#look i really wanna play dnd but i have no friends to play it with
gremlinmodetweeker · 2 days
Silly Games for Silly People
Okay so I asked for some ideas for the big boy, and in particular Summoned!König. I got some great ideas from @callofdreams and so I hope they enjoy this! I am definitely taking more of their ideas for this series, and so we might have a few of Summoned!König playing some board games. I didn't play many board games as a kid, but I do have fun writing this. I am still taking ideas for Summoned!König, so please let me know any ideas you have!
CW: none
Wordcount: 1.4k
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Story below the cut
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Silly Games for Silly People
You glared at the eldritch monstrosity across the table, your breath baited as your hands tightened together. He glared back at you, arctic blue eyes mere slits behind his dark hood. He leaned in close, analyzing your every move. You did just the same.
“Just roll the dice, König!” you finally snapped.
“And how do I know this is not mortal trickery?” König scoffed, “you truly believe that I am unaware of your inner machinations? That I am not leagues ahead of you in every possible way? You cannot possibly begin to compete with the likes of me.”
“Oh yeah? You really think you’re all that and a bag of chips, don’t ya?” you grabbed the dice and shoved them into his talons.
“Have you never heard of the concept of ‘patience’?” König snorted as he shook his palm.
“Have you heard the concept of ‘sore loser’?” you retorted.
König raised an eyebrow.
“It means you’re being a bitch because you’re losing,” you explained with a smug smile.
König bristled and tossed the dice. He glanced over the numbers, promptly slamming his fist on the table with enough force to shake all the pieces of the game.
“Oh yeah, look who’s all high and mighty now, huh?” you grinned as he slid his token back over to one corner of the board.
“Petulant worm,” he muttered under his breath as he leaned back into the folding chair that was only barely supporting his weight.
“I think you just don’t wanna admit that I’m better than you,” you snickered as you finished another lap of the board and collected your cash.
“I could eviscerate you,” König huffed, “and yet you mock me over some mindless board game, the only way you could possibly even try to leverage any power over me.”
“I think you’re just mad I’m better,” you gave him a cheshire grin.
You grabbed the dice and rolled them out on the table. The dice rolled a clean five and a four, just enough to get you to that final spot you wanted.
“Alright, hand over Pennsylvania Avenue,” you held out a waiting hand.
König grumbled bitterly, but thankfully he passed over the square of cardboard with a disgruntled flick of his wrist.
“Wow,” you laughed as you tucked the squares down in front of you,” you’re actually upset about this, aren’t you?”
“I am not upset by some inferior construction of human hands,” König sniffed, “I am merely astounded by the arrogance you exude.”
“Arrogance?” you scoffed, “au contraire, my friend! I think I’m creaming you this game.”
König glared at you from behind his mask. You were fairly certain that he wanted to strangle you that moment. You were only more and more excited by how upset he was.
König silently rolled the dice on his side of the table. The both of you hissed when one red die rolled over the edge of the table.
“Cocked,” you called out as you grabbed it back.
When you brought it back to König, he seemed positively peeved by you.
“What?” you handed the dice back to him,
“That was a six,” he huffed, “I needed a six to get out of jail.”
“Okay but it rolled off the table,” you pointed out, “when a die hits something on the table or rolls off it, it’s cocked and you need to reroll it.”
“And who taught you that inane ruling?” König drummed his claws against the laminated wood table.
“I dunno,” you shrugged as you sat back down, “it’s just something my DnD group taught me.”
“DnD?” König perked up, “what game is that?”
“Uh…” you looked down at the monopoly board and back up at your eldritch partner, “okay so, we’re struggling trying to play Monopoly, you’re not ready for DnD.”
“I could just read a mortal’s mind and get a good grasp,” König countered.
“Okay but, like, that would be their version of DnD,” you explained, “DnD is different for everyone. And you are not ready for DnD yet.”
König looked back down at the Monopoly board with disdain, “I want to move on from this one.”
“So are you admitting defeat?” you grinned.
“I would never deign to do such a thing, Summoner,” König snorted, “I am simply stating an opinion. Is that such a unfathomable concept?”
“Well, when you’re complaining about Monopoly, it’s kinda funny,” you pointed out.
König grumbled under his breath as he rolled the other die, blatantly ignoring whatever you wanted to say.
“Hey look! A six!” you cheered as the die flopped onto the center of the board.
“Finally!” König exclaimed as he slumped back into his chair with a groan.
“Hey hey hey watch it with the weight there, big guy,” you snapped, “I don’t wanna have to pay for another chair.”
“Did they actually deduct the past one from your pay?” König eased himself up off the backrest again.
“Yes!?” you laughed, “they took out all of them!”
At the very least, König had the decency to look sheepish about the matter as he steepled his fingers together on the table, “I see.”
“You see? Yeah I sure saw it coming out of my paystub!” you laughed.
König cringed into himself, but politely moved on to ask, “Well, who’s turn is it?”
“Um…” you looked down at the table, “I actually don’t remember. You do, don’t you?”
“I see no reason to try and clarify,” König’s eyes glinted with amusement.
You, on the other hand, were as far removed from any sense of amusement as you could have possibly been.
“No seriously, König, who’s turn is it?” you asked again.
“Why should it matter?” König shrugged, “is this not a simple game?”
“Yeah but, like, I don’t wanna be rude and take your turn or anything,” you tried to reason with him, but he was persistent. After a bit of back and forth, you finally relented. König was content to lean onto the table as you tried to get him to budge, but as it was, trying to get an avatar of chaos to play by the rules was next to impossible. Instead, you had to be creative.
“Alright, let’s play rock paper scissors to see who’s turn it is,” you determined.
“Rock paper scissors?” König tilted his head like a cat, “tell me, what is that?”
“It’s a game where you kinda, I dunno,” you patted your fist against your open palm, “you make your hand either a rock,” you held up a fist, “a pair of scissors,” you extended two fingers, “or paper,” you held out your palm. You extended your fist and held it up, “you say ‘Rock, paper, scissors,’ and the next time you put your fist on your palm you make the sign you want. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. Whoever wins gets the next turn. Wanna try?”
König held up one taloned hand and watched the lamp light glint off his black iridescent scales, then locked eyes with you, “It sounds rather simple. I think I can manage a round.”
And so, you both extended a fist and chanted, “Rock, paper, scissors!” and extended your hand.
You let your fist drop in horror.
“König that’s not what you’re meant to do.”
König frowned, “Aren’t I meant to make my fist look like the object?”
“König you’re meant to do the hand sign. Not… Not that,” you cringed as you heard his bones snap back into place.
“I apologize.”
“Wanna try again?”
“Seeing as my first attempt left much to be desired, I see a great need for another,” König mused.
You chanted again and extended your fist. König, on the other hand, held out an open palm.
You glared at him and thinned your lips into a line, “Alright, best two out of three.”
“Vas!?” König scoffed, “are you telling me that we need to play again?”
“Just to be sure!” you huffed, eying the red and white dice hungrily.
König clucked his tongue and made a trill that sounded like bubbles rushing to the surface, but he held out his fist again.
“Go ahead Summoner, see how well this works out for you.”
You learned quickly that trying to win a game of chance against an avatar of chaos was, sadly, not as easy as you hoped.
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Konig Dump
Alternate Universe Stories
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lokislytherin · 1 year
lookism dnd au?
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if you see this and wanna art PLEASE i’m thinking of doing this for nanowrimo and actually making it novel-length and it would be cool to have concept art! of course with credit where credit is due i always give credit
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blujayonthewing · 2 months
I'm really glad elyss came several years before melliwyk, because mel's alignment shift from chaotic neutral to chaotic good sometimes feels a little embarrassing in an 'I can't keep my own feelings to myself for the sake of committing to the bit' sort of way, but the counterpoint to that is that elyss, steadfastly true neutral, just simply Does Not Care about anyone other than her own loved ones or anything outside her own immediate interest no matter how much I sometimes wish she would
#she has a soft spot for children but that's the only real exception. other people's problems are none of her business!#she's not gonna look for your kidnapped husband or whatever unless the paladin wants to (he wants to. this is my loophole as a player lol)#whereas *I* wanna befriend and adopt every NPC and do quests and help people out of genuine desire to help#melliwyk is still more self-interested than not but at the end of the day she fundamentally really is a good person#she just lost track of it for awhile. being around people again has reminded her that she cares about people actually#she IS bothered by needless suffering. she IS smart enough to recognize when smart people handwave 'necessary sacrifices' to be cruel#she DOES oppose evil on principle rather than just because of how it directly affects her or her friends and family--#not just passively and in general but actively enough to want to do something about it herself#and I dunno it's nice. it's nice that it feels like that's not just me muddying the waters with my desires as a player--#but that it's just something *neither* of us realized when I started playing her but that was nonetheless always true#and honestly I also think it's nice that elyss is Like That but that I don't think there's anything wrong with her for it#she's not evil! she's not hurting anyone who didn't deserve it! she's literally just trying to mind her own business#she's not going to needlessly or carelessly hurt people just for her own gain like early campaign melliwyk would have#she's true neutral like a wild animal is true neutral and That's Fine#the ONE downside I suppose with mel is that 'NICE does not mean GOOD' is compelling to me#especially when your stereotypical chaotic neutral dnd character is an edgelord asshole#but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe if her field of study had more opportunities for human experimentation lmao#melliwyk the experimental necromancer or behaviorist or summoner has a different relationship with ethics I have no doubt#melliwyk has READ studies with Dubious Ethics and gone 'I mean they couldn't have GOTTEN results like this otherwise'#really the biggest difference between Good Melliwyk and Neutral Melliwyk is opportunity for temptation. which is also compelling#my OCs#melliwyk#elyss
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once-upon-an-imagine · 8 months
Hiii❤️, how are you?
I wonder if you can do a gareth x "cheerleader" reader, and they are dating in secret and the reader has a younger brother who plays dnd, but he has nobody to play with except reader and the brother is too shy ask them or eny one to play.
(the little brother is around Erica's age)
(Sorry, my English is not so good, and sorry if the request is too complicated or you are not able to right it. I hope you have a good day and night, sorry again if you can't make it)
this is such a sweet request, love! it's a bit short, since I'm only doing dialogues right now (although it turned into a drabble), so I hope that's okay 😊 your English was really good, love don't worry 😁 thanks for being the first one to request Gareth 🥰 Warnings: none Disclaimer:  I don’t own Stranger Things 😊 gif isn’t mine 😊
New Player
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"There you are, sweetheart" Gareth smiled and stopped playing his drums as soon as you appeared in his garage. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten about me" he pouted, making you smile and give him a peck on the lips.
"I could never do that" you argued as he kissed you again, a little deeper this time. "Sorry, love. Practice ran late" you explained while he led you to the sofa in his garage. When you sat down he pulled your legs to rest on top of his and placed his arm on the back of the sofa.
"It's okay, love" he smiled. "How was practice?"
"It was fine" you said, resting your head on his arm. "How was your campaign?"
"It was fun" he said, smiling.
"Yeah?" you asked, tiredly and he kissed your head. "Do you have band practice today?"
"Nope, not today" he shook his head. "Today I'm all yours" he smiled, kissing you again.
"Lucky me" you smiled.
"You wanna watch a movie?" he asked as he started to get off the couch but you quickly pulled him back.
"Um... can I ask you something?" you asked, looking at his hand between yours. "You can say no if you want to" you muttered, making him frown. It wasn't usual for you to be shy around him.
"I hardly think that will be the case. It's pretty impossible for me to say no to you" he said, pulling you closer and making you smile shyly at him. "What's going on sweetheart?"
"Well, remember when you told me that Eddie asked Mike and Dustin to look for someone to join Hellfire because Lucas wasn't showing up?"
"Yeah, it was a few days ago" he mentioned.
"And they got Erica, right?" you asked and he nodded. "Well, I just wanted to ask um... because I kind of thought that Hellfire was only for people in high school but um... well, since Erica joined I thought um..." you said, playing with his hand. "I was wondering if... maybe Charlie could join you sometime?"
"Charlie?" he frowned. "Your brother Charlie?"
"Well, he's friends with Erica and she told him about Hellfire and I thought-"
"He plays?" he interrupted you and you understood why he was so confused.
"Yeah, he does" you nodded.
"How come I didn't know this?"
"Well, I don't know, I guess it hasn't come up. Like I said, I thought Hellfire was a high school thing and-"
"You still could have told me he played" he chuckled.
"Well, it's just... he's really shy and he doesn't have many friends, and he doesn't think he's really good at it but I think he is" you explained. "Or... maybe he's regular and he's just good because I'm horrible at it-"
"Hold on!" he said, now completely shocked. "You play?"
"I uh- w-well, not really. I just play with Charlie because he has nobody to play with but I have died several times" you explained.
"Really?" he chuckled.
"Don't laugh at me!" you pouted. "There are a lot of rules and, I am really bad at it and-"
Gareth cut you off by pulling you closer and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to laugh" he assured you. "It's really sweet that you play D&D with Charlie" he said. "I sometimes get invited when my sisters throw tea parties" he confessed.
"You do?" you asked, smiling sweetly at him and he nodded, feeling his cheeks blush a little. "That's adorable" you said, kissing his cheek and moving closer to him.
"Well, if you want, and if you don't mind telling your brother about me, then maybe we can get together to play D&D, and if he likes, I can talk to Eddie about him joining Helfire" he suggested. "If Charlie wants" he added.
"Really?" you asked, excitedly, moving closer to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "You would do that?"
"I told you it's pretty much impossible for me to say no to you" he said before you leaned in to kiss him again. "You can tell him we're friends if you prefer" he suggested.
"I think he would like to meet my boyfriend" you smiled. "If you're okay with that" you said.
"I'd like that" he smiled before he kissed you again. "And if you're okay with it... maybe... I can tell the guys in Hellfire?" he asked, hopeful. "Or just Eddie, if you prefer, he can keep a secret-"
"Do you he's gonna freak out?" you asked, nervously.
"Oh, yes, definitely" he chuckled, kissing you again. "I can't wait!"
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it!
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harrowedknight · 3 months
OC info and lore m’lord? Brave knight… please they’re both so handsome… I’d take Hancock in a knife fight for just one date fr…. Bleeding on the concrete outside kle0s shop rn….
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Omg,,, thank u for the ask, I’ll take this as an opportunity to introduce all of my fellas since i have multiple saves/ocs for fallout 4. Right now they’re all in separate aus but I wanna connect them, I just haven’t decided who I want to be the sosu yet, if i even want one at all.
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Starting with Ranger, my newest character. He’s the charismatic leader of the Minutemen. He likes making light of every situation, but he knows when to take things seriously. He just puts on a laidback attitude so he appears less intimidating. He’s trying very hard to make the commonwealth safer, but he has some doubts and insecurities about his position, which he bottles up and keeps to himself. He wants to be the person that everyone can rely on and look up to, even if that means putting his own problems aside to appear put-together and strong. He’s the one I draw Edward Deegan with, and I wanna do more with the two of them since I love me some eldritch horror vibes. I imagine Ranger and Edward go on relic hunts for Jack Cabot after their questline, getting into hijinks and fun spooky, horrifyingly traumatic adventures. Maybe kissing along the way. Who knows.
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Knight on the other hand, is an anxious, paranoid little glorbo; and I say this while he stands at like 6’4”, he’s BIG, the tallest of all of my guys. He’s got severe PTSD and he really doesn’t like living in the apocalypse. He had a wife! They were in a queer platonic relationship; they got married for the benefits but they’re both gay. He’s devastated after losing her, since she was his best friend. He has a very hard time adjusting to the new commonwealth, he barely scrapes by, has to force himself to function because everything reminds him of war and suffering. He eventually stumbles into Goodneighbor, gets hooked on chems to distract himself from bad memories, meets Hancock one bad night and ends up getting drunk/rambling to the poor ghoul. They end up hitting it off despite the ridiculous introduction. Hancock manages to ground Knight, gives him a purpose again; helping good people, and hurting bad people. Knight travels the commonwealth doing odd jobs, trying to do what he can, even joins up with the Railroad to help out the Synths. Just trying to make up for all the time he’d lost, doing what he thinks would’ve made his best friend proud.
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Now for Paladin. Yes, he is named Paladin, and yes, he WAS Paladin Paladin before being promoted to Sentinel. It’s probably obvious by now that I have a Dnd/medieval theme for my character’s names. Anyway, Paladin here is— of course— a part of the Brotherhood of Steel. I made him to be a big dickhead because I don’t play mean characters in video games enough. Unlike my other sosus he’s actually thriving in the apocalypse. Before being frozen he was very dissatisfied/disconnected with the ordinary life he was trying to live, he felt like a husk of himself and he couldn’t understand why. After waking up and being met with a destroyed world, his soldier mentality immediately kicked in again. He adapted fast, and when he learns about the Brotherhood and its US military-esc operations he quickly latches onto it. It’s familiar to him, and he excels at his duties. He rises through the ranks quickly, earning his place as Sentinel and developing a massive ego along the way. The Brotherhood makes him feel powerful, and that sort of becomes an addiction of sorts. He just wants more and more power, he wants to be respected; and if not respected, feared.
And as a bonus unrelated to fallout 4,
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This is Monty, aka Montague. He’s a prewar ghoul living in the Canadian territories, or Little America as it’s referred to in the Fallout universe. He was a proud mountie back before Canada was annexed, kept his uniform in a locked safe for years. When the bombs fell and he was ghoulified, he pulled it out and dedicated himself to helping those who get lost in the nuclear winter. I’m still learning things about Fallout lore so idk how Canada is depicted after the bombs in canon, but the idea I had is that Monty lives in a massive, snowy wasteland which he’s learned to navigate with a lot of hard work and dedication. He earns caps by guiding people through the tundra, since few know how to avoid all the dangers it poses.
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badlydrawnmanic · 2 months
baldur’s gate 3 has once again taken over my life and i low key wanna draw the playable characters as mobians because i have crossover / furry brain disease + edits
to no one’s surprise astarion is a bat because, well. vampires, and his secret isn’t exactly hard to figure out before the reveal cutscene. he himself may not be associated with bats but you get it
gale is kinda tough for me to pin down because he’s both plain but not at all at the same time. his personality doesn’t fit cat despite his light association with them through tara, but hedgehog is seemingly considered a default even to the sonic series itself much like human is in dnd, so that might work. his hair is also kinda makes me think of a lion and that has a bit more character to it
karlach is undoubtedly my favorite. outside of fire one of her bigger unique design bits is her broken horn which i’d wanna keep fairly the same. sheep would fit the curled shape but she doesn’t really have a soft vibe that comes along with sheep. maybe some sort of cow-like animal. big and powerful. friend suggested she be a boar instead of minsc which i could roll with. confused for a hellsboar by wyll
lae’zel is supposed to be markedly different from the other characters, so i’m thinking either some kind of reptile / amphibian or something entirely alien in that it’s a beast from the dnd universe. while they aren’t associated with the githyanki there’s gremishka in the creche and that might be just interesting enough to work. big ears. friend also suggested a skink specifically and people seem to think she's very frog even if i don't see it lol
shadowheart is also relatively normal. was thinking wolf for a time but honestly she had cat vibes + that would sort of play into her and lae’zel being kinda similar despite being from fundamentally different places / backgrounds. friend suggested a squirrel? will consider
wyll feels like he’d be some kind of dog given the general good boy-ness of him, loyalty, etc, plus it kinda plays into how mizora talks about him. naturally his “you didn’t kill karlach” form would be a hellhound. friend mentioned fox but i think dog is more fitting
halsin is a bear and there is nothing difficult about this whatsoever
i haven’t done an evil run yet where i recruit minthara but i know she’s a lolth sworn drow and they’re associated with spiders and that would be kinda cool. friend suggested wolf for her also
minsc would probably also be a dog. even though repeats are a bit lame, he was a protagonist in another group of characters from another baldur’s gate so it’s fine. one of those stupidly huge breeds that look more like lions than dogs. if not a dog than maybe a boar. friend suggested a ferret but i think he needs beef to him. wolverine maybe?
jaheira also being from the other baldur’s gate game could probably be a repeat too. slightly cranky old cat but she loves you in her own way. would also contrast with minsc. if not a cat then i could see her as a deer i think. i somehow forgot that the game's ai defaults her wildshape to a panther when you're battling alongside her in moonrise towers so panther it is
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
This is something I'm curious about, since I always heard of DND but never actually got around to playing it, did you play DND before or after Dungeon Meshi? Or do you just not play at all? I really wanna play DnD after reading dunmeshi but I literally live in southeast asia with close to 0 people who know the even is
Relatable, southeast asia🤝south america
Surprisingly I have tho! A long time ago when I was in college a friend of a friend played dnd and I got invited to play with them cause they didn't have enough people and it was online.
But unfortunately I have a severe case of social anxiety and can barely speak in front of people I just met (I can barely speak in front of acquaintances), so you can imagine I was a very annoying dnd player that didn't really get into character 😅
I "studied" a lot of the book to make my character and read all I could and honestly? It's SUPER fun, I'm really sad I couldn't play properly and that they ended up stopping it cause like two people abandoned ship, it was basically two guys and me who barely spoke and was in constant panic :,)
I don't really know much about dnd still tho since I only read the parts about making a character and only played for a bit but I wish I could play again, unfortunately none of my current friends are into it and I think it probably works best playing in person (idk anyone irl). Maybe if you look for groups online you might find local people that play it? I remember there was groups that played it online too I think?
Finding people to play and a time that works for everyone is probably the hardest part.
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
Cutesy prompt, also derived from my life but just because I’m thinking about getting a switch after falling in love with animal crossing playthroughs lol:
Modern au, no upside down : Steve hasn’t really been one for video games he doesn’t like the jump scares and the violence there’s enough of that in real life if he turns on the news, but Robin gets him hooked on animal crossing playthroughs on YouTube and he falls in love with how comforting and straightforward the game is, you plant a seed and you see it grow to a sapling right away there’s a sense of accomplishment. Steve usually drives Dustin and the kids to their Dnd nights at a game shop and while it’s pricier than he would usually splurge on he’s been thinking about buying a switch to play animal crossing himself so he decides to go to the one game shop he knows off the top of his head, the one he takes the kids to, that just so happens to be owned by eddie who does weekly DND nights. Eddie talks with him about the pros and cons of different consoles and games and maybe suggests that if he’d like he could come over to his place to try it out first hand and maybe join him for dinner while he’s at it?
(Okay side note while I was writing this I thought of twists that could be added to it, like maybe after hearing his reasoning for liking the calmer games eddie writes a sweet low stakes type of campaign for Steve and convinces him to join them for a campaign to show him it doesn’t have to be violent or scary. Or maybe they have those play in store to try it out kind of things and eddie offers that he can try it out in the store until he’s ready to buy and Steve keeps coming back to the store under the guise of trying out the console but really just to spend more time with eddie. I could think of more but I think it has potential)
Ok so I’m like Steve, I don’t play video games. I’ve played Minecraft and my favorite thing to do is farm 😂 I’ve never played Animal Crossing so my apologies if anything is incorrect! I do think this is a SUPER cute prompt though and I’m so excited to see where y’all take it! 😉
Admittedly, my love, I did not complete this prompt the way you had specified, but I felt like I hit enough of the major points and got to a good stopping place for now. Feel free to send another ask if you want me to continue! ❤️
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Title Screen - Part 1
“Robin, what-” he flails as his phone is ripped from his hand.
She judges him. “Sudoku, Steve? Really?”
“I like it! What are you doing?”
“You’re gonna love this. Promise.”
He throws his hands up and waits for her to hand his phone back. When she does, it’s open to YouTube. “Trust me,” she asks. “Just watch the first video.”
He reads the title. “A video game playthrough? Robs, you know I don’t like video games.”
“I know you don’t like violent video games. This one isn’t violent, Steve. Promise.”
He narrows his eyes at her, but she’s his best friend and roommate for a reason, so he plays it as soon as she leaves the room.
When she comes back in to ask about dinner, she’s got a smug look on her face. “Fine, you were right,” he says, rolling his eyes. “It’s cute. I like the bunny.”
Robin chuckles. “I thought you might. Y’know that video game store the kiddos love? I think they’ve got it.”
“Probably,” he allows, very much not thinking about it. Or the very attractive employee who seems to always be there when he is, shopping for the kids. He sets his phone on his chest. “How’s Chinese for dinner sound?”
“I’ll marry you,” Robin says.
Steve chuckles. “Wanna call it in? You know my order.”
“Orange chicken.” She makes a face. “Yeah, I’ll call it in.”
“Thanks.” She waves him off, so as she leaves, he calls, “I’m serious! Thank you! I love you! Marry me!”
“I’ll leave you at the altar!” She calls back, and he cackles.
He plays the video again.
Three days later finds him inside the video game store. Not for him, he swears, but Dustin’s birthday is soon-ish, anyways, and he needs a present, and he had been talking about some figurine or another.
“Hey, welcome in!” Very Attractive Employee says. “Can I help you find anything?”
Steve smiles, shakes his head. “Thank you.” He walks around, doesn’t necessarily look for Animal Crossing, but doesn’t necessarily walk away when he sees it, either. He picks it up, examines the case. Robin’s got a Switch, and he knows she’d let him borrow it. The one part he’s not really sold on is the price. He sets it down, looks at it for a minute longer, as if that would make the price change.
“If you’d like to try, I can put it in the system,” Very Attractive Employee says. His voice is soft, and something about it sounds familiar.
“I dunno.” Steve sighs. “I don’t want to impose, and I know most of the beginning is a bunch of talking and naming yourself and the world, right?”
Very Attractive Employee frowns. “Have you played it before?”
“Ah… no. I, uh.” He’s strangely embarrassed to say it. “I’ve watched playthrough videos.”
Very Attractive Employee grins and motions him over to the trial station. “Yeah? YouTube, right? D’you know who?”
“Uh…” Steve pulls his phone out, opens YouTube. It’s one of the first recommended videos. “HFClub?”
“Ah.” He stills for a moment, then smiles at Steve. “Well, if you’d like to try, it’s available.” He gestures to the console. “And believe it or not, this isn’t a super high-traffic store. It can get kinda boring being the only one here. If you don’t mind me watching over your shoulder, I don’t mind you staying until I’ve gotta close up.” He grins at Steve. “Whaddya say?”
Steve smiles tentatively back, takes a seat, and picks up the device.
He was right; it takes him a good amount of time to get past the opening, but he does have fun, especially with Very Attractive Employee imitating the other characters.
When he looks up again, it’s dark outside. “Oh, shit,” he murmurs, checking his watch. Somehow he’s spent three hours playing. “Shit, man, that’s dangerous,” he laughs.
Very Attractive Employee chuckles. “I know, right?” He shifts. “I’ve seen you in here before buying other games, and you don’t hesitate. Can I ask why today was different?”
“I usually come in to buy things for these kids I used to babysit. This one is purely selfish.” He grins and stretches, grins more when he notices Very Attractive Employee’s gaze is drawn down to where his shirt has ridden up.
“Kids?” He finally asks.
Steve hums. “You might know ‘em, actually, there’s one with curly hair, usually wears a trucker hat. A redhead who will put the fear of God into you. A bitchy kid with hair that could be great-”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Very Attractive Employee waves his arms through the air. “Dustin? Max? Mike?”
“Holy shit,” Steve says, and begins to laugh. “Yeah, exactly.”
Very Attractive Employee looks at Steve for a minute before saying, “So you must be Steve!”
Steve gapes. “They talk about me?”
“Oh, man.” Very Attractive Employee chuckles. “Dustin never shuts up about you, man, he loves you.”
“Oh.” Steve stills. “I, uh. Kinda thought they just tolerated me.”
“No way. Well, maybe Mike, but you know how he is.”
Steve chuckles. “Yeah. Do you know them just from how often they come in here?”
“Oh, no. I’m their DM. Y’know, Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Oh,” Steve nods, thinks. “Eddie, right? And- fuck, what was it. Elf Club, or something?”
Eddie chuckles. “You mean Hellfire Club?”
Steve snaps and points at Eddie. “That’s the one. Man, they love you too, every time I see the brats it’s always Eddie this and Eddie that and Eddie killed our characters but it was great.”
Eddie chuckles. “That’s good to hear. Can I ask why you’re just now looking at this for yourself?”
Steve sighs. “I know the kids love your campaigns, but I don’t like anything too horror-y. I don’t like jump-scares, and it feels like most video games have some element of that. My best friend got me hooked on the videos, and I decided to try it out.”
Eddie nods. “Yeah, this is definitely a very calm game. Feel free to come back in any time to continue trying it out, though. If you want.”
Steve smiles at him. “I might just take you up on that offer.”
Fic-specific tag, once again, is the fic name (no spaces): #titlescreen and as always, my writing tag is #starambles and you can subscribe to either or both to follow along with this fic! Let me know what you want to see happen next in this ‘verse!
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hello! Would it be alright to request something where the reader joins Hellfire because she wants to get closer to and spend more time with Eddie and all of the guys figured that out except for Eddie who remains completely oblivious till the end?
Warnings: lil bit of language, fluffy fluffy fluff with a smidge of angst, fem reader
WC: 1.3k
A/N: this combines two of my favorite fluff tropes--clueless Eddie x clueless Reader in love + meddling friends <3 let me know what you think!
It was actually Robin's idea for you to join Hellfire.
You'd been working at Family Video with her and Steve for the last few months, trying to save up some money for college. It's where you'd formed a friendship with the unlikely duo.
It's also where you'd gotten to know Eddie Munson.
He'd come in a couple of times a week, mostly just to talk to Steve and Robin, though he'd occasionally rent a movie. Your heart fluttered every time he'd come in and lean against the counter, biceps flexing under his denim jacket.
"Y/N, this is Eddie Munson," Steve had introduced you the first time he came in during your shift. "Munson, this is Y/N. Be nice to her, please."
Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm always nice, Harrington," he retorts, "especially to pretty girls."
You'd felt a heat creep up your neck. You didn't say much for the rest of the evening, but you listened intently as he talked about the Dungeons & Dragons campaigns he was planning. You were smitten.
After months of watching you make heart eyes at the gorgeous metalhead, Robin puts her hands on her hips and says, "Oh my God, just ask him out already!"
"Me?" you squeak. "Ask him out?" You shook your head. "I don't even know if he likes me."
"Well, let's ask the jury," she replies, turning to Steve. "Has Munson said anything about Y/N?"
Steve nods. "He thinks you're really cute, but quiet. Wants to get to know you better."
"How do I do that?" you ask, basically pleading for an answer.
Robin purses her lips, considering. "What about joining Hellfire?"
"I've never played DnD before, though," you protest. "Aren't they, like, experts?"
"So he can teach you! It's perfect." She claps her hands together.
The next time Eddie comes into Family Video, Robin doesn't waste any time.
"Hey, Munson," she calls him over, "Y/N wants to learn how to play DnD. Got any room in that devil cult of yours for a new player?"
His eyes widen. "Uh, yeah, of course. Always." He looks at you. "You've really never played?"
"No," you admit shyly, "but it sounds like fun. At least from how you describe it."
Eddie flashes a huge grin. "Well, we meet on Fridays right after school in the drama room, if you can make it."
Robin cuts in before you can respond. "Yeah, but she needs someone to teach her how to play before she just jumps right in," she bats her eyelashes at Eddie and puts her hands on your shoulders.
"Oh!" he says. "Are you free tomorrow after school? We can hang out in the library or somethin'."
"She's free," Robin says for you, smiling from ear to ear.
But when you show up to the library the next day, Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler are there in Eddie's place.
"Y/N, right?" Mike asks, continuing when you nod your head. "Eddie said you needed someone to teach you game rules."
"Oh, uh," you stammer, trying to hide your disappointment, "y-yeah. I was thinking about joining Hellfire."
"You wanna join Hellfire but you've never played DnD?" Mike questions suspiciously, eyes narrowing.
Dustin's jaw drops. "You like Eddie!" he shouts. "Oh my God, you like Eddie!"
"Shut up!" you hiss. "Y'know what? Never mind. I shouldn't have let Robin convince me this was a good idea."
"No, wait!" Dustin clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I just got excited because Eddie keeps talking about how sweet and pretty you are and..."
"We can teach you," Mike jumps in, saving Dustin from further rambles.
"Thank you," you smile gratefully. "Please don't tell Eddie that I like him." He may have complimented you to his friends, but he couldn't even be bothered to show up today, so how did he really feel about you?
Mike and Dustin nod, with zero intention of keeping that promise.
Eddie's sitting on his bed, strumming his guitar mindlessly, when he's startled by a pounding on his trailer door.
"Eddie! Open up!" Dustin screeches. "Open this door!"
Eddie flies out of the room, expecting the kid to be in imminent danger. Instead, Dustin is completely fine, just annoyed.
"Henderson, I thought you were dying!" Eddie exhales, putting his hands on his knees and scowling.
"No, but I'm about to kill you!" Dustin shouts.
That kid has one volume: loud, Eddie thinks. "Why? What'd I do?"
Dustin sighs. "You sent me and Mike to teach Y/N. But she likes you and you like her, you dumbass!"
"Wait, what?" Eddie can't hide his smile. "I thought she was afraid of me."
"Why would you think that?" Dustin asks, exasperated.
"Because!" Eddie sputters. "She barely talks to me when I visit her at work, which is all the time, and Robin was the one who had to set up the whole Hellfire thing. I thought I was doing her a favor by leaving her alone!"
"She's not scared," Dustin explains. "She's nervous. Because she LIKES you!" When Eddie just stares at him, shell-shocked, he orders: "Go fix it, idiot!"
Eddie nods, grabbing his jacket. "Is she still at the library?"
"Yeah, she's with Mike. I caught Steve before he drove Robin home and asked him to drop me off here. Told Y/N that I left my rulebook at home."
"Okay," Eddie says. His heart feels like it'll pound right out of his chest.
Dustin claps a hand on his back. "Let's go get you a girlfriend, big guy."
Mike is trying to explain the different creatures and how they interact during gameplay while Dustin runs back home to grab his book. Your head is spinning with information, but you're trying your best to follow along.
Your concentration is broken by the library doors flinging open. Dustin's back; this time, with a surprise guest.
"Eddie." You feel like the wind's been knocked out of you. "I thought you were busy."
"N-no, I..." he looks over at Dustin sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"Christ, do I have to do everything around here?" Dustin rolls his eyes. "Fine. Eddie thought you were afraid of him because you don't talk to him when he visits you at Family Video."
"Oh," you say with a giggle, because the idea is so ridiculous. "No, I'm not afraid of you, Eddie."
"I told you!" Dustin yells, immediately shushed by the librarian. He nudges Mike, and they leave you and Eddie alone.
"So if you're not scared of me," Eddie starts, biting his lower lip shyly, "why don't you talk to me?"
"I guess, you do scare me, in a way," you mumble. "But because I'm afraid of saying something stupid in front of you."
"In front of me?" He laughs. "I'm the king of saying dumb things. Just ask...well, any of my friends."
You laugh, too, feeling a bit lighter. "Yeah, but you look cute when you say dumb things." Did you really just say that?
Eddie looks just as surprised as you feel. "You think I'm cute?"
You can only nod, unable to make eye contact.
"Well," he says finally. "If you think I'm cute, and I think you're cute, then we should probably do something about that."
Your head snaps up at that. "You think I'm cute?" Sure, Steve had said that Eddie thought that, but you never believed he was telling the truth.
"Sweetheart," Eddie takes your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "I like talking to Buckley and Harrington, but not enough to visit them that much." He clears his throat and smiles. "D'you wanna grab some pizza or somethin'?"
"Only after you teach me how to play DnD," you tell him. "You look extra cute when you talk about your campaigns."
Eddie sighs contently. Oh, he's falling fast for you.
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ubtendo · 18 days
Could you tell us about your oc you posted? She looks super cool and I wanna know about her
Wait, like actually for real?
I mean sure, might as well (tldr: a bit lengthy background story about how the oc came to be; you can skip that if you want)
So like about 6 or 7 years ago (so like, when I was 13 - 14ish) I actually had a bigger friend group I was hanging around with by the end of my school years and we DID have a plan to play a dnd campaign but we never even played one session and the friend group dispersed soon after we made that plan since we all graduated and switched schools so we never saw each other again (only got contacts with one of the guys anymore so yeah, wah-wah, nobody wants to hear the sob-story but I feel the background is imp to mention)
I don't have any previous drawings of her and only sparse notes flying around, and I was only reminded of her existence by that friend more or less recently, since I told him about my current interest in dnd
(Also here please note, we were children who didn't know dnd, any mechanics or how to play, we were just having fun with our imagination, so if anything doesn't make sense about this character, this is why)
So here ACTUALLY what this characters is about:
Her name was supposed to Silvester and she was a bard wood elf, about 200 years old and actually stupid tall, I'm talking about 7 to almost 8 ft tall (I know that this is a ridiculous hight, don't come for my teen self💀)
The "staff" she is carrying and using is what we call a "Teufels Geige", which translated means "Devil's Violin", and I only know about that thing because I saw an old video of when my dad was a teen and he played it (I don't know if there is an official English name for it? From what I know it's primarily used in European countries in folk music and to accompany other instruments but you could just play it on it's own) (The devils head on top is placed there because of its name but I wanted for Silvester to match that energy so she made herself a headpiece out of a cow's horns)
Since I'm not really a singer type or like super witty and funny, I was having trouble with making her character, but one of my old friends said that she doesn't have to be a singing performer but that she could be a poet of sorts. Now, I'm not a poet either, but I could work with that better.
So Silvester here was striving throughout the land watching people and writing down and collecting stories she heard from others or witnessed them herself, to make poems, stories and nursery rhymes out of them.
And well she had hundreds and thousands of these stories and stuff written down, but one she had never finished about a mother and her four children, which would have been a rather sweet rhyme, but in the end she would get way to upset just thinking about what happened.
Not gonna continue here because that part of the backstory got unnecessary dark and morbid because it would involve deaths and I was still a bit edgy with my story writing.
She was chased away by people living in a village near her cottage in the woods, by burning down that small forest she was living in.
After that she still continued to write down stories and poems. But they usually ended up being dark and grotesque now. (Because a lot of nursery rhymes and children short stories we were told about as kids were about injury and death and tragedy, for some reason, don't ask😗🫰) (I would put some examples out the top of my head here but I would have to translate them and then they would sort of lose their charm and meaning)
Annnnnddd I don't remember how she actually met the rest party after that since we never got that far💀
But yeah that's about the gist of it
If I ever play dnd I would really want to reboot her character since I kind of think that she had an interesting concept.
(+ here is also a little warm up drawing of her)
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xiaq · 9 months
didn’t want to comment on the post bc it would mean linking my age to my account, but i have some advice for that anon, speaking as an 18 year old college freshman
1) first thing’s first i’m so sorry about everything you described, it really really sucks to have people talk behind your back and exclude you. people who treat you like that are NOT your friends.
2) look for any groups or events that seek out alumni, or are explicitly advertised as open to students and alumni alike. not only are you likely to meet people your own age who live in the area that you want to connect with + have a point of shared experience through your connection to the school, but you’re more likely to find current/younger students who are looking to interact with people on the older side (if they’re in it for more than networking, that is). one example from my own experience: my uni’s choir is open to both current students and alumni, and i’ve had very nice interactions with older people (older than you, even!) on multiple occasions. everyone is super chill about it and all skilled singers are made to feel welcome and included. none of those older people are my personal friends, but i’d have no objection to forming a more meaningful friendship if that happened organically.
3) do you have any experience or interest in playing dungeons and dragons? my uni’s game club matched me with a random DND group based on an interest form i filled out, and the DM is a college sophomore who seems to be older than the typical college student (though i haven’t asked), like probably around your age. i was a little weirded out at first but grew comfortable with him pretty quickly, including in having one on one interactions with him. so that could be a good avenue to make friends with fellow students.
3a) wanna know how i became more comfortable with him? well, the first green flag was that he was wearing a shirt with the logo of a band i like. wearing or carrying outward signifiers of your interests or tastes, such as band shirts, will likely help people who share those interests/tastes to spot someone they might be interested in befriending, or make them more comfortable if you end up in a social situation with them.
i hope this is helpful!
Very helpful, thank you!
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jwonsoon · 1 year
enhypen - how they show affection at school 𖨆♡𖨆
☼ authors note - hi guys first post :) thinking about life w them at school god im going nuts - def not proofread im just rambling !
his way of showing affection is through subtle touches </3. 
during those school breaks after exhausting classes he just wants to see you and listen to how ur day went.
his hand is always hanging around u, whether thats ur knee or shoulder giving u small squeezes of reassurance while ur with all ur friends to remind u nonverbally that he misses u. 
also if u guys are laughing about something he is always looking at you w so much admiration or leaning into you god i want him 
HE IS SO OBVIOUSSSS. i love him so much 
jay would have such starry eyes he would completely light up around u. he is so smiley and giggly around you laughing at ur jokes that were not even that funny. 
he’s also such a good listener like he’s just so attentive and give u the exact energy u need when ur ranting like he gives me “yea i really hate when that happens too…” vibes. 
buys u food anytime. 
he would be so insistent calling you over and telling him to sit with him cus he wants u near to him he’s barely seen u all day :(( he’d whisper ur name like “come here i miss youuuuu” i cant i cannot
he loves playing w ur hands bopping them around and intertwining w them when ur talking to him. (think him and jungwon in enhypen&hi i cant do this) u also love doing the same to him, he gets all giddy but he still wants to be attentive to the rest of the friend group and not seem too obvious so he���ll be nodding and listening but he’ll occasionally look at u and smile to himself. god. 
his form of affection is just simply being with u. being close in proximity. he just loves the idea of u being there
he misses u and doesn’t wanna see u stressed!!!!  when his hands are free he’ll have his arm around u rubbing ur arm asking what he can do to help :(
would also be so visibly excited to see u if u haven’t seen e/o all day he makes u feel so special. he is so comforting i love him so bad jake i love u
but this is more subtle it HURTS. his hand is always lingering around yours. and he always nudges u or he’s always looking down at ur hands that are barely touching and sometimes u dont notice so he gets pouty OH MY GOD.
secretly memorized ur schedule so at the end of one random class he’s finished early and hes just standing outside like 🧍 ALL AWK waiting for you to walk to lunch together and ur like how did u know i was here…hes like 🤷‍♂️
sunghoon is really subtle with it. if he senses you’re having a bad day he’s gonna be extra goofy w lame dad jokes to try and distract u. he’ll buy food for u but make it seem like it was for him and give it to u “just because.” sigh . the little things
despite being busy af. he will always make time for YOU. like he has a meeting but he receives a text that you’re about to go home? he will be excusing himself for 5 mins to give u a proper bye. FUCKKKKK
always texting u. ur laptop BETTTTERRR have DND on or else it will be pinging every 2 seconds. just like how this boy is always on weverse, he is constantly updating u about funny shit that happens in class or just what hes thinking or ur future hang out plans “we should go here on saturday”
he would so walk u home from school if y’all lived near and he would get sad if he can’t bring u one day like “how come ur leaving early i cant walk u home and ive barely seen u all week :( “
somehow always carrying ur stuff - especially if u tend to leave things behind. especially hoodies and waterbottles. like by the end of the day ur like “ok so why do u have half of my belongings.” when u guys pack up after lunch he is always picking up ur stuff b4 u cus he just knows u sometimes forget 😞 
no matter how busy y’all are. sunoo wants to see u ☹️ u guys have barely talked the whole day. he will text to meet in the middle of class just quickly. “what floor are you in? can u leave class rq i wanna say hi :(“ 
compliments. COMPLIMENTS. always the small details too like if he’ll notice if u tried a new makeup look or if u did ur hair different. he’ll make u feel so pretty
walks with u around the campus during lunch after you guys are done to have one on ones. he likes spending time one on one with you cus sometimes its harder within ur bigger group of friends awh. 
would always have ur arms linked and laugh about stupid things with you FUCK SUNOO MY SUNSHINE 
i luv him NI-KI so much im gonna get emotional. 
when he laughs or gets excited he’s practically jumping onto u or puts his whole body weight on u you’ve almost fallen so many times. 
always squeezing ur shoulders from behind to catch ur attention cus he’s so tall, similar to this sometimes he scares u from behind and u get so startled and he loves it cus he thinks ur cute and silly </3 but he sometimes does it when you’ve seen him coming from like 4 miles away… goofy ass 
when hes with u he’ll scrunch his nose and whisper “cute” to himself bc he doesn’t wanna be obviousssss😜u cant know that hes’s SIMPING!! (but he doesnt realize that u did see it and ur geeking)
likes to hug u when theres no one else around or fully lean into u like hes about to get a good nights sleep  😭
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crowflesh · 1 year
Help it's midnight and I'm brainrotting
Ok so consider a call of duty highschool/teen dungeons and dragons au (a lot going on I know but bear with me)
So we have Gaz, Ghost, and Farah who are siblings, all adopted by Price. Gaz and Soap were in art club together in highschool where they then became friends. Gaz has kept trying to convince Soap to join his siblings and their friends (Alex, Alejandro, and Rudy) dnd campaign. Soap thinks it'd be fun but is kind of intimidated by Gaz's kinda cool and really intimidating older brother (whom of which he's only really met in passing when visiting Gaz's place or passing him in the hallways at school ((he also may have a teeny tiny crush on him but it's not like he's gonna admit that)). He also just doesn't know jack shit about dnd and doesn't wanna somehow fuck uo the game (he also doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of Ghost but shhhh)
Eventually, during the summer after graduation, Soap finally relents and decides that he'll come over and watch them play just to see what's up cause, at this point, they're already in a middle of a campaign and it'd be sorta awkward to introduce a new player. Soap promises if he's interested enough he'll join in on the next campaign and he'll come over and watch this coming weekend.
The weekend finally rolls around, after a week of nerves and second guessing, and Soap heads down into Gaz's basement to find everyone already there and the dnd table set up. They get everything ready and start right where they left off last week and come to find out Ghost is the dm and also a huge fucking nerd. He apparently is an avid critical roll and dimension 20 fan and takes inspiration from them (which is apparent in his story telling and weirdly accurate sound effects). Soap is impressed and actually finds himself invested in the story and the characters.
Before he knows it, hours pass by and Soap is hooked. So, he comes back around the next week, and the next, and the next. All through out this time, Soap and Ghost end up getting closer and become friends and kinda joined at the hip. Soap's (definitely not) crush (definitely does not shut up) gets kinda worse. Which, you can't really blame him, Ghost is a huge nerd, all dorky, and is kinda awkward, but it's all so endearing and cute. They have similar interests and similar music tastes and they just click in a way that neither have them were really expecting. But it's more than welcome to both of them. Near the end of the summer (and the campaign) they get so close and Soap just can't let his feelings fester anymore and he just blurts em out.
Ghost and Soap were cleaning up the table after a session and everyone went home and Soap pauses. He takes a good hard look at Ghost while he's fidgeting with a d20 and just, without thinking, says something like "I really wanna be your boyfriend" which causes Ghost to stop what he's doing and stare back at Soap. Soap blinks and realizes what he just said and drops the d20 onto the table (he rolls a nat 20 btw) and starts stuttering and trying to apologize and leave but Ghost grabs him by the hood of his jacket and pulls him in close and says "I...want to be your boyfriend too". Soap and Ghost are both flustered and blushing messes and Farah eventually comes down to tell em to shut up and go to bed.
By the end of the summer, Ghost and Soap are together and Soap gets to join in on their next campaign :)
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jediwizard · 11 days
Hiiii I was wondering what your top 5 series are because I'm bored and I don't wanna do schoolwork so I'm gonna distract myself with screens
thanks for asking
my ultimate comfort show is friends. I've seen every episode a billion times, but it still makes me laugh and I still feel like I'm watching it for the first time. it's nostalgic and it just feels like home. I would like if there was more diversity tho..
i love how I met your mother (except for that awful ending). its so comforting and the show discusses real problems that young adults face like unemployment, divorce, infertility, losing a parent etc. characters go through real problems that real people face.
heartstopper obviously. again, I feel like I'm mentioning a lot of comfort shows rather than genuinly good shows but heartstopper is just.. so perfect. it is a bit cringe at times but teenagers are actually like that. everyone in that friend group is so loyal and kind and there's no drama and overall toxicness you'd find in most netflix shows like riverdale, elite etc. and I feel like this is one of the first shows I've seen with good queer representation. the paris squad remind me a lot of my friends and I, and we actually watched the show together. and we're gonna binge all of s3 and then talk about it (it's gotten to be a bit of a tradition)
id like to say that I love the owl house, even though I've never officially seen it. I've watched a lot of clips of it on YouTube and I know what happens and whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed with school work, I'd watch like a 40 minute video of lumity. and I also relate to luz noceda on a personal level. I found out about this show only last year, when it was on it's final season and I was 16. I wish my 12 year old self watched it, because she would have LOVED the owl house and found comfort in this show. watching the owl house at 16 and 17 for the first time shocked me because I felt like my 11 and 12 year old self had come to life (and btw we even look really similar so there's that..). I just started watching Hilda and it's a lot like the owl house and Hilda reminds me of myself too, so idk. they're both really great shows
and lastly i'd probably have to go with stranger things. I love the gravity falls-dark suburban-fall vibe the first two seasons had. season three was really fun, but I didn't like the fourth that much. I also hate how it takes so long for each season to come out. again, I related to robin a lot and I love to play DND with some of my new friends. I started watching stranger things when I was around 11 with my old friends and I remember collaborating on pinterst boards and stuff, so that was fun. i'm going to watch the last season with them too.
ive seen a bunch of episodes of doctor who and some clips on YouTube and I love that. I need to properly sit down and watch Dr. who
superwholock in general is great, but I don't really feel like mentioning spn and Sherlock because of all the queerbating and homophobia surrounding the shows. (sherlock's amazing though)
i know you asked for five, but one day at a time is SUCH an amazing show too. it's about a latina family (grandma, mom, daughter and son) and it's so funny and really informative and just an overall fun family sitcom, but it doesn't shy away from dealing with important issues like racism, immigrant families, growing up in a three generational household, raising a teenager daughter who's a lesbian, being a military nurse and the trauma you have to deal with afterwards etc. elena is a lesbian and she's so nerdy and I just love her so much <333
anyway, that's it. peace out
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urtranspuppyboy · 3 months
Welcome to the Blog
PHOBICS (other than ya know
valid ones like claustrophobic),
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Here is my Linktree :)
You can call me whatever you want idc, my first name is River/Miles? and my middle name is Atlas. I’m still debating on names, however, so if you think another one might fit me better go for it and call me that instead.
I’m 22
I am trans masc and pre-everything (not out to anyone except my sister and my therapist)
Never been in any kind of relationship or even been close to doing something sexual/sensual with anyone irl
Uh, I mayyyy post my face/body but don’t count on it, so for that reason here’s a bit about what I look like:
Shoulder-length blonde hair, septum piercing, chubby (not confident about it and trying to motivate myself to workout more so I can be big and strong :]), 5’ 4, Depends on my dysphoria if my body is shaved or not but I don’t shave my legs a lot, I have a Jackalope tattoo on my forearm (has no meaning I just thought it was cute) and desperately want more tattoos when I can afford it, and I have light green eyes
I like reading, writing, art, making music (not good at it and not doing it currently), Roleplaying, Want to get into dnd but don’t really have any friends to do things like that with, cosplaying but not currently, Fantasy shit, Greek Mythology, Food, Shushi, ect.
Asks and dms are completely open…as of now.
Send me whatever you want on asks, however in dms pls be respectful orrrr I’ll have to close dms.
You can be as icky, disgusting, weird, friendly, funny, disrespectful, degrading, praising, mean, rude and condescending as you want in asks.
Anons so far…
❤️‍🔥👑, 🦴,🐟, 📼
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here’s some things i’m into (consensually and theoretically ofc):
Guide: Absolutely 100% | I’m not completely sure yet | No. No. No.
Religion kink (aka priest type vibe)
Doctor kink
Detrans kink
Mask kink
Knife/gun play
Voice Kink
Vomit kink
Blood (I wanna a bloody mess for youuuu)
Orgasm control
Military kink
Biting (both me biting you & you biting me)
Prince x Guard
Sex slave
People who act like they hate me (even though i’ve been nothing but nice to them) and then fuck me like they want to kill me/use me for their pleasure only (but don’t actually hate me)
Both praise and degradation at the same time
Soft dom + Hard dom x Me (a good boy)
Pee? (just not on my face or in my mouth aka pee on me/ in me literally anywhere else)
R@pe threats
Free use
Being completely controlled
I’m a masochist
And much more that I can’t think of at the moment
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galaxyghostr · 6 months
late night ramble but i NEED some one to talk about mutants and masterminds with or at least more content of it cus i have masive brain rot forming.
i was talking with some of my friends about campaign ideas and we were playing with the idea of a super hero themed campaign so i looked into it more and. mutants and masterminds is just so cool. the art is so good. the mechanics are really close to dnd (since its also a d20 game) so i wanna show it to them but its alot to introduce but its. so. good!!!
theres this one thing where players get hero points when players play into their characters’ weaknesses or have their characters grow as people. and players use these points to help them in a scene like. dcswjninfjiej it feels and looks so cool!,!
also i dont know how to dm so ye another problem :D
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