#i have One (1) song for us and that's wasteland baby
avian-hearts · 11 months
i wish i had the ability to say stuff about my ship with longan bc there's something about them with destruction and ending, and then my insert who's similar in a way, but also has the beginning
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Hello! The art on this reading is done by me! If yall wanna go check out my art blog its called @starlitghostfawn 🖤🩵🤍
Remember take what resonates, leave all the rest behind but always be open to new experiences!
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Crystal: Green Fluorite
Astrology: Aries ♈️, Capricorn ♑️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Figurine: Blossom Bunny
Song: “Memory” by Toby Fox
Pile 3, your inner child has a pixie-like energy that makes them super hyper and happy. However, they have a huge complex about success. They are surrounded by expectations that were put upon them long ago. Now you are the only one putting those expectations on them. They need some time to play. Space to do whatever they please with no pressure to perform or to do your absolute best with no mistakes. Allow mistakes to be made. Allow yourself to be human. You are so hard on yourself and think yourself in circles over the littlest mis-step. Mistakes a part of humanity and being alive. Your inner child is an earth angel that is allowed to learn messily. You will make yourself and others proud even if you take time to let them free.
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Crystal: Rose Quartz
Astrology: Scorpio ♏️, Taurus ♉️, Cancer ♋️, Aquarius ♒️
Figurine: My Melody
Song: “Wasteland, Baby” by Hozier
Pile 2, your inner child is congratulating and celebrating with you! They have this soft, shy energy. They have asked something from you and you gave it to them! Fantastic job, friend. I think what you have been working on is loving your inner child more actively. You worked through some emotional issues recently and met your inner child where they needed you. It has made your life different but happier! Maybe you showed them a love they haven’t felt before or at least haven’t felt in a long time. I definitely see maybe you did something new with your hair that your inner child finds so fun and fulfilling. I also see you could have worked through the root of an ED and are working on your recovery! Your inner child is so grateful to you. You are learning to love each other and trust each other. Which I see you have worked very hard on. You have been doing your shadow work and healing. It is time to take a break and pour yourself your favorite drink. Appreciate yourself for all the work you have been doing.
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Sagittarius ♐️, Gemini ♊️, Leo ♌️, Libra ♎️
Figurine: Cinnamoroll
Song: “always, i’ll care” by Jeremy Zucker
Hello, pile 3! Your inner child's energy is like a fire-cracker. They have a very spicy energy but it feels very tame. An outside force (probably a mother or another feminine role model) definitely shoved them in a box early on. Your spicy energy goes unappreciated by you because of how some of your inner child has been hidden away. Two things I think would be important for you to know about this. First, you are free of this third party who judged you. You don’t have them hanging over your shoulder anymore. You are free to let your inner child be themselves. Second thing, your inner child’s aggression is a very useful and protective tool. Let them get angry. Let them bark at people. Not allowing that energy out is less protective than relaxing and permitting them to protect you from people or things that you know hurt you. I know you’re scared to empower them. Their discomfort is worthy of being addressed. You don’t have to keep them away to remain safe anymore. You are 100% allowed to be a little brat sometimes and there is nothing wrong with that. Anger is part of the human experience and is important to keep some control over but not a total domination. Free the little one.
-ghost 👻🩵
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starfallforest · 26 days
Stop putting 'Too Sweet' by Hozier in your Sylus playlists
I am sorry—this was clickbait. I don’t actually care what you do with your life. But I need you to hear me out for just a second, okay? I am extremely not neurotypical about two things: Love and Deepspace, and Andrew John Hozier-Byrne. And I have seen more than one person in the tags talk about "Too Sweet" by Hozier being a perfect song for Sylus and MC. My only discourse about this is that Too Sweet is a song about a man who makes continuous self-sabotaging life decisions being incompatible with a partner who has her life put together. In my humble opinion, both Sylus and MC are hot messes of people in completely different ways. Anyway, it’s a good song so I don’t blame you for putting it in every playlist ever. In fact, you should. But if you're into this song, I want to show you a couple more pls pls pls 🙏​
I might just be autistic, but both Hozier's music and Love and Deepspace have something extremely important in common… and that’s BEAUTIFUL MEN YEARNING!!!1 And that’s not even to mention the haunting, raw sexuality we can project onto the stories that each of these things feeds to us. That's why I needed to make this post on the 1% chance that someone might hop on this brainrot train with me. So let me present, for just a moment of your time (if you're willing): other Hozier songs that fit Sylus so well I want to combust about it.
De Selby (Parts 1 & 2):
“At last, when all of the world is asleep You take in the blackness of air The likes of a darkness so deep That God—at the start—couldn't bear.” [azlyrics] [gaelic translation]
Imagine just casually writing THE love song that so beautifully says, “Before you were in my life, I kinda understood how God felt before he created the universe.” Excuse me? Andrew just dropped this stanza on us without so much as a cw: fuck you. And if that sickening portrait of gnawing loneliness isn’t enough, we have all the Genesis God references. Since all the LIs in the game are at some point likened to gods or rivaling gods with their power, then add the reverberating instrumentals and chillingly slow vocals in this 2-minute killer, tell me how this song does not fit Sylus. Not only that, but we also have imagery of his lover descending upon him like the night (which is invoked during Part 1 in the Gaelic verse), and I know that’s on the nose for Sylus but come on. I need you guys writing smut to have an orgasm during De Selby (at least Part 2) because it might change ur brain chemistry I'm just saying.
“When you fall on me like night—I wanna kill the lights.” [azlyrics]
This song still rules irt its playing with darkness symbolism, but it also refers to the darkness in the singer’s lover—which in Sylus’ case is MC and we all were there when she shot the guy in the heart like his freaky eye was telling her: “And your heart, love, has such darkness—I feel it in the corners of the room…” my goddddddd stop right there I can’t handle the METAPHORrrr. You think Sylus gives a flying fuck about MC’s frivolous morality bullshit? No he wants her to embrace her own darkness, sit under the blankies with him and cuddle after doing crimes and a beat poetry session. This is some fucking Hannibal Lecter beyond-dark-romance shit. I’m not even trying to write a dissertation here (and yet…)
Talk (from Wasteland, Baby!):
“I'd be the sweet feeling of release mankind now dreams of, That's found in the last witness before the wave hits, marveling at God… Imagine being loved by me.” [azlyrics]
Not only does this song utilize insane Greek mythology metaphor and Biblical comparison but the overall meaning of it is, “I want you so bad, I need to speak poetically to hide how down bad I am for you.” That sounds kinda like Old World Sylus and all his pretty nicknames to me.
“If I was born as a black thorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you, Fuel the pyre of your enemies… Ain't it warming you, the world going up in flames?” [azlyrics]
This whole song just some hard, deep and steady yearning for 4 and a half minutes. Are you kidding? The acronym in the title stands for Nothing Fucks With My Baby, which is sung in the chorus like some quietly violent war chant—soft, dark, and powerful. Anyway don’t tell me Mr. Sylus “Give me a list and then go to bed. I’ll take care of it” Loveanddeepspace wouldn’t scorch the earth for the love of his life—or do one better and stand by her side while she scorches the earth herself; here’s the protective/supportive mans anthem you ordered babes.
It Will Come Back:
“I know who I am when I'm alone—I'm something else when I see you. You don't understand, you should never know How easy you are to need.” [azlyrics]
This song has repeated imagery that warns of the dangers of taking care of a feral animal, and then compares the feral animal to the singer as a lover. Like fuck off, that’s sexy and haunted. And we know that not only does Sylus love animals more than people, but he’s pretty animalistic himself if we are to believe that maybe he’s secretly a demon or something.
Arsonist’s Lullaby:
“Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash.” [azlyrics]
Remember in Lost Oasis when MC goes on some tangent wondering what Sylus' past was like? Well it was this song. It's about troubled youth and learning to grow in your darkness. Also how cool is that imagery of demons? Hey Sylus, what do you have to say about demons? I'll wait. In the meantime I'm tattooing this shit on my clavicle
“Everytime I’d burn through the world, I’d see that the world—it burns through me.”
We got a man and we got some fire allusions so there ya go.
Blood Upon the Snow:
“To all things housed in her silence, Nature offers a violence.”
Blood upon the snow—it's red and white! Red!! And white!!! Also kind of a Sylus x Zayne anthem lbr
Ok I hope you found another song that inspires you to make Sylus art or fanfic with!! And before you ask, yes I've already assigned Hozier songs to every other love interest in the game. Ok thanks for reading!!! 🏃‍♀️​💨​
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nateconnolly · 9 months
Hozier Reading List of Free Texts You Can Finish in Less Than A Week
Another Hozier reading list is floating around the Internet, and it’s very thorough. Huge respect to @notmysophie for putting that together, they put in a lot of effort and research and it really shows. This is an alternative reading list for people who are too busy or tired to read all the entries on a complete list of Hozier’s literary influences. This list is incomplete—even after finishing it, there will be some very prominent literary references in Hozier’s music that might go over your head. But this will definitely help you appreciate the depth of thought in his songs, and if you read just five pages a night, you’ll be able to finish this reading list in less than one week. 
Hozier puts the myth of Icarus to song in I, Carrion. You could very easily argue that Sunlight is also a response to Icarus. Many classical writers have told or mentioned his story, but I’ll let my own personal tastes shape this list, and recommend Ovid’s Metamorphoses. He tells the story of Icarus in Chapter 8 Lines 183–235. If you can afford it, I love the Charles Martin translation. You could consult the free Brookes More translation, or the one by A. S. Kline. Remember, you don't have to read the whole chapter--just find the part named "Daedalus and Icarus"
The title track Wasteland, Baby! is such a gentle love ballad, I almost have trouble remembering it’s about the apocalypse. Wasteland, Baby! finds hope and love in the face of annihilation. Hozier wrote this song as a direct response to the Doomsday Clock moving two minutes in 2018, one year before the album was released. 
I also recommend reading Genesis Chapters 1-3. You’re probably familiar with the plot, but I think From Eden is such an ingenious twist on the familiar story that you’ll appreciate it even more after consulting the original. Hozier takes the symbols of Genesis 1-3 and uses them to make his own radically different point. The stories of Eden also come up in Be. 
My favorite translation is by Robert Alter, but it’s currently not free online, so you might want to check out the Sefaria translation or the New King James Version (NKJV), both of which manage to capture the beauty of Genesis without becoming difficult for the average English reader. The King James Version (KJV) is also roughly the same level of difficulty as a Shakespeare play. I definitely think the KJV is beautiful, but at the end of a long hard day, you might be better off with the Sefaria, the NKJV, the NIV, or the NRSV. You can Google “Genesis 1” followed by any of those names/abbreviations, and you’ll find it right away. 
Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, written in 1729, might be the most gutting satire in history. UCLA students put together a very thorough explanation of the economic suffering and the proposed “solutions” that inspired Swift. References to A Modest Proposal form the skeleton of Hozier’s Eat Your Young. 
Before learning about Seamus Heaney, you’ll need some background information on the Troubles. I recommend this National Geographic article. I also recommend looking through these Chris Steele Perkins photographs of life during the Troubles.
During the Troubles, Heaney wrote a series of poems about bog bodies. His poetry directly inspired the corpse imagery in Work Song, Like Real People Do, and In a Week. 
Disclaimer: I cannot read Hebrew or Latin. I am evaluating these translations solely by 1) how difficult they are to read and 2) how beautiful they sound. I cannot independently review them for accuracy. Just know that all the translations I’ve listed are widely respected among academics and/or religious leaders.
Anyways if you liked reading this go check out my Substack where I originally posted it. 
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
francesca (1K Follower Special Event)
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art: “hold me, dear” by raiain
“Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I” — Hozier, Francesca from “Unreal Unearth” Their love for you is so overwhelming, so profuse, their hunger for love is worse than their hunger for food, water, or sleep. They yearn for you and your affections, like a baby yearns for the embrace of their parents. From the gods above, to the demons below, there is no where that can house or comprehend the love you share with them. spotify playlist
A song fic event to celebrate over 1,000 followers!
Requests are closed
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Anyone can use this event and prompts on their own blog! Tag me in so I can read all your stories!
This event will be for TWST on my end, others are free to use for whatever they'd like!
All request will be up to 500 words, with a max of 3 characters per request
Chose one prompt for each request with one song (randomly selected line will be used for the request), and indicate if you want romantic or platonic. You can also indicate if you want fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, nsfw etc.
Reader will default to gender-neutral unless asked otherwise
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Dialogue Prompts (@mcflymemes: 1/2/3)
“It's funny. Sometimes I think I've already fallen in love with you as much as possible… and then we share a night like this.”
“I'm falling more and more in love with you every day.”
“Do you feel connected to me when we're together like that?”
“You made a few sounds I've never heard before.”
“Can I get you anything? Do you need me to do anything?”
“Touch me like that again.”
“You look so good like this.”
“Tell me when I can move.”
“It's like your body was built for mine.”
“You like that, don't you.”
“You don't know what that does to me.”
“Kiss me again, and don't stop this time.”
“I can't bear the thought of living without you.”
“You complete me.”
“I want all of you. Every piece of you.”
“I won't lose you again.”
“You're the most important person I have ever known.”
“The universe gave you to me.”
“Can I kiss you again? I promise I won't get carried away.”
“Where you go, I follow.”
Song Selection
Hozier, “Unreal Unearth”; “Wasteland, Baby!”; “Nina Cried Power — EP”
De Selby (Part 1)
De Selby (Part 2)
Eat Your Young
First Light
Moment's Silence (Common Tongue)
Rio Romero, “Good God!”
Nothing's New
Eyedress, “Let's Skip to the Wedding”
Romantic Lover
Kiss Me Like It's the First Time
Ricky Montgomery, “Montgomery Ricky”
Line Without a Hook
My Heart Is Buried in Venice
Mr. Loverman
Kali Uchis, “Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios)”
la luna enamorada
Misc. Artists
See You Again (Tyler, The Creator, “Flower Boy”)
Me Gustas Tu (Manu Chao, “Próxima Estación: Esperanza”)
Die For You (The Weeknd, “Starboy”)
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🎶 francesca masterlist 🎶
“It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect”: jamil viper x gn!reader — #19
“And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight”: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader — #15
“Be like the love that discovered the sin”; “And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice”; “If I could hold you for a minute/I'd go through it again”: jade leech, trey clover, ace trappola (separate) x gn!reader — #16
“Y al contemplarla en su mirada”: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader — #4
“I always want your love”: ruggie bucchi x gn!reader — #19
“Oh, was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden”; “All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around”: leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto (separate) x gn!reader — #15 [PENDING]
“Si te tuviera de frente, la mente te la volaría”; “You know that I can see right through you”: deuce spade, lilia vanrouge (separate) x gn!reader — #9 [QUEUED]
“'Cause we've found ourselves in quite a situation”: silver x gn!reader — #9
“The sky set to burst, the gold and the rust”; “But after this, I'm never gonna be the same”: jade leech, floyd leech (separate) x gn!reader — #3
“It's got nothing to do with us”: divus crewel x gn!reader — #16
“One look is all it takes”: floyd leech x afab gn!reader — #15
“I'm not always right”; “It's gonna happen sometimes”; “I don't think of giving up”: azul ashengrotto, riddle rosehearts, kalim al-asim (separate) x f!reader — #14
“You know I'm just a flight away”: floyd leech x gn!reader — #7
“I can hear your thoughts like a melody”: kalim al-asim x gn!reader — #19
“I wish I could fall in love with you again”; “I know I can fall in love”; “I can only hope that’s what you are craving too”: jack howl, sebek zigvolt, silver (separate) x gn!reader — #19
“Que se podría hacer el amor por telepatía”: jade leech x gn!reader — #4
“And are you pretty or handsome? My words are on ransom”; “With you by my side is where I wanna stand”: trey clover, ruggie bucchi (separate) x gn!reader — #11
“Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free”: silver x gn!reader — #15
“La venganza es dulce, ¿sabes? (Dulce, dulce, dulce, dulce, dulce)”: ace trappola, deuce space (poly) x gn!reader — #1
“I am just a line without a—”; “And if I've lost my charm / Apologies due, no harm”; “Forgive me, I'm not naïve”: floyd leech, azul ashengrotto, jade leech (separate) x gn!reader — #19 & #16
“Me gusta volver, me gustas tú”: jack howl x gn!reader — #13
“Nothing fucks with my baby”; “I'd wanna be felled by you”: leona kingscholar, vil schoenheit (separate) x gn!reader — #16
“And I've found hope in a heart attack”: jack howl x gn!reader — #13
“Heaven is not fit to hold a love like you and I”: ace trappola, deuce spade (poly) x gn!reader — #1
“¿Qué horas son, mi corazón?”: grim (platonic) x gn!reader — #20
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bluecoolr · 5 months
The NO-SKIP Albums: A Tag Game 🎶💖
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rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
Thank you so much @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @ventiswampwater and @visceravalentines for tagging and thinking of meeee! 🥹💕
No pressure tags: (if you've already done it please ignore me 😅)
@goldrose-star @ajarofpickledtears @probably-a-plant-thing @mintgalaxia @slaasherslut @madbadash @the-pinstriped-hood
1. Glass Houses - Billy Joel
This was one of the first records I bought with my own money.
Check Out: You May Be Right
You may be right I may be crazy Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
2. Bram Stoker's Dracula Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
I have this on CD lol. This is very special to me because this is one of my favorite movies ever, and a college friend gifted it to me when she had to move cities. I put it on while reading because the vibes are just delectably evil and eerie 🖤
Check Out: The Beginning
This plays throughout the opening scene of the movie and is just deliciously dark, the swelling crescendo with the choir and sinister whispering gives me goosebumps everytime. It's also perfect for imagining your oc's going through their villain/corruption arc hehe
Check Out: Love Song for a Vampire - Annie Lenox
This track walked so Christina Perri's Thousand Years could run. But seriously, it's such a bittersweet song. The cover by Collin Rae? Ray? I forgot his name is also good.
Oh, loneliness, oh hopelessness To search the ends of time For there is in all the world No greater love than mine
3. Gone Now - Bleachers
I don't know what it is about this album, but something in it just scratches my brain right. The sound is very synth-y, but there's a lot of sax and sample overlays that I really like. The whole theme is about death and dissatisfaction with where you are at the moment.
Check Out: Everybody Lost Somebody
I think pain is waiting alone at the corner Tryna get myself back home, yeah Looking like everybody Knowing everybody lost somebody
4. Hozier - Hozier
Need I say more? Zero thoughts when this man comes on for real.
Check Out: In A Week (please for the love of god listen to it)
And they'd find us in a week When the cattle show fear After the insects have made their claim After the foxes have known our taste I'd be home with you I'd be home with you
Check Out: Work Song (cliché but self-explanatory I guess)
I just think about my I'm so full of love I could barely eat (HRRRRGJHKHKK HELLO???)
When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her (sobbing actually. Help.)
5. Wasteland Baby! - Hozier
Every song is good but this line from Would That I is just 🤌🏻✨️
I mean?!?!?
True that love in withdrawal was the weeping of me That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree Must be felled for to fight the cold Fretted fire but that was long ago
Anyway, that's it. Thanks for listening to me ramble 🫢😚
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𝙷𝚘𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚜𝚔𝚜
The request ideas for the people who love Hozier! Some of these can be platonic, while some are romantic. These are also vice versa (it could be about you doing something or about them). Quick note: I will not be including Cherry Wine in the Asks. While it is a good song (one of my favorites), it is a song about domestic violence and I don't want to take away from the true meaning of the song. The same goes for Nina Cried Power as that is a protest song and I don't want to take the meaning from that either. Rules can be found here. Asks are here. OPLA Masterlist is here. Flower asks ideas are here, Taylor Swift asks are here. 💔- Angst 💖- Fluff 💌- Personal fav.
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Take Me to Church ~ Despite what everyone says, you continue to be with them regardless. 💖
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene ~ You're hooked on each each even if you're not good for each other. 💔
Jackie and Wilson ~ You dream of a life where you run away together to start a new life where you can forget about the world. 💖💌
Someone New ~ You find a new stranger to fall in love with for a night. 💖
To Be Alone ~ "You drew stars around my scars." 💖
From Eden ~ You remind them of themselves before they became who they are today. 💔, could be 💖
In a Week ~ You're going to be buried together. 💖, could be 💔
Sedated ~ You're each other's best distraction. 💖
Work Song ~ You're the only thing that keeps them going. 💖
Like Real People Do ~ It doesn't matter what you were before. All that matters if what you are with them. 💖💌
It Will Come Back ~ You only see them as a friend but they see the gestures as something more. 💔
Foreigner's God ~ You feel isolated from your own home and find a new one in someone else's. 💖
In the Woods Somewhere ~ You constantly beg for their help but they never give it. 💔
Run ~ You'll always run to each other. 💖, could be 💔
Arsonist's Lullaby ~ You were always reprimanded for your fire. You finally found someone who wants to nurture it. 💖
My Love Will Never Die ~ No matter how horrible they are to you, you could never stop loving them. 💔
𝓦𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂!
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Almost (Sweet Music) ~ They lost you. After years, they find a new lover who is eerily similar to you. 💔💖💌
Movement ~ They'll always go where you go. 💖
No Plan ~ They show you it's alright to not have everything planned out. 💖
Nobody ~ They love you not despite the fact you're broken but because of that. 💔
To Noise Making (Sing) ~ They love when you sing, even if you don't think you sound good. 💖
As It Was ~ They're going to give you as much as they have left. 💖
Shrike ~ They didn't appreciate you until after everything ended. 💔
Talk ~ They never mean what they say and they say a lot. 💔
Be ~ They fall so far but ask that you love them the same. 💖
Dinner & Diatribes ~ You're very forward with how you speak to them. They love that about you. 💖💌
Would That I ~ They loved you while they were with someone else. 💔💖
Sunlight ~ Your love is the sunlight but they avoid sunlight. 💔
Wasteland, Baby! ~ They feel like their world is over but find you in the midst of it. 💖
𝓤𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵, 𝓤𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓱
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De Shelby (Part 1) ~ You always find yourself staying up late to contemplate who you are. You finally have someone to do it with you. 💖
De Shelby (Part 2) ~ Like De Shelby (Part 1) but it's from their prespective. 💖
First Time ~ You made them love the things they previously hated. 💖💌
Francesca ~ You tried to run them off. They don't scare so easily. 💖💌
I, Carrion (Icarian) ~ You were always helping them. They finally wondered why you never needed help. 💔💖
Eat Your Young ~ They would leave in a heartbeat if it meant there was money to be made. 💔
Damage Gets Done ~ Everything was much simpler in the beginning. 💔
Who We Are ~ You both always help someone achieve their dream. It gets to the point where the relationship is on the back burner. 💔
Song of Nyx ~ They find you playing the song you always used to play with your deceased loved one on the piano. 💔💖
All Things End ~ Both of you accept that the relationship is meant to end and you don't try to fight against that. 💔
To Someone From a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe) ~ You tell someone who doesn't know what it's like to freeze what it's liked to be warmed by someone you love. 💖💌
Butchered Tongue ~ Being with them has made it to where you no longer remember yourself and who you were. 💔
Anything But ~ They want to distance themselves from you but you won't allow that to happen. 💔💖
Abstract (Psychopomp) ~ You remember certain moments after everything is over. 💔💖💌
Unknown / Nth ~ They misunderstand who you are and betray you because of it. 💔
First Light ~ You reconcile and everything finally works out. 💖
𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓔𝓟𝓼
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Better Love ~ You are their "better love." 💖
NFWMB ~ They don't like when anyone messes with you. 💖
Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) ~ When both of your love language is touch. 💖
Say My Name ~ You know that there's someone else. 💔
The Bones ~ No matter what the world throws at you, you both are always able to make it through stronger than before. 💖
Tell It To My Heart ~ There's always a fair amount of distance between you two. You confront them about it. 💔, could be 💖
Swan Upon Leda ~ You always sacrified so much for them. (strictly platonic) 💖💌
Through Me (The Flood) ~ You could never think about what it would be like to lose them. 💔💖
Northern Attitude ~ You meet them again after everything is over. They don't like how coldly you treat them. 💔
Too Sweet ~ The two of you are vastly different. It makes things a little difficult at times. 💔💖
Wildflower and Barley ~ You try to love each other while everything is still. 💖, could be 💔
Empire Now ~ Things are hard now but they won't be forever so you hang on while you can. 💖
Fare Well ~ You both let each other have whatever you want since you know things will never end well between you two. 💔💖
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lifemod17 · 7 months
I don't think I ever said why I love W,B! and why it's so important to me? Sooooooo
Wasteland, Baby! and why it means a lot to me... Today (March 01) is actually the record's 5 year anniversary!! I would say this album is easily #2 on my all time favorite albums (This Place Will Become Your Tomb by Sleep Token is #1). How I would summarize this album and what it feels like to me is: "LOVE THROUGHOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE WORLD". We live in this messed up world where so many things often go awry and while it gives us countless reasons to remind us how fucked up our home is- that there can always be a silver lining. That there will always be hope and something to give you a reason to keep going. That the right person can make you feel like being alive isn't the worst thing because you have someone that makes you feel loved amidst all the shitty things. <<< Classic me to have that mentality/how I look at life, so naturally I resonate IMMENSELY with it.
I've been listening to it for a while, a few years now actually, but my love for this record came to me in the most unexpected of times- I was doing laundry haha and I remember having a very exhausting day and the title track came on shuffle, and it was instantly one of those times where I had to stop what I'm doing and just EXIST IN THE MOMENT WHILE THIS SONG PLAYS.
The entire record is beyond beautiful and so well made but the title track specifically is so important to me because that was one of the few times I had heard this GORGEOUS love song -the kind that tugs at your heart, with lyrics literally saying "wasteland, baby, I'm in love, I'm in love with you"- and nobody came to mind. I was just at peace and was happy to be hearing those soft vocals and soothing humming. This song to me, quite literally feels like a long, warm, soft hug. The kind that rids me of all the bad shit that happened. It feels like the kind of embrace where I immediately felt safe.
This song is not everyone's cup of tea may it be because of it's tempo or the voice effects. I personally love the fact that it is drowning in all that reverb because it adds to this effect where it feels like hearing sounds WHILE YOU ARE UNDERNEATH THE WATER. There's no crazy instruments, just Andy and his ethereal vocals.
And if you did not know, yes Andrew is actually underwater in that album art cover! And YES his mother OIL PAINTED THAT WITH ALL THE TINY DETAILS!!! There's also a really sweet sunset line so you know I am a massive sucker obviously!
But yeah, it is SO VERY important to me. And the fact that THERE WAS A NEW SONG THAT CAME OUT FOR THE 5YR ANNIVERSARY *AND* THAT THERE'S GOING TO BE A DELUXE VERSION ON APRIL 19!!??!!!! Seeing that made me so happy 🥰
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iantimony · 8 months
didn't poast last week so this is a two-week extravaganza post! con: got roped into DMing dnd pro: none of these fools have read mdzs so i can steal plots from there. hope the party is ready to be lead on a quest by a disembodied arm!
listening: oh shit SO many things. i will not be linking to all of them.
depeche mode: basically just their top songs on spotify, not any specific album. strong shoutout to 'shake the disease' and 'wrong' (which featured in my secret samol post!)
disturbed: ditto
franz ferdinand: albums 'hits to the head' and 'tonight'. throwbacks
phoenix: 'wolfgang amadeus phoenix' ditto throwback
inxs: 'x' DITTO throwback. doesn't hit the same as when i first listened to em years ago unfortunately
streetlight manifesto: album 'somewhere in the between'
boy and bear: 'harlequin dream'
sammy rae: 'let's throw a party', 'the good life', and their 'everybody wants to rule the world' cover
hozier: 'wasteland baby' and 'unreal unearth'
paramore: album 'this is why'
grizzly bear: 'veckatimiest' and 'painted ruins'
haken: their newest album 'fauna' because i'm thinking about whether or not to go to one of their shows in feb (leaning towards yes right now)
my SO's pinecore playlist
shosty symphony no 5 (<3)
and, finally, a lot of borodin symphony no. 1 in e flat and the last two movements of rimsky-korsakov golden cockerel because that's what the youth orchestra i'm volunteering with is playing right now haha
for podcasts, i've listened to the new counter/weight prequel eps! i'm so charmed to see these characters again. i still haven't finished millenium break holiday special because i lost my spot when a bunch of an episode played without sound by accident so i finally went and scrubbed back to the beginning of the episode (it's the second to last part) so by next week i will FINALLY be out of holiday special zone.
reading: finished rereading tgcf lol,,, in loving memory of square checkbox: apparently apple is switching to circle ones? hateful wikipedia page for kessler syndrome my friend @celestialtourguide sent me a dm to ask about a few of the characters in this manuscript and i was immediately charmed by it. it's so pretty, i loved the informational blurbs, just really cool stuff. it was already on waybackmachine but i've gone ahead and updated it.
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watching: kurtis conner looksmaxxing. weird little subculture peek. rewatched sideways' why the music in cats 2019 is worse than you thought because my roommate was interested. this led us to the same channel's why avatar has the most ironic soundtrack of all time because roommate misread ironic as iconic and she really likes that movie. no accounting for taste, but aight. much more interesting than i thought it would be. that video then lead us to tony hinnigan's woodwind demos because hell fuckin yes. big-ass panpipes.
i've been keeping up on dunmeshi anime in little watch sessions with my SO, and also am working through kill la kill with him! i've seen it before but he has not so i'm really enjoying that.
playing: fallow.
making: i managed to finish my secret samol gift in time for reveal day!!! comics are fuckin hard dude!!!! i don't know if i'll be doing it again but it was a fun challenge. i decided to use a New App for some reason instead of procreate because procreate has not been hitting right and i wanted comic half tone brushes for this project. app is called sketchbook, it's an orange icon with a pencil on it. shrug! it's fine! i'll probably keep using it for a bit. started working on an english paper piecing project! soliciting tips for that because right now my method is: cut out hexagon using pattern piece i made to be 1/4 in larger all around than the template, gluestick template onto hexagon, baste edges down neatly, whip-stitch right sides together. remove template once all six sides have something attached. i'm sure there's a better way to streamline this process, i'll have to experiment. this will end up as a dice bag i think.
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finally, pottery starts again this week! so next week will have some of that in here
eating: ah beans i did not do a good job keeping track of this. uh. made the ground pork & cabbage thing again because my roommate got SO much napa cabbage for making kimchi and we had a shitload left over. napa cabbage isn't as good as a more standard cabbage for this imo, standard cabbage tends to be a little sweeter i think once it's cooked in? idk. had some stage 5 mental illness moments last week trying to cook dinner on a very short time scale with lots of other shit to do, following a recipe because fucking of course my roommate wanted me to cook with a recipe that night. anyways.
misc: like said at the top, somehow i managed to sign up for Another Activity god damn it. so now every saturday evening i run dnd. tl;dr i'm in a group irl that meets biweekly, someone who i give a lift to for that was complaining in the car that their other online group's dm ragequit after his encounter wasn't well-balanced (skill issue) and before thinking about it i just was like oh well i could probably step in if you need! god damn ittttt lol i have missed dming so it should be fun. i vibe checked them for a session 0 last week and they seem chill and honestly shouldn't be too much work on my end, especially if i yoink plots from mdzs ha ha ha. other than that, all is basically well. i've settled back into a schedule, applied for some summer positions (!), and absolutely hate the amount of busy work in one of my two classes. yippee
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sevenswansmp3 · 1 year
tagged by @hauntedwoman to talk about 5 things i’m obsessed with <33333 thank you!!!
1. succession surprise, surprise. i’ve finally gotten around to starting a full succession rewatch and i’ve been taking notes. first and foremost, one of my missions for this rewatch was to really focus in on shiv as a character because the first time i watched it and then rewatched it, i was a huge tom and kendall girl and honestly really did not like shiv :( but i recognize now that my dislike for her was mostly a result of my own internalized misogyny and also because she is a woman written by men and they really do their best to make her one of the less sympathetic characters in the show. i also think that a big chunk of fans online (esp twitter) are quick to label her an evil woman and, when defending their pov, they tend to bring up her behavior towards tom and kendall while also ignoring how both tom and kendall have treated her. i’m really enjoying this rewatch and have really grown to love shivvy. her relationship with tom also reminds me a lot of macbeth and lady macbeth and i think that their relationships have a lot of parallels and i find it very very interesting!!! i’m hoping to compile enough evidence to write something comprehensible about it. also, ROMAN. i literally did not give a shit about roman until the last few episodes of season four which is crazy but something has come over me. i think it’s his issues with intimacy and refusal to let anyone like actually see him and love him that has really bonded me to him <3 additionally there is something about kieran culkin (and rory…) that has bewitched me this summer. i think it’s kieran’s little fangs. i’m obsessed
2. the enormity of my desire disgusting me <3 welcome to truelovewaitsmp3 on tumblr dot com. this summer, i don’t think i’ve opened my journal without writing about how bad i want someone to love me, to look at the mess of my insides and all of this gross desire and love me anyways. to quote something i said to katy alpacinolover in an email, “I DON’T WANT SOMETHING CASUAL. I WANT TO BE THE PREY IMPALED ON YOUR SHRIKE’S THORN.” there’s something to be said about shame here and probably a million other things but i’ve written it so many times already that i don’t care to repeat it here.
3. ??? (stone fruits) two weeks ago, i bought a carton of nine plums from a local produce market. i had been rotting on the couch all day and decided that if i didn’t get up and put on real clothes and go buy a plum i was going to die. the most erotic experience i’ve ever had was eating a plum over newly washed cream sheets, plum viscera under my nails and between my teeth, wine colored juice dripping down my chin and onto my sheets. when the plums were gone, i found two forgotten nectarines in the fridge. i have been assigned “the love song of j alfred prufrock” for three different classes over the last four years (high school english, western humanities and then british lit in college) and each time, the line “do i dare eat a peach” was said to refer to prufrock’s acid reflux. in my american lit class, my professor brought it up one day and told us that it referred to oral sex. anyways. a nectarine is not a peach but i find the experience just as enjoyable.
4. wasteland, baby (2019) for whatever reason, i’ve always gravitated more towards hozier’s first album. however, over the past two months, i have listened through wasteland, baby an insane amount of times. something about the world ending and having someone there to hold through it. this album is also so incredibly sexy and is home to the horniest and sweetest hozier songs (TALK, be, dinner & diatribes, movement, etc). at the end of the title track, hozier whispers “that’s it” and i lose my mind. nfwmb is an honorary wasteland baby track, to me, and also a song that makes me insane and that i have had on repeat lately. i’m scared and excited to see what unreal unearth is going to do to me.
5. a past that i cannot go back to !!!! my hometown is filled with too many ghosts. summer digs them back up. i drive past her mom’s house and have to see her stupid car. someone else comes into work and i have to be reminded of everything i’ve missed out on. i have written about the same thing so many times i’m afraid that my story is metamorphosing.
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hiiii ok i’m tagging @alpacinolover (i know you’ve already been tagged by someone else but i really need you to do this) @motherofvinegar @kenromshiv and anyone else who wants to do it! im tagging u.
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pyrocephalus-rubinus · 8 months
Tagged by @two-hands-toward-the-sun to shuffle my Spotify On Repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks! I'm afraid this list will be very biased due to my "study/work" playlist and my obssesion with Hozier but let's see.
"Big Beast" by 2 Mello. This is the track that features in @thepenumbrapodcast and the track that got me into 2 Mello's album Memories Of Tokyo-To. It quickly became my favourite album for data-entry work. Its funky hip-hop beats keep me awake and focused for hours. Let's see if more songs from this album feature in this list.
"Talk" by Hozier. See? I told you. Well, I've been a fan of Hozier for years and Talk is a song from the Wasteland, Baby! album, which was my 2020-2021 soundtrack. I like this one cause it's not really about politics or love or religion like his other work. No, this one is a horny song.
"Damage Gets Done" by Hozier with the wonderful Brandi Carlile. This one is from Unreal Unearth and Brandi's vocals are breath-taking. For me this song is an invitation to enjoy youth and life, and not to get buried in guilt and dread. Ultimately, the people who are most responsible for our world's destruction will only benefit of our souls crushing and breaking. Let's take care of ourselves and sing loud and strong about the things we care about.
"Little Dark Age" by MGMT. I'll admit this one is a song that just ended up in some playlists of mine for the vibe.
"Rule #1 - Magic" by Fish in a Birdcage. I love the cello and the general story-telling vibe of Fish in a Birdcage's songs.
"Girassol" by ÀVUÀ. Well, what can I say? If you haven't heard ÀVUÀ, please do. The vocals are amazing and the music cures my soul. I blame @two-hands-toward-the-sun for my obssesion with this Brazilian duet.
"Pump Up the Love" by 2 Mello. Yep, another one. Cause I keep this album on repeat for hours! I blame Harley Takagi Kaner and Kevin Vibert for this.
"It's Called: Freefall" by Rainbow Kitten Surprise. Ohh I like this song so much, but this band has many other bangers. Drop Stop Roll and Devil Like Me are cool.
"The Moss" by Cosmo Sheldrake. Listen, I'm a biologist. I am very drawn to the biology/nature themes Cosmo Sheldrake uses to write his songs.
"De Selby (Part 2)" by Hozier. The transition from Part 1 to Part 2?? Exquisite. This is a song that should be listened to with headphones. And if you have seen the music video, yeah I dance to it like that too lmao.
That was fun! If anyone else wants to participate feel free!
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Is It Really That Bad?
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The 90s were alternately an amazing time for comedies and an absolute wasteland of garbage best forgotten. Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler both rose to prominence during this era, and both thrived in their niches, delivering some of the most well-liked movies of their careers. But it was still the 90s, and the ugly side of comedy of the time was always ready to rear its ugly head. For instance, in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, we have the infamously transphobic finale, the joke the entire film has been building up to and is so shockingly bigoted you’d think it was written by J.K. Rowling. But bad comedies were just like that back then, and even good comedies could fall victim to it.
We’re not talking about a good comedy gone bad, though. We’re here to talk about a film with a solid  1 on Metacritic and that obliterated the careers of its two leads: Bio-Dome.
At one point, it was supposed to be a much more serious film about slackers being trapped and forced to survive in the titular structure, but you know how studio executives can be, and so the film was transformed into a totally radical 90s slacker grossout comedy filled with sex jokes, farts, and other tasteless humor. There are also rumors going around that this was originally supposed to be the third Bill and Ted adventure, but those are just rumors, albeit ones that you can see how one would believe considering how this film rips off that dynamic duo while cranking their idiocy and homoeroticism up to 11.
Whatever the case, what we got was absolutely torn apart by critics, and ensured Pauly Shore would never rise above doing anything more than direct-to-video garbage for the rest of his career, and turned Stephen Baldwin into the black sheep of the nepo baby dynasty that is the Baldwins, ruining his career which then led to him becoming a born again evangelical Christian whose daughter married Justin Bieber (which is still a massive W compared to inspiring GamerGate or actually murdering someone). It’s also the film that Weird Al decided to use to describe the miserable plane trip in his song “Albuquerque,” and the way he refers to it makes it clear the film is worse than the plane exploding in the second worse aviation accident to happen over New Mexico in fiction.
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(This one being the worst, obviously).
But hey, maybe the critics were just being too harsh to this dumb comedy that was clearly meant to be enjoyed by stoners. With my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position, I strapped on in and took a look at Bio-Dome to see if this comedy has a few laughs in it, or if it really is that bad after all.
Well… The soundtrack is pretty good. They’ve got a lot of solid tracks on it, and Tenacious D actually briefly shows up for a cameo. It lasts maybe three seconds, but it might be the best three seconds in the movie.
There’s also a montage set to “The Safety Dance” near the end of the movie, and it might be the single genuinely funny sequence the film has to offer. I thought a few of the gags in it were pretty good, and it’s the only time the protagonist's goofy idiocy felt charming instead of revolting. And then it leads into the climax of the films, which is actually decent because there are actual stakes instead of random vignettes of these idiots dicking around. Sure, it’s decent by the standards of the rest of the movie, but credit where credit is due.
Finally, William “Walter Peck” Atherton plays a character named Dr. Faulkner, a guy who absolutely fucking hates Bud and Doyle, and thus he becomes the most sympathetic character in the entire film. You will be begging him to kill these two morons by the end. It helps that Atherton is the only person in the entire movie who is actually trying to act.
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Yeah, that’s it. Time to shift into Hater Mode.
The fact the entire movie hinges on these two idiots is a joke, and not a particularly funny one a that.
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The 90s was littered with all manner of idiot duos, most famously with Dumb & Dumber, but Bud and Doyle are easily the nadir of such characters. The big issue is they are not merely lethally stupid to the point they fuck up a massive science experiment—no, they are horribly unpleasant people. They bumble their way through the titular bio-dome, ruining the work of the scientists at every turn, but that’s not even the real problem. No, the problem is that despite having two girlfriends they supposedly adore, they not only constantly flirt with the women scientists in the dome, and even worse they crawl into their beds while they’re sleeping and start feeling them up. Ah, the 90s, where you could have your protagonists sexually assault a woman and still expect people to sympathize them while playing the violation off for laughs! Ah, but it’s okay, because they feel really bad about it, guys.
Aside from that vileness, the jokes are just as juvenile and pathetic as you can imagine they’d be. You have fart jokes, pee jokes, sex jokes, Baldwin eating Shore’s toenails… Stuff like this has its place and can be funny, but this is really the only humor the movie has. There isn’t more clever than some lame fart a stoner can laugh at while high off their ass.
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And maybe this could be forgivable if anyone was actually fucking trying. There are two types of bad acting in this movie: hammy, camera-mugging idiocy (our two leads) and bland, wooden delivery (the female scientists). No one in this film seems like they cared at all, and honestly, it’s not hard to see why. What is there to even give a shit about? Out of the two leads I do think Shore is probably the “better” of the two, but this is better in the sense that being kicked in the balls is better than being shot in the back of the head execution style
Look, I went into this with an open mind. You all know I’m not above enjoying some nasty, trashy comedies; two of my all-time favorite films are Freddy Got Fingered and Little Nicky, the former film especially being one I hold in high regard. But… No, this one legitimately is as bad as it’s made out to be. Weird Al must be thanking his lucky stars that plane exploded over Albuquerque so he didn’t have to sit through the rest of the movie.
Like, in the movies I mentioned, there’s at least something to latch onto. Freddy Got Fingered is essentially the greatest troll in history, with Tom Green blowing a studio’s money to make the most bogus gross-out comedy ever, and in some bizarre ways it has some artistic merit. And with Little Nicky, there’s some entertaining villains, decent jokes here and there, and just a slew of memetic lines. Bio-Dome has absolutely nothing like that; it’s just two obnoxious, unpleasant characters being played by actors who definitely can’t salvage the material delivering the stupidest gags and jokes imaginable for an hour and a half. This really is the most bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator garbage you could scrape up.
Even still, I can’t particularly say it’s the absolute worst comedy I’ve ever seen, mainly because there wasn’t much expectations it would be good. It stars Pauly fucking Shore, the only guy from Encino Man who will probably never win an Oscar as long as he lives, it being dogshit was expected compared to something like The Love Guru or even The Master of Disguise. Those films starred genuinely talented comedians, while this movie just didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, this is still one of the worst comedies ever made, but it really was something I expected would suck even if I really hoped it wouldn’t.
I honestly don’t know how this managed a 4.4 on IMDB; I get there are some lunatics who actually love this movie, but there can’t be enough to pull this out of the bottom 100 gutter, can there be? It shouldn’t have higher than a 2.5, and that’s just being generous because there is nothing about this film that is so good enough that it deserves higher. 
But that’s also the thing: As bad as it is, it is utterly unremarkable. It’s just the epitome of bad 90s comedy, and while it is the worst among that crowd, it doesn’t really stand out in any notable way other than sucking really hard. This is a film bad in the most generic ways possible, and I think that’s part of why it has fallen to the wayside in terms of “worst movies of all time” lists these days. Like does it deserve to be there? Sure, but there’s just a lot more vile and offensive comedies than this to pick from. This is just a generic bad comedy at the end of the day.
If you want to see the concept done right, and shorter to boot, just watch the episode of Johnny Bravo entitled “Biosphere Johnny,” which is a parody of this film and does every single thing this movie tried to do and better, proving once and for all Johnny is a true Chad.
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rosewinterborn · 11 months
10 Songs Tag
Tagged by @synobun (sorry it took me a bit to get around to it!)
Rules: shuffle "on repeat" playlist on spotify and list the first 10 songs that come up
1. Test Drive, httyd soundtrack, (valid, we used this for wedding music and listened to it a few thousand times in rehearsal)
2. Wasteland, Baby, Hozier (i really just need to take this one off my driving playlist tbh)
3. Widowmaker, Night Argent (stolen from @wasabipestos playlist)
4. Young Volcanoes, Fall Out Boy (yeah)
7. Battle For All Time, Epic Score (sure i guess)
5. The Hero Within, James Paget (🥹 yeah)
6. Reign of the Septims, Jeramy Soule (was discussed for wedding music but ultimately we did not use it; i don't think i listened to it enough times to warrant its presence here)
8. Let's Roll--4-Sided Dive Theme, Critical Role (whatever your opinions on Sam Riegel, this one's a bop and its on my dopamine playlist)
9. We Could Form An Attachment, Bridgerton Soundtrack (wasn't the piece i was looking for at the time and I'm frankly insulted that its on this playlist)
10. Moments, James Paget (he doesn't have any that don't slap tbh, but this one isn't on my favorites list, i just listen to him a lot)
I'm supposed to tag 10 people but its 1 am and I'm tired so if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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sunflowerbloomss · 1 year
rambling abt the hozier album ok this is going to be long i'm listening to the whole thing and typing as i do. the transition from de selby pt 1 to pt 2 & the contrast in the beat of them while the themes are the same is wonderful and soooo well done, i actually have no idea how i only listened to one half of it till now lol. generally speaking de selby pt 2 is one of his best songs ever imo! 'before i heard it from your mouth my name would always hit my ears as such an awful sound' & 'to share the space with simple living things' well i am insane but apart from that first time feels like a very simple run into hell; falling in love, the terrible fate but seeing it as something beautiful anyway. reminds me of would that i. francesca's place in the order of the album is absolutely perfect - i didn't expect it to come up this early but it's like a reminder of the 'world above' so to speak. sure, it's about lust, but not just for a lover but also for a memory of the life that was lived. it's great as a single but within the context of the album this song can appear in all its glory and it's not something easy to do, take a song that work as a single and make it even stronger in the album. i, carrion is amazing as well, a sort of coming to terms with being in hell and just hoping to have some beloved company within it; it's not the falling into hell that matters, it's the not falling away from the lover. the transition to eat your young is soooooo good because i, carrion is as greedy as eat your young but you don't understand how they're two sides of the same coin till you listen to them. all that could've been said about eat your young has already been said but i will say once again the context of the album vs the single is insane in how it changes the meaning, a lot like francesca. i will say i don't like the instrumental part at the end of it but it could easily be just me lol. damage gets done well i will say i'm so glad it's a duet!! the desperation after the carelessness of eat your young, the choice of a duet when so many of the earlier songs are about loneliness is top tier. who we are well i love it but it is the weakest song on the album 2 me coming between two very strong songs - it's not bad but it either shouldn't be placed there or should have something more unique instrumentally for it to catch my ear the way the rest of the album does. and it's not a bad song!!! i feel like i have to mention it ok.
SON OF NYX RAMBLES NOW i have said it before & i will say it again this is the best song hozier has ever done and it's on a completely other level to all his other music. i want it to be a single i want it tattooed inside my ears every note is so well placed it's devastating and more than anything it shows just how much he grows as an artist; the hozier that did the debut album would not have been capable of creating something like this. the whole album has a lot of nods to the debut album but this one is so unapologetically wasteland baby that it feels almost out of place but it isn't because all things end is right there for it to lean on and take us back to the story. generally speaking i wasn't a big fan of all things end in the ep and singles because it felt more flat than the other songs (especially in the ep with through me & eat your young like helloooo) but it takes its rightful place in the album. after son of nyx's despair all things end is here to have a beautiful bit of almost hopeful nihilism. to someone from a warm climate first of all sexy hozier back at it again i missed it definitely & this song's place at the end of the album is sooo good it's a reminder of a far away beautiful world, almost like a siren calling to a sailor except it's hozier and well hell. butchered tongue is often compared to foreigner's god and well the themes are similar but i feel like this song is a lot like coming back home after living abroad in contrast to still living oppression like in foreigner's god. it's a very good song, i wish it had bass i think it would've been amazing with the cello and piano of it.
i'm obsessed with anything but because it's such a more tailored version of the first album's music and themes. i'm actually not a very big fan of the clapping i feel like after butchered tongue (seeing as its music is very gloomy) even upbeat songs need a way to be more gentle about it but well it can be just me. anyway the song is beautiful!! i love it. abstract HELLOOOOO i love it so much the confusion 'your hand in my pocket to keep us both warm' what if i jumped off a cliff and 'see how it changed' AH i love that song and actually i feel like it could even change place with unknown in the order of the songs but its position after anything but also shows the different faces of the instruments in this album - anything but is very minimal on the instrumental part compared to hozier's usual (not that it's a bad thing!!) and the chorus of abstract having these complex layers of instruments is doing wonders 2 my ear. unknown well i will be controversial and say it's a good song but i think people are being just a bit too crazy about it like hello if you're into angst and loneliness son of nyx is right there... it's a good song! and it belongs at the end of the album but i think abstract and first light are better and they sort of wash it out. it's good!!! but it's also between two other very good songs that touch on the same topic and have a stronger presence. i feel like with a cello lead instead of a guitar it could've been a bit better, now that i see how prominent the cello is in this album. and first light!!! beautiful ending to the album the harmonies at the beginning of it should feel out of place but they aren't. the hopeful note to it after a journey through hell, the strong vocals & the high guitar notes give a a beautiful end to the album. it feels like the opposite of the ending of wasteland baby - the final song of that album is the gentle closure where here the last song is the hopeful beginning. it's definitely the best album closure out of the three he's had and it reminds me soooo much of sunlight which is another nod to the second album that i love so so dearly... i was really skeptical when i saw unknown wasn't the last song on the album because it feels like an end but first light is a perfect note to end on.
overall. amazing album. it's definitely his best so far mainly because it draws so much from both the debut and wasteland baby. like ok wasteland baby is so different from the debut and i love them but they both have each its own line, and unreal unearth is not a mix of them but something born out of letting them simmer on the stove - it takes out the best features of both of them and still remains irrevocably hozier. i was worried he'd try to reinvent the sounds (i never doubted the lyrics would remain within the same themes he's always done) but this album is something so worth waiting years for. it's amazing what beautiful music artists make when they're not pressured to keep spitting it out half done and unpolished. like all album it has its weak spots and some things that i personally would've done differently but it's hozier's greatness is that he doesn't need to create the perfect music to make a concept album where every song is sat on a golden throne and it's all that matters at the end. i'm very sad through me didn't make it to the album but well it's hozier tradition to leave his second best song of every era only in the ep (nina cried power in the album & nfwmb in the ep, son of nyx in the album & through me in the ep, work song in the album & live of to be alone in the ep) so well i can't complain. all in all. amazing album. can't wait to see him live again now the whole thing is out!!!
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knife-moth-mc · 1 year
With the music asks, I'd like to ask prompts: 1, 3, 11, 19, 23, 26, and 30!
1:A song you like with a color in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
11:A song that you never get tired of
19:A song that makes you think about life
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
1: It's All Over Now, Baby Blue by Bob Dylan, but specifically this version. I haven't formally posted my Haven music playlists anywhere (I will do that.... soon......) but this is one of the first songs on the arc 1 playlist. You can think of it as Anathema and C!Moth's meetcute song : P
3: The Beast of Pirate's Bay by Voltaire. A girl I went to summer camp with... gosh, at least a decade ago now--taught it to all of us since we didn't have access to music that wasn't us singing. I also learned about Homestuck and bisexuality from her, so, you know, pretty much all the good parts of my life I found originally through meeting her that summer. Wiki, if you're still out there, thank you.
11: I could be wrong, because I haven't known it that long, but I think I'm going to go with Blacksoul by Onya. I could say more about it but honestly just listen to it. It's beautiful.
19: God Fearing, Sea Faring Man by The Accidentals. I listened to the album this is from a lot back when I first stumbled onto it, and while I think the band has now largely disavowed it it remains very deep in my heart. This specific song has stuck with me especially, I think because there's a kind of... the word that's coming to mind is grace, it feels like there's a kind of grace to this song. It feels like a moment of clarity. If I had to claim the meaning of life was buried in any one song, I would pick this one.
23: I'm going to cheat here and say an artist, because so far as I know they only ever released a handful of songs, most or all of which I try to link people to every so often because they're not otherwise available. I'm talking about superedge, who was a fanmusician back in 2015 or so. I hope they're still creating somewhere, but they've left behind some of my favorite songs in the world and I'm grateful that I happened to find them when I did.
26: Ben Caplan's cover of Lovers' Waltz by A. A. Bondy. The original is also solid but something about Ben Caplan's version really particularly speaks to me. I think according to the lyrics this song is actually about dying together? Which makes this a weird choice I guess but it feels in a way comforting, and I think fits the prompt better, because I have lots of people I love! I don't need a generic love song! But this song feels deeper and more permanent, in a way that's at least as appealing as it is scary.
30: You know, I have a whole collection of books that are me; you'd think I'd have a collection of songs that are me. But I don't. I think I have a tendency to shift songs from me to my (or others') characters, or to strongly associate songs with the circumstances under which I first listened to them. I've been combing through my library trying to think of anything and I could make some cases but most of them are weak. So I'm going somewhere very personal and emotional, and I trust you'll understand.
When I was 17, I was in a really bad place. It was, I think, the worst year of my life bar none. I'll spare you the details, but one day after a really intense couple of weeks, I played nice until I was given back my ipod. The moment it was in my hands, I grabbed my bike and fled to the library. I cried the whole way there, and I listened to this song, The Bust from The New Albion Radio Hour by Paul Shapera. This wasn't the song I came to identify with at the time--that would be The Wasteland, from the same album--but to this day, I can't listen to it without remembering that scared teenager.
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amber-lucca44 · 2 years
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I posted 176 times in 2022
52 posts created (30%)
124 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 61 of my posts in 2022
#music - 51 posts
#rock - 34 posts
#songs - 22 posts
#metal - 18 posts
#pop - 16 posts
#alternative rock - 13 posts
#metalcore - 13 posts
#playlist - 12 posts
#emo - 12 posts
#alternative - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#i'm totally split but my vote probably goes to nirvana...? cause of their punk sound ig
My Top Posts in 2022:
If anyone ever sees this lol...
Tell me a band or artist and I'll tell you my 5 favorite songs by them (10 if I listen to them a lot or 3 if I don't listen to them much lol)
10 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Most played songs of 2020...
Champion (Falling In Reverse)
Those In Glass Houses (Of Mice & Men)
Daddy's Falling Angel (In This Moment)
Unholy Confessions (Avenged Sevenfold)
I Was The Devil For One Afternoon (Boys Night Out)
Calling All Cars (Senses Fail)
I Used To Have A Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me An STD) (Asking Alexandria)
The Best Thing (That Never Happened) (We Are The In Crowd)
Not A Single Word About This (Alesana)
Wasteland (Against The Current)
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12 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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23 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Random question for anyone #2... 🤓💕
Metallica or Slayer? ❤️
Which of these two thrash metal giants do you prefer...? 🤔
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24 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Random question for anyone...
Nirvana or Pearl Jam? ❤️
I just want to know who people prefer around here... 😅🥺❤️
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34 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
My blog may be like 10 years old or something but... It's still a baby lol. And 2022 was kind of messy but, I'm trying to make it a thing for once, so here it was ig 🙂❤️
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