#i was going to talk about chapter 5 but i got derailed talking about chapter 4
fake-heroine · 1 year
so i’m not done done with raincode yet, because i had to sleep eventually, but i finished chapter 5 and it looks like i’ve just got the epilogue to go. list of jumbled thoughts because i want to talk about it. first are my chapter 4 thoughts
-chapter 4 fucked me up immensely. i knew yakou had something going on but i didn’t expect him to do THAT and then die. i really like the dude 
-yuma’s mad because omg yomi manipulated him!!! but you know what? yakou’s still a grown ass man who came up with an elaborate murder plan and honestly? it’s more interesting to treat him like he had agency in that. because he did. it’s fun. and actually, good for him. yomi is an incidental one-note villain. who cares about him
-extremely funny that yomi’s gf didn’t actually get pressed into a cube though. did yomi forget about that. was he ever like “where’s my cube”
-i LOVE vivia he’s. my guy!!! i was honestly wary of him because he had Komaeda Potential but he actually rocks.
-i said this on twitter but it’s really funny that vivia has so many Komaeda Traits but is infinitely more likeable to me. OP power, figures things out before the protagonist, talks in weird metaphors and threatens to kill you at least once. but he’s not a condescending asshole! so he’s fine!
-also the fact that he really cared about the chief and was upset by his death went a long way to make him sympathetic. and he’s kind to yuma as well, in his own way. even though he has a knife. when he told yuma he’d be an accomplice and grabbed the solution blade with him i was like ;____;
-every time he just sat/lay down in the mystery labyrinth was funny and weirdly endearing. i liked those character animations
-i also still adore halara. talked about this on twitter too but they...really kept pretending to revive/treat yakou even though they knew he’d died a while ago. and i can only assume it was for desuhiko and fubuki’s sake, since they were so upset already...yuma walks back in and halara is still doing chest presses on someone who died like an hour ago because they didn’t want to tell everyone he was dead until yuma and vivia came back. they’re a kind person. and i really love their dynamic with yuma.
-the mystery itself was very fun. i was scratching my head trying to figure out how the fuck the culprit got past the toxic gas, but...i guess it’s easy if you don’t plan to get through safely! and the plan relying on fubuki’s forte was also a good twist. although horrible. because i fried yakou to death at least six times. sorry dude
-the main Thing i have with the game that doesn’t make sense to me is that they’re always like. “it doesn’t matter if you find the truth!!! because the peacekeepers have so much power that they’ll just kill you and cover it up anyway!!!” and then yuma is like “no....they have to obey the law if we PROVE it....” like no they don’t. except for when they do. so i don’t know how much power they’re supposed to have or how corrupt they’re supposed to really be, it feels inconsistent. but i guess it works out for us every time. the save in this chapter at least felt pretty valid, because i have no idea how the fuck they just let us go in chapter 3
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rafyki · 4 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 5!
Finally, another chapter!! Back to Percy's POV~ oh I absolutely adore writing him being head over heels for Nico 💕💕
Some more internal panicking, some more flirting, and they're finally getting to know each other~~ 💕
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy went to the beach two days after ready to bury himself under the sand as soon as he saw Nico, and at the same time ready to show off the best surfing moves he knew. 
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar, that was what Nico had said. 
Percy had been replaying that moment in his head so many times in the last fifty hours it was now indelibly engraved in his memory. He could picture it perfectly, like it was still right before his eyes - the afternoon light bathing Nico in pretty shadows, that single strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail and was falling on the side of his face, the numerous earrings on his ears shining in the sun, the way he was biting and playing with those on his lips (it must have been an habit of his, and it definitely was an image that had been driving Percy crazy since the first time he had noticed it); Percy had clearly taken him off guard, and his expression had been the prettiest mix of surprise and embarrassment.
Percy had been ready to make up some silly excuse and run away as far as possible to hide his embarrassment and cursing his stupid impulsive mind for even thinking that saying something like let me teach you how to surf to someone he barely even knew was a good idea. 
And yet.
I'll look at you surfing and enjoy the ocean from afar.
He felt like screaming, felt like he could surf all day long even without waves if it meant Nico would look at him.
To be honest, flirting with him hadn’t really been his intention. He just wanted to talk to him, exchange more than those few words of courtesy that were needed to buy something. 
He had not expected it to be this easy.  Somehow, the words had come out easily, and the conversation had felt awkward but nice and natural at the same time - and maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part, but he couldn’t help but think Nico had enjoyed it too.
The smile on his lips had been genuine, the way he had laughed (and oh, wasn’t that the sweetest sound ever? Percy would gladly listen to it forever), talking and asking questions like he hadn’t wanted the conversation to end. 
Somehow flirting had come so natural to Percy as he looked at him - the need of getting to know him, to impress him somehow, to make him smile, to make the moment last as long as possible, all mixing and tangling together; somehow, that had resulted in the filter between his brain and mouth shutting off completely.
It seemed Nico hadn’t minded too much though. Percy’s heart was playing athletics in his chest as he thought about it once again. 
Calm down, he told himself, trying and failing to get a grip on his derailing thoughts. Maybe he just didn’t know what to say and said the first thing he could think of.
Okay, but did he really have to say that? 
He shook his head. No need to think about it, he’d just have to go and face the consequences of his own actions.
Despite all the time spent thinking about it, he wasn’t exactly sure what to expect.
The beach was as hot and nice and crowded as it always was, but Percy couldn’t concentrate on how that usually made him feel, couldn’t ignore his nervousness and the way his insides were tangling and curling together out of anxiety and anticipation.
He didn’t even have Annabeth with him today - he was almost tempted to call her just to scream his struggles to her once again; she was probably tired of listening to him freak out and would tell him to simply go and talk to Nico again. Was she right? Of course she was. Did that make Percy feel any better? Not really, to be honest.
He sighed as he set everything up and got ready. 
Would Nico look at him like he said he would? The simple thought made Percy shake.
He took up his surfing board, heart beating ridiculously faster than it should as he moved closer to the shore. 
And then, right before getting into the water, he turned around. 
Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but there he was, the boy of Percy’s dreams, looking back at him. 
They were far enough from each other that Percy couldn’t see Nico’s expression clearly- maybe he had just happened to be looking that way for a moment. Percy almost expected him to simply turn around and look away like nothing had happened.
But then, Nico raised a hand and waved lightly. Percy’s heart did a flip as he waved back, a smile growing on his lips. 
For a handful of seconds, there was no one else on that beach but them.
Then Nico’s attention was called back by a customer, and with one last glance at Percy, he went back to work. Percy stood there, eyes still fixed on him and smile still in place, for a little longer.
Maybe he’ll be really looking at me, after all.
He was definitely ready to show off everything he could do.
They weren’t friends exactly, probably not even acquaintances. But something had shifted, and Percy could feel it every time he went to the beach - it wasn’t just him, wasn’t just the anticipation he felt or the way he spent most of his time thinking about the next time he would see and get to talk to Nico again; no, it was in the way they waved at each other in greeting when Percy got there (or sometimes when Nico’s shift started later and Percy got on the beach before him), or the way Nico was always the one who took Percy’s order at the kiosk, the way he smiled at Percy like he was happy to see him, the way Percy let himself linger there for as long as he could and Nico would never shy away from small talks.
It was all the little things piling up that made Percy’s heart run around like crazy, and he couldn’t hold back the smile coming up on his lips every time - he just hoped it didn't look as enamored and lovestruck as he felt.
His crush was growing every day, every moment. Percy could feel himself fall harder and harder with every new word exchanged, every new smile and little laugh, every new thing he learned about Nico. He was probably going a little crazy with how much he liked that boy.
He went to the beach as often as he could, even just to get a glimpse of him and for those fast and precious moments they got to share.
Today he hadn’t planned on going, but he had finished earlier at work and his feet had brought him there almost without him realizing. It was later than usual, and he didn’t even have anything with him. Yet there he was, sitting at his usual place at the kiosk, trying his best not to make it obvious that he was looking at Nico, busy with another customer.
“Nico will take your order in a moment”, the other guy, the blond one who also worked there, told him. 
“It’s okay, I can wait”, Percy replied. It took him a moment to realize that it was weird that the guy hadn’t simply taken his order himself. He worked there too, right? And he didn’t look busy, he was just there chatting with an elf-looking Mexican guy. 
Percy didn’t know if he was feeling more grateful or more embarrassed at this - was it really that obvious that he was there for Nico? At the same time though, the fact that apparently it was a thing, that Percy was Nico’s own customer, that the other guy didn’t even question it, like he knew it - well, it was making Percy feel stupidly giggly and hopeful.
“Ehi, hi Percy”, Nico greeted him, and Percy finally got out of his own head, but only to feel himself fall once again as he met Nico’s eyes and pretty smile. “The usual?”
“Hi, Nico”, he said. His throat felt dry, his heart lost a beat or two. “Yeah, thanks”.
Oh he was too pretty. Annabeth and Grover had laughed at him when Percy had spent a whole evening telling them about every little detail of Nico’s features, how he must have been an angel - because there was no way a human being could be that incredibly and otherworldly beautiful, right?
No, you’re just completely gone for that guy, Seaweed brain, Annabeth had said.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you having this big of a crush, Percy, had been Grover’s contribution.
And they were both absolutely right. Percy really didn’t remember the last time he had been so head over heels for someone, couldn’t even remember the last time he had had a crush at all. But Nico - god, Nico was making him feel everything all at once.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today”, Nico said, and Percy’s brain short-circuited for a moment. So Nico thought about seeing him? Did he look forward to see him just as much as Percy did? 
“The weather isn’t so good and it looks like the waves aren’t big enough to surf”, Nico kept going.
Percy needed a second to find his words, too enraptured by the shy yet curious look in Nico’s eyes. He had such a nice voice, too, Percy loved listening to him talk.
“Uhm, yeah, I actually wasn’t planning on coming today”, he managed to say in the end. “But I finished earlier at work, so I thought I’d pass by and get my favorite drink”.
Nico smiled softly at that, and Percy counted it as a victory.
“You’re literally the only one who orders this”, Nico said.
“So it’s like a special drink just for me?”
Flirting came to him way too easy when he talked to Nico. Maybe it was the need to see the light blush tinting his cheeks. He blushed so easily, and it was always so evident on his pale skin. Percy loved it.
This time too, Nico rolled his eyes at him, but the blush was there. It was starting to become Percy’s new favorite color.
“Where do you work at?”, Nico asked after a moment. Percy didn’t mind too much that he had ignored his previous flirting. It was endearing, really, that Nico was so shy. 
“Oh I teach kids how to swim at the pool near here”.
Somehow, that seemed to hit Nico, because he stopped to look at Percy with such surprise and awe in his eyes that it was Percy’s turn to blush in embarrassment. He was looking at him like Percy had just told him he went around saving the world on a daily basis.
“That’s so…”, Nico started, then stopped, cleared his throat and looked away. “That’s cute. You look like you’d be good with kids”.
“You think so?”, Percy smiled.
He liked sharing things with Nico, liked telling him about himself, cherished it when Nico told him something about himself. 
“Do you like working here?”
“I do, I guess. It’s a good summer job”, Nico said, meeting Percy’s eyes. “And it’s allowing me to meet some interesting people”.
Percy's heart started to beat ridiculously loud in his chest. “Yeah? You don’t look like you like meeting people a lot though”.
That made Nico’s laugh. Percy sort of wanted to drown in the sound.
“I don’t, usually”, Nico said. “But I guess I can make an exception for some people”.
Percy wanted to kiss him so bad. Wanted to take him on a date and make him smile and laugh the whole time, wanted to hold his hand as he told him about himself, wanted to share everything he could with him, wanted to card his fingers through his dark silky hair and pull him closer and closer to him until he could press his lips to his and feel the rings under his teeth.
“Some special people?”
Another laugh, and that beautiful shade of pink on his cheeks. “Yeah, special”.
Oh Percy was so far gone for him.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Finding Each Other-Chapter 5
Fandom: Superman, Batman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Diana Prince, Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Kara Zor El, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Connor Kent
Summary: Clark Kent always knew he wanted a family. He just always thought it would be traditional like his parents. Little did he know that destiny had something different in store for him.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Once Clark got to his apartment, he quickly put away his clothes, changed into gym shoes, grabbed his keys, and headed to his car. As he merged onto the road towards the airport, he got a phone call. He pressed the answer call button on his steering wheel. 
Clark said, “Hello.”
“Hey, Smallville. How is everything going?”
Clark smiled and said, “Everything is great, Lois. How are you doing? Did the electric blanket I got help?”
Lois chuckled and said, “My night went smoothly. I think the electric blanket may have been the best gift ever. Kept me warm, cozy, and pain-free all night.”
“That’s good. I’m glad that it helped.”
“Speaking of help, I really do appreciate covering the event for me last night. I hope that it wasn’t a wild goose chase for you.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Well, Wayne remains unseen, but that didn’t stop me from having a fantastic time at the museum though.”
Lois said coyly, “That is very high praise especially since this was supposed to be a work thing.  Did you finally find someone that meets your fancy?”
Clark smiled softly and said, “Maybe….”
Lois squealed and said, “I can’t believe this! You finally met someone. I was scared for a moment that you were going to let your past relationship with Lex derail you for a minute.”
Clark sighed, “Funny you should mention him. Lex was also there looking to start trouble.”
Lois sighed and said, “Of course, the bald imp would crawl out of his lair and cause chaos. What did he do this time?”
“Well, he tried to make me feel guilty about my job and that it was pathetic that I was covering the museum exhibit.”
Lois scoffed and said, “I hope you told that asshole he could stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.”
Clark chuckled nervously and said, “Well, I kind of told him that I was there with my fiancé and his kid and that I didn’t have time for him.”
Lois gasped and said, “You didn’t!”
Clark nodded and said, “Not one of my finer moments, but it did get him to shut up. I hate to admit this, but the look on his face made it worth it.”
Lois chuckled and said, “Look at you Clark being petty. I love it!”
Clark shook his head and said, “It still wasn’t right. I can only imagine what Ma would say.”
Lois cackled and said, “You’re Ma would have rubbed it in his face too. She hates Lex.”
Clark smirked and said, “Maybe so…”
Lois said, “Besides, it was a little fib. It is not like Lex caught you on it.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Actually, he did call me out on it.”
“How so?”
“After I left Lex standing there dumbfounded, I went off to watch the museum’s presentation. Once that was finished, I ended up meeting a guy named B and his son Dick. We walked around in each other’s company for a while talking about the Atlantis exhibit…”
Lois asked coyly, “Was B good looking though?”
Clark smirked and said, “Gorgeous, along with being very witty and good-natured.”
“Liking all the qualities. I take it that Lex saw what might have been brewing and tried to intervene.”
Clark chuckled and said, “No. Actually, Dick had gone to the bathroom. As he was coming back, he accidentally ran into Lex causing him to spill his drink all over himself. Lex got upset and was about to strike Dick until I intervene.”
Lois gasped and said, “I knew that Lex was terrible, but I didn’t think he would stoop that low.”
Clark shook his head and said, “Yeah, any hope that I had of him being a decent human being disappeared after that.”
“What happened after you stopped him?”
“Since, he saw me with Dick, he assumed that this was the fiancé’s kid I made up. He told me Dick or I needed to pay for his suit. When I told him he was being petty, he then went off saying that I would obviously choose a fiancé who was a cheapskate. At that point, B came in as dashing as ever and got Lex to back off by handing him his account’s business card. Whoever, the account was got Lex to shut up and just stare at us as we walked away.”
Lois said coyly, “So we have a guy that is smart, good-looking, and have allies that make Lex Luthor baffled. Your mystery man sounds amazing. I hope you didn’t let him out of your sight after that.”
Clark chuckled and said, “B and his son invited me to their house for dinner where we had sandwiches and chips.”
“Ohhhh. How did that go?”
Clark smiled and said, “It went very well. His adopted father lives with him and Dick. He is very charming and welcoming. Dick is very sweet and adorable. He is a huge Superman fan and has his own collection that he is building up.”
Lois cackled and said, “I would love to see the look on that kid’s face if he ever finds out you are the real deal.”
Clark chuckled and said, “I don’t think that Dick will be able to contain himself.”
Read the rest on AO3
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fookinavocadosman · 2 years
episode 2: jealousy jealousy {HS}
y/n and harry grow closer after their second night but will something or someone completely derail their progress?
warnings: drama. literally this whole chapter is just drama.
word count: 3.3k
A few days have passed since Harry and I’s rule break and no one has found out. The day after it happened I was on edge all day waiting for Lana to call Harry and me out but instead, she called out Riley and Niall who just so happened to have been doing naughty stuff around the same time as us but they were more obvious about it getting caught. 
Thank God we didn’t get caught though because Niall’s handjob and kiss cost the group $7000. Since then the rules have been broken more and more and the prize fund now stands at $82,000. 
Liam got caught jacking off, Kate and Zayn had a make-out session, and lastly, Harry dared Louis and Niall to kiss losing us another 3k. In the past 5 days we have lost a total of $15,000, and some people aren’t too happy. And by some people, I mean Harry and I. 
Harry and I have been really good about not breaking the rules. It’s been really fucking difficult but we haven’t broken the rules since that second night. Harry and I have also been getting closer to each other since we talked after that second night. 
The light is bright as I wake up, my eyes fluttering open to see Harry already looking at me. At some point during the night I had turned around in his hold and my hands lay lightly on his naked chest right below his sparrow tattoos. 
“Morning. How’d you sleep?” He asks me, his voice raspy from not being used. I hum stretching my legs slightly as I take in a deep breath, his scent engulfing me. 
“Good, how about you?” He chuckles brushing the hair that fell in front of my face to behind my ear. 
“Good, after I got everything under control.” He smirks at me and I feel a blush creep up on my cheeks burying my head into his chest. 
“Sorry about that.” I mumble into his chest and he chuckles again his chest vibrating against my forehead. 
“Nothing to be sorry about babe, I did it to myself.” His hand brushes up and down my arm and we lay in a comfortable silence until I lift my head looking up at him. I am about to say something but I peek my head up looking around to see everyone else in their own worlds and our microphones are on the table out of range to hear our conversation. I lean into Harry whispering. 
“I really did enjoy last night but we need to be careful, we can’t be breaking any more rules.” I pull my head back to look at his reaction. He smiles at me nodding his head in agreement. 
“Yeah, promise no more rule breaks.” He holds his pinky out to me and I smile wrapping my pinky around his. He kisses my forehead before getting out of bed and stretching. 
“Time to seize the day my lady.” He smiles at me, leaving me alone in bed.
Today is going to be interesting. We have a workshop today and everyone has been wondering about what it’s based on since Lana announced it to us before we got ready this morning. When we are all finished getting ready we head down to the grassy area and see a woman in a blue jumpsuit waiting for us. There are platforms with what looks to be a thin mattress and ropes on top of it and everyone looks confused. 
We all get in line to say hello to the woman and we learn her name is Nicole while she directs us to stand with our partners. I thankfully get placed with Harry while Louis and Ava get placed to the left of us and Zayn and Sage get placed to the right of us. The other pairs are Riley and Niall, and Liam and Kate. We all stand on the platforms as Nicole explains to us what we are doing today. 
We are doing Shibari which she says is to improve intimacy and trust in relationships. Harry leans down picking up the rope, unraveling it, and playing with it. I observe his hands as he plays with the rope wrapping it around his hands before stopping and doing it all over again. I feel a tingle run through me as I watch him but I shake my head stopping the thoughts running through my mind. 
I focus back on Nicole as she explains what she wants us to do. She wants someone to be the one being tied up and the other doing the tying. Harry looks at me asking which one I want to be but I shrug my shoulders. 
“Uh, I’ll get tied up since I don’t know how to do any of the tying.” I tell him and he raises his eyebrow at me while nodding. 
“You’ve never tied anyone up before?” He asks me and I shake my head. 
“No I’ve been tied up once but that was about it.” I explain to him and he nods coming to stand in front of me. 
“Alright, just let me know if you’re uncomfortable and I’ll stop.” He tells me looking at me with a serious look and I nod. 
“Good. Now put your hands in front of you, wrists together.” He orders me and I obey immediately holding my wrists out to him. He skillfully wraps the rope around my wrists making sure that they aren’t too tight on me but also aren’t loose. He has me tug it a few times before smiling in satisfaction. He drops the rope and moves around behind me his chest pressing against my back. 
“Back straight, chin up.” he whispers in my ear as he reaches around to my front pulling the ropes to my back. He takes the ropes bringing one side over the opposite shoulder making an x form across my chest with my hands being raised to sit right on my sternum. He walks back around admiring his work smirking when he makes eye contact with me. 
“You’re breathing’s a bit heavy. You okay?” He teases me and I dry swallow nodding my head. “Yeah. Yup. Everythings a okay.” I say though it sounds like I’m trying to convince myself. I shuffle a bit on my feet as Harry continues to eye fuck me. He steps forward undoing the knots and freeing me letting me move my hands around a bit. 
I look around seeing some being hog-tied, others are keeping it simple by just tying their partner’s hands in front of their body, and then we have Zayn and Sage who are fighting and wanting nothing to do with each other while Nicole tries to reason with them. Harry hands the ropes to me and I grab them nervously. He kneels looking up at me before smiling. 
“Come on I’ll teach you.” He smiles motioning for me to kneel and I do so we're now on the same level. He instructs me on how to tie his wrists together correctly step by step. My eyebrows are furrowed in concentration as I bite my tongue while forming the knots. Every once in a while my eyes flit up to meet his as he talks, his voice deep and mellow causing a shiver to run through me each time. When I finally finish I observe my work smiling. 
“I did it.” I smile up at him and he sends me a soft smile. 
“You did.” He whispers. We observe each other sitting silently and taking in the moment before we’re snapped out of it by laughs. I look around to see Louis has hog-tied Ava and is holding her up by the ropes like a duffle bag. Everyone is laughing and I turn back to Harry seeing a dimple pop out. 
“I didn’t know you had a dimple.” I say and he turns towards me smiling again. 
“Uh yeah, it only pops out every once in a while.” He smiles at me the dimple still prominent. The workshop comes to a close and everyone seems to have had a good time, except for Zayn and Sage. We all do our own things for the rest of the day before getting ready for the night. Before we can settle in for the night we get told we have to meet at the cabana so everyone begrudgingly heads down. Lana dings once we all settle in and I let out a sigh. 
“Hello.” She says and we all murmur our hellos before she continues. 
“There was a breach of the rules and money has been deducted from the prize fund.” She announces and everyone groans. 
“Who was it this time?” Kate asks everyone and we all look at each other not saying anything. I look at Harry worried that what we did has finally come out. 
“You have lost $3,000. The prize fund now stands at $79,000.” Lana announces and I let out a sigh of relief knowing that we weren’t found out. Everyone starts pointing fingers and defending themselves but no one is admitting to anything. After no one admitting anything, Kate leaves the group heading back to the house. 
We all sit in silence waiting for Lana to speak up but she doesn’t say anything more. I sigh getting up and leaving the cabana ready to go to bed. I change into comfy clothes and lay down closing my eyes to sleep. I stir slightly when Harry gets into bed but he quietly shushes me telling me to go back to sleep and I listen, escaping to my dreams. 
Today has been awful. Everyone has decided to have beef with someone today after last night’s announcement that two people broke the rules and I am getting annoyed. 
Liam and Sage have been pointing the finger at me and Harry and have been trying to get everyone else to turn on us. At this point, I just want whoever it was to reveal themselves because I’m getting to the point where I will smack the next bitch that points a finger at me. 
I head over to one of the chairs on the beach laying myself down to soak up the sun. I listen to the waves crash against the shore and take in the smell of the sea. 
“Hey Y/N!” I hear someone yell and I lift my head seeing Ava and Riley coming toward me. 
“Hey girls.” I smile at them and they sit down on the chairs next to me getting comfy. 
“Who do you guys think broke the rules?” Riley speaks up after a while of silence and I sigh. 
“I have no idea but I’m about ready to smack the next person that points their finger at me and Harry.” I tell them and they laugh. 
“I mean Liam was acting really suspicious when it came out but I just can’t think of who he’d kiss.” Ava brings up and I shrug. 
“It doesn’t matter the truth will come out soon.” I say and they hum in agreement. Throughout the day people bicker and argue while some relish in each other’s company. Eventually, Kate summons us all back to the cabana and once we're all gathered she speaks up. 
“We need to find out who broke the rules once and for all.” And everyone stays quiet, clearly not wanting to be here. 
“Come on the faster you admit it the faster we’re out of here.” She speaks up again and I let out a long sigh looking at Harry. 
“Fine, we are going to ask Lana.” Kate says and everyone agrees. 
“Lana.” Kate says making Lana ding. 
“Lana, was it Harry and Y/N who broke the rules?” She asks and there’s a long pause before Lana speaks. 
“Negative.” Harry and I nod our heads while everyone else cheers, glad that we weren’t the ones that broke the rules 
“Lana, was it Riley and Niall.” 
“Wow, I’m shocked.” I tease Riley and Niall causing both of them to flip me off laughing. Kate goes through all the “couples” but when Lana replies negative to all of them we’re back at square one. 
“For fucks sake who was it!” Harry yells out and Lana dings once more. 
“The two that broke the rules were.” She pauses for suspense making everyone nervous. 
“Liam and Sage.” She finally announces and the cabana breaks out into screams. 
“You fucker!” Zayn yells at Liam about to lunge at him when Louis pulls him back. 
“Oh come off of it Zayn! You made out with Kate! I was just getting back at you!” Sage puts Zayn in his place and he scoffs breaking out of Louis’s grip. He heads back inside and everyone is stunned into silence at the outburst. I lean closer to Harry before whispering. 
“Well if they weren’t over before they definitely are now.” Harry chuckles nodding his head before standing up. He pulls me up before ducking down and wrapping his arms around my legs hoisting me over his shoulder. I dangle upside down making everyone laugh as I scream at him to put me down. 
“Now if anyone would like to join us I’m going to the pool!” He announces picking up a light jog and I yell at him. He stops at the edge of the pool hoisting me into his arms and I shake my head at him. 
“I swear to god if you throw me into that pool I’m ending everything.” I tell him and he smiles wide. More screams are heard distracting me as Ava is hoisted over Niall’s shoulder while everyone else is walking leisurely. I look back towards Harry who has a sick smirk on his face and I know exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Harry no!” I scream as he throws me out of his arms my body colliding with the cool water of the pool. I push myself back up to the surface as another body is thrown next to me and I shake my head at Harry. 
“That’s it we're over!” I yell at him and he pouts his lips at me. 
“Don’t say that you’re going to break my heart.” He feigns being upset and I cross my arms not budging. 
“Fuck you!” I yell over Ava and Niall’s bickering. I turn my back to him facing the ocean when I hear a splash and arms wrap around me from behind. 
“I’m sorry baby. Please don’t end things.” He apologizes his voice serious and a smile breaks out across my face. He squeezes me harder when he sees the smile lining my face as he scoffs. 
“Oh fuck you had me worried there for a minute.” He nuzzles his head into my neck nipping at me and I let out a yelp. 
“Hey who’s that?” Liam yells and we turn around seeing a girl walking towards us. We get out of the pool and line up in a circle as the new girl comes towards us. 
“Hey!” She yells and we all yell back. Liam goes up to greet her first, hugging her and she eventually makes her way toward us. 
“Hey, I’m Brooke!” She says coming towards me and I wrap her in a hug. 
“Hey, I’m Y/N.” I smile at her breaking the hug and she goes right on next to Harry. 
“Hey.” She says eyeing him up and down and I cross my arms watching the interaction. She pulls Harry into a hug and he hugs her back as they murmur greetings. She eventually gets down the line before heading back to stand in front of everyone. 
“So what do you know about this?” Liam speaks up to her and she shrugs her shoulders. 
“I don’t really know anything.” She answers and everyone looks at each other shocked but also trying not to laugh. 
“Uh well, we have some rules to tell you.” Kate tells her and she nods. 
“First no kissing, no sexual touching, and no masturbation.” Kate says and Brooke’s jaw drops. 
“Oh what the fuck.” she says and we all laugh. Harry pulls me closer to him as I observe her. 
“The jealousy is radiating off you love.” He whispers in my ear and I scoff. 
“Fuck off I’m not jealous.” I mumble and he laughs. 
“Sure you aren’t.” He retaliates and I pull myself away from him. 
“I am not.” I keep defending myself but he doesn’t believe me. 
“We’ll see about that.” He remarks and I look at him but his attention is no longer focused on me, it’s on Brooke. We all eventually break away to get ready for the night party we were told was happening and I dress simply in a black bralette and black jean shorts. 
We all have a couple of drinks down at the beach socializing with Brooke. Her attention is focused on Harry for most of the night and he’s keeping his on her. If Harry wanted a rise out of me well he’s going to get one because I am pissed. He hasn’t been near me all night and I’m suffering. 
Eventually, the music playing turns sexual and people start grinding on each other, I’m left swaying my hips until someone comes up behind me placing their hands on my hips. I tilt my head up seeing Zayn and he asks me if what he’s doing is alright. I nod my head and continue the motion of my hips giving in to the music. I’m so caught up in the way we're moving that I fail to notice how Harry stares daggers at me. 
When I finally catch his eyes I smirk turning up the movement of my hips and trailing my hand up to grasp Zayn’s hair. I see him clench his jaw and I continue my teasing moves. Two can play this game. As the night winds down and everyone is ready for bed we disperse to the dressing room to get ready. I change into a blue baby doll dress with matching panties. 
I make my way to the bedroom ready to climb into bed with Harry but stop when I see another body laying next to him. Fucking Brooke. I let out a huff as I survey the room seeing an available spot next to Zayn. I smirk knowing exactly what to do. I walk over to his bed and he smiles seeing me. 
“Hey, can I join you tonight?” I ask him flipping my hair over my shoulder and he smirks. 
“Of course, you can.” He pats the free space next to him and I climb under the covers keeping a smile on my face. 
“Thanks for letting me in.” I say and he smiles shaking his head. 
“No problem at all.” I lay my head down sneaking a glance at Harry who I can tell is trying his absolute hardest not to burst at the seams. 
“Trouble in paradise?” Zayn asks me turning my attention towards him and I shrug my shoulders. 
“Nah why do you think that?” I ask him and he chuckles. 
“Well for one you’re in my bed tonight and you and Harry have barely left each other’s sides since the beginning.” He explains and I sigh. 
“He’s doing this to prove a point but I won’t give in to him that easily.” I tell Zayn and he nods. 
“Well, I am more than happy to help you win whatever war you two have decided to embark upon.” He smiles at me and I smile back. 
“Thanks.” I mumble and he shakes it off. “Now are you ready to make him want to murder me.” He smirks and I nod. 
“You betcha.” I agree and Zayn reaches his arm out pulling me to his chest. I get comfortable and Zayn laughs lightly making me laugh. 
“He looks like he’s about to jump out of that bed and kill me.” Zayn whispers and I giggle glancing at Harry. 
“This is going to be fun.” I mumble and I hear Zayn agree. 
“Oh, you have no idea.”
taglist: @golden-hoax @nikkisimps
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scary-grace · 10 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 18) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside-down world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Chapter 18
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it. This morning, the thing that’s wrong with it is the potted plant that’s heaved over the fence into the front yard just past three am. The sound of a terracotta pot shattering wakes you up, and when you fumble for your phone to check the time, you see that you’ve got a text from Dabi. Your dumb horny idiot wouldn’t leave me alone until I gave him a plant. Whatever the hell he wants, I hope it’s worth it.
As far as Dabi goes, it could be worse. You send him a thumbs-up and a thank-you and wonder idly if Tomura really thinks one potted plant is going to get the two of you through a second round of sex. But when Tomura materializes in your room seconds later, he doesn’t try to start something. Instead he crawls under the blankets on your bed and wedges himself in beside you. Phantom’s excited to see him. She walks all over you to plop down between the two of you, her wagging tail thumping against your cheek.
You shift her to one side to avoid the onslaught and peer at Tomura through blurry eyes. “What?”
“Go back to bed.” Tomura sets Phantom down on your stomach and presses close against your side, wrapping one arm around you to hold you even closer. “I mean it. Go.”
You don’t like being told what to do, but you have work in the morning, and you’re still worn out from last night. You close your eyes again.
It’s a busy morning, so busy that your plan to get the morning-after pill before work is derailed within two minutes of your alarm going off. You were so tired last night that it was all you could do to make dinner, feed Phantom, and go back to sleep, which means you now have to shower and pack a lunch in addition to all your usual morning chores. And somewhere in the middle of that, you have to explain the plan for killing Tomura’s conjurer to Tomura himself.
Tomura, as predicted, is not pleased. His first protest is that he can do it himself, at which point you text Hizashi to come over later and explain – from outside the fence – what happens to ghosts who kill their own conjurers. Tomura follows up by pointing out that the others weren’t very helpful handling Garaki, and you counter with Tomura’s own statement about being his conjurer’s only remaining ghost. Finally, Tomura gets around to what seems to be the main point of contention. “I don’t trust them. Not with you. Not from him.”
Tomura doesn’t talk about his conjurer very much. From what he’s said, he barely remembers him. But you knew he’d say something like this, and you have a response ready. “If you’re materialized, he’s cut off from the world between. He’ll just be a human. And humans die.”
“Don’t copy me,” Tomura says. He knows you’re quoting what he said to Garaki. “Who’s supposed to kill him, anyway? If they try this stupid plan.”
“The rest of the adult humans,” you say. Then you think about it. “Probably Keigo or Aizawa. And probably Aizawa. He’s got a gun.”
“Spinner would. And Jin.” Tomura speaks with a lot more certainty than you’d expect. He sees the way you’re looking at him. “What?”
“Nothing.” The electric teakettle hisses and you pour hot water into your travel mug before dropping in a tea bag. “Usually you aren’t nice about them.”
“They came over while you were gone. For games.” Tomura crouches down to pet Phantom, who’s come over with her favorite toy. “Himiko, too. It wasn’t bad.”
You didn’t expect that. You didn’t think he’d do anything but hang out with Phantom while you were gone, and you suddenly feel guilty for not asking. But you’ll ask more when you get home from work, or text him about it on your lunch break. Right now you have to get moving. “So, the plan?”
“I haven’t said yes yet.”
“We’re not doing it today,” you say. “Just think about it. If you’ve got ideas, we could use them. Your last plan was pretty good.”
Tomura looks pleased with himself. You gather up your work backpack, plus all the research you’re bringing to Mr. Yagi in exchange for his and Izuku’s notes on his master’s journal, and head for the door. Phantom follows you. So does Tomura. “Get more plants on the way home.”
You say goodbye to Phantom and feed her a treat. “Plants are expensive.”
“They’re everywhere outside. Those don’t cost anything.”
He wants you to go out, dig up random plants, put them in pots, and bring them home so the two of you can have more sex. “I’m not stealing plants in my work clothes,” you say. “Maybe after dinner.”
Tomura grins. He dematerializes from behind you and reappears in front of you, leaning against the front door and blocking your path. “I want a kiss first.”
“I was going to kiss you anyway.” Your hands are full, but you step forward anyway and press your lips against his.
You haven’t kissed him since last night. The two of you don’t usually kiss unless someone’s trying to start something, and kissing him goodbye on your way out the door to work has always felt a little too intimate, a little too serious for whatever the two of you are. Except now the two of you have said you love each other. You defined the relationship. You went all the way, to the degree that you’re having to make an effort not to walk funny. You can be serious, because it is serious. A goodbye kiss is something you’re allowed to have.
You’re five minutes late by the time you stagger out the door, and as you push the speed limit to get to work on time, you find yourself wishing you had someone you could tell about all of this. Maybe not the sex part. Probably not about that. Definitely not about that – but the rest of it. The part where you’ve got a boyfriend who loves you in whatever way ghosts love humans. It’s the kind of thing you’d talk to your old friends about, but they’ve found their own lives and pulled away, just like you did. There’s got to be somebody else. As you cruise the courthouse parking lot looking for a parking place, your usual spot long since snagged by somebody who got here early, you’re horrified to find yourself considering telling Nakayama.
The spot you find is way back in the corner of the lot, almost out of sight of the doors. If it was dark there’s no way you’d think about parking here, but it’s broad daylight, and you’ve got pepper spray somewhere in your backpack for the walk back after work. You take a second to get yourself organized, then grab your backpack and get out of the car, walking around to the passenger side to lift your research folder off the seat.
You don’t see a shadow fall across you. You don’t hear footsteps. The first thing you notice is something touching your shoulder, and the last thing you see is an enormous hand swathed in a wet, stinking handkerchief coming down over your nose and mouth. You have time to identify the smell – not alcohol, something stronger, chloroform? – before the world starts to blur at the edges. Somewhere in your head, alarm bells are ringing. You’re in danger. You’re being kidnapped. Something’s gone really wrong.
By the time the realization settles over you fully, it’s too late. All you can do is throw your elbow backwards, connecting weakly with something solid, before everything goes black.
You come to with a splitting headache and all the adrenaline and terror you didn’t have time to feel before flooding through your veins. As soon as your eyes are open, you’re fighting, but there’s no point – your arms and legs have been shackled down at the wrists and ankles, and there’s a restraint pinning you to the table at the waist. You’re trapped. It’s not even funny how trapped you are.
When you look up, all you can see is the bright glare of a fluorescent light, the kind that gets shined on your face at the dentist’s office. When you turn your head to the right, there’s nothing. When you look left, you see a rolling cart with a tray on top of it. The tray is covered in sharp, shiny metal implements. Surgical implements.
This can’t be happening. You thrash, trying to find any give in your restraints, but there’s nothing. It’s around then that you realize you’ve been stripped of your shoes, socks, shirt, pants – you’re down to your bra and underwear, like some parody of a kidnapping in a movie. But this isn’t a parody or a movie. It’s real. Whoever brought you here is planning to hurt you badly. Maybe kill you. Probably kill you.
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan to kill you.” The voice issues from somewhere behind you, and it rings a distant bell in your head. Too distant, when the rest of you is worried about whether your kidnapper can read your mind. “In fact, my plan hinges on your survival. I have great things in mind for Tomura, and the death of his human at my hands will not improve his listening skills.”
“Shigaraki Akira,” you say, and Tomura’s conjurer laughs. “I know who you are. We all do.”
“Yes, you made it quite far in your investigation! Tomura certainly chose his human well,” the conjurer says. He sounds delighted by it, which is the opposite of how you expected him to sound. “It’s quite unusual to see a human so bent on protecting a ghost – and terribly unfortunate that Tomura wasn’t quite so careful when it came to you. So full of ghostly power – you were all too easy to spot.”
You have the incredibly stupid thought that this wouldn’t be happening if the condom hadn’t broken, then push it aside. The conjurer’s voice is familiar. You’ve met him before. When? Where? “Where did you find me?”
“You don’t remember?” The conjurer sounds surprised. Then he laughs at himself. “Of course. You can’t see me. My apologies.”
Footsteps behind you. A shadow falls over you, and although it’s hard to see the conjurer’s face, you know exactly who you’re looking at. “My fellow gardener,” the man who gave you his handkerchief the day Garaki died says. His smile sends a bolt of pure terror down your spine. “We meet again.”
All this time you’ve been plotting against Tomura’s conjurer, and he’s known where you are. He’s known where you are for more than a month. You thrash against the restraints harder than before, watching as Shigaraki picks his way around the table you’re strapped to and reaches the cart with the instruments. He pulls on a pair of gloves, and somewhere behind you, a door opens. More footsteps. Shadowy figures come to stand along the walls, and Shigaraki continues to talk.
“It’s quite a strange existence your neighborhood has carved out,” he remarks, lifting one tool after another to the light and studying them. “So many beings who once held immense power, leading such quiet, mundane lives. I must say, I’ve never understood the appeal of humanity, of mortality. Why should we settle for one life, one world, when we could have so much more?”
Silence falls, and stretches. Tomura’s conjurer glances at you. “This isn’t a rhetorical question. I’m interested in your answer. What is so wonderful about mortality?”
“It’s not wonderful,” you say. Shigaraki Akira arches an eyebrow. “The world between is worse.”
“Ah, I understand. You’ve stared into the abyss, and you don’t like what you saw.” Shigaraki raises one hand and beckons, and eight shadowy figures converge on the table, holding down your arms and legs even tighter. If you couldn’t get out before, you’ve got no hope of it now. “Perhaps you simply need to look a little longer. You will get the chance.”
When he speaks again, he’s not speaking to you. “Hold her down tightly. We must remove all traces, or our plan will be spoiled before it can begin.”
“What plan?” you ask desperately. “What are you going to do to me?”
“For all your impressive qualities, you’re only human,” Shigaraki Akira says, almost indulgently. “In order for you to properly partner Tomura, I must make you into something more.”
There’s something about that you should understand. Something you should know. But then the blade of a knife meets your skin, carving deep through its layers and down to the fat beneath it, and your ability to understand anything at all vanishes into a helpless howl of pain.
It’s terrible enough to drive you into unconsciousness, but Tomura’s conjurer doesn’t let you stay there. When you pass out, the knife lifts, and the process doesn’t begin again until you wake. You don’t know why you have to be awake for this, unless he’s trying to torture you, but he sets the knife down every so often to assure you it isn’t personal. How could it not be personal? He’s carving into your skin, peeling back long strips of it with agonizing slowness, stopping only when you fall unconscious or when his hands grow too slick with your blood to hold the blade. There’s no rhyme or reason to where he’s cutting you. Your left shoulder. Your right forearm. A spot on the side of your torso that feels like it takes hours upon hours to peel back. Every time you black out, you pray that you won’t wake up, that the conjurer won’t be able to rouse you. And every time, your eyes open again.
It's been quiet in the room, save for the conjurer’s voice and your unheeded screams, but after some endless amount of time, you hear another voice. “Too much blood loss,” it says, low and rumbling. “We’re running out of excisions.”
“There’s nothing to worry about. I expected her to be strong-willed, and we have plenty of excisions left for my purposes,” Shigaraki Akira says. “When we exhaust our options on the anterior, we’ll turn her to expose the rest. The one on her back is quite fresh.”
What’s on your back? You know Tomura left scratches there last night – and then you understand what the conjurer’s doing, what he’s spent the last interminable hours carving out of your skin. He’s removing the marks Tomura left on you. All of them, one by one.
You don’t know why he thinks Tomura will be happy with this. Seeing what’s been done to you will enrage him. You wonder what time it is, whether anyone’s noticed you’re missing, whether anyone’s asked where you are. How long will it take Tomura to realize you aren’t coming home? How long is he going to be angry at you before he realizes that something’s gone wrong? You think of him pacing inside the house, Phantom following him, anxious because he is. You wish you were anywhere but here, but more than anything, you wish you were home with them. You’re never going to see them again. Your throat, raw from screaming, closes off. Tears begin to drip down your cheeks, and the next time the knife cuts into your skin, you endure it in sobs instead of screams.
Your other arm. Your opposite shoulder. The other side of your waist. At some point the conjurer inserts an IV, and fresh blood begins to flow drop by drop into your veins. He wants you alive. Why? You try to make yourself listen to what he’s saying, to learn anything that might help you survive, but there’s nothing. Just the friendly exterior, the friendly voice, and the hands cutting you apart piece by piece.
“I can’t call this failure Tomura’s,” he muses as he carves a piece of flesh out of your upper arm. “He doesn’t know any better. Toshinori, on the other hand – the fact that I snatched you from under his nose will haunt him for the rest of his pathetic human life.”
You want to defend Mr. Yagi, but there’s nothing left of your voice. It’s almost as raspy as Tomura’s, and you’ve barely used it for anything but sobs and weak whimpers of pain. The conjurer’s voice takes on a dangerous note. “Nothing to say? Your stubbornness was charming at first. Now it’s getting excessive.” He jabs the knife into your skin, peels a strip back, and you wail like a wounded animal. “There’s no point in resisting. No one is coming for you. No one knows where you are. No one even knows you’re gone. The longer you resist, the worse it will be.”
No one knows you’re gone. That means it’s still the same day, because if he’s been watching you, he knows what time you’d be expected home. How is it the same day? It feels like it’s been forever. “That’s right,” the conjurer continues. “The longer you hold out, the more painful this will be. When it ends is entirely up to you.”
When it ends? Your mind is too hazy with blood loss and pain to come up with an answer, and before you can even come close, the knife bites into your skin again. You pass out almost instantly. He revives you just as quickly. It begins all over again.
You can tell the conjurer is growing frustrated with your unwillingness to do whatever it is he wants you to do. You also have a feeling he’s running out of marks to carve away, and sure enough, he orders for you to be uncuffed and rolled over, so he can reach the marks on your back. They uncuff your legs first. Nobody’s trying too hard to prevent you from running, which makes sense. You can’t run. You don’t even know that you could stand.
When your right hand’s uncuffed, the conjurer takes one look and bursts out laughing. “How did I miss this?” he asks, pulling the bracelet from your wrist. “Shimura’s work. Of course she’d continue to plague me from beyond the grave.”
Conjurers can’t touch the souls of the dead. If you die, you’ll be free of this. Free from him. The thought comes to you, settles around you, comforting and cold. You don’t have to survive this. It can end. You can go.
Shigaraki Akira laughs. “So this token was the underpinning of your resolve. Moonfish, retrieve the ghost. We’re ready.”
His voice is benevolent again, almost cooing, with a sickly undertone that makes you want to tear off the rest of your skin. He uncuffs your other wrist without looking, without spotting the bracelet there, covered in blood and practically glued to your skin. “I imagine Tomura will be very fond of my gift. Once your binding is complete, he’ll have no need to embody himself again.”
A ghost. He called for a ghost, and he’s talking about binding – a Nomu. Tomura’s conjurer is planning to turn you into a Nomu. He tortured you until you lost your will to go on, and as if you needed proof that he succeeded, you’re lying completely unrestrained on the table without even the faintest urge to run. “As for this,” Shigaraki continues, “it’s only fitting that I break Shimura’s last trinket on the day I break her ghost’s will.”
He raises the bracelet and slams it down on the table. You hear it crack. A sheet of white light blasts through the room.
You don’t understand what’s happening. It feels like it happens too fast, and at the same time, you see it in slow motion. Shigaraki’s blown backwards, clawing at his face and howling. The table you were tied to tips and overturns. There’s a sharp sting as the IV comes out of your arm, and pain explodes through your body as you hit the ground and sprawl out. Your mind’s a second or two behind the times. You’re sprawled out on the ground. Your arms and legs are free. You could get up, if you wanted to. You could run.
You struggle to your knees, try to stand, and realize that crawling’s your best bet. In the wreckage of the laboratory, nobody’s paying attention to you – they’re all trying to aid Tomura’s conjurer, who’s still howling in pain. You gather your strength and what’s left of your resolve and crawl for the door.
The operating room was clean and pitilessly bright, but the hallway outside is dingy, and crawling through it feels like it’s going to give you twenty kinds of diseases. It’s that thought that forces you to your feet, and not a second too soon. One of the conjurer’s minions is hurrying down the hallway towards you, carrying a matte-black box that’s rattling in his grip. You don’t even think before you act. You reach out and swat it from his hands, and the instant it strikes the floor, the ghost inside it bursts free.
The ghost could kill you. You see her thinking about it, but then the conjurer’s servant lunges through her, towards you, and she materializes all at once. You’ve never seen a ghost trap someone else with its own body before, and it’s hideous. So is what’s happening to the minion – massive dents are appearing in his body, like the way a car looks after a few rounds in a demolition derby. His eyes are blank as his body deforms, but the ghost looks at you. She has dark skin and pale hair and a look of unrestrained fury in her red eyes. “Run.”
You don’t need to be told more than once. You set off down the hall as fast as you can go, stumbling on almost every step. If anyone catches you, you’re doomed, but if you can get out of the building, maybe – you think about your home, Phantom. Tomura. But even if you make it out of here, you don’t know where you are. You don’t have money or your phone or your ID. You don’t even have clothes. When you hit the street, you’ll be doing it bloodstained and in your underwear, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make it that far. You remind yourself again. Phantom. Tomura. You have to.
Something seizes you from behind, and your destroyed vocal cords shudder around a scream – but it’s only the ghost from the box. She begins to drag you down the hall, much faster than you were able to move on your own. “I’ll get you out, but that’s it,” she says through clenched teeth. “Whatever you did in there, do it again as soon as we’re outside.”
You still have the other bracelet. You nod and struggle to pick up speed, but the ghost makes an irritated sound and yanks you completely off your feet. It’s faster this way. Still, you’d give almost anything not to see the long smear of blood your body is leaving on the ground, and of course being dragged around like this hurts. Everything hurts. You’ve never felt pain like this before. All you want is for it to stop.
No, that’s not all you want. You want to go home. You think of Phantom, think of Tomura, and hold on tight as the ghost kicks down a door and drags you through onto the street.
It’s almost full dark. The air smells sooty and metallic, which tells you that you’re in the old manufacturing district, a long way from anybody who could have heard you scream. The ghost drops you next to the building and gestures impatiently. “Do it. You’ll need every second of a head start.”
You raise your left hand and bang your wrist against the wall of the building. Not hard enough. You throw yourself against the wall, hoping your body weight will do the trick, but there’s no luck there, either. “We’re too close,” the ghost says suddenly. “Give me that.”
She pries the bracelet off your wrist, drags you five feet, ten feet, twenty feet away, then hurls the bracelet against the wall from a distance. The blast of light takes a chunk out of the side of the building, and the entire thing begins to collapse – but that’s all you see of it. The ghost drags you away from the damaged building, towards the more populated downtown. As bad as being dragged across the floor in the warehouse was, being dragged across concrete is worse. You black out after about three seconds, and this time, there’s no conjurer trying to wake you up.
The next time you come to, you’re huddled in an alleyway, limbs flopping uselessly as the ghost tries to stuff you into a set of clothes that smell freshly stolen. “Go out there,” she snaps at you once she sees you’re awake. “Someone will see this and help you. This is as far as I go.”
“Thank you,” you mumble. “You got me out –”
“We got each other out. He dropped my box because of you.” The ghost straightens your shirt, then hauls you upright by the front of it. “Good luck, human.”
“Wait,” you say, and the ghost glances at you again. “What’s your name?”
“Rumi.” The ghost dematerializes and vanishes completely.
Rumi’s saved your life, and now she’s saving her own. The rest is up to you. You lean against the wall for a moment, fighting off the urge to lay down and give up, then start down the alleyway and into the street.
It’s a street you recognize. You lived near here, in the last apartment you had before you bought your house. It’s been almost two years. You don’t know anyone here you can ask for help, so you struggle down the sidewalk, pausing at one of the city’s few remaining payphones before realizing that you don’t have anyone’s number memorized. You could look through the phone book – Mr. Yagi’s almost certainly listed – but that would take money and time, and you’re getting unsteadier on your feet by the second. You spot the sign for the train station up ahead and aim for it. The train will take you out of the city, and maybe you can sit down.
Hopping the turnstiles is something you’re familiar with, but your muscles are desperately weak. You get one leg over, then get stuck, and sprawl out hard on the tiles on the far side. You know you leave smears of blood when you get to your feet, but the clothes Rumi stole for you don’t show it except in slick, dark spots, and there are so many of them that it probably looks like a pattern in the fabric. You leave the bloody outline of your body on the floor and pick yourself up again, dragging yourself onto the first train that pulls into the station. You hope it’s the right one.
On board, you huddle in your seat, shivering. You’ve always liked the cold, but you’re used to being cold on the outside – from air or water or wind or from Tomura wrapping himself around you, visible or not. This cold is crawling up from inside you, cold like the world between, hollowing you out one cell at a time. No matter how tightly you curl up, you can’t shake it. It hurts so badly. Everything hurts, and there’s no one to help you, and you’re so far from home. And even if you make it, you’re a mess. You’ll have scars, horrible ones, and enough nightmares to keep you awake for the rest of your life. Imagining going back to work, back to your life, feels impossible. What’s the point?
The point is Phantom, who loves you. The point is Tomura, who loves you too, who will never forgive you if you leave him like this, or at all. You have to keep it together for them. At least long enough to see them one more time.
By some miracle you got on the right train, the one that runs all the way out of the city proper to reach your stop. When you hear your stop called, you haul yourself upright and stagger off the train, leaving another bloodstain on the seat you were in. You almost make it down the stairs from the platform, but you miss a step and fall down three more, sprawling out headfirst on the concrete. You barely bring your arms up in time to shield your face. And then you’re stuck. You don’t have the energy to pick yourself back up again, and even if you could, it’s still miles between you and home. Instead of trying to rise again, you curl up, whimpering when the movement breaks the few scabs that have managed to form over your wounds. You have a hard time imagining you have any blood left to lose.
This is it. This is how you die, then – in a bloody heap on the sidewalk, because you could escape but you couldn’t make it home. You’re going to leave him. It’s the last thing you want, but you can’t help it. Maybe you can find some way to stick around, just like Yoichi did, but deep in your heart you know you’re not that strong. You’ll leave Tomura, go where humans go, and you’ll never see each other again.
The thought makes you cry, but crying hurts your throat, and the horrible raspy sounds you’re making do a great job of covering up the sound of a car pulling over. Then the sound of footsteps. But there’s no way you can miss the sound of your own name, shouted in a familiar voice. “Hey, where have you been?” Spinner demands. “If you don’t get back soon, Tomura’s going to – wait, are you okay? Did you fall?”
“I knew I smelled blood!” Himiko’s here, too. You hear a car door slam shut, and more footsteps darting towards you. “A lot of blood. Not all of it’s hers.”
“Did she kill somebody?” A hand reaches out and shakes your shoulder, then recoils – just like you’re doing, because their hand came down over one of your wounds. “Fuck, look at this. She didn’t try to kill somebody, they tried to kill her. Get her up.”
Hands seize you – at least three sets of hands, three people pulling you upright. “Careful,” Spinner is pleading. “Don’t touch the blood –”
“I can’t do shit about that. It’s everywhere.” Now you can place the third voice – it’s Dabi. What is Dabi doing out here? “Something fucked her up bad.”
You force your eyes open and see that you’re being carried towards the dark shape of the Buibaigawara family’s minivan. Jin is in the driver’s seat, and you see him grinning at you. “Hey, there you are! We gotta get – Himiko, shit, is that blood? Did you do that?”
“I wouldn’t,” Himiko snaps at him, sounding more than a little hurt. “Somebody cut Tomura’s human. We have to take her to the hospital.”
“No.” The voice from the passenger seat sounds more like Kurogiri than Shirakumo right now. “We must return to the neighborhood.”
“You’re not the one with her blood all over your hands. She could be dying!” Spinner protests. “If we get her to the hospital –”
“She’s vulnerable to the conjurer,” Kurogiri says. Dabi, Spinner, and Himiko dump you into the middle row of seats in the van and he twists around to look at you. “He’s the one who did this.”
“I got away.” You cringe from the sound of your own voice. “He got hurt. Maybe dead.”
“Did you see the body?” Dabi asks. You shake your head. “If you didn’t see it, he’s not dead.”
“He’s right. If Tomura wasn’t materialized when it happened, the conduit was still open, and he could have used Tomura’s power to survive.” Spinner looks miserable. “We can’t know for sure.”
“We have to go back,” Kurogiri repeats. “Jin, drive.”
The minivan lurches into motion. Himiko and Spinner are trying to figure out what to do about your injuries, while Dabi gets on the phone. “We’ve got her. Pull everybody back,” he says. You can’t hear the other person’s response, but you hear Dabi’s answer. “She looks like something mauled her.”
“It’s not that bad,” Spinner says hastily, trying to reassure you. It’s – sweet. “You’re going to be fine. I bet they’re not as bad as they – holy shit –”
Himiko’s just pulled up your shirt. Spinner rolls down the window in a hurry and sticks his head out, gagging, while Himiko stares for a moment with her jaw dropped. Then her pupils narrow to slits, sheer rage settling over her face. “He cut out Tomura’s marks,” she says. Dabi swears into the phone, then swears again as the person on the other end of the line barks at him in response. “I’ll cut him.”
You always thought Tomura’s thing about not touching other ghosts’ humans was just a weird Tomura thing, given how much time Dabi and Hizashi spend lowkey threatening you, but apparently it’s not. The idea of someone removing a ghost’s marks on their human is enough to seriously piss off Dabi, Himiko, and Kurogiri at once, until the car is crackling with their fury. “Can you guys cool it?” Jin asks anxiously. “I’m a nervous driver.”
“You sped the whole way here!”
“I was nervous about finding her. Now I’m nervous about you guys blowing up my mom’s car,” Jin says. “What’s going on is fucked. I want to kill something! But if even I can pick up on what all of you are doing, Tomura will, too.”
“We can’t let that happen,” Spinner says at once. “If he finds out about this he’ll go ballistic. There’s no way he’ll stick to the plan.”
“You can’t just hide it. I could smell her blood from down the street.” Himiko peers at you, her pupils dilating again. “And her soul’s not right. It’s unstuck, kind of. It’s wrong. He’ll know. He’ll know his marks are gone, too.”
Dabi hangs up the phone, then dials another number. He speaks while it’s ringing. “I’m letting the humans know. He can’t read them like he reads us. When we get back, you all get on her and stay there. You too, Kurogiri. As long as she smells like the neighborhood he might not notice.”
“She’s still bleeding,” Spinner says loudly. “If we bring her back and she dies –”
“Keigo knows doctor shit. He can help her.” Whoever Dabi’s calling picks up the phone, and Dabi starts talking. “Yeah, we’ve got her. She’s fucked up. Here’s what we’ll do –”
You’re among friends now. People who will help you, whether it’s out of obligation or because they care, and now that you know you’re not going to die alone, it’s somehow harder to hang on. The drive back to the neighborhood goes by in a long, slow blink, punctuated by Himiko and Spinner repeatedly shaking you awake. “Come on,” Spinner says, still sounding sort of like he wants to throw up. “You have to make it through this. Tomura’s naming his Pokémon all kinds of stupid shit and you’re the only one who can talk him out of it.”
“Stay awake,” Himiko tells you. She’s been patting your cheek lightly, which you don’t mind. Your face and neck are the only parts of you that the conjuror left untouched. “You’re my only human girl neighbor. I’ll be sad if you die. Tomura will be so sad if you die. You don’t want him to be sad, do you? You love him. Humans don’t want the people they love to be sad.”
“Ghosts don’t, either,” Dabi mutters. Then, to Jin: “Park at the top of the street, across the street. Everybody’s falling back to my house and the idiot’s. We could use the extra barricade.”
Jin skids to a stop at the top of the street, and Spinner opens the door. You see people hurrying up the street towards you and identify them distantly – Keigo, Hizashi. They reach you just as everyone else is hauling you out of the car. Hizashi takes one look at you and swears, his pupils narrowing to slits just like Himiko’s did. The embodied ghosts never look more inhuman than when they’re angry. “When he gets here, I’ll kill him myself.”
“Calm down,” Spinner begs. “If he figures it out –”
“He knows she’s back. If you’re any good at lying, Spinner, get down there and tell him we’re hiding her in my house so the conjurer won’t find her when he comes looking for him.” Hizashi’s a good liar, and it’s a logical plan, but you absolutely don’t want to be left alone with Hizashi right now. “Keigo, Dabi, with us. Everybody else, battle stations. Shigaraki’s on his way here, and he’s not happy.”
The group splits, Himiko bolting down the street while the others follow at a slower pace. You’ve had enough of a rest that you think you can maybe walk a few feet, past Atsuhiro’s house and up Aizawa’s front steps, if only so Tomura doesn’t spot you being carried and catch on to what’s really happening. Keigo hovers next to you, ready to catch you if you stumble, while Dabi and Hizashi trail behind you. “What are you doing up here?” Dabi asks Hizashi. “He trusts you about as far as he could throw your rotting corpse.”
“So, pretty far, then.” Hizashi ignores the disgusted noise Dabi makes. “He trusts my human more than me, and my human can lie to him better than I can. And since he’s got my human right now, he’s got all the leverage on me he needs to make sure I’m right here to take the hit against his asshole conjurer.”
“Fucking asshole. And I thought ours was bad.”
“Ours didn’t need us like his needs him.” Hizashi snarls low under his breath. “Cutting out the marks is a new low. It would have been better if he’d just killed her.”
“Don’t say that,” Keigo snaps at him. You push open the front door, then stumble over the threshold into the house. Keigo catches you, guiding you towards the kitchen, and – “Hey, calm down! I just need to get a look at your injuries!”
You can’t look at the kitchen table without feeling sick. “I’m not laying there.”
“Fine. The living room. Get on the floor.”
The floor is fine. It has a carpet, and Keigo yanks a pillow off the couch for you to prop your head on before he pulls out a pair of scissors and starts cutting away your bloody clothes. He studies you and sucks in a breath. “Okay, cleaning these out and bandaging them is the best I can do, but it’s not going to be enough. The skin’s the biggest organ in the body and right now it’s got a bunch of holes in it. You need antibiotics and some of that fake skin as soon as we can get it, or sepsis will set in and kill you.”
“You can’t just stitch it up?” Dabi asks. “That’s what you did for me.”
You wonder what the story was there. “These are too wide for me to do it with what I’ve got here,” Keigo says. He looks down at you. “The cleaning part is going to suck. Can you keep quiet?”
You nod. He doesn’t look convinced, so you clear your throat and try to talk. “I can take it. It won’t be as bad as when it happened.”
“What happened, exactly?” Hizashi asks. He’s at the front window, while Dabi leans with his back to the door. “We’ve been careful. You had those bracelets. When did we get made?”
“Same day –” The cleaning process starts in earnest, and you hiss in pain. “Same day we killed Garaki. I left to get the plants. I met him at the nursery.”
Dabi makes a skeptical noise. “You had the bracelets. Those things work. He shouldn’t have been able to tell.”
“He could.” You bite the inside of your cheek and try not to howl. What was it that Shigaraki said? “He said I had ghostly energy. That I was full of it.”
“Ugh. Don’t tell me shit like that. I don’t want to know.”
“That’s not what he meant,” Hizashi says suddenly. He turns to look at you, and if you didn’t know better, you’d say he looks like he’d seen a ghost. “When did you meet him? Before Tomura’s lesson or after?”
The fact that Keigo’s helping you instead of hurting you on purpose doesn’t make what he’s doing hurt even less. You squeeze your eyes shut. “After.”
“Fuck,” Hizashi mumbles. “It’s my fault.”
“Huh?” Keigo sounds puzzled. “It sounds like bad luck.”
“It’s not. I made Tomura practice discharging power before the fight, and I made him practice on her.” Hizashi’s voice is full of venom. “He’s got the self-control of an elephant on an acid trip, so of course he overdid it. The bracelets wouldn’t have done shit to hide her after that. Anybody who was looking could have seen her from space.”
You remember something he said that day: She’ll glow in the dark until it wears off. Hizashi was trying to make you leave, but all he did was turn you into a walking signpost pointed directly at the neighborhood. Is it his fault? Blaming him would feel good, maybe, if none of the rest of this had happened. You don’t want to think about it. All you want is not to hurt anymore.
It’s cold, and getting colder. You think some of that could be the blood loss, and the fact that your clothes are partially in tatters once again, but when you exhale, you can see your breath. Keigo notices, too, and you watch the blood drain from his face. “Guys –”
Hizashi and Dabi are huddled by the window. “These can’t all be his,” Hizashi is hissing.
“They’re not. I’ve seen some of them before,” Dabi hisses. “They’re like you. They came here on purpose, and now they’re free.”
“And they’re following him?” Keigo says, incredulous. “Why?”
“For kicks? I don’t know.” Hizashi shrugs uselessly. “I’m a little out of touch these days.”
You can hear low whispering from outside the house, and the air is getting colder by the second. If everybody else is down at the other end of the street – “Call them. Warn them –”
“They know already,” Hizashi says grimly. “Trust me.”
Just like Garaki before him, Tomura’s conjurer speaks first. The mirror sound of his voice makes you cringe and curl in on yourself. “Good evening, Tomura,” Shigaraki Akira says. “What a quiet life you’ve led since we last saw each other.”
Dabi and Hizashi rose to the bait instantly when Garaki called out to them. Tomura stays silent. “Not even a greeting?” Shigaraki asks, and clucks his tongue. “I suppose I never taught you manners.”
“You’re trespassing.” Tomura’s voice rings out, vibrating with power. “This is my neighborhood. Get out.”
Shigaraki clucks his tongue again. “Poor thing. I see now that I’ve been neglectful. I should never have left you with the impression that this was your home.”
“How many are out there?” Keigo asks, keeping his voice low.
“Hundreds,” Dabi says, and the floor feels as though it’s fallen out beneath you. “Nomus. Embodied ghosts. Live ones.”
“None of them are his,” Hizashi says. There’s a savage note in his voice. “He’s only got one.”
Tomura hasn’t responded to his conjurer’s latest taunt. His conjurer speaks again. “You’ve built quite a comfortable existence for yourself, haven’t you? A secluded kingdom. Servants who bend to your whims. Even a human of your own.”
“What human?” Tomura scoffs. “I don’t have a human.”
Even knowing he’s trying to protect you, even knowing that he’s lying, your heart sinks. “You know better than to lie to me,” the conjurer says. That almost-indulgent note is back in his voice.  You roll to one side and dry-heave onto Aizawa’s carpets. “Where is the human girl? Has she failed to return home?”
“She’s home,” Tomura snaps. “Safe from you.”
“Have you seen her?” Shigaraki inquires. He sounds honestly concerned. “Who told you that she’s home? The others? The ones who fear your wrath so deeply that they have every reason to lie?”
“She’s here.” This time, it’s Shirakumo who answers – Shirakumo, not Kurogiri. “You know I’m telling the truth, Tomura. So is Himiko.”
“Yes, your human is home,” the conjurer agrees. “But safe? I think not. Dabi, Hizashi, Keigo – come out. Bring Tomura’s human to him.”
“No,” Tomura says, but there’s an uncertain note in his voice. “Stay where you are.”
“Come out,” the conjurer repeats. “No one will harm you on your way. Tomura’s human is in a delicate condition. I won’t risk anyone dropping her.”
He’s pretending like he’s not the one who did this to you. Like he really cares about making sure you get back to Tomura safely. “Stay where you are,” Tomura orders again. “You can’t trust him.”
“I’m the only one here who’s telling you the truth,” Shigaraki says. “Hizashi, Dabi, Keigo. Bring the human out. If you won’t, I’ll be forced to send my friends to retrieve her – and unlike me, they don’t much care about preserving your lives.”
You lift your head with an effort and see Dabi and Hizashi trade a glance. Then they turn from the window and come towards you. “It’s strategy,” Hizashi insists as he drops a coat over you, as Dabi hoists you upright. “If they come get us here, we’re all dead. Your house is a lot easier to defend.”
But he wouldn’t let you go back unless he thought it wouldn’t matter. He’s playing all of you, and you’re too weak and exhausted to see what his endgame is. You’re semiconscious as Keigo, Dabi, and Hizashi carry you down the front steps, but you keep your eyes open with an effort, and you see the conjurer’s army parting the way to make a path, one that runs straight as an arrow down the street until it reaches your house. Hizashi sets a brisk pace, just below a jog, and you jostle along between he and the others. You don’t see where the conjurer is, but you hear his voice. “Very good,” he says, encouraging. “A wise choice. I’m sure Tomura will be merciful in turn.”
You hear the others’ voices as you get closer to the house, all of them trying for damage control. You start agitating to be set down. You can’t risk Tomura losing his temper on the others, and the worse off he thinks you are, the angrier he’ll be. He needs to see that you’re fine. You’ll be fine. Keigo sets you down carefully, then steps in close, arm around you to hold you upright. You survive the step up onto the sidewalk and shuffle along until you’re walking parallel to your own fenced yard. You have to keep walking. You have to keep walking long enough for Tomura to let Hizashi and Dabi in, or he’ll strand them outside.
The gate swings open as you reach it, and Tomura’s voice drifts in from nowhere. “She wasn’t wearing that when she left,” he says. Dabi steps through, then Hizashi, and he shuts the gate behind him. You have time to register that every last one of your neighbors is inside the property line before your vision begins to blur. It’s not blurry enough to block out Tomura as he materializes at the top of the front steps. His next question is for you. “Why were you late?”
You can’t talk. Talking will give it away. You climb the first step, then the next, and it’s not until you’re just outside the warm glow of the porch light that your legs give out.
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Stackson Week Day 3
The Bleeding Hearts Club
Rating: mature
Other tags: trans lydia, Derek Hale/ Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey/Scott Mccall/Allson Argent , Peter Hale/Chris Argent, Minor Character Death
triggers: fighting, drug use
Please let me know if I need to add any more tags.
Archive of Our Own
Chapter 3: Crime and Punishment
Stiles sighed as he rang Isaac’s door bell. Derek answered the door and he smiled. “Hey, big guy. It’s been a while.” 
“It’s been like three days since you ruined Chris’s salad, trying to derail the entire dinner.” Derek sighed, rolling his eyes. “What do you want, Stiles? Isaac is out with Allison and Scott.” 
Stiles checked his watch and sighed. “Oh shit. I guess I’m a little early.  I told him that I was going to come over after my date.” 
Derek snorted. “You went on a date?” He opened the door wide enough for the kid to enter the house. “Come on. He should be home any moment.” 
“Yeah, I went to a movie with Jackson.” Stiles stepped into the hall and began making his way to the living room. It was alright, I guess.”
Derek raised a brow as he followed the younger man. “Jackson? The nerd you tripped at the party and then got into a fist fight with?” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Now, that is a trip.” 
Stiles scowled at him. “Don’t start with me. It was just a movie. We saw Camille Claudel and talked for a little while. It was nice, I guess.” 
Derek sighed, sitting on the couch. “That’s cool. I got the impression that you hated the guy.” Derek smiled at him. “It’s good you had a nice time. I’m sorry that I haven’t been there for you the last couple years.” 
“It’s alright. I haven’t exactly let you. I think I felt like if you all saw me upset, you’d try to fix me. I did not want to be fixed.” He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered one to Derek before lighting his own. 
Derek took a cigarette and stole Stiles’s to light it. “You’re still an asshole but that is our job, Stiles.” he chuckled and wrapped his arm around his friend’s shoulder. His phone went off and he pulled it out to check his messages. “Looks like Isaac is going to stay at Scott’s tonight.” 
Stiles groaned, throwing his head back. “I really don’t want to think about the crazy three way sex they are probably having.” He chuckled, staring at Derek. “Want to get high? I have some great pot in the jeep.” 
Derek laughed. “Yeah, sure. It’s been a while since we just hung out.” He took a drag from his cigarette and sighed. “As long as it’s just a joint or two. I’m not doing anything else stronger. I hate that you do that other shit.
Stiles groaned. “It numbs the pain a little bit, Derek. I do not want to talk about it.” He got up and ran to the jeep to get the bag of joints. He returned and sat next to Derek and handed him the bag. 
“You have like 50 joints in here, Stiles. Who sells you this crap?” Derek sighed as he lit one and handed it to Stiles. “You have got to learn the meaning of moderation.” He chuckled, shaking his head. 
“You won’t get a word out of me. I tell you, I lose my supply, and he gives me an amazing discount.” Stiles took a drag, slumping on the couch. “Let’s forget about it.” 
Derek nodded. “So… Jackson?” 
Stiles groaned. “Or we could talk about Levi.” He smirked at his friend. 
Derek glared at him. “No. Jackson.” He growled, taking his own drag. 
Stiles sighed, rolling his eyes. “What is there to know? We had coffee, went to a movie, kissed, and I said goodnight.” 
Derek hummed, nodding. “Oh, you kissed him. Are you going to see him again?” 
“It really depends on what you mean by seeing him. I’m not sure. He is my tutor and i;m supposed to meet him before forensics tomorrow.” He licked his lips and sighed. “I am not sure if we’ll go on another date. I’m not exactly sure I’m good enough to date a rich kid.” Stiles chuckled. “Tonight’s date kind of cleaned me out. I’ve kind of got $5 left.” 
Derek raised a brow at him. “Well for one, you could stop buying all the drugs and that would help.” He laughed softly. “You’d be a great guy, if you gave yourself a chance. You were always the best of us. Why did you let yourself change?” 
Stiles cursed. “You know exactly why, Derek.” He stood, pacing the room. “I do not deserve to be happy. I don’t deserve to forget what I did to Erica, but maybe I can make the pain go away for a few moments a day.”  
Derek stood and placed his hands on Stiles’s shoulders. “I am sick of watching this pity party. I stuck around long enough for Levi. He loves you and I stayed quiet because he did not want to hurt you, but you need to realize that you are the only one who blames yourself. It was a bloody accident, Stiles. It’s not like you bloody pushed Erica off that cliff.” 
Stiles ripped himself away from him. “I took her up there Derek.” He growled and stepped closer to him. “We would not… none of us would have been up there if I had not insisted on it.” Logicly he knew that he should not blame himself, but he was having trouble internalizing the concept. “Derek, you just don’t get it. She was your sister. Why don’t you hate me?” 
Derek groaned, running a hand over his face. “Because accidents happen. Maybe I blamed you for like five minutes, but I was angry.” He stared at him sadly. I don’t need to lose another brother, and that is what will happen if you continue down this path.” 
Stiles nodded and wiped away his tears. “I’m going to lose you anyway because you are not going to let Levi go to Brown without you.” He shook his head. “I love you man, but I cannot handle this right now.” He pulled him into a hug. “I’ll call you.” He did not wait for Derek to answer before running out the door and driving away. 
Derek sighed as he ran after him and watched him leave. He picked up the phone and called his father. “Sheriff?” 
Noah smiled. “Hey, Derek. How can I help you?” 
Derek chewed his lip. “Stiles was just here, but he left really upset. I’m not sure what he is going to do, but I wanted to give you a heads up.” 
The sheriff sighed, pinching his nose. “Erica?” 
“Yeah, and I think he is starting to realize that we are all leaving. I’m really worried he is going to do something stupid.” 
Noah let out a long breath. “I’ll send out a deputy to see if he can find his jeep, but all I can do is wait. Thank you for calling, Derek. I thought he would have gone straight home after his date.” 
Derek nodded. “Yeah, he came over to talk to Isaac, but Isaac was with Scott. It’s a bloody mess.” 
Noah chuckled. “Alright. I’ll call you if I hear from him.” 
“Thank you, Sheriff.” Derek sighed, hanging up the phone. 
Stiles banged on the door, crying. Peter opened and stared at him. “Hey, kid. What is going on?” He opened the door and grabbed his arm, dragging him to his office. “It is almost midnight, and you’re going to wake the neighbors.” 
Stiles fumbled after him and wiped his eyes. “I need a pick me up, Peter.” He looked around the house and made an umph sound as he was thrown into a chair in the office. “Do you have some angel dust or some molly?” He hiccuped, wiping his eyes.
Peter leaned against his desk watching him. Stiles had pulled him from bed and he was in nothing but his boxers. “First, tell me what happened.” 
“I went on a date.” Stiles glared at him. “I’m kind of broke, so I’ll have to pay you next week.” 
Peter raised a brow at him. “Dates don’t usually end in tears like this. Was it really that terrible?” He walked around the desk and began looking through the drawers. “It’s on me, this time, but you have to help me grade essays tomorrow.” 
Stiles shook his head. “No, the date was fantastic, but I went to Isaac's to tell him about it. He was off with Scott, so I had to talk to Derek…” 
“Stop right there. I’ve got the picture.” He tossed him a bag with 5 pills. “So a date. This is a first for you.” 
Stiles shrugged. “Well, Jackson and I-“
Peter coughed, choking on air. “Wait, you and Jackson? That kid you got into a fight with, in my driveway, just this weekend?” 
Stiles shrugged, placing one of the pills in his mouth. “Yeah, We decided to go see a movie. I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve already decided I won’t be seeing him again.” He sighed and bit his lip. “Though, that was a really great kiss.” 
Peter nodded, raising an eyebrow at him. “Kid, you are crazy. You are punching a guy one night and kissing him the next. Are you going to fuck him tomorrow?”
Stiles glared at him. “What do you take me for? So, I’ve had a few sexual partners, but I actually don’t want to hurt Jackson like that.” He leaned his head back, letting the drug take effect. “Can I just sleep here?” 
Peter patted his shoulder. “Sure kid. I’ll make the couch up for you.” 
Stiles sighed, yawning. “What did you give me?” 
“Stop taking things from me without asking, It’s called lunesta. It’s a sleeping pill.” Peter sighed, helping him to the office couch. He knew the kid was hurting, but all he needed was some sleep. 
Stiles whimpered, laying on the couch. “You’re so fucking evil, Peter.” He sighed as he began drifting to sleep. 
“Yeah, I know, kid. See you in class tomorrow.” He turned off the lights and watched Stiles for a moment before going back to bed. 
Jackson sighed, sitting across from Levi at the café. “Good morning.” He sipped his latte and smiled sadly. 
Levi looked up from his homework and frowned. “What is wrong? You have never looked less put together.” He pushed his laptop to the side so he could give the other man his full attention. 
Jackson groaned. “Have you heard from Stiles?” He chewed on his lip. “We went out a week ago, but he has been skipping our tutoring sessions all week and… Did I do something wrong?” 
Levi chewed his lip and reached over for his hand. “Did you try calling him?” 
Jackson shook his head. “He did not give me his number. I don’t want to seem to be desperate anyway. If he doesn’t want to talk to me, that’s fine, but I just wish he would let me know that.” 
Levi shook his head. “Peter said that he has been having some trouble. I’m sure he is just… I’m not really sure what to say here, Jackson. Stiles is great at pushing people away. Give him time. You really like him, huh?” 
Jackson nodded, looking at the table. “I thought our date had gone very well, and now he is completely avoiding me. Maybe I came on too strong.” 
Levi smiled at him. “Well, I have yet to hear about this date. Tell me about it.” 
Jackson tried to smile but it was a little hard. “Well, he took me to this little theater and we watched a French movie. Afterwards we went back to my dorm and he kissed me… twice.” He blushed and sipped his coffee. 
Levi smiled softly. “Stiles hates foreign films. He has to like you if he sat through that.” He gripped his hand. “How were the kisses?” 
“I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest.” Jackson chuckled softly. “I thought he really liked them too, but I guess he decided differently. 
Levi nodded. “Give him time. How about I talk to him for you?” 
Jackson shook his head. “You don’t have to do that. I just wish he would come back to our tutoring sessions. I don’t want him to fail just because of a bad date.” 
Levi shrugged. “I don’t know. He hasn’t even been showing up to class. If we can't get him to go back, he won’t pass with or without your help.” 
Jackson looked up at him, shocked. “He’s skipping classes too?” He shook his head, pulling at his hair. “What is he thinking? Is he alright? Dammit.” 
Levi cringed and let out a long breath. “Honestly, we really don’t know where he is. He fell asleep on Peter’s couch Monday night and when Peter got up Tuesday, he was gone.” 
Jackson growled at him. “And why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” 
Levi shrugged. “I was kind of hoping I would not have to. He has been texting his father and me. So we know he is alright, but he is refusing to tell us where he is. Peter suspects that he is on a bender.” 
Jackson shook his head. “He could get himself hurt.” 
Levi chewed his lip, trying not to cry. “He’s been gone all week and I’m so worried, but We don’t want to push, or he might not come back. I don’t know what else to do. He turns 18 tomorrow and it is not like we can force him to come back.” 
Jackson nodded. “Give me his number. Maybe I can talk to him. Hopefully, he will answer. I did give him my number.” 
Levi nodded and grabbed a napkin. She wrote down Stiles’s number. “If you find him, please call me. Tell him that we are all worried about him.” 
Jackson nodded, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m ahead in my classes. I can take a couple days off to look for him.” Jackson took a deep breath. “I’m sorry to bring my whining to you. I really had no idea, and I was feeling sorry for myself.” 
Levi shook his head. “No, I should have told you Stiles was missing.” 
Jackson nodded. “Has the sheriff tried tracking his phone?” 
“Kind of. Stiles kind of keeps his phone off a lot of the time. We’re not exactly sure when the best time would be to try to track it.” 
Jackson groaned. “How the hell am I supposed to call him?” 
Levi shrugged. “You’re guess is as good as mine. Just try. I’ll keep trying as well, hopefully one of us will get through.” 
Jackson nodded, getting up from the table. Stiles Stilinski was going to be the death of him. 
“‘Ello.” Jackson let out a relieved sigh, hearing Stiles’s voice on the other side of the line. He had been calling and searching for the other man for five days now and everyone was becoming more and more desperate. 
“Stiles! It’s Jackson. Please don’t hang up on me.” Jackson cried into the phone. “Where are you?” 
Stiles groaned and sat up. He looked around the room, letting out a long sigh. “I’m not really sure.” He rubbed his eyes and stood up. It looked like he was in a hotel room but he wasn’t sure where he had gotten the money to pay for one. “I just… Why do you sound so upset?” 
“You’ve been missing for 10 days, Stiles. Everyone is going nuts.” Jackson bit his lip. “I just want to know that you’re okay.” 
Stiles looked out the window and groaned. “Looks like I’m in London. I’m fine, if not a little hung over.” He ran his hand through his hair and cringed at how much he smelled. “Let me shower and I’ll head back to Beacon Hills.” 
Jackson nodded. “Levi and I will meet you at your father’s.” 
Stiles cursed. He was not prepared to listen to his father yell at him for disappearing, as he did. “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” He grumbled and closed his eyes, trying to collect himself. “Hey, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine, Stiles. I’m just glad that you are okay. We’ve all been going around the bend with worry for you.” Jackson smiled. “See you in a few hours.” 
“Yes, No more of this partying, I guess.” Stiles sighed and hung up the phone. He stared around the room for a moment before going to shower. He could not believe that he had been gone for 10 days. His father was going to be so pissed at him. 
Noah sighed, pacing his living room. “What did he say?” 
Jackson chewed on his lip, twisting his hands in his lap. “That he was in London, and that he was going to shower before heading back to Beacon Hills. I don’t think he even remembers what he’s been doing for the last 10 days.” 
Noah, placed a hand on his shoulder. “At least you were able to get through to him. I’m glad that he is coming home.” 
Levi frowned up at the sheriff. “What are we going to do when he gets here? He can’t keep on going on benders like this, or he is going to end up dead.” He had been crying for the last few days and he did not think he had any tears left. “I just want to kill himself, if he gets any worse.” 
Jackson looked over at him. “Well, we can’t be too harsh on him, or he’ll run off again.” He pushed his glasses back up his nose and fixed his hat. “I’m not sure what we should do.” 
Noah watched them both smirking. “Must I remind you both that I am the father, in this situation? I’ll be taking his car keys and sending him to bed. Anyone willing to pick him up for school tomorrow?” 
Jackson smiled, blushing softly. “I’ll pick him up, sir. Sorry for my presumption.” He turned his head hearing a vehicle coming up the driveway. “I think he is here.” 
Noah nodded and opened the door, running out to meet Stiles. Jackson and Levi got up to follow him and saw the Sheriff pulling Stiles out of the jeep and into a hug. Jackson just leaned against the door frame waiting. Stiles looked safe if not a little worse for wear. Jackson looked over at Levi and sighed. “I should get going. This is a time for family.” 
Levi shook his head and sighed. “You found him, Jackson. You are family now.” He wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Deal with it.” 
Jackson chuckled. “I just don’t want to intrude.” 
“You told Stiles you would be here.” Levi smiled, raising a brow. He tilted his head. “Come on.” He walked over to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. 
Jackson followed and smiled at him. “Hey, Stiles. I’m glad to see that you are right.” 
Stiles looked at him and grimaced. “Hey, I’m sorry that I got you mixed up in this.” He chewed his lip and shook his head. “Thanks for calling me.” 
Jackson nodded, smiling softly. “Anytime. You know… you can call me anytime if you need to talk.” 
Stiles chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “That would be nice…uh are you still okay meeting so we can study?” 
Jackson nodded, letting out a small laugh. “Yeah, of course. I better see you after school tomorrow. You have a lot of catching up to do if you are going to graduate.” He gulped. “I’ll talk to Father about excusing your absences.” 
Stiles smiled and hugged him. “Thanks man.” He stepped back, looking between everyone. “Can I go up to bed now?” 
Noah scowled at him. “We will talk more later. I am happy you are safe and have returned, but you have no idea how much trouble you are in.” 
Stiles nodded and grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you guys around.” He made his way into the house and stumbled his way up the stairs. He was exhausted and felt like he was never going to wake up again. He collapsed into bed and immediately drifted to sleep. 
Stiles glared up at Mr. Harris, shaking his head. “Why do I have to be here? You are just a chemistry professor.” He understood being pulled into the headmaster’s office earlier, but he hated dealing with Mr. Harris. The man had had it out for him since the moment he stepped into this school. At the moment, the man was yelling at him and calling him every negative name under the sun. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to speak to a student like that.
”If it were up to me, you would be expelled, Mr. Stilinski. As it is, the headmaster has found it in him to give you a final notice. You have an entire week to make up, and he thinks the best way to do that is to give you tests over the material that you missed.” Harris growled at him and slammed 5 test booklets on his desk. “You have 2 hours, then the headmaster wants to see you again.” 
Stiles nodded and opened the first booklet. He really wished the headmaster had chosen any other teacher to proctor these tests. 
Stiles stood in front of the headmaster, with his head down. He knew that he had really screwed up, but this was getting ridiculous. He was not even allowed to attend classes until the test result came back. “I understand sir. I had not meant to be gone for so long but it was beyond my control.” 
The man nodded. “I’m not going to lecture you anymore on the subject, Stiles. You are on thin ice and you are more than capable of understanding the situation. If Jackson had not come to your aid, you would have been expelled.” He let out a breath. “I’ll make sure your tests are graded tonight, so that you may return to class tomorrow.” 
Stiles nodded, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, sir.” 
Robert nodded. “I want to see you in uniform everyday. You have been stripped of all privileges. You will go to class or be in the library when on campus.” He walked around the desk and stood in front of the student. “I have talked to your father, and You may not drive to campus. You can get a ride from him, Levi, or Jackson. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, Sir.” Stiles growled at him. He could not believe this. He was an adult and they were treating like a child. 
The man held up his hand. “I do not want the attitude, Stiles. No one will hear about this little incident, and I won’t even put it on record.” He placed a hand on Stiles’s shoulder. “Jackson assures me that you have such promise. I trust him, and I hope by the end of your education here, I hope that I will see whatever it is that he sees in you.”
Stiles gulped, stepping back. “Can I go now?” 
The older man nodded. “Go put those cigarettes in your jeep and head to the library to meet with Jackson.”  
Stiles sighed as he left the office. 
Jackson looked up from his laptop as a book was dropped on the table in front of him. He grinned. “You’re looking better.” He closed his laptop, staring at Stiles. “How was your first day back?” 
Stiles shrugged as he slipped into a chair. “I’m still a little tired. Harris called me into his office to yell at me and to give me like 5 tests to make up for all the work I missed. I’m sure I passed them all. I also got called into your father’s office, for more yelling.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m tempted to just drop out at this point.” 
Jackson reached over to grip his hand but Stiles pulled his hand away. He just nodded and sighed. “I’m sorry that your day has been so terrible. Is there anything I can do to help? I don’t want you to drop out” 
“It’s fine, Jackson.” Stiles smiled at him. “We have like a month and a half. I can make it, but your dad has given me detention every lunch hour until graduation.” He looked down at the table. “And my dad has grounded me until further notice.” 
Jackson nodded, leaning back in his chair. He could see how upset Stiles was and he hated it. “Let’s get out of here.” He started putting his computer away. “We really can’t get anything done until we get the results of those tests back.” 
Stiles looked up at him. “Are you sure? You did hear that I’m grounded.” 
“You’re 18 now, right?” Jackson smirked. “We’ll hang out in my room, if you’d like.” 
Stiles frowned, playing with the cover of his book. “Do you have those Dr. Peppers?” 
Jackson chuckled and nodded. “Come on, Stiles.” He got up and offered him his hand. “I’ve got a flat screen and we could watch a movie.” 
Stiles smiled, taking his hand. “Do you have Star Wars?” 
Jackson smirked, grabbing his backpack. “You’re a Star Wars fan?” 
Stiles nodded, following him through the halls. “Yeah, I’m a big fan of Han Solo.” He ran his thumb over the back of his hand as they headed toward the dorms. “Look, I’m sorry I disappeared after our date. It had nothing to do with you. I was just dealing with some crap.” 
“It’s fine, Stiles. You don’t have to keep apologizing.” He blushed, trying not to think too much about how it felt to be holding Stiles’s hand. “Please don’t do it again, Stiles. It’s so self destructive and you have so many people who care about you.” 
Stiles nodded. He stopped at the dorm entrance and looked into his eyes. “I’m going to try to be better. It kind of scared me when I realized that I had been out for ten days, babe.” 
Jackson blushed. “I like when you call me babe.” He bit his lip, and reached up to push Stiles’s hair from his eyes. 
Stiles found himself leaning into the touch and sighed. “Maybe I should go. Can we…” 
Jackson shook his head. “No, please don’t go. I keep screwing this up.” 
Stiles chuckled. “It is definitely not you screwing this up. I just - I’m not good at this, Jackson. I’ve been pushing people away for so long, and now everyone is just pushing themselves back into my life.” 
Jackson nodded as he squeezed his hand and began walking toward his room. “Then let them in, as much as or as little as you need right now.” 
“But now there is you, Jackson. I’ve treated you horribly and you want me to call you babe.” Stiles shook his head. “I’m utter shit, Jackson.” 
Jackson opened his door and pulled Stiles into the room. He sat him on the bed, looking into him. “You’re not shit, Stiles.” He cupped his chin, looking into his eyes. “You’ve made some bad choices, but I’ve seen how people care about you, and I’ve seen how sweet you can be.” He licked his lips and kissed him softly. “Sorry.” 
Stiles chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ve known me a total of what? Five days?” He twisted his hands and smirked. “Don’t apologize for kissing me. It’s nice.” He kissed the corner of his mouth. “I want us to know each other better, babe.”  
Jackson blushed, placing his hand on his shoulder, rubbing his neck with his thumb. “That sounds like a great idea. My father won’t exactly be happy, but fuck that.” He chuckled and pulled Stiles into a slow soft kiss. 
Stiles groaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the other boy. He pulled back after only a moment and sighed. “Are you sure that you really want to get involved with me? I’m nothing but trouble.” 
Jackson laughed softly. “No you’re not. You only think that you are. So, where does that leave us,”
Stiles smirked, toying with Jackson’s hair. “Do we really have to put a label on it? We’ll see where this goes.”  
Jackson sighed, thinking for a moment. “Well, we really can’t go on a proper date until you are no longer grounded, but we can study here, and make out if you want. We can watch movies here. My room is a safe space, Stiles. I just don’t want you using drugs or smoking while you are here.” 
Stiles frowned. “Everyone is obsessed with getting me to stop smoking.” 
Jackson shook his head. “I’m not asking you to quit. I just don’t want to smell it in my room.” He scrunched up his nose. “It kind of stinks.” He laughed. 
Stiles laughed, laying on the bed. “Alright, I get it. No, smoking, and no drugs while I’m here. I think I can agree to that.” 
Jackson grinned, patting his knees. “Good. I’m pretty sure I promised you Star Wars.” 
Stiles grinned and sat up. “Yes you did.” He giggled, giving him a quick kiss. “Bring on the rebel alliance.” 
To be continued…
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 pt. 2 thoughts ! (2) 】
ok so picking up on the cliffhanger i left off last time...only to leave off on aNOTHER BIGASS CLIFFHANGER.... (once again wondering how i managed to write so much despite the fact that i only played through 4 chapters haha) (also vote on this poll if you haven't)
[ spoilers for 6-50 till 6-54 under the cut ! ]
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ok it's the creepy guy that's talking for sure. yk how i know ? bc ortho says "if anything, we should be grateful to you" we. as in, multiple people. as in, the personal pronoun that the mysterious voice kept using in 6-49.
[ about : ....ortho ? ]
now tell me WHY ortho's talking creepily off the bat ???? did he actually get possessed by that mysterious voiced dude ??? the monotone in his voice has me crying. also not him lying and saying everyone JUST got finished testing when we know they've been finished for hours ??
also it makes me wonder if this phantom was the og ortho's phantom,,,,maybe og ortho also got lured by the titans and made a mistake and overblotted,,,,,and the fact that the creepy voice is in ortho's system, it makes me think that this person is a shroud (thus my is this og ortho theory)
I FUCKING KNEW IT I FUCKING CALLED IT !!!!! maybe ortho was consumed by phantom-him, and that's why they had to lock up his phantom in tartarus,,,,but what exactly led to that bc all shrouds have that curse that kills all blot they produce
[ about : pleased to make your aquaintence, ortho ]
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[ about : grim's magic reserves ]
omg,,,idia says that grim's magic reserves are low, so the spell that's cast on him shouldn't matter. but i can't help but think that maybe his magic reserves are being limited by that spell in the first place, so maybe once that spell is lifted, grim would have all the full capabilities of a dire beast,,,,,thinking noises,,,,,,
[ about : request for examination ]
ok as idia says, the fact that STYX examining the NRC students was anonymous, and not even from Sage Island, but from Land of Dawning's government itself is ssssuper sus. like why would someone from another country's government know what's going on in NRC ??? and legit no one in NRC is from Land of Dawning so how did they know in the first place ??
[ about : 5 people overblotting is strange ]
FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT !! they keep on stressing abt how overblotting is a rare thing but at the same time, 5 people overblot in the span of 5-6 months and nOBODY HAS BAT AN EYE. until idia.
tbh i have two potential theories: either it's because of yuu's appearance (which. idk how that would work) OR grim's appearance. maybe he's the type of direbeast that feeds off blot or someone induces blot ?? bc there's no way all these incidents lined up so perfectly that none overlapped.
[ about : real reason behind overblots ]
ok idia just confirmed one of my theories about overblotting: i had said before that most overblots have different types of build ups.
the build up itself can consist of different things. maybe the overblotee is actually fine up until the moment that some disaster happens (e.g. azul with his contracts) or the overblotee has pent up resentment (e.g. jamil n kalim, leona and never being the best) but in the end the biggest trigger is a fundamental shift in their beliefs.
for riddle, it's his rules being treated as not absolute by the majority.
for leona, it was being caught red handed trying to take down malleus (because it was an admission that he was weaker and had to resort to dirty tricks to win over mal)
for azul, it was his contracts that he worked so hard to obtain to be respected being destroyed.
for jamil, it was his picture-perfect plan being derailed, and his family's status being threatened because of his own actions.
and lastly for vil, it was the fact that he was ashamed after trying to poison neige, because he was talking about how competitions should be fair and square until he tried to essentially cheat himself.
that's why it's kinda hard to believe that someone might be inducing overblots. bc that person (unless they're from the future) will NEVER know a person's heart fully. and they won't ever know what may cause a person to break down and succumb to an overblot.
[ about : muscle red ]
LILA VANROUGE ?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!?! also like. the way "muscle red" is voiced is so funny sjfkdskf is that what general lilia might've sounded like *eyes emoji* deep voice lilia is so wwwhhheeewww that is a nice voice (and the way idia's freaking out over muscle red's words wwww he's so funny, guys idia gay rights (or like bi pan rights bc love is love))
[ about : idia's gaming proposal ]
guys you CANNOT convince me he didn't just basically platonic marriage proposal to muscle red in this sequence...
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[ about : malleus and lilia ]
ough it's kinda T^T that malleus is visiting the broken down ramshackle, considering it's been a special place to him all this time. and malleus talking about how he loves abandoned buildings...
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NOW WHY DID THIS LINE MAKE ME SAD SNIFF and him talking about how rn, ramshackle is abandoned once more, but...it doesn't feel soothing anymore. it feels disturbing that yuu and the others aren't there.
meanwhile, lilia's trying to teach him about the concept of loss. even though yuu n the rest aren't dead, he knows that one day, malleus won't be able to see them anymore. bc they're all humans who have considerably shorter life spans than he does. so ofc he has to bear with the pain and happiness of being friends with humans.
[ about : ...but this may be my last ]
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[ about : ortho... ]
the way he's so very happily and very calmly talking about resetting the world so that idia has a better future....he's quite literally betting that if everyone died that somehow, idia would have a happy life if he were to be reborn ?? and the way he's so very happily expressing his "will" in contrast to what he's actually about to do.
meanwhile idia's watching him in horror and wondering what's happening because everything's going wrong. ortho's naive, he's shown that tendency a lot of times (e.g. in his school uniform vignette, he destroys a whole apple tree using a technomantic beam just to "help" get lucius down,,,despite the fact that he could've flown up there with his boosters and grabbed lucius instead) but this is on a different level. he's trying to kill everyone to reset the world. obviously he's been infected by the will of "other ortho" or "og ortho" but the fact that he could've landed here without interference anyway is kinda scary.
(also the stuff about phantoms coexisting, that's definitely og ortho's talk. not him saying that he wants the world to be filled with blot someone PLEASE SEND HELP. and him calling idia "nii-chan" instead of "nii-san" this is so scary help me please)
[ about : IDIA NOOO ]
WHY IS HE RUNNING TO TARTARUS ALONE ?? IDIA NOOO ???? the way he probably so desperately wants to see ortho again, despite the fact that (speculation) ortho turned into a phantom sobs
god my worst fear just came true, the blot just game to douse the screen, and his pen turned black despite the fact that he can burn up blot. did he decide to plunge into tartarus to try bringing back ortho...? if so, doesn't that meant here's a certain threshold of blot that a shroud can get rid of before they, too, overblot ?
[ about : GRIMMMMM NOOOO ]
OH GOD GRIMMMM HE'S BEING SURROUNDED BY THE BLOT SMOKEEE sobbbinggg my sonnnnn :')))) oh GOD oh no berserk grim is backkkkk MY SON NNOOOO TTT^TTT he's starting to sOUND like a phantom as well.
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yeah ig today's international clown day bc i keep leaving off on cliff hangers and just making myself live in misery for no reason huhuhu,,,until tomorrow ig,,,,
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washipink · 1 year
The Rain Review Year 4 (2014)
Welcome back to the Rain Review! This time, we’re tackling the comic’s fourth year. It spans Chapter 19: Vincent’s Story all the way through Chapter 23: The Flaherty Siblings.
This one’s the last full year of the comic’s run that I was round for. In Year 5, we’ll get into all new territory. For now, here’s another recap-style post.
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Vincent’s Story is a chapter that I can summarize fairly quickly. Rain’s therapist is actually Aunt Fara’s ex. Fara’s family, particularly her brother-in-law, was not approving at all. Vince ended up disappearing on Fara because he didn’t want her to be troubled with the backlash. In hindsight, he knows this wasn’t the best play because he’s worried Fara big time. Anyway, Jessica and Rain conspire to get them talking again.
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Next Chapter!
Aiken is rooming with his twin sister Kellen now. They talk about Rain and it turns out that Aiken is... actually trying to get it. Kellen still doesn’t understand or approve of her sister’s life.
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Emily goes to hang out with Rain for a “Quiet Weekend” where they share another cute chat. Ky comes over and Emily gives her a word to put to her gender feels. Also, Emily shares with Ky that she’s pregnant. And pansexual also. Yes, they do make THAT joke, but it was 2014.
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Gavin’s date is going really well. Like, he hits it the hell off with Ana.
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Also, I usually don’t talk about any of the bonus art or the Rain Delay filler comics in these posts, but I NEED to call attention to the fact that I got Attack On Titan Jumpscared going into the next chapter.
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No, no, it’s fine... it was 2014. We didn’t know. Everyone was talking about i- OH COME ON.
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It truly was a different time, folks. It was almost 10 years ago...
In news that’s positive to me but probably still negative for everyone else there was also a Danganronpa filler art. Not to derail too hard, but most of these cosplay choices are banger. Except, Gavin is clearly Togami because there just wasn’t another guy that wasn’t annoying. If I believed the fandom perception of that character instead of the actual text of the game, I’d say he should be Mondo.
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Anyway, back to the STORY!!!
Brother Arthur tells Chanel and Maria to tone it the hell down before they get caught, but goes out of his way to NOT give them detention for it. This leads directly into the two of them making plans for a Valentine’s Day date in which Chanel treats Maria to dinner.
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Maria decides to talk to Rain about Emily. She explains that she eavesdropped on Rain and wanted to know if Emily was pregnant for real. You see, they dated in Freshman year and things ended ROUGH, which is why Maria has such a grudge against Emily.
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School ends and Rain and Fara leave for therapy. In this scene, Fara kind of explains Rain’s character development to her. Were I Cinemasins, I’d be like, “Erm, that’s bad writing.”
BUT, I’m not Cinemasins and I acknowledge that Rain is the kind of girl that NEEDS someone to tell her that shit. She won’t give herself any credit without it.
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This scene is one of the ones that makes me think about how even as I grow up, I see myself in Rain. She’s So Concerned About Her Friends all the time. She doesn’t give herself enough credit for all the good shit she does. She’s constantly fighting back negative self talk. And yet, she continues on anyway. I love Rain. She’s kind of the prototypical trans woman of the 2010s, but in some ways that makes her easy to relate to.
In the next chapter, Collin tries to patch things up with Fara by actually going through with getting Rain her con tickets. More on that later.
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In the mean time, Fara and Vincent meet once again and at least try to patch things up. They’re not dating again, but they do end up on pretty good terms by the end of the night.
I don’t know how involved Vincent will be going forward though. He fills Rain an HRT prescription and says he’ll set her up with one of his co-workers because he’s too personally involved considering his ex-girlfriend is her aunt.
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Ky, Gavin and Rudy end up hanging out because they’re all single on Valentine’s Day. Which is fine and dandy until Ky spills The Beans.
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We return to Rain after her therapy session. She’s so excited to share the news... but all the friends that know her deal are busy. So she decides it’s time to tell Emily the truth. The emotional height of the entire year follows from this point to the end of Chapter 22. There are 4 different scenes overlapping, but I want to talk about them one at a time.
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Emily is... really positive about it. She says she thinks she may have figured it out, but she elected to let Rain come to her when/if she decided to.
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There’s a fun thing Samara does with the art in this section is playing with the distance between Rain and Emily. When the conversation starts, it’s clear that they’re in two separate locations on the phone. Emily is in her house, the blue background. Rain is in the therapists’ office, a green background. After Rain tells Emily her secret and Emily accepts her wholeheartedly, the lines start to get a little blurrier. Eventually, They’ve pulled their phones away from their faces and are standing face to face in a panel with a gradient background between their two locations. They get closer as the conversation goes on. so close that it feels like one of them could reach out to hug the other.
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This was a really fun way to play with the comic’s... shall we say “lack” of backgrounds?
Now that Rain has gotten everything off her chest, she gets an idea. Remember those tickets I was telling you about? Well, Rain decided she could invite Emily to go to the con with her. But what about the other 2 tickets? THOSE are for Kellen and Aiken.
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Meanwhile, at Jessica’s job, a familiar face walks right on in. That’s right, Jessica and Chase are going to go on a DATE. And that’s TERRIBLE for Jessica. Holy shit. Once again, more on this LATER.
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The other really important plot line from this chapter to me is the resolution of Chanel and Maria’s date. When the night is winding down, Maria says something I’ve felt personally. She doesn’t want to go home. For once, she’s actually happy because she’s unabashedly spending time with someone she loves. In her house, all she’s got on her side is Rudy. They’re both miserable there.
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If you’re a queer person with a shitty family and you’ve EVER been out of the house with your friends, I’m sure you’ve felt this one. The feeling that everything in your life is good... until you go home. Once again, I think this comic’s strong suit is exploring situations that are familiar to experienced queer readers and can be lessons to younger readers. This one hit me in the heart for sure.
Also, Randy and Ky meet again and they decide that they can give each other a shot.That’s cute.
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Now, the final twist of Chapter 22: Anastacia! How many trans people are in this comic? One more than you thought before!
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The final chapter of the night is “The Flaherty Siblings”.
Rain and Fara go to pick up the con tickets from Collin, who is being a lot more polite than Fara last described him. If you’ll look back, Fara broke up with Collin off screen. We don’t know what exactly he said to her until now, except that it PROBABLY involved Rain. Collin presents Rain with her tickets and Rain decides that Fara should give him another chance. So, in the future, we’ll be seeing a little more of him.
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The day before Rain and Emily leave for Kellen’s house, Rain does some introspection. She finally admits to herself what we’ve probably all been thinking: She is in love with Emily. She is in love with Emily but is scared to say anything about it because they’ve got a lot on their plates and also they call each other Sis all the time, so she thinks it’d be weird.
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The day finally arrives and Fara drops Rain and Emily off with her other niece. Things do not start well, but there’s an unexpected MVP in this scene. AIKEN is the one to reach out to Rain and tell her to give Kellen a chance.
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I’m starting to care for Aiken as a character a lot. He’s Literally Trying. He’s putting more effort into things than my own family ever has. He always calls her by her name and almost always gets her pronouns right. He’s clearly making an attempt and he deserves credit for it.
Kellen, on the other hand, is like, MY MOM tier transphobic. She assumes that Emily is ALSO trans and directly refers to Rain as “Not a real girl” multiple times this weekend.
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Emily is Rain’s number 1 shooter this weekend. Like, she does NOT let Kellen miss a goddamn beat.
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My favorite Emily clap-back is this one below:
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We cut to Jessica, who finds out what Chase’s deal is and is PISSED about it. I’m pretty sure things between them are over as quick as they started. I mean, dude admitted to dating a high schooler on the FIRST DATE.
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Meanwhile, Kellen continues to be a fucking problem and bring up stuff that was actually just Rain’s Childhood Dysphoria. Then, Rain goes to sleep that night and has a trauma nightmare about her father. Again, I relate. I’ve been there.
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Emily is once again The Best Person for Rain’s sake.
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and that brings us to the end of Year 4.
Final Thoughts
Another year, another group of really emotionally fulfilling scenes. Holy shit. It’s crazy to me how consistently quality Rain’s character writing can be. It definitely helps that it draws from real life experience. Everyone in this comic feels like someone I have known or could know.
Rain is nothing if not consistent, honestly. That’s a blessing and a curse. The writing is always just right but the art style never leaves the way it always has been. Samara tries new things in this batch of chapters, though. More shot feature furniture and background details than in previous years and that one scene with the gradient background worked really well!
I look forward to seeing where Rain goes from here. Join me next time for year 5, 2015!
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mushroomwillow · 9 months
Going over the last year, and the rollercoaster that completely derailed my life, and opened a chapter I never expected to get too. It’s very long, and I just wanted to get it out. Definitely don’t expect anyone to actually read it tbh.
Technically things started October 2022. I went too my then best friend’s wedding, I was a bridesmaid. I met one of the groomsmen, we’ll call him Elora.
That was the catalyst of the beginning of my escape from a 5 year long extremely abusive marriage. I had been trying to find a way out for myself and my daughter for a year + before then.
November 19th 2022 my daughter and I moved in with Elora and his family, the two of us had been dating long distance for less than a month. This happened after a fight with my ex on the 17th, I was genuinely terrified I wouldn’t survive after that fight. I recorded as much of it as I could with my phone hiding in my pocket.
Insert the insane whirlwind of the next year. January 2023 my best friend, whose wedding I had been the bridesmaid in, who I’d been friends with for 18 years ghosted me through an angry backhanded mess. Elora’s entire friend group listened to a horrible onslaught of over dramatizations and lies about my past. Secrets I hadn’t told anyone, stories I never wanted repeated to anyone, least of all to a fresh relationship and total strangers I’d only met once before and had never talked too outside of discord.
I found out that because I had met Elora through her, and him and I immediately connected and continued to engage in the healthiest friendship and relationship I had ever been in, even though it had barely been a couple months, she was furious. Suddenly, she was angry that I hadn’t slept with her and her husband. We had mentioned it, laughed about the idea, and because I decided against it, she had this wave of anger that I honestly and truly did not expect.
I learned that she’d been watching me the last 18 years, going to anyone that would listen and telling them how I was this massive great comedy and dumpster fire that she thoroughly enjoyed watching.
Then I really saw everything about the friendship. In 18 years, I had been abused by my mother, fallen into addiction to drugs, homeless for a couple years, a series of short awful relationships, been through one of the most traumatic periods of my life, and begged her to help me, but always got the same answer. For eighteen years. “Sorry, I just can’t, I’ve got x,y,z going on” (moving to another state with a friend, changing jobs here and there, getting married, the usual life changes most adults go through). And not once did she even lend $5 for a sandwich when I was begging for change on the side of the road just so I could eat.
Elora and I were left with his family, and a couple of my friends that were detached from her. We moved into our own place. He stuck by me through finding a new job off and on, trying to navigate being away from my daughter while she was at daycare for the first time in her life (3 years at that point). His health plummeted. He dropped out of college because of it, also bounced to job to job.
March came, I had agreed to a horrible custody situation because it was the only way I could get through the divorce without having to get an attorney I could in no way afford. 6 months with me, 6 months with my abusive ex husband. We were officially divorced.
Elora’s health was in the shit hole. We both bounced from job to job still. I started processing the utter confusion of being in the first ever relationship where screaming matches, true gaslighting, emotional, psychological, mental, and sexual abuse, were never a thing. We got into disagreements sure, still do, but never once was it a fight. Communication, discussion, space when needed or wanted, complete and utter respect of boundaries, all came naturally. I started to see and question so much about myself. Not in the horrible ways I had before, but a truly enlightening and honestly depressing way that really showed that when put into a situation where everyone around me showed me kindness and respect, I didn’t fear myself. I didn’t get angry like I had before. I never felt like my mind and body were a trap that reacted in fear and violence just to get away and to safety from the onslaught of being told how horrible, insane, angry and vengeful I was. I realized that the voice in my head that had been pleading the whole time that none of that was true, was actually right.
June came. I was forced to let my ex husband take my daughter across the country for the next 6 months. I dealt with my depression by throwing myself into a job that I started out really loving and being very passionate about. I talked to my daughter every day over FaceTime. Elora’s health was still all over the place. My chronic pain got worse.
September I had a patient that triggered childhood trauma I thought I had dealt with, but actually just shoved in a corner to survive everything else I was going through. I had an injury at work as well. Realized that although I loved my job, it was causing too much stress on my body, my head was in a constant state of overwhelm. End of the month, I went across country for my daughter’s birthday. Yes, my ex had made it so that I had to spend over $1000 to see her for her birthday, she was there for my birthday a week and a half later. Elora’s parents went out of their way to join Elora and I in going to her birthday. She went into a bird exhibit where hundreds of parakeets landed on us. She’s terrified of birds, but because I was there with her she did the most brave thing she had ever done in her 4 years of life, and loved it.
October. My birthday came and went, Elora’s family who had only ever celebrated family birthdays, no boyfriends or girlfriends birthdays, made me a meal specifically full of food that I love. His mom even hunted down catfish and tried her hand at frying it. His brother showed up, he barely showed up for other family members. I’ve never felt so welcomed into any family, not even my own. I started therapy. She validated everything I asked about, everything I confided in her. Told me that I had been right the whole time, I had been in a state of survival sense early childhood. That I wasn’t “insane” my mind was reacting in an effort to protect me in the only way it knew how. I also started seeing a doctor about my physical health. He too validated my concerns, completely listened to me and started out the very first appointment with “if you’re ok with it, let’s start at the base line, test for all the things you’ve brought up, here’s some concerns I have we’ll also test for, and let’s continue testing until we find out what’s going on. I don’t think it’s all in your head, we’re going to figure this out. You don’t need to be in so much pain, that’s not right.” He’s the first that’s ever listened to me. My therapist is also the first. I started college, a bachelors in psychology, something I’ve wanted to do sense I was a teen.
End of October, I had a total breakdown and quit my job. I had gone to my boss, explained that by the end of November my daughter would be back and I needed regular hours. That I couldn’t keep getting called in with half an hour notice if I was lucky. She told me “this job isn’t meant for single parents. You’ll have to deal.” So I finished a shift with an extremely difficult and rude patient, texted my boss and said I quit.
November was rapid fire, interview after interview. Elora had to quit the job his parents were proud of him starting, causing a lot of guilt for him. He started a new one that just barely paid his bills. I had just enough to pay my own bills and the ones I take care of for our apartment.
End of November. Elora’s parents pay for me to get my daughter. Totally without ever being asked for help. Flights, hotel, all of it. I ran out of money for bills for December. I had been told no by every job I’d interviewed for.
December. My daughter was with me, I was told I started an at home job, I had a week to get her into daycare and get approved for gov assistance. Just barely got approved in time for my new job. Day of my new job, my daughter having a full meltdown going to her new daycare. I spend the entire day fighting with tech support, finally being told “oh, we sent the wrong equipment, you’ll have to wait for the next training week. Sorry but you’re fired, we’ll get back to you.” I got paid for just that day. Had no way to pay bills.
Unexpectedly, I got a partial payment from my student loans. Enough money to pay my bills, and get my daughter stuff for Christmas, get her a new bed sense she’s getting tall quick and a toddler bed wouldn’t cut it. I had an interview with a place I wasn’t remotely qualified for. They offered me the job. Said they’ll pay for my training, certification, and give me a head start into a career relating to my degree.
I start that job tomorrow. January 2, 2024. Where the hell did 2023 go, how the hell did so much happen in just a year. How did it go by so fast.
Elora and I are engaged, taking that engagement slow, he’s the closest friend I’ve ever had. I’ve never felt safer with anyone, seen, loved, understood. Shown empathy and patience. Supported in ways I didn’t think possible. And just over a year of being together, we’ve still never fought. Disagreements are met with communication, space, boundaries respected, the freedom to ask for advice from others, and a trust that I’ve never experienced before.
I don’t like New Year’s resolutions. However I am manifesting 3 major events for this year. January 2021 I manifested that by the end of 2022 I’d be divorced and free from my ex husband. It happened in a way I didn’t expect, but in a way that truly helped change my life for the better. 2024 will continue that manifestation. Myself, my daughter, and Elora will continue our journey into the best lives we could ever live. We’ll be free from the abuse and trauma that we’ve experienced. Through actual blood sweat and tears, I’ve made it this far.
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amethystina · 1 year
Hi <3
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "Gravitational Pull"? Answer it now!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "Who Holds the Devil"? Answer it now!
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I hope you are okay and have a lovely day/night <3
Hi! 💜
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "Gravitational Pull"? Answer it now!
I honestly have no idea. But to avoid this being the most boring answer to a question ever, I guess I can explain that Gravitational Pull was only meant to be a stand-alone fic at first but, as time passed, I realised how tempting it was to keep going with a series of connected "What if" fics where I basically wreck the canon.
Apparently, making Yo Han and Ga On kiss in episode 13 can throw everything out of whack if you want it to.
There will be five fics in total if my plan holds up (fingers crossed?) and will basically feature the rest of episodes 13-16 of the drama. Except each fic will have one, big "What if" scenario slapped onto it which will change the events considerably. And, obviously, also change the events that will take place in the coming instalments.
I'll basically be pushing a bigger and bigger snowball of canon divergences as I move along until I eventually reach the end. And who knows what that ending will entail?
(Why am I doing this again?)
Anyway, in the next one, the "What if" scenario is: "What if Ga On gets shot instead of Soo Hyun?" and the one after that is: "What if Ga On can derail Kim Choong Sik's execution without telling everyone that the Live Court Show is fake?" and so on and so forth.
And they will be posted as separate fics, not additional chapters to Gravitational Pull, since they will all have slightly different themes and focus. It just felt more reasonable from a narrative and storytelling standpoint to post them separately.
And, naturally, the one I look forward to writing the most is the fifth one — because fuck my life x'D
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "Who Holds the Devil"? Answer it now!
This is just as difficult as the first one, if not more so because, uh, there's a lot to talk about when it comes to Who Holds the Devil. But a lot of it I say in my author's notes already so it's kind of hard to pinpoint something I haven't already said xD
But here's a fun fact: The most difficult chapter to write so far was Chapter 1. There have been difficult chapters since then, especially those that are emotionally heavy or, more recently, demand a certain level of suspense, but none were as difficult as that first one. Partly because I had to restructure it three times before I got it right. The very first draft actually jumped straight to Ga On getting the text from Elijah but I realised that didn't give it enough impact, so I basically rewrote the entire thing two times until I was satisfied.
And, admittedly, it also took me a while to get Ga On's voice right. Or, rather, to let myself write him the way I instinctively tried to do but my brain kept second-guessing. Partly because he was a new character to me (which is always daunting) but also because the style is a little different from how I usually write. My writing is always pretty descriptive, but Ga On takes it to a whole new level x'D Especially where emotions and impressions are concerned. It's all very visceral and that threw me for a second. Not to mention that a lot of it seems to rely on repetition, which most people are taught is a bad way to write. So there was a lot to get used to.
And, quite honestly, I almost stopped writing the DAY after I had started x'D I felt so out of depth and everything was new and strange and I was so nervous about writing a story set in a country and culture I don't actually know (that still makes me panic every now and then) and... yeah. Just a lot of anxiety there at the beginning.
Thankfully, a lot of it has settled by now and I feel a lot more confident about both the writing itself and my characterisation. And that's no doubt why the first chapter will always be the most difficult one I had to write, since it was the one that gave me the most anxiety.
The second most difficult chapter to write was Chapter 23, because I was injured and also couldn't decide on what I was actually writing so the chapter became an unstructured, unstable mess and I almost had to completely rewrite it. And the third most difficult was Chapter 25 because of the sheer level of pain, anxiety, and grief Ga On goes through. The fact that my grandad died while I was working on it definitely didn't help, either.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I'm so bad at this question that soon I'm going to have to start picking obscure Swedish songs that the majority of you won't understand and just hope you don't call me out on the weird choice xD
Anyway, jokes aside. I answered this question in this ask but, if I have to pick another song, I'll go with There's a Rock by Brolle (or Brolle Jr as he was going by at the time). It's a duet he sings with Frida Snell and I was reminded of how much I love it two weeks ago.
So I'm picking that, not necessarily because it has the most spot-on lyrics, but because it's a song I genuinely love.
(Fun fact: My big sister went to the same high school (-ish, the school system is different in Sweden) as Brolle but he graduated the year before she got there. So her only claim to fame is that she stole his chair when she visited the school for an open house/school tour before actually applying for it)
Questions for fic writers
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riddikulus-writings · 2 months
Chapter 5
Heist prep.
“Y’know,” she smacked her lips and peered at him sideways, continuing to scroll through Tumblr on her phone with the hand that wasn’t tracing his tattoos, “We should take some time off.”
“We don’t… Nyx, we don’t get time off,” he chuckled.
The rain pattering against the window got harder. Faster. Angrier, “Tell that to Waller when she’d let me have two weeks off last year. We should run off, anyway. You need a break from the city life. Come back home with me, yeah? Everyone’s absolutely dyin’ to meet you.”
“Everyone?” Rick’s eyebrows shot up, “Gossippin’ about me, are we?”
“Well, all four of my parents wanna meet you,” she sat more upright, waving her phone as she spoke, “Sisters, brothers. My whopping four friends. Everyone’s dying to meet The Rick Flag.”
Four parents? Must be divorced and remarried. The dual-vibration of her phone in her hand signaled a group-chat message and it derailed Rick’s original thought, “You ain’t makin’ any sense, honey. What’re you tellin’ people?”
He leered over her shoulder, the lights flickering above their heads, as she opened the group chat. Rick caught a glimpse of the words creampied and breeding before she yanked her phone from his eyes – at the same time he jerked away, “I’m talkin’ to my friend, David. Johnny’s out of office.”
“Friend?” Rick was skeptical, “You sure about that? Talkin’ about sex like that.”
“Oh, we always talk like that,” she laughed, bringing her phone back, “I’m just complaining about how I don’t quite like the idea of having kids, but my two biggest kinks are–”
Rick clasped his hand over her mouth, “I don’t want to know, Eris. Stop talking.”
She licked his hand and started right back up talking once his hand was scrubbing her spit on his pants, “But it’s unfair and ironic because the idea of kids isn’t really appealing to me. Y’know?”
He nodded, pretending to be listening when in reality he was trying to shift around to get the noticeable swelling down from the crotch of his sweats. He heaved a sigh, thankful the lights flickered out, “Power’s out.”
“Perfect for the Three S’s; sacrifices, snacks and se–”
“Oh, lighten up,” Nyx slapped him a few times on the shoulder, “If we can’t joke about sex, what kinda friendship would it be, huh? A fuckin’ lame one.”
“Friends, huh?”
A moment, heavy with silence, save for the thunder shaking the window panes. Friends? Something more? They spend a lot of time together, but Rick never really thought to–
“For life,” she agreed, breaking his thought, “I’ll follow you wherever you go. To your deepest low.” she was quoting, now, that dumb Imaginary Dragons [or whatever that band was] song she had on repeat some days, “Always be around, wherever life takes you– But anyways, yeah, no, you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not, Flag. As long as you’ll let me.”
He slung his arm over her shoulder, snugging her to his side, “Tell me more about these people who think I’m the greatest man alive.”
“They only think that because you’ve been putting up with me, in the flesh, for as long as you have been.”
“Have I ever told you you look good in yellow?” 
He looked down at the too-tight, bright yellow t-shirt that had been offered to him, the greens of the forest suddenly upsetting compared to the colorless memory he’d just sunk into, “Uh, thanks?”
“‘s my favourite colour, remember?” Nyx sent him a smile over her shoulder, “I like it. It suits you. Makes your dirty, unwashed, frizzy jungle hair really gleam.”
This is going to be a long walk.
A long walk it was, too. By the time they hit the outskirt of town, it was pitch-fuckin’ black out. For the last hour or so, Rick was relying solely on following Nyx’s silhouette, since Soria told them that flashlights would draw too much attention.
Like the walking shark isn’t going to do that, anyway.
Couple shots into the dimly lit street, a snack for the aforementioned shark, and Bloodsport was beating on the bloodied window of a graffiti’d mini bus. Soria tugged Rick aside as the others started on… whatever they were doing [he didn’t feel like asking.], “Milton will drive you through town and to La Gatita Amable. There are clothes in the boxes for all of you so you can blend in. That said, the walking tiburon is gonna have to stay out of sight, sorry.”
Rick shrugged, “I know. We’ll park him in the vehicle, he’ll be fine.”
Nyx wandered up and butted in between them, “Hey, Nanaue is trying to fake-mustache his way into the heart of the mission. As Mr. I’m In Charge, y’wanna kinda… tell him that won’t work…?”
“Fake mustache ain’t gonna cut it mate,” Rick overheard Dubois not-so-kindly explaining, already.
“DuBois’ got it under control,” Rick told her, patting her shoulder and ushering her on her way. He turned back to Soria, “There’s going to be a lot of soldiers watching Jotunheim. If they discover us there–”
“Let’s pray they do not,” she interrupted, “Or you will all be dead.”
We’ll probably all be dead, anyway, “They won’t.”
“If they do, that’ll leave the palace vulnerable. Luna and the other generals will be left without protection,” Nyx was back over, but this time in an actual disguise – just an outfit change and a different hairstyle, but still, “Wouldn’t that… somehow work to our advantage?”
Rick gave a look to Soria that [hopefully] conveyed we got this, go before turning to fully face Nyx, “Maybe,” he put a hand on her lower back and guided her towards the bus where everyone else was finally boarding, “But, as previously mentioned, Eris, we’d all be dead. Don’t know about you, but I’d like to live to see tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow is overrated,” Rick let Nyx guide him to the back seat of the vehicle, “Live for today and think about tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.”
He fell to the seat beside her, “Worst motto I’ve ever heard, but I guess a bad motto is still a motto to live by.”
“What’s a motto?”
Rick snorted and bumped his shoulder to hers, “I don’t know, what’s a motto with you?”
“What’s a motto is that I decided to stay on a team with your stupid ass.” Nyx giggled as she tucked herself into his side like she’d done countless times before, “I kid, I kid. You’re a damn good leader and this is a decent enough team. We’ll get our shit done –” she was interrupted by a yawn, “-- and we’ll get you to your tomorrow.”
A/N: Let the record show that I actually do have a group chat with my two friends, Johnny and David, and the words creampied and breeding kink have appeared in that chat on more than one occasion, much to Johnny's dismay. David and I are as vulgar as sailors, Johnald is not. No, my husband doesn't care that I talk about weird shit like that with my friends. David comes over and hangs out a lot and sometimes the husband just disappears from the yard completely. I asked him once and he just shrugged, "I trust you know what you're doing with your friends." good man, that boy is. David's also so respectful that he refused to smack a mosquito that was on my while I was elbow deep in dishes.
0 notes
Sneak Peek! Three of Us: Chapter 14
Max Verstappen x Reader (Single Dad AU)
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13
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“So, have you got medical clearance or are you just happy to see me?” It's a cheesy line and a far cry from your best work but it doesn’t have to be great to do the job, which in case happens to be lightening Max’s mood as he steps out of the exam room his assessment had been in with a dazed, befuddled expression on his face.  
“What?” He’s taken aback for a moment, his complete surprise to find you here in the hallway, casually waiting around for him to show up, is clear as day as he just stares almost absently down to where you still sit, curled up and comfortable enough in one of the stiff hospital chairs along the opposite wall. 
“I said, have you got medical clearance or are you just happy to see me-” you trail off, finding yourself quite thoroughly derailed when Max’s gaze breaks from holding your own to watch your mouth as you speak, your thoughts suddenly entrenched in memorizing the gorgeous view he makes just standing there, soaking you in. 
The thoughtful furrow of his brow gives way to a more relaxed expression as Max’s silent assessment of you switches from simply surveying the planes of your face to something far more invasive as his softly hooded gaze sweeps lower, growing bolder with every passing second as the moment goes from innocent to sinful with reckless abandon. 
He doesn’t shy away from letting you see the first glint of recognition that alights in his eyes when he finally realizes that the sweater you’ve got on is his own, a smug, self–satisfied smirk spilling across his face as this particular detail starts to well and truly sink its claws into him, leaving you at the mercy of the dangerous emotion now flickering across his features. 
“So, are we doing this or what?” Max’s question catches you nearly as unawares as yours had him but you’re evidently far less amenable than he had been to simply accepting your confusion in favor of remaining blissfully in the dark.
“Are you going to get any more specific than that or am I just supposed to work with what I’ve got?”
“Dating- are we doing the whole dating thing or not?” he clarifies before quickly amending the explanation when he takes note of your slightly alarmed reaction, “fake dating thing.”
“You’re seriously asking me about that right now?” 
“Yeah, it would seem so, wouldn’t it?” Max says with a dark chuckle, taking a step forward and then another, choosing to turn a blind eye to the apprehension in your expression as he closes in on you.
“You still haven’t even told me the details of what happened Thursday night,” embarrassment colors your cheeks at how breathless you already sound as you scramble to find the words to fend him off, “there is so much else we need to face and this is what you’re focused on?”
“I don’t feel like talking about that night, I feel like talking about you making up your fucking mind already.”
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
you were my crown
chapter 5
~^~ For the entire week, Lucas seemed to adjust well.
He knocked on Jens’s door and waited impatiently for Jens to drag himself out of bed before entering. (This might’ve had something to do with the guards, or it could be that Lucas actually was listening to him. Jens could know it was the first and still tell himself the latter.) He’d hesitantly started riding lessons with Sander, and seemed more upset about Jens always accompanying than his less-than-stellar capabilities. He’d taken to the duties of a servant without a hint of hesitation; his hands already knew their way around a stable, a wash basin, a bedroom. Jens could admit Lucas certainly had talented hands.
Jens also noticed that Lucas seemed to get along fine with most of the others. He and Sander seemed to get closer by the day, and he seemed to hold an easy respect for Robbe, softening every time in the face of the youngest’s kindness. He even shared an odd camaraderie with Lies that irritated Jens most.
Because of course, with Jens, he still insisted on being entirely insufferable.
It was made worse by the moments in between. They were rare, but Jens caught each and every one of them and clung on. Times he couldn’t help but laugh at one of Lucas’s smart remarks, even when they were always at his expense, and Lucas clammed up in surprise, staring at Jens with twitching lips. Lucas’s own laughter was even rarer, but even more appreciated. He would give a huff or snort at Jens’s expense on occasion; and then there were the blessed times when Lucas seemed to be feeling kind, and his lips curled in amusement along with Jens.
Jens thought they might have just settled into the jabs and barbs so quickly that it now seemed wrong to abandon them, and maybe they were actually forming their own deformed brand of friendship.
He couldn’t say he disliked it entirely. Some part of him had grown a little fond of Lucas’s teasing, when he realised there wasn’t much true malice behind it. Not often, anyway.
But it could be better, so this something wasn’t enough.
Jens rarely had the opportunity to get to know someone the way he could with Lucas. The only time he’d ever really made friends was with Moyo and Aaron, and even they were still based on circumstance. They were the only Lords’ sons his age around. Robbe, Senne, and Sander had all become close to him through necessary proximity. That didn’t mean he didn’t really love them, or thought they didn’t really love him, but it was different. It was another thing Jens thought had been handed to him. He knew if he was unlikable they still didn’t have to like him, but it was different.
Lucas was the first person Jens had chosen for himself.
He didn’t feel that the circumstances mattered in this instance. Jens had been the one to look at him and listen to him and choose not only to stand up for him, but to have him stand by his side. He didn’t know what it was, but something had drawn him to someone for the first time in his life.
And that someone was insistent on pushing him away.
But he wouldn’t let it hurt. Lucas was doing good—he was getting better by the day. That meant he was keeping himself safe. That was what mattered.
The morning Jens woke up on his own with the sun high behind the curtains was when he knew Lucas had finally messed up.
It was a fuzzy realisation in his half-asleep state, but he woke up quickly. He sprung into a sitting position and flitted his eyes around the room. Him, asleep; curtains closed; table devoid of breakfast. He didn’t know exactly what time it was, but he knew it wasn’t as early as usual.
Which meant Lucas was late.
Jens could do nothing more than sit in his confusion for the few minutes it took to hear a loud knock on the door. He stumbled out of bed, preparing himself to scold Lucas for being late. He was tripping over with his foot caught in the bedding when the door swung open, and now he was readying to scold Lucas for never waiting for permission.
But Lucas always waited, now, so that wasn’t right, either.
It wasn’t Lucas. It was Sander.
Jens stumbled free and managed to get out, “What—“
“The carriage never got here,” Sander interrupted without preamble. “It’s almost an hour late.”
“An hour?” Jens kicked his fallen bedding out of the way with a string of quiet profanities before walking closer to Sander. His heart picked up speed as his throat filled with questions. He asked, “Does she know?”
Sander nodded grimly.
Jens swore again and rushed to his wardrobe, flicking through in search of a worn tunic. “What do you know? Did you hear anything?”
“No. Like I said, the carriage hasn’t come. That could be the problem. It may never have even gotten there. It could have been raided, something could have happened the horses…anything.”
Jens considered. “It might not be Lucas.”
Sander shook his head, shrugging. “He could be trudging his way here, cursing you for messing up.”
“Let’s hope so,” Jens sighed, settling into his clothes before sitting down to shove on his boots. “Go look for him. Ride out; take Senne.”
Sander bowed slightly, then raised a brow. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to try to convince my mother not to kill him when he does get here.”
“She can’t do anything if it’s a simple mistake, surely.”
Jens looked up at him, stood, and raised his brows back.
Sander pursed his lips and gave a curt nod. “Okay, I’m going.” He strode away, threw open the door, and almost rammed straight into Robbe.
Robbe clasped onto Sander’s shoulders and squeaked an apology, then said, “Jens. You need to come to the drawing room, right now.”
Jens didn’t waste any time arguing. He ushered Robbe to lead the way and followed after him, feeling Sander at his back. He knew what would be waiting for them, but he also didn’t have a clue. It was Lucas, one way or another. Something had happened to Lucas, or something was about to happen to Lucas.
Jens hoped that, either way, it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t need to give Lucas any more reasons to hate him.
“She’s not in the middle of killing him, is she?” Sander asked, optimistic as ever.
Robbe grimaced. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem, actually. It’s not like that.”
“What?” Jens almost clipped Robbe’s heels, and slowed down only to have Sander step on the back of his boot. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, Robbe pushed him into the drawing room, where his mother, Lies, and Lucas already stood, surrounding a woman who sat in one of the plush armchairs. It took Jens a second to realise it was Lucas’s own mother, Tess. She lit up when she saw him.
“Jens,” she greeted, all excited warmth, before catching herself. “Your Highness. It’s so lovely to see you again.”
Jens met Lucas’s eyes briefly, and they gave no indication of what was going on. Robbe and Sander lingered at the door, and Robbe gestured towards the hallway, silently telling Jens they would be nearby. Jens wanted him to stay, but he nodded in acknowledgment. As they left, he moved closer to the others and smiled as kindly as he could. “Tess,” he returned, wincing at the clear confusion in his voice. “Is everything alright? Can we do something for you?”
Her eyes widened and she quickly flapped a dismissive hand. “No, no, I’m not here to ask anything of you. It’s just about Lucas. You understand, I can’t let him walk around alone, don’t you? It’s not safe.”
“Not safe,” Jens repeated, tilting his head, flickering his eyes to Lucas again. “I assured you, Lucas is well taken care of here. Have we done something wrong?”
“No,” Lucas said quickly, looking at the Queen.
“Not you,” Tess agreed. “Them. The ones painting my son as a criminal. He’s no criminal! I was there!”
Before Jens could reassure her or Ellis could make a cutting remark, Lies stepped in. She neatly stepped up to Tess and took the woman’s hand, squeezing in comfort. “Of course,” she said softly. “We won’t argue with what you know. But what makes you think anyone intends to do harm? It is more likely a mistake has been made, no?” When Tess hesitated, Lies frowned. “Has anyone made you feel threatened, Tess?”
“Someone is lying about him,” Tess insisted. “He shouldn’t be left out alone.”
Jens wanted to respond. He should point out that Lucas wasn’t alone, that the carriage had been sent for him every morning and obviously must have brought them both here. He shouldn’t say that it was unlikely Tess would be able to do much in the way of protecting Lucas, anyway, and the boy would likely be less afraid heading into whatever possible danger there was alone. Before he could say anything, Lucas grabbed onto his arm.
The touch was so unexpected that Jens froze up, feeling the contact zap through him and root him in place. It was only the thin layer of Jens’s sleeve separating their skin.
“Jens, I need to talk to you.” His voice was tighter than his grip. It was clear that, whatever he had to say, he would rather have kept to himself. But there was a request there now that Jens wouldn’t deny.
He nodded and drew his arm towards himself, bringing Lucas closer. Before he could guide the boy away, however, his mother clasped his shoulder with a warning look.
Lies tugged gently on Tess’s hand. “While you’re here, can I show you around? You can see where Lucas is spending all his time, and I can get you something to drink.”
“Lucas,” Tess began.
“I need Lucas for a moment, if you don’t mind, Tess,” Jens butt in. “He won’t be far, and you’re in good hands with Lies, I promise.”
She waited for Lucas’s nod before carefully accepting the offer, letting Lies guide her out of the room. Lucas and Jens remained, with Ellis staring at them expectantly.
“Why does she think you’re in danger?” Jens asked, cutting right to what bothered him most. He didn’t want to let the conversation be derailed into an argument right off the bat.
Lucas winced. “She’s sick,” he said, quiet and anxious. Jens had never seen him portray such emotion, and even now he was concealing it as much as he could. Desperation was the only reason it slipped through the cracks. “I know that’s not the best way to describe it, but I don’t know how else to explain. She gets this way, with all of these ideas, and she can’t be talked out of it, but afterwards…” He turned to Jens now, and he wore a fierce expression, but his eyes were pleading. “I can’t leave her alone.”
Jens wanted to reach out and comfort. He clasped his hands together and squeezed tightly, then changed his mind. He set a careful hand on Lucas’s arm. Lucas didn’t shake him off.
“Mother,” Jens started.
The Queen was looking at the door, after Lies and Tess. She turned to the two of them and said, “She will stay here.”
Lucas’s parted lips were the only show of surprise. Jens was sure even he looked more dumbfounded. “What? Really?”
“I understand what he means,” Ellis said, addressing Jens only, it seemed. “I will not ignore an unwell woman, not when I have the facilities to help. Just as I have let Robbe and his mother stay here for years.”
Jens did not know what to say. He wanted to point out how very different it was. Robbe was family, and Ellis had always adored him and his mother. His mother, who had been a Lady, and already a friend of the Queen’s. To him, at least, the difference was glaringly obvious; Lucas was essentially a prisoner.
Was Ellis making Tess one, too?
Was Jens horrible for even thinking she would?
Robbe hadn’t been family before getting here, he reminded himself. Ellis did not seem ill-intentioned or conniving in her offer; as sure of herself as ever, but with no hints of a hidden agenda, no signs of cunning. Maybe Jens should trust the process. Maybe this was their chance.
“But,” Lucas started, and then quickly snapped his mouth shut. Jens understood they were feeling the same. Lucas did not want to trust the offer, or even believe it, but he couldn’t bring himself to risk arguing, either. He hadn’t quite swallowed his suspicions down, however, before saying, “That is a kindness I don’t know how to accept, Your Majesty.”
Ellis lifted her chin. “Good thing the offer is not for you, then. I will discuss it with her myself. You can be grateful that it makes your job easier, now.” She looked from Lucas to Jens and back, then walked out before any of them could put in another word.
They were locked in silence for a moment, and then Lucas stepped back abruptly, pulling his arm from Jens’s touch as if it had burnt him. Jens had forgotten his hand was still on him. It felt more natural to have contact with Lucas than it probably should have, considering Jens had touched him less than a dozen times so far.
“What was that?” Lucas asked, voice wobbly as he stared down at his wobbly hands. He looked up at Jens. “Why would she do that?”
Jens pursed his lips. “She’s not a bad person, Lucas. I believe she meant it.” For now.
“But she doesn’t understand. You don’t understand,” Lucas corrected. “She’s sick, but it isn’t—I can’t—“
Jens took a hesitant step closer to him, but was careful not to encroach. “We do. Robbe’s mother, she has similar problems. Yasmina calls them episodes, when the delusions come, or other times when she…she gets kind of sad? Almost goes mute. But she’s gotten better,” he added, comfortingly. “Since staying here, she’s been given a lot of help, not just by Yasmina. There are ways it can be improved, so that it isn’t so intense.”
“She isn’t crazy,” Lucas said savagely.
“Of course she isn’t. Did I say something that implied—“
“She doesn’t need your help. I’m the one who takes care of her.”
That, he had a much easier answer for. “That’s why my mother said it will make your job easier. Now you can stay here. In the adjoining chambers, like you’re supposed to.” Jens smiled, feeling hopeful, unusually nervous, something in his heart jumping and kicking.
Lucas didn’t look as pleased with the offer as he had hoped, hands curling into fists at his sides before unfurling again, fingers stretching towards the floor. Jens’s gaze clung to them because it was easier than watching Lucas’s frustrated scowl. “Why are you so determined to make my life miserable?” he demanded.
“What?” Jens deflated. “I’m not. I’m trying to do you a favour.”
“That’s what you always say.”
“That’s what I always mean,” Jens insisted.
Lucas’s lips twitched and a muscle in his jaw jumped, holding something back.
Jens felt tired, all of a sudden. “Why do you always make it harder? Why won’t you just accept my help when it’s offered?”
“You aren’t doing any of this to help me,” Lucas exclaimed, taking a step closer. “This is for you. Everything’s always for you. I would have been better off with your mother’s death sentence.”
“And how well off would your mother be then, huh?” Jens snapped.
Lucas recoiled as if he’d punched him. His gaze darkened even further, but Jens only softened his own.
“This is for her. She will be taken care of, Lucas. I swore that I wouldn’t let harm come to you, and I know nothing would hurt you more than any harm coming to her.” Jens knew he was on the right track when Lucas’s harsh expression, and then his head, dropped, leaving him staring at the floor. “You won’t be cut off from her. You will be nearby at any time now should she need you.”
Lucas still clearly didn’t want to give in. Jens needed to give another little push. He took another step closer, and Lucas’s gaze shot up to him. “I could tell from that first moment watching you that you weren’t a bad person. I chose right then to put my trust in you, hoping it was the right decision, and hoped that you would prove it to me eventually. Now I’m asking you to sleep with only a meager wall and single door between us, still hoping you’ll prove me right. But you haven’t had any tests to see if you could trust me, and I know that. So let me to prove it to you through this.”
The speech, unsurprisingly, earned him a look of pure disbelief. “Your test of trust is with my mother’s life?” Lucas asked, with a high-pitched laugh of derision.
“I am trusting you with mine,” Jens said.
“You could kill me at any moment easier than I could lay a finger on you. You made a point of showing it, the first day.”
“And I haven’t. So, really, that should be enough to earn your trust already.”
Lucas stared at him, then grit his teeth. “I’m already late. I should be working, or these arguments will all be pointless when your mother simply has me hung.” He spun on his heel before Jens could argue, and disappeared in a second.
Jens blew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair, trying to catch his bearings.
Then Lucas’s head popped back through the door.
“Have you had breakfast?” he asked, reluctantly.
Jens wordlessly shook his head.
“It’ll be in your chambers in five minutes.” Lucas didn’t move, but looked away, then back at him. “I’ll have mine in my new room.”
He left before his words could sink in and he could catch Jens grinning dopily after him.
Jens instantly realised that it was strange, having Lucas so close. His comment about breakfast was clearly his way of giving in without hurting his pride, but Jens refused to actually let him use the damp and dusty room adjacent to his own that hadn’t been used in…honestly, he couldn’t recall if it had ever been used. So they had breakfast together in Jens’s room, which was not the wholly unusual part, but which felt different already, anyway.
It wasn’t until the day had passed as normal, and Lucas was there to snuff out his fire and blow out the last lingering candles before stepping through the door on the far wall of Jens’s room, closing himself away to sleep and stay so close, that the strangeness of the situation sunk in.
Lucas was right there. Behind the door that Jens couldn’t stop staring at. Jens wouldn’t have to go through anybody else to get to him. He was right there, probably not freaking out half as much as Jens, despite how obviously stranger it must have been for him. He could be sleeping already, curled up on the single cot, snoring softly. Did Lucas snore? If he did, should Jens be able to hear it?
He listened, heard his own breath, held it, and listened some more. He could still hear nothing but his own pulse in his ears.
He rolled away from the door and forced his eyes shut.
What did it matter that Lucas was just there? He was just…there. It didn’t make all that much difference. They weren’t suddenly exchanging goodnights; Lucas had not even looked at him during this new task of leaving him in the dark. Lucas hadn’t treated him any differently all day. If anything, he’d only been more anxious to sneak away, checking on his mother in every moment he could find.
Jens should probably be thinking more about Tess, too. She had balked at the Queen’s suggestion at first, and adamantly refused. Jens had been the one to gently persuade her, and Lucas had given him the stink-eye during the whole interaction. But he had reluctantly softened, Jens noticed, when Tess did, looking at Jens and responding kindly and taking his hand as if she already held a fondness for him. Maybe he should be thinking more about Tess. He wasn’t even sure which room she was staying in, and she might have been the key to his whole problem.
He rolled onto his back, frustrated. Lucas would only hate him more, hearing him think that. It didn’t matter that Jens didn’t mean it in any manipulative sense. It sounded bad, even to himself.
Having weirdly panicked non-thoughts about Lucas had probably been better than this. He rolled onto his other side and returned to staring at the door.
Lucas was just behind it. Jens could get up and open the door and be able to look at him. But why the hell would he do that? It didn’t matter. It was unusual. Jens didn’t think anyone had ever stayed in that room. They were just a door away from him.
He wondered what Lucas thought of it, because of course, he had given no reaction when Jens had proudly presented it to him other than a mumbled ‘thanks’. It was much smaller than Jens’s room, with not even half as much furniture or decor, but it was a considerable upsizing from Lucas’s home. Lucas probably hated that, too, on the basis of some principle Jens would not understand and that Lucas would cling tighter to precisely because Jens would not understand.
Jens was getting to know him very well, he realised, with only half sarcasm.
But he couldn’t figure out what Lucas thought of the room, or if Lucas was sleeping as he ought to, or staring at the door like Jens. He didn’t know if Lucas snored, if he was sleeping, or if he seemed more peaceful or happy in his sleep, without that furrow in his brow, or if he was sleeping well or what position he slept in or if he slept without a shirt like Jens or if he had dreams or nightmares often or if he was thinking about this half as much as Jens was. He concluded that the last question was one he could probably answer on his own, and Lucas probably wasn’t thinking about hi—the same questions at all.
But he kept trying to figure it out, anyway, and avoided wondering why he felt any of it was important, and dreaded the thought that every night from now on would have the same questions, the same crisis.
It was enough to eventually fall asleep because he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer. But he kept his eyes directed at the door until then, and afterwards Lucas was there, curled up in the darkness behind Jens’s lids without that furrow between his brows, sleeping peacefully where Jens could see him.
Two days after Lucas moved in, Jens found him cornered by Lotte in the hallway.
This would not be surprising or alarming if they had already met. Instead, Lucas had managed to go through all of his time here without ever being introduced or running into the little Princess. It was hardly all luck; Jens was willing to bet his mother had something to do with it. It would be easy, considering Lotte still stayed closest to the Queen’s own rooms and had classes with her tutor and maids for too many skills for Jens to keep track of. Ellis seemed to be purposefully short on details when Lotte asked about Lucas, and Lotte was smart enough to know she wasn’t going to get anywhere. She had been bugging Jens to let her meet him instead, on the simple basis it was unfair that she was the only one who didn’t even know what he looked like. Jens had always had to say no because he’d never been able to find Lucas at the time.
Now, it seemed like she’d managed it herself.
“Who are you?” Lotte demanded, with all the air of authority she’d learned from her siblings. Then, not even leaving a second to respond, “You’re him, aren’t you?”
Lucas blinked, looking shocked speechless. “Who?”
“Lucas.” They both snapped to attention as Jens joined them, Lotte with a small, sheepish smile and Lucas with a straighter spine. Jens nodded at him and gestured at the Princess. “This is my little sister, Lotte, who usually remembers more manners than that.”
Lotte made a small sound of protest, but Jens was wholly enraptured with Lucas’s softening features, his lips curving in the barest of smiles. “Oh,” he said. “I’m sorry, I should have known that.” He did a gracious dip; not quite as polished as Sander’s usual bow for the girl. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess. I’m Lucas van der Heijden.”
Jens would not be upset that Lucas showed the youngest member of the family more courtesy than he’d shown him. He was good with children. That was sweet. Like his smile.
Lotte flushed, but then shook her head. “You can call me Lotte, like Robbe and Sander do. And Senne and Jens’s other friends.”
“And Yasmina, and Luca, and anyone else who treats you like the favourite, right?” Jens raised a brow.
Lotte scowled and elbowed him pointedly.
Jens bent slightly as a burst of breath escaped him, but wasn’t derailed from looking at Lucas. “Don’t let her fool you. She’ll treat you like the favourite, too, but she’s not as sweet as she looks.”
Lucas only watched him in amusement. Then he looked to Lotte and very subtly rolled his eyes. (It could not have been more obvious.) Lotte giggled back, and Lucas’s smile widened a fraction, and Jens should’ve been annoyed that Lucas was getting along with absolutely everyone else on the basis of teaming up on him.
But, well. Sweet. He supposed.
Still, he couldn’t show that he was swayed that easily. He tapped Lotte’s shoulder. “Aren’t you supposed to have a dozen or so classes now? What are you doing harassing my servant?”
“I’m not harassing anyone,” she said, indignant. “I wouldn’t have had to if you let me meet him before.”
Jens held his hands up. “Don’t blame me. And don’t avoid the question.”
She pouted and gave a slight shrug.
“What are you doing?” Lucas asked him, in what should have seemed like a retaliation but wasn’t. His expectant expression made it clear he thought the answer might be ‘looking for you’.
Jens could have said that, and he wouldn’t have been lying. But he did have a more prominent reason. “I was going to ask some more questions about the Ackermans’ stay.”
Lucas pursed his lips, and now his expression just said, Ah.
Jens had been mostly avoiding thinking about it, if he was entirely honest. Every time he remembered, a tangled ball of unwanted emotions lodged itself in his chest and made him flighty with anger and anxiety. His mother had no right to make this decision for him; he was sticking by that. He wasn’t sure if it quite explained why the whole ordeal made him feel sick. Why what it might lead to made him feel sick.
He really had liked Jana, once upon a time, did have that boyhood crush on the beautiful Princess, which seemed unavoidable. And it wasn’t that Jens hadn’t thought about her in the years since; but in the way of missing a friend, not a lover.
Lucas, stuck with Jens as he was, hadn’t heard this spiel. Robbe was the only one Jens spoke to about it in any detail. The others, however, had all become victims of his sour mood and been given a gruff explanation in the first couple of days. It was enough for the one mention to make Lucas wary.
Between all of that, and the recent living developments, Jens was running pretty low on sleep.
“We’ll leave you to it, then,” Lotte said lightly. It would have come across better if she hadn’t winced.
Jens sighed, stroked her head briefly, and said, “Don’t miss anything. Go on, get Lucas to escort you if you want, then let him get back to work, okay?”
It dragged both of their smiles back as Lotte shyly glanced at Lucas and turned to lead the way. This was what made Jens a good prince—he was born to please. “Okay,” Lotte agreed, hugging him quickly around the waist before scampering off.
Lucas followed, but paused and glanced back at Jens. Whatever he wanted to say didn’t come, but he raised his brows at Jens instead. Jens nodded his assurance, feeling oddly touched, and Lucas nodded back once before disappearing, too.
Jens continued on his original trek to his mother’s chambers, and stopped when he found the door ajar. Brow furrowed, he nudged it another inch to poke his head through, but stopped again instead when he caught the shimmering glint of chain mail.
“It’s not wise,” De Smet’s deep voice slunk towards him. “He should not have been allowed to stay in your son’s chambers. You know the threat he poses.”
Jens’s heart knocked against his ribs, but he stayed stock-still as he heard his mother sigh. “I do not have to explain my decisions to you, Mathias, and certainly not this many times. I did it for the woman, not the boy. And I will not keep shooting down my son’s orders.”
“You should. He needs to be warned. The boy shouldn’t have been let live, never mind allowed so close.”
“Jens will not be warned,” Ellis said, half-exasperated and half-dismissive. “I don’t believe that telling him anything would cause the reaction you’re looking for. Jens is soft. If anything, curse Lucas too much, and it will fall on deaf ears.”
De Smet shifted, moving his back out of Jens’s sight and, presumably, closer to the Queen. “It is a dangerous game, Ellis. His kind only rot and let it spread.”
“Then let us hope,” Ellis bit back, “that Jens will dig himself out first. The boy will slip up on his own. You need not spread this urgency and push him further under Jens’s protection. Have some trust and some patience.”
De Smet sighed, now, and the clunk of his boot brought him back to where Jens could see before Jens quickly made himself scarce.
His anger had only soared to new heights after the encounter, and it pushed him to seek out Sander. He found him in the lower halls this time, heading towards the kitchen for an early lunch with Lucas at his side. They both came to a stop before Jens quite reached them, Lucas with his usual disinterest and Sander with his usual smirk.
“Don’t,” Jens said, before the knight could get a smart word in. “I am not in the mood.”
Sander’s brow twitched. “Clearly.”
“Did it not go well?” Lucas asked. “Your questions.”
Jens looked at him and felt something fierce thrum through him. He pursed his lips, giving a slight shake of his head. “She wasn’t there,” he lied. Which probably wasn’t the best way to earn Lucas’s trust, but better than the truth. Which was that he’d eavesdropped on more plans for Lucas’s eventual demise and ran away before he could get caught.
At least his mother could sit in the comfort of being right. Jens only felt more anger towards them and more protective of Lucas after hearing their words.
Why did they still think he was such a threat? Jens thought that if Lucas really wanted to do away with him, he would’ve found a way by now.
So unless he had Jens under a spell and this was what left his thoughts running every night, leaving him to eventually die a slow death by exhaustion, he was harmless.
“Do you have enough energy left for a training session first?” Jens asked Sander before any of them could question him further, or outright call out his lie.
Sander rolled his head and blew out a breath, considering. “For you, I suppose.” He nodded towards his companion. “But I already promised Lucas I wouldn’t abandon him, and he gets his lunch along with yours.”
Jens huffed, then shrugged it off. “Actually, that works out fine. He can train with us.”
Lucas gaped at him. “Your mother wants to kill me because she thinks I stole a sword, and now you want to teach me how to use one?”
Jens flushed, even while pausing to think about it. “Well, honestly, I probably would, but I meant for hand-to-hand combat. It might stop the guards from thinking they can manhandle you if you know how to break their wrists.”
This got Lucas’s attention.
Meanwhile, Sander clutched at his chest and tipped his head back with a dramatically pleased sigh. “Gosh, I enjoy it when you lose all that princely propriety.”
He spoke with an odd amount of genuity for words that were obviously sarcastic. Jens was hardly proper. Lucas’s lips twitched in amusement, as if he was thinking the same thing.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jens said. He nudged at Sander’s shoulder until Sander changed direction, turning back the way he and Lucas had come. Jens fell into step behind and Lucas hesitantly followed alongside.
“Where do you do…this?” he asked after a moment.
Jens glanced over, then nodded towards the windows. “The knights train outside in different groups, depending on their title. I sometimes lead sessions and train with them, but Sander and I got into the habit of one-on-one when he came to us and I helped catch him up. There are plenty of unused rooms down here by the weapons hall.”
“Catch up?”
Sander looked around at them. “I told you, I haven’t been here long. My training followed the usual process, but it was much more accelerated. But it meant I got special treatment and supposedly learned from the best, and now I can leave them in the dust.”
He threw Jens a wink, and Jens rolled his eyes. “We’ll see about that.”
Lucas was biting down another smile.
Jens waited in the middle of the room for Sander as the knight shuck off his coat and left himself in a light grey tunic. Lucas hovered by the doorway and examined the empty room, the blank stone walls only brightened by the odd lantern and a lone tapestry. Lucas moved to examine it, and Jens wished him luck. It was too worn and faded to depict anything with much clarity. Jens wasn’t sure how old it was or how long it had been here, or if anyone else even knew it existed. Sander had examined it with care at first too, however, so perhaps Jens just wasn’t enough of an artist to understand. To him it was only another battle on another field, this one blurrier than the rest.
“Alright, Lucas, you wanna see how it’s done?” Sander called to him, meeting Jens in the center of the floor.
Lucas turned to face them and crossed his arms, giving a slight shrug. The curiosity was clear in his face.
“We’ll explain as we go.” Sander winked at Jens and spread his feet into a fighting stance, then gave a beckoning flick of his fingers.
Jens narrowed his eyes and mimicked the other’s position, then held. Sander grinned and lunged first. He was quick, being almost a head smaller than Jens, and knew his strength, but Jens had the advantage of experience. He tracked the blow and could have easily caught it, but instead he spun out, not letting his stance falter. Sander followed and narrowed his eyes.
Jens allowed a glance at Lucas. It would have been easy for Jens to land Sander on his back, but somehow, he thought that would have annoyed Lucas more than it would have impressed him. He needed to let Sander show just how good he was, and then Jens could prove that he was better. He met Sander’s eyes, and knew they had come to the mutual decision to put on a show.
Sander snorted quietly, but simply rolled his shoulders before going again.
They traded blows and parries, dancing their way around the room without getting too close to where Lucas hung at the sidelines. Sander started calling out tips as he moved, turning them into jokes more than helpful drops of wisdom. Still, Lucas seemed to be listening, from the few glimpses Jens got.
It was marvelous at replacing the tension in Jens’s muscles, and that was the important thing. It was energy instead of anger thrumming through him now, and Lucas was nearby, and there wasn’t anything immediate to worry about. This, Jens could manage.
Eventually he feinted a blow and caught Sander off guard, making him wobble and stumble back. Jens grinned, letting the anticipation of the win fill him as he checked to make sure Lucas was watching, before he found his back to the wall with the wind knocked out of him.
“Most important lesson,” Sander called, to where Lucas was hiding a smirk behind his hand. “Never take your eyes off your opponent or immediate threat. Don’t assume you’ve won before the fight’s over.” He braced his arm over Jens’s chest like he was leaning against a particularly sturdy post, rather than holding him back, and looked over his shoulder to offer Lucas another one of those winks, and Jens swept his feet out from under him.
Sander sprawled on his back with a grunt and let his arms flop to the sides. Before Jens could even speak, he let out a loud sigh.
Jens knocked Sander’s boot with his own and gazed down at him. “You were saying?” Sander flipped him off and he huffed, then addressed Lucas without looking up. “Most important lesson. Never let your guard down. Don’t assume the fight’s over before you’ve won.”
He looked up, and the most marvelous thing happened—Lucas grinned at him.
Then he was staring at the ceiling.
He wheezed as he hit the floor, and wondered if the burst of laughter he heard was actually Lucas or a result of the daze he was in. Sander kicked his leg from his own position on the floor, where he’d obviously found it appropriate to take Jens down with him. “You were saying?” Sander drawled.
Jens probably deserved that.
He watched Sander get to his feet and pushed himself onto his elbows, and then Lucas was there, offering a hand. Jens stared at him for a moment, then clasped it carefully, letting Lucas haul him up with surprising strength. Lucas released him instantly, but the feeling lingered in his fingertips much more than it had with that first brief touch outside the carriage.
Lucas brushed dirt off the back of Sander’s shoulder and was rewarded with a smile, and Jens tried not to feel bitter as he dusted himself off. Lucas was his servant, for Heaven’s sake.
“Your turn?” Sander asked him. He nodded at Jens, and Jens froze with his hands on the bottom of his tunic.
Lucas considered him, then shrugged. “I learn better by doing.”
Jens shouldn’t have felt any hesitance. It wasn’t as if Lucas would provide tough competition. He swallowed. “If you’re alright to wait for lunch for a bit longer, then sure.”
“I can’t promise I’ll be as much fun,” Lucas said.
Jens eyed him as he traipsed back to the middle of the floor, pointing at where Lucas should stand in front of him. Lucas rolled the sleeves of his tunic up to his elbows as Jens and Sander had and positioned his feet with Sander’s guidance. Jens watched him before saying, “I think you’ll surprise us.”
Jens came to the realisation quite quickly that he was unprepared for Lucas’s hands on him, and the earlier touch did nothing to lessen the effect. Lucas had kept Jens at a distance as much as he could. He’d had no reason so far to help Jens dress, and while he prepared every bath, he’d made sure not to be in the room any time Jens had one. Normal servants wouldn’t blink, but Lucas hadn’t been raised with that teaching. Jens didn’t really think it was all about modesty, but it came back to trust. It didn’t matter that Jens should be the vulnerable one in those instances; it was too close either way for someone untrustworthy. Jens understood that Lucas pretty much came with the rule ‘do not touch’, and only made the most minor of exceptions.
The rule had been forgotten now. Lucas didn’t seem to think twice about the close contact. Jens pushed aside the thought that it was out of excitement to get a punch at him. Lucas must have actually paid attention, because he managed a hit to Jens’s shoulder within a few minutes and stayed light on his feet. He managed to block Jens’s attempt, but he put him back a few steps, so Jens reached after him.
“Wait, here, it’s like this.” He waited for Lucas to set his wrist in Jens’s grip on his own, and then Jens drew his arm into position. “Use this part of your arm, keep it turned out.” The hairs on Lucas’s forearm rose as Jens trailed his fingers across it. Then he inched back, letting go as Lucas kept the position on his own, and pushed his arm against Lucas’s. They formed an x as Lucas understood and pressed back, leaning their weight into each other. “There,” Jens praised. “Now you have strength behind him.”
Lucas’s lips quirked and he nodded. He managed to apply said strength and shove Jens backward, and the dance began again.
They stopped when Jens had Lucas locked back against his chest with an arm around his throat. Both of them were breathing hard, and Jens could feel Lucas’s heart pounding against his own. He had leaned back into Jens, the energy drained out of him even though his shoulders remained tense.
“You’ve just killed yourself,” Jens told him.
Lucas made a noise of confusion, and Jens briefly tightened his arm, hearing Lucas’s breath hitch as he went entirely still.
“Don’t lean into someone who has you in a headlock,” Jens explained. “You’re defenseless. I’m going to show you how to get out, okay?”
Even though Jens had eased up again, Lucas hadn’t calmed. Jens realised, with a burst of regret, that he’d scared him. He let his grip slacken.
“Sorry, you’re probably starving now. We can leave it for another time.”
Lucas’s fingers curled around his arm. “No,” he argued, clearing his throat. “No, sorry. Show me now, while we’re here. It’s useful.”
Jens waited to see if he would change his mind, then locked his grip again. “Okay. So you’re gonna turn into my arm, and it’ll be easier to breathe. See? And move your hand down, so your fingers are between you and my elbow, then tuck your chin down into the space. Raise your shoulders to get yourself the room.”
Lucas listened and followed the instructions perfectly. His breath puffed into the crook of Jens’s elbow, where his hand already gripped the more sensitive skin.
Jens took a steadying breath. “Good. Now bend your knees, and your grip will bring me with you. This’ll make it harder for me to tighten my grip again before you can flip me.”
“I’m going to flip you?” Lucas asked, startled.
“Well,” Jens smiled slightly. “If you can.”
Lucas huffed.
“Now step back, on the right where I’m holding you. Careful you keep your weight forward, don’t lean back towards me again. No, not to the side, back. Your foot needs to go behind mine, so we’re calf-to-calf. That’s it. Feel steady?”
A moment to consider, then Lucas nodded.
“Alright, now you’re going to get out. Listen to me and then try, okay? You’re going to bend your knees, and step around with your left foot now, so you’re turning out to face the opposite direction. Keep turning your shoulders and hips into my hold to get more leverage if it’s harder than you expect. You’ll still have the grip on my arm, so pull diagonally across your chest, and I’ll trip on the foot behind me. Make sure you plant your left foot strong. Wanna try?”
Instead of answering, Lucas was already moving. Jens felt himself being drawn forward as Lucas leaned his weight, and then he was spinning. He had himself free in a second, and held onto the momentum as he pulled. Jens’s gravity shifted, and the incremental amount he’d leaned forward made no difference as he fell back onto his ass.
He was flat on the floor again, but now he could see Lucas’s smiling face above him instead of the ceiling. Jens smiled breathlessly back. “Good,” he gasped. “That was—you did really good.”
Lucas’s smile brightened, and he glanced away. “Thank you,” he said.
A sharp clap reminded them of Sander’s presence, and they both looked to find him leaning against the wall, eyes shining. He applauded Lucas with seemingly genuine enthusiasm, and pushed off the wall to walk towards them. “You two make an interesting show. That might be the best thing I’ve seen yet. And I’m impressed.”
Sander held his hand up to Lucas, and Lucas slapped it half-heartedly. He cleared his throat and went about shaking down his sleeves, and this time Sander held out a hand to help Jens up. “I think this deserves a nice lunch, His Highness’ treat.” Sander raised a brow at Lucas. “What do you think?”
Jens scowled at him, but Lucas’s expression was turning hopeful. He turned to Jens just as expectantly, and Jens was reminded of why he was here, of the conversation he’d overheard earlier. He couldn’t imagine how Lucas would slip up.
He wouldn’t let him.
“Fine,” he relented. “But Sander is just as capable of this himself. The cook has a soft spot for him more than me.”
“So our combined qualities make us irresistible,” Sander smirked, before pulling Lucas under his arm. “Even more so when you add this one to the mix.”
Lucas made as if to wrestle his way out of the hold, and Sander quickly let go.
Now Jens smirked. “This one does just alright on his own, I’m sure.”
Lucas’s lips quirked again, and Jens took the win.
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arianajbb · 4 years
💕 rewards by @malfoysstilinski
💕 hogwarts express by @malfoysstilinski
Draco fucks Y/N to prove a point to Harry who he knows is hiding in the storage compartment above, watching the whole thing.
💕 phosphenes by @minty-malfoy
draco finally figures out all the mistakes he’s made to you, harry is determined not to repeat them
💕 What in Carnation? by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
The swim team is holding a flowergram fundraiser for Valentine’s day, and you have a secret admirer.
💕 please don’t take him (even though you can). by @nsfwsebbie
She can have anyone she wants, but you can never love again. Not without him.
💕 his own doing by @fuckingdraco
after draco breaks your heart, a new romance blooms.
💕 x by @dadplease
💕 x by @malfoysstilinski
riding draco’s thigh in the common room.
💕 Interrogation by @lovinglokilaufeyson
After joining Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad, Draco goes to extreme measures to find out more about Dumbledore’s Army. Specifically, through you.
💕 three’s a crowd by @malfoysstilinski
draco and y/n fuck in the common room and when blaise interrupts, draco can’t find it in himself to stop.
💕  Strange Courting Rituals of Reformed Hydra Assassins by @river-soul
Bucky leaves encouraging notes and presents for the depressed reader to brighten her day except everything is written in his creepy serial killer handwriting. Her coworkers are alarmed by the notes like girl this is straight out of a criminal minds episode but Reader thinks it’s sweet.
💕 linger by @buckysbeloved
in which Draco Malfoy wants to be cared for and you want to care for him- yet you only speak through lingering touches and fleeting glances.
💕 The Wedding Date by @river-soul
Reader needs a wedding date to scare off her persistent ex-boyfriend and wants Natasha to come with her. Natasha has another suggestion in mind.
💕 Forever by @donutloverxo
You've been in a secret relationship with Steve for two years. What happens when he tells you he wants to be with you forever?
💕 When I Find You, I'll Find Me by @river-soul
After a 4th of July party at your friend’s house unearths some insecurities on Bucky’s part he suggests you’d be better off without him. You show him just how wrong he is. 
💕 3am by @honeysucklesteve
he won’t ever say i love you, but he’ll always fuck you until you can’t stand.
💕 If You Go Down To The Woods Tonight by @badassbuchanan
late night patrols and lonely ladies
💕 Play Dirty by @jurassicbarnes
(Office AU) In which Steve plays dirty in order to make you work late and later you have to play dirty to get Steve to confess his feelings for you.
💕 Dial Tone by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Reader is a phone sex worker who gets a new caller.
💕 Serpentine by @cherienymphe
One night of passion ruins your life forever.
💕  red, white, blue’s in the sky, summer’s in the air, baby heaven’s in your eyes by @cloudystevie
sunday’s are for football games and attention
💕 The Perfect Fit by @amandaoftherosemire
Steve Rogers always seems to be wearing shirts that are way too tight for your peace of mind. One day you get the whole story.
💕  Bulletproof Epilogue by @amandaoftherosemire
You, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes have been the best of friends since middle school. On top of that, you’ve been in love with Bucky pretty much the whole time. Everything changed after the three of you got to college, however. Over the past couple of years you and Steve have become even closer but things between you and Bucky have been strained since the night he broke your heart. Can anything bring you back together?
💕  x by @mypoisonedvine
💕 x by @mxchellesworld
blurb on hate sex with bucky and he’s just really rough and degrading
💕 relentless by @cap-n-stuff
Bucky had enough of your shameless flirting and was going to show you just how much you were his and his alone.
💕 A Fresh Start by @angrythingstarlight
Andy has his perfect family with you, and now he wants more. Whether you want it or not. Andy knows what’s best, he always does.
💕 Know It All by @moonbeambucky
Your grades and patience are tested when you’re paired together for a class project with the one person you cannot stand, Bucky Barnes.  
💕 I Can’t Swim by @revengingbarnes
The reader pretends to drown to grab the attention of the hot lifeguard who looks after the beach. Lies don’t last long though, and eventually it backfires.
💕 Captain Jealousy by @nony-bear
You and Steve have been keeping your relationship a secret to avoid public backlash for your age difference. However, after watching Steve flirt with a new agent at one of Tony Stark’s famous parties, your jealousy and frustration come to a head.
💕 Taking Care Of Needs by @badassbuchanan
💕 A Christmas Compromise by @stargazingfangirl18
Even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, all you wanted for Christmas was Ransom.
💕 Never Leave You Standing Part 1 Part 2 by @thebookwormslytherin
💕 Love Theoretically
  Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 10(Epilogue) <-- (my favourite chapters)
by @mypoisonedvine
having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
💕 Catfish Part 6 by @vampy-doll
💕 x by @mypoisonedvine
💕 x by @thewritingdoll
Bucky and dirty talk
💕 x by @mypoisonedvine
dark!reader x steve rogers high school AU , where R is rich spoil brat & she always had a crush on steve but she always bully him by calling him skinny and all and Then yrs later, time changes her family discarded her from will and she becomes poor and need job, got hired for PA by dark ceo!steve rogers who she bullied her all school life
💕 Just Falling by @indyluckycharlie
A one shot set in 1936. You’re attending art school in New York, and you became fast friends with your classmate Steve. His best friend Bucky though? It took you a little longer to warm up to him given his reputation as a ladies’ man. But now, you’re happy to call him a friend. But nothing more, right?
💕 Golden Hour Daydream by @indyluckycharlie
Set sometime in the 1930s. Just a late afternoon date with your favorite fella.
💕 The Girl In The Diner by @tinymalscoffee
He was just too naive to see how naughty she really was.
💕 attention by @golden-parker
Bucky has been too busy to give you the attention you’re craving, so you take matters into your own hands.
💕 Beg for Daddy by @sweeterthanthis
The thought of your mother passed out next door, the other side of your bedroom wall, did nothing to quell the intense hunger you felt for him.
💕 Take a break by @badassbuchanan
all work and no play makes Y/N a whiny little brat
💕 heavy is the head by @luciilferss
As the princess of the great lands west of the Indigo Sea, you were born with a burning loyalty to protect and serve your people. From war, from famine – from the rebels that terrorize your land. But when an ambush from said insurgents sees you kidnapped, you’re suddenly torn between service to your country and duty to your family – and, maybe, that odd little feeling that’s evoked by the terrifying men the rebels call Captain.
💕 here, kitty kitty by @nsfwsebbie
Your sugar daddy wants his wildest dreams to come to life. You, on the other hand, aren’t really into it.
💕 Angel Baby by @brooklyns-boys
💕 on my tongue by @moteldwelling
‎‎your next door neighbor was going to be the death of you. tall, dark, and ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎handsome - it doesn’t even seem to matter ‎that he’s your dad’s best friend.
💕 Whatever It Takes by @wienerbarnes
The Avengers recruit you, a medical genius of sorts, to help solve the case of an agent who is dying from an unknown illness. You seem to catch Bucky Barnes’ attention.
💕 Hey Neighbour by @moonbeambucky
You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
108 notes · View notes
attentive-dragon · 2 years
Out of order
Current book word count: 23714 of planned ~60000
I've mentioned before how I finished a book before deciding that the story I was telling didn't work as a good introduction to the fantasy world I was creating. I talked about how I planned out a new trilogy of stories which would come first, making my completed book the fourth part of the story. I've been writing the new "book 1" of the series, and that's going pretty well (23000 words so far!) but that's not what I want to talk about today.
I can't write these damn stories in order!
I do actually make an outline before I start writing. I often start off with a brief paragraph description of the story that I later expand into a more formal outline. I update the outline as I go, and as my characters make their own choices that sometimes derail my planned course, but I do have a basic map.
So, that means that I do have events already in mind that are going to happen later in the book, and sometimes while sitting and thinking, those events start to play out in my head.
I was only about halfway done with the book I've already completed when I realized exactly how it was going to end. I had to get that scene written down, so I wrote it, and so I had a book halfway done, and with an ending, but I had to fill in what was missing between.
That also happened recently with the "book 1" I'm working on. I wrote chapters one and two, but I knew how I wanted it to end, so I wrote the final scene (a planned Chapter 10.) Then I started writing chapter three, got halfway through it, and ended up writing chapter 9. Now I've finished Chapter 3. I'm about start chapter 4 on a book that I've already gotten five chapters written of.
It gets worse.
I already had 50000 words written of my original book 2 (now book 5) before I realized I was going to be writing some other stories first, but I just wrote a 5000 word chapter for book 6. There's a scene I've been playing with in my head, and I really had to get it written down today, so there it is. A scene taking place about 3/4 of the way through book 6, a book I haven't even remotely started on, but that one scene is now fully written.
If i could just buckle down and write the book I'm working on, in order, I'd be done in no time, but that's not how these stories seem to work in my brain. I can write like that, sure, but very often I'm given pieces of other parts of the story, bits of story happening after, or before, or somewhere meanwhile, and I have to get those written down. If I don't, if I think to myself "I'll remember this later," I almost invariably won't. I have to write it down now or I will lose it. When I've got a really good scene brewing, good dialogue, a way that I know a scene will work really well, I've got to get that on the page or I'll regret it later. So I end up spending time elsewhere when I should be working on what's in front of me.
I can't really regret it. Everything I'm writing is going to be used eventually. I love a lot of these scenes, and I can't wait to connect them with everything else leading up to them. It's just weird. I wonder if other authors' brains work this way.
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murdereraisuha · 4 years
Final Chapter 5 Reflection
This will have my personal opinion/thoughts on:
The VDC outcome, Rook’s actions, and what could’ve made it better
The Rook reveal and Neige
Kalim, Jamil, and Epel’s development
The Grim scene
Total word count: 2134 words
--- 1 ---
So, RSA won the VDC. My feelings on this are mixed.
Looking at it in relation to the whole plot of TWST, it makes sense. It moves the chance for NRC to finally beat RSA to the upcoming magift tournament, which gives NRC’s potential victory a large amount of excitement/importance which it wouldn’t get from this middle of the year championship.
Furthermore, Rook’s actions do make sense based on his personality. If Vil really didn’t believe that he himself was beautiful, Rook of course would vote for the team that exhibited pure joy in their performance and therefore exhibited a heartfelt beauty. It would be a lie to vote for NRC, and it would disgrace both Rook and Vil. Rook’s actions plot wise also lead to the discussion about Vil valuing himself vs seeking value from others, which I think is a crucial thing for Vil to remember. While trying to gain recognition for hard work is good, and Vil certainly does deserve recognition, it’s much more important to maintain a good perception of yourself even when things happen or people wrongfully say things that might tear down your self-esteem
However, I still have issues with how this played out in relation to the plot of chapter 5. It’s unrealistic for all of Vil’s misgivings about himself to get fixed through the power of friendship and beating each other up. But, still, the team went through a lot in order to get to the championship united and ready to perform. It feels like a slap in the face for them to lose after all that. Especially the scene with Kalim and Epel crying while Ya Hoo cheerfully plays in the background, it's so comically dissonant. Though we already got an explanation from Vil about how Neige’s performance appeals to viewers, I was still shocked. At least it was a close competition rather than a crushing defeat. 
Also, while Rook’s message was sound, the timing was rather bad. Vil and the rest of the team just had a massive battle and then went through a whole song & dance performance without major blunders while still injured. Focusing on Vil’s self-esteem there makes it seem like Rook is just brushing all that determination and effort away. Though Vil doesn’t seem to truly hold it against Rook since he offers the handkerchief back to Rook when he cries, the situation still feels off.
In conclusion, I think that the plot events made sense. However, the execution of them could have been improved. As is, it’s hard to understand Rook’s motivations in this part due to the ridiculousness of RSA’s kid’s song winning. To fix that without just completely overhauling the plot, I believe that the admirable qualities of Neige and the dwarves should have been shown more clearly. For example, while the Pomefiore CM shows a glimpse of their bond, that’s nonexistent in the game. I think that incorporating that into the game (ex. a short scene of Neige reassuring the dwarves that their performance will go well before they step on stage) would help people understand Rook’s point of view better by showing instead of just telling us about the belief Neige has in his friends.. 
Moreover, alongside better reasons for why Rook choose RSA, I think it should be clearer why he did not choose NRC. It seems an attempt at warning of the “betrayal” was done with Vil menacingly saying he’ll win the VDC during the voting, followed by the shot of Rook just going “........”.  To make this less sudden, I think I would change episode 66. Though that episode has Vil saying that he’s ugly, because the team contradicts him and keeps him as the leader it makes it seem like the problem is solved there. Therefore, to better lead to Rook’s speech, I would change episode 66 to have Vil show more hesitation and signs that he still doesn’t believe in himself. 
--- 2 ---
Anyway, on to the reveal about Rook. I wasn’t sure what to think about the name slip up during the previous part, but I just guessed that maybe they’d met before and that meeting is related to RSA and Rook having light magic. Nope, we get Neige simp Rook. I think this reveal was really surprising, but more in a funny way than a “ruins Rook’s character” way. It’s nice to see Rook seriously caught off guard by Neige just nonchalantly exposing him in front of everyone, and everyone’s reactions were extremely funny.
I think that the chapter did a decent job of making it clear that Rook’s relationship with Neige as a fan of him is vastly different from Rook’s calm admiration of and friendship with Vil. I’m kind of curious now about how and when Rook became a fan though. Him being the 2nd member of the fan club implies that Rook found Neige when Neige still hadn’t gotten much fame yet. 
I loved everyone’s Ya Hoo too. Ace and Jamil having level 0 enthusiam, Kalim and Rook having level 1000 enthusiasm, Deuce being startled but slowly getting into it but still being kind of eh, Epel just keeping that wide-eyed confused expression the whole time. ボーテ、100点. For Vil, I understand that he was probably faking his big smile for the benefit of the audience. However, I still hope his opinion of Neige has improved somewhat or will improve. Neige telling Vil that he’s still number one in the eyes of the people who voted for him was really sweet and their interactions with each other are pretty cute/funny when Vil isn’t trying to murder him.
Unlike other minor characters like Chenya and Farena who either weren’t involved in the plot or were only involved as backstory, Neige is Vil’s present rival and motivation for doing the stuff he does and over blotting. With such a large presence that continued all throughout the chapter and the Rook reveal, it would seem strange for Neige to suddenly drop out of existence come chapter 6.
Therefore, assuming that the Grim situation doesn’t derail the current patterns we’ve seen in the story, I think that Neige will be included as part of the Pomefiore involvement in chapter 6. Of course, it could be something small like getting called in for a favor near the end or just mentions of Rook continuing to write him fan letters. However, I’m hoping it’s something larger. From my analysis of the previous part:
Vil’s team’s performance had a lot of cohesion and rehearsal put into it, but it was very competitive focused. On the other hand, Neige and the dwarves obviously had a lot of fun with their performance. However, it was clumsy and they were ill prepared. Therefore, Vil could teach Neige more discipline and planning while Neige could teach Vil about how to not lose sight of finding joy in your work. 
Now that we have confirmation that Neige is a genuinely nice guy, I really want Vil & Neige friendship to happen, or for them to at least be on good terms with each other. It might just be my personal love for relationships where one person tries to be all rival-y but then the other is like “nope, I’m going to friend you whether you like it or not,” but I think this sort of development in the story of TWST would be really enjoyable to watch.
--- 3 ---
For the performance of Absolutely Beautiful, I love that Jamil got to be in the center for a bit. However, that also just makes me more disappointed that we didn’t get more Scarabia or anything about how their families are watching this. With the stuff in 5-30 and 5-34 focusing on Kalim’s perspective on things and his relationship with Jamil, I thought that at some point we would get a final scene focusing on them and how they’ve developed since chapter 4. What we got with  Jamil swooping in to the rescue with the magic carpet then talking about how he could sense that Kalim was about to do something stupid was better than nothing, but idk. I just love the writing and complexity these two have gotten and I wanted that to continue to the end. I still have hope though! If we can get a thing about Leona noticing the traces of magic in the arena, then we can get future appearances from the Scarabia boys too!... please...
Now, for Epel, I also have mixed feelings about his development throughout the chapter. I absolutely loved the beach scene with Deuce and Epel, it was so cute and I liked Epel realizing the power of beauty because of the apple juice Magicam post. However, I think the narrative missed something important. Though Epel’s views had a lot of improvement to be made, Vil’s treatment of him was also terrible and should have been addressed. I believe Vil saying that “throwing a tantrum and taking it out on others was terrible of him” in episode 66 implies that he’s realized that all his actions, not just the overblot, were wrong. However, it’s not clear enough that that was the intention. Vil does not apologize specifically for how he attempted to force Epel to conform to his own beliefs. Though there’s always chapter 6, it still doesn’t seem like the story will ever really address this issue, which is a shame to say the least.
Furthermore, in this final part, Epel offering to take the center position was really good and showed how much he’s grown since the beginning of the chapter. However, it still didn’t bring the whole “poison apple” thing to fruition. Absolutely no one made any comment on his cuteness or how it might rival Neige’s cuteness. Did they plan something with that but scraped it? Like, this is way too little pay off for such a focus on Vil shaping Epel into a way to best Neige. My disappointment with this ending might have to do with these past 3 main story updates being the only ones I’ve been in this fandom for, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whatever the cause of my disappointment may be, my disappointment still does exist.
--- 4 ---
To top off this roller coaster of a chapter and end this reflection with a more neutral analysis, we have the stuff with Mickey and Grim. Mickey seems really nice, I’m glad that Yuu seems to have made an ally in him. We certainly need one after whatever the hell just happened with Grim. I really have to give props for how unsettling both Grim’s appearance and the sounds during that scene were.
Though we’re obviously getting close to the endgame, the Ignihyde sneak peak that we got seems pretty normal and related to their personal problems rather than the plot. Though it would be interesting for a big change to happen like Yuu being out of commission for the chapter, I think it’s more likely that Yuu will be rescued, Grim just goes missing, then we don’t get much more info on that whole thing until the end of chapter 6 leading into chapter 7.
Anyway, for the scene itself I understand if it just because silent protagonist, don’t want to make them talk/do too much, but it feels kind of weird that there wasn’t really any indication of a struggle? Just standing there, staring at Grim, getting clawed, then black out. Nothing to indicate trying to step back. There was some weird clopping??? sound after he attacked but since the camera didn’t move that wasn’t Yuu collapsing.
Also, it might just be supposed to be “Grim’s laugh but creepy,” but his ケヒッ、 ケヒヒッ laughter sounds unusually distinctive? Idk, I just had the thought that it could be in reference to some other disney character with a similar laugh but idk who that would be since I’m not big into disney movies.
Right before he attacks, Grim also shouts “this is my stone!!!” Firstly, assuming that this stone is the same small size as the others, shouldn’t he already be done eating it? Yuu’s not exactly gonna stick their hand down his throat to retrieve it. So what stone is he talking about?
Well, we know that the magic crystal on the magic pens is supposed to collect blot so that it doesn’t built up inside someone, right? Blot accumulated from outright eating it instead of blot accumulated from casting magic is probably different, but what if some of the blot from the black stones did get gathered up by Grim’s crystal on his collar? We know how crazed he has been getting about the black stones. Is it so much of a stretch to think that he might be trying for more? That he might be trying to create instead of just find? 
How would a black magic crystal taste?
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