#i love big strong men that are scared of needles
rioofdreams · 11 months
biker Barty asking med student Evan to hold his hand while they take his blood for tests
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xreaderanonaccount · 10 months
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Capitano x Worried!Reader
Synopisis: Gruff, strong, and stone cold Capitano with a worried s/o. Reader is G/N
Tags: Fluff, Dottore being an ass,
Divider credits: cafekitsune
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Capitano with a worried s/o who is always scolding him for always getting hurt, but no matter how much scolding he gets he can rely on you and only you to patch him back up. Cause he doesn’t want the medics to patch him up, they’re scared shitless of him. But you, you patch him up with the utmost care and love that anyone envy’s for. He’ll gladly sit down and listen to you scold him over how he shouldn’t take 3 squads of ruins guards on his own. If it only meant he can have your hands on him. Your soft hands on him. Oh how he’ll melt in them, you have this man wrapped around your finger. 
“You have to be careful next time!” Your worried voice echos the shared chamber in the Zapolyarny palace. Capitano could only chuckle as he leaned back playfully crushing you beneath his weight. You yelled in frustration as you tried your best to push Capitano away but no luck. This man was heavy.
“I promise to be careful next time.” He sighed as you got off of you settling back down on the edge of the bed. Letting you continue stitching the open wound on his shoulder. You huffed as you took the needle through his skin sewing the wound shut. 
“You better be, if not I’ll have to go to the doctor and ask him to revive you myself.” You pouted as you tied the stitch close.
“Don’t go to the doctor.” Capitano’s voice suddenly became stern, you knew better to mention the doctor. Capitano doesn’t trust him at all, not even with a pillow. He’ll somehow turn that pillow into a killing machine…
“I know, I won’t” You softly smiled as you planted a kiss on his now clean and stitched wound. 
Capitano is very protective over you, especially that one time Dottore decided to pull a cruel prank by giving you a fake report on how Capitano was severely injured and he might not make it. You had a full blown breakdown worried about your poor lover. When Capitano came back to the Zapolyarny Palace so many fatui scouts came running to him rushing him to their shared quarters. 
You straight up built a memorial for him, with your closest attendant by your side who is trying to comfort you. As soon as your attendant noticed Capitano he quickly rushed him to you pleading with him to comfort you. Capitano wrapped his big overcoat over you and gave you a tight hug. You were shocked only for a little bit before you threw yourself onto him crying your poor eyes out in Capitano’s arms.Capitano would gently ask you what happened and through your tears you would tell him what happened. He swears he’s going to kill Dottore the next time he sees him. 
The minute Capitano walked into the Zapolyarny Palace he was bombarded by his men. All talking over themselves, he has no idea what is happening but the minute one of them mentioned your name he sternly asked what happened. One of them finally explained that you said that he had died. Capitano could feel a blood vein pop as he hurriedly went to the shared chamber. When he entered he spotted your sniffling form over a picture of you and him when you visited Mondstadt that one time. Your closest attendant was comforting you as you continued your obituary. Capitano softly closed the door trying not to gain attention from you, but alas he was caught as your attendant looked up and spotted him awkwardly standing near the door. The attendant rushed him over to you who was still crying your poor heart out. Capitano stared down on your crying form, he wanted to rip his heart out and offer it to you as an apology. But he knew that you would be angry about that. Capitano heaved an internal sigh as he removed his heavy outer jacket, draping it over your shoulders. You jolted in surprise, you whipped around to see Capitano kneeling down to you. You shouted his name as you threw yourself on him crying your poor heart out in his arms. Thanking the Tsaritsa over and over again for bringing him home safe and sound. Capitano soothes you, rubbing small circles on your back. 
“What happened my love?” He asked, his voice bringing so much comfort to you.
“D-dottore, s-said that you were… were” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before bursting into tears. But you didn’t need to say anything more. He already knew what happened, Dottore pulling one of his cruel experiments on you. When he explicitly told Dottore not to do his little “experiments” on you. He’ll have to do a very very stern talking to Dottore. Not like he’ll listen anyway. 
Capitano is a strong and tough man but he has a very very soft spot for you. Imagine this, the strongest man in teyvat holding a small flower in his hand because you found one growing outside the palace. And since flowers are hard to grow in Snezhnaya you decided to give this precious flower to someone precious to you. 
“What do you have there Lord Capitano?” Childe asked, Capitano held a small daisy in his hand. His expression is hard to tell. 
“A flower.” 
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loveydoveymonsters · 4 months
A Perfect World - Part 2
No no no. He waited too long. This wasn't supposed to happen, damn it they took you. They took you and he doesn't know where. You haven't been back in the cell in days. Originally he was just going to wait a week and try to communicate with you to let you know his plan. A week turned into a month, which turned into two, and then the next thing he knew you were being dragged kicking and screaming out of the shared cell by your hair by two brutish-looking men. He tried to stop them, of course he did, but they shot him with tranquilizer darts before he had a chance to get close. He's been extremely aggressive ever since, refusing to eat, never sleeping, just growling at the glass plotting his next move. He's not going to leave you to be tortured by these psychopaths. All he needs is the perfect moment, the perfect time, the perfect angle to hit the glass, everything needs to be perfect. Nothing is perfect without you though. He can't focus without you. He keeps thinking about the torture you must be enduring, the pain you must be in. He whines to himself missing you. He was sleeping with you every single night, cuddled up next to your warmth. Sleeping on top of you as if he were a big old shield to the world around you. He can't do that now, he can't sleep without you. Who knew having a mate would have such an effect on him? He certainly didn't. He didn't realize the full extent of his affections for you until you were gone with no indication of when you'd be back. He hates this. He needs you, he wants you back ‘Give her back’. He slams his fist against the glass staring down one of the scientists, growling ferociously. ‘I want her back. Give her back to me’ His aggression almost turns into a plead. He's pleading with them, pleading with them to find some sort of humanity in their hearts and return his love to him. He knows though. The only way he's going to see you again is if he breaks out and finds you himself.
This is it, the moment he's been waiting for. It's in the middle of the night the guard has fallen asleep, he could kill him easily he just needs to break out first. It has to be one punch, strong enough to shatter the glass so he can break through. One punch that's all he needs, one good hit. That's all it took, one good hit and he was through the glass of the cell. When the guard woke up he used his claws to rip his throat out ignoring the blood that got all over him and the alarms that started to rage through the building. He deeply inhaled focusing in on your scent, desperately trying to pick it up. He won't leave you behind, he doesn't care how many scientists he has to kill nor does he care how many people try to stop him. ‘Come on come on where are you?’ He wanders through the halls as quickly as possible continuing to try and sniff you out. He stops, he found you, he caught your scent and he follows it immediately. Bulldozing through guards and scientists and monsters alike. He makes it to a room, a quiet room he's anxious to enter. He thought he would dive into your arms and hold you close but now that he's at the door he realizes how scared he is. He doesn't know what's on the other side of it, are you healthy, have you been ripped apart? Have they stuck you with so many needles there's not a single inch of skin left? He shakes his head, whatever he sees he's going to save you. He'll put you back together, he'll take out all the needles, he'll undo whatever torture has been done. ‘Open the door, open the door damn it why won't you move?” His body isn't listening to him. He's scared to see his mate in so much pain. ‘Just fucking open it she's waiting for you’ He's out of time, everyone's closing in on him he has to do it. ‘Open the door open the door open the door…’
He breaks it down and is horrified by what he sees. Hooked up to so many machines, needles stuck in every inch of her body, she's completely restrained, blindfolded, and covered in bruises and cuts. She's unconscious when he reaches her recklessly pulling everything out of her without regard for what it may do to her system. He doesn't know what these machines are, he's never seen them before, he just wants her free of them so he does what he can. He can't stop the bleeding that comes from her wounds. There's so much blood. He can't tell where it's all coming from. ‘Stop it, stop it, no dying’. He slings her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing and he just starts running continuing to ram anything in his way. He stops before he reaches the door though when he realizes her bleeding isn't going to stop on its own. He turns back, as much as he hates it one of the scientists could help, or at least one of the doctors they keep on staff. ‘Look for a lab coat, look for a med bag, look for something you can grab’. He does in fact grab a doctor, lugging him under his arm as he hauls ass out of an exit door. He sees a car and breaks it open, gently laying her in the backseat before slamming the doctor into the passenger side. She had been teaching him English before she was taken from him. He doesn't know much but he knows enough to get his demands across. 
His voice is raspy, a growl still embedded in it. The doctor trembles terrified of what a large beast may do if he denies its request. He doesn't do anything, frozen in fear, in shock of what just happened. He's about to just kill him before he realizes that he doesn't exactly know how to drive a car. He's right about it but he's never had the need to. He's lived in the forest for most of his life, he hasn't been in his human form in decades, this doctor could be the one thing that helps them escape. So the werewolf sighs and pulls the doctor into the driver's seat. A clawed hand remaining against his neck as he climbs into the back with his love.
“Th-This isn't my car! I don't even know if there are keys! There's no way you're going to make it past the gate anyway they search the vehicles! P-Please j-just let me go! Ah!”
He makes a small cut against his throat, not amused or swayed by the doctor’s pleas at all. He searches the car, the visors, under the formats, in the glove compartments, and he finds it. A spare set of keys ready to be used and the doctor realizes there's no way he's getting out of this now. If he doesn't drive he'll be killed, if he does drive he'll most likely be killed later. If he helps the monsters escape he'll be deemed a traitor and assassinated. Either way, he's going to die and he knows it. Regardless, he starts the car and drives away approaching the gate slowly so he can think of something. 
“Lay down, u-under the blankets. Put her on top of you. It's night if the both of you are covered we should be able to make it through the security checkpoint without issues”
‘Don't tell me what to do human’ The werewolf grumbles in his head as he follows instructions. Her blood seeps into his fur, he's losing her, he shouldn't have ripped out those needles. He shouldn't have detached her from those machines so quickly, he whines quietly holding her tightly. It was an accident, he didn't mean to, he hopes you forgive him. You'll be fine, you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine. Just make it past the checkpoint that's all he has to do and then he can get this doctor to fix you and then he can finally be free. Free with his mate. He can finally take care of you the way you always should have been taken care of. ‘Hurry up’ The car approaches the checkpoint and the doctor gives a strained smile to the security guard who shines a light into both sides of the car. The guard had heard the alarms and knew to be aware of escaping monsters but thankfully the werewolf had kidnapped a very trustworthy doctor, one that doesn't cause suspicion. They make it through the checkpoint with no issue and the doctor drives them to the nearest motel where the werewolf proceeds to mug him. 
The doctor knows at this point not to agitate the werewolf who begins to shift back into his human form before the doctor's very eyes. Dread fills his heart as he realizes pretty soon the werewolf isn't going to need him anymore, he just has to fix the fox hybrid and then he'll probably be killed. He can't take this anxiety. He's about to have a panic attack. He starts to breathe heavily, gasping for any sort of air. He doesn't want to die. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he was making a lot of money. He may deserve to die in the werewolf's eyes but that doesn't mean he can accept it. He doubles over gagging, trying to breathe trying to get any sort of air into his lungs. He's having a panic attack. The werewolf recognizes this though. He places his now human hand on the doctor's shoulder, it's heavy, he's big even in his human form. He remembers his mate doing this for him when he would have bad reactions to the experiments. She would rub his shoulder, and his back, and help him breathe through the worst pain, through the worst panic. He's not stupid, he knows why the doctor is freaking out. He may not care about this pathetic human but right now that human is the only one who can save his love so he needs him to be calm.
“Calm…won't hurt…fix her”
He says while pointing to his mate still bleeding in the car. 
“Fix her…please”
The desperation in his tone made the doctor pause. Air finally filling his lungs as he calms down. This wolf is so scared to lose his love, maybe he would spare him if he saved you. He has no choice now so he figures he may as well go for it. Sighing in defeat he shakes his head and turns towards the back door of the car. Opening it to check your wounds, your poor broken body in worse shape than he thought. 
“Okay, I'll get us a room. You stay with her. I'll be right back I promise…please don't take my wallet.”
He bears his fangs momentarily before huffing and returning to you. You're still unconscious and still bleeding but thankfully not as much as before. You got so small so quickly, they must not have been feeding you. He hates how much pain you must have been in. He hates that he didn't break out sooner, he should have gone sooner. He blames himself. He shouldn't but he does because if he had just broken out the moment he landed in that hell hole you probably would have been spared this anguish. He was also too rash in thinking he could just detach you from everything without anything happening to you. ‘please be okay. I need you to be okay’
“I got us a room. Go ahead and pick her up I'll treat her inside.”
Inside the motel room, it's very quiet, your werewolf stands over you as the doctor stitches your skin, injects you with a ton of numbing meds. By some grace of God, there was a medkit in the trunk of that car so while it may not have been that doctor’s it certainly was a doctor's vehicle they stole. This place is shady, it smells like death, everything feels so muted, maybe it's because you aren't awake. Everything feels so much duller when you aren't around, you give him life. You are the reason he started caring again. Before he was captured he was just living on autopilot. Doing the same thing all day every day, while it was nice to be free the repetition was starting to get to him. He didn't see a meaning in life anymore. But catching your scent was all it took for him to become hooked on you. You're his mate, you're his everything. So you need to be okay you better be okay because he can't live without you. He doesn't care how fast this is. He doesn't care that saying I love you may be too much. He loves you, he's possessive over you, you are his whether you like it or not.
“There, all done. I stopped all her bleeders and the pain meds I gave her should keep her numb for a while but you're going to need to restock. Now we just wait for her to wake up…Can I go now?”
The werewolf tilts his head at the doctor as if it was a stupid thing to ask. He needs to ask the doctor a couple more questions but his vocabulary is still so limited. He doesn't think he's finding the right words. He's trying though, he doesn't want to kill this doctor, especially not when he helped you. But he can't risk him letting anyone know where you are, at this point he doesn't care if he's captured again as long as you're safe. You have to be safe. So he's trying, trying to communicate, trying to keep things clean like you always want him to. 
“No…Speak…talk?...Where are”
He huffs in frustration, he knows it doesn't sound right. He tries again rearranging the words but the doctor cuts him off with a hesitant hand. This werewolf is intimidating in both forms so it took a lot of courage just to do that. With a almost hopeful voice the doctor speaks in a reassuring tone and a very calm one, praying that this wolf doesn't get tired of him. 
“I won't tell anyone where you are. I'll also get you some money so you can run freely to wherever you want to go.”
Instead of easing the wolf's fears this just made them worse. He had every right to be suspicious, it didn't make any sense why the doctor would fund their escape. He grabs him by the throat and slams him against a wall, a little too preemptively he admits but it was just his instincts leading him.
“Why?...No hurt her”
“I-I’m not going to hurt her I just don't want you to kill me! Ow shit!”
“Why fix?”
“Because I feel bad! So many monsters, so many creatures were wounded or experimented on under my supervision. I never wanted that, I just wanted to make a decent living for my family. She never did anything wrong. I wouldn't wish harm upon her. Maybe on to you but that's a whole different story considering that you're holding me against a wall by my throat right now”
He wasn't holding him very hard, he wasn't trying to choke more restrain. He releases the doctor, loots his wallet and the keys to the car before pushing him out of the motel room leaving him alone with his mate. His mate who he hasn't seen in so long. Days felt like months, he approached her sleeping form and curled around it. Letting his tail and ears be visible since hers are. He pets them, her most sensitive spots hoping it'll help her sleep better. Hoping it'll relieve the pain that may still be going on inside her. He kisses her cheek, his fangs lightly grazing her skin. He can't hold his human form for much longer. He hates being in it. So he relaxes, letting his wolf form return as he completely dwarfs her in size. He lays right next to her curling around her entire body, shielding her from the rest of the world. ‘Wake up’. It's a silent plea as he licks her cheek, her face, her neck, and down to her collarbone. Soft places, intimate places that she may enjoy. He doesn't know, he's never had a partner before. He'll talk to her when she wakes up, because she's going to wake up. You are going to wake up. He has no doubt in his mind about that. He'll wait, he'll wait for you as long as it takes. If he has to bathe you, force-feed you, and carry you around everywhere he goes until you regain consciousness he will. Just do him a favor, stay with him. Stay with him so he doesn't have to be alone again. So he doesn't have to wait for another perfect mate to come along. No one could beat you anyway.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Desire — Kaz Brekker
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(Photo not mine)
Requests: “Hello there! I've been around this blog for a bit now and you are an amazing writer! I was wondering if you would be ok with doing something with 21 28 & 29 from the smut prompts and kaz brekker? If you are uncomfortable please just ignore this!”
“Kaz brekker Smut prompts 28 66?? Love you💖!!”
“I can request Kaz smut prompts 29?❤️”
Smut prompts:
21. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
66. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of shot, mention of desire, desire, mention of smut, explicit smut, NSFW.
Word count: 3k
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
I hope you like💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
— — — —
There was something about you. Something impossible to decipher, with a glow hovering around you like a electrical energy. Wrapping your whole body in a cloak of magnetism. There was something about the way you spoke, walked, laugh. Something about what it was like to be you, in your beauty and mysteries like a sphinx.
Something that made Kaz Brekker completely furious.
You couldn't be more distorted from the image, in Kaz's mind, than what was to be a peaceful woman. Calm, controled, with steel emotions and wit in eyes. Someone who, like him, knew how to dance the waltz of negotiation, manipulation, who could blend in with the shadows and know the best time to listen more than speak.
You were not like Inej, you were not like Jesper. Hell, you were like nobody Kaz has known in all of his 28 years.
Nothing reminiscent of calm and control would be used to describe what it meant to be you.
Your soul are stormy, loud, obstinate, too stubborn and too talkative. You needed to speak loudly, laugh, move, expose your opinions to the seven winds and to whoever listened the most. You needed to question, inquire, doubt and test the limits of any situation. A direct order for you would be an affront to your free and independent spirit. A command that would curtail your freedom or tame your strong genius was almost like an invitation for you to do exactly the opposite of what they had ordered you to do.
So, for a man of trained reasoning, subtly balanced world, and who was used to his every command being followed vehemently and promptly in blind obedience, such a personality like you was like introducing a disturbing factor capable of shaking all his judgments. Sand in a watch, or stone in a shoe, would be no more a nuisance than a strong nature like your.
The extraordinary stubbornness and mania to counter his orders - when, in your words, they were unreasonable - had made you different from all the women Brekker had ever met. Kaz liked challenges and responsibilities, a good puzzle, but you were on a level far beyond that.
You were a danger to his peace of mind. And you knew that. All his aversion to your indomitable spirit only served as fuel for your own mission in to piss him off. Few men were like Kaz Brekker, you knew that, with a strength of character too powerful to be ignored. He was not just comfortable in his position of authority as he was obviously unable to act in any other way than as a leader. His stoic figure and always so contained in a wall of indifference made you want to ruffle his hair to see if you could remove any emotion. And being a girl who hasn't always liked leaders, Kaz Brekker was a huge temptation. Few moments had been better than those that you managed to piss him off beyond what he could handle.
However, all the reasons why the two of you were so exasperating for each other, did not explain why the air crackled in ambiguity when your eyes met. The hemisphere was adorned in a thought-provoking, poignant veil, like a warm honey flowing down its throat, and there was something else in the way blood flowed like flames of fire through veins of you two.
Jesper said that the sexual tension between you was so tangible that it could be cut by one of Inej's knives, but you refused to think of Kaz that way. At least until that moment.
Not pure images of what the infamous Brekker could do to you between four walls swept you like the strong Arabian wind. Making you be surprisingly breathless. Kaz was not a man whose private life was exposed, nor was he involved with many women, but you have heard two or three of them when they were drunk saying that Kaz Brekker in the room could be incendiary.
Everyone knew that his touch reserve didn't limit him to anything, but that his job was at the top of the priority list and that sexual encounters were almost never on that list.
"It was not my fault!” Jesper defended himself one night, slightly drunk, sitting at the club's round table next to the other crows “I didn't know he was married to another man! That damn pretty face seduced me!”
"Did he seduce you?" You asked, skeptical and playful.
"I swear to God! And it had been a long time since I had sex with anyone, and I went… ”
“But you did sex last week." Inej laughed, chocked.
"Exactly!" Jesper said, as if he were obvious.
You laughed with your beer glass in your hand, taking another sip.
“Is a week a long time to not sleep with anyone?" Matthias retorted, trying not to laugh.
“Are you going to tell me that is not?” Jesper and Nina spoke at the same time.
“If a man has time for sex more than once a week, he clearly doesn't have much to do. And I'm sure I gave Jesper a lot of tasks that would keep him busy.” Kaz narrowed his eyes at his friend, and Jesper hid his guilt behind the rim of his beer glass, looking to the side.
"So you are saying that you are a very busy man?" You teased, trying not to laugh at the scathing look Kaz sent you.
"I disagree. The values ​​of hard work and discipline cannot match the hot body of a woman in bed.” Matthias said, exchanging a brief conspiratorial look with Nina, who winked at him.
"There are more important things." Said Kaz.
"Like what?" You rested your chin on the back of the hand whose elbow was on the table, the playful look of a rebellious student.
"Progress." Kaz held your gaze.
He wasn't going to take your bait. But you didn't give up easy.
"Tell me, if God gave you a deal: all the hunger in the world would be extinguished in exchange for you never being able to have sex again, what would you choose?" your eyes had a teasing feline glow.
At that moment, Kaz felt a shiver up the back of his neck, like a warm breath of autumn. Something crawled, like a snake, across his rib cage and down to his groin, pumping blood like fire through his veins.
He held your gaze, but the feline glow in your eyes promised to contain the most ardent sins. Suddenly, Kaz's mind was flooded by the wave of obscene images of you, on his bed; moaning, squirming, shouting his name and being very obedient with every order he gave you.
He would make you such a good girl...
"I don't believe in God." He replied succinctly, the predator's eyes still in your eyes audacious feline's.
A big, satisfied smile spread across your face, and you said: "As I thought. Bad luck for hungry people.”
Realizing that he had fallen right into your cunning trap, Kaz got rid of your diabolical magnetism and cursed.
“I didn't say…” he stopped, impatient “It doesn't matter. I have more important things to do than waste time here.”
But the smile you hid behind the glass was noticeable to Kaz.
After that night, the crackling, gasping flame that circled the two of you intensified to alarming levels. Kaz could feel you holding your breath when he was too close, and you could see him squeezing his cane harder when you sweetened your voice for him.
However, regardless of Kaz's wanted to fold you at a table and put an end to your brat girl pose, enjoying the groans he was sure you would let out, the two of you still fought like dog and cat.
Just as it was now.
“What do you mean, I'm not going?!” You looked at Kaz, amazed, when he told you that you would not participate in the robbery that week “I know that security system like the back of my hand!”
It was true, what you had of stubbornness, you had of technological intelligence. There was no computer that you would not hack, a program that you would not hack, and a system that you would not unlock. Your genius with technology made up for all your lack of obedience.
But Kaz ignored. “I've already told you. It's a more dangerous mission than you're used to and we don't have time for the plans you come up with right away.” He needled you.
“Are you referring to Switzerland?” You were never anything short of direct and inquiring. It was logical that you would question every orden. “But I already told you that when the alarm went off your plan didn't work anymore! I was more useful inside to deactivate the alarm than waiting outside.”
And stubborn. Holy God, how stubborn you were!
"And it cost you to get shot."
"But it was just a shot!"
Kaz looked at you, puzzled. “Just?! And wasn't it enough ?! You put the whole team at risk!”
“But if I hadn't deactivated the alarm, we would all be arrested! And only I knew how to do that!”
"My fucking God, isn't there a speck of common sense in you?!"
But you answered boldly: "Not when you impose clueless plans on me."
Mortified would be an understatement to describe how he was now. What an unbearable creature! Kaz felt the anger spread from his neck to his face, igniting his breath and squinting his eyes in annoyance.
Why was it so difficult for you to follow a simple goddamn rule?!
“Besides, your initial plan was flawed and there was no reason for me to be out when it was necessary inside and...” And you kept talking!
If you had noticed Kaz's completely enraged state in front of you, you would have been scared, shut up and ran. But, truth be told, Kaz suspected that even if you knew how to read the murderous humor in his eyes, you wouldn't have left that office. Much less be afraid. You could argue with the demon. And you would probably beat him out of tiredness.
However, regardless of the desire to shake you up, to see if that put any good sense in you, in that second, watching you gesture with your hands, defending your point of view as if it were the england queen's crown, something swept Kaz's body from the top of his head with dark hair to the tips of his illustrated boots.
The sound of the world was drowned out by the flow of blood itself in his veins. His heart hammered hard in his chest and, in that instant, a sharp sting in his groin and the pit of his stomach set him on fire.
His gaze went down to your mouth, which kept moving. And when it came up to your eyes, your stubborn and defiant gaze sent Kaz's rationality into space. He dropped the cane abruptly, which toppled to the floor with a hollow crack, and advanced towards you in firm and determined steps.
Gluing his gloved hands to your face, Kaz silenced all your protests with a strong kiss. Hot, fiery, domineering. The kind of kiss that held years of camouflaged desire, years of irritability, years of an unnerving desire to make you shut up with all the perverse forms that existed.
You weren't afraid of him. But you should. You should if you knew everything he wanted to do with you.
However, as if you have been burning in the same desire for years, you responded to that kiss with the same urgency. The same hunger. Kaz slipped his hands into your hair, closing his fingers there and deepening the kiss with ferocity. He felt beside himself, like a hungry wild animal that had been denied food for years and that only now had its teeth set on its prey. You moaned against his lips, bringing your hands to his lean, strong biceps, squeezing your fingers there.
You both needed air, but neither seemed to give a damn about that. Misted of desire that burned like a fire in their bodies, Kaz pushed the two of you backwards, slamming your back against the wall and swinging a frame beside. You gasped, and the gesture made it possible for Kaz to invade your mouth with his tongue, hunting every piece of hot meat. You two fought the same battle in that kiss: invade, dominate, conquer.
They both wanted to take the waltz, but Kaz would never let you conduct the show.
He pulled your wrists up, pinning them with one hand against the wall, leaving you immobile while sinking his mouth further into yours. Kaz felt you try to get rid of his tight grip, but he was stronger than you. And much more when he have a objective.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He murmured against your mouth, the tip of his tongue playing with your bottom lip. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Was impossible for you to control the loud moan that escaped. Your body trembling with desire, your legs wobbly, your wet core vibrating with his words. Kaz Brekker was a fallen angel. With a beauty and charm you've never been immune to.
How can you think you'd win the dominance game with him?
And, like the fallen angel he was, his smug and arrogant smile painted the corner of his lips when he saw what his lines did to you.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Kaz mocked “If I knew it was only necessary to do this for you to shut up...” he brought his lips closer, his voice hitting yours “I would have fucked you like the naughty brat you have been a long time.”
If his caustic and maddening kisses hadn't been enough to break you in half, that statement would have done all the work.
In that second, you hoisted your white flag, biting your lip in a needy moan and closing your eyes for a second by the overwhelming vibration of your core. God, you needed more. Whatever he gave you. Anything he wanted to give you. You just needed more.
"Are you going to be good?" He played with the dough you were in his hands, his devilish mouth going down your neck, leaving a trail of fire and debris wherever he went.
You agreed, desperately. “Yes, Sir."
That title seemed to do things with Kaz. Because in the next second, his mouth was back on your. More urgent, more needy, more dominating. You shifted your hips for more friction with his, and Kaz rewarded your obedience by pulling one of your thighs forward, making your skirt go up, aligning your thigh on his hips and giving access for his member to fit perfectly against your pulsating core.
You moaned louder this time. Fingers clenching, heart pumping frantically. Kaz pulled his lips away from you for a second, taking his hand off your thigh and bringing it to your mouth.
“Pull.” He ordered, referring to the glove.
You murmured a low, excited moan, bringing your mouth to the glove and clenching your teeth on the cloth at the top of his middle finger. Satisfied, Kaz pulled his hand back, watching the alabaster skin peel away from the leather fabric. As soon as he was free, he removed the glove from your mouth, replacing it with his own and stealing all your breath in that fiery kiss.
His free hand wandered over your thigh, touching you for the first time with a touch that promised to show you all the most delicious and secret sins in the world. His tongue wrapped around your again, and the moan you let out was even greater when his long fingers brushed against your wet, throbbing core.
"S-sir!" You sobbed, your hips rocking against his hand, desperate for more.
"Look at you." His fire voice beat against your lips, the tightness against your wrists getting stronger, more possessive "I’ ve only started using my fingers and you ’re already shaking"
Your body cried out in unbridled desire, sobs mingling with loud moans and heavy sighs as Kaz tormented you with his fingers. He touched you, slid, opened and sank, increasing the volume of your pleas.
“P-please" You begged, the body in need, the urge too urgent.
Kaz looked you in the eye, a dark, malicious gleam burning in his Egyptian blue irises. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" He teased you.
But you no longer cared about his teasing. With your lips swollen and red, your heart racing and the core pulsing in despair on his experienced fingers, you were already surrendered.
"Please. I n-need." You mumbled submissively, rummaging your hips in his hand.
"I bet if I wanted to fuck you against my desk, here and now, you would be very happy to do it, wouldn't you?"
He was foisting all of his dominance on you, bending you to your knees for him. And you knew that. You knew he was taking years of anger out on you. But you couldn't care less. You wanted him. Ardently. Desperately. And if it was a good girl Kaz wanted, damn it, you would be a good girl for him.
You readily agreed, your eyes shining in supplication.
“Good.” Kaz pulled you brutally off the wall, turning you over to the table and pushing your chest against the icy wood, pulling your hips at him. “Because that's exactly what is going to happen.”
Suddenly, desire and hunger roared like a wild beast. Kaz watched you, bent over his desk, obedient, surrendered, offering every inch of your body to him.
His breath was burning in his throat and it was no longer possible to order his thoughts, contain his euphoria. He would fuck you so hard that it would make that memory the only thought when you remembered him. When you dare to rebut his orders.
Kaz pulled you skirt up and your panties down, letting out a groan that sounded more like a growl as he saw your wet core. Pulsing and desperate for him. For anything he wanted to give you. It sparked a fervent desire that Brekker had never felt in his life, devastating any possibility of thinking about anything other than fucking you.
Playing with your fingers in your slick, wet folds, you whimpered again, the core pulsing whenever he teased you inside, pressing his fingertips there but never entering.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" His voice came over the top of your shoulder, hoarse, animalistic, full of profane desires.
"Please." You were quick to beg “I do what you want! But just...please, please… ”
You already felt your eyes watering from over-stimulation, your heart burning so hard it was beating, your core aching from emptiness.
You sealed the end of the game between you. Kaz had won. In a triumphant checkmate.
And you didn't have to beg again. Barely seeing when he unbuttoned his pants, you just reasoned his hard, hot, pulsating member by opening your from the inside. Claiming everything that was yours as his in a strong, desperate, hungry lunge.
"S-sir!" You screamed, your nails scraping the wood from the table, the core pulsing overwhelmingly around his rigid member.
In a more badly lunge, Kaz sank completely into you, moaning loudly as he hit rock bottom. The gloved hand slid over your shoulder, propelled you to him while the bare hand tightened on your waist, hitting you at a steady, raw, animalistic rhythm.
The sounds were pornographic, dirty and loud, echoing off the walls. The air was hot like molten lava, pungent and muffled, driving you two lost breath. Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end tomorrow, in aggressive, rough thrusts. These were thrusts that made half of his things on the table fall to the floor, mixing in a mess that would serve as a reminder later about the sinful activities you two did.
You screamed when Kaz took on more force, his fingers squeezing you so hard that they would leave you with marks on your shoulder and waist the next day.
"Fucking hell!" Kaz snarled between his teeth, feeling your flesh throb around him, squeezing he with such desperation that he knew you were close.
You sobbed, tears streaming down the corners of your eyes as you pushed your ass towards him, trying to bring him as deep as possible, as deep inside you as possible. But every time his pelvis smashed into your ass, a loud moan and the feeling of being completely full drowned you.
You begged, pleaded, for something you didn't know. But Kaz seemed to know. Taking both hands to your hips, your pace became even more unperturbed, pushing you to the limit until you cum in a scream in his name, your lungs on fire. Kaz came close behind, sinking as deep as possible and pouring all the hot liquid into you. Almost like a brand.
The air was filled with sex, lust and desire, filled only by the sound of their ragged breaths that struggled to stabilize.
You were still panting when Kaz's voice came after you: "Whatever I want, don't I?"
A deal with the devil.
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little-diable · 3 years
Stitches in the dark - Spencer Reid (smut)
Written for @band--psycho 2k challenge, I love you and I'm so proud of you Tash! My word was "stitches" - I didn't highlight it in the text, since its pretty obvious. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Spencer and the reader are spending the night together at the annual FBI ball, but when his suit jacket rips he needs the reader to stitch it back together. Who would have thought that it would only take a needle and some threat to push the two into the right direction?
Warnings: 18+, sex, sex in a public place, mixed with some fluff, mentions a needle (for sewing)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader (1.5k)
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(Y/n) couldn’t help but frown at her reflection, tugging on the black dress Emily had forced her to wear, making her feel like a puppet stuck in layers of fabric. She looked beautiful, though just the thought of having to spend the following hours squeezed into a ballroom with people she didn’t even know the names of didn’t sit right with her.
But time was running short, she didn’t have a chance to back out, head whipping towards her front door. Spencer was pacing in front of it, knocking on the heavy wood again and again, till (y/n) finally ripped it open, staring at his tall frame. He was dressed in a black suit, looking as handsome as one could be.
“Hey,” (y/n) forced her gaze to meet his eyes, smiling at a gasping Spencer. He felt his lungs burning, struggling to keep on breathing, he had never seen her in a dress before, could only imagine what was lying beneath the heavy fabric.
“You look gorgeous.” Spencer cleared his throat, waiting for her to lock the door before she followed him to the car.
Both weren’t big fans of events and crowded places, but neither wanted to miss the annual FBI ball and since they didn’t have any dates they simply decided to go together, hoping that time would pass by quickly enough. Spencer opened the car door for (y/n), patiently helping her with her dress, chuckling at the struggling woman.
The air crackled, both couldn’t help but stare at one another, stealing glances whenever the car would take another turn, driving them through the city, towards the big hall. (Y/n) tapped her feet against the carpet, tightly gripping her dress to find anything to hold onto, wondering if he could tell how nervous she felt.
Not once had they spoken about their feelings for one another, too focused on their work, on the cases that kept them going. Spencer had always struggled with analyzing his own feelings, so it had been no surprise to the rest of the team that he couldn’t understand that (y/n) was clearly crushing on him.
“Just tell me when you want to leave,” Spencer murmured as the car came to a halt, waiting for them to step out before driving off into the night, leaving the two behind. Instinctively (y/n) grasped his hand in hers, tugging him close to stabilise her trembling frame - at least that’s what she told herself.
(Y/n) could barely take in her surroundings, trying to keep her breathing steady as Spencer pulled her towards the crowd, finding the rest of their team. With her heart racing on her tongue, she greeted her friends, not letting go of his warmth, the arm that found its way around her waist.
“Do you want to dance?” His breath tickled her neck, waiting for her to make up her mind, head slightly nodding yes, following Spencer to the dance floor. (Y/n) was thankful for the silence that lingered between them, giving her a few moments to make up her mind, sorting through her thoughts as they began to sway to the music.
The calming piano music wrapped itself around them, keeping them safe and shielded from the other couples. Spencer couldn’t help but wonder if she could hear his heartbeat, the strong muscles that pulsed in his chest. He felt like a young boy, the Spencer that had just been asked to join the team years ago, not used to chasing criminals all around the country.
But nothing would ever give him an adrenaline rush like this, keeping (y/n) close while they got lost in the calmness of the night. Both hearts ached as the song ended, forcing them apart, ushering the couple back to their smiling friends. None of them dared to speak their mind, very well knowing how Spencer and (y/n) struggled with the growing tension between them.
(Y/n) watched Spencer follow Derek to the bar, shooting Emily a warning glance, keeping her in line, at least for the night. She didn’t have any time to find a new topic to discuss with the team, Derek’s voice rang through the ballroom, calling for (y/n).
Both men were standing near the bar, fiddling around with Spencer’s suit jacket, trying to keep the ripped open fabric pieced together. (Y/n) couldn’t stop her chuckles from bubbling out of her, watching the two with twinkling eyes, waiting for them to tell her what to do.
“You can sew, right?” With her tongue pressed against her teeth, she grasped Spencer’s hand, pulling him towards the bathrooms, making their way into one of the stalls. She placed her purse down on the sink, combing through her stuff till she found her small emergency bag, pulling out a needle and some black thread. Spencer had sat down on the toilet seat, watching her with wide eyes.
“Give me your jacket.” (Y/n) didn’t think twice before placing herself in his lap, trying to make herself comfortable as she began stitching the fabric together. She felt his eyes on her back, not noticing how Spencer slowly moved his hands closer to her waist. His instincts seemed to guide him, taking over his system to push him in the right direction.
Spencer felt like he was on drugs, high and confused, out of place. His body worked without asking his mind for permission, lips meeting her neck, kissing her soft skin. (Y/n) froze in her movements, holding her breath. Was Spencer Reid kissing her? The Spencer Reid she had been dreaming of for years?
“Spencer,” his name fell from her lips, filling the small space. She dropped his jacket, turning her head towards him. Before another word could leave either one of them, their lips met, swallowing down their moans. Her hands got lost in his brown hair, holding him close as their tongues moved in sync.
“(Y/n), I-.” He didn’t know what to say, wanted to beg her to let him touch her. But the hands that tugged on his dress shirt, seemed to push him back into his mindset, guided by his emotions. She struggled to undo his shirt, so her hands moved lower, turning towards the zip of his trousers.
“Here?” His raspy voice rang in her ears, body turning so that she was straddling him. The “yes” she moaned against his lips vibrated on his skin, tingling in every cell of his body. (Y/n) managed to pull his trousers down, cock springing free. Her hands grasped him, no longer feeling nervous, instincts telling her what to do.
Spencer’s head rolled back, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed down another groan. (Y/n) couldn’t rip her eyes off him, he looked handsome, the darkness that engulfed them still allowed her to admire his lust drunken features. He moved his hands up her thighs, pushing her dress up to her waist, tugging her panties aside to touch her.
Both moved as if they had done this numerous times before, taking care of one another as their heart’s begged them to keep on exploring. His name bled from her lips, eyes fluttering shut, enjoying the feeling of his cold hands toying with her pulsing clit.
“I need to feel you.” Their mouths met, lips parted to allow their shaky breaths to fill the small room. With Spencer’s help (y/n) shuffled herself even closer, staring at him with excitement laced in her gaze.
“Do you have a-” he reached for his wallet, pulling out the small foil packet. (Y/n) ripped it out of his hand, opening it with her teeth before rolling it down his length. The moment she sank down on his cock, (y/n) felt burning flames of pleasure taking over her system, for a second her eyes snapped to her arms, wondering if she was truly burning alive.
Spencer had inflamed something deep inside of her, burning her system to the ground as he took over. Their hips met over and over again, skin slapping as she rode him with his hands placed on her behind. Both felt like they were drowning, holding one another down as the air around them got thinner.
“You take me so well, so tight, fuck.” Spencer murmured against her lips, feeling his own orgasm creeping closer, no longer could he control his movements, mind set on making her cum. “See how you’re squeezing me, you need me, don’t you?”
(Y/n) cried out, head buried in the crook of his neck. Her thighs trembled, she no longer could hold herself up, would let go any second now. Spencer moved his hand to her chin, tugging on her skin, forcing her eyes to meet his.
“Look at me when you cum.” His voice dropped lower, no longer the genius that was scared of messing things up with (y/n), but the man that fucked her raw.
She cried and cried, walls fluttering as her orgasm clashed through her like a tsunami, ripping her open from inside out. Spencer’s orgasm followed shortly after, cum filling the condom, holding her down against his hips.
Their heavy pants filled the bathroom, eyes closed, enjoying the bliss that flickered inside of them. (Y/n) pulled him in for another kiss, silently thanking him for touching her how she had always dreamt of.
What had started with a few stitches in the dark had turned into something so raw and passionate that both couldn’t help but thank their lucky stars for luring them out of their houses.
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Follow my sideblog @little-diableswriting for taglist reblogs
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valeskakingdom · 3 years
since we were talking about candy in the groupchat, what about jerome and reader being at the circus or a festival and reader insisting on trying every candies and snacks? or maybe that would be jerome? haha (of course, ignore if you want to! :))
No it's alright! I think I do it before Jerome became crazy tho. Still I think I mention the abusive relationship and the big hatred Jerome feels for her. Get ready for a little surprise ahaha!
This time it's a very short one tho (my opinion)
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Credit: @daily-joker
Jerome x Reader
Warnings: short mention of violence and abuse, otherwise none
Word count: 2139
It was 4ish in the afternoon.
You were excited - finally you see your lover again: the ginger circus boy Jerome Valeska. He meant everything to you, you couldn't without him. In your opinion you and him had almost the perfect relationship. You've never argued, you supported each other, helped each other... It was magical. Both of you, Jeromeor you, could never think it. You and arguing? About what? There was nothing to argue about. You know he would never cheat on you, nor would you. Your feelings for each other were way to strong.
But yes, as you've heard - your relationship was almost perfect.
The crux of the matter were your habits. You lived in a small apartment near the Narrows with a non exciting view to the outside - you just saw damaged houses, trash filled the streets, and just a few people walked outside.
And Jerome - he lived at the circus. Always travelling, always far away from you. Just at the beginning of spring you were able to see him, otherwise you were required to send letters - and you did it, day by day until you both knew everything about each other. You knew, he didn't like the circus - mainly because of his mother Lila Valeska, the snake dancer. In your opinion, she was a whore who abused his own flesh and blood. She was beating Jerome, yelling and punishing him for nothing. It made you cry, thinking your love of your life was living in such horrible conditions. Several times you offered him to live with him but he always declined. He said if he left his mum would find him and kill him. Then you offered him to move to the circus but even that he declined. He said he couldn't forgive himself if his mother laid a finger on you - kind of understandable.
You made your way quick to the circus. You didn't want to waste your time, you couldn't wait any longer to see you. You wanted to hug him, kiss the shit outta him, wanted to smell on his cologne that smelled like a mix of candies and the classy men perfume. It satisfied all your senses, you were literally addicted to it.
After you quickly parked in front of the circus, you made your way fast to enter it. You didn't even need to buy a ticket, every artist knew you as Jerome pretty little doll. That was the nickname he usually gave you when he was non stop talking about you.
On the entrance, you saw the Ringmaster seemingly looking for something. His head permanently moved from one side to another and he had a questioning look on his face. It changed though as he saw you. A little smile went over his face and waved at you, he had some empathy for you which was not natural.
"Great to see you (Y/n)."
"Thank you," you gave him a warm smile "Was just looking for Jerome."
"Might be in his trailer. Probably arguing with his mother again. I heard them yelling." He shrugged clueless.
You just sighed in response, you knew what that meant. You'd find Jerome being beaten up in his room, his pretty face was covered in bruises and he'd try to overplay everything although he'd love to cry into your shoulder.
Immediately, you made your way to his trailer, almost running. You hoped he was fine and nothing that bad has happened yet.
Your feeling was wrong.
You saw him sitting in front of the trailer. He was crawled into himself like a little girl that was scared of getting punched but one of its parents again - what a cliche.
You couldn't see whether he was crying yet or not - you just hoped he didn't.
You hope was all gone as you came nearer, you heard him sobbing and sniffing. Fuck, you thought. Your felt sorry for him, you couldn't stand him being so sad. It made you sad, you just wanted to cry. You couldn't see him like that. Your heart felt heavy, breathing became a burden, pins and needles were all over your skin, tears were built up in your eyes at you were trying to hold back.
"Jerome-" Your breathe hitched as he looked up at you - his eyes were puffy and red from crying and his face...oh lord. He had a black eye, a red swollen lip with a bloody cut You almost didn't date to ask. You knew he didn't like taking about it "Wha-what has happened?"
"Had a little argument with my mum and her one off bozo." He shrugged sniffing and looked at the ground.
You couldn't understand Lila, you couldn't understand anybody who ever abused someone like that. Did they have fun destroying someone's life?! Did she love seeing her son hurt?
Saying nothing you took a seat next to him. You took his hand tangling your fingers in your and rubbed circles with your thumb slowly as you rested your head on his shoulder. You tried to calm him down with that. You knew words were useless. You could start this typical encouragement like everything's gonna be better bla bla. You and he knew it was not true and making him falso hope wouldn't help at all.
You both said nothing for a while. You gave him time to clear his head that he could calm down. You didn't want to annoy him with any stupid words or thoughts as well.
"I wanna kill her." Jerome said all of a sudden "She should feel the pain she causes me."
You gulped in surprise. You've never heard him saying like this before, he sounded so serious about it what kinda scared you. Was he serious about it? No he wasn't, right? Jerome was too adorable to be a criminal. He was surely just upset about the stuff his mother does to him and he doesn't know what he's sayinh.
"I just can offer you to stay with me, Jerome. You'd be save, no mother, no violent bozos. There'd be just you and me."
"Soon I will. I promise." He wiped his tears from his cheeks.
"Just say a word and I help you packing." You just kissed his cheek give him a little smile. It was the first time he said this. Now you were assured he really wanted to do all these things you've planned once: Living together, a wedding, kids.
Jerome looked at you now. His gaze met yours, a small smile was built up in his actually face. He was relieved. He was thankful you offered him a place to say although the he permanently denied it. He was thankful to have you by his side. You were his only supporter, and the most intense one.
"I love you," Jerome grabbed your cheeks softly and pulled you into a deep kiss. You couldn't help but smile as your lips touched softly.
"I love you, too." You said against his lips with a smile making him smile, too. You were thinking now. What could you do to make him feel better? Sex was no option for you - well, not right now. You wanted to give him the feeling of freedom, that he could do what he wanted or that he could be a normal teenager like you. You wanted to do something stupid with him. Something like buying tons of food like trying to win the biggest soft animal or taking silly photos of each other. You just wanted to see him happy again.
Then you had an idea.
You grabbed his hand and pulled him after you while you both stood up. Probably that was gonna be one of your most stupid ideas but it was fun. It was childish. Maybe he would even call you dumb but you didn't care. You just wanted to make him love and letting him forget all his problems.
"What are you doing?" Jerome frowned as he wiped the last few tears out of his face.
"I wanna cheer you up, silly." You giggled and kept walking "Have you ever eaten every sort of candies here Or every snack you can buy here?"
"Yes or no?"
"Uhm...no? What are you-..."
"Time for changes." You smirked "We now go buy every single candy and every kind of fast food they offer here. Then we go out anywhere and eat them all up and vote what's the best and the worst one."
"Are you serious?" Jerome asked on disbelief.
"I'm anything but joking." You stopped walking giving him a stern look "So you're in?"
"I don't know," Jerome shrugged with a sigh "I'm just not in the mood for anything."
Instead of saying something, you pulled him into a tight hug and buried your face into the crook of his neck. At first, he didn't hug you back, just stood there; sad, unmotivated, pissed. You didn't mind about it. You could understand how he felt. Being beaten up and insulted almost every day had to be horrible. It was a living hell.
After a few minutes though, you felt Jerome slowly wrapping his arms around. His head was leaned against yours, one of his hands was placed on the back of your head and his fingers were tangled in your hair. You felt how he pulled you more against him. He needed you, more than before - more than anything right now.
"I hate seeing you like that, Jerome." You mumbled "I just want you to be happy or at least forget all these bad things for a moment. I know it's hard, but I just wanna help you, okay?"
"I know...thank you for that." Jerome kissed your head, then looked at you giving you a little smile making you smile, too.
"Anytime for you," You pecked his lips "So...does that mean you're in?"
"Do we really have to eat all candies?"
"Yes! That's the fun on it," You chuckled "How about we rate the candies? Criteria are taste and consistence. C'mon that'll be fun!"
"Fineee." He rolled his eyes with a slight laughter. You were glad. You were glad seeing him smiling, hearing him laughing a little. His eyes weren't full of tears anymore, he didn't look sad not like he was about to have a nervous break down. He looked like the funny and happy Jerome you got to know.
"What about Twinkies?" You ask as you and Jerome took a bite in it as you both sat n the back seats of your car. You really did it. You bought every candy that existed at the circus. Pop tarts, Nerds, Sour Patch, Twizzlers...everything.
In your eyes it was a good idea doing that. Not because you were obsessed with candies, you just wanted to distract Jerome - and it worked. He was laughing more, he was making jokes, making you smile. Exactly how you wanted it.
"I would say...hm...taste is 7 out of 10, consistence 8." Jerome said thinking "Makes 7.5"
"I agree," You said giving him the cotton candy "Now let's try this." You both took a bite in it.
"Taste is 8 out of 10, consistence is...6."
"Really? Just a 6? It's an 8 as a minimum." You frowned in disbelief. He can't be serious, can he?
"It's too fibrous."
"Well, that's the sense of cotton candy." You rolled your eyes "You aren't a cotton candy type, are you?"
"I just don't like this one. Its just made bad," He grabbed the pop tarts opening them "Now let's try these." And again you both took a bite in it.
"Fight me but 10 out of 10! Both criteria!" You insisted instantly.
"Agreed." Jerome nodded "I think they are my favorites."
"Hm," You pursed your lips thinking "I can't decide between Twizzlers and Pop Tarts." You really couldn't. You loved the frosted chocolate in Pop Tarts, and oh the cookie! The cookie was amazing. But Twizzlers... You loved the strawberry flavor. It was perfect! Not too sour, not too sweet, not bitter. Both were your favorite flavors.
"Let's try them again." Jerome eagerly grabbed the Twizzlers pack and ate some "Definitely Pop Tarts."
"Are you sure? They are both so... delicious and-..."
"I'm more than sure," Jerome interrupted me with a slight chuckle "Trust me, Pop Tarts are the best."
"Okay fine, Pop Tarts are the winner." You smirked eating up the rest of Pop Tarts. You admitted, he was right. Pop Tarts ARE the best.
"By the way," Jerome started scratching his head "Thank you."
"Anytime." you smiled kissing his soft and red lips. You accomplished what you wanted - he was happy again because of your silly idea "And next time we rate fast food."
"I'm in."
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thebeebi · 4 years
your little games pt. 13
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pairing: Jungkook x reader
warnings: fluff in later chapters, smut, non-con, mention of r*pe attempt, implied murder and many more! Read only if you are okay with these topics!
genre: historical AU, 18th century?
word count: 4.2k+ [part 13]
a/n: Hello there my wonderful readers. I hope you are having a great day / evening / night. I am sorry for posting late again. I guess I will have to change the upload time to a later hour. I hope you will like this chapter. Please let me know if you did! ♥ Love you
taglist: @njrwifey @danietoww04  @kaithezaftig @she-is-dreaming @dreamybellatrixanvm​​  @iwondermypurpose​   [If you want to be added, just let me know :)]
You ran away from the man who tried to take an advantage of you. You stabbed him and escaped. Escaped to the arms of the handsome captain who was even worse than the man you just killed.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12
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On the way back, Jungkook did not say a word to you. He was frowning and you could see him clenching his teeth. When you arrived at the tavern, he swiftly helped you get down of the carriage. The sounds coming from the tavern were loud even outside but once you entered it, you could not hear even yourself if you said any word. The drunk sailors were singing and the prostitutes were stroking their thighs wishing for someone to warm their bed.  While you were making your way towards the room, one drunkard decided to approach but you but when he was Jungkook staring at him with a cold, warning expression he halted his mission and sat back on the chair. Without any other problems, you finally got to the room. Jungkook walked towards the window turning his back away from you saying. “See that? It is yours, You can put there all of your clothes.” He said coldly without even turning, yet he pointed at the beautiful chest that was decorated with oriental ornaments.
When you took off the cloak he gave you, you lit up the candle because it was starting to get darker due to the sunset. You were honestly surprised to see the dinner on the table once the room lit up but you were glad about it. Trying on the dresses was more tiring than you expected. You placed your cloak near the door and then made your way towards the table again to look at the delicacies. A soft knock on the door pulled you back from the fantasy of tasting it just by looking. Jungkook invited the person in and you saw Jimin’s figure in the doorframe.  “If there anything I can do for you, sir?“ Asked Jimin and Jungkook shook his head. With that Jimin nodded and closed the door again. The rumbling of the stomach decided for you that it was the time to eat. After all, you are not feeding only yourself but a little baby growing inside of you. You started putting on your plate different kinds of meat with vegetables. When you were done, you tried to open the bottle of wine. You did not notice that Jungkook was watching you over his shoulder. He sighed and walked towards you to grab the bottle and opened it with a swift pull. Then he poured wine into the glasses placed on the table. “Can we eat Jungkook? I am really hungry.” You placed your hand on your stomach when it growled in embarrassment.
Jungkook pulled the chair for you without saying a word. When you sat down, his eyes looked lower at the luring side of your neck. It was difficult to hold himself back. He kept on squeezing the backrest of the chair so hard, his knuckled turned white. He stood there for a bit even after you sat down but then he exhaled deeply and walked towards his chair to sit down. He gulped the glass of wine like it was water and bit into a piece of bread, not really feeling hungry. You on the other hand were almost choking on the food due to hunger. Jungkook barely touched anything else than his glass, that he was always refilling after oneshotting it. You finished eating in silence while Jungkook was still fighting with his problem you did not know about. You stood up and walked towards the chest, opened it and placed most of the dresses you had from before inside. You pulled out a beautiful satin scarf Jungkook bought you and rubbed it on your cheek smiling, not knowing that Jungkook also stood up and walked towards you while watching your every more. He leaned in and pushed a strand of the fallen hair behind your ear. In his eyes, you could see a strange look – something between pain and happiness and it looked like he wanted to tell you something but could not find the right words. He clenched his teeth as he started frowning even more. He pulled away from you and run to the other side of the room, walking back and forth like a tiger. You were watching him confused but when he spoke up, this rough tone surprised you that much you gasped.
“For fuck sake, Y/N, you need to learn something about the men. I just can’t…” He stopped himself from continuing and turned to you. In the light of the candle, you could see that his cheek was twitching in anger. You were waiting for him to continue but when he did not, you folded all of your dresses and put them inside of the chest. Jungkook walked towards the table once again and grabbed the bottle, drinking it without bothering to use the glass. After he found out the bottle was empty, he slammed it again the table and cursed. You did not expect him to be so aggressive and the shock caused you to prick your finger on the needle you were putting away. You sat down on the bed and sucked on the pricked finger while he pulled the chair close to you and then he sat down in front of the bed. You stopped moving and looked at him. For a bit he was looking for the right words then he placed his hands on your knees trying to smooth out the skirt of your dress. “Little one,” He started slowly. “The journey to my hometown is going to be long. We will spend more time together and it is going to be in even smaller room than is this one. We will sleep in a smaller bed. It is going to be cold on the ship and it will be uncomfortable and you might feel not as nice, mostly because you are going to be the only woman on the deck. You will not be able to move around freely on the deck nor even walk away from me or from the cabin. It would be too dangerous for you. Well, what I am trying to say, Y/N,… when sailors are too long on the sea, they cannot look at the woman without being” He stopped for a second. “Without being aroused. And if it would repeat more times, they would be obsessed.” He was looking into your eyes, trying to see if you understood everything he said. You were looking at him nodding the whole time, but Jungkook knew you were not counting him as a sailor he was talking about. He sighed and continued. “Y/N, if a man is looking at the beautiful woman and he is close to her, without being able to relieve all of his needs, he will feel enormous desire to make love with her. If he cannot do that, it is almost unbearable. He has to…” It looked like he could not finish his sentence. You bit your lower lip grabbing the hem of your dress shyly.  “I will stay in the cabin, for as long as you want me to, Jungkook.” You whispered looking down at your hands. “I will try my best not to get in anyone’s way.“
Jungkook internally cursed at himself for not making it clear to you. “Oh God, Y/N,” he said irritated and stood up from the chair. “I am trying to tell you that,… that it is going to be a long way back without…without,” he clenched his teeth. “You will have to let me make lov-“ He almost finished it but then he exhaled and looked away. He could not finish his sentence, his pride won once again and while swearing he threw the chair to the opposite side of the room and run to the door. “Don’t go out of the room,” He said looking at you from above his shoulder. “Jimin is going to be here, he will make sure you are alright.” With that, he swiftly opened the door and cursing run out from there. You were stunned, not able to process what just happened.
After Jungkook barked at him all commands he disappeared and Jimin came inside to take all of the dishes from the dinner you had a little while ago. You looked at the man. “Jungkook didn’t tell you when is he coming back?” Jimin shook his head. “No, madam” He was about to leave but then he turned to you. “May I say something?” You smiled and nodded wanting to hear what he is going to say. “Captain is a good man. Sometimes he is acting strangely but if you wait it out, he is going to come back to his usual self. Please, be patient, madam. He is a rough man but a good one.” Jimin felt embarrassed, surprised by his own statement. You smiled and thanked the man softly. Jimin smiled back and when he was about to leave he turned once again to you. “Do you wish for warm water for the bath as always, madam?” You nodded once again smiling. “Yes Jimin, as always.”
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You slowly woke up from sleep. Jungkook was once again in the room. You moved underneath the blanket and blinked a few times to drive away the sleep. It was almost sunrise and the room was not as dark. You looked to the door where was Jungkook leaning onto the door, trying to support himself while he was staring at you. His eyes were red, the ribbon undone and his coat was off his right shoulder. The corners of his lips raised in amusement, as if he was laughing at himself. “Jungkook?” You gasped. “What happened to you?” You never thought about this situation. He was drunk so much that he was swaying from side to side like a feather. He walked towards you and your nose was met with a smell of strong liquor and a cheap fragrance.
“You selfish woman.” He grinned at you. “With your big boobs and huge ass, you are seducing a man even while you are sleeping.” He raised his hand and suddenly pushed everything off the nightstand. You backed away on the bed scared of what he might do. “Oh fuck all of the naïve, pure, innocent virgins out there.” He spat out in anger. “You are all the same, you all bleed. At first, you seduce a man so he would lose his mind and then he is not even to sleep with any other woman out there. You take away the pride from him and then you walk in front of him just to show him that he cannot have you.” When he started swaying again, he quickly hugged the pillar of the bed to support himself. Then he made a huge gesture as if introducing you to the world. “And now in front of me is sitting the queen of all virgins on her ice throne. But what about me? I played the game and I won it but now that I have her at home and I cannot touch her.” He hugged the pillar with both hands rubbing his forehead into it as if trying to get rid of some pain. “Oh my wife, why did God not make you skinny and ugly, then it would be easier to ignore you as you wish. But out of all women in this town, the weak stupid me chose you, the most beautiful woman who is luring all men. But you are not considering me to be a man but some kind of old fart who is not able to do anything to you. You are playing with me, you are showing your body to me expecting I would not feel anything. Oh God, woman. Do you think I have no feelings, no needs? I would be able to buy more love from the prostitute than I would get from you.” He leaned in closer to you, looking straight into your eyes. “But I am going to teach you, little one.” He spat out pointing at you. “I am going to take you whenever and wherever I want from now on.” He was eating you with his eyes. “Fuck that, I am going to take you now.”
He jumped on the bed with arms stretched out so he could grab you around your middle. You screamed trying to get away from him. You got out of the bed, your nightgown flowing after you. You could hear the ripping sound of fabric and Jungkook looked down at his hand realising it is from your sleepwear. Then he quickly looked at you, absorbing the beautiful curves of your body. He smirked trying to help himself up but then the alcohol effect made him fall back down. He let go of the material in his hand and passed out of drunkenness. His eyes were closed and he started breathing calmly. You walked towards him warily, poking into his ankle. “Jungkook?” You asked unsurely.
He did not move nor opened his eyes. You sighed and put his hand back that was poking out of the bed back, so he would not hurt himself. You wanted to move him but was aware that he was too heavy for you to do so. The only option you could do was to ask Jimin to help you. You made your way towards the door and opened it, walking to the opposite door of yours. You knocked and opened the door. “Jimin?” You asked. “Oh my God, madam. What are you doing here?” You pulled your nightgown closer to yourself trying to hide it being ripped. “Could you please come to our room, Jimin?” You asked quietly. Without further questions, Jimin nodded and followed you to your room.
Once Jimin left with wishing of good morning, you sat down on the chair staring at Jungkook who was sleeping like a baby. “You horny idiot. You come to me after going around the town looking for a quick fuck and then you make me look like the bad one who is doing everything on purpose.” When Jungkook did not move nor answered, you became bolder. “Now you are cursing at every virgin but before you were happy when you could have me.” You stood up from the chair frustrated. “What does he take me for? Does he think that I will wait for him to snap his fingers, so I could fulfil his every desire? Does he think I am going to be blindly in love with him and be willing to spend my whole life fulfilling each of his desires?” You made your way to the bed to look at Jungkook, while he is not reacting to any of your words. “You freaking idiot. I am a woman. What I had, I saved it for a man who I would choose to be my husband but you stole it from me. I am a living human being and I have my pride too!” You spat out and turned away from him and went to sit on the chair again. You covered yourself with a blanket you took from the bed and tried to sleep for a little bit more.
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It was almost lunchtime when Jungkook woke up. You were sitting in the chair, doing stitching work when you heard first of many groans. He held his messy hair and head with both hands as if it was too heavy for his long neck. With the corner of his eyes, he saw you and quickly gave you instructions. “Give me the bathrobe.” You put away the material on which you were stitching a flower ornament and walked to Jungkook, to hand him the bathrobe. You wanted to help him, but he pushed your hands away and stood up. “Until I come back, have everything ready for my bath.” He spat out. “And made it hot because if not, I am going to slap your little butt.” When he closed the door, you smiled knowing that he was feeling really bad but you quickly gave orders to Jimin, knowing that it would be better not to test his patience. When Jungkook came back, he was even paler but his walk looked a bit lighter than before. He took off his clothes and sat in the tub. He was sitting in the bath for a long time, eyes closed and his head was leaning on the edge of the tub. Someone knocked on the door and you could see Jungkook’s cheek twitch.
“Stop kicking the door!“ He shouted and then continued more quietly. “And enter if you must.” Jimin tiptoed inside and brought a glass of brandy to his captain. He exchanged a knowing look with you, to find out how you were dealing with the situation. He knew you were a strong woman so he was glad you were dealing with it very well. He handed the glass to his captain and he disappeared once again. Jungkook gulped the first half of the liquor and sighed feeling the tension in his body ease up a little. You grabbed a sponge and a soap, ready to help Jungkook wash up just as you used to. You were about to touch his body but he shouted at you. “ Get out, you fucking woman. Disappear from my sight. I can do it myself.” You stepped back dropping the sponge and soap into the tub. You made your way towards the door and opened them before Jungkook noted, being amused. “Where are you going like that?” With your hand, you first reached for your shoulders then to your back. You almost forgot you are half-naked but your pride did not let you lose. “I am going downstairs and ask Jimin to button them up for me.” You answered boldly. You closed the door behind yourself before Jungkook could respond anything. By a coincidence, a maid was passing you by and you asked her to button up your dress. You could hear that Jungkook was not satisfied with your answer as he was swearing loudly.
You went downstairs and ordered a cup of tea for yourself. Soon enough Jungkook joined you. He waited till the server left the table before he started. “If you don’t want me to bend you over my knee, pull up your shirt and slap your naked butt, I suggest you not to provoke me.” You looked at him innocently, not knowing what made him so mad. “What is the cause of your desire to punish your wife, who is carrying your child?” You could see him clenching his teeth. “Y/N,” he tried to calm himself. “Don’t tease me. You know I have no mood for any jokes.” You gulped dryly. Seeing the twitch of his cheek, you stopped from questioning any further. You knew it meant danger.
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It was the last evening of your stay in your hometown and you were well aware of that. Jungkook was the whole day in the docks taking care of the ship and when he finally came back, he found you sitting in the tub. Jungkook stood still in the door. He was watching the precious moment of you taking a bath with him inside the room. To him, it was such a domestic scene and was not happy when you noticed him and started lean forward in the tub, trying to cover yourself. To Jungkook, it was a beautiful sight, the most beautiful he saw that day.
Jungkook walked towards you and leaned in as if wanting to kiss you. “Good evening, little one.” He whispered. It surprised you how gentle he was. You felt like you were in the trap in the tub. You submerged yourself deeper trying to smile at him, but the smile was uncertain. Jungkook laughed at your attempt to smile and he grabbed the soap from the table and let it fall into the tub in front of your face, causing it to splash the water on you. “Wipe your face, little one.” He handed you the towel. “It is wet.” You swiftly pulled the towel from his hand and pushed it to your eyes. “You! You!” You tried to start but could not find the fitting words.
“Just enjoy the bath, little one.” He continued more seriously. “It is most likely you will not be able to enjoy it in the near future.” You quickly turned to him with eyes wide open thinking it was a new method of how to make you behave. “No, Jungkook. Please. I don’t have many things I enjoy in my life and this one is so dear to me.” You were looking at him, pleading for him to change his mind. “Jungkook, please. Don’t take it from me. I love taking baths, please…” You bit your lower lip that was trembling and looked down. Jungkook stopped smirking and walked closer towards the tub. He grabbed the edge with both hands and kept on looking at you. You were sitting sadly as if you were a small child being scolded. Jungkook started again, but his voice was more gentle. “You are really unfair to me, Y/N, when you think I would take away something you enjoy so much. I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow we are leaving.” You quickly looked up into his eyes and the light of the candle shined at your bust. “Oh, Jungkook. I didn’t know. I am sorry.” You whispered. “It was really mean of me to accuse you of something like that.” You stopped talking once you noticed he was no longer looking into your eyes but his eyes travelled southern. His lips were pale and you could see that his cheek was twitching while looking at you. You blushed mumbling something and then you pulled the huge sponge to cover your showing bust. Jungkook suddenly turned away and walked towards the window. Staring into the distance.
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You thought it was just minutes ago when you fell asleep but Jungkook was already waking you up, handing you the dress. It was still too early in the morning but you were supposed to leave today, so it was never too early to go on the board. When you arrived on Bangtan, Mrs Dubois was already there waiting for you with all of the dresses that she prepared. When she showed Jungkook everything and he nodded in satisfaction, he opened the chest with the money. Mrs Dubois looked over his shoulder and gasped when she saw the amount of gold he had there. Jungkook looked at her raising his right eyebrow. Mrs Dubois returned to her place on the other side of the table and Jungkook continued with counting the money.
The dressmaker was looking at you, as you were placing all of the dresses she brought on the ship to the chest Jungkook got you a few days ago. Then she turned to Jungkook and with a calculative look, she smiled at him. “Will madam come with you next year again?” Jungkook shook his head. “No.” Mrs Dubois smiled slyly and run her fingers through her hair. “When you come back, will you get the new dresses in my shop again, monsieur? I will be happy to design some dresses for madam.” She softly touched the hem of her dress near the showing bust trying to be seductive. “My service will be available to you anytime, monsieur.”
You heard the last sentence and saw how she was looking at Jungkook. You tried not to be bothered so you returned back to packing the dresses. Jungkook scoffed at what Mrs Dubois said. He looked up and her coldly, then his eyes looked her up and down as if measuring and judging her. His eyes lingered longer on her bust then looked back at the money in the chest, counting again. Without looking away, Jungkook started. “I think you did not understand, madam. I am not coming back. This is the last one of my travels.” The dressmaker stepped back meanwhile Jungkook handed her the bag of golden coins. Mrs Dubois did not count them, she quickly turned away and left the ship without saying a word.
After a tiring day, it was finally a calm evening with the water surface being as smooth as a table. The sun set down and you were standing next to Jungkook once he commanded his crew. “Anchor up! We are leaving!” Soon enough you could no longer see the light of your hometown. You kept looking at the mainland in the distance until you heard a sailor shouting. “Bye mainland!” With that, you sighed knowing it was the last time in your hometown. Soon you have to start a new life somewhere else.
When both of you returned to the cabin you shared, Jungkook started explaining to you while you sat down on the small bed. “The deck belongs to the sailors until the early morning, Y/N. If you were to go out too early, you might see something that would make you blush. I advise you to stay inside until lunchtime.” You kept nodding at his commands understanding that this was how you were going to live for the next few weeks. “Oh, and you are not allowed to go below deck.” He added. “It belongs to the crew. They have their beds there and spend their time there and you are a sweet temptation for men on the long voyage. I don’t want to kill anyone just because he forgot that you belong to me. That is why you are not going there nor are you going to be in their way.” You nodded once again and sighed, nothing to yourself.This is how it is going to be, for now. I have to be strong.
Chapter 14
a/n: Babiessss we are finally moving from Y/N’s hometown to the ocean. o.o ♥ And after that we will see where Jungkook is from. WHO IS READY?!?!?!?
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victoria-daydreams · 3 years
The Long Way Home
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Chapter Five: A Summer Place
AN: Claudia is back babyyyy!!!
Trigger Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.8k
Taglist: @iloveeverything-09​, @eiferundruhe​, @greatscott--wrongdecade​
Chapter Six: Hell Hath No Fury
Claudia's POV
This was not what I was expecting today.
Today was supposed to be another ordinary day, I just returned from the airport an hour ago after dropping my parents off, it was a lovely week of fun spending time with my parents. And at that moment, nothing felt better than falling into a deep sleep, but the weather was too nice for me to nap the day away. The sun was warm enough, watery in the way it was just before the heat of the evening, but there was a slight chill on the breeze that would make you shiver for sure once you got out of the water wet, still it was perfect swimming weather.
Underneath my umbrella, I sat in my chair sipping from my glass of lemonade absently in one hand while my other hand held the latest copy of Jet magazine. This is how a summer day should always be. Refreshing. Cool. And with Andy Williams soothing voice as background noise, god, I almost wanted to dance and laugh and smile and sing all at the same time. For once, I was glad that none of the neighborhood children were begging to play in the pool.
Everything was perfect.
And then it happened.
I was enjoying the serene moment until a sudden rush of emotions gushed up to the forefront of my consciousness. Thrill, excitement, determination, annoyance, and curiosity they all flooded my senses. I could almost feel the tingling of my powers tickling me on my fingertips. But one stood out above all of them.
With the slightest of movement I flicked my fingers immobilizing four out of the five men in my backyard. "Now Hank," I called out, setting down my glass and magazine on a small table next to me. "When I invited you to stop by my house whenever you please, that invitation wasn't extended to a stranger, a wanted criminal, a drug abuser, and a..." I paused, loudly sniffing the air twice. "A dog," I finished, not bothering to turn around.
"I wouldn't have brought them along if this wasn't important," Hank explained. "We need your help Claudia," he added.
"You've go to be kidding me?" I breathed, as released my telekinetic hold. I swung my legs over the side of my lounge chair and slipped on the silk robe that was on back of it. "I let the maids take off one day and look what happens," I complained, rolling my eyes before lifting the needle of my recorder player.
I rose from my seat, sliding my shoes on and with a slow sauntering gait, I walked towards the group. I was thankful for the round, oversized sunglasses that I was wearing, for the dark brown frames hid how my eyes slightly widened at Charles' appearance. Charles looked...well he looked god awful, to be honest. He had always kept himself cleanly shaved, but now he had let his facial hair grow wildly on his face, even his shortly kept brown hair had grown out. And the dark bags under his eyes, it seemed like Charles hasn't a had good night's rest in years.
And Erik, for someone that's been imprisoned underneath The Pentagon he still managed to maintain his handsome, clean shaven, and chiseled face. You would think that the roles had been reversed, that Charles was the one who had been locked up and not Erik by their appearances. Numerous thoughts and feelings threatened to flood my mind, but I didn't allow it. Not yet. I just needed to focus on how to get them to leave.
"Wow, your lady friend is smokin' hot," the silver-haired boy stated, gawking at me in my v-cut one piece swimsuit which had the sides cutout.
I stopped in front of them with my hand on my hip, looking from the unknown man with sideburns to Charles and then Erik. Slowly, I used my free hand to remove my sunglasses from my face, my eyes narrowed.
"Charles," I greeted simply, as Hank shuffled slightly.
Charles stood in shock for a moment staring at me dumbly, probably just in as much shock from seeing me after all these years and how I changed. My long, black locks no longer fell down to my shoulders, but now floated above it in thick, tight curls of my afro. My chestnut brown skin was tanned from the warm summer sun, but still as radiant as ever.
"Y-You look well," Charles complimented smiling slightly, recovering from his lapse of silence, as he stared at me.
"You look like shit," I snorted, letting out a chuckle as I folded my sunglasses up and putting them into my pocket "The years haven't been kind to you have they?" I asked rhetorically, folding my arms together. "Tell me Charles, are you happier now that I'm gone?" I asked mockingly. "It sure doesn't seem like it," I added, really laying it on thick.
"Claudia, we are not here for this," 'Sideburns' grumbled.
I tuned my head slightly to the man, leveling him with a venomous look,"I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?" I questioned, arching a brow.
My eyes scanned over the man's appearance, he was a little more than six feet tall, and was probably in his early or mid thirties. He had to be military or ex-military because he was built like a soldier, his muscles seemed to be harder than a tree from the way his clothes clung to him. Dark brown sideburns came down his face which reached his cheeks along with a five o'clock shadow. Anger seemed to ooze out of this man's pores. I knew he could take care of his self in a fight if such an event were to ever occur.
"My name is Logan," he answered, his blue eyes burning like two hot coals as he stared into mine.
"Are you sure it's not Dog?" I asked, a wry grin appearing on my lips as I watched this man's jaw clench. "You know with the sideburns the similarities are...uncanny," I stated, shaking my head and focusing my attention to Hank who was next to me, and was about to open his mouth. "I could call the authorities you know?" I said, cutting Hank off. "Erik's bounty would fetch a substantial payout," I noted, tapping my index finger on my cheek, thinking.
"You seem to be getting on well enough as it is," Erik replied, flicking his chin out in regards to my home.
I raised my eyebrow, "So why settle for less?" I asked cheekily.
He scoffed in disbelief, "You would actually sell me out?" Erik asked, crossing his arms.
"I'm just doing my patriotic duty Erik," I answered, raising my hands up and shrugging.
"Claudia," Hank called softly, and I looked back over to him. "I know that you have every reason to be upset right now, but please hear us out," Hank pleaded.
"We need your help Claudia," Logan stated.
"Then go hire a maid," I retorted, waving him off.
Logan growled in frustration, "Do you know how much trouble we been through just to break Erik out of the Pentagon and now to get you?" he asked, furrowing his brows.
I slid my hands into my robe pockets, "Sounds like a personal problem," I replied, shrugging again. "I didn't force you to do any of this," I pointed out with a grin.
Logan's hand clenched itself in a tight fist, "Listen lady, I've had-" He gritted out.
"No, you listen!" I interrupted, stepping closer to him. "I don't know who the hell you think are to think that you can waltz into my backyard and start making demands of me," I sassed, looking Logan up and down. I stepped in front of Hank and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hank, under any other circumstance I would be happy to see you, or even help you. But due to the fact that there are some..." I trailed, looking back at Erik and Charles. "Undesirable individuals with you," I continued, focusing my attention back to Hank. "If I were to join this little party of yours it would never work. You see Hank, I live a very comfortable life now and I'm not giving it up for the likes of them," I finished, shaking my head.
"But it's not for them Claudia, it's for humanity itself. We're trying to save the world," Hank explained, giving me a pleading look.
"Hmmm," I hummed, a sardonic smile on my lips as I shook my head again. "Funny, they said the same thing in 1962," I remembered. "Truly Hank, it was nice to see you after all these years," I smiled, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before removing my hand and turning to face the men behind me. "But, it's time for you and your guests to leave. You have overstayed your welcome," I said, gesturing to the backyard gate. "Safe travels," I added, spinning on my heel and moving past Hank toward my backdoor.
"You're just going to let her go?" I heard Logan ask. "To hell with this," he grumbled.
"Logan don't-"
I went to take another step forward, but a calloused hand roughly grabbed my wrist, spinning me around and making our bodies bump into each other.
"We're not going anywhere until you fully hear us out!" Logan exclaimed, as I glared at him. "I'm not sure what it is about you that makes Charles and Erik so subdue, but I'm not them. I'm not afraid of you!" he announced, keeping his grip tight around my wrist.
Instinctively, my free hand bawled itself into a fist cloaked in a violet aura as a scowl made its way onto my face.
"Uhh...mister her hand is glowing," The silver-haired boy informed, as I swung a powerful blow to Logan's jaw, his body crumpling on the lawn.
"They're not scared, they just know better," I corrected, spreading my fingers out and the aura spread from my hand to encasing Logan's limbs. Forcefully, I planted my foot down onto Logan's chest, tilting my head as I looked down at him. "But you? Why in the world would you be? I'm nothing to be afraid of, as you can obviously tell. I'm far too small to be any threat to a big, strong man like you," I mocked, pressing my foot down even harder and Logan glared daggers at me.
"Claudia-" Charles began, but I just lifted one finger silencing him.
"Typically, I wouldn't be opposed to ripping your limbs off right now," I explained, stretching my fingers out slightly and Logan grunted at the modest tugs at his extremities. "But, I would hate to get this freshly mowed lawn all bloody. One of the neighborhood boys worked so hard on it," I commented. "Now, like I said before, it's time for you to go," I enunciated slowly, hoping that it would get through that thick skull of his.
I removed my foot from Logan's chest, shooting him one more glare before I walked to the backdoor. As I opened the backdoor to my home I released my hold on Logan's appendages.
"Wow Charles, you sure know how to pick them," Logan drawled sarcastically.
And with a wave of my hand I forcefully shut the door behind me.
Chapter Seven: A Woman Scorned
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
An Artful Revenge pt. 6 (Feysand)
Part of the Damnation series. 
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
This is the last part of this fic! Gonna work on some asks next, then start the Nessian story (see the link above for details) 
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Men, in general, are beyond stupid.
I honestly don’t even know how the male population is still around.
I mean sure, they have their moments. Fire? Pretty cool. 
Maybe I should amend my statement: Men are stupid when it comes to women.
Because if Tamlin had any common sense, he would wonder why I drag myself into his office downtown, the day after I found out who he really is.
He’d wonder how I even found his posh little office, since he sure as hell never told me about it. (Answer: Rhysand). 
He’d wonder why I’m crying and having an emotional breakdown, but am still dressed in a lowcut dress with my hair done. (Answer: men are even stupider when it comes to a woman with exposed breasts). 
But he doesn’t.
He sees me stumbling toward him, a mess of tears and fluffy hair, and jumps to his feet, coming to my rescue.
His arms wrap around me miraculously at the same time my legs give out, and I fall into him dramatically. 
That was a little much, but what can I say? I was a theatre kid.
“Feyre,” he says calmly, stroking my hair like he didn’t insult me twenty-four hours ago. In fact, he’s acting like we didn’t even break up. “What’s wrong?”
I press my face in his shoulder, trying not to think about how wrong this feels, how wrong he smells. 
Rhysand smells like citrus and the sea and something so manly it makes my knees go weak for real. Tamlin smells like dirt and bad decisions. 
“You were right.” It’s something all men love to hear a woman say, even though it’s hardly ever true. “You were so right, Tamlin.”
He pulls back and runs a thumb over my cheek, swiping a tear away. 
His green eyes question mine, so calm and understanding compared to yesterday’s rage. His hands are gentle as they cradle my face, and I want them off off off.
“He’s a monster,” I wail, dredging up some more tears. Knowing there needs to be more of a concrete reason for my breakdown, I make some pretty seedy shit up. “He... killed his driver! Because he took a wrong turn!”
Gods, Feyre. Really?
I can practically see Rhysand rolling his eyes. He’d see through my lies in a second. 
Tamlin, however, bites the bait... more like he swallows the whole damn line.
He hugs me again, so tight my feet leave the floor, and I go limp against him, pressing all the soft parts of me against the hardness of his chest.
Don’t get me wrong, Tamlin’s attractive. Wide shoulders, surfer boy hair, tan skin, and green eyes that look like the deepest of emerald. 
But he also is a fucking asshole, and everything about him irritates me.
It’s crazy, I think as his hands slip lower on my back, that yesterday he called me a whore, and now he wants to sleep with me.
“Tamlin,” I sigh against his neck.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”
I almost throw up at the little pet name, but I nod and act like he’s the greatest thing on this planet, the gods’ personal gift to all things women.
But then he kisses me, and I get tired of this little charade. 
I keep my eyes open as his warm lips meet mine, wanting to see his face as the needle sinks into his skin.
His eyes fly open, and he drops me to my feet roughly, a hand pressed against his neck. It’s too late, of course.
Whatever black market shit this is, it works fast. 
His legs give out, and I shove his shoulder so he lands in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. 
“Feyre,” he growls, no longer happy to see me, “What the fuck are you doing?”
I roll my eyes, because even the dumbest of men should be able to figure that out my now. 
You’d think he’d pass out or be too paralyzed to talk, but just like Rhysand promised me, the drugs have paralyzed him from the neck down but left him perfectly conscious. 
I want him to see exactly what I’m doing.
Straightening my dress, I saunter over to his desk, eyes scanning the messy papers and folders for what I want.
Three rings, the exact copy of Rhysand’s, sit in a glass box, the shining titanium making them look like treasure. And they are.
But they’ve been here fucking long enough. 
I try to open the box, but it’s locked, so I sigh and grab a paperweight, then smash it to bits.
“You do this, Feyre, and I’ll come after you.”
“Ooooh, scary,” I deadpan, completely writing him off in a way I know drives him crazy.
Glass flies everywhere, but I just grab the rings and put them on whatever fingers they’ll fit on. 
Yet another piece of evidence men are idiots: I was wearing Rhysand’s ring when I walked in here.
A small detail, sure, but when I took that ring from him yesterday in his car, I made a vow to never take it off.
It’s a little big, resting on my thumb, but it’s perfect. 
It means I’m his, and he’s mine.
“He might have Chicago, but I’ll make you’re life miserable!”
“You did that for two years,” I remind him with a smile.
Then I set the radio exactly like I’d been told to, turn back to Tamlin, punch him square in the jaw, and smile when I hear a crunch.
That wasn’t exactly part of the plan, but I was tired of his threats. 
He howls in pain, and I know it makes me meaner than an adder, but I blow him a kiss and laugh as I walk out of his office. 
A sleek black sedan, driven by the very much alive Rolando (I’ve officially stopped thinking of him as Beefcakes), waits for me at the curb. I swing the door open and climb in, turning to Rhysand with a grin.
I hold up my hands victory. 
Rhysand smiles and laughs, relief and love and awe written across his beautiful features. 
He’s so fucking handsome, I can’t hold out anymore.
Muttering an apology to Rolando for what he’s about to witness, I sling myself across the leather seat and pretty much attack Rhysand. 
It might be the fact that I just drugged someone with illegal substances--my very first crime!--or maybe just how he looks when he’s happy. I don’t really care.
My hands are on his jaw, running down his chest, tangling in his hair. 
He lets out a surprised laugh as I paw at him, and I use the opportunity to sweep my tongue into his mouth, holding back a moan at the taste of him.
The car stops, but I sure as hell don’t.
Until Rhysand takes me shoulders in his hands, and gently pulls away. “Adrenaline junkie,” he accuses with a smile, pressing one last kiss to my cheek. 
I nod, because it’s probably true.
He gives me an amused look. “Then I can’t wait for what happens in twenty minutes.”
I stick my tongue out at him, ever the mature adult, and he smiles. Then he takes my hands, examines the rings, and takes the two that fit the worst.
He slips them on, and even though it’s a casual gesture, I almost break out into tears.
Too manly to cry like a baby, Rhysand just opens the door and walks out, taking my hand and pulling me with him.
Even though he looks calm and cool as a cucumber, I know he’s not exactly thrilled I’m here. We had our first real argument about me coming along for this part of the plan I’ve secretly begun to call Toppling Tamlin the Tool. 
I won, obviously.
He warned me time and time again about what I was going to witness today, but I don’t care. His revenge is his to take, but I want to be here for him. 
He’s been fighting for so long, completely alone. 
And no matter how it started, I fell for him. He isn’t alone anymore, and won’t be ever again, no matter how dangerous the situation is.
Hand in hand, we stroll into Leperchaun’s Luck, the last remaining Irish stronghold in Chicago.
When I asked why he’d let it remain all this time, Rhysand smiled that cruel smile and said, “Revenge is only worth it if it’s slow and painful.”
I’d shuddered, half in horror and half in excitement.
I know it’s horrible and beyond absurd, but what he does for a living doesn’t scare me. He explained the gory details last night, and I listened. And even though I was scared, it wasn’t of him.
It was for him.
He has enemies with rap sheets longer than my arm. 
The guy Rhysand blocks from buying Degas? Russian arms dealer!
But Chicago, he’d told me with a smile, is his. Someone would have to be suicidal to come after him here. So I guess I’ll just blow up his plane and never let him leave.
Sounds realistic.
I’d like to think it was my smile and charm that made him give in and let me tag along, but it was likely the fact that we aren’t in any super big dangerous. 
We walk through the empty bar and to the courtyard in the back, and it’s a little amusing how quickly the six men sitting around a poker table jump to their feet and start shouting questions. 
“What the fuck?” is the most popular. 
“Hello, gentlemen,” Rhysand greets smoothly, ever the gentleman. 
Someone behind us loads a gun, the sound making my eyes go wide. 
But it’s never fired.
Because all of a sudden, red dots are on every single chest besides mine and Rhysand’s. 
“Pull that trigger, McCallen, and all your friends die.”
They all look down and around at each other with huge, saucer-sized eyes. 
Not one to dally, Rhysand smiles and tells the group, “I just bought this establishment. Needless to say, you’re no longer welcome. In here, or Chicago. You have six hours to leave my city.”
‘Bought’ is a bit of a strong word. He hacked into Tamlin’s bank account and bankrupted him, forcing him to sell to the highest bidder. Guess who that was.
“Or what?” one asks, feeling brave.
Another dot makes its way to his chest.
Gods, how many snipers does Rhysand have?
“Or you’ll die, and your precious little daughter Lena will be an orphan.”
The man’s jaw sets, even as his face pales. 
Checking his watch with a casual gesture, Rhysand reminds, “Six hours and counting.”
Then he says, directly at the small box in the middle of the poker table, “That goes for you too, Tamlin.” 
Since he didn’t want to risk coming back to Chicago, much less his last property here, Tamlin had been keeping control of his men by listening to everything that happened in this place on a private radio frequency.
Which, somehow, Rhysand knew.
He’d told me the number, and I’d turned the radio in Tamlin’s office to it before leaving. The drugs haven’t left his system and won’t until later today, meaning he’s still lying limp in that chair, listening to every word.
“Leave before I lose my patience,” Rhysand growls, and the men take the warning and haul ass out of the building.
Turning to me, he smiles and asks, “Ready, Feyre darling?”
We walk out of the restaurant again, pep definitely in our steps, then get back in the car. Rolando starts driving immediately, leaving the restaurant behind us.
“Do you want to-”
“Yes,” I answer immediately, grabbing the phone from him and hitting call.
"So violent,” he murmurs with a smirk, turning in his seat to watch as the explosives he’d placed there years ago during a mandatory “city inspection” finally came into use. 
The explanation I got on that one: “In case I got bored.”
Gods, he’s sexy.
The car rocks slightly as orange and blue and yellow flames race out of the building, leaving absolutely nothing behind. 
Even though the violent woman in me wants to keep watching, I look at Rhysand instead.
His eyes find mine, and he smiles softly. “It’s done. It’s over.”
I nod and press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, linking our hands together. We both stare down at the rings. “It’s over.”
Tamlin will run back to wherever he’s been the past seven months, and since there’s absolutely nothing for him here, he won’t come back. 
Rhysand has complete control of the city again, his empire built brick by brick through hard work and rage. He’s gotten his revenge, taken everything from the man who left him with nothing. 
And he got me.
“Was that enough adrenaline for you, Feyre?” he asks, hitting a button to roll up the barrier between us and Rolando. 
Someone else, it seems, is an adrenaline junkie. 
Smiling, I slide down on the soft leather and lift an eyebrow. “Come find out.”
~Feyre, three months later~
Somehow, I feel nauseous, excited, and doomed all at once.
I don’t even know how that’s possible, but it’s true.
I’m so nervous, I might be sick. I’m so excited, I can hardly walk. I’m so unsure of myself, I might fail. 
Focusing on the one in the middle, I walk down the aisle between chairs, ignoring the people watching me and focusing on the destination.
I can feel his eyes on me, and just like the first day we met, I can hardly breathe. But I ignore the tingly feeling in my spine and focus on what I’m doing.
I walk up to the slightly lifted stage in the large auditorium and turn to my peers, smiling and feigning confidence. 
I’m presenting my senior project today. And even though I’m excited and nervous and doomed, I’m proud of it.
It turned out better than I expected, honestly. 
It took me forever to finish the painting aspect because I wasn’t quite satisfied until late last night. 
The paint’s interrupted and surrounded by photos I’ve collected this year.
Rhysand, covered in paint. Art from both Chicago’s museum and the private collection I visit almost every day. Random bits of architecture and the night sky and shots that just work. 
Up close, it’s a bit of a mess, but from a distance--particularly, the distance between me and Rhysand’s chair--it looks like three dancers, twirling and leaping under the night sky. 
My professor hugged me when she saw it. So did Rhysand.
No offense to Prof. Jones, but I enjoyed his a little more.
“This is called Starlight Dancers,” I tell the room, my voice surprisingly level. I’m glad for the bright lights, because I can’t see anyone’s actual face as I continue. “It’s a rendition of Degas’s work, Dancers in Blue, which is my favorite piece. I’ve also incorporated photographs of art and people who mean a lot to me. Like a lot of pieces from the Renaissance, it’s meant to be viewed at a distance.”
I keep talking, going through the difference elements and explaining how, essentially, it’s a celebration of painting and love.
More than once, my eyes are drawn to the photographs of Rhysand, and I find myself searching for him in the crowd. 
I also get a little distracted by the mass of sparkles adorning my ring finger.
We’ve been engaged for three days, eight hours, and a handful of minutes.
He proposed in the museum, right where we met. When I almost feinted at the site of the biggest diamond I’d ever seen and told him it was too much, he’d just laughed and said, “It was this or the painting behind you.”
Ridiculous, wonderful man. 
I know it’s fast to get married after less than five months together, but the scary truth is that I can’t imagine life without him.
I scan the crowd again, and it might be my imagination, but I think I see a pair of violet eyes watching me. 
And I could swear one winks at me.
I’m not supposed to be in here.
I’m not a professor, and I’m sure as shit not a student. 
But I snuck in anyway, ignoring the millions of things I actually need to be doing, because I want to support her. 
I don’t even know what she’s talking about--impressionism and romantic elements and different types of photography--but she’s so passionate and beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off her.
She has me completely wrapped around her finger, and it should probably scare me that I don’t even care.
Years and years of planning, and everything that’s happened in the past month still surprised me.
Not the part about running every last Irish bastard out of my city; that’d been set in stone. 
The part about me getting engaged.
Ironically, that’s the only part that makes me smile.
Sure, I sent Tamlin running for the hills with his ragged band of leprechauns, set his stronghold on fire, and finally have peace over what happened all those years ago. 
But even that pales in comparison to waking up next to the woman up on the stage.
She’s a bed hog and always puts her freezing feet on me as soon as I crawl next to her, but the way she smiles at me when she wakes up makes up for it.
Everything about her makes up for it, actually. 
She’s still absolutely crazy and wonderful and I now have paint splatters on more than a few of my suits, but being loved by her is like... standing in the sun after being locked in a cave. Or some other shitty metaphor.
The fucking point is, even though getting down on one knee in a museum and asking her to share her life with me is the last thing I expected to happen, I’m glad it did.
Because being with her gives me something I’d thought I’d lost ten years ago: happiness.
Thank you for reading! 
TAGS: @elorcan-trash​ @januarystears​ @emikadreams​ @alpha-omegas​ @joyceortiz13​ @sapphic-beauty​ @meowsekai​ @ahappyhistorianreader​ @courtofjurdan​ @acalypsot​ @acourtofsjmtrash​ @highladyofthesith @bookwormq702 @swankii-art-teacher​ @lunaroseperdomo​ @leaf-love-life​ @mari-highladyof-feels​ @raghad-50725​ @perseusannabeth​ @cursebreaker29​ @a-bit-of-a-cactus​ @elriel4life​ @girl-who-reads-the-books​ @shinya-hiiragi​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @highqueenofelfhame​ @nahthanks​ @ghostlyrose2​ @lovemollywho​ @tillyrubes10 @claralady​ @tswaney17​ @rowanisahunk​ @superspiritfestival​ @thegoddessofyou​ @awesomelena555​  @booksofthemoon​ @greerlunna​ @jlinez​ @studyliketate​ @over300books​ @justgiu12​ @maastrash​ @aesthetics-11​ @bamchickawowow​ @b00kworm​ @sleeping-and-books​ @musicmaam​ @hizqueen4life​ @maybekindasortaace​
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Going, Going, Gone (Spencer Reid x Reader) Chapter 5
Warnings: Mentions of death and injury/much angst
Word Count: 2k
-Spencers POV-
His heart stopped. There she was. Right there, if only he could climb through the screen and grab her, shielding her from further harm. He was angry, she looked so small, from what he could make out on the screen you were tied to a bed, bound by chains, blood and wounds scattered in different shapes and sizes over your almost naked body.
Spencer heard a gasp from behind him, turning he noticed JJ staring at the screen seeing exactly what he was. He didn’t have time to deal with peoples feelings, he just needed to figure out where his girl was and quickly. Emily had joined him back at the laptop.
“Oh my god.” Her voice was full of panic and hate. Then her eyes went wide when she heard Rossi’s voice travelling up the attic stairs.
“Spencer, did you find anything yet.” Spence turned to look at the man and then back at the screen, angling his body so it was in front of Rossi’s line of sight. Emily was trying to get him to go back down stairs but he was having none of it, pushing passed her to get to the source of the commotion. Spencer couldn’t bare to listen to the angry cries of his colleague, the angry, broken cries of a father. He was too focused on taking in everything he could, trying to look passed your broken and beaten down, still breathing body, to figure out if there was anything to lead them to you.
Spencer hit a button on his mobile, a direct line to Garcia who was anxiously waiting for anything back at her cyber lab.
“Go boy wonder what have you got for me.” Penelope’s joking voice faltered when Spencer informed her of their findings. He sent the video clip of Y/N over to Penelope to analyse further. Her voice quivering as she promised Spencer she’d be found.
Spencer took a look at the screen again, noticing marks up the algae covered walls. They were water marks, which told you how high the water sometimes flooded inside the building. He let Garcia know so she could narrow her search to a building that would be underground near water and it took her mere seconds to come back with a location.
“It’s an old underground bunker, the Unsubs father was some kind of doomsday preparation nut, it’s next to the Teal River, i’ve sent the exact location to your phones.” The team were out the door in seconds, hoping and praying that this is where they would find you alive. They needed to find you alive.
“Were coming for you sweetheart just hold on, were coming.” In that moment Spencer did something he never did, he prayed.
-Un-Subs POV-
“It’s almost time. Almost time to get rid of the girl. She put up a bigger fight than I thought she would. A few more stab wounds and cuts aught to do the trick, let her die slowly in her cell, die slowly just like my girl did. They will pay, they will all pay.”
-Your POV-
You coughed. You could hear that your breathing was getting worse and it felt like the air was slowly being sucked out of you. You knew you didn’t have long left. You would have liked to cry, feel sorry for yourself, for the fact that you’d never have a future with Spence, never see your father again and never see the team you called family again, but you were too dehydrated and your body couldn’t even function enough to produce a single drop. You slumped against the sticky cold wall, dry blood smeared across your face and in your hair. Your leg was still bleeding but you’d managed to stop it slightly by using some dirty cloth from the mattress you were sitting on. An infected leg was better than bleeding out.
Your eyes closed and you thought about Spencer. How his mind would be working over time trying to piece together the clues and find you before you met your demise. You wanted to believe they would find you in time but your hope was slowly fading away with your consciousness.
You thought about your father and how he’d been in the BAU for so long, founded it with your godfather Gideon, how it was basically his whole life, as well as you. You hoped that when you were gone he’d be able to move on, that he wouldn’t hurt for too long and hopefully one day he’d re-marry, god knows he could use a strong woman in his life after your mum died.
You thought about your friends.. family at the BAU. Your best friend Luke Alvez who treated you more like a little sister, always taking you under his wing and giving you advice even when you didn’t need it. You hoped he’d stay at the BAU, that if you died, it wouldn’t effect him too much and he’d be able to get back to some kind of normal life. You wish there was a way to tell him he could have your baseball card collection, he’d always wanted it. You laughed a little, a sad laugh, already grieving for the people you were going to lose. Thinking about all the things you still wanted to do in life. They say that when you die you life flashes before your eyes, they were wrong. It’s before that, it plays through your head like a movie, going over all the things you’d never get to see.
In your mind you pictured what your wedding day would be like. Spencer would want a small wedding full of close family and friends and you’d agree. The perfect setting your fathers large back garden, flowers everywhere, surrounded by the people you love. The gentle exchanging of rings and the kiss he would give you that would still make your toes curl even when you were old and grey.
Children. You wanted at least 4. You wanted so many children with Spencer because you knew he’d make the most amazing father, even if he’d be scared they’d carry the gene for schizophrenia. They’d have his curly hair and your eye colour, his calmness and his smarts while they had your artistic nature and kindness. They’d love to stay with Grandpa, who would tell them all kinds of stories of his time in the FBI, obviously leaving out the heavy stuff. Your friends would come over and you’d always have big dinners and get togethers, BBQ’s in the summer, your lives full of life and laughter and there would always be him. Right by your side. Your Spencer. You’d grow old together, still love each other as hard as you do now. Until your last breath. You pictured going out like the scene in the notebook, old and in each others arms. The world would always be right, if you had your Spencer Reid.
You could feel your breathing slowing, the sound of heavy footsteps running down the echoing corridor. It was too late. You were sure the Un-sub was coming to finish you off once and for all, leave you somewhere for your family to find, another body in another case the BAU would eventually solve. But it was too late for you. The door swung open and your eyes closed. The pain was gone and so were the chances of seeing your Spence one last time.
-Spencers POV-
The SUV’s came to a screeching halt outside the bunker. There was a gravelled path that lead towards the doors that were hidden behind shrubs. It was one of those lucky by chance things, the team arrived and the Un-sub was outside, about to go into the bunker. While Prentiss and JJ read him his rights and stuck him in the back of the car, Spencer, Rossi and Luke threw open the metal doors and made their way inside cautiously. Spencer wanted to throw all caution to the wind. Guaranteed the two other men he was with wanted to as well. All they wanted to do was get their girl back. But sometimes looks could be deceiving and more danger could be lurking up ahead. In this case, there wasn’t.
Spencer ran down the long echoing corridor, medics behind him. The cells were empty apart from one.
“Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me? Were here Darling just hold on okay, i’m here baby i’m here.” Spencers voice was full of panic as the three men used all their strength to open the tightly sealed bunker door. Spencer could faintly see through the porthole door, the grime and condensation obstructing his view slightly. You weren’t moving. He started to panic even more and when the door hissed and flung open it was if the world was moving in slow motion.
You were pale, eyes closed, dry blood across your practically naked body. Dirty cloth wrapped around your blood soaked thigh and cuts littered your body in all shapes and sizes. One of your hands was handcuffed to a railing next to the rusty spring covered bed and you looked smaller than you’d ever looked before. Spencer was on you in seconds. Luke had bolt cutters and had snipped the handcuff from the railing. Rossi was frozen in his spot, his daughter lifeless in front of him. Spencer lifted you carefully in his arms laying you on the ground.
“She has no pulse! She’s not breathing! She’s not breathing!” He started pumping your chest, 1,2,3,4…. check, no sign of breathing. He held your nose and blew into your mouth twice, Luke took over chest compressions as the paramedics set up the defibrillator. More Paramedics arrived, pushing the two FbI Agents away so they could work on you more thoroughly. Some tended to your still bleeding cute, needles attached to you for IV bags and then.
“Everyone clear!” The defibrillator sounded up. The shocking noise and the thud your body made against the cold floor seemed to echo all around. They shocked you a total of four times before they managed to get a weak pulse.
The ambulance ride wasn’t long, especially now that you had a police escort and most of the flashing lights in the city. You died and came back 3 times in the ambulance. Spencer hadn’t stopped crying since he found you bleeding and lifeless.
On arrival to the hospital you were instantly taken to surgery, some of the stab wounds too severe to be treated normally. The BAU occupied the waiting room, Rossi sat numbly staring at the floor, Spencer paced back and fourth, Luke kept on asking the Dr for updates every ten minutes and the rest of the team just waited for any news at all.
-Your POV-
You hadn’t remembered your cell being this bright. Maybe your captor had taken you outside. Maybe you hadn’t died in time to be spared of the cruel torture that was about to follow. What was that dreadful beeping sound? You blinked, your eyes taking their time to adjust to your surroundings. You were defiantly somewhere else and you started to panic, the beeping got louder and faster. You tried to sit up.
“Spencer! Spencer! Wake up she’s awake!” You couldn’t make out the voice clearly, it sounded like… your dad? But how? Were you dreaming. Maybe this was your body in its final stages playing a cruel trick on your subconscious.
You tried to talk, but your throat was dry and you were hit with a wave of pain. Someone pressed ice chips to your lips, slowly but surely you accepted them, the coolness coating your vocal cords.
“Please, please tell m-me this isn’t a d-dream.” A tear leaked from the corner of your eye and rolled down your cheek only to be kissed away by… your Spencer.
“Baby, it’s not a dream, I found you, we found you. You’re safe now and I’m never letting you go again.”
Welp, There we go. The final chapter! I hope you liked this mini series! If you like Criminal minds or want me to write for anyone else.. maybe Luke Alvez... let me knowwww i'll consider it ;) Please Reblog/follow/like <3333
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onechicagorpf · 5 years
Two Can Play This Game
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med ED doctor)
Summary: Y/N and Jay have a very undefined relationship, which causes problems when Jay decides to meet with Ally, his ex, for drinks. Y/N’s not one to take things lightly, so when Jay dismisses her jealousy she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine...
Warnings: Loud yelling-at-each-other arguments, which can be triggering, so please watch out! Swearing + dubious medical content, as per usual lol
A/N: I just needed a break before I got started on Not A Stranger Part 4, so this happened! Enjoy! As per usual, please leave comments if you really liked it - they mean a lot!
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The sun is bearing down on you hard, and you feel a trickle of sweat go down the back of your neck.
“Need a drink?” It’s Ethan, tossing a cool bottle of water at you. Grinning, you catch it and quickly begin to empty it into your mouth.
Ethan’s frowning, looking up into the sky. “Some days, I just don’t get Chicago. It’s either freezing because it’s the polar vortex, or it’s boiling hot because - well. Whatever. I hate this.” Crushing the plastic bottle, you toss it into a nearby trashcan. “We’ve cleared everyone?” You ask, gesturing to the relatively less frantic movement of firefighters, cops, and doctors on the road. Ethan nods.
A gas explosion had gone off in an apartment, and it was bad enough that CFD paged ED doctors to come down and treat some patients on the scene. Natalie, Connor, Lanik and the student doctors opted to stay behind and hold down the fort, so you were dispatched out with Will and Ethan. For the last hour and a half, you’d been busy running triage and treating whatever burns, smoke inhalations, and other trauma injuries came your way. Luckily, the fire had been contained to just one floor, so there were only a few really awful burns. But of course, this is Chicago so there’s only so much luck going around.
The building was an old one, and that coupled with several structural defects meant that the south face of the building had partially collapsed. So in essence, for every burn victim CFD pulled out, there were about three penetrating or blunt traumas from falling concrete.
“Yeah, but I’d rather treat trauma from a falling object than burns any day,” Ethan comments and you raise your eyebrows. “See, if you’d told me that at the start I would’ve just taken all the burn vics and tossed the rest to you.” Ethan throws his hands up, as you start laughing. “Okay hold on, I didn’t say I wanted to take them all – ” “You guys good?” Cruz swings by, soot and sweat on his face. He takes off his helmet with a sigh, and his shoulders sag like he’s been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Should be asking you that. Are you guys done with search and rescue?” You ask, kicking a nearby plastic chair towards him. Cruz thanks you and starts taking off his equipment. “Yeah, we’ve cleared building. CPD’s in there now.” You nod, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of the police - well specifically at the thought of one detective who you know is on scene…
Except you’re supposed to be mad at him now, so stop thinking about him!
“So they think this is arson? And that it’s related to some case Intelligence is working?” Ethan asks, and Cruz nods, “Seems that way, yeah.”
There’s a moment of silence, and your eyes scan the area, watching patrol officers lift up police tape for the last few victims being wheeled into ambulances. You get up, ready to check with Will if he’s ready to go back when Cruz kicks at your feet, a cheeky smile on his face.
“So what’s this I hear about you and the younger Halstead being on the outs?” His eyes light up, and you groan, swearing. Ethan laughs, and you shoot him a glare, to which he simply shrugs like as if he’s got nothing to do with this.
You turn back to Cruz, narrowing your eyes at him. “Who told you and what do you know?”
“All I know is that you and Jay were both at Molly’s last night and you didn’t even look at each other.” Cruz pouts, acting all sad. “What happened to my favourite detective-doctor duo, huh? Why the trouble in paradise?”
You roll your eyes. “We’re fine. We just…were hanging out with different groups of people last night.” Shrugging your shoulders, you lean against the nearby table of supplies, trying to look all nonchalant. Ethan raises his eyebrows, “So you’re definitely not pissed about the blonde chick Jay had drinks with 2 nights ago?”
“Okay, fuck you - ” You exclaim, unable to hide your rage at that memory. Which Ethan and Cruz find hilarious, apparently, because they’re throwing their heads back and laughing.
“You guys suck,” You punch Cruz in the arm as you walk away; the two men calling you back while still laughing. You flip your middle finger at them, which elicits an outraged “Hey!” Shaking your head, you chuckle as well.
The Med ED/Firehouse 51/Intelligence circle is a tight one and you love it - love having friends who are more or less in the same line of work, friends you can lean on, friends who don’t get pissed when you have to cancel on them last minute. But the flip side of that is the fact that nothing stays secret. Gossip is most the valuable currency in that social circle, so if Cruz and Ethan know, then it’s not a bad guess to think everyone knows.
“Dude, c’mon. You’re an adult. Just take the damn injection!” Severide’s voice catches your attention, and you turn. He’s standing at the back of an ambulance, with Will and Jay by his side (your heart, again, skips a beat, which only pisses you off because ugh, you’re so bad at being angry at him!). The three of them are crowded around a fairly attractive, topless blonde man sitting in the back of the ambulance, shaking his head vehemently. You start making your way towards them, listening in.
“Hell nah – I’m not letting you stab me with that shit – ” The guy’s eyes are wide, and he’s leaning back from Will.
“It’s just a tetanus shot,” Will explains, exasperated. He points to the guy’s side, where a bandaged piece of gauze has been stuck to his skin. “The rusty stairwell scratched you, so you need to get a tetanus shot.”
“I said, I’m not fucking doing needles!” Hot blond guy yells and Jay runs his hand down his face. “Okay dude seriously, I can’t question you about the fire unless you get treated first, so please just take the damn shot so we can all move on with our lives – ”
“What’s going on?” You interject, hands on your hips. All four men turn, and you’re very careful to not make eye contact with Jay. Will and Kelly both immediately shoot furtive glances at Jay once they see you, so obviously they also know that you and Jay are having an argument. Great!
I mean, it has to have been Jay’s fault, because you didn’t tell anyone…well except for Natalie…who might have told Maggie…who might have told April…who might have told Kelly - shit. Well, it doesn’t matter. The whole thing is only happening because of Jay. Technically the two of you weren’t really dating – it was just a couple of hookups, but then you also started hanging out a lot together, and it got to the point where everyone knew that the two of you were basically kinda sorta an item.
You liked that you guys never had to sit down and talk about what exactly the two of you were – all that meant was that you guys were strong and confident and that you didn’t need to have a discussion about where you stood!
Or at least that’s what it meant to you. Jay apparently thought it meant it was completely okay to go have drinks with an on and off ex from high school, who he’d admitted to you he’d hooked up with on multiple occasions in the past. When you (rightfully!) got pissed at him, he just frowned and said “What’s the problem? We’re not together.”
To which you responded very maturely.
So maturely!
In a very, very responsible way…
Okay, fine, maybe you screamed “FUCK YOU!” at the top of your lungs and left his apartment, slamming his front door loud enough to wake up all the neighbours.
You get that you’re maybe being a little over-dramatic, and maybe it is on you because you just assumed you didn’t have to have that conversation with Jay. But it hurt you immensely how he thought it was okay to go have drinks with an ex (an ex!) without thinking about you at all.
“Blake here tripped on his way down the fire escape and got scraped by a rusty stairwell, but he’s refusing his tetanus shot.” Will explains, snapping you out of your reverie.
You turn to the guy just in time to catch him giving you a very slow once over, smirking.
“How come a big strong guy like you is scared of needles, hmm?” You tilt your head, putting on your best flirty voice. It’s just a thing that tends to work with unruly male patients, you’ve learned over the years.
And yeah, maybe it can be a side benefit that Jay’s going to be an audience to you flirting with someone else…serves him right!
“I’m uh, I’m not actually scared of needles. Just didn’t trust that guy – ” He nods towards Will, who throws his hands in the air, “ – to do a good job you know? Take a delicate hand for these things. Speaking of which…you look like you’re pretty good with your hands,” Blake licks his lips, flirting with you blatantly. You have to press your lips against each other to not burst out laughing.
“Dude…” Jay threatens in a deep, dark voice, but stops when you turn around and grab the tetanus shot pack out of Will’s hands. You step towards Blake, who’s looking up at you with lust in his eyes as he shifts for you. Wiping his shoulder down with an alcohol swab, you find a good spot.
“I’m pretty good with my hands too, by the way,” Blake supplies, winking and you nod. “I’ll bet,” You reply, as someone behind you scoffs. From the corner of your eye, you can see Kelly turn away, trying not to laugh.
You’re much closer to Blake than you really need to be, not that he minds – in fact you’re pretty sure he’s having a great time checking you out up close. He curses under his breath when you inject him, but quickly recovers. You rub on the jab site once done, and trash the used pack. “Good to go,” You shoot Blake a smile. “Oh, one more thing!”
You turn, looking at a very frowny, jaws tight, arms-crossed-over-his-chest Jay Halstead. “Let me borrow that,” You reach forward and take his notepad and pen from him, before scribbling down your number on the top most sheet. Ripping it off, you press it against Blake’s chest, winking. Blake’s hands come up to take the piece of paper, grinning, briefly brushing your fingers as you pull away. Jay’s jaw is on the floor when you return his notepad and pen to him, and you can see Will just shake his head at you, amusement all over his face.
“Alright, let’s go!” You say to Will, and the two of you plus Kelly leave Jay behind with Blake.
“Jay’s going to murder that guy, you know right?” Kelly asks, once you’re out out earshot from Jay. “Like, he’s going down for a homicide. You just got an innocent man killed.” You chuckle and Will lets out a low whistle.
“I’m not gonna say he didn’t have that coming, but damn that was harsh.” The older Halstead says, still laughing.
Shrugging your shoulders, you act innocent. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about – I was just making friends!”
Will and Kelly both look at each other before looking back at you.
“Oh, yeah, of course – ”
“Obviously, what else could that have been – ”
You punch them both in the shoulder at their faux-agreement, the three of you laughing. Ethan comes over, saying there’s an ambulance ready to take them back to Med. You and Will say your goodbyes to Kelly, and take your leave.
It’s almost midnight when you finally get home. Hip-checking your door close behind you, you start undoing your scarf and carelessly toss it onto your coffee table, before collapsing onto your couch. Your hand roams the crevices of your couch, finding the plastic remote and turning on your TV. Rubbing your eyes while yawning, your TV comes alive to the news of the day. As if on cue, the screen is filled with videos of the building from earlier this morning.
“…while the gas explosion was first assumed to be an accident, it was later proven by CPD Intelligence that it was started by Derrick Henderson, a 35 year-old construction worker from Englewood, who…”
There’s a knock on your door, three loud raps. You blink, confused, and there’s another three. Frowning, you sit up, and you hear: “Y/N, I know you’re in there, c’mon just…just let me in, please,” Jay’s voice is muffled from the other side of your front door, but you know it’s him. Groaning, you get up and make your way over, unlatching your door.
“What do you want.” You intone, seeing him standing there in your threshold. He grabs the door with his hand, like as if he’s afraid you’re gonna shut the door in his face.
“I think I owe you an apology,” Jay starts and you hum, agreeing. “And then I think you owe me an apology,” He finishes, and your mouth falls open.
“What the fuck did I do!” You yell, shoving against his chest. Unfortunately for you, he doesn’t even budge - which is kinda hot, actually, wait, dammit - focus!
Jay’s eyes go wide, like he can’t believe you’re claiming innocence. “Are you kiddi – that whole thing! With – with Blake, the fucking moron, who was basically stripping you with his eyes! That was so unnecessary – ”
“You literally went on a date with your ex and you’re telling ME what’s unnecessary?! You – ”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Your neighbour from down the hall yells, and both you and Jay shut up. “NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS YOU FUCKING MORONS!”
Jay scoffs, and turns to step down your hallway to your neighbour’s apartment when you reach out, grab him by his tee and unceremoniously drag him into your apartment. Slamming the door behind you, you turn to give him a piece of your mind.
“You’re the asshole who told me that we weren’t really together so it didn’t matter if you went out with your ex-girlfriend! So why the fuck is it a problem if I give my number out, huh?!”
Jay throws his hands in the air. “I’m sorry, okay! I didn’t fucking – I wasn’t thinking when I did what I did and I can see know that it probably really hurt you, but I swear I didn’t mean to do it. I didn’t want to hurt you; I just fucked up. But you – you went out of your WAY to piss me off – ”
The two of you jump when there’s loud banging on your door. “I’M CALLING THE FUCKING POLICE ON YOU TWO!”
Jay wrenches your door open and you see your pissed off neighbour on the other side. “I’M HER BOYFRIEND AND I’M THE FUCKING POLICE, SO YOU’D JUST BE CALLING ME!” He slams the door shut and turns, running his hands over his face.
“Okay, okay, we gotta stop yelling. Anyway, my point is – what?” Jay asks, as you stand unmoving, mouth slightly open.
When you eventually find your voice, all you can say is - “You’re my boyfriend?”
“That’s what I wanted to tell you – ” Jay smiles, reaching for you but you just step back.
“That you just decided you’re my boyfriend? Because this relationship is an autocracy?” You glare at him, getting angry again. The nerve of this guy!
Not that your heart didn’t practically soar when he called himself your boyfriend, but…
“No, no, we’re very democratic, and we should talk about this more, once we’re done with all the yelling.” Jay announces, and then he smiles. “I’m just saying I love you.”
“See, no, this is exactly the kind of issue with you - you just make decisions and act like you’re right and you can do whatever you want and you can go out with your ex if you want and that’s all supposed to be fine but the moment I – as a joke – hand out my number to some guy to give you a taste of your medicine, I’m the one who crossed a line and – wait, what?” You cut yourself off, confused if you’re hearing things.
“There we go,” Jay laughs, a fond smile etched on his face, as you finally process what he said.
“Did you just…did you just say you love me?” You ask, your voice soft as you step up to him.
“Yeah,” Jay’s grinning now, right in front of you. “I’m sorry it took me a while to realise it, but…I love you.”
You just blink at him for a couple of seconds, eyes starting to tear up. And then you punch him in the chest as hard as you can.
“Ow! What the fuck?!” Jay asks, eyes wide as he frowns, wholly confused.
“You fucking – fuck!” You whisper angrily, not wanting to piss off your neighbour again. “You had to fucking go out on a date with your ex-girlfriend and piss me the fuck off and make me make you jealous before you realised that you love me?!”
“I’ve been hit in the head multiple times…?” Jay shrugs apologetically.
“You’re an idiot.” You say, before cupping the back of his neck with your hand and pulling him down to press your lips together.
You can feel Jay smile through the kiss, bringing his hands up to cradle your face as he deepens the kiss, parting your lips. You’ve kissed each other many times before, in many ways – good morning pecks, in-the-middle-of-sex makeouts, teasing neck kisses – but something about this kiss is entirely new. It’s just…warm, and loving, and delicate and beautiful and just – just perfect.
When you pull apart, the two of you rest your foreheads against each other, smiling like dumb idiots.
“I love you too.”
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
The Crack of the Past. A Hacker Fic
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It was earlier in the morning and the Rivera residence was very quiet, the father of the family was like 90% of the time at work, because when you work for the New York Police, you don't really get too many free days and the mother of the house? Like always.... absent. That left Xander to have all the time and privacy to do his work.
Sitting at the table in the kitchen with the laptop in front of him, his headphones around his neck, grey eyes were focused on the screen; grey eyes narrowing, a glint of victory in them as he looked at the man in a hotel room with a girl who was probably half his age. The said man had an average company in New York City and had a habit of telling his wife that he had to do 'extra hours', these extra hours of work happening into luxurious hotel rooms.
Xander couldn't believe what an idiot this man was, leaving his laptop open and turned on; hacking into the webcam was a piece of cake, and recording everything that was happening even easier. Now all the 'Hacker' had to do was sit back and wait for them to finish then send this old geezer an anonymous email of how he knew his dirty secret and how his wife will find out about it if he won't send 20,000$ into the bitcoin wallet.
Taking a sip of his coffee, Xander closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the sleepless night get to him a little.
"What are you doing?" the voice of his sister broke his train of thoughts for a bit, but he still didn't open his eyes.
"Nothing interesting like always." Xander simply replied, taking another sip of his coffee, basking into the bittersweet taste that runs through his system.
Not hearing Chloe say anything, grey eyes looked up, only to widen slightly as he took into the tears-filled eyes of his sister, tears that slowly run down her rosy cheeks. This image made Xander swallow hard, feeling like he was swallowing acidic needles and he could only guess what was the cause of this situation with his little sister.
"Mom didn't come to my birthday party." Chloe's choked-out voice made Xander's jaw tense, running his fingers through his spikey black hair, he didn't know what to say.
Chloe was the sensitive and dreamy sibling, while Xander was the logical and realistic one. Yesterday night it was Chloe's birthday and he had expected for their 'whore' of a mother to not come because he was busy with that asshole who could give her more into the materialistic department than their father.
"Why, big brother? Why isn't she coming back?" the little girl asked him, her bottom lip trembling, her long black hair coming in front of her face, hiding her shiny blue eyes, eyes that didn't sparkle like they used to.
"People change, Chloe." That was what Xander could say, without sounding like a complete detached asshole, only for his sister he would be like this, more diplomatic.
"But why?" another why he couldn't find a proper answer for the soft-spoken girl.
Not knowing what to say, Xander opened his arms and gave her a soft look.
"Come here." he whispered, making his little sister jump into his arms and bury her face into his chest, squeezing him tightly, like she was afraid he would disappear too.
Holding his sister, his grey eyes looked at the screen of his laptop, Chloe's back turned to the screen, Xander read over the new email he received.
'The online drug store is a success. I know you have a good drug provider, but don't you want to grow up on the scale? I am willing to make you an offer you won't be able to refuse Blue Rain.' -NarcoManiacs
Closing his laptop, Xander held Chloe close to his chest, rocking her back and forth like she was a baby, and he remembered the first time he saw her when he found out he was gonna be a big brother. They were better days back then.
When their parents were happy together and nothing seemed that it would change and that scared Xander now more; people change so much. Families broke apart, friendships and relationships aren't eternal and can vanish in a blink of an eye. He wondered what was the point? What was the point of falling in love? Only to be thrown away later when the feelings burn to ashes?
"I'm scared, brother." Chloe sobbed, her small body shaking in his lap and Xander rested his chin on top of her head, shushing and rubbing her back softly, trying to be the rock of this family that wasn't a family any longer.
"We have to go to school." he simply spoke, making his sister pull away, rubbing any more tears from her eyes, she nodded, trying to stay strong, but it was obvious she was slowly breaking, like a porcelain doll to be crushed into the heavy boot of reality.
Running his fingers through her long, lustrous, and thick hair, trying to detangle it, he gazed into her eyes.
"Want me to put your hair into two pigtails?" Xander asked his sister, who gave him a small smile, nodding, getting off his lap, and bringing him a comb and a few hair bands.
Xander remembered how his mother used to do his sister's hair, and he had to swallow the lump forming in his throat, feeling like a vein was gonna explode into his head, his temper starting to boil, getting into overdrive, but he forced himself to stay calm and collected.
'The nerve of that fucking slut... Leaving just like that... Couldn't keep her legs closed even if her life depended on it.' Xander thought with pure hate, his fingers twitching as he brushed Chloe's hair, a deep dark need to choke the life out of his mother overcoming him.
These kinds of thoughts had plagued his mind for a while and with each day they got more intense; a child should feel love and warmness for their mother, but Xander only felt pure rage for the one that gave him life, but it wasn't enough to make him forgive her.
100 men could rape her and Xander would never feel a glimpse of remorse or sadness for that woman.
In his grey eyes that slowly started to belong to a madman, that woman could drop fucking dead.
"All done." Xander said, putting the comb down on the table. Chole turned around to smile wide at him, kissing his forehead and hugging him tight.
"Thank you, Xander... Thank you for being here with me." she said, her long ash pigtail bouncing with every move.
"Anytime, little snail." Xander said with a smirk, making Chloe stick her tongue out at him.
"Go upstairs and get ready for school... I am gonna take you there." he told his sister, making her nod eagerly and hurry upstairs, leaving Xander all alone in the kitchen.
Sighing, he took a sip of his almost finished coffee, when a notification sound pulled him out of his thoughts. Opening his laptop, the black-haired male read over another message.
'I am talking about making this online drug store one of the biggest in USA... and maybe internationally in Europe.' -NarcoManiacs
Cracking his neck and knuckles, Xander took a deep breath.
'I am listening.' -BlueRain
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Laiken (A Mer-May prompt) part 2
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True to his word Barnabus woke me before the guests started to arrive. While the nap was restful, I could’ve gone for a few more hours easily. “Come on, Sparrow, you need to get ready.” Ugh, I don’t want to be paraded around right now. “There’s a dress and some shoes in your closet that I bought you to wear for tonight. I’ll see you when you come downstairs.” I acknowledged him with a grunt and I rubbed at my eyes willing the tiredness away.
After a few more minutes of procrastinating I finally got out of bed and padded over to the closet to see what dress waited for me. It was in one of those garment bags but it was easy enough to get out of it. Plaid? That was my first thought after seeing the fabric but it wasn’t some normal plaid. I’d never seen these colors used in plaids back home.
I finished pulling the dress out of the bag and laid it on my bed to get a good look at it. Beautiful. I started seeing colors I hadn’t before. Thin lines of teal and charcoal worked through the whole garment. I pet the fabric before going back to retrieve the shoes.
Just a simple black wedge to match with the deep colors in the dress. The laid back nature of the shoes and dress told me the dinner was going to be lax, that I didn’t have much to worry about in the way of impressing people.
*knock knock*
2 sharp raps pulled me out of my thoughts. “Guests are starting to arrive, Muffin.” She huffed “You almost ready?” I didn’t respond choosing to instead get my body into the shower. It was either this or deal with my mothers 20 minute lecture on timeliness. I wasn’t in the mood for the latter.
10 minutes later I walked out of the shower feeling awake and ready to deal with whatever was going to be thrown at me. It might’ve also been because I spent the whole 10 minutes muttering to myself about how I was worth it and I needed to show the world how amazing I am. Another of Dr. Z’s tools to get me through anything and I’m ridiculously thankful for it now. Back when I learned it though, not so much.
I slid on my panties and latched my bra before turning around to grab the dress. Catching sight of myself in the mirror I cringed a bit before standing tall in remembrance of everything I’ve been through. My body isn’t tight nor unblemished. It’s littered with scars and stretch marks that tell a story all on their own.
Tearing my attention from the mirror I settled back into the task at hand. ‘Let’s get dressed and meet all the people that came to see you, Laik. They’re your family, no need to be afraid.’ I gave myself a bit of a silent pep talk before padding over to the bed where the dress still lay. Again, I found new details about the plaid that made it seem even more unique, more beautiful.
The dress fit like a dream accentuating my shape by highlighting my best assets and downplaying what I deemed my problem areas. Before, I’d never buy something like this for myself out of fear that I wouldn’t do it justice. But, looking at myself in this moment I’d love to have ten dresses just like it.
Still high on the feelings of giddiness I made my way out of the room and down the stairs. Chit chat could be heard as I approached what I was sure would be the kitchen but stopped the moment I walked through the door.
All eyes were on me and my heart was pounding behind my ribs. They’re staring. Why are they staring? Do I have something on my face? Did I put the dress on wrong? Do I look like someone’s stay puffed marshmallow girl?
All of those thoughts melted away when I heard his voice. “Forget what I just said. I accept.” His voice was like soft suede. It slid against my skin and wrapped around me making me want to sigh in contentment.
I searched the room for the source of that voice and was rewarded with the sight of a ridiculously gorgeous man standing next to Barnabus. I studied him starting at his boots up to his mismatched eyes that seemed to be boring into my own. I found myself unable to look away as he stood there all vast and commanding like that.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, Muffin?” I jumped, not ready for her to sneak up on me like that. She chuckled before grasping my hand and guiding me toward a group of women that she favored “I see you’ve noticed Taine.” She whispered as we approached the group of waiting women “He’s a catch and a good man if you’re wanting to know.” I didn’t miss the lilt in her voice as she spoke to me.
We came to a stop in front of the women we’d aimed for. I stood there awkwardly twisting the fabric of my dress in my hands. No one spoke for a moment until my mother introduced me. “This is my Laiken.” Her pride surged through her words. “Laiken, these are your aunts: Dina, Dedra and Darcy. They’ve been waiting on pins and needles for the chance to know you.”
I looked at their faces noticing how much they all looked alike. I could pick out bits and pieces of my face in theirs and that just made my heart soar. I don’t look like my father so drawing the similarities between us usually stopped at our brown eyes and cocoa colored skin. Seeing these women though told me what I could expect as I got older and I must say, the future is looking bright if this is any clue as to what I’d look like.
My phone buzzed in my pocket drawing my attention. Pulling it out I noticed the photo flashing across the screen. A bear. I forgot to call him and now I’m about to hear about how I worried him to death. I let it go to voicemail with a reminder to call him after dinner but no sooner did the vibrations stop did it start again. I guess I have to deal with this now.
“Hi Daddy, sorry I didn’t call you earlier.” The sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line told me all I needed to know. I quickly excused myself and made my way onto the deck to take the call in a more private place. Here we go.
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There are for more pressing issues at hand but for some reason Barnabus requested me to be at his daughters homecoming. I finished up my work on the boats before heading home to get dressed for the shindig. All I know about her is that she’s his little sparrow, he’d do anything for her and apparently she could likely be the first Chieftess our clan has ever had.
Big shoes to fill after someone like Barnabus. I don’t envy her. Being the first anything is wrought with hardship and without the others knowing her she will face her own fair share of persecution.
Just a meet and greet right? So not much thought needed to go into this outfit. I went with a nice fitted grey t-shirt and some jeans considering it sounded pretty lax to begin with. Showered, groomed and dressed I made my way over to the cottage letting myself in like I always do.
The environment was a little tense as Danae waited at the base of the stairs staring up them like she was waiting for someone to ascend them. “Everything ok?” She smiled nodding her head at the same time before turning her gaze back up the stairway. I made my way over to Barnabus leaving his mate alone to do whatever she was doing.
“She’s waiting for, Sparrow.” Barnabus spoke “Guests are here and she hasn’t made an appearance yet, makes Danae nervous.” His gaze shifted from me to his mate “Come now, Love. Sparrow will make her way down momentarily. No need to wait there and scare her.” She huffed before leaving her perch and making her way to waiting guests.
It seemed like most of the people in attendance were actual family members leaving me befuddled as to why I was invited at all. “Barnabus, why am I here? This is a family affair.” He huffed out a breath but didn’t answer me “Come on.” He stroked his chin before his soulful eyes found mine. He’s about to ask me to do something. Shit.
“Laiken is a strong, beautiful woman that needs a man to compliment that.” Are you fucking kidding me? “I trust you above anyone else to be that man for her. I want you to court my daughter.”
His smile punctuated the conversation like it was just some small thing. Courting leads to dating and dating leads to mating. Mating is for life. This isn’t a small thing, it’s huge and I don’t want the responsibility. “No” my word came out just the way I wanted to. Strong and steadfast leaving no room for error or miscommunication “I’m not interested. Try Denton or Merrick, they’re good men.” His face fell but I couldn’t let that sway me.
He didn’t bring it up again. Instead we spoke of plans to fortify our borders and put more thought into how to go about monitoring the other selkies that found work here. It wasn’t unlawful for them to do so but it was discouraged outside of the ferries shuttling people back and forth from the mainland.
The room grew quiet and I soon understood why. In the doorway stood the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. “My sparrow” Barnabus whispered affectionately.
This was his Sparrow? There’s no way I would pass her on to anyone else. “Forget what I just said, Barnabus. I accept.” If the clap on my back was any indication of his feelings I’d say I just made the Chieftain a very happy Selkie. “We will hammer out the details soon.” With that I went about looking over the woman that would soon be mine.
I watched her eyes traverse my body slowly from bottom to top before her eyes locked with mine. Gone was the breath in my lungs as a smile tore across her features lighting her whole face up. Yeah, that’s all mine. Laying claim right here, right now before any of the other males even get a chance to.
She jumped when Danae whispered in her ear making the cutest squeak at the same time. I stood there waiting for more of her attention but she was whisked away to start mingling with the people that came here to see her. I kept a strict eye on her movements as she flitted person to person.
Turning my back but for a moment I’d lost her. One second she was talking to the Leery sisters and the next it seemed like she disappeared. “She’s outside on the phone.” Barnabus soothed my already frazzled nerves easily “Give her some time before heading that way. You know, I felt the same way when I met her mother. Fate is crazy like that hmmm?” He moved away from me leaving me with my thoughts. Yeah, fate was crazy alright but for now I’m following her headfirst when it comes to Laiken.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
4: numb, for Kauri?
(going through some old prompts just... collecting cobwebs in my inbox)
CW: Drunk whumpee, trauma references, trauma memories, past abduction, past noncon, past abuse, very brief emeto reference, nausea reference, BRIEF pet whump reference, this is Kauri at his most fucked-up but it ends nicely I promise, content warning for some serious fucking yearning
The walk back in the dark is a little... wobblier than usual, but Kauri doesn’t care. He stepped off the bus and stumbled when his ankle turned as he hit the sidewalk, rolling forward and finding himself in a bush, a bit of landscaping carefully kept up by some guy who drives a truck around cleaning up the bus stops.
Kauri giggles, then pushes his hands over his mouth to quiet himself, fails, giggles some more. His hair gets caught in a little bit of branch and he winces as he yanks it free and loses a curl.
The bush gets to keep that one. Maybe the guy who trims the bushes will find it tomorrow and fall madly in love with him, like Cinderella’s glass slipper. Kauri starts laughing at the idea of the guy in his big neon orange-and-yellow reflective vest and his stupid button-up shirt with the city seal embroidered on it holding up a curl of black hair to this person or that, looking for its match.
“Hey, man,” A woman says, crouching in front of him. She’s older than he is, maybe by ten years, maybe less. Kauri can’t tell and she’s lit only by the harsh pale streetlight, adding definition to beginning wrinkles around her mouth. Or he’s making that up. Her face is kind of blurred anyway, spinning a little like everything else. She’s wearing hospital scrubs under a coat, her hair pulled into a no-nonsense bun at the nape of her neck. She reminds him of Nat’s neighbor lady, only a bunch younger. “You gonna make it home?”
Home. What the fuck is a home? Home is where they lock the doors, home is where you get the shit kicked out of you for trying to leave. Home is where he holds you down on the bed until you cry because it hurts, and it’s always going to hurt unless you want me, Kor-Bore, you know that-
Kauri’s giggles hiccup into something like a sob.
The bus is still idling along the curb next to the stop, and the bus driver knows Kauri - sees him two or three times a week in variations on drunk or high or scared or elated. She leans down and calls out, “You gonna be okay, Kauri?”
Maybe one day he won’t. Maybe one day someone will murder him in a dark alley instead of hooking up or shove him into the trunk of a car or-
into a white van with no windows and the needle’s in his skin and his sister is screaming and there’s a hand over his mouth wearing black leather gloves and a man smiles at him and there are other men and zipties on his wrists and they tell him sucks to be you, gorgeous, but you couldn’t hide a face like that and then his head drops as whatever they gave him hits and Liam’s head drops onto the plastic mat that lines the van’s floor, his eyes close, and he’s gone-
Kauri lays there staring up at the spinning stars with his had pounding at the memory, but not enough to make it stop. When he’s really drunk, sometimes he can roll with the pain, let it wash through him and change nothing, mean nothing, do nothing at all.
He feels the way the earth rotates around the sun, every motion of the giant planet but it’s not big - it’s tiny, really, the Earth and all its purple mountains majesty, and Kauri is tinier, and whatever life lives in his head, somewhere underneath the layers of pain and fear, never mattered at all.
“‘m fine,” He slurs, trying to focus on one single star. Just one.
Please, just one star. 
“No, you’re not,” The woman says with a soft sigh. She glances back at the bus driver. “I’ll figure something out, Virginia,” She says, and waves one hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“G’night, Sadie,” The bus driver calls out over the low rumble of the big engines, then adds, “Get home safe, Kauri.”
Kauri closes his eyes. Why does everyone always want there to be a home?
“Where’m I taking you, then, Mr. Whiskey Breath?”
“T-Tequila,” Kauri corrects her, then gives a pale shadow of his effortless, airy smile. She takes him by the arm and pulls him to his feet and he overcorrects as he stumbles again, smacking into her side. She stays standing, if only just, and holds him more firmly. “’S... tequila. Good, good stuff, too, good...” His head drops against her shoulder, and he giggles again.
“Oh, honey,” She murmurs. They stand for a second while she thinks this through, and Kauri sees himself through her eyes - gorgeous and hammered, barely able to stand on his own, a piece of shit who can’t take care of himself or won’t or chooses not to, anyway. 
He tries to feel something, like maybe shame, but nothing happens.
He’s too numb for that.
“D’you have a phone?” Sadie asks after a pause. 
“Mmmmnyes,” Kauri responds, suddenly aware he hasn’t lifted his head off her shoulder yet. “I do have a phone. ‘s a very nice phone, too.”
“No doubt. Is there anyone we can call for you? I don’t-... I don’t think you’ll make it far on your own, um, Kauri? Did you say your name is Kauri?”
Kauri tilts his head back to look at her, and the world suddenly crashes hard to one side. His knees buckle and she quickly throws an arm around his waist to keep him up. He starts giggling again, shaking his head, mumbling what he hopes are apologies until he manages to locate his cell phone and pull it out of his back pocket. “M’name’s whatever you want it to be,” He says with his most charming, beautiful smile.
Sadie quirks an eyebrow as Kauri struggles to unlock his phone, then takes it once he manages, tapping over to his contacts list and scrolling. “Who do I call?” She asks, looking at the photos Kauri uses to identify everyone instead of names. “Who can I call to come get you?”
A wash of sadness so strong it feels like being hit by a wave made from bricks hits him and tears prick at his eyes, burning hot behind his eyelids. He feels a sudden wild urge to say Owen Grant, call Owen Grant, just take me back where I belong, this is too hard and I don’t want to do it anymore, being a person is just too hard but fights it off and instead, shaky and uncertain, he offers, “Th’ photo of th’ guy in th’ blue, blue shirt. That’s... thassss... Jake.”
“And he’ll come get you?” Sadie’s thumb hovers over the image, a picture Jake took of himself and sent to Kauri once, smiling over his iced coffee studying at school. “This guy will come get you, this Jake?”
Kauri whispers, “I hope so.”
Sadie looks at him, tilting her head. “Did you guys have a fight or something? Is that why you’re out here like blackout drunk?”
“No,” Kauri mumbles. “Fight... I fight with m’self.”
Sadie gives a soft sigh and a nod. “Well, I’ve been there done that. Okay.” She taps the photo of Jake, gives a low whistle and mumbles a soft damn, that guy’s hot, I see why you’re out here being schmoopy about him, and before Kauri can correct her that it doesn’t work that way, she’s got the phone up to her ear and Kauri can hear it softly ringing.
Jake must pick up because the ringing stops and Sadie says, “No, this isn’t-... I’m Sadie Williams, I’m on his phone. We’re at the bus stop on Penntuck Drive, do you know where-... oh, okay. Yeah, I live a couple blocks from here and this, uh, Kauri is way too drunk to go anywhere.”
“Am not,” Kauri protests, and his stomach suddenly flips and he swallows, eyes slightly widening. Oh no.
Sadie sighs and says wryly, “Trust me. Too drunk to get home on his own. Can you-... oh, okay. Cool. We’ll be here.” She hangs up the phone. “Okay, your buddy’s coming to get you. Let’s just sit on the bench in the bus stop, all right?”
Kauri nods, not trusting himself to speak, and lets Sadie maneuver him, fighting ripples of nausea that follow every movement, to sit down on the cold metal bench inside the shelter at the bus stop. As soon as she lets go, Kauri flops onto his side on the bench, letting the metal chill the sudden heat he feels, the sweat breaking out all over his body. 
“There we go. Just stay here for a while.” Sadie pats him on the shoulder and he wishes she would pet his head, suddenly, tell him he’s a good boy, good pet, and he turns his face to the bench to hide the tears that finally escape and drip down to pool there. Sadie stands and leans against the side of the shelter, scrolling through her own phone. Kauri twists to look at her and, after his dazed vision stops spinning and settles enough to focus, he thinks... she’s tired.
She’s tired, because it’s two o’clock in the fucking morning, and she probably just got off of work and rode the bus home in her scrubs still under her coat, and watched a drunk boy fall laughing into a bush, and decided to stay with him and make sure he didn’t get found there in the morning by a cop or the bus driver who does the early morning shift, Andrew something, and... 
“‘m okay,” Kauri says, and she doesn’t look up, but one eyebrow slowly quirks upward. “You could... go home. He’s comin’. I’m okay.”
“Oh, you are the exact opposite of that,” She says without looking at him. “Whatever’s got you fucking yourself up, I’m not gonna be the one who walks away from you. I’ve seen too many people like you wind up in the ER.” 
Is it his imagination, or do her eyes briefly drop to the thick leather bracelet Kauri always wears around his left wrist to cover up his barcode?
“You don’t know me,” He protests.
“I know enough,” She says, flatly, and he stops trying to argue. He knows that voice - Nat uses that voice when she’s getting you to do things, a voice that brooks no appeal. Kauri calls it her mom-voice, even though she doesn’t have kids and never will. It makes him think of TV moms, and maybe of his own, who must have existed, and is maybe still missing her dead son, whoever the fuck he was.
Kauri winces at the headache that pings around his skull and curls up on the bench on his left side. There’s silence, for a while, and then the sound of a car engine coming closer, the bright flash of headlights against Kauri’s closed eyes.
Jake’s new beat-up four-door - well, new to him, but it’s a Subaru that has seen better decades, not just better days - pulls up alongside the curb, idling as he opens the door and unfolds himself. Sadie, Kauri sees from the bench, tenses slightly at the sight of him, and Kauri wonders if she’s got her phone ready to dial for help.
He wouldn’t blame her - if you don’t know Jake and just see all that height and muscle alone with you in the middle of the night, you could see the threat, in that. If you didn’t know that Jake’s the guy who beats up your attacker, not the attacker himself.
Jake seems well aware of her tension and puts up both hands. “I’m Jake. You’re Sadie? You called for Kauri?”
Some of Sadie’s tension dissipates. “That’s me. Mind if I get a little distance while you pick him up?”
“Yeah, no problem. Go ahead.” Jake waits for Sadie to step away, and Kauri watches her hand move to her purse. He never thinks about stuff like that - she probably has pepper spray or a gun in there, and here is Kauri blackout drunk half-passed out on a bus bench, here is Kauri who passes out on park benches and underneath that big black box that doesn’t do anything over by downtown, Kauri who sleeps in alleys and grassy lawns and anywhere he thinks he’ll get a couple hours, here and there.
She’s careful - and Kauri is lucky.
“So fuckin’ lucky,” Kauri mumbles, then coughs out a bitter laugh, and Jake sighs as he moves over to him, sliding big arms gently between Kauri’s body and the bench. The world spins again as Jake picks him up and Kauri’s arms go around his neck, suddenly terrified he’ll fall and not hit the ground but fall up, up and up and up, and end up somewhere high above the clouds.
“D-don’t, don’-... let me-”
“I got you, Kaur,” Jake says, and his voice is low and it rumbles against Kauri in his chest and he relaxes, a little, but his hands tighten behind Jake’s neck. “Thanks for waiting with him,” He says to Sadie, moving Kauri to the passenger side of the car and leaning over to help him slide him in. Kauri flops to one side, eyes sliding closed.
“No problem. I’m going to head home. Take care of him.”
Jake gives a huff of laughter as he closes the door for Kauri. “I always do,” Kauri hears him say, a little muffled. There’s a pause and then Jake sits back down in the driver’s seat, leaning across to buckle Kauri’s seat belt for him as he half-sits, half-lays limp against the seat. 
“We’re going to get you home and you’re gonna drink some water,” Jake says firmly, slipping a hand behind Kauri’s head to help him reorient himself. Kauri shivers at the simple pleasure of the affectionate touch, eyes sliding closed, and turns his head, just barely pressing a kiss to Jake’s wrist.
Jake doesn’t pull away - Kauri will lose his balance if he does - but he goes still. “Hey. No, Kauri. The answer is still no.”
Kauri sniffs, nuzzles at his arm, and then pulls away, turning away from Jake to clumsily curl up against the car’s door, as far as he can get. “I know. But-... I just-...”
“I know. But we can’t, ever, not like this.”
Kauri tries to feel something other than the spin of the earth, his stomach flipping at the motion of the car as Jake slowly pulls his hand back and drives down the dark street, every house silent, everywhere around them still and quiet.
Jake’s speakers play music, softly, a man’s voice singing, well, let that lonely feeling wash away - maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay over the press of piano keys and hint of strings. 
"What is this?” Kauri asks, tries to point, fails.
“Um, Chris’s shit,” Jake says, but he doesn’t change the song. “I drove him to get some hair dye today, he must have put his playlist on. Musical shit.”
And oh, someone will come running and I know they’ll take you home
“When can it?” Kauri asks, softly. “When can it happen?”
“Us. When can us happen, Jake?”
Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you and when you're broken on the ground, you will be found
“I hate this song,” Kauri mutters.
Jake doesn’t look at him as he signals a turn - Kauri fights a laugh at the sight of Jake, totally and utterly alone on the road in the earliest hours of the morning, fucking putting on his turn signal a careful distance back from the intersection - and takes a right.
“Jake-... I want you,” Kauri says, the last vestiges of tequila pressing the words onto his tongue, rolling them off and out into the soft air between them. “When can I stop wanting and-”
“Kauri.” Jake’s voice goes softer, not harder. It’s not chiding him, it’s not angry, but laced with something very different. 
He wants me, too, I know he does, I know it.
“Jake, I-”
“It can’t ever happen,” Jake says in that same soft voice, lost in something that some dim part of Kauri recognizes as an echo of his own feelings, “until it’s not like this.”
Jake reaches down to grab his phone, hits a button, and the song changes. Kauri fights back a laugh when he realizes it’s just a different song from the same fucking musical.
“Fucking Chris,” Kauri says, trapped between laughter and tears. 
Jake’s hand moves to rest on the console between the seats, and after a second, Kauri’s hand remembers how to listen to his brain and he lays his cold, thin, long fingers over Jake’s larger, warmer ones.
Jake doesn’t pull away from him.
By the time they get back to Nat’s house, their fingers have wrapped around each other, and Kauri feels a little warmer than he felt before. 
When you’re falling in a forest and there’s nobody around, all you want is for somebody to find you
“Next time, can it be your music playing?” Kauri asks, voice a little huskier and rougher than he means it to be. All the numbness that came with the drinking is gone, and Kauri hurts, inside himself, in a way he’s almost grateful for.
When you’re falling in a forest and when you hit the ground, all you need is for somebody to find you
“Uh, um, yeah,” Jake manages, and his voice is rough, too.
No one deserves to be forgotten, no one deserves to fade away
“I can get better, Jake,” Kauri says, voice low. “I can. But I’m never-... I’m never gonna be whoever was me before.”
No one deserves to disappear
“I know,” Jake says. “That isn’t who I care about, anyway, Kaur... I care about you.”
No one deserves to disappear
They sit in the driveway until the song ends. And through the next song, and the next. The streetlights shine down and the dark is otherwise total and the world slowly steadies in its constant spin around the sun. Kauri lets his head slowly lean back against the headrest.
“I’m-... so fucking lucky you found me,” Kauri whispers. Jake’s fingers twitch in his, and his eyes are locked on Nat’s front door, up on the porch. 
“No,” Jake says, softly. “We’re-... I’m lucky you found us.”
Neither of them wants to be the first to let go of the other one’s hand.
@maybeawhumpblog, @pepperonyscience, @haro-whumps, @18-toe-beans, @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @giggly-evil-puppy, @whimpers-and-whumpers, @moose-teeth, @whump-it, @lumpofwhump, @pumpkinthefangirl, @slaintetowhump, @astrobly @whumpiary @whump-tr0pes  @raigash @cubeswhump
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with Neron ‘Creeper’ Vargas.
Request: Hey! Maybe prompt 52. When Creeper get shot and Mayans don't know reader but when hé was high on medication he call her at Vicky's House ? 🙈Something really Fluff ? Thanks!! I love ur writings 😊😊
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Warnings: none.
Word count: 1.6k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on Google.
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The books over the table with a lot of notes scattered around them are starting to give you a horrible headache. You don't know how many hours you have been studying, but you're sure that it was daytime. When you focus your gaze on the horizon, through the window, you're aware of the streetlights turned on outside and the dark sky above Santo Padre. It's your final week to complete the MIR and you have left just one exam. The last one. So, when Creeper told you he was going to travel to Las Vegas for a couple days, you have to recognize that you felt a little alleviated. You want to spend the maximum time possible with him, but you also have to study, but both things aren't compatible. Even so, he should be at home already.
Checking the time on the clock in your wrist, you snort getting up from your chair to pick up the books and your pens. It's enough study for today and you're really hungry. After cleaning the table, you fall down on the sofa turning on the TV and looking in your phone for something to take away. Cooking it's not an option today. Choosing the local pizzeria for excellence, you're about to make the order when an incoming call interrupts your plans. Reading his name on the screen, you answer quickly.
“Maaaaamaaaa”. He sings, making you frown somewhat confused sitting on the sofa. “Heeeeey, maaaamaaaa”.
“Are you… high, Neron?”
“Yeah… Fuckin' high… for you, my loooove”.
“What the hell? Where the fuck are you?”
“Mama, I want you here. I need you here, maaaama!”
“I am… close”.
“Close from what?”
“Border, mama. Close to the border. Come with meeee. I need my nurse, mama, pleaaase”.
“Are you okay? What happened?” Your heart is racing, jumping off from the sofa, running to your shared room.
“A guy shot me, mama. But don' worre', I'm okaaaay”.
“Neron, send me your location right now!”
“Mama, mama, mama, are you comen'?”
“Don'... Don' shout at me, mama”.
From nowhere, you can hear him crying like a child. Even if he's high, that shit breaks your heart into pieces. Stopping next to your bed rubbing your forehead, barely gulping, you try to calm yourself.
“Are you alone?”
“The bul—”.
“It's out, mama… I wan—want you here with me. I'm okay, mama, I'm okay… Come with me. Don'... leave me, don' break with me, mama, please”.
“Send me your location, okay? Could you do that for me?”
“Yeah, mama… Are you comen'?”
“Sí, Neron, I'm gonna get dressed, okay?”
“Okay, mama… I love you. I love you, mama. I truly love you, I swear”.
“I know, mi flaquito”.
Hanging up the call, you take some second to breathe calmly before looking for some clothes to put on and grabbing the medical kit when you're ready. They better have something to eat, or there will be more than one man shot. Leaving your house, your phone rings with a notification. The address of Vicki's house. You have heard about it, and you're not surprised at all. According to your boyfriend, this is the favorite place of Mayans. You don't know them, not yet, but you can imagine why they like it this much. Keeping the kit on the back seat, you step in your car turning the engine to follow the instructions recited by the gps.
When it says that you have reached your destiny, you focus through the Camaro's front window to find the house, looking exactly as he described you one day. Going out of the pilot seat and carrying the medical stuff in your right hand, you go upstairs practically jumping them to hit the door with your palm. A girl with brown hair, big eyes and almost naked welcomes you, pushing her by a side before she can talk.
“Hey, hey! Wait! You ca—”.
Coming into the living room, you finally meet his other family. They were drinking and laughing until you appeared, now staring at you confused. The one who you recognize as El Presidente gets up from his chair, the other two are pointing at you with their guns, warned by the bitch behind you.
“I'm from Tijuana, you can't scare me con una pistolita”. (With a gun). You spit with a strong mexican accent, containing a sarcastic laugh.
“Who are y—”.
Hearing your boyfriend calling you, you don't give them a single chance to let you introduce yourself, running upstairs following the laments of Creeper between moans and pleased begs. Disgusting. Opening the last green red door, you finally reach him. The medical kit falls from your hand shocked. Taking a step, you tour his silhouette lying on the mattress. Being shirtless you can see the bandage covering the bullet hole, with some blood trespassing the cotton, and the sling holding the other. His face isn't much better, with some scratches on his left cheek and his temple. The most disturbing is watching him crying like a scared child, trembling and trying to sit up on the bed.
Before the other mexicans can reach you, you're already kneeling on the bed not knowing where you're allowed to touch him and where not.
“Mami, I missed you”.
“You're an idiot, you know it, rai'?” You ask him with your eyes filled with tears, gently caressing the other cheek, while he nods.
Leaning forward you kiss his shaky lips once and again, before feeling his right arm surrounding your waist.
“Let me see the shot, okay?” Whispering, you get up from the bed to take the medical kit, under the look of the men waiting on the door.
“The doctor put it out, disinfected the wound and stitched it up”. El Presidente says, making you frown your eyebrows.
“The doctor, or the vet?”
“Answer before I fucking punch you”.
“The vet”.
Of course, it's not the same. Even the medicines that give you in the MIR are stronger than the ones for a veterinarian. Opening the kit over the bed and wearing a pair of blue gloves, you lean on Creeper to take off the bandage and the gauze, narrowing your eyes to see every stitch on it. It's… acceptable, but you could have done it better. Wetting some cotton with iodine, you clean the blood around the suture with soft moves to not hurt him more. Your boyfriend is assorted on how concentrate you look taking care of him.
“Do you know what you are doing, niña?” The oldest one rests his body against the frame.
“'Amma real doctor, not a veterinarian”. You respond without turning at him, but at your kit to find clean gauzes and an adhesive bandage to cover the sewn hole again. “What happened with the other, Neron?”
“Dislocated”. He just says gulping with parted lips.
“What did they gave you for the pain?”
“Just some pills, mami…”
“How many hours ago?”
“Almost ten”. El Presidente replies in his place, making you twist towards him.
“Okay, Creep', I'm going to prick you some morphine”. He just nods.
Grabbing a needle wrapped on a security plastic, you open it to fill it up with the transparent liquid from a small glass bottle. Hitting it softly with two fingers and letting some of the medicine spill on air, you lead the needle to his bare skin over the wound. Nailing it slowly until the metallic part has disappeared inside it. Then, you push the plastic container until empty. Taking off the needle and keeping it again inside its paper, to throw it later, you close the medical kit.
“You need to rest, okay?”
“Mami, stay with me, please… Don' go”. He begs you crying low and holding your hand as strong as he can.
“You need to rest”. You repeat raising both eyebrows and nodding with your chin one time, caressing his grip with your fingers. “I will talk with your friends for a moment. Ain't going anywhere, mi flaquito. Not without you”.
“I love you, mama. I really do”.
“I love you too, Creep'”. Smirking at your boyfriend, you kiss him again having a little more of caring to not hurt him. “Sleep, flaquito”.
Placing the medical kit over a desk, you leave him closing the door, killing with your eyes the men in front of you.
“I'm hungry, so you better find me some dinner”.
“First, tell us who you are, because he's high enough to confuse himself and believe that he's the fucking Messiah”.
“I'm his girlfriend, pendejo. And you're gonna be a dead man if you don't bring me my fucking dinner”.
El Presidente chuckles rubbing his chin, before nodding, seeing you disappear through the opened door again. Coming back to the bed, you can notice that your boyfriend isn't crying anymore, smiling like an idiot. Sighing you lie down by his side, wrapping his body with both arms, letting him find a comfortable posture under them. You can feel his lips kissing your right forearm somewhat sleepy, purring like a cat. Definitely, he's too high.
“Mami, I love you…” He whispers when you begin to caress his neck with your fingertips. “You are the love of my life…”
“Yeah, you already said it… like a lot of times”. You laugh softly, turning towards you with a soft grimace of pain on his face.
“Love you it's my favorite thing”. He mumbles stunned because of the smile on your lips.
“Mine too, babe. I love you more than anything”.
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Per the anons in my inbox’s requests, I give you my sad ‘Katsuki is a dog person headcanon. Fair warning, this is a sad headcanon about Katsuki having a childhood dog. You know where this is going.
Now if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you probably know about my Katsuki getting kidnapped headcanon. Basically, the story goes that Katsuki was kidnapped and/or had multiple groups try to kidnap him for his quirk throughout his childhood, he just managed to escape and then never told anyone, because he's Katsuki and the day he willingly volunteers information about himself and/or the problems he’s struggling with is never.
At some point, someone in class 1-A asks Izuku whether Katsuki is a cat person or a dog person, because a group of them had been arguing about it. By this point most people have learned that it's much easier to ask Izuku for information about Katsuki than it is to ask Katsuki for information about Katsuki.
Lucky them, Izuku knows the answer! Kacchan's a dog person. Or at least, he was when they were growing up. He's not so sure that Kacchan's still a dog person. Kacchan doesn't like to talk about his dog or any dogs these days. Everyone is intrigued by that and asks for details, but turns out that surprisingly, Izuku doesn't know what happened. Not the whole story anyways. He does remember some stuff though.
Kacchan's dog was a big Tibetan Mastiff named Mamoru. Izuku can only  remember three things about him.
First and foremost, Mamoru was mean as hell to almost everyone. He barely put up with Izuku, he didn't like either of Kacchan's parents, he hated strangers. If they were alive odds are this dog hated them. Mamoru wasn't afraid to show that he hated someone either. He would get bitey/growly the moment someone got in his space and given his size and appearance, most people would back off quick.
Second, Mamoru loved Kacchan with all his heart. Even if he was a jerk to almost everyone else, this dog adored Kacchan. Every time he was around Kacchan's his tail was wagging like he was a puppy. While he basically never listened to anyone else's commands, he'd follow Kacchan's in an instant and picked up new tricks like it was nothing. When they were little he would even let Kacchan ride on his back. Kacchan was why that Mamoru put up with Izuku (or anyone for that matter), and also probably the only reason Mamoru wasn't put down.
The last thing Izuku knew about Mamoru was that passed away very suddenly when Izuku was 10 years old. He never found out how the dog died. Kacchan didn't want to talk about it at all, and his parents dodged the subject when it was brought up. Not even Izuku’s mom could get the story out of them. Mamoru was an older dog when he passed away, but he'd been fairly healthy, so it must’ve been something bad.
After telling them this, Izuku warns his classmates not to bring it up. Whatever happened is a sore subject for Katsuki. All of them can understand pet's death being hard, particularly such a sudden one, so they leave it alone.
They think that's that... only at some point, there's someone with a weird quirk that the class meets while out on a field trip. The person can let you speak to a loved one that passed away for a short period, although it only works once for each person. You can't pick who you speak to/see, it's whoever you miss most.
Most of the class is excited and gets some heartfelt words from their dead relatives, but Katsuki wants nothing to do with it. The person accidentally activates their quirk on him anyways, and everyone is expecting a relative or someone similar to show up.
Instead, in bounds in a giant, overjoyed dog; tail wagging, eyes shining and tongue out. Katsuki is totally frozen up. Everyone expects him to be happy, but he's not. He stares at the dog for a solid 4-5 seconds as the dog wanders over to him, whining for attention and trying to play. Then Katsuki turns on his heel and runs.
None of them are supposed to be out on their own, so his classmates try to follow him only to lose Katsuki, who doesn't seem to be able to hear them in his upset state.The whole class is super freaked out, and the ghost dog is getting really aggressive and upset at the class as they search.
Aizawa is called over, and now he's panicking because his kid whose been kidnapped before is off on his own and not answering his cell phone. Lucky him, when he starts trying to figure out how to find Katsuki, Ghost Mamoru barks at him, runs off a little ways, then runs back. He's been hostile towards everyone else, but he seems okay with Aizawa. He also seems increasingly agitated about something.
Taking the hint, Aizawa tells the rest of the class to head back to their meeting point and follows Mamoru, who leads him to Katsuki. Katsuki's curled himself into a small hiding spot, which was why he was so hard to find. Mamoru obviously wants to go comfort his kid, everything about him is drooping and he lets out a whine, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he takes a long look at Katsuki, and then shoots a pleading look towards Aizawa before he lets out a quiet huff and fades away.
That leaves Aizawa alone with Katsuki, a kid whose hard to understand on the best of days, and who is currently having a panic attack.
There's not much else he can do, so Aizawa waits it out. He sits beside Katsuki's hiding place and keeps things calm and quiet, waving off the rest of the class, and letting the other teachers know Katsuki's been found.
It takes quite awhile, but finally Katsuki recovers enough to speak. He still doesn't want to come out of his hiding spot though, and Aizawa doesn't ask him to. At this point it's obvious something serious happened, he just wants to know what.
Katsuki takes several tries to start,  this story is hard for him to tell, but eventually he manages to force out a "It was my fault." and after that, everything comes tumbling out.
He'd been heading back to his house all alone in the early evening one day. He was 10 years old, and he hadn't been paying attention to the people around him. He should've been paying more attention. He should've known better. But he didn't, and some goons got the jump on him. There hadn't been time for him to do anything. The men had been on him too quickly and gotten his hands locked behind him. Katsuki had tried to fight, but he hadn't been strong enough.
It was only a block or two from his house and if he'd just walked faster or not stopped to look at things, everything would've been fine. But he hadn't, so the men caught him. He was pretty sure he'd been attacked by those guys before too, so he should've recognized them. They'd already gotten his hands restrained, and they'd stuck him with a needle.
There was nobody else around, and Katsuki thought that was it. This was the time that they got him.
The men thought so too, he couldn't remember their exact words, but they were gloating. Going slower than they probably should've. They hadn't been expecting anyone to come help Katsuki. They hadn't expected anyone to care enough to help him. And they were sort of right, there weren't any people coming to help Katsuki, but there was a very loyal dog who heard Katsuki's muffled cries.
Mamoru didn't hesitate for even one goddamn second; he was on the man holding Katsuki like in flash, dagger like teeth digging deep into the man's shoulder. He went for the goddamn throat of the other one, the one who had some of Katsuki's blood on him.
Despite his best efforts, the dog didn't manage to kill either man, but he drove both of them off. He fought like a goddamn hell hound, as if he was made of nothing but of fury and muscle. Maybe in that moment he was.
Mamoru was so vicious and strong, that Katsuki didn't even realize the dog was hurt in the fight. Not until he'd managed to wiggle his way out of the cuffs and thrown his arms around his dog, only to jerk back at the wet feeling of blood soaking through his shirt.
The injury was bad. One of the men had had a knife and must've caught the edge of it on Mamoru's throat. Katsuki was drugged out, but he knew he needed to do something. Mamoru was somehow still on his feet, so he helped Katsuki get home, his condition getting worse and worse as they pressed on.
When Katsuki got home, there was nobody there, but he was able to call his father and through his sobs communicate the important parts of what happened. That some guys had bothered him and they'd hurt Mamoru. His dad said he'd be home as soon as he could, and to put pressure on the wound until then.
And here's the thing. That's good advice. Stopping the blood loss is really important when you have an injured animal.
But Katsuki was a 10 year old, he was on drugs, he was completely panicked and distraught.
And he forgot what was always coming out of his hands.
Nitroglycerin is toxic under the best of circumstances, but when an animal is already bleeding out, it's a death sentence.
The veterinarian tried to tell him afterwards that it probably wouldn't have changed anything. Mamoru was heavily injured and he would've bled out no matter what. He hadn't known, he'd been trying his best to help. It wasn't his fault. But Katsuki knew better, and his mother reminded him of that much.
On the drive back from the vet's office, his mother told him they weren't getting another goddamn dog to replace Mamoru because he'd probably kill that one too.
Katsuki didn't want another dog. He was too scared that someone would try to kidnap him again, and the dog would die again. Or he'd forget himself and end up killing the dog more directly. After that, he didn't even let himself go near animals. He wouldn't be near them, and he wouldn't touch them at all. Hell, he hardly even let himself touch other people after that.
When Katsuki finishes up his story, he looks ashamed and Aizawa is silent out of pure shock for several long seconds. First and foremost, he cannot believe that this was just something that happened that he had no idea about. Katsuki mentioned getting attacked by strangers at least once before he was 10 years old?? What the hell had happened in his student's childhood??? All of the implications of all of this are concerning him.
But in that same moment, he's suddenly rethinking Katsuki with this new information. Awhile ago Mic had made a joke about how Izuku follows Katsuki around like a puppy and all the teachers had laughed about it. Katsuki had gotten strangely angry about it, and suddenly it seems a whole lot less funny. Not only that, but how Katsuki reacted to All-Might's downfall after his kidnapping has a whole new light to it now. As do so many other little things.
It's hard for him to get any words out, but he manages a strangled "Kid..." and gently coaxes Katsuki out of his hiding place so Aizawa can just give him a goddamn hug for once in his life. And Katsuki is confused by this because he was expecting Aizawa to agree that he fucked up, but instead he's getting hugged and he really doesn't want to cry again but he's not sure he has a choice.
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