#it is not thar challenging
kellygreeny · 2 years
Omega couldn't open a bottle and went to Wrecker
Wrecker: I open that for you *didn't got it open*
Hunter: *was seeing it* wait I know how to handle that *puts out knife and tried to open it*
Tech: Maybe there is some special mechanism*starts scanning it.
Echo: *rolls with eyes and took the bottle and opened it*
Everyone: *staring at Echo*
Echo: It is child safe and I'm disappointed of you all except Omega.
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mastcrmarksman · 22 days
Okay but top three for show casing Clint's character? Since Amanda asked.
1. Solo / Spotlight Avengers ( issues 1 thru 36, 1987 to 1991 )
2. Thunderbolts vol 1 ( issues 9 thru 12, issues 20 thru 75, 1997 to 2003 )
3. Hawkeye: Freefall ( 2020 )
I don't have a spiel, except in the tags and honestly, don't have much brain power after worm, but here you go. This will help you honestly who Clint is as a character and person.
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rigelmejo · 3 months
More progress updates, because I'm having fun!
Glossika japanese: did 1248 sentences, 10,055 reps so far, it says I'm High A1 20.4%. I believe that based on the sentence quality I am getting, they are A1 sentences vocabulary wise. The grammar includes various higher level stuff, but the vocabulary is fairly basic and mostly review of stuff I've learned before and just forgotten or gotten rusty with). Glossika has articles that claim a good first goal is 25,000 sentence repetitions for a noticeable improvement in speaking. So i'll give a little review on progress compared to glossika's claim, when I get to 25,000 reps. Their articles also indicate the eventual goal is to do 100,000 reps in glossika for speaking fluency (i'd argue i'll probably have B1 speaking skills at best by then, but glossika's app claims B2 or C1 so i'm going to score them a bit harshly regardless). I dont think it will be especially hard to do 100,000 reps, as Ive done 10k from around 1000 sentences, and the app has 6500+ sentences, so just going through all sentences ill be around 65,000 reps and then its just a few weeks of reviews.
Reading 默读 by priest: I've read 3 chapters now. Both extensively (not looking up words) and intensively (looking up every word I don't fully know/remember the definition of or pronunciation of). My conclusion is that I am comprehending about 86% percent (like yesterday's calculation) CLEARLY and then another 10% I can guess roughly what's going on and be close enough to use those guesses to learn, or I can guess based on the plot I remember. With that much at least roughly comprehended, it makes reading 默读 extensively doable if I want to do it. I recognize most the hanzi, so when I slow down and read very slowly, I understand closer to 90% of the words (just having forgotten pronunciation), and then using context guess the few unknown hanzi and the words they make, so there's not a huge hit in story understanding. If I read fast, reading along with audio as it plays, I make vaguer guesses about what descriptions mean that use hanzi I know/one I dont in ways I'm unfamiliar with. So far my guesses have been rough, but generally in the ballpark, so I've been able to keep reading without pausing to look stuff up if I choose to.
I am thinking of doing an experiment with 默读. I will read it while listening, because that forces me to practice reading at a faster pace (speaking speed). I will only look words up if I feel like it (so not all the time, probably only occasionally). And I will note if in 20 chapters, 40 chapters etc, I am noticing if I have "learned" significantly more words, noticing if I've gotten better at comprehending words I know quicker while following along to spoken speed (so clearer understanding). The idea of reading comprehensible material to you (say 95% words you know or more), is in theory you pick up more vocabulary through context, and improve reading skills, over the course of reading. Growing up, literature classes and reading assignments basically give you mostly comphrehensible materials to read and that's a major way your vocabulary and reading skills build in your native language. Yes, some classes make you look up vocabulary for a particular literature book assigned (or defined terms in a science textbook). But the vast majority of free reading time is: pick a book for your age level, teacher encourages something slightly challenging but comprehensible. I have read simpler chinese novels extensively, and made progress. But 默读 would probably be the highest unique-vocab book I'd try it with. The upside is? I could potentially learn more new vocabulary from this book. And then in the future it will make reading other stuff easier. So yeah, I'll update on progress later.
Read chapter 3 of 默读. Listened to modu audiobook chapters 1-3. I noticed my listening skills just... fucking suck lol. I can read so much better than I can listen. I was getfing through the audiobook based on phrases I recognized and the dialogues, despite being able to READ those chapters... listening to them I just couldnt recognize as many words. I will also be extensively listening to the audiobook, as see how much sheer Volume of audio listened to helps me improve. I guess on the upside: i used to not comprehend the audiobook much, so this does feel essier, even if its still miles away from full comprehension.
Other things of note:
i find it funny that after a week of getting back into things, im quietly saying the hanzi as i read again. Apparently pronunciatioj WAS locked in my read somewhere, it was just rustier than visual recognition.
I may watch Absolute BL/zettai bl season 3 in japanese. Since its out?!! It exists!!! Which is news to me. It isnt fully translated yet. However, my japanese sucks so i might fail miserably. I Cannot Reach You On Netflix would be another choice (wirh japanese subs available and english). But i miss Mobu. ToT
Its shockingly weird how much reading skill works? Like... it rusts and you "forget" but then if you use it, it always comes back within a week or two. Thats what happens with reading french for me, and apparently with chinese too. I havent read in 6 months ish. Last week I tried to read SCI, i was fucking terrible. Confused as hell, even though it should be easier than modu. Well this week I'm reading modu, which has more unique words in it, and it feels fine and doable and fairly okay to understand. And to be fair, part of that is I just am much more comfortable parsing priest's writing style. So I go back to try reading SCI again today. Well? Easy. What the fuck. It was barely parseable last week. Now I can read: 办公室的门在受到撞击前的一刹那打开了,两人刹车不及,直接摔了进去,双双落地,正中地板。就听楼下有人隔着窗户朝上大喊:“你们刑警队的就不能消停一天?再这样下去,哪天真的地震了,整个楼里的人都不知道跑啦……” 张龙和王朝从地板上爬起来,就见白玉堂手上端着杯咖啡,靠在办公桌边似笑非笑地看着他俩。just fine. It's easy. Okay then.
Oh and also. Tao rans name? 陶然 the fact its the same ran as huran/turan/mengran so many "suddenly" words that come up at the beginning of a sentence, and tao ran's name Also comes up at the beginning of sentences, keeps throwing me off when I listen.
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hi uhhhh i need to get fingered by deadpool rn. this man is a certified Yapper so ik he would be so fucking hot with his goofy dirty talk
he grabs your crotch over your clothes and finds out you’re trans, “wait a second, are you challenging my preconceived expectations of gender and male-on-male sexual experiences? my sincerest apologies, sweetheart. i’ve got no problem being the top if i’m the only one with the tools for the job. i bet you’d go crazy with a strap, though. probably make me put my prostate on life support.
“you into slapping? can i give it a little tap, tap, tap-a-rooney? yeah? little harder?” (SMACK) “oh, yeah, that’s it. had a feeling you were a painslut, too, i see you! game respects game, pretty boy. what’s your safeword? personally, i’m partial to ‘hootenanny’, that’s always my go-to.”
“let’s see, where’s your little happy spot? what do i gotta do, the come hither? is that it? come here! come here, boy! there we go, there it is! who’s a good boy? you are! yes you are! come here! that’s a good boy! aw, look at your little leg shaking, so precious!”
“you squirt squad or cream team? oh, look at your face, you look so tense. you’re definitely a gusher. don’t be shy! this suit’s waterproof. don’t worry about me!”
you finally cum, splashing your orgasm all over him. “thar she blows! oh, shit, he blows? ze blows? they blow? stop me when i get it.”
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blueslight · 2 years
Im in such a weirdly shit mood today i feel so sad and isolated and BORED out of my motherfucking mind and I just feel like asssss
#Like i literally have NOTHING to do#and i got really sad earlier thinking about how i dont feel comfortable in my extended friend group anymore . and like idk ive been#questioning stuff lately like my morals and stuff and my values#and like thinking about graduating exhausts me cuz on one hand like . prom. i dont wanna go like genuinely i wouldnt have any more fun than#i can have at home but at the same.time i guess a part of me is sad .? that i dont wanna go to prom and that ill miss out maybe#and same w all social stufff basically like I genuinely dont think i enjoy large social gatherings but also i cant tell for 100% sure yk#and a part of me IS sad that i cant have a normal teen experience#but mostly that like. i cant relate to anyone really. It feels like the divide between me and people just keeps growing the more#-i stop faking things and masking and stuff#but i cant tell if the way i feel abt some stuff is morallly alright . for example a someone in our friend group hangs out with people that#make racist jokes. and I sorta judge him for it CUZ i thinm its lacking a moral.backbone. but at thw same time maybe its weird of me to#think thar way and worse maybe its hypocritical cuz like. for example i listen to bands that have done some shitty stuff (only to a certain#degree of course like i have my boundaries) and i think the like hypercritical 'cancek culture' sort of mindset is stupid and unhealthy#and like you shouldn't be expected to only associate with morally perfect thimgs. but also i dont think you should be friends with shitty#people cuz thats different yk.. but everyone is so tied to each other in a way i wont ever understand#and like maybe its just easy for me to say cuz i dont have much experienxe w stuff like that‚ maybe i just think you can#cut people.off if theyre too shitty cuz ive never really been in that Situation#but like if my friend made a racist joke or something i would at least talk to them yk??#but idk I hate being in morally challenging situations bc i have a very ig unreliable moral compass and insanely low empatthy . so i#always have to second guess myself and i guess i have to re-sort my priorities. cuz i care about people feelinf safe around me but it#leads to me resenting myself when i DO judge people and i really really dont wanna be overly negativr but i also dont wanna keep like#supressing everything ....#idk i just want my peace but something always comes up. and i dont understand other people and lately it just feels like the giant divide#between me and other people and esp the other teenagers has been growijg so hard#and my two best friends are the only people where i feeo like we speak the same mental language and stuff#but one of them has zero backbone and would never have my back ever cuz shes just too scared and the other one is similarly socially lost#like me#and i feel like idk any expectations/wishes i got towards other people are morally bad of me cuz it feels like i need to know better#like i judge myself for being hurt that my one friend doesnt defend me against anyone when they say bad stuff but like i know shes just#too scared. and yet
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definitelynuwonhere · 3 months
“My Angel”
Wanted to get back into writing, so I’m pushing through writer drought. I wanted to explore the “origins” of how Angel got their pet name (well, main pet name)
I couldn’t get it to work with a scene between Angel and David though, so I tried a different path
Enjoy the sweet brotherly moment 👍
Asher can’t believe how many times he’d seen David smile these past few months.
Snickering at his phone? Humming while he cooked? Chuckling at his jokes instead of his usual grunt and eye roll!? Who is this man?!
He knew it was because he was seeing someone, but David’s been out with people before, but there was something about this one that just, reignited something in him.
And for the first time since Gabe died, it felt like the David he’d known since they were kids, was back.
David sat across him, chuckling away at his screen, the subtle glint in his eye and smirk that tugged on his lips every time they texted back with another snarky quip.
"I know you said they’re human but your mate has got some kind of magic.”
David gave a hearty laugh, shaking his head at his ridiculousness. He glanced back at his phone, his eyes hovering over their mates name on the screen as a soft smile formed on his lips.
The beta smiled, happy for his best friend’s new found source of happiness.
“They really make you happy huh?”
The alpha nodded, leaning back against the couch,
“Curious though, why Angel?”
He asked, tilting his head and looking an amused smirk.
“I dunno. Just felt right.”
He replied, a soft smile lingering on his lips as he stared at their mate’s name on his phone.
“This is it big guy! You’re getting married tomorrow! How’re ya feeling?”
He excitedly asked, taking a seat on one of the deck chairs, drinking as they took in the scenery of David’s backyard.
The alpha snickered, reaching forward to grab his drink and taking a sip, “Excited, Nervous, Terrified”
He replied, placing the glass back down as he leaned back against the chair, letting out a comfortable sigh.
“But I love them and I can’t wait.”
He said, smiling, something they’d gotten so used to seeing but still feels refreshing every time.
“You know,” He started, his finger tracing the rim of his glass. “I think I finally have an answer to your question about the Angel pet name.”
Asher’s eyes grew in surprise, he took a sip of his drink, giving him a nod to continue.
“I guess, I started calling them Angel because, in a way, they saved me.”
He continued, his expression falling into a soft smile as he reminisced about the past 4 years.
“They challenge me, get me out of my comfort zone in ways that I don’t know to this day.”
He chuckled, a smile lingering on his lips as he stared out into his backyard. Taking in the sight of the place he and his mate called ‘home’ the strings of lights thar gave the perfect ambience, the throw pillows on the lounge chairs they had crocheted, and the flowers that surrounded the place the two of them had planted, it made his heart swell.
“They carried me out of the darkness that came with losing dad and becoming alpha. They were my guiding light; my Angel.”
He said, turning to see his best friend weeping, moved by the sentiment behind the name.
Wiping off his face, he looked at his best friend with pride, through his puffy eyes.
“I’m very happy for you, bud”
His words genuine and full of love, he leaned forward wrapping his arms around the larger man.
“Thanks, Ash.”
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
NNN: Jaune and Jessica bet their teams they can last NNN.....how do they do?
Jaune: I can totally beat, NNN. Just you watch me!
Blake: You really think you can do that?
Jaune: Easily!
Blake: What makes you think that? I mean, Jessica is just a cuter version of, Ruby…
Ruby: You take that back!
Blake: Can you really deny, Green Ruby?
Ruby: Green what?!
Jaune: First off, Ruby’s nothing like Jessica.
Ruby: That’s right! I’m way better than that goblin!
Blake: How so?
Jaune: First off. She’s a legal loli, Ruby isn’t.
Blake: That’s true.
Ruby: Excuse me what?
Jaune: And, Jessica has magic powers with her ring. Wait, Ruby has magical powers with her eyes… They’re both cute as a button. Both have a passion for heavy ordanence. Both are small. One is green, the other is red, making them complimentary colours. Have small chest, but full butts. Wow… It’s like they’re twins…
Blake: So if you imagine, Ruby as, Jessica, would that make you dealing with, NNN hard?
Jaune: No, she’d just be, Red Jessica then.
Ruby: I’d be red what?!
Blake: But, don’t you want to… ‘tap dat ass?’
Jaune: I do, but I’d rather tap the older Jessica ass, than the younger one. Well, 60/40 in favour of which, Jessica I’d like to tap.
Jaune: …
Jaune: First…
Blake: Older Jessica?
Jaune: Yeah, back in her world she’s in her twenties, she looks like a completely different person. I bet, Ruby will just look a few inches taller when she’s older.
Ruby: Take that back!
Blake: What does she look like, this older, Jessica?
Jaune: Here’s a photo she sent me…
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Blake: Damn~! Puppetry was kind to her~!
Ruby: I bet I’ll get a better figure then her.
Jaune: See! I want to tap that! But, I can’t…
Blake: Why not?
Jaune: She’s back in her world, and I’m here… Can’t lose, NNN when there’s nothing to lose to…
Blake: But, I thought she was coming back?
Jaune: She promised she would, but even she doesn’t know when she could… So, yeah…
Blake: So, what are you going to do then?
Jaune: Wait, and see. What else can I do?
Ruby: You can fun with me instead~?
Jaune: Not now, Red Jessica.
Ruby: I am not, Green Ruby!?!
Blake: What do you think, Jessica is doing now?
Jaune: Probably saving the world, that’s what heroes do after all.
Meanwhile in the, DC RWBY Universe
Jessica was not saving the world at the moment, she was currently losening her mind with unbridled lust, and blinding rage.
For she was currently being restrained by her friends, Powegirl, Wonderwoman, Superman, and Hal Gordon of the Green Lantern Corp. At least they we’re trying to; One would think three of the, Leagues strongest members could restrain a girl in her mid twenties with relative ease. However, they didn’t take into consideration what a highly horny girl, who was frustrated to no end because she was so hormonal could do to a person.
For in, Jessica’s, hormonal rage, for the lack of a better description, had received both a ring from the, Star Sapphire Core, and the Red Lantern Core. Making an already powerful Lantern exponentially more powerful, and terrifying.
Clark: Hurry up! We’re barely holding her back!
Victor: We’re working as fast as we can!
A multi coloured blast of energy soon shot past, Cyborg’s head, narrowly missing the trans-dimensional gateway thar he, and Batman we’re working on repairing.
Bruce: Hal, block her energy blasts. If one those hits the machine it will be destroyed.
Hal: I’m trying, but I’m fighting three on one!
Kara: Have you called any, Lanterns for back up!
Hal: I called, but it will take them a while to come here.
Another multi coloured blast ripped past, Hal’s head, and nearly impacted one of the stations windows, but the blast doors quickly shut as the, Flash hit the emergency button to activate the blast doors.
Wally: Okay, that was close. Okay, can someone explain to me what’s going on?
Diana: She’s been cursed by, Aphrodite!
Wally: What?
Kara: She decided to do the, NNN challenge. But, that only made her think of that, Jaune kid she’s been talking about, and now she’s just really, really horny!
Clark: And, angry!
Wally: Oh… Well, not to sound vulgar, but can’t she just… do it, and relax then?
Kara: You certainly never been with a woman before have you?!
Wally: Hey!
Bruce: Enough. Just hold on a little longer, we’ve nearly finis…?!
Victor: Oh shit!
Hal: AHHH?!
Another blast of energy hit, Hals shield, only this time it broke through, and slamming into, Hal, and sending him flying only for the bolt of energy to fly though the air, and crash into the machine. It surged with new found power from within, suddenly it blast upward into a multi coloured hole in the ceiling. The ensemble of heroes stared at the whole before something fell through it, and hit the ground with a heavy thud. Before the portal, as it seemed to be suddenly vanished.
They look down upon the ground to see a suit of armour slowly rise from the ground. It’s once polished clean white metal, now was stained by streaks of rust. The knight looked down at his hands before a weary sigh escaped its lips. It’s hands reached up, and removed its helmet, revealing a mane of blond hair tied in a wolf tail. It looked down at the helmet in it’s hands before letting a deep sigh escape his lips. One burdened by the weight of the world, and tired of carrying such a burden around without rest.
: I see… I’m the, Rusted Knight once again… peachy. But… where am I? This clearly isn’t the, Ever After… So where is it?
The figure was about to turn around, when they heard a series of mechanical shifts, and the whirling of engines. He had the stinking feeling he was in a place he wasn’t supposed to be.
Bruce: Who are you, how did you get here?
: I don’t know how I got here, a portal appeared below my feet, and I fell through it, and suddenly I appeared here. As for who I am, well… In this form, I was called the, Rusted Knight. But, that was only in children’s fairytale. But, my real name is, Jaune Arc.
The knight held up it’s hands as it slowly turned around to face them, revealing a grizzled beard of golden hair, laced with white streaks. As he stood before them, he looked at them with a perplexed expression across his face as he stared at them in turn.
Jaune: Do I know you? You look familiar, at least some of you, have we met…? Wait… Jessica, is that you?
The trio was struggling to contain, the Tri-Coloured Lantern from her hormonal rage, but she suddenly went slack in their arms, as the knight fell through the portal. But, her breath quickened as she saw a grizzled old blond man appear before them.
Jessica: J-J-Jaune…? Is that really you?
Jaune: It’s really me my little nightlight.
Jaune smiled warmly, with a fatherly smile as if he was pleased to with what he saw before him. For him, being reunited with his girlfriend, even in such an unorthodox manner was quite pleasing to him. Jessica was also, extremely pleased to see her boyfriend again, she was however, going through a panic attack as she struggled to digest what she was seeing before her.
Jessica: J-J-Jaune’s here?! B-But it’s not, Jaune… This, Jaune is b-bigger! Taller! Those muscles?! And, the beard! That glorious beard! And, are those white streaks? J-Jaune’s a silver fox?! He’s a total daddy now! My Daddy now! Ah… Ah-ha…! Ahahahahahahaha?!
Everyone started looking at, Jessica in concern. Jaune was concerned that after finally reuniting with his girlfriend they would have had happy embrace, followed by a lovers kiss. But, here he was watching his girlfriend falling down into a mad fit of laughter.
For the rest of the, Justic League it was unsettling to see their friend go from stark raving mad, to looking like she was just dosed in, Joker laughing gas.
And, yet it all ended as fast as it began.
Jessica: Aaaaahhhh~!
Blood poured down, Jessica’s nose she she finally stopped laughing, before she promptly fainted, and fell upon the ground. Silence hung in the air as all turned to face their unexpected guest.
Jaune: Uhhh… Sorry?
Clark: All thing’s considered this was probably for the best.
Jaune: Okay…?
Kara: That’s, Jaune?!
Diana: he was a teenager when I last saw him, not like… this?!
Kara: Do you think, Jessica is open to sharing?
Jaune: So uhh… what now?
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hrtsvivis · 3 months
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𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒃𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 ᯓ★
lee know x fem!reader
summary: Lee Know decides to teach YN one of the group’s dance routines. At first, YN feels nervous and self-conscious, worried about keeping up with such a skilled dancer. However, Lee Know’s patient and encouraging helps her a lot.
word count: 500 words
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Lee Know stood in the middle of the practice room, his eyes focused on the mirror in front of him as he perfected a series of sharp, precise moves. The rhythmic sound of Stray Kids' latest track blared from the speakers. He wanted to be able to do the dance perfectly.
Y/N stood outside the door, then nervously opened it. She didn't want to disturb him because she knew how important and stressful all of this was for him. Hearing the door open, Lee Know immediately turns his gaze toward it, expecting one of the members. He smiled when he saw thar it was Y/n.
"Hey" you said walking slowly toward him. Lee Know softly replied hugging you, seeking some kind of peace. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea - to teach his girlfriend the dance. This way they will spend some time together while doing something he loves very dearly.
" I have an idea. Do you want to teach the dance im working on. It will be nice, i promise. " Minho suggested. You thought about it for a second, but then agreed because you just can't say no to him. Dance was a big part of his life and you knew that.
"You ready?" your boyfriend asked, his tone light and encouraging.
"Ready as I'll ever be," she replied, her voice trembled slightly.
Lee Know noticed and stepped closer, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll do great. Just follow my lead, and remember to have fun." He started with a simple warm-up, guiding her through the basic steps. "So far, so good" you thought still feeling kinda nervous. You tried to follow every move he does, eyes fixed on him. Despite your best efforts, you were new to dancing so you stumbled a few times, the self-consciousness creeping in.
"Relax, YN. It's okay to make mistakes. That's how we learn," he said gently. He may not be so patient with his members sometimes, but with you, it was different. After a few minutes, you were to do it perfectly, and everything seemed fine and more relaxed. It wasn't that bad after all.
As they continued, Lee Know's patience and encouragement began to work their magic. Your nerves began to ease so you started to move more freely. After an hour of practice and hard work you finally danced through the routine together flawlessly.
"You did it!" Lee Know exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "See, I knew you could."
You smiled happily and thanked him. "I couldn't have done it without you," you admitted. "Thank you for being so patient and encouraging."
Moments like these seemed to make up for all the time you are separated due to his busy schedule and concerts.
"We can show it to the others tomorrow. Im sure they would be very impressed" Lee Know said. As you two left the practice room hand in hand, you released that you could face any challenge as long as you have him next to you.
note: second oneshot i post yay. Im so happy to write and post here. Hope you enjoy it and sorry for any mistakes. Leave requests if you have any.
© hrtsvivis — do not steal, edit, or repost my works.
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are you accepting requsts for 1.6 stuff? if so, may i get all of the SVE bachelors (especially magnus) reacting to their spouse witnessing the new Mr Qi event at the summit and becoming Very intimidated by him? bonus points if the farmer went through the SVE ??? mature event
⚠️Warning: Spoilers for SDV 1.6 update event and SVE Mr. Qi mature event under the cut!
Ok, a little preface: I had a little trouble comparing the logic of opening the Summit location in vanilla SDV and SVE (I know it's just a game and a lot of things don't make sense, but it's important to me, so shhhh!). In SDV the location is available after reaching Perfection, and naturally the new 1.6. event with Qi will be when the Farmer reaches Summit before reaching Perfection. Whereas in SVE this location can be opened earlier with the help of Clint.
So. Let's pretend this is the situation in SVE when Farmer hasn't yet accessed Summit with Clint, and they reached that location using "cheat" magic. I just don't really want to break 4 walls and imagine that this world is just a game, so let's consider it magic (scythe and glitch magic, lol).
Thanks for the ask, dear anon, and enjoy! 💕
Too much, it's all too much. The second time Farmer has been admitted to Harvey's clinic in critical condition, they haven't told Lance anything about what happened, and they're still enveloped by thin threads of unnatural magic. Very powerful and dark magic. Not their magic. Good thing thar clever pink-haired adventurer had managed to inform Camilla, Magnus, and the heads of the Ministry about this strange occurrence that still plagues the Farmer. Except that even Lance didn't expect things to be this bad.... He longs for action to protect his dear spouse, but the Ministry has ordered him to bide his time, and that's what kills him the most... This feeling of helplessness before an unseen enemy and Farmer's face that tries to hide the fear and pain behind a fake smile. Lance isn't vindictive and doesn't usually harbour grudges, but when he finds the culprit behind all their troubles, he'll make this person pay for every second the Farmer has spent in misery and horror.
Victor is already in total despair. He sought help and advice from everyone he knows: friends, his mother, even some folks from Zuzu City. The poor guy was asking everyone since the Farmer themself wouldn't tell him anything, always saying that "everything is fine." Fine?! It's not fine! Victor knows that the job of an adventurer is difficult and challenging, but in his heart he senses something wrong. And while the worried young man stood on the porch, completely absorbed in anxious thoughts about his spouse, a mysterious woman appeared to him out of nowhere. "We're guessing what happened to Farmer, but we're not 100% sure." Victor could barely restrain himself from rushing over to Camilla and grabbing her by the shoulders, begging her to tell him what she knew and why his Farmer was acting like this. "Shh, there's no need to panic. We'll try to do whatever is necessary, but we need your help." Is it really that dangerous? But he's willing to take the risk, for Farmer's sake.
Magnus Rasmodius:
"What do you mean we can't find the source of this damn magic?!" It had been a long time since Magnus' colleagues had seen him in such a rage, but what was there to be surprised about? Almost any man whose spouse had been subjected to possible abuse, cursing, and maybe even physical or psychological torture would have gone berserk. Magnus was no exception. However, this enemy was no ordinary man at all, but the very same obscure individual that the Ministry had long been wary of. And now they came again and started to frighten Farmer. It is not known why the stranger is so interested in his spouse, but no one dares to harm Farmer. Even if the Ministry doesn't help him, to hell with it. Magnus has enough friends and colleagues who will not leave him in trouble and, if anything, will protect Farmer.
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justanotherrpmeme · 4 months
The Wild West starters
"This town ain't big enough for the two of us." "Draw, partner." "There's gold in them thar hills!" "I reckon you got till sundown to get out of town." "Whiskey, neat." "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." "I'm lookin' for the man who shot my pa." "You ever heard of the [name] Gang?" "The law's a long way from here." "I'm just a simple cowboy trying to make my way." "Meet me at high noon." "You best be hitting the trail, stranger." "Hand over the gold, and no one gets hurt." "This here land is claimed." "I lost everything in a poker game." "Ride like the wind, we've got company!" "The sheriff's dead; it's every man for himself." "They call me the fastest gun in the West." "Justice is a bullet away." [SHOWDOWN] The sender faces off against the receiver in a deserted street. [SALOON] The sender slides a whiskey glass across the bar to the receiver. [AMBUSH] The sender jumps out from behind a boulder and points a revolver at the receiver. [BRAWL] The sender throws a punch at the receiver, starting a bar fight that involves smashing chairs and tables. [DUEL] The sender challenges the receiver to a gun duel, both standing paces apart in the town square. [TRAIN] The sender and receiver jump from their horses onto a moving train. [STANDOFF] The sender and receiver stand back-to-back, guns drawn, ready to face a circle of outlaws.
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Deep like the ocean, and just as cold.
The thing I appreciate the most about this challenge is how it forces me to draw subjects I wouldn't have touched with a 10ft pole otherwise. The ocean? Yeah, not a chance I would have tried thar if not for this challenge. For a very first try though, I don't think I did too badly!
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Crazy fucking theory time
Things we know
Laudna had Delilah stuck in her head for 30ish years
Prism is from Shadowfell
This half of Bells Hells (Laudna, Orym, and Ashton) are on Issylra
Laudna made an insight check in Pike when she said that Delilah was gone (failed insight)
After the fight with Otohan, when everyone was getting little flashback/memories, Laudna’s had Delilah saying "I am of his blood. I will ENDURE. My will is unrelenting. You are my vessel in life, unlife, and beyond. I will ENDURE!"
The tomb they just found has natural residuum in it and the words in primordial they saw said “Within the verdant tomb, we keep her spirit ENDURING”
Matt changed the lights to green with they entered the room with the residuum (like Delilah magic [in TLOVM])
Delilah is from Wildemount and was part of the Cerberus Assembly
She’s been to the Shadowfell multiple times
She possibly inhabited Darkstone while she was Laudna’s patron (just a theory)
She worked with Ridley to take ore and it into residuum
Delilah has been to Thar Amphala (this was were Vecna was released, I think)
She was then killed by Percy in Thar Amphala. But her spirit stayed there (until she was killed again)
Thar Amphala used to be in the Shadowfell and now it is on the material plane, specially ISSYLRA
What if this “she” that is being keep is somehow Delilah? She said that she had other contingencies for surviving, just Laudna was the easiest. Could this obelisk be kind of like a horcrux. Keeping enough of her alive until she able to take a physical form? Maybe all that time in the Shadowfell gave her a chance to set up backup plans.
And if Abaddina really set them up, she could tell that Laudna has had “quite a challenging existence”. Maybe she could fell some connection with Delilah or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that part’s kind of a stretch
Video clip order:
“I will endure” (3x34)
Pike insight check (3x38)
Abaddina (3x60)
Words in the tomb (3x62)
Residuum in tomb (3x62)
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
How I think GI characters would react to their rarity
Wanderer: Tsk naturally.
Faruzan: The audacity to place one as esteemed as Madame Faruzan in the less tier! They will be hearing from my lawyer!
Layla: Hm? oh, ok.
Nahida: While I do understand thar my status as archon allows me some degree of prestige, I don't think organizing anybody into categories of who is better or lesser is very wise. We all have our own hidden strength, like a shark living deep below calm waters!
Nilou: O-oh, really? Well, I'm honored that the archons find me worthy of such a rank, but all I'm really doing is expressing myself through my dance. I'm no god or anything...
Cyno: Ranking others in such a way demonstrates a level of self-consciousness. Regardless, it seems as though my reputation proceeds me.
Candace: Honestly, I don't mind. Hopefully this will mean there are less eyes looking to target Aaru Village.
Dori: Hehe, sometimes you need to be discreet to work beneath the eyes of the Akedemia!
Tighnari: Well perhaps if researchers kept away from poisonous mushrooms, they could achieve a 5-star rating too.
Collei: This just means I'll have to work even harder! Perhaps if I patrol more on my own, and really focus on those new words I've been learning...huh?! Amber is a 4-star too? But...how?
Heizou: Surely you've learned better than to judge a book by it's cover, right partner?
Shinobu: I don't mind. I just hope Itto won't let this go to his head.
Yelan: [Yelan was unable to be located for an interview]
Ayato: Should I act surprised?
Miko: Honestly, I'm just hurt you could think otherwise. Have I not made a strong-enough impression?
Shenhe: 5-star...rating? Sorry, what does this mean?
Yun Jin: It's nice to see that my friends and I are all the same. It would be uncomfortable if one of us weren't.
Itto: Well DUH! Anyone with half a brain could've told you that! Even THE SHOGUN HERSELF wouldn't dare challenge me!! NO ONE dares mess with Arataki "5-star" Itto!!
Gorou: No surprise that Her Excellency is of a higher ranking than me. Oh, but hopefully that crafty fox won't use this against me...\
Thoma: Haha, I'm not offended, don't worry. I'm just a simple housekeeper anyway.
Kokomi: I'm really not all that. Winning the war was a group effort.
Raiden Shogun: As is expected of the Archon of Eternity.
Ei: 5-star...? Are those words supposed to mean something to me? I guess I'll just have to ask Miko about it...
Sara: That idiot oni? On the same tier as Her Almighty Excellence, the Raiden Shogun? In what universe?
Yoimiya: Well I'm flattered, but this doesn't have to change anything. I'm not better or worse than anybody else just because of some silly rating!
Sayu: Zzzzzz...
Ayaka: I am honored to hold such a position, truly. I just wish...ah, my apologies. It would not be appropriate of a lady of my stature to be ungrateful.
Kazuha: For all that a 5-star rating may mean to you, for me, it is a reminder that, despite the power we may hold, we cannot stop the inevitable.
Eula: They dare to make such an attempt to compliment me?! Vengeance will be mine! And you said Amber is only a 4-star? Ridiculous. I shall go check on her at once.
Yanfei: Granny says inner strength is more important than pleasing others. I think that applies here too. On a side note though, I was recently contacted by a Professor from Sumeru who seemed to disagree.
Rosaria: Does this mean I don't have to do as much work?
Hu Tao: Aya, why do you seem so surprised? Do you really have that little faith in me? I wonder what rank my friends were given though...I guess I should just go scare- er, ask them!
Xiao: Adepti have no need for such fickle ratings. If I am protecting the people of Liyue, that is enough for me.
Ganyu: R-really? But you said Lady Ningguang is a 4-star? Oh no...
Albedo: Is there some sort of difference between these "stars"? Perhaps I should do some tests...
Zhongli: How odd, considering I am just a normal citizen of Liyue. Regardless, I suggest that you take this so-called rating with a grain of salt, so to speak.
Xinyan: You mean Yun Jin and I are the same! Haha, nice! You think this means her mom will be okay with us hanging out so often?
Tartaglia: Ok. What, were you expecting a bigger reaction from me? Come now traveler, you know I don't care about such things. A warrior cannot be picky about those matters, and he knows better than to judge others based on them. You'd do well not to underestimate your allies and enemies alike, comrade.
Diona: Hmph, and I bet that Diluc is a 5-star, huh? How predictable.
Klee: So...does this mean Kaeya can't tease me anymore now that I'm higher than him? Oh, and Master Jean and I are the same, right? So that means I can do what I want! Like...hmm, I know! How about extra dessert before dinner!
Venti: Ehe, ye of little faith. Did you doubt me?
Keqing: Well, perhaps if those I work with were more focused and skeptical of the archons, they could be 5-stars too.
Mona: Speaking of stars...traveler, I noticed something odd while scrying. I was hoping you might have some insight.
Qiqi: What...is a 5-star? Also, what were we talking about again?
Diluc: I don't trust these ratings one bit. And wait a moment, is there a harbinger on this list?
Jean: Things like this don't matter. Everyone is able to contribute in their own way, we're all equal. Only fools and children would think otherwise. Um, did you hear that? Oh no, excuse me traveler, I think I smell smoke...
Sucrose: O-oh ok. This needs some researching though.
Chongyun: My auntie is a 5-star? Hopefully this means she'll open up to others about their shared experiences.
Noelle: Of course. This just means I'll have to work even harder to serve the people of Mondstadt!
Bennett: Haha, just my luck, right? I don't mind though, I've been called worse.
Fischl: One dares to refer to their all-seeing leader in such a way? I- I shall have their heads for this! No, I'll show them that I...I...maybe...maybe they are right about me?
Ningguang: Bold choice of words to call someone who can end their entire career. And to put me on the same level as that...Captain.
Xingqiu: Believing oneself to be better than one's peers can lead to discord. It is a good thing we are all the same here.
Beidou: Ha! Ningguang will riot when she hears about this!
Xiangling: Hehe, I don't mind. If anything, I'm glad all four of my closest friends are the same!
Razor: 4...is more than 3? Razor happy.
Barbara: Maybe someday I can be as noble and helpful as my big sister...
Lisa: well, of course, cutie. I'm just a humble librarian.
Kaeya: Haha, don't seem so surprised, traveler. After all, I'm just a normal guy.
Amber: I'll still do my upmost to help you!
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Rainy Days
Pairing: Mr. Ben (SNL Skit) x f!Reader Rating: E (Thar be smut ahead) Word Count: 7.2k
Potential Warnings/Notes: Reader is coded to be between below average to average height and plus size, no other descriptors were used.
Summary: Your soul mark was a rain cloud shaped tattoo on your inner left wrist, hollow with little stars and mushrooms inside the cloud and small raindrops dotted down your arm turned into a little pool right before the bend of your elbow. By now there were plenty of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who said you would meet your soulmate on a rainy night, that each raindrop was a day you would be near them but never actually talk to them.
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Your soul mark was a rain cloud shaped tattoo on your inner left wrist, hollow with little stars and mushrooms inside the cloud and small raindrops dotted down your arm turned into a little pool right before the bend of your elbow. By now there were plenty of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who said you would meet your soulmate on a rainy night, that each raindrop was a day you would be near them but never actually talk to them.
Those ‘experts’ basically told you what you already knew and tried to charge you money for it, the mushrooms were a bit of a throw -you did have to give one guy creative credit when he said there’d be a fungi fueled apocalypse and that you’d meet your soulmate after it happened- but ultimately it wasn’t actual help.
All your friends around your home town had been quick to drag you out on nights it rained because of your mark, to bars or the movies or whatever public space they could think of, places where you would see or encounter people. They would try to get you to wear short sleeve and sleeveless shirts under your jacket for the chance that your match would notice, and while you were happy they were so invested in your happiness it was exhausting.
Moving away from your home city had been a bid for freedom in more ways than one, no longer under pressure to meet your person and no longer the only unmatched person in the group, the new acquaintances you had made through your new office were very much more your speed in regards to your marks and soulmate meetings in general. Escaping the corporate rat race for a private tech firm had been the best move you made, even if you’d end up fulfilling your duties on site at whatever contract location you had been assigned to and not around your other tech associates.
The general philosophy was: When you met them was when you met them, rushing to find them was only going to lead to unnecessary disappointment.
Which was why you were currently spending today’s rainy evening in a secluded bookshop with a lovely ambiance, the smell of paper and the soft sound of pages turning paired with the soft lighting gave it a magical feel. It was one of the only 24/7 bookstores you ever heard of, the owner Kathleen and her partner Louise were one of the cutest soulmate pairs you had met. You felt safe and warm, cozy as the pavement outside shimmered from the glow of the streetlights, and more importantly alone.
You were finally given an assignment at work so you’d promised to keep in touch with Bryn and the others at the office despite your assignment and then decided you needed some time alone.
Currently hidden in the corner of the shelves well out of sight, scouring the spines to track down the book on a research topic -the key differences between bacteria, fungi, and viruses- which you knew they had, you realized belatedly it was on the shelves above you and exhaled before grabbing one of the stools that were kept folded between the wooden bookshelves for people that were gravitationally challenged like you were.
Anyone that called you short could get stuffed.
Plus, the book wasn’t exactly on like a higher shelf near the middle, it was up there, and your exhale of irritation was soft as you scaled the stool to peruse the upper shelves. Humming in victory when you managed to find it, pulling the stout volume from between its neighbors and placing it into the tote style shopping bag over your shoulder, and when you tucked the stool away you began to meander to look for something to read for fun too.
There was someone at the register, all you could see was their broad back, the blue dress shirt was pulled pretty tightly and tapered into a fairly narrow waist; a cute little butt in black slacks and the brown belt to match his leather shoes, but you averted your eyes quickly when Louise caught you looking. Hurrying to hide behind the shelves because there was no way in hell you could come out of hiding until he was gone now, no doubt Louise had tattled since he loved to meddle.
Finding two fiction novels, one high fantasy and the other sci-fi, you decided that you had spent enough time and that he should be gone after what felt like ages. The door had opened and closed a few times, all you needed to do was get your books and go home. Rounding the corner with far more confidence than you felt you very nearly stopped dead in your tracks, the man was sitting in the reading area with his book open, and now you could see the cute patchy beard peppered with grays just like his dark curls.
He was fucking hot.
You hated that his eyes shot up to the sound of your books falling out of your hands, thankfully he hadn’t caught you staring because the second you fumbled the books you’d already diverted your attention -mostly- to try and catch them. Overwhelmed by the humiliation risk, since you were used to being surrounded by people on nights like this not easy to be singled out, your eyes began to water slightly.
“Hey are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
Those massive hands of his held all of your chosen books so easily in one of them, his brown eyes were soulful and soft, and his lower lip had the cutest little divot that you wanted to kiss.
“Oh, uh, ‘m just awkward and clumsy. Kind of, a uh, volatile combination for things like this.” Your awkward laugh tacked onto the end faded, taking your books from him as you both stood up, and you imagined that this was when he excused himself to get away from you. Instead of walking away from you he steadied your elbows and smiled, it made the hair on your arms stand up and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“I think you just need to get lost in a good book, let me buy you a tea since it’s still raining out there. I’m Benjamin Morales, but everyone just calls me Ben.”
You relented and sat with him at his table after introducing yourself and giving him your drink order, staring at the book he had open on the table with a soft smile. Constellations and Cosmos was a book you had a copy of on your shelf at home, a sort of ‘dummy’s guide to the universe’ style book, and you realized he had tests sitting on the table.
“You’re a teacher?”
“Yeah, I work at St. Lawrence High School, it’s hard sometimes but the kids are good even if they use a lot of lingo that I don’t always understand.”
He laughed when you nodded, your nieces and nephews did that and it was a struggle to keep up, you at least could ask them to translate it into “Millennial” for you though.
“I told my nieces and nephews to make an official translation guide, that they’d get rich really quickly off of it.”
“They would! That’s a genius idea, I’d buy the first copy.”
Both of you shared a laugh and you couldn’t help but glance at his arms, the long sleeve shirt hid what you were looking for unfortunately and there was no way you were going to ask him to roll his sleeves up. But you felt a very… intense feeling about him; like he was magnetic to a degree that was almost distracting.
“So, St. Lawrence? I, uh, start there in two days. Not as a teacher but, like, I’ll be a part of the tech team. PR, internet security, that sort of thing.”
“That’s excellent, they want me to do a seminar on appropriate use of devices and I could use someone to help me figure it out.”
You couldn’t stop the way your brows furrowed at his clear discomfort.
“You mean like not using the school wi-fi or computers to try and access porn or download potential viruses and malware?”
He hummed and grabbed his phone, pulling something up, and you blinked at the sudden shiny video of him on TikTok. You hated that you memorized the creator’s name, it wasn’t fair to him, but the video was honestly pretty decent for it being mashed up clips of moments when he was in class.
“Yes, but also these. They’ve been making thousands of these fancam videos, they’re everywhere! So, basically, the school wants to blanket ban all of it, they’re making a rule not to film the staff since they’ve just added more camera coverage to the entire building.”
“You can report the existing fancams to TikTok, that you’re in them without your consent, they’ll get taken down.”
He looked at you like you’d hung the moon.
“That doesn’t mean they’ll all just stop making them but I can help you at least try and clean up how many there are.”
“You have no idea how much I appreciate that.”
“Of course, Ben, let me help you.”
Spending time over tea reporting fancams of a cute teacher you’d be working with soon wasn’t what you imagined happening tonight but you wouldn’t complain, not when you had great company and a guy that you thought was genuinely sweet. Someone who, even if he wasn’t your soulmate, you could be happy with if he was single too.
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“Did you hear?! Everyone saw Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny out together at the mall, there’s no way they aren’t soulmates.”
It was inescapable, inevitable even, hearing it day in and day out.
“I heard Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny are planning on getting married and having a honeymoon in Columbia.”
Rumors in a high school were very normal but recently these had been getting on your nerves, it wasn’t even the students’ fault or anyone’s really, just your own brain being dumb and making up things that clearly weren’t there. Ben had greeted you happily when you’d reported for your first day, going around and introducing yourself to the rest of the staff since your first order of business was to match faces to names as best you could.
Ben had given up reorganizing his classroom to follow you around and help you feel welcome with the other teachers, including the aforementioned Ms. Jenny, and you’d been forced to watch him tease the other woman about the posters on her walls that she’d been forced to put up over the fancam thing. As you’d expected the student body had been a mess after the first day seminar where the new rule against recording staff was announced, which meant that instead of making fancams they were now just doing what kids always did and playing the year-long telephone game.
Two weeks into the year and already you’d heard that the two were secretly married, getting married, or dating along with where they planned to go for their honeymoon. Honestly you wanted to ask them if they were paying for some of these events because traveling to all of these places on a teacher’s salary? In this economy? Absolutely not.
Kieran snorted softly beside you, the pair of you were walking around getting photos to put up on the school website for the “welcome back” article, his eyes on the pack of girls that had just disappeared into the girls room and delivered the latest rumor for the rumor mill of Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny.
“What?” His eyes rolled skyward before he stopped to snap a photo of the main office, the bullet proof glass windows that still allowed the secretaries to look out were new along with the mechanical locks, but you understood the reasoning. All of the classrooms had tighter security features in this day and age, it was… depressing.
“I can’t believe we used to act this way too, kids are definitely creative.” He snapped a photo of the closed door of the Earth Sciences classroom, angling his body enough to get Luis and his students in the frame.
“What the rumors? I mean, Ben and Jenny do flirt a lot.” As you lifted your own camera, crouching just a bit to get a better shot of Jiho pulling her whisk out of the bowl and just the top of the student’s heads, you could hear Kieran stifle another soft laugh.
“You and I flirt a lot too, don’t mean we’re a thing.” He had a point and you rolled your shoulders in a shrug, snapping your photo right as Jiho turned her whisk to showcase the shine of the glossy batter as it ribboned off the utensil. Kieran went to go upstairs next, pointing to Ben’s open door, and you felt your face warm as the man walked right past it so you’d have to get the picture inside. Ben was animated as ever with his lectures and you crouched lower and snapped a few photos to get a good angle of the students taking notes.
Most of them were staring at him dreamily so you had tried to hide as much of that as you could, all it would take was one parent not liking the way the image looked and trying to report him for something stupid, it was why you went out of your way to keep faces out of your shots.
When your shoe squeaked loudly while you were getting up you were greeted by a surprised Ben who sheepishly closed his classroom door, it was a rule that some of the teachers struggled with still, and Kieran puckered his lips and made kissy faces at you when you rejoined him. Your nose wrinkled and you shoved him lightly, earning another laugh, before the two of you got back to work.
The cameras were always on and always being monitored now, after all, and while you were both on the cyber side of the security team the trained security officers hired to monitor the cameras weren’t afraid to be pricks whenever they felt like it.
“That’s why you don’t like it, you have a crush. You should tell him, the actual chances of meeting your soulmate are really low odds.”
Kieran glanced at your arm again, he’d seen your soul mark already, and you knew that he had a point; his soulmate was passed already, his tattoo nothing more than scar tissue now, and he’d spent a long-time turning people down because he’d wanted to meet the one.
“Well, I would need to know if he at least likes me back enough to give me a chance, it doesn’t help that he flirts with Jenny all the time.” You took pictures of the banners and posters about the school’s updated security measures, and hated that you were so twisted up over this. You should just do the adult thing, you knew, and invite him out somewhere. You were a modern woman and more than capable of asking a man out on a date, but something told you that Ben was… he’d be all encompassing.
The magnetic feeling you got when you were around him told you enough, that he’d be impossible to let go of, you were afraid of when affection would become love; that it would change you into someone possessive and toxic because you would never want to have a reason to walk away. You saw it in your family plenty of times, aunts and uncles turning aggressively jealous, your own parents were a brand of toxic that left a sour note in your life and you were terrified you’d inherited that behavior.
Dating and marrying outside of your soulmate was difficult, because what were you supposed to do if your someone met The One other than be happy for them?
Kieran patted your back gently and followed you down the next hall, changing the conversation for your sake.
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“You going to the football game tonight?”
Ben’s voice interrupted your quiet, the school webpage backend code currently up on your monitor as you worked to change up a few of the links for the newsletter page, everyone else was already gone since the first football game of the season was a big deal here. Ben was leaning on the door way with his coat on already, signifying he was headed out, and you shrugged in response. You had almost gone to invite him yourself when you’d spotted him and Jenny talking about saving each other a seat on the bleachers, choosing to just walk away instead of look like an idiot when it was obvious that was a date plan.
“I don’t really know, probably not, reliving my own marching band days isn’t really something I’m keen on doing.” You hadn’t meant to confess that much but just outright saying no felt like a coward move, a chair was pulled out beside yours and Ben sat down with an amused look on his face that made your own face warm up.
“Marching band? You? Wait let me guess, you played… tuba?”
Your keys clacked away as you modified the first of five links, pasting in the paragraph of text you’d written to go with the new link.
He hummed loudly, contemplating, and you nearly choked when he took your right hand to look at it carefully. Running his fingertips over your skin softly, inspecting your palm like it told all your secrets.
“Strike three, Ben, you’re out.”
If he caught the airiness in your tone he didn’t make a notice of it, you were almost breathless from the way he was still just gliding his fingertips along your skin. When he brushed the sleeve of your cardigan, near your soul mark, you flinched slightly and it was enough for him to let go. He must’ve seen the very top curve of the cloud on your skin, his lips parting to ask, and you pulled your arm away to finish up what you were doing.
“I played clarinet, saxophone wasn’t so far off.”
Ben huffed softly at your very obvious intent to avoid talking about what he’d gotten a peek of but he indulged this time.
“That means you’re good with your hands, huh?” He smirked and you knew he meant that double entendre, making your entire body ignite under the way his dark eyes met yours. It was intense and you felt like the oxygen in the room had thinned out or something, but as you finished and saved the new data for the website you glanced at him again.
You got up and smirked, grabbing you jacket and bag, before reaching out and ruffling his curls gently.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Ben’s face erupted into a flush and he didn’t follow you out, too busy gaping at your back, a thrill of victory rippled through you for being the one to fluster him this time. Especially with his date with Jenny soon, the fact that he even flirted with you while planning a date actually made you wonder if she knew that he was doing this behind her back. As you got into your car you made a snap decision to show up to the game, if only to tell Jenny that Ben was flirting behind her back.
It wasn’t actually cheating, you hadn’t kissed him or anything, but you didn’t know if you were the first or if she might consider flirting as cheating. You tossed together a quick light meal, it was nostalgic as hell but you kind of wanted a concession stand dinner, and picked a warmer outfit for the weather. September wasn’t too chilly at night but you didn’t want to wear a heavy jacket, it would be more comfortable to just layer up.
The bleachers were packed with parents and teachers already, the football team was stretching and getting ready as the other school’s marching band got ready for the opening field show, and you spotted Kieran and Jackie waving at you. Striding up to where they were sitting, plopping down beside Jackie, you ignored the way she leaned into her soulmate Anna’s side and pointed out two of the players as students that had tried to buy their way onto the front of the school newsletter.
“Surprised you came out, didn’t think you liked high school football.”
“I was a marching band kid, lots of memories.”
As the other team started playing, a marching band adaptation of movie soundtrack hits with their choreography being something relating to the corresponding movie, you couldn’t help but feel wistful for a minute. A smile settled on your face, just being out here in the crisp September air again, smelling concession stand hot chocolate and hot dogs, brought you back to your teen years.
“Oh? Any good memories?”
Kieran looked genuinely curious and you hummed lightly.
“Well, we did competition marching band, so I got to attend statewide contests; I hated trying to get changed on the bus, we had to wear long johns under our clothes so that we could stay warm and not end up showing too much. But I think the best memory was getting a first kiss under the bleachers from my crush, a cheerleader, but it didn’t work out obviously; she found her soulmate during Festival Disney in our Junior year. I avoided dating, after that, because I just… I got scared of the idea that I’d fall hard and then they’d meet their person.”
“Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I was that person who found my soulmate while I was with someone else. We’re sort of friends, it’s a hard situation.” Anna offered a pained smile at their confession, making you nod, and you could tell Jackie felt guilty and imagined it was because the ex was either in the area or worked at the school as a teacher.
“That why you’re afraid to fess up to Ben?” Jackie leaned on her hand and you huffed softly.
“Yea, that and I’m pretty sure Jenny wouldn’t like me poaching her boyfriend.”
Anna’s eyes widened but before she could say anything you heard your name, spotting Ben and Jenny waving along with a few other teachers following them up.
“You made it, excellent, feels good to be back right?” Ben’s sunny smile looked somehow more vibrant under the intense lighting, this early in the year it wasn’t too dark yet but it would be soon, and you hated that Kieran had to nudge you to snap you out of your little trance. Nodding frantically, to avoid looking like an idiot, it was all you could do to not leave when Jenny sat down and Ben claimed the seat beside her.
Larry, Micah, Luis, and Jiho sat somewhere around you so that the staff was mostly together; parents began piling in as the school marching band walked under the bleachers to get to their seats on the other side, and the announcers began to get things rolling. One of Anna’s senior sopranos performed the National Anthem, leading to thunderous applause, and you let yourself sink into the game rather than focusing on the fact that Ben could turn his head to look at you at any time.
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Passing out praise to the band members for their halftime show, while heading to the stand to get yourself a hot chocolate and something to eat, you felt the hand slide into yours and blinked as Ben stepped up beside you.
“Sorry, didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.” His hand was warm in yours, your heartbeat starting to thunder slightly, and you noticed the way several students whipped their heads around to look at the two of you.
“How’re you going to do this when our hands are full?”
“Actually, before we go back I was hoping I could talk to you, privately?” When you nodded he led you away from the stand, just off the side but mostly out of sight by anyone since there was freezer truck for the extra food. You felt that stirring in your heart, being alone like this, and hoped you didn’t look like you were going to pass out.
“So, uh, what’s up Ben?”
He squared his shoulders and squeezed your hand, looking a little lost, before finally he seemed to just work up all the nerves he had.
“I really, really, like you and was hoping that maybe since this can’t be a first date you’d let me take you out? The bookshop café is pretty nice?”
He was asking you out, on a date, while he was… on a date? You weren’t used to getting things about people like him wrong, he’d seemed so genuinely kind, it was almost a slap in the face if you had to be honest with yourself.
“Your girlfriend won’t mind? I’m not a unicorn that’s willing to do a three way.”
That had to be it, he and Jenny wanted a third so they’d decided to try and convince you to be that person, you’d been baited on dating apps hundreds of times by a possible night out with someone only to find out there was a partner involved. Ben’s shocked face, entirely confused, was almost believable.
“Girlfriend? What are you talking about, I’m single.”
“So you didn’t invite Jenny to the game on a date, promising to save her a seat like the dutiful boyfriend you are? I hear the kids talk, Ben, you’re always with her even though you flirt with me and it’s really not cool. I don’t want to be the butt of a joke, okay? I won’t tell anyone about this I just-“
“Jenny isn’t my girlfriend.” His voice dropped into a low pitch, there was frustration on his face but not aimed at you -how you could tell you didn’t know, you just could- and Ben sighed so loudly that you almost expected students to show up with cameras any second. The fancams hadn’t stopped but they had slowed down, especially with you and Ben reporting them whenever you came across any, you’d been in a couple of them too.
Feeling vulnerable, defensive, you crossed your arms and waited for his explanation.
“I’m serious, her soulmate Breanna couldn’t make it tonight since she works til midnight, Jenny is my best friend but there’s nothing romantic between us. I’ve been with her asking advice to try and ask you out, actually, because you never- sometimes you flirt back but then you’ll ice me out.”
He looked just as vulnerable as you felt, grabbing his phone and showing you Jenny’s social media with Breanna and even letting you see their text history, it was literally him asking about advice on flowers and if he should get a restaurant reservation or just wing it.
“I know it’s hard to date someone that isn’t your soulmate but can we try? Please?”
Before you could chicken out you were ripping off your flannel, ignoring his ‘hey woah’ as you rolled up the sleeve of your undershirt, and showed him the very obvious mark.
“Can’t you see, Ben? This isn’t a cute little soul mark that I can throw make up on and hide, this will always be here staring at me and you, other people couldn’t do it before and I’m so tired of being hurt. This mark always reminded people that someone else was out there-“
“Me. I’m right here.”
His four words stopped your tirade entirely as he rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, his matching mark staring back at you, making your entire body ignite like fireworks were going off under your skin. You felt the tears forming in your eyes, disbelief and relief and excitement, and Ben reached up to wipe them away; you couldn’t help but touch his mark, skating your fingers along the black lines, and his breath caught slightly at the contact. He tipped his head down toward yours and you closed the gap, gripping the jersey he’d worn tightly to hold him still as his arms wound around your body and pulled you closer.
You would have continued, you would have let him do whatever he wanted to you, if it weren’t for the throat clearing of a senior staff member who had come out to get more stuff from the cold truck. Ramon, the librarian, rolled his eyes and pointed to the parking lot.
“Hurry up, nobody noticed yet, before you two end up with even more fancams showing up on TokTok or whatever it is.”
Hiding your face in Ben’s chest, his own giggles above you making you laugh too, it was easy to grab your flannel and head for the parking lot. Now that the fuse had been lit you couldn’t stop it, wanting his hands on you this very second. Ben pressed you against your car, shamelessly caging you against the driver’s side door and you let him, one leg hiking up to pull him closer and his hands grabbing your ass to make you grind against him.
“Gonna- gonna have to stop before I fuck you against your car, sweetheart.”
“Yours or mine?”
His groan as you began mouthing at the long line of his neck made you double your efforts to find all his soft spots and Ben’s hand kneaded your ass in retaliation.
“My apartment isn’t soundproofed but I don’t care-“
“Mine, not ready to give your neighbors an audio show just yet. My house is pretty set back from the road and I have distance from the neighbors.”
Ben captured your mouth again and you felt the tears on his cheeks when you moved your hands to hold his face.
“I’m so happy that we found each other, sweetheart.”
“Me too, Ben, me too.”
He pulled away to get his car, entirely reluctant on both of your parts, but you knew the rumors would start if you had to bring him back on a Saturday to pick the vehicle up. Call it selfish but you wanted a little more time without the entire student body knowing about you and Ben, even if the truth would eventually get out. The drive to your place felt long, with you constantly checking the rearview to make sure Ben was still there, and as you pulled into your driveway the garage door opened and you parked on the left side like always.
Ben hesitated but pulled into the right when you pointed, the door closing behind his car, and he whistled when he shut and locked the car door.
“Former fortune five-hundred IT slave, more like, this was bought with my severance pay.” It had been a relief to get out and move to the smaller tech company, being contracted to work at the school was a bonus, and you had played it smart with your check to make sure you could cover yourself when needed. House bought out in full, car bought in cash, and a good chunk still left for home emergencies if they popped up.
Ben’s smile was fond, even with the heat burning in his eyes, and he cupped your cheeks to kiss you again.
“Should I apologize that my teacher’s salary is shit?”
“No, I know you teach because you’re passionate about it. That is far sexier to me than you making a lot of money.”
Ben chuckled and you led him out of the garage, giving him a tour of your place first, and you had to bite your lip because he recognized every art print on your walls and had given details about them that you didn’t know. It was so damn attractive how passionate he was about things and by the time you made it to your bedroom the stolen chaste kisses, the light touches, and the way he whispered facts about your art in your ear had you ready to get on your knees for this man.
“I didn’t know you knew that much about classic art, Ben.”
“Thought about being an art teacher, took classes about Art History in college, but I changed my mind and went for science instead.”
He hesitated in the doorway to your bedroom and cleared his throat gently.
“If you want me to stop, at any time, tell me. I mean it, if you aren’t enthusiastic or you just don’t feel it that won’t chase me off. I just want to learn more about you and be with you.” If you’d had any reservations before they were gone, you sat down on your bed and dropped the flannel to the floor without a care for where it landed.
“I am enthusiastically consenting to you getting naked and fucking me into this mattress, Ben.”
His eyes raked across your form, he’d left his leather jacket downstairs on the coat stand so he pulled his jersey over his head and tossed it aside leaving him in the white undershirt and his jeans. Stilling your grab for your placket and kissing you before getting down on his knees between your spread legs, pulling your socks off first and nuzzling the denim hugging your legs as his hands caressed the outside of your thighs and moved inward.
“Take your shirt off for me, sweetheart, slowly.”
Ben’s voice was liquid honey and you grabbed the back of your shirt collar, tugging at the back of the fabric and moving a little slower than usual so that your skin and bra were the show he wanted. The sound of his throaty groan made you feel sexy, even with the extra rolls you had that you often poked at in the mirror on your bad days, Ben surged up so fast that his knees cracked but neither of you paid it any mind as his legs pushed your thighs open so he could kiss you and his hand fumbled with the shirt trapping your arms.
The fabric hit the floor after a moment of struggling, his mouth never leaving yours, and he cupped the curve of your breasts in his hands before his thumbs swirled over your nipples and you arched into him. Ben let out a soft sound as your hands went right to his hair, sliding back to grab at his shirt, and he let you pull the white fabric off him fully. You were distracted by the sight of your shared soul mark on his skin, capturing his arm to kiss the mark, and his eyes fluttered closed before he let himself just press you into the mattress.
The weight of him over you, the feeling of the slight swell to his soft tummy, the way the curve of his nose felt against yours and his lips skating along your skin made gooseflesh erupt along your skin. You were leaking with how bad you wanted him, you could feel how wet you were, and every nerve ending felt like it was alive with sensation as he breathed you in.
“I want to do this slow; I really do, sweetheart.”
“You can have me any way you want me, Ben.”
He whimpered, whimpered, at your reply before dragging his mouth down your body; down your neck and across your collar bones, cataloguing every single spot that made you writhe for him, and when he mouthed at your nipples under the fabric of your bra your back arched into his mouth and your hips pressed into his body as his hands held your waist.
“Ben- fuck!”
Having his teeth pinch lightly through the fabric, the sharp sensation soothed by the wet of his tongue as he dampened the fabric, you couldn’t control the way your hips jumped or your mouth. You weren’t above begging for what you wanted, the fact that this was your soulmate only compounded the sensations, the desire to just be as close to him as physically possible was overwhelming to a near painful degree.
“Please- please Ben I need-“
“Tell me, sweetheart, tell me what you need.”
“I’m- I’m so wet, Ben, please I need you to make me come.”
His groan was musical and his hands tugged your jeans down your legs, spotting the way the fabric of your underwear was so messy that the crease of your thighs and the insides of your thighs were slick with your desire.
“Sweetheart.” Incredulous and awestruck, the word was a throaty rasp as he dragged his finger along the fabric covering you, and when you whimpered his name Ben pulled the fabric down your legs and pressed one finger against your entrance.
“I’ve got two condoms in my wallet, I’m clean though and I have my physical from last week on my phone, it’s been a while since I’ve dated.”
“Clean too, it’s been a while for me, I’m on birth control so you don’t have to use the condoms if you don’t want to.”
He stared at you, as if he were debating, and you had to admit you were surprised that he did in fact grab one of his condoms. When he caught your eyes following his hands as he emptied his pockets onto your night table, phone and keys joining his wallet, Ben winked and waved the condom with a hum.
“Statistically speaking the percentage is an almost guarantee that I won’t get you pregnant, but I’m not going to risk it. If you want, we can discuss a vasectomy for me sometime until we know for sure what the future looks like, if you wanted to go off birth control I mean.”
Him standing there, offering to get a vasectomy, holding a condom in his hand with your soul mark branded on his skin was probably the hottest thing you’d ever had happen in your life.
“Put that condom on and fuck me, Ben.”
Watching the way his eyes widened before he nodded, not looking away as you took your bra off, Ben grabbed a towel from your master bathroom when you went to get settled on the bed fully before he was stripping off his pants and boxer briefs in one go. You both had wanted to go slow but the sight of him, hard and leaking, made you practically gush; he had even grabbed you a damn towel and that consideration had you reaching for him as soon as the condom was on.
Ben smiled fondly but it melted to a look of bliss when he leaned down to kiss you and you grabbed a handful of his cute little butt to grind against him, dragging the length of him through your wetness, his mouth parting against yours before he shifted his knees just slightly and rocked against you with the intent for friction. You moaned when he brushed your clit, his body pressing tighter to drag along that spot, and Ben angled your face into the kiss while you lifted your legs to angle your hips.
“Feel so fucking good like this, sweetheart I’m not going to last-“
“Me either, please Ben don’t make me wait.”
It was slow, the way he pressed into you, the thickness of him was a burning stretch but you wanted it.
“Next time I’m going to make you come on my fingers, on my tongue, at least twice before I fill you up; gotta- gotta make sure it feels good for you.”
“It does- Ben it does feel good.”
He pressed his forehead against your shoulder as his hips slotted to yours, bending his knees and pushing your legs wider, and you stared up at him as he pulled himself upright to watch where he filled you with each thrust. Holding your arms in a backward hold so both of you could see your matched soul mark on the other’s skin.
The drag of him, the heft of him gliding against you with each in and out motion was drawing small gasps and sharp whines out of you as he whispered your name like a damn prayer; like he couldn’t get enough, like he couldn’t believe you were real. Ben dropped down to get closer to you, thrusts becoming a harsh grind of his hips as he kissed you deep, and the way his body was rubbing against your clit with each motion had you beginning to feel yourself fall.
Your cry of his name was cut off into a loud moan as you came, hard, around him; the velvet clutch of your body trying to keep him inside of you as he worked you through your orgasm, his motions become a sharp humping motion.
“Fill me up Ben.”
He cried out your name loudly, it was so sexy to hear him the raspy call of your name as his hips stuttered, and you both just laid there for a moment breathing; the weight of him was comforting, the feel of his mouth against your neck made you turn your head, and he captured you mouth in a lazy kiss. You let him roll you over, so you were on top of him, and he nuzzled your forearm where your soul mark pulsed like a heartbeat.
The hooded eyes and natural pout of his lips made you lean down to kiss him, earning a soft smile, and you nuzzled your nose to his gently.
“Now will you say yes to a date?”
“I’ll say yes to all of the dates, Ben, if it’s you.”
His smile was soft, shy, and tender as he cupped your cheek and hummed.
“Even if its dorky science dates or museum days?”
“Absolutely. As long as you don’t mind botanical gardens and nature walks, or classes on things like pottery and cooking.”
“Sweetheart, I promise you that I’m a teacher but I’m a very attentive student.”
The tone absolutely implied his mind went elsewhere but you didn’t care, smirking fondly at his own raunchy smile, and you traced the shell of his ear with one of your fingers.
“I’ll have to make sure I help you study, got some things you don’t know yet that’ll be on the quiz.”
He laughed, and you laughed too, at the cheesy remarks.
“I think we should not do that, at least not until I retire, I cannot pop a boner in class because someone says quiz.”
He was still inside of you, still holding you close after just making you have an earth shattering orgasm, and now you two were cracking jokes. He was perfect for you.
“Well, we can’t have that at all. Just means we’ll have to come up with other sexy innuendos.”
“Or I can just tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve met and that I’ve had a crush since the bookshop.”
“I too started crushing on you at the bookshop.”
“I know, Louise told me you were staring at my butt.”
“It’s a cute butt.”
He rolled you to your side, on the towel still, so he could pull out to get cleaned up and you watched his back with a smile. Wolf whistling and earning a fondly exasperated look over his shoulder, your arm held in a way that let him see the mark so clearly on your skin, and Ben returned after cleaning himself and you up to pull you against him under the covers.
“Can I stay the weekend?”
“Not going to grab clothes?”
“Will I need them?”
“No, not really.”
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
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writingsofwesteros · 1 month
Imagine it hasn't been quite as widespread yet, the war isn't over yet and Rhaenyra worries of a misstep or retaliation from her half-brothers if they hear of their mother, already a prison chained on Dragonstone, suddenly and unceremoniously taken to Driftmark in the night and quickly married to the Sea Snake? And by default Rhaenys? She doesn't want to imagine their reactions, not yet. Those boys may act otherwise at times, but they are fiercely protective of their mother.
When she received their letter, her and Daemon and their children were all who were informed at first. Rhaenyra already worried at the black council, and the lords' disapproval of the queen in chains being allowed to meetings much less allowed input or conversing with the Queen. She did not know the fit they'd be in if they knew what Corlys and Rhaenys did... now anyways. Once she reaches common ground with Aegon, she won't give a care what the reactions are, so she made some excuse of Driftmark needing attending by both it's Lord and Lady for a time, and the Queen in Chains being confined to her quarters for a spat they had supposedly, for all they knew. She asks Rhaenys if they can act s they were before for a time longer when they return, and Rhaenys, coming out of the haze of fully reuniting with both of them thoroughly finally, knows the temperament of the lords on the council and finds she actually agrees, especially as she spent time with the council while Rhaenyra was gone for a time, knowing how they truly act in their Queens absence. She doesn't want to deal with a challenge from any of them quite yet either, with the war still on at the time.
Thar is why when Alicent gets to catty with Lord Celtigar, Rhaenys drags her away to be "punished." Imagine Alicent's reaction to seeing Corlys and Rhaenys dig at him as time goes on, though. He still acts as if alicent should be executed or locked in cells. Not pampered as he sees it. Rhaenyra is about at her wit's end with him as well and half a mind to forgo her request just so they'll shut him up, Corlys especially seeming to be able to make quick work of cutting any of them down when needed, as proven when he showed up for his wife in ep4 as they all clammed up heh.
Maybe one day, as when the green council suggested marrying Alicent to a Triarchy man to secure alliance, what if he suggested marrying Alicent to Dalton Greyjoy to secure the Iron Islands, appealing to him with a new salt wife. She is pissed and absolutely refuses. Of course, then you have him in a huff at the 'prisoner' speaking to him, but it all is forgotten as Corlys and Rhaenys flip at the suggestion.. yeah, a look between her and Rhaenyra, the Queen wide-eyed at what is surely to follow, but nodding her consent all the same because she agreed the suggestion was unnecessary, being the only pause before Rhaenys and Corlys cut him down... how dare he... she is theirs.
Imagine Ali's face watching them hehe. Oh, she's so grateful tonight, in their quarters.. and they're so possessive, still in a fit at the suggestion of her being made a Greyjoys fucking saltwife... yes I'd say after that night the rest of Dragonstone is well aware that the Sea Snake and the Queen who never was have laid their claim to the chained Queen Dowager... Alicent wearing Velaryon blue at the next meeting 🤭
Those boys may act otherwise at times, but they are fiercely protective of their mother.
I just want them to be a happy family , its so unfair ! :( Do we have Aemond paired with anyone? oopsie
Catty!Alicent being Rhaenys' favourite, nearly that is but she and Corlys completely claimed her that night for all to hear, and oh how they did.
we should call this Velaryon blue
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trickstarbrave · 4 months
fr w/ Emil but also he really is just copying Avellone and Kirkbride's homework (including their racist edgelord writing styles) but also simultaneously has *zero* idea what he's even doing for nearly everything which, combined with his utter dedication to having extreme binaries be the status quo, is why he keeps digging himself into so many holes (i.e: the whole "Nate was an active war criminal" thing, etc).
I don’t think Emil is trying to copy kirkbride’s work. It’s quite challenging to do so and there would be cracks in Emil’s writing to show it. The other person I’m not sure bc idk them
But I think Emil’s writing is in a way his own. It’s just very… Well. Emil falls into the trap of “write what you know” but doesn’t rly have a lot of understanding of the world and complex subjects, or he totally lacks an ability to communicate it. He has a surface level understanding of basically anything and everything it seems (at least based on his writing idk him personally).
Writing what you know isn’t terrible advice. He’s trying to use it the way it’s intended, which is that most of us haven’t gone on fantasy adventures or been assassins and thieves. But we look at our lives and find something we do understand intimately and adapt thar experience for the subject. Emil grew up Catholic and draws a lot from those experiences clearly… He just does nothing interesting with it because he can only communicate a surface level understanding of Catholicism. How Catholicism works as a tool of oppression, the complex power systems of it, it’s history, the complex symbolism, he doesn’t use any of it or really adapt it in a satisfying way. Either he doesn’t understand or again, can’t fucking write it.
The bigotry in his work is the same as Kirkbride’s but that is because they’re both middle class east coast cis white guys who haven’t rly unpacked the bigotry they grew up w and it shows. Kirkbride’s is honestly worse ngl if only bc he goes SO deep into racist, sexist, transphobic, and intersexist tropes. Emil just skirts along the top, invoking the tropes sometimes but again doing nothing with them.
Again I don’t know Emil personally. Perhaps he’s just a shit writer and actually has more depth and an ability to understand nuance in his personal life. But based on his public attitude, speeches, tweets, etc, I doubt it. As you said he comes across as someone who never knows what he’s doing and continues to reinforce the status quo. The fucking bland, boring religious story in starfield apparently made him have a crisis of faith and hearing that made me put my head in my hands bc howwwwww could such a dull and frankly nothingburger of a video game quest make you have a crisis of faith. How is this what does it for you. How has nothing else in the world shaken your belief?
Kirkbride is very bigoted but he has a lot of complex knowledge he draws on. He’s a religious studies major. He reads occult texts. He has knowledge of subjects and researches things. Emil feels like he’s lived in a bubble and has done absolutely nothing to understand experiences outside his own. Coupled with his inability to understand or internalize criticism we just get slop writing.
But I’ve said before and I feel the need to repeat: Emil is not the worst thing at Bethesda who is personally dragging it down. Other creative directors and higher ups have promoted him and let him continue to work there for a reason. He was just super loud and revealed and lot of this flawed logic and shit via interviews and presentations. Others at the company have actively throttled the writing and world building (one creative director wanted the companions in Skyrim to not even have a storyline and be all radiant quests. Yes for real. And also Skyrim worshipping the imperial pantheon was bc a higher up decided “actually the imperial pantheon is the objectively correct religion and all others on Tamriel are just flawed imitations of it”) so I think Emil is more a symptom of the problem
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