#i used to imagine them floating just looking all peaceful like that
diggersofgraves · 1 year
when i say "ive actually lowkey always had a fear of angels" and they say "oh yeah, biblically accurate angels are kinda creepy" NO NOT THOSE, THE ONES IN CHURCHES, THE COLORFUL ONES, THE BABY LOOKING ONES THE ONES WHO LOOK ALL SERENE AND RELAXED THOSE, THEY SPOOK THE FUCK OUT OF ME ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL
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ravenna-reid · 6 months
Zuko & Hanahaki
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Hanahaki: a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love.
There you sat. Adorned in apple red robes, carefully feeding and playing with the turtle ducks. Zuko stood concealed by the shadows of his opulent home and continued watching you. Continued watching the girl he'd first became infatuated with all those years ago before his scar. Before his banishment. And now that he was back and the new Fire Lord, you two were both able to rekindle your friendship.
Friendship. Zuko hated the word, especially when you used it. Because being back home and spending time with you once again, and not having his banishment or father or the Avatar consume his thoughts, he suddenly realised how deeply he felt for you.
Your laugh suddenly filled the air like sweet perfume, pulling Zuko's lips into a smile. Something got caught in his throat, and he figured it was another symptom of being in love. But his brows furrowed once he realised something was really stuck in his throat. He let out a small cough, and watched three pink petals from his mouth float down to the ground. He looked down in disbelief and horror.
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"What do you mean you coughed up petals?"
"I don't know how else to put it Aang. I just, they came out of my mouth. I coughed them up!"
The hum of a simple tune caught Zuko's attention. Swinging his head in the direction it was coming from he watched as you walked past, accompanied by others. Aang and Katara followed his eyes to see you.
"Hi y/n!" They both called out, and you turned to wave back before you caught sight of Zuko. "Hi Zuko." You said warmly.
He awkwardly waved back and you continued down the path through the gardens with your peers. Another cough became lodged at the back of his throat and he couldn't help but let it out. Hands clamped over his mouth, Zuko coughed a little harder than before, and he kept his hands there, afraid to look. Aang and Katara simply stared back at him with a frown.
"Zuko, did you cough up flowers again?"
Zuko shook his head.
Unconvinced, Katara folded her arms. "Zuko."
He pulled his hands away, revealing the bundle of petals in the palm of his hands.
"Oh Zuko, you know what this is? You're sick with Hanahaki." Katara exclaimed.
"I think I heard Gyatso mention it once...I didn't think he was being serious though." Aang responded, scratching his head.
"Well, what is it and how do I get rid of it?" Zuko snapped, throwing the petals out of the window.
"It's a lovelorn disease. You're sick with flower petals because y/n isn't returning the love you feel for her!"
Zuko shook it off, stating it was the craziest thing he'd ever heard and declared he had Firelord duties to attend to. So with a giggle to themselves, Katara and Aang let Zuko be.
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It only got worse. And soon, Zuko found that he had to distance himself from you so that you wouldn't find out. There were times when Zuko, the gaang and yourself would all spend time together and Zuko could feel the stir in his chest. The odd sensation in his throat and he'd quickly hurry away.
"Ha! He's coughing up those petals again-"
Katara swiftly elbowed Sokka to shut him up.
"Ow.." Sokka said, rubbing his side.
But you were too focused on Zuko's figure becoming smaller and smaller as he headed down the hall. Curiosity and concern itched at the back of your brain. Why was Zuko acting as though he couldn't stand to be around you anymore. What had changed? What did you do?
Aang came up beside you, watching on with you as Zuko disappeared around the corner. "Maybe you should talk to him."
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Of course you could imagine Zuko's dread when one of his officials and trusted advisors interrupted his quick escape. He quickly slipped his hands under the sleeves of his robe, holding onto the petals in his fist. And as they spoke to him, you can imagine his frustration when they told Zuko that he ought to organise an event at the palace in honour of him slowly bringing peace between the nations.
So the throne room was filled with generals and lady's dressed in their most expensive clothes, along with music and servants serving the most exquisite meals. Everyone was having a splendid time.
Zuko, however, was a mess. He had anticipated your arrival the entire night, but he was also worried about seeing you, given his odd disease. And so when you finally walked through those doors you instantly stole the breath from his lungs. Crimson silk robe draped over your body. A beautiful golden headpiece with red petals in your hair.
Petals. Zuko scoffed at the irony. You were already scanning the crowd for Zuko, until your eyes locked onto each other. His dark hair was up, complimented by the Firelord headpiece. He looked so handsome, so sweet as he stared back at you. That was until he quickly averted his gaze and hurried away, and that heavy feeling was back in your chest.
Zuko could barely contain it now. As he walked out to the pond where the turtle ducks lied asleep and close to their mother, handfuls of petals kept escaping him, leaving a trail behind as he coughed.
And coughed, and coughed, and coughed.
He cursed his stupid situation. This stupid disease. These stupid petals. Arms crossed, he glared out at the pond before footsteps amongst the grass caught his attention.
It was you. He half turned to see you glancing down at the cherry blossom trail on the ground. Then, with a glint of confusion passing through your eyes, you looked back at him. Zuko wanted to crawl into a hole. He wanted to crawl into the smallest hole he could find and hide in there forever.
"Zuko, what is this?"
He instinctively turned from you. "Nothing." He said, grimacing at his harsh tone.
"It's not nothing..." You said, coming closer until you were by his side. Zuko's body tensed with you being so close to him. So close, yet so far away.
"Zuko, look at me." You held onto the sleeve of his robe and turned him to face you. Shame and embarrassment quickly flooded his expression as he struggled to look you in the eye.
"I said it's nothing. I swear."
"No..." You shook your head, your heart heavy in your chest as the realisation hit you. "The gaang were telling me about this. Just the other day. Hanahaki disease. I didn't realise you had it."
Zuko scowled. Of course they couldn't keep this to themselves and felt the need to give you hints. He shook his head and turned his body away from you again.
"There's someone? A girl that isn't returning your affections?"
Zuko was silent. You let out a sad sigh, wondering who he had such fervent feelings for.
"And she hasn't noticed that you like her? What a stupid girl." You said, arms crossed over your dress.
Zuko turned to you and the words fell from his lips before he could realise what it was he was saying. "Don't call yourself stupid."
Stunned. Both of you were stunned as you stared at each other.
"Me?" You breathed.
Zuko hesitantly grabbed your hand. "Well, who else? It's only ever been you."
But you were too surprised to respond. Both surprised and ecstatic.
"You got Hanahaki because of me?" You asked, a slight smile creeping onto your face.
Zuko bashfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess."
Then, you did something you thought you'd never do. Still holding onto his hand, you leant in and gave him a quick, tender kiss on his lips. And in that moment, Zuko had never felt more at peace and embarrassingly enough, completely obsessed with you. Only meaning it to be quick because your shyness was getting the better of you, you were about to pull back until Zuko went back in for more. His kiss deep and passionate. Both of your hearts soared, and now nothing else mattered except for you and the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
Your kisses finally came to a stop, and your arms gently wrapped around his neck, your head resting on top of his shoulder. The thrumming in Zuko's chest was so intense he was afraid you would be able to feel it. Still, Zuko did what he'd been wanting to do for so long. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your hair, eager to never let you go.
You smiled to yourself as a soft giggle fell from your lips. "You taste like cherry blossoms."
Zuko gave a breathy laugh in return.
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erwinsvow · 7 months
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rafe’s always touching you.
the first time he did it was on your first date—dinner at a fancy restaurant on the beach followed by a walk on the soft sand. he picks you up in his truck and you’re wearing something pretty and short, how you guessed he’d like. rafe keeps a firm, yet gentle grip on your thigh while he drives.
you wonder if it’s a little forward for a first date—because after all, it’s only been a week since you first met him at the beach, when he bought you a lemonade and talked to you like he already knew everything about you, before jj interrupted. 
rafe parks his truck and hops out while you pull down the mirror in his passenger seat so you can apply another layer of lip gloss. you haven’t even undone your seat belt when he swings around, opening the door for you. you smile at him sweetly, thinking about how he’s such a gentleman. another thought floats around your head—how wrong your friends were about him. 
he takes your hand into his to help you get down, and his other hand floats around your hip incase you stumble. holds onto your wrist while the two of you walk into the restaurant, presses his fingers into your shoulder after he finishes pushing in your seat for you. during dinner, you’re sure he’d find some other way to touch you if you weren’t already playing footsie with him under the table.
after dinner he takes you for ice cream and keeps his arm swung around your shoulder while the two of you walk around the beach, watching the sunset. when he kisses you, he puts both hands on your face, holding you between them while your lips are attached to his. 
maybe it is a little forward, but you never think about it again—that’s just how rafe is. warm to the touch, deeply possessive, he likes making sure everyone knows who you belong to. you don’t dwell on it much, in fact, you like it, more than you could have imagined.
he guides you with one hand on your lower back, moves you through the crowd at the country club. everyone gets out of the way when he’s walking by, anyways, but he likes to make sure you’re not getting pushed around by some drunk idiot or star-struck waiter. with him always by your side, you feel safer, protected, at peace. no one tries to bother you anymore, with annoying boys turning around the second they see who the arm around your back belongs to. you think even adults are treating you better, with the way the lady at the shop runs around trying to cater to you, the way the waiter at dinner dashes to get you another lemonade.
you feel bad, since it feels strange. you don’t want to be treated any differently. but with the way rafe spoils you and how nice everything with him is, you wonder if you could get used to this.
you accompany him to house parties, hand rubbing your back soothingly while he’s drinking a beer. you’re half asleep on his shoulder, not used to these types of kook parties where everyone is snorting powder off of glass and mirrors instead of smoking on the beach. one of his friends says something that you can barely understand in your sleepy state, but you see him gesturing at you and hear a laugh. it’s almost automatic—rafe’s touch gets harder by tenfold. he says something low and quiet. “why’re you even looking at her?”
“just a joke, rafe, take it easy-”
“get the fuck outta here before i put your head through the table, asshole.” 
you keep him company when he’s working, or at least doing whatever it is that he calls work with barry. you sit on the couch, legs sprawled across his lap and his hand on your ankle, fingers messing with the little anklet he got you—no R pendant matching the one around your neck but rather a pretty yellow stone, rafe’s birthstone. your nose is buried in your book, flipping through the pages when you hear something that catches your attention.
“you really wanna have this talk in front of your girl, country club?” 
you could try to be inconspicuous, but it wouldn’t work for a second. rafe would see right through you if you lied to him, and as a result, you’ve never even attempted to do so.
you lower your book so your eyes are visible, glancing between your boyfriend and barry. rafe turns to look at you, fingers still on your anklet. you worry he’ll break it with the way he plays with it. then he turns, pulling out headphones from his pocket and offering them to you. you look between the two boys one more time, wondering if you should say something. you ultimately decide against it.
you put them on and blast the music, going back to your book. you only look up one more time, when rafe is gripping your ankle so hard it hurts. you jerk your foot against him, making him loosen his touch. he rubs the skin he’s just bruised the rest of the time you’re there.
when the two of you are walking back to his truck, probably headed back to his place for the night, he brings you in for a hug the way always does, arm around your neck, pulling you close. he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“you were real good in there,” he murmurs against your hair. you’re a little confused, looking up at him for some clarity. 
“nothing, kid. get in the car.”
he drives you home, fingers tapping on your knee the whole drive. when you get to tannyhill, he doesn’t even let your feet hit the ground before scooping you into his arms like a bride, carrying you up to his bedroom. 
he holds your hair when you get on your knees in front of him. he grips your thighs when he eats you out. but you think your favorite touch from rafe is when you’re in his lap, your tits against his chest, his arms wrapped around your back, foreheads touching and lips glued together, when every part of you is touching every part of him. 
when the two of you are done, you collapse on the bed next to him. he moves your head so you’re laying on his chest, hand resting above his heart, legs tangled with his, fingers playing with each other.
yeah, you think in your fucked-out state. i could get use to this.
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jar0fhoney · 1 month
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 (NSFW) - PART 4 - PART 5 (NSFW)
You started having the dream again. The disembodied eyes of your father floating in a black void. Just the eyes. Nothing else.
And for hours- and it really felt like hours- they would just stare at you. The eyes never moved, or blinked, or did anything other than hang in the air. But there was a terrible sense of dread when you looked into them. You couldn’t force yourself to look away.
And so that was why you had been losing sleep. You didn’t tell your mother that though. When she asked what troubled you, you made up some excuse to quell her worry. You could never tell her the truth; the truth that there was some piece of you left which never recovered. But guilt nearly destroyed your mother, and you couldn’t bear to let it fester in her any longer.
On Sunday you spread all of the ingredients the orc man gave you across your table. He didn’t even tell you the measurements. Your mother glanced down at you as she made her way to the root cellar. She stopped in her tracks, “By the Gods, are you making golden eggs?” You cocked your head at her questioningly. “Where did you find turmeric all the way out here?” She grabbed a pinch of it, “And so much of it too!”
“Uh-“ Your mother had a sparkle in her eyes that you hadn’t seen for a few years. She chuckled to herself, “Years ago. Many many years ago. There was a very nice orc family who lived just down the path. The wife taught me this recipe.”
Orc family? This was the first you have heard of an orc family. “You never told me you had orc friends Ma!” You jeered at her. She smiled warmly. “You hadn’t been born yet, of course you wouldn’t have remembered. Your elder sister loved playing with the little orc girl.” She reached for a jar from the cupboard and began concocting the mixture. When she was done the eggs swirled around in the vibrant yellow brine.
There was still turmeric left over, and your mother was so excited to show you how it could even be an excellent clothing dye. She took one of your more drab frocks got to work.
You weren’t used to feeling pretty. Sure, you knew you weren’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination. But to feel pretty? Beautiful even? It had been years.
But today, on regular Monday, you felt radiant. Your mother actually gasped when you stepped out of your room. You looked like a dream in the yellow shade your mother had dyed the fabric. She insisted on arranging your hair specially to go with the dress. “It’s just another Monday, Ma. Any more primping and I’ll be over-dressed.” The older woman sighed, kissing you on the forehead, “Fine go along now… before I start braiding daisies in your hair.” You giggled and practically skipped out the front door. Tucked in your basket was the jar of golden eggs.
The town square was nearly vacant, save for a few other shopkeepers opening up for the day. And then you saw the trio of orc men sharpening their arrows and adjusting the tension of their great longbows. You reckoned they were just about to leave for a hunt. Curse the Gods for your lingering gaze, but you made direct eye contact with one of them. You made direct eye contact with him. The orc you had bloodied and bruised the previous week.
Something (probably a lack of self-preservation) compelled you to start walking towards the bunch. If your mother could make peace with orcs, why couldn’t you? “But this isn’t a peaceful family with children, they’re trained killers, y/n…” You thought to yourself. The little muscle inside your chest was puttering away as you got closer. The two other hunting mates had started to notice your approach now. Your orc acquaintance had sort of a surprised yet dumb look on his face as you stopped before him.
”You didn’t write me a recipe, but you can thank my mother for knowing how to prepare these.” You extended the jar to him. His friends were snickering to themselves, and the orc just sat there staring at the contents of the jar. One of his buddies guffawed and whacked a big hand onto his back, “This simpleton can’t read to save his life… won’t be getting any recipes from him!”
You also held out the two silver pieces he had given you, and dropped them into his open palm. “And I can’t take these. Not after I injured you. Can we consider ourselves even now?”
“Khargaad, you didn’t tell us this was who the scuffle was with.” The other orc friend chuckled, “And look at that, not a scratch on her. Guess she won.”
Khargaad. Was that his name? Or was it a word in their mother tongue? He shot a venomous look to his friends, and with that they backed away leaving the two of you alone. “These look… like they’re supposed to,” He said in a tone of mild surprise. “Your mother… She knows other orcs?”
Was he trying to make conversation with you? “Um- Yes! Yes, it was a long while ago. They lived down the road from my family. It was before I was born, but they got along well from what I hear,” you replied. There was a deeply awkward pause before he glanced quickly at your dress. “Oh!” You gasped, “my mother taught me about this as well. The yellow stuff you gave me is an excellent clothing dye.”
“Yes, I know.” His tone was a little gruff. You felt foolish for telling him what he probably already knew. “Your name is Khargaad?” You blurted out. A hint of color rose to his cheeks, “Yup. Khargaad. And- um- what may I call you?”
”y/n,” you replied with a nervous smile. Silence hung over the both of you for a second. “Well, I’ll be on my way.” He said, turning on his heel to join his hunting mates. “Stay safe out there!” You responded. Your inner-self cringed, that reply was probably too familiar. He glanced back at you one more time before jogging to catch his friends.
The next day Milo found you sweeping outside the shop. “Why were you talking to those orcs?” He spat at you. You didn’t look up at him, “Just customers.” This technically wasn’t untrue.
”You don’t have orc customers”
”Says who. You?” You snorted at him, pushing the dust from the cobblestones onto his shiny leather boots. He yanked the broom from your grasp, “Why are you wearing that?” He hissed. You glared at him, wrenching the broom back from his grasp. “It’s none of your fucking business-“
“Let me buy you new dresses, y/n. You look like an orc.” You straightened a bit. “What do you mean?” Milo rolled his eyes. “It’s turmeric. They often dye their clothes with turmeric. It looks ridiculous if you ask me…” He trailed off. You were tired of this conversation, leaving him standing in the street. He didn’t bother to follow you inside.
The rest of the day was uneventful. You spent the last hour hammering some boards over the window still shattered from your target practice.
You didn’t notice Karghaad watching you across the square.
Thank you to everyone’s sweet comments, and to those who wanted a part 2 😘
@kennedyabraxas123 @allthecraftandthings @sunndust @blushycadaver @whyiamadegenerate @beaniebaneenie @reads-stuff-quietly
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
Day at the pool with the Cullens
I love pools and I love swimming so here we are
All additional photos I found on Pinterest
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Volleyball expert
Loves having competitions to see who can "hold" their breath the longest
(There's never an actual winner, it's just who gets bored first)
Loves to tackle you in the water
Can and will sneak up on you to pull you under
Roughhousing x100
Will think you're boring if you just sit on the side of the pool
He wants to play, dammit
Wears a nose plug unfortunately
He doesn't like the feel of the water in his nose
Can and will stay there all day
He doesn't go out of his way to go to the pool, but when he does he never wants to leave
I imagine he'd like swim shorts with a pattern
He doesn't want to wear something boring
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Diving board queen
She could go to the Olympic level if she wanted to
Definitely an attacker
Will sneak up behind people just to scare them
Does that freaky thing where they go underwater to swim through people's legs when they don't expect it
Loves seeing how fast she can lap the pool
Loves getting on Emmett's shoulders and wrestling people
Splashes people
Not too fond of the beach balls or volleyballs but she will play
She wears something intricate and definitely uncomfortable looking
Stylish tho
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Not really interested
He came along because everyone else went
He prefers baseball
He's in the water though
He might join in on volleyball or diving, but I think he'd prefer to just chill out on a raft or a tube
He just wants to enjoy all of the positive emotions around him
He might swim around with you though if you ask him
He's not opposed to doing anything
Would really enjoy a lazy river though
He just wants to veg out and I love that for him
Just lets Alice choose whatever she wants him to wear
Has absolutely no preference at all
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You're lucky if she touches the water at all
Prefers to lay by the poolside and "tan"
She really just enjoys the heat from the sun
Like a lizard under a heat lamp
Might dip her toes in
If you beg her to get in she might go to the shallow end and stand there for a little bit
If you splash her it's over for you
So best just to leave her alone :')
Will throw the diving toys though
Like those girls on tiktok who are tanning and throwing the toys for their boyfriends like they're dogs
That's her
She thinks it's funny
MIGHT get up to retrieve the ball if you guys throw it out on accident
Heavy on the might tho
She'd wear something cute with a pretty pattern
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King of the Pool
Roughhousing final boss
Will start actually wrestling with people
He brought the water guns
Shows absolutely no mercy
His favorite game is water chicken
Always the base guy
Even though he's not supposed to be fighting, he still does
Is the one mostly diving for the toys Rosalie throws
Wears goggles just because they look funny
Has broken the bottom of the pool before
Would do it again too
Likes to pick people up and throw them as far as he can
Jumped off the diving board and did a cannonball once
That's how he broke the pool floor
Wears the most idiotic trunks he can find
Since it's only their family at the pool, Alice can't use the whole "keeping good appearances" thing as a reason why he should wear what she picks
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Likes to let loose a little bit
He has to act old to keep appearances, so everyone forgets he's physically only about 25
Like Alice I think he'd enjoy the diving board
Would love to unwind on an inner tube as well
He likes to swim to the bottom of the deep end and just sit there
He finds it peaceful
Won't join in with the fighting though
He's here to relax and have a good time
Keeps it simple and classy as far as suits go
For the longest time he wore a speedo though...
Alice quickly put an end to that
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A less grouchy Rosalie
She's here to enjoy the sun and the warmth
She would also enjoy sitting on a raft and floating though
Lazy. River.
She would enjoy watching more than anything
Would keep score and help be a referee
Would also throw the diving toys
I feel like she would enjoy just wading around though
Making laps or just floating slowly
This is her big relaxation day
I think she would enjoy suits with a bit more coverage
And she would love flowy skirts or shawls
It makes her feel elegant <3
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Vampire! Bella:
Another roughhouser here folks
She went her whole human life being a walking accident, of course she's going to make the most of actually having reflexes
Loves to do just about anything
Volleyball, basketball, diving, chicken, wrestling, water gun fight
Literally anything
Is usually Edward's partner for chicken
Loves to do things that humans absolutely cannot do
She's still getting used to it and everything
One time she stayed underwater for a full 5 hours
Just to see if she could
Will ask you to time her laps around the pool
She goes for a more practical suit
Something similar to what she had when she was human
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lieslostinsilence · 5 months
i'm willing to be wrecked
Author's note: I am a first timer doing this haha. So for some time, I have been wanting to write imagines. I happened to write this one down. I shared it with a couple of close friends and they encouraged me to post it. It is very brief so I do apologise for that as I just want to test the waters out first. So this is really out of my comfort zone hahaha but I do welcome feedback or any thoughts!
Max Verstappen x fem! reader Reader is going through a break up with Carlos. Max is their best friend and helps them through it.
It has been a month since I ate or slept properly. Since Carlos and I broke each other’s heart. The pain seems to engulf me and I desperately need a release from it, from everything. I want to forget him even just for a brief moment. I know my friends are worried about me. Especially Max. He drops in everyday since he lives across from me. I don’t want anyone around but he doesn’t care. “I am your best friend so I’m not gonna let you be alone” After the first 2 days, I no longer protest his visits. I sit up on my bed and look towards the darkening sky. I get off my bed and walk towards my pool. I jump in and slowly let myself sink to the bottom. A peaceful solace blankets me and I sink further.
Suddenly I feel a movement in the water as the surface is broken. I open my eyes to see someone swimming towards me fast. The minute they grab my shoulders, I knew it was Max. Both of us came up for air and he was furious. “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? WHAT IF YOU DROWNED??!!” he yelled wiping his face. “I just wanted to be free of my thoughts” I whispered. His face softens, “Please don’t do this especially when you are alone” he says softly. Looking at him, a thought creeps into my head. A very selfish thought. I swim away from him to the edge overlooking the Monaco skyline. I can feel him coming next to me. “Tell me what’s on your mind” he says. I can’t ever hide my feelings with Max. “For once Emi, I want to be selfish. To just think for myself.” I say without looking at him. I can sense him looking at me. “I am tired Emi. I haven’t slept in a long time and I just want to sleep. I want to forget everything and sleep. Tire myself out and sleep. I know I shouldn’t be asking this of you but you are the only one I would trust with all of myself at this moment.” I turn towards him. His face portrayed the emotions he was feeling: confusion led to him understanding of what I was asking. Then a pained look painted his face. Rejection..
Just like that, it really dawned on me what I was asking of my best friend and that felt like a cold shower. I moved away from him shaking my head, “I’m so sorry Max, I shouldn’t have asked you that! I don’t know what I was thinking..” I whispered ashamedly. I tried to move away further when he held my wrist. I did not have to courage to face him so there we stood, floating in my pool with my back facing him.
I heard him coming up close just an inch away from me, his chest touching my back. As I felt his hot breath on my neck, he moved my hair away from left side to my right side. “Do you know what you are asking of me, Y/n? Will you be able to handle what I’m gonna do to you once you say yes? How I gonna wreck you?” his breath soft but hot in my ears. His words made me shudder involuntarily. I took a break and answered him quietly. “Yes, I know Emi and yes, I can”. As soon as those words left my mouth, I heard him exhale. Then his lips closed over a spot on my neck while his hands wandered across my body. I leaned my head back and breathed a sigh.
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seren1tyhaze · 11 months
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PAIRING: jaehyun x afab reader
SUMMARY: you are ready to catch your inconsiderate neighbor who keeps smoking below your open window and what you find surprises you
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know I owe you all Dive Part 2, I know. Things have gotten in the way of me writing but I am ready to get out of my own head about it. I'm here now and I'm happy to be writing. I'll have Dive Part 2 very soon because most of it's written and a lot of it is in my head, but for now, please take this peace offering of one of my favorite Jaehyun visuals to exist <3 Thank you for all the new followers and the continued love for Dive.
WARNINGS: cigarette smoking, weed smoking reference, explicit smut, carbon copy of Jaehyun from his I Like Me Better cover but hot neighbor version
PLAYLIST: I Like Me Better by Lauv (Jaehyun cover), Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant, Cigarette by offonoff, Tablo, Miso
A familiar scent tickles your nose, causing you to sneeze violently, three in a rapid fire succession. You slam your knitting project down on your coffee table and peel yourself off the couch and over to your glass sliding door that leads out onto your small apartment balcony. Ripping open the screen door, you lean over the shaky railing to see a strong trail of smoke floating up towards you, knowing the inconsiderate cigarette smoker must be standing below your window at this moment.
For months you have been unable to leave your windows open consistently because despite your building’s policy against smoking, someone has still taken it upon themselves to smoke directly next to the building. You used to enjoy sunny afternoons on your balcony with a glass of lemonade or being able to leave all your windows open for weeks at a time during the pleasant fall months.
You aren’t one to hate on someone else’s relaxation methods - you yourself loved a bong filled with the favorite indica blend your friend grows or a couple gummies on a lazy Saturday in the park. It’s just the scent of cigarettes filling your apartment, clinging onto your clothes and hand knit sweaters air drying in your living room that got on your nerves. Your cat seemed equally annoyed, scrunching up his delicate features whenever the scent would waft in.
You quickly slide into shoes near your door and run down the back stairs of the building, hoping to finally catch the person in the act and give them a piece of your mind. You push open the emergency exit door abruptly and almost run head on into a tall figure, causing you to stumble back and almost fall. A hand is suddenly gripping your forearm, steadying you.
“Whoaaaa, you ok?” comes a low and gravelly voice as you lift your eyes up to meet his.
What you see is startling and not what you imagined. A handsome face with a sharp jaw and lightly styled lavender hair hanging over sparkling eyes looks back at you. His shoulders are broad, covered by a black t-shirt with a small silver cross dangling on top. Black denim is tight on his thighs with slits at the knees, held up by a belt with silver accents. He has a dark sweatshirt draped over his shoulder and he adjusts it slightly as he releases your arm.
“Um…” you start, unable to find your words before the anger flares up in your chest again, seeing an almost finished cigarette held gently in his fingertips.
“No, I’m not!” you continue, pulling your arms tightly across your chest. “Do you have to smoke right below my window almost every day?” you find your voice raising more than you had intended, cheeks flushing deep red as you speak.
He chuckles lightly, taking a final drag from the stick before dropping it to the ground and stamping it out with the toe of his sneaker. He brings the same hand back up to run through his silvery locks, taking a step back to pull the hoodie over his head, tugging the hood up to cover his hair.
“It’s about time you said something,” he mutters, taking a step closer and closing the gap further between you two.
It’s only now that you recognize him. With the black hood covering his hair and silver rings adorning his fingers you realize it’s the same man who always holds the door for you when you arrive home from work at the same time each evening. You often see him heading out to his car early on the weekends and swear you’ve even seen him at your local gym on occasion. You had never caught a whiff of the smoky scent from him before, and now as he invades your personal space, you breathe in deeply.
Despite you having barely spoken with the man, he had become a comforting figure in your life, noticing when he didn’t walk from the parking lot with you and especially when you struggled to balance all your grocery bags and iced coffee at once. Occasionally he would compliment your sweater, scarf, or beanie and you would joke back that you could make him one. The times when you really appreciated his presence were the winter nights when the sun set earlier and you had to make the dark walk from your car. He would always walk in front of you, giving you a warm smile and wave before doing so to reassure you. He would then linger while you checked your mail but not too long to let you go to your door in peace.
You didn’t even know his name or what unit he lived in, but that didn’t stop you from thinking of him late at night when you were bundled up under the covers or during steaming showers in the morning. Your delusional mind had sent you through countless daydreams of him draped across your lap as you made him a dark green beanie to match the hoodie he always wore or gloves to cover his large hands.
Something about the way that his cologne laced hoodie mixes with the cigarette smoke is intoxicating and inviting. The way his eyes are sparkling in the afternoon sun is making your heart race and every trace of anger leaving your previously perturbed mind.
“You…you always hold the door for me,” you mumble back, feeling your legs shuffle you forward even closer.
“I’m your neighbor, Jaehyun,” he replies, flashing a toothy grin that forces adorable dimples to appear on his cheeks.
“Now that I’ve finally gotten your attention, why don’t you let me make it up to you so I don’t have to keep standing out here smoking,” he replies quietly, placing a hand on the side of your neck, thumb brushing up against your jaw gently.
Your lips are on his and kissing with a sense of urgency you didn’t realize you held. His mouth greedily opens for you to slide your tongue in, tasting the bitter tobacco mixed with mint, unable to get enough of the menthol flavor. You slide your hands into the pocket of his hoodie, pulling him closer before slipping them down to grip his ass through his tight jeans.
He smiles against your mouth, applying pressure at your neck with his fingers and finding the hem of your shirt to slide under and stroke your waist gently. As your bodies meld together you feel his hardening length through his pants and groan as he presses into you. Your thighs press together, desperate for friction as he keeps kissing you deeper and deeper, leaving you gasping for air when you finally break apart.
“I thought you were going to make me a beanie,” he laughs against your lips, looping a strong arm around your waist before pulling open the nearby door, peppering your neck with kisses as you both stumbled up the stairs to your apartment.
Once inside, his hands are all over you, ripping at your t-shirt and pulling your sweats down to the floor before pulling you up into his arms. You wrap your legs around his middle tight, sinking your teeth hungrily at his lower lip, eliciting a deep moan from him. You laugh against his mouth, dropping your legs down and letting your feet dig into your hallway carpet again.
“Let’s see how this goes and then we can talk about the beanie,” you reply between kisses, ripping his hoodie and shirt off his body in one motion. Your brain short circuits briefly at his tight abs and broad chest before you turn on your heel and head back towards your bedroom, unclasping your bra as you walk, letting it fall to the ground.
A few hours later your cheek is resting against his bare chest as your cat jumps up on the bed and howls in surprise at the man under your covers. He paws over and starts swatting at his hair, scrunching his nose at the scent held there. He moves to you, sniffing at your skin and finding the same smell, eliciting an annoyed sound he usually made when you were taking too long opening his can of food. You laugh at the cat and push him gently to the edge of the bed where he begrudgingly curls up into a ball with a flick of his tail as a warning.
“Guess he doesn’t like me,” Jaehyun laughs, pulling you closer to him to place a tender kiss on your forehead. 
His lips on your skin brings flashes of how it felt to ride him just moments before, your lips pressed against his as you pulled your body slowly up and down his cock. His large hands had found a home at your lower back, making circles there with your thumbs. He would occasionally drop his mouth to your neck, biting there before moving lower to suck one of your nipples between his soft lips, teeth grazing lightly. You could feel him moan against your skin and pull you closer to him, spurring you on to move faster in his lap.
Pulled back to the present, you shake your head in reply, breathing in deeply as the faint scent of cigarettes fills your nose, mixed with the lingering notes of his peach body wash. Somehow, the way he smells isn’t offensive to you, it’s quite the opposite. 
Maybe you didn’t hate the smell of tobacco after all.
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bucksangel · 7 months
angel ik it’s about 12 hours later since you posted about being bored and wanting some asks, but i’ve just woken up and am just imagining how it would feel waking up next to bucky, him trying to pull you back into bed with “come back to bed doll, it’s too early to get up” as he basically drags you into him so he can have you in his arms again. (can you tell i want a bucky to stop me from going to work by basically suffocating me in his arms) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ok ok but same?? i just woke up and thank GOD i don't have to work today bc if i did and had a bucky in my bed i'd be forced to call out bc there's no way i'm gonna pass up the opportunity to get squished to death between those arms
and now you've given me inspo so here you go <3 (this is also the shortest thing i've ever written it feels weird)
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Just One More
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 828
warnings: fluff fluff fluff, kissing and smooching, that's it i think
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Everything is soft, warm, and hazy, it’s almost like being wrapped in the morning sun's rays as you float across the sky on a cloud. True peace exists only at this moment; Bucky’s arms are wrapped around your body, sleeping with his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair, absentmindedly kissing the top of his head.
But then your damn alarm decides to go off louder than ever - the alarm’s tone doesn’t change, it just always seems to be louder whenever you’re too comfortable to get out of bed. And dear Lord you don’t want to. You want to stay right here all day, only getting up to eat or use the bathroom. Other than that, you’d be adamant that neither of you were to leave your little bubble of love.
You’re nearly unable to reach your phone due to Bucky lying almost fully on top of you, but you manage to snag it before the alarm gives him a rude wake-up. Upon stopping it, you drop your phone on the pillow next to you, wrapping your arm around Bucky’s back again to rub up and down in a soothing motion. He stirs under your touch, rubbing his face into your chest like he’s a cat burrowing into a blanket, hiding from the world in the hopes of being allowed a few more minutes of sleep.
He groans when you laugh, your fingernails scratching at his scalp.
“Honey?” You whisper softly, kissing his forehead. “Baby, come on, we have to get up.”
“No,” he grunts, blindly reaching up one of his arms so he can cover your eyes with his hand. “Go back to sleep.”
You can’t help but laugh a little louder, especially when Bucky starts grumbling about needing his beauty sleep.
“You’re beautiful enough,” you say with a smile, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand off of your face so you can kiss his palm. “We need to get ready.”
Huffing, Bucky lifts his head, blinking several times before giving you a look so mean that others might be afraid, but it only makes you giggle harder. He’s such a baby. And it’s absolutely impossible not to kiss that pout off of his face, so you do. You press a soft, lingering kiss to his plush lips until he stops his whining and leans into it. But then you pull away, and Bucky pouts again.
“You’re going to wake me up and only give me one kiss?” He huffs again as he lifts himself off of your body so he can hover over you, one hand planted next to your head while the other grabs your left hand, threading your fingers together and bringing them up to his mouth so he can kiss your knuckles. “You know I’m going to need at least three more before I can even consider letting you out of this bed.”
“Three?” You ask with a laugh, using your free hand to cup his cheek. “How about two?”
“Four,” He grunts, eyes squinting.
“Now that’s just rude!” Bucky exclaims as he pulls further back so he can truly look at you so incredulously that you can’t help but laugh again. “One kiss isn’t good enough. I need five.”
“Oh, now it’s five kisses?” Your giggling continues when he nods, dipping down to steal one. “How about this: I give you four more kisses and then we get up and get ready. Then I’ll give you another five kisses before we leave. Deal?”
Bucky sighs, knowing he’s lost this battle. Damn you and your tempting lips.
“Fine,” He grumbles, leaning down again.
With each kiss he gives you, you mumble one, two, three. But the final kiss gets a little more heated. His tongue slips through your lips and into your mouth, neither of you caring about the fact that you haven’t brushed your teeth yet. How can you when the man you love is so adamant about showing his affection for you that he gets genuinely upset when he can’t even hold your hand?
Before you lose yourself too far in the kiss, you pull away breathlessly. “Four.”
Bucky sighs, pulling away and rolling off your body. He gives you his best puppy dog eyes while you sit up and stretch, letting the blanket fall into your lap. It’s just as you move to get out of bed when he grabs your wrist again.
“Baby,” He says, causing you to turn and look at him with a playfully raised eyebrow. “Just one more?”
He smiles when you roll your eyes because just like he can never say no to you, he knows that you’d never deny him of anything that makes him happy. One final time, you lean over and kiss him, pulling away almost immediately so he can’t wrap his arms around you - because then you know you’d never leave the bed.
“Now, come on. We can’t be late to our own wedding.”
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
Nico has gone soft.
He’s gone soft.
“What,” he growls, yanking open his cabin door.
That’s the issue with it all — a year ago, if someone came pounding at his door, in the middle of the night, for literal minutes as he desperately tried to ignore them, he wouldn’t even bother with words. He’d come out swinging; fists or sword or both.
But look at him now.
Using his words.
He’s a pacifist.
“Can I please sleep with you,” blurts the interloper, and both of them go very intensely red at the same time.
Nico drags his hand down his face. (Because he is furious, not because he’s trying to hide his glowing cheeks.) “Solace, I swear to all that is holy.”
Will waits for him to finish. Nico chooses not to, letting the threat hang in the air. Will can imagine what Nico wants to do to him. Hopefully it involves screams of pain and agony, because that is the vibe he is sending.
“I — please,” whines the biggest thorn in Nico’s side, when it becomes obvious he is not opening the door any further. (Will even shivers, pitifully, and Nico refuses to notice the tank top and unwisely short shorts he’s wearing as PJs. That’s his problem. It’s October. Camp-monitored weather or not, he should know better.) “Please please please can I sleep here? Just for tonight?”
The issue is that he really does look so pitiful. His nose is red, slightly, and his eyes are big and blue and shining in the faint light of Greek fire torches, and the pout on his face is just short of emotionally moving. He glows in the moonlight, too, freckles shining like dotted stars; all of him awash in silver like a marble statue of Hellenistic tragedy.
Nico sighs.
Will brightens.
Nico opens the door, just a little.
Will darts inside.
Nico is a weak, weak man. Truly.
“You have your own cabin,” he grouches, scowl twisted and potent and pointed in Sun Boy’s direction. Will either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, rocking back on his heels and observing the cabin as if he hasn’t been inside dozens of times to harass Nico in dozens of different ways.
“Never been here at night,” he muses, and Nico seriously considers collapsing to his knees and yelling at the top of his lungs. (But he is the dignified Ambassador of Pluto, King of the Shadows, so he does not. Instead, he vows to wait until Solace is finally gone, so he can wallow in peace.)
“Feel free to return to your own cabin at any given time,” Nico says pointedly. He ignores the second pout he knows is aimed at his back, crawling back into his bed and beginning the slow, meticulous process of layering himself in his fourteen and a half blankets.
“I can’t!”
The mattress springs of the spare bed across from Nico whine in protest as Will throws himself dramatically upon it. Nico refuses to look at him, and also refuses to ask the question Will is trying, with great difficulty, to make him ask. If he wants to march in here and make himself a nuisance, he can do it without Nico’s help, that’s for damn certain.
Will huffs. “It’s too dark in my cabin.”
There’s a second as the words travel from sparks in Will’s brain, to less abstract thought, to language, to a sound beginning with vibrations in his throat and floating through the air, tickling the delicate hairs in Nico’s ear and re-translating themselves to sparks inside his own brain. It takes but a moment, a millisecond, a delay too small for either of them to register. In that moment, Nico closes his eyes and wonders, clearly, to himself: is this really better than living alone on the streets, hunted nonstop by monsters? Is it?
“William,” he says, very, very slowly, ignoring the reflective, chirped Not my name! in reply. “William, I am going to kill you.”
See, every cabin has its quirks. Zeus’, for instance, resembles a mausoleum. (Nico should know. He’s picnicked in several.) Athena’s resembles a library, sleeping and living an afterthought. His own cabin, remodelled after whatever fool made it look like Count Dracula’s wet dream, now closely resembles his bedroom in his father’s palace, were his bedroom shared and less frigidly unwelcoming.
Apollo’s cabin is made of solid gold. The interior is painted with bright, overlapping murals made by generations of talented artists, fairy light strung across the ceiling and curled around bedposts, sun lamps and skylights peppering every square foot. Warmly lit and welcoming, in the inside, eyesore on the outside. Nico wouldn’t be able to find the shadow of a speck of dust in that cabin. He has no idea how anyone sleeps.
“William,” he repeats, incredulous. Four of his blankets slip from their meticulous pile, and Will stares right back, wide-eyed but unafraid. “William, please use your fucking eyeballs.”
Will gasps. Hand pressed to his chest, genuinely aghast, like Nico had just insulted his mother.
“Nico!” he chastises. “Language, lordie!”
Nico refuses to smile.
He refuses.
“Solace, this place is made of shadow. You are full of shit, telling me your cabin is too dark. Literally what are you yapping about.”
Will holds his gaze for a moment, still glaring. But stubborn as he is, Nico has the better glower of the two of them — Will is more practiced at the silent treatment. He huffs, relenting.
“Jus’ feels dark,” he mumbles, so quietly Nico has to strain to hear him. “‘N it’s quiet.”
“Is this about Kayla and Austin going home this year?” he asks softly, awkwardly.
Will nods miserably.
“Well — I mean — in that case —”
He stumbles over his words, face glowing. He doesn’t know how to say what he wants to say without embarrassing himself, without missing the mark — you’re welcome here, Will? Of course you are? I answered the door for you, Will? I let you in, Will? For anyone else, I would have slammed it in their face, Will? I have before?
“Just — sleep it off,” is what he ends up saying, wincing as soon as the words leave his mouth.
Will snorts. “Yeah, lemme just dodge the crushing loneliness with a quick five hours.”
“Piss off, you know what I —” Nico frowns. “Five hours?”
“It’s two somethin’ in the morning, darlin’. I’ll be up when the sun rises.”
Nico glances at the blackout curtains hanging from the window frames.
Not this time, he thinks, as quietly as he can.
“Right,” he says. He waits a beat. “Goodnight, you pain in my ass.”
Will beams at him. He can’t see it, but he can feel it, practically, the glowing warmth of it, and he shoves his face in his own pillow before he does something embarrassing like smile back.
“Night! Love you bunches.”
He screams slightly into the silk pillowcase. “You are the biggest dweeb in the world.”
“Shut up. I love you too. Sleep immediately or I’ll gag you.”
“Yeesh, Nico, let’s discuss our fantasies before we dive into any —”
“I am going to kill you to death, Solace, I swear on the palace of my father —”
“Okay, yeesh, Prince of Darkness, I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”
Will’s snickering is an annoyingly welcome sound in the usually silent cabin. Nico ignores it for his own peace of mind, waiting for it to fade into even breathing before he lets out the breath he was holding, sagging into his bedsheets. He peaks over the mound of blankets and pillows, eyes adjusting easily to the dark, and traces Will’s lanky frame; on top of the covers, because of course he is, bare leg hanging off the side of the bed and arm hooked around his own head. He’s been asleep for a few minutes at most, but his curls already frizz and tangle in a messy halo all around his head, as if he’s been tossing and turning for hours. His mouth is parted just slightly, Cupid’s bow pink and pursed.
“Love you, stronzello,” he whispers again, fondly, and smiles as his own eyes flutter shut.
(He wakes up at noon to Will rushing around the cabin, panicked, shoving his feet into his flipflops and buzzing about being late to his shift. He brains himself on the door frame in his rush to get to the infirmary.)
(“Karma,” Nico calls to his retreating back, snickering.)
(He thinks he’ll let Will sleep over more often.)
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I'm watching too much stuff. And things are not slowing down with all the things coming in September. So I'm gonna try and keep this short. As much as that's possible given the amount of shows.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭 4 Minutes [6/8] - Finally some answers. I haven't read all the theories floating around about this last episode and what it means, but I'm firmly on the side of, there is another alternative timeline, probably from when Tyme is dying at the start of the show, and also very much in agreement with everything @lurkingshan wrote here that these are just imagined do-overs and nothing will actually change in the real world. Which would be my preferred way.
🇹🇭 Addicted Heroin [2/10] - Haven't watched this weeks episode yet. My review for the first two is here.
🇹🇼 First Note of Love [4/12] - I like them a lot. And I like the pacing of this. I love the intro song. But with a second couple being introduced I think I'm gonna get frustrated having to wait a week for a 20 minute episode. I felt that way a lot during Kiseki.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot [10/12] - I am annoyed.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [7/12] - May the boyfriend era commence. I am enjoying this one. I'm guessing we still have a bit of angst coming and I'm hoping for a good explanation for the dreams.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke [6/7] - Just such an incredible show. This week brought the pain and I'm still unwell. As if Frito getting sick wasn't heart breaking enough, that ending left me in tears. I cannot believe we only have one episode left. I am not ready to say goodbye to the three of them.
🇹🇭 Monster Next Door [6/12] - My favourite thing about this is definitely Big. His presence on screen is great. But I'm not fully connecting yet for some reason.
🇹🇭 Peaceful Property [1/10] - It's a lot of fun. Yeah, I know it's not a bl. But it's bl adjacent so it goes here. Also in my head it's gonna be a bl no matter what. Possibly even with a gl side couple. The mind is a powerful thing.
🇯🇵Sugar Dog Life [4/10] - I love Isumi. I really liked that they didn't drag the girl storyline and it served it's purpose. Isumi is now very much aware of it's feelings. I'm looking forward to the date episode.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro [9/11] - Takara, my love. This boy has my whole heart. I can't believe I'll have to say goodbye to then tomorrow. I'm bracing for part pain, part happy. Please Japan don't let me down.
🇹🇭 The Loyal Pin [1/16] - I'm waiting to binge.
🇹🇼 The On1y One [4/10] - This show will hurt and I will love every second of it. I really like the look of this show and how we get those little insights into Jiang at the end of the episode. The actors are doing great and I specially love Benjamin Tsang facial expressions. I'm curious to see these two together and how their dynamic will work considering their circumstances. Also, always happy to see the revolving door of cameos Taiwan always grace us with.
🇯🇵Twilight Out of Focus - It's so beautiful. I'm enjoying that we get different couples even if sometimes it feels like we could have more time with them. I like Rei/Shion a lot, but I do miss Mao and Hisashi. 🇹🇭 The Trainee [10/12] - Just to get it out if the way, the Bamhee/Judy storyline was definitely the right call and @lurkingshan was right all along. Also the way the office came together was delightful and it's great to see Pah getting everyone together and once again being the best friend ever. Now. THE OFFICE FLIRTING!!! I was losing my mind giggling like an idiot. I love them. It's pretty obvious at this point that it's mutual and of course Ryan will need to actually be told that, but I still think Jane will wait until the internship is over before confessing or starting anything official. I can't wait to watch all the interns reaction next week. I love it here.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵 Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! - I'm disappointed in this one. It started off so strong but by the end it lost me. I love Hiroko but I feel like they betrayed the character. And that ending with the kiss in the office was ridiculous. Actually most of the end was weird in the way that it seemed to contradict what came before. I like that they finally got together but it didn't feel as good as it could've.
🇹🇭 Century of Love - Started of great and imo fell apart by the end. I don't think it was consistent all the way through and the mythology was all over the place. Daou did an amazing job though. Also Ju is one of the greatest female characters of the year.
🇯🇵 Cosmetic Playlover - Pretty show. Final thoughts here.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! - Probably the biggest surprise of the year for me. It's great. I like the development of both couples. Even if near the end I got a tiny bit annoyed with Peak, I really liked the conclusion of it all. Latte is a great character and the very rare slut unjudged by the narrative.
🇹🇭🇨🇳 Meet You At the Blossom - Look it's great that we got a chinese bl, but this was not it for me. Let's hope this one helps get others made though.
🇹🇭Love Sea - It was fine. I enjoyed Mut but in general I just never connected to this show. And Muk annoyed me to no end. I was so happy to see Aya again and now I just wanna forget that she was ever in this and simply remember her as Yiwa.
🇹🇭 SunsetxVibes - I don't even have words. I don't know if it was my lack of attention or if it never actually made sense but I never really got what the mythology was all about apart from inspiring a truly horrendous looking necklace. I was slogging though this one and I guess the finale was fine.
🇹🇭 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - The sides were great, their chemistry was on point. I really wanna see them again. The mains were my favourite thing about Pit Babe but I just didn't like them here.
🇹🇭 The Rebound - I just have to accept that MeenPing will always have bad scripts. They are pretty together but this was a mess.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up!
Rose Watches OJBL
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Pornographer: Spring Life | Playback | Continued Spring Life Finally finished the novelist. Final thoughts.
A LOT of stuff coming this month so if you haven't checked it out, here is the post with all announced upcoming qls for September with a couple of updates that I made today.
As usual my ask box is open. Have a wonderful week💜
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
How can you improve your self esteem? - Pick a card witchcraft
One of this piles actually resonated so much for me that i even teared up. May your guides and the Universe lead you to find the best information here too. Axé!
✨Enjoyed the reading? A tip would be a sweet way to help me keep these free insights coming. Thanks so much for your support!
✨ I always use tarot cards and oracle cards for the reedings. Here i used the tarot, the work your light oracle and the prism oracle.
✨ I also channel messages from my guides and add them to the reading.
✨I hope this reading brings you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
✨ And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just DM me anytime.
✨ TIPS ✨
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Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask you guides and the Universe take you to the message you need to read right now.
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✨1 - the potion
it’s time to let go of the past and any feelings of regret or missed opportunities. You’ve been holding on to some friends that you’ve lost, and that have left you feeling down, but there’s a reason for all that. They cleared the path for something better that aligns more with who you are now. You’re about to meet people so much more aligned to you and your energy. You’re on the brink of a major shift and being called to open up to new possibilities that are way more in tune with who you are now, not who you were in the past. This is about recognizing that the past doesn’t define your future, your choices do. Start accepting that those chapters are closed and focus on the new opportunities that are coming your way. This shift in mindset is the first step to feeling more confident and at peace with yourself.
And also, step into your power! You’ve got all these dreams and desires, and sometimes it feels like they’re just floating around in the ether, waiting to be grounded in reality. You’re someone who feels deeply, loves deeply, and maybe even dreams with your head in the clouds sometimes. But now it’s time to bring those dreams down to earth and start taking real steps towards them. This is about letting your inner romantic and creative self out to play, whether that means diving into a project, expressing your feelings to someone special, or simply embracing the things that make your heart beat a little faster. Life is too short to hold back, so go ahead and wear your heart on your sleeve. You’re more powerful when you’re true to yourself.
Witch’s advice:
Make a me time with a simple ritual: start with a cleansing bath, from head to toe, using a infusion with lavender, basil, rosemary and chamomile to wash away any lingering doubts and negative energy that might be holding you back. As the water soothes you, imagine it carrying away all your worries and leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the new and dont rinse off.
After your bath, keep a piece of rose quartz close to your heart and meditate on who you truly are, what you love, and what you want for your life. This crystal will help you nurture that self-love and remind you that you’re worthy of all the good things coming your way. Pair it with citrine, a crystal that’s all about abundance and joy, to attract those positive vibes and keep your energy high.
And because a good cup of tea never fails, brew yourself some dry orange, lavender and vanilla tea. As you sip, take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy, what lights you up, and set an intention to bring more of that into your life. You’d be amazed at how a simple ritual like this can shift your energy already. ✨
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✨2 - the oracle
You've been in a bit of a struggle lately, haven't you? It feels like there's been a lot of tension, some conflict, but the good news is that the chaos is starting to calm down and now you can actually hear yourself think. That’s huge because your intuition is seriously on fire right now. You’ve always been someone who picks up on things that others miss, and lately, you’ve probably been keeping a lot of that to yourself, just trying to figure out what’s up. But here’s the thing: you need to start trusting those vibes and letting them guide you. You know what’s best for you, even if it feels like no one else gets it.
it looks like you’re ready to make some bold moves. You’re clear-minded, determined, and you know what you want and nothing is going to stand in your way. Just be careful not to rush things too much. remember that sometimes the best action comes from a mix of speed and strategy.
Also accept that you’re not exactly like everyone else, and that’s f****** perfect! Own it. Sometimes you feel like a total weirdo, like you’re from another planet or something, right? But guess what? That’s your superpower. You’re not here to blend in; you’re here to shake things up. You’ve got this unique way of seeing the world, and yeah, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s exactly what makes it so important. The world needs people like you who aren’t afraid to question the sistems, to push boundaries, and to bring in fresh perspectives.
So embrace your weirdness, share your thoughts, even if they’re not what people expect and trust your instincts, because they’re leading you exactly where you need to go. The more you lean into who you really are, the more confident you’ll feel. And don’t forget: Your voice is powerful, so use it.
You’re about to wrap up a huge chapter in your life, and it’s going to feel so good. Everything you’ve been working on is coming together, and you’re stepping into this new phase where you can finally breathe and enjoy.
Witch’s advice:
Get some rosemary and boldo infusion for a cleansing bath, head to toe, with no rinse, to clear away any lingering bad vibes and sharpen that intuition even more. Light a white candle to connect with your higher self and set those intentions and grab some amethyst to keep your energy calm and clear, and carnelian to keep that motivation high. You’ve got this, babe. Now go out there and rock your world. 💫
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✨Pile 3 - the candle
I can see you’ve been feeling pretty low lately, maybe like you’re out in the cold, struggling to find your footing. It’s like you’ve been dealing with some tough times financially, emotionally, or maybe even both, feeling isolated, or like you’re facing these challenges all on your own. But really, it’s just a phase. This is a moment where you can start shifting that energy. You’re stronger than you think, and there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Trust that you’re never alone, even when it feels like it. The spirits are with you, guiding you through the darkness.
You’ve got this incredible spark, this passion and confidence that just shines when you let it. You’re a natural leader, someone who can take charge and inspire others. This is a time to really step into that power, to remember who you are cause you got a lot to offer the world, my dear. Even when life’s hard, you’ve still got that fierce energy inside you. It’s time to reignite it and use it to your advantage. And you’ve got that golden touch for your dreams with the wisdom and the practicality to build something solid, something that will last.
And you’ve got that golden touch to make your dreams come true with wisdom and the practicality to build something that will last. This is about laying the groundwork for the future you want. Be patient, be steady, and trust that the seeds you’re planting now will grow into something beautiful and abundant. You have the strength and the skill to turn your visions into reality! believe that, and keep moving forward.
And oh, the celebration that’s coming your way! You’re on the verge of a big win, a moment where you’re going to feel truly proud of yourself. It’s like all the hard work you’ve been putting in is finally paying off, and you’re going to have a reason to kick back and really enjoy the results. This is about feeling supported, loved, and recognized for everything you’ve achieved. Don’t shy away from celebrating your victories cause you’ve earned this!
But, there’s still some shadow work to do. It’s time to break free from the old patterns, the ones that have been passed down through generations. These cycles of pain and rejection—they’ve been with you for too long. Now is the moment to cleanse yourself, to release what no longer serves you, and to step into a new way of being. This is about healing those deep wounds, not just for yourself, but for those who came before you and those who will come after.
Witch’s advice:
I want you to light a purple candle and set the intention to break those ancestral ties that have been keeping you in negative cycles. Ask your guides and the universe to bring in the energy of transformation and transmutation. Let that candle be a symbol of your commitment to moving forward, free from the past.
Also, do a cleansing ritual. Use herbs like sage or palo santo to cleanse your space and yourself, removing any lingering negative vibes. And since you’ve got some deep transformation energy around you, keep a piece of obsidian and an amethyst cluster. These crystals will help absorb any negativity and protect you as you step into this new era.
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Excerpt from Gunslinger - "Appaloosa"
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OMG!! I commissioned this artwork from the incredible @captain-natey who RETURNED TO ME WITH THIS MASTERPIECE!!!! I just wanted to plug their work (their commissions are OPEN! visit their website here!!) and I wanted to post the chapter excerpt from "Gunslinger" (Price/Reader) that it belongs to. Hope you enjoy! Please go show Nate some love! Thanks for reading. TW: reference to past domestic abuse, Reader has call sign and speaks Spanish
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Price sat beside you and pulled your chair closer to his, looping an arm around the back of it,
“Look, love, you don’t have to do anything you don’t -”
“Capitán! Quit whispering your sugary words into her ear. This is the woman who survived Miguel ‘El Matador’ Moreno for diez pinche años. She may look like a little lady, but she’s done nastier work than all four of you perritos combined. She is the reason why the infamous Jefe Luis Villagomez doesn’t travel north of the Rio Grande. Charon doesn’t ferry the living very often, amigos. She only takes the dead. Porfa,” Alejandro waved a hand in the air dismissively, unamused by Price’s coddling tones. 
Ale may have been embellishing a bit, but he wasn’t wrong. You didn’t need your hand to be held.
“I can’t leave the animals,” you said, checking to see how far these men had thought this plan through. 
“Laswell called Tony, and he’ll be here Wednesday,” Gaz told you. 
Tony had watched the ranch for you once before. He was a sharp-witted veteran that had run his own ranch for decades, so you felt good about leaving the farm to him. Tony could take care of himself. He did tend to spoil the goats, but there were worse things. 
“How long?” Your question hung in the air like a balloon losing its air, floating, surrounded by silence. 
Vargas and Price shared a look. Price repositioned himself in his chair, not thrilled about having to answer you,
“Not sure, love. Is that alright?” 
It was a test. What were you willing to sacrifice for this man and his makeshift band of brothers? Your peace? You’d fought so damn hard for that peace. You’d survived a devil of a man in order to sleep warm and safe and knowing you could take care of your damn business unaided. After giving up years of your life to unrest and fear, your reward had been the reconstruction of your independence. Price was asking you for your hard-fought freedom. You weren’t ready to give that up. You weren’t ready for sleeping on floors and reloading guns. You weren’t ready to face more devil-men. 
But what else could you do? Price had you, threatening your heart. If you woke up tomorrow to his empty bed, you didn’t know if you could take that pain. You imagined that Kahlo’s Wounded Deer felt much the same; shot through the chest with nowhere to run, stuck between the cliff’s edge and your lover - your hunter - both promising suffering in different ways. No escape. 
The captain studied you like a heeler dog studied its herd, watching for even the slightest movement to strike, to react. He witnessed the fear flash in your face, and in turn, you saw the despair shadow his. It was so slight, that change in his expression, but to you, it was like he was screaming. You, too, were screaming. 
“Okay, but just for this mission. Then, I need to get back to my life,” you decided, making your limitations known, quietly but firmly. 
The relief that washed through Price’s eyes was palpable. 
Vargas served dinner in his chaotic way, family style, sharing plates. Everyone was eating with their hands, cradling the homemade tortillas like little flowers, using them to scoop up meat and sauce that dripped down their palms like nectar, spicy and sweet. 
Ghost didn’t take his food into the other room this time, feeling secure enough to flip up the mouth of his painted mask to eat. It was like seeing him naked; he was always covered up, so any skin was somehow too much. Soap crowded Ghost from his corner of the table, trying to steal more asada, laughing and joking with Ale. Gaz and Price were huddled, murmuring about something, talking with full mouths in low tones. 
It was almost too serene. There were times in life where you understood that you were in a moment you could never return to. You may have similar ones in your future, but somehow, you knew when certain wrinkles in time were singular. As you watched your guests, you knew that this was definitely one of those moments. 
Price had his arm draped across your chair, keeping you near him. You crafted a bite for him in your hand, pinching the soft tortilla until it held the perfect amount of Ale’s asada. 
You nudged Price with your free hand,
“Toma, come esto, papi.” Here, have a bite, daddy.
He turned away from Gaz and found you there, his bite of food in your hands, and his face lit up like a flame. Bending his head down to meet your hand, he grabbed your wrist in his huge fist, trapping your arm. Then, slowly, he put his mouth around the morsel, lips touching the pads of your fingers, tongue licking the sauce from them. 
Vargas watched your interaction from the other side of the table, open-mouthed. Soap smacked him on the shoulder as if to cash in a bet.
“No, animales! Not at the table!”
The men shared a lighthearted groan and laughed good-naturedly, giving you and their captain a hard time about your little display of affection. 
You smirked, feeling accomplished. Price had wanted to tell them, so you thought a dropped hint or two would be alright. To your relief, he laughed with them, chewing his food before making a comment,
“Sabe buena.” Tastes good. His voice, still badly accented, was mirthful and suggestive, dragging out another round of playful jeering. 
Then, to your surprise, the captain pulled your chair back away from the table, leaning it on its rear legs, holding it at an angle, and kissed you deeply. You let out a little cry of shock, silenced by his mouth. But, you recovered, kissing him back, wrapping one hand around his jaw and the other running through his hair. 
It was all in good fun. Normal. Just a couple flirting with each other, but for Price, you could tell it meant more. It was one thing to bare your souls to each other in front of the farm animals, or to sneak off and rediscover original sins in the quiet of your room, but it was something else to show the world that you chose him. To show his men that you were committed to their captain. That you weren’t just a rest-stop on their long journey. You got the sense that by committing to him, you were also committing to them: his family. 
The rest of the meal passed in that same warmth, filled with laughter and jokes, stories and questions about each other. Intimacy. The whole time, Price couldn’t keep his hands off of you. Your thigh, your hand, the nape of your neck - he was grabbing you like a lifeline. He shared his food, making you try his chili relleno, giving you sips of his drink when yours ran dry, doting on you. 
“Okay, time for dessert, yes?” You asked the others, picking up dirty dishes as you retreated back to the kitchen. 
You heard exasperated groaning, their bellies full and struggling, but you didn’t hear a no. Vargas followed you into the kitchen, pretending to help,
“Dios mío, necesito un cigarrillo después de verlos a ustedes.” My God, I need a cigarette after watching you two. 
“Cállate, cerdito.” Shut up, piglet. You smiled to yourself, cutting up what was left of the cheesecake, giving Price’s plate the largest piece. 
“¿Estas enamorado, morena?” Are you in love, darling? His voice was a quiet whisper. It felt like a gunshot wound in your chest. 
“I don’t know,” you said, in English, not trusting yourself to tell such a lie in your native tongue. 
Your old friend covered his mouth with his hand, eyebrows heading skyward, giving you an obvious look. He replied in English, understanding the secret you’d been trying to conceal,
“You know better, Charon. We are not men who should be loved. I hope you know what you’re doing, mija. ”
You didn’t reply out loud, but on the inside, you heard yourself say, “Me, too.”
Even though they lived in the shadows, you weren’t sold on the idea that they should be priests for their causes. Men like Price typically followed two paths. The love of a woman, if she becomes his family, could break his heart, making him forget his purpose, distracting him from his quest for justice. Or, she would light a fire in him, turning him into a dragon. You were afraid to find out which path he would choose.
You wondered if he loved you. 
You delivered the cake and poured more tequila into all the little cups that were thirsty for it. 
John was rolling a cigar in his fingers absentmindedly, and you could tell he was aching to smoke it. 
“You wanna come outside with me, love?” Price invited you, rubbing your thighs in big, sweeping strokes, making your blood rush through them, somehow knowing what you wanted. 
Everyone else was chatting, or watching Gaz play that video game of his, backseat driving, telling him where to hide and who to shoot. Which gun to use. You slipped out onto the porch with Price, avoiding any more ribbing. 
You stood against the porch railing, facing the yard, staring out at the darkness of the night, the rain finally dying out to a drizzle, casting little blue galaxies in the flooded grass, reflecting the light from a huge moon. Price stood directly behind you, pressed against your body, wrapping one hand around the railing, closing you in. He held his cigar in the other hand, smoking it in circles, trying to make the ashes burn evenly. 
“You surprised me at dinner,” he commented, obviously looking for a response. 
You feigned ignorance,
“Oh, why?”
“Feeding me by hand like that. Can’t be doing that in public. Makes me go a bit hard, love.” His voice was right next to your ear, gravelly and delightfully threatening. 
You smiled sweetly, your words coated in pretend innocence, playing with him,
“What do you mean? I just wanted you to have a bite. One little bite can’t hurt, can it, John?” 
“It’s bloody mental, the way you make me feel,” he took a long drag from his cigar and let the smoke tumble out as he spoke, leaning over you, “I’d fuck you right here, pretty girl, given half a chance.”
He took a deep breath along the side of your neck, smelling your skin beneath your hair, and when he exhaled, a moan was wrapped quietly inside it.
You pressed your ass into his crotch, finding him nearly hard. Touching his hand gently, you took his cigar and stuck it in your mouth, the wet leaves tasting like him. You curled the smoke with your tongue, locking eyes with him over your shoulder, watching him suffer deliciously,
“I dunno about ‘mental’, John. But it seems like you have an oral fixation.
You punctuated your last two words, saying them with a soft, sultry undertone. His eyes narrowed as he smiled down at you in a sinister grin,
“Do I ever.”
He stole the stick back from you and smiled even wider, teeth gleaming, his incisors seeming like fangs in his wolfy smile. 
“Think they’re watching us?” You let your eyes turn over to the window, covered with a sheer curtain, fully aware that the view outside was more visible than your view into the house. Trick of the light. 
He shrugged,
“Not if they know what’s good for them.”
Price’s cock had fully hardened now, and he thrust it up into your body ever so slightly, rubbing himself through layers of clothes, rocking his hips once and then twice like a promise of things to come. It made you feel a deep, primal lust, understanding his need without his words, your bodies engaging in an ancient art that had remained untainted by eons of time. You returned his invitation, rolling your hips back onto him, your ass pressing soundly into his pinned shaft. 
“We should get some sleep. Early start tomorrow. It’s five hours to El Ojo,” Price groaned, whispering, rutting against you mindlessly, burying his face in your hair, staining your scent with his smoke. 
You turned around to face him; he didn’t stop his idle grinding, looking tranquilized by his heady tobacco. Hypnotizing you with his casual eroticism. 
“You don’t seem sleepy,” you commented, letting your hands roam over his chest and belly, tracing his nipples beneath his smooth shirt. He shuddered at your touch, sighing deeply. 
With his cigar perched carefully between his fingers, he grabbed your jawbone, and you could feel the wet end press into your cheek. You could sense the warmth of the ash on your skin. He began to kiss you, all of the smoke and musky scents of him blended together, and his strong, masculine cologne made your head spin. His kisses were controlling and long, moving your head where he wanted it to be, sucking your lips and tongue, keeping them from exploring on their own. He was the guide for your passion, showing you all the ways he would be able to please.
He broke away, but only far enough to keep your lips from touching, his breath hot as it warmed your mouth when he spoke,
“Early. Tomorrow. We have to get up early. We should sleep.”
“Okay,” you sighed, a little dramatically, easing past his grip, removing yourself from him, untangling his vines from your bones, “if you say so, John. Buenas noches.” 
You walked inside, swaying your hips a little more than you needed to, knowing he was looking, his blue eyes burning into your curves. Just before you went through the door, you glanced over at him. In the darkness of the porch, cast in shadow, the smoldering tip of his cigar glowed in his open mouth, the light from it gleaming off of his teeth and coloring his lips and beard a fiery orange. He was grinning, like a fox in a henhouse. When he saw you looking, he made a small show of readjusting himself, pawing at his swollen rod to release it from where it was trapped, and in the dimness, you could see its threatening outline. 
You shut the door behind you, hands shaking. The other men mostly ignored you, but you caught them glancing your way, trying to sneak looks. Soap was not as sneaky as the rest, staring blankly as if he had a secret he shouldn't have.
As you wished them good night, they returned the sentiment casually, but it was then that you noticed the window. Price was still at the railing - in full, clear view, smoking. Blood rushed to your cheeks, and you could feel the flush tingle against your skin with embarrassment. 
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An hour or so later, you were already asleep when Price came upstairs. His heavy footsteps pulled you from your slumber. He was pacing in his room, packing perhaps. You went to the bathroom and pulled open the door. Upon hearing you, he opened his as well.
“Hey,” you whispered, squinting from sleep. 
“Hey,” he was breathing heavily, dressed in nothing but the jeans and boots he had worn that day. 
The captain watched as your eyes feasted upon his skin, gazing longingly at his thick waist where his pants were slung low on his hips, showing off just a bit of hair from below his belt line. One of his giant hands gripped the door frame, high on the plank, stretching his chest into a sweeping display of muscle. His armpit, arms, and torso were covered in the thick, dark hair you had let your hands roam across last night during your joining, and you knew how it would feel to touch. 
Price slid his hand down the frame, making a slow scraping noise, stepping fully into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him with a click, his icy eyes never leaving yours. 
He was enormous in the small space. His body was a powerhouse of visible strength. The meat of him hung heavy on his large bones, and he seemed, in the clean white tile of the bathroom, as if he was a specimen in some sort of display. Some museum exhibit, showing off, in sterile composition, the ideal form of Man. Built to fuck, to kill, to dominate the beasts of Eden from the lamb to the lion. Top of the food chain. 
Still a little shy from realizing you’d given his team quite the show earlier on the porch, you averted your gaze, turning toward the sink. Before you could run the water, he was behind you, quick, crowding your space exactly as he had on the porch.
He positioned himself behind you and, much more luridly this time, began to kiss and lick your neck, grinding himself into you as he did so, slipping a warm hand under your loose top, finding your soft flesh waiting for his touch. You could feel the roughness of his denim jeans through your cotton shorts, and the contrast between his soft, melting kiss and the hard, unforgiving feeling of him trying to fuck you through your clothes was too much to handle. Your body was trying to reconcile the two, splitting your thoughts, making you love-drunk on his ministrations. 
Price pulled off your shirt, raking it over your head, tossing it to the floor. He laced his hand through your hair and began to tug your head back, forcing you to look at yourself, bare to him, in the mirror. There was only the nightlight, more like a small Christmas bulb attached to a plug, so the room lacked any harsh contrast. Your bodies, your faces, the walls - everything began to swirl together, all colorized in the same, peachy glow. 
You felt his hands on your breasts, and you watched him touch you in the mirror. Seeing yourself being pulled and manipulated by such a large man was gratifying. His hands massaged into your softness, leaving warm trails on your skin, the tell-tale feeling of where he had touched and where he still had left to go. The captain saw himself in the mirror for the first time, then, looking up from leaving erotic kisses on your neck and shoulders. 
He sighed, locking eyes with you in the glass. That sigh trailed off into a groan, a ghost of the one he’d given you last night in the midst of his ecstasy. 
“Fucking hell, look at you,” he said in his lowest tone.
Suddenly, he was tugging at the button of his jeans and unzipping the fly, freeing himself and stroking his cock to attention using your plump ass. Through your flimsy shorts, you could feel the burning heat that radiated from him. Reaching behind you, his hardness fell into your palm and you watched the sensation crawl its way through his expression in the reflection. He gasped, resting his head against yours, whispering - yes, yes, yes - into your ear in a hiss through clenched teeth. 
John’s hand found your pantyline and pried it away from your skin with a confident finger, traveling down into your folds, searching for the swelling bundle nestled in the crest of your slit, rubbing it in long, loose ovals.
It wasn’t feverish; it was measured. His was the hand of a practiced man. As he worked, you joined him, rolling your wrist to rub his foreskin up and down in achingly long pulls, letting his wet head graze your skin as you teased him. The thick length was drooling with precome, and you could feel its stickiness on your palm. 
It didn’t take him long to find your particular rhythm, the one you used when staring at Pinterest photos on your phone of Keanu Reeves in his John Wick era; sweaty, bloody, and great with a gun. Price’s movements felt personal, like he’d read about what you wanted in your diary somewhere, as if he was in on the secret. It brought you to the summit very quickly, and he noticed the flush in your cheeks and breasts, only then increasing his intensity. 
You tried to continue to stroke him, but as you began to come in Price’s hand, you could only hold onto his cock, grasping it like the handle in a car driving too fast, careening downhill, rushing to its inevitable crash. 
“Yeah, love, come for me. Just like that, you gorgeous fucking thing,” he watched you tumble over the edge, crumpling in the mirror, reaching for him. 
“John! Please,” you cried.
You felt the tension burst inside of you like a mortar, hot and molten, pouring out of your core and into your body in waves of climactic pleasure. No one had ever made you come that hard, that quickly. It was hard for you to stand. Price steadied you, using his talented hand to hold you to him while you remembered your legs. 
Once you regained your senses, you removed your hand from him to pull down your shorts and panties, letting them pool at the floor beneath your feet. You returned to his cock, now swollen and throbbing, and fed it into you. Your come made his entry smooth and slippery, and he filled you up, your body celebrating his return.
He returned to his slow, grinding dance on the porch, thrusting himself into you rhythmically in aching, rolling motions. It was not the slamming pugilism of two people trying to find release. This was a concerted effort for him to fuck your walls into his memory, rubbing his dick along them to sense every ridge and sweet spot, and to find the ones that made you scream. 
When you let slip a desperate moan, he would pause, reflect, and return, hitting it again and again, watching you writhe and begging for him to help you.
“You feel so good in me,” you admitted, talking to him in the looking-glass. 
His eyes were full of mismanaged control, and his grip on reality was slipping, 
“Bloody beautiful. So warm and wet for me. Goddamnit, I’m not gonna last.”
But, he did. Your beast had stamina. He returned to your clit as he thrust in and out of you, dragging his fat cock through your body, ripping two more orgasms from your lips before he surrendered. 
You watched him come, crying out darkly in his reflection. He had pulled himself from you and was painting your generous ass cheeks with his load. The tacky fluid was searingly hot, and it ran down your skin in drips. 
You smiled, bending back to kiss him,
“Messy boy,” you chided playfully, a naughty tone in your voice. 
“Wanna clean you up,” Price sighed, satisfied and spent.
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Do you want 30 more chapters of these two? Read "Gunslinger" here.
Reblogs and comments deeply appreciated!
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✦C.o.D Call Sign Inspo✦
(I've been having a bad writer's block, but, I do have some mini ideas that I can't flesh out. But, I know some people struggle with names/concepts for Y/N's/Characters. So! I'm giving them out for free in hopes it'll inspire something in someone so they don't go to waste!)
✧Somno; Gender Neutral. A y/n that's main trait is being a hyper insomniac. To the point they always seem tired, constantly consuming caffine, etc. But even if they're falling asleep where they're standing, they have incredibly fast reflexes. Could lead to some funny scenarios of finding them asleep in weird places, or, a cute concept (them only being able to sleep when they feel completely safe; ie: with one of the c.o.d characters)
✧Mama; Feminine. Pretty on the nose, but it could also be translated into a different language to match a country of origin. The concept is basically just...an aggressively maternal lieutenant/captain. Because I feel we don't have enough strong MILF's in this world, let alone in this fandom. This could also be used platonically because 141 specifically could use a mom type. Ghost & Gaz specifically.
✧Saint; Gender Neutral. Can be used for a character that's incredibly self sacrificing. Which would make for good fluff & good angst, plus, I think a lot of us can relate to feeling. Partially inspired by a random line I thought of - "If I die protecting you, that's far less frightening than you being gone when I could've protected you. Dying once for you is a peaceful passing, rather than dying every day you're not with me."
✧Salvadora/Salvador; Fem or Masc. Disclaimer; when I had this idea I imagined a woman. An alternative to the cartel story line in Las Almas. Y/N runs a civilian resistance against the cartel and has commandeered a village to keep citizens safe. It's basically a paradise in the crime ridden city. They've been providing sneaky support for Alejandro's men. (Honestly, this concept is pretty specific, and more detailed, and I might break it down more/write it on my own if possible)
✧Copycat/Mimic; Gender Neutral. A y/n that's incredibly skilled at mimicking voices. Whether in different accents or actual voices.
✧Mirage; Gender Neutral. Disclaimer; I imagined this also as a woman because I like powerful ladies. Similar to the one above but instead of just voices, they're just great at disguises in general & particularly sneaky. Like they "fade out of existence" if you look away at the wrong time.
✧Lynx; Gender Neutral. For a small, deceivingly cute looking character that's actually super deadly and quick. Do not trust the toe beans.
✧Nessie; Gender Neutral-Fem Lean. Pretty self explanatory. A character that's illusive and great in water. Bonus points for Scottish rep.
✧Sparks/Fuse; Gender Neutral. Just a fuckin' pyromaniac that can make their own bombs, super impressive and intricate ones. Thought of a scene where they're all in the heat of battle, low on ammo, and Y/N brings up randomly that they were a troublesome teen who almost had a criminal record. Price asks what the charge was and they just light something that doesn't look at all like a bomb, with a giant grin. "It was arson!!" And then they throw a fuckin' devastating bomb.
✧Iris; Gender Neutral. A character known for a very intense/intimidating stare. Inspired by those clips of people losing to Angelina Joline's femme fatal stare. Also, them being able to read a shocking amount about a person purely through eye contact.
✧Sage/Blister/Morphine/Plaster; Gender Neutral. All names for a potential medic!Y/N. (Plaster, for us Americans, is a word for bandaid in the UK. I know y'all prolly know that but just in case)
✧Bee; Gender Neutral. For a Y/N that's visibly smaller than those around them but packs a real hard punch. Also good if they're particularly good at physical combat. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."
✧Sugarcube/Honey/Cupcake; Gender Neutral-Masc Lean. I think the idea of a big buff, visibly masculine, intimidating dude being named something like 'sugarcube' is super funny.
✧Lasso/Big Mac/Stallion; Masculine. Isn't it obvious? Big cowboy man who's aggressively American even if he's actually been a UK citizen for years.
✧Bessie/Cowgirl/Chick; Feminine. Once again, aggressively southern Y/N. But, for fem!y/ns.
✧Tex/Stars/Anthem; Gender Neutral. See above, but this time, neutral. Cause I'm about equality in this bitch.
✧Cobra/Mamba; Gender Neutral. For a y/n that specializes in poisons to kill enemies, as well as a character with any association with snakes. Could be interesting for Ghost to hear.
✧Doll/Dolly; Feminine. A more "spy type" for the classic femme fatal who gets intel through allure. If you've seen my two fic concept posts, this is the call sign I'd give to the Y/N in Price's concept.
✧Tech; Gender Neutral. Pretty basic, a character that's particularly tech-y. Good with computers and hacking.
✧Bunny/Hare; Gender Neutral. For a y/n that's small, but super fast & alert. Bonus if they got Hinata jumping powers.
✧Clover/Shamrock; Gender Neutral. Irish rep. Use this for a Y/N that is somehow the luckiest unlucky person ever. Constantly ending up in situations that are stressful/intense but making it out with barely a scratch. Can add some dissonance if they actually hate this call sign because it's not luck that gets them out of these situations, and instead is there skill.
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arecaceae175 · 2 months
For Want Of Rest: Ch. 2
Fic Summary: Five times Sky falls asleep somewhere that isn’t a bed plus one time they all do. Or, Sky struggles to manage his disabilities, then the chain has a conversation about accessibility and accommodations.
Fan Joy July! Each chapter is inspired a few amazing art pieces of Sleepy Sky <3. There are plenty more chapters and art inspirations to come :D
Chapter Summary: Sky has a nightmare triggered by a storm. Wild and Wolfie help. 1.5k, angst and hurt/comfort.
Inspired by Sky sleeping with his sword by @la-sera and Group Cuddle by @cricketflour. Amazing art pieces by two amazing artists! Go give them some love and appreciation!!!
La-Sera's art is always incredible. I love the colors and the details in the expression. The shading in this piece is particularly cool.
As for cricketflour's piece, BLORBOS!! They look so peaceful and cozy. I love how much detail is shown in the black and white art piece, and I like how this one has the traditional art feel.
Warnings: descriptions of chronic pain and fatigue, nightmare, panic attack, Sky's shit self-esteem, minor Ghirahim creepiness
The stars were hidden behind a thick layer of dark clouds. 
Sky always thought the clouds below Skyloft looked like a thick, fluffy, comfortable blanket. He and Zelda used to daydream about laying on the clouds and feeling all of their aches and pains melt away on the softest bed imaginable. From the surface, clouds never looked quite the same. Sometimes they were fluffy like the ones he knew, but sometimes they were wispy or flat or dark and rumbling and coming for him like the ones in–
Sky shook his head. No. He wasn’t there. Demise was gone, Ghirahim was gone, there was no storm and there was no lightning. Even if there was, it wouldn’t hurt him anymore. He could go under a shelter far away from anything metal. He was safe.
Sky repeated the mantra like the lifeline it was. His grip around Fi’s sheath tightened and he cradled her against his chest. He could never manage to hide her away in a storm. He felt so much safer with the knowledge that he could redirect the lightning blast if it came for him. He would give nearly anything not to do so– his arm cried out in pain, phantom electricity cackling through his veins and the burning of his scars– but Sky knew he would stop at nothing to protect himself or his family. 
Sky flinched, eyes shooting to the clouds. They were the same as before. Sparks floated into his vision, and Sky realized the sound was a log falling in the fire. 
He let out a breath and closed his eyes, letting his aching neck fall backwards onto the tree. He forced his taut muscles to relax and breathed deeply with the wave of pain that coursed through them. 
With great effort, Sky forced his eyes open. His limbs and eyelids were heavy with fatigue. It was too dangerous to keep his eyes closed for more than a second, especially when his family was depending on him to keep them safe. 
Sky frowned and glanced at the clouds again. They obscured the moon, so Sky had no way of knowing how much time had passed. His instincts urged him to stay on watch and let the others sleep, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay awake much longer. His thoughts already felt like they were trudging through mud. It was better to wake the next watch than fall asleep on the job and let the other heroes down.
Just like I did with the curse.
Nope, Sky thought as he rubbed his eyes aggressively. That was enough of that thought spiral for tonight.
He put his sword down, shook out his arms, then scooted over to Wild.
"Wild," Sky whispered. 
He shifted Wild's blanket slightly, just enough to give him some sensation to wake up to. Wild woke with a sharp inhale, hand automatically jerking towards his back. He calmed as soon as he saw Sky, and Sky gave him a soft smile.
"Sorry," Sky muttered. "It's your watch."
"Mm," Wild hummed as he rubbed his eyes. He stayed laying for only a few seconds, then sat up and seemed fully awake. "Got it. You hear anything unusual?"
Sky opened his mouth to reply, but was struck with a large yawn. He settled for shaking his head as he brought up a hand to try to stifle the yawn. He closed his eyes from the force of the yawn. When he opened them, Wild was looking at him with a sympathetic smile.
"Get some sleep, Sky."
Sky smiled as much as his sleepy muscles would allow and scooted back over to the tree he was resting against. The ground was unforgiving against his aching joints, but setting up his bedroll seemed like far too monumental a task. It wouldn't be the first time Sky had slept on nothing but the ground. He curled up beneath the tree and was asleep within minutes.
- - -
Sky's shoes were wet.
He stood in the shallow water, watching the reflection of the clouds roll past. The pounding thunder matched his racing heart. It was too fast to hear the individual beats, the sound meshing into a cacophony of too loud in his mind. Sky tried to cover his ears, but his arms wouldn't move.
His heart raced even faster as he struggled to move his arms, his legs, his head, anything. He managed to curl one arm against his chest, the movement slower than pushing through mud.
"Chosen," a lilting voice sneered, clear above the sounds of thunder. It was a voice Sky knew as intimately as he knew his own.
He needed his sword. Where was his sword?
The world shifted. 
Ghirahim was in front of him. Ghirahim was in front of him holding his sword.
Lightning flashed. Thunder boomed.
A hand grasped his shoulder. Sky panicked.
He thrashed wildly, throwing his hands against his attacker with all the force he could muster. His fist connected with soft flesh and he was freed. He jolted to his feet. Sky managed two steps before he was struck with a wave of dizziness that sent him right back to the ground. Sky desperately heaved in a breath, gasping as he blinked away the black in his vision. Tears trailed down his face and dropped onto the dirt beneath him. 
Dirt. Where was the water?
The voice was different from his; this one was soft, scratchy, and familiar. It was a sound Sky associated with comfort and warmth and smiles and energy.
The haze over his vision cleared, and Sky focused his eyes on Wild's face.
"You need to breathe with me," Wild said. "Can you do that? In, two three four, hold, two three four, out, two three four."
Sky tried, he really, really tried, but he couldn't stop hyperventilating. His blood was rushing through his ears, drowning out Wild's coaching. Wild's hand reached for him. Panic spiked in his chest and Sky threw himself backwards.
Wild quickly pulled his arm back. Sky curled his arms around his heaving chest, desperate for the comfort he couldn't accept.
A soft growl jolted Sky out of his thoughts. He flinched and whipped around, ignoring the spikes of pain from the quick movement. Wolfie flopped onto the ground, ears pulled back and paws tucked beneath his fur. He wiggled slightly, and that was all the permission Sky needed. Sky launched himself at the wolf, throwing his arms around him and burying his face in soft fur. A sob tore through his chest, and Sky wrapped his arms tighter around Wolfie's neck.
"There we go," Wild said softly. His voice was closer than before and Sky flinched, pushing himself deeper into Wolfie's fur.
"Focus on his breaths."
Sky did. He could feel Wolfie's chest rising and falling with each exaggerated exhale.
"In, two three four, hold, two three four, out, two three four."
Wild spoke softly, his voice a comforting tether that Sky desperately latched onto. By the time Sky's breaths evened out and his racing heart calmed, he was so exhausted it hurt. His head pounded, his joints ached to be straightened from where he was curled into Wolfie's side, and he couldn't latch onto any thoughts for longer than a second.
"Better?" Wild asked.
"Mm," Sky hummed the affirmative.
"Is... do you want to talk about it?" Wild asked hesitantly.
"No." Sky's voice was shaky, but his tone still came out harsher than expected. "Sorry. Bad dream. The storm."
Thunder rolled in the distance. Sky flinched and buried his face back in Wolfie's fur. He couldn't muster any more energy to speak. Wild's soft oh told Sky he understood well enough what the trigger had been.
“Do you– can I do anything to help?” Wild asked.
Sky’s mind stuttered to a halt. He already disturbed Wild’s watch and woke Wolfie up, and he certainly woke the other light sleepers with his panic, even if they were nice enough to pretend to be asleep for his sake. Sky shook his head. He wouldn’t even know what to ask for. 
Camp was silent for a moment, just Wolfie’s breaths meshing with his own and the background of a crackling campfire. Farther in the distance, almost silently, thunder boomed. A pitiful noise escaped Sky’s throat as his hands tightened in Wolfie’s fur. 
"Would it help if I talked?" Wild asked.
"Please." Sky's voice broke as he barely held back another sob. He sucked in a breath and rubbed Wolfie's fur in a soothing motion. 
"Flora really likes frogs,” Wild started immediately. Wild paused and Sky heard fabric rustle as he moved, then Wolfie’s weight shifted as Wild leaned against his other side. 
“She's got this whole breeding program in the pond behind our house. I had a memory once about her trying to get me to eat a live frog. She says I didn't, but I honestly think she might be lying. Either way, I'm curious. Anyway, so she's got three types of frogs..." 
With the soothing tones of Wild's voice and the comforting warmth of Wolfie beneath him, Sky quickly succumbed to the weight of his exhaustion and fell into a deep, blissfully uninterrupted sleep.
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koisuko · 11 months
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My Personal Stylist
just a bit self indulgent, had this idea randomly and thought why not!
tw: none, soft Johnny, gn but fem terms used, semi hints of PTSD
You've had a tough couple of days, wrestling with severe sleep deprivation. The more you tried to sleep, the harder it became to find any peace. Nightmares were relentless, haunting you with terrifying memories every time you close your eyes. You'd wake up drenched in sweat, tears staining your cheeks, and your heart racing.
You found yourself in the midst of the bustling training ground, monks going about their daily drills, while initiates prepared for the upcoming tournament. The sounds around you, the clattering of fists against wooden boards, the grunts and huffs of exertion, served as an oddly soothing backdrop. They kept you grounded in the present, a lifeline when your thoughts threatened to spiral into darkness.
Sitting there with your eyes closed, you felt the gentle caress of the breeze on your skin. Petals from the blossom tree above floated down, landing softly on your hair. But underneath this tranquility, a lurking unease remained. You half-expected those nightmarish images to come to life, as if the horrors from your dreams might seize you for an untimely, gruesome fate. You knew they were just figments of your imagination, your mind's way of dealing with the trauma that predated your time at Liu Kang's Wu Shi Academy.
Lost in your thoughts, you were caught off guard by approaching footsteps. "Hey, hot stuff," a voice rang out suddenly. Startled, you opened your eyes to find Johnny Cage standing there, his signature smirk in place. He leaned in, hand on his hip, with that playful tone he often used as an appetizer for his requests. "What's a beautiful girl like yourself doing here all alone?" he quipped.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in response, well aware of Johnny's habit of charming you up before he got to the point. "What do you want this time, Johnny?" you asked, returning to your closed-eye state.
Johnny's demeanor took a slight turn, his voice softening. "Oh, nothing in particular," he said, plopping down beside you. "I'm just checking on how you're feeling." The concern beneath his flashy exterior was evident.
You remained silent, torn between sharing your hidden anxieties or keeping them to yourself. Johnny's keen eyes continued to assess you, and he let out a soft sigh. "What's bothering you?" he asked, the concern apparent in his voice.
You hesitated for a moment. Sharing your painful memories was something you hadn't done in a while, but Johnny's persistence was unwavering. "It's hard, Johnny," you admitted, opening your eyes.
Johnny's smirk vanished, replaced by genuine worry. "Did someone say something to you?" he asked, leaning in closer. "I'll give them the Cage treatment."
You interrupted him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "No, Johnny, it's something else," you said, your gaze fixed on the ground. Taking a deep breath, you began to share your life story in detail, and Johnny listened intently, his face reflecting the pain he felt for you. When you finished, he whispered, "Jesus."
You felt a sense of relief, having finally shared your burden, but the weight of your past experiences still clung to you. "I feel stuck," you confessed, averting your gaze to a nearby garden. You hid your face from Johnny, not wanting to show the tears threatening to spill. "Every night, I relive those memories over and over. I end up out here, training to distract myself until the sun rises."
Johnny looked at you, gently holding your chin in his hands and turning your gaze to meet his. "Hey, I'm here for you, sweetheart," he reassured you. "If you need me at any hour, come find me." He added, "Don't make me come in there and kick ass," gesturing towards your head.
A small giggle escaped you at his statement, a moment of lightness amid the heavy conversation. After a brief pause, you looked at Johnny, studying his face. "Has your makeup artist ever put freckles on you?" you blurted out, sudden curiosity taking hold.
Johnny raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by the unexpected question. "Hm?" he quirked his head, "No, but I'm sure I could pull them off," he said, dramatically sweeping a hand through his hair and flashing his dazzling smile before winking at you.
You laughed at his response. "Care to test that theory?" you asked. You knew you had some spare makeup in your room, and at that moment, anything was welcome to distract you from your lingering anxieties. Johnny looked a bit surprised but quickly regained his signature smirk. "What, you want to prove how hot they would look on me?" he teased.
With a smile, you replied, "Wait here," and then walked off to your room. Johnny watched you go, a small, endearing smile gracing his lips.
Returning with a small bag in hand, you rummaged through it, searching for a brown eyebrow pencil. As you plopped down beside Johnny, you announced, "This should do it," and twisted the bottom of the pencil to reveal its tip. "Hold still for me, would you?" you requested, gently grasping Johnny's chin to keep him in place.
"Not a problem, princess," Johnny replied with a wink. You rolled your eyes playfully as you got to work, creating light brown spots that resembled freckles in their respective areas. Johnny's face became a canvas for these small sun spots.
You were completely absorbed in your task, so you didn't notice Johnny's admiring gaze or the soft smile on his face. "You are cute when you do that," he suddenly remarked. You paused your movement, slightly caught off guard. "Do what?" you asked, feeling a bit self-conscious.
Johnny's voice remained soft and admiring as he responded, "You stick your tongue out when you're focusing." A small blush crept across your features, and you became acutely aware of your proximity to the superstar, a flutter of nervous excitement in your stomach.
Finishing the last freckle, you pulled back and squinted your eyes, admiring your handiwork. "Done," you declared, placing the pencil back in the bag and retrieving a small handheld mirror. "Here, what do you think?" you asked, handing the mirror to Johnny.
He took the mirror and began to inspect himself, striking poses as if he were in front of a group of eager paparazzi. "Hey there, good-lookin'," he quipped, winking at his reflection. A giggle escaped you at Johnny's playful antics. "You do look good with freckles," you said, smiling warmly at him. As he lowered the mirror, a look of surprise flashed across his face. You couldn't help but be taken aback by the slight blush that dusted his cheeks. He quickly regained his trademark smirk, clearly pleased by the compliment. "What did I say, kitty? I knew I would look good," he quipped, flashing a confident smile as he looked at you.
Shaking your head with a smile, you met his gaze. "I guess you were right," you admitted. It was hard not to be charmed by Johnny's confidence and charisma. His smile is contagious, you all but forgot about your horrific past, a smile glued to your face in his presence.
Night had descended, and once again, you found yourself tossing and turning in your bed. Your clothes clung to your sweaty skin as horrifying images flashed through your mind. With a gasp, you jolted upright, silent sobs wracking your body, and your cheeks were wet with tears. The fear was overwhelming, and you contemplated seeking out Johnny for comfort, tempted to accept his offer and let yourself be vulnerable.
With a determined huff, you pulled yourself out of bed, the chill of the night air a stark contrast to your perspiring figure, sending shivers down your spine. Silent tears coursed down your cheeks as you desperately made your way to Johnny's room. His loud snoring resonated from down the hall, urging you to quicken your pace.
You were paranoid, your eyes darting around as you briskly walked through the dark hallway toward Johnny's door. You wanted to knock, to respect his space, but your fear urged you to instead pull his door open. You swiftly but quietly shut it behind you and approached his bed. There he lay, peacefully asleep, snoring without a care in the world.
You sat down and watched for a moment, your tears falling more freely now at the thought of disturbing his slumber for your own fears. It felt selfish to wake him up for comfort. But you shook your worries away and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a light shake. "Johnny?" you whispered, hoping he wasn't a heavy sleeper.
He groaned and shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake up. In your second attempt, you shook him a little harder. "Johnny, please," you whispered again, your desperation growing as your fear loomed once more. His snoring ceased, and his eyes opened slowly, groggily. "Hmm?" he mumbled, looking at you with a puzzled and drowsy expression, squinting as his vision adjusted to the moonlight that illuminated your tear-stained face.
"Y/n?" he said sleepily, but as his vision cleared and he saw the glistening tracks of tears on your cheeks, he suddenly became fully awake. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, sitting up quickly and placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You didn't utter a word; instead, you began to sob. Johnny wasted no time, pulling you to sit on the bed beside him and wrapping an arm around you. He gently caressed your hair, resting his head against yours as your tears flowed more freely. "S-sorry," you choked out between sobs.
Johnny swiftly grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. "Hey, don't you apologize for a damn thing," he said with a stern look. "What did I say? At any hour, I'm here for you." He then shifted in the bed, making room for you. "Come here, sweetheart," he said, his arms open.
Without hesitation, you crawled into the bed beside him and buried your face into his chest as he gently enveloped you in his embrace. He continued to caress your hair and whispered calming words, offering a safe space for you to let it all out. An hour passed, and you felt yourself relax in his embrace, gradually drifting into slumber.
Johnny smiled down at you, a warm feeling in his chest. This nightly routine became your solace, your nightmares tamed by his comforting presence.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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