#i don't want to be the only one solving issues it starts the moment i wake up woman give me some fucking time
thefrogman · 20 days
Froggie's Mailbox Adventures
I have been wanting to tell this story for a while now. This all happened right before my birthday and then I got sick for 4 weeks and didn't have the energy to talk about it.
So let us take a trip into the recent past to hear a tale of woe and triumph with a bunch of extra woe interspersed throughout.
It all began on the 4th of July.
Some neighborhood rascals ruined my old mailbox with a baseball bat.
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They also destroyed my brand new mailbox sensor that lets me know when there is mail so I don't have to make multiple trips to check.
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(Ring replaced it for free, so that was nice.)
Originally, I was going to hire someone to replace the mailbox. But I was not having much luck finding someone who could do that specific task. (I've been having trouble finding help in general due to living in a supposedly "dangerous" area.)
So I decided to try and install the mailbox myself. And I had no idea how much of an adventure that was going to be...
My first step was tearing off the old one to see how it was mounted.
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I got some paper and a sharpie and noted where the holes were. And, of course, they didn't line up with the new mailbox.
Which is a really nice mailbox. I mean, it is solid. Check this bad boy out and please don't notice the dirty clothes lying on the floor in the background.
It is always so tempting to save a few bucks and get the cheaper thing, but I am so glad I splurged on this. It looks nice. It functions well. It has magnets. And I don't think it can be baseball-batted without some instant karmic retribution from Newton's third law.
My next step was to get a new mounting plate. And even though I try not to go to Home Depot because it is run by a bunch of conservative religious bigots... I went to Home Depot.
I was a little nervous about leaving the house at the time because I was still struggling with my heart issue (which I think is mostly resolved now). I was trying to be very careful about how much I exerted myself. I really didn't want to have an episode while I was out and about.
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After searching for a while I discovered they had a mounting plate and a pressure-treated mounting board. I could do wood or metal. And they were located on completely opposite ends of the store because of course they were.
I had both items in my hand and I did that thing where you just keep staring at something hoping a useful thought will pop into your brain. I had no clue which one was better for my needs. There is surprisingly little information regarding mailbox installation on the internet. YouTube really let me down on this one. I was just kinda winging it and solving problems as I went along.
I stared for for a little while longer and no useful thoughts happened.
I was tired of staring so I just said, "Fuck it" and made an executive decision.
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Then I almost passed out in Home Depot.
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I spent too much time walking around that gigantic monstrosity of a store and my heart started beating super fast and my legs felt like jello and I started getting quite dizzy.
I was in rough shape.
So... I had a little lie-down next to a wall of tape measures.
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I just stared up at them thinking about all of the things I could measure.
I could measure a dog.
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Or a horsie.
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Or a horsie the size of a dog.
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Then I thought, "Ooh, that one has lasers! I NEED IT."
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My brain was not functioning at 100% in that moment.
After about 10 minutes of thinking about lasers and things I could measure with lasers, my body seemed to reboot and I was able to get up. Thankfully no one saw me and thought there was a dead body in the aisle or something. But that was still embarrassing all the same.
Once my heart slowed down I was able to pay and make it out to the car. I headed home and saw one of the most unusual sunsets of my life. The sun was dim and a shade of orange I have never seen in nature. It was like, cheeto orange. Not only that, it was a perfect circle with a super crisp outline. It didn't look real.
I tried to get a picture of it but when I looked at the picture later, the camera didn't capture anything like what I saw.
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This is the best approximation I can manage. But it still doesn't do it justice.
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I was hoping I could get home in time to grab my real camera and capture this strange setting sun, but it dipped below the horizon just as I pulled into my driveway.
I then started problem solving how to get the new mailbox in place with the items I purchased. And I was on a deadline because I have no clue what happens when the mailperson arrives and they don't have a mailbox to put the mail in. Do they just throw it on the ground? Do they get to keep the mail? Are they going to use all of my grocery coupons?
And for some reason, my post office does not keep a consistent delivery schedule. I've been trying to figure out a pattern for weeks and they just seem to come "whenever" and that is about as close as I can pin it down. Which is why I got the mailbox sensor.
Due to my near fainting episode in Home Depot, I was in no shape to be handy, so I was trying to think of a temporary solution to put the new mailbox on without properly mounting it. At first I was going to just wrap it in packing tape a bunch of times. But then I noticed I had a bunch of string. And I decided that was a more interesting solution... for reasons? My brain was still not doing well. But when I tried to tie the new mailbox to the post with the string it failed miserably. And I realized the packing tape wouldn't work either. The mailbox did not sit flat on the post and it wiggled. However, because I tried the dumb string method, I discovered this wiggle issue and it actually helped me figure out how to mount it.
I gave up for the night and decided to hope I could install the box in the morning before "whenever" happened. The next morning I started drawing dots on boards and comparing my old holes to my new holes and measuring clearances. (Measuring without lasers like a chump.) I needed to elevate the mailbox in order to mount it and that's when I thought to combine the board and the plate. I could screw the board into the old holes and then create new holes in the board for the plate to attach. And the plate lined up with the holes in the bottom of the new mailbox.
It was a pretty big brain moment for me and I felt like I just solved quantum physics or something.
You're probably pretty confused because you are not as smart as I am.
Here is a diagram to help.
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The board mounts to the post arm. The plate screws into the board. The mailbox screws into the plate.
Or just use string.
Also, how fortunate was it that I stared for all that time and got frustrated and just bought both things?
My next problem was that my drill wouldn't fit inside the mailbox and I couldn't screw the screws in place. So I drilled pilot holes in the board so I could manually screw in the screws with a ratcheting right angle screwdriver.
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And the only reason I had one of those is because I use it as a fidget toy. (I like the clicky sounds.)
Another lucky happenstance!
I tried to prepare as much as I could in my garage before dragging all of my tools to the end of my lengthy driveway. I brought along my dad's old rolling walker so I'd have something to transport everything.
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But also so I'd have something to sit on while I was installing the new box. Then I wouldn't have another heart episode and need another lie-down.
Seriously, how big is my brain?
I am like the smartest person alive.
So I got to the end of the driveway with all of my tools and my board and my plate and my templates and I realized something was missing.
The new mailbox.
I am like the dumbest person alive.
After a quick back-and-forth to retrieve the mailbox, I got started on my master mounting plan.
I screwed the board onto the post arm.
Then I screwed the plate into the board.
Then I lined up the new mailbox onto the plate.
But as I was doing this, I was kinda sticking out into the street a little bit. And usually that isn't a big deal. Cars can see me from very far away and they were just steering around me. But then two cars came from opposite directions at the same time and I was in a precarious position where I could not move. One car steered wide to avoid me, and for some reason, the other car decided not to slow down but to drive off the edge of the street.
And as they pulled this maneuver I heard a loud thump, followed by a loud pop, and then the sound of hissing getting farther and farther away.
Like a snake version of the Doppler effect.
They drove directly into this and popped their tire.
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On the one hand, I felt a little responsible and guilty. On the other, it is not my responsibility to fix the street. And on a third hand, that was silly driving behavior and perhaps they will see this as a learning moment.
After processing what just happened I got back to the task at hand. To my delight and surprise, all of my planning and problem-solving was working. Everything fit together perfectly. The right angle ratcheting screwdriver was screwing in the screws. And after I tightened the final one...
I had successfully installed a new mailbox, on my own, without any jankiness or tape or string.
Like, I did this legit proper.
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Tons of pure endorphins rushed into wherever endorphins go. (Again, I am very smart.) That feeling of accomplishment was pure ecstasy. I had no idea how to do this and in less than 24 hours I was basically an expert mailbox installer. I took some shots of my work on my phone so I could brag to Katrina, packed up all of my tools, and began to walk back to the house.
And... my heart started beating fast again.
And... I needed to have another little lie-down in the grass next to my driveway.
I stared up at the sky and was frustrated and proud simultaneously. A weird mixture of emotions. At the time I didn't know if my heart could be fixed. But thankfully I had my sense of accomplishment to temper my heart sadness.
And then I thought, "I should get a new address sign."
Epilogue time!
I got on Amazon and started looking up new signs. And I found one that was solar powered and lit up at night. So clearly I needed to have that one. My midnight food delivery people will never struggle to find my house again!
And it actually looked pretty neat.
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(My address is not actually four 0s, but you are free to try sending me something.)
The sign was very easy to read... if you were super duper close.
But if you were farther away...
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You couldn't actually distinguish the numbers. And it kinda looked weird next to the mailbox. And headlights made the numbers even harder to see. Which was the opposite of what I was going for.
So I opted to get a more traditional sign.
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(Please send items to the realm of nothingness. I am in the void.)
But this bugged me because the sign was a different size than the old sign and the connection points didn't line up perfectly.
It was at this point that Katrina started making fun of my perfectionism.
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But this wasn't perfectionism for perfection's sake.
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My Dad was having trouble fixing things around the house. And some other kids knocked over the previous, previous mailbox. And he found the strength to go to the store, get a new one, and install it all by himself. He was at the end of the driveway, attached to his portable oxygen canisters, and fixing one last thing for this house.
And I guess I just wanted to get it back to perfect. Because he never did any handyman task half-assed. He was a full-ass handyman. Always.
So... I fixed the sign.
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Perfectly balanced.
Again, feel free to send me stuff to 0000 Road.
I'm sure it will get here... "whenever."
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lemonlover1110 · 2 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 14] Feelings of Betrayal
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
*It's a shorter chapter but for a reason🥹❤️ Baby is coming up so i made a little form for baby names since I don't have one picked out. If y'all want to submit any names that you really like
*also please send any asks to @tojilover1110 <3
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Toji’s tapping his foot, growing impatient as he waits for Shiu to show up. He called Shiu, and the man agreed to meet up to talk about everything that’s going on. Toji is convinced that you’re lying to him, not because he thinks Shiu is above that but because you’d say anything to get back at him. 
When Toji first confronted Shiu about the issue, Shiu sounded completely lost. He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of it immediately, you were clearly lying. But he doesn’t want to outright accuse you of lying without getting confirmation from Shiu first. 
There’s a knock on the front door, and Toji nearly runs to get it. He hasn’t been waiting for too long, but for him it feels like an eternity. His thoughts have just been consuming him… The thought of you and Shiu being together fills him with an unprecedented rage. 
“Hey…” Shiu awkwardly greets Toji the moment the door opens, and it answers all of Toji’s questions. Shiu did something with you. He sounds as guilty as charged. It’s not something that Toji usually picks up on, but there’s just something off that gives everything away. Toji stands in the middle of the doorway, making it impossible for Shiu to get through. “So… Are you going to let me in?”
“Did you sleep with her?” Toji won’t let Shiu inside so easily. He fears he’ll have a reaction that will lead to severe consequences, so he’d rather have Shiu outside, somewhere where he can easily slam the door shut.
“What are you talking about?” Shiu’s clearly guilty, even though he tries to play it off. It makes Toji want to strangle the man right there and then, but he has questions that only Shiu can answer.
“You know what I’m talking about.” Toji tries to keep himself calm because he knows he won’t solve anything if he just starts beating the shit out of Shiu. Shiu stays silent, biting his tongue. He came with the idea that he’d be honest with Toji, but he feels different standing right in front of him. 
“We didn’t– But we…” Shiu takes a deep breath, taking a step back to put more distance between him and Toji. “She gave me a handjob but that’s as far as we got.”
Toji’s vision slowly turns red, and he takes deep breaths to calm himself down. His hands go to his pockets as a precaution. Maybe a few months back he would’ve had Shiu pinned down and beaten some sense into him, but Toji remembers one thing over and over again: He’s going to be a father again soon. He’s not going to get into any trouble, even when the matter comes to you.
“Of course.” Toji scoffs. Toji has to look at the ground because the mere sight of Shiu is enough to get him to lose control. “You just couldn’t wait, you had to dig your claws in. Is waiting a year too hard? Or at the very least until my daughter is born.”
“The daughter you don’t want.” Shiu can’t help but point out, because he doubts that he really cares about that detail– Toji is just hurt and willing to use anything to paint Shiu as a bad guy.
“I want my daughter, don’t you fucking dare.” Toji is shaking from the anger that consumes him. He tries to take another deep breath to calm himself down. “Don’t you fucking dare going anywhere near her again, I’ll fucking kill you.”
“She’s allowed to do whatever she wants. You two aren’t together because you were a bad husband to her. You always were.” Shiu says, and Toji’s teeth dig into his bottom lip so harshly he could bleed. “She’s allowed to move on with whoever she wants.”
“Not you, dammit! You’re supposed to be my best friend!” Toji yells, slapping his hand on the door, which makes Shiu take a step back. Shiu puffs out a breath, thinking of what to say next. 
Shiu is one of Toji’s closest friends. He does owe Toji loyalty– But really, who else is there to blame other than Toji? Shiu won’t allow himself to suffer simply because Toji got to you first. Maybe if you had done something to Toji, he wouldn’t allow himself to get close but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry, Toji.” Shiu sighs. “I’m not going to pass up on the opportunity of a great woman just for you. Just because you couldn’t appreciate her doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get a chance.”
“Curse you, Kong. I’ll kill you.” It could be an empty threat, but Shiu will not take his chances with Toji. Not when Toji goes back into his apartment, leaving the door wide open. Shiu isn’t a coward, but he values his life enough to know when to walk away.
When Toji walks back, Shiu is gone, which ends up being the best decision for the both of them.
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Toji tosses and turns in his bed at night, too much on his mind which makes it impossible to sleep. This doesn’t happen to Toji, he barely looks at his pillow and he’s asleep. But not tonight. Tonight he keeps thinking about you and Shiu, wondering how this is possible.
You’re allowed to move on (even though he doesn’t want you to) but not with Shiu. And Shiu shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. He doesn’t know what hurts worse, the betrayal from Shiu or the fact that you chose his best friend of all people. He guesses Shiu’s betrayal stings the most since he did nothing to the man to make this happen. 
This is what Toji practically asked for, so he can’t complain. Maybe he should’ve been better, and wiser after everything; perhaps he would’ve had a better fate. 
Toji can’t do much. You’ve made your decision and he can’t force you to change your mind, as much as he wants you to. It fucking hurts that it’s Shiu, but at least Shiu will make a great step-dad. 
Yeah… His priorities have changed. He still longs for you to be by his side on the cold bed, but it isn’t his main focus. The daughter he didn’t want is what he cares about the most now.
Maybe a low blow is all he needed for him to reconsider what he should prioritize. 
Toji sighs, sitting up in bed before turning on his lamp. He won’t be able to sleep no matter how much he tries, he might as well continue working on the baby blanket. Her arrival is just in a few months. 
But he’s gone through this before, she’ll be here in no time.
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klxudykai · 3 months
the ugly part of reality shifting
as great as shifting is, its really fucking draining. like REALLY draining. its nice that people want to show the fun and positive side of shifting and all, but once new shifters (specifically) hit the stage where they're drained and extremely demotivated, they aren't going to know how to deal with these new overwhelming emotions. reality shifting takes a toll on our mental health even if we don't like to admit it. this may not apply to everything, but I know it applies to the majority.
ive been shifting since 2021 (if you saw my post Abt me starting shifting in 2019 that was wrong lmfao mb yall-). and I still haven't shifted. I used to think I'd shift within 4 years but surprise surprise. I haven't. I'm drained and demotivated. I don't completely believe I wont ever shift, but I don't think I can get what I want by manifesting or affirming or doing any of that. I think the universe will just randomly hand it to me. it sounds dumb but that's the weird luck I have. when I don't expect it, I get what I want. but when I try hard and I expect it, nothing happens or I get smth worse. i don't think that even when I put blood,sweat, and tears into this that I'll shift. I've discovered so much shit about myself yet I am still here with no experience of what its like in another reality let alone my dr. never saw my dr once. only in my dreams and my imagination.
im going to be completely honest when I say that shifting is not for the weak. I'm not saying this to get you to quit because shifting is one of the best things that I found. I just want you to know that its not always going to be perfect. you might feel desperate, you might feel homesick, you might feel exhausted mentally. and sometimes you'll make progress but then find another obstacle. quite frankly, fuck the obstacles because that's not the issue. its how you deal with them that really determine how your growth goes. and no I'm not saying it controls if you'll shift or not because it doesn't. but if you're a person that gives up easily, its going to be hard to overcome those blockages. I say that because I myself give up easily. which is ironic because I don't give up when it comes to certain goals I want to accomplish (one of those goals being shifting), but I refuse to get rid of those so called "blockages" and avoid them even though I know what's the problem. I avoid them because I don't know how to fix them and I just have this fear that's telling me I'll fail.
this post probably doesn't make a lot of sense but that's because I'm writing this in the heat of the moment so I'm not doing a lot of thinking, I'm just typing. what I'm saying is don't be that person that avoids the problems. be transparent with yourself because I'm telling you, the more you avoid it, the more drained youre going to become. it might turn into an endless loop where you think about your Dr daily but you have zero energy to shift. and it fucking sucks.
overall, please take breaks whether they're mental or shifting breaks, if you feel like there is an issue with yourself, fix it. this is a hard journey but it will be a lot easier once you're honest and overcome problems that need to be solved.
(disclaimer that this may not apply to everyone, just the people who are going through a rough patch in their journey. this is mainly just my perspective and what I've heard from a friend of mine since our issues seemed pretty similar. and if anyone needs someone to talk to, my DMS are open. I want my blog to be a safe space and that this is a place where not everything is perfect. I love y'all and please take care and don't stress yourselves <33)
also, fuck that toxic positivity shit that just makes mfs more drained. if you feel demotivated address it don't push it away
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generalsdiary · 7 months
09:07 am
gn!reader x Dr. Ratio
warnings: none
word count: 600~
a/n: pure brainrot, not beta read, jamming to sparkle’s theme
description: you do his eyeliner, drabble (fluff)
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„hold still“ you dictate under your breath, your hand holding his chin in place.
he sighs. „I am very still-“ „yapping means you are not being still, I'll mess up the line, Veritas“ causing a glare from him. your other hand was resting on his cheek and attempting to make a perfect red line on his eyelid.
it looked... good enough when you were done. you moved your hand away, placing the brush on the nightstand and relaxing your posture. „there“
Veritas brings a small mirror to check your work, „hmm... I've done better. of course I do it every day“ his eyes leave the mirror and catch you glaring at him, „it was a bonding moment, Doctor Ratio“ your tone of voice revealing sarcasm and a hint of annoyment.
„that doesn't clear you away from criticism, especially if you wish to improve.“ his hands pull you back onto his lap, his eyes, the color of an eternal sunset, turning soft, „which would be good for you, you could then do it more often.“ Veritas smiles showing the gentle reasoning to his somewhat harsh sounding words. his swift change in behavior catches you slightly off guard.
„so hot and cold“ responding in a teasing tone.
„ah, I'd say I'm more hot than cold right now, aren't I,-“ his hand cups your chin, „my dear?“
a smile is apparent on your face, as is the eye roll, „and cocky it seems“ making him scoff at your words and look away. „don't worry Veritas, that is one of the reasons I... tolerate you“ you communicate those words in the form of a kiss on his cheek. Veritas' expression relaxes, his eyes closing.
„who's the hot and cold one now?“ his voice but a mere whisper. „unlike yourself, that isn't one of the reasons I like you.“ he waits for a response, patiently scanning your face to see if you'll try to guess. „then what is?“ guessing game isn't worth it at this moment, Veritas very obviously has a specific reason in mind and you feel excited to hear it.
„your kindness. and tolerance, towards... idiots“ to him, those words are completely true, despite his aloof character and at first glance rude behavior he cares a lot. he made sacrifices that benefit… well the whole universe; solving an energy crisis, creating serums, fixing centuries-old issues, and to him, most importantly, he continuously tries to make knowledge available to all people. of course, Ratio would appreciate those same qualities in his partner, not seeking a ‘genius’ necessarily, but rather just a humanitarian, sensible person.
Veritas' words don't fail to make you laugh and ruffle his silky soft violet hair, „and you! are my favorite~“ you exclaim proudly, with a shit-eating grin on your face, knowing he will react to the provocation.
„oh?“ he smirks as well, his hands moving from your sides to your back, he lays back and pushes you with him, making you gasp sharply. „what was it- I didn't catch that, what am I?“ he teases, his voice playful.
„an id-“ Veritas doesn't let you finish your thought, his lips crashing against yours, and when you start enjoying the kiss and the sweet taste of his lips - he pulls away, keeping it painfully short.
„hm... you were saying?“ his hand goes to the back of your head, rubbing your nape.
you frown, how dare he limit the kisses, „an idio-“ once again Veritas doesn’t let you finish the thought, pulling your lips onto his again. you can't help but chuckle and softly mumble between your lips meeting, „my favorite~“, „you mean the only one“, a laugh bubbles up your throat, even in a joke he wants it to be factually correct… or is it a hint of jealousy? doubtful, he isn’t a jealous man to your knowledge. food for thought perhaps.
„yes, the only one.“
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itsnothingofinterest · 2 months
So now that the stories basically over I’m starting to think horikoshi never wanted to actually make any commentary or do anything with the societal issues and he only had them there out of obligation. We know horikoshi is a huge fan of American media especially comics. A lot of what he brought up, discrimination and mutant racism villains who are also victims and you can see where they’re coming from like magneto domestic issues with neglectful and abusive fathers and lingering trauma following a legacy, all of it is in comics that have been trying to make commentary on society and bring up actual societal issues. Maybe horikoshi really was just making a story with what he thought was cool in the moment, and he included all that stuff just because it’s been in media he’s consumed before and he was writing what he knows. Maybe since the start all the theorycrafting people has been for nothing and Horikoshis end goal was always no matter how bad stuff is as long as individuals can be good everything will work out just fine and everything will get better. I dunno just rambling here since the manga is ending so soon.
Honestly, I could see a bit of these arguments. This whole epilogue had made Horikoshi, an author I really respected the writing of not too long ago, come off as a bit of a hack.
I don't think it's quite as simple as him just throwing in whatever he thought was cool or what comic books make look interesting; I personally suspect it may have started out more as "what motivates these villains that they'd fight so hard for," but I do think he put a lot of thought into these set-ups and circumstances hat led the villains to think destroying society was the right & reasonable way to go about things. One thing he was really good at was finding logical conclusions to a society of super powers; stuff like quirk marriages, prejudice against people who's powers make them ugly, or dangerous, or suck, and especially the consequences of "Super Hero" being a professional industry.
His problem was just that he had no idea how to solve these things at all, least of all by teenagers (teenagers who're minor celebrities by the end, but also sidekicks at best). So the villains, who he set to to get saved to make the kids seem more heroic, die anyway because that's all the kids could do for them. And then everything that needed fixing just solves itself because of ~good vibes~ and 'zomg Deku's so inspirational' that suddenly no one is awful anymore (again, read in this tone). And for some reason it never occurs to Hori that he could've had his villains live and go free through means as contrived as heroes getting free time because of those ~good vibes~.
In short, Horikoshi could write this stuff once upon a time; but his main problem looks to me that he simply couldn't write satisfying resolutions to the society-scale issues he set up and stick the landing to save his life.
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judesmoonbeauty · 17 days
Miss Fairytale Keeper, Come Have Fun With Us: Nica Schwartz EPILOGUE
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Translations will not include screenshots or CGs as mentioned here. Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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Nica: She truly is a cute robin.
I heard a muttered voice and turned around, but he just smiled and waved.
Kate: Did you say something?
Nica: Nothing at all. Anyway, if you don’t go home, then will you keep doing naughty things with me?
Kate: I won’t!
When I turned away from him, Nica began to walk ahead, chuckling.
(I’m so tired today…..)
(It’s all because of Nica’s teasing me)
As I watched his nonchalant back, I felt a little irritated, but I didn’t feel any regret about taking his hand.
[Transitions to the Palace.]
One day, a few days after the mission —
(I’m glad the issue was exposed because there was evidence of illegal gambling.)
It was thought that the evidence had been lost in the fire, but a ledger left at the scene revealed illegal gambling, and was delivered to Her Majesty the Queen.
(This is just the tip of the iceberg.)
I recalled Nica’s words and came to a halt.
(Still, I think we need to solve the problems in front of us one at a time.)
With a changed mindset, I started walking,
(Maybe I should talk to Nica about it?)
I turned on my heel to search the entire palace to lay out the facts.
Nica: I found a cute robin looking for me.
At that moment, Nica appeared before me and I jumped in surprise.
Kate: How did you know I was looking for you?
Nica: Heh, so you really were looking for me.
(I’ve been taken along for a ride…..)
Nica: Is there something you wanted to say to me?
Nica: How about some tea?
When I accepted the invitation with a nod, he escorted me to the drawing room, where I sat down on the sofa.
Nica: So, you wanted to have a chat about the casino the other day?
Kate: How’s that….
Nica: I’m a staff officer, right?
Nica: Information gathering is a skill.
He takes a sip of his tea and begins cutting the deck of playing cards he has in hand.
Nica: The core of the aristocrats were arrested, but the children of the upper class were released on bail.
Nica: Well, they’re nothing more than debauched sons and daughters.
Kate: …..People who’ve lost everything because of gambling.
Nica: At best they’ll go to a rescue institution, otherwise won’t they die in ditch somewhere? [1]
Nica: I don’t care what happens to the gambling addicts.
I frowned at his skillful shuffling.
Kate: They certainly brought it upon themselves.
Kate: But I don't believe that all of the people who attacked me had ill intentions that were beyond the point of no return.
Whatever the reason, it was a crime to cause an explosion and attack so many people.
Kate: I don’t approve of methods that do not allow room for rehabilitation.
Nica’s eyes widened and he blinks repeatedly.
Then, there’s a loud laugh.
Nica: I’m jealous that a kind young lady is worried about them.
Nica: Would you like to gamble to find out how they feel?
Kate: Huh?
Nica: You might understand if you experience the thrill of not knowing if you’ll win or lose,
Nica: The exhilaration of winning and the despair of losing.
When I gazed at him who was dealing the cards alternately,
Nica: What will you bet? Money? Your body?
Kate: I won’t bet that!
Nica: The bigger the stakes, the more intense it is.
When he picks up the cards dealt,
Nica: If I win, show me around the city.
Nica: Of course, without telling Crown.
Nica discards a pair of matching cards, and I realize this is a game of Old Maid.
Nica: You might not be trusted as a fairytale keeper anymore.
Kate: What’s in it for me?
Nica: If you win, I’ll tell you all about us.
Kate: What?
He flashed a card,
Nica: What’s our aim, what we’re going to do, I’ll answer all your questions.
Nica: What will you do?
He smiled meaningfully and crossed his legs.
(Maybe I can learn about “their lies” that Harrison was talking about.)
Kate: I’ll do it.
Nica: Now you’re talking.
Taking a deep breath I faced it.
Nica: Ladies first.
As he said that, I reached and pulled out a card, but
I drew the joker, and resisted the urge to make a facial expression.
Then Nica smiled widely.
(Maybe he knows what I drew…..?)
Nica: Why are you staring at me like that. Have you fallen in love with me?
This battle may have been decided who’d lose from the start.
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Ftn [1] 野垂れ死に 'Notarejini' - Literally, to die in a field or die a dog’s death.
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[Master List] Dividers: @.adornedwithlight
Tags list: @sh0jun @theimaginativelyreticent @sapphire-323 @letter-from-afar @nateko Please let me know if you'd like to be added to my tags list!
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lovelybunn · 8 months
"special" request.ㅤ- feat. engineer & gender neutral reader
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warning(s): smut (under cut), sucking fixation, praise kink
word count: 1.8k
The engineer was working on one of his many schematics for the team inside his workshop, until you came over to pay him a little visit.
The man was deep in concentration, his eyes focused intently on the blueprints scattered across his workbench. Unexpectedly, the sound of footsteps disrupted his thoughts. “Howdy, partner. How may I help you today, son?” The moment he heard the sound of your familiar laughter, he swiveled around in his chair to face you.
He chuckled in his typical sweet and sultry tone, his soothing voice causing a shiver to run down your spine. “Ah, it's you. Nice to see ya, (Name). What’re you doin’ this late at night? Isn't it past your bedtime, little feller?” To be quite frank, he was right. It was almost two in the morning when you showed up inside his workshop. “Well…” you started, wanting to find the correct phrasing. “I'm gonna ask for a weird favor from you.” you said, watching his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He burst into a deep, belly laugh at that, shaking his head to himself. “Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, sugar. There's nothing you could ask from me that'll shock me even in the slightest.”
You sighed, taking that as permission. “Engi…Can I touch you?” You asked sheepishly, feeling a bit nervous to approach the issue. The engineer gave you a curious expression, lifting his goggles up to look you dead in the eyes. Before he could process your words, he tilted his head to the side, a hint of confusion playing at his brow. "Touch me?" He repeated, the gears in his head visibly turning as he tried to decipher your words. “What do you mean by that, (Name)? You're bein’ rather vague, kiddo.”
You nervously rubbed the back of your neck, biting your lower lip as you spoke. "Maybe…like, a hug or something? I kind of need one." You felt the heat in your cheeks grow as you stumbled over your words. The engineer took notice as well. Although, instead of laughing at you like half of the other mercenaries might have done, he looked genuinely concerned. “Well, why didn't you say that in the first place, darlin’? If you were having a bad day, you'd know I try and help you. I may only be able to solve practical problems, but I love my friends.” He paused, patting his lap. “Come ere, then. Come give this sleep deprived genius a good ol’ hug, yeah?” He holds out his arms for you to embrace him.
You couldn't help but giggle at the sweet gesture, settling into the man's lap with a soft thump. You noticed how warm and soft he felt against you as you wrapped your arms around his broad, muscular shoulders and buried your head into the crook of his neck. The engineer chuckled softly as he rubbed gentle strokes across your back with his robotic hand, the cold metal sending shivers throughout your body. It was a strangely soothing sensation, the contrast between the cold, hard surface of his hand, and the warmth of your body providing a unique sensation that left you feeling incredibly relaxed… maybe even a bit curious.
To act on that said curiosity, you decided to push a bit further. The engineer patted your back gently as you sat up to lock eyes with him once more. “You feeling better now, (Name)?” You nodded slowly, your eyes heavy from the intense sense of relaxation flowing through you. “Mhm…” He smiled in response, “I'm glad to hear it. Alrighty then, lil bit. You better go get some shut eye before—” His words were abruptly interrupted as you pulled him closer, pressing your lips onto his.
You felt the scruff of his beard against your chin and the warmth of his breath against your lips. The taste of his mouth fills you with a sense of tenderness and desire that makes your heart pound in your chest, a desire that only seemed to grow larger and larger as both his real and robotic hands found their way beneath your shirt. Your skin prickled with anticipation as he chuckled deeply in your ear. He seemed to be enjoying this as much as you were. “Ya seem to want more than just a hug, sweetheart.” He said, the sweet sound of his Southern drawl buzzing in your ears. He paused to kiss you once more. “It's a great thing I agree with you, huh?”
Your eyes lit up in excitement as you asked, “Really? You wanna do this with me?” His voice dropped several octaves as he chuckled, his words making your heart race. “Oh, baby, I've wanted to do this with you for a hot minute.” The engineer grazed the tips of his robotic hand against your soft, pouty lips. “Ain't you a cute little guy?” He hummed, “you like Gunslinger, yeah?” You murmured a small "yes" in response, your attention completely focused on the engineer's subtle, sensual movements.
“(Name),” he said, his tone soft, yet demanding. “Show me how much you like Gunslinger.” A mischievous smirk crept onto the man's lips, the one you'd only ever seen when he was planning to scheme against the other team. “Use that pretty little mouth of yours.” You blushed profusely at the suggestion, “Engi, what did you just say?”
Before there was any more room for questioning, he slid a thick, metallic finger into your mouth. “Suck it, baby. We both know you want to.” Involuntarily, you moan quietly, wrapping your lips around the digits. Your tongue lapped circles in between his fingers in a delicate, slick motion. “That's right, just like that,” the engineer croons. “That tastes good in your mouth now, don't it?” You hum in agreement, tasting the familiar tang on your tongue.
After a few moments, he slipped his Gunslinger out of your wet mouth. The engineer gazed in awe at the state of his hand, now covered in your slick saliva. He let out an audible exhale, his eyes trained on the sight as he spoke. "Good job," he praised, a hint of appreciation in his voice. You smiled eagerly in response, curious to see just how far you could take this venture. The excitement only grew as you watched his eyes shift from his hand to you, a playful glint in them. He chuckled lowly, his normal hand grazing against your skin, down the curve of your neck and across your jawline. Finally, the engineer's thumb circled your lips in a soft, gentle motion, causing you to lean in just a little closer, drawn in by his touch. “I'd reckon there's a lot more you can do.”
You chuckled at his words, your voice laced with desire as you teased, “Oh yeah? Like what?” He found your boldness humoring, letting out deep, full-bodied laughter. “I’ll show you, ‘like what,’” he replied, his tone matching yours. “Could ya stand up for me, (Name)?” Oblivious to his intentions, you obeyed, giving him space. You were a little confused about what he was doing, until you watched as the engineer unlatched the straps of his overalls, letting them fall off his shoulders.
He felt you gawking at him, and smirked. “You like what you see? This is all self-made.” You bit your lip before asking, “What are you planning, Engi?”
“It's simple, really,” he says, his voice even and matter-of-fact. “All you gotta do is get on your knees and open that mouth.” Once again, you did as told without a second thought. Your eyes widened with the realization of just how far you've come.
He let his erect cock out from his boxers, already dripping with precum. He peered down at you, his expression lustful as he drank in the sight of you beneath him. You caressed his member, rubbing the veiny groin against your cheek. You lick at the base of the engineer's cock slowly, daringly. He groans softly in response, the sound alone making your mind spin. You could feel his hand on your head, the warmth of his touch sending a rush of heat through your entire body. “Oh, damn, baby, I didn't have to tell you anything, huh?” He let out another small, contented groan, his words laced with admiration. “You just know exactly what to do.”
The tip of him filled your mouth; your tongue teased at the sensitive spot. You made direct eye contact with the engineer while you pushed him deeper down your throat. He felt so good with you wrapped around him, his breathless, delicious moans reflecting the pleasure you were giving him. His voice was gruff as he spoke, his thick accent returned. "Yeah, that's right," a low growl rises in the engineer's throat, “Just like that, cowboy. Show this good ol’ engineer how much you love him.” One of your free hands took a hold of the base of his cock and stroked it vigorously as you sucked harder and deeper on his cock. The way his head fell back over the chair, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, was enough to tell you he was close. His breathing grew heavier, his body tensing as he moaned your name, “Oh my lord, (Name),” He grabbed a fistful of your hair. “You're gonna make me cum, baby.” And cum he did. The engineer's hot seed flows into your mouth, coating your throat with its white, thick texture.
He laughed breathlessly, combing through your scalp in appreciation. “Good,” he muttered, his voice low and raspy. “That was amazing, darlin’,” he continued, "Now, stick that tongue out for me." His thumb took a hold of your jaw, opening your mouth. He snickered as he looked at the thick puddle of his own cum lathered onto your tongue. “Damn… I didn't realize I had that much in me.” He caressed your cheek before he slowly removed his hand from your face, reaching for a tissue for you. "There you go," he said, cleaning you off. You smiled and swallowed the rest of his cum. “Thanks. That was fun.” You exclaimed hoarsely, your jaw a little sore. You stood back up to sit in his lap once more. The two of you shared a sloppy, yet tender kiss, your bodies leaning into each other in an act of post climactic bliss.
You pull away, a trail of saliva connecting the two of your panting lips together. “I've always wanted to do that, y'know.” You paused, your eyes averted away from him nervously. “I just didn't think you'd be into it.” He kissed your forehead reassuringly. “Well, I've had my eye on you for a while now, (Name). There's not a lot of people quite like you around these parts.” The engineer grazed your spine and leaned closer to your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “And you're quite the dirty little thing, aren't you?” You giggled and shrugged. “I guess I am.” He kissed your neck, enjoying watching you sigh at his touch. “I guess we'll have to do this more often, then. I wouldn't mind having someone else hangin’ around with me during the later hours.” He murmured onto the nape of your neck. “I'd like to have an assistant for all my special needs.”
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luvly-writer · 3 months
Crimes of a Mother
Batfamily x Latina! Reader
Author´s note: Hello! Hope all of you are okay! Welcome to my new...whatever this is! (I have no idea if this will be a series or just a one shot...If it does become a series, it will definitely be a short one unlike the others) This is not in ANY of the universes of my other fics. Hope you enjoy!
Warning: None
General Masterlist:
City lights. A scream. A dark looming shadow. A manor. Gun shots. It was the same dream every night. A city dark as night and curious as a cat.
Unraveling the never-ending mysteries that Gotham had to offer was one of my fascinations in life. For the longest time, I had held a certain obsession with the city. It always felt as if something was out there...calling me towards the magnificently mysterious place. Mom always tried to discourage it and would say that the city held secrets that would be unwise to uncover. It was a recuring argument in my household and it got worse the moment I told her I was striving to enroll on Gotham University.
I snap out of my daydream.
-You know...normally, I don´t mind when you space out, Yn, but if we expect to make it out of here and straight to GU, we seriously NEED to study.
Taylor, my best friend ever since childhood, dropped a book on my desk, and looked at me impatiently. Charles, snorted from his place in my desk chair, watching the entire ordeal amusedly.
-You know it's bad when Tay is the one that wants to study and not you, Y.
-You know, you don't have to follow me all the way to Gotham. Brings out your attachment issues.
-First of all, you bitch, OF COURSE we have to go there. We are the iconic trio of Robinson Academy; we can't be separated. And second, Yn Salazar, you are forbidden of going into this mystery solving quest without your trusty sidekicks. How else is the documentary of your life supposed to be entertaining if you don't have the two dazzling, gay, and hilarious side characters who everyone will make edits of. Duh!
Said Taylor, throwing herself on my bed.
-It is the last Spanish test! Vamos a estar bien, chica! Mr. Soto will probably give out like a short quiz for us to be done with Senior year. Besides, we are ALREADY in! Forgot that piece of information?
Taylor opened her mouth and just shrugged, making Charlie and I laugh.
-Now, let's finish setting up and get started.
We move efficiently, setting up the camera on its tripod and strapping each tiny microphone to ourselves. We get settled on my bed and hit record.
-Hi! My name is Yn Salazar. Born and raised in Puerto Rico. Currently, it is May 2nd, a week before my last day of high school and three weeks before my graduation. These are my best friends, Charles Martinez and Taylor Perez. Following today, we will be headed for Gotham University. Why Gotham precisely? Well, Gotham is a city full of mischief, madness, and chaos; and I plan to uncover it. From cryptic, to vigilantes, to rouges, this will be only the first of many time capsules. Beware Gotham, I'm coming.
Unlike most college students, Charlie, Taylor and I had decided to not go on the dorms and find a three-bedroom apartment close to campus. Seeing as the three of us came from families that were economically well and rent was unsurprisingly cheap in Gotham, we had finally settled last week. Our apartment was fully furnished and decorated, and we still had a few weeks before classes began in September. I had just ended a call with my mom and headed for the living room, where Charlie was seated rewatching House of the Dragon. Taylor was in the kitchen trying out a new recipe she found on Pinterest.
I say as I throw myself on the couch dramatically
-Your mom still thinks it is a bad idea to come to Gotham?
Taylor screamed from the kitchen.
-YES! I will never get it! What is in here that puts that woman in such a bad mood? All my life, my one dream has been to come to Gotham, I mean this is where every criminal journalist thrives! She is always so paranoid of this city and telling me that the secrets I would find here should stay hidden and for me to give it a rest. I think it is because my father lives here and if he does, who is he? Every time I ask, I get the same speech of powerful men and their ways...My mom has good judgement! I don't think she would have been with just anyone. For fuck's sake, she is one of the smartest and highest paid psychologists in Puerto Rico. I need to find out what this city is hiding...what happened to mom when she lived here.
-More like who happened probably
Muttered Charlie.
-EXACTLY! It is even worst that she sent me here with this letter to give to a Mr. Bruce Wayne.
-The Billionaire? (T)
-I guess...maybe I can interrogate him and see if that gets me a lead on this entire thing.
-When are you going? (C)
-After we drop you at soccer practice and T at rehearsal.
Charles and I got to her rescue laughing.
-Looks like we will be having takeout tonight
She said with a laugh
-That is one creepy ass manor...
I mutter from my driver seat. I press the button on the intercom near the gate. It buzzes and a voice with a distinct English accent speaks up,
-Good evening, with what may I help you today?
-Yeah...uh...hi! My name's Yn Salazar. I came to deliver a letter for Mr. Wayne...it's from Valentina Salazar.
-Oh dear...I'll let you pass straight away.
I hear the gate buzz and open. I drive in and park my car just outside. We had all pitched in and bought a car because we knew Gotham was not the best of places to walk around during the night. So, this is more convenient.
I take a deep breath and grab my bag, making sure my notepad is there, with my phone and wallet. I double check that the letter is there and once I see it, I get out of the car and lock it. I walk towards the entrance and just before I go to open the door, a man dressed like a butler opens it.
-You must be young Miss Salazar.
-Yn's just fine, and yeah that's me
The man takes a second to look at me, slight shock in his features. I observe him from head to toe and try to give him a smile. Top ten weirdest encounters ever. He moves aside and gestures for me to enter.
-Right this way, miss, Master Bruce is in his study expecting you.
I inspect everything around me as I follow the man. As we walk past one of the doors, I hear a bunch of screaming and I peak inside. Five guys, all varying in sizes and two girls, one blonde and another with raven hair are seen playing Mario Kart. I stay for second when one of them catches my eye and we make eye contact. He furrows his brow and I panic and leave, catching up to the butler.
We finally reach the study, and he knocks. A faint “Come in” is heard and I'm led inside.
-Young Miss Salazar
The butler announces and takes his leave. The man, Bruce Wayne takes one look at me and goes rigid. We stay a few seconds just looking at each other. His eyes show shock and disbelief. Mine I can guess show curiosity and uncertainty.
-This is for you!
I cringe at how awkward I sound. Great job, Yn, he already fucking knows that. He coughs and nods as I walk towards him and hand him the letter. I take a seat and wait patiently for him to open it and read it. I play with my fingers as silence engulfs us.
-You are Valentina's kid?
-That is corrrect
-How old are you?
-I turned 18 back in February.
-I see...
His face pales at the revelation and he continues reading. I didn't think it was possible for this man to get any paler, yet he does once he is done reading the letter.
-How did you know my mom?
I went directly to the point
-We were close friends
-How close? She never once mentioned this supposed friendship
He flinches at that statement,
-Valentina is a woman of many secrets
-On that we can agree, how close?
He observes me for a moment, and I harden my gaze on him. The corner of his tilts up slightly, clearly amused by me.
-How informative of you. Did you attend Gotham Academy together?
-Hmmm, have you any clue on why she left Gotham?
-I don't think it is my position to give that information
-How noble, have you any memory of who were her friends aside from you, of course?
-I may. Yn, is it?
-I suggest you follow your mother's advice and keep away from this. Your mother is a good woman and anything from the past should be placed at rest. Some skeletons are meant to stay in the closet.
-Did you know who was my father?
I push one last time and I see him take a sharp intake of air.
-Ah...so you do, wonderful.
-Thank you for your time today, Mr. Wayne. I can assure you this won't be the last time you will see me. Here's my mother's number. You can call her and tell her yourself that her plan to shoo me away from my investigation has been unsuccessful and that getting her “close friend” to deter me from it as well will do nothing. Good day.
I stand up to leave and Mr. Wayne just observes me as I take my leave. Alfred, who I just learnt his name, leads me back to the door. We pass by the kitchen where the group I saw earlier are gathered muttering. They see me and quiet down, just observing me. I raise my eyebrow at them. I hear a low “He got another one?” as I continue on my way. Finally, we get to the door, and I thank Alfred for him time. I get on my car and look up, seeing Mr. Wayne watching me from one of the windows and the group of people trying to be discreet from another window. “This won't be the last time they see me for sure”, I think to myself as I connect my phone to the car and play Running Up That Hill by Kate bush as I drive away.
Back in Bruce's study, Alfred interrupts his train of thought as he watches the car leave.
-Is that who I am to believe it is?
-And who might you think that is, Alfred?
-Don't play coy with me boy, I can detect a Wayne from a mile away. That girl is yours.
Alfred replied courtly. Bruce walks back and hands him the letter. His eyebrows raise high on his head as he reads.
-I have never met anyone with Wayne blood that was not troublesome, and it seems, this one will keep you with your hands full for some time.
-What gave her away?
-Her eyes, master Bruce. That scrutinizing and calculative gaze is one that can only be found in anyone related to you, blood or not. You have another young detective in your hands, and this one just as brilliant.
-That is what worries all of us.
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Tell me what do you guys think about this draft? Should it be a fic? Are y'all interested? Should there be a taglist? Leave me a comment or a reblog :)
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chaos-in-deepspace · 2 months
L&DS Rafayel: Crab Wars | Drabble - Comedy
Ahahahaha so this is a comedic post. I feel like every day life with Rafayel would have these moments of just "Bro wtf are you doing?" and this encapsulated it perfectly.
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Pairing: Rafayel x Reader Warning: None Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
Blog Information | Masterlist
There were so many things you had come to accept when it came to Rafayel. He was eccentric and tended to just do whatever he felt like. So, how did he still manage to get you at a loss for words? Absolutely stunned as you stared at the situation right in front of your eyes,
He had invited you over for dinner, and this is what you came to? You looked at your beloved boyfriend standing in the middle of his kitchen. Around him were five living crabs. Their claws were up and snapping as he stood in the center of a circle. He looked at you, then back at the crab directly before him.
"Okay, what the ever-loving fuck is happening, Raf?" You finally managed to say. You pinched the bridge of your nose and crossed your arms over your chest. You honestly didn't know what to do with this man anymore.
Rafayel seemed almost sheepish, but he had gained control of his emotions and schooled them to appear nonchalant about the ordeal. "Well, I wanted to let them walk around a bit before I cooked then," he said, already a bad start to this story. And then they just surrounded me…I think they assume I'm their king."
You gave him the most deadpan stare you could muster, smacking your lips together, "Okay…so why are their claws unhooked?" you asked next. You knew damn well at the seafood market; they had tied the crab's claws so they didn't get any funny ideas before they died.
"It felt too constricting for them," Rafayel said, "And as their leader, I needed to do what was right by my people,"
"Are you sure they chose you as their king?" you finally asked, "It looks more like you're going to be sacrificed," Rafayel's eyes widened. He placed a hand over his heart and gave you the most offended look he could muster.
"They would never," he gasped, now pouting with his lip jutting out. You looked down at the crabs and then back at him. Why were you even having this conversation in the first place? This was…was it too late to call a pizza place?
"Can you just…put them back in the pot and cook them, Raf?" you huffed. Rafayel looked away from you as he cleared his throat.
"So that's the issue," he said, "I don't wanna grab them. I tried before you arrived, and one snapped at me, and I don't know what to do now," oh so he was being held hostage by a bunch of crabs that should've been their damn dinner. "Can you help me out?" he said, doing his best puppy dog eyes for you.
You blinked slowly before sighing. You reach down to your thigh holster and pull out your gun, taking aim at the one directly in front of where Rafayel is standing. Before you could pull the trigger, you heard Rafayel screaming at you to stop, calling your name multiple times in a panic.
"Can you not?!" he shouted again, "You can't shoot them!" he said and looked at you like you were the crazy one here.
"It would solve the issue, wouldn't it?" You asked, "You were the one begging me for assistance, I came up with a solution, and now you're backing down," you huffed in annoyance, "Such beta bitch behavior,"
Rafayel was stunned to silence, but that only stopped him for a moment, "Did you call me a beta bitch?" he finally muttered, and you smirked.
"Uh ya? Now we either do this my way, or I'm going to chill in the living room and order pizza while you figure…" you motioned towards the floor, "This out."
"Call Thomas?" he finally asked, and you thought for a moment…why hadn't you considered doing that. You pulled out your phone and dialed the man's number, letting it ring a few times before he finally picked up. 
You heard him calling your name in a confused tone: "Hey, is there anything I can help you with?" He was always the professional one, it would seem.
"Thomas, we need help at the studio ASAP." you began, "And yes, this is an actual emergency this time," you didn't even let him reply as you got your phone and took a photo of the situation. "I'm sending over the situation,"
Thomas was silent as he checked out the image, and then suddenly, you heard a loud sigh and a click as he hung up. You paused and looked at the phone, then back over to Rafayel, "Well…looks like you're on your own, bye babes," you turned around and began your journey toward the living room.
You heard Rafayel shouting your name a few times, trying to get you to come back. He could figure it out. He got himself into this mess, and he can get himself out. You, however, would not be risking getting pinched by a crab today.
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Imma be frfr I ain't touching live crabs. No freaking way. I am baby.
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quinton-reviews · 8 months
What advice would you give to someone considering making video essays?
Don't be weighed down by the expectations of others. It seems these days there are now too many people assuming that if you want to make something labeled a "video essay," you have to match a certain style or tone. In many ways, it's overbearing - if you make something that has too many skits, too many jokes, that doesn't have a strong thesis outside of "this thing is bad", people say you're "failing to find a point." But if you put weeks of work into the filmmaking process and you want to call it a documentary, it feels limiting to have people insist that it's just a rant video instead of something more.
In truth, I recommend just trying to make *videos* first and trying to find your voice. No one starts off on YouTube being totally original, but as you learn the craft you will find your own brand and style. I think it is important for smaller creators to experiment, in spite of keyboard warriors being obsessed with the idea of everything under the sun needing to be new.
Starting off, your biggest struggle will be finding contentment in the experience of making videos - finding your closure. If you don't have an audience watching your stuff right away, spending weeks working on a video with 0 views can feel pointless and frustrating. Without finding a resolution for each project, you'll start to wonder why you're doing it.
So instead, find a friend in your personal life who will watch the videos with you. Make content for you and the people you know, and find contentment in that experience. And when you start to grow and gain real followers, pivot your style to match that new status quo.
Creating content for YouTube is a process of throwing things at a wall until something sticks. The big secret is the moment something sticks, you drop everything you're working on and do *that thing* five more times. This helps build trust in the algorithm and helps build your brand to new viewers finding your content. But don't write yourself into a corner - allow yourself to experiment and evolve even as you're finding success. If I didn't do that, I'd still be making drama videos about LeafyisHere. I'd be burnt out, miserable, and bitter. But because I allowed my style to evolve with my own tastes, I now am at the highest point in my career (to the loud annoyance of many people online).
But the biggest advice I can give is that if you think being a YouTuber will solve any issues in your private life, it won't. That's the biggest mistake I made starting out, I thought having this parasocial connection with other creators would fix my loneliness and anxiety. It didn't, in fact, it made things worse; and I am the only person to blame for that. I quickly learned that the most important people in my life still were (and still are) my real-life friends - people I go to bars with IRL and people I chat with on Discord - and not other creators. Sure, having this mindset has made me more isolated in many ways, but honestly I think that's the way it has to be for someone like me.
Final piece of advice - create your YouTube channel with a secret email you never post about online. It makes it much harder to dox and hack you. Peace out!
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varpusvaras · 5 months
Bail got the news in the middle of his breakfast.
Onaconda was the one to call him, looking so uncharacteristically concerned that Bail knew immadiately that something big had happened.
"Castle Serenno was attacked a few hours ago", Onaconda told him. "They have reported Count Dooku dead."
Bail wasn't sure what to think. He didn't agree with many of the Count's political views, but he was well aware that the man was still widely respected even in circles that disagreed with him even more than Bail did. An assassination would've been bad enough, in the times of rising tensions they were living now, but for someone to go as far as to destroy the entire Castle?
It seemed like someone truly wanted the Count gone, and wanted to be sure.
"Is there any information on the attackers?" Bail asked, already opening up the news as he spoke.
"No", Onaconda said. "No one has claimed the attack. There were sightings of some ships, of course, since the attack was so large, but they have not been linked to any Republic world so far."
So it seemed. Bail glanced at the news he had found.
"This is alarming", he said.
"You don't need to tell me that", Onaconda said. "If the culprit is not found soon, there will be even worse times ahead when people start to blame each other. I'm not sure if the current situation can handle something like that."
Bail sighed. This was not how he had wanted to start his day.
"The Jedi want to investigate the attack, I heard", Mon said. "The Count was a former Master, after all. They probably feel like this was personal, in some way, even if the Count was not part of the Order at the time of the attack."
"I heard as well", Bail nodded. "Though the Chancellor hasn't brought it up. He is still looking into other options for investigation."
Mon frowned slightly.
"Odd", she said. It was, Bail had to agree. Usually, Chancellor Palpatine was more than ready to trust the Jedi in situations like this, but now, he had not even had a meeting with them regarding the matter.
It was odd, certainly.
Mon glanced around a bit, and leaned closer.
"Has the Chancellor...seemed somewhat strange otherwise, as well, after the attack?" She asked, quietly.
"He is probably just nervous", Bail said. "The Count was a central figure in the anti-Republic movement, after all. It is rather easy to see this as an aggression from the Senate's side. The Chancellor wants to avoid any armed conflicts."
Mon hummed.
"You're probably right", she said. "Something about all of this just...strikes me as weird."
"I know", Bail said. "I'll try and propose a meeting with the Jedi for the Chancellor. We need to solve this issue quickly, before more arise from it."
He did agree with her. Something about all of this was indeed weird. Bail just didn't know what it was, exactly.
"The Chancellor declined the meeting?" Breha frowned. "Does he think that the Jedi wouldn't be impartial enough?"
"Most likely, though I don't think that there is a group that is impartial enough for both sides", Bail said. "The only solution would be to get into an agreement with worlds that have taken part in the movement. The Chancellor has just been rather avoidant with it all."
Breha was quiet for a moment.
"That is quite...worrisome", she said. "Do you think that he could know something more?"
It was a thought Bail had not wanted to voice himself.
"I'm not sure", he said. "But it's a...possibility. Everything is, at this point. I am just worried about the fact that nothing is happening. This could all get out of hand, quickly."
"There has not been any signs of true aggression before this", Breha pointed out. "It would take time for them to respond. We still have time. The Chancellor might be pressured into taking action, and doesn't want to rush it."
"Of course he doesn't", Bail said. "We still need to do something, before anything worse happens."
Bail hadn't expected at all what happened next.
He was more than sure that nobody had.
The information came flooding in everywhere all at once. Palpatine was long gone by the time people were sent to apprehend him on his apartment on Coruscant.
By the time they had tracked his ship outside the Core, there was nothing left than depris.
The records recovered from Palpatine's ship showed more of the same ships that had taken out Count Dooku.
This time, though, they all knew who the ships belonged to.
"A clone army?" Padmé shook her head. "I can't believe it."
Neither could Bail. A whole army, designed to go against the armies of the Separatist movement, and in the end, betray everyone without having any say in it, and turn the Republic into a tyrannical Empire?
It sounded impossible.
But it wasn't.
Bail had not felt this lost in a while.
The Jedi sent a message to the Senate after arriving to Kamino.
The City where the cloning facilities had been were completely empty. Everything had been taken. There was not a single clone left.
The Kaminoans, who had been there, had said that the clones had risen up, taken the city for themselves, and then fled, and no one had any idea where they were.
"I cannot fault them", Breha said. "If they found out that they were made for an awful purpose like this...I cannot fault them for doing what they did."
Neither could Bail.
"I just wished we knew where they were", he said. "Though I can understand if they want to stay hidden. I hope that they will find whatever they need to survive."
"So do I", Breha said. "If they ever want to come back...then Alderaan is open to them. They didn't ask for any of this, so we must do whatever we can to repay them."
Bail couldn't agree more.
The clones didn't come back. Sometimes there was a sighting of them, but they managed to disappear before anyone could get too close.
It seemed like they were getting by, at least.
Jango Fett had disappeared as well. Many were getting rather frustrated over the fact that they were not able to apprehend him and bring him in for questioning.
Bail couldn't fault the man for not coming forward either. From what he had understood from the infromation, Fett was a father now. That was most likely his main concern right now.
Bail frowned at his datapad. It had been a long day already, and the vote was getting near, and he needed to get his speech ready, and it just didn't sound like he wanted to-
A hand pressed gently at the side of his face.
"What is it?" A voice asked him. It was a man's voice. Soft, with an accent different from Bail's, one that he thought endearing.
The hand moved up, and fingers ran softly over Bail's brow, smoothing the skin. Mostly because Bail couldn't frown anymore, not when-
Bail woke up in the early hours of the morning in his apartment on Coruscant.
He stared at the wall, still reeling from how real the dream had felt and trying to figure out what had woken him, when-
-when everything came back to him in one single supernova, so fast that his mind couldn't keep up with everything. The war, the Empire, Leia in his arms, the Rebellion, the flash before everything disappeared, Breha growing older before his eyes, the voice from his dream-
No. Not from his dream. From his memory. Golden eyes, steady hands, cold body in Bail's arms-
Bail stumbled out of his bed and threw up. He then sat on the floor of his bedroom, his eyes closed, reliving his whole life over and over again, until finally, everything seemed to find their own place on the timeline, and the burning inside his head lessened.
He got a droid to clean up the vomit. He then got up on his shaking legs and went to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Then he cried. He wasn't exactly sure what he was crying about- about all the suffering, all the death, about Leia, about Fox.
He decided it didn't really matter. He was already crying.
He had managed to somewhat dry his tears when his commlink started to ring. He sat down on the bed as he answered the call, and managed not to cry again as Breha wept.
The message arrived a day later.
We are here. You know where to find us now. Come, if you remember.
Bail was moving before he could even properly register it.
"I want my ship ready, now!"
He had already packed essentials and draped his cape over his shoulders when his thoughts finally caught up with him.
What if he doesn't remember you?
What if he is not there?
Bail pushed the thoughts away. He had the time to think over the journey.
He called Breha before they made the jump to hyperspace.
"He is not dead", Breha said, in a way that left no room for any arguments. "He will be there."
Yes. Fox's death had happened the same way two times already- there was no reason for the universe to suddenly change the course. Bail had to just believe so. He had to.
They had lost him already before.
Bail was not going to lose him this time.
He breathed deep as the coordinates were set, and the ship made the jump.
Now, he could just wait.
The wait had been excruciating.
It was impossible not to go through all of his memories during the journey. It had hurt, sometimes, but Bail wasn't going to let him forget again. No, he needed to remember everything.
His hands were shaking when they jumped out of hyperspace, the planet the coordinates were set on looming beneath them. It was rather easy to find the settlement based on them.
Bail's heart was in his throat as they started to land.
"There are a lot of people", Sateen said. "I know they won't do anything, but-"
"I will go", Bail said. "Just me. I-"
"I know, I know", Sateen said. He then smiled. "I'm sure he remembers. They wouldn't have sent the message if they didn't, right?"
Sateen was correct. Bail nodded, and tried to level his breathing.
He tried his best not to run out of the ship, but his steps were still quick.
There was a large crowd outside. Bail had by now learned to tell the clones apart from each other for the most part, even without the armors, but still. Bail couldn't see him-
There was someone who he did recognise straight away, standing in front of the crowd.
Commander Cody had all the regality and authority of a man who had seen years of war, and Bail knew that he remembered as well.
Bail stepped closer to him. Fox was his younger brother, and his batchmate, or at least had been before. If anyone knew, he would.
"Commander Cody." Bail nodded his head in greeting.
"Senator Organa", Cody greeted back, without hesitation. Yes, he certainly knew.
Bail's heart felt like a engine hammer falling. He needed to know, now.
"We got the message." Somehow he managed to say it without his voice trembling. "Can you tell me where-"
There was movement in the crowd. Bail glanced over, and-
There he was.
Fox looked staight at him, and Bail knew that Fox knew him.
His body was moving already, his legs picking up speed. Then Fox was there, within his reach, and Bail caught him in his arms as their combined momentum sent them straying from the straight-forward course. Fox's upper body was half way over his shoulder, as he gripped onto Bail just as tightly as Bail did onto him, his legs tangling off the ground. It didn't matter. Bail would've held him like this forever, if he needed to.
He did put Fox down eventually, just so he could look at him better.
He looked just like Bail remembered. There was less light streaks in his hair than before, and there were a couple of scars missing that Bail knew he had gotten early on into the war, but otherwise, he was just like before.
Fox looked at him, his hand coming to rest on the side of Bail's face as Bail traced the shape of his jaw.
"Hey", Fox said, his voice almost a whisper, like he didn't trust himself to speak any louder. Bail understood. There was something lodged in his own throat, something that was sure to come spilling out if Bail talked too loud.
"Hello", Bail said. "Hello, my love."
Fox smiled. There were tears gathering into the corner of his eye, and Bail lifted his hand to wipe them away.
They stayed there for a moment longer, before the world expanded back to include others as well. Fox breathed in, and stepped back a little. Bail didn't want to let go yet, and it didn't seem like Fox did, either, because he dropped his hand down, in order to grab onto Bail's arm.
"We need to talk", Fox said. He sounded more serious now, but not in a way that made Bail feel like he was going to tell him something the didn't want to hear. No, this was just something else important. "And...I need to introduce someone to you."
He sounded a bit hesitant, his eyes seaching Bail's, like he was looking for confirmation of some sorts.
Bail smiled.
"Of course", he said. Fox seemed to relax, and he smiled back a bit, before taking Bail's hand, and leading him towards one of the many buildings.
"I know it's a lot to ask", Fox said, not looking at Bail directly as he spoke. "I know you- we talked about a girl, and I know that you had one, I heard the news back when-"
"Fox", Bail said, as gently as he could. Fox snapped his mouth shut, and his arms tightened ever so slighty around the small body he was holding against him. "It doesn't matter. I was already a father to a brilliant daughter once. No one is ever going to replace her in my heart, the same way no one could ever replace you. That doesn't mean I won't ever love another child just as much. They are different people, just like you are different from all of your brothers."
Fox finally looked up at him, his eyes full of careful hope.
Bail put his hand on his arm.
"Can I see him?" He asked. Fox nodded, and slowly opened his arms more, letting Bail closer.
The baby had a round, soft face, and a light layer of dark hair on his tiny head, not yet long enough to curl. In the dim lighting of the nursery, his eyes were the same exact shade as Fox's.
The baby looked up at Bail, and Bail loved him already.
"He's perfect", he said, and leaned down to press a kiss to the bright smile on Fox's face.
They sat together in Bail's sleeping quarters on the ship.
"Have you thought of a name, yet?" Bail asked. "I know that naming is an important thing for you all."
There had been a lot going on before they left, so Bail had refrained from asking about it before now. Fox had been busy packing up and saying goodbye to all his brothers, and Bail had taken the time to talk more with Commander Cody, as well as met up with many of the members of the Guard. He had been happy to see Thorn again, as well.
Fox looked at the baby on Bail's arms. It was a familiar feeling, to hold such a tiny body, a feeling that Bail had missed greatly after Leia had grown bigger.
"If you want to have a say, we can talk about it more", Fox said. "But I've been calling him Even. It's not a Mando'a name or word, but one of the trainers back on Kamino once told me that it meant a gift. I...after all of what happened, and how we are here now, it just felt right."
"It does", Bail said. "A gift, for all of us."
Even sniffed in his sleep, and turned slightly more towards Bail. Bail smiled.
Bail held back a little when they got out of the ship. He stood there at the bottom of the bridge with Even and watched as Fox took Breha in his arms and spun her around, her laughter ringing out like the most beautiful song in the entire Galaxy. He waited patiently as they talked to each other in low voices, and smiled softly as Breha kissed every inch of Fox's face, like she was making up for all the time they had lost.
Then her eyes moved from Fox to Bail, and from Bail to Even. Bail smiled at the look in her eyes as she and Fox made their way to them.
Breha first reached up to press a kiss on Bail's cheek as well.
"A succesful trip, dear?" She asked.
"Very much so", Bail answered. "Enjoyable as well, at least on the way back."
He let himself smirk ever so slightly, making Fox flush and Breha to tap him on his arm.
"Have some manners", she said, and then peered down the little face. "Hello, little love."
Even blinked at her, excitedly searching her face. In the late afternoon sun of Alderaan, a few specks of gold shined through in his dark eyes.
"Here", Bail said, and turned his body properly towards her. She didn't waste a single moment to take Even into her arms. Motherhood had always looked right on her, and it still did.
Bail looked at her, at Even, and at Fox. Perhaps this wasn't the same family he had been given before, but it was still his, and they were all home.
Truly, a gift, for them all.
(Based on my Cody Day fic Like Suns rise and Stars fall)
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sciderman · 1 year
hi sci!! i love your art!! i was wondering how you come up with and work out your plot for ask spiderpool and like where you want it to go? I like writing and drawing but i'm really bad at coming up with and sticking to a plot yk?
hi anon!! thank you!!!
nothing starts off fully formed, anon! plot is difficult - even with my fics, there's often very little in the way of plot - there's just a starting point, and then you write, and you write, and you keep writing, and you gain momentum and it eventually goes somewhere. it's constantly shifting and evolving, and it very rarely sticks to a plan.
when i started i didn't have very much of a plan other than "they're roommates. but it would be cool if they kissed at some point." and everything else kind of just followed after. their personalities and flaws and quirks just started accumulating with every ask i answered - and with every ask i answered, it started becoming clearer and clearer that they probably weren't going to kiss any time soon.
i think when i write, absolutely everything is dictated by character - and sometimes that's the enemy of plot. you might have it in your head "these characters need to go here." but wait a second. one of the characters really doesn't want to go here, and that's where you have to put in the work. plot alone is so dull without characters actively resisting - characters having faults they need to overcome to GET from a to b.
for me, the plot should exist to force the character to overcome their flaws. if the plot exists and isn't in any way tied to the character and their flaws then... god. this is why so many marvel movies and current comics really fall flat for me. i really don't care about how elaborate your plot is, and all the twists and whatever - if it isn't personal, and doesn't serve your character at all, there's - there's... what's the point?
when i started the blog, it kind of became really clear the things wade and peter needed to overcome before they can love each other - so. one. peter needs to overcome his biases and holier-than-thou attitude over wade. and wade? wade's practically a doormat, and needs to realise peter isn't some unshakeable beacon of perfection. not only that, but wade's possessive. he's greedy, and wants ownership over peter.
so what to do. what to do to fix all of that.
peter needs to screw up, betray wade's trust.
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wade needs to see peter get ugly.
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wade needs a moment to be truly unselfish.
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to prove himself a hero.
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i think maybe the best way to build out a plot is bare-bones. step one. where do you want the characters to get to. what's the end game? for that first era of ask-spiderpool, i wanted wade and peter to get together. as a couple. okay. claps hands together. what is stopping that from happening right now. and what can i throw at them to get them to overcome that.
right now on ask-spiderpool, now that they're together - the end game is adopting ellie. what's stopping them? trauma. so much trauma. i have so many scripts about ellie ready, but when i came back i was hit with the brick wall of "oh. oh god. wade needs so much therapy first. so much therapy."
so basically, all the plot is to the ends of getting wade and peter to figure their shit out before they can have the thing they want. and ouugh, they act against me all the time. sometimes to the point where i get writers block - and then i go for a run, or a swim, and my mind is hacking away at how to solve those issues.
i guess my advice is... first! what's your end goal. where do you want these characters to be? why aren't they there already? how can you forcibly push them there, kicking and screaming? there you go.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
How would the yanderes react to reader having super bad anxiety?
I didn't know if you wanted generic yandere subtypes, or specific characters, so I just chose a few of my favorite OCs!
Listed from (arguably) best yandere to worst (when it comes to dealing with anxiety) Some NSFW towards the bottom ❤️
Kirtch (10/10) expert
❤️ Knows all about anxiety (he is an expert an humans)
✨ Might seem a little cold, but that's because he will go into immediate nerd doctor mode
❤️ He would prefer to solve your anxiety issues without the use of the collar
✨ So expect a lot of pampering and note taking, presenting you with different solutions he's read about in outdated psychiatry books while watching you diligently
❤️ Baths with snacks and deep breathing exercises
✨ Would neglect his duties for you, and when you eventually look to be doing better, he's baby monitoring your room so he can leave work the moment you look like you need him <3
Lydia (9/10) too clingy
❤️ Undead, weighted blanket
✨ She doesn't understand what "anxiety" is, but knows it makes you look sad? Scared?
❤️ She doesn't like it, and it makes her mad that she can't kill it for you
✨ Since you won't tell her how to fix it, she keeps you inside the apartment
❤️ Expect a lot of kisses, everywhere
✨ The second it looks like you're hyperventilating, she's wrapped around your torso like a monkey, squeezing you as tightly as she can
❤️ She'll whisper words of love and affirmation into your ear as she constrains you, until you finally calm down
✨ Even after you calm down she'll still cling to you, murmuring (more to herself) about how sweet and lovely you are
Baby (7/10) what anxiety?
❤️ The second there was even a flash of adrenaline, that weird tingle that races down your spine, before your heart even starts to speed up: Baby would shut it down
✨ What anxiety?
❤️ He's literally controlling your mind at every second
✨ You don't need to worry; about anything
❤️ Unlike Kirtch who hesitates to use the collar, Baby has no issues manipulating your brain's chemistry
✨ And he sees nothing wrong with it, because it's all for keeping you happy <3
❤️ Of course, it'd make Baby a little upset that the anxiety showed up at all..
✨ But he can fix it
❤️ So don't worry <3
Cain (5/10) short fuse
❤️ His emotions (although oft hidden) always takes precedence over yours
✨ He understands what anxiety is, but because he's the type to kidnap his darling, he assumes the anxiety is his fault
❤️ and that pisses him off
✨ Assumes every and any negative emotion you feel is because of him, even if it's something you were diagnosed with long before the abduction
❤️ If he is feeling remorseful he may shift into a giant lynx to cuddle, trying to soothe you with his giant warm body
✨ If he's already upset he may respond in one of two ways:
❤️ Leaving you alone for hours to go hunting
✨ Fucking you into submission (if you're too exhausted to cry, that means he won, right?)
Xyleth (0/10) either the best or the worst...
❤️ It depends on if you need a distraction or if you're the type to need a calm environment
✨ Because his species doesn't experience anxiety, they'll treat you how they treat one of their own when they are feeling blue
❤️ And they only feel blue after losing a fight
✨ Xyleth would parade you around the village (even while shaking, hyperventilating, crying, hitting him..) so that everyone can "cheer you up"
❤️ Everyone would be passing around their favorite little human, petting your head and trying to gift you with weapons and meat
✨ Children would be offering to find you animals to kill
❤️ It would be overwhelming
✨ An entire community of monsters trying to cheer up their leader's mate, genuinely out of love
❤️ If receiving words of encouragement, affirmations (about your strength), and food help your anxiety, then Xyleth is 10/10
✨ If you need a quiet room with someone helping you with deep breathing and grounding, he's a -100/10
Now, honestly, a good chunk of the guys would not be good at all for anxiety, they don't even rate out of ten haha
Some of them are sadistic enough to purposefully try and trigger panic attacks when they learn you have anxiety, like the Living Death. Now, he's a pervert, but I feel like he would enjoy your anxiety because he could feel more in control of you; it would help him isolate you further. If he could manipulate you into never leaving his cabin, he'd be the happiest man on the seven seas
But some guys like Dr. Campbell would enjoy seeing you crumple before him for more nefarious reasons. I can imagine him mocking his darling as he fucks them, telling them how much he loves it when they act hysterical because they clench him so good. He's a complete sadist who would get turned on the second he knew he was the one causing his love anxiety. There would never be even a second of comfort for you in his home, Ichabod would do everything in his power to keep you on edge all the time.
And finally, my lovely bedbug monster ❤️ he definitely cares about you, but only in a primal sense. You are his mate, you shall carry his spawn, and you shall stay at his side. He wouldn't understand what anxiety is, since he keeps you in a constant state of pain and fear. Yeah, he may be cuddling your side, but you're never not covered in blood; and not all of it is your own. If you're struggling, it's no different than when he's tearing into your abdomen to pump children direction into your body ❤️
I hope your day is going well, and if you suffer from anxiety, I hope that your days are stress free, and that you're able to have a good week without anything triggering you ❤️ Sometimes, I get a random shake, a random rush of anxiety even when absolutely nothing has happened, so I know you can't avoid triggers all the time, sometimes anxiety just happens, but regardless, I hope that you can enjoy today anxiety free ❤️
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eksvee15 · 1 year
So we all have this constant argument of whether MEGALOVANIA is Sans' fight theme or the Player's (it's not Chara's. Stop) fight theme. Well, I believe Deltarune's use of the soundtracks solved that issue for us.
There is a firm belief that in Undertale, and by logic Deltarune, the theme heard is the theme of who initiates the battle. Undyne starts the battle against us, both times we hear her theme - Spears of Justice and Battle Against A True Hero. Flowey ALWAYS starts the battle, so we hear his themes - Your Best Nightmare and Finale, also counts for Hopes and Dreams given he and Asriel are one and the same. And it's pretty evident that whoever has the first turn DOES NOT ACTUALLY MATTER, it is misleading and is canonically not actually relevant - Undyne herself specifies she's letting us have the first turn, in any fight, she's fair, and ALLOWS US the first turn. Sans gets the first turn to catch us off guard, which is what he does during the ENTIRE fight, ATK 1 DEF 1 yet takes multiple attacks to be defeated and will obliterate your health bar, suddenly has laser weapons, dodges, can manipulate space and gravity, teleport, stops time, his entire character is "surprise bitch", no wonder he gets that first turn - heck on the third turn he won't even finish his "beautiful day" speech and start attacking MID SENTENCE
There is, aside from Sans, one other occasion where the Player initiates the battle - that being Monster Kid. Yet MEGALOVANIA doesn't play there, instead, we hear the OST "In My Way" which is ONLY played against Monster Kid and Flowey in No Mercy. But I believe it's intentional, think of your first Genocide playthrough - you still kind of feel iffy, like it's wrong. It's not much of a challenge as it is a chore at this point. You just killed Papyrus. You just killed Toriel. Two people that have shown love, care, and so much genuine friendship to you, it feels awful. You're a danger, but not yet, a megalomaniac. (Side note, I think Etika's playthrough of No Mercy shows us how LOVE affects the actual player, because killing Toriel is a pain, killing Papyrus feels absolutely awful, but then when you get through Undyne the Undying? Etika celebrated beating her, then stopped and said "Wait no, why am I celebrating, I just killed her". THIS. LV affects us and how we view the Undertale characters, from being friends and caring about them, to being a challenge to overcome in the end. And not a lot of people realise that fact)
Now that I've established all this, where does Deltarune come into play? Well, specifically in Chapter 1, we fight Lancer a number of times. And he has that memorable bouncy theme when you fight him, Vs. Lancer. We all know that theme. However there is ONE moment where we DON'T hear Vs. Lancer DESPITE facing Lancer in battle.
The Susie V Lancer battle in the Card Castle's prison.
There, Susie alone engages battle against Lancer. And we know she engages because Lancer doesn't want to fight her, heck he even avoids to attack her at some point. The battle engaged is ENTIRELY Susie's intentions to put Lancer in his place. And the theme that plays, is Vs. Susie. Because SHE engaged the battle. So it's not Susie against Lancer, it's Lancer against Susie, despite US controling Susie. Just like it's Sans against us, despite us being in control.
This is proof. Proof that we hear the theme of who engages in a battle. You could also take as back up proof the Spamton NEO fight in Snowgrave, because he has every reason to engage against Kris - they're threatening everything Spamton COULD have, so of COURSE Spamton engages, furthermore because Kris goes from puppeted to puppeteer in his eyes. Sans never engages in battle against us. We engage against him. Because we're trying to get it over with.
MEGALOVANIA is most definitely the player's theme in late No Mercy run, and we know this thanks to Susie evolving the opposite way in Ch1 that we do in No Mercy.
Thank you for reading!!
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 6 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well! Really loving the Hazbin posts you’ve done so far, they’re wonderful ☺️
If it’s alright, could I please request some platonic HCs with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious for a slightly younger reader than the rest of the cast who’s on the shy and anxious side, very easily rattled in hell, but takes a liking to their fellow demon(s) enough that they feel comfortable around them to express themselves a bit more and start to develop a sibling/parental sort of bond with them?
Sorry if that’s a bit specific of a request, but thank you for reading!
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long Anon but I absolutely loved your ask! Shy!Reader is so me tbh. Hope you enjoy it.
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• She's mostly concerned about how young you are, not that you're a teenager or something, but the age you died is concerning since you're younger than anyone at the hotel.
• She's an extrovert so she might not notice how shy you are at first because she's just so excited to have you around that she is already showing all of her hotel to you and wishing you a good stay.
• Even with that bubbly personality of her's, it's actually pretty easy for you to feel comfortable enough around her to express your feelings, she's just so sweet like that. You feel like you can tell her all of your problems that she would listen to carefully within a day of meeting her.
• She's the type to be a sister figure, she's always trying to make you open up more with weekly trust exercises and besides her looks wouldn't hesitate to put a demon in their place if they treat you badly. She considers everyone at the hotel family, but you're the one that needs most protection out of them, so she's going to be the best host you could ask for.
• She's the least chaotic of the people in the hotel, she likes to solve things calmly and sometimes with brute force but only when it's necessary. Your more timid demeanor is a breath of fresh air from all these sinners full of themselves.
• She's the one that gets more rational the moment she sees you're not dealing very well with the things around, she gives you space and time to be comfortable around the place, especially because she feels that you really want to change for the better. She also calms Charlie down when she's being too excited around you.
• She wants to help you be more sturdy tho, Hell is a dangerous place and you need to fight for yourself, so she gives you private fighting lessons on basic self defense, she can get a little too aggressive while training but if you actually get hurt she'll say sorry and help take care of you.
• The way she makes you feel welcomed is very different from the others, she makes you feel safe, she protects you from Angels comments and teaches you how to stand up, she's just like an older sister that wouldn't hesitate to kill for you and has a strong sense of bonding.
• He finds you almost adorable, he probably just enjoys having someone that kinda looks up to him as an example, you almost envy his personality and how easy-going he seems to be, he enjoys the attention and praise.
• Will eventually grown attached to having you around but he's very good a not showing it, he's an actor for a reason after all, but he can still be very sweet with you and sometimes even protective, not so much, but he'll tell a demon to suck a dick if they are mean to you.
• He helps you try and lose up more, be more extroverted, he takes you to drink on bars or go to clubs so you can try to make more friends. He can easily get distracted if Cherri is also there and might not notice if you get uncomfortable at first, but don't be afraid to tell him that you want to leave, he won't be mad at you and will do as you ask.
• He really makes you feel like you belong, especially when you two are just doing skin-care and telling gossips, he feels like a older brother and you appreciate how much he takes care of you.
𖤓Sir Pentious
• Daddy issues? Naahh, this man got child issues if that's even a thing. He craves for the feeling of having a child like it's something he misses deeply without even knowing why, so the moment he realizes that you, the shy one of the crew is looking up to him he's being all clingy with you.
• He tries to look cool, something that either he fails at or his Egg Bois do it for him, he wants to make up to your expectations towards him because you're one of the little people who treat him nicely. You mainly admire him because besides being a little timid like you, he's a very intelligent inventor.
• He makes you gadgets for your self defense and makes sure one of his Egg Bois is always following you to keep you safe, they can't do much but are very useful as bait so you can run while they get attacked.
• Expect a bunch of drama and dad jokes coming from him, that's his way of trying to sound cool and reliable to you, he wants to be a good father figure or whatever figure you need and that's what makes you feel so welcomed and cared for when you're around him. Make sure to give him a hug everytime he does nice things to you, he appreciates it.
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Omg I am absolutely in love with your writing, especially the ones with Bill and a daughter/son reader😭😭🙏 (I got issues and dad!Bill solves them💀) Could you possibly do Bill with a teen daughter reader that’s in ballet and she’s doing the ‘Swan Lake’ dance, (I guess it’s the hardest ballet dance to do and I’ve only ever seen older people do the dance.) So imagine when Bills TEEN! daughter dances to hardest ballet dance. I definitely feel like he would be the proudest parent in the world especially since it’s a hard dance to master! Please and thank you 🤍🤍
(I don't know much about ballet so I did what I could lol. I love dance Mom Bill sm and I'm so glad you love my writing! I'm happy you requested and enjoy!)
Dance!Mom!Bill K. x Swan Lake
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At first, putting you in ballet was just something to get energy out and because you expressed interest in a tutu
So, Bill of course put you in the best ballet classes he could find and you bet your ass he loved watching you dance
He didn't know if you would stay in it for long but when you did?
He was so, so happy and proud
He loves how happy it made you and how amazing you looked
He also saw how hard you worked in it and he loved it
So, so proud
On his Instagram you can literally find your first day of ballet when you're like five to when you're already grown up
He never stops bragging his baby is a professional ballerina
He always attends your dances and every recital
He would move heaven and earth to just make it
He also doesn't even have to force Gustav, Georg and Tom to come
Your uncle's love coming just as much, Gustav brings his daughter, Tom's step kids even love watching you, and Georg's fiance loves encouraging you as well
You know damn well they're the family who's so proud they start to embarrass you
"Oh, did you know she's my daughter? She's amazing, isn't she?"
"Your daughter was the understudy? What a shame…anyway, that's my baby-"
When he heard you were doing swan lake his didn't know much about it
Until he researched and found out it was a very, very hard dance to do
And only adults usually do it so you being a teen and doing it worried him
He wondered if it was too much pressure but if you wanted to do it, he wouldn't stop you
He would always be there to watch you try and succeed
And babe he was so happy he was
He made EVERYONE be there
He was hitting Tom's arm and going "she's on next! She's on next!"
His eyes couldn't leave you from the moment you started till the end
He was in tears
I feel like in that moment he realized you were growing up
He had one of those moments of watching you as a baby starting out to a teenager and doing it on your own and beautifully
And that made him cry in the crowd
Once your part ended he was clapping the loudest as well as your family
Once he saw you after you bet your ass he gave you the biggest hug, so much so you were taken off the ground
He was bragging about you on social media
In interviews and everything
He always manages to mention his baby and her ballet
And how much she's better than their children because his baby did SWAN LAKE
a hard dance routine at only being a teen
So take that shit, BETTY (a mother he got beef with in your classes
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife @nyxwritesshit
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