#in short - this fandom drama is dumb
mayhem-ensues · 8 months
It really is funny how much the Baldur's Gate 3 fandom really is just the Dragon Age fandom but again. Like, a majority of the Dragon Age fandom just up and left for another fantasy game and they decided to bring all the discourse with them.
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turqrambles · 4 months
Honestly, makes me sad that a small (well... I wouldn't say small small but like not exactly popular?) fandom space is already dealing with shipping drama because no one can handle someone being squicked out by something, especially considering I'm a fan of said ship too. Like, someone disliking and critiquing a ship you enjoy is not a personal attack, what happened to 'don't let someone live in your head rent free'? Or fucking blocking/muting/ignoring and move on? It sucks the fun out when over zealous fans are complaining about someone who's supposedly complaining their ship. It's one thing if someone is like spam trolling the tag, it's another if they're like 'yeah this one isn't for me, please dni if you like this, thanks!' And as much as I enjoy this ship, it's kinda draining to see people try to cause discourse instead of just using the sites tagging system and blocking system to make things easier on both sides, because idc if we share the same interests, if I find out someone I've been following or someone that is my follower has been sending DEATH THREATS over A SHIP you're getting your ass reported. That's never cool no matter situation and especially stupid over fucking cartoon characters.
You. You get me.
You're right and you should say it. I wish I could like the ship more but I too am just drained by all the constant drama. I also use Twitter and on Twitter we had a massive drama over there several weeks back because several artists were pr0shippers and I'm already on the side of "I'm too tired and employed to be dealing with this" without this thrown into the mix. I'm tired. I'm done. This ship could've been cute but half the time, the ship is yelling at me so I'd rather not engage.
When I heard that this drama was (supposed) caused by one singular 14 year old posting in the tags, I let out the biggest sigh because like. I'm sorry. 14 year olds are going to say dumb crap in the tags sometimes. The other word for "minor" is "kid". This is a child we're fighting about. We are sharing a space with children because that's how websites be and we need to learn not to fight with actual kids.
Instead of once more stirring the pot and making people who don't like the ship but are quiet about it uncomfortable by once more stirring the "let's debate the age gap and why it shouldn't matter" pot, what should've been done is a "hey don't engage with this user, they're saying stupid stuff in the tags" and move on, because at the end of the day, yes age gaps even between two adults will squick some people out and we should respect that some person heard the "I watched you when I was a tadpole!" line and went "nope". Some people's yuck is another person's yum, as they said ten years ago. Maybe.
In short, this could've been handled way better than flooding the damn tag with arguing. Let's just block/mute and move on.
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welcometothejianghu · 4 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 民国奇探/My Roommate is a Detective.
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My Roommate is a Detective is a 2020 drama about the Jazz Age shenanigans of a terrible OT3: a useless noodle boy, a spoiled journalist girl, and a handsome thug-turned-cop, who together solve Agatha Christie mysteries in 1920s Shanghai.
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I mean, seriously, have you ever wondered what Hercule Poirot would be like if he were a 6'2" Chinese rubber man? If he had a long-suffering sugar daddy from the wrong side of the tracks and a spunky sugar mommy who owned their shared apartment? The answer is, it would be a laugh-out-loud-funny series about a ridiculous and charming assortment of weirdos solving only slightly believable murder mysteries in charming period clothing.
This is another one of those shows where I'm kind of shocked at how not well-known it is, except I'm not, because I can see exactly the problems that keep fandom from descending on it like horny little vultures. Nonetheless, I think it's a good time that more people would enjoy if they gave it the chance. Here's five reasons why you should:
1. Equal parts smart as heck and dumb as butts
On the one hand, especially given its tone and tenor, this show has many surprisingly clever turns and thoughtful moments, carried along by some talented actors. On the other hand, [.gif of a guinea pig in a rollerskate being pushed merrily down a hallway]
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This show is not a complicated intellectual exercise. It's an action comedy about a goofy sleuth, a rich-girl reporter, and the cop who should be the straight man in this trio, except he's as much of a goober as the other two are. If the promotional tableaus are giving you real "cover of a Clue box" vibes, you've understood the kind of pastiche it's pulling off.
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The mysteries are preposterous. They're all the kind of thing that exemplify the Doyle line about how, when you've eliminated the impossible, whatever's left has got to be the answer, no matter how ding-dang improbable it may be. You know the type: tons of overly elaborate setups, unbelievably perfect timing, coincidental long-lost relatives, people hallucinating right and left. They're also very short -- most full cases take only 2-3 episodes to introduce, investigate, and resolve, even when interspersed with the larger goings-on in these weirdos' lives. The DramaWiki page for the show lists 23 separate arcs over 36 episodes, so you do the math.
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And yet, it's way more thoughtful and clever than its doofy little setup would indicate. Its attention to detail surprised me on more than one occasion. Add to that a bunch of solid performances from an ensemble of real characters, and what you get is definitely more substantive than a junk-food waste of time. You can't turn your brain off while watching it, but you sure can turn it down, and that's great.
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It also doesn't hurt that everyone is super attractive and wearing great outfits. The whole show's worth it for the wardrobes.
Fuck the haters, fuck everyone, I am going to climb right up on my little soapbox and tell you all why Bai Youning is awesome.
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She is insane. She's a troll. She's a clever little monster. Every other character's response to her is, oh my god, you are literally the worst. And she is! She has been spoiled beyond belief by her incredibly rich Crime Dad, and she has learned to leverage her uwu just a widdle girl status to get her whatever the hell she wants. She simply cannot hear it when someone says the word "no." She will look her future sister-in-law in the eye and point a loaded gun at her own head without blinking. Every ball she has is made of brass.
She's hardly perfect. During the course of the show, there are some times where her entitlement runs face-first into the brick wall of reality. She's not nearly as good at her chosen career path as she's been told (mostly by the people who get paid to tell her she's good). She's rarely prepared to deal with the consequences of her actions, especially when she can't just throw money at the problem.
So she learns, and grows, and changes. She's always going to be a stubborn bitch, but she can become a stubborn bitch with a more accurate conception of her relationship to the world around her.
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She's actually a really good romantic foil for Lu Yao, who is equally stubborn and spoiled and obnoxious as hell. It is a pure brat4brat relationship, where each one thrives on comically enraging the other. What this means, though, is that when they actually start showing one another some vulnerability, it's really sweet.
Now: I'm pretty sure that you could not have made a female character in her position that everyone did not hate, no matter how cool you made her, because that is the fate of all girls who theoretically keep the two boys from kissing. (More on that next point.) If she were less outgoing and friendly, she would've been hated for being too cold. If she were less headstrong, she would've been hated for being a pushover. If she weren't as into the boy, she would've been hated for being frigid. I know the "god forbid a woman do anything" meme is a joke, but ... man, god forbid this girl do anything. She gets a level of hate entirely disproportionate to what she's actually like. As I said with Eom Dada, it's not always sexism, but sometimes, yeah, it's sexism.
(Real talk: Her character is also fighting both how she's definitely not written as well as the boys are and how the plot sometimes needs her to be artificially stupid and jealous for Straightness Drama Reasons, so that's a legit problem on a structural level. Also, she's dubbed by someone else and the boys aren't, which gives her voice an annoying not-quite-there quality that's hard to ignore. The deck is stacked against her real hard even before she steps onscreen.)
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So here's my advice: Go into this show wanting to like her. Embrace her terribleness as a positive, intentional quality. Don't be mad at her for straightening up an endgame that was never going to be gay, even without her. Welcome her contributions to the chaos. Realize that she is exactly as entertainingly irritating as her boys are.
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Truly, this is a story of three terrible people in love. They're all just awful, and you wouldn't want to be in a room with any of them for longer than you had to. Left to right up there, Bai Youning is spoiled and self-absorbed, Lu Yao is arrogant and lazy, and Qiao Chusheng is suuuuuch a fucking cop. If you're into the kind of dynamic that can only be described OT3: You All Deserve One Another, then this one's perfect for you.
3. Do you really miss '00s queerbaiting?
Like, really? Are you just super-nostalgic for being able to see the showrunners go, ha ha, girls, we know you're watching and we know you want these cute boys to kiss, which they never will -- but what if we pretended for just this one scene??? Do you just carnally ache for that with every fiber of your being?
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Now, why am I calling the occasional really gay moments between these two gentlemen "queerbaiting" and not "bromance"? Because these moments are a) obviously intentional, b) completely sporadic, and c) never spoken of again.
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For example: There's a scene (which you can see a gifset of here) where the two of them are at a restaurant frequented by the cop, who brings a lot of ladies there on dates. When the waiter points this out, useless noodle boy says, I'm his date. The waiter looks mildly surprised by this, the cop says not to listen to his bullshit, and that's the end of it. The scene moves on. There is no further discussion of this comment. It does not affect their relationship.
That's the essence of queerbaiting: that little on-purpose nod to the homoerotic tension between the two, in a way that isn't a joke but also isn't not a joke, and either way is never going to happen. (In fact, the show is going to go out of its way to make sure that ship gets sunk, so, uh, get your fanfiction lifeboats ready for that.)
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A true queerbaiting move is something that should make a difference in a relationship, but doesn't. It should make a difference that our cop is so comfortable in the noodle boy's personal space that he invades it at will. It doesn't. It should make a difference that noodle boy keeps getting real weird every time the cop has a date with a girl. It doesn't. Those are some real romantic moves the two of them keep pulling, and then nothing comes of them.
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I had this show sold to me as being incredibly shippy, to the point of being even more so than its censored-BL contemporaries. And ... well, it is and it isn't. It has textually gayer individual moments, but it is much less pervasively gay. It's clear from the start that it's going to throw all its actual relationship points into its canon het romance. When it comes to these boys, the show is toying with you. It knows you want to see those boys smooch, just as much as it knows (and it knows you know) they're never gonna.
How you feel about this is entirely up to you -- and indeed, it may be a dealbreaker on the whole drama for you. If you are inclined to pitch a fit when your ship does not become canon, you'll be happier somewhere else. If, however, you see this as a delightful opportunity to do whatever the hell you want with the situation as it is presented, all the while enjoying little moments of startlingly blatant homoeroticism between two handsome dudes, well, here you are!
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(I mean, if you want my take on it, what needs to happen is that the cop and the girl need to fuck while the useless noodle boy watches with asexual bisexual interest, and then they all need to snuggle with the noodle boy in the middle so they can both annoy him appropriately, but your mileage may vary.)
4. The multicultural extravaganza!
1920s Shanghai had a lot going on in terms of cultures and languages, and this show actually does a fair job of representing that.
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By now, I've seen a number of shows set during this era, and they all at least acknowledge the international nature of the city -- usually by mentioning the French Concession and having a handful of evil Japanese characters. However, this is the first time I've seen a show go to such lengths to actually show so many non-Chinese characters onscreen, even to the point of making one a recurring character supporting the main squad.
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Salim is the best. Whatever he is being paid, it's not enough. He's Qiao Chusheng's right-hand man, which means he is also the dude who most often has to put up the main trio's bullshit. (The actor himself is also a dude with a pretty cool backstory, which is another great layer.) He's sharp, he's loyal, he's patient, and he looks great with his shirt off. He's got it all!
Other non-Chinese characters include a white Jewish art collector (I'd issue a warning for period-typical antisemitism, except … honestly, it's mostly just confused), a sadistic priest who maybe is supposed to be Italian, a completely different priest who [last episode spoiler], and three whole sinister white dudes behind it all.
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It's not just the world coming to China, though! A large number of the Chinese characters are said to have spent significant time outside of China, whether for business or for schooling. Near the end, when some characters are discussing moving away from Shanghai, they consider a number of foreign cities as potential destinations.
Here's a delightful detail: When Lu Yao and his sister speak English, they're dubbed by actors with posh British accents who sound like native (or near-native) English-speakers. This makes perfect sense, because both of the siblings did a lot of their schooling in the UK. When Bai Youning speaks English, she's dubbed by someone who speaks English very well but also has a noticeable Chinese accent, which makes perfect sense for her character's background. And Qiao Chusheng never speaks English at all, because he's a street tough who has no reason to know more than three words.
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...This is also kind of weird to say about something literally made in China, but go with me on it: Everything's kind of got that Art Deco Orientalist vibe to it. It looks like China's idea of what Britain's idea of China during that period would have looked like. The result comes across less like what 1920s Shanghai would actually have looked like, and more what an ad for 1920s Shanghai would have looked like. It's a fascinating aesthetic, and more so for how it's mostly pretty subtle. The show isn't some visual extravaganza, but it's always very nice to look at, and I appreciate that in a show.
5. A wonderful horrible protagonist
A lot of mystery-themed prestige television involves an asshole genius detective who gets away with being a dick to everyone because he's sooooo smart, while all his long-suffering friends and colleagues spend a lot of time doing damage control for him because, sigh, he's an asshole but we need him, genius excuses all dickhead behavior, we'll always make exceptions for him because he's just ever so special. (Watch histrionic sage hbomberguy's video on Sherlock if you're unfamiliar with the trope.)
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Lu Yao is an asshole genius detective, but one who winds up spending most of his time being an asshole to a) people who deserve it, or b) his horrible friends who will be assholes right back at him. When he is awful to the people who don't deserve it, the show smacks him pretty hard on the nose for it and makes him apologize.
This is a show where you'll figure out pretty quckly if you'll love it or hate it, because if you love Lu Yao, you'll love it, and vice versa. He carries most of the show himself, with his goofy charm and his incredibly bendy slenderman body and his ability to make the one competent person he knows both protect him and give him money.
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Like so.
For my own part, I find him intensely charming, and I think a lot of this has to do with Hu Yitian's ability to play him as an affectionately bullyable weenie who needs to get shoved in a locker for his own good. He's the worst, and it's comically endearing instead of offputting because at the end of the day, he really does have a good heart. He's just also lazy as heck and disinclined to do anything that he does not want to be doing, and really, aren't we all?
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As I alluded to in point 3, he comes across as real asexual. He's just not that interested in sex, and he is in fact pretty uncomfortable in situations where he finds himself the subject of someone else's sexual desires. He's perfectly capable of romantic feelings! I mean, not only does he get Bai Youning as a love interest, we actually meet one of his ex-girlfriends. He's just not partciularly horny about them -- which is even more noticeable as a sharp contrast to how extremely horny Qiao Chusheng is for just about everyone, but this exasperating little dork in particular.
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(Like seriously, 90% of the time, Chusheng is about to explode with sexual frustration at Lu Yao's skinny oblivious ass.)
This isn't to say you couldn't get Lu Yao into bed, because you absolutely could, and he'd probably have a good time. You'd just have to remove all distractions from the room, lest his ADHD ass wind up running off to solve a crime mid-coitus.
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Twiggy little nightmare man. Garbage-animal boy. Love him.
sidebar: A word about the ending
I'm going to be vague and talk about general vibes instead of specific events, but you should still skip this section if you want to remain completely unspoiled. Jump to the picture of Chusheng holding the sledgehammer.
Okay, so, a lot of people do not like the ending, and I'm including myself in that number. I honestly don't know if they got rushed and had to wrap everything pretty last-minute, or if they thought they might get a second season out of it and were leaving things open-ended accordingly. Either way, it's incredibly unsatisfying.
I think there's a clue that the show didn't actually want to end this way, and it's not actually in the text of the show itself. Every episode, between the last scene and the start of the credits, you get to see a couple still frames from the episode (usually some of the queerbaity ones). After the very final shot of the series, you get two images: the boys hugging goodbye, and Chusheng's upset face. That's not a resolution! That is at best a "to be continued..." ending!
But no, that's it. That's all, folks.
It's not quite an ending so bad it ruins the rest of the show, mostly because it doesn't feel finished, so it's less like you're watching a car being deliberately driven into a wall because someone thought that was the best route to take, and more like you're watching someone leave a car on the railroad tracks because they figured they'd have time to move it later.
As far as I know, there has been no noise made about a second season. These 36 episodes are the entirety of the narrative. It had the distinct misfortune to start airing in March 2020, which wasn't exactly prime time for planning sequels, and that seems to have been that. (There is a 2022 show called Checkmate that stars the two main guys in extremely similar roles, also adapting Agatha Christie stories, but it's apparently pretty meh? Somebody else who's actually seen it, go ahead and weigh in here.)
I'll say that if you turn off the episode right after Lu Yao gets out the handcuffs, you'll save yourself the worst of it the awkward and unsatisfying moments (though I'm impressed at your willpower to stop watching something five minutes from the end). That's not all of it, though. Structurally, there are several situations rushed to a resolution and loose threads left flapping untied in the breeze. I guess stopping before the last five minutes simply saves you the hope that it'll pull a good ending out of the fire, because it won't.
And let's be real: The more you hate Bai Youning and her romance with Lu Yao, the more you'll hate the ending. (Not that liking those elements will necessarily make you like the ending, of course, because I'm a fan of hers and I still think the ending is butts.) The ending is already like a pair of uncomfortable shoes; if the het romance especially makes you grind your teeth, the ending becomes a pair of uncomfortable shoes that also have a rock in them. A lot of the comments online indicate plenty of people dropped the show when they learned the het romance would be endgame. It's a pretty common dealbreaker.
Oh well. Bring on the fanfic, I say! Those of us who are used to taking a sledgehammer to canon are unafraid.
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Smash it, baby.
Still want to see some of these mysteries?
Both iQiyi and Viki have the answer to your sleuthing!
It's not a perfect show -- as evidenced by my digression about the ending -- but it's a lot of fun. If you can handle the occasional foible and some eyebrow-raising moments, you're in for a good time with some attractive people that occasionally tastes very gay.
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Every roommate crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man
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I wasn’t on tumblr when Taylor was, what happened with the fanbase?
Short answer: this fandom was insufferable.
Long answer (I did not mean for it to be this long):
There were 2 sides of the fandom: the "I love Taylor Swift and want to interact with other swifties" side and the "I love Taylor Swift and want to interact with her" side. Taylor's presence on tumblr started out so genuine!! She would get to know people and act like another fandom member, but then people found out how to game the system. People would buy as much merch as possible, take selfies in it, tag @taylorswift @taylornation in every single post, and self reblog it like 100 times in a row. And Taylor would see the posts and be like "thanks for supporting me! You are so cute!" And would like the posts.
This created an economy with 3 currencies: Taylor likes, Taylor reblogs, and Taylor follows. Most peoples bio included "Taylor liked ×23. Taylor reblogged ×1. Taylor follows." If your bio had a "Taylor follows" people would regularly ask you to reblog their posts for Taylor to see (what a superiority complex that must have caused). This eventually cumulated into "group blogs". These blogs would make their entire purpose to support each other and other swifties (jk they just pretended that part). It was made of people with Taylor follows who would solely self reblog selfies of them and their friends in Taylor merch. They also reblogged "tour posts" which is when people would wear costumes relating to Taylor's lyrics that were extra enough for Taylor to want to meet them. The entire fandom was built on the idea of being noticed by Taylor.
This became extremely toxic. Your friend keeps getting Taylor likes but Taylor hasn't liked your posts since she followed you. You are upset. I had friends get Taylor follows and no longer need me to hype them up so they unfollowed me. The purpose of fandom was not to join together to celebrate Taylor, but to pretend to support each other to push yourself to the top and get the most attention.
Okay, let's say you find this so dumb. You unfollow everyone who self reblogs and is obnoxious. Problem fixed, right? No. Somehow, all your relatively normal mutuals and people you follow are still getting sent tour posts to reblog because Taylor follows them. You follow Taylor and she is reblogging chain posts and the entire post is "don't read the last page but I stay @taylorswift @taylornation " reblogged 100 times with different selfies attached. You are a dedicated member of the fandom and make many popular posts. Your friends hype you up. You go to your show in an elaborate costume because it sounds fun. Taylor never sees it but she meets the person from a group blog who reblogged their selfie 457 times. That person quits tumblr a week later. 3 months later they are trash talking Taylor and tumblr swifties from the safety of twitter. Also a lot of these people were problematic (they are using fellow swifties as stepping stones so this tracks) so there is SO MUCH fandom drama related to people being problematic. No matter what you do, you cannot escape it.
Okay so eventually someone changes their post that Taylor liked to be a message to Taylor to take action on BLM. Taylor had been pulled into too many directions by the fandom and was starting to work on folklore while being on tumblr less. She goes offline. All the self rebloggers leave. The fandom finally chills out and returns to what it once was. However, to this day swifties still say "I miss Taylor and I wish she would come back to tumblr"
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Ayato used to be special, that’s true but now? He pretty much lost the personality that made him stand out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
No offense here but one thing I hate about dating sims is when the guy starts worshipping the MC to the point that they always do as she says whether if that’s wrong or right.
I can remember the times Ayato got in troubles due to trusting Yui’s words too much or caring too much about her comfort when more serious issues were around and I swear there is even a ‘I will build a castle for you’ scene ??? that made me cringe so bad
I don’t get what this fandom got with simps, it’s none of my business tho but that’s not even funny at this point anymore.
// No because at this point I’m convinced more than half of the fandom mischaracterizes Ayato so bad that I’m genuinely questioning whether you truly played the games/read the translations or you simply couldn’t care less about what you were playing/reading.
First of all, there is a distinction between worshiping and appreciating someone. Ayato treats Yui as an equal; he does not regard her as a goddess or an inferior, which is completely fine because this is the healthiest way for a relationship to function. He trusts her words so much because he loves her and believes in her abilities.
Secondly, Ayato didn’t lose his personality and if you went through his routes, listened to the serious CD dramas, read the official short stories + YB and paid attention to what’s written about him in the books, you would know that.
It was mentioned several times that Ayato’s true face is the one of a sweet and pure-hearted boy. Usually, when people hear the word “pure-hearted” they think of someone kind or innocent, but the term goes beyond that. Everyone can be kind sometimes, everyone was pure at some point and some still continue to be like that if life didn’t hit them hard enough but not everyone can be pure-hearted. Being pure-hearted ( 純情 ) means having a self-sacrificing devotion, helping and forgiving the ones who wronged you and empathizing with them. This perfectly describes Ayato because I swear, this boy is the King of Second Chances.
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Even Rejet mentioned in the second picture that by touching the true side of Ayato, who always pretends to be strong, you will fall in love with him.
That’s actually a true statement and I can clearly see why he’s the apple of Yui’s eye because Ayato is by far the most hardworking and ambitious Diaboy and the fact he would do anything to make his girl happy, even starting to study in order to get into college (although part of his trauma has to do with it since Cordelia mercilessly punished him every time he refused to study), adds +100 respect points.
The "I'm gonna build a castle for you!" scene from his MB After Story wasn’t cringe at all; he was just trying to show Yui how grateful he is to have her by his side all the time. He didn't expect her to get a job too; he simply wanted to be the one who worked so as she could live a happy life and fulfill his role as her husband.
In the official after story of the MB After story (translated by Koiiro), Ayato stopped skipping classes at college so as to make Yui proud. He’s trying his best to be a better person just for her and if you still find THIS cringe, then… that’s on you.
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Last but not least, it’s true that Yui’s decisions aren’t always the best but instead of blaming her for making dumb choices and Ayato for trusting her, why not blame the person who put them in an uncomfortable situation??
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phantasmiafxndom · 1 month
Out of all the animes you’ve watch what ones are your favorites
...you know what, you get the serious answer. I used to track my anime watching, so out of the 450+ completed ones on my list, here are some of my top recommendations! (In terms of quality, more so than what I've spent the most time dwelling on.)
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One Piece — I haven't technically watched all of this one, but after falling back into the fandom after an 8-ish year break, I really can't understate the quality. One Piece's story is amazing, and I'm consistently impressed by the author's characters/worldbuilding.
Dominion Tank Police (1988) — I have FEELINGS about the villain in this one... Overall, 80s sci-fi vibes mix with themes of ethical responsibility and societal peacekeeping, and the "don't you just want to go apeshit? :)" protagonist (who's also extremely aromantic-coded) is a hilarious, yet wonderfully earnest little menace!
Kyousougiga — I've been rewatching this one recently, and the sheer detail in every scene is STUNNING. I keep having to pause to mentally scream about the symbolism, and tbh, knowing the plot from my original watch is only improving the experience.
Tekkon Kinkreet — This one's a movie, not a series, but SKLJKHS IT HAUNTS ME. Absolutely chilling, by the time the big plot twists roll around... Beyond that, the overall aesthetic/vibe is impeccable, and the exaggerated, messy art style only adds to that.
Kemonozume — Monster/human forbidden romance with stunning art and a great soundtrack. The plot started out a bit confusing, but all of the scattered story elements came together nicely in the end!
The Tatami Galaxy — The "get your shit together and start enjoying your life" anime. It's plenty good as just a story, but I got some excellent life lessons out of it too. Solid mix of comedy, drama, and charismatic-yet-extremely-bizarre characters interacting.
Monster — Excellent slow-paced, psychological horror packed with ethical dilemmas, traumatic backstories, and so many Extremely Depressed Men. In other words, there's a very good reason why Johan Liebert used to end up on so many "best anime villains" lists.
Paranoia Agent — I have nothing but praise for Satoshi Kon's work, in general, and Paranoia Agent has been my favorite of the ones I've seen so far. Compared to his movies, it really benefits from the extra space for plot development, and the big emotional twist hits hard.
Revolutionary Girl Utena — A true classic. <3 There are enough tumblr essays about this tragic yuri masterpiece that I won't go into detail myself, but yes, it's every bit as good as you've heard.
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail — The entire Black Lagoon series is excellent, but Roberta is my special girl. Unfortunately, the OAV adaption compresses the manga's version of her arc pretty heavily (and the altered ending is kind of dumb), but I still have to recommend it. Babygirl's breakdown is a REAL mess kjshghs
Claymore — Excellent pseudo-medieval fantasy with badass female characters, lots of body horror, and top-tier monster design. The manga is MUCH better than the anime after a certain point, however.
Kuuchuu Buranko — An episodic series about an eccentric psychiatrist interacting with his troubled patients. The mixed-media animation style and bizarre characters are what sold it for me, along with the exploration of mental health through storytelling tropes.
Cannon Fodder — An artistic short movie that's twenty minutes of aesthetic experience and fascinating worldbuilding implications. I love the vibe, and the "one, long horizontal frame" style is neat.
Flowers of Evil — The art style. The VIBES. The whole thing is incredibly eerie and off-putting, with a plot that's pretty much: "congrats! two shitty teenagers are tearing each other's lives apart!".
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Chuuya Appreciation Club!
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Chuuya X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: Dom!Chuuya, Sub!reader, Some suggestive/NSFW shit under the cut, cussing done by me
Word Count: 1.6K
A/n: Head empty thinking about Nakahara fucking Chuuya
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§ Ok I think we all believe that this guy is the best partner ever. I literally can never- NEVER see him as a yandere character and I always find yandere shit written for him ooc.
§ Chuuya can never be considered as a red flag. He is hella understanding, respects your boundaries af, will does his best to cheer you up if he catches the slightest sign of discomfort coming from you and last but definitely not least, his loyalty has no ends.
§ This guy has suffered a lot. You only need to read the novel "Storm Bringer" to get me. Like you have no idea what amount of patience he actually has. Sure, everyone considers him as short tempered and they aren't wrong, but the case is not the same all the time.
§ TBH this dude is a literal angel (of death). Have you guys watched the CD dramas? How he cares about Akutagawa and talks to him about Dazai, telling him to take care of his health properly so that he'll be able to work on gaining his tutor's acknowledgment. Or how he asked Kenji about Kyouka about whether she was alright in the agency. Chuuya hates betrayal, but still, that didn't stop him from caring about his underling, even though she was mafia's enemy now.
§ Have you... Have you seen that fucking body of his? 🚶🏻‍♀️IDK what to tell ya all this dude is flawless. His waist, those fucking abs of his, his hand, HIS COLARBONES HELP-
§ Caring and understanding af. Yeah he might not be like Dazai, reading people's mind in a glance, but he's no dumb either. At least he gives a fuck about how other people feel =| (Yeah fuck you Dazai lmao)
§ (I'm still a Dazai simp don't get me wrong but I'm just stating some real ass facts)
§ He's no yandere or sadist. He will cherish his S/o af, and I mean this. He will shower them in compliments, gifts, affection, anything he's able to do for you.
§ MATURE AF. He will never be in a relationship unless he knows he can make time for his S/o. If he's too caught up in mafia shit then he will try to ignore his feelings and might try to keep his distance from you, regardless of how painful it might be.
§ Reference to the wan ep where he was crying over a dog movie. He loves them so much but because he's always away from home he doesn't plan on getting one.
§ The most husband/boyfriend material of all the bsd boys. Like, you don't have to worry about him manipulating you, using you to get his way, or leaving you after he got tired. He's there for you all the time, unless you don't want him to be.
§ Have you seen the amount of responsibility this guy has? Just give him one task, and he will do his best to make everything perfect. Even when the task is cooking. He will do his best or might make his underlings to be in charge of the food but still-
§ Will never harm you. In anyway. He might snap out sometimes and say some mean stuff, but he'll be feeling like shit afterwards so prepare for a hell of an apology with whatever it takes for you to forgive him. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but at least he's actually sorry =|
§ Tbh I can't see him having a breeding kink cuz as I said, he doesn't see himself in place to be ready to get a pet, let alone become a father. But if that happened? He'll be there for you and the baby.
§ BEST DAD IN THE WORLD. Thought you gotta look out for the baby cuz they might be spoiled a bit too much.
§ Loves you with his life. All he thinks about throughout the day is when he'll get home and make himself comfortable in your arms. Likes to be in charge, but there are some times when he's softer than usual and if you bring it up, he won't deny you. After the first time, he will be the little spoon half of the time, cuz he needs it and you both gotta receive love equally, right?
§ Cuddles with this man is life. I mean please he smells so good T^T if I ever get my hands on him Imma stick to him like his personal Koala bear for the rest of my fucking life.
§ His hair omg his hair omg please😭😭😭 Caress it. Brush it. Inhale its scent. Wash it when you're in the bathtub with him. Tbh he will be jealous of how you're obsessed with his hair lmao, but who's he to complain? As long as he's receiving attention and care from you :>
NSFW Content under the cut fuck off minors. (I don't give a shit if you read it I was no better myself when I was younger just don't interact lmao)
§ Where do you think this man's height went, huh? That's right! His penis! 🚶🏻‍♀️
§ MF is so big lmao. Your reaction when you see it for the first time is soooo satisfying to him. He'll smirk at how you're looking at it being shocked, scared and excited.
§ "What is it doll? Like what you see huh?" "Can I suck you off Chu?"
§ The only thing slipping out of his mouth is low pitched moans and endless praises. I mean how can he not praise you? You look so pretty down there, bobbing your head up and down on his length while staring at him with your pretty eyes.
§ "Look at you doll- Fuck, How could I ever be this lucky to have a filthy angel like you by my side? S-shit! Calm down a bit princess! We have all night and I'm not going anywhere"
§ He loves brat taming. Having control over you while you're shivering from his slightest touch? He's in for it.
§ Likes degrading, but will never cross your boundaries. As I said, you're his princess and you gotta be treated like one, hm? It's not your fault that you're head over heels for his fat ass cock, we all are and nobody can blame you 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️
§ Can we talk about his stamina please? ENDLESS. ENDLESS.
§ MF is strong af. Won't give up unless you reach at least three orgasms. Whether you want more after that or not, it's all up to you; but those three first orgasms are a must for this man.
§ King of aftercare. literally. Will do whatever, WHATEVER you ask him to. You're in the mood for food? will go out and buy you some. Care for a shower? You're in for it babe. Wanna chill in the bathtub with him? Oof! You might even have another round there. You just wanna get some sleep afterward? Help yourself! Rest your head on his arm and leans against his chest to hear his heartbeat getting faster and faster.
§ I think he would be into bondage. Your moans are the prettiest melody he's ever heard of, why not hear them a bit longer while enjoying the sight of you squirming under him?
§ But you're not gonna get yourself off completely tho. The only one who can make you come is him and only him. No man or toy has the right to do that except him.
§ IDT he would be into Heavy BDSM. Light spanking, blindfolding and tying you up is satisfying, but the rest is a no no. Doesn't like to see you in pain. If you're a masochist he might give you what you want, but the idea of hitting you isn't really arousing to him.
§ He will not get his way unless he hears you screaming his name. You have to moan ok? If you don't he's gonna feel like you're not enjoying this. He needs to hear you whimpering over how his cock is hitting your G-spot, how his fingers are running a marathon in your pussy or how his tongue is made for your swollen clit. If he catches you holding back your moans? Well, challenge accepted man. Will arouse you and arouse you until you're a crying mess. Crying of pleasure btw.
§ Speaking of his tongue on your clit...
§ You have to come on his tongue at least once. I mean you look so pretty with your face all flushed up, desperately moving yourself on his tongue to get yourself off like a fucking whore, and your taste is more addicting than any kind of alcohol he's ever drank; you gotta give him at least one orgasm like this, right?
§ Say his name when reaching your orgasm and he will go feral.
§ His grp on your waist gets tighter and his pace faster than before, earning loud screams from you when thrusting into you through your orgasm. Likes to shut you up by kissing you, cuz your moans sound even hotter like that, silenced by his hungry lips.
§ Kissing is a must during the act. You're lips are never leaving each other unless you're in a position where your mouths are unable to make contact.
§ The man appreciates every inch of you, regardless of how your body shape is. Doesn't give a shit about looks tbh, as long as he loves you and you love him back, he's in for it :)
So yeah, let's worship the fuck outta this man together🚶🏻‍♀️
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bunnypansy · 8 months
Twst as K-Pop Groups!
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Rated E, for EVERYONE!
A short film exploring a Twisted Wonderland Idol AU!
Featuring: All the dorms + Che'nya and a Neige mention
Beware! This film contains: really bad kpop group names, smoking mention, otherwise I think it's fine
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Group name: LVBZ (Luver Boyz), I wanted to lean into the heart theme for that classic boygroup feel
Fandom name: Rozes, for obvious reasons
While Riddle is the obvious answer for leader, Trey is the right answer. Responsible older brother Trey is probably deeply underappreciated in the group. I feel like he’s probably been in a group that disbanded early before, (cough, Che’nya, Trey, Riddle group anyone?) and has a bit of a tired vibe. He writes a good handful of the songs since he plays the guitar, but he’s actually not crazy about pop. They definitely share a dorm and Trey made a chore chart for them.
Riddle is definitely taking the position of vocalist and center, he’s probably really strict about his training and exercise, he was a trainee for a loooong time and after his last group he’s kinda nervous. His mom used to be a very popular vocalist, but you’ll never catch him with nepo baby claims because he’s so intense. Besides LVBZ Riddle also does some modeling on the side and will probably end up in a drama of some kind.
Cater is absolutely giving “has so many predebut photos” energy. From vlives, to vlogs, cooking videos, asmr videos, tiktoks, instagram posts, Cater is all over their social media like crazy. He’s got a pretty good public image, always interacting with fans, the only thing is- he's a chronic content farmer, it's like so bad guys. At least his aegyo is actually cute? He’s the face and probably a sub vocalist of some kind, but definitely writes the lot of their songs. Seems like the type who has a very good image but chainsmokes/vapes on the side.
RAPPER DEUCE. Okay normal again. But he totally fits the rapper vibes, I can’t stress how well it fits. Has the most embarrassing predebut photos known to man, lots of him with badly dyed hair and he probably had a bullying scandal really early into his career. Extremely awkward aegyo, fans love him cus he comes off as cute but very genuine, fan favorite.
At this point I’ve put all the basketball boys as dancers but can you blame me? Ace reeks of high energy dancer who kinda sucks ass at singing. He tries really, but just let him be the main dancer and a sub rapper! Ace and Deuce used to go to the same highschool predebut and did not get along. Don't leave this guy alone with fans, not because he's going to do anything criminal- he's just gonna say some dumb shit. Spill a secret, be generally kinda dickish- just. Don't do it, fanservice is not Ace’s strong suit
Their discography is kinda all over the place but I feel like that’s the Heartslaybul vibe? I tried to keep it light and sort of… classic boy group vibes. I'm not really into light concept boy groups so this was difficult for me. (I wrote this before I listened to zb1’s debut. They are zb1)
Debut song: Kitsch by IVE
Other tracks: In Bloom by Zb1; Very Nice by Seventeen; Attention by New Jeans; Sour Grapes by Lesserafim; Blue Flame by Lesserafim; Best Friend Ever by NCT Dream
Solo releases:  One and Only by Gowon of Loona (Riddle); Anti-romantic by TXT (Trey)
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Group name: BxB (Boy X Beast), I swear I wasn’t trying to copy TXT that hard
Fandom name: BOB (Be Our Best), because fans “make them their best”. It’s so bad but this is intentional
Leona is the leader but honestly he doesn’t do much to corral anyone. He’s definitely been in a couple groups that have done very poorly and can’t stop getting compared to his more successful brother- a recently retired soloist. Worse, he gets tons of “he’s a lazy dancer” and “nepo baby” comments from fans. He’s a bit jaded, and for good reason. He’s not much of a dancer, moreso acting as the visual and vocalist in his group and chances are he’s done an acting gig or two. Leona does a lot of low energy vlives, it's like him eating fried chicken in the dark while barely talking on camera. Refuses to do any cutesy fanservice, ask him to look hot? Done and done. Aegyo? Ask Ruggie.
Ruggie is the face of the group, everyone on the planet has seen him busking before and during his trainee period, not to mention he’s funny, fans love him. He’s also carrying the rapper position, and often gets center, but he and Leona are honestly neck and neck in that area. Ruggie's pretty good aegyo but he literally always laughs afterwards. So many memes of the dumb faces he makes while laughing.
Jack iiiis the dancer, so many first years were subjected to dancer and rapper sorry guys. He’s tried to write songs but only a couple have really panned out- the others are encouraging though! Obviously maknae, endless jokes about being GIANT despite being the youngest. Somehow he seems to take this the most serious despite being the newest to this?
Their sound is very classically masculine, as is Savanaclaw’s vibe. If they barked in the song I legally had to add it
Debut song: Clap by Seventeen
Other Tracks: Superbowl by SKZ; Wonderland by ATEEZ; Wolfgang by SKZ (sorry it was too funny not to); (Grrr 총량의 법칙) BEWARE by SKZ; My Pace by SKZ; Boxer by SKZ; Bouncy by ATEEZ
Solo releases: None
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Group name: TYDE (“Take Your Dreams Everywhere”), I went the EXiD route with this one, it was a little too funny not to
Fandom name: Tied, because TYDE is tied to them 
Oh my god. Despite being my favorite dorm, Octavinelle gave me a fuckin hell of a time to put together, I just did not have a clear vision for them at all. I’m going with Azul, even though I considered leader Jade for a little bit, simply because I think Azul is the kind of leader who designs a bunch of merch for the fans- a la the VIXX thong. He’s rocking with the visual, center, and vocalist position. He comes off as a very smooth and self assured leader, but let’s be honest he’s the only one in the group who’s having a panic attack before award shows. I think he probably had a really hard time as a trainee and can’t let that go just yet.
Jade doesn’t get any kind of strong spot in the lineup somehow, despite there only being three members, he definitely ends up a bit in the background. But Jade doesn’t mind! He honestly doesn’t care much for the spotlight and is mostly here because Azul and Floyd are. He writes all the songs for their group, no arguments.
So we all know Floyd is the dancer, guy canonically loves dancing, but he’s also going to steal the rapper position. This is because rappers are always the weird ones in the group, and by god is Floyd the weird one. He always gets styled extremely strangely, I mean every time he steps on stage he ends up in a new “worst outfits in kpop” list. Floyd ends up being the face because he’s such a standout, not to mention the fact he keeps… showing up with other groups. Is there a vlive happening? Somehow Floyd interrupts. Another group practicing? Not without Floyd they’re not. He’s even managed to be in the background of several MVs (think OOH-AHH Chan). Floyd seems to just know everyone everywhere. 
Holy hell okay their music gave me a hard time too. Octavinelle is so solidified as jazz in my head that trying to think of anything else for them gave me an aneurysm.I struggled so much that yeah I’m breaking and adding one or two japanese songs, sorry guys
Debut Song: Mafia In The Morning by Itzy
Other Tracks: Dice by Nmixx; First by Everglow (tell me Azul wouldn’t tear up those vocals?? Get Floyd on the chorus? Screaming); Play with Fire by Camellia (covered by ツバサ【歌の部屋】 if you need to hear a human sing it); Black Suit by Super Junior 
Solo releases: ViViD by Heejin of Loona (Azul); Villain by Stella Jang (Azul)
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Group name: Wysper (Honestly not happy with either of the names but I can’t think of anything better)
Fandom name: Wishes
Okay they’re complex because. Uh. Jamil is basically doing everything. He’s the most talented  dancer, rapper, vocalist; it’s just that Kalim is the face. Aaaand the center. Despite being a trainee for a way shorter amount of time, despite not being as skilled as Jamil, Kalim took first place in the competitive show they both participated in. Very bitter. Jamil tries to keep it on the down-low but their relationship is definitely suffering from favoritism.
Kalim has probably been a star for a very long time, I’m talking child star levels of fame and already had a fan base by the time he and Jamil debuted. He’s got amazing charisma and stage presence, not to mention Kalim is taking first place as the aegyo king. However, the nepo baby allegations are through the ROOF, seeing as his family straight up owns the company he and Jamil debuted under. That’s not to say he doesn’t try! He works hard, but it’s not going to save him, especially when he’s getting a billion offers from modeling companies and fashion brands, when Jamil isn’t.
I can’t describe what their sound is exactly? I feel like it’s somewhere close to reggaeton with a bit of bollywood/southeast asia
Debut song: You cannot tell me Paint The Town by Loona is not THE Wysper song. It’s literally so perfect I was angry I didn’t think of it earlier. Kalim on the light verses, Jamil on the chorus? Insane. 
Other tracks: Icky by Kard; Charmer by SKZ; Cake by Kard; Ring the Alarm by Kard; Tinnitus by TXT; SHOOT! by Itzy; Red Moon by Kard
Solo releases: Singing in the Rain by JinSoul of Loona (Kalim)
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Group name: FoE (Fruit of Evil), I wanted to lean into the lip/biting themes for them and pick something that felt suitably sexy
Fandom name: Bites
Vil has to be the leader obviously, but he’s also the face, visual and vocalist- let’s be real he’s the most favored of the group and everyone knows it. He was definitely an actor before this, he probably ended up in the group because of an elimination show that he won and then got the privilege of picking all his other members. He for sure has some solo releases, brand deals, modeling gigs- Vil is the it boy of their generation, the kind of idol everyone knows. Definitely a massive one-sided rivalry with Neige, because Neige was probably in a NCT Dream type group as a kid, then went solo when he got older and became incredibly successful. Vil is endlessly jealous.
Rook was probably a runner up in the same show as Vil and fully admitted to being a massive fan while on the show. He’s the best dancer in the group, probably the center, and writes the majority of the songs cus I know this weird fucker likes poetry. Rook is guy who’s a fan before he’s an idol, definitely has a room full of merchandise, people have caught him buying albums of his favorite group
Epel is the maknae, obviously, and was probably previously a background dancer. Vil saw him and picked him up by the scruff of his neck. He’s definitely the only real rapper of the group and can dance pretty well, but this is not the kind of group he wanted to be in. Epel was probably hoping for a concept a bit more like BxB but we don’t all get what we wish for
I listened to Nude while making this and it changed my entire vibe for their group. They’re just (g)-idle. If the music makes you wanna worship a woman it belongs to FoE.
Debut song: Love Dive by IVE
Other Tracks: Nude by (g)-idle; Oh my God by (g)-idle; Villain Dies by (g)-idle; Snapping by Chung Ha; Do Not Touch by Misamo of Twice; Cry For Me by Twice
Solo releases: Vengeance by Bibi (Vil)
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What group
It’s just Idia
He’s probably a producer or sumthing let’s be so real guys. Ortho is his sound set up.
I’ll still give examples of what I think his tracks sound like tho. Lots of dubstep and generally electronic sounds cus… come on guys, it’s too perfect.
Tracks: Illusion by Aespa; Miroh by SKZ; Freeze by SKZ; Hold On Tight by Aespa
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Group name: Som.nia (Nia), I wanted to lean into the sleepy/dream feeling
Fandom name: Niacs, insomnia/insomniac you get it okay
“Malleus is leader!” you cry, and you are wrong, because Lilia literally has to be leader. He is the objectively the best (and funniest) option, Malleus does not have the backbone to be leader yet. Lilia has been around the block a billion times; he’s been a vkei idol, he’s been a model, he’s probably been a wrestler let’s be real he’s the Sakura of twst fr. He writes most of the songs for the group, but is definitely trying to get the others to improve their songwriting skills. While Lilia gets a lot of offers, he turns them down. If I’m honest, he’s probably going to quit being an idol after 
Malleus is definitely taking the vocalist position, no question. He’s also probably taking the “least popular member of the group” position. Poor guy is seriously awkward on camera and has a chronic case of resting scary face. He takes center pretty frequently, half as an attempt to get him some more recognition- it’s not great cus he’s kinda a stiff dancer. He was fairly popular pre-debut for his extremely strange energy 
Call me insane, but dancer Silver! He’s very physically capable, it’s just… you’ll catch him sleeping every time he’s not practicing. Definitely has insane muscle memory, he could do all his choreography with his eyes closed. He’s also an occasional vocalist, he’s got a nice soft voice. Sebek is always getting on him for “being lazy” but Silver usually just tells him to screw off.
Sebek gets rapper because he’s sooooo good at projecting and enunciating aggressively. It’s all the Malleus worship. I think he was a trainee at the same time as Malleus and was utterly obsessed with him, fan favorite for being So Weird All The Time.
I’ll be so real, if the song made me feel gorgeous it went on the list. They kinda reek of 3rd gen Kpop? This is definitely Lilia’s fault. But I’m so here for it the nostalgia go CRAAAZY. Also they are VIXX thanks.
Debut Song: Butterfly by Loona
Other Tracks: Bite Me by Enhyphen; Chained Up by VIXX, Shangri-La by VIXX; Blood, Sweat and Tears by BTS (are you kidding me this addition is so good I’m genuinely LOSING IT); Scentist by VIXX; Fever by Enhyphen; Sugar Rush Ride by Enhyphen; Inception by ATEEZ
Solo releases: Egoist by Olivia Hye of Loona (Silver)
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Honorable mentions (these are a bit shorter)
First year gang
Group name: F1rst
Fandom name: Zer0, because they come before first
Jack gets to be leader! He’s responsible, if a bit nervous, takes the vocalist position here.
Epel gets visual in this case, though he still does a fair amount of rap.
Deuce is the best with fans and gets to be center, he’s a pretty good all-rounder here.
Ace is still the best dancer in the group and literally will never stop gloating.
Sebek gets to be the rapper and takes the face position because he’s So Weird All The Time
I think they are literally just Stray Kids tbh, my favoritism is showing but I don’t even care
Debut Song: Break All the Rules by Cravity
Other Tracks: Super board by SKZ; Thunderous by SKZ; S-Class by SKZ; Domino by SKZ; TOPLINE by SKZ; God’s Menu by SKZ
Pop music club 
Group name: Jump Up! I wanted to pick something really cheery and high energy
Fandom name: Highs
Kalim is leader here again, he’s just got that energy! He also gets to be the rapper
Cater swipes the vocalist position, finally gets a chance to shine fr
Old man Lilia somehow bags the dancer position and is no question the face
They're peppy, poppy, a classic girl group type noise.
Debut song: Hi High by Loona was truly too perfect
Other tracks: Hula Hoop by Loona; Air Force One by Odd Eye Circle of ARTMS
Floyd + Che’nya + Ruggie
Group name: THEE (can be said like “thee” or “tee-hee”)
Fandom name: Teenies
Ruggie is the leader and lead dancer for this one! 
Seeing as Floyd has had dancer ripped from his hands by Ruggie, he’s going to fully take over rap
And Che’nya gets to be vocalist, I like to believe he’s got some pipes on him
Literally just silly vibes
Debut song: Cheese by SKZ
Other Tracks: Taller Than You by Mamamoo; Maniac by SKZ; Circus by SKZ; Don’t Tease Me by Speed 
Lilia + Malleus + Vil + Rook
Group name: Nu Moon
Fandom name: Starlights, yeah I stole it from VIXX, sue me
Malleus, king of goth, gets to lead this group- it’s a very good starter group to lead, considering he’s got a lot of experienced members
Lilia is quite obviously producing every single song for this group, that’s mostly what he’s here to do, so he also takes up the mantle of dancer
Vil is once again the visual and the face, but he’s giving up the vocalist position
Shock of shocks, Rook gets to be the vocalist here! Because he doesn’t get to shine much in FoE
They are literally dreamcatcher.
Debut song: BEcause by Dreamcatcher
Other tracks: Piri by Dreamcatcher; Odd Eye by Dreamcatcher; Boca by Dreamcatcher; Scream by Dreamcatcher
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That's the end of today's showing, as always, thank you for coming.
Did anyone ask for this? uhhhh no. But it made me very happy so whatever. Legitimately Octavinelle gave me so much trouble I changed their tracklist like four times. I was tempted to make Diasomnia Dreamcatcher as well, but I didn't want to erase Silver's lo-fi soft boy vibes.
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byghostface · 4 months
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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eshithepetty · 11 months
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I was going to just reply to it, but, actually - no. this deserves to be its own post. Because YES!!! Yes, exactly!!!! This isn't something that I often see discussed in this fandom, if ever, but I think about it so much. I think @peepee-envy is exactly right. So much of this show is much more metaphorical than you think. All the fantastical stuff really just exists to... amplify the mundane. It doesn't really stand on its own two feet on its own. That's why we never really see the power system explored that in depth, that's why the terrorism organisation stuff is very secular in the story and doesn't affect the world more beyond its focused arcs, that's why buckwild stuff like the divine tree exists and is kind of just treated as normal, that's why the aliens just... show up, one day, and do nothing else. Those are all just footnotes. Just glass mozaics the story puts over the actual messages and character arcs to make them more colorful and fun. We already know that part of the story's presentation is changed by Mob's point of view - Tsubomi, the body improvement club and 100% carried away being the most obvious examples - so why couldn't that extend to more of this universe?
Of course, I'm not out here claiming that every fantastical and improbable thing in this story is just a projection of Mob's imagination or whatever, that would be kinda dumb and not that fun. But what is fun to me is thinking about what it could all mean!! What lies beneath the surface, what we can interpret and extract from these events! Like, as the reply above notes - the big clean up arc isn't so much about Ritsu literally going and beating the shit out of people... because, yeah, that does happen... but if we were to take it through a realistic lens, Ritsu would probably be in juvie rn lmao. No, what really matters here is the drama. Put as short as I can, it all goes like this:
There are 2 siblings. One of whom is noticeably different in how he percieves and interacts with the world, something that starts to alienate him (how do you take this to its fantastical extreme? Make him literally see the world differently (seeing spirits) and having different abilities (ESP) of course!)
Because of this alienation, there begins a rift in how this boy views himself and the traits that make him different (thus: a literal separation between mob and ???%...)
Only, these identity issues are obviously not healthy - the way he's started to reject himself is not healthy - and it, inevitably... ends with him lashing out, in a way that noone expected. And his younger brother, who had seen his brother as his role model up to that point... understandably got hurt and influenced the most. (And this being the story that it is.... that means the hurt and confusion gets made physical. Blood on the asphalt. A shadowy demon, 'something else', beneath your brother's skin)
Thus begin 3 long, suffocating years of neither of them being able to deal with it. One has decided to abandon his every desire and personality trait in the hopes that being invisible will make sure he drives noone else away ever again. And the other takes a similar page out of his older sibling's book, and hopes that by doing just what society tells him to do, being good, being quiet and nice and always accomodating to his brother, will mean he can avoid that trauma repeating. (Only, in this case - the feelings are so much more amplified, by the fact that this is not just hurt - this is death. Shigeo very much almost Murdered his little brother that day. And the both he and Ritsu are achingly aware of this.)
(But noone can bear these burdens forever.)
So eventually... the younger snaps. He's tired of upholding this image of perfection, of intelligence, of helpfulness - he feels like none of what he's done, what he's been, in the past 3 years is true, because it's all been born from fear. So when a crack appears in front of him - a chance to not do that anymore, to be someone else... he takes it. He finally lets himself be flawed. And he finally breaks down. (And in this world where he fears death and aspires literal powers with which to defend himself - this rebellion is exhagarated. He lies and cheats and hurts in the most blatant way possible. He's violent. Because in this world where he fears dying - what's a little more blood on the asphalt? He just needs to know it won't be him next. He accepts all this guilt and sinks into it because he's finally allowed to. Because for once, these feelings and destruction is something he controls. Noone else.)
(He's finally like his brother. He feels, he's finally able to understand him. He wanted psychic powers, because the time his brother fully showed his psychic powers is the time he was truly whole, and he aches to feel whole himself, too. To unmask and become something truer to himself, something that will bring him closer to his nii-san.)
And as for the other... well. There goes the whole rest of the story of Mob Psycho. Shigeo learning to open up. To find friends. To understand himself. To accept his differences. To reach out. To change people. And to finally, be able to mess up, and walk away after it - because it might feel like the worst possible thing in the world. It might feel like he's the worst person in the world, this horrible beast who's just so angry, and who can't stop hurting people, and who suddenly blames everyone around him and is destroying everything he touches as a result... but that's only because he's never allowed himself to take himself into account before. He's never seen himself before, never let himself protect himself before.... and to a person who's lived their whole life in darkness, only candlelight to guide them - the sun would feel like an apocalypse. It's only so overwhelming, because it is so to Shigeo. It's all just a representation of how he feels.
And I just think that's all so fun. It's fascinating... I love thinking about this stuff. And it's also why, I realize as I'm writing this, I've always felt that terms like 'parody' and 'deconstruction' do not 100% apply to all of mob psycho, to what it is as a series.... because, yes, there's definitely elements of both (particularly in the more actiony parts of the series). But at it's heart... it almost leans more into the logic of something like magical realism, where fantastical elements do exist - but they don't explain themselves, and they don't impact the universe they inhabit in a way that people would deem as realistic - they just are. They're there to be a set dressing, they're there to be an allegory, they're there to make it more interesting - but the story was never about them. It was about what lied beneath that fantasy. It's about the humanity of it all.
And it also just makes the story So funny. Like, yeah, guess there's a mind controlling broccoli now in the middle of the town,, why not!! One of my best friends is a green booger, and my father-uncle-brother figure is a scam psychic, and my little brother almost strangled someone to death for me, and one of my classmates want me to be a cult leader.. Also my confession to a girl Literally left 11 dead 69 injured but thats fine !! Etc. etc. I just really like that, jdhdjdhj
This is a story about how even the most special looking people are actually just as normal as anyone else; that the most ridiculous things are just a part of life, that we can find connection in the strangest of circumstances, that life and growing up is awkward and cringe and confusing and!!! It's all just normal. This is life. And I love this beatiful and weird series, with all my heart <3
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mashedcontroller · 9 months
I'm feeling spicy, time to list everything I think BH outclassed 03 on. And by that, prepare yourself for the most backhanded, hyper specific or wildly vague, and strings-attached compliments you've heard in your fucking life. But actually, the reason I'm doing this is because I think 03 is better than BH in every way that matters. The majority of common points people give BH over 03 typically come down to attempts to make subjective taste sound objective since a lot of shit is really just a difference in priorities and/or genre rather than an objective flaw in the other show.
And, to be clear, 03 is the better show. It has a really strong thematic core and just says a lot of shit that I rarely see other stuff have the gall to say. 03 tackles heavy topics and tackles them well. It left me with a lot to think about, even years after my first viewing. It's a political piece of art that remains relevant 20 years after the fact. On some levels, it was designed to do this. 03 is a character drama that deconstructs a lot of the elements that make up the shonen genre, and it also very clearly had something to say. 03 has very few weak points and has some of the strongest moments I've seen from any piece of media that I've interacted with. I think a lot of its bad reputation comes from people failing to engage with the show on its own terms. I can only speculate on what's going through other people's heads, but expecting it to act as supplementary material for BH is a fundamentally wrong assumption to make about the show. These two shows are trying to accomplish very different things, so judging 03 on its ability to be BH is a boldfaced stupid lens to view the show through.
BH, however, is still a well-made show. Like, I'm more than happy to shit on it, but BH is by no means a bad anime. It's just not as ambitious as people claim it to be. And if it really is one of the best things Shonun has to offer, then that says pretty mediocre things about the genre imo. It's far from a bad show. I think it accomplishes the role of "fun action series" really well, but it also has gaping flaws the moment you decide to engage with the work critically. That's not necessarily an issue that I'll take with its fanbase. The show's got a lot of elements that make it good for cultivating one. Stuff like large casts, likeable characters, emphasizing its worldbuilding, prioritizing action over character work, etc. are all traits that are great for cultivating fandom, and they're all traits that BH has that 03 revokes. But yeah, BH does fall apart once you look at it critically. My biggest issues with it come down to the fact that the show baits you into thinking that it's deeper than it actually is. So, I'll take the bait and look for the deeper stuff and then find nothing, which is where my negative perception of the show comes from, which isn't helped by how common it is for people to take the bait without really looking.
So, yeah, in short, I have a mountain of good things to say about 03. It's an incredible piece of art with so much shit to look into. In my opinion, you're doing the show a disservice to watch it and not put serious analytical thought into what you're consuming. Meanwhile I have a lot of mixed opinions about BH. It's a great show to watch, it's just a terrible show to consume critically. This isn't even me calling people who prefer BH dumb or anything. The show's are just so fundamentally different from one-another that your preference truly does just come down to a mix of personal tastes and how you prefer to interact with media, especially if you're a more casual viewer of either/both shows. The part that makes me angry is how disrespected 03 is in the majority of FMA circles.
The animation and sound design of Roy's snap is really fucking good in BH.
While 03 may have an overall better art direction and visuals than BH, I do really like how juicy the BH animators and sound designers made Roy's fire attack. The fire itself is just so fucking juicy and satisfying. The BH team did a really good job at making that attack iconic. There's no "but actually" here. The BH team just fucking nailed this one aspect.
In general, BH has better special effects than 03. This is absolutely a difference in available technology at the time each show was animated. And while I do have respect for special effects animation; it's often the difference between animations looking really stiff vs getting across their intended atmospheres, especially in the realm of video games. Using a human body as an analogy, the special effects are more like the hair than the skin, fat, muscle, nerves, or bones. Both important but somewhat expendable.
BH's alchemy is much more logically consistent than 03's.
So, there are a lot of reasons for this difference. The two main ones are the BH and 03 can barely if even be considered the same genre of anime. BH is a fun fights-heavy action series with some intrigue plot, while 03 is a really critical deconstruction the genre BH embraces that's more of a character drama with a heavily knit thematic core than anything else.
And their commitments to their genres translate to each show's relationship with alchemy. In 03, Alchemy's rules are much more metaphoric than literal. Equivalent Exchange is the shit because it's representative of the philosophy that Edward clings to; that life is fundamentally fair, that there is some universal justification for everything that happens. And 03 is about tearing that belief into itty bitty pieces. In fact, we learn that Equivalent Exchange isn't even true. Everything about Alchemy in 03 is bound by the magic's metaphorical meaning. Thus, when it comes to fights, characters really just need to be able to loosely justify how their alchemy functions for the audience to go "oh ok." And, in 03, alchemy is fundamentally powered by taking the life force of something and using that energy to do something else. So, you get stuff like the ability to extract alchemical energy from plants in order to amplify your alchemy much later, Edward being able to turn his automail into a gun, Dante's alchemic dragon thing, Scar's arm being the Philosopher's Stone, etc. The point is that you're sort of meant to accept that "yeah thats a thing that can happen." In other words, the fights exist purely for spectacle and the logic behind them is low priority at best. So, the way 03 frames it's combat is that it has to establish rules that exist within their own space and work with those rules. So, it can't circumvent stuff like "Roy can't use his gloves if they're wet" because there's no reason to and giving a talk about how H2O has Oxygen in it would have been horribly distracting in the one scene where Roy does get fucking soaked. Especially since him being crafty in a fight is sold by him just using Havoc's matches + Armstrongs rocks to make frag bombs. Tldr, the way 03 is structured allows if not flat out encourages characters to bullshit during fights. I think the fast and loose usage of alchemy's principles in the earlier parts of the show also make the later parts of the show, where those principals turn out to be false, feel more believable.
Meanwhile, BH's alchemy is operating on a much more literal framework, so the writing has more room and necessity for creative and engaging combat sequences. In a way, the fights in BH are puzzles and alchemy is the tools the characters are given to solve those puzzles, so the fights become engaging because you want to see how the characters solve the puzzles. It's very gamey. That said, I do have to say that I dislike how the homunculi are fit into this system. Their lose condition is having their stones exhausted, which just translates into "they have more HP." Which is very bullshit. The homunculi in BH die when the story tells them to, at least, that's how their lose condition makes it feel.
Both shows heavily rely on the usage of gimmicks to make their fights interesting. For example, Roy uses exclusively fire, which he creates by snapping. Like, I really like how Roy's combat gimmick gets explored in this fight specifically.
I like how Ed ducks into a crowd in an attempt to dissuade him, and Roy's like "you think I care about collateral damage lmao." I like how Ed thinks he won the fight by slicing Roy's glove, but then Roy just ruins his day by revealing that he has two hands and therefore another glove. I really like how Roy's not taking this very seriously and Ed only wins because of Roy getting a flashback. This fight is just an excellent display of character for both of them and I love it.
Anyways, there are a lot of other character gimmicks. Honestly, 03 is so much better with its character gimmicks during fights than BH is. Like, I could list a ton of cool moments where the character gimmicks get played with. And part of how it does this is that every character plays by their own rules. No character will ever break their own rules, but the universal rules governing what is and isn't acceptable for a fight isn't very consistent. This does fit into 03s themes about how there is no universal truth. But yeah, that's how 03 structures its fights and why characters will sometimes just blatantly ignore the laws of alchemy.
Anyways, in BH, the rules are much less person-by-person and are more like "Alchemists can do XYZ," "Homunculi can do ABC," "Alkahestrists can do UWV," "Chimeras can do RST," etc. So, everyone has similar rules that they have to play by. Which also makes it so much more jarring when someone blatantly breaks those rules. Like, when Edward gets impaled and uses alchemy to not die, it's super jarring because that breaks the laws of human frailty and it doesn't really make sense. It's even worse when Edward fucks with Pride's Stone. Compare that to some of the blatant bullshitting in 03, like where Edward uses concrete to turn his broken automail into a gun. He shouldn't be able to decide when the shots are fired and where's the ammo coming from? But part of the reason it isn't jarring is because him turning his automail into a gun isn't a big deal or even particularly important to the scene he does that in. Or take bullshitting that is more relevant, like Alphonse performing a successful human transmutation. At this point, it's been clearly established that Alchemy's laws aren't true. So, Alphonse breaking them doesn't break audience suspense. Instead, the fundamental logic behind it actually working is tied to the story's central themes.
But yeah, BH's alchemy is a bit more logically consistent than 03's, but there's a very good reason for 03's alchemy to have some logical inconsistencies, which results in BH being much worse at breaking its own rules than 03 is.
A lot of the characters are just easier to get behind and digest in BH.
The entire point of 03 is that these characters are nazis and morally grey as fuck. Meanwhile, the characters in BH are primarily meant to be fun characters that you could comfortably fantasize about being or being friends with. The characters in BH are much simpler than in 03 and the show tends to gloss over their war crimes. Even when it addresses them, there's a billion asterisks and variations of "they're still the good guys." Compared to 03, where everyone is just messy and fucked up.
For example, BH Roy is easier to root for than 03 Roy, but that's because BH Roy is a fundamentally different type of character than 03 Roy. BH Roy is firmly a protagonist while with 03 Roy, he's much more antagonistic and complex. He doesn't solidly fit into the categorization of protagonist or antagonist because he's a bit of both.
And to be clear, I'm not calling the characters in BH simplistic in a derogatory way. A major benefit to simplicity is that you know who to root for and don't have to do a ton of heavy thinking to enjoy the story. That said, I don't think this style of character is necessarily appropriate for a story where the majority of the protagonists committed racial genocide and serve in the military for a fascist dictatorship. BH's characterization would've been a lot better if the story wasn't also trying to cover ridiculously heavy topics.
I've been using Roy as my go-to example since he's the only character to be one of my favorites in both shows, but I think the character who benefits the most from this point is Izumi. In BH, she's iconic. She's a slapstick oriented character who's just a joy to have on screen. In 03, her character writing gives me a lot of mixed messages. She's still very slap stick, but it's just weird in 03 since a lot of similar stuff gets unpacked, but Izumi being outright physically abusive to the Elrics at times just isn't. She's also much softer in 03; most characters are. And I'm mostly just left confused on how to feel about her. She has some great scenes, especially with Wrath, but the character feels a bit disjointed. In BH, she really benefits from being a nonparticipant in Ishval. The writing doesn't have to worry about her being sympathetic in spite of her committing genocide, so she gets to be divorced from the massive fuck up that was that section of the story.
BH has a larger cast than 03. Also, a lot of BH exclusive characters are more likeable than the 03 exclusive characters.
There's a lot of things to unpack here.
So, first thing that's kinda an obvious point is that BH prioritizes making its characters easily likeable to the detriment of its larger themes, 03 makes its characters likeable in service of those themes. So, it's a lot easier to get behind BH Mustang than 03 Mustang because Mustang's warcrimes just aren't that important in BH while they're the most important part of the character in 03. A lot of a character's likeability in BH hinges on the audience's ability to simply ignore the Ishval subplot, which was already a poorly handled subplot. While in 03, their likeability is intentionally contrasted with their war crimes to make a point. That's the primary reason why the characters in BH are more likeable than in 03.
And this also extends to the casts that are either version exclusive or unrecognizable between the two. Kimbly is a perfect example. In BH, he's designed primarily as a fun and bombastic antagonist who blows shit up because it's fun. They also made him extremely fashionable. Meanwhile, in 03 he's genuinely fucked up and views the lives of people as little more than tools to use to further his own goals, which is made interesting by Kimbly not being a top dog (like most villains running with that mindset are). He's at the bottom of the food chain and yet he still thrives under that mindset. BH Kimbly is the more fun character, but that's because BH Kimbly and 03 Kimbly are fundamentally different types of antagonist.
A lot of this comes down to tone. 03 is a much more somber show than BH. Unlike BH, it takes the premise of "child soldier works for a fascist government that partook in genocide a few years back because he wants to fix a mistake that made him and his brother permanently disabled" as a sign that the story is meant to be dark and a little fucked up. Meanwhile, BH tends to gloss over the fucked up shit in favor of selling the power-fantasy aspect of the story. This just results in BH's characters being a lot more fun. The surface level shit is the only thing that really matters to them when looking at BH since the deeper shit is simply shit and not really worth calling attention to.
The cast sizes also exist to further both show's individual goals. BH being about action and badass people being badass benefits from a larger cast because you get to see more flavors of badassery. It lets fights cycle between different styles of combat, which helps keep things interesting. 03 is a character drama. This benefits from having a smaller cast because it allows the show to spend more time unpacking a handful of characters.
There are a lot more badass female characters in BH compared to 03
I'll give BH a "you did the bare minimum" award for being an action show with female characters who are not just eye candy. That doesn't make the show revolutionary. It just says bad things about the genre that this isn't considered the bare minimum. But yeah, in both shows, most of the female characters are subordinate to their male peers. Hawkeye is defined as Roy's henchman. Winry is defined as Ed's love interest/childhood friend, Izumi is defined as Ed's mentor. In some aspects, this is fine. Like, the main characters are Edward and Alphonse, they don't need to draw attention away from them in favor of their own bullshit. But how badass a character is doesn't exactly translate into whether they're feminist.
Like, again, the reason you see more badass female characters in BH than 03 is the same reason you see more badass characters in BH than 03; BH is an action show, 03 is a character drama with some amount of action on the side. They're both guilty of employing sexist tropes. BH tends mix those tropes with badassery, while 03 tends to mix those tropes with character nuance. Doesn't change the existence of the tropes. It's sort of just something that you gotta accept about either show. That doesn't mean that its female characters don't have good moments in either show. Just that they're working from a sexist baseline. Neither show is particularly feminist, but they're also far from the worst offenders out there.
There are a few characters where I prefer their BH incarnations over their 03 versions.
The reason someone might prefer one version's character over another is a bit more nuanced than just which character was written better. The vast majority of overlapping characters fulfill different narrative niches in each story. For example, comparing 03 Lust and BH Lust has always felt disingenuous to me because while it's true that 03 Lust is the more compelling character, a major reason for that fact is that BH Lust was never designed with being compelling in mind. A more apt comparison would be 03 Lust to BH Greed, as those two characters do share the same niche of being an antagonist that makes the audience question the nature of the homunculi and eventually splits off from them. I'd also say that BH Lust and 03 Greed fulfill similar narrative niches as being a minor antagonist that establishes exactly what the main villains are all about and who's death is used as a tool by the authors to reveal exactly what the protagonist slaying them is all about. That's why BH Lust's death and 03 Greed's Deaths are both pointed to as highlighting points in their respective series. They both execute on their niches quite well.
This also accounts for the primary reason why someone may like a character in one show but dislike them in another. BH Mustang fulfills the niche of a secondary protagonist. In 03, he fulfills the role of a pseudo-antagonist / morally ambiguous major character. I happen to really like both versions of Mustang, but it's for very different reasons. In BH, I just think he's funny and has a lot of good banter. That's more or less exactly what he's meant to accomplish there. You're supposed to go "haha funny" and/or "haha awesome" with this guy. BH Mustang falls apart when you critically analyze him because the Ishval plot was mishandled, but his surface level traits are so good that I can just be like "I saw nothing." Meanwhile, 03 Mustang is a character who you sort of have to engage with critically to get the most out of. He's a complicated character and his relationship with the audience isn't a static variable. And there's merit to both approaches of character writing. There's as much value to a character where it's not worth overanalyzing them as there is to a character who doesn't really come into their own until you pull out the tweezers.
So, in case anyone's curious, which characters do I prefer their BH incarnations to over their 03 incarnations? Well, I prefer Barry the Chopper and Izumi Curtis in BH vs their 03 counterparts. Like I said, there's a lot more nuance than "this character was written better in one anime than the other" when regarding personal preferences. So, the reason I prefer BH Izumi over 03 Izumi is that I thought BH Izumi was funny and cool while I just got a lot of mixed messages about 03 Izumi. So, in this case, I think BH Izumi fulfilled her narrative purpose really well, while I have much more mixed opinions on 03 Izumi. As for Barry, it's a similar case where I thought he was really funny in BH, while I think he fell short as a more serious antagonist in 03. In Izumi's case, the failings I have for her in 03 are that I don't think her treatment of the Elrics is put under the same scrutiny that every other character is given. Like, in BH, her being physically violent towards them is played off for comedy. It's the same case in 03, but it doesn't work as well in this context because 03 is the show that turned the short jokes into an important metaphor, so it's really weird that Izumi's slapstick wasn't given the same treatment. And I found that really off-putting. Meanwhile, my main issue with BH Izumi is that the stuff around her failed human transmutation was extremely underexplored, which doesn't stick out as much as the slapstick issue in 03 because Izumi is ultimately a minor character in BH while she takes the mantle of a more major character in 03. Though, personal bias is a huge factor in why I prefer BH Izumi over 03 Izumi, since her specific plot about being unable to bear children just happens to be so alien to my personal life, as someone who's both never had a failed pregnancy, has zero interest in bearing children, and would happily make a magic "goodbye pussy" circle. It's not that this type of conflict can't still be compelling to someone like me, but it's going to require more narrative work than a conflict that I can more closely relate to. Hence, why it's personal bias. Meanwhile, in the case of Barry the Chopper, my preference towards BH's version is a fair bit less subjectively biased. He just fits really awkwardly into the role 03 tries to assign him. The issue is that he jumps back and forth between trying to be fucked up and scary to being a comedic antagonist, which just undermines both aspects of him.
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Like, the antagonist for this scene, should end up looking completely alien to the version of Barry the Chopper seen in BH, but that version of Barry is played relatively similar to BH Barry in Lab 5, resulting in the 03 Barry being inconsistent.
And for every character where I prefer their BH version, there are plenty more characters where I prefer their 03 versions. And a lot of that will come down to personal preference.
Armstrong's a great example of a character who on a surface level isn't that far off between 03 and BH, but he just works so much better in 03 than in BH because of the different character niches he fulfills in both shows. In 03, he's a minor character, while in BH, he's a major character. So, in 03, he's not particularly developed. He's mainly a funny guy who has a few shots where he's sad over Ishbal, and then he ends up supporting Mustang in overthrowing the government, which he mostly does in a comedic fashion. That's a pretty apt description for both his 03 and BH incarnations, but I only take issue with his performance in BH. The reason for this is that he's a more important character in BH, so I expect the show to disclose more information about him, which doesn't happen. Like, in BH, I want to know more about how his refusal to fight in Ishval affected him, his relationships, his status, etc. But BH only addresses that through off-handed scenes where Olivier calls him a pussy, which don't really go anywhere. Meanwhile, in 03, first of all, Armstrong did kill people in Ishbal, so the massive question of "how did his time in Ishbal affect him" can be supplemented by other characters confronting similar questions. Thus, the minor amounts of information we are given about Armstrong alongside information we see from other characters who were soldiers in Ishbal like Marcoh and Mustang are more than enough to get across the general picture. Secondly, we actually do get hints at how Armstrong's goofier attitude and kinder disposition impact his career. Mainly during the raid in Dublith where Envy disguised as Bradly says "this is why you never get a promotion." As a minor character in 03, he's allowed to have the nuances of his character be heavily carried by implication. But I can't really give a major character like BH Armstrong that same affordance, especially when those hints are barely given. It doesn't help that Armstrong's backstory in BH very heavily leaned into the story's insistence that the soldiers didn't mean it when they slaughtered Ishval.
Edward is more of a Badass in BH than 03
Ngl, I'm cheating a little with this point because it's like "I agree with this point but I also couldn't give less of a shit about it." Which, that response is, at least, 85% personal preference coming into the equation. I'm not going to say that badass characters never resonate with me, but it's really uncommon because the badass character has to be someone I personally can somewhat relate to, which is a rare flavor of character in popular media. My own experiences with the two characters are that I find BH Edward to be kinda boring as a character while 03 Edward is the most interesting character in the show (as he should be given everything I said about what 03 is trying to accomplish). But it's a lot of the same stuff my general thesis has been; BH Ed is more badass than 03 Ed because BH Ed was written to be a badass while 03 Ed was written to be a compelling character.
The actual reason I wanted to bring up this point is because it's a common enough point I've seen people make when comparing the two shows and I find this point rather bothersome. Maybe that's because I take issue with consistently seeing a rather mediocre character being placed on a pedestal over one of the best protagonists I've ever seen. But it's also more the explanations that bug me than anything. Like, I cannot take anyone seriously who uses calling a character "whiny" as a critique. Maybe it's because you're looking for an action hero who can shrug off shit that would normally be traumatizing, in which case, you're in the wrong genre. Maybe you take some issue with characters being emotional in a vulnerable sort of way. 03 features a lot of characters displaying emotions in a dysfunctional sort of way. Characters are allowed to hurt in a way that doesn't fuel anything other than more hurt. Characters will repress their feelings and that will bite them in the ass. Characters are allowed to be depressed, not in a "waiting for the heroic do shit speech" sort of way but in the genuine "existing is painful, no energy, depression" kinda way.
And this is the point that rubs me the wrong way about the majority of complaints thrown at 03 Ed. It's not that wallowing in your own misery makes for good entertainment, but it's an important part of 03's themes and its point. I can also, just, relate more to this unproductive sense of pain. I have depression, that is what depression looks and feels like. It's unproductive, it's painful, it can't be fixed by someone just walking up to you and giving a dramatic speech. And that's why the way 03 expresses hurt resonates with me in a way that BH's just doesn't. It's low octane, and that's the point. That's what makes it good.
BH's Ending is a lot more Straight-Forwards than 03's Ending
I think that's the best way I can put it without saying something I flat out disagree with. BH, in general, is much more straight-forwards than 03, and the endings of both show embody that. BH is, ultimately, a fun show where the heroes have to take a bunch of twists and turns to come out victorious. Meanwhile, 03 is an extremely messy show about characters being put in fucked up situations and no one coming out of it unscathed. It's about decisions that will haunt you for the rest of your life. It's about situations where the right answer is the one you least want to accept. It's a show about how the people will create doctrines to shield themselves from the truth. And it's a show about human selfishness. The endings of both shows are exactly how their shows should have ended. BH was never going to have a bad ending and 03 was never going to have a completely satisfactory ending. If 03 had a happy ending, the show would've been worse off for it.
So, yeah, BH's ending is a lot more straight-forward. It's a happy ending where everyone gets what they want more or less. Narrative knots are tied. All that shit. I personally thought the ending was nothing special. Like, it's another happy ending. I can't fault people for enjoying it for that, but it's not the type of thing that's going to stand out in my brain.
Meanwhile, 03's ending does a lot of nontraditional things. There's arguably multiple major plot twists that come out of nowhere and are more of a "fuck you" to the audience than anything else. The protagonists end the series arguably off worse than where they started. Wrath and Gluttony are still alive and haven't had their arcs concluded in any satisfying way. There's no guarantee that the setting or the characters in it will continue to be okay after the series ends. And that's okay. The ending of 03 is very messy because it's meant to be messy because the point that the show is making is that the world is neither straightforward nor fair, which is why you gotta keep doing the best you can to improve it. That's why the ending is uplifting. Even though Edward's in arguably the worst position he's been in throughout the series, having literally lost everything, he hasn't given up, so you, the viewer, shouldn't give up either. Life doesn't end until it ends, so you should live.
And yeah, the ways that 03's and BH's ending function are fundamentally different. I can totally see why one ending would pass someone by. Like I already said, I didn't feel anything watching BH's ending but 03's ending felt very significant to me, and I could totally understand the inverse being true for some people.
People give BH too much credit and shit too much on 03. Like, 03 is just the better show. It's just that 03 isn't designed to be a comfortable watch in the same way BH is. You're meant to leave BH feeling good, you're meant to leave 03 with a lot to think about. If 03 makes you uncomfortable, that's a feature, not a bug. Many of the fan advertised strengths and weaknesses of each show is really just differences in genre.
And while I've repeatedly conveyed that 03 is the better show, that's not because BH is bad; 03 is just really fucking good. It's like comparing Elden Ring to Dark Souls 1; sure they're made by the same developers and have a lot of surface level similarities, but they're so fundamentally different experiences that viewing them through the same lens isn't fair to either. There are a lot of things that BH does well, and there are a lot of things that 03 does well. But it's not fair to say "BH does X thing better than 03 therefore it's better" (or the occasions where the inverse claim is made) because both shows are trying to paint very different pictures, to the point where I don't consider them to be parts of the same genre. There may be similar components, but the way those components are used is very different from one-another. Comparing the two shows makes for interesting analysis, but it's bad for the purposes of actually criticizing either show.
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xoangel-dust · 2 months
Another Total Drama Controversy Meme
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Favorite Character: Duncan-I cannot hate him, he’s been a favorite of mine since day one.
Despised Character: Mal- I could say a lot of things but he’s legitimately the worst total drama villain EVER! They had to purposely nerf AND dumb down the other contestants just to make his cartoony ass “work”.
Favorite Season: World Tour- it had my favorite character being Alejandro and it was a musical season! In all seriousness is was a brilliantly written season(not without flaws) but it was so entertaining down to the very last episode.
Despised Season: All Stars- I could write an essay about why I hate this season but it’s pretty much ingrained in the fandom about how bad it is. From major character derailments to a terrible villain.
Most Overrated Character: Zoey- I liked her a bit in TDROTI but All stars just ruined her by making her oblivious to Mal’s OBVIOUS BS “villainy”. She also became the writers pet if anything. She’s not that bad just not all that.
Most Underrated Character: Dawn- (this is speaking in terms of the in universe show she had a bit of a fandom prior to the season dropping) her run on the show was cut too short and she deserved more screen time.
Favorite Couple: Duncney- this one has had a special place in my heart since 2008, I love them so much. I know the view of them is way different now but idc it’s my all time favorite total drama paring (next to Aleheather).
Despised Couple: Mkulia- I find them overrated (and the fans are a bit rabid if they see you disliking it or shipping Julia with Wayne…). I don’t hate it but I just don’t care about it plus I dislike both of them(though “like” MK slightly more than Julia).
Favorite Song: We Built Gwen’s Face- I’ve known this song by heart since it came out. Even the small parts. Easily top 3 TDWT songs.
Despised Song: Fight for the gold- I hate Gwuncan.
Favorite Episode: Awwwwww Drumheller! It’s the Aleheather and this is how we will end it episode so damn good from start to finish.
Despised Episode: Circling the Drain(total drama island 2024 season two spoilers!) The elimination in this episode pissed me off on the sane level as Courtney and Leshawna’s in season one.
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fun fact I play genshin impact (lately I've been thinking about uninstalling but that might be an entirely different post for the future lmao) and while I never really got into the shipping aspect of genshin fandom... there are exeptions, those being Lisa and Jean (Jean and Diluc also!!!), Itto and Gorou (big dumb x small smart) AND OF COURSE
I wish I had the abbility to draw comics, because while I do draw I just cannot draw comics, because while I think I do have the same face syndrome, I can't draw 2 same faces? ESPECIALLY not in short time between them. A lot of my post (not just genshin) would be way better in comic way.
I digress, if you ever see genshin posts, this is why.
PS: I think out of all of these Kaveh and Alhaitham have the best chemistry in daily problems way. Like the drama for Jean and Lisa and Itto and Gorou are mainly one-of-them-dies, but Kaveh and Alhaitham? BOTH OF THEM CAN BE VERY ASSHOLY TO EACHOTHER SOOOO
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rxttenfish · 13 days
really enjoyed your post about the prom writing over time btw :) I especially agree sometimes it feels like the narration is mocking towards the characters. But why was there fandom drama over the punch the sun ending??? no worries if you'd rather not talk about it i was just curious
i don't fully recall all the details (it was six years ago, after all) but the broad and short of it was that certain fans thought that it was mocking damien or simplifying him down to solely being a dumb macho man, that doing this was reducing him down to nothing but a "caveman-like state". this was coming from the most damien-loving corner of the fandom at the time too, with my main exposure being a wildly popular damien blog at the time.
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ladymelisande · 1 year
So, I watched The Decoy Bride...
I wasn't planning to watch it and haven't watched many romcoms except for the ones that local TV channels repeat a million times here. This one I found this one in a nice gifset so I decided to give it a try because I was bored and tired of watching miserable stuff. And I loved it! It's a fun romcom and whoever wrote it must be a Shakespeare fan because it has many dumb but enjoyable tropes one finds in a Shakespearean comedy.
The Doctor Who/RTD fandom has often made me groan about David Tennant but one can't deny the man is damn charming and has amazing chemistry with his lead. He really should do more romantic movies. Kelly MacDonald is also amazing and the cast is overall really likeable. They even avoid the typical love triangle trope in short movies where the other girl is vapid, the protagonist's fiance is actually an amazing person and at the end, they just nicely decide that they are not suited to each other.
It's a very silly movie but at least is not the heartless horse shit we get nowadays.
Highlights on this quite hot scene, weird to see this trope outside of period drama:
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And this scene, that would have been heartbreaking if this wasn't a romcom and actually had a sad ending:
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Anyway, I recommend it if anyone wants to spend a good time with something light-hearted. It can also serve for a Modern AU idea if you are into writing that sort of thing.
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sparkanonymous · 4 months
Alright... who's ready for me to talk about Hazbin Hotel?
⚠️ Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Below ⚠️
I'll most likely do this for Helluva Boss as well, if I even finish this, but I don't promise anything. If you're unfamiliar with how this goes, I jot down notes while I watch the episode. Most of the time, it's probably easier to watch the episode while reading the notes so that you know what I'm talking about, but it's not necessary if you just want to read someone's random thoughts on something.
I have not heard a lot of great things about the HH and HB fandoms. I'm not gonna try and be mean or anything, I'm just writing this stuff down for the shits and giggles. I don't see this doing well on my page anyway since I focus on Total Drama and Ninjago of all things. (I will most likely not join the HH and HB fandoms after this, either. I lurk a little bit in those spaces because of the art, but I don't really participate or go looking for anything related to these franchises... except for rewrites that I don't end up reading.)
Towards the end of this, I became increasingly more distracted and tired, so it's kinda just me listing things that I liked.
Have fun!
Hazbin Hotel - The Pilot
(I've watched this twice, but that was when it first came out.)
The song the pilot starts on is actually really pretty, imo. I've started getting sick of the songs that come from Spindlehorse (I watched the first episode of HH on Prime a bit ago, and I didn't really like either of the songs in it), but this song reminds me of why I wanted to watch this series back then.
Maybe this show is why I like the color red so much, lol
I've seen some spoilers on TikTok. I recognize the design of that one angel character by Adam- I think I saw Adam's silhouette for a moment too, that character that's Alastor's bestie, that techie demon, and maybe I'll recognize more. But how much of this story did Viv have planned before her show got the go-ahead?
(30 second unskippable ad after about 2 and a half minutes into the episode)
I remember when I saw this when it first came out, and I did not understand the point of having the snake villain. He was stupid, his egg minions were stupid, and there were clearly bigger things to focus on- like Charlie's hotel idea and advertising it, and then later, Alastor's whole thing. I had thought this entire battle between Cherry Bomb, Angel, and the snake (what is his name again) could have been cut, and there would be no issues. I still kinda think that this could've been written around. But I do like the snake guy. He's fun and eccentric.
(Another 30 second unskippable ad. We're 5 minutes in. Is it because I keep pausing to write?)
Wow, there are a lot of sound effects.
Where did those goat guys come from?
I wouldn't think that the princess of Hell would be this... innocent? Like, she can't seriously think that this whole hotel ordeal would be that easy, can she? She was literally singing at her balcony over the dozens of fallen demons. Is she just trying to stay happy and hopeful, or is she really just like this?
"I don't touch the gays-" So Charlie and Vaggie are open about their relationship? Or do they just do a terrible job at hiding it? I don't know why, but for the longest time, I thought that their relationship was secret. Damn, I'm just dumb.
"- I have standards." "Oh, yeah? How's that workin' out for ya...?"
Did we really have to cut to Tom in the middle of Kill Joy's rant? It takes away the focus.
Why is she threatening the princess of Hell? Charlie could break her scrawny neck with a hand and wouldn't be told off for it, or Charlie's father- fucking Lucifer- could catch wind of this and kill her himself. Does she want to die?
That quick sweep of the random characters and Vaggie behind the cameras was definitely sped up due to how short Charlie's "well" was. Or to save time. I don't know.
That one background character looks WAY too close to Blitz's design.
Damn. For how feared Alastor seems to be, he was able to walk behind those characters with no one screaming.
Was that Loona? Or that one character from Viv's Timber animation?
A lot of the scenes are way too quick. There are too many quick cuts, and some of the animations seem to be sped up?
During the song, Charlie's singing gets too high-pitched; I couldn't understand some of what she was saying. It's a nicer and shorter song than what Spindlehorse has been coming up with recently, though.
Is Kill Joy supposed to be cicada? Is that why the cicada sound effect keeps playing whenever we zoom in on her? I'm sorry... but if that's the case, she looks nothing like a cicada.
I know realistically bombs would make it hard to hear, but, realistically, being too close to bombs would also make your ears ring and would knock you off your feet. I don't know half of what Cherry Bomb or Angel are saying.
"Oh, harder, Daddy!~" "Son?!" I remember this clip being everywhere. I still like it. But, also, to the snake, have you even fucked anyone? Why would you immediately think that this is your kid? I honestly don't see this snake character enjoying the thought of sex.
The hat on the snake has teeth sometimes, and only sometimes. I can tell this character was probably HELL to animate.
Aw, Angel saving Cherry? Sweet...
So Angel can pull a Stitch and grow another pair of arms? Why? Spiders can't do that, so why should Angel?
I really enjoy Tom's design. He reminds me of a Looney Tunes character.
So... what happened to the turf war? We had like three different fights going on at the same time, and we see none of them? Do we hear more about that later?
Vaggie and Charlie's relationship here is really sweet.
You really thought anyone would want to stay there with how the place looks, Charlie? You're supposed to have the place ready before advertising.
So, wait... I thought Charlie's dad was really nice in the spoilers I saw. Did Charlie's dad say Charlie was useless, at least based on the intro?
How has Angel not heard of Alastor? Ah... for exposition purposes. Nevermind.
I'll be honest, Alastor's hair bothers me. I've never liked how it looks.
Was that an early design for Stolas in the Radio Demon exposition?
Alastor's colors were flickering a tiny bit when Vaggie and Charlie were talking about him.
Alastor clearly does not care about Charlie's dad being king of Hell or Charlie being the princess of Hell. He's just doing this for the shits and giggles.
"What can I do for you, my feminine fellow?" "Uh- I can suck your dick!" "HA- No."
"You think I'm some fuckin' clown?!" "... Maybe."
I thought HuskerDust was supposed to be canon. They're acting like they've never met.
I love the outfit change.
Alastor's reprise of Charlie's earlier song.
So, wait, when was Sir Pentious's first encounter with Alastor?
Alastor's smile when supposedlh killing the snake guy.
Episode 1
(Watched this when it was released on YouTube. After this, everything's new.)
So... new backstory. Also, new backstory for Charlie's dad?
New voices.
Alastor's little commercial is so lazy. He wanted entertainment. How will he get entertainment if the commercial doesn't sell it?
The sound effects haven't exactly been toned down.
The animation feels a little stiffer.
They noticed the fan love for Angel and decided they really wanted him to talk.
The threatening angle on Alastor is not as threatening as in the pilot.
What's up the random scene changes within scene changes? It's cutting randomly.
The first song is alright... for the most part.
I thought Charlie's thing was to not curse, at least not as frequently.
Adam's ramblings remind me way too much of Fizzarolli's boss. They're kinda the same in that aspect, and it doesn't really work for me.
Wow, the acting for the commercial.
How has Adam not been banished to Hell.
Nifty's great.
"You're doin' great, Vagina." lmfao
Exactly. Vaggie speaking facts.
The outfit changes are so nice.
Do sins not count once they die?
Adam should not be cursing, imo
If rules are black and white, you would be banished to Hell, Adam.
The second song with Adam is pretty good... for the most part.
You can't wait to murder? That says bloodlust to me.
Come on, let us see the commercial.
Tom's voice should have stayed the same.
But the body is just sitting there. How have more demons not seen the dead angel.
Damn, this outro song is sick.
Episode 2
That little cat thing is adorable. Kinda reminds me of the cat from Ruby Gloom.
Ooh, Sir Pentious is back.
"-battle, like, 20 times?" What? When? How long have you known Alastor.
I feel like Vox's voice should've been different. Like... imagine if he had Husk's VA.
How many accents does Valentino have?
Valentino x Vox?
Angel encouraging Alastor.
How many times does Sir Pentious have to die? Stop killing him :(
Vox trying to put a bad name on Alastor. He's so petty lol
"That's the tea-" Who told this old man about this generation's lingo?
Overall, the song's actually pretty good.
Face first into the sofa. Same, Charlie
Yay, more Sir Pentious! I actually kinda like him now.
Aw, poor Angel. But Charlie and Vaggie have a point.
Sir Pentious and Nifty give off Damien and Scary Girl from TDI, respectively.
Alastor burning the little piece of his coat in front of Sir Pentious, lol
Sir Pentious is so adorable.
The drug PSA with Angel and Pentious, lmao
The pig from the music video.
So Angel has self-worth issues, got it.
Well, that lasted all of five minutes. Poor Sir Pentious.
Charlie's bedhead is awesome.
His theatrics and the self-depracating comments don't really make Sir Pentious sound so serious about his apology.
This song was meh.
Episode 3
Why do you keep bringing that up, Vaggie?
I think a writer came on to the team and didn't look at the previous scripts very thoroughly.
Charlie, why do you look so uncomfortable with Pentious crying? You should've known that you would've gotten a lot of that.
Is Alastor trying to keep the egg minions safe? If so, cute.
"We have names?" Lol
Damn, they don't give a shit about Alastor. He got too comfortable with everyone knowing him.
The Velvet song reminds me of a different song. Pretty catchy, though.
Their definitions of trust are so different. Awesome.
Poor Nifty lol
Vaggie's army voice doesn't really work imo
Why are Carmine's earrings hanging off her hair?
The second song isn't really my thing, but I can understand why someone may like it... except for the green guy's echoing voice in the song.
Vaggie's singing voice is way too different from her speaking voice.
Pentious redemption. I like that Angel is warming up to him. The snake's precious.
Episode 4
Here's the episode on SA. Guess I'll finally be able to form my own opinion on this.
Poor Charlie and Pentious.
Aw, Husk being a people reader.
Goddamn, what did Nifty do?
So after ignoring Val's calls for days, he's suddenly answering? Maybe he realized it had been too long, and it would be worse if he continued to ignore him?
Charlie, you should've known that this would be difficult?
So Val knows to "respect" Charlie to her face, but
Angel's real name is Anthony?
Angel's VA is selling the performance here. It's gut wrenching.
Angel's song is okay.
I think the writing has been pretty solid since the song. I like Husk and Angel's dynamic.
I like the HuskerDust song and the visuals going with the song.
Goddamn the song's cut off, lmao
I dunno, besides the abuse part, I think the episode was solid. I can't speak on how well it handled SA, so I won't.
Episode 5
Why is this episode so much quieter than the rest?
Why is clown music Lucifer's ringtone for Charlie?
I like Lucifer's design, and his voice matches him, but I don't think he works as Lucifer, y'know?
Where was Alastor for that little meeting?
Alastor's eye twitching just the tiniest.
So Lucifer hasn't heard of Alastor? I thought he was the most threatening demon? Also, why is Alastor testing Charlie's dad?
Lmao, Pentious meeting the king of Hell.
Do people ship Lucifer and Alastor?
Nifty being in the song.
Alastor trying to insert himself as Charlie's father figure.
Oh, yay. Mimzy.
I like the song, besides when Mimzy came in from nowhere.
Lucifer's face in the background when Alastor's pushing Charlie away.
How does Mimzy know everyone? Did she meet Husk and Nifty because of Alastor?
New Alastor lore. I thought people would call him the Radio Demon, not that Alastor named himself that.
Alastor being owned by someone else makes sense.
Poor Husk.
Why does Hell even use money?
Aw, Pentious saving Nifty.
Angel and Husk enjoying the father-daughter drama.
So, does Alastor actually want to keep the hotel safe, or is it because of a deal?
The song reminded me of a Greatest Showman song. It's okay.
Vaggie, you're acting sus.
Episode 6
Yo, Cherry Bomb is back, and she's Aussie.
Pentious lol you're so nervous for nothing.
I love Sera and Emily's designs.
Heaven's song should've been church choir-esque y'know?
Adam has already talked about the exorsists with angels around. There's no way that more people haven't heard about them by now.
Adam named Vaggie? Wth
Damn, they ripped Vaggie's eye clean out with no struggle or hesitation.
Sarah's voice did not hold much confidence for Adam.
Why is Pentious trying to hit on Cherry?
Adam, you fucked multiple times. What the hell are you talking about, you hypocritical asshole.
Aw, poor Nifty. I like Angel and Nifty's dynamic.
Aw, man, poor Pentious.
Why did the music stop when Angel and Val argued? Let him argue without causing a scene.
I don't like that the song has to do with the plot so much, but I like the song.
Please banish Adam to Hell.
I love Sera and Emily.
Episode 7
Aww, Pentious petting the kitty thing.
Alastor is pushing Charlie a little too much.
Alastor kicking his feet while laying on Charlie's bed.
Charlie is going to push Alastor to beating her shit.
"I know something you don't know~" Love this guy.
Charlie's demon horns coming out when making the deal.
With how much they made out Vaggie's past angelhood, I would think that Charlie would be more offensive?
Ah, there it is.
"I know you're an ace in the hole-" "A what now?" Lmao
I love Rosie.
Rosie and Alastor's dynamic is lovely.
They have a month to prepare. What are they gonna do to keep their defenses up within a MONTH. That's like no time.
Who voices Carmine? She sounds mildly familiar.
Why did they have to introduce Susan?
Carmine basically calling Charlie a dumbass.
Vaggie getting her wings back is kind of bullshit. Or am I missing something?
Carmine's song is alright, but give it a little. The UnderTale fandom will get to it. There'll be a parody.
Rosie and Charlie's talk is so nice.
Alastor and Rosie kinda being the parents that Charlie needs is mad deIicious. Love me parental figures.
Despite the name, Cannibal Town is amazing.
I love the song here in Cannibal Town.
I love this episode.
Episode 8
Vox is here. Again. Yay.
Wrong Angel, Nifty lmao
I still love Sir Pentious. He has reserved a place in my heart.
Love this small peaceful scene.
Aw, Alastor and Nifty interacting.
Angel admiring Husk.
Pentious and Cherry? Kinda nice, actually.
Vaggie's song to Charlie is pretty sweet.
I can't... who's righting the relationships in this episode? They're all so lovely.
Adam's rocking "ATTACK!"
The 3 V's watching from the TV.
The outfits the main guys are wearing.
Vox getting turned on by Alastor's impending doom.
Beat his ass, Alastor!
Alastor's staff breaking and him mildly panicking.
Husk enjoying the sex jokes.
Alastor fake out death.
Angel saving the egg.
Cherry and Pentious kissing in front of explosion.
No, not Pentious!
Loved the animation where Charlie and her goats transformed.
Damn, Vaggie fighting even with a hole in her hand.
The angel bitch Vaggie was fighting ripping her arm off was a bit much for me.
Lucifer appearing and fucking Adam's shit up.
Adam's mask falling off.
Nifty getting the last hit on Adam. Awesome.
'Shitting and cumming' being in the headline during the news is fucking hilarious.
Lucifer is fucking fruity.
Lucifer and everyone cheering Charlie up.
Velvet recording Vox and Val dancing.
Sir Pentious's memorial.
Alastor showing up for the last bit of the sing.
I liked most of the song.
YO Sir Pentious showing up in Heaven?!
What was Lilith's agreement?
Overall, I enjoyed watching this show. The pacing and writing could use some work, but yeah. Mimzy was kind of annoying, but she was only in the show for a few minutes in one episode, so it was easy to ignore her... unless you're listening to the song that she so rudely interrupted at the very end of. The constant need to bring in new characters is kind of annoying, but I enjoyed at least half of them.
If I were to draw fanart of any of these characters, it would probably be Husk, Nifty, or Sir Pentious. I'll be patiently waiting for a second season. If there ever is one.
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