#jazz being an older sister to all means everything to me
cat-autism-wizard · 4 months
imagine casper high goes to a school trip to a museum a few hours out of the amity park and every senior gets paired up with two sophomores. fentons were paired up which is easier for danny if theres a ghost emergency but still unhappy bc pairing up with your genius sister that you are always compared to in a school trip sucks. and whos the second sophomore you may ask, its wes fucking weston.
danny blames the fenton luck for that. none of them are happy with the arrangement other than jazz. jazz heard about wes but never got to meet him and she wants to psychoanalyze him so shes happy.
at the trip the three of them goes to some kind of a shop and as they were paying, the cashier asks jazz if she brought her brother and his friend. she laughs and says yes then the cashier points at wes and compliments him and jazz about how similar they look and jokes about strong genes.
danny was OFFENDED. at first wes was also offended but after seeing how much it bothers danny he decided to play along. the rest of the trip wes acted like jazz was his sister just to piss of danny. which wasnt that hard wes was the youngest of three, he didnt have a sister but had two brothers (easton who was almost five years older and kyle who was just a year older but wouldnt stop shove it in wes' face that he was older) so it wasnt that hard for wes to act like a little brother. after a while he actually enjoyed 'having a sister'. jazz didnt really mind wes but took a mental note to ask about his family to understand him better.
danny was still pissed (and jealous that he was 'sharing' his sister but he would NOT admit this to anyone) but find it oddly fun to pair up with wes (other than the parts where wes acted like jazz was his sister or trying to ask questions about ghosts). wes knew a lot about different things. especially about the ancient greek. he says its bc he likes searching stuff he sees. and for wes even though he would rather DIE to admit he enjoyed danny's company. as much as people way danny was the stupid one in a family of geniuses wes knew it was wrong. the trip proved it to him once again.
danny wouldnt shut up about how some machines worked and ancients forbid when they entered the space part of the museum danny took over all the explanations with too much details. jazz on the other hand could see how much the two boys would get along if they dropped their stupid beef.
jazz listened both of them infodumping about their interest with a smile on her face, sometimes adding her own opinion or the missed little informations or fun fact about them. on some occasions sam and tucker would flee from their own groups to join them and quite enjoyed it. when wes talked about ancient greek sam would join in and when danny talked about mechanics tucker would join in with him.
in the end of the trip jazz bought little souvenirs for both of the boys and for herself. a little matching key chains. they acted like that was cringe and that they would never use it.
a week later jazz saw that little key chain on danny's pencil case. a few days later she also saw it hanging on wes' bag.
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itshype · 2 years
Mother of the Year (DC x DP)
Here is the link to my DC x DP masterpost, and one of my last notfic I posted here was Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood where Danny and Vlad try to manipulate and mansplain their way out of trouble with the JLA.
OK I know we do a lot of John Constantine's soul being owned by King Phantom in this fandom. And that makes sense because it's canon he sells his soul a lot,
but like, hear me out, Talia al Ghul has access to the Pits and has used them multiple times. She has reason to believe she may never die. So, what if in one of her many political manoeuvres she sells her soul for a boon. She doesn't know enough occult to do what John did (sell it to so many people that he can't die because a war would start over who actually got hold of it) but again, she thinks she might be functionally immortal.
But hey, we could even make it not one of her many political manoeuvres. I mean Damian Al Ghul was supposed to be his Grandfather's new body. Why would Ra's care if he got emotional fulfilment by moving to Gotham and training under his dad? Why would he want notorious family-man Bruce to even know about the boy and have him taken to a place Ra's may never be able to extract him from? (Yes in some canon he doesn't know, I am aware thanks).
So, she knows her father's body is failing and she's always been loyal to him (above and beyond what you could imagine FYI non-DC fans) but he'll never let Damian go and in this AU she loves her son more, and so she trades her soul. She trades her mortal soul to the King of Lazarus, the Ruler of Everything Beneath the Water in exchange for Damian's life, for his safe and unnoticed passage to Batman's side and beyond. If her father breaks free of the compulsion not to notice he will kill her without hesitation but if she has failed to secure Damian's safety and mind then she won't care.
Talia tracks down ancient texts held by the All Caste. She makes the trade late at night over her Father's biggest Pit in Nanda Parbat. She thinks the power of the Lazarus Pits will keep her safe but she didn't really read the fine print.
So about a year after Damian goes to meet his Dad, Talia gets Danny in her Assassin bedroom ready to whisk her off. Not to the afterlife, but to Illinois, America. She, as an indebted, quasi-immortal now owes this "'representative'" of the Throne of the Restless Dead near unlimited favours. And the representative's half-ghost clone has just hit a rather... radioactive puberty.
Danny figures that a liminal maternal figure will be invaluable for Dani who is struggling. Sure Sam and Jazz can help sometimes but this girl needs actual raising.
Damian, however, is not impressed that his mother is apparently raising his secret older sister in secrecy on the side when Talia seemingly sent him off to live without her.
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bobbin-buckley · 8 months
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That Girl Is Mine
Tara Carpenter x Saxophoneplayer!Fem!Reader
Summary: You play saxophone with a band called “Sweaters In Fall”, you and another girl plus three other guys are in it. You’re girlfriend Tara comes to see your biggest concert at the Radio City Music Hall (NYC), after the concert things do seem to work with you in the band
Warnings: Fluff, Cat-Calling, Little bit of blood, Pervert, sexual mentions, lots of cursing, some punching
Y/F/B: Your Favorite Band
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
It’s the night before you and your bands performance at the Radio Music Hall.
You were very nervous, it was unusual for you to be this nervous. It wasn’t because of the people but it was because your girlfriend was coming to watch with her friends and her older sister Sam.
Not that you were scared of Tara being there, you were excited that the dark brunette and her friends were coming, it was just Sam.
Sam never really liked you, she had her suspicions. You respected that since after what they’ve gone through was tragic. This special night wasn’t just about winning an award to you but it meant to prove yourself worthy for Tara, you wanted Sam to see your talent and maybe she’ll like you. Maybe….
“Yo Y/n! What’s got ya all worked up?” Your bandmate Damien asked, he was a nice guy, he was a tall lengthy black man about in his middle twenties. “You’re not all pumped up like you normally are during rehearsal.”
“Just nervous I guess…” “Nonsense! You’re never nervous!” Kayleen hyped. Kayleen was your best friend, you guys were pretty close she was the reason why you joined the band. Damien and the other two guys were a little eh about another Saxophone player joining, but the raven hair just glared at them and had you join. You were the high voice of the group, the great Alto Sax player.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you seem so low right now and you’re the loudest person normally.” Pip spoke, Pip was your 3rd favorite of the group. He was pretty quiet the majority of the time but he indeed was a fantastic Trumpet player. ‘Pip the Pipet’ Damien gave him the nickname, Pip hated it but he’s adjusted to it now since it sticks with him.
You all had nicknames, yours was Sexy Sax (boy you hate it but at this point you don’t care, Tara teases you about it), Kayleen’s was Sax Positive, every time you hear that nickname you can’t help but laugh a little. Damien’s is Damn Keyboard (idk) as he played keyboard in the band. Last but not least Dan…
you hated Dan oh boy, if you were to go ghostface he’d be the reason.
Dan was a creep in your opinion. Nobody else agreed though, he was just very…odd. He was an older man, I’d say in his early 40’s, he does have a lot of experience in jazz and band in general but he seemed off…every time after your solo in one of the songs you’d catch him looking at you with heart eyes, you’d catch him doing it to Kayleen as well. Eugh…you hate him
“Yeah baby stop being so low, your supposed have a high pitched voice in the band. If you know what I mean.” Dan said…flirted?
You wanted to throw up after he said that. Fuck he gives you the jeepers creepers.
“I’m fine guys I swear. It’s just my girlfriend is coming to watch tomorrow and her sister..isn’t quite found of me..” you rambled.
“Sorry to hear that champ. But everything will go great! Just…focus on yourself and not the crowed.” Damien explained, you have him a nod.
“Well, it’s getting late guys we should head home for the night,” everybody nodded in agreement with Pip.
It was a quick walk home, you hadn’t lived far from Damien’s house. Which is where you guys rehearsed most days unless the Blackmore’s band director lets you in.
Moonlight On the River by Mac DeMarco was playing in your ears, your saxophone in case swaying in your left hand as you trotted in the perfect white snow on New York’s streets to your way home.
You swore someone was following you, feeling eyes staring at the back of your head. You stopped in your tracks turning around to see no one.
Maybe it’s an animal or my imagination?
You thought
As paranoid as you used to be it’s been higher ever since you heard about the ghostface attacks. Tara always pushed you away when you met, you weren’t sure why until you discovered she was The younger sister of Sam Carpenter.
Eventually you told her you don’t care about some psycho idiot under a ghost mask with a knife.
It wasn’t long after you confessed that you really liked her and started the first date. It’s been a few months since you guys started dating, you both were happy.
You told Tara you’d always be there for her if she wanted to talk about everything or anything else that’s keeping her down. She appreciates you for that, but also doesn’t want to burden you because she knows you have your own issues.
Opening your apartment door, stepping in and feeling the nice warmth greeting you. You flicked on the lights with your free hand after slipping off your shoes and walked to your bedroom.
You sat down your saxophone in the corner of your room as well as your backpack, coat. Walking over to your bed taking the snow covered sweater and sweatpants you were wearing off. (I’m more masc btw so masculine wear)
Putting on a white-T with a sweatshirt over that has Y/F/B on it and throwing on a black pair of sleep pants. That’s when your phone started buzzing in your bag.
You grabbed your bag again and opened it to grab your phone, seeing that your one and only was calling you.
With a smile you pressed the green button without hesitation and pulled the phone to your ear.
“Hey Baby!”
You blushed at her voice and nickname
“Hey Tar, how was your day?”
“Not bad, just- some arguing with Sam. You know, the usual.”
“Sorry to hear that, what was it about? If you done mind me asking.”
“It’s fine love, it was just about me walking alone to school. She needs to grow up sometimes, I mean I do appreciate her safety, it’s just a pain up my ass all the time.”
You understood Tara’s annoyance, your mom was the same. She’d harp on you about being safe even if your taking out the trash, (though you don’t live with her no more)
Sam was always protective, ever since the first Ghostface incident. Sam has prevented Tara from having outside friends (definitely after Quinn and Ethan).
That’s why Sam dislikes you, she’s scared you’ll be the next ghostface. But Tara wants Sam to understand that she’ll fall in love at some point, and she already has. It’s you
You’re the lucky girl
“Yeah I know hun, hey tell you what. Tomorrow night I’ll prove Sam with my magical music talent that I’m worthy!”
Tara chuckled, “sure baby, you are quiet talented my musical girl. I’m excited for tomorrow, by the way, how was practice?”
“Good, Kayleen and the boys are hyped. I think we’re all ready, I’m just a bit nervous…” you said, biting your nails.
“Why nervous Y/N/N? You’re never nervous.”
“That’s what the band said..haha.” You paused with a fake laugh. “I guess it’s me trying to prove how good I am to Sam, and how important you are to me.”
“Honey, even if Sam didn’t care about tomorrow then screw her, cause you shouldn’t care about what Sam thinks. It’s Sam! But I know Sam will get your trust eventually she just has a hard time opening up,” you sigh, “plus I think she’ll love it. Sam really likes music if you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t know actually, but thanks Tar.”
“No problem baby, I gotta go Sam needs my help with dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow night! Love ya!”
Your heart skipped a beat, “love you too, see ya!”
You smiled widely after Tara hung up. You were going to prove your worthy for Tara to Sam.
Sam doesn’t realize how much you love that little feisty girl
It’s currently 7:30
Your show starts in thirty minutes
Sitting on an old chair in the back room as Kayleen does a few more touches with your make-up
You weren’t a big fan of wearing make-up, but Kayleen insisted on you wearing some especially for tonight. It wasn’t crazy make-up, just some highlights and eyeliner, nothing punk looking but more casual.
“Cmon Y/N/N you’re our sexy sax you gotta look sexy,” you rolled your eyes. “Even Pip gets a little bit of a make-over!”
“Uh-what?” Pip quipped.
“…Annnnd done!” Kayleen exclaimed, “it’s your turn Pip!”
Pip groaned but gave in
“A-are we all getting make-up?” Damien asked.
“No, Pip just doesn’t get the option because he’s one of our big soloists! But if you want make-up I’d be happy to-”
“Absolutely not,” both Damien and Dan said. The raven shrugged and went back to work
“So Y/N/N? How are you feeling?” Damien asked, as he sat next to you.
“Better, I talked to my girlfriend last night and told about my nerves but she said I’ll be okay and other things.” “Awe, she must be a real sweet one.” You blushed as his comment, Tara was a sweet one even if she’s a little feisty at times.
“We have about ten minutes left.” Dan looked at his watch.
“Shit!!” Kayleen squealed.
You laughed at her antics when she jumped to grab more blush
“We’ve got time girl.”
Tara shifted in her seat as she looked around the interior of the Music Hall.
She’s never been inside the music building, she’s only passed in on walks, in a taxi or on the bus.
It was quite beautiful, the lights were pretty, the room was nice and warm and it was just gorgeous in general, it was a very open dome with a lot of people.
Sam didn’t want to spend a lot of money so they chose the middle seats on the balcony. Tara wouldn’t really be able to see you but the tv’s they had were enough to see your gorgeous face.
“God I’m so excited! Thanks again Sam!” Chad smiled bright. Mindy thanked her too.
“Of course,” Sam smiled. ���Thanks Sam, seriously, you don’t know how much this means to me and especially Y/N/N.”
The older Carpenter smiled at her little sister.
“Up next we have our Jazz Band “Sweaters In Fall!!!”
When Tara heard your band name she perked up and watched ahead of her as she cheered with the crowed.
You and band walked up stage with your instruments, the keyboard and drums already set for Damien and Dan.
“Let’s meet our lovely band! Up first is Pip the Pippet! Our Trumpeter!” Pip smiled shyly.
“Second we have Sax Positive Kayleen!”
Mindy shook her head, “reminds me of Quinn sadly.” Tara chuckled a bit.
“Third we have Damien that Damn Keyboard!” Everybody laughed and cheered.
“Fourth we have Drummer Dan!”
“He looks like he’s sixty!!” Chad yelled. Tara didn’t like Dan, the stuff you’ve told Tara about him make her sick in the stomach but that feeling faded away once the guy announcing announced your name.
“Last but not Least! Y/N/N the Sexy Sax player!!” (Sorry not sorry)
Tara blushed when you waved a bit to the the crowed. Knowing you were looking for her.
“Let’s get this party started!”
~~~~~~~~~(sorry if it’s cheesy 😭)
You were at the last song of your album. The next song was more of something you wrote yourself. (Not actually 😭 cause that’d be copyright)
Tara cheered with the crowed once the song was finished. You eagerly searched for her in the crowed then spotted her a bit later.
You blew a kiss at her as she did it back.
“Cmon Y/n! We gotta go!” Pip called.
You nodded, taking one last glance in Tara’s direction before following your friends.
“That’s it! That was it my guys!” Damien screamed in victory.
“Eh it was alright-” “What do you mean it was alright Kay? That was our best yet!!” Pip cut off Kayleen.
You smiled bright once you entered the backroom. This was definitely the best performance you’ve had in awhile, and you were proud of that.
It didn’t matter to you if you won something but- it mattered that you did it. All you cared about was Sam liking you.
The band continued to talk about the performance whilst you put up your saxophone.
“Y/n!” You looked up at her voice.
Tara jumped into your arms with a big smile, Sam and her friends no too far behind.
“Hey babe! How’s you guys get in?” You looked over Tara’s shoulder, making sure no guards were about to run in saying they broke in.
“They let us in, I told them I was with you.”
“Now who’s this pretty lady?” Dan asked, he made your stomach curl and in a disgusted way.
“I’m Tara,” she said a little grossed out herself.
“Hey! Y/n, you can officially meet Sam now!” Tara turned to her older sister, motioning Sam to approach.
Sam looked at you with those ‘I don’t trust you eyes’. Sam scared you a bit, but being up close..Jesus you were more scared.
“Nice to meet you Y/n,” your eyes widened. Sam, Sam Carpenter being nice to you? She held out her hand waiting for you to shake it. “I-uh hi- S-Sam.”
Sam pulled her hand away and chuckled, “you don’t need to be afraid of me. Sorry for scaring you a bit, I’m a bit worried meeting new people. As Tara probably already told you.”
You nodded with a small smile. Tara was ecstatic with your first impressions on each other.
“Yo Y/n! You gonna introduce them?” Damien spoke.
“Oh uh- yeah! This is my girlfriend Tara her sister and friends. Guys this is Damien, Kayleen, Pip and-..Dan.” You pointed to the each of them.
There were some waves and hi’s
“Y/n, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was hella hot.” Dan walked close.
“Excuse me?” Both you, Tara and Sam said.
“You heard me.”
You looked at Dan with hatred. “Back the fuck up.”
“Woah, no need to get all frisky babe.”
“Don’t fucking call her that!” Tara yelled.
You put a hand out in front of Tara, keeping her back.
“Damn, she’s loud too.”
“Shut the fuck up you perverted mother fucker!” You shoved Dan back, but it wasn’t long before he struck your nose with his fist.
You stumbled back, wincing and clutching your nose as it bled. “Y/n..”
“Oh come on Y/n, your worse than your are at pleasing her.”
That’s when Sam lost it as well. Sam punched Dan, you pushing Sam back to finish the job.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and slamming him against the wall. “I swear to fucking god! If you ever say any of those things ever again I’ll break your skull!!!”
“Hmp, I’d like to see you try.”
Damien and Sam both grabbed your arm before you got the chance to swing another punch at him.
“Let me go!!”
“Dan, get the fuck away! Go! You’re out of this fucking band!!” Damien screamed.
“Whatever, I didn’t want to be here anyways, I just wanted to see some ladies.” Dan chuckled.
You snarled. “Get him away from me.”
Damien and Pip nodded before getting Dan out of the room.
“Y/n-” “Let’s just go home.”
“How’s it feeling?”
You and Tara were in her bedroom. After tonight’s event, your hand was swollen and bleeding. Sam checked it and no brokenness to it, just some bruises and scratches, plus it’ll sting.
“Like shit.” You huffed, laying back on her bed. Tara already patched you up, it hurt like a bitch too.
“I’m sorry,” “no. I’m sorry, I should’ve just kicked him off the band way before!” You threw your hands up.
“Baby, it’s not your fault. It isn’t your fault he’s some fucked up pervert, but thank you for defending me.” Tara brushed her fingers through your sweaty hair.
“Anytime..” you smile. Tara leaned down to kiss you on the lips, placing her scarred hand on your unharmed cheek.
“I love you.” “Love you too.”
This is fuckin cheesy.
Sorry for not uploading this faster than I planned. Weird shit has happened this past week
I need ideas cause my brain hurts and I can’t think of anything rn
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samgirl98 · 4 months
Mending a Family 42/?
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Jazz set down the three tea cups just as Jason and his younger brother entered the house. She took a seat and studied him.
He was young—about seventeen or eighteen. The black hair and dark rings around his eyes made his blue pupils stand out. He was a lot shorter than Jason, maybe 5’6”, and looking at Jazz with a calculating look. There was a glint behind his eyes that made Jazz feel targeted.
She smiled serenely at him. She was suddenly glad she had sent Danny to his room even if he had protested. Ancients know what he would’ve done to Tim.
“Jasmine Nightingale, I presume.”
“Just Jazz is fine.”
Tim frowned a bit; he was probably disappointed Jazz wasn’t surprised he knew her name.
“And you’re Timothy Drake, the third son of billionaire Bruce Wayne.”
Tim turned toward Jason and looked at him sharply. Jazz sipped on her tea.
“She knows everything, Replacement.”
Jazz narrowed her eyes at Jason: what an interesting nickname; she’d have to analyze that.
“Stop that,” Jason snapped at her suddenly.
She raised an eyebrow, “Stop what, Jason?”
“Stop psychoanalyzing me!”
She took another sip of tea.
“How could you tell a stranger our secrets, Jason,” Tim asked, exasperated.
“She’s not a stranger,” Jason retorted vehemently, “she’s my sister! And I trust her more than I trust you or the rest of the Batclan.”
“Jason, you have to come home! What are you even doing here? Playing house with a stranger and a kid? You have a family at Gotham! Hell, you can bring Danny with you, and Bruce will accept you and him with open arms!”
Jason’s eyes started glowing; Tim stepped back, tensing up. His pupils were dilated, and a light sweat formed on his forehead. Jazz knew Jason had attacked Tim before, so the fact that he came here alone to confront Jason spoke more about his bravery…or maybe it was his stupidity. There was a fine line between the two, after all.
“Jason,” Jazz said, the reprimand strong in her voice.
“Whatever, I’m gonna go check in on Danny.”
Jason turned and left Tim and Jazz alone. Tim’s shoulders relaxed when Jason left.
“Have a seat. Here, have some tea.”
“I’m more of a coffee guy,” Tim said, making no move to sit down. He crossed his arms and stood at full height, trying to look intimidating.
“You’re not very trusting, are you?”
“You’ve given me no reason to trust you.”
“Aww, but I’ve also given you no reason not to trust me, now, have I?” Jazz frowned at her now empty cup. She took one of the other three. It’s not as if Tim or Jason were going to drink it.
“How did you and Jason meet?”
“Fell through an interdimensional portal and ended up in a random street with my suddenly de-aged baby sister. Jason and Danny found me and took me in. He’s my big brother now.”
Tim glared at her, incredulous.
“What do you mean he’s your older brother, now?” Aw, was that a hint of jealousy she saw?
She shrugged, “It’s exactly what I said.”
There was a beat of silence before he huffed out a breath.
“Y’know,” he started with faux casualness, “It’s interesting. There are times when you are speaking that your eyes almost glow. Now, it could be a trick of the light.”
He slammed his hands on the table, rattling the cups. Jazz raised an eyebrow.
“What have you done to Jason?” he asked in a low voice. “You obviously have powers. Did you brainwash Jason into wanting to stay here and play house?”
Jazz’s serene smile froze. She felt a fire lighting deep in her chest. How dare this boy assume Jason has had no part in his own life? Did he think someone else was pulling the strings? Jason was happy, and he built all of it with his hands.
“I think the better question is: what makes you think this isn’t all Jason? Is Jason being happy such a bad thing?”
“It is as if he’s being brainwashed into it. He needs to be back with his family so everything can return to how things were.”
“How things were? Interesting. Does that mean to go back to Jason being ignored while you go around with your ‘family’ in spandex to fight crime? Does that mean having Jason look from the outside in as you guys spend time together, and he’s left alone?”
Tim reeled back as if he had been slapped.’
“Does going back to the ways things were mean not being told he has a niece? Being hunted down when he decides he wants to leave that toxic environment? Not being allowed to say no to not being part of the ‘family?’”
Tim impersonated a fish by opening and closing his mouth.
“It sounds to me like you don’t want Jason home for Jason, but keep up the status quo. You know, ‘don’t rock the boat,’ right? That’s what you are doing right now.”
Jazz stood up.
“Batman, Bruce Wayne, whatever he likes to call himself, needs to stop relying on others, especially the people he calls his children, to be his emotional support. There’s a reason therapists exist.”
Jazz walked up to Tim, “Jason may not want to know anything about Gotham, but I’ve kept up with the news. He’s gotten more violent, similar to the Jason died.”
Tim flinched at the reminder that he had failed to keep Bruce in check.
“Jason isn’t an emotional support pet to keep Bruce’s actions and emotions in check. Neither are you nor any of your siblings, for that matter. Bruce is a grown-ass man who needs to get his head out of his ass and find professional help instead of relying on children.”
“You don’t understand. It’s my job to rein in Batman. It’s the whole reason I’m in the family; it’s the reason I was able to be Robin in the first place.”
Jazz’s expression softened with pity. She put a hand on Tim’s shoulder. " If your place in the family is conditional, especially in a way that you, a child, have to protect an adult’s feelings, then answer me this: Is it really a family?”
“No, the family, being a hero, being Red Robin. That’s all I have.”
“Hmm, I think you should talk to Bruce. Or a therapist. Either way, Jason deserves to live his life, and if that means it’s away from the family, well, I think he deserves that.”
Jazz left the boy alone. His brow was scrunched. She hoped she gave him something to think about.
Jason took pity on the Replacement and went to find him. Jazz had entered Danny’s room. He had finally calmed Danny down enough to put him to sleep.
“I talked with your brother. He was…interesting.”
Jason saw the glint in Jazz’s eyes that she sometimes got. He almost felt bad for the Replacement. Almost.
“Can you stay with Danny while I talk to the twerp? I’m afraid he’ll wake up and attack Tim.”
He had to pry the knife out of Danny’s hands and talk him down from attacking Tim. Like father, like son, he guessed.
Jason found Tim staring into space, deep in thought.
“How are you feeling, Timbo?”
Tim turned to look at Jason, “That’s an interesting sister you have there.”
“Funny, she said the same thing about you.”
“Made me wish you had kicked my ass instead of leaving me alone with her.”
Jason scoffed. Yeah, he could see why a Bat would rather fight than talk.
“Jason,” Tim said silently, “Batman needs you. Bruce needs you.”
“What Bruce needs is a couple of thousand hours of therapy and for someone to take that stick out of his ass.”
“Did Jazz tell you that,” he asked petulantly.
Jason rolled his eyes.
“Jazz didn’t need to tell something that we all already know. I love Bruce, but he recruits children to fight an unwinnable war. Oh, and he’s a stubborn jackass who believes his way is the only right way.”
“He’s trying, Jason,” Tim whispered.
“He needs to try harder,” Jason snapped back. Jason missed his dad; he did, but he wasn’t blind to his faults. Not anymore. So, while he appreciated the apology and the fact that he, supposedly, was going to leave Jason alone, that doesn’t mean he’ll forgive him for the trauma he’s put him through.
Jason’s throat got dry as the image of batarang suddenly appeared. He messaged the scar on his throat.
His dad had done that.
Tim’s eyes followed his movement before widening in understanding.
“Bruce did that,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah,” Jason whispered.
Tim looked into the middle distance.
“You’re not brainwashed, are you? You left by choice. You’re not coming back.”
Jason shook his head.
“I found Danny one chilly day. He had come through a portal. Suddenly, there was a child who needed me, a child I considered my own. I left behind the Red Hood and Gotham to keep him safe. Now that I’m a father, I can’t understand Bruce’s obsession with crime fighting when he has children he needs to return to. My love for Danny is bigger than anything else. Bruce may love us, but his need for vengeance is stronger than that love.”
Tim said nothing.
“You can stay the night, or you can leave. If you tell Bruce, though, and I find other little birdies sniffing around, I’ll disappear again. I refuse to have my family being taken away from me.”
Jason left Tim standing alone. He was too tired to think about the consequences. He entered Danny’s room and fell asleep on a chair beside his son.
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks @ender-reader @fuyu-bitch @ravenswife
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Noticed But Hoping For The Best Part 5
There was nothing wrong, Danny knew that! He was just getting more and more tired as the ghost attacks ramped up, but it wasn't like he could explain why he was so exhausted. What would he even say? 'I'm the one fighting all the ghosts and going home was stressful until Jazz managed to set the home security system to not target me'? No, absolutely not. Because of that, however, he was forced to endure people acting like he was sick or something!
Well, Jazz didn't at least. She was just doing her general check-ins after his fight, always fussing over him and yet they quicky figured out that any injuries he gains as Phantom? They show up as bruises of varying severity when in his human form! As the bruises faded, the wounds Phantom had slowly healed, though they of course looked how they were supposed to on his ghost form. It was actually really cool to know that he wouldn't end up severely scarred from any injuries he got defending Amity Park!
Still, his sister used any day after a fight as an excuse to fuss and make sure he was okay, even if it was something simple as making him a smoothie for breakfast- when did she start doing that, anyways? Did they really have enough non-sentient food in the fridge, or was Jazz keeping her own personal store of stuff-? Actually that would make sense, maybe he should start doing the same. Sometimes she went a bit overboard, though, like insisting she was the one to comb his hair or tie his shoes before they went out the door. Danny wasn't a toddler, there was no need to go that far!
Still, he good-naturedly rolled his eyes and grumbled, occasionally fighting it- she once tried to zip up his jacket for him! Just because his fingers were clumsy from not getting enough sleep doesn't mean he was unable to do it himself- but otherwise the teen let his older sister fuss, knowing it made her feel better.
Thankfully, Tucker wasn't acting any different, either! It would have been easy to see, since they were spending more time together while Sam was away, but there was no change- except for teasing about his appearance, or about his handwriting. Danny had noticed that about his handwriting as well, lines never seemed to come out straight when he started writing or tried to draw, but that was another thing explained away by exhaustion. The lack of sleep affecting small motor skills was something he'd heard his parents warn each other about when growing up, and after the portal opened Jazz had lectured them about it and forced them to go to bed several times so they wouldn't hurt themselves in the lab.
Sleep felt like a bit of a luxury at this point, like going a week without a ghost attack or a test somehow being cancelled. Sure, he wasn't going sleepless, Jazz would never allow that and the ghosts tended to attack during the day, but apparently six hours weren't enough. Why else would he be nodding off in classes? Or maybe he was just bored, Danny could easily find that to be the case.
And yet when he was Phantom? Oh, he felt fantastic! Completely full of energy, his hands seemed to obey his mind, everything was clear and sharp, it was like he'd downed a coffee just before starting his fights! However, that made everything so much more prominent when he switched back. His left side randomly twitching- probably from overuse, his muscles did tend to feel sore around those times- but at least his right side didn't seem to feel it. It was probably just because the shock entered from his left hand, it would make sense for things to still be healing, even if turning half-ghost fixed most of the damage.
But it really seemed like having to deal with the ghosts invading the town was effecting his life more and more. It was taking longer to heal from any injuries he got in his human form- Dash tripped him once, Danny faceplanted into his locker, got detention for finally yelling at him and the busted lip he got took over two weeks to heal, it wasn't a good day- his grades were starting to drop, Mister Lancer seemed to be increasingly irritated with him. It was so frustrating! He was trying his best!
At least everything seemed to be alright in science class, it was as enjoyable as always. Sure, he always had to ask his lab partner to handle the finer details, like anything involving pipettes, but it was still fun! Even if he didn't enjoy his parents flavor of scientific curiosity, that didn't change the fact science was one of his favorite subjects. So of course, it made sense his luck would work against him and ruin one of the few good school-related things he had.
it was just a normal class, and his hands were steady enough to accurately poor things and use pipettes! Danny felt like he was on top of the world, he hadn't had a good day like this in awhile! There was an idle smile on his face as he worked, his arm wasn't sore- there was no warning when his body decided to betray him. No heads up, none of the soreness he had been using as an indicator to avoid breaking things. His left arm jerked, a stinging sensation streaking up his arm, fingers reflexively unclenching-
The only thing he could think as the beaker shattered on the floor was that he was glad it was empty. The chattering in the room fell silent as everyone turned and just... Stared. It was only for a moment, but it was still unnerving, then Mister Lancer spoke. "Danny, clean up the glass and see me after class- and for the love of Shakespeare, don't handle any more of the glassware."
That... that hurt to hear, in a way Danny couldn't explain. Sure, it made sense- why let someone handle fragile things when there was a chance of it breaking?- but that limited his ability to participate. Was he just going to be forced to watch everyone and do nothing whenever they had lab? The frustration spiked, causing the teen to pause and take a breath as he felt tears prickling his eyes. It was an accident, it wasn't his fault! Still, he managed to take care of the glass without getting any cuts.
There was a feeling of quiet dread, though, when he stayed back after everyone else was dismissed. Was this the final straw or something? Or would it be yet another lecture? He'd been getting a lot of those recently, on top of all the detentions when Mister Lancer decided he'd had enough of Danny dozing in class. It was a complete shock, but also a weight off his shoulders when he heard the magic words, "Calm down, you're not in trouble." So no detentions, and no consequences, fantastic! But of course it couldn't end there. "We just need to talk about something."
Right, of course, his teacher wouldn't hold him back just to say he wasn't in trouble. Still, the moment of silence where it looked like the man was actually thinking about what to say? Terrifying. It was like when his parents gave him The Talk, and while he knew Mister Lancer wouldn't do that it didn't decrease the nerves. "I won't ask for any details, but clearly something has happened."
That was not good- sure, Danny didn't think it was being guessed that he was Phantom, but the fact his exhaustion made someone think that something bad had happened meant he'd probably need to come up with some sort of cover, maybe lie about a lingering flu-
"I have been harsh due to believing you were slacking off, but if this is a genuine problem, it's my job as an educator to make sure any special requirements you have are met." Wait- waitwaitwait, that was as good as an apology from the man! It was impossible not to look at him with wide eyes, but no, it was too good to be true, unfortunately.
"Now, the ban on you handling glassware will exist and stay in place-" That was one of the worst things Mister Lancer could have said. That would effectively ban him from participating in labs, removing the fun parts that made science his favorite class! It was just one accident, it wasn't his fault! It wasn't fair! "-however, you will be given paper assignments you can fill out instead of doing the lab. Partner with someone and watch the experiment, then fill out the sheet your given."
That felt like being kicked when he was down! He couldn't actually participate, but he'd be forced to watch others do things without being able to join in, and then he'd have to write about what he saw! Danny didn't want that, especially because writing causes his hand to cramp severely, no matter which hand he uses! Usually he would be upset, yeah, but... it felt borderline tragic. It had been his first truly good day in a long while, everything was going perfectly, why did something have to go wrong! And Mister Lancer was still talking.
"Every time you submit a written assignment, I would like you to stay back and help me read it; your handwriting is like another language to me. Understood?" It felt like there was something trapped in his throat, to the point it felt hard to breathe, doing his best not to cry as he nodded. On top of not being able to participate in lab, he'd always have to stay back after every end-of-day class because his teacher couldn't even read his handwriting anymore! Why was everything going wrong?!
"Good. You're dismissed." It took all of Danny's effort to choke out the words expected of him, "Thank you." It took all of his effort not to run as he stepped out of the classroom and started walking to his locker to get his bag. He felt a sick, squirming feeling in his stomach, mind twisting itself in knots after that interaction.
And last but not least, there was Dash. The bane of his school life, the closest thing his human half had to a mortal enemy other than Vlad. It seemed like he upped the mockery of his appearance- "Did you run into that lunch ghost on the way here, or do you always end up dumping food on yourself?" "Is it a hurricane out there or did you not bother to brush your hair?" "Jeez Fentoad, you're makin' it too easy if your trip yourself on your own laces!"
Sure, he wasn't the neatest-looking person around, but Danny didn't think it was that bad. Maybe it was because his mind had been looping around after the mini-meeting with Mister Lancer, but he never really focused on his food when eating, and that often led to spilling food. As for laces, it just felt like more effort than it was worth the retie his shoes every single time they came undone- they never seemed to stay in place anymore! But it was just so tiring, dealing with the taunts and jabs, the sore wrists and occasional busted lips from tripping that took forever to heal...
Eventually, Danny stopped jabbing back. Maybe it was because Sam wasn't there to keep encouraging him that that trouble was worth it, maybe it was his own exhaustion, but there were no more verbal responses to the taunts, nothing more than a huff when being shoulder-checked made him stumble. Dash seemed to be getting bored, though that didn't decrease how often he decided to be a pointless jerk all at once. The blonde was determined to drag him down it seemed, though. In the normal day-to-day, the taunting and shoving was decreased, but on the rare occasion Danny was having a good day? Everything went back to normal, and it sucked!
When he wasn't having a good day, though? Everyone was acting like he was sick- he wouldn't say diseased, though, since they didn't avoid him or anything, but the changes in how people looked at him and sometimes even interacted with him was. Conversations that suddenly dropped when he entered a classroom, people whispering to each other every time he passed by, barely concealed looks of pity. The weirdest part? Even Wes was giving him space! Wes! Explained with a handwave and a 'Obviously you can't be Phantom in your condition'. What did that even mean?!
Danny couldn't wait for Sam to get back, maybe she could help figure things out, everything felt like it had become twisted and everyone was acting like it was normal, he was going to go mad at this rate!
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panlight · 2 years
assuming that Bella's blood has the cure for vampirism and after marriage (without Renesmee) all the Cullens revert back to being human what would they do first? would they settle down in the forks or go to some sunny town? what kind of relationship would they claim to explain the family relationship? Would Bella and Edward go to college or would she end up having an accidental human baby?
I think Alice would realize right away that she kind of hates being human and would be like "brb heading to Alaska to get Tanya to change me back, c'mon Jazz" and she and Jasper would become vampires again. Hopefully they don't have to 'start over' as newborns, though? Then end up watching over the human Cullens because they're pretty vulnerable now.
Bella and Edward would to go Dartmouth and . . .yeah if SM writes it they absolutely will end up having a baby. Hopefully with a different name though because she's no longer "the most unique baby in the world."
Rosalie and Emmett try to have a baby on purpose.
Carlisle insists everyone get vaccinated for like EVERYTHING, ASAP. He and Esme probably also try for a baby pretty quickly. I see some fics that are like "they don't need/want kids they already have them." Adoption is 100% valid! But adopting teenage vampires is not the same as raising a child that grows and changes. I think they'd still want that more authentic experience. Or maybe they DO genuinely adopt--not a baby, but an older kid, maybe ironically even teens. My guess is that they'd go with a siblings story, if they live together at all. Rosalie and Carlisle could be sister and brother; so can Esme and Edward.
They probably all go to New Hampshire so Bella can go to Darmouth. There's a huge hospital up there, too, and a medical school so Carlisle could work at either or both.
Although I might be biased on that because I live in New Hampshire. I see the helicopter flying from our local hospital to the Big One in Lebanon a few times a week.
With everything else I didn't like about Breaking Dawn, teasing them moving to New Hampshire and NOT FOLLOWING THROUGH was the cherry on top, haha. I've said she couldn't have written a book more thoroughly designed to annoy me if she knew me in person and did it on purpose, and I mean it.
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
I'm Finally Going to be me
Written for Dannymay 2023 Prompt: Post-Reveal Fandom: Danny Phantom Characters: Danny, Maddie, Jack, and Jazz Summary: Phantom Planet happened but instead of Danny revealing himself to the whole world he escaped and came clean to his parents.
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Phantom saw the stares of everyone around him. Important politicians, citizens of Amity, and many of his friends and enemies from the ghost zone were all looking at him, his mom and dad at the front smiling down at him asking quietly if their was anything he wanted to say.
Their was. Their was a million things that Danny wanted to say, but he looked at Sam and Tucker, looked at his older sister and finally his mother. 
“I’m just happy I was able to help both your world and mine,” Danny smiled at her, flying away, seeing her frown. He knew that wasn't the answer she wanted, but he had to help his friends get home. He flew away, Sam and Tucker walking up to his family to explain everything Danny couldn’t right now. 
“Did I do the right thing?” Danny asked his mentor, after everyone was back home. He was still in the zone, a part of him scared to go home and be rejected.
“I am too involved with your timeline so my view is no longer clear, but your future is yours to choose. As long as you think you have made the right decision then the path your on is right.”
“Cryptic as ever Clockwork,” Danny sighed.
“Well us old ancients need to find some way to entertain ourselves,” the older ghost smiled as Danny laughed softly.
“Thank you nonetheless for your help.” Danny stood up, getting ready to leave.
“I will always be here when you need me, my king.”
“I’m not king yet,” Danny gave a playful glare.
“Ah but you will be. Each task you fulfill brings you closer. Now off with you. You’ve kept your family waiting long enough,” Clockwork kicked Danny out of his tower, knowing Danny would stay there all day if it was to just avoid the inevitable confrontation.
Taking a sigh Danny flew out of the tower till he got to the portal. Changing back into Fenton and landing on his feet he saw his mom’s crossed arms and his dad’s face, wanting answers looking at him,
“Ready to explain?” Danny gulped as Jazz helped move the family to the living room.
“Okay, so how did you become a ghost?” Maddie asked, serving a cup of tea to her family.
“Oh it was nothing big,” Danny said, trying to change the subject, wondering why he didn’t invite Sam and Tucker to be here with him.
“Also Mom he’s a half-ghost. Danny isn’t a full ghost,” Jazz informed them as Danny glared at her. Yes, he was happy to tell his parents everything, but after years of hiding everything it forms a complicated feeling within him, guess he’s going to have to find a way to get over it.
“Okay, so how does one become a half-ghost?” Maddie asked, crossing her arms, looking between her two kids.
“I’m not answering this one. I wasn’t even there,” Jazz held up her hands making Danny glare at her.
“It was the ghost portal. You and Dad were working on it and it wasn’t working. Dad put the on switch on the portal. I tripped over a wire, making my hand land on it. I was shot with thousands of volts of electricity and ectoplasm mixed with my DNA not fully killing me, but turning me half ghost,” Danny explained as he saw his parent’s eyes go wide.
“You mean we-” Jack started, his mom’s mind being on the same path.
“No! You and Dad didn’t do anything! It was childhood stupidity that did it! No one made me half dead but myself!” Danny was quick to defend them.
“How can you say that? We made the portal and didn’t think of any of the consequences that could come with it! We threatened to kill you over and over again?” Maddie asked.
“You threatened to kill Phantom because of some things that couldn’t be explained without going into detail. You thought that you were doing the right thing. I never blamed you for anything,” Danny promised them.
“You really are something special,” Maddie smiled down at her son. Her son has grown so much without her even noticing. Tears started to pour down her face as she looked at Danny.
“Mom, are you okay?” Danny asked, looking worried.
“I’m fine. You’ve just grown so much! You’ve grown so much and we didn’t even notice. Those late nights, grades slipping, calls from your teachers worried that you were going down the wrong path and here you are on the right path. The path is meant for you. Danny, I am so proud of the man that you’ve become,” Maddie hugged her son as Danny’s eyes went wide.
“Proud of me?” Danny asked.
“I told you that they would accept you,” Jazz rolled her eyes, but the smile never left her face.
“Thanks, Mom. It means a lot,” Danny smiled, looking at his dad.
“Dad, are you okay?” Danny asked.
“You did good Danny boy. You did so good and we never tried to listen to you,” Jack said.
“Dad is this about. . .Vlad?” Danny asked.
“I should have seen it?” Jack clenched his fist.
“No Dad. You didn’t know because we didn’t want you to. Vlad and I had our own deal going on. We purposefully didn’t let either one of you know what was going on,” Danny admitted as Jazz’s eyes glared at him.
“We want to know everything Danny,” Jack told him as Danny stood up, still tired from the fight.
“Eventually. I’m still tired. How about we continue this tomorrow?” Danny asked, walking to the stairs, Jazz following him.
“You didn’t tell them about Dani,” Jazz accused crossing her arms.
“Dani is a free spirit. If I tell them they're going to want to keep her here till she graduates and has an education. Dani doesn’t want that. She wants to travel the world. Next time I see her I’ll admit that she has a place to stay, but until then I won’t out her,” Danny said quietly, leaving for his room to pass out for the next three days, missing the sad look that Jazz gave him.
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seijorhi · 1 year
I'm alive, sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a few days there (I was unwell - new anxiety meds and all that jazz)
BUT!! I have much to say, both about your new fic and obviously one of the older ones, so here's an extremely belated / extended ART&RCSW <33
Firstly, Maelstrom was incredible, it changed the way I live my life
I don't even watch Trigun Stampede but good lord did you get me hooked on the characters - not to mention, a good poly fic is always the way to my heart
The twist of the secret bastard brothers?? Incredible. Delicious. Amazing. And the not so subtle hatred they have for their father?? The fact that the only good thing to come from him was their darling sister?? My gosh, you've got me wrapped around your finger Rhi
Though I must admit, the whole reveal and the part where reader is being lead to the throne room gave me anxiety - you always manage to surprise me with the way you set things up, and I mean that in the best way possible
I can't say anything about the characterisation of Vash and Knives because I don't watch the show, but I imagine that as with everyone else, you've done an amazing job
Also the sense of hopelessness at the end?? Because like, there's literally no escape - the best type of ending in my professional opinion
Next up on the agenda, we have a fic (series??) that I know you're not particularly fond of, but I absolutely love
Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you, your Hawks / Dabi soulmate fic - it has me in a fucking chokehold
It's literally everything I love in a fic - soulmates, poly relationship, yandere, it's just amazing
The slight sprinkle of angst kinda feels like a punch to the gut, but in a satisfying way - not to mention, the fact that Natsuo still keeps in touch with the reader even though they don't really have a connection aside from Touya kills me, he's so sweet
And poor Keigo (he's insane but I do not care <33)
The way my stomach drops when the reader realises that she has another soulmate will never not be a great feeling, but the way she knows instinctively that something is missing because Dabi isn't there really is painful
Like I said, I know you've said you don't really like the series, but I'm here to reassure you, I loved it, so rest assured, the hard work didn't go down the drain <33
I'm also really sorry for disappearing for like two or three weeks :// But I'm back now (??)
Anyway, I hope you've been well, drinking water and sleeping and whatnot <33
See you next week Rhi (I hope??) Lol :))
i hope ur doing okay, i am sending you all the forehead smooches and love!!
ahh but this ask is so nice!! honestly i was so worried about posting maelstrom cuz it's a new fandom for both me and sort of in general – i know the manga and old anime have been around for a while, but for most people it's new – and i wasn't sure if people were actually going to read it
turns out you did anyway, not knowing any of the characters vhgfjdksjdhfjdks it's always such a huge compliment when that happens. it's actually how i found my way first to bnha and then to haikyuu so, yeah, it makes me happy to see it's the same for you guys
as for through the cold... hoo boy. i did have big plans for that one, and every month or so there's a part of me that wants to either delete part 2 and start again, or delete the entire thing and start again, with better execution this time. i may not be as in love with bnha as i used to be, but hawks and touya, and that particular storyline (i am if nothing else a sucker from the soulmate trope gone wrong)
but also... the part i hate about series, and one of my biggest gripes as a writer is when there's a demand for part 2's and 3's but then it's crickets in the notes. part 2 kinda flopped and idk if it was because it wasn't great or if people just couldn't be bothered to leave a response, so while i do occasionally have the motivation to continue it i don't know if it's actually worth while or if anyone (aside from you haha) would be into it. but then i think about all that delicious angst and keigo and touya being jealous assholes and... hmmmm.... vghfjdkjhvfjdks
in any case, i'm glad you liked it and it was very sweet of you to send this ask and i adore you.
also, pls take care of yourself, and don't apologise for taking the time you need. i, of course, live for these asks and seeing you in my notes, but it's never a necessity. your mental/physical health always comes first <33
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prittyvenus · 1 year
The Medium and the Nameless ghouls
Case file 005-2 Nihil file Slumber Party
After finding another soul fragment from Saltarian, Sara, Omega, and Phil decide to recruit Wiliam, Sara's apprentice, and Nihil to help in the search. Will they find the soul fragment before Saltarian and Sister Imperator?
Everyone sat down for dinner, and Secondo asked Sara about Will. "So, who's the young man? I don't think he's one of us."
Sara checks on William. He is talking and laughing with the ghouls. "He's my apprentice. He can sense spiritual energy from objects and artifacts. He helps me out a lot. His sixth sense is strong. I am training him to use them."
Primo sits next to Papa Nihil. "Papa, What was that all about?"
Nihil looks at Primo. "What do you mean?"
"I saw you in the bedroom with my granddaughter, Sara. Explain yourself."
Nihil chews his food and then swallows it. "I was looking for Sister and could not find her. So I went to the mansion to see Sara. When I heard her talk about her grandmother Elisabeth with her boss."
"Her boss?" Primo became confused.
"Yeah, her boss. He was standing behind you the whole time as we were talking."
"I didn't even notice him." Primo gets embarrassed.
"Anyway, I overheard the conversation about how Elisabeth found your son. She even explained about his adoptive parents being Catholics. I even heard Sara say that he left his adopted family. I was happy. She told me her older brother is a saxophonist in a jazz club."
"No, really?" Copia sits across from Nihil. "She told me a different story. It was about her mom abandoning her family."
"Well, she did say her parents got divorced." Nihil picks up a fork full of pasta and puts it in his mouth. "Well, It's sad for her to be single for so long."
Primo drinks some wine. "So, she didn't tell you?"
Copia thinks for a minute. "Oh, You mean Sara's divorce!" Copia yells out loud. "She told me her ex-husband was having an affair with a minor." Papa Nihil nearly choked on his food. "How can you be choking on your food? You are a ghost."
Primo sighs, "It's deeper than what she told you." Primo bends closer to the table. Look at Sara eating next to Secondo, then look back at Copia and Nihil. "He was a pedophile." Copia and Nihil gasps. "He was going to use Sara to cover up his crimes. A lawyer called her about what he had been doing. To make matters worse, it happened the day before her wedding."
"No!" Gasped Copia.
Primo nods. "The man wasn't even pure. He got young girls sick."
"Are you serious?" Nihil gasped.
"She didn't go through with it. She arrested him on her wedding day. Shit hit the fan after she found out that he was using her. She wound up single and broke because of him."
Nihil shakes his head. "Mia cara dolce nipote. She deserves so much better." He looks at Primo. "Let us go find her a good husband. We need to keep the strongest of the bloodline running."
Copia and Primo nodded as they ate their food. One of the officers used his walkie-talkie to contact Sara. "Did you get all that?"
Sara listened at the other end of the walkie-talkie. "Yes, loud and clear. Over." Sara shakes her head in embarrassment.
Secondo pours Sara a shot of whiskey and pats her back. "You're not the only one who lost everything on their wedding day." Secondo sips his whiskey. "I was engaged to a woman named Amanda. She cheated on me with a ghoul named Skyler." he sips another drink. "It was an arranged marriage. We spoke from time to time. I was head over heels with her. She keeps telling me that her heart belongs to someone else." He lowers his head and covers it with his hands. "Ero stupido e ingenuo. I found out later that she was telling me the truth after Terzo found him kissing her belly in Primo's garden."
Sara gasped. "She got pregnant with the ghoul's child."
"Yup, You know Sunshine? That's their daughter."
"Wow, I feel so bad for you." Sara rubs Secondo's back.
"Well, Terzo told me everything. I was enraged with anger. I could not believe that the woman I was marrying. Just left me for a ghoul." He chugs his drink. "I found out she was marrying Skyler in secret. I surprised them both. I used my powers and punished Skyler by binding him to chains. Skyler was sent to the dungeons. Amanda gave birth to Sunshine and was shunned by the Clergy." He picks up his empty glass and tries to drink from it.
Sara stops him and gives him her glass of whiskey. "Suffering from heartbreak is one thing. Picking up the pieces is another." She picks up her empty plate and his empty whiskey glass. Sara bends down and kisses Secondo's bald head. "Thanks for the meal." She walks to the sink and wash her dishes.
William shows up with his empty plate. "Hey Sara, can I hang out with the ghouls tonight? They are throwing a party in the lounging room. They want me to be there."
Sara sees the ghouls doing the puppy eyes and wagging their tails. "As long as it's a slumber party, I don't mind."
Will gives Sara his plate and runs to the ghouls. "She said yes, guys!"
The ghouls cheered and ran to the lounge area. Secondo stops the ghouls by slamming the end of his staff to the floor. The burst of energy halted the ghouls down in their tracks. "Clean up your mess, ghouls!" Secondo glares at Copia. "You need to keep your ghouls in control."
Copia mutters back. "So say the guy who got his wife stolen by a ghoul." Secondo slams Copia's head with his staff. "Ouch!" He rubs his aching head. "It meant to be a joke."
Secondo shows Copia the hand gesture. "Don't you give me that shit? I don't ever recall giving my position to you, Cardinal!"
The ghouls gasped at Secondo's words. Everyone in the room stares at Secondo and Copia. Sara intervenes and taps Secondo's shoulder. "Come on, Uncle Secondo. You're drunk. Let me take you outside." Sara takes Secondo's staff and drags him out of the room. Sara goes back in and faces the ghouls. "I would recommend cleaning your tables before Secondo comes back." The ghouls pick up their plates and give them to Omega. Dewdrop takes a damp cloth and cleans the tables.
Omega cleans the dishes and goes to his group of Terzoes. They gave him their dirty plates. Omega gets his kisses and chin scratches. "See you tonight, Omega." The paintless Terzo whispers.
"Same time and place?" Omega told Terzo.
"You know it." Says the tuxedo Terzo. The papal Terzo winks at Omega before leaving with the group.
Omega walks over to the sink and mumbles. "What am I doing with my life." He washes the dishes. Omega grabs the cloth from Dewdrop and wipes down the table.
Two of the officer was playing rock, paper, and scissors. The one who lost would do the dishes. Primo helps Copia with getting Nihil to the living room.
Sara goes to the other room and checks on Secondo. "Uncle Secondo, are you okay?" Secondo shakes his head.
Sara sees Detective Stevens enter the room. "Let me stay with him. I don't want you to get hurt when he's in that state."
Sara nods. "Understood." She leaves Secondo and Stevens alone in the room. Sara goes over to the lounge room to check in on William. She sees Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine in the room with the ghouls. She nocks first before entering. "Hey, guys. Is everything okay?"
Will looks up at Sara. "Hi, Sara. We were playing some board games. You want to join us?"
"Not in my work clothes. You got your pajamas and toothbrush?" Wiliam goes get his backpack and shows her. "Okay, Give me a few minutes. I am going to put on my comfortable clothes." Sara leaves the room.
Cirrus asks William. "So, What is she, your mom?"
"Uh, no. She's my mentor. She's been looking out for me since my mom got into drug use." William told Cirrus. "I used to live in the apartment under Sara's. Whenever my mom goes violent, I run to her apartment. She even made the reports for me to CPS. The last straw was when my mom tried to enter Sara's apartment with a kitchen knife. Sara recorded my mom's death threats on her phone. When the police came, my mom went crazy on the cops. She got tackled before she got a chance to stab anyone."
Copia enters the room. "Hello." He looks around. "Where's Sara?"
"She's coming back. She's putting something on." Yells Sodomizer.
Copia sits down between Aether and Sodomizer. They played racing games for a while until Sara showed up. Sara is wearing pajama pants and a DADD T-shirt. She brought potato chips and popcorn. Copia lost the race and started to act up. "Hey, It's just a game. If you're going to act out, then take it outside. You're an adult, Copia. Act like one."
All the ghouls turn their heads to Sara. "Okay, mom." Dewdrop mocked.
"Don't sass her, Dewy. Unless you want to go back to the hospital wing." Cirrus warned.
Aether sat next to Sara and wagged his tail. "Are you going to tell me about your divorce?" Aether takes the popcorn.
Sara told the whole story about her divorce and the fight with her family. "What!?" The ghouls yelled. "Are you serious?" Cirrus yelled.
"That is why I have no contact with my mom's side of the family. My sister has minimal contact with me. My aunt and little sister have completely taken his side. My uncles and grandparents are on my side. It was a disaster. I had to pay for the damages that he made."
"That's messed up. I thought my parents' affair was bad. Yours takes the cake, Sara." Sunshine told Sara.
"Hey, Will. Can I ask you something? Are you not doing anything besides homework tomorrow?" Sara asks William.
"Yeah, I have a lot of homework to do," William answered. "Do you need me to find the murder weapon?"
"Yeah, we can't find it, along with the suspect," Sara answered William. "Do you think you can help us?"
"Sure, if you help me with my homework."
"Deal. First, let's see what the teachers gave you." Will takes out a binder from his backpack and gives it to Sara.
"So, What does he do?" Swiss asked.
"He's an apprentice spirit medium. His specialty is sensing spirit energy from objects and artifacts. I have been training him on how to use them." Sara told the ghouls.
"I just don't want to lose them like my dad did." Said William. "My family has a long history of spirit mediums."
Aether takes out his phone and texts Omega. "Hey, Big guy. When you're done with Terzo, Can you text me back? Sara's apprentice has a cool trick to show us. -Aether."
"Omega is busy at the moment. Ask Secondo if he wants to. - Terzo."
Crashes and breaking glass were heard from the other room. Secondo was screaming in Italian with Detective Stevens talking to him. Sara got up and signaled everyone to stay where they were. She slightly opens the door. She peeks out the door and sees five officers dragging out a very drunk Secondo from the other room. They placed Secondo in handcuffs. The officers were holding him down. Copia goes to Sara and peeks out the hallway. They saw Secondo's face turn red as he was screaming in Italian. Four officers take Secondo away. Sara stops Copia from exiting the room. Sara shakes her head at Copia. She slowly closes the door. Fredrick enters and checks in on everyone.
"Is everyone okay?" Fred asked.
"What happened?" Sara asked. "Did he get drunk?"
"Yes and no. We believe the whiskey he's been drinking has been tampered with," Fred told Sara. "Detective Stevens smelled something strange coming from Secondo's breath."
Sara's left eye turned white. She sees ghouls coming from the tunnels tampering with the food. She sees the same white ghoulette putting white powder in the whiskey.
"Sara, your eye. Are you okay?" Yelled Fred.
Sara snaps out of it. "Copia, call my cousin, Markus. Sister is sending ghouls to stop us from investigating the Clergy."
The ghouls look around at each other. "Don't worry, we have your back." Yelled Cumulus. "If anything, I'll send my boys from the tunnels to help. Mama bear got you sugar." Cumulus winks. Sodo and Dewdrop got nervous around Cumulus. Sunshine smiles and wags her tail. The ghouls know to never mess with Cumulus when she's in mama bear mode.
Case file closed
Case file contents
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arcturion-the-joke · 2 years
This makes me very happy OK!
His full name is Theobald Gonzales, son of Hugo Sinclair-Gonzales & Flora Gonzales, who run a circus (so he's used to people fighting, animals being rabid, all that jazz) called 'el menaje' meaning 'the houshold' in Spanish. He's Leo's best friend, meaning that he was there since the move, Tasha and Donald's wedding, everything. Even the first time Leo had met a, b, & c! He wasn't really sure about Adam at first, but he (adam) ended up growing tolerable to the point that he (theo) doesn't have to hide himself to his older sister (I can explain her in another one, if you'd like :) )
(I'm thinking about making a fic where Theo's dating Trent in the first episode, finds out he was just pranking him because I mean, it's Trent. Anyway, that happens, Jasper (theo's adopted older sister, the girl I was saying earlier in the text) beats Trent up, ADAM beats him up as well and he ends up glitching because he hurt someone he likes. Theo stops him, they end up becoming friends because I like me some slow burn 😌)
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
Old Wounds
Danny’s secret is not a secret anymore.
The lines between Fenton and Phantom have long since blurred. And it’s a common occurrence for news reporters to trip over their tongue when flagging him down, mid-transformation, for a post-fight interview. “Phanton.” “Fentom.” So often that, to most now, he is just Danny.
When Danny wants upgrades to his gear, he comes to his mother. When Danny learns a quirky new element of Ghost Zone lore, he brings it to his father. When the Amity Park Ghost Alarm is raised, he’s first on the scene with the Fenton RV right on his non-corporeal heels.
When he’s injured, Danny comes only to his friends and sister.
Jazz notices the pattern. How it is only her, or only Sam, or only Tucker who receives the late-night knock at the window glass, with her brother on the other side, corny sheepish smile on display and arm or leg or shoulder held up in explanation.
Jazz notices how hushed Danny remains, day or night, when he comes to her for first aid. How he speaks in that same hesitant muted tone as he did when all of this was still a secret. How he quiets himself in the way injured prey animals do.
Jazz doesn’t feel it’s her place to ask. Not yet, at least. Eventually. But not yet.
The window is open. Honeysuckle-sweet gusts of late-spring air swirl through Jazz’s room and tease away the sheen of sweat that has collected on her brow. She cannot wipe it away herself, not with both hands meticulously occupied in tweezering out the singed fabric from her brother’s arm.
Danny winces, and hisses, and Jazz frees another thread from its embedded hold in Danny’s burn wound.
“It’s kind of like… summer vacation when we were kids and we’d get splinters visiting Aunt Alicia’s lake house,” Jazz remarks with another careful tug. “…If we can call it a lake house.”
“Lake shed,” Danny replies, grinning through the sweat shining on his pale face. “And I think every part of that dock was an OSHA violation.” He laughs through another wince.
“Dad was the king of tweezers. I think he got out every splinter that dock ever gave me.” Jazz pauses. “I wonder why that was. Think it’s the needlepoint?”
“It’s definitely the needlepoint,” Danny agrees.
Jazz hesitates on the question lingering behind her tongue. Just a little too long. Just a little too obviously.
“What?” Danny asks.
Jazz’s hand falters. She puts the tweezers down. “Danny, I will always always be happy to help you like this. Same goes for Sam, same goes for Tucker, I know. I’m positive. But I wonder why… not Mom or Dad?” Jazz eyes the tweezers, glinting in the moonlight. “I’m just… I’m thinking how much cleaner this might be if you got Dad to do it. And Mom’s got like, wilderness survival level first aid expertise. I can’t help thinking I’m hurting you more by it being… me, you know?”
Danny looks at her, and looks past her a moment. His grin slips a fraction into discomfort as his eyes leave hers. “Maybe I just like the excuse to invade your room.”
“Danny…” Jazz waits until he looks at her again. “Are you afraid they’ll make you stop if they realize you’re getting injured?”
Danny lets out a puff of air from behind his lips. “No, never. I mean, maybe if I got really really injured they’d say something. But just getting a little roughed up? I think it’s about on par with a kid coming home from football practice with a few scrapes, at least, in their eyes. They get more banged up than me these days. I’m not worried.”
Jazz reaches for the bottle of disinfectant. She unscrews the cap to a biting alcohol smell. “…So will you tell me why?”
“Why what?”
“Why you won’t ever go to them with injuries? Ever?”
Cotton swab, pure silver under the moonlight. Jazz douses it gently, a muted glug-glug from the bottle.
“…I’m that obvious about it, huh?”
“You’re obvious about most things. This’ll be cold.” Jazz applies the swab to the open wound, and Danny hisses in turn.
“Yeah. Cold. And stingy. Cold and stingy.” After a few seconds, the tension eases out of Danny’s body. He droops a little, shoulders slumped, and Jazz pulls the cotton swab away.
“Are you ashamed of your injuries?”
“Are you worried Mom and Dad’ll make them worse?”
“Nah. You said it yourself, those two are weird, unconventional medical experts.”
“Then why not?”
A beat of silence follows. A moment of trepidation. Awash in moonlight, Danny looks up at her, and the glow in his green eyes has a life of its own. “I don’t want them to see the injuries that have already healed.”
“Why would that be a problem?” Jazz looks again. Danny’s suit covers most everything, save now for the one sleeve that’s been rolled back. She sees what she already knew was there – what isn’t obvious to the eye not searching – threads of white ridges, puckers of skin, a faded rashy texture of what had once been an ectoblast burn. Old injuries. Long healed. Faded and fading further. “Those are all healed now. Just some scars, right…?”
Danny hesitates.
“I don’t want them to figure out how many of those scars they caused.”
A gust of wind steals the antiseptic smell from the room. Jazz sits with the silence. She thinks, and she processes.
Danny straightens. “They kind of… live in this world where hunting ghosts is all fun and games, you know? Like it’s a sport, like they can just get into go-mode and jump into the fun. I don’t think they’ve figured out yet that they can—could—did …cause damage.”
Danny adjusts himself on Jazz’s bed, one leg pulled up, body angled to face her directly. He doesn’t let his eye contact wander now. “They both apologized. Definitely. Like that definitely happened, back at the start of this. But it was kind of like ‘We must’ve given you so much trouble Danny! How’d you come home every day and not bite our heads off over that?’ Like. Again. Like it’s a game. Like they’d been knocking my chess pieces over for a year and not—”
Danny falters. He raises his uninjured arm and tucks the hair away from his face. “And I don’t… want it to click for them. What I have right now with Mom and Dad is so nice… It’s so much better than I even imagined. I want it to stay like this. Forever, if possible.”
“And even that actually—maybe I’m actually wrong about that. Completely wrong. About their reaction, I mean. It’s possible maybe they’d see everything and just go,” Danny deepens his voice, “‘Wow! We did a number on you, huh? Man Danny I don’t know how you didn’t just smack us over the breakfast table every morning.’ you know? Like that. Like this was all just always a game. And they—and I-- …I like how relaxed ghost hunting is with them. I actually like that it feels like a game. I don’t ever want to go back to feeling how scared and afraid and unsafe and hurt I was that first year. ...But I’m afraid of how it would feel to know that maybe they’d see that, look at it all, everything they did and the scars like the actual proof and it—if it wouldn't ever be real to them. If they'd never get that it was like that. If they still wouldn’t realize—you know? That they—if they—I don’t uh…” Danny drops his eyes, and he shrinks in on himself. “I don’t know how to explain it…”
“No I—Danny I know what you’re saying. Don’t worry. Danny, I—”
“Either answer. Any answer. I don’t want to know… I don’t actually want to know.” Danny angles himself away again, feet dropped over the side of Jazz’s bed, staring down at the hands in his lap. “If it would horrify them, then I’d be ruining all the good things I have with them right now. And if it wouldn’t horrify them—” Danny falls quiet. The breeze has stilled. The room is colder now. “…then I think I just don’t ever want to know.”
Jazz nods, and nods harder.
“I get it. I get it. That’s a good enough answer for me, Danny, I promise. I’m your first aid person, okay? I won’t ask again. Thanks for… thanks for telling me, Danny.”
"Can always trust you to bring up the difficult conversations huh? Of course that's always been your thing. Talking to you is--well I'd say it's like pulling teeth, but maybe it's more like pulling ecto-demolished hazmat suit fabric out of a burn wound."
Danny offers a sheepish grin - it's an olive branch, a request to lighten the mood. Jazz meets it with her own small grin that does not touch her eyes.
"Yeah yeah, I'm your older sister. It's my job to be a pain. Now sit still, I need to be more of a pain if we're gonna de-hazmat suit your injury."
She picks the tweezers back up. The silence rings with an echo in her head now. Jazz focuses her attention back on her task, and she finds something she was wrong about before:
There is nothing faded about the scars that web up and down her little brother’s arm. They are stark streaks of lightning, glowing silver under the moonlight. And Jazz wonders how many others—how many that flaked away and melded back with healthy skin—how many of those might still be living, lingering, a permanent part of her little brother, buried well beneath the surface…
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
An Honest Talk
(Got to the episode where Valerie gets the ghost hunting stuff. I just want her to be happy and not Filled With Vengeful Rage so, here's this.)
Jazz sees the whole thing.
Really, Valerie isn't even good at hiding it. As soon as that Ghost Hunter shows up at that school game, Jazz figures it out. Not just because her voice is the same, but because of the insults she shouts while hanging in that basketball hoop. Sure, Jazz is in a higher grade, but she's heard that A-Lister group plenty of times in the hallways and after school.
They're real jerks. But not murderous jerks.
So she decides to do something about it. No-one attacks her baby brother. ... Well, except other ghosts. But Jazz can't always help with those.
This? No problem.
"Hey, Valerie."
Valerie jolts, yelping and almost dropping what is clearly some kind of ghost-detecting device. "Who are- ugh, aren't you Fenton's sister? What do you want?"
"To talk to you," Jazz says in her most empathetic voice. "I noticed you're having kind of a rough time."
"Why do you care?"
"Because my brother does." Cares about not being pummeled, at least. But Jazz is sure Danny hopes the best for his schoolmate, even with the attacks.
Valerie huffs. "Great, pity from the loser kids."
"Come on, it won't hurt to talk about it?"
"Talk about what? That some ghost kid and his dog ruined my life? That we're broke, and all my friends hate me for it? yeah, talking will fix everything."
Jazz sits down on a bench, and pats the seat next to her. Valerie looks away.
But then... she sighs. And sits. "I keep thinking about that five hundred dollar shirt I ruined. Maybe if e hadn't bought that, or I hadn't worn it to school, we'd be a little better off right now."
"It's not your fault."
Valerie grits her teeth. "Yeah. It's that ghost kid's."
"Ghost kid?"
"... You believe in ghosts, right? Because of your parents?"
Jazz nods. "Plus, that thing during the school game,, Kind of hard to deny."
"Heh. Yeah. ... That dog broke into the place my dad was working for. he was showing off what he did for their security, and none of it stopped the dog or the kid. And then they showed up again at the garage sale and wrecked our moving van, and the dog stole my lunch after all my friends rejected me!"
Valerie wipes her eyes, scowling. "It's not fair!"
Jazz hands her a tissue. "It's not, not at all."
"I wanna destroy that kid," Valerie growls. "Like he destroyed me."
"... Valerie... how old is he?"
"About my age, I think."
"And he's a ghost."
"Yeah. And?"
"So... how do you think a ghost kid comes to be?"
Valerie doesn't reply. But after a moment, her eyes widen a little. "Oh... no, no, but... but he's a kid. He can't be any older than me."
"Yeah," Jazz says softly. "So something horrible must have happened to him already."
Valerie looks at the device in her hands. "... But... he still ruined my life." She sounds a bit unsure now.
"Maybe he didn't mean to. I mean... imagine one day you wake up and everything is... different. Suddenly you've got no gravity, and-and no-one can see you sometimes and you're this weird thing-"
God, how scared was Danny when it happened? She's pretty sure by now that it was The Accident that did it, she can't think of anything else that explains it. What was it like for him, waking up as something different?
"It would be tough," Jazz finishes, looking at Valerie.
Valerie still won't meet her eyes, looking at the beeping device. "Then why is he following me around?"
"... Well... does he show up first, or the dog?"
Valerie thinks for a long moment. "... The dog. It's always the dog."
"So maybe he's trying to catch it."
"... I mean, I guess that could be it. But he's been fighting me!"
"And you've been fighting him."
"But-! ... Aw, geez..." Valerie deflates. "What do I do now, then? I can't... I can't keep attacking some kid who... we've barely lived, I can't just make it so that he's barely lived twice."
Jazz stands up and offers her hand. "How about we try talking to him?"
Valerie looks at her. "For real?" She's skeptical.
Jazz nods. "For real. Maybe we can clear some things up."
Valerie turns away again. And then, with a hefty sigh...
Takes Jazz's hand.
"Cujo?" Danny calls out. "Cujo! We need to get you back to the Ghost Zone, buddy! Come on, where is he?"
Someone clears their throat behind him, and he yelps as he shoots up in the air.
He turns around, and sees possibly the worst thing he could see right now.
His sister, and his hunter.
"Hello, Ghost Boy!" Jazz calls out.
"Um... hi." Danny waves, still looking startled.
Jazz nudges Valerie, and Valerie huffs. "Hi," she says shortly. Jazz smile at her, though.
"I'm here to mediate a talk between you two," Jazz says, walking closer (and somewhat pulling Valerie along behind her). "I figured there might be more to this story than we all three think."
"Um, you're not- I mean, I'm a ghost, you're just... casual about this?"
Jazz nods. "My parents are well-versed with ghosts, this is nothing."
A straight-up lie. Jazz hadn't even believed in ghosts until she peeled Spectra. But maybe it's to save face for Valerie? Or maybe Jazz recognizes him as the ghost from that day.
"Anyway," Jazz says, "Valerie here has something to say."
Valerie, arms cross and back hunched angrily, glares at Danny. "Who are you, and why are you out to get me?"
Danny floats back down to the ground, standing on it now. "I'm, um... Phantom-"
Valerie gives him a disbelieving look.
"Uh, Ghost Names are uh, different! It's this whole thing. And, I'm not out to get you, I swear. It's all been terrible coincidences."
Valerie scoffs.
"Val, we're here to listen," Jazz reminds gently. "Let him explain his side of things, and then you can explain yours, and we'll come to a solution. Trust me, I read a book about this."
Danny doesn't doubt it. "I don't own that dog, I found him wandering around outside. I thought he was cute at first, and then he turned into the big dog that keeps haunting you."
"And why's he doing that?" she snips.
"I don't know yet." Danny rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. "I'm trying to send him back to the Ghost Zone, but he keeps coming back out! I'm starting to think it's some cliche 'unfinished business' thing. But until I can figure it out I don't know how to get rid of him. All I can do is try to minimize the damage."
"Doing a great job." Valerie rolls her eyes. "Ruining my father's business, ruining our garage sale, ruining my lunch!"
"I swear, I was trying to help! He's really, really hard to get under control! He's like five times my size!"
"And you can't grow bigger and handle it that way?" Valerie retorts.
"No! I'm only a few months into this, I-"
He cuts himself off at the look on Valerie's face. "What?"
"A few months? ... So... so I could've known you?" Horrified, is the best word for her expression.
Danny shrinks, holding his bicep and hunching a little. "Um, nevermind. I just mean I'm not super powerful."
"No, no, we're going back. Did I know you? Is this a revenge thing?"
"What? No! I already told you, I'm trying to help prevent things from getting worse! And... no. I'm a loser kid, and you're popular."
"... Was," Valerie says quietly. "... All my friends ditched me when I lost my money."
"That's awful."
Valerie nods. "I don't know why I thought they liked me for more than money, looking back. But it still hurts. Being a lonely loser is the worst."
"Tell me about it," Danny mutters. "I mean, I have friends, but sometimes some stuff just makes you feel alone no matter what."
He thinks he sees Jazz tear up at that, but he's not sure. He's distracted by Valerie letting out a sob.
"I don't have anything left," she says, voice quavering. "I don't have the popularity, I don't have money, I don't have the grades..."
"... So you turned to revenge?" Jazz's voice is soft.
Valerie sobs again, and Jazz gives her some comforting slow pats on the back. She looks at Danny, nodding at Valerie.
Danny gets the hint. "You... you could, um, make something, more?"
Valerie gives a somewhat bitter teary chuckle. "What is that supposed to mean, huh? I'm already hunting ghosts. It's... something."
"... You could try to make new friends."
"Oh sure, that's easy. I'm a social pariah."
"So am I. But even just one or two friends helps a lot."
"You got a lot of ghost buddies?"
"... Humans, actually. An if I can make friends with some high school kids as a loser and a ghost, you can make friends too. You just might have to lower your social radar a bit."
Valerie rubs her arm. "... You're really not out to get me, are you?"
"No, I'm not. I want to protect people, not hurt them."
"... I'm sorry I shot those missiles at you."
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep the dog contained."
"... I'm sorry you're a ghost so young."
Danny snuffles a little. "... Thanks." Sometimes he is, too.
Valerie looks at her hand, and then holds it out to him. "Truce? I won't mess with you. I can't promise the same about that dog if it keeps showing up, but I won't mess with you."
Danny sighs. "So you're keeping the weapons."
"Oh, you know I am. Even if I'm not hunting you, now that I know about ghosts I want to be prepared."
"I guess I understand that." Danny shakes her hand. "Truce."
Jazz grins. "See? Just needed a real, meaningful talk!"
Valerie laughs a little, wiping her eyes again. "Yeah, I guess. But... now what? Who do I blame for this?"
"Probably the boss who decided that Ghosts Suddenly Existing was your father's fault," Danny says.
Valerie's eyes harden. "Yeah. Yeah, I can go with that."
"But," Danny and Jazz say at once. They look at each other, and Jazz let's Danny speak.
"But," Danny says again, "Maybe focus on making some more friends, first. One thing about us losers, is we don't ditch someone just for money reasons."
"... I'll give it a shot." Valerie smiles a little at Danny. "With better aim than the ones I took at you."
Danny chuckles a bit.
They both wave goodbye, Jazz and Valerie leaving Danny to continue his search.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker all look up. Valerie is standing nervously with her brown paper bag of lunch. Tucker brightens up, and Sam gives a little, slightly suspicious, wave.
Danny scoots over. "Wanna sit with us?"
Valerie looks over at the A-Lister table. They're all staring, smirking, whispering.
She looks back at the 'losers'.
They're looking at her with... openness.
"Yeah. Sure."
She sits down, and gets out her lunch. For a minute, she just listens to them talk while she unpacks the sandwich.
"Hey, is that peanut butter and honey?" Sam asks. Valerie nods.
Sam holds up a thick roast beef sandwich. "My parents are trying to get me to eat meat again, but I'm staying vegetarian. Want to trade?"
Valerie blinks. "Uh... sure?"
They swap sandwiches. Valerie looks at the sandwich, mentally trying to figure out the carbs and calories and fat content-
She looks around the table. No-one else is analyzing their food. Or, judging hers.
She takes a bite. It's pretty good.
This... is pretty good.
She smiles, and laughs a little at a joke Danny makes.
Yeah. This is pretty good.
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charlidrawz · 2 years
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I usually post on ig & da, and this acc has unintentionally become a ramble and spam acc so I'll try clearing up unneeded stuff and posting more art or reviews etc.
I have an art only acc which I might update at some point; I apologize for not actually posting much art here.
Disclaimer: I do not by any means support or encourage s3lf h*rm, & I highly recommend against using bandages/wrapping for binding.
Stay safe, stay healthy, & know you are loved.
I guess I'll finally talk about some of this stuff here since I wasn't able to elsewhere, but hey, some context for the drawings.
The idea of these is meant to be a bunch of comfort drawings based on ideas I had; at least comforting for me if not for anybody else. I had fun making this and getting the ideas out.
I'll start with Chūya. Chūya, transmasc, 15 or-so with a binder and Chūya now an adult having gotten chest surgery and just kinda. Spraying a water gun at his face. Idk, I thought it'd be funny.
It's supposed to be like, older figures helping the kids know that it might be tough, frustrating, annoying, etc now, but that things are gonna get better. Might not be a lot easier or perfect, but at least progress will be made and they can know that life isn't just full of pain and despair or grievances and all that. That's what I wish I could've shared with my younger self.
So for Chūya's, it's like younger Chu is getting sprayed in the face while older Chu is saying "Oi, quit the complainin', you'll be fine; just have some fun and stop worrying about everything and everybody else."
With the others there's whole stories behind them with headcanons and all that jazz.
For Edgar "The Painter" Valden from idv, (TW for S/H) it's him younger with scars, and when he's older. (Please don't bind with tape/bandages. It's not healthy.)
Edgar went through a lot of trauma, in fact, in the original backstory for him there were actually moments the creator implied he'd use his own blood for paintings, and eventually got art block and went to The Manor to get more "Inspiration", while in the canon story now, people theorize he was abused or even harassed by his mentor. So I uh, I have my own headcanons, ideas, theories, even if they stayed fanon and as my own thoughts and memories compared to the canon in the game. Idk, I might've worded it weird.
It's like younger Edgar, like Chūya, was more bitter and easy to bother. Sure, he's still sensitive sometimes and gets easily offended and can be really stuck-up and cocky, but at the least he doesn't feel held back by anyone or anything anymore and feels more comfortable and confident about being himself and doing what he wants. I wouldn't encourage being like him, it's not great, but he can be a little easier to understand and respect when you consider what he's lived through, ig?
Lastly, on a more cheery note, I had this idea of Scootaloo realizing they're transmasc (Might still use she/her pronouns, idk about He/him but they're definitely transmasc and use they/them) and Scoot's really nervous about it, feeling like it's both them facing a big change in their life while also feeling like nothing's changed at all, they've just finally figured out who they are and want to be happy about it, and share it with their friends and their aunts, but they're nervous.
Basically, Rainbow Dash finds out/is told, and she can tell it's getting to Scoot, and when Scoot comes out to her themselves, they feel worried RD has changed her opinion of them, but shares with them that she's actually transfem herself, and went through the same experience.
I like to imagine Scootaloo saying smth like "NO WAY, WHAT? YOU TOO?" and getting super excited and they just hug and sjkhfgkjsdfg idk, big sister trans siblings fighting for each other is a comfy thought.
I wanna be like that for others. I don't want to be bothering anybody or making them feel like they need to feel the same way I feel all the time or having the same opinions or beliefs or mental health issues as me, (Christian transmasc who's autistic and psychotic etc) I just would like to be here to help others feel happy and safe and comfortable as they are and remind them that their feelings are valid without needing others to tell them that they are, and that more than anything they are loved.
Sorry for the super long ramblings! I didn't get to post about them on ig or da, so I thought I'd share about them here.
Art-@charlidrawz (Me) Edgar Valden & Identity V-昀了个晓 & NetEase Chūya Nakahara & Bungou Stray Dogs-Kafka Asagiri & bones Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- Hasbro & Lauren Faust
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Jazz Drake: Part Three of Four
source: #ghosts-and-bats channel
1, 2, 3, 4
So, Tim shows up to the Batcave that night with his little sister in tow
And Bruce just
He can't
He can't be angry around her
She is, like, ten
And she's adorable
An extremely cute but angry eight-year-old appears in ur mancave wyd
Smol Child: Mr. Batman, you're in big trouble if you don't take care of my big brother
Smol Child: If he gets hurt I will [insert creative threat that hints at medical competency]
Alfred: I believe this one is mine, Master Bruce
Oooohh Alfred's protégé
Ok but like would she have a codename
She would wear what Alfred wears as Agent A, but miniature
didnt expect the Alfred twist
Agent J
canonically alfred has a daughter btw
don’t think y'all use it but just to throw it here
I just read about her while on dukes wiki I thin
Julia Pennyworth, right?
agent J
She does but I'm not a big fan :/
Don't remember why
But yes, Agent J
Anyone who is a civilian simply has the nickname agent letter
She continues to pursue an education as a doctor as well
alfred teaches her everything he knows
including where are the hidden guns
They go to the range every Tuesday
"Batman may have a no kill rule, but we pennyworths don’t"
"a slip of the tongue, I’m afraid"
Bruce has an aneurysm when he finds out but knows he can't stop them
Jazz "Pennyworth" Drake
im living for this so much
this is such a gift
Hrmmm what is the canonical age doff between duke and tim
I hate dc
I think Duke is maybe a year or two older
Ok then it is reasonable that Danny and jazz are around the same age
let’s go with WFA ages
It wasn't a twins au so yeah
so 18 or less
The thing is, Talia knows next to nothing about Agent J
She doesn't really go places that Talia has access to
I mean, there's school, I guess
And she'd probably know she's pursuing a medical career
But she's dismissed as any threat to Damian
Which turns out to be a m i s t a k e
But like the thing you said about shooting ranges earlier makes me remember jazzes terrible aim in canon xd
Alfred fixes that
with good teaching and a lot of patience
demon child going down
fighting on the taco bell parking lot
im having so much fun A
But yeah, she's suspicious of him in the first place so she lurks like Alfred taught her too
A way Damian isn't trained to sense with his league training
He pushes Tim off the ledge
She shoots him in the shoulder
Him being Damian
Thankfully, Tim is okay
And the bullet didn't hit anything vital
But, y'see, Darling Jazzy's worries about Damian are taken a lot more seriously than Tim's in canon
After all, she is also a child
They can't play the "He's younger, grow up" card on her
^ yes
Damian only tries one more time and is stopped similarly
This time the shot barely misses an artery
Alfred: Nice shot, Miss Jasmine
Alfred: Just as I taught you
Damian learns to respect the agents and adapts a lot faster to the new environment
Because it's made clear that attacking allies is u n a c c e p t a b l e
i love my ONLY sister
best sibling ever
"you are not even related"
And Jason
Oh boy
She isn't in a place to threaten him like she is with Damian
But she holds a grudge like you wouldn't believe
She doesn't talk to him
She only treats him when she has to
She glowers at him
alse she'd feel guilty because if only she'd been there she would have protected her brother
Yes, she absolutely does
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flareish · 3 years
Sister Takeover
bokuto x fem!reader
summary: With bokuto practicing so much for an upcoming game he hasn’t had much time for date nights. Bokuto’s two older sisters are in town and you end up having a girls night. 
genre: fluff
word count: 1.2k
warning: suggestive comments, kisses
a/n : I just found out that according to the haikyuu wiki and other sources Bokuto has two older sisters. How could I not write about it
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The volleyball season was right around the corner which means Bokuto is working harder than ever. However, it also means that you barely get to see him. Its strange going from being attached by the hip to not seeing him for an entire week. You were walking past Bokuto’s house, which was on the way to yours, when you saw his bedroom light was on. Strange since you thought he was still in practice. You decided to knock on the door. The door swung open and a girl answered. She looked really familiar but you couldn’t quite place her.
“Hi, I was wondering if Bokuto was home.” You ask her. She gasps.
“No way! Your Bo’s girl,” She yells back into the house, “You’ll never guess who is here, get down here!” You have no idea what is happening at this point.
“Come in,” She lets you and closes the door behind you, “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Another girl comes from downstairs. 
“Look its Bo’s girlfriend! Isn’t she adorable.” The second girl gasps just as loud as the first. She rushes over and gives you a big hug. They are both pretty tall, and insanely pretty. You can see where Bokuto gets his height from. 
“We’ve been dying to meet you but Bo thought we’d scare you off.” One of them explains. 
“It’s lovely to meet you,” You say politely, you were mentally prepared to meet more of his family, “Bokuto has told me about you guys as well.”
“Oh, no need to be so polite.” An arm is thrown over your shoulder.
“You’re family now!” They drag you to the living room and before you know it you, you are fitting in like another sister. They tell you tons of stories of Bokuto as a kid and even manage to find some home videos. The three of you just laugh for the next few hours. You share some stories of the past few years from him in highschool that they missed when they were in college. Let’s just say they love you.
You are all sat on the couch cuddled under blankets in a solid lump of tangled limbs, watching a tv show and eating pizza when the front door opens. 
“I’m home.” You hear Bokuto grumble, exhausted from practice. The two sisters freeze.
“Hide,” She whispers harshly, “He’ll kill us if he finds out we met you without him here.” You slip under a blanket as he walks by the couch.
“Ew, you stink. Go take a shower.” One of them complain, the smell rolling off him. You were pretty used to it by now, and with the blanket covering your face, you couldn’t even smell it.
“Whatever,” He says heading upstairs, “I’m coming back for pizza though!” He was about to go upstairs when your phone chimed loud. He must have texted you that he was home. This made him freeze, suspicious since he knew that sound. You had changed it from the default sound so you would be able to tell when it was your phone going off or someone elses. 
“You guys didn’t…” He goes over to the couch and pulls the blanket off, “Y/N!?” He was not expecting this. You smile at him, guilty.
“Surpise.” You slow jazz hands at him.
“I- Wha-You should be home?” Poor Bokuto is way to tired to try and comprehend this but eventually it sinks it. He glares at his sisters about to accuse them of kidnapping you, not like that would do him much good. He doesn’t stand a chance against them, but he can pretend. 
“I saw your light on so I thought maybe you were home but instead I met your sisters.” You explain, to happy about his sisters liking you to be guilty.
“Wait why was my light on.” He looks at his sisters.
“Hey that’s not the point here,” One of them avoid, “How could you hide this little gem from us?”
“Right!,” One of them hugs you from behind, “She’s just so perfect I might just have to steal her.”
“No! She’s mine! I found her first.” He complains like a little kid. This makes you laugh. “I told you he was possessive,” His sisters refers to one of her stories, “Could never share anything.” Bokuto’s eyes are widen at that.
“You told her stories?! Whatever they told you are lies! Everything is false.” He says grabbing your shoulder, terrifies what they might have told you.
“Mmm I don’t know,” You say thinking, “You do have a favorite volleyball no one else is allowed to touch.” His sisters start cackling at this. “Did you name it too?”
“Bo’s Balls!” His sister exclaims still laughing.
“Ahh! Y/N don’t encourage them!” He adjusts his grip on your arms so he can help you over the back of the couch while his sisters are distracted laughing. You let him pull you over and into his arms. He slides his hands down to the back of you thighs and picks you up. You wrap you legs around his waist and secure yourself.
“Hey Bring her back!” They yell once they realize he’s stolen you. You wave to them from over his shoulder. 
“No way! She’s mine!” He runs up the stairs with you clinging on, you were slightly nervous he was going to trip running with you. Once he gets to his room he tosses you on the bed. He crawls over you and kisses you. You immediately reciprocate. The kiss lasts a good while, its slow and lazy but it makes up for the week apart.
“I’ve missed you.” He grumbles his face now buried in you neck.
“Me too,” You run your fingers through his hair, “Go shower, I’ll be right here.” He grudgingly gets up. Both he leaves he turns around and says,
“Don’t let them in if they come up here alright,” He says pointing at you, “It’s my turn with you.” He winks then leaves. You grab your phone texting your parents you’ll be staying over, which is nothing new. You get up and steal one of Bokuto’s shirts and a clean pair of boxers. You go over to the bathroom, which he left unlocked. He was still in the shower. 
“Brushing my teeth.” You announce, he hums in acknowledgement. You grab your designated tooth brush for whenever you stay over, which is a lot. He comes out of the shower just as you finish. He changes into his bed clothes and hands up his wet towel. He hugs you from behind, just wanting to be near you, and grabs his tooth brush. 
“Don’t get toothpaste in my hair.” You complain but make no move to get away. He finishes up in the bathroom and drags you back to his room. He throws himself on his bed and you crawl over to him. You don’t even make it under the covers before the two of you pass out, you snuggled into his chest with his arms protectively around you. Shielding you from anyone who would snatch you away, also known as his sisters.
Talking about his sisters, they are currently creeping down the hallway. They listen before opening the door, when deeming it safe, they crack it open and are met with the sight of the two of you cuddled up, sleeping. 
“He did good finding that one.”
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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