#i’m going to have a breakdown
snap-my-kneecaps · 5 months
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To further add emotional distress to this already emotionally distressing image, apparently Crosshair is crying here..
If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go and scream in the corner for a while
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ascendingtostardust · 7 months
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the unbuttoned baggy jeans…the cuffed sweater…the long hair…
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grayintogreen · 3 months
Things my customers have cussed at me about today with the fury of belligerent nobility:
- “I saw your truck backing into the back of the store but I simply HAD to park so instead of waiting for the truck to finish backing in properly I parked in the back and now the truck has blocked me in and don’t you understand this is YOUR problem and not my problem! I have ice cream in the car and my kids are at home!”
- “half of the [your company] stores in town are remodeling and this is pissing me off because I have to go out of my way to your store. No I won’t go to a different store. They’re crooks.” (Our company is absolutely sadistically crooked in ways Wal-Mart couldn’t dream of but go off.)
-“this better ring up the same way it does in the store across town.”
- [doesn’t bag a big item because were told not to] “uh you better put that in a bag. I’m not carrying that.” (You could have just said “please put that in a bag”)
-[multiple people yelling about having to be carded]
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perfectlysunny02 · 4 months
God, I am not your strongest soldier. Fucking stop. I ain’t did shit to you😭
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mysadnotsolittlelife · 6 months
1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction 1300 cals is still restriction
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winniebell · 8 months
just completed a whole stupid long assignment just to find out the dropbox is closed and so i’ll get a zero on it anyway because I can’t even submit it
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shits fucked rn but I keep taking deep breaths because I know I don’t deserve this but I also can’t use violence with my problems like I want to
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Actor Au!
Where Batman and Co. are the most popular TV series and they’re currently filming Jason’s death.
Only Bruce goes so deep into acting he breaks down for real upon the part where he arrives at the warehouse and digs through the rubble for his child.
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
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christmas things
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stuckinapril · 17 days
Can’t believe I ever functioned without going to therapy every week omg. The sheer delusion of thinking I can last in this life without therapy
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greengirllover · 4 months
you believe me like a god
i betray you like a man
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pisces-swirlix · 1 month
Okay DBD fandom. Bear with me, this is stupid as hell, but I’m laughing uncontrollably on the floor of my room and I have to share.
For context, there was this show I used to watch: Galavant. It only ran for like two seasons back in 2015, but it was awesome. It was like this fantasy/comedy/musical type thing. I was recently reminded of its existence when I randomly heard one of the songs.
It was a song that they did in the show sang by this evil witch. When the main character meets her, you find out she owns this tavern, and it’s full of all these muscly dudes, so you’re like “oh he’s about to get the shit beaten out of him.” Long story short, no. The witch owns a gay bar, and instead of beating him up, they proceed to do a musical number titled “Off with His Shirt.”
I don’t even know if I have to elaborate more on this, but I’m cracking up at Charles and Edwin meeting Desire and it being exactly like this.
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nightmarearian · 6 months
do you think the abyss healed Childe’s scars?
realistically I know it’s stupid graphics & model “limitations”
But do you think his skin looks as normal as it did before he fell.
Cause when they’re hit, an abyss monster.
They disintegrate.
Do you think Ajax’s scars healed like that? In the abyss? After it, too?
Do you think they burned? Or was it numb, as the darkened skin faded away with little, yellow, glowing particles?
That he has no evidence of his suffering for those three months in hell (and his only companion’s silence) but dull eyes no one wants to look at?
Callouses on his hands and feet that no one pays attention to? Takes care of?
That he shows his prowess and uncanniness and abyssal hunger because that’s the only way how? Yes. he is hungry and wants a fight. Look at him. He’s off. Broken now.
Look at him.
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story-book-sillies · 1 month
Btw the best thing you can do when you’re feeling sad is let yourself be sad.
I’ve been having a really hard time lately. I’ve been in and out of depressive episodes, feeling unloved and unwanted, having negative thoughts about by body/appearance, my anxiety is through the roof, and all around I’m just struggling mentally and emotionally. I have no time nor space to regress, and when I do, it’s involuntary which is scary because I’m a secret regressor. But one thing that has helped me immensely is allowing myself to be present through my emotions and just let myself be sad.
Being sad isn’t a bad thing. You are allowed to be upset. You’re allowed not to feel happy all the time because it’s human. I know there’s countless other posts like this one that talk about this but it’s true. And especially for regressors like me because regression isn’t always happy regardless of the stereotypes.
I grew up being told “don’t let your emotions get the better of you,” and “don’t be so emotional, it’s not something to cry about,” and yeah, there might be some truth to that. But like, you’re allowed to be sad about something even if the people around you don’t understand why it’s making you sad. Because it’s your sadness.
And if you feel like you’re in a place where it’s not safe to cry (the people around you shaming you for it for example) then release your emotions in a safe place. I cried in the shower today which was my very first time doing that, but as cliche as it sounds, it was so freeing. Because nobody could hear me and I could cry for as long as I needed to. I’ve also cried before bed. Pillows are a great way to muffle cries and dry your tears. If you can’t cry at home, go somewhere outside where you know you won’t be interrupted or bothered. Whatever works for you.
Just cry if you need to. Be sad if that’s what you’re feeling. And then pick yourself up when you’re ready. I promise that feeling your emotions and responding to them doesn’t make you bad or shameful. 🩵
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swordmaid · 1 month
this hair will b the death of me
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ascendingtostardust · 11 months
okay so…..
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