#killing stalking meta post
shallowseeker · 8 months
Optimism freeform meta
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Jack, Harper, and the folly of pursuing of immature, illusory Perfection as the antidote to life's many disappointments.
Okay, here it comes. It's our rambling, group Optimism meta from discord that I promised once upon a time I'd post here. Apologies ahead of time if I get your Tumblr names wrong.
Harper's flat is decorated in ooey-gooey symbols of love.
Green for growth (though Harper's growth pattern is certainly arrested), and red for passion. We have the green-Italian amore in the symbolic kitchen of life, and a bright red heart near the entrance.
BEWARE: You're entering Harper's heart. It's black and bloody.
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We also see that her home is full to the brim with books and stories. She clings to them, hoping they'll bring her life meaning. The blood-red-pink-purple color theme continues in the form of her array of romance novels.
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Harper herself is clothed in red, in a Sayles-coded corduroy, perhaps a mate to the hunter's anorak jacket. Her little scarf is certainly Scooby-Doo-Daphne-esque, but it's also a RED BANDANA calling to mind that she's an OUTLAW, like Dave Matthews in the Tombstone episode.
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But her bedroom is more serene, stuffed with zen colors, serene green, and a bedful of childish stuff animals. It's dominated by strong protector-types like lions and elephants.
via @honeyedwhiskey: okay so I got intrigued by the fact that she has these particular stuffed animals. the lion, symbolizing stalking her prey, elephants for their memory and their brutality (maybe a nod to wanting community) and the tiger for her actual isolation. the puppy seems to be an older addition, maybe from childhood, and the smallest and most vulnerable one is being protected by the dog which seems to be a bear cub? reference to maybe a mama bear that protected her? the three at the top are what interest me the most though because harper is represented by the heart and the color red so the mouse is her, and the two pigs seem to be her parents, with one being a combination of colors and patchwork looking. so it seems to me that one of her parents was zombie-fied, maybe from a young age.
I like the symbolic nature Whiskey acribed to the stuffed animals above a lot!
I too think her reaction to abandonment and Vance speaks to something really fucked up in her necromancy family, like maybe a necromancy-coming-of-age-trial that went REALLY REALLY badly and wound up with her being totally alone.
Maybe it's like how Sam jokingly told Charlie: "You're not really a hunter till you've come back form the dead." Or like Cas told Jack of his own death, "It's something of a rite of passage around here."
Maybe you're not really a necromancer until you've killed and brought your family back and ofc Harper failing that test would fuck her up forever.
I noticed the teddy bear, too! There's a tee-tiny nod to the teddy-bear lovers' symbol above her bed, same as Marvelous Marvin has a red heart on his chest in season 15's Gimme Shelter. (And Dean's I Wuv Hugs from a million years ago.)
[The stuffed bear is] a simultaneous motif...of sexual intimacy and The Lover, it's also representative of The Beloved Child resulting from their contact.
(Jack is Marvin.)
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Here's love in the corner, illuminated by two lamps. Harper is getting Jack a book, a book about her little beloved hometown, McCook.
Deep down, Harper is lonely, and unlike her disdain for her other suitors, she's a little different with Jack here: she wants to be understood.
She wants him to understand her and her hometown. Just a little. She's prodding at the niggling, unusual, UNFAMILIAR feeling. So, she sits down and invites him to sit, to learn more about her.
By this point, it's possible she's figured out he's a hunter, which opens up the possibility of revealing her true self, for better or for worse. It's an intoxicating thought for Harper.
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Jack hesitates, clearly interested but also a little bit "!!!!"
He's framed by the heart on the wall. Indeed Jack, like Dean and Mary, is a "heart" character. He's even clothed in one of Mary's key colors: dusky orangey pink. (Aside// You'll notice Connor also wears this color in Gimme Shelter.)
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Unlike in Tombstone, where Jack wasn't (via script) all that interested in Athena and Dave's relationship, now Jack's clearly grown. He's even interested in physicality.
Even though his emotional core can be kinda prickly, like Dean and Mary, he's at root a very affectionate character, interested in experience affection/connection with others:
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So, he sits. Perseveres through he awkwardness. And lo and behold, Harper is as weird as he is.
They talk about having a positive outlook, even though they've had and terrible pasts, have done terrible things. And hey, look--she's getting the lamp treatment! How lovely.
They sit on the blue couch, as Harper tells him more about her past, subconsciously seeking his acceptance. The blue of the couch mirrors the blue color of her past, of her prom dress. We see her little prom queen crown, and we wonder...Harper is so awkward...
...does she really seem like the Prom Queen type?
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I suspect it was fake. That she manufactured her own popularity with bit of magic. To meet the perfectionistic obsession with her romance tales. She is at core a fearful character, fearful of messing up, or being imperfect, of not living up to The Dream (TM).
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Jack makes a quick getaway. In this shot, he's effectively the trope of the divine masculine, fleeing from love, "amore."
It's interesting that the kitchen, a bit like the bedroom, is earthier in tone, filled with more "valley" colors: of browns, greens. The kitchen is about the imperfect strivings of every day life, divorced from the high-dollar reds of Harper's romance-novel decor.
In the bathroom, Jack is clearly interested in exploring "love."
To Dean, he says, "Just in case (she is in love with me)...tell me everything you know about sex. Go!"
Jack is a curious-and-courageous character, too. He's prone to experimentation, which is also why he so often gets the drug ("I like cocaine!" and The Who) motifs. Like Cas, he's maybe a little scared, but he's going to go-for-it no matter how silly and awkward he might look.
That courage is probably something Harper senses in him. It's attractive to her, like the symbolic stuffed-animal lion-and-tiger protectors she has in her bedroom. She wonders:
"Is he strong enough to love the real me?"
In THIS sense, the thing with Vance isn't completely "a naughty nurse game." Deep down, at her root psychological base, Harper is testing the potential lovers' strength. Very classically mythical, really. And she's disgusted by her suitors because they keep failing and failing.
No one is like Vance. Not even Vance is like Vance. Her idea of Vance was never real, and she was never prom queen. But admitting that to herself is so painful, she constructs this horrible pattern of death and destruction.
"Her apartment has a lot of wallpaper/furniture from the 50’s! Or with that general aesthetic!" -Cal (@13-01)
It's so interesting, because this 50s retro theme is something that Jack, Dean, and Cas carry a lot, especially in terms of their "old-school" button-up pajamas and dressing downs. (Cas himself, with his overcoat, could be plopped in the middle of Mad Men tv series and fit into the surroundings, haha. And although we rarely see Sam carry the motif, but he dips into it in Peace of Mind as well.)
At the end of this episode, we'll see Harper seated in her own retro cafe with the same 50s vibe as well, a Charming Acres-sort of feeling. To me this symbolizes a backwards-looking illusion of perfection, that everything used to be simpler and better, and with enough effort, it can be simpler and better again.
Also there are dragonflies in her bathroom, a bit of a parallel to the lonesome fly plot that Sam and Charlie are on (in this same episode).
This too is the backwards-looking motif, of holding onto the illusory idea of Happiness (TM) so tightly that it becomes tragic and destructive.
Since even her idea of Vance isn't real, it's become like Amara's illusory idea of love. It can never let her down. "It can never hurt her."
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phoenix-kite · 7 months
Reverse Robins AU - Outline
Sorry but this is a long one and a sum of my current ideas. A lot has changed from my first post.
Batman = Battinson or Brucie (either way Bruce is a good if not mid dad because I said so and I get to decide)
Damian starts off with the League until the recently formed Justice League makes a move against them. The mission is barely successful and Damian gets hit in the crossfire. The JL is horrified that the League would have a kid there and they take him to be fixed up. DNA tests are run to figure out who this kid’s parents are and they learn he’s Bruce and Talia’s son. Bruce has to step up and be a father for this small, violent, traumatized child and does so by letting him be his sidekick. Damian decides to go by Nighthawk. Eventually Dami wants to become his own hero and he becomes JadeWing. When Batman dies he takes up the cowl as a sense of duty but is seen constantly shirking his responsibilities. 
Duke (he does not have meta powers) sees that Riddler has control of the city so he decides to study up on riddles to free them. This is how he meets Bruce for the first time. Duke’s parents have recently been jokerified and Bruce feels bad because he should have defeated Joker ages ago. Bruce decides to foster Duke until he grows close to the boy and adopts him. Bruce lets him be Nighthawk which angers Dami and Dami tries to kill him. Joker kidnaps his parents and Duke dies. He comes back to life to find out he’s been replaced and Joker is still around so he becomes Blue Veil. (I need more suggestions to flesh this out more.)
Cass had recently met Dami when the JL attacked the League base. She had become very protective of the boy and she snuck on Diana’s invisible jet to make sure he was taken care of. Once she realized he was safe, she tried to leave but she had nowhere to go and ended up roaming Gotham’s streets until she was put into the foster system. She ends up running into Nighthawk and sees him perform a move only Damian knew how to do (using katannas of course) and she figures out their secret identities. Damian leaves and Duke dies so Bruce becomes more violent. Cass hates this so she steals the Nighthawk costume and just shows up to a fight that Batman’s losing. Bruce is appalled by this and tries to get rid of her but she just keeps on showing up. Eventually Cass is made Nighthawk and later adopted. Duke shows up and is upset that he was replaced but he’s not angry at Cass so he really just breaks in (I don’t know where he’s breaking into because I have yet to do my superhero team research. I am begging for an assist). They end up having a heart to heart. Bruce dies (gets lost in the time stream???) and Cass tries to convince Damian to search for him but Damian quits being a hero altogether during this time. Cass single handedly brings Bruce back and stays nighthawk until Spoiler starts showing up. Cass feels betrayed by her family since they didn’t believe her about Bruce but she’s also concerned they just didn’t understand her. She decides to seek help to be fluent in more than body language. (It might be unrealistic that she never picked up English since she was only five years old at the time she left the League but I’m struggling. Either cut me some slack or offer me a solution at this point. Also this reason for her abandoning nighthawk doesn’t seem to fit well so please help.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, she ends up returning as Nightingale (for now because I do want to expand on this. She will end up becoming her own separate hero.)
Tim has been stalking the vigilantes for a while. He figured out their secret identities because he followed them back to the cave and hacked his way into not being picked up by scanners and not setting off the boundary alarm (RIP quadruple flip or whatever it was). A couple years later he finds out his parents run one of the largest child trafficking rings in the world. He tells Batman and Janet and Jake lose all of their work and are supposed to go to jail (they're not insane so not to Arkham) but they pay their way out of it. They trace a call Tim made to the Oracle hotline and he gets beaten near death because of it. Tim realizes Batman will never truly defeat his parents as they were already rebuilding their empire. Tim becomes Spoiler (I am in desperate need of a better name) to spoil his parents’ nefarious plans. Batman only sees Tim as the spoiled kid from next door. A rich kid with a cushy life that’s trying to play at being a hero. Batman tries to tell Tim he’s not allowed to fight. Tim says he’s going to fight anyway so Batman decides to make him Nighthawk and train him while Cass is gone. Tim’s father finds out that Tim is Nighthawk so he kills him. Or did he? Tim is not dead but was recovering far away from his father. When he comes back to Gotham he tries to kill his parents. Steph understands his anger and offers to train him to be batlad. Eventually Tim does kill his parents and he abandons batlad for his own anti-hero persona (stray tim mayhaps and possible catwoman adoption).
Steph (I know that canonically she is the C-list villain Cluemasters child but that’s not going to work here partially because it’s not angsty enough) is the Joker and Harley’s child but Harley put her up for adoption. Somehow (please give me ideas for how) the Joker finds out that Steph is his kid so he, in a stroke of genius rather unlike him (possibly someone else's idea???), he hires some thugs to kidnap her and make it look like a random kidnapping gone wrong (as in fake her death). He sends her off to learn how to fight as well as Batman but also to keep Harley from knowing about her. She grew up with villains but the Joker only visited occasionally. Joker thought Batman was too concerned with the Penguin and thought that Bruce ought to be paying him more attention so he decided to test out Steph by sending her to kill Penguin. Steph succeeds but she is so disgusted by what she did that she runs away and Joker isn’t able to find her (again I could really use reasons why). Joker decides to draw her out by threatening to kill Commissioner Gordon. Joker decides to kill two birds with one stone by having Batman bring Steph to him. Steph saves Gordon’s life so Oracle and Batman decide to make her Batgirl.(I need ideas for a big reveal where Steph realizes Bruce is Batman.) After Batman dies Steph slowly distances herself from being Batgirl and focuses more on trying to meet her bio mom and getting back with the Browns (her adoptive family). Steph decided to pass the title on to Tim (as batboy or batlad) so he’d be taken more seriously by the bats. She finds out her adoptive father, Arthur Brown, is Cluemaster so she runs away and decides to become Black Bat. She uses this name until Joker is killed (by Duke or a joint effort. She finally settles on the name Orphan.
Jason discovers he’s a meta at age 10. He decides to hide this information because his dad is desperate to save Catherine from cancer but he can’t afford chemo. (I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me more about Jason’s parents.) Jason’s worried his dad would use him to aid his goon life. Catherine dies and Willis becomes a raging drunk to cope with the loss. Willis neglects his work for two-face so he’s killed. Cue tiny tire thief Jason. Batman finds out Jason is an orphan and he means to adopt him but he dies before that can happen. Jason joins We Are Nighthawk to help the city and escape Sheila. Sheila wants the Joker to leave her alone so she tells him about her meta son (I don’t know how she knows). The Joker wants to make Jason his Joker Junior. We Are Nighthawk offers both family and protection for Jason. When Bruce comes back he doesn’t want to be Batman anymore but a talk with Jason convinced him otherwise. Bruce then adopts Jason who decides he doesn’t want to be Nighthawk. He becomes Daybreak (unless someone gives me a different idea for his meta powers).
Dick’s parents’ die and he decides to go after Tony Zucco. Bruce was not there the night of their death. Instead he runs into Dick while he’s on the hunt for Zucco. Bruce decides to adopt Dick and help him move on from his revenge. (I can’t decide if I want Dick to kill Zucco anyway or not.) Dick ends up becoming Nighthawk.
Also if you can't tell I am desperate for help so please answer my many questions in the comments. (Yes I did make one tiny edit. Try to find it. :D)
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nightcovefox · 3 months
That Strange Dream Or Was It a Dream?
Characters: Luigi, Dimentio, Dolos, and Marx
Warning(s): Bl00d, v0m1t, manipulation, panic attacks, and my bad grammar
A/n: I’m going to make a post to put all the Empire (AU) side stories I made and put them on my intro page. Anyways enjoy this short fic! I’ll explain some info about Luigi.
“Please…Please..It hurts so much..!!!”
“Oh, Dolos.. Calm down..the second wave hits harder.”
“S-Second wave..?! *cough*…”
….Luigi sat up with his eyes wide open. That strange dream again.. A little pink creature wearing a jester hat, and having huge claws. It was coughing up blood and another being was with them.
…Which was Dimentio.
Luigi looks at his alarm clock. It was ‘3:30 am..’ perfect. He sighs. How many weird dreams will he have? The first one was a different creature that almost looked like that pink creature. They were wearing a jester hat, has pink fur, but with a long and fluffy tail. That creature was laughing like a maniac. They were with Dimentio and another thing that looked like a Jester. They were battling him and his family.
A very weird dream if you ask him. Maybe a cold glass of water will help him sleep again? Yeah, that’s a good idea. Luigi lifts up his covers, gets up, and leaves his room. But he needs to stay quiet. No one likes to wake up at 3 something am. Mostly Peaches and Beep-O..
Those two wake up at 6:00 am to start working. Last time Mari and Lu accidentally woke those two up somewhere at 5 am. There was cursing and a bit of shouting. Somehow he and the others slept through it. Except Rosa…
He shook on that thought and reached into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and the light beam hit him. Adjusting his eyesight he spotted a water bottle. He grabs it and closes the fridge.
“I..I’m sorry.. I won’t fail again..!”
Luigi turned around and spotted nothing. Maybe it was the wind? He open the cap and starts to drink the water to remove that thought. Not today..A cat was killed by curiosity you know? He put the cap on and started to head to his room. This makes Luigi to wonder. What were those dreams telling him? Was Dimentio coming back? Who was that creature? Who are those other two jesters fighting him and the others? Will something bad happen to them like they always do?! No…No..No!!! Don’t be ridiculous Luigi! Dimentio was locked away for 17 years!! He’s trapped in the mirror thanks to the pure hearts and the soul crystals.
He opened the door and entered his room. Closing it from behind. He looked at his alarm clock and it was 3:50 am. Okay, he has enough time to rest. He set his water bottle down on his nightstand. He lay down on his bed and pulled the covers over to him. He closes his eyes. He needs to talk to Rosa about this. Maybe she can help..?
~Meanwhile In The Other World~
…..Dolos was coughing up hard. Blood was on his hands and aspen flowers were in the blood. His throat felt scruffy and dry. Everything hurts. How did it all start? He fucked up. He was close to stealing one of the soul crystals but got caught by Meta Knight Sword. He fled the battle. Dimentio saw it all and was irritated. Not on Meta but on Dolos. You stalk watch so many people?! How the fuck did you get caught?
The plan was going so slowly. Every since Dolos joined that tournament. He was getting more and more distracted. If only Dimentio physical body was here. Maybe he can get rid of those people he met.
He sighed and snapped his fingers. The pain has finally stopped. Dolos smiled weakly. “…I’m sorry..” he mumbled, wiping away small drips of blood.
“..I know you are. Maybe, I should give you a break. But please. Try to focus. Alright? We're running out of time.”
Dolos nods their head.
“Words. Dolos. Come now.. You can speak.”
“Ye-Yes, Dimentio.”
“Now get clean up! I have a small mission for you tomorrow!”
“Oh boy..” Dolos mumbled.
“What was that?” Dimentio eyed Dolos. His yellow eye glowed sharply.
“..I can’t wait..!” Dolos chirped weakly.
“Now then, I should get some rest too.. I’ll see you tomorrow~!” as Dimentio teleported who knows where.
Dolos better clean up this mess.. And drink some water too. But their body wasn’t moving not letting them move. Was this Dimentio’s other punishment?! Come on!? They deserved enough!! His feet something wet on his cheek and felt something wet on his tail. Their claw gently touches his cheek.
He was crying. Again..? Come on.. Stupid body! I will cry later-
More tears were escaping out of his eyes. Please Marx.. Make these tears stop…
Marx's eyes shot open. He felt a strange pang in his heart. Someone was crying. Was it Halia or Dolos?
“Ah, fellas!! I’m back~” said Dimentio cheerfully.
“Where did you run off to?” Marx asks his friend.
“Somewhere~ Where is our friend Jevil?”
“Sleeping.” Marx answered.
“Are you okay, Marx? You sound worried..”
“I felt one of my siblings sad.. I don’t know which one.. Though.”
“I see. I’m sure they are alright!~”
“…I hope so.”
Luigi is been having weird dreams. Those weird dreams WERE visions. They were a message that was given by someone that he did not know of. What a mystery this is.
In future stories, Luigi and Dolos relationship will be closer/most trusted. Both of them were manipulated by Dimentio. But can our hero Luigi guide Dolos out of the shadows? Will see next time on Empires (AU)!~ Stay Tuned!~~~
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siltyriver · 9 months
Justice is Swift (Vengeance is Sweet) — Ch.1 Shitposts
master post || chapter 1 || ch.2 memes ->
obligatory memes & shitposts for chapter one of jisvis :)
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Danny, finally experiencing the horrors that are ice-breakers: What in the fresh hell is this
Bernard, who has been subjected to miserable ice-breakers his entire life: Don't tell my boyfriend but I would literally rather be kidnapped by the cult I used to be a part of right now
Danny, realizing this guy might be as traumatized as himself: Jazz is going to be so proud of me for making a friend
Danny casually making a morbid joke: Shit, am I being weird?
Bernard, also uses comedy as a coping method: Oh mood.
Danny: Oh cool we're bonding :D
Danny, walking home from orientation dead on his feet: sees a mugging happening
Danny, supposed to be laying low: Well, I have no choice but to stop this
Danny: turns invisible and beats the crap out of the asshole
Mugger: Holy shit did I just get beat up by a ghost?
Oracle, watching surveillance: Holy shit did that dude just get beat up by a ghost?
Jazz: So how’s life going without ghost attacks to worry about?
Danny, actively punching a mugger: Uhhh, yeah it’s so peaceful :)
Jason, on patrol catching sight of a cute guy walking alone through an alley: This guy’s gonna get mugged I better stalk him and make sure he gets home safe
Danny, getting mugged because he was distracted by someone stalking him: uses his powers instinctively despite trying to lay low
Danny: Well, fuck.
Jason: Oh shit he’s a meta, Bruce is going to kill me when I bring him home
Jason, wanting to spend more time with the cute meta he’s intrigued by: I’ll walk you home
Danny: The fuck you will, stalker.
Jason: I must know all of this guy’s secrets, let me interrogate him and hope he knows I’m flirting
Danny, sweating because someone’s getting too close to the truth: TIME TO BULLSHIT MY WAY OUT OF THIS!
Danny: What a fucking discriminatory asshole, how dare you throw baseless accusations at me—
Danny, furious: easily pushes Jason Built-Like-A-Tank Todd back with zero effort
Jason, turned on by people that can beat him up: Gee, I really hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
Also Jason: Damn my heart must be beating that fast because that meta is unsettling
Jason, sweating and ignoring his boner: No other reason…
Babs: Tim I need your help
Tim: With what?
Babs: …There might be a ghost.
Tim, having flashbacks to his ghost hunter phase that he dropped because it was bullshit: Bullshit.
Tim, watching the video and already pulling out his whiteboards again: Holy shit there might be a ghost.
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nullbutler · 1 year
Masterpost of Projects
Hi! I'm Null! I make way too much stuff !! Here's a comprehensive list of everything I'm proud enough of to advertise on the front of my blog! It's a lot of kuro stuff!
A literal season 2 MOVIE. That's right i fucking COMPILED SEASON 2 INTO A FUCKING MOVIE it's a TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG FUCKING MOVIE. I am in no way an editing professional, but the filler is cut, the gratuitously vile scenes are either done differently or also cut, and Alois and Hannah are portrayed in a kinder light, especially with Alois's backstory being handled a lot more carefully. No original footage is added - it is merely camera tricks and framing.
"You got rid of that Ciel screaming scene and that's like 5 stars for me." -- @warmmilk-n-honey
"Truly proves that less is more." -- @pain-in-the-butler
"An actual digestible version of Season 2." - @mantomhive
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2. My Webcomic: The Dead The Damned & The Devil (Read here)
What if Vincent Phantomhive came back from the dead just before his sons were sacrificed? This is a fix-it AU...kind of. Many side characters are integral to this story, like Francis and Madam Red. It's got 8+ chapters, and if you like to watch scared parents protect sad little kids, its a good read. likewise, if you already want to hug vincent, its a good read. likewise, if you want to punch vincnet in the face, it's a good...
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3. My Season 2 Video Essay (black butler season 2 is laughing at you)
watch me scream about the meta of season 2 as an exhausted season 2 fan for about two hours...it's got some original animatics, too!
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4. My Youtube + some highlights such as
The Black Butler Actors OVA Abridged
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exactly what it says on the tin! a 22 minute long black butler parody following what the hellish production of season 2 was actually like (and also. uh. character trauma??? somehow???)
"Cinder Soul" the angsty End-of-Contract visual novel
Sebastian and Ciel angst hours, in an AU where Ciel has quite literally lost everything. Ominous. Sad.
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Season 2 Reanimation project
on indefinite hiatus -- but its still 14 minutes of technically an episode, and the ending is more 'open' than 'cliffhanger.' what if Alois and Ciel got to talk it out when they were trapped in the same body, back in episode 11? Fully originally animated (thsi is probably the largest thing I've ever made hghdfhs)
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Collabs w Mel ( @weeb-cheese )
This list will probably get longer but aaa they're so cool!
Pluto video essay!
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Drossel video essay!
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NOT-KURO VIsual Novel
A light-hearted (?) sapphic visual novel about some ladies who LARP at garden club. On hiatus
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5. Ego Te Absolvo
So what if Alois Trancy teamed up with Ash Landers and became an exorcist who killed demons? Would he be happy? Would he be free? This is a really fun fic, i've been co-writing it with @eemoo1o and its aaa!! very cool!! do be warned, it gets...darker...the longer you read it. it is an alois trancy fic after all, even if the initial concept might seem a bit silly
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6. RIan Stoker Ask Blog
Don't ask me why i wanted to make this. but he's always open!
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I have a number of other smaller projects that you can find by hunting through my youtube and stalking my ao3. I don't mind!! tho some of the older stuff is definitely not as good lmao thanks for reading!!
I also run @blackbutler-heritage-posts and hosted @dadbastianweek2023 !!!
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harleyification · 1 year
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I've been in a Batfamily mood again, and now I wanna remake my Moon Knight x Batman crossover AU cause it has been rotting my brain since November and THIS was the only thing I have ever made for it, asjdksajdkla
(Based off of this post)
Some details, to let my Brainrot Out:
Listen, I know we all love adding our favorite characters into the Batfamily because that group ABSOLUTELY needs more trouble and unhinged behavior, but like. This isn't just adding another kid into the family. This is adding Marc, Steven, AND Jake.
Why does every crossover character have to be the youngest addition?? Why Not the OLDEST addition?? Revoke that Eldest Child License from Dick, imagine THIS: Marc would be around three years older than Dick, and while he would be Bruce's second ward, he would throw that shit around like the law. "Well, I'm older, so I get to pick the first character for Mario Party, and screw YOU, *I'M* choosing Peach!" type behavior
Dick: "Well, Bruce adopted me first so I was here before you, I get to play Peach!!"
Bruce is having a hard time figuring out how to go about this
Marc/Steve/Jake all adore Dick and would die for him. Killing is off of the table, unfortunately.
Everyone is supportive of Steven and Jake, treating Marc’s alters with respect! I love the idea of Bruce or Alfred giving them a journal so that they can keep up with which alter did what that day, and Dick giving them different colored bracelets so that they can tell which alter is fronting at the moment. The three of them actually having parental and sibling support, can I get a HELL YEAH!!
Marc/Steven/Jake being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne after running away from home and not having any upfront memories of how he got to Gotham, but knowing that he doesn’t want to go back to his abusive mom and his negligent dad. Emergency Custody is a hell of a drug!
I have no idea how stuff goes down until Jason gets taken in, so consider this instead: Jake and Jason arguing about the morality of killing. Steven and Jason reading together. Marc and Jason doing competitive training. Think about it. Let the thoughts infest you.
Marc and Jake: "I'm not doing free babysitting!"
Steven: "I will, though!"
Steven and Alfred bonding while cooking and Steve is infodumping about his current research project, doN'T TOUCH ME
Cass joins the family early too, because I say so. And Cass wouldn't need the bracelets to see who is fronting in that moment, she would KNOW, and she will either: pester Marc, love on Steven, or pester Jake.
Cass would adore Steven.
We don't talk about the big explosive Elephant in the Room just yet, nope, so instead consider this: Tim coming in and realizing that Moon Knight really is just Like That. Marc would say, "Another one?? Really??" Steve would say "This one is smart and adds onto my research and just spoke to me for 8 hours straight about arthropods, I have found my new real brother", Jake would say "He's a little stalking freak, I like him already"
Jake and Damian is a brotherly match made in hell. Watch the fuck out.
Just. Just Listen to me...just listen...why wouldn’t a morally grey vigilante by the name of Moon Knight NOT fit the bat motif???
Also, Marc/Steve/Jake would get the Moon Knight powers either as a meta-human with a connection to the Egyptian god, Avatars being able to be chosen at birth, or getting them super early through weird means! I think it'd be neat!
Thank you for listening, I hope I gave you Moon Son brainrot
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
The Third Wolf
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So, this volume is just LRRH masked as Alice in Wonderland, as you can discover by reading this. Still, there is something missing from my previous post. Or at least, I came up with a theory, which imo complements it well.
In short, Ruby's story this volume centers around 3 Wolves:
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She stalks Ruby around, tortures her and manipulates her into killing herself. She waits for her in a cottage (a pink palace) in the woods and hides behind her illusions, which exhibit mismatched eyes (the Wolf's eyes giving him away).
Even when it comes to her main allusion, Neo being a Wolf fits. Trivia is just the Roman name for Hecate and what's Hecate's sacred animal? The Dog:
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Neo is associated to the Jabberwalkers (dark and wolf-like creatures) in the Ever After (the Underworld). In short, the Jabberwalkers are her dogs (wolfs) and she herself is a wolf (dog-like creature).
The Curious Cat
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Do I need to explain? (I did in the previous meta anyway :P) They meet LRRH in the woods, trick her while she is wandering around with a basket full of flowers (WBY) and lead her around to make sure she gets completely lost.
Finally, when Ruby reaches the cottage in the woods, they surprise her and try to eat her. Only to end up swallowing up an older woman and the owner of the house. Even when it comes to them possessing Neo, the design calls back to the Big Bad Wolf of the story:
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Both the eyes and the mouth are different than Neo's usual ones. Just like the Wolf in the fairy tale is described having peculiar eyes and a peculiar mouth. These 2 attributes are even tied to the Cat completely negating who Neo is. After all, Ice Cream girl is defined by:
her mismatched eyes, which her parents forced her to hide
her muteness, which her parents and teachers forced her to compensate with devices
Right now, Neo has lost both. Her mismatched eyes are hidden by the Cat's ones and her mouth speaks.
Ruby's inner Darkness
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The Wolf in LRRH is symbolic of the Jungian Shadow aka everything a person represses. The thing with the Shadow is that the most you try to ignore it, the more dangerous and stronger it becomes. Ruby has been living as the embodyment of life, which means she has been neglecting to tend to her own shadows. To her own feelings. To her own pain.
The result is her spiraling and being engulfed by Darkness. Still, this Darkness has not yet a real representation within the story, which brings us to:
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“Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand; Long time the manxome foe he sought— So rested he by the Tumtum tree And stood awhile in thought.
Interesting, the original poem mentions a fight between the hero and the monster by the Tumtum tree :P
What does the Jabberwalker represent, though? This creature is the only one, who can kill the Afterans. Why? I think because they thematically represent a loss of self:
The Tree is going to transform Afterans according to what they are and to what they want to become. This can lead to progression, like the Paper Pleasers or to regression, like the Red King, who turns into a Prince. Still, what happens if the creature just... can't figure themself out? What does happen if they choose to give up on any new possible identity?
In this case, they would choose to become nobody. They would decide to give in to anonimity, which is the opposite of self-individualization. Anonimity is a trait of Grimms, which are empty and try to fill themselves by praying on human negativity. In short, anonimity can be seen as a declination of Destruction. So, what if when Afterans can't figure themselves out... they end up becoming a Jabberwalker? Or what if the Jabberwalker is a body that collects all the souls who could not properly ascend, neither to regress nor to progress? A body with no proper identity, which can only jabber very basic and instinctive concepts, with no real meaning behind them?
After all, they very clearly allude to zombies, as RWBY even start calling them Walkers. And what are zombies if not people who lost their sense of self? And what do zombies do if not to spread an infection, which in this case is Destruction? Death?
The Tree is the path to self-actualization, so a person symbolically dies when they lose their sense of self completely. When they don't wanna become anything else. Only in this case, they really disappear and become nothing. Only in this case their existance is negated and amounts to nothing.
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if this is what awaits Ruby as she is now. She doesn't wanna change. She wants to disappear. It is possible, then, she will risk to be swallowed by the Jabberwalker. It is possible she might become the Jabberwalker herself. A mindless Wolf. Still, obvious foreshadowing is obvious:
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The moment Ruby is about to get killed by Neo's Jabberwalker, her whole team comes to her rescue. This is clearly what is going to happen here, as well.
At the same time, I think what should help Ruby conquers this is also something else:
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Penny's death has been eating at Ruby throughout the whole volume. It is the news of her loss, which starts Ruby's spiral and her friend keeps appearing everywhere in the Ever After and Ruby's mind. So, obviously she needs to come to terms with this. Ruby needs catharsis and right now I think @hamliet theory is right: only Jaune can give it to Ruby.
Right now, Ruby thinks Penny died by negating herself, by choosing to be nothing out of a death wish. Still, this isn't true. Penny died as herself. It is tragic, but she still managed to affirm her own personhood. She chooses friendship and trust over duty and control. Penny dies, but she doesn't become a "Jabberwalker". She isn't undone into nothing, but on the contrary she "ascends" into gold. Ruby needs to realize this. She needs to realize the kind of person Penny was. And she needs to realize what she herself is doing now is the opposite of how Penny lived and died.
I think such a realization might give Ruby catharsis and inspire her to move on. In general, it would work very well thematically on multiple levels and for multiple characters:
It means Penny symbolically saves Ruby, which would be just a beautiful conclusion to their bond. Ruby is the one who recognizes Penny's personhood first, so it makes sense for Penny to indirectly do the same for Ruby. She inspires her into becoming an idealistic adult.
It means symbolically Ruby's child self saves her. It is that purest and most idealistic part of herself that comes through for Ruby when she needs it.
It gives catharsis to Jaune, as well. It turns out what he was hiding out of pain and shame is the key to save Ruby.
It foreshadows what Jaune will probably have to do in the finale aka conveying to Cinder Pyrrha's teaching about destiny. He can start practicing with Ruby.
It completes the parallel between Jaune/Pyrrha and Ruby/Penny nicely. In volume 5 Jaune's suicidal charge is interrupted when he realizes this is not what Pyrrha did. Here Ruby should realize what she is doing is not what Penny did.
In general, it just works very well with the theme of grief explored this volume. Right now, Ruby has been going through the 5 stages of grief twice, in a neverending spiral:
Episode 1 > negation > Penny's death is hidden and Ruby refuses to talk about it
Episode 2 > bargaining > Ruby needs to bargain for Penny's sword and eventually she bargains the sword to meet the Red King and talks about her feelings for Penny by doing so
Episode 3 > anger > Ruby gets angry at the Red Prince and shouts at him in frustration
Episode 4 > depression > Ruby is undone by Herb's hallucinations
Episode 5 > acceptance > Ruby meets the Blacksmith and is confronted by Penny and Summer's ghosts, but fails to reach true acceptance
So she starts the cycle again
Episode 5 > bargaining > Ruby bargains Summer's emblem to help her friends and mentions "a mother's promise"
Episode 6 > negation > Ruby doesn't even see Summer Rose's reflection in the gallery of mirrors
Episode 7 > anger > Ruby lashes out at others
Episode 8 > depression > Ruby is overwhelmed by her pain and attempts suicide
I think episode 9 and 10 should be acceptance, true acceptance this time. I also think it would be cool if we have a call back to volume 6.
When Ruby uses her silver eyes there, the last 2 people she sees are Penny and then Summer:
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Penny leads Ruby to Summer. I think here should be the same one way or the other. Acceptance over Penny should help Ruby face her feelings for Summer. After all, the majority of the narration in the trailer is still missing, which means we should get it in these final 2 episodes. Basically, Summer is coming, one way or the other.
Ruby risking to become/to be swallowed by the Jabberwalker would work also for another reason:
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Turning Ruby into nothingness, forcing the light out of her to reduce her to a mindless puppet is probably what Salem wants to do. So, Ruby going through this same struggle now will give her the strength to face Salem and her Grimms Experiments when the time comes.
I think this whole volume has a meta-theme to it, which is how stories and fictions help people process trauma and grief. Both in healthy and unhealthy ways. I will write more about it when the season ends. As for now, let's say it is not by chance Ruby is going through her spiral in a fairy tale world, where she conveniently can't die. Imagine if Ruby had drunk poisoned tea on Remnant. She would have died for real. "Luckily" she only sips tree tea, which will be no fatal to her. The metaphorical meaning is clear, right? Ruby is symbolically rereading a fairy tale of he childhood. One her mom used to read ot her. She is rediscovering it from a more mature and darker perspective. She is processing through it all her pain, trauma and grief. Still, she will come out stronger from this. So stronger she will manage to face the challenges of the real world and to survive to them.
So, how is this transformation gonna manifest? Obviously Ruby is gonna come out as herself, once again. Still, if her inner transformation has to be shown, I would like for it to happen through Little:
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Mouse Leader: And on this day, we were not the prey, but the hunters!
The Mice Hunters tried to warn us and RWBY since the beginning. Beware of CATS! Still, they also claimed the prey is gonna be the hunter ;)
Now, this can become true in many different ways without Little having to change. Still, I like the idea of Little changing to metaphorically show Ruby's evolution. But if this is gonna happen, then which kind of form should they take?
Little is Ruby's child self, but also an animal-shaped companion. Basically, they represent an inner beast. It is just that at the beginning of the volume Ruby's inner beast is too immature because she is refusing to integrate with her shadow.
So, a more refined version of Little should maintain Little and Ruby's idealism, but also be wiser and show that Ruby has started to integrated with her repressed self. What better form than a Little Wolf, then?
After all:
The Hunter > The Huntress
Little Red Riding Hood > Ruby Rose
The Wolf? > Little
Ruby is unbalanced because she has refused her inner wolf all this time, so what better use can she make of it if not to change it into strength that protects her child self. To use all that repressed energy to refine herself, instead than negating who she is?
And on a light-hearted note... what is better than a wolf to hunt a Curious Cat?
(By the way, this can work well even in the case Neo stays in the Ever After with Juniper and Little. Juniper could be the March Hare to her Mad Hatter and Little might be the Dog to her Hecate) > thanks to @lintuwaterfall for suggesting this
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serialkilluh1996 · 4 months
★Online★ Ghosface
(Meta-Ghosface headcanons)
(16+, mature language, f-boy behavior)
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Meta Ghosface isn't your run-of-the-mill social media influencer. He's an absolute menace with unrestricted access to the web.
When he's not killing, Ghosface spends his time on social media instead of getting the much needed rest (and therapy) he requires to function.
He's not scrolling through tiktok looking at thirst traps, but rather dabbling in pinterest to find inspiration for his next kill. He's got a whole board dedicated to outfits based on his favorite killers, and another used solely for pictures of knives and weapons.
He's definitely the type to argue a lot online, getting pissed at the slightest misconception of his favorite horror movies, especially if the movie is niche and old.
You ticked him off? Just wait for that little notification of him sending you your exact IP address. Wait a little longer, and you might get a cute little picture of your house.
"This your crib?" Is nonchalantly captioned over the image of your home, a knife in his hand as he uses it to point at your door.
Ghostface likes to get out of hand, posting pictures of his victims on his socials, whether it be birthday pictures he found through stalking their parent's friend's uncle's Facebook page, or pictures of them tied up, using only their eyes to beg for what little life they have left in then after watching Ghostface murder off all their friends.
He likes to mess with people, sending them anonymous asks with only information they would have, leaving them be after he gets a reaction. Killing isn't all the fun.
He's definitely got his accounts banned a couple of times, having to either explain his way into getting it back, or just moving on to one of his many backups. It's why he keeps so many flash drives. He can lose the accounts, but God forbid he loses his data.
He doesn't shy from calling people named either. He ain't Homophobic, but the word fag is types into his keyboard way more than required.
He's pretty open with the mental bastards he calls followers, answering any questions that won't direct back to him.
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
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mythal & andruil | flemeth & morrigan
talking to my friends today and offhandedly mentioned a possible parallel/inversion that could be drawn between these two duos, so ofc now it'll get its own meta post 😂
mythal & andruil
codex entry: One day Andruil grew tired of hunting mortal men and beasts. She began stalking the Forgotten Ones, wicked things that thrive in the abyss. Yet even a god should not linger there, and each time she entered the Void, Andruil suffered longer and longer periods of madness after returning.
Andruil put on armor made of the Void, and all forgot her true face. She made weapons of darkness, and plague ate her lands. She howled things meant to be forgotten, and the other gods became fearful Andruil would hunt them in turn. So Mythal spread rumors of a monstrous creature and took the form of a great serpent, waiting for Andruil at the base of a mountain.
When Andruil came, Mythal sprang on the hunter. They fought for three day and nights, Andruil slashing deep gouges in the serpent's hide. But Mythal's magic sapped Andruil's strength, and stole her knowledge of how to find the Void. After this, the great hunter could never make her way back to the abyss, and peace returned.
—Translated from ancient elven found in the Arbor Wilds, source unverified
from the sounds of this, andruil became corrupted through her journeys. she was already intense and a dedicated hunter, but she was becoming a threat to the other evanuris. so mythal stepped in, and stripped the knowledge from andruil.
to mythal, this act may have been saving her daughter; it may have been gaining personal power; or it may have been sparing the other evanuris. or something else entirely. but for this meta, the motivations are less relevant than the action itself.
she likely thought her efforts were successful. that she had taken andruil's corruption. but then the evanuris eventually turn on mythal and kill her (or, well, try to), presumably including andruil. what role she played in that and the specific reasoning of the evanuris is unclear - they might have been corrupted; it might have something to do with mythal having taken a lover (as is the case in flemeth's personal, pre-mythal story); or it might have been a political move. regardless, it seems that andruil participated in matricide.
flemeth & morrigan
in contrast to the above, where mythal is stopping/possibly trying to save andruil, where andruil is the corrupted/evil/"evil" one who must be stopped, the situation is reversed with flemeth and morrigan. flemeth plants her grimoire full of half-truths (at best) and lets morrigan find it.
the warden has the option to fight and "kill" flemeth, with morrigan's aid. and actually, flemeth is a dragon in that scene - whether 'serpent' in her fight with andruil meant 'dragon' is unclear, but either way she was definitely a beast in both scenarios. but this time she is the evil one, or letting herself be perceived as the evil one.
is she doing it to force morrigan to make the same mistake she did? to make her daughter believe that she had killed flemeth, and to stop looking for her/stop being so wary, so that flemeth could be free to make her moves? was she trying to replicate the experience she had with andruil but reversed?
of course, the warden has the option to reject that fight, in which case flemeth is not cut out of the picture. but it's a very interesting parallel nonetheless, whether morrigan fulfills the same/a similar role as mythal had so long ago, or if she chooses to avoid bloodshed and violence as a solution (or if the warden does, more)
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cardentist · 1 year
to add to my jay posting from earlier [Link 1, Link 2]
a Particularly Irritating part of people being weird about horror protagonists making decisions that would be socially unacceptable in Normal circumstances is when that standard isn't upheld Evenly.
the two biggest examples in marble hornets is the way that people will Seriously hold him accountable for stalking and leaking tim's medical records when. he did those things because he was being stalked by multiple people (including By Tim) and had tim's records leaked To Him.
there are masked people who have been stalking him for years and communicating to him through clues, who seem to be hostile in one moment and saving him from a serial killer the next. he doesn't know their motives, as they won't just speak clearly with him. but they Do frequently send him clues.
he finds out that One of these masked people is tim, and while tim claims to not remember (something that We know is true) jay has also been lied to before. jay shows caution and tries to figure out if he can trust tim, if tim is dangerous and if tim knows more than he's letting on.
this eventually leads into a blow up fight, where tim cuts contact with him (understandably, from tim's perspective).
while this is all happening, The Other Member Of This Masked Group Is Still Stalking And Documenting Both Of Them.
this other member Searches For and Finds tim's medical records, hides them in a tunnel system under ground, contacts jay to tell him that he has an Important Clue That He Has To Know and Explicitly tells jay that tim is lying to him.
and in a way they're both right. this other person finds out that the operator sickness that's been affecting all of them had been affecting Tim when he was a child, that he was likely patient zero. but Tim had grown up assuming he was just a mentally ill person, that the monster he was afraid of wasn't real.
likewise, Jay doesn't know what's going on with anyone, what their motives are or what they know or if they want to hurt him (well, besides the serial killer and the monster of course). moreover, If tim had remembered, If tim knew then it would be proof that tim really Was lying to him, that he really Was withholding information, and could recontextualize what happened (which, of course We know that wasn't the case, but jay didn't).
and if the question is "why post it Specifically online" then we Do have an answer. there's a monster running around that very intentionally wipes peoples memories, with jay loosing anywhere from hours to days to weeks to Months at a time, and both physical evidence and video have been stolen from him and erased from his devices before. any information that he doesn't have recorded and posted can be stolen from him, including from his own mind.
All Parties here were understandable in the way they felt, All Parties here were reacting to an extreme situation, all parties had the right to be suspicious and feel betrayed.
but it's Only Jay that I see Specifically held accountable for doxing tim. both in jokes and in serious meta analysis. this is considered a character flaw, a wrongdoing.
and it's So Ridiculous to me when people just Don't extend the same sentiment to the character who Actually Found Tim's Medical Documents And Gave Them To Him.
jay is called out for stalking and breaking and entering and doing weird and socially unacceptable shit but if you put on a mask and run around making cryptic youtube videos it's just like. Fine when you do it.
and I Get It. there's no point in holding, say, a serial killer accountable for stalking when he is literally a murderer that has killed people with guns.
but it's Ridiculous to have people watch tim literally sit on jay's dresser like a spider monkey while watching jay sleep and then call Jay Out for stalking Tim later when he's trying to figure out if tim is gonna kill him with rocks or not if he approaches.
and it's all the More ridiculous when tim really Was keeping something from jay specifically because Tim ended the series fully believing that his alter/the actions he took while wearing the mask were evil when they weren't. Jay's in the wrong for being suspicious of tim because of the actions he saw him take as masky, but Even Tim was mislead into believing that masky's actions were suspicious
jay's not allowed to React to his situation but the other characters are allowed to Be the situation, and it's Weird.
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sewagedrowning · 2 years
Cults, apocalypse, and death - chainsawman theorycrafting
This I'd not a yoshida = death devil theory I promise
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-Notes - Must read
-Organization? Thats kinda sus.
-Y2K is back in style!?
-Yoshida p1
-Death doesn't knock
-Yoshida p2, Fake saw edition
Important notes :
- this was made BEFORE 121
-Im referring to death as they for this. Though I think they will be female for a few reasons that matter for the story.
-This theory has 2 split sections when it comes to the orginization mostly because the end point is the same either way. But it's still different.
-Also, apologies if this is messy. It's my first full meta, and its gathered by rants I had with my brother. And I lost the draft for this.. 2 times so.
A lot of this theory is riding off of this one ; please give it a read. By u/domilea
To summarize, though. All 4 horsemen desire a specific type of love. Conquest desires familial connection, War desires romantic love. Famine desires self-love, and death desires the love of humanity. These desires tie in directly to there powers, while they feed off of fears. They also feed off secondary emotions, being the ones santa listed as the only emotions a human needs.
Conquest - Worship, controls those below her. She desires familial love, something between equals, which by nature she couldn't have due to her need to be above.
War - Guilt, weaponizes this feeling by using objects or people. She desires Love, or romantic affection.
Famine - Admiration, Gives humans power without being paid for the contract, Wants to be able to love herself without external validation.
Death - Pity, Powers unknown, their our mantle piece for this post so we will get to them. Later
So this theory serves to answers a few things
-Yoshida : Who is he, what does he want, what does his organization want?
-Death : who are they, what do they want.
- fakesawman (impostor for short purposes) - who are they what do they want.
Yoshidas is a weird guy. In his return in part 2, he reintroduces himself, stating how he's a part of an organization tasked with protecting denjis identity. Also, he would be creepily stating he would use force if he needed to. Following that conversation, he seemingly stalks denji and tries to set him up with Asa to no avail.
In part 1 he also remarks on being a 3rd rate devil hunter although he's quirky corrected by kishibe as being overly humble. He also says being hit by quanxi later on would kill him. But this is seemingly untrue.
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He comes off as dishonest at best and incredibly fake at worst. It's almost similar to makima but somehow even more mysterious.
And of course, the odd mention of death later in the aquarium.
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I say odd because besides makima, yoru, and Kiga. Nobody has mentioned a primordial fear, let alone a horseman. We could just play this off as a weird coincidence, though. Besides that, mentioning chainsaw mans erasure ability is incredibly strange. He would have had to learn this from somewhere. It's not easily available information. But even then, I doubt he was told by kishibe despite being public safety. Sense kishibe is both MIA and not one to readily give up information. So where else did he get it?
Like mentioned earlier. He brinng up this mystery group while on his date with denji. And that their not evil, quote the contrary, as they want denji to live a peaceful life. As such, keep his identity a secret. Which is odd sense they seemingly dont really connect. Even if denji revealed his identity to the world, what would that change? People after chainsawmans heart were able to hunt him down easily before. Knowing his name and face wouldn't change all that much beyond make his life more of a hassle. But why do they care?
I believe that the organization doesn't care. Not about denji specfically anyway. dont even think the organization is as big or organized as yoshidas claiming. To being able to slip under public safetys nose, especially makima's, is strange. If they were a segment of public safety or the government, Im unsure why they would stay hidden up to now. Especially as during international assasians, their goals would have aligned. That is assuming that this group wasnt formed between parts 1 and 2 which seems impossible as it's only been a few months at best.
So, I dont think this group actually seeks to help denji. Rather somethings in it for them. Denji revealing his identity would be actively harmful to them or whatever they seek to do.
So, what would denji's reveal cause beyond denjis hope for fame?
Route 1 . Or the simple one
The organization is run by kishibe and allies to prevent a makima esk situation from ever occurring again. Specfically the prevention of the apocalypse Denji revealing his identity would fuck this up as it would give and potential horsemen a path right to chainsawman.
Route 2. The complicated, long one.
It would demolish public fear for starters. Alot of chainsawmans current fear is backed on the worry's and fear of the what if's surrounding his identity. The rumors, the lies, the damage hes capable of. Learning hes some high school boy, makes him a whole less scary.
Theres 3 other reasons I think organization wants denjis identity secret
1.) Keep chainsawman in his current power strength for.. Something.
2.) the fear of chainsawman is fueling something else. Its not a reach to say devils in similar veins are fueled by the same general fear (bomb & nuclear bombs, Katana & knife, Spider & bug).
We know chainsawman was quite the icon in hell, having his own followers in hell. And seemingly now in the real world within the student council. Yoshida himself also refers to himself as a fan while talking to asa.
I believe this mystery orginization are also fans. Real followers of him, in the same way makima idolized him, and adored him to obsession. While makima wanted him for her own goals, I believe this group truly idolizes him. And like the followers from Hell and makima, they want to start the day of reckoning
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What the fuck is the day of reckoning?
The apocalypse
The details of how to do this are murky. But from makimas attempt we can tell you need chainsawman, specfically his heart I assume and his angels. I think a third requirment exists though.
The precense of the apocalypse. Fuji has alreayd repedebly touched on the horsemen so its logical to assume at some point they will start the apocalypse. Especially sense our heroine of the part seeks to retrieve the nuclear war devil and wage a war.
For this day of reckoning It would make sense for a horsemen, or multiple to be present. The more the worse the apocalyptic event. Sense each horsemen simply represents a "factor" of the end. Which also makes me think them coming together is the apocalypse itself, or the trigger. Who knows.
That's brings reason 3.) For keeping denjis identity "secret" they want to use him as bait. Bait to draw the horsemen out and together. Making the hunt less difficult.
If we refrence the bible, as chainsawman has done on multiple occasions ; Before the Last Judgment, all will be resurrected. Those who were in purgatory will have already been purged, meaning they would have already been released into heaven, and so like those in heaven and hell will resurrect with their bodies.
So id assume doing this would, literally, open the door to hell and revive the devils from hell, causing a ammerganion, judgment day-esk situation
Ironically enough if we look at a timeline
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(U/SkinFlower on reddit for the visual) part 2 is placed,, just in time for Y2K. A historic event I doubt fujimoto would look over. Meaning fear over the apocalypse. The end. *death* would be at a drastic increase only getting worse over time. Possibly making death at their strongest state. And, with 3/4 horsemen already on earth in close proximity. What would be a better time to start the apocalypse.
But I hear you. What kind of seemingly humans would want to start the apocalypse? Simple. A group that believes that doing so would be virtuous. Or benefit them and the rest of humanity. A doomsday cult-esk situation in which they believe doing so would 'assend' them or bring them to their God. Or I suppose in this situation their hero. And by relation death. I'll explain further, but first;
It seems the popular theory at the moment is that yoshida is death. I initially agreed, sense this theory in particular has been in the works sense,, around the fight with yuko. But as I sat down to write it l down and time passed. I found it not adding up both from a meta perspective and in universe
1.)It wouldnt make sense motivation wise. Protecting denjis identity. Suggesting denji eating him. Keeping tabs on denji. Its confusing if he is death. What would he be gaining from it?
2.)His powers wouldn't make much sense. Octopi don't have any sort of connotations with death particularly. And so far powers have been sticking very closely to their theme.
3.) Makima not recognizing him and requesting him is weird. While this could go both ways (requesting because she knows he's death) I doubt it.
4.)The earrings is a lackadaisical argument. Majority of characters in CSM have some sort of earrings.
5.)"He looked at famine" This is one of the comments that holds more weight but I don't think he knows her because there siblings or something. Family didnt seem to know him either.
6.)Death has never died, Obviously. If they are indeed a primordial fear anyways. They would have to be in hell currently.
7.) It would be painfully obvious. Fuji's not always one for subtly but its almost so obvious I think its just a red herring.
Death Doesn't knock
I believe death and pochita use to be friends or allies of some sort. It would make sense. Death would benefit directly from the fear caused by pochitas chaos. And I guess at some point they had a falling out. To keep the religious themes going fuji seems fond of. think Lucifer & God's situation. Kicking off the battle between the horsemen and the hero of hell.
Its been a while but lets recall that death's emotion is pity(one of the only emotions a human can have, symbolized by a dead fox according to santa.) One from watching humanity suffer, A suffering that can only end in death And she depends on their suffering to live. What a conflicting dilema. And despite Their apparent rivarly. Imagine death's opinion on a being like themself who also cannot die yet still suffers? And despite this pity and love, empathy for humanity and others. death cannot be with humanity without harming them. She cannot comfort them. She can never express her love without fear. Instead their stuck watching this continous cycle of death and suffering around them. Especially in their own sisters. Atleast famine and Yoru considered them family(despite makima & yorus apparent grudge). Unlike death, Makima Yoru and Kiga CAN die and be on earth for who knoes how long, leaving death behind until they return and are killed in hell again. Over and over. Unable to help. Unable to do anything. Trapped in hell forever. That would drive anyone crazy don't you think?
If death wishes to end suffering, there would be a way for death to both end human suffering and their own lonely existence. Start the apocalypse, end humanitys suffering by killing them all, death included. And end the cycle once and for all.
Or forcing chainsawman to eat her and her sisters without killing humanity. Forcing them to be cursed with immortality. Both work. The reason I'm more hesitant on this option, however, is it's repetitve with makimas' original goal.
The method to do this would be to gather her sisters up, fight chainsawman, take his heart, And then start the apocalypse.
To do this, death used a proxy on earth. As far as we can tell, hell, the devil can go back and forth between hell and earth. And seemingly works with the darkness devil. So I don't see why death couldn't. The reason for them not going themself, of course, is poor timing. Similar to gun devil, death being on earth would be call for disaster. Which isnt quite the goal.
So, using a proxy death aimed to gather followers of chainsawman, if it's route 2. convicing them of the plan and how it would allow them to be with their "hero". (Or immortality. )And have them gather everything needed. Including; their sisters
Or if the group is akin to route 1. It's similar. Just them being more mislead then anything.
This plan, and them being the cults "leader" would explain yoshida making terms with death. But wait.. How are they even communicating with death if their still in hell? As seen with the hell devil, such is possible with a contract. So what contract?
Contracts and such
Enter the eldritch, chaos, unknown, or lovecraftian devil. Pick your poison. It doesn't matter really. Or what I believe to be yoshidas real contract.
Chainsawman is a very inherently lovecraftian story. something i want to write about later. But i think yoshida being contracted with the "eldritch" devil of sorts makes sense. Specfically one based on nyaelathotep, a devil worshipped by the orginization mentioned previously, or one that is captured.
Nya is described as so ;
tall swarthy man
Nyarlathotep as "evilly intelligent
nocturnal, tentacled, bat-winged monster
Nyarlathotep seems to serve these cults and take care of the deities' affairs in their absence
Aswell as a shapeshifter (depending on who is telling the story.)
Sound familair?
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Within lovecrafts works Nyarlathotep serve the cults of the outergods take care of the deities' affairs in their absence. More or less serving as their messenger, or, a spy.
Beyond amusment or wanting to assist one of the horsemen as one of their "allies" (similar to wars weapons) Yoshida could have also contracted them via a ritual of sorts
Or them simplying liking him for one reason or another (which seems more likely by the way yoshisa uses them freely)
Basically being death's proxy would also make the "evidence" of him being death still make sense.
Yoshida part 2 : Imposter amongus
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While preventing chainsawman from getting axed by one of our apocolyptic femne fatales I think yoshida has a secondary goal is to find the horsemen and keep a eye on them once they revealed themselves
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Putting himself as our antagonist (for now.) A mirror of makima for asa. As hes directly in the way of asa and yorus goals. As I mentioned earlier though, I don't think he's actually an 'antagonist'. To yoru and asa? Maybe. Especially if we continue the theming of shadowing part 1 with its arcs (prolouge, bat, eternity).
But to denji, no. Even if the organization turns out as crazy as I expect. Like I said, I think he's morally gray. And I don't think he's being entirely dishonest, despite how apathetic and untrustworthy he tends to come off. And like apathetic morally gray anti-heros tend to be ; he is probably our fakesawman
Yea that came out of nowhere didnt it.
Referring back to the contract theory, hypothetically it should allow him to shapeshift and even if that's wrong. Octopus are famous for camo anyway. It would also explain why is arms are bleeding. Because hes simply mimicing. Its not actually his power. But why would he do this, Simple. Vigilante justice to keep the public (and devils) afraid and on their toes while giving denji down time. Especially if he's apart a group that believes they are upholding some sort of delusional "justice".
-It could also be that yuko was a active threat. To both denjis "peaceful life" and denjis identity.
-It could also be something against justice specfically. Beyond his own personal seemingly lack of morals (in part 1 claiming he didn't care about what happened as long as he was paid.) It could also be that justice stands in his and the organizations way. Causing chaos around the school in a possible attempt to lure out chainsawman. Which could hold more weight if they are indeed working with famine.
-It could also be to rile asa up. Get her to slip up as the war devil so he can confirm her identity. Or get her on his side of taking his heart.
I dont think yoshida is telling the truth fully. And think his story runs alot deeper than we think. Especially the orginization also dont think the theme of apocalypse, war, and csm timeline is a coincidence.
I really like part 2 and I can't wait to see how it progresses.
Death is a running trend in chainsawman obviously, In universe its everywhere. And theres a running theme on how people deal with death. How people grieve.
What they will do to forget,
run away,
Ignore it.
Maybe you can rehabilite the other horsemen like nayuta. But death can not be changed. And what is humanity without death? Its apart of life. Santa asked denji a question that stayed unawnsered. Can you imagine living with death constantly stalking you? Well, he kinda has. This makes confronting death a very interesting dilemma, and her a very interesting antagonist for him to face. Sense the only solution is directly facing them. And even then, I dont think their the final boss. Because sometimes, there are things that are scarier than death.
Or maybe I just need to listen to the song.
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nevereveraster · 4 months
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Do you know what I find interesting, @newandnonsense? I've never called a trans person a slur. I've never told a trans person to kill or harm themselves in any way. I've never advocated for violence towards trans people, because that would be abhorrent. I've never, ever claimed that any trans-identified person or ally is subhuman, I've never threatened a trans person or told them they deserve death. I understand how to be a basically decent human being; threatening people is wrong. Implying that someone should attempt or complete suicide is wrong. It's violent and unstable and reflects mental health issues and unresolved emotional trauma.
And yet, whenever I go about my simple acts of dissent, whenever I exercise my right as a human being to say "no" and to continue saying "no" even when someone else wants to force and coerce that "no" into a "yes" through any means possible... I get threats like this. And isn't it interesting! Isn't it so interesting that I have never in my three years of former staunch TRA and trans ally 2006-2021 turned GC "TERF" 2021-2024 even heard of a "TERF" GC woman threatening a trans person, or a TRA, or an ally, never even heard of a trans person being told to "put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you pathetic piece of garbage" ... and yet, I've seen hundreds of posts of TRA receipts where TRAS, allies, and trans people scream at, abuse, threaten, and wish death upon GC "TERF" women (specifically women -- men who are GC aren't called "TERFs", threatened, stalked, and harassed) go out of their way to stalk GC women, attempt to doxx GC women, attempt to and sometimes succeed in ruining GC women's social lives and careers. Even if I hadn't fallen away from believing in trans religion due to 4 separate trans women trying to actively harm me, speak over me, and shut me up and silence me IRL in a 6 month period because "she's more of a woman than [I] am", and "her experience [of believing that women talking about sexual assault in the workplace are attention-seeking liars because she's not been assaulted at work] means I'm a lying attentionwhore bitch for saying it happened to [me]" the violent, aggressive, threatening, coercive, domineering, tyrannical way that trans persons, TRAs, and allies act online would have clued me in that something was fucking screwy. See, actual marginalized groups don't go around threatening others. Actual marginalized groups afraid of harm don't loudly and aggressively try to harm anyone who won't fall in line and get down on their knees to pay fealty.
The way TRAs, allies, and trans people act reminds me of nothing so much as a conquesting, colonializing oppressor class. The methods are the same: "submit or harm and threats of harm will be heaped upon you. Life will become hard for you. Submit, get on your knees, and swear fealty to this new religion or we will threaten to rape you with our girlcocks and encourage you to attempt and complete suicide for daring to have the audacity to challenge our authority by saying no."
It's frightening on a meta, cultural level. It feels like an odd, warped version of emergent new McCarthyism -- except that instead of "communist scum" deserving death and being subhuman and deserving of scorn, threats, violence, surveillance, etc. it is instead women who dare to stand up for our own agency and right to refuse and say "No" who are now the evil boogeyman and convenient scapegoat.
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reddeliciousauce · 7 months
(ooc post!)
hi! i'm claus! i'm in my 20s, i'm white, and please use he/him for me, thank you!
this ic-run roleplay blog is for dave strider from a sburbless au by orangeccreamsicles where dirk took dave and ran from their abusive situation with bro. he's 22 now, newly-graduated and living with a robotic-bodied hal (halware-exe) in an apartment in new york.
this dave is a DID system. want to know more about the alters? take a look here! this list is subject to updating as my knowledge grows.
you can find a meta blog for this dave @anatomyofanapple. it is not run in-character! this is for me to dump all the stuff id rb about dave if dave was the type to air all his shit out in the open (or even know a quarter of it in the first place lol).
you can find my kidswap daves here:
@ectoplasmicbackstage (egbert) ; @threadlockedtangent (lalonde) ; @gilligansgarden (harley)
there will be frequent themes of violence, weapon imagery, death, ideals of hypermasculinity, shitty movies, heavy-handed sarcasm, mild-to-moderate jackassery, past child abuse, paranoia, dissociative disorders, and vulture culture. plus some other stuff too, probably. i do my best to trigger tag for mutuals though! lemme know if i forgot to tag something that made you uncomfortable. take care of yourselves!
NOTE! i'm not involved in any larger RPC in any way. just interacting with my friends for fun now, this site's truly a shitshow. rules under cut!
so rules!:
i’m cool with crossover rps, but they have to be with fandoms i’m familiar with. i’ll let you know if i don’t know the franchise - or, in cases of extreme anxiety, i will softblock - nothing personal or malicious! i’m sorry if that happens!
if you like and/or post about anything related to PEDOPHILIA, INCEST, SELFCEST (IM IFFY ON THIS ONE!!!), DUBCON/NONCON, i’ll block you, no questions asked. i understand muses being sa victims and muns coping with sa, but a lot of the time it gets glorified and i’m not for that graphic shit.
i’m naturally wary of these fandoms/media: camp camp, steven universe, rick and morty, doctor who, fate, and osomatsu-san. but fandoms i absolutely WON’T TOLERATE include: hazbin hotel, killing stalking, attack on titan, hetalia, mister pickles, south park, k-pop, and any other depiction of real people.
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
Digimon Survive, Mistakes and Moving On Part 5: Truthful
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Takuma Addition]
Day 7 of Survive Week: Farewell
This part will focus on the Truthful Route, and what it means for the story, exploring how this route connects to the larger themes of the game.
Were almost at the end! When I started this I didn't expect to make a series of meta posts but I'm honestly glad I did, there really fun to write and I like talking about this game so much.
Spoilers for: parts of Moral, parts of Wrathful, parts of Harmony and all of Truthful CWs: Death, abandonment
Children's Sacrifices
As I briefly touched on in Moral, the Kemonogami world is being sustained by children's sacrifices and Ryo and Shuuji's deaths are connected thematically. You are lead to believe that without Ryo and Shuuji, your journey would flow smoother, that without them your goal can be more easily achieved.
But that's not true, Shuuji and Ryo's deaths are what causes Truthful to be locked, you can't get the best ending without them.
But aside from Shuuji and Ryo, the cast of Survive is filled with children who are seen as disposable, and some of them have been taken advantage of for one reason or another. Kaito and Miu are the best example of this, both of them felt abandoned by there parents because of how they treated them after the stalking incident and were ostracized when they moved.
And the ones who aren't seen as disposable are usually trying to keep a "persona", one that's often likable and "not bothersome". Saki acts carefree and open because she's scared of people hating her, Aoi is responsible and patient even if it harms her and in Wrathful specifically she is very concerned about proving that she's "right" and Minoru forces himself to maintain a happy-go-lucky demeanor and jokes around to ignore his problems.
There's seemingly a divide here between "bad kids" and "good kids" but both camps suffer anyway. Because it doesn't matter if your the goodest kid to ever exist or someone that was kicked out of hell for being too bad. Because there's always the chance you'll be "sacrificed" for the greater good, used by others for there own gain, abandoned for no good reason.
Even before the events of this game, people that believed in the Kemonogami would sacrifice children to the for good harvest or prevent disasters, sacrificing them for "the greater good"
And one of these kids is the main villain of this story, Haruchika. Haruchika Truthful is called Truthful because the cast is finding out the "Truth" of this world, and the history behind the villain they've been facing this entire time.
You see, some time in the past, (Wikimon says the Kamakura period but I can't find the text in game that says that so-) there was a lot of war and strife so five children were sacrificed for "the greater good," those five children harnessed the power of the "God Beasts" also knows as the Four Sovereign Masters, and the one who orders them all, Fanglongmon.
Haruchika was one of these children, offered up by his sister, Yukiha Minase. The feelings of hatred and betrayal that he felt from this is what created The Master in the first place.
The four other children sealed him away, turning them into ghosts in the process. But that really didn't do anything to stop him, and he's been able to drag people into the Kenomogami world and use them to sustain it. Until now.
The main villain of Survive only exists because of a "sacrifice for the greater good" and his hatred of his is only able to continue because all the ghosts did was to seal him away.
Even the ghosts acknowledge their failure, and hope that the cast can do the thing they couldn't do. Save Haruchika.
Takuma and the rest, when asked, hesitates a bit, because Haruchika is trying to End The World, has been trying to kill them all, and has abducted Miyuki. Why should they help him? Because it's the right thing to do.
Seiryu Ghost: The boy is simply drowning in anger Seiryu Ghost: If you can bring him to his sense, this entire world will be saved! Seiryu Ghost: So please, help him-help Haruchika. Takuma: (The Master-Haruchika. The mastermind behind all of this. Is he also a casualty of power?) Takuma: (I can't forgive him for throwing the world into chaos, and abduting Miyuki...) Takuma: (I can't say I'll save him for sure. Who knows if our power will work on the Master.) Takuma: (Still...If someone's in trouble, and only we can handle it, there's only one answer.)
Sealing him away does nothing, killing him means that the worlds will take forever to connect again, leaving him alive and unchanged means he's able to hurt others again, but helping him, however means that the worlds can unite slowly and peaceful.
So they do, they help him, they bring him back to his senses, and Haruchika cries, the guilt of his actions weighing him down, but his sister is there to bring him to a place where this sad, angry, hurt, boy can finally rest.
Digimon Survive, like most Digimon properties, is a deeply empathetic work. It's about doing the right thing even if it's hard, it's about sacrifices and bad kids and kids who are trying there best to not mess up horribly. It's about how we fail the people around us and how we have to do better.
And it's one of my favorite works of fiction ever.
Ending Notes: The Takuma addition has also been posted so if you want you can go read that! I've wanted to get into the "bad kid/good kid" Survive subtext since Part 1, very happy I finally get to explore it. Writing this series of essays made me realize how many games I've been playing with similar themes, I seem to have a type when it comes to what themes I enjoy in a story-
While I think Truthful isn't as great as the rest of the game I do like how it connects with the games themes and what not. I really wish Haruchika was fleshed out a bit more, the villain of Survive being another sacrificed child, thus making the entire conflict of the game be caused by a sacrifice for "the greater good" just works so well thematically.
Honestly just generally while I don't think Truthful is as great as the rest of the game I really like what it does for it thematically. It kinda unites
I know Haruchika and his sister mainly parallels The Professor and Miyuki but I feel like Kaito, Miu and Dracmon and Aoi, Saki and Labramon are the stronger parallels. Feel like there's a stronger connection with the Harmony and Wrathful routes than the Minase siblings we know...
Survive week is created by: @surviveweek
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
In ascending order
1. Tim. Was taking out anger better directed at Elias on Jon because he didn’t, you know, psychologically torture subordinates who got too uppity but ultimately had a very valid point about how Jon’s inhumanity made it difficult to trust him and his very continued existence causes other people to suffer also not obligated to forgive Jon for his shitty behavior in S2
2. Basira. Martin from someone else’s perspective, aggressively overlooking and excusing her partner’s crimes (despite said partner themselves not agreeing with that) to try and have their cake and eat it to.
3. Georgie. Establishes she is smart, levelheaded, and emotionally intelligent enough to deal with supernatural bullshit but then pulls a complete 180 in S4 and also has a massive double standard where she gives Melanie credit and support for wanting to get better but also punishes Jon by cutting him out of her life for *checks notes* being alive. She’s very frustrating but she does also own up to that and apologize and I will give her credit for that.
4. Melanie. Literally just wants to be mad at anyone but herself and refuses to acknowledge how her own choices got her into the mess she was in. She admits to Jon’s face that the bullet stayed in her because she wanted it and still continues to treat him like crap.
(i'm assuming this is in response to my 'i'm still mad about how people treated jon' post)
i do agree that tim doesn't owe jon forgiveness for the stalking, but i don't agree with the 'jon's continued existence causes people to suffer' part of this. i'll always be a believer in 'jon is allowed to be alive without being punished for it.' (i won't get into the inhumanity bit since i find that i define 'humanity' differently than other people, and i think what you're trying to say is that jon becoming spookier makes it hard for tim to trust him, which is something i would agree with.) i think a lot of tim's anger at jon comes from fear and feeling trapped rather than actual hatred towards jon, actually, but i don't feel much up to crafting an actual meta for that at the moment, sorry!
aside from the fact that i don't think daisy's crimes (hunting down and killing people for years as part of the police and engaging in police brutality) and jon's crimes (forcing people to relive their trauma against their will, but ultimately not killing them) are equitable, i don't think that martin actually excuses jon's actions. he's the one who gives the s4 archives crew the tape with jon's victim and thus makes jon stop taking live statements. martin supports jon in seasons 2 and 3 when he's being hurt and tortured and has few people in his corner, but he's also very ready to call jon out on his actions if need be. i don't think basira and martin are very similar at all.
i agree with most of this point! georgie's double standard in s4 is very frustrating, and she does recognize at least a bit in s5 that she wasn't the better person for just running away from it all.
any time i think about melanie, i just remember how everyone (including jon himself!) told her not to get involved with the institute but she did it anyway (very watcher-aligned of her). her arc is actually one of the most interesting to me bc of how much anger and the need to claw her way to the top motivates her, and i genuinely think that under different circumstances, she and jon might have been the kind of friends who rib each other constantly but would fight god for each other.
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geminai-ramblez · 11 months
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Summary: An AU surrounding a mysterious purple haired boy with green tips and pupils that sometimes look like buttons! Oh, and can't forget about the creepy doll this boy takes everywhere and I mean everywhere.
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Trigger Warnings here though because this AU is very messed up and bloody.
🚨 T.W.: Ambiguous Interpretations of Love, Character Deaths, Denials, Identity Theft, Mentions of Blood, Body Possession, Gore, Memory Gaps, Negligence, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychotic Breaks, Pyrophobia, Stalking, Suffocation, and Suicidal Thoughts, Survivor's Guilt, Toxic Love, Messed Up Morals, and Murder.🚨
Plot Points:
Okay, to begin this Dark AU, I will start with Izuku's backstory!
His backstory begins during the beginning of quirks or meta abilities as they were first called. Izuku lived with his mother, Inko, and an ambiguous father, Hisashi. He was 5 then but when the quirk wars started everything went to hell.
Neither Midoriya's were rich but they weren't that poor either. Every once in a while money was a concern but they were satisfied with how they were living.
That is till the quirk wars broke out.
Hisashi, without either Inko or Izuku knowing, joined All for One's side in the war and wanted to drag his family alongside him so, they could get a meta ability like Hisashi, which in no surprise was fire breathing.
Now this is where stuff get messy since there's a sort of timeskip because I haven't had time to think very heavily on it.
So, I'm summarizing, but considering the time and moment I'm talking about, Izuku and Inko are in a war, times are tense, and meta abilities both on opposing sides can get gruesome.
Especially, since Izuku has caught AFO's attention which puts Inko in a tight position. And some background in Inko's character in this AU, she's a qualify trauma nurse, she came from a middle class family, and her family does have a history with mental health.
Inko, in her part, was feeling the pressure of the war as she helped many people, often times neglecting Izuku because of the amount of carnage that has been left behind.
Izuku for this part, tried his best to help his mother and to lessen the burden by behaving quietly. And keep in mind that Izuku is still 5, coming close to 6, Izuku while a bit clueless on what's going on knows that there is danger.
Something bad is happening.
Which leads me to this point in his backstory, the big catalyst. Izuku is 7 this time around and his mother can't handle it anymore. She can't handle the stress, the blood, the meta abilities that target her world. She was already on the brink of her sanity when Izuku hugged her.
It was a simple hug.
Either due to the stress, the trauma, or a combination with her fear of meta abilities, she, in the most vague and subtle themes, "kills" Izuku.
She isn't very responsive when Izuku asks what is she doing but she repeats the words 'Love,' 'I love you,' and 'I hate you.'
And when she does come back to her senses, she's terrified, she couldn't believe she's done this. Izuku is barely holding on to life, when he staring at Inko asking if she meant what she said. She denies it. She tells him she didn't mean to. She didn't mean to hurt him.
And Izuku can still see this; her pain. He hates it. Izuku with what little time he has tells his mother that no matter what he stills loves her. And that when this big war is other they'll both live happily ever after.
Keep in mind the language here.
Inko still denies the fact that Izuku is dead and does something so, mortified here, and that was to stuff her own son into a doll and carry him everywhere. Which is why I put a FNAF reference.
She carried her 'son' everywhere and no one really bat an eye to it but maybe just a bit. It looked wrong and it felt weird.
And at some point in time, an attack happens in the place where Inko was stationed, and in her final moments she tells the doll; she tells her son to 'Stay safe... Be happy... Mommy... loves you.'
That's Izuku backstory, however, we're yet to finish the Quirk Wars section of Izuku's character.
Now, it's during the moment where Inko 'protects' her son and her death that some black goo comes out of the doll.
The black goo gently lays a 'hand' on Inko and 'cries.' The black goo being a part of Izuku that never passed away.
Which is where things get confusing.
Because I was debating on giving Izuku a quirk or not since I wanted an explanation as to why Izuku's spirit remained/how the black goo appeared.
But then I decided, eh, let's reference something I comprehend which was FNAF, now, I'm not going to deep dive into FNAF lore because it's confusing nowadays but I'm referencing it's earlier games.
Which is FNAF 1 and FNAF 2, maybe a bit of FNAF 3.
Now back to Izuku's lore, at some point someone finds Inko's body and sees the doll which the person picks up.
However, when the doll is picked up that's when the black goo reacts.
Again, I'm trying to keep it subtle with the themes, but in short term, the black goo suffocates the person and takes over the body.
This is when Izuku wakes up again, there's no indication of physical change in the person's body per se, however their pupils, very subtly, look like the center of a button, and their hair has hints of green in it.
Is the person dead? Yeah, most definitely.
But what happens to the doll?
The doll, essentially, is Izuku's main body, its 'protector' and Izuku continues to take over people's body because he can't stop body decay.
Which is where we get to the present!!! Yay!!
Now, for clarification reason, Izuku takes over people's body not only because he needs it but out of 'love.'
Whenever, Izuku kills someone he thinks he's doing this out of love. That by killing them he is promising them a better future and that they won't have to worry anymore.
Izuku becomes that person, he lives this person's life whether they be male or female.
He thinks he's doing them a favor and by definition showing his love for them.
Now, remember that when Izuku technically died, he was 7, his "love" is strictly platonic/familial.
His last concrete memories about his life were that his mother was stressed and that he wished he could take away her pain.
Izuku, much like Inko, denies the fact his mother killed him. He refuses because in a messed up way, they both loved each other.
Call it a darker/messed up version of the unconditional love a parent and their child has for each other.
So, he genuinely believes that killing and taking over their life, is showing love, appreciate, and care. That by doing so, he's helping them live a better life by taking the burdens and stress like he tried doing when he was alive.
It's years before someone makes a connection because Izuku tends to bury the bodies of his "family" in beautiful hidden sceneries in his new body.
Heck, he goes as far to put a mini tombstone and list of accomplishments they have done and prays for their reincarnation to live a easier and simpler life.
The only possible reason why he could get caught or have a case is by the black goo that he leaves behind after taking over the body.
The process of taking over a body last a solid 30-40 seconds, Izuku tries to makes it easy and quickly for the person he's trying to show his love for.
Either the police find a body Izuku used as a host or people dig up the grave of that person who went missing suddenly and they always found some traced of black goo leading into an investigation.
Izuku for this part of his story took over the body of one Akatani Mikumo leading to where we begin a new section of his character's story.
Now please keep in mind this is another timeskip because I genuinely was stumped here since I thought of this moment before making a concrete plot point.
"Mikumo" meets someone who after studying his character, personality, etc. was named Aizawa Shōta.
Now this Aizawa is young, a teenager just like Mikumo.
However, Mikumo acts more childish, more playful, more young because again, Izuku was 7 when he died, his spirit didn't age and despite having multiple lives, heck, years, he's forever a 7-year-old. Which definitely doesn't sound familiar to a particular anime I love to reference.
Aizawa found Mikumo odd since he acted like a child and he continues to do so till he figured Mikumo's—I mean Izuku's secret.
This is where the timeskip happens because this part is iffy for me. I haven't thought too much on this part either but I know things will get messy here because not only does Aizawa find this all too fucking creepy, but an investigation, and the ongoing loom of UA's entrance exam come crashing down on him.
So, he's stressed to the fucking max.
Now this timeskip happens when "Mikumo" and Aizawa are in their second-year which we all know is where things get depressing.
And this gets depressing.
Because not only does Aizawa loose Oboro, he loses Mikumo as well.
Now, this timeskip skips over the part where Izuku/Mikumo bond with Aizawa despite the oddity/creepiness/messed-up morals Izuku has.
It was just something about Izuku ('s charisma) that made Aizawa hesitate on giving him away. On letting the police know the culprit because again not only is Aizawa a kid here (by technicality); he's also raw on emotion.
He looses Oboro first before loosing Izuku.
This moral dilemma leads to Izuku's identity being found and for fear to take over.
Now, Izuku's investigation, aka case, was meant to be to catch the culprit/send him to Tartarus, however, after realizing how old Izuku is; how death was probably the only way to truly capture him.
In a rare moment, in time, a kill call gets to be made for Izuku.
Now why do I call it rare? Well, because heroes, in this age and time, learned it was better, by moral standards, to capture the villains then to just kill them.
Also, to progress and learn from the past.
The Quirk Wars were violent, bloody, and quite frankly a dark part of Quirk's history, so, just like in a history class, heroes learn and become better than their ancestors.
Which is why I like to believe that unless the crimes committed are beyond from just being atrocious and or treason, having a villain killed is rarely, if ever an option.
But why does Izuku get a kill call?
To be honest, thinking of this as the creator of this messed up AU, the only true way to "capture" Izuku is via death.
Izuku is basically immortal, the only weak spot he does have is the doll that used to be his body.
And Izuku never parts from the doll; its his doll. His soul. His body. He's tied to this doll with both mind and spirit.
Which is why people find him or any of his host creepy because they see this doll that looks weird, it's old, and it smells odd.
If Izuku looses the doll, he cries and whines, and begs for it to come back to him like a child loosing his or her favorite toy.
And one fact about the doll is that while the doll is part of Izuku's spirit it essentially is its own entity.
It can't really speak because it's a doll but Izuku can have full-blown conversation with it whenever he couldn't make friends.
The doll like I have mentioned is Izuku's protector. It's two entities but one body. Like Ume and Gyutaro.
Which is where we come back to Izuku and Aizawa!
Now, I already established the kill call made for Izuku and this was by chance really but the police used fire to kill Izuku. Again another FNAF reference.
It wasn't the original plan, they wanted to secure an area and destroy Izuku and the doll in the process but fire happened and Izuku is dying. Again.
Which is where we get emotional Aizawa because not only did he started to care for Izuku but he was loosing him like he was loosing Oboro all over again.
However, there are explosions and fires.
Izuku cries and whines about not wanting to die and that he was begging the doll, his doll to help him but neither of them could do anything.
The doll was flammable. Which is why Izuku always strayed away from flames or fire, forming a fear from it. He always associated fire with danger and war. Not safe. NOT SAFE!
So, Izuku's only other option was to have someone save him but who would save a bad child?
Who would help an evil child?
Izuku is in distress and when he see the doll melt, die, and wither is he reminded of his past, once again, and he sobs because he's bad. He evil!
It's not like Izuku is coming to terms about it, he still denies that his mother killed him because she couldn't handle the situation anymore, but it's more of Izuku coming to terms that his love, his affection, his adoration was never right.
It was wrong.
That he was bad and that this was his punishment for not obeying the quote on quote rules.
Which is how Aizawa finds Izuku, the doll semi- burning and Izuku loosing his life.
They have a heartfelt moment, Izuku apologizing to Aizawa for scaring him, that he shouldn't have done such things, and that this was his punishment for being a bad boy.
Aizawa, much like Izuku, is in distressed and tries, and he actively does try to get the doll and Izuku out but Izuku cries out in pain and asking for Aizawa to stop.
Another moral dilemma for Aizawa because he doesn't want Izuku to die; he doesn't want to see the child he learned to love wither away.
However, Izuku begs Aizawa to let him burn despite the fear he holds on dying, especially, by flames.
The doll is just about be to completely burned and Izuku asks Aizawa to 'Live and strive to be better... than the past... Live a happily every after, Big Brother.'
Now, hear me out! This scene and time is 100% influenced by season two of Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Entertainment District Arc, it's a rough plan out but thinking of Daki and Gyutaro, I think Izuku in this AU and Aizawa's relationship would be somewhat similar to Daki and Gyutaro.
Aizawa acting as the rational and Izuku as the childish, forever child, minus Aizawa giving Izuku backhand comments.
Aizawa was just tired and trying to not anger Izuku because he wanted to live and after spending quite a long time (2+ years) with him, he learned to go with the flow and take it with strive.
Adaptability is a great tool, you know?
Now, time for end scene where Aizawa promises Izuku he'll do his best to live his best life because that was all Izuku wanted out of life.
Izuku's character wanted a life out of war, happiness, and peace. He wanted to make people smile and live peacefully and hopeful that they could accomplish anything. Izuku was young when he first died and he was stuck on that mindset no matter how many years passed.
He saw the pain, the grief, and the toll life—war—had on people and in a messed up way, he decided to take that burden and help those to live their best life.
Izuku wanted, in a dark, messed-up way, he learned from his mother, to help people be their best selves and live a happily ever after like he promised his mother.
He wanted to live blissfully with his mother because in the time Izuku was born and died, misery, pain, and corruption was all he knew; what he hated the most.
Aizawa does try to keep his promise but there are times where his fight withers away. Where life and death have a blurry line that Aizawa couldn't differentiate from.
But he makes it.
He lives a life that he's happy with and almost religiously says good morning to the shrine dedicated to both Izuku and Oboro and good night whenever he comes home after a patrol.
In a way, he's still mourning but has come to terms that life is full on unfairness and having to loose two friends—family members—wasn't his fault.
No matter how much guilt he holds for making it out alive.
However, this rush of emotions he gets when he meets another Class 1-A he has too teach is unexplainable.
He feels like a teenager for a moment because Izuku is alive. Once again.
And no, this time as an actual human boy.
Izuku reincarnated.
However, a key difference here is that Izuku is quirkless. He never gained OFA and got to UA purely by rescue points. Maybe a few villain points but mostly rescue points.
Aizawa didn't look too deep into Izuku's file since the name not only felt too raw for him but the colour as well.
But he takes a good look at Izuku in the first day and instantly recognizes him as his Izuku. His little brother.
The green hair, which were similar to the green tips Izuku had, the mannerism, Izuku always loved to ramble about something he was passionate about, and yet what took the cake here were his eyes, emerald green irises with permanent—not temporarily—pupils that looked like the center of a button.
Izuku was reborn and this time... with a second chance at life.
Izuku much like canon Izuku, faced discrimination for being quirkless, and for being weird.
However, the reason Izuku acted as such was because of his past life, Izuku isn't aware of his previous life and he might never find out but he knows that he's special in a way.
That he acts odd.
And as for the quirkless part, it's like his punishment for what he has done in previous life. Izuku can be blamed for the deaths he created, however, mental health is no joke and for that, some outside force or God took mercy on him for just a bit and let Izuku be reincarnated again but without a meta ability to call his own.
This was karma insuring that there wouldn't be a redo and that this Izuku face the consequences of his actions.
So, yeah, this Izuku is a sort of mix, of his past life and canon Izuku but for the most part he gets a hopeful ending.
A second chance.
And Aizawa can't help but breathe a bit easier.
Will Aizawa and Izuku reconcile? Yeah, sort of.
Aizawa wouldn't actively seek Izuku out and vice versa but little by little Izuku will see Aizawa as a big brother figure/someone to trust both by how Aizawa protected his class—and him—and by his instincts.
Again, Izuku is a reincarnation and I love the trope of a reincarnation remembering or at least having choices be influenced by their past life(ves).
Same goes here for Izuku.
Will Izuku remember his past life? High chance no because Aizawa isn't trying to make Izuku remember nor is Aizawa wanting Izuku to remember. Maybe he had a thought or two but on his part, seeing Izuku as a kid, as a child who still is a firm believer in helping people—morally correctly—this time around brings peace to Aizawa's heart.
And another fun fact—Inko reincarnated too! So, both Midoriya's get reincarnated together and get a second chance!
And while this AU is messed up and turns lighter towards the end, I couldn't help but just make it that way?
Like I could've just ended with an open ending or even just a happy ending but I wanted for once to make this happy or at least hopeful because in no way am I justifying Izuku's actions but I'm also not wanting to this make so miserable.
Also, I'm taking into account, the ages here and mental health for both Izuku and Inko, people can only take so much and some people just can't recover from that.
Not even Izuku this time around.
But hopefully he can with his third (fourth?) chance at life!
Now why do I say third. Well, in short, Izuku's first life was his human life during the beginning of the Quirk Wars, his second life was him being a sort of unrested soul, and third being his "second" chance in life with his karma insuring that the past won't be repeated another time.
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So, yeah! That's my Puppet AU! One of my more darker AU's but not necessarily the darkest, since I have a God AU that his probably darker or similar to this but the answer if it had a hopeful or happy ending is unsure!
Thank you for reading this post and for your patience, really, because this is one of my longer rambles since this AU was stuck on my mind for days.
The reason why I called it 'Puppet AU' was because of Izuku's methods. The main inspiration here was the song 'Daze Daze' by ENHYPEN where the lyrics 'daze, daze, daze, can't control my body, dance, dance, dance, this sweet scent, red fangs too. Enjoy this carnival, wow, wow, wow.'
Which helped create the bases of it, I'll probably ramble more about how this AU came to be on a later date but for now, that's all I have for tonight!
Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful time! - Bye-Bye and rest well, Gemini!
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