#like the only communication we’ve gotten is calls
fagtainsparklez · 6 months
realistically the reason why bad hasn’t sent skeppy any letters is probably because he doesn’t know What gas station skeppy is stuck in and therefore can’t write a mailing address but also i fully believe if he wrote “gas station” as the mailing address that would 100% somehow work
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AITA for being honest about what I would change about my boyfriend?
I’m a cis guy (22m) and I have a boyfriend that’s transgender (20m). We’ve been together for 2 years.
My boyfriend is a very cute guy and he gets hit on a lot in queer spaces tbh. even by lesbians, and they fully see him as a guy. He’s just very sweet and approachable I guess. A lot of people tell him he’s super attractive and I agree, but there are just certain things about his body that don’t appeal to me.
We were at a friend’s birthday party. People got drunk, I was tipsy. We played this game that was like cards with questions about relationships/love/intimacy on them and the whole group would discuss.
One of the questions was something along the lines of "If you could change anything about your partner, what would it be?" Or whatever.
Now, I went first and said I’d probably make him less hairy and get rid of the dark spots in his crotch area and his acne scars. He has some discoloration around his private areas from a rash he got when he was like 13 and some faint scarring from pimples I guess. It’s not an issue, but definitely not my preference. Plus he can’t really shave clean down there because he has thick hair and it always makes him get those razor burn bumps or whatever. Fine by me, he’s hot as hell either way.
Plus, he has a lot of discoloration around his shoulders, back, chest and face from severe acne outbreaks from his puberty and then later again when he started taking testosterone. It’s calmed down a lot, but the scarring is still very prominent. It’s not an issue, just not very pretty to look at.
Please don’t get me wrong. He’s an incredibly attractive person, I just wish his skin was a little prettier. It’s a bit of a turnoff, that’s all. It never stopped me from being absolutely enamored with him.
But when I explained this, a little less explicitly than this of course, the group went dead silent. Everyone was staring at me, some of the girls even clasped their hands over their mouths etc.
When I looked at my boyfriend he was completely pale and was just blankly staring at me before getting up and saying he needs to pee. I just said okay and then gave the card to the person next to me. She very quietly said she’d take away her girlfriend’s anxiety because it hurts her to see the person she loves like that. That’s when it sort of dawned on me that I messed up and that I was way out of line for saying these things in front of our friends.
He apparently left soon after that, which I only found out through a friend. I was a little confused but figured he was just a little embarrassed. We don’t live together, so it isn’t unusual for one of us to leave before the other. But then I found out that his best friend left with him because he was sobbing and couldn’t stop.
I tried calling him and texting him for multiple hours and didn’t want to overstep any boundaries by just popping up at his home, so I gave up and eventually went home. That was two days ago and I still haven’t heard from him. He’s usually a very clingy and noisy person and always sends me small updates throughout the day, but I haven’t heard anything from him the entire time.
I’m so scared. I love this guy so much, he’s the sweetest and the single most interesting person I’ve ever met in my life. I know he has a lot of severe insecurity issues around his body, especially regarding his scarring. But it’s all gotten a lot better in recent months and he even began to love how hairy he is because it makes him feel euphoric.
Now I can’t help but feel like I took that away from him because of some stupid game. But at the same time, I don’t think it was fair for him to just up and leave without talking to me. We could’ve talked it out and I just wish he would communicate with me.
I already know I was a bit out of line for this, but I just tend to be uncomfortably honest. He knows this and loves me for it, so I’m confused why he’s THIS upset about this one. He’s never gone this long without talking to me.
Am I the asshole? I was just playing the game. I don’t think it’s fair to call me cruel for this just because other people are scared to be honest and say shit like they’d take away their partner’s mental illness. It’s so fake and that shit just pisses me off. Everyone has something they would change about their partner’s appearance.
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f1byjessie · 4 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part nine.
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 714,148 others
tagged: yourusername
mclaren As we get closer and closer to the start of the 2024 season, we thought we’d take the time to introduce new fans to the team that works behind the scenes! Starting us off, we have Y/N L/N, our personal paddock photographer! Y/N has been here with us at McLaren since 2019, and is the genius mind behind many of the photos we’ve posted throughout the years. She’s an important part of our community and helps tremendously in not only capturing our drivers in action, but also in getting the other behind the scenes members of our team the recognition they deserve. We’re glad to have her back here with us in Bahrain, and we can’t wait to see what beautiful concoctions she comes up with this year! 🧡
view all 9,147 comments
user if there is 100 y/n fans, i am one of them. if there is one y/n fan, it is me. if there are no y/n fans, i have died.
user love love LOVE that mclaren takes the time to recognize the hard work of everyone who supports the drivers
↳ user i feel like f1 promotes the racers, team principals, and pit crew so much and forgets about everyone else that makes sure these teams are able to function so seamlessly
user i bumped into y/n back in silverstone 2021, like literally bumped into her, and she was so sweet!!
user she’s my photography inspo 🤩
user her dedication to the mclaren team is so apparent when you think about the fact that she DOESN’T get the same recognition as the drivers, but she has chosen to work for them for what will be 6 years as of this season. she could have easily move to a different formula 1 team or even another sport entirely, but she still comes back and that’s a dedicated artist
↳ user the fact that she did a little stint over at manchester city fc and STILL chose to come back to mclaren even tho i imagine f1 has a much harsher and stricter schedule with the intercontinental travel than football does
user this is who we have to thank for all those beautiful shots of lando??? cuz if so, bless her omg 🙏🙏🙏
user in this household we appreciate the crew that works tirelessly to keep us entertained
user so tired of seeing ppl disregard her skill as a photographer just bc of who she’s dating
↳ user OMG SAME
yourusername glad to be here, can’t wait to travel the world with these amazing people 🧡
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 214,051 others
tagged: mclaren
yourusername locked in and ready 😎
view all 1,514 comments
oscarpiastri so glad you’ve gotten over your temporary obsession with blue 😁
↳ yourusername so glad you haven’t lost your ability to get on my last nerve 😁
↳ oscarpiastri so glad you’re still insufferable even on your best days 😁
↳ yourusername now that’s a comeback i can be proud of 🥹
user oscar looking fine asf these days 😩 that winter break treated him well
mclaren The boys are back in town!
↳ yourusername dare i say my milkshake brought them to the yard?
↳ mclaren It certainly called us 😍
↳ yourusername you flatter me mclaren admin 😌
↳ mclaren Only the best for our best 😘
user that’s some pretty intense eye contact from lando in the last image…
↳ user he ain’t even looking at the camera
↳ user nah bruv is def looking at y/n 👀👀
↳ user i think we should probably respect their privacy and understand that something happened (presumably in the off season) that we weren’t privy to. so long as they can both maintain professionalism around one another, they don’t have to do or “get over” anything. does it suck to see two very close friends no longer get along in the way they used to? absolutely. but we don’t know what happened or if anything even did happen. in the event that something did, we don’t know who’s involved or who, if anyone, is at fault. they’re both justified in choosing to end a friendship due to a falling out, or even if they just grew distant. but even as i say all of this, it’s still speculation.
↳ user we don’t actually know if they aren’t friends any longer or if they’ve just moved their friendship off of online platforms. it should be noted that y/n is very publicly dating someone, and idk about you, but i know firsthand how delusional fans can be. her bf’s fans could easily attack her over banter with another man, and lando’s fans could just as easily start reading into that same banter which runs the very real possibility of putting all three of them in an awkward situation where y/n is being shipped with a man that ISN’T her bf.
↳ user what about the banter she has with the mclaren admin? 🤔
↳ user context is super important here. the flirting between y/n and the mclaren admin is very obviously fake. it has been from the beginning, and when ppl “ship” the two of them together it’s for the bit and to play along with their fake bromance. lando and y/n have both been legitimately shipped together since they both started working with mclaren, which changes the undertone of the shipping comments bc ppl often genuinely misconstrue their banter as REAL flirting.
user why do comment sections related to y/n always turn into debate sessions
↳ user REAL like ain’t no way i’m reading all that
user oscar’s hair sticking up in every picture is my roman empire
user wait i didn’t even realize until now that this is the first post in like a month that’s actually had public comments turned on
↳ user probably bc her bf’s loser fans have finally stopped harassing her
jackgrealish must be nice having all that sun 😒
↳ yourusername it really is, bet you’re jealous
Testing goes fine, until it doesn’t.
“A drain cover?” Lando’s voice echoes across the garage. “Another fucking drain cover?”
You purse your lips.
Yesterday, he’d been upset on Oscar’s behalf when they’d cancelled the remainder of the morning session after only a couple hours to solve the problem of the track’s dislodged pieces. He’d complained and cussed out the incompetence, and then reassured Oscar that things would be better for the third day.
But the third day is here now, and he’s even more upset now being told to pit after a measly thirty minutes for the same issue.
“This is the second fucking time━” he cuts himself off with an angry huff and runs his hands roughly through the curls of his hair, letting his fingers catch on the tangles and yanking through them in his frustration. Sweat glistens on his furrowed brow. His cheeks are still flushed from the heat of the car.
It’s the most emotion you’ve seen from him since you’ve come back.
The time you’ve already spent in Bahrain has been stilted at best. Lando continues to stick with his attempts at avoiding you, but it’s harder to do so here when your hotel rooms are on the same floor and you’re limited to the confines of the garage for most of the day. Even when he isn’t in the car, there’s not a lot to do wandering around the paddock and even if there was they’ve encouraged him to stay where he can easily be reached.
You’re trying not to be smug about it, but every time you glance over your shoulder and catch him watching you━ catch him quickly looking away when your eyes meet and he realizes he’s been caught━ you feel pleased.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Lando, it’s that he’s always got a limit.
If you wait long enough, stand your ground and prove that you really have no intentions whatsoever of giving in and breaking the ice between the two of you, eventually he’ll cave. When he realizes he won’t get what he wants, that he’ll have to actually put in the effort to repair what he’s broken rather than having it magically fix itself, he’ll have no other choice but to do so.
“They might not cancel the session,” Oscar chimes in, attempting to placate his aggravated teammate. “Since they already had to yesterday, I doubt they’ll do it again today.”
Unfortunately, that doesn’t actually calm Lando down at all. If anything, it just reminds him again of the fact that this is the second time this same complication has happened which has him huffing angrily again and running his hands through his tangled curls even rougher.
You wince at that.
Andrea, McLaren’s team principal, steps forward. “Take a breath,” he orders, resting a heavy hand on Lando’s shoulder. “Go walk a lap around the garage or something, whatever, but I need you to calm down.”
You’re prepared for that to be the end of it, but then Andrea looks over and catches your eye. “Y/N,” he says, nodding his head towards Lando. “You go with him. Keep him out of trouble.”
You like to think you do a much better job at keeping your emotions off of your face than Lando, which isn’t hard when his features scrunch up into a pained scowl at Andrea’s words, but you can feel the pinch of your own eyebrows furrowing and the smile you send towards the team principal probably looks more like a grimace if Oscar pursed lips in your peripherals is anything to go by.
Lando storms out and you follow reluctantly after him.
He can’t really go very far, not if he wants to be within a reasonable distance when━ if━ they call him back to continue the morning testing session. So he paces back and forth and back and forth just outside the garage’s exit out into the paddock.
Your phone tells you that ten minutes pass like this. It’s the longest you’ve been alone with him in a while and his distraction lets you focus on the finer details that you’ve missed when he’s going out of his way to avoid you.
There are deep, dark, bruise-like circles that hang heavily beneath his eyes. His skin is sun-kissed and tanned from his time out catching rays during his travels, but there’s a pale pallor beneath the added color that makes him look sick. Despite his current anger and the tension coiled in his muscles just waiting to lash out and strike, his shoulders seem to droop beneath the invisible weight of whatever he’s carrying with him.
He looks small.
Lando’s always been on the shorter side, but he’s never before looked small. Not like this. Never like this.
The longer you watch, the more the back and forth pacing starts to transform into the anxious stride of a cornered animal.
You aren’t arrogant enough to assume he’s like this because of you entirely, but it does occur to you that maybe he’s having just as rough of a time as you are with the newfound distance between yourselves.
You watch him silently, for a little while longer, observing the way his stride hitches every few steps and he just barely manages to stop himself from stumbling over his own feet. He’s still running his hands through his hair. By the seventh time he practically claws his fingers through his curls you heave a sigh.
“Quit that,” you snap.
“Quit what?” He fires back with just as much bite.
You roll your eyes. “You’re gonna rip your hair out if you keep pulling on it like that.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he stops in his tracks and turns on his heel to face you with a sneer. His words drip with sarcasm. “I forgot you must be used to Grealish now, right? And I bet he’s got at least a ten-step hair care routine. I wonder, does he use unicorn sweat and essence of rainbow to keep it that smooth and bright? There’s no other possible way!”
“You’re being an asshole, Lando.”
“My sincerest apologies,” he says. “How could I ever think Grealish would use unicorn sweat of all things? He uses pixies tears, my mistake.”
You’re not sure how a few words managed to turn into this━ you’d just wanted him to stop pulling at his hair. It looked painful and he’s always been a bit tender headed. Now, instead, you can feel the anger bubbling up inside you and it seems like Lando’s frustrations about the testing delay, and your friendship with Jack apparently, have made things worse.
Like throwing gasoline onto a flame.
You scowl, “Seriously. You’re being a fucking prick.”
He throws his arms up into the air, “Why not just run off to Grealish then? Since he seems to be your new best friend and you tell him everything.”
If your life were a movie, this is the moment in time when the stars would align and fate would force everything to position itself perfect in place. Like the pieces of a puzzle, it would all work out and you’d calmly explain to Lando what happened back in January with Garrett and Manchester City, and he’d understand immediately and apologize, and you’d hug it out and then both return to the garage just in time for them to announce the testing session would re-commence.
But your life isn’t a movie, and reality feels significantly different to the scripted perfection of fiction.
The precarious security of the perch you’ve settled yourself upon comes crashing down, and the tentative balance you’ve managed to maintain since the start of February when you were back in papaya again shatters with it. Something inside you snaps. The dam has burst and everything held back comes rushing to the front like a torrential wave.
“At least he was there for me when some prick blackmailed me into a relationship at the threat of my livelihood,” you snarl.
Lando pauses for a moment. He makes a couple different faces before settling on a mix between pissed off and confused, and his arms cross over his chest. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I didn’t want to be in a relationship with Garrett Ward, Lando!” You exclaim. “He threatened that if I didn’t pretend to be his girlfriend, he’d fake some misconduct rumor and ruin my career and I was too afraid to say no because this is all I have!”
This isn’t how you’d wanted it all to go down. You’d always imagined you’d get the satisfaction of an apology, and that Lando would get drunk on cheap wine with you like old times, and you’d explain what all happened with the confidence of being a little tipsy and you wouldn’t feel ashamed because Lando’s your best friend and he’d reassure you that you did what you had to, and then you’d listen to him shit talk Garrett for the rest of the night. In the morning, he’d have some idea of how to fix it all without ruining your career, and then you’d be able to put it all behind you and go back to how things were before the winter off-season ever started.
This is far from that, but there’s a sense of relief that comes nonetheless from getting it all off your chest to Lando━ to the person you’ve wanted to talk to from the very beginning
You feel tears burning your eyes, blurring your vision. “I can barely pay my rent as is, and I’m only actually living there for a few dumb months out of the year anyway. Do you know how much worse it would be if I got kicked from McLaren too? Nobody else in the country would hire me if he followed through with what he was threatening.”
“Well,” Lando shrugs his shoulders, looking properly chastised. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I fucking tried, you muppet!” You throw your arms up in exasperation and then wipe at your eyes in frustration when the tears start to roll down your cheeks. “I called you every day for a week and you ignored me! I sent you text after text after fucking text━” your voice breaks, “━and you didn’t even read them! Did you know I locked myself in the bathroom and cried every single day I had to work there?”
You glare at him.
“The only thing that made it better was Jack fucking Grealish coming into my office and telling me I could at least go to him if I ever needed anything,” you snap. “So fuck off with this whole holier than thou bullshit. You left me, and Jack took your place because I was drowning!”
Crying hadn’t been a part of your plan, but the tears won’t stop now that they’re going. It’s embarrassing. You’re already worried about just how many people heard you shouting, and now you’re even more worried about someone coming back to look for you both and finding you sobbing your eyes out.
“I’m sorry━”
Lando’s arms wrap around you, warm and strong and sure.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja @wcnorris @a-disturbing-self-reflection (CLOSED).
━━ a/n: and there we have it folks. lando is finally back in the picture! this part was a lot of fun to write, because i've been waiting for this moment since the initial fallout in the beginning. on that note, i finished getting it all whipped up this morning while watching the qualis, so if there are any mistakes that i haven't caught that's why. i was a bit distracted, so please pretend they aren't there haha!
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cupid-styles · 5 months
a day in the life (ymls)
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it's been awhile since I've posted anything about these cuties so here's a lil blurb!!!!! hope you enjoy :)
word count: 1.3k
content warnings: family stuff, y/n is no longer pregnant BUT there's discussions of her pregnancy, giving birth, and lactating/breastfeeding
ymls masterlist
main masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Y/N never asked Harry to live with her.
They never had a conversation about it, instead just deciding to go to her house after she and Clementine were released from the hospital because it would likely be easier to recover in her own space — all of her lactation gear was there, along with the three (3!) different pregnancy pillows Harry purchased for her throughout the duration of the pregnancy. 
But then he just never… left.
In hindsight, despite neither of them bringing it up, they both recognize that it’s a way past overdue discussion. Someone should’ve been like, “hey, I know we’ve only been dating for like four months or so and we’re having a baby together, but should we live in the same space, maybe? Just for ease of parenting and all that?”. 
Surprisingly, though, since Y/N very much appreciates her own room — she didn’t do well in college when she had a roommate in their dorm, and she’s very much an introvert that adores heading home at the end of the long day and simply being alone — she hasn’t completely hated Harry being around all the time. It’s the most that they’ve ever spent time together, a whopping three and a half weeks straight since Clementine was born.
It’s a different kind of time, though, considering a newborn’s schedule is unlike anything else. They alternate between who gets to nap during the day and while Y/N is technically cleared for recovery, she still aches like… well, like she pushed an entire body through her. (Even when she tears up looking at Clementine nearly every day, she still shudders at the thought of giving birth. Harry called it the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen and she sincerely wonders if he’s mentally well.) 
And somehow, they’ve developed a schedule that works quite well, for now at least. Clementine, their sweet little baby girl, is a decent sleeper. Per all those parenting books Harry obsessed over for nine months, she spends most of her time sleeping, with multiple feeding times throughout the day and night.
When Harry and Y/N both manage to be awake and conscious during the day, they hover over her bassinet — well, formerly in Y/N’s room, but now it seems to be Y/N’s plus Harry’s room? — quietly leaning in to make sure she’s breathing okay, admiring her cute little face, and taking pictures of the adorable onesies Harry puts her in. They have visitors, of course, including both pairs of their parents, siblings, and mutual friends. There’s a lot of crying and smiling and, oddly enough, entertaining, which is silly considering they’re still brand new parents who are working off of two- or three-hour incremental naps. 
In terms of their dynamic, things shift slightly, but Y/N is still the grump Harry adores. She’s exhausted, understandably so. The whole breastfeeding thing wreaks havoc on her body and Clementine doesn’t love it, so she tries her best to regularly pump milk for her, but she hates sitting on the couch, asking Harry to turn on some stupid reality show to distract her, and feeling the machine push and prod at her breasts. 
“This makes me feel like a cow,” she’d huffed the first time they did it, and it made Harry snort so loud he had to excuse himself from the room. 
But Harry… he’s good, even if it’s difficult for Y/N to properly communicate that to him. She knows she got very lucky with him, not just from a partnership standpoint — which, that’s an entirely different conversation that they haven’t gotten to yet — but a parenting one, too. He has no reason to get up with her at 3 am because Clem’s doing her sweet little lamb cries from the corner of their bedroom. Y/N can very easily escape to the room she designated as her nursery months back, where there’s a comfy nursing chair her mother bought her, but instead Harry’s up before Y/N’s eyes are even properly open, gently placing her in her arms and pushing a warm bottle into her hand.
He insists on helping her with every feeding, taking on more diaper changes than Y/N, and even doing his best to take care of her along the way. He helps her into the bath when her bones and joints are too achy to stand in the shower, he never complains about cooking them dinner (if Y/N orders food one more time, she thinks her bank will call her and ask if she’s been taken hostage by one of those ordering apps), and, even with her heightened hormones and emotions, she does indeed cry helplessly, salty tears leaking onto her daughter’s forehead when Harry comes home one day with a bouquet of flowers, a tidy note in the front that says “for my girls”. 
It makes him laugh so hard, the sight of his cranky girl in her milk-stained robe standing in the kitchen, gently rocking Clementine as she holds the pretty stems. 
“Why are you laughing?” Y/N sniffs, lifting her hand to quickly wipe tears away from her cheeks. 
“Because you just look so cute right now,” he says with a grin. He takes the flowers back from her, murmuring out something about putting them in a vase. 
“Sometimes I do wonder if you’re certifiably insane.” Y/N mutters, partially to herself. When she glances down at a milk drunk Clem, a smile quirks at the edges of her lips. “What do you think, Clemmie? Is dada crazy?”
Harry knows that this isn’t the traditional family he dreamed about, that having a baby with Y/N was a risk he was only willing to take because he always wanted to be a dad — but shit, he’s so happy. 
(Y/N is, too. She’s over the moon, with the way gratitude feels like it fills up her body in a way she’s never experienced before. And she knows she’s awful at expressing her feelings, but when she glances back up at Harry, eyes twinkling with a healthy blush over her cheeks and a smile on her lips, he knows. He just knows.)
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zvdvdlvr · 2 months
Just A Little Late
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🩻 - Synopsis. The day comes when Aaron realizes he has to talk to you. Is he able to repair your relationship or does he get the rejection he knows he deserves?
🩻 - Warnings. Angst. Fluff? Possible ooc!Aaron. Mild description of blood and a fire.
🩻 - Author’s note. Thank you all so much for the love of this mini series! I have an epilogue in store if you’d like :)
A couple hours after you got home, your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw ‘Big Boss 😠’ on the lockscreen and glared down at the glowing box. With a trembling hand, you unlocked your phone and read the message.
From Big Boss 😠: It’s Hotch. What are you doing tonight?
To Big Boss 😠: Why do you care?
You bit your lip after sending. Were you being too harsh? You felt your heart sting. You hated being mean to Aaron, the man who had previously fought tooth and nail to be by yours (and your team’s) side. But after he chose not to visit you or even communicate with you during your stay at the hospital… it’s safe to say you felt betrayed on another level.
From Big Boss 😠: Because you are apart of my team.
You scoffed. “Really? Are you fucking serious, Hotch?”
To Big Boss 😠: Didn’t seem like that when you apparently didn’t have a word to say to me when I was in the hospital. Or at the restaurant.
With tears in your eyes, you threw you phone at the wall as hard as you could. The sound of the screen shattering and broken glass falling to the floor was exactly how you felt.
Spencer and Derek were the ones that went to find you. You were two (full!) hours late to work. Every minute you didn’t show had Aaron’s heart rate picking up. But he knew he couldn’t go to find you. So he sent Spencer and Derek, telling himself he couldn’t keep hiding from you forever.
Spencer unlocked your door as Derek swept the front and back yard. A precaution, but Spencer was worried nonetheless. Because you were never late!
“Y/n?” Spencer asked, his hand finding the gun strapped to his hip. “Are you alright?” 
He heard a loud sigh and guessed it was you over the sound of the T.V.
Derek nodded at Reid and they both toed cautiously toward you, completely unaware of how you’d react to them being in your home. Uninvited.
“Mama? You alright?” Derek asked, eyebrows furrowed.
Spencer looked around. You phone and a bunch of glass laid in a pile near the wall. You had clealry thrown it from a distance- from the couch? Had you even gotten up?
“Will you lay with me?” You tiny voice asked. You were completely swaddled in a blanket leaving only your eyes and nose peeping out.
“I-“ Derek started, clearly taken aback by your actions.
“Of course we will. Move over, you. Derek, call Hotch and tell him we might be a little late.”
Derek watched Spencer sit down on your couch with wide eyes and an open mouth. “I- yeah. Alright. I’ll be back in a second,” he said, pulling his phone from his pocket. He stepped outside and shut the door as he dialed.
Derek rubbed his head with his hand. “We’re at y/n’s. She’s-“ Derek sighed. “She looks horrible, man. She looks like she cried all night and didn’t get up at all during the night. Her house is clean, but she did a number on her phone. What’s goin’ on with our girl?”
Hotch felt his heart squeeze in his chest and suddenly he couldn’t breathe. You cried all night, your phone was lying in pieces, and you even had Derek worried. Aaron had to fix this. “I don’t know, Derek.” Liar, Hotch thought. “Stay with her. Get her up and moving, I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. I don’t know what you did, Hotch- and don’t lie to me because we’ve all seen it- but you need to get your shit together.”
Aaron felt a singular teardrop run down his face and land on the stained wood of his desk. The dial tone blared loudly in his ear and Hotch felt like the biggest asshole on Earth.
Derek went back into your house and locked the door. “What are we watching, nerds?” The man patted your blanket-covered legs and sat down.
As Spencer explained the show as briefly as Specer could, both men acted like the didn’t see the tears fall out of your eyes and your body shuddering every time you inhaled. Spencer let you play with his hands to keep from picking at your lips until they bled.
Eventually, Derek convinced you to go get cleaned up and dressed. When you came back out, Derek persuaded you into letting him braid your hair (props of having sisters) as Spencer picked something to watch.
You had just started laughing when you heard someone know on the door. Derek tutted poshly and refused to let you move until he finished the braid.
“Better hurry up,” Spencer commented uselessly from your couch, munching on popcorn you didn’t even know you had.
You scoffed. “Good idea, Reid.”
“Off to the races, you,” Derek joked, pushing your head forward when the braid was completed.
“You both suck. Never letting you in my house again-“ you muttered, opening the door. Words fell right off your tongue.
Outside your door, Hotch held out a concerningly large boquet of your favorite flavors. Your mouth fell open and you felt like slamming the door. Just as you started pushinf the door shut, however, Derek swung open the door. 
“Y/n, please listen to what he has to say. I think you need to hear it.”
You looked accusingly at Derek, eyes flickering between the two men in front of you. “No. No! Because why would I listen to a man who wasn’t there! You didn’t show up! You. Weren’t. There. Get out of my house. Get off my property. I quit. My documents will be at your desk tomorrow. Leave. Get out!” You yelled, pushing Derek out of your house (no small feat, my God) and yelling at Aaron.
Spencer swiftly avoided your glare and flailing arms, leaving Derek and Hotch to fend for themselves.
“Y/n, please. Just five minutes. Listen to me- five minutes!” Aaron pleaded. His voice cracked and he faltered against you.
You had moved from Derek to Aaron, trying as hard as you could to push them out the door and onto the grass. “No! Please just leave me alone. I can’t- you made your point when you couldn’t even look at me after I came back to work!” You yelled, not noticing the tears sparking in the back of your eyes.
Derek was glad almost every other adult was at work- the screaming match you and Hotch were holding wasn’t pretty.
Aaron let you push him out the door, but held onto the porch railing. “You were the one distancing yourself from me-“
You froze for a moment, looking at him with so much hurt in your eyes, Spencer assumed you had just gotten your spinal cord severed. “Bullshit! You’re lying to me and you know it, Hotchner. You- you left me there. Dropped me off at the hospital and left! ‘Oh, yeah! Her face is so torn up now, she’s so scarred and fucked up, I can’t be seen with her!’ Is that what you were thinking when you left me there? Huh?!”
“Medic! I need a medic!”
Hotch tore away from the firefighter’s grip, bounding over the lawn to where our were choking on smoke. “Y/n!”
You tore at the ground with your bloodied fingers, slowly going limp.
Aaron didn’t feel the heat of the fire as he slid one arm just under your neck and another arm under your knees. “Please, y/n,” he whispered, navigating through the burning building , blood dripping from your wounds into the threads of Aaron’s clothes.
He held onto your hand as you were pulled into the ambulance on a gurney. Ash and soot streaked his face, but he hadn’t looked away from you. Despite the deep knife wound that twisted and warped your face, despite the burns on your body, and despite your faint breathing, Aaron held on to you. Crying and pleading and hoping.
When Rossi had finally tore his hands from yours, he watched dazedly as you were rushed into an OR. For hours he must have stood there, watching the floor. Waiting.
“I- I love you, y/n! I couldn’t watch you die in some sterile room where I can’t help you! So I left. I left and couldn’t bring myself to see you because this,” he said, gently running a finger from te top of the scar down to where it ended at your collarbone, “this tells me that I failed. I failed you, y/n m/n l/n, and I know nothing I say will excuse that, but the fact that I failed to protect you…” Aaron looked away. “I couldn’t- I couldn’t stand the fact that I failed to protect ome of the only people I care about.”
Your hand came up to hover where Aaron’s was, still resting on the edge of your collarbone. “I needed you,” you whimpered, voice shaking. Your lip quivered as the man who said loved you stepped closer. “I needed you and you weren’t there. You left.”
Aaron nodded vigorously, his own tears falling down his face at your words. You were so close to him, letting his hand trace you carefully even though a part of you still hated him for not being there. Aaron hated him too. “I know. I know, y/n and I’m sorry. But- but I’m here now. I won’t leave unless you tell me.”
You leaned forward and latched your arms around Aaron’s waist and fell, crying into Aaron’s expensive shirt. “I hate you, Aaron,” you wailed, vice-like grip on his jacket tugging him even closer to you.
Aaron closed his eyes and let you fall into him. “I know you do, y/n. I know.” One of his hands rested on the back of your neck and the other kept baby hairs off of your face. “I know,” he whispered, crying silently.
Spencer and Derek both nodded, knowing your relationship (and horribly harbored feelings) wasn’t hopeless after all.
🏷️: @zaddyhotch @mxrgodsstuff @bunnylov-3-r
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Five
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Chapter Five: Golden Boy
Plot: Zava arrives at Richmond and some of the staff are more thrilled than others…specifically Y/n.
Warnings: f!reader, language, (16+)
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: This chapter was quick to be cranked out, and Mr. Tartt finally enters the chat.
I’ve gotten a few requests for tags and as with most my fics, I’m only tagging 16+ with ages in bios. Looking out for younger eyes 👀
Hope you enjoy this one!
The moment Zava had uttered the word ‘Richmond,’ Nelson Road was thrown into complete chaos.
Y/n, Keeley and Higgins had been working overtime overseeing plans for the official welcome event. Not only did Zava’s level of fame demand a big deal, but the whole city of Richmond was beside themselves with glee. They had to go all out.
“Okay,” Y/n said, typing out a quick text at Keeley’s desk, “Higgins says the red carpet was just delivered along with the banners.”
“Perfect,” Keeley replied, ticking off a box of the event’s long to-do list, “Did he say anything about ticket sales?”
Y/n and Keeley had been double-teaming the matter of Zava’s recruitment and had been meeting or speaking each morning since the Chelsea match. They were beginning to find their rhythm, passing tasks back and forth with a smooth stream of communication.
“Sold out,” Y/n answered, locking her phone and setting it down with a smile, “And have you been checking Twitter?”
“Oh, I know,” Keeley’s eyes widened, “Richmond’s been trending nearly every day. The power of celebrity!”
It was a PR blessing. Zava’s signing with the Greyhounds had completely blotted out the sewer meme, Nathan Shelley’s hateful comments, West Ham…the world’s eyes were on Richmond in the best possible way.
“Alright, so 10AM for the event’s start,” Y/n ran her pen down her task-list, “I doubt he’ll want to take pictures with fans, but there’s time to. But maybe a group one with the team would be a good idea?”
There was a light knock on Keeley’s door.
“Come in,” she called.
Opening and revealing Keeley’s latest hire, her friend Shandy, Y/n instinctively stiffened a little.
“I just thought of a great idea,” Shandy said with great enthusiasm, “What if we had…Zava dancers? Like they get for sports in the States,” Shandy gestured to Y/n, ”What do you think?”
Y/n and Keeley both wore the same over-exaggerated smile as they listened. Visions of Laker Girls and Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders danced through their minds.
“That’s…” Y/n slowly nodded, glancing over to Keeley, “An idea.”
“It certainly is,” Keeley nodded back before turning to Shandy, “But I don’t think we’ve got time to pull it together.”
Shandy’s shoulders fell in disappointment, “Oh, that’s true,” she pointed between Keeley and Y/n, “But still, save it for another time.”
“Definitely,” both women replied encouragingly, satisfying Shandy enough to head back to her desk.
Spending so much time at the KJPR office had presented Y/n the opportunity to help Keeley get Shandy adjusted to corporate life. It hadn’t taken more than two days for Y/n to realize it was a task that might kill her. She was carrying on as a favor to Keeley.
“Oh,” Keeley reached across and tapped the back of Y/n’s hand, “How’s it going, having Trent around?”
“Well, he’s catching us on a good week,” Y/n sighed as she began to gather her things. She had to get to Nelson Road and help oversee set-up with Higgins. “To be honest, I haven’t seen much of him, or anyone for that matter. It’s just been me and Higgins rushing in and out of each other’s offices. And Dani knocking on my door at least once a day asking if we should be doing more for Zava’s arrival.”
Keeley smiled as Y/n’s sentences ran on, “Oi, remember to breathe.”
Y/n chuckled, she’d been holding her breath since her first day at Richmond. There was no exhalation in sight.
“I’ll breathe,” she replied, opening the door and looking back to her boss, “Once this is over.”
The next day, Nelson Road Stadium was bustling as soon as there was light in the sky. Come 10AM, the stands were packed with fans, all awaiting the arrival of the newest Greyhound….
Who hadn’t bothered to show up.
“Where the hell is he?” Rebecca hissed as Keeley, Higgins and Y/n all did double time on their phones, “Leslie! We do have a signed contract, don’t we?”
“Of course,” Higgins replied, “We have an e-signature. That’s legally binding,” his confident smile began to waver, “I think. I’ll make a call.”
Higgins went off with his phone while Keeley nudged Rebecca, “His agent hasn’t heard from him, but she’s tracked his phone, which is currently in Mykonos.”
“If he’s changed his mind again,” Rebecca whispered, “I’m going to look like an absolute asshole.”
“Well, there’s been no sightings of him anywhere,” Y/n continued scouring Twitter, “Doesn’t mean he’s not here…” she paused, flipping perspectives, “But it also doesn’t mean he is.”
“Maybe we can try and cheer them up somehow?” Keeley suggested, scanning the pack of bored reporters surrounding them.
Seated in the row behind them, Shandy popped up, “Do you want me to take my shirt off and run across the pitch?”
As Y/n attempted a deep breath, Rebecca smiled knowingly, “You must be Shandy.”
“Shandy’s shadowing Y/n and I for the day,” Keeley answered excitedly, “To get the hang of things, you know?”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Shandy greeted Rebecca, “I’d love to go for a coffee and pick your brain sometime. Like, how tall are you?”
Y/n glanced up from her phone to catch Rebecca’s confused expression, meeting her boss’s eyes and giving a thin-lipped smile.
“Shandy,” Keeley turned to her employee, “Would you go to concessions and start selling merch at half price?”
“Great idea,” Shandy smiled before back tracking the step she’d taken.
“Keep your shirt on,” Keeley directed sweetly.
“Right, of course,” Shandy nodded, patting Rebecca and Y/n on the shoulders, “Bye, babes.”
“She’s a live one,” Rebecca chuckled before checking her watch.
If anything was said after that, Y/n’s ears didn’t register it. All she could hear were the mumbles and murmurs of the reporters surrounding them. Where’s Zava? Is he ever coming? Did he change his mind? Her mind was working overtime trying to figure out how to dig their way out of this, in case he really had ditched them. She couldn’t stand to have another failure heaped on her shoulders.
Ted’s midwestern accent broke through the noise of her head.
“Hey, guys,” he whispered, taking Higgins’ empty seat, “Are we sure that Zava has the right address? I hate to think he’s sittin’ in the middle of Virginia right now waiting for us, you know?”
Higgins came walking back with an answer, “So, I just talked to legal about Zava’s contract. An e-signature is 100% binding. Tiny wrinkle, instead of signing his name, he signed, ‘You’re Welcome.’”
Y/n pursed her lips, “Lovely.”
“Shit,” Rebecca cursed, her nerves growing by the second, “What are we going to do?”
“Hey, look, superstars play by their own rules,” Ted replied, “Back in ‘98, I waited over three hours for Public Enemy to take the stage of this joint called the Cubby Bear. When a man with a giant clock around his neck is that late, it ain’t about time. He’s makin’ a statement.”
As much as it pained Y/n to take anything real away from another one of Ted’s rambling tales, he had a point. How many asshole celebrities made a crowd wait just to get a little extra ego boost?
“Right,” Rebecca slashed her hands through the air, “I’m calling it. We’re going to go upstairs and figure out what we do next,” she looked to Higgins next, “Leslie, I want you to talk to the crowd and tell them…something.”
“Of course, Rebecca,” Higgins replied calmly, “I got this. Back in uni, my deejay name Damage Control.”
“I didn’t know you deejayed,” Keeley commented.
“I didn’t actually, but I had the name ready if I ever started.”
Y/n was beginning to feel as frantic as Rebecca. “This feels like a great story for a later time,” she said, failing to totally hide her annoyance.
“Shit, right,” Rebecca rose from her seat, “Come on, let’s go.”
As Higgins made for the stage, Ted, Rebecca, Y/n and Keeley hurried past the press, trying to give reassuring grins. Nothing was out of the ordinary. This was the plan.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Rebecca huffed once they were safe within the building, “Why does anyone put up with this lunatic?”
“Because as humans, we adapt to accommodate genius,” Keeley answered.
“Genius doesn’t outweigh flightiness,” Y/n replied, walking in step with Ted.
“Who is the greatest actor alive?” Keeley continued, “Or was, before he retired?”
In tandem, Rebecca and Y/n both answered, “Daniel Day-Lewis.”
Ted veered off path, “Tony Curtis. You said alive? Jackie Chan. Wait, you said retired? Daniel Day-Lewis.”
“Exactly,” Keeley led them up the stairwell, pausing outside Rebecca’s office door, “When he gets into character, he stays in character and everyone else adapts to him. Did you know, that when he made Lincoln, he actually texted Sally Field as Abraham Lincoln?”
“Well, that’s ridiculous,” Rebecca dismissed the trivia, “Abraham Lincoln couldn’t text.”
“Exactly,” Ted agreed, “Every time he looked down, his hat would fall off.”
“Hey, listen,” Y/n chuckled, wondering if ADD was somehow formulated, bottled and pumped into the air of Nelson Road Stadium, “The distant sound of booing.”
“Look, this Zava might be a genius,” Rebecca passed Keeley to reach for the doorknob, “But he’s definitely a self-absorbed prick.”
Rebecca threw the door open to reveal the prick himself, seated at her desk as if it were his own.
“Your desk is covered in biscuit crumbs,” Zava stated.
Ted, Keeley and Y/n stood behind their boss, sporting various faces of shock.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Rebecca asked, breathless with rage, “We’ve waited two hours for you.”
This did not bother Zava. “Time is a construct,” he shrugged, “Like gender and many of the alphabets.”
“Get out of my chair,” Rebecca demanded, graduating to indignant as she marched towards her desk. She exhaustedly gestured to Ted, “This is your manager.”
“Hey, how you doing?” Ted greeted with his usual cheeriness, “I’m Ted Lasso.”
Zava and his new coach shared a grin with hands extended as they crossed the room. When they met in the middle, Zava slapped his hand to his chest and became gravely serious. Ted awkwardly did the same.
“My leader,” Zava said, “I am an empty vessel filled with gold,” he took hold of Ted’s arm with his free hand, “I am your rock. Mold me.”
Y/n ran the analogy through her head, coming up empty on logic.
Ted gave a low whistle, “Well, hey, if you score goals like you talk, we gonna be just fine, buddy.”
“Right. And this is Keeley Jones and Y/n Y/l/n,” Rebecca said, gesturing to the two women, “They handle all our publicity.”
Keeley was more willing to greet Zava than Y/n, whose steps toward the legendary footballer were justifiably hesitant.
“My queens,” Zava took each of their hands, pressing gentle kisses to both.
“Okay,” Y/n mumbled under her breath and fought the urge to pull away.
“My actions today have made your jobs much more difficult,” he said with, seemingly, genuine sorrow.
“No,” Keeley shook her head, “Don’t worry about it. No such thing as bad press, right?”
“My integrity disallows me to agree with that statement,” Zava replied with a warm smile.
“But there is such a thing as angry fans,” Y/n politely smiled, wondering how long she had to hold the man’s hand. She could hear Rebecca mumbling some curses under her breath as well.
From behind them, Higgins came through the door with Shandy in tow, going on about something related to Zava’s food allergies. They both froze as they registered the sight in front of them.
“You’re here,” Higgins gaped.
Zava nodded, “And you are there.”
“And this is Leslie Higgins,” Rebecca introduced, “Our director of football.”
“Ah,” Zava sighed, placing a hand on each side of Higgins’ face and pressing his forehead to his. He lowered his voice to a whisper, “You are the glue.”
The room stood in confused anticipation.
“Thank you very much,” Higgins replied. Out of the entire group, Ted was the only one still excited.
“I will go see the team now,” Zava announced, slapping Higgins cheek and heading down the stairs.
Rebecca stretched her arms out and yelled, “Do you even know where you’re going?”
“I do not,” Zava called back, yet kept walking.
Ted, Higgins, Shandy and Keeley looked back to Rebecca, Zava’s mere presence rendering them all speechless. Y/n was the only one matching Rebecca’s frown.
“Are you kiddin’ me?” Ted muttered, “Wowie zowie. You know what, maybe I oughta tag along in case he gets nervous. Seems like he can be a little bit of a wallflower.”
“Great,” Rebecca’s hands slapped against her sides, “And now I’m in a rush. Leslie, tell me, how did the damage control go?”
“Oh, it was a mess,” Shandy answered for the man, “But he was adorable.”
“Oh, thank you,” Higgins nodded, looking back to Rebecca and pointing behind him, “Who is this?”
Keeley came to stand at Shandy’s side, “This is Shandy, we work together. And she’s a great friend of mine.”
“Ah,” Higgins smiled knowingly, all the pieces falling together suddenly.
“Right, I’m off,” Rebecca said, gathering her purse and crossing the room. She paused at Y/n’s side, “If you can try and get His Mightiness to pose for a few pictures on the pitch, it would be appreciated.”
Y/n sighed, “No promises.”
Rebecca left on her unknown mission, Shandy and Keeley went on their way back to the KJPR office and Higgins went to oversee teardown. Y/n went back to the pitch, where the fans were packing it in and the reporters had all but left. She found the staff photographer and asked him to head to the practice pitch while she went and collected Zava.
Y/n knocked on the coach’s office and entered, pausing beside Trent Crimm in the adjoining room, “Can I borrow Zava for a few minutes?”
“Just missed him,” Roy replied.
“For the day?” Y/n raised an eyebrow.
“Yep,” Coach Beard nodded, him, Roy and Ted staring at something on their whiteboard.
“He just walked in here,” Y/n gestured from the door through the office, “Said his ‘hellos’ and’s just…done?”
“Seems that way, yeah,” Ted replied, somewhere between a smile and a straight line.
Y/n could only imagine what her face looked like, how her frayed nerves and barely concealed frustration were becoming more obvious by the second. She looked to Trent Crimm, silently begging him to tell her she wasn’t the only one who disapproved of the star footballer’s behavior. Trent replied with a reserved shrug and a stretch of his lips.
“Beautiful,” Y/n smiled as best she could, “If anyone needs me,” she turned on her heel and walked back out the door, “My head will be embedded in the drywall.”
It was a few days later and the media frenzy still hadn’t died down around both Zava’s arrival and his lack of public appearance. Y/n was fielding call after call from publications, requesting one-on-one interviews with the legend or asking when his first presser would take place or asking if the reason he didn’t show up was because he was having doubts about joining Richmond…
Better yet, Zava didn’t feel it necessary to speak to anyone.
He had, however, taken over the locker room. Four lockers had been reserved just for him plus a recliner. He’d gotten the boys to do group meditation each morning. He had the whole team eating out of the palm of his hand and to be honest, Y/n couldn’t understand why.
Thus, with Zava occupied, the focus shifted to the other Greyhounds. Keeley and Shandy had arrived to discuss interviews with some of the other players. Y/n had calls scheduled all afternoon, mostly about Zava, but also regarding a few potential endorsement deals for the boys. She was thankful for the solitude and her cheeks were pleased not to fake a smile around Shandy for the afternoon.
“Oh,” she said as she clocked Roy Kent passing her office, “Coach Kent.”
Roy reversed course and paused in her doorway, “Yeah?”
“Would you mind checking in with the guys downstairs? Keeley’s with them now,” Y/n asked, unable to leave her desk, “I would, but,” she gestured to her open laptop, a horde of new emails having just been delivered.
“Fine,” Roy replied, deadpan as ever before pausing, “You said Keeley’s with them?”
Y/n took stock of his expression, though it was nearly impossible to find whatever emotion he was actually feeling. She hadn’t seen the man smile once since she’d been at Richmond.
“Mm-hm,” she nodded.
He stayed silent, perhaps mentally preparing himself for the interaction, before nodding to Y/n once more.
“Uh, Roy,” Y/n called him back once more, fiddling with her pen, “Zava…he’s…worth it, right?”
Roy’s brows furrowed deeper, “What do you mean?”
“The fifteen calls I’ve been on today,” Y/n expanded, “The welcome event we had to cancel. The inevitable comments we’re going to have to walk back,” she paused, “He’s worth it?”
“Fuck yeah,” Roy shrugged, “Absolutely.”
While the two of them were barely acquainted, Y/n trusted Roy’s opinion. He knew football better than anyone else in the building. If he thought the headache was a worthy price to pay for victory, she’d learn to tolerate whatever chaos Zava caused.
Finally, the day of Richmond’s much anticipated match came around.
Upon arrival, Y/n made a point of confirming that His Majesty was actually on the premises, to which she was told he was in the locker room.
“Afternoon, all,” she greeted Rebecca, Higgins and Keeley as she slid into her seat.
“He is here, correct?” Rebecca asked, already a step ahead.
“There has been a sighting,” Y/n replied, a hint of a tired smile playing at her lips, “It’s packed. Did we sell out?”
“Just about,” Higgins answered excitedly, “I can barely feel my hands.”
Y/n settled next to Rebecca just as the first half kicked off. She clocked Zava in the middle of the field, in conversation with Jamie, before the two separated. Jamie kicked the ball to Zava, unremarkably, and Zava slammed his foot against it, sending it soaring across the field and into the goal.
The first fifteen seconds of the match and the crowd was already on their feet, deafening screams filling the stadium.
As Y/n celebrated with Rebecca, Higgins and Keeley, she thought back to Roy’s words earlier in the week.
“Alright,” she mumbled to herself, “Worth it.”
What Zava brought to Richmond wasn’t just talent, it was magic.
With each match they won, their standings in the Premier League went up and up. The entire city was buzzing, thrumming, with excitement every weekend they Greyhounds were on the pitch.
Not only that, but Y/n was getting more and more invested in the game herself. She paid closer attention to the players, predicting possible moves before they made them, and jumping to her feet when they scored. The inkling of pride she’d felt at the Chelsea match was beginning to bloom, and she found herself starting looking forward to spending weekends in the owner’s box with Rebecca, Higgins and Keeley.
It was the win against Brentford that cemented their six-game win streak, leaving the entire team, on and off the pitch, ecstatic.
After the match, Y/n slipped into her office, grabbing her laptop to take home and return a few emails.
“Oh, Y/n,” a voice called down the hall. Y/n looked up and saw it belonged to Sam.
“Hey,” she greeted, “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” he grinned, “Listen, tomorrow night, I’ve invited everyone to the restaurant for a little preview. I would really love it if you could come.”
Y/n had successfully dodged every post-match invitation the boys had thrown at her. Be it not feeling well or extra work or a call from back home she had to take from some relative…her excuses had run dry. More importantly, she felt like a terrible person each time she had to leave Sam, almost always the inviter, disappointed.
If everyone was invited, it was more or less a work get-together. It wasn’t like it was just friends or a one-on-one hang.
“Sure,” Y/n conceded, “Sounds great.”
Sam’s smile broadened with the answer, making his hands into victorious fists. “I’ll send you the address.”
“Can’t wait,” Y/n replied, lying just one more time.
The next night, Ola’s was filled for the very first time.
All of the Greyhounds, the coaches and a few plus-ones were seated and partaking in the Nigerian cuisine Sam had ushered into Richmond. The setting was laid-back, but everyone was still riding the high of their win against Brentford.
Y/n had mostly stuck with Rebecca and Keeley at the bar, eventually bouncing around to a few of the players. While she was still reserved, the team and her had gotten to know each other more over the past six weeks.
“Sam,” Y/n finally caught the arm of the restauranteur, “This is incredible.”
“Oh, thank you,” Sam pressed his palm to his heart, “I’m so glad you are enjoying yourself,” he leaned in and lowered his voice, “To be honest, I was a little nervous what you all might think.”
Y/n waved off his concern, a glass of wine in her other hand, “It’s a smash. Be proud of yourself.”
“Thank you,” Sam smiled once more before leaving to go and check on another order.
Y/n paused and took stock of her surroundings, watching the cheerful conversations around her. Her gaze fell on a table in the corner of the second room, where Jamie was sitting by himself, looking particularly unhappy. Curiosity got the better of her and she made her way over.
Jamie looked up as Y/n approached. She didn’t say anything, so he decided to. “What’s that face?”
Y/n’s eyebrows remained scrunched, “I’m just trying to figure out why you’re pouting when you’re on a six-game streak.”
“I’m not-“ Jamie caught himself, he knew he wasn’t exactly being subtle. Shaking his head, he looked back down at his untouched plate, “It’s nothing.”
A loud laugh bounced off the walls, drawing Y/n’s attention down the line of tables to see it belonged to Zava. She didn’t miss how Jamie’s frown intensified at the sound.
“Let me guess,” she sighed, settling on the edge of the booth, “You’re not a member of the fan club.”
Jamie didn’t answer, glumly fidgeting with one of his rings instead. Y/n recalled that during one of their last games, Zava had stolen a goal from him. Jamie had yet to score a single one so far in the season.
“If it’s any consolation,” Y/n swirled the wine in her glass, “I can’t say I’m president of it either.”
Jamie raised an eyebrow at her, his interest peaked, “Yeah?”
“Aside from the fact that he’s made my job a thousand times harder,” Y/n complained, “I guess I just don’t…get him? I’ve caught the tail end of some of his locker room motivational speeches. It’s like he knows where he’s going the first few seconds and then takes his hands off the wheel for the last five.”
Jamie laughed, the first time he’s smiled all night. “You didn’t catch the one yesterday. Car went off a fuckin’ cliff.”
Y/n chuckled, covering her mouth to dampen the sound. “It’s like he loves to hear himself talk but doesn’t actually listen to anything he says…” Y/n grasped the air and twisted it, “But also believes he’s a prophet?”
Jamie shook his head with a smirk, thankful someone else could see what he saw.
“Still,” Y/n shrugged, her eyes scanning the Greyhounds around them, “He’s taking you guys to the top. That’s gotta feel good.”
Jamie’s smile straightened back out and he dragged his teeth over his bottom lip.
“Well, I’m sorry,” Y/n chuckled lightly, “Number 4’s a pretty big improvement from 20.”
“Yeah, but look how he’s doing it,” Jamie complained, “Stealing goals, prancing ‘round the field like some show pony-“
Y/n snorted into her glass, thankful she had yet to take a sip.
“What?” Jamie asked.
“I’m sorry,” Y/n smiled, really trying not to laugh, “It’s just when I started the job, I decided to look up some Youtube videos of the team. And I’m remembering this one hotshot player who never passed the ball to his teammates and did all these ridiculous things like rip his shirt off whenever he made a goal or chant his own name with the crowd…”
Jamie stiffened, he hadn’t expected the callback to his past.
“Whatever,” Jamie brushed it off, “Point is, things were fine without him and-“
“And I don’t think anyone’s less of a Jamie Tartt-head just because Zava Fever’s going around,” Y/n finished for him. She’d watched Jamie play for weeks now, she knew how talented he was. The infatuation with Zava would pass, but Jamie could build a legacy that lasted.
Jamie’s eyes, somewhat lost, tracked upwards to meet Y/n’s. One look told him that she truly meant what she said.
“Thanks,” Jamie nodded.
Y/n nodded, she hadn’t intended to have such an involved conversation, but Jamie was a neutral party. She didn’t feel one way or the other about him. Plus, he was the only other person who could admit to Zava having flaws.
“But just so we’re clear,” Jamie leaned over slightly, lowering his voice, “Still a prick.”
“Oh,” Y/n’s brow creased, “Definitely.”
They shared another hushed laugh.
“Hey, guys,” Shandy came out from around the corner and greeted them.
Jamie and Y/n both welcomed her, but after seven weeks working side by side with Shandy, Y/n was running out of enthusiasm to muster up.
“So, Jamie,” Shandy leaned against the corner wall, “Wanted to see if I could recruit you for this little Bantr campaign we’re running.”
Y/n recalled Keeley mentioning the commercial her and Shandy would be shooting that week. Some of the Greyhounds would be featured anonymously to try and entice people to sign up.
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Y/n politely smiled, finishing the last of her wine and leaving the glass, “Have a good night.”
“See ya,” Jamie nodded, shooting her a smile before returning to the conversation with Shandy.
Y/n made the rounds saying goodbye before heading out, stepping out onto the London street corner. There was enough nightlife around that she wouldn’t have trouble catching a cab.
“Hey, Y/n.”
She turned to see Ted standing a few feet away from her. “Hi,” she replied, they had hardly interacted all night, “Are you waiting for a cab?”
“Oh, no,” Ted shifted awkwardly, pointing back to the restaurant, “I’m, uh, waitin’ on someone.”
Y/n understood, unwilling to dig any deeper into the statement, “Got it.”
“Yeah,” Ted mumbled under his breath before perking back up, “You have a good time?”
“Yeah,” Y/n nodded.
“Good,” Ted smiled, “It’s good to see you gettin’ out of the office, hangin’ out with everybody.”
“Well, I mean,” Y/n chuckled awkwardly, “I think Sam just invited me because he had to. It’s not like it was a personal thing.”
Over the last few weeks, Ted had gotten to observe Y/n quite a bit. She stayed in her office as much as possible, she always took lunch on her own and the only thing she wanted to contribute to the conversation was small talk. She was removed and she wanted it to stay that way.
Ted knew there was a reason, though he wasn’t going to push to unearth it. But for Y/n to come out after hours with the team, to smile and laugh and let herself have a good time, it meant something. Even if she couldn’t see it.
“Okay,” Ted nodded, letting her think whatever she needed to think, “Well, do you need a ride home?”
“Oh, no,” Y/n replied, spotting a cab coming down the road and flagging it down, “I’m good. I’ll see you later.”
Ted smiled, sticking up a hand and waving as she climbed into the cab. If Y/n wanted to keep herself closed off from the Greyhounds, that was fine.
They could wait her out.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sabelcities
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mads-nixon · 8 months
Meine Liebe
Dick Winters x Translator!Reader
Request: @flowers-and-fichte Hey! Thanks for the Chuckler headcanons! They're so cute! I've got another request :) it's BoB-related this time. Winters with a reader who is fluent in German and teaches him to speak it. And then one day he surprises her by speaking it (wedding proposal, just starts talking in it out of nowhere, whatever) to her and it's so freaking cute. Thanks! Take your time :)
A/N: i loved this concept!! thanks for the request! hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: none!
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When (y/n) first signed up to be an intelligence translator for the Airborne, she had no idea what was in store for her. Jumping out of planes was expected, but what she couldn’t have expected was a red-headed man named Dick Winters. Nix introduced them in Aldbourne when she joined the company, and something about the Pennsylvanian struck her differently than the other men she’d met. Most eyed her warily, but the man she met that day flashed her a kind smile and a firm handshake, sending an unexpected warmth through her. 
“So you’re our new interpreter,” he stated, his polite eyes never leaving hers as he shook her hand.
(Y/n) nodded, her lips quirking into a grin. “Yes, sir. (Y/n) (y/l/n).
“Dick Winters,” he replied, releasing her hand after a few moments. “Welcome to Easy. Please let me know if you need anything.”
Before she could respond, Nix called out to her. “We’ve gotta get to battalion, come on.”
With a final nod to Winters, she saluted and turned on her heel, walking over to Lew who was sitting in the driver's seat of a jeep. “So, you met Dick,” he announced, shifting the jeep into drive. “Whatcha think?”
(Y/n) scoffed lightly as she gazed at the rows and rows of tents that lined the airfield. “I only spoke like two sentences to him, Lew.”
Luckily, Lew and (y/n) grew up in neighboring towns in New Jersey and knew each other through mutual friends. Everyone knew the Nixons for their nitration plant that was in Edison, but (y/n) knew the Nixon boy as the teenager who took her best friend to the prom and got so drunk that he threw up on her beautiful blue dress. Betty still hadn’t gotten over it by the time (y/n) left for basic. 
“No sparks flying yet?” he grinned, elbowing her shoulder playfully as he drove. “Give it time. I know it will.”
“What is wrong with you, Lewis?” she asked, her voice tinged with frustration. “I just met the guy! And we’re going off to war for Pete's sake, not some low-crawling pub where men are lined up to dance with me.”
Her job was to decode and translate intercepted German communications, as well as translate in the field and interrogate prisoners if need be. There were times when being the daughter of Austrian immigrants was awful, but other times, it came in handy. Without her parents teaching her their language, she wouldn’t be in her position in the Army. 
As the months passed in Aldbourne, (y/n) was swamped with intercepted communications, paperwork, and various intelligence reports. She rarely did anything other than work in her office, growing tiresome of the monotonous click-clack of the typewriter. What little time she did have outside the office was spent either visiting the Blue Boar with the other officers or quietly reading in the fields of wildflowers near her billet. 
The sun set perfectly on the lilies and colorful harebells, orchids, and cornflowers that were scattered among the grass. Any chance she got, she’d go lay out a blanket and get lost in the pages of “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,” escaping the war as the words came to life in her mind. Time seemed to blur as the months stretched on in Aldbourne. 
With the follies of the Italian campaign, the Allies knew they had to try a different approach. Nixon and (y/n) had talked about the possible landing locations and tactics, but no plan was in motion quite yet. This did not stop them from preparing for the possibility. Easy’s training got increasingly realistic the further they got into 1944. By early February, Dick, Harry, and the other platoon leaders were brought in on the intelligence officers’ speculations. A few weeks later, (y/n) was working in her office when she heard a knock on the door.
“Come in,” she called, not looking up from her typewriter as she finished a translation.
The door creaked open, and in walked Dick who was wringing his hat between his hands, almost as if he was nervous. “Hi, (y/n). Sorry to disturb you.”
Hearing his voice, (y/n) looked up from the paper, a small smile forming as she took in his timid expression. “Hi, Dick. You’re not disturbing me,” she said, pointing to the large stack of papers on the corner of her desk. “These aren’t going anywhere.”
Dick clasped his hands behind his back and walked closer to the desk. “I wanted to ask you a favor.”
(Y/n) nodded, gesturing for him to sit in the extra chair beside her desk.
Dick sat down and continued. “Would you be able to teach me some basic German? I know that you are fluent in it, so-”
“Of course!” She interrupted, excitement lighting up her features. “I’d love to!”
Dick seemed surprised as he sheepishly smiled at her from across the desk. “It would be useful to know some phrases when we finally get into combat.”
“I think it’s a great idea.”
From that cold February day on, the pair met every Saturday night in (y/n)’s billet. Her host family, the Bennets, insisted on making a big family dinner every time (as large as they could with rationing), treating Dick as one of their own. (Y/n) watched from across the dining room table as he spoke to Mr. Bennet with a polite smile. The golden light from the setting sun filtered through the open blinds, highlighting the soft brown freckles that adorned his face. (Y/n) couldn’t help but admire his handsome features, a thought that she’d kept hidden mainly to keep Nix off her trail about the supposed ‘sparks’ that were supposed to fly between them at some point. 
“I was worried about you Yanks, but if they’re all like you lot, I think we’re in good shape,” Mr. Bennet laughed, scooping a forkful of roast into his mouth. 
Dick chuckled breathily, his eyes flitting to the (y/h/c) across from him, catching her staring red-handed. “Thank you, sir,” he replied, his face warming under her gaze. 
After the dinner table was cleared, they continued their weekly tradition, sitting across from each other once again. “These are pretty basic, but they’re important,” she began, her eyes locking with his. Repeat after me. ‘Guten Abend.’”
Dick listened carefully, his eyes drifting down to her lips before echoing her pronunciation. “Guten Abend.”
“Very good,” (y/n) praised, her smile growing. “Now how about ‘Bitte’ which means ‘please,’ and ‘Danke,’ which means ‘thank you.’   
“Next, let’s learn ‘Wie geht es Ihnen?” (y/n) said, her voice taking on a reassuring tone. “It means ‘How are you?’
As they repeated the words together, her beloved language created a unique connection between them that she never thought possible. It felt good to speak the language in situations other than wartime intelligence. As she taught Dick, she fell in love with her family’s native tongue all over again, but that love wasn’t the only thing blossoming in the cozy dining room.
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Under the shade of a sturdy tree in the Bennet’s backyard, the late afternoon sun cast a glow over the yard. (Y/n) and Dick sat side by side, leaning against the trunk as they took a short break from their lesson.
(Y/n’s eyes began to droop, fatigue creeping in like a silent intruder. The lines of exhaustion were etched beneath her eyes, and Dick couldn’t help but notice her weariness. 
“Are you alright?” he asked gently, leaning closer to her, his brow furrowed in concern.
She sat up straighter, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. “Yeah, I’m just tired,” she admitted, her voice a soft murmur.
Dick turned to her with eyes filled with worry. “Up late doing translations?”
(Y/n) nodded, her shoulders sliming slightly. “Yes,” she sighed, leaning her head back against the hard tree bark. “We’re getting more and more communications every day. It’s hard to keep up.”
Seeing her struggle, Dick scooted closer to her and paused before gesturing to his lap. “Here,” he suggested, his tone gentle. “It’s more comfortable than a tree,”
A small, tired smile crossed (y/n)’s face as she responded with a weary, “Yes, sir,” She laid her head on his lap, peering up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. 
Dick felt a warm, protective swell of emotion as she nestled into his lap. Her presence, despite her exhaustion, brought a sense of peace and contentment he hadn’t realized he was missing. He could always show up at her door and have dinner like there wasn’t a war going on. Their routine had developed into what he looked forward to the most as the week went on. Any conversations they managed to have during their daily regimens and workload were filled with smiles and talks of the upcoming weekend, Saturday’s dinner menu, and other little things that reminded him of home. 
A soft pink tinge rose from Dick’s neck to his cheeks as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face. “Better?” he inquired, his voice a soothing, gentle rumble.
(Y/n) let out a contented sigh, her eyes fluttering closed as she whispered, “Yes, thank you, Dick. I needed this.”
He watched over her with a mix of concern and affection, his fingers absentmindedly tracing circles on her shoulder. “You’ll work yourself to death in that office, (y/n).”
She squinted one eye open, her gaze focused on him. “I know,” she replied quietly, her voice tinged with desperation, “I can’t rest knowing my family is still stuck there, Dick.”
The lieutenant’s eyes saddened, his heart aching at the raw pain in her voice. He moved his hand from her shoulder to rub her hair back gently. “In Austria?”
(Y/n) nodded, her voice hushed and heavy with emotion. “Yeah,” she murmured, blinking to combat the tears that were filling her eyes. “My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins…they all stayed. They’re still there, and we haven’t heard from them in almost a year.”
“So you’re doing this for them.”
“For them and all the other innocent people whose lives have been torn apart by Hitler,” she confessed, her voice wavering.
A tear trickled down the side of her cheek, and she felt a warm hand wipe it away gently. “I’m sure they wouldn’t want you to run yourself into the ground, sweetheart,” Dick murmured softly, the term of endearment slipping out before he could stop it. “When we finally do see action, you won’t be a hundred percent if you’re constantly running on fumes.”
She let out a shuddering breath, her emotions overwhelming her. (Y/n) sat up, shifting to bury her face into Dick’s shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace. His arms encircled her, pulling her into his side as he rubbed his hand soothingly along her back.
“Please take care of yourself. If not for them, do it for me. Please,” he whispered into her hair.
As the evening sun bathed them in a warm light, (y/n) pulled back from their embrace, her tear-filled eyes glistening with gratitude and adoration. She gazed into Dick’s calming, emerald-green eyes, vulnerability seeping from her. His eyes mirrored her intensity, and a soft, affectionate smile played on his lips. With her heart pounding in her chest, (y/n) brought her hand up to his cheek, her fingers tracing the contours of his skin with a gentle, trembling touch.
Their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, a powerful connection was forged. Slowly and with a sense of natural ease, she pulled him closer, guiding him toward her. Dick, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected tenderness of her actions, felt the soft, deliberate pressure of (y/n)’s lips against his. Their lips met, and their connection deepened as their mouths moved together, a tender and affectionate expression of their feelings. Their kiss was a gentle exchange of affection, an unspoken testament to the emotions that had quietly grown between them.
As (y/n) and Dick pulled back from their tender kiss, their actions spoke volumes in the quiet of that moment. Their lips slowly parted, the sensation of their kiss still lingering in the air like a sweet, unspoken promise. They looked into each other’s eyes, their gazes locked in a lingering connection that was filled with understanding. (Y/n) inched back slightly, her touch soft and tender as her fingers gently brushed over the freckles on Dick’s cheek as she withdrew from their intimate embrace. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice a gentle murmur, sniffling slightly as she rested her forehead against his. Dick’s heart raced, and he could feel her warm breath on his face. 
“They’ll be proud of you. I’m sure of it.”
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(Y/n) reclined on a wooden, sun-soaked deck chair, gazing out at the breathtaking landscape of the Bavarian Alps that stretched before her. The mountains stood tall and majestic, their peaks kissing the cloudless sky. She felt a sense of awe at the natural wonder surrounding her.
Harry sat at the end of her chair, and Ron and Nix were sitting on the one beside them, all three drunk as a skunk. Their voices filled the air with drunken excitement, and their ramblings brought a wide smile to (y/n)’s face.
Nix groaned in good-humored frustration, raising his fingers in a futile attempt to count off the main leaders of the Nazi party. “Hitler, Hitler…no.”
Rolling his eyes, Ron chimed in, his voice louder as they spoke over each other, creating a chaotic atmosphere. “Hitler, Himmler, Goering-”
“And Goebbels,” Harry finished, his grin infectious as he completed the list.
(Y/n) couldn’t help but laugh heartily, tears gathering in her eyes as she watched her friends stumble through their banter. The joy of the moment, the beauty of the scenery, and the relief from no constant action and danger all combined to create a warmth in her heart that was impossible to contain.
“I’m so glad I get to see this,” she wheezed between fits of laughter, her hand clutching her stomach as another wave of cackles escaped her. 
The sound of footsteps made her turn, and she saw Dick approaching with Lip. She smiled at him, her heart beating slightly faster when he returned a wink. 
“Hey, Adolf! Love your Eagle’s Nest,” Harry yelled, standing up wobbly and grabbing Dick’s shoulders. “I hope you don’t mind. We made ourselves at home. Love what you’ve done with the place here.”
(Y/n) chortled again, earning an amused look from Dick, who found the whole situation hilarious. But he had more important news to share.
Welsh grabbed a bottle of champagne and held it out for the major. “Hey, have a drink. Come on. Just so we can say we saw you do it,” he implored, staring for a moment as Dick didn’t respond. 
Smirking, (y/n) rose from her chair and gracefully pushed the bottle back toward Harry as she moved to stand between him and Dick. “You drink it, Welshy.”
Welsh retracted his hand, standing there for a moment like a pouting child, while Dick, who had patiently waited, pulled out a sheet of paper. He cleared his throat and started to speak, his gaze warm as he looked down at (y/n) beside him. “Listen up. From Corps, it just came in. Effective immediately, all troops standing fast on present positions.”
Nix rested his hands behind his head as he lay on the chair with a smirk. “Standing fast.”
Ron, his usually sharp eyes now glazed over from the alcohol, looked up and asked. “What does that mean?”
(Y/n) ran a hand down her face with a giggle. Her laughter was infectious, and the group chuckled, with Dick’s laughter being the loudest. His smile was the widest she’d seen in months, and the sight stirred something within her. 
“Do you want to hear it?” he asked the group as he wrapped an arm around (y/n)’s shoulder. 
Harry nodded, grunting in reply, and Dick repeated the sound, raising an eyebrow at the man. “Are you ready for it? Listen up, the German Army surrendered.”
The news sent a sudden hush through the group, and the jovial atmosphere vanished, replaced by a solemn and reverent feeling that settled inside each of them. (Y/n) looked up at Dick, her eyes widened in disbelief.
“Really?” she whispered, her voice filled with hope.
Dick nodded and squeezed her shoulder softly. “Yeah, sweetheart. They did.”
In that instant, she couldn’t contain her joy. She flung her arms around his shoulders, squealing happily, and he snaked his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly. The weight of the past years seemed to lift, replaced by a hope of peace in Europe for people like her family who were caught in the crossfire of war. As they pulled back from their hug, the sheer happiness of the moment made (y/n)’s eyes glisten with tears. Around them, the other officers were clapping each other on the back and expressing their own gratitude that victory in Europe had been achieved.
With a soft smile, Dick placed a hand on her lower back and led her to a farther part of the balcony, giving them privacy from prying eyes. He could see the curiosity in her eyes and as they found a quiet corner, he spoke in a hushed tone. “I got word today, (y/n). About your family.”
Her eyes widened in anticipation, and her heart raced. “My family? Where are they? She asked, her voice trembling with a mix of hope and fear. 
Dick placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, offering her the support she needed to hear the news. “They’re alive, (y/n). They’re living in Salzburg.”
The emotion she’d swallowed down came flying back, and tears welled up in her eyes again as her voice trembled with relief. “Salzburg? Oh, thank God,” she croaked.
(Y/n) couldn’t hold back her emotions any longer, and the tears streamed down her face as she wrapped her arms around Dick, hugging him tightly once again. It was a cry of pure relief, a release of tension that had gripped her heart for so long. 
Dick held her close, his own emotions stirred by the moment. He could feel her relief, his arms wrapped around her as he gently stroked her back. The news also meant that they were one step closer to going home. One step closer to spending the rest of their lives together.  
In the midst of the moment, (y/n) looked up at Dick, a radiant smile breaking through her tears. Her soft voice was barely more than a whisper as she spoke. “I love you, Dick.”
Their eyes locked in a tender, unspoken understanding as Dick leaned down to cup her cheek, his thumb gently brushing away a tear. “I love you, too, (y/n).”
The mountains of Berchtesgaden stood as silent witnesses to what was about to transpire. It was the perfect setting for a moment they would cherish forever. As they stood there, Dick took (y/n)’s hand in his, his gaze unwavering as he looked deep into her eyes. With a smile, he began to speak…but it wasn’t English.
“Meine Liebe, du weißt, ich bin nicht der Beste im Umgang mit Worten, aber ich liebe dich mehr als das Leben selbst. Ohne dich hätte ich das nicht überstanden und ich möchte nie wieder ohne dich sein,” he began, his heart pounding in his ribcage.
My love, you know I'm not the best with words, but I love you more than I love life itself. I wouldn't have gotten through this without you, and I don’t want to be without you ever again.
(Y/n) looked at him, her eyes widening in surprise and joy. She blinked in disbelief, her heart skipping a beat.
“Willst du meine Frau werden?” Dick continued.
Will you marry me?
A gasp escaped (y/n)’s lips as tears continued to trickle down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe what was happening, and her heart swelled. Dick got down on one knee, his eyes filled with a softer determination than the one she saw in his eyes on the battlefield. He reached into his OD pocket and pulled out a small, elegant ring.
In a voice filled with emotion, he asked, “Möchtest du mein leben mit mir teilen?”
Will you share your life with me?
Tears streamed down (y/n)’s face as she nodded vigorously, unable to speak through her overwhelming joy. She held out her hand, and Dick slid the ring over her finger. It fit perfectly, just as they did in each other's lives.
With a smile that held all the love in the world, he whispered, “Ich liebe dich.”
I love you.
With the golden rays of the setting sun casting a warm, enchanting glow on the balcony, Dick stood up from one knee and pulled (y/n) into a gentle, affectionate embrace. The light from the setting sun illuminated their features, turning their silhouettes into a work of art against the breathtaking backdrop. Their kiss was tender and sweet, filled with the promise of a future together.
Their actions were delicate and filled with longing. Dick’s arms enveloped (y/n) as he kissed her, his fingers brushing softly against her cheek, and (y/n) responded with more fervor, deepening the kiss. Her hands found their way to his shoulders, fingers clutching his uniform as if grounding herself in the reality of the moment. The hand on her cheek threaded into her hair and pulled her impossibly closer. 
With huge smiles on their faces, (y/n) and Dick pulled back from their kiss. The moment was perfect. However, their intimate moment was suddenly interrupted by a chorus of whistles and cheers coming from the adjacent balcony. Ron, Harry, Lip, and Nix watched on as the couple got engaged. They exchanged glances and held hands as they made their way toward the cheering men.
Nix hugged Dick and slapped him on the back, his expression a mix of humor and satisfaction. “Now if I remember correctly, some wise guy called this the first time you two met…oh wait, that was me.”
Dick’s brows furrowed in confusion, and he turned to his fiance for clarification. “What?”
Rolling her eyes playfully, (y/n) leaned into his side, patting his chest lightly. “Back in Aldbourne, Lew just thought that, and I quote, ‘sparks would fly’ between the two of us.
“Well, I’m so glad they did,” Harry laughed, holding up a wad of cash in front of him. “I’m a rich man now.”
The major blinked at Harry, his amusement evident. “How am I not surprised you bet on us?” 
“You think that’s all we bet on?” Ron slurred, sprawled out on a chair with his eyes closed. “We also bet on when-”
Thankfully, Lip stepped in to stop the Captain, who appeared to be thoroughly drunk. “Alright. Let’s get you to bed, sir.”
(Y/n) grinned, admiring Dick’s features above her. “Where did you learn all of that?” she asked. “Because I’ve never taught you anything that complex.”
“A man never tells his secrets,” he replied, kissing her temple lovingly.
“It was Liebgott, wasn’t it,” she chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him. “Cause only Joe knows that much German other than me.”
“Well,” Dick began, “There’s a lot more where that came from.”
“Oh really, Major Winters. Care to enlighten me?”
He sighed, “Nope. I’ve been practicing that for months. It’s all I’ve got.” 
“Then it’s a good thing you’ve got the best teacher by your side for the rest of your life, huh?”
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Tag List: @liptonsbabe @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @flowers-and-fichte @merriell-allesandro-shelton @ronsparky
message or comment if you want to be added to the tag!
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yourprettyfemme · 2 months
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Welcome to my blog 🤍
This is a sapphic nsfw blog. That means:
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way…
•You may call me Evangeline, or Lina for short
•I’m a 25 y/o femme (she/her) and I’m 1000% submissive 🤭
•I’m not able to be out publicly yet
•I’m single and not in a partnership. I’m not looking to start anything serious, but I loooove to flirt
•My asks/dms/anons are open for sexting/flirting messages from 21+ people only. Just a personal preference of mine. Anyone 18+ is welcome to interact/message me, but I will not engage in sexting or flirting if you are not 21+
•I do not send photos/audios/videos/other socials. You will be blocked if you push those boundaries. What you see, is what you get.
•Do not send me unsolicited pics, especially right off the bat and without asking.
•DNI: men, minors, ageless blogs, terfs, homophobes, racists. I block all of the above, no questions asked.
Pet names: baby/baby girl (basic, but always safe), princess, sweet girl, pretty girl, pumpkin, kitten (especially if I’m in trouble 🤭), little goddess, pet, love, pup/puppy
Greens: rope play, orgasm control/overstimulation/edging, praise/soft degradation, spanking, mommy/daddy kink (titles), rules/punishments/funishments, tasks (non-sexual and sexual), gags, cock (read: strap) warming, cuddling
Yellows (these may be things I would explore with a trusted partner, or I’m into soft versions of. Still comfortable with them, but takes communication): exhibitionism, semi-public sex, cnc, somno, wax play
Reds (knowingly pushing any of these boundaries will get you immediately blocked.): scat/piss play, incest, blood/knife, hard degradation, use of slut/whore/b*tch/c*nt, age play, race play, feedie, choking, impreg, hard impact (anything that leaves a mark beyond redness), anal, free use
Some non-sexual likes: crafting, fluffy animals, cute stuffed animals, reading, rainstorms, rocking chairs, animal crossing, Fortnite, dancing, raspberries, colorful flowers
Anons: I am accepting anons for those who send in more than 2 asks. (frequent flyers will be reserved in this post) Must be 21+, please tell me your pronouns
Taken anons: 🌼,🎲, 🚬
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rhoorl · 4 months
Delta Landscaping | Ch 14: Sparks Fly Like the Fourth of July
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Series Masterlist | Chapter 14 A03 Link
Word Count: 8.2k (sorry!)
Previously on As the Mule Falls: The Pikes moved into the neighborhood and immediate sparks flew between Benny and Vanessa. The boys got materials and supplies to work on Melissa’s backyard and the neighbors organized another party via their group chat. 
In this Episode: Marcus and Victoria get their day off to a fun start. Frankie and Jo keep chatting. Cousin Joel and Sarah call Benny and Will. The neighbors meet up at David and Ty’s house for a party. Cue a montage: David in a red, white, and blue feather boa, Benny making Vanessa laugh, Will and Marcus conspiring, and a game of cornhole. We end with Will and Katie having a heart-to-heart. Have your bingo card ready for another PPCU Easter egg!
Chapter Warnings: Brief unprotected P in V (established couple), allusions to PTSD and complicated feelings around being a veteran, some angst, and Marcus Pike and Cousin Joel both need their own warnings. Feral David.
*Cue the theme music and roll opening credits*
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“Babe, what’re doing?” Victoria whispered, peeking around the corner into the kitchen to find Marcus rifling through boxes in the dark. 
“Hey, I…uh…I was trying to surprise you,” he turned with a sheepish grin, his white V-neck shirt riding up slightly as he set a box atop the counter.
She cocked her head to the side as she walked further into the kitchen, her arms finding her husband’s waist. “And what surprise would pull you out of bed at 5 in the morning, mi amor?”
“I was looking for the griddle…I wanted to surprise you all with pancakes.”
“Ay, mi vida, you are literally the sweetest,” she brought both of her hands up to cradle his face, pressing a kiss to his lips. “How about pancakes this weekend when we have more stuff unpacked? How’s that sound?” She rubbed up and down his back.
“Ok,” he pouted. “We need to get groceries, there’s nothing in the house.”
“Well, we have that party today. We should probably bring something, can’t show up empty-handed to our first neighborhood party,” she winked. “I’ll shoot Megan a text later to see what she thinks and then maybe Nessa and I will run out to Publix this morning. We’ll pick up some donuts or something for the kids for breakfast.”
“You always have it all figured out,” he moved his hands up from her hips to her mid-back and bent down for a kiss. “One thing though,” he said against her lips.
“What’s that?”
“Well,” he pulled back, a devilish look coming across his face as she brushed the errant curl off his forehead. “Nobody’s going to be up for at least another hour…and since I’m off pancake duty…” he smirked.
“Special Agent Pike. Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“We’ve already gotten the bedroom taken care of mi amor, how about the kitchen next?” He pushed her towards the dining room table, urging her to sit once her thighs grazed the edge.
“Marcus,” she giggled as he trailed open-mouth kisses down her jaw to her neck. 
Experts at quickies thanks to having two small children, they moved in tandem as she pulled down his sweatpants and he pushed her oversized sleeping shirt up her thighs and pulled her underwear to the side. As he notched himself at her entrance, his mouth returned to hers, swallowing her moan as he started to ease himself in. 
“You were ready for me baby,” he smiled against her lips, loving the sounds he pulled from her whenever he hit that spot. 
“Fuck, Marcus…” she mewled as he kept a steady pace. 
It didn’t take long before they both found their bliss and amidst soft giggles they cleaned themselves up and went back to their bedroom for round two.
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Even though it had only been a day, Frankie and Jo kept in pretty consistent communication. From texts throughout the day to hours spent talking on the phone last night, they were both still giddy from their time together.
Her morning got started pretty early. Her company was a big sponsor of the Peachtree Road Race, an annual 10k in Atlanta held around Independence Day, so she had to be there to ensure everything looked up to standards. Although she grumbled when her alarm went off, she suddenly felt a lift when she saw a text from Frankie waiting for her.
Frankie: Good luck today!
Jo: Aw thanks! I can’t believe I got dragged to this. 
Frankie: You're going to do great! Send me a picture of the medal when you're done.
Jo: I'm not running the race silly
Frankie: Well, you deserve one anyway
Jo: Well, I think deserve a pic of you in your swim trunks later Morales
Frankie: I'll see what I can do. 
Frankie smiled at his phone as he tossed it onto the kitchen counter. He was still on cloud nine from the weekend and couldn't even feel the soreness of his muscles from yesterday's training session with Benny. He also almost forgot what day it was. 
The Fourth of July brought up different emotions for the guys. None of them wanted the attention that came from being veterans, they mostly kept to themselves on a day like today. But the idea of being around the neighbors of Mule Fall Court brought some comfort to Frankie, especially since Jo couldn’t be there in person. 
Although she wasn’t physically there, Frankie was excited about seeing her later on FaceTime for their virtual movie date. It was her idea to watch something together, figuring she could maybe help take his mind off things once the fireworks started. Her words from last night still floated through his mind, enveloping him in warmth.
“I want to be there for you the way you were there for me.”
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“Hey man,” Benny walked in from his run to find Will leaning against the kitchen counter, staring off into space as he drank his coffee.
Will cleared his throat, shaking his head to try and rid himself of the anxiety that started to cloud his mind. “Hey…good run?”
“Yeah, yeah. All good. Listen, ah…I know we said we’d go over to David and Ty’s today, but if you’d rather do something else I’m down. We can…I dunno grab some beers and chill here. Or we can-”
“It’s all good Ben. It will probably be good for me, well for us, to …I dunno I guess it might do us some good to be around friends,” the corner of Will’s mouth perked up as he got a devilish look in his eye. “Besides, I need to see the girl who made little hearts float around your head,” he chuckled. 
Benny’s ears turned red as he faced away from Will, walking to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He had no idea who may have given his brother the heads-up about Vanessa. Santi was the obvious first choice, but he had a feeling this was more of Frankie’s doing. His mind raced trying to figure out what to say, but relief washed over him when he heard Will’s phone buzz.
“Well look who it is! Hey there baby girl,” Will answered, beaming at the screen.
“Hi, Uncle Will. Happy Fourth of July!” Sarah waved a little American flag across the screen before wagging it in front of her father’s face of screen.
“Hey! Nothing for your favorite uncle?” Benny appeared behind Will, an arm around his brother’s neck as he winked at a giggling Sarah.
“Uncle Benny!” She squealed with the biggest smile on her face. “Daddy said you have a fight soon! You gonna win?”
“Of course sweetie pie,” Benny smiled back, putting on a brave face for his favorite girl. “Hey! You planned the shirt for this summer yet?”
For the past several years, Joel let Sarah design a special edition Miller Contracting shirt. It started one summer when she was playing with a new paint set and decided to get a bit creative with an old shirt of Joel's. Rather than get mad, Joel fed her artistic side and let her create a design. He then had the shirt replicated and ordered enough for his crew, Tommy, and his cousins and friends. Everyone looked forward to getting the “Sarah Special” each summer and wearing it proudly no matter the design or color.
“I'm thinkin’ like a bright teal? And the logo in white.”
“You goin’ easy on us this year baby girl?” Joel teased with a side-eye.
“Yeah, I was expecting you to bust about the big guns. Y’know I always get compliments on that neon pink one from last year when I wear it to the gym,” Benny added, his eyes twinkling as he saw Sarah crinkle her nose.
“That’s because you cut it all up…it’s barely a shirt,” Will winked as Benny rolled his eyes.
“Gotta give those followers what they want huh Bean?” Joel smirked, quickly changing the subject when he saw Sarah’s interest piqued. “So, ah, what’re you all up to today?” He put his arm around Sarah’s shoulder so she could rest her head on his chest.
“We ah…got a neighborhood party…gonna go over there for a bit, see how it is and then lay low once the fireworks start,” Will with a tight smile, not wanting to say too much in front of Sarah.
“Damn those neighbors of yours sure do love to throw a party.”
“Yeah well, we had some new ones move in yesterday and Benny seems pretty ah…interested from what it sounds like,” Will ruffled his little brother's hair as Benny slapped him across the stomach.
“Ah, gotta girl you like there Bean?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“Ooo is she pretty Uncle Benny?” Sarah added which made Joel and Will both snort seeing Benny so embarrassed.
“Oh well, will you look at that…bad connection…we gotta go bye! Love you!” Benny switched off the phone as Will doubled over in laughter. 
Although Benny didn't always love being the butt of a joke, if it got his brother to laugh on a day like today, then he'd gladly take the hit.
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“Babe, where’s my cup?” David yelled from the kitchen as Ty filled some coolers with ice on the lanai.
“Which specific one are you referring to, sweetheart? You have 20,” Ty responded sarcastically. David’s Stanley cup collection had grown exponentially over the past year, to the point that their kitchen cabinets were starting to become overrun by the things.
“The red, white, and blue one, duh!” David huffed as he came outside. “I have no idea where it is.”
“We need to install like shelves or something so you can see them all. Maybe if you see the whole collection you’ll stop buying more,” his eyes widened with a tight smile.
“Oooo, what if we have one of the guys install it for us? Could be fun for the both of us,” David winked as Ty rolled his eyes. “C’mon, admit it, any of them with a toolbelt…nailing…and hammering…and…”
“Ok…get your shit together, Blanche,” Ty cut him off. “We have guests arriving soon and I need you to quench your thirst.” He walked back into the kitchen, opening a cabinet and finding the cup in question. “Here.” “What would I do without you?” David walked up, kissing Ty on the cheek.
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“Where’s your swimsuit?” Victoria raised an eyebrow as her sister came downstairs in an oversized T-shirt, jean shorts, and flip-flops. 
“I'm not wearing one,” Vanessa side-eyed her with her lips pressed in a line. She scooped up Mariella who was babbling “uppy uppy” at her.
Victoria sighed as she got her backpack together with some snacks and a change of clothes for the kids. “That person was an ass, Nessa, don’t pay them any attention.”
“Who was an ass? What happened?” Marcus asked, coming around the corner and tucking his sunglasses into the collar of his heather gray crew-neck t-shirt.
“Someone at the donut shop asked Nessa if she wa-”
“Hey! Stop, don’t,” Vanessa hissed, cutting her sister off. “Same old sh- I mean, stuff, Buck, you know,” she gave Marcus a pleading look, hoping he’d pick up on the fact that she wanted to change the subject.
He walked around the kitchen island over to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, “Oh Vandy,” he kissed her forehead. “Don’t let some idiot ruin your day ok? We’re going to have fun,” he winked, seeing the slightest twinkle in her eye as she gave him a side hug.
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“Francisco! Que allegria!” Lulu approached with open arms as Frankie and the boys walked into the party.
“We…I mean, she missed you so much, must be nice being the favorite huh?” David winked, shaking hands with the guys.
“Wow, I see how it is, chopped liver!” Benny sarcastically scoffed, as Lulu tsked and brought him in for a hug.
“Benny! How’s the training going? Lis says you have a fight soon?” Danny asked as he and Melissa walked up. All of the neighbors started to gather around the four newest additions to the party. 
“Oh ah, yeah, going good. A few weeks to go.” Benny rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, I don’t have my rotation set in stone yet, but if I’m in town I’d love to come. I mean…if that’s cool with you. I haven't seen MMA in person in a couple of years and now I have someone to root for,” Danny smiled.
“Ooo yeah! A group outing! I’ve never been to a fight before! Sounds…fun,” David clapped his hands.
“You need a cheering section right, Benny?” Megan asked as she sipped her drink. 
“We'll make you signs,” Katie added, her mind already thinking of a design.
“Oh ah, yeah, the more the merrier,” Benny chuckled, suddenly realizing that he’d opened up the door for the entire neighborhood to come to see him possibly get his ass kicked.
“It’s gonna be a big night, our cousin may come from Texas…Ben’s gonna have quite the supporter’s section,” Will put his arm around his brother, noticing Katie’s head snap at attention out of the corner of his eye. 
“Are those the new neighbors?” Ty asked, looking past Benny and Will and toward the family who just walked in.
“Oh yes, the Pike’s! You’ll love them, they're super nice,” Melissa gushed, waving wildly and grabbing Victoria’s attention. 
Will side-eyed his brother and felt his back straighten. “So, ah, which one is your girl,” he whispered, as Frankie and Santiago snorted at Benny’s sudden change in demeanor.
“Shhh, she’s not my girl,” Benny looked down wishing he could shrink down to the size of an ant and scurry away.
“Purple hair,” Santiago muttered out of the corner of his mouth as he took a sip of the beer Frankie handed him.
“She’s pretty, Ben.” Seeing his brother so flustered was quite amusing to Will. “You gonna talk to her or…”
“I know how to talk to a girl,” Benny replied, a bit petulantly which made Will and Santiago stifle some laughs.
“Hey, hey, let him go at his own pace…I got faith in ya Benny,” Frankie winked, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he managed to get a small smile out of Benny.
“Hey, our movers! Great to see you guys again,” Marcus chuckled as he shook hands with the guys, stopping and introducing himself to Will.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Will, Benny’s brother. Seems like I got out of the impromptu moving duties yesterday huh?”
“You did, all good though, these guys were pretty efficient. Oh ah, Will, this is my wife Victoria and our kids Nico and Mariella,” Will smiled, shaking Victoria’s hand and managing to get a high five from each of the kids. “And this is Vanessa, Vic’s sister.”
“Hi Will, nice to meet you,” Vanessa felt a little intimidated by Will initially, but his sweet, genuine smile put her at ease.
“Vanessa. Nice to meet you. Cool hair,” he gestured up with his chin.
“Oh ah, thanks,” she played with the ends. I uh dyed it myself,” she looked down at her feet, shy that a handsome man complimented her.
“You didn’t tell us that yesterday!” Santiago chimed in. “So you a hairdresser or something?”
“Oh ah no, not professionally. I’ve always kinda dabbled with it.” She bit her lower lip, eyes flitting over to catch Benny softly smiling at her.
“She cuts my hair,” Marcus jumped in. “Haven’t gotten any complaints,” he winked at Victoria who rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a smirk. 
“You know, I could probably use a haircut soon,” Frankie took off his cap and ran his fingers through his hair.
“NO!” David yelled from across the lanai, everyone stopping to look at him. Ty lowered his chin and looked at his partner from over the top of his sunglasses. “I um…sorry, Ty grabbed the wrong cups. Babe, remember, we need to go grab the ones from inside,” his eyes widened as he backed away and scurried into the house.
“Ignore him, it’s been a while since we hosted anything,” Ty laughed it off, walking into the house after David.
Frankie chuckled and put his hat back on his head. “Benny, you were talking about getting a haircut soon weren’t you?” Benny swallowed hard and nodded. “Said it’s getting in his eyes. We need to make sure you can see those punches comin’ atcha Benjamin,” he shadowboxed towards Benny, who playfully batted away his hands.
“Oh, are you a fighter or something?” Victoria asked, moving Mariella to rest on her other hip.
“Oh ah no, not professionally. I’ve always kinda dabbled with it,” he caught Vanessa’s eyes and laughed to himself seeing her smile. “I do it from time to time. Have a big one coming up in a few weeks.”
“Well, I don’t want to impose if you already have something established, but I’m an athletic trainer. Happy to help if you need anything,” Victoria smiled.
“Athletic trainer, huh? You working for one of the pro teams in town?” Santiago chimed in.
“Oh ah, no, well, I used but now I work for a high school. Torrey Hills Prep. You all know it?” Victoria looked around at the group.
“That’s where my son goes! He plays basketball,” Megan perked up. “He’s around here somewhere,” she looked around, spotting Connor and Aria sitting together on a lounger. “Ah, he's busy,” she shook her head as everyone laughed.
“No way, that’s actually one of my sports this year! Our friend Ben is the coach and when he knew Marcus and I were trying to move back down here he put in a good word for me and here we are!” Vanessa replied.
“Well look at that, what a small world,” Megan smiled. “Coach Ben is great, everyone loves him.”
“We do too,” Victoria looked quickly at Vanessa and then back to the group. “He’s like a brother to us.”
Everyone turned when they heard a glass clinking, seeing David donned in a red, white, and blue feather boa and silver sequined cowboy hat. “Ok, looks like everyone’s here. Let’s fire up the grill and have some fun!”
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Benny watched as Melissa ushered Vanessa and Victoria over to meet Olivia and her kids who were playing on a slip-and-slide David and Ty set up in the backyard.
“There a reason you haven’t turned on that Miller charm yet?” Frankie narrowed his eyes as he took a sip. 
“I dunno man,” Benny rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s probably going to think I’m just some dumb jock or something.”
Frankie chewed the inside of his cheek, observing Benny’s body language, shoulders hunched over and eyes downcast. Sometimes Frankie forgot just how low Benny got during his last relationship and the subsequent aftermath. It pained him to see how little his friend thought of himself, not missing the irony that when given a mirror his friends would say the same about him.
“Well, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, Ben. From my observations, I think she’d be…ah…receptive to you talking to her. Seems like a sweet girl. C’mon, see where it goes…have fun hermano,” Frankie put his arm around Benny’s shoulder and gave him a shake.
“Thanks, Fish,” Benny smiled.
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“You doing ok?” Victoria leaned over to Vanessa as they watched the kids playing.
“Yeah. Everyone seems really nice.” Victoria got closer to his sister, lowering her voice to a whisper. “You should go over and talk to Benny.”
Vanessa looked over her shoulder to see Benny in deep conversation with Frankie. She could feel her sister's eyes on her as she turned back around. “What Vic?” she cocked her head to the side.
“Oh nothing,” she let out a breathy giggle. “It’s just…cute.” Vanessa furrowed her brows, waiting for her sister to continue. “What? Now I know how you felt all of those years ago trying to get me to talk to Marcus,” she teased. 
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“So, is this like a big day for you guys or one you'd rather just get past?” Ty asked Will as they both observed the spread of food laid out in front of them.
“Ah, one I'd rather get past I guess, don't love all the attention,” Will gave a tight smile.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,”
“Naw it's all good man. It's kinda nice to be here and just hanging out. We appreciate getting just a regular invite and not having everyone look at us like “guests of honor” you know?”
“I hear you, I hear you. And hey, of course, we'd invite you…you're part of the family now,” Ty smiled, patting Will on the back before he walked away.
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Vanessa watched with a soft smile as the kids played. Mariella made friends with Olivia’s little girl Diana and the boys were all chasing after Connor. She was so wrapped up in their ruckus that she didn’t hear the incoming footsteps. 
“Are you…um…having fun?”
Vanessa heard a deep Southern drawl behind her, turning around to see Benny leaning forward. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his bright blue eyes searched hers like he wanted to say more.
“Oh…ah, yeah…yes. Are you?” Vanessa bit her lip, wincing internally at how awkward she must be acting.
Benny nodded. “Yeah. Beautiful….day, it’s a beautiful day,” he smiled quickly shifting his weight from foot to foot. “You…ah…you going swimming later?”
“N-no,” Vanessa shook her head. “I didn’t bring my suit,” she swallowed hard and turned her attention back to the kids.
“You didn’t wear a swimsuit to a pool party?”
“Still unpacking,” Vanessa shrugged, hoping to get off the subject. The thought of getting herself into a swimsuit was hard enough, she couldn’t even fathom doing it in front of a guy like Benny, who practically looked like a male model in his simple black swim trunks and cut-off Army shirt.
Benny opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he felt something brush against his knees. He looked down and saw Mariella looking up at him with her big brown eyes, arms reaching up to the sky. “I…uh…” Benny’s eyes widened, panicked at what to do.
Vanessa laughed and bent down, “Ven aquí chiquitita,” she cooed. “She’s at a stage where she wants to be held all the time. Mari, you remember Benny? Say hi,” she gave an encouraging smile to her niece.
“Bunny,” Mariella responded matter-of-factly.
“No, mamita, his name is Benny…Ben-ny. Now you try? Ben-ny.”
Mariella shook her head up and down and assumptively said, “Bunny.”
“Well, your name is Bunny now. The queen has spoken,” Vanessa laughed, feeling her cheeks get warm as she saw a big smile come across Benny’s face.
“Well, who am I to deny a pretty girl,” he scrunched his nose up and booped Mariella on the nose. “Besides, I've been called a lot worse.”
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Frankie felt that familiar buzz in his pocket that made his heart race. Quickly unlocking his phone he was greeted by a selfie of Jo, looking tired but as beautiful as ever.
Jo: Finally done. I need a shower and a nap.
Frankie: Wish I was there to help
Jo: You can later 😉
Jo: How's the party? You and the guys doing ok?
Frankie: Yeah all good so far. Everyone’s been cool, it’s almost like I forgot what day it is.
Frankie: Plus I’m trying to help Benny talk to a girl
Jo: The pilot being a wingman…nice
Frankie: Trying.
Jo: I don't want to keep you, but I'm glad it's going well. Call me later.
Frankie: I will. Enjoy your shower 😏
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Marcus walked up to the cooler to grab a couple of drinks when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned around and saw Will who also was also on the hunt for a refill. The men exchanged pleasantries before drawing their attention to Vanessa and Benny who stood at the perimeter of the play area, observing all of the kids. She had her hand up to her mouth laughing as Benny animatedly told a story.
“Uh oh,” Will chuckled.
Marcus arched an eyebrow, “what’s wrong?”
Will smirked, “Oh no, it’s just…pretty eyes, a nice smile, and laughs at his jokes…that’s the trifecta for my brother.” 
Marcus let out a breath and softly laughed. “I have to say…she’s smiled more in the last day than I’ve seen in the last few months,” Marcus tilted his head, observing Vanessa cracking up.
“Well, I haven’t seen Benny this nervous around a girl since we were in high school,” he shook his head, smiling to himself as the memories flooded back. Marcus looked a bit confused so Will continued, “Our cousin dared him to talk to one of the seniors and ask her out….joke was on him though because the girl found Ben’s…goofiness…to be pretty charming. Ended up getting a date out of it.”
Benny glanced over in their direction. Years of reconnaissance made him acutely aware of when he was the one being watched. Realizing they were caught, Marcus and Will coughed and turned to face each other. 
“So…ah…you and Vanessa…you all close?”
Marcus glanced over fondly in her direction, “Yeah…she and I have always had this like unspoken connection. She means a lot to me…I love her very much,” he looked back at Will. 
“Look, I know this probably doesn’t mean much because he’s my brother and I obviously love the kid….but Benny’s a good guy.”
Marcus nodded, taking what Will said to heart. “So…I think we may both be on the same page here then?” Will nodded, so Marcus continued. “Vandy is probably going to kill me for saying this, but she’s not going to make a move. She's afraid of getting hurt…her ex,” Marcus shook his head, “he really messed her up.”
Will took a deep breath, “same for Ben. The kid hasn't always had the best luck.”
“Well, maybe we can partner up,” Marcus winked conspiratorially. “Seems like they're both interested right?”
“Ohh yeah,” Will chuckled. “Benny's interested alright.”
“Hey Will,” Connor walked up to get a bottle of water from the cooler.
“Hey man, what's up.”
“Santi and I are getting corn hole set up, think you and Benny want to play?”
“Actually,” Will smirked, looking over at Marcus whose mouth was slowly curling into a smile. “Think you could find a partner?”
“I think I know just the person,” Marcus chuckled. 
“Alright, c'mon let's go. Connor, you wanna help?”
“Ah, sure…with what?” He looked between both men confused.
“It's for Benny,” Will motioned over to his brother and Vanessa with his eyes.
“Oh.” It was as if a switch suddenly turned on for Connor. “Ohhh. Yeah ok! Tell me what I need to do.”
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“Wait, backward? I don't even understand how that would work?” Vanessa giggled. 
“I get a strike every time. I'll have to show you,” Benny puffed his chest out a bit, feeling more at ease as he and Vanessa talked and got to know each other. 
He learned that the catalyst for her to pack up and move back to Tampa from Charlotte was two-fold: she recently lost her job and her mother wasn’t doing well. That coupled with the fact that Victoria and Marcus offered her a place to stay in exchange for some babysitting solidified the decision to move back “home”. 
As they talked, Benny grew more and more infatuated. Her laugh was music to his ears. She listened enthusiastically like she was genuinely interested in what he had to say. She was smart and really funny. And she was beautiful, he couldn’t help but admire that.
“Hey Benny! Hi, you're…Vanessa, right?” Connor appeared next to Benny, flipping his hat around backward.
“Yeah, that's right. Good memory,” Vanessa regarded the boy with an amused look.
“You having fun C?” Benny brought the boy in for a side hug.
“Yeah, it's been a good time. Hey, actually. We're getting a cornhole tournament set up. Will said you're like a five-time Texas state champ or something?’
“Five?” Benny scoffed, feigning offense. “Where you come up with five Will?” Benny called over to his brother who shrugged as he walked up with Marcus. “I’m a five-time Texas Cornhole League champ, but don't forget about my Delta Force Cornhole Tournament wins. But, my most prized trophy is from the Oak Hill Elementary School Family Field Day,” he winked at Vanessa. “My niece…Sarah. She and I kicked ass and took names that year.”
“She finally had it with her and her old man losing every year, so she brought in a ringer,” Will added.
“It was one of my prouder moments as an uncle, I have to admit.”
Vanessa could tell this little girl meant a lot to Benny with the way his eyes softened when he talked about her. She made a point to remember her name and to ask him later which of his cousins was her father. He mentioned a Joel and a Tommy already during their conversation but she didn’t catch which one of them had a daughter.
“Well, I myself may have won a tournament or two at an FBI family picnic over the years,” Marcus chimed in. 
“You did? With who?” Vanessa scrunched up her face.
“Before I met you and your lovely sister my dear. They wanted us to mingle with different agencies, so I got paired up with this guy from the DEA. He didn't want to be there and was chain-smoking the whole time. But, he and I made a good team and once we started winning he changed his tune. Even shared some of the whiskey he snuck in.”
“I have literally never heard that story before,” Victoria came up and wrapped an arm around her husband's waist. “All this time I've been married to a cornhole champ and didn't even know it,” she smiled as Marcus leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Vanessa playfully rolled her eyes at them and returned her focus to Benny. “So you still got it then?”
The corner of Benny's mouth turned up, “oh I still got it darlin’.”
“Let’s play then!” Connor clapped his hands. 
“With partners, it's more fun that way. Vandy you're with me hermanita,” Marcus wrapped his arm around Vanessa's shoulder.
“Ah, o-ok, um…sure,” she played with her hair, a nervous tick. 
“So, Vanessa and Marcus against Benny and Will then?” Victoria asked, purposefully not looking in her sister's direction. 
“No darlin’, two Millers is too much,” Will winked, noticing the way Vanessa's cheeks flushed. “Connor, you wanna take my place.”
“Sure! Yeah, is that ok Benny?”
“Hell yeah, we got this bud,” Benny clapped his hand onto the boy’s shoulder. 
“We playing for anything or just bragging rights?” Connor asked the group.
“Hmm…what a great question,” Marcus replied a bit too smoothly and Vanessa suddenly realized what was happening. “Let's see. Well, Will was telling me how you boys have been doing some landscaping around the neighborhood. And I know my beautiful wife would love nothing more than to make some…adjustments…to our lawn. What do you say Vandy? We play to get your sister some upgrades?”
“That's a lot to ask of them over a silly little game, Buck,” Vanessa scrunched up her face. “Can't they just like…I dunno buy us a pizza as like a housewarming gift?”
“No, we don't mind. Besides, bet whatever you want, it's not like you're going to win anyway,” Will quickly chimed in. His playful trash talk made Benny cock his head to the side, surprised to see his brother so animated. “So speaking as the team representative, if they win, we want you,” he pointed to Vanessa, “to give Benny a haircut.” Will wrapped his arm around Benny’s neck, as Benny looked down sheepishly. 
Vanessa eyes narrowed. “That hardly seems fair. Connor doesn’t get anything?”
“Oh I don't need anything,” the boy threw his hands up.
“Ok, well even so, hours of landscaping versus a 10-minute haircut seems like quite a lopsided bet.” Vanessa countered, missing the coy smiles Marcus and Victoria exchanged.
“Very true. You make a good point,” Will continued with the negotiations. “Well, then…do something for me then and…take my brother out. I could use a night of peace and quiet,” he winked.
Benny scratched the top of his hat. “W-what? N-no, you don't have to do tha-”
“Deal.” Vanessa extended her hand to Will who shook it. 
Everyone was in a bit of shock at the exchange, but no one more so than Vanessa herself. She chewed the inside of her cheek and avoided looking in Benny’s direction as she quickly turned around and walked over to the cornhole board.
“Where'd that come from?” Victoria whispered.
“I dunno. Fuck, it was too much right? Ugh that was dumb wasn't it?” 
“Are you kidding me? No, that was perfect. Who are you and what have you done with my sister?”
Next to them, Marcus snickered, trying to hold back a smug smile.
Vanessa playfully smacked him on the arm. “You. Ugh I played right into your hand didn't I?”
“You always do. Besides, I'm doing you both a favor. Neither of you were going to make a move so I'm helping…speed up the process.”
“Ok so I love you Nessa and I want you and Benny to go on a date but I would also really love to get that godawful flower bed sorted out and a tree removed. So, please try and win,” Victoria winked.
“Great pep talk babe, you sure do know how to inspire,” Marcus kissed the top of her head and softly smacked her ass as she ran to stop Mariella from running headfirst into a bush.
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Will seemed quite pleased with himself as he, Benny, and Connor walked over to their side. 
“You fucker,” Benny tilted his head back, shaking his head. 
“Come on Bean, it was right there. If the shoe was on the other foot you woulda done the same thing.”
Benny rolled his eyes, annoyed that Will was right, and also touched that his brother was playing wingman. 
“Hey uh, Benny, listen I haven’t played cornhole in a while so…”
“All good, bud, I got this. Especially since I know what’s on the line.”
Will didn’t miss the way Benny’s eyes twinkled. 
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Frankie tucked his phone back into his pocket as Santiago came up, burger in hand.
“These are really good, Ty’s giving you a run for your money when it comes to the grill.”
Frankie snorted, a lopsided grin making his dimple more prominent. “You’re just angling for me to cook something this weekend, I know your type.”
With a raised eyebrow Santiago continued, “You gonna even be here this weekend? By the sounds of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d be packing up and hauling your ass to Atlanta for a few months.”
“No…” he shook his head as he thought through his response. “At least not this weekend. She’s got some stuff going on. What?” He scrunched his face as Santiago started laughing to himself.
“Nothing…just…it’s good to see you happy Fish,” he pushed up his sunglasses.
“Well, what about you? What d’you have going on these days?”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I’ve been… consistent.”
“For how long?” Frankie chuckled.
“Ok, it’s been a week…but it’s with an old…friend.” Santiago quickly took a bite.
“How old of a friend we talkin’ about Pope?” Frankie narrowed his eyes.
Santiago purposefully slowed down his chewing, a bit nervous about Frankie’s reaction. When he finally swallowed he took a deep breath and faced his friend. “It’s Amaryllis, ok?”
Frankie’s eyes widened, “Lil?”
“Yeah? Is that surprising?”
“I mean…kinda. When’s the last time you guys hooked up? Before you took off to Colombia. You lookin’ to get more of your shit thrown out on a lawn?” Frankie snorted and dodged a slap from Santiago.
“It’s not like that, things are different now.”
“Ok…whatever you say, Pope.”
“So what’s going on here?” Santiago asked, eager to change the subject. He motioned to the cornhole game in front of them. Benny and Connor kept high-fiving as Vanessa groaned at Marcus who sent another bag flying well past the board.
“I dunno but Benny seems pretty proud of himself though,” Frankie observed. 
“It’s really unfair you know? The guy hasn’t played cornhole in years and look at him. Throwing a four-bagger like it’s nothing,” Santiago shook his head as another of Benny’s bags went through the hole untouched. 
“You’re still bitter he never wanted to be your partner when we played on the base,” Frankie chuckled.
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“Ok, C, you make this one and we win. No pressure,” Benny winked as he handed Connor the last bag.
“We’re ahead by a lot Benny, as long as I just get it on the board we win,” Connor fidgeted with the bag in his hand. He definitely held his own in the game, but Benny could have played on his own he was that good.
“Don’t just get it on the board, bud. You got this. C’mon the board is clear for you, go on for an air mail.”
“Got any tips?”
“Nah, I’m not sharing the secret sauce,” Benny grinned as he patted Connor on the back. “And I don’t wanna put any pressure on you but you’ve got a little audience.”
Connor turned around to see his mom, Katie, and Aria all huddled together watching. With a tight smile and a small wave, he took a deep breath to focus. He held his breath as he released the bag. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as he watched the bag fly across the 20-some-odd feet to the other board. 
“Holy shit, you drained that!” Benny whooped, picking Connor up. “Way to go!”
Connor was proud to play a hand in their winning, which clearly made Benny happy. Will came over and gave him a high five. 
“Hey,” Benny pulled Connor close for a hug, “I owe you man. Thanks.”
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“Aw damn, we lost,” Marcus threw his hands in the air, going through the motions despite being giddy as all hell.
“I feel like you missed some of those on purpose, Mr. I won at the FBI picnics,” Vanessa narrowed her eyes.
Marcus gingerly rotated his arm in a circle, putting on the theatrics as he rubbed his shoulder. “I’m getting older Vandy, didn’t have enough time to stretch.”
“Don’t worry, Papi, I’ll take care of that later,” Victoria rubbed up and down his back with a coy smile.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and snorted as Nico made an exaggerated retching sound at the sight of his parents kissing. 
“Well, go claim your prize,” Marcus could barely get the words out before he dodged a playful slap on the arm from both Vanessa and Victoria.
Vanessa took a deep breath and smoothed her shirt as she walked over to the victorious and jovial trio on the other side of the lawn. “Good game,” she put her hand up, getting high fives from them all. 
“Hey I’m gonna go get something to drink, Connor wanna come with me?” Will asked.
“Oh ah…yeah…sure, yup, feeling real parched!” Connor’s tight-lipped smile and awkward delivery made the others laugh.
“He’s sweet,” Vanessa’s eyes followed as he walked away.
“Good kid, sensitive. Had some really shitty stuff happen to him. He’s actually become a friend, which is kinda weird to say because he’s like 16 and I’m old enough to be his dad, but…”
“I think that’s really sweet, Benny.” Vanessa’s eyes softened but quickly narrowed as he gave her an offended look. “What?”
“Who is this Benny? I thought my name was Bunny,” he raised his hands.
“Ah, true, true. My sincere apologies,” she responded sarcastically. “However can I repay you?”
“Well, looks like you have a bet to pay up. So, where we going?” He rubbed his hands together.
“Hmm…” she crossed her arms in front of her, tapping an index finger to her lips, which Benny tried with all his might to not focus on for fear that he’d embarrass himself. “Well, you were talking such a big game about being able to bowl backward, I want to see that.”
“I don’t just bowl backward, sweetheart. I get strikes,” he winked.
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“Hey, you ok?” Katie had kept a close eye on Will throughout the party. Even though he had mostly been in a relaxed mood, she sensed a bit of tension in his shoulders as the early evening set in.
“Hmm? Y-yeah, I’m good.” His lips formed a tight line and he knew she could see right through it.
“Will,” she put her hand on his forearm, “do you want to get out of here? If this is starting to be a lot we can head out. Hey, I can finally get you to watch The Mandalorian with me,” she offered an encouraging smile.
His tight smile melted into a more genuine one, “You sure Kat? I don’t wanna take you away from the fun. I can just head home and watch a game or something.”
“It’s whatever you want, if you want to be alone I totally get it. But if you want company, I’m there.”
Will looked at her kind eyes and started to feel calmer. “Ok. Think David is going to be offended we’re leaving early?” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Nah, he’s got so many people here and is in host mode, we can sneak out,” she winked. “Do you need to tell Benny or anyone that you’re leaving?”
“Uh, yeah I should probably tell Ben so he doesn’t make it weird…” Will chuckled as Katie looked to the ground with a smirk.
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“So what did you think?” Katie looked over as the credits rolled after the first episode.
When they started the show, they were on opposite ends of Katie’s couch, sitting straight up. But as the show went on, Katie decided to lay down sideways, curling up underneath a blanket as Will stole glances out of the corner of his eye. When it was done, she sat up, facing him.
“Not bad, Kat. I liked it,” he turned his head towards her, the corner of his mouth curling up.
“See, I told you!” She playfully slapped his arm. “I wouldn’t steer you the wrong way.”
“No, I don’t think you would,” he turned his body towards her, a knee propped up on the couch. His eyes searched hers, stealing a glance down at her mouth which didn’t go unnoticed as her tongue swiped along her bottom lip.
It was hard to tell who moved first, but Will brought his hand up to cup her cheek as their lips delicately pressed together. Their lips stayed locked for a beat, each one waiting for the other’s move. Katie teased his bottom lip with her tongue and Will opened his mouth, recognizing the faint aftertaste of black cherry seltzer on her tongue. But as quickly as they started, they both pulled away with scrunched-up faces.
“Uh…that was…” Katie chuckled, shaking her head.
“It was weird right? Like it was good, obviously, but like … kinda …weird?” Will rubbed the back of his head, realizing that his mouth moved before his brain.
“Yeah, it…look, Will, I really like you. I think you’re an awesome guy and…fuck…,” she winced a little as he started to fidget. “I just…I see you as more of a…”
“A friend?” He clenched his jaw, giving her a tight smile. 
She nodded, unable to say the words for fear that she’d hurt his feelings. But when his eyes started to crinkle and his smile relaxed she pursed her lips and her eyes narrowed.
“I was thinking the same thing.” He saw her visibly relax, both of them nervously laughing now that some of the tension was easing. “You’re amazing, Kat. You know that right? But, I don’t know…recently, I’ve started to see you as someone I can…trust. You know? Fuck,” he shook his head. “I don’t really do this,” he motioned between the two of them.
“Talk about your feelings?” 
“Yeah. It was a big reason why Jelly left…” he trailed off.
“Oh sorry, Angelica, my ex. She uh…well, I just never really knew how to process shit you know? Like Benny had fighting, he’d go and get the shit beat of out ‘em and while it didn’t make the pain go away he still numbed it you know? Pope would go out and pick up whoever he could at the bar, figuring he’d bury his pain in a…” he looked up, “never mind, you know what I mean,” he laughed. “And Fish…he had his own demons…” Will pulled his brows together, his forefinger pushing the cuticle on his thumb back.
“What about you?” Katie leaned forward, resting her elbow on the back of the couch.
“I just…kept it bottled up. She’d try and get me to open up but I just…couldn’t,” he closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head from side to side as if trying to delete a memory from his head. “And then one day there I was in the damn cereal aisle of a Publix, my arm around some guy’s throat. I wasn’t there I…” he took a deep breath, relaxing a bit when Katie rubbed his arm. “I was squeezing so hard, I blacked out…Jelly had to basically climb up my back to get me to stop. She scratched the shit out of me. I’ll never forget the way she was screaming at me, telling me to stop,” he swiped his hand across his lips.
“I’m here, it’s ok,” Katie soothed him, rubbing circles along his forearm with her thumb. 
“Anyway, I’ll spare you the details, but that was the beginning of the end. But looking back it had been coming for a while. I couldn’t be what she wanted, I wasn’t the same person anymore. And we were growing apart. She had goals and plans and I just…I wasn’t there. I wasn’t at the same place. And I guess bottling that shit up kind of just came to a head.”
“What happened?”
“She left. Well, not right away. She tried…she tried to get me to go talk to someone, but I just wasn’t ready yet. You’d think nearly killing someone at a fuckin’ grocery store would do that,” he chuckled to himself. “It was a bad time for all of us if I’m honest. Everyone was in a shit spiral. I ended up flying home, just to get away from it all. Felt like a loser staying with my parents for a couple of months, but I just needed distance. Then one night drinking beers on Joel’s patio it all kind of clicked. I didn’t want to be like that anymore…I don’t know, I can’t explain it. But the next day, I made an appointment to talk with someone and now fast-forward a few years and I’m the one giving speeches,” the corner of his mouth curled up. 
He told Katie about how he started volunteering and working with other veterans, helping others who were enduring the aftereffects of war and battle. If there was one thing Will was proud of, it was the way he paid it forward, helping others the way others helped him – when he finally let them. It was never anything he touted or wanted attention for. He quietly dedicated his time to volunteering and doing a host of other activities that the rest of the guys probably didn’t even realize he was doing.
“I think that’s amazing, Will, you should be so proud of yourself. I am.” Katie squeezed his arm.
“Sorry for unloading that all on you Kat,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “This day always makes me feel weird, I guess I never really talk about it. I feel I don’t deserve any of the attention this day brings you know? Like people will come up to us and thank us and say all of this stuff and they mean well…it’s just hard to reconcile all of the shit we’ve seen and had to do,” he let out a long sigh. “So all of that plus the fact that I don’t like loud sounds, is why today kind of sucks,” he laughed, his bright blue eyes looking up to find hers. “But today has kinda sucked less…and you’re a big part of that, so thank you.”
Katie was taken aback and her eyes started to tear up. “Oh Will, that’s sweet. You’re a good man. I hope you can see that. I’m happy I was here. I’ll be here anytime, ok?” He nodded. “Can I give you a hug?”
“C’mere,” he smiled, opening his arms as she reached her hands around him, nuzzling into his neck. They stayed in a tight embrace but Katie could feel the tension melting off of him. He pulled back, grabbing her hand, “thank you.”
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Next Time on As the Mule Falls: Benny and Vanessa go to the bowling alley. Frankie and Jo try and figure out the next time they’ll see each other. The boys finish Melissa’s backyard. (There will be some time jumps we need to get to Benny’s fight night!).
A/N: Hi! Sorry it took me so long for an update! Aside from life getting a bit crazy, I also decided to focus and finish another series I had been working on. So, for now, this is my only WIP. There’s some really fun stuff ahead and I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Thank you as always for reading, sharing, or sending me a message about this story!
Taglist: @goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @noxturnalpascal / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beboldbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @pimosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain / @partyofone3413 / @inthedarkestnight / @millennial-teenybopper / @csarab615 / @darkheartgatita / @southernbe / @weho2kcmo / @itspdameronthings / @mclibs23
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nexility-sims · 4 months
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𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 / ❛ boy crazy ❜ part 1 (@armoricaroyalty)
❝ The Lover's Gala was the Armorican Queer Front's biggest annual event and 2044 was the 25th Anniversary. The organization's communications team had spent months putting out stories about the gala and the celebrities and members of the royals family expected to attend, trying without much success to turn the event into a major cultural major. Overnight, Princess Zofia (and her new boyfriend) blew them all out of the water. It was only his second time in Armorica, and the first time they'd appeared in public together since the funeral. It was only natural that they landed on the front page of every newspaper in the country, the gala (and the work done by the AQF) a vague footnote after paragraphs upon paragraphs breathlessly speculating about the intimate details of the lovebirds' long-distance relationship. "
♥ shoutout to gabe for pitching this very fun idea, as well as for the title card, the contextual prose, and, of course, my beloved daughter miss zofia augusta st. fleur !!!!!!! she's my favorite barbie doll & has been for a long time :^) i guess i love and adore my son as well, but nonetheless. this is special in part because it's the first time i've written them speaking outside of a parody piece that will never see the light of day. anyway, enjoy this super premature dialogue-inclusive, full-color sneak peak of Them™
{Light music, overlapping conversations}
[Z] It’s gotten so long since December!
[R] Anything for you.
[Z] Anything at all? Promise?
[R] On my life.
[Z] So ... Can we leave then?
[R] Well, that’s actually your call—
[Z] Okay, let’s leave right now!
[R] We’ve been here for only a short while, Fia.
[R] Even less if you count the “restroom break.”
[Z] That was worth it, and no one even noticed.
[Z] Occupied!
[Z] Anyway, Hannah’s still here. Even Pidge. Et cetera. We can go.
[R] They walked out ten minutes ago—Hannah with Hugo, Margaret following Arthur. All through a servant’s door. Very conspicuous.
[Z] Did they? Huh. So they did.
{Rui laughs}
[Z] Look, if we leave now, it’ll be perfect. It’s barely nine o’clock. We can go back to the city, change clothes, go dancing—!
{Imaginary club music thudding} [Z&R V.O.] Party all night—bet you don’t believe me, but we actually do have good clubs [Rui snickers] or, like, one I like a lot—then I get a cheeseburger—[no pickles]—right! Oh, remember that poor cashier in Nakawe? You sure told him. [“Plain” means plain.] My hero! Anyway, then you carry me and my sore feet to bed. Ideal night.
[Z] You can keep this on, actually. Maybe ditch the jacket.
[R] Undo another button or two?
[Z] Of course. [Soft sigh] You get me.
[Z] The rose is also a must.
[R] It’s for you—a keepsake.
[Z] Aw. Our first appearance and our first Valentine’s Day ...
[R] A sign, probably. Meant to be.
[Z] Romance novel worthy. I’d read it.
[R] The boxes are checked: excitement, fate, many graphic—
[Z] No! Erotic. {Repeats in Armorican} Memorize that one.
[R] Do you think I should’ve worn a tie this evening?
[Z] What?
[R] If we were home, obviously not. But, Armorica is ... People here seem to care a lot about unnecessary things. So, was that a misstep?
[Z] {Laughs}
[Z]  Pfft. Hugo didn’t even have his jacket on.
[R] {Scoff} I am not Hugo.
[R] I want to make a good impression—on your family, really. This visit is different. They’re all, for better or worse, paying attention to me.
[Z] Are you kidding? Mission accomplished. [Z] Trust me, they love you! Now, come on, let’s go already—!
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heyidkyay · 1 year
And if it weren't this dark |
(Tip of the tongue but I can't deliver it properly)
Part One
A/N: hey, a short Alex one for you! it's been in my drafts for a while now, and isn't proofread but I figured I'd just post it and see if anyone likes it, first time writing for him so bare with me..
Summary: You and Alex have been together for ages and it's been so incredible, only now things have changed and you're struggling to tell him just how you feel.
Warning: angst- but also a bit of fluff so, lack of communication
Part Two
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I’d been dropping hints.
JESUS CHRIST had I been dropping hints.
There wasn’t a day gone by that I hadn’t thought about it finally happening. But as I mentioned, I’d been dropping hints only, they hadn’t been hitting.
So either I was relatively shit at this whole charade or… Alex was just utterly clueless.
I was leaning more towards the latter. But maybe I was simply biased, because over the last coming weeks my hints hadn’t been all that subtle.
I mean, only the other day we’d been on the way to my sister’s house for tea- she’d recently gotten engaged and mum had wanted to celebrate the only way my family really knew how. With good food. 
But neither Alex or I had remembered to pick up the wine we’d promised beforehand, and so we’d popped into the local Tesco’s on the drive over to pick up a few bottles. And whilst we’d been perusing- as you do- we’d somehow found ourselves wandering down the baby aisle.
Yes, the baby aisle. Because that was what I’d been waiting on. A baby. Or rather, a fucking good shag that then led to a baby.
Because, let’s be honest, I really wasn’t one to turn down a good time, far from, but these last few weeks there had been something else I’d been rather hoping for.
Everyone (and I mean everyone!!) around us was either settling down, buying homes, building families, or getting engaged. And Alex and I, well we’d been together for years and yet, nothing.
No ring. No big day planned. No talks of the future. Nada.
And I could honestly say that I wasn’t the type that needed that kind of security voiced or announced.
When Alex and I had first gotten together, I’d only realised that we were properly seeing each other when some other lad at a house party had tried to pull me. I’d never seen Alex so possessive, and it had been proper cute and a tad bit funny in the moment. He’d ‘staked his claim’- how cliche and chauvinistic, yes I know- but that was what had quickly taken us from Y/n and Alex, to Y/nandAlex. Which had suited me quite fine.
So yeah, him and I, since then had always sort of relied on our actions to simply show how we were feeling. 
Like when we’d first moved in together. There’d not been much of a discussion about it, my flat had quickly become the first place Alex would come back to after touring, his stuff had just started taking up space- washing in the dryer, dirty trainers in the hallway- and then he’d started calling it home. ‘Let’s head home, shall we?’ and ‘We’ll be home soon, darling.’ 
And that was all lovely. I adored having that kind of connection with him. 
But there were times when I desperately wished he would open up a little more about what he was thinking. Because although I could read him like an open book most days- his emotions especially- there were far and few times in between when I just felt so lost.
Like recently, I supposed.
I feel like we’ve been on the same page for so long, only now I’m ready to turn anew, start another chapter. Together.
But Alex? I have no fucking clue what he wants.
In all honesty, I think he’d be rather content to just carry on as we have been for the rest of eternity. No talk, no hashing things out. Have Christmas dinner with his parents, spend Boxing Day with mine. New Years in London, back home in time for spring. Same order from the local kebab, Friday nights stay reserved for one another.
And that would be it.
Lost to this routine.
Not that I was expecting a proposal or some grand gesture. I wasn’t much into the idea of any of that! No, just- I wanted more, you know?
I wanted that family I’d always dreamt about, that house we’d quickly make a home. I wanted nappies and nightly feeds, baby-grows which then turned into dungarees. Ten tiny little toes, someone with a cute button nose, a person made up of both him and I. 
But I just didn’t know when that would happen, or if it ever would.
So yeah- Tesco’s. Fuck, did I love to ramble! If Alex could only hear me now I supposed. 
So, as I was saying, we’d been stood in the baby aisle, Alex scrolling through his phone aimlessly, waiting for my dad to text him back a reply after we’d asked if they’d needed anything else whilst we were out. And me, staring starry eyed at the tiny socks and mittens and cute little newborn tees that were on display.
I’d said to him, almost thoughtlessly, “Imagine us having to buy all this. All these tiny little things.”
He’d just glanced up at me, smiled, hummed. Then replied, “Your dad asked if you’d pick him up some of that heartburn medication he buys. Says his acid reflux is playing up again.”
And hadn’t that just been grand? Mentioning my father’s gastrointestinal issues whilst we’d been stood surrounded by adorable little baby items, with me unsubtly referencing the image of US buying some for OUR child in the (now very obvious and very, very far) future.
Incredibly clued in, my Alex.
That hadn’t even been the worst of it though.
A few weeks back, my friend had mentioned that her and her fiancé were actively trying to conceive and I’d been so over the moon for the pair of them. All excited about the chance of having another baby to spoil rotten.
And Alex, he had been all smiles whilst congratulating them, sat comfortably beside me, but when I’d brought it up again on the drive home, he’d simply shrugged it off as though it was a thing that occurred every other day. 
Your mates starting a family. Nothing too out of the ordinary there, at least not to Alex. 
It had royally pissed me off in truth.
And I’d been a little off with him ever since, I think he knew it too.
I blinked out of the daze I’d let myself get lost in and looked away from the laptop screen I’d been staring at for the last, however long. I hummed quietly to him in reply, titling my head against the cushions and over towards where he was stood in the doorway.
“Been calling your name for a while now, you alright?” He quirked a brow up at me, a smug little smile limning his lips as he leant against the frame. He didn’t even know how good he looked. 
I nodded with a small smile then glanced away, back towards the email I’d just been typing. “‘M fine. Just need to get this done.”
Alex said nothing but I heard the soft shuffle of his socked feet across our wooden floors before the settee dipped beside me. He rested his chin against my shoulder, peering down at the screen.
“Just wanted to know what you fancied for tea.” Alex murmured, breath brushing against the skin of my neck. I withheld a shiver. “Figured we could order from that place round the corner.”
I rolled my lip against the other, pushing my glasses up my nose before I wrote another passage, honing all of my focus on finishing this email so that I could finally just relax for the evening.
“Whatever you want, Al. I’m not all that fussed.”
Alex leant away from me slightly, back pressing against the settee cushions, he stayed that way for a while and I could feel his presence as I continued to type away. It was only a short time later that I grinned triumphantly down at the laptop and clicked send, thankful to have it gone and out of my mind.
“All done, cherry?”
Smiling at the familiar petname, my eyes flickered over towards him. I took in the woollen jumper he wore, as well as his hair which was tousled and unkept, probably from having run his hands through it all day. I was only just able to stop myself from reaching out to tangle my fingers in it, wanting to smooth it over. 
“All done.” I murmured faintly and gifted him a tired smile.
Alex was the type to take something and run with it though, so I wasn’t all that surprised when he grinned right back at me and extended a hand out to cradle my left cheek. I leaned into his warmth for a second, allowing his thumb to brush the skin under my eye, probably from where today’s makeup had just begun to smudge. 
I inhaled after and slowly pulled away. Not paying much mind to the way Alex slumped slightly and instead opting to busy myself with putting away my laptop and clearing up the mess I’d made of the coffee table. 
I did it all quietly, picking up the two mugs of tea I’d made, one empty, the other barely touched from where I’d forgotten about it, whilst Alex watched on. The tele remote was perched on the very edge of the table and so I tossed it over towards him, padding my way into the kitchen.
“Put something on, will you? Think there’s a good film on Channel 5.” I prompted over my shoulder, glancing at him through the tramson window that had been installed shortly after the sink had sprung a leak during last tour and flooded the flat, forcing us to make do whilst the owner had remodelled.
Pressing the power up button, Alex flipped the remote around in his hand a couple of times, he looked deep in thought and so I left him be, choosing to wash up the two mugs as well as the few stray knives and forks which littered the basin. 
I hummed quietly to myself, an old song I could hardly recall the lyrics of, whilst I worked, thinking about the many things I had to get done before the weekend started. 
It was Alex’s voice which startled me from my musings actually. He was so much closer now than he’d been before when he spoke up again, I'd obviously not heard his approach.
“So, tea?” Alex questioned me with a slight furrow between his brows, he’d propped himself up against the kitchen counter about an arms width away.
“God, Al! What are you- a wraith? Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I scolded, having jumped out of my skin. I took a deep breath. “Could’ve had a heart attack or something over the kitchen sink.”
Alex chuckled lowly at me, clearly amused by my reaction, he shook his head. “Make headlines, you- woman dies whilst doing the washing up! Reckon it’ll lead to a riot- start up a petition that’ll change the way we wash dishes forever.”
I rolled my eyes, flicking a few soap duds at him in retaliation which only made him reach out towards me. I tried to evade him but he was too quick, sweeping and wrapping me up in his arms so that I couldn’t proceed to splash him any further.
“You always been this much of a weirdo?” I huffed, not making much of an effort to escape his hold even as I struggled to blow a strand of hair out of my face. 
He hummed, smiling down at me as we begun to sway. “Might’ve been. No getting rid of me now that you’ve finally realised it though.”
I playfully winced in retort, forcing out a loud put-upon sigh. “Should’ve just kept quiet and slipped out once you’d fallen asleep watching the tele.”
Alex narrowed his eyes at me, tugging me in tighter. “As if you would.” He taunted.
I simply smirked in retort and let my damp hands work their way under the soft material of his jumper. I cackled loudly at the way he shivered and jumped away from me like a frightened cat during a thunderstorm.
“Ah, you’re in for it!” Alex declared, his face a right picture.
Quick as I could, I dived to my left so that I could position the kitchen counter between us, bracing myself against it to grin over at him. “Should’ve thought twice about that before telling me what to do, Turner.”
“Minx.” Alex smirked, and then he pounced.
We spent the next however long running about the flat after that. 
He’d somehow been able to grab at me in the hallway but I’d thankfully managed to wrangle my way out of his hold, sprinting into our room to use the bed to my advantage. I rolled over it, putting a dent in the freshly made sheets but using the spare moment to take a couple- much needed- deep breaths whilst Alex waltzed slowly inside. I scowled when the door closed behind him. He flashed me a victorious smile.
“Unfair. I’m at a disadvantage.” I pouted, hoping it would soften him slightly. But when that didn’t work I resorted back to a narrow eyed glare. “Open the door, Alex.”
“I don’t think so, Angel-face. You see, I’ve got you cornered.”
I looked for another escape, Alex only growing nearer, but my only options were limited. I could either goad him and then dart towards the door, or dive out the window. 
Seeing as though I didn’t much fancy breaking my neck, I opted for the former.
“Come on, Al.” I chuckled breathlessly, perching precariously on the edge of the mattress in hopes of lowering his defences a little. “We’ve had fun, but I’m proper knackered now. Call it quits so we can have a cuddle?”
Alex glanced over at me warily, he knew me far too well but appeared to be on the verge of agreement. He slowly made his way over towards the bed, shoulders hunched, still on his guard. 
I hummed my vague assent, smiling up at him softly.
He paused with squinted eyes, “You’ve gotta verbalise it, love. Don’t count otherwise.”
I tilted my head up at him, feigning confusion. But we both knew I wouldn’t say it unless I really meant it. I kept my word.
That little flaw of mine seemed to trip me up though, and we both realised it at the same time too. So as I manoeuvred my way towards the door- feeling like Kim Possible, might I add- Alex was already in motion, catching me by the hips before I could even surpass the foot of the bed.
“Alex!” I screamed, only growing louder when he threw me over his shoulder and span us around. “Put me down! Now!”
“I fucking knew it!” Alex laughed merrily, bouncing me about the place. I swatted at his back unhappily, starting to feel my stomach in my throat. “Knew you’d try something.”
“Yeah, yeah… proper clever, you. Can you put me fucking down now? Think I’m gonna yosh.”
I could only roll my eyes when he dropped me on my arse, although thankfully it was on the mattress. Huffing, I fought to tame the mess he’d probably made of my hair.
Alex merely chuckled, leaning in close to tuck a strand of stray hair behind my ear. I smiled when he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Hm, so you say.” I replied, peering up at him from where he towered over me, his hand falling to frame my jaw.
He leant in again, smiling as his lips met mine. “Had to show you who’s boss, didn’t I? Couldn’t let you get away with that.”
I gave an airy titter, pushing him away so that I could pull myself to my feet. “I could’ve had you on your arse the second you strolled in here, was just playing fair.”
He caught my wrist before I could retreat back into the living room, encasing my hand in his. I frowned slightly, looking back at him, mainly confused.
“What’s up?” I questioned him. His brown eyes flickered back and forth between my own, he looked conflicted all of a sudden, it was something you didn’t see on Alex too often which caused my frown to deepen, “Alex?” I prodded.
A small sigh escaped him and his gaze fell towards our joined hands, I let my thumb brush against the back of his own, wanting to reassure him in some way.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” I asked again, stepping closer. My other hand braced his forearm.
Alex’s eyes found mine once more and I didn’t think I had ever seen him this torn up. It threw me a bit, his demeanour had changed so quickly, it was like he’d done a total one-eighty on me.
“Think I should be asking you that question.”
I frowned at Alex’s vague reply.
“What do you mean? I’m fine, Alex. Annoyed that you won, but I’ll get you the next time.” I assured him, chuckling softly at the end. But it didn’t seem to do much.
Alex just shook his head, stepping away towards the window. He dragged a hand across his face, rubbing at his chin whilst he gazed down at the street below. 
“Al…” I tried. “Alex. Will you look at me?”
His eyes fell shut, he squeezed them as though he was trying to sort through a messy array of thoughts, of emotions.
Then he sighed. “I just don’t get you sometimes. One second you’re off with me, hardly even have the time to spare a glance my way. Then the next, we’re as happy as Larry, dancing about the kitchen, play-fighting, laughing.”
I had to look away, down towards my feet as a surge of guilt rippled through me. It wasn’t Alex’s fault that he had no idea about all the thoughts that were raging about inside my head. It wasn’t his fault that I was too scared to just come out with it. To tell him what I so does wanted. To just talk to him. 
None of the blame was on him and yet, I’d still placed it all there.
“I’m sorry.” I said, slumping down onto the edge of the mattress with a sigh. My eyes trailed over to find him staring back, his face gave nothing away. “I’ve been an utter twat. And I’ve been so fucking unfair to you. I- I don’t know, Al. I’ve just been struggling with a lot lately. But it really is nothing that you’ve done.”
Alex released a long breath, thumbing the bridge of his nose before he walked towards the bed, taking a seat beside me. We sat there in silence for a few moments, I could feel my heart hammering in my throat. Because it really was now or never. I either told him or… I got over myself. And nothing would change.
“You say you’ve been struggling.”
I angled my head over towards him upon hearing his words, Alex continued to look onwards though, his hands clasped between his knees.
He looked a lot older in that moment, and it reminded me of just how long we’d been together. I could recall a similar moment we’d shared well over a decade ago now, just before the band’s very first London gig.
Alex had spent weeks torturing himself over it, figuring that they’d be wasting their time playing to an empty room. 
It had been the night before they’d been set to leave when he’d come round mine. It’d been late. Really late, as in only mere hours before the train he’d been expected on was set to depart. 
It had just been the two of us. But that hadn’t ever been an unusual occurrence. We’d sat in silence together for a longwhile on my messy bedsheets- he’d always been the type to struggle with words. Strange for a songwriter, yeah, but unless they were accompanied by a couple chords then Alex could honestly spend a millennia searching for the right ones to use if you’d let him. 
He had spoken up eventually though. Told me what was bugging him. And I’d been the one to try and right every bad thought he’d had. Dull his racing mind. 
I’d always very much doubted his fears, about no one wanting to listen to their music outside of Sheffield. Outside of the safety net we’d grown up in. But Alex was as stubborn as I was, and so we’d spent a lot of late nights arguing about it. We’d always make up for it though come morning. 
And Alex had gone, obviously. I’d been one of the few to see the band off that morning, waving goodbye even as the train blurred and disappeared out of sight. He’d phoned me later that night after the gig, I’d heard his smile, he’d gone on this long rant about how wrong he’d been. Because the pillock had only gone and gotten carried around the venue on a sea of hands, hadn’t he?
This moment didn’t feel quite the same though. Because these fears I’d been facing, well they didn’t threaten anything outside of the four walls we’d carved for ourselves. If I told him how I felt, there was a very big chance that he might not feel the same, want the same. There was a very real chance he could just walk away.
“If it’s been so bad. Why didn’t you just come to me?” Alex asked and his eyes found mine then, that warm brown of his appeared so oddly defeated. So much so, I struggled to find a reply. 
“Just come out with it. Please. ‘Cause all this up and down, and back and forth. I don’t know if I can take much more. It’s been driving me round the bend. I hate reaching out towards you and feeling you pull further away. Kills me. Hate feeling like there’s something standing between us. ‘Cause it’s never been that way. Not with me and you.”
My throat grew tight with tears, but I wouldn’t cry, not now. Not when it was me who had caused all this.
“I know.” I had to take a deep breath to keep them at bay. To hide the strain in my voice. I pivoted so that my knee folded beneath me and I could really see his face. He followed, taking ahold of my hands. “I know, and I am sorry. Truly. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. That I let it get this bad. That I let you get so torn up. I didn’t even realise.”
Alex pulled me into an embrace, hand holding the back of my neck as I buried my face in his. Because that was the man Alex was, he put me above everything else. Including himself.
“It’s fine, sweetheart.” He hushed, thumb brushing over the top of my spine. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”
I did know that. But still.
“I don’t want to lose you, Alex.”
That probably hadn’t been the best thing to say. Alex all but flung himself back, alarm swimming in his eyes as he levelled me with a long look.
“Lose me? What’s that meant to mean? Why would you lose me?”
A tear fell then, followed by a couple more. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, willing them away, hating the thought of seeing him so distraught.
“Y/n. Love. Please, you’re actually beginning to scare me now. Tell me what’s happened.”
I tried to look away. I didn’t want to do this, not here not now, but his fingers grasped my chin, tugging me back to face him.
A sob spilled from my lips and I crumpled slightly, his hands jumped up to my shoulders, struggling to hold me up.
“What could have you this worked up?” He stressed, shaking me slightly. “Just tell me, because all the fucking things I’ve got racing through my head. I- Put me out of my misery at least. Please.”
It took all the strength I had to peer up at him, eyes red and raw. “I want more, Alex. I want more than just this.”
After I’d said it, I wanted to take all my words back. The hurt that flashed across his face felt like a sharp slap to mine. He started to move, to stand. And I realised he was about to leave.
“Al. Alex.” I called, tried. Clutching at his arm. “Alex, please! Just listen, will you?”
He wasn’t having it. Shaking his head at me as he stormed his way out of the bedroom.
“I can’t believe you’ve just said that.”
It was like a punch to the gut, hearing the upset that lined his voice. His back was to me as I chased after him, I’d ever seen him like this.
“I didn’t mean it! Not like that! Not in the way it sounded.”
“Like fuck you didn’t mean it, Y/n!” Alex shouted, and I caught a glimpse of his face when he went to tug his jacket off the hanger by the front door. 
I could count the times I’d seen Alex cry on one hand. But right then, there were tears in his eyes.
“Alex.” I pleaded with him.
A deathly silence fell between us, I watched his shoulders sag before he turned back around towards me. I wanted nothing more than to hold him again. Take away all his pain, the pain I’d caused.
“If you leave right now, I’ll never forgive you.” I choked out, “Please don’t leave. Please.”
He stared at me. Long and hard.
“Tell me the truth then.”
His voice was nothing but a strained whisper. He looked so tired, arms slumped helplessly by his sides.
I swallowed thickly. Hands fisted against my chest.
Alex scoffed at me then and ran a hand over his face, rubbing at his stinging eyes. He shook his head and went for the latch.
I felt my eyes fall close. It was now or never, I supposed. He was leaving either way.
“I want a baby, Alex.”
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igglemouse · 13 days
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So today is Summer Solstice Day which means...a celebration of summer, I guess? I do have one minor plan for it and that's to visit the local swim park later today with Pascal. At least for a moment. He actually has to work today but I know we'll make the most of the time we have together.
As for now I'm starting my morning cooking an egg salad! I think that's a healthy breakfast!
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I think I've gotten used to cooking breakfast for Pascal. I never would have imagined it, to be honest, spending my time in the kitchen for my boyfriend but...it's not a problem for me because cooking is no chore. It's something I really enjoy doing and it seems like Pascal enjoys it as well.
"Egg salad?" he looks down at the meal I had prepped for him with some, looking down at his bowl with some distaste. "N-no, I'm not saying its bad but-"
"Give it a try!" I tell him, although the look on his face tells me he's not too excited about it. "You said you are on a strict diet! I figure you'd need lots of proteins and-"
"Frida, yes, but...it's nothing. I was hoping you'd cook those waffles of yours or pancakes or...something like that? This way I have an excuse for cheating on my meal today when the team dietician asks me. I'd say, oh, my girlfriend made this, but this..." he looks down at the bowl again and shakes his head. "You are way too considerate!" he jokes.
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After we finish our breakfast we settle into something more usual. He was studying his next opponent while I couldn't allow myself to live in a dirty house with dust floating around everywhere.
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And after that he's outside kicking a ball around. It makes me think about what Sara had said days ago of him. How dedicated he is to his craft which is something I certainly see now. It's almost like he's practicing before going out to practice?
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But as I've mentioned today, for me at least, is about summer and celebrating summer! So, I manage to drag Pascal off to the community pool park and thankfully, with it being so cloudy for whatever reason, we both drop right into the pool before others arrive.
We basically just spend some time wading through the water, teasing each other, and splashing each other.
"You know, if you're such a big shot, why has no one asked for your autograph yet?" I taunt and at that he splashes me in the face with a handful of water.
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"I'm still a sub, you know!"
I splash him back in the face then, revenge, but he only laughs at my attempt.
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"I'll be giving you my autograph later tonight," he tells me and I can't help but laugh at that. You know, he just might, but I've learned pretty quickly that Pascal is often so very tired after 'work', yes, so tired that sex just isn't appealing and that's saying a lot because we've been at it a lot since I've virtually moved in.
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Our outing together wasn't long and so off to 'work' Pascal goes, leaving me at the park pretty much alone. Some people wander in but they seem to also be on some kind of solo mission. Perhaps this is a place people come to celebrate Summer Solstice alone?
So, with little else to do I find the nearest grill and get to cooking. Barbecue is not my specialty, in fact, this is my first time using a grill and so why not try the first thing one thinks of when grilling?
I feel like my first attempt at ribs are not bad, nothing perfect, but definitely good enough to eat. Cooking is cooking, after all, and its a lot like riding a bike. At least for me.
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But I really do not plan on spending the rest of this day alone and so I call in some reinforcement. Sara and Marj who, still being single ladies, were both just sitting at home doing nothing. They both jumped at the chance to meet at the pool.
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It did not take long for either of them to arrive and it did not take long before we decided to settle into a hot tub. Sure, it's a public one, which kind of sucks, but once you're in, you're in, and you put any stray thoughts about what might go on in a public hot tub out of your mind.
"Surprised you just didn't invite us over to Pascal's place, I imagine it has a pool, hot tub, game room, a-"
I'm shaking my head as it really has none of that stuff.
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"Must be the frugal type," Marjorie adds in along with a chuckle.
I shrug. "I've not been with him that much," I say, because I don't know anything about his finances only that they are better than mines. His house is nice but it's not the kind of place they've imagined it to be.
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"You know," Sara says. "I kind of doubt that. He's the flashy type on the field. I've seen him kick it over a defenders head a few times, and then he-"
You can almost hear Marjorie's eyes rolling. "Can we not spend our time here talking about socc-"
"Fútbol!" Sara insists.
I just laugh. I might be a third wheel when it comes to these two but it's fun to watch them go back and forth.
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We weren't just here to chat though because what is a day celebrating summer without some kind of summer activity? There was a waterslide at the park and no one was using it so it seemed a perfect chance to let loose a little and enjoy the day doing something a little different.
As you can see, some of us were better at water sliding than others. I won't name any names but at least no one got hurt!
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We linger a little more around the pool since the day was nice, perfect almost, and it allowed us to just hang around more without the fear of melting.
Of course Sara wanted to talk about Pascal a little more which at this point I would not allow because she can be annoyingly nosy. Already knowing about Sara's situation and her lack of confidence when it comes to men I instead direct my curiosity towards Marjorie. "Do chu have a boyfriend?"
Sara starts to laugh then and Marjorie does too but only after some time.
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"Marjorie has a mens every season, for about a week and then..." she starts laughing again. "He dumps her-"
"No!" Marjorie cuts in right away. "I dump him! Look, my advice to you, Frida, if Pascal is halfway decent, cling to him, because you might not find anyone better."
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"She's very picky," Sara teases although I can tell this tease isn't met with mirth or humor from Marjorie.
"That is bad?" I ask a little casually but I can tell from the small smile Marj gives that she appreciates that.
"Thank you, Frida. Some of us just have high standards. I'd rather be single and happy than coupled and miserable."
Thankfully the tension between these two remained light and we were happy to continue our outing and talk about anything other than relationships or Pascal.
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I get back home and decide to make a little ice cream for myself. I think sometimes I get so caught up cooking for others that I rarely make things for myself. That definitely needs to change and so it's nice having a cone of ice cream solely for myself.
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I wasn't sure what to do with the rest of my day and just when I think it'll be possible to just sit back, kick my feet up, and relax, I get a call.
It's from Irene, my new friend. She asks if it is alright if her boss comes over and talk to me about a job opportunity. That he's interested in hiring me.
How can I say no to that? I might as well see what he's offering, like I mentioned before.
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And so I wait until he arrives and once he does we sit down on the couch. I'm starting to realize that while I don't really live here I'm staring to behave as if I do, after all, I'm inviting someone into Pascal's place while he's not here. I hope he'll be alright with it? He's not here to say anything about it at least.
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Any ways, the man introduces himself as Martin Lucena and I can tell just by how he carries himself that he's a man that gets right to business and he proves it because the first thing he says to me after introductions is "So, here is my offer. You come in as a sous-chef, 2nd in command, and-"
"I-I'm not sure I can do that," and here I am already denying his offer. My reply comes out too quick, I'm not sure why but already the vibe is off. There's a desperation hiding in his offer that tells me this is the wrong move. I'm ready to tell him to have a good day and escort him out but he's stuck to the couch, deciding he will not be put off so easily.
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"I was going to say that you would not have the responsibilities of the role, do not worry, I realize you don't have the experience for it but I do think your presence would help my business."
No, this is not right. I might not be the smartest girl but I was born with street smarts. I had to be in order to still have a head on my shoulders. Why give someone a job if you don't think they are capable of doing it? "How? How can I help?"
"You bring a level of authenticity to the restaurant," he admits. "Your food stand is as authentic as can be, its why it's doing so well. People can tell you do it because you enjoy doing it, people can tell you honor your heritage, people can just feel it. It's, well, IT, as it's called. You have an aura around you that people want to be around."
"Yes yess..." I'm not convinced.
"So you'll be paid well, you won't have to do much. You'll have to close your food stand, of course, you'll be making a lot more," he laughs a little, too dismissively for my tastes. "So you won't need that little stand right now."
"No." I say, that decided it for me. While his logic is sound I don't like the feeling of it. It feels wrong. If he had told me that I could keep my stand open maybe I would have changed my initial feeling on this but...
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"No?" He repeats as if he needs to hear it again. "What do you mean no? We can negotiate a little, we can-"
"No, no to it all." I clarify because it seems he wasn't getting it. "Thank chu for the job but no. Just no."
A large groan pushes from his lips, his face twists into one of anger and only anger, and I'm suddenly wishing Pascal were here but before those fears could settle his face softens.
"What a stupid mistake, the biggest mistake you've made in your young life." The tone to his voice tells me this is not over. What this is, I'm not sure, but I know that I've made an enemy today.
"Y-your place es very good, Mr. Lucena! I love eating there and I-"
"We're done here. I do not waste time with fools."
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He leaves in a huff and a puff and makes me regret meeting him at all.
Episode List - Next Episode 5 ‘Offsides’
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sammyunhinged · 18 days
This fandom is so divided right now that it’s stressing me out.
Everyone is either pro- or anti-Tommy, pro- or anti-Bucktommy, or loves/hates Lou. It’s the only reason I was hoping bucktommy would break up in E10—I just didn’t want the shipping war to continue over hiatus. However, I’m a multishipper who enjoys bucktommy, especially all the amazing fan works people have been making, and has loved buddie for years. I would like for each side to take a moment to understand the other’s perspective. This is my likely futile attempt to get people to do so…
For the bucktommy shippers:
I need you to respect those who can’t forgive Tommy yet. Just because Hen and Chimney seem to have forgiven him, doesn’t mean that the marginalized communities that this character has been prejudiced against on screen need to forgive him too. He’s been misogynistic, racist, and homophobic (which yes likely stemmed from internalized homophobia but that doesn’t excuse his behavior).
I need you to realize that so far we’ve gotten nothing from canon except a couple kisses and few brief conversations. People are allowed to be upset with the writers for not giving us the potential this relationship has, or not be on board yet because canon hasn’t given them reason to, or simply just not love Tommy and therefore not love their relationship. Unlike Taylor who got lots of on screen development and backstory, Tommy hasn’t had that yet. It may take some time for people to get there, if they get there at all. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to ship it.
I also need you to be aware that a huge portion of that shipping side of the fandom consistently hates on Buddie. Plus, a significant number of people have just started watching the show and jumped into S7 without context and so so many—honestly the loudest portion of the shippers—are fetishizing gay men and are clearly just here to watch two hot white men kiss on screen. It’s disturbing and understandably turns people off to the shippers and often the ship. Fetishization of queerness is something fandom in general has been dealing with for decades and just because it’s 2024 doesn’t mean it’s still not happening. Just because you haven’t seen it also doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Also I’m not saying it doesn’t exist on the buddie side of fandom—it absolutely does—it’s just very loud with the bucktommy shippers atm.
I need some of y’all to understand that the hate for Lou at the moment is also understandable. There are some fat-phobic, misogynistic, and racist things still posted on his Instagram from about a decade ago and while this was a decade ago and people can change and grow, the fact that they’re still up says things about a person. Until they are acknowledged, disliking him and not supporting him is completely valid. The exact same goes for Ryan Guzman, but that’s a whole other conversation.
Edit: as of June 3, Lou Ferringo Jr. has proven, through a reply to someone calling him out for a racist Instagram post, that he is still racist and ableist. He replied to the person on Twitter with an ableist joke and then deleted it when he got shit for it.
For the buddie shippers:
There needs to be more respect the art of Multishipping in general, especially by younger fans lately. It’s the heart of fandom. Just because you don’t get bucktommy doesn’t mean others can’t see the potential for this relationship to be interesting plot-wise and great for Buck personally. Someone enjoying a ship you hate doesn’t mean they’re a horrible person. Also so many people love both ships and truly just want the best for Buck. These are the people that are so happy for him and want this relationship to be happy and healthy and meaningful for Buck.
But I also need you to be sympathetic toward those who jumped onboard with bucktommy because they’ve been burned by queerbait too often to ship a non-canon, bait-y ship like Buddie. No matter how much you love the show and love Buddie, you have to admit there’s been relationship baiting between them. I shipped destiel and merthur and all those things too. I get it. I need others to respect that the peak of queerbaiting was a very difficult time for fandom. It’s left some people unable to get on board.
I also need y’all to stop speculating about Lou and Oliver’s personal relationship and whether or not Oliver hates Lou. It’s strange, parasocial, and speculating about people’s lives is never appropriate. At least don’t do it online and in public forums. Talk with your friends, dm people, do whatever you want in private, but in public, let’s just leave them be. They are actors with a job. Let them do that job in peace.
I’ll probably get some flack but I consider myself to very middle of the road about all of this, a space I often find myself in fandoms. Maybe because I’ve been here so long. I so often just want people to chill out. It’s fandom. It’s supposed to be fun. Have fun!!
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Heartwork- E.M. Pt. 8
You get another call from a long lost friend.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 9 - Epilogue Masterlist
TW- Cursing, mentions of cheating, a bit angsty, pining
Pairings- Eddie X Reader
Word Count- 1,773
(Gif not mine, credit to owner!)
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The next several days are spent lonely. Work and home, that’s it for you, except the dozens of calls to Eddie trying to talk. There’s a lot of worrying, a lot of crying, and a lot of missing Eddie. 
Maybe he didn’t think you wanted to kiss him? Maybe he didn’t really want to kiss you? Maybe it’s something else entirely... You want to know so bad what happened that night, but the only one who can tell you is avoiding you like the plague.  
As a week of not hearing from Eddie approaches, you sit on your couch, staring out your window. Another thing you’ve been doing a lot this week. You don’t know if it’s just to pass the time or if you’re hoping that Eddie spontaneously shows up with an explanation and an apology. Let’s be real, it’s probably the latter.  
Work is a good distraction. You pore over credit statements and numbers day after day, fixing problems and finding better solutions, turning it into a game. Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t leave you wondering what you did wrong.  
You get a call Friday from your mom, asking you to come to dinner, and you oblige, telling her that “No, Eddie won’t be joining me this time.” 
Through dinner, your parents can tell something’s wrong, but they don’t push it. Instead, they try to make conversation to help distract you. “Y/N,” your dad says, cutting through a piece of meatloaf. “We got a call last week from Y/BFF/N. She was looking for you. Did you get to talk to her?” You look between your plate and your dad. You try to think of a good excuse as to why you haven’t talked to her without airing out Eddie’s dirty laundry.  
“No, I didn’t even know she called. My answering machine broke last week. Took a few days to get it fixed,” you explain. 
“Oh,” he says. “Well, she gave us her new phone number. I’ll give it to you and you can call her. I’m sure she’d love to speak to you after so long.” You nod at that, giving a small, tight smile. The dinner table is quiet again for a few minutes before your mom gives it a go. 
“Well, how’s Eddie? I’m sure you two have been having a lot of fun in this weather. What have you been up to? Any rock shows in town worth seeing?” You grit your teeth, trying to keep calm. You appreciate your parents trying to pull you out of your bad mood, but God damn are they doing a terrible job at it. 
“Um, no. We’ve been busy this week at the bank. I haven’t gotten to go out.” You manage to sound mostly casual, though you’re sure your parents can see through it. They’ve always been good at reading you like an open book. “But I’m sure we’ll get together again soon.” You can feel your parents giving each other a look, communicating about you without speaking as they have since you were young, but you ignore it in favor of focusing on your dinner. 
The rest of the evening goes by without having to talk about Eddie or Y/BFF/N or any other touchy subject at the moment, which you’re grateful for, and you finally drive back home in silence. You can’t even listen to music right now without thinking of Eddie. Not that you weren’t already.  
When you get back home, you park yourself at your spot on the couch once again, staring out the window, thinking of Eddie when the phone starts ringing. You practically sprint over to the phone, picking it up to put the receiver to your face, hopeful that Eddie will be on the other side. 
“Y/N?” Your smile falters. It’s not Eddie... It’s Y/BFF/N.  
“Y/BFF/N? Oh, um, hi.” You don’t know what to say.  
“Hey,” she says. You can hear her smile on the other side, and you give a sad smile of your own. “How are you? I’ve been thinking about you lately.”  
“Oh, I’m- I’m good. I guess you heard from my parents that I moved back to Hawkins,” you muse, chewing the inside of your mouth. You’re going to have to tell her that you know what she did. You didn’t ask if Eddie had already told her, but you guess not if she’s called you again. 
“Yeah! That’s so great. I’ll have to come see you next time I come to see my parents,” Y/BFF/N suggests, making your brow furrow. Would you even want to see her? Would Eddie see it as a betrayal? 
“Yeah, maybe...” You don’t want to give a definite answer, but you also don’t want to come off as cold. “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. My answering machine was broken last week and I’ve been waiting on a part to get it fixed.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m just excited you answered this time. I didn’t know if you would. Your parents told me you’ve been, um, hanging out with Eddie. I don’t know what he told you, but I hope you can believe that I did what I did for good reason.” You let out a sigh, eyes floating up to the ceiling as you form your reply. 
“Y/BFF/N, all I will say is that I don’t want to get involved. I don’t want to pick sides. You were my best friend for years. But Eddie is my best friend now.” You try to sound firm, but you can’t help but remember the state Eddie was in when he called you that day after talking to her. His bloodshot eyes as he sank, defeated, into your sofa when he arrived. 
The line is quiet for a moment before you hear her take a breath. “I- I understand. Eddie was... is a good man. He just didn’t understand what I wanted.” She tries to explain. Your face scrunches in confusion, and annoyance laces your voice as you reply. 
“Didn’t he give up the band for you? And quit doing Hellfire? And buy a sensible car? And get a sensible job?” 
“Well, yes, but-” 
“But what? It wasn't enough? But Jason Carver and his rich, stick-up-their-asses parents are? Don’t you remember the hell that Jason put us through in high school?” The anger builds in your voice. Any chance for a cordial conversation is gone now. Screw not picking sides, you’ll pick Eddie’s every time after this sorry excuse of an explanation. 
“Y/N, it’s not like that anymore. Jason is so good to me. I love him more than I ever loved Eddie. I need you to believe me!” She sounds close to tears now, but you simply scoff. 
“Yeah, Y/BFF/N, I do believe you. And I also believe that that’s why you decided it was a good idea to fuck him in the same bed you and Eddie slept in instead of having the decency to break up with him before shacking up with the biggest asshole this town had to offer.” 
“But, Y/N-” 
“I’m not coming to your wedding, Y/BFF/N. Not after you broke my best friend’s heart. And just so you know, Eddie is the kindest, most amazing man I have ever met, and if I ever had the elite privilege of being loved by him, I would hold on to that love until the day I died. So, it’s your loss, really. Good luck with your life. Please, don’t call me again.” With that, you slam the phone back down onto the dock, practically shaking with rage. You let out a groan in frustration, pacing back and forth in your living room as you try to calm down. It’s such bullshit. Eddie deserved so much better. You wish you could show him how much better he deserves. Why does he have to keep avoiding you? If you knew where he lived, you could just show up there and demand to talk to him, but he’s never invited you over. 
You stop pacing as a thought comes to mind. Eddie may not answer his phone, but someone else might. Your eyes dart to the box of mementos in the corner that your mom gave you last weekend at dinner and go over to it, moving things out of the way until you find what you’re looking for. 
Your sophomore yearbook. You flip it over and open the back cover, your eyes scanning over the messages from former classmates until you find the one you’re looking for. “Hey loser, I know I’ll see you later but I wanted to write in here anyway just in case I get abducted by aliens or something. X- Ed.” Beneath the chicken scratch of his handwriting is his phone number. You remember asking for it because you kept losing it when he would write it on sticky notes. You go over to the phone with the yearbook in hand and dial the number, hoping Eddie’s uncle still lives there. After a few rings, a gruff voice sounds through the receiver. 
“Hello?” You let out a sigh of relief. It’s Wayne. 
“Hi, Mr. Munson? I don’t know if you remember me, my name’s Y/N L/N. I’m one of Eddie’s good friends from high school,” You explain. 
“Oh,” Wayne says, sounding much lighter than he did in his greeting. “Yeah, of course I remember you. What can I do for you, young lady?” You flounder, thinking of an excuse to ask what you want to ask. 
“Well, I, uh, I moved back to Hawkins recently and reconnected with Eddie, and he was over at my house last night and forgot his jacket. I was gonna return it today but I can’t find the paper he wrote his address on, and he’s not answering his phone. Can you give it to me?” You squint your eyes, hoping Wayne doesn’t think you’re some creepy stalker or something. 
“Yeah sure, get you a pen and some paper and I’ll let you write it down again,” You breathe a silent sigh of relief and get a pen to write down Eddie’s address.  
“Thank you, Mr. Munson. It’s so good to hear from you again!” You’re beaming at the success of your plan. 
“Any friend of Eddie’s is a friend of mine. You call me any time, sweetheart. You have a good night, now.” 
“Thank you! I will. You too, Mr. Munson.” As the line clicks off, you give yourself a small fist pump as you look at the address now written in your old yearbook. You waste no time gathering your essentials and walk toward the door.  
Time to go see Eddie. 
@corrodedcoffincumslut @haylaansmi @bebe07011
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granulesofsand · 1 year
🗝️🏷️ discussion of RAMCOA with nonphysical examples, sh/suicide
For every person I see opening up about RAMCOA, there’s another telling the world to never so much as glance in its direction. We are shit at tone sometimes, so not to be rude, but I do have reasons I dislike the silence.
Reading about tortured children should never be comfortable, and if you have no reason to suspect a similar history, you can filter away the nastiness. We will never be able to have that ignorance, even if our front-facing alters don’t remember.
If you do suspect a history or end up having one, congrats! Time to start deprogramming. Chances are if you went through this flavor of hell, the stability you have is a cover for your involvement, past or current. Either way, I’ve never seen someone survive without any side effects, and addressing the problem is the only way to actually solve it.
Omega (death/sh) programs can be activated by looking into trauma material. Any trauma material. And a good amount of other stuff, like trying to leave your area or not reporting back to an assigned group member. Our omega programs have been passively problematic for years, and our first active cases were around 4 years old. It’s a common program line, and some groups install functioning versions very young. We did not know about any kind of abuse at 4, despite being trafficked and regularly hurt our whole life. It was triggered by existing too close to a ritual site, and we had sh behaviors and runaway attempts for ‘knowing too much’.
We were taught by abusers that what they were doing was good and normal at the same time they were teaching us we were dirty for living it and nobody would believe us. Pretty much all of that category was just convincing us not to tell on them, with punishment for breaking cult rules. We’ve read about survivors taking the ‘Golden Rule’ as ‘Silence’, and we have a similar experience. Any breaking of the quiet without direct harm at their hands is another inch towards safety. If we can convince ourselves they really did lie about their omnipotence, we can shake some programs based in those beliefs.
We were told that our system/body specifically was bad and wrong, and that these things happened to us because we deserved it. We don’t hold the same standard for outsiders, and their stories make us think we might not have been predestined for the life we got.
Outsiders who have no trauma history, and sometimes those who do, can be pretty insensitive. We have been harassed for having been sexually assaulted, called names for telling/not telling parts of our story, and insulted in various unpleasant ways because we were forced to perpetrate. We still commonly get a reaction of disbelief, even after months of building trust and then giving only vague summaries. The more people hear about this form of maltreatment and its effects, the higher their tolerance will be when someone needs them to show up.
It makes us feel more secure in our own memories when other survivors have similar experiences. To know that it can actually be that bad, it isn’t the norm, and others have gotten out and started healing is more weight off our shoulders I knew we carried. I, and other alters, have shame pits that we can sink into quick. The pure validation of knowing it happened, the flex tape of understanding it wasn’t their fault, the basis for comparison we have never had in anyone but our abusers. It helps us, even if it also hurts.
Silence is what they wanted. ‘They’ being the pedophile rings, cults, and other organized groups that rely on programming children and anyone else they got their hands on for profit. I genuinely do believe more people fit into our community than currently admit, and the gray doesn’t become visible until you open your eyes to the damn black and white.
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 1 year
Please Let Alastor be explicitly AroAce
So this is one of my anxieties about the Hazbin Hotel show that I’ve been stressing about as the release date gets closer and closer. A lot of the content made by fans and voice actors leading up to this release date is supercool but I think, as an Aro-Ace (Aromantic Asexual) person, I have some thoughts on how his sexuality is handled in the upcoming show.
(Disclaimer: I am not trying to put down any specific creators in this, simply voicing my frustration as someone who never gets proper representation. This also doesn’t really count as an “essay” with a thesis, mostly just seeing if anyone else feels this way and addressing my voice as a minority in the queer community.)
In this past decade, we’ve had so much delightful LGBTQIA+ representation and it is truly amazing. My fellow AroAces and I have even gotten some of us in shows such as The Owl House and Steven Universe. However, the trend I’ve noticed with these AroAce characters is how invisible they are in their respective medias. And it’s mostly understandable why. Most modern LGBT representation is carried out by throwing two queer characters in a relationship, and since Aromanticism is defined by a lack of romance, there’s not a way to segue that in naturally unless it’s an entire plotline. And while that seems to be a lot of (allo) creators’ attitudes towards aro-asexuality, I personally don’t think that’s really true. A lot of these creators who make aro-ace characters seem to have this attitude, and while I’m grateful for the representation that we have, it’s still disheartening when that’s all we get.
Now onto the topic of Alastor. He’s only canonically been in a single pilot, where no one’s sexualities is really focused on. But as a series which will likely have a lot of romance in it, they must be some focus on it at some point. But with the direction that a lot of similar characters to Alastor have taken, with some of the comments made by certain creators, and with how much hype his character has gotten in the AroAce community, my concern is that he will have the same “silent treatment” that someone like, say, Lilith got. (Note: this is not to dump on Lilith Clawthorne. She is a badass bitch and I love her).
And since AroAce-ness is such an “invisible” sexuality due to its lack of focus on romance, it feels like a lot of (allo) creators tend to just throw it in and call it a day. But that’s just not satisfying representation anymore and it almost feels like bait. I don’t think creators do this intentionally, but it is disheartening after you’ve seen it enough times. If Alastor is like this, I will be extremely disappointed. Alastor was such a special character to me, and if his representation in the Hazbin show doesn’t live up to the hype of the AroAce community, it’ll hurt a lot more than a little.
Admittedly, hunicast’s Alastor and Angel sketches have been pretty good at satiating that AroAce-ness for me, and if that’s what Alastor is like in the show, I would be satisfied. I’m just stating my concern that it won’t be brought up at all and just render that part of his character as a useless detail thrown in “just because”. I am excited for the Hazbin show, and I also want to know what you all think. Fellow double-A’s, what are your hopes about this? Am I alone in thinking this way? Let me know!
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