#it’s not great but it’s also not the excuses she gets from everyone else involved
dulcewrites · 2 years
ok this is kinda silly but it slightly eases the angst in my head
I can imagine Helaena and modern fmo reader just saying fuck these men and like living the 2000s the simple life tv show fantasy and just going on girl trips causing havoc
Ooouuu I feel like Helaena would be like “let’s go on trip together” to try and mend their relationship as they reconcile. She thinks getting away from everything might help. Reader did like eh but agrees bc she could use the break.
They drink too much, probably do some hard drugs. Helaena tries to get reader laid…It’s a TIME
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I have a headcannon that a lot of the orphanage staff fought in the Great War. They were originally from other countries that were allied with Japan before settling down there.
And work in an orphanage because orphanage staff were in high demand after the war due to how many were orphaned because of it.
The Headmaster himself grew up during war times and I feel he’d open his doors to them.
They’re just as cruel as the native staff with the added bonus that they will speak their mother tongue. They do not care at all of the kids don’t know what they’re talking about.
‘I don’t understand’ is not a valid excuse. So the kids had to learn and adapt in order to not to be punished for ‘disobedience’ for not knowing other languages than Japanese.
This results in Atsushi being multilingual.
He doesn’t actually know it’s not a normal thing to be because everyone at the orphanage knew several languages outside of their mother tongue. It’s how you survived after all.
I can just imagine so Atsushi is confused when everyone’s trying to figure out Fitzgerald’s message.And he recites it almost perfectly to them.
Because we know European countries such as the UK and France were involved in the war. It stands to reason a number of the orphanage staff would be from European countries.
Hence Atsushi knowing English and well he’s not perfect, far from it. But he also spent at least a decade surrounded by and talking to native speakers. So he knows quite a lot, especially swear words because no one at that place knew how to talk kindly to children.
Especially Atsushi.
I like to think there’s a similar precedence for Yosano. Having to interact and treat soldiers aiding Japan that weren’t Japanese. I can see kid Yosano stubbornly refusing to give up and learned so she could better treat and comfort people.
Even if they’d end up screaming in her face like everyone else did.
So when Atsushi starts to think this is another thing that alienates him from everyone else, Yosano talks to him. She reassures him he’s not alone and knowing other languages helps you connect with people.
Yosano and the others especially Kunikida encourage Atsushi to learn more about the languages he knows. And Atsushi does, he and Yosano pick a language everyday to speak in to each other.
And yeah and their a bit out of practice but they get there. And Atsushi feels a sense of comfort in speaking more than one language, because that was his reality for years.
And this time there’s no punishment for getting things wrong.
To the point Atsushi managed to muster up the courage to talk with foreign clients during non serious cases. And they more often than not think it’s sweet, are happy to see someone try to speak their mother tongue and give him pointers.
Atsushi is able to talk and help people that are often forgotten by society, much like he himself was. And it makes him feel better about it, that he can use this knowledge to help people.
Although he would prefer if Dazai didn’t come to his desk everyday and badger him into teaching him Russian swears.
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
A fair chance
Tom II and you are dating, but aside from Tom's struggle to come to terms with his feelings for you, your friends are now also getting involved with your relationship.
This is part two, read 'If you had known, would you've come' first.
No warnings, just fluff and maybe some angst.
I planned on finishing the amnesia request first, but for some reason my brain was like nah Tom fic first, so here we are. I expect to have the amnesia request (probably tilted: can you forgive what I forgot) online somewhere Sunday. I love you tumblr peoples and as always: happy readings!
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Your class had just been dismissed and you walked with your books in hand out with Luna, when Hermoine jumped in front of you. “I think that after lunch I’m gonna head to the library to review the extra material professor Mcgonagall advised us to read. You guys wanna join me?” Luna nodded, before agreeing with a gentle voice. “Sure.” They both turn to you and you can’t help but feel hesitant to tell them you already had plans with a certain someone. “I can’t.” You sigh, before continuing in the direction of the great hall and Hermoine frowns, clearly noticing that you’re holding something back. “I’m meeting Tom-” Hermoine’s eyes widen. “Again?” Harry’s voice comes out of nowhere and you turn a little to give him a sheepish look. “We study together regularly. He’s an excellent study partner.” Luna ignores the obvious tension and smiles at you. “Are you two dating?” Panic fills your eyes at her question. Damn it, Luna, you can’t just ask people if they are dating the dark lord’s eldest son. 
“No, not really. We’re just getting to know each other better.” Hermoine, Ron and Harry stare at you in disbelief. “And how’s that going?” Ron questions with a skeptical tone and obvious look. There’s an uncomfortable silence. “Okay, I guess, his favorite subjects are potions and magical theory.” You curse yourself at your weird answer in an already awkward situation. A forced smile makes its way to Harry’s face as he nods. “Neat.” Neat? Now even Luna feels herself get uneasy. You sigh loudly and start walking slowly as your friends follow. “Would it be so bad if I decide to go out with him on another date? I mean Daisy’s dating Mattheo and despite our worries over their relationship… so far so good, right.” 
The group splits up for a moment to take their seats at the table, but Hermoine watches you for a moment debating whether she should speak up or not. “Look, (y/n), Mattheo’s a first class asshole and I don’t know what Daisy sees in him, but at least Mattheo is an asshole to everyone equally.” Ron who’s eagerly filling his plate nods in agreement with Hermoine’s argument before she continues. “Tom has a specific preference of people, being pureblood and slytherin. Everyone else is lesser than him. You know that, that’s why you’ve hated him from day one. So, how can one date with him make you forget who he really is and how he treats everyone?” You look down at your plate, really feeling bad about liking Tom. Hermoine was right, you knew who he was, so why did you kiss him? Why did you suddenly feel like he was so much more? You look at your friend and back to your plate, before excusing yourself. “I’m not really hungry, I think I’m gonna skip.” Harry judges Hermoine. “What?” Hermoine asks, looking away. “I get that you’re worried, but she can’t help it… I think she really likes him.” Ron frowns. “I think he’s got her under some kind of spell. Or maybe he has a secret agenda.”Hermoine and Harry look at Ron, getting worried that he might have a point.
Tom looks up at you from his quiet spot near the black lake, neatly seated on a conjured bench with a book levitating near him. You give him a weak smile as you can’t help but feel bad about meeting him after Hermoine’s argument. He watches you carefully as you sit down next to him, to him it feels like the air just got warmer and the sun finally touches his face, warming him. You stare at him as you search for words and he dips his head a little waiting for you to talk, but something changes your mind and you turn away from him watching the water for a moment before reaching for your books. “Not that I mind the quiet, but I thought the point of us hanging out was to get to know each other better.” Tom’s voice radiates calmness, but at the same time you feel his eyes focus on your every expression, determined to find out what you were thinking. 
“You should meet my friends.” You finally say in one breath. There’s a silence as he processes your offer. “I know them. I’ve met them. No need for more interactions.” You turn to him with disapproving eyes, but before you can make an argument he speaks up sternly. “Trust me, no good will come of it.” You look back at the water and a frustrated half laugh escapes you, making Tom narrow his eyes at you. “Then how do you expect anything good to come from us meeting up?” Tom considers your words and turns to join you in watching the black lake. “I believe you can make up your own mind and I only want to ask you out on another date, not them.” You sigh, before turning and he meets your eyes. “It would be easier if they didn’t hate you.” Tom’s eyes fill with concern for you. Easy? That’s the one thing I can’t offer you, darling. For a moment Tom regrets getting you involved with him, but when you place a hand on his thigh and your eyes lock with his he couldn’t care less, because he knew you belonged with him. 
“If I were to ask you to meet me tomorrow evening at the clock tower for another date at 8pm… would you say yes?” Tom's eyes stick to your hand on his leg as a smile tugs on your lips. You adored his gentleness and how he always acted composed, but still in a quiet way showed so much emotion when he was with you. “Are you asking me on another date?” You wiggle your eyebrows when he looks up to you. He chuckles. “You have me all figured out, don’t you?” He jokes and he watches your smile grow brighter. Oh Salazar, how can one person have me feel so much all at once. It’s almost too much for one man. “I would love to. I’ll be there. Tomorrow, 8 pm, the clock tower.” 
Tom thought back to the moment you had repeated the time and place. You looked so happy, so willing to go out with him again… So why weren’t you here? Tom's eyes fell from the sky to his watch and it was hard to admit, but it had been a while since he had felt this much pain nagging at his chest. Gently Tom let a flower, your favorite, fall on a nearby bench. There was no need to extend his time of suffering by waiting for someone who was wise enough to choose ‘easy’, to choose a life away from him.
As he leaves the clock tower behind him to return to the slytherin common room, somewhere in the castle you run, out of breath, but with only one goal. Please, please. Quick steps down the empty stairs. I beg you just wait a little longer. Harshly pushing doors open as you hurry. I need you to still be there, Tom, please. 
Panting you arrive to find no one. A frustrated sound mingles with a curse as you circle around. You check your watch and groan, but when you look up you spot the most beautiful flower, resting lonely on a cold bench. My favourite. You feel your heart ache as you pick it up. He probably planned another amazing date with a carefully picked scenery just for you and you hadn’t even managed to get there in time.
With your heart still racing from all the running you feel yourself move again. 
“I’m assuming it didn’t go very well?” Mattheo grins, but his twisted smile quickly fades when he sees his always so cold brother fail to hide his pained eyes. “Really nothing gets past you, Mattheo.” Tom responds calmly, but the venom in his words was obvious to Mattheo’s ears. Tom turns away and Mattheo curses himself for being insensitive and, worse, feeling bad after it, like his brother deserved any sympathy. Mattheo grits his teeth, but decides to be the bigger person. “I didn’t mean to jab an open wound or anything.” Tom turns around with dead eyes, he didn’t need nor want his younger brother’s sympathy. “You wanna hug it out?” Tom fakes a pout to ridicule his brother’s emotional statement. “Don’t ever mistake me for someone who cares.” Tom’s voice is stern and cold, but just as he raises that last wall in an attempt to shut off all those overwhelming feelings the common room door swings open and you run through it almost bumping into Tom.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I was working on a project with Hermoine and it went wrong and she was freaking and then I was freaking and then we started over again but she wanted to be extra sure that it was right and she had me do all these extra steps and I knew I was gonna be late, but I ran and I ran and I scraped my arm against this door that wouldn’t open and I- I- I’m so so sorry. I should’ve been on time or message you or- or- I’m sorry.” Both Riddles stare at you as you rant, pointing at your scraped arm, but as soon as you’re done Mattheo’s eyes move to Tom who feels all those carefully put up walls crashing down. You stare at Tom searching for forgiveness and comforting words, but he just looks down at his watch and you feel stupid for thinking he would be understanding. “If we hurry we can still make it.” Mattheo smiles to himself as his brother reaches for your hand and heads for the door. Oh, brother you care, you care so much.
You watch your hand in his as you hurry through the castle back to the clock tower where Tom reveals a secret door that brings you to a beach. “Where are we?” You ask looking around not recognizing anything. “That doesn’t matter.” He says with his eyes focused on the sky, while softly squeezing your hand. With puzzled eyes you watch his features in the dark, before slowly following his gaze. For several seconds you stare at an empty dark sky. You frown as you focus, searching for what Tom is so excited about. “I don’t see it.” You whisper focused on the darkness above you. “Wait for it. The most beautiful things show themselves only rarely. You have to wait for them.” Tom’s voice is soft and reassuring. Motivated by his words you adore the sky and wait.
Your lips part as the sky lights up and you get to watch the most beautiful meteor shower. You take a step as if your body wants to get closer to the amazing scene around you. If it wasn’t for Tom’s fingers entangled with yours you would surely fly amongst them. “I’m in love.” You whisper and Tom looks at you, eyes still focused on the sky. Me too, darling, me too.
Hermoine leaves the library book tightly pressed against her chest and focused on whatever little mission she has planned next, when Tom appears next to her. “I must say, as a slytherin and a professional cunning manipulator, I admire your persistence and dedication to ruin my date with (y/n).” Hermoine’s heart races and her eyes fill with fear despite her attempt to keep a brave face. “However, as impressed as I am, I would really appreciate it if you would come clean to (y/n) about your actions and intentions.” Hermoine turns away from Tom as she tries to walk faster than him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Gritting his teeth, Tom grabs Hermoine’s arm. “Listen here, you little mud-muggle-” Hermoine frowns at how he changes his insult last minute. Tom rolls his eyes at her frown. “Give me credit for trying, okay.” He says dryly in his own defense, making Hermoine raise an unimpressed eyebrow. 
“(y/n) and I deserve a fair chance.” Tom argues trying to convince Hermoine who just crosses her arms and Tom continues his argument. “You can try and fight this, but I’ll fight as well.” Hermoine is surprised to find determination instead of aggression in his voice. It wasn’t a threat to her, it was a promise to you and to her own surprise Hermoine couldn’t help but find justice in his argument. So Hermoine bites her tongue as she struggles to make peace with the man in front of her, but Tom just smirks. “Keep your pride, muggle. We don’t need to be friends. We just need to be honest.” With those words he leaves and the Gryffindor watches him confused about the silent agreement that they had just made.
She hurries to the Gryffindor common room and heads straight to the boys' dorm. “Cancel the plan.” The Weasley twins frown at Hermoine’s words. “To late. We already poisoned his drink.” Hermoine’s eyes widen and Harry takes a step towards her. “Why would we cancel the plan?” Hermoine sighs, frustrated by the situation. “Because I don’t think Tom is dating (y/n) for some secret evil plan. Nor has he cursed her in any way. I think they’re genuinely in love.” Everyone in the room is baffled. “So what? He won’t reveal his evil plan to her?” Fred questions and Hermoine shakes her head. “But then what will the potion make him say?” George adds and Hermoine takes a deep breath. “Well, it will do as a truth potion is supposed to do, it will make him tell the truth.”
Tom felt some nagging feeling in the back of his head but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Unaware of the truth potion in his system, slowly triggering his brain into honesty, the slytherin makes his way to your classroom to wait for you. Never thought I would spend my free time waiting for a girl. Love is a ridiculous thing. Tom leans against the wall opposite of your classroom door, he closes his eyes as he hears the professor talk and chairs shuffle. He frowns and opens his eyes when he feels this sudden urge to tell someone the honest truth. However, his thoughts of worry are interrupted when the door opposite of him swings open and several noisy students eager to leave walk fill the hallway.
Mattheo looks up when he sees his brother and his eyebrows knit together. Tom shakes his head at his younger brother. “Not here for you.” Mattheo smiles and turns around to see you leave the classroom. “Oh right.” Tom rolls his eyes as he sees a smirk tug on his younger brother’s lips. “Whatever you are thinking, do not say it out loud.” Tom warns, before walking towards you, feeling himself get all happy and giddy as you meet his eyes and give him a warm smile. It felt almost wrong for him to have this wonderful moment of being welcomed so warmly. Every nerve in his body is screaming to kiss you, but Tom refrains from doing this believing that making your relationship a spectacle for everyone to see is beneath him. Though part of him would very much like everyone to know how much you truly belong with and to him.
Shoulder to shoulder you walk in the direction of an empty hallway. “Did Granger talk to you by any chance?” Tom’s question has you look up at him, frowning as you think back, before shaking. “No, but she did send me a note to meet up later.” Tom hums and now you’re definitely curious. “Do you know something?” Tom just smiles, but then shakes his head. ���I’ll leave her to tell you the truth.” You make a weird face at his vagueness, but decide to let it go in favor of the little game you and Tom had been playing the last few days. “I have another get-to-know-one-another question.” You announce with a joyful voice and Tom looks at you with amusement, waiting for your question. “What do you like to do for fun?” You playfully narrow your eyes at Tom and he thinks for a moment, while gently interlacing his fingers with yours now that you’re in a less crowded hallway. 
“Reading.” He finally answers and your shoulders sink at his lame answer. “Reading dark and brooding books doesn’t count as fun.” You argue and a sly smirk tugs on his lips. “Well, darling, we can’t all read cheap fluffy fanfictions on Tumblr.” Your eyes widen. “How do you-? And they’re not cheap! They are very fluffy, I’ll admit that, but how-?” He smiles at you and interrupts you before you ask questions he does not want to answer. “That’s really not the point, though, the point is everyone has their preferred genre.” You huf and stop him, pulling him towards you. “But what do you really really love? What’s something that brings joy in your life? What’s something you wish you could do every second of the day?”
Tom’s plan was to chuckle and say: I love reading dark and brooding books.
However, the truth potion had now fully flooded his brain and the true answer to these questions slipped out before he could stop himself. “More than anything, I love you, (y/n). You bring me joy, you make me happy. You bring light into every gray day. I wish I could spend every second with you, because everything is so much better when you’re with me. When you’re with me, I see color where all is gray without you.”
Tom felt his heart race as these honest but unintended words came out of his own mouth. The few people walking in the hallway had stopped to stare, either baffled or horrified by what they had just heard. Tom felt something he seldom experienced, embarrassment and vulnerability. Dating you was one thing, but admitting he loved you. He wasn’t ready to face his own feelings yet… leave alone your opinion on them. He scanned the hallway, scowling at those who were still staring, before bravely looking down at you. As soon as your eyes lock with his, your hands reach for his cheeks, cupping them and pulling him closer to meet you halfway. Lips softly landing on his, there is an intensity to the kiss as you try to express all the love you feel for him in one single action. “Why?” Tom asks when the kiss breaks and you smile at his confused tone. “Because you empower me to keep on seeing and bringing color. Because as different as we are, you make me feel loved in every small detail and difference.” 
The softest chuckle escapes Tom. “I didn’t plan on telling you all this, but I’m glad I did.” You smile and kiss him again, while he pulls you into a tight embrace. 
Sitting on a bench in the courtyard Harry, Hermoine, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny all sheepishly look down as you pace in front of them. “How could you do all these things? You should be ashamed of yourselves?” Tom can’t hide his amusement as you lecture them, with crossed arms he watches you rant for a few seconds. “He should kill you idiots for this?” Tom’s smile grows a little wider at your words and decides it’s time to calm you down. You feel his arm snake around your waist. “I should… but I won’t.” He places a soft kiss on your temple, more than pleased that your friends have now given him a chance to act all merciful and force them to accept your relationship. 
Feedback is always welcome.
Word count: 3223
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lostinwoso · 1 year
Be Quiet! (Alexia x Reader)
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song - 1.8k words
Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You got to lower the noise a little bit now If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
No one's love life goes perfectly and just like everyone else, Alexia also had some experiences with unrequited feelings and other feelings and relationship problems. In fact, the last time the Spanish woman came clear to someone about her feelings went everything other than good for her, so after the embarrassment, she promised herself to take it slow and use some time to herself before going out to find someone. 
But this plan went out the window faster than she first thought it would. The day you were announced as the team's new signing, Alexia felt intrigued by you. She knew you were a great player, your statistics from the last season speaking for themselves about how much of an assist you were going to be to the team. 
As the team’s captain, Alexia got the job of making sure that you got involved in all the tactics and ways around the team. And not soon after the intrigued part turned into attraction, the time spent staying in longer after training was enough for the midfielder to understand that you might take a more special place in her life than just being her teammate. But since you just arrived, she decided that it would be better off to give you time to adjust to the new Chapter in your life before she would make any potential moves.
I'm not making the same mistake Won't be putting my heart on display I'll just water my feelings down
As the time went on, you started to fully fit into the squad and Alexia could tell, the chemistry in training between you and all the other players on the field was almost flawless. At first, she was happy about the improvement, but then realized that it means that the after training stays soon wouldn’t be needed anymore. 
The midfielder thought about finally asking you out, but every time she found the slightest amount of courage and was on her way over to you, she would always ditch at the last second. 
That was until one of those extra training sessions between you and Alexia. You two decided to play some 1vs1 today and with the way you two are absolutely competitive, it was to no surprise that you two were completely exhausted at the end of it.
“I forgot to ask you, but how do you like the city?”, Alexia asks you, still slightly out of breath as she sits down on the field next to you.
“I haven’t checked out much yet, to be honest. I was more focused on making sure I can keep up with the team.”, you reply while lying down, closing your eyes for a moment, the exhaustion from the double training session clearly catching up to you.
Alexia hums at your words, just appreciating the way the sun hits your face for a moment, and before she even has the chance to stop herself she speaks up, “Do you want to grab some dinner sometime?”
Panic fills Alexia’s chest as she notices what she just asked you. She has been here before, she knows the rejection is just a moment away, but then she realizes that you still haven’t replied yet. And to be fair, how could you? Not even a second passed since Alexia asked, but the woman her overthinking makes it feel as if it has been minutes already, and you are just trying to come up with an excuse. 
“I mean, I could show you around the city and show you a good restaurant. As friends, of course, you know. Would be useful to know the city since you are living here now, and you know.”, she trails off quickly, her heart feeling as if it’s about to jump out of her chest. 
You glance at the woman next to you, still not getting up from the actually comfortable position space on the field, before shrugging slightly, “Sure, why not.”.
Alexia nods at your words, mumbling a quiet, “Cool.”, before deciding to do the same as you and enjoy the sun some more. But in her mind that what just went down is everything other than ‘Cool’, she had the courage and then immediately got scared of making the same mistake once again.
I'm not going out looking dumb Telling all my friends how you're the one Those words never leaving my mouth
“So you and Y/N, huh?”, Mapi asks the captain as she sits down next to her in the canteen, her voice full of excitement. 
“What do you mean Y/N and I?”, the captain asks her best friend, trying to stay calm at the question.
The defender nudges the Spanish woman, ”You know what I mean. I heard you two got some dinner together the other day.”.
Alexia glances at Mapi, “I was showing her around the city, you know, like a good friend should.”.
A mischievous smile takes over Mapi’s features, “As a friend, yea?”.
“No te creo.”, Mapi insists, poking her friend in the shoulder when she starts to ignore her.
Alexia’s mind wanders off, how do they know that you two went out? She hasn’t said anything to anyone, so it must have come from you, but did you say anything specific that led to Mapi not believing her that it was just a normal evening between two friends out. Is there a chance that you actually might harbor the same feeli-
“You can talk to me about your little crush.”, Mapi bumps her shoulder into Alexia’s, breaking her out of her thoughts.
“There is no crush, now leave me alone.”.
The defender eyes the woman next to her up and down, seeing the way a light blush starts to cover her face makes her smirk, “If you say so.”, she says while getting up, “But I know you are lying.”, she whispers, sending her a wink when you make your way into the canteen before scurrying away over to where her girlfriend sits. 
Alexia’s eyes follow Mapi leaving the table before she once again gets interrupted, but this time by you sitting down in front of her, “Hey.”.
The midfielder clears her throat, “Hola.”, fixing her eyes on the food in front of her, though when she notices Mapi smirking at her from the corner of her eyes.
Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You've got to lower the noise a littlе bit now If she knows you're in love, shе's gonna run, run away Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You've got to lower the noise a little bit now If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
After the first time, more and more days followed where Alexia would show you around the city, each day ending with the two of you eating dinner together at one of the many restaurants in the Barcelona streets. 
This did nothing but strengthen the feelings the older woman developed for you, with every day where she learns more and more about you, she can’t help but feel pulled to you. But what bothers her is that she has absolutely no idea how you feel about her.
She even thought about asking you out properly this time, but then the doubts started to swirl around her head. What if this goes the same way it did the last time she showed interest in someone? What if this destroys the entire friendship between you two? 
There were some moments where she got the vibe that you might have the same interest in her as she does in you. But she decides not to risk it and rather stay quiet, having you as a friend is too valuable for that. 
I'm not gonna do more than like Won't be sleeping over every night I'll act like I don't even care, yeah
Other traditions formed between you two, the two of you grow closer and closer every day, even having Mapi pouting about being replaced as Alexia’s best friend. Alexia would always reassure her that no one could ever replace her as her best friend, because that’s not what she wants to have with you after all. 
And with the way she stays over at your place now almost weekly thanks to your new traditions of having movie nights after Alexia now pretty much showed you every corner of Barcelona, has her wishing even more that it would be a different kind of sleepover. 
There were nights where you even had a sleepover planned, which Alexia had to cancel on when it was one of those days where having the feelings for you hurt just a little too much. But during the nights where she was right there next to you in your bed she pretends that it's nothing special for her. Acting as if it doesn’t hurt her to have you so close yet so far away from the way she would love you to have. Acting as if she isn’t in love with you, because that’s now what she was. She wasn’t just attracted to you anymore, no, her feelings have gone further now. Past the point of being able to deny it anymore. It grows stronger and stronger every day.
She is in love with you.
But the feeling gets Stronger, baby What am I gonna do now When you touch me? 'Cause it's all getting too loud
It’s getting harder and harder for Alexia to keep quiet about her feelings. They feel as if a heavy weight is placed on her chest. Every moment spent together grows the urge to just say it out loud. Admitting those 5 words to you could make her life so much easier, and she knows it. But the fear of you running away from her and distancing yourself from her completely is just too big.
But she can feel herself starting to crack under the pressure of keeping it to herself for so long. The words are getting closer and closer to the tip of her tongue, waiting to be spilled out. With every ever so small interaction, may it be you two just talking or you casually throwing your arm around her after a win, her thoughts get more and more louder, screaming at her to finally spill the words out. 
And eventually it does happen, because just like the time she tried to ask you out, her mouth works faster than her mind. 
The team celebration of winning the league was in full swing. Everyone was dancing and happily chattering away, Alexia was sitting in one of the booths just having a moment for herself when you pulled her with you onto the dance floor. With every song you two danced to, Alexia's heart felt heavier and heavier, close to reaching her complete breaking point. 
So when it finally got too much for the midfielder, she just stopped dancing, instead just standing there still on the dance floor while looking at you with tears already forming in her eyes.
“Are you okay?”, you ask her when you notice the expression she has. 
“I’m in love with you.”.
If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
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coralinnii · 2 years
Hello again!
It’s Anon Frog 🐸
I have some good news! My sister is getting leave before she ships out to Japan!
Anyway I was hoping for a request …… I have long hair and it fun to do styles with it so I thought I’d ask you ….
So reader has long hair and noticed they could make little horn with their hair. Kinda like pig tails but horns????? If that makes sense
Malleus noticed throughout the school day but doesn’t say anything until their late night walk.
They(reader) smiles and tell him that she wanted to try new hairstyles and remember this hairstyle reminded them of him.
Just good feelings for everyone!
Much love Anon Frog 🐸
Matching “horns” MC with the horn hairstyle feat: Malleus genre: fluff note: long haired!reader, reader is referred as Yuu!reader but can be read as not, ambiguous relationship but romantic leaning, insinuation of offspring but not necessarily through pregnancy, roughly 1.1k word count 
I really have no excuse for how incredibly long this took to write but this was a cute idea to write and I wanted to try out this hairstyle but I’m not nearly skilled enough. Anyway, anon🐸 I hope you like it and that you and your sister have a great new year!  
I know you can go big with this type of hairstyle but I got inspired by Anya’s cute do from Spy x Family. Also (somewhat) in time for Malleus’ birthday so yay!
I might be busier since I’m celebrating the Lunar New Year (which involves a lot of cooking) but happy Lunar New Year to everyone and may this year be lucky and filled with great fortune! 
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Throughout the day, you’ve gotten comments about your new look. Some were compliments (courtesy of mostly Kalim and Rook), and some were just itching for a hit from you (mainly Ace and Floyd). But even with the straightforwardness of your friends, it didn’t stop your instincts from telling you that someone else is watching you, wanting to tell you something. 
And you’d be right. 
During lunch, Malleus was watching you from his seat some tables away. Seeing as how he is the only student with horns (not to mention, he finds himself gazing at you a few too many times already), Malleus was quick to notice your new appearance. Two cute “horns” protruding from your head caught his eyes as the rest of your locks curl and frame your beautiful face. 
“Malleus, if you stare at the prefect any longer you might burn a hole” Lilia joked as he watched his young prince. A few of the other students quiver at Malleus’ gaze and wondered what great misdeed you must have committed to incur such an intense stare. 
“Please Lilia, even I’m aware that humans are not such fragile creatures” Malleus rebutted as he continued his observation. “What do you think was the human’s intentions for such an unique change in appearance?” 
Since he noticed your hairstyle, Malleus’ mind was in a tizzy trying to figure out what did you mean to do such a thing? Are you imitating him the same way as Sebek does with his forced interest in coffee? Were you attempting to capture his attention as some sort of human ritual he’s unfamiliar with? He has heard that couples participate in this “matching outfits” as Lilia mentioned in passing. Was he being too hopeful or too presumptuous to believe you are sending him a hint of your intentions?
Oh, how equally captivating and confusing you were. 
“In times like this, it is better to confront your confusion than to jump to conclusions, my young lord” as funny as it was, Lilia couldn’t bear to see the young prince in his frazzled mental state (even if he was the only one to see it) any longer. 
Such young love, Lilia mused. 
Malleus took the older fae’s words to heart and waited by the old Ramshackle dorm to see you. Nights like these became a secret routine between the two of you as you stroll around the dark landscape together. 
To his delight, Malleus heard your footsteps as you rushed out the old dorm and towards him.
“Tsunotarou!” You greeted him with a small, with your mini horns still in place. “Were you waiting long?” 
Malleus shook his head, a small smile graced his lips. “Not at all, Child of man” if you don’t consider an hour long. He doesn’t. “Shall we start our stroll?” 
The night was pleasantly silent and the breeze was light as the two of you walked through the plains, with the occasional small tidbits of your day shared between you two, to which Malleus took as a lead-in to ask the question he’s been curious all day. 
“I’ve noticed you’ve changed your typical appearance today” Malleus started off “Is there a particular reason?” 
He noticed! You were starting to get nervous over the silence from Malleus about your new hairstyle, worrying that he didn't care or worse, it may come off as mocking towards him. 
“I had some extra time this morning and thought about trying this hairstyle,” you explained, smiling as you lightly touch the locks that make your horns. “I reminded me of you and thought it’d be cute if we matched” 
You bravely turned to look at the tall man, trying to gauge his reaction to your new look. But Malleus was unreadable to you even as his eyes bore into you, more precisely, your “horns”. 
"Does it look good?" you asked but you were starting to worry he didn't.
Thankfully, that wasn't the case at all. In fact, Malleus was trying to pace his heartbeat after listening to your explanation. What a bold human you are in wishing to emulate his horns, a feature that he is aware can be intimidating to many people. And to do it with him in mind, more charming words have not been spoken. 
“Such a creative use of one’s hair. It is a fascinating form of style” Malleus let his curiosity take over and asked you, “If you allow it, I would like to touch them” 
Relieved, you nodded with a mischievous laugh, “I’ll allow it, but I can’t guarantee what will happen to you if you do” 
“What a cheeky human you are.” Malleus chuckled. He reached out to the top of your head and caressed the soft “horns” you carefully crafted, mindful of his fingers so as not to ruin your hard work. The moment was done in comfortable silence as you stood relaxed, trusting yourself under Malleus’ gentleness. 
Malleus’ mind began drifting to the days where his horns were small like yours. He recalled Lilia regaling the tales of Malleus’ younger years and as humiliating as that was, he now wondered if his children would have horns like these, so small and adorable. 
As the future King, he knew that he would have to sire an heir someday but he never spent a moment to visualize that image. But now, he couldn’t stop himself as he thought how cute his child would be with horns like these, along with other features from you. How cute his offspring would be with your bright eyes or your beautiful hair that you would brush as their parent. Perhaps they would have your laugh as well. In fact, he would be content even if they don't look anything like him, so long as they're your child, and his. 
“Tsunotaro?” Your voice broke through his wandering mind. “Are you alright?” 
Malleus didn’t realise that he stopped his previous attention to your hair as his mind delved deeper into thought. He also didn’t notice the small growl he emitted under his breath, but you certainly did. 
“Yes, I’m alright” he assured you “I was simply lost in thought for a moment” 
You believed him since you did see the way he had a faraway look in his green eyes. His gaze was still in the moment but there was a sense of wistfulness as he looked at you, which had you a little flustered. 
To ease your embarrassment, you took a step back (though you already missed Malleus’ touch) and smiled your nerves away. “Should we keep going with our walk?” 
Malleus agreed, resuming his stroll with you. But his previous thoughts have not left as he grew fond of the idea of children, more specifically children with you. As you shared the events of your day, Malleus was pondering on what he could do to match you as you did. 
Perhaps matching rings?
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Tagging @aitathrowaway1234 to know when it gets posted
AITA for trying to set a friend up with her crush (and having it backfire horrendously)?
I (F28) am married with my wonderful husband Lucas (M31) for eight years now and I'm convinced he is my soulmate. I am as in love with him as I was all those years ago and I'm convinced I'm the luckiest woman on Earth for having him in my life. Yes, I'm cheesy like that.
Thing is, because I'm so happy with Lucas, I want to see all of my friends equally happy and in love, so I have a tendency to play matchmaker sometimes (only with their permission, of course). A lot of these friends are in happy relationships with the people I set them up to, so I can say confidently I'm good at matchmaking.
Recently my friend Darcy (F32) commented on how she had this huge crush in one of my husband's friends, Peter (M30). I got super excited because Darcy went through a bad divorce around 5 years ago and she haven't expressed an interest in anyone since then. Since Peter always seemed to be a cool guy, I asked her if she wanted my help to get closer to him. She said yes.
For context, Lucas was never a fan of me playing matchmaking for people, mostly because he thought I could get in trouble for it. He knows it's something I like to do, though, so he never tried to make me stop it, he just always made it clear he wants no involvement in this. Since I knew I would have no help from him, I started to invite Peter myself to hangouts with me, Lucas and Darcy, and I would go out of my way to talk to him and compliment Darcy in our conversations, saying how amazing she was and listing her qualities etc. In our hangouts, Darcy and Peter would talk nonstop and, in my head, my little matchmaking plan was going smoothly.
Until this one night last week when we went out for a bar. Lucas had a long day at work and was feeling really sore (he has a bunch of disabilities that make him stay most of his time on a wheelchair and also make him feel a lot of pain), so he decided to stay at home, but encouraged me to go out with Darcy and Peter as planned. I didn't want to leave him alone, so it was then that I had an idea: I would go out with them, stay half an hour and leave, saying Lucas wasn't feeling great and I didn't want to leave him alone, which wasn't even an excuse. So I could go home and cuddle with my husband on the couch watching some Netflix while Darcy and Peter would be out just the two of them for the first time. Perfect plan, right?
So I went out with them and, around ten minutes after we arrived at the bar, Darcy went to the bathroom and that's when things started to get weird.
Peter was very straightfoward; he said he knew what I was doing and that I was very smart to keep inviting Darcy to have an excuse to be around him, and now that Lucas finally wasn't with us we could "get rid" of Darcy somehow and go somewhere more private. I was so shocked that I started to laugh and I think he saw this as an encouragement, because suddenly his hand was on my thigh and he was way into my personal space. I pushed him off, kind of screamed "What the fuck?!", got up and left. I was in my car on the way home when I remembered of Darcy. I don't know why she left my mind like that, I guess I was too shocked to think of anything else at the moment, but when I parked at home my phone was full of texts from her, asking what was going on and why everyone had left. I just texted her an apology and promised I would explain everything to her on the following day, because I wasn't in the right headspace at the moment.
When I went home Lucas asked me what was wrong and that was enough for me to start to cry. I told him everything and he just held me and comforted me, he didn't really say anything because he knew I just needed him to be there for me at that moment, I guess. On the following day, thought, we talked a lot about what happened and I could see he was really upset about Peter. He reassured me I didn't do anything wrong, though, but he confessed he didn't like my matchmaking habits because he knew this could happen and he didn't want to see me hurt like this.
After that, I texted both Peter and Darcy. To Peter I simply said I never had any kind of interest in him, that I was simply trying to help a friend out because I thought he was a good person but that was clearly not the case. I also told him to stay away from me and my husband and blocked him. To Darcy, I just told her what happened and apologized. She never answered me, so I guess she blames me.
Lucas keeps insisting this wasn't my fault, but I can't help but think that, if I didn't got involved, this would never have happened, and maybe I should stop meddling in other people's love lives, even if they want me to do it.
So, AITA for trying to help a friend out?
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razcina · 9 months
sam carpenter headcanons || masterlist
sam carpenter x fem!reader
for the ladies ~ warnings: nsfw at the bottom!!
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crushing on you ~
uber protective(duh); does not let you out of her sight when youre out with the group.
always finding an excuse to touch you, whether it be a small brush of her fingers on your back, “fixing” a stray hair in your face, or grabbing your hand when crossing the street, sam cant get enough of the rush she feels when you make contact.
melts when you call her “sammy♡”
constantly texts to check up on you and ask where you are, especially if she knows youre alone
reminds you to double check the locks on your doors and windows every night to make absolutely sure that nothing gets to you. often insists on sleeping over.. just in case.
terrified of losing you or driving you away with her overbearing and paranoid personality like she did tara, leading to sam often seeming distant. her heart skips three beats when you make effort to include her in conversations and activities.
whenever you walk through crowded areas sam makes sure to walk right beside you and hover her arm behind your back to prevent losing you.
domestic love ~
dial up the protectiveness tenfold; turns feral when god forbid anyone she doesnt know/trust gets close to you. her “killer instinct” suddenly has two meanings.
always wrapping her arms around you from behind, she needs to be touching you 24/7. (and signal to everyone else that you are hers.)
she struggles a lot with self-worth due to her reputation and needs a lot of reassurance.. could never bring herself to admit this though and swears shes fine, but at the same time breaks into a sob when you tell her that you love her
cannot sleep unless she is wrapped around you like a python and can feel your heartbeat, to knows youre alive and okay. sam also knows you tend to get cold and love when she acts as a personal heater.
often experiences night terrors, most of which involve you being brutally murdered or abandoning her like everyone else in her life. you can tell by the way shell suddenly hold you extra close in the middle of the night.
it could be a minimal papercut or a painless bruise, the second sam notices you hurt or sick she drops everything to coddle you.
and did someone hurt you? dont check the news on woodsboros recent killings “missing persons” cases tomorrow.. you might see a familiar face
huge on petnames, her favorites for you are baby, querida, love, angel, and doll.
(the latter two mostly when shes knuckles deep and calling you her good girl.)
did i mention that sam is just a tad clingy?
steamy ~
there is nothing sam loves more than kissing you, all of you. she has taken great care to memorize your sweet spots and how to drive you absolutely berserk with her mouth. god bless your sanity if she involves her tongue.
youre in a state of pure ecstasy before she even nears your soaked heat
despite how rough she tends to.. “handle” you, sam always makes sure to give the most gentle and loving aftercare. the last thing she would want is to hurt you.
loves having you on her lap. having you straddle her toned thigh as it presses right up against your center and oh.. she knows just how to move it to hit all the right nerves. you dont last 5 minutes before youre begging her to throw you down and absolutely ruin you. she enjoys torturing you by making you get yourself off by riding her thigh alone before she even touches you.
“oh i think you can do it yourself mi dulce, youre a big girl”
if you let her sam would eat you up, literally. as heavenly as it feels when she bites into your skin like a hungry vampire, you wish to retain what little dignity you have left when you go out tomorrow..
but at the same time, the thought of her marking you up for everyone to see feels so good.. concealer it is.
will take any opportunity to get you shirtless and under her. she ravishes your breasts like its her last meal, drooling even further at the sweet sounds that emit from your lips and that glazed over look in your eyes as you cant keep your mouth shut while she kneads your sensitive mounds, swirling her tongue around and pinching your nipples..
you swear she has an addiction. constantly coming up behind you and squeezing your tits in the shower, while youre cooking or even watching tv.. not that you mind it though
sam cant help but swoon for at way you look on your knees as you incoherently beg her to touch you, all the while youre forced to sit watch as she takes her sweet time giving you an slow and sensual strip show.
then only to bend down with a smirk, prying your mouth open with her thumb and whispering to you in that sultry tone.. “use your words mi preciosa..”
treats you like a pampered pillow princess most of the time. she had rarely allowed you to pleasure her back until you told her that it would mean a lot to you.
she now considers riding your face a guilty pleasure she cant get enough of, especially when shes moving her hips in a way that nearly suffocates you. your muffled moans and whimpers only work her up more.
the two of you were watching a classic horror movie one night, only for the killer to pin the victim to the wall and hold her at knifepoint. sam watched as you bit your lip and squirmed in your seat, face glued to the screen.
thankfully the neighbors werent home to witness the screams of bloody murder as you “helplessly fell victim” to a very enamouring freak with a knife that night.
the real struggle came with trying to walk the next morning
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Would a yandere clay Puppington x reader be bad?
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• The worst yandere you could get in Moralton
• This man is possessive, Manipulative and willingly delusional. Topped with worshipping.
• He’s possessive in the way that he wants to control every aspect of your life to his preferences. Clothes, Food, Mannerisms are all dictated by him.
• Manipulative in the way that he enjoys to gaslight you. What do you mean you want to call your parents? You called them this morning dear. Maybe you should lie down for a while, You don't look too good.
• It’s also in the way that he will convince you that everyone is out to get you, Everyone but him.
• And finally he likes to willingly delude himself into believing this is normal and what he’s doing is right. Choosing to ignore the way you flinched when he kissed your cheek, Ignoring the ways you’d find any excuse not to be in the same room as him. You loved him, You do!
• The worshipping part we’ll get onto later.
• All of what if listed above applies in a romantic scenario. For now we’ll run with that.
• Lets say that you are a new resident in the lovely town of Moralton.
• As the moving truck unpacks your stuff you get greeted by your new neighbours: The puppingtons.
• They appeared to be such a lovely family. A wife, Husband and two little boys. The perfect nuclear family.
• Bloberta was sweet enough to you as she had brought over a welcome casserole for you to have that night.
• Orel was a very charming kid with nice manners. He invited you out to Sunday mass, and despite being agnostic (Or anything of your choice) you couldn't turn him down.
• You got along with shapey just fine too!
• The only one left was Clay himself.
• Clay was presented to you as such a great man, The perfect husband for bloberta.
• He helped you carry your stuff inside your house, He welcomed you in warmly and even made tea for the both of you once you finished unpacking.
• You thought he was a great neighbour and looked forward to talking with him more.
• Clay, however. Viewed you in a different light.
• Whether it was your kind personality, your hard working attitude or just your simple smile you had managed to draw him in. Hook, Line and sinker.
• Despite how amazing and perfect the puppingtons may have seemed to you. You had no clue about the truth
• Clay lived in a loveless marriage. Whatever spark he had for Bloberta had faded years ago. Their distaste for each other only soured with the subtle fights they had behind closed doors
• While Orel and Shapey he did still somewhat care for it didn’t change Orel’s constant misbehaviour in the name of God nor did it change Shapey’s attitude.
• Compile this with his dead end job of being the mayor and everything else you can understand that when someone finally comes into his life he see's them as a saviour, The one who can take him away from this hell.
• He use to drown his sorrow in a bottle. Don't get him wrong, he still does. But now he’s almost been too distracted to pick up a bottle.
• He can't stop thinking about you. The way you smiled, the way you walked and talked. You're entire being was perfect
• It starts off small at first. you're out of sugar and to come borrow his. When you ask he invites you in for tea sessions that linger a little long.
• Then it ramps up.
• Suddenly the rent on your house skyrockets. You're unable to get in touch with your land lord and there are no other affordable houses you can move to. At this point you are panicking.
• That's when clay comes in.
• He offers to pay for your rent with a sympathetic yet cheerful look on his face.
• You deny him, It's too big of a favour.
• He insists though. And since you have no other options you let him lend you the money. All none the wiser to him commanding the landlord to up your prices.
• That's step one. You depend on him financially now.
• Step two comes around when you hear about the scandal involving Bloberta and another man.
• Of course you go over to see clay and check in on how he’s doing. You feel concerned and worried for him.
• When he answers the door you can smell the liquor and see the booze stains on his house coat.
• Your worry multiplies as he invites you in
• You don't know how it happened, But you were pressured into drinking with him, As he wouldn't open up without it being over a drink.
• And as soon as it starts, It ends in his bed. You woke up with the biggest hangover of your life all while cuddling with a still asleep Clay.
• He knew this would happen. He wasn't actually as drunk as he made himself out to be earlier, His years of alcoholism had him build up a tolerance.
• He engineered the scandal getting out, too. It didn’t take much as he already knew how unfaithful Bloberta already was. Shapey was proof of that. So when he finally snapped a picture of the two getting down it wasn't hard to make it spread. Letting him divorce her without too much scorn
•  After you woke up you felt ashamed and embarrassed of what you had done.
• You couldn't stay there. You left before he woke up
• But you were stupid to think you could hide away forever.
• The next week consisted of Clay begging you to talk to him. Guilt tripping you into talking with him and coming over. As soon as you know it, you're dating him. Moving into his house and talking with Orel like a mother would
• Clay in a relationship doesn't have many good moments.
• Your days consist of being the stereotypical 50’s housewife for him.
• Cooking, Cleaning, Making beds, Helping out with Orels homework when It’s the days clay has custody.
• You hate it. But you can't bring yourself to admit it out loud, Clay would be hurt.
• Everyday when he comes in from work he expects you to be waiting at the door, kiss his cheek and then go to pour him a glass of scotch 
• When you’d do something wrong he’d say nothing but give you the most disappointing looks that you felt shame.
• If any love interests other than him were to pop up he may just invite them out on a hunting trip.
• But the one soft part of your relationship is him giving constant praise and compliments to you when you do everything right.
• He calls you dear, Darling. That sort of thing.
• It was nice enough. So nice that you tried to look past all the controlling habits and manipulation.
• Until he had one too many drinks one day.
• You don't know what it was that set him off that day. Maybe something happened at work, Maybe you did something wrong or maybe he was just in a bad mood.
• But suddenly you were crying. He was screaming and holding a broken glass bottle at you. Threatening and cursing you out.
• That was when you realised how deep of a hole you dug yourself.
• You tried to run, tried to leave but he wouldn't let you.
• He’d lock you in the basement if you got too much of an issue. 
• He’d threaten you with anything you have: Family, Friends, Pets, Beloved objects. Anything he can use against you, he will.
• Orel may be a way to escape. However he isn't reliable unless you're a very persuasive person. This is because Clay had probably already gotten to him and taught him a lesson about “Love”.
• This probably got him into some scenario involving a lot of people he likes being put into the basement along with you. It was awkward.
• But enough about that.
• There would be no escaping him, It’s nigh impossible.
• While Clay does love you and worship you he thinks you need to learn a few things before you both can go back to normal.
• Overall, He’s a fucking nightmare.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
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❝ When Sophia had first signed up to be part of the USO, one of the many pretty girls singing and dancing on tiny stages to give the brave boys fighting in Korea some much-needed cheering up, she couldn't have imagined wanting to do anything else. After all, she'd been trying to get in as a chorus girl on Broadway for years, intent on pursuing her childhood dreams of dancing and singing under the blinding lights of the Great White Way, but as a poor kid from Washington Heights who was more often than not deemed too “exotic” for your average Broadway ensemble, she figured working in the USO would be the closest she could get. Besides, volunteering for her own kind of service overseas was also a perfect excuse to escape the recent breaking-off of her engagement and the whispers of her social circle surrounding her and her ex-fiancé, so she really couldn’t have imagined a better opportunity to have presented itself at that particular time.
But when, only a few months into Sophia’s USO tenure, the Army sends out a call for more nurses for their M*A*S*H units, she decides to do some good that doesn't involve singing the same old tired standards, putting the hours she'd spent watching her tía work as a nurse to good use by volunteering to become one herself. Granted, she doesn’t have one lick of actual practical experience beyond occasionally helping her tía with a home birth in tiny Washington Heights apartments, but Sophia likes to think that the same good memory that has allowed her to remember hundreds of song lyrics and dance steps has also allowed her to retain proper first aid techniques and which surgical instruments are the correct ones to hand to the surgeons when they ask for them. And either way, the Army is low on nurses and surprisingly willing to overlook a lack of an actual degree to get them - and so, after only a few months as a USO girl, newly minted Lieutenant Sophia Ramos breezes into the M*A*S*H encampment serving as her new home armed with her trademark collection of brightly-coloured dresses, red lipstick, and charming wit combined with a sharp tongue, feeling prepared to take on any challenge that this new profession might throw her way.
But nothing in the world could prepare her for what she experiences when she's assigned to the 4077th - two chaotic doctors who love nothing more than getting a rise out of their stuck-up bunkmate (whom Sophia befriends almost immediately), a bumbling commanding officer who usually leaves his psychic clerk to run the camp, a corpsman whose taste in dresses is almost as good as hers... and a sweet chaplain with cute glasses and a sweet smile, who brightens up Sophia's world in ways she'd never imagined could be done. Father Mulcahy is gentle, compassionate, and the perfect dose of calm to Sophia’s usual bright tornado, and despite the way Sophia has settled into the 4077th since arriving, becoming liked by everyone (except for one Frank Burns, but really, who cared what he thought) and even striking up an unlikely friendship with the camp’s strict-minded head nurse, all it ever takes is one late-night conversation or shy smile from the chaplain to unsettle her in a way she isn’t entirely sure she doesn’t like.
The Father - or Francis, as he eventually insists Sophia call him - is Sophia’s perfect man in so many ways: understanding, attentive, and unlike so many men she has met, sharing a disinterest in the kind of intimacy Sophia has never been willing to give. Yet due to their respective positions and the vows he made years ago, actually confessing how she feels to him feels all but impossible, especially when Sophia is convinced that the God she has also been raised to believe in will ever forgive her for the love she feels for a man He has already claimed.
Little does she know, Francis feels the exact same way about her, and has been having similar worries about what the Holy Father might think about these feelings. But eventually, attractions are confessed and the two enter into a secret, deeply loving and caring relationship… and eventually, they both have to wonder whether the two of them meeting and falling in love with each other, two stars passing in orbit at exactly the right time, was not part of God’s divine plan after all. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic,
@artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand,
@ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @oneirataxia-girl,
@arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @gabbysdawsons, @dancingsunflowers-ocs,
@eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @manyfandomocs, @ocappreciationtag.
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Hi, may I please request Reader is Australian and is a judge on the Voice, Australia. Hailee (Steinfeld obviously), with the other judges help to surprise Reader by 'auditioning'. (Reader obviously turns her chair. They've been dating for a couple of years.)
keep on coming back for more [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x musician!reader
summary: you don't really like surprises...unless they involve a certain brunette and your favorite song.
warnings: none, just fluff; me pretending like i know what i'm talking about when i really don't; R is technically a guitar player but that's not expanded upon; like two seconds of nervous hailee
wordcount: 1k
a/n: messed around with the pov on this one again so...yeet. i also did the most scuffed research on the voice, australia so forgive me if it sucks/if things are too vague. this fic was also just an excuse for me to scream into the void about rock bottom because it's one of hailee's best songs, argue with the wall. [but not the version with dnce because...men. do i have to say anything else?] hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
Hailee knows being nervous about this is ridiculous but that doesn’t stop her heart from thundering in her chest or her hands from growing clammy. Usually, those things are a sign of excitement but today, the butterflies in her stomach feel a little more uneasy than usual.
It’s been more than a few years since the last time she performed this song live and, if she’s being completely honest with herself, she’s worried about what you’ll think.
Surprises aren’t her strong suit, especially not when they involve your work but it’s been a few months since you left L.A to start working on The Voice, Australia and she hasn’t had a chance to come see you until now.
She was originally just going to visit you on set and let that be the surprise but she may have texted Rita Ora about her idea to fly to Sidney to see you and then one thing led to another and now she’s here. Minutes away from pretending to be yet another blind audition for the show.
Everyone had agreed it would be a great way to get more people to watch the show, or at the very least the clip that would be posted on YouTube later, but she didn’t care about any of that. She just cared about getting to see your smile again. 
“You’re on in five.”
The brunette nods in response, practically counting down the seconds until the two of you are finally reunited. Dramatic, sure, but also sweet in a way that makes you melt every time.
While Hailee’s getting ready for her surprise performance, you are doing your best to act like you’re paying complete attention to whatever ‘argument’ Rita and Jessica are having to convince the most recent auditioner to join their team. 
You’ve been a witness to these ‘arguments’ a couple of times since filming started but you always stay out of them. Mainly because they’re fun to watch but also because you’re technically the new kid on the block and you have some massive shoes to fill. Keith Urban-sized shoes to be specific. 
You still don’t know how you went from playing the guitar in your room to being a professional musician to being a judge on The Voice but you’re not about to complain. That doesn’t mean the job isn’t tiring but you can’t afford to look like you don’t know what you’re doing. 
The young singer ends up choosing Rita’s team and you’re given a quick break as the crew gets everything ready for the next contestant. You resist the urge to check your phone, knowing all it will do is make you miss your girlfriend. This wasn’t the first time the two of you were doing long distance but it never gets easier. 
You don’t get the chance to dwell on your thoughts too long since filming resumes. You straighten your back in the surprisingly comfortable chair and prepare yourself for the next blind audition.
A few seconds go by before you hear the beginning notes of a song you know like the back of your hand. The smile on your face gives away your growing excitement at getting to hear someone cover a song you love so much. 
You're honestly a little surprised it's taken so long for someone to audition using one of Hailee’s songs. It’s a shock but a welcome one for sure. Just because they're using one of your girlfriend’s songs doesn't mean you'll go easy on them, though. You’re easygoing but extremely picky when you want to be. And you’ll be extra picky just to honor the one you love more than anything else. 
“What are we fighting for? Seems like we do it just for fun…” 
Your eyes widen at the sound of that voice. 
For a second you think you’re imagining things but there’s no possible way you could be wrong. You could be underwater with a bag over your head and still manage to recognize your girlfriend’s voice.
“Breathe deep, bottle it up…”
You don’t waste another second in pressing the red button that allows you to turn around and see Hailee in all her glory. Your breath gets caught in your throat at the sight of her and suddenly, everything else around you disappears. The lights, the audience, even your fellow judges, all you can see and hear is her.
Her brown eyes are trained on you and you have no doubt she’s feeling exactly what you’re feeling. The smile on her face tells you all you need to know about where her mind is. “Oh, we’re on the right side of rock bottom…”
She can’t hold herself back any longer and she takes a few long strides, walking down the stage steps and reaching your chair with a smile so bright it rivals every star you’ve ever seen. Her hand reaches out toward you and you take it without hesitation, allowing her to pull you toward her.
The moment might go viral later but neither of you is focused on anything except the other.
“You’re the best kind of bad something,” she sings, her face mere inches away from yours. “‘Cause we keep on coming back for more.”
This time, you’re the one who can’t hold back. You wait for her to pull her microphone away before you lean in and capture her lips in a kiss filled with all the love you’ve had to keep inside since you left L.A.
You have no doubt the studio probably wanted more words exchanged and overly dramatic shocked expressions but all those complaints will come later. Hell, you’ll even reshoot the whole thing if it means getting to spend time with Hailee on set. But all of that can wait until later.
“Warn a person next time,” you whisper with a grin once the two of you part for air.
“Where’s the fun in that, babe?”
You playfully roll your eyes at her, pretending to be annoyed when you’re truly overjoyed to hear her teasing remarks in person again. “You’re the worst.” 
“You love me,” she replies with a shrug.
She starts to move away but you pull her back in for another quick kiss before she can get too far.
You hear the commotion that comes with getting ready for filming to resume but you’re too busy giving Hailee all your attention to care. You’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be here, and you absolutely love your job, but your girlfriend will always come first.
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teruthecreator · 1 year
(tw for racism, pedophilia, transphobia, child impregnation mention)
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yeah idk why y'all read this
i was originally going to just post this and have some tags with my reasonings, but i realized that opens me up to too much bullshit from people who may think i'm being unnecessarily mean or whatever. so i'm going to explain exactly why the screenshots above are something i hold issue with.
firstly, and i just want to get this out of the way, this post is not intended to be a hit piece against the creator. i've seen how she reacts to any mild-mannered or slightly joking criticism, so i know this post is probably going to not land well. but it isn't my intention to make her mad or anything--she's writing a piece of content for the internet, which means she is just as open to criticism as any other poster. and what i intend to go into in this post is criticism. i'm allowed to do this, as that is the nature of the internet. people are allowed to critique whatever they please, and if you don't want critique then you shouldn't post. simple as!
i am also making no attempts to posit myself as better than the creator. i'm not doing this for clout or moral superiority or any of that dumb shit. i simply want to discuss something that's been bothering me for a bit, while simultaneously warning people who haven't read this yet (who may be sensitive to the issues above) to steer clear. if things like casual racism or transphobia aren't properly tagged, then readers who are affected by such things run a risk reading this! same goes with people who are triggered by lewd content involving minors. i wanna make sure people are getting a more critical scope of this work than what has been hoisted up by others.
okay, now that i've gotten that out of the way, i'm going to get into my points.
firstly, the subtle and not-so-subtle racism throughout this fic, especially in relation to serizawa. i'm white, so there is only so much i can speak on without trampling over the words of other fans of color, but some of this feels so blatant it's odd it hasn't been noted earlier. it's important to note before i go into it that serizawa is specifically written as half-black half-japanese for this fic, in case the screenshots don't make it abundantly clear. but there are just too many moments of casual racism in this fic. i'm not talking about the plot point of serizawa being bullied as a kid for being mixed; i'm not mixed, so i can't speak on the accuracy there but it is well-known that black people face a lot of racism in japan. i'm talking about how it seems everyone else has these racist moments that aren't acknowledged by serizawa or the narration as being bad.
reigen hypothesizing over serizawa's exact ethnic background is just strange. yes he's a fairly observant guy (he has to be, with his job), but there is no canonical evidence to suggest he would immediately jump to theorizing whether serizawa is american or not. and the way it's posed in that first quote--"he has darker skin and the kind of hair texture that would likely indicate African ancestry"--is not great. that's an extremely inappropriate way to bring up someone's race. i don't think most people would stare at someone and be like "hmmm well your nose shape and hair texture would suggest you're of this race". it's racial essentialization that is only slightly covered up by the excuse of "oh he tweets in english". there are some other smaller moments of questionable wording, like calling serizawa's afro "sloppy" when it isnt (which btw there's another issue with the creator only referring to an afro as a "fro". it's a hairstyle; you're allowed to use the actual name of it). even if reigen cuts his hair in canon, he never states it's because serizawa's afro looks sloppy. (also there's something to be said about the casual racism baked into making your employee cut his natural hairstyle for a job, as that is a very real issue many black people face when wearing their natural hair or even protective styles in the workplace.)
i'm especially bothered by toichiro's very casual racist remarks. toichiro in this fic is a general bother of mine (most of which can be boiled down to "he would not fucking say that"), but the way she chooses to characterize him in relation to serizawa feels gross. calling a black man a slave should be a very obvious red flag, but also saying serizawa (again, as a black man) has a "brutal masculine appeal" is also extremely stereotypical and racist. and really there is just no need for it; toichiro's actions in canon prove how shitty of a guy he is without the need for him to be racist (along with other things i'll get to in a bit). as my girlfriend put it: he doesn't need to be a member of the fucking kkk to show he's a bad guy.
there's also, again, the very casual racist remark of calling serizawa a "dog". i don't care if that isn't the intent; when you are writing a character of color you need to be aware of your wording, even in insults (unless she intended to make tsuchiya racist, which i don't think she did).
secondly, the eugenics/child pregnancy bit. it is surreal to even have to write this, but i seriously do not understand the purpose of either of these bits in the story. they are so minor yet so jarring you can't help but wonder why they're there. once again, i do not think you need to have toichiro doing esper eugenics just to prove he is an evil guy. he has nuance, and by making him casually reference child pregnancy (like that isn't an INSANE thing to say) reduces that nuance to nothing. that's the only reason i could see why that bit was included: to make toichiro look worse. but, even still, the author is running the risk of potentially triggering victims of csa or people who don't want to see that by not properly tagging the mention of it (or, at the very least, warning readers in the intro notes). the only other explanation for it would maybe be shock factor??? but that's a pretty shitty thing to use for shock factor, if i'm honest. also the fact that the esper eugenics was referenced again in a more recent chapter just has me very disturbed and confused. there isn't a canonical explanation for why we see less espers who are women than espers who are men, but that doesn't mean we need to jump to fucking Eugenics. it's weird!
thirdly (and this is probably one of my biggest problems and the main reason i wanted to make this post), the weirdly lewd/sexual language shou uses constantly, along with referring to reigen as a pedo or a creep at several points. frankly, i think it's pretty fucking gross for someone in their near-40's to be writing a 12-year-old talking so casually about sex like that's normal. which, i'm sorry, but it's not. yes, teens know about sex and like to joke about lewd shit. but a 12-year-old is not about to make references to a grown man's virginity. 12-year-olds draw dicks on their desk bc they think it's funny. 12-year-olds say the word "buttfuck" because it has the words "butt" and "fuck" in it, and those are the two funniest words on earth to a kid that age. i literally do not understand the purpose of having shou be so lewd all the time. for one, it doesn't make sense for his character. shou is shown time and time again to be extremely mature for his age, but that maturity extends to shit like assembling a counter-terrorism unit and extending a hand to his father to allow him to try again. and even then he's still just as naive as any other kid his age! the omake where he's telling his guys to go to the "far right corner" based on ritsu’s advice proves that he still has plenty of blindspots that are indicative of his age. leaning into this raunchy, lewd version of shou is just weird. and, again, i think it is made a bit weirder given the author's age!!! not ageshaming or whatever--i'm 23 and i write fanfic, clearly i cannot judge there--but it is just extremely inappropriate in my opinion. also having shou be more versed in sextalk than serizawa is odd too and speaks to a larger issue of serizawa's infantilzation throughout this fic, but that's something i can get into in another post if people want an explanation.
also, the way she constantly calls reigen a creep and even has him being accused of being a pedophile during the twitter cancellation is extremely inappropriate when, again, there is NO CANONICAL BASIS FOR THIS! everyone just calls him a fraud and a scammer during separation arc; there is never a reference to reigen being seen as a pedophile in that arc. and, yes, while there are versions of mob psycho where reigen is very clearly written as a creep (looking very specifically at the netflix adaptation), that doesn't mean it's good. honestly, the creep mentions all just feel like really poor jokes that do not land in the slightest.
finally, the transphobia (aka WHY IS SHIMAZAKI A CHASER). i literally do not know what else to say other than: why? why is this a thing? why is he a chaser? what is the purpose of this? is it a joke? i feel like it's supposed to be, but seeing as the author is cis i don't think that's a joke she should really be making. it not only comes out of left field, but it's just kind of a weird thing to ascribe to a character for no reason. not to mention, it's uncomfortable! trans women deal with enough creepy antics from cis men in real life--why must they be accosted by this guy too? it's just weird and uncomfortable.
i wanna round out this post by saying, once again, that i'm not trying to attack anyone with this post. but i do hope people come away from this with a new perspective on this work, and maybe think twice before recommending it uncritically to someone. to the author specifically, i hope you can read my post without rage or indignance blinding you. i might be a little blunt or rude in parts, but it's only because i'm passionate and i don't mince my words when it comes to things i'm passionate about. to the readers, understand i am not judging you for reading this fic without noticing these things. your own life experiences will give you certain blindspots and there's nothing wrong with that. i have plenty of blindspots of my own! it's what makes us human.
there is more i could say, but this post is long enough. i ask that if you come to me in my inbox or in dms about this that you treat me with respect, as i will do that for you. writing something like this took a lot out of me, as i'm usually not so open about my opinion on shit like this.
have a good day :-)
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chelemlem · 3 months
oooh what kind of things do you bake? I'd love to try them sometimes 💞 have a sweet day!!
hello anon!!!!! thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about BAKING
sooo just before covid i took a 3 week dessert course and kind of became obsessed??? during lockdown i used to watch tons & tons of videos on process nd technique instead of physically yaknow Doing Anything bc i hated the idea of ~wasting ingredients~ at my mediocre skill level which looking back was an insane approach but i kinddd of think it helped bc when i started making things more regularly the improvement was p quick !!
my fave thing to bake is pastry (puff, choux, shortcrust, filo) so basically any kind of sweet tart/croissant/eclair/profiterole/pie ❤️ i also love a savoury curried egg or chicken puff but that's kind of a gamble bc what EYE think is an okay level of spice does not fly for everyone else. when it comes to large batches for a party or something i usually stick to sweet 2 be safe
pictured: fruit mascarpone tart → mango danish → tiny baby pains au chocolat <33
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course i make cake and stuff too and it's FINE but i also know lots of ppl who are better at it lol. i'm pretty Terri at piping anything more complex than a simple swirl so when it comes to deco i tend to stick to covering the top with store-bought macarons/fruit and calling it a day. also maybe it's just me but full layer cakes are such a hassle to cut and store...... i adore a cutieful low commitment CUPCAKE tho <33
my order of preference when it comes to baking is pastry > cookies/brownies/cupcakes > layer cakes >>>>> bread. ugh BREAD i cannot figure her out but i Want to...... someday...
thing is bread is honestly such a delicate process where ur final product will flop unless the ratios are justé right and u proofed at something.000001 degrees and mercury is in retrograde whereas the rules of pastry are more relaxed and intuitive and involve doing vaguely unhinged things like holding fistfuls of ice cubes before you handle ur dough so the heat from ur palms doesn't melt the butter... it's also great for LAZY BITCHES LIKE ME because a "4 hour recipe minus baketime" sounds intense until u realize 3h15 mins of that is just chucking the thing in the fridge between rolls
choux au craquelin is probably what i make the most often. love a textured little cream puff!!! versatile and scalable and easy to transport... she's that girl truly
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also today i remade the mango one i was telling k about and it turned out muchhh better with a chunkier filling yay 🥭
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convinced i'm never going to get a pretty cross-section in my life but wtvr they still tasted good !!!
goals for the future:
bread but specifically this yummy pesto babka i had in february
creme brulee donut......... need her
crookie but less dry bc i've been kind of unimpressed by the ones i've had so far
something citrusy w/o relying on chocolate as a crutch
basically i really love baking! like experimenting/trying new recipes ofc but also just the process of consciously altering and improving upon stuff you've already made :')
and yeah feeding ppl is bonus <3 hope u have a good day too!!!
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krokodilsredimudil · 11 days
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I'm pulling @heroes-trash and @siderealtime tags from my recent post because I want to reply! Why did I place Elle in the 'mommy issues post'?
First, disclaimer: I'm still rewatching, I'm on episode 9 (s3). I don't remember all the plot points (I watched the show more than 10 years ago), so I might be wrong. But I'm interpreting things as I see them unfold on the screen.
Also, this is my excuse to write an essay on Sylar, bear with me.
So, Sylar ...
He's insecure and unloved by his parents, so he craves attention from other people. He wants to be Gabriel Gray, to be enough, to live his life knowing that someone will love him for who he is.
This issue stems from his emotionally abusive relationship with his mother, Virginia.
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He said it, Virginia, he doesn't want to be a banker. She doesn't care, because all she cares about is keeping up appearances and making him do what she wants, not what HE wants. "You could be anything you want" my ass.
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This further proves the idea that she doesn't care about what he wants. She wants him to be someone Of Great Importance in the eyes of other people. This formed his trauma and shaped how he views relationships with others.
Also, this foreshadows him being a president in the s1 alternative future. Nathan-shaped, he lost his identity and is now following his mama's wishes.
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This shot shows how creepy that mother-son relationship is.
The idea of him being 'not enough' is evident to everyone, that's why he's so easily manipulated.
The scene that shows how Elle first met Gabriel proves that the Company has been watching him for some time now.
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I believe that they might have been watching his mother's apartment as well, so they know all his triggers.
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They send in a girl who can play him like a fiddle by showing him compassion and understanding – something that he couldn't get from his mother.
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He calls Elle 'an angel', which is an interesting word choice since he's named Gabriel (archangel) and his mother is Virginia (pure).
Elle is able to manipulate him by resorting to 'mommy tactics'. (Angela did the same)
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Let's compare two scenes: the scene in Virginia's apartment and the scene in Gabriel's apartment.
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So, both scenes involve 'mother' figures (with updos, lol) and food. In the first scene, Gabriel is forced to eat the sandwich (or else he'll make mommy upset). In the second scene, he's finally presented with something that he actually prefers and he can share it with another person.
Now, the final blow:
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Playing on his insecurities and his desire to connect with others, Elle breaks him. Just like his mother did with the whole 'president' speech.
TL;DR: Sylar's desire to be 'special' is based on his trauma and relationship with his mother. The Company (Elle) is able to manipulate him using that against him. Mommy issues prevail.
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boreal-sea · 11 months
If I were going to rewrite Midsommar...
I would want the audience to be horrified that this cult intentionally invited in a bunch of outsiders to murder them, and that they specifically manipulated and involved Dani in the murder of her friends.
Basically I would want everyone watching the movie to have a very bad time and not walk away thinking it was about #girlpower.
I would have Dani's family member (whoever, doesn't matter) commit suicide by falling off a bridge or something.
Christian wouldn't be thinking about breaking up with her; she might still be thinking he wants to, but it would entirely be trauma on her part.
Christian's friends shouldn't hate Dani either. We need to like these people.
Pelle should directly invite Dani on the trip, making her presence there intentional.
It should be more obvious this is a rare version of the festival that only happens every 90 years, I only know because I read the wiki afterwards.
Mark is pointless and simply shouldn't exist. We don't need the asshole friend trope, it's boring and annoying.
The fact that Christian is struggling with his thesis should be established more strongly than just a single throwaway line. He should mention it to Dani.
Christian and Josh should be, above all else, likeable.
The movie shouldn't overuse generic creepy music. It also shouldn't overuse dialogue. Let the scenes breathe. Silence is ok.
We need to get to know Simon and Connie better (the two guests brought by Ingemar).
Using the midnight sun as a way to immerse the characters in a "disordered world" is great, but the movie should really lean into the ways light changes throughout the day, even during the solstice; strong yellows and deep blues, a lot could be done.
On that note, make the movie weirder.
Cut the use of a disabled person as body horror. I don't know what you replace their seer with, but not a physically disabled person being put on screen just for shock value.
Because Dani's relative died by falling off a bridge or building, the attestupa is now much more traumatizing. Maybe Josh even tries to convince her not to go ahead of time because he knows someone will die.
The movie is already man vs man with the guests vs the cult, we do not need the guests to also be fighting each other over a thesis. Drop that plot line, or change it so that Christian deciding to study the Hårga doesn't compete with Josh's plan. This gives Christian an excuse to stay even though he just saw two people die. Again, this plays into keeping these guys likeable.
The disappearance of Simon was good; Connie being left alone could be extremely scary, if it's given time to develop and we get to see her fear grow before she also disappears.
On that note, Josh should not try to secretly photograph the book. He still totally dies, it's just in secret. The cult was already gonna kill him. They don't need a secondary reason to do it.
And on that note: the fact that the guests are disappearing should be the creepy part. First Simon - the villagers say he was driven back, but Connie swears he wouldn't have left her alone. Then Connie also disappears. Then Josh. I think we need more hints around the village that these people are still around, and haven't actually left. Subtle hints.
The wedge driven between Dani and Christian should be entirely caused by manipulation, not because the script suddenly turns Christian into a jerk.
Christian should in fact see that Pelle and cult are doing weird shit to Dani and try to convince her they're manipulating her, but fails. THAT can be the wedge, as the cultists comfort her. In fact, I'd like to see the cult do more to win Dani over. Maybe even more of Pelle talking about how Dani's relative killed themself, trying to link it back to the cult's traditions. Just trying to win her over even more than they did in the original film, and to turn her away from Christian. Maja wanting to sleep with Christian is also another way the movie could drive that wedge, even while making sure Christian is completely against it the whole time. Dani wouldn't see it that way because the cult won't let her.
The rest of the movie plays out roughly the same, we just care more about these people and it is now suspenseful to see them disappearing one by one.
Christian is still drugged and raped, just make it way more obvious he's really not doing it of his own free will. Put him on the bottom, or have them tie him up or something.
Dani still spies and thinks Christian is cheating on her.
Christian escapes from the women as usual, but in his fear he does not wander into a hen house with random, unexplained gore. Just cut that scene.
Dani is still the May Queen, and she still makes the same choice at the end of the film. Everything else can happen just the same.
We are now horrified that this cult intentionally invited in a bunch of outsiders to murder them, and that they specifically involved Dani in the murder of her friends.
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Love, Joy, and Kittens
When Geralt and Yennefer finally get a room at an inn after weeks of travel, Jaskier expects to spend a calm evening with his lovers and sleep in a real bed. This plan is derailed when they find an unexpected creature in their room. Or: In which Geralt, Yennefer, and Jaskier meet a kitten. Established Geraskefer, 5k, rated T. Also on AO3!
Jaskier was having a lovely week.
Ciri had gone off with Lambert and Coën. According to Lambert, they were “having some uncle-niece bonding time.” Jaskier had suspected that this would involve a large number of explosives, cursing in various languages, and very little room for anything else, so he had suggested that he, Geralt, and Yennefer travel alone for a time and rejoin them in a few weeks. The relief on Geralt’s and Yennefer’s faces at the idea had been highly amusing. 
The three of them had been wandering the Path for almost a week. It had, for the most part, been wonderful. Jaskier got to spend time with his lovers, singing at them and making them laugh. He got to appreciate their beauty all day long. He got to spend every night cuddled up to the two of them, reveling in the warmth and safety.
However, he did not get to do any of this cuddling in an actual bed.
Their financial reserves were not exactly plentiful and, with Ciri gone, they did not have any real reason to prefer the comfort of an inn over the convenience of a bedroll in the woods. Jaskier understood all of this perfectly well. This did not mean he was happy about it. 
He may have complained about it a little bit, but, well, he was a bard. If Yennefer and Geralt didn’t want to hear a little whining now and then, they shouldn’t have brought him along. 
Jaskier hadn’t expected anything to come of his grousing. Jaskier had been wrong. 
After a particularly long day of travel, Geralt and Yennefer apparently came to an unspoken agreement. Geralt led Roach into the first town they came across and Yennefer headed in the direction of the inn. Jaskier’s confused and halfhearted objections (“What? Yen, that’s not really necessary, I know we don’t have much coin. I’m really fine, I swear!) were met with firm denial (“Shut up and let us spoil you, idiot), so Jaskier deemed it best to give in.
He made as though to protest at the price the innkeeper named for the single room that was apparently available, thinking to offer his services as a bard in exchange for a discount, but Yennefer cut him off before he could. She handed over the money and nodded in approval when Geralt began to drag him upstairs. She followed them shortly after.
“I still think I should have performed,” Jaskier was saying. He tugged halfheartedly at the grip Geralt had on his hand, though he could not claim that he really minded the touch.
“You’re exhausted,” said Geralt. 
“I think that, as irritating as the innkeeper was, this town does not quite deserve your half-asleep caterwauling,” said Yennefer with a smirk as she came up behind them. 
“Hey! I’ll have you know that you two are the only ones who I grace with my half-asleep caterwauling. Everyone else gets only my performance voice or my drunk caterwauling. Sleepy Jaskier is a gift that only you two get to see.”
“We’re grateful,” said Geralt, “But you really should sleep. Without singing.”
“Just because I’m not a great and powerful magical being doesn’t mean I can’t handle a little fatigue, Geralt.”
“Yes, and acting like a child who doesn’t want to go to bed is such a good way to prove your strength,” said Yennefer.
“Excuse me,” Jaskier said as they approached their room, “I act only with the greatest of grace and—”
A mewling sound from the other side of the door cut off his words.
It was soft enough that Jaskier barely heard it, but the way Geralt froze and stared at the door was enough to assure him that he was not imagining anything. He blinked.
“What’s that?” he asked.
Yennefer was frowning. “I don’t know, but be careful.”
“Is it magical?”
“I don’t think so.”
“It doesn’t smell like a monster,” Geralt agreed.
“Who knows what the innkeeper put in there, though?” asked Yennefer. “It could be a trap.”
“Yes. Be careful.”
The three of them stood there for a moment, staring at the door. It occurred to Jaskier that they would likely look rather comical to an outside observer.
“Well? Are we going in?” he asked.
After a moment of hesitation, Yennefer stepped forward. Slowly, carefully, she opened the door and peeked inside the room. She was silent for a long moment.
“Well? Is it dangerous?” asked Jaskier.
“I’m… not sure,” said Yennefer. Geralt stepped forward with a frown to lean over Yennefer and peek in the room as well.
“What the fuck?” said Geralt.
Jaskier’s heart pounded. He tried to get a look inside the room, but it was effectively blocked by the bodies of his witcher and witch. He stood on his tiptoes. It was no good.
“What is it?” he asked again. “A trap? A monster? Please don’t tell me we have to find somewhere else to sleep. My feet are already killing me. Why aren’t you saying anything? Is it gruesome? Can I see?”
With an irritated glance at Jaskier, Geralt stepped back. A little shakily, Yennefer opened the door and entered the room. Jaskier shoved past her and saw, sitting directly in the center of the room’s only bed—
A tiny, fluffy, orange kitten.
Its head was almost comically oversized for its body. Its tail was neatly tucked around its paws. It was looking at them with an adorably bewildered expression, appearing rather like it had just been woken up from a nap. Jaskier thought it could probably have sat in one of Geralt’s hands with very little trouble.
Jaskier stared at it. It stared back.
Jaskier burst into uncontrolled, delighted laughter.
Yennefer shot him an irritated look. Geralt shuffled awkwardly behind him. This only served to make Jaskier laugh harder.
“A kitten!” he wheezed when he caught a breath between giggles. “You were so nervous— You paranoid bastards— I cannot believe— It’s just a tiny kitten!”
“It might be a trap,” Geralt protested weakly.
“You could probably eat it in a single bite if you wanted to, Geralt!”
“That’s morbid,” said Yennefer. She sounded amused.
“And you!” said Jaskier, wheeling around to face her. “You said you didn’t know if it was dangerous! Yennefer of Vengerburg, the most powerful and feared mage on the Continent, was unnerved by a tiny little cat!”
“I can strangle you, Pankratz.”
Jaskier was overtaken by another fit of giggles.
The kitten mewled again, this time sounding rather disgruntled. Jaskier whirled around to face it.
“Oh, you poor dear. Did we wake you up from your nap? What are you doing here, anyway? Where’s your family?”
“It’s a cat,” said Yennefer. “It can’t understand you.”
“Oh, I thought it was a terrifying supernatural being capable of destroying nations.”
“On second thought, maybe strangulation is too good for you.”
Ignoring her, Jaskier approached the bed. Slowly, he held out his hand towards the kitten. It sniffed his fingers then mewled again. Gently, Jaskier stroked its head with a finger. Its eyes went wide. For a moment, Jaskier thought he had gone too far, but then the kitten pushed up into the touch. Jaskier’s heart positively melted. He kept stroking its head, unable to help the grin that spread across his face.
Behind him, he heard Geralt slowly sidle into the room. The kitten did not react.
“Are you sure it’s a real cat?” Geralt asked Yennefer. Jaskier glanced back to see him staring at the kitten, almost transfixed. “Cats don’t like witchers.”
“I don’t feel any magic,” Yennefer admitted.
“It’s kind of hard to be afraid of someone who’s halfway across the room and looking like a frightened pigeon, even if you’re a cat,” said Jaskier.
Geralt scowled and ignored him. “It can’t stay on the bed forever. We need to sleep there.”
“That is an issue,” said Jaskier thoughtfully. He turned to the kitten. “What are we going to do with you, hmm?”
“Again, it can’t understand you,” said Yennefer.
“Ignore them,” Jaskier told the kitten. “They do not understand the concept of whimsy.”
Slowly, Jaskier shifted so he was sitting on the bed beside the kitten. It did not seem overly bothered by the change. Jaskier moved to stroke its back. It looked content. Very gently, Jaskier brought a hand under its ribcage and picked it up, moving his other hand to support its hind legs and then cradling it against his chest. It mewled confusedly and squirmed a little, looking up at him, but he kept stroking it and it settled within a few moments.
He could feel its tiny chest rise and fall against his hands as it breathed. Its fur was slightly matted in places and it could probably have used a bath, but at that moment, Jaskier could not have imagined something softer or more pleasant to touch. It closed its eyes. Jaskier felt his heart melt a little more at the trust it was showing him.
He glanced up at Geralt and Yennefer to see them still on the other side of the room, looking at him with something that looked startlingly like awe.
“You can come over here,” he said instead of giving in to the flustered feelings trying to overwhelm him. “No need to cower.”
“I don’t want to scare it,” said Geralt, and Jaskier’s heart broke a little.
“You won’t scare him,” he said.
“Him?” asked Yennefer, raising an eyebrow.
Jaskier shrugged. “I’ve decided it’s a he. Orange cats usually are, I think.”
“How do you know I won’t scare him?” asked Geralt, returning them to the original topic.
“He can probably smell you perfectly well from here. If he was going to be scared, he already would be.”
Geralt hesitated. “I don’t know how to act around cats.”
“That’s okay. I’ll show you.” When Geralt still hesitated, Jaskier looked to Yennefer. “Come on. What are you waiting for?”
Yennefer frowned at him. “I’m not scared. I just don’t want to get fleas.”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you can magic away fleas as easily as blinking. Get over here.”
After a quickly-hidden second of trepidation, Yennefer stepped forward. She looked at the kitten. The kitten, after a moment, looked at her.
“Mew?” he said.
Yennefer looked back at Jaskier, seeming uncharacteristically uncertain. Jaskier had to hold back a laugh.
“Come on,” he said. “Pet him.”
Slowly, Yennefer reached out to stroke a hand over his head. He blinked up at her, rather bemused.
“Keep going,” Jaskier said encouragingly.
Yennefer continued to stroke the kitten, first his head and then his back. Within a few moments, he settled and closed his eyes. He looked very content. Yennefer stared down at him with shock and a tiny bit of delight.
Jaskier decided that it was time for her to ascend to the next level.
“Here,” he said, and handed the kitten to her.
Jaskier had seen Yennefer achieve feats of unimaginable bravery. He had seen her fight her worst fears with determination, seen her battle hordes of monsters that might have made even the most skilled of witchers hesitate, seen her face down armies without flinching. Yennefer was brave. She was powerful. She was, in a word, incredible.
She was also looking down at the kitten he had just placed in her hands with an expression that could only be described as terror.
“I don’t know how—” she started to say, then cut herself off with a panicked gasp when she had to fumble with the squirming kitten to keep him from falling. He mewled indignantly.
“It’s okay,” said Jaskier, reaching forward to help. “I’ll show you. Here, you put your hand where it’ll support his weight, under the ribcage is good. Yes, just like that. Now you— yes! You’ve got it.”
Yennefer ended up sitting on the bed beside Jaskier, carefully cradling the kitten to her chest with both hands. The kitten was rather disgruntled by the whole affair, at first, but when Jaskier gently encouraged Yennefer to free a hand and continue stroking him, he settled down. He snuggled into Yennefer’s arm. After a few moments, his eyes slipped closed.
Yennefer’s eyes widened. She swallowed.
“Is he sleeping?” she asked hesitantly, her voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
“Yeah,” said Jaskier, feeling a grin spread across his face. “He’s taking a nap.”
“Oh,” she said softly.
She sat there for a long moment, quietly stroking the kitten. She seemed unable to tear her gaze away from the tiny, fluffy body in her arms. Jaskier found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. She pet the kitten so gently that it was almost painful to watch, care and tenderness written into her every movement. Her expression could only be described as awe. In that moment, Jaskier was unable to think of anything that could possibly be more beautiful.
After a few long minutes, she looked up. Geralt was still standing against the far wall of the room, watching the little group on the bed with what appeared to be a mixture of fondness and longing. Yennefer took one look at his expression and sighed.
“Get over here,” she said. Jaskier nodded. Geralt, after a moment’s hesitation, obeyed.
His approach was slow and silent. When he came within a few paces, the kitten stirred, looking up at him with his ears slightly flattened. Geralt froze. Jaskier hushed him and scratched him under the chin, while Yennefer kept her hand resting on its back. That seemed to do the trick. The kitten settled back down into Yennefer’s arms. Jaskier gestured Geralt closer, and at his behest, the witcher sat down cautiously on Yennefer’s other side.
The kitten was still awake and watching Geralt with a little bit of wariness, but he did not seem overly bothered by the witcher’s presence. Jaskier internally cheered.
“You can pet him,” he whispered to Geralt.
“I don’t want to scare him,” Geralt said again.
“You won’t. Yennefer and I will help.”
A little bit of Yennefer’s uncertainty returned. “I can try, but—”
Jaskier waved her off. “Nonsense. He already likes you. Go ahead, Geralt.”
Geralt hesitated. “But—”
Jaskier rolled his eyes. “You can make fun of me if I’m wrong. I take responsibility for any and all kitten-related disasters. Go ahead.”
Geralt huffed, amused. Jaskier hid his smile by looking down at the kitten.
Slowly, Geralt crouched down so his head was more or less level with the kitten. He swallowed, reached out, and gently ran his head down the kitten’s neck and back.
“Mew?” said the kitten. He looked up at Geralt. He blinked.
“Keep going,” said Jaskier softly.
Geralt stroked the kitten again. When he did not panic or run away, Geralt did it again.
“He’s soft,” he whispered, entranced.
“Yeah,” said Yennefer, her voice equally quiet.
They both stared down at the kitten, who was content in Yennefer’s arms as Geralt stroked him. The kitten looked very small and helpless beneath Geralt’s big hands, but did not seem particularly bothered by that fact. Jaskier felt himself growing a little teary-eyed at the sight.
“Do you want to hold him?” Yennefer asked after a few moments.
Geralt’s eyes went wide. He glanced at Jaskier, nervous. “Do you think I can?”
“I do,” said Jaskier. “He already likes you, see?”
He gestured at the kitten, who was meowing in quiet protest at the fact that Geralt was no longer petting him. Geralt looked back at him. His face softened.
“I suppose,” he said. He looked up at Yennefer, then back at Jaskier. “Will you help me?”
Yennefer nodded.
“Of course,” said Jaskier. “Here, Yen, you can hand him to Geralt just like how you picked him up. Just support his weight— yeah, there you go. Geralt, you do the same thing.”
After a few moments of fumbling and a few disgruntled mewls from the kitten, Yennefer managed to deposit him in Geralt’s hands. Jaskier had been correct; he could have sat on just one of Geralt’s hands without too much trouble. Geralt was carefully cupping him with both of his anyway. The sight made Jaskier struggle not to dissolve into an unhelpful puddle of affection.
“What now?” asked Geralt, sounding almost as nervous as he had when Ciri first asked him to help her with her hair.
“You can put him in your lap, if you want,” said Jaskier. “You might want to get comfortable, though. Cats don’t always like to move once they have a nice person to sit on.”
After glancing at the bed consideringly, Yennefer crawled up to lean against the rather rickety headboard and patted the spot beside her. “Come on. I think we can all fit.”
Jaskier scooted up to sit near her, leaving space for Geralt between them. Geralt glanced up at them, then down at the kitten in his hands. The kitten had started to nibble on one of his fingers. After a moment of consideration, Geralt cautiously got to his knees on the bed and hobbled over to them, being careful to keep the kitten from being jostled. He settled in between Jaskier and Yennefer and set the kitten gently in his lap. The kitten flailed a little at the new position, but it took only a few moments for him to settle on one of Geralt’s thighs.
“Keep petting him,” Jaskier said encouragingly.
Geralt obeyed. On his other side, Jaskier saw Yennefer resting her head on Geralt’s shoulder and looking down at the kitten. For several moments, the three of them sat in content silence. Then—
“It’s vibrating,” said Geralt, sounding adorably terrified.
“Oh!” said Jaskier, delighted. Now that he was paying attention, he could hear the faintest of rumbling sounds from the kitten. “He’s purring, Geralt. That means he feels safe and content. He’s happy.”
“Oh,” said Geralt. His voice was filled with awe.
“We made him do that?” asked Yennefer. She spoke softly, as though trying not to interrupt the kitten’s purrs.
“Yeah,” said Jaskier, matching her tone, “We did.”
Yennefer smiled. It was not an expression of triumph or of power, not assured or sarcastic. It was not the smile she liked to show to the world. It was small and soft, tender and a little uncertain. It was directed at a small ball of orange fluff lounging in a witcher’s lap. Jaskier knew at that moment that no song he could write would come close to describing her beauty.
“I wonder where his family is,” Yennefer mused after a long few moments of content silence. “He can’t have gotten here all by himself, can he?”
“We can ask the innkeeper tomorrow,” said Jaskier. “Looks like he’s alone at the moment, though.”
“He isn’t,” said Geralt.
Jaskier blinked. “Please don’t tell me there are more cats hiding under the bed and you didn’t tell us, Geralt.”
“No.” Geralt looked rather embarrassed. “I just meant… we’re here. So he isn’t alone.”
Jaskier gave the kitten a thoughtful look. “I suppose that’s true.”
Yennefer looked back and forth between Jaskier. A small frown appeared on her face.
“He might have a family,” she said. “You can’t just take him.”
“I wasn’t going to!” Jaskier protested. “I just think he can stay with us tonight, is all.”
Yennefer looked at him skeptically. “That’s what you said when we found you trying to hide a baby griffin in your backpack.”
“That was one time—”
“It was extremely memorable and also idiotic. I am not letting you live it down anytime soon.”
Geralt casually removed one hand from the kitten to cover Jaskier’s mouth, muffling his indignant response and reducing his words to spluttering. Yennefer giggled at the sight, and Jaskier felt the fight drain out of him at the sound. Sensing his surrender, Geralt removed his hand and started to pet the kitten again before it could stop purring.
“The griffin thing was stupid, but this isn’t a griffin,” Geralt said diplomatically. “I think he can stay the night if he wants to.”
Yennefer subsided. “I don’t see why not.”
The kitten mewled a little. The three of them glanced down to see him resettling himself on Geralt’s legs, apparently having decided that he could make himself more comfortable than he already had.
“We’re going to have to move him eventually,” said Yennefer reluctantly. “We need to sleep somehow.”
Jaskier considered that for a few moments. “Maybe we can put him on one of the pillows. As long as no one rolls over in their sleep, he should be all right.”
Geralt looked doubtfully at the bed. The three them of sitting side by side were already rather squished.
Jaskier rolled his eyes in Geralt’s direction. “I don’t see you offering any better ideas.”
“I think we can make it work,” said Yennefer. “We’ve slept in smaller places.”
“All right,” said Geralt.
“I suppose we should lie down, then,” said Jaskier. Though he was reluctant to break the moment, he was still sleepy and knew that they needed to rest if they wanted to get anything done the next day.
After a few moments of shuffling and some rather disgruntled sounds from the kitten, they managed to get settled in a way that was comfortable for everyone. Geralt was on his side with an arm thrown over Jaskier’s waist. Jaskier was on his back so that Yennefer could lie half on top of him in the way she sometimes preferred. The kitten was curled up on a pillow behind Yennefer’s head. Jaskier’s arm was around Yennefer’s shoulders to keep her from rolling over in the night and crushing the kitten. 
Yennefer was warm and heavy on top of Jaskier. Geralt’s breathing was slow against his side. Jaskier drifted off within moments, feeling safe, loved, and content.
  The next morning, Jaskier was awakened by tiny and very sharp claws kneading directly on his bladder.
He yelped and flailed, trying to sit up. He was not very successful. This was mostly due to the fact that his right arm was trapped under a warm body and there was a thigh pinning his legs down. The kneading continued. Jaskier squirmed again, more frantically. He tried to free his arm to remove the pressure on his bladder, but—
Yennefer yelped as she went tumbling off the bed and thumped onto the floor.
Geralt sat up like a shot, looking around frantically and reaching for a sword on his back that was not there. Jaskier, now free, wasted no time in sitting up and gently but firmly removing the kitten from his person.
Geralt glanced between Jaskier, the kitten, and Yennefer, who had managed to sit up enough for her head to poke up above the edge of bed.
“...What?” asked Geralt weakly.
“Yeah, Jaskier, what the fuck?” asked Yennefer.
She clambered back onto the bed, giving Jaskier her most ferocious glare. The effect was slightly ruined by her spectacular bedhead.
Jaskier gestured emphatically with the kitten in his hands. “This fucker was poking me!”
Geralt frowned. “Why did that mean Yen had to fall out of the bed?”
“She was trapping my arm. I was desperate. Sorry, Yen.”
Yennefer glared at him. “I could turn you into a toad.”
“Listen, if I hadn’t removed him from my bladder we would have had a much worse situation on our hands.”
Yennefer looked at Jaskier’s apologetic face. She looked at Geralt’s expression of confusion and fond exasperation. She looked at the kitten, who looked distinctly unrepentant.
Unable to help herself, she dissolved into giggles. Jaskier was rather alarmed for a moment — had she just come up with a magnificent punishment for him? His face must have done something interesting, because Yennefer looked at him and started to laugh even harder. Behind Jaskier, Geralt chuckled a little as well.
“How did he even get to your stomach?” he asked. “He would have had to crawl over Yen’s head without waking her.”
Jaskier looked thoughtfully at the kitten. “He’s a master of stealth, I suppose.”
That sent Yennefer off into another round of laughter. Jaskier found himself unable to keep from joining her with his own helpless giggles.
Geralt looked between the two of them and shook his head fondly.
“I’m going to get us breakfast,” he said, leaving them to their merriment.
Jaskier and Yennefer had caught their breath and mostly regained their composure by the time Geralt returned with some food. Yennefer had the kitten in her lap and was petting him absently. He looked very happy with himself.
“I asked the innkeeper about him,” said Geralt, gesturing to the kitten with the hand that was not carrying their food. “She says he’s been hanging around the inn for a week or so, being fed scraps by the guests. No sign of any family, but he seems to be doing well enough. He’s healthy.”
“Is the innkeeper fine with him being here?” asked Yennefer.
“She doesn’t mind him as long as the guests are happy and he keeps some mice away, but she’s had some complaints about him sleeping on beds. She might have to find a way to get rid of him if he doesn’t stop.”
Jaskier looked down at the kitten, pensive. “I hope she doesn’t have to. It would be a shame to keep him away from people if he likes them.”
Yennefer patted Jaskier’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’ll be all right.”
Yennefer reached for the bread that Geralt was carrying and began to eat. Geralt passed another portion to Jaskier. The three of them munched their food contemplatively, looking at the kitten.
“I feel like we should name him,” mused Jaskier. “Calling him ‘the kitten’ in my head is starting to get weird. I need something to shout when I’m reprimanding him.”
“What do you want to call him, then?” asked Yennefer.
“I don’t know! What do you think?”
They sat quietly for a few minutes, the silence only broken by the kitten’s purrs.
“Well,” said Geralt when no one offered any ideas, “There’s always Ro—“
“No!” shouted Jaskier and Yennefer simultaneously.
Yennefer smacked Geralt’s shoulder. “Not Roach. You can name all the horses you want, but I draw the line at cats.”
Jaskier nodded. “We can think of something better. I believe in us.”
Geralt subsided with a huff. There was another moment of thoughtful silence.
“Cirilla the Second?” suggested Yennefer.
Jaskier flopped back down onto the bed, buried his face in a pillow, and groaned loudly. “I loathe you both.”
“I don’t see you having any better ideas,” Yennefer protested. Jaskier groaned again and rolled onto his back.
“What have I done to deserve this?” he asked the ceiling.
“Is that an insult or a compliment?” asked Yennefer with a smirk.
“It can be both.”
“I’m not so sure. That would require complicated things like nuance and finesse. I am not sure a bard of your caliber could keep up. Perhaps we need someone more practiced, for instance Vald—”
“How about Mackerel?” Geralt said loudly and rather desperately, cutting Yennefer off before disaster could strike.
Jaskier and Yennefer both fell silent. They looked at Geralt. They looked at the kitten. They looked back at Geralt.
“Is your entire repertoire of names made up of fish?” asked Yennefer, and Jaskier burst into laughter.
Geralt looked on with some disgruntlement as Jaskier’s guffaws slowly faded into giggles.
“What?” he asked. “It’s a decent name.”
Yennefer rolled her eyes. “Retrospectively, I’m grateful you didn’t go back to claim Ciri when she was young. The poor girl would have ended up saddled with the name Perch.”
“You are an idiot,” said Jaskier to Geralt. “An utter and complete moron. I love you.”
“Hmm,” Geralt said, flustered.
“Do you have any better names, Jaskier?” asked Yennefer.
“Absolutely not. Mackerel is hilarious. We’re keeping it.”
Yennefer sighed but failed to hide her smile. “Oh, fine.”
They finished their breakfast in companionable silence. When they were finished, they sat on the bed for a while longer. It was comfortable, after all, and they were in no particular hurry. Jaskier determinedly did not think about any other reasons he might have for not wanting to leave the inn.
“We can’t stay here forever,” Geralt said eventually, reluctant.
Yennefer sighed. “Yeah, we’ll have to get going if we want to meet Ciri and Geralt’s idiot brothers in time.”
Jaskier hauled himself to his feet.
“Let’s get to it, then!” he said with false cheer.
With practiced ease, they packed up their things. They were ready to leave within minutes.
They did not leave.
The three of them dithered in the room. Geralt gazed out the window. Yennefer checked corners for anything they might have somehow lost. Jaskier fidgeted with his notebook.
“Well,” said Yennefer, “I suppose it’s time to go.”
She went to stand in the doorway. Geralt and Jaskier joined her.
None of them moved.
They looked back at the kitten, who was once again on the bed. Mackerel looked back at them. He meowed.
Yennefer heaved a deep, longsuffering sigh. “We’re taking him with us, aren’t we?”
Geralt sighed. “We might.”
Jaskier whooped so loudly that it startled Mackerel. He darted back to the bed and scooped the kitten up in his arms. Mackerel mewled in complaint.
Jaskier stroked his head in apology. “Sorry for startling you, darling, but you’ll be much happier about it soon. You’re coming with us! You’ll get to see the continent. You’ll get to experience all sorts of varied and delightful table scraps. It’ll be lovely.”
Across the room, Jaskier heard Yennefer trying to stifle a laugh. He ignored her.
“You’ll get to meet so many people,” he said to Mackerel. “You’ll get to explore the world. You can meet our family, too—”
Jaskier cut himself off with a gasp and turned to Geralt and Yennefer, his eyes shining. “Ciri is going to love him!”
“Oh,” said Yennefer with a grin. “Oh, she really will. This is going to be great.”
Jaskier nodded enthusiastically. “This is going to be the best decision we’ve ever made, I can feel it.”
“What do kittens eat?” Geralt asked reasonably, looking rather exasperated at their antics. “We can’t just let him starve.”
“We’ll figure it out,” said Jaskier. “He can’t be that hard to feed.”
Yennefer nodded. “He’s been living off scraps and what he can catch so far. I’m sure he’ll be all right.”
“It’ll be dangerous on the path,” said Geralt.
Jaskier scoffed. “Mackerel is a smart cat. He can take care of himself.”
Geralt looked as though he might protest again, but at that moment, Mackerel meowed. Geralt looked down at the tiny ball of fur in Jaskier’s arms. Jaskier saw the exact moment Geralt’s last arguments drained away in the face of the adorable creature in front of him.
“I suppose he can come,” said Geralt with a sigh.
Jaskier whooped again. Mackerel meowed. Yennefer laughed. Geralt, seemingly despite himself, smiled.
The three of them shouldered their packs, Jaskier passing Mackerel to Geralt to free his hands. They left their room. On their way out of the inn, Yennefer stopped to let the innkeeper know they were taking Mackerel while Geralt retrieved Roach from the stables. The innkeeper seemed happy enough with the idea and waved at them with a smile as they left. 
They set off on the Path, with Geralt leading Roach and Yennefer and Jaskier walking beside him. It was just like any other day in the last week — except this time, there was a tiny orange head poking out of one of Roach’s saddlebags, and Yennefer was having a hard time suppressing a smile. Even Geralt looked visibly content. 
Jaskier’s lovers were happy. They had, somehow, despite everything, adopted a cat. Despite Yennefer and Geralt’s persistent issues with attachment and commitment, they had agreed to take a kitten with them on their travels for no reason other than sentiment and sympathy. Jaskier was so very proud of them. 
Stopping at that inn was the best decision they ever made. 
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being-of-rain · 10 months
I thought I'd continue my usual trend of writing my thoughts down on new Doctor Who episodes, by talking about The Star Beast. As usual, I set out to write something quick and concise, but the Wrarth Warriors busted down my door and told me that I legally couldn't.
Apparently I still have the impulse to describe Doctor Who episodes as 'fun', but by and large it's a fun show! And a fun episode! Even if I'm not as obsessed with him as a lot of fans, RTD has a charm which it's hard not to enjoy, especially with lots of little jokes and bits of physical comedy (I love little bits of physical comedy). And it's a funny episode, I was laughing from the moment the Doctor picked up a box, saw Donna, and put the box back again. Well that's not true, I was laughing from the moment I saw David Tennant just standing in green screen space like he was about to tell me the exciting new direction he intended to take the company. I'm glad everyone else seems to find that as funny as I did.
Another word I could use to describe the episode is a bit surreal. Having Beep the Meep and the Wrarth Warriors on screen was a little surreal, but strangely I found it even more so that the Doctor was walking around not knowing who Beep the Meep was. I mean obviously that was always going to be the case, but all Doctor Who mediums just live together inside my head and it was just weird to see him not recognise an iconic enemy. Maybe that was just me. Oh but Beep and the Warriors looked fantastic! It's hard to believe they're all physical effects! I really wasn't too interested in the UNIT gunfight that didn't really do much for the story, but if the new big budget lets aliens look that good then I'm fine with it. Other slightly surreal or strange things involved finally watching Doctor Who again after more than a year's break, watching it on Disney Plus rather than Australia's ABC channel, and seeing Ruth Madeley on-screen as UNIT's scientific advisor when she's also playing a companion of the Sixth Doctor in the audios at the moment.
Oh and, of course, having the Tenth Doctor and Donna back on-screen, and the TV show doing what fanfiction writers have been doing for 15 years. That was really surreal. I definitely like the two of them, but I don't have the same rampant nostalgia for their time on the show like lots of people do. I'm glad lots of people are enjoying the nostalgia aspect, but I'm also glad this is a mini-series rather than a full one. And already there's some aspects back of RTD's writing which I'm not super fond of- like conclusions that try to use technobabble and music-swelling emotional moments to smooth over the fact that some things are just happening without much cause or set-up. RTD's usually pretty good at that too- that's how the whole DoctorDonna thing started in the first place, after all- so Donna and Rose just 'letting go' of the metacrisis did feel like it fell unusually flat. Especially with it being paired with a 'women are better than men' moment which felt more like something from a Moffat script (I say this as a fan of both these writers).
Okay, that was just me trying to get all of my negatives out of the way! On the flip side, Rose inheriting the metacrisis and saving the day was a wonderful revelation, and I love that daughter/mother and loving family relationships were so important on the whole. Seeing Sylvia stumble with pronouns but still try was so lovely, as was Donna being so aggressively supportive of her daughter. And Shaun was a small role but so hilarious.
The chat outside the Tardis was great too, with Shaun dunking on the Doctor, and Donna being genre-savvy enough to stop her daughter getting into the Tardis but not enough to save herself. The new Tardis itself was a little empty to me (I'll always prefer more homely interiors) but was still extremely cool. All I want is for the show to come up with excuses for creative ways to use the mood lights. And I couldn't imagine a better ending to the episode than the console exploding because Donna spilt coffee on it, 10/10 no notes.
I know basically nothing about the next episode, and it seems that's the case for most people, so I'm terribly excited about it! It seems potentially scary spooky 👀 I'm so here for that
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