#i had just a bite of one so like maybe an 8th of it
unawakening-float07 · 5 months
everyone on tinder is so pretty when you’re high
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jasmines-library · 4 months
Hi !
This might be specific but would you consider writing like Batfam x Polish reader? In a platonic ship way?
Basically tomorrow (Feb 8th) is Fat Thursday, its a huge polish holiday where you eat traditional polish donuts they're usually stuffed with either rose jam, caramel or custard!
Could you write their reactions to reader coning over, and giving them some traditional polish donuts? And maybe what their favourite filling is pls?
I don't mind if it's late, I realise it's short notice :)
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Hello! Thanks so much for trusting me to write this for you! I'm sorry it's a little short but i really wanted to get this out for you in time. I had to do a little research but it has been so interesting to learn about! I hope I have done you and your culture justice :)
"What are you doing?" Damian strolled into the kitchen, head held high as he peered around the room. He had smelt whatever you had been cooking from the other side of the house and it had made is mouth water so he decided to check it out.
There were various kitchen tools scattered around the room alongside trays of doughnuts set out in little rows. The room was warm and smelt like a fresh bakery.
"Baking pączki." You answered, setting aside another tray on the side.
Damian walked around the room with his arms behind his back as he eyed up the sweet treats wanting to just reach out and snatch one. You caught his glance and smiled, turning to hand him one off of the plates.
"Here, try one. It's good luck."
He reached out eagerly to take a bite of the pastry. The flavours melted over his tongue and he took another bite straight away.
"Mmm. This is so good. What is in this."
You beamed. "That's rose jam. But I have other flavours too."
Moving around the table as you began to clean away the last of the mess. "Rose jam is traditional, but I have also made caramel, custard and chocolate."
Damian's eyes widened a fraction at the mention of the delicacies. He licked the powered from his top lip.
"Please," You gestured to them, "Try another. I made them to share."
He reached for another, selecting one you had filled with a chocolate ganache and after taking a bite, he sighed in content.
"You know," he said through a mouthful of food, "You should make these more often."
"What's going on?" Dick made his way into the kitchen.
"Oh Grayson! You have to try these." Damian exclaimed to his brother "They're amazing."
"They're different flavours." You told him, explaining to him which tray belonged to which. Damian was already sneaking for another. "Incase you wanted to try something different."
The eldest Wayne delved into a custard filled pastry. He had the same content look on his face as Damian did.
"Oh...these are good. Really good. What are they for?"
"Tlusty Czwartek. Or Fat Thursday. It's a Polish tradition. We share sweet treats that we give up during lent."
"Huh, that's cool. I never knew. Tell me more about it?" Dick asked keen to find out more about your tradition.
Balancing the tray on one had was a lot harder than you thought it would be as you made your way down the hall to knock on Jason's door. When he heard the knock, he answered contently and invited you in. He was sprawled out across his bed but moved to sit when you walked in.
"Hey Y/N. You okay?"
You nodded, offering him the plate of doughnuts. You has selected a couple of each for him to try. "I brought you something to try. "pączki- doughnuts."
"These look amazing, thank you."
"Anytime. I'm glad to share these with you."
Jason opted to for a caramel filled one, though also seemed very keen to try the rose jam as it was something he had never tried before. Like Damian, Jason also made you promise to make these again and was keen to help finish any leftovers off.
Tim practically melted into his seat the second the pastry filled his tongue. You had found him in the library indulging in some last minute homework. Like all of the others he was super keen to try them. First he tried the tradition flavour, intrigued as he too had never tried it before. A second followed quick after that, along with questions about how you made them.
Tim had a keen eye for cooking and he was interested to find that you had made them yourself. After explaining it to him, he was keen to help you next time the event rolled around. Well it was that and he wanted an excuse to be cooking in the kitchen. It was a rare occurrence for Alfred to allow one of the boys to be allowed to cook.
Speaking of which, he and Bruce would be in awe of your cooking. Alfred would ask you for a recipe and after claiming that he wouldn't have anymore, you would occasionally catch Bruce sneaking one.
It was safe to say that they all loved you giving them doughnuts and couldn't wait until the event rolled around again so they could engulf on them again.
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absurdthirst · 8 months
Kinktober 2023: October 8th
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Day 8: Sex Pollen/Fuck or Die, Chastity, Sexual Competition
Max Lord x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Magic stones, ancient inscriptions, DUB-CON, compulsion to have sex, wordless consent, public sex, frantic sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, mentions of biting
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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The TV guy has been hanging around for the last few days. Causing a disruption in the everyday workload as the director had pushed for a personalized tour to the CEO of Black Gold since he was promising a sizable donation to the foundation. If there was one thing that could turn your normally stalwart director into a groveling slut, it was the promise of funds. 
You hear a booming laugh and roll your eyes. Unsure of what the joke was down the hall, but you know it was Barbara that was giving him the tour so it couldn’t be that funny. Nothing against her, but she wasn’t the joking type. You look back down at your large magnifying glass, looking through it at the inscription etched into the stone that has been a source of intrigue to you over the past few days since it had arrived. 
When your name is called, you try not to get annoyed, knowing that your boss would want you to place nice. Looking up and plastering a smile on your face as you watch Barbara and the TV guy, you forget his name, walk in. 
Well, she walks. He seemingly saunters in like he owns the place. Perhaps he thinks that because he’s going to write a check, he is an owner. 
His eyes are quick, clever. Far more clever that you would imagine seeing those cheesy commercials he always has played on the tv during Jeopardy. The smile you could do without. It’s screaming slightly sleazy, put on and false in order to get what he wants. The only question is, what does Max Lord want?
Introductions are made, Barabara bouncing almost nervously as you shake the salesman’s hand. Pulling your hand away quickly and turning towards her so she can tell you what she wants. She never approaches you unless she needs something. You aren’t one of the posh, beautiful scientists she wants so desperately to be close to. 
“Can I ask a favor?” She asks, clapping her hands together and giving you a pleading look. “I have a meeting that I can’t reschedule.” Her eyes flicker over to the suit and then back to you. “Could you please finish up the tour for Mr. Lord?” “Please….” He winces. “Call me Maxwell.” He offers with a sugar sweet smile that he seems to think to be a gift. He’s not bad looking, but he would look better if he took the Sun-in out of his hair and lost the boxy shoulder pads. You were one of the few that hated the way fashion has gone. 
“I have a lot to do here.” You protest but Barbara gives you an even more pleading expression. “But…..I can finish it up.” She nearly claps in relief. “After I finish up my work.” You warn seriously. 
“Yeah….sure….” She’s bobbing her head quickly and looking over Maxwell. “That’s great. Well, I know you’ll have a great time, so I’ll just run along.” 
You ignore the flirting and flustering as Maxwell makes a slight scene at Barbara leaving, kissing her hand and making her giggle like she’s five again. Soon enough, there’s blissful silence back in your lab so you can concentrate. 
“So what are you studying?” The question comes after two blissful minutes of silence. Two minutes that you had obviously hoped would be longer. Your eyes cut up from your magnifying glass to find Maxwell looking at the stone curiously. 
“A rock.” You glibly answer, keeping your tone just as dry as you possibly can. Barely resisting the urge to smirk when his grin slides off his unfairly handsome face. 
Maybe you feel a little guilty, but it’s not enough to make you apologize as you look back down at the inscription with a frown. While your Latin was rusty, you swear this is talking about fertility. Just as you tilt the glass down more, a finger appears in front of your magnifying glass, making it look even larger than normal, showing you the grooves in his skin. “What’s-”
“No!” You cry out, knowing that the stone cannot be touched without gloves. The instructions had been very clear in the crate that the stone was packed in. “Don’t touch it!” 
Your fingers collide, both of you touching the vivid jade stone at the same time. The piece seemingly glows at the contact and both of you gasp as you snatch your hands away, knocking over the magnifying glass. 
The next few moments are nothing short of a blur of pain and confusion. Nearly blacking out until a pair of lips smash against yours in the most inelegant, needy kiss of your life. 
“Ohhhh!” Your eyes fly open, finding Maxwell’s face right in yours and his mouth opens, groaning. 
“I can’t- I need-” He doesn’t stop kissing you, his words are just cut off by the tongue sliding into his mouth. Your tongue. The feeling of him pressing against you awakening something base inside you. 
You don’t know why, but you need him. The word fertility flashing in your mind and you push it away because of the burning of your skin and the throbbing of your cunt. 
He apparently feels the same way. Something hard and pulsing starts to push against your hip as he backs you up against the table you had been working at. Nothing but fervent kisses being exchanged, and his hands start to pull at your clothes. 
You never even think to push him away. It doesn’t even cross your mind. Too busy grabbing handfuls of him and ripping open the obvious faux Gucci belt so you can rip those ridiculously baggy pants off of him. 
His hands are bigger, harder than you ever would have imagined when watching those commercials of his. Wonderful on your skin as he slides them up  your thighs under your skirt. Hot as find the edge of your panties and hooking under them to start dragging them down. 
It’s not like you’ve talked about this, but neither one of you cares. Both of you groaning when your own hand dives into his briefs and wraps around an impressive cock. He hides it well under those bulky suits. 
Both of you need each other in a way that can’t even be described. The pain flaring in your stomach drives you, squeezing and pumping his cock, pulling back the foreskin and smearing the bead of precum around the head while he pants into your mouth. 
Your name, not even spoken by him before, sounds like ambrosia as it drips from his tongue. His own fingers sliding through your folds before he is pushing you up onto the table and spreading your legs to step between. 
Your cry would draw any number of personnel if there had been anyone. It had already been late in the day, and then the meeting had drawn everyone else away, leaving your floor empty with the exception of you and Maxwell. “Max!” Your eyes widen when he pushes inside you, filling you to the hilt with a needy, frantic thrust. 
He groans again, twitching violently inside you and gripping the edge of the table behind you. Pulling his hips back and shuddering when he thrusts forward again and moans at how tight you are. 
Rocking the table with how hard he’s fucking you, you can’t do anyting but hold on and whine for him. Every piercing thrust of his cock pushing the pain away and making your cunt feel amazing. Hitting all the best spots, deep inside you and scratching an itch you didn’t know you had. 
Kisses are littered on your skin, his teeth being used far more that you ever thought possible as a man fucks into you as frantically as Maxwell does. Chasing that same goal with the urgency that is burning underneath your own skin. Both of you pulling and grabbing at each other, clothes bunched between you as you grind your hips, your legs wrapped around his waist. 
“I didn’t- fuck, it’s so good.” Maxwell rambles. “You’re so good. I can’t - it’s so- fuck.” 
You can only moan in agreement, not even coherent enough to speak right now. Your entire focus on the connection of his cock in your pussy. 
Your body is so sensitive that you are shocked by how quickly you cum. Taking you by surprise as your head falls back and your hands hold onto his broad shoulders. Cunt clenching down around him and the heat of your orgasm rushing through your body and seemingly quenching that fire that had been burning since you touched the stone only minutes before. 
“Oh fuck, oh mierda.” He groans, clenching his teeth and shouting when he thrusts once more, pulsing heavily inside you as he paints your womb with his seed in hot spurts. Panting and whining as he rocks his hips to push every drop into your quivering cunt until he’s spent and collapsing against you and both of you drop to the table top. 
Gasping for air, you try to catch your breath as you roll your head to the side and feel Max nuzzle against your neck, his own breath still undstead. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of the stone. “What the fuck was that?” You ask, bewildered and almost giggly as you look at the fertility stone that had compelled both of you to fuck like wild animals in your lab. 
“I don’t know.” He pants. “But I might need a minute if we do it again.” 
Breaking into a giggle, your hand slides up to pet the hair that you had been snorting at earlier. Maybe Max Lord wasn’t soooo bad. “Hell of a tour, huh?” 
“Fuck.” He chuckles, still not moving on top of you and snuggling into you even more when your fingers scratch his scalp. “The best.” 
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tiedyeflannels · 6 months
Hiiii it’s me again 🫣, hope you’re doing amazing!!! I am sure you seen the recent live lol of jungkook, Rm, V and Jimin could you possibly write something about it again for Jungkook like maybe they all do the live together like an 8th member of bts and her and Jungkook are just really cuddly u know and jungkook just holding the whole time idk if that makes sense but I am sure you can write something whatever that is good and your comfortable with sorry thing is long. THANK YOU!!! 💗💗
Hi again! Sorry for taking forever to respond to your request, finals were a pain! Ugh... Anyway, I hope you're doing well too and thank you for your request! I made Y/n a producer instead of an 8th member because I wasn't sure how to spin it, so hopefully you like it. I also added, kind of like, a bonus scene because I was sad watching that Bangtan Bomb... Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Right Here
Jungkook x producer!reader
Word count: 2k
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“Y/n-ah!” The guys collectively exclaimed.
I happily waved at them while softly shutting the door behind me.
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting when Namjoon texted me about this live,” I said, placing my bag on a chair that was next to the wall of tables. 
I walked into frame and waved at the ARMYs watching. “Hi guys! How are you?”
“We’re good,” Jimin said in a high-pitched voice.
I looked back at him.
“Oh, are you the voice of ARMY now,” I teased.
He smiled and nodded his head triumphantly. I giggled and moved over to the couch, but not before grabbing a slice of pizza.
I took a bite of my slice of pizza and plopped down next to Jungkook. They kept talking while I finished up my slice, throwing the crust on the empty pan and dust off the crumbs from my hands. 
I looked around at the guys when my eyes landed on Jungkook, who was already looking at me. I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before leaning back.
I smiled at him, “Why are you staring-”
I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence when he tackled me into a hug making us fall back.
I hugged him back as I laughed, “Did you seriously wait until I was done with my slice so you could hug me?”
I didn’t get a verbal answer, but when he hugged me tighter, I knew what the answer was. 
As the rest of the members got closer to their enlistment date, things had taken a melancholy turn and it affected each one of them, especially Jungkook, even if they didn’t show it.
I knew.
ARMY knew.
But there weren't a whole lot of things we could do in order to make them feel better about leaving.
So as I realized that this impromptu cuddle session wouldn’t be over for a while, I made sure we were both a little more comfortable by moving us to sit against the back of the couch so we wouldn’t be laying down the entire time.
It took a bit for him to get settled in a way that was comfortable for both of us, but he ultimately chose to be a koala. His head was resting on my right shoulder while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso and his right leg was draped across my own.
There wasn’t much I could do with the way he was holding me, so I just wrapped my right arm around his back in a semi-awkward half hug and rested my left hand on the leg that was draped across me, slowly drawing shapes while I watched the others talk.
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before the guys started to get up to say their “goodbyes” to ARMY. I tried to move to get up, but Jungkook tightened his hold on me as soon as I moved an arm. I sighed knowing it would be a miracle to get him off of me by myself, so I looked over at Jimin, silently asking for his help.
He smiled at my predicament and walked over, grabbing one of Jungkook’s arms and gently tugged, “Come on. We gotta say bye to ARMY.”
“Noooooo,” he drew out as the arm that was around me tightened its grip once more, practically forcing Jimin to pry him off of me. 
“Dude, you need to get off of me in order to say bye to ARMY,” I exclaimed as I wiggled my way out of his grasp.
He huffed as we both finally stood up, obviously not liking that our cuddle session was interrupted. I smiled at his pouty face and patted his head as the others were deciding how they wanted to say bye.
Taehyung grabbed the camera, pointing it at Jimin as he said bye to ARMY and ended by bowing slightly.
Tae, then, turned the camera over to Namjoon who also said his final words with a salute, promising to “go and come back safely”.
“Ok, Jk, you can go.” 
“No, I’ll end it,” he said while taking off his hood.
The others were quick to oppose the idea.
“Why doesn’t Y/n say her final words and then I go and you can run in front and then we’ll end it.”
There were nods of agreement and when they turned to me I shrugged, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So, I can end it,” Tae asked and we all nodded.
He was still holding the camera and motioned for me to say my piece. I walked into frame and waved.
“ARMY~ I’ll make sure to go live whenever I can to keep you company before Jin comes back! The guys will be back before you know it! Stay strong,” I said, blowing a kiss to them with both hands before waving ‘bye’. 
I looked at Taehyung, “Do you want me to hold the camera for you?”
He shook his head.
“No, Jimin can hold it for me. You, stand over there,” he said as he pointed to the side opposite of where Namjoon and Jungkook were standing.
He continued, “and turn around since you haven’t seen Jk’s hair yet either.” 
I huffed, but did what I was told by walking to the left and turning around so I was facing the wall while Jimin took the camera from Tae, so he could say bye.
“You need to run, ok?”
“As soon as you end-”
“Can you guys just go already,” I exclaimed, hoping to move this train along.
Taehyung gave his little speech, though I’ll have to disagree with Namjoon, who said it was “too long” because mine was about the same length.
I heard a lot of shuffling behind me and was about to turn around to see why it was taking so long when a very slurred “We were BTS” sounded through the air before someone collided with my back, making me stumble forward as pair of arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.
The guys were laughing at the scene as they said their final “bye’s” before turning off the live.
“You can turn around now,” Jungkook said, loosening his hold on me enough for me to move, but not removing his arms completely. 
As I turned around to face him I was not prepared for what I saw. My jaw dropped as I looked at Jungkook’s hair which was now completely buzzed off.
“Woah,” I exclaimed, placing my hands on either side of his head, turning it side to side in order to get a better look. 
I started to become confused. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing both of my wrists to stop me from moving his head so he could look at me.
“What’s with that face?”
“How do you still look good?!”
Everyone started laughing again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
It was December 12th and Hobi, Yoongi, and I were currently seeing Jimin and Jungkook off to start their military service.
“Well, luckily, this is the last time we’re going to have to do this,” Yoongi said, stuffing his hand further into his jacket.
I nodded my head in silent agreement and walked over to where Jimin and Jungkook had finished talking with some of their friends. They turned to look at me as I got where they were and grabbed their hands in both of mine, switching my gaze between the two.
“How are you guys feeling,” I asked to try and break the tension that was starting to form as time got closer to when they were supposed to leave.
They both shrugged.
I sighed.
“You’re going to be fine. I talked to Jin this morning and made him promise to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay, though… he did say that he might make training a bit harder for you two,” I teased.
That got some chuckles out of them, which I was very happy about. It didn’t last long before the heavy air settled around us once again, so I mustered as much of an encouraging smile as I could and said, “You two are going to do great. I’ll have my phone on me at all times whenever you get phone privileges back and want to talk to me, okay?”
They nodded as I continued, “Stay safe and healthy and warm because it’s starting to get chilly, okay?”
They nodded once more. 
I looked at them as they looked at me expectedly.
“What? That’s all I’ve got,” I said.
Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head with a smile forming on his face.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin, “Would you mind giving us a sec?”
The latter nodded, “Of course, I’ve gotta go talk with Hobi hyung before send off, so I’ll see you later Y/n.”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug.
“Be careful. Stay safe and make sure to eat. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING, okay,” I whispered before breaking the hug.
“You got it,” he said before pulling me back in for one last hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Chim. I’ll see you when you come back.”
We both nodded at each other in conformation as he started toward where Hobi and Yoongi were standing.
I moved to stand next to Jungkook as we watched them talk.
“So, what are you going to do in the meantime,” Jungkook spoke up.
I turned to look at him as he did the same.
“Probably work on some songs for your guys’ comeback with Yoongi. He said that he already has some that he wants me to look at later today, so yeah,” I shrugged. 
He hummed in response before pulling me into a hug. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like crying at that moment. We had talked about him leaving all the time as the date came closer and every time Jungkook was the one who comforted me when I started crying, but I wanted to be strong for him and at least give him some sense of comfort on the day it really mattered so I controlled my emotions.
“Sorry I have to leave you,” he whispered.
He is not making this easy, huh?
I shook my head and held him tighter, “It is not your fault. Nobody will ever blame you for something you have to do. Especially not me.”
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
“You just need to make sure that you don’t overdo anything. I don’t want to get a call from Jin or Jimin saying that you overdid something that landed you in the infirmary, got it,” I teased as he nodded.
“I love you a lot. We all do. So please make sure to be safe while you’re gone, okay,” I asked.
He huffed but untimely nodded again. “You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he muttered.
I laughed at the statement.
“Good, because she’s right!” 
There was some loud shuffling behind me, so I turned around to see Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin standing in front of us.
“Okay, lovebirds, it’s almost time to go,” Yoongi said.
I playfully rolled my eyes as a smile made its way onto my lips. I turned back to Jungkook and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“One for the road,” I said as I moved away from him.
“You guys should get going before you’re late,” Hobi spoke up.
They nodded as they fixed their backpack straps and picked up the duffle bag at their feet. I gave them both a once over.
“Take care of each other.”
They hummed as they started to leave. As we were watching them walk away, Jungkook suddenly turned back to us. 
“You’ll be here when we get out, right?”
I nodded, “Of course! I’ll be right here when you come back!”
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hitmewithsomebooks · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic Feb 14 - lips
Cowboy James 🤠
Inspired my @regulusmydarlin here's the one where Reggie finally cracks 🤗
Previous part first part
"Has anyone ev'r told ya you're gorgeous?" James pondered, running a finger along the side of Regulus's face.
"You have. On multiple occasions, if I recall correctly." Regulus replied, eyes still on his book.
"Y'do indeed." James replied with a grin. "An' I'm gonna keep doin' it." He added, flicking a silky black curl. Regulus sent him a little side-glare, and James chuckled.
"Honestly, though, darlin', how could I not tell you over n' over? Ev'ry time ah see you, ah’m flabbergasted at how darn pretty y'are."
Regulus scoffed.
"Real smooth, Potter." He droned. James smirked.
"What, d'ya want me t' go inta detail? Would that convince ya?"'
"If it would make you happy, go right ahead, nosy." Regulus encouraged, still fondly holding onto that nickname.
"Mmm, alrigh'. T’ start, y’r hair is gorgeous," James began, twirling a curl around his finger. " 's so shiny and bouncy, an' y'look divine when y'laugh or turn 'round, it alw'ys bounces n' lands perfectly. Your hands, god, th’r the prettiest hands ah’ve ever seen, ah honestly don' un’erstand. Th'r thin and delicate and y'r skin overall is jus' such a pretty, markable compl'xion..." James trailed off, observing Regulus. The man still hadn’t reacted, staring downward, though James could tell he was no longer actively reading; he was listening intently.
"And don' even get me started on y'r lips, darlin'. Th'r sinfully stunnin', so pink and jus' the perfect plumpn'ss, ev'ry time I look at you I jus' wanna kiss ya. I wanna bite 'em and make 'em all swollen and shiny... s'pose tha's a bit off topic..." James trailed off with a smirk. He caught a little tick at the corner of Regulus's mouth.
"Then th'rs your waist, y'r whole damn body, with y'r long limbs n' pretty legs and that fuckin' arse... ah mean, Christ almighty, if ah wasn' a sinner before ah met you..." the cowboy didn't even finish the sentence, but Regulus got the implication. It was getting harder for James to focus. Pointing out all these rather delectable things about Regulus, sitting right next to him, made it hard to not simply shut up and devour the man.
"But ah think my fav'rite’s gotta be y'r eyes." He spoke, and he noticed Regulus's posture straighten slightly. The younger man hadn't expected this.
"Ev'ry time ah look into y'r eyes ah feel like 'm drownin'. Ah've nev'r seen nothin' like 'em, really. Th'r like a storm an' a silver bullet at the same time, all steely and sparkly and just fuckin' stunnin’. Ah could look into y'r eyes fr'vr, sugar." James's voice had dropped, but it was soft. Like he was getting lost just talking about Regulus's eyes. 
Apparently, that was the key.
James’s face split into a delighted grin as he watched a blotchy red spread across Regulus's cheeks and exposed neck. Unable to help himself, he leaned in, pressing his lips to the red spots.
"So tha' was all it took, huh? Ah feel like ah jus' foun’ the 8th world wonder." James drawled cheerily, and Regulus rolled his eyes, but was still furiously blushing. James leaned forward again, sucking more red marks onto his neck.
"Maybe, if ah mark y'up, tha' pretty blush will last fr'ver." James murmured, dragging his tongue over Regulus's Adam's apple to the other side. Regulus shivered slightly, and he felt James's grin against him.
"Watcha think 'bout that?"
"I think Sirius would kill you." Regulus hummed, but he tilted his head back to give the cowboy easier access.
"Ah think 's worth it if ev'ryone else would know y'r mine." Regulus turned his head slightly, and James paused.
"Am I yours?" He questioned, not looking directly at James.
"D'ya wanna be?" James asked in response, and Regulus bit his lip.
"Then tha's that." James stated, but his grin stretched from ear to ear. He pulled Regulus in for a proper kiss this time, licking into his mouth hungrily. Regulus let out a huff of air, throwing his book on a nearby chair and pulling James down towards him.
"Now," James broke away to pant, hovering over Regulus. "What do ah hafta do to make y' blush all over like that?" He murmured, voice growing husky. Regulus groaned, pulling him down again, and James spent the rest of the night finding out.
"Hey, pretty." James drawled as he walked into the room, where Regulus and Pandora were sprawled on the couch. As he said it, he made direct eye contact, his gaze intense. And just like that, Regulus was a red as a tomato. Pandora gasped.
"Holy shit!" She exclaimed, before clapping a hand over her mouth.
"Sorry!" She squeaked, and James laughed, a rumbling chuckle from his chest.
"Don' worry, doll, 's nothin' ah have'n heard before." James said, and Pandora blushed.
"Right, of course. Sorry, just... I've never seen Regulus flustered. Ever. I didn't even know he could blush!" She declared, and James laughed again.
"Took me a secon' t’ figure it out, too." He admitted, plopping down on the couch next to Regulus, who was pointedly ignoring the charming man next to him.
"Aww, Reggie's all hot and bothered!!" Pandora cooed, and the man sent her a glare. She burst into a fit of giggles, which was soon joined by James's hearty chuckle.
"I hate you both."
"Howdy, Sirius." James greeted as he walked into the bar, followed by Regulus.
"Well hey there, partner." Sirius replied, grinning as he wiped out a glass. "And Reggie! What are you two doing together?" Sirius wondered, and James shot a look back at Regulus.
"Well, ah was jus' comin' here t' see ya, when ah ran into lil Reggie here in the parkin' lot." James drawled, and Regulus heavily resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Oh, how funny!" Sirius commented, setting the glass down and leaning his arms on the bar. "Hope he wasn't too rude to you." He added, sending a warning look at his brother, who did roll his eyes this time.
"Aw, naw, he's been a righ’ angel." James replied, smirking at the smaller man. Sirius scoffed, sweeping a glance at Regulus.
"I don’t know who you met, but I don't think it's my brother." He grumbled, and James laughed.
"Don' worry, he's been plen'y polite. Very gentlemanly." James assured Sirius, and Regulus had to hold back a laugh. He didn't think anyone would find him or James very gentlemanly if they knew what the two had been getting up to over the past few days.
Sirius shrugged, taking the towel off his shoulder and grabbing another glass.
"Well, I have to tend to some folks, but let me know if you're feeling thirsty." He said with a wink, before moving to the other end of the bar.  James scooted over closer to Regulus, so they were shoulder-to-shoulder.
"Real subtle." Regulus murmured, letting his gaze travel around the bustling bar, not the gorgeous hunk next to him. He couldn't be too obvious with Sirius only a few feet away, whether he was busy or not.
"Right?" James agreed, and Regulus sighed. "Y'know, y'look even prettier under these dumb lights. Ev'ryone else looks all weird n’ wash’d out, but y'look like a damn vision. An' y'r eyes just reflect all the colors, it's stunnin’." James commented, and Regulus could feel his cheeks heat. He could also, suddenly, feel his brother’s eyes on him. He turned his head, locking eyes with similar grey ones, which were soon moving closer.
"Are you blushing?" Sirius asked, astounded.
"No." Regulus snapped, trying to step away from James as casually as possible. "Must be the lighting."
It didn't work.
"Mm, no, you're definitely blushing! And you two were standing awfully close... James, are you fucking my baby brother?" Sirius questioned, in true, blatant, Sirius Black fashion. The cowboy answered without hesitation.
"W're datin', actually." Sirius's jaw dropped open.
"So this is where you've been going?" He screeched to Regulus, gesturing wildly at James.
"Yes..." Regulus replied, sheepish.
"And you didn't tell me?" Sirius's voice was only rising in pitch and volume.
"Listen," James cut in, placing a hand on Regulus's lower back. Sirius tracked the movement, and Regulus couldn't quite read his face. "Ah know he's y'r baby brother, an' y'r protective, but—"
"Whoa, whoa. Yeah, I wish he was still a baby. But I have no misconceptions about Regulus's lack of virginity and all. I know he dates and fucks. Hell, he told me the first day he met you how badly he wanted to fuck you." Sirius rambled, and Regulus shot him a death stare as James looked down at him smugly.
"I'm offended because Regulus didn't tell me. How could you not spill that you were hitting this?!" Sirius exclaimed, gesturing to the cowboy next to Regulus, who grinned.
"Because you told me not to!" Regulus cried out, throwing his hands up in the air. He wasn't a generally expressive person, but when it came to Sirius, he gestured a lot.
"Yes, as a rebound. But since you agreed to date him, clearly you're in a better state than I thought. I'm proud of you, baby bro." Sirius grinned, holding out a fist to Regulus. The younger man frowned, looking at it as though it were a puzzle. James chuckled, before demonstrating.
" ‘s a fist bump. Y’ bump his w’th y’rs, like this." He explained, before bumping his fist against Sirius's. Regulus raised a haughty eyebrow at the both of them, before rolling his eyes and bumping Sirius's fist. James held out a fist next, grinning eagerly. Regulus gave him an exasperated look, but when they bumped fists and James brought his out in an explosion, he couldn't help a small smile.
God, was he turning into a sap??
Minutes later, when James snaked a hand around his waist and whispered pretty and stunning into his ear, he confirmed that yes, he absolutely was.
1656 words :)
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xoioel · 3 months
EXCUSE ME DO U WRITE FOR XG???? can i pretty pls request something w mean dom gp!jurin??? there's literally no content for her it's insane she's so hot 😭😭🫦🫦🫦
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parings: Jurin x 8th! Member Reader
genre: SMUT and Fluff
warnings: SMUT, mommy kink, semi-public sex, fingering, creampie, spanking, crying, overstimulation, edging, humiliation, mirror sex
synopsis: You never know when enough is enough and Jurin teaches you a lesson ;)
authors note; jurin is so sexy, i just want her to use me till i pass out. I made sure jurin was just evil and her not giving 1 fuck about things… sorry this is like so late!! also ive been looking for some xg moots on here too
see you tonight, its a bad idea right?—
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It was a Saturday evening and all of the girls decided to play truth or dare. The game was going smoothly until Chisa asked a question that made you reget even playing the game in the first place. “N/n, truth or dare” Chisa asks you, and since youve picked dare a few times already you decided to pick truth. “Is it true that your the top and Jurins the bottom of the relationship” Chisa questions you and you could just feel Jurins eyes buring into you.
It was either you admitting your a bottom or admitting Jurins a bottom which was a hard choice because your a switch but sub leaning and shes fully a top so it was difficult. “Yes,” Thats all you said which left everyone confused. “Yes what? Your a top or a bottom” Harvey says to you. “Im a top” You could just see that Jurin was pissed. She knew that was a lie and you did too. “I would of never thought that Y/n is a top” Juria said as everyone agreed but Jurin. She just stayed silent but nobody questioned her silence at all.
“Cocona! true or dare?” Jurin says to change the topic. “dare.. i guess” She says as she’s second guessing herself. “i dare you to do a one breath challenge” Jurin replied as Cocona prepared herself to do the challenge. She lasted about 1 minute before backing out.
The game continued for another 20 minutes before everyone basically said everything before everyone agreed that the game should come to a end. “Guys what should we eat for dinner?” Chisa said. As everyone suggests something that they would like to eat, Jurin gets up and sits next to you instead of her sitting across from you.
“Just know that Ive had enough with the act youve been pulling.” Jurin whispered in your ear before going to scroll on TikTok. You stopped breathing for a second to process what she just said. But you know exactly what shes talking about too, how for the past week youve been testing her.
How you would would flirt with the other members right infront of her. When practicing you would wear either very short shorts or very very tight shirts just to show your tits. And you did that just to see her reaction. And she never did anything to you since you all had to preform the day after so she just told you to stop and you would give her the same answer everytime.
“N/n what should we eat.” Cocona said since you always have the best ideas which took you out of your thoughts: “Maybe we should have pizza and hot wings with whatever else you want to eat” You replied. “Yeah we should have that for dinner” Juria added before they all agreed on who would go and get the food.
Cocona, Harvey, Hinata and Maya all went to get food, which left Jurin, Chisa, Juria and you in the dorm. You got up to go get something to drink but you where quickly pulled back down to sit on the couch. “What was that for?!” You say raising your voice at Jurin.
“Dont yell at me,” She said, “Why not!!”
You snatch your hand from Jurin’s grip before getting up to go into your room that is shared with her. You hear foot steps behind you signaling that she’s following you.You opened the door and in seconds, Jurin has you pinned to the back of the door. Her long fingers grab your ass and your tits as you bite your lip trying not to moan.
You only hesitate and become aware of your action when you hear Jurin sigh in your ear. She’s told you time and time again not to hide yourself from her, and you shouldn’t be testing her patience right now. “Y/n. So you think you can talk to me in that tone?” She questioned you. “N-No I-“ You couldn’t even speak since you finally realized your mistake, you’ve pushed the limits and now karma is coming back to you.
She crashes your lips onto hers as you hands go into you hair, pulling and tugging at it. Your whining and moaning into the harsh kiss as Jurin bites your lip to push her tongue in your mouth. A few seconds you pulled back to get some air. “Sit infront of the mirror. Now.” Jurin said to you in a very demanding tone.
You sat in front of the glowing floor mirror patiently waiting for her. “You better be undressed when I come back,” Jurin says before leaving the room. You began to undress and you were dripping wet. You never realized how turned on you were just from Jurin making out with you. So you began to slowly touch yourself.
You put your hand over your mouth to silence your moans since you didnt know when Jurin was going to come back. Getting close to your orgasm your moans start to get significantly louder as you cum all over the floor as you didnt even notice that Jurin walked into the room and sat down behind you. Thats when you feel someone grabbing your wrist making you whine from the lack of your fingers. “So have you forgotten about the rules, Y/n? Because i think i need to reteach them to you” Jurin questions you.
“I haven’t forgotten..” You replied to her looking down at the floor. She didnt like that you weren’t looking at her. Thats when you feel a vibrator turn on and its directly on your clit. “Jurin.. please-” You moan out. “Look at me as i make you a mess, you slut,” She says forcing you to keep eye contact with her through the mirror. She grabbed your right hand and made you hold the vibrator on your clit.
Jurin begins to pump her fingers in and out of your needy cunt, each thrust punctuated by the wet squelch of your gratuitous arousal. Heat spreads under your skin under her thorough exploration of your narrow, saturated channel, gingera curling to meticulously stroke a spot that has you gasping her name. Legs slowly began to shake since you haven’t got to calm down from the orgasm you just had.
Your hand quickly cover your mouth from your porn like moans. She removed her hands from your cunt for a second, “I want to hear your pretty moans,” She whispered in your ear before you removed your hand from your mouth.
And the moment you do, Jurin decides to put the vibrator on the highest speed and you can feel yourself on the verge to cum. “Mommy~ i-im gonna cum!!” You whine out to her. You didnt even realize that you called her mommy, Jurin had expressed that she had a mommy kink a few weeks ago and you never used the term until just now.
“Fuck—soon, m’ gonna—” You croak, scratching your nails into Jurin’s thighd and the pain makes her groan against your back. “p-please, please oh my god i’m gonna cum, please—” You cry to Jurin.
Thats when she turned the vibrator off and took her fingers out of you. Whining from the lack of sensation. “Do you think you deserve to cum?” Jurin says into your ear. “Y-yes..” You say as she turns back on the vibrator and went back to fingering you.
Even after Jurin stopped for a few moments, you continue to twitch and whine under her touch, squirming from the sensation. “F-fuck Jurin, fuck m’ so, hngh!” You groan, “Please, more, s-so good.”
Jurin’s lips detach from your marked-up neck and you mutter against her skin, “You sound so pretty for me, what a good girl.” Her voice is hot against your skin, yet it makes you shiver.
Your panting gets heavier and now your reaching your climax again not so long after your first. She thrust in and out again, circling her thumb on your clit and one last pump pushes air out of your chest; you cum all over Jurin’s fingers and vibrator once again.
instead of giving her a little break, your fingers continue to thrust in and out. she’s overwhelmed and still trying to recover, but you don’t give her a chance. with the added stimulus of you sucking on her tit, with your free hand that isn’t fingering her massaging and pinching the other breast, her vision starts to blur again. “f-fuck, baby w-wait, ngh— so much—” you cry, tears welling up in your eyes. “p-please w-wait,”
"Mommy! I-Its t-too much" She ignored you but kept going faster having you cum in no time. But anyways she kept going not stopping one bit, leaving you overstimulated.
"I c-cant take it anymore~" You whine at her. "You can and you will. Shut up and keep still." Jurin spits out as youve reached your third orgasm in a row and she finally stopped. She gave you a sloppy kiss and said "That was just the beginning. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for lying to me?”
She didn't like what happened earlier, not one bit. Her brown eyes narrow as she pins you beanth she, her cock teasing your entrance. "Think you're cute huh? Telling the girls that you can top me? because it seems to me you on getting dicked down right?" You try to explain yourself but before you can speak, Jurin pushes her hips forward, entering you fully.
A gasp escape your lips, eyes rolling at the back of your head as she starts to thrust fast. Her cock slides in and out of you, her hands gripping onto your hips, lips marking your neck, you're her and only her. That's what she showing you now.
"Levi! Mhhhh why are you mad?" Your hips buck slightly as he fucks hard into you, hands gripping his hair. It's clear that he is pissed, she doesn't know at who she is and more exactly.
"Shut up, you know what you fucking did." She mumbles leaving open mouthed kisses on your jaw, his hands go down to your thighs spreading you wider for him as his hips snap into you. Those gray eyes of his stare at your face, your mouth is wide open, moans of her name fill the room. "That's right, hear that? My name off your lips, but im a bottom right y/n” She questions you.
Her voice is at a higher tone but is still very harsh, Jurin doesn't let many things go to her but even the slightest thought of you lying to the girls about something you both know isn’t true and right to her face makes her blood boil. She moves his hips even faster which makes your hands go to his back, nails digging into his skin. Smacking your ass when you realized you didn’t reply to her. But you know better to not answer her.
"Fuuuck....y-your not a not a bottom" You say moaning loudly. She isn't goiong easy on you but you love every second of it, especially when she gets possessive. "Yeah? You love this don't you? Getting fucked like the naughty girl you are." She takes your jaw into her hands and opens your mouth spitting in it, your eyes go wide slightly.
"Swallow." You do as she says, swallowing her spit as her cock thrusts roughly into you. "That's my good girl." There's a slight spark in her eyes, she loves seeing you this way. Loves making you moan over and over again.
Your pussy starts to clench around her dick, a burning sensation start to build up in your navel, you're close and by the look on Jurins face, she knows it too. "You gonna cum for me? Gonna show me who owns you?"
You nod your head, your nails draghing down his back leaving scratches behind. Jurin starts to fuck you ruthlessly, her cock pushing deep into you making you sure you feel all of it. Her thruths are unforgiving as she feels your warm and tight walls clamp down on her.
"Cum all over my dick." She demands, her tone as of when she uses her leader card. "Cuming Jurin....shit...." Your back arches and you cum all over her making her cum together with you. Her head falls onto your shoulder and she bites, leaving another mark behind as proof that you're hers, her cum fills you up.
Panting you groan feeling her teeth on your skin. "Ow....it hurts Jurin.." Jurin pulls back, a string of salvia connecting her lips to your shoulder. "Good, now..."
Jurin switches the position, her cock still inside of you, she rolls your bodies so that your on top of her, she is still hard inside of you. "You better ride my cock, show me that you're my bitch,"
You turn you head and kiss her on the lips before you starts to move your hips on top her. Jurin grabs your ass as you ride her, moaning into your mouth while your tongues dance with each other.
The room is filled with sounds of skin slapping as your body moves on top of hers. Pulling back from the kiss, you lean back enjoying the feeling of her inside of you but Jurin doesn't like the pace so she takes your hips into her hands and starts to fuck up hard into you.
"Mhhh yes! Harder! Mommy!" You beg for her but she instead stops moving, cockwarming you. "Do you think you deserve it? You don't...." Her eyes rest on your beautiful breasts. "...but because your pussy feels too good, I'll give you what you want." She restarts her fast pace, your tits bounce with her rough thruths.
"Mine...Mine...Your're fucking mine." Her hips snap faster and faster, her cock pushing deeper into you. Despite the fact that you're on top, it's clear that Jurin is the one who is in control, she pulls you against her body, your back and her tits are pressing together.
You move your hips in sync with hers, her lips passionately kissing your own. She into your mouth, her cock twitching inside of you. Jurin stops you from moving, grips your hips even harder and starts to move in and out of you in a relentless pace.
"Oooh~ Mommyy!" Your back arches as your feeling her hit your cervix with her hard thrusts. "My pretty girl, my little slut, say your mine," Her cock hits your sweet spot repeatedly making you almost scream her name. "Yours Jurin, I am yours!!" Jurin pushes your legs apart, her hips snap brutally against yours. Her hand reached down to tease your clit.
"Do you think another woman can make you feel like this huh? Can they make you this wet and desperate?" Tears starts to roll down your face from the intsese pleasure your feeling as your stomach starts to feel tight. “Ohh! im cumming!”
You squirt all over her and Jurin began to play with your clit even harder as she feels herself cumming. Your hands grip Jurins thighs tightly, she leaves a couple of hickeys on your neck as her cum fills you to the brim.
After she is done coming, her head falls on top of yours and she breaths heavily. "Don't pull another fucking stunt again or I'll make you cum twice as much next time.." Jurin whispered into your ear before you both hear the front door close and voices fill up the house…
“Oh? the girls are back, how would you like them to see you like this,” Jurin says to you. “Them seeing you all fucked out by me” She continued as she ever so slightly thrusted up. “Dont do that,” You say as you try to get off of her cock.
Looking the mirror you see the amount of marks Jurin left of you. Fuck. Thats all you think as you now as you told them you were the top and you look most definitely not top looking. “Why did you leave so many marks..” You ask Jurin as you go and put on some different clothes.
“You look so much like a top now, pretty” She said very sarcastically. You flip her off as she starts to laugh at you. Knock. Knock. “The foods here”
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© xoioel — do not copy or translate my work.
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justfranzz · 7 months
Mirrors show only what is already there.
(Bloodied fists, drip drip drip-ing on the carpet.)
The mud by the beach tastes like home. Ask him how he knows.
(Home can be a house, and houses can be burned down.)
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
(Torn up knuckles; blood on the glass, glass in his skin. Equivalent exchange, he thinks.)
What's the use in having a reflection if there's no one there to see it?
(Eyes scratched out, mouth hanging agape, fists clenched and bloody at his sides.)
Time is a house, and houses can be burned down, and someone he shouldn't know has just formed an unlikely friendship with arson.
(He is not a person. He is only a reflection, an 8th grade art project, paper machê and glitter and smudged crayon.)
Immortality is to be remembered. He carries the immoralities of five strangers he knows better than himself, clutched tightly in his bloodied fists.
("What am I trying to say?" he tries to say, but seawater fills his throat and caresses his lungs.)
If this house is a home, it isn't a very good one.
(He wishes he could see anything past the blood on his hands and the scream in his chest and the little boy who wants more than anything for his dad to be proud of him.)
Riz Gukgak is looking in a mirror, and he's been the mirror all along, fingerprints buried in the glass.
(Maybe if he works a little harder, sleeps a little less, bleeds a little more, he can prove he's worthy. Of what, he doesn't know.)
Suffering is not noble. His fists will not heal, no matter how much ointment he puts on them.
(Red-soaked bandaids, piled in the kitchen garbage bin.)
If roses are red, he's growing a garden in his bathroom, dripping slowly onto the counter.
(He had never been good with plants. "Red thumb," his mom had called him. If only she could see him now.)
Riz Gukgak is a ball, and balls can only follow gravity.
(He sinks to the floor, glass digging through his jeans and biting into his knees.)
Maybe if he stays here forever, eternity will remember his name.
(What was his name again? Oh, right. Fingerprints on glass, the taste of ocean and mud. That's his name.)
A rose by any other name smells just as sweet, but all he can smell is the blood on his hands and the sharp sting of disappointment.
(It gathers in the back of his throat, bitter and grainy like the mud that tastes like home. He tries to swallow, but it grips his throat and holds him still.)
Riz Gukgak is someone, but he's not sure who.
(The name feels familiar on his tongue, but the blood is too slippery and the glass too sharp and the mud too thick. Names only matter to people who can keep them.)
He laughs, and it feels like home, just for a minute.
(Of course the mirror would shatter. Of course god is right here, reflected in the glass shards on the bathroom counter and the blood on the floor and the mud in his chest. He's known this all along. Hasn't he?)
He takes a deep breath in, dusty lungs creaking with strain. The air is heavy with all of the things he will never be able to say.
(All he tastes now is blood, and the certainty that something lies beyond the glass that taunts him. If only his fists would stop bleeding.)
Riz Gukgak is looking in a mirror, and he has been the mirror all along, and he will escape if it’s the last thing he does.
(Layer by layer, shard by shard, he will deconstruct the home he has built. Comfort is stagnation, and he has always hated being held in place.)
He decides to let his fists do the looking for him. He is so tired of the smell of blood.
(Slamming down, again and again and again until he knows his knuckles will never heal. He can’t tell who he wants to punish more, the glass or himself. Maybe they’ve been the same all along.)
Riz Gukgak is not looking in a mirror.
(He is home.)
(Based on O&T by @gilears because I still can't stop thinking about it)
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
So, i want to share a few smaller headcanons that i have about the OB cast!
- When Beel is in a good mood and/or happy, you can hear the faint sound of fly wings going "Buzz Buzz." Beel also rubs his hands together before eating his meals just like how Flies rub their hands together.
- One rare occasions when Belphie can't sleep, he'll count cute Mc sheeps to fall asleep. He also snores similar to cartoon characters like "Honk shoo mimimi." He swats away any biting bugs/flies away with his tail if they annoy him during his naps.
- Raphael has a talent for Swallowing Swords/Knives/Speers.
- Mephistopheles likes "My Little Pony," and his favourite character is Rarity. He and Leviathan talk about MLP all the time. Mephistopheles has a strong kick, similar to how strong horses can kick someone.
- Thirteen likes calavera makeup, and every year, she dresses up as La Calavera Catrina to celebrate the "Day of the Dead" also called "Día de Muertos" ((Day of the Dead is a joyful time that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory.))
- Solomon likes to watch his descendants fondly from afar even if he can't be part of their lives.
- Mc dressed up as a giant pickle once and scared Diavolo half to death (not really, but he was definitely spooked)
- After the brothers were cast out from the Celestial Realm, God created Jesus, making him the 8th brother.
- Every year around Christmas time, Satan accidentally receives "letters to Santa" from young children with dyslexia confusing the words "Santa" and "Satan," so Satan writes back letters to the children pretending to be Santa. (I wonder if Santa Claus exists in the OB universe?!). Satan, after coming to terms with his existence and his place in Devildom alongside his brothers, wanted to share his ideology and wisdom with humans. So he created a new religion that encourages hedonistic urges and desires but emphasizes heavily on keeping to yourself and not bothering or offending anyone else as you act on those desires. He called that religion "Satanism", unfortunately, humans misunderstood and painted him as evil and spreading rumours that is Satanism all about sacrificing Animals/children/virgins for selfish gain which pissed Satan off.
- Barbatos likes to be in control and puts everyone's needs before his own. He's always there for others, but he won't let anyone easily reciprocate. Because of his greed, he's afraid to lose himself in his passions/desires, so he keeps all his feelings bottled up. He fears his selfishness, consuming him whole and losing himself to the darkness. That being said, Barbatos once said, "I don't want to give myself completely to the darkness, and i won't as long as you're with me" to Mc. Basically, Mc is the "light" to his "darkness," and he would do anything in order to protect his light. There's a quote that i really like that fits perfectly. It goes like this; "Love is not blind. It sees you in the dark and chooses to be your light."
Anyway, that's it. This low-key got a little bit loooong, Ooooops.
-Angsty Anon.
That's it, I'm counting cute sheep MCs to help me sleep from now on. Please, that sounds so adorable 😭
Also excuse you with the Solomon one! Like my man isn't lonely enough, now he's watching his descendants from afar?? He would, too. :(
JESUS IS THE 8TH BROTHER aklj;sdfkljdskjlf what would have happened if God had made him at the same time as everybody else!??!?!
Poor misunderstood Satan! I'd be pretty pissed too if a bunch of idiot humans decided to make me evil and sacrifice babies in my name.
Ahh, Barbatos my true love. He's definitely got something about himself that he feels he needs to control to the point where he almost never lets go... one day maybe we'll learn about that mystery of his that he keeps so well hidden...
I quite liked all of these, thank you for sharing!
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
written on my heart
Summary: Starting when you turn 12, anything that your soulmate draws on their skin will show up on yours. Robin has waited years to see what her soulmate will draw.
Word count: 2,345
A/N: ahh im so excited about this fic!! thank you to @thruheavenandhighwater for all her help/beta reading. i tried something new towards the end and wrote the reader in 3rd person since this is from robin's pov. as usual, likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated!
CW: questioning sexuality, brief implication of homophobia
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1980: 12 years old
On the morning of her twelfth birthday, Robin leapt out of bed and immediately ran to her bathroom to stare at her body in the mirror, searching for any sign of words or doodles sprawled across her skin. She rolled up both of her sleeves and put her foot on the bathroom counter to get a closer look at her legs. When it was clear that nothing was there, she huffed in disappointment, rolled down her sleeves and made her way downstairs for breakfast with a small frown. 
Her mom was in the kitchen flipping her yearly birthday pancakes when Robin sunk into a seat at the kitchen table, only slightly sulking. Mrs. Buckley placed a plate stacked high with pancakes and topped with whipped cream and birthday sprinkles in front of her with a kiss on top of her sandy blonde head and a whispered happy birthday. 
“What’s got you so down?” Mrs. Buckley asked upon noticing her daughter’s dejected nature, “It’s your twelfth birthday! You’re supposed to be excited.” 
“Not when your soulmate hasn’t written anything on your skin yet,” She grumbled as she shoveled a bite of pancake into her mouth, “I thought it was supposed to show up when you turned twelve!” 
Mrs. Buckley chuckled as she sat down beside Robin with her own plate, “Be patient. I’m sure he’ll draw something soon.” She reassured with a smile, “Don’t worry too much about the soulmate stuff. It’ll come when it comes.” 
Robin tried to follow her mother’s advice, but she found herself checking the back of her hands, glancing down at her legs, and rolling up her sleeves at school all day, getting more and more disappointed when she found bare skin. By the end of the school day, she was starting to think that she didn’t have a soulmate, but she still checked for drawings anyway. 
By the time her mother called her for dinner, she had given up on looking. When she went to wash her hands in the kitchen sink, she spotted a little heart drawn in purple ink on the back of her left palm. She squealed excitedly and turned the water off to examine it. She softly traced the shape with her index finger, relieved that she had a soulmate after all. 
She couldn’t help but think that it was weird that her soulmate drew a heart on himself. None of the boys that she knew from school would be caught dead with a tiny purple heart adorning their skin, but she decided not to think too much about it. Maybe her soulmate wasn’t from Hawkins or maybe he was just sweeter than the boys she knew at school.
She thought about showing her purple heart to her parents, but she decided to keep it to herself for a little while longer. Instead, she grabbed a black pen from a drawer in the kitchen and doodled a heart similar in size right beside the one her soulmate drew, just to let him know she was there. 
1982: 14 years old 
Robin awoke with a start when the sound of her alarm clock rang in her ears. It was her first day of high school, the day she’d been dreading for the entire two months of summer. Robin knew that she’d be spending the majority of her first day Hawkins High School alone due to her lack of friends in middle school that would follow her to high school. She was afraid that she’d get made fun of for sitting alone at lunch or not having anyone to partner with for the beginning of the year project sign ups. She was nervous that the teachers would be as mean as her 8th grade teachers said they’d be and scared of the upperclassmen and how they usually treated freshmen. 
She sat up in bed, her stomach already upset due to the anxiety that’s been looming over her for two weeks. She knew her mother would never let her get out of her first day of high school, but she thought of bringing up her stomachache anyway, in hopes that maybe she would take pity on her. She felt queasy as she crossed the room and threw open her closet to choose an outfit for the day. Just as she raised her hand to grab her lucky jacket, she saw words scrawled on the back of her hand. She froze for a minute to read them. 
The words “good luck today!” with smiley faces and hearts decorating the skin around the phrase could be seen on the back of Robin’s hand. It was a simple gesture, but one that made warmth rise to Robin’s chest, nonetheless. She often woke up to little doodles that made her laugh or encouraging words neatly written in different colors from her soulmate. Robin often wrote back with her own drawings or words of affirmation. The notes on her skin made her feel like she had someone in her corner, although she didn’t have any friends at school. 
She always tried to picture what her soulmate looked like and tried to catch a glimpse of the hands of all of the boys in school as she walked by them in the hall or sat beside them in class, just to see if they had doodles that matched her’s on the back of their hands. Every time she looked, though, she silently prayed that she didn’t find a match. She didn’t have a reason for not wanting any of the boys from school to be her soulmate. It’s just that when she imagined dating them, it felt wrong. 
She thought it was nice to have a break from searching for her soulmate and thinking about why it made her queasy to imagine herself with any of her male classmates. She’d be faced with those feelings again today when she saw her peers. 
“Robin!” Mrs. Buckley’s voice startled Robin from her thoughts, “I hope you’re dressed! You’re going to be late!” 
Sighing, Robin fondly glanced at the back of her hand one more time before turning back to her closet and getting ready for the day. She was still nervous for the day ahead of her, but her soulmate’s note on her hand, her good luck charm, put her a little more ease. 
1984: 16 years old 
Robin stared down at her hand, giggling lightly as she watched the little doodles and drawings appear on her skin. She still got that warm feeling every time she got a note from her soulmate, but so much had changed since she first saw that little purple heart on the back of her hand. She stopped looking at the boys in the hallway when she realized that she had a crush on Tammy Thompson from her history class. She finally understood why she could would silently hope that none of the boys at Hawkins High would have matching doodles on the back of their hands. She wanted her soulmate to be a girl and that terrified her. Partly because she knew how the people of Hawkins, Indiana treated people who were different, but also because she had no idea if her soulmate was a boy or a girl. 
She had become close to her English teacher, Mr. Hauser, and regularly ate lunch in his classroom to avoid the prying eyes of her peers when she ate in the library alone, but also because Mr. Hauser was like her. She came out to him not long ago, during one of their daily lunches. She knew he would keep her secret and that he could relate to her and maybe even help her through her worries. 
“What’s she saying today?” Hauser asked, amused. 
Robin scoffed and rolled her eyes, tearing her gaze away from her doodle-covered hand, “We don’t even know if my soulmate’s a girl.” Just saying those words  made a knot form in her stomach. 
Hauser tutted, “Of course she is.” 
“Why, because I’m a lesbian?” She shook her head, “The universe doesn’t exactly work that way. The universe gets it wrong sometimes, you know.” 
“That doesn’t happen often, Robin.” 
“Yeah, but I would be the one in a million that has it happen to her.” 
Mr. Hauser didn’t believe that for a second. He saw the way Robin smiled when she looked down at her hand on the desk and how she giggled when a new doodle would pop up on her skin. He knew the universe hadn’t gotten it wrong, but how could he prove it to her? Better yet, how could her soulmate prove it to her?
“You should draw something back,” He suggested with a shrug, “Maybe a little doodle of yourself.” 
Robin gave him a look, one that told him that she knew what he was trying to do. She had to admit, the idea of it intrigued her, so she relented, grabbing a pen from inside her backpack. She drew a quick, sloppy sketch of herself (it was more of a stick figure, if she was honest with herself), complete with her short hair and bangs and an arrow pointing to it with the word “me!” written at the end of it with a smiley face. 
Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she waited for her soulmate to respond, hopefully with a picture of themself. She chewed on her lip as she looked away from her hand and shifted her gaze to her teacher. 
“What do I do if it’s a boy?” She asked, panicked, “You know what, I don’t even think that I want to know anymore! I could just not look for the rest of the day, right?” Her hands flew in the air as she spoke, as they usually did when she rambled, “I could just wait until the pen washes off of their hand o-or wear gloves for the rest of the day and-” 
“Robin!” Mr. Hauser interrupted when he caught a glimpse of a new drawing on her hand, “You got a response.” 
She squeezed her eyes shut as she turned her hand over so she could see the new drawing that marked her skin. When she gained the courage to open them, she saw a stick figure, similar to the one she drew, drawn in blue ink. The stick person had long hair, wore a triangle dress, and joined one hand with the hand on Robin’s stick person. A swirly arrow pointed to the newly drawn figure and the word “Me” with a heart drawn beside it sat above it. 
Robin was taken aback. Her soulmate was a girl! This knowledge made her fall even more in love with the person that the person that was on the other end of the doodles and encouraging notes. Wordlessly, she turned her hand toward her teacher so he could examine the drawing. A proud smile crept on to his face upon seeing the stick figure. 
“Told you,” Was all he said and it made Robin giggle. 
She was even more excited to meet her soulmate now than she was when she was twelve and she saw that little purple heart. 
1986: 18 years old 
“No, you dingus, the rom-coms are in alphabetical order by title, not the name of the director!” Robin groaned, “When have we ever organized movies by directors’ names?” 
“Well Kieth said-” Steve started, but was interrupted by the bell over the door in the front, signalling a customer’s arrival. 
“You fix these and put them in the right order,” She huffed, “I’ll deal with whoever this is.”
Robin hated dealing with customers, but she was even less fond of fixing Steve’s shelving mistakes. 
She made her way over to the counter and  stood behind it, ready to type a name into the computer, “Hi, welcome to Family Video! Can I help you fi-”     
She faltered when she got a glimpse of the customer in front of her. She was beautiful, breathtakingly so. Robin’s mouth went dry at the sight of her and she forgot how to speak for a second. She willed herself to finish her sentence, but to no avail. 
The girl stepped forward and leaned on the counter in front of her, “Hi!” She chirped, “I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of The Breakfast Club?” She asked sweetly with a bubbly smile. 
“Y-yeah,” Robin stuttered, walking towards the rom-com section without warning and hoping the girl would know to follow her. 
The movie started with the second letter in the alphabet, so Steve had already put it in it’s correct space. She stopped in front of the rom com shelf and scanned it for a split second before finding it. Robin reached up to get it, her jacket sleeve slipping down to expose the hand and wrist that was marked up with doodles of hearts, stars, flowers, and stick figures. 
“Wait!” The girl yelled, making Robin jump out of her skin. 
Robin froze, lowering her hand and turning to face the girl behind her. 
“Sorry, I just- Can I see your hand for a second?” 
The blonde nodded, holding her marked up hand out to the girl. She examined the drawings and pushed Robin’s sleeve up so she could get a good look at the flower that was drawn on her wrist. 
“It’s you,” She whispered, dropping her hand to show Robin her own. The same hearts, stars, flowers and stick figures were peppered on the back of her hand in the exact same places and an identical flower appeared on her wrist. Robin stepped forward and held her wrist in her hands, gingerly running her thumb over the flower that she drew there only hours prior. 
“It’s you,” The blonde repeated, beaming at her soulmate in front of her, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to meet you?” 
“Since that first purple heart,” The girl chuckled, stepping impossibly closer and pulling Robin flush against her by her hideous green Family Video vest, swiftly connecting their lips in one fluid motion. 
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citiair · 1 year
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aran ojiro x black!female!reader
-> ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE!!! basketball!player!aran, cheerleader!black!reader, reader and aran are good friends, aran is low key a jerk, reader likes aran, angst, she/her pronouns, female bodied.
pt. 1 -> pt. 2 -> pt. 3
why should you care? why shouldn’t you care? why did you have to care? why didn’t you have to care?
you sat there on your bed with your finger twiddling with one another.
you shouldn’t had sent that text you thought.
you wonder what he was going to say, how he would react, good, bad, nasty, happily honestly all of the above.
you were nervous for some reason, you honestly thought maybe there was a chance of him liking you back.
you slightly grin at the thought all the memories you have with
aran ojiro.
you and him met when he moved to your neighborhood, about that time you were in the 7th grader and he was going to attend the 8th grader at your school.
you guys never spent much time in school cause of the grade difference but outside of school, you guys had gotten pretty close within the span of 5 months of him being new to the states.
yea, he was from karumai a town in japan. he told you he learned a bit of english when his parents first informed him about the move to the states.
you asked him if he wanted you to help with knowing more about the english language. he happily obliged.
by the time you both were in high school— him eleventh grade, you tenth .he was fluent knowing both japanese and english. you were proud of him, from those days you guys got closer and closer, eventually becoming long-time best friends.
you both were into sports in high school. you being a volleyball player your fresh man year, then sophomore, junior and senior year being a cheerleader. while him being a basketball player for three years of his high school experience, his first year went to volleyball.
you liked volleyball but cheering and dancing was something you loved to do, you dreamed of being a pro cheerleader for the lakers, while aran dreamed of playing for the lakers.
“all the greats played for them!” he would say all the time. you and him had similar dreams with eachother, and saw eachother in the other’s future.
you realized as you both got older, got into the same college and you developed feelings for him, you honestly don’t know how and when, but did that stop you?
so now here you are, sitting on your dorm’s bed, biting your fingers and waiting for a response.
from him.
girl calmed down! he’s gonna respond! your dorm-mate willow told you, you guys had gotten pretty close you’re freshman year of college and luckily got the same roommate for sophomore year.
i know but i’m nervous you told them. they went over to you from their bed and sat on yours, next to you.
they rubbed your back gently and hugged you.
⁷:¹⁰𝚙𝚖 -> 𝗵𝗲𝘆𝘆𝘆𝘆𝘆 𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻!
𝘄𝗮𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 <- ⁷:¹¹𝚙𝚖
⁷:¹¹𝚙𝚖 -> 𝗶'𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂...
⁷:¹²𝚙𝚖 -> 𝘂𝗵𝗵𝗵..
𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹... 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝘂𝗽? <- ⁷:¹²𝚙𝚖
⁷:¹⁸𝚙𝚖 -> 𝗶 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
⁷:¹⁸𝚙𝚖 -> 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱...
𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘵 ¹⁰:⁵²𝚙𝚖
the next day you didn’t go to school.
this had such a impact on you.
he looked at you messages and ignored it.
you were sulking in your own thoughts when you heard a knock on your dorm door.
you got up from your bed and went to answer it.
and behind it was him- aran standing in all of his ‘glory’. he was shining with sweat so it looks like he just came back from the gym.
can i come in? he asked you curiously , it never took you this long to tell him to come in. sure come in. you said with your head pointing down
you went to sit on your bed and patted your bed to sit next to you but he shook his in rejection. you heart sunk, he never rejected sitting next to you. you really messed up.
listen y/n, i’m gonna cut the chase. i, we can’t be anything. we are best friends i would hate to ruin over some stupid crush, ya know? he spoke to you urgently wanting you to understand where he was coming from.
you bit your lip and shut your eyes.
humiliation is what you felt.
i know, it was dumb to act on my heart rather than my thoughts. my bad i guess.. you harshly said to him now with tears cascading your face
y/n- he began to plead but you stopped him.
please just leave aran, there really isn’t no point of explaining. you said what you said. you told him wiping your tears and walking to your door.
you opened the door and slowly walked over to you and the door and looked at you one more time.
i love you. okay text me if you need me. aran said to you as he kissed your cheek and left out the room.
he was almost already down the hall when willow was walking up to the open door with you in the entrance.
so i saw him kiss your cheek? is it a yay or a nay? they asked you concerningly looking at your dries-up, tear-covered face.
it was a nay wills. you told them as you walked away from the door it’s funny cause you really thought he would you
like you
a/n: heyyy its been a while… anyways! anyone want headcannons or a part two? maybe i’ll be nice and give y’all both… who knows… hope you enjoyed!
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© citiair, all rights reserved. no copying of my work! inspiration is appreciated but must be credited! work is modified because of the owning I have to it!
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
OMG! I saw your Hcs for Johnny cade and now I need a little story with the reader 😭 (If you can ofc,and whenever you have time) PLSS 💖 also have a good day/night ^^
(A/N; whoever requested this please enjoy it bcs this is so sweet ilysm)
"Not the best.” Johnny Cade X Fem!reader
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Today was your first anniversary when you first started dating Johnny. You didn’t forget this and had it planned out for a really, really long time. You bought Johnny a gift and you had even baked a cake!
You didn’t want to buy one cause it was too expensive and it seemed easy enough to bake one! If soda could do it, you could too! Right?
You accidentally add too much of an ingredient, too little and everything just goes to shit. But you tasted the batter and it tasted fine! So maybe it’s all good!
(But you decided to cover it in a lot of frosting just in case.)
You put the cake on your table with the gift and waited for Johnny.
5 minutes have passed. You thought he was taking a bit long so you painted your nails. They looked good! Maybe he’d like them.
After the 8th minute, Johnny came through the door. He was holding some flowers and a necklace and something else he was hiding. You tried to get a closer look but he wouldn’t let ya.
“You can look at that later, ‘Kay? Cause I got ya other things.” He says as he smiles and hands you the flower and necklace.
It was your favorite flowers and it was the necklace you wouldn’t stop eyeing.
“But this was expensive!” You exclaimed. “Two-Bit.” He said and you understood immediately.
“Thank you. Anyways, sit down! I made cake.” You smiled happily and he nodded, sitting himself down at the table.
You then went to the drawer, got a knife, then came back and cut the cake into eight slices.
You lifted one of the slices onto a plate and gave it to Johnny. Johnny then took a bite out of the slice you gave him then turned to face away from you.
“Johnny, what’s wrong? Is it not good?” You asked, biting your fingernails. Had he noticed that the cake wasn’t good? (Did you not add enough icing?)
Johnny slowly turned to you and smiled awkwardly. “It’s…erm…good.” He mumbled and nodded.
You sighed than grinned, embarrassed. “It’s not the best, is it?” You said, making Johnny sigh and nod.
“How about we go to the store and get a cake there!” “Please. I’m sorry, but that cake was really nasty.”
“Thanks for sparing my feelings Johnny.”
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fireflykaizoku · 1 year
Kid x Reader | 8th Floor
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let's pretend it's new year already 👀
It was your last New Year party with your friends from college, and one of your close friends, Killer, invited you to a party at his apartment. Many of your friends were going and the blonde was a nice guy, so of course, you couldn’t say “no”.
You were waiting for the elevator to arrive on the main floor, already late for the party, when someone you knew very well stood next to you holding two plastic bags. The tall figure, bright red hair and strong arms were hard to miss. 
Eustass Kid.
For some reason, both of you never got along and exchanged snarky remarks almost every day ever since you started college. And honestly, you had no interest in befriending him. Maybe it was his bad boy attitude and how he always had that stupid little smirk on his face. And to Kid, the way you challenged him was amusing but annoying at the same time.
— Hello, (Y/N). — he greeted you with that sarcastic tone. — What a pleasure to see you here.
— Sadly I can’t say the same, Eustass. — you rolled your eyes, tapping your foot and waiting for the elevator that was taking way too long. 
— Then do like I do, just lie.
Before you answered, the elevator finally arrived, and as you made your way towards it, Kid followed you.
— What are you doing? — you asked, pressing the number 11, Killer’s floor. 
He raised his nonexistent eyebrows.
— Going to Killer’s party at his place? — he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And honestly, it was. But you completely forgot someone like Killer could be friends with him.  — Maybe you spent the past couple of years so distracted focusing on me, that you forgot that he’s my best friend.
— You know, I’m going to ignore that. — the door closed and you crossed your arms.
It felt like a whole eternity, and being in such a small space with Kid was making it hard to breathe. You felt relief when you saw the number 7 on the display, and right on the 8th floor, the lights went out and the elevator stopped moving. It was almost completely dark if it wasn’t for the emergency lights.
Oh no.
— Are you kidding me?! — you both exclaimed at the same time, making you look at each other frowning. 
You took a deep breath to keep yourself calm.
— It’s temporary, it’s just temporary. — you repeated, closing your eyes.
— Of course it’s temporary! — he sat on the floor, just in case it took longer. — Or do you think we’ll spend the rest of our lives inside an elevator?
You softly kicked the redhead, making him grunt.
— It’d be my worst nightmare! — you said while placing your own bag on the floor. You checked your watch, it was already 11 PM.
It’d be alright, though. After all, the power would come back before midnight for sure. There’s nothing to worry about.
You and Kid were about to get your phones to text Killer, only to realize that there was no signal there. Great.
After five minutes of silence, still nothing.
Ten minutes later, no sign of the power coming back. You sat on the floor, trying to be as far as possible from the annoying redhead.
— I don’t bite. — the man broke the silence. — Of course, if you want to… — you interrupted him.
— I don’t! — you softly kicked him again, making his husky voice let out an “ouch”. — I can’t believe I’m stuck in here with the most annoying person I know.
Kid laughed. It wasn’t the best moment of his life, but it wasn’t that bad in his opinion. And after a peaceful moment of silence, Eustass broke it.
— Tell me, (Y/N)... Why do you hate me that much? — he asked, actually curious this time. — I don’t remember what happened between us.
You rested your head against the wall, trying to think back and find a reason why.
— I don’t hate you, Eustass. — you started. — You annoy me and I want to punch you sometimes, but I don’t hate you. I guess we… Just never tried to get along for some reason.
He hummed in response.
— What's that? Are you getting all sentimental because of the holidays? — you laughed. — What about you? Why do you hate me so much?
— I don’t hate you. — he widened his eyes and his voice sounded very sincere, different from his usual mocking tone. — I like annoying you and pushing your buttons because you look cute when you’re angry, that’s different.
You couldn’t help feeling your cheeks getting warmer at his sudden compliment. It was unusual and in a weird sentence, but it was still a compliment.
— Well… — you stuttered. — You need to find other hobbies then. You have too much free time.
The redhead laughed at your reaction right before looking at his cellphone to check the time and getting a can of beer out of the bag.  
11:30 PM.
Still nothing. You couldn’t even hear the sound outside, which made you assume everyone were in their own apartments, either waiting for the power to come back or just celebrating in the dark anyway.
— Do you think we’ll be able to arrive before midnight? — you asked, rubbing your arms feeling the temperature drop slowly. 
— I doubt it at this point. — the man placed the beer on the short space of the floor and removed his leather jacket, offering it to you. After being hesitant for a second, he sighed. — You’re going to be cold. Take it.
You took his jacket, a bit too large for you. But it was comfortable anyway. Seeing Kid drinking his beer, you shrugged and got your bottle of champagne, trying to open it. A hard task to do in the dark.
— Let me help you. — he gently took the bottle out of your hand and opened it easily. — Here.
— Thanks. — you took a sip of it, finding it very unusual to see all the kindness coming from him.
Both of you drank silently. It was odd not bickering with each other every five minutes, but maybe, being stuck in an elevator with Kid changed things between you two. It felt like you could tolerate each other for the first time.
Time was going slow, so you tried to start a conversation, asking about his resolutions for the next year, for his plans after college. And surprisingly, Kid was very interested to know about your plans as well, and what you’d do after the party.
The sound of fireworks and yelling coming from all the apartments made you both look at your phones, it was midnight.
You look at each other and for some reason, maybe because you two finally got along or maybe because the whole situation felt weird, you giggled.
— Here’s to a very weird New Year. — he raised his can.
You laughed.
— Happy New Year, Kid. — you raised your bottle.
Right away, the power was back. The light made your eyes hurt a little, and the elevator started finally moving. You both looked at each other in surprise and deep inside, there was a bit of disappointment. 
You were having a good time.
Both of you arrived on the 11th floor in silence, wondering if things would be back to normal after that night, or if things would change from now on.
— Hey… — he started, a bit hesitant as you made your way towards you friend's apartment. — Now that we know that we don’t hate each other… Do you mind if I take you home later tonight? I mean, because it's... Dangerous.
You couldn’t help feeling a weird feeling in your stomach. Not a bad one, it felt more like butterflies, which was too weird to you. 
— Okay. — was the only word that left your lips as you softly smiled.
When you arrived at Killer’s apartment, everyone was already drinking, laughing and having fun while blowing out the candles that were all over the living room. And maybe it was the alcohol, but all of your friends, even Killer, noticed that you and the redhead were almost holding hands at the party.
They’d need to remember to ask you about it in the morning.
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koco-coko · 5 months
OC Info Post: Bonnabel de Saint-Germain
(This is most certainly my most self-indulgent and somehow also my most thought-out OC. Enjoy my unadulterated silliness)
@drewadoodle hi here's the mansion baby (apparently i have one for the castle trio too except that one's fully an adult so if I post her I can tag you in that one too if ya want)
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Full name: Bonnabel de Saint-Germain
Nickname: Bonnie, Bon-Bon (Arthur specific), Bell (Theo and Vincent specific)
Birthday: November 8th
Likes: Outdoors, Pastries, Mousette, Reading
Dislikes: Sour Flavors, Math, Rules
Background: A mysterious infant showed up on Le Comte de Saint-Germain’s doorstep one night during a banquet with the residents, and she’s been called his daughter ever since. All she came with was a homemade birth certificate, a stuffed toy of a pastel blue bat, and a wax-sealed letter. The contents of said letter are only known to Comte and Leonardo and he has refused to share it with anyone else, even Bonnie herself. A strange injection Bonnabel took as a newborn has made it so that they are unable to detect what kind of vampire she is, though Comte doesn’t seem too concerned about that fact…
Through the Ages
(aka the main differences between Bonnabel’s different ages without getting into deep spoilers because I’m writing a fic with her hehe.) (Bonnabel is almost always portrayed in the Childhood stage. Sometimes teenage [mostly with castle trio])
Childhood– Bonnabel, wild and carefree. Don’t even try to make her sit still– she’ll bite your hands with dull, stubby fangs until you let her go. The biggest nuisance and agent of chaos the house has seen in a while. Temper tantrums and dramatic outbursts are common, and as a vampire, she’s really yet to understand her strength. Still… There is something endearing about her reckless abandon and pure fascination with life. She’s sweet and kind all the same, she just has her moments.
Teenage years– Outdoor play time has turned into calm walks through the garden and snack time is now tea time. Although Bonnabel’s matured since being in single digits, everyone can tell something about her is just… off. Maybe it’s the way she’s shy about everything, how reclusive she’s become, how utterly captivated she is by space, or perhaps the way she’s withdrawn from everything other than her studies. Her self-image couldn’t be worse (how could she ever compare to the greats of history she lived amongst, really?), and she’s really been pestering Comte about her past as of late.
Adulthood– Bonnabel, after many, many challenges, trial and errors, heartbreaks, and betrayal, has finally grown into her own skin. Well, sort of. She’s gained back some of the excitement she had when she was a little girl, but it’s been distilled into a fine wit and humor. Now, she simply does as she pleases, whether that be studying something to the point of burning into her brain to simply staying in all day and catching up on some novels. She’s a vampire! She’s got all the time in the world to get things right.
Eye color: A pale orange, with slight hints of crimson in her pupils. It’s not very noticeable from far away but in the right sunlight it’s a bit more 
Hair color- Sandy blonde, like Vincent’s hair. Just a bit more colorful than that.
Disabilities- Undiagnosed because of the century, but most certainly has ADHD and dyscalculia (unable to some basic math)
Height- Childhood: 4’1, Teenage: 5’0, Adulthood: 5’11
(i dont have any drawings so um yeah i just used to ikevamp doll haha)
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I’ll be splitting the characters into archetypes– how Bonnabel sees each of the residents as a family unit, then going a bit more in-depth.
Brothers– Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Isaac, Napoleon, Jean
– Napoleon: The big brother. No matter how Bonnabel’s feeling, whether she wants to play or vent to him, he’ll make time available. Bonnabel likes hiding and cuddling into his cape and constantly pesters him to teach her fencing. Instead, he’ll teach her how to cook pastries (it’s not like Jean or Vincent are going to do it). 
– Arthur: He’s the one Bonnabel goes to if she wants to get away with something or is bored out of her mind. He’s the fun brother and almost lets her get away with anything. Especially when it comes to teasing Isaac. He’ll also sneak her chocolates from time to time. She loves playing detective with him and likes to act out scenes from books with him. Plus, Vic and Bonnie are utterly enamored with each other, so it’s always a good time with Arthur.
– Vincent and Theo: How could they not feel like her big brothers? Vincent is the only person Bonnie is nice to no matter her mood and he’ll let her watch him paint if she’s ever interested. They tried finger-painting when she was little, but she tried to eat the paint and it’s been banned for the time being.
Theo, on the other hand… It’s a bit more tenuous. Bonnabel didn’t understand being called a mutt or pup was a sign of affection at first, but the two clicked once the misunderstanding was cleared up. As a little girl, Bonnabel drew a picture of all three of them holding hands with both Vincent and Theo titled ‘big brothers’ and that might be the closest Theo was to ever crying in front of his brother. He now has it framed in his room.
– Isaac, Mozart, and Jean: All in the same boat- didn’t get along at first, but later on they became close. Mozart’s relationship with loud and wild Bonnabel is… strange, but he does seem to be able to talk sense in her. She only recently got unbanned from the music room. Mozart’s bedroom is still off limits. Isaac was wary of her (especially because she liked Arthur so much), but they get along once she’s older and quieter. Sometimes they stargaze together. Jean has always been kind to her, but never got too close. Well, until Bonnabel insisted they study reading together and now it’s not uncommon to see them reading fairy tales together. Jean has promised to teach Bonnabel fencing one day, too, behind Comte’s back. 
Weird Uncles– Dazai and William
Dazai: Dazai is a nutcase, but in a fun way! He’s always speaking in riddles, but at least he’s not boring, right? She doesn’t interact with him that much, but when she does, she’s surprised by the words of wisdom she receives. She also has joined forces with him to absolutely torment Isaac, except she’s the one who has to apologize and learn a lesson. He’s fun, just weird.
William: Bonnabel doesn’t see him often. When she does, Puck is close behind and the girl and rabbit become inseparable. Bonnabel is utterly infatuated with Puck and gives him all of her attention, booping his cute little nose at every chance. The one bad thing about seeing Will is, well… tiny little Bonnabel can’t understand him at all. Vincent or Comte have to translate for her if they ever visit the villa because she’s too shy to ask him to speak simpler.
Parents– Leonardo and Comte
Comte: Dearest papa! It’s his life mission to make sure Bonnabel never has to know a day of pain or fear. Sure, perhaps the idea of raising her without the same pressures of nobility and vampirism that he did is a selfish wish, but she’s smiling everyday in the mansion. He has to be doing something right, right? Comte was Bonnabel’s whole world as a little girl. Going into her teenage years, their relationship becomes strained, much to Comte’s confusion and sorrow. (And yes, the pun in Bonnabel's name was intentional, even if he tries to deny it).
Leonardo: Babbo! Whenever there’s a Comte level matter but Bonnabel’s worried he’ll be mad at her, she goes to Leonardo. While hugging Comte smells like fine wine and perfumes, Leonardo smells like book pages and cigars. Both scents have become safe places for her. They take naps together a lot. Especially when Bonnabel is upset. Sometimes she’ll find him sleeping on the floor and join him because she’s bored, using his chest as a pillow. A lot of Bonnabel’s toys and even her bed are made by him.
Auntie and ‘Mama–’ MC/Mitsuki and Sebastian
– When Bonnabel was learning how to talk, she called Sebastian ‘Mama’ and it kind of stuck. Nowadays, she just calls him Sebby (he’s not the biggest fan, but nothing he’d really want to complain about), but sometimes they still joke about that name despite Bonnabel having zero recollection of it. Unfortunately, Bonnabel almost never listens to what Sebastian has to say unless he flicks her forehead. 
Mitsuki was called Auntie from the start. Bonnabel respects her a lot and will mostly listen to her authority, so she is definitely more of an aunt than a sister to her. This is also due to Mitsuki having to help Comte in certain aspects of raising her, such as bathtime and the likes. A part of their strong connection simply is the fact they’re the only women in the mansion.
BONUS! Castle Trio (met at Teenage Stage)
Charles-Henri: After a bit of apprehension, they get along pretty well. Whenever Bonnabel starts stressing out, Charles will pop up and distract her with games, food, or something else. He also tends to encourage any of her fixations no matter what, when, how and why.
Faust: Bonnabel is completely creeped out by him, but… He seems to know her somehow. Sort of like an uncle you haven’t seen in years but keep telling you things they remember. Bonnabel thinks he might know about her birth parents, but she's too shy and nervous to ask him. He’s… polite, at least. Doesn’t seem to try and bother her very much, but he still gives odd vibes. She does not want to be alone in a room with him.
Vlad: Oh… him. Yeah. It’s weird. On one hand, they have a shared trauma they can bond over, and on the other, he’s trying to hurt her family. Sure, he saved her from certain death that one time, but his dream has become so twisted she can’t help but distrust him. Still, it’s not as if they don’t get along. Actually, they have a lot more in common than one might think. 
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A/N = Something is going on with me lately. My writings have become all mushy and gooshy. Lovey and shit. Oh well. Hopefully it'll appeal to someone out there.
FLUFFY. Sorta slow burning, Levi and y/n have been dating for a while but he's not had really good luck in the love dept. so he's cautious. Doesn't feel really like he deserves this love {or food}. Y/n helps him move on from that.
C/W = Language, sex. That's about it. Nothing too graphic. It's more cheese than anything.
Art is NOT mine.
WC = 3.1 k {ish}
MDNI // NSFW {ISH} under the cut.
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"But it's like sleaze in the park You women, you have no self-control The angels remark outside You are known for insatiable needs I don't know a thing"
-- Interpol, "Pace Is The Trick"
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Love In Levi, Levi In Love
Levi sat and watched you eating your dinner. "That looks really good, Y/n."
You wiped your mouth as delicately as you could after you shoveled food into your face. "Mmhm, it's so good." You said, almost sounding like you were having the best orgasm of your life. "D-," you wanted to choose your next words carefully because you never couldn't always tell yet with Levi, what he'd say or how he'd react to something you say to him.
"Leev', baby, would you like to trade dinners with me?" You smile gently as you push your dinner across the table to him. "G'head," you encourage him.
He reaches out and takes your hand instead of the plate. "Are you sure? What will you eat?" He rubs his thumb over your palm. "You're the best."
Tilting your head to the side, every reason so far making you fall in love with him comes flooding back to you. "I. KNOW. RIGHT!" You smirk and you push the plate the rest of the way over to him and he takes it, gratefully.
The first bite he takes has his eyes rolling back in his head. "Oh. My. Fuck. I'm never ordering anything else if we come here again. I mean, this ... this is all I'm ever ordering here again. For the rest of my life. Thank you."
You roll your eyes, "It's really not a big de-" He interrupts you.
"Y/n, it is to me. Ok? Thank. You." Levi dug into the plate of food you gave him and you watched him eat with reckless abandon. Ok, maybe not that much abandon. But he was finally eating something. And it made you smile.
On the walk home Levi reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You took him by the wrist and narrowed your eyes, looking at him like there were words sitting on your tongue just waiting to be spilled.
"Um, hi-eee." He said. You knew he was just trying to be funny. It's not that he usually failed when he tried this. He was just so serious the rest of the time that it always struck you as odd when he'd let loose like this.
"Leev', I want to come up tonight." You said. It wasn’t a question. But you had a feeling he’d not agree. 
You and Levi had been on 7 dates. Tonight was the 8th. And you wanted to come up to his place. It's not like you haven't been there. It was always for a quick hand washing or a change of clothes. Not for what you had in mind, though.
"Y-y-you what? You want to come up? Tonight? F-f-,"
"Levi, collect your thoughts before you talk. I'll wait."
He raised his eyebrow and turned from you for a moment.
Other couples passed by you on the sidewalk, smiling at you. Laughing with one another. Holding hands. Kissing.
"Listen, Levi. I'll just go home tonight ok? It's ok. I'm actually kind of tired now that I stop and think about it."
"Y/n ... I, I ... ffffuck. I'm sorry." He said, as if he'd done something wrong.
"Leev', really, baby. It's ok. I think I'll just go home and take a nice hot bubble bath and shave my legs or something."
He laughed. "Yeah. I wasn't going to say anything. But since you brought it up --- yeesh! Let me know the second you're home, y/n. Ok? I mean it. The second. C'mere," he pulled you close and hugged you tightly. Pulling back he gave you a closed-mouth kiss and a wink.
"Good night, Levi. Thank you for a really nice evening." You smiled so sweetly. He felt like he didn't deserve you. That was a bad habit of his. But you're helping him over that bump in the road.
He hailed you a cab and you got in, waving goodbye as you went down the road.
About a mile down the road you got a text from him, "I'm sorry." was all it said.
You walked into the elevator of your building and called to tell him you were home safe and sound.
"You sound ... Are you ok? You sound like you're doing pushups or something. One meal like that isn't going to throw your metabolism off, Levi." You joked.
"I'm happy you're home s- oh god, um, home safe. Glad you made it home safely. Listen, I have to go - hohhh - ..." He said as he huffed into the phone.
"Levi, are you ok? You really sound weird, baby."
"Fuuuuccking messy. Damn it. Yes, yes! I'm perfectly fine. I have to clean something up. I'll call you later, hm? Bye for now."sbody
He hung up the phone rather quickly this time. But you let it slip your mind as you sank into the warm bubbles that sat so nicely around your chilled skin.
You put your bathrobe on and went to make some tea before you went to bed.
There was a knock at your front door. You opened it, fully expecting it to be your neighbor with the laundry basket you always forgot downstairs. But it was Levi. He had a small and simple bouquet of purple, white, and orange flowers. You stood there, open-mouthed, shocked.
"Did you forget we already said goodnight?" You asked.
He shook his head and just stood there. Holding out the little bouquet for you to take. You didn't take it right away. You couldn't speak. Levi tilted his head to the left, as if he were studying your body language to try and read the signals you were giving him. Finally, he lifted his arm and handed you the flowers.
"These are chrysanthemums. The ones that you love. Y'know ... your birth month flower, and they symbolize happiness, and ... a, uh, well, they're supposed to protect you from evil spirits. Y'know, how many of those you have hanging around here." He blushed hard.
"So, how is it that you carried them all the way here if they ward off evil?" You smirked at him. "I'm kidding. They're beautiful, thank you Levi. But what's the occasion? It's after midnight. This couldn't have waited?"
Levi stepped inside and pushed your shoulders back against the closed door. "Yes. It could have waited." He kissed you, gently pressing his nose into yours. You loved this kind of kissing, where you feel so close to him. Almost as if you were physically a part of him for a brief moment.
Your kiss was deep, as if the only reason either of you were breathing was for the other. You pulled away, reaching for a strand of Levi's hair and pushing it behind his ear.
"Wow. I'm ... really happy to see you too ...? But what, what brings you out at this hour? Are you ok?"
He tapped his finger against his temple. "See? That's exactly why I want to be with you. I came by after midnight, disturbing y-"
"You're not disturbing anything, Levi. If you recall a few hours ago, I'm the one who wanted to stay with you, mm? So don't assume you're doing anything wrong. I love being around you." You put your hand over your mouth at your use of the 'L-word'. "I mean ... Well, yeah. Goddamn it. I LOVE being with you. Spending time with you. And that kiss just now, my god. That was the best kiss I've had since ... since the last time you kissed me like that."
Levi stood against the door with his arms crossed against his chest, just watching you being very 'you'. He chuckled at the sight; Your hair was in the messiest bun. Strands fell around your face and neck, not quite dry from the bath you had. Your makeup was all washed off. Your natural lip color was luring him in like a siren song. He couldn't not kiss you. Even though he had done that once already tonight. He wasn't near satisfied with the one he gave you when he got there.
"Fuck, it's a little cold, Levi. Do you want to come in for some tea or something? You're already here, I mean ... stay? A little while, at least?"
"That'd be nice."
You took him by the hand and led him to the couch. He watched your ass jiggle a little bit as you walked in front of him. It was more sexy than he'd ever have imagined so mundane a thing could be. You put the kettle on and brought out your nicest cup.
"And here. And. Here." You brought him a teapot and your favorite teacup. You filled his cup and then got a cup of your own. "It might be really hot so be car- well, shit. I'm sure you know how to drink tea by now." You blushed.
You sipped your tea together quietly for a few moments, the silence becoming slightly awkward. Levi kept glancing up at you and then down again, not making eye contact. He reached for his hair and realized he didn't want to fidget with it. He wanted to touch something else. So he put his hand on your thigh and began rubbing his thumb back and forth.
You smiled and looked up at him, careful not to stare for too long lest the spell be broken. You were falling in love. And you didn't want to spend another night away from him.
But you weren't about to be pushy. You didn't want to pressure him. He had boundaries that you tried your hardest to respect. So, after 45 minutes of sitting there in near silence and sipping on your tea, Levi got up from the couch and took the teapot and the cups to the counter. He stood there with his hands resting on the edge as he looked at you.
"Can I have a glass of water, y/n?"
You smiled, "Yes, of course, baby. One second."
You got a glass and started filling it with water from the fridge. Out of nowhere, Levi slides across the floor to you and pins you against the refrigerator with his hips. You were about to ask him if he'd fallen on the floor or something. But when he whispered into your ear, you realized that the only thing that had fallen was your willpower to control yourself around him. "Why don't you stop flaunting your ass every time you walk in front of me like that?"
"Levi! Oh ..." That's when you felt the hard heat pressing into you. You shivered. "Y-you really think my ass looks good? Don't you, um, d-don't you usually look down when I'm in front of you like that? I'm not used to having your eyes on me." You pouted.
His breath was hot on the back of your neck, making the hair stand up on your arms.
"How am I not supposed to look at you? God. Especially tonight when you're running around in nothing but a bathrobe. You are naked under that, no? So risque." He smiled at you.
Levi backed up, allowing you to turn and face him. "You're so beautiful."
"Mm-mm. Not as beautiful as you, Levi." You ran your cupped hand down his cheek and he leaned into it. "Stay. Stay with me tonight." It looked as though you might cry if he told you no.
"Y/n, I -" He looked at you closely before finishing his thought. "Let me go down and grab my things from the car."
Your eyes shot up to meet his. "What? You brought stuff to stay over? Oh my god!" You started to jump a little and your robe fell open at your chest. Levi saw the plush softness of your skin peeking out and felt his cock jump to life. He knew there was no turning back. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm staying. Let me get my bags out of the car. I'll be right back."
You ran to your bedroom and straightened the few things that were out of place and pulled extra pillows from the hallway closet. Taking a deep breath you said to yourself, "He's staying."
And then, you got really nervous. "HE'S STAYING. THE NIGHT. HERE. OH. SHIT! SHIT!" You looked around at anything that might be out of place.
Levi was a very meticulously clean person, almost like a cat. If he could, he'd shower 3 times a day.
"I'm back, y/n." He followed the light to your room and saw you sitting on the edge of your bed, twiddling your thumbs. "Why are you blinking so much? Are you ok?"
"Haha, what? Am I blinking?"
"Yes. Like an insane person."
You laughed and then covered your face with your hands. "Oh, gosh. Levi! Help!"
"W-what?! What is wrong?" He kneeled in front of you with concern written all over his face.
You couldn't help but think that even when he was worried, he was still absolutely gorgeous.
You hushed him and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him up to stand between your knees.
Leaning into him you said, "Bed?"
You thought his jaw would fall off his face from his mouth hanging open like that. He didn't know how to respond. His cheeks were on fire as you slid the bathrobe back off your shoulders and let it pool at your waist.
Levi couldn't take his eyes off you. He leaned in and kissed you again, deeper this time. With an open mouth and roaming hands that could finally find their home in the bare softness of your body.
"Fuck, y/n."
"Come," you whispered, and pulled him by the hand, leading him onto the bed. You slid backwards, biting your lip as you looked him over from head to toe. "Levi," you whimpered as he climbed over top of you and pulled your legs around his waist, letting his full length press against you.
"I wanna be here. Can we try ...? I'm ready."
Your body started shaking as Levi began pulling his shirt over his head, exposing his chest and abs. "You have no idea how often I've dreamt of this." He kissed his way up your neck and onto your lips, teasing them apart with his tongue.
As Levi was slowly slipping off his pants, you were practically sweating. You couldn't stop staring at him and your thighs were still shaking a bit.
You both admired the view of the other laying there. Finally, after a few seconds of waiting for the next move, you crawled up and straddled Levi's hips.
"Y/n, oh. Y/n," Levi moaned your name as you sank your hips onto his throbbing cock. Your slick wetness eased his way inside.
"Holy fuck, Levi! Oh, god, baby." You loved the stretch, and the pressure. "This is the best fucking feeling in the world. Oh my god, how did we wait this long?"
You pressed your cheek to his chest, arching your back as Levi placed his hands on either side of your hips, rocking you up and down. He pushed himself further up into you, gripping your ass tightly.
The moans echoed off the walls of your room. Levi caught his breath and looked up into your eyes as if asking for permission to say something.
"I'm here, I’m here now." He said, knowing you have been waiting for him. You know that he never really trusted any partners enough to allow himself to be fully vulnerable.
"Y/n, sweetheart, please." He said so softly as he pulled you down to kiss him. You let yourself fall into his arms. He didn't need to say anything anymore. He didn't want to. Not this time.
You smiled as he looked up and kissed the tip of your nose. "Levi, I'm so glad you're you."
He groaned as his hips moved faster, slamming into yours over and over. You felt the tingling begin to overtake you, the familiar sensation in your lower belly signaling an imminent release.
"Oh my god. I ... think ... no, I am ... I'm gonna-,"
"Shhhh." Levi hissed, quieting you as you moaned.
He reached for your nipple and pinched it gently. You cried out his name and started to shake.
"I-I'm ... oh, baby. Please. Please let me, let me -"
"Yes. Cum, y/n. Cum for me, all over me." Levi groaned as he reached up to run his thumb over your swollen clit. He kissed the tender place between your breasts, lightly sucking on your skin. "You're mine."
That was all it took. You came all over his cock and every time he thrust upward you wanted to scream in pleasure. "I'm all yours." But instead you smiled. "You have me. All of me."
"Shit! Ahh! Fuck fuck fuck, you're so wet for me."
His eyes rolled back in his head as he gripped the back of your neck with his free hand, holding your head down so that your eyes were on him. The only sound in the room was his hip bones slapping against your flesh and his desperate moans.
He bucked his hips up and gasped for air. Your second orgasm snuck up on you and came quick, rushing through you like a river breaking the banks in a flood.
You felt him tense as he fell into his orgasm, trying not to spill a drop as you ground down on him even harder.
His hips rocked against yours and he groaned. As his cock softened, he felt the heat rising in his cheeks. "Ahh, fuck, y/n. Mm, yeah. We're sticky now."
You laughed and laid on top of him, panting and sweating. He smiled up at you, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind your ear.
"It's cute."
"What is, my ear?"
He chuckled. "Nooo, your hair is so wild."
Levi pulled himself free from beneath you and tucked you into the bed as you yawned. "Sleep." He kissed you and turned to leave the room.
"Wait. Where are you going?" You said, eyes filled with fear and heart dropping in your chest.
"Hm, what? Me? I'm - I'm gonna wash up. What kind of man do you take me for?"
"An amazing one. But just ... come here." You reach up and wrap your arms around his waist as you hold him tightly. "Sleep here. In my bed. I promise, just sleep. I just ... want you with me. Always." You feel the warmth of his chest as he wraps his strong arms around you.
"Always? Is that a promise, y/n?" Levi whispers the words, barely moving his lips at all, as if he's too scared of his own thoughts to formulate the question.
You tilt your chin and place your forehead against his, running your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. "Yes. Levi. Yes. I promise."
His eyes fill with tears, but he doesn't let them spill. Even though he now believed that you'd always be there to wipe them away.
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Stray Kids Scenario - Taste For Something Sweeter ~ Lee Yongbok
Post Date: 8th September 2022 Content: Smut  Word Count: 3.2K TW?: Barista!Felix/ CollegeStudent!Reader/ Lip biting/ Kitten/ Neck kissing/ Foreplay/ Cum Swallowing/ Slight praise Summary: The cute barista at your favourite coffee shop takes a huge interest in you, basically falling head over heels for you. However one thing leads to another and he’s craving sweet. Maybe you should get too into your work more often to stay past closing time for an extra treat. 
~ Scenario Mobile Masterlist                                     Prompt List If you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee!
Prompts: 67 - “Oh, you like that huh?” 69 - “Can’t keep my hands off of you” 88 - “Don’t tempt me”
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“Next customer please,” the barista on the till called out to you as you shyly shifted forward, going to pull your card out ready for when you ask for your order. 
However you’re interrupted by the barista on the coffee machine placing your drink in front of you, “She drinks vanilla iced lattes, and this one’s on the house,” he lowly murmured to his coworker, sending you a wink as he walks back to the machine. 
“Thank you, Felix,” you happily say once you reach the end of the bar, grabbing a straw before going to find a place to sit.
“So you’re on a first name basis?” his coworker Changbin asked with an amused look on his face, watching his friend fighting away the blush that spreads on his cheeks.
“Well it’s not hard for her to know my name, our names are pinned to our aprons,” Felix sassily replies, taking his off before throwing it to the side of the bar, “Besides, she’s here almost every day, maybe twice if I made the drink to her liking and she wants more”.
Confused by his sudden movements, Chanbin calls after him, “Where are you going?” as he walks off the bar, Felix signalling him to shut his mouth, pointing towards you from behind the machine.
“Going to get my girl,” he replies, smirking ear-to-ear as he struts towards you, feeling Changbin’s eyes piercing his skin as he sat down next to you, throwing two fingers up at Changbin to leave him alone. 
“Here, again Y/N?” Felix asked with a smug look on his face, looking down at your spread of study notes, not even bothering to make an attempt to read any of them. 
“Yeah, unfortunately. I can’t focus in my flat so I come here to get work done for my assignment due on Friday,” you frustratingly throw your head into your hands, removing one to sip at the coffee he made barely five minutes ago. 
The face of contentment slowly appears on your face once you manage to drink some of your coffee, smiling at Felix whose eyes are glued to your lips, “You make the best coffee, thank you for that”.
“Yeah it’s no problem,” he scoffs, realising that you were talking to him as he disconnects from his daydream, eyes once again connecting to your lips, licking his own as he watches yours wrap around the straw. 
It felt wrong to even think that way of such a good customer, but by god did you distract him the minute you walked in? Even on the days that you somehow don’t turn up, he’s gotten your drink ready, hoping you’d be in to take it from him.
Could say that this was a little crush but at this point, he was ready to give up his job for you, to know you, to be with you. He certainly wasn’t going to give the other guys that worked with him a chance to get to know you, especially not Changbin who’s known for being such a flirt. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” You asked with a raised eyebrow, catching onto Changbin’s sly looks from across the shop at Felix, though his face does soften once he catches the way Felix looks at you, realising that he was really head over heels for you.
Felix takes a glance at Changbin who is unable to hold back a giggle, looking back at you as he inches his face a little closer, practically cuddling your shoulder. 
“He’s a big boy, he can handle himself. Plus, I’d rather be talking to you,” he smiles so sweetly, as you flash a smile back, blush filling your cheeks as you realise the time, knowing you had to get some work done, even if it was a page at least, “Well, as much as I love talking to you, you have to work and I have work to do”.
The way he got to his feet in a slump after being told, you flash him a wink, scribbling down on your post-it note pad, handing him the little folded piece of paper as you watched him walk away to the bar. 
His eyes widen and a grin slowly appears on his face when he notices your phone number on it, looking back at you before getting back to work with a pep in his step. 
Though he tries his best to focus on his work, he couldn’t help but occasionally look up and over at you, ready to fall to his knees when your eyes meet with his, reaching into his pocket for his phone to text you, watching a smile appear on your face from the text genuinely makes his day.
Customer after customer, rush after rush, it was finally time for Felix and Changbin to close up shop, letting you work quietly in the corner as they realised that you were so deep in concentration that they didn’t want to interrupt you. 
“Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?” Changbin asks his younger friend, looking over at you, oblivious to anything else going on outside of your workspace, “I promise, I’ll be fine. I trust her”.
Once the door was locked completely, Felix only had to stock everything back up around the shop left to do, but his attention was so deterred that he stumbles over the mop bucket in front of him, soaking the entire floor once the bucket tips over. 
With the sound of the plastic banging against the tile floor, you jump out of your skin, looking up and around the shop, eyes lying on Felix who’s clearly frustrated with himself.
“Hey, I can help clean this up,” you offer, walking close to him as he avoids your gaze, frustratingly mopping up the tipped water, shaking his head to deny your offer.
Carefully, you put your hand on his arm, stopping him in his tracks as you manage to ease the mop out of his grasp, taking over from him. He couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with lust, watching your figure move so effortlessly as you mopped. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, noticing his gaze upon you with his mouth slightly agape, cogs turning in his head as he was just stuck for words to muster a reply.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine,” he finally answers, trying to avoid your gaze as he taps his foot, fingers tangling together before scratching the back of his head nervously.
Putting the mop to one side, you approach him carefully with a sweet smile on your face, getting so close to him that it gets hard for him to avoid looking at you. You’re confused as to why he’s suddenly gone all shy and quiet, and not looking at you which makes a change to the other times you’ve been in and he’s been working. 
“Uh, I’m fine honestly. Wanna help me with the stock?” he scoffs, clearing his throat from nothing as he forces a shy smile, pretending like he felt really rude to ask a good customer with helping him close the shop.
“Being alone with you in the stock room, don’t tempt me,” you tease, winking at him before turning genuine, “Of course, I’d love to help. It could be paying for the free coffee”.
The wink alone was enough to set him off, even more, realising that you were more of a tease than he’d thought of you to be, but the way you considered that as payment for the coffee amused him. In his mind, he’d give you free coffees all the time if he could get what he wanted, without being so weird and too forward about it.
“Follow me,” he adds, smiling as he makes a head start towards the back of the shop, tapping in the staff code to get to the stock room. 
As a normal person would, you felt really anxious, worried that he could get into trouble with you being in the shop past closing time, never mind even being back of the house and helping him.
“Lix, wouldn’t you get into trouble if your boss found out I was here past close and helping you with closing?” you panicked, leaning against the stock room door as he held it open for you to walk through.
With a shake of his head and a face of reassurance, your panic sets a little, but you were still on edge. 
Though the softness in his low voice helped a lot more, “I’m best friends with the boss, we’re like brother’s here. Chan is chill, as long as you aren’t here when I cash up, we’re golden”.
“As long as you’re sure,” you smiled, letting him be a gentleman as you headed into the stock room, the door closing slowly behind you. 
At the sight of the shelves stacked high and fully, you gulp. Hoping that you wouldn’t have to go through everything with him, but luckily, you didn’t have to. 
“We only need a couple of things, see that trolley? We usually put everything we need on there to take it out with us so we don’t have to do multiple journeys to get stock,” Felix says from behind you, already taking a few things and placing them on the said trolley.
“If you could just grab those takeaway ups and lids for me, about 4 of each that’ll be fantastic,” he smiles as you nod, ready to help him out. 
You take one look at the shelf and realise that the lids were up higher than you could ever reach on your tip-toes, leaving that challenge for after grabbing the cups down first which weren’t that high anyway. 
Then it came to it, you sighed, looking around for some type of stool or something to give you that little extra height to be able to grab onto the plastic sleeve that the lids were in, but there was nothing at all.
Hearing you getting a little frustrated, Felix gazes over at you, a smile appearing on his face at how cute you were at attempting to reach it. 
He expected you to deny his help but once he offered, the little nod and pout that you gave him were cuter than you trying to grab it in the first place.
Instead of asking you to move aside, he’s right up against your back, reaching for the lids with one hand as the other fall to your waist. 
To you, it looked like he was almost struggling himself, but once his hand fell on you, he couldn’t help but need to indulge at the moment. 
Knowing it would be too weird to prolong it, Felix finally grasps the lids, throwing them onto the trolley. 
Once he turns back around, his eyes fall on you looking up at him with that sweet smile that made him go head over heels for you in the first place. 
Though his hand never left your side, and once his eyes connected with yours, he unconsciously set his other hand on the other side, breathing starting to get hitched as he fights the urges to kiss you there and there.
“I want to, but I can’t keep my hands off of you,” he whispers as you look up at him with wide eyes, unknowing of where that came from but you knew you’d be lying to yourself if you haven’t thought about him as more than just your barista. 
Realising what he’s doing, he pulls back a little, “I’m sorry, uh...” he blushes with a nervous smile.
His shyness only comes back slightly before you press yourself up against his front, looking up at him as you pull at his hands to put them back on your waist.
Before a smirk could even grow on his face, his lips pressed against yours. Starting off really slow and gentle, but as he wanted more, the further back you were pushed until your back was flush with one of the fridges. 
You gasp at the impact of yourself being pressed against the cold metal, sending goosebumps down your arms at the temperature pressing against your shoulders and through the t-shirt.
“What’s the matter, you cold?” he teased, cocking his head to the side as he notices the goosebumps down your arms.
He was unsure if it was if you were cold or the tension that was starting to fill the room between you.
Again, you would be lying to yourself if you said it was just the coldness of the fridge against you. It was that and the fact he was firmly against your front, warming it up as his boner pressed against the inside of your thigh. 
“I- Uh-” you stutter, as you watched his tongue swipe his bottom lip, finding yourself needing him more than you realised as a puddle fell at your core.
Giving up on finding the words, you pull him back for another kiss, this time it didn’t start off so slow and gentle, but it was passionate and you were both hungry for each other. 
Your wet muscles fought against each other as his hands wrap tightly around your wrists, pulling them above your head, holding them there securely with one hand as the other hoists your leg up against his hip.
“Shit-” you hiss at the sensation of your lip being pulled from in between his teeth, sucking on it lightly as you melt under his touch, eyes connecting with his once again as he lets go of your lip.
“Oh, you like that huh?” he teases, now biting his own lip as you fought for your lips to be pressed against them.
“Hey, that’s my job,” you whine as you watched his plumb bottom lip fall out and teased it against yours, “Are you sure?” he retaliates as he bites yours again.
Though you were quick enough to bite his lip back, pulling on it a little harder than he did to you to test the waters, his low growl sending shivers down your spine, whimpering on his lips despite him barely touching you.
Dropping your leg back down, he looks at you with hunger, and you were desperate for more than just his lips. 
Though with the sudden realisation that there were cameras watching, you pause for a second, staring one down as his lips pressed against your neck, making you breathe heavy. 
“Felix... The cameras,” you moan once his lips press against a sensitive spot, he sucks on the skin lightly before licking over it.
“I can sort that out, don’t worry kitten,” he whispers in your ear as his hand caressed your thigh, inching closer and closer to your core with each fingertip lightly pressing against the clothed skin. 
“We can stop if you want,” he softens, looking at you genuinely as he goes to pull away once again, but you couldn’t wait for him to finish for you to go somewhere, you needed him there and then.
“We can always have round one here,” you suggested, your shy smile once again turning into something incredibly suggestive as he nods, “Only if you’re sure”.
The minute your hand pressed against his clothed boner, he had his answer. You were definitely sure, loving every single deep moan that escaped his lips from you palming him through his work trousers.
“Fuck-” he groans, enjoying this a little too much, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that”.
A smirk on your face tells him that you didn’t do that but he wasn’t one for letting himself get all of the pleasure, lowering your trousers slightly so he could get easy access to your soaked core.
Your breathing becomes hitched the minute his fingers press against your core, playing with your through your underwear before pushing it to the side and his fingers get covered in your slick.
To return the pleasure, you fight with his belt through moments of pure pleasure, taking out his shaft as you slowly started to pump it as his fingers drew digits on your clit. 
The more he circled and pressed against your clit, the quicker you were pumping him, coating his entire shaft with his precum as he gets his fingers completely wet, sticking them into you as you moaned a little louder than expected.
“You’re just as pretty moaning over my fingers as you are sipping at the coffee I make you,” he groans in complete bliss, permanently tattooing the image of your face in his mind as you whimpered over his fingers that caressed your walls.
“Felix-” you cry out loud as you start to lose your pace, trying to focus on also helping him cum but it seemed impossible when his fingers pressed against your sensitive muscle. 
“It’s okay kitten, you cum anytime you want,” he whispers on your lips as he forces his tongue into your mouth.
Your breaths mixed with the sound of groans and whimpers fill the stock room, as you start to feel yourself starting to become very sensitive, the knot starting to pull tight. 
The customer who he’d expected to always be so innocent and sweet was unfolding into something he would’ve never thought under his touch and he loved every second of it.
It was like you had reached cloud 9, with the way his fingers toyed with you so well had you crying as the knot snaps, biting down on his shoulder as your release all over his hand. 
“Such a good girl,” he praised, kissing the side of your temples through a groan, realising that he wasn’t far behind himself, “Shit- Y/N... Knees-”.
With that, the minute you come back to some form of normality, you drop to your knees, eye-level with his shaft, licking up it before taking him whole into your mouth. 
His head throws back in satisfaction as a hand finds it’s way to the back of your head, slightly messing up the ponytail that you had going on as he pushes his fingers through your hair, pulling on it slightly.
The girl he had a crush on now had their mouth around him, and if he thought it couldn’t get any better, he was wrong.
The way you used your mouth like a professional, had him shaking at the knees, unable to hold it back any longer as he twitches in your mouth, soon to be followed by a hot string of cum oozing down your throat.
“Shit- Oh my god- Kitten- So fucking- Good,” he groans so lowly, making your core pulsate at the sound as you swallowed every drop of his release, gently licking his shaft as he lets you pull away with a pop. 
“Free coffee for you anytime you fucking want,” he pants, looking down at you on your knees as a smirk makes its way onto his face.
“How about being able to get this anytime you want?” you happily offered, getting to your feet as you threw your arms around him, his hands resting just above your ass. 
“I’d love that, but first, let me finish my job so we can get out of here quicker, this is just the beginning,” he growls into your ear near the end of his sentence, pulling away to kiss you lightly on the cheek. 
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inkheartedwanderer · 2 years
she's so pretty that you're lost in the stars || e.m.
part 2
eddie x fem!reader
content: (self-indulgent, oops) fluff, mutual pining and maybe a few artistic licenses :)  in my universe we’re all springsteen fans 
word count: 2.4k 
tuesday - january 8th, 1985 
"I still can't believe we managed to get tickets for this." You enthuse, jumping out of the van and closing the door behind you. The cold January air bites at your cheeks and your tight-clad legs, but the excitement coursing through your veins is enough to placate the chill.
The street is busy and loud, alive with people going about their days; the early setting sun casting a soft golden glow over the buildings, kissing them goodnight, and painting the watercolour clouds in hues of pink and orange.
“I still can’t believe I let you convince me to do this for you.” Eddie’s groan reaches you before he does, and you’re wearing a playful smirk when he stops by your side and squints down at you. “I’m losing precious hours of life here! And it’s fucking freezing.” 
He’s not really angry. You know, because there’s a ghost of a smile hidden on the corner of his lips -and because it’s Eddie. He never gets mad. He’s just got a flair for the dramatic, always has. You find it quite cute. 
He’s wrapped in a thick, worn-out lined leather jacket that you love to steal from him on cold nights out, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his torso and hide your face on the collar of his coat. The faint scent of cigarettes and Eddie’s cheap cologne invades your senses. Your voice is muffled, but sugary sweet, overflowing with affection and giddiness when you speak.  “It’s gonna be so much fun.”
You feel him relax under your touch, his hand patting your back softly. “Yeah, yeah.” He takes your arms and pulls you away, his face so close to yours that your noses are almost touching, his umber eyes glistening. “You only like him because you think he’s hot.”
You harrumph and give him a little shove. You’ve had this conversation before, but Eddie likes to push your buttons -always in good fun, he says. 
Winters in Indiana can be brutal, bleak and dark, the sun disappearing early in the evening and rendering the rest of the day useless. For you, that’s hours spent sheltered in the warmth of your room, sometimes alone, but most times with your best friend, laying on your carpeted floor or your bed, listening to music and sharing secrets and cigarettes. 
That’s what you were doing when you told him the news -Eddie, sprawled on your bed, a sight to behold, black cotton against light blue sheets, chains and tattooed arms over flowered cushions, trying not to laugh; you, pacing around the room, gushing over the last-minute tickets you had somehow managed to buy and begging him to go with you; and Springsteen, the man of the hour, crooning softly in the background.
It was snowing outside, the weather unforgiving and the night gloomy, but your bedroom was bathed in a pleasant yellow light, and it was warm in there -warmer than in Eddie’s own room, because the heating system of the trailer was broken. 
He wondered if you’d let him stay over if he asked nicely enough. Maybe pushing your buttons was not the best idea, but Eddie enjoyed how flustered you could get. He knew you would say yes anyway.
“Yeah, that’s not happening, sweetheart.” He was holding an old paperback bent at the spine, which he carefully closed and placed on your bedside table.
Crestfallen and mopey, you kneeled by your bed and grabbed his arm, fingers too gentle to cause any real pain, although the boy gasped in feigned hurt. “Eddie, come on!” Eyes wide and glassy, he always found it hard to resist your puppy face.
Eddie knew that you knew, and he hated it. “I have a reputation to uphold.”
“No one has to know! It will be our secret.” 
“You’re only asking me because you don’t have a license. Admit it.” The boy lifted you up effortlessly, and you sat down by his side, your cheeks dusted pink. He cackled and let his head fall dramatically against your pillows. “You really are! You hurt me, woman.”
“I go to every single one of your concerts!” You fought back indignantly, pouting.
“Of course you do!” 
“I was there when Jeff got stage fright.”
“Happens to the best of us.” Eddie crossed his arms, his eyebrow raised in amusement.
“And when Gareth got sick and you had to play without a drummer!”
“Call me when you learn to control your up-chuck reflex, smarty pants.”
“And that day you forgot the lyrics!” 
“Now, that’s a low blow.” He pulled you into his lap and began tickling you mercilessly, your giggles like bells ringing in his ears. You squealed and squirmed, kicking your feet and trying to get away, but the boy didn’t stop until both of your stomachs hurt and tears adorned the corners of your eyes.
Still out of breath, you looked intently at him and spoke with a small voice. “I’ve asked you to come because you’re my best friend, and I want you there with me.” 
Eddie’s eyes softened, and he felt something both too heavy and too light inside his chest, like you were giving him everything he needed and taking it away from him at the same time. Best friend. His fingers were delicate when they squished your face, and his smile was big and dimpled, achingly tender, the kind of smile that he saves for you only. “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll go with you.”
The bed creaked when you threw yourself at him, as your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. “You’re the best and I love you, you know that?” 
His face was warm, almost as warm as his heart felt, when he hugged you back.
“I like him because he’s good.” You poke his shoulder. “And you’d say the same if you took that metal stick out of your ass.”
He snorts and reluctantly holds the hand you’re reaching out to him, fingers cold and calloused, but pleasant against yours. 
Eddie leads the way, navigating the streets confidently and casually talking about the concert he and his band are putting on next week, asking you if you’re coming to see them. However, you are too focused on your intertwined hands to really pay attention, gazing at them mesmerised. 
Neither of you has ever shied away from physical contact throughout your friendship. Hugs, cuddles and subtle touches are a regular occurrence for you two. It feels so natural that you can’t imagine not being able just to reach out and touch him.
You wonder what would happen if you ever were to confess that those affectionate gestures ignite sparks in your heart, like fireworks burning your skin from within; how you find silly excuses to feel his skin against yours. It’s been eating at you for a while now, the words fighting to escape your lips every time you are around the boy.
“...so?” You blink, snapping out of your thoughts to find Eddie looking at you expectantly. At your silence and puzzled face, he lets out one of his dramatic sighs, exasperated. “Next Friday? The Hideout? You coming?”
“Oh.” Your lips turn upwards. “Of course I am, silly. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He mirrors your expression, and his whole face lights up -the corner of his eyes wrinkle, laughter lines etched on pale skin; dimples, and all his teeth on show. 
There’s already a crowd gathered when you get close to the stadium, and you feel the electricity in the air, like you and all these hundreds of people are inside a bubble -the streetlights seem brighter, the traffic muted and far away, a shared furore coursing through your bodies.
Moving among the crowd towards your designated entrance, you throw curious glances at the people around you, the vibrant colours of some jackets, the voluminous hairstyles and striking make-up looks a few people sport.
Eddie leans in to whisper above the noise and chatter, tugging you close, his breath fanning. “One day, all these people will gather to see Corroded Coffin. Mark my words.”
“And I will be there, front row.”
You’ve never seen him look at you the way he’s looking at you now, and Eddie prays the burst of affection he feels isn’t too obvious (it is, although you can’t pinpoint exactly what his dark eyes convey).
As you stand in line, waiting for the doors to open, you notice the first stars twinkling in the fading blue sky, framing Eddie, forming a silver halo around his messy curls, highlighting his cheekbones -like a vision, you think, straight out of a dream.
Indianapolis has never looked so pretty to you as it does tonight. Neither has he.
Your seats are far from the stage, but you don’t really care. The music reverberates through the arena, pulses from the beat making the floor vibrate; your voice, and Eddie’s, mingling with those of thousands of others, singing along to every verse.
And the boy is surprised, but he’s actually having a really good time. The band sounds great. Bruce is an exceptional front man, his voice raspy and powerful. The energy, although different to what he’s used to in his metal concerts, is infectious anyway.
Mostly, he’s captivated by the sight of you, uninhibited and carefree, straining your voice with a smile so big it’s almost splitting your face in two. At times you turn around to sing the lyrics at him while he stares subtly; other times he grabs your hand and twirls you around, and he swears each giggle that falls from your lips flutters straight to his soul and finds a home there, for him to keep. 
A little over an hour into the concert, there’s a brief pause. You’re out of breath, sweaty and flushed, but your eyes glisten with happiness when you turn to look at Eddie. “Are you having fun?” The faint lack of confidence behind your question vanishes when the boy nods.
You’re considering confessing your feelings to him right here and now, when a slower beat begins to play softly, synths over a deep bass rhythm. In honour of a birthday, and in honour of love. Eddie steals a glance at you, your eyes wide and expectant. Springsteen’s raspy voice echoes through the air.
Well, wise men say only fools rush in…
“No way!” You turn around, beaming. Your hand sneaks around his arm and you tug lightly. “I love this song!” Your free hand is placed over your heart, you join the chorus of voices singing along.
Eddie can’t help it, not when you’re glowing like this, with a giddy smile and flush skin and twinkling eyes. Not when each one of the lines sung reminds him of you. The words leave his mouth before he’s even had time to process the thought, blending with the music, just when the chorus hits.
“You know I love you, right?”
You spin around, still grinning, but eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly, the tiniest glint of confusion across your face. Leaning closer to Eddie now, your eyes move back to the stage.
“Sorry, what? I didn’t hear.”
“Mmh, it’s nothing.” He wraps his arms around you from behind and lets you fall back against his chest. Your hands find his, fingers soft as you trace them mindlessly across his skin. Eddie rests his chin on your shoulder, he can smell the fruity aroma of your shampoo and your hair is tickling his face. “Maybe I should add this to our set list.”
You barely manage to conceal the shiver that run down your spine when his breath kisses your neck as he speaks. “I think you should.”
Eddie’s voice overpowers every other sound as he sings, close to your ear.
…but I can’t help falling in love with you.
If you only knew.
It’s cold outside, the darkness broken by the light radiating from the streetlamps and buildings. Even though it’s late at night, the city is still bustling with people and vehicles, their cacophony of sounds humming like white noise in the background. Each step away from the stadium comes with a breath of fresh air and a much welcome January breeze that relieves your clammy skin, your breath condensing as you exhale in white clouds.
As the crowd disperses and the ruckus fades into a distant murmur, you and Eddie stay behind, neither of you looking forward to the drive back home. He stretches, a sliver of pale skin showing between the hem of his black sweatshirt and his jeans. You force yourself to look away, eyes trained on the boy’s face, but the cheeky grin he sports makes you fear he's noticed. If he has, he says nothing.
To hide your blush, you turn your back on him and start walking. What follows is not an awkward silence, those don’t exist between you two. It’s a new kind of silence, however, the dense weight of unspoken words lingering in the air.
“What were you saying, before?” You fall into step beside him.
Your question takes Eddie by surprise, he can feel the heat rising to his cheeks. “Can’t remember. Nothing important.” He’s taken a second too long to answer, he realises, when he notices the look in your eyes has changed. 
“I just thought I’d heard…” You begin, unsure. The beat of your heart is pumping against your eardrums as you strain to remember exactly what you think you’d heard. But when you lock eyes with his, you decide against bringing it up. Just in case you heard wrong. So you just shake your head and catch his hand, pulling him in and leaving a sloppy, nervous kiss on his cheek; eyes brimming with affection. “Thank you so much for doing this for me, Eds.” You don’t drop his hand, and even though your eyes travel to the floor, there’s a loving smile painted across your lips, tinting your face a soft, glowy pink. 
And he almost confesses again, he almost allows himself to tell you how much he loves you, how he’s willing to do anything you ask him to if that means you’ll smile like this again. Like he’s hung the stars in the sky for you. And he would, if you wanted him to. He could get lost on that smile of yours.
But the way you look right now, next to him, so pretty and happy, joy radiating from your very skin like you’re a star, burning, his own personal Sun, feels enough. For now, at least.
You’ve never looked so pretty to him as you do tonight.
                                                  🌷 🌷 🌷
a/n: Hi:) Thank you so much for reading, if you’ve made it to the end. I’m not as happy with this one as I would’ve liked, but I hope you like it anyways. I love Bruce Springsteen, so when I found out he debuted his cover of Elvis’ Can’t Help Falling In Love at his January 1985 Indianapolis concert, I couldn’t help myself.
I’m (slowly, I’m afraid) working on another, longer Eddie story and on a Robin fic as well. I’ll be finally free next week, so hopefully I’ll be able to write full time. 
Thanks again, much love ♡
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