#i already got headcanon for this duo-
vinehasnohopeleft · 2 years
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Just started thinking about a new headcanon where God Tamer is Xero's daughter.
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tokay-blog · 2 months
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After watching the walkthroughs of Prime game one day, the idea came up to create vehicon OC - a tank and a sniper that work together.
The tank was named Tarc (a nickname that was created from his serial number). The helicopter's name is Ledo.
The bottom line is that these are the last surviving vehicons of the species, who traveled to Earth on a Decepticon escape pod.
All in all, it's a pretty typical duo of a calm big guy and an impulsive little guy, who nevertheless give each other the support they need after surviving the horror of the war on Cybertron. I suppose that helicopters were originally made with not the strongest psyche in order to keep them close to the tanks - their main defenders. Tarc and Ledo have moved much further away from their original programs, i.e. mentally they are more evolved, but that also means they are more unstable. So, for Megatron specifically, they're a problematic pair. But the leader is willing to overlook their shortcomings, as these guys are still an strong unit.
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And despite Ledo being a psychologically strong sniper (when compared to other vehicon-helicopters), he still gets broken from time to time. Hell hasn't gone away for both of them. But in the years they've spent together, Tarc has learned to express empathy (tanks are created quite indifferent and poor on emotions )
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After everyone left Cybertron, the two survived by using spare parts from their dead comrades. There's already a headcanon here that the choppers could give first aid to their tanks if they got too badly damaged during the hostilities. They didn't replace medics, of course, but it increased their chance of survival, which was key for this pair. Of the most noticeable details, the Tarc had the left half of the "wall" replaced with a new one. The sniper, on the other hand, had part of his leg taken from one elite siker (their distinguishing features may change though)
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I don't know if there will be minicomics with them, but just like these guys. Despite the fact that there are almost no references with their anatomy and everything is drawn almost at random x)
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voxisdaddy · 7 months
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Vox x Chocolatier!Overlord!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Featuring: Alastor, Carmilla, Velvette, Valentino
In which Vox got the Vee’s a collaboration with hells greatest chocolatier.
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ For a guy who likes his coffee black, he surprisingly liked to enjoy the occasional sweets every now and then.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ His go-to was a chocolate bar from (Company name). He enjoyed the chocolate treat so much he actually had his team reach out to the company for a possible deal of some kind-just so Vox can have a jar of that chocolate he really likes sitting on his desk when he does his nightly talk show. Something to snack on in between commercial breaks.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lmao yeah the company said ‘no’. May or may not have bruised Vox’s ego. His company is VoxTek! That’s like the largest television and tech company in all of Pride! A chance to feature your products on his show? Wasted opportunity if you ask him.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Despite the initial frustration with the lack of legal approval to feature (company name)’s on the show, Vox didn’t let it get to him that much. I mean, it’s just chocolate. This is different from a brand deal of some sorts. If he were to work with that bitch Carmila Carmine, that would be different. Besides, Vox stills keeps a chocolate bar or two under his desk or next to him where the cameras won’t catch any sight of it. He can just snack when theirs commercial break. No big deal.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Besides, making a deal with them would probably mean promoting their general business and other products, rather than the chocolate bar-which is like the only thing he cares about.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Ah yes, another extermination. Another meeting with the other Overlords. Vox hated going to these meetings. But alas, Valentino always flat out refused to go, and he can really only rely on Velvette going to represent the Vee’s if she was in a particularly good mood or Vox absolutely could not go for whatever reason.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ While Vox sat in his chair, he could feel certain waves in the air crack and go staticky-Alastor. Vox internationally groaned. Great. Every since that bambi fucker came back, they’d start seeing each other at these meetings again.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Alastor sounded like he was in conversation with someone. Not that Vox cared, but he noted that Zestial and Rosie were already present in the room so whomever Alastor was chatting to did peak Vox’s interests somewhat. Good lord is this man obsessed with the old radio man.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Then the door pushed open and in came Alastor, the creepy smiling fuck, with someone lovely next to him.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ The fuck?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Was this a new overlord? No, no. Vox would have for sure heard about them. You don’t become an overlord without making a name for yourself after all.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox gave the duo a puzzled look as they sat next to each other, right next to Rosie.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “(Y/n). It’s so good to see you after so long, old friend.” Carmilla Carmine greeted you.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ As Vox would come to find out in this meeting, turns out you had been an overlord for quite some time. How he never seen you at these meetings, never even heard of you, and never heard anyone mention you was baffling to him to say the least.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ It wasn’t until after the meeting when Vox would approach you. He put on his charming facade, an act he’s used to slipping in and out of for whenever the occasion calls for it, and held out a clawed hand.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Your name is what again? Oh you’re usually too busy running your company so you never make the meetings? Oh well, he runs a company too! VoxTek, you heard of them? Uh huh yeah what company do you run?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ His screen may or may not have glitched at this new information. He also may or may have not asked for your personal number-for business!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Despite you both having busy schedules, he still likes finding time to hang out with you on perhaps a phone call or video call-whatever you’re comfortable with. He admits to himself that you’re not only quite a lovely sight but a delight as well.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’d keep tabs on your company. You, yourself was quite difficult. Because much to Vox’s pure annoyance, your company doesn’t use VoxTek appliances. Meaning he can’t hack shit and spy on you! God damnit!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Cue Vox unwrapping his favourite chocolate bar and eating it angrily as he looks through the very few pictures he’s found of you online.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Curse you. Your company rejected his offer. You hid yourself so well from him unintentionally. You were so hidden from the public that you were deemed untouchable. You HAD to be buddy buddy with Alastor. And you HAD to be fucking attractive! “Fuck you!” Vox threw the half eaten bar at a screen with your face on it. He didn’t mean it though.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He would never ever admit this to anyone but like a week later he spent 30 minutes walking in circles around the Vee’s lounge area. May or may not have been hyping himself up to call you. May or may have not noticed Valentino and Velvette walk in. And they may or may not think it’s hilarious that Vox is too nervous to fucking call you.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “I’m not nervous.” Vox chuckles though Val and Vel immediately catching onto the obvious lie. One look at the slip of paper Vox was holding in his fingers, your number, and Velvette had already dialed it into his phone before handing it off to him.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “Fuck you!” He flips a quick finger at her.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ With very little, reasonable, options Vox talks to you as confidently as he could. When you respond with questions why a sudden call to your personal number, he quickly mentions wanting to organize a business meeting with you; “For business…. Talk. Meeting… business… stuff.” He wants to slam his screen against a fucking rock. Valentino finds it fucking hilarious and pathetic. Velvette’s recording the whole thing on her phone-mumbling something about blackmail to Valentino.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ To his pleasure, you agree and before either of you know it, you’re sitting at his table in some oversized aquarium of a meeting room.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “What did you want to discuss?” You don’t leave any room for small talk, wanting to get down to business.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox had spent the past few weeks putting together some pitches that could have you at least satisfied with the meeting. Truth be told, the meeting was an excuse to see you again-and in person. After going through some pitches, some of them his team came up with, he made a mental note to fire whoever made these pitches cuz my god did you not seem interested in any of them.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ At least with that out of the way, you could make have some time to just talk, right? Like the pitches, Vox spent some time thinking about what he’d even say to you in casual conversation. As well as played with the idea of asking you out. He knows he’s suave and all that but his own body betrayed him with glitches and little electrical shocks whenever he would overheat.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Growing a bit desperate, considering this is the first time he’s seen you in person since the overlord meeting MONTHS ago, he decided to shoot his shot. He knows he could play it off-even if his body betrays him he could always casually blame it on maybe a software update or something. Sure that’s a bit humiliating but it’s somewhat better, right?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “Valentines Day is next month.”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Oh my god what the fuck was he doing
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ The way you simply look at him and silently urge him to continue has his fans picking up speed. They feel so loud in his head he’s almost certain you hear them too.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Just ask her. Just ask her. Just ask her-
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “If you don’t have any plans, I’d like to propose ayyyyyy….” he trails off, suddenly getting cold feet, “ayyyyyy a collaboration! With the Vee’s!”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ And that’s how the Vee’s got a popsicle deal. It released alongside your companies Valentine Chocolates, and other sweets and goods.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ At least getting on your good side, you allowed some of your products to be showcased on his talk show.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ oh and you accepted his offer to appear as a special guest on his show! Mainly to promote the ‘Veets’ treats though. He mentally celebrated the ratings this episode was gonna get. You hardly showed your face anywhere or even spoke to the public. This was kind of a big deal. You were the CEO of hells most beloved and largest chocolate factory after all.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ As the show went to commercial break, Vox turned to you to see you lick and slurp on the ‘Voxsicle.’
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ “Despite how short notice Veets was, I’m proud to say these came out marvellously well.” Vox barely hears those words come out of your mouth despite him looking at your, well, mouth.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Damn… that’s kinda hot though.
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This came out sooooooo much longer than I intended too omg 😭
These are unrelated to the draft reveal post but this hit with like a truck and I couldn’t get the inspiration out of my head. Thanks for reading! Likes + Reblogs appreciated♥︎
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gh0stsp1d3r · 25 days
Hey hey hey!! Any chance we could get a headcanon list for Remy LeBeau x mutant!reader where they can teleport similar to nightcrawler? I hope you have a good day/night 😊🫶🏻
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this is tew cute. We’re gonna pretend he never got with rogue ): sorry rogue
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𝜗❀᧓ yours is like Kurt’s, except you teleport at light speed, faster than his. and yours come with a perfect memory, allowing you to recall places clearly. You can teleport anywhere, as long as you could remember it. plus let’s just say your eyes go red for a brief second before and after you teleport.
𝜗❀᧓ when you first join, Remy is very kind towards you, does things like extending a hand for you to stand up despite you never needing it.
𝜗❀᧓ he’s charming, kind, hot, you can’t really help it when you fall for him.
𝜗❀᧓ you knew you liked him when you both were on a mission together, and you were teleporting behind someone, about to throw something at them. Another man behind you caught you off guard, and was about to shoot you when Remy saved your ass :3
𝜗❀᧓ you stared at him in awe, him smiling at you for a brief moment, asking you. “You good?” To which you quickly nodded your head at.
𝜗❀᧓ once you both r actually together, he’s the happiest a man can freaking be ! U both are the it couple fr
𝜗❀᧓ he loves your red eyes before and after the teleportation. finds them very very cool :3 you will catch him staring at them on multiple occasions.
𝜗❀᧓ also never gets used to you using your powers randomly in the house lol 😭 he gets scared out of his mind and jumps a lil sometimes when you teleport behind him in the kitchen or something and you’re just like “??”
something like this LMFAOO
“Lord,” he jumped slightly when you suddenly appeared in front of him, you already stuffing your face with the brownies he was making. He let out a chuckle, you looking at him with a quirked eyebrow.
“You scared me, cher.” He explained, leaning on the counter next to you, his arms folded.
“Oh. Sorry.” You said sheepishly with a shrug.
𝜗❀᧓ he loves when you both mess with the others sometimes, scaring them or randomly popping into their rooms. you’ve both caught some people in some odd acts.
𝜗❀᧓ and yes you get along with Kurt looll. you’re his bsf. you, Remy and him always go out together and he’s always talking about how he’s the third wheel. has to watch you guys kiss a lot and he’s like smh
𝜗❀᧓ you both work together really well during missions. your powers go together super well.
𝜗❀᧓ n knee ways you both are the cutest fucking duo alive ! power couple. it couple.
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dizscreams · 1 year
Romantic headcanons with lil ol hobie
Absolutely 🫡
Romantic Headcanons with Hobie Brown — ★
I don’t think you guys would go out for dates I think a lot of the time it’s hanging out in each others room
Like he’s strumming his guitar and you’re studying or drawing whatever JUST YES
I think he’d definitely prefer that than taking you out to a fancy restaurant or smth like that
Maybe even movie nights?
Random thought but a little self care night 🤭
Maybe face masks (which he was reluctant to do but you made him anyway), painting each others nails, etc etc
Not really self care but him helping you dye your hair!!! Can’t get that thought out of my head
OMG SHOPPING WITH HIM!! You dragging him shopping and he acts like he doesn’t wanna be there but he actually kinda likes helping you pick out stuff
Don’t even get me started on you making him carry all of your bags or you showing off to him in the dressing room 👀
UGH OMG I HAD A CUTE THOUGHT!! One time he watched you do your makeup and he wanted to learn how to do eye liner
So you taught him one day and he likes doing eye liner every now and again
Maybe you were on his lap and did it for him one day! (He wouldn’t let you do a full face of makeup on him though 😔)
Likes picking out jewelry for your outfits
If you guys are opposites I can see a lot of playful arguments about each others music tastes
He definitely likes at least one song you showed him but wont admit it cause he’s stubborn!
If we’re gonna talk about physical touch I’d say he likes it just definitely not in public
Maybe a hand on your shoulder sometimes but other than that I’m not sure
In private though he’s always leaning his head on your shoulder or putting his head on yours
Likes to tease and make fun of you
Jokingly ofc he’d never let it go too far
He issss in a band so ofc you’re going to almost every performance of his
Veryyy protective when it comes to his job and you
Doesn’t like letting you come to fights with him or trying to help cause he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt
If you’re also a spider person you guys make a rlly good duo
He’s just a really laid back guy in general so he doesn’t raise his voice at you
Maybe on accident a few times but he always apologizes ofc
He’s respectful 🫡
WHEWWW imagine you both got done with a fight and you just need to rest so you take a nap together! Or if you’re not a spider person then you both had a hard day and wanted to take a nap together
I don’t think he gets jealous thaaat easily. Like someone would have to be THROWING themselves at you and he’ll step in.
He wouldn’t be starting fights or drama honestly I think he’d just wrap an arm around your waist and walk away with you
I think he’ll go on random tangents about stuff he’s interested in or even abt stuff he doesn’t like 😭
You’re just listening to him like “yeah totally” because he’s talking so fast
He’s proud of your guy’s relationship and he’s caught himself talking about you a lot to his friends
He tries to shut up before they say anything but they’re already teasing him
BUT ID SAY OVERALL he’s just a really chill dude who likes spending time with his partner :)
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All I can think of rn so I hope you enjoyed! and ty for all the requests I’ll be working on them all day <3 🫡
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damnelva · 8 months
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You're a tall woman, cause let's be honest he has a thing for tall and powerful woman
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☆ I feel like you need to be a little different than Lilith to make Lucifer love you
☆ He's WAY more touch-craving now after all these years without any affection even from his own daughter. You have to be more open, affectionate and loving than Lilith ever was
☆ He's more insecure after Lilith, so you have to be able to show him your love towards him anytime or he's gonna go crazy duo to his overthinking
☆ And if you are loving, affectionate and caring in a way that showes him it, he's gonna be SO GRATEFUL
☆ That man was left with no care and love for so many years and now having someone like you that expresses it so easily and openly is like a blessing for him!
☆ The way you hold his hand so gently, or how you smile or tell him how good he's at his job or whatever he's doing- He's gonna cry!
☆ He loves you for loving his obsession with ducks. He kinda felt like it was weird and stupid for the king of hell to like such animal as a duck (it is kinda), but you also love them!? And you don't judge him for that, even the opposite, you think it's cute!? Oh, he's going to go insane with you..
☆ Lucifer's melts at the sight of you having a good relationship with his daughter. He'll be the happiest demon alive if Charlie sees you as a mother-figure! His two most important people get along with each other? Another reason to tell depression to go fuck itself
☆ About depression.. You can't imagine how his life got better after you entered it. Your love and care, it's just so much in a good way that it makes him even think if he still has depression (he does)
☆ He loves to wake up and see you laying next to him. Oh, the way your arms are wrapped around him and the way your embrace is so gentle but at the same time firm.. Like I said, it makes him sob
☆ Adores when you give him petnames like: Luci, dear or love. If you call him by a nickname, he will turn into crying & blushing mess
☆ He loves to give you nicknames like: Apple, Apple pie, Angel. BTW, for an unknown reason he feels naughty whenever he calls you ma'am or madam. Doesn't mean he won't call you that though
☆ Even though he's all sweet, cute and basically a cutie, he's still Lucifer the king of hell. He's hella strong and possessive. Like I said, he's insecure so whenever someone's flirting with you or being way too nice he gets jealous and mad
☆ Like, how dare you try to take away something I'm shocked I have!?
☆ Otherwise, no one approaches you in this kind of way, knowing who your lover is
☆ Please, marry him
☆ He wants it so bad! It already makes him blush whenever he realizes he can call you his lover, but being able to call you his WIFE!? Just the thought makes him blush, giggle and kick his feet
☆ This man is so maldy in love with you, it's crazy
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o-sachi · 1 month
Dress to Impress Headcanons Pt. 1 - for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ what's it like to play the roblox game dress to impress with the Wind Breaker characters? ᯓ characters; sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, sugishita kyotaro, umemiya hajime, hiragi toma (more characs in the next part hopefully) ᯓ tags; crack, some profanity lol, gn reader, no y/n, can be platonic/romantic
[🐟]: for day 8 - side missions prompt! (because dti is a side mission) @windbreakerweek
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Sakura Haruka
"How the fuck do I win..."
It will take forever to convince him to play because apparently 'there is no way he's playing dress-up that's made for children' but will fold as soon as you tell him he's just saying that because he hates you.
He keeps forgetting where certain items are and keeps going in circles around the place. That's why he thinks 5 minutes isn't enough.
"Where the fuck are the heels with the pretty pink bows? Man." / "You're going in circles, y'know?" / "Not my fault this shit's a maze."
Pretty standard outfits. Like they're not terrible, but they're not impressive enough to get 4 or 5 stars.
He's more of a simplicity-is-beauty type of guy so that also reflects in the kind of outfits that he makes. But the kids in the server are not having it.
"What does 'ate and served' mean?"
SO SALTY WHEN HE LOSES. But he'll brush it off and pretend that he's cool about it because he is not about to let anyone know he cares about some stupid dress-up game.
Suo Hayato
"Oh, look. I got first place again~"
He was easier to convince. But only if you knew how good he'd be, you wouldn't have asked him to play with you. Why? 'Cuz your morale is plummeting by the second.
He doesn't even need to try. Suo just lets his natural sense of style bleed into the way he plays the game AND HE WINS. He's pretty and so are his outfits.
Suo knows that it's mostly kids playing the game. So when he figures out there are younger people on the server, he'll rate them pretty high to put a smile on their face. (HE'S SO SWEET).
"Suo... it didn't even follow the theme." / "But it's quite nice, don't you think?"
You notice that you rank faster when you duo with him. You've been exploiting this little feature.
"We make a pretty good team, don't we?" / "Huh? Oh, yeah. Haha totally..."
Nirei Akihiko
"OH, this one's good... No, but this one's really good too..."
Nirei is everyone's hypeman: yours, the fashion mavens', the ten year olds who can't follow the theme—literally everyone.
He actually gets better so quickly by observing the outfits of those who win a lot. Like dude is analyzing a whole ass Roblox game. Not that it's intentional—more like it's in his nature.
He falls deep into the DTI rabbit hole. You know because he eagerly waits for updates and hunts for codes on the internet.
"Heyyyy, guess who learned a new code hm?"
His face lights up when you ask him to play... as if he doesn't ask you to play every chance he gets already...
DTI actually becomes his door leading to his descent into the world of Roblox. Seriously, he starts playing more Roblox because you started him with DTI. He also starts asking the other Furin guys to play too.
"Guys, let's do an obby next." / "A what?" / "An obby." / "Again, A WHAT?"
Sugishita Kyotaro
"... I swear I can do better than this..."
This man... this man was even harder to convince compared to Sakura. In fact, you almost gave up. Soooo... you convinced Ume instead (which was easier) and in turn, that forced Sugishita to try it out.
Didn't even ask how it works. He's just reading the text that pops up and goes with the flow.
I'm sorry but... he has the blandest style out of everyone in the main Furin group. Like, he doesn't even try to win AT ALL. But, y'know, A for effort!
"Oh... I have to vote for them?" / "Well, yeah... actually no, just give me 5 stars, okay?"
He plays DTI for a grand total of 3 times, all of which were because Ume asked him to play with the rest of the guys.
He's not much of a gamer to begin with... really, he'd much rather watch you play DTI and see your dramatic reactions to whatever's happening.
Umemiya Hajime
"HAHAHA What's with these silly poses?"
It's like a switch flips in him when he boots up the game and the DTI background song starts playing. He looks waaaaay too happy playing it.
He only started playing because all the hype surrounding it. Ume just wants to be part of the conversation and that's why he tried it out.
Talks way too much in the chat. Usually people just use it to provide more context for their outfits, but Ume actually makes conversation with players there. It's pretty funny to see.
"Look. So many people added me." / "Huh... well ain't that a surprise..."
He almost threw the Ipad out of excitement when he saw that the theme was gardening. He said he had to win or he'd literally die.
A pose 28 spammer, obviously.
"Aw, my game started lagging." / "It's 'cuz you keep spamming poses too fast." / "Dang it."
Hiragi Toma
"I'm not that good at it... okay, maybe just a bit."
He's an old man so bear with him when he tells you that he doesn't even know what a 'Roblox' is. He thought it was a vape flavor by the way.
"So... I have to dress-up and make people vote highly for me?" / "Yeah, it's called Dress to Impress for a reason." / "Oh, yeah. Fair."
He barely tries, but somehow he's kinda good at it? He's not insanely amazing at putting together outfits... but for a guy who's not trying that hard—he's doing pretty well for himself.
But he'll be too embarrassed to admit it. Hiragi would click his tongue and tell you to knock it off once you start complimenting his DTI skills.
He's a bit lost with the Gen Z/Gen Alpha terms, but he's trying to learn—slowly but surely like a little baby lamb learning how to walk.
Will rate you 5 stars no matter what. Everyone else is getting 1 star. Hiragi doesn't care.
"I didn't know you could hit poses here?" / "Yeah, look at this one." / "What the fuck kinda pose is that? Who's doing that on the runway? Bffr." / "Did you just—" / "Told you I'm learning things."
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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I saw this
And thought it'd be hilarious for some reactions/headcanons from twisted wonderland characters as reader and a friend or someone drink ridiculous amounts of eggnog (if eggnog isn't good then a similar heavy beverage) while they kinda just act silly. Just absolutely losing their minds as they try to out eggnog their competitor. Whether their competitor/friend is one of the characters from twisted wonderland or just some fellow is up to you. Honestly, i just like how you write and want to read more so it doesn't even have to be twisted wonderland. I'm really not that particular about the fandom or which characters you choose cause i like em all and i just wanna read more of your writing cause it's really good
No pressure of course, it's just a silly little thought
I really appreciate that! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Drinking Games | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
This whole scenario sounds like the work of a certain idiot-duo
Getting ahold of Twisted Wonderland’s version of eggnog 
Supposedly the grossest thickest most disliked drink they could get their hands on
And then hosting a competition to see who could drink the most of it
“And what do we get if we beat ya?”
“A….full week spent in Ramshackle….Unsupervised!”
“I didn’t agree to that!” 
“That’s…an appealing prize.”
“One I didn’t agree to!”
First years only it’s already worrisome because more than likely than not they get real competitive 
And they have a hard time knowing when to stop
“Um do you guys maybe want to…take a break? You’re all looking a little green in the face.”
“Please…I got this! Slide that cup on over!”
“Y’all abuncha snowflakes can’t handleagallon o’ ‘is if ya tried!”
“This calls for an intense work out…..later. BRAP! Sorry.”
“This stuff is gross Nya! I’d much rather have a big bowl of milk!”
Imagine how much worse it gets when the dormheads find out 
They’ll scold them 
And then turn right around and have too much evidence that they have a higher record than the others
“I’m only showing you if anyone should have such a prize it would go to me.”
“Because you have records that you had 50 cups?”
“Thanks Riddle but I wasn’t actually going to let anyone stay over.”
“Hmmm I wonder if the more unruly will actually listen to your wishes?”
Sigh ”Don’t remind me! Floyd’s been telling me he’ll move himself in any day now.”
“Tsk. It would probably best to have me over than….just to protect your peace of course.”
It’s best to ‘reward all of them in some way shape or form
Otherwise you’ll just have to get used to being dragged and possibly made the prize of competitions you had no idea was happening 
“Uh hi Lilia you look happy.”
“Of course I am! I won your entire weekend with our wreath making contest.”
“Wait what?!”
“I was thinking we’ll start with a picnic, then we can jam with the band, and then I can go through your closet!”
Usually things won’t get too violent…..usually
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asherashedwings · 4 months
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So, I decided that my previous designs for a lot of these characters are going to be more-so their designs during the events of the Pico’s School games. So when they were kids. Like, some will be a bit different, but for the most part, that’s how it is. So then these new designs are them as adults.
When trying to figure out Pico’s design, I didn’t know how I wanted his outfit in this new design to differ from his previous. Cuz like, that’s already the perfect Pico fit. But then I realized “omg, it’d be so much funnier if I DIDN’T change it.” Cuz he is definitely the type of mf to be wearing the same clothes he’s had since middle school.
Like, Cass or Nin come back for a rematch, and they both look super different, and then they look at Pico and he looks NO DIFFERENT than last time they saw him.
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I immediately broke my rule with the previous designs with Darnell, cuz I just really liked the previous design’s outfit and was like “eh, imma use that for his adult design, and just change the kid design.”
I imagine he got that varsity jacket like, custom made, and it was like super fuckin expensive. But like, when he got it, he decided “wait, I don’t want the sleeves” and just ripped them off 💀
Can’t have long sleeves when you’re always working with fire ig.
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I think Nene is the one I’ve drawn in alt. outfits the most. What can I say, I just really like drawing her and messing around with her clothes. So I had a lot of previous pieces of mine I could look back on for reference.
The main change that isn’t outfit related is her hair. I just decided to dick around and see what looked good, and landed on that. I think it looks pretty good, idk.
Also, gave her a WWJD bracelet cuz sometimes I forget she’s Christian and I thought it was funny.
Reminded me of this one stupid idea I had, featuring my very headcanoned version of the G-Squad:
Like, the G-Squad are doing their whole cult thing, worshipping the Peniliens, when the Pico trio burst in, and Nene says something like “THERE IS ONLY ONE LORD AND SAVIOR, AND HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST.”
And then they kick their asses, idk.
Also, here, them as kids. Pico just got spikier as he got older
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Okay, time for some antags 💥💥💥
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She was actually the first redesign I made in this batch.
Main change: Beard. I just sorta wanted to make the Penilien duo more androgynous. I imagine that they don’t really care about transitioning that much, since they don’t have the same gender roles and stereotypes as humans. Just “I’m [insert gender here], that’s it.” Also, I just think Cass slayed with a beard.
I also wanted to incorporate shapes from their alien forms more into their human disguises. So I gave Cass these big sleeve things to sorta emulate the big bulky arms she has in her true form.
One of her pincers is also chipped. This comes from the fact that in Pico’s School, one of her horn-hair things is shorter than the other, and I wanted to find a way to incorporate that.
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I don’t think there’s much to say here that I have already said while talking about Cassandra.
I imagine Damien does less to hide his alien features, since he has a huge superiority complex and thinks Peniliens are superior anyways, so like, why hide his true colors? Why hide what makes him greater than everyone around him?
So yeah, that’s why he keeps his tail out.
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So Nin differs with the whole “previous design is them as a kid” thing, cuz he doesn’t really age past his age in Pico’s School. Cuz bro dies.
(Also, quick HC timeline: Pico 1 and “Pico 2” (the conflict with the robo-kids) both take place in middle school, while what I call “Pico 3” (the conflict with the G-Squad) happens in high school. So that’s why Nin appears less child-like; he’s a high schooler)
So like, I hc that when Pico killed Nin, Nin pulled some necromancy bullshit and revived HIMSELF. Cuz idk, that feels like some bullshit Pico’s School would pull.
So now he’s undead. His hair also sorta resembles horns cuz it’s sorta to symbolize his devotion to the Peniliens. If y’all are interested in hearing all the HCs I have for the G-Squad (or just PS in general), I might share more at a later date.
That’s all for now tho.
My color palettes for these fuckers. They’re all named after the MSI songs I associate with each of them. I do not support MSI, I just really like the music and it reminds me of Pico’s School for some reason, so I always listen to a lot of it whenever I get sucked back into this fandom
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elvenbeard · 4 months
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Old and Happy
😭 my feels have been all over the place since I finally finished this! Don't even remember when I started, as I kept working on and off on it over a couple of months. But I think it was after writing something particularly angsty and going "you know what, they will get their happy ending though, so it's all good".
Some details and thoughts below the read more cause it got long hhhh ;A;
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This is in about 2087 maybe, roughly "ten years later". Vince changed his hair, ditched the rattail for good (or again xD) for something still colorful but a bit more easy to style. But he might change it up again, he's done so repeatedly and still likes to experiment with his hair.
Not visible, he probably would've added some elements to his back tattoo after surviving all of 2077. Johnny's tattoo he covered up as well, he would've done that first probably before the back piece. Adding some things here and there over time, with colors and patterns and wings, some cherry blossoms ('cause a thing of beauty will never truly fade away - hence just not getting laser removal but covering it with something that suits him more, but keeping some elements like the J and V visible). It started with three roses below the "V" as a little homage to Jackie, and 2077 as the year that finally put him on the right track in his life, even if it almost killed him in the process.
Overall he is a healthier weight than he was for most of his life, and finally got some therapy he desperately needed to deal with all the crap he went through pre-2077 already. He's not dyeing his first grey hairs because hell, that he's even still around to get some is amazing with his line of work and life story. And he realized that there's no need to be super well put togeher 24/7, clean shaven and whatnot, when you know you're just gonna be hanging out with your man and cat all weekend (and actually allowing yourself to something like that - leisure time and pizza in bed, unheard of to 2077!Vince). He's doing good and feels good and comfortable, physically and mentally.
Kerry also changed, also embracing the dad bod over abs, probably still experimenting with his looks a lot now and then whenever the label feels like they need to draw attention to him for whatever reason. But to the brown eyes he returned in 2078 already in my headcanon for the Sun ending timeline, and he stuck with them.
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Overall I think he might finally care a little less about other people's opinions too, the buzz and the drama, cause he knows that at the end of the day there's always gonna be someone waiting for him at home who loves him unconditionally. He's a bit calmer and at ease, but of course still up to no good whenever he gets the chance to stir shit up xD Vince and him remain to be a dangerous duo you don't wanna mess with. At that point Vince is a well-respected, even if somewhat elusive, fixer, so he's probably even more dangerous now than he used to be as a mere merc with an arsenal of connections and resources at his disposal that can almost rival Kerry's.
I also gave Kerry a lil new cyberware piece on his hand - he is an old man and I think, using his hands as a musician on the daily, at some point there's just gonna be some wear and tear to your bones and joints only tech can fix anymore... Especially if you're stubborn and refuse to retire cause no, you're not done yet, you still have so much to yell into the world and music to make, stuff to add to your legacy and all.
Last but not least: Nibbles is an old lady already as well here, but living her best life with her dads spoiling her rotten, of course!
And then öalkshjdfagsdföasgdfaösfh ;___;
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Y'know, "to bad decisions" and all, and two very different pieces still fitting together perfectly somehow, and light and shadows, and the sun and moon and yeah. ;___; Brb crying, the feels are back xD
Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far!! They mean so much to me and aösdjhfajsfhasfk could go on forever about every little detail xD On to the next drawing!
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ooffies · 2 years
Could I request headcanons of Jamil and Vil walking in on their female s/o bragging about them to the first years?
: I had so much fun writing this! Thank you for the request anon! Sorry for long wait I had mid-terms 😭. Also I added all the blot-buddies(?) because I felt inspired, I hope you don't mind! Hope you enjoy them!
❥─➤ Jamil, Vil, Leona, Malleus, Azul, Idia and Riddle x reader (separate)
❥─➤ warnings: none!
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Jamil Viper (flustered)
He’s never been this flustered before, like ever. He hears Kalim sing him praise for his talents all the time but that only makes him feel slightly annoyed. But hearing you talking so highly about him? His heart feels like it’s about to break out of his chest. He’s blushing from ear to ear for the rest of the day. Makes sure to invite you over once classes are done. He wants to express his gratitude to you and show how much he cares for you.
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Vil Schoenheit (proud/flattered)
Of course, you're bragging about him, who wouldn’t? He’s used to people singing him praise and boasting about his talent and beauty. But never has he felt so giddy from hearing someone talk about him. he’s got butterflies in his stomach hearing you talk so highly of him to your peers. He’s got a smile stuck on his face for the rest of day. Next time the two of you hang out he makes sure to pamper you with compliments and kisses.
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Leona Kingscholar (smug)
He’s already got a shit-eating smirk on his face as soon as he overhears you. His herbivore singing him praise is a massive boost to his ego. He’s attached to your hip for the rest of your day. He’ll try to get you to skip class to be with him. He’ll have his tail lightly wrapped around your thigh or hand, letting everyone know for the millionth time you're his. It’s kind of his own way of bragging about you.
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Malleus Draconia (falls in love all over again)
He practically falls in love with you all over again anytime he hears you speak a single good word about him. He’s all over you for the rest of the day, giving you as much affection as possible. He’s trying so hard to hide the fact that he overheard your bragging but after five minutes of being with this overjoyed man it’s pretty obvious what happened.
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Azul Ashengrotto (blushing mess #1)
Acts all smug when he confronts you and the freshmen but once they leave he’s blushing from head to toe. He can barely form a sentence as he tries to give thanks to you for being such a great partner. But he can’t help but ask if you actually think that highly of him. Once you reassure him he’ll become a blushing mess all over again. Will treat you to a special dinner at lounge that night to make sure you know how thankful he is to be yours.
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Idia Shroud (over the moon)
On the outside he was an absolute embarrassed wreck after hearing you brag about him to Ace and Deuce. But on the inside he’s kicking his feet and giggling. His s/o bragging about him? Him out all people? God he doesn’t deserve you. He’ll make sure to show you more affection than he usually does next time you come over.
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Riddle Rosehearts (blushing mess #2)
Bright burning red as he scolds you and the Heartslabyul duo for “loitering around”. It’s very easy to tell that he’s flustered from overhearing your high praises of him. He drags you away for the troublesome duo, ranting about various things. Once you two are alone he thanks you for the kind words while still being as red as a rose.
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© ooffies 
Please do not repost or translate my work without permission and credit. Thank you!
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skunkox · 7 months
Darlin's Jacket Headcanon
Been sitting on this for weeks , so just hear me out rq.
Dalrin's jacket was a gift from Asher. It was a present to cheer them up while they were on punishment when they were young. Possibly a birthday? Grades? Faught a kid? Embarrased their parents in front of the pack? Havent worked out the details.
It's a letterman jacket from a band they were really into. But the issue? It's a gooddam Unisex XXL, and the twerp of a Tank is like, barley 14 with not real muscle mass yet. My Tank at least is 13 when they make the move and join the pack in Dahlia while the main shaw pack kids are 14.
"Ash. Remind me again why you dragged us to Hot Topic." Milo asked, reluctantly following a brace faced Asher into the cramped, and dim lit store.
"Cause Half-pint, your comrad in short arms has been looking miserable. Or at least, more so than normal." Asher snickered, slowly getting more, and more side tracked as he wandered farther into the store. It wasn't long before David grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him to the back of the store. Milo flashed him a cocky grin while Asher stumbled behind David.
"We got a problem. You said it was this one, right? It's too big." David released Asher to nealty pick up the jacket. "I mean, I know it's the thought that counts, but it's just not practical, Ash."
Asher was already looking through the piles. Wanting to be 100% sure they weren't missing anything. Starting to feel defeated. There was no way Asher was going to ask the clerk if there would be another shipment. Nor would he be willing to wait for a possible restock. Milo looked at his friend. He could tell those puppy dog eyes were gonna start bulging soon. A huff escaped his lips, and he stood straight with his hands on his hips. Trying to seem cool and a little bit taller.
"It's not like they're done growin'. And a jackets a jacket. If it's coverin', it's good." Milo couldn't stop the noogie barreling his way.
The handoff was swift. Just as the troublemaker was mounting their skateboard outside their middle school's gate, a familiar truck rolled up. From the truck's bed, Asher gave a quick "Heads up!" Before giving the equivalent of a basketball pass with a heavy black bag. A cackle could be heard, and the truck road off. Leaving them bamboozled.
It wasn't until Tank got home that they viewed the contents of the bag. The biggest, and goofiest smile spread across their face. They couldn't give two fucks about the size. It was from their favorite band. It was a gift. Someone cared enough to gift them something. Anything. But the fact that the few times they did speak, they were actually listened too. It nearly brought the runt to tears. It did. They won't admit it though. That's just embarrassing.
Really embarrassing. They were given a jacket by a boy. An upper classmen boy. A boy who was a part of their pack. Who they'd have to face on a regular basis. They did the jacket at the back of their closet. Still in it bag.
The disappointment in Asher's face really couldn't be hidden. Mostly for the fact that though the week of quick pass bys,they didn't wear the jacket. But he noticed at their next pack meeting, they'd give small waves now. Small smiles were attempted. This continued until Tank would inevitably start sitting near Asher during meetings. Or willingly go on group outing. This snowballed to the occasional video game or movie hangouts.
Still mostly lingering around Ash, or him leaning on them. When he did so, Tank would get flustered. But in true Tank fashion, would give his sides a punch or his legs a kick. Never hard enough to leave heavy bruises. What can I say? They play hard.
As oblivious to this Asher was, it was almost too embarrassing a site for the other second gen pack members. Cristian would poke his fun while Asher was away before Amanda could put him in check. Milo genuinely wanted to see how things would play out. David called them the "Disaster Duo" for a long while.
In true 2008 middle schooler cringe, Tank was convinced that the might have had the tiniest crush on Asher. But they denied it. Denied it so much that the others couldn't be convinced it wasn't true. There were lots of little arguments that summer. But Tank would immediately shut up when ever Asher came around.
Freshman year was something......
The teasing started to get out of hand. Asher would definitely hear the snickers and teasing. Especially now that it was directed towards him by his classmates. Asher would deny it during classes and lunches that they were just his "Lil Buddy." It's not like he really helped the situation. Hitting a growthspurt over the summer, it was easy to see him from down the hall. He'd wave and call Tank's name out into the crowd. His little buddy was drawing in a sea of students.
He'd elped them get to their classes by becoming a meat shield. Tank was just barely able to keep up. Asher once thought I'd be funny if he could heave them over his shoulder like a cheap, stringed gym bag. Tank was flustered but kicked and punched all the same.
The teasing one again grew when Tank finally decided to wear the damn jacket during school pictures. Not wanting to be remembered in the preppy outfit their parent picked out for then, they stowed the jacket away in their backpack.
The little smile on Asher's face couldn't have been bigger when he saw them in it. He was on his way to take pictures, and Tank was headed back to class. He pulled them off to the side of a couple half functioning vending machines.
"Sooooo? How're liking the jacket? I know it's too big but you said you like listening to the band. That, and I've never not seen it in your discman. I'm sorry I got it so big. It was t-." Asher's lip got stuck on a braces bracket, and he began to fumble his words. Quickly second-guessing if Tank even really liked the damn thing.
Giggling could be heard from a couple kids passing by. A light shove was made by another to Ash. A quick "Dork." was thrown his way. Heat rose in his face. In Tank's too. But out of frustration. Asher didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to be a good friend.
And it clicked for the freshman. Why overthink and cause trouble for Asher if they could be a friend? That could be comfortable. They wouldn't have to avoid him like an unwanted puppy. He'd been their friend. Or at least trying to be. Shit didn't have to be weird.
"Hell yeah, bro! It really saved my ass today. My parents wanted me to look like some sort of outstanding citizen or some shit. Can't wait till I can bulk up some, though. I'll totally be able to take on David one on one." Tank beamed and jabbedAsher in the arm with quick fist. This was the loudest they had ever been as far as he knew. His goofy ass grin was back on his face. Before Asher could get out a word, Tank ran past him.
"Thanks dude!" They called out from the crowd, not looking back and focusing on making it through the herd of upper classmem.
The following years, Tank continued being bro-y with Asher. He laid off of a lot of physical contact in turn. But this was comfortable for them. Not real close like he was with the others but it was what Tank wanted. They seemed happier that way.
Tank absolutely wore the jacket every chance they got. Around their waist if need be. Ruined absolutely every single yearbook photo. Every pack meeting. Every fight. Even when they felt there was no one to run to for comfort. That jacket had been through hell and back. However, you can only stich fabric so many times.
It looks ratty, but there is no way they're giving it up any time soon. Even if hugs are always offered or dare I say mandatory.
Tank was now yelling at Asher for kicking their controller from their hands during their match of Mario Kart. Hands were thrown, but carefully so. The group of 8 were hanging out at David and Angel's after all. There was no way either of the two were willing to take beating from David. At the very least, another ban from the house. Laugher roared in the home from all sides. Of course, Sweetheart, being an opertunist, took first place of that round.
David and Sam had been in the kitchen, taking a break from the roundy bunch. He had asked Tank about the jacket on multiple occasions, but never gave a straight answer. He'd at least wanted to get it professionally fixed up. Tank had gotten used to all the stains and tears. Saying it was like "The scar that protected their scars." And was proud of it for always being there.
David was willing once again, shed a little light on the troublemaker. Sam let out a chuckle. The next round was starting, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be playing doctor that night. The two men returned. David taking his corner seat next to Angel. Same made his way to the recliner. His Darlin' not missing a beat, taking a seat on the beanbag they claimed earlier in the night between their mate's legs. All the while, raspberries were exchanges between them and Asher from across the room. His own mate laughing at their childsh antics.
This was all the comfort they could ask for.
Jacket really be a security blanket, tho. Sorry for the shit grammar. Caught some kind of cold, and my vision is absolute shit.
Bromance anyone?
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acetheabnormal · 3 months
Who wants personal misclick duo headcanons ?? I say to an empty stadium
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- Slime is very defensive of Mariana and will raise fisticuffs with anyone who even thinks of touching him. That man is a cartoon rubberhose character with no sense of physical limitation. He frequently breaks out the "Why I oughta" stance when he thinks it's necessary
- Mariana has thought about pulling the stick out of Slime's head more times than she'd like to admit
- Slime is a lot more publicly physically affectionate and will often wrap his arms around Mariana’s shoulders, or hold his hands, or just bump into him casually. Mariana is more the type to stare into her husband's eyes intensely and for prolonged periods I think
- They actually first met in Vegas and immediately got married by one of those weird Elvis impersonaters. They quickly forgot about this and only remembered after being paired on the island and getting Juanaflippa
- If Mariana is mad enough, she will chase Slime around with whatever object he can get within reach and enact a Looney Tunes style chase sequence
- Slime loves to tease Mariana using his slime abilities, like for instance, during one of the first weeks whenever Mariana would playfully push or shove him Slime would have a piece of him or a body part fall off dramatically. Mariana had no idea he could do this and would get incredibly scared by it. This particular prank stopped working around the 5th time
- Mariana etched three hearts into his double-edged axe to remind himself of Slime
- Slime often struggles to say he loves Mariana, and Mariana often waits for him to say it which leads the both of them to grow bitter. The rift between them grows often and to cross the gap would be to become too vulnerable, and neither of them are willing to get more hurt than they already are
- It took a while for her to get used to it, but Mariana ends up preferring Slime's cool body temperature (especially during the summer), and finds it cute how he warms up whenever they hug as their body heat disperses
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juno-of-wonderland · 7 months
I want sick headcanons for Octavinelle and for the Royal duo (Barbatos and Diavolo)
Please 🥹
ok, obey will have to be on the secondary blog because this one is just twst and I hope that with sick you meant that
Jade Leech
-he knows you're not well just by looking, and in a gentle voice he asks you first (out of courtesy) how you are and then what you're feeling -if you say you're fine, he'll make it clear that he doesn't believe you -I think the first reaction would be to check your temperature with a hand on your forehead and be prepared that his hand is cold -will take you to bed and make you as comfortable as possible -strokes your cheek before looking for something to ease your discomfort -Do you need a specific type of food? He goes to the monster lounge and brings it to you. Do you need a drink? is already delivered. Do you need hugs? why did not you say it before! he will love curling up with you
Azul Ashengrotto
-he notices something wrong, but doesn't know what it is -he prepares a special day before asking anything, thinking you are overloading yourself -your favorite meal in the lounge and a massage and he even got a coupon for a spar -and then you say you are sick -this man goes crazy -What are you feeling? Does you have a fever? discomfort? pain? dizziness? -look for the best medicine for this and also research foods that he (or Jade) could make for you
Floyd Leech
-How can someone who has such a huge drop in emotion take care of their favorite person? seriously, how? -Actually he tries, but I don't think he will help much until some divine blessing falls -and he is so calm -kissing you wherever he can reach, because he will lie down somewhere with you -maybe he bites a little -send a message to Jade like: "hey the shrimp is sick, do you think it's going to die? since shrimp only live for a short time" and Jade you help you and him
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bananadramaaa · 1 month
I have a question about the assassin duo, although I didn't think that was the focus of your AU, sorry about that. I was researching a little more about Mimzy on the fandom website, created by Habzin Hotel fans (I know the information there is not entirely reliable, but anyway), i discovered that in Vivizziepop's drafts she had created the characters Alastor and Mimzy as a couple (which I found a bit hilarious considering how they appear in the series in the final project XD) And I was wondering if you agree with this characteristic of the story. In your AU, would you say that Mimzy has already seen Alastor or still sees him as something more than a friend?
Again, sorry for getting off topic by asking, as the AU is more about Alastor's story and his murders throughout his life. I just asked to hear your opinion on this, I didn't mean to bother you.
Have a nice day! <3
(The translation may sound strange, I don't speak English)
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Vivizziepop's sketches photo
Hi! Firstly I wanna quickly say that this AU is not specifically about Alastor, it's about them both. You may see more of his backstory in my blog because people were more curious about his past in the asks and that's all. My 'main' comics of this AU are featured both of them and focused on their shenanigans. So you're not getting off-topic, don't worry about that.
Yeah, I also saw that information that they were supposed to be a couple, but as far as I know, that changed. But I can see Mimzy has feelings for Alastor, that's absolutely possible 🤷 And we got the confirmation that Alastor is ace, so there's also a possibility of his romantic experiments. Personally, I see him more on the aro spectrum and as a repulsed romance/sex aroace because of how he acts in the show (my boy is clearly uncomfortable and annoyed/bored with all of that romantic and sexual stuff), so in my AU, I'm writing him as such (and I'm a repulsed aroace myself so I'm doing what most people do in their AUs/headcanons - unintentionally giving characters some of their experience on certain topics XD). So it was like a one-sided attraction coming from Mimzy in my AU. She was attracted to him because she thought he's a good-looking lad with charms. When they first met at the speakeasy she saw him as a potential "one-night fun time" but not as a long-term romantic one (I think Mimzy is not the most long-term relationship gal in general). Alastor politely refused that offer, which was mentioned in this comic. So no, Mimzy doesn't have romantic feelings towards Alastor in my AU. I mean one of the reasons I tag this story with "murder besties" is because they're very good friends and not in a meme sense, they truly are. So if there's any kind of love between these two it's platonic one.
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itzmoonies · 5 months
₊˚✧𑁍.ೃ࿔* :・
Headcanon about one of my favourite duos : Kunikida and Dazai!
1- Kunikida makes Dazai's lunch and makes little notes in it
2- Dazai braid Kunikida's hair
3- Once Kunikida cried because he thought Dazai died and when Dazai came back Kunikida slapped him, hugged him but he was like "I didn't miss you but let me hug you"
4- Kunikida has written for his type of woman "is not Dazai" when he realised Dazai fit almost everything Kunikida wrote.
5- Dazai is born some mouths before Kunikida, so when Dazai pass his birthday, every question Kunikida ask (even the one who are like "where's the water?"), Dazai answer "You're too young to know"
6- Dazai tells every little drama to Kunikida each time he hears one
7- Kunikida always praises Dazai when he does something, like taking a bath, eating or just taking care of himself.
8- Kunikida is Dazai's n°1 hater but defender at the same time
9- Kunikida always remind Dazai to change his bandages
10- Dazai gasped and was frozen the first time Kunikida was sweet and not grumpy
11- Dazai learns new insults from Kunikida almost every week
12- Kunikida teach maths to Dazai, because Dazai never went to school
13- Kunikida hates Mori with a burning passion
14- Dazai never told Kunikida he was a mafioso because he was scared that Kunikida will hate him.
15- Dazai kinda changed his points of view since he's with Kunikida. I mean, before, Dazai didn't care how many deaths he caused if it didn't affect him (he wasn't heartless just he didn't feel concerned). But now it's different. He learned to be more empathetic since he's with Kunikida
16- Kunikida made Dazai promises to kill him if Kunikida change how he is. If Kunikida commits murders for his own pleasure and that there's no way to bring the old Kunikida back, Dazai will kill him.
17- Also, Dazai trust Kunikida a lot. He already did certain actions because Kunikida told him to do them, and he knew they weren't going to be bad actions
18- Kunikida always knows when Dazai is bad. Like, Dazai is a genius and all, but Kunikida always asks "Are you okay?" When Dazai doesn't feel great. Kunikida may well not ask how Dazai is doing for days, but when Dazai is really not well, he asks him. He has an instinct.
19- When Dazai is drunk, Kunikida watches Dazai's drink and holds it. And when Kunikida thinks Dazai drank enough, and he refuses to let him drink.
20- Dazai once got into a fight because someone was talking shit about Kunikida. Dazai threatened him to torture him until death if he talk bad about Kunikida again. Kunikida dragged Dazai away to not make it worse…
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