#john kinnie
casinocrow · 1 year
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John + June Lalonde sprite edits based off a shirt I own irl that's perfect for a JJ Lalonde. Also because my friends said I was a irl John Lalonde.
Said shirt can be bought here: [link] https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105522965/purple-n-black-stripe-sleeved-bunny-goth
Reasons why I'm a John Lalonde according to my friends
+ I have family who own a bakery irl, no I don't have ties to Betty crocker
+ I like stuff like Ghoster Busters, Saw, Genloss, Reanimator, as well as some action movies like Deadpool, Venom and the Kingsmen and pod casts like welcome to nightvale and Magnus archives
+ an interest in cryptids, ghost hunting, the paranormal, urban exploring, cryptozoology or the zoologically dubious as it may be called,
+ the shown shirt above being THE JJ Lalonde shirt
+ I sleep with a hammer under my pillow, my guardian keeps trying to reclaim and move it elsewhere but no I really think it prefers being under my pillow in case of hammer emergencies it's not like we've had break ins before because 911 responders got the adress they were called to wrong
+ Im Transmasc enby but thats ok the June is still present being born in June and all
+ I'm dorky like vanilla JJ to outsiders but to those who've met me and know know me you see the lalonde
+ I think I know a two or thing about coding but am just bad at it. Don't let me near you gaming set up guys
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Reg: i refrained from killing multiple people today
Rem: well done. why?
Reg: they were being loud - oh, you mean, why didnt i?
Rem: obviously
Reg: there were too many witnesses
James and Sirius are watching their boyfriends with heart eyes in mild fear
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
past - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 340
All through his childhood, Sirius Black's boggart was his mother.
Yelling. Screaming. Pointing her wand. It terrified him.
In school, he'd learned to face it. Face her. Turn her into a clown with dramatic makeup and a horrible outfit. He'd never really thought much about his boggart after that.
Until the beginning of seventh year.
He was setting up the pieces of an elaborate scheme, heading to hide in a closet. He knew people rarely went there. Indeed, he was pretty sure the last people who had visited this particular closet, so far off from the more frequently-trodden halls, had been he and Remus, a few nights ago. He blushed at the thought.
So when opened the door of the small room, he was caught quite off-guard to see Remus, himself, there. Leaning against the wall of the empty closet. Looking disgusted.
"What are you doing, thinking about me? You think I love you?" Remus asked, revulsion etched in every feature. "You think I could ever forgive you for what you did to me in the past?"
He froze. Confusion, terror, sadness, and truth ripped through him.
"I could never love someone like you."
And Sirius could fight anything- dark beasts and curses and everything in between. But this? Losing Remus, after everything they'd been through, after the way they'd grown even closer over the past few months? He needed him.
"Remus," his response was almost pleading.
"You're nothing. Just a product of your parents. I don't know what any of us ever saw in you."
A sob ripped through him, loud and visceral, so pained that he almost didn't hear the person approaching from behind him.
"Riddikulus!" Another Remus said firmly, pointing his wand at the Remus on the closet.
And, as the closet-Remus vanished and the reality of the situation dawned on Sirius, he sobbed again, falling into the real Remus's arms. "I'm- I'm so sorry," he choked.
"I love you so much, baby. You're safe," Remus just murmured into his ear as he cried. "I forgive you."
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mr-lelia · 5 months
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theladwhoisweird · 9 months
I was good. I was really good.
It's been 64 years, Neil.
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glassy-eyed-poet · 1 month
I am obsessed with the headcanon that James and Sirius snogged one time at a party in fifth year, so Reggie and Remus got together to make them jealous. (Alexa, play Better than Revenge).
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neil perry graduating and his father choosing to go back to work after the ceremony instead of to lunch with todd, neil, and mrs perry. keating showing up halfway through lunch and sitting down happily, telling neil he’s proud of him, and paying their bill.
that’s it. that’s the post.
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romanticizingacademic · 5 months
rockstar au where reg is crowdsurfing but overstimulated and the hands are a metaphor for inferi (idk if this is stupid or tragic but i think it must be written (i love au's with metaphors for canon))
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when i joined the marauders fandom i did have the canon-compliant everyone dies fic phase, and that was sad as fuck and i’d cry a lot. now i read modern stripper aus where no one dies and i’m vibing
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n03m1blog · 2 months
the prophecy is Sirius in azkaban that howls like a wolf to the moon
because he was most of the time in his animagus form, the dog
and every full moon he was howling to his lover, he was calling out his name
yk what I mean?
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Sirius Black attracting the attention of every girl at Hogwarts but hardly blinking.
Sirius Black walking around in a leather jacket and skinny jeans, just fucking oozing confidence.
Sirius Black winking at Professors and flirting with Rosmerta at the bar, completely at ease.
Sirius Black playing Beater on the Gryffindor team, standing on his broom to reach a rogue Bludger and keeping his perfectly styled hair intact.
Sirius Black seeing Remus Lupin smile at him and falling down six flights of stairs.
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made-by-moon · 1 month
Marauders in the kitchen
James Potter is the master of all things savoury. Since he was little, he learned from his parents how to peel, fry, blend, chop, and season all kinds of food. He is in charge of everything when the gang decides to occasionally cook something. His only weakness is sweets. He can not bake for shit.
That's where Peter Pettigrew comes in. Since he likes to munch on cookies and cakes, and those can be expensive sometimes, he taught himself how to bake to save some money. It also gives him time to charge his social battery from long days of mischief with the gang.
Remus Lupin CAN cook, that's why he's usually the one who helps James, as he's got the basic skills. He can make scrambled eggs, toasts, and pancakes if he's feeling fancy, but nothing too complicated (he treats food purely as energy source, not pleasurable experience). He lives for snacks tho and he'll make the best sandwiches in Hogwarts.
Sirius Black is absolutely not allowed anywhere near the kitchen. As someone who grew up being fed already prepared 5 star meals on a silver plate, he can not cook for shit and will even burn water if he has a chance. However, he has incredible bartender skills. Every time there is a party and they don't want to drink straight up liquor, he puts his skills to use. He can make straight-up ethanol taste like juice (it's scary).
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mouse-of-mischief · 2 months
They say that people usually take on a little niche interest, or subtle personality trait, or similar quirks to their comfort characters that they grew up reading/watching.... Well, thank you, John Hamish Watson for giving me a life-long obsession with knitted jumpers, and a stubborn tendency to "hunt and peck" when I write!
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padfootsaphrodite · 2 years
Sirius referring to Remus as “my moonage daydream” will always put a smile on my face. It’s the silliest thing but it’s beautiful and only a term Sirius can use because yes, Remus is his moonage daydream.
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gendertrickster · 2 years
The Vriskafic8ion of Egbert: A Compil8ion
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a-great-tragedy · 4 months
Every time Sirius or James do something stupid, Remus looks at the imaginary camera like he’s in the office and is just like 😐
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