#i tell them i turned out and they're like OH WOW THAT'S SO COOL!!!
icehot13 · 1 year
lolol i got that california DOJ newsletter and there’s a picture of the google building in it and i was so!!! “I BUILT THAT!!! that’s us!!!” and then i saw the headline is ‘suing google for unfair monopoly’ so this isn’t about how cool the building we built them is, huh, that’s fine, i get it, it’s cool you don’t have to say anything about it
like they lifted the roof with cranes and stuff, but like, it’s fine. we don’t have to make a big deal out of it.
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mitsies · 9 months
❊ shootin' hoops! - childe . . ajax can't get enough of you. meanwhile, you've definetely had it with him.
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ajax is 19 when he falls in love with you.
he meets you in his second year of college, in a stupid, annoying, lame sociology class which he's only in because it's a requirement to his major. why else would he be in a dank room at 8 in the morning? oh, he hates it. the class is slow-paced. his professor is even slower. an old, little man. ajax bets that he could bench his weight. and maybe a little more than that, too, without breaking a sweat.
the class sucks, and it's not even hard, and he would probably skip every single one and pass with a hundred and ten percent. and he really, really considers this course of action, too. until, he sees you in the back of the classroom. he doesn't think he's seen you before. he'd remember if he did.
wow, you look pretty. wow, you're cool. and wow, maybe he'll stick around for the lecture tomorrow after all. ajax grins to himself. and maybe he'll bench his professor, too, if you'd think that was cool. would that make him look strong, and show off his muscles? then he might really try.
after the class lets out (which takes light years, he's convinced) he makes a beeline to where you're packing up your notebook and stationary. "lame class, huh?"
you turn at his words, eyes wide as you take him in. ajax smiles with his teeth, and he can imagine all the girls and guys in the class swooning, he can practically hear their thoughts; 'oh, who's that cute guy? his dimples are so adorable! oh, wow, i should ask his number. he looks like he would be the star player of our college's basketball team! so muscular, and cool!'
and if they're all thinking that, oh, he can't even conceptualise what you must be thinking. he feels butterflies, and a little dizzy, and a lot anxious— but in a cool way, of course— when you open your mouth to respond.
"i thought it was cool, actually."
he's breathless for a second because wow, woah, oh god, your voice is just as nice— no, it's better, than he'd imagined it. and then he registers what you'd just said and it takes everything in him to stay composed as his brain short-circuits looking for something to say in response. so-long to his ingenious plan of bonding over mutual hatred of your professor. hm. he's kind of backed himself in a corner. oh, well, it seems like he'll have to rely on his massive charm to get him through to you. not a problem!
"really? you've got awful taste."
your face sours. his heart thunders— oh, you're so, so cute. he likes it when you look at him like that. actually, he likes it when you look at him in general. he likes the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when you're irritated. the way you look like you've tasted something bitter makes him think— would your lips taste sour, too? like lemons, and limes? like biting into a cardamom pod?
before he can think about it too much, you speak again, and he's entranced— again. "just my thoughts."
"well clearly, you don't think much."
you blink at him. your eyelashes frame your eyes so nicely, too. he wonders if there's a colour that encapsulates the shade of them. ajax thinks that your eyes are like the rest of you— indescribable. and then you scoff, and walk away with your bag slung over a shoulder, and he can't wait to see you tomorrow.
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three weeks go by. ajax doesn't think he could be more in love.
he's showed up to sociology every single day, just for the sake of seeing you. lighting up like a match the second you show up in the doorframe, and going out in a similar fashion once you're gone. he relishes every single second in your company. he carves every half-smile and every grimace, and every time you purse your lips in confusion and every time you nod along to the professor when you understand. oh, he's in love. and it's bad. it's so bad.
"don't tell me you're actually doing the extra credit work," he says, staring at open laptop on your desk. it's work time, and while ajax could hypothetically leave, you're staying, so he's staying too.
you glance up at him. lord knows how you've put up with him for so long. he's annoying, he's bothersome, he does not leave you alone, not for a second. the only time he sees you is sociology so he's got to make the most of it. "i've got nothing better to do, ajax."
oh, he loves, loves, loves it when he says your name. it might be his favourite sound in the world. "you could leave. it's a free class."
you raise a brow— "you could leave too."
"i could. but what'd you do without me?"
you laugh the littlest bit, and he feels a dozen times lighter. maybe your laugh is actually his favourite sound, he can't decide. "probably be a lot more productive."
he likes what you have. he likes this friendship-ish kind of thing. he likes that you only hate him sometimes, and that you can stand to be around him other times. that's not to say he's satisfied. oh, not even close. 3 weeks were enough for ajax to imagine it— a lifetime. he imagines holding your hand at graduation. and he imagines movie nights turned sleepovers, and he imagines what colours you'd choose for the bedsheets of your first house together. he imagines lists of names. he imagines forever. but this is a good start. you're 50-50 now, he's just got to work on that hundred percent.
and, in his opinion, 3 weeks is a long, long time. that's 7 whole days of 24 whole hours. and only god knows how many minutes are in those hours. way too many, he thinks. he's smart enough to know that good things take time, but he doesn't think that he can be only your classmate-sometimes-friend for any longer. he wants more. needs it.
you speak before he can reply, "you really have nothing to be working on?"
he probably does. a lot of business homework, something math related undoubtedly. but that wouldn't take him too long. so he opens his mouth to say as much when he remembers— he likely wouldn't have time later tonight. oh, but he's already not been doing his work— would it be embarrassing to start now? would you think he's stupid? he's so cool, and he'd hate if you didn't agree. in any other situation, he'd pop open his notebooks and get to work. but you make him all conscious, and nervous, and hot in the face. and how long has it been since you asked? he should probably respond. you stare expectantly and he feels warm all over, maybe almost as hot as he looks. (you'd agree. right? you would.)
"maybe just a few small things," he grins at you, "but i can squeeze them in before my game tonight."
you hum in response. "i forgot there was one tonight. against our rivals, right?"
his heart warms— you remembered who it was against. you might've forgotten about it in general, but you remembered it. that must be a good sign. oh, he's got this in the bag.
"yeah. at 7."
you smile at him. he thinks he might die right there. "well, good luck. i'm sure you'll do great."
he beams at the compliment, heart thundering like a caged bird between his ribs. compliments always meant more from you. he could probably definitely recall every single one you've ever spoken to him, if he tried. (and probably even if he didn't.)
ajax doesn't miss a beat, this time. "i'd probably do a lot better if you were there cheering me on."
he doesn't miss it. he doesn't miss the way your mouth twists a little bit in surprise, because this was really not what you were expecting. and he definitely, doesn't miss the way your eyes slide over to your hands, and your fingers which are suddenly all too fidgety. he's embarrassed you. his boyish grin grows tenfold. "don't tell me i've got you going shy on me."
you roll your eyes in mock annoyance, and he knows you well enough at this point to know you're trying to hide your bashfulness. "oh, you wish."
"you're right. i do."
you freeze. he doesn't think he could hide his joy at your embarrassment even if he wanted to, even if he tried. it's hard for ajax to pinpoint his favourite one of your feelings— he thinks you're cute all the time. he thinks it's funny when you're disgusted, or annoyed. he thinks you're adorable when you're happy, and especially so when you're sleepy. but he's beginning to suspect that he's especially fond of you when you're flustered like this.
the professor speaks. ajax's mood is instantly a little more sour because god, even the man's voice is slow and boring. the free class was officially dismissed, and students were free to go. under any other circumstances, ajax would be happy about this. but he really does have to go. he wishes you could come with him. he wishes you could come with him everywhere, really.
"are you serious?"
your question catches him off guard. you're looking at him again, with those pretty eyes, and you have a familiar expression on— it's one he recognises as confusion. you're confused. he softens, more than he thought possible. it takes everything in him to resist pressing a kiss to the apple of your cheek, the crease of your furrowed brows, the corner of your lip where an unconscious pout makes itself known. and he realises he might've been unclear with his advances. so he meets your eyes and says, "of course i am. i'm serious about you if you are about me, yeah?"
it's some kind of consent, or acknowledgment. that what you both have can and probably will evolve. you're smart enough to know that he knows, and he's smart enough to know that you know. and you nod softly, and smile like flower petals, and he decides he'll never get over you. he'll never need another.
"i'll see if i can go tonight. but if not, i'll text you."
he thinks he's the happiest person alive. he could kiss you right then, right there, but your wrinkly old dustbag of a professor is still in the room and he won't entertain the geezer. "i'll see you."
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he doesn't see you until the final quarter of the game, but you've been there the whole time.
his team is winning, of course, because they have him, but he's been out of it all game. any moment he can, he's scanning the stands with a watchful eye. it's one of the biggest games of the season. he knows he should be laser-focused, but he's not and it's all your fault. there must be hundreds of faces pressed together and he can't seem to find yours. until he does.
you're closer to the ground than he thought you'd be. hiding in plain sight. and when he sees you, he swears he might start floating. there are flowers in his chest, blooming an ache deep inside. something so disgustingly sweet, so addictingly sickening is awoken at the sight of you in his team's colour. he thinks you'd look beautiful in his spare jersey. he smiles, and it's all teeth. a vicious kind of adrenaline fills him as the next play is called to begin. he thinks he'll give it to you after he wins.
and wins he does. with flying colours, really— the other team didn't really stand a chance to begin with, not as soon as he saw you there cheering him on. his teammates flock to him like sheep, piling on him and shouting things he can't really hear over the general public's applause of the home team's victory. and everything is happening; his coach is slapping his back, his teammate is dragging him somewhere, someone's handing him water, people are screaming his name, yelling about his winning shot, and all he hears is his breathing, and all he sees is you, standing with your hands clasped and lips pressed together in a smile. all he sees is you, so you're the first person he runs to.
since you're in the first stand to the bottom, it's easy for him to clear the guard rail and get to your side. someone in the background shouts his name. he doesn't care. the people who were previously next to you are shoved aside— he doesn't care at all. he's right there with you.
"you came," his breath comes raspy, dry. "you came to see me."
you shrug nervously, "i guess i did."
so he kisses you. ajax is 19 when he falls in love, for the first and last time. ajax is 19 when he kisses you, and he's young, and he's stupid, and he will never regret this, not ever, not when you kiss him back almost instantly, pulling him close by his jersey. it feels so right, it feels too real to be true. he's got to be dreaming. any second now, he expects his daft old professor's voice to scold him for falling asleep during a lecture. but the voice never comes, and you really do taste like lemons and spice, and he hears phone cameras clicking and cheering grow tenfold and he doesn't care because he gets to kiss you.
at some point, you break away. your face is red-hot and he can feel the warm blood flooding your cheeks with how close your faces remain. he ikes it when your lips are swollen because of his. he likes it when your eyes are fixed on him. he likes you. he thinks he was doomed to like you from the start.
when the background finally fades back in, he sees his teammates cheering and ooh-ing like stupid junior high boys. you seem a little disoriented, so he laughs and pulls you away from the stands, helping you climb down the safety rail with a hand in yours and another on the small of your back.
ajax hates his sociology class. he hates the lectures, his professor, the subject— but something good came of it. because he really loves you. with your cardamom tongue and smile lines, and the crease of your eyebrows when you're annoyed, and all of it, and more. he loves you the most. more than anything.
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flowers chosen: small sunflower & pink camellia . . adoration & longing for you
❊ send a request! ❊ 5k masterlist ❊ event info ❊
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
dream life daydreams: "i'm irresistible, they're absolutely crazy over me!"
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an "imaginal act" is a scene you play out in your imagination that implies your wish has been fulfilled. the scene can use any of the five senses, and can be as long or as short as you want; what matters is the feeling that it evokes in you! i like to refer to my imaginal acts as "daydreams," because the word reminds me of when i was a creative child who's imagination was limitless!
instructions: take these imaginal acts and put yourself there in imagination! tweak the details to match your desires, personal details, and preferences, and use the senses that you have in your imagination to fully immerse yourself (e.g. feel your hand picking up your phone and seeing your background image and the time, or hear the voices of the people talking to you or about you, etc.)
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you pick up your phone because your screen will not stop lighting up - once again, your dms are popping off with a bunch of super cuties hitting you up. some of them are nervously telling you how gorgeous you are and that they've always had crushes on you and were too embarrassed to tell you in person; some of them are confident and flirtatious, asking you for your number or asking if you've got a partner because they want to take you out; some are so enamoured with you that all they can send is emojis and messages like, "wow. just wow." just a day in the life of someone who is irresistible!
you walk into a room and can hear whispering voices talking about you; "oh my god, do you see them? i've never seen someone so breathtaking." "dude, you'd never make it with someone like them!" maybe you look over and see one of them elbow the other to try to get them to act cool - it's hard to remain calm when someone so perfect walks into a room!
after posting a selfie, your phone blows up with comments from so many thirsty mfs - "oh my god, you're SO gorgeous!" "are you single? you can't be single." "I can't believe someone like you exists!" feel your thumb scrolling through the seemingly endless comments from people you find attractive and fun who are hyping you up, people who could only dream of being with you. maybe you reply to comments, or maybe you make their heart flutter with just liking them.
you're having a conversation with someone who is so attractive (whether it's your SP or a stranger) at a public event, and the others in the room are visibly jealous; some come up to hover beside the person talking to you and try to get their turn to talk to you; one comes up with a drink or an offer to walk around the event; one even pulls the classic "is this person bothering you?" card. all you can do is smile knowing that everywhere you go, everyone is obsessed with you.
imagine walking into a room and having all eyes fix on you as conversations stop, because everyone is enamoured with your beauty!
imagine talking to someone and watching them visibly melt listening to your voice, looking at your smile, and getting lost in your gaze. they can't help but be enamoured, and you play it off like it's nothing, but you know you've won their heart.
you're stopped in the street by a stranger who's eyes light up as they see you. "excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but you are the most gorgeous person I've ever seen and I couldn't let you go on with your day without telling you!"
you've got this, bunny 💕
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Laura Coombs x Reader
Summary: You bake a bit too much
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It was a difficult line to walk.
Laura knew this.
She was an athlete. She needed to be on the top of her game. She fuelled her body with as much healthy food as she could source.
Which, sadly, meant that she almost always upset you.
"It's good," You teased as you took another batch of cookies out of the oven, waving them teasingly under her nose.
"I know they're good," She said stubbornly," It's your whole job. But I just can't eat them. The whole team is dieting. I can't be the one to break." That last bit was a little lie on her part but it was better than letting you down.
You scoffed. "One cookie won't kill you."
"Yeah but it's never just one, beautiful."
She was right, of course. You never did just give her one. You gave over the first cookie and then another and then another and then another until she had nearly eaten the whole batch and didn't go to the gym like she had planned.
You grinned at her, shrugging. "It's not my fault you like my cookies so much."
Laura rolled her eyes. "But it is your fault that you make them at home. Why can't you just make them at work?" She groaned and rested her head atop the marble countertop.
"Don't sulk." You swatted at her with your tea towel. "Eat some or stop whining. This is my kitchen. I bake what I want."
That statement had been the basis of your relationship for a long time.
The kitchen was your kitchen and Laura knew to stay well away when you were baking. Cooking dinner, she could interrupt you. She could hold you from behind and kiss your neck at any point she wanted when dinner was being made. But the kitchen was sacred when you baked to the point that you didn't even like sad people in it when you were mixing dough (claiming that their negative energy would affect how good your creations tasted).
Slowly, Laura reached out to snag a cookie from the cooling rack, biting into it morosely under your watchful eye.
"They're always good. Amazing, even," Laura replied, unable to keep a smile off her face.
"You should have another one."
She took it but narrowed her eyes. "I know what you're doing. This is the last one."
"Mhm," You nodded. You pressed a kiss to her lips. "Whatever you say."
You sauntered off to the fridge.
Laura ran her tongue over her lips.
You tasted like sugar.
"Don't tell me you don't snack on her goodies whenever you can," Alex complained," Does she smell like cinnamon? She looks like she'd smell like cinnamon."
"Please don't talk about what my wife smells like," Laura said," It's a little weird."
Alex threw her arms up. "I'm just saying! She works in a bakery all day! It's the holiday season. Surely, she's working with cinnamon all the time?"
"Again, discussing what my wife smells like is weird," Laura said again," And if you must know, my whole house smells like cinnamon. She's baking like crazy. I don't understand it. All I want to do when I come home is curl up on the sofa and watch tv and she spends all day in a bakery and comes home to bake more. I just don't get it."
"Wow," Alex said sarcastically," Such first-world problems for you. A fit wife coming home to bake for you every day? Oh, no! How will you survive?"
"Shut up." Laura rolled her eyes. "My entire kitchen is covered in baked goods. Everywhere I look. Cookies. Cakes. I'm pretty sure last night she was making another pie. I'm trying to stay healthy."
Alex patted her condescendingly on the shoulder. "Then you shouldn't have married a baker."
Laura rolled her eyes again, spying movement to the left. It was kind of suspicious and Alex was grinning like a wolf. She turned and felt the need to smack that stupid, smug smirk off her friend's face.
"Mrs Coombs!" Jill cheered.
You greeted her warmly. You looked beautiful, wrapped up tight in Laura's coat with a hat tucked firmly on your head and a scarf curled around your neck.
You held two bags full of little brown boxes.
"Stop calling me Mrs Coombs," You scolded lightly though still with a smile on your face," It makes me feel old. I'm not old."
"You're more put together than most of us," Alex said as she crossed the room to hug you," Did you bring us treats?"
"Who do you think I am?" You scoffed, moving past her to join Laura, stealing a soft kiss.
You still tasted like sugar.
"My personal baker," Alex said with a grin.
"I'm no one's personal baker," You insisted though you pointedly kept your eyes on your wife," But you're lucky that the other Mrs Coombs likes to have counter space to sit on while I cook."
You placed your two bags onto one of the tables and began unboxing your treats.
"One at a time!" Laura barked when the girls surged forward. "Make an orderly queue please and thank my wife! She didn't have to trek all the way here in the cold."
"Thank you, baby," You said as the group finally calmed down, each girl taking a turn and pressing a kiss to your cheek in thanks.
"No problem, beautiful." Laura rose from her seat, a hand reaching out to curl around your waist.
You rested you head against her shoulder, smiling.
"What's got you so happy?"
"Nothing." But you were still grinning.
"No. Seriously, what is it?"
"It's just..." You giggled. "I thought you told me that the whole team was dieting and that's why you couldn't eat my cookies."
Laura's cheeks went a little bit red. "So...Maybe I twisted the truth a bit."
"You're cute when you're embarrassed," You said," But you know what this means?"
"And what does this mean, beautiful?"
You grinned and kissed your wife's cheek. "That you don't have an excuse to not be my taste-tester anymore."
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btnclmrttn · 9 months
How they react if you send a spicy picture (OPM) (+18)
Under the assumption they have a phone imagine having to email a nude asdghdksvs
(bored and horny tbh I'll figure out the other three boys later 😭)
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💛"Wow, you have no idea what I'd do for some of that right now"💛
If he didn't turn so red in the face he could probably play it off in public if he were to open it. Has definitely cracked his screen on accident over the shock/initial embarrassment of hoping no one saw that.
Always a pleasant surprise when he's alone. He's probably bored anyway. One of the best cures he could have in those moments is "excitement". Exchanging texts and nudes gets him super jittery, and he loves the addictive anticipation.
Building up self confidence slowly, but is rather shy with returning the favor. He doesn't wanna be unfair and not send any at all, but they usually are just body shots, seldom face. Muscles like that though? It's hard to get a bad angle on a body like that
Like 2 saved in gallery max. Would just rather have the real deal, but the couple he keeps is because they're generally pleasant for him to look at. Huge sucker for panties/boxer shots. They don't have to be full nudes for him to get riled up. He can confidently return his own underwear shot as well! (fucking love me a dick print pic ughhh)
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🩵"Oh you're perfect. I would love to see more of that angle"🩵
Around the public he doesn't show visible embarrassment, but he's very quick to pull up his phone. That could be the only obvious tell he's looking at something he doesn't want anyone else to see.
Full attention on you for sure if you managed to send at a time when he was alone. No matter where he is he's quick to respond, but much more detail and thought is put into responses when alone.
Always will return the favor. Has a couple of his own in his gallery if he was ever out and received one. It's only fair in his eyes! They're also never basic he makes an effort to look like the prettiest boy for you and he does a damn good job. Not only is the cyborg body cool, the way he takes pictures with angles and perspectives makes it much more sexy.
Yes he saves all of them it's taking up a huge space on his phone storage that's also photos of you in general. Doesn't really have an urge to get off to the photos or texts because it's never the same or as satisfactory, but he still likes to appreciate them because you're attractive. (Lemme throw in though that he would definitely love to get riled up to your voice/phone sex. He would end up hanging up and showing up shortly if he's over excited)
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🖤"fuckkkkk just you wait till I get my hands on that"🖤
Around people he doesn't get super embarrassed, and couldn't care. Will try to keep his phone close and low key as he studies your body so no one else sees what's just for him. If it's around Bang he might have a fuss or a fumble.
Might take his time to respond, but he's definitely not ignoring you. He's taking that shit in every fine detail he can see like you're a work of art. The pauses between all his messages is just him drooling over you
He'll send back, but not the full deal. Garou can make more of a game out of the tease. Loves sending pics back of his dick print through his pants (usually sweatpants yessirrrr) to show you what you just did for him. Will progress to more skin, like his abs and hem of his boxers, until you get some real nice pictures~
He's got a couple few favorites that never fail to get him off. Any shot from an angle above you will be saved definitely. Although, he ends up not getting completely satisfied taking care of it himself with pictures/texts alone. It's a last resort kind of thing if he knows he can't see you. If he knows your wear abouts, he will just show up.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hello my beloved CC I’d love to hear about how Mephistopheles would react to MC giving him conversation hearts?
Dearest Violet, I hope you're having a fabulous Valentine's Day!
I really thought I wouldn't have time to do all the other characters today, but the stars have aligned and gave me some unexpected extra hours! So I went ahead and did everybody, including of course our man Mephisto! I also did my OC Arsenios because I was curious about what his reaction would be lol.
Thank you for asking! 💕
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XOXO Part Two - GN!MC x side characters & OC Arsenios
Warnings: none!
Part One
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Absolutely thrilled, of course. Tell him everything you know about conversation hearts, even if it's just that they exist and are sold every year. Watch his eyes get all shiny as he looks at them because he thinks they're so adorable.
He will eat them, but he will read every single one in the box out loud to you first. And he'll want you to eat them with him, so he's going to deliberately give you the ones that he would actually like to say to you. This means you end up eating most of them because he can't help himself.
Give him the one that says MY HERO and watch him blush. He tries to keep his cool, but you can see how much it means to him. He's happy you gave him these, MC. Thank you for sharing a piece of your world with him.
Now you're the one blushing. Diavolo gives you his signature laugh and pulls you into his arms. Gives you the last one that just says KISS before doing exactly that.
He's surprised, but quite happy because it turns out he actually made his own version to give to you. He thought you might like a little piece of home, but he never expected you to share that same thing with him. He's touched that you thought of him, MC.
He is aware of them because of his tendency to learn about human world desserts and candies. The ones he made for you are beyond delicious. You insist he share them with you because they taste better than the normal chalk version. Barbatos is happy to, but he finds the regular human world variety quite charming as well.
His hearts have a lot of the usual cute sayings, but a couple of them have more elaborate decorations such as a little bouquet of flowers or an elegant lace pattern. You can't help but blush when you find one that just says your name.
He finds the same message in both sets of hearts and gives them to you. They say BE MINE. Give him one back that says I'M YOURS and all the sweet candies are forgotten because he needs you in his arms that very second.
Oh these are incredibly cute. He's so happy that you've given him some! If the box happens to have any texting acronyms, though, he will be baffled. Holds one up for you that says TTYL with a question in his eyes. Explain to him what they all mean and that it's only something they include because they're short enough to fit on the hearts.
Simeon finds them delightful. He'll be especially pleased if you give him an extra box for Luke. He thinks Luke would love to decorate a cake with some of these!
But he has to admit that the messages are a little too short to truly encompass how he feels about you. He shifts some of them around to from little sentences, eventually landing on REAL LOVE, PEACE, FOREVER. Do you understand what he's trying to say, MC?
Maybe you form your own sentence in hopes that he'll see you do understand. Something like ONLY YOU, ANGEL. Watch him blush and smile. Then he's kissing you and it's far sweeter than anything a conversation heart has to offer.
Of course he's already familiar with this particular item from your shared human experience. He was probably alive when they first came on the scene and he might tell you about it if you prod him enough. He might not have been paying much attention, though, so likely his memory on this just that they showed up at some point.
He's really quite happy that you gave him some. His instinct is to wow you by using magic to alter them. He turns them different colors and changes the words on them. He makes one spell out a whole Shakespeare sonnet one or two words at a time.
You can't help but laugh at that, but you tell him it's cheating. If he really wants to let you know how he feels, he has to use what's already in the box. He accepts your challenge. Have you forgotten who you're dealing with, MC?
Surprises you by not giving you a whole stack of them. He only hands you a single heart. It says, boldly and clearly, I LOVE YOU. He's smiling his mischievous smile, but there's a slight blush there, too. Your answer is a kiss.
At first he's somewhat confused. Why are you giving him a box full of chalk, MC? He's not exactly familiar with human world stuff, so he doesn't realize it's candy at first. Explain it to him and he's surprisingly appreciative. He wasn't expecting you to think of him.
Really knock his socks off by giving him a few extra boxes for his little brother. The fact that you remembered he has one really makes him soft. It also gives him the opportunity to ask about your own family. He wants to know about them, if you want to talk about them.
Now you're having a whole conversation that goes far beyond the hearts, but you're both enjoying them together. He might not even like them all that much, but he seems to be content to eat them with you.
Deliberately give him one that says FIRST KISS and watch him get flustered. Acts like it wasn't an invitation on your part, so you'll have to be a little more blatant if you actually want him to kiss you. Eventually he gets the message and it turns out he's wanted to kiss you all along. You can tell by how hungry his lips are and the way he wraps his arms so tightly around you.
Surprises you by actually knowing about them. Seems confused by your surprise. Surely you've heard about Michael's preference for sweet things. That extends to human world items like this, too. He doesn't really get the appeal, but he is happy that you thought of him.
He actually likes the brevity of the messages. They're short and efficient, communicating a single sentiment quickly and clearly. Nobody could misinterpret something that says CALL ME. That's pretty straightforward, don't you think, MC?
This argument is all well and good until you give him one that says XOXO. He has no idea what that means. Perhaps it's in a human world language he's not familiar with? He takes back everything he said about clear communication.
Once you explain what they mean, he gets a little flustered. Hugs and kisses? Why not just say that? Distract him by pulling him in for a simultaneous hug and kiss. He's blushing for real now. He understands the essence of XOXO a little better, but he wouldn't mind if you showed him again.
Wow, humans do some really adorable things, don't they? Look at these tiny hearts with cheesy words on them! They look like chalk, but she finds them endearing. And of course she's trying to hide how pleased she is that you gave her something. It's really cute of you.
She's already coming up with ways to use them for traps. Put a spell on one and leave it somewhere an immortal sorcerer just might happen to find it. She might do it, too, if you don't distract her a bit.
Find one that says MY GIRL to give to her. She smiles and blushes just a little, but leans in to ask if you think she belongs to you. Maybe you tell her that you'd like that. A direct response such as that flusters her and now she's not sure how to react.
Searches through the hearts, but she can't seem to find one that says what she wants, so she just shoves the first one she picks up toward you. It says LOL. You actually do laugh because it's pretty cute how flustered she is. She decides to clear things up by kissing you. You get a little dizzy at how quickly she goes from shy to bold. It's some time before she lets you go.
The minute you put the box in his hand, he's fighting down a blush because wow, you are really cute, MC. A sweet little human like you actually taking the time to give him these candies stamped with lovey phrases really surprises him.
He takes them all out of the box and lines them up in the way that makes the most sense. You're a little confused about why he's doing it until he takes out his guitar. A few chords later and he's singing you a song using every phrase from the box. You're both laughing pretty quickly because the words are mostly nonsense.
But Arsenios deliberately left the best group for last and his voice becomes sweet when he sings you the final line. ONLY YOU, MY LOVE, BE TRUE. It's still only a fragment of a sentence at best, but the sentiment rings through the notes and you can see it in his eyes.
He smiles at you as the notes fade away because he's pleased at your reaction. But it isn't enough, so he takes your hands and asks if he can kiss you. If you say yes, you'll find yourself so distracted in his embrace that you don't notice that he never actually ate any of the candy hearts.
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xoxo part one with the brothers
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hi! Do you mind writing a hobie x gender neutral reader fic where the reader is a new recruit to the spider society and as they’re getting toured around they get introduced to hobie and he falls head over heels right then and there? The rest is up to you :)
OOOOOOO HI ANON !! omg that's really cute, OFC I'LL MAKE IT RAHHHHH
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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nobody quite like you – hobie brown x gn!spiderperson!reader
summary: hobie had never expected the new recruit to be so kickass, and he never expected for his heart and face to act so... so excited at the prospect of getting to see and be with them more and more. word count: 685
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hobie had just come back from a mission, and instead of the usual scenery he's greeted to back at HQ, it's surprisingly way calmer. this could only mean one thing, 'they're tryna impress a new recruit,' he thought to himself with a smirk as he took off his mask and walked off into the lobby, where most new recruits are held prisoner at before they get to the real fun stuff.
when he gets to the lobby, he doesn't notice any new faces; it's all the same faces he's seen over and over a million times in the past already, not a lot has changed about them though, surprisingly. hobie shrugs at the change of atmosphere but lack in the change of faces in the sea of spider folks he's been seeing, that was until an anomaly broke out of its containment from the upper floors and was dashing out into the lobby in an effort to escape–oh yeah, some action's finally happening.
hobie put on his mask and swung up a few floors up to get a good look at where he can hit the anomaly at, though before he could even land a hit on it, he was greeted with a blurry figure that came out of nowhere and kicked the anomaly to the opposite side. it tumbled down with anomaly as it tried to keep it pinned down to the lobby floor. the 'it' turned out to be a 'they', a spider person, one hobie had never encountered before.
hobie looked over at what was happening, and the spider person looked back at hobie. "web this guy up!" they exclaimed as hobie did it, not because they wanted to, but because it was the most effective way to subdue this anomaly. hobie webbed the anomaly up, and soon, the guys who were tasked to bring this anomaly back into its containment came and cleaned up the mess it left behind in its wake.
the new spider person gracefully hopped down off the webbed and subdued anomaly and dusted themselves off, hobie took off his mask as he looked at them, looking around for their tour guide who disappeared in all the havoc that's been wreaked. hobie came forward and smiled up at them. "well, aren't you something." he complimented you with a chuckle as you returned the chuckle back to him. "and aren't you just... so cool, without the mask too, like, wow." they said with a smile as they took off their own mask, and in that moment, hobie felt something in him—something that felt heated and soft in him. it was a feeling that permeated in his chest, that throbbed when he met their bright gaze; oh damn, what is this ethereal feeling?
he felt a warmth creep up in his cheeks, which he tried to laugh off, but failed, and this was totally new for hobie—he never fails to look or act cool, never when he could do something about it. "ah, huh, guess i am, hmm?" he stuttered out as he leaned against the wall and felt his face get hotter and more flustered as they looked into his eyes with a curious smile. "totally." they answered him as he muttered a 'wicked' under his breath and chuckled again out of sheer embarrassment and sheepishness.
"guess your tour guide got lost in all the chaos, you're a newbie, aren't you?" he asked them as they nodded a little awkwardly. he smiled as he offered them his hand. "whaddya say to maybe skipping all the formalities and just jumping to the next universe over to kick some villains' asses? i won't tell if you won't." he promised with a smirk as they, without hesitation, took his hand and smirked back at him. "oh, you are on." they said as hobie nodded and opened a portal right then and there and looked forward to whatever the two of them would see on the other side, hoping to see them more in action and... possibly feel that wonderful, confounding, lovely feeling in his face and chest all over again.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @pixqlsin @solecitoszn
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voidartisan · 9 months
playing around with an incorrect quote generator and came up with some gems
Ahsoka: Why are you late? Obi-Wan: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Ahsoka: Overslept? Obi-Wan: Overslept.
Ahsoka: I am the most responsible person in the group. Obi-Wan: …You just set the kitchen on fire. Ahsoka: Yes, and I take full responsibility for that.
Obi-Wan: Ahsoka, why are you crying? Ahsoka: This book is so sad!! Obi-Wan, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Crosshair: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head? Tech: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Wrecker: *snatches the fez, throws it in the air* Crosshair: *shoots it*
Tech: Do we have any orange juice left? Crosshair: *pours the remaining juice into his cup* Crosshair: Sorry, we’re all out.
Crosshair: There’s no “I” in team, but there is one in pizza. Tech: So, you’re not going to share? Crosshair: I’m not going to share.
Omega: We’re kind of missing something guys. Echo: Cohesion? Crosshair: Teamwork? Tech: A general sense of what we’re doing? Hunter: And Wrecker is not here. Echo: Oh, and that, yeah.
Hunter: This is a judgement free zone. *Pulls out a knife the size of his forearm* Hunter: And I mean it.
Echo: Are you mad? Hunter: No. Echo: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Fox: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Riyo: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Fox: I said within reason, Riyo. How about I murder that guy? Riyo: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? Fox: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Fox: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Riyo: Peonies, why? Fox: Riyo: Were you going to get me flowers? Fox: Riyo: Fox: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Fox: Riyo and I are no longer dating. Riyo: Fox, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Satine : I want to kiss you. Obi-Wan, not paying attention: What? Satine : I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Satine : I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Obi-Wan: Wow. They sound stupid. Satine : But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Obi-Wan: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Satine : I guess you’re right. Hey Obi-Wan, I love you. Obi-Wan: See! Just say that! Satine : Obi-Wan: If that flies over their head then, sorry Satine , but they're too dumb for you. Satine : Obi-Wan.
Satine : I think I'm falling for you. Obi-Wan: Then get up.
Cody : You have an impressive pain tolerance. Obi-Wan: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Cody , holding an unconscious Obi-Wan: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
Obi-Wan: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen? Cody : Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Obi-Wan: Turns on the kitchen light Cody : Sitting at the table, eating bread Obi-Wan: It’s four in the morning. Cody : Turn the light back off.
Rex: Are you alright? Ahsoka: Short answer or long answer? Rex: Short? Ahsoka: No. Rex: Long? Ahsoka: Nooooooo.
Rex: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said Note to self: Get revenge on Ahsoka. Rex: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Rex: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Ahsoka: Hmm… I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Rex: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Ahsoka: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Rex: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Rex: My goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me. Ahsoka: YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT EVERY TIME YOU BEAT ME AT CONNECT FOUR!
Rex: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Ahsoka: I will politely decline.
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blackopals-world · 10 months
HEAR ME OUT Epel loveessss masc special forces yuu. Epel thinks he's so big and strong and cool. Yeah, sure, he can be a bit of a creep like Rook.... but he teaches Epel so many cool things! I have this one thought in my head where yuu takes epel out to the woods behind the campus for a few "hunting games" and even though he was really weirded out at first, epel has so much fun, especially since he got to be as rough and boyish and manly as he wanted to be without Vil around. When yuu returns epel to pomefiore, Vil is absolutely horrified at the state of them! They're so dirty, and they smell weird, and epel has a really creepy glint in his eye, and yuu's smile is so unsettling, and is that- is that blood????? Meanwhile, rook is laughing and throwing his arms over their shoulders, hustling both yuu and epel into the largest bathroom before roi du poison pops a vessel. Vil is going to give yuu and epel the scrub down of a lifetime in that tub, and seeing special forces yuu naked makes epel realise just how much growth he has to do before he can be a real man like yuu 😭😭
Masc Special Forces!Yuu and Epel
Sorry this post ended up being cut short due to network issues on my end.
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Epel couldn't believe it when he first laid eyes on Yuu. He was built like a brick shithouse. Tall, strong, and most of all cool as hell. Smug but not like Leona who talks more then he acts. Hell, Yuu made him look like a kitten because he didn't what around to prove shit. People should prove themselves to Yuu, not the other way around.
Epel saw him again at the upper level of the gymnasium. The weight room doubled as the gymnastics room and Yuu probably used the equipment every day. Sure Vil and Rook worked out but Yuu's routine was intense.
Yuu was taking a break from the pull-up rack as he drank water and dried the sweat from his face with towel. Nevermind that he was covered in sweat, his muscles shining in the florescent lights. Yuu had chosen to not wear a shirt and only had his military pants and lace-up boots on.
"So cool!" Epel thought as he watched Yuu.
Yuu leaned back nonchalantly as he took something out of his bag. Then in a flash a knife embedded itself next to Epel's head.
Yuu laughed at the frozen underclassmen. He stood and hovered over Epel's hiding place.
"You got good reflexes, boy. If you tried to move you'd have ended up getting cut." Yuu smirked.
Epel scrambled to get up as he faced Yuu head-on.
"So tell me what's Vil's priceless little fluffy bunny doing here? If I remember you and your lot aren't even allowed near me. After all I'm too dangerous for his taste." Yuu said as if he heard a hilarious joke.
"I'm not a bunny!" Epel said indignantly. If he wanted Yuu to like him then he needed to prove he isn't like the rest of Pomefiore.
"Wow, the bunny was teeth." Yuu smirked. "Better watch out before Vil files them down. You might not want to be like the rest of the sycophants."
"Then teach me. I want to be like you!" Epel yelled.
Yuu doubled over in laughter as he sputtered. He had heard the best joke yet.
Epel turned red as Yuu slapped him on the shoulder as his laughter finally stopped.
"Oh boy, Rook was right about you bunny. You wanna be like me? That's not an easy thing to do. That's a lot of training and pain. You think a soft little bunbun like you can take it?" Yuu said.
"I'm not a bunny! And I'm not soft! I can take it!" Epel said fiercely.
Yuu slapped the boy on the back causing Epel's organs to rattle against his rib cage.
"That's the spirit bunny. And you're bunny as long as I say you are. Thems the rules in basic training." Yuu quipped "Now get changed unless you want to drop and give me 50 in your fancy uniform."
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Yuu was merciless on Epel. He was kept on a rigorous daily exercise regiment and weapon training. If Yuu thought that Epel had adjusted for a minute he worked the boy harder.
Epel followed Yuu around like a duckling as he studied the senior's movements. He'd copy the wolfish lumbering gait he had, as he stalked through the halls. Yuu spelled danger and his glare was like daggers but he was so confident. Epel had a feeling that he was getting closer to being like that.
"Faster!" Yuu yelled as he watched Epel struggle to reassemble the rifle "Your mind must be sharp. Hone it like you have your body. At this rate we'll have to cancel you advanced training trip."
Epel's ear perked when he heard that. Advanced training. Yuu promised that if he got the basics finished within the month at when break started they'd go camping. Yuu was going to teach him all the cool tricks he did like: moving silently, jumping through trees, parkour, and taking down targets.
"Really?!" Epel was bursting with excitement before getting hit on the back of the head.
"Focus on your gun! And yes really. If you can finish in 20 seconds." Yuu smirked.
The trip wasn't what Epel expected. Sure they were going camping but Epel had expected it to be just him and Yuu. But it won't be because Rook didn't want to mind his own business.
The worst part is watching Rook flirt constantly with Yuu which is like watching a bull challenge a brick wall. Not happening!
Rook even took his place next to Yuu's sleeping bag which is the warmest place in the tent. Epel had to manipulate his way into getting Yuu to agree to force Rook into changing spots and Epel got to use Yuu as a pillow.
He discovered that Rook had a creepy look in his eye when he was jealous.
Between hiking, training, fishing, getting scooped up and thrown down a waterfall by Yuu, laying traps, being left behind overnight and forced to survive the forest alone until he found Yuu again after 2 days, the trip was amazing.
Yuu had one last test for Epel to test his manhood.
"Okay bunny all you need is to kill it." Yuu said pointing to the snare trap.
They had laid the traps a day before and a small rabbit had got caught by the foot. The beast has heaving from exhaustion as it watched him with beady red eyes.
"Come on bunny, you've seen me and Rook do stuff like this before. If you want me to stop calling you bunny then you need to take the knife and make it quick. Don't let it suffer." Yuu stood over Epel like a sentry luming over him.
Epel's heart raced as he hovered over it. He knew Rook was waiting too. Watching. Judging.
But he...he couldn't do it. It was just a poor rabbit.
Epel quickly cut the snare as he gently worked the rabbit's foot out of the knot. Then he looked at Yuu firmly.
"I won't kill it. It's just a rabbit. It never hurt anyone. I don't want to be the kind of man that kills for the sake of being called manly." Epel braced himself for a slap on the back of the head but it didn't happen.
Instead, a large hand ruffled his hair.
"You did good bunny. You passed." Yuu chuckled putting the knife back in its hilt before passing it on to Epel.
Epel clutched the dagger in his hands.
"Really?!" He could hardly believe it.
"Yeah, listen kid. I learned the hard way that theirs a difference between a good soldier and a good man. Me, I'm a soldier. I do what I'm told, follow orders, kill when told. I didn't get that choice, morals were luxuries I couldn't afford. But a man, a good one makes their own decisions. You gotta be a man. Not a monster like us. Trust me when I say you don't want to be like me. You gotta learn to be your own man." Yuu said putting a hand on Epel's shoulder. "That knife is proof of that. It's seen a lot of blood. You will too, soon enough. Hold it responsibly, it has two edges after all."
Epel felt a glow of pride. He did it! He proved himself. He was a man.
"I'm really a man now?" Epel asked
Yuu laughed good humoredly.
"No no no, you still have a lot to learn. Alot to do and experience. You've barely got the basics bunny. But you're getting there. Till then your just Bunny."
Yeah, Yuu's not that charitable. He's got to push Epel to his limits. Plus if Epe becomes a man like he wants then he's not going to try to manipulate his way into sleeping next to Yuu again by saying he gets too cold to sleep alone. Yuu doesn't want to lose that.
But he didn't know Yuu had planned for two lessons that day. Epel had learn when not to kill but he needed to learn when to kill.
Rook and Yuu had gotten permission to deal with a group of wild boars causing problems and it would be Epel's first taste of blood before Yuu considers dangerous targets.
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You should have seen Vil's face when the group returned. Covered in dirt, sweat, and possibly (100%) blood.
Yuu hauled one of the giant boars they caught over his shoulder. It was going to make for good meat for barbecue tonight. Especially since Epel cut its throat himself. It's enough to make a man proud.
Unfortunately, Vil didn't want it in the dorm and certainly didn't want blood everywhere. Vil had the group hose off outside before they were even about to step foot of the grounds.
Rook tried his best to get Vil to calm down before taking them to be scrubbed down.
Epel swore he saw Vill and Yuu share a look before Yuu smirked as Vil glowered. Yuu was so cool, even Rook can't say anything to him.
Yep, definitely Epel was going to be just like his idol.
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(Yuu throwing Epel over a waterfall)
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(This is Yuu's form of gentle parenting. Gently throw them)
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churipu · 5 months
can I ask for choso who is dating someone (preferably a half curse like him) stronger then him; like 10-14 of sukuna fingers strong?
thank u, n have a wonderful day/night !! 🫶🏻
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featuring. choso kamo x reader
warning. choso being a cutie patootie :( and choso yuuji sibling crumbs
note. hii anonn :D thank you so much for requesting this, i'm so sorry it took so long — and i really enjoyed writing this omg, thank you so much for the idea <33
and u guys, guess wHAT??? 900+ FOLLOWERS??? the screech i just let out is immaculate, you guys make me so happy omg. reading the reblogs' comments and hashtags makes me so happy, and i feel so happy that you're liking my works :( THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 900+ THIS MEANS A LOT TO ME, and i'm going to plan a 1k milestone mwehehe, ily guys so much :((
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your strength never failed to surprise the male, really. every time he sees you in a fight — he just falls in love all over with you, and if you protected him from something, he'll feel very gushy and happy.
in the jujutsu world, being half-curse and half-human is not such a good thing — after all, humans, especially with cursed energy gets so skeptical when you tell them you're on their side; forgetting the fact that you're still half-human.
but after proving them through your strength, they're all just, "woah, okay— we need you on our side."
choso gets so smug and proud when you show curses and humans who's boss, all he wanted to do was yell out how he's your boyfriend and you're his partner (he doesn't yell, but he privately tells them). during fights, choso will tell people to back off because he knows they'll just get in your way.
"get out of the way, you'll get killed." he warns them, and when people doubted his words, choso gets so upset, he's all like, "what do you mean? you don't believe that my partner can handle this on their own?"
and when you proved his words real time, choso turns to the person with an 'i-told-you-so' look before mumbling out, "i'm their boyfriend."
he's so cute when it comes to showing you off to people— and he's not afraid to tell the whole world how strong your are, cheering you from the sideline.
choso is your personal cheerleader, he makes it a point that he's so submissive to you. and acts like a child around you — he's your number one fan, supporter, you name it.
"baby, you were so cool, you were like wham! and then the curse went boom! i looked and i was like wow!" he hugs you, jumping on the bed, burying his face in your chest.
you smiled down at him, ruffling his hair which weren't tied up in his usual pig tails — brushing your fingers over his nape softly, "you're cute," choso laughs lightly, laying his head on your chest in content, hugging you close.
the male shuts his fluttered his eyelids shut, nuzzling closer to you; seeking warmth, and you dropped the book you were holding, tuning every ounce of attention to your boyfriend. holding him tightly against your body, nose in his hair — which smelt like the grape aroma shampoo yuuji bought him.
as strong as you are, you still get injured from fights at times. although it doesn't really bother you — choso worries over you more than you worry about yourself, tries to help you put ointments and bandage, but ends up failing because he doesn't really know the basics to it.
coming home from a fight, you had a big gash on your forehead. you paid no mind to it as wounds heal, however your boyfriend is a little petrified at the sight of your blood — even if he had the ability to manipulate blood.
"oh, welcome home— what happened to you?" he approaches you, cupping your face gently, inspecting the gash on your forehead in worry, "do i need to call the ambulance?"
you chuckled, shaking your head, "cho, no. i'll be okay, this is nothing to me."
he pulls you into the living room, making you sit on the couch while he trots to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, where you always kept it. a few seconds later, heavy footsteps drummed throughout the whole house and the male was kneeling in front of you.
"first, clean the blood." he mutters to himself, and you find him so adorable that you couldn't help but to softly laugh at his attempt to clean your wound.
he was mumbling to himself, lightly cursing when it doesn't go his way — which goes for most of the procedure besides the blood cleaning one. choso gets so stressed over it that he sighs out exasperatedly, shaking his hand in pure frustration.
"choso, it's alright," your fingers ghosted over his head for a few seconds before eventually patting him, "you tried, that's what matters."
the male nods, but is still very upset that he couldn't help you. and he asks yuuji to teach him how the basic steps of first aid — which yuuji tried to decline, but after choso tells him the reason, yuuji had no other choice but to comply.
best believe it the next time you have a wound, choso is the one at your aid; correctly this time.
choso is so worried over people taking advantage of your strength sometimes, he knows how twisted the world can be. and how people lust for power, the male gets so scared at the thought of people hunting you down for your power and it made him a little paranoid; afraid that one day he wakes up and you're just not there anymore.
"cho, what's wrong?" you ask the male, who had his face planted into your stomach, his arms tightening around your figure; holding you in place.
he shook his head, not breaking a word. face still planted over your clothed stomach. your hand traveled to his hair, brushing it over gently, and the male finally used his arm to topple his body up slightly, eyes gazing into your own deeply.
"don't leave me," he mumbles out, his brows furrowed and the crease in between his brows deepening by the passing second.
"out of the blue?" you questioned, a lop-sided smile appearing on your face.
he nodded mutely before dropping his weight on you once again, face nuzzling into your stomach. and your fingers tousled his hair gently, the male leaning into your touch, "please, don't leave me," he muffled out into your tummy.
"i won't."
"pinky promise?" he raises up his hand, his pinky jutting out, waiting for yours to tangle with his.
you laugh softly, tangling your pinky with his, "i promise."
choso is your training partner, he takes your seriously and uses his technique on you. because he trusts that you'd be able to beat him, but when he accidentally hurts you, he blames himself and will be in an extremely bad mood for the rest of the day.
"cho, baby, i'm okay. it's just a scratch, it doesn't hurt, i promise," you try to convince the male who was sitting down on the couch, his knees pulled to his chest, his eyes blinking slowly at you.
"i hurt you." he mumbles out lowly, pulling you into his embrace — burying his face into the crook of your neck, pressing his lips onto your skin, "how could i do that?"
he feels so bad, and wouldn't be able to face you in a lot of situation. you both being under the same roof made it so hard for him, and you trying to talk him out of his bad mood made him feel even guiltier.
"cho," you reached out to him, "stop running away from me, i promise you it was an accident! you didn't mean to do it, and we were training, weren't we?" he still feels bad.
the male looks at you again with a deep frown coating his lips, brows furrowed, and eyes glassy. you realized when he was about to shed his tears and immediately went to his side, cupping his face, "it's okay, look, the scratch is almost gone, right?" you grazed your finger over your cheek where a small bump line was on.
he shook his head, grazing his finger over your skin, "it's still there, y/n," he tells you, kissing your cheek, specifically over the bump.
"baby, i can promise you it doesn't hurt." you cooed, pressing your lips over his, "so stop running away from me, okay?"
the male finally nodded his head, "still, 'm sorry."
"choso, it's okay. it was an accident." you hugged the male tightly, and he returned the hug, planting his face over your shoulder before letting out a content sigh.
the next training session, he made extra sure to not leave a scratch on you.
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reashot · 9 months
Jaune Phone Call with Papa Arc.
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Team JNPR Dorm Room.
Jaune: I'm gonna fail this assignment because my dad won't open up.
Ren: Me and Nora going to fail because our parents were killed because of a Grimm attack.
Pyrrha: Wow I didn't knew that Ren. I'm sorry to hear that. And are you doing Nora's homework?
Nora: Fo'sho. What? You expect me to do my own homework? Please think even less of me.
Ren: Look Jaune, back on topic. A lot of people feel more comfortable talking about personal things when it's not face-to-face.
Nora: Maybe you should try calling your dad.
Jaune: I guess it's worth a shot...
*ring* 🎶
Mistralian Restaurant.
Papa Arc: Hello?
Jaune: H-hey dad. What'chu up to?
Papa Arc: Eating lunch. I just needed a break from work you know. Lately I've been thinking about all the people I've had to kill...
God. The first, five, ten times you take a life it's eerie you remember every detail. I can see all their faces. One had a beard. Each time I pulled the trigger I tied a little knot in my memory no amount of whiskey could loosen...
Nora: *Scoots away from the phone call*
Papa Arc: Of course eventually I stopped caring. Now I can put a bullet through a man's head while figuring out how much VFC to pick up on my way home. It's usually no more than a bucket.
Pyrrha: 😱
Papa Arc: The sick part is I've come to love it. Snuffing out lives. I crave it. I feel like an angel of death, the messenger of eternal darkness, a merciless demon with an unquenchable... Oh! They just put more orange chicken on the Buffett gotta run. *phone ended.
Nora: *Hiding under the bed*
JPR: *Stunned in place*
Back in the Dorm Room
Jaune: I can't turn this in. It's all about my dad killing people.
*someone enters into the room*
Yang: What is this about killing people?
Pyrrha: Hey Yang, it's nothing we're trying to finish our assignment.
Weiss: I already finished mine ages ago. What took you guys so long?
Ren: We're trying to get Jaune's dad to talk about what happened during his time, but so far he's being "uncooperative"...
Blake: How is he being "uncooperative?"
Nora: *shivering* You don't want to know....
Ruby: Oh, maybe I can help you with your dad? 🙂
Jaune: *rub Ruby's head* It's okay Ruby. It's my assignment after all. You don't have to do anything to help me.
Ruby: *purr* 😸 (Oh yeah, that's the stuff... Run my head like you own me. 😚)
Ren: Call your dad again and get him to talk about something else.
*ring* 🎶
Papa Arc: Hello?
Jaune: Hey dad.
Papa Arc: Son, glad you called. I was kind of bumming thinking about your mom.
Jaune: W-what, why?
Yang: (Isn't she the hot one?)
Papa Arc: *sigh* I feel like our lovemaking has lost all its intimacy. We're not attuned to each other's love energy, we're just slamming away...
Jaune: Dad! I'm here with the girls on speakerphone.
Blake: (Don't interrupt him! 😾)
Papa Arc: Hey girls! So, Lovemaking sure can turn into sex without you even noticing it. And why not sex with your mom feels great!
*Team RWBY starts circling in to listen closely.*
Papa Arc: It's easy to think, maybe there is love and then there's the performer in me always trying to get your mom turned on.
Weiss: (Scandalous...)
Papa Arc: I pull her hair, choke her lightly or not so lightly.
Ruby: (I wish Jaune will do that to me one day.🥵)
Jaune: Dad! When you were my age. What was the cost of a loaf of bread.
Papa Arc: The focus becomes how hot she gets. How many times I can make her shudder with pleasure.
RWBY: *giggling*
Jaune: Allright this is enough... *gets tackled to the ground*
Ruby: Don't, disturb your dad! 😠 *gag Jaune's mouth*
Jaune: *muffled scream*
Yang: Dad. What do mom boobs look like?
Papa Arc: I'll tell you Yang they're perfect. Creamy, twins with faint blue veins running over them like cooling streams I can wash my face in it...
Yang: Oh that's hot.... *starts rubbing herself.*
Blake: Hmmph! You never get this hot when you're with me...
Yang: Really? Maybe I should change that then... *long sensual kiss*
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So how do you like it my kitty cat?
Blake: ... It's a start. *return kiss*
Ren: Shouldn't we stop this?
Nora: What! No I say we join in and turned it into an orgy.
Ren: Wait, what? *gets mounted by Nora*
Papa Arc: Of course it still wasn't enough for the both of us...
Ruby: So Jaune... Now that everyone are enjoying themselves. Maybe you want to do it with me too? 😊
Jaune: Ruby I...
Pyrrha: You can't! b-because Jaune is mine... *kiss Jaune*
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Ruby: *gasp* (How could Pyrrha NTR Jaune away from me? He's mine I saw him first!😫)
Papa Arc: ... And even then we still weren't satisfied. It got so bad your mom decided to bring another woman into our bed to spice things up, as she puts it. Oh, the looks on your mother's face as I plow the other woman in front of her. Turns out your mom likes to look.
Ruby: (Could that be the solution. Me, Jaune and Pyrrha? I mean I do find the both of them to be extremely hot... Ah, who am I kidding. YOLO.) Pyrrha. Can you let me join with you and Jaune? 😇
Pyrrha: Well since you ask nicely...
Jaune: Wait, what do you mean by that? Pyrrha, Ruby why are the two of you looking at me like that??! No, no, no, stay away!!!
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(No one wants to be with me 😢)
Papa Arc: And that's why Jaune you probably have another half-sibling running around right now... Oh, you having an Orgy in there? Don't let me stop you, son. But do remember to use protection. Unless you want to have an unexpected surprise like me. But seriously use a condom or I will castrate you... Oops. Gotta go Jaune. My egg fooyong is finally here.
Beacon Academy.
Cardin: ... That's why my Dad walked out of his Dad's funeral & I will walk out of my dad's funeral!
Peter: Great presentation Cardin. Now Jaune you're up. Show me your report on your father.
Jaune: I-I'm sorry, Professor Port but my dad wasn't really willing to answer the questions.
Peter: Nonsense young man. I give you an entire week. What were you even doing all those time?
Ruby: More like what haven't we been doing? 🤭
Pyrrha: *giggle* Stop it Ruby, you going to get us into trouble.
Ruby: I can't help it Pyr. So. Same thing tonight? 😉
Pyrrha: Most definitely, we're not going to let Jaune get any sleep tonight. If you know what I mean.
Peter: Why if I don't know any better, I think you are trying to get out of this assignment?
Jaune: Okay. Is that what you think? Okay professor Port here we go.
*Walks up to the front of the class*
Jaune: *click* Hey dad, I'm calling in front of my history class. So who was the councilman when you were a kid?
Papa Arc: Oh, I don't know but I guess I think about killing myself pretty frequently. And why not. What so great about living? You know when I'm happy? For about five seconds when I first wake up. Before I remember who I am and what my life is about. Anxiety, disappointment, diarrhea more often than not. I don't know if there's an afterlife. But who cares. Nothingness couldn't be worse than my meaningless March through my empty days.
Jaune: You see professor Port... Professor Port?
Peter: He's right, it's pointless, Salem will kill us all... Life Dismissed. *jumps through the window*
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Nora: I guess class is over?
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Black Light 6
Warnings: namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Hottie wakes you up with a hot chocolate. The scent alone is enough to rouse you. Your mother always said you were a bloodhound.
You put on some cool DIY tutorials you found, explaining to her how you want to convert your old vanity, but first you need a lot of glitter. She seems interested but she's more concerned about the glitter being everywhere. You don't see what's so wrong with that but she suggests sealing it with resin. Well, it's all just plans until you get the materials.
You hear your mom and dad get up and notice how Hottie quiets down. She glances at the door, almost looking guilty. You smile and hop up from the bed.
"All cool, my parents are pretty chill," you say, "I'll just go tell them you're here."
"Is that okay?" She asks.
"Sure, I'll be right back."
You leave the door slightly ajar and go downstairs. You smell and hear the coffee machine brewing as you enter the kitchen. Your mom rubs her eyes as your dad leans on the island.
"Morning," you chirp, "hope you don't mind I brought a friend back last night."
"Oh, is it Kam?" Your mom asks.
"No, my new friend. I told you about her."
"Hmm, well, it's good you're making other friends," your dad hums, "hopefully better ones."
"She's awesome!"
"Are you sticking around, hon? The new couch is being delivered tonight so we have someone coming to get the old one around noon. Your dad and I have some running around to do."
"Oh, sure, is it okay if my friend hangs out til then?"
"As long as you're not up to your usual shenanigans," your dad girds playfully, "shouldn't be a problem."
"Great," you clap your hands.
Your dad growls and your mom groans as she turns to watch the coffee percolate.
"Where did she get the energy?" You father bemoans, "it certainly wasn't from us."
You giggle and leave them, rushing back upstairs to find Hottie with her purse on her shoulder. You nearly run smack into her as you enter your room.
"Hey, are you leaving?"
"I don't wanna intrude--"
"No, it's cool, really. They don't care. And they're going out for the day. We just needa wait here for the couch guys."
"Couch guys?" She echoes.
"Yeah, pleaseeee, stay," you whine, "it'll be so boring without you."
She sighs and gives a soft smile, "alright, I guess I haven't even finished my coffee."
You and Hottie sit out on the back deck, getting some sun as you wait. She fiddles with her phone, scowling as she often does at the small screen, as you cut up old magazines and fill a scrap book full of ideas. You like to put your fantasies together even if you know they won't ever be true. Besides, your mother never does anything with her old issues.
"You should try pinterest," she suggests over the top of her phone as she lays on her stomach, legs bent up behind her.
"Oh, I have an account!" You announce proudly, "I can send you the link!"
"Sure," she accepts with a smile, "so, you in school for something..."
"I wanted to do interior design. Mom said no. She doesn't see a career in that. So I'm taking Psych."
"Psychology? Wow, that's interesting."
"I guess. Oh, I was thinking about this study we read. They did an experiment where they had people with scars interview for jobs. And then they went over with the interviewer and interviewee how they thought it went and it talked all about how the people with scars factored in their appearance a lot more than the interviewer... I don't know, it just popped up in my head."
"Ah," she squints, "no reason for that, I'm sure."
Before you can respond, you hear the doorbell through the screen door. You get up, promising to be right back as Hottie rolls over. You head inside and tramp through the house in your flip flops. The doorbell rings again.
"I'm coming," you sing as you get to the door and pull it open, "hel--lo."
You stare dumbfounded at the man on your porch. August has an equally flabbergasted look on his face, his scar turning white as his eyes flare.
"You again," he growls.
You raise your chin defiantly and muster your inner Hottie.
"Um, excuse me, but... you need to go. I'm the bouncer here and--"
His brows furrow and he crosses his arms, making himself seem even bigger. You bat your lashes and cringe. You're not really convincing.
"I'm here for a couch," he glowers at your meanly.
"Mmm," he growls, "this is 387 Willow, isn't it?"
"Yes, but... don't you work at the club--"
"It's extra money. Now do you want your couch gone or do you wanna keep yammering at me?"
"Sorry, I..." You push the door back and retreat inside, "do you need help?"
"Not yours," he turns back and whistles, "Bodecker, get over here."
You glance past him and see another familiar face. It's the other bouncer, the one with the round belly. He comes up the steps and smirks at you.
"Ah, what are the odds?"
"Yes, what are the odds?" August sneers, "how exactly did you find this pick up?"
"Hey, it's money," the other man says, "so, where's the couch?"
199 notes · View notes
ariespellz · 2 years
hand holding hcs !!
ft. genshin guys + gn!reader
includes: diluc, xiao, albedo, thoma, zhongli, itto, kaeya, childe.
one, two, three.
cw: fluff, established relationship, me simping (kinda), mentions of blood and battles, it gets kinda angsty in kaeya's (not too much. god im so in love with him it's unhealthy).
A/N: THEM!!! also this got progressively more informal KDHZJSBS sorry abt that lol. and sorry for having parts longer than others ://
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top tier hand holding. bless his soul.
his hands are warm due to his vision. they're big and strong, and his palms are a bit rough.
he also has some scars, most of them he'd rather not talk about.
"just... and accident" he'd reply softly, clearing his throat.
some others are from small falls he had as a kid, or from training.
he doesn't like the scars at all, so if you were to tell him something positive about them, his cheeks would turn pink (please compliment them).
he's not the fondest of PDA but hand holding is one of the few things he'll do in public
when it's just the two of you it's better, though. he'll take his gloves off and smile when you interlace his fingers in yours :'))
you know the rubbing thumb thing?? yeah he does that
it's just something ingrained in his brain, really. his father did it when he was only a child, taking walks with him through the forest whenever the adult had some time to spare.
to him, hand holding is sacred. it just feels so intimate in a way he can't quite describe. fingers interlocked, little glances you sometimes steal the other, and your light giggles when you catch him.
OH and he's totally the type to lean down and kiss the reverse of your hand
makes your knees wobbly every. single. time.
and he knows that
so he only does it behind closed doors. to save you from the embarrassment (and totally not because he can't help the smirk tugging at his lips and the small laugh that scapes his lips when you cover your face with the free hand)
(yeah definitely not that)
you were the one initiating the contact the first time.
you see him all suave and mysterious and cool
but the first time you held his hand?? he almost combusts right there
you were walking home after a dinner out. it was your second date together and the opportunity just presented itself when he suggested taking a stroll instead of using a carriage.
and you just... went for it when he accidentally brushed his hand against yours.
you had some mercy and didn't interlace fingers.
but still. WOW. the reaction was immediate. you could hear a sharp breath and a shivering exhale. if it wasn't for the silence that accompanied the night, you were sure you wouldn't have heard it.
but it also was the night and it's darkness that you couldn't clearly see his raging blush. you two were lucky he didn't accidentally set anything on fire.
the redness extended from the apples of his cheeks, to the tip of his ears, to his neck and collarbones.
and the fluttering in his belly, which had been bothering him the entire afternoon, was going wild.
he couldn't LOOK at you. he was scared that you could hear his heartbeat. humiliating.
for him of course. you had the time of your life teasing him (and it was also cute so it's a win-win)
"is something the matter, master diluc?" you ask feigning innocence, a cheeky smile adorning your face "you don't look too good. perhaps you have fever?"
"i am perfectly fine, (y/n). thank you." he muttered through gritted teeth after a long silence. you just giggled in response.
good thing he didn't get to see the flush adorning your face, and how you had to bite back the loving sigh that threatened to leave your lips.
archons. you were down bad.
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he won't initiate it but he won't stop you either (a.k.a he's too proud to let you see how soft it makes him)
"you mortals are weird" he scoffs. you don't fail to notice that he doesn't even try to pull away.
and that he won't meet your gaze.
his hands are so pretty omg. slender fingers that would look delicate if it wasn't for the sheer strength they have.
that's one of the reasons he's hesitant to touch you.
PDA with him is non existent. zero. maybe some acts or service, or the obvious way he favours you over anyone else present.
but there won't be a single touch that could confirm that.
(you swear you can see zhongli smirking behind his cup of tea, eyes flickering between the two of you full of amusement. oh, and archons forgive that hu tao's there, ready to point out the way his gaze softens when he hears your voice.)
the lack of contact in front of others is nothing to get worried over
it's just that he's kinda clueless when it comes to affection.
specially physical one.
but he's willing to try just to see you happy.
you don't initiate much either, considering how private he is.
to be completely honest, if he allows you to freely touch him without any grumbling (let alone hold his hand) it means that he's completely and absolutely smitten
you're the only one he could ever commit to. someone whose only purpose is to kill, to harm, to get his hands stained with blood. the same ones you're now cradling in yours, brushing your thumb lovingly over his knuckles, after practically begging him to take off his gloves, just to feel him.
"these hands have taken countless lives" he says, voice stern "why would you want to hold them?"
and he looks so genuinely confused.
golden eyes, perfect porcelain skin, teal hair moving with the breeze, watching the sunset in wangshuu inn's roof.
he feels himself melt. muscles relaxing for the first time in centuries.
and the way he looked at you, even if it was just for a moment. so full of love. so full of devotion.
you may or may not have had to sneakily dry a tear after that.
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he's a wild card
maybe because he doesn't really care
it's not like he dislikes it (not at all) it's just that it feels so casual, so natural to him that he doesn't see the point in lingering in the thought for too long.
his hands are perfect. they were carved to be like that, after all.
soft palms, slender fingers, and clean, perfect nails.
his digits grazing your skin feel like kisses covering every inch they touch.
even if the gesture isn't a big deal for him, it feels comforting. he won't really hesitate to take your hand in his while walking around dragonspine, or while taking a stroll in the city.
he silently slides his digits between yours. the usual between you two. you were taking a different path home today, after an afternoon in his lab.
"so you don't get lost" he says. you know that's not the real reason, but no words are needed.
he was the one who suggested it first.
"just to see how it feels" or some bullshit excuse like that.
lies. it was because he read it in a romance book LMAO
don't even get me started on how kaeya wouldn't stop mercilessly teasing him about it after he caught him reading it. twice.
"this is nice. we should do it more often" he suggests with a straight face.
your lips inevitably quirk upwards.
"yeah," you mutter, feeling your face heat up "we should."
he likes it. that's it.
not a big deal.
but, just a secret between you and me...
...he'd only ever do it with you
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average hand holding enjoyer
seriously though. this man will NOT let go of your hand
(unless you ask ofc. but you probably won't lol)
going for a walk around liyue harbour? he's holding your hand. filling paperwork for a funeral? he's holding your hand with his free one. dinner out? hand holding OVER THE TABLE‼️ the waitress is swooning (it was me. i was the waitress/hj)
what can i say. a gentleman.
he's so natural with PDA, too. does not give a single fuck about who's watching.
oh and HIS HANDS
lord have mercy
we must stay focused brothers
they're strong and veiny, but also slim at the same time. for someone who as slaughtered hundreds, if not thousands, he has a surprisingly low amount of marks.
he heals fast. he's a god.
you may notice a few scratches if you look closely, but that's about it. he doesn't hesitate to tell you the full story if you ask for it.
"oh, that one?" he let out a low chuckle "it was a long time ago..."
yeah, get ready. he likes to ramble.
but his stories are interesting and you love to listen, sooo
just like diluc, he's 1000% the type to kiss the back of your hand.
he'll lean down, golden eyes boring through yours, digits holding your hand in place, and place a chaste kiss right in the middle.
dancing with him ugh<3
as stated before, he does NOT hesitate to do it in public. if hu tao or childe are there, get ready.
anyway back to the point.
he also does the thumb rubbing thing.
i don't know how to describe it but his hands are always the right temperature.
you'd have to be the one to do it the first time.
it's not that he doesn't want to, its more of a what if you don't want to.
so, you were walking around liyue harbour, and it was really busy
he's really tall, so you would've been able to find him if you two got separated
but it was the perfect opportunity to grab his hand.
when you suggested it he smiled softly and let you decide how you wanted it.
"the scenery is beautiful today, isn't it?"
"indeed, it is" he answered. he, however, could only look at you.
probably one of the best hand holders in teyvat ngl.
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your hand is always entangled with his
but it's less casual and more... passionate
going for walks in the nature, he'll interlock your fingers with his
he'll kiss the back of your hand, yeah, but hear me out:
he'll kiss your palm while looking at you in the eye.
dunno about you jut i'd just MELT
oh and going around through the market, buying groceries?? you WILL dangle your conjoined hands back and forth
it's so cute PLS the vendors have a heartache every time they see you two.
(honestly same)
he's a PDA guy. he's a private person, as extroverted as he can be, but he loves showing you off because he knows you're so cool and great and yadda yadda yadda
he also knows your worth
also!! imagine having a hotpot with the kamisatos at komore teahouse.
he's ambidextrous (a hc of mine) so he'll hold his chopsticks in one hand and yours in the other.
ayaka is practically fantasizing and sighing adoringly while ayato is being a dick teasing you
"my, thoma! i didn't take you for a showoff" ayato says. "when's the wedding?"
ayaka lightly taps his thigh, annoyance written all over her face. thoma just chuckled, tightening his grip.
his hands are rough thanks to all the work, but still delicate in some way. careful and precise, long fingers and veiny forearms. he also manages to always have his nails perfect?? clean and the right length.
same as diluc, his vision makes them warm.
he initiated it the first time.
"can i hold your hand, (y/n)?" he asked. it was your first date and he had just picked you up. nothing too formal, just a walk around the city at night.
your heart was racing, and you were sure your palms were sweaty.
and his emerald eyes flickered nervously, not quite connecting with yours
and his beautiful smile was trembling a bit with excitement
and his cheeks and the tip of his ears were colored pink
"sure, i'd love to." you couldn't contain the happy giggle that scaped your lips because oh my god you were holding thoma's hand.
another one who does the thumb thing
ladies, gentlemen and nobles of the court he is the PERFECT MAN. his hand holding will make you ascent to celestia.
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he's a passionate one that's for sure
sometimes he's a bit too passionate, and you have to ask him to calm down (otherwise he might just break your hand lmao)
oni stuff we don't get it
his hands are huge, and warm, and full of scars, and nghhh please i wanna hold his hand and kiss the marks
most of them are from doing dumb shit lol
shinobu always gets you to treat his scratches because she knows he won't resist you (an that he actually listens to you)
big PDA guy.
he OWNS it
he could make out with you in the middle of a busy street as long as you wanted him to
so it goes without saying that his hands are ALWAYS on you
but he specially loves to hold your hand
it feels so romantic to him hehe <3
it makes him lightheaded and his stomach fill with butterflies
he feels so joyous that he always chuckles when you do it
"so we don't get separated" you'd excuse yourself.
unpopular opinion YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE TO DO IT
yes his love language is physical touch, yes he was shy about it. so what?
you were in a beetle fight, the two of you cheering for your onikabuto to win.
and then...
it did!
you weren't officially dating yet, so kissing him was out of the question (even if you really wanted to, just by hearing his cheery laugh and seeing his adorable smile)
instead, you picked one of his hands with both of yours, looked up to him and thanked him
"see?" he stammered, trying to play it cool "what did i tell ya? the small ones are the best!"
he scratched the back of his head with his free hand, avoiding eye contact. he was a stuttering, babbling mess. face reddened, heartbeat quickening, and hands sweating.
it didn't take him long to ask you out after that.
loves to touch you and loves hand holding. totally worth it.
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you'd assume he does it a lot
wait not too wrong
he loves to touch you (same as itto, he's all over you) but hand holding somehow feels vulnerable to him
which means it makes him shy
hands holding your waist? cool. an arm draped over your shoulders? nothing out of the ordinary. his palm on your thighs, caressing and grabbing the flesh? how daring! still nothing new.
but your fingers toying with his? his thumb brushing over your knuckles? to feel your grip tighten or soften depending on the mood?
holy shit he's malfunctioning
because yes, he can be a smooth talker. a flirt. someone who's handsome and knows it.
he'll be as cool as a cucumber as long as it's not intimate.
because kaeya's heart its surrounded by an everlasting blizzard. because he's scared of commitment, of intimacy.
because he's scared of attachment, but even more scared of loneliness.
so he'll play it off with lingering touches that feel burning on your skin. with fingertips stoking your back. with a playful kiss on your cheek.
he wants to be liked, but he can't be important.
so when the touch is innocent, genuine, caring. when you allow yourself to wear your heart on your sleeve just for him.
it's when you see past the façade.
"oh." he gasped softly. thank barbatos the street was practically empty. you can feel his muscles tense for a second, but he doesn't waste a second to chuckle and dissimulate it with faux-confidence "feeling needy, aren't we?"
you just roll your eyes. what a guy.
still!! not as big on PDA as you initially assumed. if you're in a flirting/first dates phase, he might be a bit more public.
the moment it becomes official, he's more lowkey.
the grannies and grandpa's of mond remind you two how lucky you are to have each other.
you were the first one to hold his hand (go get him tiger)
diluc had knocked on your door one day at around two in the morning.
"that guy is drunk and i don't want him making a mess" he had said. judging by the look on his face, he meant something like "im worried about him but i don't want him to know".
so, you tidied yourself as much as you could and went to angel's share.
the walk to his home was torture. he would not stop whining with his face in the crook of your neck.
at one point you got frustrated and told him to stop. your voice came out colder than you wanted and you instantly regretted it.
"i'm sorry. please don't leave me."
you heard your heart break. not wanting to push his boundaries, you settled for taking his hands in yours.
"i won't, i promise." you sighed. "let's get you home, then, yeah?"
needless to say, he had a lot to think about the next day, when he saw you sleeping on his couch.
your response to his vulnerability was what made the difference for him.
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childe would love nothing more than to spend his whole life with his hands on you.
but he can't.
PDA with him has to be settled to a minimum. the last thing he wants is to let any of those ten menaces and their minions to know just how important you are to him.
that's why holding hands is the most he'll do in public
when he's sober, at least.
due to the cold, it's the usual in snezhnaya to hold hands. not even in the romantic sense. just another way to maintain the heat.
so he doesn't really see it as something that intimate or relevant.
he does like it, though
specially with you.
he does this thing when he grabs your wrist and expects you to do the rest just so he can tease you for it and 'gaslight you' into believing you were the one holding him
"aw, (y/n), do you really like me that much, hm?
"not this again, please."
ANYWAYS his hand is always in yours, similar to zhongli or thoma.
unless his co-workers are nearby.
noone really knows who did it first.
you were going for a stroll one day and tried it at the exact same time.
an "accident".
(he saw you staring at his hand and tried to make it less awkward by doing that)
(king shit)
his hands are veiny and also a bit bony?? (is that a thing lol)
slim and long fingers
his palms are softer than you'd expect. he always wears gloves while training
still, he has a lot of scars. mostly cuts and scratches.
contrary to popular belief, he's not fond of his scars. he likes the stories that go behind them, and the experience they give him.
but god forbid that any of his younger siblings see them. specially teucer.
"i think they look good on you" you complimented one day, kissing them one by one. "it's in character of you."
he smiled softly, sliding his digits between yours "i think you look good in everything."
man that was SMOOTH /j
hand holding is a big deal in snezhnaya because of how common it is.
so he'll use it as an excuse not to let you go.
what a dork. i want to marry him.
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luvring · 5 months
Headcanons about Ais as a biker?? PLEASE
(Ais being the leader of a biker gang (or not), I need this, please)
I'm not sure if I wrote correctly, so I apologize for my English.
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gn!reader | always nice to see the ts fandom alive. AIS!! and your english is awesome don't worry friend! ^___^
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i have minimal knowledge about the intricacies of Biker Gangs And Their Leaders but i get quite a few biker videos on my explore feed!
he wouldn't have one of the silly helmets that are designed to look like a bunny or cat but enjoys the sight of them! especially if you're wearing one. unless you're like, using the bunny's ears to hit him LOL
revs his engine when asked with little hesitation, especially if it's a kid or group of teens because he enjoys their reaction. sometimes he'll tease the person and pretend like he can't, or he asks what he'll get in return. but he ends up doing it! unless their reaction is annoying.
i'm not saying ais would hide his license plate and have strangers signal to him that cops are coming from the sidewalk but i'm also not saying that isn't a possibility? like if that Did happen, he'd give them some sort of "thank you" signal or nod
if he's riding with a group (not necessarily as a leader, just like, friends in a club) i can see him at a red light, running to turn off someone's engine. not out of malice, but because they were both pranking each other or 'fighting' beforehand LOL
if you're able to ride on the bike, he expects you to ask before he even gets to offer the option LOL. if you can't or you don't want to, he's just as happy to talk about his bike, rev it a little, tell some stories and show off maybe.
the thing is when you ask he doesn't give an easy yes. he's like, you know, i don't really take passengers. you sure you're up for being a backpack? ever ridden before? this is a privilege few have etc etc. but as soon as you're a little nervous, he's reassuring you and promising you'll be fine, just hold on to him and keep the gear on
him coming to pick you up on the motorcycle and making it a whole thing of looking Cool and Mysterious. and you roll your eyes like "Wow You Nerd" as if you aren't also a little flustered
cool jackets...ais in a cool leather jacket... the gloves.... i know his ts outfit works for the summer but biker ais has to put away his heavier gear and it's just a little annoying LOL. autumn fan!
you have to be careful about staring at him when he has his helmet on because he can see you while you can't tell where he's looking. "see something you like?" "how long are you gonna stare?" etc.
ais with his sleeves rolled up, smoking, leaning by his bike. yeah. i mean yeah.
goes on long rides by himself to cool off or get a break. he's found a few hidden away places through it that he takes you to. "are you taking me to the woods to kill me" "? there's a cool cave up ahead, what's up with you"
he ends up at a bar with the rest of his club, and he's swirling his drink around in one hand, the other texting you at home. his friends glance over when he lets out a puff of laughter, or if one notices him smiling at his screen, and he hasn't told them about you, but they can kind of connect the dots that it's somebody that they want to meet.
^ especially if he was a leader. like Oh? who's this keeping him amused and smiling? and you know as soon as they meet you they're making jokes and sizing you up. ais tells them to back off while wrapping an arm around you and moving past them woahhh
you hanging out with him while he fixes or works on his bike. you're so obviously focused on his bare arms and the way he reaches for the tool box that when he finally looks at you incredulously, you're just like. What. and he knowingly smirks before laughing like, can you please stop ogling and pass me the wrench over there?
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
๑ keep safe : coffee beans (6)
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one piece x male reader
we all look for heaven, 
and we put love first. 
something that we'd die for, 
it's a curse 
『 prev 』
“ah, nami-san, vivi-chan, we found you!”
sanji turned into a completely different man, flapping his hands at his sides as he caught the sight of the two women.
but to [name]’s surprise, they were greeteed by glares from usopp and carue. they were even shaking in anger, it seemed.
“i wonder why they're looking at us like that…” [name] said to himself.
sanji’s cheery tone turned into one of anger when he caught sight of the two giants sitting behind the group.
“wow! you guys are humongous!” [name] cried out, rushing forward and pointing at the giants in awe. sanji, who also ran up with him, was seething with anger and annoyance.
[name] was jumping around, luffy joining, and the duo began cheering about how cool it was that there were real giants right in front of them. nami shook her head, “idiots, the both of them,”
[name] looked at her with a carefree smile on his face, but his expression soon dropped as he realized that she wasn’t wearing a shirt.
“oi, nami,” he spoke up and she looked at him with an unimpressed look on her face. her hands were resting at her hips as she waited for what he had to say. “hold on!” he threw off the sword from his back and took off his second layer, a simple button up.
“what the fuck is wrong with you?!” nami shouted, greatly confused by his mannerisms. but then her look of anger was washed away when he threw the shirt at her.
“you’re gonna catch a cold!” he reminded her, motioning for her to put it on to cover up.
she did as he suggested, only really caring for her health and not thinking twice about it. and neither did [name], who went back to jumping back and forth with luffy, chanting their song on the giants.
“what in the hell?! are you mr. 3?” sanji shouted in an accusatory voice to the giant.
“how do you know about mr. 3?” nami asked, making sanji turn his head towards her.
“oh, me and [name]-” then he noticed the shirt that she was wearing and how [name] was currently missing his second layer, “oi!!! shit for brains, what’s the meaning of this?! you tryna make a pass at nami while i’m not looking?! think i wouldn’t catch you being a sneak!?”
nami’s eyebrow quirked up in annoyance, saving [name] from explaining himself as she shouted at sanji to answer her original question. sanji’s facial expression morphed back to one of normalness as he took a seat on a log, “me and [name] just finished talking with mr. 0 via den-den mushi,”
vivi seemed to shake in fear at the idea of the two talking to her boss while luffy paused his celebrations to actually hear what sanji had to say.
“yep! a weird wax box was in the middle of the forest and there was a transponder snail in there,” [name] explained, pointing at sanji. “sanji did all the talking!”
sanji tried to slap the hand that was rudely pointing at his face, but [name] reacted faster and put it down before sanji was even close, making him grin in victory. the blonde’s eye twitched very slightly, before he continued on telling the story.
“he seemed to think i was mr. 3, so i told him that i eliminated everyone,”
“so that means he thinks we’re actually dead?” vivi confirmed.
“so we’re finally free of people chasing us, but we can’t go anywhere!” usopp cried out, [name] looking at him as if he were stupid.
“can’t go anywhere? do we still have bus-”
“me and sanji picked up an eternal pose in that wax house, vivi, we can go straight to alabasta!” [name] cut him off, making the blonde turn to him in fury.
sanji began yelling profanities at [name], claiming he wanted to take all the spotlight of vivi’s gratefulness for himself and was calling [name] a selfish bastard. his anger only seemed to be fueled even more when he saw vivi go over to [name] and give him a tight hug.
“oi, you bastard, i’ll kill you!”
“thank you so much, sanji-kun, [name]-san!” vivi said, still having her head resting on [name]’s shoulder, “i was so worried for a second,”
“our pleasure!” [name] said, returning the gesture and holding the princess by her waist.
“you mean, my pleasure, you selfish bastard, since i'm the one who did all the work!” sanji interjected, but then his eyes turned into hearts as vivi came over to him to also give him a hug. “oh, vivi-chan, i’m glad i could make you so happy,”
“alright, everyone, let’s have a rice cracker party,” luffy cheered, but [name] shook his head.
“luffy! a whole country is waiting for their princess, we gotta go now!” [name] said sternly, making luffy pout.
“you’re no fun!” the captain whined, grabbing ahold of another rice cracker and eating it whole.
“finally, someone else with a sense of urgency on this crew,” nami said in relief. “you and sanji really saved us, [name], thanks!”
[name] waved off her thanks, glad to be on somewhat good terms with the rest of the crew. he wished he was there for the supposed fight, to really prove himself loyal to the crew and that he had good intentions, but it seemed breaking into a wax house was more than reliable.
“oi, idiot,” [name]’s head whipped around in a moment’s notice at the name calling, “i can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see i won the competition,” zoro’s look of pride seemed to make [name]’s own competitive spirit bubble up.
“ha?! you wish, marimo,” [name] said, pulling the bottom of his eyelid down in mockery.
“what’s the stakes for whoever won?” sanji asked.
as they were walking through the forest, [name] suddenly put his fist against his open palm, “ah, wait, now that i think about it - when me and sanji went back to the ship, we ate some of the food we caught. oh! dinosaur meat is soooo tasty, by the way! but in order to preserve whatever we had, i cut them up into small pieces and stowed them away on the ship…so i don’t think we can decide who the winner is anymore guys!”
[name] began laughing at the predicament, but sanji and zoro didn’t look amused in the slightest.
“just what were you thinking, shit for brains?!”
“you bastard! you’ve ruined everything!”
“hey! don’t blame me for your stupid pissing contest!”
“you were apart of it too, you just wanted to win!” sanji accused.
“no, i just wanted to eat!” [name] defended, turning his head away from their snarling faces and walking with his arms crossed over his chest, “you guys are totally unreasonable!”
“shut the hell up, you ruined it!” zoro tried cutting [name] in half, but the latter dodged the slash with ease, as well as the flurry of kicks sanji sent towards his head.
the whole walk back, [name] was evading attacks from the swordsman and chef, who were still very bitter about the whole thing by the time they boarded the ship.
when the ship was finally put into motion, [name] jumped on the deck as he saw the two giants up ahead.
“look, what’s their names again? borry and duggy?!” he said in excitement.
“it’s dorry and brogy! put respect on their name they’re the best warriers to ever sail the sea!” usopp shamed [name] while also praising the two giants.
“since you worked so hard to protect our pride!” one of them shouted.
“we will do our best to open up the path for you going forward!” the other finished.
“go straight ahead!” the two shouted together, making the crew turn quick to confusion.
[name] squinted his eyes, jaw dropping while stars formed in his eyes.
“no way! you guys are serious?!” he asked out loud, making the two giants laugh their heads off.
“huh? what are you talking about? what’s so funny?! what are they serious about?!” nami asked, seemingly scared at the sudden change of pace of things. “oi! [name], explain yourself!”
“haha! no!” [name] said, evading the attack from the navigator.
just as the going merry was in the open sea, something erupted from the ocean.
a good portion of the crew was looking up at it in fear or just shock. luffy had a grin on his face as he saw the, “giant goldish!”
“i wanna eat it!” [name] cried, earning himself a kick to the head from sanji.
“quick, turn the rudder usopp, we can’t be eaten by this thing,” nami shouted, looking uneasy as their sniper wasn’t doing anything in response to her command. “usopp!”
“no, we can’t. we have to full straight ahead! isn’t that right, luffy?”
“yeah, of course!” luffy confirmed.
nami felt like she was going insane. then she ran up to [name] and began shaking him back and forth, “go on! kill it! kill it before it eats us!” she commanded, looking to zoro and sanji for help as well. “aren't you worth 200,000,000 beri!? this'll be a piece of cake!! [name], go already!!”
“but, they got it!” [name] frowned motioning over to the two giants.
“yeah, nami, calm down! here, i’ll let you have the last rice cracker!”
“i don’t want it!” nami said, but she caught the snack regardless. she took refuge behind [name], peaking over his shoulder as she was scared to look if they were really going to let hemselves be eaten by a goldfish.
“look! we’re inside!” [name] said, shouting a couple of times in amusement and enjoying the sound of the echo that it produced inside the fish’s throat.
“it’s too late,” nami was about to fall to the ground in disbelief, but [name] quickly held onto her to prevent her from crashing down.
“oi, nami…” [name] mumbled to himself, lifting the hem of her (his) shirt with the tip of his fingers and feeling the temperature of her skin. she looked at him in confusion, but before he could even continue what he was saying, they were being launched into the air.
out of nowhere, there was a sudden gust of power that made the fish spit them out.
they were soon outside of the fish’s mouth and blasting out onto sea. [name] made sure to keep a tight hold on nami. he didn’t think much of her lax stance, thinking it was just the sudden rush the boat got that had her standing all wobbly.
he leaned them against the mast, watching as nami slowly slid down and began to sit. he followed her motions, now kneeling in front of her. in confusion, he tilted his head, “oi, nami, are you okay?”
“i’m…fine,” the ragged breath she took in between was enough of a ways to tell that she was lying. “i’m just exhausted after everything that’s happened,” at this point, vivi walked over and crouched down as well, “vivi, would you mind watching this for me for a moment…i might go lay down to rest up,”
[name] frowned, sensing that there was something wrong with nami.
“there’s no need for either of you - not including you, shit for brains - to push yourselves so hard! you can rely on me!” sanji said, appearing with a tray full of goodies. noticing that they were all sweets, [name] looked the other way in disinterest of the snacks.
usopp, luffy, and carue were eager to have some though as they ran towards the kitchen.
“you don’t want any, [name]?” vivi asked as she grabbed her own piece.
“nope, but do we have coffee beans on deck, sanji?” [name] asked, looking at the chef with sparkles in his eyes.
“only a little bit, nami-san drinks some, but we might be running low.”
“oh! i’ll take those then!”
the three watched as [name] also took off to the kitchen, all of them sweatdropping.
“is he going to eat coffee beans?” vivi asked in concern, but sanji simply shook his head.
“as i said before, vivi-chan, don’t concern yourself with the problems of idiots,” he said sweetly, pushing the tray forward to urge her to grab more sweets.
when [name] walked into the kitchen, he saw the trio were absolutely devouring their own plate of goodies. luffy had his cheeks full like a rabbit and carue and usopp were trying to get their fix.
“ah, [name]! good thing you joined us, here try some!” before [name] could correct usopp, the sniper came barreling towards him and shoved the sweet into his mouth.
luffy’s face changed from a smile to an angered expression almost immediately. whilst [name] had the sweet shoved in his mouth, he tried really hard not to notice it.
the sweet pastry’s frosting was melting on his tongue already, seeping onto his tastebuds. he shoved usopp back, spitting out the pastry before it could do more damage and his whole body was shaking as he tried not to vomit onto the wooden planks of the flooring.
‘don’t think about it, it’s not there, don’t think about!’ [name] mentally urged himself, clamping a hand over his mouth to stop the bile from escaping. ‘no, no, no!’
he clamored around the kitchen, desperately looking for where the coffee beans were. meanwhile luffy was shaking usopp’s collar back and forth, shouting at him.
“why’d you do that?! usopp!” luffy shouted in fury. poor usopp was too confused to even think straight, simply sputtering out random noises to justify his actions.
finally, after fighting back the urge to vomit for longer than he was confident in, [name] was able to find a brown bag that was for the coffee beans. he shoved his other hand inside, as the other was still cautiously holding his mouth shut, and immediately shoved a handful down his throat.
“[name]! are you okay?!” luffy asked, clamoring over almost immediately.
the man chewed slowly, really trying to take in the taste of the coffee beans and very slowly swallowed them. after that, he took another handful into his mouth, and repeated the same process. after he was finished chewing and eating them, he turned to luffy with an exhausted look on his face.
“i’m fine,” he said simply, throwing a thumbs up as a precaution.
“h-hey, what was that? [name], are you sure you’re fine?” usopp asked, walking up to [name] in fear, “what happened? what was that?”
“i just…” [name] swallowed harshly, sticking his tongue out of his mouth in disgust as he remembered the pastry that was in his mouth, “i hate sweets.”
usopp blinked a couple of times, scratching the back of his head, “i’m really sorry, then, i didn’t know!!!”
[name] tried to smile, but it was completely lobsided, “no, it’s alright! you couldn’t have known, don’t worry!” but with the way [name]’s breathing was still ragged and he hadn’t completely caught his breath, yet, usopp was still majorly concerned.
“and luffy!!! you can’t just go around yelling at usopp for something he didn’t mean to do,” [name] scolded, tossing one single coffee bean into his mouth and savoring the taste before continuing on again. “he didn’t know,”
“ah, you’re right,” luffy said in a matter-a-fact tone, a blank look on his face, “oops!”
“don’t just say oops - i was scared for my life just now!” usopp berated, not looking impressed at his captain’s lack of discipline.
“oi! someone explain why my kitchen is a complete shit show?!” sanji shouted, the sight of a spat out pastry fueling his anger, “who the fuck did this?!”
“me!” [name] said, raising his hand.
“hah?! first you wanna raid nami-san’s coffee beans and then you spit out the food i made for everyone! i’ll throw you overboard right now!” sanji said, stomping forward in an obvious fury before usopp stepped in between the two.
“n-no it was my fault!”
“that bastard right there just took responsibility, usopp, move aside. i’ll teach him a lesson!”
“that’s not neccessary-”
“thanks for sticking up for me, usopp, but,” [name] gently moved usopp aside to meet sanji, eye-to-eye, “it’s my fault. i don’t like sweets so i spat it out when he fed it to me, i’ll clean it up now.”
“so you don’t like something so you just spit it out?! how ungrateful and disrespectful are you?! i made that food for others to eat, if you don’t like it, don’t just spit it out on the ground! have some manners, shit for brains!” sanji berated and [name] didn’t bother fighting him more on his opinion.
it seemed sanji was a real heckler about wasting food, [name] noted, looking at the spat out pastry on the floor.
“i’ll clean it now,” that was [name]’s only response as he moved past sanji and grabbed paper towels and a spray bottle.
“i want that area sparkling clean!” sanji commanded, and his loud shouts, snapped usopp out of his state of shock.
“hey, sanji, go easy on him — it was a really bad reaction, give him a break,” the sniper tried reasoning, but sanji wasn’t hearing any of it.
and as [name] was just about done cleaning the area, there was a shrill scream that made everyone in the kitchen perk up.
“everyone please come - something bad has happened!”
“nami-san has a terrible fever!” vivi broke the news to the group as they came shuffling out of the kitchen, sanji rushing forward the moment nami’s name left vivi’s lips.
[name] was chewing on a coffee bean as he moved luffy and usopp aside to get a good look at nami. her face was paling completely, making her rosy cheeks stand out more. he leaned forward in concern before taking her into his arms, bridal style, and looking at luffy, “do you have a medical bay?”
“hey, hey! get your dirty hands off of her!” sanji shouted, displeasure ringing in the air.
“well, we have nami’s work station, there’s a bed there,” usopp answered for their captain, who was still confused on the situation. “i-i’ll lead the way,”
[name] nodded, following after his crewmate and holding nami with a gentle grip, as if she were a fragile piece of glass.
as he laid her down on the bed, it seemed him and vivi were the only ones with half a brain of what to do. as vivi was running to get a bowl of water and cloth, [name] made sure nami was resting in a comfortable position. he put the thermometer gently into her mouth, fingers working delicately gentle to aid her.
“it’s probably the climate,” vivi reasoned when she came back with a wet towel. her eyebrows were furrowed together in extreme worry, “there are countless stories of tough pirates that are taken down by their own carelessness.
sanji was ugly crying behind the working duo, letting out a weaping and pathetic, “nami-san!”
“don’t you guys have a doctor?” [name] asked, looking at his captain, who merely lifted his hand and pointed at nami in response. [name] looked completely unimpressed, “well! obviously she can’t treat herself!”
luffy confused with all the yelling and hassle only shrugged his shoulders, “what’s the big deal? give her some food and she will get better! isn’t right, sanji?”
[name]’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance, wondering how the crew actually was still standing on their feet.
“i can make basic food meant for sick people, but-” then sanji went onto a whole rant about the preparation of their food, his favoritism for the woman showing through in his cooking as well, and how he didn’t know how to cater to the needs of sick people’s stomachs.
“well, food isn’t the only thing that’s gonna make her get better,” [name] said with a sigh. “we need a proper doctor who can treat nami, this is serious guys,”
“how serious?” luffy asked curiously.
[name] took the themometer out from nami’s mouth, eyes widening slightly, along with vivi’s as they saw the sky high number.
“104! (40C)!” he exclaimed, but the crew didn’t seem to completely understand the urgency.
“there’ll be doctors when we get to alabasta, right?!” usopp tried calming everyone’s nerves. “how much longer will it be, vivi?”
“i don’t know, but to wait one week is out of the question,” vivi replied helplessly.
“hey, is being sick really that bad?” luffy asked, to which sanji and usopp shook their heads, echoing that they’ve never been sick before.
“i can’t help her much, especially with the supplies you guys have. and if she doesn’t get treated soon, it may end up ending really bad,”
“what? like she’s gonna die?”
“yes, this could be a life-threatening instance,” vivi confirmed, which then made the ones inside the room go into a panic.
they were screaming their heads off and running around the room and [name] got the sense in himself to punch all of them to shut their mouths.
“we gotta find a doctor to treat nami!” luffy shouted, making [name]’s lips turn into a grimace.
“no,” nami weakly called out, making the entire room turn silent, “no,”
she tried sitting up, but [name] pushed her down instantly. it seemed sudden, his movement, but he made sure to act with extra caution when guiding her back to lay down.
“nami-san?” vivi asked gently, looking at her friend in concern.
“in my desk drawer, there’s a newspaper,” nami said finally.
when vivi went to check, [name] looked at nami, “what does it feel like?”
“i said, i’m fine,” nami said, but [name] rolled his eyes at her response. she seemed to cower under his gaze ever so slightly, but [name] didn’t let up in staring right into her tired eyes.
“what does the newspaper say, vivi?” luffy asked in a light tone.
“is it about alabasta, vivi-chan?”
“300,000 royal soldiers deflected to the resistance,” she said shakily, the grip she had on the newspaper only tightening, “it was originally a cold war, with 600,000 royal soldiers and 400,000 resistance soldiers — but now that’s suddenly changed!”
“the uprising in alabasta is getting serious now. that newspapers three days old and i’m sorry i kept it from you, but i knew we couldn’t change speed, so i didn’t want to worry you,” nami explained and [name] quietly worked in re-wetting the towel that was on her forehead. he wrung it out and gently put it back into its place.
“but do you understand, luffy?” nami asked, trying to see if the captain understood the urgency of the situation.
“i’m fine…that thermometer must be broken,” she breathed out, forcing a smile on her face to ease their minds. “it’s probably just sunstroke. for now, let’s head straight for alabasta as we planned. don’t worry, i’ll get better on my own.”
she pushed [name]’s tending hands aside, sitting upright and making sure to squeeze his arm for support when getting up, “thanks for worrying about me,” she spoke to the entire crew, walking up the stairs and leaving the little room.
“oi, we are finding a doctor, now,” [name] said.
“alabasta…is in shambles! we need to go there quickly,” vivi said, more so to herself as she crumbled into her own figure. “if we don’t millions of people will die, for no reason!”
there was a stalemate in the room as [name] hummed in thought. then he kneeled down in front of vivi, gently holding her shoulder.
”i can’t imagine your burden, princess,” he said softly, trying to ease her mind, “but — if nami doesn’t get treated, she’ll die.”
“the whole kingdom, crocodile-”
it was obvious vivi was scared out of her minds, she was at her wit’s end.
“i’ll kill him when we find him,” [name] said grimly, he took her hands in his to calm their shaking, encapsulating her hands in his own, “i can’t understand what you’re feeling, and i know it’s asking for a lot, but please,”
vivi shook her head, unable to wrap her hand around the idea of abandoning her people.
”crocodile? the moment i see him with my own eyes, i’ll kill him. i promise you, vivi, but nami needs a doctor and she needs it now,”
suddenly, there was a shout from on deck and it came from zoro, telling everyone to get out and help steer the ship’s course. everyone scrambled at the calling, but [name] and vivi stayed inside.
“[name]…” for a moment, [name] thought that vivi was going to slap him for being so pushy and he wouldn’t have blamed her. but it seemed he read the situation wrong as she simply collapsed into his arms, “i really need to go home, but nami needs to get better,”
he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her back to give her a hug, allowing her to rest on his shoulder, “i don’t know what to do!”
“well, we’re obviously gonna save alabasta!” [name] cheerfully replied, making her head rise from his shoulder and stare up at him with teary eyes, “but first we have to save our navigator,”
she smiled at his carefree attitude, wondering where he gets his strong mindset from. she wiped her eyes, laughing as he jokes about how sanji would beat him up if they walked out of the room together with vivi’s eyes teary.
“you’re a good princess, vivi.” [name] spoke, comfortingly moving his thumb up and down her shoulder, “but you’re an even better woman,”
she seemed genuinely touched at his comment and he was happy to see her smile return.
“i’m sorry, i don’t usually cry easily, especially with strangers,” she said, but then suddenly looked up and waved her hands around, “not to say we’re strangers, you’ve helped me plenty already and i sound so ungrateful for all you’ve done for us. i really think we are good friends - i don’t know why i-”
“haha! princess, you’re so funny! don’t worry,” [name] said, standing up in front of her. his previous position of kneeling down in front of her figure made them see eye-to-eye, but with him standing up she had to crane her neck to see him properly. “i’ll prove myself to be a great friend to you and everyone on board!”
for some reason, [name]’s smile seemed to be even more blinding now that they’d had a serious talk. vivi didn’t take it for granted, feeling relieved that someone so reliable was on her side and understanding of her.
“let’s go tell everyone and make sure we get nami to properly rest,” the two walked out of the room together and everyone was anticipating what vivi would say.
when she broke the news to the crew that she wished to find an island with a doctor everyone interuppted into loud cheers. [name] smiled at the looks of relief and happiness on the crews’ faces before pacing over to nami.
“let’s get you to lay down, alright?” he said softly, taking her frail body against his. “and good job in predicting that cyclone,” he whispered, making her look at him in confusion.
“what?! the hell?! is that!!!” luffy shouted out of nowhere, making [name] chuckle at his reaction.
“that cyclone,” [name] mused, watching as nami could only shake her head in disbelief.
“if you knew it was coming, you didn’t say anything…wait, how’d you know it was coming?” she asked, weakly walking alongside [name] back to the bed.
“i can tell!” [name] said proudly, “you felt it, right? i can feel it too, to an extent,”
she laid back down and [name] got to work in apply a cold towel to her forehead.
“you’re really weird, [name],” she said, eyes closing shut as she felt the relief of a cold towel pressed to her hot head. “really, really weird.”
[name] smiled at her and that was the last thing she saw before she was whisked away to sleep. it wasn’t a bad sight, were her last thoughts. 
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
#me going ‘hot new neighbor older ian and smitten flirty mickey / is that anything’ and just thinking about it a lot -> 🤲 right here pls
oh boy cross. oh boy cross.
(age difference - 22/32)
mickey and mandy live together and are really close to the handful of neighbors on their street (all ages/personalities/occupations). like they've formed this family and spend a lot of time together. it's so normal for them to eat dinner together during the week that they have a rotation on who hosts and cooks. lil commune, almost.
this new guy moves into the empty house next to mickey and mandy and everyone's kinda ehhh about it until they start introducing themselves one by one. mandy gets a call from Joan two houses down and is on for a LONG time. when she gets off and comes into the living room it's with some scalding gossip for mickey. the new neighbor is apparently a total dreamboat and the kindest mf on the planet and mandy declares that she's going over to welcome him IMMEDIATELY.
when she comes back she is BUZZING with how charming and funny and down to earth this guy is and mickey is all uh huh...yup...etc. because surely this is just female hysteria (mickey you can't say that). but then he actually meets ian. idk how. idk when. running into him coming home from work? idk. and like.......wow, god damn the ladies were not kidding. dude may have a decade on him but he's all built and strong and has a beard and glasses and possibly worst of all, he's very nice. very charming. but all the fawning behind the scenes is really getting on mickey's nerves, so it kind of taints it a little.
yada yada yada oh my god ian is coming to dinner. Joan has invited him into their little circle. it goes really well and everyone gets along really good and mickey's just sitting there wondering how one man can look so impossibly hot while sheepishly dodging stray compliments. eventually theyre cleaning up and it's somehow just mickey and ian and it's nice. it's really comfortable. ian is really cool and has good advice from that extra decade.
time jump. lots of dinners and hanging out with the group. one night mickey hits up his other gay friend and they secretly go to the gay bar a little past the city limit. mickey's still in the closet, even to mandy, so he needs these nights to just like...exist. him and the friend are getting drunk as fuck. mickey is laughing and goes to wobble his way to the bathroom and accidentally runs into this tall dude who turns around and ope! guess who it is! uh oh! but is it uh oh? because mickey may be getting outted, but ian's also here for the same reason. and they're kinda just standing there for a second, their smiles falling and their brains turning with this new information, and then ian gets pulled back along track by someone.
next dinner. everyone is very normal and fine but ian and mickey are chomping at the bit. when dinner's over, mickey practically drags ian into another room and goes through the whole "you can't tell anybody, alright? nobody knows" song and dance. and ian is like "yeah no of course not. and i hope that would extend to me too." and they make a pact that this knowledge will stay between them.
which is very easy. except for the fact that mickey comes to the realization that oh fuck, they are compatible. oh fuck, he really likes ian as a person. oh fuck, he knows there's that decade between them but he would drop to his knees for him in a heartbeat if ian asked him to. which he doesn't. and doesn't. and doesn't. but mickey's getting more and more attracted to him and actually, the whole beard/glasses/life experience thing is really fucking hot to him.
so he starts trying to flirt. starts laying the groundwork. mowing the lawn with his shirt off. asking ian if he wants to work out in the garage together. keeping his bedroom light on while he undresses in front of the window. he even opens it one night when he sees ian's window open too and lets just say...puts on a show, not truly knowing if ian can hear him, but hoping so.
idk how it ends. idk how far it goes. all i know is ian is Very cognizant of the age difference and makes great strides to keep everything at an arm's length. SEXUAL TENSION (bass boosted). but mickey is mickey. and mickey has a lot of fun trying to get ian to fuck him.
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