#i feel like she's a ghost who gives me a lift sometimes
marcsburnerphone · 2 months
Bars and broken hearts
Simon Riley x F!reader 
Summary: The 141 minus john goes out for drinks and when johnny decides to throw simon a spontaneous bachelor surprise it goes left quickly.
Warnings: angst, betrayal, infidelity?, guilt, heartbreak, not a happy ending, alcohol consumption, lmk if I’m missing anything.
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“Well I think you should go.” you say to your fiance who's currently trying to back out of plans he promised to attend with his mates, again.
“Why can't you just beg me to stay isn’t that what you’re are supposed to do.” he says in a whine although with a gruff voice like his only you could pick up on the slight change.
“And hear Johnny complain in my ear the next time I see him cause you’re never out of the house, yeah no thanks.” you say while stirring honey into your cup of tea. You can practically feel the holes his eyes are burning into your skull.
“You know they are always up to no good when we go out.” he says in a condescending tone.
“I trust you.” he has never given you a reason not to.
“You should they’d never let anything come between us, they love you more than me.” he says while slowly approaching you from the back planting a firm kiss to your cheek.
“So you’ll be attending then?” you say gleefully.
“Yeah, just this once though, gives me leeway to say no next time.” you laugh softly, simon and his thought out plans to get out of leaving home.
“I'll drop you off, don't look too good.” you say turning around, he gives you a strong kiss on the lips, tangling his large hand into your hair as his other hand squeezes gently at your ass groaning roughly as he hikes your thigh onto his waist.
“Yeah, nice try.” you say pushing him away reluctantly.
“Sure you don’t want me to stay?” You do want him to stay.
“I’m sure.” he groans, walking off into your shared bedroom carelessly pulling a black shirt and pants off a hanger, nearly snapping them.
You laugh to yourself taking a seat onto the couch as he noticeably makes his steps extra heavy on his way to the bathroom. You patiently wait for him, swiping mindlessly through social media.
“Right, I'm ready.” his voice slightly startles you and he quickly softens his attitude.
“If you would’ve kissed me looking like this i might’ve just kept you in.” you sigh into his mouth pulling him down for a kiss.
“Later I arrive, the later I leave, let's go.” you drive him to a pub not too far from your home. His hand squeezes at your thigh the whole way there until you arrive.
“I'll see you in a bit, I love you.” the corner of his mask lifts slightly.
“Better not be late for me doll, I love you more by the way.” he says while shutting the door waving you off.
“Aww where’s the lass?” Johnny questions still mostly sober.
“At home she said she’ll join next time.” Simon lies, you hate babysitting three 200 pound plus men after a long night.
“Tell her I promise to not empty my stomach in her car next time, I swear it.” soap says while ordering a round of shots.
“Like she’d believe that after the past TWO times.” Johnny looks remorseful as Gaz laughs then gags remembering what it was like to sit in the backseat with him.
“I feel like we're going to get into some trouble tonight.” Johnny says while downing his third shot early into the night. “When is a night with you not trouble?” gaz says to the two men smiling widely.
“When is a night with me not fun you mean.” Johnny says with a devilish smirk.
“Chaos you mean?.” Simon quips.
“All of those sound like a good time to me.” Johnny says while waving down the bartender again.
“You’ll be approaching married life soon.” Johnny says with slightly slurred speech.
“Indeed I will.” It makes a tipsy drunk Simon smile as he lifts the bottom of his mask to take a swig of the whiskey in his glass.
“Think you’ll be having little ones running around soon?” gaz asks, he could see the big scary ghost with a daughter or two. Simon smoothens his mask before talking.
“Maybe, me and miss talk about it sometimes but nothing ever too serious, she’d make a great mum though.” The boys love just how in love he is with you.
“Will you name one of em after me?” Johnny asks.
“Funny joke mate.” They all laugh.
“Lass we’ll take another round.” heads snap towards him.
“Johnny!” Both simon gaz exclaim their nearly 8 shots in each and a couple of other drinks the result of tonight's starting to sound like alcohol poisoning.
“What’s wrong with a little fun once in a while.”
“I miss my wife.” Simon says, eyes glossed over and a severe need to taste your mouth. 
“Will we be throwing you a bachelor party?” Simon scoffs.
“This is my bachelor party, enjoy it.” Johnny groans at his awfully boring best lad.
“I have to take a piss be back.” Johnny says, excusing himself. Gaz and simon give each other a look knowing full well he went to the mens room less than ten minutes ago.
“What’s that about?” Gaz asks.
“Don't know but ima text the missus to come save me.” Simon says whipping out his phone instantly happier by the picture of you on his lock screen.
After sending you a quick text he agrees to one more round as Johnny rejoins, what he doesn't notice is as he tossed his head back Johnny slipped his phone into the back pockets of his jeans mistaking it for his own.
“Why do you look like that?” Gaz questions the mischievous smirk on Johnny's face.
“No reason.” 
“Oh no johnny what’d you do.'' They follow his eyeline as a woman, definitely a hooker walk from the hall where the bathrooms are definitely heading towards them. 
“Hey boys.” she says, running a hand down Simon's chest.
You’ve tried simons phone nearly six times now and nearly circled this block three times to let him know you’re here. You call once more groaning loudly as the voicemail starts once again. You search the busy street for parking, getting lucky as a car pulls out from the front of the pub.
You step out into the chilly london air not caring to pay for parking this shouldn't be long anyways. It's busier than you’d ever seen it, you wrap your arms tightly around yourself considering you're in thin pajamas, Simon emits too much heat to sleep in anything else.
Finding your way to the bar knowing where they usually sit you keep your eyes peeled for him excited to get him home and finish what he started earlier. That's until you see him. You see her first actually, snaking her hands around the back of his clothed head where yours were merely hours ago. His eyes are pointed towards her breast as she puts on quite the show, grinding slowly on his lap, flicking her tongue out onto his cloth covered ear. Simon’s hazed eyes are seeing you, like a dual reality that goes back and forth between a random woman and the woman he loves. Words are unable to leave your mouth so you stand there in utter horror until reality catches up to you.
“Simon.” your voice comes out in a whisper as the three men's heads turn towards you. The woman who looked like she’d been having a good time on Simon's lap also looks towards you, then the ring on your finger. The three of them had never become sober so fast in their lives.
“Oh god.” you feel sick, turning around quickly and bee lining for the door as your eyes tunnel vision.
“Get off me.” Simon says awfully harshly as Gaz looks disappointed towards johnny.
He’s after you in seconds, strides long and quick. You're at an arm's length when he tries to pull you back but misses by a thread. Times moving in slow motion for the both of you and this pub has never been so large.
“Wait, I swear that wasn't what it looked like.” His deep and loud voice causes the other patrons to look your way. Gaz and Johnny are steps behind him as he rushes as quickly as he can.
When the outside hits you, so do the tears. Your hand grips weakly at the spot of your shirt above your heart. It feels like the wind has been knocked from you and the world is crumbling around you. 
“Love i swear-” you turn around quickly slapping him across the face. It stuns you but not him; he simply looks back towards you.
“Deserved that.” 
“Lass it was a dumb joke i thought id-” 
“You were supposed to have my back, you guys are like my brothers, is this how it is everytime you come out?” a sob racks through you as they all visibly watch your heart break.
“It's not like that.” Simon tries to calmly explain.
“I'm leaving.” you say slowly walking backwards towards your car getting in quickly and locking the doors before your fiance can try the handle.
“Love, just listen to me i didn't know what was going on.” he shouts through the window as you start pulling out and speeding off as soon as possible.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” he yells to johnny.
“I don't know what I was thinking.” he admits as his drunk actions hit his sober self.
“You need to get a ride home now.” gaz says walking into the street to hail down an overly expensive taxi.
Simon gets in it immediately telling the man your address and slipping him a few extra hundred for speed. His breath is rapid matching the racing pace of his heart. The two other men watch as he leaves.
“You’re so fucked mate.” Gaz says to an already guilty looking johnny.
Simon nearly tears off the door handle as he exits the car almost two homes ahead and runs there instead. He’s fumbling keys until he realizes you’ve left the door unlocked. Instantly he's searching for you, panicked and in a hurry to soothe your aching heart.
He goes to reach for your shut bedroom door only to realize it's locked. He knocks rapidly once then twice.
“Love let me explain. I swear it's not what it looked like.” he leans his head against the door as you silently cry on the other side.
“Don’t do this to yourself.” wrong choice of words but he meant well.
Before he knows it you're throwing the door open.
“To myself!” you yell as loudly as you can, shoving your hands into his solid chest.
“That's not what I meant.” he says, removing the mask.
“We’re engaged Simon, we were going to get married in a few months.” you cry turning around trying to slam the door on him.
“Were ? No, let me explain.” he says, catching it with the toe of his boot.
“I don't want to hear it, go tell it to whoever that woman was.” you’re infuriating he wants to scream but he knows all hell would break loose had he caught you in the same position.
“Johnny had hired her, I had no idea.” he gets out as quickly as possible.
“And you let her dance and lick on you and hold you the way I hold you.” the disgust on your face as you look at him cuts deeper than any knife.
“I was drunk.” he even thinks that sounds disgusting.
“Cheap fucking excuse.” you say going into your closet grabbing all your clothes and throwing it onto the bed.
“What’re you doing?” it's hushed and laced with panic.
“Like hell you are.” he says quickly, fighting to pull what's in your hands out of them. You’re unwilling to give up at first, grip tighter than ever but he would always win. You fall to the ground and let go. Crying from hurt and frustration. He drops to his knees to meet you on the floor.
He scoops you into his chest as closely as possible, it hurts that you don’t clutch onto him like you normally would. You Are stiff in his arms so visibly uncomfortable. He wants to cry too, he knew he shouldn’t have gone out there's no need when your heart is at home.
“Let go of me.” you say weakly.
“Lets talk.” he says, loosening his grip on you watching as you scurry backwards.
“Nothing you say can make this better.” you admit leaning your head against the wall behind you.
“It wasn't my idea or choice, my love I was wasted.”
“I was waiting outside for you, calling over and over again but you were just too busy being entertained by another woman, how fucking dare you.” you say quietly but firmly.
“I know I fucked up but we cant throw this away just cause one mishap.” he says trying to inch closer to you.
“I would’ve never done that to you.” you say as tears stream smoothly down your reddened cheeks.
“I know.” how does one forgive an action like this he wonders.
“Please get out.” you say through stuttered breaths.
“Simon, get out or I'll leave.” He rises to his feet in an instance beginning to very slowly make his ways towards the door.
“Hey simon.” you say and his name sounds so rare on your tongue since you've met him he's always been riley or love.
“Yeah.” he says, approaching you crouching down slightly. You reach out, grabbing his hand and placing something into his palm before closing it.
Simon slowly opens his hands fearing what he already knows is there and utterly cringes inside when he sees your ring.
excited but ready for a little criticism, be easy on me I'm barley getting familiar with the character.
Hope you guys thoroughly enjoyed mwah!
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Thinking of ghost as a dad makes me think of red taking her toddler son shopping for Halloween decorations and seeing a skeleton and the sweet boy is pointing and bouncing up and down like “it’s dada!”
A/N: Ghost x F!Reader (Red Fox). Pure fluff. This ask made me curl up with joy.
She’s a little late. Only ten minutes and it could be anything: traffic, an additional errand, a parking lot shoot-out. Simon’s fingers twitch as his cell phone sits on the coffee table.
It’s only ten minutes.
Ten. Minutes.
He’d lost her in Ecuador for four fucking days, and she’d been fine. Well, relatively fine. Alive.
She can survive anything. He knows this. He feels this. But he cannot shake the belief that one day, his past will catch up to him and take her away. 
Don’t be a fuckhead, Simon. If it’s anyone’s past, it’s going to be mine. 
That makes me feel better, duchess. 
We’re sharing the burden, babe. Lucky for this kid, he’s got two spec ops, hot-ass parents. 
Yah really love a finger gun, don’t you? 
It’s called levity, dude. You’re too damn broody. 
“Don’t call her.”
Simon startles before side-eyeing Johnny, who is spread out on the far end of the couch. “I wasn’t gonna,” he growls defensively. 
“You’re staring at that phone like it’s a bomb.”
“She’s late.”
“She’s running errands with your enormous toddler. Yah know how hard it is to lift that kid? Try wrestling him into a car seat. Took me half an hour.”
Simon scowls. “Of course, I know. I do raise him.”
Johnny wiggles his eyebrows. “He takes after me.”
“Yeah, my enormous son is definitely your kid, tiny.”
“I’m six fuckin’ feet. Thank yah very much.”
“You’re still here?” 
Simon twists around to see Red standing in the doorway. She’s got their son on her hip and an orange plastic bag in her other hand. She leaves him breathless. Her skin dewy, her hair falling in her face. Stunning in a way that burns him. He still wants to shove her over a table and wreck her, but that desire is now weighted with something far more tender. She’s carried his baby.
He knew she’d be a good mother, but he didn’t expect her to excel at it so...perfectly. She can handle a tantrum and peel a man’s skin off.  She can silence him with a look.
“Simon said I could stay for dinner,” Johnny declares.
“I did not,” Simon refutes as he stands, rolling his shoulders. Their son’s tiny lips peel apart into a toothy grin, he claps his chubby hands together. 
“Dada,” he squeals as he opens his arms. 
Ghost smiles back, unable to blunt the joy that unfurls in his chest. Sometimes it’s all too much. 
“He got you something,” Red says as she places him on the floor. When she straightens, she presses her hand to her lower back. “Jesus - that kid is heavy. Remind me to stop having your babies.”
“Uhuh,” Ghost says dutifully. “Of course.”
She’d threatened to leave him a thousand times when she was giving birth. Their son’s head had not been easy to deliver. 
Red pulls something from her bag and hands it to their son, who waddles toward him. Simon crouches and sweeps him up in his arms. The boy squeals again delighted. 
“What have you got there?” he asks as he nuzzles his nose into the down of his son’s head, the soft velvet curls. He smells like Red’s perfume.
“Dada!” he giggles as he lifts a plastic skeleton. Soap barks with laughter. 
“He saw it in the store and lost it,” Red says as she walks toward them, placing a hand on the boy’s back. He shakes the skeleton before hugging it close. “Kept calling it dada. Got a lot of weird looks.” She cocks her head, her tongue darting over her lower lip. “I just wanted everyone to know that I’m getting it from a really hot skeleton.”
“Yah got a filthy head, Foxy.”
“You don’t even live here, Johnny.”
“Dada,” his son murmurs as he burrows his face into Simon’s throat. The skeleton is clutched against his chest, and he feels the boy relax, his damp, milky breath puffing against him as he nods off. 
Simon clears his throat, blinking a few times. There’s a raw snag of emotion in his throat that he can’t seem to swallow. Simon tries to pull the skeleton from the boy’s hands to look at it, but his son yanks it closer. 
“Typical,” Red remarks, her lips quirking in amusement. 
“What is?” Simon smirks because he already knows.
“Do you know how hard it is to shake you off when you’re asleep? It’s like being spooned by a bull slash octopus.”
“It’s true,” Johnny interjects in an empathetic tone. “Remember Siberia?”
“That was a life and death situation!” Simon snaps. “Sub-zero temperatures.”
Red’s eyes widen, her expression intrigued. “Give me the details, Johnny, and I’ll make you dinner.”
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heartelysia · 9 months
rich flex
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"can you hit a lil' rich flex for me" ; in which you're nothing more than roommates
cw ; ooc leon, jealousy, panty stealing, panty sniffing, college au, re2 leon, use of sex toys, masturbation, creepy behaviour from leon
note ; this is also reposted from my ao3! college roommates au :3 [m.list] (i lovd leon n his little butt chin sm in re2 😭😭 its so cutw wtf) AND YES! THAT IS MANGA LEON KENNEDY!! ILLVE HM!!
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she was the moon and he was the sun, polar opposites. she was closed off and reserved whilst the blonde wasn't much of an extrovert per say but compared to her, he shined much brighter.
people loved him and everything he had to offer but on her end, people would still ask, 'who is that?'. that was one of the many results of only choosing to attend night lectures or acting like a complete ghost during the semester.
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she knocks on leon's door - if the crappy wood with a knob could be considered one - holding a half-full laundry basket in her other hand. a few moments pass, shuffling and the rolling of one of those wheelie chairs are heard through the thin walls. the door creeks open as a little bit of sunlight spill from the window in his room.
"oh hey y/n, whats up?", his soft, boyish voice rings throughout the hallway, his cheeks flushed a bright pink colour as his breath is bated with each second. you gesture to the laundry basket in your hand, holding onto your quiet demeanour. leon's eyes follows your movements before suddenly lighting up. "oh yes! it is my turn this week, thank you y/n!", he softly beams, fully opening the door as he grabs the basket from you and places it beside his stack of clothes.
you give the boy a simple hum before turning on your heel, heading back into your little man woman-cave. leons gaze lingers on you, watching the way you dragged yourself back into your cramped room. sometimes he wished he could hear your sweet voice more but we can't have everything we want right?
leon glances back into his room, glazing his eyes over each neat cabinet and organized stack of books before they land on the new addition of laundry. he hoped he didn't seem too off when speaking to you, after all, he still gets nervous around you despite being roommates. the blonde quickly brushes the thoughts out of his head as he grabs his pile of dirty clothes and dumps it onto your laundry, filling the basket to the brim before picking the heavy luggage up and waddling out of his room.
the sound of his footsteps reverberate against the crappy wooden planks as he awkwardly stumbles to the tiny laundry room. leon hooks his fingers under the lid, lifting it up as a scent of detergent pods hit his face. he quickly grabs the full laundry basket before tipping its contents into the washer before placing the empty basket back onto the floor.
he opens up one of the cabinets on top and grabs the detergent pods, popping one into its place. as leon is about to close the top and start the machine, something catches his eye, a frilly white pair of underwear. the blondes cheeks light up in embarrassment yet the familiar coil in his stomach grows as he feels his cock stir at the thought of your panties wrapped around his thick length.
leon swallows the lump in his throat, gulping as his eyes stay glued onto your undergarment. it was a morality debate in his head, he could either steal your panties or he would not. he gulps one last time before reaching his hand in and snatching the used underwear up, he scrunches the soft material up and shoves it into his pocket.
a small wave of guilt crashes into him but he brushes it off, closing the lid before turning on the washer, the water spilling from its sides as it dampens the fabrics. he places his hand into his pocket, clutching your panties in his hand as his breathing becomes ragged and his mind swirls with lewd fantasies of you.
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a whine rumbles in his throat as the sound of your voice note plays in his headphones. with his cheeks flushed, ragged breathing and a fleshlight pumping up and down his length, his soft groans and moans fill the air. leon's leaky tip beads with precum as he replays the same voicemail you left him, stroking his fat cock up and down with the fake pussy.
leon suddenly pauses, he quickly reaches over under his pillow and grabs newly stolen pair of panties. his cock twitches once more, the knot in his stomach threatening to come undone from the thought of sniffing his beloved roommates used panties. he shoves the underwear into his nose, grunting gutturally at the scent of her, stroking his cock just a bit faster now. "f-fuck... you smell so good...", he moans, rutting his hips into the fleshlight as he takes a big whiff of her.
sure, the blonde feels somewhat bad... but he couldnt find his morality in him as of now, not when her delicious panties were pressed up against his nose. with each pump, his angry, swollen tip leaks more and more precum, the fleshlight picking the precum up and using it as lube, only adding to the fiery sensation leon is experiencing.
the knot in his stomach only gets tighter, ready to snap in half as the sound of your cold voice echoes in his ears. "oh fuck- fuck baby... sweetheart...", he grunts, bucking his hips uncontrollably into the fake pussy, wishing it was your sweet cunt he was pounding into. leon wondered to himself, would your pussy be wetter? would you moan uncontrollably as he jackhammers his cock into you? or would you be restraining your moans and making him fuck you till it finally spills out? it didn't exactly matter to the boy as his cock was speaking for him.
with one last final pump, his thick warm cum spills from his fat tip, followed by a series of depraved moans as he desperately grinds into the fake pussy, circling his hips as shots of thick cum come spurting out of his cock.
as he slowly calms down, gently pulling the fleshlight away from him, his ears perk up. a noise that didn't sound like it was from the voice message or one he made. maybe he was insane, maybe it was just him riding down from his high but he swore he heard a soft moan from the other side of the wall, the walls were thin... it could be him imagining things, after all, he still had his headphones on.
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he really didn't like it, but what was he meant to do? she wasn't interested in him - at least to his knowledge. the blonde stares at the curly haired male following her from a distance as a look of hesitance was on the mans face.
"y/n?", the mans voice rung loudly, catching a few glances from passer-bys. the girl stops in her tracks, one hand resting on the strap of her shoulder bag, she turns on her heel to face the man. "carlos, what is it?", she softly asks, her voice hardly above a whisper but still rather blunt. the latin american grinned, handing y/n a few pieces of paper stapled together.
"its the draft i did really quickly, since I still dont have your number, i wrote mine on it so text me your thoughts about it.", carlos said, flashing the girl a charming smile. y/n simply hums as she takes the drafts from him, placing it in her bag as she holds the blank expression and mutters a small thank you. despite her lack of physical reaction, carlos seemed to light up a little more as he brings her into an awkward hug of gratitude.
when she pulls away, carlos seemed to look a bit more shyer than before as his cheeks were softly dusted with a gentle pink hue that doesn't go unnoticed by leon.
with his attention away from the lecture, the blonde clenches his jaw in frustration. she was merely a roommate, why did he care so much anyway. leon softly huffs to himself before turning away from y/n and carlos' small interaction and tries to focus back onto the lecture... keyword, tries.
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as y/n returns from her lectures, the shared housing space is oddly quiet. leon would typically be cooking something up or playing music in the background. subconsciously, the girl had gotten so used to her roommates habits and routines, it felt weird and wrong without leon's presence made known to her.
despite the fact that they were polar opposites, she found comfort knowing leon was home but the fact that not a single squeak is heard unless it was from made her stomach twist.
her soft voice bounces off of the flimsy walls of the room, the sound of her voice actually audible unlike the multiple times she simply hummed in replacement of speaking. no reply, y/n softly sighs to herself as she drags her feet towards her cramped room, kicking her shoes off.
the girl enters her tiny room, throwing her heavy shoulder bag onto her chair as she slumps down against her bed, eyes closing from exhaustion. small grumbles and groans escape her throat as she rubs her eyes, expressing her distaste for the lengthy project.
she was too lost in her own train of thought that she suddenly jumped at the noise of someone knocking at her room door. when did leon get home?
"y/n, i got us takeout tonight, i hope you don't mind.", leons bashful voice leaks past the door, y/ns ears catching onto the sound of plastic rustling in his hand as she cracks open her door. peering at the handsome man through the obvious crack emits a soft chuckle from the blonde as he just lifts the plastic bags up, flashing y/n a glimpse of the food.
a waft of the scent of delicious chinese takeout has her fully opening her door, following leon close behind like a puppy into the kitchen. leon laughs at the way she gives into food so easily, a big grin tugging at his lips as he places the bag onto the counter. "you dislike my cooking this much?", he queries, taking out the containers one by one whilst staring at his roommate snatching the bamboo utensils from the bottom.
y/n shakes her head at his response, keeping her lips sealed. the blonde softly laughs before opening the food up, the smell of stomach-filling chinese cuisines filled their nose. "smells nice... good selection leon...", she softly mumbles, trying to hide the fact that her mouth was watering. red covers leons cheek as he sheepishly laughs it off, feeling the knot in his stomach once more at her praise, "really? uhm-... well time to dig in!".
y/n softly hums in response as she begins picking up sides into her bowl, "... thanks leon, you're really sweet.", she mutters lowly, slowly popping the food into her mouth. his eyes stay glued on each movement on hers. the way her voice rung in his ears was heavenly, the way her chest heaved faster than usual, the way her hair fell to frame her adorable face, the way her lips wrap around the utensil was so arousing...
fuck, he was hard again.
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siphoklansan · 4 months
HEYHEY SIPPY!!! For the ask game, I hope you don't mind me asking for... kind of a lot because I'm really curious jskdkfs but you can cut some out if want to, dw!
🌹♥️♠️⚗️📚🏆 for Siphok and 🌟🤖 for Pin-cha?
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sippy and riddle are friends! both of them have one thing in common: a stickler for rules. the only difference is that sippy doesn’t follow crazy rules (ex. heartslabyul’s strange traditions!)
fun fact: they both hated each other before the end of book 1 because:
⤷ sippy likes to voice out her opinions, so she gets into a yelling match from time to time with riddle when she disagrees with his behavior. ( “IT’S JUST A TART, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” 💀 /j but yeah something like that-)
⤷ riddle hates how she doesn’t give two shits about his rule. ( “Nuh-uh.” “What do you mean “Nuh-Uh” ?!?”) and she also defends adeuce when they break the rules, much to their surprise.
at the end of book 1 they both had a truce and became some sort of buddies to each other! they both share an interest in small critters <3
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besties for life (adeuce will not admit it) they always go everywhere with each other and grim!
sippy is #1 deuce defender because she kins him😭 so ace rarely wins and argument when she’s around. sippy tutors deuce for history class (more on this later!) and deuce returns the favor by helping her fix things around ramshackle <3
like deuce, sippy bickers a lot with ace but it’s all fun and games. she’s like a tired mom with him (begrudgingly watches his basketball matches because ace insists on it so much, secretly doesn’t mind and enjoys it lmao-). I lowkey see ace as a therapist friend for some reason since he’s usually the voice of reason so she goes to him for advice sometimes! Only for certain occasions though cuz we know how ace is💀 /hj
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#1 dad for sippy. they both go on shopping sprees together (crewel insists on it, because sippy wears the same outfit everyday and it irks him 💀). sippy isn’t the best at potions class so he tutors her privately at times!
crewel designs outfits for sippy sometimes! in the ghost bride event, her suit was tailored to her by crewel.
a short angst scenario for them would be sippy feels bad to see him as a dad because she doesn’t know if crewel sees her as a daughter but he actually feels the same😔.
other than that, sippy got a little more strict because she picked up some habits from crewel (much to adeuce’s dismay😭).
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MOZUS TREIN (doesn’t look like him, i know) ᝰ.ᐟ
that one proud grand-uncle (?) TM /j
sippy is likes history classes, so it’s like a breath of fresh air for him in class (“Finally, someone who does not snore every 2 minutes.” /j)
not much to comment on them, but one thing trein dislikes about sippy is that she covers for students who are slacking off in class ( ex. covering grim’s sleeping form with a book) and he’s just like -_- but trein counters that by deducting both her and the other student (who’s mostly grim) participation points💀
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that one crazy and upbeat uncle at family gatherings TM 💀 /j
while sippy is good in athletics, she doesn’t do very well in flying due to a small fear of heights.
⤷ “THE BROOM IS TOO THIN IT CAN’T CARRY MY FATASS!” “LANGUAGE! But no, it *can* hold your weight.”
sippy dreads vargas’s class because he pushes her more than anyone else.
⤷ “lift some more weights! your arms are like noodles!” vargas says, as he dumps some more shit into her arms-
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pin-cha and kalim is like the worst nightmare for jamil, who’s already acting like a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops-
yes, they go on carpet rides together🥺💓 pin-cha reminds kalim of one of his siblings back at home so they hit it off pretty well!
jamil is a little weirded out how well pin-cha is good at household chores but is also secretly relieved (and concerned) how pin-cha is babysitting kalim and not the other way around /hj
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cue leona thanking the gods for giving cheka someone to play with so he can finally nap in peace LMAO
cheka drags pin-cha away from his cleaning duties in rsa! the headmage of rsa adores them both (happy grandpa noises) <3
cheka enjoys when pin-cha shows his unique magic, summoning little spirits around to play with them. it’s like having extra friends to play!
yes, they both call leona “unca”💀 leona had to call sippy over to help him babysit them both (an excuse to be with her I MEAN WHAAATTT⁉️ I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING-)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK, TARU!!💖💖 SO SORRY FOR THE LATE AND VERY LONG REPLY😭🙏 I had a lot of fun with this ask though I can’t find the link to the OG post anymore :((
I swear this whole post looks like some character who is liked by everybody but I promise you it’s not the case😭 she just has a good impression on the professors AHUSHSUGSYSI BUT ANYWAY I’ll list some characters who doesn’t like sippy (but i’ll leave the reasoning out for now👀)
⤷ ruggie
⤷ sebek
⤷ idia
⤷ jamil (kinda like a hate-neutral relationship?)
With that said, thank you again for the ask!!🥺💖🫶🫶
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
High School Sweetheart. (Ghost x Reader.)
!CW! Make a dentist appointment, this shit is so sweet you’ll get a cavity.
Summary: Ghost and reader are high school sweethearts who cross paths again.
This was a request, you can find the ask here.
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Every day it felt like he was just going through the motions.
Wake up, do what Captain Price asks him to do, go to bed. Sometimes there’s an occasional mission in there. Other than that, that’s all he does. Ghost wonders how the hell he ended up here sometimes. It doesn’t take long for him to remember. He’s lived a shitty life up to this point, and if he’s not killing terrorists, he feels worthless. “We’re welcoming a new recruit, meet outside.” He hears everyone announcing it to each other, everyone filing out the metal exit door. He creeps up behind everyone else, standing in the back.
“Everyone, this is Y/N.” Captain Price announces. He freezes up upon hearing your name. You give a small wave and he recognizes you immediately. What were you doing here? You greet everyone, talking and joking with them. Soap is making small talk with Ghost until you approach. “Hi, I’m Johnny but you can call me Soap.” He reaches his hand out. “This is Ghost.” He nods to Simon. You give him a look of confusion. “What is your first name?” You ask. “Simon. Simon Riley. Long time no see.” He puts his hand out, and you smile. Pulling him into a hug instead. This takes Johnny off guard. He knows Ghost isn’t a hugger. “How d’ya know each other?” Soap asks. “We went to high school together. Used to date.” You laugh. “High school sweethearts ah? Small world.” Soap laughs.
Ghost wasn’t sure how you ended up here. Last time he checked, you were off to work in the medical field and he joined the military. Ghost is the one who broke things off, he knew he couldn’t keep you happy and stay in the military. He never thought he’d ever see you again, especially not like this. “Why don’t you talk to her? I see you staring at her all the time.” Gaz nudges him. Ghost shakes his head. “Not my girl anymore.” Soap chuckles. “That’s gotta sting right? She’s smokin hot.”
“Depends on who broke up with who.” Gaz laughs. Ghost rolls his eyes. “You two are annoying.” Standing up and getting rid of his unfinished meal. He was growing more annoyed by the day. He wishes you hadn’t said anything.
He had to admit, you were pretty skilled. Something he didn’t expect. He wanted to talk to you, he did. But he didn’t know what terms you stood on exactly, so he left it alone. He makes his way into the gym, finding you. You’re taking deep breaths, lifting up the weight you’re holding on the bench press. Ghost decides there’s no better time to approach. “Shouldn’t do it without a spotter.” He mumbles, standing behind you. “Yeah? Maybe I wanted to go out on my own terms.” You smirk, taking another deep breath, arms beginning to shake slightly. He rolls his arms. Crossing his arms. “You know you’re a lot- different than you used to be.” You groan. “Yeah, happens when you get old. You’re different too.” He laughs. “How did you end up in the military anyways?” He asks. “I was a paramedic for a while, switched to an ER Medical Assistant.” You put the weight back up on the rack, taking in a deep breath and sitting up. “Seen a lot of traumatic shit, couldn’t handle it.” He looks at you, confused. “So the military sounded like a better choice?” He asks. “No, I tried to switch to normal jobs. Tried being a cashier, receptionist, vet tech. Hated it all. I had a lot of pent up anger, had no outlet. Talked to a counselor, tried doing other jobs. So I started doing medical in the military. Hated that too, so I just switched to infantry. I see a lot of traumatic shit, but at the end of the night I don’t go home alone. It gives me an outlet.” You shrug. He nods his head. “What did you see that fucked you up so bad?” He asks, following you around through your work out. “There was a few things.” You shrug. “My first day, I had to do an STD draw on a 5 year old girl. Her mom left her in a crack house for a few days, had no idea what happened to her.”
“Maybe she got a hold of a dirty needle.” You shook your head. “No. I tried to explain it away, but you would’ve had to see the way she screamed when the male doctors got too close. I wanted to rip her moms fucking head off when I seen her.” You breathe. He nods his head. “I understand. What else?” He asks. You swallow hard. “Little girl was brought in. Had a brain aneurysm.” You breathe. Your voice was getting unsteady. “She was dead before she got there, but the doctor wanted us to do CPR for the moms sake. I did CPR on her until my whole body hurt, until I couldn’t handle anymore, and than some. That’s not what bothered me though.” He looks at you, look of confusion again. “It’s the way her mom screamed when the doctor told her she didn’t make it. Still haunts me to this day.” Ghost sighs. “Jesus Christ.” He mumbles. “I’m sorry.” You nod your head. “I’m fine. I mean I’m not but I have to be. Life is short, I just like to stay busy.” He nods his head. “What about you LT?” You smile, standing up. “What made you stay?” You ask. He shrugs. “I guess I like to stay busy too.” He shrugs.
“She likes to stay busy? She’s flirting with you, you idiot.” Gaz rolls his eyes. “What? No she wasn’t. She had just got done telling me some really traumatic shit. The hell is wrong with you.” Ghost rolls his eyes. “I’m telling you, if you’re as smart as I pray to god you are, you will get her back, and put that tight ass on lockdown before I do.” Gaz raises his eyebrows. Ghost rolls his eyes once again. “Another meal ruined again.” Ghost rolls his eyes. He decides to go off and find you, not finding you in the gym like he usually would, so he assumes you’re on watch. He’s correct. He makes his way up the watch tower, seeing you sitting at the top inside. “Hey.” He walks in. “Hey. Johnny is supposed to take over for me but not for another hour or so. What’s going on?” You ask. He shrugs, sitting down next to you. “Staying busy.” He’s short. “Ghost huh?” You smile. He nods his head. “You tell them how you got that nickname yet?” You smirk. Even behind the mask you can tell that he’s smiling. “Nah. Not yet. I won’t hear the end of it.” Simon hates this. You knew Simon. You always brought Simon out. Made him smile, made his stomach swirl. “Why’s that?” You ask. “They keep teasing me about letting a girl like you get away.” He laughs. “Ah, everybody makes mistakes. It’s fine that yours was me.” You smirk. He rolls his eyes. “Don’t get too big of a head over there.” You laugh, just like he remembers.
“You’re huge now.” You smile. “Huh?” He laughs. “You were built in high school, sure. But nothing like you are now.” You laugh. “Is… that a good thing?” He asks. “Yeah it’s pretty hot.” He looks up at you, eyebrows raised. “Thanks I guess.”
“Even tough women like to be manhandled, Ghost.” You chuckle. “Remember that for your next girlfriend.” He can sense the jealously in your voice. He slides his phone from his pocket, opening up his text messages. He opens his text chat with Soap, writing out a text.
“Don’t worry about taking over watch, I’m taking over for Y/N.”
“ ;) ”
“Fuck off, MacTavish.”
“ ;))))) ”
He rolls his eyes, sliding his phone in his pocket. “Sound a little jealous to me.” He smirks. You roll your eyes. “Me? Jealous? Really?” You smirk. He nods his head. “Yeah.” You laugh. “You’re ridiculous.” You laugh. “And you’re a liar.” He chuckles.
When the silence takes over once again, he thinks about it for a minute. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles. “For what?” You ask, looking up at him. “For leaving you alone. Making you go through all of that shit alone.” He sighs. You laugh. “I went a little crazy. If we were together you would’ve hated me.” You laugh. “Still, I feel bad.” You smile. “Well. We can always be friends. No sense in regretting something you can’t change.” You shrug. He nods. “Yeah. You know I think you’re a strong girl right?” He laughs. “I think you’re a strong guy too Simon. You don’t give yourself enough credit.” He rolls his eyes, thankful for the balaclava covering his face. His cheeks are too pink to look natural without it. “I’m serious. You did the best you could with the shitty hand you were dealt, and the fact that you’re still doing so good makes me so fucking proud of you.”
Somewhere deep down, passed the barrier he’d put up, those words sting him right to his core. Reopening old wounds he didn’t know he had. “Thank you. I’m proud of you too.” You smile. He can see the pain in your eyes. He knows he’s hurt you. He just hopes somewhere deep down, you’ll be able to forgive him.
Ghost doesn’t always take the time to realize exactly how lucky he is. His eyes scan the table, his captain, Gaz, Soap. They’re all sitting around him laughing at something Soap has said, eating their dinner. It’s the closest thing Simon has ever had to a family, and with you back. You flipped his world upside down. He’s in his head too much anymore, thinking. He’s so guarded, but somehow these kind people gravitate toward him. He just hopes if anyone has to die, he does first. He doesn’t want to suffer anymore.
He’s staring off into space, thinking about you. How you were together when you were younger. He thinks about the first time you had together. First kiss, first time. How nervous he was hovering above you, trying to keep you calm and reassure you. How much you trusted him. He always thinks about how calm he was when you were around. After fighting with his asshole dad, anytime he was stressed out and ready to give up, you were always there. Helping him back onto his feet. The times he couldn’t, you’d sit there. Right at rock bottom with him until he was ready to climb his way back out. You helped him every step of the way, and he left you alone. You did everything. Put your heart into his hands. And he shattered it. Stomped on it until it was nothing but fine grained glass. A powder. And you still picked it up. And placed it right back into his cold hands. Just so that he could throw it in your face and walk away.
He needs to stop before he gets upset. Instead, choosing to think about how beautiful you are. Back then, so carefree. He thinks about those summers you spent together, sun beating down on each other. Swimming together, being in love. Your smile. Your giggle when he said something dumb. He remembers how pretty you were, looking up at the moonlight with tears in your eyes because of something so dumb. A fight, a disagreement. He misses how simple everything was. He thinks about holding your hand, walking up and down the street before either of you could drive. He thinks about the stray kitten you had found and how much he tried to convince you not to take it home, but you did anyways. And he remembered how hard you cried when the cat got too sick to bring home from the vet. He held you close as you said your goodbyes.
He thinks about the time he first put on a skull balaclava and how you gave him the funniest look, narrowed eyes and a smile playing at your lips. “So mysterious. Your new nickname is Ghost.” You smile. And how he pounced you, pushing your back into the silk sheets, tickling you until you nearly cried, laughing so hard. How you pulled his mask up to kiss him, just like Mary Jane and Peter Parker.
He’s walking away from the table before he realizes his feet are taking him to your room. Carrying him even though his brain is somewhere else completely. He doesn’t even knock on your door, barges right in. Thankful you’re half dressed. He closes the door behind him, you look up at him in complete confusion as he closes the distance between the both of you. He’s pulling his mask off and ditching it somewhere in the room. “Simon? What are you do-“ his lips are on yours before you can even finish your sentence, holding onto the nape of your neck with both of his hands as he forces you back into the wall behind you. You melt right into him, and he’s so thankful you don’t push him away. You let him kiss you, body relaxing into his. When he finally pulls away, resting his forehead on yours, you’re panting. Taken off guard by him. “I love you. And I’ll understand if you don’t want to give me another chance. But I won’t fuck up again. I let you get away once, and I won’t again.” He breathes. A laugh leaves your lips, “Simon, I knew I was going to give you another chance the moment I see that fucking mask.” You giggle.
Maybe that stupid metaphor is right.
‘If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be.’
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h0rnyauth0r · 2 years
hear me out: a threesome with soap??? yes PLEASE. we’ve got 3 holes for a reason <3 (i just imagined having soap fuck you from behind while sucking ghost’s fat dick and F U C K.)
under 16s pls dni!
word count: 1.4k
tws: threesome, blowjobs, unprotected sex, cumming inside, pussy eating, fingering, reader has vagina and has she/her pronouns, gets called a good girl <3
you started off with innocent flirting. it started so long ago, you can hardly even remember. maybe a year now? all you knew was that flirting with both soap and ghost was your second nature with the two men.
over time, it got more… physical. small touches on your waist by both men, randomly playing with your hair, sometimes even holding onto your hand for moments at a time. you never complained, being acknowledged by two hot men is more than you could ever ask for.
but here you are now, hanging out in a hotel room that’d been assigned to you three, making jokes about having a threesome. although mostly stoic, ghost seemed more down to ‘joke’ about it than you’d anticipated.
you’re sitting on one of the two queen sized beds, both men sitting in front of you as you all talk about it. you’d all had a few beers, but nothing to give you more than a buzz.
“i don’t know, i think you could take it. it’s not like either of us would be too pushy.” soap says to you, and you’re nodding along to his words. you know that they both aren’t the type of take advantage of consent, and if you revoked it they would listen to you.
you can’t deny the heat forming between your thighs from the conversation, noticing the way that they both rake their eyes all over your body. their stares are intense, and you want so badly for one of them to make a move.
“i think you’d find it quite enjoyable. after all, we’ve seen the way you look at us.” ghost says, one of his hands reaching out and touching your knee. you gulp rather loudly as you look at him, suddenly feeling the weight of the conversation hit you.
soap also decides to put a hand on you, on your opposite leg as he smirks at you. “well?” he asks you, and you suck in a breath. you’re not sure how this will go, but you find yourself nodding quickly.
he leans over to you, softly capturing your lips in his own. his lips are soft, and clearly skilled as he begins kissing you deeply. your mouths move against one another and eventually his tongue is intruding into yours.
you make a surprised noise when ghost decides to start massaging along your thighs, slowly making his way up before he moves his hand leaves you wanting more. 
“c’mere.” he says to you, and when you turn you notice that he’s lifted his mask up and he’s kissing you roughly. his kisses are more lustful, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip as one of his hands wraps around your throat.
as he kisses you, you can feel soap slowly pushing the hem of your pants down, making you lift your hips up from the bed as he pulls them off of you. your panties follow, leaving your bottom half bare to the two men.
you’re practically soaking from the force of ghost’s kisses, hardly able to hold back the small moans that are able to pass. you feel soap’s hand move down to your core, fingers grazing along your folds.
he pushes ghost a little, who moves next to you and grabs your face to kiss you once more. you mewl loudly once you feel soap’s tongue slowly lick down your pussy, his lips latching onto your clit as he sucks roughly.
ghost’s kisses are more urgent as his hands begin moving around your body, pulling at your shirt and you decide to lift it off. your lips separate and you’re gasping in pleasure as he pulls it off, bra following shortly after.
you feel your orgasm approaching as soap decides to start finger fucking you while his tongue massages your clit. you find your hands tugging into his hair as the other man’s lips roughly make out with you.
the lewd sound of your pussy being eaten out sends you reeling, heavily kissing on the large man as your toes curl in pure ecstasy. the two forms of stimulation feel so overwhelmingly hot, making you approach your high in just minutes.
once you cum, you end up biting down on ghost’s bottom lip and moan out, hips grinding against soap’s face as you ride out your orgasm. “why don’t you turn around and bend over for me, pretty?” the scottish man asks you, your lips leaving ghosts as you follow his instructions.
you’re on your knees as you lift your ass up for him to access, hearing him fumble with his pants as he takes his cock out of his pants. ghost stays in front of you, hands playing with your breasts before he decides to release his dick too.
soap’s rubbing the tip along your folds, before pushing in the slightest amount. while he starts to push in more, ghost looks down at you and pulls your jaw open.
he puts his dick into your mouth, and you begin sucking as the other man bottoms out in your pussy. your eyes begin closing from the feeling of soap sliding in and out of you, but ghost pulls on your hair roughly.
“keep your eyes on me.” he says to you, and you look up at him while bobbing your head on his cock. he lets out a small noise, starting to thrust his hips into your mouth.
the sounds and feelings of both men taking you at the same time has your orgasm build up quickly, back arching against the man behind you as tears well up in your eyes.
“fuck, you’re so good to us. isn’t she, ghost?” soap asks from behind you, hands gripping onto your hips and reaching down to smack your ass roughly.
ghost’s hands tangle in your hair as he fucks your face, “she sure is. such a good fucking girl.” his words make your pussy somehow leak even more fluid, moaning around his cock as he begins thrusting harder.
as soap’s movements pick up, he starts rutting into you hard enough to make clapping sounds echo against the walls. “so pretty. so tight…” he mutters, dick hitting a spot that sends you gagging and moaning loudly against the other man.
you can feel your second orgasm tip over, causing your whole body to begin shaking as your pussy clenches tightly on his dick. “fuck…” he says, thrusts becoming sloppier and rougher against your ass.
ghost is still looking at you, and you notice the way his eyes look glazed over and filled with adoration, “gonna cum in your mouth.” he says to you, one of his hands leaving your hair and gently caressing your face.
he lets out the sexiest noise to ever grace your ears as his dick twitches, cum filling up your mouth. you swallow it quickly, the slightest amount of saltiness to it as he slides his cock out of your mouth.
there are tears running down your face that he wipes away, and you finally feel soap’s cum filling your pussy just seconds later. the feeling makes your eyes roll back, a squeak passing your lips as he eventually slides out.
you’re exhausted after that, feeling faint as you twist around and find yourself laying in between the two men. you can feel cum leaking out of your cunt as you rub your thighs together, realizing just how much things have changed now.
you decide to rest your head against ghost’s chest, still naked as soap wraps an arm around your waist. “that was… good.” you say, out of breath as you look between the two men.
“i agree.” ghost says, one of his hands massaging your scalp in the most comforting way possible. you’re starting to grow sleepy from the motion, feeling completely fucked out and satisfied.
“more than just good to me. in fact, i propose that this might become a regular thing.” soap says, pinching your waist as he smiles at you. you reach out a hand and grasp onto his, fingers interlocking as you nod.
“i would love that.” you say sheepishly, closing your eyes and trying not to fall asleep. but you do within minutes, the two men looking at each other knowingly as ghost decides to cover your body up with the blanket.
they both know the others affection for you, unspoken confessions of feeling affectionate for one another too. nothing will be said now, but maybe another day will come along where the three of you can pursue an actual relationship.
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cumulo-stratus · 11 months
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Pairing: spencer reid x male!reader
Summary: after an unsub tries to hurt y/n, spencer steps in.
Warnings: cannon typical violence, talk of not being able to breath, Lemme know if theres anything else!
flufftober day 17: protective
A/N: were gonna ignore the fact that im skipping day 16 (im a touch avoid et autistic and the idea of a massage makes me so uncomfortable and i just couldnt write guys im sorry 😭) also ik i kinda ghosted yall on fics for like a couple weeks buuttttt (haha butt) i just got super busy with school, but its started to calm down again, i got all the presentations and tests out of the way so ill have more time to write after school. thx for being understanding <3!
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Y/n fit the unsubs victims almost to a T- and y/n knew that. He knew that with no other options at this point, he would have to go undercover to bait her. And Spencer knew this- but it didn't mean he was happy about it. Y/n knew Spencer had abandonment issues- and tried his best to comfort Spencer, reminding him that both, and the rest of the team would be waiting close by incase anything happens. 
"Spence- I'll be okay, I'll have Morgan, Rossi, and prentiss in there with me-  and I'm sure we can convince Hotch to let you go undercover in the bar so you can be nearby."
"Good- I need to be there incase something happens." 
Y/n sighed and looked at Spencer- his eyes full of care for his boyfriend, nad gave him one last reassuring kiss before leaving spencer on his own for. a minute and rejoining the team to go over the plan one more time, just to be safe. And to ease spencers mind. 
y/n was sat in front of the bar in the extremely crowded pub, wearing fancy clothes, giving the appearance of wealth. The woman they were trying to catch believed that men didn’t deserve money, and she was punishing them for having it by torturing and killing them. Y/n was hoping they would be able to arrest her before she gets to the torturing part of her routine. He zoned back into the present  when he heard someone approach him. She was dressed in a skin tight red dress that hugged her curves, and had a flirty look on her face. 
"So- what's a man like you doing at such a 'working class' place like this?" 
Her sickeningly sweet tone made y/b want to vomit, but he hid it well, glancing over at Emily who was across the bar, keeping a close eye on the situation. 
"Well, sometimes I don't mind getting my shoes a little dirty with the 'average person'"
Y/ns voice was flirty, causing him to internally cringe at his own words, hating that he sounded like a yuppie. But hid it and let the unsub continue trying to seduce him. 
"Wel I'd be perfectly happy to help you rub a little mud on those jimmy choos if you like..." 
Y/n almost grimaced, but held back. He threw a glance across the bar to spencer, hoping to reassure him that he was okay. And when they met eyes for a second,   y/n could tell that spencer still wasn’t happy about him being there. Y/n did the best he could to reassure him with his eyes from the other end of the bar, before returning to the conversation with the unsub. She was now starting to get hands y with, and y/n knew she had decided he was going to be her next victim. Eventually she invited him to walk her to her car. 
“after all, i’m a petite woman by myself at night…”
All y/n could think about was the major pick me girl energy radiating off her, but outwardly he just smirked and extended his arm for her to take.
“of course, i could never turn a lady like you down.”
And as the pair made their way to the front door, spencer was the first to lift himself from his seat, following discreetly as if he had received a phone, and needed to leave the bar. Almost immediately after the door swung closed she start feeling y/n up, and spencer could feel a green jealousy boiling in the back of his mind. And. he couldnt help himself from walking slightly closer so he could hear what she was saying to his boyfriend. 
“you know- i dont know if its safe for me to drive, maybe you should drive me back to your place, and we could continue this…”
Y/n smirks, which makes spencer even more jealous, but hold holds back for the good of the case. As the pair approach the unsubs car, she pushes him against the car, kissing him- no, actually it was more like she was eating his face. Now it wasn’t only jealousy coursing through him, but also anger. Not anger like the bright red, passionate, kind, more like a dark maroon simmering in the pit of his stomach, ready to boil over kind. But a warning glance from Rossi and Morgan, who had now joined him in the parking lot while Prentiss updated Hotch, told him to back off. And he did, but he wasn’t sure how long he could hold himself back. Now y/n wasnt enjoying it either, but he just closed his eyes and sucked it up, practically counting the seconds till it would be appropriate to stop kissing having his face eaten, and get in the car. But y/n lost count of the where he was when he felt a hand grasp his neck. He knew later that this is how she had been subduing her victims, as they would already be out of breath from making out with her, and she would have the upper hand. But y/n couldn’t possibly process that. The only words that had been going through his mind as his entire life flashed in front of him were ‘Air. Need air.’ 
And thankfully his wishes were granted when the feeling of hands around his neck vanished, and over the sound of blood rushing in his ears he could hear shouts resembling “FBI Amy Brockett your under the arrest for the murders of James leason, Christian Lanery, and Gregory Poultan!” 
But what grabbed his attention more was when a blurry face with the outline of a mop of brown, curly hair filled his vision- it was spencer. And he himself was now on the ground, coughing. 
As soon as spencer had seen the woman’s hand wrap around y/n’s neck, he bolted across the semi large parking lot with his gun raised. When he arrived he pulled the unsub off y/n with more strength then he knew he had, and threw her onto the ground, looking her dead in the eyes and saying “You ever touch him again, i wont hesitate to shoot you” in a low, almost growl. But what stopped him from turning and tending to his boyfriend who was now crumpled on the pavement, coughing to regain his breath, was a scoff from the woman who was now being handcuffed and read her rights by Morgan. But spencer didn’t care enough about the unsub to send more than a dirty look her way before turning his attention to his boyfriend at the sound of another violent cough. Spencer knelt down, taking y/n’s face in his hand, while the other one dragged lazily up and down  his back, coaching him through the coughing fit. And it was only then that spencer noticed the tears staining y/n’s cheeks.
“Oh angel its ok, im here, you’re ok.”
Y/n released a small hiccup, falling easily into spencers arms. Spencers eyes searched his boyfriends body for any other injuries other then the marks on his neck that were already becoming a maroon-ish purple hue. spencers eyebrows were creased in concern at the marks on his partners necks and when y/n noticed this he tried to reassure him.
“spence- baby im fine, i just needed to catch my breath..” 
even though y/n’s breathing he evened out it was still sounding a little weezy as harshly tried to rub away the tears in his eyes. spencer caught y/n’s in his own, preventing the harsh red skin y/n was leaving behind from rubbing his skin so strongly.
“angel, come on lets go have a paramedic check you out..”
spencer helped y/n up, and only then did he notice how many police cars and ambulances had filled the parking lot with screaming sirens and blaring lights. The couples faces were basked in blue and red light as spencer lead y/n to a paramedic to get checked out. And as y/n sat there, the paramedic poking and prodding- spencer stayed planted next to him, hand in his. 
The End
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daisygirlwrites · 2 years
Could you be able to do a headcanon of a video game night with the 141, I keep thinking about that headcanon in the third part of the ghost headcanon
Game Night Headcanons (Task Force 141 + afab!Reader)
note: König and Horangi appear, no use of (Y/N)
a/n: hey hey, this was really fun to write and there might be a second part to this. also this is a little shorter than normal, sorry about that. anyways, thank you all so much for reading!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @itsscromp , @dilfsaremyfavourite, @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444
gif credit: @pedrokkstuff
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The typical 141 game night, more often than not, leads to a fist fight at some point
As well as name calling, accusations, threats and sometimes, crying. Last part is done by Crash most times
It wasn’t like this before. Game night was more relaxed. There was usually multiple systems and even board games going at once
That is until Soap suggested Mario Kart. He was whining on about how he wanted the group to play together, even for one round
You and the others give into his insistent whining. However, Price used his ‘old man’ card to get out of playing and agreed to watch from the sidelines.
It took a while to convince Ghost to join, Soap literally begging on his hands and knees. But it was you that ultimately got him to play, by taunting him. There is still a rivalry going on between you two though it’s become friendly in recent times. 
Your taunting worked, calling him an old man to his face and that he’s probably embarrassed to play because it’s the one thing he’s bad at. The thing that pissed him off most was you told him that he’s a ‘has-been’ 
He stares at you as you give him a smug grin back. Ghost opens his hand towards Soap, not breaking eye contact with you, he says one word, “Controller.” Johnny lets out a little “whoo!” and places a switch controller onto his hand
Ghost would either main Shy Guy, Dry Bones or Dry Bowser for obvious reasons
Soap plays Bowser or Bowser Jr. He mentions something about having a similar hairstyle as them. (Bonus points if he’s matching with Ghost)
Gaz plays as Toad because the little screams Toad makes is low key funny
Crash usually plays as Isabelle but whenever Ghost joins, she switches to King Boo
First game, Crash wins with Ghost coming close at second place. Lowkey, Crash got real nervous during the last lap since Ghost was in the lead but with the magic called button smashing, she kept blue-shelling him.
Second game, Ghost absolutely demolished everyone, paying close attention to you. 
You, being a sore loser, calls him out for cheating and demand a rematch
To everyone’s surprise, he does. And round after round, he beats everyone
Gaz was speechless, Soap looks at the Lieutenant with awe and it took everything in you to not bitch slap Ghost
The little argument becomes a little bit too intense which turns into a yelling match
Crash : “Bitch do you want me to jump across this table because I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR THIS, OKAY?!” Ghost, with a shit eating grin under his mask : “You feeling froggy? Leap.” Crash, rolling up her sleeves : “Okay, well here I come."
Price, who was napping on the lazy chair while they played, woke up to a scuffle. Lifting up his hat, he takes in the scene in front of him:
You were very animated, talking with your hands as you argue with the Lieutenant. Ghost has his hands on his hips, back straightened as he looks down at you.
Soap was in-between you and Ghost, hand on the latter's chest and the other on your shoulder, keeping distance from each other. He looked a little nervous, being literally in the middle of Ghost and essentially, a mini Ghost. "Hey, let's talk this out first, no need for fightin'!"
Gaz had a hand on your other shoulder, trying to pull you away. He would lift you up, and he can, but he doesn't want to get his ass beat by someone who's five foot four
Price, after watching them for a couple minutes, finally steps in.
Had to use the 'dad voice' on everyone
That weeks game night ends there
The next one though, basically the same thing happens. Only difference is that you guys were playing Super Smash Bros.
Ghost would either play Dark Samus, Sheik, Cloud or Snake
Soap plays Bowser, Roy or Ryu
Gaz usually plays as Lucario or Ness, but sometimes switches to Marth
Crash mains Kirby, however she does have a soft spot for all of the cute game mascots (especially Pikachu)
Same thing happens, Ghost beats everyone and you start an argument because "No one his age knows how to play."
"For God's sake, Crash, I'm twenty-nine!" "Pretty fuckin' old to me." "We're six years apart, Tiny."
You low key hated that nickname. It was a reminder to you that everyone else was six foot and taller.
With no hesitation, you jump towards him
Thankfully, this time Price is awake and grabs you just in time
He holds you back as you shout "These hands are rated E for Everyone"
After that, game night was cancelled for a while, for oblivious reasons
That is until the KorTac team joins them. Game night is brought back since it's good for 'team bonding'
It's mostly König and Horangi that hangs out with them, with Hutch occasionally coming by
All of them are really good at Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.
It was kind of embarrassing for the 141 to get beat against the new guys
Everyone was nice at first but as game nights continue, König lets out a snide comment
"Thought you guys are the best of the best. Guess you're not good at everything."
As much as you liked König, you were not gonna let that slide. Same with Ghost
Both of you form a truce and team up together
As you were on the field, both of you are a deadly combination
Unsurprisingly, you win. But learning from previous mistakes, you behave yourself.
König and Horangi lose gracefully, telling you "GG" and even apologizing for the comment he made earlier
Price gives a sigh of relief, not wanting to break up a fight, especially since one of them is almost seven feet tall
Other games the team plays:
Halo (specifically the first three). Ghost doesn't say but he low key relates to Master Chief. Soap likes it because there's a pretty lady that talks to him
Mario Party. Price has to supervise
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Everyone is surprisingly chill when they play those two. Just something about Super Smash Bros that gets they hyped up
Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator. It's mostly you and Gaz playing. Funny games that makes you forget about the world for a few hours
The team also plays card and board games as well but that's for another time
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kookygranger · 6 months
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Let Touches Shake
Ghost!Steve Harrington x Witch!Reader
Series Masterlist
800 words
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“They’re really good don’t you think?”
His voice is clearer than any above the cacophony of instruments coming from further in the venue. You look up from writing in your notebook, the bass guitar buzzing through the walls and against your spine, although that tingly feeling could be caused by the smile he’s giving you as he leans against the opposite wall in the narrow corridor.
People offer you a smile or short greeting as they pass on their way to the bathrooms, paying him no attention.
He's not used to it, not being seen. But it seems this friendly ghost was only visible to witches and gifted seers. And if he was being honest with himself, he’s too damn focused on the one before him to pay any mind to the way eyes look right through him.  
“You’re getting really good at this haunting thing. Couldn’t let me have the night off?” You mutter as he comes to stand next to you, grinning at the twitch of your mouth upon his appearance and the hair standing at attention on your arms as he brushes ever so slightly against you.
He can’t help himself, leaning into you and causing that zap that makes you flinch. You frown as you shift away from him. He still wasn’t able to touch you for more than a moment without his translucency returning but it hadn’t stopped him from trying. Secretly hoping that one day he’d be able to hold you.
“What if you need protecting?”
You huff, looking right at him as you converse in the currently empty hallway. “And how would you do that exactly?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. Go all spooky on their ass.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your chest, shaking your head in a fluster as his face lights up. You finish jotting down your thoughts in your notebook before tucking it away into your bag.
“You wanna stay for the rest of the gig then?”
He nods, “Yeah. I like them.”
“Okay.” You push off from the wall, feeling that familiar tingle as he follows you, a space somehow always free for him next to your body even when people come up to greet you and talk about the music, inexplicably unbothered about slipping into the empty space beside you.
He sits next to you later in the night during your train journey home. Walking around your space as you type up some of your thoughts, talking to you as you brew some tea to bring with you to bed. When you say good night to him, he disappears from your sight but still lingers in a warm presence, on another plane of existence but never too far.
You know at some point the next morning he’ll pop up. Usually, at exactly the right time to startle you, which seems to be one of his favourite things to do.
You think it’s a sick pleasure he indulges in watching you get a fright, but for him it’s the way you fluster at his attention, the shyness that takes over you when you realise he’s come back again and again. The way you tuck your chin and avoid his stare that would make his breath stutter if he could breathe. Sometimes he swears that it does. You just have that effect on him. The more time he spends with you the more he feels alive again; the more he feels.
For weeks he seems content in keeping up with your routine. His presence now worryingly familiar to you as you go about your life with your new ghost friend.
One night, you’re not really feeling the music, about to turn to Steve and ask him if he wants to leave when you notice him staring across the crowded room. You catch his line of sight falling on a young girl around his age, her blonde hair cropped and wavy, freckles dotting her cheeks that lift in laughter. She’s deep in conversation with another girl who’s wrapped her arm around her back.
Steve has a sad smile on his face when you turn back to him.
“What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head, eyes still on the girl, “Just saw someone I know.” He tries to shrug it off but there’s an aura of deep pain radiating off him and he’s pliant when you suggest leaving.
He’s quiet on the journey home, and you sit there silently mourning the loss of his smile. You’ve always felt deeply, an empathic witch since birth. But Steve’s emotions seem to take extra energy away from you.
You can’t stand the silence anymore, reaching over to squeeze his arm in reassurance. You don’t flinch away from the zap this time and your hand settles softly on his bicep, never falling through him. Steve looks down, snapped back to attention as he feels warmth for the first time in what feels like an eternity.
He looks up at you, a tear escaping onto his cheek which you brush off with ease. Your breath hitches when a smile finally finds its way on his face.
You offer him one in return, nodding at his questioning look.
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perfinn · 9 months
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make my wish come true
simon 'ghost' riley x reader (sort of)
wc: 1.9k
summary: you're not certain simon is going to make it home in time for christmas, but a surprise shows up at your door
cw: NSFW, please be aware that while this is x reader, the reader is isa so she has a name and a few descriptions. it doesnt change the fic much, but if this doesn't vibe with u feel free to keep scrolling and dont complain to me about it. anyway, they have sex
this fic is my secret santa (organised by my love @bunnyreaper ) gift for the very lovely isa @alwaysshallow 💛 i hope you love it!!
read on ao3, divider by saradika
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A really rational part of you knows that it isn’t easy for Simon to get leave over the holidays. War and terror doesn’t stop for the sake of Christmas, and your boyfriend's work won't stop for your sake, though sometimes the both of you wish it would. 
Still, he’s promised you that if he can't make it home, he’ll find time for a facetime, or at the very least a phone call. It’s never quite the same as having him there with you, but you tell yourself it’s better than nothing. If he can't find the time, he’ll force it. Nothing’s gonna keep him from his girl, especially if he can't be right beside you. It's just that… he hasn't responded to any of your texts in the last few hours. 
Realistically, it shouldn't worry you. Simon goes out of range all the time, and he can't always warn you. But he does tell you when he’s heading out for missions, whenever he’s able. Sometimes it's classified, but rarely are they so classified he can't tell you it's happening at all. Especially over Christmas. 
You chew anxiously on a hangnail as you stare at the unopened message you last sent him. It hasn't even been delivered, infact. He must be really out of range if it hasn't even gone through. Simon always demands you not worry about him, and you try, but you think the season is probably making it harder. All the festive traditions you liked to do with him had been done alone. Decorating the tree and the house, wrapping the presents– which you preferred to do with him since his military precision made him the perfect gift wrapper – all had been done without him by your side. He’d want you not to mope, but he’s not exactly here to stop you. 
A knock at the door startles you from your silent lamentations, and you bite back a groan. Carollers? At this hour? Do they seriously have nothing better to do than bother you while you’re mourning for the fact you'll be spending Christmas without your boyfriend?
You lift yourself from the sofa and grab the spray bottle you’d prepared for this exact situation. You storm toward the door with the intent to give them an unwitting shower and a verbal ass-whooping, opening the door and not giving them a second to start singing. 
“It’s almost 11 at night! Do you seriously have nothing better–”
“–to do than bother me?!”
“I’ll spray you- don't think I won’t–” You cut yourself off when you finally lower the spray bottle and catch sight of who it is at your door. 
Christ, it's not carollers. It's him.
“Simon?” You say, taking him in like he might be some sort of sad hallucination you’ve made for yourself. But no, he doesn't disappear when you blink, and he really is wearing that ridiculous santa hat over his balaclava. You don't waste another second staring at him before you're throwing yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him. 
He envelops you in his arms, tucking his face in your neck as he holds you just as tightly as you hold him. 
“Sorry I wasn't responding to your messages, love,” he mumbles, inhaling deeply like he’s trying to memorise your scent. “No service on the plane.”
You dare to pull away and look up at him, giving him the opportunity to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. His eyes crinkle with a smile, and the lines only deepen when your gaze travels up to the santa hat on his head. 
“Johnny’s idea,” he says before you can ask. “It’s bloody ridiculous.”
“And yet you’re wearing it,” you say with a fond smile, reaching up to play with the little white pompom on the end. You take his hands and drag him inside, needing to take your reunion inside where it’s warm and private, without the prying eyes of your incurably nosy neighbours.
He closes the door behind himself, reaching up to take the hat off. “He thought you’d find it funny. Very convincing.”
You take the hat from him as he tugs off the balaclava. You’ve found he’s more comfortable with it off, but only around you. He never wants to be Ghost here. Just Simon.
(Except for the times you ask Ghost to fuck you, but those aren’t on his mind right now, or on yours. You only want Simon, and Simon only wants you.)
Once the balaclava is off and Simon is leaning down to kiss, you put the hat back on. He falters, a confused smile tugging at his lips. “You want it on?”
You hum your affirmation, kissing him softly before tugging him toward the couch. “Johnny didn’t suggest mistletoe?”
“He did,” Simon says, sitting down and pulling you into his lap. “Told him I won’t be needing it.”
You grin, laughing softly as you press your lips to his. Simon adjusts you in his lap, warm hands settling on your hips. Sometimes, with Simon, it's hard and fast. Full of heated passion and desperation. But on these days, when he gets home from what can sometimes be months of deployment, it's like this. 
Soft, and loving, and slow enough that the both of you can feel every moment of it. One of Simon’s hands trails up your back, tangling itself in the hair at the nape of your neck and urging you closer, deeper, so that he can ease his tongue into your mouth. You part your lips with little prompting, knowing him and his body perfectly by now, knowing what he wants without a word spoken.
He keeps his hand firmly on your nape as he lays you down, refusing to part from your lips until he begins to trail his kisses downward, across your jaw and to the column of your neck. 
“You really want me to keep the hat on?”
You suppress a giggle, already shimmying out of your festive themed sweats for him. “Yes,” you say. “Least I deserve after being made to think I’d be spending Christmas alone.”
Simon snorts, trailing his nose down the fabric of your sweater before adjusting himself so he’s situated between your thighs, legs over his shoulders. You’ve truly got him wrapped around your finger– to have Lieutenant Simon Riley be willing to do stupid shit for you, like wear a santa hat while he fucks you, isn't something many people can say they have. Or any people. 
Simon tugs off your panties, trailing kisses down your inner thighs and taking you in. 
“Missed you so fuckin’ much, love,” he murmurs, pressing his tongue to your pussy and licking a long, languid stripe over it. Your mouth drops open with the feeling, your eyes slipping shut before you force them back open– you don't want to miss a second of taking Simon in. God knows how long he’ll be gone the next time. 
(You’re lying to yourself if you think you’ll have any control over your body once Simon has you coming on his tongue.)
He turns his attention right to your clit, lapping at it and scraping his teeth gently over it. Every bit of it has you shivering and arching, struggling to keep your eyes on him with every passing second. 
Simon, however, is making no attempts to take in the sight of you. He’s lost in the taste of your pussy, and it's evident how much he missed you by how deeply he worships you. He dips down to lap at your entrance, his nose bumping against your clit as he pushes into you, a soft groan rumbling against you. 
It's clear how very much you’ve missed him by how you’re squirming, and how you barely have a second to feel your release creeping up on you. Your eyes squeeze shut as you gasp, coming on his tongue like it was punched out of you. Simon groans again, lapping at you until your body un-tenses, leaving you staring up at the ceiling. You feel his mouth leave your pussy with a soft kiss before his face appears in your vision, looking all too smug. 
“Miss me, did you?” He teases, pressing a heated kiss to your mouth. You can taste yourself on his tongue, making you moan softly. 
“Shut up,” you murmur against his lips. “Course I did.” 
He chuckles, pressing a contrastingly chaste kiss to the corner of your lips. “Perfect girl. Okay to keep going?”
You hum your affirmation. Though you’re a bit sensitive still, you don't think you can go another second without the heavy weight of Simon’s cock inside you. He smiles – god, he looks beautiful in the dim light of the tree – and pulls away from your lips, one hand trailing up your body to shove your sweater up over your tits while the other undoes his pants. 
You catch the glint in his eyes when he realises you hadn't been wearing a bra, but you don't have a moment to appreciate it before you feel his tip pressing into you. You exhale in a deep moan as he splits you slowly on his cock, your body still accustomed to taking his size even as long as you’ve been apart. 
Simon leans down again, pressing his forehead to yours as he buries himself to the hilt, a slow exhale fanning over your face. “Perfect girl,” he says again, voice a strained murmur. You can tell he’s holding back, letting you adjust– but you can't wait any longer. 
“Simon, c’mon,” you urge, admittedly sounding pathetic in your desperation. Simon only chuckles, and obliges you. 
To be fucked by him again is a dream, the slow and appreciative stroke of his cock inside you better than any holiday gift you’ve ever gotten. He fills you so perfectly, so fully, like the two of you were made for one another. 
The hat falls off. It goes tumbling to the floor, and you don't have the sense to care. Your brain is just as full of Simon as your body is. The two of you are so lost in one another as he fucks into you, nothing seems to exist outside of you. 
He curses, elbows planted beside your head. “Missed this pussy,” he mumbled. “Thought of her every day.”
Your cheeks warm as he grows a bit faster, more erratic– but Simon has nothing if not self control. So he holds back on his own release, instead reaching down to toy with your clit. You moan, breath pulled from your lungs as your oversensitive nerves bring you right to the edge of another orgasm. 
Simon draws it out of you nice and slow this time, though, so you feel it wash over you in slow waves, rather than it hitting you like a tonne of bricks. He presses wet kisses to your throat as he does, his breath faltering at the feeling of your cunt fluttering around his cock. 
He fucks you through it, and only when you fall still and get a bit whiney from the overstimulation does he come himself. He groans low and heavy, burying himself in you and pressing his body close to yours. He spills inside you, catching your lips in an admittedly sloppy kiss. When he finally stops coming– christ, did he not come his entire deployment? – he settles himself on top of you, cock softening inside of you. 
You both pants, bask in one another. Your hand finds Simon’s cropped hair, fingers carding through it as his hands find your dark strands. 
“How long are you home for?” You ask, hoping you haven't ruined the mood with the question. 
“Until January,” he tells you, and you smile. You press a kiss to his hair, sighing in content and letting your eyes wander to the twinkling tree in the corner. 
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
Kinktober Day 31 - Breathplay
Summary: There’s a man that visits you sometimes in your dreams. It’s always strange, feeling more real than it should. Who are you to complain, though, when he takes you to places you’ve never been before? 
Pairing: Hunter x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, monster AU, incubus!Hunter, dream sex, breathplay, choking, almost strangulation briefly, unprotected sex, kind of dubious consent since reader thinks it’s a dream but she is still a willing participant, fear play (a little bit I mean, reader is getting choked)
A/N: So here we are. 31 days of kinky smut and absolute filth. Did you survive? I barely did. I want to thank everyone who read my depraved filth and especially those of you who kept coming back for more. It's the first time I've made it through all 31 days ever so I'm a little proud if I do say so myself. This has been fun, but I'm definitely taking a little break now because my brain is tired.
This fic was inspired by “Devil by the Window” by TXT. 
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(GIF found on Google)
It’s happening again. The dreams always feel so real. Your room always looks the same as it does when you’re awake, nothing out of place, nothing strange about it. You know you’re dreaming because your body moves without you even realizing it, without you even thinking about it. 
I met the devil by the window
Traded my life
Temptation touched my tongue
Spread the wings of desire
He's whispering
"Give up, don't you put up a fight"
Said the devil by the window
"Dream on, dream on, good night!"
You can feel it, the pull towards your window, the desire to open it. You’re moving across your room before you even realize, hands reaching for the locks. You’re sliding it open, cool air biting at your skin. Something brushes past you, rusting your curtains and your pajamas. It's cold against your skin, goosebumps forming as an icy chill runs down your spine. Chilled fingers wrap around your bare arms, a solid form pressing against your back. 
“Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You’re splayed out on your back in bed, the window closed. The end of your bed dips and you turn your gaze slowly to find a familiar tattooed face staring at you. It’s the man that visits you often in your dreams. They always feel different, more real when he shows up, like you’re stuck somewhere between being asleep and awake. You’re starting to think that’s what’s happening, since you always feel drained and exhausted when you wake in the morning. Your body always feels heavy and your mind scrambled, almost like you didn’t sleep at all the night before. 
You can’t complain though, not when you know what’s coming. 
The man crawls further up the bed, moving like a predator hunting its prey. You’re very much the prey, unable to even move as he crawls up your body until you’re face to face. He’s a handsome man, long dark hair half pulled back from his face, the left side of which is tattooed like a skull. You know the skeletal pattern continues down the left side of his body, all the way to his toes.
His handsome face pulls into a grin as he stares down at you, that strange buzzing feeling starting to thrum under your skin. You stare into his dark eyes, almost black in the low light from your lamp on your desk across the room. 
“Hello again, sweetheart.” He says, voice low and deep. “I’ve missed you.” 
“You’ve been gone for a while.” The words float from your mouth, your voice light and airy, almost not sounding like your own. 
“I was...taking care of some things.” He says, shifting his weight to lift a hand to your cheek. His touch is warm and real. You can feel the calluses on his fingers, the weight of his touch as he drags his fingers across your skin. “But I’m here now. Did you miss me?” 
“Yes.” You nod, lips brushing his fingers as they ghost over your lips. 
“I knew you would.” He leans down closely, so close you can smell his intoxicating aftershave, and the slight scent of smoke that always seems to linger around him. You always swear you can still smell a hint of it when you wake up. “I’m going to take care of you.” 
His hand grips your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks as he leans down, brushing his lips against yours. You try to push yourself up closer to him but you can’t move, still pinned to the bed under him. His teeth drag across your bottom lip, scraping against the sensitive skin. He tugs on your jaw, forcing your mouth open before he kisses you, slipping his tongue into your mouth. He tastes like smoke and expensive liquor, a fire igniting in your body, traveling straight between your legs. 
Your thighs clench as heat begins to bloom between them, your thin underwear starting to dampen. Whatever force had been keeping you pinned to the bed suddenly releases you, letting you move. You wrap your arms around his body, hands trailing the expensive dress shirt he’s wearing. He’s always dressed well, expensive and well tailored. 
You do love a man in a suit. 
His lips trail down your neck, hand tilting your head for him to give him more room. Your panties continue to dampen as he licks and sucks on all the right spots, knowing exactly how to get the biggest reaction out of you. He’s always known, even the first time he appeared. Though, you suppose a figure made up by your mind in your dreams would know all the right things to do. 
You can feel him, hard and bulging against your thigh as he presses his body into yours. You slip your hands around to his front, fingers fumbling as you begin undoing the buttons of his shirt. You want to feel his skin against yours. He smirks against your neck, pressing an open mouthed kiss to your skin before he sits up, pulling his shirt off. He’s so perfect, wide shoulders tapering down to a slim waist. His thick, strong thighs bulge under the fabric of his pants, almost as much as his cock does. There’s a thin silver chain around his neck, some sort of coin hanging off of it. You’ve never been able to make out what kind of coin it is, that part of your dream always a bit hazy. 
You pull your own shirt off, tossing it over the edge of your bed. You no longer feel shy baring yourself to him. He is just a dream after all. His hands slide up your sides, the rough pads of his fingers dragging against your skin. He cups your breasts, squeezing them gently. You stare up at his face as he focuses on your breasts, thumbs flicking your nipples. Your lips part in a quiet gasp as he rubs the sensitive nubs, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk as your panties continue to dampen with his teasing touches. 
He slides his hands off your breasts, pressing them into the bed on either side of you. You stare up at him as he hovers over you, his necklace dangling between you. You still can’t make out what it is, your dream blurring whatever is printed on it. 
“I thought we’d try something new this time.” He says, drawing your attention to his face. “Something that will be pleasurable for us both.” 
“What is it?” You ask, your heart thumping in your chest. 
He grins, trailing his fingers down your throat. “You’ll see.” 
His fingers trail down your sternum to your stomach, goosebumps forming on your skin as his light touch tickles you. You try not to squirm as he trails his fingers to the waistband of your pajama pants, slipping them under the band. He tugs them down quickly and easily, tossing them off the end of the bed. Your legs part for him automatically, revealing the damp spot on your underwear. He hums in approval, his hand slipping between your legs to cup your sex through your underwear. 
His touch is hot, fingers pressing into your folds as he rubs you, quiet breathy moans slipping from your lips. He tugs your panties to the side, dragging a finger through your slick folds. You moan as his finger flicks across your clit, thighs clenching as pleasure thrums through you. 
“So sensitive.” He remarks, teasingly circling your clit with his finger. 
You whine, toes curling as he continues to tease your clit. You could cum just like this, his touch intoxicating and driving more and more pleasure through your body. It’s almost as if he has some magic power, some ability to ramp your body up with just a single touch. Though you suppose anything is possible in your dreams. 
You yelp as he delivers a sharp slap to your pussy, the sensitive skin throbbing. 
He drags your underwear down your legs with a chuckle. “Always so responsive.” He says, tossing your underwear onto the floor. “That’s why you’re my favorite.” 
You don’t think much about his words as he undoes the button on his pants, standing off your bed to tug them down his thighs. You watch as his cock is revealed, hard and leaking. Your thighs clench together at the thought of taking him, always a perfect fit, always able to reach spots inside you, you can only dream of. 
He truly is your dream man. 
He crawls back onto the bed, grinning at you as he parts your thighs, slipping between them. You stare up at him, getting lost in his eyes as the buzzing feeling starts pulsing under your skin once more. You feel dizzy and drunk with lust as he drags his cock through your folds, desperate and needy to get him inside you. 
“Please.” You whimper, trying to shift your hips for him. “Please, I need you inside me.” 
He grins wickedly. “Your wish is my command.” 
The broad head of his cock presses into you, burning a bit as he stretches you open. The pain quickly morphs into pleasure as he sinks into you, your body opening for him like it was made for him. Or, perhaps he was made for you. 
His hands slide down your thighs as he seats himself inside you, hips pressed against yours. You feel so full, your entire body burning as you stare up at him. His hands close around your hips, using your body as leverage as he begins to move. He withdraws his cock from you, almost to the tip before he sinks back in until his hips are flush with yours again. 
He begins to pick up the pace, his thrusts becoming shallower as he builds up speed. He leans his body over you, hands pressing into the bed on either side of your head. His thumb presses against your lower lip as your lips part in a moan. His hand drags down your face to your throat, his fingers closing around your neck. Fear and excitement thrum through you as he begins to squeeze, your breath hitching at the sudden pressure. 
Your heart is thrumming in your chest as you stare up at him, his thrusts shaking the bed as he drives his hips into yours. You gasp for breath as he tightens his hold on your throat, air still filling your lungs, but you can feel the constriction in your breaths. Fear continues to thrum below the surface of the pleasure. There’s nothing malicious in his eyes, his gaze pointed and focused. You can’t really die, though, can you? 
After all, this is just a dream. 
He keeps his hand where it is, keeping your breathing restricted as he continues to fuck you. The pleasure continues to build despite the lightheadedness settling in, the fear almost driving the pleasure even further. Weak, squeaky moans slip around around his hand as he relaxes his fingers just slightly, your eyes fluttering as more oxygen floods your brain. Your pussy clenches around him, the feeling almost beyond pleasurable. 
He tightens his grip on your neck once more, cutting off more air. You’re gasping around his hand, the sudden shock of fear slicing through your nervous system as he chokes you. Your hands wrap around his wrist, trying to get him to ease up but he doesn’t move. You writhe under him, your blood pumping in your ears as you suddenly find you can’t breathe at all. 
You flail as he continues to fuck you, eyes pulsing and ears thrumming as pressure fills your head, your airway cut off completely by his hand. You’ve begun to panic, instinct setting in as your body tries to find a way to get any precious oxygen. Your ears are ringing, eyes feeling like they may pop right out of your skull as you fight for breath against the hand constricting your throat. Black spots begin to dance in your vision, the pressure almost too much as you feel unconsciousness beginning to seep in. 
And for just a moment, hardly more than a second you see it. Not a man atop you, but some horrible nightmare with black skin and red eyes and horns. There’s a chain around its neck, like ones you’ve seen people use on large dogs. Gone is the handsome man you’ve come to know and instead some creature has taken his place. Its skin feels rough and leathery as you try to pull his hand away, blunt claws digging into your skin at the back of your neck. Something whips in the air behind it as you struggle, a long tail with a pointed end. 
Suddenly air fills your lungs, your back arching as oxygen floods your brain. Pleasure washes through you as your vision goes dark, your entire body shaking with your release, and the sudden rush of precious air into your lungs and your brain. 
He’s hovering over you, not the creature but the handsome man once again. His hand is stroking your cheek as you pant and cough, chest brushing his from how close he is to you. Your throat feels raw and sore, and you can’t help but wonder if you’re bruised. 
“There she is.” He grins at you, brushing a hand over your sweaty forehead. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Always so good for me. Always so sweet” His tongue darts out, licking the sweat from your top lip. “I’ll see you again soon, sweetheart.” 
You’re dizzy and lightheaded, pussy still fluttering as your eyes slip closed, exhaustion settling in as the room around you fades into nothing once more. 
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High, I feel my body drifting into the sky
I won't come down, come down, come down
I'll fly
Weightless, without a worry into the night
He said, "Dream on, dream on, dream on"
Ragu list:
@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k
@clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @sinfulsalutations @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @lickylickylicky @sweetheartsnips @commanderblood @crosshairlovebot @ghostperson69 @jediknightjana @jedi-hawkins @dalu-grantkylo @hellhound5925
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TokRev Boys as (songs about) Cheaters (again)
but lil drabbles this time! (<400 words each) for multiple characters bc i haven't written anything in a whole ass while p suggestive at points and obviously lots of infidelity.
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Follow me;; You're feelin guilty and I'm well aware; But you don't look ashamed and baby I'm not scared
“Baby,” his voice cooed into your ear, “hey, look at me.” You dug your face deeper in your lover’s neck to catch your breath from exertion taking advantage of your position on top of the man to dodge his eyes. You were sure that, given your history, when he felt the heat of your cheeks burn his neck he’d understand. And he did. He knew the weight of the rings nestled on your left hand were heavy with guilt. He knew you weren’t proud of how often you found yourself under him or in this case on top of him knowing your husband would be home in just two hours, hungry for the dinner you didn’t even care to start yet. But he also knew that when he was fucking you, you never looked so happy. He knew that you’d met your match with him, that your husband could never compare to him sexually. He knew you wanted, no needed, this arrangement even more than he did. “Come on angel, talk to me.” The dulcet tone he spoke in washed over you and with a sigh, you spoke slowly against the junction of his shoulder.
“You know already, s’just not right. I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”
He hummed at that and lifted your hips to slide himself from your warmth, “What’s not right is him having someone like you and not giving her what she needs.” He countered shaper than he meant to. Falling back into his routine of soothing your conscience, he softened, “I know you feel guilty,” he coaxed your head from his neck and brush some hair behind your ear, “but don’t deny yourself this tiny bit of happiness,” big hands cup your face and pull your foreheads together, “because he doesn’t know. He won’t know. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt any of us. And baby,” he brought his lips to ghost over yours, “I’m not scared of him.”
mikey, baji, RAN
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Lips of an angel;; Well, my girl's in the next room/Sometimes I wish she was you/I guess we never really moved on
“Sweetheart, why’s your boss calling you so late?”
Oh. A half-rehearsed huff of annoyance left his lips as he thumped down the stairs of his shared apartment to pluck his vibrating phone from his girlfriend’s hand. “Who knows.” He grumbles and excuses himself with a pained smile.
Having safely absconded to his office, he picks up the phone, “Hey, it’s late, what’s up, angel?” His tone is hardly more than an airy whisper and tinted with concern at the edges. A soft whimper of his name puts him at full alert, but god he’d never get over hearing his name tumble for your lips, “Honey are you crying?” He curses the situation, knowing he can’t realistically leave his place at 10 pm to comfort the ex he’d never fallen out of love with under the pretense of work.  
You let out a whiny noise of disagreement and he snaps into understanding, imagining the way your teeth catch the plush of your lower lip with your hands between your thighs. “Oh, my girl’s needy.” He coos into the receiver, “You know,” his voice drops an octave and listens carefully for signs that his girlfriend was busying herself in the kitchen as he palms at himself, “I dreamt about you last night after you told me yours. Dreamt that you were my girl again. That I could paint that pretty pussy white whenever the fuck I wanted it.”
He never meant for things to go this far when he insisted you two ‘stay friends’ when you broke things off, but fuck if it didn’t feel like the most rewarding gamble of his life every single time he got to hear your adorable pitchy sounds when he made you cum. Even if it was sparsely in person these days.
draken, MITSUYA, kakucho
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Got my number;; If you need someone who can love you while he's gone/Baby, you got my number, got my number
Your fingers hover over your keyboard, inspecting the generic greeting text you’ve typed out for the fourth time and once again find some flaw. Or, maybe it wasn’t a flaw in the text but your conscience telling you to keep you proverbial mouth shut and not reach out to the hot guy you hit it off with at that girls’ night out a week ago. You don’t get to consider the origin of the feeling that keeps you tapping backspace with fervor for long, however, because suddenly you see the green ring around his profile picture in your messaging app. He’s in the chat. He’s seeing you flounder. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You close the app and throw your phone at the other end of the couch. Fuck it. No booty call is worth that shame, especially with the stakes as high as they were with your boyfriend’s uncertain business travel plans. Forget it. It was stupid to take that chance anyw-
Your damned phone rings and you know exactly who it is before you even look. You answer with the most obvious faux unbothered “hello” that has ever been spoken and curse your nerves for betraying you.
“Darling,” his voice drawls and you can hear his fucking smirk, “I may bite, but I don’t judge. Now what was it you were wanting to ask?” He questioned, fully aware of your answer.
“I thought about your offer the other night and thought we could maybe meet in the middle and hang out sinc-“
“Since your bed is empty?”
“-Since I happen to not have plans and could use some entertainment.” You said with a diplomatic and only mildly indignant tone to hide the embarrassment of being seen through.
“If it’ll make you feel better, I can take you to that nice Italian place ya told your friends he’d never agree to go to. You can pretend we’re having a nice proper date before I fuck you senseless. How’s that sound?”
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So that's a thing I did.
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httplvki · 1 year
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haven’t fully written in like months.. and exams are in 1-2 days and instead of studying im writing this lol. so i apologize if this is kinda shit or cringe T_T
ghost x reaper (oc) [CAN be read as reader tho since i don’t describe how she looks like!] she/her prns for reaper
reaper gets shot and ghost works on getting her patched up, but really its just reaper being infatuated and admiring him at the end {FLUFF} (tw// mentions of blood and gun shot wound)
“reaper, how copy?” she starts to hear through her comms
reaper slowly opens her eyes before rapidly blinking, her vision starts to focus normally again.
“reaper, how copy?” the voice on the other end more stern
reaper groans out, feeling a slight pain on the left side of her abdomen.
“ugh, fuck…” she moans before looking down at the injury. it was a gunshot wound, the bullet was still inside. she puts her hand around the wound to cover it before putting her head back in pain.
“jesus.. reap, how copy?” the voice from the comms asked again now more irked.
she sighs before pressing the button of her comms.
“am fine, ghost..” she gives out a hoarse whisper
“thought i lost you there, what's your status?” he asked
“got shot..” she pauses before looking around her surroundings and slowly getting up “in between some buildings, think i lost them” she finishes
“don’t get your hopes up, now let's get your ass to where we’ll be meetin’.”
reaper opens the door to the abandoned house with one arm while the other is still on her bleeding abdomen.
revealing ghost with his hands on his gun pointed in her direction and puts his gun down after confirming it was her.
“thought you were gonna give me another bullet in me” reaper joked weakly before closing the door behind her
ghosts eyes follow her movements before speaking up.
“sit on the couch, i’ll try to get the bullet out” he calmly says before going through his kit
reaper looks in the direction of the couch before dragging herself to it. she lets out a sigh once her body hits the softer surface, her head leaned back and her eyes closed.
“move your hand and lift your shirt..” he softly says making her open her eyes again to meet his tired eyes.
she obliged and removes her hand from her bloody wound, letting out a small wince before lifting the side of her shirt to reveal her bare skin. he gets on one knee to inspect the wound.
“you’re lucky,” he says
“yeah i know..”
god, the atmosphere is too awkward right now.
is all that reapers hazy mind could think of while he runs his hand around the wound and gets to work. reaper looks down at his figure, focused on trying to patch her up.
the dark lighting made him look like more of the grim reaper unlike reaper herself. her eyes wander to his skull-shaped mask then to his eyes. so tired and dark, looks like he’s been through hell and back. a mysterious man he really is, but so intriguing at the same time.
fuck… i really am falling for him.
she thought while staring at him, not even phased about the pain around her abdomen.
ghost feels her staring
“if you’re gonna say somethin’ just say it,” he says while still focusing on getting the bullet out of her abdomen.
she lets out a weak huff in amusement
“who hurt you, LT?” she lightheartedly asks
the question making him pause before looking up at her face.
“none of your business” he blankly says
a small smile creeps onto her face once he looks up at her. reaper is more hazy than she thinks she is. without thinking she gently reaches her hand out to the side of his masked cheek and placing it there.
so utterly infatuated with the lieutenant without even knowing that she is.
he lets it happen. he lets her rest her hand on his cheek before he sighs.
“fuckin’ hell reap, you know how much of a handful you are sometimes?” he places his hand on top of her hand that rests on his cheek before gently grabbing it and setting her hand down again.
“i know, but you don’t mind all that much do ya?” she grins, admiring his masked face.
“and i hate that i don’t.”
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gurugirl · 2 years
lmao i can see ghost harry using yn to attract dumb man to the house
or even fuck her while some visitors are around
Had a few requests for some ghost!harry smut. Hope all you anons who wanted it see this and it's what you're looking for. Here ya go. Based on my Halloween One Shot
Warning: Smut, ghosts, exhibitionism, implied murder, kind of dark due to content. 1k words
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The young couple peeled a few boards away from the window to climb inside the house. Y/n watched on as they searched through the rooms.
“I think we take them. Let’s have some fun first,” Harry held Y/n close to him as he whispered into her ear.
As ghosts, Harry and Y/n could throw their voices anywhere. They often enjoyed scaring people off the premises with the sounds they could make. Sometimes they’d make cliché ghost sounds, other times it would be blood curdling screams, and once in a while they’d fuck and lure people with the sound of illicit pleasure.
Tonight they were in the mood for keeping the souls of the intruders, to feed the house, to feed the starved souls below. Harry started off by pushing Y/n into their bed and eating her cunt. Her soft moans were heard first by the girl, but she couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from.
“What is that? Can you hear that, Frank?” She looked around the room and saw no one but Frank could also hear it. The sounds of wet pussy being slurped and licked. The moans and gasps of a woman enjoying her lovers mouth.
The pair went deeper into the house, where the darkest parts of the hallway were hidden from the light. The sounds of sex increased in volume.
Harry and Y/n just liked to fuck as much as possible in general, but having some living souls around to hear how good it was only fueled their lust. Once they began to fuck, that's when things got very loud. They made sure that the living couple could hear them no matter what room they were in.
"Get in there. Just like that, Harry... Fuck me..." Harry railed Y/n from behind, slapping his hips into her ass hard and fast. They both moaned and grunted, the bed dipping and bouncing. Y/n had one hand on the headboard to keep herself lifted and her other fingers rolled over her clit as Harry reached deep inside of her, his hands at her hips.
You might think ghosts can't have sex once they don't have bodies, but that isn't the case. Ghosts are probably far hornier than even humans are. Fucking is basically something enjoyable to pass the time away, which they have a lot of.
"Barb, I think they're in the room over here. Oh my god I can't believe there's someone else in here!" Frank said and they quietly laughed, thinking they'd caught another couple who'd snuck into the house like them.
The bed frame scratched and jostled and the sound of Y/n's wet pussy being pounded into was turning Frank on a bit. Her moans and the dirty talk pouring out of the room...
"Want it like this?" Harry began railing her harder like she liked and the sound of his balls smacking into her from his force was loud and unmistakable, "Such a fucking slut for me every fucking day, Y/n. Can't get enough of m'cock can you?"
"Oh... never. Need your cock to stuff me full all the time. Feels so good!" Her words were grunted as she was being jostled forward with each hammer of Harry's hips.
"Wow. They are really going at it," Barb said with wide eyes. She was a little jealous. Frank had never fucked her like that. Plus she knew she heard the sound of the guy in the next room giving his lover cunnilingus just before. Frank rarely offered it freely.
"Yes, baby. Take this big cock deep inside your hole. Fucking so tight and hot. Clenching my dick, come on my cock baby. Let me see you cream all over me," Harry's voice sounded tight and lusty. He was about to bust.
"Yes! Oh god!! Please... I'm coming... I'm coming!" Y/n shouted as her orgasm washed over her body in record time. It always happened fast when others were around to hear it. She loved making people jealous.
Harry pounded into her, fucking her through her orgasm as he gasped and groaned. When he finally released he let out a shout and then nutted inside of his mate, pressing his hips to her bum, his cock throbbing and spurting inside of her.
"Shit. Do you think she really had an orgasm? That was fast," Frank noted.
Barb rolled her eyes. She knew the sound of a woman having an orgasm, and that was the sound of a woman who'd just come hard, "I think so. Sounded really good."
Frank looked down at his girlfriend and gave her a look of question, "Is it turning you on?" He whispered as they neared the room to see if they could get a peek.
Barb smiled and noticed the bulge in Frank's pants, "Kind of," she admitted.
When they looked into the room it was difficult to see anything. It was too dark. They weren't sure if they should alert the lovers of their presence or not.
Suddenly Y/n was stood before the pair, naked, still wet with hard nipples, "Enjoy the show?"
The young couple jumped and backed up. Barb shook her head, "Sorry! We didn't know anyone else was here!"
Harry appeared then next to Barb and grinned. Barb couldn't help to look down at the ghosts big, still-hard and slick cock. Her mouth dropped open. Yeah, that definitely gave an orgasm to the girl he was just fucking.
"It's okay. Would you like to join?" Harry's grin was teasing and devious.
With Y/n pulling at Frank and Harry pulling at Barb, they separated the couple and played out their dark fantasies with the humans until they'd had enough of them, with Y/n forcing Frank down on his knees to lick her clean, and Harry fucking Barb's throat and choking her til she passed out.
When they were done with the bodies they gave them to the spirits living in the basement and laughed about how simple it was to trick the living. Humans can be so dumb and so easy.
Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate any support you can give! Whether a comment, reblog, or buying me a coffee - it’s all appreciated.
Check out my masterlist you enjoyed this 💞
Tags: @0oolookitsme @prettythingsworld @angel-akxo @harrysficreblog @indierockgirrl @daphnesutton @mellie-harry @michellekstyles @ssaama @angelqueen99 @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @dancinsunflowerkiwi @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @anothermannharry
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the-silver-chronicles · 7 months
5 Songs and 3 Outfits
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @nightbloodbix @voidika @onehornedbeast @inafieldofdaisies and @strafethesesinners
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @softtidesworld @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @turbo-virgins @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @minilev @starsandskies @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @dephellseed @derelictheretic @chazz-anova @snake-in-the-garden @cloudofbutterflies92 @florbelles @foofygoldfish @fourlittleseedlings @gaeadene @henbased @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @shallow-gravy @thewanderer-000 @titiagls @trashcatsnark @vampireninjabunnies-blog @shellibisshe @wrathfulrook and @aceghosts + anyone else who wants to join.
RULES: Post 5 songs associated with your OC(s), followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Gathered Silva Omar, Kamski Neon and Ernesto Stallone for this one. Read under the cut:
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Dream -Bishop Briggs
"I wanna break down where your heart gets So torn it's almost breaking mine I wanna lay here, lost and bitter So long, I feel like I could die I wanna tell you what my truth is But it's buried down inside."
Last One Standing - Skylar Grey ft. Polo G, Mozzy, & Eminem
"Now you see me standing in the lights But you never saw my sacrifice Or all the nights I had to struggle to survive Had to lose it all to win the fight I had to fall so many times Now I'm the last one standing."
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
"I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see Take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is fallin' down I know that we'll be safe and sound."
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
"I just wanna know what you're dreaming of When you sleep and smile so comfortable I just wish that I could give you that That love that's perfectly unsad Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June Heat waves been fakin' me out Heat waves been fakin' me out."
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye ft. Kimbra
"Now and then, I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done But I don't wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know."
Note: The women in the images below are not Silva's faceclaim and I unfortunately could not remove them. I had done my best at removing their features but if you notice a difference between the women and Silva's faceclaim, please ignore it and focus on the clothing instead. Thank you for your understanding.
Below is Silva's dress which she pretty much only wears at home, a longer version of the deputy uniform, and her casual clothing (plus that of which she wears during the Reaping). Yeah, she doesn't like to show off a lot of skin.
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Another note: These are not the right colors.
[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Enemy - Imagine Dragons ft. J.I.D
"Oh, the misery Everybody wants to be my enemy Spare the sympathy Everybody wants to be my enemy Look out for yourself!"
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons
"Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes You take me to the top I'm ready for whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes."
Some Nights - Fun.
"Some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck Some nights I call it a draw Some nights I wish that my lips could build a castle Some nights I wish they'd just fall off But I still wake up, I still see your ghost Oh, Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh."
All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA
"Tell me what you gon' do to me Confrontation aint nothing new to me You could bring a bullet Bring a sword Bring a morgue But you can't bring the truth to me Fuck you and all your expectations I don't even want your congratulations I recognize your false confidence and calculated promises All in your conversation I hate people that feel entitled Look at me crazy cause I aint invite you Oh you important? You the moral to the story? You endorsing? Motherfucker I don't even like you Corrupted mans heart with a gift Thats how you find out who you dealing with."
Spirits - The Strumbellas
"I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go I got guns in my head and they won't go Spirits in my head and they won't go But the gun still rattles The gun still rattles, oh."
Kamski's clothing mostly consists of a worn doctors uniform, however he does use a pedestrian disguise with a mask if he's going to do something illegal or a regular casual clothing (in the habit of dressing up for winter and refuses to break habit even in the worst of Summer) when going to do legal groceries.
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[No Faceclaim Acquired Yet]
Bad Feeling - Jagwar Twin
"They say! Everything's perfect here And the sun is shining Hey! Hey! Everything's perfect here There's nobody crying Oompa loompa doompety do I got a bad feeling about you Oompa loompa I don't know, dude I got a bad feeling about you."
Hot Girl Bummer (slowed + reverb) - blackbear
"Fuck you, and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too. I'm through, I'm through, I'm through."
I'm A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe
"They didn't know it when they turned me loose I shot the sheriff and I slipped the noose The law ain't never been a friend of mine I'd kill again to keep from doing time You should never ever trust my kind I'm a wanted man I got blood on my hands Do you understand? I'm a wanted man."
Bad - Royale Deluxe
"I'm bad As bad can be So bad That it's hard to believe Oh what they say about me I'm bad, I'm bad As bad can be I'm bad Take a look and see So bad That it's hard to believe I don't care what they say about me."
Bloodshot - Sam Tinnesz
"I'll take another hit to the backbone I'm picking up the heat Like an atom bomb No time on the clock It's a bloodshot 3, 2, 1 You got me bloodshot Maybe I'm a good guy Standing on the wrong side Maybe I'm a sweetheart Trying to make my own scars Don't know what it looks like Just know what it feels like Scared to let it outside Scared of what I just might find."
Stallone doesn't have that much change in clothing besides two changes in his dark blue Courser Guard/gunslinger uniform and his disguised Chosen clothing (for when he infiltrates Eden's Gate).
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take care - chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Pairing: Joel Miller/Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI)
Word Count: 6,684
Read on AO3
You tilt your head. “For what?”
He follows behind you, shutting the door with a soft click. You turn to face him, the small hallway pressing the two of you closer together.
“For not gettin’ there faster,” he grunts, not meeting your eyes. “For you havin’ to get up to take care of her.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. You know, it’s okay to let someone else take care of things once in a while,” you reply.
He regards you with that intense stare of his, the one that makes you want to confess that sometimes, when you lie awake at night unable to sleep, your hand slips beneath the waist of your shorts to thoughts of him. You press your lips together.
“Maybe…maybe you need to have someone take care of you,” you say.
Additional tags: explicit sexual content, p in v, cunnilingus, blow job, dirty talk, mild angst
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A shrill scream breaks through your subconscious. Your eyes snap open and you’re out of the bed before your brain even comes fully online, rushing across the hall to Ellie’s room.
She’s thrashing in bed, eyes squeezed shut and fists flying, legs trapped in the faded floral top sheet. She lets out another gut wrenching wail that spurs you back into action.
You gently grasp her face in your hands as you start firmly saying, “Ellie, sweetheart, it’s me, I’m here. It’s a dream. Wake up.”
It takes a few repetitions, but her eyes eventually snap open and she goes limp once she realizes it’s you, and not whatever haunts her memories.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she whispers as she buries her head against your stomach.
“No, you don’t gotta be sorry, honey. It’s okay,” you whisper back. You run your fingers through her sweat damp hair, pushing it off her forehead.
You’ve known Joel and Ellie for three weeks, since they’d stumbled upon your cabin in the woods after escaping Silver Lake and that fucking creep of a leader. You’re pretty certain he’s only stayed for so long because you get along with Ellie like a house on fire and he likes seeing her smile.
You and Joel take turns hunting or heading into the ghost town to find rations. Ellie does a pretty good job setting small game traps now, and she’s been a big help with your garden.
Most of the time, Joel pretends you’re not there. Sometimes, when Ellie says something crazy, he’ll give you a look, like a disapproving father who needs the only other adult on his side, even as you’re trying your best not to laugh and encourage her.
Ellie’s breathing evens out as she falls back asleep. When you lift your head, Joel is standing in the doorway, chest heaving with deep breaths.
He steps in the room, eyes trained on Ellie. “She okay?”
“Yeah. Poor thing had another nightmare,” you tell him. You shift slowly, carefully, moving the girl back to her pillow and lifting the sheet back over her.
You tilt your head. “For what?”
He follows behind you, shutting the door with a soft click. You turn to face him, the small hallway pressing the two of you closer together.
“For not gettin’ there faster,” he grunts, not meeting your eyes. “For you havin’ to get up to take care of her.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. You know, it’s okay to let someone else take care of things once in a while,” you reply.
He regards you with that intense stare of his, the one that makes you want to confess that sometimes, when you lie awake at night unable to sleep, your hand slips beneath the waist of your shorts to thoughts of him. You press your lips together.
“Maybe…maybe you need to have someone take care of you,” you say. Oh, god damnit. The impulsive thoughts won. You feel your cheeks burn up from the implication of your words and his eyebrows draw together.
“That’s not a good—“
“Forget it. Forget I said anything. I’m just…gonna go get the coffee started. Yes.” You inch your way past his broad body, shoulder brushing his as you make your escape. “I’ll leave some for you!”
One of the reasons you’ve stayed in the house for so long, instead of venturing out to find other people, is the field of solar panels. They allow you the luxury of using an actual coffee maker instead of the packets of instant bullshit that taste like mud. You set the machine up, watching it slowly drip and brew like it will hold all the answers to your problems.
Ellie pads into the kitchen shortly after the pot fills. She looks at you sheepishly.
“Sorry for waking you up earlier,” she mutters.
“You and Joel have both gotta stop saying sorry for every little thing.” You hand her a half full cup that she dumps a spoonful of sugar into from the cellar on the table. “Don’t let him see you drinking that or he’s gonna complain about me wasting the good caffeine on your youth.”
She laughs and gives you a little salute before heading back to her room. You put your own coffee in a travel cup and go to get dressed so you can check the game traps and feed Millie and Champ, your two horses.
Joel’s nowhere to be found when you head back to the kitchen, dressed in your cold weather gear. The coffee pot is suspiciously less full than it had been when you left, though.
Great. You’ve made it weird.
You grab the coffee thermos and your rifle before heading out into the woods surrounding the farmhouse.
At least you can keep yourself useful and busy.
Joel lays in bed, staring up at the yellowing ceiling as his brain plays an endless loop of your words.
Maybe you need to have someone take care of you.
His immediate reaction was to shut it down. No, he doesn’t need anyone to take care of him. He’s been on his own this long, and will continue to be long after he delivers Ellie to the Fireflies.
But the longer he thinks about it, the more his resolve crumbles. The seed of uncertainty has been growing roots in his brain ever since that little girl risked her life to save his. And when he found her covered in blood and screaming into the cold winter air after what David had tried to do to her, he started to wonder whether he was willing to give her up. He’d failed one daughter already - he doesn’t know if he’ll recover from failing another.
He scrubs a hand over his face. Then there’s you. Another root digging into his brain. When they’d come across your cabin, thinking it was abandoned and wanting to rest for a bit, he wasn’t prepared to have a beautiful woman point a gun at his head when he came through the door. But you’d quickly dropped the weapon seeing the state he and Ellie had been in. You’d offered your home to them - hot showers, clean clothes, warm food, and surprisingly easy companionship that’s making the choice to leave harder with each passing day.
And now…now you’re offering something Joel hasn’t even thought of in years. Beyond some quick work with his hand when the urge is too strong to ignore, Joel hasn’t known that kind of release in…a long time.
Would it be so bad to do something with only himself in mind?
After a few hours of him wallowing with his inner turmoil, he hears the front door bangs shut. He listens as you stomp the snow off your boots before the heavy booted footfalls are replaced with soft socked ones. He can hear Ellie talking to you, followed by a chorus of giggles that makes his chest tighten.
When he enters the kitchen, he sees you standing at the counter, skinning a rabbit with surprising efficiency. Ellie is watching, eyes wide like she can’t look away. You set the hide in a parchment lined bowl to be dealt with later before narrating how to cut the meat from the bones.
“That’s fucking disgusting,” Ellie comments, nose wrinkled.
“Might be, but do you want stew or not?” You huff out, faux annoyance lacing your tone. “Chop the potatoes, then, weakling.”
“Was it from one of my traps?” Ellie asks you as she pulls out another cutting board and grabs the potatoes from their box.
“Sure was, kid. You’re keeping me well fed.”
Ellie’s lips quirk in the tiniest smile, the flicker of pride in her eyes making Joel’s heart squeeze in his chest.
He chooses that moment to make his presence known, entering the kitchen with heavy steps. You look over your shoulder and flash a tentative smile at him before going back to prepping the rabbit.
“Where the hell’ve you been?” Ellie asks. Joel reaches out and tugs on her ponytail.
“Around,” he replies. “You need any help?”
“Grab some stock and onions from the basement? And hand Ellie some of the tomatoes and celery to dice,” you instruct.
He grabs the required items from the basement and places two ripe tomatoes and two onions on the cutting board in front of Ellie. He also finds the big stock pot from your cupboard and sets it on a burner and turns it on a medium flame for you.
“Thanks,” you murmur, both hands full of bloody rabbit chunks that you toss in the pot. Once they’ve browned a bit on the heat, you motion to Ellie to dump the vegetables into the pot.
Joel watches as you explain the steps to Ellie, enjoying the calm of your voice as you speak. When you look up for a moment and catch his eye, he doesn’t break the contact. Instead, he watches as your cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink before you duck your head back down.
“What do you call a factory that makes okay products?” Ellie asks.
“Christ, not this again,” Joel grumbles around a mouthful of rabbit stew.
“What?” You ask, paying him no mind.
“A satisfactory,” Ellie says.
You press your lips together, fighting back the giggle bubbling up. “That…that was awful.”
“You’re literally trying not to laugh!”
“No, I’m not!”
“Yes, you are!”
You throw a napkin at her head and she ducks. Joel is giving you that disapproving father face of his, but at thirty years old, you let it bounce off of you.
Besides, he’s not fooling anyone. The corners of his eyes crinkle as he wrestles his own smile into submission.
“Can we play one of those board games tonight?” Ellie asks.
“Which one? I’m not doing Monopoly again. You’re a sore loser.”
She sticks her tongue out. “Fine. I’ll go pick.” She abandons her empty bowl at the table to go raid your stash of board games in the living room.
Avoiding Joel’s gaze, you grab both bowls and bring them to the sink. As you start to rinse them, you feel the older man step beside you, his shoulder brushing yours.
“I got it,” he says, gently pulling a bowl from your hands. “So…,” he starts, clearing his throat.
“So?” You reply, peeking at him from the corner of your eye.
“Is that…offer…still available?” He’s staunchly refusing to meet your questioning look.
“Offer? What offer?” He raises his eyebrows at you. It takes the gears in your head a second of turning before your eyes go wide, the spoon you’d been washing slipping from your fingers and clattering against the steel sink, but you finally catch on. “Oh! Oh, that…uh…that offer. Right. Yes?”
“That sounds like a question. I need you to be certain.”
You straighten your shoulders before turning to face him, meeting his surprisingly heated stare. “Yes.”
“Good. That’s…good,” he mutters. “Tonight? After Ellie goes to bed?”
“Sure, yeah,” you whisper. He’s pressed closer to you, his chest grazing against your breasts when he takes a deep inhale. His tongue swipes across his bottom lip and your eyes track the motion, glued to his mouth. “Tonight works.”
He shuts the water off, stepping back to set the bowl in the dish rack and reaching for the hand towel on the stove. Ellie runs back into the kitchen, holding the faded Sorry! game box.
“Alright, losers, let’s go,” she says before flopping gracelessly into her chair at the table. “I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
You risk one more glance at Joel, who seems to have moved on from the moment you’d shared. He sits beside Ellie and helps her set up the game.
“I call red,” you announce as you take your seat across from them.
Joel wordlessly slides the red game piece to you, fingers brushing against yours in the exchange. Just that little touch lights your nerves up, makes you press your thighs together a little tighter. Joel must notice, because his lips tip up in a little smirk before he schools his features back to stoic and grumpy when Ellie gives him the green piece.
“Let’s get this over with,” he mutters.
After five games of Sorry!, three of which you lost, Ellie finally announces she’s calling it a night. She’s been yawning through the last game, so it was only a matter of time, but she wanted to beat Joel just one more time.
“‘Night,” she says as she heads back to what you now consider her room, leaving you and Joel at the table. You stand, picking up the discarded game pieces and cards and putting them away neatly in the box.
Joel stands wordlessly, leaving your line of sight and you think maybe he changed his mind.
Large, warm hands circle your hips, pulling you back against a broad chest covered in worn flannel. His fingers slip beneath the hem of your thermal shirt, calluses dragging on the soft, sensitive skin just below the waist of your jeans.
You tip your head back against his shoulder to look up at him. One of those devilish hands slides up the front of your body until his palm presses to your throat, angling your chin so that he can press his lips to yours.
It’s your first kiss in who knows how long, and you hadn’t realized how much you missed this kind of connection with a person. His lips are a little chapped, but surprisingly gentle considering how aggressively this man lives his life. You twist around in his grip until you’re facing him, looping your arms around his neck and pressing your body tighter to his.
His tongue traces your bottom lip and you open to him with a groan. Like the noise breaks some sort of spell, he pulls back.
“Have to be quiet,” he whispers. “Can you do that for me?”
You nod your head and he rewards you with another kiss, this one rougher, more demanding. He wraps his fist in your hair, tugging your head back to change the angle to his liking. Your fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck and this time, it's him that groans into your kiss.
“Have to be quiet,” you whisper, voice teasing. His eyes narrow, another smirk playing at the corner of his lips. You like this look on him - hair disheveled, lips kiss swollen, eyes glinting mischievously in the low light of the kitchen.
He moves suddenly, crouching slightly and wrapping his hands around the backs of your thighs before lifting you up from the ground. You let out a surprised squeak, your fingers digging into his shoulders and legs wrapping around his waist as he carries you out of the kitchen.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, and Joel shushes you with a bright smile you’ve not seen yet on the man. Your laugh tapers into a quiet giggle as he shoulders open the door to the guest room he’s been sleeping in, on the opposite side of the house from your master bedroom and Ellie’s room. Once inside, he turns to press you against the door, using one hand to keep you suspended while the other flips the lock.
“Don’t wanna scar that nosey kid more than I already have,” he says before kissing down your neck, beard scratching against your sensitive skin. You let out a quiet whimper as he bites your shoulder, your hips snapping against his. You can feel the hard length of him through his jeans and that quiet desperation that you’ve been feeling for the older man continues to boil in your veins.
You drop your legs from his waist, standing on the tips of your toes as his hand refuses to relinquish its grip on your ass. You push at his chest and he steps back only enough to allow you room to stand on your own two feet.
You wiggle both your hands between your bodies as he continues to press kisses to your neck, your jaw, behind your ear. Locating his belt, you unbuckle it quickly, tugging it through the loops and tossing it away like it offends you.
Joel distracts you for a moment by gripping your face in his palms, kissing you like you’re the air he needs to breathe. You quickly return to your task, tugging open the fly of his jeans and reaching your hand in to palm his cock through his boxers.
“Shit,” he hisses. His head drops back, eyes shutting as you work your hand in the limited space.
It’s not nearly enough.
You drop to your knees, working his pants down until his cock bobs free, thick and long with a bead of precum already pooled at the tip. You grip him at the base, leaning forward to let your tongue swipe across the head and collect the small essence of him.
A rough groan leaves him as you guide him into your mouth. He cuts it short, sticking a knuckle between his teeth to stem his noises. His other hand rests against the back of your head, not pressing, but like he needs to touch you, needs to feel you.
His hips snap forward unexpectedly when you grasp his balls in your hand, making you gag slightly. You can feel the burn of tears at the corner of your eyes as you look up at him. His eyes are wide, laser focused on where his dick slides between your lips and into the tight, wet heat of your mouth.
Without warning, he pulls completely free of you, a hand wrapping around your upper arm and tugging you to stand. He rips your shirt over your head before ridding you of your jeans and panties before you even realize what’s happening.
“On the bed. Now,” he grunts, pushing you gently toward the mattress. You sit on the edge of it, naked as the day you were born, eyebrows drawn in confusion.
Joel removes the rest of his clothes before standing before you. “Spread your legs,” he commands.
You move to obey, but must not be fast enough for his liking since he presses his palms to the inside of your knees and wrenches your thighs apart before dropping to his knees.
“Wait, wait,” you say. He stops, looking up at you. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you .”
“Trust me, baby, getting the chance to eat this pussy is taking care of me. Now lay back and shut up.”
You shut your mouth but you don’t lay back, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch as he presses kisses to the inside of your thighs. You’ll be damned if you’re going to miss committing even a second of this to memory.
His tongue swipes through your folds before lavishing broad circles over your sensitive clit. He hums, the vibrations adding to the onslaught of sensation against a part of you that’s gone without attention for so long.
“ Joel, ” you whisper, trying to keep your voice low. He looks up at you from between your thighs and your head drops back on a moan you were meant to be holding back.
“Remember what we said about being quiet,” he rasps, pulling away from you to run his fingers through the slick pooling at your entrance before sliding one, then two inside in quick succession. “You’re so goddamn tight.”
“Been a while,” you huff, voice breathy. Your hips chase his fingers on every withdrawal and when his mouth returns to your clit, your back arches from the bed.
“Gonna cum,” you warn. His pace doesn’t falter as he works you over until your tummy tightens almost painfully. With a slight graze of his teeth, your release washes over you, your muscles tightening around his fingers, your thighs pressing against his broad shoulders.
He stands, beard glistening from his attention, and he slips an arm beneath your back, using it to haul you further up the bed.
“You want this?” He asks, tugging at his still hard cock. You nod, spreading your legs for him once more as he positions himself between your thighs. “Then be a good girl and take it.”
He slides the head over your clit, making you shiver, before slowly pressing inside. His eyes stay trained on your face, watching your expressions as you envelope his cock.
When he bottoms out, he shifts forward so that his elbows rest on the mattress beside your head. Your fingers claw between his shoulder blades as you flutter around him, adjusting to the sensation of being so full.
“You okay?” Joel asks, voice strained. You nod, shifting your hips and making both you groan. He drops his head to your shoulder. “Don’t be movin’ like that if you want this to last.”
You do it again, and this time Joel takes matters into his own hands, pulling back before snapping his hips forward, punching the air from your lungs.
He sets a pace that should hurt, that should feel brutal, but it just feels so damn good . The weight of him surrounding you, the pressure of his hips against yours, the breath you share as he kisses you again, biting into your lower lip to stave off his own moan.
He pulls out, grabbing your hips and twisting until you’re on your stomach. He hitches your ass higher and lands a smack to one cheek for good measure before sliding back inside you. You bite down on the pillow beneath you, letting your noises out into the stuffing.
Joel slams into you again and again and again, like all that pent up frustration you’re sure he bottles up tightly has finally boiled over. He leans over your body, the angle going impossibly deeper, and slips his hand over yours, folding his fingers into the spaces made, what feels like, just for him.
He doesn’t say anything else. All you hear from him at the little groans and grunts that you’re certain would be an amazing experience at full volume. But what he can’t say with words, he does with his touch.
The trail of a hand down your spine, the flex of his fingers between yours, the press of his lips to your shoulder as he chases his release and sends you hurtling towards another.
With a cry into the pillow, you cum around him, muscles trying to stop him from ever leaving your body again. But with a few more thrusts, Joel pulls out, cum landing across your back and ass.
You flop down flat on your belly, body spent and brain offline from the two delicious orgasms. You hear him move about the room, the sound of clothes rustling and open and shut of the door reaching your ears as you lay there boneless. He returns a moment later and runs a wet washcloth over your back and between your thighs, cleaning you of any evidence of his enjoyment.
He shifts you around the mattress until he can tug the covers over your naked body. To your surprise, he climbs in beside you, an arm wrapping around your waist and tugging you toward him.
Joel Miller is a cuddler. Who would have thought?
“Thank you,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as you slowly sink into sleep.
“Wake up, kid,” Joel says, shaking Ellie’s shoulder. “We gotta go.”
Ellie mumbles something in her sleep. With a roll of his eyes, he tugs the blankets off of her, causing her to roll onto the floor with a thud and a surprised yelp.
“You asshole,” she snaps. “What’s the big rush? Why are we leaving now?”
“Because I said so. Now, come on.”
Blessedly, she listens. She gathers her backpack and tugs on her jacket and shoes before trailing out after him into the dark morning.
At the back of the property, Joel directs them to the all black horse named Champ that he’s already saddled.
“We’re stealing her horse? Isn’t that a bit low, even for you?” Ellie asks.
Joel ignores her, swinging himself up and situating himself. She’s right. It is low.
But he knows that if he stays, he may never want to leave.
And he’s got a job to finish.
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