, and right now. The thought of having more kids with you after this one got old enough for you both to care for another baby. God, it was definitely giving him ideas.
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doubleredweek · 1 year
JayRoy Week 2023
It's official!
This is the master post for every thing JayRoy Week 2023.
Submissions aug 29-sep 15
Voting sep 18-sep 27
JayRoy Week oct 24-oct 30 (with oct 31 as a bonus day)
You can find the link to the prompts here.
- Tag all entries with ‘JayRoyWeek23’. And @doubleredweek! So we can find and reblog your works! Always feel free to send an ask if we missed it!
- Side-Pairings and other partners are okay but the focus must be on the relationship between Jason and Roy (romantic and platonic are okay!)
- Use a ‘Read More’ when posting whole works on Tumblr. Late entries are absolutely welcome, for all of our events! Just send us an ask if we miss it!
- Tag appropriately! If you put warnings on it for Ao3 then warn for it on here, improperly tagged things will not be reblogged.
- Cross-posting is fine! If you put a story on Ao3, add it to the JayRoyWeek2023 collection and send us a link/post on here to reblog, or drop the link in the ask/submit so we can share!
- Have fun and be kind! We will not tolerate any sort of hate or harassment towards the mods, the participants, or the works created for this week. Anyone and everyone is allowed to participate in this ship-friendly, censorship-free event! Utilize your back button and block button on things you do not like. Anyone found in violation of this rule will be auto-blocked and banned from the event.
[Additional Information & FAQ under the read more]
Ad. Info:
- The work does not have to be a written fic, if you want to approach these prompts from any other creative angle, go for it! The event has been designed with fanfics and fanart in mind, but go wild with your creativity! (We do not allow content with photographs of real people.)
- Works should be new- we’re trying to celebrate JayRoy and create new content for it!
- Works can be part of a series, but not new chapters on a story not made for the event.
- No min or max word count, go crazy with it!
- SFW, NSFW and dark themes are allowed, as long as you tag them.
- Please self-post your work in our AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/JayRoy_Week_2023
- While this week focuses on the relationship between Jason Todd and Roy Harper, we encourage the inclusion of ships or other characters. Our simple ask is that the content submitted is:
A) Brand new
B) Centered around JayRoy / RoyJay
C) Tagged appropriately
When is JayRoy Week happening?
23 October 2023 - 31 October 2023
When will the Official Prompts be posted?
• We hope to have them out by the end of September.
How many prompts will be posted for each day?
• Three
Do I have to include all the prompts in my work?
• Not at all! Feel free to combine them or to only pick one. We simply ask that you note on your work which Day/Prompt you’re creating for.
Is there a certain structure I have to follow with the prompts?
• The prompts are up for interpretation! Create whatever sparks your inspiration, so long as your work is mainly about JayRoy.
Am I allowed to create anything?
• You can create fanfic, fanart, comics, mood boards, playlists, aesthetics, headcanons, meta, dolls - almost anything you can think of.
• The EXCEPTION: You may NOT take photography of human subjects (including in cosplay) as we have no way of verifying the age and consent of human subjects. Want to take photographs of your Legos or action figures? No prob!
• ALSO: While this is a censorship-free event, using live or photographic/videographic references of minors for artwork is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If we discover that this has happened, you will be reported to the appropriate authorities. The mods of this event stand firmly against child abuse and exploitation.
Can I have poly and multi ships?
• Yes! All manner of ships are welcome here, so long as your overall work is JayRoy-centric. You can write Kori/Jason/Roy,or whatever poly ships that you like!
Do I have to make something for every single day?
• Not at all! You’re free to crank out all seven days, or only pick and choose which days you create for. So long as you have fun, it’s all good! No need for stress.
What type of content is allowed and what isn’t?
• There is no restriction for this event! Anything goes for this particular week. You can use any canon, part of canon, or AU centric plots for your work.
How do I participate?
• There is no sign up needed! You make whatever it is you want for the prompts, add the work to the AO3 collection, and/or tag us on Tumblr @doubleredweek, with #JayRoyWeek2023 and whatever day the submission is relevant for!
Any additional questions can be answered in asks! Thank you for reading!
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