#im so asexual
elchampwon · 29 days
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Hey did you know they flirt with you on dating apps?
Wild thought. How did I not think this through
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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the-nefarious-vampire · 3 months
as an aroace, im particularly dangerous, because i wont fuck or marry. i only know how to kill.
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bluestonewings · 6 months
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ACES!!! Look at this Scientific American article!!! It makes me genuinely so happy to read. We’re making it!!!!
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yamikakyuu · 1 year
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Me every damn day
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thetisming · 7 months
the aspec experience of going 'but am i actually aspec?' and then seeing an allo and being like 'oh. okay. yeah i am. what the fuck'
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alright boys, girls, neither, both, and those in between we need to clear something up:
if someone says they are queer, they are queer.
no ifs, ands, buts, etc. they are queer.
and if they discover later that they're cishet, great, amazing, wonderful, i'm glad we gave them community when they were figuring themselves out and needed it.
no gatekeeping of queerness here, alright?
because when shit hits the fan queerphobes wont care whether you're a cis gay man who goes by he/him or a bigender aromantic pansexual who goes by it/its
so stop with the respectability politics.
we're a community, fucking act like it.
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dickandballsdotgov · 10 months
I love you he/him lesbians
I love you she/her gays
I love you "weird kids" with split dyed black and pink hair and they/it/bun in their bio
I love you boys in skirts and dresses and corsets who are still cis
I love you trans girls who love their masculine features and don't change how masculine or feminine they present
I love you trans boys who still love being feminine and hope you land the best suckerpunch on anyone who says "but isn't that just being a girl"
I love you gays who kiss their boyfriends and girlfriends and partners and joyfriends and all kinds of significant others in the hallways to flaunt that they're not straight
I love you people who wear flags and rainbows to shove your gayness or transness in people's faces
I love you straight guys who love makeup but can't wear it around your friends
I love you people who coin obscure genders and use only neo/xenopronouns(seriously y'all are so cool and I wish i could design flags half as cool as yours)
I love you all aromantic/asexual people
I love you all the people that the lgbtq+ community chooses to outcast to appease the world which would destroy us all
I hate you lgbtq+ community members who choose to attack those who are on your team in an effort to seem "normal"
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shmaroace · 8 months
"life is about sex and romance and love" wrong life is about arson
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Shout-out to all my sad gays.
Shout-out to every lesbian not from Lesbos.
Shout-out to all my bi's who are just one person.
Shout-out to all my pans who prefer to hit people with pots.
Shout-out to all my polys who are one sided.
Shout-out to all my average omnis.
Shout-out to all my aros who can barely use a nerf gun, let alone a bow.
Shout-out to all my aces who aren't athletic.
Shout-out to all my trans folk who need to get something off their chest (or don't, shout-out to y'all too).
Shout-out to all my grays who are multicolored.
Shout-out to all my demis that are whole.
Shout out to all my aspecs that are part of absolutely nothing.
Shout-out out to all my unlabeled folks who are limited by their lack of motivation.
Shout-out to all my apls with food allergies.
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Shout-out to all my heteros that are carbon copies of another hetero.
Shout-out to all my cats.
(edit) So, this ended up way more popular than I anticipated. So, here's a few more, and they're all equally bad, as you'd expect.
Shout-out to all my xenos that're native to their countries.
Shout-out to all my cis comrades that are a part of the opposition.
Shout-out to all the external Indigiqueers (this only makes sense if you know the etymology for indigenous that's my bad)
And of course,
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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happy (belated) international asexuality day to this icon of a captain 💜🤍🖤
(screenshot from ep. 1100)
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crystal963 · 2 months
Just once, just once, I want a character to go, "I don't know guys, maybe dating just isn't for me." and instead of everyone immediately going, "awww, I don't think that's the case, you just haven't met the right person." someone brings up aromantism or asexuality and the character going on a journey of self discovery.
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kickmelickme · 1 month
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purpleartrowboat · 11 months
" aro and ace people are lgbt+ as long as they're not cishet " is so stupid because like. aro/ace people can be part of the community without having to have another lgbtq+ identity if a cishet aro or cishet ace person wants to be considered queer they can?? and also if you think "aro/ace people arent opressed!!!" please. just shut up. in a society where we are literally told we need a partner to be happy, that we "just havent found the right person", that basically says love is what makes us human, that sex is what makes us human, people saying they can "fix us" or saying were broken just because we dont want romance or we dont want to fuck people??? aro/ace people are definitely othered from the "normal people"
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redysetdare · 1 year
Everytime I hear someone say "love is what makes us human"I think of that one guy who was trying to describe humanity and said humans were featherless bipedals and another guy responded to that claim by bringing in a plucked chicken saying "BEHOLD A MAN"
Like I could hold up a million animal species and say "BEHOLD A HUMAN" because they feel love. Something that isn't just a human experience.
The point being that describing a group based solely off a few features or emotions makes the definition too broad to claim that it is what makes that species said species.
Saying humans are humans cause they have no fur would include furless animals. Same with saying love is what defines humanity. Like either you think elephants don't feel love or elephants are human. Your dog doesn't actually love you or your dog is human.
You can't use vague overly broad concepts to define humans as a species. So maybe stop trying to dehumanize people for not feeling the same emotion as you in the same way you do?
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carterthefrog · 3 months
fuck romance, have you ever had a friendship where you both agree that you are the single most important person to each other? one where you feel like you are kindred souls and that you can talk to each other about literally anything because you both just get it? one where there's nothing you can say or do around them that would embarrass you even a little bit? cuz that shit is so much more powerful than romance just trust me dude
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