#liquid smudge recipe
spiraeaherbs · 2 years
How to Make a Liquid Clearing Spray
How to Make a Liquid Clearing Spray
I know, the concept of a smokeless smoke cleanse seems rather counterintuitive, but hear me out. There are times, places, and spaces where lighting up your favourite herbs to do a smoke cleanse is not wanted or appropriate. What if you just had a particularly stressful meeting at work and you just want to clear the air energetically? Or if you have a loved one or partner that does not tolerate…
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
8k Followers Special
In which an alchemy mishap gives (Y/n) the ability to confer a blessing of good luck onto anyone, simply by kissing them.
Now, (Y/n) has a line of students lining up to be smooched.
Idea by anon.
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"(Y/n)! Kiss me!"
"No— kiss me! I need it for an upcoming alchemy test!"
"Please— I need the luck to get the first wagyu sandwich at the cafeteria today!"
Although the Ramshackle mansion was under a complete lockdown, with the windows barred and the front doors closed off with a large bookshelf, the entire building shook due to the masses outside. Voices of hundreds mixed into one large mess, and only a few reached your ringing ears. Stuck with Grim, Ace, and Deuce in your dorm building, this hadn't been how you had expected to spend your afternoon.
The offset for this disaster had been an incident in alchemy class just earlier that day.
As you had been busy chopping up some leaves, you only noticed too late when your lab partner threw something strange into the potion mix. You narrowed your eyes at him and grumbled, "Grim, why did you add my lip balm to the kettle?!" You desperately tried to fish the little container out again, but it had already sunken to the bottom, its viscous content mixed into the rest of the liquid.
"Uh— it looked a little bit dry?" Grim explained innocently. "And I thought it could use a little bit of hydration."
From the table next to you, Ace couldn't help but snicker as he mumbled, "Your logic is flawed, Grim."
That seemed to have flipped a switch inside of the cat monster, and you had to hold him back in order to prevent him from attacking the red-head. "Tsk, no— don't you dare underestimate me!" the cat wailed and thrashed around to free himself from your grasp. "Me, the great Grim! Most powerful magician of all time—"
In his fit of anger, he had managed to knock over the small kettle on your desk. His paw had hooked onto the rim, making the kettle topple over, and the content to splatter all over you. The pinkish liquid mostly landed on your face, and only a few splashes appeared to be on your white lab coat.
A frustrated whine escaped your lips as you practically flung Grim at Ace. "Hey! You clumsy cat—" you yelled out in anger, only for that anger to morph into frustration. Taking off your safety goggles to wipe the pink liquid off proved to be a difficult task. "Uh... it's so slimy..." And it only became worse when you tried to remove the smudges on your face, especially your lips.
"Don't worry, nothing happened," Deuce assured while putting the kettle back into its original place. "But... your lips are kinda pink? Oh— and very well hydrated, thanks to the lip balm Grim added!"
Ace's smile turned into a mischievous smirk. "You should sell the recipe to Azul and market it as a magical lip balm. You'd get rich."
Grim seemed to approve of this idea, especially once money was mentioned. But, before he could voice his utter approval, you grabbed him once again tightly. "Come here, Grim! Revenge be upon you!" you exclaimed as a battle-cry before you squeezed him as tightly as you could, playfully burying your face in the patch of fur between his ears.
"Stop!" Grim laughed out loudly. "That tickles!"
Your little cuddling session was put to an end when a shadow looming over you blocked the light of the chandelier from above. The two of you froze in your places upon noticing that it was none other than Crewel who stood in front of your desk. "Grim and (L/n), your concoction looks marvellous," the professor said, sounding surprised as he looked at the remains of the pink substance in the kettle. "It's been a while since I gave an A to first-years, but you two deserve it."
"What— an A?" Ace cried out in disbelief. "For his glorified lip balm?"
Crewel, unbothered to react to his outburst, stepped over to the Heartslabyul duo and eyed their kettle suspiciously. "Spade and Trappola, your potion looks... chunky. You get a D." Without another word, and not allowing any protest, the professor disappeared to the next table.
Ace looked like he was about to explode. "What?! That's so unfair!"
Deuce, on the other hand, simply sank into himself in resignation. "Seems like you're lucky today, Grim..."
"Share your secret with us!" Ace exclaimed hastily. "Do you carry a rabbit's paw with you? Did you get up with the right foot?"
Grim shrugged. "Today was nothing special, aside from the little accident a few seconds ago." Having wrought his way out of your arms, he jumped into his own chair again and brushed his messy fur. "And then (Y/n) grabbed me and tickled the hell out of me—"
"Wait, Grim—" Deuce interrupted, "you have a lipstick stain on your forehead."
And indeed, there was a perfect, pink imprint, reminiscent of a pair of lips, on the patch of fur between his ears. A frustrated cry escaped his lips when the cat tried to wipe the stain off with his paw, but to no avail. The imprint couldn't even be smudged.
"Oops, must have been me," you cooed innocently.
"Yes, (Y/n)'s kiss gives people good luck!"
For a moment, Ace's eyes wandered between the two of you, more specifically Grim's lip imprint and your own pink lips. As if a lightning had struck him, the red-head jumped to his feet and gasped. "And your luck just started to kick in," he exclaimed and turned ro his partner. "Do you think what I'm thinking, Deuce?"
The sceptical glance you shot your two best friends, who really did seem to share one brain cell, didn't deter them from their theory. "I think it's just a coincidence," you remarked and waved them off.
"Ew, I can't get the lipstick off my fur!" Grim cried out, by now violently scrubbing his forehead.
"Alright, (Y/n)," Ace exclaimed excitedly. "Pucker your lips for us."
"No way I'm gonna kiss you guys!"
"It's for science," Deuce said and gave you the best puppy eyes he could muster.
A shiver ran down your back in playful disgust, especially when you grumbled in a low tone, "...alright, but make it quick." You feigned to gag. "I'll have to wash my mouth with soap afterwards."
"On the lips, please~" Ace said.
"Me too!"
You glared at them while scooting closer to your two friends. "You're idiots," you mumbled while pressing a quick kiss to Deuce's lips first in rather shy fashion, clumsy too. The tips of your noses touched briefly, and your cheeks were a bright red. When you pulled away, his lips were stained a soft pink as well.
Ignoring the way Deuce's looked like he was about to explode, you turned your attention to Ace and collected all your willpower to press a kiss onto his lips. Once it was done and over with, Ace chuckled out in amusement, "Hey, we gotta take our chances." Then, with his lips a faint pink, he leaned back into his chair, relaxed.
Before anyone could speak up again, Crewel had appeared by their table. "Spade and Trappola, it seems like I gave your previous test the wrong grade," the professor explained while handing them out their corrected papers. "You both get ten points added to your last test."
"Really?!" Deuce yelled out in disbelief, looking like he was about to cry out of happiness.
Ace threw his hands into the air. "It's working!"
As you were busy wiping your lips rather violently, you muttered quietly, "You're welcome... Just don't go around telling everyone about this."
"Of course!"
Yes, that's what they had said — assured you, promised you — and look in what a mess you were now: almost everyone on campus knew about your new ability to confer luck to a person with a simple kiss. The rumour had spread like wildfire, and now a massive amount of students had surrounded the Ramshackle mansion, demanding entry and to see you.
The furniture used to bar the front door wouldn't hold up much longer against the pounding from outside, and Ace, Deuce, Grim, and you were basically sitting ducks until your timely demise when you would be swarmed by your fellow students. And eventually, the bookshelf gave out and was pushed aside to allow a flood of students to enter.
This was it. This was how you would die.
However, it came to you as a surprise when Grim stepped forward, in front of the three of you, and put his paws out to stop the mass of students in the hallway. "For a generous 50 Madol, you can get a good luck kiss from (Y/n)!" he exclaimed, which caused the screaming and yelling to quiet down. His control over the crowd was astounding; instead of trampling all over you, they obeyed his command and got into line.
"Guys, why—" you stuttered out hesitantly.
"If you can't fight them," Grim explained, "just profit off of them."
Ace began laughing. "That's what Azul would say."
Upon noticing the unwillingness in your eyes, albeit mostly fear upon realising the sheer quantity of students in your home, Deuce put a hand on your shoulder and shot you a smile. "Come on, we'll make sure everything stays orderly," he shouted over the background noise.
The three's expectant gazes lingering on you, you were left no other option than to exhale and comply in resignation. "Fine, but get me some lip balm first—" you grumbled under your breath, "before my lips fall off from smooching a bunch of guys..."
"You heard my henchhuman!" Grim exclaimed in excitement. "Let's get to kissing!"
In no time, your three friends had managed to transform the ocean of students into one neat line... mostly. Although it was still loud and stuffy, you at least didn't feel overwhelmed anymore. The loud voices bickering and chatting still protruded the air, accompanied by the sound of Madol coins clinging loudly as they were handed over to your friends.
You took a deep breath and readied yourself to start kissing away.
The first in line was a group of Heartslabyul students. Much to your surprise, the three most prominent members, that being Riddle, Trey, and Cater, were in that group, as well. You eyed them curiously, and a smile grew on your lips once it was their turn to be kissed.
"Riddle, I didn't expect to see you here," you teased playfully.
Although his cheeks did turn a soft red, he quickly crossed his arms and let out a frustrated huff. "Don't worry, I'm not here to get a kiss myself. I don't really believe that luck can outweigh hard work in the long run—" His monologue was interrupted by a series of coughs from behind him in the queue. "Rather, I am here to make sure Cater and the rest of my dorm members don't do anything stupid." With that, he stepped aside without a kiss.
"They wouldn't dare to do anything like that," Trey remarked while stepping beside Riddle without having been kissed, as well. "And besides, a little dose of luck can be the little sprinkle of salt needed to perfect a cake that required a lot of work, to bring out the true flavour and sweetness."
"Yeah! You should try it out," Cater cheered and opened up the camera app on his phone. "Of course after I got kissed."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in amusement. "Where do you want the kiss, Cater?"
"Well, my right cheek is fine! I wanna take a pic to post on Magicam," he explained and wrapped his arm around you sideways. With the lense of his phone trained onto the two of you, you pressed your lips to his cheek for a little while longer, until the familiar lightning of the camera struck. "Hehe, thank you~ What a memorable day!" A satisfied smile on his face, he walked away while diddling on his phone.
"You, too, Trey?"
An amused chuckle escaped the vice dormleader's leader's lips. "Actually, I'm just here to make sure Riddle doesn't collar anyone... I don't need luck for anything particular today," Trey explained, rubbing his neck sheepishly as he gazed at Riddle next to him.
"You two are just adorable," you cooed and broke out into a grin. Before either of them could react, you had already pressed a kiss to their cheeks each.
Trey was caught off-guard. "But— we didn't pay!"
"Shush, just go along," you said and waved him off.
Riddle, on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode with how red his face had gotten. His hands were clenched into fists as he seethed out, "Violating my personal space would normally grant you a collar..." However, he seemed to calm down soon enough, the sudden outburst leaving him flustered and embarrassed. "But you're lucky I'm lenient today..."
At last, Riddle shyly walked away, and Trey followed him worriedly.
Next in line was a group of Savanaclaw students, and at the very front of the queue, none other than their dormleader.
"Leona, hey— what would you need luck for?"
"I need to pass this semester, and that requires all the luck I can get— at least Ruggie always says so," he explained rather casually. "He urged the two of us to come here..."
"Right!" Ruggie chimed from behind his dormleader. "I myself need a little bit of luck to strike a few good paying jobs."
You hummed and leaned forward to press a kiss to the lion beastman's cheek, only for him to grab your shoulder roughly just as your lips were about to meet his skin. "What do you think you're doing, herbivore?" Leona hissed under his breath, glaring at you.
"Uh— kissing you on the cheek?" you asked in utter confusion.
"I want a kiss on the lips."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "No—"
Before you could free yourself from his grip and yell at him for his cheekiness, Grim appeared beside you and waved his short arms around. "That makes double, Leona!" your fellow dorm-member exclaimed happily.
"I'm willing to pay," Leona retorted.
Your jaw clenched and your hands tightened into fists, you hissed out, "You're a cheeky one."
He simply shot you a grin and raised his eyebrow mockingly. It took you all of your willpower to squeeze your eyes shut and press a quick kiss to his lips instead of slapping him for his audacity. "Wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked while you pulled away with a warm face, whether from being flustered or angry, you didn't know.
As he walked away in satisfaction, you were allowed to take a deep breath. "Ruggie, how about you?"
"Just the cheek will be fine!" he chimed, and you pressed your lips against where he had pointed to. A grateful grin appeared on his face as he ran after Leona. "Thank you, (Y/n)! I got a few job interviews to attend now. Catch ya later, shishishi..."
Next up, Jack and Epel.
You shot the wolf beastman a curious look. "Hey, Jack. Why are you here?"
"Just here to stop Epel from punching anyone," Jack grumbled while holding back a feral Epel by his collar. "He has the tendency to start fights when his dormleader isn't around to supervise him."
"You sure you don't want anything?"
A chuckle escaped your lips, and you tilted your head to the side, deep in thought for a moment. When you had made up your mind, you speedily leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto Jack's cheek. Before he could even register what had happened, you had pulled back again. "Here you go, it's on the house! Just because you're so sweet," you said, laughing. The gesture left Jack speechless.
"I... uh—"
"Now, where's Epel?" you asked while letting your gaze drift around, in search for the small boy that had vanished from Jack's side.
"Hey! I'm down here!" A look to your right revealed Epel, squished between two other Savanaclaw students. His lips were contorted into a large scowl as he marched up to you and puffed his chest out. "Way to make fun of my height..."
"Oh, sorry. It's just really crowded here." You shot him an amused smile. "What do you need the luck for?"
"I want lots of folk to buy my family's produce! Things have kinda slowed down again after Vil's advertisement."
"That's nice of you."
Epel nodded happily, an innocent smile growing on his lips. "Ma and Da will be so happy..." he muttered under his breath, his smile widening after you had pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Without another word, he took off and disappeared into the crowd again, Jack following after him in concern.
Your eyes followed after them until they became one with the masses again.
"What a sprawling business you have up and running, prefect."
A turn to your left revealed a trio of three suit-clad students being the next ones in the queue. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, quietly muttering, "Oh, the fish mafia."
Jade gasped, offended. "What an unsavory nickname for us gentlemen."
Your remark merely drew a chuckle out of Azul's lips. Although, his charming smile soon turned a little bit more serious again as he explained, "We're just here to get lucky, no shady business." At that, your shoulders drooped forward in relief, much to his amusement. "I just need the luck to get our newest menu to be popular."
"I'm just here in the hope of getting lucky on my next trip to the mountains," Jade said fondly. "There are these special mushrooms I wish to stumble upon."
"And I just wanna be lucky in general!" Floyd chimed and threw his arms into the air.
Your eyes wandered between the three of them for a while, suspicious of their true nature and intentions. However, when you couldn't find any trace of dishonesty or deception, you muttered, "Alright, that doesn't sound too bad..." You ignored the way their eyes flashed strangely and rubbed your eyes in exhaustion. "Is cheek fine for you three?"
"Yes," Jade and Azul replied.
Floyd, on the other hand, exclaimed, "Lips, please!" His answer earned him strange looks from his two fellow dorm-members, and even you couldn't suppress the surprised expression on your face. An annoyed grumble escaped Floyd's lips as he waved all three of you off. "Hey, I've got nothing better to spend my money on, anyway." Unabashedly, he stepped forward and puckered his lips.
A nervous chuckle escaped your lips before you mustered all your courage to lean forward and press your lips against his. Floyd let out a disappointed sigh when you pulled away, and he would have demanded another one if it weren't for Jade's hand latching onto his shoulder and pulling him back. Jade was easy to please with a kiss to his cheek, and he retreated with a satisfied smile. Lastly, Azul, who was rather queasy when your lips made contact with his skin. When you pulled away, his cheeks were dusted a light pink, and he stammered on his words. So much that Jade spoke on his behalf.
"Come by to try our newest menu some time, prefect," the vice dormleader announced calmly. Without another word, the three Octavinelle students disappeared from your sight.
"Oh- Oh! We're next, Jamil!"
"I can see that, Kalim..."
Your attention was drawn to your next customers: two Scarabia students.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Kalim exclaimed once he stood in front of you, unable to stand still any longer. "I need the luck to uh... get a lot of candy! I want my coins back at Scarabia to be turned into these yummy chocolate ones, by some strange case of luck!" The smile on his lips was large and innocent — adorable, even.
"Really, that's it?" You raised an eyebrow, and he nodded eagerly. So, you grabbed the sides of his head gently to hold him still, eliciting a little giggle from him. The kiss to his cheeks made his giggles grow louder, and when you had completely pulled away, a goofy grin had appeared on his face.
You removed your hands from Kalim's face and turned to his companion, who until now had stood beside him quietly. The questioning look you shot the Scarabia vice dormleader caught him off-guard.
"I... uh, I actually haven't been able to think of anything for myself," Jamil said awkwardly, taken back by surprise when he saw Kalim hand Grim the money for the two of them, despite Jamil's protests. "I've been too busy trying not to lose Kalim in this mess." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll find something later on." Withour wasting another minute, you leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss to his right cheek. The gesture left him dazed, almost hypnotised, and he immediately raised his hand to touch the patch of skin that your lips had touched.
Before Jamil could mutter as much of a 'thank you', Kalim had already grabbed his hand and pulled him away, saying that he wanted to look for his sweets now.
A smile grew on your lips at his words, but you were snapped out of it when a sneaky pair of hands suddenly grabbed a hold of your right hand and cradled it softly. Looking to your left revealed a blonde with large purple hat; it was none other than Rook. And Vil stood beside him impatiently.
A large smile decorated Rook's face as he got onto his knees, all the while still holding onto your hand. "Mon ange, I am here to have you confer your blessing upon this humble hunter, in the hope that he may score a lucky hunting session!" he cooed and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Of course, that hunter is none other than moi!"
"Rook, hello," you said and helped him to his feet again, amused by his antics. "Cheek is fine?"
"More than fine," he cooed, eagerly holding out the left side of his face for you. When your lips made contact with his pale skin, you swore you heard a swoon escape his lips. "Merci, mon ange!" The hunter shot you a charming smile before retreating to his dormleader's side.
You straightened your back to shoot the other blond a smile. "Good evening, Vil. What would you need luck for?"
"Working in the acting and modelling industry always requires a little bit of luck for auditions and what not," Vil explained smoothly. "So why not? I have nothing to lose."
"Alright. A kiss on the cheek?"
Vil shook his head and raised his arm instead. "On the back of my hand, please. It's not good for my reputation to run around with a lipstick stain on my cheek."
Although his request made you raise an eyebrow, you simply shrugged and took a hold of his hand. In one swift motion, you raised his hand and pressed a gentle kiss onto his knuckles. "Here you go, Mr. Schoenheit," you said while letting go of his wrist again.
Vil nodded in satisfaction and sauntered away elegantly, Rook following him loyally.
"Idia, this way!" the next person in line shouted.
"I-I don't want to, Ortho! I've changed my mind!"
A surprised look flashed over your face when you realised that it was Idia — in person, might I add — approaching you, or rather, being forcibly pushed towards you. He clamoured loudly, but Ortho wouldn't cease to stop his rocket boots until the two of them stood right in front of you.
Ortho shot you a friendly smile. "Hello, (Y/n)... please, would you be so kind and bless my big brother with luck?" he asked, his smile growing sheepish when Idia tried to wind his way out of his grip like a frenzied animal. "He may not look like it now, but earlier, he was a madman raving ecstatically upon hearing of you."
You hummed and turned to Idia. "Sure, where do you want the kiss?"
"C-Cheek, please..."
In contrast to his previous behaviour, Idia froze when you brought your face closer to his. He clamped his eyes shut and ceased to breathe — right until he felt your soft lips on his cheek. The tips of his hair flared up into a soft pink, the shade of the lipstick stain on his cheek. And only when you pulled away to make sure he hadn't fainted did he allow himself to smile in a silly and relieved way, as if he had braved a difficult fight.
"See?" Ortho chimed, also relieved. "That wasn't so hard..."
A chuckle escaped your lips at that, and you even leaned forward to pat his shoulder. "And you also get one for free, just because you're adorable, Ortho!" you announced before closing in and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
The robot-boy gasped in surprise, although his eyes soon fluttered close in appreciation. "Me? Oh, thank you! You're so generous!" A giggle escaped his lips as he pushed Idia forward and exclaimed, "Big Brother, say thank you as well..."
"T-Thank you..." Idia stuttered out, looking like he was ready to bolt out of this crowded place any time soon.
On their way out, the two Shroud brothers bumped into an entourage of Diasomnia students.
Sebek seemed to lead the group through the masses, rudely pushing students to the side and forcing his way through. "Finally! I managed to cut a way through the mass of people! This way, Master Malleus..." he exclaimed and gestured for his dormleader to step forward. "Everyone, make way— make way!"
"Oh, Sebek. This isn't making you popular..." Lilia muttered in amusement.
Silver, who had until then managed to fall asleep while standing next to his vice dormleader, jolted awake and let out a confused gasp. "Huh— Where are we going, Father?" he asked while struggling to catch up with the rest of the group.
Lilia floated up to ruffle the second-year's hair. "Just getting a good night kiss, Silver."
Once they arrived in front of you, you shot the group of a sheepish smile. "Oh, hello you three— and even Malleus..." Your eyes grew wide upon spotting the tall fae looming over you.
A giddy smile decorating his face, the dragon fae explained, "I could not resist the idea of being blessed with luck." Sighing wistfully, he began scratching his chin with his gloves fingers. "After all, I can certainly need it to receive invitations to some festivities I look forward to attending."
"Understandable, and you three?"
"I will use the luck to protect Master Malleus even better!"
Through his chuckles, Lilia managed to explain, "Silver wants to be lucky enough to not fall asleep as often anymore." Then he paused upon realising that the second-year in question had fallen asleep again. "And as for me? I think I'd like to have this luck make my culinary creations turn out even better than now!"
"Sebek, that's so you. Silver, that's totally understandable. And Lilia, you'll need the luck."
The first to be kissed was Malleus, who simply closed his eyes innocently, even having to bend down a little bit for you to reach his cheek, and then patiently waited for your kiss. A satisfied chuckle escaped his lips as he stepped back to eye you intently.
Next up were Lilia and Silver; as for Lilia, you simply pressed a kiss to his cheek, and as cheeky as he was, he returned the gesture smoothly, much to your surprise. You broke out into laughter and waved him off. As for Silver, who had fallen asleep, you simply pressed a kiss to his forehead. He stirred a little bit, but didn't wake up otherwise.
And last was Sebek. He straightened his back and raised his head like soldier in front of his king, ready to receive an order. His antics caused you to roll your eyes, but you nonetheless leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Although he might have been exploding inwardly, he tried his best to not let it show too much. So, when he walked back to Malleus' side, he was as stiff as a board.
Smiling, Lilia exclaimed, "We thank you for your generosity, (Y/n)!" Without further ado, the group of four turned around and walked away in closed formation.
A look of relief flashed across your face when you realised that the queue had come to an end for now, that the Diasomnia squad had been the last ones to be kissed. You sighed leisurely when Grim, Ace, and Deuce approached you. Your lips were sore, and you touched them to notice that your fingertips hadn't turned pink. "This is the end. My lipstick has worn off, anyway..." you muttered, confirmed by a look into a nearby mirror.
Ace got onto a chair to announce, "Everyone, we're sold out forever! Don't come back tomorrow or the day after that." A wave of disappointed sighs echoed through the living room of Ramshackle as the remaining students poured out.
"And as for us, we made tons of Madol!" Deuce cheered.
"(Y/n) and everyone sitting on a tree!" Grim began singing. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
You mustered your most angry glare to direct at the cat monster. "Don't you dare continue that rhyme..." you hissed and wagged your finger at him.
However, Grim simply continued jumping around and singing, "First comes money. Then comes luck. Then comes my tuna!"
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🔥 ☕️
Hey, loves! Suntory here! “Hot Cocoa Recipes” was the winner of the most recent poll! So, I have some one-shots for you all! We will start with the collection of MHA! Be sure to leave a bit of love to help keep me warm this winter season! Some of the recipes contain alcohol but I’m implying that everyone is aged up. Everything is implied as GN!Reader but if you’d like to see more of each one shot with specifics, leave a comment and let me know! As always, thanks for stopping by! Xooxoxoxo, Suntory Angel💙
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Katsuki Bakugo
*my younger bother and grandpa are huge fans of spice so this part is just for them!*
Your eyes narrow while carefully measuring out the final secret ingredient before pouring it into the mug in front of you. This was serious business. Bending at the knee so your eye level was with the kitchen counter, closely examining as the precious liquid that was key to the recipe is stirred into the brown beverage within the mugs via your spoon. Various spices that you had painstakingly gathered over the last week were arranged in the order that you’d need them according to the recipe; cayenne, cacao, sugar, a teapot of warm milk, marshmallows, even some sticks of cinnamon were off to the side waiting patiently to be ground into a fine powder.
It had to be perfect this time.
Setting the spoon off to the side, you take a deep breath and raise the mug to your lips.
The moment it hits your tongue, down into the sink you spat it with a grimace of disgust and disappointment, curses spilling from between your lips as you dump yet another failure. Why was this so hard?! Your grandfather had made it seem so easy when he used to make it! How come you couldn’t?! A frustrated huff fills the air as you drag a hand down the central plane of your face while marching over to the refrigerator where you open it and take a quick swig from one of the bottles inside towards the back. Liquid heat and spice sting the back of your throat as you swallow the mouthful of Fireball and that’s when it hit you: you were making this too hard! It had never taken your grandfather this long to make his special hot cocoa!
“Oi, I’m home!” He calls from the entryway as he stomps inside, ridding him and his hero costume of the large clusters of snow clinging to his being. “Too damn cold even for the damn criminals to be out causing mayhem it was so annoying having to plow through those drifts!” Katsuki calls your name in that growly tone of his when you aren’t there to greet him, his brows furrowing when you still don’t appear even after he’s removed his winter gear and had even cleaned up the puddles of melted snow from the hardwood floor. Now he was starting to get a bit pissed.
He’d been stuck outside for hours on patrol, there had been no bad guys to apprehend today, and he was frozen down to his bones!
“Oi! Where the hell are you?!” Thundering footfalls stomp their way down the hall until they come to a halt within the kitchen doorway where he spots you fast asleep while sitting upon a barstool, your hands cupping a pair of mugs that hold brown liquid within them. Across your being are traces of cacao powder and other ingredients, telling the story of how you had been working hard to make him whatever was within the mug that had “World’s Number One” on it. He takes in how your hair has some cream sticking to a few tresses, a smudge of powdered sugar upon your cheek, there’s even a bit of what looked to be melted chocolate in the corner of your mouth. His footsteps are much quieter now as he crosses the kitchen until he comes up behind your slumbering form, arms on either side of yours, his muscular being lightly pressing against your arched back as his chin rests on your shoulder that allows his cheek to brush yours. “…dumbass, you can’t just go falling asleep in positions like this, you’ll only wreck your back…” he whispers softly so as not to wake you while his expression becomes tender.
Ruby red eyes that you’ve always admired drift from your being to the still somewhat steaming mugs that were before you. It’d be a shame to let your hard work get too cold and ruin whatever it was inside that mug. One of his hands slowly brings it closer. Looked harmless enough to the Pro Hero as he regards it with a slightly narrowed gaze. With a shrug, he raises it to his lips…
You wake just in time to see his eyes widen as the liquid touches his tongue and your jaw drops when he doesn’t hesitate to chug the rest down in a series of loud swallows, a faint blush appearing in your cheeks as you watch his Adam’s apple bob with each mouthful of the beverage slip down his throat.
A loud slam fills the kitchen when his hand brings the now empty mug down with a satisfied smirk raising his lips, a bright red flush across his cheeks. “Damn, that’s some good shit right there, firecracker!” He proclaims with a near whistle-like exhale coming from his pursed lips. Around your being wraps his muscular arms as he lifts you from the barstool to hug you tightly, his face burying into your shoulder. “Tell me there’s more! I gotta have more of that stuff!”
You don’t even protest when he swipes your own mug and downs it within a single gulp. “I take it you like it?”
“I fucking love this stuff!” His ruby eyes are practically as blazing as his now reddened face, the chill now long gone from his bones. “Show me how you made it?”
How could you say no?
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Fumikage Tokoyami
Snow crunches beneath your boots as you walk along the sidewalk, gazing up at the glittering holiday lights that twinkle and shimmer brilliantly. The park was abuzz with people ice skating on the nearby ponds as vendors serving snacks or beverages ranging from popcorn to coffee to help keep everyone warm from the cold. A glance at your phone revealed that the time for your meet with him was at hand yet there was no sign of him anywhere.
“There you are!”
A surprised yelp rises up your throat when Dark Shadow suddenly sweep you up from behind and takes you into the air, suspending you a few inches from the ground as he nuzzles and coos softly into your being. “Not like I was hiding or anything!” You giggle, rubbing the top of the shadow creature’s head. “Am I late?”
“Nope! Right on time!” Dark Shadow grins as he gently places you back down on the ground. “Let’s go!”
The answer came in the form of you finding yourself seated on a sled with Dark Shadow pulling it like a happy little shadow-bird-creature who swiftly moves across the snow covered terrain. Over some drifts, through a garden, even over a bridge of the nearby creek he carried you. Only when a lit gazebo comes into view does he screech to a halt that allows the sled to drift to a stop in front of the stairs. There were curtained lights draped over the gazebo to give it a mystical feel of mystery as Dark Shadow vanishes.
Guess you were supposed to venture inside.
Crunching of snow gives way to the creak of wood as you stomp the snow from your boots and slip between the parts of the curtains.
Waiting for you is a warmer environment complete with plush pillows, a table surrounded by a blanket, and a patiently waiting Fumikage who smiles faintly when see you. “Welcome, angel, I hope Dark Shadow was gentle in his journey to bring you here.” Dressed in a red, slim fit sweater and black stained jeans that matches his bird-like features, he was truly a sight to behold. “Come. Sit, please.”
Shedding your boots and coat took less than a second and you were soon seated across from him with a blissful smile and sigh when finding the cushion super plush beneath you. “Fumikage, this is amazing! Did you set all this up?”
“Indeed.” He answers simply with a tilt of his head. “All for you, my angel.”
“This was super sweet of you. I feel a bit spoiled, if I’m to be honest.”
“As you should be considering the season.” A wrapped box appears from the side, wrapped neatly in black velvet and red satin ribbon. He slips it across the table with a serious expression. “For you.”
It was your turn to tilt your head as you brought the box closer. So perfectly wrapped, it would be a shame to ruin it by opening the parcel, yet he gave an encouraging nod when you hesitated. Whatever inside must be important. Your fingers remove the satin scarlet ribbon and carefully lift the lid. Upon a bed of black velvet are an assortments of what appeared to be… “Chocolates?”
“Not just any ordinary chocolates, angel, look closer.” He says softly.
They were unlike anything you’ve ever seen before; not Lindt based on the shapes, Ghirardelli were much smaller and flatter than these, Russel Stover had never smelled so nice. And the variety, decorations upon each were pristine, were unlike any you’ve seen in windows or displays. “Did you…make these?” Your jaw drops as he nods. “W-wow! These look good enough to sell in a store!”
A small smile lifts his beak. “I made sure to avoid all allergens, such as nuts and dairy, along with ensuring no cross contamination occurred as I prepared those for my family.”
“I didn’t know you were such a talented chocolatier.” An impressed smile raises your lips at his words.
“I wasn’t until you expressed how you had a difficulty in locating chocolates that would not affect your health.” Leaning over, he carefully selects one and lightly presses it to your lips.
Surprised by the bold move, you failed to offer any objection as he slips the decadent treat into your mouth and it practically melts across your tongue. Realization hits you at the taste. “A-are these all hot cocoa based chocolates?!”
“Indeed. You wore a fond expression when recalling the ones your mother used to make. I simply asked your family to help me recreate them and once the chocolates had passed their rigorous examinations, I have now presented them to you.” Fumikage’s carmine gaze was warm as they meet yours, the smile still raising his beak. “I deserve to be happy, my angel, and I hope I helped in some way.” A chuckle rises up his chest when you practically scramble over the table to tackle him in a tight embrace that makes the two of you fall backwards onto the pillows.
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Shoto Todoroki
*there’s no officially written recipe that we follow but this is one of our favorites that we make every year!*
A thoughtful expression is on your face as you watch the blender turn on with the press of the button that makes the green liquid within churn. This was definitely unorthodox recipe to follow but, hey, you’ll try anything once. Hot cocoa mix, marshmallows, whipped cream, an empty tub of vanilla ice cream, some colorful straws, and a large dark brown bottle are strewn across the counter. Tradition didn’t call for a recipe card, nor did anyone in the family need it, the tongue was all that was necessary. Silence falls as the blender turn off with the press of your finger and take the chance to taste it via a spoon you kept nearby.
You turn with a smile when hearing his calm tone call your name, smacking your lips slightly when tasting the concoction. “Shoto! Welcome home! How’s the weather outside?”
Shoto Todoroki glances from you to the blender in curiosity, though his expression remained neutral. “It was fine. Patrol was uneventful.” His mismatched gaze meets yours. “I see you’ve been busy I see.”
“Mhm!” You nod eagerly while tossing the spoon into the sink where it clatters for a few seconds. “And its ready!”
With care, you tip the contents of the blender into two prepared steins lined with chocolate syrup until they are about two inches from being filled completely. That’s where the whipped cream and marshmallows come in! Around and around you moved the can of whipped topping until neat mountains of white top each stein that are soon joined by marshmallows and even a few sprinkles before slipping striped straws into both. “Voila! I present to you: Boozy Grinch’s Toboggan Cocoa Slush!”
His brows rise slightly. “Bless you?” The duo quirk user accepts the stein you hand him, regarding the strange titled green substance from every angle. It seemed harmless enough, even seemed a bit picturesque, tempting him to take a picture of it just for memory sake. That wasn’t necessary though. You could always make it again. “Do I drink it in one go or nurse it?”
“I’d be surprised if you could down it in a single gulp.” A laugh bubbles up your throat as you watch him. “It’s just ice cream, chocolate syrup, Irish Cream liquor, hot cocoa mix, milk, ice, and a few drops of green food coloring. We can always swap the vanilla ice cream for mint chocolate ice cream or add peanut butter, like my dad did, if you’d like that more for next time.” Picking up your own stein, you tap it against his with a smile. “Cheers!”
He followed your example and took a few sips from the straw. Those mismatched eyes widen beyond what you though possible as his lips part from the drinking utensil. Silence weighed heavily as you anxiously awaited for his verdict. For several moments you thought he was going to politely place it off to the side then say some words to either spare your feelings or shoot down your hopes of hearing if he liked it or not.
Your brows furrow when his lips wrap around the straw again.
Bit by bit, the beverage disappears up the straw and down his throat with bobs of his Adam’s Apple accompanied by audible swallows.
Then your brows rise when every last drop of the special drink, whipped cream included, vanished between his lips. “S-Shoto, did you just…”
“Is there more, love?”
A purse of your lips allows a “pffftt” to sound as you exhale. “You might want to slow down since the Irish Cream contains alcohol.”
All he does is hold out the stein again with hopeful eyes and a slight hiccup.
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Eijiro Kirishima
“Just trust me! I’ve never steered you wrong before!” He assures while leading you by the large, calloused hand that dwarfed yours. It never ceased to amaze you of just how burly and much bigger he was than you. Never has it bothered you, in fact it was one of the things you’ve come to admire and love about him, that and his equally big heart. “Come on, you won’t regret this!” The Pro Hero with long, red hair laughs heartily as he uses his other hand to cover your eyes.
“Okay, okay! I’m coming! Just don’t lead me off the edge of a cliff or nothin’, ‘kay?” You chuckle lowly to yourself though it seemed a bit nervous.
“I’m not Bakugo or Kaminari, this is me we are talking about! You know me better than to think I’d ever do such a thing.” Comes his assurance in the form of a squeeze to his left hand that holds yours still.
Excitement bubbled within your veins as he places you upon the couch and then hear his footsteps hurry to stand opposite of the coffee table so you were across from him. “Okay! Open sesame!”
Your eyes blink for several seconds when they appear from behind your hand that he’d replaced with his own so he could move away.
Arranged upon the coffee table, atop of a mistletoe themed tablecloth, you have laid out several dishes of condiments; sprinkles, cans of whipped cream, candy canes, unwrapped bars of various flavored chocolates, different shaped or types of marshmallows, powdered sugar, silly straws, and even some drizzle syrups! A string of twinkling lights is woven among the dishes, casting the room and yourselves in their shifting sparkles. On the television is the crackling fireplace channel to help bring an extra level of coziness.
“Tada!” He says with flare, the bright grin that always threatened to rob the heart right out of your chest appearing upon his face. Upon his being is a reindeer fashioned onesie complete with a hood adorned with plush antlers and a pattern of silver bells around the wrists and ankles. It’s clearly too small for Eijiro Kirishima’s built and muscular being but odds were that was the only size the store had on hand. The sight of him wearing it though was almost for you to take!
And, boy, does your heart explode with affection, and laughter, for this man when he reveals that there is a butt flap with pride that has a fluffy little deer tail upon it!
“Eijiro, is this a Hot Cocoa Bar date?” You ask hoarsely from around the tangled ball of emotion in your throat.
“That’s right, pebble! I got all this just for you!” The couch creaks as he moves around then plops down upon the cushion, making you bounce, before his muscular arms wrap around you lovingly. “I’d never forget how much you love the holidays so of course I pulled out all the stops for our special date night!” One of his digits gently presses against your lips when they part. “I know it was your turn to plan it out, but I couldn’t resist! I had to do this for you, baby shark, so no ‘ifs’ ‘ands’ or ‘buts’ about it!”
Touched, you could only watch as he carefully, and precisely, prepares the first mug of cocoa just how you liked before placing it between your hands. The blanket that’s always been your favorite, not too fluffy but also not too light, is wrapped around your shoulders before he draws you close by the waist. You could smell your favorite cologne on him that he only saved for dates like tonight when he knew cuddles, or more, would occur, knowing full well that the scent would help you relax.
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Keigo Takami
Just as you predicted, you found the Winged Hero upon the rooftop overlooking the twinkling city below. You could’ve tried to be silent but it wouldn’t have accomplished anything so you allowed the access door to close behind you with enough sound to announce your arrival. The chilly winter breeze makes your breaths come out in clouds as you approach him. “Hey.”
Amber eyes shift from the scene before him to the corner of his eyes as you come to a stop beside where he sat with wings outstretched so he could better feel the wind and vibrations. The crimson feathers were fully splayed so as to maximize their sensory range and sensitivity. They never ceased to amaze you in size or brilliance in color. “Hey, kid. What brings you up here of all places?” There was a tone of indifference in his voice, it honestly almost sounded bored, yet you’ve known him long enough than to believe that’s how he truly felt.
“Thought I would bring you a little something since you got the night patrol shift tonight.”
He blinks when you offer him a thermos. A chuckle sounds from Keigo Takami regards it with half-hopeful half-disappointed gaze. “Can’t tonight, kid, gotta stay sharp tonight.”
Rolling your eyes, a smile lifting your lips, you unscrew the lid and pour the steaming liquid before offering it to him. “It’s not alcohol, though I was tempted.”
His gloved hand carefully accepts it, regarding it with slightly widened eyes and an expression of interest as his senses are filled with the scent of melted chocolate. “What is it?”
“It’s not gonna dampen your senses, it’ll give you a bit of energy, and provide you something warm to drink while you’re on patrol.”
The explanation was simple, straightforward, practical, even a bit personal since he’d confessed to have never tried the classic cold season beverage. And that had blown your mind. Then again, considering his backstory, it shouldn’t have been a huge surprise.
“Just try it.” You gently encourage with a smile, trying not to laugh at the near childlike innocence he exhibited.
The eyes beneath the visor narrow then widen as he takes a hesitant sip then downs the whole cap in one fell gulp. His wings puff at the sudden flood of heat to his system, making them appear especially fluffy, as they shiver and tremble as he seems to greedily lick his lips for several seconds. “What is it?”
A giggle rises up your throat unable to resist the urge to made a bird pun. “That, Polly, is hot cocoa with a bit of coffee. Just don’t drink the whole thing in one go because then you’ll be up for the few days. Pace yourself, you hear me?” You playfully nudge him with your shoulder.
“This is some good stuff.” He practically coos, breaking into a smile. “What’s in it?”
“Bit of cream, melted chocolate, baking cocoa, some marshmallows… You can put anything in it from candy canes to cinnamon but I like a hint of RumChata.” You held up your hands when his head snaps in your direction. “Easy! The hot temperature pretty much cancels out the alcohol in it so all that’s left is the flavor. You’ll remain completely sober while you’re on duty.”
Its not for several seconds that his expression finally relaxes. “You made this just for me?”
A faint blush enters your cheeks when looking out at the city below, shivering as the cold wind blows by. “Couldn’t have you freezing your ass off in this cold.”
Up your throat rises a gasp when warmth surrounded you courtesy of a large, crimson wing that wraps around your form, shielding you from both the cold and icy wind. The feathers are soft and teasing as they brush your chilled cheeks and the tips of your ears but there is underlying care beneath their touches. Their warmth was infectious, easing the chill from your bones as you can’t resist the temptation to lean into him. Your being meets his side, the wing tucking you protectively against him when another breeze sweeps past.
“Thanks, baby bird…” His breath that lingers with the scent of the hot cocoa wafts your senses as his chin rests atop of your head.
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nailsupplyblog · 1 year
The most popular nail paint among busy women who require a quick makeover for their nails in a method they need is rapid-drying nail lacquer. Most of the time, with a little study and effort, you can easily locate the best quick dry nail polish. You may need to concentrate on the solutions that genuinely dry off quickly, leave no smudges, no strokes, and no sloppy looks on your nails because there are so many possibilities available. If you want to compare UV-cured nail polish styles, soak-off gel, glitter, or lacquer for your nails, you may also do so.
We've gathered some of the top quick-dry nail paints here that you can undoubtedly discover fit for your nails:
The ideal answer to your demand for nail color is this set of 5 quick-dry nail paints. It applies nicely, offers no problems, and gives you the shine and finish you want quickly. These five stunning sheer nail polishes provide the ideal appearance for daily usage. You won't have to worry about smudged edges or a screwed up nail outline because the colors apply swiftly and simply in one stroke.
The nails' good shape and appearance are maintained by the gloss and sheen, which provides a flawless appearance for days. There won't be any mess on your finger because the nail enamel dries swiftly after being applied to the nails. The nail polish guarantees long-lasting wear on nails and is free of toxins.
BONTIME Quick Dry & Easy Peel Off Water-Based Nail Polish
This water-based, non-toxic nail polish provides a safer way for your nails to achieve the desired hue. It has no chemical fragrance and won't cause any issues to apply to the nails because it is water-based. It is safe to use on nails and is environmentally friendly.
These non-toxic nail paints are simple to use, cover the nails without leaving any unsightly ridges or lines, and provide long-lasting protection for the nails.
In addition to being simple to apply, the nail paint is also simple to remove, ensuring that your nails remain safe and secure under the non-toxic covering.
The nails are ready as soon as the nail color is applied, so there is no need to wait several minutes or apply UV lamps to achieve flawlessly finished nails. It dried out rapidly.
Top Coat Liquid Laminate Quick Dry Nail Polish by Cirque Colors
This is more of a firming top coat that dries quickly and ensures speedy fixing of the nail color. It also serves as a quick drying nail polish that doesn't require several minutes to cure. After getting a manicure, it is best to give your nails the ideal sheen and gloss without fading the nail color.
It covers the entire nail without difficulty and is applied extremely simply and smoothly. Simply apply it to your nails as a finishing coat, let it dry for a few minutes, and it will instantly provide a clean appearance and a beautiful sheen.
Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color by Sally Hansen
When it comes to flawless, smooth application and long-lasting nail color formulation, Sally Hansen is the brand of quality. This Sally Hansen Insta-Dri nail color combination dries quickly and becomes firmly attached to the nails in a matter of minutes without any additional care. To acquire the perfect nails, there is no need to cure them or to wait for a while. With the insta-dri nail color's quick drying method and best-in-class color and finish, getting flawless, shining nails is simple and quick. It applies effectively in a single step and provides a comprehensive coating for nails with long-lasting wear.
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Gel Effect UNT Nail Polish That Dries Quickly
You won't need to worry about your manicure or nail color repeatedly if you use a long-lasting, high-quality, and durable nail lacquer that maintains the shine and beautiful finish on the nails. In order for the color to last longer than a week, the special recipe ensures that there is a strong link between the nail polish and the nail.
The nail polish offers comprehensive and smooth coverage with long-lasting shine, chip-free, damage-resistant color that applies quickly and smoothly and lasts for days, and easy removal. Since the nail polish doesn't include any dangerous ingredients, it is both user- and environmentally-friendly.
Coerni Matte Fast Dry Manicure Salon Polish for Nails
Another flawless nail polish that dries quickly and offers great shine and application in a short amount of time is Coerni Matte. Its quick drying action ensures that the desired color is obtained quickly and without the need for additional steps.
It ensures there are no smudges or messes on your nails by covering the nail in one motion. The nail lacquer provides a salon touch with a flawless smooth finish and sparkle.
Water-Based Quick Dry Natural Nail Polish by Little Ondine
Since this nail polish is water-based, no potentially harmful chemicals are included, and it dries swiftly. The nail polish's color, opacity, finish, and sheen stay longer than those of any other brand, ensuring that your nails won't break or crack and that they'll retain their ideal shade for several days.
The nail polish thoroughly covers the nails, giving them a beautiful color, and ensures that you can easily peel off the nail polish to change the color of your nails without harming them.
It only takes 3 minutes for the nail paint to cure completely and be safe to touch. When using a washing machine or doing dishes in the water, it is advised to wear gloves.
Durable quick-drying Gel Nail Polish by MelodySusie
With Melodysusie's long-lasting and rapid-drying nail polish, you will only get quick color, a clean, shining finish, simple application, and long-lasting color and shine on the nails. It applies easily and dries in under two minutes under the UV lamp.
After application, it forms a strong link with the nail to ensure that it won't break or chip and to protect the nails from harm. Additionally, soaking off requires another 10 to 15 minutes.
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recodestudios-blog · 2 years
What causes waterproof mascara to be toxic?
Companies frequently employ dimethicone copolyol to make mascara waterproof.
However, there are many possible component combinations that can work to make a mascara formula "waterproof," and it is considerably more sophisticated than just adding "dimethicone copolyol" to create a waterproof mascara.
Conclusion: Waterproof mascara may include a variety of unidentified substances, and the contents of the tube are not always recognized.
The more I researched dimethicone copolyol, the more I discovered that it is a silica derivative that repels water. When it comes to making a waterproof mascara function, silicones are crucial. Because we all know that oil and water don't mix, and silicones are formed of fat (oil), this keeps the mascara on the lashes rather than streaming down your face. Get your best waterproof mascara 2022 at recode studios now!
Many waterproof solutions include no or very little water and a lot of oil. 
This is because oil repels water. That's also why it's so difficult to remove waterproof mascara since it's made of oils, and just water won't do; you'll need an oil-based eye makeup remover. The issue, I discovered, is that because waterproof mascaras are more difficult to remove, many individuals just do not use them. Unfortunately, this allows germs to accumulate on the eye, which can lead to styes and infection.
That's correct, the same poisons found in certain nonstick cookware might be in your waterproof mascara container! And if you don't wipe it off on a regular basis, those chemicals are continually present... No, thank you!
Natural mascara compositions do not include waterproof ingredients
There are various "water resistant" formulas available, but none that are really waterproof. Using a waterproof mascara repeatedly causes eyelid dermatitis as well as drying out your eyes. Because waterproof mascara is difficult to remove, people frequently have to use harsher eye makeup removers. Another reason to avoid wearing waterproof mascara every day.
Mascara Usage Techniques
Mascara Wand Removal- It may seem trivial, but how you remove your mascara wand may have a significant impact on application. When you remove it, twist the wand out of the tube and wipe away any excess product on the tube's end. This will assist to keep clumps at bay. Also, never, ever, ever pump your mascara. This might cause the recipe to dry out.
Wiggle your wand- As you apply mascara, glance up and wiggle the wand at the base of your lashes. This adds separation and prevents clumpiness. It also aids in getting the product onto the lashes.
Length- To add length, just wriggle the wand on the ends. If you want even more length and product on your lashes, I've found that letting the solution dry a little before going back over it helps. I recommend doing this on both eyes, then returning to the first eye and applying additional product once it's dry for added length and colour.
High Impact Lashes- Coat both sides of your lashes, top and bottom, if you want huge drama lashes. This will increase the total impact.
Translucent Powder- Apply some translucent powder between layers of mascara for fuller, longer lashes. This will assist them to bulk out even more. This transparent powder appeals to me. Apply the powder straight to the eyelashes using a brow brush.
Maintain a supply of q-tips and makeup remover at all times to quickly clean up smudges. Recode studios has all types of products you have been looking for and it’s your one stop destination for such as best liquid blush drugstore or best mascara, best face oils, best water cream, moisturizer, and more. Check it out now!
0 notes
sugarcherriess · 2 years
Small Things With Lovers!TXT — Tomorrow X Together
[TXT x GenderNeutral!Reader]
Warnings - none really, this is just fluff
the songs are just a suggestion to listen to while reading their parts. its the songs i associate with each member and each inspired their respective parts.
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Choi Yeonjun
Playing hide and seek with Yeonjun on a tuesday night because neither of you can fall asleep. you both have schedules in the morning but nothing matters tonight except the rush of one finding the other. it's your turn to hide and Yeonjun tiptoes around to figure out where you’ve hidden. unbeknownst to you, he has a secret technique. he breathes in deeply to point out your strawberry perfume, following the path where the sweet scent gets stronger. he finds you hiding beneath the bed and kisses your nose. shrieking, you come out the opposite side from him. he says he’ll always find you, no matter where you are. sitting on the floor, both of you fold your arms on the bed resting your heads on top. lost in eachothers eyes, one of Yeonjun’s hands reaches over to intertwine his fingers with yours. the night is spent giggling and teasing each other for being whipped.
Choi Soobin
Painting nails with Soobin to spend time inside. sat next to your window, you watch the rain pour down in-between swipes of the lacquer. he made you pick out a colour for him and picked out one for you— both choosing polishes with glitter specks in them and laughing at the way the liquid bubbles at being shaken. Soobin accidentally bumps his hands into yours and it makes your polish smudge on your fingers. the quiet painting activity turns into a pushing match with you in the lead. in your tussle with a screaming Soobin, your foot accidentally pushes Soobin’s nail polish, the small jar of twinkling colour tipping over. the liquid seeps out faster than either of you can react but it's okay, he says, the polish makes your floor look prettier anyway. with Soobin, everything is pretty. even the mistakes.
Choi Beomgyu
Bickering fills your kitchen as Beomgyu and you try to make sense of the cookie recipe. the recipe itself isn't an issue at all, Beomgyu just keeps joking that you’re gonna end up fucking up the batch and you keep getting annoyed at him for doubting your, admittedly subpar, baking skills. he tries to blow flour in your hair so you scoop out a spoonful of the cherry jam which was supposed to be the cookie topping and swipe it across his mouth. the action backfires as Beomgyu spends the next five minutes trying to kiss you with his sticky jam-covered lips. he gives up once you persuade him to stop with the promise of an extra cookie. while you cut the cookie dough into heart shapes, Beomgyu spends his time staring at you. he promises himself the next time he sees you will be with a bundle of flowers as pretty as you. he bumps his head into yours at the thought of your reaction, complimenting your dough's consistency.
Kang Taehyun
Taehyun had asked you to trust him before blindfolding you and bringing you here— a small flower field at the edge of the park. he put out a white sheet under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. he had been planning the picnic for the day the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. he sat against the tree with your head in his lap. you had your book of poems open, reading out your favourite passages for him as he made a crown for you from the flowers he had picked on your walk to the picnic destination. occasionally, your hand reaches out to pick a strawberry from your fruit basket to feed him and yourself. when a cherry blossom falls from the tree on top of your head, Taehyun says it’s just the tree's way of saying ‘i love you’— with a kiss from its flower. he laughs at your blush and urges you to read again. according to him, every second spent not hearing you speak is a second wasted.
Huening Kai
Going on a bike ride with Kai, racing each other through the park fields. the summer wind makes your hair flow behind you as you mess around with him. slowing your speed you both keep crossing your bikes in front of each other. blowing kisses whenever your eyes meet. finally paddling next to one another, Kai offers holding hands. makes the experience more lovely, he says. when you both park next to an ice cream shop, Kai offers to get your sweets for you. he politely asks the person behind the counter to put the sweetest and the most colourful sprinkles on your order. you spend the rest of your day talking about how nice having wings would be and stealing each others ice cream.
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A/N: tooth rotting stuff because these boys make me soft. tumblr wouldn’t let me put the spotify link for yeonjun 💔
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imagintheworldaway · 2 years
A/N - DRUGS, Mention of sex, ADDICTION
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as i sat up from the table. I let out a long shaky breath and wiped my nose of any excess powder that may have been lingering around my nostril. I let out a little giggle as i was handed another shot and everyone cheered as i downed it, the cool liquid of what ever i just drank burning the back of my throat. I let out a deep sigh as the euphoria of the different substances dancing around my body started to hit my blood stream and filled me with the type of haze that i could only achieve with this magical recipe of chemicals. I felt the bright array of lights dance across my skin as the world i had now entered was engulfing me and making me feel safe. My brain was fried and i couldn't think, i didn't want to think, i wanted to just exist, in this tranquil state of not caring about a thing.
As i let my eyes flutter open i noticed i was now alone, well i thought i was, i believed i was alone. I sat up from my seat in this random apartment down town and walked to the toilets. I smiled at my imagine in the mirror above the sink. If you would've told me that i would be here 5 years ago, i would have laughed in your face and called you a liar. I reached out and traced my features on the glass. My eyes were large, dilated to the biggest i had ever seen them, my plump lips were slightly parted and the remnants of that night's alcohol stung the open cracks that adorned them. I cannot remember the last time i styled my hair as i watched the strands dance around my shoulders and disappear behind my back, i smiled as the strands tickled my exposed skin.
I found myself stumbling down the same old road i usually did. The same old cycle that always followed me when i went down this path, which lately was just about every single day. I caught myself by surprise as the door to the familiar apartment opened, and the what is a 45 minute walk seemed to take me moments, at least in my brain that’s what happened. I didn't know what was happening but i knew what i was doing. I knew where i was and who i was with really, but the hallucinations and beating colours distracted my brain just enough that the high still had an effect on me.
Amongst the deafening white noise i could hear my own voice along with the comforting one of my lover. A vast array of 'I love you' 'keep going' 'you're so beautiful' and moans started to enter my brain and swirl my mind into oblivion. The finish was so close in sight and soon an eruption of warmth engulfed my insides. The vast erratic movements stopped and i could feel the duvet wrap around me with the warmth of another person assuring me that i was still here and soon this trip would be over and i would be ready to start again.
My eyes fluttered open as the bright sun leaked through curtains. My head was spinning and my eyes felt like rocks. I nuzzled into the soft sheets as i felt a soft kiss on my cheek. "Good morning" i croaky voice said. "Morning" i sighed back, knowing this bliss will only last for a few more minutes. "i need the loo" i whispered as i peeled Harry’s arm off of my naked body. I made my way to his ensuite and did my business. Once i was washing my hands i looked up in the mirror. My eyes were lower, sadder, than before, with dark circles and black makeup making me look older than what i was. My once consistent, natural smile was replaced with plump lips that were cracked, obvious signs of dehydration, could only give off a pathetic excuse of a real smile. I cannot remember the last time i styled my hair, it was greasy and stuck to my skin, the random box dyes making it look messy, not in a cute beach girl messy but in a way you could tell i was not ok. My makeup, something i once prided myself on, and even had a potential career in, was now a mix of brightly mixed colours and glitter that had smudged and made me look like i had been swimming in a rainbow, with black smudges cascading down my cheeks. I was far too skinny, my bones protruding out of my skin.
As i walked back into the bedroom i looked down and saw the tiny pile of clothes which i have worn far many times to count. I looked over to the bed and saw my lover from the night before sat up glued to his phone. I wrapped my arms around my self as i picked up my clothes and peeled them back onto my body. A tiny tube top covered my breasts as some cut out flares hung around my hips. "Um Harry" i said looking over at the man who if i wasn't an old friend, wouldn't even give me a second look. "whats up" He said not taking his eyes off of his phone. "Can i borrow a jumper? you know to walk back in" i said sheepishly. "oh um, take a sidemen one, there’s some on the floor over there that i don't wear any more" i just sighed pursing my lips and rummaging through the old tatty jumpers, the irony really hit me in this moment.
I slid on one of the two toned ones, not thinking about the makeup that would end up around the collar. "I uh, I guess i will go then" I almost asked Harry. "Oh yh, Paige is coming over any way" He replied to me. I swallowed my pride in that moment. "how are you two?" i asked, i must like to hurt myself. "yh, good, i think she could be the one" Harry finally smiled at me. I just smiled as a tear ran down my face. It took a moment of me watching Harry but he looked at me silently crying to myself. "Whats wrong?" He said furrowing his eyebrows, more in confusion than in worry. "its nothing" i croaked out. "nah come on Y/N, no secrets remember?" Harry said making his bed, bringing up a silly pact we had made years ago when we had first met.
"I just wish i was," i stopped myself before the word vomit started " I still wanna be your favourite girl, I wanna be the one that makes your day! The th-the one you think about as you lie awake and I want to be your number, your number one. Please I I I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine. And and we can live happily ever after, like we did once before" I said my breathing getting heavy as i smiled, trying to convince myself just as much as i was trying to convince Harry. I watched as he walked around the counter to me, holding my hands gently as he lifted my chin to look him in the eye. I blinked away my tears as i looked up at him. "Y/N, i love you, so so much" He started making my heart flutter. "good, we we can run away together, leave this life" i said squeezing his hand in mine. "Y/N, you're an addict, you need help before we can even start to mend what we had" Harry said to me with a sad smile as he caressed my cheek.
"so you're happy just taking advantage of me?" i said with so much need in my voice that i didn't even know existed. "no. Y/N. I love you i really do but i only know the you that’s on drugs. I don't even recognise this you any more" He said taking a few steps back. I just shook my head as i chocked back the tears. "I- Paige will be here soon" i just nodded to myself picking up my bag. "I love you, but i am in love with clean you" Harry said as i opened the door to his room. "and i am in love with you, no matter what" i said as i sniffed back my tears. i took another glance at Harry before showing myself out.
I pulled the hood up over me to cover my face from any potential fans. I went to my usual ally way, it was only a ten minute walk from Harrys. I sat crossed legged behind the bin and got out my little baggy. I made a perfect line before in hailing the substance. "but i think i love you more" i whispered as i looked at my baggy and put it back in my bag. starting the cycle all over again.
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Morning Routine: Hermit DSMP Swap AU
Cleo leaned forward on the dressing table in her room, peering at herself in the mirror. She frowned. The green of her eyes was starting to fade. She picked up a backup pair of glass eyes from a small wooden tray on the table and popped her old glass eyes out. She didn’t need eyes to see, one of the perks of being a zombie, but she found using glass eyes made her look more natural. That was one thing she missed about being alive, not having to deal with the maintenance required to care for a decaying body.
She popped the backup set of eyes in, they were a golden yellow color, and sat down in the dressing table chair. Several jars of different powder pigments sat in a line against the mirror. She let her hand hover over the different jars till she found the ones she was looking for; a blue and a yellow. With a tiny spoon she measured out some of each of the pigments onto a porcelain tray pallet. And pouring some oil from a bottle she folded the pigments together with a pallet knife till it was creamy and a vibrant green color. She did the same making a couple different shades of green, ranging from neon to deep forest till she was satisfied.
Cleo wiped the pallet knife off on a rag and set it aside picking up one of her green eyes and a tinny brush. She licked the end of the brush and dipped it in the paint. Holding the eye close, She carefully applied color, bright green streaks, sharp highlights, shadow along the top and around the outer rim, till it shown like an artificial jewel. Once both were finished she set them down carefully in the little dips in the wooden tray so they didn't roll and smudge the paint. They would take a while to dry. Cleo cleaned her brush in the glass of cleaning solvents and returned it to the cup full of brushes. She left the dirty pallet for a future Cleo to deal with and moved on to the next part of her routine; skin care.
Cleo picked up a bottle of SPF 1000 sunscreen. The ingredients; fifty percent fire rez, thirty percent slime and twenty percent honey, along with assorted fragrances, this one smelled like chocolate because why not. Joe had helped her come up with the recipe when she first became a zombie. It was just about the only thing she found worked. Both strong and long lasting it kept her from bursting into flames when she went outside. It wasn’t going to protect her from actual fire or lava, but it did its job.
Cleo squeezed a generous glop into her hand and carefully applied dollops to her exposed skin, rubbing it in thoroughly, careful not to miss any spots. She shook the bottle, adding more to her hand to get the last few spots. She would need to make more sunscreen soon but that wouldn’t be hard. They had a good supply of potions now, and the other ingredients weren't hard to get.
Cleo rubbed the last bits of lotion onto her ears and neck. She made sure her hands were clean, checking that there wasn’t any lotion stuck under her nails. Now, on to make up. She used a makeup brush to apply green eyeshadow that went wonderfully with the pail green of her skin. With practiced strokes she made wings in dark brown liquid eyeliner. She bruised Mascara on to her lashes and finished off with a couple pats of gray-blue blush across her cheeks. Cleo turned her head from side to side to see the finished product. Not bad for having to collect all the ingredients and make all the supplies from scratch. This server didn’t seem to have any working economy and even if it did it wasn’t likely she would have been able to find anyone willing to sell to her.
She sighed running her fingers through her hair working out some tangles and pulling old drying flowers out. She brushed it out and then began a waterfall braid going from her temple all the way around to behind her other ear, weaving fresh flowers in as she went.
There, that’s better. She looked at herself and smiled. Her eyes were still the yellow ones, she would just have to replace them in a couple of hours when the green ones dried fully. But the rest looked great. This server might be a hell hole but she looked fabulous and it was the little things that counted.
She gave herself a nod and headed out the door. It was her and False’s turn to look for this Philza person.
[Notes: no plot, just some fun headcanons about how Cleo gets ready for her day. I based the painting glass eyes thing, off of a comment cc!ZombieCleo made about painting her eyes green, in response to a question asking how her character's eyes stayed so bright if she was dead.]
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
crackships???? Omaigod finallyyyyyyy
could I pleaseeeeee request some solobarb?????
I've shipped them for soooooo longggg but I've never seen any fics of themmmmm.
Would mean a lotttt if u doooo
Rating: General Audience
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationship: Solomon/Barbatos
Characters: Solomon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Barbatos (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: fluff, short
Summary: Solomon needs Barbatos' help for potion-making.
Word Count: 513
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“What do you think this one could be?” Solomon asked as he pointed to a word that was faded from the page. Only a few letters were distinguishable and he had to add the right ingredient or else risk the potion he was working on blowing up in his face; quite literally.
“Hmm,” Barbatos looked over the recipe, examining the smudges left behind on the page, “The first word at the very least is likely ‘orange’. The next part is either trap ant tears or anteater tea.”
“Orange trap ant tears then,” Solomon said as he grabbed a vial in front of him and added it to the brew, slowly stirring as the two liquids mixed.
“How do you know it isn’t the tea?”
“Because anteater tea will nullify the giant sloth algae powder and the entire thing would be worthless as a potion.”
“I see.” The demon was almost impressed with how well Solomon knew his potions, “Will you need me for anything else.”
“Oh?” Solomon hummed, “You don’t find staying with me to be entertaining?”
“I have other obligations to attend to.” His duties as the prince’s butler kept him ever busy, after all.
“Someday I am going to get upset at Diavolo for taking all of your time. He really needs to give you a vacation.” Solomon teased as he held the spoon he had been mixing out to Barbatos, “Try this.”
“I enjoy being at my young master’s side, thank you.” When Solomon held the spoon out to him, he would grimace. He knew all too well what Solomon’s creations tasted like, “What is it supposed to do?”
“You’ll know once you try it.” He gave a mischievous smile.
The things Barbatos did for love.
He would take the spoon from Solomon’s hand and try a single drop from the end, trying not to twist his face at the immediate bitter onslaught to his taste buds. He handed the spoon back as quickly as he could, “What should I be expecting?”
Solomon looked at him contemplatively before turning back to the recipe, “I suppose that means it isn’t meant to be taken orally. That is a good note.”
“Did you tell me to try it so I could be your test subject?”
“More or less.”
Barbatos actually couldn’t help but sigh this time, “Sometimes you make it difficult to love you.”
“Well, if I was anyone different you wouldn't, would you?”
Fair enough.
Barbatos leaned a hand against Solomon’s cheek, “Do not get yourself into trouble. Leaving the prince’s side is not so easy that I can come and go as I please to assist you.”
“Then I will only summon you if I am in need.” Solomon promised, “And I believe I will be in need much later tonight when I decide to watch a movie.”
“Ah, yes. That does sound as if it would be difficult to do alone. I will try and see to it that the young master is done with all of his work by then so I may assist you.”
“Wonderful!” Solomon beamed.
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theblasianwitch · 2 years
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Here’s to a happy and magical Valentine’s Day. I’m here to share some of my favorite ingredients for love, peace and happiness.
1. Rose: 🌹
Roses are used as a symbol of love throughout history but also has cleansing and healing properties.
You can make rose tea as a base for love potions.
You can add rose water to baked goods for a light flavor boost and it helps some baked goods come out smoother like breads and cakes.
You can mix in rose water, rose oil, or rose petals to homemade candles
Rose petal baths, need I say more?
Bonuses of rose also includes connections to hair growth, weight loss, and managing menstrual pain should you want to use it for some self love.
2. Sorrel
A favorite herb in some African and Caribbean recipes, sorrel is a red tea that aids in blood flow and can be used as a stimulant for attraction. If you’ve never had it before, when boiled to a tea and cooled the flavor is similar to red wine, but I assure you no alcohol is involved unless you add it yourself.
The boiled sorrel liquid can be added to smoothies, drank as a tea, and be mixed into cake batters to make sorrel cakes.
3. Cinnamon
According to various sources for kitchen witchcraft, cinnamon is used for love and happiness, as well as fertility, health, success, and protection (not that kind of protection)
Cinnamon can be used as a seasoning in baking, cooking, and drinks.
Add cinnamon to your smudge stick to reap the benefits
4. Mint
Another kitchen witchcraft source, mint is less used for love and more for happiness and fertility and another protection herb
Mint tea mixes well with rose and sorrel for a bit of love potion crafting
Mint chocolate is a popular flavor combination should you feel like making homemade chocolates for your intended person
5. Apple 🍎
Not one I commonly used but there is a basic love spell that involves using a needle to carve into an apple your own love spell with the intended person in mind with creative add ons. The marks can then be hidden be rubbing honey on the outside of the apple paying particular attention to the marks
6. Hibiscus 🌺
Hibiscus tea also has an association with love magic. It can also impact your blood pressure so use sparingly
Feel free to add on any others that come to mind, these are just some favorites of mine and I use them more to strengthen the love I already have than to make someone fall in love. Be safe and stay hydrated lovers.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
What is Florida Water and Why Do We Want It?
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Florida water is a traditional American cologne water recipe adopted by southern practitioners of the hoodoo and voodoo tradition to cleanse the home and use in rituals. Originally named as the American version of Eau de Cologne in the 1800’s.
Its strong magical properties have made it an essential in Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria, Wicca, and Witchcraft practices.
Florida water can be used for cleansing (its effect is very similar to smudging), Use it to clean your altar space.
As a spell component.
Just opening a bottle and leaving it in a room is said to purify the air of bad spirits and energies.
You can put it in a spray bottle as a spiritual “disinfectant,” anoint doors and windows with it. Pour it into a bowl and place it on the altar as an offering, as a thank you gift to the Spirit(s)s/God(s) you are working with.
Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.
Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.
Put some Florida Water in your palms and clap them together and rub to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.
Use it to dress candles for magical spells that include protection, communication with spirits, cleanings, breaking hexes and curses, removing malicious magic.
Florida water can quickly re-balance your vibration and is the perfect “chill out” after a long, stressful day. Grab that spray bottle and spray away! (Just be sure not to get it in your eyes.)
There are dozens of recipes for Florida water online, I have found a few great ones and you can customize this recipe according to what you have on hand.
Despite the name, it is not a water-based potion. Most people use vodka to steep the herbs and flowers. All you need is the cheap stuff. You can use top-shelf vodka to make this, but it’s just a waste of money, as it really doesn’t make much difference in the final result.
What you need: 16 ounces Vodka or 2 cups.
Choose at least two items from each group: While selecting the materials to use, allow your intentions to guide you.
Aromatic greens: 4 parts fresh mint 4 parts fresh basil 4 parts fresh rosemary
Florals: 3 parts rose petals (fresh) 3 parts jasmine (dried or fresh) 3 parts lavender (dried)
Citrus: 2 parts lemon peel 2 parts orange peel 2 parts lime peel
Spice: 1-part allspice berries 1-part cinnamon sticks 1-part cloves
Put the vodka on low heat. Add the dry ingredients and allow them to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer on low for an addition 40 minutes.
I am also going to add a no cook recipe. This recipe is just a guide… Smell each oil before adding it to your glass container. Let your spirit enlighten you if you should add more or less than what’s suggested
You’ll need: 16 oz of vodka 3-5 tablespoons of rosewater 8 drops of lavender essential oil 10 drops of lemon essential oil 10 drops of orange essential oil 5 drops of bergamot essential oil 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil 5 drops of clove essential oil Fresh rose petals & fresh rosemary (optional)
If you wish to add stones, you can use any of these:
Amethyst Smokey Quartz Rose Quartz Quartz Black Obsidian
I am also going to add a Florida Water Diffuser Blend! (Do not add vodka to your diffuser)
This is said to help aid in headaches. Let the purifying scent of Florida Water fill your home with this sweet, warm, and uplifting diffuser blend.
1 drop bergamot 4 drops orange 3 drop lemon 2 drop cinnamon 1 drop lavender 1 drop rosemary
This recipe is the more “traditional” one.
Ingredients: 1/2 cup dried sweetgrass 1/2 cup dried lavender 1/2 cup dried sage 1/2 cup dried cedar 6 cups of Vodka
Gather your herbs, give thanks to them for their use.
Add the vodka to it and store in a glass jar at room temperature.
Keep the content for 14 days. You can place it outside to infuse with either a full or new moon.
Use a paper towel or cheese cloth to strain out the liquid from the herbs into a clean, preferably glass container. Cover the lid tightly and store until when needed.
PS - there are MANY recipes online, these were just a few I found…MOST were the traditional recipe as written above.
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hand-holding, 33, Dick & Gar
Locked Myself In a Cage and Threw Away The Key (But Your Gentle Hands Had Set Me Free)
Hand-holding | 33. bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go - for @undertheknightwing
Gar walked into the Tower's kitchen humming softly, his eyes focused on the phone he held in his hand. He was scrolling through endless pages of recipes, trying to find a perfect smoothie combination. He loved experimenting in the kitchen ever since he was a little kid, his mom would usually assist. At Chief's house Larry has always been very protective over that specific area and wouldn't let him touch anything so the boy never got the chance to do it again but when he arrived in San Francisco with his new friends a little over a week ago and basically started drooling at the sight of a huge kitchen island and shiny appliances, Dick walked up to him with a smile, patted his shoulder and simply said "Go ahead. It's all yours."
"Aha!" he exclaimed triumphantly as he dropped on one of the stools. He found a perfect recipe, a combination he never tried before. He needed kale, an orange and a lemon, a cucumber, coconut water and honey. "Wait, do we have all of that?"
Leaving his phone on the counter he made his way around the kitchen island to the fridge. He found a cucumber (that was already withering so it was the last chance to use it) and some honey. There were a few lemons in a bowl on the counter but no oranges. Other ingredients from the list were missing as well.
Damn it.
Gar quickly grabbed his phone, took a screenshot of the recipe and sent it to Rachel with a note of what he needed. Dick took her out for grocery shopping (apparently his idea of quality time which Gar honestly loved but wouldn't admit it, at least not to Jason), they left like 20 minutes ago so there was still a chance she could get this stuff for him. A minute later she responded with a thumb up emoji and he let out a sigh of relief.
Now all he had to do was wait.
When he got the text from Rachel that they'll be back home in 5 minutes (he still couldn't quite get used to calling this place their home - Rachel on the contrary had no problem with it, probably thanks to Dick), Gar dragged himself from the couch in the living room and set to work. Soon the elevator door let out a loud ding sound and she walked in, carrying a huge paper bag filled to the brim in her hands.
"Got everything you asked for." she said, smiling, as she set the bag beside him on the kitchen island and started unpacking it.
"Sweet, thanks." he replied, starting to chop the cucumber into pieces. "Where's Dick?"
"Still in the garage." she sighed, then dropped on the stool next to him and opened a bag of sour jelly beans. "Want some?"
"No, thanks. Why?"
"Car started acting weird." she explained, chewing on the candy. "Apparently something's wrong with the engine or something, I dunno. He's looking into it."
Gar lifted his eyes at her, brows furrowing in concern.
"Ouch, I hope it's nothing serious. I have a feeling Donna wouldn't be happy if it turned out we broke her ride- agh, shit!"
He felt a jolt of stinging pain on the inside of his left palm, setting his nerves ablaze and instinctively pulled his hand away, trying to escape the sensation. Rachel's eyes grew wide and she gasped, staring at it. He slowly lifted his hand back up, looking down and suddenly he felt dizzy, the floor crumbling under his feet.
There was so much blood.
It wasn't really the sight that made him feel this way, or the pain of the cut. It was the touch of the warm liquid creating a puddle inside his palm. The bitter smell of metal that hit his nostrils. The Tiger inside of him came awake, letting out a restless growl and started clawing at the walls of its cage, demanding to be set free.
The cage. Like the one they locked Gar in at the asylum. Suddenly he was back there, curled up in the corner naked, afraid and bloody, staring at a pile of disembodied body parts and internal organs ripped apart. He could feel the taste of crimson in his mouth, sour and disgusting, while the Tiger was roaring in pleasure, demanding for more. Gar heard someone calling out to him, some part of his brain registered a gentle touch and a surge of energy, but the Tiger was quick and shut it all down with one single growl. It wanted to take control, to put Gar in the cage instead. The boy was too close to letting it. As much as the cage terrified him, it also felt somewhat safe and if staying inside meant he could be free of the Tiger for a moment at least, then-
"Gar? Gar, c'mon. Come back to me, buddy."
He snapped back to reality so quickly he started feeling dizzy again. Or maybe the dizziness didn't go away at all, he didn't know. He gasped like he just came out of water and when his sight sharpened again he found himself gazing into Dick's concerned brown eyes, feeling the man's fingers gripping his arms tightly. Rachel was peering over his shoulder, nibbling at her lower lip in worry.
"I tried to heal him but it didn't work." she said, her voice quiet and hesitant. "I don't know why."
"It's okay." he told her, although his eyes never left Gar's. "Go grab the first aid kit. You know where it is, right?"
"Yeah." she nodded and disappeared from view. Dick focused on the boy again.
"Gar, breathe. It's just a little blood. You're okay."
He followed his instructions. Deep breaths. Slow and steady. It's just a little blood. The Tiger is asleep.
"You're not there." Dick spoke softly, as if reading his mind. "You're not in the cage anymore."
They kept breathing together for a bit longer and Gar started feeling better. He risked looking down at his hand. It was covered in smudged blood and a deep cut ran across the inside of his palm. It stung when he stretched his fingers.
"I, uh…" he started, his throat suddenly feeling dry. "I think I didn't notice. The knife slipped and-"
"It's alright, kiddo." Dick comforted him, sending him a warm smile. In the meantime Rachel came back with a small red box in her hand and set it down on the counter. Dick thanked her quietly and looked back at the boy. "Why don't we patch it up, huh?" He let go of his arm and offerend his hand to him. "Can I?"
Gar hesitantly put his injured hand in Dick's hold and instantly relaxed feeling the warm touch of his fingers on his skin. The man cleaned the cut with a disinfectant (it hurt like a bitch), smoothing a damp cotton swab over it, then started wrapping a white bandage over it. His movements were slow and careful, he kept holding his hand gently, turning it to the sides whenever he needed to. Gar observed him quietly, feeling somewhat hypnotized by the process. It was calming down his shattered nerves.
When the dressing was done though, Dick didn't let go of the boy's hand like Gar expected him to, but instead he clasped it between both of his own and held it firmly, looking into his eyes again.
"You good?" he asked and Gar knew he didn't mean the cut.
"Yeah." he answered, his voice sounding a bit croaky. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Sorry I spaced out."
"It's okay. It triggered you, didn't it? The blood."
Gar took a deep breath and felt his shoulders trembling.
"It did. I know it's silly, but-"
"It's not silly." the man interrupted him and squeezed his hand in comfort. "It's your body and mind reacting to trauma. It's completely normal."
Gar looked down at their hands, feeling his eyes burning.
"I was at the Asylum again…"
"I figured." he heard Dick say quietly. "But thankfully it wasn't real this time. You're safe, Gar. With us, with me. You're at home, not there, remember that."
They stared into each other's eyes for a few long seconds before a smile finally broke onto Gar's face.
"At home."
Dick grinned back at him, relief flooding his face.
Someone's hand rested on his shoulder. Rachel.
"I'm glad you feel better now." she said. "How about we finish this smoothie?"
Gar lifted an eyebrow at her.
"You hate green smoothies."
"But I am willing to try this one. You bled for it after all."
All three of them chuckled at her joke.
"Save me some for later." Dick said as he stood up from his chair. "I gotta get back to the garage."
That reminded Gar of the car issue.
"Hey, what happened? Is it bad?"
Dick was already halfway to the elevator when he shouted back.
"Nah, I just need to tweak a few things, that's all."
The elevator door dinged and he was gone.
Gar turned to Rachel.
"You said you tried to heal me?"
She shrugged, a look of confusion appearing on her face as she went back to unpacking the groceries.
"Yeah, but somehow I couldn't."
He scratched the back of his neck, thinking.
"I think the Tiger stopped it. I felt something, but then it was abruptly cut off. I don't know, maybe I was imagining things."
"Maybe." she closed the fridge and turned back to him. "So what do you need next?"
"Give me that coconut water."
Fandom: DC Titans
Title: Locked Myself In a Cage and Threw Away The Key (But Your Gentle Hands Had Set Me Free)
Series: Physical Affection - Tumblr Prompts
Pairings/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Garfield Logan
Summary: It wasn't really the sight that made him feel this way, or the pain of the cut. It was the touch of the warm liquid creating a puddle inside his palm. The bitter smell of metal that hit his nostrils. The Tiger inside of him came awake, letting out a restless growl and started clawing at the walls of its cage, demanding to be set free.
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 years
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My own contribution for Day 3 of my autumnatural party. I chose the prompt "hot drinks." Inspired by this post (and do try it, it's everything the post says).
Dean kicked the side door open and elbowed his way into the kitchen, his arms full of groceries.
"FALL DRINK!" He yelled in the general direction of the hallway, depositing the bags on the counter and beginning to sort through them.
Jack poked his head out of the living room.
"Fall drink?" He asked, sounding equal parts curious and excited.
"Fall drink," Dean confirmed, plopping a box of chai spice tea bags, a box of apple cider mix, and a jar of caramel syrup on the table.
"Get your favorite mug out, kid," he said as he went for the tea kettle. It was a shiny copper thing Cas found at a garage sale, dented on one side but still serviceable. He filled it with water and put it on the stove, turning the heat up to medium high.
Jack bounced over to the cabinet and reached into one of the lower shelves, where all his favorite cups and bowls and plates and mugs were within easy reach of his little arms. He pulled out a mug shaped like a cauldron that Sam got for him, his current favorite. Then he bounced back over to the counter and held it up to Dean with both hands.
"Here you go, Dee. Fall drink!"
Dean grinned and took the mug carefully, setting it down on the table. Then he picked Jack up and perched him on a chair so he could see what was going on.
First, a packet of cider spice mix went into the empty mug. Then, when the kettle started to whistle, in went the hot water. Dean told Jack "hands in pockets!" to make sure no curious little fingers got in the way of the stream of boiling hot water.
Once the cider mix was stirred into the water, Dean added one chai spice tea bag and covered the cup with a pot holder to let it steep. Jack watched the mug intently, as though he could see straight through the glossy black exterior and into the concoction brewing within.
When they were about a minute away from done, the back door that led into the garden opened and Cas came in, tell-tale gardening gloves hanging out of the pocket of his muddy jeans.
"Heya sweetheart," Dean said, pulling Cas in for a kiss before he could even close the door. Cas grinned and looked curiously over Dean's shoulder at the mug on the table.
"What are we making?" He asked.
"FALL DRINK!" Jack yelled excitedly. Cas quirked an eyebrow at Dean, mouth twitching.
"Fall drink?"
"Finally weaseled the recipe outta that Spencer kid who works at the coffee shop in the square. Figured I'd give it a shot."
"Mhmm," Cas said, leaning into Dean's arms, both of them heedless of his sweaty hair and the smudges of dirt on his clothes. "And do I get to sample this 'fall drink'?"
"You might be able to bribe the barista," Dean said, flashing a cheeky grin. "He accepts payment in the form of kisses."
"Oh, I think I can make that work," Cas replied, grinning even as he pressed a kiss to Dean's mouth.
"Daaaaads. Ew." Jack giggled, peeking out at them from behind his little hands. Dean and Cas both laughed, pulling apart only for Dean to lunge for Jack and pull him, shrieking with laughter, into a bear hug.
"I'll show you 'ew!'" Dean said, making exaggerated kissy noises as he swung Jack around.
"Ewwwww!" Jack squealed, plainly delighted.
Cas watched them play, the biggest smile on his face. He loved seeing this gentle, carefree side to Dean, his quick smiles and open affection. He loved watching how easy Jack was with him, something he once couldn't have imagined. It made him feel so full of love and happiness it almost crossed over into pain, like the human mind wasn't big enough to contain so much joy at once.
Dean finally swung Jack back onto the chair, both of them pink-cheeked and grinning. He ruffled Jack's hair once more before turning his attention back to the mug on the counter. Removing the pot holder with a flourish, he gave the steaming liquid a final stir and then topped it all with whipped cream, caramel syrup, and a sprinkling of the pumpkin spice mix from the spice rack.
"There you go!" He said, offering it to Jack. "Be careful, it's hot."
Jack took the mug carefully in his little hands, blowing at the steam before taking a tiny, cautious sip.
His whole face lit up in slow motion, eyes, pink cheeks, smile. He stared at the mug in wonder.
"Fall drink," he whispered, his little voice full of awe. He looked up at Cas.
"Dad...you try!"
Cas took the mug carefully with both hands, enjoying the warmth that seeped through. He shot Dean a dubious look before he inhaled the scent coming from the mug, a distinctive combination of spice and sharp apple and, somehow, fallen leaves and crisp October winds.
He took a sip, letting his eyes fall closed. It was warm and sweet and spicy, and it chased away the chill from being outdoors all afternoon.
He opened his eyes, no doubt as wide with surprise as Jack's had been.
"Wow," he said. "That really tastes like Fall. How did you do it? Is it magic?"
Dean laughed and pulled him in for another kiss, ignoring Jack's squeal of "ewwwww!" in the background.
"Definitely," he murmured against Cas's lips. "Definitely magic."
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3pirouette · 3 years
The Honey Trap (5/?)
Title: The Honey Trap
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
A/N- Keep an eye ont he time stamps- it brings us back to chapter one somewhere around the middle- then we’re moving on from there with less jumping around :) 
Chapter Summary: The holes in their story kept her up some nights. He acknowledged them, and often. She felt like he was trying to appease her, but every now and again it tickled something in her gut that made her queasy. 
Chapter 5: How It’s Supposed to Go
~*~ November, 1944
There were bugs in the kitchen and sightlines out of the living area to a Hydra surveillance flat across the street, but Peggy thanked their lucky stars no one surveilled the shared loo or Richard’s bedroom.
She’d done things she wasn’t proud of before for her work, but repeatedly sleeping with a man she neither was married to or loved in any way was crossing a line she wasn’t prepared to step over.
Not when she still believed Steve was waiting for her and loving her.
She didn’t mind the kissing, was only occasionally bothered by the wandering hands on the couch, and she’d gotten very good at pushing him away and playing coy, at protesting that the shades were wide open and someone could see, before leaving early for the night or slipping into his bedroom.
Richard was also getting very, very good at sleeping on the floor.
“They’re less suspicious, you know, now that you’ve started staying over,” he observed, fluffing his pillow and dropping it at his feet. He smiled at her.
Peggy shook her head, unbuckling her shoes but not taking another thing off before slipping under the blanket on the bed. “Pigs, if you ask me. A woman’s desire to know a man biblically before they’re married has nothing to do with how much she loves him or how devoted she is to him.”
“I never said they were smart. Or understood anything.” He pulled his tie off and started loosening the buttons if his shirt. “If they were smart, they wouldn’t believe us at all.” He pulled it off and set it to the side, sliding out of his belt as well, but staying in his undershirt and trousers. “Our cover is good, but it isn’t foolproof.”
“Hardly,” she snorted, knowing that the holes in their story kept her up some nights. He acknowledged them, and often. She felt like he was trying to appease her, but every now and again it tickled something in her gut that made her queasy. Peggy leaned over and stripped the top quilt, handing it to him. “I’m starting to wonder why they haven’t questioned it more.”
Richard Wallace, Peggy had found, could be a hard man to read. The one thing she enjoyed about their little charade was that in his bedroom, more than any other place she’d ever been with him, he let his guard down. He frowned at her, and she could see the dark circles under his eyes and the frustration in his shoulders. “They’re desperate.” He shook his head and kneeled, setting up his little bed across from her. “I’ve never seen these men so scared and at the same time so daunting. The things they want to accomplish, and the lengths they’ll go to get them…” He sighed, sitting down heavily. “These men are so much scarier than Hitler, Carter. The things I’ve heard… We can’t let them win. Whatever it takes.”
Peggy knew, without a doubt, that he meant it. Even in the dark, the fear in his eyes was real.
~*~ The Same Night, 500 miles away at the French border
Bucky elbowed Steve, getting his attention and passing the canteen over. “I’m not missing the corn ring,” he joked, looking out into the night, his voice soft, “though I could do with a little turkey and gravy.”
Steve smiled a bit, a happy sound on his lips as he finished a gulp of the whisky. “Your ma’s gravy…” He hummed happily and slipped the canteen back to Bucky. It was a quiet night, and they were in friendly territory, which made it almost safe to spend their watch reminiscing about today being Thanksgiving.
“Yeah, and then a slice of your mom’s apple pie.” Bucky smacked his lips loudly, taking another swig of the whisky before he sealed the canteen and slipped it back into his pack. He looked out into the darkness, shaking his head. “I miss that apple pie.”
“Me too,” Steve whispered softly, the happy memories mingling with the loss of his mother that would never leave him fully.
Bucky sensed his melancholy and elbowed him. “She ever teach you how to make it?” Bucky smiled at his friend. “When we get home, you can make a million bucks with it. Everyone would eat it up, literally. Imagine it: Captain America’s All American Apple Pie.”
Steve laughed lightly, shrugging. “She worked off a recipe from my grandmother. It’s all stained and half smudged, but it’s at home, in the trunk I left at your Ma’s, I think.”
“We’ll take it on tour, like the USO.” Steve smiled as Bucky started spinning the tale, his excitement something easy to lose himself in. “We’ll have stands at every state fair from Brooklyn to San Francisco.”
“As long as I don’t have to dance.”
Bucky huffed out a laugh. “Dance? Nah. We give you an apron and a spoon and you’ll have all kinds of girls just eating outta your hands.”
Bucky saw the way his lips turned down even though he tried to avoid letting anything show. Bucky let out a long, slow breath and leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “When are you going to tell me?” he asked softly.
Steve barely even moved his lips he was so stoic. “Nothing to tell, you know that.”
“What I know,” he started carefully, “is that all of a sudden, you two started acting stupid, then Phillips missed a detail the size of a blimp, and then instead of getting rid of you, who he’s considered a thorn in his side since the day you showed up at Lehigh, he shipped off his right hand woman and best spy to the typing pool.”
“Senator Brandt—”
“Senator Brandt my ass,” Bucky didn’t let him finish, and his frustration made his words harsh and clipped. “There are plenty of other bases they could have sent you to, hell- the Pacific theater’s been begging to get the 107th for months.” The way Steve wouldn’t look at him told Bucky all he needed to know. He softened, “So it’s bullshit?”
“It’s not—" Steve huffed, shaking his head and letting it fall into his hands.
“You can’t tell me.” It wasn’t a question, and he tried to keep it from being an accusation.
“No, I can’t.”
“We have the same clearance—”
“Not for this we don’t.” Steve almost barked. “No one has clearance for this.” The fight left his words and his frame. “It’s not even... there’s no paper trail even. Strictly need to know, full deniability.” Steve looked his friend in the eyes sadly, “As far as anyone knows, yourself included, we fucked up. Badly. And she paid the price. And that’s all there is to know.” Steve let his head fall again, watching as he drew patterns in the dirt with the toe of his boot.
Bucky filled long moments of quiet with pulling the whisky out again and slowly unscrewing the cap. He wasn’t sure what he could ask and what he couldn’t, but he knew he couldn’t leave it where it was. He took a long, slow breath and a quick swing of the burning liquid. He passed it over and rubbed his hands together, waiting until Steve had swallowed before speaking again. “Were you… did you…?”
His voice was almost too quiet to hear. “Once we heard what was at stake? We agreed to it, yeah.”
“And is it… is it over between the two of you? For real?”
Bucky looked at him, but Steve didn’t lift his gaze from the ground. “I hope not.”
Bucky rubbed his palms together slowly, not knowing what to say or do. His friend had held it in for so long, and he knew if he pushed too hard, Steve would let it all out and then hate himself even more in the morning. “Well, we better get looking for that apple pie recipe, huh? If you’re gonna have to win her back, better put your best foot forward.”
Steve almost, almost laughed.
~*~ December, 1944
Her heart was pounding in her chest. It had been months since she’d seen him, and she was supposed to somehow keep her cool.
Wallace had arranged it. He’d be arranging all of it from now on, which she didn’t particularly like. Peggy played with her wine glass, only half listening to the woman across from her. The microdot plastered to the back of her tooth tickled her tongue, and she had to sip the wine in such a way that it didn’t dislodge the precarious gluing job she’d done.
Her stomach was sick with worry and anticipation. If her companion for the evening didn’t buy the little skit they were about to put on, if she noticed that Peggy enjoyed kissing Steve a little too much or if she looked him his eyes a little too long, the whole thing could go up in flames.
The whole operation moving forward, and all they’d sacrificed up until now to get here, hinged on Ava, the girlfriend of a Hydra General, believing that she loathed Captain America enough that she’d betray him.
She didn’t even have to look to know when he walked in, she could feel the hairs on her arms rise. She took a deep breath, and turned her head.
~*~ January 2, 1945
The middle of the day was a risk she didn’t like. The harbor was a risk she didn’t like. Out in the open was a risk she didn’t like. Pretending to “run into him” was a plan she didn’t like.
Peggy wasn’t supposed to be a spy, she was supposed to be a scorned, confused woman willing to sell out the Allied powers for true love. No matter how long she lived with this cover, she didn’t think it would get any easier.
She wasn’t supposed to know Wallace was out there with one of the Hydra agents, watching her every move and listening to every word. Those above him had come up with the plan, had fed Wallace the idea who’d sent it to Phillips in a coded newspaper ad before he’d even run it by her. He’d made a convincing argument that trying to come up with a better plan would out them, and they needed to be one step ahead.
Somehow, she still felt like she was one step behind. She hated not being in control of the operation, not having final say on what she did or how she did it. The lack of input was starting to sew a seed of distrust in her. She wanted to believe Wallace, wanted to trust him, but he was cutting her out and partners didn’t do that when so much was on the line.
She was finding that little hint of queasiness deep in her gut was starting to happen more and more often. It was setting her on edge, and jeopardizing the mission.
She was going to find a way to change that.
She turned into the wind, letting it push her hair behind her instead of in her face. It wasn’t long before she could hear the footfalls behind her. He stopped only a few feet away, far enough that she couldn’t quite feel the heat from his body. She turned, shaking her head to keep the tendrils of hair out of her face. “How did you find me?”
He looked out over the harbor then back to her, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s not like you’re hiding.”
She could see how he fought to keep the smile off his face, she had to bite her tongue to keep from giving up any emotion at the sight of him. “I’ve said all—”
“And I haven’t, Peggy.” He stepped closer, moving to trap her in against the rail quickly. Her heart fluttered as she realized that he’d turned her just enough to keep their faces out of Hydra’s sight line. He pressed his forehead against hers, and she couldn’t stop herself from clutching at him, wrapping her arms around him under his coat. “I miss you so, so much, Peg.”
He pulled back just enough to see her lips, and she couldn’t keep the sadness out of her eyes when she mouthed me too to him just before she spoke. “And I haven’t spent a moment thinking about you at all, Steve.”
She saw him take a deep breath before pulling away. “That’s a lie.”
“I’ve moved on,” she touted, pushing away from him and back into view of the surveillance team. She let clutching at her jacket in the wind cover the sleight of hand where she pulled the coded message from his belt and slipped it into her own pocket.
“Please,” he begged, his own desperation easily seeping through the words. “Hear me out. Just… just talk. Dinner, maybe?”
She pretended to think it over, spent long seconds pushing the hair out of her face when she wanted to jump at the chance to be with him for more than a few seconds. “I’m seeing someone new.”
She couldn’t tell if the hurt was real or feigned, but the way his shoulders sagged made her heart ache just the same.  The wind whipped up around them and he stepped forward, taming her hair behind her ear and taking her face in his hands. His kiss was soft, and so much more than their last rushed one was where they were fighting for the little dot of film between their tongues. This was soft, and filled with emotions. It was the “I love yous” they couldn’t say, the lonely nights and the frustrating days, the gentle ache that was always there while they were forced to be apart.
It was over far too soon.
He stepped back, just out of reach. He looked like he was coiled up tight, holding himself back from kissing her again. “The pub at the crossroads, you know it?”
Peggy nodded, unable to trust her voice.
“I’ll be there tonight at seven.” He swallowed hard, eyes pleading. This wasn’t part of the plan. The plan was a few chance encounters. A tidbit of dropped information here and there. Her constant refusals and her continued allegiance to Richard and Hydra. Not whatever was starting to come to life behind Steve’s eyes.
She was terrified and thrilled at the same time. It might risk it all, but it could finally give her a chance to take control of the little game they were playing. “Steve…” she croaked out, unsure of what she could say, how she could convey the emotions and the tactical necessity of what they were about to do.
He stepped forward swiftly, kissing her again. It was quick and passionate and everything she needed to be reminded to trust him, just like she always had. He left his forehead pressed against hers. “I won’t go another day without you, I won’t.”
His hand reached for hers, and when she laced her fingers with his, she felt another note, one that she hadn’t been expecting. She palmed it quickly and pulled back, crossing her arms and slipping the note into the inner pocket of her jacket. “You’re assuming a lot.”
“The pub. Seven.” He looked her up and down, then started backing away, slowly. “I’ll wait for you.”
She watched him until there was nothing left but a speck on the horizon, and kept her eyes peeled for him even when that speck turned past a building and couldn’t be seen anymore. Richard came up behind her, right on cue, just as Steve was nothing but a memory.
It had been the plan that she was “supposed” to be meeting Richard. That Steve was “supposed” to find her and beg her to come back, which would fuel her need to betray him even more. She turned and looked at Richard, who was smiling at her and babbling away about where they should go for lunch, “unaware” of what had just happened.
She was sick and tired of what she was “supposed” to do.
She followed him down the walk along the harbor and to a small stand that sold fish and chips. They weren’t as flavorful as she wanted them to be, and the vinegar tasted old and too sharp on her tongue, but few things seemed to be what she wanted them to be lately. Richard rambled on in the background as they paced the small waterfront in full view and in good hearing range of the Hydra agent.
She’d play her part, for now. “I saw Steve,” she blurted, stopping and waiting for him to turn to her, picking at the chips in the newspaper in her hand. “He’s still… he’s still hopeful.”
Richard tried to hide his smile. “And you’re…”
She sighed. She was supposed to say something like angry. Or upset. Or vengeful. She was supposed to make it so easy, too easy, for Hydra to want to use her for information. But she wasn’t an idiot, and neither were the spies Hydra employed. Sometime between the meat locker and now, something had changed, and no one was telling Peggy what that was or what it meant for the op. She was done leaving her fate in the hands of other men.
“I’m uninterested,” she replied quickly, “but I am going to meet him tonight. Hear him out.”
Richard blanched before her. “Maggie, do you really…”
“I want to hear what the man who ruined my life has to say for himself,” she huffed out, starting to walk again towards his flat. “Let’s get inside, it’s far too cold out here.”
Once inside the flat she let him kiss her, like she always did, and let him move her to the bedroom where he held his hand out for the little slip of paper she’d procured from Steve once the door was closed.
They both read it quickly. The encryption was simple, and she was convinced more than ever it was for show. She didn’t need a piece of paper to tell her that the 107th would be heading back to the front in three days, it was in half the communications she encrypted on a daily basis this week. She knew more about troop movements just from being a part of the typing pool than he was getting from this. “This is fantastic,” Richard smiled at her, pocketing the paper. “You don’t need to go see him now, we have what we need.”
Peggy smiled, but shook her head. “I think I need to go. Make a good show of it, you know?”
“You don’t—”
“I do.” She was calm but firm, and stepped back from him. “A woman doesn’t just walk away from a man like Captain America, especially if he’s coming to find me.” She tried to let the smile she faked be a balm. “It will be more suspicious if I don’t go, trust me.”
She saw the flicker of concern in his eyes before he nodded, giving in with what appeared to be good humor. “Very well. You’re not the best for nothing.”
Peggy turned, picking up her coat on the way out of his flat. Damn right, she was the best, and that was what made it so easy to see through the game he was playing.
It was only a few blocks to her own flat, which she knew was bugged and under watch, as well. She hummed and dawdled, picking out a dress and pretending, for all intents and purposes, that she was fairly unbothered by her meeting tonight.
Maggie would be unbothered, but Peggy was downright anxious. She couldn’t pinpoint where the nervousness ended and the anticipation began, but the pub he’d picked was an Allied strong hold. Even if a Hydra agent made his way in there, the men in there would cover their backs. If not for Peggy, then absolutely for Steve.
She palmed the second note Steve gave her, even though she was fairly certain they couldn’t see into her apartment with the windows closed, and slipped into the bathroom. She turned the shower on full blast and hummed loudly as she unfolded the scrap.
It was a receipt for one lighter. Peggy looked it over, tried to apply every decryption she thought Steve would know, and a few she knew he wouldn’t, to the scant few words and numbers, but came out with gibberish. She was about to give up when she had an idea.
Peggy pulled over the candle she kept of the vanity after finding out the hard way the loo was the last place she wanted to be without matches or a candle when a blackout hit or the air raid sirens went off. She lit it and blew out the match, a smile forming on her face. Very slowly she let the paper sit over the flame, the heat permeating it and the words slowly becoming visible.
“My clever, clever darling,” she whispered to herself, pulling it away when she was sure the full message was visible.
It was a string of numbers that only the Commandos used to create short messages to one another. The combination was simple, but effective, once she translated it in her head.
Danger. Cover blown.
Peggy passed the paper over the flame one more time to make sure she hadn’t missed anything as her heart pounded in her chest, then lit the corner on fire and dropped it in the sink, watching it burn until the paper was nothing but ash. She turned on the tap and let the remnants flow down the drain, mind moving quickly.
She was meeting Steve in a few hours. Until then, she had to make it seem like business as usual. Tonight, he was either pulling her out, or they were going to make a play for something bigger.
She wasn’t sure which option she wanted, but she knew now she had an even better partner, one she trusted completely, and the queasiness she’d been feeling was gone.
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Surviving – DAY 2
Pairing: Just Snape
Word Count: 3,488
Rating: M for Mature
Plot:  Severus works to get his life in order, trying to be independent for the first time in his life.
Warnings: Substance abuse, violence
A/N: Day two! “Poisoned” prompt from snapetober! HAPPY SPOOKTOBER! >:D
Posted: 10/2/20
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Diagon Alley was surprisingly packed with wizards so early Wednesday morning. When he’d made the appointment, he thought it’d be the perfect time. Who on Merlin’s earth would be up at seven on a Wednesday when work normally started several hours later? He was even more surprised to see all the shops open.
Maybe they stayed open all night? But then when would the shop owners sleep… Though of course even I’ve used WideEye to stay awake for days on end. He thought about the sudden crash he’d had during transfigurations and shuddered. Never again would he use it for eight days straight.
He pulled the hood up on his cloak – yes the very one from school, though he’d ripped the bloody Hogwarts crest clean off the second he graduated. No need to get rid of a perfectly good cloak. He learned that from his mother. One of the many, and yet few, things he’d learned from her.
He walked along the cobbled streets, keeping his head down and concentrating on his walk, and turned a corner leading down a twisting alleyway. Knockturn Alley, where his appointment was being held. He leaned on a curved metal post, looking for the ‘Man in the Red Witch Hat’, as his friends called him.
The Man in the Red Witch Hat was having a special, about fifty to sixty percent off his usual seeds depending on how well he liked you. Severus didn’t have a big budget, he had never had enough to save during his school days and the job he had now paid in warm meals and a roof over his head, but the tips were fine enough.
He normally hated shops, and working in one was a nightmare. He hated talking to people. The way they sneered at him. As if those bastards looked any better. It wasn’t his fault his personal upkeep had gotten worse since graduation. He’s been wearing the same clothes – washes them in the sink every Sunday – and hasn’t bother to cut or even comb his hair. Of course it doesn’t matter what he looked like working in the shop, all he had to do was sweep and prepare pots and dust off roots. Occasionally he’d have to make a home delivery – which is where the tips came in – but that was it.
There he is. Severus spotted the red witch hat across the street. The man was tall and made the brim covered his eyes. They were already in a shady alley, and yet the fact the man was acting even shadier gave him a giddy type of excitement. He must have some bottles too.
He peeled himself from the post and joined the few weary wizards walking the opposite direction before making a complete turn and walking back, trying not to draw too much attention to the man as instructed. As he approached, the man ducked between two shops and Severus had to squeeze in just to follow.
Severus didn’t have broad shoulders and had an annoyingly slender and lanky figure which made him even more confused due to the fact that he was having trouble reaching the end when the broad shouldered man seemed to be gliding down just fine. He popped out the other end into a small room-like area with trashcans and crates all around. The man turned and Severus tried not to appear shocked.
The Man in the Red Witch Hat was a boy no older than himself, maybe nineteen at the most. His cloak had some obvious padding up close. Is he supposed to be intimidating?
“I’ve got what you want… and more.”
“More?” Severus smiled wickedly, gripping the coins in his trousers. He knew Avery – and especially Mulciber – would go ballistic when he came back with more than just the seeds. Especially if what was in the bottles could lead to some extreme brews.
The guy pulled a case out of the air and opened it, exposing hundreds of little bottles with powders, wings, stones, gems, liquids, ooze, glowing lights, and hairs. It was a treasure-trove of Ministry-banned potions ingredients. The guy held up a purple pouch of what he assumed to be the seeds he’d owled him about.
“That’ll be forty.” The man smiled and bounced the pouch around.
Severus tried not to smile, knowing he’d lowered the price below the agreed upon amount in order to entice him to buy a little extra. He pulled out the coins and traded for the pouch, tucking it into his other pocket.
“Right. How much then.” Severus hated the smile that pulled on the guy’s face. He hated giving him the impression his little ruse had worked. It hadn’t. He’d figured it out. There was nothing ‘smart’ about him or his business practices.
“Fifty per bottle – that’s already on discount so don’t try bartering.”
Severus frowned. The bottles were tiny, about the width and length of his pinky fully extended. He pulled his face in closer for a better look at his wares.
“Don’t smudge the glass,” the guy mumbled.
He gave him a side-glare and pulled back a bit, inspecting each label and their contents. He picked two – he couldn’t afford any more – and gave him the last of his coins, leaving himself only two Knuts in his pockets.
The guy closed up his case immediately upon receiving the payment, pulled out his wand, and disappeared where he stood. Severus turned and squeezed back out the small alley onto the twisting street. He walked into the closest shop and took out his bag of Floo powder, just enough to make it back to Avery’s place.
~ * ~ * ~
They were waiting for him by the kitchen, hexing knives to fling themselves towards Avery’s cat. Severus stepped out of the fireplace and coughed multiple times, trying to clear his lungs. They turned and waited. He pulled out the pouch and they cheered, sending extra knives out of their drawers. He stepped over the trembling cat and placed the two bottles on the counter, raising his eyebrows in victory.
“You’ve got more!” Avery laughed and smacked the counter next to the bottles, making Severus jump with momentary panic.
“Ha! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist!” Mulciber shoved his shoulder and stood, taking down three cauldrons. “How much we got left?”
They’d been brewing Mulciber’s special recipe for several weeks now, trying to get it just right to allow for the very peak of its effects to last longer. When they’d started, the recipe was atrocious, but with a little effort, he’d gotten it nearly perfect, or so they told him. He always refused to taste any of his own brews, knowing he couldn’t afford whatever addiction could occur from the wrong batch.
“Enough. We don’t need much of the powder per cauldron full. We could make real money with this.” Severus smiled. He could finally start saving.
“Then start it Sev. I’ll owl Lucius, see if he can get his friends together by this weekend.” Avery left up the stairs to his owl.
Mulciber laid on the living room carpet as Severus started, stretching out so his feet touched the kitchen counter and his hands touched the fireplace. He always refused to use the couch, which was the length of the whole room, and decided he liked tormenting the cat that hid under it better.
Within days the brew was made and Avery and Mulciber were laying on the only floor space of the whole ground floor, mumbling to themselves. Their eyes were glazed over and occasionally their mumblings would get loud and shaky. They always looked to be in pain to him, but when they came out of it they said it was the greatest happiness they’d ever felt in their lives.
That was another reason why Severus didn’t want to try it. He was done with happiness. Forever.
~ * ~ * ~
The meeting with Lucius had gone fine. He’d brought his friends – or so he called them, though it never felt like he liked them very much – and several of them had tasted the potion and been knocked out for hours. It was then that Lucius had pulled him aside. They’d gone up to Avery’s bed and Lucius had told him the men downstairs were part of ‘the cause’ and that he had joined them last month. That was Lucius’ way of saying there was a pack of Death Eaters in the house just down the stairs.
Severus had been showed the official Dark Mark on his arm, and Lucius had told him what it was like to be one of them. The power. The influence. People did what he told them to do and several Ministry officials backed him up. He had recognition beyond just the Malfoy name.
“If I want a promotion in the Ministry, all I have to do is ask for it. They fear me... Severus. You want that power too. I know you do.” Lucius had stood by the window, looking out with his cane held in his gloved hands. “Why are you so afraid to take it?”
“I want it,” he’d whispered. “I want to be taken seriously… I’m tired of being cast aside! I’m not rubbish, I’m not worthless. I deserve – ”
“To be accepted.” Lucius had known exactly what to say.
~ * ~ * ~
He carried thirty thumb-sized bottles in his cloak pockets. Five of Mulciber’s recipe and the rest were all of what Lucius had told him to brew. He walked into Hogshead and sat at a back-corner table, taking out last week’s daily prophet and hid behind it, keeping his hood up.
Every ten minutes someone cloaked would walk in and sit across from him. They’d ask about a headline and depending on the one, Severus would pull out a bottle. They’d slip the money under the paper and he’d slip them the bottle, never seeing the hooded figure again. He did that for months. Any time he didn’t spend at his job he spent brewing and bottling and selling on the weekends. He made enough money every week to afford a house like Avery’s, down by the edge of the village, but he never kept any of it, not even the money from Mulciber’s recipe. Every week Lucius would come down to his place and collect.
After a long day of selling, Severus packed up and left the shady pub.
Lucius knocked loudly on the door just up the stairs behind the shop, making Severus jump. This wasn’t a day he was expecting him, but he was excited to see him nonetheless. He pulled open the door and smiled, welcoming him in.
“Severus. How are you?” Lucius entered, cane swinging on his right hand. He stood taller and seemed to demand more attention than normal. “I’ve come by early to deliver a message.”
Severus closed the door and dropped onto his bed, wincing as dust burst into the air. Lucius knew how poor he was, but the dust cloud seemed a bit over the top. “What message?”
Lucius stood beside the chair by the window and raised a brow. “You’re producing quite the funds for us… Severus, there are many impressed with your work.”
His heart fluttered at the praise. He bit his cheek, trying to keep from smiling and nodded lazily. “Yeah?”
Lucius chuckled. “You could be selling much more expensive things. So expensive you could actually keep a good amount and get out of this…” he looked around and sighed, never finishing his sentence. “You could live somewhere better suited to your needs. A place with an actual kitchen so you didn’t have to brew in your own bedroom.”
Severus pulled on some loose strings on his shirt, watching them zig apart and grow larger. He avoided his eyes, knowing what it would take to gain enough trust to be handed large amounts of the ingredients he was given to brew with. Lucius pulled up his sleeve and got on the bed with him, surprising him completely. Lucius hated touching anything in his place and avoided staying longer than he needed to.
“It’s a symbol. Severus. A symbol you’re a part of something.” The snake on Lucius’ skin almost shimmered, as if it was an image reflecting of water. They were both quiet, watching the dark eyes of the skull. “Is she still holding you back? Do you still expect to go back to being friends with – ”
Severus felt a flash of anger. He sat up and scoffed, staring into Lucius’ steady eyes. “What a stupid thing to say,” he spat.
Lucius pulled down his sleeve and stood, heading for the door. “Then I’ll leave you with the message and let you think on it.” The door opened on its own and he turned. “Just because we’ve all graduated school, doesn’t mean we don’t have your back.”
Severus squeezed his fists and heard the door shut. I’m not weak anymore.
~ * ~ * ~
Severus stuffed his hands in his pocket and shook them around, hearing the coins jingle and clink. He did that after every tip, loving the sound. It was like hearing freedom ring in his ears. Sometimes he thought about visiting home finally just to shove the shiny gold in his father’s face. That old fool would probably smell the ruddy pouch, try to inhale it for himself, desperate and pathetic. Sorry Da, looks like you were wrong. I don’t need you. I never did. You’re the poor stupid fool living in that house.
He hopped on the old broom and pushed off hard. The broom was so old it had small branches growing out the sides. He ripped all but two off, using them as handles. It took an hour to get back to the shop, but he used that time to relax. If he wasn’t asleep, then he was spending his whole day working or brewing. It was nice to get some peace every once in a while.
He arrived home just as the rain started to really pour and left the broom under the stairs, tied to the underside of a step with charmed twine the shop owner had given him. He pulled his hood down and climbed the stairs up in a rush, pushing his door open.
He shrugged his cloak off onto the floor and pushed the door with his foot, except it wouldn’t close all the way, staying ajar. He groaned and pushed on it with all his might. “Close!” He kicked it but it wouldn’t budge. He sighed and moved his only chair to lean up against the door, pushing it in place against the wind. It’ll do for now.
He pulled the bedsheet off and wrapped it around his shoulders, opening the top cupboard and took down a jar of pickles. The shop owner always brought him back food from the store when he went, but Severus had the sneaking suspicion that he was given cheap, almost expired food.
He dropped the lid and fell back on his bed. The loud groan that came from falling back on it no longer scared him. He’d thrown himself onto the bed so often, sure that the bed would break, that he hardly noticed it anymore, knowing that it likely could not be broken, not with his own weight.
He bit into a pickle and dropped it back in the juice, sucking on his fingers and wiping them on his trousers. He blurred his vision, going over the steps to one of the newer brews Lucius had handed him instructions for, when he felt a prick in the back of his throat.
It felt like a needle was sticking out inside his throat, poking into the walls of his flesh, stinging. He coughed, sitting up to produce more power but the needle multiplied. The needles stuck deep into his mouth and throat, making it painful to move. His hands scraped his tongue, trying to find the needles and pull them out but there was nothing but thick saliva.
When he pulled his fingers back, the tips had blue bulging veins. Poison. He was being poisoned. He fell out of bed, gasping for relief, feeling his muscles begin to tire, and dragged himself to the cabinets under the sink. He was half way down the small stretch of hardwood when the bathroom door opened and someone in a red witch’s hat stepped out.
“Good to see you again.”
Severus stopped, glaring up at him.
“It’s belixy poison. Slow acting, but painful.” The boy smacked his lips and rubbed his hands together. “Here’s the thing, friend – ” he opened up the drawers and cabinets, knocking everything Severus used for brewing potions to the ground. “My employer’s received word our supplier has a better deal. Thinkin’ ‘bout dropping us completely.”
Severus groaned, spitting his saliva out in an instinctual attempt to get the needles off his tongue.
“’Parrently those Death Eaters and their Dark Lord been making so much money off illegal brews with our Ministry-banned ingredients, they’re thinkin’ of expanding.” He kicked a cauldron out of his way and sat on the floor in front of him. “Been using some real nasty stuff on those Muggles in Glasgow, Manchester, Cardiff, and even my London?” He tisked.
Severus spit on his shoes.
“Dick’ead!” He smacked Severus’ head and pulled him up by the collar. “I’m tryin’ to talk to ya!”
Severus got on his knees, gripping onto his own collar as he was pulled up. He could feel his feet begin to numb and waited for the guy to let go. The second he did, ready to state his demands, Severus stuck his hand in his left pocket and pulled out his wand.
He held it up and rasped, “Confringo!”
A red light blasted from the tip of his wand and blew them back in a fiery explosion. Severus was flung back on his bed and rolled off quickly, getting to his feet as best he could. He couldn’t feel them, and the numbness was creeping up his shins now and up his hand as well.
He looked around at the flames scattered everywhere and hunched over to escape the accumulating smoke. He saw the guy had been blasted into the bathroom and heard him coughing. Severus turned and limped over to the chair, throwing it aside and swung the door open. He hobbled down the stairs and flung himself under them, hissing “Cave Inimicum!”
He whispered it over and over as he dragged himself under the bottom steps as the guy barreled down them, looking around wildly for him. He turned everywhere, and looked right passed him, unable to spot him through the boundary he cast, keeping him hidden. After a few minutes of digging around, the guy apparated away.
~ * ~ * ~
The numbness was up to his knees and elbows now. Severus dragged himself into the shop through the back door and crawled through the un-swept dirt on the ground. He flipped himself as he reached the back wall and looked up at the edge of the counter. There were a few leaves that just needed to be tipped into his mouth and the feeling would return to his limbs long enough for him to brew a cure.
He raised his wand and tried to flick, watching his hand twitch slightly. The leaves moved but looked like they were trapped under something. Severus slid sideways and did his best to lift his head, spotting a pot holding them down.
He lifted his wand again, falling back onto his back. “Circumrota,” he wheezed. The pot rotated and the leaves were pushed out from under it, falling gently to the floor. Severus moved onto his side and stuck his tongue out, licking the leaves into his mouth one by one and sucked on them until he could feel his toes.
~ * ~ * ~
After a grueling hour, his tongue no longer felt on fire, his gums no longer stung, and his throat didn’t feel like it was being pricked with every breath he took. He rubbed his neck and sat at the stool in the back of the shop, sobbing into his elbow. He gripped his wand with a trembling hand and tried his best to keep his shoulders from shaking so violently.
He felt vile. He was weak and pathetic and easy prey for the world. Why did I think things could get better? It wasn’t Hogwarts that made my life so horribly miserable. It’s me. I exist to be stepped on and beaten time and time again.
He pulled his chin to rest on his wrist, staring at a distant candle through blurry eyes. He sniffed and wiped his nose. He needed to find Lucius. He needed to join Avery and Mulciber. He needed them. He couldn’t survive on his own.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Day 2 Prompt: Poisoned (snapetober day 2) + cave inimicum (Produces a boundary that keeps the caster hidden from others), confringo (produces a fiery explosion), and circumrota (Rotates objects)
General Taglist:
@severuslovebot @bionic-otp
40 notes · View notes
shintorikhazumi · 4 years
A Warm Diana Chapter 5: A Higher Degree
A Warm Diana Chapter 5: A Higher Degree                  
A/N: at end of chapter. Hello.  Enjoy? ~Shintori Khazumi
Where do we go from here? Is there any other way other than forward? What is this dance we’re doing, a step forward, yet two steps back. How do we progress in this heated tango?
What are we waiting for? Where do we go from here?
Diana wouldn’t say she was a prodigious dancer, but she’s been to enough social events to not be terrible at it. Akko would obviously beg to differ because, in her eyes (and everyone else’s, she supposes), Diana was amazing at anything she laid her hands on, anything she picked up.
So, it was on this fine day, at this very moment, as she was seated on the wooden floor, in a little corner of the room with her back against the wall, that Akko would stare in wonder and amazement at her friend…friend? -Were they still at this stage? Most possibly with how Akko had been dancing (the only kind of dancing she seemed to be good at, as of the moment) around the issue of whatever relationship they both had. Though, she knew something had changed between them. There was this freshness in their relationship dynamic that had changed it in its entirety. That, she could not deny, nor did she want to. At the same time, however, there was equal amounts of intimidation mixed into this hot-mess recipe of a relationship.
They had yet to actually talk about whatever it was that would happen from that point of their relationship after the date. Diana said she would wait, and Akko was far from knowing what answer was the right one to give. She knew she loved Diana, but she had doubts, not of her partner-to-be, but doubts in herself. This had made their interactions awkward and full of tension- the good or bad kind, Akko didn’t know.
And so, days passed uneventfully as they were, again, (quite frustratingly in their friends’ books apparently) at a standstill.
Anyway, Akko stared at her “friend” as she was made an example before the class as to how to properly do the waltz as they would be having another formal with the boys from Andrew’s school as it was nearing the end of the school year.
Akko visibly winced. Thoughts of the boy were seldom pleasant these days. What had been a beautiful friendship between them, she no longer knew what remained. Would Andrew even look at her, much less talk or interact with her outside of the required pleasantries?
She had always enjoyed the company of the male, despite their differences. He had a completely different view of the world from her, from witches. In a sense, it was refreshing. She also enjoyed it when he’d send her little videos of him playing tunes on his piano, be it an extravagant piece or a personal composition. She admired him as she admired any of her friends. And like all her friendships, she’d like to keep this one, cherished in her heart for as long as possible.
It hurt.
His words had hurt her, cut deep into her soul. While his confession came as an enormous shocker, she felt slightly flattered that a man of high pedigree such as Andrew would see her country bumpkin self as someone worth having feelings for. However, it could never dismiss that chat on the bench that continued to scratch at her heart each time she remembered the words,
[You can’t.]
Her eyes stung, her heart lurched; she shook her head, ridding her mind, temporarily, of the memory. She didn’t want to grow to hate the man. She just… She just couldn’t face him right now. That’s all.
Vision focusing, she was surprised to see her eyes meet Diana’s from across the room where she sat. Apparently, the heiress had completed her demonstration and was in the middle of taking long sips from her water bottle. Her figure stood in front of the large windows of the classroom often used for dance, meditation, sparring, and other practical applications of magic. Light gleamed through them, courtesy of the afternoon sun, rendering a glow to outline her form.
A droplet of water slipped down her slender neck, almost disappearing at the base of her throat. Akko found herself bewitched, her sight having unknowingly trailed after the transparent liquid, gaze travelling from there, back up to a shapely jawline, to pinkish lips that seemed to be tipping upwards slightly.
Suddenly, Akko felt the need to see Diana’s eyes, and she felt her breath stall in her lungs. There was a different shade to her gaze. Somehow it seemed playful, pleased; shimmering with some form of mirth at having caught Akko shamelessly gawking, but at the same time there was this… heat that Akko couldn’t name. It felt like it could burn her very soul if she remained looking.
Was it just her, or was it actually getting hotter in here?
She immediately broke the staring contest, opting to poke at a small dirt spot beside her on a wooden panel. Here, she had been sitting quietly in the corner, dreading over one of her friendships that might soon cease to exist, but over there was another friendship that she… didn’t quite know… um… what…
Akko scratched at her head with both hands, feeling a headache build with great speed. Everything was just so… confusing and frightening, worrying, sudden, hot, cold…warm-
Warm. A warm hand had taken one of hers that had been pulling at- and roughing up her hair. Another proceeded to pat the top of her head so gently, Akko could have sworn it wasn’t really there. It smoothed out her messy hair strands before she felt a ghost of a kiss planted there. A bolt of electricity ran through her spine as she jolted slightly, forcing a blush away.
“Is it that frustrating to be told to sit out of this practice?” Akko could hear small bells tinkling, a soft melody playing, interlaced with a voice she had to admit she loved so much, as much as the person who owned it.
“Maybe.” She shrugged, still looking downwards. “Though it wouldn’t be the first time I was called out and filtered out from the rest of the class for sucking at something… or well everything.” That last part she whispered to herself.
Oh, but Diana was an attentive girl. Especially towards people she cared for deeply. She heard every word, and with a sigh, she knelt in front of Akko’s hunched form. “Akko…”
“Do-don’t worry about it! It’s not like I’m not used to it! I mean, I know I’ve improved quite a bit in terms of school and stuff… and other stuff, but really. Diana, you don’t have to worry-“
Said girl flinched. Her gaze still on that little smudge on the flooring.
“Please… look at me…” The voice was so fragile, so soft. It pleaded for her to give her attention to blue eyes and a sad smile. Who would be cruel enough to destroy such a beautiful smile any further?
So, she looked up.
“Hi.” It was spoken in such a gentle whisper. Akko was mesmerized once more. Her eyes could not be torn away from such beautiful diamonds. She swore every precious stone could never amount to much if compared to the sparkling gems Diana had.
“Hi…” She replied in a quieter, more broken voice. “I-“ Her voice cracked, and she shut her mouth, opting to simply search Diana’s warm gaze once more.
“Class has been over for a while. This is also the last class of the day- in case you’ve forgotten.” Diana offered a kind smile. “You’ve been sitting here, unmoving. I suppose I got worried since everyone has already cleared the room.”
True to her word, Akko found that they were the only two people left inside. Even her teammates were nowhere in sight.
As if Diana had read her mind, she spoke, “If you are looking for Lotte and Sucy, they told me they needed to leave first as Sucy had been summoned by one of the professors from a higher year because she made another potion they could not quite decipher, and used it on one of the older students.”
Akko shook her head in amusement because of course Sucy would do something like that. Leave it to her to spice up any day. Both… figuratively and literally. Akko shuddered at the memory of being fed some concoction Sucy brewed up in their quest to create the quote-unquote, best hot sauce in the world.
Another realization came to mind that had her smiling. ‘”Lotte” and “Sucy”, huh… Everyone sure has gotten close.” The fact that Diana could now call her best friends by their given name brought about an inexplicable joy to Akko. It somehow made the weight in her heart lighter, her headache disappearing as she faced this gorgeous, amazing being in front of her.
“Thank you.”
Akko didn’t know what kind of face she had been making, but it must have been something special, seeing as Diana had suddenly flushed an adorable light red, seemingly losing composure for a few moments before coughing, and offering a confident smile to Akko.
“You are always welcome. Always.” Diana didn’t know what Akko was thanking her for, but she supposed this wasn’t that moment to question it. So, she responded, trying to hide how flustered she had been as Akko gave her the gentlest expression, the warmest- dare she say loving- expression she’s ever been on the receiving end of. The only other person she could remember to have looked at her that way was her mother. And still, it was something completely different.
There was this need that arose in her heart. It had always been there, but in this particular moment, with the golden rays of the sun hitting both girls in just the right way, Diana’s pulse quickened drastically as her mind felt like it had been wiped clear of any rationality. She subconsciously leaned forward, closer to Akko whose eyes went wide, mouth slightly agape, cheeks splashed a rosy color. There was an impulsive desire taking over Diana’s actions. Akko’s scent- the source was drawing ever nearer; it made her dizzy. Her hand, previously atop Akko’s head, now rested on her burning cheek, the other had fingers interlocked with Akko’s, squeezing it close to her heart. Her lips parted, she took a quick intake of air before she found her voice to say, “Akko, I lo-“
“Anyone still here?” Diana froze. Akko was already frozen long before.
At a speed faster than her broom could take her, Diana had detached herself from Akko, standing shakily a good four feet away now.
“Y-yes, Diana Cavendish is s-still here.” She spoke with all the confidence of a peanut on a pizza. And she didn’t think there were any peanuts on pizzas.
“Oh, miss Cavendish.” One of the janitors tipped his hat at her, standing by the door. “Miss Akko, too!” He gave a friendly smile and wave to the academy staff’s favorite witch. “I’m sorry if you were practicing or anything. I’ve been instructed to clean and lock up this room, so I have to shoo you away, regrettably.” He informed them kindly.
“It’s no trouble.” Diana released a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “We were just about to head out, weren’t we Akko?” Said brunette nodded a bit too enthusiastically, not trusting her voice enough to speak. Brushing dust from her lap, she attempted to get up, only to fall back onto her bottom as Diana worriedly returned to her side in record time.
“Are you okay, Miss Akko?” The janitor asked, having entered the room now, mop in tow.
“Perfectly okay! Just a little weak in the shins, as they say.”
“Knees. It’s knees, Akko.”
“Right. Those.” She breathed. A pause. “What are those?” She chuckled nervously, head spinning. Diana’s sudden proximity did no favors for her erratic heartbeat as she felt a hand grasp her waist, supporting her onto her feet.
“Are you sure you two will be fine? Need me to call for help?” The worker offered, concerned gaze switching from one girl to the other.
“No, no need.” Diana smiled, arm not leaving its position around the small of Akko’s back. “I’ll make sure Akko returns to her room safely.”
“Okay then, I guess. I’ll be starting now, just head on out the back door.” He pointed to the other entry- and exit- way of the room, beginning his mopping.
“Thank you for all your hard work.” Diana gave a small nod of appreciation, Akko muttering her thanks as they were given a wave in return.
Gathering some of their belongings- towels and Diana’s bottle of water- they slowly walked to their classroom to grab their bags and head back to the dorms. All the while, Diana’s arm remained securely wrapped around Akko’s waist.
They both knew it was there. Diana could stand to ignore the fluttering of her heart, but it seemed as though Akko could not.
“Umm, Diana… If you could- I think I can walk by myself alright now.” Akko mumbled with her head hung low.
Diana retracted her hand hesitantly, feeling as though Akko would fall if she let go.
“Thanks.” Akko continued walking, not too fast to leave Diana behind, but not slow enough to fall into pace with her that they’d have to walk side-by-side. Akko found it easier to breathe if she walked just a bit ahead.
“Yes, of course, I-… my apologies for… if that made you uncomfortable.” Diana had promised she would wait for a proper answer, and Akko seemed so relieved, going home from their date. Diana thought it would be fairly smooth- with a few hiccups along the way- sailing for them and their “relationship”. However, morning came and days passed, and it could not get any more awkward as Akko would have moments of simply staring at Diana for extended periods of time, whether it be in class, during meals, as she patrolled the hallways; and this would be contrasted by moments like this. Moments where Akko couldn’t even look her way.
She felt her heart ache as she stared at Akko’s back. It seemed much smaller than it usually was. This period of Akko’s life made apparent that she was just as fearful and doubtful as any other. The believing heart that was her magic could also be stunted in the face of trials. And while those trials might not have to be saving the world and fighting large dragons, love and society were definitely scary things to think about as they grew into adults.
It was a silent walk the rest of the way to the dorm, and upon reaching Akko’s room, the pair halted.
There was only the soft rustle of the wind outside, a noise from down the hall.
All was completely still.
“Diana-“ “Akko-“
“Oh- you go first-“ “Go ahead-“
“I insist!” “No, no, you…”
The pair burst into soft laughter, tension easing from their shoulders. Diana felt happy tears slip from her eyes as they were tightly shut, her heart feeling lighter all of a sudden. Minutes could have passed by, neither girl was aware of how long they’d been laughing. Diana’s cheeks were starting to hurt. Akko’s giggles tickled her ears, and she just adored the way it sounded. Though light, a small pang of longing returned to her chest, along with a stir of frustration brought about by not knowing just what was going on.
Diana’s laughs subsided, ending neatly in a sigh, eyes looking to the tips of her shoes. It was not a view she often saw. She usually had her head held high in pride and confidence. Here, she was just as insecure as anyone delving into a territory so unfamiliar.
“Diana.” That voice called her, soft and anxious. “Thank you for walking me back.”
“Anytime.” The top student responded, lifting her head up to give Akko one final smile before she’d have to march off to her room without looking back as she always did to curb the restlessness of her very soul and prepare it for another day of tiptoeing ‘round eggshells and each other.
The sight she was met with today, however, caught her off guard. Though it had been so tense and awkward, stuffy that it made it hard to breathe so few moments ago, right now, Akko was anything but those things. She was smiling gently, as if any of the things that had been plaguing her the past few days, and maybe weeks hadn’t existed in the first place. She was smiling at Diana. Her eyes were so warm, gaze tender, her smile small but… just- Diana couldn’t explain, but it made butterflies run rampant in her stomach.
Calloused hands tentatively reached forward. Diana couldn’t seem to move. Akko cupped her face with a gentleness some would think was alien to the girl, what with her usual rambunctious nature. Diana found it all too fitting, though, because of how she knew Akko.
She searched Akko’s face, trying to find hints of worry, hesitance, fear. She herself felt those things, wondering if this was but another one of her day dreams as she waited for the reply that could completely take their relationship down new paths. She only found calmness and peace, and a bit of joy.
Somehow her eyes stung, and she felt a rush of heat throughout her entire body. Was this relief? At what? Diana could feel the corners of her mouth lift, though her lips shook. Perhaps she had let an emotion slip as she felt Akko brush the wetness away from her cheek.
What was going on right now? Diana wanted to know. She had grown accustomed to a daily push-and-pull of edginess and trepidation with every action they performed around one another. She was getting used to the somewhat cold goodbyes in front of Akko’s dorm room. She was familiarizing the hours she got up in the middle of the night to think about Akko and how to talk to her come the new morning.
So what was this warmth right now? Why-
“Why are you smiling?” Was that a weird question to let loose? Diana slipped up, she rarely did, but she wasn’t quite thinking clearly.
“Should I not be?” Akko chuckled.
“No, I love your smile. You look beautiful.” Diana responded in a heartbeat. She reveled in the way the red blossomed across Akko’s visage, and she found herself grinning in elation.
“You- I… you’re… more. Well, you’re- Diana!” Akko exclaimed with a pinch to the heiress’ cheeks.
Diana felt laughter bubbling in her chest once more, a tear slipping past only to be caught by Akko’s thumb again.
“And why are you crying!”
“Am I?”
“Well, I would think so.” Akko mumbled, massaging the area just below Diana’s eyes gently. “What’s gotten into you?”
“What’s gotten into you?” She quipped back. “Suddenly you… you… it’s like you’ve suddenly become comfortable around me.”
“I’m always comfy around you, what are you talking about?” Akko replied, though she was not looking at Diana as she did so.
“Akko, admit it. These past few days, our interactions could not get any less stressful- Ah yes, if I’m crying this is quite possibly stress-relief.” Diana chuckled, her words clearing up some things in her head, at least.
Those same words had a different effect on Akko, as she frowned.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized in a small voice. “That’s probably my fault. I’m sorry.” The guilt in Akko’s voice leaked out.
Diana felt the hands on her face loosen their hold, but she grasped them, holding them in place before they could let go. “No.”
“N-no?” Akko faced a serious Diana, wondering if her apology would not be accepted and this was as far as Diana was willing to give in to her selfishness.
“Oh, no. No, I mean- It’s not your fault. Or maybe it is, I suppose? Not exactly, not quite. Do you… do you understand what I’m trying to convey?” Diana said all in one breath.
Akko blinked, she felt like laughing all over again. They were both acting out of character. Akko didn’t know she could be so anxious, and another thing she didn’t know was that Diana could look so adorable with her cheeks squished between Akko’s hands, eyes wide and attentive towards Akko. It was so cute that Akko felt her chest squeeze.
“No, Diana. I don’t think I do. I don’t understand a thing, and I don’t think you do either.” Akko freed her hands from Diana’s, turning her back to the girl as she threw her arms into the air, yelling, “Hahaha, this is such a mess!”
She ran to a corridor window, looking at the empty yard below. Unlatching one side, she opened it just enough to shove her head out and scream another round of,
“This is such a mess! I’m such a mess!”
Whoever would hear the sudden noise during this quiet afternoon might get surprised, but not as surprised as Akko who felt a presence by her side, as the other side of the window opened, and an excited Diana hollered, “I’M ALSO A MESS! SUCH A HUGE MESS!”
Akko heard the clock tick once, before a grin painted itself across her face. “YOU’RE A FANTASTIC MESS!”
Diana’s eyebrows could almost touch her hairline, Akko swore, with how high they were raised right now. Then something flashed in those crystal blue orbs. A look of determination? Of challenge?
Oh. So that’s how they were going to play.
“Akko- gh..pfft- you’re still screaming.” Diana laughed, wondering if the questions Akko had flung at the wind were things she was supposed to be asking our that loud.
“Well…” The girl seemed to have calmed, lowering herself from the window she had half-climbed out of, torso hanging dangerously above the ground with her legs keeping her locked in. “Maybe we got a little too excited.” She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.
“Perhaps we have.” Diana reached a hand out for Akko to take-
“Akko, do you fancy a little exercise?”
“Oh my god, Diana, are you proposing we run in the hallways right now? Inside school?”
“Time to think fast, love, time is of the essence if you don’t want to get caught.”
The pet name made Akko blush, but she could deal with that later as she grasped Diana’s hand, pulling her along as she began her take-off.
“Keep up with me if you can.”
“I think I’ve done that long enough to be fairly acquainted with anything you pull, and I can probably do better.”
“Is that a challenge, Miss Cavendish?”
“Depends on how you see it, Miss Kagari.”
As they ran as fast as their legs could take them, away from Akko’s room, searching for a way to lose those footsteps behind them, Diana’s lungs burned with the need for oxygen. But it felt good, somehow. So good.
Staring at the back of the person pulling her forward, fingers interlaced, she couldn’t help but smile. It felt like something else was moving forward. Their relationship, whatever it was- though still just as confusing-, was moving forward. Diana could feel it. It was getting better, and she prayed it would stay that way.
As her body temperature climbed a few degrees higher from the exertion, she couldn’t help but think that this love burned hotter too.
And as Akko chanced a glance back at her, a goofy smile splayed across her lips as she silently mouthed a, “Thank you, Diana.”, though she might not know what was going to happen from that point on, the top student couldn’t help but believe that their relationship was now also at a higher degree.
 A/N: It’s been… three years? I don’t even know what to say, honestly. Other than I’ve decided to commit to just finishing this story now. I don’t if I’ll write new ones, but I don’t wanna leave my half-assed work like this. The past two years have been… the best and worst learning experience for me. And now that I’m in college, I feel so unmotivated with everything. I’m wondering if picking up writing again will open up a passion I lost. Haha. Cheers! I’ve missed it a lot. Sorry for the bad chapter, I don’t know how to write anymore. Yes, their relationship is still kept vague, but please bear with me. 
I wonder if my old readers are still here with me.
~Shintori Khazumi
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