#i haven’t been keeping up and i don’t watch interviews so can someone help me out pls 🙏
jalboyhenthusiast · 2 years
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blackwidownat2814 · 1 month
Steal My Thunder (T.Owens)
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x female reader, Tyler Owens x shy!reader, Tyler Owens x insecure!reader
Word Count: 462
A/N: Welcome to my first Tyler Owens fic! I was throwing fic ideas around before I even saw the movie. I watched several interviews and other stuff on YouTube and took notes even. Then after seeing it the third time, I started working on this story. I don't anticipate this being a real long story, but I also will be a little slow to update because of work or writer's block or working on a crochet project I really need to finish. What I'm really saying is please be patient with me. Secondly, like in my other works, I'd planned to make this with a plus size!reader in mind, but I decided to go with insecure because I want to try and be a little more inclusive. Also, unless otherwise stated, my readers are always female readers. Lastly, I'm already working on Chapter 1, so keep an eye out for that. However, if you really like this, please let me know and I can tag you in future updates. And as always, I will be crossposting this to AO3. If you see this story anywhere besides AO3 or Tumblr, it's stolen Kthxbye! PS: Thanks to KJ & Jordyn for their help in beta-ing and title/chapter ideas! Love y'all!
You were a Lead Meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  You should not be handling school age tour groups.  You were just about DONE with being treated like a secretary.  The rest of them thought that just because Kate was gone that they could go back to treating you like they did before her.
You were quiet, shy, and someone whose love language was acts of service, so you loved to help people out.  The problem was that your co-workers abused that part of you.  They asked to lead the school groups, bring everyone coffee, put together packets for meetings, etc.  Complete nonsense…and you were done.
It was then, as you mentally typed up your resignation, that you received a serendipitous call from Kate herself.
“I believe the sayin’ is ‘No man left behind’.”
“You’re not an US Army Ranger, B.”
“Yeah, well…”  You trailed off, not wanting to burden your friend with your issues.  Kate always told you that it was okay to talk to her when you needed someone, but you were stubborn.  You were very much of the ‘friends aren’t therapists’ mindset.
“Talk to me B.”
“I’m happy for you, ya know?  You’re back to doing’ something I know you loved.  I can see it in your eyes with each video or stream I watch.”
“Okay, keep your secrets…and thank you.  I am happy.”
“So…what can I do for ya?  Why are you botherin’ me on my lunch hour?”
“Damn!  Sorry about that B.”
“You know I don’t actually care.  Tell me what’s up.”
“I’m callin’ with a job off-”
“I’ll take it.”
“Woah, I haven’t even said what it-”
“I don’t care.  Ever since you left, and because I’m a huge push over, everyone’s been walking all over me.  You know I had to do three tours today?”
“We’ve talked about this.”
“I know Kate.  Just…what’s the job anyway?”  Your friend was silent for a moment, before you heard her exhale.
“It’s storm data analysis really.”
“We’re trying to really get down to the nitty gritty with the data from the EF-5 we got to dissipate last season and see where to improve, how to catalog it in our info database, etc.”
“I’m in”, you said.  “Y’all won’t treat me like some secretary, I’ll be close to home again, and I’ll get to spend all my time with you.”
“We most definitely will not treat you like some secretary.  We’re equal opportunity storm chasers out here.”
You tossed your empty sandwich bag into the trash and pulled up Word to start drafting your resignation letter.
“Say, what are the benefits as a Tornado Wrangler?”  Before Kate could reply, you heard Boonie baby! Woo! in the background.
With that enthusiasm, what could possibly go wrong?
Tagging: @buckysdollforlife @13braincellsonly
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arcticwolfpaws · 13 days
Chapter 8: School Daze
I have some news! after September my first post in October is going to be a new story based around The young justice
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As is going to be normal link to the Ao3 fic
I took a deep breath, as I stepped out of the class room I was waiting to be grabbed by the boy I broke the nose of however instead I found Tom waiting for me.
“Hey, Faraj!” He chirped walking up to me, I waved not really sure what to make of him being there.
“Oh.. ummm hi I guess.” I mumbled he smiled brightly at me before he spoke again,
“How did you sleep?” He asked, I gave him a small smile and he kept talking after I didn’t respond,
“Yeah I kind of thought you were on the shy side, I mean you’ve been here a few months and I haven’t seen you spend a long amount of time with anyone person.” He stated and I spotted Jason, he seemed to be watching us, he wasn’t joking about keeping an eye one me due to thinking I was up to something,
“Hey… umm tom?” I started and he was quick to correct me,
“Tim, it’s Tim. Oh and quick tip at a Gala or something and you can’t remember someone’s name avoid trying to use there name.” He chirped I paused and looked at him confused and startled, he just smiled at me before speaking.
“Where did that come from?” He gave me a soft smile at my question,
“Oh, After the Gala I watched your interview and you just called me Tom but Your dad said that you were knew to the hole life style, I’m sure being a Wayne child you’ve got some kind of etiquette tutor but I thought you might like the tip I’m sure you’ll be drug to all sorts of parties.” He put his hands behind his head
“Actually, Dad made a comment that I wasn’t going to be going to a bunch of parties as I need my rest and the lights might be to bright for me.” I told him, I mumbled something and the only reason I missed it was a sudden sharp noise that left me momentarily disoriented. It left me deaf for a moment as Tim pulled me along to the cafeteria. When my ears started working again the noise of everyone talking had me covering my ears,
“Whoa, hey are you okay?” I shook my head no and Tim drug me back out of the room and to the bathroom, I could think there and I sat on the floor under the sink, in a corner as I calmed down my head between me knees.
“You can go eat.” I told him but he shook his head,
“Not happening, we’re friends and friends don’t leave friends to get picked on in the bathroom, I snorted and but jumped as the bathroom door was aggressively thrown open, my head slapped the under side of the sink, I whined and grabbed my head,
“Why aren’t you a-” Jason cut himself off as he spotted me and Tim, he sighed heavily before sitting down with us.
“Alright what’s going on… besides him hitting his head.” He asked looking more to Tim then myself, I was fine with that as I was far to busy holding my head.
“I’m not sure the bell went off he seemed off balance after that and it got even worse when I got him to the cafeteria.” Tim stated, I really couldn’t explain if I did they’d know I was meta and I had heard what father had thought of them… of me.
“Faraj?” he asked and I hesitated, I didn’t know what to say but Tim spoke again,
“He was holding his ears.” I heard Jason sigh heavily before he moved.
“Stay here.” He stated pointedly as he walked off not slamming the door open this time, I glanced at Tim and he seemed just as confused as I was.
“What do you think he’s doing?” He asked softly and I shrugged,
“If I’m being honest I was convinced that he didn’t like me.” I told Tim I knew he didn’t trust me but I wasn’t expecting him to help me with something, when he came back he had something in his hand.
“When We get home I’ll talk to Dad, about getting you some kind of pass so the school doesn’t get bitchy about this.” He knelt next to me and held his hand out palm down, I slowly reached out and let him drop it in my hand, I quickly realized that they were ear plugs.
“I noticed you didn’t handle the bell before but I never thought it was this bad.” He stated end got up,
“Get something to eat both of you.” He stated pointedly, I quickly put the ear plugs in and Tim Glanced at me,
“Do you know sing language?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah why?”
“So, We can talk.” He chirped, Right he couldn’t know that I could hear him just fine. We got lunch and while still obnoxiously loud, the cafeteria was tolerable now. I sat with Tim and Bernard. Tim explained what happened and the two of them started talking in sign, it felt odd why were they doing this? They barely knew me there was no point in this and yet… here they where. It reminded me of Roy when we met he always spoke quietly for me.
“I know this might be a bit of a dumb question but, who are the worst of the worst that the batman deals with?” I asked and they both seemed to be completely invested in telling me all about the joker, killer crock and a victor zsasz before getting into an heated discussion on weather or not someone called two face was, the came to the likely hood that yes he was, they then add… a bird? I really wasn’t sure what a penguin had anything to do with crime and someone called black mask.
As we were walking to our next class we were stopped, Tim looked unnerved but I simply frowned at the bi-
“Mr Wayne.” He tone was sharp and angry, she eyed me for a moment while I racked my brain as to what I might have done to anger her.
“You are not permitted to have ear plugs, during school hours.” she stated firmly, and held out her hand to me as if expecting me to give her something, it took me a moment to realize that she wanted.
“If you’re suggesting that I give you the ear plugs that my brother has given me then I will remind you that, taking something unwillfully is a crime and I will not have my brother’s items stolen from me.” I stated pointedly she looked like she wanted to ring my neck but I stayed calm giving her a flat look.
“As a teacher I am allowed to confiscate anything I see fit.” I had to bite back a comment about her age and likely sight poorer then my own,
“Yes but I am not willing to hand it over and that would make it theft.” I pointed out and began to walk away only to have her grab me, I had to fight my muscle memory, to not throw her over my shoulder and pin her to the floor, however she practically ripped the ear plug out of my ear before grabbing the other one and storming off before I had time to recover from the sudden shock of volume.
“Are you okay?” Tim asked putting his hand on my shoulder, I took a deep breathe before nodded,
“I’ll be alright… mostly.” I muttered the last part I sighed as we kept walking,
“Mostly?” He asked, tilting his head as we walked to our classes they were close to one another something that I was starting to think wasn’t that bad.
“Well… honestly? That was the first nice thing that Jason has done.” I stated and my eyes looked down before sighing,
“When it comes to miss Drees, I don’t think anyone can fault you for that.” He stated and I shook my head not sure that I could get away with that.
“I don’t know… Jason has never really seemed to like me.” I told him and Tim frowned before sighing,
“Sorry man… hey this is my class let’s talk later,” he stated before walking off and I sighed and walked the rest of the way to my class.
I didn’t bump into Tim again, instead after classes I was cornered by a pair of 4 older boys. Why did I have a very bad feeling about this,
“I… umm How can I hel-” I squeaked as two of them picked me up, Do I fight back? No probably not that might cause problems, as I was lifted I noticed one of the boys had a bandied over the bridge of his noise and a cast on his wrist. Oh…. This was some kind of revenge wasn’t it?
“Shit…” I grumbled as I struggled kicking my legs and trying to pull my hands free, How problematic is this going to be? I wondered as I struggled and kicked, as I was carried to the side of the school. Do I yell? I’ve never had to worry about this, Normally I just fight off any attackers,
“Are you going to say anything or ju-” I was suddenly dropped but I had fallen more then I should have and when I stopped I landed hard my head slapping against the ground and I heard what sounded like a crunch, I froze but the only thing that hurt was my head, so slowly I sat up my head spinning as the one boy yelled.
“Let’s see if the Killer crock likes whine kids.” The one boy snapped before his buddies closed the man whole locking me in darkness while feeling light headed.
“Fuck me.” I hissed and searched for my glasses in the darkness ignoring the wet feeling that was dripping down the side of my head, I frowned as I got my glasses an arm had been broken off,
“Should have kicked there asses.” I grumbled, before slowly getting up making my head throb and forcing me to take a wide stance to avoid wobbling. I let out a squeak allowing me to ‘see’ a decently large hall empty of anything and completely closed off…
“Well, If I stay here I’ll starve guess I have to look for some kind of storm drain or something.” I mumbled shaking my head. Oh… oh I should not have done that, I rubbed my head as I walked letting out small squeaks to ‘see’ through the darkness. I walked until I heard a low rumble, I only paused for a moment not wanting to give what ever it was the chance to realize I knew it was there. Please, please, please don’t be some kind of sewer cat. I mentally begged before a low but shockingly gentle voice spoke,
“You’re bleeding.” I spun to face the voice but stumbled due to my head throbbing, there was a low growl before it spoke again the voice still low but just as kind.
“What happened?” A large hand gentle steadied me, it felt rough like it was covered in callouses. I hesitated for a moment before speaking softly, suddenly feeling strangely shy.
“I umm brought it on myself.” I mumbled but he growled lowly,
“I doubt that.” he gently started nudging me in one direction making sure that he didn’t push to hard and make me fall.
“No one need thrown in the sewers with me.” I paused for a moment realizing who I was talking to but I let him lead me, even as my hear began to pound in my chest.
“Y-you don’t seem that bad,” He snorted as he kept pushing me along, We came to a dimly light room but with out my glasses I couldn’t make much more then the orange light out. He sat me down on what felt like a broken chair and moved my hair away from the wound.
“Are… Are you Waylon Jones?” I asked and there was a deep growl however I was starting to doubt it was an actual growl.
“You going to tell me what happened?” He asked I frowned and thought for a moment.
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.” He huffed before letting out a low chuckle, I heard water drop to the concrete at an irregular pattern.
“Alright kid you have yourself a deal.” he stated as he pressed something cold to my head.
“Before spring break… I was with someone… I think they had kept me drugged with something a lot of stuff is fuzzy, but I broke someone’s nose and wrist. They threw me down here as some kind of revenge.” He paused for a moment taking the cold cloth away.
“Why didn’t you fight them off this time?” He asked and I shrugged,
“It’s…. Well… the man that took me in seems very nice, Dna test says he’s my father but… I don’t want to cause trouble and the other kid he has seems to dislike me on some level, so I was just wanting to keep my head down, Honestly I was hoping they would just I don’t know kick me a few times and leave it at that not drop me down a man hole.” he paused for a moment letting out a low growl for a second before he spoke,
“Yes I’m Waylon Jones. And you should have fought. Your safety is worth more then some rich assholes image.” I blinked, I was about to ask how he knew my father was rich but then again I was in a likely dirty now school uniform. I felt him press something to my skin that stuck there and when I reached up to touch it he grabbed my hand.
“Leave it alone.” I slowly put my hand down, I kinda liked this guy.
“You’re nice.” I stated and all sounds of movement stopped I could still hear his heart beat but didn’t say anything.
“Watch it or I’ll eat you.” He growled and I hummed,
“On the contrary I don’t think you will despite the nickname.” I stated and he growled lowly I stood up pulling my broken glasses out, I could see were the croc part of the nickname came from.
“How about I bring you a sandwich or something tomorrow?” I offered and he snapped his jaws at me like he thought it would scare me but I just tilted my head that caused my glasses to fall off.
“Shit.” I mumbled and squeaked to find them but instead found a large hand reaching out to them,
“Fine, but don’t get yourself in trouble on my behave.” He stated handing me my glasses back I smiled at him as I took them.
“Alright!” I chirped. He lead me to another man hole pushing it open with ease the light was blinding but I had dropped my bag in the struggle and didn’t have my sun glasses.
“Whe-” He cut me off as he picked me up lifting me as high as he could.
“Next to G.C.P.D, Go inside and Ask for Jim Gordon.” He stated as I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up, I knew that name wait from where? I turned back only to realize the noise of the near by cars had hidden the sound of the man hole closing.
“Thanks.” I mumbled anyway, as I stumbled a little to find the door, I walked in and a woman spoke sounding bored,
“Look kid we don...” She trailed off. I think the lights in here were worse then outside as I had to close my eyes, Gotham’s cloudy day had certainly helped while I was outside.
“Can I tal-” She cut me off, great was everyone just going to be rude today? Honestly I didn’t feel like dealing with this shit,
“Jim? I the uhh Wayne boy he…” I knew that I wasn’t supposed to hear the other side especially from the door.
“Yes, Yes I know he’s missing Mr Wayne was quite upset and I have several men who’s only job right now is to find him.” I knew that voice it was the same one form the Gala, I perked up.
“Yes I know but he just walked in…”
“He What? Why didn’t you say that sooner send him up here this instant.”
“Yes sir I’ll bring him up right now.” I was sure he turned his attention to me, and I heard her heels click on the tiles, I winced at the sound.
“Come on sweet heart.” she said gently and I felt her grab my hand and gently pull me along, I followed her she walked slowly for me but I couldn’t see due to the lights, I tripped on some kind of rise and the woman spoke.
“Didn’t you see the step dear?” she asked me helping hold me upright. I shook my head shaking my glasses off and she picked up that too before.
“It’s to bright hurts my eyes.” She paused as she placed my glasses on my face before speaking again.
“Alright well we’re about to go up some stairs.” she warned and I nodded like it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world seeing as I tripped on them, as we walked up them she was moving frustratingly slowly but once we walked down a hall and a door opened the I could instantly tell the room was much darker, I blinked open my eyes and saw Mr Gordon. He looked upset, Was it something I had done? Was he mad at me?
“What happened son?” He asked gently, as he walked up as He walked up I looked up causing me to realized that the main light in the room was shut off.
“Oh… some of the kids tried to feed me to Killer croc… It didn’t work.” I stated and the mans frowned deepened, I guess that was better then telling him that I liked Croc.
“I called your father, He’s on the way and I’ll be talking to him about pressing charges.” He stated firmly.
Bat files
Name: Waylon Jones
Age: 25
Waylon is troubled, But I also know him well enough to not see his as a threat, mostly he's just trying to survive and it's not uncommon to see him in under ground fighting rings however if he sees a child in danger he's made it a point to help them or ask me for help. I wasn't sure about this the first time he did it however it's become a pattern so despite what school children around Gotham think the sewers are a death sentence it's likely one of the safer places to be, the biggest risk is getting lost
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pouroverpaloma · 27 days
Writing Interview Tag Game! Thanks @cinnamontails-ff !
When did you start writing?
I don’t actually remember! I was a desperately weird and introverted kid (surprise) and I read voraciously, all the time, so I also started writing really early. Stories, plays, poems, comics, whatever. I also kept a meticulous diary when I was in high school, and I’m so glad I did because it’s so fucking funny to read now. Teenage Paloma had a lot going on, to put it kindly
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Have I watched Supernatural? No. Have I been an insatiable consumer of Destiel fanfiction for years? Absolutely. I gave a PowerPoint presentation to my book club once titled “All the best romance novels are Supernatural fanfiction,” and I stand by that thesis. I don’t care. Those babes were cooking.
Like, I’m sorry, the soulmate AU trope is never going to get better than Don’t Look Back by @goldenraeofsun. It’s just not. No one is ever going to write an academic romance as compelling as And This, Your Living Kiss by @asecretvice. If you haven’t poked around that part of Ao3 because you don’t watch the show, I beg you to get in there because treasures await ye
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
This isn’t going to make a ton of sense outside of my own brain, probably, but my goal is always to write prose that feels the way Ada Limón’s poems make me feel. She’s really frank without being unserious, and I love the way she creates imagery without telling you she’s doing it.
Also, this weekend, I read a Tessa Dare historical romance while I was on the beach, and I loved it! It was so fun, but not at the expense of the plot, and the supporting characters were so funny without getting in the way. A masterclass in froth.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
At home, I write in bed with my laptop on my lap and a can of seltzer within reach at all times. Sometimes I go to a cafe near my house, but I’m always worried someone will look over my shoulder and see what I’m writing and post me for cringe on TikTok or something. Which, now that I’m typing it out, is maybe a stupid thing to worry about
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I have a couple recs!
1. Go for a biiiiiig walk. Listen to classical music, nothing with words. Don’t try to think too hard. It’ll come.
2. Read something you find genuinely terrible. You’ll get so mad that you’ll start thinking of ways you could have done it better. For me, this is usually the book Haunting Adeline, which for whatever reason activates every “um actually” in my body at once
3. Type up something deeply unserious that you have no intention of publishing. Chances are you’ll end up loving it in the rewrite and post it. This is how that Rolan fic of mine got made
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Oh god, yeah, and oh god, yeah. I’ve learned a lot. Some of it’s actually been helpful in therapy, like how I keep writing about overcoming domestic violence trauma. Some of it has been discovering, in a very public way that I can’t undo, that I’m into choking. We do not have the dignity of choosing how enlightenment comes to us
What is your reason for writing?
It’s for fun. It’s all for fun. I am having such a fucking good time.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love when people talk back and forth with me! And I love love looooooove when people tell me how something made them feel. Or when someone points out a literary device I was proud of. If there’s a quote, too? I’m dead. I’ve died.
Writing is fun, but it’s solitary. It’s so motivating to have people who are willing to step into my little universe with me and talk about it. I’m extraordinarily lucky.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want people to see me as someone who shares their enthusiasm, ultimately. We’re all here for the same reason, and it’s That Fucking Wizard.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
My voice is really distinctive! My friends have always been able to pick out my writing, even in anonymized settings, and I think that’s neat
How do you feel about your own writing?
It’s been a long way getting here, but I view my writing as a thing I made, that I liked making, that I now have no ownership over. Once it’s out, it’s not mine anymore, it’s the reader’s. And that’s a good thing! Everyone brings their own rich experiences to everything they read. Interpretation is amazing, even for something as prima facie trivial as video game erotica. When people tell me how they related to or analyzed something I wrote, it’s like I get to read my own story again.
:) I’ll tag @lemonstealinglibrarian @lastlight-inn and @toads-treasures , if you want! No presh
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carolmunson · 2 years
video killed the radio star (rockstar!eddie)
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rockstar!eddie and you, his wife that he literally is so horny for all the time are caught up in a sex tape scandal. this is so stupid and dumb and lame and silly but i had a lot of fun writing it. i love how in love he is with his lil’ wife, it makes me wanna DIE.  inspired by this anon: rockstar!eddie and actress!readers sex tape being leaked and the whole thing is just eddie being a simp for her and giving her praise after praise plus most of the movie is just him eating her out and doing the helicopter with his dick
warnings: 18+, female anatomy mention, oral (f receiving), mention of oral (m receiving), drug use, drinking, consensual filming of sex acts, consensual drunk/high sex between a married couple, mild daddy kink if you squint, mentions of restraints, etc. 
For you, it had been a mortifying ordeal. For Eddie, damage control was his middle name. Both of your PR teams begging him to come up with something slick and charming on a press circuit to help lessen the blow. They didn’t want you talking about it, too clean of a record to even be asked about it. The most dangerous thing about you was that you married a metal guitar legend with a bad reputation. His good little angel compared to his bad boy persona.  It was the Leno interview that softened the blow.  “So Ed, we gotta talk about it.”
“Talk about what, Jay? What ever do you mean?” The audience laughs, his charming and knowing smile flashes to the crowd.
“The tape, c’mon, Ed! I haven’t seen it, but I can bet there are people at home that have seen it. And you know something, I hear the ladies are going wild over it!”  “And shouldn’t that tell you something Jay? All these ladies in a tizzy cause their man can’t satisfy them. Guys talking about what a pussy I am for telling my girl how much I love her. Can’t a man love his wife?” he turns his attention to the audience, “Can’t a man love his wife?”  The audience cheers.  “You know, I could be embarrassed, and my baby? She’s mortified. But she’s got nothin’ to be embarrassed about. She doesn’t even do anything! She’s innocent!”  “And how’re you feeling about it?”  “I think, it was a private moment, and someone took advantage of that. But on the bright side, it ends before any of these horny assholes can see what my wife can do in bed. No one’s thinking about how they can handle her but me. I’m sleeping like a baby.”  You both sat on the couch in your living room at the Malibu house the next week. You both knew what was on the tape, but you hadn’t watched it – deciding that now that things had died down in the press a little bit, it would sting less. The tape warped to start, fading in from static snow, to lines running across the screen – pulling the picture left and right with each glide down the picture. Another fade to static, then – 
“Okay, okay, it’s recording,” you heard, and just the image of Eddie’s collar bone and his chain dangling in front of him filled the screen. You watched him as he stepped back until his full body was in frame, he gave the lens a thumbs up. You could see yourself, sitting back on your heels on the mattress – completely naked. At first, you’re mortified – so many people in America are seeing this, have seen it, still might see it. The legal battle of getting the tapes destroyed has been raging for weeks. Deep down, you know it’s never really going to be gone, but at least –  “Baby, it’s not that bad, I think this is the only time we see you like this,” Eddie mumbles, kissing the bare skin of your shoulder, “Let’s just keep watching.” 
“Of course you wanna keep watching,” you said, rolling your eyes, “We were there, honey, why do we need to watch it?”  The Eddie on screen started talking, “Hey -hic!- future Eddie, here with our smokin’ hot wife on our honeymoon. Consider this a gift or something, I don’t fuckin’ know, we’re so fucked up right now.” 
“That’s why,” your real Eddie said, pointing at himself on the screen, “We were a little loose that day, baby, c’mon.” 
“I hate this,” you pouted, pausing the video with the remote. The VCR whirred and the edges of the screen pulled. You admired him in the frame, his skin covered in tattoos, his hair messy over his shoulders, his body defined but still somehow soft in his posture.  “We can stop,” he said, putting his hand over yours on the remote.  You sighed, considering it, “No, no, it’s like ripping the band aid off, let’s just…I don’t know, let’s just get it over with.”  Eddie grinned, taking the remote out of your hand and clicking play. You watched the image spring to life again while video Eddie grabbed a half empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s off the side table and took a swig.  “And for the lady,” he said, reaching for a bottle of Dom Pérignon off screen and shaking it up to open at the end of the bed. 
“Baby, don’t waste it! That was a gift,” you laughed while the champagne sprayed over you, still so careful in your tipsy haze. He passed the bottle to you, kneeling on the bed. He let his tongue slide from the side of your breast to your neck, collecting drips of champagne off your skin.  “We can always get more,” he mumbled into your neck, “Lemme clean up my mess first.”  You saw yourself take gulps from the bottle, leaning over to place it next to his bottle of Jack. You both fumbled around each other a little awkwardly until he had his hands on your waist. You watch him run his mouth from your belly button up between your breasts in fat stripes with his tongue, you mewling at every nip he gave at the end.  “Fuck baby, you’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he breathed, “Let daddy tie you up so he can worship you.”  “Oh,” you pouted, “You want me to keep my hands to myself?” 
“Jesus fuck,” he slurred, “No, don’t keep your hands to yourself. Wanna feel you all over me.” You pulled him into a kiss, tangling your hands in his hair while he eased you down on the mattress. Just the side of your body visible, angled away from the camera enough that your arm obscured your breasts.  Eddie got up and walked out of frame, coming back while slapping a little baggie onto his palm, pouring it out on a neat line down your sternum to the top of your belly button. He snorted from the top down, gliding his tongue back up to swipe up whatever coke he left behind, letting his tongue flick at a nipple before reaching back to your mouth. You squealed into his kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist, his nylon black boxer briefs grinding mercilessly against you.  “God, you’re so hot…” Eddie whispered under his breath next to you on the couch.   “Are you like – are you getting off to this?” you asked, a scoff escaping you.  “I’m sorry? Am I getting off to this? I’m watching a home video of me fucking my hot wife. Do you think I’m not rock fucking hard right now?” he asked, gesturing at the television while the film him left a trail of kisses down your body, “This is like…this is PEAK porn, babe. This is my ideal porn.” 
“I don’t even go down on you in it,” you said, adjusting on the couch so your head was on his lap. You could feel his erection in his jeans.  “I don’t need a video of you sucking my cock, sweet thing,” he said with a smirk, “I got that tattooed on the inside of my eyelids.” His eyes were still glued to the screen while one of his hands smoothed over your hair. ‘Oh, baby, yes, oooh! Unh! That feels so good,’ your voice leaked out of the TV speakers. 
Eddie eyes rolled into the back of his head and he bit his fist at the sound, “That is what makes it ideal. Those little sounds you make? Ugh, fuck. Now that’s music.”  You blushed and turned your head back to the screen, Ed’s bitten fist now splayed over your thigh.  On the screen, Eddie had your legs apart, bent at the knees, his mouth lingering over your puffy lips while looking up at you.  “Please more,” you whined at him, putting your hand on the top of his head, “I need it."
“You’ve been so patient all day for it, haven’t you, baby?” he asked, grazing his fingertips up and down your inner thigh.  “Yes, so patient,” you whined, grinding your hips into the mattress in slow circles.  “You’re so perfect,” he said, kissing where his fingers traced, “My pretty girl.” 
He traveled down, painstakingly slow while your fingers gripped his hair, “Gonna worship this pussy the way you deserve.”  He made slow, deliberate swipes of his tongue, lapping up salty sweetness while he kept your lips open with his fingers. His nose brushing your clit while he kept full attention to your other aching spots between your legs. He liked to get deep into it, practically swimming in your slickness before he made any moves that would send you over the edge.  Hearing the squelches and sounds through the TV made you involuntarily clench, your thighs squeezing together. You remembered how good he made you feel that night through your drunken haze. He always made you feel good, but the high of the wedding, the romance of the honeymoon – it was all that and more.   “Oooh, yes, Eddie right there!” you moaned out, leaning up on your elbows and forearms on the mattress in your honeymoon suite. Eddie was latched onto your clit, sucking diligently while his fingertips teased your entrance.  “Love when you say my name, princess,” he said gruffly against your thigh, taking a breath before diving back in.  “Eddie, Ed–oh! Oh god, yes, yes,” your voice was choking out of you while two fingers slid into you with ease, his tongue still lapping and fluttering at your clit while you clenched around him.  “So wet for me, such a pretty fucking pussy,” he muttered, reaching his other hand up to graze one of his thumbs over your nipples, pinching after every few strokes. While it wasn’t always your first source of stimulation, he always knew you liked it right before you were about to finish.  “You’re doing so good, sweet thing,” he cooed while his fingers picked up the pace, your head lolling back trying to get a handle on your moans so anyone else on the floor wouldn’t hear.  “That feels so good, huh?” he mocked while you whimpered at his fingers curling upwards into you. Your hips jolted at the feeling, bucking and writhing while he kept hitting the same spot over and over.  “So good, baby,” you huffed, your eyes brimming with tears while ecstasy rose in your chest.   “You ready for me?” he asked. You nodded feverishly at him while he slipped his fingers out of you. He sat up and put his wet fingers to your mouth where you sucked your slickness off obediently, a moment to bring you back down with him to prepare for the next round.  “You’re so pretty like that,” he said, taking his fingers out and kissing you wetly on the mouth, “My beautiful baby, you’re so pretty.”  You blushed at the praise, in the video, and on the couch with your real life husband. 
“Lemme get a condom hold on,” he said, a little laugh coming out of his mouth from his chest. You laid down with your back to the camera while Eddie hopped out of frame, you could hear bottles clinking and plastic being shuffled in the background. 
“That fat fuckin’ ass…” Eddie mumbled to himself on the couch, “Fuck.”  On the screen, only half of Eddie appears in the background – his dick now on full display.  “Babe, babe look,” his laugh infectious. He shook his hips until his erection swung in a full circle around itself. He laughed again, your back shook in the frame, your little giggles echoing through the speakers in your living room.  “Look how fast I can make it go,” his voice was love drunk. He sped up the pace of his hips as his cock whirled around, balls slapping against his thighs as he did it.  “You’re so stupid,” you laughed from the bed. He bent down into the frame, a hand softly caressing your shoulder, leaning in to kiss you.  “You make me so stupid. I love you so much,” he smiled. He got back up, walking closer to the camera, Trojan in hand, and tripped. The image on the screen whirled, showing the ceiling and the back of the room before the camera fell with a hard ‘CLUNK!’ on the ground.  A quiet, ‘Oh shit!’ was heard, before the static snow flashed and fluttered to a steady stream on the screen.  “See, I told you baby, not so bad,” Eddie said on the couch, his palm sliding up and down your thigh. “Just me telling you what a pretty girl you are.”  You didn’t respond for a second.  “You okay?” he asked, his brow gently furrowing in concern, “We’ll get it sorted out, sweet thing, I promise.” 
“I’m okay, I just–” your legs parted slightly, your face reddened, “I kind of wanted to see what happened next.” 
Eddie grinned, getting up from the couch. He hoisted you up over his shoulder, bending you at the hips, smacking your ass hard over your tennis skirt to hear you yelp. He started walking you up the stairs to your bedroom, a dirty little look on his face while you kicked your legs.  “Can we film this, too?” Eddie asked, “It could be fun. Like an anniversary present.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
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custerdthegreat · 3 months
Ok guys this is gonna be a bit of a vent so if you’re not into that you can click off now but…
A lot has been going on this month is why I haven’t been streaming as much, I’ve just been coping by playing Minecraft and smoking since my situation makes it so I don’t have a better option for help.
I’m so tired of this gastropersis shit every morning I wake up feel nauseous take my meds for it and I’m pretty sure my meds make me a little blocked up in the morning making them very hard and painful and having to eat all the time with an ED is so draining…
I’m tired of being surrounded by death this week, my uncle passed away and his wife passed a few months back now and one of my senior cats died and I was the one who laid him to rest in the backyard, my other senior has been injured and we thought he was gonna pass but after a lot of wet food (the vet had no openings) he seems to be doing better
I hate that in order togoing to my uncles funeral and seeing some of my family in Texas for probably the last time I was told I needed to dress like a girl and keep my lgbt/not conventional shit at home and the example for girl cloths and shit like sundresses.
I hate how the people in this house act, everyone feels two faced I can’t vent to anyone without it ending in the ears of people they’re not supposed to and getting in trouble for private conversation, I don’t understand how people can be actively wrong and some dumb shit then get mad at me for not being wrong? Like when my cousin bought ice cream put it in the main fridge didn’t label it got mad at us cause half of it got used for milkshakes and when we bought him a new thing of ice cream and got our self some he choose to eat our entire thing of ice cream out of spite. But I think the worst is the gaslighting telling me they didn’t fucking tell me I’d get disowned and possibly kicked out if I got the vaccine that would’ve prevented my gastropersis cause it’s caused from stuff like Covid and stuff. Or just straight up denying my medical stuff all the time.
I hate I can’t get help for things without hiding it or my family will bullying me into stopping the help it’s what happened with my therapy and mental health stuff and with some physical health stuff to.
I wish It felt realistic for me to get a job and help my partner with money but I’m always nauseous especially for the first few hours of the day and can very a lot , I feel my stomach all the time and I’m so tired all the time.
I hate that the job market is so bad and even after months and dozens of interviews my partner is still struggling to find something that will get back to him and I swear to god if someone saying that we’re just not trying hard enough stfu get off my page I have watched him spend hours almost every day applying to shit but because he doesn’t have his full license yet most places just don’t call back, I’m literally at a hiring event for him rn typing this.
I feel like such a loser rn, I can’t work, I feel like a expensive pet, nice to look at I guess but doesn’t serve much of a purpose and is like allergic to life of something other then that mostly just being a pain in the ass. I feel bad for smoking weed but I feel like it’s the only thing currently that keeps me from just ending it cause of all this shit.
I wish I had money for safe foods and none mint toothpaste so I can brush my teeth without worrying about it flaring up.
Anyways.. that’s all for now sorry for the vent just frustrated.
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lovewriting-5 · 2 years
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*I don’t know anything about the behind the scenes of premieres or what was specifically shown at the Black Bird premiere. I also don’t know if Apple TV does interviews or if NBC does them for premieres. It’s just for the imagine.*
Taron and I were in the back of the limo heading to the premiere for the Apple TV+ series, Black Bird. I was wearing a black v-neck, knee high dress with black heels and a gold necklace that compliments Taron’s cream colored suit over a black t-shirt. My hair was done in a half-up do where the top half was braided.
My nerves were starting to get the best of me as my heart was pounding. He places his left arm on the back of the seat, asks “You okay?” I tell him “A little nervous.” His right hand goes to my chin and turns it toward him. He tells me “It will be fine. I’ve done numerous amounts of these.” I ask “How do you deal with it? Don’t you get nervous?” He says as he places his right hand onto his knee, “Yes but it helps when you have someone by your side and the people who worked on the project with you.” He gives me a quick peck. I give a smirk and ask “Are you talking about me or Paul?” He says with a chuckle, “How’d you know I was talking about him?” I tell him “You guys were FaceTiming all morning.” He gives me another quick kiss. I lean my head in the crook of his neck. I turn my face toward his chest, wrap my arm around the front of his torso and breathe in his cologne.
Our limo pulls up behind another car and waits. We can see cameras flashing as a couple gets out. It was our turn to make an entrance. The limo pulls up to rows of flashing cameras. A matradee in a black tux and a black tie opens our door for us. Taron steps out and paparazzi is immediately flashing their cameras and shouting his name. He takes a step to the right and holds his left hand out to me. I take it. He gives it a small squeeze. I move my hand under to the bend in his elbow as we begin walking the dark, gray carpet.
Paparazzi is still shouting his name, an attendant stops us at a mark. Taron wraps his right arm around my waist just slightly on my butt as I wrap mine around his waist. He places his left hand in the pocket of his pants. I place my other hand on his chest on the outside of his suit jacket. We both give serious expressions as the photographers go nuts. We let go of each other as we move down a couple feet and do it again. I replace my left arm around his waist but he hooks his fingers together on my right waist. I place my right hand back on his chest and smile up at him as he looks at the cameras. He tightens his arms so the gap between us is smaller and I’m closer against him. Again, we move down the carpet a few feet. Taron keeps a hand on my waist and puts his left hand back in his pants pockets. For this set of pictures, he places a kiss on my left temple. I lean my head into it as I smile at the cameras. His hand never strained from just slightly above my butt.
It was time for Taron to do an interview. He lets go of my waist, intertwines his fingers with mine and gives the crowd two or three waves as we walk to where the interviewer was. The interview was with NBC. I keep hold of his hand as the interviewer asks him a few questions. Watching and listening as I am in awe of his calmness while doing these events.
The interviewer glances at me and asks “Taron, who is with you?” Taron gently pulls me closer toward him as our intertwined fingers go behind us closing the gap. He tells them with excitement, “This is my beautiful girlfriend, (Y/N).” The interviewer asks me “How long have you two been together?” I say going red in the face, “About 4 years.” Taron adds “And it’s been a wonderful 4 years.” They ask “What was it like for you to portray Jimmy Keene and (Y/N), having to see him transform into the character?” Taron says “It’s been a challenge with a different side of characters that I haven’t played before. It was a good experience that I enjoyed.” I add “There were a few times, I did visit the set and watched him go from the man I love to the womanizer that Jimmy is. I had to remind myself a couple times that it was Taron.” The interviewer laughed at that one. Taron’s time was up, they said “Thank you for your time and it was a pleasure meeting you.” We walked off to do more pictures. Replacing his arm on my waist, Taron says close to my ear, “Nice job. I told you it was easy.” I say, looking at him lovingly “Like you said ‘It helps when you have someone by your side.’”
A few feet down on the carpet, the event wanted to get some pictures of Taron by himself. I stood back and watched the confidence flow from him as he smiled big. After the paparazzi got what they needed, I made my way back to him. I wrapped my hand under his left arm and placed it in the bend of his elbow. He placed his right hand on mine and pulled inward toward him. I tell him “I think I love you even more.” He asks as he raises an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?” I tell him “You looked so sexy back there.” He says against my left temple, “You’ll have to explain to me later.” I say “Certainly will.”
Taron had to do another interview. This interview was for Apple TV. This time, Taron made sure I was noticed. I remove my hand from his arm as he stands slightly behind me and runs his right hand up and down my back. I drape my hair over the front of my shoulders to give him more access.
The interviewer begins, “Hi Taron, how are you today?” Taron says “Good. How about you, man?” They say “Good. Well, let me just say that we are excited to see this show.” He says “Yeah, I’m very proud of it and everyone that worked on it.” They ask “Obviously for a premiere, they want to hit us hard to get our attentions. What will be seeing tonight?” He tells them “I believe it will be the ‘Pilot’ and second episode, ‘We Are Coming, Father Abrahams.’”
The interviewer continues “Can you tell us a little about both episodes?” Taron explains “In the ‘Pilot’ episode, we see Jimmy living the high-life and the kind of work he is involved in. We also get our first look at Larry Hall and how the characters are connected. In the second episode, Jimmy prepares to interact with him and we get a little more insight to Larry.” They say “Well, we are very excited to watch and see how everything plays out but there is something we did want to ask you about.” He says “Okay.”
“In the Pilot episode, there is a particular scene that I think audiences have not seen from you before. Can you tell us a little about that?” They ask. Taron asks “Which scene are we talking about exactly?” The interviewer says “The scene after Jimmy meets Rochelle.” I turn my head to look at Taron and ask “What is this scene that we have not seen from you before, babe?” Taron massages the back of his neck while he goes red in the face. The interviewer asks me “Are you not aware of the scene?” I say “No, he was very secretive with the scripts and didn’t want me to read them.” Taron chimes in “That’s because I didn’t want to spoil anything for you until we were finished filming.” I say “Hmmm, likely story.” The interviewer says “Signs of a true couple but about this scene?” I laugh as Taron places his hands over my ears, he says “Okay, so about this scene…” I jokingly cross my arms, shake my head and pout. He finishes the interview and removes his hands. The interviewer says “Thank you, it was a pleasure as always.” They say specifically to me, “You will be surprised.”
Once we move down the carpet and pose for more pictures. I ask “Do I get any hint about this supposed scene?” He leans his head down, says “Nope.” as he kisses me. He pulls away as we look at the cameras. Caught up in the commotion of the cameras, we never notice the couple walking toward us. We hear a loud, “There he is!” We turn in the direction as we see that it came from Paul Walter Hauser. Taron and Paul open their arms wide and embrace in a hug. I give his wife, Amy, a hug and say “Hi, Amy. How are you?” She says “Good. How are you? You look lovely.” I tell her “Good. You look beautiful! I love your dress.” Her and I talk for a couple minutes as Taron and Paul are putting on a show for the cameras by showing off their friendship.
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We regroup as the event wanted to get the four of us together. We stood Paul, Amy, me and then Taron. We got a few normal shots but then Paul and Taron went a different direction. Their arms went across Amy and me and their legs facing the cameras went across us as well like a GIANT hug. After a couple of those, Taron took a couple pictures with Amy as I took a couple with Paul.
As the carpet was going on, the two of them took pictures with the rest of the cast and crew. Amy and I stood back a little bit and caught up. I think the last time her and I saw each other was when they wrapped on set.
The carpet portion finished and everyone made their way into the theater lobby. The event set up catering with food and drinks. Everyone gathered in there. We got some food and champagne. Every once in awhile leading up to the showing, we would steal away to get a little making out in.
It was time for everyone to gather in the auditorium for the showing. On the stage just below the screen, the directors came out and talked about the show and thanked everyone who worked on it. Everyone in the room cheered and clapped. The lights dimmed as I gave Taron a quick kiss on the cheek. He draped his left arm over the arm rest and rests it on my right knee.
The show opens with a pink bike riding through a cornfield. It was a girl with reddish, blonde hair. She stops and looks behind her. We hear Taron’s voice “We’ve all heard that thing about the butterfly flapping its wings in Africa, and months later there’s a hurricane in Miami. Well, if you haven’t, look it up. It means things you don’t think are connected actually are. I never knew this girl. Never met her. This is the life she knew. And this is the life I knew.”
We see Jimmy standing behind a bar in his house with a few friends watching a game from when they were in high school. He leaves and heads to a warehouse located on a waterfront. He is led into a room where a guy is strapped to a chair and freaking out. Jimmy comes in, asking “What did you do?” The man with the gun, says “Tell him. Tell him.” There is some back and forth. I feel the tension run through my whole body as the guy with the gun shoots it at the man and says “Bean bag.” Some more back and forth as the guy cries “I didn’t…” When Jimmy shouts “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I squeeze Taron’s arm as it gets more intense. They do some bargaining on how much the guy’s life is worth. Jimmy finally says “Yes! Okay, his life is only worth three kilos to me!” The guy with the gun gets what he needs cause he says “All I ask of people I do business with is to be their authentic self. Nice to see you, Jimmy. You can use the cart to transport that young rascal to the car.”
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In the next scene, Jimmy is sitting at a fancy restaurant looking at the city when a young waitress breaks him from his trance. She asks “Have you had a look at the menu, sir?” He says “Jesus. No, I’m sorry…” He looked at her name tag and adds “Rochelle. Could I get a water, please? And I’ll have an answer for you by the time you get back.” She says “Of course, sir.” He tells her “Jimmy.” Blushing, she says “Of course, Jimmy.”
The next thing we see is the full back side of Taron holding onto the hips of Rochelle who is bent over and hands grasped on the back of the couch. He is thrusting. I tilt my head to the right as I watch the muscles in his back flex. I bite my bottom lip. I think I’m a little jealous. This must be the scene that he didn’t tell me about.
Next morning, he is in gray sweatpants and no shirt. The muscles and abs, DAMN!! More into the episode and at a point he meets Agent Lauren McCauley in a medical examination room of the prison. She offers him “We would like you to transfer to another prison and befriend someone to elicit a confession. We need the precise location of a dead body.” Jimmy asks “You need it?” Lauren explains the situation and which prison he would be transferred to. He says so serious “So…you want me to check in to hell, cozy up to a fucking demon, and ask him all casual, ‘Hey, so where’d you bury 13 bodies?’ Is that right? Not for all the fucking money in the world.” It sent shivers down my spine.
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We see Jimmy working out and running in the prison yard. I bite my bottom lip. I think with a smirk This man. Taron leans over and whispers “What?” I whisper back “You lookin’ that good is probably going to kill me.”
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Later in the episode, a male agent meets in a conference room with two other men and Larry Hall who has mutton chops but they call them burnsides. Agent Miller asks him some questions about the girl that died. One of the men says “Tell Brian here about your dreams, Larry.” Larry says “They’re just dreams.” Brian says “Just tell me about ‘em.” Larry says “In my dreams, I…In my dreams, I like…kill women…you know?” I got a little creeped out. The episode ended and everyone cheered and clapped.
One of the directors came back on the stage and says “We are going to have a little break and then we’ll be back in here for episode 2.”
The audience stood up and draped jackets over arm rests and the back of the seats to save them. I grabbed my little black purse, stood up and followed Taron to the lobby.
We got another glass of champagne and mingled with the other guests. Taron and I moved to a corner of the room. He asks “So, what do you think of it so far?” I tell him “It’s really GOOD! Everyone is amazing in it.”
It was time for us to head back into the auditorium for the screening of episode 2, ‘We Are Coming, Father Abraham.’ When we got back to our seats, Taron put his left arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him against the arm rest.
The scene opened with Lauren McCauley asking Jimmy about women. She asks “What do you like about them?” He tell her “I like…their softness. The way their hands feel in mine. Making ‘em laugh.” I intertwine my fingers with his left hand. She then goes into more detail questions about women. Lauren then asks “But what do you like about them?” Jimmy leans forward in his chair and says, seductively ��I like this. I’m not saying anything’s gonna happen, but…possibility’s there.” I shift a little in my seat. Okay…way to turn me on. He can’t get any hotter. They then talk about Larry and what he likes about women.
Then it moves to Brian Miller asking Larry more questions about his dreams and when he freaks out, I tense up. During Larry’s polygraph, I was feeling a little freaked out. WOW!!! Paul is REALLY GOOD!
A few more scenes until Jimmy is taken to an airstrip to be taken to Springfield, Missouri. Lauren calls to him “Hey, Jim, I need you over here for a bit.” They go back and forth until he goes over to her and sit across. Lauren tells him “When I visit you treat me like your girlfriend. Slip me tongue, grab my ass, whatever.” He asks “Grab your ass?” She says “Yes. Cop a feel. Do what it takes.” He asks “Should we practice now?” I was proven wrong. I lean close to Taron, whisper “I’m up for a little practicing.” He looks at me and winks.
The premiere ends and some guests stay after to mingle, drink and eat. Taron and Paul made plans to meet up tomorrow. It was also planned that Amy and I meet up with them later in the day. Taron and I ordered a car and headed home. Once through the front door, I kicked off my heels and set my purse on the table by the foyer.
We plopped down on the couch, not even bothering to change and relaxed. We turned on some television show at a quiet volume and half listened to it. Taron then asked “So what was the thing that…” then there was silence. I ask “Taron? Babe?” I look over at him and see that he was fast asleep. I smile, say “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” I drape a blanket over him and gently kiss his forehead. I head to the bedroom, got ready, crawled into bed and went to sleep.
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autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 20: Hamper
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(this one got away from me, and touches on an aspect of WoL's adventures dear to me. Also it's not a FFXIV Write anymore without nebulous future Iyna)
Outwardly, Sharlayan hadn’t changed much in the last hundred and fifty years or so. The buildings were still primarily the native white stone in rounded styles with columns, the tiles of the streets were still blue. Thaliak’s statue still watched over Scholar’s Harbor, and the Last Stand was still the best restaurant in the city, Debroye keeping it much the same as it always had been.
Thankfully for the city, other restaurants had cropped up in the intervening decades.
Iyna still preferred the original, though, and only in part because she had known the owner since the girl was a student during the harrowing Final Days. In part because of the sea breeze coming in with the view, far enough from the docks to not worry about the less pleasant underlying scents that would affect one’s appetite.
And in large part, the nostalgia; memories of old friends at the tables a pleasant one, whenever she visited. Iyna was getting sentimental as she grew older.
It was Debroye herself who served her now, setting a tantalizing lobster dish before Iyna. “I’m gaining weight just from the scents,” Iyna joked. “What have you done to improve even this classic?”
“I can’t give away all my secrets, now that I have real competition in this city,” Debroye said. “But I will say certain spices from Tural do help.”
“Gods, it’s been so long since I went West,” Iyna said idly. “Perhaps I should take a vacation, once done with this commission for the Forum.”
“I haven’t seen you take a vacation in over a century. I’d say you’re about due. Meanwhile,” Debroye looked around. “If you don’t mind, you might have company for your meal.”
“Oh?” Iyna raised a brow as she began to snap apart the crustacean.
“I’ve a history student at the counter with a few burning questions for someone who knew the Warrior of Light and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. And being a good student, she recognized you by sight alone and is about to jitter off her seat.”
“General academia, or actual project work?”
“Project; she’s fifteen and working on her archon thesis.” At Iyna’s raised brow, Debroye nodded. “She almost beat the Leveilleur’s record for entering the Studium, only missing it due to when her nameday falls during registration—and all without the benefit of family wealth or connections as they had.”
“Not a Viera, I take it?”
“Always so impatient, Hyurs,” Iyna noted. “Needing to get so much done so soon, they miss what youth they have. By all means, send the girl over. If nothing else, we can set up a better time to meet for the in depth interview I’m sure she’ll want.”
Deboye nodded, thanking Iyna and returning to the counter. It took about two minutes for the Highlander girl to compose herself and take a seat at Iyna’s table, controlling her underlying giddiness. “Thank you for taking the time to speak to me.”
“Of course,” Iyna said. “What might I do for you, Miss…?”
“Alina Breck,” she said. She was a gangly young thing, not yet filled out to the usual height and broad build of her people. She was fair-skinned and freckled all over, with bushy red hair pulled back in a semblance of a ponytail, curly strands escaping. She had large round glasses over hazel eyes, and wore a simple gray dress, with a wide belt keeping pens, notebooks, and other needed tools on hand. “I was hoping to ask a few questions about your time with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.”
“Very well; though I do have only so much time now. But we can get a start, and if needed, perhaps arrange a longer meeting?”
The girl beamed, the image of a serious wannabe adult scholar breaking for a moment. “Oh that would be great! Ahem. Thank you.” She comported herself again.
Iyna smiled, and let the girl ask her questions, answering in between bites of her meal, sometimes to think.
Also because one did not let a Last Stand Lobster go to waste.
As the hour drew close to when she had to leave to speak to her contacts on the Forum, Alina looked over the notes taken so far. “There are definitely things I want to ask more about, and some things I hadn’t even considered before this discussion, I’m embarrassed to say.”
Iyna shook her head. “Don’t be; there’s always more to discover, even in seemingly well-known topics. It’s why you came to me for this, isn’t it?”
Alina nodded. “I would like to meet again, for sure, and consider some of those questions, especially once I’ve had a chance to check some other sources, but…One last thing I noted…”
Iyna waited. 
“It seems like, well. There were a lot of times Aeryn was on her own, with no other comrades. And sometimes it almost seems by design.” Alina flipped through her notes, a little frown creasing her forehead.
“At times it was,” Iyna said. “I wasn’t there, but when the Crystal Braves betrayed the Scions, for instance, they ensured the group was separated. Particularly Aeryn, with the Sultana. They hoped by dividing the archons and the champion from the leadership, they might have a chance.” Iyna leaned back. “It wasn’t the last time, of course; one of the best ways to try to rein in the Warrior of Light was to separate her from her support; without the other Scions’ knowledge and skills, or those of other comrades and companions she worked with, such as the Garlond Ironworks, adventures could be much harder. Aeryn noted it herself a few times—especially when young adventurers would speak to her, eager for advice, wanting to be like her.
“She often had to remind them that the times she fought alone were the worst; that she was hamstrung without her friends to back her up. There were things she couldn’t do that they could, knowledge they had that she needed. And many of her victories came with help; from her allies, from the dragons, from Hydaelyn Herself. Being cut off from such support was the way to mitigate her strength. Or so her enemies thought.”
Alina tilted her head. “Because she was powerful enough on her own anyway?”
Iyna smiled. “Oh, she was often stronger than even she thought, that stubborn gremlin of a woman. But that strength came from love for those friends, and from them, even when apart.”
“That’s one of the things I’m looking for clarification on,” Alina said. “How she actually stopped the Final Days. Some say she fought only with an enemy at her side; others that the Scions were with her through it all.”
“Both are true,” Iyna said. “Like many others, the Endsinger thought she could deprive the champions of each others’ support, break their hopes, and leave the Warrior of Light without aid. But in that place of pure concept and dynamis, merely physically separating the Scions was not enough. Their hearts were ever aligned with hers.”
Alina wrote that down in her shorthand, thinking for a moment. “I see. I think.”
“Mull it over; we can meet again,” Iyna checked the calendar on her tomephone. Alina compared her own, and they came to an agreeable time, two days from now. “I’ll do some thinking too, and dig through some old notes. I have access to the Baldesion Archives, after all…and might be able to finagle permission for you. No promises, though!” she quickly said as the girl’s eyes lit up.
“Of course, I understand. Thank you, Miss Cauld!”
“Call me Iyna. And it’s been a pleasure, Miss Alina.”
Iyna nodded, paying for her meal—and Alina’s, as one of the constants in life aside from death and taxes is the minimum stipends of graduate students, even one as gifted as this girl—and headed for her meeting with the Forum, a few minutes behind schedule, but they likely would be as well, and would understand her reasons. Losing track of time in academic discussions was another thing that hadn’t changed in Sharlayan.
She thought back on all those old adventures, tapping reminders to herself into her tomephone idly as she went, recalling the times the Scions and companions had been separated, not by choice, from one another. How they had succeeded anyway, often by trusting that the others would do what they must, what they could.
Iyna made sure to note that, too. She smiled and put the tomephone away as she climbed the steps to the Rostra. She did not often dwell on those times in such detail, and it had been some time—she really would need to hit up the archives for writings and reminders of those days—but given the girl’s questions, and the focus on the Warrior of Light’s companions and how they helped her succeed, Iyna was quite willing to delve into those memories.
There was always, after all, more than one perspective to a story, and more than the popular myth. Aeryn had never wanted to be that, and to give due credit to her beloved friends and companions was a gift Iyna was more than willing to offer to her memory.
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Trey, Ruggie: Paint the Town Red
Hell yeah, I was right about the alternating day/night groovies 😳 and Trey’s bouquet still looks like a bunch of leafy greens--
I actually found Trey’s interview really interesting, especially the final question! I really connected with trying to “refine” my imagination and trying to understand the meaning behind all kinds of art. That probably explains why I love analysis so much 🤡
Also, sorry for being late for your birthday, Trey asdgkjvakgssdvasd I WAS DISTRACTED BY THE GLORIOUS MASQUERADE
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What’s one thing you hope to do this upcoming year?”
Trey paused, considering his options. “I guess I’d try to appreciate more art? I go to museums back home, but there’s probably a bunch of work that I haven’t seen yet.”
“Art?” Ruggie’s nose scrunched up.
“Ahahah... I can see you’re not a fan of it.”
“Well, nothin’ against it, but it’s not really my thing. You can’t get paid to stare at paintings! It’s a kinda luxury that only well-off types look at for fun.” The hyena’s eyes sharpened, carefully parsing through Trey’s worth. “You well-off?”
“What? No, not me.” He held up a hand, easing his interviewer. “I’m not rich. I’m not super into art either, but I just can’t help but be drawn to it. I wonder what the art could mean, what the artist was thinking of when they were creating it.
“My imagination’s not too good, and that can be a problem for visualizing spells. I think of looking at art like I’m trying to train myself to think bigger and better.”
“... Is that even something you can train in the first place? ‘S not like your brain can grow muscles.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” Trey’s words trailed off into a brief, nervous laugh. “That’s the problem. I’ve tried lots of things, but I don’t get anywhere with it.”
“Aren’t ‘cha in the same club as Rook-san? You could always ask him for help.” (Ruggie made a face as he gave the suggestion.) “That weirdo can make anything sound all fancy.”
“True, that’s definitely Rook’s… strong suit. But this is something I’d like to figure out for myself. It’s not the same if someone else is there to guide me to the answer.”
“So you’ll go out of your way to help your dorm in Magift and teach’m how to cook, but you won’t take any help for yourself?”
“Pretty much.”
“Huh… You’re pretty selfless, Trey-san.” Ruggie hid a leering smile behind a hand, knowing that he wasn’t the same.
Nothin’ like me. If I can get the same result, it doesn’t matter how I got there. Begging, cheating, stealing—anything to claw toward his prize.
“Is that how you think of me? Well… If it causes less trouble for me in the long run, then sure. I just think it’s practical.”
“… You’re a real square, you know that?” Ruggie rolled his eyes. “No wonder why Riddle keeps you around—and no wonder why your imagination’s crap. You seriously gotta open your mind—”
He vaguely gestured upward.
Trey looked.
The sky was a dark tapestry woven with sparkling stars, the moon a milky jewel. It was a marvelous night straight out of a painting.
Trey held his breath, waiting for something wonderful to happen. For something to finally click into place, for him to suddenly understand.
It didn’t.
“—to the possibilities.”
“It’s the sky.”
“That’s one possibility.” Ruggie cocked a cheeky grin. “Back home, there’s a story about how the great kings of the past watch over us from up there. And all the stars? Those’re the people that’ve passed on. That’s… another possibility.”
Trey lifted a brow. Had his ears deceived him, or had there been a slight hesitation in the hyena’s voice?
“Ruggie, could it be that…”
He was cut off by an explosion of flowers thrusted at his face. Tufts of hydrangeas, young clovers and chrysanthemums, glossy leaves, all in shades of green.
Trey blinked, bewildered.
“You shouldn’t keep’m waiting,” Ruggie insisted, his head poking out from the birthday bouquet broom. He shoved it into his upperclassman’s hands. “I bet they’re lookin’ to wish you a happy birthday too.”
… No. No, he couldn’t ask it and ruin the moment. Trey swallowed and shoved the question down.
“The great kings of the past, right?” Trey nodded, tipping his wizarding cap. “I’ll let them know you said hi. They’ll be happy to hear from you.”
Ruggie’s mouth wobbled before deciding to settle with a slight frown and a sigh. “There you go again, worrying about others instead of yourself.” The hyena clapped Trey on the back. “Hurry up and get going, or the party food’s gonna be stale when you get back.”
“Alright, alright, I’m off. Don’t wait up for me.”
“I won’t!! I’m gonna be busy stuffing my face.”
Trey found himself chuckling at the ease with which Ruggie responded, whisking away the last of his nerves. A cool autumn breeze ran along his neck, cutting at a sharp angle—and, following it, he came upon the sky again.
The same old thing.
But bright blue on the days when Heartslabyul held its unbirthday parties. The clouds were stretches thin then, like white taffy being pulled apart and melting deliciously upon the tongue.
Red as roses at sunset, the light popped and bleeding into the horizon as they cleared their things up, packing the decorations away for another day. Red, the color most loved by the queen. Like the strawberries Riddle adored.
The rosy pinks and peaches of dawn, the violets and blues of dusk, gold from the sun.
It’s still the sky, but it’s constantly changing, Trey realized.
So vibrant, he could almost taste them. As bright and as sweet as citrus drops. The stars, now looking like they were crafted of silvery sugar.
“… Someday, I’ll understand it.”
Why the night sky is sprinkled with sugar stars.
Calm down, take a deep breath, summon all your strength… and seek my own answers!
With that promise nestled to his chest, Trey launched into the air in a shower of sparkles. Stray petals trailed after him, glowing in the moonlight.
Painting the college in his colors.
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😂 to liking blonde, pretentious men haha I normally don’t like blonde men but his ability to keep his mouth shut regarding his relationship was fascinating to me. Then I unintentionally kept watching his movies/shows bc he kept working with people I like and I was more interested in him. Interviews when he is with costars (like 1 or 2 other people) he’s much more relaxed and he just seems like a genuinely nice guy. You recognize your fellow English lit peeps. I don’t get the hate. It’s very annoying and reenforces people thinking swifties are teenagers. I really thought their relationship would make it but it sounds like priorities/needs changed which is so common. Good for both of them to get out of something if it’s not working. And fans I beg you please leave Joe alone and focus on her. I’m tired of the “jokes” fans claim are harmless. Just bc he doesn’t see it doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. I hope TS11 is more lessons learned vs scathing. Time and hindsight will help her process.
Thank you again for being a rational perspective! It’s nice to have places to go to be fans of both of them.
Awwww anon, thanks! And I absolutely agree! It sucks that there aren’t more places to be a fan of the both of them, mainly because as soon as they broke up most of the swifties who had become interested in Joe did a full 180 on him and just stopped following his career (most of them actually started insulting him lol).
And it makes me wonder, you know? Did these people even like Joe? Did they watch his works and discuss his roles and compliment his acting almost daily on here because they were, in fact, interested in him? Or did they just do it because he was Taylor’s bf? It’s clearly the latter, since they haven’t said one good thing about him since the 8th of April. And I personally think it sucks, and that there’s something wrong when you can only appreciate someone as long as they’re part of the Swift universe. It’s just my opinion, but I much rather prefer those who have been making fun of Joe since 2018. The fans who were appreciative of him for five years and then started making fun of him/insulting him from the moment we got the news of the breakup (and there’s a lot of them) are just the worst.
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Savitar (Flash) : Fanfiction - Chapter 1
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There was a part of you that never thought such a thing would be possible. 
Barry Allen was not a villain. 
Far from it. 
He’d save so many people. So when this villain showed up, none of you thought this would be the result. The enemy you’d been facing for the last couple weeks was..
His face was scarred, but it was him.
Your chest felt tight and the realization of what was to come hurt.
Savitar was going to kill Iris. Barry was going to lose the love of his life to a version of himself.
The tragedy of it all is that you weren’t like the rest of them. You weren’t a speedster. You weren’t any kind of meta for that fact.
The team was regrouping, because the day was here. The day Iris should have been destined to die.
You sat with her that evening as Barry and the others ran back and forth trying to figure out what to do.
“It’s a bit crazy isn’t it. I should be scared, terrified. But I’m more worried about Barry.” You smiled at the statement.
“Occupational hazard.” You joke.
Your knees were bouncing, and Iris could clearly see your unease.
“(Y/N), are you alright.”
You stopped the action, looking at her.
“I could be imagining things but you’ve been acting strange since we found out about Savitar. If there’s something you need to talk about you can tell me.”
Her words were good to hear, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say what you’ve been keeping to yourself since you became a member of Team Flash.
“I’m scared.” 
It wasn’t the whole truth, but it wasn’t a lie either.
“We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
That’s what she said.
For a moment you really did convince yourself that she was right. That magically everything would just work out. But faith was cruel. Because you all stood as Savitar held Iris in his hands, ready to strike.
His voice was like a tremor that just rocked your body with pain.
“You will feel the pain I endured losing my love, losing everything.”
Barry’s face held nothing but unfiltered despair, and you screamed out for Savitar to freeze, you were at the side, gun drawn. It seemed to egg him on.
“Do you think bullets will stop me?”
He sounds amused. Your hands were shaking, and Iris’s breath was unsteady.
“You say that we don’t understand how you felt. That it’s impossible for us to know what it’s like to feel so much for someone and never have them. But I do..I know..”
Savitar didn’t move, and you could see Joe on the roof, ready to fire if needed. No one was moving. Barry’s eyes moved to your form.
“I remember when we first met. I remember when I ran into you on that train and you spent the first five minutes apologizing. I barely heard a word because you were talking so fast. I should have been furious, you’d spilled my coffee all over the new suit I bought for an interview.”
The memory feels as though it’s clear as day.
“All I could do was smile at you and try to reassure you that it was okay. That everything was okay.”
Maybe he’s actually listening to the words you're saying, because his hand seems to lower.
“I know you’re a major nerd, and you would spend your afternoons watching every episode of Dr. Who if it were possible.” You move closer, lowering the gun in your hand.
“You once stayed up with me until two in the morning to help me study for my finals. Even though you were exhausted from taking tests all afternoon to pass your own exams. You sacrificed your sleep to help me."
The gun drops from your hand, and when you’re right next to Iris, you hesitantly reach for his hand. Iris moves to the side when you take his hand, and Barry is at her side in an instant, standing in front of her protectively. She dives into his arms, and when you know she’s safe, you turn back to Savitar. His suit is still glowing that dangerous blue. You should be petrified, but you haven’t released your hold on his hand.
“You would never hurt the people you care about, no matter how much you endured. I know you suffered a lot, but you need to realize that there is someone who still cares. Because regardless of what you’ve done. You’re still the nerdy guy I know. The guy that I..that I’ve always been in love with.” You confess.
The statement catches everyone off guard.
You’re shocked when Savitar takes a step back. Instinctively, you try to reach out for his hand, a desperate attempt to hold him.
Save him.
But he’s gone in the blink of an eye. 
All you feel is that pain that appeared when he first showed up.
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anoray · 2 years
Not on the Andor bandwagon...yet
I have no idea if I’m in the minority on Andor as I haven’t had enough time to read up on the various fan reactions after the first three episodes. I was initially very excited about this show as the production values looked amazing in the clips, and I’ve been very intrigued on how this time period and storyline would be handled (especially because it overlaps Rebels). But after the first three shows, I confess to feeling rather deflated even as I hope this series and characters will eventually capture my heart the way The Mandalorian (a live action show I was not at all excited about in advance) did the instant I started watching it.
From what I gather from media interviews leading up to the premier, Andor’s creators seem to be pleased as punch with themselves with how un-Star Wars-like their series is beyond its setting in the “galaxy far, far away.” Quite frankly, I’m not sure how “gritty and dark” you are is really something to brag about? 
 It is so easy to be or make something grim and full of despair. We’ve got countless movies, shows and books in this world already full of that flavor. Star Wars at its best has been capable of engendering a sense of childlike wonder and hope with its almost magical, otherworldly qualities--none of which I’ve experienced with watching Andor thus far. 
And let’s talk about gritty and dark when it comes to all the Star Wars projects prior to Andor. Have the creators never seen anything beyond Rogue One?  They appear to be claiming their show is the first time there is evidence of sex or real violence in Star Wars, but what do they think was going on with Leia and all those other half-naked slave girls who have already appeared in animation and live action? What about Padme in her silky nightgowns with Anakin—I suppose she got pregnant with Luke and Leia by osmosis? Did not Han in Solo try to entice Qi’ra to the bed on the Falcon when Lando was not looking? I could go on and on.
As for violence, there has been no lack of beaten slaves, dismembered body parts, decapitated heads, slaughtered children, and completely annihilated ships and worlds all over the place (just to name a few) since the whole saga began, but I guess somehow none of that is dark or “real” enough?
As for Andor’s relentlessly gritty and dark predecessor, Rogue One, it is a gripping story that I liked. However (and I may be the only fan that feels this way,) I believe what actually makes Rogue One work the way it does is the movie that the audience knows will follow it: A New Hope. In my opinion, without A New Hope glimmering on the horizon, the few sparks of happiness to savor within Rogue One itself are almost extinguished.
Last, but certainly not least, is the character of Cassian Andor himself. I’m greatly puzzled by the creators’ decision to have him shoot someone point blank in the face. There are many ways the second policeman jerk could have died by Cassian’s hand by accident, leaving him in the same predicament of having to escape. If Cassian is able to kill people in cold blood already, how much can he really change by the time we get to Rogue One where he’s still doing the same type of killings? And I don’t understand (yet) why the various people he runs to for help are sticking their necks out for him as there has been no evidence (yet) of reciprocity. For now, Cassian remains in what I call Saw Gerrera territory—a character who is interesting to a certain degree but certainly not one that tugs on my heartstrings.
Of course, I will keep watching Andor because I am curious...and I do hope that it proves me utterly wrong by becoming more like Star Wars instead of less. There is already too much less out there in the world as it is.
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suzdotranslation · 2 years
[Interview TL] Utsugi Uyu animate interview -3D debut commemoration-
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An interview session to commemorate Holostars UPROAR!!'s 3D debut! Third Guest: Utsugi Uyu
———————————————————————————— "We'll do our best to work on it so that we could at least catch up to our seniors even by a small bit" ————————————————————————————
── Please introduce yourself.
Uyu: I'm Utsugi Uyu! Cafe Manager and part-time Phantom Thief from Holostars UPROAR!! group! My hobbies are visiting various coffee shops and reading online novels, I mainly stream e-sports-related games and horror games as well! I decided to join Hololive Production in order to get a certain "treasure" only idols could get!
── Could you describe your reaction the moment your 3D reveal debut was decided and your feeling nearing the debut day?
Uyu: First off, I was really happy from the bottom of my heart. In just under 8 months, I feel like I'm getting closer to all of my senior's great presence. Of course, I've gone through not only good things but also a share of painful and rough moments but it's thanks to the listeners who keep supporting us and the staff who has been helping as well, we managed to reach the day where we can announce this 3D unveiling stream. However on the other hand, as we haven't even reached a year since our debut, I felt quite anxious to accept this. We're still inexperienced at best, but we'll do our best to work on it so that we could at least catch up to our seniors even by a small bit.
── With the reveal stream just a few days ahead, what kind of stream you’ve prepared for it?
Uyu: I've thought about a lot of things in order to make the stream an enjoyable one for everyone. It doesn't matter how old are you or what gender you are as I've prepared something that'll sure to make you guys smiles non-stop, so look forward to it! As for myself, this will be my first-time experience so I'm also quite anxious but I shall do my best for it, all so that I could give you the most excellent performance. I'm looking forward to everyone's impressions after this! Please let me see your impression later okay! (laughs)
── If you had any message for everyone who’s looking forward to your 3D reveal stream, please let us hear it!
Uyu: Thanks to everyone's various support, I've made it this far. I cannot thank you guys enough for it!! I'm sorry I wasn't able to stream as much lately, as I was busy with all the preparation and lessons. I once wondered why do I have to lessen my streaming frequency before I could announce my 3D unveiling stream, but now I could finally let you guys know about it. There'll be more things I could do after getting my 3D model, so I hope you'll look forward to it!
UPROAR!!’s members’ supportive messages are also present!
Yatogami Fuma I'm more on the picky side when it's about details but Uyu has an even stronger preference than I do, so I'm really looking forward to it! He has been preparing stuff from way back too, it sure makes you even more excited right!? He's a member with a lot of potentials, so I hope everyone is watching with great expectations!!!!
Hizaki Gamma Uyu, gratz for 3D!!! You got a nice style that I got so jealous of!! Let me know if there are any heels I could wear too! Let's get along from now on too yeah!! 🤟😎
Minase Rio As someone who wants to show his stoic side more than anyone else, I'm sure Uyu would be able to make everyone as excited! So don't worry too much, believe in yourself and do your best!!
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libraryleopard · 2 years
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I posted 1,598 times in 2022
310 posts created (19%)
1,288 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,592 of my posts in 2022
#q - 717 posts
#books - 328 posts
#lulu speaks - 304 posts
#fanart - 294 posts
#comics - 218 posts
#interview with the vampire - 171 posts
#marvel comics - 157 posts
#marvel - 155 posts
#xmen - 133 posts
#lulu reads - 127 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#literally alternating between notorious sorcerer by davinia evans and stars in my pocket like grains of sand by samuel r delaney right now
My Top Posts in 2022:
i think this year’s meta gala theme should be goncharov (1973) dir. martin scorsese
654 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
as someone who is watching interview with the vampire having never read the book or watched the movie it is my god-given right to come up with really silly theories that i will wholeheartedly believed until the show proves me wrong. anyway my most recent one is that lestat can turn into a bat but he hasn’t mentioned this to louis because he thinks it’s embarrassing 
674 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Louis: I'm never gonna have kids :(
Lestat: babytrap.exe has been activated
869 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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I’m going to classicist hell but it’s okay
5,336 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The other day one of my friends was like “Where on earth do you hear about all the books you read?” and I’m honestly trying to think about that because I don’t really pay attention to Booktube, Booktok, Book Twitter, or Bookstagram, only occasionally dip back into book blogging, and mostly use Goodreads as a place to track books I want to read or have read rather than searching for recommendations, so I’m trying to make a list of the places I hear about books from besides a few trusted social media mutuals.
Tor.com is one major place I hear about science fiction and fantasy books–they do deal announcements, cover reveals, lists of new releases, and reviews, as well as columns reviewing backlist work. I really like “The Book Queered Me,” for instance, which is people looking back on books that were important to their understand of identity. 
The Book Smugglers isn’t really that active anymore, but they reviewed science fiction and fantasy media, as well as publishing essays and short fiction and I read them religiously for a long time.
Book Riot I read occasionally and they publish bookish news and essays. I forgot I was subscribed to their LGBTQ+ book newsletter for a while and went through the emails I’d been sent earlier this week and that particular newsletter is nice because it highlights a couple books and does a round-up of recent news about queer books.
Austraddle’s book section, especially the Rainbow Reading column, does reviews, interviews, and news related to queer books, mostly queer women. It’s helpful for non-SFF stuff because I’m usually very up-to-date on news in the science fiction and fantasy world but they cover poetry, nonfiction, romance, etc.
We Need Diverse Books is a great resources, of course, and I really like the interviews they do with authors of recent releases.
LGBTQ Reads is an invaluable resource for queer literature–new release highlights, author interviews, lists of books by representation or age/genre if you’re looking for something specific.
Electric Literature is where I hear about more adult lit fic/nonfiction stuff, they also have a column called Novel Gazing in which people write about books that have impacted them and I find that really interesting. They also publish poetry and short fiction but I haven’t read much of that.
The Lesbrary does reviews of books about lesbian and bisexual women, as well as round-ups of new releases. Good resource for keeping up with sapphic books.
Rich in Color reads and reviews diverse YA books and is a good place to keep up with books by authors of color.
5,777 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
August 2005
August 4, 2005
when i walked through the door there was a kid standing therein shorts and an argyle sweater. we went downstairs and played "through being cool" front to back. i knew we would be best friends forever.
this is my first memory of fall out boy. post yours. i wanna know.
yes yes we know everybody is hot. patrick is. joe is. andy is. because they are all good people. and that makes my heart beat.
yes, i am obsessed with the show 24. yes, i want to make a life with kim bauer and have 10,000 babies.
if you can find it inside to vote a couple more times for "sugar..." on TRL we would love you (oh who are we kidding, we do anyway). the info is in the news.
more dates for the nintendo fusion tour will keep being announced, so don't worry your pretty little head.
lets fall in love all over again from the start.
lately i have been feeling like i am just a headache for everyone.
what kind of guitars do you play? And who is better Joe or Patrick
patrick is the love of my life but i cant deny joes doggie style. they are both pretty good in bed i guess.
did you really go out with Frank from my chemical romance?….oh and you and patrick are really hot!!!!
i definitely have a boy crush on frank.
hey pete tell patrick he is hot. and ask him whats with the glasses?
okay 2. i think they help him see
Other Q&As from this time that are undated
August 5, 2005
Hey. Updater.
Florida in august is a sweatlodge. Take my word for it you don’t want to know.
The kids here are amazing.
I lied. I’m sorry, please forgive me. We are selling the clandestine bartskull necklace at the clan booth on warped.
If you get a sec light up the trl lines for us with a couple of votes. You mean the world, either way.
August 12, 2005
I am the koolaid jammer. Romances last terrorist, locked away in the back watching emilio estevez and friends dance on the screen from deep in the back. Heyhey updater: the panic! At the disco record is still better than whatever you are listening to right now. Lets get married and move inside one of their songs. October fall is recording out in l.a. Right now. Get ready for big things babies. Me and patrick have been working on new songs already. Swoon. We’ve got an annoucement coming up really soon about a performance. We also did a pretty big interview that will be out in september… It covers a lot we haven’t ever talked about: getting bigger, me missing europe, etc… We’ve got some new merch coming soon and some special nintendo fusion show offers….
“Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen…”
Yeah I wrote a lyric for that song, guess which one… Ill be honest ryan writes circles around me….
August 18, 2005
dear warped tour,
even though you made us hot and dirty, we had the best summer of our lives and wanted to thank you.
thank you to every single one of you guys that came out, sang the words, crowd surfed, watched or came up to our signing and told us we suck (hehe).
the love is back on.
"we only do it for the scars and stories" still holds true. you don't even know, and im not telling.
- petey
August 19, 2005
Things I have been thinking about lately:
Warped tour was fun. Since being home I remembered that's showering and sleeping are fun too.
My real feelings on the sunburst bass. I loved that thing. But then it started cheating on me with mikey way. I had to hit it. Its not my fault- spousal abuse is an ugly thing. I'm in therapy that includes playing lots of warcraft online.
Writing messages on your arm for someon to see at a show is the new away message - stealing peoples real diary is the new livejournal.
On the topic of computers: lets stop talking like- u r lyKE soooooo Haawt.... My dogs can type bettere than that. And sending this I M "how come you're on my buddylist" or "who is this, is this really pete from fob" - honestly I love talking to people but these ones get instanlty rejected.
See also: peoples whose screenames are like: petehoppuslovespatrick65 - I know what the conversation is gonna be like already. I've had enough of them.
Oh yeah- mikey's screename is not xiheartweedx
I hear were a week away from retiring on trl. Lets do it. Cause honestly I'm not gonna live long enough to get retired from a real job (like 65?) we gotssss to party it up if it happens.
On us playing the vmas: we have this insane idea that mtv is considering. If they let us do it you may see something really insane. (Its not me and frank kissing in wedding dresses, or is it).
I hear there is a turbo voting thing for the vma on our front page.
Ill have a serious update later
August 19, 2005
The Warped tour was fun. Since being home I remembered that showering and sleeping are fun too. My real feelings on the sunburst bass. I loved that thing. But then it started cheating on me in a mikey way. I had to hit it. It's not my fault- spousal abuse is an ugly thing. I’m in therapy that includes playing lots of warcraft online. Writing messages on your arm for someone to see at a show is the new away message - stealing peoples real diary is the new livejournal
August 26, 2005
i should be in miami florida right now. stalking out jessica alba on a beach at night somewhere but instead i am lurking the internet from the safety of my parent's house. sorry i have been gone. there are plans afoot. i hate this hurricane nonsense- when we heard we were playing the VMAs we tried to come up with some hilarious stuff to do- you know- like first we suggested that we throw a big party on stage while we play and have some live deer and maybe two tranvestites dressed up like madonna and brittany spears, kissing- mtv was like: try again. so we rented space suits from a movie company and planned to play in those and kind of just smash eachother with our guitars- but now with this tropical storm mtv just wants us to actually be normal and play- hehe i'm sure we'll think of something. i need to go eat count chocula. we're putting some new gear into the clandestine webstore over at clandestineindustries.com and decaydance.com is up and you can preorder the panic! at the disco record along with the vinyl version of from under the cork tree. my hand has swollen to the size of a grapefruit, but if you think that looks bad, you should see the other guy, or in this case the wall.
if you get a chance, you could make our day and go over and vote for us a couple of times at FBRVOTE.COM - an easy way to do it...
ive got pees on my head but don't call me a pee head. bees on my head but don't call me a bee head. bruce lee's on my head but don't call me a lee head.
i'm crazy for you sparkle.
August 26, 2005
from the retirement home.
have i told you guys lately that you are the best?
our video retired on TRL today ONLY because of you.
thank you.
that is all.
- petey
August 26, 2005
on pete’s friends or enemies blog
Tumblr media
August 29, 2005
Live from the defjam party.
I am in disbelief.
Everytime I question what I am doing, you prove me wrong.
We won the m2 vma. In my opinion the most important award of the night.
We weren’t sure.
I never should have doubted you.
You have NEVER let me down.
You make me proud to be in this band.
We aren’t the biggest. But you make us feel like we are.
We are in love.
More later.
August 30, 2005
the roc is still alive when fall out boy hits the mic.
can we say that we love you anymore.
you rbought it.
did you hear the collective gasp when they said fall out boy.
we were standing up to clap for our friends in My Chem, who we were sure had one.
we then realized we didn't know where to walk to or what to do.
we definitely noticed Usher give us the "WTF?" look when we went by him and hugged my chem.
we didn't write anything down, so we were very nervous when we got to the mic.
we dressed up like harry potter when we played so we would feel the magic.
we drove to the red carpet in a saturn and fell out cause we are broke.
we realize that beyonce quoted us. we wanted to return the favor "say my name, say my name- you're acting kinda shady aint callin me baby..."
jayz is the coolest. but luda is kinda close to as cool. and we have a super crush on christina milian. we are happy to be part of the defjamfam.
we realize that you made the world shake just for a second.
we want to pay you back with more than just a discount in our webstore. let me think of how.
one night can change it all. and you did that for me. so thank you.
- petey
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jencsi · 2 months
Writer Interview Tagged by @frostysfrenzy
About me
When did you start writing? - my earliest memories of writing are back in elementary school, making up stories about animals and writing from the point of view of dogs and eventually graduating into fanfiction for CSI when I was 13. 
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?- genres or themes don’t really matter to me, I’m more character invested. If someone writes a CSI fic, I will read it. 
Is there an author you want to emulate or are compared to often?- I don’t think I have ever been compared to anyone else as a writer but I used to have mad respect for JK Rowling before shit hit the fan with her. I modeled a lot of my early formats after her, style, dialogue, shock, ending chapters a certain way, etc. I do love Taylor Swift and even though she writes songs, she has a good prose and I wish I could write like her. 
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?- when I was a teenager, I wrote under my school work during class, all through high school and college, I used to write in the basement of my home and the kitchen, I could never write in my room because the vibe always felt off, plus my CSI posters were on the wall for years and writing the characters while the posters watched me felt unnerving even though they are not real! I’m insane I know. 
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?- watching CSI, maladaptive daydreaming, discussing the show and characters with others. Hearing a song that reminds me of the show or the characters. 
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write?- lol no. Quite the opposite, I wanted to escape my hometown (still waiting) and writing about Vegas and Seattle and places I’ve never been sort of helped that but now it just bothers me that I still haven’t traveled to any of these places. 
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?- death, romance, angst, and Julie Finlay coming back to life after a coma. None of them surprise me at all, maybe the romance side of it since I’ve never had love so idk how I write it for fake couples. 
About My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?- Well shes not mine but JULIE FINLAY is my love, life, everything. 10/10 would go to war for her. 
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?- Julie Finlay, Sara Sidle, basically anyone from CSI. (not my characters but I wish) 
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?- I don’t write much about the early seasons of CSI and Ray Langston wasn’t my favorite so I don’t think I would like him in real life if he existed. Laurance Fishburn is cool though, just got dealt a shitty character. 
Tell me about the process of coming up with characters.- I struggle to make OC’s. I only piggy back off what the show has done. Finn’s mother was giving the name Karen so I just made up a mother character for her based off just that name. I also made a father and aunt for her and a child she fosters then later adopts in some of my fics. 
Do you notice any recurring traits/themes in your characters?- not really. If its a CSI character, I try to keep them as true to the show as possible. If it’s an OC, I make them different than most people I know in real life or true to the way they were raised (Finn’s mother is strict and rigid and very 1950’s housewife vibes while also being a progressive feminist in her work as a school teacher, working during the 60s-70s which wasn’t that common for women back then, and in the way she deals with raising Finn) while her father is a highly intelligent doctor who is often a peace keeper for his wife and daughter who butt heads often, an unbothered but stressed man who harbors a secret about his sister and came from an abusive family but broke the cycle, adores his family, would never hurt them, saves lives daily) 
How do you picture your characters?- Once I get a single image the first go around, it usually doesn’t change. Most of them probably look like customers I see at work or people I have seen on TV. 
About My Writing
What's your reason for writing?- at first, it was to keep me alive, I expected to make a career out of it, I expected to write for CSI specifically, naive to think the show would last that long, now I use it just as a hobby as it has sort of ruined my life because I spent too much time during my formative years hiding away with it instead of making friends like I should have been doing. Balancing priorities was not my forte at 16. 
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?- I always enjoy when people pick up on parallels or uses of callbacks to the show that I throw into my work that others might miss, like a detail or reference that is said without saying it and someone gets it. Love that hype. 
How do want to be thought about by your readers?- as someone who is not as insane as I seem lol tall order to fill. 
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?- giving life to a character that does not have much representation in the fandom (Finn) if I could get the rights to own her, I would. 
Have you been told your greatest strength as a writer by others?- not specifically but in comments people have said they like how I convey emotions of the characters and how I don’t need to describe much for them to know what they are feeling or experiencing in a moment. 
How do you feel about your own writing?- I’d say a solid 8/10. I could always be better, I wish I could be getting paid to do this, but I also know it has affected my life in a negative way (no friends, no long term relationships because I skipped out on fun stuff to write alone) its a love hate relationship. 
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?- probably, what else would there be to do? When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?- oh man so in the beginning I had no reservations whatsoever. Now? I think I let others' vibes get to my head and it has caused me to change some formatting and some of my style over the past 2 years or so. It's not a bad thing because it’s making me better but I do spend too much time wondering, will so and so like this if it's written this way or should I do it differently?
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