#leon kennedy comedy
navstuffs · 8 months
Leon's Guilty Pleasure
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: You shouldn't have seen him like this, but now you and Leon have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Warnings tags: self-indulgent, don't judge based on the summary.
Author's Notes: i wrote this in a way to entertain myself, and i hope others enjoy it as well! didn't say a lot in the tags, but don't worry, appearances can be deceiving :)
my leon's masterlist
You arrive from a bad work day, exhausted and wanting nothing more than to shower and stay in pajamas the rest of the night. Maybe get a pizza and soda? Something trashy because you deserve it. As oily and as unhealthy as you could.
The noise coming from your bathroom takes you by surprise. Leon shouldn't be home yet; it was too early, or so you thought.
Then you heard a distinctive female voice and Leon's voice singing with her.  With your mind blank and the blood rushing to your ears, you run to the bathroom, roughly opening the door.
You freeze with your hand on the door handle, staring at the scene unfolding right before your eyes. You shouldn't have seen him like this: Leon right in front of the mirror, fresh out of the shower, his hair still wet. The only piece of clothing? A towel around his hip, just above his abs.
Singing "Like a Virgin, Touched by the very first time" with a higher pitched tone than you ever saw your man use a shampoo bottle as a microphone.
Nothing is said, the song still playing from Leon's old phone, echoing through the bathroom. You both stare at each other, Leon's face between mortified and embarrassed, a blush spreading from his face to his neck and ears.
You really shouldn't have seen him like this. It is not that being a Madonna fan is an embarrassment to anyone, but the choice of song? It came out while he was a kid, and he liked to imitate Madonna in that video clip, uncovering random pieces of furniture with white sheets dramatically like Madonna, imagining himself in a gondola like Madonna, rolling on the floor, singing at the invisible camera. It had been his guilty pleasure since he was a kid, and he never meant for you to see him like this.
What could you be thinking about him? He would never be able to look in your eyes again.
The music momentarily stops, and the first cords of Lucky Star by Madonna start playing.
"You must be my lucky star 'cause you shine on me wherever you are." You sing low, with the music's tempo, looking into Leon's eyes in the mirror, a small smile on your lips. An invitation for him to join you.
"I just think of you, and I start to glow. And I need your light and baby, you know," Leon completes.
As the song continues, Leo brings you close to his body. You try to get away (still feeling dirty from the commute), but his firm grip on your hips keeps you there with him as you two continue dancing to the song's rhythm.
"Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
Starlight, star bright
Make everything alright"
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madame-helen · 15 days
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cillianwilder · 2 months
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Leon S. Kennedy Collectibles
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itzjazzyjazzin · 1 year
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cheezbites · 10 months
Y/N: (Is using one of those very delicious-looking scented body butters to moisturise arms)
Soap: I already ate some of it before. I could go for some more, though.
Gaz: I'm gonna eat it…
Alejandro: I want to eat the yummy candy.
Price: Do not eat the fucking body butter.
Soap, Gaz and Alejandro: Yes ma’am.
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ignify-caligo · 2 years
*Something crashes*
Leon: Shoot-
Chris: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?!
Albert: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
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alvivaarts · 5 months
Genuinely Correct Simulation Swarm Quotes
aka, an excuse for me to post funny little lines and zingers as I get over my writer's block
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Don't let this fool you though, this entire fic is marginally more sad.
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haileythesato · 1 year
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 resident evil 4 is a great game
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toonie-toonz · 1 year
Doing some practice poses to get the hang of drawing these guys
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I’ll get better at it eventually 😆
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malivio · 3 months
Leon finally has a day off, and forgets one little thing.
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Friday, the day everyone loves, where adults get to finally wind down and relax after a hard day of work and kids can go out and play with friends to their hearts desire.
For Leon, Fridays are a mix of things. He easily could be sent out on a mission or assigned to a random mission report he didn’t do — he never knows when he’ll have a free day and whether it’d be cut short by a call in.
But luckily for him, he has a day off today and he’s determined to make it worth his while. So what’s better than sulking around and getting drunk up off your ass?
Fixing a bike.
It’s been maybe a month or so since he’s seen Chris, his little sister Claire, Jill, and Rebecca back at Alcatraz — and he couldn’t help but wonder if he still had the Ducati he got from the BSAA.
Yeah, he threw it at a helicopter so what? A bike is a bike, he wasn’t gonna waste it.
So with a broken down Ducati living off half a tire, his handy toolbox, and hopes and dreams of getting this sweet bike up and running, he got to work.
Yet he somehow forgot about one singular thing: his spouse, (you)
They called him earlier in the day to tell him they forgot their keys and that they’d be needing him to open the front door, so when the time came.. the door wasn’t open.
(End of intro)
Bot link here!
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navstuffs · 7 months
Hellluuu are you taking request rn? If you are can I request a romcom fic with leon, Like reader is being in a playful mood and decided to prank leon, they ask to help them crack their back then they crack a dry noodle with their mouth and pretend leon broke their ribs?
I have been binge reading your fics, funny, cute, sad and hella hottish fics of yours is so amazing! Keep doing it with passion! Thank you author ❤️❤️❤️
author's notes: im sorry i took so long to write this, anon and i hope you enjoy! also thank you so much for your kind words, i hope you enjoy this one too!
When you see it online, people pretending their backs are broken with a piece of uncooked pasta in their mouths, scaring the ones who cracked, it seems funny. Of course, you decide to do it on Leon due to your playful nature. It seemed harmless enough.
When Leon gets home, you complain about a particular lower back pain that has been bothering you the whole day. The pain is probably caused by how you slept or something you lifted heavy. Leon suggests medicine and maybe a doctor if the pain gets worse, but you shake your head, requesting his help.
"You want me to crack your back?!"
"Mhm. I know those fingers can do wonders."
"If you wanted me to massage you, you could just have asked."
"No, it will be better if you crack it. For quick relief."
Leon sighs, accepting your proposal. As you stand with your back against his chest, you quickly grab two pieces of dry pasta and place them between your teeth; Leon, too focused, doesn't see it. You raise your arms against your chest as Leon holds you.
"Ready? 1,2..."
When Leon raises you from the floor, you immediately bite into the two pieces, the cracking noise louder than you predicted. Leon is startled, but he doesn't drop you into the floor like most of the people in the videos you watched. His agent instincts kick in, and he gently puts your feet on the floor, watching as you hunch over, your hands in your lower back, pretending Leon broke your back.
"What happened?! Honey, are you okay?!" You almost feel bad for the panic and urgency in his voice as you massage the area, shaking your head. With his puppy eyes hopelessly staring at you, you don't know if you should laugh or feel bad. Probably both.
"Here, let me help you. Put all your weight on me." Leon helps you, passing your right arm around his shoulder. You hide your face in his shoulder as you hold back a laugh. He sounds so worried, so upset he hurt you even on accident, and there you are, wanting to laugh like an idiot. "I am so sorry about this."
"Leon, I am fine, I am fine." You can't control yourself anymore and finally admit, half laughing, half worried that Leon would take you to the hospital.
"Wait. You aren't hurt?"
"No. It is just a prank. My back is fine."
Leon's face is full of relief. He sighs, rubbing your back once more to ensure you are really okay, then shakes his head.
"You almost killed me! I could have died of a heart attack!"
"It is fine. No more pranks that involve you getting hurt, okay?" Leon sounds serious, so you quickly nod. "Just easy pranks should be fine."
"Yes, sir."
That's when your eyes lay on the most crucial piece of this stunt.
"Oh shit."
"What is it?"
"Please, don't kill me."
"What is it, honey?"
"I forgot to set up the phone to record."
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extinct-fish · 6 months
I feel like Leon is definitely the type of guy to be afraid of spiders, and I'm not talking about BOWs that look like spiders- I mean actual spiders, them itty-bitty fuckers.
like- mans could take on Raccoon City but on crack multiple times and still be kinda chill, but the minute he sees a spider, he says "FUCK THAT" and just leaves.
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cillianwilder · 2 months
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magic-can · 8 months
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Leon Kennedy saying the dumbest one liner possible while having his 2192nd bad day in a row
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
If re4 wasn't a survival horror, I'd think Luis and The Illuminados would be a comedy.
You, a Ganado, is watching a silly Spaniard running back and forth between the village and castle for a vaccine and sample. So, as punishment, Saddler gotta get a group of Ganados + Big Cheese to come and tie Luis up before sending him somewhere random (why tf they thought a villager's closet would be a good idea? Idk). Anyway, Luis ends up making a American friend (who keeps calling him the wrong name, but that's okay cause the blondie is kinda cute) and now Saddler gotta deal with two idiots running in the wild.
For someone who has been acting suspicious consistently, you'd think they'd get rid of Luis earlier, but instead they just tie him up or slap his wrist for trying to steal items from the castle. HELL, they even try to inject Luis with the parasite (probably to make him behave for oNCE), but they forget that Luis is a fucking genius (disguised as a dumbass with shitty stealth).
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theeluisifer · 1 year
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My meme-based reaction to @theitalianmafia sending me this absolutely cursed video of Leon Kennedy sound effects from Dead By Daylight:  https://youtu.be/mGUJlJGimJY
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