#it is done now though yaaay
thepixelagora · 5 months
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Something, something, commander and her guard dog
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lynxgriffin · 3 months
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Demons
1 | 2 | 3
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Asriel ventures back to Hometown while on the trail of trying to find out what happened to Kris, and stumbles across an unusual man who's all too excited to share his demon-warding knowledge! But it's unclear so far whether this knowledge will actually be of help to him...
Yaaay all done with this series back with the Dreemurrs! This one was definitely the longest, but also had some important info! What I'll tackle next is a mystery to me right now...
Alt text for these pages is under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: Exterior shot of a back alley in Hometown, with old barrels and boxes stacked behind medieval buildings. Asriel walks down the alley, wearing a striped shirt, glasses and scruffy blond hair, and carrying a large canvas bag over his shoulders. The annoying dog trots happily beside him.
Panel 2: The annoying dog drops his nose to the ground, sniffing at some interesting smell.
Panel 3: The dog bounds off ahead of Asriel to a haphazard collection of trinkets, boxes, jars and displayed charms, all partially covered with colorful cloths. A man is kneeling under one of the tent setups. Asriel walks to catch up with the dog, asking, "What's got your interest this time, dog?"
Panel 4: The man pops up from his odd collection and turns to Asriel with arms spread and a big smile. He has short curly hair, and is dressed in a medieval robe with a cape slung over his shoulders, and bone designs in his sleeve cuffs. He answers, "Just the finest assortment of handmade charms and magical meals made by yours truly, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" The dog happily circles Papyrus, tail wagging.
Panel 5: Asriel is a bit taken aback by the introduction, but waves in greeting anyway, and responds with "…Oh! Howdy!" The dog sits in front of Papyrus, panting and wagging his tail.
Page 2 Panel 1: Papyrus leans down with a big grin to pet the dog and ruffle its face. "What a bright and clever fellow! Such a sweet face!"
Panel 2: "You're a good, good boy, aren't you?" Papyrus continues. However, the dog glances over to the side, as something has got his attention:
Panel 3: It's one of the charms Papyrus has on display: a large femur bone decorated with paint, beads and feathers.
Panel 4: The dog leaps up and snatches the charm in its mouth. Papyrus looks agape at this thievery, eyes cartoonishly wide. "Wh-HEY! That's my SPECIAL demon-warding charm!"
Panel 5: The dog goes running off further into the alley, the bone still in its mouth. Papyrus shakes his fist at it and yells after it: "You thieving scoundrel! I take back all the nice things I said about you!"
Panel 6: Papyrus quickly turns back to Asriel with a more apologetic look; even now he can't be too mean. He says, "I apologize, I didn't mean to yell at your dog. I'm sure he's normally better behaved!" Asriel waves off the apology with tired bemusement. "No, it's fine. He's not really my dog." Under his breath, he adds, "He just keeps following me around for some reason…"
Panel 7: Papyrus stands back up and gestures to his odd collection. "In any case, you at least are welcome to my little shop-in-the-works!"
Page 3 Panel 1: Papyrus leans in close to Asriel, observing him, and getting a bit into his personal space. "You look a little familiar, though! Are you perhaps related to Mr. Dreemurr?" Asriel nervously adjusts his glasses, and replies, "Heh, yes. I'm Asriel, his son."
Panel 2: Asriel holds up a hand and gives a little sideeye to the alley around them. "But, uh…I actually don't want my parents to know that I'm back in town, so I'd appreciate you keeping quiet about me being here."
Panel 3: Papyrus mirrors that sideeye, hands on his hips, as if recalling some recent incident. "Ahh…I know well the trials of avoiding family. Especially when they decide to try out some terrible new jokes."
Panel 4: Papyrus makes a lip-zipping motion with his hand and mouth. "Not to worry, my lips are sealed!" Asriel smiles back, and says, "Thanks, I appreciate it."
Panel 5: A wider shot of the two still standing within Papyrus's collection of tents and trinkets. Papyrus asks, "So, if it's not to see your folks, what brings you back around Hometown?" Asriel glances around them, and replies, "I'm looking for something. Or well…kinda hoping I don't find something here."
Page 4 Panel 1: Papyrus points up one finger, looking as if he's already solved this problem. "If you don't want to find it, then looking for it seems rather counterintuitive!"
Panel 2: Asriel looks a little taken aback by that logic. "Yes, well… Okay you have a point, but…"
Panel 3: Asriel keeps glancing behind him, as if expecting to see someone there. "This is kind of the next step in a trail of research I've been doing."
Panel 4: Papyrus puts a hand to a chest and puffs himself up, imitating his heroic poses from Undertale. "Well, if your research involves handmade charms and tasty foods both designed to ward off demons, evil spirits and the like… Then I'll be your most cited source!"
Panel 5: Asriel crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows, intrigued by this. "Really."
Panel 6: "You know a lot about demons, huh?" Asriel asks as he sits himself on one of the rugs within the tent setup. Papyrus keeps up his self-congratulatory pose. "I, the Great Papyrus, am a bonafide expert in such subjects! Sad that so few around here seem to recognize my talents."
Page 5 Panel 1: Asriel holds his hands up, willing to follow this strange thread wherever it might lead. "Well, I've got a question that all my research hasn't been able to answer for me, so perhaps you can…"
Panel 2: A pause as Asriel holds on to his thoughts, hands closed in front of his face. Papyrus sits down on the rug across from him.
Panel 3: Asriel lowers his hands, his face deeply serious. "How do you kill a demon?"
Panel 4: Papyrus looks back at him with an equally serious expression, then…
Panel 5: The seriousness is gone as he gives a casual shrug, and gives an answer. "Oh, that's simple. You don't!"
Panel 6: Asriel looks a little bit baffled, and disappointed. "…You don't?"
Panel 7: "No, silly. They're immortal, like angels!" Papyrus keeps up the casual shrug, as if this information is obvious.
Panel 8: However, Papyrus then seems to become aware of why this is being asked. He looks around the area frantically, his head whipping back and forth. "Why?! Are there demons around here that my detection flatbreads missed?!" Asriel offers an amused smile back. "Heehee… no, I don't think so."
Page 6 Panel 1: The seriousness returns to Asriel's face as he scratches at his nose, lost in worried thought. "I just…have this real bad hunch. I'm trying to prepare myself for all potential outcomes."
Panel 2: Papyrus ignores the seriousness of the situation, and just seems impressed. "Preparation! The hallmark of the truly intelligent!"
Panel 3: Asriel is still set on getting some information, and continues his questions. "Thanks. So, if you can't kill them, what do you do about them?" Papyrus holds up a finger again, happy to keep explaining: "Well, you got two options! First, you can banish them back to their own plane!"
Panel 4: Papyrus continues, "However, that's really only the ideal option if you're the one that summoned them in the first place. Otherwise it's a whole ordeal." In the background, Papyrus's point is illustrated with a little graphic of a cult member holding up a hand in rejection of a demon within a summoning circle. The demon looks confused and perturbed by the rejection.
Panel 5: Asriel says, "I see. What's the other option?" Papyrus continues his explanation across the two panels: "You bind the demon to something! Quickest and easiest thing to do is bind them to an object! Buuut, problem with that is, if your object gets broken or destroyed, now your demon's free and even angrier than before."
Panel 6: To illustrate his point, another background graphic shows a shocked human with a broken jar in front of them. A demon rises out of the remains of the broken jar, looking angry and ready to strike.
Page 7 Panel 1: Papyrus again continues his explanation across two panels. "Hardest and most time-consuming thing to do is to bind them to a place! Good option if you have the prep time, but then you can't really use that place anymore. Better pick a restaurant you hate and hope no one there minds you standing outside it chanting for three days straight."
Panel 2: To illustrate his point further, a scene (perhaps a flashback) shows Papyrus with his arms raised outside of a restaurant, supposedly chanting angrily at it, while another person stares back at him from the doorway, hands on their hips in annoyance.
Panel 3: Asriel watches as Papyrus finishes up the rest of his explanation: "Aaaand, last thing you can do is…bind the demon to a person! Which…"
Panel 4: Papyrus stops suddenly. For the first time, he looks actually disturbed and hesitant.
Panel 5: Asriel watches quizzically, waiting for him to continue.
Panel 6: When he doesn't continue, Asriel tries to prompt him on, tilting his head towards him. "…And?"
Panel 7: Papyrus quickly waves his hands in front of him, smiling nervously, clearly trying to dismiss the whole idea. "But you know, we don't need to go into the details of that!"
Panel 8: Asriel says nothing, but remains in nervous thought, one hand covering his mouth. It's clear that this is sticking in his mind the most.
Page 8 Panel 1: Asriel remains sitting with a hand to his chin in thought, but Papyrus has moved on to better advice. "But as I always say, an ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure! You're much better off trying one of my charms or meals to-go!"
Panel 2: Asriel lets himself smile more at this suggestion. "Y'know? I'm sold. And also a bit hungry."
Panel 3: Asriel gets up, and drops a handful of coins into Papyrus's open hand, which Papyrus looks at in surprise. Asriel says, "Give me your best demon-warding meal."
Panel 4: Papyrus stares down at the coins in his hand, his eyes cartoonishly big and shiny, full of excitement. "WOWIE!! My FIRST ever sale!" he says with a big smile.
Panel 5: Papyrus leaps up and begins to rummage through some of the boxes and barrels around his collection. "This calls for my finest delicacy!" Asriel watches him from a few steps back, and mutters under his breath, "…First ever?…"
Page 9 Panel 1: Papyrus straightens back up, gesturing to a small sack that he is holding in one hand. He looks pleased with himself. "Spiced candied yam bites, from my home country!"
Panel 2: "Each one will purge you of evil spirits for a whole ten hours!" he continues. He hands the small sack off to Asriel, who takes it from him and says, "Sounds like a good deal." In the background, the annoying dog pops back up from behind some other boxes, holding something in its mouth.
Panel 3: Asriel hefts the bag over his shoulder again, and holds up the sack of treats in acknowledgement of the exchange. "Well, I know where to come if I need more info and good charms."
Panel 4: Papyrus stands proud, both hands on his hips, happy at being able to spout off his knowledge to a stranger. "Yes, yes! Tell all your friends about the fantastic advice and the culinary masterworks of the Great Papyrus!" he says excitedly.
Panel 5: Asriel heads off back into the alleyways, and waves goodbye to Papyrus. The annoying dog follows close behind his steps. Papyrus enthusiastically waves to the two as they leave, and says, "Safe travels to you and your annoying dog!"
Page 10 Panel 1: Papyrus turns back to his collection of trinkets and boxes with a determined look, hands on his hips. "And now to see where that criminal canine buried my special charm…" he says to himself.
Panel 2: While continuing on through the alleyways, Asriel opens the small sack and pulls out one of the candied yam bites.
Panel 3: Asriel glances back down at the dog, and notices that he's carrying something that's making a tinking noise. It's partially hidden from view. "Oh boy, what did you steal now?" he asks with a wry smile.
Panel 4: Asriel takes the yam bite and pops it into his mouth with a crunch…
Panel 5: …Only to then make a face, his eyes wide and his mouth scrunched up, as if tasting something indescribable.
Panel 6: "What IS this flavor?" Asriel asks to himself, although all but his back foot are off-panel. The focus is on the annoying dog, who is shown to be carrying a strange, heart-shaped metal lantern on a chain.
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juliasturnz · 2 months
“The little things”
Chris x y/n
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🜸 - Sorry for the small amount of posting🥹
★ - summary:
A late night walk with your boyfriend is got to be the best thing right?
༆ - warnings!:
Kissing and pet names (baby, my love (ml) babe, bae) nothing more ☺︎︎
✫彡 - writers note!:
Sorry for not writing I’ve been struggling mentally a lot so I’m trying to keep up, sorry again🩷
★ -
your laying down with Chris in his just perfectly comfy bed, the soft blanket touching your skin, his head and silky soft hair on your shoulder. But your mind has been keeping you up, everything you could think about right now is a late night walk to just clear your head, to feel the cold night air hitting your skin.
You can’t stop thinking about going outside holding hands with Chris and just yap with each other, you feel bad asking to go for a little walk since he’s laying on your shoulder in a (what it seems like) deep sleep.
The urge is getting bigger and bigger and you finally have the courage to shake his shoulder a little bit. ‘Chris baby?’ ‘Hm? whatsup?’ His voice is raspy and his eyes are still shut, not that you can see much but your at least think so. ‘Can we go for a little walk, my mind has been racing.’ ‘Mhm for sure.’ His head isn’t on your shoulder anymore and you flick on a night stand light. His eyebrows furrow and so do yours, even though it a warm color it’s still very bright since you and Chris aren’t used to the brightness. ‘You can put on some of my clothes, pick whatever you’d like.’ You turn around to see him fully sitting up in his bed, with surprisingly his eyes wide open. ‘Thank you baby and I will.’ You give him a smile back and give him a little peck on his cheek. ‘Wait we should pick each other’s outfits.’ His ideas were the best, and also hard to deny. ‘That’s a great idea!’ Your face lights up by the once again creative idea.
When he’s done picking your outfit and you his, you give each other the pieces of clothing and get dressed. You are wearing his blue fresh love hoodie with a pair of way to big black sweatpants, what makes him giggle when you put it on. And he’s wearing also a black pair of sweatpants with a grey zip-up hoodie. (Yes the grey zip-up hoodie🤭) ‘you look adorable.’ Chris is proudly scanning your outfit and so do you ‘you also look very handsome.’ Chris does a little spin what makes you laugh. ‘I love your smile ml,’ he comes up to and give you a little kiss on your lips. ‘I love yours too Chris.’ He’s not far away from you what makes you a bit nervous, ‘come on, you got to do a little spin for me too!’ His face lightens up while he talks, he sticks out his finger and while you hold it you spin around. ‘Yaaay you look gorgeous!’ You giggle at his excitement not only in his voice but also clearly in his face.
‘Ew I need to brush my teeth, my breaths stinks.’ ‘Yeah me too.’ You and Chris walk up to the bathroom and brush your teeth. You guys are trying to talk but talking while brushing your teeth isn’t the best option. You and Chris keep laughing at each other trying to say words or sentences while brushing your teeth.
When you and Chris finally reach the point where you are on your way to outside, he opens his hands to give you a sign that he wants to hold hands. You lock your hand into his while he gives you a warm smile, you both reach the front door and Chris opens it and the perfectly cold midnight breeze hit your body.
You and Chris walk into the darkness of this beautiful night. ‘I love this so much.’ ‘I’m so glad you woke me up, I didn’t knew I needed this.’ Chris looks around into the darkness from the streets around him. It’s quiet, but a peaceful quiet. You and Chris could just hold hands walk around and say nothing, you were made for each other.
hey gorgeous, you wouldn’t mind liking this post would youuu?? Comment if you wanna be tagged, or js lmk what you think about this.🩷
again I’m sorry for this lack of posting been struggling a lot lately and still wanted to post a bit☻︎, so there it is a short story I’d love to experience 😔😔
@042502 @chrisslut333 @chrissslut @chris-slut @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @pepsiboyy @pepsiluvr0209 @hollandsangel @hoeformatt @hoesformatt-deactivated20240729 @hopefuljellyfishcollection @mattsfavbitchhh @mattstattos @mattslittleprincess @mattsturnswife @mattsgf @sturnzsblog @sturnzsun @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzluv @sturnslesbo @sturnslcver @sturnsdoll @sturnsbaby @sturnsblunt @sturnioloshacker @sturniolonmc @sturniololoverr @monroesturnns
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Demons Are A Girls Best Friend
There are other parts!!!! I’m too tired to link them!!!!!! Anywho: Mc has a dirty ass fantasy and the brothers plan it out and this the plan coming to life!!! Yay!!! Inspired by a power metal song about demons taking virginity!!!!!!! The Mc isn’t really a virgin tho!!!!!! Yaaay!!!!
Nsfw ahead: praise, degradation, throat fucking, impact play, spanking, blowjobs, size kink, demon kink, corruption kink, vaginal sex, clit play, multiple positions, multiple orgasms, orgasm control, yeah like almost everything
Chapter 3: “let your carnal lust prevail tonight”
You stood outside of the door, note in hand. The brothers were on the other side, waiting for you to come in so they could commence the scene. You were nervous, heart beating uncontrollably and mind racing. Glancing down, you could faintly see the outline of your underwear through the outfit you had decided on earlier. Perhaps you went a bit too far with the innocent -not-so-innocent act.
All the lights were out in the house now, leaving you to rely on the one and only light source that laid beyond that door. You looked back at the note and with a shaky breath, you opened it.
The room was transformed, it had an old feeling to it. It was a dark brown and smelled of frankincense, it was polished and the light reflecting from the torches made it have a golden-orange hue. You could see a table in front of you with a few chairs and sat on one of those chairs was Satan, flipping through the pages of a Bible. He was dressed head to toe in a priest’s garb, if it weren’t for your knowledge of him already, you would’ve assumed he was a young, attractive priest. He lifted his head to you, eyes just briefly leaving the word.
“How can I help you, young one?” His demeanor was calm and kind. His lips slightly stretched into a smile, but it felt soft, not mischievous in the slightest.
You remembered the note. “I’ve been searching for sanctuary. The storm has run me here.” You answered, trying to think of the best way to fit the plot.
“I see. You’ve come to the right place. I am here with some of my brothers in Christ.” God, this is ironic. If it weren’t for your nervousness, you’d start cackling. “We can house you here.” He placed the Bible down. “Come, sit with me.” He pulled a chair out and turned it so it was facing him.
You nod and move over. Your footsteps were light but even so, the floorboards creaked as though you were in an old house. “Thank you Father.” You sat before him, crossing your legs.
“What brings you so far out in the woods? I’m sure you know it’s dangerous for people such as you.” He acted well, furrowing his brows and adding concern to his eyes.
“Well, I…” this wasn’t in the script, do they expect improv??? “I ran away from my home a long time ago.” Well, might as well make the lore nice and juicy. “I was traveling alone, moving from place to place.”
“Hmm, I see. Humankind often moves about, you are no different. Even so, you must remember that on nights like these, demons come out to play.” Like on cue, one of the torches went out and lightning outside struck. “You are safe here, but you must beware the night.”
Think of something! Think think! You look so awkward!
He shifted in his seat. “Sorry, you must forgive me, I must’ve scared you.” He opened the Bible back up. “You could consider me an expert on demons. Demons crave many things, I’m sure you know. They crave to create chaos where there is calm and corruption where there is innocence.” His words were silk, moving through your ears and sinking into your head. “You are innocent, aren’t you? Untouched by darkness?”
It was arousing how his words sounded so genuine but you knew exactly where he was going. “What do you mean?” You tried to sound innocent, but your blush and the stutter in your voice could not be disguised.
He tch’ed three times. “This won’t do. Tell me, what have you done?” He was still soft, still quiet, still priestly. “You can tell me, I will forgive you.”
“Brother, don’t torture this child.” Another voice. Lucifer. “They’ve come here for sanctuary and here you are, interrogating them.”
You whipped your head around to see him dimly lit, the golden light making his face warm and ethereal. Perhaps this is what he looked like in the celestial realm. Lucifer was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed with a gentle and welcoming smile on his face. He was dressed similarly to Satan, but his cassock wasn’t plain, it had a red trim with red buttons. Not to mention, the crucifix Lucifer boldly wore around his neck.
“Hello there, did I scare you, dear?” He asked, tilting his head up. “I simply overheard your conversation.”
“No, you didn’t.” You kept your eyes on Lucifer, taking him in.
“Good. Humans have a tendency to not want to follow directions. A little bit of rebellion is normal.” Lucifer crossed his legs against the wall, keeping his gaze transfixed on you.
You heard Satan lean back in his chair, making it creak. “You’re not wrong, but it’s essential to remember that they will be judged when the time comes.” You turned to look at Satan again. He propped his head up on the table and looked at you with concern etched across his face. “Why not let us relieve you of your sins now, lest it be too late?”
You were feeling nervous again, they play this game too well. You were still silent, trying to not trip over your words.
“It’s obvious that they’re scared of being judged.” Lucifer broke the silence and stepped forward, going toward your chair. You felt his hands grip the back of it and his chest was almost pressed against the back of your head. You felt compelled to glance up at him. “It would be hypocritical of me to judge you, dear. After all, we are not perfect.” His eyes were looking down at you, half-lidded and brimming with lust. “Who’s to say we are as holy as we seem?”
God, he was hot right now. You peeled your gaze away from him, afraid you might break away from the script. They would not initiate everything, with your permission. That’s what the note said. You had to wait, which is basically what it meant. You wonder who decided to egg you on like this? Whose idea.
Suddenly, a chair was pulled beside you and Asmo sat in it, legs crossed, looking at you and smiling. “Forgive me for my intrusion! I could feel their nervousness from the other room. I’ve come to alleviate it.” He sounded his usual cheery self, but still managed to fit the role. His cassock was similar to Satan’s, but he also wore a white sash adorned with etched crosses at the bottom.
Lucifer shifted behind you. “So, do you mind telling us what you’ve done? There’s no need to be ashamed.”
You felt as though they were waiting for you to say it, to say you’ve slept with demons. You tried to suck your nerves back in and speak. “I will.”
Satan looked pleased. “Then, is it true? You’ve bedded with demons?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
Asmo’s smile couldn’t help but stretch wider. “There, that wasn’t that hard was it?” He put a hand on your shoulder.
“No, father it wasn’t.” You felt relieved, guess you could say the introduction was over.
“Now,” Lucifer tapped his fingers, “since you’ve been touched by them, do you still crave their touch?”
Well fuck. Your heart rate went right back up. “Sometimes.” You answered, averting Lucifer’s gaze.
“Are you so ashamed you can’t look at any of us?” Asmo pouted. “It’s alright, demons are known to tempt. To seduce.” He didn’t try to hide the growing arousal in his voice.
“Perhaps they are.” Back to Lucifer. “Do you feel shame because you wish to feel their touch again? Or do you feel… something else?” He was loving every second of this, every word.
You could feel their hunger, it was obvious. Blatant. You were scared to indulge, but you were desperate to feel them. “Something else.” You were too quiet.
Satan crossed his legs. “I don’t think we are making you nervous anymore.”
You could really use some water but you didn’t want to stop the scene.
“I don’t think they are either.” Asmo pushed hair out of your face and his touch gave you goosebumps. “I think I know what you’re feeling. Would you like me to say it?”
More lightning outside. The rain on the roof thundered onto the rooftop and sweeping across the window. You could faintly smell the smoke from the candles strewn across the tables and the torches on the walls. You definitely aren’t nervous anymore and yet here you are trying to ground yourself. Truth be told, you’re excited now.
“They won’t admit it themselves. At least not yet.” Lucifer said, encouraging Asmo. “Say it.”
“You want us.” Asmo’s hand was on your thigh now and he was leaning closer to you.
You slowly turned to him. “I do.”
Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle. “You have no intention of repenting, do you?” His hand drifted to your shoulder.
“I came here, not for repentance, but sanctuary sir.” You answered, feeling his hand slide the fabric of your clothes slowly.
Satan was grinning now. “Well, you’re lucky. We can’t do that anyways.” On cue, his tail and horns emerged and from behind you, you heard Lucifer’s wings flap, accompanied by Asmo’s tail that was now wrapped around your calf. “So, with us like this, would you let us indulge in your need?”
You felt heat between your legs grow and grow and all you wanted to do was pounce on one of them and ride them til you were sated, but that isn’t a choice right now. “Can you?” You say.
Asmo feigns shock. “Can we? We are made for it. So!” His tail rubbed your leg. “Why don’t you tell us what they’ve done to you.”
Man, do you really have to admit that? Out loud? Your mind filled with memories of them touching you, how each of the brothers pleased you. You also wondered when you’d see the rest of them. You’ve seen Satan, Luci, and Asmo plenty.
“Ahhh, shy are we?” Lucifer stroked your cheek from behind. “How can we know what you want, what you like, and what you need without you telling us, hm?” He teased you, feeling so powerful.
“Perhaps you don’t wish to be pleased.” Satan said, letting his usual mischievous demeanor take over. “You were indulging us about confessing your sins, perhaps you crave punishment.”
Lucifer hummed his approval. “Ah, I could see that. Perhaps we need to become holy again for them to admit their sins. Now, tell us, do wish for us to continue?” Lucifer was both in the scene but speaking genuinely, you could tell by his touch.
“Yes.” You answered.
Satan retracted his tail and wings and horns. “Maybe you like feeling dirty. Do you?” He asked you, but didn’t let you answer. “I can tell you do.”
“Yeah, I do.” You breathed out and Asmo squeezed your thigh.
“That’s it. Give in to it.” Asmo whispered, watching every little move you made.
Satan played the good priest too well. He instantly shifted back into the demeanor he had before the demonic reveal. He leaned forward and clasped his hands together, eyebrows feigning concern as he teased you with his words.
“A good child of god confesses their sins, no?” He was pouting, shaking his head. “Should you continue to hold your tongue, I fear your punishment might worsen.”
You clenched your legs together, desperate for any friction. Asmo felt as your other thigh pressed into where his hand held your thigh.
“She seems to be distressed, perhaps they’re so ashamed of their sins they can’t even fathom speaking them aloud.” Lucifer was so close, you felt him leaning over you now as Satan stared from directly across you, you couldn’t help but wonder if they could hear your heartbeat.
Asmo could, for sure. “This is why you don’t mess with demons, sinner.” He couldn’t shield the excitement in his voice. “We w—they’ve touched you. You’re dirty.” Asmo’s breath was on your ear and neck. “Defiled.” His voice was low and dangerous, each syllable rolled off slowly and enough force that each one licked at your neck.
You were unbelievably horny, pushed to a point you didn’t expect to reach with just these three. When the rest join, you don’t even know how you’ll handle it.
“We need to purge the demonic essence from ya.” Fuck, like right on cue, Mammon. “Can’t have a sinner in the church right.” He emerged from what seems to be nowhere and crouched in front of you from your left. “So why don’t you tell us what they did.”
A low rumble came from behind you. “So we can do exactly what they did to you.” As Lucifer spoke, Levi, Beel, and Belphie emerged from different parts of the room. All of them but Satan were in their demon forms and now Satan transformed again to join them.
“You’ve wanted this, right? To get fucked by demons, you like the feeling of being fucked by demon scum?” Levi asked you, now moving in your direction. “It’s alright, you can admit it. You can take more than those three, right?”
“Yeah I can.” You say, your breathing fastening. “I can take you all.” Beel was moving toward you now and Lucifer pulled your chair back so there was more space between you, Mammon, and Satan. Enough room for Beel to situate himself between your legs.
Beel looked up at you. “I’ll start us off.” He parted your legs and dipped himself beneath your dress. You felt his fingers trace over the fabric of your underwear and he rubbed his knuckles against your wetness. You weren’t quite yet soaked but it was moist enough for him to tell. You felt him pull them aside and pin them against your thigh using his hand. He used his other hand to part your labia and he licked along starting from the bottom to the top.
You shivered. You looked around seeing what was next. Suddenly, you could see Lucifer’s horns out in front of you as he leaned forward to kiss your neck. He nipped under your ear before traveling down your collar bone. And on the other side of you, Asmo was doing the same. Mammon, Satan, Belphie, and Levi remained watching for a moment, taking in how you responded to their tongues. Satan looked at you with an unreadable expression, simply taking in how your mouth was parting and every tense and twitch you made. You brushed your legs against Beel’s sides, trying to show your appreciation.
“‘I wonder what’ll happen next?’ Is that what you’re thinking?” Belphie said, standing to the side of Satan.
“They clearly want more.” Mammon teased, still crouching. “Y’all are bein’ too sweet? Ain’t that right? They can be a lot louder than that.” He slid himself forward and onto his knees, beside Beel.
“What are you going to do?” As you asked, Asmo’s hand reached around to cup your breast and rub his thumb against it. Mammon lifted up your dress and spread your legs further. You felt Beel’s head retract and Mammon’s fingers press into you. You gasped as he worked to stretch you.
“There ya go.” He said. Beel’s tongue returned to your clit, leaving Mammon to the bottom half. Mammon worked slowly, curling his fingers against your g-spot, working it at a snails pace. Beel was moving similarly, keeping slow to tease you.
Lucifer was busy leaving your right shoulder covered in marks while Asmo played with your breast, rubbing the nipple slowly and sucking at your neck.
“Did the demons do this?” Satan said, bringing you out of your trance.
“Yes.” You responded, feeling how Lucifer’s tongue slid down your neck.
“What are Beel and Mammon doing to you now? Why don’t you tell me?” Satan asked, keeping his legs crossed to hide his boner.
“Beel’s eating me out slowly and Mammon is fingering me even slower.” You felt Beel move slower as you said that, making you whine.
“Hmph.” Satan replied. “You want them go faster don’t you?” Lucifer reached for your other neglected breast, fondling you oh so carefully. “Do enjoy the feeling of them touching you?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Yes to what?” He wanted you to say it.
“Both what? You can say it. Say what you want.” Satan sounded annoyed, but assertive.
“I want them to move faster. And I like how they touch me.” You were blushing as though you’ve never fucked them before.
“You give in so easily, no fight.” Belphie noted, not trying to hide how his cock was pressing against his pants. “Do you like being obedient?” He asked you. “Obedient to demons?” He was smiling, trying to dig into you.
“I–I do.” Mammon stopped fingering you. Beel’s tongue stopped shortly after.
“I didn’t catch that last part.” Lucifer whispered in your ear. “You need to speak up, Mc.”
“I like being obedient to demons.” It wasn’t hard to say at all but it definitely embarrassed you especially how Satan was grinning in front of you. Couldn’t he move anywhere else?
“Are ya mad we stopped?” Mammon’s head came out from under your dress. “Why don’t you tell us what you want?”
“I don’t want you to stop. I want to cum from yours and Beel’s stimulation.” You said, eyes locked on Mammon who was looking at you with hunger on his face.
“They wanna cum now?” Asmo was getting bored, you could tell. “Wow, aren’t you eager.” He pulled your chin toward his face and kissed you. Your tongues connected and you moaned into his mouth, the intimacy of it overwhelming you. He was excited and eager, practically forcing Lucifer to detach from you and for Beel to come out as well.
Lucifer didn’t show any agitation but based off how he pulled your head to face up toward him after your lips departed from Asmo’s, you could tell this was his way of saying “we share”. His lips connected with yours briefly knowing the angle would hurt you. The feeling of his hand around your throat was good, especially how he gripped the underside of your chain.
“Let’s get you out of that and then we’ll give you your first orgasm, hmm? That sound good?” Lucifer let go of your head and you stood and started to pull the dress over your head. Levi grabbed the dress for you and folded it quickly and put it to the side.
“Just panties and thigh highs?” Levi eyed you. “I kinda like that.”
You felt Lucifer’s hands on your hips from behind as Asmo pulled away the chair you were on. He turned you around to face him and then he lifted you to sit you on the table. You felt the coolness of the table and goosebumps rose on your skin.
“Is it too cold?” Levi asked.
“It’s chilly.” You said and more lightning struck, illuminating the room with white light. This strike made you jump a little. “Shit!”
“I think the fear should’ve warmed you enough.” Satan stood and pushed you back onto the table. “If not, I can fix that for you. Asmo, the sash.” Asmo handed him the sash he wore and Satan looked down at you. “You wish to be obedient Hm?”
“Yeah.” You said.
“Then this will make it easier on you.” He pulled your wrists together and tied them in a knot using the sash. Gently, he raised your arms over your head and Beel spread your legs again.
This time, you could see Beel’s expression as his tongue connected back with your clit. He didn’t bother to hold back now, going as fast as he liked and clutching your thighs with his hands. Your legs were cast over his shoulders, giving him exclusive access to your nethers. You gazed down at him looking how he looked at you like he’d been starving desperate for more of your sweet cunt. If it weren’t for the angle, you’d see his drool mixed with your arousal sweeping down his chin and dripping down his neck. When you rested your head back down you realized a small pillow was there to support your neck and head and that your head hung over the table.
“Thought you needed more comfort.” Belphie was behind you, erection in your face, but still clothed. “This next part will be fun.”
You tried to see where everyone was now. Mammon was still over with Beel and Asmo, while Lucifer and Belphie stood behind you and Satan and Levi watched from the side of the table. Levi stretched forward a traced a hand up your side to feel your goosebumps. “We need to warm them up.”
“I see that.” Satan took to the other side of the table and both of the demons stretched across the table to play with your breasts again.
“Ah!” You gasped, feeling how Levi’s fangs gently grazed your nipple and how Satan’s hand tenderly stroked the other.
“They like that, huh.” You could hear the grin in Mammon’s voice.
Lucifer nodded. “Yes but they need to remember they need to obey before getting their release.” You looked at Lucifer who stroked your hair, sitting in a chair right next to your head. “And what’s the best way to obey, Belphegor?”
Belphie released his cock from his pants, the length almost slapping your face. “By pleasing others.” He tapped the tip against your lips. “Open up.”
You opened wide and let him slide in. It was much easier to take his cock from this position, almost giving perfect access to your throat. Belphie gasped as his balls pressed against your lips.
“Good human.” Lucifer stroked your head. “Focus on his cock. You can’t cum until he’s satisfied.” He was gentle but the words stung, but you aren’t surprised. You did say no overstimulation to them, all of whom have a taste for pushing you.
You tried your hardest to ignore the other three demons that were pleasuring you to prevent yourself from getting to your peak. It was hard, especially with all the sounds coming from Beel as he sucked at your cunt. Or how Satan managed to pinch hard enough to hurt but to also make you moan on Belphie’s cock, who in turn would gasp at the vibration. Poor Mammon, who had to resort to coming to the other side of your head to get any attention.
“You should see how hot you look right now.” He said, touching the bulge in your throat as Belphie thrusted. “You can take cock better than any human. Hell, you might have most demons beat. Wonder how good you’ll take more than one in ya.”
Belphie pulled out for a moment, prompting Lucifer to raise your head up to let the blood run back down.
Mammon kissed your cheek. “Yeah, you can do it.” Belphie was grunting and rubbing your saliva all over his length, desperate to feel your tongue again but not wanting to push you too much. You breathed through your mouth, swallowing your saliva, but unable to wipe your drool.
Mammon stood and situated himself behind you, moving in front of Belphie. “Think you can go back and forth?” You watched as Mammon popped his out now and how it was an angry shade, already dripping precum.
“Yeah.” You answered and Lucifer slowly lowered your head back down. “I’m ready.” You felt Levi’s tease your entrance and your lower half jumped a little.
He giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”
Mammon was ready and Belphie was beside him. You opened your mouth and Belphie pushed in first, gasping. “Mm.” He hummed as he pulled all the way out and pushed back in just about halfway and then pulled all the way back out. Mammon angled himself and slowly slid into your mouth, sharply inhaling.
“Nice and warm.” He pulled out and pressed back in a few times before letting Belphie back into your mouth. They both continued this pattern as Beel was sucking your pussy so hard it’s bound to be sore.
Satan bit into your breast leaving teeth indentations and then biting into your side playfully. You ‘mmpf!’ed onto Mammon’s cock, making him let out a tiny ‘heh’.
“Can’t hear ya with your mouth full. Don’t tell me we gotta teach you manners.” Mammon’s hand on your cheek pinched just slightly.
Lucifer grabbed a handful of your hair to get your attention following Mammon’s comment. “You’re focusing well. Perhaps we should reward you.” He didn’t pull at your hair, but his grip kept you in place. He pushed at his brothers abdomens and used his other hand to put his fingers in your mouth. “Suck.” You were thankful for the little break from dick down your throat and the taste of the leather of his gloves almost soothed your gag reflex, strangely that is. “Now use your teeth and take it off.” You connected with the fabric, carefully avoiding his fingers and pulled, already knowing he’d put forth no effort to help you. It was a struggle but once it was past his wrist, all it took was one big tug.
“Well done.” He removed it from your mouth. “Mammon, hold their head up.” He put the other hand at your mouth, this time making it easier by angling his wrist in front of your teeth so it was also one big tug. “Good.” He took the other glove and put them into his pocket. “Now, Beel, pull them so their head isn’t hanging off.” Mammon lifted your upper body so that you didn’t just get dragged and Belphie pushed the pillow further toward your head.
Mammon was definitely mentally cursing himself for not choosing to fuck your throat first since he was already so ready to cum but it was alright especially for what he got to do next. He leaped up onto the table and raised your lower body so that you were leaning against his stomach and elevated slightly. You were now resting on him, thankful that all the blood could run back down now. Levi raised a glass of water to your mouth and you drank until it was gone. Lucifer was adamant you remained hydrated.
“So, once Beel finishes his meal, we’ll move on to fucking you, hm?” Satan was smiling at you, innocently. “Let’s get you to cum so he can finish eating you up.”
Beel pulled away slightly and allowed Levi to push his tail into your pussy. “Oh fuck.” You said out loud as his tail pressed into you. Levi watched you close your eyes and scrunch them together as the circumference increased.
“Does it hurt?” He asked.
“I’m gonna stretch you slower.” You could feel his tail curl as it neared your cervix so that he didn’t hurt you. “How’s that?”
“That’s good.” You opened your eyes and saw how Beel breathed heavy, eyes fixated on how wet you were. You grew hot at the sight of the droll and arousal coating his chin and even his nose. His forehead too? “You’re such a messy eater.” You told Beel and his eyes snapped to you.
“I’m not full yet.” He kept eye contact as he lowered back to your clit and started to suck.
Lucifer, Satan, and Belphie chuckled at your whines, making you even hotter. Levi was biting his lip. “They’re so sensitive. You should feel how tight they are.” Levi moved the tip of his tail, swirling it around inside. Mammon took the opportunity to clench and tug at your tits, playing with your nipples careful not to press into your marks.
You were so close from Beel’s tongue earlier so it only took seconds to have you nearing your peak. You pushed into Beel slightly and stretched, pressing your back against Mammon. Beel continued to eat to his hearts content, unbothered by you nearly suffocating him with your pussy. If anything, he loved your want for him.
“Beel, it feels so good.” You told him as your heels dig into his back. His knees were hurting but he powered through it as you bucked into him.
Mammon playfully smacked your breast. “Just gonna ignore me huh?”
“Sorry Mammon.” You whined, your right tit stinging a bit now.
“Awww, that’s alright. Did I hurt ya?” He said, rubbing the spot. “You’ll feel nice and good soon, don’t worry.”
Levi didn’t want to disturb the rhythm, so he tried to press into your g-spot retracting his tail just enough for his own comfort. “That feel good, Mc?”
“Yeah.” You tugged against your handcuffs, wanting to pull at Beel’s hair, as you neared your peak.
Levi could feel how you clenched around him, knowing how close you were. “You’re gonna cum soon, you better ask nicely.”
“Can I cum please? Please?” You begged a little bit out of habit.
Mammon rubbed your cheek. “It’s safe to say it’s unanimous, darlin’, you can cum. Cum on Levi’s tail, get it nice and slick.”
“Yes!” You gasped and your mouth went agape as you came. Your breaths were sparse and fast as you rode out your orgasm. You felt Beel pull away, wiping his mouth. Levi slowly retracted his tail and swiped his fingers across it and slid them into his mouth to taste you.
The brothers smiled down at you, watching your face as you caught your breath. Lucifer spoke. “Color.”
You were confused and then you understood. “Green.” Mammon slowly slid back, laying you on the table alone.
“Sit up.” Satan told you and you followed. “Get off the table.” You slid forward and pulled up your thigh highs that had travelled down. “Now turn around and bend over it, hands out in front of you.”
It didn’t take long for you to realize who was about to lead this next part and what this next part was going to be. With Lucifer and Satan standing on either side of you, your head was facing what should’ve been the wall, but instead you had the other 5 either sitting or standing so they could see your face. Beel was sat next to Belphie and at the head, Asmo sat.
“Satan and I are going to ask you a few questions, alright?” Lucifer was already rubbing at the flesh of your ass, a gentle massage preparing you for the sting of his hand that approached. “So, would you like to start?”
Satan hummed. “Yes, I will.” He ran his finger tips across the flesh instead, almost tickling you. “So, Mc, tell us how long you’ve had this fantasy.”
You thought for a moment. “A while, I guess. I can’t answer you confidently.”
“Hm, that’s alright.” Satan sounded pleased.
Lucifer picked up the next one. “Have you always known you’ve wanted to get filled with demon cock?”
“Not always, but for a long time.” The question made you smile, amused by his wording, and that he said that.
“What’s so funny?” Lucifer asked.
“That’s a funny question coming from you.” To be fair, you weren’t the only one amused, Belphie and Satan enjoyed the Lucifer bullying.
“Should you be laughing at the demon with their hand next to your bare ass?” Lucifer asked you.
“I suppose not.” You were honest and you could tell by Mammon’s face that Lucifer was preparing to land a harsh one.
Smack! Wait… that was Satan.
“Lucifer, I was supposed to ask the next question not you.” He sounded aggravated.
“So you punish them instead of me… seems I raised you well.” Now Lucifer’s hand planted itself onto your ass. His smack made you jump and then laugh a little. “To be fair, you get to ask two questions next.” Your laughter was contagious, most likely because Satan and Lucifer were passive aggressively eyeballing each other.
“Stop laughing, Mc.”
“I’m trying.” You responded and Satan smacked again.
“It’s a yes or a no. Haven’t you learned that by now?”
You tried to bite back a smile. “Yes sir I have.” None of the brothers wanted to snitch on you even though you were still smiling.
“Great I just wasted a question because you laughed. I need to punish you again.” He spanked again, this time much harder than before, causing you to clench your eyes shut. “So, next question. And I’m not afraid of the repercussions.” God, you could hear the smug on his face. “Who do you think can spank you better, me or Lucifer?”
Asmo wiggled next to you. “Be careful who you say. Who’s wrath would be worse?”
“Ironic choice of words, Asmo.” Lucifer mumbled.
You waited to answer, biting your lips still. Lucifer wasn’t too keen to wait. “You need to answer.”
“I think… that… right now—“ you tried to emphasize “Lucifer’s stings are worse.” You tip-toed around the question and both hands went down simultaneously. You yelped and looked to Beel who almost looked concerned.
“You can’t seem to answer correctly.” Lucifer chuckled. “So, did that sting worse than Satan’s?”
Satan leaned down to whisper. “Remember, you can always use yellow and tell him to leave.”
You started to grin again. “I’m not doing that.”
“Well, since you asked your question. I’ll ask mine. So, Mc, how many orgasms do you expect to have before our little scene is over?”
Damn, that is a good question. You decided to start small. “At least three.”
Lucifer’s hand didn’t swing down. “Hm… a little weak… but I suppose you will be taking all of us.”
Satan scoffed. “You didn’t ask about their maximum. So, Mc? What’s your maximum?”
You knew to stay low, considering your own strength and nymphomaniacs in the room. “I guess 5.”
Lucifer was much more pleased. “I like 5. Now. Who would you like to fuck you first?”
Why must you pick favorites??? Lucifer and Satan must be trying to stir up trouble. But, the kindness in your heart made you answer. “Belphie. He was so close earlier, and I stopped. It’s only fair.”
Belphie leaned forward, grinning at you. “Aren’t you sweet.”
Satan returned to the attention to him. “Alright then, choose who you want to answer this next question for you.”
“What’s the question?” You asked.
“If we tell you, we choose instead of you.” Lucifer answered for Satan.
You had a feeling it either had to do with how you cum next or the spanks. “Then I’ll choose…” But you can take a lot of pain and you can take a lot of pleasure. “Asmo.”
He got a burst of energy. “Yay!”
“So Asmo, how many more spanking should they take and how should Lucifer and I administer them?” Satan was eager. Very eager to hear his answer.”
“I think there needs to fairness. Each cheek deserves the same amount and I think you two should try to go at the same time. I think we shouldn’t be too mean but not too nice. They’ve felt your lashes before and they know they can take it. Let’s say 20 on each cheek.”
Lucifer looked proud and Satan looked to his elder brother. “Hmm, I like that. Do you?”
“Yes, and it’s only appropriate that Asmodeus counts us off and I think that Mc should count for us.”
Asmo leaned over the table so that his face direly in front of yours. “Think you can take it?”
“Yeah. I want to.” You said.
Asmo held your face. “3…2…1!”
Smack! “1!” They both started softer, but the double impact was enough to shock you. Then again. “2!” They kept going and once you were at “10!” their spankings were bordering on fiery. Asmo stroked you through the pain and he kissed your nose. “14! 15!” You could feel your eyes watering. “16! 17!” You were so close to the end, but you still had three more. And they were only getting harder. “18!” That one had you jumping. “19!” You saw Mammon flinch, but your ass was fully prepped for it.
“Last one.” Lucifer said.
“You’ve been so good, one more.” Satan encouraged you. A few seconds passed and you could hear the air sweep around their hands as they came down.
And fuck…. It hurt. It hurt good. “20!” A single tear went down your face and Asmo wiped it away. You were thankful it was over but you also craved a little bit more, you wouldn’t dare tell the sadists behind you that.
“My hand is stinging a good bit. Perhaps this is why most prefer toys.” Satan noted, tenderly rubbing away the pain along with Lucifer who was admiring the redness of his palm.
“Skin to skin can’t be beat, in my opinion. It’s very intimate.”
“Color?” Satan asked.
“Green, but let me breathe a little bit.”
“Of course.” Satan reaffirmed. “We want this to be special for you, love.” Gently, Satan turned you on your back and the cool of the table soothed the burn on your ass. You could see the redness of their hands, realizing their hands must be hurting too.
Belphie rounded the corner, pumping himself. “You ready? I can’t wait.” He grabbed your hips and stood between your legs. You wrapped them around his waist and nodded.
“Go ahead.”
Belphie pushed in and sighed. “You’re so wet.” He savored the feeling before beginning to thrust. He filled you up nice and whole, thrusting at a pace that wasn’t too slow or too fast.
Asmo swept around and started to play with your clit, watching how you whined and moaned. “So naughty. Who’d think someone a sweet as you could be this dirty?” He admired your face, loving how you started to unravel.
“They’re a slut for some demons, why are you surprised?” Mammon said from behind you. “You could tell from the beginning, couldn’t ya?”
“Of course, but I like to see how she reacts when you tell them how nasty they are.” Asmo responded, diligently teasing your clit.
“Should’ve felt how Mc gripped around me when you called them a slut.” Belphie huffed out, moving faster as he neared his peak.
“A little bit of degradation and some praise and Mc is ready to cum again, I bet.” Levi hovered over your face, smiling. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” He leaned down to kiss you.
“Mc, should I cum inside you or would you rather be cummed on?” Belphie asked, fucking harder.
You broke the kiss. “Cum inside me.” You answered.
“Ask me nicely.” He tried to fight the urge to cum.
“Please cum inside me, Belphie. I wanna cum too.” You whined, feeling your next high approaching.
Belphie, with a groan, came hard. He pressed his cock into you as hard as possible, wanting to not let any drip out. You felt his cum against your inner walls, feeling a new warmth as he released.
“Mm, thank you.” You said and Asmo retracted his fingers temporarily.
“I think you need to take another cock before you get to cum. Now, who do you want to take next?”
You weren’t given the option to choose because the second Belphie left from between your legs, Mammon was pressing into you.
“Me.” He said. “I can’t stand watchin’ anymore. I need to feel your pretty pussy now, darlin’. I wanna make ya cum.” Mammon was sincere in his words but what was the most arousing was the way he pressed down on your abdomen as he filled you to the best of his ability. “Let’s see ya come undone. And once I’m done we’ll get you in a new position.”
“Yes sir.” You curled your toes as Asmo’s fingers returned to your clit playing with it delicately.
Mammon thrusted wildly, taking no time to build up, just wanting to cum in you. “You like getting fucked by a demon, don’t you? You like how this demon dick stretches you, huh?” Mammon would pull your hair if he could but that wasn’t an option so instead, he leaned down and propped himself up on his arms. “Tell Mammon what you like.”
“I love getting fucked by your demon dick.” You told him, legs shaking as Asmo increased his pace. “It’s so good.”
“Aw, atta human.” He kissed you and tangled your tongue with yours messily. When he pulled back, spit dribbled down your lip. “You can make such a fuckin’ mess. Just like when you had those cocks in your mouth earlier.” He was struggling to breathe through his words. “I like seeing your—ngh!”
You squeezed around him spastically, unable to hold back as you reached your second orgasm. “I’m gonna—“
“Cum as I fuck you. Milk my cock, make me cum inside you.”
His words were like a key. “I’m cumming!” You shouted and threw back your head. Asmo giggled and didn’t relent as Mammon prepared to finish inside you as well.
“Fuck, good, good! Oh it’s so good.” He bit into your shoulder and moaned your name. “I’m gonna cum in your fucking pussy.” As you finally finished spasming Mammon came inside you. Now a second demon has released all he could into you. As he pulled back and his cock pulled out, his seed dripped onto the edge of the table. Mammon grinned and wiped it onto his fingers and then placed them into your open mouth. You willingly licked them clean and leaned up as Lucifer brought you more water.
“Color?” Lucifer wiped the sweat from your forehead.
“Who’s next?”
“I’ll take Levi and Asmo.” You said, making Asmo light up and Levi almost stumble.
Lucifer raised a brow. “Then I’ll let them have you.”
Asmo was already prepared for what was next. “Let me guess… double penetration? Let me cum down your throat while Levi fucks you?”
Levi got ready to position you. “I know exactly how to do this most efficiently.” He had you on your side so that your body was on the edge of the table, front facing the two demons. Levi lifted up your leg and propped it up using your arm. Asmo finally let himself free and you could tell he was almost at his limit of waiting.
“Tell us when you’re ready, sweetie.” Asmo said, gently stroking your head.
“I want it.” Asmo’s gentle touch transformed as he grabbed your hair and pushed past your parted lips. Levi started to thrust and both of the demons were not shy with their noises. Asmo moaned happily, praising you over and over while Levi could barely get a word out.
This was a good reminder for you to never be embarrassed to be noisy, you’ll never match the volume as those two inside you. Asmo managed to fuck your throat without gagging you in the slightest while Levi fucked hard enough to hurt but so amazingly.
Beel, Lucifer, and Satan both watched as your ass jiggled with their movements and if it weren’t for Beel’s self control, he’d think it’s jello and probably try to take a bite. Lucifer tried to pretend he wasn’t painfully pressing against the fabric of his costume and that the heat of it was getting to him. Or maybe it was his arousal. On the other hand, Satan was shamelessly teasing himself, likely trying to hold back. Beel knew he was next based off your suggestions and he was already playing with himself, ready to fuck you into the table. Hell, once it comes to them, Levi might have already broke it.
“Mc!” Levi raised his knee up onto the table to give himself more leverage. “I wanna cum on you.”
You heard him and looked to his face. You’ve never seen him so red and it was fucking hot. He was sweating and his tail was shaking at the tip. Levi was going to cum soon. Your pussy was aching especially as his cock almost hit your cervix and you haven’t even been fucked by the biggest one of them yet. Asmo had plenty of stamina from his years of excessive sex, but watching how you unraveled from his touch earlier kept on sweeping across his mind. It was fucking insane, honestly, how fast you made him reach his peak.
Levi was actually about to cum though. He pulled out just in time and came all over your stomach. Despite the ache, you wanted more cock and you still had at least one fucking orgasm to go. And if Lucifer gets his way, you have three. Levi clenched his eyes shut and sat back in the chair, winded from him almost violent thrusts. “Fuck Mc. You have the greatest pussy ever.” Levi wiped the sweat from his face and smiled at you.
Asmo wasn’t having how you stopped focusing on him. “Look at me, Mc. Whose cock is in your mouth?” He sounded almost angry. “It’s mine, isn’t it? Nod.”
You nod.
He smiles again. “Good, now swallow it like a good little human. Take it like you’re in love with it.” He thrusted a few more times and came in your mouth. It was much sweeter than regular cum, likely a pro of being the avatar of lust. Demon cum in general tasted much better. “Ahhhh… that’s right. You love demon cum, don’t you?” He patted your face.
You nodded. “Yeah I do.”
“Okay well I’m gonna go with the others and get cleaned up. Once we are all back, we’ll take care of you. But remember, you still have to take Beel and the two sadists.” Asmo reminded you.
Beel came over and stood in front of you. “Mc, I’m gonna fuck your throat next.”
You looked anxious, but you willing opened up.
“I want you on your knees instead.”
Lucifer and Satan couldn’t help but chime in. “They’re excited, don’t disappoint them.” Lucifer said.
Satan agreed. “Perhaps they’ve been waiting for it.” Satan nudged Lucifer and said something to him you couldn’t hear.
Beel undid your binding and helped you to your knees. He used the pillow from earlier and placed them under your knees. “That good?”
“Yes sir.” You reached for his cock, now given full permission to touch him. Beel was big, larger than most, still not the largest in the Devildom (cough cough diavolo cough cough) but large enough to intimidate you. Beel knew you could only take him so much but to see you try made him throb. It was the hottest thing in the world.
“Let’s see if you can fit more than usual.” He suggested, leaning back as you took the tip into your mouth. “Think you can get to the base tonight?”
You tried, slowly moving back and forth, taking in just a little more as you went further down. It really wasn’t the length that was the struggle, it was the pain in your jaw with the thickness. The further back it went, the more it would hurt.
“You’re doing good.” Beel was getting breathy. “You can go slow. I’ve been ready to cum since you first came. You tasted like… better than heaven.” You felt your pussy throb as he sang his praises and when he grunted, fuck it was over with. You took him as far down as you could and somehow managed to get to the balls. “Fuck! Mc!” He kept his hand on the back of your head. “Keep just like that.” He held you at the base. The lack of movement was almost enough to make you gag but he let you release his cock from your mouth before you did.
“Beel, I can keep going.”
“No, let me cum on your tongue, just keep playing with your pussy and open your mouth.” Beel told you.
You didn’t even notice that you were playing with your clit. “Okay.” You parted your lips and stuck out your tongue. He stroked himself hard and fast, much faster than you could suck him off but you knew that was the purpose. He wanted to give you something to work toward. And it was… “I want you to be trained to take it just like this.” Yeah, it’s fucking hot.
You didn’t stop touching your clit and you thought you might cum before Beel especially as you could tell Lucifer and Satan were plotting your fucking. Beel didn’t care. He just wanted to see his cum on your tongue. He wants you to taste him just as he tasted you.
“I’m gonna cum, Beel.” You said and that’s all he needed. Suddenly, your tongue was met with the salty taste of his cum.
“Oh—yeah, that’s good. Fuck.” You came as he finished cumming and you swallowed through the waves of your orgasm. You were pretty sure you were bound for 2 more orgasms now, especially how the two remaining walked over to you, cocks out and dripping.
Beel wiped your lips and raised up from the chair. But then he leaned right back down to kiss your forehead, making you smile a little. He left to join the aftercare prep crew and then now it was just the three of you.
“So.” Satan eyed your slicked up fingers. “You were so desperate that you made yourself cum?” He grabbed your wrist and helped pull you up.
“Yeah, I didn’t even notice I started to touch myself.” You admitted. “I really was desperate.”
“I enjoy an honest submissive.” Lucifer took your fingers into his mouth.
Satan sat on the table and patted his lap. “Sit on my cock. I’m going to make you work for your next orgasm since you’re so eager to.” Lucifer sat in a chair and patted your ass encouraging you to go.
“And while you’re riding him. I’m going to tell you a few things.” Lucifer looked evil right now, but you didn’t have time to admire him especially as you sunk onto Satan’s weeping cock.
“You’re gonna hear what he says too. You’re gonna listen.” Satan leaned back onto the table and put his arms behind his head. “Now ride.”
You were exhausted but with how he was looking at you, you knew you could go for more. You moved roughly, slapping your ass down and panting.
Lucifer cleared his throat. “Mc, you’ve been a very good human tonight, even with all the overwhelming pleasure we’ve provided and the bit of pain from earlier.” You tried to listen and focus on the pleasure at the same time. “We’ve also learned of your demon kink or rather confirmed it. I hope you know that will be something for us to both enjoy, after all, a pathetic human is a beautiful sight for me.”
Satan kept his composure as you rode him, trying to keep himself under control.
“So, to satisfy me and Satan, I want you to beg for us, beg for these demons to make you cum. And don’t just say please. Beg earnestly. And don’t stop riding him.”
You heard his command loud and clear, with the oxytocin running wildly, you knew exactly how to beg. “I need you to make me cum. Fuck me with your demon cocks and fuck me hard, I wanna be a demon fucktoy. Fill me til I go dumb from it.” You hoped that was to Lucifer’s liking. Knowing him, he already had something planned for later for when you’re in private.
“You need it huh?” Lucifer was so ready to have you to himself. “Let me see you cum on his cock and then maybe I’ll take you up on it.”
Satan was enthralled with how your body moved on top of him to the point that he didn’t give two fucks what Lucifer was saying. Lucifer could be calling him garbage and all he could think about was the way you moaned and cried out as you fucked yourself on him.
“Satan, please let me cum.”
“Go ahead. Let me see how tight you can get.” He said and smacked your ass once more. “Then I’ll cum inside of you.” Satan was trembling with how hard he held back. He’s a gentleman, you get to cum first.
“Yes!” You shouted and ground your clit against him as you shook and if it weren’t for Satan holding you up, you would’ve fallen over. Satan was so ready to cum but he waited for you to calm down.
“Can I fuck into you?” He asked, begging silently you’d nod or anything.
He didn’t hesitate, he instantly lifted your hips enough and used his core to fuck upwards. You weren’t overstimulated luckily, but it was enough to make you see stars. It only took a minute of thrusting before he cried out and released into you, adding to Belphie’s and Mammon’s cum. You thanked every Devildom doctor in your head for their contraceptives.
You pulled off of Satan and watched as he lifted up and kissed your shoulder. “I’ll see you in a little bit, love.”
And then there was the most depraved of them left. Lucifer instantly pinned you down to the table. “Color? I can still stop.”
“Green. Finish me.” You touched his hand on your shoulder.
“I won’t be gentle, I regret choosing to go last. I wish I could’ve had you all to myself for this fantasy. Though it’s been lost at this rate, the holiness wasn’t the appeal was it?” Lucifer raised himself so that both his knees were on the table. “It’s the corruption.” He was grinning and ready. He lifted your legs up and cast them over his shoulders. “It’s getting to really understand the feeling of have a demon ruin you. To see you overcome that shyness, the embarrassment. You wished for us to fuck all the innocence out of you.” Then he leaned down and raised your hips to balance on his thighs. “You wanted me to go last and I knew that’s what you needed.” And now you were in a perfect mating press. “You needed me to make sure you became the perfect demon fucktoy.” He chuckled a bit and slowly slid into you. “Those were your words. While I enjoy a demon’s toy, for you to demean yourself to be exclusively for a fuck, I see much more value in you. I understand what you meant, though, you wanted to be fucked like a toy. And that’s what I’ll do. And you’ll cum with me. So col—“
“Green.” He couldn’t even finish. There were no ifs, ands, or buts. “Finish me.”
Lucifer was rough. He fucked hard and fast, animalistically. You immediately started moaning, he had everything perfectly arranged. This whole fantasy wasn’t yours, it was his, all of theirs. To see you completely lose it. You were lost indeed.
“Good. That’s it. Keep moaning like that. Let me see you get fucked nice and dumb.” Lucifer’s wings wrapped around you both and only the occasional lightning outside provided any light. Each blast of white made his eyes glow as he stared down at you, fuck, Lucifer was gorgeous.
“Lucifer! Fuck! You feel so good!” You knew the others could hear especially how the table creaked under you and how Lucifer wasn’t afraid to grunt or moan either. Lucifer’s thrusts were wet and messy, especially as you felt how your arousal was running down your asscheeks. “Lucifer!”
“Mc! Tell me what you want.”
“Lucifer, I want you to make me cum, I need it please, just one more.” You tangled your hands in his hair, fingers tracing his horns. “I’m begging, please!! It’s all I need.”
“I love hearing that. When I tell you to cum, you’ll cum.” Lucifer kissed you. “You need to fight it. The harder you fight, the better the release will be.”
You didn’t respond, instead you cried out as you held back. His words didn’t make it any better, it only made it harder. “Please cum, Lucifer!”
Lucifer watched as you almost began to cry from the overwhelming pressure. “Just a little more. Beg me again.”
“Please! Cum inside me! I can’t take it anymore. I need it so so so bad!” You held onto him for dear life.
“Yes, Mc! Cum for me! I’m—ah—AH!” Lucifer came and you saw stars as you came for the 5th and final time of the night. You could pass out, to be honest. Especially after how Lucifer fucked the god out of you.
After Lucifer came, the illusion surrounding you faded with the candles, torches, and the extra old appearance. The door opened and Beel came in. Lucifer pulled off of you and used a rag Beel gave him to clean himself off. Following Beel came Asmo who immediately tended to the cum covering your stomach, pussy, and the table. Beel helped lift you and you wrapped around him. He carried you to the shower and sat you on the toilet.
Mammon entered with Belphie. “Big ass bathroom. Are you okay, Mc?” He asked, checking the temperature of the water. “Can you even stand to shower?” He looked at you, concern in his eyes. “Ya look wiped the fuck out.”
“I can stand.” You rose up and all three panicked like you were gonna fall even though you stood completely stable. “Thank you for the pampering. I can bathe on my own.” You giggled and hopped in, leaving the boys for the rest of the work.
Once you were cleaned and you attempted to wipe the cum out, instantly regretting letting 4 of them cum inside you, you exited the bathroom where Asmo awaited to help get you dressed. “You okay, hon? Just put on underwear and a shirt for now, I’ll try to alleviate the sting on your butt.”
Asmo massaged cream onto your ass while Mammon helped to lotion you up all over. “I’ve gotcha.” Mammon was almost as precise as Asmo. By the time they were done, Beel had returned to cradle you and bring you to your bedroom.
You were laid down and soon after, the rest of the brothers entered. Lucifer was the first to speak. “Was it too much at all?”
You shook your head. “Somewhat unexpected, but not too much.”
Asmo plopped down beside you and handed you a cupcake. “Here!”
“Water first.” Lucifer said sternly making Asmo pout. You laughed and took the bottle from Lucifer. “Oh… I was going to help you.” He said.
“It’s alright. Are all of you okay?” You asked.
“I was really worried they were gonna slap your ass off.” Beel said.
Mammon looked relieved. “When Asmo said 20 i about fell over!” You couldn’t help but laugh again.
Satan looked offended. “We aren’t that mean.”
“I was worried Mc was gonna tap out after I finished.” Levi said. “You looked exhausted.”
“Thought I looked hot?” You teased.
“Well! You did! But very tired too!” Levi sat beside you and laid on the bed. “But I’m fine I already feel better.”
“Have you decided who to cuddle with now that you’re done?” Belphie asked, not waiting for an answer and laying on top of you.
“I figured you’d all find a way to lay with me. Good thing it’s cold outside.” You said.
“So…” Mammon wondered aloud. “Guess we need to get a spot while we can.”
Lucifer had already moved between everyone and was right up against your side, making Levi, Belphie, and himself the closest demons to you. Everyone looked shocked at his eagerness. Satan looked pissed. But that’s besides the point. Everyone also looked exhausted and the second everyone went silent, you immediately closed your eyes and was out faster than you’ve ever fallen asleep. You couldn’t help but dream about Satan and Lucifer arguing about how to do the impact play part from when Satan was on the phone with Lucifer earlier today. You couldn’t wait to tell them about when you got up.
Note: Jesus ducking Christ don’t write orgies with plot when you have a job and are also a full time college student omfg oh fuckkkk anywho hope you enjoyed if you got this far. I love comments and strange reblog hashtags they make my day. Thank you for your patience again!!!!!!!!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
sit on my lap & do my eyeliner
Genre/Tropes: SIT ON MY LAP AND DO MY EYELINER!!!!!!!!!!!! That's it.
Summary: Ruggie Bucchi sits on your lap and fixes your eyeliner before your second year orientation ceremony.
Author's Comments: Based on home screen dialogue because uhhhh I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately!!! (It's his ceremonial robes, he mentions doing makeup as a side job and I was like oh?) Also Leona finally graduated!!! Everyone say yaaay!!
You never thought you’d find yourself wearing the ceremonial robes that you’d met everyone else in. You never thought you would have ended up staying another year at Night Raven College, but Crowley had yet to find a way to send you home so you were stuck. In these robes.
You’d always thought they were pretty. Wearing them now, however, you finally felt the weight that Ace often complained about. Deuce had helped you with the belt as Ace whined in the background, his hands working quickly so as not to lose time. At least you three had wrestled Grim into his first, since he was definitely the more problematic of you two when it came to wearing required garments. If they hadn’t come early to help you, you two would have ended up late, and Riddle would have had your heads.
You thanked the two profusely for their help, though Ace did nothing. He stuck his tongue out when you tacked that onto the end of his thank you, whining about how that was unnecessary. (He was cute, but it was very necessary.)
You knew Ace and Deuce were feeling the loss of their upperclassmen, Trey and Cater. Ace kept grumbling something about Riddle being even more insufferable now that he was a Junior, but you disagreed. Riddle had shown immense amounts of growth (not the height kind, you thought to yourself, but that would probably never change) during your stay here, and you couldn’t have been prouder of him for it. They’d all come so far from last year, and they’d all done more than enough to make you feel welcomed at NRC, maybe even enough for you to consider it your second home. In a moment of emotion, you felt a tear well up in your eye. Clenching your eyes shut so as to not worry your three companions, you started your walk to the ceremony hall. It seemed like only yesterday you were in the library, being lectured by Crowley about the rules of this school and the conditions under which you’d stay here. 
Hopefully there wouldn’t be any overblots this year.
“Perfect, look! It’s the Savanaclaw guys.” Ace hissed, mouth twisted up in a frown. He must have still been bitter about the loss in the Spelldrive Tournament.
“Hello, Prefect.” Jack greeted, nodding his head.
Ruggie chuckled beside him, his eyes shining with mischief. “Now now, Prefect. Your eyeliner is messed up! Were you crying?”
“Hey, don’t start. The Perfect has been away from their family for an entire school year. You don’t need to mock them.” Deuce said, crossing his arms.
“Yeah! What Juice said.” Ace huffed, Grim nodding adamantly beside him.
“Don’t call me that! You still can’t get my name right?! It’s been a year!” Deuce yelled.
“Oh relax, I’m only teasing.” Ruggie ignored them and addressed you, “I can fix that for you. I used to do it as a part time job. You guys can go on ahead. Jack, take the froshes to the ceremonial hall.”
“Got it.” Jack nodded, ushering the freshmen down the hall.
“We’re staying with the Prefect!” Ace insisted.
“Yeah! You’re not pulling a fast one on me, weirdo!” Grim yelled, pushing himself up against your leg.
“Guys, it’s okay. You wouldn’t want to make Riddle mad.” you smiled at your friends, patting Grim on the head., “I wouldn’t want you to miss anything.”
“Prefect…” Deuce sighed but nodded, lifting Grim into his arms, “Hurry, okay?”
“He’ll be quick.” you assured them, trying to ignore the snort that escaped Ruggie at that.
“Last one there’s a rotten egg!” Ace cackled, sticking his tongue out at you.
“Go before Riddle collars you!” you yelled back as he laughed.
With your three friends following behind Savanaclaw, you turned back to Savanaclaw’s new Housewarden. He dug through his robes and produced eyeliner from somewhere in the folds, waving it in front of your face.
“Thank you for offering to fix my makeup. I didn’t trust Ace and Deuce with it and they certainly didn’t want to put their fingers near my eye. Said it was scary.” you shook your head.
“It’s a pleasure. You owe me a grilled cheese after this.” Ruggie laughed, “Come here, sit down on that bench over there.”
You followed his directions and sat down, placing your hands in your lap as you looked up at him.
“Now now…” he clicked his tongue, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “Make some room for me, Prefect! Put your hands on the bench.”
“What do you mean?” you blinked, pulling your hands on the cold bench seat.
“Better.” Ruggie mused, sitting onto your thighs and opening the eyeliner in one fluid motion.
You yelped, eyes wide. Ruggie laughed as he cupped your face gently, tilting your head to get a better angle.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” his eyes were gleaming again, the mischievous smirk from before returning, “I can do your eyeliner better like this.”
You placed your hands on his hips, trying not to flinch as he brought the eyeliner to your eyelid. Ruggie faltered at the sudden contract, but quickly got over it and made himself comfortable.
“Of course. I’ll try to be still.” you hummed, letting him get to work on your face.
Ruggie was only doing some quick touch ups, styling your eyeliner with expert precision. You could tell he wasn’t lying when he said he knew how to do this- you’d have to ask him to do your makeup again sometime.
“There.” Ruggie pulled away, still cupping your face gently, “That’s good.”
He dug through the folds of his robes again and pulled out a compact mirror, flicking it open and turning it to face you. You marveled at his work, tilting your head this way and that.
“You did so well, Ruggie! Thank you so much.” you beamed.
“Of course, of course. Now you owe me a grilled cheese! Don’t forget about that!” he hopped off your lap, the comforting weight of him vanishing as the space filled with cold air.
You furrowed your brow at the loss, embarrassed that you’d wanted him to stay like that. To make up for it, you offered him your hand. His ears twitched as he glanced from your hand to your face, another smirk spreading across his lips.
“Don’t worry, I’ve never cheated you out of a deal before.” you said.
“Now you want to hold my hand, too? That’ll cost you double.” he teased, taking your hand immediately.
“Hey, you got to sit in my lap. It’s only fair.” you shot back, squeezing his hand as you tugged him along.
“Hmm…I guess you’re right.” he snickered, suddenly pulling ahead of you and taking off down the hallway.
“Ruggie!” you shrieked, rushing to catch up to his speed, “You’re going to mess up our robes!”
“Then I’ll just fix those for you too!” he looked back at you and winked.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Floyd Leech - Beach Wear Vignette
"'Flying Jellyfish'"
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[Uninhabited Island – Sea]
[waves CRAAASH down]
[waves CRAAASH down]
Jack: That guy's pretty amazing. He's getting better and better at surfing every time I see him.
Azul: Pbbft augh! And here I am doing everything I can to just stand on my board…
Jack: You need to work on your posture. Push your center of gravity in the direction you want to go without overdoing it.
Azul: Your advice is very rational and helpful, Jack-san. Floyd's relies too much on feeling.
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Jack: Hm… …It's starting to get dark. We should probably leave the waters.
Azul: Yes, I agree. Floyd! We'll be heading back to the cottage soon!
Floyd: Ehh ~~~ Already?
Azul: It will be difficult to discern anything in the ocean at night. It's far too dangerous for us, especially now that we cannot transform back into our original mer-form.
Floyd: Fiiiine… Tch. I'm not done havin' fun, though. I wonder if there's anything we can do for fun at night around here.
Jack: At night, hm… Well, this is an uninhabited island, so it's pitch black at night. We'd only have the moonlight to do anything by. It'd be pretty impossible to do stuff outside.
Azul: Then, shall we create some kind of simple board games or card games to play inside with?
Floyd: Ehh~ Board games and card games can be done during the day, and we can play them anytime back on campus, too. That's not what I'm talking about…
Floyd: I wanna do somethin' fun that I can only do at night on this island, somethin' that's all bam and wheew and awesome!
Azul: There you go again with trying to describe it irrationally…
Floyd: Hmmm~ …AH! I GOT IT!
Floyd: Hey, hey, Azul. There's something I want you to show me how to do…
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[Uninhabited Island – Near Spaceship]
Floyd: Stitch~ you there?
Stitch: ?
Floyd: So hey, can I have some of the leftover parts that you're not usin' to fix up your spaceship with?
Stitch: Ye.
Floyd: Hmm, so I wanna grind up all this metal into dust… Can you do that for me, Stitch?
Stitch: Rock and roll!
[shaka, shaka, shaka, shaka, shaka!!]
Floyd: Woah, awesome! Man, you really can do anything. You reduced a bunch of different parts to dust lickety-split.
Floyd: Mmkay, then it's Dr. Floyd's Experimentation Time~
Floyd: First, I'll start with this powder… Oh, I got green sparks!
Floyd: From this powder, I got red sparks, and this one over here gets me purple.
Floyd: And then using that rotten smellin' mud from the hot springs… I'll put it on this stick I dried… Like this…
Floyd: Aha, it's lookin' good! I'm a genius ♪
Stitch: ???
Floyd: You curious what I'm making, Stitch? This is what we call a "Flying Jellyfish."
Floyd: Uhhh, what did they call 'em on land, again? Oh, right, fireworks! Do you know what fireworks are?
Stitch: Yeah!
Floyd: Oh, are you gonna help me make some fireworks? Thanks~
Floyd: Back when we were kids, me and Jade would go up to the coastline to check 'em out. Ah, and when I say Jade, I'm talking about my brother.
Stitch: Ohana!
Floyd: Hm? Jade's not whatever that is. He's the same moray eel merman like me.
Stitch: ???
Floyd: Didn't I tell you? I'm a merman. Before I came to school, I lived in the ocean my whole life.
Floyd: And like, back in elementary school, we'd sneak up to the surface and watch the fireworks.
Floyd: My pops and mama always told us that it was dangerous for us kids to go by ourselves, so we shouldn't go near it.
Stitch: Grrr, rargh!
Floyd: Hmm? Oh, it's nothing like that. That whole thing where the humans and merfolk were afraid of each other is stuff from a long, long time ago.
Floyd: Folks've been comin' and goin' between the land and sea for a while now, ever since the mermaid princess married that human prince.
Floyd: But the reason why us elvers were told to stay away from the beaches was 'cause of the dangers of high waves or ebbing tides leavin' us stranded on the shore.
Floyd: The adults can somewhat get back on their own, but it's not that easy for the kids, y'know.
Floyd: There'd be a buncha shop all up and down the coast, too.
Floyd: Kinda like how we did the cottage here, they'd set up shops along the shoreline selling food, or accessories, or whatever.
Floyd: My parents own a few stores like that…
Floyd: But like, those were all stores for adult merfolks. They didn't like us kids goin' in by ourselves.
Floyd: So yeah, me 'n Jade would often go hang out near the beaches without tellin' them.
Floyd: 'Cause, I mean, if someone tells you not to do something, doesn't it just make you want to do it more?
Stitch: Yahahahaha!
Floyd: There's a ton of cool things to find around the shoreline… And the flying jellyfish ―the fireworks― were our favorite thing.
Floyd: It's super amazing to watch fireworks from the ocean.
Floyd: The light from the fireworks light up the dark ocean surface, sparkling like stars…
Floyd: It made me feel like I was swimming in the starry night sky.
Floyd: Oh yeah, you're from space, right, Stitch? That's so cool, I'd love to swim in the starry sky for real someday.
Floyd: I remember when I first came on land, there were a ton of things that new to me, like, strange things and weird people…
Floyd: I bet if I went to space, I'd get to see so many more awesome stuff.
Floyd: 'Cause there's a ton of other aliens like you and Gantu out there, right?
Floyd: Maaan. I bet even if I told him that I met an alien on an uninhabited island, Jade'll never believe me.
Floyd: "Your dreams are overflowing with originality, Floyd," he'd probably say.
Floyd: I know! You should come hang with us at Night Raven College someday, Stitch.
Floyd: You should bring your friends next time, too. I wanna see some crazy weird alien dudes. Like…
Floyd: Maybe an evil genius mad scientist that was the one that made you, or maybe a one-eyed federal agent who likes to wear disguises. Got anyone like that?
Stitch: Yahahahaha!
Azul: Floyd, Stitch-san. There you are. It's almost time for dinner.
Floyd: Eh, already? I got so wrapped up that time flew by so fast.
Azul: How did you do in crafting the firewor… Oh, wow! You've put together quite a lot.
Floyd: All the sticks you see bunched over there are the ones that you showed me how to make, and all these disc-lookin' ones'll spin.
Floyd: And this box over here is my own original creation!
Azul: Fireworks that you yourself put together? It won't explode all of a sudden, right…?
Floyd: It'll be fiiine, don't worry. I pumped a bit of magic into it, too.
Azul: Goodness… Once Floyd decides he wants to do something, his focus shoots through the roof.
Azul: I wish he were more like this during work, as well.
Floyd: After all that excitement, now I'm hungry. Azul, Stitch, can you guys help me carry all the fireworks?
Floyd: We can hide them on the beach and surprise the others later.
Stitch: Yeah!
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[Uninhabited Island – Cottage]
Lilia: Floyd, Stitch, what's going on? Why are you taking us outside after we all finished eating?
Ace: The further we get from the cottage, the more pitch black it is. Also, why're you makin' me carry this bucket?
Floyd: It's fine, just trust me. Hurry and follow us.
Jack/Riddle/Ace: ???
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Floyd: We have arrived~!
Jack: The beach…? No, you better not be thinking of surfing in this darkness.
Floyd: Wrong~ The correct answer is… This!
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Everyone: WOOOAH…!
Lilia: What a spectacular fireworks display! Floyd, how did you prepare all this?
Floyd: Me 'n Stitch made them by grinding up the leftover junk parts into powder.
Grim/Ace/Jack: YOU MADE THESE!?
Floyd: Stitch, can you bring out the rest?
Stitch: Ooo!
[thud, thud]
Jack: Woah! All that stuff Stitch just carried out here on his back… Don't tell me those are all fireworks?
Floyd: Yuup~ I wanted to shoot some fireworks on the beach at night, so I spent all my free time today makin' these.
Grim: This is awesome! I bet we can go all night with how many we got here!
Lilia: The long, thin ones are sparklers, I see… But what's this box?
Floyd: That's my original creation.
Floyd: We'll put it over here a little bit away from us, and… Goldfish-chan, give me a light!
Riddle: Don't use people as you would a match, seriously. …Hah!
Everyone: OOOOHH…!
Floyd: Whaddya think? Isn't it cool with the way it lights up the pitch-black ocean, makin' it all sparkly?
Ace: Floyd-senpai, this is crazy awesome~! You're a genius! Can I try one too?
Floyd: Go ahead. Do as much as you'd like.
Lilia: Ooh! This sparkler's spitting out green sparks. It's just like the Diasomnia colors ♪
Jack: This one's giving off yellow sparks. Amazing, how'd you get different colors?
Riddle: This is my first time playing with fireworks. I just have to hold this end and light the other end, yes?
Azul: We'll often have fireworks placed on top of cakes and parfaits at the Mostro Lounge for celebrations, but…
Azul: It's not a bad change of pace to do it outside like this.
Grim: Nyahaha! I wanna hold one in both hands and set 'em off!
1. I want to try the hand-held fireworks! 2. I want to try the ground fireworks!
[laughing and cheering]
Azul: You were so gung-ho in preparing these, but you haven't touched a single firework at all.
Floyd: Hmm, I just feelin' like watching right now, instead of doin' anything.
Azul: I never took you for one to become so sentimental while watching fireworks.
Azul: Perhaps you're thinking… "If only Jade could see this too?"
Floyd: Huh, why Jade?
Floyd: I mean, I guess I've thought about how he's probably running the Lounge all by himself right now, so when we get back, we're gonna get an earful of complaints, sure.
Floyd: But it's not like I thought anything like, "Wish he was here~"
Floyd: 'Cause I mean, isn't it more fun to do our own thing and then come back with stories to tell?
Floyd: And if we like what we hear, then next time we can go together, and if it sounds boring, then we don't gotta go.
Floyd: It's not like me 'n Jade are the same person, anyway. Like, he just up and got hooked on hiking in the mountains one day and started going off on his own.
Floyd: Doing stuff on our own is way more fun than always doing the same thing together.
Floyd: 'Sides… If we were together all the time 'round the clock, I bet we'd suuuper hate each other’s guts about now.
Floyd: Like, back when we were kids, we'd get into huge fights and beat each other senseless almost every day.
Azul: Your sibling quarrels are really quite dreadful… I was quite shocked the first time I observed it happen.
Floyd: C'mon, we don't fight as much anymore. But that's 'cause we know if we go all out, our lives would be on the line.
Floyd: Eh, but when we do, we still go at it pretty hard.
[multiple fireworks goes off at once]
Riddle: Hey, Stitch! Grim! Don't get so greedy and light all those fireworks at once!
Stitch/Grim: NYAHA~!
Floyd: Ooh, looks like Stitch 'n them are havin' a blast!
Floyd: I think I'm feelin' like joinin' in now ♪
Azul: Heh. “Something fun that can only be done at night on this island, something bam and wheew and awesome”… Right, I see.
Azul: Have you been sated enough with this, Floyd?
Floyd: Eh~? You think I'd be satisfied just doin' this?
Azul: That was foolish of me to ask. I'm certain by tomorrow, you'll be searching for a different stimulus.
Floyd: See, you know me. Wonder what I should do tomorrow?
Floyd: Not every day that we get tossed onto an uninhabited island like this, so.
Floyd: Just so I can make Jade say, "Please take me with you next time" after he hears my stories…
Floyd: I'm gonna play and go wild and do all the stuff I wanna do, and make sure I have so much fun I don't have time to get bored at all ♪
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Requested by Anonymous.
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
(Photos aren’t mine by the way!)
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You were surprised when she told you she didn’t have a mani-pedi appointment today. As if the day couldn’t be more convenient.
In Lindsay’s world, there was no such thing as baking unless it was done for her. And she was no expert in cooking either, which is why she was hesitant to bake.
“I don’t get it... Why am I putting four eggs in when five is my lucky number?”
Yep. As long as she was in the kitchen you could not let your guard down.
“What are you saying? What’s with all this flour? And this butter? Is that supposed to help me remember it?”
Alright, you both definitely didn’t have the same image in mind,“Remember what, Lindsay? We’re baking.”
“Ohh bake!” See? “I thought you meant pake, you know like password authenticated blah blah... Oh I’m soooo happy that wasn’t the case, you really aren’t complicated in that way, (Y/M)!”
She still messes your name up sometimes. But on the bright side, her motivation and inner child was found.
She loved pouring the sprinkles into the batter and tried her best to not break any when mixing.
You strictly put yourself in charge of dividing the batter evenly between each tin and swapping them around fifteen minutes within oven baking.
In the meantime, Lindsay managed to get started on the icing- not without constant confirmation that she was doing it right. Seems like she learnt a lot already.
All was looking well, until you noticed something out of place in the bowl. Feeling icky, you carefully extract it,”Lindsay... Is this your hair?”
You fixed her hair into various styles until the timer went off.
She was gasping in amazement to how solid and fragrant they came out, asking if she could just eat them like that, and you don’t blame her.
Fast forward to icing the layer in between the combined cake and it as a whole, you were about done preparing the piping bag from a separate bowl of icing when she suddenly pleaded to do it.
Anxious, you handed it over to her. Your worry about any mistake she could make was short lived when remembering that even if it did come out slobbery, you know that her intentions were pure and it’s not like anyone else was going to eat the cake anyway. Until watching her actually pipe made you realise she was no amateur:
She was way better at it than you expected.
Seriously, her flowering and swirls were so high in symmetry, it was practically perfect!
“Duhhh! I do makeup! Hair and makeup! I’m like basically holding a curler, ooo I wonder if I could use this bag to style my hair instead? This has to be Victoria’s Secret to smelling so good!”
Logic never went well with Lindsay’s talents. And that was fine with you.
“Taa-da!” She cheers out,”Ohh it’s so pretty... I almost don’t wanna eat it!”
You congratulated Lindsay for her fruitful efforts and asked if she knew why you wanted to bake a cake with her specifically on that day.
“Because you like like me?” Her response after her time of self complimenting over the finish product was done.
“Yes, and also...” This is it.
You grabbed your 1 candle and 7 candle, placing them next to each other on top of the cake.
She watched as you lit them up in seconds, and without warning, the occasion hit her.
“Ohh right! Now I know why my Facebook’s blowing up like crazy today! It’s today!” As though the piped cursive writing of her name on top of the cake didn’t tell her too, but when she started clapping her hands together with that big smile on her shiny lips, it made up for it,”Yaaay! Seventy one today! Can’t believe how long it’s been since I first picked up a magazine. And was born, can’t forget about that, duh. Uh oh. Does that mean I’ll get frail and wrinkles now? Aww I don’t wanna give up tanning! Not yet!”
“You don’t need to worry about that for now, Lindsay, because it actually says seventeen. You’re seventeen today, and for another three hundred and sixty five days. Happy birthday, baby.” ⟡
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“A pie, huh? Which flavour you thinking, apple, blueber-“
“Blackcurrant. We’ll be making a blackcurrant pie... that okay with you?”
When Gwen told you that her clique were hosting a get together party, you were almost as enthusiastic as she was.
Because this was Gwen’s first time going to a party, she never thought she would have to worry about oven temperatures and accurate measurements up until now where the group agreed to whip up something individually that everyone could all share and eat.
That’s why she came to you with this dilemma! Her one and only.
Definitely not so she could simultaneously spend time with you.
You believed the thought process behind her choice of baking a blackcurrant pie was genius: the lattice crust on top could mimic a spiderweb and the colour behind itself was the real thing that appealed to the goth eye.
At the start, Gwen was nervous. She never did this kind of stuff before and didn’t want to screw it up, especially if her friends were going to eat it.
That’s why you suggested: I’ll make the crust, you can make the blackcurrant filling.
Oh how she loved crushing the blackcurrants,“Just imagining it’s Heather’s head right now.” She said with a smile.
Isn’t she so cute!
After pouring the sauce in the base, Gwen’s ambition really skyrocketed- you couldn’t deny how happy you felt when she insisted on making the perpendicular crust for the top, and that was just one example.
Even with all the red on her hands, she really was an artist.
“This is fun! It’s really like painting! Only with dough and fruit.”
Now, all the pie needed was no more than thirty minutes in the oven. To pass the time, you guys decided to do some drawing in her bedroom.
And it came out beautifully! The crust was golden brown and the blackcurrant juices were steaming with sweet flavour. Delicious... You can tell by Gwen’s eyes that she can’t wait to sink her teeth into a slice of it.
But her craving was quickly replaced by annoyance, upon realising how messy the countertop and floor was.
You cheekily remind her that she could’ve just bought something and passed it off as hers if she didn’t want to go through the trouble of cleaning everything up.
“Y-You think I would do something like that just so I wouldn’t need to clean? Jeez, I’m not that bad! I couldn’t handle the dreading guilt of doing that to them. Besides, I made it with you. That alone already tops off any other pie I could have bought instead.” <3
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“It would be an utmost honour, mi tesoro.”
In light of his Spanish roots, you were going to be baking “Pan de Cea” which was some kind of bread that’s traditionally made in favour of this summer festival called “festa de exaltación”.
You couldn’t wait! However, because you weren’t so familiar with bread baking, you were naturally amazed by Alejandro having known the entire recipe off by heart.
“No need to be ashamed. Unlike my love for you, this recipe will be very easy for you to understand.”
And what would be a day with Alejandro without his charming lines?
You loved and hated the warm effect they had on you, even more so when they escalated to a physical level.
He loves to stand right behind you, with his hand being on yours when you were mixing the yeast, the flour, the salt, the olive oil together... 
He’d pour the water so majestically into the bowl and took over when your arm got tired of stirring.
After the dough was hard, he claimed that you’d have to leave it in the bowl under plastic wrap for a day,“I know I’d feel safe if you stayed here all day with this dough, your beauty is the perfect thing to maintain a high temperature.”
Pretending you weren’t flustered, he laughed and invited you to get churros with him to make up for the spare time- it was only fitting.
Timeskip to the next day where the dough was hard, just how it needed to be on the parchment paper. Two minutes of watching Alejandro rub the dough in olive oil felt like two hours with the frequent looks he shoots at you.
Once he’s done, he pampers you by also literally massaging you during the hour needed for the bread to rise. Guess he thought you got jealous of it.
Jealous was a stretch, but you didn’t think you’d groan when it was time to take the loaf out. At least it smelt as pleasant as it looked.
As you were about take a piece, Alejandro stopped your hand with his to take it for you instead. This was nothing out of the ordinary, Alejandro just enjoyed having the liberty to feed you like that.
“Delicious... You did so well...”
“Don’t hold yourself at such low standards, mi amor! We did very well. Words alone aren’t enough to describe how proud I am of you. Feliz festa de exaltación.”
“Happy exaltation party!”
For the first time in your relationship with him, he was the one caught off guard,”Did I say it in English before?”
¡Era canela fina! ///
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Initially, he would accuse the activity something only for “peasants” to do so you quickly reminded him that it was an insensitive thing to say and it wasn’t always about material things; sometimes it’s just about wanting to spend time with him outside Total Drama.
Once he’s gotten over his pride, he joins you, on the condition that you made cookies- since, according to him, it requires the less mental strength.
This probably won’t be surprising, but he made you do most of the work (at first). Claimed that his hands would be “soiled” if he touched the “filthy” ingredients for too long.
In the beginning, he was mean spirited as Chris enjoys to be i.e pouring a handful of flour down your clothes, forcing your face down the sink with the tap on, general shoving.
You wouldn’t have minded if you could’ve also had a laugh whenever you tried to recite the treatment.
Yeah he would be seriously insulted if you tried even doing something as little as rubbing a chocolate chip against his cheek.
It wasn’t until you threw an egg at his head out of anger and watched the yolk oil down his hair where he took accountability that he went overboard. Sure, he was laughing while he did.
But his hair was ruined for the rest of the baking process so you were too.
Afterwards, there was less “joking” and more compassion. Somehow now that he temporarily moved past his sadist ways, Chris began to involve himself a lot more in the whisking and licking your finger and vice versa of leftover batter.
The rolling of dough into a collection of spheres was arguably the best part.
“Look Chris! I made one that looks just like you!” You held up a cookie circle, obvious that those two lines of dough were purposely added to be on top to mimic his hair.
“Oh? What a coincidence! I made one that looks just like you too!” He declared, revealing a sticky slob of dough in his hand right after he said that.
“Oi...” You smile helplessly,”That’s not a nice thing to say to your spouse.”
But hey, if he didn’t tease at all, was that really Chris?
Post setting them on the tray and into the oven, Chris immediately rushes to the shower, and by the time he’s done, you were on your fifth cookie.
He whined at you for not waiting for him, but you’re quick to hand the one you’re on to him.
He finishes it, not without reminding you that you were the only exception to treating him like a “regular” person. Which in his books, was a deadly sin.
Needless to say, he’s impressed; despite him letting on so little, you’ve been with this man long enough to know otherwise. You could only smirk when he makes dismissive claims that they would’ve came out better if it was just him making them as he took spontaneous sips of his glass of milk.
By the end, he’s really glad you had this time together. He won’t stop thinking about it for a while. Heck, he’s more excited about baking with you again than you are.
Even if he won’t admit it.
Yet. :)
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killengine · 7 months
Sukuna Yuji Twins AU (with Autism) P1
Kenjaku, after failing to find a suitable vessel for Sukuna: I guess I’ll just give birth to him, not the weirdest thing I’ve ever done
Jin Itadori: W-we’re having twins (tears of joy) Kenjaku: Yaaay… (trying to figure out if something went wrong)
Kenjaku/Jin is just so funny to me. Kenjaku: (detecting cursed energy on one twin) Lets name him Ryomen.. It was uuuh…. My grandfather’s name… And his middlename should be Sukuna….. Jin: Beautiful name babe <3 <3 I love you
Sukuna is 100% aware and has all of his memories. He is confused and unhappy. For his first few years he’s stubbornly nonverbal. Jin is trying to get him diagnosed and Kenjaku is like.. Suku honey please… Play along… Sukuna does not. He does not care. He gets diagnosed.
Ok ok so Sukuna’s attitude about this development is mostly ‘wait it out don’t engage’ until he can sufficiently condition his new body. However, twins hold significance in jujutsu and its not long until he realizes that his brother is an external storage for his black box. He can potentially hold more techniques if Yuji can be properly used. Sukuna isn’t the greatest at longterm manipulation though and isn’t sure about how to proceed. Kenjaku advises on playing the role of little brother for now
From Yuji’s perspective Sukuna is his autistic little brother who needs his protection. Often its getting into fights on his brother’s behalf. Part because he knows Sukuna will take fights too far if he takes care of it for himself. Part because Sukuna opens up when Yuuji fights. He gives critique and pointers. Sukuna never ever plays but now he’s paying attention, spending time with Yuji, sharing his interest, and wrestling!! Whats more is Yuji doesn’t need to hold back with Sukuna. Yuji is freakishly strong and has accidentally hurt playmates before but Suku is even stronger than him!
Uraume babysitter mode. They take a younger vessel (teenish) while the twins are about ten. Sukuna is so happy to see them. They are one of the few people Sukuna talks to enthusiastically. Often about very old historical things that Yuji doesn’t follow well. Though, Yuji tries and does read up on history books and can actually manage to get Sukuna to explain some history to him. He can only seem to get Sukuna to teach him history when Uraume hasn’t been around for a while.
Uraume teaches Yuji how to cook. Another way to bond with Suku <3 Uraume thinks Yuji is really sweet and likes his enthusiasm especially how Yuji’s people-pleasing personality extends to Sukuna-sama. Uraume’s approval does help Sukuna soften up. He can better see how Yuji can fit in to his life now that his consistent and reliable pillar (Uraume) has found some synergy.
Yuji can tell that Sukuna can see things that other people can’t. Sukuna pushes Yuji away from actually interacting with curses and doesn’t tell him what they are. Awareness of curses increases their chances of targeting a person so Yuji is in the dark on it until it can no longer be hidden
(not sure how to continue with actual plot)
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casualhedonists · 7 months
will we get a sexy lil teaser for the next chap 🫶😏
only if u want to though absolutely no pressure!!!!
nonnie… i’m feeling nice and generous tn (and i've just written a bunch) so... YES 🫶🏼
here is the opening paragraph!
Heaven was his head between your thighs. His hands on you, everywhere. Hot mouth pressed to your skin, your neck, your thighs, your cunt. He was slow. Thorough. Pulling cries out of your mouth that got louder and louder until your back arched on the bed and you lay slumped and panting, twisted in his sheets. Taken apart and stitched right back together. It hadn’t started like this. Not even close.
also also also. the wordcount is now at (checks watch for effect) 10k. yep, ten. fucking. k. and i still have one major smut scene to write before she's done yaaay so?? 11k mayhaps?
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shukufuyu · 3 months
[Event Story TL] Weeping Star on a Summer Night (Chapter 1)
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Hisoka: (Doesn’t seem like there are marshmallows…)
Click below to read more.
next chapter
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Foreign customer: Thanks, I’ll take this one then, I’ll definitely come back. Thanks in advance, store manager.
Hisoka: Thank you for coming.
I should prepare to close up.
(Is there someone else…?)
Nosta: Meow meow~
Hisoka: I knew it. You’re playing around the storefront display again….
Come on, Nosta. You can’t.
Nosta: Meow~
Hisoka: Your portion of snack I gave you earlier was the last one for today.
Nosta: Me~ow
Hisoka: No.
Furuta: Haha, you guys having a sibling’s quarrel or something?
Hisoka: …Welcome back.
Nosta: Meow~
Furuta: Thank you for taking today’s shift. I happened to bump into the customer you talked to earlier, they said it’s their first time seeing you.
Hisoka: …I didn’t do anything special though.
Furuta: Come on, it’s nothing like that. It means you’ve done well, and thanks to you managing the store, I can rest easy when I go shopping.
Ah, you have to go back soon, right? I bought a few foreign sweets earlier, if you want, do take the ones you like.
Hisoka: (Doesn’t seem like there are marshmallows…)
Furuta: Have you found the one you want already?
Hisoka: …Yeah. I’ll take this one.
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Hisoka: (I’m hungry. Should I eat the snack I brought back earlier?)
(...But I feel like if I eat that now, I’ll have to write a wish…)
…It’s kind of annoying, I guess I’ll eat marshmallows after all.
Kumon: Wow, that’s so cool!
Kazunari: This is lit! Gotta upload it to Inste~
Hisoka: …?
What is it today?
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Kumon: Hisoka-san! Welcome baack!
Azuma: Welcome home, Did you enjoy the job?      
Hisoka: …I’m back.
Nosta kept jumping here and there, it was troublesome.
Muku: Nosta?
Hisoka: The store’s pet cat.
Misumi: Eeh~ Doing a part-time job together with a cat? I’m jealous~
Then I gotta write that down for my wish!
Hisoka: A wish?
Tsumugi: Yeah, Ginsenkai gave us a good bamboo to place our wishes on, here.
Hisoka: …I’ve never seen a bamboo this big.
Sakoda: It’s something the boss prepared! Ya don’t see bamboo this good every day.
Everyone can put up their wishes on this bamboo, Hisoka-san, here’s one for you!
Hisoka: (Ah, there are already ones who decorated their paper sheets)
Sakyo: Listen up, each person gets one sheet of paper, we need to match up the quota.
Azami: Do we really need to?
Sakyo: The boss says decorate the papers as stand out as possible.
Azuma: Can I write as many as I like?
Sakyo: Just use your common sense.
Kazunari: Then let’s write as maaany as we want until Tanabata starts! Even just one makes it easier to find it though!
Azuma: Fufu, then let’s make the Tanabata party equally appealing.
Omi: Guuys, the soumen noodles are ready now.
Kumon: Yaaay! I’m totally starving right now, come on guys hurry up!
Yuki: The food won’t run off if you don't run up to it you know?
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Hisoka: …
(A wish… huh...)
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crispy6usiness · 2 months
I just wanted to say I played Brand! New! Friends! Recently and I think it's sooo charming. from the art to the writing ooough I love it. I also really love the way Lorra and Ring toil in particular? the first time they like passively had a disagreement me and my bestie were on two opposite sides of it and that never happened before?? like when the characters are upset at each other it felt very human to me and that was fun :) I also! love Rune I love how she's goofy and fun and cute and also the oldest. I also like that even with her positivity she's not like, oblivious to the things going on around her and that she's just dealing with it in her own way. I frankly just enjoyed her a lot, to the point I considered making her my discord pfp but like, that's like your oc sorta, and idk if you'd be comfortable with that. tbh I've followed your blog for a while and I didn't expect to get as invested as I was in Lorra as a Pov character but I lowkey got a little attached to her and her family. it's cute! she's cute. the cast as a whole bounce off each other very well. I also related to Lui a lot as someone around their age. they're fun and I enjoy their fashion a lot, and their expressions also. I think I already mentioned enjoying the art direction but the expressions in this game are fucking fantastic I love them so much. that's to be expected though I guess.
I'm just rambling at this point though the end point was, very good game and I'd love to hear more about them and see them interact more. 🦭 yaaay
Omg YAYYY i’m glad you liked the game tysm for such a kind message :’^D it’s so cool to hear what stood out to you in their personalities bc to me that was what it was all about LOL. lorra and ring are just two guys with really badly conflicting personalities so they’re bound to clash a lot even when nobody is really in the wrong tehe
I haven’t been able to do anything with team dp in a while but i do have pretty solid plans for them in the future as soon as I’m done with some projects :^D some of those guys have had a special place in my brain for over a decade now so that’s not going to change any time soon lmao
Anyway here are some doodles I never posted anywhere but my private twtr for your trouble
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ma1dmer · 1 month
Warhammer - Calligos Winterscale NSFW
in honour of finishing chapter 4 and having like 80+ hours in this game so far, i decided to be whore knee...yaaay
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): it really depends on the type of relationship you have with him, though not much changes either way, mostly the amount of time he spends with you before he gets bored of laying around. if you are closer, he doesn't mind you lingering in his room when he leaves though. if it's something more casual he is sending you away or leaving without much fanfare.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he is a big man, with years and years of experience in battlefields, he is very very proud of his body and the strength he has even now that he is older. it is common for him, when he chases his own pleasure to get carried away, he'll pick you up, throwing your legs over his arms and your arms around his neck, manhandling you to get himself off faster.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): he isn't eager to have any more heirs, but he can't deny himself the possessive satisfaction he feels whenever he gets to watch his spent leak out of you after you two are done. he loves quickies for this reason, setting you back down on your shaky legs and helping you adjust your clothing, knowing you'll have to walk around like that for the rest of the day.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): he loves hair, he is a bush lover, he loves the rough scrape of it against his lips when he goes down on you and burying his nose in your core to take in your scent properly.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): he has a lot of experience and wants his partners to have at least some experience when he brings them to his bed, inexperience and naivety is a big turn off for him, he does not have the patience to be walking someone through something like this.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): like the beast he is he loves mounting you from behind, thrusting into you until your arms and legs give out, his hands pushing against your shoulders to keep you down and arched for him. when he lets you take him though, he enjoys being face to face, still maintaining some form of control in the situation, one hand on his cock the other through your hair yanking you around to his liking.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): one way you can describe him is intense, he sometimes will ask you a question or make a joke that doesn't quite register as a joke in the beginning, his intensity making you second guess whether you should laugh or not, he is also a real asshole about enjoying making you slightly anxious, he'll drop the facade and laugh at you taking him so seriously the second he sees you overthinking.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): he keeps it natural and clean, doesn't use a lot of fancy stuff so besides the soap he uses there is always a faint smell of his natural scent, the hair is wild and surprisingly one of the first places to start greying on him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): he loves bringing you gifts, usually unconventional ones, a new rug from some beast he skinned or a new piece of furniture or something he pulled off of the corpse of one of his enemies, he loves fucking you on them or while you wear his gifts, besides that he isn't really the romantic kind, if you want to and you ask him, he'll make the effort, he knows the traditions and customs of courting after all, but it always feels like he's masquerading rather than it just coming naturally to him, not that he doesn't enjoy it, especially in the beginning when it still feels like a game, a sort of chase with the prize being you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): quick and hard, a tight almost dry fist around his cock, usually right after a battle/hunt when his blood still runs hot, his body shaking with excitement and his mind fogged up with the thrill of catching and taking down prey, he never lingers before or after, quickly wiping off the evidence and moving on, there is no real enjoyment to it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): primal play, scent, marking etc
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): he is not as shameless or as reckless as he likes to portray himself as, he is a man that has risen up from nothing and therefore knows the risks of leaving himself vulnerable in any sort of way, however he has his moments, of course the first thing that comes to mind is in the forest/jungle/in nature in general, on a camping trip or when you go hunting with him, on the ground, on your knees, hovering and soaking his battle axe, or against the trees, your back getting scraped with every rough thrust. second, is the bridge of his ship, seated on his throne, you on his lap warming his cock as his people go about their work, this one stays a fantasy but its one he often brings up to you when he has you in his office.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): obviously the thrill of the battle or hunt, nothing anymore gets him quite as hard as bloodshed.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): as stated above, he dislikes inexperience, there is nothing fun about weak prey after all. he isn't about to tiptoe around his preferences and needs and someone with less experience is more likely to want more delicate handling in his eyes, that's just not for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): he is so so sloppy when he goes down on you, your scent and your taste get him almost drunk, he groans and grunts against you, his eyes closed and his hands squeezing every part of you he can reach, he lets you paint his face when you finish and of course he is quick to make you return the favour, he is very very rough when pulling you on his cock, holding you by the back of your head, your skull cupped in his large hands as he uses your mouth, by the time you have finished on his tongue and get your lips around him he is already far gone and single mindedly chases his release.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): fast and rough and relentless, he makes it hard for you to keep up with him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): loves quickies, most of the time prefers them actually, the desperation and passion as you urge him in a dark corner or an empty room, pulling his fingers out of you when you are barely even prepared in favour of getting his cock inside of you faster, your hiss of pain melting into a gasp of pleasure as your body protests when he pushes inside a bit too quickly, cupping your mouth to silence you, muffling his own grunts against the side of your head inhaling your scent deeply with every thrust, the memory of this encounter keeping him close company the rest of the day
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): he loves trying out new things, it keeps things interesting in your relationship, it's rare for him to come up with his own ideas, but he loves when you come to him with something new.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): age has not slowed him down at all oddly enough, he is as strong and virile as he was in his youth, maybe even more so now somehow, if he gets his hands on you, you have to be the one to tell him you are done for the night. he also lasts for a long long time, getting almost frustrated with himself when he can't cum, he really wears you out by the end of it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): doesn't feel strongly pro or against them, he does enjoy them in the bedroom but most of the time he isn't the one reaching out for them first, he enjoys a riding crop and handcuffs here, a vibrator if you want him to overstimulate you there, a collar and muzzle for both of you, he likes playing around in general, but you need to take initiative to with those.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): not tease, but he likes to keep you on the edge, he likes to keep you on your toes not sure what his next move will be, both physically and emotionally, there is a very fine line between playfulness and seething anger with him so he doesn't really enjoy being teased, he'll let you play your games, he'll let you take control, but he doesn't like being teased.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): he sounds like an animal he grunts and growls, barely talks the closer to his orgasm he gets, they aren't pretty sounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): i feel like he has something for pain in some way or another, especially dealing with the aftermath of one of your encounters. when lost in the moment he tends to feel almost none of it, your hands clawing at him, your teeth sinking in etc etc, what makes him feel truly satisfied is actually the next day, when he's taking a shower or something and his fresh scars begin to sting a bit and he can think of you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): he always goes commando, thick two toned when he is fully hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): his sex drive isn't exactly high, its usually the restlessness and adrenaline that he needs to vent out somehow, its either this or going back out to kill something.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): sleep has been coming to him harder and harder the past few years for some reason, he'll stay in bed letting you cling to him as he thinks of nothing in particular, when he finally feels you have fully drifted off he'll gently pry you off and turn to whatever other plans he has. when he does sleep, he furrows his brows and clenches his jaw, you get the sense he never quite rests properly.
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mmkin · 5 months
The Siren's Shark
New Arlong story! I originally wasn't gonna post this til I finished GYSA but I'm struggling with the next chapter for that one so i decided to go ahead and share my new Arlong project... yaaay. Link here, chapter also under the cut.
Summary - After losing Arlong Park to that damn rubber kid, Arlong is forced to confront his inner demons and the consequences of the choices he made throughout his life, which is not easy for a prideful and arrogant sharkman. However, a chance encounter offers Arlong and his fishmen a chance at happiness even if it's hard-fought.
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The Siren’s Shark
The events of Arlong Park have come and passed, and this story starts after the Sabaody arc but before Marineford. However, one thing I noticed while watching more OP episodes is that you don't see Arlong or his men at Impel Dawn even though with their crimes and whatnot they'd in all likelihood have ended up there. We do know that Hatchan escaped, and reappears in the Sabaody episodes (which just delighted my heart) I was also thrilled when they introduced Jinbe in the Impel Dawn arc. Such a cool character.
But still, no one knows what happened to Arlong as of this date (aside from Eiichiro Oda) and since I think Arlong and fishmen are cool, I wanted to do a story with Arlong regarding this. So this story, aside from flashbacks or backstory, starts after Sabaody and happens concurrently with Impel Dawn/Marineford and so on but focusing on Arlong and his crew (and Siren!) Hatchan also appears in this story – he was in Sabaody but joins up with Arlong later on (which will be explained in the story)
Haki comes in three main forms as we see on the show but given that all sorts of weird things can be done with willpower (with or without Devil Fruit. i.e. what Portgas D Rouge did with her pregnancy) I decided to play around a bit with that idea here in regards to what the siren can do.
Content Warning – There will be discussions/instances of slavery, racism, violence, sexual assault, torture, etc (nothing you don’t already see or hinted at in One Piece) This isn’t Game of Thrones and I will keep most of that in the background/offscreen but there will be scenes which some readers might find disturbing, depending on various tolerance levels.
Somewhere in the South Blue…
Arlong narrowed his eyes as he stared out at the chilly waters of the South Blue. The last months had been especially trying for him, with one challenge after another after these damn Straw Hats came to the Conomi Islands. Much as he wanted to deny it, the Arlong Park era was over. He could try starting over somewhere else, but where? He and his men had managed to break free of the Marines and throw the government off their trail, but he didn’t doubt that by now, it was known that the Marines who had arrested him and his gang were missing, never having made it to their destination.
The Marine ship had been useful for a while but too conspicuous, so they stole a merchant ship and here they were, on a ship laden with various goods – some more useful to the fishmen, others less so. He shivered before he pulled up the collar of his jacket. He missed the balmy atmosphere of the Conomi Islands, and again cursed the Straw Hats and Nami.
The crew managed to keep itself well-provisioned with various catches from the sea, but certain things could only be obtained on land. Fishman Island was a ways off, and Arlong had gained a healthy sense of caution. His distinctive appearance was on wanted posters through the East Blue, and self-preservation tempered the recklessness he had sometimes. So they'd made a hasty retreat to the South Blue, going south enough to enter a climate that eight years in the tropical Conomi Islands left them little prepared for.
He huffed as he looked at the water, pulling up the collar of his jacket. Take had modified it to accommodate his dorsal fin, cutting a slit down from the neck before attaching a knit hat to it that Arlong could slide his fin into. Fishmen were hardy creatures, but even they could only tolerate so much cold before it became uncomfortable and the carp fishman had an appreciable talent with needle and thread. Fortunately, between what was cobbled together from Marine uniforms and the various items on the merchant’s ship, the fishmen were able to find some level of comfort, but it still felt weird having to layer clothing after spending years wearing little more than shirts and shorts.
And now they were running low on booze. Arlong had a hard time sleeping many nights, overcome by anger, frustration, depression, confusion, anxiety, bitterness, and regret in a seemingly endless random cycle. The alcohol helped to take the edge off that. Dimly, Arlong was aware that it was not a healthy method of coping, but at this time there seemed little else to do than hide. There was a reason he’d targeted the East Blue. Out of the Blues, it was considered by many the most placid of the seas, with pirates and criminals there being relatively minor compared to those in the other Blues and he didn’t want to be fighting one of the Warlords, Emperors, or various families or organizations.
Life is a constant struggle. If you see an opportunity to exploit others, grab it. Get whatever breaks you can, he recalled the gruff voice. The fishman race has suffered far too long. Mercy is for the weak. Someone hits you, hit back twice as hard if not more. Ajkul’s voice hissed at him from the depths of his memory.
Arlong created such a reputation for himself that if he tried to re-establish himself anywhere in the East Blue, the Marines if not the World Government would be on his ass. It was a humbling experience not only for him but the fishmen that were still with him. They'd reigned high and mighty in the Conomi Islands, having twenty towns under their control and a steady influx of tribute money and good times. Aside from a few examples that had to be set, the humans had generally been docile in paying their tributes and doing their work.
Then the Straw Hats had to come and fuck it up, and Nami had gone off with them. He grumbled to himself as he narrowed his eyes, seeing a speck in the distance that could be an island. Turning around, he called a few fishmen over to do some scouting. There were a few grumbles as his subordinates faced the prospect of heading into the chilly water, but he was still the captain of his crew.
Since that little long-nosed bastard had beaten him around the head multiple times with his hammer, Chew suffered from migraines. They’d lessened some by that point, but he still suffered bouts of debilitating pain that made it difficult for him to focus.
And now, he was sick too. And there was no doctor to look after him or the few other fishmen who'd been unfortunate enough to catch something from… wherever the fuck they'd caught it from. Hatchan did his best, but there was only so much even a man with six arms could do. Some of the fishmen knew first aid, but there was no substitute for a well-trained doctor. Or even the loving care of the mother he barely remembered.
Kuroobi sat in the infirmary, hearing the soft groan as one of the fishmen rolled over, trying to get comfortable despite his aches. When the fishmen had taken over this ship, there were some medical supplies in the infirmary, but it wasn’t as well-stocked as it should have been. And with what had been going on lately, they were already out of a few things. Not just medical supplies or pharmaceuticals, though. And it wasn’t as if they could just waltz into a marketplace anytime they pleased. Stealing was tempting, but the crew wanted to draw as little attention to itself as possible, especially from the damned Marines.
The ray fishman furrowed his eyebrows as he mused over his defeat at the hands of a human. A fucking human. It’d been many months, but it still rankled him. He’d prided himself so much on his skills, but as he now bitterly realized, nearly a decade of living in the Conomi Islands had softened him. The humans he’d come across were easy to terrorize, even the Marines. And so he and his fellow fishmen and captain had lived eight easy years, relying on brute force and intimidation to keep things under control.
He frowned at Chew thoughtfully as he looked over his longtime nakama. Hachi was making soup for everyone here, and Kuroobi looked forward to having a bowl of his own. Cold weather was not kind to fishmen who had large fins like he did, so when it was possible, he spent his time within the ship, and looking over Chew and the others was as good an excuse as any to avoid going outside. Take had put together a coat for him using one coat and much of another, which he was grateful for, but it felt unnatural having his fins covered in the thick material of a jacket.
His stomach rumbled hungrily. Hatchan mentioned something about being low or out of some ingredients, but he wasn’t a picky eater. As long as it was hot and edible, he’d take it.
Hatchan looked over the ingredients, making note of what they were running low on on top of what he’d already run out of. When he’d rejoined Arlong, the sharkman was in charge of this ship, though it bore the emblem of the man who previously owned the vessel. Sorrowfree Wanderer wasn’t a bad name for a ship, but right now, there was plenty of sorrow.
Reeling from the loss of his beloved takoyaki ship at the hands of xenophobic humans, he’d left the Thousand Sunny in the care of Duval, Silvers, and the other friends of the Straw Hats, no longer feeling quite as safe at Sabaody, especially after what happened with Camie. Besides, as he’d reasoned, the Straw Hats needed his help, and perhaps if he traveled out into the world, he could find at least one of them. That would do more good than sitting around and waiting for them to come back.
And instead of finding a Straw Hat, he’d found Arlong, making his way down the South Blue.
Arlong knew none of his business with the Straw Hats, though. That was the last thing Arlong needed to hear, that one of his long-time nakama had befriended the Straw Hats, of all people. All the sharkman knew was his undersea stroll and how he had helped a village of catfish and gotten a takoyaki ship. When Hatchan recounted how his ship was destroyed by humans, Arlong gave him a bitter but regretful sneer.
“When you asked for some time, it was not easy for me to let you go, but I did. I am sorry that happened to you, we know how stupid humans are but destroying your ship is an absolute disgrace. Fishmen aren’t even allowed to have their own damn takoyaki stall!”
Reeling from his loss and nursing the sting of justified anger and rage, Hatchan could only accept Arlong’s words, bowing his head and resuming his old position within Arlong’s crew, welcoming the protection and company they offered. He didn’t hate all humans like Arlong expected him to. Despite his loss, he knew there were plenty of good humans out there, and perhaps one day Arlong wouldn’t hate them so much.
Eventually, they'd have to go among humans again, if they didn't come across an island inhabited by fishmen. Arlong would grumble about how fishmen had a safe place on the surface until Nami betrayed them and the Straw Hats defeated them. It was tempting to remind Arlong that he’d betrayed Nami by finding a way around the promise he’d made her almost a decade ago. The one time he’d done that though… Arlong had gone into a blackout rage, alcohol and anger proving (for the umpteenth time) to be a poor combination for the sharkman’s already considerable mental and emotional strain.
Hatchan wasn’t sure if Arlong remembered that the next day, waking up with one hell of a hangover that had him snarling at anyone who came near him. And the octopus man never asked, nor did he bring up the topic again.
Hatchan simply hoped that in the next market, there would be no trouble and they'd be able to get in and out with the supplies they needed. Perhaps some hot and/or fried food would improve the captain’s mood.
One of Yolande Sato’s favorite things to do was look out at the sea. Sometimes at night, she would go swimming, going out further or deeper than anyone else on the island could. But right now it was too cold for that, so she hunched over the railing, taking in the vantage before her, the sea a deep but forbidding blue. She took a deep breath, feeling the cold air cut through her throat before she noticed a ship on the horizon. This remote island in the South Blue did not get a lot of traffic, but it was not so out of the way that a ship caused great excitement. Idly, she wondered if it was a Marine or merchant vessel. It revealed itself to be the latter when the sail came in view, a lighthearted caricature of a smiling face. She smirked to herself, wondering what sorts of stories these sailors would bring. Not to mention how much alcohol they would buy at the bar, and how much they might spend on supplies here while the locals looked over whatever trinkets they would offer for sale. She stood outside the pharmacy, enjoying the fresh air and letting her thoughts wander as there were no customers to serve.
She had to stop herself from doing a double-take when a trio of men from the ship came to the pharmacy. From a distance, they looked like ordinary men bundled against the nippy weather, but given her experience, she recognized what they were as one of them approached the bench she was sitting on. They looked worn and tired, but then many sailors coming to port after a long voyage did.
“Do you know where I can find the doctor?” the fishman with an especially bulky-looking middle asked her.
“Yeah, sure, he should be in his office now. Just, go up two buildings to the one with blue shingles. Ring the bell.” She afforded him the courtesy she would afford anyone else, regardless of race, but she knew not everyone viewed others the same way, and though the newcomers tried to conceal it, she could tell they were more than just tired.
They left, and she went back inside, taking inventory until they appeared again, startling her when she turned around. A glance at the clock showed that less than fifteen minutes passed. This time, the two other fishmen looked upset and angry, though they tried to not be too obvious about it, and her stomach formed a knot.
She found Doctor Flen to be snobbish, even regarding other humans. So, in regards to fishmen… She held back a sigh. Come on, really, you old fucking asshole. So much for age and wisdom, and the oath you’ve sworn as a doctor, eh?
“Can I help you?” she asked with the same warmth she offered before. She was glad the pharmacist was not here at the moment, because he was Doctor Flen’s nephew. “Would you like vitamins, or analgesics, or…?”
“We really need a doctor,” the stocky fishman said. He had wide lips that made her think of an octopus. Actually, that would explain the bulk under his jacket… he had to be hiding extra arms. Though his companions were upset, their leader seemed less angry and more desperate.
She swore under her breath. “Doctor Flen’s the only one on the island. But…” She looked at the fishmen, understanding their anger. It wasn’t fair, the way Flen was acting, but when a doctor could hold life or death in their hands, you tried to not piss them off. “I’ve been trained as a nurse. If you like, I could look at whoever needs help. And if it seems severe enough… well, let’s say Doctor Flen owes me a favor.”
“… Seriously?” the octopus fishman exclaimed softly. One of the other fishmen – one with ruddy skin that could pass for severe sunburn if one didn’t look too closely – regarded her with a curious glance.
“Unlike some others, I’m not prejudiced against fishmen.”
“Oh, thank you!” the octopus man gushed, barely registering that she’d identified him and his companions as they really were. He seemed like he wanted to pull her into a hug. “I’m Hachi.”
“Nice to meet you, Hachi. I’m Yolande. Let me get my bag and lock up.” She paused as she stared at the trio. “I have a question to ask, and this has nothing to do with race. If I come to your ship and render my services, you will guarantee my safe conduct?”
She was, after all, a lone woman who faced the prospect of going on a ship full of strange men. She was good-hearted, but not stupid.
“You have my word!” Hachi promised, and the others nodded in assent.
The air was brisk but the sun shone brightly as she walked down the pier with the octopus man at her side. Hachi had explained to her that there were several fishmen abroad that were sick and feverish and that they lacked a doctor at this time.
She had even more questions about the situation as she was led onto the ship – under the questioning, and then indignant glares of the fishmen on the deck when Shioyaki quickly recounted the tale of the doctor refusing them. When she entered the infirmary, she came face to face with a monolith of a pale-skinned fishman with dark hair and eyes, and impressive pectoral fins.
What the hell had she stumbled into, she wondered as she clutched her bag to her chest while Hachi talked to the ray fishman. She was allowed to examine the fishmen but could feel the heat of Kuroobi's gaze as he kept his attention on her the whole time. She was thankful for the octopus man's presence, as she took out her stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and thermometer because it looked like Kuroobi expected her to pull out a bomb or poison.
What the hell happened to these fishmen to make them so fearful and paranoid, she wondered as she took vitals and asked questions. One fishman seemed especially reluctant to have her touch him at all, and the one with big lips appeared delirious. She tutted over him gently, wiping his feverish brow.
“Fortunately, I don’t see anything that requires emergency intervention, but these men do require care and rest, as well as vitamins and medication. How well-stocked is your medicine chest?”
Not very, as it turned out. Well, it was a good thing she worked in a pharmacy, right? “I can help you stock up on all the things you need,” she offered Hachi. “I can put together some things for you once I get back for immediate care. It’ll take a bit more time to stock the ship, but we’ll worry about that later, ok? If you’re willing to come back with me, you can return to the ship with the vitamins and medicine, all right?” she asked.
“Sounds good to me!” Hachi said with relief evident in his tone. Kuroobi pulled him aside and had a whispered conversation with him as she put everything back in her bag, giving the fishmen one last glance. She was glad it wasn’t a broken bone or serious illness, but these poor fishmen were not quite out of the woods.
It was a bitter pill to swallow to allow a human aboard the ship, but Arlong couldn’t sit back and let Chew and the others get sicker and possibly die. They’d already been through so much and he didn’t want to lose another nakama.
Going to Fishman Island had been – and still was – a possibility. But it’d been over a decade since he’d been there, and now a human protected Fishman Island. Could humans ever be trusted with such a thing? Apparently, King Neptune believed so.
And like the merman king was entrusting a human with the safety of his kingdom, Arlong was being forced to trust a human with the health of his fishmen. He glared through the window, seeing a glimpse of Hatchan leave with the nurse, descending the gangplank of the ship with Shioyaki and Kaneshiro. She was bundled up in a jacket but he saw the top of her head, a thick mass of wavy dark reddish-black hair. He narrowed his eyes at the receding figure.
He blinked and shook his head. Couldn’t even get a fucking doctor, they had to rely on a fucking nurse. That was what Shioyaki informed him of when Hatchan led the woman into the infirmary. In the days of Arlong Park after their doctor had died, he could have simply forced the doctor from Cocoyasi Village to render medical aid when needed. Doctor Nako knew what price would be paid for failure, so he’d been compliant, and Arlong could have trusted that he would administer medicine or treatment to the best of his ability.
Once they were gone, he emerged from his cabin, lifting his head to feel the warmth of the sun on his skin. How he missed the Conomi Islands and its comfortable climate. He stood there for a few minutes before entering the infirmary. It pained him to see his brothers suffer so, especially Chew. Even when the illness passed, there would still be the migraines.
And for the whole crew, unless something happened or something concrete was decided upon soon, they would continue to drift. After nearly a decade comfortably ensconced at Arlong Park, with the promise of the park waiting for him and the others at the end of every trip and mission, it felt strange to not have a place to go to.
Hatchan sighed with relief as he felt the parcel tucked in his jacket with the instructions she’d written down for him. There were various bottles of several different types of pills along with a few hypodermic needles after she asked him if he or anyone on the crew knew how to use needles.
Kuroobi had been reluctant to let him go back to town, wondering if an ambush had been arranged somehow by Yolande, but Hatchan didn’t believe so. She’d seemed upset upon hearing that the doctor was refusing to help them, and she seemed so kind when looking over the patients in the infirmary.
There were good humans in the world. Plenty of bad ones, true, but as Hatchan knew from experience, there were plenty of good ones, too. When he’d asked Yolande how much the medicine cost, she said she’d wait to settle up, pointing out that there were sick people to take care of first. Yes, she was right, and he hurried back to the ship with the medicine.
Yolande got scolded by her boss when he came back from his lengthy lunch break. She pointed out to him that his uncle had denied some men in need service, so she’d rendered it.
“Huh, that doesn’t sound like him.”
“They were fishmen,” Yolande said. He blinked and then shrugged.
“Well then, that explains it. Fishmen can be violent, and my uncle has to protect himself.”
“So why did they walk away instead of committing violence, then?” she challenged. He had no real answer to that, and she scowled to herself as she went about her work, hoping that all the aid she’d rendered would do Hachi’s friends some real good. She was not a doctor, but she’d learned plenty enough from studies and experience to make solid judgment calls (which included telling someone they needed an actual doctor)
She sighed softly as she looked down at the ledger, having written down everything she'd given Hachi. There was more room to write in anything else the ship might need. She'd been nagged for giving Hachi the medicine without payment, and to get her boss off her back, she volunteered to cover the tab in case the fishmen disappeared. There was the chance of that, of course, but Hachi seemed so genuine in needing her aid and wanting to be fair with her that she didn't think he had any ill intentions.
Hachi was there in the morning, almost right when the pharmacy opened. He brightened upon seeing her.
“I take it the medicine helped,” she said.
“It did. Chew’s fever finally broke. Thank you so much!”
“I’m so glad to hear that. Is there anything I can help with?”
“Would you know who is the best person to go to if we have goods to sell?” he asked. Why are you asking a pharmacist’s assistant, she mentally asked before the answer was as obvious as what was in front of her. If the doctor was willing to spurn him, who else on the island would?
“If you want, I’ll help you myself. I’m curious to see what you have, too.” she smiled.
Arlong glanced over the crates as Hatchan and his companions pulled them up onto the ship. Some of the knick-knacks had been unloaded, and most of the saffron. Thank goodness for that, Arlong thought. He didn't much care for the flavor of saffron but Take insisted it was valuable and should not be unloaded so easily.
He glanced up at the sail as he recalled the ship he used to have. The Shark Superb. It had been a magnificent vessel, and much larger than this. Much of it had been used to build Arlong Park, and sometimes he regretted the loss of his ship. Especially in comparison to this merchant ship. It was serviceable enough for him and his crew, but it still felt cramped.
Perhaps they would upgrade soon if circumstances moved in their favor. His attention returned to the supplies. What if the help that had been so easily offered was just another trick? Was the cooking oil, flour, or beef tainted in some way? Had the medicines been compromised?
“Have the provisions been examined?” Arlong asked sharply. Shioyaki nodded.
“We looked over everything before agreeing to anything. She even haggled on our behalf a couple of times. We’re going to be good on most of our supplies for a good while now,” Shioyaki acknowledged. At seeing the captain’s frown, the salmon fishman quickly added, “She knows we’re fishmen. She was simply wise enough to acknowledge our superiority which is more than I can say for that stupid doctor.”
"Hmph," Arlong smirked. Hatchan frowned as he heard that, but continued hauling up the sacks and crates.
Yolande squinted for a moment as she turned around, the wind whipping a few strands of hair free from the loose braid she had her dark hair in. She’d been to the ship’s infirmary once again and all the fishmen seemed to be on the mend. She’d spent a bit of time taking a walk along the pier with Hachi, delighted for the opportunity to make a new friend. The two others, Shioyaki and Kaneshiro, who usually accompanied Hachi to town, also seemed to warm up to her a bit.
Not that she didn’t sympathize with their paranoia. Something happened to make Kuroobi leery of her, his eyes fixed on her whenever she was on the ship. Perhaps humans had attempted to take them into slavery. Or they were escaped slaves? She hadn’t asked too many questions, but Hachi simply said they’d sailed south and that humans had destroyed his takoyaki stall and tried to enslave him.
She knew there were whispers on the island about the fishmen. But they had caused no trouble. It seemed that all they wanted was to rest and resupply, no different than any other crew. Nothing more, nothing less. That didn’t stop the scowls and whispers, especially around her because it was no secret that she’d been helping the fishmen with their needs. The fishmen might not have made use of the tavern, but a fair amount of alcohol was traded for and taken onto the ship, so the brewer still made his profit.
Whatever. She shared a laugh with Kaneshiro, Shioyaki, and Hatchan, entertaining them with a few amusing limericks. It was one of the things she enjoyed about newcomers to the island – they often brought with them amusing anecdotes and limericks that she could share.
Arlong ventured out on the deck. They would be leaving in a couple of days, and good riddance to this cold, forsaken place. If Chew or any of the other fishmen had taken a turn for the worse, he would have given serious thought to rampaging through the island with his crew.
The tinkling of unfamiliar laughter echoed through the air, and Arlong blinked as he approached the side of the ship, seeing a handful of fishmen busy loading the last of their recently-obtained provisions. Hatchan was laughing with a woman that he recognized after a moment as the human who'd done much good for his crew. He'd only ever seen her from behind, Hatchan speaking while she listened.
He stared at the pale, laughing profile, her hands clapping together a couple of times as she stood there with Hatchan, at ease as several fishmen moved past her. He felt himself pulled forward as if this woman had grabbed him by his collar.
He slid down the gangplank, silently and predatorily, closing in on her like a shark does its prey.
“Oh, that’s a good one, Hachi. I’ll have to remember that,” she said with a chuckle, wiping a tear from her eye. The octopus man giggled and caught his breath before he took notice of his captain, eyes widening in surprise as Arlong approached them. His shadow moved across Yolande, and she turned to look up at him, sunlight catching in her dark gray-green eyes for a moment.
Arlong had heard plenty enough about her from Hatchan and even a few grudgingly kind comments from Shioyaki or Kaneshiro. He had to admit his curiosity was piqued, but he'd also remained suspicious and distant, not wanting to deal with a human directly unless he absolutely had to.
He stared down at these eyes, feeling that pull more intensely now. In his mind, there was a note playing, one he now knew he had heard before, the first time he saw her. Only that first time, it'd been so distant he hadn't been sure it’d been real. And then he was certain he heard it in his dreams after that day, but dreams were so hard to remember upon waking unless they were terrible. But now, looking into these eyes, hearing her laugh and her voice… it couldn't be. It was impossible, but there was no denying what was happening.
“Boss?” he heard his nakama ask. He blinked, tearing his attention away from Yolande’s face, realizing that a few other fishmen looked surprised to see him out here with a human around.
“I wanted to meet the person who was so helpful to my crew,” Arlong finally said, pulling his frenzied thoughts together. Hatchan stared at him for a moment before smiling.
“Of course! Yolande, this is the captain of our ship, Arlong.”
Yolande repeated the name she was given, staring up into eyes as clear as the sky, and as cold as the southernmost reaches of this sea. His shoulders were broad, the effect bolstered by the jacket he wore, and even though she wasn’t a short woman, he towered over her. Well, most of the fishmen she’d met were taller than her, but Arlong’s mere presence overwhelmed her, with almost as much physical force as a brick wall slamming into her, and she found herself unable to breathe for a moment. Thick black hair was held in place – just barely – by a dark, wide-brimmed hat. Aside from his eyes, the most arresting feature was his nose.
She stared up at him, and his mouth spread into a slow grin, revealing sharp teeth. She was barely aware of Hachi's hand on her arm. She heard her name come from the sharkman in a rumble that seemed to vibrate through her.
Yolande blinked and took a step back. Arlong’s grin only widened. Hachi moved between them, whispering something to Arlong as the two stared at one another. She managed to pull her gaze away, wondering what the fuck that was.
She wasn’t chaste – before marriage or after becoming a widow – but she couldn’t remember wanting to fuck anything as much as she did Arlong. It wasn’t even simply a desire to have sex. She wanted something more, and though she couldn’t explain it, she knew that Arlong felt the same.
What the hell? Her hand fluttered to her throat as she felt heat creep up her neck. Several whispered words were exchanged between him and Hatchan, but his eyes remained on her, cool azure under the dark brim, glinting from the shadows. His grin widened further, and it seemed that her breath was frozen in her throat.
"The captain wishes to thank you for all the help you've rendered us. Please accept his invitation to come for dinner tonight," Hatchan said as he stepped in front of her, blocking Arlong from her view, which filled her with both disappointment and relief. She blinked and looked up at the octopus man she'd been on friendly terms with since the first moment they'd met.
“Dinner? Well, that sounds like it would be fun!” she said with a smile as she looked up at him, hearing a faint, deep note that she chalked up to the lightheadedness.
Ajkul – Arlong’s mentor Akula (and several variations of spelling, including ajkula) is the word for shark in Russian and several other Eastern European/Central Asian languages. Neat factoid – when I was looking for a name for Ajkul, I was looking up the word shark in various languages, and noticed that language families tended to have a similar word for shark, there were a couple of similarities (or differences) that I didn’t expect, which led me to brush up a little on geography and history, haha.
Hatred – whether it be racism, or sexism, or homophobia, etc, tends to be passed down. It doesn’t come out of nowhere, and I figured that as Arlong has passed down that hate to Hody Jones, someone had to pass it down to Arlong. The talk of carrying on bitterness and vengeance and all that sounds like something that Arlong had been inculcated in. These hateful beliefs would only have been reinforced by the things Arlong witnessed such as human pirates coming to Fishman Island/District to kidnap and enslave seafolk, which would only reinforce Arlong’s beliefs and give him justification and/or excuses for the things he did.
It’s honestly fascinating. Judging Arlong simply by the Arlong Park arc in the anime, he’s more of a one-dimensional asshole but the live action of OP as well as what is revealed about fishmen in the Sabaody and Fishman Island arcs give the gorgeous sharkman (as well as the fishman and seafolk races overall) some depth.
Yes, Yolande is Arlong’s y/n. This story is a standalone, but if Marvel and DC can have their multiversal stuff, why can’t I do one for Arlong too? I had a lot of fun with my first Arlong story and setting a scenario where he got to keep Arlong Park but this time I wanted to do something closer to canon. This also resulted in some serious consideration for Yolande and how I wanted to develop her (and Arlong) and I’m having a lot of fun so far, I already have several chapters written for this and am watching the anime on Netflix (as well as many of the movies) and hoo boy, the most recent episodes of OP certainly have come a loooooong way from the first season/saga of the anime.
This story was in development for a few months and the chapters I have so far were a hell of a lot of fun to write. Who knows if we will see Arlong again in the anime or manga, but I hope this story is a fun what-if of that. All feedback/suggestions/reviews are welcome.
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sofiiel · 1 year
Hi so um my mind decided to wreck me today with thought about Monster/Cryptid!Eddie x Reader. Not a vampire or werewolf, just like DemoEddie. And because I made myself kinda sad...and my mind is cruel... I'm just gonna toss it here 🤷🏾‍♀️
Warnings: angst, violence, sadness, death. (morbid mindset me to kick off the afternoon...yaaay.)
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He changes at the chime of midnight, some cross between himself the Demogorgon and Demobat.
It's scary as hell and hideous.
Eddie's got nearly no control over himself in this state, and kills anyone and anything he can.
Problem is, he remembers all of it. He hates his transformations and when they end he spends hours trying to scrub blood off his hands.
He doesn't want to risk hurting you, so even though he is trying to live a normal life he never spends time with you after 11:30. His days seem normal to you and everyone around him, but he's carrying this secret with an ever constant fear.
He doesn't tell you why, he has to leave at the same time every day. But claims it a job, gig, or something to help Wayne.
Then one day you follow him out of concern, after talking with Dustin, Jeff, and some others. As they all voiced to you that they thought he was acting strange as well.
You think he might still be struggling with some of the ptsd he had after his ordeal. You'd rather not have him be alone if he's mentally hurting.
But following him was the worst thing you could have done.
You're confronted by a creature baring a striking resemblance to Eddie, deep within the woods.
Your mind tell you that can't be him, he can't be the thing devouring.....wait that's not an animal. You can see a hand and mangled leg within the carnage.
You run, but it smells your fear and makes chase.
It pounces, and you roll, pinned to the ground.
The creature shrieks at you with his claws digging into your shoulders.
You can't help but shudder as you look at its face. You could never mistake it, even as changed as it was now.
That thing is or was Eddie.
You don't know what's happened, but you try to talk to him. However, his eyes aren't registering your voice.
He opens his mouth and out comes this weird floral shaped thing with needled teeth.
You want to shut your eyes, but you need him to see you. If he could see he was frightening you, hurting you, he'd stop. Right?
You keep trying to talk him down. It isn't working.
A long dark tongue fires out from Eddie's floral mouth and wraps around your neck.
You're losing a lot of blood, and now you can't breathe.
You try to move your arms, if you could just touch him, maybe that would help. He knows your touch, he always said he loved it, craved it, survived off of it.
Though as you try, his claws press down tearing through, drawing more blood.
"It's me," you choke out, gasping for breath.
Water slips from the corner of your eyes. Eddie still seems unaffected.
"Don't you know me? C-can you not see me?" You wheeze.
Your limbs start to feel cold, and your vision is shaky.
There's no getting out of this. Shutting your eyes, you accept the pain of his claws digging clear through your shoulders, and you hug him. You hug him with all the strength you can afford.
Behind closed eyes, picturing the man you love as you remember him.
That beautiful, infectious smile.
You recall the sound of his laughter and your name rolling off Eddie's lips. The way he'd look at you, the way one might marvel at a spectacular sunrise. You hold onto him as if your hug could bring him back. You had to.
Eddie removes his tongue from around for neck, and for a second you're hopeful.
Blinding pain engulfs your chest and shoulders. He's knocked you back to the ground with his claws. You try to withhold a scream as that floral mouth and needled teeth gnaw a hole into your chest.
You wrap your arms around him again, hands tangled in his blood soaked hair, gently combing it. Hoping to fight his fury away with something gentle.
Your eyes are trying to focus on the odd wings protruding out his back instead of the mind-numbing pain.
"It's ok, Eddie," you struggle to get the words out. "I know this isn't you, it's not. This is not your fault."
But he's still tearing away, you can't withhold the scream anymore and it's earth shaking. Leaving even your own ears ringing.
Eddie stops moving and backs away. He violently shakes his head and starts clawing at himself until...
There next to you, trembling on his knees, is the Eddie you know.
He holds his hands out in front of him, every inch of his torn clothes and skin is painted scarlet. The smell makes him sick.
But when his eyes slowly trail up to you as you lay on the ground, hugging the open chest wound close, Eddie shouts. It doesn't seem like a sound a human should make. Something like the last screeches of a large, dying machine.
He's falling all over himself as he scrambles closer. Tears form paths down his blood riddled face. It hurts him to look at you, he couldn't stop himself, he did this.
Eddie wants to hold you, but he feels he shouldn't, not after what he's done. How could he? You probably didn't want him within 20ft of you.
He chokes out your name and takes your hand carefully, as if holding it alone could be the finishing blow.
You turn your head to look at him and smile, "knew you'd come to your senses."
Eddie shakes his head, he can't believe you're trying to make light of things, trying to comfort him after....
"I should have told you." he whispers while he cradles your hand to his cheek.
"But I thought, I thought you might run away, leave ... If you knew." His words ar eon the verge of whimpers.
You can feel his tears on your hand, and you can see his shoulders shake.
"If I loved you as a potential serial killer," you gave a fading chuckle, "and waited for your return....why would I leave over one really ugly tantrum."
Eddie choked out a chuckle through his tears. He dares to draw closer and either pets the top of your head or strokes your cheek.
He starts to pick you up, working slowly and gently to gather you off the ground.
"I'll get you to the hospital." He says. Sure, it won't go well for him being seen like this with you in such a state. But he'd take whatever punishment came his way. In his mind, he deserved it.
"Eddie don't -" you try to warn him, but a scream stops your words and draws Eddie to a halt. You can't be moved. It's much too painful.
And what's worse, you've not the strength to take the pain. Your vision wavers and fails.
Eddie's left to call your name, his voice cracks as he repeats that he's sorry and that you'll be ok.
"Just hold on"
"You said you would lea-" Eddie stops his desperate shaking of your body and collapses onto you. His fists wrap in your clothes as his body is wracked by wailing sobs.
When there's no more tears to cry, Eddie lingers curled up to you until moments before dawn.
He lays you down in the middle of the spring flowers, a place he knows your friends will find you. He gives you a kiss goodbye before vanishing into the wilderness.
Eddie would once again go missing, this time for good. He can't face his Uncle Wayne because of the torment of being the killer this time. He won't visit his friends, he'd rather leave them with a better memory of himself.
He would not leave them with the memory of the monster. The monster he now surrendered himself to, permanently. Better to live as the unfeeling creature then with the everlasting pain of losing who he loved with all his heart.
He leaves one last letter of closure for Wayne, addressing what to say to his friends and those that love him.
People around the country tell legends of a strange, mournful creature wandering woods and underground places. Its painful wailing can be heard at the crack of midnight. They say he rips the hearts from his victims in hopes of filling the empty space where his used to be.
But nothing is big enough.
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samobservessonic · 8 months
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Oh, they’re being sneaky about it! We do get a teaser of Metal Sonic this time, showing this brilliant sequence of what looks like Sonic being defeated by him, but is actually a dummy. All while only showing us small glimpses of Metal Sonic to build suspense. While Metal Sonic vs Sonic doesn’t come to pass in this issue, we know know for sure that it’s coming soon
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The actual Sonic is busy trying to stop Robotnik from conducting a raid on the Emerald Hill Zone, with the Freedom Fighters (including Amy) at his side
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Sonic gets them all caught almost immediately, but he seems chill about that, so I’m not worried either. Alsooo… it’s hard to be sure, but is that the first appearance of Amy’s crossbow I see there?
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I mean, it’s pretty small, so it might not be, but that’d be cool if so
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Today’s “villain we’ve never met before, but is working for Robotnik” is this guy! But more interestingly for the lore count is that he mentions taking the Freedom Fighters to the Veg-o-Fortress on Mount Mobius, which is a location from Sonic Spinball, the only game to feature the SatAM Freedom Fighters. They don’t appear in StC, but I think it’s neat that the location is mentioned, since I didn’t remember StC doing anything related to Spinball
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Though we might not even get there, because the ship’s being raided by pirates! Looks like Plunder and Sonic are at least making good on their alliance for now and that’s why Sonic wasn’t worried earlier. I kind of feel bad for Johnny being the guy not in the know. This issue, Johnny has been back-talking Sonic quite a bit, which I honestly think is a sorely needed role in a team that otherwise is either too intimidated by Sonic or (presently) too infatuated with him to stand up to him
Also, Amy does have her crossbow, yaaay!
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One short fight later and our villain is done! I don’t even think we got his name
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Porker, nooooo! Oh man, Sonic’s gonna be so mad! I feel so bad for Porker here, even if he was oddly specific when revealing the location of the emeralds lol. I guess we’ll see how that pans out next time!
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dedusmuln · 8 months
Hey what ocs do you have
YAAAAAAAY HI!!! ok so i have a . decent amount of ocs. but my most recent ones are my ace attorney oc, and my hylics ocs ^_^. I'm trying to work on ocs for an original story too, but those ones are highly in the works right now, unfortunately U_U this post got REALLY LONG , so i'm putting a read more on it!!! more oc info under there :-]
my ace attorney oc is Mirasol Armando, and she's the niece of Diego Armando . I'm forming a little backstory for her right now! the main idea for her was "wouldn't it be funny if phoenix had to face a girl who looks like both mia and diego combined?". she has a decent history of bad luck, and after getting kicked out from living with her parents' friends, she kinda has to fend for herself. she was planning to be a prosecutor, but after having a conversation with phoenix, she decides to become a defense attorney at his suggestion. the next time they meet again, she's actually graduated from law school!! yaaay!! i need to keep working on her but . I do plan to draw her soon my hylics ocs . i will admit they are less formed... two of them I have are actually named, the other i . don't . and i still want to make a fourth one after that. ludunsmde (pronounced loo-done-smeede) (they/them) is my splithead oc! as their name suggests, they are a sibling to dedusmuln and smuldunde. they're a traveling marine archaeologist by boat, who also finds themself fascinated by marine life time to time. gets easily distracted. if they were a playable character in the party, i think they'd be the hard hitter of the group, having a lot of power (similar to pongorma). i could see ludunsmde playing the bass, and also having interest in claves. i'm sure they'd play a handful of things. ludunsmde misses their family a lot, realizing that moving around so much is the one downside of travel. but they care about their work heavily, and are sure to plan visits time to time. oh yeah . as for physical appearance, they're taller than dedusmuln but shorter than smuldunde! their fur is a blueish color, with pink horns :-)
the next character (he/she) doesn't have a name yet . BUT! i've been calling him Imago for now in place. imago is the actual owner of the boat ludunsmde has been using ! she's a bit of a vagabond and travels pretty often , i'm not sure how she met ludunsmde , but they've been traveling with each other for a While. imago isn't specifically looking for anything, and having ludunsmde around for company is entertaining enough. they help with the heavy-lifting so he can't complain. i think imago is the healer of the party, not much of a fighter herself. i could see him playing the drums !!! kinda contradictory to his laid-back nature, but it's more of an outlet for emotions, since she's not much of a talker. imago is technically the 'leader' of the group but is the least talkative of the group. as for physical appearance, imago looks similar to somsnosa and instar ! is probably a bit shorter than them though. not exactly sure what her outfit would look like, but i'll figure that out eventually :-] ludunsmde and imago have a bit of a lgbt thing going on between them but idk what flavor yet my Third hylics oc is my wayne oc, named Absence (they/them). absence is a wayne that somehow managed to run away from training, and has been wandering around since then. absence does eventually stumble across imago and ludunsmde, and asks to join them on their journey. seeing someone so lost and confused, neither of the two really wanted to leave absence on their own, and let them join. absence is sort of just on a journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out who they are besides the life that they were supposed to live as a wayne. absence's name was suggested by ludunsmde after a long conversation about absence wanting to have their own name and own self, but not knowing what name would be right, feeling a lack of certainty. since there was an absent moon at the time, combined with their lack of choice, ludunsmde thought the name 'absence' would be fitting, and absence agreed. absence's fighting doesn't have anything specific, but they're relatively speedy, so they usually go first. absence is also , shockingly , the singer of the group. if they had to play an instrument i'd have to say electric guitar, like wayne. despite how different absence tries to be, they can't deny that electric guitars are cool as hell. as for physical appearance, absence dresses in a romantic-goth inspired fashion and also sports a full black outfit. they're also a bit shorter than some of the other waynes. absence has a relatively dramatic appearance, and that's on purpose. they have fun with it i also want to make a fourth hylics oc to complete the party, but i haven't chosen exactly what i want to do with them yet. i did think about making a poolmagne or a coutured oc but. im not sure yet. as for other ocs , i have some other ocs like Tango, Doe, Root, Narcissus, Lucas, Lucky, Eugene, Euadine, and . a lot of other ones !!!!! but i won't ramble about them because i've already talked a lot about these ones :-]
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