#i try not to judge i try to be patient i know people live different lives
soryualeksi · 1 year
The godforsaken neighbours, I just. Why.
When the fucking husband isn't either yelling because he's angry OR yelling because he's happy, they all engage in the great family activity of: egging the fucking dog on until it's barking its head off.
What is their problem.
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n30nwrites · 7 months
Heel (Shifter TF141 x Male! Reader)
Chapter 3 of Good Doggy.
Masterlist here
Warnings - Just some sadness. Some thought of death but nothing too in detail. Some talks of sex and mention of Mating??? But nothing too explicit. Reader is kind of a dick but I understand it, you won't for a bit though. Also Price thinks about some dark things like kidnapping/murder, along with some thoughts on noncon biting, Lowkey the boys get kind of yandere in a way but nothing too dark I think. Ghost thinks about killing you. Also internalized homophobia but enough to not even notice, Thoughts of dubious consent.
Updated: 3/5/2024
Beta Reader/Editor: The one and only @letmelickyoureyeballs
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Gaz takes his first step towards hope and he now understands everything.
He understands why Soap wouldn't shut up yesterday about you. He understands why Price held that meeting. He understands why Ghost keeps staring. He understands why he had to wait.
All good things come to those who wait. And he was patient. Some god out there must have seen that and granted him you. Because even though your eyes are covered he knows that you are it for him. It hasn't been officially confirmed, but there was no way you weren't it.
He doesn't think he can handle you not being his mate.
The car door opens and a woman walks out. And you greet her with a hug and a whisper in her ear about the stares from the neighbors, which she laughs at and kisses your cheek. And Gaz pauses in his movement.
He can hear his pack’s footsteps as they stumble out the door. Their words of protest at his actions quickly came to a stop as they realized that someone had joined you.
You take off your glasses to look at them as you pull away and he can imagine a future with you. He wants to live in this neighborhood, your house or his but he knew his would be big enough for a litter of pups. He wanted to have you stay home, healthy and fat and never in danger. 
Kyle looked at you like there was something worth looking at.
He now knows that he is going to continue loving you, and that he does not see a future when you will eventually pass on as all humans do. You are too gorgeous to be real, exactly what he waited for all this time and he does not regret it all.
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You can't help but question your neighbors. There's four of them, as it turns out. All in black which you would judge if you weren't doing the same. Maya follows your gaze and you know that their attention must be on her.
She's beautiful, and you aren't insecure of yourself in a way, but even you had feelings for her at one point. Her left arm is a metal prosthetic, one that was forged by a family friend. She stands tall and proud and it makes you feel more confident. 
"Can I help you gentlemen?" She understands society's norms. She's polite with a possible killer, she bares her teeth showing a smile that is wide and almost innocent to falsely secure these men in front of her. She was a killer in disguise. Prepared at all times.
"Just greeting the new neighbors." Kyle says and the other three come next to him. They are in your yard, something that makes you uncomfortable.
"You greet differently than your friends." You comment, glancing at Soap and Ghost. "Still seem to have a staring problem." You lower your sunglasses more trying to ignore the harsh light. You make eye contact with each of them and your chest aches at it. "This is my partner-"
"Maya." She interrupts, taking the attention away from you. "You gentlemen mind helping us move our stuff in." And you glare at her, not that you cared for their help, you didn't like people touching your stuff nor did you like strangers being in your space. She was the opposite, she didn’t care if people entered her house. You guessed that now you had to share a living space with her, you’d have to get over it at some point. They step closer to agree.
"Really gonna invite some strangers to help?" You say loudly, knowing that they heard because you didn't care to hide the dislike. 
"I don't wanna carry these boxes darling..." She drags out the word, "Plus you need to rest for work tonight." Your shift lasts from 10 pm to 6 am. "Don't want you to tire yourself out."
She puts on a caring layer. You trust her but you don't like this form of parenting she's trying to do with you. 
"I'm not leaving them with our stuff. Go get the boys set up." You tell her as you head to the back of the trunk and open it. Maya opens the side door, grabbing two animal carriers. You can hear your dog barking, Maya’s cat was probably sleeping. The car smells of sulfur and you twitch your nose, adjusting your face mask. "You can go back to your house." You say to them right as Maya goes inside.
"We said we'd help, might as well." You weren't expecting the accent to come from the stalker with the mohawk. "I'm Soap." Soap, it was a strange nickname. "That's Ghost." He points to the stalker with the mask. 
Soap and Ghost. Your two witnesses to your moving in. The men who just stared.
They look familiar.
"I'm Kyle." He's hot. You're staring at him, fully aware of that. They're all hot. He holds out his hand and you shake it, not immediately repulsing at the touch which was strange. You say your name. "That's Price." He points to John.
"John Price..." You say his name aloud, "And here I thought you were just John." You told him, grabbing a box of books and shoving it into Kyle's arms. "Living room, next to the built-in bookcase by the sun nook."
You kept shoving the boxes into their arms, anxious every time you couldn't see one of them. Out of all four of them, Ghost made you the most uncomfortable. He wouldn't stop staring. And you told him as much when it came to an end.
"Do you stare because you plan to kill me or simply because you have issues?" Maya had insisted you'd walk them to their house despite it being right across from yours. She said it was the polite thing to do, and you told her that it was bullshit but you weren't going to argue against her and waste your energy on it. Ghost was the last to walk onto the porch, still not blinking. "If you are going to kill me, you will fail."
"Why did you move here?" He asks, and they are all staring.
"Learn to blink." You tell him, "You do not need to know why I am here. We are not friends, we are not gonna be friends, Maya is nice to you because she thinks you are attractive and I can see where it is coming from, but this thing you are doing, talking and trying to help out and telling me your nicknames."
You pause as you stare at Kyle's eyes.
"It's useless. I want nothing to do with you."
And Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick breaks inside.
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"You are being too cruel to them," Maya says as you close the door. The house is soundproof, she made sure of it. She knows they can hear the conversation if they wanted to, which is why she had blocked off any possible sound to escape.
"How? They are being a nuisance-"
"They are men who found their mate. I've seen worse reactions when soulmates meet, surprised they haven't hugged you at all." Maya manipulates her fingers in the air as if she’s plucking a string, and she probably is through her eyes. Maya had always had a gift to see the bond between others, The Strings of Fate, a curse Zeus put on everyone eons ago. Theseus escaped the Minotaur with his thread that connected him to Ariadne, and it seemed Clotho had it in for you. It used to be that everyone could see their own String of Fate, until a few centuries ago when an argument broke out amongst the Gods. Now only a certain few could, and Maya was one of them. 
"If they did I would cut their cocks off." You cringe at the idea of touch. "I do not understand why you are defending them-"
"Because you are being an asshole!" Maya shouts and you turn away, rubbing at your nose as you let out a sigh.
"I understand why they are acting the way they are." Kyle's and Soap's puppy dog eyes almost broke you, they were too handsome. "But you understand why I am like this. It is better to tell them upfront is it not?"
"You haven't even given them a chance-"
"I am not leading them on. I am not manipulating them like I could. I do not want anything to do with them and you know that that is for the best." She says your name to stop you, and you're confused by it.
Why can't she admit to herself the truth? It happened to you just a couple of years ago and you were already over it, but yet she couldn't be?
"Maya," You look at her, "I do not have a soul. I can not feel what they feel. It is impossible for me to have soulmates."
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It's confusing. When everything you thought you know changes. How a simple moment becomes so complicated. It's happened to Gaz a few times in his life, where he's had to change everything he's thought and adapt to the new.
You were supposed to be a woman.
He was supposed to be straight.
He never thought about people in a romantic sense. Sex was one thing, it's a way to release emotions and it's something fun. You didn't have to have an emotional tie with someone for it. But dating was separate. You had to let people in for that, to let them know the ugly parts of you and trust that they won't run.
You weren't supposed to run.
Gaz leaves first. He's the first to stop staring at the air, going into his room and immediately undressing. His mind is blank, running on instincts. The minute he’s done, he’s out the backdoor shifting. 
The pain of his bones breaking quickly disappears, but he welcomes it despite how little it was. He grows paws and fur all over his body, and goes back to his basic instincts.
He's gone for hours.
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Price is the last to move. He's angry at you for everything you said, he’s half a mind to go into your house and just kidnap you.
Who were you to tell him what to do? You were a selfish human, completely unaware of everything they were willing to do for you. You had them on a leash, begging for scraps of attention that you were starving them for.
You hated him, and that made John angry. He wants to burn your house down and show you that you can't be safe without him, he wants to kill Maya, she took you from him.
From them.
He can hear the howls from Gaz and he grabs a bottle of Scotch from the cabinet. He chugs it down, it's not that hard to finish a drink, especially when you crave the burn of it. He wants to shift as well, but that would require ignoring his responsibilities. 
He wished he could show you what makes him right for you.
He just needed one night with you and he was sure he could change your mind. One bite and it was all over, you'd be stuck with him.
He lights a cigar and stays in the kitchen, quiet.
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Stupid, foolish human. Weak, you were pathetic truly.
It was one thing to not like him, it was another to hurt his family.
He thinks that killing you would make it all go away. Ghost doesn't care that it would hurt him for eternity if he was to kill you, he's convinced he can do it and make his pack forget about you, whether it's with time or a witch.
He's convinced that he could get away with it. 
And then he remembers your heart beat and he can't. He knows he can't kill you. But he wishes it was that easy.
Instead of planning your demise, Ghost calls every contact he has looking for information about you. Looking for anything, and while he finds out your last name, he comes to realize that you did not exist 6 years ago.
And when he calls Laswell to question you, she insists he stops looking if he wants to stay safe.
He does not listen.
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Soap thinks about every movement you make.
He convinces himself you're playing hard to get. That you like being chased after like a bunny.
His bunny, his defenseless mate who doesn’t know what was good for him.
You were ignorant, it was okay.
He could help you.
"Ah will protect ye mate. Yer mines bun." 
Okay so maybe I wrote a bit longer. And yeah maybe the boys do seem out of character but literally they will not be like this long, it is just the idea that losing half of your soul makes you mad.
This is just chapter 3 and it's heavy with angst ig?? Um next chapter will definitely be lighter, and so will chapter 5. But hey I guess it's your decision to stick around for that long.
Also maya looks like Salma Hayek because that is a beautiful woman.
And I am not sure how to write Soap's dialect?? I'm trying my best I swear.
Also please leave comments and reblog, more interaction means more interest and I'll probably continue to write it.
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xmalereader · 11 months
Simon Riley x Hybrid! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: I’m back! I want to start off by saying thank you everyone for being patient with me and for 8k followers! I know this shot isn’t long and pretty short, but I will be working on more soon. Unfortunately, at this time I am in my Hybrid era phase for some reason ( ◠‿◠ ) sooo don’t judge me. Also the beautiful artwork below belongs to @ave661 all credit goes to them please follow them because their work is amazing!
Summary: Simon finally gets to retire and get the peace that he finally needs in life, only for Laswell to convince him to take home a hybrid companion back home as company.
Warnings: Fluff, simple plot, hybrid dog reader, Simon is a softy, nightmares, mentions of service dog, military, history, short story, animal features and characteristics.
Word Count: 1.3K
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Simon wasn’t one for retirement.
His whole life he thought that he would be protecting people until the day that he is shot dead in the field.
Only to end up retiring.
He wasn’t retiring because of his age, no. He was retiring for being tired of having to see so much pain and bloodshed, seeing it when he was only a child and going into adulthood something that he never stopped hearing or seeing in his life. He reached a point where he no longer wanted to deal with this blood shed and finally be able to sit back without having to worry about someone trying to kill him.
When Simon made the decision of leaving the special forces he knew it was the right choice that he ended up surprising Price. The same man that he met when he first joined the military, befriending the older man and trusting him with his life. He expected Price to reject his retirement request only for the man to give him his approval on the spot, knowing Simon well enough to know that he needed this break. This peace in his life.
When news spread that ‘Ghost’ was officially retiring it shocked the whole base to know that the most dangerous and intimidating man that the know will be leaving his military life behind for something normal. Price had helped him find a remote place for him to stay in the meantime until he decided to either leave and find somewhere else to call home or perhaps stay at the small house that Price was able to find him.
Simon thought that it would be an easy start until Laswell recommended that he get himself a ‘service dog’ or a ‘companion’ to keep him company. He was against the idea of having someone or something living in the same place as him and so soon, but Laswell had insisted to give it a try in order to have some company around in case he ever felt too isolated from society. Which he later caves into Laswells offer and agrees to have a companion of his own.
Simon expected someone that Laswell and Price knew that had the balls to stay with him until he got adjusted to having a normal life, only to come face to face with a very rare and calm German Shepherd Hybrid.
Simon had heard about Hybrids co existing with society, living their lives hiding from the others due to them being so different from others. It wasn’t until laws were established back in 2010 for Hybrids to be able to live a life like humans; getting jobs, owning homes and property along with getting an education. That didn’t mean that they were entirely free.
Hybrids still had their own set of strict rules. Any hybrid who showed signs of aggression towards a human would be locked away, still keeping them in check for years knowing that they didn’t have total control of their own biology, but after years the laws changed either getting harsher or lighter for them to cope with, reaching a point where hybrids were reaching extinction.
Many were taken, sold to black markets, slavery, or even used for their unique features caused many to go into hiding again or to slowly die off. Very few were protected, but in the end they all died.
The hybrid that Simon took with him wasn’t like the ones that he would see in public.
He was quiet and respectful of his boundaries, never doing anything that Simon didn’t like. He was technically a ‘service dog’ from what Laswell said, trained by her own special team and her wife in order to have Y/n help soldiers with trauma or perhaps those who feared being alone and in need of a friend.
Expect Simons situation was different, Y/n wasn’t just there to keep him company for a short period of time. Instead he was their permanently.
It took Simon some time to adjust to the hybrids existence whenever he woke up in the mornings only to come downstairs to see the hybrid cooking him breakfast other times he would find him outside tending to the ruined gardens, keeping himself busy while Simon focused on his own thing.
The two didn’t really converse with each other until two months into living together. It was the night that Y/n was woken up by the sound of Simons thrashing and heavy breathing that alerted him to rush into Simon’s room. He can smell the sweat and anxiety off of him along with hearing his soft murmurs, clearly showing signs of a nightmare.
When Y/n first met Simon he promised the man that he wouldn’t do anything he didn’t like and kept well to his promise until now. His own instincts were going off and couldn’t stand to the side and watch the man deal with his nightmare. So, he did the only thing he knew what to do.
Y/n had crawled into Simons bed, lying down in the empty spot next to him and moving himself closer to the bigger man, head against his chest as his ears lower in worry when he hears how fast his heart is beating. “Simon…” He whispers in a soft tone, glancing up at the man in distraught. “I’m here Simon, you’re not alone.” He adds on, keeping his head against his chest while his tail brushed up against his hip, causing a small gasp to escape his lips when he feels Simons hand take hold of his tail in his sleep. The soft fur on his tail quickly relaxing the man as his heavy breathing decreases.
The hybrid ears perk up as he listens to his heart beat, hearing it slow down to a proper rate. He stays in this position for the rest of the night without another nightmare occurring.
When Simon woke up that morning he was shocked to find Y/n in bed with him, curled up close to his chest. The warmth of the others mans body heat brings him a sense of comfort, instead of getting out of bed and waking up the hybrid he instead stays in bed a little longer, watching the other man sleep against him.
Simon hated the idea of having company for his first few weeks of retirement, but after getting used to Y/n’s presences in his life their are current things that Simon had grown adjusted to in his every day life. The smell of breakfast being made every morning by the hybrid became a familiar routine, finding the man on his hands and knees while he tends to the backyard digging up a few holes in order to plant new flowers or perhaps some fruit.
Simon favorite part of their day together was sitting outside on the porch as they watched the horizon. Simon would notice the way that Y/n’s ears would twitch as he listens to his surroundings taking in the familiar noise that he hears every morning. The way that his tail would wag whenever he sees kids running down the street with their bikes or scooters in hand, hearing as they would argue with each other and laugh.
The image alone brought a small smile to Simons lips.
Their bonded deepened with time to the point that the two were having regular day to day conversations. Y/n was no longer the closed off and shy hybrid that would be cautious when speaking with Simon and instead became someone who wasn’t afraid to speak up for himself or to be selfish every once an while.
Simon could say that he was grateful for Laswell convincing him to bring Y/n into his life, having him as a company whenever he came home or when the two would go out to run some simple errands, granting Simon the domestic life that he craved for whenever he was on missions and he finally has it
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
do you guys want to hear about my sanji's siblings love him au?
who am i kidding, of course you do
ichiji, niji, and yonji run on facts and logic. they're programmed to have loyalty to their family, and sanji is part of that family, even if he can't do everything they can do.
and the way they see it, it just makes more sense for their loyalty to lie with the brother they shared a womb with for nine months over the father that insists on abusing all of them.
it's not sanji's fault that he's weak and has emotions. that's an objective fact. he was born the way he was. it could just as easily have been any of the rest of them that were different.
so sure, they'll follow judge's orders, because they have to, because it's what they were born to do, but they're not gonna take any of the shitty things people do or say about their brother, least of all their father
sora adores her children. because judge hurt them terribly by taking away their free will, but that's none of their fault, and they're trying in the only way they know how. she's patient with them, trying to teach them about morality and the importance of doing the right thing
at their age, they don't really understand it, but they do notice that people are more likely to do what they want with little fuss if they treat them the way their mom says they should
but then their mom dies, and maybe the loss of his wife is what pushes judge over the edge but he lashes out at sanji, because somehow in his mind sanji is the reason for sora's death. if it weren't for the poison she had taken, which had turned sanji into the weakling that he was, sora would still be alive
ichiji and the other two are furious. they hate this empire that their father has built for himself - and that little fact, that they can hate it at all - goes unnoticed by all of the kids
but they do hate it, and with their mother gone there's no reason for them to stay. so they take sanji, and they take reiju, and the five kids escape from the Germa kingdom and never look back
they work whatever odd jobs they can. and then one day they come across zeff - after he had been rescued from the island he was stranded on for months
and this zeff still has both legs and he didn't suffer as much because he didn't have a child to give up all his food for, but he still decides to give up pirating. he lost his entire crew in that storm, and he has no desire to sail the seas without them
so he had set out to fulfill his dream of building a floating restaurant for himself. he's living on an island in the east blue, and he comes across these five children. one of them, sanji, latches onto him as soon as he finds out that he's a chef. slowly, over the months, their relationship develops and grows stronger.
zeff isn't an idiot, he knows there's something wrong with these kids, but he doesn't pay it much mind. he treats them like any other children, with all the kicking and scolding that entails
normally ichiji and the others wouldn't put up with this kind of treatment from anyone, but they see the way sanji and reiju latch onto zeff, the way the two of them follow him like lost puppies and positively preen at any positive attention he gives them, and they decide they'll put up with it.
it's not like the crappy geezer's kicks actually hurt the three of them
so zeff takes reiju and the boys in, even if it means that food will be a little tight until their restaurant gets off the ground.
the 5 of them grow up on the baratie, protecting their home and surrounded by the gruffly affectionate cooks that are drawn to their father's way of life. it's so different from the environment that they had been born into that they don't know what to think. sanji and reiju take to their new life like fish to water, but it takes a little longer for the boys
yonji respects sanji like he respects his other older brothers. he watches sanji, sees the way he loves and hurts and grows. the intensity of the things sanji feels is completely foreign to yonji, but it stirs an unknown feeling in yonji's heart. he doesn't know what it is, but it makes him short-tempered with his brother
by now zeff has been around his kids for a while, and he's more or less figured out what's up. yonji learns from zeff that what he's feeling is jealousy. that he wants something sanji has that he doesn't
which should be impossible.
yonji doesn't feel things.
zeff shrugs and doesn't argue. he just leaves his kid to figure things out on his own.
after that, it happens slowly, so very slowly, but over time, ichiji, niji, and yonji start feeling more and more emotions. their emotions are still pretty dull in comparison to the frightening intensity of what sanji, reiju, and other people feel, but they cherish this new aspect of themselves.
and it turns out that sanji hadn't been the only one affected by their mother's desperate attempt to save her babies. the others had as well. it had just taken a little more work to draw their humanity out of them
by the time don krieg makes the ill-fated decision to attack the baratie, they still don't have the depth of emotion that other humans do. and maybe they never will. but they have enough to know that they will destroy anyone who even thinks of threatening their father's treasure
and they have enough to shed tears when their brother - a piece of their hearts - sets off with the future king of the pirates
it hurts, to have him leave them. and that hurt is something they wouldn't have had to feel if they had remained the way they were as children
but even that hurt is precious to them
because it's a product of how far they've come, and how much they've gained
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
tbh I noticed that a lot with several idols, one minute they could be severly desperate for relationship then in other readings someone hurt them or they just dont give a fuck about it. so my question is if skz members would be more into hook ups or temporary relationships or are there members who want something more long term and romantic? or as romantic as they can get with their schedules lmao
SKZ Long-term relationships or Flings?
Hi:) i hope you enjoy the reading💗 i used the 3rd Eye Tarot Deck
*For entertainment purposes only!
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Chan - Temperance, 4 of Cups
With him i see that he wants to keep his own peace and not get into relationships, but he gets crushes easily, sometimes more than one at a time and that confuses him, causing him to lose his peace over that anyway so he thinks then "whats the harm in a little fun?" and then dips his toes here, then dips his toes there, most of the time i feel it doesn't go very buttery which again strengthens his conviction of having to keep his peace and keep away from distractions like that, but oh my are women distracting...especially when naked 👀
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Lee Know - 6 of Swords
He seems very serious when it comes to relationships and his ultimate goal is marriage. He has left a lot of unserious people once he realizes they mean only fun and games and aren't ready for the real, serious stuff. He seeks this "the one" feeling and looks for that person and i believe gets into serious relationships only when he thinks he has a chance for that with that person.
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Changbin - King of Cups
Short and clear - a one woman man! I don't think he even sees other women when he is in love. Mind you i didn't say relationship👀 i believe being in a relationship and being in love mean 2 different things for him as i think he might have tried (forced himself) into (short lived) relationships where he wasn't really in love but hoped to develop feelings over time because the match just seemed to make sense, or because friends and family nudged him into finding someone. But i don't think he's a supporter of that method and i think his experience has strengthened a conviction in him to only date and begin a relationship if he has a crush or feelings for the person already. If HE is the pursuer and not the pursued. So yeah i think he is kind of in a waiting period maybe, where he is very exclusively monogamous and also believes in "the one" or in soulmates and patiently waits for them to meet. Once that happens i believe he would be pretty quick to escalate the relationship. I see him with time getting eager to settle down with someone and he would probably make an offer to his person very quickly. An offer to get together, an offer to introduce her to his family and friends, an offer to move in together, an offer for marriage, an offer for kids etc.
He always gets so phylosophical in his readings💗 he has lots of strong opinions about many many things that i feel like he can't share very well with others cuz he just doesn't have much or any people around him he can talk that deeply about stuff with.
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Hyunjin - 2 of Swords
He's a long term relationship guy but he can't make up his mind. Like he can't make up his mind if he should or should not get into a relationship, if he does or does not have real feelings for that person. If he likes this person more than the other. I feel like he might be between two or more people quite often and not be able to choose which one he actually likes because he is so quick to judge and react and i believe he holds a grudge too, so if he has interest in person A, but they disappoint him in some way (even with something small and insignificant) he starts doubting this persons genuinity and his feelings for them, and his interest gets sparked elsewhere - with person B. Then they disappoint him too and he's like "Person A was so much better, lemme try there again" and he goes back to Person A and it goes on and on like that. Poor guy wants love and commitment and seeks stability but he's so unstable himself he can't get that for himself, no matter what person stands in front of him.
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Han - 9 of Swords, Judgement, 7 of Cups
Ehmm...i think he gets very intense and only has eyes for one person. Bit sadly very short lived. He fights that tho and wants to become more consistent but as much as his eyes are only focused on that specific person and see nothing else - his focus doesn't last that long and something new redirects him pretty quickly so i don't think he's someone to have serious long term relationships. He craves that tho. Maybe he has to grow up a bit and then he can focus on one person better.
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Felix - Death, 2 of Cups
Almost the same for Felix. But with the difference that he doesn't go move on to another crush quickly. With is that he meets someone, has a great time with them, everything's nice - and then all of a sudden the spark dies. Even if he stays with them a little longer its not the same anymore so he gets bored and with his busy schedual i don't think he's in the mood for driving on something that doesn't excite him in any way. So i think he's kind of in the middle? He doesn't jump from person to person like chan or han, or even hyunjin, but he isn't very long-term oriented like changbin and lee know either.
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Seungmin - Queen of Cups
That man's looking for a wife! Tbh i don't know what else to put to that😅 he says theres no need to overcomplicate it, its as simple as that - "i want a wife."
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I.N - 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
He likes investing and nurturing and building - all long term things. So i believe he is also long term relationship oriented, but im not really getting it as such a strong sense as the other members. Maybe he wants a long term relationship but not right now, and so he puts his (or invests) his energy and resources elsewhere, so later on he can properly focus on nurturing and building the relationship. Omg yes of course i get it. Thats what the investments abut. So right now he's investing in his future by building security in his finances etc. so that later on when he mets the right person and decides to build a life with them he can do that with a peace of mind and provide accordingly for his partner. Very lovely💗
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bucketsofmonsters · 1 year
A Proper Etiquette request based on this prompt from @scatter-mind001: (Reader is nervous about initiating intimacy but wants to work up the courage but doesn’t know how to express it properly, so, throughout the day, she tries to drop hints to snuggle times, but then butterflies take over and she runs away and Rygel’s sexual frustration just builds up and eventually explodes and reader is like, “I just wanted cuddles but this is better.”)
Cw: anxiety, dry humping, size difference, allusions to sexual content but it fades to black pretty fast
word count: 1k
Adjusting had been hard. Rygel had never pushed you, let you move entirely at your own pace, but it was still a slow, frustrating process. 
You’d gotten used to everyone else pretty quickly. You didn’t judge, passively watched everyone else going about their lives. 
It was the doing that was hard. The manners that had been drilled into you were not so easily dropped. 
You were almost certain that half the reason it was so daunting was that everyone else was so used to it. They all just understood what they should be doing. You had to work for all of it, push yourself past boundaries you’d never imagined having to tear down. 
Today, it was touch. You’d gotten better at initiating it in private, Rygel always quick to reciprocate, but in public it was a different story. 
It’s not like you never touched in public. On the contrary, Rygel loved publicly showing his affections for you. It was initiating them that you were struggling with. 
You could never shake the idea that you were doing it wrong. Rygel was patient and kind but in public there were too many people, watching, staring, inevitably judging you for doing it all wrong. 
Your hand shifted over to his arm, trying to look casual but you dropped it in a second. You were certain you were being clumsy and obvious, that what everyone else could do so casually looked alien and childish on you. 
When Rygel did it, there was confidence behind it. He knew he was doing it right and you were more than happy to hide behind that confidence and follow his lead. 
But that wasn’t what today was supposed to be about. 
So you tried again. 
Your next attempt was on your way to dinner. You leaned against his side, doing your best to mimic the way he pulled you into him so often as you walked. He looked down at you curiously, with no judgment in his eyes, but even that felt like too much scrutiny and you drew away once more. 
Dinner didn’t go any better. 
You thought the shield of the table might be good, make everything feel a little less public despite the dozen people in the room with you, talking away, barely taking notice of your presence. 
You started small, shifting your knee to the side to touch Rygel’s. The motion was entirely hidden, under the table, but you drew quickly away anyways, feeling far too exposed regardless. 
You knew why this was going so poorly. Every failed attempt left you flustered and embarrassed and pushing forwards so persistently kept those emotions brewing, amplified every time you tried and failed again. 
Rygel had decidedly noticed that something was going on with you because the second you pulled away, his arm shifted behind your back, a steady presence you happily leaned into as he pulled you closer to him. 
The second you leaned into his touch you were being pulled even further, the feeling of the chair disappearing from under you as he shifted you effortlessly into his lap. 
Your face warmed but you trusted his judgment. No one was staring and part of you wondered if they ever had been at all or if your brain was simply that determined to thwart you.
You settled against his firm chest, his hands roving up and down your arms in a gesture that you were sure was meant to be comforting but only served to fluster you even further. 
When you were done with your meal he was pulling you off down the hallways
The second you were alone you let out a hushed, “I’m sorry about all that.”
He cocked his head to the side at the statement, looking bewildered at you. “Sorry for what? For teasing me?”
“For… no of course not, for adjusting to all this so slowly. I wasn’t trying to tease you, I was just trying to get more comfortable touching you. The goal was to initiate cuddles, maybe? Or just any sort of physical affection I suppose. I guess I didn’t really think too much on the end goal, I was more focused on just doing.” 
He let out a hearty, deep laugh. “You’re too sweet. If you want to cuddle you only need to ask.”
You huffed. “But I don’t want to have to ask. I want to be like everyone else here, to just be able to do things.”
“You will. These things take time, you know that, it’s no more your fault than it is mine when I make a fool of myself in front of your people.”
“You don’t make a fool of yourself.”
“Felt like I did.”
“I promise it felt worse than it was.”
“Oh really?” he said, giving you a pointed look. “I wonder if there’s maybe someone else who is in a similar situation who could do to hear that bit of advice.”
You hated that he was right. “Wait, but you were saying something about me teasing you. Can we go back to that please?”
He cooed at you, hand sliding under your jaw to keep you looking up at him. “Aw have I put ideas in your head? Tell me what you want from me.”
“You’re being mean,” you said with a pout.
“I’m being mean? You’re the one who hasn’t stopped touching me all day.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You know, if you want to work on showing affection in public, I’m sure I can help with that.”
“Now who’s teasing?”
He chucked. “Call it revenge.”
He didn’t make you wait long. You didn’t think he had it in him, to make you wait. If he did, you had yet to see it. 
He pulled you against him, into a kiss, hunched over to be able to meet you where you stood. You melted against him, your body relaxing easily into the familiar shape. 
You felt his bulge pressed against you as well. He was already hard and you realized that maybe you’d been affecting him more than you’d intended. 
He pulled away altogether too soon for your taste, looking down at you with a glint in his eye. 
“Oh,” he said. “But, you wanted to cuddle. Far be it from me to thwart your plans.”
“Don’t you dare.”
He chuckled and scooped you up effortlessly, dropping you when you were a few feet above the bed so you bounced a little when you landed. 
“After this, I’m done. The next one’s on you,” he promised as he moved above you, pinning you to the mattress below him, his hips rolling gently down into you through irritating layers of clothing. “How’s that for helping you learn to initiate.”
“Gives me some good motivation.”
“I gotta give you a little more, just remind you what you’ll be missing,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows as you threw back your head with laughter. Everything was easier in here, with him. Everything made sense. 
“Can’t hurt to have a reminder,” you agreed readily, a smile still plastered across your face. 
“And then we’ll get to the cuddling,” he reassured you, doing his best to kiss you in between words while fighting back a smile. “You can never forget the cuddling.”
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I feel as though the language of accommodation is backwards in so many cases. Especially in regards to covid, I’ve started reframing things in my head. I am constantly accommodating other people; treating their disability to deal with reasonable daily decision-making and the existence of chronic risk with kindness and empathy, reacting to their defensiveness and hostility about my continued use of and advocation for masks, ventilation, and regular risk assessments with measured responses that mask the rage and helplessness I feel about the apathy of ableism, communicating about my household’s needs in the softest possible way, reacting compassionately when people who have stopped taking any kind of precaution complain that their health has worsened in the long term or their most recent bout with covid has cost them income (even when these people have continually judged my choice to take precautions), being endlessly patient when people invite me (or try to pressure me) to attend risky indoor gatherings instead of saying “you know I can’t do that. Nothing has changed since the last time I had to say no. You could always invite me to something I don't have to say no to.” Ignoring so much cognitive dissonance and self-delusion. Opening as many windows as possible so we all have a better chance of staying healthy. Apologizing constantly about continuing to protect myself and others so that people get off my case about it and can continue living in a fantasy of post-pandemic normality.
I don’t, anymore, think I’m the fragile person in this situation, and I have realized how much this rings true for other ways in which I have navigated the world prior to the pandemic. Bringing my notes and printouts to doctor’s appointments so that doctors don’t have to properly do their jobs. Bringing my partner so doctors don’t have to look past their own misogyny and ableism. Masking physical pain so that others don’t have to feel bored or distracted by it. Masking my expressions of joy or sorrow or wonder when they don’t conform to norms. Tip-toeing constantly around a passive aggressive regional culture of toxic positivity rather than communicating frankly and directly in the manner that has always been more natural to me (for both nurture and nature reasons) to reduce friction for everyone else.
I’m really going to urge other people who find themselves marginalized or othered in some way: how are you accommodating the people who fail to accommodate you? Not just “what accommodations do you need?” Or “how are you being or not being accommodated?” What have you been doing to make everyone around you more comfortable, and how much of that is actually serving you? Some of it may, and some of it may not. How much work are you doing to unburden people of their own consciences? If no one else sees it, can you, at least, take a moment to look it in the eye?
I'd guess this is true of any condition of life (and by condition I don't mean illness, just "a mode or state or being" or "existing circumstances") that is somehow considered non-normative in its context. If you are an immigrant or you live in a racist or xenophobic culture of which you are the target, if you are a woman, if you are fat, if you are gay, if you're an effeminate man, if you are ill, if you are old, if you are deaf, if you use a wheelchair, etc. I know you've experienced something similar to the labor I'm talking about. "Accommodation" is the word we use talk about things disabled or differently abled people need or deserve to have in order to allow them to navigate an ableist world. Practically this language has sometimes been helpful to me – in getting care, in forcing professors into basic ADA compliance by not stuffing me in an overcrowded, unventilated room with 100 unmasked (frequently contagious) people, in allowing me time to catch up after I've been so ill I can't move, in providing spaces where people like me can sit and catch a breath – but increasingly I see it as something that isn't uni-directional, not just something I'm receiving (or fighting and failing to win) but something I am constantly, endlessly doing without acknowledgement, and which, if I ever stopped doing it, would invite serious penalty. I don't know how to change that except by talking about it.
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kaycode1999 · 19 days
Hellooo! I'd like to request a matchup for LMK if that is alright! If your requests are closed, please just ignore or delete this! I understand you are probably busy so please take as long as you need for this!
Name and Pronouns: Nyx (They/She, but I don't mind being called by other pronouns)
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual with a preference for nerdy or himbo like men
Personality: Motherly, kinda shy, patient, nerdy, and quiet most of the time. I'm also an introvert with a slight stutter sometimes when overwhelmed, and can be easily tricked into trusting people or overworking myself to death
Looks: Short brunette hair with dark blue eyes and an abnormally large amount of freckles on my body and face. I'm also pretty short and chubby / plus sized.
Aesthetic: Either dark academia / dark librarian or gothic designs in pastel colors.
Hobbies: Writing, sorting things into categories, gaming, listening to music, and making slideshow games for my friends.
Extras: I'm a horror and romance writer as while as a mortician, I'm Autistic and have ADHD, I'm an insomniac, and I'm probably chronic ill to an extent.
Characters I'd like not to be chosen: Sandy, Tang or MK (I love all of them, but Sandy and Tang remind me of people I actually know and MK is like my son lol)
If you have any questions, please just message me and I'll answer as soon as I can! Hope you have a lovely day!
I'm going to match you with
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Monkey King
*Not gonna lie your preference is so real😂 me too*
He's definitely a himbo, but make no mistake he's very astute and intelligent
He definitely seems like a dad-type friend so I think that matches well
As much as he puts on a front I think he is actually introverted himself. If he sees you're getting overwhelmed in a social situation he’ll try to at least hold your hand to comfort you
I'm not going to say he does everything the right way, but what he does he always does to protect the people he cares about so if nothing else you can trust that
I feel like he's a very good judge of character either naturally or just from having lived for a long time so he will always be on guard to make sure no one tricks you or takes advantage of you
He also will make sure to get you to take breaks sometimes so you don't overwork yourself
I think he'd absolutely love your eyes and your freckles
He loves to read whatever you write
He’ll help you with sorting things if you want him to, he actually finds it relaxing
He really enjoys playing video games with you
I think he'd really enjoy listening to music with you and hearing different types of music
He's not really bothered by the horror stuff or if you talk about stuff with your job. It doesn't really phase him at all
He likely has ADHD or Autism or some combination of both as well so I think you both uniquely understand each other
The good thing is he's in immortal being so he doesn't need that much sleep, so if you need someone to be there with you when you can't sleep to either just hang out, watch TV or whatever it's no problem
Though he might actually have some mystical celestial thing that can help with that
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phoenixkaptain · 8 months
I feel it’s a disservice to the character to make Dick out to be younger than he actually is.
Dick Grayson is a power fantasy, same as Bruce Wayne is, but he’s a very different type of power fantasy. This is mainly because he isn’t for the same type of audience. He isn’t for adults to relate to, he’s for teens to relate to.
What do I mean? Well, I don’t think we actually get many confirmations on Dick’s age. When he joins Bruce, there are a few clues to his age, but nothing really substantive. He’s old enough to know that his parents are dead; he has an understanding of what death is. He’s young enough that while adults seem to like him, they don’t take him very seriously. He isn’t particularly tall, but when he’s shown around actual children, he is quite a bit taller than them, I’d say at least a foot, and he is portrayed as a bit taller than most of his peers (peers that aren’t superheroes! Dick is always very nearly the shortest member of Teen Titans, but that’s not fair to judge him on because superheroes are huge) He’s young enough to attend a private boy’s school for undercover, and he’s young enough that younger children seem to trust him enough to do what he tells them to.
If I had to make a guess as to how old I thought Dick Grayson was, I would say 13-15, but leaning heavily on the 15 end. His personality is pretty set for most comics you read him in (barring extremities) which implies he’s developed a good portion of it already. And, to be honest, even if Bruce and Dick first met when Dick was 13, he didn’t become Robin until he was 14. He’s portrayed as either being taken in but trained for several months (I’d give him a low estimate of six months. He needs to learn science. He may be physically fit, but that doesn’t mean that he’s mentally ready) or taking a period of time in an orphanage, being taken in, then spending several months training. Dick becoming Robin wasn’t instant. I always assume he’s 15 when I read early comics because Dick’s brand of petulance - being annoyed at something Bruce said and snapping back with verbal quips, taking Bruce’s instructions and patiently listening to them for all of, at most, an hour before running off to do the opposite, judging Bruce for going out without him - feels like a mid-teen.
So, why is Dick a power fantasy? Well, he’s the embodiment of teenage desire:
Adults listen to him.
The main one is Bruce. Bruce Wayne, who is rich and notoriously a loner and who is considered a detective on the level of Sherlock Holmes, listens to Dick and never doubts him. He takes what Dick says at face value, he talks to Dick to spitball ideas at him, he answers any question Dick asks him and he never seems particularly impatient in doing so. He tells Dick that they’re partners and equals, and he treats him as a partner and an equal.
And there are other adults. Robin is famous in early canon. Everyone knows who he is. Adults in other towns don’t listen to their own children, but they listen to Robin because they kind of have to. I assume people who bully Robin are sent Batman’s patented, ‘live bat in a box mailed to the door.’ (I assume this because it’s funny, mostly.) But no matter why they listen to Dick - they do actually actively listen to him and try to improve in the ways he suggests.
This is what every teenager dreams of. Dick Grayson, a mere teenager who probably can’t legally drive a car yet, has the respect of adults around the globe.
Robin almost always has the respect of at least one adult, that being Bruce, no matter who is actually Robin at the time. I haven’t read many Jason comics, so I can’t say for sure on him, but Bruce treats Tim as an equal. He listens to him, and while he’s protective of him, he trusts that Tim can do things alone.
The only real example of Bruce treating Robin like a child comes with Damian. And even in the cass of Damian, he still makes an effort to listen to Damian and not ignore him. Which, the reason he treats Damian differently is because Damian is a child. I don’t think Damian is even 10 when we first meet him, let alone 13. I think, later on, he’s around 11-12, but Damian just doesn’t start as old as every other Robin. It’s necessary for Bruce to treat him differently.
“Well, what about comics where the adults, including Bruce, are terrible and don’t listen to Robin at all?”
I consider these an example of we in the intellectual world call: bullshit.
I’m sorry, but nine times out of ten, Bruce listens to Dick and praises Dick and believes in Dick ten thousand percent. The Bruce who doesn’t listen to Dick just isn’t Bruce. I don’t know who this poser is, but it’s literally impossible to him to be Bruce. It’s worse than bad writing, it’s blatant mischaracterization and a lazy plot device. Bruce would die for Dick without a second thought, he loves and respects Dick more than anyone. This man cannot physically or mentally resist the urge to listen to Robin and pat his back and say “we all make mistakes, chum, don’t worry about it.”
I need to emphasize here that Dick does the complete opposite of what Bruce tells him to multiple times, and end up kidnapped or in a tight spot for his efforts, and Bruce just isn’t upset. He’s worried, but he doesn’t even fucking care. He doesn’t get mad at Dick, I feel like he can’t even look at Dick without feeling a bit happy, there’s no way- are you really trying to tell me that Bruce goddamn Wayne would blame Robin for not preventing a crime that DiCK WASN’T EVEN PRESENT DURING?? He wasn’t even fucking there, he was off getting a police officer! You know, an adult! Because there was a crazy gunman shooting up a rally, what the actual fuck is Robin, a mortal child, supposed to do against an adult gunman twice his fucking height??? What did you want him to do, Bruce, get fucking shot? Because that’s what would have fucking happened, you absolute lunatic piece of shit, you want him to goddamn die to save one fucking person-
For the majority of comics, Dick represents teenagers. He fulfills that desire that teenagers have, the desire to be listened to and trusted. Dick is the first person in comics to ever know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. And while timelines shift and change, Bruce and Dick’s mutual respect for each other doesn’t. They get mad at each other later on down the line, but for a good 40 years, Bruce talked to Dick more than his own fiancée.
Dick isn’t a child. He and Bruce never met when he was a child. Dick also isn’t an adult. He still has a few years that he needs to spend growing into an adult. He’s that middle ground we all faced. That awkward period where adults expect you to act like an adult but don’t treat you like one. The power fantasy inherent in the character of Robin is that adults treat him like an adult while allowing him to make mistakes and act like a child.
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namjoon-koya · 2 years
hiya, how you doin? hope you’re doing well! if i may request, i would like todoroki, shinsou and hawks (all seperate!) with a therapist-like friend / s/o? a person that’s always there for them when they’re in their toughest moments and the first person they come to for advice. friend / s/o is quite wise and always has time for them.
gn!s/o , it can be platonic or romantic. all up to you! i dont mind it being oneshot or headcanons etc . .
please take your time on this requests, i dont mind waiting : ) thank you!
a/n: I’ve been doing fine thank you for asking:) so I really don’t write a lot of platonic things I’ll make this a platonic one.
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Todoroki, Hawks, Shinsou having a therapist-like friend.
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He knows he can count on you if he ever needs to vent, hawks doesn’t often show what he’s feeling at times. He bottles them up and the only time he’ll let go of what he’s feeling is when you tell him it’s okay for him to feel what he’s feeling, he’s been through a lot. You know that because he told you about it, so if hawks ever needs comfort your arms are wide open for him.
Platonic cuddles, he needs them. He’ll either lay his head down on your chest or lap and when you run your fingers gently through his hair, he won’t stare at you when he tells you about his problems. He thinks you’ll see him as a weak person, even after countless times telling him you didn’t see him like that it’s hard for him to accept it.
He vents to you about anything his job, the agency, his childhood, his mom. Your heart breaks for him anytime he tells you about something that has been bothering him, you do try your best though to give him the right advice. You kind of felt like a parent-figure in a way to him, but he won’t admit that he’ll take that to his grave.
Hawks hold you in a special place in his heart, he really doesn’t know what’d he do if he didn’t have you as a friend. Sure he has a bunch of friends, but you’re different. He tells you that every time when he leaves, him feeling that way though does make him protective of you. If you ever need him or anything else he’s right by your side instantly, he’ll drop anything he’s doing to help you with whatever you need.
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oof he has been through A LOT as well, just like hawks he keeps everything bottled up. That’s what drives him away from people and making him focus on his own success, but when you came along it changed. Todoroki still doesn’t understand what made him find comfort in you, maybe it was the way you slowly made him open up to you while he completely ignored everyone else in class. Maybe it was the way you didn’t judge his current situation with his family, you did raise some questions; but Todoroki reassured you that he was fine.
Living at the dorms at school made his mood a bit better as well, if something was heavy on his chest he would go straight to your room (knocking first of course) it felt more easy to tell you about things he felt considering he opened up to you first. Even when it was about his father you’d patiently listen to him until he looked at you, almost like in a way of asking what he should do.
Even when he didn’t need to vent about his frustrations, he would often come to your room and just chill out with you. Your presence calmed him, you didn’t have to say a word to him and he would just feel so calm with himself. “Maybe Bakugo should come talk to you?” “Hm, why?” “because he’s always angry.” You laugh.
His father better not say a word about you either, if he tries implying that Todoroki shouldn’t be focusing on making friends Todoroki won’t hesitate to tell him to mind his own business. (He’s protective of his friends)
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Makes friends, but doesn’t tell them about how he feels about his quirk. He’s been called a villain just because of it, and it made him feel like he wasn’t worthy of training to become a hero. Yet when you showed interest in his quirk it almost made him feel a bit better, he remembers what Midoriya said to him during the school festival and now you; it gave him almost like a boost of confidence.
Even while he’s training with Aizawa sometimes he can’t help, but overthink about his quirk at times. Should he really be doing this? Training as a hero after so many students have told him his quirk is more like a villain quirk? “of course you should continue to train! In the end students can say whatever they want, but I know your quirk can help people Shinsou.”
Jokes about you becoming a motivational speaker, but he appreciates what you said to him. He’s never really thought of his quirk that way before so it’s.. refreshing to hear you say that to him. Comes to you for now on when he starts having doubts about his training, but he holds onto every word you tell him. If he starts doubting himself during training he’ll remember what you told about.
Lowkey Aizawa will ask about it, but Shinsou just tells him that he has to make a certain friend proud.
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Dear "Abled" People...
Stop telling people with chronic pain to go for a walk it won't help their condition when walking causes pain.
Stop saying you support people with mental health issues and neurodivergent people, except those with a cluster B disorder(s) because they are "scary".
Stop trying to tell us to "deal with it" when certain words, names, situations, places or people can send us into a PTSD full blown panic attack.
Stop rushing people who take a little longer in a payment line, someone may need a little longer to count their change
No, writing out lines will not help fix the problem with my fine motor functions in my hands and fingers
Don't judge someone who can't leave the house. The world can be huge, scary and unpredictable.
Stop laughing at people with ticks, no matter what their tick is.
Stop looking at young people in the handicap space like they don't belong there. It's not an "old person only" space it's for HANDICAPPED PEOPLE
Be more patient with someone who has problems with social interactions
Do not make fun of someone with a speech impediment
Do not say "I know how you feel" because you don't.
Do not shame someone for not having to use a walking aid one day and not the next.
We are forgetful, be patient.
Yes, with some physical disorders like fibro you can go from feeling great to everything hurts, even your clothes, pain. That isn't laziness
People with sleep disorders aren't lazy.
The internet/ typing is the only way some can communicate effectively. Since people cannot hear or understand voice tone or understand facial expressions.
Some people live in rural communities and only have access to friendly people online
People who have hearing issues, the internet makes life easier, as you can communicate with the world and they can actually understand you for once.
People with disorders like cluster Bs and ASD, even someone who is just neurodivergent, they see the world differently than you, so try to understand there are more ways to see something
People with ASD have a wide variety of symptoms, no two people with ASD are the same.
If someone can't hear, being louder won't help... They can most likely read your lips, just because someone is deaf doesn't mean they are dumb.
Someone who is semi verbal, has unreliable speech. If they stop talking to you they could have literally just lost their ability to speak. Or they may be harder to understand.
The handicapped bathrooms are for handicapped people, not just because you'd rather have a bathroom to yourself. Many walking aids don't fit in stalls... And the handicapped stall is great and all but I can barely move in it with my mobility aid since it's actually not big enough.
Don't make fun of that person who is wearing a mask and gloves they could have or live with someone with a compromised immune system.
The need for disabled people to be allowed to be married and still get money, because since you are disabled you only need one income, right?
You would appreciate someone treating you with kindness and treating you with humility. You should project that kindness onto the world. You can make someone's day just by being able to understand their basic needs.
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starsurface · 7 months
[stimming anon] okay, can I ask for Nightwolf, Fujin, and MK1 Liu Kang (if you don't do multiple characters then just Wolfie is alright) with a pre-teen regressor? Like tapping on a hard surface, rocking back & forth, fidgeting with something, or picking at their lips. at least this is some of the stimming that i personally do-
I will admit I did add a few things like sensory issues and similar things to make the lists longer, but it does mostly focus on stimming and middlespace regressing!! (Mostly stimming though)
If I screwed up or should change anything, do let me know and I'll make sure to fix any mistakes I've made!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Nightwolf w/ Middlespace Regressor that stims
🐺 Nightwolf is very good with middlespace regressors
🐺 And he's very good with people who stim
🐺 If your stimming because of a stressful or irritating situation, his new mission is to make whatevers upsetting you go away
🐺 If it's because of someone, he politely (and sternly) tell them to knock it off, especially if the person knows they're making you do it negatively
🐺 If it's for positive reasons, he's highly encouraging of it!!!
🐺 He just kinda smiles and listens attentively when you stim, never judging or questioning your behavior
🐺 Encourages you to do it in public, and his glare alone won't let anyone look at you funny or say anything mean
🐺 Some members of his family stim, and he's very upset if someone were to make fun of you for it
🐺 If you feel embarrassed or ashamed or guilty, he tries to explain that it's okay to express yourself, and you shouldn't let other people control your decisions
🐺 Is very patient if your stimming makes certain tasks difficult or take longer
🐺 And flat our refuses to let you apologize because you really have no reason to, Little One
🐺 ^ If you say your too young for that nickname, he'll jokingly call you Baby Bear instead and laugh when you become even poutier
🐺 Although he'll mainly treat you your age range, he's pretty good with making you feel 13 again
🐺 . . . Baby names might stick though. >:/ (although will probably use more bigger ones and not ones with baby, unless it's requested)
🐺 If you'd like, he'd let you sit you on his lap and rock with you if your okay with it
🐺 If any of your stims have to do with textures, he'll get you the softest furs he can get
🐺 Always has at least something for you to fidget with, might start carrying something on his belt so its always on him
🐺 Will try to offer you gum or a chew necklace if your lip biting draws blood, but its a race occurrence and he's just trying to help
🐺 I know it's not stimming, but if you have any sensory issues and want to do makeup but it's too much for you, he'll look into different options so you can live your emo dream
🐺 Your too little to touch his ax, don't try it (you'll receive his mighty glare and dissimponted tone and honestly, you might start crying)
🐺 ^ Will apologize for making you cry, his intentions were to keep you safe, not to make you feel bad or naughty
🐺 If there are any certain triggers that will make you become upset enough to negatively stim, he'll make sure to keep you away from them
🐺 Even if this makes him a ‘bad guy’ at times, his mission is to keep you happy and safe
🐺 Any positive things to make you stim? He'll deliberately search for!!
🐺 Your favorite song? Might not be his music taste (maybe), but he'll smile over the way you gasp and begin to tap the table or the car door and sing along (he'll sing too, his voice is beautiful)
🐺 Certain comfort or go to foods? Either always has them stocked and will give them to you after a bad day, or go out and get it because he knows you need something rn.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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Fujin w/ Middlespace Regressor that stims
☁️ Fujin loves middle regressors, but does have a small habit of treating you like your six
☁️ Like, come on Fujin, we're not five, we're 12 😒
☁️ Just make sure to remind him that your older than that, and he's quick to apoligize and change his actions
☁️ Is a bit concerned that you'll make your lip bleed by accident and will try to persuade you on something else to chew or pick on (but if your dead set on sticking to your lip, he'll let you, but make sure your lips aren't hurt or bad)
☁️ Didn't know a bunch about stimming, he's seen it a few times from when he was with the mortals, but quickly understood the concept of it
☁️ If you have any favorite textures Fujin will get most of any gifts he buys you in them so you'll actually enjoy wearing them and it doesn't feel like sandpaper on your skin (personal hc, I hate the feeling)
☁️ He gets very happy when he can get you into a conversation, and your rocking, and tapping the table because he knows it shows how you trust and love him :3
☁️ Gets worried if your hard surface is something like concrete but tries not to be too concern (will buy ointment for your knuckles just in case though)
☁️ Will ask what counts as stimming, since he understands but is still curious about some things
☁️ Let's you hold his sword if your interested in it but will snatch it when he thinks you're going to accidently cut yourself (and might have given you an injury by accident, apologizes with kisses, band aids, and cuddles)
☁️ If someone says something to you, they better grab onto a sturdy object because oh dang, that's a harsh almost dangerous wind only going in their direction, how weird?
☁️ Will buy you candy or something after the incident and claim that they know no knowledge and his brother cleary didn't give them a brain
☁️ Will inform the monks about it and puts the very few who judge in their places then and there
☁️ If he can find out what makes you happily stim or excitedly stim, he'll try his hardest to make sure it's around often
☁️ Will also try to get you out of a bas situation but honestly might jt just teleport you two outside so you can relax with the flowers
☁️ If outside feels like it's worsening it, he'll bring you to his room so you can cuddle and calm down <3
☁️ And secretly plot his revenge (again-)
☁️ No one messes with his baby- Uh, big kid >:(
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Lord Liu Kang w/ Middlespace Regressor that stims
🌟 Good with middlespace regressors, but doesn't take sass
🌟 Unless it's like, teasing sass, he can see a joke
🌟 You will get a thirty minute soft lecture that it'd not cool to sass people and be mean with your tone
🌟 If you don't realize your tone sometimes when talking though (I don't sometimes) he will take it into consideration
🌟 Has meet thousands of peo0pe who've stimmed before and is highly encouraging with yours
🌟 You want a cool place to sit down and rock? His meditation room is open, just please don't make a mess
🌟 ^ Usually he's big on you meditating with him, but if you need to move or fidget or do SOMETHING, he'll let you slide every time
🌟 (^ The monks can't call you out because you have God's favorite privileges >:3)
🌟 You need something to fidget with? Well he might have nothing on hand right now, but he'll scurry around to find something!!
🌟 Will buy you one of those fidget cubes but then also buys himself one because he found it really interesting (mortal technology man, it keeps advancing faster than he can catch up)
🌟 Your lips are chap and pealing too much when your biting or picking at them? He'll carry around chap stick so your not accidently hurting yourself
🌟 Will rock with you if you'd like, and enjoys sitting next to you peacefully (even if he isn't moving)
🌟 Honestly, no one will call you out for anything because of Liu Kang's presence alone
🌟 Mostly because no one wants to see a God's anger
🌟 But if you tell him someone made fun of you, he'll give you a soft smile ans tell you that nothings wrong with you. You just need to express your emotions differently than others and that's okay
🌟 And uh, the person will shakingly come apologize to you, Liu Kang smiling behind him before asking if you'd like a treat of some kind
🌟 If your too afraid to stim out in public, he'll try doing everything in his power to help you feel less vulnerable
🌟 You want a more secluded spot? You already got it. You want him to rock with you? He'll sway slightly, he doesn't mind
🌟 You are his little pride and joy and if you aren't happy and comfy, there's a massive problem in his eyes
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all, yesterday watermelon juice got into my phone and we had to drain it out of my speakers and since the case got ruined we had to take it off and it dropped and my screen is CRACKED. :( (it'll be okay, it still works <3)
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Timeline: Early 5.0, spoilers for HW character death and in-character speculation on the identity of the Crystal Exarch
When they confessed their feelings for each other after the liberation of Ala Mhigo, Mayhem promised to write letters to Aymeric as they traveled. This is the first such letter, delivered via pixie from another world.
To the handsome, generous, charming, patient, and ever-so-gallant Lord Speaker of Ishgard,
You asked me to write you of my travels when we confessed our feelings for each other, and while I don’t know if this was exactly the kind of travels you were thinking of at the time, I have found someone who claims they can deliver these letters all the way to the Source. So here I am, writing to you. It’s more difficult than I expected to think of what to say, honestly. Writing to Haurchefant was just an excuse of sorts, a way of keeping some kind of connection alive, pretending he was still there to listen while I learned to cope with a world where he never would be again. The dead don’t judge your words, and the practice turned itself into a journal pretty quickly if I’m honest. But you…if I say the wrong thing, you’re there to be hurt, or worried. I’m not used to considering whether people worry over me. It’s new, so…please be patient with me if I make some mistakes. This is a strange and beautiful land. I arrived in a forest of lavender-pink trees, under a sky that glowed with roiling golden light from one horizon to the other. Soon enough, I learned the terrible truth of this: the light in the sky is unending, unchanging. It’s a world that has known no night or stars for a hundred years, suffering under a surfeit of light aether. Stranger still, the Crystal Tower is here as it is in Mor Dhona, and indeed I’m writing to you from a room in a building near the base of it. They’ve built up a whole settlement of people who came together after the world was nearly destroyed by surging waves of light, working hand in hand to rebuild a functional society. It’s all rather inspiring. Their leader is the one who called me here, a man they call the Crystal Exarch, perhaps due to the crystallization of parts of his body: one hand is fully composed of living crystal the same color as the Crystal Tower, and more seems to be creeping up his neck. However he came by it, it’s clear his connection to the Tower is profound indeed. He apologized for the abruptness of his means of calling for our attention, and for the stealing away of the Scions. Apparently the spell meant to contact me was of his own creation and needed a few attempts at refining, and I can well imagine that few have ever come by the knowledge and power needed to reach across the rift between worlds. Despite everything, he seems quite reasonable, and his people are happy. Besides…there’s something I noticed that I haven’t told anyone else yet. I don’t know if I’m right, but… The thing is, he’s just a little bit shorter than I am. Maybe that doesn’t mean much to you, but I’m pretty short as male-born Miqo’te go, and we’re shorter on the whole than Hyur or just about any other race aside from Lalafells, which he is assuredly not. There is one Miqo’te man I met in the past who was about the same height, though…a scholar and expert on Allagan history, who collaborated on an expedition into the Crystal Tower in our world, and upon gaining a deeper connection to it, locked himself inside it to seal its power away. I don’t know how he could have gotten here. The Crystal Tower and its Exarch arrived on this world shortly after the Flood of Light, so they say, nearly a hundred years ago. Even if time flows differently here, I don’t understand how any of it’s possible, but it’s just too much of a coincidence to ignore. And…I liked that young scholar, quite a lot, when I knew him. So I’m going to take an inadvisable risk and try trusting this man, for the time being. I guess I’m probably not doing as well as I hoped at avoiding worrying you. Other things not to worry about: any weird dreams you might have before receiving this letter. I’m given to understand that the pixie (I hope I spelled that right) who has volunteered to help me transfer objects between worlds travels via dream, and they seem a bit mischievous. It’s probably better just to disregard any strangeness and not think too hard on it.
I love you so very much, and I promise I’ll write more soon,
Mayhem Moondrop
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jennyyyeeettt · 1 month
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Bible verses that just hit (from : John 15)
My reflection / explanation
Background about "Christianity" :
When Jesus says "my father" he doesn't mean it literally. A flashback to the basics: God is 1, he's the creator of everything. And since that's a thing he can do, he created Jesus. What is different about Jesus is that instead of being born like any human, he was growing with a miracle because Mary wasn't married. And he wasn't just a kid he was a part of God. Cuz if you believe in God you know he is unlimited and immortal, and humans are limited and mortal... So now when Jesus says "my father" he means himself - in a way- he's setting an example for people how to view God, as a loving father, not as a Judge.
So when we say "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit" we mean the same person.. More simplified its like how an egg has a shell, a white and a yolk amd it's still an egg. Or how a human has a body a mind and a soul (3 main things that makes 1 thing - and if 1 of the 3 things is lost it's not normal)
Aaand here's why the verses hit (for me):
1- he's saying that we're loved by God (he repeats it in more than 1 chapter over and over)
2- his commands are to guide us to a better life, it's basic morals and to help us live happily (lies never makes a person happy, in fact they weigh you down - hate and envy never benefit anyone, they just reflect the low self worth of a person, im not talking about the healthy jealousy that makes you wanna be better, I'm talking about the "I HOPE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENES TO THIS PERSON SO I CAN HAVE IT ALL" Kinda thing.)
Metaphorically : A person in a dark room (without commands) would feel free because they don't see the furniture (danger around) while the person in the light (following the commands/or trying to) they see furniture and they feel limited to a certain space but they don't get hit as much as they walk - sure we still stub our toes, or trip on stuff but its not the same.
3- God is happy when WE're happy with him. No one (mentally healthy at least) would like to be in a relationship or a friendship with someone who they hate... If u feel like your friend hates you, i don't think you'd love to be too close to them.
4- what Jesus is known for (which some Christian are not at all) LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Love God from all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself, love your parents, forgive people with no limits, don't judge and etc
(these are hard to follow for some people and they take it out on other people, I'm sorry if you're a victim, i was/ am too but i learned that God has nothing to do with this attitude :'3 that's why im reading the bible, so i can judge it on my own without influence of other people who judge and hate like they breathe)
5- God calling his disciples (and whoever follows him) his friends. It's self explained why he called them (and people who follow him) his friends
6- Love- again!! Repeated!!
The definition of love in the bible btw : in (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
[4] Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. [5] It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. [6] Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. [7] It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. [8] Love never fails.
7- he was so real for telling us what to expect, he didn't say that everyone will make everything easy for us when they know we love him. He's real. He said " people will hate you for following me" (ofc it doesn't mean every single person but some people really go out of their way to hate on other people just because their beliefs)
Note :
I'm not trying to sugar coat my beliefs - it's just my reflection on what i read and all the things i didn't notice before, i literally highlighted the whole passage when I read it bec i liked it and i needed a place to type it - I don't intend to start arguments. discussions, however, I don't mind.
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Hey! I'm not a very active user here, but I wanted to check in with the yandere shinso au a few days ago and haven't been able to find it. Has it been discontinued? If it was, i couldn't find any post saying that it was
Oh, you're right! I completely forgot to post that announcement. I thought I did, but knowing me I probably had a dream of writing it and I thought I posted it when in reality I didn't... Silly me!
Yes, the Bound Together series has been discontinued and deleted for a multitude of reasons.
One; I feel like it was very cringy. I kept looking back at the work and I couldn't feel myself enjoying it. I knew I could do better, and that series just wasn't cutting it.
Two; It was originally a self-insert. I started writing, I've written hundred-thousands of fanfics I did for fun, which is how I discovered I liked writing. In fact, An Alliance was actually a self-insert too, when it got to 60,000 words was when I decided to post it to the internet (after editing all the exclusive facts of me and my appearance).
The difference between An Alliance and Bound Together was that An Alliance had a completely different (Y/N), one that was made of pure fiction; whilst Bound Together felt extremely exclusive and I felt it didn't relate to other readers since it was originally a self-insert series beforehand.
Three; I had no motivation for the series. It felt like I was constantly at a writer's block with it, and it felt like there wasn't much to write or try to plot-out since it was so exclusive. It was stuck in its own little box that it made it hard to try and branch out.
Four; I actually bumped into many obstacles because I didn't actually watch or readMHA! Trust me, I tried so damn hard (I tried watching the series on three separate occasions throughout the years, and I also tried reading the manga but I just couldn't like the series). Honestly, I hated the protagonist and couldn't find myself enjoying the series plots or ideas, the anime just felt forced to me. So because I never liked the anime or manga, I never had a full grasp on Shinso's personality; I only knew the basics and that made it difficult to write.
The reason why I even wrote for Shinso was because he was a relaxed, semi-realist/pessimist, and a sleepy boy (don't judge me, I have a type). Personally, I like slowburn relationships with lots of quality time and just enjoying each other's company, not much romance honestly, so it also projected into that series and made it even harder to try and relate to the audacity (basically like reason two).
I write for characters I actually simp for, that way I can be motivated and so I can actually enjoy writing. I would rather lick gum off people's shoes for a living than EVER IN MY LIFE write for Toji, so I just need to like the character to write them.
So yeah! That's my reasons for canceling the series. Hopefully, all of my stars orbiting my galaxy will understand my reasonings. I'm not going to even try lying, it's best not to look to me redoing the series because I seriously doubt I will. After that fiasco, I decided to update my masterlist to only anime I've watched or mostly watched, that way I could have an easier time writing and you all will have an easier time reading! Thank you for this question, and I'm glad you reminded me about this!
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This is my new and improved masterlist if you want to check it out. Please be aware, requests are not my top priority. My top priority is myself (because good work is only when you're in a good state of mind and body. Don't destroy yourself for random people on the internet) My second priority finishing Star Patient, listening to my reader's opinions and ideas for the plot and characters, and answering questions. Anything else is third priority.
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kandyrezi · 1 year
Kcalb + Wodahs [thesis]
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Still working on some fics, but in the meanwhile, I had this post in my drafts for so long and I forgot about it entirely, so I thought I might as well edit and post it now.
I was going to discuss the “Kurotsuno & Sullivan’s relation to Kcalb” theory first, but I got finished with this one a lot faster, so I’ll be posting the former one at a later date. This headcanon post concerns Wodahs & Kcalb + their relation to one another.
This is just for fun, so I apologize for any potential inaccuracies - if that’s the case, then I implore people to point them out so I can try and fix any inconsistencies there might be. This is quite short, but there’s always a lot to talk about.
I want to first start off by not focusing on either Kcalb or Wodahs, but on other characters far distant from TGG to give a bit more context and background behind my theory. Namely, this image here is quite intriguing.
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Ivlis, Rosaliya, & Reficul are labeled as, “Manufactured by God” - that is, they were created by the God of the world they (used to) reside in.
Two appear to be missing from this picture, leaving out Satanick & Kcalb, but they obviously had to appear somehow. They did not materialize out of thin air by nothingness - we've seen previously, as an example, Siralos created Ivlis (& Igls) from flames, Meikai was created from a star by Satanick. So, if their corresponding Gods did not make them out of something, then where did they come from?
Speaking out of materializing out of thin air, All of the Gods ALSO had to “appear” somehow, as they are not clearly the highest deities in DSPverse, considering Vicers, Justim, Photon, Nortkele, Reminiscences are all above them in terms of ranking and categorizing, although it's largely unknown what they are supposed to represent (in the grander scheme) or even what species they are. They could also similarly just be cosmic deities, but higher-ranking than the gods we currently know most about.
It is likely, as one of many possibilities, that either Justim or Vicers created them. Judging by the image below - by how Justim is in focus and standing in front of all the other gods - I’m inclined to think they are the one who created all the Gods, at the very least, since they have been stated to be “God of Gods” - yet Vicers has never been called “Devil of Devils”, which would make sense if Vicers only created two of them (Satanick and Kcalb), as the rest of the devils were created by their own corresponding Gods.
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Justim: *gestures behind them* these r my ocs! ^ u ^
(Not really related as such, but Photon and Nortkele are fairly obvious in a sense what they’re supposed to represent (it’s pretty much spelled out in their names), but that leaves Reminiscences… so, maybe they (she?) are a personification of “Matter” while their dark counterpart is a personification of “Antimatter”? Either way, they’re supposed to represent at least something floating around in space? An atom? A neutron? We’ll have to wait patiently for a while longer for another clue.)
Anyway, back to Vicers.
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“The power to bestow life and the power to take it all away.”
So, Vicers can both create and destroy, it seems like. If he really did make Kcalb, he could have bestowed the latter with his destruction powers.
Vicers & Justim’s relationship seems quite complex, they’ve been inconsistently described as several things ( “can’t stand eachother, can’t live without one another either” / “used to have a big fight in the past”, and now “lovers” ), all these facebook relationship statues could be spread out within a specific span of time; maybe they started off as friends, then got into a conflict with one another, almost started (or did start) a war, then they made up, but it was still quite tense between them. At long last, they settled their differences and then became friends again, eventually lovers.
Wodahs could similarly have been created by either Vicers or Justim (or they could have created them together, as sort of a peace treaty and proof that two opposite beings can co-exist together, but I am more inclined towards only Vicers having manufactured Kcalb, as well as Wodahs.)
EDIT: Future!me has come to edit this wall of text before posting, having now read some of the more recent information from one of DSP's drawing livestreams. "Did Etihw create Wodahs?" question was answered with an uncertain: "You can say yes AND no to that." well, that kinda throws the "Vicers created Wodahs" theory out the window, doesn't it?
So, what if Etihw gave life to something that originally belonged Kcalb? Like a feather from a crow?
Characters of different species can be “blood siblings” as we’ve seen (Igls Unth is an angel, Ivlis is a demon, but they’re still technically 'siblings' created by the same god, if you see them as such), so could Kcalb & Wodahs be the same? It might be more appropriate to refer to them as half-siblings in this case.
Reficul & Sol / Ivlis & Igls Unth “Devil and the Head Angel” - both duos are considered blood siblings, so why couldn’t Wodahs & Kcalb be considered the same? (granted, Reficul used to be an angel, so using her is kind of a flimsier example.)
I personally can’t get behind either 1) “Kcalb used to be an angel” or 2) “Wodahs used to be a demon” theories, because
1) For Kcalb to have been angel, he would have to have been created by Etihw in the first place, but that’s clearly (as we saw in the previous point) not the case.
2) Wodahs has been an angel since he was a young babey;
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and a FALLEN angel, no less? Gray wings in DSP’s universe are associated with damnation by god... hmm…
We’ve seen angels turn into demons, but never a demon turning into an angel. The concept of "redemption for your sins" doesn’t appear to exist with Gods & their angels. Once you’ve turned into a demon, there is no "reversing" that effect or gaining back the status as an angel. It’s the same with biblical/mythological concept of angels/demons (as all fallen angels automatically become demons, but never in reverse).
Since all angels are typically created by Gods, Wodahs could possibly be an outlier and considered not a true angel, but a “farce” in a sense he was created out of something that originally belonged to a Devil, hence why his wings have been gray since he was a child.
He’s also quite brutal in some instances in TGG in contrast to most angels; he keeps bullying/purposefully reminding Kcalb about his missing eye (instead of just letting go of the past), chokes out Grora and almost breaks her leg when she messed up his flowerbeds, and his GGT!self was seen trying to drunkenly molest GGT!Grora in one of the omakes...)
But, maybe in the past things were different with someone like Etihw (who is generally considered an anomaly amongst the other gods), who was willing to give Wodahs actual pure white wings and halo when he left Kcalb to go over to Etihw’s side during the war (thus is the reason Kcalb took his eye for betraying him in the first place).
He still shows more loyalty to Kcalb in the game over Etihw despite everything, which reaffirms my theory of him not having a very close relation to Etihw post-war.
Curious to hear anyone else's thoughts on this!
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