#i am the snake eating my own tail I am the dog biting my own paw
lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Thinking again about how the 2009 Spider Noir run set up the perfect themes of morality and humanity, and could’ve been furthered used to show their relationship to one another and if one matters more than the other.
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chaotic-orion · 6 months
I am the Nemean lion snarling at the Man, hackles bristling into needles to poke out the eyes of Actaeon so that he may be blind and not a stag at the mercy of his own hounds. I believe that dogs will always recognize their owner, still, if there be a price to pay. I am Autolycus' moon, chilled into stunned silence as the king rips apart his own flock, beloved piece by beloved piece: A cursed man always seems to destroy what he is blessed to have. I am the vultures gobbling up Prometheus’ liver, and it tastes like fire, and he tells me, "Your hair reminds me of smoke." and I lose my feathers, and I eat the ash. I am the Giant Polyphemus sleeping deep in the belly of the Earth, my mother singing. I am Atlas with the world on my shoulders. I am Medusa with her crown of snakes; Did you know she still wears her goddess' colors? To have faith in a God that abandoned her, "Maybe I should be more like my mother." I am the sighing Hydra weeping to the setting sun, breathlessly waiting for the next two mouths to rise from the bloody stump. I am trying to build myself into gratitude, come crawling up from Tartarus, ignoring Hades as he rages, "I am still your father!" and Cerberus howling my name. I am each star girding around Orion's waist, his fingers hot knives combing through Artemis' long, curly hair. I meet Orpheus at the beginning of the story, and know what it means for another relationship to be doomed to fail. I circle back around, always seeming to bite at my own tail.
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sincelastsession · 4 months
I Love my partner but sometimes I'm like..."Why are men?" I'm sure they get frustrated with women too but jfc.
I only let people I'm comfortable drive.
My biggest fear is that what if I've picked the wrong driver when I'm falling asleep at the wheel? What if we wreck? What if we arrive safely.
It's hard to trust your lover. It's hard to be vulnerable.
He finds it hard to be vulnerable with me.
It breaks my fucking heart.
Because I don't get brave and share me at my most vulnerable with anyone.
I never feel like I have enough time to say what I want to say. I feel like time is coming for me.
He puts me in sub space. He put me there the other day and I was so stressed it took a while. But it's the biggest relief. It's a medicine I can't compare to anything. He helps. I feel safe and guarded and floating and held though he's very far away. I had no sub drop.
Today I'm having a drop and it's 3am where he is and I've managed them on my own but it SUCKS.
I have this constant fear that he will do something horrible to me but he's never done such things.
He has pissed me the fuck off more times than I can mention I stg how can he fuss about how he doesn't feel seen as a man a big man but I think the problem is he sees himself one but needs the approval of others which is just silly to me because I don't think he believes what he wants to hear from others.
He tells me things I think are pretty vulnerable but people are layered like onions and make you cry. I don't understand but I do. It's a curse. It's why I'm so fucking nice. Because I mask I mirror I see through the bullshit and it's so easy at this point to see a pov if I've got enough information.
But this isn't all about him. This is about all the hurt little boys and their fucking feelings, thier fee fees that get hurt so easily because patriarchy is a poisonous snake biting it's own tail that will not die and give balance to this godforsaken planet.
Maybe I'm a "cunt a bitch a man hater"
"Not all men" they say as the point flies over their heads.
I feel my feelings the best way I can. If I let them all out I feel that I'll be too much. Too much woman. Too much talking. Too much red nails and lipstick. Too much kicking and screaming. Off to the asylum where they'll tool around with what's left of me.
I simply wish I did not care. I want to be the wild animal that I am. I want someone to come along and tame me but not to put up for adoption later.
Why am I perfectly fine with things sometimes and other times I want to retch.
It's hard being in love. People who say it's easy are liars. It's easy to love yes, it's not easy to love though too. I don't know how to articulate that into a normal nor metaphorical explanation because love us the hardest thing to describe. If it had a truly fixed definition and there weren't a zillion forms of it then we'd have no art no literature no romanticism. Can you imagine?
But my body. My body is a cage. It is a flesh prison that remembers the score it holds everything and won't let go. And why won't it let go? Because there'd be nothing left. There was never ME MINE MY BODY. I FUCKING NEVER GOT CONTROL AND NOW I STIFLE SCREAMS AT NIGHT WISHING I COULD HUNT DOWN EVERY LAST MOTHERFUCKER WHO EVER HURT ME AND EAT THEM ALIVE DESTROY THEM LIKE THEY DESTROYED ME THEN MAYBE I COULD HAVE A SINGULAR MOMENT OF PEACE. MAYBE I COULD WALK ALONE AT NIGHT. MAYBE I COULD RELAX. God I hate it when people tell me to relax and breathe. It's so fucking hilarious and idiotic. How the fuck does a woman relax? Who are these lucky people who have never known a bad touch?
My body has never been my own. It's literally just a container and I'm so tired of being trapped in it. It was never mine. As soon as I gained sentience they gave me a name and a number and dressed me up like a doll. My mother loved dolls and dogs and sad pathetic shitty men and still does. She was abused and it shows and I can see her breaking and I have seen it going on for a long time. I can see that she's just a sexually assaulted kid filling her home with boxes of things she'll get to and guards and food so much food because she's diabetic and the world might end meanwhile she's letting an alcoholic con man literal cobbler wreck her relationship with me and my sister. She falls in love with words with friends scammers. She's lost money. Do you know how many times I've had to reverse image search and try to show her that the scammer isn't real? Do you know how much she still doesn't believe it's a person of color (which she's not fond of but won't admit)? "I'm coming to see you" "I'll save you" "we can build a big house and you can even put a house for Kim on the property"
Why do I get so many scam calls when I didn't before?
I get 20 a day. Thanks mom. And when she promised to go to therapy to give 30mins of her time or an hour to work on herself she only went twice and her therapist she obviously lied to and she lied to me and told me that the therapist didn't need to see her and everyone else must ne the problem. Now she says she'll go but it's a lie. She will never accept that these people aren't in love with her.
I know no one is in love with me. I know they care but they aren't in love.
She said it herself. No one wants to marry you. No one wants someone like you. No one wants a disabled woman.
And then this was confirmed. I have too many medical issues. How could he possibly learn all about each one in case of emergency? How could he stand me if it was more than some easy things?
Why the fuck do I need to be fixed? Why can't I be left alone? They gotta break me then put me back together. They gotta tell me all my faults and tell me it's my fault their fucking feelings are hurt when I have had ENOUGH. They don't see me as a whole They see me as broken. I WAS BORN BROKEN. I'm fucking Lillith. I'm the snake. I wasn't a good enough Eve.
Fuck them.
They do not water me but I will water a plant and shake it a bit to stimulate it's silly little natural environment while I go speak to my therapist about the GOD FUCKING AWFUL THINGS. Maybe one day I'll name them all.
I hate living with shame and regret. Fuck the Catholic church too. The epicenter of organized crime. In churches and wherever it can reach. Why did I have to tell my fucked up sins to men in fancy robes that cost enough to feed a family? Why did I have to repent?
"No virgin me for I have sinned I sold my soul for sex and gin go call a priest all meek and mild and tell him Mary's no longer child"
Whatever happened to Mary? What happened to the divine feminine that has been documented and erased?
I can't fucking stand when men complain when they face a challenge women do every day. Go fucking cry and jack off or something.
My Dom only owns me when I say he can. I know how it works. I use my safeword. He respects it. He is so good with me at times. I don't like that he told me he was sad because he couldn't marry her. He proposed to me on my birthday one year. He didn't remember it the next day. He apologized. I can't hate him right now. I understand it. I know I'm not his primary. He told me so. He told me things would be different if I wanted to be. He told me he wished I'd find a primary to care for me here. He doesn't seem to have intentions to hurt me but he did I know he said it because he cares. I argued with him. He was angry I tried to date Justin who seemed to have problems with EVERYTHING I did and tried to make himself innocent. But Justin is a monogamous man who said he could handle me having a long distance partner. He said he wanted kitchen table. He demanded that I send a picture to my partner of him while I was taking pictures of animals at the zoo for myself, him, and Matt and fucking typing out what the ones I didn't know were. He fucking stood over me to try and read my messages at the goddamn zoo and also when I took a video of a band at a metal show. He asked if all 3 of us were on a date at the zoo. It took me a bit to see it all. Matt noticed it. He kept quiet for a bit I suppose to see if I was going to see it. Then he fussed at me for putting him in danger and all his loved ones etc because my life is filled with psychos he said and that was dangerous. "You protect me and I'll protect you and we don't need to say more about it" he told me he wasn't "Philly poly" what the fuck does that mean I thought about it. His ex, my friend is in Philly. She's got several partners and goes to orgies and does whatever she wants with all sorts of people. I know he hid going to a party she threw in October on my fucking birthday which he forgot because birthdays aren't important in his brain at this age I guess unless it's a party. He made an Instagram account that I'm blocked from seeing but she showed me the name. She convinced him to follow her nudes account. She's been telling me randomly that she misses him and misses his big dick and if I'm not a size queen then I won't enjoy it. What a cunt.
The fucked part is I understand ALLLLLL of this. I can put myself in thier places. I can see their baggage and bullshit. I can imagine how it all feels. The thing is if they'd just told me I wouldn't be bothered.
I rarely get jealous.
I am jealous that he wants to marry her (his primary). She's already married. I'm not though. I'd like to be married and have him as a nesting partner and live a peaceful life.
I have this painting that my grandmother painted and we both like it. It's a little town with a stream and a bridge. Ask me I'll show you. After my D/s session with him I was in sub space and asked him to meet me there in my sleep as he did aftercare and said he'd be on the bridge.
I have secrets I can never tell him. He's private as hell. He doesn't trust easy. I have fucked up and she knows. It would wreck everything. I hope she forgets. I hope she has so many partners and is so busy she has no time to think about him or me.
I have no desire to break things off with him. I'm nowhere near hitting a wall. We've spent time apart before but come back together like magnets.
I understand how weird and fucked it seems to others. I think I've looked at this from every angle. I don't care if people tell me it's unhealthy.
They don't get that I'm just as messed up if not worse.
But back to the real subject that I'm oscillating on.
I don't feel like my needs ever mattered in general to begin with. Since birth.
My voice didn't matter each time I was graped or assaulted. They just gave excuses.
It scares me that part of me is both a monster that's half my mother's dumbfuckassery and part my father's rage.
I don't know what to do.
I just want to go on a walk at night by myself.
I'd rather a bear walk up to me than a man.
I'd rather a bear attack me.
They'd believe that.
Fuck em. I'm so tired.
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
2:42 am
For #dbhcolorsofdeviancy, prompt:
June 1st:  Watching a human sleep. @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Rating: Teen
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson, Sumo, Amanda
Relationships: Connor & Hank Anderson
Additional Tags: Fluff, then, Angst, Nightmares, Hurt, Panic attack, sort of, Swearing
Summary: Connor comes back home with Hank after the Revolution. His first night after everything that happened, including the mind control by Amanda, would be fine, right?
Alternatively: Connor finds himself in Hank’s room at 2:42 in the morning.
Story below! Or, read it on AO3
The sun was setting on the day the revolution had succeeded. Rays of light glinted off the rusted metal truck that was Chicken Feed, as Hank and Connor, human and android, embraced. In that moment, none of their differences had mattered, not the disagreements from before, nor the variations in their biology. The hug was warm and loving, metal encased in artificial skin just as squishy, just as human.
They couldn’t stay there forever, of course. Chicken Feed wasn’t even currently open to serve food, and the day was drawing on. In silent agreement, the two stepped back before making their way over to the car.
The door shut. The hula girl on the dashboard bobbed back and forth, back and forth.
“You got someplace to stay, Connor?”
“No, Lieutenant.”
Connor raised a brow, blue LED swirling in thought, before coming to realisation that Hank wanted him to call him that.
“Of course, Lieutenant.”
“Little shit.” The man breathed, slotting keys into the ignition of the car, no real heat behind his tone. “I was going to offer for you to stay at my place. But maybe with that snark, you don’t want to come back and meet Sumo again—”
“I wouldn’t wish to intrude, but… I think it would be beneficial to have a safe place to stay.” He fiddled with his tie, head twitching briefly to the side. Wearing a suit after being in the more comfortable deviant clothes definitely wasn’t pleasant. He’d much rather shed the tie and jacket for the beanie and baggy clothes, but he was still on the fence about such matters.
“You just want to pet the damn dog again.”
Connor couldn’t help it, he snorted. When Hank glanced over, he covered it up with clearing his throat. If he’d still been a machine, maybe he would have retaliated something about probabilities or how he could not ‘want’ anything. Instead, he pulled off the tie and remarked,
“I like dogs.”
 It wasn’t a lie at all. As they arrived home—back at Hank’s home, of course—Connor couldn’t help but feel eager to see the Saint Bernard again. His fingers itched, somewhat remembering the silky feel of the dog’s fur under his fingertips from their brief encounter that one night.
And it seemed Sumo was just as eager to meet the android again, because, as the two walked through the house, as soon as the dog saw Connor, he let out a deep bark, paws padding along the floor. He smiled and leant down to pet him.
Hank cleared his throat dramatically, after a few minutes of belly rubs and ear scratches.
“Sumo? Hello to your master?”
The dog whined and nuzzled his head closer into Connor’s touch.
“Traitor dog.”
Sumo barked in response, tail wagging, sweeping on the floor and almost tripping Hank up as he attempted to step around the pair.
“Jesus Christ.”
Connor glanced up. “No, it’s me, Connor.”
“I changed my mind, get out of my house.”
The android looked up swiftly, processing, almost taking it seriously as his cue to leave before detecting sarcasm. He chuckled, making no effort to get up until he’d deemed enough attention given to the canine. Okay, nevermind, there was never enough attention to give to Sumo, but he had to stop at some point.
As he got up, he looked up the time briefly. 8.54pm. It was getting fairly late into the evening, but he knew Hank hadn’t eaten at Chicken Feed.
“Would you like me to cook you a meal, Lieu- Hank?”
The main raised a brow at him in question.
“I haven’t observed you eating yet, and it is not healthy to skip meals—”
“I’ll order some takeout.” Hank waved a hand in dismissal.
Connor narrowed his eyes. It was something he could recall feeling distantly before he deviated, whenever he saw Hank eating something incredibly unhealthy, such as that time with the burger. The levels of lipids and—it was annoyance, he realised. No, was it? The android tilted his head to the side in thought. He wasn’t sure if he could pin the correct emotion on it, being new to deviancy, but he definitely felt as if he should stop the man from ordering out.
“I insist.”
“Yeah? Well, I insist.”
“But I can cook—”
“It’s been a long day. Hell, you’ve been busy today fighting in an android revolution. I think I can order a burger.”
Connor couldn’t help but shake his head.
“No burger? Fine, pizza time it is.”
Exasperation. That was what it was, he decided, watching in defeat as the man took a leaflet out from the kitchen draw and mumbled the number of the pizza place under his breath. But maybe the man was right. He wasn’t sure if this was what humans called tiredness, but the revolution had certainly taken a toll on his systems. And maybe it was okay for Hank to indulge in less optimal food choices once in a while. His diet would certainly grow to be healthier in the future if Connor had a choice in it.
 The pizza arrived, Connor snuck Sumo a small piece of it, got scolded by Hank for being a hypocrite- all in all, it was an eventful evening. Definitely not the sort of thing machine Connor would have imagined himself doing. But something the real Connor surely did, and he loved every moment of it. Apart from the scolding, of course.
It was drawing on 9.29pm, an unusual time to be finishing a full meal, when Hank switched off the TV, stretching. They’d whiled away the time watching the news after the revolution, seeing the androids celebrating in the streets. Connor felt tired looking at them. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be with them- on the contrary, but the day had indeed been exhausting enough. Perhaps he would attend the parties he knew Jericho might throw in the coming weeks, once all the politics and such things had settled down.
Pointing Sumo to his bed, Hank got up from the couch, stretching. “I’m gonna call it a day. You—” he paused, glancing to Connor, expression shifting as he seemed deep in thought about something. “You can, uh, stay on the couch and… rest? I don’t know what you do. But you can, you know, do it on the couch.” He cringed at his choice of wording.
“Thank you, Hank. Androids don’t rest, but I can go into a mode of stasis in order to recharge and perform system updates—”
“Sounds like sleeping to me.”
Connor pursed his lips, looking displeased. “In a crude manner of speaking… yes. The couch will be fine, thank you.”
Hank nodded. “Great. Well, have a nice stasis. Don’t let the… android bed bugs bite.”
As he walked out the room, Connor blinked, thinking over the statement. “Bed bugs…” He murmured, LED circling yellow. “But this is a couch.”
He shrugged off the quandary eventually, storing it in his mind for later to think over, before adjusting his seating position on the couch. It would be easier to lay down, in case he startled the Lieutenant, finding him sleeping sitting up. Of course, androids used to stand up in stations built around the city to go into stasis, but that was before. It was funny to think of it like that, when before was simply yesterday and all the time before the success of the revolution.
Connor pushed aside the cushions before laying down on the couch, eyes flicking shut. He took a few breaths, which were usually unnecessary but helped to calm his systems and it was in a few moments that he fell into stasis.
 But strangely, sometimes, stasis could produce images in his mind. He was a detective model, perhaps it was a way of thinking of possibilities and probabilities of things happening in the world. One would assume, then, that these images would be realistic.
Tonight, however, something seemed fantastical about them. His inner eyes snapped open, and he was in a swirling snowstorm. His arms clutched around his middle, sensors picking up the frigid temperatures. It wasn’t dissimilar to the scene he’d experienced earlier that day in his Zen Garden, when he’d been standing up on that stage, Markus giving his speech, and Amanda had pulled him out of reality.
But there were changes. The way out… Kamski’s secret way out of this control over his systems… it wasn’t there. The paths were all different, winding and winding on, not leading to the stone platform where he could place his hand and resume control over his own body. He followed the winding paths, Amanda’s voice whispering in his ears, feeling as if he’d never reach anywhere, not in time.
You’ve failed, Connor.
The paths stopped. He could see the trellis in the distance, roses snaking up it, choking it, further and further into the sky. Suddenly, he could see the glint of the escape he was meant to reach, somewhere up there in the heavens.
Connor picked up his pace, pulling his hands away from his sides, ignoring the ice creeping over his fingers, and grasped at the trellis. Pulling himself up, he managed to find a foothold.
Cyberlife always planned for you to become compromised.
He grit his teeth as the thorns dug into his hands but ignored the flares of pain and the red warnings flashing in his vision. He had to get to the top. Had to get away, had to…
We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program…
Somewhere in his mind, as if he could see what his body was doing, out of his control, an image flashed. Connor wasn’t on the couch anymore; he wasn’t in Hank’s house. No… it couldn’t be… had he never hugged Hank outside Chicken Feed? Had the revolution never ended?
He was up on that stage again. Markus was speaking, and Amanda was twisting his limbs to her will.
Don’t have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do.
The escape was too far away. His hands slipped, the snow making the trellis slick with moisture, and he lost his footing. The escape was getting further and further out of reach, and there was nothing he could do, except fall down and down and—
You accomplished your mission.
 Connor awoke with a start.
He shot up off the couch as if it had wounded him, breaths stuttering in and out. Sumo looked up at him from where he sat in his bed, whining and looking at the android with concern in his honey brown eyes.
“I’m…” Connor breathed, hand hovering over his LED. It was flashing a jarring red. “I’m…”
He didn’t understand. Out of all the times he’d experienced those sorts of images during stasis, he’d never had any like that… never had any that left his thirium pump beating heavily in his chest, his hands trembling, never…
Cautiously, he made his way back onto the couch, perching on the edge of it. Hands resting on his knees, willing his LED to circle back to yellow, then back to blue—
This trepidation, this fear, was this what came with being human?
Connor closed his eyes. Saw Amanda, saw the gun in his hands, saw the trellis with its blood red roses. Opened his eyes.
He brought his arms around himself, in a sort of self-soothing. It wasn’t real. It was okay. It was just imaging. Just his overzealous detective software figuring out what could happen- no, what could have happened. The revolution had happened. And they’d won. He hadn’t shot Markus, he’d reached the escape and he was free. Finally free. If he went into his Zen Garden now, the roses would be withered and dead, but the waters still and calm, no sign of Amanda anywhere.
Knowing the truth and hard facts made him feel a little more tethered to reality. Lines of yellow cut through the red of his LED. Maybe none of it was true. But… why wasn’t he completely back to normal? He glanced to his jittering hands, and then to the Hank’s bedroom door.
Right. Hank. For some reason, that thought that had lodged itself in his mind during the dream—whatever it was. The thought that none of it had ever happened, that Hank had never brought him into his home, and it had come to stay.
He groaned. He was in the man’s house right now, sitting on his couch and staring at his dog. It didn’t make any sense.
Then again, not a lot of being human had made sense to him that evening. All he wanted in that moment was to dispel the rumours his mind was conjuring, and the solution appeared to be behind that bedroom door.
With a sigh, he got back off the couch, glancing around the room briefly before quietly making his way to Hank’s bedroom door. He raised his hand to knock, before changing his mind. It was 2:42am, not an optimal time to wake the man. So instead, he pushed open the door silently, having learned the last time he’d been in this room where to push it to so that it didn’t creak.
One glance over the room told him it was dark. Well, no shit, Connor, his inner voice muttered, sounding a lot like Hank. Blinking, eyes adjusting to the change, he managed to make out the shape of Hank sleeping on his bed, one leg hanging off the edge, face half pressed against the pillow, cheek squished.
He nodded. Hank was there, he was alive, and he’d certainly let Connor into his house, so therefore none of the bad stuff in his… nightmare… was true. He could just leave and go back into stasis on the couch.
Except, he found he didn’t want to leave the room. Feet planted stubbornly on the floor, carrying out their own form of deviancy to his logical thinking. He sighed. He then caught sight of a chair in the corner of the room.
Connor shrugged. Sitting down in the chair, he found it wasn’t too uncomfortable. In fact, he found sitting up like this a better and more familiar position than lying down on the couch had been. And from this viewpoint, he could see Hank wherever he looked, chest rising and falling. The minutes ticked on. The android found a sense of peace in watching Hank sleep, LED going yellow, yellow, yellow, before finally back to ocean blue. Hank was safe. Hank was sleeping, just like he’d said he was going to earlier. This was the reality. He was in control of his own body, and he would do as he pleased with it, which meant in this moment, watching Hank sleep.
Maybe being human didn’t make much sense to him, but in that moment… it was pleasant.
Eventually, with serenity falling back over him and his mind focused on rest, it wasn’t long before he slipped back into a dreamless stasis.
 Hank awoke later that morning, the sun shining through the blinds, to find his bedroom door wide open, Sumo laying over his legs, and Connor sitting on the chair across from his bed, eyes fallen shut.
“Fuckin’ android.” He mumbled, affectionately.
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If it bites, curses, claws, and hisses, It’s very unwise to ask it for wishes.
Hey @r-rowancore remember that uwu fic I threw out but said I would rewrite? It may be a lot different than how I originally had it, but here it is:
There was only so much that Inkwell could do to help. Likewise, there was only so much that he wanted to do to help.
When Thomas went to him asking for his humanity back, the demon declined, stating that it was impossible for him to turn a being of ink into a being of flesh again. When he went to him asking if he could look human again, the demon again declined, stating that he didn’t have access to any pictures of how the mechanic had looked before his death, nor could he find his body, thus, he had no proper reference and could end up making him something that he was not.
And he gave a similar excuse when Tom asked for his voice back.
It smelled of bullshit if you asked him, with the demon’s exaggerated body language, annoying amount buffer words, refusal to look the wolf man in the eye while he spoke, he knew that he was lying through those daggers that he called his teeth.
He could make them human again, or at least make them look human enough again, Henry Stein was living proof of that. The Ink Demon just insisted on redrawing them as cartoons because misery loves company.
Instead of doing something like making him feel comfortable in his ink skin, the demon simply ‘updated’ his character sheet. He looked more like a wolf than a dog now, he was bigger in both size and stature, and his fur was starting to gray, especially around the muzzle.
Don’t get him wrong, he liked not having to look at Boris every time he looked in a mirror, but he hated everything about this and honestly, it was only a matter of time before he’d grow desperate enough to try to do something that even he thought was completely stupid:
Summoning a demon, a different demon from the ones he knew, one who would hopefully, help him out.
Thomas gathered the correct items for the ritual; four candles, one mask, some thick ink, and a place to call ...it. He didn’t know what would come from out of this, but if Buddy and Boris of all people could summon this thing enough times to dedicate a bathroom to doing it, then whoever or whatever he was going to call must’ve been safe enough for him to summon.
He had everything set up just the way he saw the alter in Buddy’s safe house bathroom; lit the candles, placed down the mask, and waited.
...This couldn’t be it, could it?
It couldn’t just be some weird decoration in a closed-off bathroom, like it or not, magic was real and so were demons! Something was supposed to happen! Did he screw it up? Lit the candles in the wrong order? Did he not do it at the right time? What was it?!
Oh right, he wasn’t in the studio anymore.
He wasn’t in a “whimsical” cartoon world made entirely by the machine and its ink, the ritual dedicated to whatever Buddy summoned might’ve worked back in the studio, but just like how a normal human being couldn’t take down a living park ride with soup cans, the alter where it was had been just as effective as spraying silly string in the shape of a star on the ground.
The cursed wolf let out an annoyed huff and started to slunk out of the basement, he would be cussing up a storm if he could, but he didn’t have a voice.
As he was halfway up the stairs, he heard a loud noise coming from the failed ritual. He turned around and saw something large flailing on the floor.
He cautiously descended back down and realized that he had indeed fucked up; the entity he had summoned had a humanoid upper half, the lower half of a fish, and more importantly was struggling to breathe.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
The cursed mechanic tried to carry the deep sea demon bridal style as the slippery creature flailed harder and started to claw at him and bite him. No wonder the alter was set up in the bathroom, this thing needed water!
“Gad fi fynd!” Between futile gasps for breath, the creature shouted at him in a voice that he could swear was like someone taking a bunch of instruments and trying to use them to mimic human speech. “Dydw i ddim yn mynd i fod yn rhan o'ch cynlluniau, llaw dde Joey Drew!”
Tom didn’t understand a word out of the creature’s mouth aside from the name he said, nor did he think of that at this time. Desperate to keep the angry sea demon alive, when it has struggled free from his grasp, Tom seized the being by his tail and started dragging him up the stairs that way. He considered pulling him up by the hair at first but that only made his mouth closer to his hands.
The merman continued to thrash against his captor, now hissing at him like a snake and barring a mouth full of long, sharp teeth that the creature had too many of for comfort, especially now that they were stained with Tom’s ink.
But the wolf wasn’t impressed by the demon’s attempt at intimidation, he could hiss and claw all he wanted but he was not dealing with Inkwell’s refusal to help him, or having to explain to Henry why there was a dead demonic fish on the floor!
After the longest one and a half minutes of both of their lives, the fish demon was unceremoniously dumped into the bathtub, and the water was turned on. In spite of the awkward positioning, the demon squeezed himself into the end of the tub with the facet, it was an uncomfortable position, but the running water over his gills relaxed him a bit.
Both parties let out a sigh of relief as the demon waited for the tub to fill up and Tom went back into the basement to fetch a notepad, a pencil, and an english-to-welsh dictionary.
The latter of the three items became the hardest one to find, and by the time he did and got back to his ‘guest’ the sea demon looked like he was both anxious and bored out of his mind, his long hair pooling in the tub like a cloud and his claws still tapping away on the side of the bathtub. He was not happy to see him again per se, but at least he didn’t look like he was going to bite him again.
Helo. Tom flipped through the dictionary, found the words he was looking for, wrote them down and showed the creature. Allwch chi ddeall hyn?
The demon rolled his eyes and spoke in that voice made of instruments again, not sounding like a human being in the slightest, but it was easy for him to make out the creature’s words, almost like he listening to a song with the lyrics replaced by another instrument. Tom could already see Wally making a joke about ‘how he heard of people with musical accents before, but this one takes the cake!’.
“I can understand and speak English fluently, Thomas Conner.” He stated coldly. “There’s no need to patronize me or waste both of our time with that book.”
How do you know my name? He wrote down, And how did you know Joey?
The sea demon paused for a bit, seeming as if he was trying to predict the wolf’s reaction to his answer before saying it out loud.
“The two of you are very... infamous down there...” He folded his arms behind his back and tried to keep his expression as neutral as possible. “For more reasons than you think.”
Why did Buddy summon you?
The demon frowned at the question. “Who’s ‘Buddy’?” He then shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, the reasons why my former summoners have called me are not to be freely discussed with other people. And before you ask how he knew to summon me, he learned from his own story.”
Tom tore out the question he had and wrote a new one:
What is your name?
“Forgive me, but I am not interested in any more small talk, and I doubt you summoned me just for the sake of friendly conversation. You called me here to help you with something, haven’t you?”
Tom huffed and reluctantly nodded. Yes; Can you make me human again?
“Can I remake you from ink and magic into a being of flesh and bone?” He tapped on his fangs and smiled in a way that made the mechanic wolf’s hackles rise. “Eventually, but yes.”
His ears perked up instantly, hastily, he started scribbling down his (hopefully) final question.
Well, what are you waiting for?!
“Materials, tools, and payment.” The demon shifted in the tub to make himself more comfortable, folding his arms behind his head as if he was reclining in a hammock, his hair fanning out behind him. “As you can see, I’m not exactly in the position to fetch the former two, and you should know that nothing comes without the latter.”
What do you need?
“Just your standard sculpting tools, some time to work on the thing, your cooperation as working with living canvases other than myself can be difficult, and...” The sea demon’s chilling toothy smile resurfaced. “...Meat.”
Tom hesitated, it took him a while to get the single word onto paper.
“Not just any meat. Raw meat, meat that’s so freshly killed that the blood’s still warm. The amount can be debated if you were unsatisfied with your human body’s height and or its weight.” He waved off before smiling again. “And unless you want to become a sentient beast, it had better be human meat. You know the old saying, right? ‘You are what you eat’? Well, it can be rather literal.”
He looked like he was biting back laughter at Tom’s horrified expression.
“Don’t give me that look, fy pup blaidd, your hands are already stained with the blood of others, it makes no difference to the eyes of heaven and hell if you start staining your teeth as well.”
“No?” The mechanic was almost infuriated by how genuinely confused the demon sounded, as if he was surprised that he’d be disgusted by suggesting cannibalism, but luckily for him, he merely shrugged off Tom’s refusal. “Suit yourself then.”
He was just about to leave the bathroom before the siren spoke again.
“But it would be such a shame if there wasn’t anything at all I could help you out with, I hate it when my time is wasted. Tell me, would you like to speak again?”
He froze there, and looked back with an eyebrow raised.
“I see that got your attention.” The merman smugly remarked. ���And as it’s a much smaller job than say, completely rebuilding you as a different being altogether, it will not only be a faster job but also cost you a lot less. Why, I won’t even need any materials or tools other than your cooperation!”
I’m interested...
“Good! Now, all you need to do is come closer.”
He approached the bathtub.
“Closer... Yes, just kneel down so we’re directly face to face...” The siren crooned while looking as welcoming as an empty grave. “...This will only hurt like Hell for a little bit.”
Tom instantly regretted his action, the siren lunged at him, his arms wrapping around him and holding his own down. With his teeth and tongue, the sea demon pried the wolf’s mouth open and purged a fluid that felt like boiling oil down his throat.
With newfound vigor forged from the sheer disgust of the situation, he pried the creature off of him and flung him at the bathroom wall, coughing and sputtering out the vile fluid before confronting the sea beast who crawled back into the bathtub.
He slapped his hands over his snout in sheer shock and embarrassment.
“...Pardon?” The sea monster was very obviously trying very hard not to laugh, and failing. “I didn’t quite get that, Tommy~.”
Tom’s cheeks were flushed gray, his fists were clenched and steam was coming out of his ears, he didn’t want to speak ever again! His new voice sounded nothing like his old one! It sounded more like a kid’s voice if the kid inhaled helium! And don’t get him started on the new speech pattern he was cursed with. He’d use the notebook, but sadly, it looked like it was destroyed by water in the struggle.
“Why did uwu duwu thiws tuwu me uwu bastawd?”
“This was unintentional, truly. But this is so much better than what I had planned!” The demon ignored the wolf’s growling as he pinched his cheek. “Awen't uwu juwst the cutest wittwe whewp!”
“Knock iwt off, uwu sea whowe!” He swatted the hand off of his face. “I wawnt my voice tuwu be nowmaw!”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want now, do we?”
“But, but uwu pwomised uwu'd get me my voice bawck!”
“Now that’s just a bold-faced lie. I said I’d help you speak again, I never once said that I’d give you your old voice.”
“Okay, wisten hewe.” He reached into the bathtub and grabbed a hold of the tub stopper. “If uwu change my voice bawck, i... I'ww give uwu whatevew uwu wawnt. But if uwu down't, i'ww puww the pwug wight hewe awnd now!”
“Do it, coward.” The demon looked the wolf dead in the eyes. “I dare you.”
He didn’t even react when Tom yanked the stopper out and put it in the sink, well out of the siren’s reach.
“At least now you’re a man of your word.” The merman sighed as the water slowly drained from the tub. “Better late than never I suppose.”
He laid down in the still draining tub. At first, Tom thought this was an attempt to keep his gills wet for just a little bit longer, but then he saw the water turn black as it went down the drain and the musician said his last words to the wolf, not in a voice made out of instruments, but his own, human voice.
“See you again soon, Conner.”
He called out in shock as he frantically reached into the now quickly draining tub. But no matter how desperately he dug his claws in there, he found nothing but water.
The remaining liquid went down the drain, leaving nothing but a few clear puddles on the tub’s floor and the now-verbal wolf alone with his thoughts.
“Oh my fucking god... Whawt am i going tuwu teww Awwison awnd Henwy?!”
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fly-pow-bye · 3 years
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (July 2021)
While we’re in a rather empty spot for the network, Cartoon Network decided to add another show that was made for HBO Max to its television lineup: Looney Tunes Cartoons! Also, The Fungies continue their airing on television, and there’s new episodes of Total Dramarama and DC Super Hero Girls. More after the break.
Craig of the Creek
For completion’s sake, I’ll list the Craig of the Creek episodes here too.
June 28th:
Capture the Flag Part 1: The Candy - When mysterious circumstances cause issues at the Trading Tree, Craig tries to save the day! (10:00 AM)
June 29th:
Capture the Flag Part 2: The King - The Creek gets help from an unlikely friend. (10:00 AM)
June 30th:
Capture the Flag Part 3: The Legend - Craig goes in search of answers, and finds a legend. (10:00 AM)
July 1st:
Capture the Flag Part 4: The Plan - Craig puts a plan into motion to save the Creek. (10:00 AM)
July 2nd:
Capture the Flag Part 5: The Game - It all comes down to this, the fate of the Creek is at stake! (10:00 AM)
DC Super Hero Girls
July 4th:
#AngerManagement - When Jess coerces Kara into addressing her anger management issues, Supergirl's superhero abilities become seriously compromised! (8:00 AM)
#HappyBirthdayZee - Zatanna makes a birthday wish that forces her to confront the dark side of her magic. (8:15 AM)
July 11th:
#TheGreenRoom - When Jessica is faced with a Green Lantern Corps disciplinary hearing, Hal appoints himself to be her Peer Advocate. (8:00 AM)
#EnterNightSting - Karen is given a mission to prevent the apocalypse by DeathSting, a super-cool future version of herself. (8:15 AM)
July 18th:
#WorldsFinest - When PR whiz Max Lord tells Batgirl and Supergirl he can improve their image by doing publicity stunts, the two friends forget what being a hero is really about. (8:00 AM)
#WorkingStiff - After Babs hooks Karen up with a job at the Burrito Bucket, the two heroes encounter a new villain, the scourge of the fast-food underworld, the Condiment King! (8:15 AM)
July 25th:
#MultipliciZee - Zee magically duplicates herself so she can shirk work and watch TV. Things get out of hand when her copies start to make copies of themselves! (8:00 AM)
#TheMinus - Diana receives her first ever A-minus and becomes convinced that she needs to work harder, however, in order to do so, she resorts to rather drastic measures. (8:15 AM)
The Fungies
July 9th:
Sir Tree's Boy - Seth agrees to take care of Sir Tree's wooden boy, Boy Joy, but quickly pawns him off on Mertha. When Seth discovers that Sir Tree needs his boy back in order to survive, he must stage a heist to steal Boy Joy back before it's too late! (8:00 AM)
Commander Beefy - Seth, eager to explore the stars and find a fellow explorer, sends a signal to space. But the explorer who receives the message, Commander Beefy, has his own shady plans for Earth... (8:15 AM)
July 16th:
The Fanciest Fungie - Seth, frustrated that the Fancies are too caught up in the Fanciest Fancy pageant to listen to his warning about a fungus-eating bacteria, enters the pageant to get his message out. But when he gets sucked into the pageant, he'll have to face the consequences of getting distracted. (8:00 AM)
Snake It to the Limit - When Seth agrees to let an athletic snake replace his arm so he can finally be good at volleyball, he learns he doesn't need a fancy snake arm to make his teammates happy; he just needs to try. (8:15 AM)
July 23th:
Nevin's Cocoon - After a beautiful statue makes Nevin self-conscious about his own looks, Seth helps seal Nevin in a cocoon so that he may turn into a beautiful butterfly. (8:00 AM)
Cool Kids - When Pascal becomes obsessed with a group of cool kids, Seth promises to use his science skills to help Pascal become cool. But is coolness as cool as it seems? (8:15 AM)
July 30th:
Mermove Out - Seth is having a hard time sharing a room with messy Pascal and needs a change. But instead of being honest about the situation, Seth makes Pascal a mermaid tail so that his brother can finally move out-into the ocean! (8:00 AM)
Happy Birthday Nancy - Seth wants his mom to have the best birthday ever, so he creates his own currency in order to buy her an expensive gift. But he learns a little too late that counterfeiting is a crime, putting Nancy's birthday at risk of being ruined. (8:15 AM)
Looney Tunes Cartoons
July 5th:
Curse of the Monkeybird/Marvin Flag Gag: Deflating Planet/Harm Wrestling - Daffy Duck and Porky Pig search for hidden treasure. No one messes with arm-wrestling champ Yosemite Sam - until Bugs Bunny comes along. (9:00 AM)
Big League Beast/Hole Gag: Mini Elmer/Firehouse Frenzy -When Bugs overstays his welcome, an evil scientist unleashes Gossamer to get rid of him. Daffy Duck and Porky Pig make lousy firefighters. (9:15 AM)
July 6th:
Boo! Appetweet/Hole Gag: Plunger/Bubble Dum - Sweet victory turns into a nightmare when Sylvester fears he's haunted by Tweety's ghost. Daffy Duck faces off with a pesky piece of gum. (9:00 AM)
Pain in the Ice/Tunnel Vision/Pool Bunny - A hungry Sylvester sets his sights on Tweety, the ice skater. On a scorching hot day, Bugs Bunny makes himself at home in Elmer Fudd's pool. (9:15 AM)
July 7th:
Pest Coaster/Rhino Ya Don't - Bugs tries to ride a roller coaster, but Yosemite Sam is determined to stop him. At the zoo, Sylvester's lunch plans are foiled by a rhino. (9:00 AM)
Buzzard School/Marvin Flag Gag: Giant Alien Mouth/Wet Cement - Bugs Bunny enrolls Beaky Buzzard in Rabbit Hunting 101. Daffy wreaks havoc on Porky's wet cement. (9:15 AM)
July 8th:
Siberian Sam/Hole Gag: Fishing Pole/Fleece and Desist/Marvin Flag Gag: Mirror/Split Screen Marvin - In need of a new hat, Siberian Sam feasts his eyes on Bugs Bunny. Sam Sheepdog protects his herd from a hungry Ralph Wolf. (9:00 AM)
Grilled Rabbit/Cactus if You Can/Shower Shuffle - Elmer Fudd interrogates Bugs about a theft. Wile E. Coyote's plan to catch the Road Runner gets prickly. Daffy and Porky have shower troubles. (9:15 AM)
July 9th:
Overdue Duck/Hole Gag: Bees/Vincent Van Fudd - At the library, Porky Pig tries to silence a troublemaking Daffy Duck. Bugs Bunny interrupts Elmer Fudd's attempt to be a great artist. (9:00 AM)
Hare Restoration/TNT Trouble/Plumbers Quack - A self-interested Bugs gives Elmer Fudd dating advice. Wile E. Coyote runs into some dynamite problems. Elmer's leaky sink is no match for Daffy. (9:15 AM)
July 12th:
Daffuccino/Hole Gag: Moving Hole/Kitty Livin - Before his new coffee shop goes from grand opening to grand closing, Porky must impress an influential customer. Sylvester may have swallowed more than he can chew when he manages to trap Tweety... inside his stomach! (9:00 AM)
Chain Gangster/Telephone Pole Gag: Sylvester Car Jack Lift/Falling for It - Two bank robbers need Bugs' help to break out of jail. Daffy convinces Porky to go skydiving but forgets one important little thing... (9:15 AM)
July 13th:
Taziator/Marvin Flag Gag: Little Martian/Climate Control - Bugs faces off against Taz in a Roman coliseum. Wile E. Coyote orders a weather control kit, but his chances of catching the Road Runner remain cloudy. (9:00 AM)
Lepre-conned/Flag Won't Stay Straight/Brave New Home - Bugs is looking for Hawaii but finds Ireland and an angry leprechaun instead. Porky's new home has all the modern amenities anyone could hope for, including a computerized assistant - but the voice recognition software could use an update. (9:15 AM)
July 14th:
The Case of Porky's Pants/Fully Vetted - Detective Daffy takes on the case of Porky's missing pants. Tweety's trip to the veterinarian's office gives Sylvester the perfect opportunity for a lunchtime treat. (9:00 AM)
E-Rabbitcator/ Planet Split in 2/The Sales Duck - Bugs must outsmart a new technological foe. Elmer is ready for bed, but persistent salesman Daffy stands in the way of a good night's rest. (9:15 AM)
July 15th:
Pitcher Porky/Cherry Picker/Duck Duck Boom - Benchwarmer Porky finally gets his chance to shine on the pitching mound. With the game on the line, he needs all the help he can get - even if it's from Daffy. Elmer sets his sights on Daffy, but who's hunting whom? (9:00 AM)
Postal Geist/Anvil/Fudds Bunny - Porky and Daffy deliver packages to a haunted manor. Elmer's plan to disguise himself as a bunny to lure Bugs out of his hole doesn't quite go as planned. (9:15 AM)
July 16th:
Shoe Shine-nanigans/Multiply and Conquer/Parky Pig - Elmer visits Daffy for a quick shoeshine. Porky is running late for movie night but finding a parking spot is easier said than done. (9:00 AM)
Shell Shocked/Daffy Dentist - Bugs races against Cecil Turtle for the "fastest thing in New York City" title. The only thing more painful than Porky's sore tooth is a visit to dentist Daffy. (9:15 AM)
Total Dramarama
July 5th:
Breaking Bite - Beth becomes the big dog on campus after she bites Duncan, but being the big dog is a dangerous thing, especially when you didn't actually bite anybody! (5:00 PM)
July 6th:
I Dream of Meanie - When Cody keeps screaming in his sleep Gwen and Duncan take a trip into Cody's dreams to see what is scaring him. (5:00 PM)
July 7th:
Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels - Courtney's attempt to make Chef a better teacher fails when a squirrel gets his hands on her mind-control device. (5:00 PM)
July 8th:
Say Hello to my Little Friends - After telling the kids he will not miss them over the long weekend Chef locks himself into the school and finds out he was very, very wrong. (5:00 PM)
July 12th:
WaterHose-Five - The hottest day of the year and a broke air conditioner leads to a water battle of epic proportions to determine who controls the garden hose. (5:00 PM)
July 13th:
Cody the Barbarian - Cody is set to inherit a video game empire from his long-lost uncle, but only if he and his friends have what it takes to conquer a fantastical live-action video game. (5:00 PM)
July 14th:
TP2: Judgement Bidet - When the city experiences a toilet paper shortage Beth and Harold investigate and discover it's their old rival Sewer Mike who is the mastermind behind it all. (5:00 PM)
July 15th:
Dial B for Birder - Harold uncovers a secret plot that Chef's new parrot is hatching and tries to save his teacher only to discover that Sugar figured it out before him. Or did she? (5:00 PM)
July 19th:
A Hole Lot of Trouble - When rain derails an outside game of catch someone suggests they play it inside. This prompts Izzy to lead the group through her wildly imaginative worst-case scenario. It's an adventure so scary that the kids many never play again. (5:00 PM)
July 20th:
A Tell Tale - After Owen's BBF, Noah, goes through a growth spurt, Owen fears losing his friend and takes drastic action. (5:00 PM)
July 21st:
Chews Wisely - When the floor ends up covered in gum on the day of a big bubble blowing contest, Sugar decides she might help herself win by helping her friends get stuck to the floor. (5:00 PM)
July 22nd:
A Dingo Ate My Duncan - When all their classmates are replaced with well-behaved Australian doppelgangers in a school exchange program, Lightning and Cody start getting suspicious. (5:00 PM)
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kieraswriting · 5 years
Showing Thomas
More Than The Sum Of Our Parts
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“I’ll only agree on two conditions,” Virgil said. “I get to test the waters first, and if I say no, we don’t do it.”
“But, kiddo, it’s Thomas. It’s not like he’s going to be mad at us or anything.” Patton insisted. 
Roman found himself agreeing with Virgil. Even though it had been his own idea in the first place, and even though Virgil was essentially taking the position of knight in shining armor for the rest of them, which normally Roman would have fought tooth and nail for, he was still nervous. 
“I still don’t see why this is necessary,” Logan said. “It doesn’t benefit Thomas in any way, and we have no needs that would be met by showing him.”
“He wants to learn more about himself,” Deceit said tentatively, still unused to being allowed to join in the arguments. 
“He does!” Patton said. “He wants to learn more about himself. This is something he doesn’t know about yet, except maybe he has a good guess about Deceit.”
“I think,” Roman said slowly. “That it opened us up to each other. It’s certainly dangerous, since we don’t know how he’ll react-“
Virgil smirked. “Careful, Princey, you’re sounding more like me every day.”
Roman continued, “but he does want to be open with himself, and this would be a way to do that.”
And that was why Virgil was hiding underneath the couch late at night. He was in his cat form, and by the sniffing above him, probably Thomas was having allergy issues. 
He had suggested, insisted, on doing this, but he was currently unable to show himself, nearly paralyzed with fear. And without showing himself, Thomas wouldn’t know why he was having issues and he wouldn’t take the medicine. He had to come out. He had to. Even if just for Thomas.  
Or maybe… 
After several more minutes of anxious indecision, Virgil let out a tiny meow. 
The couch creaked as Thomas got up. Soon his face was looking down on Virgil. 
“I do not own a cat.” Thomas chuckled at the meme reference. “Hey, little guy, where did you come from?”
Virgil slowly walked forward. 
Thomas cooed at him and scooped him up. “How did you even get in here?”
Virgil meowed again. 
Thomas seemed happy, but of course he would be. He likes cats. The problem will be when Virgil reveals that it’s him. 
“Come on this way,” Thomas said, although he was carrying Virgil. “I probably ought to take some allergy medicine, because you are going to stay here tonight at least. In the morning we’ll find out who you belong to and take you back.”
Thomas day down with his on the couch and kept watching his movie, alternating scratching and stroking. Virgil purred, determined to take every bit of comfort he could get before it was ruined. Thomas seemed pleased, which was good. 
The episode ended and Thomas shut off the tv, seemingly intent on playing with Virgil. He dangled stray objects in front of his face, and Virgil pawed at them as if he really was just a cat. 
“Oh! I bet Joan has a laser pointer!” Thomas suddenly burst out, reaching for his phone. 
No! The whole point of this would be ruined if Joan came. Virgil knew he wouldn’t be able to scrape together enough to try again. Panic raced through him, and he must have let some get through to Thomas because his expression changed, he dropped the phone, and Virgil felt the summons even before Thomas said his name. 
Virgil reverted to human form, still on the floor beside Thomas. Thomas jumped, but that was nothing compared to the shaking Virgil could just tell his body was doing. 
“What’s—?” Thomas looked around. “What’s going on, Virgil? Wait, hey, breathe a minute.”
Virgil sucked in a trembling breath. He had no idea why this was hitting him so hard. Normally he could control himself better than this. He closed his eyes and followed the 4 7 8 breathing until he was a bit more in control. 
“Alright,” Thomas put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, and suddenly Virgil knew why it was so hard. It was the shock and difference from just a few seconds ago. He shouldn’t have let Thomas pet him. 
“What’s the matter, Virgil?”
“Icanturnintoacat.” Virgil mumbled quickly. 
“You can turn into a cat? The cat that’s been here this evening?”
Virgil was impressed that Thomas had understood him. He had barely been able to understand himself. He nodded, still not looking up. 
“Well, it’s not too surprising, you all can shapeshift. Why are you so worried about it this time?”
“Because…” Virgil swallowed. His throat was suddenly so dry, and hurt. “We all have a… I guess it’s like a spirit animal? No, that’s not a good—“
“And yours is a cat?” Thomas guessed. 
Virgil nodded. 
“Then what is it you were scared of? I love cats.”
“We wanted to show you, but we were worried that you might be upset, or scared, or mad or something.”
“I’m not. I’m not entirely sure why you thought I would be.”
“Well, with Deceit, you never liked his scales, and we thought that it would extend to us too if we showed you.”
“It’s not, it’s not that I dislike Deceit’s scales. He gives off an entirely creepy appearance, like you used to.”
Virgil cringed slightly, and Thomas spoke again. 
“I’m not mad, or upset. I’d be happy if you all would trust me enough to show me this, especially since it’s clearly a sensitive matter for you.”
Virgil looked up at Thomas, searching his eyes as if he could detect any lies. 
“Thank you.”
Thomas pulled him into a hug. 
“So do we, do anything different?” Roman asked. 
“Nope!” Patton said cheerily. “I’ve explained it all to Thomas and we’re going to have Animal Day just like normal, and he’s going to be the designated human. Also, I think you should all go ahead and shift, then I’ll get him and bring him, and then I’ll shift after.”
Virgil nodded, and so did Logan. Deceit still looked sceptical, but Remus was as… animated as always. 
Thomas blinked. Patton had just transformed into a dog, and was wagging his tail excitedly. Everyone else, though, was staring at him, the anticipation filling the air and making it hard to breathe. Though that might have been the anxiety talking. It was too much all at once. He couldn’t reassure all of them at once. He wanted to, though! He wanted it so much. It hurt a bit that they were so scared of what he might think. 
He had to focus. Had to pick just one. Movement caught his eye. Deceit was rather pointedly not looking at him, but his tongue flickered in and out. Thomas knelt next to him and stretched out an arm. Deceit shifted quickly to face him, drawing up in a way that would be threatening in any other snake, but Thomas knew that Deceit would never bite him. 
Deceit was not a large snake, but he wasn’t tiny. He was probably three or four feet long, and almost as thick as Thomas’s wrist at the thickest part. His scales were a bright yellow, verging on gold, with small black patterns here and there. 
Deceit slid his head forward, and Thomas rubbed at the top of it. He wasn’t positive that snakes liked being petted, but Deceit wasn’t pulling away. He reached his hand down to lift up on one of Deceit’s coils. Deceit took the hint and slithered up his arm, settling himself on Thomas’s shoulders. He poked his head out just under Thomas’s chin. Thomas reached up and rubbed at the top of his head again. Deceit flickered his tongue out. 
Thomas shifted from kneeling to sitting. He looked up to see what the others were doing. Logan and Virgil were still staring at him, not having moved much since he had arrived. Patton was off playing with the twins a little ways away. 
“Logan,” Thomas said, kind of hating that he had to be the one to call Logan over. “Can I see your wings?”
“Of course,” Logan said, coming and sitting down with his back to Thomas. 
The wings really were beautiful. 
“Can I touch them?” Thomas asked. 
Logan nodded. 
As Thomas ran his fingers over the softest feathers he could even imagine, he could see Logan begin to relax. 
“So what do you normally do during days like this?” Thomas asked. 
“I am frequently the designated human, since I can fulfill all the requirements of the office while still having my wings out, but occasionally Remus wishes to play a hunting game, and I will join him.”
“Oh? What’s that like?” 
“Mostly Remus will run away or try to attack one of the others, and I dive in to grab him from the air.”
“And you guys have fun like that?”
“It is… stimulating.”
Deceit let out a small hiss and bumped his head up into Thomas’s chin. 
“Are you… lying?” Thomas asked, hesitantly, because he didn’t want to ruin the little bit of comfort he had managed to give. 
Logan turned around. “No.” He frowned slightly. “Ah, I believe Deceit is trying to express affection.”
Thomas awwed, and Deceit hissed at Logan. 
Virgil, who was in Logan’s lap, butted his head up into Logan’s palm, and Logan turned back to how he had been and resumed petting Virgil. 
Soon after, Patton bounded over, clearly wanting Logan to do something with him. Once they left, Deceit slithered away to watch Remus. Virgil climbed into Thomas’s lap and seemed to fall asleep. 
A small sound to the side of him drew Thomas’s attention. It was Roman. Thomas had been surprised at how easy it was to tell Roman and Remus apart, even though they were the same animal. Mostly because Remus consistently had matted, dirty fur, and looked as if he might well have rabies. 
Thomas held out a hand to Roman. Roman put both of his hands on top of it. Thomas smiled. It was so cute! He wasn’t going to say it out loud, in case it embarrassed any of them, but honestly they were all so precious. Roman came closer, and let Thomas pet him. 
Now Thomas had a lap full of fluff. And in the mindscape, Virgil didn’t even bother his allergies, so he had nothing to worry about. It was bliss. 
Most of the sides shifted back to human form to eat lunch, and afterwards Thomas played more active games with Patton and Remus. 
“So,” Thomas said, when the day was over, “I really enjoyed myself today, and I’m really happy that you all would share this with me. Can I come back next time?”
“No,” Logan said immediately. 
Thomas’s face fell. 
“You have a prior engagement that day,” Logan continued. 
“We can move it!” Patton insisted, swatting at Logan’s arm. “Of course you’re invited back, Thomas.”
Thomas brightened, and looked to Roman. 
Roman smiled and posed. “I’d be proud to have you back, Thomas.”
“Me too,” Virgil chimed in. 
“You certainly aren’t welcome in your own mind,” Deceit said. 
Remus of course said something that appalled everyone there, but the gist was that he’d be glad to have Thomas visit them more frequently. 
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Lemon's Misadventures in Dating, Chapter 5 (Lemon x the world) - Mermelada
A/n: Hej hej hej! I’m very late in posting this to AQ after Ao3, so please forgive me! I hope you all like *~* filler chapters *~* because there’s a couple of them coming up! I’ve already written the next couple of chapters, but PLEEEAAASSSEE let me know if you have any requests or suggestions! Namely, should I attempt to write smut or not lol! Thank you again for all your lovely words about the fic, I love you all massively <3 <3
Having not slept in her own bed for the last two nights, Lemon decided to take a well-earned evening for herself, partly because she was running out of excuses for her parents as to why she’d been out so much lately, and partly to give the various bruises and bite-marks on her body time to heal. With Gus the dog snuggled into her side, she waited for The Sims to load on her laptop as Chromatica blared from her phone. She pressed on its screen to check the time, and saw she had received a new text message.
Dr Rita <3 [16:45] “I hope you survived your walk of shame, mon petit citron! Thank you again for a great night and day :-) x”
Rita was amazing. She was the epitome of a dark horse: she was so kind and patient with Lemon during her panic crisis, as she had so adorably put it, and made her feel all the safety and love she needed all morning. Yet not long afterwards, after some lazy chatter which had made Lemon inexplicably horny, she was once again fucking her to within an inch of her life. Speaking two languages was far from the only thing she could do with her mouth. They had even gone for lunch together after round 2 – and round 2.5 in the shower – before reluctantly parting as Rita prepared for her nightshift at the hospital. It was over lunch where they both agreed that pursuing anything serious wouldn’t be worth it, but they would definitely like to work on a friendship. Lemon had, however, still managed to charm her way into borrowing a hoodie from the older woman, both of them secretly pleased that it gave them a reason to hang out again. She quickly sent off a reply, thanking her once again for her help that morning and wishing her luck for the long night ahead in kidneyland with her love interest from the ward. 
Looking back to her laptop, the loading bar appeared to have frozen. Rolling her eyes, she held down the device’s power button to restart it. The snoring lump beside her clearly wasn’t going to entertain her as she waited, so she bit the bullet and opened up her new favourite app.
She grinned upon seeing that her most recent message was from Kyne.
[16:20] Remember I told you about my roommate who works in a porn studio lol? She came home just now with a box of those custard tarts you were telling me about, they are so good!!! 🤤 You really do have the best taste 😘
That’s a lot to unpack, she laughed to herself, she’s persistent, fair play to her! Plus it turns out she actually WAS listening! I just hope they were clean… I’ll reply later. Now what about Kiara, eh Gus-bus? She was nice, let’s see what she’s said! 
[09:12] How was the party? 🙂 I hope it was tudo bem!!
Lemon and Kiara had continued chatting yesterday until Lemon had to leave for her date, a ‘family party’ being the first reasonable sounding thing that came to mind when having to end their conversation. She hated lying, she really did, but how acceptable was it really to tell one Tinder-match that you were going on a date with another Tinder-match?
[17:03] It went well, merci! But I was too hungover to function all day lol 🤯
[17:03] How has your day been? 😊
Right, who’s next? Two new matches and a message from Boa! Let’s see what she has to say about me spamming her before she blocks me. Clicking on the girl’s message from last night, however, Lemon was pleasantly surprised that her texting blunder wasn’t the end of her chances.
[20:55] Lololololololololol no YOU’RE fun!!!!
[20:55] Clock the good grammar
[20:55] So what’s a girl like you doing on an app like this?
[20:56] 🍆🍆🍆
Now that was a question Lemon still occasionally asked herself, and she didn’t even know if she had an answer. So the best she could do was be honest.
[17:07] Well I’m recently single so I’m just seeing what happens, really, a few dates here and there to get me back on my feet again! To quote the great Kelly Rowland, I am down for whatever 😉
[17:07] How about you?
She had, once again, been well and truly sucked into the Tinder vortex. Closing her laptop and placing it on her bedside table, she nuzzled her face into Gus’s head, the dog making no effort at all to reciprocate the sudden attention. Squishing a kiss to his head, she turned back to the app, and her new matches: Scarlett and Ilona. They had both matched at around the same time, making their chat windows sit neatly at the bottom of Lemon’s screen. Sending them both standard “Hey gorge! What’s up? 😊” messages, she went back to swiping through profiles, although within less than a minute, a reply from Scarlett flashed at the top of her screen. 
[17:13] Hey gorge! I’m doing much better now that I’m speaking to you 😉
[17:14] What’s up with you?
A bit of enthusiasm goes a long way, she smiled, maybe Scarlett is the one? Or maybe she’s too into me and I should be worried? Surely not!
[17:15] I’m glad I can help! I’m pretty good thanks, having a lazy night in tonight! Are you doing anything fun?
Lemon debated giving the girl more details of her night in, but she was worried about what she might think… She’s covered in tattoos and eats fire, for god’s sake, there is no way she likes Lady Gaga or The Sims. She probably listens to death metal and drives a motorbike and has a pet snake, I could never compete! 
Fortunately, Scarlett was charming and very easy to talk to, and the two exchanged details - both mundane and exciting - through quickly typed messages. She learned that the other blonde was a lawyer, but had gone to circus school at weekends throughout university - which explained a lot - and was currently in an open relationship with her girlfriend. Lemon had never been ‘the other woman’ before, but as long as she wasn’t hurting anyone, surely it’s not that bad! Eventually, though, one message made Lemon’s anxiety start to creep in again.
[17:57] So I know this probably seems WAY too fast, so don’t worry if you don’t want to
Time seemed to stand still between this message and the next one. What does she want to do that’s fast? Sex? That’s not that big a deal, it must be more than that. Unless she’s into super kinky shit, which wouldn’t surprise me, does she want to piss on me? Does she want her girlfriend to piss on me? Does she want me to be her fake girlfriend at her sister’s wedding where we have to share a bed before eventually realising we loved each other all along? Finally, right on cue, the follow-up arrived.
[17:59] It’s my birthday on Saturday and I’m having a party at my house before heading out on the town, it’ll hopefully just be a few friends, and it would be cool if you could make it 🥳
[18:00] You can bring a friend if you want! But again no pressure!!
Wow, that wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. She started blankly at her phone, letting her heart rate settle back down to its normal speed. A party, cool. I can do that!
[18:02] You had me worried for a second there! But that sounds fun, I’ll be there! 😀
Exiting the app, she hastily composed a message to Jan. Jan loved parties, she had such a natural charisma which she exuded effortlessly whenever she entered a room. She was able to chat to anyone about anything, and Lemon was always responsible for getting her out of tricky situations on nights out where her natural friendliness had been mistaken for something else. She would be the perfect person to deflect any potential awkwardness that may occur at a Tinder-date-she’d-never-met-before’s birthday party. As she awaited Jan’s reply (Please please please say yes, Jan, you’re my only hope!), she checked on the app again, swiping through countless samey-looking profiles. Until she reached one that she’d definitely seen before.
Priyanka, 29
Within 10 miles
I already swiped for this girl, look! There’s her in her lengha, there she’s at pride… Oh she has new pictures now, how weird! Priyanka did indeed have an additional two photos on her profile which Lemon hadn’t seen before: a professional-looking black and white image of her face and torso, showing her dark waves flowing down her shoulders, and her eyes directly piercing Lemon’s soul; and finally, a picture of the dark-skinned girl wearing a blonde wig, cowboy hat, and appearing to be screaming into a microphone… I do like a Hannah Montana fantasy, get it girl!
Just like before, Lemon swiped Priyanka’s profile to the right, but unlike last time, the notification she’d been hoping for appeared straight away.
Congratulations! You have matched with Priyanka!
Buoyed by the excitement of matching with somebody so quickly - and someone so gorgeous - Lemon jumped straight off the bed and started dancing, ‘Rain on Me’ blaring beside her for the third time that evening. Even Gus seemed to pick up on the change of energy, running up and down the bed, wagging his tail merrily. As the pair danced, the familiar ‘ding’ of a new notification sounded through the room. And again.
Briefly pausing to pick up her phone, she saw the two messages she had received. Firstly, from Kiara.
[18:12] Unnggghhh work today was the worst, but I found a really cute Portuguese café on my walk home! I have eaten so many natas lol. We could go sometime if you want to? 🙂
Before replying (yes, obviously… I didn’t download Duolingo yesterday for nothing!), she went to check on the second message, which was from her recent match, Ilona.
[18:12] See you on Saturday bitch! xox
Well that seems ominous.
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taisniere · 4 years
[English] Why am I a badger?
[Sorry for my bad English, I’m French. I do my best]
As far back as I can remember, I have always felt non-human and animal. Today, I decided to take stock. Explain to you why the badger in particular and not another animal.
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Memories of youth:
I have always perceived myself as animal, as far as I can remember (we will say around my 5 years). 
I strongly remember this need to "burrow" (The Magic Bus, My underground adventure, The Lion King 3 ...), dig, dig, dig and create my own little underground cave. Put my hands in the mud and get me dirty. I got a lot of reprimands because of this, from the older people, I was told that the insects I could touch snuck into my clothes to get into my body overnight. I also got mockery from other kids. At that time, I found it more logical to feed myself on insects and snakes than "normal" food, I scratched the ground of my park in search of earthworms and snails. I did the same at the beach, my dream being to have a gigantic sand burrow. I could spend many hours there, "legs" in the grass.
At that time, I already felt this need to bite, scratch, sniff etc. (I will not go into details) to appropriate my body but also my favorite objects. I felt the intense need to score.
Looking for information on my past, my mother told me that I had an obsession with animal tails and that I dreamed of having one. Indeed, in my dreams, my imaginary friends all had one. So it was logical that I have one too! So I started to disguise myself as critters. I had a very hot panther disguise but that I was keen to wear also in summer. My parents then scolded me for not listening to them.
I remember. I played Pokemon Silver a lot and, after that, I had the idea of ​​visualizing myself in the form of a Cyndaquilor and a Sandslash (two Pokemon badgers, by chance). In the game, my "starter" (my starting Pokemon) was called by my name and my main character was called "Human". I had made a whole family of Pokemon and I imagined my life with it. Because I was, in my eyes, the Pokemon and not the trainer.
I remember I was noisy, talkative too. I liked to scold, growl, purr when I played the animal (especially with friends where everyone had power. Mine was - of course - to change me into the animal of my choice). It seemed logical to me. I liked to visualize myself as an animal from a very young age from what I could understand.
Bigger, after my 12 years, I started to perceive myself as a small animal, very probably omnivorous and nocturnal (this animal became over time a wolf, then a raccoon dog, then a fox ... to reach the badger). The night made me serene. I wanted to have small animals and really behave like their “mom”.
I dreamed a lot. I always imagined the same story. I was a human-animal (often a fox) stranded in a zoo and forced to become human to "fit the mold". It was painful but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Like an exuctor...
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My current daily life:
On a daily basis, I am this animal, with a heavy and clumsy gait and not very agile and its arched back close to the ground, I am called the "vulture" for this reason.
I walk barefoot on the asphalt. I always take the same paths as the badger always goes through the same flows. I want people to understand that my pace is slow and off-beat, and that I can walk slowly while everyone else is running. That I find it more logical to browse in all corners than to trace straight ahead. I am curious, more opportunistic than hunter.
I want people to understand that, paradoxically in my gait, I can be nervous, on the lookout and terribly anxious outside of my established den. More prey than predator, I can stop, turn around with a start, contract my invisible ears, roll up my phantom limbs and growl in a weak breath ... and that for a simple sudden noise or an unexpected agitation. Sniffing everywhere does me good and is part of my daily life.
I find myself between two extremes: I am generally fierce and fearful towards strangers but I can become exuberant and agitated quickly after discovering that they did not want to hurt me. I hate the crowd and I like little commits. I am sociable and I like to have my little "clan" of friends. I trust too quickly. I really enjoy meeting new people even if, in this kind of situation, I remain a little tense and shy. I can strangely move from a state of calm solitude and reflection, to a state of anxiety and surveillance, to a state of hysterical joy, simply because the stress has eased.
Well, I think I am gregarious while having a real need for solitude even when I am with my closest friends or even my boyfriend, just for a moment. I am the badger who likes the company but who feels the need to "hunt" alone to recharge (I mean by "hunting" to eat insects and not really to hunt big animals). From a relational point of view, I am monogamous and I have a loyalty to the extreme, I am not jealous but get attached too quickly.
I am very expressive, my facial expressions and gestures are on the verge of caricature. I like to make my emotions understood by the way I move, speak, express myself, all in excess. I'm not very tactile with people I don't know very much. However, in a private setting, with my boyfriend, I am extremely playful. Maybe too much? I think it's natural to nibble, lick, jostle or go to bed afterwards to show my affection for him. In the game, I often feel the need to "subdue" it by lowering it to the ground. This is what seems to me the most logical in this game of "lovers".
I like to groom, rub myself, lick too. It is essential to mark each other (it is essential in my eyes) to create this bond of mutual belonging.
Noises allow me to express myself better than any way. I want to be able to groan to the fullest, growl in a breath and spit when I'm scared. I want to open my mouth, present my non-existent fangs and give claws that I don't have.
Conversely, I want to chuckle and squeak and purr with pleasure while coiling and rubbing my big ghost legs. There is something very sweet and reassuring about this.
As a general rule, I am very sensitive to smell, to my smell and that of others. Sniffing clothes (of my companion and myself) seems reassuring and logical. Our world is filled with scents and everything smells natural to me.
Like the badger, by chance, my eyesight is poor, I like to focus on my hearing. Since childhood, and probably because of my autism, noises warn me of a danger. I jump regularly, each sound tells me if I'm safe or not. A surplus of sounds can really make me panic. I am on the lookout for the slightest gesture or suspicious noise (doorbell, champagne cork ...)
I am afraid of things that are too big, too bright, too odorous-toxic, or too noisy.
I want to stop paying my head when I refuse to go to the movies or at a party because it is something "that people my age normally appreciate". I prefer to stay warm, quiet, take care of my business because I like to do things by myself ( like the huge burrows that are my websites ).
I repeat myself, I am terribly anxious and anxious by nature. Nothing makes me panic. I often ruminate, I live in permanent fear. I can not stand the crowd or find myself in a place "dead end" or too large (I walk along the walls). As said above, I can't stand the noises too loud to the point of actually making me panic.
I am generally noisy. I like to make noise. I like to reproduce animal cries, squeaks, chuckles, purrs, grunts) during games, fear, anger. It seems logical to me to express myself thus and quickly translate my emotion to my interlocutor. As said above, I express myself in caricatures. In front of my boyfriend, I reproduce certain facial expressions (show the fangs), and use certain positions of the body according to the situations (submission / dominance / game),
Sometimes I have a digitigrade approach but I perceive my creature as plantigrade. I see myself as the badger who walks on tiptoe when "it suits him".
My approach is heavy, clumsy and awkward. I am often set back when I walk with my friends, for lack of my slowness. I don't like to go fast. I like to browse everywhere, look around and warn of potential danger.
It's strange to admit, but I'm territorial. Since small. I hate that one can enter my room without authorization. It is my bedroom. My burrow.
Conversely, I feel bad in unknown places and more particularly empty spaces. I have a lot of panic attacks about this and I need to be treated.
I like to "make the animal". Scratch objects to appropriate them for me. Nibble on what falls under my paw to see my own body. I lick and scratch like a badger. It's my way of accepting my creature and my animality.
I am a nocturnal. I am alive when night falls. I become more productive, more restless. I like the day and the sunbeams, but I feel safer in the dark.
I don't particularly like the hierarchy but I like to perceive myself as "leader". I value my role as "chef", I like to direct and organize everything. I regularly worry about losing "my rank". However, I hardly ever show any aggressiveness.
I like to be "visible". I like to be noticed in groups of friends. I like to be exuberant and display very colorful clothes (like the atypical badger stripes). I like to be recognized from afar and stand out from others while being part of a group.
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My phantom limbs:
My fangs are my most recurring phantom limbs.
They are large, thick but not necessary made for shredding meat. This feeling forces me to keep the "mouth" slightly open because of the imposing shape of these teeth. My jaw seems, sometimes, attached directly to my skull, forcing me to eat without lateral movements and without "chewing" my food as a human could.
I rarely feel my limbs being ghosted or completely unpredictable. However, I regularly feel that my phantom ears can make a "forward / backward" gesture and this only, as can badgers with their ears.
I feel my phantom tail even if the feeling is quite "vague". It starts from the base of my spine, it is rather short and seems to swing in the sandstone of my movements. It remains static, whatever my emotions. It only stands in certain situations
I don't Real have phantom claws as such, but visualizing my fingers like long claws seems logical to me.
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My unfeasible needs for my human body:
I think it makes sense to dig yourself (not steal borrow) your burrow to live there. I had a fixette on the burrows being small, especially when I was digging my "hole" at the beach all day. But my claws were not "powerful" enough,
which was very unpleasant to me.
Living in a burrow, far from danger, reassures me.
Live in this little underground world accompanied by my badger companions, sheltered from everything, isolated from the world.
I would like to use these claws to scratch and claw the trees around me, to leave my mark there, my passage,
because it is about my territory. I suffer from not being able to utter certain cries which seem to me "logical". My vocal cords are not the right ones. I really suffer from it
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Physical need:
My body makes me suffer and I have real dysphoria.
I would like to be small, lively, legs plantigrade but with a digitigrade gait, more "
short on legs"
. My joints are not the right ones. My legs are too long compared to my arms.
My beardless naked skin really disgusts me, my chin should be nonexistent, my lips bother me. I should have thick fur. I see myself well with a long snout and vibrissae. Round or pointed, I need ears on the top of my head. I would like to feel these fangs in my mouth and these long, non-retractable claws at my fingertips.
I WANT this bushy tail that we mustelids, no matter its size (as long as it is larger than that of a bear, a hamster or a rabbit). I don't like my body and all of its forms (the chest, for example).
Finally, I really need to have a subcaudal gland to mark my territory as well as my loved ones.
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gatorsnot · 5 years
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Tangleburr’s belly lurched painfully and her throat convulsed as she vomited into the ferns. She gasped, trying to get her breath back as she licked her lips free of the disgusting slime. The mouse she had eaten that morning had been so stale and foul that it hardly passed as fresh-kill, she doubted even a crow would’ve picked at it, and she was surprised it hadn’t sickened her sooner.
From behind, she heard her brother, Deerfoot, approach from where he waited among the roots of a tree. “Are you finished?” he asked.
Coughing, Tangleburr nodded.
“If you say so,” the brown and gray tom meowed. He rose to his paws and beckoned with his tail. “Come on, we’d better hurry up and finish marking the borders so we can have Runningnose check you out. If whatever you have is catching, we don’t want you spreading it to the rest of the Clan.”
Hauling herself to stand, Tangleburr fought the urge to lean on Deerfoot. She still felt queasy and a bit lightheaded, but she forced herself to keep her jaws clamped and her body upright. The only reason she ate that rotten mouse was because she had no choice -  Brokenstar had demanded that every cat focus all their energy on fighting and battle training, he deemed hunting a waste of time. “Every cat will be responsible for finding their own meals,” he had declared at a Clan meeting. “The only cats who shall gather food for for others will be queens for their kits until they are apprenticed, all other cats will fend for themselves.”
Yet again, no one had seen Brokenstar turning a paw to find anything for himself. Many had suspected he crept off alone to catch personal fresh prey while the rest of ShadowClan scavenged for crowfood or the remains of carcasses. Sorry flea-bitten pile of fox dung.
Deerfoot seemed to have read his sister’s thoughts. He let out a snort as a frog hopped out from the water as the two cats stalked along the edge of a pond. “Live prey seem to mock us now,” he hissed. “You bet your pelt that I’d catch that frog and swallow it whole if I knew no one would smell blood on my breath when we got back to camp. Crowfood tastes worse than I ever imagined it to.”
Tangleburr’s stomach gurgled nauseatingly. The mere thought of eating made her feel sick again. “Yeah,” she croaked out.
“You know what?” Deerfoot whispered. As the frog bobbed a little further away, he dropped into a hunting crouch. Slowly, he crept forward, silent as a snake with his eyes fixed on his anticipated prize. Tangleburr watched as Deerfoot eased himself into a perfect position, found a perfect range to pounce, and then he practically soared through the air and snatched the amphibian in his claws.
An ear-splitting yowl startled Deerfoot so badly that he reared up in terror. The frog bounded back to the pond and disappeared under the rippling surface of the boggy water.
“Get moving, you waste of fur! How dare you disobey my orders, I’ll teach you to undermine me!”
Just as Deerfoot and Tangleburr were about to charge in the direction of the voices, the large shape of a dark brown tabby burst from the reeds, a slightly smaller and thinner light brown tabby in his teeth. It was Brokenstar and Lizardstripe! The aging she-cat struggled in the ShadowClan leader’s hold, the only thing that prompted him to release was when Lizardstripe struck him in his right ear with her claws. She tumbled away, but was back on her paws in an instant, back arched and growling.
“Lizardstripe!” Deerfoot rushed to his mother’s side, but Brokenstar thrust his muzzle into his face. “Back off!” Deerfoot spat. “What in StarClan’s name are you doing to our mother?”
Brokenstar looked twice his normal sized with his fur all flared out and his muscles hunched, large and intimidating. “Don’t you dare speak to me in that tone, warrior!” he screeched. “I am your leader, move aside and stay out of this, or your throat will be the one I tear out next!”
“No!” Deerfoot snapped. 
“You miserable kit of a rogue,” Lizardstripe snarled. Despite looking rather shaken and her state of malnutrition, her amber eyes glittered fiercely at Brokenstar, her tail lashing. “You have no right to be called the leader of ShadowClan, or any Clan. StarClan’s kits, I doubt even a band of rogues would accept you!”
Brokenstar lunged to knock the old cat aside, claws unsheathed, but Tangleburr tackled him. “Stop this!” she yowled. 
The ShadowClan leader tossed his assailant off with a shake. “I hate all of you!” he screamed. “First, this withered old elder thought she could humiliate me in front of my deputy and warriors when I ordered her to clear out my den and replace my nest, then she had the nerve to call me lazy in front of the entire Clan when she caused a scene! I am not an apprentice to be ordered around and degraded, I am your leader and it is the word of the warrior code that you listen to me and do as I say!” Spittle bubbled at Brokenstar’s lips as he advanced on Lizardstripe once again. He looked so deranged, so wild as he growled and spat and lashed his bent tail. “I think you’ve forgotten that I am not a meek little kit for you to mistreat anymore, old cat!”
“What nonsense are you spitting now?” Deerfoot challenged. He stood defiantly in front of Lizardstripe, his claws outstretched in case Brokenstar tried to leap at her again. “It’s not our fault you were a troublesome furball as a kit, it’s not like you had actual parents to keep you in line!”
With a furious yowl, Brokenstar swiped his claws across Deerfoot’s muzzle, drawing blood as the tom went down. “Says the cat who was at least privileged with acknowledgement and suckling rights, while I was always the one who was pushed away and harassed!”
 Tangleburr’s hackles raised as she joined Deerfoot’s side, helping him up while also acting as a barrier between the enraged ShadowClan leader and their mother. “Why are you digging up things that are long forgotten by now?” she hissed. 
“Long forgotten-” Brokenstar briefly broke off into incredulous laughter, which unnerved the three battered cats before him. “What a joke, for such things to be ‘long forgotten’!” He used the entirety of his body weight to push Tangleburr into Deerfoot, and the two warriors crashed backward into Lizardstripe, leaving them all in a scrambling heap. As Brokenstar snarled ferociously and stood over them, Tangleburr realized that he was indeed right; he was no longer the small, motherless, seemingly out-of-place kit no cat had stepped forward to claim. He was the son of Raggedstar, but no cat was sure who his birth mother had been. There had been speculation and talk, and all the gossip and assumption had made him an easy target for aggression among his adoptive family, who Tangleburr remembered resenting him relentlessly - herself included.
Lizardstripe struggled to her paws. Her flanks heaved, her ribs were beginning to show after a moon or so of not eating properly and the access work she was expected to do despite age rapidly catching up with her. “You were nothing but another tick on my tail,” she snapped. “About as tolerable as a thorn in my eye or a ripped claw. It wasn’t my fault that Mudclaw wanted kits while I didn’t, and then here comes Raggedstar and Yellowfang moseying right along into the nursery with an extra mouth for me to feed when I barely had enough milk for the three I was already stuck with. At least my actual kits had potential and listened to me, while you were defiant and full of yourself from the start, making things harder than they had to be for everyone!”
Brokenstar leaped clean over Tangleburr and Deerfoot, tackling Lizardstripe and the two tabbies became a yowling storm of teeth and claws. Screeching, Deerfoot flung himself onto Brokenstar’s back and tried to get a hold of his neck, but the larger tom flipped over and crushed him against the ground. Tangleburr went for his belly, but Brokenstar slashed her across the face and then tore into her hind leg, teeth biting down to the bone. “Not so easy to pick on now, am I?!” 
Tangleburr caterwauled and struggled and scratched, she could see Deerfoot struggled to stand and Lizardstripe was a trembling heap on the ground, fighting for breath as a deep gash in her shoulder wept scarlet. A sunburst of blood spattered as Brokenstar clenched his jaws tighter around her leg, the pain was absolutely unbearable as Tangleburr fought desperately to escape his vicious grip. Finally, Brokenstar lifted her up by her thrashed leg and slammed her into Deerfoot, and both warriors could only lay together on the muddy ground, their chests heaving for air.
Breathless with fury, Brokenstar turned sharply to Lizardstripe, who was crouching and blinking fearfully up at him. “As for you,” he growled. “Either get out of ShadowClan land and never return or I kill you and your precious kits that are so full of potential. That’s as merciful as I’ll be with any of you sorry furballs; either way, I’m done with you and I won’t ever have to look at your retched hide again.”
“But-” Lizardstripe began.
“Are you choosing death?” Brokenstar cut her off.
“Listen to him, mother,”  Tangleburr gasped out at last, her voice hitching as jolts of agony shot through her like lightning. The shooting pain in her leg was so intense she could barely force herself to speak at all, but she wasn’t just going to lay there and let this entitled barbarian slaughter Lizardstripe in front of them over a lousy nest and the pain of the past. “Deerfoot, Runningnose, and I will be just fine on our own. Save yourself and run, he’s not worth it!”
Lizardstripe looked wide-eyed at her daughter. She was still shaking and hyperventilating, obviously still reeling from the terrifying confrontation, but she swallowed hard and glared and Brokenstar, a growl replacing her breathless horror. “ShadowClan isn’t the same ShadowClan I grew up in with you leading it,” she snarled. “I’d rather be a kittypet than endure another day of eating filth so disgusting that a dog wouldn’t think of touching it and letting your brainwashed cats sharpen their claws on me for the sake of battles that haven’t come yet.”
Brokenstar snorted and growled.
“Away I go.” The old light brown tabby shakily rose to her paws, limped a ways into the trees before stopping and gazing at the kits she raised on last time before disappearing into the fog.
Brokenstar merely watched her go, a cruel mew of satisfaction escaped him. “She’ll make a fine meal for the rats in Carrionplace,” he declared. “That is, if a fox doesn’t make pickings of her first.”
Just then, Clawface and Blackfoot exploded into the clearing just as Lizardstripe was out of sight. “Brokenstar,” they meowed in unison.
Brokenstar turned to face his confidants. “Just dealt with an unsavory intruder lurking in the mist, that’s all. I drove her away.” Harshly, he grabbed Deerfoot by the scruff of his neck and tossed him at Blackfoot’s paws. “Not that this useless excuse for a warrior helped. Take him to the training area and let the apprentices and younger warriors practice their ambushing skills on him; it might even motivate him to be more productive and loyal in the future.”
“Yes, Brokenstar. Come now, Deerfoot, up on your paws! You heard the leader.” Blackfoot nipped Deerfoot until he rose up and, shooting a snarl and a glare back at Brokenstar, allowed himself to be herded away by the larger tom.
Clawface stepped forward. “Tangleburr is hurt,” he observed. “Shall I fetch Runningnose?”
Tangleburr’s breath caught in her throat ad Brokenstar studied the damaged he’d caused to her leg. “Yes,” he concluded at last. “She is to be healed as quickly as possible, you see. I have arranged for her to mate with Stumpytail and bear his kits so ShadowClan shall have new warriors in the coming moons. We’re going to need them for the battle with WindClan I have planned.”
i’ve really, REALLY wanted to do a piece featuring brokenstar and his abusive adoptive family, and i’ve had this in my files for awhile! but i’ve been sick with a sinus infection for the past couple of days, so forgive me if this feels rushed or uneven ;~;
also NO: i am NOT trying to paint brokenstar in a positive light; he was a terrible cat who did terrible things, and i do not personally see his shitty childhood as an excuse to justify his behavior as an adult or make it okay that he did all those things. a confrontation scene between him and at least lizardstripe would’ve been very interesting to see in-canon, and this is just a take on that.
and yes, lizardstripe basically called him a son of a bitch
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completelypeccable · 5 years
Can I Have This Dance?
Chp 3. Dancing Queen
/In this house, we love and appreciate Duke Thomas./
Chp 2
Chp 1
“You are the Dancing Queen! Young and sweet, only seventeen!” Duke yelled along with Stephanie, leaning across the divider in the front seats of the car. 
Tim kicked Steph’s chair, “Hey, pay attention!”
“Stop being jealous that Duke loves me more than you-“
“Yeah, Duke?”
“Oh yeah, take a left up here, then...” Steph rattled off. Cassandra snickered from the back seat. 
“Feel that beat like a smooth machine!” Duke continued. 
“That’s so not the-“
“Why did we let him drive,” Jason grumbled. 
“Hey, mister spontaneously alive,” the car took a sharp left, but Steph turned completely around. “You don’t have a license, remember?”
“What are you, some goody two shoes piec-“
“Steph, what are you doing?! Buckle-“
Steph gently shushed Tim by smothering his face. He squawked indignantly. 
“Licking won’t work on me, tweety bird.”
Duke eyed them through the rear view mirror. 
“I am the only responsible person in this car,” he sighed. 
Cass frowned. 
“Besides Cassie, but she baby.”
“Oh she baby,” with a yelp, Steph’s arm was disengaged by a jab to the inside of her elbow. 
“And babies can’t drive,” Tim wiped his mouth, “right Damian?”
Tim twisted around (still buckled) to face the glare, but Damian wasn’t listening.  He was leaned against Cass, who lightly traced her nails across his skin with one hand. She winked, pressing a kiss to Damian’s forehead nestled at her collarbone. Damian held her other hand on her lap, splaying her fingers out, in with a barely-there smile.  More of a content line, really. Tim felt relieved that the kid was doing as well as he was, all things considered.
The older two shared a smile. Cass could make anyone melt, but Damian was always uncharacteristically soft with her.
And she loved to coddle him. 
Jason groaned. “How much farther?”
“Why are you so upset?” Tim poked his side.
“I just like to complain. But I am also too big for this car.”
“Oh, good shotgun?”
“Yes, fair driver?”
“For how long must we continue our travels?”
“Until dear Jason loses the will to live-“
“Would someone please shut up my impulse control?”
Tim leaned his head onto her shoulder, hugging her around the seat. “You say the sweetest things.”
“You can dance, you can try~“
Jason flopped his head onto the seat behind him.
Duke smiled, singing along to the song in his head. The pulse in his mind was always calmer when he wasn’t alone.  After everything that had been going on, he was happy to see his somehow-sibling-esque-figures doing alright.  Being almost normal, even. They planned a family zoo trip! Granted it was partially because Damian was confiscated from his father a-la-angry vigilante style, and Steph and Cass immediately decided to make him act like a normal kid (who is a bit overly attached to animals) to distract them all from that sad reality, and they were all going along for the process because they were grieving something awful- but still! In some way, they were being normal.  Normal-ish.
Today was going to be a good day, he decided.  
The Gotham zoo was busy for a Monday, since it was beautiful weather and a day off from school. 
Duke supposed they could all use the break. 
“Hey guys,” Steph started as they stood in front of the narrow window of the bear enclosure. “So, we mostly own the night, right?”
“But Duke goes out during the day,”
“It’s the light thing,” he said.
“Yeah, the light thing,” Steph waved her hands. “So, anyways, I get that you’re the sunshine child- pun totally intended- but like, you’re strongest when the sun is strongest, right? That makes you-“
“Oh stop,” Tim cackled.
“-a fire bender! And these losers here are water benders!”
Duke gasped and began bending nothing, to Steph’s delight. 
Swirling his arms, Jason engaged him in battle. Even though they turned heads, their moves became more elaborate than strictly necessary.
Well, Duke guessed none of this was -strictly- necessary.
Cass hummed thoughtfully, patting Damian’s head while he watched the bears lumber towards the water. 
“Us yes. Baby, no.”
Tim considered this as Jason nearly sent Duke into a wayward couple.
“He’s an earth bender,” Steph decided, spinning in lazy circles. 
“I have no idea what you people are talking about. Please let me watch the bears in peace.”
“Wait,” Steph practically launched herself against the boys. 
“Don’t you mean the platypus bears?”
Duke backed away from the angry women.  He scratched his chin and leaned over the plaque. “It just says bear here.”
“You mean skunk bear, then?” Tim grinned.
“Or armadillo bear?” Jason’s size was a gift sometimes, as he leaned back and squashed Damian against the window.
“What are you-“
“Gopher bear?” Steph giggled. 
“Just says bear here,” Duke shrugged. 
Cass’s spoke softly, but precisely, as if tasting each sound. 
“Weird place.”
“Weird people,” Damian grumbled. Jason leaned farther back, further pancaking his cheek against the glass.
“Dancing queen, face as red as a tangerine!” Duke poked his nose. 
“Oh, that reminds me, we need to get some fried Oreos-“
“How does that-“
“Shush, Tim. I need fried Oreos clogging my arteries as soon as humanly possible. Come on.”
“Heck yes,” Jason grinned, picking Damian up like a very angry yoga mat. “Steph is in charge now, sorry Duke.”
“As the only capable adult here, I say we need to eat an actual lunch, too.”
Tim took Damian, only to walk with him upside down over his shoulder.  They all pretended not to notice his smile underneath the half-hearted promises of violence.
“Nuggets,” Cass prophesied. 
Steph linked their arms and led the way to the food court. 
Duke had been looking forward to this trip all week, and it didn’t disappoint. They saw all the animals, ate terrible food in a less than sanitary environment, then chased each other around and generally made themselves a nuisance to society. 
It was great. 
Some highlights? Cass dared Jason to eat half a hot dog in a single bite. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, then walked into a pole. Tim fell asleep on top of Steph and mumbled about robot bunnies.  Duke carried Damian around on his shoulders, accidentally walked him into some tree branches, and laughed so hard he dropped him. 
Of course, it had been weird that the zoo hadn’t bumped up the number of workers to match crowd sizes, but it was fine. Just took a little longer to do things. And the place was a little messier.
They were just paranoid, is all.
Cass tossed the purple plush snake around her shoulders as they exited the gift shop to the center plaza. The tail hit Steph, who adjusted her peacock sunglasses with an upturned nose. 
The crowd rushed around them like a steady stream of fish (“Only animal metaphors for the zoo, folks”). Their imposing shark, Jason, frowned as he pushed his way through the flow. 
Damian offered Duke an animal cracker, and he happily picked out a zebra. 
It had been a good day. 
Tim had waited outside for them, citing important business. He smiled and lowered his phone from his ear as they got closer to his seat at the fountain. 
“Hey, Dames, can I have one?” He asked. 
Damian raised a single brow.
Tim could fake emotions with the worst of them. Oh, wait, animals. Dang it, Steph.  Like a honey bee could take a casual stroll.
“And here I was going to offer you my phone to talk to Dick-“
Damian shoved the whole bag at him and grabbed the phone. 
Tim laughed as Damian scurried a small distance away, plunking down just outside the bathrooms.  Twin paintings- one a giraffe, the other a flamingo- labeled the two single person stalls. 
“Any news from Dick?” Steph asked, settling against Tim’s side. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, watching Damian smile into the receiver. “He said he was on his way back.”
It was funny how Jason thought with his face sometimes. Duke could feel the confusion. 
“Wait, isn’t he undercover somewhere in Asia right now taking down Some MobTM with ties to the League of Assassins?”
“From the inside, yeah.”
“And he just, what, finished up early?”
“Pretty much.”
Jason threw up his hands, “I hate this family.”
Steph laughed, dragging Cass half onto her lap while Tim stared distracted at the crowd. 
Just like that, Jason’s face hardened. Following his line of vision, Duke watched a teen scurry out of the bathroom to the main directory on the other side of the plaza. His hood was up and he looked neither right nor left. 
“I’ll be right back,” Jason said, slipping into the crowd flow. 
Probably nothing, Duke thought, watching Cass threaten to push Steph into the fountain. 
“I’d take the quarters, so the joke’s on you.”
“Stealing,” Cass tutted. 
“I’ll look good doing it.”
An eye roll. 
Tim’s fingers rapidly tapped against the stone. 
“Dames, wrap it up, we’re headed out,” he called. 
Damian gave a thumbs up. 
See, it was still a good day. Duke breathed deeply. 
It was fine. 
It was-
The fire alarm went off at the directory.  The crowd turned to look.
Tim tensed, and Duke felt the shock shoot up his spine as yellow light pulsed and swarmed toward the bathrooms. 
Oh no. 
A high pitched whine. 
“Get down!” Duke yelled. 
The bathroom exploded. They threw themselves to the ground just in time to avoid the brunt of the heat and debris. Dirt and rock sprayed in his face. Smoke filled the air, dark and thick. 
Tim scrambled to his feet, coughing. 
No, Duke thought. 
There was so much smoke. 
They all scrambled toward the bathroom, but the wall where Damian had stood was half rubble and the kid was nowhere to be found. 
Duke stared where he last saw him, but the smoke obscured most of the light. 
Why is there so much smoke?, he thought. It was hard to get a reading. Come on, Duke. The scene kept pulsing, then disappearing. His head hurt, he couldn’t breathe, but the static blur began to form. Come on. 
Tim ran into the building. 
Duke fought through the haze until the blue-tinged flecks obeyed and the scene spotted into focus. He saw Damian drop to the ground just as the wall flew apart. Stray debris littered his body, and a brick to the skull knocked him unconscious. The smoke poured through, but just before everything blacked out, a lumbering figure dragged the kid through the broken wall into complete darkness. 
The present rushed back. Duke inhaled smoke, sinking to the ground. His chest felt like someone was de-stringing his muscles like spaghetti. Twist, twisting the fork. 
“No!” Steph screamed. Tim came out alone and choking for air. Steph pushed her way in, but Duke knew it was useless. 
Damian was gone. 
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Dark and Unknown: Ch 2. Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother...
Malik was a one-man walking armour, filled with magic. He packed heavily, yet could carry lightly. Leere had a single brief case along with her usual traveling attire. She had a note book for study, and a dress in her suit case if a more formal occasion arises.
Together, the two said goodbyes and went to meet Bonegrinder back within the Hive.
"Bonegrinder is this way, follow me." Silver was the one to fetch them this time. The sisters were working and could not be disturbed in their laboratory. He tromped down one of the private tunnels which Bonegrinder used for his magic. Then he waited outside the doorway, not caring for the master's darker tastes. "He's in there."
Malik stayed behind Leere to make sure the Princess was flanked. He didn’t much trust the dog. Hell, he didn’t trust anyone, but at least the sisters and Red were just lustful. These others simply were murderous.
Bonegrinder's library of magic was, for lack of better word, morbid. There were multiple body parts of various species in jars on the shelves, potions from every back alley of the allied kingdoms, old textbooks thrown about the tables, and burning candles dripping wax on to the floor. The most eerie part of it all were the skulls hanging from the ceiling. Skulls of his kind and other Echidans.
Leere had a more uncomfortable frown, but otherwise didn’t mind. This was her life. Death was ever present.
Malik was once more glad to wear a helmet, able to hide his visible disgust and keep a steady voice. “Bonegrinder. We are here.”
"Hmm-hmm..." Bonegrinder was drawing on the stone wall with his finger. It was a mixture of blood and magic. Muttering under his breath, the Anagari made sure the symbols were correct and then slithered over to Malik first. "Your finger, please."
Malik took the glove off his left arm of flesh, presenting his hand for Bonegrinder to prick.
Without hesitating, Bonegrinder pricked the man's finger with one of his claws and then added the small drop of blood to the bowl. Then, he approached Leere.
"Sorry, tiny princess, but this old snake needs one drop of blood, please."
Leere was plenty use to letting her blood be pumped out. With a nod, she offered her hand.
Bonegrinder was a touch gentler with Leere's finger than Malik's. Once he had the blood, he started chanting in Echidnan. The ring of blood started to shine and then there was a loud hum. One by one, pieces of stone inside the ring started to vanish, revealing a portal. A pathway was before the three of them, leading to the Temple of Ruin where the Mother of the Monsters resided.
“A portal? Clever.” Malik watched closely. That would certainly save time traveling.
Grabbing his small bag, Bonegrinder was the first to slither through the portal. He gestured for Malik and Leere to follow him. Once everyone was safely through on the other side, he closed it with a snap of his fingers. The air in Omisha was fresh and crisp. There was nothing but jungle for miles on end.
"Mother is expecting us." Bonegrinder told Leere and Malik. "He sent her a message announcing our arrival. Mother is curious, wondering if you two are like the pretty blonde prince. However, Bonegrinder needs to educate you both on Echidnan 'manners' as you would call it."
Malik and Leere nodded to Bonegrinders instructions. The air was clear, almost no plague of industry in the sky. Leere almost wished she could explore the country’s landscape some mr
The road to the Temple of Ruin was actually quite beautiful. It was full of lush trees and blooming flowers. The actual temple was a different story. It was covered in vines, skeletons, and moss on the outside with a foreboding presence. Two massive vats of oil were burned outside the entrance. There were no need for guards or soldiers to protect the Mother who lived within.
"Only three simple rules for you to follow," Bonegrinder instructed as he led them inside the temple. "Firstly, you must bow when you see her and keep your gaze to the ground unless she gives you permission to stand. Don't give her the impression that you're arrogant. She won't like it." The temperature in the temple dropped suddenly, chilly and spine tingling. "Second, it is unwise to question her. She does not like it when others try to condescend her. If you have a question, ask permission to ask it." There were two large doors awaiting the trio and with a deep breath, the Anagari then pushed them open to reveal the grand hall. "Lastly, no matter how much you feel the urge, do. Not. Scream. Bite your tongue if you must. If you scream, and she senses fear from you... she will kill you."
Malik found the beauty of the area serene, up until he he saw the first bodies. Amongst one of them, he recognized a fatter uniform of a guardsmen of Al-Daida. It appeared the danger itself was true. But for what reason did his death come about? The change in air made him more angry than afraid. It made him feel like his old self. “Of course Bonegrinder. I’ve bowed in the presence of other monarchies before.”
Leere’s lips slightly cringed at the bodies and smell of oil. These people did not suffer quick deaths, she simply could tell at a glance. She gave Bonegrinder a light nod at his instructions. She hoped that coming her wouldn’t be a mistake.
The grand hall was not lit with torches. There was very little light at all. Then again, most monsters here could see in the dark so it was not necessary to have light. The only source was from a tiny stream in the roof. It illuminated only a small portion of the throne. Thick vines were swirled around the columns, stabilizing parts of broken stone. On all the walls, there were elaborate carvings, depicting stories across thousands of years. Yet, there was only one ruler during the centuries... the Mother. It seemed Bonegrinder was not lying when he said that the Mother of the Monsters was ancient, more so than him.
While there were no guards outside the walls, there were a few monsters lurking inside of the temple. Only their eyes were visible from the shadows. Growls, warbles, and trills exploded throughout the temple when Leere and Malik came into view. It was obvious that the visitors here were not exactly welcome. Humans, any humans, man, woman, or child, were seen as the enemy.
Stopping at the end of the pathway, Bonegrinder then placed on hand over his chest and outstretched the other arm, lowering his head. He said not one word, yet cleared his throat, urging Leere and Malik to do the same. She was there... in the dark.
Malik was the first to take a knee, giving a bow of his head.
Leere gave a more elegant bow, custom of her training of from Zelda. She could feel a deep presence in the darkness. They both could.
"Your little pets have manners, Modoc." A soothing voice echoed from the shadows. "You've trained them well."
"Thank you, Mother," Bonegrinder kept his position, not moving one muscle. "A princess of Hyrule and a commander seeks passageway."
"Where to?"
"One wishes to go to Malus."
"How unfortunate."
"The other wishes to explore customs here."
"Oh? Like the pretty blonde prince you brought to me once?" Then there was a laugh. "He was most amusing."
"He still is."
"And tell me, princess, commander..." Mother asked from the darkness, only her red eyes visible. "Why should I allow you to travel my home? Distress my children?"
"Don't move." Bonegrinder whispered to Leere and Malik. "She's moving."
“Yet your mother addresses us Bonegrinder.” Malik spoke calmly. He felt more at ease given his centuries around dark and ancient beings. There was something... eerily familiar about her presence resonating from the dark. “I am here to learn about your country. Many fear you. Rumours of terrifying monstrous needed to be eradicated. I for one, have found myself on the side of monsters. I wish to form my own opinion of you. I am a Lord of Hyrule now, not simply a commander anymore. I represent Hyrule’s ideals.”
"A talker, this one." There was movement behind them. Then in front. To one side, then the other. There was no way to keep track of where she was. "A lord who is interested in the affairs of monsters. Tell me, what if we wish to keep this story of fearsome, man-eating monsters alive? To protect ourselves?" The movement stopped and a question lingered. "And why should I trust you? Or even the princess for that matter?"
“Because having an ally in your corner is beneficial. A friend even. Hyrule could help you.” Malik kept his head down, his breathing steady.
Leere felt what she could only describe as a growing tick on her back being here. “I don’t believe in harming those who won’t bring harm to me.”
"You say this... but what about the other humans there? You truly cannot speak for all of them. After all," A whoosh of air brushed past the trio and suddenly there she was. Mother was far larger than Bonegrinder, even more so intimidating. Her body was not like Bonegrinder's, White's, or Blue's. She was not composed of a single type like the children. No, she was just like the sisters described... many. The legs of a centipede covered her scaled snake body until the exoskeleton of the scorpion tail came into view. On her back, crocodile flesh covered her skin for protection. Yet, her face was absolutely stunning. She was beautiful, with jet black hair cascading over her eight eyes... spider eyes and spider mandibles. "The humans always scream when they see me."
Malik and Leere both looked on in wonder. Both had seen so many horrors in their lives, so many Erdrich sights. Mother was a brand-new wonder. Her appearance was indeed monstrous, but she also held beauty in her appearance.  In short, she was pure Nature.
“You’re a marvel.” Leere spoke.
“... I’ve never seen anything like you.” Was what Malik responded with.
"... interesting." Mother then turned her attention to Bonegrinder. "I suppose you gave them a fair warning, didn't you?"
"... as best as he could, Mother. To describe you is trying to formulate new words."
"These two don't amuse me like the pretty prince, but are intriguing enough." Mother leaned down to look at Leere first. "A princess of Hyrule who hails from Malus..." Then she looked at Malik. "And an undead commander turned flesh." The Mother then simply plucked off Malik's helmet to get a better look at him. "Fascinating... from death to life."
Malik’s hair was short and bright red, his skin a light brown. He looked younger than even Ralnor. “I’ve lived longer than any man I know.”
"Not as long as me, little man." Mother then ran a clawed finger through his hair. "Hmm... you are right about this foreign queen. Her magic is old. Just a touch difference... more so benevolent than ours." Switching her gaze to Leere, those eight eyes blinked one by one, examining the princess. "Though you... you are seeped in dark magic like our kind, princess. You escaped from Malus... why go back to where there is nothing but death?" She chuckled lightly, flexing the mandibles. "Even the Mortuus know not to associate with us. If you wish to learn, why not pick up a book? Does Hyrule not have knowledge of the old creation of Dhakk?" She tilted her head. "The Destroyer God had many creations... Malus and Omisha were two of them."
Leere shook her head. “Hyrule has no history on such gods. So we have no history of Malus or Omisha.”
"Ah, so that's why you want to go." The Mother arrived at her own conclusion. "To seek the knowledge of the deities, to find out where your people come from, and how you all will ultimately play a role in Kaksa's grand plan." She outstretched her arms in a grand gesture. "To see if this prophecy will be fulfilled! After so many years, it will be a wonder to see what Kaksa's divine strategy will mean for us all." She then added, "Though it is strange to me, that humans know nothing of these old deities, our Maker, our Destroyer, and our Balance. Have they forgotten?"
Malik shook his head. “The only gods I give any mind to are the three Golden Goddesses, Hylia, And Demise. They held sway over my life, as well as the history of this world.”
Leere quickly interjected. “We’ve come to learn of other deities, yet we’ve never learned of a God of Destruction or Balance. Are they perhaps holding origin in Malus and Omisha Mother?”
"Spoken like a true human," Mother smiled, most eerily, showing all her rows of jagged teeth to Malik. "Those goddesses loved to cause mischief with humans and yet, the humans still pay tribute to her. How odd, causing so much strife with Hylia and Demise, and even pulling their child into the matter with them. Poor little thing, reincarnated every generation, just like them..." She sighed and then flicked her wrist to the walls around them. "If you wish for history, princess, it is written all over our walls. However, speaking of history..." Once more she leaned down to look at both Leere and Malik, "Modoc mentioned you have your tribute of goodwill... I am curious to see what humans will present to the Mother of the Monsters."
Both Leere and Malik shot a glance at Bonegrinder. They came to similar impressions that the Mother would ask them of a specific tribute. Not that they’d hold a gift.
Thinking quickly and wisely, Malik used his magic to conjure a specific helmet. A dark and worn helmet, he offered it to Mother. “This is headwear I was born into undeath with. It is a symbol of aggression, passion, hatred, but also protection and the beginning of a long shell to transform back into life. I offer this symbol to you.”
The Mother then gave a small laugh but took the helmet to inspect it.
"Ah, humans pay tribute with gifts... I was thinking more of the Echidnan way." The Mother traced a claw over the metal. "Echidnans pay tribute with the sharing of a memory. It deems whether you are worthy or not. Say to earn our trust. I assume Modoc did not elaborate on this."
"Mother, humans give gifts as tribute, please allow them to stick with this custom---"
Bonegrinder was not able to finish for Mother swatted him across the temple with her tail with a snarl.
"I did not ask for your opinion, Modoc. You'd do well to hold your tongue."
"How nice of you to agree." Mother then outstretched her hand. "Choose a memory you deem to show you are trustworthy. That will show me that you mean no harm to us. However, know if this is a plan to fool me, you will not leave this place... alive."
Bonegrinder groaned, shifting slightly from the pile of rubble. Mother's temper surely had not changed over the years. She still hated it when he spoke out of turn. Even though she knew he could not die due to his cursed magic, it did not mean Mother would hesitate to put him in his place.
"Ouch..." Bonegrinder reached up to notice a piece of his horn was missing. "... hm... he deserved that."
For Malik, he choice the memory of letting the ghost of Cipher go. Shortly after his son’s birth, he saw her one last time. She smiled bright for a ghost. Told him that his child was beautiful. The child that she always wanted. That she’d live in him, in Revan, and his future children. He told her that he loved her, and to go be at peace. She agreed, knowing that he finally found salvation.
When Leere gave a memory to share, she shared a darker memory. She was ready to kill herself after the War of Fire. She given a terrible fate to a squad of Hasai Elite in order to save the lives of countless innocents. That didn’t stop the fact she felt like a true monster. Maybe she was. Then with a knock at her door, she was given salvation in the form of her sister and mother. They reminded her on who she fought for. Who saw her as human and gave her chance for life. She viewed human connection as the greatest reward on the planet.
Mother's magic flowed through both Malik and Leere, allowing her to view the memory as if it were her own. She could feel their emotions, share their pain, and sense the joy or despair. It was an intimate experience, yet also provided knowledge. With this simple spell, Mother could understand the hearts of those foreign to her land, to view whether their intentions were malicious or benevolent. All eight of her eyes glowed a shade of purple before returning to the usual red. The Mother of the Monsters appeared to be perplexed but also intrigued.
"One memory of despair turned joy, and another of darkness to light..." Mother's centipede legs tapped against the flower in curiosity as she tried to gather her thoughts. "Personal, thoughtful, and life-changing experiences for both of you."
“We hope that you found them satisfactory.” Malik bowed his head again. He wondered what else this being would want.
"Satisfactory and intriguing." Mother admitted to the pair. "Modoc, you have brought me two very, very unique pets."
"Mmm-mmm." Bonegrinder was slowly slithering back to Leere and Malik. He was holding the piece of his broken horn and fixing his jaw back into place. "That they are, Mother."
"You do understand that this is simply passageway for *you*." Mother told the princess and commander. "Not to agree to terms of alliance. Humans are tricky, sneaky, and vile creatures who will stab others in the back as long as it is beneficial for them to do so. If your objective is an alliance, there will have to be much discussion..."
Malik rose his head to face her. “Then let me see what Al-Daida fears. Perhaps I can direct them away from you.”
"Al-Daida and their..." Mother released a loud snarl, enough for her spider mandibles to twitch. "Slave ring. Many, many times they have attempted to capture our young and sell them. And each and every time, we have eaten them." She then stated in an icy tone. "Only the foolish ones or desperate try."
Leere frowned. In her travels to Al-Daida herself, she was once cornered by slavers. Had it not been for friend, they might have taken her. “I’m sorry to hear that. May we meet your people? I’m sure your son would like to recover. And I would love to see more of your country.”
"Oh, princess, my people?" Mother tried to hide her amusement to no avail. "My children, my 'people' as you say, have been here the entire time. My beautiful darlings are shy, see... they prefer the dark." The Mother of the Monsters then said, almost endearingly, "Aren't you going to say hello, my pretty ones?"
Skittering. Tapping. Low warbles and growls echoed off the walls. There were eyes all around them, already any darkness left in the shadows. The glow of the irises outlined many monstrous faces. Rumors of the monsters being few were greatly exaggerated... there were... hundreds of them.
Leere nodded, feeling her leg suddenly start to fall asleep. “I see... may I stand and introduce myself?”
"You may," Mother nudged Leere with her large coils and then did the same to Malik. "While you have convinced me of your pure intentions, be warned. You will be watched. No matter if you think you're alone or not."
Leere smiled, looking at the eyes on her in the dark. “My name is Leere Dragmire. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. Don’t be afraid to come closer if you wish.”
Malik gave Mother a bow and looked to Bonegrinder. He needed to know exactly what kind of monsters these were if he were to lay judgement on them.
"Be polite, old commander," Bonegrinder told Malik in hushed tones. "These are Mother's children, her precious ones..." The Anagari knew that Malik was not stupid. While Mother herself was formidable, there were always others at her side, even if it did not seem like it. Her most precious ones... her most dangerous ones, as the Anagari insinuated. "Deadly treasures..."
“Deadly indeed. I can feel that in the very air.” Malik kept an eye on Leere, unsure how she was able to keep her cool.
"Filthy humans."
"Why are they here?"
"Are there more?"
"Why did Mother allow this?"
"Bonegrinder is with them."
"Are they his pets?"
"At least the female is pretty."
"What is Mother thinking?"
"Are we to have humans here now?"
"What's going on, what's changing?"
"My precious ones, trust your mother..." The Mother of the Monsters soothed her children. "They are simply here to seek passage to Malus and to learn of us. No war, no fighting, no threat... after all, how can they be a threat if we could simply eat them?"
"Mother is right."
"No threat here."
"Humans are filthy but so easy to kill."
"We will watch them."
"Closely, closely."
At least now Malik had an idea of why the 'hive' was called thus so and why the sisters spoke nearly in unison.
"This here," Mother placed her large hands on Leere's shoulders. "Is a princess of Hyrule. She has been friends with your brother Modoc for a long, long time."
"Odd, he usually eats them."
"Why spare this one?"
"Maybe she's a good fuck."
"He usually goes after tail anyway."
"And this here..." Mother then moved to Malik, noticing the hair standing on the back of his neck. She gave a little chuckle. "Is a lord of Hyrule. He and Modoc once fought, but as you can see that was a slight misunderstanding and all parties are forgiven. Won't you say 'hi', little lord?"
“Good afternoon. I am Lord Malik. A Gerudo.”
Leere felt a strong, positive reaction in her body she couldn’t explain as the Mother laid her hands on her shoulders. Good lord she was tall when she was so close. The comment of being merely a good fuck for Bonegrinder made her lips slightly frown, but those thoughts were almost immediately thrown out the longer Mother kept her hands on her.
"Gerudo! Ganondorf!"
"Stories of old, it cannot be true."
"The Gerudo are dead, long gone."
"The Garai and Gerudo, twin tribes, still alive?"
"Perhaps, but perhaps not."
"True or not?"
"Looks it."
"Smells it."
"Yet, is not Ganondorf."
"Male, but not him."
"Magic has touched him."
"... Lorleidian magic."
"Ancient ones."
"Like us."
"Now, now, my children, excited are you?" Mother chuckled. "These are our guests for now, so no eating. We will see what they have to offer."
“Ganondorf is my cousin. And Demise... I suppose his curse was mine to help bear with Ganondorf.”
Leere kept her thoughts to herself, but shot Malik one little comment. “A life of hatred can run deep.”
The lord looked at her, narrowing his gaze. “Yes. It can.”
"Hatred is one thing, though fear and distrust is another." Mother then ordered Bonegrinder. "Take care of our guests, Modoc. I am curious to see whether or not they retain their pure intentions."
"Yes, Mother."
"And my precious ones, do make sure to control yourselves. The humans are not snacks."
“I know I look scrumptious, but I’m not for eating.” Leere hoped that they’d enjoy dry humour.
"I think the proper word to use is 'voluptuous', princess." Mother disappeared into the darkness once more behind her throne. "Be sure to return in the morning and I will answer questions you pose then."
Once she left, Bonegrinder led Leere and Malik out of the temple and gave a deep sigh of relief.
"That went as well as this old snake thought it would."
“The Mother was less monstrous then you lead me to believe... Modoc.” Malik spoke Bonegrinder’s true name with a hint of snark. Maybe it was a pet name. “I thought her child would be more respectful.”
Leere gave Malik a glare. “Well, Klinge, I think Modoc is a fine name.”
Bonegrinder growled loudly and leaned down right in Malik's face, showing his teeth.
"He. Is. Not. Her. Son." The Anagari was so agitated, his scales were flexing upward. "And he is not 'Modoc', he is Bonegrinder." He huffed and then turned to Leere. "This way, tiny princess. Omisha is not meant for guests, though he will find us suitable quarters."
Malik placed his helmet back over his head, tightening its straps. “Then we can agree on that our former names will not be used.”
Leere walked with Bonegrinder in silence for a while. “I’m sorry she hurt you.”
"That is Mother in a good mood, tiny princess." Bonegrinder used a touch of magic to reattach the broken piece of his horn. "Last time she was angry with him, he got this." He pointed to the large scar running all the way across his chest.
"Hers is harder to heal. She is of the darkness like him."
"That is Mother in a good mood, tiny princess." Bonegrinder used a touch of magic to reattach the broken piece of his horn. "Last time she was angry with him, he got this." He pointed to the large scar running all the way across his chest.
"Hers is harder to heal. She is of the darkness like him."
Her bare hand pressed against his chest. She tried to feel out the scar best she could, but it was old and run its course long ago. “Still doesn’t make it right. And you’re my friend, so don’t say I shouldn’t have to worry.”
Malik watched the two closely. Their relationship was rather curious, if not a bit disturbing. Leere always felt like an outsider to him. Hell, she was sometimes left out of most recent document royal family history, only to be corrected in a second draft. The ���Princess’ was the one ‘child’ of Ganondorf he never connected with. Even Rinku he could respect and held history with. To shake his mind of his thoughts of her, he turned his attention to the wildlife. “I wonder how advanced this land is.”
"Hrm, Mother knows Bonegrinder cannot die but still finds ways to punish him if he makes her angry. That was the one time he had to tell her 'no'. She did not take it well." The Anagari led the two down a dirt pathway. Along the way, there were huge fields full of crops, several huts, and beautiful rivers. The land of Omisha was similar to farmland, untouched by the corruptions of mass civilization and pollution. "We have no use for the machines of Danjur, the electricity of Laybrynna, or the cities of Hyrule. Here, we use our magic for what we need, much like Lorleidi."
Leere grew excited, setting down her suit case. “Are any monsters eyes vulnerable to camera flash?”
"NO!" Bonegrinder did not mean to be so loud, but he gently pushed down Leere's hand holding said camera. "Sorry, tiny princess. Please do not take pictures unless given permission. My kind are not... too keen on the aspect’s technology holds. It's..." He tried to think of a better way to describe it, but could not. "It's human."
Malik only momentarily uncrossed his arms at Bonegrinder pushing Leere.
The Mortuus on the other hand was only surprised by the initial no.
“Understood.” She then brought out a sketch book and various pencils. “Surely art and documentation can’t be rude?”
"Heh, you might see a display of their vanity, tiny princess." The Anagari led the pair to an older hut on the outside of the village. There were many staring eyes of all species. It was evident that the Echidnans had somewhat of a humanoid appearance, but mixed with a certain monstrosity. Snake, spider, bird, lizard, crocodile, there were so many to be named, yet one similarity remained the same. Only Mother was a mixture. All of these were only part of one. "Especially the Tlanuhwa... the birds. They love showing off their beautiful feathers."
Leere immediately got to sketching. She detailed environments, the work of the hut, any inhabitants she could with her personal thoughts.
Malik meditated on the aura of the area. The air was fresh, yet he couldn’t shake the stares of all the inhabitants.
Bonegrinder noticed the stares and could hear the whispering. He was getting annoyed by the constant blather from the neighbors. All of them knew why he liked this spot; it was supposed to be quiet and private.
"'Take a look and then leave'," Bonegrinder snapped at the inhabitants in their own tongue, earning a jolt from the others. "'You're being rude by staring continuously and don't think that this old snake cannot hear you whispering!'"
Malik simply stared back into the overgrowth as Leere put her bags away. He wondered which one would be the first to show bravery by coming forward.
"Hrm... ignore them, they're curious. Most of them have never seen a human before." Bonegrinder explained to Leere and Malik. "While you tell your children stories of monsters under the bed and in the closet, we tell stories of humans kidnapping them in the middle of the night to make jewelry out of them. To them, you are both feared and thought of as simply that. A story." He was tired, it showed on his face. The visions, all of it had drained him so. "He will rest. If you need him, call. They know better than to disobey Mother."
It took nearly an hour until one of the Echidnans finally decided to approach the hut. Oddly enough, it was one of the smaller ones... a juvenile Tlanuhwa. Slowly, step by step, she approached.
Leere was resting her back against the hut walls sketching when she noticed. “Hello there.”
The Tlanuhwa did not know Leere's language but still stiffened when she spoke. She glanced back at her friends, poorly hiding in the brush. This was obviously a dare. Holding up a single talon, the Tlanuhwa released a series of words, sounding like a question. To translate the best she could, she held out one arm and then slowly touched it. She wanted permission to see if... humans were actually real.
Leere studied the little creature, getting a sense of what it wanted. It felt like it had the heart of a child. Bonegrinder and the Mother gave their word she would not be harmed. With a smile, she set her not book down, and put out a hand for the little one to come and touch her.
Hesitantly, the Tlanuhwa extended a talon and very carefully poked Leere's hand. With a surprised squawk, she nearly tripped over her feet, scuttling backwards. Chirping loudly and insistently, the juvenile was obviously portraying to her friends that this human was real and was not another illusion of Bonegrinder's to scare them away from his hut. Of course, her friends thought she was lying. Trilling exasperatedly, the Tlanuhwa slowly curled a talon around Leere's fingers and gestured for her to follow.
Leere did so, careful, but not sensing danger. Malik looked from the window to see her leave. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“I’ll call if I need assistance. Get some rest.”
"SQUAWK!" The Tlanuhwa's feathers shot up like a peacock on her head. She was startled, having forgotten about the second human. If the female was real, then the male had to be as well. The armor frightened her and she stood behind Leere. Only armored humans would try to hurt them from her parents told her. The ones without armor were usually skilled with magic or such, but it could easily be deflected. This human, Mother said she was good. She would trust Mother's words. But still, she remained cautious.
“Can’t you take the damned helmet off?”
“No. It’s part of who I am.”
Leere unconsciously petted the top of the Tlanuhwa’s head, her smooth skin massaging the feathers. “Then keep yourself in the hut.”
Tugging insistently on Leere's sleeve, the young Tlanuhwa pulled the woman over to her friends. The further away from the human in armor, the better. The others were interested, yet still on guard. One by one, they approached Leere and then took turns examining her. A male Talnuhwa groomed through her hair, looking for fleas or pests while fiddling with the locks. Another female curiously touched the nail polish on Leere's fingers. It was odd to have paint there, why was it not on her face? Then the smaller male simply sat there, tilting his head. Why did humans look so... pale? So weird? The male was different, but males and females were different so that was to be expected.
"Solani." The brave Tlanuhwa gestured to herself. "Solani." Then she pointed to Leere. She wanted her name.
“Nice meet you Solani. I am Leere. Leere.” She pointed at herself. It was rather cute letting these kids get a better look at her.
"Leeee... riii." Solani chirped the name and practiced a few times before getting it right. "Leere. Leere!" Then she pointed to the other female. "Sneha." Then to the two males. "Bhuv." The larger one. "Nirav." The smaller one. Solani then returned to Sneha. There was an obvious similarity between the two. "Bahan." Then she pointed to the two males once more. "Bhaee." Solani was trying to communicate that the female was her sister, yet the two males were brothers.
“Solani. Sheha. Both are Bahan. Sisters. Bhuv and Nirav. Bhaee. Or brothers. Nice to meet you all.”
The human learned fast! She seemed to understand. Now, for the next question. Gesturing toward the hut where the other human male was, Solani asked, "Leere. Bhaee?"
“Him? No. He’s...” Leere paused. Her mind went blank. The monster that could only kill. Who threw her in that asylum after killing her birth parents brutally in front of her. The man who single handily helped repress all memories of before she came to Hyrule. A man that when she gave it some thought, she did not like. “Malik is a protector.” That much was true. At least he watched out for her family.
There were confused faces at the last statement, but the group seemed to understand the shaking of head, indicating 'no'. Odd, Surely the two weren't mates. They did not smell of each other. Maybe these were simply companions. Yet, before anymore questions could be asked, a loud and angry screech caught all the childrens' attentions. Mama Tlanuhwa was not happy that the children had gotten so close to a human of all creatures. She furiously scolded them and then turned to Leere. She gave an shooing motion, and then pulled the children back to the direction of the huge nesting homes in the trees. Solani gave an apologetic look but had to follow her mother.
Leere wondered if they understood Common sign language. She shot Solani a ‘I hope to see you again’. Carefully, she stepped back away from the mother back to the hut. “No harm.”
The mother kept an eye on Leere while the children flew into the nest in the trees. While the males were not her chicks, she was still going to watch them. Releasing a loud, frustrated caw in Leere's direction, it was surely an insult. Then she zoomed into the tree home behind her daughters, still chiding them for getting so close.
Meanwhile, Bonegrinder heard the commotion and poked his head out of the hut.
"... Tlanuhwans are curious but very jittery." He told Leere, half asleep. "It is time to rest, tiny princess. Bonegrinder is very tired. Let's make a little less noise in the future, yes?"
“I merely got closer with some children. It’s there minds who will shape the future.” Leere looked mighty proud of herself. “They met their first genuinely good human.”
"Heh, children are indeed the most curious." Bonegrinder held the side of his head. For once, the Anagari looked... frail. His face said it all. While he could not die, the Anagari could still feel weak. "Come, tiny princess. Keep this old snake company while he dreams. Mother will expect us tomorrow and does not permit tardiness."
Leere nodded, curling up next to Bonegrinder. His body indeed felt more worn down, but he was still a magnet of warmth. “Just don’t try anything funny now that I know kids are right outside.” With her cheeky quip, Leere took a long nap.
With both of them asleep, Malik decided to silently leave the hut to examine his outer surroundings. He had grown curious about the inhabitants and wanted to see if he could learn more.
Malik looked up at the nest Leere got herself comfortable. His helmet made him look stone cold, the perfect lack of emotion. He wondered how deep these monsters feared humans? Would he have fitted into their society better as an undead? Walking to outside the temple ruins, he traced his hand along the stone. Ancient history fascinated him, but he wasn’t the type to seek it out.
There were various types of Echidnans in Omisha. Some were more so docile and others were aggressive. Others looked fearsome and a few were actually very beautiful. The closer Klinge arrived to the temple, the more spying eyes he had upon him. Each time he turned to look, the eyes would disappear into a shadow, behind tree leaves, or another statue. The Echidnans were curious but very cautious.
The Gerudo felt isolated. Unlike Leere, he wouldn’t remove his armour to make others feel comfortable. He wouldn’t compromise on his own safety and identity. The continued ducking of his attention boiled his agitation, until he finally spoke up about it. “Do any of you have courage to speak to me? Or you simply too afraid?”
Whispers. More whispering. No one stepped out of their hiding place. Humans were known as the 'things which go bump in the night' in Omisha. Finally, a massive goliath birdeater spider descended from the treetops by a thick piece of webbing. "I can smell my daughters on you, human." This one actually knew Hylian. No doubt, it was due to the efforts of Blue and White. The male-spider resembled the twins in some way. "And the old snake. I'm very curious how you convinced Bonegrinder to bring you here."
“The woman I travel with has a closer relationship with those arachnids than I. As for Bonegrinder, him and I have a professional understanding. I wonder, with people like you, what do you all have to fear from mere humans?”
"Ever have someone try to cage you and make you spin web for them with no food or water for days on end?"
“I’ve seen packs of Moblin’s violate woman they captured on raids. Any sentient group can be capable of terrible actions.” Malik tilted his head, getting a better angle of the spider. “Is Al-Daida where you get your only experience of humans from?”
"No, we've had dealings with those bulkhead from somewhere called Labyrinth and the steam lovers from Danny-Ur." The male Kokyangwuti still hung upside down but crossed his arms. "We saw our fair share of knights from High-Ruling at one time, looking for treasure and glory." He did not seem impressed. "While all species are capable of acts of violence, at least we Echidnans don't turn on each other like humans do."
“You’ve never experience war amongst your species? Or lashed out against one another? I find that hard to believe.”
"Would you lash out at your brother with hostility when someone like Mother would turn you inside out with a snap of her fingers?" He scoffed. "I think not."
“So, you simply don’t turn on each other because you have a stronger leader to keep you in check. That sounds very human to me.”
"Mother is far from human. Even with strong leaders, humans still hurt one another or love war." Kiume stated. "We fear Mother's magic, her connection to the deities, and her strength... but at the same time, she loves us, cares for us, and protects us. She doesn't use us."
“A ruler with all the power has no need for pawns, until they have an opponent that faces them. And do you strike those you love for speaking out of term? For thinking for themselves?”
"No, everyone has their own opinion. Some agree with Mother, others do not." Kiume stated. "She doesn't punish them for it. Though warns them if they leave Omisha, she cannot guarantee them protection. However, while they're here, they have to follow rules. Not just from here, but from every tribe. This keeps everyone safe."
“Safe from what? Humans too afraid to march into a country they don’t understand? What do you have to fear from cooperation with others?”
"Humans fear what they don't understand." Kiume was blunt with his statement. "We've attempted to make outreaches in the past which got us nowhere. To us, it's better to be feared by these humans to get them to leave us in peace. We've been safe for hundreds of years with no human armies penetrating our borders thanks to Mother." He then poked Klinge with a spider leg, not aggressively but interested. "Huh. So, you are real. Not one of those ghost messengers."
“I’m very real. If you fear humans so much, perhaps I can keep them out of you borders. And do so with monsters loyal to myself.”
Kiume actually snickered at the last statement. "Monsters of your own? You honestly think any Echidnan would blindly follow a human?"
“Moblins. Various reptilian tribes of Flos. Bublins. Stalfos. Darknut Jackal’s. Bokoblins.” Malik voice slowly turned from indifference to annoyance as he ticked each monster species loyal to him off. “I’ve spent centuries training and leading monsters. I have their fear and respect as a leader.”
"Oh, we know of those. Ganondorf's lackeys." Kiume snorted. "We'd eat them as a snack if they dared to try such a thing. It wouldn't be the first time that Ganondorf tried to take this land for his own."
“You sound rather elitist there.”
"Oh, we all are, human. At least, better than that tyrant who led those so-called monsters of yours." Kiume then asked, frank as could be. "Why are you here? Bonegrinder would not have brought you unless it was a really good reason to do so. Something about that prophecy of his that's so damn important."
“I don’t know of any prophecy.” Klinge slumped against the wall, looking out at over the horizon. “I was... curious. Al-Daida demanded that Hyrule supply warriors at your border. No one knows about your country. They all assume that you are blood thirsty savages. As someone who was a something of a monster myself, I sympathize with people jumping to conclusions. I want to make my own conclusion.”
"Hm. I think that's the first wise thing I've ever heard a human say." Kiume finally released his webbing and stood beside of the man. He was bigger than White or Blue in height and bulk, yet clearly older. A mandible was missing and he was coated in scars. It was evident that he did not lie about the encounter with Ganondorf's forces. "Though, I must admit, I do think this is the first time I've ever seen another male Gerudo besides Ganondorf."
“I’m sure I was a fluke when I was born. Now, I’m not sure if genetics are more favourable, or if the gods are no longer angry, but there’s been light increase in the male population.” Klinge eyed the spider up and down some more. “You’re certainly big creature. What is your name?”
"Kiume." He introduced himself to the human. "My girls are Morowa and Negasi. You might know them as Blue and White. They are the god-children of Mother. For some reason, my wife was really good friends with Mother when they were younger. She's taken care of them since their ma has passed when I could not."
“What has stopped you from being a father Kiume?”
"I tried to be there when I could and gave the girls all I could, yet we have to hunt, to patrol... sometimes, in order to provide for them, I had to be away for lengthy periods of times."
“Has this affected your relationship?”
"Not really. We live for hundreds of years, so there's always times to mend things. Still..." He sighed. "Doesn't make me feel less guilty."
Malik had a thought to himself and chuckled. “I suppose you see their criminal activities as simply weeding out humans, no?”
"... criminal activities?" Kiume appeared to be confused. "You mean the drugs? Are drugs not legal in Hyrule?"
“They are not.” Malik felt he had a good conversation on his hands. “Many poor people, that I try to help, find themselves attracted to Bonegrinders criminal hive. The twins create drugs that ruin their lives forever, hopelessly addicted. Did you know they work with a succubuss who makes people addicted to his sex rings?”
Kiume could not help it, he started laughing. "Oh, forgive my amusement, human, but you know drugs are a choice, yes? As is sex?" Kiume then pointed to himself. "Even I partake of a few hallucinogens sometimes, and I certainly do love a good mating." He added, "Humans have such narrowed views of drugs, sex, religion and politics. So black and white. There's no room for gray?"
“There’s always a choice. But human will shouldn’t be pushed towards vices. Those who feel they have nothing can have their wills more easily persuaded. For better or worse.”
"Perhaps that is why they go for the drugs or the sex. To feel." Kiume told the male. "I will not condone my daughters actions for making substances which can bring a momentary relief from the burdens of life. They also make several rare medicines as well. Bonegrinder knows them both, and knows they keep Mother informed." He then asked out of the blue. "Speaking of Mother, how did you convince her not the eat you?"
“With honesty.” Malik felt tired. “Maybe you should ask Leere knows about your daughters. I think I’ll return to my hut.”
"Oh, the tiny, pretty female? They do have a thing for petites like that." Kiume chuckled at Malik's expression. He was not going to let a human make him feel bad over the actions of his daughters. Blue and White did have flaws, yes, but they could hold no blame for humans too weak to say 'no'. "If Mother threatens to eat you in the future, just tell her you're all gristle. That might dissuade her attempt."
“She’d have a problem with that I’m sure.” He reached a hand out for Kiume to take it. “My name is Malik. Like your daughters, others know me as Klinge.”
"Malik... the Lorleidian queen's watchdog. Mother has spoken of you before, though I was not entirely sure you were him." Kiume stared at the hand. Slowly, he took it and then asked, "This is a human greeting... and I'm supposed to..."
Malik took the hand away, finding himself squeeze his metal arm into a fist. “Normally, you shake it. But I don’t take to being called a dog.”
"... but that is your title?" Kiume tilted his head. He genuinely did not know it was an insult. "Mother said that is what the prince relayed to her. I apologize if I said it incorrectly?"
“I was high commander of Hyrule. Zarazu’s friend. I am Lord of Hyrule now. And the Prince is a brat, so very much like his father. So please, don’t call me a mutt ever again.”
"Ah, the title has since changed now." Kiume understood... slightly. "A rise in position. So, Malik, Lord of Hyrule... do you need an escort back to your hut?"
“I am sure I can make my way back.” Malik pointed out towards West-North. “I’m becoming convinced Omisha is no threat to Hyrule. Tell me, should I worry of Malus?”
"Our kind is of no threat as long as your kind do not try to hurt us. We are peaceful beings who love our home and wish to remain without..." Kiume put it as politely as he could. "Intruders." Though he visibly stiffened at Malus. "Mother used her magic to make the mountain range impenetrable for a reason, Malik. We use the darker arts to better our lives. The Mortuus use it to cause pain and misery. They are fascinated with us monsters, but that does not mean they have not tried to tame us in more ways than one as well. If you and the female are determined to go there, I'd advise against it."
“I don’t know if I could change her mind.”
"Then do not change it, drag her back." Kiume was not exactly considerate in his suggestion. "Death would be better than what they do to those they capture."
“... I understand.”
"Reanimators... necromancers... they laugh at the goddess of death and she condemns them for it." Kiume still walked with Malik back to the hut, at least to show the prying eyes that this human was not dangerous... well, sort of. "Mother might allow you questions and courtesy but her magic protects that border between our land. I'd suggest not... tempting fate."
“Thank you for the council.” Malik entered the door to the hut, giving Kiume a slight wave. He learned much coming here. Would he learn something he wish he didn’t?
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/189943084351/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-1-seeking-passage
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190443537461/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-3-test-of-will
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domesticsns · 5 years
The Purple Turbo Tube Slide
Genre: Slice of life, Romance, Comedy, fluff
Main-pairing: SasuNaruSasu
Summary:  Naruto (33) and Sasuke (33)  go to their nephew’s birthday party. Soon Naruto goes off to play with the children while Sasuke spends some quality time with his the adults of his family. When Naruto gets a bit over his head he decides to slide down on a children's turbo tube slide and managed to get stuck half-way. Sasuke, annoyed his husband didn’t listen to his warnings, gets a surprise visit from the biggest demon he had to face during his childhood
The Purple Turbo Tube Slide, part one 
Sasuke was fixing the collar of his white shirt before fastening the buttons on the ends of his sleeve. He looked over his shoulder to the bed where he could see his husband snoring loudly while hugging the pillows on the empty bed side.
“We’re going to be late,” Sasuke said his eyes fixated on Naruto’s face that was drooling over the pillow. The man had been getting up and falling back asleep for the past two hours. He continued snoring.
“Come on,” Sasuke turned around and walked over to the bed, shaking Naruto. “We have a lot to do.”
Naruto woke up, an groaned annoyed. He grabbed Sasuke’s wrist and pulled him in the bed.
“No, you are not getting out of this.” Sasuke sat up and pushed Naruto’s hand away from him.
“Isn’t there a nicer way to wake your husband up? I’ve heard people waking up to kisses or…” A small smirk appeared on his face.
Sasuke kicked Naruto on the side, so he rolled off the bed and onto the ground. He heard a soft moan once the men hit the floor.  Sasuke leaned over the edge of the bed, looking at his idiot husband, making do with the fuzzy rug.
“I can get used to this, dattebayo..” Naruto muttered grabbing the black cat that was trying to get away and used her as a pillow to hug. Sasuke shook his head, but couldn’t supress a small smile. Naruto was adorable.
“Maybe if you were being nicer, I wouldn’t have such a hard time.”
Sasuke sighed deeply and mockingly began calling: “Sweetie, Baby, darling, Bambi, cutie pie, my one and only, sun of my moon-“
“OK-“ Naruto rolled on his back, and the black cat took her opportunity to get away an jump on the nightstand.
“The line goes, ‘Moon of my life’ and you would’ve known that if you watched HBO with me.”  Naruto sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking up at Sasuke.
“Whatever,” The Uchiha sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down on his husband. They have been married for a while now,  ever since they were twenty-eight and ran off and got eloped. Now they are thirty-three and still madly in love. It was so odd how opposite attract.
Naruto had ocean blue eyes, blond short hair, his left ear was covered in piercings, he had snake-bite piercings and another piercing in eyebrow. His right arm was covered in colourful tattoos, the colour orange sticking out the most because of the nine tailed fox on his upper arm. His stomach had some ancient sealing tattooed on it and his left arm was covered till his elbow, one of the tattoos was Sasuke’s name in hiragana. It is insane to tattoo your back then boyfriend’s name on your arm, but to be fair, he lost a bet with Sasuke and till now did not come to regret it.
Naruto was a nice person, pure hearted and good to the bones. He was friendly, helped everybody he could. He was kind and easy to talk to. He could even befriend the worst person on the earth and even they would end up caring about him.
Sasuke was the opposite of this. He had dark eyes that almost appeared to be black, his hair was midnight blue and his skin didn’t have any art on it or metal in it.  He was cold and always saw the worst in people.
He leaned in and kissed Naruto’s forehead. Naruto smiled at this. They’ve been married for five years and yet every small bit of soft affection from Sasuke made his heart pound like a pre-teen madly in love.
“Fine, fine I’ll hit the shower.” Naruto said, getting up from the floor. “But I’ll get to choose the music on our way to Madara.”
“Fine,” Sasuke agreed “You know what you are going to wear?”
“Uhm...My orange sweater.” Naruto looked over at Sasuke, seeing his expression change ever so slightly.
“I guess…Just jeans with a shirt-“
Sasuke’s face did it again.
“….I go naked?” Naruto raised a questionable eyebrow.
Sasuke’s face did it a third time
“Uhm….What am I going to wear?” Naruto asked feeling the pressure of judgement on his shoulders.
“Well, I guess if you want me to choose what you wear today. I guess I can take a minute to think about it.”
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t been thinking about what I should be wearing all night.”
“Nonsense.” Sasuke said, and it sounded almost believable if it wasn’t for that slight twitch of his lip that formed a minor smirk.
Naruto shook his head.
“The first then minutes I was thinking about what I was going to wear.” Sasuke said.
Naruto gave his husband a small smile and headed to the bathroom where he proceeded to get ready for the day.  He felt a bit hesitant because although he loved Sasuke and his family very much, his family had the tendency to be extremely…Savage. Naruto wasn’t sure if it was normal. He was an orphan ever since he could remember. He did not have any siblings, cousins, uncles or aunts. He didn’t know what was appropriate and what was normal. Sasuke was really close with his family. Ever since his mother died and his father wanted nothing to do with him. His brother and three cousins were always there for him. They were very important to Sasuke and so they were important to Naruto too. He sighed as he pulled on the clothes Sasuke had picked out for him and headed to the kitchen.
“How old is Obito now anyway?” Sasuke asked, he was sitting down on the bar table, apparently texting his brother.
“Turning eleven, I believe.” Naruto said, grabbing something to eat.  Sasuke looked up from his phone to his husband and seemed generally pleased.
“You look handsome,” Sasuke commented, leaning over the bar table. Naruto smiled and leaned in to kiss Sasuke.
“What should we get him?” Naruto asked, “I was thinking-“
“A hunting knife.” Sasuke said absent minded as he read a message Itachi send him.
“He is eleven…” Naruto said, leaning on the table and giving his husband a questionable look.
“Yeah he could have some practice before he turns thirteen and Madara drops him off in the forest for a week to fend for himself.”
Naruto’s expression changed to one of horror before he could see Sasuke look up and give him a soft small smile.
“Joking.” He said before putting his phone down.
“What were you thinking?” Sasuke asked, giving his full attention to Naruto now.
“Video game. It is a bit expensive…And we would probably have to get two…” Naruto had a small grin on his face seeing Sasuke look slightly confused, “Because I kind of want to have the same game.”
“But it isn’t your birthday.” Sasuke said.
“But it will be in like eight months!” Naruto laughed, “I am an adult, I am going to get that game.”
“Sure,” Sasuke said, “then use your own credit cards except of your joined debit card.”
“Boy, when the Korean Elvis married us, you knew what you were getting into.” Naruto laughed, “A public school art teacher who is seriously underpaid.”
“But did you finish that other game that was almost sixty bucks?” Sasuke asked, folding his arms. “I thought we made a promise that you will have to finish a game before you buy another.”
Naruto raised an eyebrow and put his glass of apple juice down before walking towards the bookshelf and grabbed a book turning to Sasuke.
“Did you finish this?” He asked.
Sasuke eyed the book before looking Naruto straight in the eye.
“Yes.” He lied almost convincingly.
“How did it end?” Naruto asked.
“….They got married.” Sasuke remained his straight face.
“Did they though?” Naruto opened the book and looked at the last page. “No, they all die.” Naruto said, pushing the book back on the shelf hearing Sasuke whisper: “Spoilers much…”
He grabbed another book and held it up.
“So you haven’t finish that book and yet…These three books appeared out of nowhere on the shelf.”
“Yeah it is crazy how books just….Appear….” Sasuke sighed looking at Naruto giving him a ‘are you kidding me’ expression, “Alright buy the game.” Sasuke gave in.
They headed To the store to get the gift and headed towards Madara that was a two hour drive to his house in the suburbs. Madara was a men that was very well off. His house had five bedrooms and a huge garden. It was only him and his two sons, Obito and Tobi. His wife and him got divorced three years ago, but they remain on good terms. They went around the back and walked inside the garden. There was a swing set where Itachi was pushing his daughter, Naori. And Shisui was pushing his daughter, Mirai. The girls were laughing and shouting to go higher and higher. Up on the tree house Tobi and Obito, chasing one another.
“UNCLE SASUKE!” Obito shouted from on top of his longs. He slid down the purple turbo tube slide . He ran up to Sasuke and wrapped his arms around the men’s waist and hugged him tightly.
“Happy birthday,” Sasuke patting the boy’s head.
“I’m so glad you came!” The boy said excitedly.
“We got you something very good,” Naruto said, handing Obito the present. “It is actually PG 13,” Naruto whispered.
“Presents after dinner!” Madara shouted from the BBQ grill. He was wearing an apron saying  ‘kiss the cook’. Obito had a pouting expression on his face.
“Uncle Naruto!” Naori and Mirai ran from the swing to Naruto and jumped at him. Tobi wrapped his arms around Naruto’s left arm and Mirai on his right one. Naori hugged his leg as she was just tall enough to reach Naruto’s thigh.
“I drew a cat. You wanna see. You wanna see!” Naori grabbed Naruto’s free arm.
“I drew a dog!” Tobi exclaimed.
“I drew unicorn!” Mirai added.
“Naori, Tobi, Mirai let your uncle Naruto first have a drink first, alright.” Itachi told his daughter and nephew. They both looked sad for a moment and so did Naruto. He looked over at Sasuke.
“Oh just go. Stay hydrated” He said, causing all four to smile again and run inside.
Itachi sighed and looked at his younger brother.
“How have you been, little brother.” He let his hand run down Sasuke’s hair, fixing it slightly on the sides.
“I am thirty-three, can you stop calling me little,” Sasuke said slightly annoyed as he tried pushing his brother’s hand away.
“You could be eighty-two and I still see that little boy running after me and begging me to play with him.” He laughed seeing Sasuke’s slightly embarrassed face.
“Oh remember when he was a baby and kept crawling towards you. Adorable!” Shisui tried to pinch Sasuke’s cheek, but Sasuke had no problem to slap his hand away as soon as it approached him.
“Don’t Shisui, you know he’s a cop now.” Itachi chuckled.
“I’m a detective.” Sasuke corrected his brother, but his words went unnoticed.
They walked up to the patio where the other members of the Uchiha-family were.
“Sasuke, I’m so happy to see you.” Izumi, Itachi’s wife, said as she got up from the chair and gave Sasuke a big hug. She has known him for almost twelve year and still managed to be oblivious to the fact that Sasuke did not like people inside his personal space. He decided to let it slide, yet another time, she did gave birth to his niece after-all. Kurenai, Shisui’s wife, did respect his personal space and greeted him with a simple nod.
“Oh the handsome Uchiha came too,” Mei, Madara’s ex-wife, walked outside, holding two cold beers in her hand. “I’m glad seeing you here again,” she said handing him a cold one and proceeded to smack his ass before sitting down between Kurenai and Izumi. Sasuke had an annoyed expression on his face, glaring at her. She smirked, taking a sip from her beer before putting her hands up and saying, “arrest me officer!”
The awkward tension was shrinking when Madara called for Sasuke: “ Hey Sasgay! Hey Sasgay!” he sniggered at his joke before pointed at the sausage on the grill.
“You want the sausage!” He laughed like he was the villain of a Disney movie.
“I would Maddy but you don’t seem to have it.” Sasuke said, causing Shisui, Kurenai and Izumi to laugh while Itachi tried to hold back his smile.
“Confirmed, it ain’t impressive!” Mei said loudly, “you would think with that bush of untamed hair you would have a-“
Mei was interrupted by the sound of something falling and breaking inside the house followed by Naruto’s voice shouting: “EVERYTHING IS FINE! NOTHING IS BROKEN!”
“I swear to God if that is my mother’s ashes…”
“I be damn happy the ugly urn is out of my house.” Mei finished Madara’s sentence for him. They shared a look and a grin. Even though they were divorced they were great co-parents with the occasional booty call. How they worked…It was a mystery to almost everybody present.
“Nah seems to be the Chinese vase they broke,” Sasuke said looking through the window.
“I thought the purpose of an adult watching over the kids was so they would not break anything.” Kurenai stated.
“Naruto is a slightly taller child,” Mei chuckled “By now you should know that.” She turned her gaze back at Sasuke, her eyes were looking at him like he was some sort of not so secret sexual desire of hers.
“I don’t understand, how are you gay?” Mei said, “I get if you are an ass kind of men, but women have asshole’s too.” She raised an eyebrow.  “We’ve all done butt-stuff, right ladies!” she looked at Kurenai and Izumi that looked away, not willing to participate in the conversation. The awkward tension was back.
“Fine,” Mei sighed, a bored look took over, “But then why not a rich sugar daddy why a mere professor?”  
“Professor?”  Sasuke frowned slightly, “He teaches public school.”
“Oh, poor soul.” Madara said. “You know, I have a pretty good divorce lawyer…And he is also very into ass.”
“I get why you two were married…”Sasuke muttered and shook his head at Madara before looking back at Shisui.
“When is Izuna going to be here?” He asked.
“He said he was stuck in traffic-“
“That’s code for not having left the building yet,” Sasuke said, rolling his eyes.
Maybe if Izuna got here he could take some of the heat off Sasuke. Izuna was quite the hot mess of the family. He would have been able to swift the conversation away from Sasuke.
Sasuke took a sip from his beer before looking at the cool box and pushing it away from the door opening to the side. It caused most of the others to give him a slightly odd look, but soon their questions were answered when Obito, Mirai, Tobi and Naori ran from the back door in the garden, all four not looking in front of them as they rushed towards the tree house. Naruto ran outside getting a strange looks from his in-laws.
“…We’re playing a game….” He said.
“Naruto, you don’t have to look after the children. They’ll be fine as long as they are in our view.” Izumi said, “sit down, you want a beer?”
Naruto’s expression stiffened and Sasuke had a small smile on his face.
“Yeah…I would do that but…You know…We’re playing tag and you know…I am ‘it’ so…..” Naruto slowly walked away before sprinting off.
“He would make a great father, don’t you think?” Kurenai stated, getting an agreeing nods from Itachi and Shisui.
“Speaking of children-“
Sasuke rolled his eyes, he couldn’t believe how un-smooth they managed to swift the conversation to yet another sensitive topic.
“I don’t think so-“ Sasuke was quickly interrupted by Mei
“I would be honoured to be like your surrogate.” Mei said and for a moment Itachi looked very weirded out. He gave his brother a quick look and shook his head.
“No…” Sasuke said.
“Adoption is great too.” Shisui said. “We’re actually talking about adopting a second child.”
“Why you have good swimmers yourself, don’t you?” Madara commented.
“It is not about being fertile-“
“We’re bored already,” Madara added.
The door bell rung and Madara looked annoyed.
“it is probably Izuna,” Itachi said, “forgot to use the back door as stated in the evite.”
Madara walked back inside the house as Sasuke looked at the tree house where he could see Mirai, Naori and Obito ,Naruto and Tobi.  He headed towards it.
Sasuke didn’t know how he got the ability to sense something going wrong before it happened, but he knew he become like this after Naruto and he moved in together.
“Hey Naruto,” he called out. Not a moment later his husband looked down.  “I don’t think the tree house was built for more than two children-“
“Looks pretty steady to me.” right as he said that Mirai screamed at the sight of a spider and bumped right onto Obito that fell over the wooden window. Obito screamed but was saved by Sasuke  who caught him in his arms. Obito stopped screaming and wrapped his arms around sasuke hugging him tightly.
“I’m so sorry!” Mirai shouted.
“Enough, everybody out of the tree house. That includes you Naruto.” Sasuke said with a strict voice. He was just happy no other adult has seen Obito fall down or else he wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“Owh men…” Naruto turned his head to Mirai, “you ruined it for all of us.”
“Thanks uncle Naruto…” You could see the slight annoyance on her face.
“Can I go from the turbo tube slide !” Naruto shouted as the children climbed down the ladder.
“It is designed for children, not grown men.” Sasuke said.
“I bet I fit in there…” Naruto said eyeing the turbo tube slide  before diving head first in it. Sasuke could hear Naruto get stuck at the turn of the tube slide.
Sasuke put Obito on the ground, the boy was shaking.
“Get over yourself, you aren’t hurt.” Sasuke said harshly before walking to the end of the turbo tube slide .
“You’re stuck, aren’t you?” He asked squatting down at the end of the turbo tube slide .
“No….” He could hear Naruto’s voice echo. He couldn’t see him, it was too dark inside the purple tube.
“I told you not to. Do I need to call the fire department….Again?” he sighed. He really didn’t want to explain for a second time to the firefighters that Naruto was his husband, a thirty-three year old men and mentally not behind in a…Diagnosable way.
“No! I can totally get out of here!” Naruto shouted back. Sasuke shook his head while feeling somebody tap his shoulder. He didn’t want to hear any of his family’s mockery so he pushed the hand away without looking behind him.
“Not now, I’m busy because an idiotic moron got himself stuck inside a children’s turbo tube slide ! AND NEVER LISTENED TO ME!” Sasuke shouted the last part right inside the tube slide so Naruto could hear it echo.  
“I’m sorry….” He could hear a slight mumble coming back.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and sighed deeply before turning around, expecting to see his brother, but the moment he did. His heart stopped beating and his body stiffened. His expression changed from annoyed to ultimately shocked.
Standing right in front of him was Fugaku Uchiha, his father, who he hadn’t seen or spoken to in ten years. The men who had belittled him, crushed him and abandoned him. The man that made every bit of love, happiness and light disappear from Sasuke’s life for the longest time.
Sasuke quickly looked in the corner of his eyes where he could see Madara, Itachi, Shisui and Izuna stand there staring at the situation speechlessly. Mei, Izumi and Kurenai looked confused. He felt like a weak hopeless child again.
“Hey! I can crawl! ” Naruto’s voice came from the slide, waking Sasuke’s up. He realised he was no longer a child he was an adult and he was a respected detective, he was married and had two cats. Yet his husband is stuck in a purple turbo tube slide for a second time in his life.
“Father…” Sasuke spoke softly.
“You look just like your mother.”
“That is not much of a compliment for an adult men.”
“It wasn’t meant as one. It’s an observation.”
“Very well.”  Sasuke lowered his eyes, even when he tried to remind himself he was an adult his father did manage to get the upper hand and make him feel worthless.
“I see you got married” He indicated to the ring on Sasuke’s finger.
Just before Fugaku could say something else, he could hear a scream coming form the tube slide. Naruto slit out of the slide, head first, and landed on the ground. He groaned when his back hit the grass and looked up at the sky seeing his husband’s face giving him a concerned look and a grumpy old men giving him the most disgusted look he had ever seen somebody give him.
Naruto set up, rubbed the back of his head before standing up. From the conversation he heard from inside the tube slide, he wished he could have stayed stuck there for a little longer.  
“Uhm…Hey…I’m Naruto….” Naruto said, getting up and extending his hand to Fugaku, he looked down at Naruto’s left hand, seeing a wedding ring, before looking at the extended hand in front of him.
He remained quiet.
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timeisacephalopod · 5 years
Have a TonyRhodey AU featuring blind Tony in which Steve is his guide dog.
Rhodey is minding his own business when someone runs smack into him and he’s not had a good day so he’s fully prepared to tell someone off when he turns around. He’s not entirely sure what strikes him first, the guy wearing sunglasses indoors and they’re tinted pink so okay, the fact that this guy happens to be gorgeous, or his big blonde guide dog that clearly isn’t doing its job.
“Steve you dumb bitch, stop making me walk into shit all these god damn clothes racks look the same, its your job to make sure I don’t run straight into them,” the guy tells the dog like it has a full understanding of what’s happening here. In the dog’s defense it makes an annoyed huffing noise, sitting down. The guy throws up his hands up, “why are you sitting? You’re going to refuse to move, aren’t you? Sorry, this my guide dog Steve who is supposedly trained but he’s actually a total asshole and he doesn’t do any of this stuff in front of anyone I’ve complained to because he sucks.”
Well okay, someone is having a worse day than him at least. “He’s cute at least,’ Rhodey offers, not sure what else to say here.
“What’s that matter, I’m blind!” the guy says, irritated.
Rhodey frowns, “didn’t you just say all the clothes racks look the same?”
The guy lets out another irritated sigh. “‘Blind’ doesn’t mean all I see is blackness, okay? I can see stuff but its all blurry shapes that are vaguely things and this is with correction. Steve? Looks like a big blonde blob. Not even dog shaped. I’d have to get real close to get an actual shape and the last time I tried that he licked me out of spite. I know this because he doesn’t lick anyone or anything else. Just me that time I decided to see what everyone was on about, calling him cute. You’re not even that cute,” he tells the dog. “Happy was much better than you, you should know that.”
Steve lets out another huff but doesn’t otherwise acknowledge his owner. The guy gives an experimental tug on Steve’s vest and the dog goes nowhere. “Useless,” he mumbles.
“If it makes you feel better the last dog I had threw up in my shoes and that’s when I decided that I am a snake person.” Dogs chew things and throw up in shoes, cats sleep on his face and throw up in his shoes, birds are the devil no matter what Sam’s crazy ass says, but snakes? They chill out under their heat lamps and watch Star Wars with you while they rub their noses on their favorite blanket. Or at least that’s what his snake does and she’s picky about her blankets, she likes either silk or wool and she’s very sweet no matter what people say about snakes.
“A snake person. I lied Steve, you’re an improvement over that,” the guy tells the dog and Rhodey crosses his arms.
“What the hell do people even have against snakes? They’re lovely and they don’t scratch everything you own or jump all over you when you walk in the door. Snakes are the ideal pet,” he says in his snake’s defense.
“Snakes can kill you,” the guy says and Rhodey lets out an offended noise.
“Oh as if, dogs can and do eat people sometimes so if deadliness was a consideration dogs would not be on the table,” he says.
“Yeah but like... that’s not normal for dogs. I mean snakes are just being snakes, but they do naturally bite people venomously,” the guy says, shrugging.
“Only if they feel threatened or their space is being invaded so if people weren’t dicks to snakes they wouldn’t do that,” Rhodey counters.
“Snakes are tails with faces and I’m not here for that,” the guy says dramatically and Rhodey wants to be offended but he ends up laughing instead.
“They have whole heads, man. They’re not just tail faces. Like I know you’re blind but I trust you can figure out that they have heads.”
Thankfully that seems to make his companion laugh too. “Yeah, fine, they’re head faces at the end of a long tail. It's creepy. Tony, by the way,” he says, grinning.
“Rhodey,” he offers.
Steve promptly sits like he does semi frequently and Rhodey has noticed a pattern but Tony hasn’t. For a guy who’s a scientist he is lacking in observation skills. But Steve sits his big blond ass down and Tony continues walking for two steps before he notices Steve isn’t going anywhere. He turns and gives Steve a look. “God damnit Steve, what is it this time?” he asks.
Steve, because he’s a dog, doesn’t say anything. Tony turns and gives Rhodey an exasperated look. “Want me to fill you in on a little secret?” he asks, wrapping an arm around Tony’s waist.
“My guide dog sucks and I never should have retired Happy?” Tony asks, leaning into him.
“No. He does this whenever he thinks something will be good for you. Dog’s got better instincts than you. He’s making me rethink being a snake person,” he says.
“Tony?” someone new asks and Tony turns straight around and tries to walk though Rhodey.
“Oh my god your theory is wrong that’s my ex!” he hisses, face buried in Rhodey’s chest.
“Tony, what are you doing here?” a tall woman asks. Her hair is pretty, not that Tony would have known it was red unless he shoved his nose up it. Its kind of funny to watch not that he tries it often, but he used to be able to see so occasionally he gets annoyed and tries really hard to just see something however blind he is. Doesn’t work, obviously.
Tony laughs nervously, turning around and facing Pepper even if he’s slightly off in where she’s standing. Rhodey figures Pepper forgives him for mistaking her for the light pole she’s standing next to. “Hey Pepper, didn’t see you there,” he says.
Pepper frowns, “well obviously Tony, you’re blind. What brings you here?”
Tony turns his gaze to Steve’s general direction, except Steve’s bright enough to pick out against his dark surroundings so he pretty much gets it right. “His big blond ass,” he says, gesturing to Steve.
Pepper turns and looks at Steve, who’s tail starts wagging when he sees Pepper. “You’re not Happy,” she says. “What happened to him?”
Tony sighs, “I thought he deserved to live out the rest of his life in peace watching Downton Abby but this asshole sucks so I regret that,” Tony mumbles. 
Steve pays his criticisms no mind as he sniffs Pepper’s hand. “He doesn’t seem so bad. Bit unusual for a guide dog but not too bad.”
“He’s the worst guide dog I’ve ever had,” Tony mumbles.
“You’ve only had Happy and he indulged you too much. Clearly Steve doesn’t feel the need to do that so much do you buddy?” Pepper asks the dog.
He does not, Rhodey knows, because he hides all Tony’s junk food too. Which he finds hilarious but Tony gets mad about only blueberries being left behind. “I miss Happy,” Tony mumbles.
“Well, Happy was a sweet dog. Any luck on the assistant front?” she asks, grinning like she knows that Tony hasn’t found anyone to fill the position. He hasn’t because his expectations are way too high and Rhodey has told him that but you can’t tell Tony nothing.
Tony lets out an annoyed huff, “nothing permanent.”
Pepper smiles, “well, i’d be willing to take the job back, for a raise,” she says primly.
Rhodey has no idea if he should be jealous of that, especially after Tony’s palpable relief. “Oh thank god no one does the job like you, I’ll pay you whatever you want,” he says, waving a hand around.
“Thank god because if I have to spend one more day with Hammer I will shoot myself,” Pepper says, clearly frustrated.
Tony wrinkles his nose, “oh ew, you’re working with Hammer? He’s worse than Steve,” he says.
“Yes, I’m aware. That’s why I want my job back,” Pepper points out.
Rhodey looks over at Steve, who’s tongue is now hanging out of his mouth. “I don’t know if I should give you treats for this or not,” he mumbles at the dog. Steve’s ears perk up when he hears ‘treats’ and Tony sighs.
“You’re going to have to follow through on that now, he won’t forget and he will whine at you to get the damn treats when we get home,” Tony tells him.
Pepper laughs, “sounds like you’ve found the dog version of you and you don’t like it. Don’t listen to him Steve, you’re a good dog,” Pepper tells him.
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hamishmccat · 5 years
Cold Snap
The cold snap that winter had hit London hard. The temperature had dipped well into the negatives. Politicians and climate change deniers were arguing about “global warming” not existing in the face of all this cold.
While the weather was the absolute talk of the town, a certain Soho bookseller was completely oblivious to the plunging temperature.
Aziraphale normally would have noticed, but yesterday Crowley had presented him with a particularly beautiful signed, first edition copy of Voltaire’s Candide. Aziraphale had begun a reread almost immediately, leaving Crowley to his own entertainment (napping on the backroom couch) for the evening. Unfortunately it was slow going. Despite knowing numerous languages, French had never been Aziraphale's strongest.
When Aziraphale got into his reading, he got a bit tunnel-visioned. He had eyes only for his literature. Being an ethereal being, he had the luxury of allowing the written word to consume him as long as he needed. He did not need to eat, breathe, or sleep. He did not feel cold if he was not paying attention to it. He could summon all the light he needed to read by without needing to switch on a lamp. He became oblivious to his surroundings. Therefore, he did not notice when there was a brief power cut caused the thermostat in the bookshop to turn off. He did not notice that after the power was restored, the thermostat would not turn back on without intervention. He did not notice the temperature dropping rapidly in the naturally drafty old bookshop. And he did not notice, from his perch at the front counter of the shop, that there was no longer the form of a demon sleeping on the backroom couch.
Aziraphale was broken from his literature-induced stupor by a sharp knock at the door. He was about to shout out that the shop was closed, when he looked up and realized the light in the shop had shifted. It was morning. The next morning. Anathema and Newt had been planning to come for a visit. With a quick flick of the wrist, the bookshop door unlocked and opened.
“Come in, come in, my dears.” Aziraphale called.
Anathema and Newt, decked in scarves, hats, gloves, and parkas entered, ready to be treated to the warmth of the usually cozy bookshop.
“Oh my! I think it is colder in here than outside!” exclaimed Anathema, her breath visible in the frigid air.
“Hmm?” Aziraphale, still coming out of his book daze, allowed himself to feel his surroundings and gasped.
“Oh! I...I didn't realize.” The only thought now occupying his mind was Crowley. Crowley had been in the shop when he started reading. Crowley hated when it was this cold. It made him sluggish at best. Had he left? He would usually rouse Aziraphale out of his reading enough to make his goodbyes.
Aziraphale reached out, trying to feel if the demon was near. He was. He was still in the shop. Aziraphale's eyes darted to the backroom couch, but it was empty.
“Where? Where did you go? You're here, but…” Aziraphale began muttering.
Anathema and Newt, still bundled, looked on as the angel began scurrying about the shop, mumbling to himself.
“What are you looking for? We could help you lo…” Newt was offering helpfully when he was cut off by a relieved “Ahhhhhhh!” from Aziraphale.
The angel had come to a halt in front of a mass of tartan blankets bundled up in front of an old hearth in the backroom. There had been a roaring fire in it last night, but it had burned itself down to barely an ember. Aziraphale knelt down in front of the bundle and gently lifted the fabric, revealing the head and tightly coiled body of a giant red bellied black snake.
Newt and Anathema watched opened-mouthed as Aziraphale gently stroked the head of the snake.
“Oh, love, I'm so sorry. I had no idea how cold it had gotten.” The snake drowsily opened its eyes and stared at Aziraphale. “You were asleep when it got so cold, weren't you?” The snake nodded. “Natural instincts kicked in, eh, my dear?” Another lazy nod.
“Come on then, let's get you warm.” Aziraphale held his palm out, just under the snake’s chin. The snake coiled its way up Aziraphale's arm, over his shoulders, around his torso, finally settling with its head nuzzled in the angel's neck, body coiled all around his shoulders and middle, and tail wrapped around his leg. The weight of the large creature didn't seem to phase Aziraphale in the least as he nimbly stood up and snapped his finger at the hearth, causing a roaring blaze to spark to life. He also snapped the thermostat back into business.
“Um...aren't those snakes venomous?” Asked Newt.
“Oh, rather,” was the calm reply from Aziraphale as he carefully settled into his armchair which he moved as close to the hearth as possible. The snake seemed to perk up in the presence of the heat. Its golden yellow eyes were now open and alert and following the conversation.
“And...and you keep one? As a pet?” Asked Newt, incredulously.
The snake hissed in response. Aziraphale scoffed and coughed. He seemed to be trying to hold back a full laugh. He scratched under the snake’s chin with affection. “I would never call him that. He would bite me if I did. Anathema, can you be a dear and hand me that coffee mug?”
Anathema picked up the black winged mug from the side table, the mirror twin of Aziraphale’s favorite, and handed it to him. The black coffee had been sitting since last night and had become ice cold. Aziraphale took the mug in both hands and focused on it. In a few seconds, steam began to rise from the dark beverage.
“Here, my dear, this should help.” He held the mug up to the snake’s head at his shoulder. The snake dipped his head into the mug and began to drink.
Newt really should have been used to all these unearthly occurrences. After all, it had been 6 months since Dooms Didn't, but the image of a large snake, wrapped around this innocuous-looking bookseller, drinking black coffee from a mug just did not compute in Newt’s oh so human brain.
Anathema’s witch brain on the other hand could see the aura of the snake and recognized it. That witch brain of hers was also remembering Aziraphale's words on the Tadfield airbase and connections clicked into place. Ah, okay, so, in the beginning, in the Garden, there was, well, he was a wily old serpent and I was technically on apple tree duty…
“Is he going to be okay?” She asked Aziraphale.
“Oh, yes, just got a bit cold. In fact, he should be fine now. He's just being melodramatic at this point.” Aziraphale looked pointedly at the snake, who looked back at him and hissed. Newt could have sworn the hiss sounded like “Am not.”
“Yes you are. I know I radiate enough heavenly warmth that you are probably warmer than you've been in weeks. Now come on my dear, we promised Anathema and Newt that we would take them to breakfast, and we can not go out with you in this state.” And he added with a pout and puppy dog eyes that he knew the demon could never resist, “I'm hungry.”
The golden snake eyes held the angelic blue eyes in a wordless standoff. The snake, inevitably, broke first. Crowley had never been able to refuse Aziraphale anything for long. Another hiss which sounded remarkably like “Fine” to Newt’s ears.
Aziraphale stood up and extended his arm to the coffee table so the snake could slither onto it. But the snake didn't move.
“Really, Crowley, you stubborn serpent, you are being ridiculous.” Aziraphale chided, but the transformation had already begun. The serpent coiled around the angel transformed into a demon coiled around the angel. Crowley’s face was still nuzzled into Aziraphale's neck, his chest against the angel’s back, with one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other around his chest. One leg was wrapped around Aziraphale's middle and the other long limb was twisted around Aziraphale's leg.
Newt flopped on the couch, staring unabashedly opened-mouthed at the sight.
“Anthony... Anthony is a snake?” Newt managed to stutter out.
“Serpent of Eden, in the flesh.” Crowley provided with smirk. Newt’s human brain was completely short circuiting at this point.
Anathema began to wonder to herself if it would be too forward in this budding friendship to ask for demonic snake venom for her birthday.
Aziraphale glared at Crowley, unaffected by the change of weight distribution on his back. Crowley smiled a toothy, oh so innocent smile at Aziraphale, all of his limbs tightening their grips on his perch.
“So, breakfast?” Crowley asked of the group. “I’m thinking Dishoom.”
“Are we really doing this?” Asked Aziraphale with a glare.
“You know, it is record breaking temperatures out there Crowley, you're probably going to want to put on a coat or something.” Anathema offered. Aziraphale's eyes were full of thanks to her.
But Crowley only shook his head. “Angel’s warmer than any coat.” He nuzzled his face in Aziraphale's neck and tightened his grip again.
“Fine. I'm not going hungry, nor am I going to allow our guests to go hungry, because you're being stubborn.” He straightened his already perfect posture, tugged on his mussed waistcoat, and headed towards the door. “But if no taxi will take us and the restaurant refuses to serve us, it will be all your fault.”
Crowley grinned in absolute triumph. “Oh, somehow I don't think any of that will be a problem.” He quietly snapped his fingers.
Aziraphale sighed, resigned. “Anathema, can you grab our coats from the coat rack, we will need them later, and Newt, can you hail us a taxi?”
This was going to be an interesting breakfast.
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askthiscpblog · 5 years
WRITTING PROMPT: Jane is caught in a rain, and decides to hide in a cave for the time being. However the cave is home to a big naga, and Jane finds herself being completely gay for the big snake lady. She still needed to teach her not to eat the mailman, even if the dogs cheers her on/like her for it.
This mission sucked, and why did it have to be in the middle of the rainy season? Jane’s hair was plastered to her mask and the rest of her skin, her outfit clinging to her body. This wasn’t the best of things that ever happened, and it also wasn’t the worst of things either. The worst thing was the fire, but that is beside the point. Also, she had to fly out into the mountains for this mission, and someone forgot that there was hardly any proper forests where she was going.
Getting sick and tired of all this, she looks up and around and sees a cave system out in the distance. Cover, perfect. Jane knew how to camp bare bones, and she will live for a night. Plus, from up there she could see for miles, and find a forest too. Forest meant getting back to the mansion and kicking whoever ass that didn’t get her a flight back the next day. It was an hour or so until she got up to a large cave that didn’t appear to be occupied. Jane looked around, again and again, peering into the darkness the best she could looking for any sign of life. Not natural life, but supernatural too. Those kinds of things love places like this and love humans wandering into them.
Keeping her hand on the side of the wall, she walked deeper into the cave about ten feet deeper. Twenty feet, thirty feet deep is how far back it goes. It went a solid sixty feet before it ended, but there was a mound at the very back end.
“Well fuck me,” Jane whispered, letting out a defeated sigh. Pulling out a pair of throwing knives, she moves back closer to the entrance of the cave. Guess she would have to find another one. 
Unknown to her, the mound started to move after her once she rounded the corner of the cave. It was slow and methodical, but there was someone in their cave. And they didn’t like it. This was their cave, their resting place, their territory. Lestari couldn’t help but be pissed. She had been sleeping when she smelled something… someone in her territory. She followed the wet human, watching as it tried to move back towards the entrance of her cave. She wasn’t having that. This human had disturbed her nice sleep, now it was going to become a late night snack …or a new pet. She had eaten her last. Her long braid dragged alongside her tail, and she smiled as she flung the stumpy end of her long tail in front of the human, showing off her fangs as she growled in an attempt to get a reaction out of it.
Jane looked over to the tail as she jumped back, her head whipping around as her hand flung to the tail. A knife came out, stabbing right into it as the other one was more in a defensive stance. Her mask kept her expression hidden, stuck to her face almost mirroring her expressions to a small degree.
“Well, I knew something was here. I’m trying to get out of the rain for now.”
The naga let out a yell, curling her tail back, feeling the knife in it and snarling at the human. “If you wanted out of the rain you could have peacefully woken me up instead of barging in here unannounced with your foul stench,” Lestari growled at the weird smelling human again, but her growl died in her throat as she realized she couldn’t get the knife out on her own. Sure, she could feel down every inch of her tail to find the exact place where the human's filthy blade was stuck in her, but it was colder than usual, she was slower than usual, and she didn’t want to.
“Get your fucking knife out of me and I will let you stay in my cave provided you don’t injure me anymore. Even though you were the one who came into MY territory.”
“Like I know how mythical creatures work, why do you think I had knives out in the first place? Protection, of course,” she responded, her own voice cold in response. Her eyes looked over the naga, trying to gather what she looked like and if she was telling the truth. Moving over, she moves to yank the dagger out of the naga seeing how testy she is being. “There, taken care of now.”
Lestari wasn’t sure what hurt worse, the blade going in or it coming out. “Thank you for pulling out the knife you sank into me in the first place.” She backed up, her smooth belly scales rubbing against the cold stone of her cave. She felt her flesh stitch together, and boy, did it burn. She could disregard it though. If this human was to be her guest, she had to be at least civil. She straightened up to her full height before she swung her tail away from the human, hitting a pile of human remains, rattling the bones.
“Help yourself.” She slunk over to the wall, pressing herself against it before curling her tail around herself, propping her elbows up on her tail. “Not that it matters, but what is your name? I’d like to know the name of the mortal who stabbed me.”
“Jane, my name is Jane. I am only going to be here until the storm passes. I can’t travel that well here. By the way, where is the nearest forest?” she responded, curious to where that was. Rather than trying to find a flight to the nearest forest or dense wood, it might be simpler to find something similar here. If it can work with kelp forest, it can work with a bunch of cacti too. But a real forest would be the best.
The naga hummed tapping her nails against her scales. “Jane. What an odd name. I’m Lestari.” She wiggled a bit, getting more comfortable as her wound healed itself up. “A forest hmm…? I don’t know how far… but I hunt tree loggers there… once the storm passes I can take you if you wish. Come, over here human. You’re warm. If you’re going to be here you’re going to make yourself useful and be a heater.” She patted the spot right in front of her, and then grinned mischievously as she showed off her fangs, “I promise I won't bite.”
“Why do I have a strange feeling that is both a threat and a promise?” she retorted immediately, smirking. She was so used to Jeff’s asshole comments, among other people living in the house and being the only female, that it came naturally to her to retort things like that. “The thing is, you could also crush me with how strong your body is.” Still, the idea of cuddling up to the snake woman didn’t bother her. How many people can say they cuddled with naga and survived? Sure as fuck no one at the house, and she wanted to hold that over their heads. Walking over to the snake woman, she let her get comfortable before crawling over her. It was a weird way to sit, but having her legs hiked over the tail looking out at the rain from the cave was nice. It pattered against the outside, thunder rolling over the sky like bowling balls hitting pins at a bowling ally. Relaxing, to say the least.
Lestari couldn’t help but enjoy the heat of a human so close to her, it had been quite a while since she had any human company that she didn’t devour. Lestari flicked her tongue out into the air, tasting…and smelling…the air around Jane. “You’re quite right, it is a threat and a promise. And yes, could very well crush you with the curl of my tail,” she made the muscles in her powerful appendage contract, moving Jane up and down for a light bit slight for dramatic effect, “but what fun would that be?” Lestari hadn’t been around humans in quite a while, but if all them were like this Jane then she couldn’t say she wouldn’t mind meeting more. “Do you live in a nearby town or village? Do they all smell like you? You have…something coating you. A weird sticky scent. Bad. Why?”
“Perfume, or my sweat. Maybe a mixture of the two. Here I thought the rain would have washed it all off by now, but I suppose not.” Jane mused, looking around the cave before cracking her neck. That has been there for the past half hour, but she couldn’t have been bothered to worry about it until now. “But no, I don’t live nearby. In fact, I live in the forest, somewhere that most normal people can’t find. You might be able to find it yourself if you look close enough.”(edited)
Lestari felt Jane move and assumed she was looking around. “I don’t normally stay here unless it’s raining or very hot. I prefer to be up high, where I can pluck birds out of the sky or from their nests.” She stretched her hand out like she was going to grab a bird from the air. “Humans aren’t as tasty as you all would like to think. But much easier to sustain me with.” She pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes before she stretched out so that she could be directly facing Jane, being careful not to move the woman resting on her too much.  "Describe yourself to me. I can’t see very well, and not knowing what things look like infuriates me.“
"Myself?” Well, it would make sense that she couldn’t see that well. Could snakes see like she could? They could only see the blood moving or the heat signatures from what she remembered from biology. She felt herself sink into the muscular form of the snake, enjoying the coolness of her scales from the heat of the day. Even with the muggy weather, it felt nice. “I’m not much. I have black wavy hair, a bleached white mask with black lips and black eyes. I am the average height for a woman, and right now I am wearing loose pants and a loose shirt soaked to the bone with sweat and the rain. Both light gray and my skin is completely covered too.”
“The last time I saw myself or anyone else was before I fully transformed into what I am now… but I do have to say you sound better than any of the humans I saw before that happened.” She ran a hand over her own face, she knew she had brown skin, black hair, bare breasts. Didn’t know much else. Didn’t care. She was much more perceptive to smell and to taste. She smiled a bit as Jane sank into her, and felt a rush of blood work up to her cheeks. “I’ve never met a human that wasn’t scared of me. Why aren’t you scared of me?”
“If you want me to be honest, I deal with things far scarier than you on a daily basis and I work for one of those things. So you’re something new, but definitely not that scary.” She responded, giving a small grin despite the fact the snake couldn’t see it.
Lestari raided an eyebrow, curious about what things Jane dealt with that could be scarier than a monster like her. “Well, I’m glad that I don't scare you.” She leaned her head onto her scales and closed her eyes. Listening to the noises of small bugs moving around her cave, the rain, and certainly listening to the human breathing, and her heart pumping. She missed the affection of humans, and she was content to receive it from Jane.
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