#i have like 3 different lists in multiple places where i keep track of it all
acourtofladydeath · 4 months
WIP Game
Thank you for the tags @yanny-77 and @witch-and-her-witcher!!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have SO MANY WIPs in varying stages ranging from "ferally writing every chance i get, including in my sleep and during class" to "drowning and forgotten at the bottom of the pool while I work on everything else." Some are mostly drafted, others are outlines, and some are just ideas I've dropped into docs but all are near and dear to my little fanfic heart.
Welcome to the Family (Elain X all the Vanserras)
Sariel Sic Fic (Azris)
*ASOLB Ch3: Dare to Dream (Azris)
*RttHC Ch2: Winners & Losers (Azris X Nessian)
*TTBW Ch5: You Were Only Waiting (Nessriel)
Ch7: Reunited (Patrochilles)
UTM contact -> mating (Azris)
What Eris got Az for solstice (Azris)
Casris Hounds
Who Have We Become? (IC has to face some shit)
The Process of Progress (Azriel focused)
Carhysta Smut
A Court of Hurting and Healing (Bat Boys focused)
And So, We Danced (Nesta & Eris brotp w/ Nessian & Azris)
How Dare You (AU Azris)
Lovers Live and Die, Fortissimo (AU - Azris, Nessian, Elucien, Helion X LOA)
Lauda/Hunt F1 AU (Azriel/Cassian)
UTM Lucien/Eris fic
Patrochilles Azris
Eris shows up drunk & injured, see screenshots (Azris)
Feysand vs. Nessriel
FFF smut part 2 (Eltamcien)
ASOLB mating frenzy (Azris)
Jurian and Rhys heart-to-heart
Bat Boy reunion after UTM
*RttHC, TTBW, and ASOLB each have a doc per chapter, so they have multiple WIP docs, but I only listed the chapters I'm currently writing/working on.
Several are whump, several are feel good fun, some are more serious commentaries, and a few are straight smut. There are also MORE THAN THIS. But those ideas were either not as fleshed out or ones I wanted to keep to myself.
ANYWAY THIS IS HOW MY BRAIN WORKS. Welcome to my personal hell. ? Heaven? Unclear...
For legal reasons and my own gods damned sanity I make literally zero guarantees that you get all of these by the way. but THEY EXIST. There's also the two original fiction ideas that I have and have documents for but I'm keeping those close to the chest.
There's literally no way to tag as many people as I have fics so I'm just picking a few. I apologize if you've already been tagged and NO PRESSURE! @thelov3lybookworm, @readychilledwine, @born-to-riot, @danikamariewrites, @thelovelymadone, @theatrequeen, @nocasdatsgay
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whipplefilter · 1 year
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[In front of Paint 2!]
AT LONG LAST and multiple thwarted attempts (pandemic and chip shortage) I have finally managed a successful field trip to Subaru of Indiana for their manufacturing tour!!!!
17 years ago, my baby car was born right there!!
We got to see—EVERYTHING, from the steel and aluminum coils to them being stamped into thin sheets to the tool and die process to the welding to the drivetrain, suspension assemblies, brakes, front consoles, trim and finish, paint, quality testing (various points), tires on conveyor belts like little doughnuts, cars on doing brake tests, cars on dynos, cars being pressure-tested for leaks… And also Subaru NICU, where all the cars that don’t pass their tests go for diagnosis and repair (ope).
You weren’t allowed to bring anything into the plant, so my highlights from memory:
One of the transfer presses that stamps out body pieces was, when the plant was constructed in the 1980s, the largest piece of industrial machinery ever imported into the United States. It came via the Panama Canal, up the Mississippi, up the Ohio River, and then they had to built an entire port in order to get it out of the water. It then took three days to drive all the pieces up to Lafayette, Indiana. We got to see it punching out interior door panels!
There are various buffer zones in line production so that if one part of the process gets slowed down it won’t automatically cause a slowdown in the entire plant. The place where extra engines are stored when they’re in buffer status is called an “engine hotel.”
The USDM 2.0 and 2.5L engines are built at SIA, though transmissions come from Japan fully-assembled.
There are different musical chimes for each part of the line, and it chimes when there’s a slowdown in a particular area so people can keep track of what’s going on and where the bottlenecks are.
SIA currently manufactures USDM Legacy, Outback, Ascent, and Crosstrek models. USDM Forester, Impreza, WRX, BRZ, and Solterra are built in Japan and shipped.
The SIA test tack is the second largest oval track in the state of Indiana, second only to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway—SIA also has an off-road test track.
The paint process interacts poorly with silicone-based products, so painters cannot use a long list of shampoos, soaps, chapsticks, lotions, etc. They also can’t eat popcorn, because the oils stay on human fingers for 2-3 days?!
They don’t batch paint—so instead of painting 20 red cars, say, you’ll see different colors coming out right after each other. All the Subarus they built are made to order, which means each already has a customer who triggered the construction of this vehicle.
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bl-bracket · 1 year
How did the seeding process of the polls work??? You're doing such a great job and I'm a nerd who's curious how this works dskgkgj
Thank you for your service ♥️
So there's a few layers to it.
First submissions with reasoning included got priority into making it into the bracket as a whole. This time there were over 64 unique submissions with reasonings included, so that didn't factor into the seeding but theoretically those without reasoning would be placed at the bottom of the seed.
Since seeding brackets with sports is based off of wins, I had to find the closest analogue. I kept track of how many times the same kiss was submitted and those with more submissions moved higher on the bracket.
However, since there were many kisses with the exact same number of submissions, I had to find a way to rank them within that. The best I could come up with would be the popularity of the dramas themselves. Since I am a horrible judge of what is popular or not, I went based off of the number of watchers listed on MyDramaList. This was the part I had the most concern over, because I didn't know how well it would work. There's several problems with it: 1) I felt bad "punishing" shows that were less popular 2) not everyone who watches dramas logs them on mdl 3) on the flip side, not everyone who logs dramas on mdl uses tumblr so it might not be indicative of the show's popularity on tumblr 4) older shows had an advantage of having more time to have a higher watch count while also being at a disadvantage for having (presumably) a less active fan base compared to newer shows. Unfortanely, I haven't found a solution to these problems. But! Due to the amount of positive feedback I've gotten, I'll keep going with this method until I find something better.
So that's how the order was established. For couples with multiple different kisses submitted, I kept their top two by number of submissions and eliminated the others. (Though in future brackets where it's something like this, I'll do a prelim match instead and only one will make it). Then, if there were some submissions that didn't make it into the top 64 but had really good reasonings submitted, I eliminated some of the kisses who only had 1 submission and what felt like weaker propaganda in comparison (which is all to say that what you write in that section on the submission form probably does the most to impact your submission's chance at making it into the bracket.). After some adjusting and making sure it was all in order, I had my 64 contestants and their seeded number.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with how seeding brackets works (I honestly wasn't before I looked it up), but how it goes is that first place goes against last place, and so on and so on. (So it would be #1 vs #64, #2 vs #63, #3 vs #62, #4 vs #61, etc). I then found a template online that showed where to put each match in a seeded bracket of 64 and viola! That's how it's done!
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mental-health-advice · 11 months
Hi, I'm really discouraged with therapy. Over the last 2 years I've really wanted to start therapy/ figure myself out and look into diagnosis for certain suspected neuro-divergenceys. At the start I could afford therapy and didn't have a working car to even get there, so I tried talking to my doctors office and I was really given a run around and no one would really explain to me what I had to do/ how to reach the criteria to get an certain referrals. I just kept talking to people that would tell me one thing and then a completely different thing and when I'd ask for a step by step they'd tell me its not their responsibility to know. And it really felt like they just didn't want to help/cared enough to just explain it to me. I got really disappointed and then stuff in my life got really hectic and the idea of therapy and stuff took a back burner and it just seemed like with the stress of everything I mentally just got worse. A few months ago I was finally in a place where I could afford in person therapy ( I can't deal with tech therapy, I can't focus so it has to be in person sadly) with my insurance finally giving me a referral and a list of therapists to contact. And I tried, I emailed and called every single one, every one of them completely ignored me but one and when I tried to set up an appointment with that one she never responded to me again. I tried multiple times to get into contact with any of them but no luck. And now its been like 3 months since I got approved from my insurance and I now don't have the time to try again and I'm afraid my insurance will revok the approval and not want to pay since I wasn't able to take advantage of it and I won't be for quite some time. Do you have any advice on how I should proceed? I'm so overwhelmed and I can't really tell most of the people around me what's up because they're all dealing with health or mental issues and I've been stuck playing therapist with a lot of them ( I really do care about them all and want to help but I'm a very low empathetic person and so I'm better with the rational side of solving problems not the comforting side) it's all really draining me, I hate being someone's go to person when they're in a bad place, and I know that's such a selfish messed up thing to say but it just makes my skin crawl and I just want to tear myself apart. I hate that I know their in a bad place but the continued telling me of all the self destructive behaviors they all have and the now lack of trying to change it is (and I don't know how to put this in nicer terms) annoying me. I'm not a therapist, I can only tell someone so many times that what they're doing is harmful and if they don't care because they want to hurt them I don't know how I can help?? I try, I really do and I know I'll keep trying to be there for them cause I know for a lot of them I'm the only person they can tell everything too. And I know it's what they need and that's okay but I'm so damn frayed and I have my own shit that I'm trying to navigate in addition to all the add ons, I get that I'm not as bad off as them. I don't have the copious amounts of trauma and I'm not directly suicidal and I don't want to actively hurt myself and I'm not hurting as much as them and I've been very lucky in life but I just want to be my version of okay. I want help, I want to not dread every day, to wake up tired and out of energy, I want to be okay... I get that, don't I?
Hey there,
I am so sorry that when you were able to and had access to receiving help and support for yourself that things didn’t go well at all in regards to therapists not getting back or replying to you. Unfortunately, sometimes therapists are really overworked and can get side tracked a lot or have their books full that they may not remember or have the capacity to take on another client. I am not in any way condoning the response or lack of from the therapists that you did contact as at the very least they should have said if they could take you on as a client or not, but sometimes you do have to be a bit pushy and keep contacting them until they do reply. You don’t have to do this in a malicious way, but by continuously contacting them and simply saying something like “Hi, I got in contact with you ‘x amount of time ago’ but I have yet to hear back from you. I was wondering if you could please contact me and let me know if you could take me on as a client or at the very least point me in the direction on someone who may be able to help me”. I do acknowledge that your insurance can only cover you to see particular therapists, but maybe if you could let them know that you haven’t had any luck with any of the names they gave you, then if it could be possible for you to see ‘x’ instead, and give them this person’s details. It may be a long shot but you never know if you will be given the green light to see someone else unless you ask and especially if you do not hear back from the list of therapists that they gave you details of.   
It can definitely be so draining when we are supporting others when we are needing that help and support for ourselves. This is not a selfish thought to have or feel either, everyone deserves to be heard and have someone be there for them, but at the same time it’s more than OK to let your friends know that you are unable to be there for them as you need to put yourself first and look after you! Let them know (if you can) of other supports that they may be able to access like therapy if they are not yet receiving any, or letting them know they can always contact a counsellor from either a helpline or on web counselling. Let them know they can also reach out to us if necessary and that even though you are not able to support them as much as you would like to personally, you have given them some ideas on where else they may be able to get such help/ support. It’s also really important that you know that you can only do so much for others, but in the end, it is up to them to put plans into action and that although they may have support from others or those around them, only they can make the changes to help themselves in the end when they feel ready to do so.  
You mentioned as well that you just want to be your version of OK and you were specific in ways that may help to show this. But can you think about how you may be able to achieve each one (no matter how silly or out of reach the steps may be) it may be really helpful and also to help fast track your recovery when you finally are able to get into therapy as you can then be really focused on what you are needing/ your aim in therapy and how the therapist you see may be able to help you to accomplish each one. You may even find that you can work towards some of the ways to be your version of OK yourself. Just something to think about!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you, hope that you are going well and that things start improving for you really soon!
Take care,
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jeoromtaylor · 1 year
Top 10 Free Project Management Software in 2023
If there’s one area where free tools have revolutionized everything, it’s project management! It’s now much easier to work as a team and properly structure the stages of a project thanks to several solutions you discover in this article.
Depending on your needs and your type of operation, one or the other of these tools will be useful for your projects, so that I will summarize these strengths and weaknesses for each one. Finally, find your ideal project management software in this selection!
1. Projektly.com
Are you seeking a powerful, efficient, intuitive project management and teamwork tool? Projektly.com is the ideal online software because it has many functions, such as managing tasks (prioritizing, assigning to team members) and setting goals and deadlines to ensure good productivity.
You control everything in one place by following the progress of projects in real-time. You can store files directly in the collaborative workspace and connect thousands of other tools to accelerate projects.
Without a doubt, the project management software most often meets the needs of companies of all sizes. Planning a project and carrying it out while maintaining good time management is the objective that will be achieved thanks to this solution. The tool offers a free trial without obligation for 30 days.
2. Hubspot
Hubspot offers easy-to-use project management software that’s known for being very powerful. With this software, you can create and manage different team tasks (including deadlines, recurrences, or adding documents to your tasks), manage the execution of your projects entirely (thanks to integrating other Hubspot marketing tools), and create project templates that you can reuse later.
With Hubspot, you’re guaranteed to use a complete and intuitive tool that will meet your expectations to save time and increase productivity.
3. Teamwork
Managing projects with different teams or even with people outside your organization can be complex. This is where the Teamwork software comes into play. You work with several people or groups with specialized skills to achieve your goals. Teamwork can make it easy if you’re working with employees, freelancers, or external partners to achieve an end goal.
Teamwork helps project managers keep track of all their tasks, documents, discussions, contacts, etc. It gives you a clear view of the work done on a particular project or task, wherever you are. You can search for files or conversations on your computer or through mobile apps by keyword (to make it easier to find). With Teamwork Calendar, you can easily plan projects while collaborating with others and managing multiple projects at once.
4. Favro, the rising project management software
Favro is a project management and collaboration tool for employees to plan, follow, and develop ideas. Designed to adapt to the size and needs of any project, Favro allows users to add functions and integrations according to their requirements. Favro offers team dashboards, aggregated reports, and built-in Kanban and SCRUM functions support.
Projects are divided into different tasks, making it possible to follow each job individually. The solution has a scheduling board where employees can list their tasks and update other team members on the status of the tasks.
Favro, like Trello, is a project management software based on Kanban. The main difference is that Favro has more features than Trello and more integrations with third-party applications and possible automation. 5. Wrike
Wrike aims to save you time and allow all team members to focus on their core responsibilities. Whether tracking and organizing tasks, managing calendars, or communicating through discussion forums, Wrike can help you optimize your workflow and complete projects faster. With Wrike, you can collaborate in real time, and this tool offers many valuable features, such as reports and dashboards for quick data analysis to track project progress. You can also manage work schedules for each team member, Gantt charts to visualize progress over time, multi-level security controls, file downloads, and more.
6. Trello
The best-known free management tool, Trello, is one of the essential ones. The concept of project management takes the form of “cards” that contain lists of actions that you can move in a table that you have structured with columns according to your needs. For example, you can create a column for urgent and essential actions, another for urgent and unimportant, etc. This logic follows the Kanban project management procedure (the one Toyota used).
7. Nutcache
Nutcache falls into the category of all-in-one solutions. In addition to collaborative project management, Nutcache offers teams of all sizes complete management software, including project budgets, assignment tasks, time tracking, expense management, and final billing. With this software, there is no need for management training. Nutcache is free for teams of up to 20 members, which may allow you to do a free trial before moving to the paid plan if necessary.
8. FreedCamp
For those familiar with the BaseCamp management tool they won’t be out of tune with FreedCamp, which includes its main functionalities, but with the advantage of being freemium. The idea here is to manage team projects with several functionalities such as task assignment, the possibility of commenting, a calendar view of actions to be performed, document management, etc. The tool is well thought out if you have several projects in parallel with several teams.
9. Zoho Projects
Zoho Projects is, as its name suggests, part of Zoho’s suite of professional tools (CRM, Docs, Mail, etc.). Among the notable advantages of the solution, the control panels on the progress of tasks and the integrated time tracking system are potentially very interesting for agencies in particular. We can also highlight the integration with other Zoho solutions and with Google Docs or Dropbox.
10. Wimi
Wimi is a French freemium project management software created in 2010. The interface is very user-friendly, with a Kanban-shaped presentation. Wimi offers several potentially useful professional tools, such as discussion channels, video/audio calls, collaborative platforms, etc. Remember that Wimi provides a free webinar to help you understand its different functions and efficiently manage and plan your projects. This is perfect for customizable project tracking.
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What to Take Notes On For Your Fanfiction (and how to do that)
A roadmap, a reminder, and a reference.
This is arguably the most important one. If you have a start and end goal, even if its vague or a "wherever the words take me", its good to know where your plot points are, any moments you want to build up to, or something you want to foreshadow.
It can also be used as a quick reference for what you've already written. A sentence per important detail, event, or realization for instance, can help you know what you've already introduced, at what point, and in what order.
2. Characters
We all know and love them, but how well are you portraying them?
This can range from making sure you're keeping them consistent to canon, consistent within the fic, accurate to their voice, or just being able to know their relationship with the other characters and the world that you're writing.
My favorite way to do this is to have a quick physical description with as few words as possible, a summary of their past, their close relationships to relevant characters, and then a list of their common sayings, vocal tics, and phrases. For example, a character I want to write more often says "Hello? Is someone there?" into the fog. Like, 'multiple times an episode' often. This helps me be more accurate to her, and her voice.
You can also make note of their motivations, their bonds, their flaws, their fears, whatever you think is most relevant to that character and that story.
3. Important Details/Themes/Patterns
When you want something to be a recurring theme, you want to make sure that you both remember to make it reappear, and that its in the same vein as you meant it originally.
If you have a theme of water, or fire, or light, make a list of descriptors and metaphors that will work with those that you can then use later. You can save one phrase for referring to a particular character, or use the same type of words to describe something the pov character doesn't know how to. Having this written down somewhere you can access it easily may be very helpful if you are including any recurring themes or patterns.
4. Alternate Universe Details
Again, this is for consistency. You want the world to feel stable and real, certain in the facts about it.
You can write all of it down first, or make notes of what you throw in as you go, but it will all be useful to reference when you get to that point of "oh, what did I say about this thing?" because you won't have to read through 10k, but instead find it in a specific place.
5. A list of better words and phrases
This will help you greatly in the editing process, by giving you a quick reference full of similar or better words, phrases, and sayings to switch your duller or ill-fitting ones out for.
This is not one I've used, however, a friend of mine has a physical binder that they use as reference, and it has many many different sections they have divided it up into. It works very well for them, and I think that its worth a try :)
Side Note: All of these can be used for just one fic, or a series. However, I would advise that you keep everything in separate docs, and keep track of your progress in google sheets or a similar application.
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successpointt · 2 years
What actually means of success? How to get success easily in life? Here some tips and tricks
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Are you looking for easy success of life? If yes, then you are in the right place. If you want to live a happy life, you must be successful.We all want to do well, make money and have a good time doing so. But what makes someone successful? It's not just about having an education or being wealthy; it's about having the right mindset and attitude toward your goals.
What is Success
Each and every one of us has a diffet belief of what success is, millions of definitions, but it all boils down to one thing. Success is nothing but your goals, be it short term or long term and actually make sure you are grateful for what you have. You can be successful in life by working hard and not taking anything for granted. So get started now!!
Easy ways and tricks to get early success in life
Success is not always about what you gain from life but how you got it and what you do with it. It's a process, not an end result! One can have success in a lot of things in life. There are many different paths to achieve success and that all depends on the kind of person one is, as well as where one wants to go. So here are some tips, tricks and easy ways on how to get success in life easily.
1.Define your priorities
It's important to define your priorities in life, especially when it comes to time management. This can be challenging because there are so many things that you should be doing and prioritizing at once. However, if you take the time to make a list of what matters most and how much time each thing takes up, then it will become less overwhelming for yourself.For example: I am currently studying abroad in France for two years as part of my master's degree program in International Business. During this time period, my priority tasks include writing my thesis paper (a 5-page research paper) on "The Impact of Piracy on Digital Content Distribution" while also learning French language fluently through classes like "French Conversation" or "French Culture." The upside is that this process has helped me develop skills like reading comprehension which could lead towards future employment opportunities if they exist after graduation! While working towards these goals would require more hours than have available right now due down lack thereof due low pay but perhaps someone else might need someone who speaks multiple languages so may be someday soon? However, while I am focusing on my goals and prioritizing my tasks, I need to make sure that I am still taking care of myself. This means making sure that I am eating right, exercising regularly and staying hydrated throughout the day. If you feel like you are getting burned out at work or school then it is important to step back for a moment and evaluate what is happening.
2.Set realistic goals for yourself
When setting goals for yourself, it's important to know what you want and how to get it. If you don't have a clear picture of what your life will look like when all is said and done, then it's hard to set realistic goals. You should also be specific about what kind of life changes or accomplishments you'd like while working toward achieving your ultimate goal. For example: "I'm going to lose 20 pounds by January 3rd." Or: "I want my finances in order so that I can retire by age 50."Setting these types of specific goals will help keep things on track as well as prevent procrastination because now there are deadlines associated with each task.
3.Work on your skills and knowledge constantly
You need to understand what skills and knowledge you need to be successful. This can be a challenge, since it's easy to get complacent in your current situation or career path. But if you want to change things up and advance your career quickly, then you'll have to work at it constantly. If there's one thing that I've learned from my own journey as well as others', it's that being open-minded is key when trying new things or learning new skills-especially when we're talking about business management! For example: when starting out with my own company (which was only 20' months ago), I had no idea how many hours per week our employees worked because they didn't tell me which means we ended up paying them less than what would've been fair compensation for their time spent working on projects outside their normal duties at the office during evenings/weekends. Success in life is a journey that never ends. You have to keep working at it and you'll never know if you're on the right path until you get there. But if you follow these simple steps, you can increase your chances of success.
4.Use your time effectively
Before you can get anywhere in life, you need to learn how to use your time effectively. The first step is to make a list of all the tasks that need doing and prioritize them based on their importance. Use this list as a reference when scheduling your day so that it doesn't get lost in the clutter of other commitments.You should also avoiddistractions at all costs; if there's something more fun or interesting happening at work or home, turn off your phone! You'll never get anything done if it's distracting enough that you can't focus on what needs doing next."
5.Know that failure is part of the process.
You need to know that failure is part of the process. It's not the end, it's a learning opportunity. Failure can be used as a way to learn, grow and improve in your life-and for many people it's a necessary step along the way. The most successful people have learned from their failures and have kept going forward with their goals despite them (often because they've done so before).Failure isn't necessarily something negative; sometimes it just means that we didn't get what we wanted out of something else at first but eventually got there anyway!
6.Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing
Surround yourself with others who are doing the same thing. If you want to become a writer, find people who write and hang out with them. If you want to be an entrepreneur, look for other entrepreneurs in your area and go on trade shows together. The more connections you make with people who share your interests, the easier it will be for you to achieve success in those areas as well!
7.If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it
If you want success in life, you need to define what you want and then go after it. You can't just say that "I want my dream job" or "I want this house with the big backyard and pool." Instead, think about how much money and time you will need for each goal-and whether or not those things are possible for your current situation.Once you have defined your goals, break them down into smaller steps using an action plan (or "TO DO list"). For example: Get up every morning at 5 AM on my way home from work; drink water while doing so; eat breakfast before leaving home; exercise everyday before going back into work again... and so on until reaching my final target date by which point I will have achieved success as defined above!
8.Setting goals
One of the most important things you can doto get success in life is setting goals.You may think that setting your goal is enough, but it's not. Your goals must be clear and defined so that you know exactly what success looks like for you. If your goal isn't realistic or attainable, then it won't work for you! For example: I want my kids to graduate from high school before they turn 18 years old... but how? How would I meet this goal?Another mistake people make when setting their own goals is thinking about them as something separate from themselves - like a list of things they need from someone else (like their parents). This makes it difficult because then there are no consequences if things don't go according to plan! You need accountability so make sure that everyone involved knows what the end result should look like before starting out on this journey together
9.Working smart, not just hard
Working smart is better than working hard, and you can be more productive by using the right tools and techniques.The right tools don't always mean more time spent in front of your computer; they simply allow you to concentrate on what's important: getting things done. For example, using a calendar app will help keep track of deadlines, appointments, etc., so that there are not surprises later on when it comes time for those projects or tasks. Using different applications for each task also helps ensure that nothing gets overlooked because there's too much going on at once-and therefore not enough focus being given over all tasks/projects at hand, You should also avoid distractions as much as possible; this means rejecting social media sites entirely until after work hours when everyone else has gone home already!
10.Taking calculated risks when necessary
Taking calculated risks when necessary is one of the most important things you can do to succeed. It's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged by the scale of an opportunity, but it's important that you understand your limits and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.The more time we spend trying new things and failing, the better our chances of success will be in other areas of life too!
We've covered a lot of ground here. Hopefully, you're feeling inspired and motivated to take action on some of these goals. We know it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind, but remember that this process isn't about being perfect or achieving perfection-it's about working towards something greater than yourself. If you want success in life, then it starts with defining what makes up an ideal life for yourself. Only when you know exactly what kind of person you want to be will it be easier for others around us too.
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cryptidnearby · 11 months
Wednesday in the Rain
I am having some feelings in regards to homelessness, depression and other possibly troubling topics. Proceed under the cut if you wish, but choose your peace first.
This is simply my safe vent.
When I say I have the stressy depressy friends.
The weather was moderately cooling down, but we still had that space in the mid day that was warm, or only needed a light jacket. Today was a sudden drop, both in temperature, and in the view of daylight. It was the kind of day that makes my bones feel like they're creaking.
I work for a homeless shelter specifically for adults, singles or couples/pets. We also get a steady stream of regular visitors coming in for free supplies and a hot meal and to pick up any mail they may have waiting for them. One of these regulars was distraught and elevated. He was complaining of a bad tension headache and I gave him some coffee. My coworkers inform me that this regular is on the "grab and go" list, they love to remind me "we are not a day center" too, so I approach this regular and tell him what my coworkers told me, as I'm putting on my jacket and leading the way. "but we can step outside and talk if you need it." He agreed, and we took a stroll around the parking lot to toss an old box and out toward the sidewalk, all the way he is expressing his fears, his depression. His health is failing, he feels forgotten because he is homeless. This is a very real, very painful feeling, that I know all too well.
Reminding myself in these moments, that I too am in recovery from my homelessness and the life saving surgery I had back in April of this year. I walk with a cane still. I have bad survivor's guilt, that I am here in a soft bed, with blankets, connected to the internet and stimulation, and he's just 3 miles away, somewhere in the dark and the cold and the rain. It's twisted me up inside so bad. I was in conversation with him for some time, or mostly it was me allowing him to take up space. He talked about his grandfather and how "He was the coolest old guy you could meet." I instantly was reminded of my grandfather and his passing. I find myself sinking into that strange feeling, like a bit nauseated and also close to weeping.
At the end of our conversation, it was raining, very hard. He assured he me would be okay and hugged me and I trailed my way back into the lobby where my coworker's energy was completely different. I told them he just needed to be able to vent, be heard. He's having a bad day. They responded "Everyday is a bad day for him." I was confused by this response. Could it be... because he is homeless? Because he walks multiple miles per day in shoes that are too small? Because he's 57 and pushing a damn shopping cart full of everything he owns and selling cigarettes and cans wasn't exactly the fucking plan???
I don't know how these people do this job, at all. It's demented.
Housed people have the privilege of their private moments being private. So when they see an unhoused person, behaving in some way that isn't appealing, they, inaccurately, assume that the unhoused person is going to be this every day of their lives.
The idea that the elderly people in greyscale and high contrast laying on broken down boxes have vivid inner and outer lives, they have past lives and families and friends. They find ways to be rich that aren't beautiful and ultimately, they want a place where they're allowed to exist.
Stop demanding that people should have to earn the right to exist. They are real people out there, and tonight they're very fucking cold. I will keep doing this job, as long as I'm able, because I'm lined up to replace those being cruel. That's why I was chosen, to represent the community that needs help, to advocate for them, to show them a way out. And I am healing, while I am doing all that, both mentally and physically. Today marks the beginning of my second month of mood tracking. The winter is bringing itself through, my mental state is likely to sink.
Rest is needed.
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unschool · 2 years
Learn the 5 Marketing Tools in Online Course Certification
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There are thousands of individual marketing tools, and I will list the best five that will work for every business. So in this article, we will focus on one specific industry and explore five broad categories of marketing tools. Moreover, you can also get an online course certification from Unschool to get a clear insight into marketing tools. It is an OTT Platform for an online course for students to take a step toward employability.  
Let's take a closer look at the tools.
What Are Marketing Tools?
Generally, marketing tools are the programs firms use to promote their products. Therefore, figuring out the best way to do this promotion contains many different steps along the way.  
The five main stages within the marketing journey for a SaaS company that has the most useful tools are:
Goal Setting and Tracking
Marketing Material Creation
Let's go through each one in more detail.
1. Best Marketing Tools for Research
Before you even begin creating a marketing plan, you need to research the best way to go about it. You'll be asking questions like:
Who is my target audience?
How is my business going to help them?
Where do they look for answers to their problems?
What do they like and dislike?
Who are my competitors with the same products?
The tools you'll want in this phase are the ones that help you answer these questions. Moreover, you can enhance your knowledge with online certificate programs offered by Unschool. 
2. Practical Marketing Tools for Goal Setting and Tracking
Once you've done your research and are ready to start, you'll want to set clear goals to know how well you're doing. Start by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) most essential for your business. Then set up an effective way to collect the information you need and regular intervals to check in on your progress.
Many tools are designed to help you track and analyse KPIs, like Tableau, Sisense, and Power Bi. Moreover, your company's financials and tools, like Google Analytics, can also deliver essential metrics for goal setting and monitoring. If you want to gain knowledge, then enroll in online certified programs. 
3. Significance of Marketing Tools for Marketing Material Creation
Now that you have a research-based plan with clearly defined and trackable goals, it's time to start creating! Marketing materials can take any form, from written blogs to webinars to t-shirts with your business' logo.
Since the multiple marketing materials you could produce are so broad, you can use various tools to make them. For creating images, graphic design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, is a must. If you are keen to start a content writing career, get well-versed with online course certification from Unschool. 
4. Marketing Strategy Tools for Analysis
Phew, your well-designed marketing materials are out in the world, and you can relax, right? Nope! Analyzing what worked and didn't is just as important as every other step you've done. To keep your business functioning well, you want to ensure you're using marketing resources to make the biggest splash and drive the most profit. Basic tools like Google Analytics or the open rates on email newsletters are a good place to start evaluating your efforts. Enhance your knowledge with online course certification from Unschool.  Get your hands from the best online learning platform that is Unschool.
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lemondropdancer · 4 years
Grounding Techniques
Mental Distraction Techniques
Pick a category of objects and try to think of as many objects as possible that fit within that category (e.g., types of dogs, cities, types of trees, crayon colors, sports)
Pick a letter and think of emotionally positive or neutral words that begin with that letter
Pick a color and look for things of that color. Notice differences in their exact shades
Say or think the alphabet backwards or alternate letters and numbers (A1, B2, C3, D4, etc)
Count backwards from 100 by 3s, 6s, or 7s or count up by prime numbers or perfect squares
Play "fizz-buzz" with yourself. Begin counting to 100 (or over!), but replace any number that contains the number 5 or is a multiple of 5 with the word "fizz" and any number that contains the number 7 or is a multiple of 7 with the word "buzz." For example, 1-15 would be "1, 2, 3, 4, fizz, 6, buzz, 8, 9, fizz, 11, 12, 13, buzz, fizz." When you mess up, compliment yourself and start over
Think of the words to your favorite song or poem or think of facts related to a specific theme
Pick a word or your name and see how many other words you can make from the letters in it
Describe an every day event or process in great detail, listing all of the steps in order and as thoroughly as possible (e.g., how to cook a meal, how to get from your house to your place of work or school, how to do your favorite dance)
Read something technical or meant for children or read words backwards to focus on the process of reading and not the words
Watch a children's television show or movie or watch cute or funny videos on Youtube; it might help to have a playlist already prepared for this
Look at a current news article that is not likely to be upsetting or distressing
Distract yourself with Tetris, Solitaire, Sudoku, word searches, or other puzzle games
Reorientation Techniques
Say or think to yourself: "My name is _________. I am safe right now. I am _____ years old. I am currently at _____________. The date is _____________. If I need help, I am with ________/can call _________. Everything is going to be alright."
List reaffirming statements ("I am fine. Everything is going to be okay. I am strong. I can handle this.")
Ask yourself where you are, what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, what month it is, what year it is, what season it is, how old you are, and other present-focused questions
Notice things in your surroundings that indicate to you that you're safe or that you're in the present (e.g., locks on your door, electronics that didn't exist when you were younger, the presence of trusted people, a phone so that you can call for help if you need it)
Describe your surroundings in detail, including sights (objects, textures, shapes, colors), sounds, smells, and temperature
Name five things that you see, four that you feel, three that you hear, and two that you smell or taste, and then name one good thing that you like about yourself
Pick four or five brightly colored objects that are easily visible and move your focus between them. Be sure to vary the order of your gaze and concentrate briefly on each one before moving to the next
Think about a fun time that you recently had with a friend or call that friend and ask them to talk about it with you
Sensory-Based Grounding Techniques
Run cool or warm (but not too cold or hot) water over your hands or take a cool or warm bath or shower
Spritz your face (with eyes closed), neck, arms, and hands with a fine water mist
Spray yourself with your favorite perfume and focus on the scent
Feel the weight of your body in your chair or on the floor and the weight of your clothing on your skin
Touch and hold objects around you. Compare the feel, weight, temperature, textures, colors, and materials
Keep a small object with you to touch or play with when you get triggered. Good examples include a smooth stone, a fidget toy, jewelry, or a tiny plushy
Bite into a lemon, orange, or lime, suck on a sour or minty candy or an ice cube, chew cinnamon-flavored gum, or put a few drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue. Notice the flavor, scent, and texture
Eat something or drink warm tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, and describe to yourself the taste and texture in great detail
Place a cool wash cloth on your face or hold something cold like a can of soda
Listen to soothing or familiar music. If possible, dance to it
Hum, sing, recite poetry, or make up a silly poem or story as you go
Pick up a book and read the first paragraph out loud
Hug another person (if interpersonal touch isn't a trigger). Pay attention to your own pressure and the physical sensations of doing so
Hug a tree! Register the smells of being outside, the wind, and the sights around you
Movement-Based Grounding Techniques
Breathe deeply and slowly and count your breaths
Grab tightly onto your chair or press your feet against the ground as firmly as you can
Rub your palms and clap your hands or wiggle your toes within your socks. Pay attention to the physical sensation of doing so
Stretch out your arms or legs, roll your head on your neck, or clench and unclench your fists
Stomp your feet, walk around, run, jump, ride a bike, do jumping jacks, or do yoga
While walking, notice each footstep and say to yourself "right" and "left" to correspond with the foot currently moving
Squeeze a pillow, stuffed animal, or ball
If you have a soft pet (dog or cat), brush its fur and stroke it. If you don't, brush your own hair slowly and without pulling too much
Color in an adult coloring book, finger paint, or draw anything that comes to mind without worrying about quality
Write whatever comes to mind even if it's nonsense. Try not to write about whatever is upsetting you until you're more capable of doing so without increasing the upset
Write a list of things that make you happy or look for cheerful pictures to make into a collage
Pop bubble wrap or blow and pop actual bubbles
Dig in the dirt or garden, jump on a pile of leaves, or splash around in puddles or mud
Rip up paper or stomp on aluminum cans to crush them
Imagery Techniques
Picture yourself breathing in relaxation, calm, positive feelings, or strength. Picture yourself breathing out whatever is upsetting you. It may help to pair this with imagery of breathing in soothing colors (usually blue, purple, or green) and out more intense colors (usually red or black)
If you need to relax, envision a soothing white or golden light slowly moving up your body, warming and relaxing every part of you that it touches. You can also think of it as protecting you from negativity or from harm
If the problem is intense or uncomfortable emotions, physical sensations, or memories, picture them being surrounded and neutralized by a bright and healing light, temporarily placed in a mental box to be stored for later, or dialed back by an internal controller of intensity
If you have a clear mental picture of what's upsetting you, mentally change it to something silly or harmless. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, cast a mental "riddikulus" to banish the negativity
Picture yourself calm, focused, and able to tackle whatever problems you're facing. Focus on how that would feel in the moment. What would your expression and posture be like? Make whatever changes you need to in order to make your reality reflect your goal
How to Make a Grounding Box
Get a box or basket
Personalize and decorate it with construction paper, wrapping paper, ribbon, stickers, drawings, paint, photographs, glitter, sequins, or anything else that you like
Keep within it:
A list of grounding techniques that you know work for you
A list of positive affirmations and happy memories
A list of the contact information of trusted friends or family who are willing to help and support you
Small sensory objects such as: scented candles, perfumes, or lotions; hard candies or gum; soft fabrics, a stress ball, a stuffed animal, or a fidget toy; happy pictures of you with friends; a CD with relaxing music or meditation tracks. Try to cover all of the senses
A list of possible distractions such as books to read or movies to watch
Small portable distractions such as a pack of playing cards, a small game, or a joke book
A list of comforting things to do such as taking a bubble bath, snuggling up in bed, or meditating
A small journal or notebook
In the Case of a Flashback
Tell yourself that you are having a flashback and are safe now
Remind yourself that the worst is over, and you survived it. What you're feeling now is just a reminder of that trauma and does not fit the present moment
Remind yourself of when and where you are, who you're currently with, and who you can contact if you need help (use the reorientation-focused grounding techniques)
Breathe deeply and slowly. Count your breathes and make sure that you're getting enough air
Use other mental, sensory, movement, and imagery techniques in order to distract yourself, calm yourself, and reorient yourself within the present
If possible or necessary, go somewhere where you can be alone or with a close friend, where you will feel safe, or where you feel protected or shielded
If there is anyone who you can trust or who will support you, reach out to them, let them know what happened, and let them know what you need, what would be best for you, or what they could do to help
Be gentle with yourself and take the time to really recover. If what helps you to recover is to color, take a bubble bath, hug a stuffed animal, or watch a children's movie and if it would not be disruptive to do such things at that point in time, embrace those options whole-heartedly
If possible, note or write down what triggered the flashback, what techniques you tried to use to disrupt the flashback, and what techniques helped
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myckicade · 3 years
Prompt: Ok so we all know Coco is touch starved, and would be clingy af in a relationship. What about Coco x wife!reader, while she’s trying to do basic errands/chores and Coco is her shadow?
A/N: I’ve been waiting for this one. I really have. Hee hee. I just adore Coco. <3 . This piece sort of follows the story of the last two Coco x Reader pieces I have written, but it will stand-alone, just fine. And, I swear, these things just have a mind of their own. I can continue to apologize for length, and content, but, in the end... I let the story tell itself. ;) . <3 .
As a warning, I come from Vermont, where we have a plastic bag ban. Last I knew, California was the first state to have one. I don’t know how that would translate to Santo Padre, but… When I mention fabric bags, I mean reusables, and the ban is why. ^^;;;;.
Title: Worthwhile
Teaser: He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it.
“Okay…” you murmur, slowly, eyes scanning over the paper in front of you. Fifteen items, nothing crazy. Shouldn’t take you more than an hour, tops, and that includes travel to and from the store. “I think I’ve got everything we need… And, specials included your beer, and those little frozen cream puffs.”
Beside you, Coco groans, deep and guttural. “Fuck, I love those things.”
You giggle, but keep reading. Your man is too damn cute. “Feminine products.”
“Do those count as special?” Coco genuinely sounds thoughtful, as he steps up behind you, where you are leaning over the counter top. He wraps his arms around your waist, chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “Kinda’ a necessity, ain’t they?”
Tipping your head, you glance to your husband. Seriously. This man is a treasure. “Why don’t you run for political office?” you tease, pleased when Coco chuckles.
“Yeah, my record’ll look great, on the campaign trail.”
You shrug. “You can tackle pink tax, and tax evasion, at the same time.”
Coco grins, and steals a peck off your lips. “What else you got on there, muñeca?”
“Hmmm, let’s see…” You turn back to your list, tapping the pen against your lips, thoughtfully. Spying the next item on it, you try not to let out another giggle. He’s not going to like this one. “Letty asked if we could have that cauliflower pizza thing for dinner, tonight.”
As expected, this groan is decidedly not from food lust. “Fuckin’ vegetarians. When the hell is she gonna’ get over this shit?”
“It’s just a phase, Coco,” you remind him, for the… Well, honestly, you’ve lost track. It started shortly after the wedding, Letty’s change in diet, and you’re still not convinced the two aren’t related. You’re just not entirely sure how. But, two months in, and she’s still looking healthy, so you won’t send up any alarms. “It’s very popular at her high school, right now.”
Coco scoffs, disgusted. “When the hell’d she start copyin’ other people, anyway? My girl ain’t no follower.”
The words send a shot straight to your heart. He’s a little rough, your Coco, foul-mouthed, and quick to anger. Untrusting, and bitchier than a woman, on his best day. But, once you have his love, you have it. All of it. The love he has for Leticia is the greatest proof. They may carry on like cats and dogs, but when push comes to shove, there is nothing they won’t do for one another. My girl. It brings a warmth to your soul, and a smile to your lips.
You shake it off, enough to formulate a response. “She’s figuring out how to be her own woman. Trying new things.” You shrug, not wanting to make a big deal of it. You were Letty’s age, once, of course. And, a girl, to boot. Some things, Coco just won’t be able to understand. “It’s a process.” He hums, still disgruntled, but doesn’t push out another word. “You want anything else?” you ask, holding up your list. “I’ve gotta’ get going, before I run into the football widows.”
Before you can even take a step away, Coco tightens his arms around you. “You sure you gotta’ go, though?” he asks, leaning in to brush his lips against your neck. “With the house all to ourselves, like this?”
“If I don’t go,” you start, as Coco’s touches gain intent, becoming teasing kisses. Damn him. It feels nice, you won’t lie, but there are other things on your mind, right now. Priorities.
You’re just… having trouble remembering what they are.
Oh. Yeah. Shopping.
“If I don’t go, we won’t have anything for dinner.”
Another kiss, accompanied by a barely-there swipe of tongue. You shiver, and Coco moves his lips to your ear. “We can order in,” he whispers, breath so invitingly warm against your skin.
Oh, this asshole.
“And, what are we supposed to have for breakfast, tomorrow?” you try, again. “Half an Eggo, and a pack of Skittles?”
Coco cuddles you closer, again. “Ain’t you never heard about livin’ on love, baby?” Some of his smoothest work, that is. And, it’s almost convincing. Almost. You can imagine the afternoon ahead, if you give in. Your clothes will come off, and won’t be back on until the last second, before Letty walks back through the front door. By that time, you’ll be too tired to roll your ass off the bed, let alone go grocery shopping. And, you promised Letty you’d talk Coco into that cauliflower pizza.
“Great as that sounds,” you agree, preparing to capitalize on the truth. You ease yourself away from Coco’s stubborn hold, and give him one more smooch, just to soften the blow to come. “I don’t think Letty will appreciate the sentiment.”
A third groan. You must be going for a record. “C’mon, (y/n).” Oh, he’s whining. It’s so cute, it’s unreal. “We’ll find some place that delivers that rabbit food shit.”
Unfortunately for Coco, you’re already grabbing your bag. Lucky for you. You’re still two seconds from giving him what he wants. (He just doesn’t need to know so). “I’ll be back in a while.” God willing. “If you think of anything else, call my cell.” You rush out the front door, and don’t look back. If you see the look on your husband’s face, you know you’re as good as done.
Well, what the shit? Coco stares at the front door as it closes, you on the wrong fucking side of it. His arms are at his sides, palms turned toward the ceiling. That went so well. He kind of can’t believe you just walked away, like that. Left him alone, and wanting. In your big, empty house.
He probably should have volunteered to tag along, instead of just chasing you off.
Glancing around, Coco tries to find something to do. Something to clean, at the very least. But, that’s the trouble with having moved in with you, after the wedding, he supposes. Ain’t nothing to tidy up. Not that the three of you don’t have possessions. They’re all just in their proper places. Probably Leticia’s doing, in the end. He’d had a long talk with her, before the move, that she absolutely has to keep her shit where it belongs. Your house isn’t like their house. There aren’t burn marks in the carpet, or gouges in the coffee table. Dishes go in the damned dishwasher, not left to pile up on the counter, or in the sink. Beds get made. Laundry gets folded, and put away. No more wrinkled heaps in the clothes basket. So far, the kid’s been doing good. Real good.
Coco, though? He’s never felt so unnerved in his life.
It was different when he just visited. Spent a night or two, here or there. He’d almost felt at home, then, stupid as it sounds. At home, with the knowledge he wasn’t staying. But, now? Now, the reality has settled in, and he feels so-so… out of place. There’s so much he’s struggling to adjust to.
You have a purified water system installed under the sink, where Coco is used to buying bottled water.
You have a dining room, where Coco and Letty are used to eating on the couch.
You have an extended cable package, whatever the fuck that is.
You kind of have it all, here, certainly by comparison to what Coco is used to. The best of everything. Which really makes him wonder – not for the first time – what the hell you’re doing with a dirt-poor biker for a husband? You’ve had this conversation, on multiple occasions, and you’ve explained yourself, every time. But, this time… This time, you’re not around to give that speech. You’re not around to hold him, and kiss his face, and reassure him in a way that only you can. No, you’re at the grocery store, shopping for Coco, and his kid, which was apparently a better offer than staying home with him.
Oh, nope. Nope, he’s doing it, again. He can feel it. You love him, he reminds himself. You’ve got his ring on your finger, his last name, and – God-willing – his baby in your belly. By choice. All by choice.
Coco takes a deep breath, in. Lets it back out, slowly. Tries not to get sick, for all the nerves coming up to greet him. He wraps one arm around his own torso, free hand moving up to cover his mouth.
Fuck, he hopes you get back, soon.
You let out a deep sigh, as you park your car in the garage. Oh, it is so good to be home, at long-last. Talk about Old Home Week. You’d run into everyone, and his brother, at the grocery store. Shopping had taken nearly twice as long as you’d meant for it to, and you just know Coco must be losing his mind, by now. You hate to think about it, in such terms, but, sometimes… Well, sometimes, Coco reminds you of a new puppy. You can’t really leave him alone, without some kind of separation anxiety creeping up on him.
Ah, well. At least he isn’t ripping down the drapes, and shredding the couch cushions.
You blink. Well. That you know of.
Shaking your head, you climb out of the car, mentally preparing to unload armloads of bags. Maybe, if you really, really try, today will be the day you can finally get all twenty bags in, in one trip.
Right. And, shortly thereafter, you can have both forearms set, and casted. Be a real turn-on, in the bedroom.
You’ve managed to grab half a dozen bags, when the door to the mud room opens. “Hey, don’t grab too many!” Letty warns, as she comes hopping down the steps. “Let us help!”
Glancing up, you smile. For having had such a rough start, Letty can be a sweet girl. You know she gets that from her father. “Well, thank you,” you reply, resting a few, fabric handles onto her outstretched hands.
Letty grins, lowering her hands to her sides, before leaning in. “Did you talk him into it?” she whispers, conspiratorially.
You snicker, and whisper back, “He isn’t getting a choice. He’s outnumbered.”
“Yes!” Her hiss of victory is hardly subtle, catching Coco’s attention as he pokes his head out the door.
“You two plottin’ against me, again?”
“Yes,” you and Letty reply, in unison, leading you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Coco is all grins. “’Course, you are.” He strides closer, he and Letty dancing around one another as she moves into the house. You lean into the car, and retrieve a few more bags. If Coco’s out here, he might as well assist. He’s peering into the car, once you stand back up, and lets out a low whistle. “Damn, (y/n)! You buy out the whole store, or what?”
“Hardly,” you reply, dryly. You hold up your hands, offering Coco the bags. “Here you go.”
“Oh, don’t mind if I do.” Thankfully, your hold on the bags is solid. Instead of grabbing the groceries, Coco’s hands are suddenly groping all over you. One hand is settled firmly at your ass, the other sliding into your hair, at the back of your head. He wastes no time diving in for a slow, deep kiss, and, damn, does his timing suck. He could have at least let you put the bags down, first. The contact makes you tingle, and has you regretting your decision not to stay home. Coco pulls back, after a few seconds, and hums. “Mm. Best delivery ever.”
You can’t help the small snort of amused laughter that leaves your throat. “Good try, Coco,” you praise, easing back far enough to offer him the bags, again. The look of disappointment on his face is just pitiful. “I’m not banging you in the garage.”
He has the grace to mock gasp. “I’d never!” It’s a crock, and you both know it. He looks too amused to be repentant, and you look too aware to be angry. You just raise your hands, slightly, in a third offer. Coco sighs. “All right. All right.” He takes the bags from your hands.
“Thank you.” You grab another load for yourself, rounding the open car door to follow Coco’s lead, into the house. One more trip for each of you, and you should have it covered. So much for only buying fifteen items.
Coco might be right about buying out the store.
Watching from the dining room, Coco has a good view of you and Letty unpacking the last of the groceries. Damn kid, she’d thrown him out, about ten minutes prior.
“Less groping, more helping, Coco,” Letty had warned him, after he’d tried to pin you against the sink.
It had been his last warning. Now, he’s been banished. Not the worst thing in the world, not really. Over the last few weeks, he’s really learned that there are some tasks he’s not so fond of. Pruning roses… Yeah, he’s pretty sure you’ll never let him do that, again. And, hey, nobody told him what to fill the bird feeder with. Unpacking groceries goes on that list, somewhere between line-drying laundry, and a streak-free mirror. He’s not sure why. Goodness knows, it makes him feel like a kid at Christmas, most times. Since being with you, though…
Since being with you, he feels like he’s taking advantage of something.
Yes, groceries are a strange place to let that feeling land, but he can’t help it. Coco’s been responsible for feeding himself since before he cares to remember. The only time anyone provided his meals was during deployment, and half that shit barely passed for edible. You, though… You keep the house stocked with more food than he’s seen anywhere, outside of a corner market. Letty always has options to take to school, and there’s a nutritious dinner on the table, almost every night. (Some nights, he actually does win the battle for delivery). If Coco goes on a run, you send him along with snacks for the road. And, yeah, he kinda’ likes that. He also likes the energy bars you picked out for him, last week. Something with cherries, and dark chocolate. He wonders, for a second, if you picked up any more. Come in handy during his mid-week trip outta’ town.
Coco blinks. Then, he does it again, just for good measure. That’s it. That’s what’s so fucking weird about this whole thing.
It’s you.
Okay, no, it’s not you, you. But, it’s you. It’s you, taking care of him. It’s you, seeing to his needs. Letty’s needs. It’s you, being his wife, his partner. It’s you, slotting into the place of role-model for his teenaged daughter. Welcoming them into your home. Not treating it like it’s your home. It’s you, being so fucking perfect for him, it’s taken his mind all this time to catch up with reality.
Coco doesn’t get perfect. Perfect doesn’t want him.
Except, now, it does.
Before he knows what he’s doing, Coco strides into the kitchen. He doesn’t wait for you to put the box of pasta in the cupboard. He just takes it from your hand, ignoring your confused look, as he tosses it onto the counter.
“Coco!” Letty admonishes, but it’s no use. He’s already lifting you off the floor, arms around your perfect backside. The kid gives a long-suffering sigh, he hears it, but pays it no mind.
Nothing – nothing – is going to keep him from holding you in his arms.
Your own arms go around Coco’s neck, and you smile down at him, surprise still lingering in your eyes. “Uhm… Hi, there.”
Coco grins. “Hey, muñeca.” Leaning up, he pecks you on the lips.
“Can I help you with something?” you ask, to which Coco shakes his head. Closes his eyes, as your fingers play in his hair.
“Nah. Got all I need.”
Pulling a package of mixed vegetables from the half-unpacked shopping bag, Letty rolls her eyes. You two… God, you’re gross. Coco always has his hands on you, no matter what you’re trying to do. It’s a wonder you don’t carry a damned fly swatter around. Actually, it’s a wonder you ever accomplish anything. He’s always smooching, and smiling, and snuggling at you. It’s disgusting. It’s pathetic.
It’s so damned cute, it’s sickening.
Really, Letty’s enjoying seeing Coco so happy. Like, genuinely happy. Not the false pride he carries around with his kutte. He’s more relaxed, nowadays. He drinks less, and he spends more time at home, both of which mean he’s not hanging around with those skanks at the clubhouse. He eats more, he’s healthier… Nothing to complain about, there.
And, hey, she has no complaints about you, either. You’re pretty cool, all-around. A woman who takes care of herself, and her family, and doesn’t bitch about either one. You’re not using Coco for money, or status, none of the shit she’s always been worried her father would fall into. There aren’t arguments, every night, not even between herself and Coco, as of late. No hostilities, nothing to avoid the house over. Just good dinners, and movies, and a new fish tank in her room. (Okay, so, you’d earned some major points with that birthday gift. She hadn’t actually expected to get one, when she’d mentioned it). For the first time, she understands what a peaceful, happy family feels like. It feels nice. It feels like home.
Glancing back to where Coco now has you perched on the counter top, stealing the most syrupy-sweet smooches… Letty can’t help but smile. Home is A-okay by her.
The sound of the air conditioner humming in the bedroom usually lulls you right to sleep. Tonight, it’s just providing you with white noise, a low background track to your thoughts. You don’t mind, not really. It gives you a few minutes to reflect on the day that’s just ended. To plan your day, tomorrow. To weave your fingers through Coco’s hair, and listen to him breathe. That, alone, makes it worthwhile.
Coco has been asleep against your shoulder for nearly an hour, now. Your arms are wrapped around him, comfortably, his own around your waist. You’d urged him up to bed, after he’d fallen asleep on the couch, his head in your lap. He’d snoozed from the middle of the movie, to the end of the nightly news report. Letty had tsked, and complained that no one had any business, whatsoever, in falling asleep during Zombieland. (How he’d stayed asleep was still a wonder to you, both, for how hard you’d been laughing at Tallahassee). With your fingers in his hair, Coco had been blissfully unaware for a couple of hours.
Glancing down, you take in the sight of your husband’s sleeping face. He looks so damn peaceful, the kind you’d outright murder to preserve for him. Coco’s still struggling with sleep, and relaxation, even though you’d hoped it would ease up, once your nuptials had passed. Most of it, you know will never go away. Anxiety doesn’t have a magic wand, or some perfect little on/off switch. And, all things considered, today wasn’t a terrible day. You’d been able to leave the house, with minimal panic on Coco’s part. Granted, it had taken extra time to get the groceries put away, and dinner made, but… You understand, as much as you are able to, that Coco needs the reassurances. It doesn’t cost you anything to carve a few moments from the day, every here and there, to give him what he needs.
Okay, so it did cost you that first batch of pancakes, this morning. They’d burned on the stove, and set off the smoke alarms, when he’d insisted on a dance through the living room. But, Coco loved the song you’d been playing on your Spotify, so there was really no denying him.
Oh, and… Yeah, you’d missed that phone call from the bank, the week before. Your husband had slipped up next to you, on the porch swing, and snuggled you to within an inch of your life. An easy fix, and you still got the business loan, but…
And, sure, you’ve been late to work, on numerous occasions. Coco has a habit of sneaking into your morning shower. And, after that… Well, hell, you own the company. It’s not like you have to explain to the boss that you’re late to your shift, on account of baby-dancing. (Fucking forums).
Point is, you’re more than happy to take care of Coco’s emotional needs. It may take you an extra hour to pay your bills. Daily tidying may have become every-other-day-if-you’re-lucky tidying. And, your ass may have gone numb, tonight, while he slept on your thigh. During which time, you could have loaded the dishwasher. Taken out the trash. Any number of tasks that have been neglected, in the name of Coco. They can wait.
Leaning in, you press a tender kiss to your husband’s forehead, before settling back in, and closing your eyes. Yes, chores can wait. Work can wait. The whole world can hold it, with both hands. So long as you’re around, Coco’s well-being will never have to take the back seat.
P.S. If Coco denies it, he’s full of it. He fucking loved that cauliflower pizza. Fucking vegetarians, indeed.
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whipplefilter · 2 years
Just a question - how flexible do you think the Piston Cup was with car models that were allowed to join? Considering how they allowed Strip to continue racing and all despite NASCAR deeming the Superbird too dangerous and all. Does the Piston Cup draw the line at just American brands? Like do they allow other brands to race? Or just anyone fast enough to keep up- this has been bugging me for days lol-
Thanks! :D
EXTREMELY FLEXIBLE, lol. I mean, they straight let Cruz race and she didn't have a racing license, had never raced at any level in the Piston Cup, and is a bonafide STREET CAR and they let her race at Daytona without black flagging her instantly. And of course this is a long-standing precedent in the Piston Cup, which has compressed many very different eras of NASCAR racing into one simultaneous Piston Cup series. Cars like Strip would've been a LOT closer to street car than anything from Lightning's era.
But it's wild to think about, from a safety perspective. In our world, racecars do not wreck like street cars do--particularly the new composite bodies. They blow apart like piñatas, their batteries are located differently, they have roll cages. Even at local tier racing (heck, demo derbies) there are rules about what kind of car you bring on track, and it's all about safety.
Sure, the racers in the Piston Cup don't have meaty little humans inside of them, so notions of "safety" are a bit different, but I think if you're a car (and you feel pain), you still want a roll cage. You still want to know that the cars you're racing 200mph have the bonafides to race in a reasonably safe manner.
In addition to safety, there's also the question of parity, which the Piston Cup seems not to care a whole lot about--and given that, it's a miracle that the racing is any good at all. Of course, the Piston Cup also packed the houses for a 3-car race around a 2.0 mile oval, which in real life would be an extremely boring race no matter whether there was a championship on the line or not.
In NASCAR, cars are subject to inspection multiple times over the course of a race weekend. These inspections are extremely exacting-it's not just some dude kicking the tires, but an entire tunnel of doom with optical scanners that pick up any deviations from the rules package (which is a list of specs all the cars that race need to be within tolerance for). Here's an example of what that looks like:
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They put the white circles on the windshield because the scanner struggles with transparent surfaces, but I love them because they give the cars expressions of deep shock. O___O
Why all the hullabaloo over thousandths of inches? Parity. Part of the game of NASCAR takes place on the track, with driver talent, race strategy, pit road execution, and sheer luck, but the race starts back at the shop. The idea is that the cars are "stock" (well... lol), but even the tiniest things might give you an edge. The game is to find what those are, and which ones work for your team, while staying in spec.
...Or finding ways to cheat the system. One of my favorite recent inspection "scandals" was Rear Windowgate, where there were teams that found out that if they had a rear window that flexed concave during the race but held a normal shape when the car was not in motion, that gave it an edge (kind of like the dimples on a golf ball). NASCAR was not happy about this discovery, lol. Cameras caught it, reprimands were issued, and that was that.
But of course we see multiple eras of stock car racing all going at it together in both Cars 1 and 3. The Next Gens shop up with a wildly different body style and the Piston Cup just lets them.
So forget manufacturers--NASCAR currently has three: Chevy, Ford, and Toyota, so they’re not just American either--and forget any kind of... safety OR parity rules. If it's got wheels the Piston Cup would probably let it on the track lol. I want to say that they would draw the line at non-stockish cars, for safety reasons, but uh. The WGP clearly did not care about that. Open-wheel and fendered cars going at it at race speeds seems like a horrible idea, but I guess the WGP figured it could trust these all-stars not to kill each other. Then again, the entire WGP was based around a villainous megaplot that involved quite a bit of callous car death, so maybe that's not a good example of something a legitimate sanctioning body would want for itself. XD
I do think the Piston Cup must have some kind of rules package each year, though. I think it's a lot more lax, obviously, but at a bare minimum I imagine you need to be sober and have tires that can take the beating they're about to take on track.
tl;dr I've said this before on this blog, but I think there are elements of the Piston Cup as a sanctioning body that the racers and teams absolutely to not think about nearly enough. And it's probably innocent enough--like, the Piston Cup is not trying to be nefarious about it--but it's not thoughtful and is kind of a mess and the fact that no one's died on track, and the racing product is still good, is a stroke of luck rather than a sign of strong and conscientious management on the part of the Piston Cup.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
maybe like a part 2 where the reader was a singer!
but maybe like everyone in the marvel cast goes to the sweetener world tour to suprised them n congratulate them?
Thank you for the request, hun! I appreciate you for reading my other stuff and suggesting a part 2! Now that I think about it, I might make the whole singer thing into its own series of imagines and headcanons! Just a thought🥰 Happy reading!❤️
A/n: I’ve never been to an Ari concert, so I don’t know the set list, but enjoy my loves❤️
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(She’s so pretty ugh)
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You leaned forward making sure your makeup was all good and to check if your lipstick has smeared onto your face.
“Everything good, hun?” Your makeup artist, Perrie, chirped from behind you. You took a step back, getting one more look.
“Yes Ma’am.” You turned to her and she was holding up the familiar bottle of setting spray.
“One more spray for good measure.” She motioned for you to close your eyes and you did. You breathed in through your nose as you felt the vibrations of the arena. The mix of the music playing out on stage mixed with the cheering of your fans added to your adrenaline.
The tour was finally at Inglewood, California, the last stop of the Sweetener World Tour. You had been traveling around the world for the past 10 months, performing every night in a different country or state. As tiring as it sounded, you absolutely loved the experience. Not only were you traveling and seeing new places, you were meeting your fans from different countries and doing what you loved. After 101 shows and 3 tour legs, it was finally coming to an end. The ending of tour was always bittersweet. You’ve been traveling with multiple people and crew who have grown to be another family. You were going to miss them so much but it was time for you to go back home to your real family. Not only have you missed your parents and siblings, but you also needed the rest. 10 months of nonstop traveling definitely took a toll on you. But nonetheless, it was all worth it.
“All done!” You opened your eyes to see Perrie smiling at you.
“Thank you so much!” You pulled her into a hug as your eyes began to water. You groaned playfully and tilted your head back.
“I’m gonna miss you doing my makeup everyday. Ugh, I haven’t even gone out on stage yet and I’m crying already.” You laughed through tears as Perrie began to protest.
“(Y/n), I swear if you mess up your makeup, you’re never going to hear the end of it. Cry later!” She laughed as she tried to get you to stop the tears from falling.
She gripped onto your arms and yelled, “NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY REMEMBER?” You bursted out laughing at her reference. You waved your hands at your eyes and when they finally felt normal, you looked straight.
“Okok, I think I’m good.” You released a breath as you smiled sweetly at her, “I love you!” You giggled pulling her into another hug.
“I love you too, darling. Have fun out there, you’re going to do amazing like always.” She squeezed you tight before letting you go. Victoria, one of your dancers and friend, peaked her head into the room.
“You ready? They’re waiting for you in the circle.” She informed you holding a hand out. The circle was like a pre-show ritual you had backstage with all the dancers and crew. You took her hand as you all walked out the makeup room. Your heels clicked against the floors, echoing in the hallway. The closer you got to the stage the louder the fans got and the stronger the vibrations got.
The circle was already gathered with all the dancers and crew. When Scott, another one of your dancers and friend, noticed you he began to cheer. Everyone followed along as you entered the circle. You were tucked in between Scott and Brian, who were twins. The two have been your dancers since the beginning and still are how many years later. You were truly grateful for them and everyone who was included in your Sweetener family.
“Damn. Last show ya’ll!” You began causing them to all cheer. You waited till they quieted down, shyly laughing, before continuing.
“Um, I don’t wanna get all emotional and shit right before going on stage. I’m gonna look like a mess out there with my mascara running down my face. Perrie I’m sorry!” You laughed. “I just wanna say, thank you to every single one of y’all. You guys have been the most fucking amazing people to work with. You guys have been working day and night to make the show as spectacular as it is and I love you all so much. You guys are my family and I can’t wait to write another album so I can tour with y’all again. I just want to hug every single one of you, you guys mean so much to me. Like literally, from the bottom of my heart I love all of you so much. I know I’ve said that like multiple times, but I really mean it. Y’all are gonna get a fatass check after this.” You finished making everyone laughing again. By now a few tears have made its way down your face. You even saw a few people’s eyes well up.
You laughed as you heard a chorus of “I love yous” as everyone squeezed in for a group hug.
“Alright! That’s enough crying, let’s get this show on the road!” You cheered to help everyone from crying. Everyone moved out the circle and got into places.
Before you can get in place, Perrie pulled you aside to fix up your makeup. Your stylists began smoothing out your skirt and making sure your knee high boots were securely on. Next was to get your earpiece on while one of the stage hands gave you your mic. From backstage you could hear the intro to the concert playing causing the fans to scream louder.
You got into place as you got the signal to start singing. You sang the opening lyrics of Raindrops (An Angel Cried) and began to smile as your fans sang along.
The platform began to move up when you finished and the beat of God Is A Woman began to play. You were now on the stage, the sea of white lights looking back at you. The adrenaline was still running through your veins. You performed the song, acing every move of the dance you’ve learned 10 months ago.
When the last note of God Is A Woman played, all the lights turned off except for the red lights on the stage.
“INGLEWOOD!” You yelled into your mic, your fans cheering even louder than before. You shared an excited smile with Brian.
“Welcome to the Sweetener World Tour!” And with that the opening notes of Bad Idea began to play, the show finally kicking off.
You were in the middle of singing R.E.M which was part of Act 2 of the concert. You moved towards the pit to see familiar faces beaming up at you.
“Boy, you’re such a drea— oh my god!” You squealed as you saw the pit full of your Marvel cast mates. You saw all the Chris’, both of the Tom’s, Robert, Scarlett, Elizabeth, almost everyone you’ve worked with in Marvel was there. You got down to your knees to touch their outstretched hands.
The fans screamed as the camera from stage panned down to the pit where all the actors were. You took the mic away from your mouth and leaned down to them.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked them through the loud arena.
Scarlett, Brie, and Lizzie were the nearest to the stage.
“We’re here to surprise you! It’s your last show and we wanted to be here for it!” Scarlett yelled over the track that was playing.
“We’ll catch up later, keep going!” Lizzie urged you to continue the concert with a toothy grin.
You held onto Brie’s hand as you sang to them, “Inglewood let me hear ya’ll! Excuse me um...”
“I LOVE YOU!” The fans sang back to you, including your cast mates. You dusted your knees off and continued to walk around the ramp. Before you could leave, you sent an excited wave to Brie and the rest of them.
~After the show~
You hopped off the platform that brought you down from the stage and were greeted by a bunch of congratulations and cheering. You and your dancers shared another group hug.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice yell. You follow the voice and see Anthony waving at you with his infamous grin. He was accompanied by the rest of the cast behind him. You run towards them and jump into Anthony’s outstretched arms.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sweaty, but I’m so happy to see all of you!” You wrapped your arms around Anthony’s neck as he spun the two of you around. He let you go and you were suddenly being pulled into hugs by everyone.
When you got to Robert, a proud smile was on his face as he cradled your face, “Sweetheart, that was amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.” He pressed a fatherly kiss to your forehead and pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you.” You laughed, your eyes welling up with tears once again. Next was Chris (E) who playfully shoved Robert.
“Stop it, you’re hogging her! Let me hug (y/n)!” He childishly whined. He gasped when he saw your eyes watering.
“And you made her cry! C’mere.” His arms enveloped around you as he hugged you tightly.
In your ear his whispered, “You absolutely killed it.”
You thank him and move on to Scarlett who already had her arms out for you, “Surprise!”
“This was your idea?” You asked her as she hugged you. A cheeky grin quirked on her lips.
“Maybe” she teased dragging the ‘e’. You hugged her again as she laughed into your shoulder.
“Thank you, Scar. This means so much.”
“It’s not a problem, honey. We just wanted to see you together while you did your thing up on stage.”
You were now full on crying through a smile as your Marvel family showed you mass amounts of love. You stumbled into Tom (Holland) who instantly grabbed you into a bear hug. Tom’s actually seen your show in London with his friends and brothers, so this was his second time seeing you perform.
“You know what’s so crazy?” He asked you leaning down to your ear so you can hear him.
“It’s literally just as great as it was in London. Like everything looks the same, you sound exactly the same, everything! The show was fantastic!” He looked at you with wide eyes with so much amazement on his face.
You laughed at him and patted his shoulder, “Thank you, Tom.”
Suddenly there was a commotion a few feet away from you. You saw Robert standing on one of the cases your crew used to store equipment in.
“ATTENTION EVERYONE!” When everyone backstage was looking at him Robert sent them a sweet smile and was handed a megaphone.
“Alright, so I gotta say, (y/n), you definitely know how to throw a show. Everyone who was part of this tour, your hard work pays off because that show was the most fun I’ve had in a while! (Y/n), you keep surprising us everyday with your talent and I hope you get to do more of what you love in the future. As my way of thanking you all for throwing such an amazing night, I want to take out every single one of you for dinner! I just rented out a whole restaurant just for all of us and I hope to see all of you there!” Robert said into the megaphone. A round of cheers and claps were heard from everyone at the announcement. As everyone began to file out, you were being called to get out of your costume.
Before you can turn to leave you hugged Robert and looked at all your cast mates who showed up for the night.
“Thank you guys for being here, it really means a lot.” You sniffled, wiping a tear from your face.
“And you, I can’t believe you rented out a restaurant for my crew, thank you Robert.” The older man just waves you off as he slung his arm around your shoulder.
“Not a problem, sweetheart. We wanted to be here and we are all so proud of you, you’ve come a long way, (y/n).” He gave your shoulders a squeeze.
“Now run along now, you still need to get changed and I’m starving. Go.” He teasingly turned you towards your stylists. You rolled your eyes as you waved at all of them.
“We’ll see you at the restaurant!” You heard Brie yell after you. You quickly turn back, “OK, I LOVE YOU!”
The further you got you heard Evans scream, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” You turned down the hall, your laugh echoing against its walls.
That was definitely one way to end a tour.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
If you are doing them the soulmate fic starter 3 or 9 for rexwalker? I love all your star wars stuff so much
soulmate au prompts
3. the one where you and your soulmate have matching marks on your bodies. 9. the one where your soulmate’s last words to you are written on your body.
Featuring marginally-less-terrible Jango with more excuses than usual.
The Kaminoans hate soul marks.
Rex knows this from the day he knows to ask. The Nulls and Alphas don’t have any soul marks, just scars where there was once a promise. The eldest clones have records, at least, where the scientists had taken photos before beginning th surgeries, but the marks themselves are long gone.
Prime had found out about the removals and thrown a fit, raging so intensely that Nala Se had ended up intubated from the damage he’d dealt, and she hadn’t been the only one. Rex isn’t old enough to remember that, but Cody is, and he whispers the story in the dead of night more than once. Nobody likes Prime very much, except Boba, but that’s one of the few instances they can point to and say ‘he cares more than he likes to admit.’
It’s anathema on Mandalore, one brother claims, a light in his eyes that Rex hasn’t ever seen before. That’s what I heard him telling one of the aruetti trainers.
So is refusing your children so much as a name, another grouses, and the conversation dies an ugly little death. So is letting your children die just because you don’t think they’re good enough. So is turning your back from even letting them be part of your house, let alone part of your clan. Sounds like he cares more about our soul marks than he does for our lives.
Rex doesn’t know how to address that. He does get a personal visit from Prime, one day, gets asked to show his little marking to the man that is, in some ways, his father.
“Another one,” Jango Fett mutters to the trainer that came with him, the woman holding a datapad and ready to record whatever it is that they’re looking for. He passes a thumb over the marking, frowning. “A lightsaber, lit white, with pale blue halo, between a set of symbolic Jaig eyes. The eyes are dark blue, slightly desaturated. I think they’re meant to frame it like an exaggerated beskad crossguard.”
“Sir?” Rex asks.
“That makes six,” Jango says, still so quiet, and then shakes his head. “Thank you for showing me, 7567.”
“Rex,” he corrects, before he can second-guess himself. “I’m Rex.”
“Thank you, Rex.”
The rumors say that anyone with a lightsaber soul mark is going to have a jedi for a soulmate.
Rex isn’t sure how true that is, but he’s eager to find out.
Prime gets more erratic, more unpleasant at times and almost awkwardly nice at others. Rex meets the others who got Jedi soul marks. He’s the youngest, so far.
Jango tells them all to hide the markings, and to keep them secret. They’d already all known that much, that only batchmates should be told about soul marks. All the adults that should know already do, after all.
“Where’s your dad going?” Rex asks once, when Boba’s been handed over to Cody’s squad for looking after while Prime goes haring off on some trip that nobody gets to know about. Rex hangs out with Cody’s squad more than his own batch, it feels like, but that’s a whole thing that he’s not supposed to talk about since the late transfer to command track.
“Dunno,” Boba says, kicking his feet back and forth. “My soul mark came in. Something about it made him really angry, I think.”
Rex doesn’t ask to see it.
It’s not his place.
The Alpha batch is getting quieter, angrier, and end up in hushed conversations with Prime and some of the trainers so often that the rumors start up harder than before. Rex keeps his head down, because the Kaminoans get antsier when Jango does. Soul marks come up more often, and Rex gets called in to talk to the Alpha clones about his mark. He’s not supposed to, but Prime says it’s important, and Prime is in charge.
“Oh, is that all it took?” one of the Alphas sneers, and Prime shoots them a look that has Rex taking a few hasty steps back. The Alpha clone isn’t even fully grown yet, by natborn standards, but they don’t back down. “What, ready to stop being a dar’buir--”
“That’s enough,” Prime says, low and hard, and the Alpha clone rolls their eyes. “There’s a child here.”
“So now you care about that?”
Rex is escorted back to his rooms.
Decommissioning finally stops, for all that it requires Jango almost decapitating a Kaminoan, and someone Rex hopes he never sees again shows up.
(His memory is blurred. He’s sure the man was human, and tall. Elderly enough to have white hair, probably? A... there was fabric that swished when he turned, something dramatic, but...)
(He is not the only one that cannot remember.)
It takes years for anything else to come of it all... at least where the clones can see.
Rex is fully grown, as far as clones go. His aging is supposed to slow down to ‘natborn normal’ now, because he’s reached his full height and most of his brainpower, and he’s officially old enough to fight on the field if the war starts tomorrow.
It might.
“Hey, look up.”
Rex listens, and looks, and sees a natborn with Nala Se, pale skinned and with reddish hair, soaked to the bone. They wear robes, brown and heavy-looking. Even as he watches, another natborn jogs up from behind, also sodden and pale, but with darker hair that sticks up despite the water. A third joins them, a tad slower and more controlled; this one wears all white, and they--maybe she?-- are slight and small and poised in a way that Rex thinks might be how a natborn leader carries themselves, if they aren’t a soldier.
They pass on through the walkway, showing emotions that the Kaminoans can’t read and the clones absolutely can. None of it is... good.
“Shit,” someone mutters. “That was a Jedi.”
“What if they don’t want us?”
Rex is called to Prime’s rooms.
He tries not to look at the wide eyes of the brothers he’s been gossiping with, just stands and pulls on his full kit. He hesitates at his bucket, but then pops it on and marches to what might be his doom. It’s probably not.
He hopes it’s not.
He knocks, and is let in by Boba, and sits down on the couch when Prime tells him to. He removes his helmet when asked. Boba hops up onto the couch between Rex and his father, and leans in against Rex’s side.
There’s a list on the table, one he recognizes, quickly writing out all the paired elements on the Jedi-Clone soul marks. Nobody who isn’t already involved in the project would know it. He spots the ‘yellow tickets’ that Bly got tattooed on his face recently, the ones he won’t claim are or aren’t related to his mark. He spots his own listing of Jaig eyes.
His... progenitor, maybe, in this situation, looks at him, and holds up a hand. “You saw the list. You can guess why Rex is here.”
Oh. Prime’s using his name without prompting. That’s nice.
“I can’t read it,” the younger Jedi says, with something that might be a pout. Rex wants  to roll his eyes, but his helmet is on the table. People would see.
“It’s in Mando’a,” the elder tells him, voice low, and then glances between Rex and the younger Jedi. “Fett, how did you know which one to call? I can guess some things, but--”
“I have a good eye. The hilts are all different. Only one matches.”
“I see.”
Rex fidgets, and tries not to wonder at... at... oh. The younger Jedi’s lightsaber hilt does match Rex’s soul mark.
Boba notices when Rex starts picking at his glove, pressing a finger right to the mark on his wrist, and frowns up at him. He grabs Rex’s hand to still it, and tries to ask a question with his eyebrows. He is mostly unsuccessful.
“Anakin,” the elder Jedi says. Rex still doesn’t know his name. “Your hand, please?”
“...you’ll understand in a minute,” the Jedi says, long-suffering in the way of the trainers who dealt with the youngest cadets. “Your hand. No, the other one.”
“Why do you need my hand?”
“Reasons, Anakin. You there, ah... Rex, was it?”
The Jedi flinches. “Right. I suppose I’ll have to get used to that... right, Rex, can you come here? I imagine you know what it is that I’m looking to compare.”
Rex has been taught to listen to Jedi, but he has no idea who he’s supposed to listen to here. The older Jedi is probably in charge, but Rex hasn’t been assigned to anyone yet, so isn’t Prime still technically the closest thing he has to a CO?
He glances at Prime, who just gestures for Rex to go ahead with it.
Rex pulls off a glove, pulls back his sleeve, and bares the symbol on his wrist for inspection.
The younger Jedi’s face morphs from confused irritation to surprise, and then... something Rex doesn’t want to analyze too closely. He’s not sure if it’s wonder or horror. He wasn’t aware the expressions could look so similar.
The Jedi--Anakin--pulls back his own sleeve, moves his wrist to Rex’s and watches as the marks glow faintly from the proximity.
“Looks like Fett was right,” the elder Jedi mutters. He doesn’t sound happy. He looks at the other natborn, the one Rex is pretty sure is a woman, and raises an eyebrow.
She shakes her head, eyes closed.
“You said there were others?” the elder Jedi prompts, and Prime nods. “We are no more open about our marks than most, but I can spot one, maybe two, that I can guess at. I’d need to see the actual markings to confirm, of course, and I imagine that wouldn’t be something anyone would be happy with.”
“The rest can happen naturally,” Prime dismisses. “This was just proof.”
“Not just proof, I hope,” the Jedi mutters. “I’m.. I have to call the Council.”
Rex sees the panic in Anakin’s face, and is seized by the urge to do something, anything, to fix it.
“Obi-Wan, you can’t let them--”
“Nobody’s going to separate you,” the elder Jedi says. Obi-Wan, apparently. “And there’s no ‘let,’ Anakin, they outrank me. Significantly. Right now, I’m concerned about the implications of this war, of multiple of these cloned soldiers that have been indoctrinated to fight for and serve the Jedi having soulmates among us, especially given that I have no idea how recently our wartime protocols on such things were updated. There is an entire army that is supposedly in our name, ordered by a man ten years dead.”
“Count Dooku is involved,” Prime says, dark and satisfied and petty. “Calling himself Darth Tyrannus. The Kaminoans mostly believe he is an isolated and reclusive Jedi Master that serves as their contact when Sifo-Dyas is unavailable.”
The Jedi named Obi-Wan closes his eyes and breathes deeply, and then stands. “Right. That’s... well, alright, I absolutely have to call the Council now.”
Prime smiles, pulling Boba into his side. Rex finds himself tugged down to sit where Obi-Wan had been a few moments earlier.
“Why are you telling us all this?” the natborn woman says. “This Count sounds like he hired you, did he not?”
“The project predated his involvement, but yes, he’s my supervisor, so to speak.” Prime smiles that same dark smile, runs a hand over Boba’s head and pointedly doesn’t look at Obi-Wan. That smile is... unpleasant. Rex doesn’t want to look at it, and so he looks down to the faint glow at his wrist instead. “Did you know, they told me the clones would be sub-sentient and halfway to droids? Not really people? That my DNA was for the bodies, but the minds would be little more than lines of code? Do you know how much they hated that I saw the evidence of their lies written into my children’s skin?”
Rex jolts, head whipping about and hand pulling away from his soulmate, staring at Prime, his mouth agape in a way a soldier’s shouldn’t but--but he’s--
Rex has never, ever heard the Prime refer to any of them except Boba as his child. His copies, his echoes, his clones, but not his children.
A hand curls into his, and he looks down to find Anakin’s lacing their fingers together. He looks up into a hopeful, unsure smile.
Anakin tilts his head and leans in, lips to Rex’s ear, and says, “When I told Obi-Wan he was like a father to me, he didn’t even know how to respond. Just made a bad joke about it and then pretended it didn’t happen. Is this the same?”
“...close enough,” Rex breathes out, because now isn’t the time to explain just how different a clone’s existence is from what they’ve seen in the holos meant to prepare them for interacting with civilians. That ‘family’ here has always been brothers, your squad and any brother that chooses to take you on, or a brother you choose to nurture, that the Alphas raise them more than Prime or the trainers do, that the older squads are who they turn to because the adults won’t help, that they don’t have parents, and they are discouraged from thinking of children in their futures.
(Protecting intellectual property, one of the scientists had mused. They’d made it very, very difficult for any of the clones to impregnate a partner. Not impossible, because to make it impossible was itself impossible, but... nearly so.)
“There’s millions of us,” Rex says instead. “He doesn’t... he doesn’t usually acknowledge most of us as his.”
Anakin’s face twists, already angry, and the glare he aims at Prime is ghastly. Rex might already be a little in love, just for that. The way Anakin’s fingers squeeze around his is nice, too.
Prime does not notice.
“Can I see the contract you say you signed?” the natborn woman says, and Prime eyes her. He nods, at length, weighing her worth and finding she measures up to whatever it is that he’s decided is necessary.
“Boba, go pack like we’re going on a hunt,” Prime says, pulling out a personal datapad and only dropping his gaze to find the right file. “We’ll probably be leaving tonight.”
“Okay, buir,” Boba says, sliding off the couch. “Am I telling the Alphas the thing you said?”
“No, I’ll handle that myself. You just pack.” He stands, nods to the natborn woman, and moves around the table. “Senator, I’ll sit with you, if you don’t mind. I imagine you and Knight Kenobi are the best suited to get this problem fixed.”
“And me?” Anakin demands.
“You,” Prime says, with a just a hint of condescending drawl. “have just met your soulmate. I assumed you’d want some privacy to get to know each other.”
Anakin flushes, a little angry and a lot embarrassed. It’s frighteningly cute. “I--I mean--I don’t--”
“The clones are mentally the ages they look, but do remember they’ve had practically no time to gain any sort of experience,” Prime says, already ignoring them in favor of pointing something out on the datapad to the senator. “Take advantage of any of my kids, and I’ll be the one hunting you down. I’m told I’m rather good at it.”
Anakin’s face does some acrobatics. Rex would pay more attention, but he can feel himself turning just as red.
“Rex, you know where the private meeting room is,” Prime says, and waves a hand in the direction of the tiny, tiny office that’s by the door. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Be nice,” the Senator hisses, smacking Prime’s arm.
“He’s ten.”
Rex just stands and pulls Anakin away to the little room before things can get worse.
They’re delayed when Obi-Wan asks what they’re doing from the kitchen he’s been using to get a spot of privacy, but then Anakin says “we’re just going to talk, Master,” and they get an aggrieved sigh and a response of “the clothes stay on, padawan, and you’ll need to finish up whatever conversation you have soon, there’s work to do and being a padawan only excuses you from so much.”
Rex backs into the meeting room, yanks Anakin in, and then decides to throw caution to the wind and just press their lips together.
He’s kissing back.
Lack of caution: good.
The mark at his wrist thrums, warm and comfortable, and Rex pulls away. He stifles the noise he wants to make, and when Anakin whines, small and soft but clearly disappointed, Rex offers him a small grin he knows would get him called ‘shy’ by his asshole older brothers.
“We probably should actually get to know each other,” Rex says. “I don’t even know your last name.”
“I... yeah, I don’t know yours either, unless it’s Fett.”
“It’s not. I don’t have one.”
Anakin’s face does another one of those ‘I’m angry for you’ twists that Rex is quickly coming to recognize, and then he sighs and falls into one of the chairs. “Okay. So. I don’t know much about the soldier life. Tell me about it.”
And he does.
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aderiex · 3 years
Aaron Hotchner x Reader (Jealousy)
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Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, oral, coarse language.
Summary: The team goes to DC for a case but Hotch can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. After an incident at a bar, he gets jealous and realizes he wants you. 
Everyone all sat on the plane to D.C. They were working a case of younger women abducted from clubs and bars. The Unsub was torturing and killing his victims. Washington PD said the abductions go back a few weeks, 8 bodies had just showed up, half buried in the ground. You sat next to Dr. Reid like you normally do; you two had become close when you had first joined the Bureau and you have become inseparable ever since. He was sitting with the file propped open in his lap and you were leaning over his shoulder to get a better look at the crime scene photos. “So, we have 8 dead women in 3 weeks. The coroner said they had all been dead about a week when they found the bodies.” JJ explained, “So he was keeping them for a while.” Morgan concluded.  Emily sighed and looked over to you, it was hard for the women to do cases like this knowing the victimology, they were within the killer’s preference. Reid put a supportive hand on your back and offered you a warm smile, you smiled back and tuned in to what Hotch was saying. He was talking about what our next moves were when you landed. “JJ and Reid, I need you in the precinct, looking over all the evidence, get our team somewhere to set up. Morgan, Prentiss, and Rossi will interview the families of the victims.” You watched his hesitated eyes looking around the plane when they finally met yours, his gaze softened a bit. “Me and y/n are going to go have a look at the crime scene.” He finished. Everyone agreed and the pilot’s voice came over the speakers, telling the team they were coming in for landing.
As soon as you were on the ground, you were being transported into SUV’s and on your separate paths to do the assigned jobs. It was just you and Hotch in the car, he was driving, and you rode shotgun, with a map splayed out on your lap with all the last known locations of the girls and then the dumpsite. Hotch tried to make some small talk, but it was mostly silent for the duration of the car ride. You pulled up to the dumpsite to see state police around, police tape up to keep civilians out. You put on your rubber gloves, and stepped out of the car, joining up on Hotch’s side as you both approached the scene. The state police chief came up to you and shook both of your hands, introducing himself. He explained basic knowledge of the crimes, which you had already read about, but still listened intently to his words. You and Hotch walked over and inspected the dead bodes. Him checking their pockets and looking at how they were placed, you still looking through the files, trying to identify each girl.
After a few hours spent at the crime scene, you and Hotch decided to rejoin the rest of the team back at the precinct. The drive back less quiet, mostly just filled with work discussion and quick phone calls to Reid and Garcia, but still something. Back at the precinct, Reid and JJ had all the crime scene photos laid out on the big conference table, along with all the evidence. You and Hotch joined them at the table, Reid joining up on your side. Looking down, at the file in your hands and matching it with the last known location of the girls. “They were all last seen at a bar or club…” Morgan mused, “Hey babygirl,” He said, getting on the phone with Garcia. “I need a list of all the bars and clubs that are in a 10-mile radius of the dump site.” Garcia chuckled, “Already on it big boy, I’m sending them over to you right now.” The list popped up, about 7 bars and clubs. “2 of them closed due to renovations and aren’t due to open for the next month.” Garcia added, “Ok so that makes 5. We should split up and hit the bars tonight. Morgan, you take the one uptown on 5th. Reid, I want you and Prentiss in the one on Main. Rossi and JJ will take the one on the far side of town. Me and y/n will take the one on 22nd.” Hotch gave everyone roles, “That leaves one, the one on 33rd.” JJ brought up, Hotch nodded and turned to the state police chief, “I want you and a partner there tonight.” Hotch said, in a serious tone. The man nodded and everyone went to get changed into more casual clothing, as to not seem too suspicious to the unsub. You all were told to tuck your guns behind your waistband, and you kept your badge and cuffs on a belt loop you kept hidden underneath your shirt.
You and Hotch headed for the bar, this was the one time he wasn’t dressed formally, he wore a simple grey button up and jeans, he looked good. You both sat in the car, driving in the dark, the quiet was comforting. Hotch looked over to you multiple times during the drive, just quick glances, not long enough for you to make eye contact with him. You pulled up to the bar, it looked busy, the parking lot was full and there was a steady stream of people going in and out. Hotch looked over to you and sent you a small nod as you both got out of the car and walked in together. It was even busier inside, people were packed in, standing almost shoulder to shoulder. You and Hotch headed immediately to the bar, you found two open spots and sat down, the bartender walked up to you guys. “Busy night?” Hotch asked, the bartender nodded, exasperatedly. “It’s like this almost every night. Popular spot.” He laughed out, “So you probably don’t remember many of the people that come through here?” you asked, the bartender thought about it for a second, “Not really, unless its one of my regulars or they are quite memorable.” He shrugged. You pulled a picture out of your pocket of the girls, “Do any of these girls look familiar?” You asked, the bartender inspected the photos, he shook his head, “Sorry, like I said we have a lot of people that come through here.” You nodded, “What about a man? He would have been quite reserved, sat near the back, didn’t talk to anyone, seemed to just watch?” Hotch cut in, the bartender paused, “Yeah I think I know who you’re talking about, he comes here sometimes, orders a beer and sits in the back. He leaves pretty discreetly.” The man said, “Is he here tonight?” You asked, the man looked around, “Not yet, he normally shows up later in the night.” You nodded and turned to Hotch, “Guess we play the waiting game.” He said.
You and Hotch sat at a table in the back, just talking. Hotch had ordered a beer, as to blend in, you were taking sips of a virgin drink the bartender had recommended. A man approached your table and sat next to you without warning, you could smell the alcohol on his breath. “Hey pretty lady.” He slurred, intoxicated. You forced a smile and looked to Hotch, who was sending the man a death stare. “Are you single?” he asked, paying no attention to Hotch. He didn’t even let you answer, “Let’s get out of here babe. I’ll show you a great time.” He shot you a dirty smile. You were getting visibly uncomfortable, “Get off of her.” Hotch spoke up, you both looked over to him and he was getting serious. “Hey man calm down, I’m just picking up your leftovers.” He snickered, Hotch was up in a second, grabbing the intoxicated man by his collar and pulling him out of the booth. “I wasn’t asking.” He practically spat at the man. The fear in the man’s eyes was prominent as Hotch let him go and he drunkenly stumbled away from our table. “Thank you.” You spoke up, giving Hotch a warm smile. Hotch returned the smile which made your face heat up and you averted your eyes.
The night was long but by the time the bar had closed, there was no sign of this man. You and Hotch packed up and left the bar, getting into his SUV and heading for the hotel. The drive home felt different, the silence wasn’t awkward, it was comfortable. You couldn’t help but steal glances over to him. You pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and Hotch helped you out of the car, “About what happened back there...” He trailed off, you smiled “Hey, don’t worry about it. I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me.” You smiled, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. You felt the heat rush to his face under your hand. You stayed there for a moment, staring into his eyes, watching them try to read you. His brow furrowed, his eyes scanning your face. You pulled away, breaking the trance “We should probably go… go to bed.” You laughed nervously, he said nothing but a brief nod and you both headed into the hotel. Checking into your respective rooms.
It was the next day, you and Hotch were both extremely tired and showed up to the precinct late because of the late closing time of the bar. Everyone watched you two walk in, JJ raised her eyebrows suggestively and you blushed slightly but shook your head, “It’s not what it looks like, the bar was open until 1am.” You said, yawning.
The day was very long, but you eventually caught up with the killer, he had made a mistake in covering his tracks and you had been able to find his tab at the bar. Garcia had tracked his card and given you all an address. The whole team pulled up to the man’s house, you hopped out of the SUV gun in hand, approaching the house with the rest of the team. Morgan kicked down the door and everyone surged into the house.
The next events went by in almost slow motion, you turned a corner, the first thing you heard was the shot. You didn’t know where it had come from until you felt a breathtaking force on your vest, knocking you back into the wall, Morgan was right behind you, putting a bullet through the man’s shoulder. You stumbled back and slid down the wall, clawing at your vest, trying to get it off. Hotch ran in and dropped to his knees in front of you, “Y/n! Y/n can you hear me?” He cried out, your ears were ringing but you nodded, and reached out to grab his hand. He practically tore your vest off, looking for any signs of bleeding, but the vest had done its job. He helped you up, his arm around your waist as you caught your breath before guiding you out of the house. Morgan was shoving the unsub into the cop car, as Hotch helped you to the SUV. “I’ll take y/n back to the hotel for some rest. I need you guys to go back and pack up things at the precinct.” Hotch said, everyone nodded.
You were breathing shallowly in the passenger seat as Hotch drove you both back to the hotel. He wouldn’t even let you walk in by yourself, instead he hoisted you up in his arms and carried you through the hotel to your room. He walked you over to your bed and gently laid you down, sitting down on the bed beside you. You drifted peacefully, grabbing out for his hand as you slept.
When you woke up Hotch was still there, holding your hand. He had laid down and was sleeping peacefully. You checked the clock; it was around 3 in the morning. You shifted slightly and you heard his wake up, stretching his arms above his head. “Y/n how are you feeling?” he asked, sitting up. You smiled “I’m feeling better, good as new.” He stood up and you stood with him. As you came to your feet, he was a lot closer than you had expected. You were centimeters apart. You felt his breath on your face, making you shiver. His eyes were scanning you again, looking for some kind of clue as to what you were thinking. “I was worried about you…” He said quietly. You smiled and reached up for his face again, he grabbed your hand and spun you around, walking you back into the wall. Your back was against the wall, he was pressing his body against you, keeping you still. Fear flashed through his eyes as he started to step away. “I-I’m so sorry-” you cut him off, pulling him back in by the collar and pressing your lips to his. He kissed back immediately. His lips were so soft, felt so right on yours. His hands immediately found your hips, pulling you even closer as your hands played with the hair on the back of his neck. He pulled away, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” He admitted, “That guy at the bar…” he paused, you kissed him again to shut him up. “I know” You mumbled against his lips. His kisses got hungrier, his hands going over your body, as if he were memorizing all the curves of your hips. He squeezed at your waist, making you moan quietly. That drove him crazy, his grip immediately tightened, kissing you harder. You reached your hand down and rubbed him through his pants, causing him to groan against your lips. You smirked and felt him almost come undone in front of you. Your shirt was the first to go, he took your breast in his hand making you throw your head back in pleasure, giving him access to kiss at your neck. Biting and sucking at your neck leaving bright red and purple marks, you moaned lightly, your hands tangling in his hair. One hand going to your waistband, the other coming up to grab your throat. He scanned your eyes, making sure it was okay. You gave him a confirming look, he squeezed your throat and whispered in your ear. “That was dangerous y/n.” He said before pushing his fingers past your waistband, making you gasp. “Going in there alone like that?” he was still whispering in your ear as his finger circled your clit, making your grab his biceps. Moaning quietly, “You could have gotten hurt.” He growled, continuing with his fingers. You whimpered, not able to form any eligible words.
You were getting closer to your release, Hotch knew it too and pulled away. Leaving a lingering kiss on your lips before pulling his own shirt over his head. He was toned, strong, you couldn’t help but stare. Seeing him in this vulnerable state, this way, you forever wanted this image of him in your mind. He smiled at you and pulled you back in, “You should have stayed with me.” He said, his voice deep in your ear, making you shiver. His hand going right back into your pants, circling your entrance before pushing a finger inside of you. Your breath hitched, and you opened your mouth as if to let out a moan. “Ah ah. Quiet now.” He growled, you whimpered quietly but nodded. He went back to his fingers, slowly pushing one in and out, watching your face twist with pleasure. Soon you felt him add another one, he curled them inside of you and you felt the tip of his finger graze your pleasure point. You moaned out, he smiled, knowing he had found it and kept going, hitting it with every pump. You dropped your head to rest on his shoulder and bit down on your lip to try and stay quiet. “So wet for me already?” He groaned out, you nodded as best you could while trying to hold in the moans of pleasure. He pulled his fingers out and grabbed you up by your thighs, carrying you over to the bed, placing you down lightly and starting to unbutton your pants. He pulled them off your legs with ease, leaving you in nothing but your bra and underwear, his pants were next. He crawled on top of you in his boxers, you felt his bulge through his boxers rub against you, causing you to moan lightly in his ear. “Fuck Aaron.”
He started kissing down your stomach, all the way down to your thighs, you felt his breath on your inner thighs, causing you to arch you back. He circled your clit through your underwear, making you shudder. He pushed your underwear to the side and licked a flat line up your entrance. You couldn’t keep the moan in that time, it wasn’t that loud, but he heard it. Making him lick you again. You grabbed his hair as he went down on you, you threw your head back as your body was overwhelmed with pleasure. While he was still licking you, he stuck a finger in again. You tightened your grip on his hair and he kept going harder. You couldn’t keep the moans in anymore, grinding down on his fingers, chasing your release. “Not yet y/n.” He whispered. Pulling away. Before he could do anything else you flipped him over, so he was on his back. You trailed down his body, teasing your fingers around his waistband before pulling down his boxers. His member coming up and hitting against his stomach. He groaned at the sudden stimulation, you look his entire length in your mouth making him gasp and throw his head back on the pillow. You bobbed your head and swirled your tongue around him, making him groan and grab your hair. You could feel his tip hitting the back of your throat as you went, amazing moans escaping his lips.
Before he finished, he pulled your hair, letting his member fall out of your mouth. “On your back.” He growled, you obliged and laid down on the bed, you watched him slip your underwear off your legs and throw it behind him as you unhooked your bra and tossed it onto the floor. He leaned down, kissing you and his hands pleasuring you again before you felt his tip slowly push into you. Your nails dug into his skin as you winced. He stopped and looked down at you, you nodded and reached down to push his member farther into you. He groaned and hung his head in pleasure as he bottomed out in you, you moaned as his member hit your pleasure spot. He moved slowly, small thrusts until he was able to slide in and out easily. He held your leg up above his shoulder and continued to thrust. You felt the friction and pain dissipate as it was replaced with pleasure. His groans in your ear, turning you on even more. Your moans were heard all around the room. He leaned it, still going, “You feel so good.” He groaned, you whimpered and ran your nails up and down his back, leaving bright red scratch marks. He moaned at the feeling of this and went harder. He put one hand around your throat and used the other to pin your hands above your head. He was hitting your pleasure spot with every thrust, making you almost scream. You were getting close and Hotch was too, “I-I’m going to-” you didn’t even finish before you released on him, moaning loudly. He was groaning with the feeling of it before pulling out and finishing over your stomach, gasping as he rode out his release.
Later that day, you and Hotch sat on the plane back to Quantico, Reid and Emily were playing chess together. No one knows why she still tries, Reid has yet to lose since Gideon. JJ was finishing her report and Rossi was laying asleep. Hotch sat across form you, his professional face back on, looking over to you and shooting you a smile every once in a while. The flight back is always shorter than the flight out, Reid explained why is physically was, but it felt faster mentally too. As soon as the team landed, there were SUVs outside waiting to take you back to the bullpen. You, Hotch and Reid all sat in one SUV, Reid was forced into the back. The drive was silent other than Reid spouting random facts, you found yourself staring at Hotch while he drove for long periods of time before he would meet your gaze and break you out of the trance.
Everyone was sitting at their respective desks, filling out all the reports quietly. Hotch stepped out of his office, “Y/n. My office.” He said, a shiver went down your spine and you stood. Everyone’s eyes were on you as you walked up the steps and into Hotch’s office. As soon as you got into the office, you closed the door behind you, he closed the blinds and turns towards you “Lock it.” He said, your heart rate picked up and you nodded before turning around and locking the door behind you. You turned around and Hotch was immediately in front of you, grabbing your waist and pinning you against the door. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He growled in your ear; your knees quivered. He didn’t waste time kissing you, pulling you closer to his body. Holding you up. You immediately reached down to rub him through his pants, but he stopped you “We’re going to have to be quiet.” He murmured. You nodded and he let our wrist go, letting you slip your hand into his pants and slowly stroke him, making him throw his head back and breathe heavily. “Desk, now.” He demanded, you giggled and sat on the edge of his desk. He walked over to you, taking off his blazer and undoing his tie. He came right up and stood between your legs, craning his head down to kiss you, stroking your hair and one hand on your thigh. He pushed you back lightly, letting you come to rest on your elbows, he unzipped his pants and pulled his boxers down enough to pull his hard member out. You bit your lip as he slid into you, his face showing pure pleasure as you contracted and moved around his member. He started slow, until the pain was gone again, the thrusts become easier, and he started going harder. You threw your head back, biting your lip hard as you avoid moaning. “Shhh, good girl.” Hotch praised you, that caused a slight whimper, but it wasn’t too loud. He gave you a warning glance and you nodded desperately. He grabbed his tie and shoved the fabric in your mouth. “Quiet babygirl.” He cooed. You bit down on the tie and let it muffle your moans.
He was getting close; you were coming up on your release as well. You sat up and grabbed his collar, “Cum in me.” You whimpered in his ear. He gave you a confirming look and you nodded. He nodded and as you released on his member, he let himself finish inside of you. You felt his hot release fill you up and you threw your head back. “F-Fuck.” You moaned out. He held you there as you both rode out your orgasm. As he stood back up, putting his clothes back on, kissing your forehead. You felt his warm release running down your leg as you stood, your legs shaking. He gave you his spare shirt to clean up with, “Clean yourself up love.” He said softly. You smiled and he pulled you in for a handful of light kisses. On your lips, your cheeks, and your forehead.
You walked out of the office, slightly stumbling down the stairs and sitting back down, across from Spencer. “What did he want?” He asked you. “Just a second opinion.” You answered, going back to your work as if nothing had happened. Spencer didn’t question it. But Morgan saw the messed-up hair and swollen lips. But he didn’t say any    thing.
Word count: 4k
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Fic Writer Question Meme
Thank you to @missroserose :) their post is the one I saw first
TW for all my fics! Any fic I link probably has at least one common trigger in it and at the time of writing it I may not have properly labeled it.
How many works do you have on Ao3?
63 are published on Ao3, I believe 38 on FF, and maybe 5 on Tumblr? I have over ~1800 WIPs unpublished as some of my WIPs are published amid those websites/apps
What’s your total Ao3 word count?
200k, uh 206,726 to be exact
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
uh, lemme count my folders in Notes…. a minimum of 63… Holy Crow 63 again. I’m still gonna go count the specifics too cuz some of these are huge groupings like MCU or Disney. Okay so 63 + 53 is 116 I think? So 116 fandoms? oh god wait what are they? ill make a list,,,
Fandoms I’ve Written For:
A Quiet Place, Aladdin, Alice in Wonderland, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Barbie, Beauty and the Beast, Big Hero Six, Jump, Brave,
Cinderella (all), Encanto, Ever After High, Frozen, HTTYD, The Little Mermaid (all), Luca, Moana, RotG, Robots (2005), Sing, Tangled, The Incredibles,
Toy Story (3-4), Winx, Zootopia, The Umbrella Academy, Castle, The Flash, BTS, The Nutcracker, Subnautica, FNAF:SB, Spiritfarer, ATLA, Gravity Falls, I Am Mother,
Corpse, Cartoonz, Delirious, Irish/Spooky!Lads, Gab Smolders, LilyPichu, Micheal Reeves, Markiplier, Amy Nelson,
The Last of Us, CrankGamePlays, GassyMexican, Smii7y, Kryoz, Thomas Sanders, Julie & the Phantoms, Other Kpop, The Three Female Runaways,
Squid Game, Train to Busan, Switchcraft, Professor Layton, Undertale, Dimension 20, Power Rangers, BBC Merlin, Sanders Sides, PJO/HOO, Slugterra,
Minecraft (not mcyt), Stardew, Animal Crossing, Terraria, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Legend of Zelda/Linked Universe,
Danny Phantom, Doctor Who, Maze Runner, Teen Wolf, Limitless (TV), Steven Universe, Princess Debut, Sense 8, City of Ember, Bomberman R+, Arcane,
League of Legends, Overwatch, A Little Princess, Whale Rider, SCP, Edith Finch, GTFO, Scott Pilgrim, Emily the Strange,
Pitch Perfect, Spongebob, Stranger Things, The Old Guard, Tinkerbell, True and the Rainbow Kingdom, Seed, Almost Human, Aerial Magic, Fatal Frame,
The OA, The Runaways, She-Ra, Secret Society of Second Born Royals, Divergent, Voltron, MLP, Hogwarts, Firefly/Serenity,
Drake Hollow, Resident Evil, Humans are Weird, Pokemon, Good Omens, Monsters Inc/Uni, Beyond: Two Souls, Young Justice, Slime Rancher, Avengers (all), Iron Man (all), Spider-Man (all), Loki, WandaVision, Eternals,
Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange, Dead by Daylight, Don’t Starve, & more I couldnt find cuz theyre only in Crossovers lol
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. [All Inclusive Twitter Memes]
2. [Autistic!Character Ideas & Stories]
3. [☂️👶🏻👶🏼]
4. [Standing Up Again]
5. [Night Valen in New York]
These are still pretty surprising to me. The Twitter fic is expected, so is the Autism fic, but the last three really are out of left field
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Absolutely. I don’t fully know how to explain both my feelings and the psychology behind why I respond to comments; but know I’m very passionate about doing so!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Phew, uh, lemme look actually cuz most Angst fics are triggering for me so I never finish them- okay so TW obviously. The angstiest ending I think I’ve ever written (I THINK) is the character revealing their c/s/a to family members
Do you write Crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I write almost exclusively in Crossovers lmfao. I have a folder literally named Pandora’s Box where I put my fics that need multiple notes just to keep track. Lemme go find the most complex one,,,
okay so my bestie and I are working on a fic with tens of characters from VERY different places who are all villians and are attending a mental hospital (its legitimate, not a horror fic. I’ve been in one so we’re making it as realistic as we can without it being too triggering or unfun)
Have you ever recieved hate on a fic?
I don’t know… I take a lot of criticism as hate even though it’s not so I don’t really remember the bad ones anymore. I keep comments that make me happy in my inbox for bad days.
Do you write Smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, although I rarely post it. I’m not very good at it so it’s mostly fics about very specific kinks I’ve fantisized about and are having the characters act out in my place.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so. I may have blocked it out if it did occur.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I’m fully welcome to that.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The fic I mentioned previously is my first project with someone else. I don’t write well with many people so, my bestie is really my only option.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Probably “Ineffable Husbands”. I’ve felt so much comfort from canon, fanfiction, and the fandom. I learned to love my body because of fanart of Aziraphale.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It’s a fic from like 2015. I’m partially ashamed of it and partially obsessed still. I won’t describe it due to being embarrassed by it’s current state.
I do plan to try rewriting it though. Just recently I discovered it again and considered posting it as it was just to free myself from it.
What are your writing strengths?
I really don’t know? I like to think I’m good at Titles and Summaries, but I have evidence against that. Sometimes, I feel like my crossover ideas, the links and connections I find, are very unique. I don’t even know what you’d call that besides Creativity though.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I was gonna say the genres Angst and Smut. Then, I was gonna mention my grammar. In the end though, I think I struggle to characterize and choose one rule of logic to follow.
I’m far too logical one moment and competely uncaring of logic the next. I also project onto characters far too much sometimes. In my opinion, anyway.
If you’ve read my fics I welcome you to express what my weakness (and strength) is because I’m biased.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Yes. Just, Yes. I’m currently working on a fic where the characters speak a mix of 3 dialects of Spanish and Quechua.
The fic is in English of course because I’m not fluent in any of those languages, but I’m writing songs for the fic in those languages and interspersing famous proverbs people tend to use (like “dont judge a book by its cover” but the spanish equivalent) throughout the fic
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Young Justice probably. I don’t remember if I wrote fanfics before I learned what it was. I imagine I may have written for Winx when I was in Elementary, but I didn’t know it was fic so i can’t recall it now
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh this is difficult. On FF my favorite has always been [One Death, Two Scars].
On Ao3…. godex I love these a lot: [Loss of the Wild], [Indulgence], [Secrets….Shhh], [An Unknown Chance], [Love Like You], [Father], [Atlantis: The Lost Wilds], [A Beauty, A Beast, and Some Princes], [Pidge]…. but if I have to pick One???
I really don’t know ahhh. I didn’t even include any of the WIPs… I adore [Modern Medicine], oh and [Secret Memories] oh I truly love this one, I like [What’s Left of Us] and [A Seer’s Trance] a lot… [Changed Fate] is good. I haven’t mentioned a lot of the fics I’m proud of because I’m similtaneously a little embarrassed by the current state of writing,,, but
I just love a lot of my work. I learned a time ago that every piece of work you make is valuable in your progression as a writer. To love myself, I have to love what I create, too. Well, not all of it, but I have to appreciate what the fic has done for me to grow from it.
I like [Confident In Love], [“Crossovers”] is great, [Accidental Burn] is so good, and [Brick by Brick a Family is] is definitely absolutely one of my favorites.
I have a fic just called [🌲💫🗯] that I love (actually any of my Gravity Falls fics I love probably). [Good Parenting 101] is sweet, [Subversions] is like [Indulgence] lol very self indulgent- OH and I havent even mention how many of my Stardew Valley fics for my OC Aluna are so good! Though I don’t know if I’ve ever posted them,,,, oh I also have a completely different fic called [Subversions] thats very different lmao
[Shaking] makes me happy, [Captain America: Falcon’s Call] is definitely a fic I want to finish someday, [The True Iron Legion] is ahhh I love it- okay I need to stop lol I love too many of my fics to keep listing them! I really hope you’ll check them out though,,, I love them a lot.
Nevermind, One more!!! I forgot about [정말 너무 혼란스러 (Never leave me alone)]. Oh screw it. I’m gonna keep recommending my favorites. [Heroes Endgame] is a bit dramatic but It took a lot of work to think about lol. Honestly any of my Luca fics I think are pretty good. I think [‘Ohahu Anu] is really creative. Most my Encanto fics are decent or great.
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