#i watched on a train w a new friend so :D
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
apologies for inactivity here’s a vaguely ghostsoap oneshot w outsider pov from tommy. because ghost’s family is still alive because i said so. rest is below the cut. 1.2k words
Watching his younger brother fall in love was a strange thing.
Of course, watching him do just about anything these days was strange enough, but falling in love? For a long time, it had seemed above Simon.
Not once had Tommy ever seen him take time for himself, or let anyone new into his life so long as they’ve been on better terms. It never seemed like something remotely of interest to Simon, either.
Though God only knows how much he deserves to have someone to take care of him for once. From a shitty childhood only made worse by his shitty older brother, then for Simon to have to be the one to put Tommy back on track which led to him falling in love with Beth, and who knows what other horrors Simon would never speak about, it was finally time Simon found someone of his own.
That being said, Tommy hadn’t ever really, truly expected it.
It’s a slow process, but it gradually becomes obvious—to Beth, at least, who will point out signs Tommy hadn’t at all noticed that, when looking back, were quite clear.
Like the uncharacteristic softness in which Simon spoke the name Johnny. The shift in tone when talking about his sergeant though he attempts to maintain a front as to make a show that he knows better than to fraternize with a colleague.
(Though knowing a few stories of the things Simon’s captain has allowed within his task force, neither Beth nor Tommy think it’d be an issue for him.)
But all it had ever started with was a gruff, offhand mention of a new subordinate Simon was none too happy about, because the new sergeant was (and quote), “beyond irritating and without the concept of personal space,” and, “lucky he’s skilled enough for it to be overlooked on the field.” Both Tommy and Beth had tried to argue that surely it couldn’t be that bad, but Simon had only levelled them both a stare he had long since perfected to make even his own brother and sister-in-law look away.
The sergeant isn’t brought up for a while in calls or visits after that, and Tommy is progressively convinced Simon had meant what he said about his disliking. Then Beth asks about it, whether things have gotten better, and suddenly the sergeant becomes MacTavish and he and Simon are almost something of friends. Almost. And from their end of the phone, Beth gives Tommy this knowing look that takes him far too long to decipher, but eventually understands it as her noticing a fondness in Simon’s voice in his renewed opinion of Soap.
It’s odd, figuring these things out about his younger brother. It really, really is.
Then MacTavish becomes Soap becomes Johnny over the course of the next few months, and when Simon visits on one of his rare leaves, for once Tommy doesn’t need his wife’s help in detecting the unique sentiments reserved for this mysterious sergeant. There’s a palpable shift in Simon, a sort of emotion Tommy has never seen his brother express.
It’s unfamiliar, and sure there are things he would never know about Simon, but this? Nearly incomprehensible, at first. It’s new to Tommy as a witness, and new to Simon in general, and it’s all just some confusing mess that neither of them understand in their respective ways.
Though, thankfully, Tommy has Beth for that. Mostly. Whenever she doesn’t scold him for being such a stranger to his own brother.
The worst of the whole Simon-being-in-love ordeal is when Tommy is urged to broach the subject when it started to seem like Simon didn’t realize himself that he was… feeling. Tommy asks if Simon had ever considered that maybe he likes Johnny in a not-platonic way after his younger brother complains about the sergeant being on medical leave for six weeks while he was stuck with training rookies that are (again, and quote), “so green it’s a wonder any of them have made it this far in life,” however Simon only responds with a vehement denial and a quiet not like Johnny would feel the same if I did before he hangs up without a goodbye.
It’s at that point Tommy begins to understand Beth’s frustration with the obvious.
Since Tommy’s question, the ever-present Soap this, Johnny that disappears from conversation with Simon entirely until a month before bi-annual Christmas leave when a near-groundbreaking question is meekly asked—if it’d be alright for Simon to bring someone with him to family dinner. He never specifies who, but it’s easy enough to guess.
(And get it right.)
John MacTavish is somehow exactly and nothing as expected, and it catches both Tommy and Beth by surprise.
He’s talkative, is one thing. That isn’t to say it’s a bad thing, either—they’re both more than happy to finally have someone regale them with the stories that aren’t classified, and John seems just as happy to do so—but also having known Simon for just about all his life and knowing his aversion to chatty people like John, it seems odd he’d be so infatuated.
And infatuated is definitely the right word, when Tommy glances over to see the adoration in Simon’s face watching John speak with such liveliness, an adoration he knows himself guilty of when looking at Beth. It’s the exact same, or so Beth would later say.
Another thing is the touching. It’s subconscious, surely, whenever John reaches a hand out to connect in some way to Simon, but Simon just lets it happen. Leans into it, even. It’s part of what really solidifies the conclusion that Simon has finally found his person.
What really does it, though, is John’s use of Si like the nickname was nothing—and Simon reacting all the same. Even Tommy hadn’t ever been afforded that privilege, and while at first it stings for a very brief moment, once Tommy is over it he settles back into complete disbelief like he’s been told pigs had, truly, learned to fly.
That one had even startled Beth. Had even startled Joseph, who had been told on numerous occasions that his uncle didn’t like when people called him Si. Yet here John sat at the dinner table like Simon hadn’t let him do something previously reserved for absolutely no one.
Later that night, Tommy corners Simon and asks him again about his feelings toward John, because it’s just so painfully clear now. He half-expects another denial, but Simon sighs and shrinks in on himself in a way Tommy hadn’t seen in decades before admitting that he likes John in a very not-platonic way.
That he loves John. That he plans on asking John on a proper date when they get back to Simon’s flat the next day.
Hearing the words from Simon, the word from Simon, is initially bizarre, but Tommy is more occupied with a sense of pride for his younger brother—though expressed in the quieter Riley fashion with an additional wish of luck certainly not needed after seeing how John and Simon act together.
Watching his younger brother fall in love was a strange thing, most definitely. But it also feels rewarding, in some equally strange way, to finally see Simon have something he’s always deserved after so, so very long.
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beachylupin · 9 months
hiya darling i saw your requests open and i just love love loved "i'd have you anytime" so i wanted to request a lil smth
Basically remus x artist reader....
I like to really draw the people i like (love) so my sketchbook is just filled with people whom i sometimes have a crush on or friends or family.
So i was thinkin, mutual pining where reader basically isn't very close to the marauders per say but knows them, acquaintances.
So reader draws a lot and i mean a LOT of remus in her sketchbook, like almost as if the sketchbook is made for him.
And one of the marauders (defo sirius) discovers this and obv tells remus and it's a whole fiasco but please end it w fluff?
Oh and ofc remus really likes reader aswell but just yk never says anything...
So yea thanks love :) i love the wya you write <33
listen, you've inspired me so much that i wrote this in a day. talk about a great turn around rate, eh? ;-D i really, really hope you enjoy this!! it's really just gushy word vomit on a screen <3 word count: 3k warnings: quickly edited, swearing, pining, fluffy, missing a private journal is stressful, happy ending!!
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Sketched Out || Remus Lupin x Fem!Artist!Reader
You didn’t mean for it to end up like this. You caught a glimpse of him on the train at the beginning, and he had occupied your thoughts since.
Sure, you had known him and been in classes for years, but he had changed since you last saw him. Last year, he was tall and lanky, but now he was tall, lanky, and a wee bit broader, filling out his grandpa sweaters better. His buzz cut had grown out, revealing sandy brown curls. Who knew Remus Lupin had curls?
Daily, you watched Remus Lupin from the Hufflepuff table, busily drawing what you saw. In the classes you shared, you secretly sat behind him to draw just the back of his head, figuring out why his hair curled like that. Instead of taking notes, you drew. When you sat across from him, you’d find yourself distracted by the way he looked, paying more attention to him than to any old teacher.
New scars, patterned sweaters with messy robes, and smile lines from laughing at whatever stupid things James and Sirius were on about filled your pages.
By mid-October, at least fifty pages of your sketchbook was just him.
It was like your dirty little secret hidden under yellow leather.
Head down, you followed the group of Gryffindors down the corridor, your books laying haphazardly in your arms, when someone was shoved, flying into you.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, books and notebooks going flying in all directions.
“Sorry, love!” Sirius exclaimed, scrambling to pick your things up. “Didn’t mean to check ya!”
“It’s alright,” you mumbled, collecting the scatter of books, notebooks, quills, and firecrackers that had spilled from Sirius’ hands.
In the mix of the crowd rushing to classes, you exchanged the books and notebooks with Sirius.
“Hey, thanks!” He said, smiling brightly as he shoved the firecrackers in his pocket. “I’m happy these didn’t go off.”
You smiled tightly and nodded. “No problem,” you mumbled, getting shoved into him by someone passing by.
He steadied you then shouted, “Hey!” after them, throwing up a lewd gesture. “Are you alright?”
You nodded, smiling briefly.
“Good,” he said, checking his pocket watch. “Shit, I’m late.” He snapped the watch closed before taking off. “I’m sorry again!” He called to you over shoulder, running into yet another person. “Sorry!”
You smiled a tight lipped smile before walking away briskly to get to your class across the castle.
Potions was in the dungeons, and you slid your usual seat behind Remus, who was already there and sitting next to Peter, just in time, the door closing with a thud.
Glancing up at the back of his head, you sighed. His hood was wonky, and his hair had grown since you last drew him at this angle. You rifled through your things, searching for your sketchbook.
But it was missing.
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, tucking your hair behind your ears.
You checked the books again, hoping you had just misplaced it in the stack. You checked under the table, seeing nothing except a lost boomslang skin.
You sighed, trying to calm yourself. Maybe you had left it in your dorm room and forgot? That couldn’t be. You had all your books, including your sketchbook, at the house table before class. 
You opened your potions book. The color drained from your face.
Sirius Orion Black, 1977 was scrawled on the front page along with the rest of the people who had checked out the classroom copy of this book.
Sirius had your potions book, and you knew for certain he had your sketchbook.
Feeling woozy, you let your head hit the table.
Sirius had your sketchbook filled with drawings of his best friend.
You thought you were going to throw up, a leaden feeling filling your belly. Squeezing your tear-pricked eyes shut, you lifted your head with your hands on your face.
“Hey, are you alright?” A muffled voice asked, and you peeked behind your fingers, staring your muse right in the face. “You look like you’re going to be sick.”
“Or cry,” Peter said, but you didn’t pay any attention to him.
“‘M fine,” you mumbled, taking your hands from your face to get the full picture of him.
Remus, his brown eyes full of worry, was staring at you, and all you wanted to do was take a mental snapshot so that you could sketch it when you got your sketchbook back. 
If you got your sketchbook back.
“Did you forget your quill?” He asked, glancing at the table. “We’re revising today.”
You swallowed thickly, glancing at the table as well, no quill to be found. You nodded, looking back at him to find him already staring.
“I have extras,” he said, turning from you to reach in his bag. He grabbed one, as well as an ink pot, handing them to you. “Here.”
Your hand shook as you took it, smiling tightly. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
Remus’ gaze stayed on your hand, his brow furrowing again. “Are you sure you’re alright?” You nodded, staring down at your book. “Did you forget parchment?”
“No, I’m fine,” you lied. You thought your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. Trying to play it cool, you huffed, rolling your eyes. “Just revisions, you know?” 
“You always do just fine,” Remus said, smiling. It was your turn to furrow your eyebrows. How would he know that? “I’ve seen the grades you get on them. I mean, you got an outstanding on your garrotting gas revision.”
You shrugged as soon as Professor Slughorn stood in front of the class. He called attention, and Remus threw you one last reassuring smile before turning around.
The class period went by slowly, and without your sketchbook, you actually had to try and take notes. But you couldn’t. Your sketchbook was quite literally in the hands of your worst nightmare: the most curious person you knew.
You knew well that curious minds stuck together and always thought alike.
You burst into the corridor after class was over, desperately looking for Sirius. You knew he just had to be coming back this way. You knew him well enough to know that he had quidditch practice next, just like James, who had been wearing his seeker robes all day.
You spotted him, hopping on one foot and fixing his knee pad as he walked next to said seeker.
“Hi,” you said shakily as you approached him. “I accidentally took your potions book-”
Sirius dropped his foot, a surprised look gracing his face. “I was wondering why mine had drawings in the margins!” 
You took a deep breath, gnawing on your lip slightly before hurriedly saying, “Did you happen to take anything of mine?”
“Sorry?” he asked as if he couldn’t hear you.
You swallowed, trying again. “I-It has a dark yellow cover? Leather. First page is blank.” Intentionally, you thought to yourself. You held up your hands. “About this big?”
He exchanged a look with James then shook his head. “Didn’t see it. I can check my books when I get back to my dorm, though.”
You sighed shakily. “O-okay,” you said, sighing again. “If you find it-”
“I’m sure I’ll bump into you again,” Sirius said, nudging you. You didn’t react, so he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I’ll get it back to you.”
“Thank you,” you said pointedly, glancing at James before walking away.
The whole situation sketched you out, and all you could do was hope they didn’t look at it.
“I wonder if she’s any good,” Sirius said, sitting criss-crossed on his bed, staring at the sketchbook. “She seemed… protective.”
“We could always take just a peek,” James suggested. His bed was pulled right against Sirius’ as he was laid on his stomach, heels of his hands supporting his head. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll look,” Peter offered. His bed was on the opposite side, but he laid on his side, eyeing the book. “I’ve always wondered what that book is. She never puts it down in potions.”
“We’re not opening it,” Remus sighed, not taking his eyes off the page of his book. “That’s fucked up. It’s like a private journal.”
“Full of drawings,” Sirius stated, crossing his arms. “It’s different.”
“It’s not any different.” Remus dropped his book, huffing as he sat up, “Would you like it if she read through your journals and rifled through your sketchbooks?”
“Well, no, actually,” James answered for Sirius, sitting up. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
“That’s because all it says is, ‘Lily, Lily, Lily. Why doesn’t Lily love me?’” Remus caught the pillow thrown at his face, throwing it back at James. “Am I wrong?”
“It’s all it says,” Peter said, shielding his face from another one of James’ pillows. “I’ve read it,” he mouthed, but James saw.
“Hey!” He gasped, throwing yet another pillow.
“Give it here,” Remus said, getting up to cross the room. Sirius grabbed it off his bed, holding it to his chest.
“No,” he said immaturely, as if he was a little brother. “I don’t think I will.”
“Seriously, mate,” Remus said, his hand outstretched as soon as he stood at the foot of the bed. “Come on.”
“You’d want to look through someone else’s things,” Sirius said, angling his body away from Remus. “You just don’t want us to look at it because you like her.”
“So what if I do?” Remus shrugged, not caring about his obvious crush. “It’s not right.”
“What if you’re in there?” James asked, his eyebrows raising. “What then?”
His eyebrows furrowed to badly hide his flushing cheeks. “I wouldn’t be-”
The three boys guawaffed loudly. 
“Are you kidding me?!” Peter called, sitting straight up. “Mate.”
“Don’t be stupid, Remus,” Sirius groaned, throwing the sketchbook on the bed. “She never stops looking at you.”
Remus’ heart beat loudly in his ears. “Really?” This was news to him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” James asked rhetorically, grabbing the sketchbook from where it bounced to him. He began thumbing through the pages absentmindedly. “She’s looking at you almost as much as you’re looking at her…” His voice trailed off as he slid his glasses off to the top of his head.
“James-” Remus warned, reaching to grab the sketchbook.
“No, hold on a minute,” James said, slapping his hand away as he showed Sirius. Peter peeked over Sirius’ shoulder, taking a look. The three looked at him in unison, glancing at the sketchbook then at him again.
“What?!” Remus asked, reaching for the sketchbook again, but Sirius grabbed it, looking at it closer.
“It’s you,” Sirius said, meeting his friend’s eyes.
“What?” Remus asked, feeling his heartbeat go quiet. For all he knew it could’ve stopped.
“It’s you!” Peter said, snatching the sketchbook from Sirius and shoving it toward Remus. “She even got the scar on your nose just right.”
James slid his glasses over his eyes as Remus took the sketchbook, his eyes wide.
“Did you know you have a mole on your cheek?” He asked, poking at his own. “Right there? She got that too.”
Remus stared in awe at the drawing in front of him. There was no denying that it was a sketch of him, in all his broody likeness. He was standing in the aisle of the train, leaning against a frame of a cabin door. His arms were crossed over his sweater clad chest, pushed slightly up due to the still-hot September sun.
He could remember that moment. James was on the lookout for Lily, so he dragged Remus into the aisle, wanting someone else to help watch. Remus stood across from him, a scowl ever present on his face. He just wanted to sit after the change two days ago, but instead he stood, hoping Lily would pass sooner rather than later.
As he looked, he saw you sitting, just in the cabin behind James’ left side. You looked like you were reading a book, your head leaning up against the window. He smiled to himself, admiring how you were still in your “muggle” clothes. You glanced at him, but Remus was sure to look away in time, readjusting his scowl and ignoring how the tips of his ears burned red.
Remus shook the memory from his head and quickly shut the sketchbook, holding it out to Sirius. “You better give it back to her.”
Sirius scoffed, taking it. He thumbed through the pages and scoffed again. He stood on his knees at the edge of his bed, pushing it into Remus’ chest. “I think you should give it back to her. You’re in every damn picture.”
Remus’ eyes widened as he took it back, opening it again. He turned each page carefully, his face turning redder and redder the further he went on.
“I thought you said it was fucked up to look through people’s things?” It was James’ turn to be a little brother. Remus threw him a glare.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, shutting the sketchbook. He held it up. “What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Give it back to her?” Peter suggested, earning a middle finger.
“Give it back to her and tell her you like her,” James suggested earnestly. Remus sighed, staring at the cover of the book. “Your journal is full of her, mate. We all know-”
“James!” Remus shouted as Peter snickered.
“Look,” Sirius said, finally getting off his bed. He clapped an arm around Remus’ shoulder. “She obviously likes you, and you obviously like her. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Yeah,” Remus mumbled. He slipped the sketchbook in his pocket. “Yeah, cheers.”
Sirius got back on his bed as Remus turned his back, walking back towards his bed. He paused, turning around slightly.
“Don’t say anything,” he said, enunciating every word as he specifically made sure to catch each of their eyes. “Please.”
Sirius dramatically put a fist of his heart. “Marauder’s honor.” The other two nodded in agreement.
“Thank you,” Remus said pointedly then turned around, climbing into his bed and shutting the curtains.
You stayed awake all night, staring at the ceiling.
If the boys had gone through it, which you knew they most definitely had, you were never going to live it down. Any semblance of a so-called friendship would be gone.
Worst of all, they were going to make fun of you.
And the self-coined Marauders didn’t take poking fun lightly.
You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing to just disappear.
Remus hardly slept either, staring at the curtain of his bed all night long. The snoring was evident that everyone else had slept except for him.
He had to talk to you today. He had to give the sketchbook back to you. Whether or not he’d say anything about the contents? He hadn’t decided. The idea of it made his palms sweat.
Remus got up long before anyone else in his room did, wanting to avoid any of the boyish hazing he would’ve gotten otherwise. Feeling bold, he got dressed and started his way down to the Hufflepuff barrels to meet you right away.
This was a pressing matter he had to get out of the way instantly.
You rubbed your eyes, yawning as you climbed out of the barrel holes, your hair braided half-heartedly. You looked like a mess, your face pale and your eyebags dark.
“Hey!” Remus called your name, emerging from the corner of the walled off corridor. You turned to face him, suddenly not feeling tired anymore. “I have this for you!”
Your heart dropped. Your sketchbook.
You took two giant steps toward him and grabbed the sketchbook, your eyes wide as you seemingly turned paler. You clutched it to your chest, mumbling, “Thanks.”
Remus cleared his throat as his cheeks tinged pink. “You’re really good at drawing,” he said.
The woozy feeling came back. “You saw?”
He nodded, his bottom lip between his teeth.
“I’m so sorry,” you burst out, trying to hand Remus the sketchbook. “You can burn it, alright? Or just- just destroy all the drawings or whatever you want. I don’t need it anymore, okay? I’m sorry. It was weird, I- I know, but I’m really-”
“No! I’m sorry!” Remus said, his hand meeting your shoulder with a gentle squeeze. “Don’t do that. They’re really well done.”
“What?” You asked breathily, the color rejoining your face in a tomato-y bloom.
“You got the likeness of me down pat,” he said, smiling. Honestly smiling.
He quirked an eyebrow, taking the sketchbook from your hand. He opened up to one as if he memorized the page it was on.
It was one of your favorites. 
Both you and Remus happened to be in the same class for Astrology. It was night, and he was staring at the sky, ignoring everything that Professor Adair was saying. You were also ignoring everything the professor was saying, sketching Remus’ profile instead.
“This looks like me,” he said, handing you the book as he pointed. “My hair, my nose, my mouth. I honestly don’t know how you captured me like that.”
He was being too kind. Your heart dropped as you took it away, clutching it to your chest again.
“Are you making fun of me?” You asked earnestly.
“What? No! Oh my god, no! I’m being- I’m flattered!” Your expression still looked pained. He sighed, backing away slightly, still smiling. “Do you want to come to Honeydukes with me this weekend?”
“What?” You asked, causing Remus’ smile to grow.
“I think you need your ears cleaned out,” he teased, handing the sketchbook back to you. “Honeydukes? This weekend? I think it’d be fun if you and I went.”
“Are you being serious?” You asked, taken aback.
“Do I look like I’m joking?” he asked, smiling as he shook his head. “Please? It’d be fun! You can read my journal as payback.”
“I’ll go,” You said, a shy smile appearing. “I don’t need to read your journal though.”
“Why not?” Remus shrugged. “It’s all about you anyway.”
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starsurface · 3 months
Hii can I request Regressor Liu Kang (MK 11) with Raiden (MK 1) if that's okay I live the idea of bending timeliness and cannon to see different versions of the characters interact ♡☆
Also hope you're doing well with all these requests they're all so fun but remember to take care of yourself
Hi!!! Making Hcs is really fun, but I'll make sure that I take care of myself!!! Promise!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Raiden MK1 w/ Regressor Liu Kang MK11 Hcs
🌩 I think they’d be really good friends!! :D
❤️‍🔥 Both boys bond over the pressure of being Champion, and their best friend being super awesome 😎 (and a bit chaotic)
🌩 When Raiden learns of Liu Kang’s regression, they were training and Liu Kang hit the ground a bit too hard and regressed on spot
❤️‍🔥 Raiden was very gentle about it, and got him to the infirmary very quickly
🌩 Liu Kang got a sucker and a pretty bandaid that he showed off to all his new friends (even if he wasn’t that hurt)
❤️‍🔥 Raiden is a bit more of a babysitter (the whole two different universe problem), but adores watching Little Liu Kang and does so regularly
🌩 And Liu Kang also really likes if when Raiden watches him!! 
❤️‍🔥 Liu Kang acts like a good rule follower, especially around Lord Raiden and Kitana
🌩 He has to be good!! Kung Lao’s the one that’s a patient tester, and Liu Kang doesn’t want to be sent to timeout
❤️‍🔥 But after a few babysits, he starts acting a bit naughty
🌩 Raiden isn’t his Lord Raiden, so he can’t get him into tooooooo much trouble . . . right?
❤️‍🔥 Right actually!! Raiden will put his foot down on somethings, or catch Liu Kang in the middle of being naughty, but he usually goes with the flow
🌩 It makes Liu Kang really happy because usually he’s gotta follow all these rules and now he gets to be a little carefree
❤️‍🔥 A few stomps and whines before bedtime? Raiden will let him stay up a little bit if he wants!! (Liu Kang will clock out in two minutes anyway, silly baby)
🌩 However, if Liu Kang tries to push his meal off the table, Raiden will set his foot down because Liu Kang will make a mess and Raiden will make him clean it up
❤️‍🔥 Liu Kang also likes that he doesn’t get a timeout for acting ‘naughty’, 
🌩 Sometimes Liu Kang runs directly to Raiden, stressed about the outcomes of the tournament and the training he still has to do
❤️‍🔥 Raiden will gently hold him, coeing softly when Liu Kang regresses very tiny
🌩 Luckily Raiden works well with baby regressors, and vent baby regressors
❤️‍🔥 Sometimes Liu kang needs padding with how tiny he regresses, which he is NOT a happy camper about
🌩 However, Raiden uses padding himself, and works with a bunch of other littles that need padding!!
❤️‍🔥 So he tries to reassure Raiden that using padding is ay-okay, and there’s no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed about it
🌩 And, anyone who tries to say otherwise gets a big scolding, and most likely a timeout!! :O
❤️‍🔥 Raiden’s nickname is Rai or Rai Rai
🌩 Dada or Grandpa is reserved for his Lord Raiden . . . although baby Liu Kang has slipped up a few times and called him Dada, but they never really talk about it
❤️‍🔥 Liu Kang’s nicknames are Tough Guy, Little One, Munchkin, Sweetheart, Baby Boy, Little Guy
🌩 One time Raiden called Liu Kang a brat when he was being naughty, and it caused Liu Kang to start bawling
❤️‍🔥 He didn’t mean to be a brat! He was good, he was still good! Raiden didn’t have to call him that, he can still be good
🌩 Raiden gently shushed and apoligized, explaining to the boy that he didn’t mean it meanly, sometimes he calls Kung Lao a brat and he giggles, but if Liu Kang didn’t like it then he wouldn’t call him it
❤️‍🔥 When Liu Kang’s a bit bigger, he really likes play wrestling and running around outside
🌩 Raiden will play with him, rolling around with him and letting Liu Kang put him into a soft headlock
❤️‍🔥 ^ Usually Liu Kang has to be careful while wrestling because sometimes his strength is a bit too much, but Raiden makes sure that he can have fun!!
🌩 What’s better than grass cuddles afterwards!! :D
❤️‍🔥 Lazing in the sun with a cute little baby in his arms, no care of being Champion in the world <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I think these two would be good friends!! I like cross universes, they're fun to do . . . Unless they're difficult, but most times they're fun!! :D
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Hi! It's my fist time in the marvel x reader side of tumblr but I had a dream and it only fits here, so, can you please write some Loki x Female Reader. They are friends, she just joined the avengers (or something like that, but they are forced to have a "mission" together). And for this mission, they have to use their "hero clothes" (sorry, I don't know how is called in English :s ) but it's the first time they see each other in those clothes (loki always dressed in "human" clothes before). They are on their way to the mission or just searching or walking and reader (shyly) says to Loki "You look sexy in those clothes" and keep doing her thing. Loki freeze and from there just keep pining in each other or flirting. And end up all fluff.
All I can remember from my dream is after that they had like a mini date (in the moonlight 🌙✨) to talk about their feelings but they were fools so they talked about everything but their feelings. And after that, a mutual friend keep shiping them and trying to get them together. If you want to write this part, the friend could be Thor, idk lol
Ooooo I love this so much!! Thank you for trusting me with it!! I hope you like it!! 💚💚💚
Nice Suit
Pairing: Loki x shy reader
Warnings: all the fluff, friends to lovers. Appreciating Loki in a skin tight suit 😏😏
Summary: you were recruited by Tony after seeing what you were capable of, but who knew you'd become best friends with a God.
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You had joined the team of super hero's a couple months ago, Tony saying you had talent. When you were introduced to everyone it was a bit overwhelming. You had always been shy by nature, so when Thor came barreling down the hall, it took everything in you not to run away. "Thor odinson, God of thunder, and that's my brother Loki over there." He pointed in the corner to a dark haired man in the corner reading. You furrowed your eyebrows looking between them "adopted." Loki said looking up, offering you a smile.
You had spent most of your time training, making sure you were ready when a mission came up. You were diligent, training with Nat and bucky in hand to hand, Clint with bow and arrows, and Loki with close combat and knives. He has always offered you a kind smile, or a small touch on your arm or back, and it always made you blush. The man was gorgeous, but you didn't have a crush on him, not at all.
You and Loki grew closer, being the only two staying behind when missions came up. You being too new and something about they still didn't trust him. So, when you found out he had a sweet tooth, you started religiously buying cupcakes when you two were left to wander the tower alone. "Darling, you are simply amazing." He would say whenever he saw you carrying the little pink box, chocolate being his favorite of course.
One night, the two of you were sitting on the sofa, munching cupcakes and watching some terrible movie when both your phones went off. You both headed to the conference room seeing Fury standing there. "Alright you two, we had a mission come up, and everyone else is gone so your it." He said as you sat down. He went over the details, it was a quick in and out, nothing fancy as you both nodded.
"Your highness, you'll need to wear this tracking device so i can keep an eye on you." He said "is that necessary?" You asked quietly. "I...I can keep an eye on him." You said smiling at him as his eyes softened. "Y/n, we can't trust him." Fury said "w..well I can, I do." You said a little louder as Loki's eyes widened. You heard Fury sigh "fine, but he's your responsibility." He said walking out as you smiled again at Loki. "D...did you mean it? You trust me?" He asked looking at you as you nodded. "Let's go get changed." You said meekly as you got up heading to your room.
You zipped up your suit, looking down seeing it hugged your entire body tightly. It reminded you of Nat's, but it was dark blue. You grabbed your belt and shoes, making sure you had everything as you made your way to the jet, praying you wouldn't have a wardrobe malfunction in front of Loki. You walked onto the platform, seeing Loki leaning against the side of the jet with a clipboard, covered in....leather.
The blue leather wrapped around him, hugging tight to his chest, going down his arms, accentuating his biceps, with pieces of metal armor weaved through along his shoulders and arms. Dark blue leather pants hugged his legs, leaving very little to the imagination as your eyes shamelessly roamed his body. He was truly built like a God.
He turned his head, seeing his eyes moving up and down your body, suddenly you felt very exposed. "A....are you ready to go darling?" He asked clearing his throat, looking back up to your eyes as you nodded. You both made your way to the cockpit as he strapped in starting the jet. As you made your way to your destination you couldn't help glance at him. The way his muscles moved under his suit. You felt your face flush when he turned smiling at you.
You landed, both getting out and heading into a cave that apparently had some artifact you were to retrieve, being told Loki knew what it was you weren't too worried. "Ok, I'll go this way, you go that way, if you see anything odd, get on the coms and I'll be right there." Loki said pulling out a flashlight handing it to you. He was crouched down, being too tall to stand up straight, you decided now or never. you grabbed the light, leaning in next to his ear "by the way, y...you look really sexy in that outfit." You whispered as you grabbed the light, and took off down the tunnel, leaving a very stunned Loki in your wake.
You retrieved the artifact, Loki finding it of course. As you made it back to the jet, you couldn't help notice he seemed to have his chest puffed out, and was smiling the entire time, making you blush. As you strapped into your seat, he came up behind you "you look ravishing as well, but your suit would look much better on my bedroom floor." He whispered, your face immediately turning red as you looked everywhere but him. "You are adorable when your flustered." He smiled as he strapped in, flying you back to the tower.
It had been a few days since the mission, and honestly you were hiding. You were too flustered to be around Loki without making a total idiot of yourself, so you stayed in your room, making sure you wouldn't word vomit. You heard a knock on the door, opening it to see Loki, leaning on the doorway in his green button up and black slacks you loved so much. "Y/n, you wouldn't be avoiding me would you?" He asked smiling. "W..what? No......no I'm not avoiding you ha ha I j...just, I had some things to take care of." You lied as he smiled wider. "Well, if your things are done, would you care to come star gaze with me?" He asked holding his arm out. "Uu....umm sure...yes, yeah I'd like that." You smiled, grabbing his arm as you closed your door.
You made your way to the roof. You decided you needed to tell him, you had to. You didn't want to ruin your friendship, but even if He didn't feel the same you could still be friends right? You both laid staring at the sky. He recanted tales of Asgsrd, his mother, how he learned to work is siedr, you loved listening to him, so that's what you did, listen. Not tell him how you felt, not admit you were hopelessly in love with him, you listened, and were happy to do it. He walked you back to your room, kissing your hand bidding you goodnight before he left, leaving you and your feelings alone.
Over the next week, things changed. You would catch Loki glancing at you before quickly looking away. Thor had caught onto this very quickly "Brother, why don't you ask her out? Im sure she likes you." He said as Loki looked at him "how could she like me? She is perfect, and i...." he started before he looked down, Thor patting his shoulder. Later that day, you were in the kitchen making tea "Lady y/n." Thor boomed coming in, making you throw your tea bag. "Yes Thor?" You asked looking at him. "Have you considered dating my brother?" He asked sitting down. "Who told you? What did they say? I....look the thing is....." you rambled as he put his hand up. "That is all I need to know, thank you Lady y/n." He smiled before leaving, as confusion clouded your mind.
The next day, you and Loki were sat in the common area reading. "Y/n, may I..." he started when Thor came in "Ah brother, y/n. I'm glad I caught you." He said sitting down, you froze at the thought of what was about to happen. "So, y/n here told me that she does, in fact like you brother." He smiled holding his arms out as Loki's head snapped to look at you, your face surely beet red. "So I think you should ask her out. You know she would say yes." He nudged Loki's arm. "Y...y/n, is that true?" Loki asked looking at you.
You sat staring at the floor, embarrassment flooding through you like a wave as a tear slipped down your cheek. "Y/n, are you ok?" Loki asked leaning forward as you threw the book you were reading on the table and ran as fast as you could to your room, locking yourself in. A few minutes later a knock came "y/n, please talk to me. I know your in there, open the door please." You heard Loki say as you sighed wiping your face.
You opened the door as Loki pushed himself in, closing it. "Y/n. Is that how your truly feel?" He asked grabbing your shoulders lightly pressing you to the door. "Umm...I uh. Loki it's complicated, I do like you, alot actually but i.." you were cut off as his lips pressed to yours, cupping your cheeks as his lips moved against yours, making your mind go blank as his tongue skimmed along your bottom lip. Opening your mouth slightly, his tongue invaded your mouth, kissing you hungrily as you both moaned into the kiss, your hand going to his hair, his grabbing your waist, pulling you towards him.
You broke apart for air as he leaned his forehead against yours. "I have wanted you since the day I laid eyes on you. Will you allow me to take you out, court you, whatever you want to call it as long as your mine." He growled looking at you. "Loki, I'm already yours." You sighed, engulfing his mouth in another kiss. You decided then, you'll never get tired of him kissing you.
@lokiprompts @vbecker10 @lokisninerealms @lulubelle814 @lonadane @xorpsbane @sinsandguilt @cabingrlandrandomcrap @buttercupbestie @high-functioning-lokipath
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
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PAIRING: Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
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SUMMARY: Sebek has taken notice of his friend's recent unusual behaviour, and when he saw them crying one night, he took it upon himself to try to comfort them, only later realizing that the reason for their tears was because of a book they've recently read.
CONTAINS: gender neutral reader, mutual pining, 2nd Person POV, SFW, Fluff with a hint of crack
Authors Note: Ah my first (published) fic! hope y'all like it! I'm having a bit of a Sebek brainrot atm and I thought this would be a funny concept to write :D
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Pacing through the halls of Diasomnia, Sebek had been pondering about your recent strange behaviour.
You appeared to be more...what was the word?
for lack of a better term, he thought. You'd always space out during your hangouts and was generally more...quiet, than usual, eerily so.
He'd never admit it out loud but- he missed your old self, he was worried for your wellbeing- as much as he's embarrassed to admit it.
Never would the young knight in training would have thought that he would ever befriend you, the magicless prefect, let alone be worried about you out of all people.
He grumbled under his breath, how dare you? A human- a magicless one at that- make him so distracted from his duties as a knight? Make him feel so, so-
A voice interrupted his train of thoughts, chuckling in amusement.
Startled by the sudden presence, he fumbled, but quickly regained his sense of composure upon realizing who the voice belonged to. Stiffening, his face reddened.
"M-master Lilia!!!" He bowed, attempting to hide his flustered state, he coughed. "W-worried by what, exactly?" he asked, confused by the sudden question his master brought upon him.
"Why, worried for the ramshackle prefect obviously!" The old fae replied smiling, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world.
His voice yelled out all throughout the dorm, causing Lilia to be startled by his sudden loudness, even startling himself from how loud he had been infront of his master. Lowering his head in shame he mumbled an apology for his behaviour, even more embarrassed than before
Oh great sevens end him now
Lilia merely laughed it off, patting his back like how a father would when talking with his son. "Oh! It's quite alright Sebek!" The shorter fae replied laughing, heavily amused by how flustered you made him. 'Ah young love!' He thought, reminiscing on the days where he'd been younger.
Shaking his head, he quickly came back to the topic at hand, you.
"But anyways, I take it you're worried for y/n?" He asked, glancing at the expression the knight in training was currently making.
The boy in question averted his gaze, replying with a curt nod. "....Yes...They've been...More quiet? They seem to be more lost in thought often..I...Worry for them." He said quietly, furrowing his eyebrows at the thought of you being so miserable.
Lilia stroked his chin, closing his eyes as if deep in thought. "I see..They must miss their home a lot." The old fae added, taking account in how you technically had no family here with you, no photographs to hold close to and cherish, nothing to remind you of home, nothing.
There was a brief silence after his master's statement,
Huh. He never did put much thought into that.
It must be awfully lonely being surrounded by people who already know each other- ....
As he let the thought sink in more and more, he felt immense sympathy and, furthermore, guilt.
feeling conflicted. He did want to comfort you, but-
what would he even say? he never was the type to spew out flowery compliments, let alone comfort. He was still...Fairly new to all of it.
Lilia, who had been watching him silently sulk in sorrow, had finally decided to break the silence.
"Go to them"
He urged the boy, who was now staring at him with wide eyes.
"N-now-????" he asked, "B-but master Lilia! wouldn't it be improper to visit at such a-" He was promptly shushed by the older fae, who simply smiled at him in approval. "I'm sure they'd appreciate it Sebek, they need a friend to cheer them up after all!" He said, encouraging him even more.
Huffing out, the young knight nodded, determination flodding him suddenly, as he ran towards ramshackle.
Watching as the boy ran, Lilia simply snickered.
"Hmm..I think I forgot to tell him they were simply getting emotional at the book I gave the prefect...hm..Welp! Oh well!"
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There he stood, finally reaching your dorm. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. Shuffling could be heard behind the door as your footsteps grew louder and louder, until finally the door had been opened.
"Crowley for the last time IF YOU- Sebek????" You turned to him, confused by his sudden visit. Stepping closer he inspected your face, your eyes were all red and puffy and faint tear stains could be seen. Dear sevens, you were this upset?
His eyebrows furrowed as his frown deepened. "Human....Have you been...crying?" He said, deciding to be direct, voice laced with (very badly) hidden worry and concern.
Your eyes widened in embarrassment, not expecting him to notice. Let's just say you've been binge reading a certain book series Lilia had given you and you may or may not have gotten attached to the characters, who, as predicted, had died. It was to be expected but you were still feeling bitter about the whole ordeal. You were gonna have to get back at Lilia for lying about it being a "happy story".
Snapping out of your thoughts you focused your attention on your (boy) friend who stood in front of you, arms crossed as he huffed, impatiently waiting for your answer.
"W-well,,, aha- yessss,????" You answered awkwardly, gesturing your hands into finger guns as you smiled nervously. "B-but uh! It's not a big deal reall-"
He interrupted seemingly embarrassed by what he's about to say next. "L-listen up you hear me!! I-I'm only gonna say this once!!!" He yelled out, his usual loud voice wavered.
You simply nodded, anticipating for what he was about to say, the determined face he held intriguing you.
"I..I know it must be- wait no that's- not right." he shook his head, correcting himself. "I- I may not know exactly how you may feel- nor have I gone through the same experience as you, Human- but.." He paused, carefully choosing his words.
"I want you to know that you will always have a home here, at NRC, and that we-..."
"I...Care for you."
Your eyes widened, taken aback by his genuine care and fondness he had declared to have for you. Smiling, you decided to hug him, while he was surprised, he can't say he didnt like the warmth you radiated, nor the smile that illuminated your features.
"Thanks Sebek, you can be unexpectedly sweet when you want to be can you?" You teased. He simply huffed and hugged you tighter in response, muttering a quiet 'shut up'. Giggling, you burried your head in the crook of his neck.
"Thanks for this, Sebek, It means a lot."
"...Anytime...Y/n.." he muttered quietly, playing with your hair. Gasping, you looked up to see his blush tinted cheeks.
"You actually said my name!"
"D-Don't get used to it Human!!!!"
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featuring: Grim ruining the peace because he can
Grim, who saw it all, snickering: PFT ya DO know that the reason my henchman was crying was because of a book they read right? Ya think it was because of somethin deep???
Sebek, eyes widening in horror: Human what is he implying
Y/n, sweating: uhh yeaaah- I wanted to tell you but you kindaa- interrupted before I could...Sebek? SEBEK-
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(Additional) Author's Note: Did I, semi speedrun this because I just found out it's Leona's birthday and I wanted to write something for him? Maybe But! That having said, I hope you enjoyed reading!
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idealspawn · 1 year
i think its probably good that he is on his 2 week europe trip. we made plans for after his trip so i feel secure. he told me he trusts me. i trust him too. i was afraid i dont trust myself not to disconnect w my feelings but i think its fine now. i therapized myself out of it :d. i think we both need breathing room. i also need to get sober for a while, fuck. that has def messed me up. we met up one last time before he left too and he took pics of me w his film camera. he is convinced that im photogenic though im not.... he taught me how to use the camera too! we also visited a local church and listened to the organ music there. it was beautiful. ive been massively inhaling therapy videos on how to self-regulate and allow breathing room in a relationship. also how to maintain a distinct identity whilst being together with someone. it has helped me immensely. i also have actually returned back to my hobbies and read diff essays abt my personal interests like philosophy and religion and the art of translating literature. i rediscovered old video games i used to play w my sister, that is insanely healing. ive drawn a lot and listened to lots of new music and made new cool playlists. i watched some anime too! ive met up w my friends that i havent seen in such a long time and ive been such a great host. i invited my 8 girl friend group over and we made spring rolls together and mojitos and got high and played cool board and card games. it was so refreshing. i also invited my closest friend over and we went riding w bikes at night and climbed on the walls surrounding a manor near my home. not sure if legal but we also jumped in their backyard and ran around. it was so beautiful. we also did lots of other fun stuff. i saw poppies! my fav flower. also bats!!! the reflection of the moon on a river was so beautiful. it was so nice that my sister came over for a day too. i saw two of her friends briefly too and they were so nice to me! today ill be going out of my comfort zone a fuck ton too. my friend is hosting her bday party in her countryside home that is far away and i havent even figured out my transportation back. i will stay there for 3 days. loose ends like that used to freak me the fuck out but i think ill be fine. its an old house so it doesnt really allow me to follow all my insane rituals but i think i need to train myself to be okay w it. most ppl are sleeping in tents but i can be in the house bc i literally dont have a tent but that also probably would make me panic a bit too much. too many new things at once isnt good either i think. im actually doing fine. its nice. surprising that ive done things and im doing things and i havent died although most of my life ive literally feared i would. like not yet discussing why i shut down when the guy im seeing tried to be intimate and postponing it for after his trip.. i used to NEVER be able to do that. like i couldnt for the life of me sit w the uncomfortable emotion. like my entire life used to stop until i could regulate through the other person and vocalize it. but now ive just like. organized my brain. and self-soothed myself and i feel safe that he wont immediately leave me just bc of one difficult situation with an ambiguous meaning. and that the issue can be put on pause and when he returns we can talk about it.
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celestie0 · 28 days
bae you should’ve HEARD the squeal i let out when you posted 😭 i like rolled around on my bed and kicked my feet for a good minute or two IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BAEEE 💗
also bae omg im realizing how many mistakes i made on my most recent ask omg its so embarrassing 😭😭 im assuming you understood what i meant tho? 😭 IN MY DEFENSE I WAS ON THE TRAIN SO IT WAS BUMPY AND I DIDNT WANT PPL SEEING MY PHONE 🫠 like have you ever been in public and then someones looking over at your phone?? SHIT HAPPENS TOO OFTEN I SWEAR.
bae missing gojo so bad rn i turned to character ai 😓
anyway do u remember C?? yeah so i confessed and uh 🧍‍♀️he kinda just brushed it off and brought up another girl 😭 BUT GET THIS. THE OTHER GIRL IS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS. like imagine you’re texting a girl who’s been your friend SINCE YOU WERE KIDS and KNOWING she has a crush on you and then you still bring up one of her closest friends relationship status. LIKE??? i’m being so fr when i say this i cried. i called my friend D in TEARS after i finished talking to C and D was just like “yo wait what happened?” and then i had to explain AND IT TURNS OUT C HAD BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY FRIEND FOR A WHILE. they danced together once at a party and apparently hes had a crush on her ever since??
okay but enough abt C,, hes an asshole and i never want to speak to him again (i still like him very much and i still need him but im tryna cope lolol) 💗 how’ve u been bae?? i hardly ever send in asks anymore so i feel like we don’t interact as often 😞 omg bae do u have any show recommendations?? i’ve been dying to watch something new lately but all the shows my friends recommend are ones i’ve seen already 😓😓
anyway bae thats all 💗 i hope you were doing well on your hiatus (even though it was short!) and i can’t wait for the next kickoff update ‼️ byebye and i love uuuu
hiii my lovely <33 OMG you're too fucking sweet i swear you make me smile everytime i see you in my inbox. yes it's nice to be back i missed everyone lots :'') i still might take it a lil easy tho haha i realized during my hiatus i've gotta just spend less time on tumblr between my fic updates kdjfhsdkfjl
haha yes i hate when ppl look at screens. but i always used to look at people's screens during lectures in college to see what they're up to and what they're ordering on amazon HAHA i guess it's human nature to be nosey asf
omg NOOOO babe that's horrendous fuck C i'm so sorry you went through that :(( you deserve sm better than that. aww bb whatever helps you cope is valid, but i do think that maybe it's time to let C go...you confessed n did what you could, and even if he didn't like you back, he should've treated your confession w care n respect. the way he reacted is major red flag!! i'm sorry though, i know you've known him a long time, so that has to be really tough to go through :'') chin up bb, i promise you'll find better guys out there that will treat you w the care you deserve
i've been okay!! i had my last day of work on thursday which was kind of bittersweet, i cried in front of my PI LOL (he's an old german man and he's always been very sweet to me n i'm really gonna miss him aaa) i had social plans the past couple of days which was fun but i'm kind of an introvert so i spent today recharging my social batter haha.
ooo i've been watching bojack horseman recently!! i like it, it's funny and realistic, but i've heard it becomes a total shitshow (not as in it becomes a bad show, it's still a great show BUT the characters kinda stress you out)...i really like it, i've been recommending it to people! i like shows that are kind of cynical commentaries w an overlay of comedy though HAHA so if you're into that too, i'd recommend it. if you wanna watch a really good romance show, i'd recommend 'one day' on netflix!! it's like a slow burn friends to lovers, and the acting in it was phenomenal. no spoilers but i will give a heavy angst warning.
thanks bb!! yes my hiatus was good haha i appreciate you sm <33 love u tooooo darling
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Give Kaito essay (for the character meme)
Oh god, I’ll read more this because it’s gonna be a journey and that's also why it took so long gjdaslgk-
And the standard zexal and arc v spoilers warning message-
1. how long have i known about them A LONG time though it didn’t get to like he’s my whole world status until pandemic era-- MalindaChan did her cosplay for him back when I was still a certified Yugiboomer who entertained GX and 5DS because "lol abridged series jokes" and that’s when I first remember seeing his design? I tried watching Zexal briefly when it was actively airing but just couldn’t get far bc Boomer Brain ™, but I remember him being cool but the "Kaiba-likeness but not being Kaiba" Yugiboomer wall couldn't be overcome right away, I had to train my skills Then 2020 happened, I watched Vrains to understand Link Summoning, got SUCKED into it, and was like wow past me was dumb, ALL of the spinoffs are GREAT Zexal reached a hand back out to me when I was kinda struggling with the Vrains community and I'd decided to start writing more spinoff muses with some mutual friends and that's also when I realized I’d be subconsciously collecting Galaxy and Photon monsters since they’re pretty + space themed but also because they were inside of ALL of the Kaiba support sets(because DUH) so it was like,,, well, let’s try that again
Now I’m In Hell And It’s All His Fault Do you think I ENJOY playing Photon competitively? Well yes, but also NO. It means learning new decks is HARD because I can't look at dragons and knights in SPACE.
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry Moon duel? W,, what Moon duel,,, I don’t,,, remember any space dueling, ahaha, isn’t that another yugioh, the rush of the go,,,,,,, In all serious though, yes lmao The duel against Zexal when he tells you his reasoning for why he’s the Number Hunter and he looks so broken, that got a solid few tears The flashback of him trying to break Haruto out of the city got some tears  The duel with Chris is also really good show of his character at the root, the thing that gets him back to his feet is the moment Chris even considers Haruto as part of his suffering, g o d The moon duel of course. That’s. That one was brutal. Yeah. 
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There’s a wall scroll behind my work desk that sneaks into my Zoom calls, there’s a canvas print he’s on that sits at my work desk, my ita bag has a handful of charms, pins, and buttons for him(still hunting for artists who draw him with merch wink wink)
I guess my Photon tcg deck counts? The tcg is just one big merch machine if you squint enough-
My Book of Moon themed binder is literally just all of my collector Photon and Galaxy/references to Kaito cards + a small page for Miza since Tachyon is a Galaxy Eyes
Do cosplays count? Because I’ve got all but his space suit basically done + his duel disk 
4. what about their personality i like How seriously he takes himself despite literally everything else about his character 
He’s often off to the side with his arms crossed, pouting or frowning, having the cool guy edge lord behavior But also he’s screaming in the rain, jumping through a window on a kite glider he made himself that also doubles as his robo-butler, flying to the whole ass moon because a rock told him to, and beefing 14 yr olds, he’s just a legend 
I also love that he's like... very clear about himself and on how you should treat him. He straight up says he's going to hell for what he's done and just continues to be there because that's how he'll atone because atonement isn't forgiveness, like he's not ours to forgive. Love him so much.
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional Honestly, most of it
Watching Kaito slowly lose his autonomy (his brother whose been his responsibility for what could be read as since birth, his father just becoming a figure head in his life versus an actual parent, Chris walking out on him with no closure until they duel, being watched by and trained under brutal conditions by the government, failed escape attempts, getting lied to and used, etc) and then knowing one of the people who he attributes half of that loss and suffering to is someone he never gets closure against is very hard to watch
Even in Arc V, he loses his entire family in a way that makes him cut ties with every single person left in a desolate city and hunt his enemies down one by one to pay them back for his suffering, and it happened before we finally actually get to see him or hear of him for the first time so god knows the details
He really just gets put through it time and time again, yugioh be nice to that onion challenge
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest there was no duel on the moon in yugioh zexal
But actually, Kaito dying is tragic for a few reasons
He was... ok with it happening-
He was killed off before the final duel and before he could reunite with Yuma and Ryouga again, and even though he came back as a spirit, it felt like a such a cop out
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest The pure look of joy on his face reuniting with his brother after they defeat Vector the first time, it’s so good The first time Prime Photon is summoned, goated, perfect, all boss monsters should be willed into existence like that But also Arc V, Kaito watching Dennis duel Yuya after everything with Zarc and clapping for him is so sweet omg
8. something about them that made me laugh HIS ONE LINERS, yugioh really gives the rivals the best solo lines I swear to god
Ok listen, dub and sun debate aside, I watched both because I’m a mess and need as much Kaito as I can get, but the dub has some heaters and Kaito’s got a few good ones, ESPECIALLY when he's talking to Mizael
The one to Shark, “You’re quite the romanticist”, who the fuck says that out loud to another person Kaito talking to Dennis is also a fever dream, the dub especially is so jarring, I love them
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs White coat with the gazer tattoo, you can never go wrong with the Photon coat Numeral Hunter is also based, I know that's not like HIS look in any show, but... I HC that would be his Vrains Avatar, he could go to Vrains very easily, Solflare is an exploitable card in his deck
10. my favorite moment with them in canon UUUUGGHHHH CHOOSING ONE IS HARD
Uhhh, episode wise Shark Hunter is prooobably my favorite(for obvious reason but besides those LOL) because it’s such a tone setter for who Kaito is and also I could listen to these two bicker all day long, we really didn’t get nearly enough of their side rivalry as opposed to like Kaiba and Joey or Takeru and Ryoken
And then the Moon Duel is like my second favorite duel in the whole franchise, only outclassed by Soba and Revo in Vrains, you really get to see just how strong he is because he's half blind, still actively dying by dueling, and gets his helmet cracked in the vacuum of space, and he's still able to win
Character moment, the duel against Chris comes to mind again because it shows a lot of Kaito to his core, but also Kaito hauling ASS to get Yuma to Astral world to reunite with Astral is iconic, Kaito's always ready to take the plunge when everyone else says not to because he just KNOWS he's right
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character sweats profusely, I said it above somewhere I think- removing shipping from the equation entirely, I REALLY like all of the bff / rival dynamics across all of the shows, I love how well done they are and I fully find them more interesting than the standard protag/rival ones, even with KaiRyo having like the least amount of time dedicated to theirs comparatively. Ryouga and Kaito being treated so similarly by the hands dealt to them to where they'd understand the other one like looking in a mirror and yet they cannot stand each other, I eat that shit up. But also knowing the other person so well that they don't even have to talk and also realizing that person is their one of their only option to success? Give me MORE of that I also really love the foil between Mizael and Kaito a lot, I REALLY wish it got the time it was rumored to get, guess I gotta do everything myself In Arc V, Kaito and Shun's dynamic is really good for the little bit we're allowed the time to see it, Shun being one of the only characters who actually goes back for him after leaving so abruptly between Arc V and Zexal... tugs on the heart strings I also love that Kaito took ONE look at Edo in the safe house and decided to speed run the enemies part of the enemies to lovers arc they were going to have, I wish they could have spoken in canon more, hell GX Edo and Zexal Kaito would also be such an interesting dymamic
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them Everyone drawing him like >:D all of the time, keep doing that The white lab coat look too? Like not the Photon one, like a standard white lab coat? Perfect, DO NOT change that
nsfw next but also just how everyone knows he's a bottom no matter which ship it is lmao
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them that no one talks about him except in “WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE RIVAL” polls fndhxjshxbs
I’m going insane in my thoughts alone over here, I need to convert everyone to watch Zexal
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them Ok here we can get heated for a bit because I’ve seen an argument somewhere that Kaito didn’t develop at all from season 1 to 2 of Zexal but he 100000% did and I honestly like how it's done
Season 1 Kaito was purposefully talking to the air Astral could be in to avoid even looking at Yuma because he thought so little of him despite how much clawing to get on the same level as him Yuma did
Season 2 Kaito is jumping in to keep Mizael from killing Yuma without a second thought, he's going to the arctic despite ALL of the protests to build the bridge to Astral
His development is subtle, but it's very there, not to mention he can now stomach being in the same room as Faker, gave Chris a second chance, his dying words to Yuma are all the more apparent how important Yuma became to him Like the ONLY person we should have seen an actual conversation touching on Kaito's actions with WAS Ryouga but... be honest, Ryouga's not accepting that from Kaito, they're both very much people of action and they established their bond through the snark and bickering, that's how they communicate Plus Kaito's also outward about not being a good person, telling Yuma he sold his soul to the devil, telling the gang in the first episodes of Zexal II he's already going to hell because that's what his guilty soul deserves Ryoken and Kaito would be SUCH an interesting duo, I'm just saying
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them Oh boy now here we go LOL
The duel against Mr Heartland. - This one's unbelievably bad for so many reasons, mostly because there’s no universe where Kaito struggles against Heartland of all people in a duel, but also this is the person who’s been THE symbol for most of his trauma and trials up until that point. There is no chance in hell he struggles, gets crippled by him, and has to have Yuma take over. That was and always should have been his duel to win, but Yugioh has the unfortunate "this is a story through the protag's eyes" shonen protag bug at its core (Yuma sweetie you’re lovely and wonderful, it’s literally not your fault) 
Arc V giving him literally no time for their version of Kaito to have a more satisfactory character arc because of how long and bad the Synchro Dimension/Friendship Cup arc was. Just another victim of the Synchro Arc, sighs. The dub also puts this weird and bad attempted joking line about how Kaito doesn't do family and like have you literally watched any of Zexal, you're the whole ass studio Kaito just doesn't feel very Kaito the same way in Arc V, it's very sad, lots of shit you know og Kaito wouldn't let fly that just goes by in Arc V, but different versions, dimensions, stories, etc etc, it's just such a whiplash coming from Zexal where he's just so much more
OCG Structures was a coward and didn’t want to play with dimensional physics because Kaito 110% could find a way into that timeline I haven't read the Zexal manga in full just yet because I wanna collect them all physically so that'll be later- And a little bit for the games since Konami wanted at least one of those to be canon thanks to Vrains world-
Cross Duel literally had you consider killing kids for him but honestly this one is more funny than infuriating, everyone's a worst version of themselves in Cross Duel agjdaslkgj Duel Links is usually pretty good, but since Kaito’s first launch event where he's hunting you down, he’s been very much more like an NPC for the Zexal world events, just seems weird to me, I'm sure that'll get thrown out once Chris' unlock event actually happens coming up here and when Miza gets added... then that digital world won't know WHAT to do
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crushed-starlight · 7 months
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welcome back to me stealing ideas from @about-the-two-of-us !!
todays episode: i might turn this into a more general digital diary about my social life, rather than focusing so much on crushes. ysee this is what happens when i have to spend a whole half-day without meadow lmao
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anyway !! here’s updates :D
meadow went away for the weekend to visit a friend :(( so we couldn't hang out BUT before their train we still went to class together and made jokes about the place they’re visiting and they left their snacks in my bag so i got to see them briefly again to give them back right before they left n we hugged goodbye at the place we first hung out aaaa
that was last weekend, n since then a ton of wild lore has happened !! its been literally 4 days how is any of this real.
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monday evening jiji and odie hung out in my dorm and watched some youtube videos from a channel that odie and i rly like that we're trying to introduce jiji to !! those two r always so kind to me im rly glad i have them as friends rn. otherwise the stuff w meadow would be way more taxing i think
tuesday evening i went over to meadow's place after class !! i played a game they introduced me to (they like backseat gaming for this one hehe) and he gave me tons of tips on how to get a good build n i ended up getting further than i ever have before on my last run of the evening !!
and on wednesday (yesterday) meadow and i went on a mini shopping trip after class, then went back to their dorm again for a mini movie marathon !! we got through the first 2 hunger games movies since i hadn't seen them before and meadow is hype to watch the new one that just came out. i rly enjoyed them !! not my favorites ever but i can totally see what the hype is about. and for bonus points, one of my 2 best friends from before uni ,, we'll call them fish (new character alert !!) watched them too super recently so i can talk to them abt it !! fish is the coolest and im gonna be around them more this winter since i'm goin back to their town for a while :D but fr meadow and i watched the first 2 movies in his bed under the covers :,D not quite cuddling bc im a COWARD but squished up next to each other sharing snacks :3 thats still a win in my book !!
aaaaaaaaaaand then came earlier today >< i had a class with goose which was fun but she dipped after that to go study and i walked home alone. when i got back meadow started messaging me that someone they met on their weekend away (a friend of a friend) was messaging them n theyre DOWN BAD. they were GUSHING TO ME AND ITWAS TORTURE i am in actual hell !!!!!!!! turns out hearing ur crush gush about their crush ,, kinda hurts your soul in a way that you feel !! the conversation ended but now im thinkin i should rly confess soon just to save myself the trouble ;; idk how long its healthy to stay in friendship limbo like this.
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spirallingstarcases · 10 months
for the ask game i’d love to know what ur top 5 fav movies are spi :D
hi kelci!! it’s pretty hard for me to watch new movies and i have a couple of comfort ones so here we go
1. whisper of the heart
- ghibli film with a protag who wants to learn how to be motivated (and does so by writing a book) plus male love interest who wants to be a violin maker PLUS country roads (yes, that county road) is featured heavily in the movie PLUS PLUS there’s a fat cat and lots of yummy animation
2. castle in the sky
- one of the first movies i remember watching w my sister, GOD TIER SOUNDTRACK, the title sequence is sosososo cool and the characters are very lovable
3. how to train your dragon 1 and 2 (not three)
- GOD TIER SOUNDTRACK x2 plus i’ve always loved having an animal friend and bonus points since toothless is rideable :3 and also astrid was so cool to little me
4. mission impossible ghost protocol or rogue nation
- idk how to explain this one. i was obsessed with it recently, i liked the dry wit humour and how it was heart racing but i knew that ethan hunt always won
5. the half of it
- i have a weird history with this one ngl but mainly i relate to the female mc a lot (asian, smart, exploited for her brains, likes women, etc etc) and the plot is delicious because in the end it’s PLATONIC love that prevails and i cant say more because spoilers but it makes me 🥹🥹🥹
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (21-27 May 2023)
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ᵗʰᵉ ᵃᵏʳᵒⁿ ᵃʳᵗ ᵐᵘˢᵉᵘᵐ ʰᵃˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵉˡᶦˣ ᵍᵒⁿᶻᵃˡᵉᶻ ᵗᵒʳʳᵉˢ ᶦⁿˢᵗᵃˡˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ˢᵒ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵃⁿ ᵘⁿᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵉᵐᵒᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃˡ ˢᵘʳᵖʳᶦˢᵉ ⁽ᶦ ʷᵃˢ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏᵉᶦᵗʰ ʰᵃʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵉˣʰᶦᵇᶦᵗ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ʷᵃˢ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᶠᵃⁿᵗᵃˢᵗᶦᶜ⁾
🥰👂‍Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (Cecelia and Kate #1) (Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer, author; Lucy Rayner, narrator) - epistolary fantasy regency - formative & beloved and still a fave comfort read
😍Werewolves in the Workplace (leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)) - 45K, stucky AU, were!bucky, vamp!steve, SHIELD, partners-to-friends-to-lovers - fucking awesome fic!
🥰👂‍This Is How You Lose The Time War (Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone, author; Cynthia Farrell & Emily Woo Zeller, narrators) - this had been in my TBR forever but all the recent fuss with bigolas dickolas reminded me and made me bump it to the top - I genuinely loved it and am looking forward to rereading it; books with wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff are good for a reread
🙂Politics and Animals (Kryptaria, zooeyscigar) - 73K, stucky no-powers modern AU with some D/s stuff - enjoyable enough and I don't regret finishing it but it left me kinda meh
🙂Pretty Good Neighbor (Jeffrey Ford) - freebie horror/sci fi short story
💖💖 +188K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Relationship Goals: Have a Relationship (cleo4u2, xantissa) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 21K - reread, fave - wrong number AU
bene castigat series (Nonymos) - MCU: no powers shrinkyclinks, clintasha, 69K - reread, forever fave - really excellent BDSM series with tiny sadist dom steve and beefy masochist sub bucky + lots of great appearances/involvement of clint, natasha & sam
Flex and Flexibility (musette22) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 4K - adorable meet cute
Push It (thepinupchemist) - MCU: stucky+peggy, 8K - modern AU, basically 3some pwp: they're all alternative models doing a lingerie photoshoot that turns into sex. very hot
i'm so in love that i might stop breathing (i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever) (instantcaramel) - Ted Lasso: Keeley/Roy/Jamie, 4K - post 3.11, jamie's not sure how he fits in but roy & keeley reassure him
My Heart Belongs to Captain Rogers (lavenderbucky) - MCU: stucky, 2K - established relationship, super cute accidental clothes sharing leads to social media meltdown (positive)
Um, Actually - s3, e2-7; s8, e5
Ted Lasso - s3, e11 [x2]
The Sporkful - Comic Jamie Loftus’s Hot Dog Summer
Into It - ‘The Little Mermaid’ and the Black Princess Test
Re: Dracula - May 24: It Never Rains but it Pours
Vibe Check - You’re the Warm up Act, Honey
⭐You Are Good - Steel Magnolias w. Ali Soukovich
Re: Dracula - May 25: Mingle Our Weeps
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Tina Turner
Richmond Til We Die: A Ted Lasso Podcast - Willing a Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt Duet Into Existence (with Julie Stewart-Binks)
The Waves Plus - I Don’t Care If You Like Me
Re: Dracula - May 26: Count Me in Every Time
Into It - Are We Into the End of 'Succession' and HBO Max? (Plus: We Remember Tina Turner)
Pop Culture Happy Hour - The Little Mermaid and What's Making Us Happy
Ologies with Alie Ward - Field Trip: A Hollywood Visit to the Writers Guild Strike Line
⭐Sidedoor - The Funk List
Our Opinions Are Correct - Mini Episode: Our Favorite New TV Show of 2023!
Our Opinions Are Correct - MINI EPISODE: Are People Finally Sick of Superhero Movies?
Switched on Pop - Listening 2 Daft Punk: Discovery
99% Invisible #538 - Train Set: Track Three
⭐Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Vocal Stratosphere
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: The Sun Never Set on the Britpop Empire
Shedunnit - Bonus: Julia Jones on Margery Allingham
Relaxing '80s Rock
my 'Likes' playlist [every song is a certified banger but it is almost 600 songs long and took me 5 days to get thru. no regrets!]
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justabunchofdragons · 2 years
Well akdnsjd idk I'm just curious what like your life was like? Like what hobbies did you have, what was your house/apartment/living space like? Did you have any plants? What were your friends like? (I feel like. That's a lot akdnjsns sry)
>:D theo you've unlocked chaos ramble mode™️ buckle up im about to talk for half n hour
ok. im not gna lie and say i was overly interesting. also i won't make shit up. some stuff i literally don't remember because source (well. the fic) was fuzzy about details & also this was 4 yrs ago.. did not have a diary back then to record stuff but i will try to answer as best i can :D
so. !! i ran away from home at 16 ! not completely sure why. racking my brains and coming up blank. dropped outta school and met . sherlock.. sigh. on a train to london. he figured out everything about me in like 2 seconds which was. really fucking weird. my sherlock needed to learn some people skills.
anyway i think we parted ways after that and i must've lived somewhere close to them (don't remember that part.) because somehow i got johns number. dunno if i knew sherlock & john were flatmates but i called john when i got stabbed. why not the ambulance you ask!! well i was 16 and scared. also this is slightly off topic but i remember (as a irl memory not an exomem) old host spending like half an hour finding an alley on google maps that was a short enough drive from 221b that i wouldn't. u know. die. before john got there.
why did i say all of that. oh yeah. !! i was homeless for a bit. teach me to run away to london /j. after i got .u know. john either took me in or 221a did. something like that. got to know lestrade & co. etc etc. dont think i had any plants. everything was very. intense. plants probably wouldve just died.
didn't have any friends 😔 it was absolutely not healthy for me to only be talking to 25+ yr olds.but im gna be honest. that was an oversight on old hosts part. shoulda written better fic 🙄. kgkgjgkf. uhmm i feel like there was a creepy boyfriend at some point...? after my ordeal with moriarty (not getting into that. i think that part was testing how much trauma would fit into one person without killing them) he tried to get back w me and i punched him in the face. i remember walking back to the office with a new coffee and a black eye and literally i was the "you should see the other guy" trope
also id like to clarify i pretty much always looked like shit. never got any decent sleep. definitely. OH SHIT. I JUST REMEMBERED. sherlock let me take drugs one time. that was so shitty of him wtf john yelled for DAYS. oh my gosh. that was why i think someone forcibly stopped us watching sherlock actually. it was. not a good time in our life & constantly thinking abt taking drugs was Not good. holy shit. epiphanies at 11.30pm i wasn't prepared for
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
TWD 11x20: What’s Been Lost - Analysis, Part 3
Yesterday, I wanted to repost the stuff that my fellow theorists had come up with that struck me as important for what’s going on now (the spinoff officially starting to film) but here is some more discussion about ep 20. 
Here are the shots of Bob from Alone and Lance in this episode. 
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And I know that we've had lots of shots from above of different people laid out. Daryl comes to mind from Always Accountable and I should have tied that one in also, but when I saw Lance, this shot of Bob immediately came to mind. Especially since I had thought about the remix of the scene between Daryl and Carol and Beth and Daryl from Alone. I don't know why Lance and Bob would be tied together. I just know this looks like a visual clue to me. My takeaway is that we're getting closer and closer to Beth.
All this is great. I am glad you reminded me of Carol’s “I won’t leave you,” comment, as I meant to include that in my section about her being a Beth proxy. I saw that too. I think so many of these scenes can be interpreted in a lot of ways, and like you said, @wday, they just all seem to point to 4b-5a and more specifically Beth.
When I saw Lance lying on the ground like that, and then they did a pan of the stars in the sky I thought it might be commentary on how he couldn’t change his stars. I didn’t know what that meant. I think there’s something to be said about who we were. Who we BECOME is important, but we can’t forget where we come from and who we used to be. Remembering our roots, even if it’s painful, makes us stronger once we see how far we’ve come.
I thought of a possible tie for the Bob and Lance overhead shot. In Alone the shot in early in the episode. Soon after Bob meets Daryl and Glenn on the road and goes back to a new community. In this episode Lance's shot is near the end of the episode. Daryl and Carol is headed to follow the train that will take them to new community. Daryl is the common denominator.
Yeah for sure! I like it!
I thought more about what you said above about adding in Daryl from 6x06. I’m not sure they’re the same thing. They’re definitely related (cuz Beth and Daryl symbolism) but I think they’re conveying different things. The point of Bob and Lance, in my mind, is that they’re alone in the wide universe. Bob’s shot is in the episode called Alone, and as you say, it’s right before he finds his next family/community. 
Lance died alone because he was never loyal to anyone but himself and his own ambitions. Bob did not. While he was alone for a time, he died with friends and loved ones around him, who cared enough and felt his loss deeply enough to mourn him. And that makes all the difference.
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In AA, the shot of Daryl lying beside the walker is, in my mind, more trying to convey his emptiness. His search for someone who isn’t by his side at present. The walker he lays by isn’t unlike what you’ve both said this season about the empty chairs: they represent Beth being there, present in his mind, but not there physically.
Just my interpretation, tho. 
Also, I’ll admit I was watching on my phone and it was dark and I couldn’t SEE a lot of that scene w Lance, Daryl, and Carol in the end. Was that a house or a train in the distance? I think it’s possible they all end up in the same place. If the bus is calling back to season 4, then there’s a Terminus on the horizon—the place where all lines converge.
Oh, yes, the WHITE bus. In Self-Help Team D.C. left the white church in a white bus. When it later overturned, we saw a shot of Eugene with the license tag which was the same tag number as the black car, white cross license tag number. Also the same as the blue truck tag in the garage that Daryl and the Claimers stay at and the same tag on one of the police cars from Grady. I guess it would be too much to hope for that we will see the license tag on this white bus and it would be the same number. That doesn't mean that I won't be looking. ;D
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Guys, did you notice that Eugene was in a blue, not orange, prison jumpsuit with a nod to s4e10 Inmates. Instead of an orange jumpsuit that usually says PRISONER, Eugene had a blue jumpsuit with INMATE.
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I feel they’re just showering us in imagery from 4b-5a right now. We’re in the final coda no doubt.
Also, I had totally forgotten about the white bus in Self-Help. Nice catch!!!!
Yeah, for sure. I totally hope we see the license plate. I hadn't thought of that. And your comment about who we become made me remember something I keep meaning to mention. We've heard a LOT of episode titles in these past episodes. What Comes After. Alone. Who Are You Now. There have been others. And really, those are show-wide themes, so they're working them into the dialogue of these final episodes. Just really interesting.
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In terms of what Carol and Daryl saw, I'm pretty sure it was a train station. So, not unlike the platform they all stood on talking about Pamela's plan. Just a place the train would theoretically stop. But they didn't see the train itself. That's why they were surprised and remarked about the CW having an actual, working train. The station might have been built before the turn, but it's surprising they have a working one that might actually pass by periodically. So, the idea, as they said, is that they'll wait for the train to pass and either hop aboard or follow behind it.
And you're both hitting on the reasons I said before that the train is so important. I definitely agree that it's a replay of Terminus, but this is also the second time around. There's also the fact that in 5x09, part of the hallucination having to do with Beth was the camera moving along train tracks through the woods. Now, we're seeing that again. So, anything that involves a train or train tracks is, in my opinion, indicative of her, her arc, or something leading to it.
And that already makes sense based on what we've seen. I'm assuming Daryl and Carol will eventually end up at whatever place Zeke and co were taken. That's where the leaked footage of them escaping and Daryl carrying Judith will take place. If the CRM shows up there (and we can kind see a black vehicle behind Zeke, so I think they will) and Beth is with them, then these train tracks are leading to her arc and reveal.
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Anyway, good stuff. I also keep meaning to say that I loved that Carol called Ezekiel "Zeke" when he disappeared. I'm not sure we've ever heard her do that before. If we have, I didn't catch it. I just always notice that most people call him by his full name, Ezekiel. I usually call him Zeke, but that's just me being lazy and not wanting to type out the entire thing, lol. So, when she called him Zeke, it made me illogically happy. ;D
OKAY that makes sense. A train station. Omg what’s going to happen there?? I’m too intrigued.
IKR? @wdway observed that in the earlier scene on the platform, Carol and Daryl walked away from one another, and Daryl picked up the apple (often indicative of separation). It makes me thinks Carol and Daryl’s separation might play out here. But that also seems like it will happen too soon and too abruptly. So… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Remembering at Terminus, too, who are the two characters that are not there? Beth and Carol. Those are also the two characters who were removed from the main timeline/train tracks and abducted away to Grady. They are Daryl’s two women (sister/lover). I wouldn’t be surprised if a separation happened here.
But I also wouldn’t be surprised if a convergence happened first. It seems foreboding, like something dark is on the horizon. Lance is a snake. Did he lead them astray? Is there a dark force awaiting them in that train station? Is it a “portal” to the past or future, like Leah’s cabin?
Yeah, that’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of that but given that he tried to kill time when they cut him loose, and that he kind of abandoned Carol in the dark tunnel place (I couldn’t tell exactly what that was supposed to be either) he really could have been planning to lead them into a trap.
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I'm so looking forward to seeing Daryl court Beth. I think/hope that this will be TWD true romance novel of TWDU. Tptb has called the Rick/Michonne spin-off an epic love story and I'm sure it will be, but it will be a couple that was established before the separation. A renewing of their love story but not the beginning. Whereas what we have with Daryl and Beth will be hopefully a true romance an epic romance and that is what they have saved Daryl for this story. 
I remember Lynn Collins on TTD saying that the viewers didn't see Leah and Daryl kiss because of the covid virus restrictions, and the writer jumped in quickly to state that at no time was there ever a plan for a kiss between the two. She wanted to make it perfectly clear that it had nothing to do with the covid restrictions. So why would she be so adamant in letting the viewers know that? Because Daryl's first kiss on screen will be an epic moment in his story.
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I have so many head canons for them. It’s a little ridiculous at this point.
Same. Only 1 billion head canons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’ve thought about whether he might see her through glass at first, like in a research facility, re: the Snow-White theme. The building would be burning or something and he’d have to get in. I’ve thought about her treating him before he wakes up, and then she leaves, not remembering him, and Daryl has visions of her like in the Little Mermaid lol. I wonder if Daryl will meet back up with Morgan, and he’ll be with Beth. Morgan never met her.
(So, he’d have no idea what was going on lol)
Anyway, I’ll stop. :D
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Yeah, I’m the same way. I always think about characters she might be with. Heath. Morgan’s group. Jadis. TWB characters. I have an illogical desire for Beth and Silas to be pals. And of course he and Daryl eventually will be too. I have one where she sees Judith. In this one, she doesn’t have memory loss. Of course Judith looks very different from when she was a baby, but maybe she still recognizes the eyes or something. Kind of a spidey sense. And then Judith even says her name, and Beth thinks, “huh, that’s a weird coincidence.” (Because she thinks Judith died as a baby at the prison.) Then she says something like, “as long as your last name isn’t Grimes.” And of course Judith says it is. Cue Beth to turn into a puddle on the floor.
Yeah, I have ones where she’s lost her memory, and ones where she hadn’t. I often think of her helping him from afar. Like things he needs showing up mysteriously. Or he’s about to die (cuz zombies) and some sniper on a ridge saves his life, and he has no idea who it is. And it’s always her helping him from afar. Of course, he’ll realize it’s her at SOME point, which is where it gets fun. I could go on and on. But, I won’t. ;D
@twdmusicboxmystery, can go on and on and on as much as you like with your head cannons. I love every one of them. Same goes for you, @galadrieljones.
I have an episode question. I didn't quite get why Carol and Lance went into what was basically the tombs; that cave-like sewer deal. Would you clear that up for me. Didn't get it other than some type of weird tie in to the subway in the first this season or the water, sewer system at AZ where Carl died.
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To tell you the truth, my first thought was that they came out the same place they entered. Logically they must have gone through to another opening. From the previews I wonder if this is the same place we see some of the scenes of them in some kind of similar situation with other TF members.
I am not sure, but I do have it in my notes as an “infrastructure repair project” that the CW abandoned because of too many “cave-ins.” I kind of thought it was a tunnel? Like for a road or train tracks. I read it as a reference to the cave-in in season 9, which is a manifestation of one of Carol’s past sins. She has to kill a bunch of walkers in there in the pitch dark, and I believe Lance may have led her in there purposely to try and lose her, but I’m not sure.
It could also be a tunnel under a bridge. The word infrastructure makes me think it is a part of how the CW moves supplies.
I remember something interesting about it though. There was a large amount of “skin” stretched over a table or something? I think they comment on it but don’t linger too long.
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Yeah, that’s right. And it smelled super bad. That’s gotta mean something.
One thing that’s going on this season is we’re seeing a really effed up version of the human condition. Those cannibalistic freaks in Connie and Virgil’s funhouse. The deformed men Maggie saw and their limbless, silent wives. The walkers with their vocal cords cut in the sewer. The way the Reapers hang their kills upside down. Now a bunch of skin in a tunnel somewhere? The world is getting more and more hellish, it seems. Like it’s getting further and further away from its humanity.
Honestly the last time we saw something like this was in 4b-5a with the Claimers and then the Termites. Those groups were truly terrifying and indications that sometimes, evil wins.
This then progressed to the Wolves who would dismember people and killed indiscriminately. There was also the evidence of a horrible, dark massacre at Pine Vista. It’s like what Lori says, which is that the only thing more terrifying than the dead is the living.
What you mentioned about all these horrible situations that have been brought to light especially this season reminded me of something Greg said about the Country Club in Still about it being the nine levels of hell like in Dante's tale.
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nickeverdeen · 10 months
hello!! i hope you're doing well and life has been alright lately >:D i hope it's alright if i send in an ask right now for a matchup, please take all the time you need with it!
preferred fandoms: across the spiderverse & avatar the last airbender would be great!!
name: ellie! :D
pronouns: she/he
personality: i'm an enfp/entp-t, but the extroverted/introverted often changes depending on my mood BWHAJBCSHA i'm a generally optimistic person and i like to spend a lot of my time working toward self improvement, and i definitely like being around people but i love being alone just as much!! i do sometimes tend to be a doormat BUT BUT it is something i've been working on improving. oftentimes i do have difficulties knowing what i want and roll along with others, so when i really do say i want something i'm probably super excited about it BWHAJCHSABA BUT OKAYA LSO the benefits to being open-minded about people is that i really do love getting along with others and making new friends even though it can get difficult for me sometimes. i try my best to avoid making assumptions and stay optimistic to see the best in peope, but sometimes this does end up getting my confused when i get hurt so AHJBCSJH BUT AGAIN !! i am working on it frfr
my texting style when i'm really close with someone ranges anywhere from complete lowercase to constant keyboard smashes + memes out of context + all caps lock 24/7 regardless of how excited i feel . i also love giving advice to others + listening to my friend's opinions/deep talks!! :DD
hobbies: i love listening to music scores (AUGH the across the spiderverse + big hero six + how to train your dragon ones AUGH SO GOOD SO GOOD) and lying down in bed. it's my jam and my number one go-to for any circumstance . i also really enjoy writer's block and watching children's cartoons AJSCHS they're genuinely my favorite thing to watch and make in-depth analyses about because oh man they're just so well written
my ideal type: i'm okay w being paired with any gender! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D. i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
AGAIN OH MAN i am so sorry this was so long so please do take your time with it!! take care of yourself and be sure to get lots of rest and drink water, have a great day!
Hey, sorry it took me so long
Your Spider-Man Across The Spiderverse match is…
Pavitr Prabhakar
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He definetly gives you a nickname or petname if you’re comfortable with it
For example: love, babe
I’d say that Pav is pretty much an ambivert, so he wouldn’t have a problem if you’re feeling out-going or staying in-doors the day
Admires that you’re determinated on making a self-improvement
Helps you to decide what you do or do not want
Truly he has no problem with that
Pavitr is just proud to be your boyfriend
He’d love to meet your friends!
Pav would definetly be confused at first at your texting style towards him, but would soon understand and act a similar way
Sends you photos of him waving at you while swinging from one building to another
Likes your optimism
Laughs at the memes you sent him and sends you some too
Probably some deep talks at night or evening
When he’s feeling down and everything he’d come to you for comfort amd advice
Actually likes your music style a lot
Cuddles with you in bed while your songs play in the backround or while you’re watching a movie
Definetly lets you choose whatever cartoon you want as he’s okay with it and pretty much loves it when you pick his favourite
Helps you with your homework if you need help with it as he’s smart af
Pavitr is definetly kind-hearted and sometimes humble
Definetly acts like a kid at sleepovers
His love language is definetly a physical touch and act of servise
Rambles about you to Gwen and Miles 24/7
Suprises you when he comes to pick you up from school as a Spider-Man
Loves to play with your hair
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writers-ex · 1 year
🦦 in the house, how’s everyone doing?
ohoho anons taller than you get hugs I hear?
Prepare yourself to face me with your arms open hannie >:)
Kidding, this goes out to everyone that sees this. It’s all love here, I had a tough week myself screwing myself over with university applications. I also look too intimidating irl for anyone to be touchy with me except for my dog but best believe I’ll hand out hugs if I’m asked to, or may get touchy with others when I’m drunk.
Hannie, any book recs? Any genre would do, I’d like to see what you enjoy reading. Movie/show recs would do too :D (open to all anons too)
I’d love to insert a picture of my goldfish here but I’d have to reveal myself as I can’t post it while on anon. Maybe I’d do it one day when I have the confidence to. I also just applied to the top university in my country in hopes to get into the supposedly strong sociology department, crossing my fingers I get in considering I topped my school 🐸 . I’m also trying to pick up a new language, and have some volunteering at soup kitchens planned, excited to volunteer w my friends.
Here’s a short little digestible playlist for you to show you that you’re appreciated, greatly so. (Yes, you, hannie.)
You’ve honestly only been the only tumblr author I’ve been comfy enough with to interact with
Jakob- Next to Me
Matt Maltese- Everyone Adores You ( at least I do)
Sir Chloe- Walk You Home
Crumb- Ghostride
The Strokes- Call it Fate, Call it Karma
I don’t know what the weathers like, so bring an extra jacket out if it’s cold, wear sunscreen, drink enough water, get your dietary fiber, and don’t drink too much cold drinks. I’ll always take time to look at your updates, so will many of us, so if you need someone to lean on, we’re here 🥳
Go have the best week ahead
you're welcome to answer 🦦 here in the comments or in the ask box bc they're very cool B) and i'll murder anyone who says otherwise <3 and yes free hugs to anyone taller than 5", 4'9 below gets headpats hehe
i felt that- school has been just brain dead like…i'm too tired to type this out T^T and BET you probably look like a cinnamon roll, 100/10 would hug you if we met IRL
BOOK RECS READ THE WHOLE UNIVERSE OF LEIGH BARDUGO SO GOOD, also i love the selection series by kiera cass my girl it was my comfort books in high school, might you be interested in the whole percy jackson series bc i read everything in over month…ish
and as for shows/movies…. currently here are my top you must watch or leave my blog shows <3 -the untamed found on youtube (i have reseen this series over eight time completed and the special episodes and manhwa….i might rewatch it tonight lol) -bbc sherlock idk where to see this (i have memorized the line of every episode minus s4 and…this show was my middle school angst dreams i love it plz see) -OMG THE ENTIRE TOMB RAIDING SERIES WITH WUXIE AND THE IRON TRIANGLE YES OMG PLEASE WATCH THIS I KNOW ITS LONG BUT OMG I WILL LITERALLY MARRY ANYONE THAT HAS SEEN OR KNOWS WHAT THIS IS TT I LOVE THIS SO FLIPPING MUCH NEXT TO THE UNTAMED ASJFLKJDKJKDSJFLKADJLKFJDL (i HIGHLY recommend the ultimate note and sound of providence both on youtube, OR WATCH THE TIME RAIDERS MOVIE i will explain everything u're confused abt) -secret crush on you youtube bish (let me tell u if you can make it past the first three epsiodes you will be GREATLY surprised… just saying) OR my school president also on youtube (it made me want to go back to high school so flipping cute) -the castle in the sky studio ghilibi movie (i've seen it four times and love the entire thing, so comforting and unique <3) -big hero6 or cars 2 (they made my childhood like 10x better idk) -THE LAST OF US BROOOOOOOOOOOOOO (i am DEAD this show is CRAZY, i am terrified of zombies and cried for three days straight when i saw the first 15 minutes of the train to busan and have never finished it sincee BUT the amount of zombies lessens per epsiode and it focuses on the characters…just don't watch at night if you're a chicken like me) -animes…i loved kuroko no baske (a basketball anime that motivated me to play every single day in highschool…by myself bc no one wanted to play outside with me not even the guys that played in the court next door offered to let me join in bc i was a girl BISH FIGHT ME-) OR the promised neverland but the manga not s2…we don't talk abt that…
oooh i love goldfish if you feel comfortable you can dm the photo or send it on asks and i'll save the photo and upload it to the blog tagging your anon handle <3 i hope you get into the uni of your choice, that's a cool career path i wish you the best and hit me up if you need dental advice XD i'm trying to learn italian and ASL and that so wonderful you volunteer with your friends sends you a high five through my screen
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK U I FEEL SO HONORED TT nah thank YOU for lighting up my ask box, not just you but ALL of you thank you soooo soo sooo sooo sooo soooo sooo soo MUCH <3 it means the world to me and beyond bc you take some time in your day to read or send an ask bows politely i hope to keep your thoughts safe and judgement free plus put a smile on your face if i'm able, each and every one of you deserves it
i loved the last playlist you told me abt this monster school and i vibe to it sm i made a spotify playlist for when any anons sends in an ask so i will gladly add these to it thank you :3
yeah its so hot here…i will drink water and love cold drinks so… haha ^-^);; back to you, please get sufficient rest or at least go to sleep at midnight NO LATER >:l, stretch b4 doing any activites, GO LOOK UP AT THE CLOUDS seriously my whole camera roll is of clouds bc they're so pretty, always carry a bandaid just in case, wash your hands for 20 seconds, and buy that thing you wanted this month <3 awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you i will update you guys if anything but i'm just pooped rn T-T
wishing you the best week ever >3<
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