#if that makes sense??? all while just. idk. feeling safe and at ease.
dhampir-dyke · 1 year
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#i cannot fucking believe that my half-baked psilocybin therapy is working. this is so crazy.......#less than 4 months ago i was incredibly suicidal and my depression + trauma kept me from doing basic shit. i couldnt fucking enjoy anything.#and now i take literally no medicine except a gram of psilocybin every month or so. and i hesistate to say its 'fixed' me bc i still have#a lot of issues and i still have bad days#BUT. my life is so much better now..... i can actually feel good when i do things i like. im able to get important stuff done much easier#and im having bad days instead of bad WEEKS. when my cptsd gets triggered its still horrific and debilitating but the come down from it is#much faster and im able to function properly sooner#today i managed to talk to my leasing office about moving in a few days earlier and they said yes!!! ive manage to pack a BUNCH#of my stuff into my car for when i start moving in tomorrow. ive made an important phone call!!!#i still had to jump through the hoop of executive dysfunction BUT. normally i have to go through an obstacle course of it#every time i do it i feel like i get a little bit better. i try to make a 'plan of attack' every time i take them.#make my place feel as comfortable and safe as possible. i keep a journal nearby and relaxing music playing. and i try to sortof like#i guess a mix of introspection + reparenting in a way. i go with the flow but i try to focus on a way of thinking thats unhealthy#and try to tease + pick apart the reasons its unhealthy; while also trying to replace it with a healthier way of thinking#if that makes sense??? all while just. idk. feeling safe and at ease.#and ill feel kinda weird for at most a day afterwards bc lets be real. its psychedelic mushrooms. but afterwards i just feel much#lighter and generally just more at peace?#maybe its bc of how vulnerable i am while in an altered mental state; it may replicate the vulnerability i experienced as a child.#but rather than be abused for being vulnerable im being gentle and kind to myself??? idek man its weird.#anyways thats the end of my rambling im just thinking outloud
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pondscummy · 7 months
I feel like kind of a bad person for this but a lot of the time I really feel like I would heavily prefer dating a cis man to dating a trans man
#pond.txt#like i feel like such a traitor lmao and obviously t4t is wonderful#I'd never like turn down someone i liked for being a trans guy; my last two meaningful relationships were w trans masc people#i'd very happily do that again but. But......#idk i just. i Like cis guys in a way that feels more charged and more... idk i miss cis men. sure they can't understand my gender#but neither can i lmfao i don't know how much that matters to me these days so long as i felt safe and wanted w my partner#i literally always picture myself w a cis man as my partner and i think i feel safer w one sexually idk#i have a definite preference for dick and i've got a condition that makes my uhhhh hole entrance hypersensitive#in a painful way. and with cis men i can grin and bear some rly painful sex until the nerves get desensitized and it's easier#but with my ex i like Panicked w the strap and broke down crying bc it hurt and i didn't feel safe at all bc they couldn't like#feel what they were doing and respond to my comfort or lack thereof by touch-sense#it's hard to say 'just a little bit at a time' to somewhere wearing a strap unless they're actually watching them enter you#and that's so like. clinical to me in that moment bc *i'm* not turned on enough to see it as like. sexy that they're watching#i'm just thinking about being viewed while in pain and it feels so vulnerable in a Wretched way. not hot and nothing to distract me#meanwhile i've trusted multiple complete and total strangers w the same thing and been able to get through to a point where#i can relax and enjoy sex after they've initially gone in. but i Loved my ex boyfriend and i couldn't bear to even let him try#idk. and i sort of love the relationship cis men have to gender (aside from the more toxic elements)#like i love the ease of knowing they're men. the comparative lack of thought. in a sense that's More like my gender than what most trans#guys i know experience. i've had Very little dysphoria compared to most. i just am like a guy idk. i don't think about it or care to#i just always picture myself w a cis guy:( i wanna cis boyfriend
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sunmoonjune · 26 days
Hello moonie !!
Idk if you're gonna see this, but a what if just popped into my head, and I needed to tell you it.
So you know the viral vid from Girl Humming and harmonising with her fan, this one:
This, to me, sounds like what bug's "mom"(sorry can't remember her name) would've hummed to bug when she would hummed this to bug one last time when she knew she couldn't protect any further from bug's father.
And what if WHAT IF she taught yunho how to hum this to bug so even when she's gone, there would still be at least a sense of security she would give to bug when yunho would hum it to bug when she would sleep.
And what if yunho also hummed this to bug when she had a fever, like picture how painfully beautiful that sight would be, yunho humming it to bug to make her feel safe while keeping her safe when he himself was far from it.
And when yunho was exiled and separated from bug, he clung to that hum like a life worried that he would forget it. And when he was in the ateez camp, he hum it every single night to the moon, hoping somehow it would reach bug and give her at least a sense of security even when he was far. Then seonghwa heard him and asked what song he was he was humming and asked if he could teach him it, and yunho only told that an old friend taught him to hum sparring all the details to keep the meaning just between him, bug's mom and bug
THEN BOOM seonghwa used the hum to soothe the other members when they had their episodes or nightmares.
And when him, bug and wooyoung got attacked in the forest in chap 6, when he hummed to her when she had her episode IT WAS THE SAME HUM THAT BUG'S MOM WOULD HUM TO HER that's why she slowly and slightly felt at ease when he heard him hum.
But again this is just a what if from me and I'm sorry if you can't understand half of this English is not my first language so forgive me
love you and miss you moonie <333
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the way this ask singlehandedly resurrected me from tumblr hiatus and then killed me again in the same blow D':
yes I do know the tt of the girl humming with her fan :')) but also consider the other rendition I heard: https://www.tiktok.com/@gabsadie/video/7363495019266837767
this one for some reason feels more maternal :')) and it sort of sounds like nostalgic and kind of like a memory?? in a way? and that's how I imagine Daia (bug's mom)
but the concept of yunho humming that over and over and over and clinging to it like a lifeline?? is SO devastating D': like he was probably terrified that if he forgot those notes, then he'd probably lose the memory of bug too :"(
ALSO the idea that seonghwa would probably learn it first and yunho would have to explain why he sung it so much even tho he'd try not to reveal too much about bug and her mum :')) and then seonghwa singing it to the others?? when theyre anxious or scared or having a nightmare?? that just shot me right in the heart DDD:
AND THEN SEONGHWA?? him humming that when he found bug and her hearing it like !!! she knows that song how does hwa know it?? and she just feels so safe with him because he does know it even if he doesn't know what it means :")) it's got me thinking of ateez just humming it beneath their breath all the time after they find out what it means to her and they want to help her preserve the memory of her mother and GOD I'm breaking my own heart rn
also thinking of all the instances atz could hum it to calm her down :')) like woo carrying her back to atz after she ran away?? or mingi when she's having nightmares and she wanders out of the caves to sit with him?? or sol when he's cleaning the blood from her face?? SAN SINGING IT TO WOO WHEN HE'S HAVING HIS OWN NIGHTMARES it becomes the ateez melody :"D
anon you're literally a genius and the anGST potential of this is unfathomable I love you so much :"DDD
and there is no need to apologize, your English is great! thank you so much for the ask <33 I think you just singlehandedly helped me revive my Tumblr ngl xD <3
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toska-writes · 1 year
“Sleeping/Cuddling Clone Headcannons p.2”
Read p.1 here (✩)
Clones x GN padawan reader ( You could technically read it either way but in my head it’s all Platonic)
Bad batch and Delta squad version!
Wish me luck I have to get up early tomorrow- too bad I don’t have a clone to snuggle
(I could make another with the Corrie guard or another group)
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• Dad mode has already engaged once you asked him if you could bunk with him
• It’s a very quick yes and most of the other Bad Batch members go to him to bunk with whenever they need
• Big spoon all day and just wants you to be as close as possible to him- your heart beat takes up most of his senses so he can fall asleep
•He is your own blanket and will make sure you get enough sleep
• Will sleep so your against the wall and his back is facing out OR your both have your backs facing the wall just in case he needs to watch something by the door
• Will do that especially when your scared
• He’s a small spoon- so he can also spoon his precious riffle
• the first time you even tried to get into the same bunk as him he pushed you out
• I feel like the first time you properly slept pressed up next to him was in some cave when you all got separated on a mission and had to wait the night out together
• He would mumble and grumble but deep down he would jump any time you moved, wanting you to stay asleep
•Bone crushing grip- your not getting up unless he’s awake. He’d be the type to ground you
• His datapad crashes into his face every few seconds
• But he would pull up different holo-videos and such to help the both of you fall asleep
•He sleeps on his side facing the wall??? Idk I get that vibe from him. Has no concerns with the boogeyman apparently
• More often then not you have to take his googles off for him so they won’t break
• if you can get him to sleep in an actual bunk it’s a miracle and not in the pilots seat or slumped on a desk
• Ecstatic when you bring up the idea
• Is more than happy to make room for you on his bunk and even give you lula to snuggle with as well
• He’s so warm and inviting your asleep instantly
• My man also snores like a engine starting up but will get all flustered and worried if you bring it up
• If your scared or anything during the night he is more than happy to stay up on watch if it eases your mind- he also verbally comforts you
• 100% would allow you to bunk with him if you asked no matter what
• If he can keep an eye on one of the migraines in the night it’s a win for him
• in reality he’s a huge pillow- completely comforting without all his armor on
• The fact that you would feel so safe in his arms I can’t even describe well enough in words to do it justice
• also I feel like this man would have so many blankets on his bed you’d both be piled under them
• Straight up no in the first place
• The first time you got him it was late already and he was going back to his bunk- you were already there with many blankets and stuff
• He tells you to get out at first but honestly your both way to tired (and stubborn) to listen
• With a sigh he’ll practically pushes you to your own side
• will stay as far away as possible until at one point in the middle of the night he will turn over and roll his eyes and then pull you flush against him- denies it in the morning
• Talks to fall asleep- he’ll tell you all about what interesting things he has read today and would love to share the details
• He deserves more love and I think for cuddling it would be the hug sort of thing
•Face to Face completely wrapped up in each other- nothing else would even matter in these moments
• You’ll have to know Fixer for a while before bunking with him, but once you earn his trust and the group accepts you it’s so much easier
• Drools a lot but man needs a good sleep like that
• Loud and very full of energy at almost every hour of the day
• if you get this man to lay down cause he needs the sleep he would be all over you with cuddles
• watching the stars or the rain fall outside really helps him to sleep and like Fives I think he takes up a lot of room in his bunk
• He just needs love- head and shoulder scratches gets him to sleep very quickly, and don’t think he wouldn’t do it for you to
• something about the motion and feeling over and over again just lulls him into a slumber
Taglist; @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @lightwise @carodealmeida
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loveyourlovelysoul · 8 months
I am just a random nobody online, but I really want to let you know that you are not alone. Please never think not even unconsciously that you're not enough or deserving to ask for or receive the help you need to receive. You totally are enough and you will receive it too. Maybe it won't be from the people you are interacting with now but don't give up on hopes and on searching for help even somewhere else, and keep asking for it too, even more than once if you think it can be necessary: at times people (even the ones around us the most) cannot really hear our call, so instead of closing off when we feel unheard we can ask again and be even more clear about our needs, maybe wording them differently and giving them (and our fears/anxieties) the right importance like even just saying "I'd really need a hug right now: please, can I get one from you?". Keep voicing your needs with no fear of being judged. Let yourself be vulnerable in front of those you feel like it's okay to. In the end someone will answer and fulfill your needs, even just partially (to start with).
Honestly I am not a doctor or a professional figure in any sense so I cannot really give you answers or proper solutions or prescriptions (these should be done on you specifically), but I hope you can at least feel a bit of comfort and understanding in these words. It's really heavy and painful to go through bad stuff, especially when they seem to keep coming and never stop: the trauma mount that these create really feels too much to bear with, especially if you feel alone fighting against it all and trying to survive to the escalade/dismantling of it; all that can really play with your nerves and cause deep emotional imbalance and stress that shows in your body too, since mind and body are heavily connected. Try to listen to your body when this happens: I think it wants you to find outlets for that huge amount of energy that anxiety and stress may be causing you to store within yourself when you spiral/overthink/overstress (it may be a reason why you may esperience a burning feeling or may even tremble or breathe heavily or even stomachaches or shoulders/back tension: your body is trying to respond to your mind's impulses and give you signs about them/help you let things out/survive).
Idk if you already know of and/or have tried any technique to distract/"ease" yourself when you start spiralling (so to gain again a little control over yourself and to process your anxiety in a different way: eg. *alternate* nose breathing, 5 things focus or walking back and forth in a room alone or in nature, talking to yourself out loud -not inner talking- or singing, yawning/drinking, moving your eyes in the 4 directions -slowly-, hugging/touching your legs/body or anything comfy for as much as you need while you hyperventilate -if you reach that point- until it feels better, journaling, yoga...), but I hope you keep taking care of you as you can, and do anything that helps you to feel less stressed and get the lowest amount of external negative/overwhelming inputs (eg. not staying much online/looking at the news, trying to get away from other's people problems at least for a little; maybe you can try doing other things that can help you relax all your senses as well or focus on another sense instead of eg. sight to "calm" it, like listening to calming music with your eyes closed).
Keep taking as many breaks as you need and go slow. Do not feel guilty for not doing much. Try to not rush anything as the need to get away from/push away something, even a feeling, "asap" will just make it more present/important and everything may get worse (at least in my personal experience it was so, I cannot tell without a doubt about you ofc). It's almost impossible to not do that at times, I know, but with patience and time, and talking with yourself as if you were a scared child reminding yourself you're still safe despite the very overwhelming feeling and finding ways to stay present like touching solid stuff around you/feeling the ground/holding something near your stomach, you'll be able to (again it worked for me, not sure for you as we're all different). I also hope you'll soon find the right people able to really help you as you deserve and that can give you the right suggestions and support. Please, do not give up! I am cheering for you<3
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i-heart-hxh · 7 months
Hiiii! You're probably absolutely sick of these asks by now regarding the leaked ending, but as a relatively new fan, I have a possibly dumb question: what is the point of them revealing this scrapped ending? Just to get fans up in arms? Like obviously it's not being used, hence it's no good, but then what's the point of revealing it to us when the real ending is seemingly so far away? I personally feel it would make more sense, after the series actually ends, to say "well, here's all the other endings we considered! Haha glad we didn't use these!" and then it would be more lighthearted. Idk, it makes me ill at ease, but I'm more confused than anything?
I'm still trying to process what to do with this information as well, and discussing it with people and explaining what I think about it helps, so I'm definitely not sick of talking about it for now! It'll probably take me a while to reach that point, though I may need to space it out with other topics after a bit, haha.
So, I'm sure the main reason Togashi revealed this rejected ending is to leave his fans with something in case he dies suddenly or is otherwise incapacitated. While (as far as we know) his health issues don't seem to be life-threatening, they do seem to be excruciatingly painful, and after the sudden death of Kentaro Miura (the author of Berserk, an extremely famous and well-regarded manga) a few years ago, many people started discussing Togashi's health and the very real possibility he'll never get to finish HxH.
I think the bind he was put in was that he doesn't want to reveal how he plans to end the series or even give us good hints/insight into what he has planned, so he's providing this rejected ending as last resort option--just anything people can look at and say, "Well, at least we have one idea of how it could have gone," (at one point, anyway) if it comes down to it. As I've said in other posts, I think this ending fits a bunch of criteria that are delicate to balance, and so if he wants to provide something, this is all he can give us. Because this is an epilogue that's disconnected from the main plot and reveals essentially nothing, and because he doesn't plan to use it (or anything like it, I'm guessing), it's "safe" to put out there. That's probably why it's clichéd and boring, he can't give us anything juicy without putting himself in a tough situation writing-wise.
There is in fact a lot of uncertainty about whether Togashi will be able to finish HxH--the current arc is tremendously complex, Togashi goes on long hiatuses for his health often, who knows how much more of the series he has planned. The current arc is ambitious, to say the least. Togashi himself has said he doesn't know if he or HxH will perish first, but he still has things he wants to explore in it.
While I don't like this rejected ending he released at all, I do think it comes from his concern for his fans and guilt at his slow progress in the manga, and fear that he won't actually be able to finish. So, he wanted to leave something, anything, while still keeping as many of his writing avenues open as he can and not tipping his hand to any elements that are still in play. For instance, I think he didn't include Killua at all because he knows there's a lot of suspense among the audience about whether he and Gon will reunite, so by leaving him out, that's still completely ambiguous. Same with no Kurapika--will Kurapika live or not? Well, if he doesn't appear and just vaguely describes "this character's relative," etc., there's no hints about the outcome of that, either.
While I would have preferred he reveal other potential endings after the end of the series, like you said, he sadly may not ever have that luxury.
I haven't seen anyone else say this, but I'm also sure the letter itself and this reveal are PR--the last round of Puzzle, the Togashi Exhibition, just opened in Fukuoka the other day, and releasing this shocking ending now is guaranteed to generate buzz and publicity. So, that's an additional factor to keep in mind! I'm sure the timing isn't a coincidence.
I hope that answers some of your questions! It's an odd turn of events, but I think I at least understand the reasoning behind the reveal, if not all the choices made in the rejected ending itself.
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Hey! I've been doing so much research on multiplicity for a while recently and I'm really drawn to it and am suspecting I'm a system. I am having a hard time knowing if I'm delusional and making myself believe that or if I can actually hear someone else in my head. When I think I hear someone else they sound so far away and faint and I can't tell if it's my voice or not. I'm missing chunks of memories of my life and suspect I have someone in my head holding onto them for me but idk. It's so hard to know and I'm not sure what communities I'm allowed to take part in so I can experience being in the community and seeing other people's experiences because I don't want to invade a safe space if it turns out I really am having delusions or something. I'm just not sure what I should do.
hey, learning whether or not you’re part of a system can be difficult, and questioning your plurality is a normal part or the process! if you’ve been thinking about multiplicity, and have gaps in your memory, we’d definitely recommend learning about dissociative disorders first before looking into other kinds of multiplicity. in fact, we’d recommend any questioning system to consider the possibility and potentially rule out a traumatic system origin before assuming it’s something else.
you can learn more about complex dissociative disorders in this post where we link some resources. please note that we refer to did specifically in that post, but many of those resources will be useful for folks with any sort of cdd. we aren’t attempting to diagnose you - just providing resources for you to learn on your own what might be affecting you.
if you’re not already, speaking to a therapist may really help you figure this out. we’ll always be huge advocates for talk therapy. especially if you’re wondering whether these voices could be delusions or potentially alters - it may be wise to talk to a mental health professional!
as far as wondering which communities to take part in, we’d say as a questioning system, you can be in any system space that you feel most resonates with your experience. however, until you have a better idea of what’s going on, it’s probably best to just observe or ask questions at first. this way, you can avoid talking over systems with different experiences (hopefully that makes sense)!
i think some other advice we’d like to give is don’t necessarily jump to a conclusion or pick a label for your plurality before you’re absolutely certain. questioning can be a long process, and there’s no need to rush to figure things out! take your time, go slow, and breathe.
it’s also okay to be wrong. if you think you’re a system for a few months or years, then realize they were delusions or something else after all, that’s okay! questioning and being wrong are both parts of life. it’s okay to take up space in a community, then leave it if you find you’re no longer a part of it. we thought we were endogenic at first, but later discovered we actually have a dissociative disorder - getting things wrong sometimes is totally normal.
hopefully some of this is able to put your mind at ease, sorry it got long winded! we know trying to understand or come to terms with something like this can be an uphill battle, but we wish you the very best on your journey :)
🐢 kip, 💫 parker, and 👻 ghost
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2-fast-2-curious · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet for Spider-Man/Peter Parker
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AN: Had TASM!Peter Parker in mind for these but y’all know how much I love Tom
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The cuddliest boy, gives you smooches while you play with his hair. Carries you to the bathroom and makes you a snack while you do whatever you need to do.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite part of you is your breasts because it’s where you’re heart is. His spidey-sense does allow him to hear your heartbeat normally but when he’s right up against you it’s incredibly soothing. IDK what to say he just loves them. Loves squeezing, licking, and biting them. They’re so soft and lovely, when he comes home from a cold evening patrol, nothing feels better than warming his face on your chest. Of course, inevitably his mouth starts feeling too empty so it doesn’t take long for your tits to end up in his mouth and he might just fall asleep like that.
His favourite part of himself is his arms because that’s what he uses to hold himself up when he’s on top of you. He sees the hungry way you look at him when he pulls himself up onto a building. He loves how his arms allow you to hold you and keep you safe and close to him. One of his favourite ways to wake up is having you tracing patterns in his arms.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
The spider bite didn’t impact the amount, texture, or taste of his cum. We’ll just into this more during stamina but he’s got an almost non-existent refractory period and can fill you up with him cum again as many times as you’ll let him. Peter loves seeing his cum on you, on your back, face or tits and even though it can be messier he doesn’t mind helping you clean it up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Okay so Peter thinks it would be hot to rescue you, kill/incapacitate the villain and then take you against the wall while they’re still laying there. Sorry this is very unhinged of me.
But yeah Peter’s adrenaline would be all amped up from fighting the villain and winning, He sees you tied up in the corner of the abandoned warehouse and doesn’t bother taking off the restraints before undressing the necessary parts and having sex with you. He’s rougher than usual but still tells you how happy he is he was able to save you and tells you to moan extra loud so everyone can hear how good he fucks you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s a studious boy so he knows things and even has had some practical experience but not a ton. Of course, each partner is different so Peter makes sure to learn all the things you like and don’t and some might say his heightened intuition helps with that too.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Peter’s pretty tame, he likes missionary. He likes how he’s able to kiss you and look into your eyes as he gives you pleasure, loves how much skin to skin contact there is, loves how he can give you a particularly hard thrust he can feel your hard nipples grazing his chest.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Peter is a comedy of errors but this never kills the mood. He’s goofy and is sure to make you giggle.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
With everything going on in Peter’s life he doesn’t really have time to manscape that much. He does keep everything tamed so it’s comfortable for you when you’re down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Peter is pretty romantic. He makes sure to always let you know how much you mean to him. On special occasions he’ll light candles and buy flowers.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Peter is stressed the eff out all the time and nothing eases his mind better than an orgasm. But he needs this so often that he feels bad for bothering you with this.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Peter loves photos. Nothing brightens his spirits like getting a new one of you. It can something cute like your face or something dirty like photos of you waiting for him with your new lingerie on. When he has time he loves taking out his phone and going through ones that he’s taken of you and yes he has a private folder of ones that are more x-rated.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Outdoors with a killer view of the city. I mean Peter did say his favourite place to think was the Empire State Building so just imagine him taking you up to the observation deck when it’s closed to the public and pressing you against one of those glass panels as he takes you from behind. Whispering all that good stuff in your ear about how hot it is you’re letting the whole city see what a slut you are for Spider-man.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, anything you do. You could be sticking your tongue out while your read or licking your fingers after finishing a sandwich and Peter’s ready to take you right there on the couch.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I can’t see Peter using a knife to cut you. Like blood when you menstruate, totally A-OK, if you wanna fuck before he’s had a chance to clean up the blood after fighting some bad guys that’s totally fine too. But he would have a hard time deriving pleasure from hurting you with a knife to the point where you bleed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Peter prefers to give because he knows he puts you through a lot. He enjoys having his face between your thighs more than he wanted to admit plus when he’s super sensitive he can get off by just grinding himself into the mattress while he eats you out. Peter’s very eager and a bit sloppy so his technique could use some work but he’ll be down there as long as it takes you to cum.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Peter’s fast and at that speed sometimes he can be a bit more forceful than he means to be.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are frequent in your relationship. The morning before you have to go to work, if you come home from work for lunch, then again when you come back from work, and before Peter goes out on patrol. Peter feels bad about how often they happen but he always gets you off pretty quickly that you never have any complaints.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Peter’s a modern boy and very open-minded. He’ll be down to try anything with you but most of the time he’s the one suggesting new positions or places for the two of you to have sex.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You’re going to need any help you can get, he lasts a long time like five or more rounds is the norm when non-quickie sex.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any but he probably should considering his sex drive. He might have seen some Spider-man themed sex toys and bought them as a joke. But one picture of you using that red and blue dildo on yourself and it’s more than proved its worth.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
When Peter has the time he loves to get you to the point of begging. But running on minimal sleep and being pretty exhausted sometimes he just wants to cut the chase.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Peter’s quiet, he’ll moan and grunt but he loves to make you get loud to the point where your neighbours complain and Peter loves answering these angry knocks on the door post-sex almost like a badge of honour.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Peter loves it when you take charge he thinks it would be hot if you roleplayed as a super villain who lures Spider-man to an undisclosed location seduces him as part of your plan for world domination.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s average length and width. His cock is leans to the right to hook inside you just right and has a nice amount of prominent veins for you to feel every ridge when he’s inside you. You could get off just by grinding yourself on his hard cock.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ridiculously high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Peter likes to fuck you to the point of exhaustion and at that point, he’ll be out like a light in five minutes or less.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
hello! Could i ask about the haitani brothers with a little sister? you can choose the age
hellooo thank u so much for requesting!!! idk what age they got out of detention so im gonna try and skip that part cuz i dont wanna let it confuse the others, im also tryingg to make it a bit more realisticc but stay safe always mwahhh (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
INCLUDES: fem!reader as their sibling, humor, curses
P.S: They are 18 in this sense
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- The two have promised to do their best not to be as barbaric there is knowing a girl was going to be a Haitani along with them.
- Having the gap of 3 years, you always looked up to them. It was their bond as a duo and their dedication to be the strongest in their own way was always appreciated by you and since then, they wanted you to be strong as they were.
- But at the age of 10, it seems as if violence has peaked for you when your older brothers were sent to juvenile detention for their doings in the great Roppongi Battle of the Ashes. Ran was always sure that he'd stay for the sake you two but he had left you all alone.
- Spending their time in detention was frustrating. Despite knowing the S62 generation, you were off to fend off of what's left of there is in your house, which was not much.
- After their release, they swore to run to you first. Rindou could feel the guilt on his brothers shoulder with how they've wasted a few years and months just to come home to no one. Obviously in panic, a million of thoughts have gone through their head.
- You left for good reasons. You needed to earn and find yourself in a good roof above your head, not the one where it was crumbling to pieces. You've learned a lot for someone whose just 14 but then again, this is the prime of their age as the head leaders of Roppongi back then.
- When they find you, sobbing in the corner of the street for how you wished they'd come home already, it feels as if everything was planned when Ran and Rindou came to pause in front of you. You lift your head to look at the two men and they grew surprised at their little sister.
"What took you two so long?"
Which led to the most heartfelt reunion for the Haitani siblings, reminding you yet again they were never going to leave and that they will take you with them.
- In the few years of being away from you, they feel like they don't know you anymore. You sure were taller than before, more distant and careful with your emotions for the days you spent in loneliness. They try to make it up to you, they tried to pick and guess which gifts to choose and how they were going to remove this odd tension.
- You didn't hate them—you missed them but you weren't going to adjust to them as fast knowing how you handled everything by yourself and now that you have four helping hands with you, you often cling onto independence and that may be a good thing but the two clearly miss their sister who was innocent without being known to what they really do.
- They were hesitant to let you join but it was the only way where the three of you could be together, with even a bit of extra guidance from other members if they were nice enough to consider protecting you.
- Now being acknowledged as a Haitani, there weren't enemies when they first introduced you to their gangs and troupes. You could only sit in the back and just pay attention to whatever they were discussing but Rindou likes to make small talk with you.
"What do you wanna do on your 14th?" He asked while you chuckled slightly before answering him.
"Rin, I'm turning 15 already."
"Wait what? But that means your one year away from your sweet 16th! Ran, get your ass here."
"What?" Ran asked, looking back to his two siblings. "Y/N is turning 15."
"Okay? I know that, dumbass." Rindou gets a smack to the back of his neck with how forgetful he's gotten, making you laugh which was a sound they haven't heard in a long time and that seems to ease the tension a bit.
- You get to know some of their so called friends from juvie and you try to not get too intimidated but that was until one of them provoked you, claiming you were weak and unworthy to step into their troupe. Ran heard this and immediately stepped in but with one swift kick, you took out the man, nonchalant as ever but there's that signature smile you got from them by the sight of your victory.
There's a second of surprise in their features but soon, they stood behind you with proud smirks.
"She's a Haitani, what did you expect?" Rindou says, an arm slung to your shoulder as Ran chuckles then leans downward and whispers in the mans ear.
"If you ever do that to her again or even dare to approach her, I'll make sure you know who you're messing with."
- You're still going to go to even better training sessions and it's a whole lot different than what you were as kids but it sort of gives you more freeness to beat their ass.
"Ran! What the fuck! You can't just let her use your baton on me!" Rindou shouts while you stood behind him, holding the baton to his neck to keep him in place as the eldest laughs.
"Y/N, can you hit his head for me?"
- If you even land a punch to Ran, you might've been assisted by Rindou because no way in hell he'd let you hit him. Grabbing him by the ankles, Rindou signals you to hold onto Ran and have at it.
"Y/N, get his baton!"
"Okay, Rindou!"
"I hate you both!"
- If you get in serious danger, trust that their urge to fight has never been this bad. The sight of you clutching your stomach from the pain with blood coming from your mouth and forehead was already enough for Rindou to stop fighting and head to your way.
The moment you wake up, they're either scolding you or thankful, there's no in between but you appreciate them.
- When you celebrate your birthday, they try not to be so lovey dovey because it'd be your first birthday to be spent with them and to say that they didn't overthink on their gifts is an understatement.
"Ran..you gave me a tazer."
"Yeah! Self defense let's go!"
"You don't like my gift, Y/N?"
"I do Rin..but you gave me a knife?"
"It has your name on it!!"
- Jokes aside, they will give you proper ones. Ran giving heck loads of clothes and Rin with dozens of shoes for you to wear, not too mention a feast with a cake just for you.
"What're you gonna wish for?" Ran asks as the other brother peaks over your shoulder to find out what you'd say. Closing your eyes with a deep breath, you blow the candle and end it with a smile.
"I wish you two would never leave me again."
"Then that's already coming true, Y/N." Ran comforts you with Rin to the other side, patting your head.
- Now, time for the general brother things they do. Clear as day, you are a woman and those red days are too much of a handful. You were happy that these needs were always tended by you and you only but some things weren't always meant to be.
"Ran?!" You called from the bathroom, a bit embarrassed but still, needs were needs.
"Yeah? You need a towel?" He yelled back before he can make it to the bathroom door, knocking lightly.
"No—can you buy me some pads?" You could visualize how his head turns to the side with a very confused stare. "Pad..paper?"
"Lord, don't do this to me." You muttered closing your eyes.
"A napkin for my period—get Rindou." You can hear the yell of your older brother and Rindou knocks to let you know he was there.
"Can you buy me some napkins? Napkin or tampon—whatever you know." You favored, hoping at least a single braincell transfers to them.
"Sure." Rin responds, straight and clear while Ran looks at him dazed. "We'll be back to buy some." He states, grabbing Ran's forearm. You sighed in relief, it might have to take a while but you know, a hot shower to pamper yourself before hell springs doesn't sound so bad.
"Thank you so much!" You said, returning to the shower as the two leave.
"Dude, how the fuck do you know that shit?"
"..I don't."
"Then how!"
"You—you use your mouth, Ran, and some..woman assistance."
- They enter the store a bit too confident like—damn pads are an essential to women, they shouldn't be that hard— until they find out there are different sizes, brands, and preferences.
"..this should be free. Should we get all of them and wing it?"
"Speaking of wing, did you know pads have wings? like what in the alakazam."
"Ran, stop, you're embarrassing."
- Eventually, they come back home, one gigantic paper bag for each and dropping it off to the bathroom door.
"Hey Y/N! We got it, just open the door."
"Thank you so much!"
You opened the door to be greeted by two paper bags with every brand and size imaginable—thinking that they seriously must have bought the entire store. You tried not to laugh since they outdid their efforts so you just took it.
"So did we get it right?" Rin asked.
"You did but what do you guys think there are sizes for?"
"For the flow of your blood, right?" Ran says which made you chuckle a bit.
"You could've hid your phone—maybe then I would've slightly believed it."
- When you get all dolled up and the first thing they thought of was for you to go on a date and they're already on their feet.
"Hey hey, what's their address?"
"Yeah, what's their card number?"
"Guys, I'm applying for a job, jeez."
- Whenever you're down or uneasy with a few of their actions in the gang, they try to comfort you. Leaning on their shoulders, letting them listen to your worries and despite not being used to your vulnerability, they succeeded in the end.
- Weirdly, you didn't think they'd be that overprotective when it comes to the dating scene but they still surprised you.
"These are my brothers." You introduced to them while you facepalmed at how stupid they looked. They were already intimidating enough so they didn't need to add extra spice to it.
"I'm Ran—hopefully you don't run away from me, aha, get it?"
".. why would I run away?"
"Oh you wanna know?"
- Lastly, you all have fun. Whether it was teasing each other to your limits, acting like kids all over again, they love you just as much you know. Reconnecting and bonding were the two things they treasured the most because they don't know what would've happened if they hadn't seen you that day.
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999
OVERALL: @stesphy
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
Jun Wu relationship HC
Bcs I love jun wu and he deserves some love too...
Tags: Fluff and angst sorta, gender neutral reader
Warning: SPOILERS for the tgcf novel
A/N: So I’ve been “challenged” by @crimsonrainseekingflower bcs I was complainig abt the lack of tgcf x reader content and they said smth along the lines of: “If there’s no content you have to make it yourself”. Tbh that inspired me a lot. But anyways I haven’t written anything in a LONG time so I’m sorry for the messyness and things all over the place but this was just some brain dump with hc and some story too?Idk. I hope you enjoy it!
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Ok to start off I think jw would spoil you rotten with gifts and sweet kisses every now and then. 
He does quick demonstrations of affection when officials are present (he kinda likes to see them all embarassed, it’s very funny to him) 
(Kinda backfires on Pei Ming)
But behind closed doors he’s so needy and touched starved that he would not let you go (yk also abandonment issues). Even if he has work to do he would hold your hand while working on some papers. His favorite place to grab you is by the hips ;)
His humour is unmatched. It’s very quirky and it’s full of sarcasm
Sometimes he makes a joke that the officials don’t quite get and you have to summon all of your spiritual energy to not laugh on the spot. Although you are wheezing in your private comunication array with him.
Once he was working non-stop and you saw he needed something to loosen up a bit, so you stole a document he was about to grab and ran for your life.
He caught you at Xuan Zhen’s mountain pinning you down, back against the grass.Then you two started laughing of the silliness of the situation.
After your laughter died down you looked to the side bringing his attention to the view of the sunset that layed uppon you. Safe to say it was a successful strategy.
I feel his love language are quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.
At least once a week you’ll have a date, wether it be a nice dinner or you would travel to the mortal realm and indulge in the city like and nature
Speaking of wich, when you go out with him on the city is so much fun! He knows all of the best viewpoints and the secret paradises like a quiet waterfall.
Going into the city to participate in festival festivities is also a sweet experience.
You get matching masks and share some tasty snacks from the busy stalls like tanghulu. It usualy ends up with you siting in the top floor of a tavern watching the city like and looking at the colorfull lanterns and hearing the laughter of children running through the streets.
On a more serious topic, at night he gets nightmares about Wuyong often and when he jolts up he senses your presence. Still there, still beside him after all he did. And somehow it eases him, but it doesn’t stop the feeling of insecurity lingering in his heart.
Sometimes his pain of the human face disease flares up and his nightmares become so unbearable that he coops up in his office working like a maniac for days with no rest.
On those days you practically have to almost phisically drag him to bed and lay him on top of your chest, stroking his hair and humming a soft lullaby and he will be sleeping in no time bcs of the fatigue.
Other times his mind starts playing tricks on him. His insecurities get the best of him and despite being the literal god of gods he still thinks that he’s not enough for you. All the sins he commited contrasted with your kind nature and unique outlook on situations makes him feel like you’re too good to be true. That you deserve better than someone with so much blood on his hands.
He told you his story before you got into a relationship bcs your trusting nature made him feel like home, a feeling that he almost forgot it existed. When he was done you said you needed time to digest the information but that you didn’t blame him.
The next day you personally visited Mei Nianqing to listen to his side of the story (undisclosing the fact that you already heard the story from jw)
When you came back you summoned a private meeting with him. The second he closed the door you hugged him tight. So tight he actually felt going out of breath for a second. 
He faintly heard you wisper “It’s ok A-Wu I don’t blame you. You are not alone anymore. I’m sorry I took so long to get back”
Tears welled up in his eyes but he didn’t let them fall and just hugged you tighter
And that’s when he knew that things might get a little better.
A/N: Ah it’s done. This is so messy I’m so sorry this is confusing. It went from happy fluff to angst XD
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animeomegas · 3 years
you ask for headcanons? i will deliver, lol. so in all your writing, sasuke has hated to show his more vulnerable sides. at the end of the pregnancy, he's probably about to snap too; i imagine there's more than once where he happened to accidentally kick a nurse or smt, shinobi reflexes and all. and that when the s/o has to leave the room (idk, maybe they have to pee) he literally clings to them. maybe itachi too, but itachi feels like he'd be in more pain so he'd cling in a more whiny way, if that makes sense? both of them would absolutely let nobody hold the child except for the s/o though, i think,,, or maybe itachi would let shisui and sasuke hold them for a sec before wanting them back in his arms lol (in a non-massacre au tho... otherwise not even sasuke would be allowed)
those were just some thoughts, hope you can enjoy them!
(I love this so much, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! I'll separate it out a little for coherency!)
Sasuke -
By the end of his pregnancy, Sasuke's mental state is fluctuating wildly. He's actually induced early because he's getting so bad that the mednin are worried he'll hurt himself and his pup during a panicked episode.
So, no one is surprised when he starts lashing out at the mednin while in labour. The mednin tell you that you are not to leave his side for even a moment unless you have to, because there's no way of predicting how he'll react in this mental state. He's obviously very unsettled.
But you really have to pee... So you try to explain that to him, but all Sasuke hears is that you're leaving him. You're leaving him when he needs you to protect him the most. He won't let that happen. He can't cope if you're not there.
He latches himself onto his alpha as best as he can and starts begging them not to leave. He'll say anything he can think of to get them to stay with him. You've never seen Sasuke let go of all his pride so readily.
But of course, you have to go and use the toilet. It's attached to the room, so you run as fast as you can, leaving the door open a crack so that he can still hear you talking to him.
But it's not enough.
Sasuke freaks out badly. His scent is so panicked, it draws all the mednin into the room which only makes him more upset because he has all these unknown people with him while he's too vulnerable to protect himself and his pup, and his alpha has abandoned him.
By this point, you rush back to him, having only been gone for a minute at most, and Sasuke loops his arms around your neck and locks his fingers. He's babbling incoherently, torn between thanking you for coming back and begging you not to leave again.
The mednin try and drug him a little to get him to relax but he growls them all away. He's in self-defence mode, so he won't allow any medical personnel anywhere near him.
It makes everything a lot more difficult, but as Sasuke's pain level starts to mount, he focuses on that and starts to calm down little by little, and eventually he lets the mednin assist him.
"You came back!" Sasuke's sobs, entirely hysterical and latching himself firmly around your neck. "I'm sorry- don't- please- I'll die if y-you leave, I'll-I'll do anything, I'll be good, don't leave!"
"I didn't leave baby, I'm right here," you promise, frantically trying to soothe him by keeping him pressed firmly against your chest. "You're perfect, you didn't do anything wrong, I'll never leave you, I promise."
Sasuke didn't respond, but didn't loosen his grip either. This is going to be your first and final pup, there's no way you would ever put Sasuke through something like this again.
As far as letting other people hold the pup, Sasuke is very possessive, you're right. At first, it's a case of instincts gone wild, but once he's calmed down, he just doesn't trust anyone enough to let them hold his pup. They'll probably drop them or something. He's sort of okay with medical personnel touching and handling his pup, but only up until a certain point.
Some omegas can get possessive to the point where they don't let their mates hold the pup (although that's usually a sign of an unstable bond) but Sasuke is more than happy to have his mate hold their pup. I mean, they're basically holding Sasuke up at the moment, he trusts them explicitly.
Itachi -
Itachi is clingy, but not too much more so than an average omega. You're right, he's in a lot of pain, so he automatically reaches for his alpha to help soothe him.
He's also terrified that he'll die without ever getting to meet his pup and his alpha is keeping him grounded and focused on the job he's supposed to be doing.
Itachi likes his alpha to sit behind him while he's in labour. It feel like he's protected, and also it's very comforting to be fully in his alpha's embrace.
However, Itachi is a lot more possessive over his pup than Sasuke. It was almost lucky that Itachi passed out after giving birth because he would have fought every mednin that tried to take his child out of his arms, no matter what the reason.
But because he did collapse, he instead wakes up to his alpha sitting beside him, holding their son, and Itachi is so in love that he never wants to let anyone else even look at his child.
He lets Shisui and Sasuke and his mother sort of play with the newborn by touching his hands and stuff, but Itachi holds him the whole time.
It takes months before Itachi lets someone else other than him and his mate hold his pup, in fact, after giving birth, Itachi doesn't even leave his nest for about a fortnight because he wants to keep his pup hidden and safe.
"But, what if they want to hold him?" Itachi asks, voice quiet and weak after his traumatic birth. It had been a few hours since he had woken up and his family were now here to visit him and see the new addition to the family. "I don't think I want that yet, but would it be rude to say no to my own parents?"
You smile and scoot a bit closer to him.
"Here, I have an idea," you reach over and pull his shirt off of one of his shoulders, exposing that side of his chest. "He must be getting hungry now, let's see if we can get him to latch again."
Almost immediately, your pup latches on and starts to feed.
"There," you coo. "He's a natural. Now they can't ask to hold him, because he's feeding."
Itachi laughs softly at your plan, but its obviously feeling more at ease now. You pick up a very thin blanket and lay it over Itachi's chest to give him some privacy and then you go and fetch his family.
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Request: Yes / No  roan x reader (smut preferably) where you get banished from skaikru about a month in after landing on earth and you meet roan. since he’s wounded and you’re a healer you patch him up and end up travelling together and become rlly close?? idk i read your trick or treat fic and it was my favourite roan fic i’ve read (and i’ve read them all...no shame)😭 @szhead31​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Roan x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1735
Warnings: SMUT!
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
Subscribe to my OF! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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“What do you mean I’m kicked out?” I asked Clarke and Bellamy. 
“Y/N, you’ve been a danger to the camp.” Bellamy said with his arms crossed. 
“A danger? I’m a damn healer!” I shouted. 
“And half of the people in our infirmary are because of you!” He shouted back at me. 
“Enough!” Clarke shouted, stopping anything before it started. 
“Y/N, Bellamy’s right. You’ve been fighting everyone in camp and with the Grounders wanting to kill us, we need to think of the bigger picture.” She said and I scoffed. 
“Ya know what? I don’t even care anymore. Screw all of you and I hope the Grounders kick your ass!” I shouted and stormed out of the dropship. I went to my tent and grabbed my shit then left without another word. Those assholes can kiss my damn ass. 
*One Month Later*
I was out hunting in the snow. I don’t entirely remember how I got here, but I was alive so that’s all that matters. I had the perfect angle on the deer I was hunting when all of a sudden a scream scared it away. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groaned. I decided that I should run and see who was screaming. Maybe someone from camp got lost and I could fix them up, it was the damn doctor in me… If I heal them maybe they’ll see I’m not as bad as everyone says I am! I pushed myself to run faster and found a man leaning against a tree with a serious wound in his stomach. I’m honestly surprised his guts weren’t falling out. I kneeled down by his side and quickly pulled out my supplies. 
“Who are you?” He asked with a groan. 
“I’m here to help, who are you? What happened?” I asked as I started to work on his stomach. 
“I am Roan, Prince of Azgeda.” He answered then hissed in pain. 
“Don’t move, I need to disinfect it before I stitch you up. Here, bite on this.” I said and pushed a cloth into his mouth. He bit down on it and continued my work. It took about a half hour to patch him up enough to get him somewhere safe. 
“Where did you learn to do that?” He asked as we were walking through the forest. 
“My Father was a doctor, he taught me everything I know.” I answered with a small smile. 
“Your Father taught you well.” He said, returning my smile. 
“Up ahead, there’s a small cabin I found, I’ve been staying there.” I said and pointed at the building ahead. He nodded and the two of us quickly but carefully made our way into the cabin. I laid him on the bed and checked his wound again. 
“If you’re a Prince, what are you doing out here alone? Shouldn’t you have guards with you?” I asked. 
“I was banished so my people could join with the Commander.” He said sadly. 
“Your parents banished you?” I asked shocked and he nodded sadly. 
“Why are you out here on your own?” He asked and I bit my lip. 
“Same reason you are. I was banished because my people thought I was more dangerous than the Grounders.” I answered and his eyes widened slightly. 
“Why?” He asked. 
“I was a healer to my people, there weren’t many, but the two people that basically put themselves in charge kicked me out because I kept fighting people. Those people talked a lot of shit about me and I was just making sure they knew not to mess with me, turns out that putting your own people in the infirmary while at ‘war’ isn’t a great idea.” I half laughed. 
“How long have you been out here?” He asked. 
“About a month, maybe a little more.” I shrugged. 
“You’re strong.” He smiled and his eyes slowly started to close. 
“Get some rest, I’ll check on you in the morning.” I said and walked off to make myself food. 
*Another Month Later* 
Roan had healed well. He was strong and wanted to get better. He was actually a very good patient and did everything I asked of him. The two of us got to know each other while he was healing and he was amazing. At first he was pretty reserved and hesitant to let me into his life, but eventually he opened up to me. He was sweet with a very strong sense of loyalty. When he was finally better I thought he would just leave, which broke my heart at the thought, but he stayed. He explained to me how he was a bounty hunter and asked me to join him on his adventures. I had agreed, but we always ended up coming back to the cabin we now claimed as ours. The two of us knew we had developed feelings for one another, but we never fully confessed. Sure we acted like a couple, but it was never solidified. That was until we got snowed in our cabin with no way of leaving. 
“I suppose it’s good that we got extra food yesterday when we were out.” I said and Roan smiled. 
“I suppose you’re right.” He said and joined me in the bed. Roan pulled me towards him and I rested my head on his chest. We sat in silence, revelling in the warmth that our bodies gave to each other. After a few minutes Roan pulled my face up to look at him and he did something unexpected. He held my chin with two of his fingers and gently kissed me. I was breathless when he broke away, his eyes shining as he admired me. 
“What was that for?” I whispered. 
“I just finally got the courage to confess how I feel.” He said and I smiled with a slight blush dusting my cheeks. 
“I feel the same way.” I said and kissed him again. The kiss started off as sweet and loving, but it quickly turned hotter. The two of us were feeling each other’s bodies and enjoying the feelings. When Roan dipped into my pants I pulled away. 
“Wait, I’ve… I’ve never done this before.” I said, blushing deeply and looked away. Roan grabbed my face and made me look at him. 
“Let me teach you. We’ll be nice and warm after.” He said with a small smirk. There was something about Roan that made me trust him with all of my heart. 
“Okay…” I whispered. Roan pulled my shirt off and then my pants were quick to follow. My arms immediately went to cover my chest. 
“What about you?” I asked. He smirked and rid himself of his clothing, naked. Roan gently pried my arms from my chest and smiled. 
“Beautiful.” He hummed and kissed me, making my cheeks turn pink. 
“No need to be shy, Y/N.” He promised. He gently pushed me to lay on the bed and his lips went to my chest. 
“Roan…” I breathed, lacing my fingers into his brown hair. He pulled my underwear from me and looked up at me for consent. I gave him a small nod and he moved to my entrance. The sensation was overwhelming as his cock entered my pussy for the very first time. Delightful flashes of tingles coursed through my body. It felt amazing, until he broke through the one thing that indicated I was indeed a virgin. I grunted at the sharp burst of pain in my pussy. He held still, deep within me. 
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” He whispered in my ear. My breathing was fast and shallow as I felt my walls absorbing his shaft. The sharp pain dulled to an ache, but was slowly overcome by a heavenly feeling of fullness. The tingles from him pressing against my clit increasing as his body moved subtly with each of his deep breaths. 
“It’s okay… I’m fine.” I finally whispered. Roan’s hips pulled back slowly, his gaze still concentrated on my face, probably looking for any signs of pain. He stopped with the head of his cock placed just in the entrance on my pussy. He teased me for only a moment, making me moan and grip the sheets. 
“Please don’t tease.” I begged. 
“Sorry love.” He said and pushed back inside me. One of his hands found my clit and I arched my back as he played with it. My muscles eased, allowing the pain to dissipate. Roan’s thrusts began to build pressure in my stomach and stars in my eyes. The soft pleasure washed over me with ease. My breaths were coming out in shallow stutters as I tried to hold back my orgasm. I was throbbing around Roan and he could feel every second of my building pleasure. 
“Roan, fuck!” I choked out as I withered on the bed. 
“Harder, harder please!” I begged, squeezing my eyes shut. Roan leaned down, capturing my lips in a messy but loving kiss as he did what I wanted. The ache in my every muscle released all at once. A shudder ran through my body as my orgasm took over me. 
“You look so beautiful when you cum like that.” Roan praised, and it only made it better. Roan pulled my legs over his shoulders and hit a deeper spot inside me. 
“Oh my God!” I shrieked. My back arched off the bed as Roan slid into me with the deep, angled thrusts. My moans were loud, escaping my lips with every other thrust he made. His hips rolled against mine with his hand still trying to pull another orgasm from me. I gripped the sheets tighter as I jolted upward from his powerful force. 
“Oh fuck! Roan!” I screamed, pleasure bursting through my veins. I was cumming for a second time tonight.
“Oh Y/N!” He moaned as he came inside me. I whined when he pulled out of me. He gave a small chuckle and pulled me into him under the blanket. 
“Warmer?” He asked and I nodded. 
“That was amazing.” I sighed happily. 
“We can do that as often as you want.” He smiled and I captured his lips in a kiss. 
“I think I want to do that all the time.” I said and he laughed. 
“Whatever you want, my Princess.” He said and I smiled. This was what earth was all about. This was my new start.
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sukirichi · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing okay. So I just had a thot. And idk what to do with it. So Imma just put it here cause your blog is my new favourite. I'm not even joking. I literally devoured everything related to Tokyo Rev on your blog. So here's my theory. Do correct me if you think I'm wrong Sensei!
Bouten husbands and where they liked to be kissed the most/ or is their weakness. (Ps: it's just my opinion. I mean no offense to anyone.)
Mikey~ Kiss him on his shoulders and he'll cry. Cause he's been bearing all the burden of his dark and decaying world for so long that he doesn't even know that he needs to take a minute for himself and rely on others around him. Especially since most ppl around him are willing to give their life and limbs for Mikey. He just can't seem to keep that in mind. So you've taken it upon yourself to remind him frm time to time. Just a little peck on his strong and broad-ish shoulders to remind him that he's not alone. That if nothing, he has you. He always will.
Rindou~ Something about being kissed on his cheeks, especially by his lover, does things to him. Like his cardiovascular muscles do a little somersault in his chest or something. Because yes, it doesn't matter if he's one of the big, scary and irreplaceable executive of Bouten, he still has an unconscious inferiority complex. Sometimes it just skips his mind that despite everything, he too deserves the world. And every once in a while you need to remind him about it. That he doesn't have to be flashy and snarky like his brother. He just needs to be himself and that he is undeniably worthy of love.
Ran~ Not many people are taller than him, you are no exception. So it makes sense that in order to kiss him you need to be on your tippy toes. And still you're only able to reach his neck. So yeah, just kiss him there. Right on his Adam's apple and he's a goner. It doesn't even have to be sexual. Ran is always the one to take charge. It's kind of in his nature and you happily oblige him. But every now and then, you also need to remind him to take a breather That he can just let go and get dotted over for a change. You're more than happy to take care of him, that he needs to be taken care off.
Koko~ This man not only, brings in the big dough for Bouten, but also beats up people while at it. To say that he's always overworked is an understatement. His hands are always doing something, illegal things most of the time. He knows he's no saint. That there's no coming back into the light. He's painfully aware. But once e intertwine your hands together and kiss him on top of his knuckles, he swears that it's his redemption. You're the only light in his dark and dangerous world.
Kaku-chan~ Please. Just kiss this man on his forehead. Please. He's literally out there, ready to give his life for the things he wants to protect. He's always doing that. Protecting the people that have gone astray, who have no more hope left. He's ready to die for them, if it means they'll keep going. So please, just once, just protect him instead. Protect him from the demons he skillfully hided in his head. Protect him from the nightmares that torment him every night. Just protect him for a change. He needs it more than he's willing to admit.
Sanzu~ Okay. Hear me out. He's deranged and he knows it. He knows he's won't bat an eye before painfully torturing someone to death. Heck he'll even do it with a smile plastered on his face. He knows that he's stained in blood almost all the time.(sometimes his own, most of the other times, not his own). He'll even relish it. He knows that he's been tainted with burden of death. He knows that he lives in the shadows. He's not sane. He's not good. He's bad. He's ugly. You can tell that these awful thoughts keep him awake at night. So when they do and he has this almost painful look on his face. Just pull him close and kiss him on his face, over and over. Kiss his scars, kiss his lips, kiss his nose, his eyes. Just don't stop until he's got your point across. That yes, it's true that he's despicable. But you still love him nonetheless.
Ps: Sorry that was too long and kinds got out of hand. But these are just my "thots". Thank you for hearing me out!~ Thot anon
hi i’m doing okay, thanks for asking n i hope you are too !! also aaah i’m glad to know my blog is your new fave, i hope you enjoy more of my future tokrev content 🥺 ALSO YES ITS HEADCANON TIME LETS GO LETS GO
mikey n shoulder kisses 🥺 i hc that mikey is stiff and rigid all the time without knowing. like you said, he has a lot on his mind and draken even said mikey had a heavy ass cross to bear, so imagine the weight and burdens he has to shoulder 🥺 so if you lean into him for a hug then kiss his shoulders, mikey deflates. to him, its like a reminder he doesn’t have to carry it all by himself all the time and poor bb forgets that often
cheek kisses for rindou 🥺 the idea of this big, bad executive infamous for breaking limbs but is actually a sucker for cheek kisses and turns into a soft lil bean when you cup his face and just smother him with love n affection? bless. rindou probably unknowingly exerts too much effort sometimes to prove something - may it be his strength, his power, or how he’s perfectly capable of fighting by himself - he’ll have that voice at the back of his head that he needs to do something. giving him cheek kisses grounds him and elicits butterflies in his stomach bcos he realizes that, “oh, i don’t have to try so hard. silly me...now more cheek kisses, please.”
ran and neck kisses !! ON THE FLOOR RN, TELL ME MORE. but yes omg i also hc that ran is such a giver and grown up to look for others the way he does for rindou, so in his head, he’s kind of drilled it into himself that he has to be the one in the lead - not necessarily in a mikey way - but in a “he needs to take charge and take his responsibilities seriously” kind of thing. like mikey, ran is probably often deep in thought as well despite his teasing mannerisms, that when you kiss his neck he can’t help but soften. he enjoys being doted on. loves to be the one on the receiving side. has the sweetest smile on his face when he gets a lil ticklish and he just feels like he’s on cloud nine <33
knuckle kisses for koko 😫 everything you said was on point !! his hands are probably so tired from fighting and counting bills all day, not to mention the amount of paperwork he has to do bcos who else will do them ?? no one knows the inner system of koko and how it works as well as koko does, and he wants to do his job right. he gets a little too absorbed in his work, however, that koko gets a little confused when you take his hands away from whatever he’s working on to leave little kisses at the pads of his knuckles, maybe even massaging his hands or playing with his fingers to help him relax a bit. and you know how koko is so good at what he does bcos its all he knows, but at the same he probably hates how he treads on this dark path ?? so when you kiss his knuckles, he feels relieved. like everything will be okay and second chances are real n something he’s worthy of
omg now this is my favorite - kakucho + foreahead kisses. forehead kisses are always so intimate and soothing in a sense. like come here so you can kiss him on the forehead, watch the way his eyes flutter close and a smile tugs at his lips when your lips trail down to his scar, all the while your hands are cupping his face with such tenderness he never really knew of. kakucho is so used to being the tough guy with his rough childhood that it almost feels surreal. surreal that he’s in bed, with you, safe and sound and you’re kissing his forehead so comfortingly he doesn’t have to worry about putting his walls down for a second. he feels safe. he feels at home. but most of all, he knows he’s not alone and he has you - his family
kissing sanzu’s scars 🥺 everything you said was beautiful n i can totally see it happening !! as much as we all know sanzu takes great pleasure and finds entertainment in what he does, it sinks down a little too late. when he’s not high, that’s when he feels the lows. when the blood on his hands are dried, that’s when he realizes it gets harder to wash them off until it stains deep all the way into his soul. then his scars. he sees his scars and remembers how he has to hide them at some point. he stays awake at night and oddly enough, silent and unmoving. and what better way to ease his worries than to pull him close and just to kiss his scars that he thinks are only one of the ways the darkness - the ugliness - of his soul shows through. keep him close and kiss his scars. sanzu may not always be in the right mind to understand your words, but the simple gesture of showing love and acceptance to a part of him that makes him a whole will engrave deep into his heart. leave him butterfly kisses. kiss him from everywhere to his eyes until they flutter close to sleep. kiss his nose adoringly until they scrunch so cutely. kiss his lips until its your taste that overwhelms him. and kiss his scars to remind him his imperfections are accepted and loved
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n0tamused · 3 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well! So I saw that your requests were open so, may I request something about Kakashi's gf being pregnant but being afraid of telling him? (because he lost so many loved ones, she doesn't want to pressure him into being a father idk if that makes sense) Like she's pregnant but it's not visible yet but she as some symptoms already? Kakashi didn't really noticed until someone mentioned it?
It can be a one shot or a drabble, i'm leaving that to you. But I would like it to be fluff if you don't mind 👉🏼👈🏼
It's really specific i guess and I hope ypu don't mind! If it's bothering you in any way feel free to skip it 😊
Have a nice day/night and take care!
Warnings: pregnancy, throwing up, a hint of angst
Words: 2.406
Kakashi Hatake x Reader
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The cashier held the packed groceries for Y/N to take. A polite smile ever-present on her face. "Have a wonderful day!"
She managed to smile back and take the bag into her arms. It wasn't the need for groceries that got Y/n to the store, but another item that got her mind running a few nights ago.
The realization hit her then. She didn't even have to take the test to know it was true. A gut wrenching feeling broke throughout her as she was just passing through an alley, a shortcut to Kakashi and her's shared home. Frozen in place, eyes glued to the floor, she felt the familiar sting of tears in her eyes. Vision getting cloudy and blurry.
She knew Kakashi wouldn't react in a way that would harm her, not in any way, shape or form. But it was hard to deny the fact that it was anxiety inducing, this wasn't something to be taken lightly. Neither of them were planning on kids any time soon. Not to mention the sad history of the Copy-Nin. Even in the beginning of their relationship it took time for him to finally warm up, to really be comfortable with the new intimacy. With receiving such love and care, to finally be safe to be vulnerable. To feel protected and loved and to form an attachment.
The walk home from there felt slow and the wait for the test to show the results was even worse. Nausea raked and coiled in her gut as she sat beside the toilet, having thrown up some time ago. How much time has even passed?
The woman looked forlornly up at the sink where the stick laid. The tiles were cold under her, yet she found herself glued to them, letting the coldness of them seep into her flesh and bones. But eventually she had to get up.
Fear now started to rampage in her system, mind spiraling as her nimble fingers took hold of the test. An unfamiliar haze was brought over her eyes, it made it hard to see but she soon realized that she was staring at two prominent red lines on the small window of the test. Shock. The fear suddenly gone and was replaced with a hollow feeling deep within her which felt even worse. Tears began to sting her eyes again and they came pouring out like a waterfall, in large beads and onto the sink. Cold hands gripped the edge of it for some stability as the woman hunched over it, the test abandoned as the other hand came to knuckle and wipe away the ongoing stream of tears. Silently she let herself cry it out, she couldn't bottle it up any longer. Kakashi wouldn't be home until the sun was already set, and now the sun was still high in the sky.
The woman couldn't look herself in the mirror after that. Hiding the test in her room she decided that it was best to tell her beloved the sooner the better. Hiding it from him would only prolong her fear and anxiety, and she didn't want to imagine the reaction he would have after hearing the news and how much she just waited to tell him. Not to mention it would be quite a task to hide something like this from someone like Kakashi. The evening was spent with a poor attempt to make some food, something to fill the gaping hole in her gut, something to make her feel warmth again. Filled with the vast expanse of helplessness she barely made anything in the end.
When Kakashi arrived home he was met with coldness. Something he became familiar with when Y/n wasn't in the best of moods. He padded through the hall quietly, listening for any sounds that may come, but all he heard was the sound of shuffling. Pushing the door open it unexpectedly creaked, a long cry of the old worn door caused the woman on the bed to startle. Body twisting around like an eel to meet his confused stare.
"Hey, it's just me, love.. What's the matter..?"
He felt worried immediately, he was used to sadness and gloomy moods but he wasn't used to her being so frightened. Not around him. Not on the battlefield and definitely not in the comforts of their shared house.
"Oh I didn't hear you, that's all.."
Came her reply, yet she found yourself moving into him, arms embracing around his middle in a desperate need of comfort. Kakashi didn't hesitate to return the hug, nuzzling his cheek into the side of her head for a moment. Mind running laps in an attempt to figure out what got his belovee like this, but it all came back blank.
"Kakashi I have to talk to you."
The sentence made him stiff, but he nodded and let her lead him to sit on the bed, one arm loosely wrapped around her tense shoulders.
All words that came to her died immediately on her tongue, and swallowing hard her gaze fell to the ground. Eyes threatening to spill tears again but she pushed them back.
Y/n tried, but it all felt like bile in her mouth. Not having rest properly,the stress of missions and now this too. It was all catching up to her now. From her peripheral vision she could see the brows of the silver headed ninja furrow in confusion and worry.
"Did something happen? You're looking sickly, are you feeling ill?"
Her response came a bit too quickly, head shaking before she took a deep breath, exhaling before she looked at him. His eyes searched hers as if he could find the answer that way. Y/n felt horrible. He had gone through enough and all the attempts of telling him about it came to a halt. She couldn't do this to him, not now, he had to rest. She could tell him some time during the week, she told yourself.
"I just… it was a long day, I barely got any rest last night too. I missed you Kakashi.."
His expression suddenly lightened but it did not lose its worry and confusion. She had slept alone the last few nights before work prevented him from coming home at all, so he understood. Yet he couldn't help but feel something was amiss. A small voice at the back of his head whispering something incoherent.
"I missed you too."
He replied and pulled her into another embrace. Sighing out his worry he focused solely on caressing her, hoping that would ease the stress and worries of that day. And it seemed to work. For the rest of the night they both rested in each other's arms, leading a small talk about random things, it eased both of them and even made them forget about worries and fears. In the morning, when Kakashi was getting dressed and Y/n, watching him with sleep heavy eyelids, he came to crouch before her and kiss her on the forehead. Telling her something about how he'll leave Pakkun with her that day. Smiling when he saw you blink at him, trying to grasp at his words. In the end she only nodded and attempted to wipe away the sleep from her eyes as he left.
And as promised, Pakkun remained at her side. He would occasionally chip in to say something, and even the nin asked if she were alright, saying how something felt off now. Y/N only nodded, everything was fine.
Y/N missed going on missions but ever since she started feeling so ill, she was given several days off, not that she had any choice but to accept as even Kakashi was fussing that she couldn't fight in such a condition.
In the middle of the day the nausea returned. Y/N have just eaten freshly prepared lunch and it all came back up soon after. Toppled over the toilet seat she took in a mouthful of air when she finally felt her gut settle down. Pakkun sat at the door to the bathroom, worried look plastered on his canine face.
"Hey, you should really go and visit a medic. This has been going on for a while, it can't be any good."
She heard him say through buzzing ears, a static feeling coursing through her as an after effects of having thrown up. Pushing herself away she stood on shaky legs, feeling a tad bit better but awfully tired. Only a nod came in response to his words before she padded into the living room to sit down only to end up passing away on the couch. Head feeling heavier and heavier until she felt the plush material of the couch press against the side of her face. Hands curled around a pillow she placed over her stomach, some semblance of comfort and warmth coming from it.
Meanwhile Pakkun slowly waltzed into the bedroom, hoping to find a blanket he could drag back to Y/N. Taking the corner of the folded blanket in his maw he moved back, paws pushing into the slippery surface of the polished wood. Groaning he forcefully pulled, the blanket now flying out from under the rest of the folded sheets, making Pakkun fly back and hit the work desk. If it weren't for the clank of something falling from the top drawer, the ninken would've ignored it. But the item that fell at his paws even made him stop in his tracks. His ears pinned back in surprise. It fit like a puzzle piece, the girl's weird illness finally made sense. He figured Kakashi didn't know, otherwise he would've said something along the lines of that his partner was pregnant.
Nonetheless, Pakkun figured out why that was the case too, he knew Y/N well enough, but seeing how things were going he decided to tell Kakashi on his own. To spare her some of the stress of it all. Before he took his leave he did manage to drape the soft blanket over the woman's figure, having had to jump on the couch and do quite some pulling to get it over her all while staying silent.
Pakkun found Kakashi just when he was heading home, in one of the paths between two houses that he called a shortcut. Abruptly halting the ninken panted, his gaze narrowing at Kakashi's figure.
"Hey boss. I have something to tell you."
Pakkun started, perched up on one of the roof ledges where he stared down at Kakashi who didn't quite expect him to see him there. Exposed eye widened at the sight of him, the worst coming to his mind.
"What are you- is Y/N alright?"
The silver head blurted out before he could think of anything else, hands falling out of his pockets. Kakashi already felt a small tightness in his chest, anxiety creeping up on him.
"Y/N is just fine, but why I'm here does concern her."
Pakkun responded as he made his way down from the roof, hopping from ledge to window and window and to the ground. Now standing in front of Kakashi he huffed and looked up at him.
"You really should look into bigger homes, you're gonna get a small addition soon."
At that Kakashi looked at him, guffawed. Silence followed soon after Pakkun spoke, Kakashi at loss of words as he still tried to make out the riddle the sentence represented. "What..are you saying?"
Kakashi looked at Pakkun quizzically, even as the puzzle pieces slowly fell in his head as well, he was still slow to fully process the information.
"Y/n is with a child, Kakashi."
When you woke the next time the sun had already been setting, only the small arch of the sun was visible on the horizon. The sky painted in warm and vibrant colors of orange and red. Your head swam with the unconscious, still not grasping the sensation of being awake yet. Eyes blinking lazily at the bedroom window. Wait…
Finally breathing in you felt the blanket tucked around you. Yet Kakashi was not there with you. A small sense of panic grasped you as you sat up, looking around. Sleep hazed mind sent you into a frantic state and almost instantly you found yourself searching for the pregnancy stick where you hid it. It wasn't there. It was not there. Pushing books and papers aside you still couldn't find it. It was not there.
Kakashi's voice rang out and you turned around. He wasn't wearing his uniform, nor his mask. A simple gray shirt clung to his figure along with some black sweatpants. He held the door open with his hand, a small hint of worry was present on his face. His lips pressed together in a thin line before he approached you and pulled you into himself. You now knew that he knew. A shaky breath escaped you as you still waited for him to speak up first but that never came. He just held you there, caressing up and down your back.
"Kakashi… "
You started but your voice soon trailed off.
"I know. Pakkun told me today." He stated simply, nose brushing against your hair and inhaling your scent.
"Oh… I was planning on telling you myself.. I just didn't...I didn't know how to tell you last night.. I'm sorry."
You felt him nod against you, humming in response. And to your surprise, you felt him smile.
"It's alright. I'm not angry… It is a bit surprising but I could never be angry at you, not for this.. Please do not feel afraid anymore, it's alright."
Kakashi reassured, pulling away just enough to move his hands to cup the sides of your face. Looking into your eyes he saw the anxiety you held melt away, his own anxiety disappearing as well. He felt nothing but pure love for you. He wouldn't like anyone else to start a family with but you.
His thumb brushed over your cheekbone and then he leaned in and pressed his lips to your temple, holding you like that for a moment before he pulled away. A smile pulled at the corners of his lips, a smile you soon mirrored when you saw it. Leaning down slowly he pulled you into a kiss, you meeting him half way and smiling into the kiss.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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something you could almost label as love | pjs
↬ series: tatts & cupcakes | chapter 12 ↬ pairing: park jongseong / jay x reader ft. all members + i-land k ↬ genre: enhypen single dad au | ceo!jay | single dad!jay | baker!reader | single mom!reader | fluff | slight angst ↬ navi: beginning | previous chapter | next | series masterlist ↬ warnings: none ↬ word count: 2.1k ↬ a/n:
hi everyone !! tatts & cupcakes is back :)) idk if anyone still remembers it at this point or even wants to continue reading the series 😭 but thank you for all the interactions while i was ia on this blog 🥺 <3
i haven’t updated in a while so if i missed anyone on the taglist pls lmk also tumblr was being a dum dum and i couldn’t tag a few ppl so if you’re one of them i’m sorry 😪
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You felt your palms sweating as you opened the door to reveal K, Heeseung, and Jake. While you weren’t worried about Ni-ki going out with Heeseung and Jake, you were nervous about him going out with K. Ni-ki didn’t know K was his father which was something you and K decided not to reveal until Ni-ki got more comfortable with K which was why they were going to the nearby plaza to shop with Heeseung, Jake, and Jungwon. Sunghoon would stop by the bakery later today to pick up the lunch you had offered to make and pack for them all.
“You good?” Heeseung asked, squeezing your shoulder as an act of reassurance. You nodded and took a deep breath, watching cautiously as Jungwon and Ni-ki went up to K and Jake.
“Just nervous, I guess.”
“I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong, don’t worry,” Heeseung said causing you to smile at him. Jay and Sunoo were going to spend the day together at home, something that you suggested in hopes of easing Jay’s stress. If Jay saw for himself how well Sunoo had gotten, he’d feel better about letting him go back to school tomorrow. After they left you saw Sunoo sulking on the couch, arms crossed and lips formed in a pout. Sitting next to him,
“What’s wrong bubs?”
“I wanted to go with them!” You sighed, petting his hair,
“I know, I know. But at least you’ll go to school tomorrow, right? You’ll get to see all your friends again!” you said in what hopefully sounded like a cheery tone. Yet still, Sunoo didn’t seem satisfied.
“How about I make you tteokboki for lunch tomorrow, will that help cheer you up?” At those words, Sunoo’s eyes up lit up and you knew that there was your sunshine. As much as Sunoo didn’t want you do, you had to leave to open up the bakery.
“I can drop you off,” Jay offered as you were putting your things in your bag.
“It’s ok, really Jay, thank you. Have fun at home with Sunoo, ok?” While you had left in a frenzy, there was now an extra thought added to Jay’s mind. “At home,” you called it. Yours and Ni-ki’s he wanted it to be.
You enjoyed your morning at the bakery, chatting with regulars, and giving out freebies to the cute little kids that stopped by with their parents. When Sunghoon stopped by, you set a picnic basket on the counter, about to explain the food inside when you suddenly received a call from the landlady of your and Ni-ki’s apartment.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hi, you live in Apartment 22, right?” you heard from the other side of the line.
“Yes, I do.”
“Everyone needs to evacuate and pack up their things by tonight, there’s a rat infestation and the exterminators say that it’ll take 2 weeks until anyone can return to the building.”
“A rat infestation?” Why the hell was there a rat infestation and why was she telling you now?
“I’m sorry, hon. Everyone needs to pack what they can by 3 pm.” Checking the time, on your phone, it was only 11:21.
“Thanks for letting me know, I’ll leave right now,” was all you could say before ending the call. Sunghoon looked at you with a worried expression on his face,
“Rat infestation?” he asked. You nodded,
“Me and Ni-ki’s apartment, apparently it’ll take two weeks.”
“The two of you are staying at Jay’s place, though.”
“Yeah, but Ni-ki and I were gonna move out the day after tomorrow.”
“Just stay for two more weeks.”
“Hoon, I can’t do that. It’s not fair.”
“To Jay? I don’t think he’d mind if you two-”
“Not to Jay,” you muttered.
“Jungwon and Sunoo? But they like having their Ni-ki dongsaeng around.”
“To me! Sunghoon, it’s not fair to me!” you admitted.
“I- wait what?”
“I just, it’s not,” you took a deep breath, “Jay is good to me and Ni-ki, I know he is. But there’s just so much happening with Sunoo recovering and K returning. I can’t keep living with Jay, Jungwon, and Sunoo acting as if this whole situation is normal.”
“Do you want it to be?”
“Living with Jay, being with his kids, do you want it to be normal?” You almost scoffed at the question,
“Of course I do, who wouldn’t?”
“Then make it normal.”
“Hoon, it’s not that easy. Getting into a relationship with three kids involved is messy and stupid and not the kind of heartbreak I’m willing to put anyone through.”
“Who says it’ll end in heartbreak.”
“That’s the only way I see this ending.”
“Open your eyes then.”
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You quickly closed the bakery then rushed to your apartment and somehow, Jay and Sunoo were already there. Sunghoon probably told them.
“Hey,” Jay said as you walked up to them.
“You didn’t have to show up.”
“Of course I did, you and Ni-ki are staying for longer and I should help you move your stuff.”
“Jay, I don’t wanna be a bother. Ni-ki and I can spend the two weeks in a hotel, it’s fine.” Your tone was colder than anything that Jay had ever felt before.
“Are you uncomfortable? Living with me, I mean. Because if you are, I’m sorry.”
You wanted to tell him. Wanted to tell you that he made you weak with his soft gazes and sudden smile. Wanted to tell him that he made you regret how you had gotten so accustomed to his warmth that you probably wouldn’t be able to sleep without it. Wanted to tell him how he gave you hope, maybe love was in the cards for you one day. Wanted to tell him how he made you dream of the picture-perfect life you once thought was stupid. He made you weak, regret, hope, and dream in all the ways you didn’t know were possible but never were you uncomfortable.
“I just don’t wanna keep mooching off of you in your own house.”
“Really, I don’t mind if you and Ni-ki stay for longer. After all, what’s another two weeks?”
“You’re sure?”
“I am.”
“Pinky promise,” you said, bringing up your hand. He smiled as he interlocked your pinkies together and let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
You packed as many as your and Ni-ki’s clothes that you could, in the process bringing a couple of your blankets and little trinkets that you felt comfortable with. While you were in the car with Jay and Sunoo, the trunk filled to the brim with your and Ni-ki’s things.
“Are you really sure it’s ok that I brought so much stuff?”
“Don’t worry.”
“What if there’s not enough space? Your closet’s already full and Ni-ki’s toys might get everywhere.” Jay’s hand moved away from the gearshift and gravitated towards your hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles,
“We’ll make space.”
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The rest of the day went by easily, the guys decided to stay for dinner, and being with K for a longer period of time went by better than you expected. Before you and Jay fell asleep the two of you made a plan for tomorrow since it was Sunoo’s first day back at school. Sometime throughout the night, you woke up to go to the bathroom. After getting out of the bathroom and heading back to the bed,
“No,” you heard with what almost sounded like a whimper, causing you to turn on the lights to see Jay in bed with his eyes closed.
“I-it’ll, it’ll be ok,” you heard him mutter, seeing him twitch slightly. Tears escaped his eyes as he muttered incoherent words. He was having a nightmare.
“Jay!” you exclaimed, shaking him slightly in hopes that it’d be enough for him to wake up but he stayed within the depths of his nightmare. Not knowing what else to do, you lightly slapped his cheeks, and somehow, that had work. The upper half of his body rose up, eyes frantic as they looked around the room, and only seemed to calm down when they settled on you. You feel him hug you, an action you returned by running your hand through his hair and rubbing his back as he panted heavily trying to return his breathing back to normal.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” you asked cautiously.
“We were in the hospital again. But this time,” he let out a shaky breath, his hold on you tightening, “Sunoo didn’t, he didn’t, love, I, I can’t-” Jay couldn’t bring himself say it out loud but you didn’t need to hear the words to know what he dreamt. Sunoo didn’t make it out alive.
“It’s ok, just keep breathing with me, yeah? Your boys are safe and sound in their room and Sunoo’s going back to school tomorrow, well, technically later. We made a plan, remember?” He nodded, seeming to calm down slightly.
“What was the plan? Repeat it to me.”
“We were gonna wake up early and make breakfast for the boys and pack all their favorite things for lunch. Tteokboki, curry buns, and bungeoppang. We’ll drop them off at school, I’ll drop you off at the bakery then head to work. I’ll pick them up, we’ll go to the bakery to pick you up, then go home.”
“And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do, ok?”
“Ok.” You and Jay ended up laying down afterward but he seemed like he was too shaken up to be able to sleep and honestly, so were you.
“Let’s bake cupcakes.”
“Right now?” You nodded, the hint of a smile playing on the corners of your lips,
“Right now.” Baking cupcakes with Jay at a time in the morning when you should’ve been asleep gave you a sense of comfort you didn’t realize you needed and he seemed to feel the same way. In order to not wake up the boys, you needed to stay quiet, talking in low tones and hushed whispers but neither of you seemed to mind. As the cupcakes were cooling and you were stirring the frosting, a shiver ran down your spine. Something that Jay had taken note of. You felt his presence behind you, confirmed as his chest pressed against your back, arms wrapping around you as his hands rubbed up and down your arms.
“Should I turn up the heat, love?” you heard him ask. Love, he called you, love. It was nothing new to hear Jay call you that but in this moment, you came to a realization. In love was what the past few weeks felt like. Yet despite this, a thought lingered in the back of your mind. What happened when the warmth faded? What happened after two weeks and you and Ni-ki had to move back to your apartment? What happened when the cocoon of warmth you spent so allowing yourself to get enwrapped turned to ice? What happened when you had to return back to reality? You were brought out of your thoughts at the sound of Jay calling your name, asking for confirmation to turn up the heat. But instead,
“If you did then there’d be no reason to stay like this,” you replied teasingly with a smile on your face. The charm of the necklace he gave you shimmered under the kitchen lights as it rested around your neck. Jay wanted nothing more than to tilt your chin upwards and kiss you right then and there. Wanted to show you how much you meant to him. Wanted to love you in all the ways that words could never do it justice. He was so caught up in his thoughts, mesmerized by your smile, and entranced by this whole situation that he hadn’t realized what had just happened when something cool was felt at the tip of his nose, then, on his cheek and he heard a laugh from you.
“Did you just- don’t tell me there’s frosting on my face right now.”
You weren’t quite sure what possessed you to perform your following actions in the next moments. Maybe it was lack of sleep. Maybe it was how close Jay was to you that you couldn’t help but want to be closer to him. Maybe it was the way your mind grew hazy with only one thought and one alone on your mind.
You couldn’t help it when you let go of the spatula.
Couldn’t stop yourself when you got on your tiptoes.
Couldn’t hold back from wrapping your arms around his neck and your fingers playing with the edges of his hair.
“There’s no frosting on your face.” Eyes looking in his for any signs of hesitancy, all you saw was something you could almost label as love. But you didn’t dare.
“No? Then what’s on my face?”
“Well on your lips,” closing the distance between your lips and his so that it was mere centimeters, “are mine,” you whispered before your eyes fluttered shut and the distance closed.
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❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul​ ) | next | series masterlist
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