#it's easier with a taser to the head
enchantedanimal · 1 year
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All of the QSMP eggs as dragons!
Now for my design notes/headcanons! (There's a lot lol)
- The color pallettes are (for the most part) based off of their parent/parents. In lore terms, l'd imagine that more time they spent around their parents before they hatched, the more their color developed to mimic them. It would usually be used as a survival strategy with their dragon parents, however sometimes their personality overcomes this and they develop their own color.
- Being dragonets, none of them can fly due to their currently underdeveloped wings.
- Tilin's yellow spots would make Quackity think that Wilbur was supposed to be the other parent.
- Tallulah's colors/features are close to that of a duck. It would likely be a coincidence, but it'd be enough to Quackity to feel like the island was mocking him.
- Tallulah's "hair" is feathers. She's the only one with feathers, and it may either be a cause or effect of her being left in the attic (possibly being mistaken to be an egg from a different species and not a dragon, or the coldness of the attic caused feathers to form).
- Tallulah and Tilin have the same colored eyes since Quackity once said that she reminds him of Tilin.
- Chayanne has fins bc he likes doing mlg water bucket clutches and fishing with Missa.
- Chayanne's tail fin, Leonarda's ear, and Richarlyson's wing are ripped in a spot due to loosing a life. Bobby lost one of his after I designed him but one of his horns would be chipped, and forgot Ramón only had one as well so let's just pretend he's got a scar on his left leg lol.
- Its kinda subtle, but Chayanne has protruding bottom canines, similar to my (and many others') Techno design.
- Fun fact that usually in my style I have the neck spines start from the top of the head. Ramon is purposely "bald".
- Ngl I don't have much to say about Trump bc he died so quick (rip) and I never saw much about him; but his hat is too big for his head.
- Bobby is a wyvern bc it's easier to slap everyone with his wings. He also headbutts and slaps ppl with his tail (those hurt more).
- Bobby's colors are less based after his parents, but the orange/blue complementary colors are kinda more of a nod to Jaiden being an artist (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense now idk my brain just defaulted to that), but feel they match his personality as well. Also his scleras (part of eye that's not the iris/pupil) are black unlike the rest who's are normal.
- Leonarda has a tiny mushroom pin on her hat and their back has mushroom-like spots for the hat she always wears.
- People keep saying that Leo somehow looks like Foolish which is funny bc that wasn't even intentional- in fact was worried that she would be one of the only ones who didn't resemble her parents enough. I did try to make her slightly taller but I'm going to guess that it's the jawline lol
- [Edit bc I just thought of it] Leo's wings are bigger bc they've grown faster due to using them more to glide off of Foolish's/Veg's builds
- Dapper is built to be more bipedal than quadrupedal (their dewclaws on their back feet act more like a normal toe for better traction/ stabilization). This makes it easier to grab (or steal) things for their collection. And hold a taser.
- Richarlyson is based after an iguana! thought it would fit well (it's kinda hard to base him off of 5 different people lol)
- Had to go off of a secondhand info + auto translations (I can understand a decent amount of Spanish but have no idea when it comes to Portuguese so this could be off) but think there was something about Richarlyson having a bad leg both in and out of rp, and think maybe Cellbit said something about him having a prosthetic for it and I thought that was so so cool! It's based semi loosely off of a dog hind leg prosthetic and a human running one; probably wouldn't actually be functional but tried to keep the general shape of the leg.
- Richas and his dads cover it in stickers :)
- Juanaflippa's tail and probably the lower half of her front legs (which aren't visible) are semi transparent from Charlie (yellow comes from Mariana), and it shifts around a bit! It looks more like slime than it feels like it. I've been calling her Bananaflippa endearingly
- Gegg intentionally looks like Juanaflippa a bit (but he's way more slimy)
- Gegg's inventory basically consists of him absorbing random things which are sometimes visible (he is so full of avocado toast). He's like Bob from Monsters vs Aliens or smth idk haven't seen that movie in forever.
There some smaller less exciting details and other headcanons I have for them (such as extra accessories they'd have like Tallulah wearing sweaters) but that's about it! Feel free to ask about anything I like talking about them lol
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Since adrenaline makes it easier to ignore pain, I’m wondering how severe an injury can be before adrenaline isn’t enough to allow a person to keep fighting
The scary thing about adrenaline is that you can suffer a mortal wound and not realize it until you drop dead. If you've ever seen the, “humans are space orcs,” meme, adrenaline is a big part of that. If you don't finish someone off, they are still a potential threat until they are clinically dead.
While it may seem slightly comical, the image of someone literally checking themselves for holes after being shot at is a real practice with genuine purpose. If they had an adrenaline rush, they might not be able to tell that they've been hit, and will need to physically examine themselves to ensure they're not bleeding to death without realizing it. (And, yes, that can absolutely happen.)
As a general rule, anything that will immediately kill someone, such as decapitation or catastrophic head trauma, will stop someone through an adrenaline rush. Destruction of the skeletal structure, (which is to say, destroying joints), might not completely stop them, but it's an injury they won't be able to power through (even if they aren't immediately aware of it.)
It's a little worse than I'm making it sound, too, because you can suffer non-fatal injuries during an adrenaline rush, and then aggravate the wound to the point that it becomes life threatening (or life-altering.) An adrenaline rush can, potentially, persist for over an hour.
In most cases, the adrenaline rush will drop off within a few minutes of the threat passing, though the state of threat is assessed by your brain, so your psychological state heavily affects that. Meaning, if you feel threatened, even if the actual danger has passed, the rush could continue (though it will usually drop off after, roughly, an hour.)
The “good” news is that an adrenaline rush will not prevent you from bleeding to death. So, if someone has been shot multiple times and is bleeding out, they'll still lose consciousness. You just need to make sure that they're actually incapacitated. Not that it matters, but as a minor up-side, adrenaline is delivered via the circulatory system, meaning if you start seriously bleeding, that's your adrenaline rush going with it, so the rush is likely to drop off prematurely in the event of fatal blood loss.
I'm not completely sure what the subjective experience is there. Catastrophic blood loss during an adrenaline rush is not something I have personal experience with, and my experiences with bleeding while dealing with an adrenaline rush is more just that bleeding is an extremely annoying inconvenience, when you don't need to consider what's happening. (To be clear, that's not just a glib dismissal, being aware of bleed was actually annoying. It might sound hilarious to be pissed off at your own blood leaking down the side of your face, but that was my experience. Also, for the record, I did not feel the gash that I was bleeding from, and angrily rubbed it a few times before realizing I'd been injured.)
The short answer to your question, “how much severely do you need to injure someone through an adrenaline rush?” You need to kill them.
That said, killing them is absolutely not your only option. Less than lethal devices, such as tasers or chemical sprays, can absolutely incapacitate someone under an adrenaline rush, without severely harming them. Similarly, restraints, and other submission techniques can be used to hold them down. In the case of restraints and submission holds, there is a danger of the individual injuring themselves, while they try to work their way out of the hold, but that risk is still vastly preferable to killing them on the spot.
Adrenaline is a very potent survival tool, in your physiology, and if you try to simply overpower that tool through direct force, it will lead to catastrophic consequences. However, alternative methods (in particular, shorting out someone's nervous system with a direct electrical charge, or simply interfering with the mechanical structure of their joints, can be just as effective at stopping them with far less dire consequences.
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talesofesther · 1 year
you're all I want love to be
Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Tara is still afraid to allow people close, to allow herself to trust again. Until she finds someone who makes it easier.
A/N: The idea for this was also given to me by my dear @iamnicodemus. Hope y'all like it. Tara, I love u. <3
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Tara never meant for it to happen.
It was actually the one thing she wanted the least. Catching feelings for someone only opens up more opportunities for her to get hurt.
And yet it happened so easily, so subtly, that she only realized it when the damage was already done.
She found you on her first day at the university. When she was admittedly very lost; backpack hanging from one shoulder, fifteen minutes late for her class, and walking in the opposite direction of it. You were the only person she'd bumped into when going past Blackmore's cafeteria, and after a bit of an internal pep talk, Tara walked up to you.
And if kindness could be a person, it would be you. Instead of just taking her to class, you gave Tara a simple tour of the university, promising to be around if she ever needed anything else.
Tara started noticing you on every corner of the campus after that. She didn't take you up on your offer though, choosing instead to keep her distance. Still, you always had a smile reserved for her at times you'd catch her staring. That didn't change when the rumors about her and Sam started, if anything, you became more approachable than before.
But it was only after an unfortunate incident, that Tara actually started hanging out with you;
October had started four days ago, and with it, the Halloween season. Parties were already being scheduled every other weekend and sometimes on weekdays as well.
Tara was walking towards her class, her head in the clouds while she thought about what costume she would wear if she were to go to one of those parties.
She was usually one to be early for class now that she had her paths memorized, preferring the calmness of the minutes before everyone started rushing to arrive on time.
So she wasn't exactly expecting what happened next.
As Tara rounded a corner, she was surprised to come face to face with two other students; one of them adorning a black hoodie and a cheap Ghostface mask. The 'boo' that left his lips was as childish as it could be, but the abruptness of the encounter got Tara stumbling on her own feet as she took several steps back, eyes wide and her body momentarily entering fight or flight mode.
"What's wrong, Carpenter?" The guy in the mask said in a mocking tone, his friend joining in on the laughter, "thought I was your sister?"
Tara's voice was tangled up in her throat, she couldn't remember if she packed her inhaler this morning, or was it her taser that she forgot?
If unkind memories weren't flashing behind her eyes, Tara would have recognized the two idiots in front of her; the boys who came here to do anything but study, taking getting on people's nerves as a hobby.
It was only when the back of their heads was hit — quite forcefully — with a book, that they stopped laughing. The cheap mask fell to the ground with the hit, gaining a crack on its edge.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" You came from behind them, tucking the book back in your backpack, "fuck off before I tell the director what you've been doing out in the parking lot when you think no one's watching."
With a few complaints under their breath, they eventually walked away, allowing Tara to let out the breath she'd been holding.
"Morons," you huffed, tugging on the straps of your backpack before turning around to Tara, your gaze softening immediately, "you okay?"
Her dark eyes found yours. She simply nodded, feeling her lower lip quivering when she tried to speak. She noticed the way your hand twitched to reach out to her but you stopped yourself midway, instead tucking both hands in your pockets.
"I'm sorry about them," you told her with the usual gentleness you never lacked, "they should know better than to do that."
Tara shook her head softly, managing a smile when her heartbeat started to settle, "thank you for… stepping in."
You just shrugged, your smile coming as a copy of hers, and it got Tara wondering if it could hold the same sentiment too.
"Anytime," you told her then, and Tara hardly left your side after it.
It was easy to fall into the routine of having you near and pretending she was just a normal girl with a crush on her friend. Being with you was so easy that it made Tara forget about all the bad, forget about all the reasons why allowing people close became dangerous.
And today? Today should be a good day, it's a day Tara has been looking forward to, a day that took away her sleep for all the good reasons. And it's not like she never stopped to get coffee with you on the way to campus, but today felt different because you had asked her to, as a date.
And Tara had been counting the seconds for it; until Ghostface came back and nearly killed her and Sam at that grocery store, until Mindy said 'never trust the love interest', until her worst nightmares came back again and suddenly nothing was easy anymore.
"Alright guys, as much as I love discussing possible suspects with you," Chad pushed himself off the bench he'd been sitting on, "we've still got classes to go to, come on Ethan." The two boys gathered their things and walked away, Quinn soon following behind.
Tara slumped back in her seat, her hands coming up to cover her eyes. With her sight momentarily gone, it felt like everything else was louder, heavier; she could perfectly hear the rustling of leaves from the trees around, the cacophony of voices from all the other students hanging out outside, and feel the weight of Sam's gaze on her.
"I think someone's looking for you, lovergirl," Mindy said out of nowhere, kicking Tara's sneaker with her own. When Tara glanced up at her friend with a frown, all Mindy did was tilt her head towards the university, where you had just walked out from and were now making your way to them.
"Don't think I haven't noticed," Mindy teased with a sing-song voice and a grin plastered on her lips.
"Noticed what?" Sam sat up straighter, her gaze shifting from Tara to Mindy.
"Tara's girlfr-"
"Nothing," Tara interrupted quickly, getting up so she could land a gentle punch to Mindy's shoulder, "nothing to notice," she said again, pointedly.
"Alright, let's go, Sam," Mindy extended a hand for the older girl, "we'll meet back at the dorm later."
Sam still had a confused frown on her features but she took the hand offered to her anyway, while Mindy leaned closer to Tara so she could whisper; "always knew you had good taste," before both of them walked again.
Tara's cheeks went aflame as she let out a groan, predicting the onslaught of questions she'd get later today. She slowly turned around to meet you in the middle, her soul naturally filling with incessant butterflies.
Had she really been that unsubtle when regarding you?
"Hey," you greeted her a little breathlessly, letting go of your backpack and leaving it on the floor as you took a small extra step closer to Tara, your eyes frantically looking her over, "I was so worried when I saw what happened last night, are you-"
"I'm okay," it was instinct, but Tara didn't know if the words were true. There was something about you that always made her feel more than she wanted to, she suddenly felt like the last pieces of herself she'd been trying to hold together so hard over the last months started crumbling. Tara took hold of your hands, squeezing tightly. She didn't know who she was trying to comfort, you or herself.
You held her back, glancing down as your fingers intertwined with hers. Tara observed the way your lashes kissed the corner of your cheeks; you were all golden softness and spring warmth, presence rivaling the one of a welcoming sun on a cold day. Tara wanted to memorize that, keep it in her heart as if it was the first and last time she'd be seeing you.
It should be easy to forget and pretend, but it suddenly wasn't, because Mindy's words kept ringing inside Tara's head even if she didn't want them to be true. She felt tears steadily collecting on the bottom lid of her eyes.
"But," she closed her eyes at the unsteadiness of her own voice. More than anything, she wanted this, wanted you. But she was stuck. It felt like quicksand, pulling her further down the more she struggled to get out. "about today…"
It's like you knew her better than she knew herself sometimes, maybe for you, it still felt easy. "It's alright, Tara." Your thumb brushed over the scar on top of her hand, "we don't have to go, I understand."
Tara pursed her lips, blinking away her vulnerability. She let go of your hands only to loop her arm around yours and bring your bodies closer together, "walk me to class, though?"
"Come on, spill it, what's up between you two?" Mindy leaned back on the kitchen counter beside Tara, "I was joking earlier today, but now I actually think there's something there."
The carrot Tara was cutting ended up with a slice too big, she had to turn it around and cut it one more time in the middle, "I've told you, there's nothing going on," Tara told her friend with a sigh, making sure to cut smaller slices so she could keep her hands busy as long as possible; "she's my friend."
Mindy scoffed, she picked up a spoon from the sink and tasted whatever Chad was cooking up on the stove. A grimace came to her face at the lack of seasoning, "I've heard that before."
"It's not like that," Tara dropped the knife then, unsure what she was frustrated about or what she wanted to convince Mindy of, "how can I get… involved with someone after what happened?" Her voice grew quieter by the end.
Mindy softened at that, she turned to face Tara fully — everyone knew the younger Carpenter was still struggling with what she'd been through, even if she didn't want to admit it. "I know it's not easy, T. But you can't close yourself off for everyone, some people are still worth it," Mindy glanced towards the living room, a soft smile on her lips when Anika's silhouette came into view, "people aren't meant to be islands."
There are times when the pain is so big, that it almost doesn't feel like pain anymore. If it comes from a wound, that's usually the time when you'll pass out. If it comes from inside, you start to feel numb.
Sitting at the back of an ambulance as she watches cops walking out with another one of her friends in a dark body bag, Tara thinks she's close to that feeling. Mindy is sitting beside her, she's not moving. Tara doesn't know what to say in moments like these, they feel almost awkward. A morbid kind of awkward.
So when she gets up, cell phone in hand with your number already ringing, she blames it on that; on the pain squeezing her chest almost to the point of unbearable, on the helplessness she feels twirling in her gut.
Tara paced back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to draw out the noise of the sirens as she counted up the seconds until you picked up.
… Two, three, four.
Tara could hear her own heart rate quicken, she closed her eyes, thinking about how her inhaler was still all the way up in the apartment; where there's blood, and-
Please, pick up. Please, pick up.
A long sigh of relief left Tara's lips as soon as she heard your voice through the phone. As if she hadn't cried enough, she could see tears clouding her sight.
"Tara? What happened, is everything okay?"
"No, it's not," Tara forced out, her voice tight with a sudden rawness. She turned her back to Mindy so the girl wouldn't see her crying, "there was another attack… Anika didn't make it."
"Oh god, I can't-" Tara could hear you choking on your own voice, "are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm-" Tears made a steady path down to Tara's chin, some getting caught under the phone pressed tightly to her cheek, "I'm alright."
"Tell me where you are, I can be there in like ten- five minutes."
"No!" Tara said with urgency, "don't come here, please, I don't want you anywhere near this," she gulped back a lump in her throat, "it's too dangerous."
"But what about you?"
"I'll be okay," Tara closed her eyes, wishing the words really were true, "I just-" she hesitated, a confession lingering on her tongue, "I just wanted to hear your voice, is all." She bit onto her lower lip until it drew blood.
"We- we can talk for as long as you need," it was like Tara could hear your smile, "I'm happy to hear your voice too."
Ambulance lights and police sirens were clouding your senses as you run up to the commotion. It was quite a sight; your oversized shirt, shorts, and sneakers with mismatched high socks. But you couldn't remember to care because your heart had been at your throat ever since Mindy called.
There were several reporters blocking your view but you squeezed your way through them until you reached the police tape. You've always hated this; the white and red colors of the vehicles that only showed up in tragedies, the panic and grief that lay heavy in the air, the clicks of the cameras from people who saw it as an opportunity — you hated it all, but right now the only one on your mind is Tara.
You ducked to go under the police tape, immediately attracting the attention of one of the cops, "Miss, you can't be here, please go back behind-"
"No, you don't understand," you gripped at the fabric of his jacket when he tried to keep you back, trying to push through, "I know them."
And the cop kept speaking, probably about things you weren't allowed to do and places you shouldn't be. You didn't hear any of it, because you found her. Her blue shirt had more red than blue in it, dried blood was all over the fabric, making you feel a mix between relief and nauseousness; her hair was messy, tangled, and damp in some places; her skin still coated with bits of dirt and blood too; her arm was held up by a makeshift bandage. But she was there, talking to a blonde woman on a stretcher; she was alive.
"Tara," you called quietly as your sight blurred over, and then a little louder, "Tara!"
She looked up, any words she'd been saying dying on her lips when she saw you. For a beat, it seemed as if she was assessing if you were real or not, before she was all but running towards you.
Not caring for consequences, you pushed the cop off of you and met her halfway — lucky for you he apparently noticed you really knew them.
"What are you doing here?" Tara's eyes were glinting under the red and blue lights, there were clear tracks on her cheeks where tears had run down.
"I was-" you tried, stumbling over your words as you took her in, all blood stains and bruises. You raised a hand to push back her fringe, the strands of hair were damp to the touch; from sweat or blood, you didn't want to know. "Mindy called, and scared the shit out of me. I came as fast as I could."
With her lower lip stuck between her teeth, Tara leaned into your touch. Her eyes closed tightly when your thumb traced the outline of her eyebrow.
"Are you okay? I mean of course you're not okay, what am I even-"
You were cut off when Tara threw herself at you. She pulled you close with her free hand, nails almost digging into your skin with the force of it as she buried her head on your shoulder.
Quiet sobs shook her body and you held her back the best you could whilst being mindful of her injuries. One of your hands cradled her head, fingers tangled in her dark hair as you breathed in everything that was her. "Shit, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you."
Tara only pushed herself into you more as you spoke. There was a beat, a moment of hesitance from someone who'd had the bitter taste of betrayal more than anyone should. Trust was a gamble, but when you had a place in her heart no one else could ever have, Tara knew you'd never break it. "I'm okay now," she spoke against you; and she believed it.
You only squeezed her tighter, pulling back just enough to land a kiss on her temple. And you allowed your lips to linger, to feel her skin against you and her heartbeat pressed to your own.
Tara melted in your hold, allowing you to support most of her weight. With her cheek pressed to your collarbone, she spoke; "you still owe me a date."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Tara’s taglist: @milkiane @v1ci0us @alexkolax
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alphabetboyluvr · 9 months
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one/ two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven
warnings - welcome one and all to the chapters that made some of my wattpad girlies stop reading throttle, you have been warned! mentions of drugs. jungkook wears a key around his neck and it ain't for a door! solo masturbation (m). enter stage left: cc @ yoongi's door. infidelity (boo), dry humping (yay), yoongi has a choking kink (?), he cums in his pants <3 back for round two! not all that explicit, oral (f), he's so talkative <3, protected sex, incredibly sombre aftermath!! v satisfying end to the chapter IMO!!
word count - 16.5k
minors dni // series masterlist
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It surprises everyone when Jungkook is the first to speak. He stands, shoulders broadening like a fallen angel unfolding its wings, and then he's back.
The man you once knew? It's undeniably him. He's still just as powerful in his stature as he always was, just as handsome, just as life-threateningly attractive.
For a second - only a moment, barely even a millisecond - you let yourself indulge in the chime your stomach has been subduing.
It's just the same as it always has been.
He's different now, though. So vastly different, you question whether or not you would have recognised him in the street.
His hair is dark, and it doesn't frame his face in the way it used to. Shame. You used to love getting your fingers tangled in it. It's pushed back now, the fury in his dark brows as clear as day. They're missing a piercing, which you'll admit is a bitter loss, but the lip ring is still there, at least.
You don't let yourself think about the one on his tongue. Haven't thought about it for weeks. Months.
Only because every time you do, you force yourself to think about roadkill instead. It's the only way you can get it out of your head. Does now mean that when you see roadkill, you think about him. Fitting, really, given the tragedy of your time spent together.
Instead of letting him know just how fucked up he still gets you, you simply raise a brow in his direction. Your back sinks into the chair you've poised yourself on, and you cross your arms, imploring him to speak the fuck up.
Part of him doesn't want to, just as 'fuck you' to your prissy rich bitch attitude. He'd forgotten about this; how much a little cunt you'd been when the pair of you had first met. Back then, it had gotten his interest piqued. Kept him coming back for more. Was the thing that got him cumming, full stop.
But now, it just feels vindictive.
And so he decides to be just as much of a vindictive swine back.
"No one's been looking for you," he says as his eyes burn into you - and yet you remain perfectly cool. Calm. Unaffected.
There was a time, a few moons ago, when a look like this from Jungkook would have surely killed you. Now, it's just all very laughable.
"Eunhee's never been much of a liar, Jungkook," you smile, glad to have checked in with her before heading to the boxing club. Maybe he did stop showing up at your door two months ago, but it was enough of a weapon to use against him.
"That senile old bat?" He laughs, and you remember just how mean he could be. It's a trait that you'd pushed to the side in your memories, all rose-tinted and sweet. The reality makes those memories a lot easier to swallow, the salt from his words diluting the sugar. "Wouldn't take her as a credible source."
The air around the pair of you is stale; unpleasant. It reeks of desperation. Desperate for what? It's debatable. Nothing good, that's for sure.
Quite literally everyone in the room is uncomfortable.
Everyone except for the pair of you.
See, this is a back and forth you've perfected. The way you bicker - the way you taunt one another - used to be foreplay. He'd rile you up just ruin you.
It's electric. Jungkook wonders what has more volts - your shared energy, or the taser he's pretty sure you've got hidden in your bag. You're too smart to come somewhere like this completely defenceless.
He's just as smart as you, though. Reads your moves, and knows exactly what to predict. Maybe it's not a form of intelligence that will do any good, but he's spent so long studying you that it would be impossible for him to not be an expert by this point.
He could write an encyclopedia about you; a dictionary based on your vocabulary.
He'd file himself under 'asshole', and would hope you'd reassign him to 'inamorato'. You wouldn't. If anything, you'd place him in a pile of discards; words unused by you for so long that you've forgotten their significance in your life.
If he were to have his own dictionary, he'd file you under cocotte. CC for short. But he'd draw fucking hearts in the margins, and crack the spine from just how often he looked at your page. Might just rip it out and keep it in his wallet like a passport photo.
"Credible source?" You smirk, ruby red lips pouting in a way that feels new to him. They're slightly different, he thinks. The shape is the same, but they seem poutier. The product of fillers, maybe. He never thought you'd be one to go down that route, but he's questioning everything he knew about you as the lights of the club reflect in the diamond on your finger. He's blinded by it; blindsided by you. "Surely this isn't Jeon Jungkook talking about credibility? About trust? That'd be a first."
"Watch your fuckin' mouth," he snaps, and it's clear you've hit a nerve. Good. "Got shit to say? Say it, then get fuckin' gone, C."
And, oh, it's painful. So gloriously painful.
The way you don't falter is the worst part. The name given to you in the sanctuary of his car lingers on his tongue, his lips ajar. There's no crease between his brow, eyes just as round and inviting as they always had been.
You think he's baiting you. Think he's trying to get your defences down. You don't realise that his defences actually are - not until he knocks his head to the side, flicking a switch as his glare returns.
"I think what Jungkook is trying to say," Jin speaks up, knowing that there'll be no resolution without a mediator. He can feel the energy between the pair of you. The vibrations run deep and jagged, stained in red and echoing regret. "Is that we aren't aware there was business to discuss?"
You turn to face Jin, but let your eyes linger on Jungkook for just a second longer before you address his friend. Handsome, you think. Incredibly handsome, in fact.
You've always thought Jungkook was the most beautiful thing about Daegu, but you might change your mind. All you need is this new guy - the one with plump lips and shoulders that eclipse Jungkook's - to glare at you. See if it gets you searing under the collar, hot between your legs, like Jungkook's glare does.
Many men before have looked at you with suspended disbelief, agitation curving around their brow bones. It's nothing new. The way that Jungkook's glare could have gotten you on your knees? That was new to you.
"Nor was I - or at least, I wasn't. Not until Jungkook told me about that little plan of yours a few months ago," you say as you smile at Jin, all pleasant and performative."But I'm very selective about who I invest my time in."
You don't have to look at Jungkook for him to know that he should take your next statement personally.
"I've no time for little boys running around playing cops and robbers. I conduct my business exactly like that; like a business. I make negotiations, I make deals. Sign contracts - and I'd never hire someone without running a background check. Can get yourself into a whole world of trouble if you don't know who someone really is."
"You're planning on employing us?" Namjoon pipes up, the prospect of a hefty payday sounding like music to his ears.
"Not employing," you say. There's more you could divulge. So much more. But it's time for baby steps, now. No use in getting ahead of yourselves. "Think of it more like... entering a partnership. A mutually beneficial agreement."
"Your appearance on TV today," Jin says, the most analytical of the bunch, trying to figure you out. "How would that help to aid your negotiations?"
You smile. It's quite simple, really.
"That was to stop you from thinking you could ever fucking touch me."
There's more venom than you intend there to be behind your words, but you haven't quite healed from the last invasion of your autonomy. You're still disgusted but how easily you were manipulated into thinking that Jungkook ever gave a fuck about you. If they think they're ever getting the chance of getting that close again, they're sorely mistaken.
"The world is watching boys," You continue. "One wrong move, and the world will be asking: what happened to her? It's my way to keep you in check. Anyways, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Who do you work for?"
"Who do you work for?" Jungkook spits back.
"Myself. Answer my question."
Jin takes the reins from Jungkook. "We're not at liberty to say."
"Fine," you shrug, getting to your feet. You're here to talk with men, not boys. If they can't make decisions for themselves, then what's the point? "I'll be on my way then. Time is money boys, and if you aren't willing to give me a dime, then it's not worth it for me. I don't need you."
"Yeah, well, if you don't need us, then why the fuck are you here?"
The way Jungkook's nostrils flare amuses you. Let's you know the real question he's asking: If you don't need me, why did you come back? Back here, specifically?
It's a good question. One you wish you had a solid answer for.
"There are rats all over this city," you tell them, thinking that it'd be best to choose at least a half-truth. "I don't know many of them, not well. Not personally. Don't know you fuckers personally, either - very rude of you, by the way, to break into my apartment like that. I'm sure Jungkook could have just told you the code - but anyways, I digress. I know how you operate, to a certain degree."
"Oh, yeah?" Jungkook questions, doubting that very much. "How do we operate?"
"Like fucking idiots," you say with a voice as flat as his tyres after a few too many burnouts. "You send in unprepared fuckers who think with their dicks instead of their brains."
Jungkook scoffs, but the rest of them wave their heads a little, contemplating the fact that you're entirely correct.
"I know your weak spots," you say, but choose not to elaborate on the fact that you were once Jungkook's. You sit back down; an act of defiance for the fact that Jungkook quite clearly doesn't want you there. "And I know some of your strengths. I also know that we have a mutual interest in the downfall of my father. Might not trust you fuckers as far as I can throw you, but I trust that your feelings towards him won't have changed all that much in three months."
"Yours seem to have changed," Jungkook notes all rather bitterly, and it makes you laugh.
You lean forward in your seat, elbow resting on your knee, chin in your palm. Your ring glistens in the light, but Jungkook ignores it. Wishes he could ignore you, full-stop, but he can't take his eyes off you. Deprived for so long, he doesn't know when he'll get this luxury again.
The fact that you're in the boxing club alone - unprotected, despite it all - should be indication enough that your feelings towards your father haven't changed. Why risk it? Why put yourself in a circumstance where you could be used against him if you weren't willing for that to happen?
"Look at you," you smile, but it's laced in contempt. "Finally making assumptions of your own. I'm proud. You got a little way to go, though, baby. You're missing the mark. Give it some time and you'll be able to make assumptions that check out."
The pet name is delivered with such ease that Jungkook almost doesn't notice it. It's the look in your eyes that really delivers it, the chaos and confusion you're conveying in one simple smirk.
"Like yours did when we first met?" He says with a raised brow, thinking you've never made an accurate assumption in the whole entire time he's known you.
"I assumed you were a cunt. Ding, ding, ding. Always right."
This earns a snicker from Namjoon, who can admittedly see why Jungkook liked you so much. There's something about you that gets the heart rate going; gets people interested in what you have to say.
Jungkook says nothing. Rolls his eyes, and grates his jaw. Doesn't see any point in conversing if you're just gonna be a bitch. He always knew you were like this, but he'd managed to chip away at your softer side and had somehow forgotten just how hard your exterior is.
You've fortified it, now though. Built your defences up. It's been three months, and you've not wasted a day. Naive of him to think you would have. You're your father's daughter after all.
"Look," you turn to Jin, still pretty and poised, but this time there's an air of sincerity to your words. "I'm waving a white flag here. You fuckers are lucky I came to your first. Might not trust anyone else in the city, but I don't trust you either. Thing is, boys, I'm traceable. If you try and do anything to me now, you fuckers'll get caught."
"So why would we want to do business with you?" He questions, incredibly curious. He thought after everything with Jungkook, that'd be the last you would see of him.
"Cause I was always traceable, you silly cunts. Do you think just cause I wasn't on speaking terms with my dad, that that was it? The moment you did the raid, I was back on his radar. I'm your connection. I'm your way in," you say, gesturing to yourself to really drive it home how important you could be for them. "If you want to bring him down - if you want to take him for all that he's worth - then you need someone on the inside. You need me. Honestly, the fact you thought a ransom situation would work is laughable, but it just shows you're lucky to have brains now to go with your brawn."
"We haven't agreed to anything," Jin reminds you. There's a warmth to his voice that contrasts the atmosphere within the room.
"No, but you will."
"Why?" Jungkook interrupts, eyes narrow, voice scornful. He's picking at the sides of his fingers, chipping away at hangnails.
"Cause what more do you have to lose, huh?" You shrug. "You're Kang's bitches, now. Wouldn't you rather be mine? I give great employee perks."
The way your eyes dance around the room, from man to man, and eventually land on Jungkook's is deliberate. He knows this, and he lets it get to him.
"What would they be?" Namjoon scoffs, unaware of your innuendo. It's kind of sweet, how naive he is.
And so naturally, you shatter all illusion of innocence.
"Ask Jungkook."
There's silence. No one quite knows how to reply.
No one except Jungkook.
"Ring on your finger be happy with you saying that?"
And for the first time, you're rattled. You hadn't expected him to mention it.
"That's of none of your concern," you shrug. Now's not the time to let him get to you - but the way you rabbit on afterwards is evidence enough that he has. "I'm not here to be interrogated. I'm extending an olive branch; giving you the chance to earn the money you were so desperately trying to make from me. You get your money, I get my father's downfall on a silver platter."
The way you look at Jungkook is unfamiliar. It's as cold and frigid as the winter nights you used to stow away with him in his car; breath clouding in the freezing temperatures despite the warmth in your heart.
A few months ago, such a look from you would have destroyed him. Absolutely decimated his entire sense of belonging. Life wouldn't have been worth living.
Now? It feels like a luxury. A sinful indulgence. He's been deprived for so long he'll take even the smallest hit of whatever you'll give him - and even when it's fleeting, your attention is like crack fucking cocaine.
It's not just your hair or your gaze that has changed. In fact, a lot about you has. There's a hollowness to your cheeks now that there wasn't before; a slight gauntness.
Without the convenience store snacks to keep you going, you actually had to eat decently. Having someone to go home to also meant that your junk diet had to be replaced with something more... appropriate for a woman in her twenties. No more eating like a teenager.
Your loss of appetite in the aftermath of Jungkook's revelation had certainly helped with this, and if anything, you've gained weight over the last few weeks - but you're still not as soft as you once were. He can see it in your cheeks. Saddens him, a little.
Has him thinking about what you could look like beneath those clothes of yours. Wonders if his hands will still fit your waist perfectly, or if your tits will still overspill in his palms just how he liked it. Considers that maybe they won't. Maybe he'll never get the chance to find out.
You think Jungkook looks colder. It's funny, cause the weather has heated up quite considerably, but it's never been frostier between the pair of you.
Getting to your feet, you brush down the tops of your thighs to straighten any creases. You've still got a persona to keep up, even when it's dark outside.
"You can discuss it amongst yourselves," You sigh as begin to head for the door, heels clicking as beneath your feet. There's something about the sound that you just adore. Maybe it's the repetition. Maybe it's the way it drowns out the chime in your stomach as you walk past the man you once thought you... No, you think. That's not right. The man you used to fuck. Much better. "I don't care, either way. I need an answer by the end of the week, or I'll find someone else. You aren't special. Plenty of other fuckers in the city who want to make a quick buck. Plenty of others who hate my father for one reason or another. You just had the balls to try it first."
"How do we know we can trust you?" Jungkook calls after you.
He's disappointed when you simply call back, "you don't."
There's more to be said, he thinks. More to discuss.
So he follows you to the parking lot. None of the other boys do. They already know they aren't welcome, and quite honestly, none of them wants to third-wheel such an awkward encounter. They'd already filled their quota for the day.
As he enters the dreary parking lot, he notices a car that's unfamiliar. It's a Merc. Black. Matte. Not too standard around these parts. Fuckin nice, though. He's impressed. Makes a mental note to ask you about the spec some other time.
"Hey, honey." You speak pleasantly into your phone as you pace around, not realising Jungkook's presence yet. He doesn't speak up. Too curious about who this honey could be. "Yeah, Just heading to Jieun's now. I'll be a couple of hours. Okay, okay. Love you, too."
Jungkook pretends like he didn't hear that bit. Does a terrible job of it - but at least he tries.
When you clock him, you couldn't be less bothered if you tried. So what if he heard you on the phone? It's up to him if he reads into it or not.
"You wanna know you can trust me?" You raise a brow, reading his suspicions of you.
Jungkook remains silent. He'll pretend it's to preserve his hard exterior, but in reality, it's to save himself from admitting the truth: he'd trust you with his life.
"I just lied," you continue. "I'm not going to Jieun's. I'm going to Yoongi's. Can follow me if you like. We both know it wouldn't be the first time. I'll be transparent with you - but don't think for a second that I trust you back."
"Yoongi's", Jungkook nods. Remembers the way Yoongi used to look at you. Remembers how he once thought that he was competition. More fool him for ever thinking you actually cared. You've a ring on your finger, now. Neither of you were ever competing, apparently. And if you were? Fell at the first hurdle. "What's that then? A little extra marital fun?
You smile insincerely. "Not married yet."
"So even if it was, Jungkook, you're not the one who put this ring on my finger. You've no right to an opinion."
"And I never would have given you a ring," he says, as if he thinks his lack of interest in you could hurt you any more than it already had.
"Never would have wanted you to," you shrug, both of you as good at feigning disinterest as one another.
There's something about him though that has you curious. Has you feeling like you're being challenged. It's just like it was when you first met. The words you speak are laced with disgust, but the burning in your eyes can only be described as desire. He hates how easy it is for him to get like this around you. Hates that you know exactly what you can do to him.
He's realising now that you're far more in control of your feelings than he ever thought you were. He only ever saw you so vulnerable because you chose that. You let him. He's shut out now, and he doesn't like it.
But he does like the smile resting on your pretty lips as you walk towards him.
The way you encroach on his physical space has him hitching his breath in his throat, as if he's terrified to breathe around you. It's fitting, given the way you make him feel like he's drowning.
It's more than that, though.
What he truly fears is inhaling your perfume. smelling your shampoo. He's terrified of what it will do to him if he learns your hair still smells like gasoline. Even more petrified of how he'll feel if he learns that you don't smell like it anymore, mind you.
It's when you extend your index finger and hook it beneath his necklace that he really begins to lose his mind.
"Yanno," you say so quietly he has no choice but to edge just a tiny bit closer. Raising the key to be level with your eyes, you study it, watching the way the tiny crystals almost sparkle in the moonlight. You know they don't. It's just an illusion. If you had to guess - had to assume - you'd say coke. It's the only thing you can imagine him doing. His eyes are focused down on you, lashes long, gaze stern. "You should have told me you like coke."
Jungkook stays silent as you look up towards him, your lips laced in seduction. He knows better than to let you succeed, but - fuck - it's so hard not to. Whatever you're doing has an ulterior motive. It has to.
"Bumping coke's gonna ruin that pretty little nose of yours," you note.
"The fuck would you know about it?" he scoffs, but doesn't pull away. Can't bring himself to. All he can think about is the way your lips look. The difference in them is minimal, but they're definitely plumper. Have to be. Or maybe he just wants to kiss you more than he ever has done.
Your lips part as you lay your tongue flat and press the key to it.
Jungkook swallows, the lump in his throat swollen and intrusive. You wait a second. Wait for two. Then twist the key and dab the other side against your tongue.
"Takes longer if you swallow it," he whispers. "Snorting is much more cost-effective."
"Maybe so," you shrug, releasing the key from your mouth before pressing it against his chest with a slight push. "But you can't go around wearing Class A evidence like that, you silly prick. I meant what I said," you trail off to a whisper, stepping even closer towards him. He doesn't back away. Quite the opposite. He edges a little closer too. He knows he shouldn't - knows you're just baiting him - but god what a temptress you are. "I need to know I can trust the men I work with. I can't have you getting thrown into jail just for the fun of it. I need you clean."
There's something different about that last command. A softness. A plead. Your eyes linger on his, and then you pull away from the magnetism of his being.
"Stay off the drugs, Kook. A deviated septum looks sexy on no one."
And you're right.
But it doesn't really matter. The coke was just a pass time until his favourite drug came back to town. He's one hit down, and thinks the high will last him all fucking week.
The buzz perseveres. He's so consumed by it that he can't recall the conversation he had with the boys before he left. Can barely fucking remember the drive home.
But as he strips himself bare in the quiet comfort of his apartment, he can remember you.
Can remember your eyes, and the way they engulfed him with the heat of your fury - but also the way they simmered. Lashes low, lids half closed, you'd looked at him like a fucking siren, and the memory of it had his tattooed hand stroking at his firm cock. He hadn't been able to get like this since you'd left. Had tried on more than one occasion. Never managed to see it through. Would feel sick after a pump or two.
It's different now. His wrist flicks and his hand works his shaft, head thrown back into his pillows. His hips pulse, desperate for more friction, his own palm a shitty compromise after the luxury of your pussy.
It's when he's thinking of you that he gets breathless. Starts to moan. Wanks himself even faster. Harder. "Shit, C."
The term of endearment sounds so fucking sweet on his tongue. Has his torso tensing. Ass too. The wave of an orgasm threatening to crash.
Driven by instinct, his strong fingers wrap tightly around his hardened length, stroking gently. Tilting his head back, eyes firmly closed, he lets pleasure wave over him as he rolls his hips up into his palm. A guttural moan escapes his wet mouth, his teeth finding their home on his bottom lip.
More. He needs more of you. Needs your hair in his face, the scent of gasoline suffocating him. Needs his lips around your nipples, hands grappling with your ass. He needs you here.
All he's got - the only thing he's got - are his memories. His body writhes beneath him, the chain around his neck slipping from its position. There's little thought that goes into the way he moves the chain and holds the key tight between his teeth to keep it in place; nothing except the knowledge of your tongue licking against it earlier.
And then his lips close around it. His teeth ease, and the key sinks onto his tongue, the chain taut on his chin. He slows the movement of his wrist for a second. Rolls it once. Twice. Tries his best to work out if he can taste you or not.
He can't, but he can't taste the coke either, which means you did exactly as you intended. He moans, vibrating around the small key, devouring the idea that he'd exchanging spit with you once again, in a way. He knows the truth of the matter couldn't be further away from that, but it feels so fucking forbidden.
Just like you always have been. You'll remain that way.
But as his torso grows damp with the release of his orgasm onto his abs, ropes of sperm that he wishes he could have fucked into you going to waste on his skin, he can help but let his mind run wild.
Can't help but wish for more.
And so it comes as no surprise when Jungkook arrives at the boxing club, bright and early the next morning and says, "I'm in."
There's a sheen to Yoongi's skin as he opens up his apartment door, damp from the shower that was shut off just a few moments prior. Hair wet and sticking to his forehead, you're surprised to find you're the one choking on your words.
And then he smiles.
Smiles as if he's just beaten the high score of an arcade game, smiles as if he's managed to reach the peak of Apsan just in time for sunset. He smiles, and it feels like he's fixing you up with gold; seeping into the cracks that Jungkook left in you.
"If you wanted me to cover your shifts, you could have just asked," he beams. It's the first time he's seen you in three months. "You didn't have to be all dramatic and quit on me like that."
His teeth are showing, and they only show more when you give him a light tap on the shoulder with a closed first. His body jolts back slowly, eyes eating you up like a souffle pancake after a month-long fast. He bites down on his bottom lip with those pretty pearly whites, and pushes his door a little further back to invite you inside.
"You know you like a girl who keeps you on your toes," you grin back at him.
"Coffee? Tea?" He asks as you cross the threshold. You both know he won't have any at home, and that he'll need to order it in, but the gesture is kind. He's kind. "On my toes, yes. Sprinting marathons just to keep up with her? Less so much."
"Wine? And you'll thank me for the cardio in later life," you assure him, and toy with a joke about other forms of cardio you could do together. It dances on the tip of your tongue, and you know that if you spoke it aloud, goosebumps would form on his bare arms - so you say nothing, instead. 
He'd be the perfect distraction, you think, nothing like the boy you're trying to forget. Kind, and handsome, and someone who actually gives a shit about you. 
Forget distraction. He'd be the perfect man. Or at least he would be if he wasn't so helplessly infatuated with you.
That's thing about Yoongi; he sees all the good in you, and ignores the bad.
He'll take your witty banter, but neglect to factor in how mean it can sometimes be. He'll watch you yawn at work, half-bored to death, but refuse to acknowledge the fact you could cure said boredom with the tasks on your to-do list, that you instead leave for the next shift worker. He revels in the beauty of your laugh, but apparently is deaf when he hears you bitching about customers who have done very little wrong.
You aren't a saint. Perhaps not a sinner, either, but you sure do feel a lot closer to one than you think you should.
For all his wrongdoings, Jungkook never once treated you like you were a saint. There was no pedestal beneath your feet when you kissed him; he'd stoop to your level.
He saw you exactly as you were, which is why it hurt so much when you realised you'd only ever seen a facade that he'd cooked up in the shitty back room of a boxing club.
Thoughts of him are dissolved with mindless chatter, Yoongi always so good at taking your mind elsewhere. He knows you in such a way that talking is easy. It never feels calculated, never feeling like you need to think about what you say. He'd never judge you for a single thing.
Perhaps he should. Perhaps if he'd have held his guard up a little higher, stood his ground a little firmer, then he wouldn't be so weak to the way you batter your lashes and give him coy looks in dull-lit rooms.
There's talk of the garage; the usual customers, your old boss, how late shifts drag without you there. He's quiet when you ask about Jieun. Just tells you she's all good. He changes the subject. Asks about your dad, and how the fuck you managed to keep that one quiet. 
You're surprised to find that honesty feels nice. 
Until, inevitably, it doesn't.
"You gonna tell me about the ring?" he eventually asks after you've both had a little wine to ease the tension of three months you've been away.
You don't drop your eyes from him, not even for a second. His damp hair is nearly fully dry, and he looks so comfortable in a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt, reclined on his sofa. Simplicity looks good on him.
You're still in business casual, tight dress hiked around the top of your thighs as you sit on his floor. It was always your default when you came to his place, for some reason always opting for the floor instead of next to him on the sofa. Always been concerned about keeping a little distance. Funny, how the one time the distance would be apt, you find yourself wanting to sit next to him instead. You don't, though. Not yet, at least.
"What of it?"
Yoongi looks at you like you're a little bit mad. He kind of thinks you are.
"It's on your ring finger."
"Oh?" you say with a small laugh. "Is it?"
His eyes narrow on yours, before they glance back down to the ring. The stone is clear, and if he were to guess, he'd assume it was diamond - but he'd never struck you to be the kind of girl who ever wanted diamonds. Opals, maybe. Emerald, topaz. Stones with a bit about them. Something interesting. Not a diamond. Of all things.
But perhaps he didn't know you as well as he thought he had done. Perhaps you really weren't the girl he had dreamt up in his head; the one that he spent hours upon hours daydreaming about after you left.
Funny, how both he and Jungkook would get lost for lifetimes thinking about you, but they were both so vastly different.
In Yoongi's you'd come back home, show up at the garage like no time at all had passed, and tell him that you were wrong all along. He's the one you want. He's the one you've been going crazy thinking about. He's the one you came back for.
Sometimes he thinks about that week you went to Busan. Thinks about what it could have been like if he'd been the one to take you. Thinks about how fucking good it could have been to experience life outside of the confines of work and your apartments together. He thinks and he thinks and he thinks. Occasionally he acts on those thoughts too, but he tries not to.
It all feels a little wrong.
But that's what he likes about it. The fact he knows he shouldn't be thinking about you when he's turned on just turns him on even more; so he finds himself thinking of you far more often than he should. Thinks of you when he's alone; his bedroom lights switched off, duvet pushed midway down his thighs, hands roaming down his body. He grazes his skin with the tips of his nails. Pretends it's you.
"What about you," you shrug, nodding towards the scrunchie that's looped around the neck of a wine bottle on the counter. "Don't think your hair's long enough for that."
"You'd be surprised," he grins, pleased to find you grinning back.
"Prove it," you flirt, getting to your feet to retrieve it.
Yoongi watches as you retrieve the scrunchie, and knows that he should tell you no.
He should say 'actually, that's my girlfriend's.'
But she's only ever been a distraction to stop him from thinking about you - and how can he think of anyone else when you're in his space, heels off, dark hair draped over your shoulders like fine silk?
In your heart of hearts, you know that the scrunchie means he has someone. The hair grips by the sink, the takeout containers for two next to the recycling, the fact his apartment is actually clean and tidy, too.
"Prove it?" He grins as you return to his sofa, but you don't sit. You stand in front of him. Keep your eyes on him. Wait as he adjusts a little, his leg unhooking from beneath the other so that his lap makes the perfect seat for you to sit upon.
And so you do. You hike your dress up. One of your knees rests down next to his thigh. You're tentative. Slow.
His hand strokes up the back of your thigh. He nods. Encourages you further onto his lap. When your second knee finds its home next to his other thigh, he nods again.
You're smiling as you lower your weight, ass perched on the tops of his thighs. There's a little distance between the pair of you. You're not as close as you could be. Proceeding with caution. His lips pouty, eyes pure. A paradox.
"Prove it," you nod, and your hands start to toy with his hair. He's smiling right back at you, enthralled with the flirt almost as much as he's enthralled with the way it feels to have your nails scratching against his scalp. "Gonna make your hair look so pretty."
It's unfair, he thinks, that you get to have your hands in his hair, but his aren't allowed in yours. Doesn't realise that you wouldn't object.
"Don't think you will," he simpers back, the hand of his that was on the back of your thigh now resting on top of it, stroking ever so gently. The touch is so gentle, so minimal, and yet it has you pulsing beneath the lace of your underwear.
There's a ring on your finger, and someone waiting for you at home, but no one's had you in a position this provocative since you jumped town. See, you're 'waiting'. 'Want it to be special'. Don't want to make the same mistakes you did last time the ring had been on your finger.
Or at least that's what you tell yourself, and your fiance seems to believe it - why else would he get down on one knee again?
"I definitely will," you banter as you wrap his hair up with the scrunchie. His hair sticks on end, like a tiny sprout, and he looks adorable. "Gonna make you look sooo pretty."
He frowns, but with a sparkle in his eyes that let you know he's just joking. "Done?"
"Done," you beam, giving it one final adjustment. There's a slight movement to your hips, too. Getting cosy. His hand sinks a little further up your thigh. You pretend not to notice it. "Prettiest sprout in the whole of Daegu."
"Only Daegu? There are prettier sprouts outside of Daegu?"
You shrug. "Maybe. We should enter you into the national pretty sprout competition."
He adjusts his hips, sitting up a little straighter. He moves you into a more comfortable position as he does so. You're closer now. So much closer.
"Think I could win?"
"Best in show, baby," you grin. "I'd win for best sprout stylist, though."
Laughter echoes around you, his smile so sweet, so saccharine that you think he must surely be made of sugarcane.
The way Yoongi looks at you is devastating. Eyes soft and round, they're glossy and wet. Earnest.
They drop to your lips, then return to your eyes. Repeat. His lashes flutter whenever he does so, and there's a reflection from his floor lamp that looks like a pretty little love heart in them.
So devastating. It's the kind of look people would write films about, all for that one shot of his eyes after the confession scene. The one that will go viral, the one that will be cited for years as 'the look', the one that would earn Min Yoongi a place in the heart of every young woman who watches it. Young men, too. Fuck it, anyone with a pair of working eyes.
He's got a look in them that makes you want to believe in love; but the fact you even have to think about it just proves that this could never be that.
"I'm using you," you tell him, knowing that honesty is all you can really give him. He deserves that much, at the very least. Deserves more, you think, so much more than you can ever be - but he doesn't want more. He just wants you.
He tries a little banter. "To win the competition? I know."
But you don't feel like bantering. You want him to know how much of a piece of shit you are. How much you only ever think of yourself. How selfish you can be.
There's a look on your face that is unfamiliar to him. A warning. I'm a hurricane; I will destroy you. It's one that he ignores.
"I know," he whispers back, seriously this time, his index finger tucking away strands of your hair that are hanging loose. Eyes focused on the movements of his fingers, he's too scared to look into yours. Shy, almost. Timid, and sweet, and everything that Jungkook's not. "And I'm letting you. I'm using you, too."
It's funny, because he really thinks he is. He thinks he's got control over the situation, that all this is happening because he chose for it to happen - as if you haven't been holding the cards this whole entire time. He's only winning because you're letting him win.
Part of you feels bad. You know that his feelings for you run deeper than your simple want to be wanted, and yet you don't try and rectify the situation. He's a grown man. He can make his own decisions. He can make his own mistakes.
The tentative tips of his fingers trail down your cheek, your neck. He pushes your hair over your shoulder, and presses a kiss against it.
His lips trail a little further up, ghosting your neck, occasionally pressing down. He's slow. Takes his time. Savours this; savours you.
You're surprised by the way it feels when Yoongi finally kisses you.
His lips are just as they should be, firm and soft, and when his tongue begins to trail across your bottom lip, you accept it into your mouth. There's silence in your sternum. You had expected that bell to chime like it so often did, but instead, there's just a small fizzle and pop, like a sparkler being dunked in a water cup. You can feel the fizzle, mind you, working its way down until you find yourself clenching.
This is good, you tell yourself. What you need.
Yoongi's tongue is slow as it licks into your mouth. He's working you out. Seeing how you taste, how it feels when your moans vibrate against him.
His hands tentatively begin to roam; hips pulsing beneath you. The weight of your body on top of his feels like a fucking crime. His fingers trail up your back. Tickle at your spine. Curve round your ribs and ghost the underside of your tits.
Your breath hitches, and all you can think about is him.
Your fingers clasp around Yoongi's, holding them in place, stopping them from moving further. He looks at you, head tilting when he realises yours is shaking. He's scared he's fucked it already.
"Just," you say quickly, noticing the panic in his eyes. "These," you gesture to your chest, not wanting to be specific but needing him to know. "Off limits. If that's okay?"
He nods. "Sure, of course. I'm sorry."
"No," you smile. "It's okay."
You could clarify. Could explain. Could make up some lie about how you don't like it, or how you're insecure, but Yoongi accepts your boundaries without question.
"Sure?" He asks, a little scared to venture further. He doesn't want to do the wrong thing. Doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, or make you feel like regretting your choices. He knows that he's probably only ever gonna get one shot at this, but he's gonna treat it like an audition for a permanent position. If he does well, maybe you'll want him again.
His hesitancy is sweet, you think. Endearing. Perhaps a little bit of a turn-off, but you don't seem to mind. You like that you can take of him just as much as he wants to take care of you.
The pace of his hips increases beneath you, your clothes aiding and abetting your crimes. It's not technically cheating if nothing happens. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.
Sure, his cock is fucking solid beneath his sweats, trapped in the confines of his underwear, and - fuck it, fine - maybe you are so wet that you're leaving a small mark on his crotch from where it's seeped through - but it's nothing.
It's not like you're actually touching his dick. Your hands are exclusively in his hair, his pretty sprout long gone, the scrunchie now around your wrist.
And it's not like he's inside you, either - although he wishes he was. In fact, he's thinking about it when he begins whining into your mouth. Your hips are working against him, the friction getting you closer and closer an-
"God, you're gonna make- fuck, I'm gonna-" he rasps, but he doesn't slow his movements. His hands are on your waist, dictating the speed at which you're moving on top of him. He's using you just as much as you're using him.
"Cum?" You finish his sentence with a sinful smirk against him. Your tongue flicks against his, and he's whining again. You're so direct, so blasé, that he doesn't know how to control himself. "Don't pretend like it's the first time, Yoongi."
See, Yoongi doesn't fuck like Jungkook.
Yoongi fucks nice girls. Girls who fuck for love. Girls who rarely fuck. Girls who do as they should; sit pretty, let the man have his way with them, and ask for nothing in return. Girls who are prudish, and refuse to discuss sex unless they're about to have it.
More often than not, Yoongi goes for girls who love him.
And it's probably why he's so fixated on you; because he knows you never will.
You're unattainable. Good girl gone bad. Sultry and seductive in a way that he's never seen before.
He ruts up against you, chest heaving as his grip on your waist forces you to angle a little further away from him. He shakes his head ever so slightly, lips hanging ajar. "Not the first time. Course it fucking isn't. Look at you."
And now you're fucking whining. He likes the reciprocation. Makes him feel like you want this just as much as he does - and you do. There's nothing you want more at that moment than to have Yoongi twitching in his underwear, unloading himself all because of you. You want the control. The power. The satisfaction.
You want a man weak for you, to make up for how weak a man had made you feel. You want confirmation that Jungkook was nothing special. That you can have the same impact on any man.
And here Yoongi is, hard beneath the weight of your body, your pussy hot against his stiff crotch; body clammy as he pretends like the scrunchie around your wrist doesn't belong to a girl who bakes him homemade tangerine tarts, just because. He isn't thinking about her. He's utterly consumed by you. He'll feel bad about it after you leave, but for now, he's just thinking of ways he can make you stay.
"Slow," you tell him, placing your hand against his chest, just below his ribs. You both ignore your ring just like you both ignore the scrunchie. He's just as corrupt as you are. Maybe you're a good match. Maybe you can be each other's favourite mistakes.
You shuffle back a little; ass perched on his knees, eyes looking at his crotch as your palm follows your gaze. It's not hard to get a read on his size beneath his sweats. They're a pale grey, but there's a telling dark stain where you've been sitting.
"Shit," he hisses. "We can't- I can't. I want to - fucking hell, I really do - but I can't."
"I know," you nod. "That's not what I'm after."
The way you smile as you say it has Yoongi thinking he might just cum right there and then. You're fucking with his head - but what bothers him the most is how much he likes it.
"What are you after, then?" he asks as he feels your hand squeeze around his length. He groans, head tipping back against the top of his sofa. The way his hips pulse is involuntary, and it has sin lacing your smile.
"Just wanna adjust you slightly," you shrug. You want his cock laying flat against his body. It's kind of at an angle now, and while it feels great to grind down on, you know it will be even better if you can work up and down his shaft a little easier. Better for you both.
He bites down on his lip to hold back another moan and nods when you release the pressure of your palm.
"You wanna move it, or shall I?" you ask, not wanting to overstep a boundary.
"I'll do it," he says, hand dipping beneath his waistband without hesitation. It's not cheating if he does it, he rationalises. It is cheating if you do it. He's decided, that's his limit. As long as you don't actually touch his cock, then it's fine. He hasn't given the kissing much thought because he doesn't want to stop doing it.
He looks at you as he strokes his cock, just a couple of times. Just enough to make you wish it was your lips around it, not his hand. You can't see anything - it's still hidden by his sweats - but the adjustment just makes the outline so much clearer. So much bigger.
"This okay?" he asks, almost nervously. Eyes darting around your face to get a read.
You nod. "Perfect."
His hands find your waist again, and he pulls you further up his lap. He holds you in place as he slowly pushes up against you. Your hand snakes behind his neck, the other clasping one of his wrists. Your nails dig in; a moan stuttering from your pouty lips.
"That feel better?" he checks, but your reaction was all he needed to confirm it.
Still, you're notoriously the worst - and so you smirk. Lean forward. Subtly move your hips as you do so. Press a chaste kiss against his neck. Whisper, "I'm not sure. You'll have to try again."
He's even slower this time. Deeper. You shouldn't be doing this, Yoongi.
And yet he does it again. Groans. Curses. "You make me so hard."
You can't help but laugh. He's sweet. Nice to be with. "You're welcome."
It's the giggle that gets him.
Sweet? Nice? Yeah, fuck that.
His hips get erratic. The speed, the pace. Jesus H. Christ. It's a good job you aren't fucking because you think he'd actually break you. You know he'd kiss it better, so it's okay - but now you're thinking of his tongue and how badly you want his head between your legs.
"Wait for me," you whine into his lips, as your hand dips towards your clothed cunt. It's so warm and wet that it's a miracle Yoongi hasn't stripped you bare just to have the luxury of experiencing it.
You both know this is a one-and-done kind of thing. One time can be classed as a mistake. A lapse in judgement. Forgiveness will be far easier. Repeat offences? Well, they're a pattern. Guaranteed to reoccur. It'd be an affair, for lack of a better term.
Yoongi was raised better. You weren't, but that's neither here nor there.
With your dress hiked up around your hips, it's almost cruel how easily Yoongi could access your pussy if he really wanted to. Has been resisting the temptation. The lace of your underwear - black and barely there - leaves little to the imagination. He's salivating at the sheer thought of how you could taste. He can smell your arousal, and thinks you must be some kind of delicacy.
His brain is playing tricks on him. Making him feel like he hasn't eaten for weeks. What he wouldn't give to have you in his mouth right now.
It's out of bounds, though. He can't.
But he can match the rhythm of his hips to the pace you're rubbing languid circles against your clothed cunt, right above the hood of your clit.
And again, he wants it in his mouth.
He needs a distraction. Something. Anything. Feels your grip on the back of his neck and decides that's it.
"Throat," he husks. "Put your hand around my throat."
The sound Yoongi makes when you do as he's asked, nails digging into his skin ever so slightly, is unlike anything you've ever heard before. It's desperate, unrestrained. Pathetic. So fucking hot.
But you're both mewling now, bodies clammy beneath your clothes.
It hits you first; the wave of an orgasm crashing down over you, taking Yoongi with it. Your body shakes on top of his, teeth biting down into his shoulder as hands squeeze your ass so tightly you think it might bruise.
Good. Would be nice to have the mark of someone else on your skin for once.
He folds almost as fast as you do. He's quiet as he cums, not minding that your grip on his throat had dropped. There's no announcement, no prewarning, he just lets his body fall into the familiar notion of what it feels like to experience euphoria because of you. Breath hitched, cock spurting into his underwear, Yoongi's head lolls. His eyes are half-mooned, lips resting ajar, looking directly at you as he cums.
It's sordid. Dirty. Forbidden. Your favourite kind of sexual exploit - but Yoongi is a willing participant. Wanting.
His hair is a little ruffled from your hands, body limp and docile from his release. He makes no objection as your frill his hair with a smile. He does eye you a little curiously as you begin to tie his hair back up with that damn scrunchie again. He's glad it's off your wrist. Felt guilty looking at it.
You tilt your head, eyes expansive and inquisitive as a smile prevails. "Prettiest sprout in Daegu."
And he really is; honey skin all pink and clammy, eyes glossy, a smile forming on his pouty lips. But he's also not stupid. He knows you're just trying to pretend like what just happened never did.
It's the sensible thing to do - but fuck, he's been thinking about that (or at least some variation of it) for months. Years, even. Against his better judgement, he steals a chaste kiss from your lips. "Prettiest sprout maker in Daegu."
The bashful shake of your head, the way your cheeks apple, the sound of your fucking giggle, all confirm it for him.
"Shut up."
"Don't think I can," he grins, satisfied to have finally gotten you like this. And then he kisses you again, because he knows full well that very soon he won't be able to. "Why the fuck did we never do that before?"
You wrap your arms around his neck and simper into his kiss. It's nice to be wanted. Nice to have someone want you just for the sake of wanting you. Nice to use someone instead of being used. There's no ulterior motive with Yoongi; just bad timing. That's all.
"'Cause we'd have never got any work done at the garage if we knew how good it felt," you hum, voice light and airy. He's missed you in the months you've been away. "Would have spent all our time in the stock room."
"You did that anyways," he laughs, pressing kisses down your neck. "Fucking slacker."
His lips stop beneath your collarbones, just shy of your chest, mindful of the boundary you set earlier.
"You never complained," you remind him. "You loved it."
He shakes his head. Doesn't deny it. Just grins.
And that's when the guilt starts to creep in for you, too.
Yoongi's one of the good ones. Hair tied up all cute and silly just because you wanted to do it. There's safety to be found when you're sitting in his lap. He'd never fuck you over. Never.
But you've twisted his arm, and made him fuck over some other poor girl. You know it's gonna eat at him - because he's a good person. Far better than you are.
"Hey," you say quietly. "I should get going."
"It's late," he replies, his deep voice a similar dulcet volume to yours. He's mirroring you. It's cute. "You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch again. Like last time."
The way he tacks that last sentence on is so delicate. So pure. Proof that you can trust him. It's tried and tested. Customer approved. Trip Advisor recommended.
In your heart of hearts, you know you don't deserve another minute of his company. You look down. Choke on your words a little. Shake your head. "Wouldn't wanna put you out."
You've a home to get to.
"It's no bother," he smiles.
You know leaving will hurt him, but fear staying will do more damage.
And again, you've a home to get to.
"Stay," he says.
"I can't," you whisper. Nudge your nose against his. Let your lips linger a little too close. Don't press down until he does. And then you kiss him like you really mean it. You think you do. "I'm sorry."
The worst thing about Yoongi is the way he smiles. It's innocent, even if what you just did wasn't. Sincere. Compassionate. You know he's only thinking about you - but there are other people in this equation. You reach for the scrunchie. It pulls from his hair with ease - a testament to how he feels about his short-lived romance. It doesn't matter though, as you pick up his wrist and place the scrunchie around it.
He looks at it; at your nails and how they clasp his hand so delicately. He squeezes them. Nods. Purses his lips, takes in the shine of your ring, then looks at you. "I'm sorry, too."
You're not sure what for. For not acting sooner? For not asking you on a date all those months ago? For the fact he moved on when you moved away?
"It's cool," you say and try a sincere smile back. He sees right through it. "We're cool."
"We are?"
"We are."
Yoongi calls you a cab. You've had too much wine to risk getting pulled over. The scandal your father would face as the result of you getting a DUI isn't worth it at this point. You've a role to play. A home to get to before the sun rises.
And despite it all, he kisses you goodbye.
"Better not go rogue again," he tells you.
All you can do is smile. "No promises."
When your fiancé calls through to the master bathroom - letting you know he's off to work - you pretend you can't hear him. There's a shuffle by the door as he waits for a reply, but when he doesn't get one, he assumes you're beneath the water.
Easy enough mistake.
You've been too busy staring at your reflection for upwards of ten minutes, trying to assess who the fuck is staring back at you. The marble countertops are cold beneath your hands, the shower running freely, 'cause you're not the one footing the bill. Your fiancé is.
You don't feel bad about the fact you're quite literally pouring his cash down the drain. There's enough money to cover it - but of course there is. Despite his well-to-do salary man image, his main income comes under the table. It's illicit, but so is everything in the world you'd left behind all those years ago.
The man who put a ring on your finger is on your father's payroll. Has been since he turned eighteen. Is following in his own father's footsteps.
It's all very sweet, when you come to think about it - what kid doesn't look up to their father? You sure had.
You, the daughter of a political figurehead; he, the son of the Chief of Police.
It's what made you such a great couple from the get-go.
Was kind of like the fairytales your mother would read to you before bed. You wonder now if she was trying to ingrain the idea of such a suitor from your early childhood. Get her ideal man embedded in your brain before it even had a chance to fully develop.
Your fiancé is a little older than you are, so they had to buy time. Make sure no relationship between the pair of you could be scandalised.
Once you were of age, it seemed to be a match made in heaven. The stuff of Shakespeare plays.
It was only natural that you would end up together. Set in stone. You'd marry and become an unstoppable force for your parents. The city would remain theirs.
Thing is, you never wanted to be a character in a Shakespeare romance. You always thought it'd be fruitless. They all end up the victims of great tragedies, anyways.
What you had wanted was to be the muse of a sonnet. Have a man dote on you; write you poetry under the glare of sweltering summer heat. Someone who'd make metaphors out of the condensation on cans of chilsung, consumed together down by your favourite spot along the river. He'd mumble nonsense about the smell of your hair and how he'd long to touch you with his ink-stained fingertips.
As you grew, you began to favour motor oil over ink. Hardly a surprise that you'd been suckered by a motor-loving swine with ink etched into his knuckles. You tend not to think about how gentle those hands of his could be. He'd been everything you had ever wanted wrapped into one. Tied with a pretty red bow.
Now, you think you'll be lucky if you make it to the footnotes of a political history book.
You shower. Take a little longer than normal to rinse the grimey feeling of betrayal from your skin. It'll never leave. Not really. Lodged beneath too many layers of skin.
It's not like you had gone to Yoongi's with the intention of letting things get that far. A little flirt, sure, something harmless - but it was just so lovely to have choices. So nice to be able to choose someone who is also choosing you, even if just for a moment. A lapse in time; in judgement.
Your fiancé never chose you. He chose the path of least resistance from his parents, and you just so happened to be crossing the same road as him.
He's tall. The full cliche - dark, handsome. Had been your first 'love' before you knew what love actually was. First everything. First boy to cheat on you, too, but you mother just told you all men were cheaters. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about. Your father was leading by example.
So even though you're in his apartment, wearing clothes washed in his detergent, helping yourself to snacks he bought, you know not to be too comfortable. Not to convince yourself he actually wants this relationship for anything other than his own political gain.
He's banking on a promotion. Not within his career, but within your father's corruption. You're an asset.
And him? Well, to state it plainly, he's an ass.
He's also definitely fucking his secretary, but it's not like he's getting lucky with you so you don't care all that much. She was in the picture before you. Or at least, while you were away. It's been a few years since you were last here. Enough time for something to blossom. Poor thing probably actually loves him. You doubt it's reciprocated.
The ring on your finger is nothing more than a political move; a safety net for the man who had held had refused to pawn it after you left the first time. You'd been a diamond girl, back then. Had been a different person entirely.
You're sat on his sofa, twiddling at your ring, garbage reality shows play on his obnoxiously large television screen, when he pops home towards the end of his lunch break.
He seems agitated. Doesn't really greet you. Is looking for a casefile he'd left at home this morning.
"Think they're by the bed," you hum, vaguely aware of flicking through them this morning after he'd left.
Petty convenience store robbery, nothing really to write home about. You scoff at the cases he's been assigned, as if he were still a rookie. He's been on the force for years. He should be investigating major crimes. Murders. Narcotics. Corruption.
Then again, he'd end up investigating all of his friends if he did those cases. Must be better for him to stay away.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," he dismisses as he rushes on through.
There's a slight waft of perfume as he passes you. It becomes clear why he decided to cram the document retrieval into the last ten minutes of his lunch break. You find yourself wondering if you had smelt like Yoongi when you'd arrived home the night before.
"You picking up the car this afternoon?"
Shit. The car.
"Yeah." Your capability of making lies sound like bible truth is commendable. A skill. Talent. "Was just about to go."
"Okay, good. You gonna be near Kang's? I need some more oil."
You're silent for a moment. Think of which lovely little lie to tell. Settle on, "Jieun lives not too far from it. I can pop by."
He hums something in response. You think it might be a thank you but he doesn't care to articulate it properly. It's not till he walks back to the living area that you realise he's still talking. "-actually be good for you to get out of the house. You can't mope around here all day."
You scowl. Look at him with genuine disdain. "Sorry?"
"I'm just saying," he shrugs, a look on his face as if he genuinely thinks he's not being a dick. "You can't be out all hours at night - and before you say it, I don't care if it's just at Jieun's, I have a work schedule I have to sleep for - and then spend all day doing nothing."
This time, you stay silent.
You don't think he's wrong, but he's also the one who had given you terms and conditions when he put that ring back on your finger. No GS25 was one of them. No university either, which is what you'd really wanted to do; actually educate yourself on business affairs, so that it wasn't all bullshit when you were dealing with the hooligans from Kang's.
But no. To be welcomed back into the fold was to be restricted; prevented from doing things that would garner you any further independence.
"While I'm at Kang's, I'll see if they've got any jobs going," you say. The garage in front of the boxing club would actually be the perfect place for you to work while you figured out your next move. You also know there's no way in hell it would ever be given the green light.
"Working for your father's political rival?" he scoffs, not taking you seriously for a second.
"Says the man who wants me to buy oil from there," you scoff right back. "But fine, I can go back to GS2-"
"No. Your father said-"
"You think I give a rat's arse what my father said?"
"Your father said to keep a low profile until he can justify another job opening in the mayoral office."
"Joy. Can't wait," you say as he walks to the door. He's out of it without even so much as a goodbye when you mumble, "You might be his bitch, Hoseok, but I'm not."
Realistically, the conversation had been done as soon as you mentioned getting a job.
It's on the list of 'No Can Do' activities, set in place by your father to keep his political appearance clean. No job, no school, no clubs, nothing worthy of a scandal. Nothing that could be used against him. He might have won the last election, but Kang came pretty fucking close to stealing it from him. He needs to gain back the favour of his people.
It takes well over an hour to get to Kang's by foot from the city center apartment you're in, so you head to the nearest bus station. Figure you'll just hop on the 503. Will try not to think about Jungkook when you do so.
You're dressed down, a slouchy jumper over a pair of jeans fading you into obscurity. Nothing special. You know you should really make more of an effort to keep up appearances, but you're tired. Exhausted. Not physically, but mentally.
Your old life is draining you.
There had been method to your madness: you'd returned 'home' for a reason.
Part of you wishes you hadn't. Wishes you'd have gone straight to Kangs.
But you needed an 'in', and to be honest, you needed protection. You play a mean game of poker, and your bluff has been perfected, but behind the poker face, you're scared. Of your reality. Of your father. Of the men who dwell in Kang's boxing club.
And so you'd needed to get your ducks in a row before you stepped foot into Kang's. Couple of months was all it had taken for your family to be convinced that your reckless youth had been outgrown; for a ring to be back on your finger.
You find yourself thinking about Jungkook; what it could have been like if you'd have met him before... well, before everything.
You think about your life as a teenager - privileged, affluent. Think about his hardships, and how you could have tried to help. Your father never would have listened to you, but you could have a least appealed to his sense of humanity. Could have tried to stop the funding cuts. Probably could have extorted your father; used his mistakes against him.
Instead, you'd distanced yourself. Changed your legal name as soon as you could because you knew that, eventually, you'd want to run. Would want to remove yourself from any position of influence.
It's why you never could have helped Jungkook. You had been running from the very thing he needed: power, influence, money. At the time, they'd been meaningless to you. Not meant for you, you thought - though you're doing rather well cosplaying as Daddy's little princess again.
As you make your way across town, you notice how bad the air quality is once more - heavy in your lungs, drying your eyes out.
You make your way to Yoongi's, and for a moment, it feels like nothing has changed. Like you're just going to hang out on a day off. You'll gossip about the boss, maybe make theories on why Jieun had called in sick the week before.
But when Yoongi opens his apartment door, he wants to look like he's ambivalent about your arrival. Indifferent. Unphased. Can't help but smile, though.
"Twice in twelve hours?" he says. "Really making up for lost time, aren't you?"
You roll your eyes, because there's an innuendo lacing his words and you're not sure what to make of it. Both of you are sober, now, not a drop of wine left in your systems and yet... you kind of feel like you are a little tipsy.
Your skin is clammy, heart beating a little faster than it should be. Just the air quality, you tell yourself. Harder to breathe. Yeah, just the air. Just the pollution, baby.
Funny, how it's Jungkook's voice in your head again.
But Yoongi's heart is doing the just same. Can't blame it on the air.
He knows last night was wrong, but the adrenaline rush that had come with giving himself up for you made him feel like he'd digested enough uppers to kill a man. Swallowed them whole. Chased a high he'd never reached before. Nirvana. Purgatory disguised as paradise.
"Look, Yoongi I-" You begin, but he interrupts you. Knows the tone of voice you're using. Doesn't want to hear it.
"Don't," he says, opening his door a little wider to invite you in.
You hesitate, but when he knocks his head back, eyes half-mooned as they drink you in, you can't refuse. He nods to the sofa, where you take a seat, shoes off, feet up, legs crossed.
He stands by the wall opposite you, keeping a little distance. Looks down - but then right back up and into your eyes as he says, "You've only just got here. Don't treat me like I was a mistake already."
There's silence as you look at one another. Your lips rest ajar, a million thoughts fighting it out to be spoken first.
"You weren't."
You're not sure you believe it, but you want him to. Don't want him feeling like you regret him.
"No?" He says, dark but deliriously honest; not only how they drink you in, but how they also pour out for you. The windows to his soul are open, curtains wafting in the breeze. He's inviting you in. Offering you a home. "Why does it feel like you were about to say that it was?"
Because you were.
Not because you thought it was a mistake for you; but because it was a mistake for him. The scrunchie has been hidden away, and his take-out for two containers have been left out for the recycling collection. He's testing out what it could be like, you think. What it could be like to have you in his space.
"I can't give you what you need," you say quietly, avoiding eye contact. You'd expected a little more small talk before jumping to the hard hitters, but Yoongi's been striking out for years. He's making the most of your defence being down.
"Can't, or won't?"
"Both," you feign a half smile. "Even if I wanted to, Yoongi, I don't think I could. I'm not made for you people like you."
"And what am I like?"
"Good," you speak so softly he can't help but smile. "Deserving of more."
He just shrugs. Doesn't hide his hurt. "What if I don't want more?"
And then his hurt takes precedence; obscures any whispers in his mind that tell him not to do... well, do whatever the fuck this is. He's waited years for a green light from you. Instead, you'd raced through amber the night before. Looks red now. He just wants fucking green.
"I don't want more."
He looks down. Shakes his head.
When his gaze meets yours again, the windows are shut - but the curtains are still drawn open wide. It's dark inside. Lights are off, but there's somebody home. They're waiting for you to come home, too.
He walks a little closer to the sofa. "Tell me you didn't want me last night."
You're so good at lying. Have mastered it. And yet-
"That's not fair."
Why aren't you lying to him? You can be cold. You can be callous. You're perfectly capable of treating the ones you love like they mean nothing more than the shit beneath your shoes, and yet it's hard to do it with Yoongi. Hard to tell him anything he doesn't want to hear. He deserves the earth, you think, and yet all you're giving him is dirt that will get trapped beneath his nails.
"Tell me you didn't," he repeats, standing a little taller now. His shoulders are broad. Powerful. You'd be safe with Yoongi. Would want for nothing. "Tell me you didn't want me last night."
You look down. Shake your head.
Shame is a funny feeling. Fools you into thinking you should be honest.
"I can't."
Yoongi doesn't smile. Just nods. "Because you want me, too."
"Not for the right reasons, Yoongi," you stress, hoping he'll see sense.
"Who gives a fuck about the right reasons?"
"You will."
"I won't."
"When you ruin what's good for you because of something I can't give you, then you'll give a fuck," you tell him. The hairband might be hidden but there's half a tangerine tart left in his fridge and a concert ticket she bought for him taped on the door of it. His life is good. He doesn't need you storming through it like a summer typhoon. "I am nothing. I can give you nothing."
And then Yoongi does something all rather unexpected.
He smirks.
Toys at the corner of his lips with his tongue. Crosses his arms and raises his brow. "You gave me yourself last night."
"I gave you my body," you correct him, getting to your feet. Nothing good will happen from this conversation. You just need to get your keys and go. There's an urgency to your movements, heading towards the kitchen section of his open planing living space. Your keys will be on the hook where he keeps his own, you're sure. "Look, I've got-"
Your movements are halted as Yoongi reaches for your hand. Pulls you round. Walks you back until your ass is against the kitchen cupboards. You're looking up at him. The closeness of your bodies is intentional. Orchestrated by him; allowed by you. His voice is low as he says, "That's not nothing."
"But it's not enough," you stress, and you absolutely mean it. "I'm engaged to be married, Yoongi."
"And I'm already going to hell," he whispers, resting his forehead against yours. You don't stop him. "So I may as well have fun with it."
This is a side to him that you've never seen before. One that screams danger. Either he's learnt what you like in a man, or maybe he's just been hiding this part of him. He's tried being perfect, has seen it doesn't work. Maybe this is the real Min Yoongi.
"Yoongi," you say with little thought as his nose nudges against yours.
"Mhmm?" he hums back. His lips ghost yours. Your heart is beating out of your chest. One of his hands is flat against the kitchen counter as the other brushes up the curve of your waist.
You shake your head. The movement only causes the friction of your lips to tenfold. "If this happens, it doesn't mean anything."
He smiles against you. Shakes his head. Presses his lips against yours. One, two, remember to breathe. Pulls away. "It means everything."
You've always been a sucker for men who speak in definitive terms.
But you know how dangerous they can be, now. Know not to trust their words.
"We're not on the same page," you say. At least this way, you can't be accused of leading him on.
"We're not even reading the same damn book," Yoongi smiles against you. Kisses you again. Pulls away before you're ready for him to do so. "But does it really matter if they both have the same ending?"
And then you kiss him. It's soft. Tender. So sweet and gentle compared to the hardness of your heart. "It's not a happy ending."
"So close it, then," Yoongi says, pulling away from you a little. He's giving you the chance to leave. To get out. Escape. "Close your book. Stop this from happening."
But then you're kissing him again, and his tongue is in your mouth and - fuck - it's so nice to feel someone touch you with such intent. You know this is more than something casual, know that you've cared for Yoongi for too long for it not to have stemmed from nothing, but there's no permanence. It's terrifying and soothing all within the same swipe of his tongue against yours.
"One last chance," he says, lips so close to yours that he may as well be sending you telepathic messages. "Close your book if you want to."
It's shameful, the way you shake your head. Keep your eyes closed. Swallow. "But I wanna know what happens next."
Must sound like music to Yoongi's ears. He kisses you so deeply you think you may suffocate.
"What happens next is up to you," he moans into your lips, his nimble fingers pushing the button of your jeans through its fastening. "But it starts with this."
The sound of your breath is heavy. It soundtracks the murmur of your jeans zip being pushed down. Doesn't hide the way he curses against your lips.
"Yoongi," you whisper, eyes closing to stop yourself from catching his gaze.
His lips press against your throat, his dexterous fingers toying with the lace of your underwear. He knows he shouldn't. Knows that there's no taking this back. Knows he's fucking everything up - but he's played it safe for so fucking long and where has that ever gotten him before?
"Yoongi, I-" you try again, but his tongue strokes against your neck, teeth grazing it ever so scarcely. His fingers sink into your jeans. Press on your clit above your underwear. It has you gasping for air. He eases his pressure, then reapplies. Repeats. Your hips move languidly against his movements. You want this. Want him.
Want to feel like you're actually loved.
"Say the word, and I'll stop," he promises.
But you just shake your head.
"Don't stop?"
He presses his fingers against you. Circles. Once, twice. God, it feels so fucking good to have him touch you like this. Has you mewling. "Don't stop."
"I won't. I'll make you feel so good," he husks against your neck. "You know I can do it. Know I can make you feel better than anyone else ever has."
The promise is pointed; directed at Jungkook. You hate that you're thinking about him. Hate that as you tug on Yoongi's hair, his fingers still pressing against your clothed cunt, it's Jungkook's face in your mind. His smirk, how he loved watching you come undone, how he comes undone.
And so you open them. Focus on Yoongi. Tell him how good he's already making you feel. Tell him how you've thought about this before.
It's not a lie. Admittedly, it was before Jungkook had ever come onto the scene, when you and Yoongi were still dancing that awkward line of flirting or friends. You'd settled on different sides, but, for a while, you contemplated what could happen if you chose the same side as him. Spent a couple of late nights imagining how he'd feel.
He's more delicate than you ever expected. Gentler. Softer.
"Is that what you want?" You moan as his lips yours, nails scratching up his throat, remembering how much he'd liked it the night before. He whines a little into the kiss. "Wanna make me feel good?"
He nods. "Wanna be the reason you cum."
His hands sink further into your jeans. Slip beneath your underwear. You're like fucking silk on his fingertips. Incredibly sodden silk, but silk nonetheless. Exquisite.
Yoongi presses his body into yours, and you can feel his bulge against your tummy. No matter how badly you appear to want him, he wants you more. Always has done.
What a devastating achievement this is. Yoongi finally has the girl he's wanted in the palm of his hand, lungs stuttering her chest - but it's tarnished.
All he ever wanted was to love you. Not to fuck you. Sure, it'd be an inevitable side-effect, not one he'd ever complain about, but this just... wasn't how he'd envisioned it.
He's not sure that he could classify what he feels now as love. It's something quite similar, yes, but it's tainted. The waters he's treading are murky, as if something could pull him under at any time. A little bit of seaweed, maybe, wrapping up around his ankle, seeping up his legs like the ribbons of ballet shoes, pulling him down to dance on the ocean floor.
He'd let it, he thinks, if it meant he got to dance with you.
It's when your hands creep to the top of his trousers that he knows he's won. Knows that you do want this, too. Want him.
The second your hand wraps around his length, warm and stiff in your palm, he's ready.
You'd come undone with one another the night before. Used each other. It was self-serving. Self-gratifying. But now?
He's going to be the reason you come undone. His movements. His hands. Him. All him.
The way he guides you through his apartment is sweet. Careful, and gentle; his back is to the walls just in case he knocks into them. Keeps you protected.
And that's exactly what Yoongi is; a safety net.
But as he gets you on his bed - gets you undressed, gets his lips in places he only could have dreamt of, his tongue on your skin, teeth nipping - it's easy to forget that the safety net is still suspended a few meters above ground. You're not entirely secure.
The way Yoongi cradles your jaw makes you think you are, though. He always asks permission. Never takes a chance. Is vocal not for the sake of it, but to make sure that you always have an out. He wants this, wants you, but only because he's convinced you want him too.
Let me eat your pussy, baby. Is that okay? Will you turn over for me? That's it. God, yeah like that. You're so fucking good at that. Wait, wait- no. I'll cum. Don't wanna cum yet. Sit on my face. Shut up, no, I don't care. Maybe I want you to suffocate me. God. Taste so fucking good. That's it. Grind. On my face, baby. All over it. Look at how hard you made me.
And how can you refuse his requests?
Yoongi doesn't hide what he likes. Likes you. Likes you on top. Your hand around his throat. The way your nails feel against his skin. Would really like for you to leave a mark but he always grabs onto your hand whenever he thinks that you might. It's a reminder: his body isn't yours.
His heart might be, but who cares about that?
You don't, clearly, and so nor does he. He'll take what you give him.
And what a gift it is; clammy bodies, dulcet moans, whines of his name.
Yoongi's thought about this so many times, but he's never realised how good it would feel; what it would be like to hear you giggle while he's pushing himself inside you. Had never realised that you'd kiss his temples when he bottoms out, or that you'd whisper his name like a fucking bible verse. Never considered that you'd be so tight around him that he'd spend a fair while warming his cock inside of you, kissing you slowly as you adjust to his size. Never thought you'd taste so sweet, sound so serene.
Never thought he'd get this.
But he did.
And so now he gets it. Gets why that blonde-haired prick couldn't stay away. Gets why he wanted Yoongi to know how well he'd been fucking you - because now it's the only thing Yoongi wants to do, too.
Wants you. Wants you. Wants you.
Wants you in his bed, on his floor, in his shower. Wants you in the GS25 stock room, wants you out back in one of the cars he's working on. Wants you in every way he can get you.
Wishes he hadn't taken so long to act on it.
Because he knows that he can never really have you, now.
It's why he's letting himself indulge on this occasion. He knows what he's doing is wrong, but as far as he can see it, it's a once in a lifetime. He'll never get the chance again.
Never get you sat on his cock like you are now, never get to watch the light that peaks through his half-closed blinds illuminating your features, never get your cheeks all rosy and dimpled like this ever again. Never gonna hold your bare hips as you grind against him, never gonna pull on your wrist to bring your chest flat to his, never gonna kiss you through another orgasm.
But for now, he does. Bucks his hips, whines your name, tells you he's there, tells you - oh god, like that, baby - he's gonna cum. Fuck.
And so you meet him there. Rub delicate circles on your swollen cunt, bringing yourself to release just when he does. The thin layer of latex between you protects you from becoming his, but it all feels the same. The way your heart beats. The way he kisses you. It all feels the fucking same.
His arms wrap around your back. Hold you tightly. A kiss is pressed into your shoulder; up your neck.
The guilt that you expect to arrive never comes.
It will do, eventually - but much later on. His will come in the depths of the night, when he's sleeping beside his girlfriend, too much of a coward to tell her that he's betrayed her.
You think yours will come in the cold light of day a few months from now, when you finally let your brain process everything you've been through.
He tells you he's sorry, cock still buried inside of you, and you shake your head. Tell him you're sorry, too.
"What if I don't forgive you?" He teases, trying to lighten the mood - but you almost think he means it.
"Good," you smile. "It would be good if you don't."
You trace the vein that runs down his arm, and forge some faux sense of intimacy. You're playing house, but you can't play forever. Always have to go back to reality at some point.
This point comes half an hour later; Yoongi shirtless in a pair of sweats, leaning against his door frame toying with loose strands of your hair. He wants to kiss you. "Do you regret it?"
You want to kiss him, too. "Do you?"
The way you ask is so light and airy that Yoongi still feels like he's floating. The only thing he wants to weigh him down is your body on his.
Your want is growing too large, so you look down to avoid his gaze. Yoongi notices a lash on your cheek. A wish. He should reach for it. Collect it on his thumb, tell you to blow it away.
But he already knows what you'll wish for. Who.
And so he doesn't give you the chance. Hopes the wind will steal it from you.
"Don't be a stranger," he tells you as you go. His lips are plump, annoyed with his brain at the lack of kisses stolen from you before you left.
You lie. Tell him that you won't be. Say you'll see him soon.
Both of you know that you won't.
And it's only confirmed when you get into your car - breath heavy, eyes warm, tears verging - and you spot fucking Jieun walking up the road towards Yoongi's apartment. She's carrying a punnet of tangerines. Wears her hair tied into a half ponytail like you used to do.
This. Now. Yeah, this is when the guilt comes.
It makes so much fucking sense. Of course they'd have ended up together without you in the way to fuck everything up like you're so bloody good at. You wait until she's inside his apartment complex to start the car up, and fucking pray that Yoongi's gone to freshen up, that he's hidden the condom in the trash, that his lips won't taste like you.
Oh god, it's all so fucked.
"What have I done?" You berate yourself, head resting on the top of your steering wheel.
Whatever has happened has happened. You can't take it back. Nor can Yoongi. Just a fact of life now: Min Yoongi has fucked you. And you've fucked his life up.
You dart through town, giving little to no shit about the speed limits nor the unwritten rules of the roads, and find yourself cleaning tears off your cheeks with the back of your hand. You're not crying, not really. Not intentionally. It's just kind of happening.
That's your excuse for everything these days. It just happened.
The radio is off, and the roads are smooth beneath your tyres, but everything just feels so fucking loud. The engine barely makes a rumble but it feels like it's roaring at you. Screaming.
And then you are, too.
Screaming at the world; why it had to be this way. Why you're incapable of making good decisions. Why you couldn't have just stayed in Busan with the boy who'd stained you red with the colour of his love that ended up being nothing more than a little lie.
By the time you get to Kang's, you really are sobbing. It's in the way your shoulders shake; chest tightens. That's the issue with going back to your family. You're a frightened little girl all over again. Out of your depth. No fucking clue what you're doing. Just trying to feel something. Anything. Anyone.
For a moment, it had worked. And now everything is broken again.
You twist the keys in the ignition; let the engine cool before you pull yourself together. Pull down the sun visor, check yourself in the mirror. Check for signs of weakness. Grab a little lipstick from the centre console. Your eyes aren't all that bad. There's a little blush on your face, but there's plausible deniability. If anyone questions if you've been crying, you can blame it on windburn. Or tell them to fuck off and mind their own business. One of the two.
A deep breath settles in your sternum. You're not who you were a minute ago. You can do this.
Shoulders rolled back, you hold your head high as you enter the boxing club. The TV is playing in the background, Seokjin and Namjoon sat up by the sofas. They're surprised to see you, but it's not entirely out of the blue. They knew you'd be back.
Jimin clocks you as he's grabbing a water, and nods. You don't nod back.
And despite the fact you refuse to look at him as you enter the boxing club, Jungkook knows.
He's not entirely sure of what he knows, he's just aware of the fact you aren't quite yourself. There's an elegance to how you carry yourself and now is just the same, but... there's something. He can't pinpoint it. Can't figure it out.
But of course he can't.
It's a matter of the heart, not the mind.
In the same vein, it's not a matter at all. He doesn't care about you. Not like that. Doesn't give a shit if you're hurting, or if you're upset, or if someone has been unkind but-
Oh, fuck it.
He does care. He does, he does, he does. He cares so much. So, so much. So much that it feels like his heart has been ripped from his chest just looking at you. There's blood pooling all around him. Kids fucking dance in it like puddles. You watch from afar with a smile and a shrug, holding his still beating heart in your hands. You did this, love.
Jungkook closes his eyes. Shakes the image from his head. Tells himself to stay off the hallucinogenics for awhile.
His eyes find you again as you walk towards Seokjin. Jungkook is down by the bags, unwrapping his hands after a heavy session. There's sweat gleaming on his skin, staining pretty patterns down the back of his shirt. He's pleased you'd arrived now. Knows he looks like shit, but also knows how much you liked fucking him after a workout. Would tell him not to shower. Was the pheromones. Some shit like that. Drove you fucking wild.
The pleasure he takes in your timing is forgotten about when he realises just hollow your eyes are. Finds himself actually wanting a shower - admittedly, with you. It was always where you'd find the most comfort together, and that's what he wants. Just wants to fix whatever's gone wrong for you today.
Instead, he just walks toward the sofas. Doesn't like not being a part of the discussion. There are a few nods. Slight deliberation - and then Seokjin calls the Jungkook and Jimin in to the sofas regardless.
"Taking a vote," he says. It's already been discussed in private between the boys, but no formal plans have been put in place.
You choose to stand. Jungkook sinks into the leather of the sofa in front of you. Avoids eye contact. You pretend to look at the men around you, but you don't really take any of them in. You're unfocused. Disillusioned; disassociating. Daydreaming of the beach, where the water is clear and the sand is warm.
And then, you do let your eyes fall on his. They're so wide and worried. Jungkook is certain he's never seen you like this. Something isn't aligning. Hasn't been since you left, but he thought things would fall back into place when you returned.
You okay? he says silently.
You look him up. Look him down. Part your lips - only to close them again once Seokjin starts talking.
"All those in favour of working together?"
One by one they raise their hands. Seokjin first, then Jimin. Namjoon looks around. Shuffles uncomfortably. Doesn't look at you as he raises his hand.
"Kook?" Seokjin asks.
"It's a bad fuckin' idea," he says, eyes never once dropping from yours. He's not telling the boys. He's telling you.
"Your forte," you say sweetly, but there's no smile on your lips.
And he just nods.
"Yeah. It is."
He raises his hand.
Full house.
"Alright, then," Seokjin beams. "Let's get to work."
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curtsbigspoon · 3 months
ship headcanons? 🤲🏻
I am so sorry anon, I feel I'm too neurodivergent and couldn't figure out whether you meant who I ship in mota, or how I imagine the ship dynamics working. Anyways, have a bit of both!
Rosie x Me (obviously)
Gale x John
Gale x John x Curt
Crosby x Bubbles
Crosby x Rosie
Honestly, I'll ship most of the mfs in this show, they're all attractive and personally? I think they need their ass ate
Now, headcanons of the pairs?
Rosie x Me: Every night I spread him open and- ((GUNSHOTS))
Gale x John: I might expand on this in a post, because I feel it is very important for the progress of humanities evolution, but, John fucking loves Gale's ass. Downright worships it, thinks it's the perfect shape, likes to take advantage when no one's looking, grabs fistfuls of it until the entire thing's in his palms, until Gale's leaning his head back to hiss, "John," whilst he's all toothy grin kneading it with his fingers. On the other side, when John gets a little too hyped up and starts acting out, Gale's liable to either grab him by the scruff of the collar, or the hair, tug him down real close, voice low, total warning in his voice. John either pipes down immediately like a scolded puppy, or he pushes further, wants to see how far he can go.
Gale x John x Curt: Honestly this might need a separate post because I'll yap my lips off, but I'll give this much at least: Gale leads, he looks after the other two, tries to keep them out of trouble, holds most of the control. Bucky and Curt are like a duo pair, if chaos is happening, it's probably them that caused it. You'll usually find Gale, head in his hands at the scene of the crime, shaking his head, finding them both later with two very guilty expressions on their face. They follow him around like puppies, seeking his praise, his attention, being rivals about it, but also finding love in one another, playing together when Gale's not around to sate them.
Crosby x Bubbles: I haven't thought too much on these two to be clear, but I still like the pairing, and I very much envision them like sweethearts. They've been best friends for as long as they've known one another, always showing up at the end of the other's mission, checking in, updating each other about everything. Finding innocent little ways to brush against one another, risking someone else seeing their hands grazing together whilst they walk because they can just play it off as sheer accident. They laugh when they kiss, giggles falling between the spaces of each other's lips, cheeks flushing rosy, pure sweet joy and adoration.
Crosby x Rosie: Rosie's one of the best pilots and Crosby's a group navigator, of course the two of them find moments to spend time with each other. At first it's for mutual gain, Crosby's looking for someone else to occupy his mind from all the loss, looking for someone to make him feel a little better about himself and the decisions he's making. Rosie gives him that, obvious about his relief when Crosby reassures him of certain mission plans, enjoy the ease of stress to his shoulders - because as much as he loves his crew and his friends, he can never get the guilt out of his head of the responsibility he has to ensure their lives are as secure as his during every flight - Crosby understanding that pressure is something he finds comfort in. They find out that they both share similarities in lack of sleep, deciding to spend the empty hours together rather than alone dwelling in their mourning and guilt. It makes it easier, making each other coffee, sometimes just sitting in silence with the other present, other times taking the pressure off by having a chat and it turns into soft laughter echoing through.
Someone put me down. I can't say more or this will turn into a damn essay. I'm so sorry anon, you probably didn't ask for this, but I had no idea what you meant and it was only meant to be short but then- ((TASER GOES OFF))
If y'all need anything expanded on, or want me to clarify on more specific brainrots, please lemme know I have so much brewing!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
‧₊˚✩ chishiya, arisu, and kuina's love languages
warnings: ooc chishiya, one mention of a panic attack, mentions of blood, kuina feels a little dysphoric, these are all kinda the same but oh well
inspired by this post by @/eletricheart !!
notes: kuina's heart bracelet is based on this pic and the flowers are based on this pic
a/n: i was never really into among us/mcyt streamers during 2020 but i've been watching some corpse vods and i love him sm
gn reader (they/them pronouns used)
requests open !! read my rules first
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‧₊˚✩ chishiya
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he's so DNSKLNSLS i love him sm
words of affirmation
word count 306
“what are you thinking about?” chishiya’s voice interrupts the storm of thoughts swirling in your head. he watches as you shift to move a little closer to him. 
“just…” you sigh, leaning back against your chair. “the games. the beach. everything, really.” chishiya remains silent next to you. the altered taser he was working on lays forgotten on the table in front of you. 
“you’re upset,” chishiya finally says again. this time you turn to look at him. “you’re biting your lip and playing with your fingers. nervous ticks. you’re smart enough to not do them in games, but when we’re alone or you think no one is looking you let yourself get anxious.” he turns to fully face you as you stare at him in shock for a few minutes. “so, what are you so nervous about?” 
you stare back down at your hands before you answer. chishiya remains silent, giving you as much time as you need to answer his question. finally, you do. “i’m scared.” your voice is quiet; as if you’re scared that saying the words out loud will make them real. “about dying. i’m not smart like you. the games are hard for me. what if i slip up one day and it all just… ends?” 
“you’re wrong.” chishiya’s answer confuses you. you look over at him with furrowed eyebrows. “you are smart. i can pick things apart, but i don’t understand people. not like you. you’re smart, and loyal, and kind.” he looks away, quickly returning his attention to the taser. “sometimes kind is the best thing you can be.” 
you’re sure chishiya notices the way your lips quirk upwards into a small smile when he lets one of his own grace his face. you fall back into a comfortable silence, this time without any negative thoughts clouding in your head.
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quality time
word count 295
chishiya’s shoulders are hunched over from his position at the desk as he tinkers away at another kerosene bomb. the smell is nearly overwhelming as you enter the room, quietly closing the door behind you. though you’re sure he can tell that you’ve entered, chishiya doesn’t outwardly acknowledge your presence. 
you silently move to sit beside him, watching as he works. his hands move with precision; his work as a surgeon shines in moments like these. you lean your head against your hand as he expertly weaves the wires against each other through the soda can. he’s careful once he finishes creating the bomb as he sets it aside on the table. 
you remain in a comfortable silence as chishiya prepares to make another. this time, he slides a can over to you - a silent question. do you want to try making one? you oblige, following his movements as he uses a pocket knife to slice a hole into the can before setting it aside. 
the wires are easier to work with than you expected. they twist easily, allowing you to maneuver them into position. chishiya lets you lean against his shoulder to watch as he presses the wires inside of the can until you’ve created a makeshift bomb of your own. 
the sweet moment is interrupted when kuina swings the door open. “oh, sorry,” she says as you sit up. “am i interrupting something?” 
“no,” you hand the newly created device over to her. “chishiya just showed me how to make a bomb.” 
she twists it in her fingers before humming. “you guys are cute together.” you can't help the small smile that spreads across your face as you take it back from her, setting it alongside the others on the table.
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gift giving
word count 234
you shiver a little at the cold air in the prison as you enter. the other players stand around. they're hardly subtle as they look around, anxiously sizing each other up. you feel a little uncomfortable under their harsh glares as you slip to the side, suddenly very self conscious about the swimsuit you’ve been wearing since finding the beach. 
a familiar white jacket catches your attention from across the room. you step forwards a little to see the man more clearly, gasping when he turns. chishiya. 
he notices you almost as soon as you see him. you try not to make a scene as you slip through the other people over to his side. “it’s so good to see you again,” you whisper. 
“you too.” he smiles a little. his eyes scan you for any new injuries before focusing on the raised goosebumps along your arms. chishiya silently slips his jacket off before draping it over your shoulders. you watch him with wide eyes. if the other players didn’t know you knew each other before, they do now. 
“what are you doing?” 
“you’re cold,” chishiya shrugs, tugging you back towards the wall to stand beside him. you slip your arms into the sleeves. it feels warm against your skin. he reaches out to zip the jacket up for you before wrapping an arm around your waist as you wait for the game to begin.
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acts of service
word count 288
sunlight streaming through your windows wakes you early in the morning. you stretch, rolling onto your side away from the light in a poor attempt to get more sleep. you can feel chishiya sit up beside you as he silently gets out of bed. you whine, pulling the blankets back up over your body. 
chishiya slips his jacket over his bare chest before walking around to your side of the bed and kneeling down beside you. your eyes are still closed as he brings a hand up to cup your cheek, pressing a small kiss against your forehead. you smile a little as he walks over to the door. he slips his sandals on before making his way through the beach. 
food is easy enough to come by; especially so early in the morning. chishiya makes his way through the beach’s hotel to grab a bottle of water and a plate to prepare some breakfast for you. he decides on something simple - onigiri. he grabs a few pre packaged onigiri, placing them on the plate before making his way back to your shared room. 
you’ve fallen back asleep by the time he returns. chishiya silently places the plate and water bottle down on the bedside table before slipping back to his hideout in one of the beach’s many hidden areas to continue working on his various projects. 
the sun has fully risen by the time you enter the room. you silently place a water bottle and one of the onigiri he had brought you on the table beside him before pressing a quick peck against his temple in greeting. “thank you,” he whispers, taking the food. you simply hum with a small smile as he begins to eat.
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physical touch
word count 228
“y/n,” chishiya shakes you awake, giving you a reprieve from your nightmare. you flinch as you sit up in your shared bed. the room around you is dark; only illuminated by small streams of moonlight streaming through the curtainless windows. you close your eyes, trying to calm yourself down. “are you okay?” 
“just a nightmare,” you choke the words out. your breathing is unsteady. tears sting the corners of your eyes. your hands are shaking as you wrap your arms around yourself further. 
chishiya hesitantly reaches out, resting a hand on your shoulder. his touch feels nervous - as if you’ll suddenly bolt away from him like a scared animal. you shift a little closer to him. he takes the cue to move his hand a little further, now brushing his thumb against the tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“breathe,” he whispers. you do your best to obey, starving off a panic attack as best as you can. 
you sit in silence for a few minutes to fully calm down before you move again. chishiya freezes as you wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his neck. his body feels stiff before he slowly relaxes to pull you even closer. 
“thank you.” neither of you say anything else. you don’t need to. chishiya’s arms resting gently around your waist say everything he can’t express with words.
‧₊˚✩ arisu
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he's so cute here :((
words of affirmation
word count 282
you gasp as you jolt awake in the middle of the night. arisu leans over you, staring down at you in the darkness. he lets out a small sigh of relief when you sit up. “are you okay?” he whispers, handing you a bottle of water. you take it, grateful for a distraction from the nightmare that still lingers in your mind. “you were crying in your sleep.” 
“yeah,” you sigh. “i’m fine.” 
“are you sure?” 
“i just…” you fall into silence for a few minutes. you move to fully sit up, studying your hotel room in the darkness. it’s barely illuminated by a sliver of moonlight shining through a crack in your curtains. your eyes trace along the desk to the dresser and up the tv to the door. a small sliver of light is visible from underneath it. “do you think i’m a good person? i mean… we have to kill people to survive here. i watched people die in front of me. i was the reason why they died. and then we come back here and get drunk and sleep through the night.” you let out a shaky breath. “why do you love me?” 
“y/n,” arisu is quick to wrap his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. “none of this is your fault. we didn’t ask for any of this.” he pulls away just enough to wipe away a stray tear from your cheek. “i couldn’t do this without you. everything is better when you’re here.” 
you sniffle, hiding your face back in his chest. “thank you,” you whisper. arisu leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. 
“i love you.” 
“i love you too.” 
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quality time
word count 284 (set pre-borderland)
“ah!” arisu curses under his breath after yet another defeat. he sighs, leaning back against his chair. you glance up at him from over your phone as he prepares to start another round. sensing his growing irritation, you make your way over to his chair. arisu looks up at you in confusion as you pull it back just enough to comfortably sit yourself on his lap in between his body and the desk his monitor is on. “y/n? what are you doing?” 
“i want to cuddle.” you nonchalantly reach over to grab your phone once again, snuggling against his body.
arisu’s face flushes a bright red as he wraps his arms around you. “okay.” 
you smile, leaning back against him. arisu leans his head against your shoulder as he starts a new round. his fingers expertly switch between each button on the console as he plays. slowly, you find your attention drifting from your phone to your boyfriend. 
the way he bites his lip when he’s trying to concentrate. how his eyes flick from every side of the monitor as he scans for enemies. the warmth surrounding the both of you from a mix of your body heats and the energy from the games he’s playing. 
“yes!” arisu cheers when his team wins. you keep staring at him when he looks at you, face flushing a deep red again. you barely stifle your smile as he looks away as he pretends not to notice you watching him. “what is it?” 
“nothing,” you shift a little closer, pressing a kiss against his cheek. “i just love you.” 
his blush deepens even more as arisu leans down to peck your forehead. “i love you too.” 
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gift giving
word count 275
the sun beams down on you from above as you walk through the empty tokyo streets. it’s almost eerie to be alone in a city that you’ve only ever known as loud and constantly bustling with people - businessmen catching early trains to work, students rushing to their early morning classes, drunken crowds clinging to each other as they stumble their way home. 
you push the thoughts out of your head as you continue walking. lush overgrowth has begun to take over the abandoned buildings surrounding shibuya crossing. it looks beautiful besides the nostalgia that stings you everywhere you look. 
you shove your hands deeper into your pockets, about to turn around to go back to the beach when something catches your eye. a small patch of flowers has just begun to poke through a patch of grass. they’re short; petals a light pink. you smile, kneeling down to pick a few from the plant. you use a stray piece of string to wrap around the stems to create a makeshift bouquet before running back to the beach.
arisu is easier to find than you had expected. he’s sitting around with usagi and kuina on beach chairs as they enjoy their time away from the games. you bound over to him, eagerly holding the flowers out. “i got you something.” 
arisu’s face flushes a little as he stands to take them from you. “these are for me? really?” 
you nod as he takes them with a small smile. “they reminded me of you.” 
arisu’s smile grows as he wraps his arms around you in a hug. he presses a quick kiss against your cheek. “thank you.” 
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acts of service
word count 244
“come on,” you say as you tug arisu alongside you back to your shared room. he trudges his body alongside you, drunkenly stumbling through the beach’s hotel. 
“you know, my lover,” arisu hiccups. “y/n? they’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i don’t know how i managed to live for so long without them.” 
“yeah?” you’re glad he won’t be able to remember how flustered he’s making you as you continue pulling him along. 
“yeah. and they’re so pretty, too! prettiest person i’ve ever seen. pretty, and kind! so, so kind.” arisu pauses when you open the door, pulling him inside and helping him lay down on the bed. he stares up at the ceiling in a drunken haze, mumbling to himself. “they make me so happy.” the words almost catch you off guard. you set a water bottle and empty trash can beside him as he continues rambling. “so, so happy. i’ve never been happier than when i’m with them. i’d do anything to make them smile.” 
you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face at arisu’s words. you lean over him to brush his bangs out of his eyes, pressing a kiss against his forehead. “get some rest,” you whisper. 
“hm, okay.” arisu rolls over onto his side as you curl up behind him. you press another kiss against his shoulder before turning the light out as you fall asleep next to the love of your life.
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physical touch
word count 305
“arisu?” you squint at him in the darkness as he rolls onto his side again. you sit up, leaning over to turn the lamp on from your bedside table. arisu sighs, sitting up to face you. 
“did i wake you? i’m sorry.” 
“no,” you lean in a little closer to him, reaching over to grab his hand. “what’s wrong?” 
“i just…” he looks away from you to stare down at your intertwined fingers. “i’ve been thinking. about karube and chota.” you remain silent, rubbing your thumb against his knuckles as a silent reminder that you’re there for him. 
in the silence, your eyes scan each part of his face. arisu has always had his heart on his sleeve. it was one of the reasons why you fell in love with him in the first place. he’s never been afraid to show how deeply he loves the people around him. his eyebrows are furrowed slightly the way they always do when he’s deep in thought. his teeth chew on his lip as if he’s contemplating which words to say. 
“what if there was something else i could’ve done? i should’ve tried to cut the wires on the trap or searched for them or…” he pauses. tears sting the edges of his eyes. “it was my fault. they shouldn’t have died. they didn’t deserve to.” 
“oh, arisu, no,” you whisper, tugging him into a hug. arisu lets out a small sob, collapsing into your arms. you pull him closer to your chest as he cries. “you did everything you could. none of this was your fault.” you run a hand against his back to soothe him. arisu clings to your body as if you’ll also disappear if he lets go. you lean down to press a kiss against his forehead. “i’m here now. it’s gonna be okay.”
‧₊˚✩ kuina
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there aren't enough kuina gifs on this website ://
words of affirmation
word count 336
kuina tugs the blanket further up over her legs as she leans back against the headboard of your shared bed. it’s a hot day on the beach. the windows are open. your jacket lays forgotten on the floor to let any potential breeze blow against your bare skin. 
she shifts uncomfortably next to you once again. you cock your head at her in questioning. “is something wrong?” 
“huh?” she looks over at you with wide eyes. “oh, no, i’m fine.” 
you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. despite not knowing her for long, kuina has always had her heart on her sleeve. you spend so much time around her that you’ve learned her nervous tells and the ways she acts when something is wrong. “are you sure?” you prompt again. “you know you can tell me anything.” 
kuina looks up at you again with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. she looks at you for a few seconds like she’s trying to memorize your face before she looks away again. “there’s something you need to know. about me.” you silently reach over to grab her hand, waiting for her to continue. kuina takes a deep breath before she begins. “i’m trans. i wasn’t born a woman. my father kicked me out when he found out about it.” she pauses, raising a hand to wipe away a stray tear. her voice drops even quieter. “i’ve never told anyone before.” 
“kuina hikari, you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen.” you shift to fully face her, squeezing her hand in yours. “i adore you and everything about you. nothing will ever change that for me. i love you. i always will.” 
“really?” her voice is quiet when she speaks again. 
you bring a hand up to wipe away another tear from her face. “really.” you let her curl against your side so she’s resting her head against your chest. you wrap your arms around her so she’s listening to your heartbeat. “i love you, kuina. never forget that.” 
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quality time
word count 241
you stand uncomfortably at the edge of the crowd of people, ignoring the plethora of alcohol, drugs, and sex surrounding you. you search through the crowd for kuina, looking over the shoulders of strangers. “y/n!” kuina smiles as she makes her way through the beach over to where you’re standing. she has a bright smile on her face, hips swaying to the beat playing through the speakers. “come on! let’s dance!” 
you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face as she pulls you along with her into the crowd. she laughs, swaying her body to the beat. you follow her lead, albeit a little reluctantly. the smell of alcohol and sweat is almost overwhelming around you, the music is bound to give you a headache if you spend too long standing in front of the bass-boosted speakers, and the hot, sweaty people surrounding you make you a little uncomfortable. 
but none of it matters when you focus on kuina as she dances in front of you. she grabs your hand, twirling you around with her almost too elegantly for the hard edm beats you’re swaying along to. you intertwine your fingers together, letting yourself get lost in the crowd. just for a moment. just until the song ends. just for the night. just until you’ve had your fun with kuina and decide to retire back to your shared bed where you’ll fall asleep, wrapped safely in her arms.
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gift giving
word count 316
“here,” chishiya says, ripping off a small piece of duct tape and handing it to you. “for the bracelet.” 
“you know how to make these?” you ask, using it to hold down the thread against the table. 
chishiya simply shrugs, turning his attention back to the makeshift flamethrower he’s creating. you’re sure you both reek of gasoline from the amount of time he’s spent trying to perfect the contraption. “i know things.” 
you chuckle a little at his vague answer as you twist the strands of thread between your fingers. they move unconsciously as you intertwine the strands between each other to create a small heart pattern. the blue and white contrast against each other nicely until it looks long enough to wrap around kuina’s wrist. 
you use the lighter to burn off the thread so it ends nicely. chishiya glances over at it for a second as you slide the lighter back over to him. “it looks nice.” 
“thank you.” you test the length around your own wrist before standing up in search of kuina. you find her rolling her wooden cigarette between her fingers from her usual spot on a random beach chair. you maneuver your way through the crowd to sit down beside her. “hey,” she greets with a small smile. 
“hi,” you say. “i made you something,” you say, holding the bracelet out. kuina gasps, bringing a hand up over her mouth. she hesitantly reaches out to take it as if it’s a fragile piece of glass in her hands. 
“it’s beautiful,” she whispers before throwing her arms around you. “thank you! i love it!” you laugh, pulling away just long enough to tie it around her wrist so it sits perfectly against her skin. she holds her hand out to admire it for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around you once again. “i love you.” 
“i love you too.”
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acts of service
word count 334
the sun has just begun to rise when you wake up. the light shining in your face is enough to jolt you awake far too early in the morning. you let out a quiet groan, flipping onto your back as you stare up at the ceiling. your jacket is a poor excuse of a pillow and your body aches from the games and what feels like weeks of sleeping on the floor. 
kuina is still peacefully sleeping across from you when you finally sit up. a small smile stretches across your face at the sight. she’s wrapped up in a random jacket you found, curled up beside you. her bag lays propped up against the wall next to her. 
you quietly stand up, careful not to wake kuina as you creep through the convenience store you slept in for shelter. you scan the shelves for any food you can keep to easily prepare with minimal supplies, finally settling on a few packages of premade snacks and some bandages in case of an emergency. 
you stuff the food into kuina’s bag for her to eat later before slipping out of the store. you squint at the sun, watching as it rises. it’s a beautiful sight. a golden glow illuminates your surroundings as you make your way into a random store to search for some shoes that aren’t a random pair of sandals provided by the beach. 
you settle on a pair of white sneakers for kuina and a random pair of running shoes for yourself. you make your way back to the convenience store where she’s still sleeping on the ground. you set the white shoes beside her before going back outside to watch the sunrise. moments of peace are rare in the borderland. 
the sun has barely moved when kuina leaves the store herself, walking over to sit beside you. “thank you,” she whispers, slipping her feet into the shoes. you simply nod, letting her lean against you as the earth begins to wake.
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physical touch
word count 231
kuina’s hands are gentle against your skin as she wraps another bandage around your bicep. she tugs it tightly against your arm so it’s tight enough to stop any more bleeding. she moves onto your other arm, holding out your arm so she can tend to your forearm. 
you wince as she presses an alcohol soaked towel against the wound to clean it. “ah,” you hiss at the immediate sting of pain. 
“sorry, i’m sorry,” she whispers. “i’m almost done, i promise.” she works quickly to wrap another bandage around the cut. “okay, we’re done now.” 
you sigh as she shoves the bandages back into her bag. you lean back against the wall of the convenience store you took shelter in. kuina stands up, looking through some of the shelves before grabbing a random bag of chips to share with you. 
you lean against her shoulder as kuina wraps her arm around your waist. you reach over to grab your jacket, laying it over your knees as a makeshift blanket. “do you really think we’ll be able to go home after this?” you whisper. 
kuina squeezes your hand, intertwining your fingers together. “even if we don’t,” she whispers. “i’ll find a way to get us out of here.” 
you press a kiss against her knuckles before snuggling a little closer to her. “i love you,” you whisper. 
“i love you too.”
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aizenat · 4 months
2024 needs to be the year that women as a whole decide they're going to stand up. Stand up for themselves, their kids, their beliefs, their feelings, etc. Open up that throat chakra and put power to words, power to action, and no more settling in victimization.
I keep watching these stupid reddit videos and the amount of times women are asking for permission to be an asshole or to leave a partner for whatever reason or just to speak up for themselves is so annoying. I'm sick of watching women year in and year out make themselves smaller to make shit easier for men. Men are digging their heels into the alpha male(cuck)/maga/tate-head way of thinking and should be single for it. Stop making excuses for men, stop prioritizing men's feelings and comfortability on their own. Man tells you to smile? Tell him to suck dick since we're giving unsolicited advise. He tries to make it aggressive and say, "no, I'm serious; you'd might be surprised how much more relaxed you'd feel if you just got on your knees and shoved another's man dick down your throat."
Keep knives, pepper spray, and tasers on you and don't be afraid to use them if needed. Learn self defense. He cheats? Leave. No looking back. Fuck if you have kids or where you'll stay: LEAVE. He puts your hands on you in any way, call the cops and leave his ass. Send him to prison if you can. No more mercy for men who do this shit. LEARN HOW TO TALK LOUDLY AND HOW TO MAKE A LOT OF NOISE IF A MAN IS MAKING YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
Fucking stand the fuck up in 2024.
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“See You Next…”
[TWST AU]: An MC/Yuu who was spending time at the now famous Gravity Falls, Oregon.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu, a family member of the Pines Family were staying over during the summer at the now busy Mystery Shop.
Gender Neutral MC/Yuu
[(A/N)]: Oh my god. Memories from middle school are coming back. Nostalgia and cringe as I remember being obsessed with the Disney Channel show with the secret codes and stuff. I couldn’t help but regret writing nonsense involving the show during my Wattpad days. It’s like “Yikes. What the hell was I writing about?” Thank god the TWST fandom is an easier base to write with.
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Many years had passed since Weirdmaggedon ended and the town called Gravity Falls is now famous for tourist attractions and the reputation that was put up.
13 y/o MC/Yuu Pines wants to spend their summer over in Oregon so they can see everybody, including their aunt and uncle: Uncle Dip and Auntie May-May (The Pine Twins: Dipper and Mabel Pines).
During the bus ride from California to Oregon, MC/Yuu reminisces spending times with their family members laughing, bonding, and telling stories about their adventures. They gained interests and hobbies from Uncle Dip and Auntie May-May such as mystery novels, arts n’ crafts, science, therapeutic knitting, etc.
Also Auntie May-May taught MC/Yuu how to fangirl/fanboy/stan their favorite music group.
After the long ride, they finally arrived to Gravity Falls and the bus stopped at the bus stop. Over there was someone you expect after working for years as a loyal former handyman, waiting to pick them up.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Steps out of the bus with their luggages* Oh my god! Uncle Soos! *Tackles hugs him*
Soos: Whoa, dude! *Hugs back* Haha, it’s good seeing you too.
MC/Yuu Pines: *Lets go of him* How’s your family doing? Is Aunt Melody okay?
Soos: Your aunt is doing great! We should head back. There’s new items for the museum.
MC/Yuu Pines: Aw sweet!
After Soos helps pack the luggages on a newer golf cart, the two sat inside and head straight to the good ol’ Mystery Shack.
When they arrived, nostalgia hits MC/Yuu when they see the shabby cabin in all its glory with the letter “S” still left alone and not repaired.
They cried a little after seeing the building.
Soos: Dude, are you okay?
MC/Yuu Pines: *Sniffs* Sorry. I got glitter in my eyes.
The two enter inside and Melody, MC/Yuu’s God-aunt and Soos’s wife, greets the young teen with a warm hug and she’s holding a small baby (presumably Soos & Melody’s child). They chatted and excited to spend time together.
Melody guides MC/Yuu upstairs in the attic which is where they’re sleeping for the whole summer.
MC/Yuu told Aunt Melody they will come down later after unpacking their stuff and relax a little from traveling.
An hour passed by and MC/Yuu comes down, entering to the museum part of the shack.
MC/Yuu Pines: Uncle Soos? Hello? I’m back down, ready to help with new attractions.
Just as they roamed around while picking up messes like an axe, a taser gun and a plain notebook with a pen attached to the spine. MC/Yuu questioned why are these items scattered over the place. ‘Great Grunkle influence…’
After looking around one more time, they spotted an intricate body mirror by a faux statue of “THE SASCROTCH”. (Yes, a knockoff of Bigfoot. Keep going.)
MC/Yuu thought it’s only temporary and Soos put it there. They didn’t question much, and steps over to the reflection of the one-way glass.
MC/Yuu Pines: If spending summer over here, I’m sure there’s adventures to experience. I can’t wait to show them what I’ll discover.
Then suddenly the mirror’s reflection wobbles and it starts glowing bright.
MC/Yuu quickly grabs the weapons (axe and taser gun) from before for defense, then the mirror shunned brightly as the young teen was sucked into the mirror-turned-portal along with the blank notebook from earlier.
After getting sucked into the mirror and traveled to another world, like in the canon storyline, they somehow get transported to Twisted Wonderland, got chased down by Grim, dragged into the dorm-sorting ceremony by Headmaster Crowley, the same feline-like menace creating chaos, etc.
Except MC/Yuu stops Grim by holding him up and tasing the two NRC students with the taser gun they equipped. (R.I.P. Azul and Riddle /j)
MC/Yuu Pines: That’s enough! I don’t know what in Hot Belgian Waffles is going on here, but this is more insane than my aunt’s weird troll juice.
Crowley: Hot Belgian Waffles? Who are you?
MC/Yuu Pines: Uhh…Someone from Gravity Falls?
Crowley: What place?
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh crude. I’m in another world.
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MC/Yuu Pines: *Looking around their surroundings* Uncle Dip is gonna flip about this place called Twisted Wonderland. I need to start a journal. Oh right, there would be some government agents going after the mirror too for experimentation if they find out about it.
Deuce: Did you say government agents?
MC/Yuu Pines: My family has dealt with them in the past when my Great Grunkle Stan was getting his brother, Great Grunkle Ford, to return back from another dimension.
Deuce: What?
MC/Yuu Pines: What? I would do the same if my family were in danger.
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MC/Yuu Pines: You guys don’t happen to have gnomes around here, right?
Jamil: Not that we know of, why?
MC/Yuu Pines: Funny, but traumatic story. My aunt, Auntie May-May, was almost kidnapped by hundreds of gnomes from the start of her and Uncle Dip’s summer. At first, she thought she scored a “hot gothic” summer boyfriend, but my uncle was skeptical about him. Towards the end, he was right. It’s hundreds of gnomes attempting to kidnap his sister to become their queen.
Kalim: Oh wow. Your world sounds crazy.
MC/Yuu Pines: There’s many stories involving their summer vacation.
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[Visiting Gravity Falls]
[Little lore: Fortunately the mirror portal in the museum is a gateway between Twisted Wonderland and the ol’ town.]
[Smile Dip back in stock!!!]
MC/Yuu Pines: Smile Dip? I remember Auntie May-May consumed a ton of this candy and warned me not to eat it as she experienced major side effects.
Jack: What? Like rotten teeth?
MC/Yuu Pines: No, trippy hallucinations. I think LSD was added in back then.
Jack: Oh Great Seven.
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[Mystery Shack]
[Epel and MC/Yuu hanging by the porch carved apples together.]
MC/Yuu Pines: You know, I’m glad I met you guys. Back home, I never made friends as most kids my age would bully me for having relatives retelling stories to think they’re mentally crazy or others try to catch clout as my uncle is a famous author and my aunt is a cheerful fine arts professor at a prestigious college. It’s really hard to find anyone decent without ill intentions.
Epel: Wow. MC/Yuu, I’m sorry to hear this.
MC/Yuu Pines: Don’t worry. At least I won’t get into drama these days. *Tries to hide their brass knuckles away*
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Ace: Why do you call your uncle “Dip”?
MC/Yuu Pines: He has an abnormal birthmark on his forehead that aligns exactly like the Big Dipper. I couldn’t say his full nickname when I was younger so it just stuck as Dip instead.
Deuce: Do you have something like that in your family?
MC/Yuu: I have marks aligned only as a triangle. It weirded out my twin relatives, especially Uncle Dip. I don’t know why, but he only mentioned as long there isn’t anything in the center.
Jack: Your uncle sounds like he’s keeping a secret.
MC/Yuu Pines: Maybe. Probably when I’m old enough he’ll tell me.
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[Surrounded by vicious trolls in the woods during MC/Yuu’s adventures.]
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh, what the #$@%? *Pulls out their axe*
Idia: *Surprised* H-How did you do that?
MC/Yuu Pines: Do what?
Idia: You cursed.
MC/Yuu Pines: Oh! You mean #$@%? Yeah, for some reason, my world couldn’t stand curse words. Or this. *Pulls out the middle finger*
[Then a flyer flies in blocking their hand.]
Idia: *Perplexed* W-What is with this world’s settings?!
MC/Yuu Pines: *Shrugs* I don’t know and it’s the Grunkle influence. *Kills a troll behind them*
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blackwolfstabs · 7 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 17
What if Tara had followed Frankie up the stairs?
Warning!!! contains rape/non-consensual elements & violence / mild gore.
‘ “No, dude, Anika, I’m not that bad. But I appreciate you looking out for me.” ’
Tara’s own words echoed in her mind as she looked around Frankie’s room. As a matter of fact, they burned, as if telling her to turn around right now before that door could shut on her. As if she had just made a move that was destined for her to regret. 
Turn around. Change your mind. Run.
Too late.
The sound of the door clicking shut became louder than her thoughts. She told Anika she was fine. She told Quinn she was going to be fine. She wanted Sam to know she could make her own decisions and be fine once they were made. She could do this. She was fine. Right?
She swung her arms awkwardly as she turned around, “So… why do you choose to keep alcohol in your room?” She pulled a smile that outwardly seemed natural, but inwardly was a tri-brid of anxious, awkward, and mockingly casual. “I mean, isn’t that what cabinets are for?” she half-joked.
The door locked. 
Her heart skipped a beat, and anxiety immediately started to fizz in her stomach, making a wave of nausea hit her from the amount of alcohol she had drunken already. She swallowed it back. 
Frankie looked up from the door. “Because it’s easier to get girls like you away from the crowds, when I hide it up here,” he answered, the thick intoxication that had threaded his voice downstairs not as convincing as it was then.
Carpenter went hot, then ice cold. Her heart went into a pound that was so hard, it made her chest hurt. And suddenly, her next breath was harder to get in than the previous one. She was frozen. It was right then that she knew she had willingly stepped into a trap. 
And she had been given so many signs. She had almost taken the very first one: when he had told her he had liquor up here. Something in her paused and stared, as if running a thousand messages through her head: 
Yes? No? Maybe? 
Should I stay? Should I go? 
The human mind was a complex thing. But a traumatized human mind was impossible to pull apart, which was what led her to bet on it.
“Fuck it. Yeah. Go.”
She had carelessly pushed her caution aside, thinking of it as her living in the past. Thinking of it as just her being that same scared, little girl she had been chained to ever since September 23, 2022. She didn’t want to be her anymore. She wanted to be the survivor, the go-getter, the normal Tara Carpenter she would have been, if only it wasn’t for…
“Y-You said…” she started, not realizing she was stuttering, until she had to choke the words up her throat, “You said, um… that you had Fireball up here?” Her legs were starting to shake.
“Yep, sure do,” he replied, confidently, stalking towards her like a cat to a mouse. He grabbed his crotch, clutching it to draw her attention to its swelling nature, “I got two fireballs right here waiting for you, Michigan.”
This sobered her up fast. Her throat tightened, and her chest seemed to clutch so tight she was sure she would stop breathing. She shook her head, backing up as he continued to come towards her, “No…” her voice was quiet, nearly speechless. She knew what he was thinking, and that was what scared her to death. Fuck, she should’ve brought her taser. Why didn’t she bring her taser?
He watched her retrieve her inhaler from her back pocket. He had her right where he wanted her. He rushed forward and captured her small body in his hold, one arm secured around her back and the other supporting her hind end as he picked her up and had them torso-to-torso.
Tara yelped in alarm, dropping her inhaler before she could deliver its medication to her lungs. She heard him chuckle as his grip on her tightened, to which she resisted, pushing him away, while trying to untangle her legs from his torso. 
“Gotta give little, Miss Freshman a proper college initiation,” he purred, easily able to keep his hold around her squirming as he carried her towards the bed. “You said you might rush it, right?”
She barely even heard him around the blood roaring in her ears. “No! Frankie, put me down!” She bucked, but that only seemed to enthuse him more. The room became a blur as she was forcefully released, thrown away onto the mattress, which had her figure bouncing once before staying down. 
Frankie grinned as he crawled up on to her, already anticipating the colors he would force out of her within the next couple of minutes. It was fun to watch her tipsy-self try to gain control of the situation as she backed up, uncoordinated. He could hear her anxious breathing become hyper, which told him he needed to take the next steps: securing her. “You need to settle down, baby girl,” he growled and grabbed her ankle to yank her into a lying position.
But Tara continued to thrash, starting to wheeze on her breaths as he straddled her hips and pinned her wrists down with his hands. She shook her head. “No! Stop! What are you doing?!” she shouted at him, her face turning red in response to the tears coming into her eyes. “Get off me!”
This was all her fault.
Her attacker squeezed her hips with his knees and dug his nails into her skin, earning a cry as he leaned down to snarl in her ear, “Stop screaming, and I’ll be gentle.” 
The distance between his lips and her ear was so close, it took her voice away, leaving her whimpering while trying to regain control of her airways.
“Good girl, Michigan…” he then cooed.
She flinched as his moistened lips pressed against her cheek. “P-please… don’t,” she begged him, “Ple-hease…” She couldn’t hold back the sob that convulsed her chest.
Frankie didn’t listen, just shushed her and continued kissing down her face and onto her neck, sliding one of his knees in between her clenched thighs to rub it against her clothed privates. There, he began to moan with each peck.
His victim swallowed with a whine, trying to squeeze her legs against his to keep him from doing any more. “S-stop it,” she hissed, failing to pull her upper half away, while trying to block his kisses with her shoulder. But this only made him use his teeth as he sucked her collar bone. She cringed harder and jerked. “Stop!”
He pressed his knee into her shorts—where her vulva was hiding—and captured both of her wrists above her head with one hand to move the other down her body. “Mmm…”
Tara gasped with a wince. She started to writhe again, shifting her hips uncomfortably when his fingers played with her beltline. They slipped beneath to duck below her underwear’s hem. Panic shot through her faster than she could process his next steps. “Frankie, no! Get off of me! Let me go-ho!” He was down to her sternum. His hand undid her shorts and tugged them down at the same time she felt his tongue glide beneath her top to lick her cleavage, catching her left breast. She nearly lost it. His hand moved to grab her groin, which was now only protected by her panties, and he squeezed gently, forcing out a squeal from her. 
Her vision went black. She stopped breathing. Her throat was so tight, she could barely even make the noise she had. She was shaking violently. Everything that had brought her to this night—this reckless, rebellious night—seemed to flash behind her eyes. A million things. Mom. Dad. Sam. Mindy. Chad. Wes. Amber. Liv. Sam. Amber. Phone call. Ghostface. Amber. Pain. Sam. Hospital. Fear. Death. Sam. Blood. Amber. Escape. Pain. Sam. Moving. Quinn. School. Anika. College. Sam. Forgive. Forget. Chained. Free. Sam.
Sam. Everything went back to Sam.
She should’ve listened. Why didn’t she listen?
Sam. Where was she? Surely, she’d follow her, right? She was here? She had to be here.
Frankie pulled the thick black strap clinging to her shoulder down to begin undressing her, which made her snap to her senses. Well… what she could sense was real. What felt real.
She ditched that crappy promise he made from earlier. No one ever got anywhere being quiet. “No! No!” She tried to kick, buck, and twist to keep him from going any further. “Let me go! Get off of me! Help!” Around her hyperventilating, she managed to scream. Just like the very first night… “He-heeelp! Plea-hease!”
“Shut up!” Frankie barked. He pulled his hand away from her pelvis and gave her a hard smack across the face. 
She sobbed, her tears feeling hotter than the sting as they rolled down her cheeks. “Ge-he-het oh-hoff!” There was a ringing in her ear from the slap, but around it, she thought she heard thumping, like someone was banging on the door. Had she gotten someone’s attention?
“Fuck!” Her assaulter let his dividing knee fall hard onto her private area, which made her cry out, but he shoved his hand over her mouth. “Look at what you’ve done!” 
More thumping. And voices. Familiar voices.
“Get away from her, you motherfucker!”
Sam. There were different voices behind that door, but the last one was Sam’s. It was her sister’s. She knew that for a fact. And that made a faint ray of hope break open in Tara’s chest.
She yanked her face away from his makeshift-gag and shouted at the top of her lungs. “Saaam! I’m here, Sam! Help me! Please, he’s ra-hay-haping me! Sa-ha-haaam!”
Above her, Frankie ripped off the do-rag she wore for her pirate costume and shoved it into her mouth, “Shut the fuck up!” His eyes were wild as they met her glossy ones. 
“Mmm! Mm-hmphh! Mmm-mm-hmph!”
“Shut! Up!”
Then what sounded like an explosion came from Carpenter’s left, and the shadow that loomed above her with its weight holding her down was gone. 
Sam cursed herself for not being there to tell Tara ‘no.’ She cursed Quinn for letting her go, when she knew she had already been told. However, Tara was old enough to know better. She didn’t care if her little sister was feeling caged in from her overprotection, because it was situations like these that made Sam make decisions for Tara. Decisions not to go somewhere she may not be able to return from. 
Now, here she was at the top of the stairs with the news that Tara had drunk a little too much and had been dragged up into a stranger’s room. The door was locked. She was still underage. And from behind that damn door, Sam had to listen to her sister scream and beg from beneath a sorry excuse for a human being.
Chad flanked her and beat violently on the door, cussing the guy—whom Anika had shared was Frankie—out, while Mindy and Anika shouted from behind. They called out to Tara, unable to do anything but let the youngest member of their pack know that they were trying to get to her.
But Samantha couldn’t even be mad at Tara, or Quinn, or the twins for letting Tara do as she pleased. All she could think about was tearing Frankie apart. With a weapon, without one, it didn’t matter. That urge—the thrill—she had confessed only a short while ago in her therapy session engulfed her, drowning her into dark waters that were controlled by her demons.
She wanted him dead. She wanted to see every disgusting, conniving thought behind his unimaginable eyes vanish to leave them dull and without any more chances. And she would do it, if it was the last thing she did as Samantha Carpenter.
“Tara!” She yelled after throwing her body against the door for the 3rd time.
And what she heard next shattered everything that made her sane into a million pieces that could not reverse time.
“Saaam! I’m here, Sam! Help me! Please, he’s ra-hay-haping me! Sa-ha-haaam!”
Nothing could take back what she just heard. Out of the 7 billion people in the world, she would always be able to pick out Tara’s voice saying her name, no matter who was around. But hearing it this distressed, this helpless, this desperate…
“Mmm! Mm-hmphh! Mmm-mm-hmph!”
Her master was calling. And she would answer.
“Shut! Up!”
Her eyes darkened, eliminating the differentiation between her irises and pupils. A murderous growl rumbled in her throat, giving her voice a depth that had never been reached before. Her black, painted nails dig into the paint on the door to leave shredded wood shavings in their wake. 
No one pulled that shit on her baby sister and lived.
She pushed Chad back with her arm and kicked the door in, the force leaving it tearing away from its hinges. As if she had seen their positions from behind the door, she knew exactly where to attack. And she did. Her gaze was only set on Frankie, unable to look at Tara being held down and gagged with tears streaming down her face and clothing disheveled from his attempt to undress her.
Samantha was far from sanity as she ripped him off of her with a snarl that was far more animal than human. She felt something in her bicep pull from the awkward transitioning from the mattress to the floor, but she couldn’t feel anything more than a strain in the muscle. 
No pain. No mercy. Just rage.
She completely blocked out everything else around her, only hearing Tara screaming for her over and over and over and over and over again. 
The surroundings she was missing consisted of Chad immediately going over to Tara, who was still in shock as she stayed trembling on the bed with her do-rag pushed into her mouth and eyes draining all of the emotions it couldn’t take. Mindy followed in close behind, tailed by Anika.
As angry as Chad was to see Tara in that state, he knew she didn’t need him losing it like Sam had. She needed compassion and comfort. He pulled the gag from her mouth to hear her break out in hyper pants, gasping for breaths that were a mixture of wheezes and sobs. “It’s okay, Tara,” he spoke calmly to her, finding her wide, horrified eyes meet his own. “It’s alright, we’ve got you. Breathe.” 
Tara watched him nod, which made her mimic him, but it was a thoughtless action. She couldn’t comprehend any emotion right now, she just knew her entire system had been stunned. Frankie’s agonized cries had her slowly looking away from Chad to where they came from.
Her older sister was on top of him—almost the same way he had been on her—punching him over and over and over. Each time she brought her hand back, there was more blood that coated her skin. Every strike came with a grunt that was half-angered and half-pained, drowned out mostly by her victim’s yelping.
“You fucking bitch!” Frankie choked out.
And then Sam yelled back, “Don’t you ever lay your fucking hands on my sister!” She hit him again and again. 
Tara stared at them, beginning to full-on hyperventilate. She tried to sit up more than Chad had already helped her, but it didn’t clear her airways enough, which made her regain control of her hands and bring them up to her throat, as if trying to pull the invisible object constricting her away. 
“Chad, we need to get her out of here,” Mindy told her brother, still watching the pool of blood that grew the longer Sam beat the ever-loving shit out of Frankie.
Then, Anika spoke up. “Wait, where’s her inhaler?” After a quick glance around the room, she spotted it lying on the floor, leaving her guessing it was either dropped or thrown away from its owners reach.
While Chad gathered the younger Carpenter in his arms, Mindy beat her girlfriend by jumping across the bed to retrieve the inhaler. In one fluid motion, she picked it up and tossed it to her. “Go ahead, I’ll get Sam,” she ordered.
Anika nodded and turned to follow the other two out.
“You’re alright, Tara. You’re safe. I got you,” Chad spoke softly to the quivering girl clinging to his neck.
On the floor or the bedroom, Sam was far from done with the piece of shit that decided to push his luck on the wrong day. By now, she had broken his nose, fractured his jaw, and knocked out a good handful of teeth from punching him repeatedly. Her knuckles were purple, but her adrenaline eliminated any recognition of it. She clawed his neck, gripping the gold chain around his neck, just to pin his head down by his hair with her other hand. She yanked his hair to tilt his head back, before ripping the necklace in two and throwing it down. Franie coughed and struggled, shoving his hand against her chest to push her off, but that only made her even more mad. Like a rabid dog, she dropped her head and sank her teeth into his wrist, until she felt blood bathe her canines. Then, she yanked away, tearing the skin from his bones and spitting it out. He screamed, but it wasn’t loud enough for her.
Mindy watched her from where she had picked up Tara’s inhaler. She couldn’t move, because she no longer knew who she was trying to lure away. This wasn’t Sam. Not the one she’d known most of her life. This woman was rabid, feral, mindless, impulsive, violent, sadistic, and seemed to hold a bloodlust only one other person could have mastered. 
Billy Loomis. 
Her father.
The way she tilted her head. The way her eyes seemed to lack any sense of heart. The way she licked the blood from her teeth, like it was a sugary syrup. She may have spent her years running from the name Samantha Loomis, but as of this moment, she was the spitting image of her bloodline.
She was starting to kill Frankie.
“Sam!” Mindy yelled. She gave no sign that she’d heard her. ��Sam, stop! That’s enough!”
But the appointed being didn’t hear anything at all other than her victim’s voice. She just felt. She was a machine, mindless and running on gasoline that had been too close to an open flame. 
“Bitch!” he cursed at her.
She clutched his throat. “I’ll rip your fucking throat out!” she snarled, sinking her black claws into his flesh. She felt hands come upon her shoulders to try and pull her off, but she jerked away, enticing her to grip his neck tighter. “I’ll send you back to the Hell you came from!”
“Sam! Stop, you’re killing him! Samantha!” Mindy continued to shout at her, but she knew better than to get too close to someone who was that far gone. She might take Frankie’s place, if she did anything too threatening for Sam’s liking. However, she was relieved when she heard footsteps running up the stairs and looked up to find her brother coming in.
“Tara’s okay, Anika’s with her,” he informed, before she could ask.
But she wasn’t concerned about that at the moment. “Can you get her off him? She’s gonna kill him!”
Without any hesitation, her sibling rushed forward and grabbed Sam around the waist. 
And she didn’t like that at all. Her nails left deep red tracks along Frankie’s throat as she was pulled away from his body. She thrashed, still trying to get to him, for whoever was forcing her away was much stronger than she was.
“Easy, Sam!” Chad tried to calm her as he tightened his arms around her, “That’s enough, Tara’s okay!”
“No!” she screamed, blinded by what could’ve been. What would’ve been, had she not been there. “You unimaginable bastard!” she barked at the nearly unconscious man lying on the floor, “You ever come near her again, I’ll kill you where you stand!”
“Samantha Carpenter!” Mindy yelled at the top of her lungs as she jumped in front of the older, blocking her view of Frankie and grabbing her face to have her look at her in the eyes.
This made Sam stop. She was still panting, still shaking with rage, but she stopped. There was only one other person who would shout her full name with so much conviction, it was only second nature to listen. 
Her mother.
Now that she had stopped fighting, Mindy went on. “Stop it, this isn’t you,” she told her in a quieter tone. “Take a deep breath.”
The other’s brow twitched, unsure whether or not it was safe to let her guard down. He came for Tara. He wanted Tara. But no one would ever hurt Tara. Ever. She huffed as she took a breath, her larynx still emitting animalistic growls that could’ve fooled anyone into thinking she was some sort of werewolf about to spill the secret.
“Tara’s okay. You need to calm down.” If Mindy didn’t know better, she could’ve sworn she was looking into the eyes of Billy Loomis. Her eyes were so dark and empty of any empathy there was to give when the thirst for blood was running free.
“Settle down, Sam,” Chad joined in, feeling her stomach convulse beneath his forearm as she fought the urge to lunge again. “Tara’s fine, she’s with Anika. But she needs you to be fine, too.”
And all of the sudden, Carpenter snapped out of it. The instinct to hunt and kill vanished as quickly as it had come on. For a moment, she wasn’t sure who she was or where she was. She blinked, and the black in her eyes returned to their dark chocolate essence. The hands on her face now felt warm, and the hold on her waist was protective, as if keeping her from entering dangerous territory instead of keeping her away from something in dire need of attention.
Mindy could physically see the change when it happened. She knew she was talking to her friend again. “We’ve gotta get out of here, okay? Tara’s waiting for you.”
Tara was waiting. Tara was waiting for her. 
Tara was waiting…
Sam relaxed in Chad’s hold, allowing him to let her go. “Where is she?” Her voice was hoarse and strained, which caught her off guard. Why did she sound like that? She hadn’t been yelling. Had she? 
“Outside,” Chad answered.
Her eyes found Frankie, then found her bloodied hands that matched his face. She swallowed. The foul, metallic taste of fresh blood on her tongue made her mouth water in a defensive way. 
Had she done that to him?
And then, everything hit her. Why she was there and what she’d heard.
‘ “Saaam! I’m here, Sam! Help me! Please, he’s ra-hay-haping me! Sa-ha-haaam!” ’
She immediately looked at Mindy, her gaze hard but also alarmed at what had happened before she lost control.
Mindy read her mind. And she nodded. 
“She’s safe, Sam. Thanks to you.”
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might have made Sam take things a little too far???? (i just really got into it. like the idea that Frankie was likely going to rape Tara infuriates me.)
p.s. special thanks to "Eyes Of The Devil" by Seether, "Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet (cover by Caleb Hyles and Johnathan Young), "I Know I'm A Wolf" by Young Heretics (cover by Courbe), "Dance With The Devil" by Breaking Benjamin (acoustic cover by Kevin Staudt), & "Attack" by 30 Seconds To Mars
All my best! ♡ - parker
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 4 months
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark chapter 32:  A Place Made Of Memories
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, tony stark, Harley keener & Peter Parker, Maria hill & Tony stark James rhodes & clint barton, Tony stark x Pepper Potts, Ben parker, may parker & peter parker, Happy hogan & Pepper potts, May parker & pepper potts
Summary: Visiting reader's apartment
Warning: Tears Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique
"I met her a while ago." Harley was explaining. "I had no idea."
"I don't think anyone did, kid." Tony told him as they reached the parking lot.
The three of them were rejoining the rest of the group, reminiscing on their moments with you. It was good to remember the better times since it kept the bad ones at bay.
"No, I think I kinda did, though." Harley continued.
"Yeah?" Tony glanced at him, a little curious. "What do you mean?"
"I don't know, she was so... She reminded me of you. I didn't ask but I thought about it a lot."
Tony averted his eyes again. It wasn't getting any easier to hear how similar you and him were.
"She was a genius, too." Harley smiled, suddenly digging around in one of his suit pockets. "Check this out."
In his hand he now held a pencil.
"Uh..." Peter tilted his head, speaking up again. "A pencil?"
"Impressive." Tony said flatly.
"Not just an ordinary pencil." Harley corrected.
He pressed down on the eraser at the top and each of them jumped as a spark erupted from the graphite tip.
"What's that?" Peter exclaimed, simultaneously fascinated and alarmed.
"Pencil taser." He stated proudly. "(Y/n) gave it to me."
"Okay..." Tony eyed it as the boy tucked it away again. "I'm gonna fault her on child endangerment there, but that is pretty sweet."
"I know, right?!"
"It's awesome." Peter said. "She didn't make things like that with me, but we did make a computer out of garbage remains."
His face fell as he remembered late afternoons before the garbage trucks rolled up to the apartment block. Sometimes he would keep a lookout as you took the dive in the smelly spare parts, and then other days you would hold him securely when he chose to brave the stench.
"I miss her." He mumbled.
Tony very slowly and unsurely reached out a hand to grasp Peter's shoulder and give it a comforting squeeze. He didn't know if it was what others normally did, but Peter seemed to appreciate the gesture with a ghost of a smile.
"Give me a call sometime and we'll do better than a computer." He offered thoughtfully. "You'd be surprised what you can do with cereal and a few magnets."
Although still very shy, he managed a nod. "I'd like that, Mr. Stark."
They finally stopped near a shining corvette and saw a few of the others admiring the vehicle. Evidently, this was the car you'd left to Rhodey.
He was sitting in the driver's seat as he chatted intently to Clint, both of them with big grins on their faces as they detailed the car. Clint also explained what had happened to it during the SHIELD collapse and why it needed so many weeks to be repaired. It was only after this explanation that he noticed Tony and the boys and waved them all over.
"Isn't this awesome?" He asked with a grin. "(Y/n) had taste."
"It's alright." Tony shrugged, playing off just how excited the car made him.
"Alright? You're kidding."
As he dragged his friend over, Harley and Peter remained rooted to the spot. Whether it was because they both thought the car was breathtakingly impressive, or simply because half of the Avengers were now standing less than ten feet away, neither knew. They just couldn't move or stop the looks of pure awe.
"I meant it, James." Roberta was telling her son. "Treat this car right."
"With respect and care, I know." Rhodey complied, smiling proudly as he reclined in the driver's seat. "(Y/n) trusted me, Mom, you've got to too."
"I do, but I also raised you. I know what boys are like when they get a new toy."
She gave him a stern look which made him very reluctantly relax. "I'll behave."
Roberta smiled again. "Thank you."
Peter was the first of the boys to move, slowly approaching the Corvette with a very small twitch of his lips. He'd seen the car before of course because he had been living next to you for years now, but he hadn't seen it so polished. It seemed to shine.
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"Iron Maiden." He said, letting his hands rest on the hood. "That's what she called it. I thought it was gone."
"Iron Maiden?" Harley questioned as he eventually stopped beside his new friend. "That's awesome."
"Yeah. Originally it was the Blue Iron Maiden."
"Even better. How'd she choose it?"
Peter turned red as his shyness came back. He hadn't really talked to anyone his own age other than Ned so conversing like this with Harley was strange but also fun.
"She said she named it after Mr. Stark but wanted her car to be a girl because girls are cooler." He explained.
Harley scoffed as he fought back a laugh. "Then I guess blue is for the color of the car."
"Actually, no. Well, not really. Kind of." He turned even redder at the stumble of words. "I mean, she actually thought of it because of a dress Ms. Potts wore to a gala, I think. (Y/n) liked it and said Ms. Potts was really pretty."
As the boys talked, Pepper and Tony shared a lingering gaze. They were touched by the sentiment of the Blue Iron Maiden being named after them and that familiar feeling of longing replaced the momentary peace everyone had found.
"Please look after it, Mr. Rhodes." Peter said, his voice timid and almost incomprehensible as he mumbled.
Rhodey nodded. "I will. Don't you worry, little man."
He took a moment to embrace the car again, from staring at the dash and the dials to letting his hands become accustomed to the touch of the leather seats. It smelt like polish and yet there was a distinctly familiar scent mixed in too. It was your scent. It was comforting.
"Thank you." Peter said. "I just want her things to be looked after."
Rhodey turned his attention back to the boy, his expression of content becoming one of kindness. "I'll protect the Iron Maiden with my life."
"Promise." He smiled. "I'm her uncle, I've got no choice. I took care of (Y/n), and I'll take care of her car, too."
"He'll do more than that." Clint chimed in. "I say you take her for a spin internationally. Make her a famous getaway car for one of your missions."
Rhodey rolled his eyes. "Shut up. Don't start."
"James." Roberta had to scold him yet again. "Be nice."
Clint smirked. "Yeah. Be nice, James."
As the two bantered, Peter grinned up at them all, truly amazed that his heroes were all around him. Clint and Rhodey were back to talking about the car, Tony was talking quietly with Pepper, and Thor seemed like a very happy-go-lucky man as he proclaimed how proud Tony should be of his daughter. There was even a joke that Tony should build a female-fitting suit to match with the car.
Soon enough, Hill returned with Steve, Natasha, and Bruce.
"We've discussed the will." She announced, returning the air of seriousness to the area. "We're all aware of what (Y/n) left to the Avengers."
"Yeah, not really." Clint commented in return. "It was pretty cryptic."
"Well, that's the point. The location is a secret."
"Do you know?" Tony asked her.
Hill shrugged lightly. "All I can say is that it's Upstate. We'll take a jet. It's faster, and we're busy."
"Then let's get this show on the road. Everyone good with that?"
The other five Avengers showed their agreement.
"Great." Hill said. "Follow me."
"Let's hope I don't destroy the tiny flying machine." Bruce muttered to himself.
Before they all left, Tony turned back to Pepper one last time and kissed her softly.
"I'll be back." He promised. "I just gotta check this place out."
Pepper nodded in understanding. "I know."
"Are you gonna look at the apartment?"
"Yeah. Take your time with everything, okay? There's no rush."
Tony considered her words and let out a shaky sigh, fighting to keep the calm exterior. "Noted."
She reached up to cup his cheeks. "Be safe. And be nice."
He jokingly pouted. "Damn."
"I mean it."
"Yeah, I get it. I'll just have to find another means of entertainment that doesn't involve painting Cap's shield hot pink and sensual red."
She couldn't help but smile. "I love you."
He leaned in for another quick kiss. "I love you."
With a lingering gaze, they began to part ways. When Tony turned around, he was faced with his best friend again.
"See you soon." Rhodey told him.
Tony nodded. "Head to the tower. JARVIS will let you in. There's plenty of food in the kitchen if you get peckish or something. Thank Hammersmith and Everdeen for that."
"Got it."
They shared a quick hug before Tony finally turned his attention to the two boys from before again. He placed a hand on Harley's shoulder and ruffled Peter's hair a bit.
"You kids have fun." He told them. "No snacks after midnight."
They both smiled up at him and, almost as if they planned it beforehand, hugged him around the middle at the exact same time.
The action surprised Tony and he took a few seconds to reciprocate the hug. When he did, the boys held onto him tighter. He closed his eyes, relishing in the moment.
When he opened his eyes again, he found himself staring at your grave in the distance. It was located near a stunning tree on top of the hill. It looked almost peaceful from this viewpoint.
He made a mental note to visit you very soon with more flowers.
Apartment buildings were always odd.
Some were covered in dust, some were dilapidated, and some were just abandoned. This particular building, however, stationed rather conveniently in the middle of Forest Hill, was not as lifeless as some of its neighbors.
The dust and occasional unsafe staircase were all over, but it wasn't abandoned or devoid of life. There was one floor that seemed more devoted than others. The floor where you had lived with the Parkers.
Pepper, Happy, Harley, and the Parker family had arrived in separate cars.
They couldn't see each other, but all of them had the same difficult expressions on their faces. It wasn't necessarily grief anymore, but there was a different semblance of loss and pain. While Pepper, May, Peter, and Harley arrived first and took the elevator, Ben and Happy were slightly behind.
"The street's going to be crowded." Ben said as they started to near the complex. "There's a place called Delmar a couple minutes down this road if you want an easier time of it."
Happy, having seen just how many cars were already lining their destination, nodding. "Never say no to an easier time."
While they took the quick detour, the others stood in the elevator at the end of the floor hallway, feeling rather small all of a sudden. How could one simple floor become so intimidating?
"I've got legos." Peter spoke up, hoping to ease the somber atmosphere. "Star Wars."
Harley grinned. "Really?"
"Yep. We can try out the computer (Y/n) and I made, too."
"So, how long have you been here?" Pepper asked May.
"Four years now." May replied, smiling sadly. "We moved from 15th."
"Any reason?"
The older woman glanced at her nephew who was still quietly chatting to Harley.
"It wasn't the safest place." She excused. "We did it for all of us."
Pepper nodded in understanding. "I didn't mean to pry."
"No, no, it's alright. We're happier here anyway."
The elevator door finally opened then.
The boys led the way, the adults following soon after. They stopped outside the Parker's door, but only to look at the door next to it.
There was a tribute there for you. Flowers, jarred candles, cards, and various pictures and notes. The candles and flowers made it smell homely and sweet.
"It's beautiful." Pepper whispered.
May nodded sadly. "It is."
She then turned to the boys, putting her arms around them.
"Peter, why don't you show Harley your room? Grab (Y/n)'s key as well, please."
Peter nodded, waiting until their door was opened before showing Harley inside. As they did, Pepper walked over to your door, crouching down in front of the tribute and looking at all of the pictures.
"These are from the entire building?" She guessed.
May nodded. "Everyone loved her in some way or another. She was always helping out. Peter said her life was full of those side quests you find in video games these days."
Pepper chuckled. "I can imagine that."
She curiously picked up the card closest to her - a small but vibrant yellow one - and read it.
Ellen, Thanks for cat-sitting last month. McWhiskers is going to miss you x
She picked up another one.
Ellen Campbell/(Y/n) Stark... Who needs a mechanic when you've got Ellen Campbell living on the floor above? We (and the cars) appreciate all you did for us. Lots of love from the Nelson family
Pepper read a few more, her eyes glistening with tears after each loving card. She was so proud of you. She just wished she could tell you that over and over again.
"Even something as simple as watching a plant for a day merits a lot." May said.
"Aunt May?" Peter asked, coming back into the hallway. "I've got the key."
"Thank you."
She ruffled his hair with a fond smile before taking the key and all its keychains into her own hand. There were a lot of different chains attached, notably sci-fi logos, a joke, and a few quotes from various shows.
"I suppose this is yours now." May said, offering the key to Pepper.
Peter watched as the mentioned woman smiled sadly and accepted the key. His gaze also wandered down to the cards by the door and he found the one that he wrote to you right next to one from Ned and his moms.
Pepper took a moment to collect herself before she even dared to slot the key into the lock. Once she did, she let out a long breath before pushing the door open and carefully stepping over the tribute to get inside.
She didn't know what she was expecting from the place that you lived in, but somehow this apartment just made sense. It was quite like your room from the Malibu mansion, only far more organized and full.
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The walls were cream and gave the living room/kitchen a light appearance which was aided by the large windows through which the sun streamed inside. The floors were pine boards with the only cover being a vintage-esque carpet over the sitting area.
You had a comfy looking couch with various cushions and a blanket draped over it, as well as a matching armchair positioned in front of one of the windows. There was a small coffee table between these seats and the long cabinets on which the television sat upon. On either side of the screen was a speaker connected to a stereo which was also next to a record player. On the other side of the television was a small piano settled into the corner. Various plants and wall art also dotted the room.
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The kitchen area was also cozy and bright, consisting of minimal cabinet space for utensils and the sink, a pale oven and cooker from which tea towels still hung, and a rectangular wooden table against the opposite wall for the kettle and dining necessities.
After taking a minute here, Pepper opened a door into the bathroom.
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This was different to the main room, covered in white tile only. There was only one window on the wall directly across from the door with a bath mat lining the entire room. It was only a small space. The toilet and sink were on one side, and the bath/shower was on the other. The only utilities inside this room were personal care and again a plant or two.
After this came the room Pepper was most dreading and yet the most anxious to see. Your bedroom.
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The walls could barely be seen in this particular room since every inch was covered by posters and lights. The likes of AC/DC, KISS, Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, Metallica, and other famous classic rock bands were the most prominent. The movie posters consisted of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Back To The Future, and Star Trek. There was a poster of the NYC Survivors, and even a few Avengers posters beside that one. There was also a line of posters displaying nerdy jokes, and a banner of what must have been your Hogwarts house right above the bed.
The wardrobe was a small closet with the sliding door open. You didn't seem to have a set style because Pepper could see almost everything from leather jackets and ripped jeans to summer dresses and even denim dungarees. There was also a box which she assumed was for jewelry and accessories, and a place for shoes below that.
You had a bookshelf too. Its contents again fit the geeky and nerd theme from the rest of the room, being lined with series after series of books such as the Harry Potter ones, Game of Thrones, Percy Jackson, Shadow & Bone, and even The Chronicles of Narnia. The shelf was also home to a vinyl record collection, all being of the genre of rock and metal. It reminded Pepper of Tony's collection back home.
LED lights were strung above the bed to provide reading light, and on the window ledges was more floral decor. And, finally, the bed itself looked very comfortable. It was more of a couch/bed combination and draped in multiple blankets and pillows, as well as stuffed toys.
Pepper entered the room fully, her footsteps muffled by the carpet beneath as she explored every inch of the place. She was in awe of how comforting and peaceful an aura it presented, and she was even happier to see how creative and obsessed with little things you were. She remembered your fondness for reading and music and was glad to know it hadn't dwindled in the years you were away.
After looking at everything, she settled on the bed, her eyes drawn to a stuffed bear in the corner. She couldn't believe it.
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It was her bear.
Her grandmother had given it to her as a child and she always wanted to give it to her own kid if she ever had one. She believed it lost when The Mandarin destroyed the mansion but apparently not. You had it the entire time.
Her fingers grazed the worn cotton, its beaded eyes and nose, and eventually the ears. One of them had stitches to keep it in place.
Back at the front door, Happy had just arrived.
He had been talking to May for quite some time and putting off the inevitable before gradually walking in. He was having some mixed emotions knowing that your apartment building was so close to his own home. All this time he could have had a chance of seeing you again and somehow it didn't happen.
He didn't move around the apartment. He simply just stood there and took it all in. At least until he heard muffled crying coming from what looked like a bedroom.
He peered through the door, surprised to find Pepper sitting on the bed with a very old teddy bear clutched to her chest.
"Hey." He spoke softly.
She looked up, hastily wiping her eyes free of tears. "Hi."
"It's... It's a nice place, huh?"
"It is. Did you just get here?"
He nodded, taking his time to observe the room before eventually sitting beside her on the bed.
"It's... Neat." He said.
Pepper chuckled. "Makes a change, doesn't it?"
"Yep. Do you know how many times she went missing as a kid? The amount of hiding places in her room-"
They shared a laugh, both having had their fair share of digging through your old room in attempts to find you after a tantrum or a bad day.
"Was that hers?" Happy then asked, motioning to the bear.
Pepper shook her head. "It was mine. My grandmother gave it to me. I really thought I lost it after the mansion collapsed."
"(Y/n) found it?"
"She must have."
Her eyes teared up again and Happy gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a side hug. Pepper let her head rest against his shoulder as she closed her eyes.
They missed you so much.
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marcothephoenixhusband · 10 months
DJ Cam Girl
Marco X F!Reader
AU Modern Day
🔞18+ NSFW Like One Scene
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Inspired by Suckerpunch the movie but with a twist~♡
I never said I was good at writing...
This is the short story from my poll.
Characters: Marco, Ace, Law, Baby Five, Doflamingo
Neighbors and Best Friend, to Girlfriend, to Proposal
You started being a online DJ Cam four years ago going on five years when you moved into your apartment. Little did you know who was watching you. You try to hide the fact that your a DJ Cam girl but eventually Marco figures it out and someone else too. You also work at a high class club as a cage dancer with Baby Five run by Doflamingo named Blue.
Setting up your turntables you get ready for a mix set after dancing in a cage at your work in a highclass club/bar called Blue. To be clear your just a dancer. There is a dress code but you pick what you wear everyday. Your in your big room and turn on your camera then set up Tweet a streaming service.
"Hello everyone its so nice to see you all again! Hi my OGs Kiwi, Robot, Slick, Blue Phoenix! And hello to my new subscribers!~ Im gonna start with S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) by iiblxssom_angelx" as you mix songs skillfully together you mix into Slayyyter - Stupid Boy (ft. Ashnikko, Ayesha Erotica, Big Freedia) [mashup] by dogbby07 while dancing erotically for the camera. After the session you say
"I hope you all liked this mix session thanks for watching I hope you all have a good night or day wherever you may be thank you for the donations and subs~♡" you end the stream then big sigh and go change into a t shirt and shorts then put away your turntables taking off your wig and putting it away. Then you hear a knock at your door so you go to your hallway, unlock and open your door to see your neighbor, apartment two and your apartment three, Marco Phoenix who is hot and a doctor. You crack the door and say
"Hey Marco whatsup?" He looks at your attire your dressed in shorts and a tshirt no shoes.
"Have you seen the news (n)? Yoi" he asks politely and you shake your head no
"No I havent I dont even have a tv remember? Why? Whatsup man?" You ask as you walk into the hall to talk.
"Well apparently theres a serial killer on the loose. I figured id let you know since you know your a woman living alone Yoi."
He replys.
"Oh shittt ugh who this serial killer after?" Asking you cock your head to the side as you cross your arms.
"Well their calling him the Cam Girl Killer right now. Just thought I should let you know since I know you live alone Yoi"
"Well dam thanks Marco ill have to buy a taser or something. Why is it that serial killers only go after women? Fuckin weird right?" You say as he shrugs
"Well most likely because women are easier targets but if anything does happen just yell my name and ill come out. Yoi" he says and you retort.
"I hope it doesnt come to that Marco.. thanks for letting me know since I work nine pm - five am everyday. They say having a regular schedule is bad. That serial killers like that to stalk their prey. But I dont have any control over that my boss Doflamingo is super strict." He raises an eyebrow as he says
"Well just be extra wary okay. Id hate for anything to happen to you. Do you want to hang out tonight or no? Yoi" he asks as you say
"Hmm sure just give me a minute to wipe my makeup off and ill be over in a few." You see him smile and nod
"Okay see you in a few (n)" as you both enter your apartments and you go clean your face. Thats Marco for you always caring and sweet. Your best friend but you never invite him over because Cam girls have a stigma against them. Of course you have a big fat crush on him too. Youve known him ever since you moved into your apartment. Going on five years now. After you wipe your makeup off and you grab your lanyard with your keys on it exit your apartment and lock up. Then knock on Marcos door as he opens it revealing a happy smiling Marco. He looks at you as he lets you walk in placing your shoes on his shoe rack.
"So what you thinking for tonight?" You ask him as he goes to his wine rack grabbing two glasses pouring some wine into each glass then going over to you handing you a glass. You sitting on his couch.
"How about some uno? Yoi" he says as you take it and take a sip.
"Thanks Marco and are you sure about that? You know im competitive haha" you laugh as he smiles and says
"Its no worries haha you know I dont mind Yoi" he retorts as you say
"Okay well we need some music then not tv this time"
"Okay okay there is this one woman I follow on Tweet she does cam DJing here ill put her on.
"Ouu you have taste in music? I never knew I cant wait" you say teasing and giggling then he turns on the DJ and you hear your set, eyes widening slightly as you realize he listens to you. You had tried to hide it.
'Does he know its me? No way I wear wigs and wear different clothes for my sets and work. Does he know where I work? Probably not hes not the type to go to clubs right?'
"Okay are you ready to get mad (n)? (N)? Hellooo? Yoi"
"Oh yea sorry spaced out haha" you laugh and say
"Im totally taking you down and shes hella tight I love this music!"
"Ya I love this music now. I discovered her a couple years ago her name is SlayStar on Tweet stream. I used to not like this kinda music but it grew on me. Yoi" he says as you take a big gulp of wine.
'Okay so it seems he doesnt know in fact no one should know besides my gurl friend Rizza who lives in another state. Thank fuck the walls are super insulated in these apartments. I mean we all pay a high price to live here' you think as he starts shuffling the deck and you move with the beat.
"I fuckin love this song!" Marco chuckles and says
"My favorite parts coming up. Okay lets start cutie Yoi"
'Hmm cutie? Does he like me too? Maybe hes just a flirt?' You think as you both play uno until he wins which was two hours later.
"Fuckk mann you win okay I guess I admit defeat tonight" you giggle as you feel a bit tipsy.
"I should go its getting late and I have work tonight" he nods and says
"Yea you should drink some water dont want a hangover tonight at work do you? And you shouldnt drink so much before work. Yoi" you point at him laughing.
"Your funny Marco you gave it to me. Silly im only a little tipsy" you say and stand swaying a bit as you head to the door as he crosses his arms and gives you a look.
"Uh huh you sure about that? Yoi" he says as you say
"Okay Mr. Phoenix I promise to drownd myself in water when I get in my apartment. Better?" You get on your shoes as he opens and holds the door open for you, him watching you go to your apartment unlock it then say loudly
"Ill get you next time Marco!"
"Ya ya suree now drink some water (n). Yoi" he says as you give him a thumbs up and go into your apartment locking the door. You get dressed and do your makeup then put on your trench coat so noone thinks your a hooker. After your completely ready you call an Uber and wait inside the locked lobby door for your ride. Once you get to work you clock in as Doflamingo or Dofo for short comes into the dressing room.
"Allright everyone do touch ups then go shake your asses out there!" He says loudly then heads out to the front of house greeting big spenders. It was a busy night and the night DJ was pumping up the jams. You look at Baby Five who looks peppy tonight.
"Hey Baby Five why are you so peppy?"
"Well I got together with this new guy and he totally needs me!" She sqeals in happiness.
"Well as long as your happy" you say finally ready and go out to be let into your cage. Your wearing pvc bralette with straps snaking around your curves, booty shorts and thigh high boots.
~Weeks Later One Night At Work~
"Erotica just quit so I need you to change your shift (N). Nine am to five pm since your my most experienced dancer. I need you for the day time audience start working on singing. Ironically weve been lacking lately anyways due to her anyways so I need you to bring the crowd back" Mr. Doflamingo says and you nod.
"So when do I start?" You question.
"Tomorrow we need a pick up in traffic pronto." He says as you nod. You call an uber home as your shift ended. Once home you pass out.
~Once Your Alarm Rings~
You hear it but dont want to get up. A couple minutes pass and you decide youd like to keep your job and apartment. Getting ready you drink and eat breakfast then shower dry off and get dressed. Doing your makeup you put on your trench coat and grab your phone and keys and purse. Walking out of your apartment you hear and see Marco locking up his apartment.
"Morning Marco!" You say as he turns around seemingly surprised.
"Hey (n) why are you up so early? Yoi"
"Doflamingo my boss switched my schedule for a day shift since a girl quit *yawns* im so tired. Now my schedule is nine am to five pm now" You reply and he nods
"Well look at that, now I dont have to worry as much. Guess ill see you at five pm Yoi" he chuckles and smiles in his casual attire his muscles defined almost popping out through his shirt.
"Okay sounds good~"
'Hes not going to work today I wonder where hes going? Ahh he fills out that shirt perfectly' You think looking at his backside. You both walk to the lobby as you had called an Uber in your apartment. Walking out you part ways with Marco and you go to work. In the changing room in the back of house you do touch ups then go to the cage.
~Nearing The End Of Your Shift~
You hear more customers come in as your party at your table left and the table had just been cleaned. It didnt mean you could just stand there though your job was to dance. You see three men slide into your booth as your in the cage then recognize one of them, but the dancers arnt allowed to talk to customers unless they order the sing a long package. There was huge led screen tvs for the dancers to see the song lyrics to sing a long and dance too. He looks at you shocked
"(N)? Yoi" Marco and you make eye contact as you continue to dance you both blush red as he becomes fidgety.
"I can explain, later though! Yoi" He waves his hands in front of himself as he sinks into the booth which didnt do much since he is six foot eight. The other two men raise their eyebrows
"So this is the famous (n) we hear about all the time? Shes pretty I can see why you like her Marco" The man in the middle asks Marco as Marco blushes
'He talks about me to others?? Intresting. Like me? Like how though? As friends or like like?' You think as you dance.
"I never knew she worked here before now. Yoi" you hear Marco say which stings your chest.
"Well im ordering the sing along since it is MY birthday"
'Great ill have to suck up my pride and grit this. I still have two more hours on the clock. Im so embarrassed that Marco is seeing me like this' your dressed in velvet booty shorts, a velvet bralette with extra straps thigh high pvc boots and jewelry with your (C) (L) hair up.
"Whyd you have to drag us to a place like this Ace? Ya" the guy on Aces left from your view said. Another painful sting to your chest.
"Ah come on Law dont be a buzzkill lets drink! And I like Blue its not a strip club but more high class especially for you refined gentlemen haha" Ace says to the man on his left a presses the sing a long button on the table. Suddenly you hear your boss Dofo come up to you and give you a headset while talking to the three men.
"Hello Ace nice to see you again. Nice to see you brought friends too. Now this one here came from the night shift she doesnt sing much but let me know if there are any problems." Dofo says as Ace responds.
"Hey Dofo wheres Erotica? She is so good. I came cause todays my birthday I wanted to see her but (n) is okay too"
'Im just okay too?! Ill show this cocky brat I bet hes younger than me anyways' you think angrily as you have a smile on your face because youd loose your job otherwise.
"Unfortunately Erotica left the club but (n) is one of our most experienced dancers so your in good hands. Ill get your regular bottle tab going" Dofo says while taking Aces, Laws, and Marcos credit cards.
"Hello all you sexy men please push which song youd like to hear and ill sing it for you" you say. What no one knew was that you DID sing just not at work until now. Ace tried at every attempt to flirt with you and you noticed Marco looked slightly upset.
Ace chose a song which was
Britney Spears - Gimme More (bass boosted) As you skillfully sing and dance erotically they all take shots and drink what you assumed was votka. Marco ordered the most drinks then it was Law then Ace. After awhile of only Ace picking songs he says
"Come on you two pick some songs im paying for the sing a long anyways!" Ace says obviously tipsy as the other two seem to hold their liquor. Law picks timbaland - give it to me ft. Nelly furtado, justin timberlake (sped up) then the other two men are peer pressuring Marco into picking a song. He picks S&M - ayesha erotica (mashup) to which you kinda couldnt help but meet his eyes during the song. Which was also part of your job but you also couldnt help your blush throughout the entire song.
"Awe look shes blushing! I think she likes you Marco!" Ace notices as he talks with the two men.
"Ace quit embarrassing me. You should respect places you go to. Yoi" Marco says
"Even I know you dont shit where you eat. She is very skillful ill admit. Ya" Law says as hes eyeing you. Now all attention was on you as they passed the control pad around picking songs. Eventually your off the clock but you knew you couldnt stop dancing and singing as long as there was a party at your table and until Dofo came to unlock your cage. Marco looked at his rolex watch then says to the two men.
"I think its time to go its five pm weve been here for two hours. Yoi"
'Thank god I told Marco my schedule this morning but now things are probably gonna be weird between us or actually maybe not???' you think as the men reluctantly agreed with Marco. Dofo finally came around opening your cage when Ace asked for the tab. You overhear Ace say
"Hey Dofo you need to keep (N) on this shift ill definitely come back!" You enter the dressing room and wrap yourself up in your (c) trench coat, grab your purse, put on your sunglasses then walk outside. You were about to call an Uber when you hear
"(N)! Heyy you were great! Dont worry I told Dofo you were great too! Its nice to finally meet you!" Ace yells as he holds his hand out to shake yours. As you shake his hand you say
"Its nice to meet you too Ace and Law what do you mean finally?" you say shaking Laws hand now.
"Well Marco here talks about you all the time!" Ace says gently punching him in the arm while smiling as Marco blushes slightly.
"Ahh okay so how do you both know Marco?" You question as Marco says
"Ace is a nurse practitioner and Law is a surgeon at my hospital. Today is Aces twenty third birthday so he drug us out here. I didnt know he was a regular at Blue. Yoi" you nod
"You dont own the hospital Marco even if you are the number one doctor there" Ace says
"Ahh I see... well I should really get home and change"
"I should be getting home too. Ill call us an Uber Yoi" Marco says as you were about to stop him but let him call.
'He talks about me all the time??' You think.
"I better go home too Ya" Law says as he walks off in the opposite direction of your apartment down the sidewalk.
"Okay itll be a couple minutes theres a Uber coming for us. Happy Birthday Ace but were going home, take an Uber home okay? Yoi" Marco says as Ace nods and says
"Ya ya I know im tipsy dont worry I wont drive home! Dont be too naughty you kids" Ace says, and winks as he pulls out his phone calling an uber as your uber arrives you both say goodbye to Ace and get in. The ride home was uneventful you both blushed to embarrassed to say anything. Once in the lobby you both say at the same time
"I didnt know-"
"Sorry about them- Yoi"
"You go first" you both say the same thing.
"Please go first Yoi" Marco says as you say
"I didnt know Ace was a regular either. Ive always been on the night shift when the club is packed so theres no need for the dancers to sing since we have a night DJ." Marco nods and replys
"Sorry about them today I didnt know you worked there. Not that theres anything wrong with working there. What I mean is I hope this doesnt get inbetween us. Yoi" Marco says nervously as you say
"Dont worry Marco its just a job someone has to do it plus it pays really well your fine handsome" he nods and blushes at your comment and then let a silence grow inbetween you two before saying
"Haha I dont suppose you want to hang out after this? Yoi" Marco chuckles nervously as you raise an eyebrow.
"Sure sounds good just dont tell anyone where I work" you say sternly and Marco says
"I wont but Ace is another story. Yoi" you facepalm.
"Okay well let me go change and wipe off this makeup then ill be over Marco" you say and he nods
"Okay see you soon. Yoi" you both unlock and walk into your apartments, and you get ready. Once ready you grab your keys, lock your apartment and knock on Marcos door. You wearing a tshirt and shorts like usual. The door opens and you walk in under his arm since he is six foot eight leaving a whole head off of you. Going to his couch and ploping down you ask
"Sooo whatcha wanna do?" He pours two glasses of wine as usual and hands you a glass. Taking a gulp you ask
"Shouldnt you I dont know drink some water? Arnt you tipsy at all?" He glances at you and answers
"I drink socially besides it wasnt alot for me at the club. Ill be fine no need to worry. I dont really get tipsy im a heavy weight. Yoi" he smiles at you as you take another gulp of wine and you nod.
"I figured we could finish that uno game from last night. Yoi" he says and turns on the TV. Its showing the news as something cetches your eyes on screen.
"Wait turn it up Marco." Which he obeys and turns the volume up
"The Cam Girl Killer strikes again on Rose St. in.....last night...." the TV reporter says.
"Rose St. Is right down the road Marco" you state as he sips his wine and turns the channel to MTV Music.
"Im sure youll be fine as long as you keep your daytime schedule. Yoi" he tries to calm you. You take another big gulp of wine. He shuffles the deck and places the cards out on his glass table in front of his couch.
"Marco im a-" you stop yourself as you realize
'No I cant tell him not after today! Bad (N)' you think and he raises an eyebrow.
"No nevermind lets play your going down this time!" After you lost again your on your third glass of wine and Marco cuts you off.
"Alright thats enough wine for you cutie. Yoi" he winks at you and puts the bottle away then sits back on the couch a bit closer to you this time. Hes close enough for you to lean on so you do in your inebriated state, as you both blush he picks up his arm and wraps it around your shoulder, you leaning on his chest now.
"This feels nice~" you whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
"I agree. Yoi" he chuckles slightly as you listen to his heart rate raise. As you finish your third glass of wine your tipsy now and look up to Marco who looks down at you, making you both blush. Completely forgetting the TV was on.
"(N) I...I..... well.. let me just show you.. Yoi" he says as he suddenly tilts your chin upward with his fingers gently and leans down meeting your lips. Reciprocating you kiss back then use your tounge as he uses his flicking yours. He seems shocked you have a tounge bar. Eventually breaking for air he says
"(N) How was it cutie? Yoi" feeling bold with liquid courage you ask
"It felt awesome Marco can I have more? Hehe" Your a blushing mess and he knows this because its so obvious.
"Sure. Yoi" he slides you onto his lap so its easier to kiss him, you feeling his bulge making you blush hard but hes also blushing. You raise your hands to his cheeks, stuble, lean up as he leans down lips meeting in the middle. First it was a kiss then it turned into making out which became more rough. Soon you both were moaning in eachothers mouths as your hands went through his hair. Finally breaking for air you were both panting slightly as you felt his cock twitch in his pants under you.
"Listen (N) I have to admit I really like you. But I dont want to mess things up between us. Yoi" he says while you brush through his hair making him shiver slightly. Your blush deepens and he noticed as you reply
"I really like you too Marco, actually I like you alot okay" you admit as he seems shocked.
"Are you ... alright to make these decisions? You are definitely tipsy. Yoi" he says sounding concerned.
"I may be tipsy but ive liked you for years now Mr. Phoenix. Im glad you made a move." You say poking his nose as he chuckles.
"Really now well ive liked you for years now too. Yoi" he says then pecks your lips again noses close together. He seems hesitant about something but says
"(N) weve known eachother for years, since I like you, and you like me .... would you please be my girlfriend? Yoi" he looks you in the eyes.
"Hehe your so cute when your nervous. Of course id love to be your girlfriend Marco" saying then kissing him making out as he nips at your tounge making his cock harder. You could feel how wet your pussy was becoming with every slight movement. You both moaning as you unbutton a couple buttons on his shirt. He starts to get the drift as he breaks for air and asks
"Are you sure about this? You dont know who your messing with. Your tipsy as well. Yoi" he teases and chuckles.
"Oh im sure Marco and Im okay dont worry." you lick his neck and nip at it making him moan off gaurd. As you unbutton the rest of his shirt to reveal his abs and manly chest making you blush hard making him notice.
"See something you like? Yoi" he chuckles as he has a small blush on his face as he gently rims the bottom of your shirt seemingly unsure. MTV starts playing Ayesha erotica - Luxurious (Remix) by clouds.s0ftt You grab his hands and lead him to pull your shirt off revealing your bra.
"Marco do you know how hot you are or are you clueless?" Taken aback he says
"I work out if thats what you mean. Yoi"
"Being modest is so hot too you know" you kiss him making out, moaning as he grabs you bridal style stands and goes to his room laying you on the bed him unbuttoning his pants dropping them as you take off your shorts flinging them on the floor. Then him going to you he takes off your bra with one hand as the other slides off your panties you moaning.
"Oh wow nipple piercings too your always full of surprises (n) Yoi"
"Ouu Marco~ and yes nipple piercings" you slide off his boxers and jump off the bed kneeling down, he watchs you
"What are you- Yoi!" You take in his ten inch cock in your mouth and he moans out
"Ahh (n)! Yoi" swirling around his mushroom head you lick under his crevasse making him grip the bed.
"Fuckkk!!! Your so good at that!! Yoi" he moans out as you rib the bottom of his cock with your tounge bar making him moan your name
"(N)!! Yess!! Yoi" him gripping the sheets as you go deeper and deeper going in and out sucking while moaning on his cock making vibrations which made his cock twitch. After some time of deep throating him, him moaning your name he says
"God (N) your- your gonna make me cum!!" He yells as you mumble something but dont stop as your in the zone going in and out as fast as you can while sucking and slurping his cock. His cock stiffens and you could tell he was going to cum but he was trying to hold back.
"(N) you dont have to- Yoi" a couple more thrusts and
"Fuck your making me cum!!! Yoi" finally he releases his hot load down your throat as you swallow and slurp up your saliva thrusting through his high then gradually slowing to a stop. Suddenly your being picked up and thrown on the bed detaching your mouth from his dick with a *pop* sound.
"Your in for it now cutie. Yoi" he spreads your legs with his elbows and goes down on you
"Marco what are yo-!!! Ohh!!!" He licks your folds as he slurps up you wetness making you moan out
"Ahh yess Marco!!! That feels so good!!" He rubs your button with one hand as he sticks his tounge into your entrance making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk!! Handsome!!" He slurps and presses your ridges with his tounge getting you very close.
"Fuckk Marco your gonna- gonna make me cum!!" Him rubbing, sucking and moaning into your throbbing cunt sends you over the edge.
"Ahh!! Ma-arco im- im cumming!!" You feel your juices leaking out as he sucks them up through your high. Once finished he comes up wiping his face and crawls ontop of you both of you panting hard as no words are needed to know what eachother wants from the other. He adjusts his precuming cock at your entrance and slides in his tip making you gasp. Kissing you, making out he starts to thrust, inch by inch slowly going deeper with every thrust stretching you out as you both moan into eachothers mouths. Once he hits your back wall you moan loudly as you both break for air huffing. He starts thrusting deeper and harder trying to find your g spot. He finds it quickly, surprising you making you moan loud
"Fuckk!! Yes Marco!! Right there!!" He smiles at your lewd face and continues pumping
"Youve been such a good girl so ill reward you!! Yoi" you snake your arms around his neck running your hand through his hair as you continuously moan out his name.
"Yess!! Marco!!! After about ten minutes
"Aghh!! Marco im gonna cum!!"
"Cum baby girl cum on my cock!! Yoi" he moans out panting as he picks up speed and going harder. A couple more thrusts and
"Fuckk im cumming Marco!!!" Tears form in your eyes as your nails dig into his shoulders as he continues thrusting through your sex high.
"Marco feels so good!!"
"Its all for you (N)!! Im getting close cutie where should I cum? Yoi" a couple more thrusts and your seeing spots
"Um cum in me Marco!!"
"I dont want to get your pregnant! Yoi"
"Im on birth control!"
"Oh! Allright sexy!! Yoi" he moans as he speeds up from him being slowed down to talk which edged him on. Thrusting harder and faster again into your g spot another hour passes you cuming once more in that time before you feel his cock stiffen
"(N)! Im gonna cum are you- Yoi" you cut him off panting loudly, lewd face
"Im close handsome!!" As he continued thrusting you felt your core build and build until
"Fuckk I couldnt hold it! Im cumming Marco!!" You feel your walls constrict around Marcos cock tightly as he moans out
"Aghh!! Take my hot cum in you (n)!!" Sweat dripping from him onto you as you feel his cum squirting into you as you both moan eachothers names.
"(N)!! Yess! Yoi" he moans him pounding through your sex highs as he slowly slows down then eventually stops. Resting his head inbetween your breasts panting you both take time to breath again. Once both of your breathing normalizes he asks
"How was that my precious girlfriend?" Looking you in your eyes as you brush a hand through his hair. The other caresses his cheek as you reply
"Best ive ever had to be honest Marco" he smiles as he clutches you tight making his cock go deep inside you causing you to moan as your legs are twitching wrapped around his torso. You hang onto him as he holds you getting off the bed and headed to his bathroom he turns on the water waiting for it to warm up he rubs your back as you kiss his neck.
"Thank you my handsome boyfriend"
"Of course. Yoi" he says as he kisses your forehead and steps into the shower supporting you.
"Okay I have to pull out now (n)" whining you just nod releasing your grip. He holds your thighs as you slide out and down until hes all the way out and you reach the floor shaking. He holds you close to him as the water cascades down you both, you closing your eyes hugging him.
"Im glad you made a move hehe" you giggle and he smiles.
"Me too. Yoi" he says in a huff. Soon you regain some control of your legs as he soaped you both up then you both rinse off. He turns off the shower and grabs two towels one for you and one for him. As you dry off your (L) hair he seems to already be dried off. You watch him grab both your clothes and hands you yours as you hand him your towel you get dressed in your panties, bra, shorts, and t shirt.
"Whew how long was that?" You ask as your legs shake still, while you wobble to the living room and plop down on the couch.
"About three and a half hours. Yoi" he yells from the bathroom. He comes out dressed in different casual pants but no shirt. You blush
"How are you cutie? Yoi" he asks you. You giggle and say
"Im great its hard to walk but how about you?"
"Im doing great too sexy. Yoi" he comes round the table to sit close to you as you cuddle his side he wraps his arm around your shoulder.
~Three Months Later~
Dofo made your schedule permanent since you were bringing in more customers for the day time shift. Ace was one of those customers who loved coming in on his days off specifically requesting you when he comes in. Youve gained more of a following on Tweet too. You had a green screen up in your studio living room to prevent anyone from knowing where you live. You adjusted your set times to at night after "hanging out" with Marco. The Cam Girl Killer struck two more times over the months. You and Marco have been actually hanging out more frequently now that youve adjusted to your new schedule which happens to be Marcos schedule too. You have a healthy sex life. One day Doflamingo said youd have to take over Baby Fives shift at night the next night. You text Marco that you have to fill in for Baby Five.
(N) <Hey babe I have to cover for Baby Five tonight we wont be able to hang out>
Marco <All right just be careful. Ill stay up tonight>
(N) <No please sleep. Ill get in around five am thats so early>
Marco <Then ill wake up around that time. Im gonna do what im gonna do dont worry about me. I just need you to be safe>
(N) <Allright dear goodnight>
Marco <goodnight cutie be safe>
(N) <I will be handsome>
~After Work Covering For Baby Five~
You call an Uber to go home. As you walk into the lobby the door closes. You walk and open your apartment. You feel someone behind you. Instinctively you turn around and dodge a knife that a masked man dressed in a delivery uniform for UPS thrusted at you.
"Marco!!! Help!!!" Yelling at the top of your lungs you grab your taser and aim at his neck as he thrusts again you not seeing where it landed. You connect with his neck as Marco runs out of his apartment with only pants on and a baseball bat. He sees you against the wall and the perpetrator convulsing standing as you keep the taser on his neck.
"(N)! You can let go now hes done! Yoi" you let go of the button and drop the taser in your bag while Marco calls the police. The man falls to the floor. Then you feel faint as you feel Marco cetch you. You passing out.
~A Day Later In The Afternoon~
Flickering your eyes open you hear a HBM rise in BPMs and a familiar voice saying.
"Marco shes awake!" You try sitting up seeing your in the hospital but you hear.
"Hey lay down. Dont sit up yet let me get the bed for you. Yoi" you see Marco come into your room and you obey him laying back down as he adjusts the electric bed to sit you up while your laying on it.
"What am I doing here Marco?" You question as he calls on his phone
"Hello yes this is Marco Phoenix (N) (L)s awake now yes come now okay bye Yoi *click*"
Cocking your head to the side you feel a dull pain in your side as you realize youve been changed into a hospital gown.
"Marco" you say as he directs his attention to you now.
"(N) do you remember what all happened? You were stabbed by the Cam Girl Killer. Law said it was a miracle the knife didnt cut through your organs. Hes the one who did your surgery. Yoi" he says as it all comes rushing back.
"I was coming home from having to cover for Baby Five and the delivery guy thrusted a knife at me so I tased him then you came out and it all goes black from there on." You explain to Marco as he nods.
"I just called the police they wanted to talk with you since they caught the Cam Girl Killer because of you. And I called for an ambulance yesterday for you by the way. Yoi" Marco says.
~Once The Police Arrive~
"Hello miss (N) (L) could you tell us what happened?" The police and a detective asks as you explain your SlayStar on Tweet a Cam DJ, Marco doesnt seem fazed. Then explain the events as they unfolded. Marco is released to go see other patients as you finish with the police. Eventually Marco makes his way back to you.
"Hey Marco when can I go home?" He looks at you then says
"Ill get you discharged soon okay. Dont go anywhere cutie Yoi" he says then dissapears out the door.
'Haha dont go anywhere? Like I can barely move anyways haha'
You blush red as Ace comes in with a bag of your things and paperwork for you to sign.
"Woah why are you blushing? Or are you just happy to see me? Haha So tell me (N).... is it true your SlayStar?!" He blurts out as your face says it all.
"Oh shut it Ace!"
"Haha you are thats awesome! I know a famous person now!" Ace blurts out as Marco comes back in and says
"Ace stop harassing her and keep it quiet she probably doesnt want anyone else to know Yoi" Marco says as he undoes all your cords.
He addresses you
"(N) you all set you can get changed now. I hope you dont mind but I brought you some clothes from your apartment so you dont have to wear your work clothes. I put your key back on your lanyard. Yoi" Ace snickers as Marco explains.
"Thank you handsome" you say greatfuly.
"Ouu wait are you two like a thing now?" Ace asks as you and Marco blush looking at Ace.
"Oh man you are thats awesome! Congrats guys!" Ace exclaims.
"Anyways (N) I told Doflamingo about your situation so dont worry about it he says your job is secure just to get better quick dammit that hes taking this out of your sick pay." Ace explains.
"Thanks Ace it means a lot."
"Come on Ace let her change. (N) be careful of your wound. Ill help you change the bandages when they need changing. Ill see you tonight we have things to talk about" Marco says as you nod and gulp.
'Did I just ruin our relationship by omitting the truth that im SlayStar?' You think as Marco and Ace leave closing the door. You slide your legs out, sit up carefully and stand with some effort. Getting the hospital gown off you see gauze and tape on your abdomen with some blood spots in the gauze.
"Shit" you say and get dressed in black denim shorts and a t shirt.
'Wait Marco must have found out im SlayStar first when he went into my apartment fuck Im gonna have to apologize to him' you think as you put on your black sneakers which you wore to your work when you covered for Baby Five.
'Thank god I didnt wear my thigh high boots that night' thinking as you get your phone and lanyard out wrapping it around your neck.
'At least I have battery left in my phone to call an Uber. What?! Its three pm in the afternoon well at least Marco will get off soon. Who checked me in here? Probably Marco I mean he is my boyfriend.' You grab your bag which had your purse and work clothes in it and head out of the room. Walking outside you call an Uber home. Once home you eat and drink some water then lay in bed for a couple hours until you hear a knock at your door. Slowly getting up you unlock the door and open the door wide revealing
"Hello beautiful. Yoi" Marco says poking your nose as you giggle and open your door wide swinging your arm out gesturing for him to come in.
"Whats this? Am I finally being invited into your apartment? Yoi" he chuckles and pets your head as he walks in taking off his shoes putting them next to yours. You close and lock your door as you go to your bedroom feeling Marco following you. You lay down as Marco lays next to you. Looking into each others eyes he says
"So when were you gonna tell me? Yoi" you blush and think before speaking
"I didnt want to lie to you... you know the stigma against cam girls... I was gonna tell you eventually..... im so sorry Marco. I understand if you want to breaku-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. After a soild couple minutes of kissing you both break off.
"Dont even think that (n) I dont want to breakup thats not what I meant when I said we need to talk. Yoi" he says and cups your cheek.
"Then what did you want to talk about handsome?" You ask as you gently turn over on your side more facing him.
"Well for one youve been hiding half your life from me for over four years... let me inside (n) I want to be apart of your life like your apart of mine. Yoi" he says then removes his hand from your face.
"Okay handsome come with me" you say getting up and headed to the living room, him following you, which you converted into a studio but it still had a couch at least. You go to the kitchen and the fridge getting two Dr. peppers then set them on your desk as you set up your turntables chose and put on a wig. Doing your makeup quickly. And change clothes into a comfy DJ outfit. Marco grabs a Dr. Pepper opens it and sits on the couch watching you. You turn on your computer and start up Tweet.
"Hello everyone im back at it!"
<your in the news>
<ya check channel nine>
<I love your sets>
<I love you>
Blue Phoenix
<Is it true you you were stabbed its all over the news>
Surgeon of Death
Fire Fist
"Here lemme check real quick" you check the Yourtube really quick and see the subtitles saying
[Popular Tweet Star SlayStar was stabbed but survived the Cam Girl Serial Killer.... the killer has been captured...]
"Ya wow I am in the news, and thank you my OG Robot and Blue Phoenix I love you too awe! And yes I was stabbed but it missed my organs. Hi Surgeon of Death and whatsup Fire Fist"
'Surgeon of Death must be Law and Fire Fist must be Ace' you think. You look at Marco who was smiling on his phone then clicked it and set it down.
'So hes Blue Phoenix well makes sense'
"Anyways im gonna start with Lizzo - About Damn Time" you start skillfully mixing that song with Ed Sheeran - Shivers then continue and eventually end with Ed Sheeran - Shape of You.
"Whew how was this set guys? I hope good. Ive been feeling inspired lately" you glance at Marco whose staring at you work sipping his Dr. Pepper.
<Hope you feel better>
<ya hope your allright be careful>
<Use an ice pack on the wound itll bring down the swelling>
Surgeon of Death
<Awesome set!>
Fire Fist
You look at the chat.
"Night Kiwi, thanks Robot, ya right Slick, thanks Surgeon of Death ill do that, thanks Fire Fist okay ima call it a night thanks to all my subs and viewers~♡ I hope you have a good day or night where ever you may be goodnight" *click* you end the stream and open your Dr. Pepper sipping it as you take off your wig and change your clothes. Then you use a makeup wipe to take your makeup off throw it away and break down your turntables.
"You did wonderful (N)~ Yoi" You hear Marco say. You make him some udon which he happily accepted. After he finished you put the bowl and fork in the sink and say
"Come on I wanna cuddle my boyfriend. Do you work tomorrow?" You question as he follows you to bed.
"No I dont im free and I know you dont work tomorrow so we can cuddle all night babe. Yoi"
"Oh but first let me go grab some stuff youll need. Law may have done a great job stitching you up but youll still need to heal. Yoi" he says then heads out of your apartment. After a couple minutes you hear the door and it lock as Marco rounds the corner of the hallway headed to your bed and lays some medical bandages, gauze, and tape out on the bed.
"Here come lay down flat. Yoi" you hear Marco say and you obey as your flat on the bed in front of him now. He changes your bandage as you pick your head up watching him. Then he tapes the gauze in place and goes and throws away the used bandage then comes back.
"Thanks handsome" you chirp as he puts the rest of the bandages on your nightstand along with his glasses and slides into bed cuddling you gently.
~One Year Later~
At the restaurant Shellfish. You and Marco sat at an outdoor table with a firepit next to you. He had told you to dress up, so your wearing a tight short black dress that shows your curves with matching your black furry pump shoes with a pleather black purse with metal strap.
"You look stunning this afternoon (n). Yoi" Marco says dressed in a grey suit and grey pants and white collared shirt as you blush.
"Awe thank you. Your looking very handsome as well" Smiling at eachother he reaches over on top of the table to hold your hand. You see the waitress come up to you both.
"Welcome to Shellfish what can I get started for you?" Looking at her name tag you could see her name was Sara.
"Ill have an Irish Ale. Yoi" Hearing Marco say as it was your turn next.
"Ill have a Malibu Sunrise thanks" you say as Sara nods then heads inside to get the drink order in.
"Starting strong I see Yoi" You look up to meet Marcos eyes from your menu.
"Huh oh yea well It was a tough day at work." He raises an eyebrow at you as you explain.
"Well I got this four person group of rude guys who kept commenting on my look saying what they would do to me outside of work but they got drunk and left so its whatever" You say as he squeezes your hand.
"You know I support you in your job but I have to say I dislike your clientele. Yoi" He says as Sara comes back with your drinks.
"Thank you. Yoi"
"Your welcome you two. Are we ready to order?" Sara asks. Marco orders his food first as he sees you looking at the menu still hands still intertwined.
"Ill have the steak drizzled in pineapple sauce and diced tomatoes and mushrooms."
"Allright sir and for you miss?" Sara asks.
"Ill have the Ahi tuna roll with a side of rice and lemons please and thank you." she nods writing down your orders then goes to put your orders in.
Making small talk as your waiting for your food he seems antsy.
"Are you alright my love?" He looks like hes been caught thinking about something.
"Ya- ya im fine dear just hungry Yoi" he says rubbing his stomach chuckling. You both continue talking about work when you see Sara come back with food and sets it down backwards. You and Marco just smile and wait for her to leave before swapping plates you giggling. After finishing dinner you sip your Malibu Sunrise finishing it off.
"Thanks for dinner you didnt have to honey~" You coo as he replies
"Anything for my love~ Yoi" He says then stands up and stands in front of you.
"Marco what are yo-" he shushes you then gets down on one knee getting out a small black box, opening it to reveal a sapphire heart ring.
"(N) (L) Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Yoi" Making eye contact with you. Mouth agape your shocked but respond
"Awee Marco id love that yes of course sweety!" You both smile as he slides the ring onto your finger.
"Ah perfect fit" You say as he sits back down and others clap for you both. After Sara comes back with the bill Marco puts his card down after writing up the tip. After leaving the restaurant he calls an Uber while holding your hand.
~At Marcos Apartment Celebrating The Engagement~
"Congratulations guys Im happy for you both Ya" Law says as Marco fills the four glasses with wine.
"Thank you Yoi"
"Thanks Law it means a lot" You say smiling wide just like Marco. Marco hands everyone a glass as Ace says
"Ya congrats you both. So whens the wedding?"
"We just got engaged Ace we dont have a date set yet." You giggle as Ace shrugs.
"I dont know you guys coulda been planning this" he says as Marco explains
"Ace she didnt know I was going to propose she was shocked. Yoi"
"Ahh okay well anyways congrats guys" Ace says and sit on the couch with you and Law leaving space for Marco.
"Hey Marco what do you have planned? Ya" You hear Law ask.
"Were going to play some rounds of Uno."
"Yess!! Your all going down!!" You yell as they all chuckle. Law won the first round then Marco won the second your all on the third round. Its been hours and sipping your drinks.
"No fair I have half the deck!" Ace whines and complains as you, Marco and Law snicker and laugh at Ace. You all have a glass of wine, each on your second glass. Your getting too tipsy by the third glass since you had that drink at the restaurant too and Marco notices.
"Uno!!" you yell laughing evilily as you sway and show one card to them all.
"Heyyy!! Shes cheating guys!" Ace yells as you chuckle evilily.
"No your just bad at this game Ace. Ya" Law says which makes you giggle.
"Hey I am not cheating. S'not my fault you suck at Uno" You snicker while sipping your third glass. Ace just glares at you with a blush on his face mouth open.
"Okay okay thats enough you two. Ace its your turn go. Yoi" Marco chimes in.
"Oh yea well take this (N)!" he yells and slaps down a yellow skip card which makes your mouth hang open, making Ace laughs maniacally. As the time ticks by you had to draw more cards but won the game. Now your all watching TV surfing through channels. After awhile of channel surfing
"Aight I think I better get going guys congrats again" you all hear Ace say as he stands grabbing his phone from the table and head to the door. Then Law gets up grabbing his phone too, following Ace.
"I better get going too my girlfriend is waiting on me. Congratulations you both. Ya" Law says as he opens the door and they both say goodnight and leave. You help Marco clean up the glasses as you down the rest of your glass.
"No more drinking for you. Dont want a hang over tomorrow do you? Yoi" He says while washing the glasses as you dry them.
"But its a special occasion Marcooo" whining you put away the glasses in the cupboard. He chuckles then says
"Ya your right I guess ill have to just take care of you tonight. Yoi" Giggling You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind you kiss his shoulder leaning your head on him as he finishes wiping his hands off.
"Hey let me hug you. Yoi" You release him as he turns around hugging you.
"Can I have cuddles tonight?"
"Of course you can beautiful. Yoi" Letting you go he cleans up the cards then heads to the bedroom too which you follow. Unbuttoning your shorts and sliding them off you slide into his bed as he takes off his shirt goes to the kitchen you hear water running then he comes back and hands you a cup of water. Gulping the water down you set the cup on the nightstand with your phone alarm allready set. Marco slides into bed motioning you to cuddle with him. Sliding over to him you wrap your arm around his waist as he slides his arms under your head and around your waist pulling you closer. Inhaling his scent makes you wet but your too tipsy to initiate anything.
"I love you Marco~ Im glad you chose me."
"Of course my dear. I love you too now get some sleep. Hopefully you wont have a hangover tomorrow. Yoi"
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percyaugod · 2 months
I’m sorry if I’m being annoying
do you have more Brother from another ooze things?
— 🐢
Hello again! ^ ^ Trust me, if you were annoying or upsetting me in any way you'd know. For I am a god and this is my domain to create and share. My own enjoyment and comfort matters above all else. So I'll just say if something is too much.
Casey would have more protection than just some gear, a mask, and some sports equipment. Donnie making him some leather so it's easy to move but he's still protected as well as a full helmet. Casey only has so many brain cells, can't risk losing them to a blow to the head. Skates made especially for New York terrain.
Casey's weapons would at least be made of metal so they don't break as easily and it's easier for Donnie to repair them. As well as a few gadgets to help out. Like exploding pucks, flash bombs, a taser function, etc.
So a while back I mentioned them seeing each other on the roof while Casey was tutoring April right? This is not the actual moment of reunion. This is the moment Donnie panics because the life he barely remembers is now right in front of him. Donnie just isn't ready to face the past.
So Donnie whistles to warn Casey, jumps down, and starts running. Casey gives a quick "Sorry, gotta go!" before latching onto Donnie's back as he runs. Donnie Being a mutant can run faster even with Casey on his back. The others try to chased them. They may be ninjas, but Casey and Donnie know this city like the back of their hands.
This leads to the other turtles practically putting a target on Casey's back since they now know he's at least in contact with their brother. Casey's now dodging April too because DJ is freaking out thinking about meeting them but she keeps trying to follow him home since the turtles can't come out during the day. During school, she tries to ask a lot of questions about him, but Casey isn't breaking even if it is April.
Casey goes out on his own patrol to take out the frustration of being hunted and cornered like an animal on some petty criminals. It's at this point he runs into Raph. Casey thinks Raph found him looking DJ again. Raph doesn't even realize it's Casey under that helmet and just wants something or someone to take his anger out on.
Once Raph knocks Casey down he feels someone punch him hard enough in the face he's seeing stars. Raph looked up from where he landed on the ground to see an absolutely livid Donnie. Raph is feeling the fear only an upset Master Splinter is supposed to bring. Donnie looks like he's about to swing at Raph again but Casey is telling him to stop and pulling him away, trying to stop DJ from doing something he'll regret later.
Raph watched the two run off still in a daze realizing he messed up. He messed up bad.
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A Burning Vengeance.
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*Following Rantaro's virtual map, Makoto ascends, trying to avoid any sort of conflict until he reaches the main security room.
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*He leaps back and breaks down the doors with a kick, readying himself for a fight on the other side.
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*However, he sees only two Monokuma's at the security deck, slowly repairing it.
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Hmph...Well, this makes my job a lot easier...
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Ayayayayayayay! What do you think you're doing sir!?
*Makoto menacingly approaches the bears, rolling up his sleeve, ready to pound them to a paste.
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This never gets old...
???: I wouldn't do that if I were you...!
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*Within a matter of moments as soon as Makoto hears a condescending shout from above him, he suddenly surrounded by soldiers and Monokuma's alike.
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*He glares up in the direction of the voice.
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Intruder alert! Sound the alarm! A fool has wandered into the pit of death!
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*Mikihiko and Celeste stand on a catwalk above him, Celeste crossing her arms and Mikihiko holding Himiko in one of his, who leans her head against his chest.
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I don't quite know whether you're foolHARDY? or FoolISH! Did you honestly think, after the security system got broken once, we would be stupid enough to leave it unguarded?
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Kind of? Anything's possible. You haven't exactly impressed me today...
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Hehehe...Take him down...
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*Some of the soldiers try and fire electric taser blasts at Makoto, but he leaps out of the way before they can hit him!
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*Makoto jumps behind the two Monokuma's manning the security, grabs one by the head and throws them towards the door on his left! Like a bowling ball hitting pins, it crashes into the soldiers and kumas there. He then does the same with the other bear for the other side, and then again for the doorway he just came through by flinging the broken door at the group there.
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Oh my...
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Yeah, I bet you're impressed...If you were afraid of me before, I've almost doubled in strength since the last time we saw each other, Celeste...
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That's all well and good, old friend, but two times zero is still very much ZERO...
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Of course, I couldn't very easily forget that slight against me all the way back then...I knew that those fools with all their fancy armaments wouldn't be able to take you down...
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yuexuan · 2 months
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Title: 七天七夜 Seven Days, Seven Nights
Author: 春风遥
Length: 165 chapters + 6 extras
Tag: Unlimited flow, supernatural, comedy
Summary [taken from novelupdates]:
‘Seven Days, Seven Nights’. Initially, he had thought it was forbidden due to explicit rated contents (er*tica). In order to survive, he behaved so unrestrained he was basically flying. Later — I’ve already flown out of the sky and only now you tell me it’s an ‘unlimited flow’ horror novel?!
Novel | Novel [translated]
Comments *contains spoilers**
There was a rumored book called ‘Seven Days, Seven Nights’ that was banned for allegedly explicit content. Strangely, despite how viral it was, no one had actually read the book. Except perhaps Su Er (MC)’s deskmate. One day, said deskmate went missing, leaving him with nothing but a mysterious taser. Upon touching the taser, he was transported into the world of Seven Days, Seven Nights. Turns out this wasn’t an erotica novel, but a series of games. The mechanics of the games were simple: each game had a ghost boss and a host that oversaw the rules of the games, and players had a maximum of seven days, seven nights to complete the game. Follow along as MC flew through the games with flying colors, much to the horror of the game bosses and hosts.
Main highlights of the novel include:
The MC. I freaking love the MC. He can best be described by the words: 浪 and 贱, just someone full of chaotic energy. He wasn’t afraid of being cringe and his approach to each game was basically taking the unconventional route and finding loopholes in the rules. Where other players shied away from the bosses and hosts, he married or adopted them. And when none of these worked, he opted to destroy the games. At one point the hosts became so afraid of MC that they developed an insurance package to cover the risks of MC ruining the game lol.
Due to MC’s unconventional ways of handling the games, the novel was highly entertaining, despite all of its shortcomings. Despite being an unlimited flow novel, the story was light-hearted. Sure, players do still die, but in terms of the overall tone and plot outcomes, it stayed pretty comedic throughout. So if you want to try out an unlimited flow story that doesn’t require too much brain power, I’ll say this might be an entertaining read.
Aside from the MC, I also enjoyed reading about the different hosts. Unlike game NPCs, they were all so full of personalities and had their own methods of maintaining the rules of the games and dealing (or failing to) with MC’s antics. Their exasperation, frustration, and pure despair were fun to read about. My fave would have to be Mr. Chinese Rose. He seemed like such a stern host but was a big softie, adopting the numerous little mud people that MC created~
Things I don’t like
Now as much as I found the novel entertaining, there was also a lot to nitpick about. One thing that irked me was the writing style. The scenes tended to jump from one to the next without being fully elaborated on, making for a disjointed reading experience. There were many moments where I went “wait, how did we get here from the previous scene??”. That said, it got easier to read later on, though I’m unsure if it was because the writing got better or that I got used to the writing.
Of all the unlimited novels, this one has a weaker worldbuilding. Most of the games didn’t have a very coherent setting and were composed of random horror elements. In one game you might have parasitic invasion, ghosts, taoists, buddhist monks, and mummies all put together. It’s just very random and the full potential of the game mechanics were not explored. For example, all players have spiritual, martial, and seductive points. But beyond the initial mention in the story, these points barely played a role in the latter parts.
Also as a heads-up, if you are entering into this for romance, there is practically none lol. Generally I’m used to romance being a more subtle and secondary element in unlimited flow stories. But this novel barely had any romantic plot points and ML didn’t have a prominent role other than being a conveniently strong teammate for MC.
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etsap123 · 1 year
TMNT Next Gen chapter 6
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At the mighty mutant animal's base, everything was falling apart.
Leatherhead was slashing and biting at the cloaked attackers as they fought with their array of swords and blades. Vital stood in the back, watching with a smile.
Karai laid there, barely breathing on the ground, with Vine crawling next to her.
Slash ran in with his morning star to back up Leatherhead as Mondo and Rockwell stood their ground in front of the children.
“Who are you, lowlives?!” Slash yelled, running towards Vital as Rockwell launched soldiers into the wall.
He jumped away, landing next to Leatherhead with a smirk.
“Anthropocentrist or Humanist if that's easier for you to handle,” Vital said, dodging attacks from Leatherhead.
“Sounds contradictory if you ask me,” The alligator said before hitting him with his tail.
Irillia was growling, hitting her hands against the floor, with Kohana covering her face with a blanket. Mei and ash were wailing, and Kiba and Iris were curled up next to them in the corner.
A side member stood in the background pulling out a gun as leatherhead and slash continued their array of attacks.
Rockwell used his telekinesis to lift and throw the ones charging at them when that side member shot him in the shoulder with a dart. He screeched, eyes pulsing from his face and falling on his back while Mondo tried to block attacks with his skateboard.
Karai's chest seared with pain, but she forced herself to her knees and unsheathed her sword.
A member jumped towards April's daughter, blade in hand, only for them to be blocked by Karai's sword. Vine kicked them in the back, slamming them into a pipe as Karai gripped at her sternum.
“Get the kids. We need to get out of here.” He yelled, picking up Kohanna.
Karai nodded as Leatherhead crushed an aggressor's torso in his jaws. Karai ran for Kiba, Iris, and the newborns but was forced to stop by a serrated blade aiming for her head.
She hissed as she shifted into her snake form and began to whip the barbed edge of her tail at them. They countered her moves and dodged the fangs of her snake hands.
Vine was reaching for Irrilia, but Vital ran up and yanked Kohanna from his arms, kicking him in the chest. Vital threw in the chemical gas grenade as he picked up Irrilia, who was squirming like a worm.
Slash rammed his weapon into the masked figure as Karai collapsed on herself, Shifting back to normal.
Vine groaned as his eyes focused.
“No!!” Leatherhead charged at the gang's leader with his crazy eyes before being stunned by another member's taser.
Slash ran over and swatted the taser away before jabbing his knee into the person's skull.
More of the gas was filling the room as the attackers plucked up Dakota and Cody.
“You monsters!” Vine yelled, using his shirt as a filter before charging at them.
Karai gagged on the air around her as her vision went blurry.
“No, I can't!” She grit her teeth, using all the strength she had left to push herself off the concrete.
Vine aimed many blows, but they were all avoided as the enemies would seem to disappear into the gas every time they countered.
With Iris and Kiba behind her, Karai took some throwing stars and tossed them at a soldier, making him hiss and faceplant into A wall. A wail was heard beside them as Slash felt the floor hacking and gagging. Someone had gotten a hold of Mei and ash.
Vine growled, trying to steady his breathing.
“You will never get away with this!!” Karai yelled before landing a kick to one of the men's faces. Another jumped up next to her forcing her to her knees with a strike to the back.
Karai gasped, seeing Vine join Slash on the floor when a member slowly walked up and pulled his hood down.
“If you want them back." He tilted her head up with the tip of his sword. "You'll have to fight for it.” He said before slamming the handle of his sword into the top of her head. Coughing in the background, Mondo reached for the TPhone next to him straining his body to reach it. He managed to pull the pin of the phone with his tongue before passing out with a groan.
Karai rose her head, her vision even more blurry than before. Her ears rang, and her lungs burned.
The man picked Kiba and Iris up as they cried, making Karai continue to tear up as he walked away.
“No! Don't!” She yelled, trying to get up before collapsing back to the ground. He smirked at her as more tears went down her face.
“No, no.” Karai looked up as the gas began to clear, watching the people wander off.
The family ran into their Ally's base with terror.
Lying on the floor was their friends seemingly lifeless as the kids were nowhere in sight. Mikey ran over to Leatherhead as he shifted in his unconsciousness.
“Leatherhead! Leatherhead! What happened?!” Mikey yelled, trying to shake his friend awake.
April, mona, and Casey rushed through the rubble, with Donnie and Angel trying to treat the wounded. Leo could only stare at the situation with horror as Raph began to growl. Donnie picked up the phone next to Mondo before turning to Leatherhead, who was rubbing his head.
“How did this happen?!” Raph yelled, charging at Leatherhead with Slash lying unconscious next to him.
Mikey glared at him as his friend began to shake.
“I-it was as if it was a nightmare. His breathing quickened as Mikey placed a hand on his shoulder. They had weaponry I had never experienced before. I-it managed to take me out instantly.” He said his voice shaking, as he looked down and placed his hands over his eyes. “I'm so sorry, my friends.”
“It's not your fault, buddy. Is there anything you can tell us about them?” Mikey asked, rubbing his back.
“I'm sorry, but I was gone before I even got a glimpse at it all.”
“That's not good enough, Leatherhead. The kids are gone, and we need to know what happened to track these monsters down.” Leo said standing next to Raph.
The alligator thought to himself, going through his memory. “When they showed up here, they claimed that they were humanists, But I don't know how they were able to find us.”
Leo and Raph turned to each other.
Against the wall rested the injured and doctors of the group, trying to take care of them.
“You don't think they were tracking us through the Tphones right?” Angel asked as she hooked temporary oxygen tanks to Vine and Karai.
“I don't think so. I added every anti-virus and anti-tracking system imaginable, and if they were, they would of likely attacked us before.” Donnie said, propping Mondo up against the wall.
“Well, then, how the heck did they find their way here, genius!” Raph yelled, pointing at him.
“Don't you think we're all wondering that?!” Donnie argued.
“Now is not the time, you two!” Leo yelled, getting between them.
“Yeah, we need to get all of them back before they do something to them,” April said, walking over and gripping at herself.
Mona and Casey solemnly walked over, despair written on their faces. Angel slowly watched as the group began to truly see the situation at hand, her own set of tears forming.
Raph yelled, falling to his knees as Mikey held onto him, quivering. Leo sat beside Karai, still unconscious, as his face contorted with pain. April's hair began to shift with anger sobbing into Donnie's arms.
Angel turned to Vine, lying at her side as she wept.
“What has happened to us?”
In the Humanist lab was an array of horrific machinery and associates of the group.
“So now that we have them, what do we do with them?” The member with the tracker said, turning to the infants in a cage.
Irillia kicked and swatted at the metal containing her with the others cowering away.
The humanist young child was sitting on the lab table, looking at the mutants with curiosity.
“Blackmail, obviously, but while these freaks are here" He paused turning to them. "let's put them to use.” Vital smiled at them maliciously.
The mutant family slowly huddled together overloaded with fear and tears, as the shadows of their kidnappers encompassed them.
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vigsilantes · 2 years
be alright (adrian chase x reader)
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Pairing: Adrian Chase / Vigilante x GN Reader Request: “would you consider writing something where the reader is in danger on a mission and Adrian saves them? And/Or they get hurt on a mission and he takes care of them?” Summary: While on a mission with the team, things go south, and you get captured and tortured, and Adrian comes to the rescue. Word Count: 4.3k A/N: this is pretty much just hurt/comfort to the max lolz (also this ended up being Much longer than i anticipated but i hope you enjoy!) Tags: Established Relationship, Reader-Insert, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Mission Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love, Torture, Comfort Warnings: canon-typical violence, torture, blood, guns, shooting, swearing, drinking
~masterlist~ | >>>(read on ao3)<<<
Most of the time, missions go as planned. The team gets in and out, does what needs to be done, and that’s the night, it’s a piece of cake. You and Adrian usually go home, have a beer, fuck, then go to bed, and that's that. That is not how it went today – or yesterday, you’re not entirely sure how long it’s been since you were taken. The night began as planned, you and the team were busting a group of drug smugglers, and the leader was some strange superhuman who could turn to metal whenever he wants, and they set up camp in a weird, abandoned car impound lot connected to a warehouse. The plan was to split into groups, infiltrate their base, and kill everyone, easy. Except, it wasn’t easy, and the plan did not work how it was supposed to.
You, Adrian, and Leota were put together to go in through one entrance, while Emilia and Chris went in through another, and you planned to converge in the middle of the warehouse, taking them out at all angles. The objective was to literally kill everyone, you weren’t too sure how many people were there, but it shouldn’t be too bad, you just knew you had to kill that superhuman. Leota was still a bit wary about killing, so she was armed with a dart gun and taser which she would use to stun the bad guys, then you or Adrian would take them out – teamwork makes the dream work. It wasn’t even one of the most difficult missions you’ve done, the butterflies might take that spot, but things went wrong almost immediately. The team miscalculated, there were multiple metal superhumans, well, kind of. There was one, but he could apparently duplicate himself like, as many times as he wanted, which the team was not aware of.
Once you all went through your respective entrances, things got messy, and the metal men were hard to kill, as they turned to metal within seconds, which means they could deflect bullets. There were four metal men, among many other humans who worked with them, it was a big fight, much bigger than any of you anticipated. The team swiftly took out most of the humans to make fighting the metal men a bit easier, and you took it upon yourself to take on one of the metal men on your own, you almost instantly regretted it as every punch was too much for you to handle, and the knife you tried stabbing him with bent without any hesitation.
The rest of the team also each took on the other metal men, but you couldn’t really focus on them because this guy was focused on you. You tried getting in a few punches and you could almost hear your bones shattering as he turned metallic the second your fist met his skin, or his metal. It didn’t matter if you were hitting him or he was hitting you, either way, metal collided with your body with every hit, and he was beating the living shit out of you. He swiftly hit your leg and toppled your balance, you fell to the ground weakened by the fight. You tried looking around for the team, but they were all busy dealing with their own battles, and out of the corner of your eye you caught Adrian, who’s eyes look fierce through his visor as he was avoiding attacks from his metal man. He caught your eye for a brief second and his eyes grew wide as he looked at you, and you all you feel is a weight hit your head before everything goes dark.
As you blinked awake you found yourself sitting in a chair with your hands bound behind you, and every inch of your body was in agony. Shifting in your seat to see how secure the binds were was a bad idea, fire ran through your entire body, as you most likely had multiple broken bones from your metal man, you groaned from the pain. Your head felt hazy, and you could taste copper in your mouth, not a good sign. Looking around all you saw was that you were in some weird cell, and you noticed that it smelt warm here, you didn’t know a place could even smell warm but here you are – you figured that you were probably underground. There was hardly any lighting and with the concussion you most likely had you couldn’t really focus on anything. However, you did notice that you were alone, there was no sign of the team, or of Adrian. Your heart sank knowing that he could also be in trouble, not knowing what happened with the rest of the mission. A few moments went by as you took in your surroundings, when you suddenly heard footsteps across the large room, someone slowly made their way to you, you recognized it to be the metal man you fought.
“Look who’s finally awake,” he snarked, anger boiled within you. “Let’s make this easy huh, who do you work for?” you shook your head, you knew you weren’t saying anything about the team, and you also knew you were probably gonna get the shit beat out of you for that.
“I work for myself,” you tease, not spilling anything as you looked up at the metal man who was intensely staring you down. He shook his head and tsked, then stuck out his arm, and right before your eyes his fist turned solid. Unsurprisingly, he punched you in the face, and even though you were expecting the hit, it still hurt like hell. He asked again, you stayed silent, and his fist collided with your face, causing you to spit out blood. You felt muddled and after one more punch, you faded in and out of consciousness.
The sharp sound of gunshots woke you out of your daze, you slowly blink awake, still feeling cloudy and incapable of actually keeping your eyes open. You faded in and out, but you faintly heard a familiar voice calling your name, after a beat you realized it was Adrian, you’ve never felt so happy to hear him. You couldn’t quite keep your eyes open, but you forced yourself to – you had to see him, to be with him again. You were still foggy, not knowing how much time went by until he approached you, but he eventually ran over to you and gingerly cupped your face in his hands.
“Hey, oh my god, fuck,” he voiced, he sounded relieved to see you, slight tears filled his eyes, “you’re gonna be alright,” you softly smiled. He then yelled something, and you couldn’t quite make it out, your body felt tired from the reassurance of seeing him again. “Hey, stay awake, babe, please just – I need you to stay awake right now,” he begged as he began untying your binds. The relief from your arms being free helped ease some of the pain you were in, you slouched over, and Adrian gracefully caught you in his arms and sat on the ground with you, gently caressing you. You looked up at him and noticed he was slightly roughed up, dried blood painted his face and he a black eye forming.
“That metal dude was a fuckin asshole,” you muttered, trying your best to crack a joke to alleviate some of his nerves, you could feel how tense he was while holding you, he huffed and lightly smiled. He yelled something again, but all you could focus on was his face, all you could focus on was that fact that he was holding you. He returned his gaze to you and his eyes got watery as he studied you.
“He was, they all were, but they’re long gone now, honey, you’re safe,” Adrian confirmed, “I’m gonna get you outta here, alright? We’re gonna get out, and you’re gonna get some help, and we’ll be okay,” he stated, as he wiped away some of the blood off of your face, your eyes welled up because you could see how anxious he was.
“I’m super tired,” you admit, not knowing how much longer you could stay awake, “need a nap.”
“I know it’s hard but please stay awake for me, okay, I-I’ll talk so you can focus on my voice, you always say you love when I ramble, right?” you grinned, and he frantically nodded, “okay, so once you’re alright w-we’re gonna go home and listen to that Beatles record you love,” you let out a soft chuckle, “and watch some fun movies and we can go to that taco place you love, I mean I love it too but I know how much you love it, and I’ll order like all the fucking tacos you want, babe,” he profoundly said, trying to keep your attention, you could listen to him ramble for hours.
“Soun-sounds good,” you manage, he briefly took his eyes off you to yell again, and you focused on his chin above you, trying to figure out what he was saying. You felt exhausted, the pain has caught up to you, and after fighting to stay awake, you stopped fighting, causing you to fall into a deep sleep.
You took in a sharp inhale and your eyes fluttered open, the bright lights around you making you squint. As you regained consciousness, you could start to feel your body again, and you felt something soft in your hand, you recognized it as Adrian’s hand. You turned your head to look at Adrian, who was disheveled, he met your gaze with a wide, nervous smile.
“Oh fuck, how are you feeling, honey,” he stood up and hovered over you, not letting go of your hand, he looked tired, he was still in his suit, and he had dark circles under his eyes. You assumed that he hadn’t rested until you were safe.
“Like I got the shit beat outta me,” you honestly answer, as your injuries were becoming more apparent as you woke up more. He pouted, then pulled his chair closer to your bed, “I’ll be fine, I think?” you softly question, he nodded. You noticed a blue cast on your right arm, some of your fingers were broken as well. The hand that Adrian was holding was mostly fine, you had two fingers in metal braces, but it wasn’t too bad, you were a righty, so the punches you hit with were from that hand.
“Yeah, you uh, have a few broken bones, but they said you’ll heal soon enough, just gotta get some rest,” he started, then sighed, “you scared the shit out of me, babe, I – seeing you hurt, I – you shouldn’t… I’m just happy you’re alright,” he sighed, “so so sooo fucking happy,” he inched closer to you and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“Me too,” you breathed, “I was worried about you, wh-how’d you kill them? What happened?” you ask, wondering how the team successfully killed the obnoxious metal men.
“Please, you were worried about me? Babe…” be asked, astonished by your concern, “Well, Adebayo’s taser worked, they somehow couldn’t change into metal from the electricity or something, I don’t totally know, but we figured that out after you passed out and that metal fuckhead took you, like seconds after… we looked everywhere for you, I’m – sorry it took so long…” he sounded sad, disappointed with himself.
“Hey, quit it, you found me, that’s all that matters, alright?” you reassured him, and got a better hold of his hand, “thank you,” he nodded, you both let out deep breaths of relief. You briefly looked around and noticed the room you were in, curtains surrounded you, and you weren’t even sure it was a room that you were in. “Where… are we anyways,” you ask, a bit confused by your surroundings.
“Oh yeah, so we’re not in a hospital, we’re at an A.R.G.U.S. base that was close to the warehouse. Don’t worry though, they knew what they were doing to help you, or it seems like they did,” he professed, you huffed a laugh, "I hope they knew what they were doing..." he marvelled, you rolled your eyes. At that moment one of the surrounding curtains ruffled and the rest of the 11th Street Kids shuffled in, Emilia met your gaze with a dreary smile on her face.
“How’s it going?” she asked and stood across from you, the others had soft smiles on their faces as they looked at you, they all looked exhausted.
“I’ve been better,” you joke, trying to sit up but that movement hurt, you groaned. Adrian jumped up and helped you, putting pillows behind your back making sure you were alright, “thanks,” you whisper to him.
“You look like shit,” Chris teased with a soft grin on his face, trying to lighten up the mood, everyone huffed laughs at his low blow, John slapped his arm for stating the obvious.
“Right back at ya,” you counter, he smiled. They did look like shit too, they were all beaten up, Chris had his arm in a sling, and Leota had a cast on her wrist, they all looked like one big, collective, fucking mess. “I feel like shit,” you chuckled.
“We are so happy you’re alright, fuck, all of that was so scary,” Leota pushed past Chris to make her way to you, you grinned, “that metal dude – or dudes were fuckin’ annoying.”
“Fuck yeah they were,” Adrian added, he then stood up, still not separating from your clutch, and looked at the team impatiently. You could tell he wanted them to leave.
“That was insane, like totally wild,” Chris said, looking serious, you could tell he was worried about you, John nodded his head in agreement. “Nice cast,” Chris pointed out, you looked at your arm again, and radiantly smiled, noticing the color.
“I picked the blue, do you like it?” Adrian shyly asked, of course he picked blue, your heart felt full.
“I love it, it kinda matches your suit,” you grin, his face lit up a bit.
“Well, we just wanted to check in on you,” Emilia prompted, noticing you and Adrian needed some time, “I’ll send one of the docs in a little bit,” she stated, and the rest of the team got the hint to leave. “It’ll be a pain in the ass, but you could probably go home soon if you wanted,” that comforted you, all you wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Adrian. They all kindly waved goodbye, Leota blew you a kiss, and opened the curtains to leave for the time being, Adrian sat back down and let out a deep huff.
“It was nice of them to say hi but like – I just want you to relax,” he confessed, you nodded and playfully scrunched your brows, he’s always so protective of you.
“I could tell you wanted them to go,” you said as you slightly shifted and it hurt, that prompted you to finally look at your body, which you haven’t done yet. There was a blanket over you, and you were honestly a bit nervous to see what’s underneath considering your arm was in a cast. “Can I, uh… see the damage?” you ask, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Ye-yeah,” he stammered, and leniently helped lift the blanket off of you. One leg was in a cast, it was also blue matching your arm cast thanks to Adrian, and your other knee was wrapped up up. With your free arm you lifted your shirt and saw dark bruises littering your stomach, your whole body was covered in them. You curled your lips from what you saw, then looked over at Adrian, dread was all over his face, and slight tears were shining in his eyes.
“Damn…” was all you could get out, you knew it was bad from the pain you were in, but it looked terrible, you looked terrible. Adrian sat down and you looked over at him, the bruises on his face were beginning to form, “how are you feeling?” you ask changing the subject, needing a check in on your boyfriend.
“Oh me?” he queried, “well, I’m in better shape than you,” he joked as he wiggled his eyebrows, which made you giggle, he always knows how to make you laugh. “Nah, I’m alright, had a bloody nose and I think I’ll just have bunch of bruises and small cuts everywhere… I haven’t taken my suit off to look yet…” he admitted, you furrowed your brow, “I was too worried about you.” You sighed.
“Well, after the doctor comes in can you please take your suit off, I want you to get taken care of too, alright?” you request, and he shook his head, then moved in closer to press his lips to yours, feeling relieved to be kissing him again. He ever so slowly moved away from your face, and you both opened your eyes, you noticed that he began studying you, studying every inch of your face. “Be honest, how fucked up is my face?” you wryly ask him, he smirked, but you could tell he didn’t really want to tell you.
“Uh well,” he began, “I love your face – it’s one of my favorite things ever, like I could look at your face forever, but you are totally fucked up right now, babe,” he bashfully admitted, you snorted.
“Yeah, I figured,” you said in between laughs, he cracked a smile, and gently held your face in one of his hands. Staring into his green eyes was something you will never get bored of, and the way that his pupils dilated while looking at you always made your heart feel full. As your laughter died down, you began feeling tired again, but you ached to be close to Adrian. “Can you get into bed with me? I just, need you next to me,” you beg, he instantly shot up and walked over to the opposite side of the bed. You tried your best to inch over to one edge of the bed, it hurt as you were making a small sliver of space for him.
“Hey don’t move, just relax, babe,” he ordered, and you stopped, he lifted the blanket and delicately slid into bed next to you. You slightly shifted onto your good leg so you could attempt to cuddle, he snuck in right behind you and gingerly wrapped his arm around your stomach. He nuzzled his head into your neck, and his warmth made your heart flutter. “I’m so fucking happy you’re okay, I – I was going crazy trying to find you, like losing my marbles crazy, and I don’t know what I would even do without you, like you – just, mean everything to me… I love you so much,” he whispered into your neck, you could feel the love radiating from his words. Being with him reassured you, you knew you were going to be alright as long as you were with Adrian.
“I love you too, Ade, I was also worried about you… when I noticed you were gone when I woke up, I got… so scared, and… I’m glad you’re alright too… we’re gonna be alright,” you assured him, and he sighed into your skin. “I can’t wait to go home,” you state, you felt him nod his head behind you.
“I can’t wait either, babe, and I’m gonna take such good care of you, I’ll make you soup, and we can watch shitty movies all day while you get better, and maybe we can find a new show to binge too, oooh we can finally start Community, and we can cuddle for hours,” he quietly declared with so much hope in his voice, he always looks at the bright side of things.
“Sounds amazing, Adrian,” you hum, “and you can rest too, you need to recoup with me, alright?”
“Alright, I’ll do whatever you want me to do, babe,” he replied, you grinned. Feeling his body next to you, and his warmth consume you felt somehow therapeutic, and his arm around you made you feel at ease, allowing you both to fall asleep.
After a short nap, which you both very much needed, the doctor came in and did a little check up on you. She said that your injuries would heal in time, and that you needed to be in bed for the next few weeks, and after asking her to check out Adrian, she said he needed rest too. He had a slight fracture in his rib, which she wrapped up for him, then after explaining what you needed to do to take care of yourself, she said you could leave. Because the team had left, they also needed to recuperate from the fight as well, Emilia had a car waiting for you with a driver ready to take you and Adrian home, it felt fancy, and luckily there was no traffic on your way home, so it hardly took you any time to get there.
Once you arrived, you and Adrian slowly made your way up to your apartment, and you’ve never felt more grateful to have an elevator. You had crutches, which were a bit hard to manage with the cast on your arm, but you got the hang of it, and Adrian cautiously watched you use them, ready to catch you if you needed help. After getting into your apartment, feeling so incredibly relieved to be home, you two quickly settled into bed, Adrian helping you with every move. You got into an all too familiar position, Adrian’s arm around you with your head resting on his chest, you have never felt more comfortable. You both sighed with relief, happy to be home with one another, and as you two were still on edge from everything, you tried to just relax with each other.
“It feels so good to be here with you,” you tell Adrian, who was softly rubbing your arm.
“It does, like I could literally stay here forever,” he admits, he paused for a second, “are ya hungry? Because I just realized that I’m starving, like so fucking hungry…”
“I am totally hungry… wanna order pizza?” he nodded and grabbed his phone to look through a food app to get it delivered. Luckily your favorite pizza place was open late, and you didn’t even need to discuss what to get, he knew to get pepperoni pizza and garlic knots. “Let’s watch a movie while we wait, huh?” you propose, and his eyes lit up. He carefully inched out of bed to look through your shared DVD collection, most of the DVDs were his – he has always loved collecting his favorite movies, but ever since you two started dating he began collecting your favorite movies to add to the collection, you loved it and you had shelves filled with DVDs through your apartment. He scanned through a few movies and thought for a minute before pulling off a movie from the shelf.
“Superbad?” he asks with an auspicious look in his eyes, you smile, it was one of your favorites.
“Excellent choice,” you nod, you both loved this movie, and it was something fun to watch to distract your minds from the hell you just went through. He put the film in the DVD player and meticulously returned in his spot in bed right next to you, making sure not to hurt you. As the movie played, you both let out a few laughs, which was very needed, you both needed a moment of bliss like this, and plus, hearing Adrian’s laugh was contagious, it was music to your ears. Every few minutes he looked over at you to make sure you were doing alright, and every time you caught him analyzing you, you slightly smiled, feeling full because of how much he cared about you. About halfway through Superbad, the pizza arrived, and Adrian demanded that you stay put while he got it and brought the whole pizza and garlic knots into bed with some napkins. You quietly ate, enjoying the film but more importantly, enjoying each other’s presence. You both ate the whole pizza, Adrian devouring most of it, and returned to holding each other for the rest of the film, ready to finally relax and destress. As you nestled closer into his chest, Adrian looked down at you.
“How are ya, honey, do you need anything?” he prompted, wanting to make sure you were alright, you smiled at his ambition.
“I’m alright, Ade, I promise,” you beam, “I’ll let you know if I need anything,” you assure him, he nodded, and you thought for a moment. “Actually, I do need something,” you began, he straightened up.
“Anything, what do you need?”
“I need to know how you’re doing... do you need anything?” you question, he’s been so focused on you, you wanted to make sure that he’s doing alright too. He looked shocked that this was what you were asking of him.
“Me? I’m fine,” he reassured you and waved his hand, “thanks for asking, babe... I just wanna make sure you have what you need. I promise, I'm okay, being here with you is perfect, I don’t need anything else, like at all... ever.”
“I know, and I appreciate it hun, I’m just checking in on you too,” you smile, and his face got rosy. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, and you tried your best to snuggle into him. The film continued, and you both began relaxing in each other’s arms, softly chucking at funny scenes through the rest of the movie. Tired didn’t even begin to describe how you both felt, and finally having food in your stomach and being together in your own bed made you calm enough to finally doze off, you were in each other's arms, happy knowing that you were both safe and together. 
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