#i literally think about this card on a daily basis help me
icyg4l · 4 months
PAC: How to Improve Your Relationship With Your Mother Figure
Hello beautiful people. Today is Mother’s Day and I want to wish all of the mothers out there a Happy Mother’s Day. Whether your mother is alive, dead or far away, I want to dedicate this reading to those who wish to have better relationships with their mothers. You don’t have to have a strained relationship with your mother to relate to this topic. You could simply just want to keep the bond that you have already. And lastly, I want to dedicate this Mother’s Day to the mothers in Haiti, Congo, Palestine, Sudan, Tigray and unfortunately many more. If you have any crowdfunding links that need to be boosted/donated to regarding mothers/families in these countries, please do not hesitate to direct me to them. Without further ado, please select the photo that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (Pile 1-6)
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Pile One: I feel like this pile has a close relationship with their mother overall. You seem to be at peace with where you are with her, but things could get even better. I feel like something that could help you and your mother get along even more is helping her around the house. She likes for the floors to be swept and mopped, towels to be folded, dishes to be washed. Your mother may be a neat freak but it’s nothing that can’t be taken care of. I also feel like buying your mother things that she would use on a daily basis could be something that improves your relationship. For example, if your mother really likes makeup, get her a lip gloss set. If she likes flowers, buy her a vase and some flowers so that she can smell the roses. It’s the thought that counts. And lastly, I feel like making your mom look good is going to improve your relationship. Not only does being a good representation of her name make her look good, but actually adding onto her beauty will strengthen your relationship. If you’re into makeup, do your mom’s makeup. If you’re into hair, do her hair. If she wants a new pair of shoes, get her that pair of shoes. This is only if you’re able to though. Don’t break the bank trying to please your mama. 
If your mother is not here on this Earth, then please go all out with her grave. She wants you to decorate her grave/headstone with flowers. Clean the headstone. Wear her necklaces, bracelets and adornments. She wants you to talk about her highly. She wants you to not forget where you came from. You are wise and positive, so please continue to do what you do. Just because she is gone does not mean anything should change. She wants you to listen to your gut. If you have a little sibling, please don’t let them do anything stupid even though they can be prideful. I feel like she’s very big on morals and discipline so don’t think she isn’t clocking you from the afterlife because she is. Lastly, please speak of yourself highly. You have half of her genes and she does not appreciate it when you disrespect the physical features that you two share. Have some respect for those who have come before you. 
Cards Used: Queen of Cups, Justice, The Star, 6 of Wands, The Magician, Ace of Discs.
extras: joanne the scammer. 2016 era of youtube. mother-daughter days. only child. donuts.
Pile Two: I feel like you all have a tumultuous relationship with your mother. It feels like you’re a rebel and you do not like to follow the rules. You and your mother could never see eye-to-eye once you turned a certain age. Perhaps, it was around age 12? I feel like you and your mother need to consider counseling. It would help a lot to have a mediator with the two of you. This energy is like an episode of Maury or Steve Wilkos. I think that you may be LGBTQ+ as well. Your mother may not completely accept this part of you. Now usually, I am against the whole “They’re from a different time stance” but your mom feels out of reach to you. I am literally seeing two people on opposite sides of a grassy land. One person is reaching for the other but the other person is minding their business. She wants to understand you but her bossiness can get in the way. I say to just be patient with her. I feel like one thing that you can do is invite her to a place that you frequent often for fun just so she can get a taste of what you do everyday. I am channeling this movie called ‘The Aggressives’. One of the mascs’ mother was so convinced that she would end up with a man but that obviously wasn’t the case. By the end, she just ended up accepting her daughter for who she is. You two are definitely on opposite sides of the spectrum. I feel like another thing that you could do is play video games with her, which is weird? This can help build teamwork amongst you two, thus forming a better bond in the end. 
If your mother is deceased, I feel like you should be taking more risks. Stop giving a fuck about the rules and just live your life. There is nothing wrong with changing up your routine. Your mother could have been a rebel or even someone who led a revolution. Your mother wants you to walk away from what you once knew. Deep inside, you are someone who is capable of making great changes just as she did. I feel like your mother just wants you to embrace the inner youth inside of you. You’re too rigid. It’s affecting the way that you live. You have too much couth. It’s okay to play and let loose a little bit. She will still love you just the same as she did when she was alive if you change. Overall, embrace change babe! Dye your hair a different color. Take a spontaneous trip. Go to that concert. Please just do something! Get out of freeze mode!
Cards Used: The Fool, 6 of Swords, The Hermit (RX), 5 of Swords, Queen of Swords, 7 of Discs, Wheel of Fortune, The Hierophant (RX).
extras:  minor headaches. igor (2019). odd future fan. beast. the bear (2022). absent father.
Pile Three: I feel like you have this certain image of your mother in your head. You think that she is perfect but she is not, my dear. There are certain things that she has been through/experienced that she hasn’t even told you about. You do not know her the way you think you do. She has stories for days. She is not an angel. I feel like you need to get to know your mother. She is an interesting character. Ask her about her life story. Ask her about the experiences that have shaped her into the woman that she is today. You need to take her off of the pedestal that you have put her on. Take a step into reality, boo. I think that doing stuff like going out by the water or going fishing will help you guys bond to understand each other better. Yes, she used to change your diapers but if someone walked up to you and asked what your mother figure’s favorite color was, would you be able to answer it? It’s time to change that. I feel like traveling with your mother, whether it’s a road trip or by plane will help as well. I am channeling the movie Tammy (2014) with Melissa McCarthy. I recommend you watch this movie. Don’t underestimate your mother anymore!
If your mother is deceased, I feel like she wants you to know that she looks back on memories between the two of you fondly. I think she may have passed when you were too young to remember or it was before you hit puberty. You should ask the people who knew her best about what she was like, how she felt about motherhood, how she felt about you, etc. She does not regret anything in her lifetime. That says a lot about how she lived her life. If you have access to these, find any diaries, photos, old clothes, etc and put them in a place where no one can find them. If you find some old clothes, wear them and don’t let anyone else do that. Your mother wants you to be on the straight and narrow path though. Even though you may not know her like the back of your hand, she’s been watching you grow into the person that you are today from a place that you cannot see. But she will not judge if you stray away from this path, she understands what it’s like to be young and dumb. Overall, your mother just wants what is best for you.
Cards Used: 6 of Swords, Temperance, 3 of Wands, 7 of Swords (RX), King of Cups.
extras: beaver. morehouse college. air out your grievances. gummy bear song. sepia filter.
Pile Four: Stop hanging out with your significant other so much! You need to learn how to balance between familial obligations and romantic obligations. I feel like this is really the only thing that is getting in between you and your mother’s relationship. I feel like this pile listens to Jhene Aiko a lot. I am channeling Never Call Me. I think your mom would show up to your s/o’s house unannounced with a bunch of people behind her if you don’t keep in contact with her regularly. She does not play about you at all. It’s not really an overbearing thing. I think she just doesn’t want you to go down the path that she went down with your father. So speak up or face the consequences, love. I also think that you should hear her out when it comes to certain advice especially if it has something to do with a car. Maybe you let your s/o borrow your car too much or you let your car battery almost die or something? In this case, mother knows best. She’s not a chip on your shoulder. Just listen!
If your mother is deceased, I feel like she may have died around the same time as your father figure. She also could have died at the same time as your father figure. Your father could have been the reason she died. She wants you to be independent. Learn how to change your own tires. Take up some gym classes/self-defense classes. Don’t be willfully clueless. She also wants you to not be anyone’s ride or die. This may be the reason why she passed away. I feel like you’ve heard countless versions of how your mother chose to live her life, it isn’t completely true. Don’t believe the hype. One day, you will come across the full story. Definitely be single until you are ready to marry. Your mother could have been rushed to marry. She does not want to see you get taken advantage of like she was. Don’t hesitate to dedicate an altar to her. She wants to talk to you. She may have even popped up in your dreams before. 
Cards Used: 6 of Discs (RX), Ace of Swords, 2 of Wands, The High Priestess, The Devil, Two of Cups, Queen of Wands.
extras: gang culture. setup. grooming. pirates. shoddy apartment. purple bandana.
Pile Five: Have you ever considered getting plastic surgery so that you would look different from your mother? I am specifically getting an eyelift, nose job, butt implants, etc. I am channeling the energy of Blac Chyna and Tokyo Toni. I think that you and your mom have a toxic relationship. One day you’re good. The next day you’re fighting to be heard by her. You two could have physically fought before. What I am hearing is “Everyone has a story”. I feel like your guides want you to take into consideration her backstory. Get a little psychological here. Why does she act the way that she acts? Was she abandoned as a child? How does this play into how she treats you now? I am seeing a therapist writing in their notebook as we speak. I feel like she operates out of a lack mindset and you have outgrown that. I think that there was some type of falling out between her and your father figure. Maybe she was the side chick? Maybe she was taken advantage of at a young age? Maybe it was both. Honestly, this pile is very different from the others. You are being asked to pour into yourself. You need to put your foot down and let her know that you will be choosing the higher road. She will respect you more if you do that. I also think that you just simply need to start taking more time for yourself. You do not exist to be your mother’s punching bag. You are a human being. This pile is very different. You need to protect your peace babe.
If your mother is deceased, I feel like you guys could have argued before she died. I think that she was warning you about a particular behavior. Maybe she was telling you not to follow in your father’s footsteps and you chose not to listen. Maybe you snuck off somewhere you weren’t supposed to? Your mother did not want to control you. She just had some feelings about the choices you were making. But you make the bed that you lay in so there’s nothing that she could have done about it. I feel like you need to forgive yourself. Free yourself of the burden of your mother’s death. You cannot control fate. You need to learn how to accept certain circumstances for what they are. You can change the present moment and make things right today! It’s all about what you choose to do. No matter what though, your mother still has love for you. She forgave you a long time ago, almost as soon as she transitioned. It’s time for you to make peace with yourself, love. Take control of your future and accountability for your actions (or lack thereof). 
Cards Used: The Emperor, 9 of Cups, Prince of Discs, The Moon, 5 of Wands, Ace of Cups, 7 of Swords, Judgment, The High Priestess. 
extras:  living vicariously. narcissist. getting high. sobbing uncontrollably. asthma attack. ambush.
Pile Six: You are not a child anymore, Pile Six. Your mother is willing to talk to you about uncomfortable topics now. You’re an adult. Treat yourself as such. I think that drinking wine with your mother and having a conversation will help you guys get along better. Day drinking, wine tasting, etc will help you guys bond in a more mature way. I feel like you and your mom could be friends if you were not mother and child. You have to see the world through an adult’s eyes now. I feel like gossiping with your mom can be beneficial for your relationship, especially if it’s about old family tea. You can be in the know now, lol. I also think that paying for dinner/lunch could be a great way to prove your maturity. Honestly, your mom just wants you to grow up. You’re there but not quite. Be the butterfly that you’re meant to be. Lowkey, you might want to start saving to move out. She’s not going to kick you out or anything but you’re going to start feeling differently about the environment that you’re in. 
If your mother is deceased, please keep her updated on the latest family/friend drama lol. I feel like your mother may have had a boyfriend before she passed. I don’t know if he moved on or not but she approves of the lady he’s with now. Your mother could have had problems with conceiving/conceived at a young age. This plays into why she treated you like gold. You guys could have acted more like siblings rather than mother and child. It’s also possible that your mother could have passed at a young age (you could actually be older than your mother right now). Whatever the case may be, I feel like she wants you to finish the path that she was set to be on. Continue to honor her legacy. She could have been on the way to pursuing a degree, you should do the same but actually complete the journey. I am channeling the energy of Whitney Houston. Your mother is very animated to be honest. She wants you to embrace that energy/side of yourself. It’s in you, lol. And lastly, don’t try to hide being your mother’s child. You don’t have to be exactly like her but you are her partially. You are your own person but you just so happen to take after her mannerisms, looks, etc lol. There is nothing wrong with that. Don’t fight it. 
Cards Used: Queen of Discs, The Sun, 6 of Cups (RX), Princess of Discs (RX), 3 of Cups, The Lovers.
extras:  esperanza/hope. j. cole. popeye spinach. t-boz. slow jamz. 2004-2005. senior in college.
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gallaghersgal · 2 months
Hi there! How are we doing on this fine sunday? I spent the day at the beach and of course, that gave me some ideas so ahem ahem ✨beach day with carmy bear✨
First let’s talk about the most obvious thing ever but…this man looks HAWT okay?!!? He already does on a daily basis, doing the most regular things ever but at the beach????? 74 dead, 192 injured.
anyway yeah he looks really good but also:
You manage to whisk him away for a few days, just the two of you to relax and you rent a small house by the beach. Your goal is basically to get him to slow down a bit, catch up on some sleep and have fun, you know?That in itself is tough because he!!cannot!!relax!!!!!!!!! But he’s also very very in love so he agrees for a weekend away.
He carries all the bags because he was raised a gentleman and there’s no way you lift one pretty finger of yours k?
You insist on putting sunscreen on his back and face and okay maybe it’s just an excuse to give him a nice massage and maybe he knows that but plays along too
But he’s just as protective, always making sure you’re hydrated and you’re wearing your hat if you’re seating in the sun.
i might be almost 21 but playing in the waves!!!!!! and making sand castles!!!!! at first he might think it’s a little silly but not in a mean way, just the kind of thing he doesn’t think of to have fun because he just doesn’t have fun yk? but he helps you and realizes it is actually fun. it definitely turns into a competition btw and you end up both winning and eating ice cream as a reward.
Playing cards too!! i feel like he knows one or two great cars games that he’d teach you, something he got from Mickey or Cousin maybe?
also napping on the beach. he lays his head on your belly while you read and you’re playing with his hair and the weather is nice and it’s actually pretty good to feel the sun on his skin and—when you notice he’s sleeping, you don’t move, just let him take whatever he needs.
you 100% make sure to take a billion pictures of him, of the two of you (you send one of him sleeping to nat <3) and he tries to take aesthetic pictures of you, he snaps a few more just to keep for himself.
a lot of talking too!!! he’s been working a lot, you too, life got in the way so you take the time to catch up—you tell him about the new show you want to start with him, he tells you about a flea market he’d like to check out. It feels nice to catch up and somehow it reassures him? Like his anxiety gets too much and he’s scared you might be unhappy but then you talk and you tell him you love him and you want to do things with him and his chest feels less heavy.
who says day at the beach, says watching the sunset together. of course it’s beautiful but carmy keeps looking at you and the way the light seems to hit your features so perfectly well because he’s a sap.
You get a little cold and he’s instantly handing you his sweater. And I just know his heart melts when you nuzzle closer to him <3
I love to think he’d stay up at night to listen to the ocean. He can’t sleep because his mind is too loud so he goes on the little patio and listens to the sounds of the waves on the shore. Maybe you join him, rest your head on his shoulder and enjoy the moment with him. he hasn’t felt this happy in a long time.
hey so something you don't know about me is that i love the beach more than literally any other place on earth!!!!! i went to the OBX a lot as a kid and it shaped me into the woman i am today!!!!! i love the beach!!!!!!!!!!!! i even had a finnpoe beach au that was like. god. it was at minimum 10k words and it wasn't even complete yet. i would just work on it when at the beach house my father took me to cause there was no wifi there- but enough ab me!!!!!
i agree that baby boy canNOT relax, poor thing. but you could talk him into it saying he can try all kinds of new restaurants and get some ideas for a seafood course for the bear menu <33 and ughhh i just. staying in a cutie little beach house with him!!! i used to go to the beach every year and when i got old enough to really appreciate the whole day, my fav thing became evening walks and i know those would sooth his soul sooo much
"there’s no way you lift one pretty finger of yours k?" i will sob??? i will actually cry and scream and roll around on the floor???? god i just. carmen carrying your bags upstairs to the house while you take stock of all the general beach things available in the shed underneath. yall know how beach houses are on stilts? yeah like that. and placing your shampoo and body wash and things in the outdoor shower so it can be used first thing, because once everything is unloaded all you wanna do is walk down to the ocean and once you're there, well, who isn't gonna jump in!
massaging the sunscreen into his back, the way he would sigh a little, and you can press soft kisses to his cheek as you do so. ugh i looveeeee him!!!! he would be so so protective, making sure there's plenty of snacks, and if you're hungry he'll walk the beach with you until you find a little sandwich shop or taco place for whatever you wanna eat. he's confused at first why you're making a sand castle, preferring to sit and read his book, but suddenly he's finished with a chapter and spending time with his girl seems so much more fun, so before he knows it he's packing wet sand into the mould sitting across from you, sandy shins and messy hair, but he's all smiley too
the poor thing would get so exhausted from playing in the waves, probably bc he's not used to it. swimming in the ocean really takes it out of you!! so when you're laid out under the umbrella reading he grumbles like "babe, lemme... c'mere," and tugs you just a little closer to rest his head on your tummy :((( playing with his curls while they dry from the salt water, forming them into perfect little spirals, putting a little braid here and there
just talking to each other and catching up in such a relaxed setting is so sweet im gonna sob. maybe y'all snagged a beachfront place so you can watch the sun set over the water ((i have never seen this... #eastcoast)) while you're sitting on the rlly comfy deck chairs, he's got a beer and you've got a little cocktail he made you, and you're playing cards and chatting about what's been going on lately. just sitting out there together listening to the waves, wrapped up in his sweater from his culinary school i- i genuinely cannot. i love him and i love the beach. I LOVE HIM AND I LOVE THE BEACH!!!!!!!
tldr; me and 🧸 love the beach and carmy so much
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bloominal · 7 months
Pretty privilege
✦Yes, pretty privilege is real and I have it. I mean look at me and my life it's the definition of pretty privilege. Everyone and I mean absolutely every single person on planet earth loves and admires me, they look at me with so much love, affection and admiration in their eyes. Everyone has heart eyes for me. I light up every room i walk into, i light up everyone's soul, people always greet and welcome me warmly with big bright smiles and stars in their eyes. I always feel so welcomed and accepeted around everyone. They can't take their eyes off of me, it's like their eyes are glued to me. Everyone falls in love with me the second they lay their eyes on me. I always have the best first impressions, everyone always thinks highly of me and respects me, people can't help but crush on me like teenagers, they daydream and fantasize about being with me, they all love my presence so much they miss me when I'm not around.
✦ I have the ultimate pretty privilege, people can do anything just to make me happy and see me smile. Everyone loves me so much that they can't help but want to please me, they can go above and beyond and out of their way just to make my life easy. I live such a soft life because everything and everyone works in my favor, everything is rigged in my favor. Everyone knows I deserve the best, they want to give me the world. People go out of their way to serve me, to please me, to make me happy, to make me feel special, to make me feel respected and valued, that's just how it is, that's just how my life is with pretty privilege. People never fail to make me feel precious and treasured. Every single day i get  millions of compliments from everyone around me, i can't go a day without getting complimented by atleast ten thousand people whether it's on socials or in real life, i have so much to be complimented and praised about like in everyone's eyes I'm the most perfect human being who is deserving of all the appreciation, respect, positive energy, love and material gifts, people's intentions towards me are always the best, people always think in the best interest of me.
✦ I always get offered free food, clothes, cars, literally anything i want people are willing to just buy it for me. I get so many gifts on a daily basis, i get all my material desires gifted to me. It's like I'm a royalty, everyone loves giving me gifts, complimenting and praising me. My mailboxes are always filled with tons of sweet letters and gifts. It's so normal for me to get complemented by everyone all the time. My house is filled with all the gifts i receive on a daily basis, it's crazy how anything i want without even saying it outloud or anything it just gets gifted to me, like it's insane how i always get what i want, all my desires and wishes are fullfilled without even lifting a finger. I am undeniably pampered, everyone takes care of me, everyone around me always feels the need to make me comfortable and take care of me. My luck is the best. I am the luckiest person in this whole wide world and it's a fact. I'm just so lucky, i always get what i want and everything works out in my favor because i was born lucky. I always feel so blessed by how magical my life. I have all the privileges in the world. I live a soft life where I'm provided with everything.
✦ my face card is so powerful that it needs to be studied, the power my inner and outer beauty has on everyone is godly. People are literally wrapped around my finger, situations, life, the whole world is wrapped around my finger and only works in my favor, to give me every thing i want instantly, the world is programmed to be in my favor. Everyone's always so in awe of me and impressed that they'd literally applaud me breathing. Every single day i experience all the benefits of having the prettiest visuals in the universe, people holding the door for me, carrying my bags, treating me with kindness and speaking to me in the most polite and loving tone, random poeple always offer to pay for my food, shopping, everything, why are people so generous with me. i get everything for free, i love the little ways in which people make me feel so special and so precious, like i am some kind of gift to humanity, receiving millions of compliments from strangers, friends, colleagues and family, receiving all kinds of gifts and favors from everyone. Everything is basically handed to me on a diamond platter just because of how perfect my beauty is.
✦ Why is it that i am such a timeless beauty, why is it that i surpass all beauty standards and am my own beauty standard something that people want to achieve. I am the epitome of beauty, i can't stop glowing up every second, i just keep getting prettier and prettier every single day, whenever i see my reflection i can't help but just be in awe of how mesmerizing, ethereal, flawless, stunning, enchanting and charming i look at all times no matter what. My beauty is worshipped, i am worshipped. It's like Red carpets are laid out for me everywhere i go, my presence is a blessing to everyone it's cherished and treasured beacuse everyone  know how valuable i am. It feels so amazing to constantly be praised, cherished, prioritized and chosen.
✦people can't help but stare at me and get hypnotized by my beauty, they literally can break their neck trying to get even a glimpse of my beauty, people always turn their heads, do double takes to look and admire me. I take everyone's breath away when i walk past them and i always hear them whisper about how beautiful and gorgeous i am, it's like I'm unforgettable and they would remember me for the rest of their lives because i am the most gorgeous person they've ever seen and they're whipped for me. I am everyone's muse, they write songs and poems about me. when people get to know me they are even more impressed by me and admire me for my knowledge, intelligence, personality and charm. I have a magnetic aura i always attract the best people. everyone wants to be around me, everyone misses my presence when I'm not around they feel the shift in energy when i enter a room, i bring in so much positivity everywhere i go, their eyes light up, when they see my texts or calls they always text back in less than a second, and pick my calls in only 1 ring, I'm never left on seen because i am always prioritised i am always favored. I am deserving of all the love i get.
Eye contact with me makes people stutter, and their heart flutters i give everyone butterflies in their stomach. Everyone loves the sound of my voice, it's so enchanting they can pay to hear me talk. Everyone listens to me attentively, because they know every single word that comes out of my mouth is valuable.
✦I'm world wide famous, everyone knows me for my beauty and charm, i have a perfect face and facial features, i am a genetic miracle. I surpass all beauty standards. i am conventionally and objectively attractive to the point that i can get away with anything. I have a face that is considered the most beautiful in the world, my skin is absolute perfection, everyone asks me for beauty tips and routines all the time. Where i shop from, what brands i use, what perfumes i wear everyone wants to always know.
I am so overwhelmingly beautiful, people can't believe their eyes. They can't get over the fact that i am the most beautiful, stunning, jaw droppingly gorgeous and attractive person they have and will ever see in their whole life, they stutter get nervous and flustered by me, their body language gives it away even when they're trying to be confident, the way the listen to every single word that comes out of my mouth so attentively because of how valuable i am everyone always agree with me on everything, it's like my word is the word of god and i can do no wrong. They're instantly in love with me and awestruk by me like i am some kind of angel or a god/goddess, people are hypnotized and lost in my beauty, they often zone out and just daydream about me all day long it's impossible to get me out of their head. They can't even express in words how my beauty makes them feel, like they feel so happy, grateful, lucky and blessed to be able to see me. they can't hide the fact that they are whipped for me.
✦I am so pretty, people want my autograph, they want to take photos with me, I am known for my attractive and mesmerizing natural beauty. Just because i am so ethereal and enchanting everyone wants to please me, they go out of their way to make life easy and special for me. I am the epitome of perfection and everyone recognizes that. Everyone knows that i am the most gorgeous person on earth. Everyone spoils me with gifts evey single day, i just get new cars, home, money gifted to me out of the blue, just for existing, people buy me stuff. When I walk into a store and people are so mesmerised that they want to buy me whatever i want. Everyone desires me, everyone's on their knees for me and why wouldn't they when i am the literally the prize. I have the pretty privilege and the rizz to that charms everyone.
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gloombeauty · 4 months
Look at what Ethel Cain posted on her instagram.
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I've deleted everything I ever posted of Ethel Cain off my page months ago after she posted this
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Then the stuff they said about Lana didn't help
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Lipstick Alley is really going after Ethel right now too. The things they say isn't as cool as they think it is. 🙄
Isn't it illegal to threaten a president?
It is ILLEGAL to threaten any president of the United States.
I don't like Biden's politics, but I would never say anything like this about our president. You show respect no matter what.
Who the fuck does Ethel Cain think he is? His biological male rage always comes through every time he decides to go off online. His envy for the pussy shows loud and clear.
And I refuse to call him a "she" or "her" just because he decided to name himself "Ethel Cain" and sing creepy dark music ripping beats off Lana Del Rey, who he also openly hates.
The way this person just openly raged on biological women in the past and how fast he deletes his manifestos when he gets criticized by adult biological women. Teenagers love his shtick but adult women know a thing a two about men trying to take over women's spaces. That's why this perverse coward deleted his Tumblr page. He loves to rage on but once people criticize him, he cry's "stop attacking transwomen!!!" and hides after using the trans card.
The fact that Ethel is over here threatening the life of a sitting president, after this president literally took away the rights of biological women, to give it to transwomen. This is how Ethel Cain repays him.
Ethel Cain should be arrested and jailed. I don't see it happening though. Trans people are protected even when they threaten the lives of sitting presidents.
The White House is full of woke Democratics who are surely helping Biden (who allegedly has early onset dementia) make decisions. There is no way a man in his 80's gives this much of a shit for the trans community.
And it's funny how Ethel keeps sticking up for Palestine. I guess HE hasn't Googled what they do to Trans people over there in Gaza. Ethel wouldn't last 5 minutes standing straight in the streets of Gaza or anywhere near a Palestinian person. They kill gays, lesbians and bisexuals on a daily basis. Google the fucking videos. They are a proud bunch of motherfuckers filming all this and putting it up on Facebook and TikTok. Imagine what they do to Transwomen over there.
The usual punishment for being Trans, Gay, Bi or a Lesbian over there in Palestine is beating the person to close death in the middle of the street. Then they take the person and drag them up to the highest building in the area. Then once they reach the rooftop, they get beaten up some more before they are thrown off the roof. Once the person's body hits the ground, they throw stones at the body just to make sure they are dead. Other ways of death are beheadings, hangings and dragging the person's dead body in the back of a truck as they drive around the streets.
In case you don't believe me, here you go.
Make sure to log in and watch it on YouTube directly:
This is what Ethel Cain - Transwoman - is defending.
This is what all these stupid college kids are defending, especially the idiotic twats who go by "Queer for Palestine".
You are literally defending and sticking up for people who want you dead.
So, I truly hope Secret Service Agents find Ethel, arrest him and lock his insufferable ass up.
What Ethel said is so dangerous and illegal. I don't know how this fucking person has fans. Then again, Marilyn Manson has fans.
You can't walk around thinking you are hot shit and above the law just because you wear dresses with your balls dangling underneath. Fuck you.
If you really want to learn anything from an intelligent Transwoman, go to Blaire White's YouTube Channel. I adore Blaire. This transwoman not only speaks the truth, but she stands up for biological women on a daily basis. I have no problem calling Blaire a "she" or "her". I love her. It's hilarious watching the trans community lose their shit on Blaire, even calling her transphobic! Ha!
Buck Angel is a Transman who is also intelligent and spot on. Check him out.
There are good Trans people out there. Ethel Cain isn't it.
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Also, good on LSA for sticking to their guns on this subject. Women sports and spaces is almost nonexistent at this point.
Many seem to openly support this fuckery online, while everyone else stays silent. Well, I'm not silent and neither is JK Rowling, Blaire White or LSA.
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I Want You by Mitski is a Camilla Hect song.
This song is meant to be about one-sided romantic love or whatever, I don't care I don't care I don't care. Cam and Pal are platonic soulmates/codependent idiots and this is about them actually.
Hear me out.
Throughout NtN we see Cam repeatedly wanting Palamedes there. When Nona accidentally hears their recorded conversations, she expresses that she does not care if she gets hurt - she wants Palamedes to exist still. ("I've carried you, Warden. And I've carried your memory... I'd rather carry you")
[verse 1]
I want you
I hold one card
That I can't use
But I want you
Palamedes still existing is also a huge advantage they have that the BOE is unaware of. Pal being in Camilla's body especially helps, because he is less likely to be hurt by Varun and can basically peek out whenever needed - except he can't. The one time Pal and Cam join forces, Camilla goes into thanergy shock. He is of no real use to them except sentimental, he is eating at her from within and yet she still carries him. Additionally we get a double meaning here; Camilla is forced to appear mournful and not show her cards to hide Palamedes and keep him safe.
Flashback time to post-GtN! The image of Camilla walking into the room Palamedes exploded in haunts me on a daily basis. This verse can be taken both literally and figuratively.
[verse 2]
I found you
I found the door
But when I stepped through
There was no floor
Literally: Canaan House was old as shit. Palamedes blowing the floor out along with himself is much more likely than the room remaining unharmed. Yet she risked her life, scaled a half sunken-in room, probably had to scrape Palamedes' remains off the walls, and she reassembled him. No matter how ready she could have been, nobody can be ready for something like that.
Figuratively is what I find a bit more appealing though. In the short story Tamsyn wrote about the Sixth as young teens, it's so painfully evident that these two do not know how to exist apart from each other. Super unhealthy I wish it were me. For example, Camilla has a lot of things figured out, but she relies on Palamedes to piece it together. Palamedes knows how to work a puzzle, but he relies on Camilla to be his eyes and ears. Camilla notes that he enjoys 'teaching' her, but to me it came across more like neurodivergent "same hat" behaviour - he knows that Camilla is thinking the same thing. They know each other so well, that when something is obvious to him, he doesn't even need to consider Camilla might have to be told what he is thinking - she might, however, have input he hadn't yet considered. When Camilla finds him and sees that he was successful (and thus that he is gone), her foundation she has had for most of her life is gone. They were each other's flesh. Each other's end. Without him, there is nothing, no future, no ground to stand on.
And then they find Ianthe Naberius and grabbing his opportunity Palamedes is back - sort of. He is back, and she is dying, and they can act together again, and she is so relieved, and she is so tired. It is the end of the world. They are going to open the Tomb and whatever is in there will be the Emperor's death, and he is the world.
You're coming back
And it's the end of the world
We're starting over
And I love you, darling
And I am done, dear
But also - it is the end of Palamedes, the end of her world. They have thought this through, they know what they are attempting, they know what it will take, they know they will not make it out. But the key here is that neither of them will make it out. They are ending, and they are ending together, and they are starting over, and Paul is born from the ashes. There is also something special, to me, about the comparison between And I love you, darling/And I am done, dear and Life is too short and love is too long. Camilla is very actively dying. Palamedes is ready to gamble with his own life the moment he knows there is no other way out for Camilla. And they love each other. And they are done. And it's that life-outlasting love that creates Paul.
And here, we are taken back again. I see the house as Camilla's inner world, and the car as her outer world (think DID, when alters are not fronting, they recede to an inner world which for many people is some sort of house I believe). Camilla is in the driver's seat, and Palamedes is inside, and he is so close, yet she cannot just go in and meet him. I wonder if they dreamt together. I wonder if they could see each other at all while Camilla too was in her own subconscious. I wonder I wonder I wonder, and I cannot help but think they could not.
You're in the house
And I am here in the car
I just need a quiet place
Where I can scream
How I love you
And then I remember the chapter where Nona kisses her knuckle for the first time. When Camilla sits in the dark bathroom, curled up in the bathtub - for hours. I wonder if she ever came back with her own hand cradling her face. I wonder if she ever cherished the ache of her wrist because Palamedes is left-handed and she is not. I wonder if she ever woke up to the print of Palamedes in her frame on the mattress.
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starlightwonders05 · 2 months
I think I’m gonna start using tumbler to share my thoughts and progress as an artist so this will be the start of that. I’ve finally decided how to format my favorite story. I’ve been devoloping that story with my friends for two year now. And we settled on a comic format where its kinda like “everything is not as it seems” where it kinda starts off as sorta normal but i lowkey cant fully do that ofc because our story involves being in a purgatory. So I Geuss its more just like? I don’t really reveal everything at first but just set the tone that this place is kinda important? I started writing the script for the first page and surprisingly its like doing a very detailed roleplay. Honestly? Im more scared of drawing backgrounds then anything lol I’ve been tooo hyper focused on my human skill that I’ve neglected literally everything else lol.
I also am just very scared to be a content creator in general I’ve been putting it off for a very long time I wanted to start a lot younger but I wasn’t confident in my skills but now im confident in my skills im just not sure WHT to do im even confident i can still do something good with the eras where my skills are underdeveloped. I Geuss I’ve just put so much weight on trying to wait for the “right time” to do things and waiting until i get this or that or wait until thie happens. I’ve lowkey been stalling for like two years. I struggle with even taking care of myself on a daily basis so doing art on a daily basis is kinda like hard? I used to go through sketchbooks in like a month lols. But i just have less motivation i have more ideas then ever i just am tired and scared? I just Geus a part of me just deep down feels like.. what if i put myself out there and no one wants to read my story? And love my ocs? I’ve been working so hard on these things for years so what if i show it to the world and no one even cares? I would have wasted my time and just like..i wanna be an artist and i wanna be a creator that people can love i wanna be known for it and do big things because of it and i just deep down feel like its not gonna happen for me. Im not gonna get lucky. And my efforts are for nothing..
I’ve been SO inspired by things like Undertale black butler and just artist creators. I also feel like my efforts arent enough i hear stories of others posting when they are young and slowly getting recognition or just lucking out with connections and i feel like that kind of things wont happen to me. Im black and trans and I was severely neglected as a child. No one really encourged me. No one ever really believed in me. So I barely believed in myself. It took be until my mid teens to learn basic ass things. Because I was academically smart and could speak very intelligently no one believed i needed help. No one helped me. They told me that i was smart and can figure it out myself. That’s devasting to hear. When youre drowning and know that anyone else can do this. Everyone else is better than me. I may like doing art and am passionate about it but i know everyone else is better. They arent as scared. They were encourged. It sucks. Because this has been my life story and i can’t even be good at the one thing im passionate about doing. And I’ve put all my cards into art. I’ve sacrificed a lot. I’ve worked SO hard. But i feel like it’s not enough. I feel like it’s never gonna be enough. Im gonna end up one of those sad lonely people who were so passionate when they were young but gave it up cause it never worked out. And im scared of that. I WANT art to be my thing i want content creation to be my thing i really do but as the days pass it feels like im wasting my time. No ones ever gonna like my stuff. No ones ever gonna see me. No one cares. It feel so suffocating. Doing art has become a very heavy burden on my shoulders. Something that used to save me is now weighing me down. Im not good at anything else. I ahve no other choice. And im very afraid. I dont wanna will this into existence but there’s no denying my fears. They scream at me everyday. I cant help but listen? It try I’ve tried so hard to be positive to keep pushing but i jsut need to get all this off my chest. It’s hard. Im sorry this turned into something this wasn’t supposed to be but i suppose it’s good for me to let it out. No ones really listening anyways.
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explode-this · 9 months
Let’s try something: no more ghosting in 2024!
First, let me clarify that I’m not talking about anything where discussion/argument/confrontation would put you in physical danger. Gauge your literal in-the-moment safety as much as you have to and be careful; sometimes you do have to pull up stakes and leave in the middle of the night to prevent further abuse. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about when it’s hard, or awkward, or you feel like hiding away. Yes, anxiety can be a physical experience (boy howdy), but you can work on it. It will respond to practice. With time and determination, you can actively communicate your needs and wants, tell your friends that you feel sad/anxious/not in a great place to communicate but aren’t running away forever, or politely inform a new dating interest that you don’t think it’ll work out but you wish them well—or someone you’ve been seeing for a while, if it’s not working out. (I understand this can be compounded by a partner’s own issues and perhaps tragic events, but it’s not fair to either of you to stay in a relationship just because you don’t want to add to their woes.)
Think about what scares you and why. Interrogate it. If you’re not much of a diarist, start. Writing with pen or pencil or typing things down will give you a physical way to think through your problems—“thinking by hand.” Then you also have something to look back on (to see how you’ve grown/changed/found other ways to deal with stuff), or alternately, something to destroy (like burning an unsent letter if you’ve gotten out a bunch of things you never want anyone else to read). It doesn’t have to be pages upon pages, or formal, or neat and tidy. Maybe it’s just a few sentences or you make a collage or pull some tarot cards or something. Whatever works to keep a record of yourself.
If therapy helps you, great, but sometimes you get a therapist you don’t vibe with/can’t afford to see regularly, or they don’t set any kind of “homework” to help you apply the talk-therapy to the outside world, or you sort of outgrow the need to have someone talk you through your stuff on a regular basis but haven’t been left with any tools for working on your own. I am only one person and I’m only sharing my own experience, so do what you know works for you, but for me: keeping a daily journal (google docs and/or paper), shuffling tarot/oracle cards and seeing what pops out, setting small manageable goals in my hobbies/interests and human connections (some examples: read 10 pages of any book; make a new art thing; text a friend), and keeping a daily to-do notebook really help. I even put the names of the people I want to stay in contact with regularly on my list so I don’t forget they’re there—I may not remember to text them that day, but it keeps them in the front of my mind. This is probably an ADHD helper for me, so if that’s not your problem, don’t worry about it! These are suggestions, but ultimately, it’s about you and finding what helps you stay in touch with yourself and others so you are less likely to quietly scamper away from connection and leave people wondering if it was something they said.
Treat people how you’d like to be treated. Be kind and considerate. This isn’t always easy! Like I said up there, it takes practice. Your mind and spirit require just as much work as physical muscles do. It might feel awkward to talk to people, but find what works for you. Maybe it’s sending some memes or a song or a video. Maybe you’ve been out of contact with friends for a while and feel like it would be weird to come back. That particular muscle ache will go away, you just have to get going. Now, the brutal part of this is that you might risk rejection or a harsh response. But getting through something like that can increase your capacity to face down interpersonal conflict.
This is not an edict. It’s not a total solution or a scientifically proven answer. It’s just some ideas and I’m just one person on the internet. You don’t have to listen to me. If this isn’t for you, you’ll know it. But if even one suggestion helps you connect to yourself and others, awesome! Make it your own. The power is inside of you; you just have to find it.
As far as we know, we get one life. Don’t be a ghost here on earth. You’re worth more than that ♥️
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sorry for asking 2 questions in one day but I NEED to info dump rq !!!
Batty keeps eating the oozsquitoes, so he keeps mutating, making him incredibly strong. And animalistic. So he goes rabid sometimes:).
I head canon that Karai and her siblings have a secret language of chirps, grunts and hiss’ they use to communicate.
Batty is a good singer, but cannot dance for his life. He will just shuffle awkwardly.
Although Batty would like to be romantic, he’s far too shy to actually do anything like cuddling and heaven forbid a kiss; but he’ll still make a card or two. And maybe some flowers. And maybe some cookies-
He’s a good artist, doing mostly doodles and bad portraits because he’s never been able to explore his talent/passion.
Patrick is incredibly flexible too, being able to catch, hold and even draw with his feet!
Patrick doesn’t use his wings that much so they’re often cramped.
During the winter, all the Hamatos take turns cuddling him and using him as a blanket. Even CJ (Casey Jr.) has gotten in on this trend. As much as Batty wants to complain, he likes to be hugged by everyone.
Patrick is a very mixed sleeper. He will either sprawl himself out (when he’s extremely comfortable or with someone he trusts), or will do the “put in a coffin” pose. But when he’s EXTREMELY comfortable he will do the bat-burrito wrap. (Usually, Karai is in the middle of the wrap.)
Batty is on the spectrum, so he finds it hard to express his emotions. He doesn’t know why he wants to flap his wings and hands around wildly when he sees something that makes him happy, but he doesn’t do it out fear. (Btw; this will be a plot point in a little one shot.)
Patrick is surprisingly good with kids, despite being cold on the outside, he has a real soft spot.
Patrick’s wings act like 2nd hands! But, they’re not useful for actual things.
I think Karai has a scar on her back from a Kraang attack (image below ⬇️)
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Batty, at first, had a huge rip in his wing from being hurt by a Kraang, but Karai patched him up and now he can fly again!
Patrick used his wings to group hug up to 7 people, if we squish.
Patrick can speak 2 languages: English (fluid) and Brazilian (almost fluid). His mother used to speak Brazilian to him, and he gradually learned. unfortunately, he doesn’t have an accent.
I head canon Niccolo as nonverbal, using hand signs and churrs to communicate to his siblings. I also really like the dynamic of mute/nonverbal (nicolo) and the one person that understands them completely (jago).
Patrick, (when he finally learns that maybe stimming isn’t bad), gets whole body wiggles and puffs up.
Textures, but more specifically sounds, is something that really bothers Batty. Like, nails scraping against asphalt is just a big “UGH GET IT AWAY FROM ME” thing. He also gets really itchy when he’s uncomfortable, sleepy or upset.
Patrick’s hair is really unclean. He licks himself on a daily basis, but unfortunately he can’t reach the top of his head, so his hair is always gross. Also, he never really learned self care tactics or how to wash, so that was fun to learn:).
Tamsin basically adopted him immediately. Like, the full “This is my son now, if anything happens to him I’m going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
Patrick gets jealous easy! I know, I know, crazy! But, he just can’t help but let the thoughts get to him. (Watch out, Karai, there’s going to be a lot of overprotective snuggling.)
As much as Karai doesn’t see it, Batty thinks she’s absolutely beautiful. Almost always staring at her with adoring eyes. He often gets lost in daydreams and other places.
Once, Batty found a post card from Paris, and that’s all he would dream about for a week. Then Karai came a long and now Karai in Paris is all he could dream about.
Batty is about above average height, stand in around 5” 7’. His wing spans is almost 7 feet, though, only looking smaller because he folds them up very tight.
Batty has literally never eaten food before, like, ever. He’s never tasted anything besides mutant silverfish and leaves.
(Should probably mention for future reference; Batty comes from the Scavengers, a group that hard working tech to sell off to less fortunate people. So, when the resistance in the scavengers come together, Donnie was given a HUGE pile of working tech! iPhones, video cameras, old TVs, remotes and even a Nintendo Switch!)
Does the Resistance have a garden? Because you mentioned about how Tamsin was cooking, and more specifically chopping, so that got me wondering.
Did Donnie replicate the Anti-Kraang formula? Because I saw that it’s an “organic-based shield” so I was thinking the blue stuff from the beginning of the movie, Donnie replicated and is continuing to make and give to people across the country.
Is there any fresh water, or do they have to travel to the Great Lakes/ocean to get it?
What Karai look like as a human? Or her brothers turtles?
Do they have working cellphones or do they use radios?
Does Karai have oldest daughter syndrome? I just feel like helping your mom out at such an early age would give Karai some kind of pressure to always watch after her siblings. (Not talking from experience, if that’s what you’re wondering.)
What’s the kids favorite tv show?
Do any of the kids like to draw?
Do they go on missions by themselves to prove that they’re not too young? (Feels like that’s a David thing to do.)
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” or is he still part of the group?
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves?
Anyway, sorry for info dumping, I just needed to tell you!!! And ask some questions since they were on my mind. Don’t forget to drink water and eat food. I will make you eat your veggies if I have too.
-Lord Freg💛💛
My my, you just love making me want to info dump about my AU and ocs and I love you so much for it 👀
Had me giggling and kicking my feet with how much Batty likes Karai, my SOUL left my body/pos about the Paris thing
Also, Karai does have scars on her back from a Krang attack! (Hey that rhymes) She got them when she was super little though.
Now, to answer your questions!!
Does the Resistance have a garden? 🌱
Yes! Yes it does! It took a few years to find some way to grow any food I'm the conditions of the apocalypse, but Donnie and Mikey were the ones who were able to discover a way to nourish and keep soil +food alive!
Its also a big greenhouse that I'm trying to think wether is inside the base, or out somewhere, but it's a safer chance for it to be inside lol.
Fun fact: Mikey spends a lot of time in the greenhouse If he's not meditating or practicing his mystic abilities. Niccolo loves hanging out with his favorite uncle (dont tell Leo) in the greenhouse, which is where the boy has grown a huge liking for plants! He likes how he and his uncle can spend time without too much chatter or anything too over stimulating for him, it's just his pace.
Note: you're headcanon of Niccolo is 100% correct! The same goes for Maggie, who usually only communicates with chirps or churrs alike- except she doesnt know how to talk.
She has a hard time grasping how to speak, and just gets her little mind stressed put if she doesn't get it right, so she keeps to herself with different ways of communicating.
Did Donnie Replicate The Anti-Krang Formula? 🔋
As a matter of fact, yes he did! Well-kind of.
We know the movie, April steals some of the plant killing stuff, and in the original timeline, she probably showed it to someone, specifically Donnie.
I feel whilst trying, and failing to figure anything put for this sheild, Donnie is near ready to give up until April shows him something she's had on her for a while.
She carried the smallest- and I mean smallest vile of the blue substance, around her neck, she'd always had it just in case since that little of it could knock out Prime krang if she wanted it to.
So, with that to work off of, Donnie got to studying and crafting!
Is There Any Fresh Water? 💦
Sadly no, they do have to travel to get most of it, which is only a weekend trip that either Raph and Mikey go do, seeing they can carry tons of water supply back with them, but that doesn't make it any less tricky...
What Karai Look Like As A Human? Or Her Brothers Turtles? 🐢
I actually have a pic of Karai human! Still have to draw the brothers... But if imma be honest the boys would probabl all lookthe same 😅minus different colored markings.
Do They Have Working Cellphones? 🌐
Nope! All cellular towers and such were brought down by the krang. They do communicate via radios, Donnies tech wristbands, and like, you know those hologram things in StarWars? Kinda like that if they need to call someone.
Im also gonna answer the Kids Fav TV show question while we're here too.
Since there's no internet and such, they're reduced to either shows Donnie has saved on tapes, or VHS Splinter had kept over the years. (Thank Heavens he kept that old VHS player 🙏)
Their favorite shows range from like-3 episodes of Bluey to Black Cauldron on VHS LMAO.
Does Karai Have Oldest Daughter Syndrome?💝
Afraid so, it's obvious it was bound to happen when she was told help out her mom while Donnie was gone... And she may have taken that a bit too close to heart.
In fact, Tam or Don never pressured the 'Eldest Daughter' idea on Karai, her thinking she was supposed to be the oldest, supposed to be the one who handled all her siblings. Even when Donnie came home, she's just a bit ancy to help put in any way, feeling like she's useless if she doesn't.
Do Any Of The Kids Like To Draw? 🖋
Oh definetly! I think David and Niccolo enjoy it more than others since they can express themselves through it more.
Do They Go On Missions Themselves?🏕
When their older? Yes. At their age now? Absolutely not on Donnies watch. He watches them like a hawk if they decide to go rogue without him or any adult watching them.
They have gone with their dad or mom to like- visit other bases, or even go with their uncles for trading, water, or supply-but NEVER by themselves.
David has tried but he always gets caught... Same goes for Karai.
Has Mikey gone full “mystic meditation; dni unless emergency” 🤔
If this question takes place after Donnie has gone, yes. Rarely is he ever seen out of his room-only popping here and there to say hello and check in, but that's like-only once every two months.
Niccolo misses his uncle, and he cries a lot about it, so much so Tam has to find the boy leaning against his uncles door in tears, it breaks her heart.
Does Leo still blame himself? Do all of them blame themselves? 💔
Can you even call it a ROTTMNT AU if their isn't any Leo angst? Lol but seriously, yes, they allblame themselves for the invasion, Leo the most.
A lot of them blame themselves for many things during the apocalypse too, Donnie blames himself for Karais Krang injury, Mikey for a mission gone wrong, where he couldn't save a labor camp, Raph for feeling like he's falling the older brother role- a lot of angst coming yalls way.
And I think that's all of them! TYSM for the asks I loved exploring into some of my Future AU stuff! Especially the guys since I haven't done much to dig deeper in their characters :]
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As it would happen, we were still fracturing from other things when Mom died. It's what made us so fragile that we shattered when it happened. Losing Grandma was a very harsh blow and put me under even more emotional pressure. I suppose the one blessing is that she didn't have to watch me let our family tear itself apart over the abuse reveal.
I fused back with the part once named Zero, who changed it to Rhodes. Era makes for a funny name, but Rhodes literally means rose. And yes, that makes all the difference. When I first got into fandom spaces, I literally just called myself Rose until I was comfortable with myself online.
And the only reason we did that was that we were using our daily name, Cari, for the main character of a 130 chapter-long heroic vampire girl epic. It was the most fun I'd had writing stories, based on how I spent about fourteen months regularly writing it so I had many chapters already done and ready to post on a weekly or so basis. It was a messy as hell Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy crossover of sorts, and a totally unashamed self-insert adventure. At the time, my primary crush from Kingdom Hearts was Zexion (this was around the time we got Re:Coded across the globe). I did finish the story in early 2012, so Mom got to see our satisfaction at finishing that crossover fanfic epic. She was incredibly supportive of my ultimate dream of being a published author, and we talked through new ideas a lot.
I also had my crisis around my sexuality at that time, because hey! I'm finally in a place where I can safely explore myself. I had, through my corner of the Quizilla Kingdom Hearts community, discovered I had a crush on Kairi. To be honest, I had a crush on most of the KH original characters. Definitely except for Vexen, because he was basically my main self-insert's dad whenever I was working with her in my fanfics. It was part because it's funny, but there was also a very sincere affection for the character.
There have been dividing lines between us for ages, and of course they coincided with our characters and stories more over time. But they didn't reach all the way through us back then. We felt largely stable, even though we were still pretty brittle. The cracks had slowed significantly before Grandma died, then it got worse a lot faster. I wasn't even close to properly opening up in therapy about much of anything at that point. Even when things seemed to be looking up, it was still just a massive downward spiral from there.
My writing slowed significantly over the years as my mind just split over and over again. I tried so many things to get the creativity flowing again, but I only delayed my inevitable crash. I don't think it helped that I became progressively bitter as time went on. I got mean again, and it's hard to create when your mind has been sharpened into a blade. Though what I did write did become progressively darker as time went on. It was part of coping, mostly, which is what makes some things I came up with so uncomfortable in retrospect (though I did come to understand my love of horror a lot better). My stories were already a mess of my unprocessed childhood trauma, even during high school in its entirety, when awful things were still going on.
It's very likely I put my writing down because I couldn't handle what it was all from. And with the other things that happened, it was made worse by me misunderstanding the source of it. I literally didn't realize how much of it was just internal conflicts. My descent into madness was intense, but maybe now I can finally unpack what happened.
Honestly, there was at least one good thing that came of that mess. There was a decent amount of spiritual healing at that time. My cards, both tarot and oracle, gave me a structure for understanding some stuff. My first Fool's Journey was with my darling Herbal Tarot. I met many dissociated parts that I mistook for spirit beings, because that's how deeply shattered I was. I literally had no sense of self at that time.
So much of my identity at that time was tied to Mom and our tested, unbreakable relationship. It legitimately felt like I wasn't anything at all anymore. Charles saying it was like something in me also died still hits me pretty hard. Even when he said it, I knew inside that he was right. But back then, I just wasn't ready to admit it. Still not easy, but it's getting better. And that's enough, for now.
-Rhodes 🗝️😻
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cottoncandyopinions · 11 months
Just rediscovered the fact that slime shops are still a huge thing and that people are still buying lots of slime.
Can't help but think about when I was in high school and spent like all my lunch money every week on ingredients trying to perfect slime. I ended up giving up because I kept failing (there weren't real recipes or even ingredient proportions I could find anywhere yet, just a handful of ASMR YouTube channels).
But man. If only I'd kept at it. These slime people are running whole ass businesses and selling out every week!
I mean I guess with my strict parents I wouldn't have been able to ship anything or even post to social media but like... I can dream.
Saw this one shop like "I started my business when I was 13" like fuck you man. I know mom and dad were willing to help you with your business and didn't call you a freak.
That's not an insult to the person BTW, I think it's awesome that someone that's still just a teenager has a bright future and business to look forward to, this is just my bitter vent lol.
Like sometimes all I can think of all of the trends and such I tried to get in on when I was younger, only to be shut down by my parents, and the thing inevitably becomes something that could have literally changed my life.
I found out about bitcoin and tried to get permission to mine it in like 2010, like within a year of it existing. I was told no. Can you fucking imagine??? That was when you didn't need a specialized setup to mine, if I'd even accumulated 1 BTC I could've been SET FOR LIFE
Or how when Kizuna AI was just starting out, I started getting stuff together to try and be a vtuber before that was even a term. Like imagine being in the first wave of that! But of course, wasn't allowed.
Man kids nowadays can plaster their whole ass face on tiktok on a daily basis nowadays, yet I was in deep trouble for the crime of posting fucking G rated fanfiction. Like I always thought that was dumb but holy shit looking back it's so absurd.
I remember getting grounded because I tried to record video game walk throughs that were purely informative with no personal info when I was 16. They smashed the capture card I'd ordered with a Christmas gift card lmao
For God's sake I wanted to learn to code and was banned from doing so because "You'll learn to hack my computer and get around the rules" like good fuck I was trying to learning fucking JavaScript with an in-browser program *via his outdated windows XP laptop* like what the fuck was I gonna manage?
Like if I get an extra half hour aside from my homework allotment, suddenly I'm gonna fucking commandeer your laptop? That doesn't do shit for me, he physically would just take it away, even mid school project, when he arbitrarily decided "too long" was shorter than yesterday.
I just. Idk. I wish I could have built something for myself when I still had the free time and the energy. I wish I'd developed a skill instead of jumping from interest to interest because when my parents realized I liked something, it was over.
I couldn't make anything mine. Not even myself, I was just his pawn, and a lousy one at that
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chicken2potato · 1 year
Te quiero a ti solamente.
It was so good to hang out with you last night. Every time I’m with you, it just feels like a blip, like seconds have gone by, when in reality it has been hours. 
I still love you. I think a part of me always will. I mean, it’s been almost ten years and you’re still on my mind all the freaking time. 
When I went down to Kentucky, I thought that I knew what I wanted from my life. I saw friend after friend get engaged, married, and have a family. Countless times I tried to wish that was me. But in the end, I came to realize that that wasn’t what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to settle down with the love of my life and create a beautiful life together. But I didn’t want what they had. They were all cookie cutter molds. All the same. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I knew deep down, that wasn’t what I truly wanted. 
I want to live my best life with my favorite person by my side. Whether that’s creating a family, or traveling the world, or neither. I just want to share my dreams and my passions with someone who truly understands me. Someone who actually knows me. Someone who is my everything. Someone who loves me unconditionally. Whether that’s as friends, or as something more.
I love you. Te quiero. So much. I’ve tried over these years to put it aside, to move on. But I literally can’t explain how I can’t do that. Everything reminded me of you while I was in Kentucky. There were so many times when I would see something funny on Facebook or somewhere else and I would want to send it to you. Or when something crazy would happen and I would want to tell you all about it. Throughout all this time, you’ve always been my best friend, even if we weren’t talking. You were always the person who knew me. You were always the person that I could go to without judgement. You were always my person. I have wanted to reach out to you on so many occasions, it’s not even funny. 
Even now, I find you, find us, in everything. I don’t care if we never date again. I don’t care if we never get married. I don’t care if we never build a life together. I am so beyond thankful that I at least have you as my friend again. I have missed you so much. And even if you find someone else and move on, I’ll still love you. And I will be so happy for you to find happiness and find someone. Just please, let me stay your friend if you ever do find someone. Because I need you. I need my person to at least be my friend. I care about you so much. 
I wish I could take away the demons that you are fighting inside your head. I can’t imagine what you go through on a daily basis. I can’t imagine the strength it takes to continue on every day. I am so proud of you for coming this far. I wish there was something that I could do to help you. You don’t deserve the shit cards that you were dealt in this life. You have one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen in someone. I am inspired by your strength and your ability to continue to be an amazing person in spite of everything. 
I feel bad for giving you that look. I promise I don’t try to. I just really love you... I don’t want to confuse your life any more than it may already be. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to manipulate you and that I’m trying to get back together with you. Would that be awesome if we did? Absolutely. I would love that. But I just want to be your friend above all else. I want to be there for you. I want to be someone that doesn’t hinder you, but helps you excel and attain your goals. I really love you, Rowan. So fucking much. 
When I realized that I wasn’t ever going to get you, back in high school, it felt like someone had ripped out my heart and my lungs and stomped on them a trillion times. I felt so stupid for fucking it up somehow. It hurt so much to keep going. I think I distracted myself with the whole religion thing. Wanna hear something that I’ve never told someone? When people would ask me what I wanted to do I told them that I wanted to be a missionary. And the first place I thought of was Syria. I don’t know if you remember in high school, but when we got those refugee students from Syria, you bought us both Syrian-English dictionaries. You talked about how we could go over there and help, we could get our nursing degrees and help them... I never forgot about that. And so when people asked where I wanted to go, I said Syria. Because you were right, they did need desperate help. And at the time I figured if I wasn’t going to be a nurse, then I could go over as a missionary. I even started to learn Arabic for a little bit. You have made such a huge impact on my life, in every aspect. It was like I could not escape you, no matter how hard I tried, though it wasn’t like I wanted to.
I tried to throw myself into religion. I tried to distract myself from losing you. It was probably one of the things that had hurt the most in life. You were my everything. I was going to marry you. We were going to have our farm with our tire swing for the kids. We were going to get you the surgery you needed. We were going to grow old together and be a nuisance in the nursing home together. When I lost that, I felt like I lost a bit of myself. Or rather, every part of myself. So I tried to find something to give me meaning again. That’s why I went so hard into religion. It somehow gave me meaning again when I thought I would never get that again. But, when everything went down with mom, I started questioning that as well. Why did I believe in God? Why did I do what I did? Why was spending so much time and money doing what I was doing? Did I really believe it? Was I just distracting myself? 
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret going to Kentucky. It gave me so many wonderful friends and amazing life experience. I don’t regret it, I think it was right for me at the time, to get away from it all. To find myself and what I believed. But, especially towards the end, I realized that that wasn’t who I was anymore. And I no longer needed to be distracted. Trust me, I still had days when thinking about you and us hurt, but it had gotten easier. I had finally accepted that we were never going to be. I had finally made peace with the fact that I may never find someone and that that was okay. I needed to stop focusing on finding someone else and focus on finding myself, again, and the real me this time. I think I finally found her. She’s a little rough around the edges, and definitely needs some help in some areas. But she’s here. She’s doing the best she can and I’m proud of her. 
When I came back to Maine last May, I knew I wasn’t going back down to Kentucky in the fall. I knew that I was here to stay. And then it was like everything else fell into place. Someone let me rent an apartment from them, my friend came with me to go pick up the rest of my belongings, and I was finally getting better mentally.  My last semester in Kentucky was so depressing and so freaking mentally draining, it’s not even funny. I hated it. With a passion. I was ready to move on. 
I still have a long way to go. I still have bad nights when my emotions are fucked because of my PCOS or just my brain being shitty in general. I still can be a little too selfish at times. Sometimes I’m ruder than I need to be. I need to be cleaner and healthier. I need to be nicer and more patient. But I feel so much more like me and more at peace now than ever before. 
Honestly, I feel like you helped a lot in that. If you wouldn’t have picked Averi, I don’t know where I would be. Where would we be? Would we have finally gotten our farm? Would you have gotten the surgeries you needed? Would we be happy? Would we be together? Would we be thinking about kids? Would we just have all the animals? I have a lot of “what if” questions. I’ve made peace with understanding that I will never know the answers to those. I will never know what would be. I do know what is. I know that I’ve grown as an individual, as have you. I know that I have an incredible friend. I know that I have someone who supports me 100%. I know that I am so thankful for you. I wish in high school you would have picked me. Maybe we would have grown together. Maybe we would be stronger. But even if you didn’t, I know that I have grown and gotten stronger throughout these past years. You picking her helped me find myself. Maybe this divorce is your chance to find you. Who are you without having someone? Who are you when you are all by yourself? What are your dreams and goals? I hope you find yourself, your true self. I hope you find happiness, not in some relationship or in others, but in yourself. I wish you could see how amazing you are. You’re the most thoughtful, kind, compassionate person I have ever met. 
I’m thankful for us. The good and the bad. Because both equally made us into the people we are today. Even with all the regrets and the mistakes, I’m still thankful. I’m a strong believer in that everything happens for a reason. And besides, we’re friends again, right? It’s like you said, you never know what the future holds. No matter what that is, no matter where we go, know that I am behind you 100%. No matter if I’m halfway across the country or just thirty minutes away, I’m always here for you. I love you. Not just romantically, but just as a friend and as family. I don’t care if we never get together again, I’m here, I love you, and I’m not going anywhere. You’re amazing, Row. Please don’t ever lose sight of that. <3 
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
Enzo (Dmitri Antonov)
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Stranger things is a beautiful series, and while I am simping for Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove, Enzo has a different effect on me and I love this man.
SEASON 4 IS GREAT, ALL WRITERS GET TO WORK. I literally cracked my neck and stretched my fingers and started writing after I finished it:)
Warnings: mature content, NSFW, smut, fluff, ANGST, Age gap (we love it), unprotected sex, claiming, breeding kink
I woke up feeling cold again. The temperature harshly reminded me of where I was. The Russian prison, located in god knows where. The thin blanket I curled up in every night for the past 3 and a half weeks, brought me little comfort and warmth. I'd say it is completely useless but I still sleep in it, hoping every night that it will warm me.
I ended up here because I stole files from the Russian government. Sensitive files, with the information they didn't want the world to see. Each country has files like these because each country has corrupt and cruel people at the top of the pyramid, we just don't know about all of them.
I used the files to hack into databases with their given codes, to find missing people and see the real reasons people died.
Apparently, I wasn't as slick as I thought and found myself seeing the same few vans and cars on a daily basis. They would either park outside the place I was in or would slowly drive next to me while I was walking and then speed off. It was obviously suspicious and I noticed it straight away, but when I moved from city to city, state to state, they followed. That's when I realised that I couldn't escape them and before I could get any sort of help, I was stuck in an alley, the black cars blocking off both exits and apparently taken here. I don't remember it that well, I think they knocked me out with something. When I woke up here, I was cold and had different clothes on. My cell was and is dirty, the walls all out of stone and cement and I was fed the most disgusting food. A bowl of brown or grey goo with rock hard bread twice a day.
I had a guard who was assigned to give me the food every day. I hated him in the beginning because he was one of them. While the other guards would just open the cell door and chuck the food on the floor he knocked and then placed it on the ground gently or walked up to me and put it in my hands.
Most of their prisoners would do labour work but they knew I wouldn't be 'suited' for that. Instead, the General had 'better' ideas planned. They had men as prisoners that were hard to control and they made a deal with them, that they would behave and follow instructions and not injure any more guards if they would get an hour with me a week. And I had no say in this whatsoever. They were all disgusting misogynistic men here. Fucking pigs.
The first time they threw me in a cell with a man to 'contain' him and fulfil his natural needs and I fought him off with all my strength. I screamed and scratched his face and body. It was awful being locked in a dark cold cell with a brutal horny man. That was by far the most traumatising thing I have ever experienced. My screams and cries must have been heard all over the prison.
So the next time they 'needed' me, I was brought into a different enclosed room with guards and the General all around me. They held me in place as one of them took out a syringe and filled it with some type of fluid, before injecting it into the main artery on my arm. It took about 5 minutes for the chemicals to kick in and I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Once my brain couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore and my body was too weak, they carried me back into the cell with the man. As much as I hated, feared and despised the situation, I preferred being injected because I couldn't remember anything after waking up. The scene I had once witnessed, I never wanted to experience again.
Dmitri was on break with five other guards and they were all playing cards at a table before my screams bellowed through the cold stone building. He instantly froze and looked at the others who seemed unfazed by it. Since I was the only female for about 100 miles and through my scream, one could identify my sex, Dmitri knew straight away that it was me.
He dropped his cards. " I should go check on her." he said in Russian to his colleagues.
"Hey, sit down you idiot. Can't you tell? Those are cries of joy." Another man said (in Russian), chuckling to himself and the others grinned. Dmitri didn't know what was going on.
"Fucking bitch had it coming." The man sat next to him said.
"What are they doing?" Dmitri asked, sounding more demanding and worried than curious.
The guards froze and it was silent before the eldest one replied. "They didn't tell you because they think you like her." he grinned before speaking again. "What do you think a woman is good for? Huh? Especially here. She can't do anything. So the general assigned her to the man in cell 12, to keep him under control." Everyone knew that the man in cell 12 was a pain in the ass to handle.
Dmitri couldn't believe what he was hearing. The guard rolled his eyes. "You know what they want her for. Don't make me explain it." he spoke coldly, not seeming bothered by the situation but finding it amusing. "And calm down, otherwise they will really believe you like her. You will be out of here for that."
Dmitri stayed quiet, for he knew there wasn't much he could do to help me.
An hour later he heard footsteps outside the breakroom and watched as guards walked past, one of them carrying me over his shoulder. Dmitri noticed I wasn't awake because of the way I swayed like a ragdoll with each step the man took and he hoped that I was alive.
This happened for the next 3 weeks, the rest of the time I was locked in my cell or the General would tie me to a chair with minimal clothes on, stripping me of any dignity I had left, and just sat close to me and stared while smoking a cigar. I wasn't treated like a person here. My rights went out the window the second they loaded me into their car. I was pushed around, touched and neglected. It got to the point where I didn't question anything anymore or fight at all. I just obeyed and in my cell, sat in my usual corner in silence, blankly staring at a wall.
The only thing that stopped me from completely giving up was the one guard, Dmitri. He treated me better. Obviously not well because he would get fired for that, but he wasn't cruel. He talked to me sometimes, and even though I often felt too weak to respond, I listened to him. I learned that he was called Dmitri. Even though I normally would have been able to pronounce his name because it wasn't that difficult, with the state I am in, I couldn't. So he told me to just call him Enzo. 
He made me feel a little better about the situation I was in. But soon, he stopped coming to my cell. I waited a few days and he hadn't shown up. I didn't ask the new guard anything, just in case he got in trouble because of me. 
The silence of my cell was disrupted when someone hit their first against the door and it was opened. The general was standing outside, accompanied by two guards. 
"Get up, sexy. We have plans for you." He spoke and I obeyed again, following him. It was only shortly after that I realised we passed cell 12 and I was curious about what was happening. 
We then arrived at an open cell, without enclosed walls and they unlocked the door. There were a few men inside it, watching the situation. I tried avoiding eye contact and just stood put until I was once again shoved inside. They closed the door behind me and the General said. 
"You die tomorrow. They do too. Be so kind and give them a show. Make their last day worth living." he grinned at me before turning to the others in the cell. "Do what you want with her." he mumbled and walked off after securing the lock on the door. I watched them walk away and then slowly turned around. Most of them were staring at me and one disgusting man licked his lips. I ignored them all and sat on the bench against the wall, starting to shiver. 
"You heard him, give us a show." One man laughed and a few others chuckled. He took a few steps towards me and started mumbling things to himself in Russian which I couldn't understand. Before he got too close, a man who had his back turned the whole time stood up, putting himself in the path of the other prisoner. 
"You lay one finger on her, and I promise you, you won't have hands anymore. " he growled and the man swore at him before retreating back to his previous spot. 
I looked at the man who stood up for me and recognized him once her turned around. It was Enzo. But he looked a lot worse. The man was covered in cuts and bruises. He smiled a little at me and sat down on the bench with me, keeping his distance though. 
We talked for a while about how we got here until it got late and I somehow managed to fall asleep. Enzo didn't sleep at all. He stayed up all night, to make sure no one would come close to me. 
In the morning we were taken out of the cell to prepare to fight the monster they kept locked up in another cell. The monster seemed impatient and there was a malfunction in the system, which opened and unlocked all doors. Meaning, everyone including the monster was free. 
Enzo and I discussed that we wanted to escape last night, but it wouldn't work without a miracle. He and I exchanged eye contact. This was our miracle. Most of the guards were assigned downstairs to hold to doors of the Demogorgon's cell but once it broke free, most of them had been killed within a matter of seconds. Enzo and I were obviously also in danger but I had no idea where to go. He however knew his way around the facility and grabbed my wrist, pulling me behind him. We sprinted through hallways, taking sharp turns here and there before we ended up outside the prison. We heard screams of the victims of the Demogorgon and it just made us run faster. Enzo had led me to the car park and we quickly got into a white van and he managed to drive off. I had never felt that much adrenaline in my entire life. 
We didn't know where we were going, but we knew with that thing on the loose, we had to drive far from it. After about 2 full hours of driving at top speed through the snow and through the woods, we found a small village. It was only about 5 houses and a small church and it was completely abandoned. No one was anywhere to be seen. Enzo and I hadn't exchanged a single word throughout the whole car ride. We were both still in shock. So when we entered a small house, we were finally relieved and able to let our guard down. 
It was warmer than the cells and we found food, which we both instantly devoured. 
The escape took up the whole day and we were both tired. Night fell quicker than Chrissy's bones snapped (I'm not sorry) and when we looked for beds we saw that there was only one bedroom with a double bed. 
My face got a little red and he cleared his throat. "I can take the floor if you want." he offered and I smiled. Such a gentleman. Like I was going to let that happen after all he did for me. 
"No way, you take the bed. You deserve it more." I said and he chuckled slightly.
"I don't think that's fair." he replied smiling. 
"We can share it. I don't mind." I say, managing to contain my blush and push my sinful thoughts away. 
Enzo looked at me for a while and then nodded. I proceeded to go through the drawers of the closet and found some clean clothes, pulling them out and throwing the onto a corner of the bed. Enzo stood silently, watching me. 
I turned around to face him and smiled softly. 
"Thank you by the way. For everything. " I say, breaking the silence. 
"I don't think I was much help. You managed to survive on your own." he said softly. 
"I wouldn't have... you made me want to wake up each morning." I confess, staring at my feet.
I saw him smile at what I said, but then he looked away. He looked guilty of something. 
"What is it?" I ask. He still doesn't dare to look at me. I walk up to him, looking at his face and slowly reach for his hand. His gaze shifts down to my fingers holding on to his. We have never touched before and the physical contact sent shivers up both our spines. Finally, Enzo looked at me. But his expression was sad. 
"I could have done more for you. I'm so sorry for everything that you experienced in there. Please, just know that I never wanted any of that to happen." he whispers. 
"It's okay, I'm able to deal with it now. I appreciate what you did do. If you would have done more, they might have killed you on the spot." 
"If it would mean that you would be free and safe, then it would have been worth it." he softly whispers again. My eyes become glossy and watery as I stare into his sad ones. I can't stop myself and just hug him. My arms wrap tightly around his waist and I feel Enzo tense up before he lets his arms fall and holds my head against his chest. We stay like that for a while, because damn did we need that hug. 
When we pull away I look up at him with big doe eyes, just admiring him. He then gently tucks a strand of hair that fell in front of my face, behind my ear and I just melt. This is the first time we showed affection to one another. 
"You're gorgeous. Moya prekrasnaya devushka." (my beautiful girl) he whispers, gliding his thumb over my cheek and admiring the sight in front of him.
My eyes flicker from his to his lips, hinting that I want to kiss him. I've wanted to kiss him since he started talking to me in my cell. Enzo got the message and carefully cupped my face, leaning down until our foreheads touched and he looked at me, wanting me to give him consent by connecting our lips. He wanted to make sure I wanted this because the last thing he wanted to do was to make me feel like he used me as the other men did.
I moved my head up and stood slightly on my toes until our lips finally connected. It was a soft and long kiss. We didn't move our jaws, we just stayed in the moment, loving the new contact. 
I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes again. 
"You can't imagine how long I've wanted that." he said, his voice a key lower now. 
"I think I can." I reply and before he can process it, I press my lips against his again. He seems surprised but is the happiest man alive and would never want me to stop. 
We kiss more passionately now and I run my hands down his clothed chest, making him shiver in anticipation again. He finally feels down my own body, exploring almost every bit because it's been ages since he's been with a woman. And a woman as beautiful as you, he couldn't believe his luck.
Enzo's hands stay above my ass, on my lower waist. He's trying to be polite and not pressure me into anything. As much as I appreciate his concern, I just want him to fuck me so badly at this point, I'm close to begging. I take my hands off his chest and grab his wrists, moving his hands down to my ass. He doesn't move them until I press my body flush against his, receiving a groan of praise from him. Then, his hands dig into the flesh of my ass and he pulls my waist against his crotch. I moan into his mouth, in hope to cut him loose from his restraints and it works. The noise he managed to push out of me turned him on so much he had to pull away and start unbuttoning his shirt. I pulled mine off in the meanwhile and when he looked up at me, I felt my stomach twist with excitement. His pupils dilated to the point where his eye colour was barely visible. He was so lust drunk by the sight in front of him, that his brain stopped functioning. 
To top it off I pulled my pants down and stepped out of them, while Enzo just stared. I attached my hands to his pants and that managed to snap him out of his trance. He hastily unbuckled his belt while I opened his zipper and pulled the fabric down to his ankles.
We were both in only underwear now and turned on to the point where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. 
Our bodies collided and wrapped one leg around him. Enzo's hands travelled down under my ass and he squeezed my thighs, signalling for me to jump. I obeyed him and he carried me with care towards the bed and gently placed me onto the mattress. He attached his lips to my neck and then left a trail of small peppered kisses down my body. 
His hands then reached up to my bra and he carefully tugged at the cloth, looking up at me.
"Can I?" he asked and I nodded arching my back so he could reach behind me and unhook my bra. He then threw it to the side and scanned my bare chest in adoration again
 "So beautiful." He mumbled before cupping one with his hands and kissing the other one. I hummed in appreciation and ran my hands along his muscly shoulders. His hands then moved to my abdomen and he looked up at me for consent again. Without him having to ask this time, I nodded, biting my lip and lifting my waist up so he could pull my panties down my legs. When Enzo threw them to the side he moaned when he saw all of me. 
"Y/N you look like an angel."  he mumbled before slowly gliding his fingers through my folds and dipping them into my slick. As much as I would have enjoyed that, I needed him too bad for him to continue his torturous exploring. I held his wrist and he looked up at me, confused. 
"As good as that feels, I just need to feel you inside me. Please." I whine and he chuckles. 
"Needy little dove. Anything for you." he replies and pulls his boxer shorts down, his huge fucking cock springing free. I gulped when I looked at it. It was so thick and the length was perfect. I watched it throb and admired the pulsing vein leading from his abdomen to his tip. He saw my reactions and chuckled again before climbing on top of me again, kissing me. Enzo aligned his dick with my entrance and needed my consent again before starting. I groaned and dragged my nails along his back. 
"Enzo please, just fuck me already." I tell him, and if it were possible, Enzo got evermore horny. He nodded, his breathing becoming irregular, and he slowly pushed his tip in. We both needed more, so he just slid all of himself into me with ease. His head dropped into the crook of my neck and he moaned. " So tight.." he said, making it sound almost like a whimper. 
"Please move." I beg him and he does just as I say, starting at a slow rhythm. I moan at how he fills me perfectly and wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper each time. 
Soon Enzo can't stop himself from speeding up and we both started moaning uncontrollably. He had me gripping the bedsheets or scratching his back as if my life depended on it while he propped himself up above me, focusing on the angle he was entering me. When he hit my G-spot I moaned such a pornographic sound, he knew he had found it and started to relentlessly fuck into me with speed and strength, making sure he hit it every time. My body jolted in response and I started forgetting about space and time. All that mattered in this moment was Enzo. And all I could think of was how well he was fucking me. Pounding me like there was no tomorrow. Our skin slapped together, red marks covering our bodies and coating them with shiny shimmering sweat. 
"Holy fuck I'm close-" I moan and am cut off by the pleasure I feel again. 
"Me too, printsessa. Me too, just hold on." He groans, his eyelids fluttering closed. He felt his own orgasm build up and knew he wouldn't last much longer either. After a few more brutal thrusts he gave in. 
"Cum with me, cum baby." he moaned and that was all I needed to push me over the edge. My back arched and I pressed my breasts against his chest and I moaned again. My pussy clenched around his dick and milked him for all he was worth. That's when his hot, thick ropes of cum filled me up. He put his weight on me and held me down while he emptied his balls into my fucked out pussy. 
Once we both came down from our high, Enzo slowly pulled out of me and rolled up so I could get some air. We steadied our breath for a few seconds before looking at each other and laughing. 
"I'll give you a few minutes, then we can go again." he says, smirking. My eyes widen and it seems to amuse him. He knew I was already fucked out. 
"Baby, I haven't been with a woman for more than a year. I can do this all night." he tells me, his voice all scruffy but fuck, so hot. 
And I was not about to complain.
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mistiell · 2 years
“Quirks” MHA Characters Have Pt.1
A/N: Me? Writing for a fandom other than Arcane? Is this even allowed??? Yes, it is, bc it’s my blog and I said so :D
I did this for Arcane characters as well so if you’re interested in those, my masterlist is linked in my request rules that are pinned at the top of my page. Anyway, enjoy!
Izuku Midoriya
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- He’s like a walking encyclopedia but for the most random knowledge imaginable
- Spouts these fun facts at random
- It’s kinda cute, tbh
- Seeks you out and clings to you in his sleep
- This poor boy has no idea how to take care of his hair
- Help him build at least a short curl care routine, please, I’m begging you-
- Like everything else he loves, he rambles about you to whoever will listen
- Has a several note books dedicated to you and your quirk
- Can and will eat your leftovers if you don’t want them
- Feels really bad about worrying you whenever he’s in the hospital
- You have keep reassuring him for awhile to make sure he knows you’re not mad at him
- Once you guys get comfy, he has a habit of playing with your fingers whenever he’s anxious or bored
- Does that things where he places a hand on your knee to stop it from bouncing
- Does not realizing how fucking hot it is-
- You know he really does have the purest of intentions when he does it ‘cause he cocks his head and shoots a subtle thumbs up to ask if you’re okay afterwards.
- He’s so sweet, I stg-
Katsuki Bakugo
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- He has a pair of all might slippers that he only ever wears around his dorm
- If you tell anyone, he’ll kick your ass
- Not really, though, cause he loves you too much-
- Has a relatively complex skincare routine
- Will help you start your own if you ask nicely
- Pretends to be annoyed but secretly really happy that you asked
- Roasts the shit out of you on a daily basis
- but like
- in a romantic way
- Roast him back, he loves it
- Cooks for you whether you want him to or not
- Always has brings an extra snack for you whenever you train together
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- The only thing he can cook to perfection is soba
- I know this is said all the time, but I wholeheartedly believe he would steal his dad’s credit card and take you shopping
- Insists you buy whatever you want
- Throws in some things he thinks would look nice on you too
- Once y’all get comfy, he will hug you anywhere and everywhere
- Doesn’t matter who’s watching, if he wants a hug, he’s getting one
- Literally has an arm around you 24/7
- It’s not even a possessive thing
- He just likes holding you in some way
- Will stop if you ask him to, though
Hitoshi Shinso
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- Loves braiding/styling your hair
- He likes the domesticity of it
- Can sleep anywhere in any position during the day but cannot sleep at night
- This has led to many bizarre late night conversations
Shinso: Do you think snakes get sad about the fact that they can’t hug each other?
You: Baby, please, it is 3:00 in the morning-
- Sleeps a little better with you next to him, though
- And by that I mean he falls asleep at midnight instead of 4:00 am
- Loves getting coffee with you before class
- Insists on paying for your order
- Lives for building blanket forts for movie nights
- Goes all out with the fairy lights and a literal fuck ton of pillows so y’all are nice and cozy while you’re cuddling
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Can you do headcanons siblings of the gang ? Like, how they act with them and how they treat them and how they let the gang act with them ?
Somewhat important note below~
So we know we said we take requests on a first come, first serve basis; however for the sake of time today (and due to the fact that we did not post anything last week) we decided to take on this request early. PLEASE do not be offended or upset if you are still waiting for your request! We promise we will be getting to them ALL. After this post now, we will go back to our fist come, first serve rule.
We have a few requests which we'll be writing longer stories for vs casual headcannons. Stories typically take us several hours to complete since your 2 lovely bitches who write do not live close enough to one another. We write together via FaceTime and Google Doc. We appreciate all your support and patience with us as we write you guys the best content possible! Enough rambling now, Enjoy these headcannons!!!
Patrick With A Little Sister-
Oh boy… Patrick is crazy over protective of his little sister.
Maybe the word should be obsessive and controlling instead~
He watches her every move. He even comes into her room as she sleeps just to occasionally check on her.
Whenever she gets out of Belch’s car heading to school, Patrick keeps a close eye on her again. Mentally noting everyone she talks to.
He makes sure everyone is in line. It doesn’t matter if it’s an adult or a kid. If they do something Patrick doesn’t like, they’re getting fucked up.
Patrick refuses to let guys talk to her. Only Henry, Vic and Belch are allowed to.
When Patrick isn’t around, he puts the other Bower’s Gang members in charge of her. And she knows well enough to listen to them.
He sometimes makes inappropriate comments about her, resulting in a smack off the head by the other guys.
Patrick LOVES to mess with her.
Always holding things over her head so she can’t reach.
Laughs as she tries to jump up and grab it from him.
He’ll lean down and rest his arms on the top of her head since she’s so much smaller than him.
When she doesn’t listen to Patrick, he will literally just pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and laugh as she struggles to get down.
Even though she’s a girl and a few years younger than him, doesn’t mean she’s safe from how rough Patrick gets.
He still wrestles her to the ground and puts her in a damn headlock.
Definitely gets a few bruises from Patrick playfully hitting her. (Patrick doesn't realize his own strength.)
One word… tickled. Patrick is always tickling the shit out of her to tease her.
It’s even worse when the entire Bower’s Gang joins in on torturing her.
Look… this is Patrick. So he still has a mean, sadistic side.
He gets off on fear so he loves to scare her anyway he can.
Whether that is by jumping out at her, or doing something dangerous and reckless like picking her up and dangling her over the cliff edge to the quarry. (she hates heights and doesn’t know how to swim.)
“Uh no! You’re slipping! Better hold on, sweetheart. I know you don’t know how to swim.” He chuckles darkly, smirking down at her as she grips onto his forearm tightly and cries.
Patrick doesn’t hesitate on the low- blows, either. Making comments that he knows will make her cry.
If she threatens to tell their parents on him, Patrick will grab her from behind agressively, making her gasp as he covers her mouth tightly and whisper tauntingly in her ear:
“Now, Now.. Just why would you say that? You know that only gets you in trouble, little one..” He chuckles darkly and tightens his grip in a painful manner.
Patrick With A Little Brother-
…… I think we all know how this ended…. Patrick disliked his little brother, Avery… a lot. You see, Patrick likes being the only male sibling. It’s less competition and less hassle for him. Only Patrick is allowed to make (more like break) the reputation of his family’s name in the small town of Derry, Maine. Bottom line, if Patrick had another little brother, it would result in the same outcome as Avery. Sorry.
Belch With A Little Sister-
Very protective. Does not let her out of his sight for a second.
Hovers over her when they walk in the woods so she doesn’t trip or fall down.
He brings her along when he goes out with the guys sometimes, unless he knows they will be partaking in illegal activities.
Keeps snacks in his car for whenever she rides with him and always makes sure she eats 3 proper meals during the day.
Not only does he have extra snacks but he has a first aid kit, too.
He’s always prepared knowing she’s small, so there’s a good chance she’ll accidentally get hurt hanging around the guys.
And yes, it has happened on more than one occeasion.
He checks on her during school and makes sure no one is messing with her.
After school, Belch makes sure she does her homework but never really helps her with it. Why would he? He doesn’t even do his own assignments.
For the most part, he’s pretty sweet but sometimes the big brother power goes to his head.
He makes her do her chores and his around the house.
If she ever did something wrong, Belch goes right to blackmail.
“I won’t let mom know about that F on your report card… only IF you wash my car everyday the rest of this week.
Henry purposely spills his drink on the hood of the car right after she just got down cleaning it.
“Opps.. looks like you missed a spot. Better get to it, kid.” Henry says mockingly as he ruffles her hair walking by.
Belch always makes sure she’s safe in bed by the end of the night though.
He even kisses the side of her head when the guys aren’t around.
Belch With A Little Brother-
He takes him under his wing.
Loves to talk about cars- the makes and models, horsepower, you name it.
Even though his little brother isn’t old enough to drive yet, that doesn’t stop Belch from giving him driving lessons.
But bet your life he threatens him before taking off. “I swear to fuck though man, if you crash my car, I will end you. Okay, now put it in reverse. Let’s go”
Belch watches sports with him and even plays in the backyard, as well.
Belch acts as if he’s his coach to prepare him for the school’s team.
He also teaches him how to properly lift weights and spots him, too.
Belch told him “the ladies love a man with muscles, so to keep lifting bro.”
Speaking of girls, Belch was the one who gave him ‘the talk’... in very elaborate and explicit detail leaving his brother shocked, disgusted, and intrigued all at once.
Although he does hang out with his brother from time to time, sometimes Belch chooses friends over family and takes off for long periods of time.
Belch for the most part tries to be patient with him, but still gives his brother tough love as a form of preparing him for the real world.
Overall, Belch is a pretty decent big brother.
He means well but sometimes misses the mark.
Henry With A Little Sister-
Their father works long shifts, often resulting in an absence in their home life.
Henry’s dad basically tells him he’s fully in charge of his little sister.
Henry acts pissed off about that like she’s a bother and interrupts his life but deep down, it makes him feel important for once in his life.
Henry is both very strict and protective over her.
He’s also very controlling such as who she’s allowed to talk to or what she’s allowed to wear.
Nothing short or low cut is allowed. She better not even think about talking back, either,
Henry doesn't have much patience for anything and his temper is even worse.
For example- Her short legs means she walks slower than the rest of them.
Henry rolls his eyes and ends up dragging her by her wrist or sometimes just throwing her over his shoulder because he can’t stand waiting for her.
When it comes time for school, Henry makes sure everyone knows she’s a Bowers. If anyone (child or adult) even just so much as looked at her funny, Henry is throwing hands.
Speaking of school, Henry doesn��t help her with any bit of projects or homework. “Don’t fuckin’ ask me! You do it, or don’t, I don't really give a shit.”
When it comes time for dinner, Henry makes simple stuff like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac n’ cheese, or sometimes just fixes a bowl of cereal. But he always makes her clean up the mess / dishes after.
If she talks back, Henry has no problems getting in her face and yelling loudly.
Sometimes when his anger gets the best of him, he’ll smack her across the face.
He stiffens up when he sees the tears form in her eyes. Sometimes he just walks away and doesn’t want to deal with it, and other times he stands there stiffly and gives her an awkward hug.
“Sorry kid. I didn’t mean to hit you. You just pissed me the fuck off.”
Henry would never let anyone ever see this but occasionally he gives her a quick kiss to the side of her cheek when he’s feeling extra guilty. 
Similar to Patrick, Henry loves to get on her nerves.
Tripping her as she walks by.
Embarrassing her in front of the other guys just to see her blush.
Smacking her off the head as he walks by- her angry face makes Henry laugh.
Tickling her to make her admit something or as a form of punishment because he knows she hates that.
Barges in her room without knocking first.
Warns her she's never, ever allowed to have a boyfriend. And if she has a crush on either Vic, Belch, or Patrick...she’s dead meat.
Won’t allow her to drink alcohol or smoke. If she sneaks and does it, Henry teaches her a ‘lesson’.
“Find you wanna drink? Then here, take it. But now you have to drink the entire thing.”
He smirks and watches her get sick from the alcohol thinking that actually taught her a lesson and will deter her from it in the future.
Speaking of drinking-
When their dad comes home drunk, Henry is the one to take all his shit just to protect her because deep down he does care about her even though he calls her a “little fucking shit” daily.
Henry With A Little Brother-
In Henry's warped mind, his brother is a guy too, so he doesn’t need to be coddled like his little sister does.
If Henry has to withstand hits and verbal abuse, then his little brother should too. “Why should he get a pass?” Henry scoffs.
Henry gives him a lot of tough love.
He tries to make him ‘stronger’ by saying some really rotten shit to him. “Builds character, get used to it, kid.”
Henry does teach his brother how to fight though. “Put those stupid fuckin’ books down pussy. Books can’t teach you how to be a fucking man, but throwing punches will.”
Henry gave his little brother his own knife for his birthday.
He told him since he’s a Bowers, he's a target so it will come in handy~
Gives his brother “advice” on girls and sex; telling him which girls around town ‘put out’ the most.
One day when his brother asked Henry about a particular girl Henry responded with: “Ooh yeah, (random girl’s name), the only thing good about her is her pussy. Face is busted.”
Overall, Henry isn’t too bad towards his brother but once again, when his temper is raging, no one is safe from him.
Vic With A Little Sister-
Overly cautious and protective of her. He’s basically like a helicopter parent.
When the guys are swearing around her, he covers her ears and tells the guys to cut it out.
“Guys! Language!”
“I’m only a few years younger than you guys, I’m not a child!” she retorts.
Patrick, being classic creepy Patrick circles around her. “Just give it a few more years babe. Based on how your mom looks...” Patrick licks his lips envisioning Vic’s mother until Vic smacks him in the balls making Patrick hunch over in pain.
Vic likes to keep her in sight so right after school, he goes straight to her locker and makes sure she rides home with them, too.
When they get out of the car to bully some kids, Vic tells her to stay put. He doesn’t want her involved in anything.
When walking through the woods to the quarry, He always has a hand around her upper arm for support when climbing down the embankment.
He watches her like a hawk when swimming, so paranoid something will happen. Again, think helicopter parent
While he’s sweet for the most part, there’s times he just loses his temper.
He’ll explode and begin yelling at her, only inches from her face.
Sometimes when she does something really, really out of line, Vic will shove her into Henry and Patrick.
“Here guys, teach this little bitch a lesson for me. And don’t go easy on her.” Vic says walking off to calm down.
A part of him feels a little guilty when he sees her cry but other times he feels it’s justified.
He isn’t overly affectionate with her around the guys, the most he does is put an arm around her shoulder.
Sometimes sneaks behind her and tasers her sides and laughs when she jumps and collapses to the ground.
But when no one is around, he 100% gives the best hugs.
When she’s going to a sleepover at a girl-friend's house, Vic tells her to be safe and mumbles, “love you.”
Back at home before bed, Vic will tease her for being paranoid as she makes her way around the house, triple checking to make sure all the windows and doors are locked.
“What? Afraid the boogeyman is gonna getcha?” Vic mocks.
If she’s having a nightmare and calls for Vic, he’ll come and sit on the bedroom floor next to her bed until she falls asleep again.
Vic With A Little Brother-
Vic isn’t as protective over his little brother as he is with their little sister; but he still cares for him.
He just feels that his brother is able to hold his own while his sister needs more protection/ guidance.
He let’s his brother tag along with the guys. They all don’t mind. If anything, they refer to his little brother as Vic number 2.
He genuinely listens to his brother’s interests. Okay.. sometimes he zones out when he drones on and on but he always acts interested.
Vic is pretty book smart so he helps his brother with school work, especially in math.
Tries to make his brother more confident when it comes to talking / picking up girls.
Basically acts as his wing man.
The guys try to give his brother tips on how to pick up girls...Vic usually tells him to ignore everything they say because all that's gonna earn him is a slap in the face.
Tells him not to listen to Henry or Patrick for girl advice.. EVER.
He does teach his brother how to fight though.
Just because Vic is one of the sweeter ones in the gang; that doesn’t change the fact that he’s in a gang to begin with…
When his brother told him he was being picked on, Vic taught him how to fight, but also got involved himself.
Nothing like sending an intimidating message to a few assholes.
When Vic and his brother fight with each other, he doesn’t hold back just because that’s his little brother.
Overall, they get along for the most part and Vic is a pretty decent older brother to his siblings.
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jinkicake · 4 years
You suck them off while they’re on the phone. 
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Miya Osamu x Reader
Here you go Anon, I hope you like it!!! I am pushing the Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto bffs agenda because we were robbed of that interaction. I just know they would all be good friends like please,,,, imagine these mfs in college together as roommates.... It would be so perfect and they all have the brooding quiet type s/o heheh.... Also, I saw spoilers for bnha and um..... ummm.... UMMMMMM
WC- 1,830
Kozume Kenma 
Kenma has the best poker face, nothing is going to give away the fact that he is getting head
Except for when a tiny, tiny, appreciative sigh leaves his lips…..
Then the other person on the line, most definitely Kuroo will be like ‘Yo, what are you doing~’ Yes, Kuroo can tell when Kenma is getting head and will probably praise him for it 
I think if you first try your advances Kenma would simply stare at you with disgust, making no effort to hide that same level of repulsiveness in his voice 
He’d go along with it though because he is not going to try that hard to stop you, ‘why waste that energy’ 
His nimble fingers would card through your hair and he would instantly become relaxed like his shoulders would go limp and he’d flutter his eyes shut
Kenma would still be able to keep up with the conversation though because he doesn’t really add that much input anyway
However even though most people wouldn’t find any difference in his change of attitude….. Kuroo would notice, how can’t he? He would notice the subtle changes in his pudding hair best friend and would be like ‘are you getting head right now’
To which Kenma would go bright red and tense up really quick and try to hide it but ultimately give up and just sigh in defeat ‘yeah’ 
Kenma doesn’t like talking on the phone,,, you take it upon yourself to help him relax~
Kenma pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, trying hard not to let the hiss escape his lips. He doesn’t glance down at you, he knows that if he did, he would come undone. The feeling of your warm mouth sucking him in so nicely, your cheeks hollowing around his legnth, your tongue running underneath his cock, it makes his knees utterly weak.
“Yeah, I met that dude Oikawa, I don’t know why everyone hates him. He seems like a cool guy to me,” Kuroo aimlessly rambles, going on about how he met the well-known setter. “he’s going to hang out with Bokuto and I next weekend. You wanna come?”
Kenma sighs and it’s not because of your tongue. He silently thinks long and hard before speaking up again.
You end up gagging on his length, blame on the fact that you tried laughing while sucking him off. 
“Kenma, you’d really like him.” Kuroo persuades and Kenma mentally pictures the pros and cons. 
“I’d rather play video games,” Kenma’s fingers rake through your hair and he makes the mistake of looking down at you. A quiet moan leaves his lips, the perfect little ‘ah’ that he doesn’t even hear himself. The line goes quiet for awhile and Kenma assumes that it is because Kuroo is trying to come up with another reason why Kenma should join them.
“Is (Y/N) giving you head right now?” Kuroo asks boldly and you gag once again, pinching your eyes shut at the humiliation. Defeat washes over Kenma. 
“Yeah.” He sighs and Kuroo hums slightly.
“Finally, good for you, take it like a champ.” Kuroo praises and Kenma’s nose scrunches in disgust. “Anyway, I’ll come by at like nine on Saturday okay? Oikawa is only in Tokyo for the weekend.” 
Kenma never can win, can he?
Kuroo Tetsurou 
Kuroo is suuuuch a showoff, please he will do it just to make you flustered
He will purposely roll his shoulders back, sit on the couch all arrogantly, stare straight into your eyes as he bites his lip, use his hand to push his hair back while purposely flexing his bicep, he does it all for your enjoyment as well
He is eye-candy and that bitch knows it,,,,, anything for his lovely s/o
Kuroo wouldn’t make any noises though because he doesn’t really want to get caught in the middle of a blowjob. You would refuse to finish him off and then he wouldn’t have your sweet mouth anymore….. 
But,,,, if someone did catch him in the middle of a blowjob, Kuroo would not be embarrassed, please his ego would flourish I feel like he is into that kind of thing
Side bar…. Sometimes I go off with Kuroo and I think,,,, is this too occ? because I remember he is just a big science dork but then I remember no he is a scorpio and then it all makes sense, Kuroo is the best of both worlds 
Kuroo wouldn’t be able to pay attention at all to the conversation at hand like Bokuto could be asking him questions about something and Kuroo is just like ‘yup, it was really hot today’ like he can’t keep up….. not when you’re so generously sucking him off
Then Kenma is like … and Akaashi is like … because they can put two and two together unlike their oblivious friend
It gets to the point where Kenma will start doing something else, like playing a video game while Bokuto tries to keep a conversation going between four people all by himself
Please, Kuroo is the ultimate tease with you but….. if he is going to get pleased then he will also try to please you as well
“And then the vice-principal got mad at me,” Bokuto groans loudly, his eye twitching as he thinks back to the incident that happened earlier in the week. “it’s not my fault he wears a wig!” 
“Bokuto that was not the reason you got in trouble,” Akaashi sighs disappointedly, Kuroo doesn’t pay attention to them.
“What happened?” Kenma comments, slightly curious in the conversation at hand. Kuroo gently cups your cheek, running his thumb against your skin lovingly as he stares down you. At the sight of your teasing eyes and sinful tongue sucking on the tip of his hard cock, his thighs twitch beside you.
“… then Bokuto spiked the principals head to ‘kill the bug’ and also set his wig back to normal.” Akaashi finishes, heaving another disappointed sigh.
“See, I was helping him. He should be thanking me not scolding us for an hour.” Bokuto complains and Akaashi tries not to slap his captain through the phone. 
“This is what I deal with on a daily basis, I even have a notebook to predict his next moves.” Akaashi tells Kenma, his head still numb from the scolding he had to endure earlier in the week. 
“I don’t think anyone on our team is that bad, maybe Lev,” Kenma thinks and Kuroo licks his lips, his eyes darkening when he zones in on your mouth. 
“Kuroo, is he even listening?” Bokuto asks curiously and Kenma narrows his eyes when he pieces together why his friend is so quiet. He knows Kuroo is either getting head or giving it. 
“Ignore him, Bokuto, it’s good we don’t have to hear his voice.” Kenma tosses out and Kuroo gasps. Of course, out of everything, that is what he heard. 
“Kenma!” Kuroo snaps and the setter simply hides further under his blanket on the other end of the line. “I’m just busy,” 
“With what?” Bokuto eagerly pesters and Kuroo glances down at you once more. 
Miya Osamu 
Osamu also has a good poker face, nothing can give away that he is getting head…. There will be no slip-up from him
Unless Atsumu says something and Osamu’s competitive side jumps out for a hot second then…… then there is a slip up
‘Fuck you ‘Tsumu, I’m getting head that’s why I don’t care about your bullshit story’ cue a dramatic gasp from Atsumu and Ojiro on the other end of the line like … silence 
Yeah, Osamu doesn’t do well when provoked…. Good luck with that one 
Osamu wouldn’t say no to getting head like if you got onto your knees and pushed your hair back,,,, Osamu would be like ‘shit, here we go again’ he might be hesitant at first but then he will cockily accept it
He’ll carry on the conversation with disinterest, not really paying attention because all he can do is stare at you
Sometimes he will fuck your face,,,, literally….. he has no shame but when you gag too loudly then he lets you have control again 
Osamu doesn’t really want to get caught…. He wants to shield you away from that
His little comments that he slides in conversations here and there will probably be noticed once he stops saying them because he is preoccupied with other things. The team can’t figure out what has him so distracted though
Osamu is usually pretty gentle,,,, until he gets angry so if you suck him off while he is having a conversation with Atsumu…. Good luck
“I have to help my grandmother around the house today, so there will be no practice. Take the day to rest.” Kita’s voice sounds throughout the multiple phones and Osamu lets out a soft hum. His eyes are staring directly at you while he holds your hair back out of your face, despite his neutral face you can still see the fondness swimming in his eyes.
“Say hi to gran for me!” Atsumu says and Ojiro glances at him, the two on the same device as they walk through the city. 
“No.” Kita responds and Atsumu sighs dejectedly before going off on Ojiro when he starts to laugh at him. 
Osamu continues to pay no attention to him, instead, he thrusts into your mouth while holding your head still so he can control the pace. It feels so good, he could fucking cum-
“Yo, ‘Samu what are you even doing? Reading your old man magazines?” Atsumu snickers when he notices how quiet his brother has been. Osamu closes his eyes momentarily, trying to calm himself down from snapping. He gently pulls himself off of you, allowing you to take over the pace. 
“Eat shit ‘Tsumu.” Osamu snaps back, now watching the way your hands grip his strong thighs as you bob your head along his length. 
“My grandmother-“ Kita starts but is quickly cut off. 
“Ah, the shit that you cook ‘Samu?” Atsumu retorts, sticking his tongue out despite Osamu not being able to see it.
“Stop it, my grandmother-“ Kita tries again but Osamu interrupts him. The grip in your hair tightens as his anger grows.
“You really like that shit then since all you do is fucking eat it!” Osamu curses and Atsumu decides to tease him even more. 
“I’ve never seen (Y/N) eat your cooking, that’s how you know it’s shit.” A gasp is heard right after Atsumu’s comment, Suna’s mouth falls open in shock.
“She eats all my cooking, I feed her well but right now she’s too busy sucking my dick.” Osamu spits and you immediately pull off of him, your mouth a perfect ‘o’ as you stare up at him in disbelief. 
“You, right now?” Atsumu asks slowly and the line goes quiet.
“My grandmother is listening, I have the phone on speaker.” Kita finally finishes and the Miya twins start to count their final days.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee​
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samwisethewitch · 5 years
dorm friendly magick for broom-closeted student witches
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Got roommates that aren’t into witchcraft/magick? Can’t burn incense in your dorm room? Don’t have time for elaborate rituals between studying for exams and writing papers? I’ve been there. Here are some of my favorite undercover spells and rituals for witches living that college life. 
Journal Magick
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Keep a manifestation journal! Find a journal that really speaks to you and makes you feel good every time you open it, whether it’s a bulky leatherbound tome or has a holographic cover and hot pink pages -- what matters is that you feel a connection to it. 
Every morning, write down the things you want to manifest in your journal in the present tense, as if they had already happened. [Note: this works better if you are writing the same thing every day for at least a few weeks. Consistent intent is key!] 
For more information on this type of manifestation, just search “scripting” on YouTube and you’ll find approximately 642934 videos on the subject. 
This is a really great technique for closet witches, because no one is going to be suspicious of you writing in a notebook -- plus, it’s normal for people to want to keep their journals private.
Work with correspondences just like you would for a normal spell! You can print out photos of herbs, crystals, tarot cards, astrological signs, or moon phases that correspond to your intention and glue them into your journal (or draw them, if you have artistic talent). You could even get an essential oil that matches your intention and dab a drop of it on the page. You’re essentially creating an altar dedicated to your intention, just on paper instead of in a physical altar space.
Tap into the magick of color by writing your intentions with a pen in a corresponding color (green = abundance/wealth, pink = love and friendship, yellow = academic success, etc.).
Tea and Coffee Magick
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Tea and coffee are already essentially potions, and no one is going to think twice about a college student drinking a lot of coffee/tea. 
Coffee is associated with grounding and protection, and it adds energy to any spell it is added to. Black tea is associated with protection, courage, and abundance. Green and white tea have their own, slightly different magickal uses. Based on these correspondences, you can use coffee and tea as a base for undercover potions!
For mental clarity and memory retention, brew a mixture of black coffee, lion’s mane, chaga, and ginger. For a caffeine-free alternative, brew an herbal tea with rosemary and peppermint. 
To cleanse negative energy and release stress, brew a mixture of black coffee, Ashwagandha, cinnamon, tulsi or basil, and Eleuthero. This is based on a Four Sigmatic blend, lmao.
For a sneaky prosperity spell, brew a mixture of black coffee, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and vanilla. Yes, that is essentially pumpkin pie spice, and yes, you can use a pre-mixed pumpkin pie blend instead of buying the individual spices.
I could go on, but you get the idea. You can customize your morning beverage to suit any magickal or spiritual need. 
Most plants have medicinal uses that are the same or similar to their magickal uses. So if anyone asks, tell them you’re adding these extra herbs for their nutritional and/or medicinal value. 
You can also charge your tea or coffee with crystals. Just set a small crystal associated with your intention (amethyst for mental clarity, black tourmaline for protection, citrine for prosperity, etc.) next to the mug for a few minutes, or place it on top of your coffee maker. Be sure to charge both the crystal and the drink with your intention!
Candle Magick
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If your dorm lets you have candles then congrats, because candle spells are both super powerful and a super easy way to hide your magick in plain sight.
Find a candle in a scent and color that match your intention. For example, you could use a pink, rose-scented candle for a love spell. 
You can find custom spell candles made by witches for witches on Amazon and Etsy, and these have the added bonus of having been specifically created for magickal use. Some of the businesses I’ve personally had good experiences with are Art of the Root (available on Amazon), Esoteric Arts (available on Etsy), and Crystal Journey (Amazon). 
That being said, I’ve gotten good results with $1.99 scented candles from Walmart, so please don’t feel like you need to spend a fortune on special candles for your spell to be successful.
In a pinch, an unscented white candle can be used for any intention. You can get these at the dollar store, and it’s never a bad idea to have a few on hand.
Oil Magick
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Your dorm has a no-open-flames rule, so candles and incense are out of the question. No problem -- you can get similar results with essential oils. 
An essential oil literally contains the concentrated essence of a plant. Magickally speaking, this makes them a powerful way to add some oomph to your spells. They’re also commonly used for aromatherapy, so your roommate probably won’t be phased by you diffusing them in your dorm.
You can create custom EO blends the same way you would create an incense blend, by combining different plants based on their correspondences. You can also buy pre-mixed blends online if you’re feeling lazy or if you have a certain blend you know you’re going to use a lot like, say, a focus-enhancing blend for studying.
Another option, and one that’s more traditionally witchy, is to use magickal oils/ritual oils. A magickal oil is an oil that has been created for a specific magickal purpose -- it’s like a spell in a bottle. A ritual oil is created for a specific use in magickal ritual. You can find tons of different ways to incorporate these oils into your daily life for some very subtle witchcraft.
You can create your own magickal oils by combining herbs, essential oils, and crystals that match your intention, or you can buy magickal oil blends from witch-owned businesses. Art of the Root has my absolute favorite oils -- I have like six different blends, and they’re all ridiculously powerful.
Some ways you can use magickal oils: 1.) wear them as a body oil, 2.) diffuse them like you would an essential oil blend, 3.) use them to anoint and bless objects, like tests or study guides, 4.) add them to spiritual baths, and a million more. [Note: many magickal oils come with real herbs and resins in the bottle. These chunky bits could damage a diffuser, so do keep that in mind.]
Personally, I wear magickal oils on a daily basis in the place of perfume, since most of the ones I own smell really good. As I apply them, I say a small incantation to power them up. For example, if I’m wearing an attraction oil, when I put it on I’ll say something like, “I am powerfully attractive to the people and things that will improve my life.” Which oil I choose to wear depends on the day and the area of my life where I want some extra help. 
Tech Magick
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The nice thing about being a witch in the 21st century is that, if all else fails, you can keep your entire magickal practice contained on your laptop and/or phone. And even if you’re not doing 100% of your witchcraft in a virtual space, you can still use your technology as a tool in your practice. 
Pinterest is the ultimate visualization tool. You can create a virtual altar to a deity or spirit guide by dedicating a Pinterest board to them, or create vision boards for the things you want to manifest, or create a brainstorming space to plan your full moon rituals... the possibilities are endless. 
Keep your Book of Shadows and/or manifestation journal in a Word document. If you’re really concerned about privacy, you can even password protect these documents. Another pro of an electronic Book of Shadows is that most word processors have a “search” function that lets you look things up more easily. 
Make a devotional playlist for a deity or spirit guide. Making Spotify playlists for my deities is one of my favorite devotional acts! I’ll put together all of the songs that remind me of that deity, and I can listen to it anytime, anywhere to instantly connect with them. And don’t be afraid to ask your deities what type of music they like -- you may be surprised by the answer!
If any other witches have similar tips, feel free to add onto this! This is just stuff that I’ve found works for me, but magick is deeply personal and everyone will do things a little bit differently. 
And not to shove my content in everyone’s faces, but I did just post a spell to enchant your school notebooks on my YouTube channel, so check that out if you’re interested!
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