#i do wish i would die but i don't want to have full responsibility for my death
featherymainffins · 4 months
I thought I would walk some additional 14 km today and thus burn my accidental lunch (caved into peer pressure and went to a restaurant and had a salad instead of eating my perfectly counted can of tuna) and as such I agreed to go have breakfast with some friends tomorrow to celebrate the end of the excursion.
But I did not walk those 14 km because I wasn't able to get water + I just finished 12 hours of lectures + my arches were killing me + it was raining + I wanted to shower + I wanted to study + I was fucking freezing.
Which means I have to punish myself for my lack of discipline and I also have to make up for the food and that means I CANNOT have that breakfast. In fact I cannot have anything. For 2 days. Just to be sure.
So now I'm trying to figure out what lie I can make up. Currently thinking about saying that I just started to feel really nauseous all of a sudden and as such I unfortunately cannot eat breakfast oopsie. It feels really random and not really believable though.
#god this is so tiring. i wish i wasn't me so i could just live. people don't have to be ideal to earn being tolerated but i do#people don't even have an ideal and there should never be one. but there is one for me and the court of the world expects me to#always fit it. it's a competition and the jury is judging me. I'm constantly trying to win the case. to make the judge rule me innocent#of what I don't know. of everything i suppose.#but it's just exhausting. and I'm not sure if it's more exhausting to just give up and follow whatever the nagging voice says or#if it's more exhausting to fight it. i feel horrible and full of guilt and shame and terror either way so does it really matter?#if i die because my heart gives out or if i die by my own hand?#apparently bulimics have a much higher self-harm percentage but i personally have a tendency to harm my body after i eat#i don't want to do it but i recognise that that's partly exactly why i want to. my emotional torment is probably much more#of a goal than the physical pain. there's a part of me that wants to lead psychological warfare against me#and you know what it's like. it's fine. i accepted that i would die by my own hand a long time ago. I've always said that#i don't know when and that it might be in two decades or a year or a month or a day; but that one day i would go past the breaking#point and kill myself.#i think it's an inevitability of my life and I'm fine with that. someone has to kill themselves. someone has to be that number#in the statistics. there is no reason for it not to be me and if not me it'd be someone else#so it's fine#but yeah it's like...well it's been a run...not sure if a good one...but it's been a run and considering how much i just don't care anymore#i think this time it's really it. and i have a lot of responsibilities so I'm really pissed about it#but listen I'm just exhausted. my every waking thought is plagued by counting and avoiding reflective surfaces and wanting#nothing more than to stare into reflective surfaces for 20 minutes straight and check for every imperfection and irregularity#and check if everything is the same as the day before. i don't know if i should trust my eyes or my emotions or my logic#i don't know which is which. half of my brain power is devoted to making up plausible lies. 'i had a stomach bug earlier'#'im just really nauseous. yea accidentally had lactose earlier.' 'my stomach hurts so i shouldn't eat anything' 'i ate before i came here'#'oh i said i didn't have anything with me? i uhhh i went shopping yesterday evening actually'#i can't focus at all. I'm either too tired or the voice is too loud and too aggressive. i have no idea how I'm going to pass my classes
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capslocked · 11 months
[prompt: face sitting]
male reader x ahn yujin
3.5k words
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Yujin is giving you shit when it happens.
It’s been a little over an hour since she turned to you, bored and pouty about it, and asked if you wanted to fuck again.
She gives you shit in the way only the prettiest girls can get away with. Perfect smile, like she's innocent. And all low and breathy in her throat. Hitched around the vowels of your name. Threatening enough that you thought about just immediately capitulating. It was tempting. 
"Or you could stay on the floor like a lame loser bummin’ around in your pajamas." She leans up on the arm of the sofa. "Either way."
Yujin stretches and her sweater is huge. One of those cozy campus crewnecks that everybody seems to have, oversized and inviting and right. Her shorts are ridiculously small, just enough of her stomach peeking out over her waistband for you to want to feel it, touch it, have the pleasure of sinking your tongue into the shallow groove.
She's teasing you because she never quite knows what to do with her energy. Lacks an outlet big enough, really, but is also selfishly delighted in getting any response at all, no matter how halfhearted it might be. You stare at her. You watch and don't speak when she runs her fingers up her stomach to pull her sweater up with it. You groan. She grins. She is pretty, her lips full and eyes soft. The laugh that follows her is because it's always obvious when she's won and you wish your body wasn't so prone to giving away your weaknesses.
"Hey." She blinks slowly, lifting one leg up. Her bare foot, warm, toes flexed, against your thigh, nudges against you once, and again.
"How many orgasms until I feel a little more forgiving towards my good friend who, I know, is super super sorry that he can't afford the pizza money because he chose to use his own allowance to do something as silly as pay rent, I wonder?"
"I paid half last time."
"Doesn't make sense because you ate it all.
"You said you weren't hungry." You start to object because you do have an objection. A list, actually, prepared, of instances you think you're owed. But Yujin arches, and when a separate but related complaint rises swiftly to the foreground, your throat goes dry -
"Orgasm tax."
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it?” she asks, and you’re struggling to answer truthfully, honestly.
She rolls over, lets you see everything she has, the tiniest shorts in the world tugged even higher, the generous curve of her ass and thighs in silhouette. You didn't ask for this but you weren’t about to die without it, you think, looking up from the floor and staring, wetting your lips, absolutely sure. She does it all on her own and it takes an absurd amount of effort to peel your hands off the ground.
"Stay where you are," she snaps, seeing it too - and in a second of deliberate slowness, hooks two fingers into her shorts, tugging them aside before looming over you. "Or you're not fucking me today. At all."
You let your head thud down against the rug beneath you. "That's not fair."
"You've gotta come up with something better than that. You could suck up, beg, maybe I'd forgive you if you just told me how much better I was than the cash I could use on literally whatever."
Your eyes cut down.
Part of you wonders if you've always been such an easy mark - whether being here has changed you, if all these months of dangling carrots in front of you are paying off or if you're just a willing accomplice to your own exploitation.
Part of you isn't stupid. Yujin's taken an almost disturbing amount of pleasure in flaunting herself since the first night you drank too much, said too much, resisted too little - you can tell the way it starts, a smile toying in the corner of her mouth, before she taps the band of her bra, waits to hear you swallow - to hear how hot you get - before she casually asks what it would take, "to convince you", to change the conversation from whether she wants something from the vending machine, or she just forgot it was laundry day, or where the hell that note from Wonyoung had gone, to what she'd like the answer to be. What would you let her do if it got you another chance to get under her shirt, see her all bared, eyes dark and hair like a veil across her collarbones, pretty nipples and swells of her breasts pushed up, until you put your mouth on her.
Yujin tilts her hips so it's easier for you to follow, her hand snaking beneath her body as she speaks. A gentle grunt gets muffled in her sweater, her toes curling into the space between your knees and it hurts, stings a little, the desire you're holding back, and then it goes right through you like fire, sharp.
(Part of you is incredibly stupid - but you think the truth is it doesn't matter.)
Yujin's kneeling over your chest, and her bottom lip, plump and lush, catches between her teeth. "Can you think of anyway to be useful?"
"A lot," you choke. It's true.
Yujin makes a noise. "Proof. Evidence. Put up."
The movement she makes - twisting of legs and stomach flexing and the fabric of her shorts down off her ankles - is one single, fluid motion and for a second you're distracted by how quickly she's gotten you there. Thighs resting over your shoulders, the only thing your lungs seem to remember how to do is want.
"Come on." She bounces her knees a bit. "Dick or mouth, get going."
You should really say something smart, show her how clever and charming you can be, how you've actually got a lot to show the hottest girl in the world - and sometimes Yujin giggles like she's shocked  about it all herself, but right now her eyebrows are raising, expectant and challenging and it makes it difficult to think when there's an open invitation inches away for you to bury yourself in. Your lips feel like sandpaper when you kiss the inside of her thigh. Her hips stutter and drop an inch as your tongue works its way out, thick and obscene and it shouldn't be so thrilling to hear her so low, so urgent when you have no say, really, in how this is going to go -
"Take care of me, yeah?" she practically whispers the words - all while your fingertips drag along her outer thighs until her spine straightens, gets her shoulders pushed back, her breathing louder, somehow, as if you couldn't feel her need without knowing already exactly what you can do for her.
And the most honest thing you could say in the moment, because Yujin has her panties stretched to the side, revealing the inviting creases where her long legs meet her hips - for god’s sake, her pussy is right fucking there, inches in front of you; glistening slightly in her own slick and looking so, so pretty - the words get kissed right into the curve of her thigh: "It's not fair."
The look she gives you makes it worth it. "Excuse me?"
"You asked, didn't you. It's not fair that your pussy's so good that I can't think about anything else."
She huffs, her thighs shaking just a little with the effort of staying put. "So, what," and your mouth closes in, kiss deep, your nose pressed in right at the peak of her folds, her entrance, and you try not to drool as you inhale and drag the flat of your tongue in, hard, where she's desperate for you, "you think this should all go in reverse or something, like I should worship your dick until you stop being a useless perv - "
But the insult dies in her throat. A moan comes out instead, harsh, deep, loud and enough that Yujin slaps her palm over her own mouth before throwing an impatient scowl down at you.
Here's what you'd tell her, if you weren't busy licking circles into the ache leaking from her core, eating her cunt like a starving man, if you had the audacity. Yujin can't control herself. Doesn't help that she's sloppy. When her orgasm hits she will get louder and she doesn't even like the things that come out. That's the thing about Yujin, really. She says all this shit, and really, in the end, she wants a good fuck so bad she can't keep her mouth shut, but the noises she makes are exactly the same as the sounds that you choke on -
Because as pretty and easy and fun to kiss as she can be, the absolute best thing about your relationship is that the more orgasms she gets the less she can breathe, much less control what the fuck she's saying to you. It's cute and hilarious and beautiful, when she forgets, when she gives everything up because in the end it's never any competition, the way she fucks, is so desperate. Her hips work themselves into your grip, over and over and over again, like they are meant for this. 
For getting off on your mouth alone.
All you know right now is that with the way you have your hands on her - one still holding her panties open and the other squeezed tight around the muscle of her outer thigh - it's like her clit's directly in line with the back of your throat. If you press your lips around her pussy and hold them firm, just like the way her knees are starting to tighten around your face, she's going to come. It will hurt her and it will leave her completely boneless, and you've fucked this much to the point where you have learned, well, she can never complain.
Not that she would. The slick dripping down your cheeks and throat and down to the front of your shirt - it's fucking everywhere - makes it obvious: any ability to talk is replaced with her just grinding her pussy against you, bucking and shouting, riding and writhing until you decide her pretty little pink slit can have another taste. 
Her only other option, really, is clenching and throbbing and cumming as hard as she can all over your waiting tongue.
"Hey. Get your fucking mouth back down," she breathes, taking her fingers out of her cunt and then promptly pushing your head back in, "and - uhnn, I - yeah, exactly. Mmmnghh - "
You smile, muffled and hot against the fabric of her thighs, her fingers twisting in the hair behind your ears and tugging firmly. "Oh."
"What did you want again?" she asks - except her body tells a different story, all flushed and keening and, fuck, absolutely soaked from your touch - she rocks against the base of your chin, slumping and dropping down and letting gravity do its work. You work your tongue over her throbbing clit, again, again, and Yujin moans loudly. So pleased.
Just this mess she's made of you. The smell that coats your nose, and chin, the way it feels when she ruts her whole body against the place where she's worked the hardest. Her breath stalls where you start to breathe in, and looking up at the cinched look in her face you press further.
It’s every little circle lick and lave and gentle nudge of the tip of your nose, where the feeling makes her cry out, where the sensation, overstimulated, is close to that perfect balance between too much and not quite enough, all while working your fingers into the swell of her ass, and finally her hips make small, greedy, selfish thrusts into your mouth.
She sobs for you. You sigh, contented, because you don't even need to ask.
"You're so fucking good," she murmurs, heel of her palm pushed into her eyes like she's struggling with a headache. "God, fuck, do that again."
It's so wet on your chin already, but you do it again, just for the way she bucks into it.
You give her the closest thing you have, your thumb riding the rim of her ass, tongue rubbing, stroking her pussy faster. Yujin's teeth work against the insides of her mouth as her hips shift forward, and she is clenching and begging for the cock you know would make her scream if you just stood her on her hands and fucked her from behind - it's such a cruel way of making her work to feel so fucking amazing - but you're here to indulge, and really, when she shivers and pleads the exact way she does, your mouth still full, how are you supposed to do anything besides fucking obey.
Yujin reaches up to grab onto the edge of the couch, anything to brace herself as her cunt sloppily gets wetter. The thickest part of your tongue is good enough for this. Everything about her clit is just this dull, swollen throb. Begging to be worked over the way you're licking at the entrance to her pussy, inside and all, kissing, sucking, kneading, pulling, - fucking her just right - until she starts fucking cursing up a storm.
"Oh god, god, oh fuck fuck, fuck," her hips shift until she's the only one riding, the only one fucking. Until you just get to lay there with your lips slack, drooling open, hands a frame for her entire body while she works your face, and nothing could be better - "yeah, oh, fuck, fuck yes - yeah - fuck, hahhh. You're going to make me fucking cum-"
And you almost say it: that's your line - it's not enough, you'll never have enough of her cunt - her clit or the slit, where she leaks, thick and sticky. Her slick tastes heavy on your tongue, and you can't swallow fast enough. Your fingers are so deep into the pliable skin of her ass - digging and needy and reaching for where she's tightest. Her hands pull sharply at your hair. You feel her, tightening her ass around your finger, cumming wet across your cheekbones and -
It goes on, her body pressing into you, until with a sudden snap of a cry, she cums.
“God, fuck-”
If Yujin doesn't have to see the look on your face after getting her off this hard, it's only because the pressure in her body has her knees across your eyes forced shut. A spasm clenches, almost rhythmic, through her thighs, and god, Yujin just cums her brains out. It's pretty hot. You make it count: pushing your fingers just as deep into her pussy, working, exploring - right as her whole body is tensing and coming apart and your other hand circles, two fingers, dipping down and through the cleft of her ass and into her tightest, hottest hole -
You know better than to rub at her entrance once the ripples and waves start - instead, it's more pressure.
Pushing up as deep as you can and your lips mouthing at her folds while her hips squirm for something harder, something stronger and with intent - like, maybe, if she thinks she is trying to push away, she will start to believe that the mess running from her hole isn't hers. It's yours. All that liquid heat pooling below her and what could ever make sense other than she needs more? She needs the way she trembles and shakes, the way her pussy weeps as you wring it for the pleasure that's well on its way -
You always feel like an idiot after, stupid with how much you enjoy this, what she gives you, but how could it be anything but fantastic, your vision dizzying when it swims from lightheadedness and the lack of oxygen to your brain. Yujin's holding you right where she needs, right between her thighs and next to perfection, just tight enough for you to groan, to make a low whine build in the back of your throat and that gets her, too.
There is the rush and a wave, the heat, of something that crests and breaks in her that has to match the absolute loss of control she seems to have all along - the only part you feel you are sure about is that Yujin always rides her cunt - all dripping lips and aching holes, swollen and flaring and practically begging to be fucked harder and more thoroughly - into every orgasm she's taken from you, until there's no where to run.
Even through your nose, and you're suffocating, her legs trembling with the rush of it all. You're gasping and shaking but she's shaking apart and you need that: to feel her melt from where her body collapses all its weight onto you and the way the aftershocks have to make it seem, at least for a moment, that she’ll never, ever recover.
"Fuck," Yujin sighs, "I fucking hate you."
(Translation: she can't fucking live without you.)
"Any time," you murmur and her entire body falls into you, straddled across your chest and slumped there, sweaty and spent. Your heart beats the moment, trying to remember when it was you could stop feeling this way about your roommate.
A part of you believes that, once upon a time, before all of this started, that your desire, your lust was rooted in seeing a friend who was beyond hot and simply unavailable.
A bigger part of you knows that asking for clarity isn't the point - because maybe, right now, in the way your hand has started massaging the soft skin under the curve of her spine, you should realize you can't live with it never happening again.
"What's my balance," you ask, rubbing your thumb into the crook behind her knee.
You exhale.
"Two. I think you're good for two."
You laugh. "For real?"
She stretches.
"Or I suppose we can go for four or five, but that means you're paying for dinner, too." Yujin does this thing with her hair when she's excited. Swings it back, smiling wide.
Which is fair, you think, given the pulse between your legs throbbing and twitching as you picture it: the curve of Yujin's waist and the drop of her lower back, her bare ass. Her soaked little slit that can't help but beg to fucked and fucked and fucked, until she's trembling and quivering and leaking-
"Then I'm gonna eat," you promise her, "every last inch. Going to taste you and swallow."
Yujin shifts, sitting astride you.
You hum. "Still interested."
She simply kisses you - breathes you in - tasting herself on your lips and tongue, before leaning back with her palms flat against your chest and taking it slow as she starts to ease you into the kind of sex that doesn't leave either one of you with a throat quite so raw and dry.
So it's quiet in your apartment, just for a little while, when the afternoon starts to settle in and she rolls back onto her heels, not able to support the rest of her. You fuck her deep and it's amazing how quickly you both fall into rhythm. Yujin's clutching hard on either side of your hips. Folding herself back. Trying, by the end, to bury you where her fingers have been.
By the time she gets herself up on the couch, belly flat against the cushions and her hips arched back as she fucks herself with the length of your dick, you're just desperate. Aching in a way you know will happen any moment and even so, you can't even bring yourself to consider stopping because this is perfect - it's everything, really. To push her down, hold her still, and fuck her so thoroughly that she cries and shudders as you spill into her.
To have her.
Yujin holds a part of yourself so tender, something you have kept close for far too long, and watching her with her arm reached behind herself, clutching blindly with her fingers, as her moans go quiet with just these whimpery, little things, a thought occurs to you, of exactly how dangerous your roommate is -
Because with you fucking into her like this, this is more than sex ought to be. More than it’s ever been.
(More dangerous yet is thinking: maybe - perhaps - it is exactly what Yujin wanted, from the start.)
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For the bad Sanses, if their SO would want to grow old and die, would they respect that?
Agh... well. Short answer? No. Long answer? No, absolutely not.
Horror, I think, would come the closest to actually respecting your decision. He has Papyrus to support him so he wouldn't have to go through it completely alone. He's experienced a lot of loss, and he knows the pain of seeing people you love hang around long after they should've gone, deteriorating into someone you hardly recognise. But also... he's just really not in the right frame of mind to let you go. Horror does not love in halves and the thought of losing you is like a point-blank shot to the Soul. If you bring it up, best reaction you'll get is him being confused and then pretending you didn't even talk about it, and the worst is a full smashing-things-flipping-tables-throwing-chairs meltdown. You might get a better response from Papyrus. He'll try to mediate. Perhaps give it a few years, once he's had time to ease.
If you press Dust about it, he will give you an ultimatum. If you really, really want to grow old and die, the relationship is over. You can die, if you like. But don't expect him to watch. He knows that when you go, part of him goes too, and at least this way his time feeling warm and whole again ends on his terms. He can sink back into the dark by choice. You get your wish, but you'll never see him again. He'll be pretty sour grapes about it (and about you) if you do end up choosing to die. As far as he's concerned you chose your mortality over him. He doesn't respect it or understand why. He feels abandoned and betrayed... and he refuses to reminisce positively on something that hurts so much to think about. Someone bringing up your name is enough to start a brawl.
Killer doesn't understand. You want to die? You want to leave him behind? You want him to be alone again - how could you say that? You don't mean that. If you hold your ground and tell him you really mean it, he'll tell you he's fine with it, but he's a bald-faced liar. Whilst Dust is bitter, Killer is shattered; he really thought he found someone who would stay by his side no matter what. The rug has gone out from under him. Now he's facing the prospect of being utterly alone again, surrounded only by the voices that still taunt him even now. He fully retreats into his own head... he acts like he's silly and fine, but his Soul has never been more red. You'll never see his white eyelights again.
Nightmare... uh, no. Sorry. He laughs it off like you're a kid telling him you want to eat a billion cookies. He thinks he knows better than you, in this regard, you don't really want to die, you'll understand in a few hundred years. He's a reasonable lover in most aspects but this is one of few things he doesn't budge on. Part and parcel of being a God's beloved, I'm afraid. D'aw, you want to grow old and die? Sure he'll let you. Aren't you cute. Just don't pay attention to how wrinkles never form on your skin. I'm sure it's nothing.
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neerons · 7 months
Some of Chevalier Michel’s best quotes
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“You have plenty of time. Therefore, it’s not necessary to overload yourself to the point of harming your health just for the sake of learning. I’m not in a hurry. I’ll wait patiently for you to reach your full potential.”
“I don’t mind making you my woman.”
“If you value your life, trust no one.”
“Allowing their deaths to be in vain would be an affront to those who utterly devoted themselves to the kingdom.” (—Chevalier talking about the dead soldiers to Emma)
“That’s how values work. Just because two ways of thinking are incompatible doesn’t mean one is right and the other is wrong.”
“If you ever feel like crying, tell me. I’ll torment you so thoroughly that you’ll forget how to cry.”
“Until I’d met her, I’d never have considered letting another person touch me.” (—Chevalier’s thoughts about Emma)
“Can a man read in peace without you staring at his face?”
“Don't... say another man's name... so much. It grates on my ears.”
“You're quite graceless, you know? Your legs seem to be shaking.”
“You are my queen. It does not matter how many years go by, I have no intention of loving any other woman.”
“If the rabbit has time to spend with you, she'll spend it with me instead.” (—Chevalier talking about Emma to Clavis)
“I had no intention of letting anyone complain about a commoner being in a relationship with royalty, and it didn't bother me, either.” (—Chevalier's thoughts)
“What might your hand be doing in your pocket? I dare you to throw one of those concoctions of yours at me. Just know I will kick you into the next century.” (—Chevalier to Clavis)
“Maids are servants. They follow their master or mistress' orders, thus creating a clear discrepancy in power. But I do not wish you to be below me. What I desire is for us to be equals, serving each other in a cooperative and mutual manner.”
"...Now that I think about it, I was rather fond of you from the very beginning. (...) To begin with... is there any man who would barge into the room of a woman he doesn't like? The palace is huge. There are many places... where I could go to spend leisure time, instead of expressly going to your room."
"You look terrible. (...) There's no need to feel ashamed. Not everything that has value is beautiful."
"You're the one at fault for leaving the covenant YOU created so open to interpretation. A shame." (—Chevalier to Sariel)
"Currently, a servant manages the palace library, but he's no expert, so his work is sloppy. I've been dissatisfied with it for a while now, but... you're proficient at handling books, yes?"
"It's not that you 'can' stay by my side, it's that you 'will' stay by my side."
"(...) Do you think I would allow you to die so easily after you laid a hand on my lover? (...) I've said as much before, but dying is not what you should be doing. What you should be doing is returning home to your loved ones, no matter how shameful you look." (—Chevalier to Flandre)
"Ever since I was a child, love had been the one thing I was most indifferent to. (...) My one and only reason is that I wanted to know what love was. Ridiculous, I know."
"I'm not so famished that I'd eat something I don't need. ...I want you so much that I could just eat you all up right now."
"(...) Any guest of Emma's is a guest of mine as well." (—Chevalier talking about an enemy to Clavis)
"...If you stay with me, many things will be taken away from you, and you'll be limited in what you can do. Sometimes, you'll have to bear the heavy responsibility of royalty, and occasionally your life may be threatened. You'll be the target of scheming. Other people will look upon you either favorably or unfavorably—nothing in between. No picturesque world like those found in your romance books exists in a real palace. You'll see it for yourself. Despite all that, do you still stand by the nonsense you spoke of earlier?"
"When every man in the kingdom knows you're mine—they'll stay away from you, lest they incur the wrath of the Bloody Tiger."
"It wasn't in an official capacity. It was personal time. I simply wanted to have you with me as always. You should be grateful. You don't have much time left at the palace, and I'm going out of my way to spend time with you."
"Hurry up and prove the value of love, simpleton. While we're still able to be together like this."
"It doesn't matter to me what happens to them... But it matters to someone else." (—Chevalier talking about Luke, Rio and Emma to Clavis)
"On the battlefield, you belong to the second prince. Remember, dying would be foolish, and even getting hurt would be a transgression."
"I came to save you. ...Did you think that's what I would say, simpleton?"
"I'm not so idiotic that I'd let low-lives like those do me in. I'll cut down every last person who rises up against me."
"I never had any intention of letting an enemy nation have you."
"You faced the Brutal Beast... so that you could fulfill your duty as Belle. We couldn't understand each other because our values were polar opposites... yet you tried to meet halfway. You believed that the beast was a person and tried to discern his true nature. It was the first time I'd ever met... a woman with such strange tastes. Actually... even if I searched the entire kingdom, I wouldn't find anyone as eccentric as you. 'I want the person I love to live, no matter the cost to me. I want to be by his side... I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen. (...) I feel the same way. You call this emotion... 'love', correct?"
"The king's lover will most likely face many difficulties, but unfortunately, I have no desire to bestow my favor on anyone but you."
"Emma, look at me. (...) You're no longer Belle, right? (...) Is that the first time I used it? It's not that big of a deal, is it?" (—Chevalier saying Emma's name for the first time)
"I don't want to be disturbed during mealtimes. I've decided to lock the door whenever you're here."
"Currently, only one woman is close to the king. There seem to be many fools who believe they can crush the leading candidate for queen and have their own daughter marry me instead." (—Chevalier talking about Emma to Clavis)
"Do I look like I care? And do you really think I'm going to do something as stupid as losing such a valuable pawn?" (—Chevalier talking about Emma, in Gilbert's route)
"Until now, the Obsidian royal family have had nothing but war on their minds, but through this we can rebuild our friendship. This is a sizable accomplishment. This accomplishment was achieved by just one woman... and we most certainly cannot disrespect what it means." (—Chevalier to Emma, in Gilbert's route)
"The only occasion I have spent time with another person and found worth in it... was with you." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"She's eager to hear whether I like the fragrance or not. But it is her own scent. There is no way I could dislike it." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"I don't need you to tell me my fool brother's worth. I knew it from the start." (—Chevalier talking about Clavis to Emma)
"As long as you were convinced you couldn't win, there was no way for you to unlock your full potential. That's why you never stopped failing. You were never going to win unless you believed in yourself." (—Chevalier to Clavis)
"People are fools. Everyone is contradictory in some way, because they're not perfect, and they can't be. But you and my fool brother are both fine that way. (...) Someone who is free of contradictions, who always chooses the right path... cannot really be called human. They're nothing more than a beast." (—Chevalier talking about Emma, Clavis and himself, to Emma)
"I learned how from watching you do it countless times." (—Chevalier talking about doing Emma's hair)
"They have the kind of decoration my fool of a brother would like." (—Chevalier talking about cookies with colorful and festive icing that Clavis would enjoy)
"...You're the only one. The only woman who would take pleasure in being at my side."
"Sometimes, you have quite violent coughing fits. I have a fool brother who gets ill a lot. The physician gives him this tea regularly, so I swiped some." (—Young Chevalier giving rose tea to his 'childhood friend')
"(...) keep cajoling him. You can shape the menace that he is." (—Chevalier talking about Gilbert to Emma)
"...I knew I made the right choice when I chose you as my pawn." (—Smiling Chevalier praising Emma, in Gilbert's route)
"An auction master working in collaboration with the Obsidianites had an official document from the king of Benitoite. That's quite a big catch, simpleton." (—Chevalier praising Emma's discovery, in Silvio's route)
"...I want you so much that I could just eat you all up right now."
"My clothes will be gone soon enough. After all, I have only one reason for locking a woman in a room like this. (...) Love me, Emma. This is an order from the king, and it's absolute."
"I recall you writing that you love hearing my voice. If that is what you want, you may hear it as much as you like."
"Hundreds of medical books, both domestic and foreign, are stored in my head."
"To have nerve enough to approach me... She's quite the woman." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"That gaze of hers struck me as straight as an arrow, and unneeded emotions began to well up within me." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"Don't be ridiculous. She would never be interested in the likes of you fools." (—Angry Chevalier talking about Emma and his brothers to Leon)
"I would far prefer to have you to myself than let that man have you." (—Chevalier talking about Gilbert)
"Indeed. I'm so vexed, I could throttle someone to death." (—Chevalier teasing Emma)
"You are our Belle. You spend your time determining our worth. Use some of those skills for yourself too." (—Chevalier telling Emma to care about herself more)
"I am not asking for a 'good' drawing. I am asking for your drawing."
"This is a Rhodolitian handshake. The more it hurts, the stronger your display of friendship." (—Chevalier to Gilbert)
"I don't believe I have ever seen Emma read it before. Perhaps I will recommend it to her. She cannot stay in the dark about it forever." (—Chevalier's thoughts while he's picking a romance book for Emma to read)
"If 'lovable' could be defined by any person, it would be her." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"I had often read about this urge to dote, but I had not understood it until meeting her." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"Theoretically, I have no use for romance novels now that I have Emma. However, thanks to her, I have learned how to enjoy them with no other motive." (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"I've become fond of seeing the variety of emotions on your face as you go through a book."
"Hm? Ah. Don't worry about the blood. I was just 'playing' with my brother who's made it his hobby to tease you." (—Chevalier's lobby dialogue)
"This absurdly lovely woman has my dearest affections." (—Chevalier translating his words of love from another language to Emma)
"The reason I still function so well despite having discarded my humanity is because I have my fool brother. And conversely, the reason my fool brother can do as he pleases is because he knows I'll always be there at the final moment." (—Chevalier talking about Clavis to Emma)
"Severing your Achilles tendon shall do the trick." (—Chevalier threatening Licht)
"I never had much chemistry with the twins. (...) They were just noisy children who cried if I so much as looked at them. However, one day, they stopped crying. No... If I think about it, there was a clear turning point." (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"It is true that you are useless right now, Licht, but you do not have to be that way forever. (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"Even with the first aid I have given you, it would be in your best interest to put on a convincing act for your twin if you do not wish to shock him." (—Chevalier to Licht)
"Oh? That was a much more thorough analysis than I would have expected from someone so heavily wounded. With some training, he could become an excellent commander." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Licht)
"Textbooks can be helpful, but not in the way that it obscures her lovely face." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
"I was never much one for drawing, but once during our childhood, Clavis pestered me to sketch something. Back then, I knew he suspected me to be a terrible artist, and asked me to do so in order to expose me. The resulting tantrum when his expectations were reversed was certainly memorable." (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"I would value this far beyond what any professional artist could draw. There is, however, something missing. (...) I must prepare a frame for this at once." (—Chevalier adding a little bunny on Emma's drawing of him as a tiger)
"I have never, ever laughed as much as I have with her. No wonder she is the one making my facial muscles exercise so much." (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"I want to do whatever it takes to see her entire spectrum of emotions." (—Chevalier's thoughts)
"Every second that ticked by was becoming another moment for me to cherish. I suddenly became overwhelmed by gratitude for being born the person I was. It won't be long before the entire collection of my memories is overtaken by you. And it will be just the way I like it." (—Chevalier's thoughts about Emma)
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soapycheeks · 4 months
i just know that mactavish probably have at least two girls waiting for him in their home everyday. so, here's little conversation he'll have with his sweet little eight years old daughter — little angst, fluff — 1.1k words
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her innocent face remains sober. she's not a child who's easily persuaded by sugar-coated lies and half-truths, make your husband impressed by your daughter maturity despite his attempts to throw cheeky jokes to make everything better. "but mommy was mad at you, weren't she?"
"yeah, mommy was mad at me. and she has every right to be." he says calmly. "i'm gone for too many days in the year. that puts more pressure on her to take care of you on her own. and she loves you more than she loves anything else in the world, and she doesn't like it when i doesn't get to spend enough time with you. so... she gets mad at me."
the little girl nods, clearly understanding his point. "you should stay home with us, then." she says plainly, her soft voice filling with honesty as she speaks, makes his heart goes out to her, unable to argue against such pure and simple logic. but he knows how the real-world works, and he can't just quit his job and stay home all the time.
he puts on a small smile, patting her on the head. "i wish i could, sweetheart. but this is my job. i have a responsibility to the people in my unit, and their families - and to my country. i love you so much... but i can't just abandon my work."
"but daddy, how are you gonna help us when you're out there? it makes mommy really sad... and she gets scared..."
"i know, honey... i know. but i promise, i'll be back as soon as i can. i have to go, but as soon as i get back, i'll hug you like this-" he leans down and lifts her up so she's resting against his chest.
his daughter face full of hope once again, there's only one thing on her mind now - she doesn't want her father to go away again. "that'll be really nice." she says softly. "but when are you gonna come back? you're always gone for so long... mommy says that it's taking away the best years we have together, and that it's not fair. is she right?"
he doesn't want to lie to his child, but he also doesn't want to ruin any hope she has. but she's so smart that she always sees right through his lies - that's the problem.
after taking a deep breath, he meets her eyes. "yes. she's right... it is taking away some of the best years we could have together. i wish it wasn't like this. but sometimes we have to do what's important, even when it's hard."
the little girl looks down and bites her lip, then looks up at him and nods slowly. her face still sober but a little calmer now.
"ok. but daddy...?"
johnny glances down at her. the look in her eyes tells him that she's about to ask another difficult, grown-up question - and that it's most likely going to crush him all over again.
"what is it, sweetheart?"
"mommy says... she doesn't want you to die when you're not here with us, because it would make her really sad. and it would make me really sad too, because i'd be all alone while you're gone. and i guess that's how i feel every time you leave. so... please, i'm begging you, daddy... don't die. please don't ever die, okay?"
that does it. he can't handle this last question. he has to turn away from her and cover his face, because even though he's tried to stay strong throughout this whole conversation, he feels the tears spilling from his eyes.
"oh honey..." he murmurs, choking back a sob. "don't you worry about that, okay? i promise... i'm gonna come back home to you, every single time. i'll stay away from danger as much as i can. and i'll be back home with you as soon as i can. i promise."
she lets out a tiny sigh and hug him tighter against her as she finally decides that she's done saying everything she needs to say. her voice is softer and quieter now, like a little whisper.
"i wish mommy didn't get mad when you had to go to your job. i don't like it when she gets mad at you, because it makes everybody upset. i promise, when i grow up, i'm gonna be a girl who doesn't get mad and loves her daddy all the time. i wish everybody could love you like i do."
he little bit speechless, but he knows that the argument between the two of you not that bad, you're just upset with the situation. he sighs and lets out a long, weary chuckle. you had definitely said your fair share of harsh words about him in the past, and many of the things you said have stuck with him.
"you're such an angel, honey... don't you ever change. stay sweet and loving and innocent like you are now, okay? daddy loves you so much..."
she buries her face into his chest and wraps her arms around his neck, clinging to him with all her strength. it's like her one chance to hold onto him as tightly as she can and never let go. "i love you too, daddy..."
he kisses the top of her head and holds her for a long time, not ready to let go of her yet.
finally, after a few minutes, he sets her down on her feet and kneels down in front of her again.
"what do you want to do," he says softly, taking her little hands in his. "i can take you to the bookstore if you want, or maybe get your favorite ice cream."
she thinks for a moment, her face filling with happiness again. when she was feeling sad, she was ready to stay home and do nothing at all. but now that she's happy again, the world might as well be her oyster.
"ice cream sounds super! but first, can we go to the bookstore and just look around, then get ice cream? i like looking at all the books, but i never get to buy any because all the good ones are too expensive and mommy doesn't let me."
he grins and nods. he likes that she wants to look at the books but she doesn't want him to spend too much money on her. it shows that she's aware of his responsibilities and the financial implications of certain purchases, even at such a young age. johnny thinks she's absolutely precious.
he stands back up and offers her his hand, which she grabs excitedly.
my really 1st time wrote about him. likes, reblogs, and comments are wonderfully appreciated!
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annymation · 8 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 9- Tangible Things
Chapter 8
Asha and Aster are walking through the kingdom of Rosas.
There's people everywhere, walking through the streets, all of them wearing the same style of medieval clothings with dull shades of blues, yellows and purples. The people of Rosas are all very diverse in ethnicities... But their cultures are not showcased at all through their clothing styles.
Asha walks through the sea of people wearing her mom's cloak, she's wearing the hoodie so her face is not visible.
Meanwhile, Aster is "wearing" his human disguise, looking like any average human teenager... If you ignore the uncommon combination of brown skin and blonde hair, as well as his black clothes with a looong cape that doesn't quite blend in with everyone else's clothing style.
... And the fact he's as happy as Ariel on her first tour with Eric through the kingdom. Or Rapunzel getting to know her kingdom for the first time, yeah, he has those same big eyes full of wonder.
If you ignore all that, yeah he's just a normal human, nothing to see here.
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"Okay Aster, stay close to me. We're almost at the plaza..." She got no response "Aster?" She looks behind her shoulder
... Aaaaand Aster is nowhere to be seen.
Asha scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, she's gonna have to put a bell on that star.
Asha feels a slight dejavu feeling from that dream she had last night.
She scrunches her eyebrows in frustration, now contemplating putting a bell on that star "*sigh*... At least you know how to behave, huh Valentino?" she says to the baby goat walking next to her, Valentino is just happily wagging his tail.
She takes off the her hoodie for a moment to get a better view of her surroundings
"Now where could he be?" She sounds worried, looking around, but there's no sign of the star.
Asha just took her hoodie for a moment...
But just a moment was enough for two people to notice her...
She hears someone calling her name in the distance
"asha! asha-when I catch you asha! asha! when I catch you- it is on sight!! you are so-"
The voice is getting closer. Asha looks around at the sea of people walking, but she can't seem to find who's calling her, the girl voice gets louder:
A second voice joins in, male this time
"DAHLIA! WAIT UP *huff huff* I can't run that fast!"
Asha turns around and... Yup, it's Dahlia and Simon.
Despite the fact that Dahlia walks with a crutch she's moving way faster than him, that's not even to emphasize how slow Simon is, no, Dahlia just so happens to run really fast in general.
They finally reach the girl wearing the purple cloak, and she seems preeetty nervous about having to explain the whole situation
"Oh- hehe hey guys" Asha waves to her friends awkwardly
Dahlia was having none of that "OHOHO Don't "Hey guys" me! Where were you last night?? My mom was worried sick"
"We woke up early to go looking for you, we were just on our way to get the others" Simon said while trying to catch his breath
"I'm fine, really. I just needed a take a walk you know? Get some air, and then I slept in my old home." She tries her best to calm them down "Dahlia, you didn't have to organize a search party for me, I can take care of myself." She tells her best friend.
"Actually, it was Simon's idea, he's the one who went to wake me up"
That surprised Asha
"... Simon... Woke up early?"
"That's how worried I was" He said with his usual monotonous voice "And... I wanted to apologize, last night I accidentally-... I assumed that you were crying because of something YOU did, without knowing the whole story, I shouldn't have pressured you to tell us like that... I'm sorry"
(Aww Simon is so nice... I sure hope he never does anything lame or stupid or uncool to his friends, that would be so sad.)
Asha kinda needed that apology, she gives him a warm smile
"Thanks for saying that Simon, it means a lot. And sorry for stepping on your foot... And running away." She places a hand on the back of her neck as she says that.
"Honestly, if I found out that the king wouldn't ever grant my wish, I'd feel really awful too" Simon, ironically, is the one who comments this
Asha remembers... Oh yeah she mentioned that to them.
"Yeah speaking of which... What is up with that?!" Dahlia exclaims, looking outraged "I mean, they put you on the spot, call you to come in their house, get your wish, and then they just say "Oh actually noooo, we won't grant your wish" HUH?! That's not fair at all." She rants with her arms crossed
Asha is just kinda nodding in agreement, like, what really happened was waaaay worse than that but yeah Dahlia got the spirit.
Simon doesn't seem to relate with her frustration though.
"Did they tell you why they weren't gonna grant your wish?" Simon asks.
Asha analyses the situation... She could tell them the truth, she could tell them everything she has seen... But then again, if she tells them, they might be in danger... She told Aster that she wanted to plan this out before acting, involving her friends is a big risk, so for now... She would have to lie.
"They... They just said they couldn't do it, nothing else happened, really" She said, trying her best to sound honest but kinda failing, her friends didn't seem to notice though.
"... Seriously? They didn't even say why?" Dahlia is dumbfounded.
"... Now I understand why you were crying..." Simon sounds really sad for his friend "But even still, you shouldn't have gone to the woods all by yourself-"
"Who said she was by herself?"
Simon and Dahlia jump in surprise because of the unknown cheerful voice coming from behind them
They turn around and see Aster... holding a bouquet of purple flowers.
Asha can feel a drop of sweat running down her forehead... This might be way harder to explain.
"Aster where were y-" Asha is about to lecture the star, but she is stopped when he shows her the flowers he got by holding them right in front of her face.
"Asha look! These flowers are called "Aster" just like me! and they're your favorite color too!"
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(Hahaah told y’all I’d reference these flowers!)
Aster hands her the bouquet, but in a way that her face is covered by the flowers for a second before she manages to hold it by herself
"O-OH Yeah I can see that... thanks Aster, they're really pretty heh heh" She says nervously, as she notice her two friends staring at Aster and then staring back at her.
"Uuuh so I take it your name's "Aster"?" Simon asks, looking at the boy from head to toe.
Aster turns around to greet them
"That's me! So nice to meet you two!"
Aster gives Dahlia a handshake...
And we take a look on what he sees
Now you see, Aster can naturally take a peek on what's someone's wants and beliefs, but when he touches someone... They can see something even more special.
He sees that person's star, their center, what makes them who they are.
When Aster touches Dahlia's hand, we see how her star looks like.
It's bright, red, and full of determination to achieve whatever she sets her mind to...
If confidence was a tangible thing, it would be Dahlia.
from the other's point of view, Aster is just shaking her hand quickly and very happily.
"Oh- Hehe I'm Dahlia."
Aster then goes on to shake Simon's hand and...
Aster's smile disappears...
Simon's star is still there but it's... weak, flickering away like a flame that is about to go out at any second
Aster feels a pain in their chest...
If hopelessness was a tangible thing, it would be Simon.
Aster let's go of the young man's hand, his eyes are downcast and he's frowning like he's about to cry.
He looks up to Simon and just says "I'm so sorry"
So needles to say our boy Simon is terrified thinking this weird kid Asha found in the woods predicts he's gonna die in 7 days or something.
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(That’s it, that’s the face he's making. lmao.)
Simon gives Asha a panicked look, and she seems just as confused as him.
"Hey Aster?" Asha calls his attention placing a hand on his shoulder, the star turns to her curious "Did you uh- Pay for these flowers?"
Aster tilts his head to the side "What's pay?"
("At All Cost" ruined me, because every time I re-read this line my mind goes "What's pay? When I look at you no way-" and that's so funny to me)
Simon who happens to be the son of a cop the captain of the royal guard becomes even more suspicious of Aster, knowing this guy just STOLE something and then played innocent.
Asha just smiles at that comment and patiently explains to him "Okay, now you gotta put these back where you found them, can you do that please?"
Aster's smile returns as if it never left "Got it! I'll be back in a sec!"
Aster runs with an almost inhuman speed, leaving the three friends in an awkward silence
Simon breaks that silence.
"… Where did you find that guy?"
"And where can I find one for myself?" Dahlia asks as she watches Aster run off.
Simon: "What?"
Dahlia: "What?!"
This time, Asha kinda gives them a half truth
"Well... Let's just say Aster was at the right place at the right time... And he helped me feel better" That's technically true.
Simon looks very dissatisfied with that answer though
"... So you spent the night with a stranger in the woods?"
"Not a stranger though!" Aster pops out of nowhere behind Simon,
"OH GOSH-" Simon almost has a heart attack,
Asha realizes the longer Aster keeps talking with other people the more suspicious they'll seem, so she just grabs him by the arm
"Great talking to you two but we reeeeally gotta get going. So tell the others I'm fine, we'll be at the main plaza if you need me!" She says already running while dragging Aster with her.
The star boy is just happily waving them goodbye as he's dragged away by the arm. "Bye Dahlia! Bye Simon!" he exclaimed excitedly
"... Soooo how much do you wanna bet she actually just wished for a boyfriend?" Dahlia asks
(Dahlia is a self insert of me at this point, her lines are what I'd say in this situation)
Simon kinda ignores Dahlia's comment as he realizes something odd "Wait ... I never told him my name, how did he know I'm "Simon"?"
We cut to Asha and Aster in an alley.
“Okay, we need to talk" Asha begins, looking at the star boy seriously "If we're really gonna do this, we gotta establish some ground rules."
"Sure! We stars are all about rules!" The star says, sitting on some barrels while kicking his feet.
She begins listing the rules:
"So rule number 1: You can't run off without me, you gotta stay close to me at all times."
"Rule number 2: You gotta act as HUMAN as you can, that means do what I do, and use NO magic at all."
"Oh you don't have to tell me twice, that's a rule I already HAVE to follow as a wishing star anyway"
"And rule number 3: ..." She stops to think for a moment "Umm... I feel like there should be a third rule but I don't know what"
"I know! Rule number 3:... LETS HAVE FUN!" Aster exclaims with a beaming smile as he holds her hand and walks with her out the alley "You don't need to worry about a thing! I'll stay with you at all times. All you gotta do is focus on inspiring everyone with your music!"
Asha looks at the mandolin in her hand. She's honestly not sure if she'll be able to make any difference... But if she can make at least a few people consider getting their wishes back so they can grant it by themselves... Then it'll be worth it, because then they can start something.
She feels her hope returning, as a confident smile grows on her lips and a fire burns in her eyes.
"Yeah, and I know just the song for it!" She starts running faster, and soon she's the one who's in front, dragging Aster by the hand...
Aster can see Asha's star, and he looks at it with eyes full of what can only be described as disbelief and a passionate admiration.
Her wish was taken from her, just like Simon's, but Asha was different.
Unlike Simon, her light refused to burn down, her old wish was replaced by a new one, that shined just as brightly.
A star that wants to shine upon others and give them joy, guidance, something to believe in... To Aster, her glow was the most beautiful one of all... And when he looked at it he felt...
Actually, he couldn't describe it... It's still a feeling he can't put into words.
So for now, he doesn't know what tangible emotion Asha is.
But he'll probably find out eventually.
They both reach the plaza. There's a water fountain at the center of it, a few people are walking around and talking, but there's not much of a crowd.
Asha takes the mandolin and starts singing a song... Based on a poem her father wrote:
A Wish Worth Keeping
[Verse 1] Take it from someone like me When your hopes are in despair If your desires have strings Free them, give them some air
[Chorus] 'Cause any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping
[Verse 2] Yeah, everybody dreams To be something someday somewhere Even kings and queens Daydream to be free from their royal chairs
[Refrain] Well, any dream that's got your heart Even when you're not sleeping Is a drеam worth dreaming
[Bridge] Yeah, we all start as wildlings Playing in thе sun Then we grow up with wild dreams Just waiting for our day to come
[Verse 3] So if hope schemes against time
Tell them, "be nice, play fair" Yeah, they may kick and cry, yeah But just show them they're better when paired
[Refrain] 'Cause if they both can hold your heart There's no way you're not sowing A dream that will never stop growing
[Chorus] Yeah, any wish that's got your heart On the edge of breaking Is a wish worth keeping...
It's a poem her father wrote to encourage people to not give their wishes to Magnifico, but instead keep their wishes and fight for what they dream of. In this moment, she's playing her grandfather's mandolin, while wearing her mother's cloak and singing a poem her father wrote, it's like they're all there with her.
Asha sings in a more festive rhythm than the original "Wish Worth Making" from the Wish soundtrack, it's a song that makes people want to join in and dance with Aster, who's bringing in people around the plaza to join in.
And among these people there's also Asha's friends, they seem happy for her but also confused. Since when did Asha play the mandolin? And who on earth is that guy with her?
As Asha plays, she and Aster share a little duet in the third verse of the song, as if Aster also knows the poem too. Asha looks at the star dancing with such energy, doing literal backflips, twirls, jumping all over the place, bringing in people to dance with him and just being himself like no one's watching.
And for the first time, she actually feels her heart bumping faster by looking at the star, and not because they're a literal star or because he scared her by popping out of nowhere... but because he's himself.
(Yup, that's when she fell)
Everything is going well, Aster can even see the stars inside some of the people in the crowd shining brighter...
It's actually working.
Some of the younger people are actually considering not giving away their wishes, and others feel like maybe going after new wishes by themselves.
Aster moves with even more energy now... His eyes are closed.
Asha also has her eyes closed, lost in the moment as she plays the song.
The sky is full of thick grey clouds, the sun was nowhere to be seen.
If only Aster's new friend Sunny could've warned him who was coming.
Aster is spinning around quickly with his eyes closed and-
Aster bumps on someone and falls on the floor.
Asha hear's him falling and opens her eyes, she looks up to see who he bumped into...
She instantly stops playing.
Her face is horrified, and she quickly covers herself more in her mother's cloak.
Valentino who was hopping around also sees who it is and hides behind Asha's legs.
Aster is just laughing on the floor, still high on the adrenaline, their eyes are still closed as he laughs so he still hasn't seen who's right in front of him...
But he can tell that he just bumped on a man taller than him.
"Hahahaha sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I wa-" Aster looks up...
Oh no.
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“No problem at all, little one. Are you alright?”
The king and the queen are standing right in front of Aster.
It’s quite unusual to see them just out and about in a normal day, so the few people around start mumbling among each other.
… Aster doesn’t have a heart but somehow he could feel something in their chest sink as he looked up at the two monarchs…
He could see what they wanted, but to be honest the magic in his eyes wasn’t even necessary for him to see it, they looked down on him with the eyes of two hyenas staring at their next meal.
They wanted him... They knew what Aster was.
The star is just looking up to them with wide eyes like a deer in headlights.
“Here, let me help you.” Magnifico extended his hand to help them get up.
Aster knew very well what would happen in he touched that hand, and he was not looking forward to see what the king was like on the inside…
But then again, he promised Asha he’d act like a human, and most humans in Rosas would gladly shake the king’s hand, right?
So… Aster reached out for it, and once he touched it...
Aster had to hold in a gasp.
That is NOT a star.
See, Aster actually had heard from the other stars that there are many different kinds of people on earth.
There are those who are stars. Those who shine upon others by inspiring them, and make their own glow through their own actions. Like Asha.
There are those who lost their spark, those who no longer have hope or dreams to follow, they’re fading stars. Like Simon.
And then.
There are black holes.
Do you know how a black hole is formed?
They’re formed when a star dies.
Black holes have a gravitational pull that sucks in all the light around them, leaving nothing behind.
And in Aster’s eyes, Magnifico was a black hole.
Stealing away the light of all the stars around him.
Aster had heard that people who become black holes were very hurt in their lives, and thus their star died completely.
But Aster knew better... Magnifico choose to be this way, and he loves it.
He loves to pull others in only to steal their light away...
Aster felt disgusted.
... If selfishness was a tangible thing, it would be Magnus.
As the king pulls him up Aster's is glaring at him, no longer looking scared...
He's angry.
His brow furrowed, his pupils shrunk and his jaw was clenched. He was almost shaking.
It was like he was holding himself to not just jump on this man and punch him.
... Magnifico is content with this reaction.
From what he read, he knew that stars had "Eyes that see the truth", so Magnifico knew that the star could see who he really was.
With that in mind, his grip tightened on Aster's hand.
"Are you hurt at all, lad? You seem to be in pain or something." The king asks referring to the scowl on Aster's face, in a tone that for everyone else watching may sound like concern, but both Aster and the king know it's a mockery.
Aster actually didn't even realize he was scowling, he's just not used to hiding his emotions... But it surely not a "Normal human behavior" to glare at the KING after he just helped you up, is it?
So Aster takes a deep breath and... Smiles.
"I'm quite alright your majesty, just felt a bit dizzy from all the dancing hahaha" He laughs to himself.
Aster may not be the best liar but he is a surprisingly good actor.
"Ah I see." The king says as he let go of Aster's hand, he's now looking down on the young star with a friendly smile "And what a dance that was indeed. Why, we saw you two from our window and we just HAD to take a closer look."
Aster felt a stab of guilt... It's his fault for bringing too much attention.
"I don't think we've met this little rose in our garden before." The queen chimes in sweetly, reaching her hand to caress Aster's face "What's your name, my flower?"
Aster quickly takes a step back, escaping the queen's touch as if he's dodging a bullet.
"Ah- I- My name's Aster!" They stutter, the star really didn't want to be touched by this lady, who knows what he'd see inside HER soul.
Aster tries his best to pull it together, the star knows what to do, he has watched from above how people act around the royal couple. So all he had to do was mimic that behavior.
The young star bows down with one hand on his chest
"I'm humbled that our performance has caught your majesty’s attention. It's a great honor to meet your graces in person." The blonde spoke so eloquently no one could ever guess he's screaming internally.
The king and queen seemed pleased as they exchanged a quick glance to one another... This was going to be fun.
"What an eccentric partner you've got here, Asha" Magnifico says with a calm voice, now looking at the girl sitting by the water fountain, trying her best to hide her face with the hood of her mother's cloak...
… They recognized her? How?
"Aww and how lovely, you're wearing Sakina's cloak aren't you? It fits you so perfectly." The queen said, answering her question as if she could read Asha's thoughts.
Oh yeah... She forgot they knew her parents...
Asha gets up and takes off the hood, trying to act natural like Aster did.
"Thank you, your highness... I didn't expect we'd meet again so soon" she HOPED they wouldn't meet again so soon.
"What a nice surprise though, isn't it?" The king says casually "But speaking of last night... You've never mentioned you played any instruments Asha, I thought your only interest was drawing."
"I-I just didn't see any reason to comment, I'm still practicing is all" She says holding the mandolin close to her
The king chuckles at that "Now now don't be so modest my dear, you played so beautifully it almost seemed like..." he turns his gaze to Aster as he finishes with a knowing smile "Magic."
And with that, Asha realized what Aster already knew since the moment he saw the couple... They knew.
Somehow, they know Aster is a star.
The two teens are thinking the same thing, they gotta run.
Aster begins to walk backwards towards Asha as he says in a not so subtle nervous voice
"Aaaanyway, thank you so much for coming but I'm afraid there'll be no encore, we gotta take a break and-and it looks like it's gonna rain so-"
"Aw leaving so soon?" The king interrupts with a sad tone "We've got a bit of a crowd here. I believe this is as good a time as any for me to share two VERY important announcements... You both should stay and listen, I think they might be of interest to you." He says walking closer to them, to which Aster grabs Asha's hand and they both start moving away.
"O-oh sure the crowd is all yours. We're just REALLY in a hurry." Aster says while still walking backwards, keeping eye contact with the king with a forced smile.
"Hmm" The king hums while tilting his head to the side "Very well then, I'm sure the news will catch up to you two... Sooner than you think." He whisper that last sentence while looking at Asha with that same knowing smile.
And on that note, Aster and Asha just run out of there, leaving some very confused citizens staring at them. Including Asha's friends.
Magnifico follows them with his eyes with a confident and relaxed gaze... He can grab them later, now, it's time to set the stage.
"ALRIGHT! My people, please gather around!" The king says as he hits his staff on the ground teleporting him and the queen to the top of a stage in the plaza.
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(Let’s say the stage looks like this… Disneyland stage… But I’ll not be counting this as a reference because that’s kinda reaching at this point.)
More people around the plaza come closer to see what this is all about.
Meanwhile Asha and Aster hide in a alley to hear what the king has to say.
The king begins loud and clear
"Now, I know you are all wondering about that little light last night-"
The crowd cheers, assuming the light was a gift from the king.
"... A light I did not command nor condone." He corrects their assumption
The smiles on his people's faces deflated
"As a matter of fact, that light wasn't even from this world... It was a THREAT from beyond our skies." Magnifico explains with a serious gaze as he summons a book with his staff, the book floats next to him as the pages flip.
"A threat that my family has dreaded for generations. A being that comes down to earth and consumes all the hope, joy and love they can find..." The book stops on a page showing the illustration of a wishing star individual, with golden hair. The drawing seem to have been altered though, to make the entity look more ominous.
"A fallen star. This VILE creature is hiding among us. They can take a human form, gain your trust, make you feel all happy and warm inside even, BUT DON'T BE FOOLED!" The king exclaims warningly as he shuts the book "They're after ONE thing... Your wishes." He says menacingly, pointing at the top of the castle in the distance.
All the citizens look horrified, mumbling among each other, fearing for their wishes and themselves.
Among the crowd there's Asha's friend, they're all scared but Simon seems specially concerned.
The king lets the fear sink in for a few seconds before he switches back to his upbeat friendly king persona.
"BUT HEEEEY! Relax! No need to panic ladies and gentleman. As always, you can trust in me to keep you, and your wishes, safe and sound. This star may be powerful, yes, but their magic is no match for me!" He illustrates his point by creating a light show with his staff, creating fireworks and briefly a dragon made of green magic.
The crowd cheers and claps, trusting Magnifico wholeheartedly.
Aster and Asha are just watching all this play out, hiding away in a nearby alley.
Aster is going through a lot of emotions, scared of what might happen if the king does capture him, angry at himself for not keeping an eye out like he promised he would, and sad that all those people just took everything the king said as gospel.
His animation (That is now 3D, but with a different frame rate depending on how he feels) becomes more laggy and jumpy, like he's not in control of his own body movements as he speaks.
"I didn't think he'd know what a wishing star IS. Had I known this was a possibility I would've NEVER suggested for us to get exposed like that... I'm sorry Asha" They apologize for something he couldn't have predicted.
"It's not your fault." Asha reassure him holding his hand "...But when we were playing, did you see if anyone changed their minds?" She asks curious.
"... Yeah, actually... I could see some sparks of hope! I could tell some people considered granting their wishes by themselves..." He says, calming down a little, his animation going back to somewhat normal.
Asha felt relieved by that, at least they did a little bit of a difference...
But that wasn't enough, they had to actually MAKE a difference, and the only way of doing that was by showing everyone the truth, and proving what was happening with their wishes, if only Asha could show them-
Wait... The king and queen... They're not in the castle right now...
Asha has an idea.
She holds Aster's hand tightly and starts walking out the alley, going through the plaza.
King Magnifico and Amaya are still there, he's answering a few questions about the glow and what people should do.
He follows the two of them with his eyes for a moment.
"Woah- hey I thought we were gonna run away from here." He says quietly to her, trying to keep up the pace.
"No. Come with me.” Asha starts running, pulling Aster with her.
They’re running towards the castle.
“O-okay so what's the plan now?”
“I'm tired of running away from them." Asha says determined
She points at the castle.
"My wish, and the wishes of dozens of people in Rosas are in there. We can sneak in while those two are outside, then we can grab my wish and as many others as we can." Her eyes have a burning passion as she runs with Aster just in toe holding her hand.
"... Wait, but isn't that pretty much my first plan from yesterday? What changed?"
"What changed is that Magnifico and Amable aren't in the castle..." She thinks for a moment, then she looks back to Aster and gives him a thankful smile "And also, you've shown me that I CAN inspire people, I CAN show them the truth, we can do this together!"
Aster's eyes sparkle in awe when he sees her face.
She continues, now looking at the castle with no doubts left in her "We can even grab some wishes that they changed and show to their owners, to use as proof of what the king and queen are doing!"
Aster can see Asha's star shinning even brighter than before, a huge smile grows on his face.
"That's brilliant!" Aster lets go of her hand and starts running faster than her “Then let’s go! Last one there is a dusty nebula!”
The two are now racing to the castle, with Aster running considerably faster than Asha.
Both hopeful that they'll succeed.
They're far, but the king can still see them in the distance. He smiles.
It's adorable how she thinks she can actually change anything.
Asha and Aster don't hear as the king says to his people:
“Now… My second announcement is about this veeeery special wish that I’ve received last night...” he says with a smirk.
He summons a green orb in his hands.
He holds it, in a way that no one can see what's inside the wish yet.
"My dear people, as you all know, nothing in this life brings me more joy than making ALL your wishes come true- Well, that is aside from my beloved queen." He says giving the queen a passionate glance and kissing her hand.
"Oh you!" She giggles.
"However, yesterday something quite... Unfortunate happened, and I had to do something I swore I'd never do... I denied granting a wish." Some citizens gasp in surprise, thinking someone must have wished for something really bad
Asha's friends look surprised at that, they already suspect whose wish this is.
"I know, I know, shocking, yes. It was a wish that just- Well-Surprised us, really, I wasn't sure if I could allow it..." He looks down on the wish with a introspective gaze "But after putting some thought into it, I realized: Isn't this kingdom all about dreams coming true? No matter how outlandish they may seem? Well I say YES. That's what MY Rosas is all about!" The king announces passionately.
"So we decided to do something new... For the first time in my reign... We're getting a PUBLIC WISH GRANTING CEREMONY!" He exclaims. This is a big deal, Magnifico never granted a wish in front of people, only at night while they sleep.
The green gem in his staff glows…
Creating a huge hand made of green magic.
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“I’ll just grab our lucky winner real quick, so we may get started.” The king says wearing a huge grin.
His predatory eyes are fixated on Asha running after Aster in the distance.
Aster was right about one thing.
It does look like it's gonna rain.
Chapter 10
Final Thoughts
... Soooooo yeah hahaha, we're getting to some INTENSE stuff in the next chapter, buckle up.
But about THIS chapter though, those sure were some good vibes at the beginning, huh? Aster getting to see the kingdom, giving Asha flowers, they promise to stay togetheeeer, and then they sing and daaaance and then Magnifico shows up and the good vibes are gone.
Like... I'm really proud of my work with him as a villain, like, if you're writing a character and YOU dread getting to the scenes that he shows up, you KNOW you're doing something right... I think, you tell me, how did you feel when he popped up?
I'm REALLY proud of how this chapter turned out in general. The idea of Aster seeing humans as tangible emotions just HIT ME one time when I was listening to "At All Cost" for the 1000000th time, and it just fitted perfectly with everything.
Shout out to @gracebethartacc I made Magnifico call Aster “little one” in your honor… And he’ll do it often.
Oh and one more thing, you may have noticed I'm implying that it's gonna rain... Yeah I'll just say one thing about that:
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mageofseven · 1 year
How about a reader that was pregnant when they were chosen as an exchange student ? Like the baby's father is not in the picture and reader *isn't* involved with boys romantically and when the boys discover readers pregnant after lesson 16 they're just "oh Shi-"
This is an old ask from before my long ass hiatus, but I'm honestly still really interested in this.
Okay so here's some set up info for how Imma do this:
MC knew she was pregnant, but was so overwhelmed about it that she welcomed the fact that she was magically kidnapped into going to demon school and that she had something to distract herself from the literal growing problem in her uterus.
The baby was also transfered to the new body after what Belphie did to her.
Like it was requested, MC is not currently dating any of the Boys.
They found out because they had her get checked by a doctor despite Barbatos making sure she was okay with his time power; this was mostly done out of over-protectiveness and no one actually thought anything would come of it.
I don't do reader posts so obviously this will be MC.
Now that that's out of the way, let's give this a go!
Is visibly shocked by this and has MC explain herself.
When he hears how her boyfriend knocked her up and abandoned her not long before she was brought to the Devildom, the pride demon makes a mental note to ask her for the man's name at another time so he can handle that little pest.
Feels terrible guilty about what she went through and even worse that she went through it while pregnant.
I see Lucifer as this heavily anxious man with a soft spot for kids and that includes babies that are works-in-progress (WIP).
Hovers around her constantly after that, making sure she taking every vitamin and supplement she and her child needs.
Just becomes super protective of her while also trying to pretend he's not.
Eventually takes her off of cooking duty so she'll have one less thing to worry about.
Despite not being the father or having such a relationship with her, he takes full responsibility for all aspects of this from teleporting her here while pregnant to Belphie offing both her and her child in her last body.
Doesn't go as far as to call himself this child's father, but anyone who saw this man hovering over her would definitely think he was.
Like always, Lucifer just wants to take care of his family and now sees MC and her child as such.
Literally freaks out while trying to pretend he isn't.
To him, her being pregnant just made this whole situation 1000000x worse.
Feels bad that he didn't know about her kid.
Like, he's the brother whose been by her side the most and he never even noticed anything was off with her.
He's not the most observant man so I'm not surprised.
He's her First! She should have just told him, or so he tells her.
Keeps an extra close eye on her to keep this crazy freaking human from doing anything bad for herself or her kid
And let's face it, she literally got herself killed not long ago so anything can happen.
The further her pregnancy gets, the more this man tries to keep his brothers away from her.
He just extra possessive as time goes on.
I mean yeah, this kid ain't his but he wishes it was so freaking much but he's still gonna look after the two of them.
Honestly, this man wouldn't be able to handle a single other bad thing happening to his Human.
Is really freaking out and doesn't even try to hide it.
I mean this is serious!
Not only did MC die but so did her WIP kid????
I mean yeah, they are both back but this all still sucks.
You know the phrase 'kicking a person while they're down'? Well this is like using a freaking flamethrower while the human was already down!
Honestly becomes super awkward with his Henry after learning about her pregnancy
But slowly gets used to it as he discovers that MC just wants him to treat her as he always has.
Yeah! He can do that!...kinda.
He feels bad that he can't help her through most of it.
This man knows absolutely nothing about pregnancy and feels like he is mediocre at comforting people at best.
Still, if she ever needs someone to distract her with anime so she doesn't have to think of the little WIP in her uterus then Levi is her man.
Honestly...this man is less than thrilled.
MC is the first person he's ever truly gotten close to and that includes his 'brothers'
So to hear that the person he cares about most is pregnant...
Well on the plus side, he knows there's a human man in the other realm for him to torture so that makes him feel better.
Doesn't like kids, but is at MC's side as much as possible.
One of the brothers willing to hold her hair back during bouts of morning sickness.
Not one to hover, but does get a little protective when Belphie is in the same room as her.
Knows the Avatar of Sloth won't hurt her anymore but...well, he still can't get the image of MC's dead body out of his head
And angy boy is still angy at him for it.
Other than that, he reads a shit ton of pregnancy books to learn what MC's body is going through and different methods to comfort her through it.
Honestly, this usually chatty brother was speechless when it was announced.
When he saw all eyes fall on the human and make her overwhelmed, he ran to his friend and hugged her tightly.
Was the one to hype up the other guys and get everyone to say they'll take care of her and that they have her back
Because honestly, this woman and her child literally died for his family; you can bet your ass he's going to make sure each and every one of his brothers does their part in taking care of the pregnant human.
Doesn't immediately think about killing the runaway baby daddy, but if it becomes a family field trip to hunt the bastard and kill him, Asmo is so down for it.
Mostly focuses on what he can do for MC in the moment though.
Another brother to comfort her during morning sickness.
It's gross af but he uses it to remind his brothers that hey! I'm getting close to a vomiting woman each morning so y'all better be as dedicated to the cause as I am.
This man literally did nothing wrong, but acts as if it's all his fault.
So much happened in his family right under his nose and things led to such extremes that his twin literally killed this woman and her child.
More or less feels like he needs to step up and pay atonement for what his twin did
And is probably the brother who takes care of her the most.
This situation has shown how much he actually wants to be a parent one day
And literally asks MC later in her pregnancy if he can be her baby's daddy
He doesn't care about genetics at all, just wants MC to let him help her raise the child and make him a daddy 🥺
Literally the sweetest man to ever exist.
MC would be a fool not to accept.
Probably the guiltiest of all of the men.
I mean, he did it. He killed MC and relished in it.
Granted, he didn't know she was carrying a little hitchhiker, but still.
Belphie lost himself in his pain to such a strong degree that...he wonders that even if he did know...would he have been able to stop himself from doing what he did
And honestly, the fact that he doesn't know scares the hell out of him.
Avoids MC for the first couple months of her pregnancy because honestly, he feels too guilty to even look at her
And... honestly, he doesn't know if he even trusts himself around her.
Thanks to Beel's encouragement, the sloth demon slowly finds himself interacting with the pregnant human
And eventually decides that the best way to atone for what he did (if it's even possible) is to take care of her and the kid the best he can.
He doesn't like kids and just sees pregnancy as unnecessary torture for people with uteruses
But honestly, none of that matters anymore.
He may not have been the one to knock the woman up, but he did fuck up the worst out of everyone in this situation.
Will feel better whenever the family hunting party starts and he can give that pathetic man a taste of what he deserves.
Looks like it's Human Season for this hunting demon.
Also a man with an overwhelming sense of guilt.
Other than the actual process of making the baby, everything that happened was either because of something he directly or indirectly did to start up the exchange program.
Also regrets not having regular check ups on his exchange students because surely they all would have discovered this sooner and prevented anything from happening to the pregnant woman.
Has regular doctor visits scheduled for MC to make sure she and her baby stay healthy and pays for all of it, including any medications she may need during this progress.
Pregnancy can be really fucking expensive, but the prince makes sure she never has to worry about that side of things.
Just focus on staying healthy and letting your baby grow, MC; he and the other men will handle everything else.
Knew before everyone else did.
I mean, this man literally had to make sure the baby transfered over too.
This man is seriously a hero that doesn't get the credit he deserves nor does he seek such.
MC and her baby are safe now and that's all that matters to the butler.
Honestly frets over the woman on the inside, but shows no sign of it externally.
Is the man that takes her to all her doctors appointments and was there when she discovered the gender of her baby.
Congratulated her as she sobbed happy tears and was honestly grateful that he could share such a moment with her.
Honestly becomed really attached to MC during her pregnancy and looks forward to watching her child grow up.
Honestly, his intuition had been tingling for a while on this subject.
He suspected this pregnancy, but figured it was none of his business and didn't want to pry into the fellow human's personal life.
If he would have known such an event would happen with Belphie though, he would have stepped in and got answers.
He didn't though. The sorcerer had no clue how events were going to unfold.
Hindsight is telling him that he should have pryed more, but his manners told him it was right to respect the woman's privacy.
Doesn't do too much in regards to taking care of his friend since the demons seem to have it all covered and even seem to somewhat resent the sorcerer when he tries.
Believe it's better not to step on any toes, so to speak.
Is still a good friend to MC though and always offers an ear if they need to vent about the process with someone.
This all happened before the pregnancy had progressed enough for him to sense the baby.
He did however sense...something within the human since he met her, but didn't understand what.
Hindsight is really hurting this poor angel's heart 😔
Become the woman's biggest support in an emotional sense.
Pregnancy is hard and hormones flare and everything can seem so stressful, especially to a scared single mom.
This man is often the one comforting her when she breaks down into tears, even when it's over small stuff like someone ate the last cookie or she lost her pen.
He makes sure MC knows how strong she is and that she will make it through this this difficult time.
Demons!!! Back away from the pregnant woman or this chihuahua will bite.
Okay, not really, but the brothers make this joke a lot.
Luke is very protective of MC in this situation.
Since he is just a child, he wasn't told what happened between her and Belphie in complete detail.
Really just thinks the stupid demon hurt her feelings and the angelic boy will not allow it to happen again!
Grows increasingly curious as MC's belly grows; angels don't have kids in this way so this boy has a lot of questions about what's happening to her body.
The fact that there's an actual baby just chilling and growing in her belly boggles this boy's mind.
Is honestly excited for MC's baby and feels like he about to be come a big brother!
This boy is determined to do his part and take care of her just like the adults do.
Mostly just keeps her company and bakes for her when her cravings give her a sweet tooth.
Little Lukey keeps her spirits up and MC loves him for it.
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night-market-if · 11 months
Spoiler Ask
So I'm going to address it all here under the cut because I've gotten a few asks in that are pretty similar and I'm sure I'm going to get more. So I thought instead of answering the same thing over and over, I'd just do a response below. Warning, spoilers for the end of book 1.
Full disclosure. I am sick. We are going through a lot of family things at the moment. My patience is probably thin.
For everyone that says MC is already too forgiving of Milo. Milo has not even come into the story yet. You've only observed memories of him. If you feel like you need an inner dialogue to tell you how angry you are over this "betrayal" or "death", I don't know what to say here. Because MC is literally just observing things at the moment. Any options that have been put forth to comment on Milo and what has happened, have been more to lay ground work and to also give a scope of the type of emotions that will be offered in the game. But literally, Milo has not even shown up yet into the story in a real capacity. So please stop sending me asks about how you are upset that MC has "forgiven" him because there has literally been no real interaction between Milo and the MC.
As for this betrayal and death thing. I am going to state this now for those who aren't going to like where my story is going so you don't need to read if you don't want to. As the Night Market, you knew you were going to die. You gladly came down and wanted to experience death. You looked at what Milo (a non magic user) was doing, and said "hey, this would be a cool experience" and then you came down here. So, yes, you are going to feel the full range of emotions that come with it. But you are also going to need to take some personal accountability for your actions. That is what is going to be explored in this book. An entity that didn't realize what emotion actually meant, came down thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal to die, and it turned out it was a big deal. A big fucking deal, in fact and that by doing so, they actually hurt people they loved. So, don't forgive Milo. I'm not forcing anyone to. But, I will not be writing an MC that puts all the blame on him. Because guess what? The Night Market would have died if he didn't do what he did. So, everyone also saying that he killed the MC? No, he literally saved the MC and billions of people. And I don't care what way you spin it? One person is never worth a billion souls. And with the MC being someone that literally cut themselves open over and over again to save most of the people living within the world, I would think they would probably not be too keen on Milo sacrificing them so they could die together in some bullshit Romeo and Juliet act.
Now, I am all for exploring how an MC comes to terms with the feeling of betrayal along with the feeling of needing to take responsibility. I am all for exploring an MC that goes "holy shit this emotion thing is way bigger than I thought and I'm angry and confused". I'm there for it. I'm excited to write it. But, I will not be writing a willfully ignorant MC that doesn't take into account that they did this to themselves as well. And yes, if you choose to not acknowledge it in game, others are going to acknowledge it for you. If you want to not read because you can't become a villain, rock back and forth in a corner and weep, or violently get mad at someone who saved the world? That's cool. I'm not offended by someone not reading it. Anyone coming into my ask box and saying "I just am not going to read now because you aren't doing xyz" I wish you a good night and hope you find something else for you because there are thousands of stories out there.
I am not interested. Nor will I ever be interested. In writing a story where I add to the plague of ignorance that is this world. Aren't we kind of all struggling enough with that in our own lives? MC is a being of compassion. They will always be a being of compassion. That is going to shift and change based on circumstances and there are going to be moments where that compassion can fall into question. When it comes to Milo, it is going to be a messy bit of confusing emotions because there is so much more than just the black and white strokes of "OMG he killed me" that seemed to be the rhetoric on here. Now, you don't want his character around? Alright. Other than when you have to see him for Gatekeeper purposes, you probably won't.
To all of you guys complaining or sending me ask after ask stating how you don't like what I am doing. I am going to tell you this and it will not ever change. If you don't like reading this, then don't read. I am not here to write a story for you specifically. You don't like the direction of a work and can't ever broaden your scope of fiction to give it a shot? Then please don't. But to have this kind of messages coming through when literally we are a chapter in? Seriously. The instant gratification is bullshit. I'm going to suspect this is coming from the younger half of my audience who is way too accustomed to a confirmation bias internet algorithm and who has had a very small scope of real life. This is of course not all of the younger crowd but it's starting to seem like a pretty good amount.
I love having conversations with everyone. My discord is always open but most of you anons hide because you are far too scared to come at me with your user name or engage in a conversation feed where more than just me can answer. I mean, you guys send me asks, citing others user names, to call them out through me. It's laughable at this point.
I love having discourse with all of you but I'm not going to keep answering the same thing over and over again and justifying my work when it doesn't need to be justified. This is a small little bit of fiction in a vast sea.
If I sound pissed, it's because I am at this point. And I'm sure I'll get more asks in that are stating they are jumping ship or that they are disappointed in me or what not. I'll delete them and move on with my evening.
To all of you who are here for the ride and just want to experience what I'm writing? Thank you. Fiction is just meant to be a form of entertainment. I am not writing anything profound. To anyone that is looking for something more, move on. I'll see everyone who wants to get mad or saying I'm too harsh, in my inbox, I am sure. Thank god you can block anons.
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bunni-v1 · 11 months
Hi! For the 500 follower special, can I get L,O,Q and X from the sfw alphabet, for deuce, Lilia and malleus? Thank you <3
🍓I'm powering through the sfw requests, then I'll get nsfw, and then full lists in the same order. I'm so glad so many people requested, I just hope I don't let anyone down with my responses :/
L - Little Ones (how are they around children?): Oh, Deuce LOVES kids. He just thinks they're so cute and sweet and -- ugh, he wishes he had siblings to spoil. Equally, though, he's very nervous around them when he first meets a kid. I mean, they're so little? How are the so tiny and helpless? He just wants to smother them with affection, but he can't cause they might die if he does that.
O - Open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?): Deuce is a pretty open book from the start. He doesn't really have a reason to hide, and if you're his partner, why would he want to hide anything? So, you probably know most things about him before you even start dating, and then he tells you the more embarrassing things later down the line as you get more serious about each other.
Q - Quizzes (how much would they remember about you?): Listen, he's not good with the little things like favorite colors or what your favorite song is. But if you tell him what your favorite flower is, your favorite restaurant? He never forgets it. It goes in the long-term Deuce memory bank, forever categorized as incredibly important, but he has no idea why until he needs the information.
X - Xtra: Deuce is, surprisingly, very good with hair. He used to have to help his mom style hers, so he knows a ton of really cool tricks for styling it. Female, male, non-binary -- doesn't matter, he knows how to style your hair and it's going to feel like a GODSEND to your scalp.
L - Little Ones: Lilia's favorite hobby is being a father of three, so it's safe to assume he loves kids. Just everything about them is so darn cute -- their stubby little arms and disproportionate bodies. Oh! He can't get enough. If he could raise a hundred more kids, he absolutely would love to!
O - Open: Lilia, unlike Deuce, is not open at all! He puts on this bright and cheery face so he can hide from his dark and fucked up past. You are the light of his life, his guiding start in the night sky -- he doesn't want you to know how much of a monster he is. It's not until you are WELL SETTLED in your relationship that he tells you about his painful past, the things he's done, and how badly he wishes he could take it all back.
Q - Quizzes: Oh, Lilia knows everything. His memory just seems endless, and no matter if you told him something today or years ago, he would remember it clear as day. Every little detail from the very basics to the intricate ways you go about doing different things, he knows and adores all of them.
X - Xtra: Lilia is very good at gambling -- just hear me out. He's incredibly observant and reads people better than they do themselves. Not only that, he's smart. He can sit down at any gambling game, any kind, even if he's a beginner, and walk away with as much money as he wants. He is a casinos worst nightmare.
L - Little Ones: Children make Malleus... nervous. They're very little, and they seem very unaware of things around them, yet they have the confidence and demand of a well-established ruler. It's discomforting. Still, he did help raise (technically) two younger boys, so he does harbor some affection for children, he just has to get used to them for him to really enjoy them.
O - Open: It's not to say that Malleus is NOT open, it's just that he doesn't think to share things about himself. So he seems closed off, but really he's just thinking about gargoyles. He does this... thing, though, where he just... lore drops on you. Out of nowhere, he just "My mother died before I was born, and the love that Lilia gave me was enough to cause me to hatch, therefore, he is the closest thing to a father figure I will ever have." Kay... cool Malleus.
Q - Quizzes: He is so bad at keeping track of time, he will not remember 90% of the things about you. He will, however, remember the most random things. Like he doesn't remember what year you were born, but he knows your favorite character and all their lore. It's because he only cares about the things you care about a lot. If you talk about something frequently, he's going to go out of his way to learn more about it because it matters to you <3
X - Xtra: Malleus has an EXTENSIVE collection of Magic The Gathering Cards (or the test equivalent). He doesn't play the game, he has no idea how it works, but he really likes the collecting part of the whole thing. The art on the cards is pretty, and that was enough to fuel a whole collection.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
Want to get your thoughts on something you've touched on in a couple places. A pretty popular idea in the fandom is that one of the (in-universe) reasons airbenders have gone so hard into the peace-and-love monk thing is a self-awareness that, if they didn't, there's not a whole lot anybody could realistically do about it.
Like, Southern Air Temple pretty strongly implies that Gyatso solo'd a room full of comet-roided firebenders. It killed him but he did it, and while he is a master Airbender, we're not given any real indication that he is uniquely so, right?
I have many thoughts on this! Sorry in advance for the long post! And sorry if this goes a bit off topic!
Short answer: I don't agree.
Long answer:
We've seen that nations' cultures tend to reflect their native bending styles. Or vice versa. It's probably a chicken and egg scenario. The Fire Nation chose to spread (like wildfire) and is full of hot headed, impetuous roid-rage sufferers who can't see or plan for the long term. Fire itself easily becomes ungovernable and is at best muzzled/leashed, always waiting for the next chance to bubble over in unplanned / unpredictable / generally unhelpful directions (Hi Zhao!). So an element shapes a culture shapes and element until you've got a positive feedback loop (or in the case of the Northern Water Tribe, a negative feedback ourobouros due to outside pressure). Importantly, neither culture nor element develops in isolation; I think they develop simultaneously.
The Earth Kingdom is probably the most rigid and unchanging, even when it would benefit them to change/innovate. We see rigidity and humourlessness in response to change or the unexpected (see Toph's parents) and we see an inability to let go of a bad idea, or mitigate the consequences / think on the go when things that were clearly bad ideas go bad in ways anyone with a non-earthbender brain can see coming a mile off (think The Avatar State episode). Earth digs in when it should retreat, stands solid when it should duck and weave. It is grounded to the point of stupidity (unless you're Toph or Bumi, although even Toph seems to be unbending so far). It's linear to the point of being unable to deviate from that line.
This is me guessing, but I figure since fire and water are opposites, air must be the opposite of earth, right? So while we'll never see airbending culture in a non-shrunk-down-to-one-person form, we can look at earthbending culture for its dark reflection. Well, probably not dark, but you get what I'm saying. They'll be opposites in world view. We can extrapolate.
So if earth is grounded, humourless, aggressively traditional, linear, then air must be constantly fluctuating, unchained, lighthearted, bonkers-all-over-the-place. The heaviness of earth would dictate that problems should be faced by digging in and facing them head on until the problem blinks first. The lightness of air would dictate that problems should be faced the opposite way: blinking first i.e. removing yourself from the problem entirely. The linearity of earth dictates that fights are solved by fighting - you punch me, I punch you. The non-linearity of air would seek to recontextualise a problem until it's no longer a problem because we all forgot what we were fighting about in the first place, i.e. throwing pies at it or busting out the marble trick. The heaviness of earth would cause excessive earthly attachment; the lightness of air would cause excessive detachment from worldly concerns.
To start violence is to make a statement that you wish to be involved. It's rooting yourself to a particular dispute, choosing a hill to die on. It stems from attachment. This is earthbendery behaviour (and Zuko-y, but let's not go there). To never start violence is to never invest, never dig in your feet and make a stand. To be detached. (I'm oversimplifying here.) It's clear from in-show examples that Aang's pacifism is of the "ladies don't start fights but they can finish them" variety; he's got no problem with self-defence (caveat: we have no idea how typical an air nomad Aang was). But he never attacks first that I can think of.
Violence is a very direct tool. If someone starts a fight with you, and you decide to continue it, you're choosing the most obvious action. Since when is airbending direct or obvious?
All this to say, I think that pacifism, peace and love, monkiness, etc., was more likely a natural and inevitable outgrowth of air nomad culture, caused by constant culture / element interaction, rather than a conscious choice.
So I think airbenders "have gone so hard into the peace-and-love monk thing" because the nature of their element creates a culture that discourages the traits required for effective offensive violence, and the inherent detachment and ever-changing nature of air naturally encouraged spiritual (i.e. monkly) pursuits rather than earthly ones, like whatever the conflict of the week is. I don't think self-awareness of the dangers of their element factors into it. Not to take away from Gyatso's accomplishment, but I think air is nowhere near the most dangerous element. From what I've seen so far that would be Fire or Earth, though I'd give the edge to Fire because they self-generate, and also because they've spent a largely successful century dominating the other elements. Waterbenders and earthbenders can be neutralised by taking away their element; airbenders - due to the very nature of their element - probably can't get past that initial avoid and evade instinct to become legitimate offensive threats.
As for Gyatso, I think he's an outlier. We know little about him so far, but we do know that: a) Aang says he's the best airbender (in I think the Southern Air Temple?); b) he's good enough that he was granted a statue while he was still living, learning, improving; and c) he's good enough that the monkly council (of which he is part) granted him the honour/responsibility of being the quasi-dad of the Avatar. These things tell me that Gyatso was the Spiders Georg of the Airbenders. I suspect Bumi is the same for the Earthbenders, and at least as far as the philosophy of bending is concerned, Iroh may be so for Firebenders. Even the example of Gyatso nuking the comet-enhanced firebenders is a case of defensive action in ultra extraordinary circumstances: he was staring into the teeth of a genocide while mourning the disappearance of his quasi-son and the likely loss of the world's only hope / chance at stopping the war. That's how far you have to push an airbender before they'll take a life. Unless the Avatar world pre-war is a lot more godawful than Aang has implied, airbenders probably wouldn't have been taking lives frequently enough for them to get to the point where they would have to start questioning whether they should consider pacifism.
I think what this fandom idea ultimately is, is a desire for the hidden badass trope. Everyone loves it when the most peaceful character in the story is revealed to secretly be a Rambo-level fighting badass, right? Who didn't love it when kindly grandpa Roku manifested in his temple and unleashed a volcano? But I think this trope fundamentally takes something away from the appreciation of Airbending, Air Nomad culture, and the concept of Pacifism as a whole. This is just my interpretation, but applying the "secretly the deadliest all along!" trope to airbenders undermines their commitment to pacifism and makes it performative rather than earnest. It's a cop out; an acknowledgement that violence actually is the answer, and even those head-in-the-clouds monks know to use it when the chips are down. This show goes out of its way to show that non-combatants have value and a place in this world that's worth fighting for, that fighting goes way too far pretty frequently, that non-violent solutions are valid, even preferable. It would kind of undermine that message if all of the elements were easily weaponisable.
Something I've loved so far about Avatar is the show's earnestness. There have been no Marvel-style fakeout bathos plots. I feel making airbending secretly the deadliest element or similar would be exactly that sort of thing. Can't my pacifists be peaceful not because they're secretly untouchable badasses who carry the biggest stick, whom the rest of the world leaves alone out of fear, who are not a threat only because they have chosen not to be, but because that's just who they are?
On the other hand: Aang's been a one-man-army plenty of times. We've seen that; that's undeniable. So air is stupidly powerful as an element. No denying that. Gyatso did murder a bunch of people trying to kill him, so air can be deadly. But I don't think your typical airbender could be deadly. If you gave a can of airbending to a firebender, an earthbender, or even a particularly provoked waterbender, I don't doubt that they could kill people with it. But the culture that the element generated - rather than a conscious choice by that culture's participants - prevents them from taking the direct, violent, solution. And I think that culture developed in tandem with airbending, so there could not have been a time when airbenders were deadly as a rule. Air shaped airbenders as much as airbenders shaped air, and it shaped them into non-violent people.
There's a lot of power in the idea of consciously choosing, and sticking to, something that is perhaps not in line with your natural abilities. Styling airbenders as deadly-but-choosing-peace is a great way to explore themes of agency, identity, strength of character, morals, maturity, etc. But, to me, there's also a lot of power in the idea that some people just can't - not won't, but CAN'T - fight their way out of things, and this doesn't make it any less wrong to genocide the crap out of them.
If the fandom wants to headcanon airbenders as secret badasses who consciously choose nonviolence, I say a) go ahead! there's more than enough evidence to support that conclusion; b) I respectfully disagree; and c) is Iroh not enough?
tl;dr in my opinion, air's pacifism was a natural outgrowth of, and restriction imposed by, the element rather than a conscious choice; airbending can be deadly but airbenders aren't; Gyatso is not representative; 'speak softly and carry a big stick' is all well and good as a philosophy, but those who speak softly and don't have a stick are of value too.
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Because it looks like you’re already losing it do you have any extra thoughts on his voice lines? Mystery Shop Translations has them!
[Referencing this post!]
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Yes, I know Mystery Shop TLs has the deets 👀 I'm the one that requested Rollo's voice lines dhabydsbiosaivfbifsan
To avoid spoiling anyone that hasn't had the chance to read his voice lines yet, I'll place my thoughts on them below the cut.
First thing's first! It seems like Rollo will be staying at NRC for a short amount of time. It’s disrupting the daily routine he usually has, so I wonder how he’ll adapt…? Apparently, this is because he has come to study at NRC for a brief period. So maybe there's some kind of student exchange program meaning we may get other "special" students in the future...
Rollo sounds SO unhappy (but in an emotionally-repressed way) when he says he would prefer not to step foot onto NRC campus. TOO LATE BUDDY YOU'RE STUCK WITH US WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT 🤡
QDBIUBSOYFVQE8FO8EQEFANOQEUTQEP OKAY, HE STARTS OFF STRONG... Just another monologue about he's going to be the one to create a just world and punish evildoers, how NRC is a place where evildoers dwell and how he has to observe them carefully... The usual Rollo talking points 😭 His Groovy line references the Just Judge and really shows how big of an ego Rollo has???? Like he's going to impart upon you "proper virtuous behavior"... BRO, I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS PLANNING TO ENGULF THE WORLD IN FLOWERS THAT SUCK OUT ALL THE MAGIC
On the topic of "proper virtuous behavior", I like that we get subtle hints of Rollo actually pushing for this in his lines. It shows us that he actually does think he knows what's best for others and has very particular expectations for what is "good and just" behavior (even thinking that he leads by example). For example, Rollo advises that Yuu "fulfill their duty to their utmost", something which he also prides himself on. Additionally, he commands Grim in their Duo Magic to do as he says, to which of course Grim protests, saying that he doesn't want to be ordered around. Rollo also frowns on Idia's use of an electronic tablet as a substitute for attending classes in person, calling it "laziness beyond reproach".
I find it hilarious that Rollo is SO angry at Malleus that he describes even the general area that Malleus resides in and the mirror that leads there as "absolutely repulsive". HIS HATE BONER FOR MALLEUS WILL NEVER DIE... Even funnier when you realize Rollo is (relatively) neutral toward Azul and only slightly negative about Idia (the other two SSR boys responsible for his downfall). Rollo even expresses curiosity about the Mostro Lounge (and I fully intend to write a fic with this premise in mind, it's just TOO good to pass up)! Both Idia and Azul are referred to as “[first name]-kun” whereas Malleus is referred to vaguely (“that man”) or just has his full name shouted 😭
It's... surprisingly cute??? That he compliments the quality of Trein's lessons. I wish we had more of Rollo's thoughts in this regard, because I feel like he's keeping a lot of his more detailed thoughts locked away. (Notice also that he calls Trein by first-name basis, “Mozus-sensei”.)
Noble Bell College doesn't have dormitories, which makes sense. It is stated in canon to be a much smaller school than NRC, so I'd imagine the student population is also smaller and thus having multiple dormitories to accommodate them all wouldn't be necessary. Laughing at the fact that Rollo just casually dunks on Ramshackle's name though 😭 I MEAN, HE AIN'T WRONG... The place was a bit of a dump before the renovations...
It's really interesting that Rollo continues to express a preference for "relaxing" places; he comments that he loves the Mirror Chamber because it's quiet and he finds it charming. There's also the previously mentioned interest in Azul's cafe, as well as a remark about the knowledge that NRC's library has. It makes me think he can be quite contemplative, although perhaps he doesn't direct his energy toward the most positive emotions at times.
In spite of all of this, the voice lines also maintain a sort of "distance" to them, which I love. This is most obviously seen in the voice line where Rollo asks Yuu if they need something since they were acting overly familiar with him. Rollo indicates that he believes Yuu mistook him for someone else. He doesn't seem to have friends, nor desire them, even if they're of a non-mage persuasion like Yuu. There continues to be this lingering sense of uneasiness and distrust between him and his peers, even when others like Yuu, the gargoyles, his aide and vice president, make an effort to reach out to him. HE JUST WANTS TO EXPLODE PEOPLE WITH HIS MIND, THIS ICY NeUTRALiTY IS tHE NICEST THIS MAn CaN MUSTER/j It really suits Rollo's character to refuse to properly "integrate" with NRC. He's also very actively avoiding making certain decisions which would prompt him to return to the campus, like not checking out any library books even though he's truly entranced by the information the NRC Archives hold. It implies that Rollo is, to some extent, being held back from his full potential because of how he walls himself off from others. He thinks of his own NBC classmates as noisy and stupid, wishes to remove the gargoyles, actively tries to spend time alone as often as possible, and hates on the community goats (bro was about to send one FLYING but decided against it only because there were too many potential witnesses). He doesn’t open up to his own parents about his feelings ever since the fire and claims that others cannot understand how he feels. Rollo has isolated himself 💀
Even his level-up line (not in Mystery Shop TL's post, but I still want to bring it up) is not friendly at all. In fact, Rollo acts suspicious of Yuu's friendship and demands that they come clean about their "true intentions". He then says that if You is actually being genuine, that's actually more bothersome than if they had been deceptive to him all along. He pities them for their circumstances, yes (being a non-mage constantly having to deal with the shenanigans of the wicked mages around them), but that doesn't equate to friendship or feeling "close" with Yuu. Rollo does not allow others to get close, he does not know what friendship is and nor does he seemingly want it or care for it.
Rollo draws a very strong divide between himself and those he labels as "villains" , as well as literally everyone else he encounters. That is, ironically, muddying his relationships and potential for self-actualization when he sees himself as a “savior” of sorts for people.
Overall, I really enjoyed this set of voice lines! It gives us more of what we really love about Rollo's personality without spoiling the events of Glorious Masquerade for those who haven't read it yet. My only complaint would be that I'm getting greedy and want even more Rollo content now, just these voice lines alone isn't enough to sate me anymore/j 😂
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futurehunt · 9 months
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My Old Friend, Fire
Azriel x Eris
Against his better wishes, Azriel has found himself growing close to the new Autumn High Lord, Eris Vanserra. The male has dug himself under his skin and now he can't get him out. An invitation to the Autumn Equinox changes the path of Azriel's life for the better.
Read on AO3
AO3 version is updated with editing and spelling corrections!!
Word count: 15,737
Azriel POV
Content warning: Smut- story can be enjoyed fully without reading it!
*no beta, we die in Prythian
This is long, I apologize! It's a lot of feeling, realizing, and longing. Azriel's got all the emotions. Flashbacks are in italics- they all have important details in them that tie in at the end so don't miss 'em!
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
"I would do it all again. I would suffer another five centuries of you loving another, another five centuries of facing my father's cruelty, another five centuries of being hated by all of Prythian just for this- just for you."
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Read full story below
Azriel shifted his weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting at the pinching sensation caused by the buttons on the wing-flaps of his jacket.
Mor had bought it special for him, special for today.
It was a tight-fitted jacket made of a dark, woodsy green fabric. Along the cuffs and collar were sewn black embellishments that swirled and shaped a pattern so complex that Azriel hated to think of how many hours went into creating it. Intricately carved silver buttons ran up the front and finished at a final clasp around the middle of his neck.
Mor said the jacket suited him, brought out the colors in his eyes. Azriel just felt like a fool.
He'd been on edge all week leading up to tonight. The Autumnal Equinox, Mabon. The Autumn Court's Great Rite.
It was Eris's first Equinox as High Lord of Autumn. He had graciously extended an invite to Rhysand, Feyre and the Inner Circle- his treasured allies he mockingly referred to them as in his letter- and encouraged them to come celebrate his new position and experience a true taste of Autumn.
Eris remained silent in response, bow drawn tight. His sharp gaze honed in on a pheasant, trackings its movement through the stalks of wheat. Its emerald neck acting as a beacon for the eye.
Azriel wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that gaze, how it would burn.
On an exhale, Eris let the arrow fly. "Don't talk while I'm aiming, it's rude." He turned towards Azriel, not bothering to spare a glance to see if his arrow met its mark. Eris released a shrill whistle and his hounds took off, cutting through the stalks to their target.
"Treasured?" Azriel pressed again.
"I used my thesaurus for that one." Eris quipped back.
Azriel squinted his eyes at the High Lord. "You like being disliked, don't you. You're a masochist."
"You like me".
"I tolerate you." There was a chill in the wind that blew towards them across the field. It dusted red across Eris's pale cheeks, the fire in his blood seemingly not fighting the bite of the cold. "Here are the reports we have on Koschei. He's getting desperate."
Eris reached out for the thin file from Azriel, the full might of the hunter's gaze finally locked onto him. It burned right through him, just as Azriel had suspected. Burned right through to the icy center of him.
Rhysand and Feyre decided they would not attend. While they wanted to put on a good show for diplomacy, they deemed it unnecessary for the High Lord and High Lady to make an appearance. And as it is with them, where one goes so does the other. In their stead, Azriel, Mor, Cassian, and Nesta would be attending as representatives of the Night Court. Azriel was pretty sure Cassian and Nesta only decided to tag along because they wanted to fuck in the woods.
Azriel chuckled to himself as he remembered the conversation in which Cassian crudely explained to Nesta the erotic nature of Great Rite celebrations after nightfall. Nesta had known the basics, brief snippets of information from what Feyre had deigned to share with her about Calanmai, Spring Court's Great Rite, but wasn't aware the seasonal courts all had their own version. Nesta was all too eager to attend after learning everything.
Mor was attending because. . . he wasn't entirely sure. Azriel knew Mor had made great strides in accepting Eris as an ally of the court, knew that she had traveled the path of forgiveness with him and the two were on amicable terms. Amicable, nothing more. Eris certainly did not make it easy, he was still an asshole. Gods was he an asshole.
But Azriel also knew she was still haunted by the past. Saw it in the glaze in her deep brown eyes every time Keir threw barbed comments her way. Azriel gathered that this visit tonight would serve as one of Mor's final steps in conquering the demons of her past. Regardless, she seemed all too willing to attend.
It was part of the reason Azriel agreed to join the visit today- why Rhysand pulled him aside and adamantly requested he tag along. Though Rhysand's request left little room for disagreement.
He wanted Azriel there to keep an eye on Mor. Rhysand knew all too well how suffocating the horrors of your past could be. Azriel remembers vividly the nights, not too long ago, when dark power filled with shadows and stars would burst through his brother's window as he drowned under the weight of everything that haunted him.
That's how Azriel found himself here, in the ornately decorated receiving room of the River House, the base of his wings getting pinched to Hel by the jacket Mor bought him for Mabon.
He's the first to arrive as usual.
It was barely past three in the afternoon but the sun, beaming in through the room's westerly windows, was already on a quick descent. His shadows dodged the rays and dissipated whenever they come in contact.
Azriel thumbed the plum, silk curtains that draped the large picture window whose frame he leaned on. Not that he would ever utter the thought out loud but he found the interior of his brother's home a bit gaudy. Fit for a High Lord, no doubt, but it felt impersonal.
Eris's manor smelled of sandalwood and cinnamon. Woodsy and sweet. The scent stuck inside of Azriel's nose, invading his senses. It invoked a nostalgia for an experience he had yet to live.
"The magic in Spring is growing weak- I can feel it in the land at our shared border. We need to get Tamlin back on track," Eris spoke without preamble. He stood opposite Azriel, a smoke gray granite countertop separating them. The texture of the stone rippled and eddied, it felt like the scars on his hands.
Azriel nodded in assent and looked around the kitchen in which they stood. Dark brown wood laid the foundation of the room, it blended well with the warm colors of the furnishing.
"You made yourself right at home. Was your father's body even cold before you started moving in?" The question was probably too crude, even for Azriel.
Yesterday marked a month since the long awaited death of Beron Vanserra finally came to fruition.
Eris merely smirked over at him, taking his crass question in stride as he poured the second cup of tea. His eyes traced over every inch of Azriel's face before he responded, "You wound me, brute. This manor hasn't been inhabited since my grandfather. My father felt it too exposed and only resided in an apartment deep within the Forest House."
Azriel snorted. His only response. He continued to take in the room.
In the corner of the kitchen was a nook that housed a dining area encased by a dome of windows on one half. It gave the illusion that you were dining out in the jeweled canopy of the woods.
His attention caught on the dining chairs that surrounded the table.
They were all shaped to fit wings.
Growing weary of the solitude, Azriel decided to set out to track down Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx in the massive house when the carved wood door at the home's entrance swung open. From his spot within the receiving room, Azriel watched Mor strut in.
"I knew that color would look great on you," She tittered, looking him up and down, "you really ought to let me buy you more for your wardrobe."
Azriel's face pinched - answer enough to her demand.
"A shame" she bemoaned, throwing herself on to one of the room's stiff cobalt couches. "Where's Cass and his Lady Death? We should be off soon."
"Don't call her that." Azriel chastised, not having an answer for the first part of her question.
Mor just shot him a look, rolling her eyes. It's been a year and a half since Nesta sacrificed her Cauldron-stolen power for the life of her sister and nephew, yet Mor still clung to that infernal nickname. For Mor it's all in good fun, but Azriel never fails to catch the haunted look that ghosts Nesta's face whenever the moniker is used in her presence.
As if on cue, he heard the bustle of Cassian and Nesta coming in through the home's rear entrance. No doubt they landed on the back lawn after flying down from the House of Wind. Cass still likes to give Nesta a good fright by coming in hot for his landings, the back lawn providing a perfect landing zone for him.
Confirming his suspicions, Nesta's face is tinged with green as she rounded the corner and came in sight of Azriel and Mor.
"Cassian, they're in here," she called over her shoulder. Her hair, uncharacteristically, is worn loose today, with a tight braid running down the center of her head segregating both halves of her hair. Her mauve, linen dress was modest in the length of its hem and sleeves but clung to her frame in a way that suggested excellent tailoring. As she twisted to shout to his brother, Azriel noted the deep scoop of the dress's back.
"You look...very good today, Nesta." Azriel said to her as she twisted back around and entered the receiving room. Not that she didn't usually, though she now wore her Valkyrie leathers more often than not.
Mor interjected from the couch, "You didn't say anything to me! I even complimented your jacket".
"Your ego doesn't need anymore stroking, dear sister." Cassian quipped sarcastically, picking up the conversation without pause as he too rounded the corner and entered the room. "And, my even dearer mate is upset with me so she told me she'll be leaving me tonight for our beloved- her words not mine- High Lord of Autumn".
Azriel hummed his acknowledgment, not wanting to voice anything that may incidentally draw himself into the middle of their squabble.
Eris would probably think she looked drab in the linen dress.
"Linen is the fabric of the working class, Azriel," Eris drawled, a mischievous grin lifting the right corner of his mouth.
Even from his position on the leather tufted couch on the opposite end of the room, Azriel could see the mirth glimmering in Eris's eyes from where he sat behind his grand mahogany desk. Azriel twisted away from the sight to look back into the depths of the crackling fireplace that warmed the High Lord's office.
"You're just a snob", he shot at Eris, not bothering to turn around again.
He heard him snort. "Linen is a lightweight, breathable, porous fabric. It is designed to be worn by those working the fields. It's not supposed to be fashionable- I'd look like a fool wearing linen to a dinner with my court representatives. Apologies for knowing the intricacies of garments and how they relate to socio-economic class."
Azriel couldn't help himself. Throwing an arm across the back of the couch he twisted to look back at Eris again.
"Lightweight, breathable, porous fabric? You're a snob and an ass." He secretly delighted in the look of glee that flashed across Eris's face at the insult. "Why even ask for my opinion then? If your own was so decisive."
"I like to hear what you think." Nothing but truth burned in the amber flames of Eris's eyes.
"Thank you, Azriel." Nesta shot sharply at him. She lowered herself gracefully onto the couch opposite of Mor. Not allowing space on either side of her for Cassian and his wings, leaving him to settle in standing next to Azriel.
He felt a nudge on his shoulder and looked over at his brother who leaned in and said, "Nice jacket, Az. You look like a proper little prince of Autumn in it".
Azriel scoffed, taking a wide step away from his brother before quickly twisting his body to punch Cassian in the arm in retribution for his gibe.
Nesta guffawed from where she perched on the couch. Composing herself, she remarked, "At least he made an effort! You look like you're ready for a visit to Windhaven."
It was true. Cassian donned a standard set of his leathers, albeit cleaner and newer than his usual ones.
"Whatever. I'm not making an effort for the prick," Cassian shot, impudence lacing his tone. "It's an Equinox celebration that the entire court is invited to, at most we'll see him to shake his hand before he moves on to others he deems more worthy of his time."
He wasn't wrong. Like Calanmai in Spring, Grianstad in Winter, or Litha in Summer, denizens of Autumn flooded to their court's seat during Mabon to celebrate the equinox and participate in the Great Rite. It's a tradition, Azriel heard, that even Beron nurtured and encouraged. After all, a fruitful turnout for a Great Rite produces a wealth of magic for the court. Azriel is sure that another strong motivator for Beron's patronage of the event were the swaths of young fae females that showed up clambering for his attention, hoping the magic of the Rite would choose them for their High Lord. Even the deep-seated fear and corruption that Beron plagued the land with wasn't enough to dim the honor of being selected by whatever powers governed the Rite.
This year, for the first time, it would be Eris's turn to lead the Great Rite. He would pair off with a lady and together they would fuel enough magic to inundate the land until the next Mabon. The thought settled like glass in Azriel's stomach.
"Even then," Cassian continued "he'll likely only deign to be touched by you, Nesta. The rest of us are too beneath him for an actual handshake."
"Speak for yourself, Cassian," Mor chimed in indignantly.
Nesta hummed in agreement and added, "He'd probably give Azriel a handshake. After all, he's the closest with Eris out of any of us at this point."
"We are not close," Azriel growled at her defensively.
He immediately regretted his tone when he saw the trepidation in her eyes. He felt like his father.
"Is your father still alive?" curiosity clouded Eris's face from across the chessboard between them.
Azriel's eyes flickered up to him for a moment to take in his demeanor before refocusing on the board as he took one of Eris's black marble bishops with his gleaming, white knight.
"How is that a pertinent question?"
"How is playing chess pertinent," Eris countered.
"As the official liaison between the Night and Autumn court, it's my duty to make sure our allies are properly schooled in all forms of strategy," Azriel arrogantly replied. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep his grin from spreading across his face. After six months of working with Eris as liaison between their two courts, he had come to enjoy the haughty banter the pair fell into in each other's presence.
"Azriel," Eris dead-panned.
Azriel would never admit to the shiver that ran through him at the sound of his name in Eris's mouth. Shame washed over him at the mere acknowledgement of the sensation.
"He's dead," he at last replied to Eris, dryly.
"He gave you those burns?"
Azriel only shook his head.
"You're ashamed of them." An observation, not a question from the High Lord.
Azriel settled his face into a sheet of neutrality. His centuries-old mental barriers slamming into place as the topic of conversation entered an area he had no interest in going.
Playing his turn, Azriel hoped to end the game quickly now. He shouldn't have stayed this long anyway, was only there to assess the durability of the security wards around Forest House as a courtesy to Eris.
Quiet blanketed them as the pair finished up their game. Azriel refused to raise his eyes to look at Eris.
"Beron would have healers erase all the scars he etched on me. For five centuries."
"I don't care, Eris." Cruel words that did not reflect the truth. He did care- deep down in a pocket of his soul that he never let see the light of day- he cared about what Eris had to say.
Azriel still refused to raise his gaze up to the High Lord sitting across from him.
"He would erase everything he did to me. No proof that I lived. No proof that I suffered. No proof that I survived. All my torment is trapped inside my head with no evidence that it happened, no outlet for escape... I wish he had left them... but that was probably the point of healing them in the first place."
Eris's declaration cut deep through him, burning through the layers of his defenses in a rage of fire.
He stayed for another round of chess.
Azriel ran a scarred hand down his face, mortification riding through him in waves.
"I'm sorry, Nesta, I didn't mean to snap."
Nesta shook off his words with ease. "I only mean to say, you literally are closest with him," she pressed on "the rest of us haven't even seen him since his crowning ceremony eleven months ago. You're the only one meeting with him anymore."
Of course. He was such an idiot. Of course that's what she meant.
Cassian came up behind him, clamped his hands on his shoulders, and jostled him jovially. His brother's voice boomed behind me, "Don't worry, Az, we know you still hate the lordling as much as ever. We'd never dare suggest otherwise." Azriel could've sworn he heard an undercurrent of sarcasm lacing his brother's tone.
But he didn't hate Eris. Didn't hate him at all. Dreaded the looks on his family's faces when they realized just how much he didn't hate Eris Vanserra anymore.
That was the other part of the reason he agreed to join the visit today. For the past eleven months he'd been working as the Night Court's liaison to Autumn, having taken it over from Cassian, he's found himself... inexplicably drawn to the High Lord. Perhaps in the absence of conflict, Azriel was subconsciously poking around for danger and adrenaline. Eris made his blood boil and he was addicted to it. Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
Mor was looking at him with an expression he couldn't decipher.
"We should go." Was all he said to the room.
The females got up from their respective places on the couches and together they all trundled through the receiving room out into foyer.
"Guess Rhys and Feyre don't want to see us off," Mor observed.
"Ten gold marks they're both dead asleep upstairs. Nuala told us that Nyx has started climbing out of his crib at night and that Rhys and Feyre can't leave him unattended for even a second," Cassian added, laughing.
The four of them headed out to the front courtyard, not wanting to check and risk waking the parents up. They cut across to a point that would put them outside the wards encasing the River House.
Nesta grabbed Cassian's hand. Feyre, in her free time, had been teaching Nesta how to winnow. The eldest sister became adept at it rather quickly and could even carry Cassian along with her over great distances.
Together, they winnowed away to the Autumn Court.
A thrum of voices chattering around him was the first sensation Azriel perceived as his shadows dissipated and left him standing in an area of woods on the outskirts of the Forest House.
The next sensation to follow was an aroma of smoked meat, spun sugar, and baked pastries.
Surrounding him, and stretching out as far as he could see, were merchant stands and food stalls. There seemed to be no coordination with how the stalls were organized. They were dotted randomly throughout the woods, the sea of stands interspersed with giant oak trees that comprised this section of the forest.
Waves of people bustled around him, side-stepping the obstacle of his body in order to reach their next destination.
He snapped his wings tight into him to avoid any unwanted contact.
Azriel looked over the heads of the fae surrounding him to try and locate Mor, Nesta, and Cassian. There had to be thousands here. His eyesight found no end to the mass of people.
At last, he spotted the three of them already together a few hundred paces away, ogling the vendors. He made his way over and heard the last snatch of what Mor was saying.
"- seen these only in Montesere." Her voice was filled with awe.
They were huddled around a table laden with glazed pottery. Plates, mugs, and bowls all painted with rich, vibrant jewel tones.
"Eris reached out to a few territories on the continent to invite local artisans to come sell their wares at this year's Mabon," Azriel confirmed, sidling up beside Mor. "With Calanmai being... not what it used to...with everything going on with Tamlin...Eris is trying to pick up some of the slack."
Mor's face twisted in surprise at his words.
"And I think he's trying to set a good precedent. After all, Beron only allowed upper-class and high fae craftsmen to set up booths here and apparently he even took a cut of their sales," Azriel scoffed out. "Eris didn't limit who could participate this year. He told me a lot of local lesser fae farmers are coming and selling excess crop from the growing season that just concluded- I think he might've gone a bit overboard with how many he's permitted though."
Mor nodded silently, smirking in amusement at him.
Realizing how much he'd just prattled on about Eris and his booths, Azriel felt his face heat up.
He focused his attention of the pottery in front of him, suddenly very interested in inspecting the intricacy of the handiwork.
Azriel pointedly avoided Nesta's stare that was burning a hole through his head. He had easily just proved wrong his statement earlier about how close him and the High Lord had become.
"So...is that where Eris lives?" Nesta's attention had shifted away from him and she was turned around, pointing to the Forest House in the distance. It's oppressive size seemed to have stunned her. Azriel knew from experience that it took around three hours to get from one side to the other, having done the entire walk with Eris a few months ago.
Azriel shook his head, refusing to foolishly prattle on again and reveal precisely how entrenched in Eris's life he really was.
"From what Azriel's told me, he now lives in the High Lord's manor. It has sat vacant since his grandfather. I think it's somewhere on the other side of the Forest House," Mor fills in for him. "Though from the crowd that's gathered around the south entrance, I'm assuming Eris is likely over there now."
Indeed, there was a massive congregation of people milling around the wide, stone stairs that led up to the grand south entrance of the Forest House. The massive wooden doors at the top landing were thrown open. Though due to the row of guards flanking the stairs and entryway doors, Azriel couldn't make out if Eris was up there.
It hit him then.
The hundreds of fae gathered around the steps, the thousands more that wandered through the festival, the countless guards and sentries patrolling the area- they were all here for Eris. Eris Vanserra, the bane of Azriel's immortal existence, the High Lord of Autumn. Eris was a High Lord now; no longer a pestering lordling with dreams brighter than his own damn hair.
Azriel knew this, of course, had been working one-on-one with Eris for months to help ease the transition into his new role. But being here, it all felt more real.
The Eris he played chess with last week in the study of his manor home while they drank out of a shared bottle of wine was the same High Lord who now ruled the court he stood in and drew the crowd of thousands surrounding him. The same High Lord who seemed to already have the admiration and respect of many, given the throng waiting to greet him.
The crowd awaiting Eris seemed to be largely comprised of females, no doubt hoping to be the lucky maiden selected to help him complete the Great Rite that began after sundown.
Azriel's shadows thrashed around him at the thought.
"Well, let's go get the greetings over with. One of Eris's weasly guards probably already informed him of our arrival," Mor said bluntly, stepping away from the table of pottery.
Azriel steeled himself with a breath and dropped into step next to her as the four of them weaved their way through the festival-goers and headed for the south entrance steps.
He was thankful for the push of the crowd that slowed their journey down.
A wave of anxiety flooded through Azriel, causing his stomach to clench. His lungs wouldn't expand to take a full breath and it was making his surroundings spin. He felt like he was standing on the precipice of a battle that he was guaranteed to lose.
Why was he nervous?
Azriel willed his centuries of training to take over and took a deep breath to release the tension that seized him.
He pulled at the high-neck collar of his jacket, hoping to loosen it. It felt like a leash growing tighter with every step he took towards the Forest House.
Eris was going to mock the jacket, he was sure of it. He was going to call Azriel 'a want-to-be Autumn aristocrat fool', he never should have let Mor dress him in this.
He just hated seeing Eris. Hated the male's all-knowing gaze that could tear through Azriel's defenses without a thought. Mor, Cassian, and Nesta were going to see it. They were going to see the way Eris could pick him apart and expose a layer of Azriel he never showed. They were going to witness first-hand just how much the Autumn High Lord affected him.
As they reached the rear of the crowd huddled around the bottom of the staircase, Azriel's eyes darted around the top trying to spot the High Lord.
He couldn't see him. Where was he? Was something wrong?
And as much as he was dreading speaking to the male, his absence made Azriel's stomach drop even further.
His mind whirled with unexplainable anxiety.
He needed the Cauldron-damned crowd to get out of his way so he could get up there and see if something was wrong.
Fae tended to retreat willingly away from Azriel. His oppressive height, writhing shadows, and intimidating wingspan conveyed what he usually didn't need words for. It seemed the prospect of catching sight of the new Autumn High Lord distracted the fae in front of him enough that none marked his presence behind them.
"Move," Azriel's deep, menacing voice broke through the thrum of sound. He felt no inclination to add pleasantries to his request.
As the fae closest heard him, they turned to look at the source of the sound and scrambled back at the sight of him.
With ease, Azriel marched through the pathway that opened for him and led Mor, Nesta, and Cassian to the stairs.
Five flights made up the grand entrance and by the second landing Azriel still couldn't catch sight of Eris.
Desperation quickened his pace.
At last he reached the third landing, coming into view of the palatial wooden doors of the Forest House thrown open at the top. And there he was.
A full breath of air whooshed into Azriel's lungs as he finally gazed upon the High Lord.
Eris's beauty was undeniable. It was almost laughable the way he made everyone around him look simple. A God stood amongst fae-kind.
In the afternoon sun, Eris's hair glowed like living flames; the ends of those fiery locks pushed back behind his pointed ears. Those very ears were adorned with a handful of small golden hoops in the upper cartilage, drawing Azriel's eye to trace along their curve.
His beautiful, wicked face was twisted into a wry grin in reaction to whomever he was speaking to. Azriel couldn't tear his eyes away from the High Lord to check. With his unmarred porcelain skin, Eris appeared to have been carved from marble.
Azriel's eyes continued their journey down the slope of Eris's neck, taking his time to trace its length. He was surprised Eris couldn't feel his gaze burning into him.
The male wore a billowing white silk shirt whose neck hung open to reveal a hint of the muscled chest that lay underneath. He wondered what more lay unexposed. The shirt was tucked into a pair of dark, well-tailored pants- very well-tailored pants.
On top of his ensemble, Eris donned a cloak whose hemmed reached to the bottom of his boots. The garment was a rich, velvety maroon, with gold details running down the sides of the opening.
Perfectly put together as always. Eris was skilled at wielding clothes like a weapon, he always knew how to arm himself properly for the occasion. And today he looked so damn regal and powerful, commanding the attention of everyone around him.
As if finally registering the weight of his observation, Eris turned and caught sight of Azriel and the others.
A wide smile broke across Eris's face.
Azriel's head whipped around to look behind himself. Who the hell was Eris smiling at? Mor? Nesta? Had someone else followed them up the stairs?
Cassian and the two females had come to a stop behind Azriel, no longer ascending the stairs.
When had he stopped walking?
Azriel looked back and the smile that had cut across Eris's face was gone. The male was now biting his lower lip, keeping it still.
Cassian gave him a push from behind before sliding around Azriel to take the lead with Nesta.
"Let's go you fool," his brother said to him gruffly.
The shove and command from his brother broke Azriel out of his reverie. It must be the magic of Mabon that entranced Azriel when he was regarding Eris. The magic flows most acutely through the High Lord after all. Azriel had become as spell bound as the hoard of fae below him.
Azriel resumed his climb, drawing nearer and nearer to Eris.
As Cassian reached the final landing ahead of him and approached Eris, Azriel heard the High Lord say in greeting, "Well, if it isn't my favorite court. Behind the four others. I'll be generous and put Tamlin at the bottom of my ranking."
Still an asshole. A beautiful asshole.
"You're look very pretty today. I like what that jacket does for your eyes." Azriel chuckled at his brother's words. Cassian had learned well how to get under Eris's skin.
Eris sneered at him, not responding, before turning his gaze to Nesta. His expression lightened as he looked to her. "Nesta, you do yourself no favors with the company you keep."
To Azriel's surprise, Cassian chuckled good-naturedly at the High Lord's remark.
"It's lovely to see you again, Eris." replied Nesta, politely. "I think you might be right. I find myself occasionally regretting my refusal of your proposal."
Eris nodded his head in the mockery of a bow before replying sarcastically, "At your earliest convenience Lady Archeron, I will eagerly make you my bride." His eyes glittered with derision.
Nesta chuckled, curtseying before Eris, before grabbing Cassian's hand and pulling him out of the way.
Eris shifted his attention to Mor. "Morrigan, I must say I did not anticipate your appearance today."
"Eris," Mor nodded in greeting. "It's been a while since my last visit."
Visit is not how Azriel would categorize it.
She continued, "I wanted to reacquaint myself with the court and I heard," her eyes shot to Azriel, "that this event was not to be missed."
Azriel's face twisted. He said no such thing.
"Hmm," Eris hummed as his gaze quickly darted to Azriel, "Well I'm happy you could attend. I hope everything is up to your standards."
Perfectly cordial, the two of them. They had come such a long way.
Mor gave no reply before bowing out of the way.
She turned to Azriel, squeezed his arm and said quietly, "We'll wait for you at the bottom of the steps."
Why? He didn't voice the question aloud.
He turned to face Eris who was glaring pointedly at the spot on Azriel's arm that Mor just touched.
Azriel stood in silence, waiting. After a moment, Eris's stare rose to his.
More silence.
Eris's gaze darted down Azriel's frame, taking him in.
With surprise lacing his tone, the High Lord said, "Your jacket... I like it."
Azriel's brows shot up his face.
"The color. It suits you. I don't think I've ever seen you in something other than black. I appreciate that you made an effort with my court's style," Eris added on. Genuine sincerity shone in his face.
Azriel merely nodded in thanks.
A slight weight lifted off of Azriel's chest at the High Lord's words. Why did he give a damn what Eris thought about his clothing? It was humiliating. Why did he have this irritating need to impress him, to get his approval?
Azriel wanted to run away from the knowing glint in Eris's eye, the ghost of the smirk that danced on his lips, like he knew exactly the effect his comments would have on Azriel.
Planning to do just that, Azriel spun on his heels angling to catch up with the rest of his companions who already reached the bottom of the staircase.
"Wait." Eris's voice stopped Azriel in his descent.
The Illyrian turned to look up at the High Lord who now descended the few steps Azriel was able to make.
Eris came to a stop on the same stair as Azriel. They were eye level. How had Azriel never realized the two of them were the same height? Perhaps it was due to Eris's new commanding presence, it was now impossible not to be aware of every detail about the High Lord. Azriel tried desperately to tamp down the flush in his cheeks.
Eris continued on, cool confidence lacing his tone, "I'm heading out to tour the vendors, would you join me?"
A lifetime of stoicism is the only thing that kept Azriel from reacting visibly.
There was a crowd of people waiting to meet the High Lord. More dignitaries were set to arrive, surely Eris had to wait to greet them.
But Eris was looking at him with such an earnest expression that Azriel couldn't find it in himself to care about what duties of his might take precedence.
"Is that... a request or a command, High Lord?" Azriel responded after a moment, keeping his features neutral.
Eris's eyes narrowed slightly.
"A command. I don't want you off on your own scaring away all my visitors"
Laughter broke from Azriel's mouth before he could catch it.
The corner of Eris's mouth quirked up in satisfaction.
That wouldn't do.
"No, thank you." That should humble the High Lord. Azriel took off down the flight of steps at a much quicker pace this time.
Silence. And then, "No?!" Eris called after him.
The smack of boots against stone rang out as Azriel heard Eris follow him.
Azriel made it down two flights, nearly halfway to the bottom, before Eris caught up. He could see Mor, Cassian, and Nesta looking up at them from below.
Eris grabbed his arm. His cheeks were flushed and eyes a bit wild as he demanded, "You really won't come with me?"
His arm tingled under the hand grasping it.
"Ask nicely."
Eris huffed out an exasperated laugh.
"-Azriel!" That was Mor's voice this time from two flights below.
He could see Eris's face bunch up in frustration. The grip on his forearm tightened infinitesimally.
She called up at him, "I promised Emerie I'd get her something so I'm going to go look around. Alright?"
Azriel nodded in understanding. It was then that he realized Nesta and Cassian had already peeled away and were reentering the thick bustle of the festival.
At his assent, Mor followed after them.
His attention returned to Eris.
"Azriel. Would you please join me?"
He was quiet for a moment, before, "Yes... what about them?" He nodded at the throng waiting for Eris.
The hand on him gripped hard and then Eris was winnowing them in a spark of heat and light.
They reappeared on the outskirts of the Forest House's northern side. A few hours walk from their last location.
The festival stands and crowds were sparser here. But in a small field of grass close to the northern entrance of the estate, a group of children were playing. Squeals of delight rang in Azriel's ear as the children ran around, tossing a ball between themselves. His shadows jumped at the shrill noises, darting out as if they'd investigate.
A pleasant, carefree atmosphere hung in the air.
"It's so... different here now," Azriel said carefully.
So different from Beron.
Eris hummed quietly in confirmation at Azriel's words. He wistfully watched the children play. "Rhysand once advised me that change is slow in our world and to prepare myself accordingly. I've personally found that it's only slow if you don't care to try hard enough."
Azriel's eyes narrowed at the slight jab to his brother.
Eris pulled his attention from the children and dropped his hand from where it still wrapped around Azriel's forearm. Azriel hadn't registered it was there but the cold it's absence left in its wake sent a shudder down his spine.
Leaves crunched under the heels of their boots as the pair walked leisurely into the festival.
"You think you care more than Rhys? Care more about your court?" The comment rubbed Azriel the wrong way, he couldn't let it go.
"I think Rhysand cares an awful lot about Velaris. I know he sacrificed greatly to keep them safe from Amarantha. But a High Lord's duty is to the well-being of everyone in his court, not just those he favors."
Azriel stopped in his tracks. "Don't speak about it as if you have any idea."
"Don't I?" Eris said, stopping with him. His brow quirked up on his face. "Aren't I one of the few that can now judge him?"
"You know nothing of the Night Court. Since when were you an advocate for the rights of Illyrians?"
"It's not the Illyrians about which I'm concerned."
Azriel's mouth dropped slightly, "The Court of Nightmares? You can't be serious. Keir has gotten to you."
Eris whooshed out a frustrated breath. "Keir is a pest. But he's not the only one that lives there. You forget that I have experience at Hewn City, not only now, but from before."
Rhys had snuck Cassian and Azriel into Hewn City earlier that morning. It was the first time Azriel had been anywhere but the steppes of Illyria.
His shadows writhed over his wings, something in the bowels of the mountain called to them.
The three of them stood a few hundred paces from the entrance to the Court of Nightmare's receiving hall.
She was in there. Mor.
She was in there with Keir getting introduced to her new captors, the Vanserras.
It was the reason for Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel's visit today. Mor would never admit it, that beautiful, proud female, but Azriel knew she was terrified for the encounter. He had practically begged on his knees for Rhys to take them there so they could keep an eye on her.
The grand obsidian doors that kept Mor from view creaked open suddenly, startlingly the three males.
They stood straight, imbuing confidence into their features. Despite being barely of age, the three of them refused to cower under the presence of Keir and the Autum High Lord.
Beron Vanserra exited first, Keir keeping at heels like an overexcited dog. Pathetic.
A few paces behind was Mor, eyes blazing as she kept her stare straight forward. And there he was.
His cruel, cold beauty matched his reputation.
The second Azriel laid eyes on him, he felt a searing hatred for the male tear through his chest.
Azriel had hated before; hated his father, his half-brothers, the camp lords that shunned him. That hatred had been iced-cold, settling inside him like a stone. It followed him everywhere and pushed him to work harder, fight harder.
What he felt now, staring at the Autumn male before him, was a passion so bright it ached deep inside him. It set his blood on fire.
As if sensing Azriel's glare, the princeling's eyes slid over to him. Eris's mouth parted slightly, eyes widening, as he looked at him. The shadows often taken people by surprise.
Azriel sneered at him before tearing his eyes away to look at Mor. As she passed Azriel, she gave him a reassuring nod. She was alright.
He shot her a gentle smile in return.
He kept his attention on her as she walked away but had the odd sensation of another stare burning into him.
"I don't think you went there more than once," Azriel scoffed.
"I was enough."
"Enough for what?" Azriel grew exasperated.
"Enough to see that Mor was not the only young female desperate to escape that prison. She was just the only one that had a lifeline out of there. Rhysand condemns everyone in there for the crimes of their ancestors. For the crimes of Keir and his ilk. I know monsters lurk in every shadow corner of that gods-forsaken place but it's Rhysand's responsibility to not abandon those that need help. Who want something better."
That immediately shut Azriel up. He looked to Eris's face and saw a passionate fury on it, saw a look of someone who related intimately to about that which they spoke.
"Perhaps you're right." Damning words from Azriel's mouth. But today was not the day to delve into it, to process just how much a part Azriel played in keeping those people trapped within the confines of the Court of Nightmares.
A slight burst of guilt churned his stomach.
Eris observed him with an understanding he didn't deserve.
"Anyway," Eris shifted the topic onwards, "I am hungry." He made a show of looking around the booths around them as they walked. "What interests you?"
Azriel shrugged noncommittally. "Whatever doesn't have a line."
"Why would I want the food that doesn't have a line. Don't you think that would suggest it's not worth eating."
Azriel rolled his eyes and said, "Nothing can be that bad. Food is food."
"Very well. But if it is bad you still need to eat it all." Eris said and took off towards a food stand that stood patron-less.
As the two of them approached, the man standing behind the stand's counter eye's widened. A High Lord and an Illyrian shadowsinger marching towards you was likely an intimidating sight.
A basin of cooking oil bubbled away behind the stall, lit by a large fire kindled underneath. On a small table next to it two trays were filled; one with a rough flour mixture and one with beaten, uncooked eggs. A container full of wooden skewers sat next to it. On the ground, off to the side was an ice-box whose lid was firmly shut.
"My lord!" The stall's operator rose from his stool and gave Eris a sweeping bow.
He then merely jerked his head at Azriel, saying nothing. A look of contempt flashed across Eris's face at that.
Eris shook the look off his face and smiled stiltedly in greeting to the vendor. "We are looking for food, sir. What are you making here today?"
"Amazing," the vendor exclaimed, "I am the premier maker of fried Autumn frogs!"
Azriel watched Eris's brows shoot up his forehead.
That explained the lack of line.
Now that Azriel looked, he saw a crudely painted wooden sign depicting a frog skewered onto a stick. He should've been paying better attention on their approach.
"Wonderful." Even centuries of courtier skills couldn't stop the trepidation from slipping into Eris's voice.
"We-," Eris darted his eyes over to Azriel and he could see a dark humor glittering on the High Lord's face, "We will take three, please, one for me and two for my friend. He's very hungry."
Azriel stomped on the male's foot as soon as the vendor turned to start preparing their order.
"Food is food," the High Lord whispered at him, wincing in pain at his foot.
"I'm not even hungry," the Illyrian hissed back.
"Too bad, you are now." The High Lord chuckled at his own antics.
They stood there waiting for their food. Azriel scowled as he watched the frogs get dipped in the batter and then dunked into bubbling oil.
He was deeply regretting his earlier statement.
Eris slid a few silver marks onto the stall's table as Azriel grabbed two of the skewers from the vendor. He'd let Eris grab his own.
The pair strolled away, eyeing the food in their hands.
Azriel gulped before braving a small bite from the fried meat. He swallowed roughly.
"So?" Eris questioned.
Azriel contemplated for a moment before replying, "It's... not that bad." He went in for a second bite.
Following his approval, Eris raised his own skewer to his mouth and took a sizable bite.
The High Lord's face dropped at the taste that met him. His stare burned through Azriel with fury as he slowly chewed and swallowed the large bite that was in his mouth.
Azriel threw his head back roaring with laughter.
Eris chucked the food into a nearby trash bin, "That. was. disgusting," he seethed. "Why did you say it was good."
"You deserved it you ass." Azriel threw his skewers into the bin as well.
"It was sour!?"
Azriel continued to laugh.
Eris's eyes softened imperceptibly as he looked down at Azriel's smile. It sent a jolt through Azriel's system.
The two of them wandered on, appetite gone.
They stopped at many stalls along their walk. Eris thumbed through heavy, fur garments on display from a Winter Court seamstress. Azriel weighed and handled Raskian throwing knives brought from a merchant on the continent. The pair chuckled at a table that displayed men's silk undershorts, saying they were going to send a collection to Helion. Eris grimaced when Azriel reminded him his mother would be on the receiving end of the silk shorts, the male's amusement dissipated immediately. Azriel had to drag Eris away from buying a dozen handmade leather collars for his hounds. Eris did end up buying a thin silver chain bracelet from a local Autumn crasftwoman. It was made from a metal found only in this court, Eris told him, and the metal is the only known deterrent to the fire magic the flowed through the blood of Autumn court fae.
"It's incredibly hard to find, near impossible to forge into something wearable, and gods-damned expensive as a result. I can't explain to you how it works, just that it'll lessen the effect of fire magic on the wearer. The Mother balances all things she creates."
Eris pivoted towards him and in the blink of an eye clipped the bracelet around Azriel's own wrist. It sat right below where the scars on his hand faded into unmarred skin.
Azriel gaped at the High Lord.
"Well it's not like I need it," Eris said in response to his expression. "I am the Lord of fire. It's not exactly going to hurt me."
Fluttering ignited within Azriel's chest, it tickled along his ribs.
"Will it protect me from you?" He meant the question to sound coy but it came across strained.
Flames flickered in Eris's irises as he said, "Nothing could stop me from reaching you, Azriel."
Azriel's heart ponded painfully within him. "Your fire, you mean?"
"Yes, my fire." The flames in his eyes shuttered and he took a step away.
They strolled on.
It was impossible to miss the way passersby looked at Eris. Hunger. Longing.
It reminded Azriel that nightfall was rapidly approaching, only two hours away. The notion saddened him.
"How does tonight work. For you?" questioned Azriel, although he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.
Eris smirked in amusement at him, "When two people are attracted to one another, Azriel, they do something called-"
"You ass," he growled, cutting Eris off, "What's the ritual? I know Calanmai has a cave, Summer a beach cove, Winter... I don't know- a glacier? What's the landmark of choice for Autumn."
"A tree."
"A tree?"
"Yes. A tree. Don't give me that look, I didn't pick it. There's a large oak tree at the center of Autumn, I'm told it's been there since the court's creation. It's said to be the center, the beating heart, of all magic here. A load of nonsense but it's tradition at this point. I've seen it a few times. It's this massive thing, so large that a hundred people wouldn't be enough to line its entire perimeter. According to my father, it's hollow inside. I'm not sure how that works out. There's ancient wards around the oak that only allow the High Lord to approach or winnow inside the tree. And that- that is where the magic happens." Literally and figuratively.
"A magic sex tree?" Azriel said crudely.
"It's no worse than a magic sex cave. Certainly better than a glacier. Or snow bank. We should really find out what it is in Winter."
"Well I feel bad for whatever poor female gets chosen for you tonight. She has your company and a floor of dirt to look forward to." Bitterness laced Azriel's words and he hoped it sounded like contempt for the High Lord.
"Don't sound too jealous now, Azriel." The fire was back raging in the High Lord's eyes, "After all, no one said it had to be a female."
Azriel couldn't help it as his attention dropped down to Eris's full lips at the words. Dropped to look at the High Lord's muscled body hidden beneath his clothing. Azriel wondered what his skin tasted like, if it was sweet and woodsy like the cinnamon and sandalwood that wafted on his scent.
"Unfortunately," Azriel choked out, "I will not be here to see the lucky chosen person. Female or male."
"What?" Eris sounded frantic.
"I'm not staying. Mor and I are leaving before nightfall. Nesta and Cassian are the only ones remaining."
Eris stared at him, eyes wide, searching Azriel's face. "Are you serious? You're leaving? Why did you come?"
"You invited us. Mor was adamant on coming and I didn't want her to come alone, Nesta and Cassian aren't much for company." It was a lie, one that Azriel spouted again.
"Then where is your precious Morrigan?" Eris made a show of looking around them.
"I'm here if she needs me."
"You really came here only for her?" Devastation etched across Eris's face. Azriel refused to read into the expression but his shadows were jumping around him, slithering out as if they wanted to wipe that look off the High Lord's face.
"Why do you care anyway? What's it to you if I stay and find some stranger to fuck in the woods and add a little magic to your Great Rite. It doesn't interest me." The words were a barrier to hide the war raging inside Azriel; to hide the feelings ripping away inside of him desperate to get out.
Eris looked away from him and stared up into the vibrant canopy of leaves above them. The setting sun shone down through the branches, making his fair skin glow. He seemed to be counting every leaf on the oak that towered over them. As Eris got lost in the scenery above them, Azriel took a moment to map out every detail of his face.
Eventually Eris said, voice controlled, "You're right, I don't care. I'll be preoccupied with someone else anyway."
Eris glared at him, staring deep into his soul, as if he could see the animal that went wild inside of Azriel at his words.
They walked for an hour longer, finally approaching the south entrance again. Their conversation was noticeably more stilted.
The disgust from the fried frogs had abated but Azriel found he was no longer hungry for an entirely different reason.
The sun was cresting the horizon. Soon it would set completely and the Great Rite would begin. He could feel the magic thrumming in the air, ready to break free from the confines restricting it.
He looked at Eris next to him. The High Lord looked agitated, twitchy. The magic must be beating away at him as the Rite's beginning drew nearer.
Now that he had his gaze on him, Azriel couldn't look away. There was a magnet inside of him drawing him closer as if its match was inside the High Lord. He understood now why people went mad during Great Rites, this heady sensation made him want to disregard all expectations and let loose. Azriel wanted to lean in and taste the sweat beading up on Eris's skin.
Unknowingly, Azriel had taken a few steps closer to Eris who darted his attention over to him. He wanted to keep those amber eyes on him- didn't want anyone else to come in between them. He wanted to feel Eris's burning palms running along the skin under his jacket. Wanted to feel those lips against his neck, sucking marks for everyone to see.
Azriel needed him. He couldn't let anyone else have him- not tonight.
He was going to tell him as such, "I-"
The call from Mor broke through the haze Azriel was lost in.
"What? Azriel, what?" Eris grabbed him by his jacket bringing his attention towards the High Lord again.
Azriel wanted to step into the fire inside of Eris's eyes and burn.
"Azriel" Mor's hand clamped down on his shoulder as she said his name a second time.
He turned to look at her.
"It's nearly nightfall, we should go. I'm feeling pretty drained, do you think you can winnow both of us back? I don't think I can make it the entire way?" she looked up at him expectantly.
He needed to go. He couldn't leave her here alone. He looked back at Eris.
The High Lord looked like he was seconds from dropping to his knees to beg Azriel to stay. The hand holding his jacket twisted tighter.
"What were you going to say, Azriel?" Eris sounded manic.
"I need to go, Eris"
"Yes. Okay." He looked crestfallen. His hand still gripped Azriel's jacket.
"You need to let go."
The High Lord actually shook his head no in response to that.
"Of the jacket. You need to let go of my jacket." Azriel felt like his heart was ripping out of his chest. Desire was swallowing him whole.
He at last dropped his hand away.
Azriel spun on his heels, grabbed Mor, and winnowed away without glancing back.
Azriel bid Mor goodnight in the dimly lit foyer of the River House and dazedly made his way up to his room on the second floor of the home. Dropping onto the foot of his bed, he propped his elbows on his knees, stuffed the heels of his hands into his eyes and pressed so hard that a constellation of lights popped into his vision.
He needed to get up. He needed to fly. He needed to lay down. He needed to get drunk. He needed to go to sleep. He needed to scream until there was nothing left in him. He needed to curl up and cry.
There was an animal inside of him clawing to get out, ripping at his chest so hard he swore he could feel it tearing underneath his ribs.
What was wrong with him?
After a few minutes there was a knock on his door and Azriel jolted up from the hunched position he'd been in.
Peering in through the cracked doorway was Mor. When she met his gaze, she gently swung the door open the rest of the way. It was silent for a moment as she looked over him as he remained sitting on the foot of the bed.
"You should go back", Mor whispered delicately into the depth of the room.
Azriel's brows furrowed. He just stared at her, tried to read her expression. There was nothing but quiet contemplation on her beautiful face.
"You should go back", she repeated, simply. Mor's assessing gaze tore into him. He could feel the truth she wielded cutting through him as they looked at one another.
Azriel said nothing. Couldn't choke out the words and only shook his head.
Mor at last entered the room fully and crossed over to where he remained sitting.
She gently grasped his face between both of her hands and angled him up to look at her. Her fingers were delicate and soft against his skin as her thumbs stroked short arcs soothingly against his cheeks. There was a time that he would've killed for a touch like this from her.
Now all Azriel could think about is what the same touch would feel like under wider, stronger, warmer palms. If there were fiery amber eyes looking back at him instead of warm brown ones.
His eyes pricked at the thought and he attempted to duck out of Mor's grip, cowering at the weight of everything he felt.
"You're the one who asked me to leave with you. Why should I go back," he asked her, staring at the tile underneath her shoes.
"I wanted you to have a few moments alone, away from the Rite's magic so you could clear your head and think without it influencing you."
His shook his head again, "I don't want to go back."
"Yes you do. You know you do."
"I don't want to want to go back." He looked back up at her.
"You don't need to be afraid of it anymore, Azriel. We love you, every part of you. No matter what you choose." This was the Morrigan of Truth who spoke to him now. The fae who saw every facet of the world around her with uncharacteristic clarity.
She didn't elaborate before heading back out of Azriel's room and down the hall. She left his door open.
Azriel sat there. He counted to a hundred before standing up and hurtling out the door and down the stairs. He rushed out into the front courtyard, made his way to the ward boundaries and winnowed away in a swirl of shadows.
The hum of a crowd didn't meet him this time as his feet touched down in the Autumn court for the second time that day. The buzzing of insects and the rustling of wind blowing through leaves were the only sounds that kept him company.
He didn't recognize the land where his pesky shadows deposited him. He intended to go back to the same spot he originally left.
He felt, more than he heard, someone winnow into existence behind him.
Azriel drew his blade and spun around, expecting to find an attacker awaiting him.
It was Eris.
His hand holding the knife went limp and dropped down in shock.
"How did you find me so quickly?" he asked.
"I could find you anywhere you go, Azriel."
His name was butter in the High Lord's mouth. He wanted to grab Eris and taste the tongue that said his name like that.
"You came back." Eris's pupils were blown wide as he looked Azriel up and down. He'd become a creature of the Rite, the power making him more monster than male.
Azriel's blood rushed in his ears in response.
"I did."
"Why do you think?"
"I need to hear you say it." The male clawed back control to ask that question. To hear Azriel give his consent.
Azriel let him stew in silence, driving Eris mad. He was nervous to let the words out of his mouth.
Growing impatient, Eris said, "Azriel."
"I want you... Eris. I want this. I want you."
With a groan at his words, Eris rushed to Azriel and slammed his lips into his.
The first press of Eris's lips against his own was like a lightning strike. It made Azriel's skin burst to life with the power of it.
Azriel slid his hands into the silky red strands of the male and held him close. He angled the male's head to the side to deepen the glide of their lips along one another.
Eris's hands, which had gripped his waist, moved down underneath Azriel's jacket to brush along the skin of his lower back. His hands burned a path along Azriel's skin, just how he imagined they would. At the sensation, Azriel let out a small groan.
Eris used the opportunity to slide his tongue into Azriel's mouth. His tongue stroked along Azriel's own, sending a shiver of desire down his spine.
The taste of Eris was better than he ever expected; it made him feel high. He barely drew a breath, not wanting to part from Eris's mouth for more than a second. His taste was more gratifying than air.
Azriel pressed his front into Eris until they were fully flush, his hardness pressing into the other male's own.
"Azriel, fuck," Eris backed away for a moment to murmur on his lips. "I need- I need-," he didn't finish that thought before leaning in to give more sucking kisses to Azriel's bottom lip.
A broken groan escaped Azriel as the High Lord bit down on his lower lip, his cock growing harder in his pants.
Eris pulled off him again and grabbed Azriel's face between his hands to keep him still. That didn't stop Azriel from chasing his lips for more.
"Have you been with a male before?" Eris asked him.
"I'm 545 years old, Eris, of course I've fucked males."
Eris growled at the statement, eyes blazing. He grabbed Azriel's ass and dragged him back in for a few moments.
Panting to catch his breath, Eris said, "That's not what I mean." He squeezed his ass for emphasis.
No, he hadn't. Not that it didn't appeal to him but he could never give someone control of him like that. But looking at Eris, into the face of the male he'd grown to know so well the past year, Azriel didn't feel the same trepidation that tended to hold him back. Azriel realized that he actually trusted Eris. He wondered when that happened.
"I want to." With you, only with you. He hoped his eyes conveyed the truth he wouldn't speak.
Eris leaned in and gave Azriel a gentle kiss before winnowing them away.
They reappeared inside the hollow of a massive tree. It must've been the oak Eris spoke about before.
It smelled mossy and the air was damp inside the trunk. As Azriel predicated, only dirt lined the floor.
Eris conjured a couple faelights that rose above them and sent a gentle glow cascading down upon the pair.
There was a beat thrumming in the air. It pounded so loud through Azriel that he felt his heart skip to match its beat. The sound made his head swim with a heady sensation.
He saw Eris in front of him similarly affected.
His gaze dropped to see tenting at the front of Eris's pants. His wings twitched with the arousal that flooded him in response. He needed him. Now.
Always knowing what was on Azriel's mind, Eris hooked a finger through one of Azriel's belt loops and dragged him back toward him.
Instead of his mouth, this time Eris ran his lips down Azriel's throat. They were delicate kisses that sent goosebumps over Azriel's arm. The male seemed to be savoring the pounding of Azriel's pulse beneath him. When he reached the soft hollow between his neck and shoulder, Eris sucked hard.
Azriel's knees buckled beneath him. Only Eris's strong arms supporting him kept Azriel up as the High Lord laid claim to the sensitive spot.
Azriel shoved at the coat draped around Eris's shoulders. The maroon garment thudded to the dirt floor with success.
Once that was gone, Azriel slid his hands under Eris's silk white shirt and traced along his back and chest. Though Eris was leaner than him, shapely muscle lay underneath his clothes. He had been general of Autumn for close to five centuries, the training required for that now showed in the strong chest and abdomen that Azriel's fingers ghosted down.
Eris moved on to sucking a matching mark on the other side of his neck. Azriel's head fell to the side as he let out a low, deep whine at the sensation.
"You taste so good," the High Lord whispered into his skin.
Azriel rolled his hips against Eris's in a desperate search for friction. Eris snapped his fingers and the entirety of both the males' clothes disappeared.
A wobbling sound left his mouth as he took in the sight of the naked male against him. Eris's muscled, pale chest and long lean legs made his mouth water. He wanted to taste every inch of him. He pushed Eris to the ground and did just that.
Azriel nipped and sucked down the male's chest, leaving marks and savoring the taste of his skin. He paused when he reached Eris's cock. Where Azriel was long, Eris was thick.
He bent down aiming to take him in his mouth when he was stopped.
"No." Eris's chest was heaving. "I can't- don't want to finish yet. If you take me in your mouth, this'll be over far too quick."
Azriel smirked, leaning down to lick a long stripe up the underside of him anyway before leaning back on his knees.
Eris followed him up and pushed him down onto his back. The male settled between Azriel's legs and looked down at him.
"Is this okay for your wings?"
Azriel never let his wings get trapped like this. In his centuries of taking lovers, would only ever be on top. But the sight of Eris above him made his cock twitch and blood heat, and Azriel knew it was alright.
"It's fine."
Spurred on by his confirmation, Eris bent down and took Azriel in his mouth without preamble.
Azriel shouted a groan at the warm sensation of Eris's mouth around him. He worked Azriel slowly, tongue dragging along him. Eris was looking at him, watching his every reaction with blazing eyes.
After a minute, Azriel started to feel a tightening in his lower stomach. He was already so close.
Just then, Eris's hand that rested on his thigh, slid over to press into the area beneath Azriel's balls. Questioning eyes looked to him and Azriel nodded his approval.
A bottle of oil appeared out of thin air into Eris's other hand and Azriel felt a zap of cleaning magic rush through him. Convenient.
Eris pulled away to pour oil onto the fingers of his right hand. After slicking them up, Eris grabbed one of Azriel's thighs and pushed it up out of the way. He then ducked down and took Azriel in his mouth again while gently pressing the tip of his pointer finger against Azriel's hole.
The Illyrian let out a choppy moan and the High Lord slowly pressed his entire, long finger into him. It was a weird sensation. Neither pleasant or unpleasant, just new. Eris's mouth continued to move up and down him, keeping the pleasure stable. After a few seconds Eris moved the finger within him, steadily withdrawing and pushing back in.
Azriel relaxed around the finger after a few moments and felt Eris's middle finger push in to join it. He hissed at the slight burning sensation that went with it. The High Lord shot him an apologetic look.
Both fingers pressed in all the way together and repeated the same cycle of moving slowly to loosen Azriel up. The only noises were the sounds of Eris's mouth on his cock, the slide of the fingers inside him, and the gentle moans coming from his mouth. As Azriel once again relaxed around the fingers, Eris pulled off him.
He gave Azriel a wicked smirk before curling his fingers up and brushing along a spot that he hadn't yet touched. Azriel's legs spasmed at the jolt of pleasure that shot through him.
"Gods, what was that." he moaned out.
"You must not have been pleasuring those male's very well if you don't know what that is, Azriel."
Eris started thrusting his two fingers harder inside of him, keeping steady pressure on the spot.
Azriel threw his head back, moaning loudly.
Eris pushed a third slicked finger in. The burning only heightened his pleasure this time.
Azriel drew his second leg up as Eris rammed his three fingers into him, no longer taking Azriel in his mouth. He didn't need it. The High Lord's fingers alone felt amazing.
Azriel's hole eased around the three fingers and was taking a fourth appendage in no time. He felt stretched so wide. The amount of fingers Eris had stuffed into him allowed him to brush roughly against that spot every time. Knees drawn up, Azriel's eyes rolled back into his head as he laid there getting fingered by the High Lord. His hands clenched at the ground above his head.
The drums of the Great Rite thrummed around them. The sound clanged in Azriel's ears. The closer he got to finishing, the louder they grew. They reached a deafening crescendo before Eris's movements came to a stop inside of him.
Azriel groaned out in protest. He was about to cum from Eris's fingers alone. His hips thrusted uselessly as he tried to get him moving again
Eris leaned down and sucked Azriel's lips into a kiss. "You're not cumming until you're on my cock, you big bat." He slipped his fingers out of Azriel.
Eris sat back and started slicking his cock up with oil.
"I want you to start off riding me," he said, "that way I know you're in control in the start. The magic is getting to me, I don't know how much longer I can keep it contained and I don't want to hurt you."
The sentiment thrummed in Azriel's chest.
He swung a leg over the male and settled up against his chest. Eris was sat up, a hand on the ground behind him to prop himself. The other was still stroking his cock.
Since the males were the same height standing, Azriel rose over him a bit while sitting in his lap. He leaned forward, unable to resist the temptation of kissing Eris.
When he pulled back, Eris was giving him a look that knocked the wind out of him. There was a well of desire and admiration in his eyes. No one had ever looked at Azriel with such raw longing before.
He felt Eris line himself up behind him. The head pressed against him and Azriel rocked his hips back slightly. He had to press hard to get the tip to pop in and when he did, he released a long whine at the burn.
Azriel gripped the High Lord's shoulders tightly. His features twisted at the discomfort and he stayed motionless for a while. With one hand still holding himself, Eris raised the other to rub along Azriel's lower back.
Eris tilted his chin up and recaptured Azriel's lips. It proved a welcome distraction and shortly Azriel was rocking his hips again, taking more of Eris's cock in him.
The hand Eris had on his lower back was gently pushing him down on every rock, increasing the pace at which Azriel took him. It was the only sign of desperation from the High Lord.
Once Eris was far enough inside him that he didn't need to guide his cock in anymore, his hand reached around Azriel's front to press a thumb against the skin between Azriel's balls and hole.
The jolt that shot through Azriel was similar to the one from the spot inside him. With a renewed desired, Azriel pushed down into the press of Eris's thumb. As his hips chased the pleasure of the pressure, Azriel was surprised to find himself meet the jut of Eris's hips below him. He had taken him to the hilt.
He leaned into Eris's neck and moaned loudly at the feeling of the male's cock fully enclosed within him.
"Fuck. So good Azriel. You're so good."
Azriel was stretched so wide on the base of Eris's thick cock. He felt the tip deep within his stomach.
In that moment, Azriel was completely owned by the High Lord.
He raised his hips up a few inches and dropped back down. Eris let out a rasping groan and tightened his arms around Azriel.
Azriel's shadows wrapped around the pair as he began to ride Eris in earnest. Eris's cock scrapped deliciously along that spot inside of him and Azriel rode him hard, addicted to the feeling.
His full, leaking cock bounced forgotten beneath their stomachs.
"You're riding me so good, Azriel. You feel fucking amazing." Eris groaned into his ear.
The praise made Azriel's skin flush. He wanted to erase every fae from Eris's memory. Make him forget anyone that wasn't him.
He bounced mindlessly on Eris's length. Content to stay like that, wringing the helpless moans from the male's mouth.
But the pressure on his thighs grew to be too much and Azriel still needed it harder. He couldn't ride Eris's cock hard or fast enough to get what he wanted.
"Eris," he moaned deeply. "More. I want more."
"Gods, Azriel. Anything. I'll give you anything you want."
"Fuck me, please."
Without pulling out, Eris flipped him onto his back, showing care for his wings. He hooked both of Azriel's legs over his arms and placed his hands onto the dirt floor in the gap between Azriel's waist and wings. He then started pounding so hard into Azriel that the Illyrian saw stars.
The feeling of the full length of Eris's thick cock pistoning in and out him rendered Azriel speechless. All he could do was grip Eris's back and moan into the air in the hollow of the tree.
The beat of the Great Rite's drums resumed, matching the rhythm at which Eris fucked in to him. The slap of their pelvises reverberated in the enclosed space.
Eris dropped his legs and lowered himself on to his forearms by Azriel's head. The shallower angle made him grind furiously against that spot along Azriel's walls. Eris nipped at his lower lip, panting into his mouth.
"You're so gods damn perfect Azriel."
Azriel moaned at the words.
The drums raced around them.
"So. fucking. beautiful." Each word from Eris was interrupted by a brutally deep thrust.
"I wish I could fuck you all night but I'm so close," the High Lord continued on.
Azriel nodded in agreement, wrapping his legs tight around Eris's hips. He didn't want the male pulling too far away from him, not now. He hole was squeezing sporadically around Eris's length.
"I-" Azriel couldn't get anything out, too busy moaning.
The drumming was reaching a crescendo again. It rocked against Azriel's skin.
"What is it." Eris brushed kisses along Azriel's jaw as he fucked him.
The beat around them was deafening.
"I feel so good, Eris-" Azriel groaned out the male's name.
It must've been from witnessing the delirium of Azriel's pleasure that he caused but at his words, Eris shouted out a long surprised groan. Azriel felt the male's cock twitching inside of him and his thrusts stuttered to quick, deep jabs. Heat bloomed within Azriel's stomach from the High Lord cumming.
At the sensation of the pulsing warmth of Eris's cum inside him, Azriel felt his own cock start to shoot. He grabbed himself moaning as his strokes heightened his finish.
As Azriel plummeted down into his orgasm, the drums of the Rite's magic pulsed through him. The beat matching the rhythm of his heart hammering inside him. Azriel's legs tightened around Eris as they both rose and fell through the waves of their pleasure, creating their own rhythm that sang with the magic of the night.
Fingers still dug tightly into the pale muscled back above him, Azriel's release came to an end. His legs dropped and relaxed to the ground as all his strength flooded away. He felt Eris's cock give one final kick inside him before he too finished and relaxed fully down onto Azriel's front.
The thrum of the magic in the air came to a stop, the sounds of the woods rushing in to fill the silence left by the drum's departure.
They laid there, Azriel wasn't sure how long, catching their breath. He closed his eyes, laid his head back, and enjoyed the warmth of Eris pressed against him.
The pressure on his wings soon became too much and he shifted, pushing slightly at Eris's hips.
With a groan, the male on top of him pushed up onto him arms, staring down between them as he pulled out. Azriel hissed at the sensation.
"M'sorry," Eris murmured, rubbing a hand down Azriel's thigh soothingly.
Eris Vanserra was rubbing his thigh.
Hundreds of fae showed up tonight with the hopes they'd be the lucky ones selected to sleep with the High Lord. And here Azriel was, in the middle of some historic magical tree, spend dripping out of him, getting his thigh rubbed by Cauldron-damned Eris Vanserra.
It was completely fucking surreal.
Azriel giggled. He didn't think he'd ever giggled in his life.
He felt drunk on the atmosphere. Maybe this was an after-effect of the magic's let-down; after the high of Rite abated you were left feeling delirious.
Eris took one look at him and started laughing too. They were definitely delirious.
Leaning his weight forward into his forearms again, Eris rested his forehead against Azriel's collarbone as laughter kept rocking his frame. Azriel buried his face in the silky red hair below him, chuckling into it.
With deep breaths, they both collected themselves.
Eris rose up onto his knees and glanced down between Azriel's legs.
"Fuck," Eris groaned, throwing his head back," You need to close your legs or I'm going to be ready for round two in a few seconds."
Azriel burst into laughter again, kicking Eris away from him.
"Gods," Eris moaned as he clambered to his feet. He reached a hand out for Azriel who took it and forced Eris to do most of the work pulling him up.
Azriel wrapped his arms around Eris's hips, the other male grabbing his bicep and throwing his second arm around Azriel's neck.
Silence weighed down on them as they stood facing each other. Eris's thumb left a path of heat in the arcs it swiped along Azriel's bicep. His other hand played in the short cropped hair at the base of Azriel's head.
With the high of the night seeping from his system and Eris's hands tracing warm paths along his skin, Azriel felt his eyes start to droop.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" Eris whispered, lips only mere inches away from Azriel's own. Anything louder would've felt like a shout in the calm atmosphere around them.
Azriel nodded in assent, he wasn't sure any words would make it out of him.
He leaned forward capturing Eris's lips in a delicate kiss. They stayed like that, mouths moving slowly together, until Eris pulled again with one last nip to Azriel's lower lip.
"C'mon," he murmured, backing away from Azriel. With a snap of his fingers, Eris magicked both of their clothes back on.
Azriel walked up to press into Eris's front again and raised his hands to straighten the male's cloak which skewed haphazardly on his shoulders.
"Magic is not a precise science," Eris justified.
Mustering up the energy to speak, he replied, "You're such an ass."
Cackling, Eris winnowed them away in a crack of flames and light.
The large rustic living room of Eris's manor was blessedly cool.
Warmth prickled along Azriel's skin, it felt like the sun was beaming down on him. He'd lived most of his life at a temperature that matched the night-time air on a crisp autumn night. This was a welcome change but an odd adjustment.
Azriel had a feeling the fire lord with him had something to do with it.
His eyes traced the wooden beams that led to the top of the room's vaulted ceilings as Eris moved around the kitchen in the distance.
Shuffling alerted Azriel to his entrance back into the living room.
He eagerly accepted the tall glass of water Eris handed to him and chugged it in one go, spilling a good portion of it down his chin.
Azriel glared at him through the glass.
"Didn't stop you from fucking me."
Eris's eyes darkened at the words, the right side of his face was lit up from the moonlight pouring in through the sizable windows that framed the woods outside. The High Lord only shrugged, grinning wildly.
His own grin grew in response. This was probably the most he'd smiled in one day. There was an ache in his cheeks from his overuse of the action; mindlessly he rubbed at the sore spots.
"Get used to it," Eris said.
Azriel didn't know if he meant the fucking or the smiling. Both would be fine, he figured.
They stumbled upstairs, giggling like a pair of drunk younglings every time Azriel's wings caught on the stairs. He was usually much better about keeping them raised but his body felt like it'd been sitting in the birchin for an hour- every muscle loose and tired.
Eris's bedroom was large and its foundation was laid by the same rich, dark wood that Azriel had loved in the kitchen. On the opposite side of the bedroom's entryway was a wall of windows and a glass door that led out to a partially enclosed terrace.
In the moonlight, Azriel vaguely deciphered a few plush couches and ottomans clustered together out there. They were enclosed by concrete columns that lined the terrace's perimeter. Enough space was between each column that, if Azriel wished, he could climb the railing and sail out over the autumnal canopy on his wings.
"You look like you're plotting your escape." Eris's sharp gaze tracked Azriel's own. He'd always been able to read him like book much to Azriel's chagrin.
"A good fighter always has an exit strategy."
A flash of sadness crossed Eris's expression at his words. There- and then gone- before Azriel could truly register it.
Reality began crashing in around him, settling a heavy weight on his chest.
To distract himself, he stepped onwards into the room and continued his assessment of the space. To the right was a massive fireplace framed by a large picture window on either side. Azriel saw the glow of faelights at the Forest House in the distance. There were two leather armchairs placed in front of the fireplace.
The left of the room held a palatial bed, wide enough to comfortably fit two winged fae if desired.
It was a wonderful space. If Azriel had ever desired to design his own, it likely would've looked a lot like this. It was nothing akin to Feyre and Rhy's palatial, overly ornate estate, or the soulless sandstone interiors of the House of Wind. Eris's room- his house- was warm and inviting, it beckoned Azriel in like a moth to a flame.
Eris, having followed Azriel into the room, continued on, "There are stairs up to the roof... if you wanted to know other escape options. It'd probably be easier to take off and land there."
Azriel turned to face the male behind him and asked, "Why do you have stairs to your roof?" Odd indeed for a male who could never and would ever be able to fly himself.
"Why not?" Eris wouldn't meet his eyes then.
But Azriel knew. Deep down he knew, had always known.
The roof. The two armchairs in front of the fire place. The dining chairs carved for wings. The male's burning gaze that was able to melt away centuries of ice that coated the outside of Azriel's soul.
He knew what it all meant, used to be terrified of it. Yesterday afternoon he feared it so much he could hardly breath.
He wasn't scared anymore.
And Eris knew too. Had likely known far longer than Azriel- he was always so clever.
Eris had probably figured it out forever ago and let it rot away inside of him. Trapped in his mind, tormenting him like the scars from his father that would never mar his skin.
"Centuries, Azriel," Eris muttered. It was as if the fire-blooded male in front of him, who still would not look at Azriel, could read every thought that ran through his mind. Could he?
Silence settled around them. Eris's attention focused on the dew fogged window next to them. He looked fixedly at the Forest House lights gleaming in the distance.
"I've wanted you- this- for centuries," Eris ground out. The truth, at last.
"I have known for centuries." Each word out of Eris's mouth sounded pained.
Azriel walked up to the male, reached out a scarred hand to gently grab his chin and turned his face towards him.
He traced every inch of Eris's face with his thumb. The strong jaw that framed everything. The sharp cut of the cupid's bow on his full lips. The long, straight bridge of his nose. The flushed cheeks that burned under Azriel's touch. The constellation of freckles that dotted his porcelain skin. The permanent crease between his brows, the only sign of mortality on his beautiful, immortal face.
He looked nothing like Azriel but looking upon him was like gazing into a mirror.
"All this time? Everything?" Azriel whispered. He couldn't find it in himself to elaborate, desperately hoped that Eris would once again understand what he meant.
"Everything. Always. It was always you." Eris's brows cut together, a look of sorrow and desperation overtaking the face under Azriel's thumb.
A small whimper escaped Azriel's lips but he clamped down on it.
The small sound must've been enough for Eris because it seemed a dam broke inside of him with the way his next words poured out.
"From the first moment I saw you at Hewn City, I knew Azriel. I could feel it so deep in my bones that it ached. But the engagement to Mor had already been finalized and I had no clue what to do. I knew you loved her, saw how you looked at her. I felt sick. My mate-"
Another whimper broke from Azriel's lips at the word. Eris spoke it with such finality and confidence.
At its utterance, a key clicked into place deep inside Azriel's chest and opened a truth that he had known all along.
"My mate," Eris continued "was in love with the female I was set to marry. Quickly, I grew to realize Mor's desperation for freedom, the truth about herself she kept hidden away. I couldn't help her. Azriel, you have to believe me. I tried. But, I had so little power to fix the situation. Leaving her there- in the woods, leaving her to her freedom, it was the best I could do. I thought she would understand. I thought you would underst-" Eris's voice cracked on the last word and he ducked his head down out of Azriel's hands to hide it from view.
Composing himself with a deep breath, Eris raised his head and continued on.
"I never imagined my actions would lead to you hating me for centuries. I thought I'd have a chance to explain. I thought you- Mor- Rhysand- anybody- I thought somebody would understand that if I helped her, she would have become a ward of my court. Trapped there. Keir knew; that's why he left her in my woods. Eventually I realized it was for the better- you hating me. I was a fool for ever thinking otherwise. I still had no power against my father and if he ever suspected, ever got a whiff, of what you were to me, he would have tried to kill you. He most certainly would have killed me. And it all would have been for nothing. I knew I did the right thing after he executed Jesminda. She was harmless, so innocent, a member of his own court, and he still killed her for the crime of being a lesser fae in love with my brother. It was then that I decided to never do anything but make you hate me. I wanted you as far away from me as possible. I could handle the torture my father inflicted upon me but the one thing I'd never be able to bare was him hurting you. Not you. Never you."
Eris's voice shook as silent tears cut across his cheeks. Azriel wondered how he could still be so beautiful while he cried.
"You were this precious thing that the Mother had blessed me with and the only thing that mattered to me was keeping you safe. And the only way I could do that was by keeping you far away from me and the reaches of Beron. Then everything with Amarantha happened. Forty-nine years under there and Azriel, you were the only thing that got me through it. Knowing you were safe, wherever you were, and that you were out there. I made a vow to myself that if I lived through the ordeal, if I ever managed to be free, I'd fix my wrongs. I didn't want to die knowing you still hated me. I wanted to see you, at least once, look upon me with something other than loathing. But then I got addicted to it- addicted to you not hating me anymore. Addicted to being with you, speaking to you, learning about you, playing gods damned chess with you. I crave it more than I crave my next breath. Five hundred years of torment and the past year has made every second worth it. I would do it all again. I would suffer another five centuries of you loving another, another five centuries of facing my father's cruelty, another five centuries of being hated by all of Prythian just for this- just for you."
Azriel's vision blurred from the tears flooding in his eyes, mind whirring as he tried to process the weight of Eris's confessions. No words came to him. Instead, he leaned forward into Eris's shoulder and sobbed. He sobbed and sobbed, releasing centuries worth of sadness and pain and loneliness that had built up inside him. He found a comfort in the crook of Eris's neck that he'd felt never anywhere else before.
It was as if his soul knew he'd met his mate all those years ago in the depths of Hewn City and had been decaying inside him ever since, growing sick at the distance that separated it from its other half. As Azriel leaned into the warmth of Eris, he felt a small part of his frozen, sad soul started to heal.
Eris said nothing, stroking a thumb across the back of Azriel's neck. He leaned more heavily into the sturdy support of Eris's body with each soothing swipe.
"Let's go to bed," Eris whispered into his ear once the sobs stopped racking Azriel's body and his choppy breathing evened out.
There'd be more time to talk tomorrow. The darkness of the night felt too fragile for the words they would need to share, the decisions that needed to be made.
Eris turned his head and gently brushed his lips across Azriel's. They fell in to one another, deepening the kiss before pulling away to catch their breath.
Eris ran the hand that was on the back of his neck down his arm, fingers ghosting across the sleeve of the dark green jacket Azriel wore. At the cuff, he danced along the black sewn embellishments before finally trailing down to tangle his fingers with Azriel's.
Wordlessly, he pulled him towards the bed.
When they got to the foot of it, Eris raised his hands up and began unclasping the silver buttons that held Azriel's jacket closed. He then reached around his back and unbuttoned the ones that ran from the bottom hem to the base of his wings.
"I really do like this jacket on you," Eris whispered into the depth of the silence.
"I knew you would," Azriel murmured back.
He said nothing about the disbelief that twinkled in Eris's eyes. He knew Azriel too well.
Kicking off his shoes and shucking down the tight black trousers he wore, Azriel rounded the bed to the right side closest to the wall of windows. Behind him, he heard Eris also undressing.
Azriel lifted back the heavy duvet and stretched out on his stomach, hoping to give his wings some reprieve from the pressure they'd endured that night. The cool cotton sheets tempered the burning he felt inside of him.
Eris climbed in next to him and laid on his back.
Turning to face the High Lord, his High Lord, he reached out a hand to grasp the wrist that lay closest to him and stroked the delicate skin there.
At the contact, Eris slid over underneath Azriel's outstretched wing, moving closer to him as their gaze locked.
Fire blazed deep inside his amber eyes. It felt like an old friend; one that had scarred him long ago but would never again.
They probably should've bathed, should've eaten something, should've talked more. But the smell of sandalwood and cinnamon flooded Azriel's senses, seeping the energy from his body. All he could do was watch the fire dance in the eyes next to him and think about how Eris smelled like a long-lost nostalgia that he'd finally found.
For the first time, sleep welcomed Azriel with open arms and he felt at peace.
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blueteller · 1 year
So, I discovered the "random incorrect quotes generator" and had some fun with it. Here you go 😂
Alberu: So. Choi Han and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Cale: *sighs* …What did Choi Han do? Alberu: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Choi Han: *smiles innocently* Do you need a steering wheel, Cale-nim?
Cale: We need to get through this locked door. Bud, give me your money Bud: …Ok, here? Cale: *pockets it* Thanks. Choi Han, kick down the door Bud: …
Eruhaben: While I'm gone - Raon, you're in charge. Raon: Yes!!! Eruhaben: *whispers* On, you're the one actually in charge. On: *whispers back* Obviously.
Basen: Where's Lily? She isn't answering Violan: I'll call Basen: Father and I have both tried six times ea- Violan: Lily! Lily: *in distance* Yes?
Cale: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Choi Han: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Raon: Smad! Cale & Choi Han: … (How can he be so cute)
Tasha: Alberu, tell Mary about the birds and the bees Mary: *stares silently* Alberu: *sweats* Alberu: …They're disappearing at an alarming rate
Cale: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm f***ing pissed Gods: *shiver* (Why do I hear boss music-?)
On: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Raon: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? On: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Hong: …edible! Cale: *shivers in the distance*
Cale: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 billion gallons? Choi Han: *thinks carefully* If you stabbed me, you could just heal me with a potion, and then we could buy another big-a** villa somewhere Clopeh: *enthusiastic* You could stab me too, and then you'd have 20 billion! Choi Han: *pulls out his sword with a smile* …Good thinking
*Archie and Paseton sitting in jail together* Paseton: So, who should we call for help? Archie: …I'd call Cale, but I think I feel safer in jail
Rasheel: *sarcastic* How petty can you get? Mila: *smiling* I once edited historical documents to win an argument I was wrong about Rasheel: *scared* What the f-
Alberu: ...You know those things will kill you, right? Eruhaben: *pouring himself a glass of vodka* That's the point. Choi Han: *smoking 10 cigarettes at once* We're trying to speed up the process. Cale: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Witira: You have to apologize to Paseton Archie: …Fine. Archie: 'Unf*** you', or whatever
Cale: Looking left cause you don't treat me right Choi Han: Looking right because you left Raon: Looking up cause you let me down Alberu: Looking down cause you f***ed up White Star: *bleeding from having his arm ripped off* …What is wrong with you guys??
Alberu: *walks into his bedroom* …Hello, people who do not live here. Cale: Hey. Choi Han: Hello. Raon: Hi cookie prince! Hong: *chewing* Alberu: You know I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only, right? On: *shrugs* We were out of cookies
Cale: I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than 'f***' Raon: Human, you poopy dumbo!! Cale: … Cale: …that works, I guess
Alberu: Instructor-nim, why do you always wear black? Choi Han: So that when someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven't decided yet' is a valid response. Alberu: *thoughtfully* Hm. I should try that at the next nobles meeting
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Eruhaben* Eruhaben: *hairflips* Fool, are you blind? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived. Also, if you could drag comb through that hair you would be a 7 at most, everyone knows I'm a constant 10-
Raon: Human, you'll have a hard time believing this because it never happens - but it seems I made a mistake! Cale: *sighs* ...What did you do this time?
Deruth: You see, children, nothing in life is free- Lily: Love is free! Basen: Knowledge is free Violan: Artistic inspiration is free Cale: *smirks* Everything is free if you simply loot it
White Star: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Sheritt: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should've taken away. White Star: Death isn't real, and I'm basically God.
(Cage remix) Cage: *drinking* I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Taylor: ...I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should've taken away? Cage: Death isn't real, and neither is God God of Death: *sobbing in the distance*
Deruth: Cale… just how many kids do you have? Cale: …Biologically, emotionally, or legally? Deruth: 0_0
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varteeny1234 · 7 days
I COULDN'T THINK OF A BETTER TITLE LMAO. @cursedthing this is revenge bc you got us locked in sudoku jail for 2.5 hours /silly (viking solved the sudoku on stream earlier)
Viking's alone time is interrupted by Avid, who is concerned about the safety level of the top of the ant farm. Absolutely nothing goes according to plan for either of them!
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1207
Warnings: Incredibly brief mention of noise overstimulation but only a mention
ENJOY THE VIVID FLUFF! (feat. catboy viking)
The many sounds of the many farms scattered throughout the Dark Oak kingdom's giant glass tube were loud enough for the average person, but for Viking, whose ears were considerably more sensitive, it often became too much and he needed an escape. Whenever this happened, he would usually end up flying to the top of the frame of the ant farm. It was so high up that it was nearly silent. 
And that was exactly what had happened today. 
There weren't many clouds in the sky, sadly, so Viking couldn't cloud-watch from above like he wished. He sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the frame, staring out at the islands below. His own kingdom was full of moving parts, all packed together. The Jungle kingdom, which was more in front of him, was full of lush plants and vines that waved lazily in the wind. 
Viking closed his eyes, feeling the soft wind blow through his hair. He'd left his hat down in the Dark Oak tube- not something he would typically have done, but he wasn't going to fly back down just to grab it. 
Up here, in the sky, all alone, it was peaceful. 
That peace was unfortunately shattered when a faint, familiar voice called out his name. 
What did Avid want with him? 
Reluctantly, he opened his eyes. A shape was flying around the ant farm, coming closer towards the top, and Viking with it. Viking debated not letting Avid know he was there, but he spotted him a second later. 
"Viking! There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" Avid exclaimed. He swooped up, then semi-gracefully landed on the frame. Viking noticed that he was wearing his OSSHA uniform, with a suspicious glance. If Avid was here on OSSHA business, it couldn't be good. He didn't trust that organization one bit. And now Avid was interrupting his quiet time! 
"What do you want with me," he deadpanned. "What does OSSHA want with me? Last time I checked, the Dark Oak kingdom is plenty compliant. And if it isn't, then you should go talk to Fix."
Avid sucked in a breath through his teeth, tsk-ing. "Well, you see, it's actually the top of this ant farm that's not compliant! There's not a hand-rail to be seen up here, so high up above the ground, where even if you didn't fall into the void there's no way you'd survive the drop..." 
Viking tuned out the rest of his rant, shutting his eyes again. He was pretty sure that any handrails added to the frame would be removed again the same day. And it wasn't like anyone was going to die from falling off it- they all had elytra now! 
"...Are you even listening to me anymore?!" Viking's ear twitched, when he tuned back in to whatever Avid had been saying. 
He simply shrugged in response. "Nah, I don't really care about your OSSHA business. No offense, of course. I just don't see the point in putting handrails on the top of this thing." 
Watching Avid splutter as he struggled to figure out how to answer that, he couldn't help but snicker. It was way too easy to break Avid's train of thought- if he had one, anyways. His brain was already all over the place 24/7!
Unfortunately, he recovered, now sporting a somewhat-offended glare. "Oh, so you think that safety is just something to laugh at, huh? Well, what happens if you're just chilling up here, and someone were to just give you a little push-" 
He stepped forwards, obviously trying to push Viking off the edge to teach him a lesson or whatever. Viking saw him coming from a mile away and, much faster than Avid had moved, kicked out his leg and hooked it around Avid's, knocking him off-balance. 
Avid toppled over and landed directly on top of Viking- who, as funny as it would have been if he had, did not plan it at all.
No one said anything. Viking and Avid stared at each other. Then, Avid grinned.
"Proving my point exactly, honey. You could fall so easily here!" He poked Viking's nose with his index finger. Between the action and the incredibly unexpected pet name, Viking found himself the one struck speechless. That wasn't something that happened often, he knew. Avid knew this, and his smile stretched wider. Both of them were now sporting a flush across their cheeks. 
Well, he couldn't let Avid win... whatever this was, could he? If he wanted to flirt, then Viking would flirt. 
Viking matched his smirk. "You fell for me pretty good, I guess." He let his hand trace over Avid's side. "Hmm... but I can't add any handrails anywhere with you lying there." 
As he expected him to, Avid froze for a second before rolling off of him. He started to say something, but Viking's plan had a step two. He flipped himself over, so that he was now on top of Avid, completely reversing their positions from a mere few seconds ago. 
"You're really easy to trap, you know that, monkey-man?" Viking teased. 
"Hey! Wait- you did that on purpose!" Exclaimed Avid. Viking laughed as he nodded. 
"Yes, I did. I remember you were saying something about handrails, honey?" For one last final touch, he called Avid by the same pet name he'd given him. 
Avid blinked, blushing madly. "Yes- Yes. Handrails. Uh- build some, please. Safety is important! Do- do that!" He stuttered. Viking felt something on his leg, and realized Avid's tail had wrapped itself around it. It was cute, how it always did that when he got flustered. He let himself lie down on top of Avid completely, his chin resting on his chest. His own tail flicked back and forth, and he smiled. 
"Nah, still don't want to. It's nice here right now. The sun feels nice." 
He wasn't kidding. The cloudless day meant that the sun was beaming directly overhead onto them, and whenever it was like that, the heat tended to make Viking's brain go all fuzzy. The combined warmth from his and Avid's bodies was only making him sleepier. 
He didn't really like to call it purring, but he hadn't yet thought of a better name for the rumbling sound he made in his chest. 
In spite of himself, Avid laughed again. "You're purring, Viking! I- oh my gosh, that's adorable! You know, I heard from Ruby that you purr when you get really cozy in the sunshine, but I've never witnessed it in person! How could you hide this from me?!" He squealed. The noise grated on Viking's eardrums. 
See, this was why he didn't purr around other people. Their reactions always ruined the moment! 
Viking made a grumpy noise that sounded like "Mmrp." 
"Aw, what, do you not want me to talk? Hey- ugh. How about a deal. I let you go and stop bothering you about the missing railings here, but you have to let me enjoy your purring. It's just so cute!"
"Sure," Viking said. "I can agree with that."
...He hoped Avid didn't find out anytime soon about the sensitive spot behind his ears. Now, that was something he would never live down.
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Movie/Show Round UP
I haven't done one of these in awhile. As always, my thoughts are short and to the point. I don't go in depth. I'm not a professional reviewer, just my thoughts.
Under the cut there are reviews for Fly Me to the Moon, Inside/Out 2, Despicable Me 4, A Quiet Place: Day One, Dune Part 2, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, The Fall Guy, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, Civil War, Madame Web, Argylle, Abigail and The Bikeriders. TV shows: Legend of Fei and Halloween Baking Championship.
Fly Me to the Moon: I saw this movie during a three show day at the theater. It was the middle movie and the biggest question mark. Turns out, the whole 'did they or didn't they' land on the moon theory was actually interesting. While I have zero interest in a rewatch, definitely worth attempting for first time viewers.
Inside/Out 2: This movie was exactly the same as the first. There's nothing new here except for possibly children experiencing new emotions. As an adult, I was bored.
Despicable Me 4: Cute. This film added nothing.
A Quiet Place: Day One: I thought it was nicely done. Still, didn't knock my socks off like the first one. My spouse wanted to know exactly how people learned to be quiet. I tried to tell him that they showed it in the second movie. He wanted more of a show. He was also annoyed that we know nothing about the aliens and it's the third movie. Slight spoiler, I wish we didn't know something about a certain character because it would've made the ending decision so much more impactful.
Dune: Part 2: Well, he tried to warn them about what would happen. I like the action that happens even though it all folds into a pretty box.
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire: I barely remember this movie. It was sort of reminiscent of the previous one. A typical unite to defeat the super evil blah blah blah.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: Disturbing T!k T0ks regarding the leads aside, this movie was enjoyable. Although, I had no idea a new movie series was starting. There were quite the few holes left so I'd see the second one.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die: I saw this before the previous one so I was quite confused in certain parts. All in all it was enjoyable. There are some funny moments. I've had the urge to watch again.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire: I haven't seen this in awhile. From what I remember there's a side character hero in here that's pretty funny. Pretty textbook, you know what's going to happen before it does.
The Fall Guy: I've heard people talking about this one and disliking it. I thought the whole purpose was to have an outrageous fun movie showing crazy stunts the doubles do. Is it the best movie? No, but if you like action it's worth a watch.
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: I'm an action girl. I highly valued the first Mad Max. This movie is obviously character based therefore slower to catch the stages of development (it's even told in chapters). I was bored. All the story shows in the normal character faced adversity, lived a hard life, finally goes for their revenge. Zero interest in a rewatch. I'll turn on the first one again.
Civil War: A weird movie full of numerous holes. A waste of my time.
Madame Web: I thought it was okay even though this movie was review bombed. There's nothing special about it, but it's not the worst movie that people complained about. Then again, to each their own.
Argylle: Another movie that was review bombed. I also guessed the likely story in this one. I think this movie suffers mostly from trying to be too many things. It goes for serious, yet wild and fun, yet logical. I think if the movie with the effects stayed 'out there' then people would've found it more enjoyable. Maybe.
Sidenote: My husband is always surprised that me (comedy hater) loves Rat Race and Joe Dirt. My response is always the same. Both movies are unapologetically insane. They don't take themselves seriously at all. I think Argylle should've done this as they had moments before deciding to become a serious spy movie.
The Bikeriders: First of all there's a narrator to this movie. Threw me off a bit at first, I normally don't watch those type of movies because i feel it leaves off clues. The movie's okay. Practically a drama in a bikerider setting. There isn't much mystery so another one that's easy to read.
Abigail: I enjoyed this movie until the ending. Not much I can say without spoiling.
Legend of Fei: I finally finished this show. Took me forever as it has good episodes, and others I cared less for (admittedly skipped scenes). Some characters were so annoying. Thankfully, Fei stopped passing out which was killing me. Xie Yun is my absolute fave. I might be biased, but all his scenes were so much fun except for the ones where he's sick :( . I've read reviews where people say they can watch this repeatedly, I'm not one of them. One and done. Sort of reminded me of WoH main storyline.
Sidenote: I love the one scene where he's reminiscing the past in his dreams and he no longer has money. The way this man kept opening up his pouch and dumping it over to make sure there were no coins. So relatable in my younger days.
Halloween Baking Championship: An era has come to an end or at least caught up in the seasons. I really like this cooking show. I hope people have some out of the box creations in the new year coming up.
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darkphoenix07 · 1 year
Elixir of 🕸️ Death(J.W)
A vampire series by @darkphoenix07
Mental health request
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Paring: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Dark Romance, Fantasy, Tragedy
Song suggestion 🎶: House of cards by BTS, Done for me by Punch.
Warning: Mentions of blood, Violence, Degradation, Death, Mention of suicide, Murder, Abuse. Synopsis: When the girl who doesn't have any will to live meets the demon whose only wish to slaughter humans. "How will it help me if I drain your blood right now when I can use you anyway I want to?" - Jung Wooyoung
Chapter 1
🍷"To the people who craves comfort and a single reason to keep themselves alive" 🍷
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"Am I pathetic because I am careless?
Am I a disgrace because of what I love?
Will I ever be free from these?
Will I be saved from these miseries?"
"I will feed you and kill you everyday. Because blood doesn't taste good when you don't have any fear in your veins." 
His words start echoing in your head but you are adamant. You don't want to give him what he wants.
"Good luck with feeding me anything," you smirk back raising an eyebrow at him and he squints his eyes at your response.
"You think highly of yourself, don't you?" He asks you while his hand starts traveling down touching your collarbone and stops right on your chest.
"Do you think everyone is like you?" You ask him back and he chuckles looking down.
"What's your name?" He is the first one who asks you facing you, changing the subject.
"Y/n. What would you do with it?"
"My name is Jung Wooyoung. I've lived here for 1027 years," his casual words start making you feel uncomfortable. Which makes you more uncomfortable that his cold hand hasn't left your chest yet. It's just your chest, right in the middle but your heart his thumping crazily.
You didn't think it would be this bad when someone touches you but right now it feels like a disaster. What if he wants something else without your blood?
But he finally removes his hand from your chest and wraps it around your waist pulling you closer to him. You can feel how cold his body is but the way he holds you in his arms give you warmth in your chest. You don't remember when was the last time someone wrapped their hands around you like this, like a side hug maybe.
Is he hugging you?
He takes you towards the dinning table and makes you sit on a chair. He leaves and comes back in an instant then wraps a cloak around you, "Wait here."
He says and vanishes again. In a few seconds, he appears and you see stakes in front of you and a candle lighting up. You realize there is just a chandelier in the dinning room. He doesn't use light. Maybe he doesn't need light.
"Eat up," he says sitting beside you.
"I don't have an appetite," you tell him looking away.
"Listen to me when I am being good. Eat some of it. It's beef nothing else," he says with a calm voice but it gives you chills.
You are with a inhumane being and you are being your usual stubborn self. What worse can happen?
"I am not here to listen to you," you tell him gawking at him and he thumps his hand on the table.
But you don't flinch.
"If you don't eat anything then, I'll help you die. You know, how?" He says grabbing your arm again, making you stand up. This time his grasp tight, forceful, "By starving you and leaving you beside a broken window. I think you will love that."
"Do you think you are scaring me?" You ask him and he looks more mad.
"You'll know once you are inside," he says and starts dragging you upstairs.
"Let go off me. I want to leave now. Let go!!!" You keep screaming but he doesn't listen at all.
"Jung Wooyoung! Let go off me," he stops in front of a door hearing you.
As he looks down at you, you think you see his eyes glowing more.
He makes you stand up and opens the door. Then throws you on the bed getting on top of you. You keep moving backwards but it's of no use. He already grabs your hands, intertwines his fingers with yours pinning them on bed.
"Don't act like a fool calling a vampire with his full name. You have no idea what I want to do to you right you," he says as a warning and a tear leaves your eye.
"Do something I haven't seen before. You men are all bastards. Vampire or humans. Doesn't matter," you tell him like you don't care but your lips are already trembling. You are scared of him right now and the way he smiles right now tells you he can smell your fear in your blood.
His bloodlust has increased on an alarming level.
"I will tear you apart," he says.
"Do it."
"Eat you piece by piece."
"Do it."
"There won't be anything to bury."
"Just do what you want."
He looks annoyed right now.
"You are scared to die. That's why you have come to me."
You think you stop breathing as he saw right through you.
He bends over in the crook of your neck and breathes, "I bet you will taste good now."
"Why don't you taste then?"
You know he can feel you shaking under him that makes him proud of himself. But you not running away, not defending yourself makes him feel pathetic.
You feel him licking the side of your neck and a shiver runs through your whole body making you tremble a little bit more.
"I can taste you from your skin already," his raspy whispers leaves you breathless. But you know you can't do a thing right now.
"I will stop if you tell me to," he says like he is some gentleman doing you a favor.
"I won't tell you to stop," you tell him making him smile against your neck.
"Good girl," he says pressing your hands tighter than before.
It feels like he kisses your neck softly and you close your eyes. You didn't want this to happen. You just wanted him to drain you.
"I'll put you to a good sleep," he says and you feel his fangs digging into your neck slowly, painfully. It's like some sharp blunt blade digging inside your veins and your blood is spilling inside a hole.
You start squirming and shaking your leg from the undying pain in your neck.
He stops and looks at you while your blood is still spilling from the holes his fangs created.
"If you want me to stop. I will."
You feel light headed, like something is taking out all of your energies but you shake your head like a stubborn kid staring at him. Part of you thanking him because he is setting you free, part of you wants to end this pain removing him away from you.
"Alright then," he says and on the next second, his fangs are again inside your neck dragging blood from your veins.
You body gives up at a point as you lose strength to move. Tears roll down from your eyes as they start closing up from the aching. They get tired from the lose of blood and you don't know when you lose your senses.
Wooyoung gets up realizing your body going numb and chuckles shaking his head, "I didn't even drink much and look at you. Such a fragile body."
He licks the spilling blood from your neck and your neck stops bleeding.
He keeps staring at you positioning himself on his hand. He moves the baby hair from your forehead and reads you while you are lying unconscious beside him.
"What made you think a monster can save you from this cruel life?"
He asks you but it's like he already knows the answer. He doesn't wait.
He keeps his hand on your swollen, pale hands, "Humans feel cold when they don't wear something heavy around you and look at you, torturing yourself. Sleep well for a while and become beautiful again. I'll tell you then what I want to do with you and your life."
He gets up and stands in the balcony. A crow comes in his hand and he whispers something to it before it flies away through the winter breeze.
After a while, someone knocks in his door and he carefully opens it.
"You are late," he says to the tall guy with a brown overcoat wrapped around him.
"I was in a surgery. I am not your maiden or something. Why did you call me?" He asks getting inside the house while Wooyoung closes the door.
"What do you give someone when they don't eat the food they are given?" Wooyoung's question makes the other man curious.
He raises an eyebrow and crosses his hands, "Which type of animal are you trying to feed now?"
"I am not talking about animals?"
"Then? Vampires? You know better than me. You've lived more years."
"Jeong Yunho! She is a woman. Not a woman, a girl. Pale, thin, broken."
Yunho looks at him and then around his surroundings. He shoots Wooyoung a death glare, "I told you to leave these humans after compelling them. What is in your head right now?"
"I am not holding anyone hostage. She is here by her own will. Maybe she doesn't have a home. Or maybe," Wooyoung walks towards the living room and stands by the window, "She has a home but can't call it one."
"Jung Wooyoung feeling had for a human after thousand of years. Who caused it? You've killed women before. Why not her?" Yunho asks with pure curiosity making Wooyoung annoyed.
"I don't have to give you any excuses. Let's go upstairs and give her the medicines she needs," Wooyoung starts walking through the stairs and Yunho ends up following him upstairs.
"She is on the verge of death. I have to say," Yunho says after checking her.
Wooyoung gulps and his lips part a little hearing Yunho. Yunho looks at him and he rolls his eyes, "Well, she deserves to."
"Then why not let her die?" Yunho asks, "You can drain the rest of the blood away from her you know. Fixing her will be a long cause."
"What do you mean by long cause?" Wooyoung sits on the sofa of the room where Yunho can't see his face well.
"I can give her saline now which I'm sure you don't know about but it will give her some strength. But she needs real food you know. Vitamins, minerals, protein, fat carbohydrates. All of these or else she will die from malnutrition and thanks to you, you've lessened her hemoglobin level for sure," Yunho says and Wooyoung stands up.
"What are these things? Can't you just suggest some food?" He looks frustrated and pissed at the same time not understanding the terms.
Yunho smiles and nods, "I'll send the foods. Make sure to feed her if you want to keep her alive this bad."
"Okay, leave now," Wooyoung says while his eyes are on you.
Yunho keeps a hand on his shoulder before passing him and says, "Taking care of a human girl will lead to something you'll never be prepared for and if she becomes your weakness, it'll be easier for them to remove you from the coven."
"What are you trying to imply?" Wooyoung asks while his eyes are still stuck on you.
"A stranger human girl walking in the woods and ending up in your own bed where you let nobody in. Her wanting to kill herself and you wanting to save her, don't you find it very simple?"
"You better not do any complications with me. Say whatever it is in your twisted mind."
"She may be your fate you know. Shouldn't you keep her away knowing the prophecy?"
This time Wooyoung glares at Yunho but he doesn't move an inch.
"He will do everything to remove you from the coven throne. Keep her away from you. I don't want you to lose your position."
"She means nothing to me," Wooyoung says averting his fiery gaze.
Yunho chuckles leaving his shoulder, "It's so obvious, Wooyoung. You aren't the type to sympathize with some mortal girl. You know that too. Get rid off her as soon as possible."
Before Wooyoung can say another word, Yunho vanishes into thin air leaving him stunned and worried.
"What if the prophecy is right? I can't... I can't lose my position and hurt the people of my coven," his mind goes blank as he starts pacing back and forth.
He looks at you again. He doesn't remember covering you in a blanket and putting a bandage on your neck. He doesn't remember moving your hair away from your neck so they don't poke your neck. But he did all these though he got to know you a few hours ago.
"No, I can't let you live if you'll be the cause of my demise," and he removes the blanket from your body, rips apart the syringe from your skin and takes you in his arms firmly.
In a moment, he is outside of his house and in front of the cold, deep river alongside the red forest of this town.
"Sleep forever if that's what you wished for," that's the last thing he says before throwing your body into the water.
He keeps standing there, watching your body go deeper and deeper. He sucks in a deep breath realizing you are not even fighting to come out, screaming to save you. The cold water is consuming your body piece by piece.
"Goodbye human. Rest in peace. I promise I'll bury you warm once you are done."
Y/n died?????? What do you think the prophecy is?
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