#if they could find someone to cover for me they would’ve found someone to cover for my friend who had to cancel her shift
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Don’t really want to go to work tomorrow but like. Who does
#nothing is really wrong; i’m just not feeling it#but i can’t call in because there’s no way they’ll find anyone to cover#if they could find someone to cover for me they would’ve found someone to cover for my friend who had to cancel her shift#but they didn’t find anyone to cover for her. the best they could do was bring in the assistant manager for 3 hours in the morning#to help open & cover the lunch shift#so it’s literally going to be me; the assistant manager (only until 1pm) and this guy who i basically don’t know. that’s IT#and it’ll be busy because it’s a saturday. that’s.. 2 people on the counter for the majority of the day#and it’s not like we can just stay there the whole time. we’re responsible for bins and tables and restocking shelves and checking the temps#on literally a dozen fridges and freezers. so like.#it is kind of going to be a shitshow from 1pm until closing#tbh though it will kind of be a good thing if it’s busy because then the awkward silences won’t have time to set in#i’m not good at making conversation at the best of times and this guy (from what i’ve seen of him. and i’ve met him once and haven’t worked#with him yet) seems okay but i don’t think we will have ANYTHING in common#he’s 19. he likes planes. he doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life. that’s….. okay i can relate to that last point#but OH to be 19 again. i’d fuck it up in so many new ways#but seriously.. idk if i was ever a good conversationalist (probably not) but definitely during the pandemic i have completely forgotten#all my social skills and how to converse with people and how to get to know a new person#and i don’t know what the line is between asking someone about themself and straight up bothering them. like what is the vibe#can i ask him why he likes planes or does that sound like i’m belittling his hobby. or am i overthinking that#could ask him how he got into planes? or what is his favourite plane? the only thing is i know jack squat about planes and i don’t even#think i can convincingly fake being interested in them. so what do i do#and THEN if he asks me about my hobbies i don’t even really want to talk about my hobbies that much#because one of them is writing (mostly gay smut); one of them is reading (sometimes gay smut but i do read a variety of genres but lately it#has mostly been gay smut); and the third is knitting. which to someone who is not interested in crafts of any sort is just about as boring#as planes are to me. so.#i’m trying to go in with the attitude of keeping an open mind because literally who knows!! maybe he.. idk. knits models of planes#but i really think i’m going to spend 6 hours tomorrow awkwardly smiling at a 19 year old lad and hoping someone orders coffee#or one of us is temporarily taken out by a piece of falling debris. idk#personal
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look-at-the-soul · 3 months
Every little thing you do- Prologue
Tommy Shelby x reader (Mini series)
Summary: Y/N has been Tommy’s best friend since childhood. She had always been there for him when he needed her the most. Now as the Shelby family are in a better position, Y/N will need Tommy’s support when something she didn’t expect happens.
A/N welcome to this little new adventure! This story started as an idea @lyarr24 shared a while ago and I just stared at it for a few minutes until the ideas started “appearing” in my mind. This particular part turned somehow into a comedy show on its own 😂🤭 it was fun and light to write, but it’s going to get angsty… thank you for sharing your unique ideas as usual! It took me some time but I’m always into giving each story it’s own time. And of course @justrainandcoffee thank you for creating this beautiful moodboard for this story! You totally nailed it!
Word count: 2,196
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Arriving at the Garrison, Y/N headed straight towards the private booth where the Shelby’s were reunited.
“You should’ve seen the look in Polly’s eyes when she found out we were buying the stallion.” John cracked and threw his head back with a loud laugh.
Arthur winked at Y/N and decided to mess with his brother.
“Erm John boy.” He cleared his throat, just as Tommy gave Y/N a smirk, they were both sitting facing the door unlike John who had his back at it.
Tommy used the chance to kick his youngest brother in the shin, as a warning.
“So you think it’s fucking hilarious John Michael Shelby.” Y/N imitated Polly’s voice and mannerisms perfectly.
John’s face paled as the smile left his face and he straightened his back.
Arthur snorted and then started laughing uncontrollably as John turned around to find Y/N standing by the door.
“Shit! Y/N you scared the fuck out of me.”
“Get in here sweetheart.” Arthur called for her, making room next to him. “That was brilliant, you’ve got a talent.”
“You sound just like her.” Ada praised, leaning over the table to kiss her cheek.
“You’re late.” Tommy offered her a glass of whiskey.
Taking a sip, she nodded. “The lady I work for had a terrible day, didn’t want me to leave.” She replied titling her head to the side because Arthur was right in the middle, sandwiched between her and Tommy.
“And how did it go?” He asked over the laughs of his siblings.
“My feet are killing me, I had to walk all the way back… but I really needed a drink tonight.
“Why? Scott didn’t pick you up?” He raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
Against his best judgment, he agreed to give Y/N’s boyfriend a place among the peaky men. He didn’t like or trusted him but he was doing it for Y/N and the friendship they’ve always had. Over time, he even gave Scott a car under the condition to drop and pick up Y/N from her work every day.
“We had an argument this morning, he got pissed and I asked him to not.” She lied.
She knew how protective Tommy could get, specially around Scott. They were already past the phase where Tommy would’ve to intervene and put her boyfriend in his place, then Scott would come for her arguing that she let that gangster say and do whatever he pleased.
But Tommy knew Y/N better than that, and this wasn’t the first time she lied to cover for her boyfriend’s attitude.
“What’s so funny?” Polly demanded to know as she joined them in the booth. Staring at Arthur and John’s faces she knew, so she shot Y/N a long look. “You’re imitating me again?!”
The Shelby brothers tried to hide their amusement but all of them failed.
“We wanted to mess up with John, Pol. Sorry.” Y/N looked down embarrassed for being caught.
Polly smiled down at her, it was impossible to stay angry with someone as Y/N.
“Well I hope it was a good one.” The smile grew bigger.
Ada laughed and stood for her aunt to take her place. “You should’ve seen John’s face, he went pale.” Waving at them, she left.
“Hey you need to talk to Finn, he’s getting out of hand these days” Polly warned her nephews. “I asked him to deliver a few letters and he had the audacity to answer he wasn’t a mail boy anymore.”
Tommy shook his head and after a long puff to his cigarette, he answered; “I’ll talk to him.”
Y/N’s chuckle made him look at her. “What? Are you really going to lecture the poor boy? Tom, if I remember correctly, you answered your father something similar back in the day but worse and that caused your first fight.”
Tommy shuddered at the memory. He was so done with his father demanding favors from him and his brother Arthur, so one day he told him he was done with his bullshit and Arthur Sr answered with a curse, threw a glass against the wall and pushed him, Tommy pushed him back. Luckily Arthur Jr and Y/N were close and could intervene to stop them from getting any further.
That night, Y/N stayed with him outside until Tommy had calmed, then she asked her parents, who were neighbors to the Shelby’s if he could sleep on the couch. Y/N’s mother made him some tea and offered him the comfort he wasn’t able to find next door.
They started as neighbors, then Tommy and Y/N became friends until Tommy trusted her blindly. After the war she was the only one who could understand him.
Tommy took a swing of his drink. “You’re not going to tell him that, are you? I’ve a reputation to keep.” He finally added.
“Leave him Pol, the poor boy is probably frustrated because he haven’t had a woman yet.” Arthur chuckled at his own joke.
“Hey,” Y/N called everyone in the room, “leave Finn out, you’re nothing but a bad influence.”
John shook his head and raised his hands as if saying he wasn’t part of it.
“Oh please Mr.-I-want-to-marry-Lizzie-Stark, really?” Y/N raised her eyebrow at him.
“Tommy! Why the hell did you tell her?!” John exploded against his brother, who was already laughing out loud, head thrown back.
Polly had to look twice at her nephew, his guard was down he seemed to be relaxed for once. Since the war he had changed a lot, the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“And besides, I corrected my path, married to Esme didn’t I?” John mumbled chewing on his toothpick.
Y/N nodded, deciding to leave that conversation, it’s was funny to tease John. “I better go now, it’s getting late.”
Tommy was on his feet the second she announced her plans.
“C’mon I’ll drive you.” Tommy offered his best friend.
Giving Polly a hug, she waved at the Shelby brothers goodbye.
After driving for a while, Y/N noticed Tommy took another route.
“Before you ask me,” Tommy spoke softly, “I’m going to show you something.”
She opened and closed her mouth. “You’re so mysterious.”
Tilting his head, Tommy clicked his tongue. “When you see it, you’ll understand.”
“Is it the new horse?” Y/N asked impatiently.
Tommy shook his head and passed her the cigarettes and matches to light it. “Why don’t you tell me what happened with Scott?”
“Something really stupid, he got pissed over nothing.”
“Really? Tell me something I don’t know already.”
Y/N sighed and took her time to exhale the smoke out of the window. “He asked me to ask you for some money, when I told him that he still owed you from the last time he got furious at me.”
“But you gave me the money for that loan.” Tommy’s eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“I did, but it wasn’t his money.” Y/N explained embarrassed after confessing Tommy the truth.
It was now time for Tommy for sigh. Eyes focused on the road, he didn’t want to be a pain and say I told you, Y/N was the only person he could trust and he wanted her to trust him the same way.
“Look this happens all the time, your Mum used to pay your dad’s bills behind his back, I just couldn’t take another one yet, he’s trying to find a better job and I think he’s going to propose soon.”
Tommy’s breath got caught up in his throat, he was trying to process the possibilities.
“So… is he the one?” He finally asked.
“Well he’s my boyfriend.” Y/N rushed to answer. “I just don’t know if he will let me keep working for Lady Winchester.”
“If you need a job, you know there’s always a spot for you at the Shelby Company Limited.” Tommy took the last puff of his cigarette and threw it outside the vehicle.
“Maybe I’ll need it later. Thank you.” Y/N felt more than grateful to have someone like Tommy around, he had always been there for her and her siblings specially after his business took off and he started to earn more money than anyone around. In her eyes, that didn’t make him change, if anything he became more generous.
But Scott on the other hand, was tender and good to her, he was fun to be around, always brought flowers to her. He wanted to have his own business one day, unfortunately life had been hard and it was taking him longer to make it.
Taking a turn, Tommy stopped in front of a huge gate, the property guarded by the gate wasn’t a house, it was a freaking mansion!
And her best friend was opening the gate as if he owned the property.
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“Wha-what are you doing?” Y/N asked looking out the window.
“Drive over here!” Encouraged Tommy with a huge smile.
Her heart started beating faster, he showed her how to drive and even let her do it when she wasn’t allowed to. But this was wrong, it felt like they were trespassing, she could feel her heart pounding as Tommy shouted for her to hurry up.
Following his instructions, Y/N parked the car next to the fountain.
“I wanted you to see this first…” His smile couldn’t get any bigger as he opened his arms wide and looked around proudly. “I bought this place.”
Her jaw dropped, she was lost for words.
“What do you think? I’ll build a place for the horses in the back.” Tommy explained, eyes shining.
“Woah… I don’t know what to say Tom.” A hand covered her mouth, still shocked to form anything coherent. This house looked bigger than Lady Winchester’s and that was a bloody mansion too! “You always said you’d get yourself a decent place and a big house, and look at how far you’ve come!” She felt genuinely happy for him, Tommy had always worked so hard, always found a way to help his people and those around him. If anyone deserved this, it was him.
“I’ll even have my fucking office here, and there’s a grand salon for parties.” He explained as he waited for her to step inside.
“Parties?!” She laughed nervously.
“A ball dance and shit.” He took a look around.
“You’ll need loads of furniture to fill this place.”
Tommy chuckled. This was unthinkable a few months ago, now it was a reality, he’d had the big place he dreamed of when he was a kid.
“You got a fireplace! In the tea room!”
He followed Y/N’s voice, she was now standing in the middle of the dining room.
“This looks like it belongs to a Lord.”
“You can call me Lord Shelby then.” He winked at her and they both laughed at how ridiculous it sounded.
“Downstairs it’s the wine cellar.” He added hiding his hands inside the pockets of his pants. “Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding me?” She nodded. “This is a dream! I’m so happy for you!” Y/N then went to give him a hug.
A bold movement for the rest of the world, but to her it was just natural, they’ve been friends since forever. She was the one comforting him when his mother passed away, the one to help him hold it together after the war.
“You’ll love the kitchen, it’s huge but they’re doing some renovations already, I’ll show you once it’s done.”
“Looks like I’ll need to make an appointment from now on.” Y/N teased him.
Tommy shook his head with a shy smile. “Of course not, specially not you.”
She knew he was busier now days that the Peaky Blinders owned the races and licenses. It was just a matter of time before he found a woman and got married, then this house would be filled with kids. Or perhaps he already had someone therefore the plans to get the big house.
Once the realization hit her, she pretended to look towards the window. A sudden lump installed in her throat and something indescribable pressed her heart.
“Should we go? It’s going to be dark soon.” Y/N asked, looking him in the eyes for a mere second.
Time flew on their way back and soon Tommy stopped his car in front of Y/N’s door.
Even before he could say goodnight, an angry voice called for her.
“I’ve been waiting hours for you, Y/N nobody knew where the heck did you go.”
“Slow down mate, that’s no way to treat her.” Tommy intervened, holding Scott’s death stare.
“Stay the fuck out of this.” Scott raised his voice.
Tommy felt his blood boiling, one stride and he’d finish the prick, but before he could move, a pair of soft hands stopped him.
“Tommy please, let me handle this.” She pleaded.
His jaw clenched as he saw the smirk of satisfaction Scott gave him. The bastard had Y/N charmed and there was nothing he could do about it.
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✨ Thank you for your support! You already know it, but the way to a writer’s heart is through your feedback xx
Part 1
Master list
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @blondie-22 @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @lau219 @lauren-raines-x @red-riding-wood @lovemissyhoneybee @theendlessvoidofdarkest @wannabeperfectionists-blog @yeppaweshallsee (can’t tag) @skydisneylover (can’t tag) @holacia3 @galactict3a
@saradika-graphics divider
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velvetcloxds · 4 months
word count: 1.1k
warnings: nothing really, just an idea I thought might be cute, induced by working from 8 to 8 for weeks now- mutual pining
summary: you've got a little crush on the new guy your dad hired to work with you in the office at his motel, how lucky are you that he's got a little crush on you too
part two: fleeting
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You’d been staring at the booking list for far too long, and the room numbers were all starting to look the same which made your job so much harder- every time you allocated a guest to a seemingly open room, you’d find there to already be someone there, it was a grand mess and your Dad was so caught up in freaking out about the multiple double bookings that you and Eddie had been tasked with fixing it all on your own.
“I swear,” he sighed, clipboard in one hand and a bunch of keys in the other. “We’ve put out so many fires this week, they might as well give us fire suits as our uniforms,” he sat down next to you, shoulder against your own, just a little too close in comparison to how he sits next to the rest of the staff members. He smelt of cigarettes, cherry cola and too much deodorant spray, he was sure the smell of smoke would bother you, you weren’t all that sure why it didn’t. “No,” he mumbled, a little bump against your arm as he emptied his hands to be able to cover the list of rooms with his fingers. “You’ve got that look on your face again.”
“What look?” you scoffed, and had you been any less exhausted you would’ve absolutely melted when you turned to see him smiling at you, you’d found he had a way of smiling even without noticing, whatever the two of you were doing or saying, he’d be halfway through ranting and the simplest reply from you would have him grinning from ear to ear, in his own little world.
“That one that says the world is ending,” he shook his head, and reached over your arm to hang the keys on the keys board, allowing himself a chance to linger when he had to get even closer to you, pleased when you were looking right into his eyes. “I hate that look; it gives me a headache when I can’t make it go away.”
“You have a headache?” you didn’t notice how your voice dipped, he did, it made him smile again, eyes trying to take in every little reaction on your face, just like he always does, he always finds something else to make him fall a little harder. He nodded, shrugged, and looked down to your list to see if he could help move someone around. “Is that why you’ve been so snappy with me all day?” you teased, being the one to bump his shoulder this time.
“I’ve not been snappy.”
“Please, you’ve been speaking to me with perfect punctuation every time we have to check another room,” you had something for his headache, you had to drink some for your own a few minutes ago, so you didn’t even think about handing him two pills, ever delighted when your fingers touched as he took them, and it didn’t bother you half as much as it should’ve when he motioned to steal a sip from your bottle. “You’re tired, Eddie, you need to take a break, go to your room for a bit, everyone else has,” you yawned, it made your nose scrunch up a little and made Eddie’s heart do a little backflip, how you’d managed to make something so mundane seem so cute he didn't understand. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
“You’re tired too,” he noted and he wasn’t sure if he was crossing a boundary but he reached out to squeeze your hand lightly, dropped it back to the table to make a note of a room he’d found empty, blushed horribly when you looked away to try and fail to hide a tired little smile, he had no idea how giddy it made you feel. “I’d rather be tired with you than have you try and fix this mess. Besides, I only work for your dad, you have to go home with him.”
 Eddie wasn’t one to pretend he didn’t notice the passive-aggressive comments aimed at you when you were doing your best, or the unprofessional remarks when you made a mistake, or how despite your best efforts to calm the chaos it only made it possible for you to get rid of more chaos the next day. He didn’t treat your dad any differently than he would if he didn’t have a major crush on you, but he also couldn’t care much for the man, he considered how a critical man, in general, decided to be even more so with someone who’d yet to give him reason to doubt her.
“You’re right,” you sighed and when you folded your legs and leaned back in the wheeled office chair you appreciated the sight of him, he’d been running about all day, the mess of curls that was usually in the way when he was working was now tucked into a skew knot on his head, the cutest thing, you thought, the perfect view to bring some color into the lifeless office you were in. “Pity me, won’t you, and help me write out those new tags for the lost keys.”
“Only if you don’t insist on sorting them by color this time, it takes so much longer, and you know the guest won’t even notice,” you were sweetening the deal, smiling up at him as you opened your rainbow lunchbox to show off the cinnamon bun that you’d saved at lunch for the two of you to share.
“Yeah, but I notice, and it looks pretty,” he wouldn’t dream of fighting you on that, not really, but he’d fight off sleep for weeks more if it meant he’d get some extra time with you, you were sweeter when you were tired, he wasn’t sure how that was possible, but you didn’t try as hard to hide your crush on him, and he didn’t have to try so hard to hide his.
“Hmm, well you are the expert on pretty,” he noted, and he was ever smooth with it as he made sure to take a little extra time to take his half of the bun from your hands, always one to linger, to make you swoon so easily.
“I see that headache is gone,” he’d tell you it’s because you weren’t frowning anymore, point out that as soon as you smiled at him he completely forgot he had a headache to begin with, instead he just shrugged, used a stray napkin to wipe the icing from your cheek and took it all in as you hummed, happy despite the mess the two of you had to solve. Your father hired him to help you with the things you couldn’t keep up with, as your mood shifted and your knee brushed against his thigh, he considered that he was very good at his job.
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multiversediaries · 19 days
god of mischief indeed
loki laufeyson x reader
summary: you would’ve never thought this was what loki said about you when you weren’t around.
warnings: very small angst, wholesome, fluff
part count: 2/2
an: omg so sorry for the super late upload!!! hope you all enjoy!!
part one
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it had been only a few days ever since you overheard loki speak with thor about you. you had moved into your new room and you were comfortable. but even then, you wouldn’t and couldn’t lie to yourself and say you didn’t miss him to death.
you sat up on your bed, unable to sleep yet again tonight. you found yourself reminiscing of all those things he did that you mistook for habits. your hand ran towards the empty pillow besides yours. you missed him like crazy, but those words of his wouldn’t leave your mind. you still couldn’t believe how he proudly admitted to playing with your feelings, and how cold he seemed. you have been distant ever since. completely ignoring his existence. you wanted nothing to do with him, and everyone could tell.
you decided something to drink could help. you stood up from your bed and left your room to find yourself something to help you relax. you walked into the kitchen and began looking for any sort of tea that could help you sleep at least a few hours tonight. you sighed in pure exhaustion as you continued to look in the dark. after a few minutes of endless searching, the lights of the kitchen suddenly switched on. you almost jumped, startled.
you turned around, ready to joke with whoever turned the light on. yet all you did was frown at the sight of loki. of the man who had just broken your heart into pieces only a few days back. you took in his appearance, his messy long hair, dressed in casual clothing, it was such a nice sight. a sight you used to adore but now only caused you pain. you sighed and turned around yet again, continuing to find yourself something soothing to drink.
loki let out a sigh behind you, walking closer. he stood by the end of the counter, as he watched your every move, confused as to why you were suddenly ignoring him.
“love?” loki called out, and goosebumps covered your skin. you hated the effect he easily had on you. you ignored his call entirely. “darling, what’s going on?” he asked, shamelessly. you almost chuckled, whilst you started to heat up water in a pot. loki sighed deeper, not understanding why you seemed so distant.
“y/n.” he said sternly, but ignored yet again. he walked closer to you, now grabbing your arm, to gain your attention. “y/n—“
“don’t touch me.” you spat at him, removing his hands off you, in both anger and sadness. he stared at you in disbelief.
“have i done something? why do you act this way towards me, love?” he asked, and you almost wanted to hit him. did he really not know? you shook your head, amazed by him.
“why do you care so much for someone you’re only having fun with, huh?” you asked, crossing your arms infront of your chest. you were tired of his lies. loki tilted his head, confused, furrowing his eyebrows.
“love, what are you—”
“anyone must be insane to believe you’d settle with me of all people.” you continued, until he seemed to have realized what you were talking about.
“you heard.”
“i heard.” you replied, drily. loki sighed deeply, before looking back into your pained eyes. you turned around yet again, to continue what you were doing.
“stop calling me that. stop talking to me as if i’m stupid.” you interrupted him. loki took a deep breath, trying to find the words to possibly calm you down.
“y/n.” he said, dropping all the nicknames all together. “you have it all wrong. believe me, i—”
“you what, loki? you love me? oh, please, you can’t think i’d actually believe that.” you laughed, turning to look at him, his expression further saddening but you couldn’t care less.
“y/n. listen to me, won’t you?” loki attempted to say, his hands trying to find their place in your waist, yet you pulled away from him again. “come back to our room. let’s talk this out.” he tried convincing you.
“i mean absolutely nothing to you, laufeyson. nothing.” you painfully admitted. “i am simply someone you can screw around with whenever you’re bored. i’m nothing more or nothing less to you.” you continued, loki shook his head, disagreeing with you.
“so i won’t burden you any longer— hell, you probably only came to look for me because you wanted someone to sleep with, didn’t you?” you finished, turning around again to continue what you came for. loki stood behind you, as if frozen in place, not knowing what to do or what to say. his hand started to reach out again, needing to feel you, to hug you and beg you to come back to him. but his pride got the best of him. he pulled his hands back and began walking away from you.
“very well.” was the last thing he said, before he walked back into his room, leaving you all alone in the kitchen.
“oh, my god.” you whispered, leaning against the counter, now trying to catch your breath. it took everything in you to not forgive him and hug him. you didn’t even realize your hands were shaking until you tried pouring the hot water into a pot, and failed. maybe it was best you didn’t drink anything that night.
“you clean up nicely.” tony remarked, as you walked into the party. you let out a small giggle, shaking your head. the avengers had planned a party, to celebrate all their recent victories. you were excited for it. it had been so long since you last spoke to loki. it was painful to say the least.
it now seemed as if he didn’t care about you anymore. you’d catch him staring at you here and there, but his eyes were not full of love like before. you could only see anger and even confusion at times.
but loki. he was suffering as he watched you from a far, being so happy without him. god, it was eating him alive. he felt insane. he couldn’t understand why you seemed to be doing so well without him. how could you? when he’s helpless without you? but he would never admit his feelings for you. he wouldn’t dare speak to you.
but even then, loki couldn’t prevent his eyes from widening at the sight of you. the sight of his woman, looking as gorgeous as ever. your beauty was intense. his jaw clenched, as he leaned against the bar, watching your every move. and you knew of this. you could feel his eyes as if they were his beloved daggers. yet your thoughts were interrupted by pietro, laying his hand on your lower waist.
loki let out a breathless, bitter chuckle. who does this boy think he is? loki grabbed his cup of whiskey and drank the entirely of it, soon ordering yet another glass, his eyes still glued to you.
“you look beautiful.” pietro whispered in your ear, and you couldn’t help but blush. it has been so long since you were last complimented on your appearance. it wasn’t even close to how loki seemed to worship you back then, but those were probably lies, right?
“are you alone tonight, darling?” pietro asked yet again. you nodded gently, looking into his eyes. he smiled widely and shook his head, leaning once again to whisper in your ear.
“not anymore.”
you giggled, softly hitting his arm. he chuckled at your loveliness and looked at the others, trying to catch up on their conversation. you grinned softly, completely oblivious to the jealous loki watching you from afar.
“lovely couple.” thor broke loki’s silence, followed by a mocking chuckle, sitting next to him at the bar. “don’t you think?” he asked, whilst ordering his own glass.
loki stayed completely quiet, not daring to look away.
“he seems to compliment her quite well...” thor continued, looking at his brother besides him. he watched as loki’s expression changed all together.
“it wouldn’t surprise me if pietro’s currently pursuing her. it’s slightly obvious.” thor interrupted loki, who seemed to be getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
“i mean, she is a gorgeous woman—”
“stop it, will you?” loki finally spoke, his hands massaging his temples in frustration. thor chuckled softly, taking a small sip of his glass, amused by his brother’s stubbornness.
“what is it?” thor said after some minutes of silence, a bit worried for his brother. loki had never acted this way. loki let out a big sigh, meeting thor’s eyes for the first time.
“i simply—“
“you’re in love with her.” thor said, shrugging his shoulders, as if it was obvious. loki widen his eyes, almost shocked. was it truly that obvious? were his feelings that apparent? can’t be… because if they were, why didn’t you notice? if they were, why were you here with pietro tonight? loki looked back at you, his eyes pained as he watched you enjoying yourself at the presence of another person that wasn’t him.
“i don’t know what it is you’re talking about.”
“won’t you stop being dishonest with yourself?” thor said, somewhat annoyed by loki’s obliviousness. loki looked at thor once again, his eyes full of confusion and sadness.
“i can tell, brother. how smitten you are with her. we all can.” thor declared, finishing his drink. he let out an exhausted sigh before continuing. “you’re the only one who still hasn’t realized it.”
“i—” loki started, his eyes going back to your figure, dancing with pietro in the dance floor. his heart sinking whenever you’d smile, his hands sweating in nervousness. “i don’t know what to do.” loki confessed, dropping his head in defeat. thor listened closely.
“I don’t know how to alleviate— i just— don’t know how to fix this.” loki shook his head, as he remembered the things he said, and how hurt you were because of him. “i haven’t got a clue on what to do to get her back.”
“mhm…” thor hummed, as if thinking before speaking up soon after. “have you ever heard of apologizing?” thor joked, earning a deadly look from the god. thor raised his arms in defense, chuckling. “i’m just saying, brother. an apology can do so much… and your confession.” thor said, loki looked at his brother, nodding his head in agreement. thor offered him a small smile, before tapping his shoulder.
“you must hurry, before you genuinely lose her.” thor finished, before walking away, leaving loki all alone. loki let out a breath, he didn’t know he was holding and nodded his head. he needed to speak to you. he needed to get you back.
he kept watching you. waiting for the perfect moment to snatch you away. yet pietro was by your side all night. it was so angering and bothersome to loki. his moment soon came though, when you excused yourself. you needed some fresh air, your social battery was already running out.
you offered smiles as you walked through the party, there were more people than you expected. you let out a thankful sigh as soon as you officially walked out of the party, towards the foyer. the air was cold. causing you to softly hug yourself, seeking warmth. you closed your eyes, finally feeling peace and enjoying the quiet. you didn’t even feel the presence of loki, before he softly spoke up.
“hiding from your date?” loki gently said, breaking the silence. you almost jumped by the sudden sound of his voice. you offered him a small smile, before going back to looking upfront, shaking your head.
“just needed some fresh air.” you simply replied, licking your dry lips. loki nodded, still keeping his place close behind you. he could smell your sweet perfume, you were wearing his favorite.
“why are you with him tonight?” loki finally asked, somewhat terrified of your answer. you looked back him, confused.
“why do you care?” you asked.
“answer me, y/n.” loki pleaded. you furrowed your eyebrows, fully turning around and facing him. you tilted your head in confusion.
“because he seems to care for me, and—”
“and i don’t?”
“w—what?” you asked, baffled by his words. “no, loki. you don’t.” you confirmed, looking deeply into his eyes. loki scoffed a grin, bewildered by your stupid response. how could you ever think like that? when he loved you so?
“you must have lost your mind.” loki mumbled, shaking his head. that stupid grin of his still plastered on his face. you bit your lip, angrily. “you know i do, y/n.”
“do i?” you asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes. “do i really? you never tell me anything, how am i supposed to be so sure of that?”
“y/n—” loki started, now walking closer to you, his hands reaching out to lay on their place on your soft cheeks, yet you pulled back from him. his eyes looked at you, shocked and hurt. “please. let me show you.” he almost begged. you sniffled, trying to decide on whether letting him touch you. after a while, you nodded.
loki placed his hands on your cheeks, his thumb softly caressing your shiny skin as he admired you. it had been so long since he had actually looked at you. so long since he had the privilege to touch you and even breathe the same air as you. he locked eyes with you once again and spoke up.
“of course i care for you. there’s absolutely no one else in this or in any universe that i care for and that matters to me more than you.” loki confessed, and you froze in place. you couldn’t believe this was happening. you couldn’t believe the words that were leaving his mouth.
“but then, why— why would you—”
“i don’t know why i’d say something like that. i truthfully— please believe me when i say that i didn’t mean any of that.” loki interrupted you, his hand softly removing a piece of hair from your face. you sighed shakily as you listened to him.
“i just don’t understand…” you whispered. “if you really care, then why would you say something like that? why wouldn’t you want to be with me?” you asked, your voice breaking mid sentence. loki felt his heart breaking into a million pieces as he watched the tears leave your eyes.
“oh, love.” loki said softly, almost in a whisper as he tried drying your endless tears. “i— i’m terrified.” loki confessed, his hands dropping gently to his sides, and stepping back from you, giving you your space. you looked at him through your watery eyes.
“of what?”
“i’m in love with you.” loki bluntly confessed. and you froze in place. he was… what? loki bit his bottom lip, his hands starting to sweat. he even looked shocked himself by his sudden confession. you could even see his chest sinking, trying to find his breath.
“i want you— i’ve wanted you for so long. i can rarely breath whenever you’re not besides me. i feel at ease by simply hearing you breathe.” loki rumbled, his hands running through his hair anxiously.
“i just— i wasn’t sure of how you felt, hell, i wasn’t sure of how i felt.” loki continued.
“loki…” you started, taking a cautious step closer to him.
“no one has ever loved me or has ever treated me the way you have and.. i am simply horrified of losing… this, by my greed. i— want more. i—”
“i love you. i— i do. there’s not a day i haven’t not loved you. i— i love you so much that it can’t even begin to be described. so much that i could and would die from it.” loki continued and yet, you couldn’t move. you just listened to his words, letting him let it all out.
“however… i don’t deserve it. i don’t deserve you. i’m aware of that.” loki said softly, so sadly it brought tears to yours eyes yet again. “how could you ever feel anything asides from hate for someone like me?” loki chuckled, and you were at the verge of tears. it hurt so bad, seeing the man you love be so insecure and overall love starved, to the point where he actually believes he’s unlovable.
“loki— listen to me, will you?” you almost whispered, closing the space between the two of you. your hands ran to his cheeks, cupping his handsome face. his pained expression pulling at your heart strings.
“i’m being selfish, y/n, i acknowledge that. but i realized i can’t live without you. my world has no meaning if you’re not in it, but i can’t— you don’t deserve this.” loki almost sobbed in your hands, closing his eyes, trying his hardest to remain strong. you couldn’t breathe by watching the man you loved so much be so vulnerable, and all for you.
“i love you.” you gently started, your thumbs stroking his soft skin. you heard as loki took a shaky breath, his hands hovering over your body, as if scared to touch you. his eyes starting to water as he looked back into your gorgeous eyes.
“i’ve loved you ever since i first laid my eyes on you.” you continued, and watched as loki closed his eyes again, a small tear leaving his eyes.
“i’m sorry.” loki apologized, already in tears and you couldn’t help but hug your gentle giant.
“i know. it’s alright.” you consoled him, your hand stroking his back lovingly as he cried in your shoulder.
“but never say or do anything that stupid ever again.” you joked, earning a small grin from loki, who only nodded desperately.
“y/n.” loki spoke, after pulling away from your hug and now looking directly into your eyes. “are—are you sure? of this? of us?” he asked insecurely, and it made you frown deeper.
“do you understand all the danger there is to being by my side? i’m not a hero, y/n, i will never be and i just— i don’t want to ruin any perception you could have of me.” loki said, his voice full of anxiety. you placed your hand in his cheek yet again, and leaned in to finally kiss your man.
you heard his breathe hitch as you placed your soft lips on top of his. you kissed loki sweetly, intending to communicate all of your feelings for him in one simple kiss. soon enough, loki finally placed his hands on your waist, comfortable and confident enough to touch you. his tongue soon entered your mouth, now fully tasting you. the kiss lasted a few minutes, and you didn’t want it to end. you didn’t know how much you loved kissing loki, until you were deprived of it for so long. you soon pulled away, resting your head on his.
“i love and want you, loki. not a perception. i want you because you’re you.” you said gently, as to comfort him. he sighed softly, only listening to what you had to say.
“i don’t know what you’ve been through, that has caused you to think like this, but you deserve all the love in this world, and i’m honored to finally give it to you.” you continued, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek, earning a shy smile from the god. “please let me continue loving you, loki laufeyson.”
loki didn’t even have to answer. he just wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you into a loving hug. you giggled softly, returning the hug. you caressed his back lovingly, as loki finally realized you were his. his woman, the love of his life. he found himself smiling knowing that his insecurities didn’t win, and here he was, hugging the love of his life. loki soon pulled away, looking into your sweet eyes.
“pietro…?” you repeated, confused.
“if he ever dares to lay his dirty hands on you again, i swear—” loki was interrupted by your laughter. he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as he heard you laugh, but this time because of him.
“i’m serious, darling. watching him shamelessly flirt with you has been torture these part few weeks. i will not stand it any longer.” loki said, shaking his head. you giggled, nodding your head.
“you deserved it.” you joked, loki smirking at your comment.
“i did.” loki said, softly pecking your lips lovingly.
“yes, i did.”
taglist <3
@dragonmurray @lokidokieokie @luringfantasy @evolvingchaoswitch @kerst666 @crimson25 @hanndotcom @kittiowolf210 @yelkmelk @princessdragon23 @valkyre9125 @saltedcoffeescotch @assembelingavenger @oreojenni @bigbaddie45 @theliability @darknights04 @ruth-is-a-koala-bear @moony-2001 @chronicallybubbly @catradora333 @wiltedflowersundertowers @mayemperess @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @andurgonnabehappy @cultish-corner @richardsamboramylove55 @robynjasp @softestqueeen @creat0r-cat @maverickroyalromanoff
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ladyelissarose · 10 months
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Summary; Miguel finds out why you’ve been too careless and reckless on missions..
Warnings: an argument between the two- its not to heavy.. mostly hurt/comfort
You had just flinched your arm away from Miguel when he had grabbed it. You cradled it close to you as he then scolded you firmly, keeping an eye on you as you refused to meet his,
“You lied. It’s not a scratch!! You broke your arm and he almost had your head!!”
You rolled your eyes at his loud words and even scoffed, even though you winced when you tried to put your arm down, trying to show it was ok- which you totally failed at doing. Nonetheless you sighed, annoyance evident in your tone,
“Ok maybe I did! But it’s not that bad-“
With one hand on his waist and the other pointing at you, he snapped,
“You disobeyed orders! You’re making close calls and I don’t like it! Yes we can get hurt on the job, but not like this when you’re making poor choices.”
Feet planted on the ground you tried to keep a steady position and look strong, taking his yelling about safety and all, but in reality you were in pain and felt lightheaded, and slowly you were growing frustrated because of it as Miguel ranted on.
“Come on niña!! (Girl) what’s the matter with you-“
Finally you’ve had enough of his mountain of a man speaking down to you as you were of course shorter… but in his eyes all he saw was you being very careless.
The pain was getting to you, making your emotions swirl out of place, hence why you screamed,
Miguel flinched a bit at your unusual behavior with him, but he couldn’t help but let his ego bark back at you with some honesty to wake your head up.
“That you could’ve been killed!! That’s the point! Do you know what kind of problems that would’ve caused? Pain or anything? Cómo puedes ser tan imprudente y no preocuparte por las consecuencias, niña terca?!” (How could you be so reckless and not care about the consequences you stubborn girl!?)
Tears of anger and pain grew in your once sun-shining eyes as you shouted back, trying to reason out your deal,
“Because I have nothing to lose ok!?? Maybe that’s why I don’t care as much!!”
Miguel was about to yell back, but your words caught him off guard. Like if someone sucker punched him.
He didn’t look so bulky or so scary anymore, when he lowered himself onto one knee to get on your level, as he reasoned with curiosity, one hand resting on your good shoulder,
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
His brown eyes showed his genuine concern for you, unlike anyone you’ve known. You wanted to keep tough and play as the fearless Spider-Woman you were, but it was made impossible when Miguel got a hold of your cheek, beckoning you silently to speak up.
So at last, you broke and confessed, like a little girl and no longer like Spider-Woman.
Letting the façades you wore tumble down through your tears, into his large hands that would catch and hold them all.
“Nothing.… that I have no one back at home.. no family to mourn me. Bury me. Cover my graves with flowers. Like if I had to put everything aside and boil it down for me- I’m… alone.”
His lips parted a bit, as his eyes searched yours, trying to find the right words to say.
It had been a while since he’s used good encouraging words while being kind, but suddenly it was like a switch that flipped in him, and almost immediately he found the words, and he patted your cheek gently as he cooed, his anger and disappointment long gone.
“You’re not alone. You have me.. and I’ll never leave you out like that. But even then I won’t ever do such.”
“Like what?”
He shrugged a bit and shyed out with his eyes everywhere but on you, mostly cause of the fear it caused him to think of you six feet under, and he knew it’d be seen on him.
“The burying thingy and all.”
‘Oh so he wouldn’t bury me then? Or what?…’
“Oh.. why?”
Disappointment was heard in your voice, and Miguel was quick to address with his eyes on you this time, wanting to show he meant it with every bone and vain in his body,
“Because Dulce, I wouldn’t ever let you die on me. You’re not allowed to die under my watch, te lo prometo.” (I promise you that.)
Shyness took over you as the realization of your craziness, thinking it was ok to give up everything of you, when you had so much to lose.. so you apologized immediately.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t know what I was thinking-“
“Shh shh sh.”
He shushed you right away, letting you know that it was ok as he added,
“It’s ok now.. you’re safe, alive, and here… No más lágrimas mi amada.” (No more tears my beloved.)
With gentle hands he cradled your face and let his thumbs wipe your tears away, refusing to let them fall.
He now wanted to see you cheered up, so he offered with the best smile he could muster.. if not the only one he showed- but just to you.
“You want ice cream after we leave the med? It’ll help with the fever you got.”
Twinkles were shining in your eyes as you replied with a nod,
He chuckled at the sight of joy beaming on you, and he then stood up to his full height and took your good hand in his, leading you out as he responded sweetly, squeezing your hand comfortingly,
“of course Dulce-“
Then with a smirk most likely painted on his face, he added,
“-ven mi shadow.” (Come my)
Miguel knew deep down he had thought the same thoughts once, but with you around and so much more? He’d rather deal with the the weight of the good and bad everyday, then leave empty.
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darkened-writer · 8 months
imagine | Star
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This is based on a TikTok by @ / hamrikaa , their art piece is so stunning and I hope I can capture the sadness and beauty of it. This imagine was also made with Mitski's 'Star' in mind, so please enjoy.
PAIRING || Astarion x Tav (reader)
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Old and withered bones, the smell of old wood, and the quiet of night as red eyes were trained on the sleeping body of Tav.
Who knew that seventy-two years could pass so quickly?
As each day passed, their body aged and aged, while he stayed still so young and bright.
Like a star.
But, the years spent together were never, ever in vain, as marriage happened, nights wrapped up in eachothers arms, gentle caresses and whispered nothings. Reassurances and soft kisses on every exposed part of skin.
He never knew how much he need to be touched in a soft manner.
He never knew how much he needed to be held.
If anyone were to tell him back before their journey that he’d find someone to live for, he would’ve laughed in their face.
Their chest rose, up and down, up and down, hoarse and shallow. Tav knew it, He knew it too, it wasn’t long before they’d pass on. It was creeping up on the two of them like a deadly darkness.
The darkness was something that he was used to, but gods, did he want to stay in the sun for as long as possible with Tav.
“My Sweet, wake up…”
Their eyes opened slowly, the muscles frail and feeble, their gaze shaky.
“Would you come with me? Just on the balcony, My Dear.”
“Isn’t it almost sunrise…?”
There was a knowing look shared, Tav’s head shaking, the most movement he’d seen from them as of late.
“No… No…”
They’re lifted up into his arms and carried promptly despite the barely strong pushing against his chest, but they give up, just leaning their head into the crook on his neck until the cool night air hits their skin, eliciting chills. The sky was subtly lighting up, so slow, and yet the pit in Tav’s stomach was heavy.
Astarion couldn’t live without them.
So, he’d go with them.
He sets them down next to him, wrapping an arm around their shoulders, pulling them in as his eyes stay focused on the colors that have started to paint the skies.
Red, Purple, Orange.
“Ideally, even when I was just a spawn, sometimes I thought about walking into the sun to end my suffering. Dissipating into the air, alone, hopeless, missing my old life.”
A beat of silence.
“But…” He looks down at Tav’s resting head, a adoring look in his apple red eyes.
“I was taught, by someone, who was my favorite little travelling companion that… life was worth living for. And, I found myself living for them. Without them, I could never… would never.. Make it another day.”
His voice wavers into the crisp morning air, the dew upon the grass and leaves of trees sending an earthy smell into the atmosphere.
“So, I cherished every single hour, minute, second, and fleeting moment with them because I knew that the day that they were set to die, I’d have no choice but to go with them.”
“Shh… let me finish, Darling.”
They let him continue.
“I’d move mountains for you to live for another century, to live for ions with me, hand in hand, watching others pass, get old, live their own lives while we continue our together but… our story– our story has come to a close, My Dear.”
His hand shifts to hold Tav’s.
“As I see it, we are a star that has burnt out. We’re tired, aren’t we?”
Tav erupts into a coughing fit, in which Astarion holds them close until they calm down.
The sun begins to rise, slowly, the beams hitting the grass as it slowly moves to cover the entirety of everything, all at once.
“I think we lived well, all things considered.”
He looks down at them, listening to them speak.
“That knife to my neck was quite the impression. And the seduction. But, I knew that all you needed was compassion.”
“You were always a wicked little thing, but your kindness knew no bounds.”
His skin began to flake, a gasp rising from his throat as he held on for dear life, cold hands grasping his lover.
“I never knew love until I met you, and I hope if there is another life after this, we may reunite and continue where we left off, My Treasure.”
A tear fell down his pale cheek, heat radiating from him as he begins to fade into the ether. His head leans down to connect with Tav’s, eyes open, looking into theirs as the last thing he wanted to see before he truly disappears, is the first thing he noticed about Tav. Their eyes.
“See you soon?”
“See you soon.”
The red is gone and now replaced by the view of an empty chair, Tav now sat alone as the sunrise graced their wrinkled skin, but nothing could ever replace the warmth of Astarion. Nothing.
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A week later, Tav’s body was discovered curled up on Astarion’s side of their shared bed, a small smile gracing their face, as if satisfied with their life, all the ups and downs, battles won and lost, blood shed and wounds patched up. All of it cultivated to a love that would transcend past their last breath.
Even a dead star can be made anew.
In another life.
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the-maw-consumes · 1 year
“Have you…ever been in love?” 
Steve blinked. That…wasn’t what he was expecting. Still, there’s only one definitive answer. 
“Yep,” he answers, popping the ‘p’. “Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year.” His mimicked gunshot doesn’t even cover how that felt, but he does it anyway. 
“Oh my god,” he hears from the other side, “She’s such a priss.”
Nancy Wheeler is a lot of things; priss, she is not. And maybe she doesn’t need him to defend her, but, still, he hums, “Turns out, not really.” 
Robin scoffs as if that’s unbelievable, and maybe it could be. Then, she asks, “Are you still in love with Nancy?”
No, is the first thought in his mind. And, well, it’s strange to think his answer would’ve been different at the beginning of the year, as much as he’d told himself he’d moved on back then. But, the months in between have just made him realize that how he feels for her has changed a lot since October. He loves her, of course he does, and he’ll never really get over her. But, he doesn’t think he’ll ever love her like he did again.
So, after a moment, he says, “No.”
Then, of course, she asks the question he’s been avoiding thinking about: “Why not?” 
There’s a lot of answers to that question, but Steve…well, he knows the one that’s most responsible, even if it’s been thrown to the back of his mind. He’s never really brought it to the light of day before—if bathroom lights could be called that. But there’s just something about this moment, sitting with Robin on a probably disgusting bathroom floor with his mind still kinda floating, that makes him feel like it’s safe here. They just went through hell—there wasn’t a better time, right?
“I think,” he starts, “it’s because I found someone who’s a little better for me.” He huffs a laugh, “It’s funny, you know? Ever since Dustin got home, he’s been saying, like, you gotta find your Suzie, you gotta find your Suzie.” 
“Wait, who’s Suzie?”
“It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure she's even real.” Steve shakes his head and kinda wishes he’d thought up a better analogy. “But that’s not really the point. Uh, the point is…I think I already found my Suzie. You know—this person is someone I didn’t even talk to in school, and I don’t know why. Maybe Tommy H. would’ve made fun of me, or I wouldn’t be…prom king. It’s stupid.” He sighs. “I mean, Dustin’s right, it’s all a bunch of bullshit anyways. I should’ve been hanging out with this person the whole time. I wish I did. I mean, they’re so cool and hilarious—I feel like, the past few months, I’ve laughed harder than I have in a long time. And they’re smart, and a dork, but so passionate—you know, they can talk on and on about so many things, it’s amazing.” Captivating, really, but the second it takes to reminisce about those moments are enough to make him realize he’s been rambling for like, minutes, and he’s gotta stop at some point. So, “They’re honestly unlike anyone I’ve ever even met before.”
Steve smiles to himself for a second, his head still feeling a little flighty—but the silence keeps dragging on beyond that. The smile falls a bit, and Steve really hopes he was careful enough with his words. He really hopes he can trust Robin if he wasn’t. 
“Robin?” Steve taps on the stall wall between them, the sound echoing through the bathroom. When the silence just gets heavier, it’s with genuine concern that he asks, “Robin, did just OD in there?” 
“No.” He breathes a sigh of relief, then hears it echoed, though weighted, from the other side. “I…am still alive.” 
Still, there’s something so heavy in her tone, and a visual confirmation that she is alive becomes essential for him. So, shuffling over to grip the wall between them, Steve slides underneath the stall and lands a little to the left of where she sits, alive and breathing. She smiles a bit.
“The floor’s disgusting.” He huffs and glances down at the sailor uniform that has (probably) seen better. “Yeah, well. I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” 
She breathes a bit of a laugh, and, at the very least, some of the heaviness is gone. Alive and breathing. 
“What do you think?” he asks her, almost intentionally vague. 
“Am I in love with Nancy Wheeler?” 
“No,” she grants. Then, very decidedly, “But, I think you’re on drugs and not thinking clearly.” 
And the look she gives him feels too significant, too weighted, and he really, really hopes he was careful because the possibility he wasn’t is starting to loom over him. He can’t argue that his mind was in stellar shape a few minutes ago, and everything she’s done since then is just working to form a pit of dread in his stomach. It feels like wishful thinking to consider that nothing she’s said has been outwardly accusing, but it’s still there.  
Why did he have to say so much? 
No, no, right. The drugs. Robin may be right, he probably wasn’t thinking clearly. And, damn it, this may not be entirely his fault but he does not want the repercussions for it. 
“Well, I think I’m thinking pretty clearly now.” Wishful thinking, it is. 
“You’re not.” Somehow, her expression feels like an echo of his own worries. “Steve,” she starts, and the dread gets worse, “you’re not thinking clearly about this. Look, you don’t even know this person—” Wait, what? “and if you did know them, like, really know them—I don’t think you’d even want to be their friend.” 
Steve blinks. That—That’s what she was talking about? How did she even know who he was talking about? He shakes his head, honestly baffled. “Wait, what? That’s not true.” 
She speaks again before he could ask what about everything he said was so revealing, “Listen to me, Steve. It’s shocked me to my core, but I like you—” Harsh. “I really like you. But I’m not like your other friends. And I’m not like Nancy Wheeler.” 
Well, Steve thought he was thinking clearly, but he is lost. Somehow, this conversation has escaped him within the span of two seconds, and the moment feels wrong to ask how they got here. But, if he’s going to take any guess at her meaning, he much prefers thinking she’s…supportive, maybe. Indifferent, even. So, he doesn’t think of the ball of dread winding through his chest, and he tries to follow what Robin may be saying. “Robin, that’s exactly why I like you.” 
And that is the truth, really. He’s never had a friend like her, if they could be considered friends. This summer has carved a small space for her in Steve’s heart, and the past few days have done numbers on expanding that space. She’s funny and smart and definitely not like Nancy Wheeler, wherever that came from. And he really doesn’t want to lose her, not right now. If they get out of this, he wants to be her friend. He wants to know her better than ice cream shifts can tell him. 
Robin scoffs lightly as if that’s not what she needed to believe him. “Do you remember what I said about Click’s class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?”
“Yeah?” He nods slightly. 
“It isn’t because I had a crush on you,” she says, slowly, as if a plea to make him understand. He doesn’t. “It’s because…” she continues, hesitant in her words, and he desperately wants to know how to make this better because his heart breaks for the expression she has. Then, quickly, like ripping off a bandaid, “...she wouldn’t stop staring at you.” 
He blinks. “Mrs. Click?” 
A breath of a laugh at that, but her eyes plant themselves on the wall. She clarifies, almost resigned, “Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But…she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair.” She looks back at him, with watery eyes. “And I didn’t understand because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor and you would ask dumb questions and you were a douchebag!” She shakes her head lightly and he really is trying to understand. “And…And you didn’t even like her, and I would go home and just…scream into my pillow.”
Steve stares for a second, trying to will his brain back into place, his thoughts to something clear, because something is being said here, something important and—
The puzzle pieces click together.
“Holy shit.” 
“Holy shit,” she echoes.
Unwillingly, Steve laughs. A bark of laughter just bursting out of him because, jesus-–this entire situation is so botched. But her face falls and he immediately stops in a wave of guilt and throws himself at reassuring her. “No, no, that’s not what I meant! I didn’t mean to do that.” 
Robin looks away again, shrugs. “It’s fine.”
No, that won’t do. Steve shakes his head, vehemently, and taps her hand. “No, Robin, seriously—there’s been a huge misunderstanding here. I don’t have a crush on you.”
That makes her look back at him, eyebrows furrowed “What?”
“I think you’re awesome, Robin, and super cool and smart. I really want to be friends with you, seriously. But I wasn’t talking about you.” And Steve could stop there, but she just revealed…herself to him and he owes it to her to do the same. He knows how terrifying that is. “I was— Jesus.” He laughs again, brushes a hand down his face. And, still, knowing about her doesn’t make it any less terrifying to say it out loud. “I was talking about, um,” Like a bandaid, right? “...Eddie Munson.”
Her eyebrows seem to go to her hairline, but he celebrates the light that’s back in her eyes. “What.”
“Yeah, we uh—” There’s warmth in his cheeks. This is the first time he’s saying any of this out loud. “I don’t know how it happened, but we ran into each other one day and just started talking and…like, hit it off, super surprisingly. It’s crazy, he wasn’t even on my radar back then and now he’s—” Steve cuts himself off before he can start rambling again, rubs the back of his neck. “I really like him. I was talking about him.”
Robin grins. “Holy shit.” She shakes her head, repeats, “Holy. Shit,” enunciating, as if for good measure. He matches her grin.
“I had no idea what you were talking about.” He explains, “I mean, maybe I don’t really know Eddie, but how do you know that? And then you started talking about Mrs. Click’s…” he mimics an explosion in his head. “I thought the drugs completely fried my brain.” 
She laughs, finally, her head falling back onto the wall, and he can’t help but follow her lead. It’s a good few moments before they stop, Robin suddenly sobering to hold a hand, saying “Wait, wait, Eddie Munson? You’re hanging out with drug dealer, total nerd, band dweeb Eddie Munson?” 
“Hey, hey, I didn’t say you could criticize my taste, Miss Tammy Thompson.” 
She scoffs, sounding just a bit offended, “What’s wrong with Tammy?”
“I mean, she’s cute and all but she’s a total dud.” 
“She is not!”
. . .
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lenoraah · 9 months
𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘵𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘢
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pairing - george russell x wife!reader
summary - reader and George always been friend of a friend of a friend, but the 2022 Las Vegas GP and one night out partying with tequila changes out, they only find out until a year later
a/n - this is going to be full of dirty, dirty secrets between characters. i imagine reader to have short raven hair and, weirdly specifically, a tattoo of angel wings with a heart in between them on her chest. but of course the hair color won’t be black and the tattoo might be mentioned…. also reader’s best friend is Daniel Ricciardo and she will have another best friend (who will be named Anastasia) because I need another character and I’m to lazy to add another driver who fits the vibe 🥴 idk, this is so random :) p.s not proofread
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
“Look what I found!”
Daniel sing-songs happily as he enters the room. He clutches a leather covered book in his hands as a shit-eating grin covers his face.
“What did you find now Daniel?” Y/n sighs as she smiles a little at the excitement in her best friend’s eyes.
“A photo album that someone has been hiding.” Daniel glances at Anastasia who shrugs and sticks her tongue out.
George walks in with a three cups of coffee in his hands just as Daniel is about to open his mouth and the book.
“Hi Georgie,” Stassie teases as George hands her the steaming cup of caffeine.
The Brit rolls his eyes and hands Daniel his coffee next.
“Hi George,” Y/n makes her appearance known and George jumps in surprise.
“Hi Y/n,” George says as a tinted pink color covers his cheeks. “Sorry, I would gotten you coffee too if someone would’ve told me you were here.”
George narrow his eyes at Daniel who scoffs.
“Here, you can have my cup.” Daniel hands his cup to Y/n who glances at George and then smiles sheepishly as she takes it.
“Yeah it’s not like he needs it anyway, he’s all sunshine and rainbows.” Ana snort laughs and George smiles little.
Daniel rolls his eyes and sits down at the armchair next to him.
“Let’s see what’s in here,” The Australian opens the book and raises an eyebrow at the first photo.
“What? What is it?” Ana leans over and tries to take a look but Daniel pulls away, leaning to the other side of the chair.
“It’s you,” Daniel can’t help but start laughing uncontrollably as he flips the album to show George and Y/n.
The picture is of Anastasia as a toddler with a party hat on her head of strawberry blonde hair and frosting covering her hands and body.
Ana screeches reaching for the book but Daniel only keeps laughing as he keeps looking over the book.
The find pictures of George and Daniel in racing gear and with helmets too big for their heads. Y/n and Ana doing baby antics like putting their foot in their mouth or throwing food around with a toothless grin on their face.
“Uh, woah, what is this?” Daniel’s face scrunches together as he pulls the book closer to his face.
“What? What is it?” Anastasia leans over to read and her jaw drops the moment she sees the document in the album.
“What is it?” George and Y/n both tug their brows together and all four of their eyes widen when they like in the realization of the information of the paper in front of them.
“The two of you of married?”
“Uh huh, yep, thank you.”
Anastasia sighs and places her phone on the table before she sits down.
“So? What is it? Are we married or not.” Y/n nudges at Anastasia’s elbow and bounces in her seat.
“Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, you are the Mrs Russell.”
George and Y/n share a look and Daniel and Stassie can only open their mouths in wonder before closing them.
It was a mistake. They could barely remember stumbling into the church and having the drunkest smiles on their faces as they said yes.
The feelings and emotions were hidden for so long until finally their intrusive thoughts finally took over; at a church, in Las Vegas while they were both drunk.
“What’s the next step?” Daniel asks quietly.
“Uh, I think it’s time we talk it out.” George ushers both Daniel and Anastasia out the door.
The two both sigh once their friends leave and they are left alone.
George glances at Y/n’s form. She looks out at the window with her knees brought up to her chest. Her tattoo is visible through her lavender tank top.
“I love you, you know?” George kneels down in front of Y/n and takes her hands in his.
“I know and I love you too. But we both knew that eventually that is we were going to have to talk about it.” The y/h/c smiles sheepishly as her tries to avoid George’s eyes.
“I know, and we’ll figure it out. Because you’re my wife, ring or no ring.”
“Well, a ring wouldn’t be that bad.” Y/n mumbles and George laughs.
“Yeah, we’ll make it work.”
five years later-
”Henry, please stop running again.”
“Mummy! Mummy, look! Daddy’s on TV.” The four year old happily grins as he points at the screen which is playing reruns of moments from the race.
“Yes, he is darling. Please sit down,” Y/n presses a kiss on her son’s head who happily obliges with his eyes glued on the TV.
Y/n sighs and runs a hand through Henry’s hair and watches as George’s post-race interview plays.
A light tug on the bottom on Y/n’s sweatpants makes her tear her attention away from watching her husband’s face on the TV screen.
The toddler wobbles in her place as she hold onto her mother’s leg for support. Y/n picks up her one year old and sets her right above her belly.
Henry turns around and faces his mother, his small hands resting on Y/n’s bump. Pippa immediately turns to face her brother who reaches up to peck his baby sister’s nose.
The toddler shrieks and giggles flapping her hands around. Y/n smiles at her children’s happiness that she can’t even notice that sound of the door opening.
Pippa leans against her mother’s chest and one of her hands press up against the heart on her mother’s chest. The toddler smiles and starts mumbling when she notices someone walk through into the living room.
“Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.” Pippa whimpers and mumbles into Y/n’s shoulder as she watches George smiles at her and places a finger on his lips.
“Sweetheart, Daddy’s not home yet.” Y/n rubs her daughter’s back and places a kiss on her head.
Pippa whines and Y/n rocks her side to side. Y/n stays like that with her daughter until she feels a pair of arms wrap around the crook between her belly and breasts.
“Woah, hi stranger.” Y/n raises an eyebrow at her husband who reaches out for his daughter with a small pout on his face.
“Daddy!” Henry runs fastest than Y/n has ever seen him run and clutches his father’s leg.
George grins while hugging both of his children and wife.
“I missed you,” He presses a kiss on Y/n’s head and a hand on her bump. “All four of you.”
“We missed you too,” Y/n rolls her eyes at her husband’s slight cheesiness. She pretends that she hates it but he knows that she loves it.
They’ve made it through everything, there is no way that they weren’t going to make everything work for the rest of forever.
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manmuncher777 · 9 months
Mornings|John Price Smut
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a/n - once again i want to say a huge thankyou for all of the love on my posts. it means a lot. i’m surprised i’ve been able to produce so much work at the moment, and it might slow down within the coming days. but PLEASE feel free to send me ideas. i love writing someone else’s thoughts.
Warnings - smut, oral fem receiving, pet names, v light overstimulation, fem reader
You hated mornings, you honestly couldn't stand them, if it were possible you would sleep all day and be awake at night. Mornings always made you feel shit, that was until you met John Price, to say he made them a little bit better would be an understatement.
So there he was. 8:37 in the morning, eating you out like a starved man. Head under your white linnen covers as he gets to work. His tongue twisted and turned through your folds as your hands had a grip on his short tufts of hair. His huge hands on either sides of your hips, keeping you still in the position of his liking so he could really get his job done. See John didn't mind mornings, he didn't see anything wrong with them, his time the military always caused him to be awake super early and he didn't always sleep easy, he would often find himself staring at you in the morining, admiring you for hours while you slept, he would watch your chest raise and fall with every breath, always checking you were real, and that you were ok.
soemtimes he didn't want to take his eyes off of you incase you might dissapear and leave his grasp forver
He knew how much you hated mornings, so sometimes John liked to give you something nice to wake up to. The fact that he enjoyed it as well was just a bonus.
"John, Fuck!" you moaned out as your back arched off of the bed, your voice strained as it was the first time it was being used that morning. The goosebumps rising on your skin caused you whole body to shiver, the pleasure tingling all the way up your spine
he was completely under the covers, his hands on either sides of your hips using them as anchors to pull himself further into your pussy, his nose bumping your clit with each movement. Everything was so intense, feeling all of this at once as soon as you had woken up had tears already springing in your eyes.
John had you sprawled out on the bed, legs draped over his shoulders as your hair is all over place and your hands searching for something to grip, the bedding beside your head wasn’t cutting it. That was the only negative of John being under the s was that could couldn’t pull on his hair, something you enjoyed. And so did he.
You also didn’t get to have his gorgeous eyes staring up at you while he ate you like he was your last meal, it made the moment that much better
You take all your concentration into sitting up far enough to push the covers onto the floor, deciding you much preferred it when you would actually see your husband.
“happy to see me sweetheart?” he mocks, smirking as you feel relieved to be able to see his face
He didn’t even give you a second to respond before diving straight back in, his tongue eagerly lapping at your folds, before moving slightly further down the fuck your with his tongue and let his nose do the work on your clit, after all he knew how much you liked that. John knew everything that just made your body tick in the right way, he knew you inside out.
Your hands now happy with their new found home tugged in his dark hair causing him to groan into you, the vibrations only making the feeling more intense.
“oh God”
“not God, just John sweetheart”
If he wasn’t making you feel like your body was on fire in the best way possible, you would’ve slapped him on the back of the head for being a smart ass. But seeing as the only thing you could say was his name and a string of curses, you weren’t exactly in a position to be talking back
Your hips were grinding into his face as you could feel yourself getting closer to that point of release and he could tell too. his focussed on your clit, his tongue flicking over the bundle of never as he sucked on it. he knew it was working but the squeals you were letting out
”John- i’m so close’
“i know, i know sweetheart. cmon now, give it to me”
he needed it, he needed it just as much as you did. that thought sent you over the edge
the only thing coming from you mouth was John’s name as you sung his praise. only he could make you feel this good.
he didn’t stop, he helped you ride out your high, he wasn’t finished until he had drunk you all in and you were pushing his head from overstimulation.
“well good morning to you too” you said, after finally catching your breath
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halsteadlover · 7 months
𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Will Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: yes by anon.
• Summary: danger is always behind the corner and you learn to never let your guard down when you find yourself in a situation between life and death. Will your husband be able to save you? Will he find you in time?
• Warnings: mention of domestic violence, stab wound, blood, cursing, Will is kind of a dumbass at the beginning (what can we say? Men…)
• Word count: 5642.
• A/N: I fucking hate how this turned out bye. I’m sorry for any mistake or grammar error.
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That morning everything seemed normal.
You treated patients, cured some, discharged others and between one break and another you wasted no time going to your husband to give him a little kiss.
“What do you want eat tonight baby?” he asked. You and Will were in the doctors' break room during one of the aforementioned breaks, only the two of you in there. You were sitting on the small couch next to each other, his arm around your shoulders while you ate a bag of chips.
“Do you want to cook?”.
He looked at you for a moment and you chuckled at his expression. You both had to do a double shift that day so you knew neither of you would even want to go near the kitchen once you got back home.
“I’d like Mexican, what you think?”.
“Hell yeah! You know I never say no to Mexican food.”
He laughed at the enthusiasm you showed, meanwhile playing with strands of your hair. “Mexican it is then.”
You continued to devour the chips under your husband’s gaze who looked at you as if he had seen a mystical creature for the first time. “What? I’m hungry.” You babbled with your mouth half full.
“You don't even share with your beloved husband? So greedy.”
You glared at him before taking the last chip left in the bag and shoving it into your mouth, moaning heartily in his face. “No matter how much I love you, you know very well I don't share my food with anyone.”
He rolled his eyes, trying to hide a smile. “Wipe your mouth you pretty little bitch.”
But before you could reach for a tissue he came closer to you and licked the corner of your mouth, bursting out laughing when you pushed him away, wiping yourself with a tissue from the coffee table in front of you. “Ew Will you're disgusting!”
“Disgusting? You don't seem to complain when you take my dick in...-”
You covered his mouth with your hand before he could finish his sentence and let someone hear, feeling him smile as his eyes glistened at you. You should’ve predicted though that in true child style, he’d lick the palm of your hand.
“Will for fuck’s sake! Stop it!”.
“I can’t! God baby you're so easy to piss of,” he continued laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world. You looked at him sideways before wiping your hand on his white coat. “C’mon give me a kiss now, come on.”
He wrapped his arms around your hips, trying to pull you towards him to kiss you while you tried to push him away by pressing your hands on his chest.
“No! Go away!”.
You continued to fight like children until, however, that playful atmosphere was interrupted when the door opened and Maggie entered.
“Here you are! Stop acting like lovebirds and go back to work. We have two new patients, victims of a car crash.”
After quickly washing your hands you left the break room, following Will and Maggie. You and Will exchanged a look before splitting up to go to the two patients.
The patient you took into your care – whose name you found out was Amanda – was in a critical condition: fractures of the femur and humerus not to mention the small fractures in almost her entire body, a sprained arm that would’ve required a cast, an internal hemorrhage due to the rupture of the spleen.
As you and the nurses worked to stabilize Amanda as quickly as possible, you couldn't help but notice something that bothered you quite a bit.
On her lower back, around her arms, on her thighs there were bruises that were not compatible with the dynamics of the car crash and which based on their almost faded color seemed to date back to some time ago.
“Amanda, did you have another accident a few days ago?” You asked her, your voice low so the rest of the team wouldn't hear you. She looked at you with a heartbroken expression and her eyes filled with tears before shaking her head.
“I'm just very clumsy and distracted, I often fall or bump into furniture and doors.”
Her voice was shaking and your heart tightened, knowing it was a complete lie.
“Amanda… You're safe here okay? Say one word, anything and whoever did this won't hurt you again...”
“No, no, no, no,” she became agitated and her heart monitor began to beep from her rapid heartbeat. “Please don't say anything doctor… He… Please. He's a good husband, he's just a little tired and stressed lately.”
“Hey, hey, it's okay Amanda, it's okay. I'm just here to help you.” You shook her hand and she nodded weakly. “But whatever he told you, it isn’t…-”
“It’s fine just… Just cure me.” She tore her eyes away from yours, bringing them to the ceiling even if more tears continued to fall.
It was clear that Amanda was a victim of domestic violence, she was literally terrified of her husband. You felt helpless, your heart broke for her even if you couldn’t even imagine what she was going through.
You were treating that woman knowing she’d go home and her husband would start beating her again. What kind of doctor were you if you hadn't helped her?
But how could you help someone who didn't want to be helped?
You should’ve called the police, but what would you have said to them? It was your assumption even if all the bruises and healed bone fractures were evidence of physical abuse, but you knew how the police worked, they couldn't do anything if there was no complaint from the victim. And you knew if you called them, Amanda would deny everything and it’d affect her worse than it already did.
You sent Amanda to run some tests and left her room after throwing away your gloves and washing your hands. Your mind was only focused on her as you filled out her medical records so much you didn't even hear Will come closer to you until he put his hand around her waist to great you, leaving a kiss on you temple.
“Baby you okay? How is the wife?” He asked as he picked up her bastard husband's newly created medical record.
“She was in critical condition but I believe she’ll make full recovery. The husband?”.
“He was luckier, he only suffered a few bruises and small fractures. The guy must be madly in love with his wife, all he did was ask about her and say he wanted to see her.”
“I think Amanda is a victim of domestic violence, your guy isn't in love at all,” you voiced your concerns before placing your pen on the papers and looking at Will.
“You sure?”.
“She has bruises all over her body clearly from days ago and her X-Rays show old healed fractures. Not mentioning how she’s terrified of him.”
“Wow…” Will breathed out, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. “There must be an explanation…”
“Babe did you hear a word I just said? We have to help that woman. He’ll kill sooner or later.”
“Don't you think you're a little bit exaggerating a little love?” Will put his hands on your shoulders “If she doesn't tell you anything there's nothing we can do…”
“Will, he beats the shit out of her and God knows what else does to her!” You whispered/shouted with frustration. “She doesn't say anything so we let that bastard beat her?”.
“I didn’t mean that! What I was trying to say is just… Don't jump to conclusions, there must be other reasons why she must’ve gotten those bruises…”
“Oh yeah of course. She must hit herself on the side so hard she left a shoe imprint on her skin for fun. This really makes sense.” You snapped the folder close and walked away, ignoring Will who tried to call you out.
You were pissed off.
It was always the same exact story, over and over again.
How the fuck were women supposed to trust the system and report abuses when those who were part of this system didn't even believe them?
You talked to Amanda, stood by her side during her MRI and the other tests, keeping her away from her husband as much as possible.
You didn't force her to say anything, you didn't insist to let her talk about what was happening in her household. It wouldn't do her any good, you wanted her to know she had a choice, you wanted to give her as much time as possible to think about what to do.
“Whatever happened I believe you Amanda, okay? You don't have to be afraid and I'll be here to help you if you want.”
That was all you said to her about the topic and she nodded slightly before bursting into a liberating and heartbreaking cry. You stayed with her the whole time, hugging her and reassuring her that everything would be okay, that she wasn’t alone.
Yet she said nothing to you, nothing about her husband, deeply terrified of the consequences there might be.
She eventually fell asleep and you let her rest, telling the nurses to always keep an eye on her and to let you know immediately if anything happened.
“Dr. Y/Ln, Mr. Connell's X-Rays just arrived, Dr. Halstead left for another patient.” A nurse had told you as soon as you passed by their station. Your heart skipped a beat, realizing you didn’t meet Amanda’s husband yet.
You wanted so much to let him rot in hell but you couldn't, you had duties to fulfill as a doctor even if he was the most disgusting piece of shit on earth.
You took the envelope with the X-Rays and thanked the nurse before she went back helping other patients. You went to the bastard's room, taking a deep breath before entering.
You tried to hide your indignation as soon as you saw him lying on the bed, maintaining a professional and impassive expression.
“Who are you? Where is Dr. Halstead?” He asked as soon as you entered his room.
“I'm Dr. Y/Ln, he's busy at the moment.”
“My wife… Do you know where she is? How is she?”. If you hadn't seen the condition of Amanda's body you would’ve even thought he was really worried.
Son of a bitch.
You swallowed the anger that threatened to release words you’d regret and that you knew Amanda would pay the price for. “She's fine. She’s doing some tests,” you deadpanned before taking the X-Ray out of the folder. “There are no serious fractures, just a small one here on the collarbone…”
“I want to know where my wife is. Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?” He blurted out, not even letting you finish your sentence.
“Sir, as I said, she’s doing some tests. She was in quite critical condition and we’re doing our best to treat her,” you replied in a flat tone although your heart was pounding. The way he was looking at you made your skin crawl and your heart ached for Amanda and the fact she had to live with this piece of shit every single day.
“What tests is she doing?”.
“I’m sorry but I cannot discuss clinical details of other patients with other people.”
He looked at you angrily. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m her husband! I have the right to know how my wife is doing!”.
“Mr Connell I’m just trying to do my job. I just came here to show you your X-Rays, like…” You continued talking, holding up them again to show them to him but cut yourself off when he pulled the covers away from his body and stood up abruptly, making you take a step back in fear.
“What’s going on doctor? Why don't you want to update me on my wife's health status?” He stated through gritted teeth, taking steps towards you and looking at you menacingly. You slowly took as many steps back, your breathing quickening as fear took over you.
“Mr Connell, just go back to bed…”
“What did that filthy whore say to you?” He spat and you were about to rush to the door and run away when he violently pushed you against it, making you fall to the ground.
“What. Did. She. Say.” He grabbed your hair in a fist and pulling you back to your feet.
You squirmed to try to escape his grasp, digging your nails into his skin. “She didn't tell me anything… I don't know what you're talking about…”
He punched you in the face in response, causing you to let out a loud cry of pain as you fell to the ground again.
“Fuck,” you muttered, holding a hand to your nose and realizing you were bleeding.
In that moment you had a glimpses of what Amanda had to go through every single day of her life and you could really understand why she was so terrified of that man.
“Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about you bitch.”
You tried to get up but he grabbed your hair in a fist again and pushed you with force towards the emergency cart in the room, so violently some objects fell from it and some drawers opened.
“You piece of shit…” you spat as you tried to get up but he walked over to you and kicked you back to the ground.
It all happened quickly.
So quickly that between his attacks you didn't even have time to process what was happening. He was overpowering you and every time you tried to hit him so you could escape, he hit you back.
He pushed you on the floor, picked you up and tossed you around the room as if you were a garbage bag.
You were lying on the ground, curled up in a fetal position as you held your stomach after a painful kick to the stomach.
Your mind went to Will, wanting nothing more than your husband in that moment.
Baby please help me.
You lay down on your back in an attempt to catch some breath but a scream echoed through the room.
Your whole body froze and in an instant everything around you stopped.
What happened?
Was that scream yours?
A searing pain went through your abdomen and a warm sensation enveloped your body.
You lifted your head slightly only to realize in horror you had a pair of scissors impaled in your abdomen.
He fucking stabbed me.
You had treated hundreds of thousands of patients with stab wounds, you had always tried to reassure them, telling them you knew it hurt but everything would be fine.
But the truth was that you had no idea what your patients were feeling, the paralyzing fear, the excruciating pain, the terror of not surviving.
You don't fully know things until you go through them and in that moment, as the blood poured out of your stomach and smeared your red uniform, making it two shades darker, your body paralyzed by shock, you really understood how it felt.
Your chest rose and fell quickly as you struggled to breathe properly. Tears began to fell from your eyes when you saw the man bending over you and at that precise moment you feared your time had come.
You feared you’d never see Will again, that he wouldn’t find out until you were dead.
You needed him, you wanted your husband.
Please Will I need you.
The man pulled the scissors out of your wound which started to bleed a lot more, staining the floor red.
He looked into your eyes and the coldness he showed almost shocked you. They were glassy, empty, devoid of emotions and any trace of remorse.
“When you see my beloved wife, tell her to start planning her funeral.”
Without looking back, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving you dying and immersed in a pool of your own blood.
The wound burned stingingly as you brought your trembling hands to it to try to make pressure, but in vain.
How could so much blood come out of a not so big wound?
Sounds of throbbing pain continued to escape your lips, your breathing heavy, your heart beating wildly.
You tried to move and lift yourself up but every time you ended up lying back on the ground.
You were too weak.
What you managed to do was crawl on your elbows, leaving a trail of blood on the floor with every step you made.
You raised an arm to try to open the door. Your trembling fingers even managed to wrap around the handle but the blood on them made you slip and fall to the floor again.
Your breathing was starting to slow down, as was your heartbeat. That feeling of heat that invaded your body turned into cold, forming goosebumps all over your skin.
You were tired. So incredibly tired.
You just wanted to get some sleep and rest a bit.
So you closed your eyes, not knowing if you’d open them again.
Will looked everywhere for you but couldn't find you. He even looked for you in Amanda's room who, however, had told him she hadn't seen you for some time. He thought you were avoiding him but he couldn't think you had abandoned your patients just to avoid talking to him.
“Have you seen Y/n?” He had asked Maggie as soon as he saw her walk by.
“No, but I’ll tell her to look for you as soon as I see her.”
It felt like you had disappeared off the face of the earth, he knew you’d never have left without warning unless it was an emergency.
He tried to page you so many times, to call you on your cell phone but nothing, he received no answer. His mind tried not to immediately think something bad had happened, he couldn't even imagine it, but it was all he could think about at that moment since no one seemed to have seen you for a while.
He thought you might’ve gone to talk to Amanda's husband, knowing you would’ve tried to confront him. So he went towards Jack’s room but he stopped in his tracks before opening the door when his feet stepped on something wet.
He lowered his gaze and looking down he soon realized with horror it was blood.
He tried to open the door carefully, his heart beating wildly as he imagined all sorts of scenarios in front of him.
The door didn't open completely, as if there was some sort of resistance on the other side, so Will tried to squeeze through the small space.
But nothing could’ve prepared him for what his eyes saw, for what he never wanted to see.
His heart stopped beating for a few seconds when his eyes fell on the unconscious figure lying on the floor and immersed in a pool of her own blood. That figure he’d never, ever wanted to see in that condition, not even in his worst nightmares. YOU.
“Oh my god Y/n!” He loudly exclaimed, immediately kneeling next to you and pressing his hands on your wound from which blood was still flowing. You didn't react, your eyes were closed, your heartbeat slow.
“Baby, wake up… Please, please, please, open your eyes.”
How long were you there? Why hadn't anyone notice this?
“Somebody help me! Hurry up!”.
“Oh shit!” The nurse who rushed there screamed, putting her hands over her mouth as soon as she saw Will kneeling down, covered in your own blood.
“Where the fuck were you?!” Will exclaimed angrily, his mind completely clouded from the anger, the confusion, from the fear of coming too late.
“Oh God… I… I gave her the patient's X-Rays… There was an emergency and… And… I-I had to leave…” she stammered, shocked.
Will gave her a murderous look that would’ve killed her on the spot if he could. He knew it wasn't her fault, just the bastard who did this to you, but he couldn't help but blame someone in that moment.
He brought his eyes back to you, only then noticing the scratches and bruises that surrounded your face.
Oh baby what did they do to you?
“I'm here love, I'm here… It's okay. You’ll be fine. Just hang on for a bit.”
One of his hands let go of your wound to check your pulse, realizing it was barely noticeable. His heart tightened in a vice as he caressed her face, staining it with your own blood.
“Please wake up, please… Don't do this to me baby, you can't… You can't… I need you…” He kept repeating, his eyes starting to glaze over with tears after yelling for help again. Dr. Crockett, who was passing by at the time, intervened immediately as soon as he realized what was happening.
“What the hell happened?!” He asked urgently as he watched the horrific scene that seemed to come out from a horror movie. “We need to take her to the OR immediately, prepare four bags of 0 neg, she's lost too much blood!”
But Will didn't let you go, he continued to stay there putting pressure on your wound and keeping his gaze fixed on you.
“Will…” Crockett murmured placing a hand on his shoulder “She'll be make it okay? She’s in good hands but you have to let me do my job, you can’t be here.”
Only then he seemed to realize Crockett was actually talking to him. He slightly nodded, reluctantly letting you go and watching as they carried you away.
He was in shock, struggling to believe what was happening was reality and not just a fucking nightmare.
He raised his now red and trembling hands and his eyes looked at them for a few moments, analyzing and carefully observing the blood he hardly struggled to believe was yours.
What the hell happened?
There was no doubt it was that bastard Jack Connell who did this to you and an anger he had never felt before ran through him.
He was furious.
Furious because he had allowed someone to hurt you, because he had failed to protect you, furious with himself because he didn’t believed you when you expressed your concern.
He was devastated.
It was all his fault.
He stayed there for he didn't know how long, looking at those hands that until recently were pressing on your wound, the same hands that until a few hours before were holding you and hugging you.
When he finally looked up around the room, he noticed what a dire, chaotic mess there was and it was clear there had been a fight before.
Only then he realized there was no trace of that bastard, that he had probably already escaped from the hospital and with the tumultuous coming and going of patients, nurses and doctors no one had even noticed him.
He took his cell phone out of his pocket, not caring he was getting blood on it, and with trembling fingers dialed Jay's number.
Jay almost had a heart attack when he heard about what happened and seeing his brother covered in blood was awful even if he knew it wasn't his. He was worried for you while trying to calm Will down. But he was still in a catalytic state so Jay stayed with him, helping him clean himself up.
Will explained to his brother it was probably Jack Connell who did it, he told him your concerns about him mentally and physically abusing his wife but that he didn't believe you.
“It's not your fault okay? I want you to understand this. It was his fault, it’s him who did this to her and I promise we’ll get him and make him pay for what he did to her, he’ll rot in prison. An attack on Y/n is an attack on all of us.” He tried to reassure Will. “She'll make it, she’s strong but she needs you now, she needs you to be by her side, I know you're scared now but you have to be strong for her, brother.”
Will was completely losing his mind while waiting for your surgery to be over, not sitting for even a minute as he paced back and forth in the waiting room, waiting at the same time some news from Jay.
When Crockett finally came out of the OR and announced the surgery had gone well and that he had managed to sew up the wound, Will couldn't help but hug him in the throes of joy and happiness.
As he walked to the ICU, he felt a weight pressing down on his shoulders, anxiety gnawing at his stomach to the point it made him feel nauseous.
His legs trembled as he approached your bed, his palms sweated, his eyes watered as he looked at you lying on that bed, unconscious.
He sat down on a chair next to you, taking one of your hands as his thumb caressed your skin. He pressed his lips on your knuckles, leaving a chaste and small kiss so light as if he was afraid of hurting you.
He sniffed when he realized a few tears had escaped his eyes, quickly wiping them away with his fingers. “I'm so sorry baby, this wasn't supposed to happen to you,” He whispered, looking at you while struggling to keep his emotions inside.
He felt terribly guilty.
It was his fault you were on that bed.
It was his fault you had to suffer.
His heart tightened as he thought about what you had to go through and he hated himself for not being able to prevent it, for not believing you.
He didn't want to think about how scared you had been, how terrified you were of dying, how many you had called for him but he didn’t come.
“I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, I'll never forgive myself,” he kept talking to you. “How can you be so beautiful even on a hospital bed? I really am a lucky bastard.”
He smiled faintly as he looked at you. “Please wake up baby, show me those beautiful eyes I fell so madly in love with… I’m begging you…”
He stood up and left a kiss on your forehead while stroking your hair at the same time before sitting back on the chair.
“I already miss you so much you know that? I'm sorry I don't tell you often how much I love you, I'm sorry I only realized now that I risked losing you how much you mean to me. Don't get me wrong I already know this, you’re one of the most important person in my life, God only knows I can't live without you... But I didn't realize how intensely and deeply you affect my life Y/n. You… Damn it…” He finished the sentence with a sigh as he tried to find the right words.
“I can't exist without you, I can't think properly, I can’t breathe, I... I’m nothing. You completed me, you always managed to fill the void I’ve always felt inside, you’ve always been that fundamental piece to complete the puzzle. Just… Please… Please don't leave me.”
There was a moment of silence, broken only by the beeps of the monitor connected to your heart. He left another kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes never leaving your sleeping face.
“I love you so much Y/n Halstead, you have no idea how much. I stop to think about our wedding day every now and then and you don't know how much money I’d pay to go back to that day and see you again in that beautiful white dress... God I would say yes to you a million more times and if we lived other lives I would say yes to you in those too because meeting you and marrying you was the best thing I've ever done in my entire life.”
“I'm so sorry…” He whispered, the words dying in his throat before he let out a silent cry, his forehead resting on the bed as he continued to silently pray.
“I heard you the first thousand times Dr Halstead…”
Will snapped his head to you, his eyes widening and almost having a heart attack when he saw you were finally awake and looking at him.
You had a small smile on your lips, trying not to chuckle as you looked at the shocked look on his face.
“Baby oh my fucking god!” He almost screamed before leaning over you and hugging you in the rush of joy and happiness. He held you tightly for an indefinite time, fearing for a moment it was a hallucination.
He let you go though when you let out a painful sigh. “Shit I'm sorry love.” He sat down again. “How are you? How are you feeling? You need something? Are you hurting? God I missed you so much.”
“The wound hurts a little but overall I'm fine...” You replied, your voice thick and hoarse. “What happened? Where is that son of a bitch? Is Amanda okay?”.
“He ran away after what… What he did to you and I called Jay, they'll catch him I promise. Amanda is okay, Jay questioned her and she told him everything, you were right about the abuse… I’m so sorry for not believing you.”
You nodded feebly, momentarily looking away from Will who kept his eyes on you with a broken look on his face, and you took a deep breath, more painful than you would’ve ever imagined.
Image after image of the attack replayed in your mind.
Of the screams no one seemed to hear.
Of the prayers to let you go.
Of his hands punching you and throwing you against the walls and objects in the room as if you were garbage.
Of his feet kicking you.
Of those scissors that had torn your skin and stabbed you.
“Oh baby.” You felt Will's thumb wipe away a tear that had slipped down your temple without you even realizing it. “C’mere.”He stood up and hugged you as best he could again, being careful this time not to hurt you. “It's okay, you're here with me now and you're safe. That piece of shit won't hurt you again I promise.”
It was as if that hug had triggered something inside you and you burst into tears, lifting your arms and encircling his chest while venting all the suppressed emotions.
“I was… I was so scared Will… T-that I wouldn't see you again…”
Will pressed his lips to your forehead, leaving a sweet and long kiss as he savored and thanked the angels for still giving the opportunity to do it.
“I know darling, I know, I can't even imagine what you went through…”
He stroked your hair, your skin marred by scratches and bruises. “It shouldn't have happened to you, I'm so sorry my love. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...” he kissed you again. “But you're safe now okay? Now you're here with me, you're safe, and unless I’ll die I'll never let you out of my sight again.”
You giggled through your tears, hugging again the man you loved more than anything else.
“I love you so much more Will Halstead, it's not your fault okay? Please always remember that, it wasn't you who did it but that son of a bitch.”
He didn't answer but held you tighter, hiding his face in the crook of your neck while your fingers ran through his fluffy hair. Your heart broke when you realized he was crying.
“Hey, hey, it's okay. You really think I would leave you? Who would’ve made your life a living hell if I died?” You tried to ease the tension. “Oh baby I love you so much.”
“I thought I lost you… When I found you there…” His words came muffled but he stopped, not even being able to finish the sentence. He didn't want to think about those horrible moments anymore, about the fear he felt, even though he knew those images would never leave his mind.
A feeling of anguish took hold of you after hearing he was the one who found you. You couldn't imagine how horrible it was to find your wife, your partner, the person you care about most, almost dying.
“Shh it’s okay,” you whispered “Look at me.”
He slightly lifted his head and if your heart wasn't broken enough already, it was in that moment. You cupped your hands over his face, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. He leaned into your touch, looking at you as if you were one of the seven wonders of the world.
“I'm here, I'll get better. It’s. Not. Your. Fault. If anything you saved me baby, if you hadn't found me I would’ve probably bled to death so stop blaming yourself okay? Do it for me.“
He nodded and you smiled before pressing your lips to his in a sweet, gentle kiss.
“I’m so sorry love I don’t want to make this about me,” he said wiping again his tears and you both chuckled.
“Yeah yeah, sure, you egocentric bastard.” You rolled your eyes and burst out laughing at the same time even if you stopped immediately after, holding your stomach. “Fuck it hurts.”
“I know you’re so funny baby but take it easy.”
Despite everything, despite the pain, the anxiety and the terror of dying, the fear of never seeing that red hair again, of never hugging him, you were so grateful for still being there. You were grateful to life for giving you another opportunity, for allowing to live, to cry again, to love.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley
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k-slla · 4 months
With You At Last
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A/N: so I wrote this last night after work. I just had one song on repeat for the whole day and for some reason it made me think of Ben.
Song used for inspiration
Word Count : ~690
Pairing : Soldier Boy x Supe!Reader
Warnings: angst, language
All mistakes are mine. Feedback is appreciated 🤍
My Masterlist
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You were there in Nicaragua, in 1984. You were there when Ben was taken from you. You were there when he was betrayed by your own team.
Actually, you couldn't say that they were your team, considering how Edgar kept you fighting from the sidelines, not putting you on the team. He did admit that you were and had always been very useful to them; you just didn't have…a certain appearance to be part of the official Payback team.
Those were his words to Ben, when he tried to get you on the team, to fight beside him. And as answer to Ben's boldness to question him and threaten to bring you to limelight, he spitefully coerced him to date the Countess for the tabloids. For showing his attitude.
And that fucking hurt. Seeing him with her on the covers of every magazine. Knowing that behind the closed doors he was yours, didn't help at all.
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You knew that simple bullets couldn’t hurt him, but then again you didn’t know what could. So when you saw Ben being dragged away from the field, you assumed the absolute worst.
Everything around you collapsed. You were kneeling on the ground, completely shattered as you saw the rest of the team fleeing from the scene, clearly unbothered by the loss of their leader. All but Swatto, but even his death meant nothing to them, as long as they got rid of Soldier Boy. Or so at least it seemed to you.
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Ben always hated the fact that you were kept in secrecy. He hated that you couldn't get the recognition that you deserved, just based on your looks.
"Who the fuck cares about our looks? " He had tried to reason with Edgar, who still wouldn’t budge, even after admitting your value to the team.
You had the power to manipulate people's perception. You were present on every battlefield beside Payback, helping them in the most useful ways with your ability. While Payback attacked, you deprived them from their physical awareness, so Ben and others could fight them without getting injured. To him, you were the one who made Payback’s conquests possible.
Ben honestly didn’t know what the fuck had happened that day. Everything went to shit in a split second. Mallory’s base was under attack and you were nowhere to be seen. And then there was nothing.
Until he woke up, restrained to some table, and about to be experimented on. For almost 40 years they held him there.
And all that kept him borderline sane during that time was you. And planning the payback for his former team. But all that was secondary next to you.
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He had never thought that he’d ever find someone who would make him want to have something meaningful in his life. Something real. Something that no one would be able to take away from him. He just wanted you.
He wasn't even sure how he was capable of loving you as much as he did. He never received any love or affection from his father. Ben was abandoned, and had been alone since childhood. But he knew he loved you, otherwise he would have forgotten you. Otherwise he would’ve already given up on everything.
He waited for the day he’d finally be free. He knew it was coming and he’d be ready for that.
Still, his hope had started to waver, and he lost himself to loneliness. Hopelessness of seeing you ever again started to take power over his love for you in his mind. And he couldn't fight back to it.
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After years of imprisonment and torture, Ben was certain that they had managed to kill him somehow. Or that he’d finally lost his sanity. He wasn't even sure which he would've preferred.
The air was knocked out of him when he saw you standing there in front of him. Even when you held him in your arms after all the years of being separated, he had a hard time believing that it was real. One kiss from you was all it took to convince him. It was real. You were real.
Finally, you had found him and he was not alone.
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Taglist: @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @deanwinchestersgirl87 @il0vebeingdelulu @alternativeprincess94
184 notes · View notes
a-heart-attack-ow · 5 months
The Arrangement. Part One
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Dust hung in the air. 
Flecks frozen in time as my breathing hitches. 
I never meant to be here. 
For things to get this far. 
The truth was, I’d done everything I could to protect my father. He’d made a lifetime of mistakes and gambled away other people’s money and fell into all the wrong crowds until, one day, he fucked over the worst family in Las Vegas. A family from old money, a family as close to royalty as they could get. The family didn’t lose much money because of my father, but even a dollar was too much for the Brock family empire. The same family that was out for blood the moment they learned their employee betrayed them. 
I was there the night they sent someone to break into my house. I’d come home earlier than normal as my night class had been canceled. I’d pulled into the driveway after getting home from University and heard the yelling the moment I stepped out of the car. I was there when I ran into the house, and found my father in the living room on his knees with a man holding a gun to his head. And it had been me who begged them to not hurt my father. I’d sworn to give them anything they wanted to spare him, but I never imagined they’d want this. 
I never imagined they’d want me standing in a wedding dress in the bedroom of the family’s only biological son. The man I’d married only three hours before. I could cry remembering how I’d gotten here. How I ended up with the 10 carat diamond black engagement ring and a wedding band with five carat diamonds embedded into the band. The ring was heavy and served as a constant reminder of who I now belonged to. A reminder of what would happen to my father if I did anything to ruin this arrangement. 
The Brock family was untouchable. They had more money than they would ever need and a massive pharmaceutical company behind them. Mr. Brock was also the CEO of 20 major hospitals in Las Vegas. On the surface they seemed nice enough, but there was something sinister that everyone who knew them couldn’t place. They’d been involved in countless scandals and always managed to avoid any of the legal trouble that had come their way. They’d been viewed as a family of kindness, faith, and pure opportunities, but when their son got into his teenage years that had changed. The Brock family’s only son had a constant place on the cover of tabloid magazines. Even now, at the age of 25 he was still constantly on the cover of the tabloids. 
The senior members of the family knew they had to do something to clean up his image. Something to switch the party boy behavior into something that reflected the family values their company preached. But I doubt anyone would’ve guessed that this was their plan for their son. 
To force him into an arranged marriage to save their reputation. 
Colby Brock…
…is my husband. 
I feel a chill move up my spine at the thought. To spare my father from murder, I had to marry the heir of the people who’d wanted him dead. The masked man had laughed in my face when I told him I would give him anything he wanted if he didn’t hurt my father. 
“I know just what I am going to do with you.”
He’d chuckled darkly, his blue eyes shining behind the black ski mask he’d been wearing. Nothing could’ve prepared me for this. I close my eyes at the thought, tears threatening to spill over. Suddenly, my wedding dress feels very hot and I need to get out of it. I reach around to the side of my dress to find the zipper of my strapless dress. The gown itself was made of the finest silk money could buy (or at least that’s why the stylist had told me), but I couldn’t bear to be in it a second longer. I shimmy out of the dress, the fabric lightly landing onto the ground. My long black hair hangs in my face as I make sure my feet can safely step out of the fabric without catching on the fabric. I make sure to slip off the high heels I’d been wearing and keep them in the pool of fabric on the floor. My bare feet find the heated wooden floors and I feel a sense of calm move over me now that the dress is off of my body. I don’t even care that I’m standing in the middle of the bedroom with only my bra and underwear on. I just care that I’m no longer in that dress. I brush the long black curls of my hair out of my face and breathe a deep sigh. For a moment I don’t feel the anxiety I’d been feeling for days, but then I hear a voice behind me that brings me back to reality in an instance. 
“Now this is a view I could get used to.” 
His voice causes me to freeze. I’d only heard that voice for the first time today. When he read off his scripted vows. I turn to face him slowly, my green eyes finding his pale blue gaze in the dark. I had been in such a rush to leave the wedding reception that I didn’t properly take in my surroundings. I knew I was standing in a bedroom, but now that I was looking at Colby, standing in the middle of a grand room, I realized how much luxury engulfed me in this moment. He is standing in the middle of his bedroom, his tux jacket hanging over his right arm and his button up shirt undone. He looks like he had fun at the reception and like he didn’t mind that I’d snuck out as quickly as I could. 
“I am sorry…”
I start faintly, a smirk spreading to his lips.
“... I should’ve gone somewhere private to change.” 
My voice sounds so small when I speak. I don’t know the man in front of me and a part of me is terrified about what will happen next. He takes two steps to the right, dropping his tuxedo jacket onto the loveseat next to his desk. The smirk never leaves his face when he does this, not even when he looks back at me. His eyes scan my body in appreciation, his approval evident in the way his eyes light up the longer he stares. 
“Well, my darling wife, what’s mine is yours. You can change wherever you like. Afterall, this is our bedroom. This is your new home, all 10,000 acres.” 
Amusement moves across his face as I study him. His words echo in my mind, I’d married into a wealthy family and now I was stuck in the middle of a large estate. I’d grown up on food stamps and in low-income housing. I didn’t even know how to exist in a place like this. He notices the way I am studying him and he chuckles. He’d been here before, in a position with a woman who was intimidated by the sheer scope of him and his lifestyle. 
“You did a good job today…”
He rasps. 
“...Wore the dress my mom picked out. Let Kris do your hair and makeup, and posed exactly as you’d been told to.  It’s like my parents picked you out of a catalog or something…”
He pauses once more, moving to sit on the edge of his loveseat. I can’t read him or what he’s thinking but I see the slightest look of frustration entering his eyes as he continues to speak. 
“...Your name is Emilia Chandler and you’ve received all A’s your whole life, got into college early and now, at 24 you’re already working on your Ph.D. in higher education. You spend weekends at local soup kitchens, help donate to children’s cancer organizations, and donate to charities that support domestic violence survivors. You’re like an American Princess Diana, but I’m not a prince Emilia and I have no intention of treating you like a princess.” 
His words fall from his lips quickly and they’re unforgiving as he gives me a moment to process what he’s just said to me. His eyes aren’t kind, but there’s an amusement in his eyes as he studies me. I hadn’t realized he’d been studying up on who I am. 
“I’m sorry if I offended you or something.”
I whisper, my eyes moving from his to the floor. He chuckles darkly at my words, his body leaning back into the fabric of the loveseat. 
“Darling, I’m not offended. You do what you’re told and we can get through this without any problems. You fuck me when asked, pop out a few kids, and pretend to be happy when we are at events or in photographs. But make no mistake, what we are is an arrangement made by people who know that a girl like you is sweet enough to make me digestible to the public.” 
No one had ever spoken to me like he was at this very moment. The rudeness and the entitlement laced into how he spoke made my blood boil but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words hurt. I knew he wasn’t happy about the situation, because who would be happy about being forced to marry a person to save the reputation of your family. Who would want this? I know that I didn’t. 
“Come here…” 
He demands from the loveseat. I feel his eyes on me, willing me to move to him. Out of compliance I do as he’s asked and move to stand in front of him, my footsteps light along the hardwood. The same smirk he’d worn before has found itself back on his face as our gazes lock once more. I don’t know when he’s taken off his undershirt but he has and now his shirtless body is on full display. I note the tattoos and his extremely toned body before moving my eyes back to his. Without asking, his hands are on either side of my hips, pulling my body down to straddle his. 
“Sam was right when he told me you were a looker. That’s all I could think when you were walking down the aisle. It makes this arranged marriage thing worth it, knowing I, at least have an attractive girl to fuck.”
The lack of kindness he’d had before, remains evident in his biting comments. He was vile, hot as hell, but vile. 
I ask as the hands that had been on my hips snake their way up my body. He pulls my waist in against his torso, our skin on skin in seconds. He chuckles at how my breathing hitches as he arranges how he wants my body to straddle his. He guides his fingertips to  reach around to undo my strapless bra. “Yes, Sam. He was my best man at the wedding.” 
With my chest now fully exposed to him, he groans. There’s a moment where I lock my eyes with his, a moment where I decide that I could just get this initial moment over with faster if I initiated something. I could feel his tension in the air around us both. He didn’t like being forced to marry, but he was going to take his situation and have fun with it. I think back to his comment about having children and feel relief at the fact that I still had my IUD. If his parents wanted grandchildren to keep the family line going, they wouldn’t be getting them anytime soon. 
The longer we look at each other I feel the tension building between us. Both of us were almost anticipating what the other was going to do. I could feel myself growing more restless the longer we looked at one-another, so I broke the tension and placed my lips against his. If he was going to make the best of this arrangement by using me then why couldn’t I do the same? My lips move slowly against his and he meets mine with equal pacing. He holds his body against mine the moment I deepen the kiss and suddenly he seems to need me like he’s been starved of physical touch his whole life. The longer we kiss the more I can’t seem to think straight. All I can think about is how I feel in the moment, how he feels against me. His skin is soft against my chest, comforting inviting all at once. Kissing him was far more pleasant than hearing him speak to me. There was a false sense of tenderness to him that had been lacking before. 
I feel his hands move to my chest, giving my breast a firm squeeze. The touch feels so good that I break the kiss and moan into the crook of his neck, unable to meet his gaze. I didn’t want to see the look of satisfaction on his face as I reacted like putty in his hands. He was molding me into what he wanted and I was shamelessly letting him. A dark chuckle passes his lips as he uses his right hand to stroke my breast, his thumb lightly tracing over my hardening nipple. His left hand moves down my torso slowly until he reaches my soaked underwear. 
“Is this all for me my darling?”
He groans into my neck, as he moves his fingertips to slide my underwear to one side. He wastes no time pumping two fingers into my aching core, the quick pace of his fingers is harsh but it feels so good. I allow a shaky breath to escape me as I breathe into his neck. I was going to cum if he kept up this pace and he knew it. 
“Such a good little wife you are…”
He groans when I dare to kiss his collar bone. He was magnetic and for whatever reason I felt this connection to him. It was purely sexual, but I enjoyed the way it made me feel. Feeling me get closer to the edge, he removes his fingers from my core, the loss making me feel empty. He pulls my hair and forces me to look at him. 
“...From this day forward you are mine…”
He practically growls the words at me, his jaw clenched as he studies me. I can’t speak when he says this, but I manage a small nod before he continues. 
“... You will never be anyone else’s.” 
Our eyes remain locked as he moves his hands to unbuckle his pants, lifting his body up enough to slide them down. He takes his boxers off at the same time as his dress pants and exposes himself to me. Completely unapologetically he smirks when I glance down at his hardened member. He’s bigger than anyone else I’ve ever had before, but I can’t help but want him inside of me as soon as possible. He wastes no time with my underwear, but instead of sliding them off he rips them off of my body. 
I’m not shocked by the aggressiveness nor am I shocked by the way that he moves his lips to mine in pure hunger. He knew what he wanted from me and he wasn’t afraid to take it. The kiss was frenzied and demanding as he deepened it, his tongue meeting mine. While he distracts my lips, his hands move my body against his, brushing his hardened cock against my slick core. He is setting my body to align with his and I brace myself to be impaled by him. I brace myself for the feeling of complete desire to overtake us both. 
He aligns himself with me with one quick thrust. A deep penetrating thrust that felt like utter perfection. My lips part as he thrusts again and again into me with quiet demand. A moan escapes my lips as he holds my body into place, his thrusts deeper and deeper. “I want to hear you say it…”
He groans into my lips. His pace was faster than it had been before. I feel like my head is spinning as he does this and I’m unsure of how I can respond to whatever he wants me to say. I didn’t think I could even form a coherent sentence. 
“...Say you’re mine and no one else’s. Say it and I might let you cum.”
There’s a veiled threat in his words, a smugness about him that told me he could feel how close I was to coming undone around his cock. A threat that told me I better verbally comply or I wouldn’t be able to release the pent up pleasure I felt. I could feel how close he was and I could tell that he needed to hear me say it, his ego would accept nothing less. 
“I am yours…”
I whimper as he thrusts into me so fast that I can hardly focus.
“... I am yours and no one else’s.”
The words fall from my lips mere seconds before he cums inside of me, his lips connecting with mine once more. He groans as his cock twitches inside of me. 
“Cum for me sweetheart.”
He rasps, giving me permission to let go. My body wastes no time responding to what he’s finally allowed me to do and it feels so good. 
Afterwards we sit on the loveseat, our chests rising and falling rapidly. We both strive to catch our breath, sitting in the silence of his room. It’s only when he guides my face to look up to his once more that he speaks one final time for the night. 
“Emilia Brock, we are going to have so much fucking fun together.”
*I have other parts in mind, please let me know if you would like to read more.*
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hybridirl · 5 months
cat & mouse.
18+ only, please!
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vi x f!thief!reader
a/n: hello everynyan!!!!!! u can call me star. so i’m finally getting around to writing fanfic again! woohoo. *** not story accurate *** i kinda wrote the last part half asleep so sorry chat if it seems a little rushed
brief summary: you steal from vi and she shows you what happens when you fuck with the wrong girl.
tw / rough, DEGRADING, strap on, use of y/n, **DUBCON**, KIDNAPPING, theft, BEATING, spitting, CHOKING, strap referred to as her penis
intentional lowercase. wont be proofread. probably won’t ever be proofread.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
she ran through the streets, her boots stomping against puddles hard. her breathing was heavy as she her haze flickered around to make sure she was getting as far away as she could. she made a sharp turn, down the alley, to the right, she thought to herself.
she took a glance down as if to make sure the bag she stole was still in hand. it was. a little smirk played at her lips. this little bandit wasn’t as rusty as she thought she was. she quickly looked behind her and saw a clear coast. her footsteps slowed and settled and she took a moment for her breath. she leaned against the brick walls of the alley, sliding down to sit. she put the bag in her lap, her fingers finding the button. she fumbled with it slightly as her hands trembled from adrenaline. her eyes widened and glistened as her fingers gently pulled the cover away.
“woah,” she gasped in awe, but only for a moment before she heard a loud thump and feeling her body fall to the ground.
when she awoke, her hands went to rub her eyes. as she moved her muscle, she found it difficult to move her arm. she tugged at it, and her eyes flickered around although they were still blurry with sleep. her wrists were bound, as were her legs she found out as she looked down.
fuck! she found herself thinking. her brows furrowed in panic. she thrashed against the restraints as her chest heaved in worry.
“h…” she started to shout, but her voice was hoarse and her throat sore. where the fuck am i? she thought desperately to herself. it was a simple room. one bed. a few decorations. someone’s home. she was tied up on a chair in someone’s home?
she didn’t have to wait for long to know whose home it was as her eyes caught a brooding figure lurking in the corner. she almost squeaked as she tried to shuffle away, but the chair and restraints held her tightly in place. she couldn’t recognize the figure considering the darkness of the room.
“please,” she found herself shakily whispering, “please, don’t hurt me.” she swallowed hard as she watched the figure shift their weight as they stepped closer and out of the dark. the moon was shy that night, the light barely reflecting off their features. she recognized the face; she had stolen from this pink haired person that day. “i’m sorry!” she gasped at recognition. “i’m sorry, i- i—“
“shut the fuck up,” her voice growled. she yelped as the woman kicked the chair over, her head banging against the floor. she groaned in pain as her head began to throb. “messed with the wrong fucking girl.” she grunted as she kicked her arm harshly, earning another cry. “you think you can fucking steal from me? who the fuck do you think you are? i’ve been in this goddamn business long than you’ve been a-fucking-live.” her foot landed on the younger woman’s stomach, knocking the air out of her. she could feel her skin stinging and blood flooded the area under, creating a dark bruise in just a few short moments. she yanked her hair back, forcing her to look up at her. “tell me what the hell your name is.”
she let her jaw drop as she tried to speak, but only groans escaped.
“ah…” she panted, tears falling out her eyes. “…y/n.”
“y/n, huh?” she growled and dropped her head harshly, making her head knock against the floor once more.
“you know what kinda shit i would’ve been in? huh?” she asked with sheer rage in her voice, slapping her face to force an answer out.
“i- i’m sorry!” she cried, shaking her head every which way. “please, stop, i’m sorry!”
“fucking girl,” she hissed, “i didn’t ask you to apologize, i asked you if you knew what kinda shit i’d be in. now, answer me.” she clenched her jaw with her hand, her cheeks squishing and puffing.
“i don’t know!” she replied with that fish face, her words coming out weird and wrong. the woman spit at her, watching her flinch and her eyes shut as the spit made contact with her eye. her eyes shut tight and her face scrunched in disgust. she thrashed her head as she tried to move out her grip. “please!”
“tell me why i should forgive you,” she growled, deep and menacing. she released her grip and circled the chair that lay on the ground like a predator.
“i don’t know,” she heaved, “please, i- i was just trying t-to survive, i’m sorry, i’m so sorry. it won’t ever happen again, you won’t ever see me again, i promise…” tears left, a faucet unable to be turned off. snot dripped from her nose and her lips swelled with blood.
“i bet you’re goddamn sorry,” the woman whispered, her eyes filled with hate as she stared into the younger woman’s. “you’re gonna pay me back. you know that? you’re gonna pay for trying to steal from me.”
she nodded slowly, whimpers leaving her throat. she bent down, lifting the chair and setting it up straight. her eyes went fuzzy as blood pressure dropped.
“i…” she breathed shakily, “…i’m sorry, i’m sorry…” her eyes fluttered, wanting to fall unconscious as her body throbbed painfully.
“i know you are.”
“i’m so sorry.”
“i said fucking know.” she raised her foot, watching as the kidnappee flinched. she chuckled almost darkly as she used the tip of her shoe to spread her thighs.
“what are you gonna do to me? whatever you want me to do i’ll do it, i promise i’ll do it, just don’t hurt—“ she cut herself off as she froze, feeling the pressure of her shoe’s sole meet her heat. she used the tip of her shoe to press against the top of her vulva, pressing against her clothed clit.
“that shuts you up? shoulda done this way before. but you deserved that shit,” she growled as she pressed her foot harder. she tried to lift herself up while she squirmed. it began to become painful, the pressure on that sensitive bud.
“please what? stop? more? does it hurt?” she mocked the younger woman’s small voice at the end, a chuckle leaving. she leaned in, her breath hitting her ear. “i’m gonna fuck you, y’know. hard. teach you a goddamn lesson.” she swallowed and squirmed a little as she watched the pink-haired woman shrug her red jacket off.
“d-don’t,” she gasped, “hurt me.”
she rolled her eyes and her belts came off easily. she dropped one and kept the other; her hands formed an almost tear drop with the belt and her arm pulled back, slapping the belt against her thighs. she screamed and looked up with these poor little eyes. the woman tugged her pants down and climbed out of her boots. she glanced at the pool of clothes.
she felt her heart race as she watched the woman.
“please,” she whimpered. she was unsure of what she wanted. this woman had just beaten her, and now she wants to have sex with her? this whiplash was hurting her brain and clouding her thoughts.
the woman pulled her shirt off. she noticed the lack of bra, her breasts perky and nipples growing erect. she broke eye contact with her breasts and they flickered to her eyes.
“your turn,” the woman growled and tugged at her shirt, tearing and ripping it to reveal her bra. “hiding from me, huh?” she reached behind her, and the young woman arched her back to give her better access. she unclasps her bra, watching as her bra fall and her breasts free from their confines. “fu—ck, yeah.” her hand cupped the young woman’s jaw and her fingers cupped her breast. her fingers tweaked a nipple while her mouth engulfed her other nipple, feeling it harden as she sucked.
“miss,” she whined a little. the woman’s gaze flickered upward just for a moment before her fingers flew to the button of y/n’s pants. she tugged them downward, along with her underwear. she wriggled a little as the cold air hit that heat between her legs.
“hell,” she mumbled and her fingers immediately went to feel. her finger pad pressed against her the young woman’s clit, causing a whine to escape from her throat.
“please, miss, i- i’m-“
“needy?” she finished her sentence while rubbing soft but tight circles on her clit. “i gotta taste you.” she tugged at the tail of the rope, freeing her legs from confinement. she pulled her lower from the chair with her ankles, a painful and uncomfortable angle as her arms outstretched behind her while her ass sat right at the edge of the chair. the older woman’s nostrils flared as she inhaled the musky scent of her cunt. “oh, shit… haven’t had any pussy for so long. forgot how… mm…” she let her voice trail as her tongue met with y/n’s clit. her fingers gently pulled back the hood of the sensitive bud to reveal the entirety of it; her tongue swirled circles around it, making her hips gently rock and her legs tremble.
“vi. say vi,” she groaned into her pussy, the vibrations making her jump.
“vi,” she whimpered, her hands clenched as her walls clenched around nothing but air. vi chuckled when she noticed, so she brought her fingers to it. she gently circled the entrance with her middle finger and slowly dipped it into her canal. she curled her finger to bump and massage her g-spot while her lips sucked at her clit. y/n moaned desperately, her back arching and her arms aching from the position.
“tha—t’s it,” vi said between a suck. her teeth gently grazed the small button and she watched her shake and tremble. she pulled away and chuckled at her needy squirms for friction. “hold on a minute, cupcake,” she teased with an evil smirk on her face. she stood up, y/n’s gaze following her as she rummaged through a nightstand. she watched as she pulled out a harness, and a dildo. a pretty damn big one. it was skin colored, matching hers, with a light pink head. it was thicker and veiny, and all y/n wanted to do was have it in her mouth.
she felt her cunt drool and her hole twitch.
vi slipped into the harness, making it tight around her waist so it bumped her clit just right.
“you’re staring, you little thief,” she growled and stepped closer and behind the chair. she unfastened the ropes, letting her arms fall free. y/n gasped with relief.
she gasped as vi picked her up with ease, tossing her to the bed as if she were a toy.
“fuck, this little cunt is begging for me,” vi laughed mockingly. “you’re so fucking horny.” she cupped y/n’s pussy and watched her squirm. she rubbed her vulva with her hand, then gave it a tight, sharp slap. she jumped and stared with a pouty face. “wha—t? you deserve a punishment for stealing from me.” she tapped the dildo against her cunt, the head of the cock tapping right against her engorged clit.
“mmf, please,” she whined, her back arching, “in me.” vi’s mouth met the space between y/n’s breasts, kissing and sucking at each side.
“be patient. lemme take a look at you.” she hissed in admiration and brought her finger to a needy nipple, rolling it between her index and thumb. she brought it back down to her hip and aimed the cock at her entrance, slowly intruding into her tightness.
“oh, god,” she found herself moaning out. “…vi.”
“that’s right,” she egged her on, “take this fucking cock.” the stretch was delicious and foreign and yet so familiar. her legs wrapped around her waist, pulling her in closer. her hips began at a steady rhythm as she found the right pace for both y/n and herself while the harness scraped against her engorged, needy clit.
but, she needed more.
and of course what she wants, she gets.
her hips increased, as did the pleasure on her clit.
“vi!” she yelped as she felt the cock pummel into her deeply, bumping and scraping her g-spot rhythmically and relentlessly. “vi, vi, vi!”
“scream my name, you fucking slut,” she growled beastly, “stupid goddamn thief.” she brought a harsh hand to her face, watching as she winced and gasped. “take it. take it. take it.” her hands wrapped around her throat, cutting off her bloodstream just slightly to her head.
her vision went a little fuzzy but her pleasure went in overdrive, seeing so many different colors and her eyes focusing and unfocusing and oh! she was cumming. hard.
she practically was sucking the dildo in, her walls contracting so harshly around it. she cried out, her arms flailing as they tried to find a place to stay. her back arches and her body shook.
“fuckin’ look at you! coming undone on my cock like the dirty little disgusting slut you are!” her hips continued, brutal and relentless until her own climax. she came hard too, riding it out desperately to ease the aching and pounding of her clit. “oh, fuck…” she panted, pulling slowly out her wetness; the dildo glistened with her desire.
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bejeweledreverie · 4 months
Where The Ocean Waves Met My Anxious Heart And Your Strong Embrace
wc: around 1.5k
warnings: reader almost drowning (as a flashback), mentions of fear of death, panic attack, written in 1st person, english is not my first language, ooc rafe?, fluff, not fully proofread
a/n: AAAA my first fic and i am not sure how to feel about it. truly hope it makes sense. comment if you want to be added to the taglist for future fics (ideally would love to put out one fic every week but we'll see how that goes ;-; )!! if you liked this, please comment and reblog <333
p.s. can't decide if the title fits this at all
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I never liked him. In fact, I want to gag anytime the name ‘Rafe Cameron’ leaves someone's mouth. He had somehow (unsurprisingly) lived up to his title in the Outer Banks, the Kook Prince. An arrogant and cocky asshole was all that he was to me.
I never really cared about the whole Pogues and Kooks thing. I was friends with both, in fact Kie, Pope, John B and JJ were some of my closest friends. Just because I live in Figure Eight, doesn’t make me better than those who live on the Cut. That is what my parents always taught me, since both of them also used to be Pogues.
But I was never gonna live it down when it came to the eldest Cameron offspring. He always calls me ‘the rip-off Kook’.
Sarah and I have been best friends since forever, but I never got along with Rafe. Ever. Even when we were kids, he always annoyed me, trying and often succeeding at pissing me off or upsetting me. 
You would think that we would’ve grown out of our childish antics as time went on, but it only got worse. We could never pass each other without sending glares or saying snarky remarks.
It’s a Friday night in late June. My family and I are at Cameron's for our annual summer barbecue. 
I had left my camera there a couple days prior after a sleepover with Sarah. As always, I was tasked to document the gathering, so I went inside to look for it.
And that is why I found myself in Rafe’s room, looking for my camera, that Sarah had left there for some unknown reason to me.
I had been in there a couple times before, but I never had the chance to check it out completely.
I was surprised to find the wall behind his bed covered in photos. Was he also into photography?
My eyes drifted to the window that overlooked the front yard of Tannyhill. 
There was soft music playing, as our families were conversing, sipping on wine and enjoying the food. My need to capture this moment became unignorable. But as I turned to grab my camera from his desk, I saw Rafe standing behind me. I flinch from his presence.
“Jesus, can you not creep upon people like that?” I say.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart,” he answers, a lazy smirk on his lips.
I roll my eyes at the nickname, turning back to the window.
“What are you doing in my room, Y/L/N?” he asks, as he moves to stand next to me.
“Came to get this,” I picked up the camera from the desk and prepared to snap the photo I was planning on taking before Rafe interrupted me.
“I find it hard to believe that you only came to take your camera, you wanted to snoop and find something to blackmail me with,” he says, jokingly accusing me with a smirk on his face.
“Oh Cameron, I have known you for over a decade, pretty sure I have enough dirt on you as it is,” I laugh slightly, as I adjust the camera settings.
“Really, because in all these years you have never used it on me.” 
“Knowledge is power, Rafael. Don’t expect me to play all of my cards out at once,” I say, zooming in a little bit on the party in the yard.
Once I’m finished taking the photos, I turn to Rafe, finding him already staring at me. I’m used to receiving glares from him, but this time his eyes held something else. An emotion I can’t describe. His gaze was intense.
Feeling a little uncomfortable, I turned to look at the photo covered wall.
“I didn’t know you were into photography,” I say, absentmindedly admiring each photo.
Rafe looks down at his shoes, nervously scratching the back of his neck.
“Yeah, I, uh, always wanted to try it and I ended up liking it a lot.”
My eyes settle on one particular photo. It’s a photo of the ocean, which appears to be right before the storm.
I look at the date in the bottom right corner and my body freezes. 
I can feel the water filling my lungs and I can hear the storm again. The fear of death clouds my brain. 
All of a sudden I’m hiccuping for breaths and I feel my legs give out.
It was supposed to be a stupid dare, but my stubbornness knows no boundaries. 
When JJ jokingly challenged me to surf in the storm, I should’ve just laughed it off, but I didn’t.
Everything was going well, until the wave threw me off the board and I was pushed underwater.
The storm had gotten stronger, so did the waves, and I could barely breathe in when I came up, as another wave pushed me below the surface. Safe to say I was drowning. 
I was so scared, but I couldn’t scream out for help. My limbs were burning from trying to stay above water and slowly I gave in. 
Suddenly, I felt strong arms wrap around me and attempt to pull me out.
Then it all went black.
I felt Rafe’s arms wrap around me to keep me from falling as I choked out a sob. It was like I was experiencing that day all over again. I couldn’t breathe properly and I was shaking like crazy.
“Hey, Y/N, hey! Look at me. You’re safe, you’re not in the water. Just breathe.”
His proximity, my almost drowning, it was too much for me. I tried to wriggle out his grip, failing, as his arms around me only tightened.
“It’s okay, you are safe. I am here.”
I finally let myself collapse into him, sobbing into his chest. He started to rub my back soothingly, while whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
The blurry images of the waves crashing still flooded my brain.
“I thought I was gonna die,” I sobbed
His arms only tightened around me hearing that sentence.
Once I was calm enough, I pulled away slightly. Rafe was already staring at me, and once again, I couldn’t describe the emotion behind his eyes. Was it pityness? Worry? Or was it care?
No, there is no way he cares about me. We hate each other. Right?
I find myself staring back into his captivating blue eyes.
And then the puzzle pieces start falling into place.
“You saved me that day,” I state, my eyes widening with the realization.
Rafe looks away, his hold on me loosening. 
Oh my god. That’s why he knew what my panic attack was about. That’s why after the accident he didn’t talk to me for weeks. Does he actually care about me?
“Rafe, why did you never tell me?” I ask, my hand on his jaw, turning his head so he looks at me.
He sighs, before getting up and walking towards his photo covered wall. He takes off the picture of the ocean from the wall and gestures to me to sit on his bed. 
“I, uh,” he starts nervously, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want things to change between us."
I sat down in front of him, waiting for him to elaborate, nervous as to where this was going.
“Y/N, no matter what happened, you were always there to call me out on my bullshit, whether that was treating my sister poorly or bullying others. You always knew how to put me in my place and I didn’t want that to change.” 
I look at him, surprised. 
The boy who pulled on my braids in elementary school, the boy who knew which buttons to push to annoy me, that same boy was now sitting in front of me telling me that I am the only thing in his life that he can count on.
He worriedly flips the photo to the other side and hands it to me. I take it and look at the writing on the back of it.
Once I read it, it didn’t take long for our lips to meet for a gentle kiss that is filled with years of pent up emotions and feelings that we didn’t know were there.
His hands are gently cupping my face, as if he was afraid I would break.
When we break apart, a little breathless and dizzy, I once again look at the inscription of the photo and I know that I have never been so sure about something in my life before. Somehow everything that had happened over the last 10 years made perfect sense. And even the accident made sense, because without it, we wouldn’t be here right now smiling shyly at each other.
On the back of the photo, in squiggly handwriting, were written 6 words.
The day I almost lost her.
@winterrrnight @h34rtsformilli
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dogwithrabies · 1 year
【★】 cws: none! sub!scara, gn reader but described as afab. slight dacryphilia igl
【☆】 the spacing looks kinda wonky augh, anyway! it's my first time actually writing something serious, so enjoy!
word count: 4.5k
Why does it have to be me?
You mentally curse Aether while taking another step forward. After all the adventures you two shared, he bailed out when Nahida asked him to accompany The Wanderer on his little solo mission. Not only that, but he also suggested your name, something along the lines of “(name) seems to be more fitting for this job than me”. They didn't even give you a notice. The news of your impromptu trip came at the last second, leaving you with only a few hours to prepare, both mentally and physically.
You’re momentarily dragged out of your thoughts as you feel your foot slip, quickly putting your hands forward and catching yourself. It takes you a second to compose yourself and keep on hiking, while your companion just looks at you with an expression of irritation and floats by you.
He insisted on taking a shortcut, cutting right through deep vegetation and saving up time. That is if you can fly. Now, he stands on top of the hill, looking down on you as you stagger to keep up.
Slowly sinking back into your thoughts, you wonder… maybe Aether saw right through your annoyed façade, scowling every time you were faced with Kunikuzushi. Sure, he was rude and sometimes unbearable- but he had such a pretty face. And pretty eyes. And soft lips.
His hair also looked so soft, you wonder how it would feel to run your hand through it, slowly combing it. Maybe even pulling and tugging on it- alas, thinking of him, your thoughts always sway in a different direction.
The wanderer folds his arms over his chest. “This place seems adequate for resting. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve already arrived at the destination. Fragile humans, always needing to rest after even a small effort.” Another not-so-subtle quip aimed at you. You stopped listening as soon as he started listing the other ways you “slowed him down”, focusing on setting up camp instead. You wished he could just shut up. Forever. But his voice sounds so heavenly, if only he wasn’t such a pain in the ass.
Unbeknownst to you, his eyes fall on your back, following your movements.
He can’t help it, really.
He’s always found himself strangely attracted to you. His gaze follows your hands as they pull and tug while setting up the tent, silently wishing they could do the same to him. He still doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was relieved when he found out Nahida choose you to accompany him. Even during previous interactions he has always secretly hoped to have your attention on him, throwing insults at you, enjoying every single glare you throw at him.
The thought of liking someone, especially if that someone is you , irks him. He has never needed anyone. Getting close to people (to humans, no less), is just asking to get betrayed again. He has seen it over and over again, relationships falling apart over the stupidest reasons, cheating and lies and whatnot. The aftermath is even more pathetic, fake sympathy when both parties are on “good terms” or the sadness of a heartbreak.
Despite finding himself starting over, leaving his life as The Balladeer behind, old habits die hard.
So he finds himself in an internal conflict between wanting you and hating you. The latter more often.
The sound of the tent opening grabs his attention- “are you coming inside or not?” you say, your head poking outside while holding the zipper down. Sighing, he takes off his hat and sits down next to you, crossed legs and staring off in the distance. He hates how soft your voice sounds when you’re not busy arguing with him. Soft breaths and defeated sighs as you pull the blanket over you both, covering his legs.
Once again, he finds his gaze falling on you, your back is facing him and your chest is heaving up and down as you breathe. He has half a mind to reach out and touch your hair, but he holds back, you’re still awake. Maybe he could wait until you fall asleep to silently satiate his wish, but the fear of getting caught is stronger. So he sinks under the blankets and settles for simply watching you sleep.
The Wanderer stirs awake, breathing softly as his eyes try to focus.
No light filters through the tent, assuming it’s still nighttime, he lays his head back on the pillow, but when trying to roll on his back, he feels his arm catch on something. That’s when he takes notice of the warm sensation of your body against his. And his arm on your waist, holding you tightly. A bit too tightly, you slightly stir in your sleep and can feel you press against him while your back arches.
He feels himself stiffening, a warm sensation down there, taking notice of how his shorts feel too tight and the tent too small. He removes his arm from your hips and tries to pull the other one from under your back, but to his utter dismay you turn, now facing him, luckily still sleeping.
Not so luckily, your arm is draped on his chest and your leg rests in between his, dangerously close to his semi-hard cock.
Sighing in defeat, his free arm on his forehead covering his eyes, he tries to fall asleep once again.
He doesn’t really need to sleep, physically speaking he does not get tired. During his fatui days, he was used to spending weeks awake on missions. It’s more for his sanity, the calm of the night allows him to organize his thoughts while resting his body. And Nahida would nag him to no end if she found out he was, once again, not sleeping in order to finish his work for her faster.
Trying not to focus on how tightly you’re holding him (or how close your leg is to where he wants you the most) holding him hostage against you, he tries distracting himself, hoping his erection dies down with his will to fight your grip.
Being the first one to wake up, quickly taking conscience of your current position, you panic slightly. You’ve never been this close to him, not that he would let you, he had such an aversion for touch, always keeping his distance.
But right now, his visage is relaxed, his usual scowl nowhere in sight, he looks beautiful.
Slowly moving your arm you reach out for his hair, slowly tucking some loose strands behind his ear, just to get a better look at his face. His eyes are closed, with that red eyeliner of his perfectly contouring his eye shape. Your eyes fall lower, his lips, rosy pink and so inviting. Sitting up and removing yourself completely from him, pulling the blanket off yourself, you turn once again.
But you’re not granted the chance to admire him more, his eyes slowly flutter awake, locking on you.
“Morning,” you murmur, voice still a bit raspy.
He doesn’t spare you a single glance, as he sits up, putting his outer layers and hat on and exiting the tent.
Oh wow, his bad attitude starts in the morning? Deciding to pay him no mind, you quickly collect your belongings and put the tent away.
“Do I not deserve a “good morning?” he hears you say sarcastically.
But he’s not listening. His mind is busy replaying the events from last night, and now, your gentle hand as you moved his hair out of his face. He’s thankful he can stand impossibly still, but he wishes he could have seen your face in that moment. What was your expression? Were you looking at him with adoration or simple curiosity toward his mechanical body? So many questions in his mind, he doesn’t even hear your steps as you stand next to him.
“Are you ignoring me?” - he huffs, interrupting you “Do you ever stop talking? It’s early morning and I don’t feel like entertaining your useless chatter.”
Just what’s the deal with him now? He starts walking away from you quickly. It takes a minute to catch up, knowing he’s going to be extra bothersome today.
This time, you are walking on a clear path, one that is actually shown on the map (unlike his shortcut), but that does not mean it’s any safer. On the contrary, the road is full of fungi, which you had to take care of- courtesy of Kunikuzushi, who apparently prefers watching you struggle instead of helping.
Today was going to be a long day.
Hearing the cool drizzling of a nearby river, you both decide to stop for a quick break.
Dropping your bag under a tree you make your way to the riverside, cooling your hands in the water, then splashing some on your face, a relieving break from the heat.
As the splashing stops, you can see the reflection of Kunikuzushi staring back at you.
Quietly whispering “hi” to try and break the tension gets you no answer from him. So you sit in silence for a few minutes before you rise on your feet, facing him, your faces a bit too close for comfort. He was standing awfully close to you, almost banging your head on the edge of his hat, he still doesn’t say a word.
“what’s deal with you today?” your tone sounding a bit irritated. You could put up with the banter, that was the norm between you two, silence just sounds wrong.
He turns on his feet, trying to put distance between you, but you quickly grab his hand stopping him from leaving. Now he’s angry, “let me go.” he spat, trying to remove himself from your grip.
“Why are you ignoring me?”
“I said let me go!” He uses his other hand to try and free himself, sometimes you forget he’s not human, but his strong grip instantly reminds you. You’re sure that’s gonna leave a mark.
He yanks your arm with an unexpected amount of strength and you lose your balance, toppling forward into his chest, taking the both of you for a fall on the ground.
Flinching as you land on top of him, you look up at him and now he looks pissed. His hands hitch towards you, but you’re faster, pinning them at his sides.
“Get. Off. Me.” he growls.
“Just answer me first,” huffing and still holding his arms down. You’re sitting in between his legs, looking at him from above, his hair disheveled and his cheeks such a cute shade of red. He could free himself from your grip at any moment, but for some reason, he’s choosing to put up a false scenario of struggling to move your arms. He stills when he notices how intensely your eyes are boring through him, he feels himself shrinking under you.
“where did all the bark in you go? giving up already?” you taunt. you just had to ruin the moment. Slowly closing the gap between your bodies, you stare at him more intently, and he swears he saw your eyes flickering between his and his lips. You remove one hand from his arm and repeat the same motion as this morning, moving his hair out of his eyes and sliding them behind his ears.
He’s so beautiful even when he’s angry, you conclude.
But by his reaction, you guess you said that out loud too. He uses his, now free, arm to grab you by the collar of your shirt and drag you closer to his face, your chests now pressed together. He slams your faces together in an attempt to kiss you, it’s messy and it’s inexperienced, teeth clanking together and all. It’s cute.
Pulling away almost instantly you glare at him, “Is this why you’ve been so pissy all morning? You just wanted a kiss?” shifting from the current position to straddling his hips.
“No, that’s not it.” you say as you feel something poking your thigh, his face a darker shade of red, “you want more.”
He moves his hips, trying to get away from the pressure but accidentally ends up brushing his hard-on further on your thigh. “That’s not true.” he winces at his own tone, it sounded winded and not as angry as he wanted.
“Liar.” your hand slides down the side of his face, now gripping his chin forcing him to keep eye contact. “At least your body is honest.” you taunt with newfound confidence. “But if that’s what you reaaally want-” “No!” he interrupts you, stopping your movements before you could even begin lifting yourself off him. “No? so you do want me.”
He looks away again, too ashamed to keep eye contact with you. “Who would’ve known, this bratty personality of yours was just you being a whore all this time.” “N-no, I’m not…!” whatever fight he had left in him disappeared as you slowly grind your hips on his erection.
You lean forward “Just say it. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.”
“Need I remind you… y-you’re the one grinding on me like a whore?” he tries to regain some decency.
“How cute. ” you cut in before he can get another word in and reconnect your lips together, gentler this time. He instantly melts into it, his hand sneaking in your hair to push your faces together even further. He whimpers in the kiss when he feels you pressing harder on his dick. Oh, he was so cute to play with, you couldn’t wait to ruin him.
Moving your hand from his face, you drag your nails on his chest, making him gasp, taking advantage of that to shove your tongue in his mouth. He licks the inside of your mouth with a tinge of desperation, his fingers pushing your head harder. Biting his lips, you break away from the kiss, panting, and a trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
“Swallow.” you say, holding his mouth open as a glob of saliva rolls off your tongue and into his.
He winces slightly but does as you say. “Good boy,” and he prays you don’t feel him twitching in his pants at the nickname. But you do, and meet his gaze with a knowing smirk.
He feels your weight pulling off from him, a look of panic in his eyes thinking you were going to leave him there, but suddenly he feels himself getting dragged up and onto your lap.
Now above you, he feels a bit of control, but that’s short-lived, the moment he feels your lips on his neck he turns into putty in your hands. Biting and licking, leaving marks that he can’t cover. Your hands slide slower, on his sides and pulling on his bow until it comes undone. You give one harsh bite and he moans, his face now nuzzled between your neck and shoulder, trying to mask his noises. Cute.
With the bow now off, you have more access to his sides, dragging your hands on his skin-tight body suit. Your touch sends shivers down his sides, the body suit doing little to nothing to numb your touch, it’s like he’s not wearing anything.
Interrupting the assault on his neck, you look in between your bodies, at his shorts. There’s a little wet spot forming at the tip, and you can see it twitching. “Can I?” you ask, pulling him from his hair to make him look at you in the eyes. He nods quickly and fails to cover the moan that escapes him as you cup his bulge. He is uncharacteristically warm all over, but especially down there.
Tugging at the sides of his shorts, he gets the memo and lifts himself up, just enough for you to slide them mid-tight. As you pull his body suit to the side, freeing his erection, he is suddenly very aware of the fact that you are, in fact, still outside, just a few meters away from the main path.
But that thought quickly gets pushed to the back of his mind as he feels your hands on him. He shivers, your gentle fingers go over his slit, gathering pre cum and sliding it all over his shaft.
His arms drape around your neck as he hides his face on you again, slowly and not so subtly taking in your smell. He is so sensitive , feeling every movement of your soft hand as you slowly jerk him off.
“F-fuck, move faster,” he speaks, muffled and hushed near your ear.
“What’s the magic word?” you continue, agonizingly slow.
Really? You’re pulling this on him now?
“...Please?” he says, even more hushed now.
Satisfied for now, you speed up your movements, alternating between sliding your tight fist over his shaft to rubbing his tip. You hear him moaning and whimpering, all muffled by your shoulder. That simply won’t do.
Your hand comes off him, pushing his back to the ground. He looks at you confused, already missing your touch on him. But then you pull his shorts completely off, spreading his legs enough for you to shimmer in between them. Pushing himself up, he looks down at you. You grab his hands and slowly move them to your head.
Grabbing his legs and dragging him closer to you, you leave a trail of kisses along his tight, stopping to leave a few bites and sucking to leave a mark before moving on to the other one. Everywhere your mouth goes it's followed by a series of dark bruises and bite marks.
He shudders as you place one kiss on his tip, before licking the precum that’s leaking out. The grip on your head tightens as your tongue darts out giving small kitten licks.
Fed up by the teasing, he pushes you forward, managing to sink in half his length before you gag. You try to push back, but his grip holds you in place. You stare at him, angry eyes meeting his. Looking down at you, he smirks before pushing your head further, your nose touching his pelvis, effectively burying himself to the hilt.
His chest heaving heavily, your warm mouth engulfs him fully, and before he’s prepared he feels your mouth bobbing up and down his length, tongue swirling and licking a prominent vein on his cock.
“F-fuck, that’s good…” he moans, unable to muffle it as both his hands are busy on your head.
His stomach churls, watching as you work hard to get him off. He jolts when he feels you pinch the inside of his thigh, twitching in your mouth as he feels his climax approaching.
“ ‘m close…” he musters out in between moans, his grip tightening on your hair. His hips move forward, slowly at first, but he speeds up, now actively fucking your throat.
He doesn’t even notice you stopped moving your head, letting him use your mouth however he pleases.
“I’m gonna-... hah! F-fuck I’m gonna cum”, his moans are now just a series of hushed “ah’s” making your heart flutter. He’s so cute when he’s desperate.
You have half a mind to edge him and make him fight for his release, but you want to see him cum. You want to see how his face crunches in pleasure. You want to be the reason he finds himself breathless.
He thrusts in you one last time before releasing, thighs clenching around your head. Warm spurts of cum shoot down your throat as you struggle to swallow it all. He holds your head in place, no intent of letting go until he feels his body go limp.
He falls with his back laying on the ground with a soft thud. Taking your mouth off his softening cock you climb on top of his body, Kissing him, he grimaces at the bitter taste of his own release. Your hands still roaming his body, one pinching his nipples through the body suit while the other reaches down in between his legs.
“ hah… mh! wait, I just finished-” he whimpers while closing his legs on your hand.
“Who said I was done with you? I haven’t gotten my fill yet.” you free your hand, getting up and rucking your pants down, and you take off your underwear too.
Kunikuzushi’s eyes immediately fall down, staring at your leaking cunt. He wants it in his mouth. He wants to be inside you, he feels his cock twitch as it starts to harden once again.
You straddle his hips, this time, sitting on his dick, slowly grinding your core on it. His hands grab your waist, dragging you closer to himself, his face looks so soft, his lips so biteable. You kiss him once again, caressing one side of his face. His fingers dig into your hips with need, you can feel him now fully hard against your thigh.
He lets out a small gasp as you grab him in your palm, aligning him with your hole.
“w-wait…” he gets cut off as you slowly sink on him. His head falls back as he lets out a guttural moan, you feel heavenly. Your insides are warm and your walls flutter around him, sending shivers down his spine.
His face is crunched up, not in pain… he just looks like he’s concentrating really hard, with fingers still gripping your sides, he looks at you with lidded eyes.
Locking eyes with him, your hips move forward. It’s the smallest movement, but it sends his head spinning in pleasure, biting his lips and trying to hold back his moans. It’s when you start bouncing on him with a rhythm that he totally loses control. Moaning with no shame, his hands now have a messy grip on whatever they can hold of you.
He looks like a mess, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his eyes are unfocused and there’s a bit of drool on the side of his mouth. Your hand slowly moves to his neck, you’re aware he doesn’t need to breathe, but squeezing his throat gets a reaction out of him anyway.
“That’s right… only I can make you feel like this,” he moans, interrupting you. “Only I can make you feel this good. Got that?”, he nods, his eyes closed shut.
Leaning down to leave more marks on his neck, you hear him whimpering right in your ears. It only spurs you on, riding him faster while he squirms and writes under you.
He doesn’t speak this time, but you can tell he’s already close. You are too, his cute little noises only fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach.
Biting on his neck, he gasps, back arching off the ground while he holds you tighter than ever. You look at how his expression changes, eyes closed with tears prickling at the sides, and then you feel him twitch and a warm sensation flood your insides. It takes him a moment, his arms slide down your sides while he catches his breath. But the moment is short-lived, you start riding him again, his eyes shoot open as he grabs you trying to stop you.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him, shoving two fingers in it. “Suck.” It’s an order, he swirls his tongue around them while sucking. He’s still so sensitive, having just finished. “mhhfm! I- ah- I can’t-” he tries speaking, but you shush him shoving your fingers in deeper making him gag.
Now tears are actively streaming down his face. God, he looks so ruined. Marks all over his neck and thighs, his body suit can partially cover some of them but the rest will be visible. He will be walking around Sumeru and everyone will know that he is yours. Only you can see him like this, only you can fuck him till he cries.
You slam harder on his cock, feeling his come from his previous orgasm leak down his shaft and onto his thighs. The noises coming from the both of you are obscene. Anyone passing by could hear you, the thought makes you clench on him. Feeling your orgasm approaching, you take your fingers out of his mouth and trap him in a kiss.
Your walls tighten around him, and moaning in his mouth you reach your climax.
Still breathing heavily, you grab his face turning it towards you, tears are still sliding down his face. You place a kiss on the corner of his eye, licking one tear away.
“You… made me swallow your spit,” he says between pants, after a minute of silence. His mind is no longer foggy, he cringes at how high his voice got when he was moaning just a few minutes ago.
“And you enjoyed it,” you say while pushing yourself up, you let his limp cock slip out of you. Leaving his lap to reach for your clothes, you can feel him boring holes in your back.
Does he want to say something…? You offer him a hand to pull him up, which he silently grabs. Pulling his shorts up and helping him redress, he looks at you with rosy cheeks and a slight pout. There are so many thoughts swirling in his head. What was it you said about him being yours…? Did you mean it? It irritated him how you seemed to move on so quickly after fucking his literal brains out.
“You know,” you begin talking, “you are much more submissive than I thought-”
“Fuck off! It’s all your fault. You make me feel all weird all the time.” he snaps back.
“Oh? Don’t tell me I'm giving you butterflies-” he slaps his hand on your mouth, “shut it.”
“and quit licking my hand it’s not gonna make me let go.”
He hears you mumble something and removes his hand. “Okay, okay. I’m not gonna make fun of you. But just so you know, I don’t do one night stands, you’re stuck with me now” You grab his face and drag it closer to you, and when he doesn’t fight back you bring your lips together once again. This one is soft, no longer spurred on by lust and need. When you break the kiss he looks at you with something akin to adoration in his eyes.
“you’re so cute. cute. cute. cute.” you repeat while peppering his whole face with kisses. He groans but lets you do as you please, a defeated look in his eyes as he hears you giggle while kissing him one final time on the lips.
While you keep nuzzling his neck, he looks up at the sky taking notice of how the sun has begun setting, sighing. He guesses Nahida will just have to wait more for her mission to get completed. But at least he has you now to keep him company.
Nahida would be happy to know he’s finally making connections with humans.
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 3,626 Summary: The reader is used to hunting solo, yet this solo hunt does not turn out quite like she had hoped. She is required to call on Dean and Sam after she is injured. Trigger Warnings: injury, firearms, blood, death. SPN level violence Requested: No A/N: I hope you enjoy this, I had fun writing it. Please let me know what you think. :)
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I let out a sigh, tossing my laptop onto the motel bed, frustrated didn’t even begin to cover it. I had spent the last several hours searching through local records, looking for any deaths that fit the profile of the ghosty murderer floating around town, but nothing lined up. I wished Sam was here, he would’ve been incredibly helpful searching for an answer. But I had split off from them a couple weeks ago, returning to solo hunts, like the old days. They had both argued with me, tried to convince me to stay with them., but I had insisted on going off on my own again. I had to prove to myself that I still could, I felt as if I was slipping into a pit of dependance and a lack of self sufficiency. 
I had spent the last six months hunting with the two Winchester boys, helping them tackle numerous cases, which was nice. However, it terrified me how comfortable I was around them, I had told myself that I wouldn’t ever get too close to someone ever again. But with them, it was too easy to fall into comfortable dependency. Especially Dean. God, Dean Winchester. His eyes could pierce my soul if I let them, they appeal to me like a siren appeals to helpless sailors. I couldn’t resist him when I was around him, causing me to make stupid choices, I went with his gut over my own and it left me feeling helpless. It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t doing anything intentionally, I just couldn’t help but fall further in love with the green eyed hunter every moment I spent with him. Which is exactly why I left, love had never come easy for me. I had lost my parents as a teenager and branched off on my own, evading the torment that would have greeted me had I gone to live with my Uncle. I never went to college, I hunted. Yet while on one of those hunts, I met Ian. Ian had been the love of my life, before he met an unfortunate end in a terrible car accident, eerily similar to the way my parents died. Death, followed me and those that I let in and loved. 
So I had sworn off love, friendship and anything else that let people into my life. That was until the two Winchesters had busted down the door to the old house, guns drawn, expecting to find me in the captivity of a werewolf den. Instead, they found me. My own weapon drawn, the body of a dead werewolf at my feet. I wish I had been recording that moment, the looks on their faces were utterly priceless. I had agreed to help them on one more hunt, that turned into three, which turned into six months worth. I was getting too comfortable and I just had to get out. That’s how I wound up alone in this motel, attempting to crack the case in this podunk town. I laid down on the musty motel bed, pushing my laptop onto the far side and leaving enough room for me to lay down. I stare at the cracks in the ceiling, following the trail they make and trying to distinguish where one starts and another one ends. Then it hits me, I have been looking in the wrong place this whole time. All of the deaths had occurred at the local bar and I had assumed it was a vengeful spirit, but what if it wasn’t? What if it was a, shit- what are they called? I grab my laptop hurriedly pulling up the lore I had been reading earlier, my eyes scanning the words quickly, skimming until I land on what I was looking for. A wraith. They had all died under mysterious circumstances, but they all had the same wound on their forehead. A small, circular incision. It had to be a wraith, but who was it? There was one bartender, he was my number one suspect. I glance at the clock, it’s not too late to go now. I ensure it is loaded with silver bullets before I tuck my gun into the holster, placing it at the small of my back and covering it with my leather jacket. I glance around my room once more making sure that I am not leaving anything behind. I send Sam a quick text, updating him as to my suspicions, he had texted me earlier in the day just checking in with me, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to keep him updated. 
The drive to the small little dive bar was short and uneventful. I checked to make sure my gun was still in place as I opened the door to the interior, the hinges in need of help judging by the loud shriek of protest they gave off as I opened it. I take in my surroundings, making note of the few people inside the bar. There were five, the bartender and four other customers not including myself. The bartender glances my way, gesturing that I can sit anywhere, he’s an unassuming man. His hair neat and well groomed, yet everything else about him is a mystery, we’ll call him blondie. I take a seat at the corner of the bar, my back to a wall and my field of view encompassing the majority of the room. 
“What can I get you?” He asks, setting a coaster down in front of me. I consider him carefully, trying to determine if he was a threat. I order a beer and a water, fully prepared to sit back and wait everyone else out. The television is the loudest sound in the bar, conversations around me hushed and sparse. Most people too focused on their drinks or the television to be deep in conversation. That’s how the next hour goes, I sip my beer and observe the people around me, watching and waiting. I pull out my phone and see a text and a missed call.
    -Missed call, 9:53 P.M. Sam Winchester 
    -10:13 P.M., From Dean Winchester- Sammy said you found a wraith? Want some backup? They can be tricky bastards. 
An unconscious smile pricks my lips, the concern in his text obvious. I respond with a brief thanks, but no thanks and send Sammy another text asking if everything is okay. 
A few of the other people in the room had left by this point, leaving just myself, the blonde man behind the bar and one other guy, who appeared to be in his mid thirties. I drained the last sip of my beer, setting the bottle down on the surface of the bar. I rolled my shoulders back, my upper back starting to ache from the lack of support provided by the stool that I had been sitting on for the last while. I am taken aback by another beer being set down in front of me, I hadn’t ordered it. The confusion must be clear on my face, because the bar tender gestures to the man a few seats away from me. “It’s from him.” Blondie says, a small smile pulling at his features, which confuses me further. I glance once more to the one other customer in the bar and I find his eyes are already fixed on me, dark and focused. 
“Thanks.” I mutter, raising my beer towards him, suspicion heavy in my voice. For whatever reason, this rubs me the wrong way. The environment in the room had changed and every bone in my body was screaming danger. My gut said this was about to get bad. 
“I figured you deserved another beer before you meet your accidental death. We knew you were a hunter from the second you pulled into town. It’s a pity, you’re too pretty to die this young. Too bad.”  His words hit me like a brick to the face, my eyes close and I take a deep breath. This was it, it wasn’t one wraith it was two. In that moment, I regretted leaving the safety of numbers. Had Sam and Dean been here, it would’ve been three to two. Not two to one, with me on the losing team. I blink once more, taking one more deep breath, the kind that makes your lungs scream from too much oxygen and I hurl my beer bottle at the bartenders head. This action buying me a few seconds, enough to get off the stool and anchor my feet on the old wooden floor. Nevertheless, it wasn’t enough. Blondie had stumbled back from the impact of my beer smacking off the side of his head, however that had given the other wraith the opportunity to close the distance between us. His fist collided with the corner of my jaw he then proceeded to throw me into the hard surface of the bar. I grunt, the sheer force that he had thrown me with enough to knock the air out of my lungs. This hunt was about to go down terribly, I could handle one wraith on my own, but two? I don’t know if I could manage to take out both of them. I can already feel the throbbing in my jaw from his blow and I am dreading how I will feel in the morning, if I make it to the morning. I rest my elbows on the bar top, using my momentum to kick my feet into his chest and send him flying backwards. I use the gap I have created to pull my gun from the waistband of my pants, aim and fire a silver bullet right between his eyes. He drops, dead weight. 
“NO! You’re going to pay for that, you bitch!” Blondie yells, his eyes trained on his friend who had just fallen, dead, to the floor of the bar. I turn to face him, my gun pointed directly at him. He snarls, his attention turned towards me. For whatever reason, I hesitate, my finger doesn’t pull the trigger and I don’t end him. A complete mistake, he closes the distance between us faster than I can comprehend and sends my gun clattering to the floor. His hands shoving me backwards, causing me to stumble and fall to the floor. It happens in a matter of seconds, seconds I cannot even process. My gun is no longer in my hands, but it is clutched in his grip. He points it towards me and fires, it hits me directly in the side. A scream leaves my lips, but I don’t have time to process what just happened because his body is now on top of mine, his anger clear and pulsating through him. My hands come up to defend my face, pushing him away with all of my strength, but he is stronger.  I wrap my fingers around his wrist, knowing what is to follow. The spike in his wrist is already extended and it is clear that he intends to send it straight through my skull. 
“Any last words?” He asks, his mouth set into a sneer, his fingers just brushing my forehead preparing to send the spike through my forehead. 
I grit my teeth, every nerve in my body screaming, adrenaline pumping and thoughts rushing through me. I laugh, bitter and cold and It catches him off guard. That slight hesitation is all I need to get the upper hand, I slide my hand up from where I was gripping his arm. I grab onto the spike extended from his wrist and wrench it backwards with all of my strength, effectively breaking it in two. His scream sends shivers down my spine, the spike still clutched tightly in my fist. I pull the knife from where I keep it hidden around my neck and drive it through his skull, much like he had intended to do to me. His full weight falls onto me and I cry out in pain, his body crushing the oxygen out of my lungs and the bullet wound in my side is throbbing like no other. I manage to slide out from underneath of him, slowly and agonizingly. I scoot myself backwards towards the wall, finally reaching it and I slump back against it. I look down at the hand I had pressed to the gun shot wound on my side and wince, it’s not a pretty sight. Crimson has soaked through the white t-shirt I was wearing, a lot of blood by the looks of it. My head is spinning, either from blood loss or the blow to the head, I wasn’t sure which one. I cover my mouth as a coughing fit wracks my body and when I pull my hand away there are traces of blood there too. Fuck. This really wasn’t good. Before I could even register what I was doing, I had pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Dean. He picks up on the second ring. 
“How’s it going sweetheart? Did you change your mind about wanting help with the wraiths?” He asks, his tone cheery, I can hear the roar of the Impala in the background and it brings a slight smile to my face. I must have remained silent for longer than I thought because Dean speaks again, his voice serious and concern flecked throughout. “Y/N, are you okay?” 
“Mmm, I took out the wraiths, but they got me good too. Any chance you’re nearby?” I groan, trying to reposition myself in such a way that I can apply better pressure to the wound in my side. I can hear the Impala accelerating, as Dean responds. “Shit. We are twenty minutes out from town, figured we’d surprise you. Where’s the bar?” I manage to give him brief directions, doing my best to recall where exactly I was. 
“I’m so tired Dean.” I whisper, the phone beginning to slip from my hand and away from my ear. 
“Hey, no, don’t do that. You don’t get to do that, you hear me? You stay with me, talk to me. I am almost there sweetheart.” He responds and I can hear the panic rising in his voice but its too late. Every breath is a battle, holding my phone to my ear is impossible. The amount of strength it requires is simply too much. I watch as it clatters to the floor, my eyes slowly blinking shut. I slump forward, the world around me fading into black. 
I vaguely notice voices, irritating voices drawing me back towards consciousness. I try my damndest to ignore them, the more I focus on them the greater the pain is flowing through my body. I hear my name being yelled, my shoulders behind jostled and my body being laid flat on a hard wooden surface. My head is placed onto something soft and I take that as permission to sleep. Yet I don’t get to do that, hands grab my face pulling me back into consciousness. 
“Y/N, hey, oh thank God, look at me Y/N.” Dean is leaning over me grim faced, his hand pressed tightly against my rips holding something against it. I wince, trying to pull his hand away but he stops me. Sam’s face swims into view as well, his hand cradling the back of my head. 
“Dean.” I sigh, my voice weak and seemingly coming from someone other than myself. “Doesn’t seem too bad, does it?” I ask, laughing slightly before grimacing from the pain that causes. His face is pale, eyes searching for the answer to my question, he doesn’t have to answer, I know it doesn’t look good. 
“Im going to get you out of here, I promise. You’re gonna be okay.” He says, lifting my shirt so he can tie the bandage around me as tight as he can. He picks me up, a yell leaving my lips in the process. I can hear him whispering reassurances and apologies as he carries me out to the Impala. It all feels like a dream, as if I am watching from above as all of this happens. I drift in and out of the darkness the entire car ride, the whole way into the motel room. Until eventually, it all fades to black once again. 
“I don’t know what else to do Sammy, the bullet went all of the way through. We stopped the bleeding and stitched her up. But that was hours ago! She still hasn’t woken back up.” Deans voice sounds nearby, anxious and completely grating on my nerves at the moment.
“Would you shut up! ‘M trying to sleep here.” I groan, the throbbing of my nerves returning like a wave of pain rushing over me. I hear a flurry of movement, before the bed sinks down next to me and I can feel a hand rest against the side of my face. I open my eyes, blinking rapidly, trying to adjust my eyes to the harsh lighting a stark comparison to the darkness of sleep I was used to. When my eyes his, he falls apart. Tears spring to his eyes and he breaks down before my very eyes. His mouth opens and closes multiple times, searching for something, anything to say. 
“Dean, Im okay.” I whisper, my voice raspy and aching in my throat. He shakes his head, his eyes still trained on my own. 
“You weren’t, we almost lost you so many times Y/N.” His words sink in slowly, understanding for his reaction lands on me in droves. 
“I’m sorry I worried you. Thank you for getting to me in time.” I reach my hand up and touch the side of his face, surprised when he leans into my touch. 
“He made the twenty minute drive into an eight minute one.” Sam says, and for the first time I realize that he’s sitting in the chair a couple of feet from the bed. I chuckle lightly, unsurprised, Dean was always able to drive way too fast when he needed to, a talent almost. 
We spend the next few hours talking, questions being thrown at me from every angle. I do my best to answer them, but exhaustion quickly settles in. Sam notices and mentions to Dean that they should let me get some sleep, there’s a slight argument over who will stay with me. Much to my surprise, Dean is insistent upon staying himself. Sam gives me a quick hug and excuses himself from the room, which leaves Dean and I alone. Oh so alone. It wasn’t the first time we had shared a room, but it felt completely different this time. An uncomfortable silence hangs between us, neither one of us wanting to be the one that breaks it. I shift my body, trying to prop myself up further in bed. A decision I regret as soon as I flex the wrong muscle and am greeted by a screaming pain in my side. I throw my head back, my mouth opening in a silent yell. Deans hands are on me in an instant, helping me settle into a more comfortable position. I give him a grateful smile and expect the silence to continue, but it doesn’t. 
“You’re never doing this again, you hear me? You’re only ever hunting with us from now on. I could’t bear it when I found you like that and I definitely couldn’t bear it if it ever happened again.” Dean says quietly, his eyes trained on the floor. I’m quiet for a minute, considering my response carefully, unsure where his words were coming from. Dean wasn’t controlling, so it wasn’t that. Concern was evident, but I didn’t think that was enough to spur him to make that declaration. 
“Dean, I am really okay. It was a bad turn of events, but I have been hunting for years on my own and I made it this far. You don’t need to worry about me, ill be-“ He cuts me off, his voice raised and his hands running through his already disheveled hair. 
“You don’t get it, do you? Ever since that night, six months ago, I have worried about you. I care about you, Y/N, so worrying comes with the territory. For a time, I thought you cared about me in that way. But then you left. You just left and I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I followed after you, not wanting something to happen to you and thank god I did.” His words leave me speechless, did he mean what I think he means? Before I can protest or respond in anyway, he’s walking over to me. He sits on the edge of the bed, leaning towards me. His hand comes to rest on the back of my neck, pulling me towards him ever so slightly. He leans in, his face nearing my own and my eyes flutter shut. His nose brushes my own, his breath causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. 
“ I love you, Y/N and nearly losing you, made me realize that I couldn’t keep that to myself any longer. Fear in the face of tragedy and all of that.” He mumbles, his lips nearly brushing against my own as he speaks. I don’t think, I just act. I close the distance and press my lips against his own, dissolving into the kiss and I can tell he does too. His warmth envelopes me entirely, his lips, his touch, everything. When I finally pull away, my head is spinning. His words rushing through my mind, over and over again. “I love you too, Dean.” I whisper, smiling gently and I press another kiss to his lips. “Fear in the face of tragedy, how poetic.” 
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