#i make clothes i crochet i knit i paint
siriuslygay1981 · 6 months
Always the artist, never the muse.
I love making art believe me. It has been a part of me since I could pick up a pencil. I like to capture the things I see, to show everyone how I see it and its beauty. Most of all, I really loved to draw people I adored, people who were a part of my soul. But at some point, after countless hours of drawing these people, spread out beautifully and in their element and then seeing others do the same online, speaking of their muse and just thinking of your own process you wish to be the muse. Even for a moment, for a single drawing...a doodle even. Doesn't have to be perfect, doesn't even have to be good...just has to be.
I have had countless artist friends, one IRL who has been my muse before. I had a s/o who did art sometimes who was and still is one of my biggest muses. I've drawn my sister a few times, she's an artist herself, I've drawn my mom who used to draw, I have never even been given art. I have given away art though, to friends and family. Never appreciated even when I'd spent hours on it.
Except a throw away drawing my baby sister did, she claimed she made it for me but I had caught her in the lie. she had drew stick figures and just added black hair so it could be me. I still have it tucked away in my box of mementos. Even though it wasn't meant for me at first...at least someone gave me something like that. She has been the only one. I don't expect to be drawn, I don't even ask it but maybe...for once I could be beautiful enough to want to capture. To someone I'll be beautiful enough to want to immortalize on a paper , in a drawing, something someone spent longer than a second on.
Maybe to someone I'm worth putting in effort, maybe to someone they think I'd be a beautiful piece of art.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 5 months
If you're interested in textile art, please understand it will not end at one of the arts. Interested in weaving? There are many different types, so now you're learning about the culture these styles come from, and with that comes learning about their clothing. Now you're interested in learning how to sew clothing, and much of it has some kind of embroidery. So you do research and see how beautiful it is, and different types of embroidery exist. You decide to learn embroidery and get curious about lace because often they're seen together.
Prepare for a journey and get real good at organizing. You'll soon lose space because of supplies and tools.
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tealfruit · 1 year
it's really a shame I have to sell 40+ of my life hours every week for poverty wages instead of spending all my time and energy on dozens of creative and technical pursuits with unlimited resources
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energizrbunni-blog · 9 months
Last night was my company Holiday Party, and we're doing really well, so it was held at the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
I was so happy that also included the Styled by Sargent exhibit, of John Singer Sargent paintings and the actual articles of clothing alongside them.
Now, you have probably seen this painting of Lady Macbeth
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But have you seen the costume she's wearing??
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It's gorgeous, obviously.
But that texture! It's *crochet*
And some knitting
Really simple crochet too; just a chain and single crochet lattice with beads and metallic thread added for this chain mail effect.
Despite John Singer Sargent being an expert painter of fabric (no, really, just look at it), I never knew Lady Macbeth's costume had to be *hand crocheted* for that texture in the painting.
Anyway I'm gonna be making myself some faux-chainmail by crocheting it for the next Renn Faire
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angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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kleefkruid · 2 years
Every fun post on here that encourages people to have hobbies/be creative always gets an avalanche of "Some people are poor Karen" type reactions and respectfully, you're all super annoying. I've never lived above the poverty line and this is a list of hobbies I have that were cheap or entirely free:
Read books: Go to the library, lend a book from a friend
knitting, crochet, embroidery: Get some needles from the bargan store and ask around, people have leftovers from projects they'll happily give you. Thrift stores also often carry leftover fabric and other supplies. And talk about your hobby loud enough and an old lady will show up and gift you their whole collection, because there are way more old ladies with a closet full of wool than there are grandchildren who want to take up the hobby.
Origami/paper crafts: get some scrap paper and scissors, watch a youtube tutorial
walking: put on shoes open door
pilates/yoga/etc: get a mat or just use your carpet, watch a youtube tutorial
Houseplants: look online for people that swap plant cuttings. There are always people giving out stuff for free to get you started. If you're nice enough you'll probably get extra
gardening: You're gonna need some space for this one of course but you can just play around with seeds and cuttings from your grocery vegetables.
aquarium keeping is a bit of an obscure one but I got most of my stuff second hand for cheap or free and now I have a few thousand euro worth of material and plants.
drawing/art: You get very far just playing with bargan store materials. I did my entire art degree with mostly those.
writing: Rotate a cow in your head for free
cooking: again one you can make very expensive, but there are many budget recipes online for free. Look for African or Asian shops to get good rice and cheap spices.
Join a non-profit: Cities will have creative organisations who let you use woodworking machines or screen presses or laser cutters or 3D printers etc etc etc for a small fee. Some libraries also lend out materials.
candle making: You need some molds (cheap), wick, two old cooking pots for au bain marie melting and a ton of scrap candles, ask people to keep them aside for you.
a herbarium, flower pressing: Leaves are free, wildflowers too, ask if you can take from peoples gardens.
puzzles: thrift stores, your grandma probably
Citizen science: look for projects in your area or get the iNaturalist app
And lastly and most importantly: Share! Share your supllies, share your knowledge. Surround yourself with other creative people and before you know it someone will give you a pot of homemade jam and when you want to paint your kabinet someone will have leftover paint in just the right color and you can give them a homemade candle in return and everyone is having fun and building skills and friendships and not a cent is exchanged. We have always lived like this, it's what humans are build to do.
And all of it sure beats sitting behind a computer going "No stranger, I refuse to let myself have a good time."
Anyway I'm logging off bc I'm making some badges for a friend who cooked for me and then I'm going to fix some holes in everyones clothes.
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coco-oats · 10 months
Strategies I use to…
Reconnect with myself˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
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Hiiii, here is a list of some things I do in order to reconnect with myself!
When I feel down, overwhelmed, mindless, or just not like my usual self, these activities are my saviours.
• Physical activity!!! - You know I had to put this one first, girl. Strength training, stretching, swimming, running, walking, dancing, playing sports, etc. Physical activity makes me feel amazing and gives me a total confidence boost, I’m just in my element.
• Meditation - Deep breathing, relaxing music, clear mind, I love it! I feel a deep sense of connection with myself and the universe when meditating. It’s also just a great reset if you’re in a negative mood, I feel totally cleansed afterwards.
• Pampering!!! - face massage, gua sha, long hot bath/shower, full body massage, cute treat/drink, ice roller, positive affirmations, comfy clothes, favourite movie, and so on.
• Get creative - Getting creative is a good way to express and connect with yourself. Doing something artsy always reminds me of when I was a kid, and writing is a great outlet for my creativity.
Drawing, writing, sculpting, painting, colouring, knitting, crocheting, etc.
• Journaling - I love journaling so much. It’s a good way to check-in with yourself, learn about yourself, and release your emotions. I feel a lot more in tune with myself afterwards.
I’ll write about : Things I am grateful for, my dreams and desires, goals I’m working towards, my favourite things about myself, my feelings, etc.
• Expressing myself - Often, the reason for me feeling disconnected with myself is because I’ve hidden or ignored my true feelings/thoughts/self. I mean obviously masking yourself makes you feel disconnected with yourself…
My strategy is to openly express myself confidently. I share my feelings and opinions, and I don’t try to hide who I am. I don’t care what people think of me, I will never be ashamed or embarrassed of my authentic self.
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loveleftmelikethis · 4 months
summer glowup guide ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
happy summer break!! it's time to rest and reset, and become the best version of yourself! here's a little guide and some tips ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
♡ throw out any expired products
♡ clean any brushes or applicators
♡ reorganize your products
♡ remember to wear sunscreen everyday and reapply if you're going outside for more than an hour!
♡ sort through your clothes and donate any you don't wear
♡ wear cute and comfy clothes that will keep you cool
♡ go shopping or thrifting as a fun activity
♡ remember to rest, and take it easy. this is your break after all!
♡ throw away old journals or papers you don't need
♡ empty and clean our your backpack, pencil bag, purses, etc.
♡ when test scores come back- be proud of yourself, and try to figure out any mistakes you made
♡ make a study schedule for any work or studying you want/need to do!
♡ don't procrastinate on studying if you have an exam in the fall, like the PSAT. you don't want to wait until the last minute!
♡ set goals for yourself- ex: five hours of studying a week, one module a day, etc.
♡ drink lots of water!! as it heats up, staying hydrated is even more important
♡ eat at least three full meals a day, or at least snack regularly
♡ stay active! exercising at least three times a week is a good way to get started
♡ take your meds on time! -> this is so important. taking my antidepressants regularly has helped me feel SO much better and happier
♡ be patient and loving with yourself. your body is not going to change in a day, and you don't need a perfect beach body to look amazing and be worthy of love. what matters much more is that you are as healthy as you can be
♡ it's finally the time to do all the things you didn't have time to do during the school year!
♡ writing, drawing, painting, playing an instrument, crocheting, knitting, reading, making arts and crafts
♡ try to find stuff to do that gets you off of your phone/the internet
♡ summer break is a time for resting, but it's also a chance for you to improve yourself! didn't like how you acted or the grades you got last year? you always have another chance!
♡ reflect on yourself, the things and people that make you happy, and the things that don't. it's not easy getting rid of toxicity and negativity- but being at peace, even if it's alone, is a wonderful feeling.
♡ be patient with yourself. you are not going to change in a day, and it takes a long time to form habits and get to where you want to be. but taking small steps and making changes every day is so important.
♡ be kind, be loving, and be the kind of person you want to be.
i love you all and i hope you have an amazing summer!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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kitchenwitchtingss · 1 year
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(And other useful things I've learned over the years)
Hi! This is a list of dos, don'ts, tips, tricks, and other fun things that I've learned over the years. I always love finding more effective and efficient ways of doing things so if you have any cool things you'd like to add, leave them in the comments or reblog. I'd love to read it.
Anyways... On with the list ^_^
Light candles around your kitchen space (just make sure nothing flammable is near you)
Annotate your cookbooks with the correspondence of the ingredients.
Mediating is really good to calm the mind before cooking.
Cut oranges and lemons thinly, dry them, and hang them with twine around your kitchen
Need a cleansing tip? Open all your windows near your kitchen. Let some fresh air in.
Cutting sigils into apples, pie crusts, and carved potatoes.
Save lemon and orange rinds, freeze them, and then use them to clean the garbage disposal.
Make infused oils and honey: Things like garlic honey, lavender honey, herb oil, sun oil, moon oil, dandelion oil, and other different edible oils are very fun and useful to make.
Hid sigils in pages of your cookbooks and kitchen witch journals.
Add some plants! Snake plants and spider plants don't need too much light, and growing your own herbs in your kitchen is awesome too. Basil, lavender, thyme, aloe vera, rosemary, etc. are good fits. You could also add some plants that require more sunlight on the kitchen window sill. Like cacti and succulents.
Bring crystals into your kitchen space such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, or whatever you want the space's intentions to be.
I keep a small money tree on the sill, along with cacti for luck and protection.
Make a simmer Pot! Mostly because it makes the whole house smell good, easy, and fun.
Stir clockwise for best results!
Learning how to pickle things is actually pretty witchy. Plus, anyone could do it as it requires absolutely no kitchen experience. You could pickle any vegetable, even if you don't like pickles. I originally learned this after having to take shelter from a natural disaster. A person brought a bunch of stuff and taught us how to pickle things with different spices and herbs. Very fun!
Decorate your kitchen with your favorite stuff. Crystals, decor, heat mits, that cool mushroom cake stand you've been eyeing at the World Market for the past 2 weeks, cool looking curtains, sun catchers. Why stop there? Paint the walls, hang shelves full of marked-up cookbooks that are a little too well-loved and thumbed through.
Wanna be the person that has the amazing-smelling house every time people come over? Syrups take some time to simmer down, it's actually a pretty good time to leave it on the stove to simmer. Since syrups have a lot of aromatic ingredients, it acts as a really good-smelling simmer pot.
Hang up herbs to dry with twine from cabinets that are rarely used.
Invest in that new set of plates and cups.
Homemade jams, butter, sauces, and syrups are your best friend.
Crochet or knit your own dish rags, pot holders, etc.
Don't pour extremely hot things into a glass that's not Pyrex, it will break, and you will be very sad about it.
Don't cook anything while extremely upset or emotional (For safety reasons)
Make recipes you want to make, not just because you'll like the effect. Make it because you think it's tasty.
Chinese Five Spice works in place of herbs for protection and luck spells a lot of the time! It's cheaper to buy 1 spice than 4 different spices that total up to 15 dollars when you could just spend 3-4 dollars.
Take a shower before cooking (I don't know how to explain this one other than it makes you feel better)
Don't use microfiber/plastic material clothes on hot burners, it will fuse to the burner and melt. It is VERY hard to get off.
I don't know if I need to put this one but I did see someone do it so nonstick pan = wooden utensils and plastic utensils, metal pan = metal utensils. Do not use a metal spoon in a nonstick pan, please. It can make you very sick.
Keep your pets away from hot oil, open ovens, and hot pans.
You can proof bread dough in the fridge overnight if you don't have the time to bake, or want to eat fresh bread right in the morning.
Need a quick witchy meal for dinner in 12 minutes? Use premade tomato pasta sauce and doctor it up with thyme, rosemary, and garlic, for protection and distilling stagnant energies. Serve with pasta of your liking.
You can substitute Butter for Crisco/shortening, buttermilk for 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and heavy cream for 1 cup of half and half plus 2 tbsp of butter.
Use leftover animal bones to make bone broth
Teach yourself the art of bread scoring (It's fun, and you can show it off to your loved ones!)
Collect and hoard your own and others' family recipes.
Sometimes the food doesn't have to be a spell, sometimes it just makes you feel good and you don't know why.
Listen to your favorite music in the kitchen, it makes the monotonous things like chopping veggies move faster.
Invest in a vegetable chopper if you don't like chopping vegetables.
Find a really good hot cocoa recipe and make it once a week. Master it. Just for your own happiness because hot cocoa is really good. You could also be the friend/family member that makes the best hot cocoa ever.
Focaccia Bread Lasts a very long time, and it's very easy to make!
Keep a first aid kit near where the oven is, in case of burns, cuts, or serious injuries where time is everything.
Quick Bread and no-rise loaves are simple for beginners, tasty, and take little time. They also feel very witchy to make.
Study a bit of Herbalism! It's fun and really helps better understand the herbs you're putting into your food.
While something is boiling, put your wooden spoon over the pot to minimize the chance of something boiling over.
Try a bit of coffee magick, it's simple to get into, and gives you a boost of energy to take on the day!
If you're over 21, wine-making is a very interesting way to celebrate the sabbats. Just with that, make sure you KNOW what you're doing. With anything fermented, there's always a risk if you don't store things correctly. Apple wines, strawberry wines, dandelion wines, etc. all very cool to experiment with. If you're not over 21, vinegar is a similar way to experiment.
Hang up some witchy things, sigils, photos, cool magnets, and other things that give you joy on your fridge. (Sometimes if you are lucky they have some fun magnets at five below)
If you live in the US, for some reason, there are a lot of books in the book section dedicated to witchcraft and spirituality. At least where I live. And they are all under 5 dollars!
Teas are the cheapest and easiest things you can practice being a kitchen witch.
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monikahmakes · 12 days
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Six small square studies in progress.
It makes me happy to see how many different materials and processes I'm using here- that makes it feel like a particularly good form of practice/exploration as I try to find my rhythm. Materials include cardboard, papers, cotton, linen, wool, viscose, acrylic paint, house paint, ink, cloth, wire, tyvek, polymer clay, plastic, glass, pearl, and my kid's old dried-out clay. Processes include crochet, knitting, felting, embroidery, my process of making paper stones and their trimmings, and all kinds of collage/assemblage stuff.
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krowbby · 1 month
craft hobbies i’m teaching the bg3 companions post game + after they finish their personal quests:
wyll: knitting or quilting. i think he would really appreciate the community aspect of it, and the grandmas at his local quilting circle would be absolutely obsessed with him. his first quilt is a lil wonky but he hangs it up on his wall because he’s proud of himself. also helps out around his local quilt/yarn store and tries to get some kids into the hobby as well
lae’zel: needle felting. you stab something a bunch. need i say more? jk i feel like she’d like something practical like leatherwork or even just basic mending, and she’d be very pleased when anyone complimented her on something she made.
astarion: embroidery baby! he loves finery and we already know he knows basic sewing from the flavor text on his camp clothes (at least that’s how i interpreted that). i think he’d enjoy making things truly his own and also enjoy seeing someone he loved wearing something he made for them. plus embroidery takes awhile and his immortal ass has the time
halsin: he already has a hobby in whittling, but i’m teaching him basic mending too. i think he’d like having it as a skill and also being able to teach the kids how to fix their stuff! (plus u never wanna be unprepared in a teddy bear injury emergency…)
shadowheart: i’m teaching her crochet bc honestly she deserves the instant gratification of how fast crochet can work up. she’d make cute little headbands with fancy granny squares and get excited about nice yarn
gale: i’m also teaching gale knitting. he’s pretty dexterous with respect to casting somatic components of spells so i think he’s got the hand dexterity for it, and i think once he made a weirdly long tube (?) awkward first knitting project he’d take to it really quickly and somehow end up knitting spells into garments
karlach: ok karlach is actually learning needle felting. i think she’d make wonky little adorable creatures and she’d love every one with all her heart. she’d go around to everyone and be like look it’s you as an animal!!!! and you can barely tell it has a face. but it’s also the most precious think you’ve ever seen. you get it
minthara: ok minthara is hard this woman is dead focused on ambition. to help her get it out of her system i’m getting her into warhammer, helping her paint minis, and then setting her loose to become undisputed queen of the local game store. sorry guys u don’t stand a chance
bonus: i’m teaching withers to spin yarn. he shows up with a ball of yarn for you and you’re like what fiber is this and he’s like hm? and you drop it but it’s the most amazing yarn you’ve ever worked with.
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spooky-pop · 4 months
trolls has a certain vibe to it,yknow? like the scenery, the props, the creatures,the clothes, there's just something about it that screams "TROLLS" and iv tried looking for stuff that gives off this same feeling, but I cant, where do you get your inspo from?
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* You've mentioned something that relates to what I am passionate about- design! Apologies in advance if this is long but I am so excited to dive into this.
When trying to nail down the aesthetic for a type of media in particular it always helps to STUDY THE SOURCE! I get most of my inspiration from the Trolls movies themselves because the whole franchise is such eye candy. So let's look at it!
The general observation is that everything has been designed to look crafted or handmade, or almost toy-like. Everything is so artsy and creative it looks like someone created everything with craft supplies. The takeaway key words I get when looking at everything is: Happy, bright, colorful, soft, shiny, fun, glittery etc. These are what you take and incorporate into your ideas! It also helps when searching for references too!
I absolutely love the Dreamworks cards at the start of each movie. It's such a perfect way to show how they took the Trolls aesthetic and applied it to their logo!
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Everything looks felted, painted, embroidered, pieced together, etc. These cards alone tell you so much about the world of Trolls.
Next is observing environments. The designs for all of these locations are stunning not only because they are creatively done but because the things that make them different from each other are so fascinating.
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You've got the visuals from around Pop Village/Troll Tree which feels knitted, crocheted, sewn, felted, etc. It all feels so SOFT.
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Then I love this environment because it's all POOL TOYS? the vinyl textures? Foam? Amazing.
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Then my fave, The Rock aesthetic is full of flannels, denim, leather, etc. I could go on with more examples but I'd be here all day.
I think understanding the design choice behind the world of Trolls is so important because it'll tell you exactly what you should be looking for in your inspo. From this you can take that everything is fun and very artistic. This can influence your styling, your color choices, your textures, etc.
Creating a guide or inspo board gets a lot easier when you can type in key words or names of objects that are relevant to the world and characters you are working to capture!
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Hope this helps some! (Again, I'm not great at explaining things, but this is my approach!)
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cosmowes · 7 months
100 things to try
getting off the phone can be hard. i find that i’m only ever motivated to do it when there’s something else to do. so! here are those things, dollie.
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collecting (figurines, blind boxes, vinyls, books…)
2. embroidery
3. thrift flips / diying clothes
4. jewelry making
5. kandi
6. collage making
7. painting
8. sketching
9. start an album list
10. thrifting
11. baking (w/o the box mix !!)
12. cooking
13. origami
14. doll customization
15. making stuffed animals
16. building models
17. clay sculpting
18. customizing shoes
19. dancing
20. yoga
21. pilates
22. singing
23. learn an instrument
24. skating (skateboard, roller skating/blading, ice skating)
25. biking
26. hiking
27. jogging/running
28. doing nails
29. doing hair
30. building costumes/cosplays
31. soapmaking
32. play dnd
33. writing
34. poetry
35. web design
36. character design
37. graphic design
38. font design
39. make short films
40. make bath bombs
41. start tutoring people
42. join a new club
43. start a book club w/ friends
44. read a play
45. write a play
46. go see a play (support small theatres!!! wooh)
47. journaling
48. programming
49. design clothes
50. crochet
halfway through… ps, if you’ve had the energy to scroll this, you have the energy to start one. pick your battles!
51. knitting
52. cross stitch
53. beading
54. learn solitaire
55. typing
56. learn cursive
57. start learning a language
58. make a dreamcatcher
59. start making smoothies
60. take cute notes
61. photography
62. climb a tree!!!
63. swimming
64. press flowers
65. get a pen pal
66. make tea (the nice kind)
67. make coffee (same as above)
68. make bookmarts
69. annotate books
70. jigsaw puzzles
71. crosswords
72. sudokus
73. word searches
74. quilting
75. make perfume
76. make lightboxes
77. skincare
78. making jams
79. whittling
80. carpentry
91. tie dye
92. archery
93. axe throwing
94. martial arts
95. making ornaments
96. music writing
97. terrariums
98. gardening
99. scrapbooking
100. pottery
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lexezombie · 25 days
yuhh <3 + some new hc info: (I may have projected on Mabel 💀)
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Mabel Pines: 15
Always sewing, knitting or crocheting; likes making her own clothes (lil fashionista)
Has beads on her shoe laces that remind her of family and friends!
Spends most of her time on ebay looking for vintage fashion pieces
Paints her nails daily
Has an extensive nightly routine
Her room has an armoire, closet, vanity desk + dresser
Her vanity is overflowing with accessories
She 100% likes Vocaloids, MLP + Undertale lmao
Still has a huge amount of sweaters; ones that don't fit anymore get recycled or donated <3
Still arts and crafts QUEEN and she will never be dethroned!
Recently gave Gideon a chance at long distance dating; they've been together three weeks and it's going alright so far
Ford gave her the 2nd fit (her 'hunting gear') as a birthday gift
Still has the grappling hook and uses it often
WILL bareknuckle box school bullies -- LEFT HOOK SOLVES EVERYTHING!
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Mason 'Dipper' Pines: 15
Constantly wearing Wendy's hat
Started his own journal (with Mabel's input)
Prefers wearing boots with thick soles after stepping on a nail at 14
Likes FNAF + Undertale
Runs a DD&MD group with a few friends (it's been going for months)
Mabel made his sweater vest <3
Still wants to apprentice for Ford but he's waiting til after high school
Has been in a long distance relationship with Pacifica for a year now
Built a tree house with Mabel + is usually found in there
Is less bothered by liking girly stuff + will openly join his sister in singing girly pop songs during karaoke night
That Freddy shirt glows in the dark (he was bullied for it once and doesn't wear it anymore; at least not in public lmao)
Extra stuff to note for both in this AU:
Parents are officially divorced, though they live with their dad (agreed upon by both parents. it's not that messy a divorce tbh lol)
They visit Gravity Falls every summer
This AU IS the one with Cluhsandra Puzzles in it, so they do get to interact with both her AND probation Bill lmao
Both have trauma from the events of weirdmagedon but are doing MUCH better with it after therapy (bill could use pointers)
Out of the two of them, Mabel's the one that'll need glasses first
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Nimona headcanons that I wrote in like 15 minutes don’t judge me
I feel like both Bal and Ambrosius are the kinds of people who try and act like they’re not sick 
Bal has an amazing immune system he rarely if ever gets sick 
But when he does get sick he���ll be in absolute denial about it 
If someone confronts him all he’ll say is “No I’m fine I don't get sick” and then he’ll push himself until he’s literally sitting in a hospital still acting like he’s not sick 
Ambrosius has the worst immune system you can possibly imagine 
Someone sneezes on this boy and he’s sick for the next two weeks 
But he’s also sick enough times that he’s convinced himself that he can work through anything 
After a while he’s literally forced to relax and be taken care of and he complains the entire time that he should be working 
I’ve kind of alluded to this headcanon but I don’t think Nimona can get sick
But if she could get sick she would be the most annoying person known to mankind 
She would have a sore throat and make the biggest deal about it and force the boys to take care of her
And the boys will comply because this is one of the few times that Nimona lets them take care of her 
I mentioned in this post tags that they all hand make every single present 
The first thing that Bal ever made/gave Ambrosius was welded rose that he made out of scrap metal 
He thought it was a stupid present but Ambrosius got super emotional and said it was the best present he had ever received 
Bal highly doubted that cause Ambrosius literally got a car as a birthday present once 
But then he saw it in a little vase that Ambrosius made and it became kind of a tradition after that
During every big event in their lives Bal welded Ambrosius a rose and he kept every single one 
By the time the knighting ceremony rolled around he had close to 80
Ambrosius made more heavy-duty vases just to hold all of the flowers 
It’s kind of sweet because you can see both of their hobbies improving as the years go on 
The first gift Bal ever got from Ambrosius was a sweater he crochet himself 
He made it cause he knows that Bal runs cold and he would make off-handed comments about it every once and a while
He was kind of nervous cause he never took on a project that big before 
Bal wore it all the damn time 
He treated that sweater like it was gold which is why he was crushed when it started unraveling 
He went to Ambrosius sobbing with an arm full of yarn apologizing and saying he ruined it
Mind you he gave him that sweater like 5 years prior and had knitted and crocheted him a million things afterwards 
It was a miracle that the sweater lasted as long as it did 
He spent the entire night consoling him while asking for his input on the new one he was currently working on 
The first gift Bal and Ambrosius gave Nimona made him tear up and cling to them as an actual koala for the rest of the night 
Bal welded him a little dragon and Ambrosius crocheted him a little rhino
The first gift Nimona gave the boys was for both of them
It was a painting of the three of them the boys thought it was beautiful but also incredibly out of character 
Until they gave them the second painting of the three of them fighting guards as the institute burned down behind them
The boys framed both and hung them in the living room
Whenever Ambrosius goes anywhere he’s swarmed by groups of people and sometimes those people will ask questions about his clothes and jewelry 
And he gets this proud look in his eyes while he says “Oh my kid made this in the living room 15 minutes before I left the house” 
When Bal proposed he actually made both the engagement and their wedding rings 
He always got compliments on both rings and Ambrosius would let them get a better look while gushing about all the little details that were put into it
And this doesn’t stop when Bal and Nimona are around either 
In fact he’ll drag them over and gush about them while they get progressively more embarrassed
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amongaesthetics · 1 year
To all the people who think apocalyptic clothing aesthetic is tight, industrial-feeling, torn, and black, do I have news for you.
In any of the human-on-human apocalypses, yeah, that might be true. But the more popular ones, like zombies, would probably result in any areas with pre-made clothes being dangerous or empty, and in the off chance you DO find something, it is not going to fit perfectly like that unless you or someone you know has the time and the ability to alter clothing.
In most “safe zones” or “bases” in the zombie apocalypse worlds, food production, defense training, and wall building are usually prioritized. However, this overlooks the amount of young kids and injured adults who can’t really do that. They would likely be the people who care to the wounded, and also the ones patching up the holes in the clothes to make them last as long as possible.
My point to this aesthetic is that craft stores are probably not as dangerous or empty, and grabbing yarn an easy stop on the way to get the wood glue, spray paint, and decorative icing I’d imagine people could use. With the rise in popularity of the fiber arts, there’s a higher chance of SOMEONE in this base knowing how to crochet or knit to create new clothing that keeps warm and actually fits.
So rather than an industrial look, I submit there’s a HUGE lack of crochet/knit apocalyptic fits. Additionally, since zombies are usually able to track through smell or hearing and not sight, and the amount of black yarn is probably limited, I submit that these fits could be pink, or lime green, or orange, and nobody would complain because they have some damn clothes and this isn’t a fashion show.
That is all.
Thank you for your time.
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