#i really need to flesh quinn out more
queen-scribbles · 2 years
Hi hi you don’t mind me popping in!! So I just read your tags on the TIM-LI Picture-Manipulation post and 👀👀 I am so here for Sheps who are FURIOUS about being forced to work with Cerberus/TIM. I’d love to hear how your Shep(s) handle the whole being brought back to life by Cerberus plot point.
(Also hehe complicated relationship status left off in ME1 just for everything to go to hell FEEL that with my Shakarian idiots)
Yeah, nope, pop right in, I love talking about my kids. I'm gonna do at least a little for the four main ones bc I think it's so interesting how their background/profile effects their view on the whole thing.
Boys first, since they're less developed 😅
Charlie(Earthborn/Ruthless) spent a decade working for a gang, then the time in Alliance military, and he's very ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about authority in general, so he does to TIM what he's done before; "Uh-huh, sure"s his way through the conversation(maybe pushed back a little more against his BS) and then did what he thought was best regardless of what TIM wanted(Very big believer in "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission"). Long as he gets result and doesn't cost too much in the process, the worst he's ever gotten is a slap on the wrist, so TIM doesn't scare him anymore than his gang leader or DI did. xD Why waste a second chance at life, right? He was very "I know, dude" about Kaidan's whole thing with not trusting Cerberus on Horizon. He did relish blowing the Collector base to hell and flipping TIM double birds as he flew off in the nice shiny new warship. :3
Quinn(Colonist/Sole Survivor) viewed working with Cerberus and having their leash on his neck, so to speak, as the price to pay for them bringing him back and giving him a second shot at taking down the Reapers, since he feels like he failed first time around. Not thrilled about it, definitely looking for a way out, but if this is what it takes to defeat the Collectors, he doesn't really have much choice, does he? He romanced Ashley, and if anyone had overtly threatened to do anything to her, I think he would have just laughed and wished them good luck. xD
Emily(Spacer/War Hero) is grateful to be alive but sees working with Cerberus almost as a punishment, or penance of some sort or something like that. She failed against the Collectors and this arrangement was the price tag on getting another chance. A lot like Quinn(my Paragon bbys), but with added guilt. Almost like she deserves this, even though she hates it, bc she's The Hero and she failed at her job. She felt like she was suffocating, she wanted out, but they brought her back and they were the only ones taking the Reapers seriously, so she stayed. She struggled the most with her identity and holding herself together like puzzle missing pieces, and Horizon didn't help with that. A lot of the stuff Kaidan says there was stuff she'd wondered herself. She did not have a good time.
Lisa(Colonist/Ruthless, a delicious combo to play) might be grateful to be alive, but she's fucking furious at Cerberus for just about everything else, lol. How dare they try to use Kaidan to manipulate her? (if they touch one hair on his head-) How dare they toss her a couple of her friends as if that will make her happy with this arrangement? (happy as she is to see her bestie Tali again, she knows why TIM let her have Tali and Garrus back, it's to give her a tie to the crew and make her care and keep her here and she resent the hell out of the motivation even if she's relieved with the familiar faces) She feels trapped and manipulated and mentally is just semi-feral, lunging against her chains with every ounce of strength the entire way through. she'll work with them bc she has literally no choice, but doesn't ever miss a chance to push against it, to say "No, we do this MY FUCKING WAY. You need me, we do it the way I want", to grab for just a little bit of control. IF she has to stay bc Cerebrus is the only one Doing Anything against the Reapers/Collectors, she's gonna do everything she can to keep a little bit of agency. (Horizon was by far the worst for her bc of the complicated state of her and Kaidan relationship/romance, his pointing out the... murky morality of a choice she felt a) cornered into making and b) didn't feel like it was a choice hurt a LOT. She still got the romanced hug even with not sleeping with him and holy hell her emotions were a mess. She's not great with them anyway, and this did not help) Gonna c&p a post I made about one of the songs on her playlist bc it's still a pretty perfect summation of her attitude
 Masquerade by Lindsey Stirling gives me really big Lisa Shepard vibes. I’ve never been able to put my finger on it, it just felt like a song for her. It’s the music box feel of the song. Lisa feels very…. herded. Caged. Controlled through ME2.  More than my other Shepards she feels like the Illusive Man is just using her. A weapon in his arsenal, a wind up doll to point at a threat and make it no longer a threat because she’s Commander Shepard™, the one-woman army who Gets Shit Done and she resents it fiercely the whole way through. 
But she has to go along with it, stay in the cage, dance to his tune, bc the Collectors are a threat. And no one else seems to be doing a damn thing about it. And she’s Commander Shepard, the one-woman army who’s willing to get her hands dirty and do hard things if it gets shit done and apparently the Reapers are “her problem” for now, so if this is the only way she currently has of stopping them, well. What choice does she have?
No matter how much she hates it.
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infamous-if · 5 months
To Gender Select, or to Not Gender Select
So as everyone knows, I'm using the opportunity for this rewrite to really step back and look at what I have so far. I have just subscribed to the whole "follow my gut" thing and for the last two months or so, my gut has been telling me something.
For context, I created Orion (and I have mentioned this a couple times when I first opened this blog) that he came to me fully formed. While other ROs were more of a puzzle that appeared more and more fleshed out with every detailed I added, Orion was like a jenga block tower that grew more and more unsteady every time I changed a detail about him. He just came to me exactly as he was and I didn't really think beyond that. For example, with G, pieces of both Gina and Griffin came to me at the same time and G isn't G without both versions. With Orion he was just...Orion.
But lately—and this was not without many suggestions asking for it!—I've been playing around with the idea of a female version of his character.
One of my biggest things was to make sure that this wasn't a matter of just changing a variable. When it comes to my gender selectable ROs, I want to make sure I'm including the subtleties and nuances that come with being a man/woman in the public eye, especially for O. Their route is heavily centered around the idea of professionalism and...other things I can't mention and I think it'd be super interesting to add another component of being a woman, not only typically stern and taciturn but in a dominant position in music mostly taken up by men. Which is why, in the rewrite, there will be lines that are unique to Orion and unique to her. Reactions that are different, conversations that change. People who continue to romance Orion will prob not see a difference.
Not only does it separate them as two different people, it creates some distance from Orion, who is an established and beloved character already. I want his female counterpart to stand on her own as her own character.
Just because they have the same route does not mean they are the same person. I've always said that about my gender selectable characters.
This was not a spur of the moment decision. I was thinking about this for a while. I just needed to make sure every piece of Orion's route would make sense for her, and I do believe it does.
I've also been told many times how many people like Orion's route and the whole "manager-client" trope but are unable to play it as they are not attracted to men. I think this would be a nice addition and a way to make it more inclusive/give more people more routes to play!
The things I have written for Orion will probably stay the same since they've been written. Everything after the rewrite will have both options to select from.
So meet Oriana Quinn. With a short black bob usually greased back and a perfectly pressed suit, Oriana is as intimidating as she is determined. Yes, she's just as tall and muscular as her male counterpart and as obsessed with the gym as he. Her route with Cory will be different in its nature (since Cory is straight) but...guess we'll see!
fun fact: The beauty of Oriana being the name is that coincidentally, it also has to do with the sky. One of my requirements for finding a name like Orion's was that it was sky themed since it does come up. It almost seems like fate! haha
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TLDR: Orion will be gender selectable. If you have plans to romance Orion and Orion alone, this will make no difference to you. For those who were hoping for this, I hope this news makes Infamous a bit more enjoyable for you! <3
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reader is Quinn’s best friend and secretly seeing Ethan but Quinn doesn’t know because ew her little brother so they sneak around and make she sneak into his room during a sleepover. Ethan is a gamer and maybe has this cool gamer room because their dad is a detective and has big money idk
Request: more boob obsessed Ethan
Warnings: 18+, no smut, boobs touching
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Tiptoeing down the hallway, you pushed open Ethan’s bedroom door and slipped inside. His colored LED lights were on, casting a vibrant glow across the dark room. Ethan was sitting in his gaming chair with his headset on, fully immersed in his game. You observed him skillfully fingering his controller's buttons, his eyes fixed on the screen with unwavering concentration. 
Quietly, you snuck behind him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. The initial contact startled him slightly, but he quickly eased into your embrace, a warm smile spreading across his face. 
Ehtan paused his game. ‘’Didn't hear you come in,’’ he said before pulling his headset down. You let go of him, but before you could move away Ethan reached for you and pulled you down on his lap for a kiss. ‘’How did you know I wasn’t sleeping?’’ 
‘’I could hear you gaming from Quinn’s room. You always make these grunting sounds when you make a mistake or lose,’’ you replied, leaning your forehead against his. 
‘’Not true.’’ 
You hummed, then stole a kiss. 
Seeing each other in secret sucked, but you didn’t want to deal with Quinn’s judgment for dating her little brother. She made constant comments about how gross and nerdy he was, and called him out for looking at you when you were over. Little did she know, you were looking at him too. 
Ethan let his mouth move down from your lips, sweetly kissing your cheeks, then jaw and down your neck. He’s never loved anyone this much before. 
‘’Quinn’s going to New York with friends next weekend. You could come over?’’ he suggested, one of his hands sliding up your waist and stopping at the hem of your pajama shirt. He could see your nipples poke out through the satin, which made him want to unbutton the buttons and press his face against your tits.
You pushed away a curl from Ethan’s forehead and smiled sadly, knowing you were about to disappoint him. ‘’Unfortunately, I’m part of the friends she’s going to New York with… I’m sorry, baby,’’ you apologized, stroking his cheek with your thumb as he sighed, mentally cursing his sister for ‘stealing’ his girlfriend. ‘’You could come to my place the weekend after? I’ll tell Quinn I have a big paper to write for class so she won’t bother us.’’
The idea was inviting, but something else was in the way. ‘’Richie is visiting and Dad is taking us on a fishing trip. He said we need to spend more father-son bonding time. This trip is gonna go south really fast. My dad has never gone fishing in his life,’’ Ethan explained, laughing at the disastrous weekend ahead of him.
You laughed softly, having difficulty imagining the three of them in a small fishing boat. 
‘’We’ll figure something out.’’ You sealed your promise with a kiss and slid a leg over to straddle him.
In response, Ethan's hands moved up and down your body, pawing at your sides and thighs before going under your shirt to have a feel of your boobs. He squeezed the flesh and teased your nipples, happily taking every opportunity to get a cup every time you were together. 
You didn’t mind. They were nice tits.
Neither of you meant to go further than making out tonight, but your body had a mind of its own and you rolled your hips against Ethan, eliciting a groan from him as your clothed crotch pressed against his sweatpants covered dick. 
‘’Don't start something we can’t finish,’’ he warned, the gaming chair creaking slightly as he shifted under you.
You muffled your giggle with your hand. ‘’Sorry.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe  @gizmodecaprio @bingsbitch @buckyswhxre  @emerald-09
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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How Was I Supposed To Know?
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[Pairings]: Tara Carpenter x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
[Summary]: You were in a very bad condition after last years killing, and are taken advantage of in a way that is unforgivable. Kind of.
[Warnings]: Angst, swearing, blood, death, bad writing, not proof-read
A/N: Here. It's long-ish, it's bad. Have fun reading.
The Ghostface killings of 2022 in Woodsboro was a huge Trauma for you, your girlfriend and you guys’ friends. And, of course, all of you are dealing with it differently. Tara is more distant-she still spends time with you, but as much- and Chad has just kind of turned into a gym-rat, Mindy got herself a girlfriend for emotional support. And you? Oh, you had gone completely crazy. No one has noticed your rather strange behavior, luckily for you.
And so, It wasn’t that hard for Quinn, Ethan and Bailey to lure you into their sick plan of killing your girlfriend and friends.  First, you hesitated then, after around two weeks of consideration, you agreed. Never really knowing why, but you did. Of course you love your friends and you love your girlfriend, but you just need some kind of ... .relief. The first couple of months, you were only helping them create their plan of action then, you were there. In the apartment of Jason and Greg. You don’t really have any classes with them, so you haven’t talked with them.
The feeling of your knife ripping Greg’S flesh and tearing his skin was…..relieving.  Your knife being pulled out of his chest then pushed back into it. To say that you had your fun while ripping and anatomizing his body, would be an understatement. You had never felt anything like it in your life. It was so indescribable. His blood splashing over your robe and mask.
Then, came Jason. The little game you played with him was exciting. Especially when he got so close to the fridge and slowly opened it, his face turning pale as he saw Greg- Teared into pieces. That’s when you striked and started stabbing him uncontrollably, chuckling as he was gagging on his own blood.
And now, here you are. In an abdomend theater, having arrived with Ethan after you had taken Mindy to the hospital with him. You are currently watching as Tara and Sam yell at Kirby, saying that she is the killer and you couldn’t help but let out a snort at the pathetic thought. 
A minute or so later, Bailey came in. Started screaming with his pistol held high. “Kirby, stop! Get away from the girls!” 
“What are you doing?” Kirby asked with a shaky voice, panting. Her head was covered in blood, due to how hard you had hit her.
“Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?”  Bailey shouted as his body shook. You chuckle and grip your knife harder when your eyes settle on Tara. She doesn’t deserve this. None of them do, but…….it is all too much fun. 
“Jesus Christ!”Kirby yelled, her hands shakily holding the gun. Then she glances at the Carpenter girls. “Whatever he’s been saying to you, don’t listen to him!”  Bailey’s face falls as he looks at her. “He’s probably the killer!”  
And that’s when Quinn runs out from behind the curtain and starts going quickly towards them with her hand in the air, knife in it. “Behind you!” Kirby screams then Bailey shoots her and she falls to the ground. Bailey smirks as Quinn settles beside him and the Carpener sister’s gasp and look at them.
“Great job”
You laugh maniacally and run out from behind the curtains with Ethan calmly next to you. Yu, full of energy can’t stand in place as the others talk. “All three of you.” Bailey says. 
“You?” Tara asks, betrayed. 
“Yeah, of course me. Frankly, I expected more from the two of you after what you did to us.” He mumbles with gritted teeth. You look at the interaction with a smile on your face behind the mask. 
“What do you mean ‘us’? “ 
At that, Ethan huffs and reaches up to take off his mask. “Ta-da!” He giggles. “ Mindy was right.It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. “ He smiles smugly. “ All I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad! Fuck, It felt good to kill him. “ The girls just look at him, gasping for air. “ This was your grandmother’s, Sam. Nancy Loomis? “ He points to the mask with his knife. “ Really runs in the fucking family, doesn’t it? “ Then puts down his hand that holds the mask. “ Speaking of family.. My name is not Ethan Landry, is it, Dad? “ He looks at Bailey who smiles at him and laughs.
“Dad?” Your attention is turned to Tara as she speaks and your smile fades slightly, kid of having second thoughts then shaking your head and brushing them away. They laugh then turn around to face you.
 You smirk and slowly reach up to take off your mask. When you do, you hear two gasps and smile. “Well, hello there, Carpenters. Heh, surprise! “ You hold up your hands and shake them, giggling. Tara’s eyes fill with tears as she looks into yours, seeing nothing but blackness.
“Y/N?” She gasps out and holds back a sob. “Why? “
All of a sudden, Sam speaks up. “Wait, if it’s you three, that just leaves….” Quinn smirks and turns her head at the older Carpenter, tilting it. “..Mindy?” She sighs and there is a beat of silence-the only sounds that can be heard are the two men snickering- then she slowly takes off her mask too.
“Hey, roomies.”  She smirks as she looks at them with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “ Didn’t see that one coming, did you?”
Tara scoffs. “Yeah, because you died!”
“Kind of didn’t, though.”  Quinn turns to look at you and her family. “ It was a good way to get off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train. That sort of thing.”
Bailey sighs and puts his arm around his kids as you stand there with a sick smile on your face. “And I just made sure, I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one.”  Sam and Tara just stares .” Little fake blood, a prosthetic. You’d be amazed with what a grieving father can get away with.”
You, Quinn and Ethan split up and go different ways. You make your way behind the girls as the ghostface siblings go on each side. Quinn walks slowly as she speaks. “ I got Stu Macher’s mask.  He was my favorite.”
Then, it’s your turn to speak. “Well, I, myself, got Jill Roberts’s mask. She was my favorite.”
You glance at Ethan as he puts his/Nancy’s mask on a mannequin with Nancy’s bloodied coat.
“Nice. That’s number four. That’s three. “Bailey points at you. “That’s number two. “He now points at Quinn. “Which leaves…….” He puts his hand under his jacket and pulls out another mask.” Your father’s” There is a beat of silence as Sam’s and Tara’s angry eyes stare at him. “This is what we’ve been counting down to, Sam “ Sam’s eyebrows knit together in confusion as she looks at the mask held out in-front of her then glances back at Bailey. “ I'm gonna need you to put it on” 
Tara’s breathing picks up as she looks at her sister. You let out a small giggle as a smile makes its way on your face. Your grip on your knife tightens in both excitement and anger. You are angry at your heart. Angry at it for aching whenever you spare even a small glance at Tara. 
Sam’s scream snaps you out of your thoughts. “Fuck you!” 
Suddenly Ethan leans over the drawer he is leaning against and slices her arm. She gasps and takes a step back along with Tara. You grit your teeth and take a step closer, swinging your arm and slicing the older Carpenter’s other arm. 
“Ooh” Ethan lets out teasingly.
“Stay the fuck away from her!” Tara screams and looks at Ethan then at you. When your eyes meet, there is a certain hatred in her eyes that you never in your life would’ve thought would be targeted towards you. Her hand holding the brick tightly. 
“Oh come on. “
Sam turns back around to face Bailey. “What? What is it? You did this as a family? “
You perk up. “Uh, no. Not exactly. I’m just ... .I'm not in the family. They all are though.” 
Ethan and Quinn join you where you stand, their knives painting towards the girls. “They’re still not getting it. “ Ethan shakes his head while smiling. 
“I don’t know what you believe. But I didn’t commit those murders in Woodsboro. It wasn’t me!” Sam shakes her head rapidly and you scoff. Even laughing as Bailey speaks with them. Then, your eyes go to your girlfriend. Taking in the way her body is trembling in fear as she pants and listens to your accomplices. You clench your jaw as thoughts about not making it come to your brain. About giving up, turning against your accomplices , killing them and later feeling the warmth of her arms around you again. Even if you have to go to jail. But you shake your head and you focus back on your targets. 
You see Quinn take a sudden step ahead from beside you towards Tara. She flinches back and gasps. You swallow and put a smile on your face, trying to shake your previous thoughts away. When you’re successful, you let out a sigh and grin brighter without a hint of pity or sadness in your eyes.
“And you’re a killer. “ You focus once again and see Bailey pointing at Sam. “Just like your father.” 
“No, I’m not!” 
That makes Quinn shake with anger as she screams”  Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother! “ Tears well in her eyes.
“What are you talking about?” Sam shakes her head. 
“You said your brother died in a car accident. “ Tara stares at Quinn. 
“No, No, no. You sweet, dumb thing, he died in woodsboro. “Ethan pauses as he swallows while looking at the younger Carpenter. “At the hands of your bitch sister. “ He looks at Sam. 
Sam looks around in disbelief as Tara’s mouth opens slightly in shock. “You’re Richie’s family. “ Sam blinks.
You snort. “Well, as I said before, not all of us, but yeah. Go on. “ You see Quinn roll her eyes.
Bailey’s glare hardens as she looks at the sisters. Then he nods rapidly. “ Yeah. “
Ethan takes a deep breath and strikes forwards, pushing his knife into Sam’s shoulder. Tara shouts at him and holds her sister, pushing them to the side. 
“Ding-ding-ding! She’s finally starting to get it.” He laughs and grins.. All of you split from your previous position and you circle around them. You laugh as you pretend to strike and they flinch, swinging their arms, still holding the brick blocks. Bailey screams at them.
When there is a beat of silence, Quinn’s knife is pointed at Sam as she takes a step closer. Suddenly, Sam’s eyes darken as she looks at Quinn with hooded eyes.. Quinn raises her eyebrows, pushing her knife closer to Sam’s throat. “There she is. There’s the fucking killer.”
You squeal in excitement and jump up and down. “Who-hoo! Yes!” 
Tara turns and looks at Bailey. “Great parenting job, by the way. “Then she looks at you and shakes her head. “I-...why? “ 
You bite the inside of your cheek as you look into her teary eyes before answering while laughing. “ Well I guess I’m just fucking crazy, bitch! “ You spit.
Quinn realizes what Tara has said and angrily pushes  her. Making you huff with a new found anger. “ Shut your whore fucking mouth!” 
— —
A minute or two later after Bailey’s monologue, he starts shouting with his gun pointed at Sam. Your face scrunches in disgust as his spit flies everywhere.
“Now, put on the mask. “ 
Sam takes a deep breath before letting it out. “He was…... .so pathetic. “Tara furrows her eyebrows in confusion. 
Bailey shudders. “That’s not true. “ 
“Yeah, your son,”  Sam continues in a small voice. “He was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killings”  Her words are like a knife to the heart to the detective.
“He was a strong, virile  young man!” 
Sam now fully faces him and looks him in the eyes. “He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat. '' Sam spits every word out like poison. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Quinn screams and strikes, but is stopped by Tara as she swings her arm and punches Quinn in the face with the brick. You take a step back as she falls to the ground. You see Sam punching Bailey then go to Tara, trying to find a safer place. Ethan growls and runs at Kirby, who shot his father. 
A minute later, you watch as Sam literally carves him up. Only, your psycho smile has fallen and  your arm is limp at your side. Then, your eyes follow her and Tara as they crawl up onto the balcony. But they have to be careful as there are multiple things around so they have to go on the edge. All of a sudden, Tara slips and almost falls, but gets a grip on the railing. You gasp. Then you are snapped out of your dark and depressed thoughts by Bailey’s voice shouting. You huff and shake your head, a little dizzy. Hand once again gripping your knife as you approach your girlfriend hanging.
You stand there with a deep glare but also a big smile-that makes you look terrifying- which drops when you hear Ethan say. “I’ve always wanted to stick something in you, Tara!” Then as they are screaming and Sam is trying to help Tara up-Unsuccessfully- Quinn appears at the door of the balcony. She is smirking while looking at Sam. The next moment, Sam gives Tara something and she jumps, landing between you and Ethan.
Ethan’s knife is plugged into her belly as she lands and she screams, but then suddenly she wings her arm too and a knife is pushed inside Ethan’’s mouth.
Bailey is screaming at you, but you just stare at Tara as she smirks. “Now die a fucking virgin. “ Then pulls her knife out and blood splashes on her face. Tara gets up and turns to you. You take a deep breath.
Come on. This is what you signed up for.
She runs towards you and you duck as she tries to stab you. When you straighten up again, you smirk and run at her. She gasps and steps aside, but not enough so your knife purses into her right arm. Her glare hardens as she looks at you. Tara then runs and catches you off guard as she plugs her knife inside you. You groan and fall to your knees. She twists the knife and you let out a cry and drop your knife. Pulling out the knife and pushing it back in rapidly. When she finishes, she is crying, sobbing then her body collapses.
“Did you ever even love me?!” Tara yells as her bloody hands grip your robe. You choke on your blood and cough it up, a sudden tiredness washing over you.
“More than you could ever fucking imagine. “ You stutter before letting out your last breath and your body goes limp in Tara’S hands.
— —
Almost half an hour later, Tara and Sam are standing outside the theater, a bunch of ambulances and police cars surrounding them. Sam and Kirby are talking while Kirby is slowly taken into an ambulance when Tara lets out a sob and they look at her.
“Hey, what is it? “
“Why her? How ….how could she do this. “ She cries. “And-And why?!” 
Sam gives her a sad look. “I don’t know. I……wish she’d talked to us more. Maybe then…we could’ve changed things” Kirby nods as her eyes soften while looking at the younger Carpenter.
Sam’s arms wrap around Tara as she sobs out “ I loved her so much.” 
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dominimoonbeam · 1 month
😁 Oh, my lovely, wonderful Domini
I have a dream… of using the combined prompts,
“Well, someone’s cranky today.” and “Well, someone needs to shut the fuck up.” combined with *kissing to annoy a third party*, involving David & Darlin snarking at each other, and upon realizing Quinn is watching, choosing to kiss each other to piss him off 😈 Bonus points if they quickly forget the point of the kiss is to annoy Quinn 🤣 💋
CHAR!! I love it. Thank you so much for this ask!!
I might flesh this one out more before I post it to ao3... We'll see.
tags: first kiss, idiots in love, drinking, bar fight
David nursed his beer at the bar, making sure to take it slow because Asher was hellbent on dragging him to the dance floor when he was done with this one.
Fuck that.
Darlin leaned against the bar beside him, turned the other way to face the room, their arms pressing back to settle elbows on the surface. “At this rate we’re going to need to carry him home,” the remarked.
David turned enough to look back over his shoulder at the floor and Asher. He bit the inside of his lip to hide a smile. Ash and about half the pack were dominating the dancefloor—not pushing anyone else out but definitely a presence. It was impossible not to be. A fire elemental stepped closer to Asher and even from across the room David caught that look, the curious one asking to get even closer to Asher. He only watched long enough to see the grin on his best friend’s face before looking away again, taking a deep drink off his beer because he would not need to worry about Asher coming back to bother him tonight.
“Doesn’t look like we’ll be the ones carrying him.”
Darlin laughed and then snagged his beer.
“Get your own,” he griped but rolled his eyes when the finished it.
“We’re sharing!”
“The fuck we are!”
Darlin pouted. “Well, someone’s cranky today…”
“Well, someone needs to shut the fuck up,” he countered, but flagged the bartender for another, signaling for a second bottle for the shifter next to him.
Someone else came up to them… or rather, came up to Darlin.
David glanced over his shoulder at the vampire looking Darlin over from head to toe, lingering on their neck.
Darlin, for their part, stared back, mostly bored.
“I heard you’re into biting,” the vampire said, not having to raise their voice to have it slithering in their ears.
David swiveled to the side, more than ready to show this biter just how fast a shifter could move.
But Darlin grinned. “I am. But you can go back and tell him that his little teeth don’t do it for me anymore.”
David raised an eyebrow, not sure what they meant until the vampire hissed and bolted back into the crowd. It was fast enough that he barely clocked them until they reappeared on the other side of the club, at a cluster of couches and next to another vampire.
David turned forward before he could show that he even noticed him, picking up a beer and taking the first drink. He knew Darlin was staring back at their ex from across the room. He’d been a nightmare and the breakup had been violent and ugly, but that was a few years ago now. Darlin was back with the pack, safe and happy, just like he’d always hoped they would be.
David passed them the beer in his hand and they took it like that was always the plan. “Little teeth, huh?”
Darlin sipped and shrugged, turning their head to look back at him. “I know it’s petty but if he’s going to send his creeps to try to make me uncomfortable I figure it’s fair to try to piss him off…”
David shook his head. “It’s not petty.”
Darlin took another swig and then passed the bottle back to him. “He’s always thought you and me had a thing.”
David looked at them again. The idea sent a jolt through him, maybe because he’d always had a soft spot for Darlin. Maybe Quinn wasn’t quite as stupid as David always thought… “Do you want to really piss him off?”
Darlin blinked at him, trying to play it cool, but their gaze flicked to his mouth for a second and then back his eyes. “What?”
David shrugged.
Darlin smiled slowly. “Seriously?”
David shrugged again.
Darlin flashed teeth, tempted. “He might lose it…”
“He already lost it,” David reminded, waiting. And let that biter make a move. David wasn’t worried.
Darlin slid their back along the bar, into his space, and he lifted his arm from the surface to give them that real estate in front of him, his hand settling on their hip.
Darlin curled an arm around the back of his shoulders. “You drunk?” they asked, checking.
He laughed before he could catch it. The idea of them checking to make sure they weren’t taking advantage of him was too funny.
“Shut up,” Darlin laughed while scolding.
He leaned down and kissed them, soft and short first, their lips still close and their bodies practically pressed together.
Darlin blinked, stunned, and then kissed him harder, pulling themself flush against him.
David wound his arm around their back, devouring that kiss like it might be his only.
Later that morning, he’d know that he forgot the kiss was to piss off Quinn the second they slid in front of him, and so had they.
But it had still worked.
Later that morning, he’d hear from Milo how Quinn shot across the room like a missile, fangs out.
He hadn’t known then only because Quinn never made it close enough for it to matter. Asher caught him halfway across the club, shifting into a wolf and closing teeth around his ribcage before he made it.
The whole empowered club erupted into a bar fight that somehow devolved into a flashy show of powers once the vampires were tossed out. The Department arrived late enough to frown in confusion, scold the lot of them, and write citations for risking covert with indoor storms, fireworks, and earthquakes set to the beat of music.
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stuckwthem · 2 years
hii could you do joseph quinn comforting you after watching the finale pls😭😭😭😭
hell yeah!!! i'm so happy with this request but makes me wanna cry so bad 😭 hope you like, love xx
joseph comforting you after watching the finale | fluff
t/w: SPOILERS AHEAD. eddie's d word.
summary: joe trying to cheer you up after watching the finale.
authors note: really hope you like it! requests are open! i'm so sorry if is trashy :/
p.s: english isn't my first language.
i felt the need to put this fucking photo and bless y'all eyes. god i'm so in love.
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you never thought that you could cry so much over fictional characters until stranger things 4 came out. you were having one of the biggest breakdowns in your life while eddie was dying and just couldn't stop crying until the end of the episode. you finished it absolutely sobbing, mumbling some words about how unfair all of that was. 
you could see some tears running on joseph face too, but by the fourth time you were replaying eddies and max's deaths he started to chuckle. his hands were on your hair as your head is laying on his leg, stroking slowly the whole time. you turned your head to look at him, offended with how much he started to laugh. he stared you back in absolut awe, thinking how cute you looked with a red nose.
"i can't believe they did this." you exclaimed, lifting up your body and sitting by his side on the sofa. a hiccup left your mouth and you felt more ridiculous as he smiled.
"oh hun, i can't believe you are crying this bad!" he says with a soft tone, hiding a smile, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. 
”did you watched it? of course i'm devasted! i mean, they're just kids! eddie didn't deserve it!” you whined, looking at him with disbelief. 
he also had a sad expression and tears in his face all the time while watching it, you could see how much this role had affect him. it was possible to see how proud he was by the glow in his eyes. you felt like your chest could explode with so much pride.
"plus, it was almost to like…watch you die." you almost whisper, a bit ashamed with how emotional you could get towards him. he looked at you worried, frowning, not wasting any time to hug you. 
joe has big arms, a soft chest and loving hands so when he cuddles you against his body everything seems to calm down inside you. you rest your head on his neck curve, sniffing. 
"wait, no, darling, are you kidding me? i'm right here, see? blood and flesh and i ain't going nowhere. it's okay, we're good" his british accent gets so heavy when he is caught by surprise and right now you just wanna melt with the vibration his voice makes as you're laying in his chest. "and don't worry, i'll make sure eddie has metal and d&d wherever he are"
joseph grabs your hands when you lift your head to look at him with a pouty face. he is trying to not laugh, so the upside down smile he gives makes you smile with him. joe brings your hands up to his lips, kissing the back of both of them, looking into your eyes with most careful gaze. he just keeps there, holding you for at least thirty minutes as you don't stop rambling about how good actors those kids are and discussing all theories that came into your mind. joe just nods and add comments between your monologue, slowly starting to rant with you.
"but the kas theory is the best one" he says, with widening eyes, totally deluded as he happily talks non-stop about eddie, with passion in his eyes. "c'mon, that kid as a vampire? would be mental!"
"hm mrs. quinn, you're getting too excited with this idea, got something to share with the class?" you murmur, suspiciously. he smirks at you, denying with his head.
"hey, i'm just saying" the curly-head shrugs, raising hands in surrender. you squint your eyes at him and joe laughs at your distrust "you know, i kinda like the ideia of being a vampire" 
his tongue walks through inside his cheek, holding a teasing smile. you breathe in heavily, feeling a little dizzy and euphoric with only the ideia. 
"oh yeah?" your shoulders push him playfully, and for a moment is possible to see the unknown glimpse that passes through his eyes.
"you know what?" joseph asks, leaning towards you. a strong scent of soap and a after bath lotion entering your nostrils, intoxicating your sistem. "you would be my first victim"
you don't even have time to protest when he attacks your neck, kissing the sensitive area frantically. his lips move up to your jaw and then your face, leaving a kiss on every speck on your cheeks. your chuckles mixed with his echoes on his apartment, just like the sweet nothings both of y'all say between the burst of laughter.
"feel better, gorgeous?" he asks, pulling his face a bit back from yours when he stops, just to have a better look of your tearful and red face, analysing every aspect of it. 
you nod with a soft grin and he smiles back, hugging you again before cupping the sides of your face in his big hands, squeezing gently your cheeks.
"i'll make us a cup of tea" and then he presses a delicate kiss on the top of your nose, leaving you in absolutely awe.
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indouloureux · 2 years
Heya lovely,
First off wanted to say thanks for writing a realistic depiction of both eddie munson and joe quinn. You write them really well and i have been bingereading(not bingeliking dw) I don't know if you have requests open rn if not feel free to ignore this. Could you write a joe quinn x tall fem reader? Many people write reader as someone shorter and it breaks my immersion. Just toothrottin fluff. Alright you rock and are amazing and hope you have a lovely day, take care!
okay i'll try my best bc im a very short person shsjsjsj i have the same height as winona ryder's so
— also i love u mwah mwah gimme a hug
— also requested by: @heartbreakgirl420
— also i don't think it's written specifically in here about the height but i tried my best 😭
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you're concerned by his staring. but also a tad bit amused.
he's staring at you like some miracle he's been blessed with, or a flower blooming at an ice frozen ground as you remove your earrings. you ignore it, you try to ignore it, because sometimes you're befuddled between what's being spaced out to actually staring. and joseph's seriously looking at you through the mirror with crossed arms as he leans against the doorframe.
your eyebrows furrow, unlatching the accessory from each other until you hear a small click and the decompression of your flesh. the clearing of your throat snaps him out of whatever daze he's fallen himself into, his eyes lightening and suddenly he stands up straight and uncrosses his arms, consciously meeting your eyes in the mirror.
"hey," you chuckle. "done with the staring or were you just lost in your little head again?" he shakes his head, shyly scratching the button of his nose with his thumb. "because if you're going to stare again, i'll happily sit here and let you goggle at how pretty i am. it's very flattering."
"oh hush," joseph walks over to you, socks on carpet that hinders the sound of his heavy footsteps. you turn around swiftly, the bottom of your spine pressing against the hardwood table, smiling as he nears you and wraps his arms around your torso.
"what's up, hm?" his chin presses right in the middle of your chest, hands running up and down your back as your fingers card through the mesh of curls.
"nothing," he quips, giving you a quick kiss on your chest before he pouts up at you. "i was just thinking, love. nothing to worry about."
"yeah?" joseph nods. "what were you thinking about?"
your boyfriend breaks away to replenish his need by taking your hands into his. you smile lightly at the way he's comparing your sizes, his fingers dipping between the curves of your hand and the lines in your palm. he's shy, you think. he doesn't want to look at you as he explains what he's thinking about. and you're fine with that — he speaks his truth, either way.
"was just thinking if it bothers you that people constantly ask if you have a problem with our height difference," he shrugs, tugging on your fingers. "and i was going to ask you but, i got distracted— hey is that a new tear?"
joseph pulls your thumb closer to his face, eyes tracing the dried blood beside your nail. "i don't know," you stammer. "must have done it subconsciously?"
he tuts, reaching behind you to open a drawer and take out a bandaid, all while he still holds your hand. you watch quietly when he rips the packaging open, removing the plastic from the band before he quickly wraps it around your thumb. to top it all off, joseph's pressing a kiss on it. "told you to stop doing that, baby."
"i know, sorry," you brush the curls out of his face. "anyway, what were you saying?"
"i was going to ask if it bothers you that people question if you mind that you're taller than me."
you frown, especially at the nervous look at his face that leans a tad bit more to worry. "i've never thought about it. i mean, i don't mind that i'm taller than you. it's nice. wh— why? do you-...think that way?"
he panics at your sudden fretting, clutching his hand on yours and looks up at you with wide eyes. "no no! no, sorry. it's just that- that i worry you might ever wonder what it would be like to date someone taller. i don't know..."
"honey, you are tall." you take his face into your hands, squeezing his cheeks together. "i don't mind that i'm taller, though. it's fun. makes it look like i'm always in charge. though i don't like it when people say i wear the pants in the relationship. like, why the gender norms?"
"exactly what i think about mandals," he frowns, placing his hands on top of yours. "i love you. even though you think that you're in charge." joseph wrinkles his nose at you. "i do like being the little spoon, though."
you bump your hip with his. "who doesn't."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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midnightsun-if · 8 months
i am SO obsessed with Quinn, I can’t wait to meet them in game!!!! I was wondering how much control each of the shifters like what is the likelihood of each of them shifting accidentally out of emotion ( like Sloane in that one ask)
I’m so excited for you to meet them in game too! Especially since you’ll get the opportunity to interact with them while Blake can make comments in the background (like a tennis match). It’s something that’s been fun to go back to as I’m fleshing things out.
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Koda: He has great control out of the shifters. Mainly because he’s a fairly laidback guy. Bear Shifters, unless actually threatened, tend to avoid conflict if it’s possible (as they don’t really want to deal with it). Koda is like that times 10– if he doesn’t have to cause a fight then he won’t. He’d much rather have everyone be happy and go their merry way.
Cyrus/Cyra: I’m including C because they can technically shift as well (although they’re not technically counted as a shifter). In extremely stressful situations, and I do mean extremely, you’ll see the signs of C beginning to shift: flames flickering on their fingers, their eyes beginning to flash more and more, some feathers potentially appearing along their arms or neck. Though they’d only fully shift if they needed a moment by themself and just needed to get away from everything.
Quinn: They have excellent control although their anger can get the best of them at times. It’s something they try to ignore, the complete opposite of Sloane, because of certain things they were exposed to growing up. Due to that Quinn tries to stay out of those types of situations wherein they could get explosively angry— as their wolf form is not something to mess with. Quinn, in most scenarios, even when it does come to mildly aggravating instances, is the epitome of a control. Exactly how they were trained but everyone has their breaking point.
Sloane: Anger doesn’t influence them like it does Quinn— it’s something they’ve come to know quite well, like an old friend. The only time they shift out of their own control is whenever their human side just shuts down and they need the reprieve that their wolf provides or whenever they’re heavily emotional (mainly when it involves sadness/grief) because it’s easier to process whenever they’re in their lupine form— it makes them not feel weak in the face of all the conflicting emotions.
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When it comes to shifters it just truly depends on the circumstances involved— one situation could cause a huge reaction, probably because of other events that proceed it, and a similar one could cause no reaction; though there usually is a correlation to said episodes where they shift without wanting to. It’s their wolf protecting their human side or take the lead when they feel like the human side can’t continue forward.
Protecting their mate is one of those times when the wolf would more than likely take over or be at the very surface waiting to do so (if the shifter doesn’t keep it under lock and key).
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msmargaretmurry · 11 months
WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED in talking more about HAW Quinn (/ or &) Brady?
I get the feeling that Brady's marriage is shifting the overall fandom interest in that pairing but... I'm still holding on!
oh, the marriage will not stop me from shipping!! like obviously in real life i am thrilled for brady and emma and hope they have a lovely happy life together, but in my mind palace of fictional fanfictions i will continue to put those nice young men in friends-to-lovers situations as much as i want. so obviously i would love to talk more about HAW quinn and brady.
a friend came over to hang out yesterday and we were talking about HAW, and she said that she really loved the are-they/aren't-they of brady and quinn throughout the story, which made me quite happy — obviously the answer is they're not, but i did write them the way i did hoping people would read it and be like 👀 ARE they though?? haha. the layers of their relationship i think helped give them depth as background characters, even if the majority of it stayed in my head and never got to the page. one of my goals as a writer is always to try to make my secondary characters still feel like fully fleshed out characters, and having a strong sense of their feelings and wants and needs, for me, is key to having their behavior feel autonomous and not just in service of the plot. even if it is ultimately in service of the plot 😂
one of my favorite kind of subtle moments in HAW is the part when matthew is thinking about the casual homophobia he internalized at the ntdp and then is like, and then brady went to the program and came home thinking having a gay friend would be super cool. and it's never said explicitly, but like… quinn came out to brady while they were in the program. obviously brady's going to come home thinking that! he thinks having a gay friend is cool because his gay friend is his favorite person!
on the quinn front, the best part about writing the quinn pov flip for me was finally getting to explore quinn's brady feelings. they're not completely invisible in HAW, but obviously matthew's pov is so limited and biased, and also quinn's pretty good at keeping his feelings close to his chest. but poor buddy is so in love with brady. i knew this the entire time i was writing HAW; it's so important to how quinn is as a character. he's so in love with brady, and he knows nothing is ever going to come from it. he's not broken-hearted about it; he came to terms with the hopelessness of those feelings years ago. he doesn't hold it against brady, and he's not carrying this torch hoping one day brady will turn around and want him, and he's mostly not closing himself off to other romantic opportunities because of his brady feelings. he's just in love with brady, and that's part of him. ninety-nine percent of the time he's very logical and level-headed about it, but then there's that one percent of the time — like when he's drunk at the all-star game, and brady is being particularly affectionate, and also brady is relying on him and trusting him with this big scary matthew problem — that the feelings sneak through and he can't help yearning just a little bit.
anyway, i do have a truckload of thoughts about what their future is going to be in the HAW universe, but i'm keeping those close to my chest right now. sorry 😂❤
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romancomicsnews · 11 months
Harley Quinn adjusts to the status quo while still maintaining most of its charm - REVIEW Season 4 Ep 1-3
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*Spoilers for all of the Harley Quinn show*
Harley Quinn is a show that continues to impress me with its swings and devotion to beloved characters. I would say this is one of if not my favorite DC Universe. You can have fun portrayals of classic characters that feel authentic, and you can have the Joker become the Mayor.
Going into season 4, I was a bit skeptical about the idea of Harley joining the Bat-Family. The concept itself is fun, but the Bat Family, particularly Barbara and Nightwing, have not been my favorite interpretations of the characters.
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Don't get me wrong, I love Harvey Guillén, but this Nightwing is too uptight. And Batgirl remains too fangirly for my taste. Nonetheless, having Harley trying to figure out Batting and having a day out with Alfred was probably my favorite episode.
"I wish a bitch would try" from Alfred likely got the biggest laugh from me. It is rather unfortunate to me that Alfred will not be a part of that story any longer, as he get imprisoned at the end of episode 2.
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So far the Bat Fam/Harley parts of each episode has been the main draw for me. Harley trying to figure out the superhero game while likely making fun of superheroes has comedic potential.
I really like that the central struggle of the season is Harley & Ivy needing to figure out the new work life balance. I think a lesser show would've had them break up for Harley even considering being a hero, or have both of them become heroes.
Now we have two coinciding stories that will eventually have to come to a head: The Bat Family vs The Legion of Doom.
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While many of the Ivy jokes in the workplace were funny, I do think Ivy needed more characters to bounce off of. I think pairing Ivy with Nora Fries is an excellent choice. While it took me a while, I have taken a liking to Nora. The idea of Mr. Freeze's beloved wife being a real asshole and incredibly obnoxious gets funnier and funnier to me by the season.
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Bringing in King Shark in IT and doing more with Bane to flesh out her entourage seems like a winning strategy. I'm sure in time the Ivy storyline will draw me in more.
Also introduced in these episodes is Talia Al Ghul, who I assume will be the big bad of the season. I like her having a foot in both Ivy and Harley's world, manipulating both the Bat Family and Ivy for her own ends.
Also just the bit of her not knowing how old her son is or how to raise a child kills me.
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While some fan favorites are missed for me, like Batman and Joker, what I really miss is the group dynamic. King Shark is off having kids, Clayface is now working in Vegas, and with Harley and Ivy both working their new jobs, the show feels very split.
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I fell in love with the show due to these unlikeable secondary characters becoming a villainous crew. I hope the all join forces once again somehow. But narratively, I understand why there's a split.
Overall, I think this season has a lot of potential and had a solid start. While I wasn't as drawn in as I have been before, I think there's definitely a lot of room for this to wow me. And if there's anything I've learned from three seasons and a Valentine's Day special of Harley Quinn, it's trust the writers, sit back and relax. The show is in good hands.
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Currently Reading...
The Eidolon - K.D. Edwards
Ok, so I loved this book. Max and Quinn were my favourite characters in The Tarot Sequence, so I was really excited to read a book from their point of view.
I'm not super into Anna yet, but that's probably a combination of her being younger than the others, and having not been so fleshed out in TTS. She's an interesting character, so I'm sure I'll connect more to her as we learn more about her.
The beginning of the book was a little boring, because it was repeating things that had already happened, but once it got into new plot, it was so interesting. It's weird that re-reading a book isn't boring at all, but reading the same plot from a new point of view always is. I'm hoping that the rest of this series focuses on new storylines - and I can't wait to read them!
But my Max/Quinn prediction isn't panning out so well, since it looks like Quinn might be asexual! I should be absolutely thrilled with ace rep, since there's just nowhere near enough of it, but weirdly, I like to read about all those funky little allos going forth and doing all that stuff I don't! I'm still hoping for a romantic relationship between them, though, since no comments have been made on his romantic persuasion. They need some true love in their life. And I'm convinced they're Tallas.
I bought a special edition from Rainbow Crate. As far as I can tell, this is the only physical copy available of this book - I'm hoping the rest of the series is also going to be available in the same format.
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The hardcover is really gorgeous - the dustjacket is the standard cover, that is also featured on the eBook. But it also has a reversible cover, which is equally nice! Personally, I like the original better, so that's the one I'll be displaying. There's also foiling on the hardcase, front and back, and there's stencilled edges as well.
The endpapers feature four different pieces of artwork, presumably by fans. And there's a page that looks like it been designed for a signature, although this isn't a signed copy. But maybe one day I'll meet the author and get it signed, you never know.
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hyenagirlbulge · 2 years
here is my legit i think it would make a baller ass comic pitch for a new dc series, i think that there are a bunch of *really* cool new batman characters that nobody’s really doing anything with so here:
i dont have a team name yet but its concept would be a squad of heroes that arent symbols, almost like a black ops squad, sort of like the outsiders but entirely gotham based, they do the slightly less reputable work, they have ties in the underground, they can be a bit more brutal (theyre not supposed to kill but ehhhhhhh) they do work that the other bats can’t do because theyre known as heroes. the members you might ask? let me tell you!
-ghostmaker as team leader, this whole thing is his idea
-harley quinn, she struggles with still being seen as a villain despite wanting to do good and this seems perfect for her
-clownhunter, i just really like him and he needs a mentor figure who isnt bruce
-miracle molly as the teams tech expert, she takes the alfred/orcale role on this team, the woman in the chair
-punchline, she comes to the bats and says shes reformed and nobody knows if they should trust her or not and they eventually stick her on this team as a sort of probation (esp bc the relationship between her and harley could be very interesting)
-and finally! bluebird! (this deffo isnt just bc i love her) but since she’s punchline’s psuedo nemesis the bats ask her if she should be trusted and eventually she agrees to punchline working with them as long as she gets to monitor her, thus shes on the team
i just think that dc has been introducing a shit ton of *really cool* new characters and then not really doing anything with them despite them being really neat and i hope they finally do something with them
i might do more with this! flesh it out somemore, maybe write some fic do some art, i think its a really good idea :3
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starpawedart · 2 years
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kurtofsky kiddos :)
Kuinn/Santofsky kids, respectfully
Cary was the kid KB had with Quinn’s egg/Rachel’s surrogacy, but they divorce when he’s about a year old and Kurt got full custody for the time being while Blaine recentered himself and figured out who he is. KB are on good terms again later but B never really had a chance to raise him and it felt unfair for him to step in after KD were already together and parenting on their own (but he’s still a part of his life, just as an uncle figure)
Personality-wise, Cary takes after Kurt a lot, but Santana was way more a part of Basil's upbringing (as much as she claimed to NOT want to be) so much to KD's dismay, she takes after mom, LOL
Cary weirdly resembles Finn a lot head-on (something about how their noses and cheekbones meshed), which both Quinn and Kurt found both eerie and charming. However Cary is incredibly smart, which helps them both not associate him with his uncle, LOL
Basil is also very smart, but she’s far less cautious than her brother (second child syndrome + Santofsky influence). She’s also loud af
Both of them know Spanish (Santana’s influence) and Kurt tried to teach them French, but they’re not fluent (tho Basil takes it in HS)
Rachel tries to get Basil to play her in her biopic but a) Basil is Very Much Dave's Daughter and has the height and build to show for it, and b) Santana would rather die than let her flesh and blood play RACHEL BERRY
Santana was the full surrogate. She played it like she was doing it for the money but all three of them (and everyone really) knew that she and Dave loved each other a lot post-graduation and that she literally would not have allowed him to ask anyone else, LOL
(also I HC that Santana never really wanted kids, but after helping raise Basil with KD she became a firm "maybe". I don't think she'd do pregnancy again though.)
I think Basil is like... 4-5 years younger than Cary. Dave would have come in when Cary was about 1.5, and I don't think KD would have thought about another for a few years, just because of the adoption system/surrogacy/etc. being a hassle, and them needing some breathing room in their 20s. So kiddos are like 23/18ish here
They’re both pretty tall. Cary is as tall as Kurt and Basil is about 5′8/9
They both can sing but don’t pursue it
They’re both athletic-- Cary did baseball in HS and Basil is a dancer (I feel like this is something she would pursue as a career also)
Cary is named after Cary Grant (classic Kurt move) and Finn (<3) 
Basil was just a cute name they both came up with, and after Kurt kept coming up with Maeve (he LOVES old lady names) they settled on Mae for the middle name. She uses both a lot bc KD used it often to be cutesy.  I have such a strong mental picture of Kurt calling out to her like "Basil Maaaaaae" and her giggling and stumbling out of a room towards him 😭
They both use “dad” for KD, but when they were little they used daddy for Kurt and papa for Dave, because Kurt insisted on teasing Dave by referring to him as “papa bear”. All three of them use it jokingly from time to time.
Kurtofsky never considered any other kids after them, because they were a perfect pair + neither of them really wanted a big family anyway
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Line Search
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Alright. @mikaharuka has tagged me to search lines again! :D As they tagged me with quite a few words, I will only bring in very short quotes. Alright?
Also, I will tag @charley-quinn @udaberriwrites @lena-hills @hylianjo @kayedium-writes
My tags: sky, green, plate, ice, fly, mercy, wave, deny, tall, cage
Tags for you: fire, punch, kiss, scream, gravity
Again, I'll try to keep everything to The Lesser Evil.
In the end the fear was winning over. He had thought he had made his peace, but he did not. He knew the fate awaiting him the next day and the sweats were running down his body. And even though he knew his prayer would not be heard, he prayed. On his knees he was sitting in his cell, his gaze directed at the small window showing him just a bit of the cloudy sky.
"God! Lord! If you can hear me, please, please, spare my life. Have I not always followed you piously? Have I not always followed your commands?"
"Of course not," Hector replied, as his eyes once more scanned the diagrams. "But…" He looked at the mirror. "Show me Baia Mare once more."
It was this city that everything apparently had started at. A city that looked dead even in the light of day. But given the perspective the mirror allowed them, it was easy to make out the lines drawn on the city walls. Spell lines it seemed. Spell lines that were even now glowing in a sickly green shimmer.
Trevor sighed, taking up some plates. The tavern was still closed, of course—considering everything that was going on—but they would have guests this evening. And quite frankly, Sypha could not wait for it.
Trevor's opinion still differed though. "I am still not sure what to make of those two," he muttered.
The horses were getting unsettled, but for now they kept moving.
Then one of the creatures – yet another one reminding Sypha of an angel with black wings – hovered just ahead. It held no weapons, but with a flick of its hand it did just the same as Sypha had done: It summoned ice shards.
Adrian tried to attack that thing from behind, but once more the tail swiped for him, missing his shoulder just by a hair's width. Well, thankfully the sword did not need to be attached to him to attack. It went flying, trying to chop off the monster’s head, while Adrian did the first best thing he could think off and gripped the creature's tail. Forming his right hand into a claw, he tried to cut through the creature’s flesh.
"What about them?" Corvinus asked. "Would you do it for them?"
Trevor could not see Adrian's face—not the face of the Adrian standing, at least—but he could very well imagine the anger gleaming in his eyes.
"I am merciful, really." Now the king was on his feet, going over to Adrian. "Giving you this chance. Not only this chance. I have given you at least three, this evening. But I don't have to, do you understand. I will find someone else."
Then, finally, he made it. He was inside the structure, just as another wave hit what once were the ranks, the water almost pushing him back down the stairs. He steadied himself, pushing ahead and inside, his eyes struggling with the dark, even though the waxing moon was offering some light.
There was water, pooling inside the arena. The entire floor was just one big pool of it—and it stank.
"What makes you think so?" The man's eyes wandered for just a moment, before he apparently reminded himself to refocus. He already had known about the attack.
"We captured some of the attackers. They told us so."
The Emperor was quiet. He would not outright deny, nor confirm it.
"I want peace," Isaac repeated. "The people of Styria deserve peace. They deserve to build themselves new lives after having lived under vampire rule for centuries."
Given Striga's tall stature it was hard to believe how good she was in sneaking. Yet even Morana—lost in her thoughts—did not notice her until she was standing by her side.
"They have started to move," she said.
"What?" Morana stared at her.
"They've started to move," Striga repeated. "The army. They are on the move."
"During the night?" Morana asked in disbelieve.
Striga shook her head. "Maybe the demons do not as well with the sunlight. Maybe…" She stopped, clearly unable to think of another reason.
Striga was crouching down in front of one of the cages, her hand resting on the heft of her sword.
There were prisoners here and they actually seemed to be alive—though they clearly had seen better days. A man looked at them in the light of Sypha's flames. He said something, Trevor was unable to understand, but Sypha turned to the man.
His clothing was fine. This guy had to be a bloody nobleman. Well, had been, at least. Had not brought him a lot, had it?
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I was turned off from the hype of Brigerton early on (idk I wasn't feeling it) but I've been seeing gif sets of Kate and Anthony and I'm kind of obsessed. Would I need to watch season 1 for me to get it or can i skip right into season 2 for the kathony canon content?
Ohmygod hello! I'm so flattered you regard my opinion highly enough to ask me about this! Honestly you're so valid and I'm SO happy that Kathony is drawing in people who were never interested in Bridgerton before S2 dropped. More under the cut because as always this got LONG: 
Okay so this is tricky and really depends what you're into as a romance fan? S1 is about Simon and Daphne and they are a fake dating trope which was really fun and wholesome to watch! S2 is of course Kate and Anthony and they are PEAK Enemies to Lovers and are very HOT. While the romances each season are stand alone - S1 does have a storyline for Anthony which acts as a prequel for his story in S2 I'll talk more about later in this post. 
Honestly as much as I adore Kathony but their season was all over the place as a cohesive story - at times it felt like I was watching two different shows because there was an annoying plotline that didn't connect to the main story and romance AT ALL. (Honestly I always skip their scenes on my rewatch feel free to do the same).
It was shit as an adaptation which is why I'm currently an S2 hater like I love the Kathony of it all but the rest of the season can get fucked - and its mainly because I'm a huge fan of their book. So I would recommend just watching S2 and then reading their book for more of their scenes together - for all her flaws Julia Quinn really FED US with the Kathony content. Also Kate's family is featured more and they are so wholesome! Kate even gets a fully fleshed out backstory (minor spoiler but we were robbed of that in the show) My friend did that and she said the book after watching S2 first felt like a comfort cos you got more scenes. Whereas a book reader, we felt robbed of a lot of pivotal book scenes.
If you have the time and are up for it, I would definitely recommend watching S1 because it was a solid adaptation of Book 1 and Anthony's arc in it is so compelling - yes he was a dick and everyone thought he was annoying af (not me though I've always loved my hot mentally ill eldest sibling clown) but really it's a shield to protect himself from his past trauma - no spoilers but it gets covered in S2! So to see his development from S1 to S2 is very satisfying if you want the whole picture.
Simon and Daphne are cute until their main conflict which was pretty fucked up and going to try to keep it vague but spoilers for S1EP6 at timestamps 47:15 to 49:40 there's a sex scene that turns into an assault at 48:50 and it just soured the rest of the series for me because the perpetrator never atones for their actions. If that's a trigger for you I would suggest just skip that scene all together and come up with a conflict of your own for the couple lmao.
Other than the SA, it was a pretty solid first season, a good introduction to the main family and characters and a cohesive story, the side plots actually worked and the main characters were actually connected to most of them so it didn't feel as disconnected.
Storytelling aspect aside, I will say Kathony is the superior couple just because Simone Ashley and Jonathan Bailey have INSANE CHEMISTRY and that's what you're seeing in the gifs so I'm not surprised you're hooked! And honestly ignoring the issues I had with the season itself, all their scenes are HOT and amazing and I love these two fucked up clowns in love so much.
Do let me know if you end up watching it and what you think of the show! Honestly if you would just prefer reading, then I recommend just reading the books only (Kathony's book is Book 2 named The Viscount Who Loved Me) I wouldn't bother with the show (it's slowly becoming my new PJO movies/ATLA live action)
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daywalkers-fic · 1 year
05. meet the cast (pt. 1)
The Company: a traveling mortuary company that provides services for both hire and charity. Some of their services include, but are not limited to: corpse preparation, funeral ceremonies, headstone design, coffin crafting, memento mori commissions. Their mode of travel is this really peculiar hearse caravan.
The idea of The Company came about in part because I had read somewhere that some cowboys were buried with custom designed cowboy boots to be placed by their graves – then I wondered, what about all the folks that were left alone in the wild and are left alone to just perish? Or what about in settlements that don’t really have an undertaker or formal funeral company to help one of their own? Everyone ought to be sent off, remembered. My initial thought was that it would be cool to have a specific company/group that travels the West that specializes in cowboy burials – memento mori pieces, custom headstones things, burials etc. Then, during that time where I was trying to pivot to a more gothic-fantasy-western sort of direction, I thought the idea of this company would be so freaking cool. They would be the in-betweeners of the “monsters” vs. “hunters” in this universe, and be associated with all things Death. Soul senders? Collectors? Ditto if I have totally written that off yet hmm.
Anyways! I’m still flushing out the members of The Company, but so far, I’ve sketched out enough to formulate a group of four individuals. These folks share a deep and respected relationship with death/death culture. Their “titles” only highlight their role of expertise within The Company’s services, but they are more than capable of intersecting and assisting each other when needed. Folks!!! I introduce you to:
Rupert Fritz Worth, The Surgeon with an eclectic taste in fashion and curio collections. Has been suspected of time travel on three separate occasions—both in America and in the Austrian Empire. Like many other professionals in the field, he began as a barber, specifically impressive facial hair styling, until necessity and opportunity brought him into medicine.
Ed McCullen, The Carpenter shyer around the living than the dead. Though he can handle the sight of blood and rotting flesh so much as a flinch, the idea of engaging in small talk with a stranger is enough to make his stomach hurt. Feels safe in the shadows of his friends. Whittling is something that helps to calm and ground him as well. He has quite the collection!
Dara Quinn, The Undertaker leading The Company and all of its business matters. Between managing finances, organizing funeral services, and meeting with patrons, they have taken up in learning about the occult. It’s partly out of curiosity and partly out of an amusement of people’s peculiar devotion to the supernatural—if it’s so popular, it must be real, right? They love a good mystery, and nothing is more mysterious than things you can’t see or control.
Chester Reeves, The Reverend who is impressively handy with a gun. Was he naturally skilled? Or did his profession call for him to learn how to handle firearms? His past has greatly shaped his views on life, fate, and death. Insists that he is less of a profound speaker than an accidental philosopher when he unintentionally drops words of wisdom.
Delfina “Della” Rivera, The Chemist with a keen talent for brewing. Tonics, moonshine, balms, perfume, poison—you name it, she can make it. She had no interest in profiting from her creations, content with experimenting new recipes and sharing with others she meets When she isn’t buried in her chemistry kit, she assists Rupert with embalming and dressing of corpses.
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