#like get me out of the cult and can we just go back to complimenting each toher on the filth of the noncon
not-poignant · 25 days
Hi! Big fan of your work and writing blog :) I have a question re: fanfic reception. I like writing fanfics about villains on the receiving end of noncon, and I sometimes get feedback that makes me feel weird and I dunno how to respond to it? It’s along the lines of "thanks for giving [character] the pain they deserve" "it’s good that you aren’t nice to [character] like those other fanfic writers". (Part 1…)
(Part 2…)I kind of feel like they’re complimenting my morals instead of my writing, but I also could be overreacting, because I mean it’s fine to seek out fics where a character you hate gets tortured? No hurry answering this, and thanks in advance if you do. I hope you’re doing alright on your break from UtB. I am using the time to reread and am loving it!
Hi anon!
Oh this is an interesting quandary to be in, because I'm certain at least some of those people are very much being moralistic about it.
Tbh when it's 'thanks for giving (character) the pain they deserve' you can probably ignore that if you want, because yeah, they might have revenge fantasies and find that very satisfying.
But when you get people going 'thanks for being mean / not nice to this character like other writers' - if you're the kind of person who responds to comments and feels uncomfortable when someone is using your space to shame other authors (because that's exactly what's happening) you can choose - if you want - to take the time to say 'I have no problems when people enjoy this character being hurt, however, I do not tolerate when folks shame other authors and readers for what they enjoy in fiction. Please don't compliment my fic by putting down other people, that's not what a compliment is' or something similar.
As soon as a reader brings in other people and shames them, that's absolutely when you can take a stand and see a clear issue.
I see this a lot for two different things:
Writing realistic kink, and so many readers being like 'omg thanks for writing realistic kink there's so much unrealistic trash on here' and these days I always make a point of saying 'oh thanks! but I write and love unrealistic trash too. This is a fictional site and no one should be expected to write realistic kink here!' It shuts people down amazingly fast. But also makes them realise that perhaps they just shouldn't be throwing stones when we're all in a very glass castle on AO3 lmao
Writing realistic trauma recovery, so like 'thanks for showing how awful and evil rape can be unlike those people who write it for fun' - now how I end up with these readers with my actual writing history, I don't know, but I take the same approach of like 'thanks BUT I LOVE writing rape as titillation! I enjoy both!'
You don't have to be as blunt as me, and you don't have to address it at all, but any reader who shames other authors or readers in your comment section can be addressed directly because it's just a shitty thing to do. And people don't say shit like that in public if they don't secretly hope that one of those people will see the comment and feel bad about what they like.
So yeah, with your first example, they could be feeling moralistic, or they could just want a revenge fantasy and really enjoy noncon! The second example is a clear cut example of shaming, or stepping on other people to pass you a compliment, and you're never ever over-reacting when that makes you feel uncomfortable, or makes you feel like it's not really a compliment. Because all it really is, is a version of: 'you passed my moral standards, thanks' and that's not actually a compliment at all. (Or like you say, it's complimenting your morals, it's like having a weird fandom policeman come by and glare at you and be like '....okay you're committing no crimes, as you were' and moving on. It's just weird).
Anyway *shakes hands for weird comments that shame other readers/authors in the form of a compliment* - I do think you're right to feel uncomfortable at least sometimes when this happens. It's up to you how you choose to address or not address it, but I will say personally that if you aren't going to address it in comments, maaaaybe consider deleting the ones that shame other readers/authors, so that when those people read your fics they don't feel alienated. It's obviously your choice! But just something to consider if you want to be curating your space. And best of luck writing all the noncon-villain fics! They can be a lot of fun :D
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Hi Hal! First of all, congratulations for reaching 5k followers! Your fanfics are what pushed me further into COD and Cult of Vagabonds turned me into a full on Gaz girlie 💗
With that, I would love to request some sort of boyfriend drabble for Gaz! I remember in some of your asks, you guys would talk about Kyle being a gentleman and just him being a sweet and loving partner in general. So, I was thinking of scenarios with him taking care of reader, maybe he helps her with her skin care routine when she's too tired, or he picks her up and takes her home when she gets drunk (and he goes along with her drunk shenanigans but at the same being the protective, worrywart bf) or (as someone who loves shopping and dressing up) they go on dates and they spoil each other since they know each other's preferences so well, stuff like that hehe.
Again, congratulations on the milestone Hal! Here's to many more celebrations and achievements 💖
—Drunken Sappiness
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You can't say you've ever had a boyfriend as perfect as Kyle.] ❞
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You giggle, slurring your words as you get placed into the back seat of a cab. 
“I love you s’much, Kyle, y’know that?” The man himself is smiling fondly, heart eyes stuck into his head as he holds the door for a moment before grabbing your legs, pushing them inside. He shakes his head in good-nature.
“I’m flattered, Sweetheart. I love you too, yeah…? Let’s get you home—think you’ve had a bit too much fun tonight.”
Your arm is over your eyes before it’s grabbed, Kyle grunting, “Up you get,” before the world slips and you’re sitting up, belt clicked around your frame by long fingers. 
The driver waits patiently as your boyfriend closes the door and jogs to his side, opening and closing it before giving the directions to your shared flat as you lean over into him heavily. 
“I like your smile,” you push out, gripping his waist tightly, nuzzling his shoulder. 
Kyle watches, face bright and teasing as his arm loops your body to pull you into him. This was turning out to be a good end to the night—he always knew you were a clingy drunk, but this was just sweet. 
“Yeah?” He asks, pushing farther on with a smirk as the vehicle turns and continues on. “What else do you like about me, Love?”
“What isn’t there to like?” You hum, eyes blown and half-lidded. You’d crash soon, but Kyle wanted to get you ready for bed before that; at least into some pajamas and get your makeup off. He’d hate for you to wake up uncomfortable.
“Well,” the man teases, “can’t argue there.”
You laugh into him, uttering, “My head’s spinnin’.”
Kyle’s face becomes a bit more understanding, worrying even when he knows it’s normal. “We’ll be back soon, yeah? Get you off to bed—you can tell me about how dashing I am in the morning, okay?”
“Deal,” you whisper, vision blurring as a hard kiss is placed on your head.
The man does as he promised himself he would, and soon after you’re, difficulty, dressed into pj’s, he’s kneeling down as you sit in your vanity seat, spreading micellar water on a cotton pad. 
“C’mon, Love, keep those eyes open for me.” The item is moved along your cheeks as your lashes flutter. You’d take a shower in the morning, Kyle just wanted you to get some rest. “There we are, then….Beautiful.”
Humming under your breath, you blink at him as he takes off your mascara, using another pad to not spread the particles around when he starts on the other eye. 
“You’re perfect,” you whisper, still under the alcohol’s effects but not lying for a mere moment. “S’good to me.”
The Brit feels his cheeks go hot, clearing his throat at the praise and your sleepy expression. 
Lord…you looked adorable. 
“I’m a lucky bloke,” he utters to you, standing back up and kissing your forehead. “Couldn’t ask for a better woman to be around.” Kyle huffs a chuckle. “Even when she’s drunk, she’s complimenting me. You’re an ego boost, Love. A dangerous one.”
Even if you only registered half of those words, you still know the way he picks you up and carries you to bed, settling you down before flicking off the lights.
“Water’s on the nightstand—meds, too,” he mutters into your scalp as he slips beside you, pulling the covers up around both of your bodies. “I’ll remind you when you wake up.”
His hand rubs up and down your skin, thumb massaging the flesh in tiny circles that leave your mind purring at the slight pressure. Kyle’s lips are at your hairline, not leaving there as he holds you lightly to him, humming in the back of his throat. 
“Love you,” you slur for the millionth time that night. 
Kyle has no problem answering for a billionth. 
“Love you too, Sweetheart. You go on and sleep now.”
So, with little resistance, you do.
He really was the definition of the perfect boyfriend.
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circuscountdowns · 4 months
Crude Timeline/Breakdown of my goofy Cult of the Lamb drawings if you’re interested:
The whole premise for this i guess au? Started during my first run, I already knew the game was about kill god become god, but Did Not know you could Marry the god youd betray??? Or indoctrinate him???. Like I didn't even choose the Marriage Doctrine cuz I'm like boo r u kidding me I'm choosing violent Battle Pit always. Which Lambert wouldn't know any of this in the beginning either but the big deciding factor is: 
Lamb is going into it with the mindset of Kill All Gods for what they've done to the sheep (sorry my benefactor, ur included <3) Kratos style lets go, none spared.
That being said, they have a lot of devotion towards Death, I like to think the Sheep folk prayed to The One Below for quick passings knowing they're a huge sacrificial species, and because sheep with their huge herd mentality, the worship flowed heavily which is a threat therefore that plus prophecy equals Slaughter. 
So with TOWW, they play along and genuinely mean they're serving death because they worshiped Death as a concept, a divine entity. They believe when they “kill” TOWW they'll still be “together” because Death is unkillable right (and the lamb would never have to be alone again right). Something new will be written thats the both of us as one.
So in between crusading Lamb and TOWW get closer (i am going to take your throne but that doesn't mean we can't have fun banter or that i don't really really enjoy ur compliments and attention ((because I love kittys…))) and that's when the comic about tanking happens. 
But oh no! Through their journey Lamb discovers that TOWW is actually a Bishop, chained for a petty family squabble??? Has a name and it’s Narinder???? 
The revelation kinda breaks something in their head. it upsettingly humanizes the Bishops, trivializes the death of their people, and takes TOWW off the pedestal they'd placed him on. Uh ohhhh how does this change things i mean I'm still gonna kill all the gods but what does it mean to be a god is it just a crown whats going to happen to Narinder is it actually Narinder I like ?? (And i had a comic for this time planned but idk if ill get to it)
Meanwhile Narinders opinion on the Lamb has so far just been Wow im so proud, I chose good yay I'm gonna be free (why do I feel like I could be free from their devotion alone?) (why are they just like me fr?) 
When Narinder is defeated and they have the choice, the lamb feels they betray both their people for not keeping their promise to kill all gods, but also their Faith and Narinder, v conflicting. 
After indoctrination, Narinder does his typical Isolation, depression, and Lamb mourns what they'd had. In their loneliness, they stop allowing their cultists to die for long. They do all Narinders quests, and when it comes to the resurrection he's like Haha I remember why I liked you. But also he can exploit this. That's the time of the Resurrection comic.
He tries to micromanage from there, if he can't be the god being worshiped rn he's going to control the god. Starts off with whispering insecurities of Your cultists will find a way to leave you, be firmer. Gods should do this, have this, they'll leave if you don't. Lamb knows what he's doing and mostly humors him to keep him around but over time they've just both started to build a proper relationship again. He successfully ironically becomes their right hand.
This goes on for a sec before Mystic Seller knocks on da door like Hello do your joobbbb. And thats a kick enough to get Lamb out of their misery shit to really consider their original plan of killing gods and what exactly they want Death to Mean. (Comes to a conclusion that death is a peace that has to be earned. Through living.)
Bringing Leshy back brings a rift and arguments between Narinder and Lamb. That's when the Narinder Confessional comic happens and he lets out just how hurt he was by Lambs betrayal (cuz that seems to be all anyone ever does to him lol except for his sons)
So as a sort of reconciliation! Lamb brings back Aym and Baal. Yay! That's that comic, where Narinder tries to say it doesn't affect him so Lamb forces them to be together. Aym and Ball stay in the cult for a good while as Lamb works to free Heket, but Narinder is still super giving Lamb the cold shoulder. When Heket is indoctrinated Narinder gets angry again that he has no say on the matter. 
Lamb starts sneaking off to sit in the confessional booth at night and it gets Narinders attention. He follows them in and hears them speak about essentially their motivations and beliefs described earlier. I have a half finished comic of this to partner with Narinder’s confessional, with Lamb’s being more down to earth and kinda just explanatory of the whole timeline but who knows if ill finish it tbh
Narinder reassesses his feelings for Lamb after that.
Right after Lamb's confessional would be when the Baal and AYm comic happens, and Narinder asks for his last request of going on a mission, fully committing to living a life.
Cue big ambiguous gap of time where Lamb gets the other siblings, yada yada healing and dealing. Shamura in the pillory comic happens, the bishops are Not happy about it, but Shamura's only locked up for a night.
Probably takes a hundred or two years for the siblings being comfortable enough around each other and theres a lot less venom being spat out. Idk gods grudges be lasting forever sometimes. Eventually They can start having family game nights, cue that comic. Everyones tired of the shit Lamb and Narinders got going on. 
Lamb still thinks Narinder doesnt have romantic feelings for them. Best friends til the end me and my god, never mind the tense flirting. Lamb does that with everyone. (cursed with flirty asexual disease) For Narinder its that he shouldnt have to say anything everyone should just know that the Lamb is his. Straight up if Lamb asked him, do you love me hed say yes in every sense, but though he is aware of how he feels and would be honest on approach, an immortal relationship/marriage?? It is a lot to ask of the lamb, that has to be a decision they make. Hes content as is.
but No Way could Lamb ask that without a safety net.  So when Lamb realizes Oh its like. romantic jealousy? Interesting lets see how far i can push it, announces they will be choosing a spouse (due to a wager lost they reason, depending on who asks) (the siblings who know of Shamura’s deal, watch in mild amusement at how absolutely wired this gets their brother. No one helps him.) fine for narinder If they get married thats up to them but hes gonna make sure theyre worthy of his vessel first. Marriage is just a title compared to what he and the Lamb have. 
Cue comic i have planned that is Such a funny idea to me but im not liking how its turning out so who knows. But they get married yay! 
Some years later kudaai has offered to make the lamb their own weapon. They go on a little trip to the spot they were sacrificed, now very overgrown and forgotten, and find their chains to make their weapons. 
far future comic
many many many years later Lamb death comic.
that’s it for now. I’ll add more if ideas come but this is context if you’d like. Feel free to ask questions, I’m rotating these fellas in my head
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sheegons · 3 months
(be forewarned, this is long)
now after ignoring batman 666, let's see what we have.
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now, in robin: son of batman #1 It's confirmed that after his death in batman incorporated, damian went to hell. Hell is usually connected with the more magical side of the dc universe, but that's not it.
The entirety of the comic delves into damians connections to more mystical things. mythical swords and magical ancient towers, weird extinct bat-dragons, magical cults that want to destroy the whole world, etc etc.
this is easily regarded as one of damians best comics and having peak damian characterisation, so obviously Damian being magically inclined can easily work well with his character.
Now, after a barrel load of compliments, let's get to the extremely negative side of things.
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Damian's cloned brother has magic and that sentence is about as much as i care for this book. Moving on.
BATMAN (2016)
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Again, dog shit damian characterisation, but here we go. Damian here actually shows an ability to use a binding spell and has a wand, making some sort of deal with a random demon, but a far cry from damian apparently selling his soul in batman 666. Moving on finally out of rebirth because that was a bad time for Damian's character.
ROBIN (2021)
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Now we go back to the good. Apparently from the maternal part of damians family, magic is more commonplace. ra's even having a whole spell book to his name. Robin 2021 kinda toys with the ghul family and the lazarus pits magical and devilish side which isn't new... but it's new to involve damian!
In the final parts of this story, Damian's heart specifically is used as a plot device, lord deathman even dubbing it as "the bloodstream of the demon" and ruh (ra's' mother) uses it as a power source to fuel demon summonings, which started the Lazarus rain event.
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Back in early 2023 (i think) dc teased a sort of "teen titans dark" with damian, black alice and monkey prince. The "dark" moniker referencing Justice league dark, a magic team made up of magic users that solve magical bullshit. It's a good book, recommended read, i just thought I'd add this to the pile.
Detective comics/Knight terrors
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Now, including these two together because they're about the same topic: Dreams.
damian is confirmed to have some sort of control over dreams and sleep, defeating demons that show up in his sleep, yet never actually disappear when he wakes up. He also has an ability to stay awake after a massive worldwide phenomenon causes everyone, even the dream masters that taught damian, to sleep and experience night terrors.
Dreams are, again, connected to the magical side of the dc universe. Now I'm not going to pretend like i actually read sandman to you, i can't lie on ramadan, so let's all give me a pass here for my lack of understanding of all that.
Batman and robin (2023)
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In this, damian mentions a bit of off screen monster hunting with Frankenstein and lays a trap that lights someone on fire. I used to think this was some sort of hex but this artwork is extremely unclear, but since Frankenstein is mentioned and from my knowledge dc's Frankenstein is magic let's pretend this is some sort.
As an extra note: this guy definitely died. There's no way about it, he got lit on fire with nobody helping him. He's gone. Damian just killed a man.
Extra Extra notes:
talia using magic!
now, i haven't included these examples in the "the ghuls have magic" segment because uh...
(batman: the doom that came to Gotham/dc bombshells)
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Not only are these interpretations of talia EXTREMELY orientalist but also just generally out of character and could've been done with any randomly introduced characters.
For the unknowing white american people in the crowd: arabs actually don't only dress in revealing "belly dancer" outfits and lanterns. i know, shocking, we actually wear normal clothes.
And just to add again, there's a lot of stories that include ra's having magic, but I'm not the biggest ra's head (lol) so i didn't read them all, i implore u to do your own research because I'm not doing it.
this about wraps it up. thank you to the magic damian believers may we all win someday.
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aotopmha · 3 months
The FF14 community has a sarcastic saying along the lines of "great community btw", which is used in cases whenever someone or some group of awful people pop up doing something shitty and which I find annoying.
I think it is really obnoxious because having a great community does not mean there will never be any awful people in that community.
Especially when you get an award for stuff like having a great community – something that in many spaces is usually based on popularity or earned via nebulous committee vote.
That's just not how people work. And putting that strange standard on every single person in that community is really unrealistic.
In fact, I think it would be creepier if occasional assholes didn't pop up. Actual cult behaviour entails a situation where nobody is frustrated, critical or says anything bad about each other ever.
And this is doubly so for stuff that is popular.
We have 30 million accounts in the game now. Do you honestly expect not one of them to be made by an awful person?
The second frustration I have is tying social media with the community. Yoshi-P and his team, don't, even in fact, straight-up can't really, moderate what happens on social media, on Twitter, Reddit, Discord etc.
And as far as I know their official accounts keep it pretty basic and chill.
So, a lot of the bad stuff is just the nature of social media and the internet.
Now, this actually does not mean the dev team bears no responsibility because what they can do is minimise the poison within the game itself.
FF14 is probably the cleanest multiplayer community I've been apart of ever. The most I've gotten is generic insults in French.
The lack of gamerwords in my 3 months of time surprised me the most, and so did the occasional actual compliments. We just either talk about the game or what issues there are with us doing the mechs or disband when stuff isn't working out and time is getting wasted.
But I also know many haven't been as lucky and some of the security features were dated even by the time the game re-released back in 2013.
The friendlist is a mess because it doesn't block properly, and I know stories of people who had to go to another region to escape their stalker.
The GMs, while preferrable to any automated moderation, still don't catch everything, sometimes for years, especially whistleblowers who signal stuff in specific codewords and technically aren't breaking the rules.
Unjust massreportings can happen.
Reporting can be clunky and from what I've explored is hidden behind some menuing instead of just being an open option like in many other online games.
So they kinda can't control Twitter or Reddit at all and they can't change human nature, but I think they can modernise a bunch of the social tab.
I also haven't experienced the game as a non-sprout/at endgame yet, which I'm told can make a difference. Part of the reason why I find the game so rewarding is because you find so many different experiences and opinions in just Duty Finder and you just sometimes get to talking with them about the game and then various other things.
Recently, many gathered to honor Akira Toriyama in many of the data centers and people were just kind of talking to each other about DB and other series.
And I've never seen anything like this in any other MMO or any multiplayer games. I know it happened for Kentaro Miura, too, when he died.
So clearly, the social element is a huge part of the identity of an MMO, so if they mean they're improving the MMO in the MMO, I hope this also includes the social tab features.
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greenishghostey · 2 years
Dungeon Master Meet Prop Master | part 2
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Drama Club!reader 
Summary: With your bike secured in the back of his van, you and Eddie get to know each other better on the ride to your house. It's amazing how much you can learn about the town pariah from a van interior and some accidental flirting.
Warnings: I've decided that this series will be 18+ eventually, so please DO NOT engage or interact if you are underage. More tooth rotting fluff! Awkward flirting. Me giving Eddie more game than he deserves to have. He makes shitty puns and is proud of it.
Word Count: 4,106
Authors Note: The reception for part 1 was so unexpected and AMAZING and thank you so so much for enjoying my fluff little passion project! So far, I have 6 parts planned for this series but that's likely going to increase since I've decided to add in some smut down the line.
Part 1 /// Part 3
You buckled yourself into the squishy passenger seat while Eddie secured your bike in the back. Busying yourself with twiddling your thumbs while mutters of “fuck” and “come on” mixed with grunts richoted through the vehicle. One of the back doors was jammed, you assumed, and Eddie sounded like he was about eight to ten seconds away from ripping the thing off of its hinges. Yep, you were definitely warmer - mother of god, you never could have imagined getting hot and bothered in this, for lack of a better word, “retro” hunk of metal and polyester upholstery. 
Grunt. “Fuck”. Grunt. Groan. “Fuck. Okay, there we go”. Pant. 
You were starting to squirm in your seat now. His laboured noises and breathing had you gripping your knees, nails digging through the pale denim of your jeans. Your bike had a lot of great memories tied to it - your first day of high school, summer bike rides with Penny and coming home from wrap parties full of laughter. You know, all of the wholesome high school student experiences that stay in your mind and your soul. 
But this new bike memory was the fucking best. 
“Phew! Had to make sure she was comfy back there. Gotta say, though, it’s a nice bike. You’ve got taste.” Eddie said. He had climbed into the somehow more squishy-looking driver's seat and brought your little daydreams to an abrupt halt. Just when things were about to get interesting, too. 
“Thanks, it gets me from A to B - sometimes even C if I pedal really hard,” you quipped, using a well-timed joke to chase away the last of your bitch ass hormones. “I like your van too. It’s - it’s very you.” 
“Christ, don’t strain yourself to compliment it.” Eddie snorted, leaning on the steering wheel, trying his best to look really really upset at your comment. It sort of worked. His eyes were his greatest weapon, and he clearly knew it. “First, you hit me, and now you insult the van. You’re breaking my heart, specs.”
“You know what I meant. Shut up. It’s cool. “Metal”, even. I like the shag rug in the back and the little postcards and stuff on the wall.” You had twisted around in your chair slightly to survey the van properly. The fuzzy, brown carpet in the back did look pretty soft; clean-ish too. The variety of postcards, photos and miscellaneous paper tacked onto the inside of the van were a bit fascinating - in an entirely Eddie way. 
There was a hand-drawn band poster with “Corroded Coffin” written in large angular letters; they looked like runes with flecks of red on the line work. The band, Eddie’s band most likely, played at The Hideout bar on Tuesdays at 8 pm - a little risky for a school night, but live and let live. The poster boasted an experience that would “melt your skin and bones”, so they must be pretty good and really sticking to that super-satan-mega-cult aesthetic.
In addition to the poster, there were a few postcards from places out west; two from Vegas, and one from LA. You didn’t want to make any assumptions about Eddie’s personal life, you really didn’t, but each of the postcards had a scantily clad woman plastered on the front. There was a stunning Las Vegas showgirl, a bikini-clad smiley redhead and a woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe in that one signature white dress, but she was showing way more skin. He wasn’t bringing any hot dates into the van, clearly. Either that, or he didn’t care about the cards. 
The other van decor consisted of D&D character sketches, a photo that looked to be of the Hellfire Club from the school newspaper, and another photo of a younger Eddie and an older man at the County Fair. The man was a bit scruffy looking, but he had such a gentle smile. This van was pretty metal, in your novice opinion. But it was also cosy. Eddie had made it very homely with just a couple of personal touches. You’d only ever known the van as a screeching, brown monster that rattled in and out of the school parking lot. Absent-mindedly, you patted your seat in an attempt to apologise to the vehicle for calling it names on more than a few occasions - hazard, clunker and death trap were arguably the worst ones.
Eddie had fished his keys out of his jacket and was wiggling them in the ignition. Your mom had to do the same thing with her old Ford. The keys only worked if they were at a 48-degree angle and you were cursing at them under your breath in a dead language. The engine roared to life along with the stereo, which blasted a howling, melodic voice and heavy instrumentals straight at the two of you. Eddie quickly scrambled to punch and slap the knobs of the stereo, either aiming to turn it down or turn it off - whichever he got first. 
You’d flinched and nearly launched yourself from your seat at the noise, but Eddie succeeded in his efforts. Quiet and the low hum of the engine filled the darkening parking lot. Thank Christ. The janitor probably could have heard you guys and shit a brick wall. 
“Oops,” he chuckled nervously, “sorry, didn’t think I was gonna have company tonight. Also, apologies to your ears.” It was interesting for him to assume you weren’t on the road to developing tinnitus already. Electric Light Orchestra had definitely caused that ringing you always heard, some Queen too. Fat Bottomed Girls had to be listened to at full volume at all times. It was probably a law or something. 
“Nah, it’s fine. Just wasn’t expecting it,” you replied, calmer now so you could return his laugh, but it came out as more of a giggle. Ugh, you were going to start twirling your hair soon. “The aaaahhhhh part was pretty good, actually.” Your imitation of a heavy metal power note wasn’t good. It wasn’t even decent. The crack in your voice made you sound like a sea lion with an upset stomach you’d seen on National Geographic. 
But Eddie started to laugh. He started to cackle. He even snorted. His nose scrunched up, and you could clearly see the dimples and lines on his face. Well, shit. He was still adorable even when he wasn’t giving your prop swords names. 
Eddie was pulling out of the lot with that big goofy grin on his face again. You were quite a surprise for him - a perfect one. He felt a little lucky that he had the opportunity to see you unwind so much. Relaxed, dorky and happy were a pretty hot look if he was being honest. He was glad that the stereo song had only been at the beginning because things would have gotten awkward pretty quickly. Sex Drive by W.A.S.P wasn’t the mood he was trying to achieve. At least, not yet, anyway. 
“Well, no more aaaahhhhh for now. I said you had stereo privileges, and I’m nothing if not a man of my word.” His heavy metal power note was way better. Not quite at the level of a crisp hellish wail, but it made your stomach jump, so he was doing something right. Eddie gestured to the tape deck while keeping his eyes on the road. He was driving with a lot more care than you’d seen from him in the past. It must have been due to the bike in the back. 
“I dunno what song I got up to on this tape, so no sass if it’s a weird one, okay?” You pushed ‘Going for the One’ by Yes into the deck and quickly dialled down the volume to avoid a possible road accident. 
The haunting bellow of an organ flowed through the van and made you cringe into yourself. Of course, it was gonna be one of the weird songs. ‘Parallels’ was one of your favourite songs from the album, but it was a song you kept between yourself and your bedroom. 1970s experimental rock wasn’t the first genre pick for most. You’d heard a guy, Ben, call it “hippie dad crap” at a drama club wrap party once. Ben was a piece of shit and sucked at acting, so what did he know? He couldn’t even carry high notes in the Christmas musical. 
“Wow, specs,” Eddie piped up, taking in the opening to the song in all of its eclectic glory. “You’re kind of a little weirdo, huh?” He tilted his head towards you, met your gaze, and beamed with raised eyebrows. 
“Like you can say anything about that. You nearly squealed like a little girl when I gave you some coffee-stained paper.”
“Weirdo is a high form of praise when it comes from me. Also, I needed old-ass-looking paper for map layouts. Also also, I don’t squeal… unless you ask me super duper nicely.” He smirked with that immeasurable smugness. Again. 
Would it look too obvious if you were to roll down your window? The van had gotten progressively more stuffy since Eddie had sounded like he was fucking the shit out of your bike and showing her a damn good time. 
“Just keep your eyes on the road, Munson,” you muttered, not fully trusting your voice at that moment. “I’ll get you some more crunchy paper. I have tons of it in case I fuck up prop letters and stuff.” 
“Club donations now? Aw, you’re a weirdo and a sweetheart.” That pet name felt freezing and boiling simultaneously. The old ladies around town were the only people who had ever called you ‘sweetheart’. But hearing a guy say it? Now that was fantastic. Eddie didn’t miss how you cleared your throat and went back to twiddling your thumbs. You were gonna be getting ‘specs’ and ‘sweetheart‘ from that moment on. 
The inky woods whizzed by as the two of you drifted down the long stretch of road. Hawkins was a dull town with a lot of greys, beiges and conservatism. It was a blip on the state of Indiana, where everyone knew everyone, and everyone knew everything about everyone. But, the surrounding landscape made up for at least some of the place’s setbacks. Your parents were all too aware that raising a kid in a small town could be a bit of a downer, so they made sure to get you and your little burgundy hiking boots outside to soak up the Indiana elements. You had to wonder if Eddie was much of an outdoorsy type. Obviously, not in the traditional sense, but who didn’t love spending time out by the lake in the sunshine? Shit, maybe that Sun goddess illusion was getting to your head. 
“You said you liked the decor in the back? I would have taken down the um… risque imagery if I knew I’d have a lady in here, promise.” Eddie’s light tone cut through the night and pulled your eyes away from your window. You were “a lady” now. The concept sent a jolt through your body that you weren’t sure you’d experienced before. It was like electricity mixed with blushing, but it felt phenomenal.
“It’s not like the pictures are full-frontal, don’t worry about it. You’re a dude, after all,” you reassured. He was making it seem like he’d left some sketchy porn lying out for you to browse through. Some saucy postcards were nothing. One of your favourite movies was St. Elmo’s Fire, which had a scene of people going at it on a coffin. “The showgirl one is quite pretty. I like her sparkly outfit.”
“Ethan, a buddy of mine, used to be in Hellfire, went on a little westward adventure and sent me all of ‘em,” Eddie said, smiling, but it held some sadness. You remembered Ethan vaguely. He graduated last year and seemed to be Eddie’s right-hand man for all things Hellfire - never saw one without the other. “He sent one from Santa Carla that was way worse than those, but I’m too classy to go displaying that sort of stuff. I have innocent freshmen in this vehicle from time to time.” 
“Gotta protect their little innocent eyes from the horrors of the world…” you spoke in a low, ominous voice, “…tits.” You had to laugh at your silly voice. Eddie just brought this type of goofiness out of you. It was freeing. Liberating. Refreshing. 
Eddie choked on his breath when you said tits. He wasn’t totally scandalised by hearing a girl speak so bluntly. He just thought you’d be the type to call them boobs or breasts instead. 
“I’m an excellent role model; I’ll have you know.” Eddie bragged, his usual small smile worming its way back to his mouth - he was clinging to that last particle of a cool guy persona. You shook your head at his comment, almost lost for words. Honestly, from what you had seen, he was a pretty okay role model for the Hellfire freshmen. He was nice to girls and guys alike, didn’t antagonise anyone who wasn't already doing it to him, and he was just… sweet. There wasn’t really any other word that summed him up quite so well. Eddie was going to give you some severe cavities, and you would welcome every single one. 
“Don’t doubt that for a second, Munson.” You sighed; it was a dreamy type of sigh. “Anyway, what’s the story with the other stuff back there? I’m invested now.” 
“Wanna know more about the freak? Hmm, specs? So, yeah, the raunchy postcards are from Ethan. The stuff he wrote on the back is mushy, but I’m glad he’s having fun in California.” From what you could remember, Ethan was a friendly guy. He was chummy with a few of the past drama club members and came along to most of the performances. He might have had a thing for Penny; most guys did, to be fair. Ethan once threw the bandana he always wore around his head onto the stage when Penny did her final bow. He was a good dude. 
“What about the County Fair photo? Is that your dad you’re with?” You asked. Eddie’s jaw clenched, and his tongue ran across his lips. He looked deep in thought, trying to find a way to explain his family situation to you without divulging too much information. It wasn’t a fun story, and he didn’t want to scare you off. 
“That’s me and my uncle, Wayne. Took me to the County Fair for my 14th birthday and let me get as much junk food as I could keep down. This nice old lady, who was making cookies the size of my face, took the photo. Said I was a pretty boy and it’d be a waste not to get a picture. Wayne gave me shit about that for weeks.” Eddie shared. He decided it would be better to avoid “the dad” situation. The two of you still didn’t know each other all that well, and it was some heavy shit, to say the least. 
Eddie had only told Ethan and Dustin about what happened with his family when he was a kid. The reasons why he moved in with Wayne when he was 7 - as bleak as the story was.
“You were a pretty cute kid; She was right.” That comment was out of your mouth before your brain could catch up. The polaroid showed a smaller Eddie who was all big molasses eyes and buzzed hair. Had the guy ever not been cute? It was ridiculous. 
“Saying I’m not cute now, specs?”
“Never said that, now did I?” You had never felt comfortable enough to flirt with a guy. A few had tried to put the moves on you at parties or between classes, but you didn’t have the confidence to reciprocate. With Eddie, it was very different. Regardless if he was just trying to be cheeky, you were ready to test the waters and see where things went. “I think it’s cute that you’ve got that photo up. Like taking the happy memory everywhere with you. You’re kind of a sweetheart yourself, huh?” 
“Me?!” Eddie half-yelped. Ugh, his voice cracked too. He could feel his cheeks burst into flames. You had him acting like he was a flustered little teenager who was way too scared to even think about talking to a pretty girl. He wanted to hide in his hair.
Sweetheart. Him? Holy fucking shit. Eddie very nearly swerved the van across the road out of pure shock. Maybe God was real, and this was like a divine apology for the crappy hand that Eddie had been dealt. It was the only explanation that could explain how you matched his own little suggestive comments. It wasn’t that he was joking around when calling you a “sweetheart” or “noting” that you were easy to please. Quite the opposite, actually. He was stunned that you were coming out of your shell around him and were comfortable enough with him to let your hair down. Also, he had always been weak to flattery. 
“Yeah, you. Eddie, not to shock you to your core, but I don’t think you’re mean and scary.” You said. It had only been a few hours since you’d started to get to know him, but you were right. Eddie was the furthest thing from mean or scary. 
He looked soft under the streetlights. You and Eddie continued your strange combination of banter and flirting as he drove carefully through the suburban streets. The houses on Fletcher Street weren’t anything to write home about - the usual brown and white exteriors, well-kept front yards and sensible family cars in the driveways. You leaned forward to point at a single-level house with slightly untamed hedges against the porch fence - your humble abode. Eddie was driving at a snail's pace when approaching your house. His van looked like a death trap on wheels and what if your mom looked out the window when he drove up?
“Home sweet home, specs.” Eddie smiled, “nice place you got there. The foundations are on the ground, very fancy.” The self-deprecating humour was like second nature to him. Not really the type of funny that women swooned over. God, he was dumb. You shook your head at him while you got your things together and unbuckled your seatbelt. A trailer wasn’t anything he had to be ashamed of. One of your mom’s co-workers lived in Forest Hills, and her trailer was a gorgeous slice of domestic bliss.
“Thanks for the ride.” Christ, he was gonna scream. “Also, thanks for coming to the drama room today. I don’t usually have company in there, so thanks, Eddie.” You said, meeting Eddie’s eyes. You didn’t want to get out of the van yet, maybe not ever. That evening in the drama room had been the most fun you’d had since you joined the club. And you got called a Sun Goddess and sweetheart? It had been a fucking magical night.
“Don’t mention it. Couldn’t just leave you and the old gal to get home in the dark, now could I?” Eddie made a move to go collect your bike from the back. But he stopped himself suddenly. You were about to leave and might not want to talk to him at school when other people were around. He had to make a final move. “Would you mind if I started coming to do Hellfire set-up on Thursdays after school? The place has never looked better than it did today. Your expert opinion might need to become a weekly thing.” 
He could live in the drama room if he wanted to; you would let him. You’d make him a little habitat in the storage closet if you had to.
“It’s as much my club’s room as it is yours. But, I do charge an hourly rate for my services.” You smirked. Eddie was rubbing off on you already, and it hadn’t even been six hours. His dreamy eyes flicked up and down over your form before his expression shaped a smirk to match yours.
“Whatever you charge, I’ll pay double, sunny.” Well, shit. Again. Eddie left you in the silence of the cab while he went to retrieve your bike. Sunny. Not specs, not sweetheart. But a more intimate name, one with a meaning only known by the two of you. The sounds of Eddie wrestling with the van's back doors seemed so far away as you essentially melted out of the van and onto the sidewalk. It felt like that dumb prop sword, The Sun Strike, had pierced your chest and was causing sunshine to fill you from head to toe. It was going to start shining out your ass if you weren’t careful.
The butterflies that had been nesting in your stomach since you left school were now thrashing around violently - it was like a mosh pit in your abdomen; at least the butterflies knew the object of their affections well. You shifted from foot to foot while watching Eddie go for round two with your bike and the van doors. 
Grunt. Pant. Slam. Yeah, the slam was definitely doing it.
Eddie was fighting the urge to be a true gentleman and walk you to your front door, but he knew your mom was inside. The leather jacket, shaggy hair and extensive metal accessorising were not what suburban moms wanted to see bringing their daughters home after sundown. Eddie may have been jumping the gun a little, but he wanted to have time to prepare if he was going to meet the family. He had a button-down lying crumpled in the back of his closet that he needed to hunt down - purely as a precaution. 
“See you tomorrow, maybe?” You asked. It wasn’t really a question, more of a request. 
“Yes.” Eddie deadpanned and held up the Yes cassette you had nearly left in the van. He never could pass up the possibility to make a shitty pun.
“You’ve been sitting on that one for a while, haven’t you?”
“Yes.” The deadpan look was replaced with his signature smugness, but it had a hint of mischief rather than malice.
“Duuuude,” you whined, trying to nudge him in the feet with your bike. Swatting at him would mean physical contact, which would mean being close to him, which would make your hands all clammy.
“Okay, okay. It’s been rattling around the ol’ noggin since I saw the cassette at school.” He was mighty proud of himself for timing that joke so well. You snorted again like you had in history class too. That was going to put a spring in his step for the next month. Eddie glanced down at his watch, and his eyes widened, “you better get inside if you’re gonna catch MacGyver with your mom.”
“Yeah, I gotta eat dinner too - wait, how do you know when MacGyver’s on?” You pressed. If Eddie watched MacGyver, too, you might just have to jump him in the middle of the street. Mr and Mrs Derrickson across the street would get an eyeful, but that would be on them for being nosey, busybodies.
“No, nope. Get your pretty ass inside. We can discuss my TV preferences another time. I don’t want to be the reason your mom hounds you.” He started to manoeuvre you towards the path as you continued to ramble and ask questions about Richard Dean Anderson.
You said your final goodbyes and started to jog towards your front door, ditching your bike on the porch and grabbing your keys out of your backpack. Before heading inside to your mom’s lasagna and some fresh PJs, you turned around to see Eddie leaning against the passenger side door. He was waiting to see you in from afar. You wanted to slam your head against the solid, oak door. Instead, you gave Eddie an awkward little wave since your bag had fallen into the crook of your elbow. 
Eddie waved back. He waved with enthusiasm and dorkiness, and with his whole right arm. A wave that was him to its core. 
Once inside, your back hit the front door and you slid down onto the carpet. The sound of your feet tapping excitedly on the floor caught your mom’s attention, “sweetpea, you’re home late, was everything okay with getting back?” your mom asked, confused by you sitting on the floor and grinning like a maniac. 
“More than okay. Everything - everything’s great.” Your smile was starting to hurt your face. But, fuck it, you were on cloud nine.
Tag list: @fan-girl-97
Part 3
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
The verdict
As always. Be prepared for unpopular opinions
A solid 8/10. It loses two points for an atrocious lack of Pugsley. And yes. I know it’s the Wednesday show. But Pugsley’s my favourite. So I’m biased
Mormez do have impeccable chemistry. But it’s framed through a different lens because it’s about Wednesday and not the family as a whole. So you don’t see it as much
Both Tyler and Xavier are solid love interests for Wednesday. Xavier is already acquainted with the Addams’s so he’s got that advantage. But Tyler is, well, a bit more her speed. (Read: a little twisted). So it’s a very close race so to speak.
I’ve seen more people bitch about Enid’s mother than Bianca’s mother. You know. The one trying to blackmail her daughter back into a cult.
I still say that conversion therapy’s the wrong terminology both in universe and out. Enid’s problem wasn’t religious based homophobia against her sexuality. It was belated puberty pure and simple. Also probably the cat obsession. In any case. I may not know the correct term for it but exactly. But conversion therapy is definitely the completely wrong terminology for it.
I don’t get the Wednesday and Enid pairing. Enid gives me too many Pugsley vibes for it to happen.
Gomez and Morticia are the parents Bianca needs and deserves. And I won’t hear any arguments to the contrary.
I hated weems. Granted 90% of my disdain for her is due to Randall Weems from recess. But my point still stands
Valerie was….interesting. But she crossed a line by trying to get Wednesday committed. So I didn’t shed a tear when she got mauled.
I need Pugsley to meet Xavier, Enid and Eugene. Especially Xavier and Eugene. They’d get on like a house on fire
Tyler. Was. Groomed. Just because he’s a Caucasian heterosexual male who supposedly “gets in the way” of your non canon lgbt pairing doesn’t give you carte blanche to throw away his very real trauma. In addition. I’m of half a mind that the whole enjoying it thing is just a fear adaptation to prevent him getting punished by the predatory psychopath colloquially known as Laurel
I like Enid x Ajax. They compliment each other well. And it also lends credence to my theory that Enid’s wolf problem was a puberty issue
I HATED the fact they gave Gomez and Morticia their own personal Snape’s. It’s the other 10% of why I hated weems. Because it definitely coloured her interactions with Wednesday.
I fucking despise Donovan. It was his shitty parenting that led to Laurel getting her claws on Tyler in the first place.
Fester was perfectly insane as always. The electrokinesis was just an added bonus
Thing’s almost death and Tyler’s backstory were the two most emotionally devastating parts of the show
I’m so freaking thankful it didn’t go down the riverdull or caos route.
Rowan was interesting. Nice subversion of the hunted bully victim Wednesday usually defends.
I definitely wanna know more about Vincent Thorpe
I don’t know who Wednesday’s stalker is. But I’m leaning towards Laurel. After all. We didn’t see her corpse did we? And if Tyler can come back, why can’t they bitch come back so he can kill her and free himself from her influence?
All in all a good show that, while not perfect, has definitely piqued my interest for a season two. I just hope they don’t end up screwing it all up.
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hanasnx · 2 months
“‘Goji, I want to try no-kiss-sex, please? Please? Can we-can we-can we?’” he mimics you unflatteringly, and you reach up to yank him back down to you. “You only call me ‘Goji’ when you want something, just like you call me ‘Sato’ when you’re trying to butter me up.”
absolutely love love love the implication that he knows when your trying to sweet talk him, he knows you do these thing to make him malleable to your whims and wishes and yet when push comes to shove how could he ever deny his sweetheart? (except of course when he’s balls deep inside you and he thinks there’s nothing prettier than your puffy downturned lips pouting in indigence)
“That pout resurfaces, and you must know you’re making your pillowy lips look so irresistible that Satoru bites his own hard. He has to remind himself he’s proving a point. Even folded in half you’ve got some kind of power over him.”
and this driving my point right home over how even when he’s got you folded in half, when he knows that he’s “The Strongest™”, he’s always weak to your wants, maybe it’s the tone of your voice or the way your eyes look up at him (cause he’s a 6’3 giant and i mean really what the fuck does he need all that height for??) but somewhere in him is an innate urge to keep you happy- to keep you here with him cause lord knows this man this man remembers how bad it was with Suguru so, if he goes a tad further than normal when it comes to keeping you happy and by his side then really who’s gonna notice? (literally everyone)
“That wolfish grin stretches back onto his mouth as he dips down, and a grateful thrill blooms in your chest at the notion he’s going to do it this time! You offer yourself to him, facing him to reach for him, but as soon as you get close he rears his head. Your lips narrowly miss each other. Your bodies bob as he moves in you, a steady pace of pulling completely out to ease in until he bottoms out. He’ll do all that, exhibiting a strong sense of control over his body, but he won’t give you a kiss. Instead, he does the same thing as before, ducking so you’ll gain a false sense of security, reach for him again. He teases you, keeping his lips just out of your area of influence. “Stop that!” you whine, your brows pinching together from the pleasure he’s giving you between your legs.”
THIS!! This man is a menace to everyone; to his students, to the higher ups, to curses, to everyone.
So why on earth would he change that when it comes to his partner?? in fact he’s probably the biggest menace of all to you!! he’s moving things around in the house and acting like he hasn’t seen them when you come asking for it, key, cups, phones, shirts you name it.
it’s little things like this that get him off; seeing you clueless, seeing the crease form between your eyebrows and the downturning of your lips, it’s like your begging for something only your big strong boyfriend can do for you, i think he gets off on you relying on him, on needing him because it means you’ll only make it harder for yourself if you leave, i mean who else is gonna do all these things for you?
i love love love how you’ve characterised him in your writing, i’m literally buying indy green candles for the cult members to put in a circle and chant your name around it, i’ve never wanted to make out with someone’s brain but by god if i won’t french yours x
JUDE! you know i fucking love line by line feedback! you fucking know i do! i was so so hype to receive the message i loved reading through all your thoughts and such sweet thoughtful compliments.
also your interpretations of the character is invaluable to me as someone just starting out in writing him. thank you so so much for laying it all out for me i adored it all so much. i cant thank u enough
i’ll see you at the cult meeting later
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calypso-finale · 11 months
Hundred One. Part 2
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I am sat between Chris and Rihanna like these are my parents, it’s funny to me actually. How did this even happen and why am I sat between the two, especially Rihanna. Why couldn’t they put me next to Rylee but no, she is all the way across somewhere at this Dior dinner thing, I mean Chris and Rihanna aren’t here yet, but I am sat here looking at name cards, there is some big names here, but I do not care for them. These people do not faze me, they just normal people to me, I don’t let fame get to me or people in high places get to me “who would have thought my adoptive son would be next to me” Chris said, looking up at him “yeah, yeah. I was thinking the same” Chris laughed and placed his hands on my shoulders “spending time with your main” Chris is making me laugh “oh I am sat at the side of you” Rihanna said, “yeah I feel like a naughty school kid, you want to both sit together?” I offered, he hit the back of my head “nope, if I have to deal with Rihanna so can you” he sat down, I guess it will only be for a while “you really did well out there, you was you” Rihanna complimented “erm yeah, you mean with the walk? This guy said stop walking like you are in the ghetto, I said excuse me? Then he shut up, they wanted urban, they get urban” I shrugged “you looked well, I liked it. Chris was doing the most” looking at Chris “he is in love with me that is why aren’t you” Chris grinned “I can’t even deny it either, this kid is the one” Chris really does care for me “I think he forgets sometimes, but have you thought about the deal?” looking at Rihanna “erm, I have, and I am not saying it is a bad deal. I think you are going above and beyond with what you are doing, maybe too much?” she shook her head “no, it’s the right thing. Oakley this is globally, it’s not a small thing. Fenty is global, my name carries, you mention Fenty, and people switch. So when we do this, it will be a collab nobody is seeing, then because this will be something for the people, that you can go H&M and buy, it will sell out, it will be on demand. It will be millions, trust me. I know this, I am not stupid with what I am doing. You run Europe Oakley, you pose something, and people are jumping, they are watching, I need that. And like I said, family always comes first” some guy tapped his glass and stood up “just think” she said.
Chris leaned over to me “what happened to you and Wadz? I asked where you was at the show and he said fuck him” of course he did “I was in a bad mood and I may have taken it out on him, then we went back and forth, and he said a lot of shit. He spoke on everyone dying around me, so really he should apologise but his bitter ass won’t, but he is out here with me, like go home then. Fuck that” Wadz is childish “you both been bros, I don’t think you need to fallout over nothing, just both apologise. You know he rides for you” clearing my throat “yeah but like he knew I wasn’t in the mood, maybe I shouldn’t have said to him find your own life, but it happened, he needs to get over it or go home” Wadz can be annoying at times “what were you mad at” I sniggered “erm, women” Chris smiled “women, so Rylee. What she do now?” I threw my hands in the air “fuck, I don’t know now but it was between the fact I asked her to go out for a meal and she keep on saying she is busy, like to me it felt like rejection, it just pissed me off. Then she grabbed me just now and said look it’s not that, I am not busy for the people I care about, I don’t want to be my mother. Sorry, so yeah. That was it” feeling a tap on my leg, looking over at Rihanna “what are your thoughts on the deal” I chuckled “erm, it has to be after my tour. Right now I can’t be doing anything” Rihanna got her hand out “you’re family and I look after family” Chris sniggered “this is a cult Oakley, don’t let her trick you. The main busy woman herself is right next to you. Ask her how she never came home” Rihanna is adamant, she is frozen with her hand out “I will wait for after tour but there is nothing bad” she defended, shaking her hand “and that is how I became a billionaire by working nigga!” she said to Chris “mhmm yeah, I get war flashbacks from that shit” I guess that is a sore subject with these two still, but Chris is always laughing no matter what.
That meal is really just a bunch of rich people, take me to the local food place any day because that food was trash “whitey” Chris said and placed his arm around me “make it up with Wadz, he loves you and he won’t mean any harm by you, I am serious” Chris dragged me along to the drinks table “yeah but he should apologise too, he said hurtful shit” that hurt me “and he will, trust me. You started it by being mad over that. You know I will never do wrong by you, everything I say and do with you I mean well; I love you like that” we stopped walking and he turned to me “and I can tell you now Oakley, it’s a hard road when your partner is busy, something always has to give but I know my daughter. She went through a lot with things with Robyn being away, a lot. She saw it so I know she won’t do that, knowing her she was probably teasing you but think about it. You are lucky, you have her in London. I was in LA, and she was in London. Shit was horrible, so there positives and I want you to think on that. Both of you talk about it, and if it’s something you don’t think will work then say it too but keep it level headed ok” nodding my head “you made my wife a happy woman, she thinks she has won the world right now, I think to her this her making it up to you. She was being a shit person to you, and she didn’t see what I saw. A whole dumbass, I am joking but you are harmless, and she didn’t see that. I think she did a lot for no reason, but we move forward don’t we” nodding my head “anyways, about this after party? You going to it” nodding my head “just for a little, you performing aren’t you?” Chris grinned “yeah so you better be there, with me!” I laughed, I guess I got to stay a little longer now.
I love a good Chris Brown performance; this guy is too talented. Just like he wanted I am with Chris just stood behind him, turning to Wadz “I am sorry” I said to him “yeah I am sorry too” he said back to me “allow it” dapping him “you get me mad bro all the time, but I love you” smiling at him “I know you do” Wadz does love me a lot “where is Wyge?” I ain’t seen that guy “fuck knows, he just went missing” pulling a face, feeling a tap on my hand, looking down from the platform. Rylee side eyed me, and I just looked away, she swatted me. She wants to come up, holding my hand out to her and helped her up “ignoring me for?” she said “I wasn’t, where is your girls? Besides the gay one” I asked “Halle went back to the hotel early but Lillian is around somewhere, I thought all the fun is here” nodding my head “it’s always fun when drinking water” I grinned “you know what you’re right, you over your little tantrum” I pulled a face “what tantrum” Rylee laughed “you know what I am on about now” This party is wild though, like it’s camera flashes in your face that you can’t see the crowd “how come your mom ain’t here with your dad up here?” I asked Rylee “oh she don’t do this anymore; she only goes for vibes. So she will be in the corner somewhere” nodding “understandable” looking over at Chris “I’m gonna slow this shit down” Chris said down the mic, I laughed at Chris wanting to slow things down, he the only one to get away with playing songs in a party “he’s playing your favourite” Rylee nudged me saying, smiling as I didn’t look at her “you not going to sing it” I shook my head “that’s private, you know that is private” rubbing my chin “but you like this song, look at your smile” she keeps nudging me, looking over at her “you airing me out” she did it again so I wrapped my arm around her “I wanted to wrap you in my warm embrace and make it last forever. Girl, I catch a glimpse of heaven” I sang in her ear “ah really” she said making smile, pressing my lips into a hard thin line “mhmm” nodding my head “mhmm to you too” lowering my head to her ear “shall we go and get some ice cream or something?” She smiled, looking at her face “after this song” nodding my head “sing it to me” shaking my head “come on” she is making me laugh “I’m trying to hear your dad really” I pointed.
Making my way back over to the booth we are sat “guess what that guy said to me” passing Rylee some tissues “that I am getting my gelato now? They are taking ages” sitting down “yeah that but he said that they don’t like people that have their pants sagging, and that I need to pull them up” that guy is rude “and what did you do?” She asked “I said thanks and walked off, I don’t care what he saying, but they coming anyways. I thought you would have wanted to stay around at the party? All your rich friends” I am shocked really “and not spend precious time with a needy man” I chuckled “nah, you getting it wrong. I just spoke my mind” she rolled her eyes “you stormed off and then acted all butt hurt. Also like you been acting wild, how you upset six different girls in two weeks that they put you on blast” I laughed out “ah” I can’t stop laughing “it’s not funny, like you copied and pasted the same thing to each girl saying how boring they are and you don’t see a future with them, you’re rude Oakley” I sniggered “listen, they were pressuring for sex. Moving mad, like they wasn’t sane, I don’t care though, it was just a simple date and we split. Like I realised, they ain’t you as I thought” Rylee scoffed “well this is what I mean, you expected me to know how you felt? You do this every time, you don’t like to be real with anything. The reason why I was calm and let you do you was because I let you go so I had no choice, I let you do you so who am I to tell you what to do?” The guy came over “are you ok?” He asked Rylee “I kidnapped her, my guy why you acting like she don’t belong to me?” Rylee laughed “ignore him, I’m ok thanks. Stop” Rylee eyeballed me “you giving me weird look all this time, keep looking at me and I’ll show you” I pointed “Oakley!” Rylee grabbed my hand “if you need any help” he said to her again, Rylee gripped my hand “leave it, allow it like you said. Just stop, don’t mess up my gelato now” I kissed my teeth “they just see a classy lady and some ex hoodrat, just leave it now. Please” nodding my head “you called me a hoodrat” I just clocked “to them not me, Oakley I could not care less with how you are and how you dress. I’ve accepted you, so anyways. Ignore him and let’s just talk, you want some?” I shrugged “it’s nice you know, taste some” she held the spoon up to me “I was hoping I could taste what I paid for” Rylee scoffed.
Rylee pointed and paused “she belong to me, I was sat here thinking and thinking, I’m like I’m sure I heard that, Oakley look. I let you go, and you did you, I’m not mad at that but how was I supposed to know how you felt or what you wanted if you didn’t speak to me, you just expected me to know, I get you struggle with feelings but it’s me, you know me, and I know you. I’m grown now, well I like to think I am. But like I need to know” licking my lips “I know, like I don’t know. I wanted to give you space. You’re doing your thing too. And your prospering how I always wanted you too” Rylee poked her lips out “you know I thank every day that you’re still here Oakley, I feel like we maybe take life for granted. With everything that has happened, even me thinking back, I could have lost you, and to see you here with me. Like no matter what anyone says or thinks, you make me so happy. No other gives me that, like you had cancer Oakley and you’re here” putting my head down “yeah, I lived to tell the tail init, worst time of my life. I like to not think about it but then I get those moment and the check-ups but if it wasn’t for you seeing that, it could have been worse for me” looking up at her “I hate talking about the past but it’s something that happened, I really say this, and nobody will understand, and my mother even says it. I don’t deserve you” I smiled “my mom is like I wish I wasn’t so blind to it, but I just you know. I do miss you, but yeah” looking down “I miss you too, deep down I really do. Shit is lonely you know; it sucks because I miss that comfort. Just when I am at that moment something happens” I just realised Rylee’ hand is atop of mine “I have some major gossip for you, but I can only tell you tomorrow, if you let me take you out? Just a little something fancy” I feel the butterflies in my stomach right now and I have not felt this ever in my life with any other girl, she is stroking my hand, I am tensing up “you make me nervous you know, I can’t lie” I laughed “I can tell on your face but that is fine, but what is this gossip? Tell me” shaking my head “that is for tomorrow, but like be there yeah, I mean I will message you the details, wear something fancy, I will too. Meaning a clean tech fleece” Rylee chuckled “I expect nothing less from you, one day I will see you in a suit, I may cry” I chuckled “I will cry myself, that means I am getting married so yeah, come let’s go” I said to her.
The driver is with us but he is driving behind us slowly as we walked a little “it’s cute around here, how you know about this?” I shrugged “bro, I googled it. The bonus is that is looks nice” Rylee sniggered “figured, makes me so sad that Aziel is growing up. I want him to be a baby again, now he is bad. Like I am forever telling him no, he forever making sure he makes my life hard too. He is four, but he might as well be ten, the way he acts. When I took him to a meeting of mine, it made me laugh he said to everyone what’s up G. I had to say yeah he got that from his dad and cringed. You think he could be in the bad crowd? Like I don’t want that” chewing on my bottom lip “it’s something we won’t know until he is older, you can go to the best school and you sill be in a gang but while I am around, I won’t be letting that happen. I know he sees that gang culture with me, and I know he gets the mannerisms from me but when we took him abroad we was teaching him manners, hand on my heart I don’t want that, and I will do anything I can for that to not happen but kids, they can be sly. Like I see him growing and I want to stop taking him on the block and hanging with the guys but I know they love seeing him and he enjoys it, I don’t know. It’s hard really; you never know” I said, Rylee is so comfortable with me and I love that. Her arms wrapped around my arm as we walk “I just feel London is perfect but I also fear that you can get caught up in gangs, one thing I noticed about London is that you can be in someone’s territory so quick, even if you are in the rich ends, the bad sides is just there” nodding my head “unless moving outskirts of London and that adds to travel time to get into London, that is always a thing” I gestured “I guess it’s something to think of really, but tell me the gossip” I knew she would be wanting to know “tomorrow, don’t worry about it” she makes me laugh “we can talk really this time, feelings” I groaned out “hush up!” She spat “I am playing” I mumbled “we can discuss things, properly too” I like this calm Rylee, she is very light hearted “so will this be extra romantic? Because I’m not ready for that” I shushed her “I don’t even know right now, but be there” she laughed out “that is such a you thing” I will figure something out.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
🧸 for Sabrina, please? - fourlittleseedlings
Prompt from this post |🧸 - A soft plushie
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"Another one down, Gray." Calahan reloaded his MBP.50, fully determined to finish the task silently and beat Sabrina's time. "Almost sound like you're humble-bragging, kid." "You're the one that dared me to do it.", came as response, followed by a wink. The F.A.N.G. Center, now turned into another Eden's Gate outpost was swarming with Peggies and Judges. Sabrina looked at the the giant waving Bear statue among the pine trees and wondered what had happened to the beloved mascot of Hope County's animal sanctuary after the Project had overtaken its home.
When Hartley called her the day before and said he has something fun planned, Sabrina wasn't sure what to expect, especially when usually almost all of his ideas ended up in chaos. Stepping back into the Whitetail Mountains and risking tipping Jacob Seed off about her presence certainly wasn't something she had on her to-do list. She was in no rush to come face to face with him again anytime soon. "You gonna get the last alarm?" "Shh, don't ruin my concentration. Damn, this guy is taking his sweet time pissing. I'm about to break my rule about not shooting a man with his pants down." "Like my view is that much better. Another truck pulling in from the South, more wolves." "Is Jacob building an army of Judges or what?", Cal pulled the trigger as he said that, cleaning out another cult member. "Won't put it past him and to think he wanted to get his hands on Boomer." Sabrina didn't want to imagine her loyal companion's fate if he ended up in one of the experiments of the oldest Seed. "And that's your potential brother-in-law you're talking about… Fucking insane, Gray." "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." "Joking. But seriously, whatever you see in John… I'm glad you're happy." As of recently Calahan was making efforts to get along with John or at least control himself more and not start a petty war anytime they were in the same room. It's... progress. "Aw. Wait until he hears you almost complimented him." "Don't you dare." The outpost was almost empty and with a minute remaining on the clock. "Last one!" The F.A.N.G. Center now belonged to the Resistence, no doubt something Jacob wouldn't be too happy about. Calahan and Sabrina set on their usual rotation of checking for civilians that might have been locked up and gathering ressources. "A gift, my lady." With a cheeky smile, Hartley presented her a Cheeseburger plushie he had picked up from a pile inside the center's office. "Aw. Why, thank you." Sabrina hugged the soft stuffed bear close to her chest, "I'm so getting one for Savannah." "Now come take a picture of me with the Cheeseburger cut-out." It was typical Cal: turning a liberation operation for the Resistance into a mischievous photoshoot. "Hey, over here!", a man wearing a beanie and Cheeseburger T-shirt called out to them. He thanked Sabrina and Hartley for helping push Eden's Gate out of the F.A.N.G. Center. "I'm Wade. Wade Fowler. Me and my brother ran the center before Jacob's people barged in. After the way you handled them Peggies, I might have the task just for you two." "How can we help?", Sabrina asked. "The cult tried to take Cheeseburger, so I set him free. Last I heard, he was causing all sorts of mayhem, someone should go find him, make sure he's alright." Calahan turned to Sabrina, giving her a devilish smile, "How about we go get ourselves a friendly Grizzly, Gray?"
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xjoonchildx · 2 years
Hey Ana! Um, this is going to be a long ask, and it may be kind of stupid and if you choose to ignore it that's totally fine too - it's just that I'm feeling very lost and I can't talk to any of my irls about this, and since your blog is a comfort place to me and you give me very comforting big sister vibes, i thought I'd come here for advice.
So I started my master's degree about three months ago, and i immediately made a big group of close-knit friends, including this one dude that I developed a massive crush on. Crushboy and I have since become very close friends, we sit together in class almost all the time, I save him a seat on the bus, we remind each other to have meals on time, we've worked in multiple group projects together, we've fussed and scolded each other when we both fell sick one after the other, you get the idea.
None of this helped my crush on him, and I still like him a lot. All of my other friends (they haven't met him) who I've told about him think I'm being an idiot and i should ask him out.
Here's the problem: he's hot, and he knows it. He's worked hard on his body, and understandably, he's been very vocal about wanting to be with a girl who's as into fitness as he is. I am... literally the opposite lol. I've been a fat girl my whole life, tried multiple times to get fit but it's never quite worked out. The only thing in common his fantasy girl and I have is curly hair. I had just about made peace with the fact that I'll never be the model type, and just about started feeling comfortable in my body, but because of this my anxiety about my figure has jumped back up again.
I'm never going to tell him I like him because I know that'll break our friendship, so that's out of the question. I guess what I'm asking advice about is whether or not I should continue being as close to him. I value our friendship too much, but I know it'll hurt watching him dating around, and I'm scared of seeing him fall in love with someone else.
At the same time I'm anxious that I'm irritating and annoying him by trying to be so close to him, and that one day he'll just yell at me and break our friendship anyway. He's already pointed out the fact that I constantly touch and pick on his hands, so I've stopped doing that (I'm very conscious about physical touch, and I'm only touchy with people i feel comfortable with, so this was a huge deal for me).
Idk, I'm just exhausted :/ - crushed anon
crushed anon!
as an only child, please allow me to luxuriate in your compliment about big sister vibes 💕💕💕
okay, so first -- i want to congratulate you on the work you've done in your master's program. that's a major accomplishment and i hope you're patting yourself on the back as much as i am.
it sounds like you have a really great interaction/relationship with crushboy. leaving the romantic aspect out of it, it's great to have a supportive friend who you can lean on through what i'm sure is a stressful time.
i don't know enough about your situation to be able to know if there is more than friendship between you and crushboy, but it certainly makes sense that you would feel that way about him given what you've told me here.
the number one thing i want you to accept -- no matter what happens with crushboy in the future -- is that being plus-sized or curvy or whatever term you want to use absolutely does not stop you from being attractive. i see attractive people of all shapes and sizes on IG getting love from people all over the world. they carry themselves with confidence and rock the bodies they have and you know what? other people see it and love it.
this idea of a fantasy girl/guy is just that -- a fantasy. it doesn't necessarily translate into real life wishes and wants. i come on here and regularly simp for a man who's 5'10, 110 pounds soaking wet but my IRL guy is 6'4, 225 pounds and i assure you i am very attracted to him 🤣 don't be discouraged by this idea of a dream woman or man, because what we love/appreciate in celebrity culture isn't necessarily what we want in our own personal lives.
i think it's very likely crushboy is attracted to you. there are probably a lot of things about you he appreciates, beyond your friendship. and while i can't know if he's attracted to you in a romantic way, i want you to accept that he absolutely could be -- despite his fitness level and yours.
there are so many pieces that make up the whole and they all play a part in how we feel about the people in our lives.
i'm glad that you said that you're becoming comfortable with your body and i think your confidence (and obvious smarts!) are only going to grow.
we (speaking to myself here, too) are often our own worst critics and i promise you, the version of us other people see is probably much kinder than the one we see in ourselves 💕💕💕
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islandofsanlunaria · 10 months
Kobold of the Desert pt. 2: Where the Thunder Strikes Twice
Riding along the sea, the kobolds, and the dragon talk amongst themselves while they travel. The kobolds ask about the time before theirs, wondering why he went on the rampage, and why he scorched the first island, what brought about the change in him. They never bothered to ask in the first place when they first found him dormant underground, but now seemed like a good time to get to know their new coworker. Sanda answers every single question, reflecting on his past actions, seeing where he messed up in dealing with the cult that was formed under his name.
“You do realize that this final cult member that managed to cross into this world could possibly be more powerful than you five?” Sanda pressed, coming to a realization that he does care for the five of them, regardless of how they play pranks on him. Watching them play on their phones.
Yipyip looked up from his book as he turned the page, “We understand that, and we are operating under the ‘No Stress, All Vibes’ mentality until we can gauge their power.” Looking back down to his book, “If push comes to shove, our expert war criminal would willingly sacrifice himself to protect the people of Daoin."
Sanda automatically realizes that he means Drisz, letting out a stressed sigh. "Clearly the five of you are joking again, but this is a very serious matter, and honestly I wish that you would take this seriously."
"What is in it for us other than stress if we take it seriously?"
Zox interjected in their conversation, "It's not that we don't take it seriously, it's just well...being the literal embodiments of five of the seven elements, and having you there, we aren't exactly worried. It's not like this 'final' cult member can do much if they still worship you. Just talk some sense into them."
Sanda, unable to shake the feeling that the five of them are in danger, and the two going with him will be the first to fall due to their haughtiness. Not realizing that Drisz is sitting beside him.
"Look Gramps, I get it, you're worried about us, but you also gotta have faith in us."
Sanda jumped a little at sudden realization he was beside him.
"You gotta come out of your head once in a while. The five of us go with the flow, and that's why we work well together. I'm twenty-five percent sure nothing will pop off." Drisz spoke with clear confidence.
Keva speaking up, "As the leader of this group, I can honestly say that we can handle a world jumper."
Sanda lets a small chuckle out, actually surprised that they're trying to cheer him up. "Fine, fine...I got it guys. You've convinced me that you can handle it." Standing up, and stretching before heading to the snack table, "I guess I should learn to be more like the five of you it seems. Overly confident, unburdened by the world, completely devoid of all seriousness..."
The backhanded compliment getting them to laugh, none of them could exactly disagree with his assessment of them after all.
"Damn, Gramps got jokes it seems."
"He must've learned how to insult folks from you Drisz."
The tension on the ferry disappears while they finally get Sanda to relax a bit. The kobolds in their natural habitat. Sanda, once again, relaxing as he watched them, four of them paired off in couples, while one slept. After a bit, Drisz walked over to Sanda, sitting beside him.
“So Sanda, what’s the plan? Are you gonna try to talk to this cult member? Gonna kill him? Gonna make him a servant?” Drisz asked, pestering Sanda to get him to make conversation. “I just wanna know how you’d handle this after turning over a new leaf. Granted...I would wanna see you go batshit, I think it would be kinda funny~”
Sanda rolled his eyes, smiling as he pets Drisz’s head, albeit roughly. “Of course you would want to see my destructive power." Starting to chuckle, "maybe if you had a controlled area where I can let loose, I can demonstrate a fraction of my true power."
Drisz nods as he pulls out his phone, writes in its notepad, and takes personal notes on things, and precautions he needs to consider if he wants to build a place that can withstand Sanda's power. Sanda watches him, surprised at the thought he's putting into it, but ultimately flattered. Sanda smiles as he gets comfortable in his seat, watching the water ripple as the ferry crosses the sea. The tranquility being new to Sanda still, the last two hundred something odd years living, and watching how the five of them ruled the island, seeing how the people love them, knowing that they all have different factions, they are all worshiped by everyone. Closing his eyes, imagining what that would be like without having to force his subjects into worshiping him.
Drisz finally looks up from his phone as the sound of light snoring comes from beside him. Taking a look forward to see the others looking in his direction before a smirk appears on his face as he takes a marker out. Roark, Zox, and Yipyip follow along, Keva sighing as he knows what they're about to do. The other four drawing on Sanda’s face, Zox drawing fire on his cheeks, Yipyip, and Roark drawing tornados, and leaf storms. Drisz, on the other hand, decided to draw graffiti on his forehead. A nice Drisz Wuz Here directly under the glimmering tear drop shaped sapphire. Sanda shifting under them, and the four getting off. Keva taking a look at the map, seeing that they were getting close to Yemumia.
Keva, getting his bag together, “Alright boys, we’re getting close to our second stop before we split up. Wake up your art project, so we can go over our plan again.”
“No need, I’m awake. I just needed a few minutes to myself.”
“If you’re awake, go wash up, you drooled up a storm, and got it everywhere.”
Sanda getting up, and going to the bathroom to wash, Keva waiting for him to get upset over his new tattoos. But nothing from the ferry bathroom, just pure silence before Sanda comes out with a clean face.
Sanda sat down near the console that displayed a general map of Yemumia. The rest followed behind. Keva cleared his throat as he started laying out the plan from top to bottom.
“Roark, Yipyip, and I are headed to the port in Yemumia to see who’s ships are parked in our waters. Sanda, and Zox, I’m trusting you to babysit Drisz while Sanda finds his old cult member.
Sanda, and Zox nodded while Drisz spoke up.
“Why am I catching strays? I know I can be immature, but I actually would like to learn more about the old world from a mortal that managed to survive from that time. I am literally the only one that kept the records of our exploits, to our rise to godhood for over six hundred years.”
That piqued Sanda’s interests. Ultimately Sanda gave his word to watch over Drisz so he won’t run off. Drisz took a deep breath in and it turned into a long exasperated sigh, knowing that he’s being treated as a burden more than a part of the team he was assigned to. Sanda rested a hand on blue kobold’s head, giving him a little bit of a head pat as to let him know that he is an appreciated member of their excursion team. Drisz, reluctantly, welcomed the head pat, knowing it was more from pity than a genuine one of praise
As the meeting wrapped up, the ferry landed at the inner pier in Yemumia. Keva, and his group disembarked first to go do some supply shopping just in case a battle happens to break out, and want to keep damage to a minimum. Drisz, and company stayed back for a little bit to come up with a definite plan to how they will handle the cult member.
“Hey Sanda, we’re going to pretty much leave this one up to you.” Zox started to speak, “You know how to deal with those types in a diplomatic way. Normally we take a more hands on approach...if you catch my drift.”
“...I’m not sure I follow what you’re trying to get at, Young Zox.”
“Murder. We normally murder cultists before they become too fanatical.” Drisz said nonchalantly, looking at his claws, “Most of the time, they have done much harm to the people in the area they attempted to take over. We don’t take lightly to those trying to kill the ones we put in power in areas we can’t readily get to.”
Sanda nodded as he took in that information, unsure of how to feel as a wave of dread, and a weird sense of being proud washed over him. Knowing that he only saw them as a group of bumbling idiots, but they display moments where he sees himself.
Drisz starts back up, looking up to him, “So we’re wanting you to speak to them so nothing pops off. Zox, and I are strictly backup.” Pulling out his aerophone while talking to order a ride to Daoin. “How do you feel about that arrangement, Grandpa? Because we do recognize that it is putting you in a volatile situation.”
“I am fine with taking the lead with this excursion, also, you two are being awfully open with me.Young Zox I expect this kind of behavior from, but not from you Drisz.”
“It makes working together easier. I have over six hundred years to fully get to know Zox, inside and out, to the point I can speak to him without even speaking, same goes for the Keva, and the gang. But with you it has been a little over four hundred years, and I know we don’t fully trust each other.”
Sanda is surprised at the sudden introspection, nodding as the taxi pulls up, the three of them loading in. Driving through the arid desert, only a few cacti with budding flowers every few miles. The three of them were sweating bullets as the air conditioner in the car gave out mid trip. Sanda trying to hide his discomfort by meditating to generate cool thoughts, Zox, while being the embodiment of fire, still falling victim to a heat directly from the sun due to his internal fire overheating. Drisz, while not as hot as the embodiments of light and fire, wants to keep up the appearance that he too, is hot.
“Hey babe...”
Zox laid across Drisz’s lap, “I need you to use your magic...I know you’re faking being hot.” Zox whined. “Make it colder, I know you can use that icy heart for good right now. So make it cold.”
The pleading, and whimpering from Zox making Drisz smirk sadistically as he places his hand on his forehead. “Awww, I’ll make it cooler for you, but you know you’ll owe me later, My eternal flame~” looking up to Sanda, with the same smirk, “Would you like me to cool you down too, Gramps~ If you do, just know it comes at a price~”
“This does not leave this taxi, but I will let my ego go this one time for a quick respite from this heat...”
Drisz placed his free hand on Sanda’s forehead, and proceeded to drop his body temperature for them. Both Sanda, and Zox feel relief from the heat under Drisz’s touch. Hour after hour passes before they get to the gates of Daoin. The three of them get out as they receive a text from Roark, asking if they made it safely. Sanda replies in turn that they made it to the outer gates. Drisz, and Zox are already on the case asking questions to any and everybody they see, wanting to gather as much information before they take the next steps to finding the cultist. Sanda watching them, not used to seeing them work so hard.
Hours passed, the sun starting to set, Drisz and Zox comparing notes, and getting leads.
“You two put me in charge, but pretty much took charge on your own. My respect for you two might have grown ever so slightly.”
“We know, it just happened.”
The three of them at a cafe after the question asking part of the investigation ended for the day, Drisz looking for a hotel for the three of them to sleep at, while Zox orders an espresso, an iced latte, and americano for the table, while they wait, Zox getting a little antsy.
“So...Sanda, do you like coffee, I just got the three I normally get, so take your pick.” Zox grabs the espresso after Drisz automatically grabs the latte, and adds vodka that he had stashed away.
Sanda, and Zox watch as the blue kobold pours half of the bottle in his drink, and drinks it as if it was nothing. The sight mildly shocked them before he pulled out his notebook. Drisz flips to the few pages he took notes on. Taking another sip of his coffee flavoured vodka. “So what I have so far is that further in the desert, sightings of a small cloaked figure wanders in the sand dunes.” Drisz looks up from his notepad as Zox pulls his phone out.
“Others say the figure can be seen around four in the morning, some say that they can hear a strange language being spoken by the figure.”
“So you might have to translate for us, Gramps.
“I planned on it, but I’m sure I can force it to speak the common tongue of this world.”
After a few hours of planning, the three of them paid for their drinks, and set off to look for an inn. As the sun sets, they find a small inn near the edge of town in the direction they need to head in.
Drisz cleared his throat, holding a fist up, “Rock paper scissors to sleep alone tonight.” Sanda, not understanding what is going on while Zox stretches as if he’s training for an important race. “First to three wins gets to sleep alone because I don’t feel like paying for three rooms when it’s just us.”
The air tense as the first “Rock...Paper Scissors!” is shouted out. Drisz, and Sanda, throwing paper, as Zox threw rock.
“Damn it!”
Drisz, smugly cooing in Zox’s ear, “That’s one win for me, and Gramps...hopefully you like sharing beds with dragons~”
“Shut up, you two still have to get to three before you claim victory.”
The second round commencing. “Rock...Paper...Scissors!” Zox throws rock again in hopes that they both throw scissors. Zox only being half right. Sanda threw scissors still not understanding why this small competition was happening, but ultimately, not caring in the slightest. But Drisz. Ol mischievous Drisz, waving at him with paper.
“One more for me~”
Sanda shakes his head as he walks to the front office, and rents a room for the three of them. The two of them were still going at their competition once Zox, and Drisz started throwing the same over, and over, and over. Sanda walked back over, picking them both up, and going to the room.
“The one who pays for the room sleeps alone. You two are sharing the bed. And I want no complaints, I already know how you two are already frisky with each other, so sharing a bed should be no issue to you.”
Drisz, and Zox nodded in agreement, submitting with no arguments, but a long sigh escaping their mouths. At their room door, Sanda sets them down to unlock the door. The room being largely unremarkable. Two beds with a nightstand between them, with a lamp, and clock on top. A mirror that hangs on the wall over the small counter that the television, and ice bucket. A small fridge under the counter, rusted, yet still functional. The light of the moon shining in through the curtains on the small table, and singular chair in the room.
The three of them looked a little disappointed as they entered the room.
Breaking the silence, Zox speaks up, “If I say what’s on my mind...I’ll be considered an asshole.”
Sanda reassures him, “I’m sure nothing you thought can be as bad as what I’m thinking.”
“The two of you are thinking along the lines of ‘I saw a room like this in a low budget porn video’ aren’t you?” Drisz asks as they look back, their faces confirming his guess of their thoughts. “Don’t worry guys, I was thinking the same thing honestly. More importantly, which bed you choosing Gramps? We should try to get as much rest as we can.”
Sanda sitting on the bed closest to the wall, leaving them with the window bed. The two get comfortable on the leftover bed, as Zox finds for the room service menu.
“You got the coffee, and Sanda got the room, I’ll cover food.” Drisz held his hand out, telling Zox to hand the menu over.
“I would like a pizza.”
“Young Zox, I don’t think that’s a wise food choice before heading to bed.”
“I’m going to have to agree with Gramps on this one Zoxxy, maybe a charcuterie board we can snack off of? And I buy you the biggest pizza Daoin can make tomorrow?”
“These are acceptable terms. Just make sure it's loaded with pepperoni, ham, and mushrooms. Anything less, and there will be hell to pay." Zox playfully jumping on Drisz while he orders the food after his demands
Sanda resting in the bed he chose, trying to figure out who, or better yet, what was able to survive his great world reset, and was able to live to the current day, and age. A feeling washing over him, it...unfamiliar to him, was it fear? What it a great sense of confusion? Either way, it doesn't sit right with him.
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hamptonbitsch2 · 2 years
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tinylittlemexican · 2 years
2, 27, 31
Lol that took no time 🤣
2. Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
So I LOVE LOVE LOVE Butch lesbians. I love all butches, fat, tall, short, skinny, buff, trans, strong silent types, goofy ones who try to make you laugh, hopeless romantics that melt when you give them a sweet compliment or call them handsome. I love them all! I love when they get all dressed up in their best suit and tie and wear their nice cologne 🥰 ugh I love them so much. I love how they hold themselves. How unapologetic they are, it fills me with courage to be myself when I see them. How they walk and talk. I love deep voices that are sweet and gentle when speaking to me. I want someone who treats me like the sun and expresses their love unafraid to me. Who call me baby and kiss me and hold my hand. Someone who is just there for me and so I can be there for them in return. I want someone hungry for me.
27. Turn ons
I’m actually still trying to figure that out lol. I’m on this whole self discovery thing with myself sexually but so far I like when someone is handsy with me, like a firm grasp on my leg or arm. I also like when they get close and whisper in my ear and tell me how much I’m turning them on. Or how my body makes them feel or calling me beautiful. I also love hickeys, I know it sounds like a high school thing but I think it’s so great when you pull down your shirt and see the marks left by your lover 🥰. I also like when people are vocal. I think it’s the hottest thing when I hear someone moan or grunt. God it’s good. Also the idea of just being held down by the full weight of someone? Wow. Amazing. Show stopping. I also like when someone looks disheveled, like maybe their shirt is open a bit, their belt loosened, a cocky hand pressed against their strap? Love it. Oh and I love when butches pack. I think packing is so hot. The idea of sitting on someone’s lap and feeling it press against me? God damn.
31. Talk about your interests or hobbies!
GOD I’m all over the place. I love movies and talking about them but like I a way like “what do you think it meant when the character looked this way at the camera?” Like me and my bestie talked about The Batman for an hour after we watched it breaking down the themes. I also generally just like talking about movies when I watch them. I love music videos for the same reason and love listening to music, i’m trying to get better at listening to new stuff but I fall back into my comfort music a lot lol. I like to dance and play games with my friends! I’ve been trying to go out more and am actually planning on going out to karaoke this week! God I love to sing. I say it all the time but I really feel like I was meant to preform. I’ve been reading more mostly with LGBT stories and more specially sapphic and lesbian stories. I also really love horror and thrillers in all media. Anything that freaks me out I’m obsessed. I also have weird interests in like Cults and the Satanic Panic, but I contribute that to growing up Catholic LOL. I love creepy goth shit like taxidermy and bones and teeth. I also collect carousel horse music boxes. I also am obsessed with animation as a medium. It’s my favorite and some of my favorite animated things are The Belladonna of Sadness and Revolutionary Girl Utena. I love learning about cultures and how we as gay people have been around since the beginning and will often just deep dive into a historical time period. Like I think the last time I was obsessed with Neolithic humans and stuff. I also like to create short stores! I’ve even started writing! I also have gay audacity and pick up new hobbies including: sewing, embroidery, cross stitch, painting, music making (did not last long I’m terrible at it), cooking, print making, and making my own clothes. I like to say I contain multitudes.
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vanillanaps · 2 years
We Will Always Be Us | Bucky Barnes
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Summary - After months of fooling around, you are finally his and he’s finally yours
A/N - Please excuse any typos, I don’t proof read anything, mwuah
Category - fem!reader, fluff, best friends w/ benefits to lovers
Warnings - slight jealousy
Word Count - 850
After a two week long undercover mission in the middle of nowhere, you and Steve were finally home. A smile made its way to your face as the quinjet doors opened and the first person you saw there was your best friend, Bucky.
“Nice work the last two weeks, agent,” Steve complimented as the two of you descended down the ramp, “Go ahead and relax for a day, debriefing first thing in the morning.”
“Aye, aye, captain.” You smirked and saluted towards him, making Bucky smile and Steve roll his eyes.
“Good to see you, pal.” Bucky spoke to Steve, tapping him on the shoulder as he passed by before looking back at you with soft eyes, “Hey..”
“Hey,” You replied, “Did you miss me?”
Bucky chuckled, taking your bag from you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leading you into the compound, “You know I did.”
“God bless Tony Stark and steam showers.” You sighed, stepping out of the foggy bathroom in nothing but your bra and underwear.
Bucky looked up at you from his spot on your bed, “What? No steam showers in the Appalachian Mountains?”
“Not where we were, nope.” You tossed your towel to the side and headed over to your dresser to find some lounge clothes.
“So,” Bucky started, clearing his throat as he sat up on the edge of the bed, picking at his cuticles, “What exactly was the mission?”
“Steve and I were undercover as a married couple. Fury thought these couples that lived in the mountains were some type of cult. They were manufacturing illegal weapons.”
Bucky's heart thumped. He had no right to be jealous, he was just your best friend—that you had been sleeping with nearly every month for some time now. You knew of his feelings for you. He knew that you knew, but he also understood why you didn’t want to cross that line, but it didn’t stop him from asking every once in a while. Hoping, praying, that one day you’d change your mind. And if he was being completely honest with himself, he’d wait an eternity for you.
“So when he told you good job, it was because you were his fake wife?” He questioned, trying his hardest not to make it seem obvious of what he was trying to do, but you read him like an open book.
Slowly closing the drawer, you turned around to look at him, “James Buchanan Barnes—are you jealous?”
“What?! No,” He shook his head, waving you off, “I was just curious.”
You sighed, walking over to stand in front of him. There was no trying to play it off now, “You have nothing to be jealous of. I don’t see Steve that way, you know that.”
He scoffed, “Yeah, just how you don’t see me that way?”
“Buck, that’s not fair and you know it.” You brought your hands up to his face, lifting it up so you could look into those gorgeous blue eyes, “It’s not that I don’t see you that way.. I just don’t wanna ruin us.”
“How can we get any more ruined than this?” He questioned genuine, “We can’t just fuck each other for the rest of our lives, it’ll never be enough. For either of us.”
“I know..”
“Then let’s try.” He pushed, bringing his hands up to rest on the sides of your thighs, “You mean everything to me and you know that. I will work day and night to make this work for us, for you.” His eyes searched yours, looking for any indication that you were finally gonna cave in on your feelings, “Tell me you’ve never thought about it. Never thought about us, what we could have, what we could be.”
“I do think about it,” You admitted, “All the time actually..”
Bucky pulled you down into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist as yours went around his neck, “Then let’s try,” His forehead was placed against yours and the tips of your noses brushed against each other, “And I promise, that no matter what happens, I will fight to make sure that we will always be us.” He spoke to you in the softest manner, completely laying his heart on the line, hoping that you’ll pick it up and hold it to yours, “Just say yes, baby.”
“You really want me to be your girl?”
“Hell, I want you to be my wife,” He chuckled, making you smile, “But we can start with you being my girl for a while.”
You bit back a squeal at his confession, but nonetheless did you want him to be your husband just as much, “Okay, Buck. I’ll be your girl..”
He grinned from ear to ear, “Yeah?”
“Yeah, baby…I’m all yours.” You smiled.
Bucky immediately flipped the two of you over on the bed, making you laugh as you now laid beneath him, “I can’t fucking believe it,” He muttered as his lips trailed kisses around the column of your neck, “Say it again.”
“I’m yours,” You moaned just as his lips found your spot.
“All mine..”
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darkened-writer · 2 years
Out Of Touch
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Request: omg could you pretty pls write an eddie x reader where they both like eachother, and everyone else knows except them. maybe dustin and mike help eddie confess?
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Corny? Yes Corny
Word Count: 1604
A/N: Request from @restandrelaxslayti0n ! Hope you enjoy !!
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          How many years had we been held back? That thought was distant but curious as I drowned out the sounds of my classmates in the cafeteria and grabbed a plastic-wrapped sandwich, cup of carrots, milk, and small ranch package. My eyes scanned the various cliques at their respective tables, finding the gaze of my longtime friend, Eddie Munson.
Coming into high school, I jumped groups of people, never really knowing where I fit in, until I met the buzzcut, rocker of the school. Then, I knew where I truly belonged. I knew we had to be friends as soon as he came to school with D&D dice, and we immediately bonded on our shared love of the game. And, we founded the “Hellfire” Club, finding other like-minded people over our school years. But, with a focus on something other than school, your grades slip.
Being twenty years old and in HIGH SCHOOL, it gets real tiring. But, would this really be our year? Where we finally say sayonara to this shithole and drive into the sunset?
I took a seat next to Eddie, his lips upturning into a smile as I did.
“How was good ol’ Chemistry?”
Immediate eye roll.
“The usual, complicated equations, hazardous chemicals, and idiot students who don’t put the damn safety goggles on..”
That aroused a laugh out of him, Mike and Dustin finally sitting down, their respective “Hellfire” Club shirts out for show. Gareth and Jeff nodded at the two, while Dustin nudged Mike, eyes turned in Eddie and I’s direction.
“Henderson, what are you motioning there.”
His gaze turns to Eddie with wide eyes,
“Uh-.. nothing.”
I chuckle, “You nervous there, Dusty-Bun..?”
His face immediately erupts in a red coloration.
“Only Suzie can call me that..!”
Eddie high-fives me, his rings leaving a slight sting to my hand. His touch wasn’t foreign to me but the positive touch was one that erupted feelings within my chest and stomach. An airy and oddly warm feeling, that gave slight discomfort and yet it was dangerous. Friendly or more, my brain would not comprehend it. 
“So, for “Cult Of Vecna”, Y/N, do you have any ideas for side-quests?” 
I perked up, “Uh.. why?”
“I was thinking of letting you DM for the next session, I miss playing to be honest.”
Mike’s eyebrows furrowed, “I put in a request to DM and SHE gets to? Why?!”
“Because, dear Wheeler! Y/N is the co-Leader of this club we hold so dear!” He puts a dramatic hand on his chest and leans into my side as though he was fainting, I laugh at his dramatics.
“You sure that’s the only reason?” Mike rebuttals, causing Eddie to sit up straight and adjust his jacket, face dropping.
“And, what are you implying?”
“That she gets special treatment because she’s special to youuuu..” He drags out the ‘U’ at the end, my eyes widening a bit at the thought.
Warm feeling in my chest every time we hung out, every time we touched, every time he complimented my style, and every time his eyes lit up seeing me walk past his classroom or coming up to him in the cafeteria. Was it a crush, or some friendly puppy-love between to long-time friends?
“Uhm.. no. It’d be a bit odd if I had a crush on my best friend. Right?” He lets out a chuckle, Gareth and Jeff both laughing in tandem with him, yet it seemed everyone knew something other than myself and Eddie.
“Right, Y/N?”
“Heh- Yeah-”
I toss my sandwich to Dustin, and get up, suddenly feeling a roughly textured hand on my wrist, Eddie.
“Where are you going, Y/N?”
“Uh-.. I’m just.. Going to go to my next class and write down some side quest ideas..”
Dustin and Mike peer at me with worried and perturbed eyes, I don’t make eye contact however and pull my wrist from Eddie’s grip, throwing my carrots, milk, and ranch away to get out of the cafeteria as quick as I could.
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“Do you two know what’s going on with Y/N?” Eddie turned his gaze away from his best friend leaving to look at the two boys who seemed to know something. Dustin nods at Mike, who nods at Gareth, who nods at Jeff.
“You two are very oblivious to very OBVIOUS feelings.”
He tilts his head in confusion.
“He means you both like each other, more than a friendly way-”
Eddie’s mouth hangs open, his mind now racing to instances he should have known.
When he saw you in a prom dress for the first time, your first bike ride through the neighborhood together, binging Star Wars in your small but homey room. The feeling of jealousy when he saw Kurt Salazar caressing the skin of your arm in the hall, obviously trying to get into your pants. It all culminated to the big picture, he was in love with you. Not just in love, he was truly, deeply, in love with his best friend.
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The walk from school to home was not far, but the loneliness of being without Eddie, in his car, was daunting. Carpooling was how we got to and from school, He’d bring me a Poptart in the mornings, and he’d always drop me off at home and blow me a kiss goodbye. It was always how we had done things since Freshman year, so the loud and pregnant silence of the neighborhood was a saddening awakening. 
“Should’ve brought my Walkman…”
I had many tapes of artists I liked, Billy Idol, Madonna, Kate Bush, but I only liked to listen to the mixtape that Eddie had made me full of rock music he enjoyed, intermixed with songs he thought I’d like. Oddly enough, listening to his mixtape made me feel closer to him and how he truly felt, because music was his soul, and if I could listen to his soul, then maybe he might like me too.
I unlocked my front door and let myself in, shutting it behind me to run up the stairs.
“Honey, you alright?!”
“Yeah, just eager to finish my school work!”
I slammed my door open and gently shut as to not upset my mom, my many posters coming into view. But, my goal was to pop Eddie’s mixtape into my Walkman and just lay in my bed and think. Think about him, how he detested ever dating me, and laughed. 
These feelings of love towards him were small up until this year, the more time I spent with him, the more I wanted to make it something to do forever. 
My notebook of D&D ideas almost taunted me, until I flipped it open and began to look at the messily drawn doodles, most of them being Eddie’s character and my own, in various situations such as a battle, or a bard performance, or the cult’s home base. But, one that stook out was the one of our characters holding each others faces, faces contorted in grief but also relief that they had finally confessed their love to one another.
A girl could dream, right?
‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ began to play through my headphones, and I finally settled onto my bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it into my arms. I would not allow myself to cry, why cry over something as trivial as being rejected. He’s my best friend, I shouldn’t even be feeling things for him other than friendship.
Bonnie Tyler really catches the heartbreak of unconditional love.
I slipped my headphones off and pressed into the pause button on my Walkman.
My window?
I walked over to my window, which had a view of the street and the tree in front of our house that was so close to my window that Eddie would climb up it in order to sneak into my room. Looking down, I saw Mike, Dustin, and Eddie, a large paper in his hand that he held up, which was written in his messy handwriting.
I chuckled and nodded, Eddie smiling and lowering the sign as I made my way downstairs and opened the front door, noting Dustin and Mike were now in Eddie’s car, watching intently as I walked toward him.
“You wanted to talk. I’m here, now talk..”
He looked back towards Dustin and Mike, the two nodding at him before he huffed out a anxiety ridden breath and spoke.
“Y/N.. fuck I..”
I’ve never seen him this nervous ever, unless he was meeting a band he really liked.
“I’m sorry for outwardly talking to the group like I would never date you.. Truth is.. I honestly would. I never got the guts to say it until Mike and Dustin gave me a good ol’ pep talk!”
I let out a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand as he continued.
“We’ve been friends for years, years I’ve come to cherish as some of my best. And, every single moment with you has been.. Eventful to say the least. But, I don’t want to have it stop. I want to.. This is so sappy.. I want to make more memories with you.”
“I uh-.. Sorry if this is awkward or anything I’ve never done this crap befor-”
Then, arms wrapped around his neck and a whisper.
“That was pretty damn romantic, Munson…”
“Showy enough for you to let me take you out?”
Cheers erupted from the car, Dustin and Mike both smiling widely.
Guess our feelings weren’t out of touch.
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