#love from your Witch mother💜
neteyamsyawntu ¡ 1 year
I’m a day late, BUT we have been blessed with another upload from Our Second Cousin and I am so in love with the message of this video. I specifically wanna share the last portion of that video with you guys because I think it is so powerful:
“How often should we take a moment to remind ourselves, that this place that makes us feel so welcome, can’t be made into a permanent home?
Would we fall and resort to anger at those circumstances? Or would we increase our amazement for what we interact with?
Where does gratitude grow?
And how do we keep it so base, and so foundational within our awareness for the world?
Surely it’s to keep watching closely, in it amongst the quiet.
Even in the smallest detail, everything proves itself to be happening.
You are as big, and as spirited, and as bold as you could allow yourself to be.
Next time you observe the power within the simple beauty of a flower, think of how you could be seen just waiting for the bus
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then surely we can create beauty by being mindful of where we place our awareness.
So simply look to the good things; life is full of the good things. It could be all the good things, quite simply and so sadly so.
Our awareness is sculpting time”
The reason I am so enthralled by this message, is because this is exactly what I constantly try to preach to the people around me:
What you choose to do in this world in the brief time that you have is what matters most. Now that’s not to say you should slam on the gas and strive to make the biggest impact historically, but use your existence and your connection with the universe around you to make life what you want it to be. Strive for happiness, be self indulgent, enjoy the little things, and be unapologetically you. Never slow your pace for anyone else, the ones who can’t keep up with you may get lost in your dust, but you will find those who match your energy and find greater synergy in those who can keep up with you.
While it is good to be empathetic and have passion for others, please do not forget to live your fullest truth, don’t be scared to put yourself first.
I’m sorry for getting so deep this early in the morning, but I hope if there is someone that needed to hear this today, that this message reaches them… but anyway back to our regularly scheduled programming…. Jamie’s hands in this video👀 he showed em a little to much I just- 👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️wrap em around my throat why don’t ya? THERE I said it 🤭 N E WAYS imma see myself out before I start spiraling.
Adding my tag-list because I feel like this message has potential to be beneficial to a lot of people. Love you all so so much have a beautiful day babies🫶🏻💜💖
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Prompt - ‘You saw me start to believe for the first time.’
Requested - @katsuniverse​
Notes - Happy Speak Now month! Request a fic for any of the remaining Speak Now tracks, click my masterlist to see which songs are left!!💜
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The difference between you and James was that he came from a family that showered him in love, a family with two parents who married for love without caring what other people thought, a family that couldn’t care less about blood purity and keeping family lines ‘clean’.
Your family only cared about that, muggles were respected less than house elves, if you even dared to glance at somebody who wasn’t of pureblood descent then they’d be sure to let you know how much of a traitor you were to the family. Your parents didn’t love each other, they loathed each other, sure in public people believed they were the perfect couple but the reality of it was they couldn’t have a single conversation behind closed doors without it turning into a screaming match.
Perhaps that was why you and Sirius had been fast friends. From a young age both of you had known this life wasn’t for you, the prejudice and judgement coming from people who thought they were so much better than others just because they were purebloods. Both of you forced to attend the parties that were only hosted in an effort to show how superior one family was from the other, a similar one hosted the next week just to prove who was better.
You hated those parties and yet you were made to attend each one of them, mainly sticking with Sirius and trying to stifle your laughter as he made fun of the stuck up witches and wizards around the room.
Going to Hogwarts was the break you needed. Finally being away from your family, from their high class rules, their cruel words and harsher glares, the parties and the arguments. It was a relief to leave home but their judgement still followed you down the Great Hall.
You and Sirius traded apprehensive looks. Both the Y/L/N and the Black family had been Slytherin’s for as far back as anybody could remember, it was expected that you and Sirius would follow that tradition.
You had known for years that Sirius was determined to be in any house but Slytherin, promising that he would find a way to trick the hat if he needed to. You thought he’d be ok though, Sirius was your best friend and nothing at all like the Slytherin that surrounded you on a daily basis, you didn’t think it would be a struggle for him to be placed anywhere else. You figured he’d do well in Gryffindor, he was one of the bravest people you’d met after all, never one to back down even against his father’s fists and mother’s sharp nails that left marks after one too many glasses of wine.
You yourself were torn, of course you hated everything your family stood for, of course you wanted to break free from them but thinking that and actually doing it were two different things. You had no love for your family but you knew their disappointment would still hit hard if you were placed anywhere but Slytherin.
“Now what should we do with you?” The hat asked once Professor McGonagall placed the ancient thing on your head. “A brilliant mind, older than your years aren’t you? Cunning and quick on your feet. But not Slytherin, eh?  For as long as I can remember the Y/L/N’s have been Slytherin’s. Of course that doesn’t mean you have to be. No, no I don’t think Slytherin is where you belong. A brave girl like you belongs in…
Gryffindor!” The Hat exclaimed and you felt your eyes widen in shock, gaze immediately seeking out Sirius who was beaming at you, up on his feet and whooping as you forced yourself off the stool and over to him.
“Breathe.” Sirius whispered as the remaining students were sorted, you not paying attention to any of it as your mind flooded with fear of what your family would do. “We’ll be fine.”
You glanced over at Sirius who smiled at you, knocking into your shoulder softly and you nodded, taking a deep breath and finally focusing on those around you. Opposite you were the two boys you’d met on the train, the pale boy with scars scattered around his face and hands sat across from Sirius and the boy with messy brown hair and warm eyes was facing you.
“You two alright?” James asked and you watched as Sirius glanced at you before grinning, taking the attention of you for a moment.
“I’m brilliant, mate. Merlin, mother’s going to be furious with me!” Sirius exclaimed and you couldn’t help but join in as Remus and James laughed, feeling some of the tension leave you.
You were a Gryffindor. There was nothing you could do to change that, no amount of angry words or letters could change that now. So instead you let yourself enjoy your first night at Hogwarts, pushing all thoughts of your family aside as you laughed with Sirius and the two others who would all become your best friends before the year was finished.
Over the years James had watched you closely. He had known when he was eleven that you were special, had known you were important. You were one of his best friends, he was always going to look out for you.
At thirteen he realised he liked you, at fourteen he realised he loved you. He never said anything though, he didn’t want to risk losing you. Every time somebody brought up love or crushes you always shut down, tuning the conversation out and refusing to take part, it didn’t matter how much they teased and nudged you, you never spoke about it.
James had been curious for a while, he’d even gone to ask you about it a few times but Sirius always seemed to know when he was going to, pulling him aside and distracting him with something or just subtly shaking his head when James approached you.
It took a while but eventually Sirius realised James was going to keep asking you so he waited until you’d gone up to bed and told him about your parents. Of course James already knew about them, he’d watched you rant about them, watched you tense up when the family owl flew into the Great Hall, watched how you stopped eating and zoned out when the school year was over and you knew you’d be going back to them.
Once Sirius told him James figured it made sense why you thought love was stupid. His heart ached that you thought all relationships were doomed, that the only example you had was set by those who married for status and not for love.
James wanted to change your mind. He wanted you to see that love was real, that it was a good thing, that it could work.
He went to bed that night with his thoughts racing, knowing he had all summer to come up with a way to get you to believe in love.
By the time autumn had arrived James had created and thrown out more plans than he could recall. He didn’t have a solid idea by the time he boarded the train and sat down next to you, his smile softening when he saw how tired you looked, knowing how draining the summer was for you at home.
He decided then and there that he didn’t need some elaborate plan, he didn’t need the others to help him come up with one either. All he had to do was show you that counting on somebody, that spending time with them and letting yourself fall wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
“Here.” He murmured to you, the word nearly getting lost in the noise of the train, everybody excitedly greeting each other as they made their way into compartments.
You looked over at James, eyebrows knitting together as you looked at him. James couldn’t help but grin as your face lit up when you took one of the cupcakes James held out to you, something Mrs Potter had taken to making and sending him off with at the beginning of the third year.
You and James easily fell into conversation, James careful not to ask too many questions about your summer even as you asked about his. Sometimes you did talk about it but it was usually in the early hours of the morning when everyone else had gone to bed, you and him alone in the common room feeling like the secrets you shared there were safe to say.
It wasn’t long before Remus and Sirius joined the two of you and soon enough you were back at Hogwarts, happy to be back home.
“Come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?” James asked as he caught up to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder when he saw you leave the Great Hall.
You looked up at him with a smile, a smile that James loved putting on your face and swore he’d keep there. You didn’t move from under his arm letting him lead you out of the castle, if anything you shifted closer to him when the autumn air hit you.
“Don’t we always go to Hogsmeade together?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him questioning.
“No, we always go with Sirius and Remus.” James told you and it was true, all four of you always went together unless Sirius was trying to impress a girl but that usually ended with him finding you all a few hours later. “I’m asking you to come with me.”
You stayed silent for a moment, feeling a wave of nerves run through you. You’d known for a long time now that you liked James. You hadn’t wanted to admit it to even yourself for so long but you couldn’t deny the fact that he was the one you sought out after a bad day, he was the one you went to for a distraction, he was the one you looked for when you entered a room, he was the one who took a weight of your shoulders upon seeing him after spending the summer with your family.
You loved James and it terrified you.
Nothing good could come from it. You knew what relationships turned into, you had watched as even the best intended relationships turned cold and cruel. You couldn’t have that happen between you and James, you’d rather never tell the man how you felt than watch as you and he turned into something dark and twisted.
And yet even with the sliver of fear you felt you had never been all that good at denying James Potter of anything he asked for.
“So,” James stretched the word out when you had gone too long without answering him. “Will you come with me?”
“Yeah, I’ll go with you.” You told him, a small smile on your face as you felt excitement mix with your nerves and fear.
A few days later found you pacing the lengths of your room, thankful that the other girls had left for breakfast, leaving you alone to freak out about going out with James. You don’t know why you were so nervous, it was just James and it wasn’t a date.
Yet some hopeful, traitorous part of you wished it was.
“You know he likes you right?” Sirius’ voice startled you out of your thoughts and you whipped around to face him, glaring at him for frightening you.
You’d ask how he even got into the girls dormitories but you had long since given up asking how Sirius did half the things he managed.
“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” You told him stiffly, turning away from him to busy yourself with rifling through your trunk.
“Come off it Y/N/N. He’s a good lad, one of the best, he’ll treat you right. What’s so wrong with giving him a chance? I know you like him too.” Sirius sighed, moving further into the room and onto your bed.
“Don’t you think I know all that?” You snapped, glaring at your oldest friend before taking a deep breath and moving to sit next to him, letting him wrap his arm around you to pull you closer and resting your head on his shoulder. “I just, I can’t Sirius. I can’t risk losing him, I can’t risk falling into the same trap every other couple we know has, I won’t jeopardise what we have now for us to end up hating each other.”
“Y/N, you’re not going to end up like our parents. They never loved each other, you know that. You won’t be dating James because you’ve been ordered too, because he’s a pureblood who only calls about popping our heirs and looking good to other purebloods. Neither of you care about that stuff.” Sirius told you softly, resting his head on yours and letting his eyes fall shut as silence washed over the two of you.
“I really like him.” You finally confessed, voice barely louder than a whisper but Sirius heard, a sad smile spreading across his face.
“I know you do. Go out with him, enjoy yourself, let yourself be happy.” Sirius said and you nodded, taking a moment to gather yourself before pulling yourself off the bed.
“See you later?” You asked as you slipped a robe on, ducking into the bathroom to check yourself one last time.
“I wanna hear all about it!” Sirius grinned as you rolled your eyes, heading down to the common room and seeing James waiting for you.
“You ready?” He asked, a smile spreading across his face as he saw you and you smiled back nodding. “You look beautiful by the way.”
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks, your smile turning shy as you ducked your head, following him out of the common room.
“Thank you.” You said softly, suddenly so unsure how to act around James despite having been friends for years. “You look good too.”
The walk through Hogwarts was silent, James wondered if he was making the right call. He knew how nervous you were, Sirius had been distracted all morning and only settled once he announced he was going to check on you. Your fears were clearly deeper than he had originally thought but then he looked over at you and knew he would never regret this.
He just had to hope you didn’t regret it either.
“You remember the first time we came here?” James asked you with a smirk, watching as you rolled your eyes again but your smile widened and that’s all James needed.
“I’d known you for two weeks, you can’t blame me for being cautious!” You defended yourself, James laughing and the sound made you relax a little bit.
“You were terrified.” James grinned and you nudged his shoulder.
“We were eleven, who gives an eleven year old an invisibility cloak?”
“I told you we’d make a rebel out of you.” You and James continued talking and laughing, reminiscing on your years at Hogwarts until you were completely relaxed, no nerves or fear running through you as you let yourself fall into the familiar comfort of James’ company.
After that day at Hogsmeade you decided not to overthink every decision you made. Of course one outing didn’t automatically fix everything you believed but you were willing to at least follow Sirius’ advice of giving it a try. You were still terrified of losing James, of turning into your parents but you also really wanted to be with James.
So one outing turned into two then three until months had passed and you and James were spending all your free time together, of course that didn’t deviate from your usual schedule but this year it was different. This year it was filled with shy glances and gentle brushing of hands which neither of you were brave enough to grab, it was filled with sneaking out and wandering the grounds together, of somehow getting to know each other more which you hadn’t thought possible.
Tonight the two of you sat outside by the black lake, James had enlisted the help of the others to make a picnic, getting as much food as the house elves would give them and setting up a spot for the two of you.
The food had long since been eaten and the sun was finally beginning to set. James rubbed his hands on his thighs, desperately trying to remember the speech he had planned earlier but coming up empty each time.
You looked out at the water, at some point you had shifted closer to James and rested your head on his shoulder. If somebody would have told you you’d be here months ago you’d have laughed in their face but now it felt right, everything about these last few months felt right.
Falling in love with James Potter felt right.
“You okay?” You murmured softly, not wanting to disturb the peace but James had been quiet for a while now and you hadn’t missed how nervous he’d seemed throughout dinner.
James wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was amazing, he was sat with the girl he loved leaning against him, so happy for every second he got to spend with you and yet he was also nervous because he was so desperate to tell you how he felt, needing you to know that he loved you, to know you were his world.
“James?” You said again, moving so you could look over at him.
“I love you.” James blurted out, his eyes widening at the same time as yours did.
He hadn’t meant to say that, well ok he had but he had a whole speech, he was going to ease you into it. The last thing he wanted was to scare you off and have you leave him.
“James,” You said softly, shocked at his words that left you equal parts nervous and overjoyed.
“No, wait, just let me…” James trailed off with a sigh before sitting up and turning to face you properly. “I know you don’t think this is going to work, I know you look at your mum and dad and hate what they have but that’s never going to be us. We’re choosing each other because we want to, not because of something as stupid as blood purity. I know you're scared but let me show you how good we can be.”
James watched you closely, part of him expected you to bolt but then he watched your face soften into a smile, he watched as the tension that had built in your shoulders left and you looked at him like it was your first time really seeing him.
James Potter was watching you believe for the first time.
Believe in him, believe in love, believe that he could be the one for you, believe that it wouldn’t end in spite and hatred but it could just be love.
“I love you too.” You finally said and James let out a surprised laugh, a grin spreading across his face as he stared at you.
You were in love with him.
“Can I please kiss you?” He asked, his voice coming out more of a beg causing you to laugh softly as you nodded, shifting closer to him and savouring the feeling of his palm cupping your cheek, memorising the way his thumb ran across your cheekbone as he held you like you were a prized possession.
“I really love you.” He murmured before pressing his lips to yours.
He had been waiting for so long to kiss you and now that he finally knew how your lips felt against his he knew he’d never be able to go without. One taste and he was addicted. The kiss was soft but eager, the two of you gripping each other, desperately trying to get as close as you could.
When you finally pulled away you were both panting for breath, James rested his forehead against yours to keep you close to him, not ready to let you go yet.
“So you’ll be mine then?” James asked breathlessly and you couldn’t help but smile brightly at him as you nodded. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this, I’m gonna spend the rest of our lives proving this will last, that it will always feel this good.”
You really hoped James was able to keep his promise, the way he made you feel in this moment was enough to push any doubts out of your head. How could something that feels this beautiful ever turn into something so dreadful? You wanted to believe that love wasn’t like that and you were more than happy to let James be the one to prove it to you.
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@rottenstyx​, @asherhunterx​, @canadailluminate​, @filmsbyblair​, @j-cat​ , @cinderellacauseshebroke​, @black-rose-29​, @chickensrule​, @rosaliedepp​, @ppgrayson​, @onyourgoddamnleft​, @divanca2006​, @silverose365​, @tc-blossom​, @mystic-writings​, @touchdeprivedwh0re​, @alexxavicry, @alwaysclassyeagle, @carmellasworld, @maeve-7,  @father-violet​, @izzyyy-1, @kaitieskidmore1, @mrslizzyolsen, @idli-dosa,  @siriusstwelveyears, , @polyglot-noodle, @bubsonnobx, @f-sant, @fairydxll, @valluvsu, @sjprongs, @uwiuwi , @parkerxdunbar , @betzabobababi, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @alexparkxr , @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @momoewn, @secretsthathauntus, @psychicbouquetgladiator, @evvy96, @iluvweasleys, @eonnyx, @audrie-bryant, @lunalovegood156, @pank0w, @anjelicajoyce, @elcve
@soldierheart, @libraryofsweetpotatoes, @instantpeachhologram, @devilacot, @canty0us33,  @missabsey,  @dunno--what-to-put-here
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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rosewaterandivy ¡ 9 months
i. keep the embers blowing
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summary: family lore and a new resident to your small seaside town.
pairing: s.h. x witch!reader
w.c.: 2.4k
warnings: my blog is 18+ MDNI; vague allusions to magic and the like, carpenter & flannel-wearing Steve, and a meet-cute
a/n: she finishes one series only to begin another! Oy vey. Hope you like, and if you do - let me know!
Nota bene: Reblogging, commenting, and liking my work is always appreciated! Reposting, however, is not. Enjoy! 💜
Series Masterlist | Playlist | Currently spinning:
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For nearly three hundred years, the Callahan women were blamed for everything that went wrong in town. A summer drought and a ruined harvest, a mare and colt lost while she was in foal, a long winter, an outbreak of chicken pox— it didn’t matter if such phenomena could be explained by science or logic, it all ended up with the Callahans as personae non gratae.
Inside the white, two-storey house at the end of the Willow Lane lived an orphaned girl grown into a woman under her aunt’s guiding hands; Kelly and Moira never had children of their own, and when you turned up on their doorstep that fateful day, they welcomed you with open arms and never even batted an eye. In time, they would tell you of the curse that took your father from you and left your mother to die of a broken heart.
Childhood, for you, was filled with a series of small slights and mortifications. No one would touch a pencil or crayon if it was held by you. No one sat with you in the lunchroom. Teachers and parents regarded you with a silent derision and did nothing to temper the taunts of the other children. Boys looked at you like something to be conquered and girls feared you, not that it stymied any of their mean girl behavior.
“Fuck ‘em all,” Kelly would say, throwing more cayenne into the vegetarian chili on the stove. “You’re better off without them, sweets.”
A mantra that sustained you from that day forward.
Sailing through high school to graduate at the top of your class, you fully intended to attend a prestigious university on a full-ride scholarship. The aunts encouraged you to fly the nest and chase your dreams— but then Moira fell sick. You deferred your enrollment for a year, which turned into two and eventually the scholarship was awarded to someone else. Moira’s care fell to you and Kelly, tag-teaming on chauffeur duty and going to doctor’s appointments.
You worked odd jobs around town, entirely dependent on the few townsfolk that would hire you— an abjectly miserable situation. Save for the twist of fate that brought Tracy your way. One day, Moira and Kelly sat you down in front of a large, dusty tome. Sputtering a cough, you batted at the dust motes floating in front of you.
“This,” Kelly said, sliding the book toward you, “Is the family grimoire.”
“It’s well past time you were told, dear heart,” Moira added, with a kind smile.
Tentatively, you brushed a finger against the worn cover of the grimoire tracing the looping ‘C’ of your last name, the gold embossing as bright as if it was newly pressed. They regaled you with the tales of your ancestors, Mary who built this house and worked the curse out of heartbreak and desperation, Sybil who worked the people of the town into an uneasy truce— supplying women with love spells and fertility potions, all the way up to your mother, who fell in love despite knowing the dangers and brought you into the world.
It wasn’t as if they had kept magic from you, far from it, in fact. Kelly and Moira kept up Sybil’s business, as the generations of Callahans before them had. Some years, business was better than others— but the aunts were crafty and seemingly always had something saved for a rainy day. Aside from one small spell in your childhood, you’d simply never expressed an interest in learning the craft. Not wanting to push you, they’d never pressed the issue and assumed you would come to them when, and if, you pleased.
“You were spellbound when you came to us,” Moira says sadly, “Your mother’s handiwork.”
“A bitch and a half to undo,” Kelly adds, taking a long sip from her wine. “You’re free as a bird now though.”
“You showed great promise when you were younger,” Moira smiles, “And I hope we’re not too remiss in beginning your education now.”
She pushes a creased piece of paper your way. You unfold it carefully, the overwhelming scent of cotton blossom and denim invading your nostrils. Reading over your tween-age loopy script in gel pen, a smile blooms on your face.
He will hear my call miles away. He’ll whistle my favorite tune. He always checks his blind spot. He can flip pancakes in the air. He’ll be marvellously kind. He’ll let me map constellations on his skin. His eyes will be as warm as honey and glinting like emeralds.
“What is this?”
Kelly smiles knowingly, “Your half-assed attempt at Amas Veritas.” She plucks the paper from your lax grasp, “If I remember correctly, you were under the impression that if you dreamed up a guy who couldn’t possibly exist, then you wouldn’t be hurt.”
“That the curse would end with me.” Your voice is hushed, recalling how naively you hoped all those years ago. “So, why now?”
It was Moira who answered you with a mischievous grin, “Well, my dear, why not?”
That was a decade ago. In that time, Moira had recovered from her illness, and together with Kelly, they had molded you into quite the talented witch. And after putting yourself through college, you’d opened a shop downtown— Bell, Book, & Candle. Your clientele ranged from tourists to townies and even your childhood tormentors. In time, the Callahan curse had faded from a vindictive tool used by school-yard bullies or "good families" with something to prove, to merely a piece of local lore— In a bind? See the Callahan girl at her shop or take the bluestone path to the back of the old white house on Willow Lane and knock twice on the whitewashed backdoor.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” Tracy called from the tea shelves where she perched on a rolling ladder on the wall. “But we’re completely out of the Assam tea for Mrs. Collins’ Irish Breakfast blend and she’s already called twice about it.” She unceremoniously shoves the empty container back on the shelf and propels herself down to the register.
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you sigh and search for a pencil in your haphazard topknot. “I’ve called our supplier and he swears it was sent in the current replen.” Finding a pencil, you make a note in the fliofax as your hair cascades down past your shoulders. With another sigh, you finished jotting down necessities. “I trust Frank when he says it was shipped, but we normally don’t have these delays before the first snow of the year.” You glance up to see Tracy shrug. “I’ll make a trip down there sometime this week,” you conclude as the front door chimes.
Several customers poured in as Tracy greeted them, “Welcome in! What can we help you with today?” You went back to the paperwork as the customers dispersed across the store. You could hear Tracy in her conversation with someone about the latest town gossip. (“Are you sure it was the Blakely house? Holy hell!”) You shook your head and smiled, that will spread across town like wildfire in no time, you muse. Busying yourself with tidying the cash wrap, you notice a customer ready to check out.
“I don’t know how you do it!” The newly married Mrs. Smith gushed, “I always walk in here thinking I won’t need anything and I come out with a treasure every time.” You smile politely and ring up her purchases. Pushing the memory of her shouting at you, as you cowered behind Kelly, She started it!
“Well, you’re walking away with some of my favorites,” you say. “I found these scarves when I was in Milan, aren’t they lovely?” Carefully wrapping the scarves, candles, and salve, you continue with the small talk. “With the salve,” you say seriously, “Use it on your lower abdominal area, no more than twice a day.”
Mrs. Smith nodded, mentally making a note. “I can always call you if I have questions, right?”
You nod, “Of course, that’s what I’m here for! Your total comes to 45 dollars today.”
Mrs. Smith paid for her purchases and thanked you and Tracy as she left the store. Tracy eyes you warily, “Was that the salve I think it was?”
Rolling your eyes and stepping out from behind the counter, you laugh, “I think you know the answer to that.”
Tracy scoffs, “God! The last thing this town needs is more kids, damn it Callahan.”
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A wind blew softly through the trees, resplendent in their golden yellow hues. A black lab padded among the pine needles while a steady crack sounded down the street. Further up the lane, a young man was bent over to split firewood. His maul slung over his shoulder as he stood to wipe his brow. The weather hadn’t yet turned its frosty shoulder as it was still early in the season, but, nevertheless, preparations must be made.
Turning back to his task, he set a block of wood down on a stump and took a step back. As he was about to begin again, he noticed a car turning toward the Callahan house. Brows furrowed, he placed his maul down and let out a clear whistle, “Lucy!” Ears perked, the dog bounded up from the glen to his side. With a smile, he gave her a nice head scritch and watched as a Subaru ambled up the drive to the white house at the end of the lane.
Later, after a motor-mouth blonde and lean brunet had arrived, the town’s newest resident stepped out for a stroll. Throwing on a flannel to combat the early evening’s chill, he poked his head into the kitchen.
“Lucy’s been fed and walked Rob,” he says to the woman at the stovetop. “Don’t let her fool you.”
She turns with a bemused smile, “I know Steve, s’not like I was born yesterday.”
“Same goes for Eds,” he concludes with a nod before slipping out the door.
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Just as you and Tracy were making closing preparations, the bell on the door chimed and a pink-cheeked brunet man walked in. Tracy, eyeing the stranger up and down, let out a low wolf whistle as you jabbed her in the side.
“Hi, welcome in!” You greeted, giving Tracy the eye while she petulantly rubbed at her side. “Is there anything, in particular, I can help you with today?”
The stranger made eye contact with you, his eyes a lovely shade of hazel, and smiled. “Actually, I think I’m looking for you.” He took a step toward her, “Callahan, right?” Tracy snorted and turned to busy herself with something.
You hesitated, never having seen this man in your life, “Um, yes?” You held out your hand to shake, “And you are?” His hand met yours, igniting a tingle at the base of your spine— a firm shake of the hand, his skin surprisingly warm.
“Steve, Steve Harrington. I just bought the property down the way from yours.” His hands were rough, he probably worked with them a lot. He smelled of freshly split wood, towing in a cloud of a pleasant, sappy aroma— warm and inviting.
You dropped hands and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, “Oh, I think I heard something about that. Well, congratulations! It’s a lovely property.”
He nodded in agreement and surveyed the store and its proprietor. You were casual in blue jeans and brown leather boots, paired with a light sweater. Hair slightly wavy and a lovely shade. Soft and feminine features, but your energy radiated strength.
“Yeah, well,” Steve cleared his throat, “I’m really excited to have a place by the water now.”
You smiled, “No place I’d rather be.” Steve, huh? You tried to place him, he seemed so familiar, and yet…
He definitely wasn’t a beach bum, he lacked the sloping posture. Maybe he was one of those rich summer vacationers? “Well, if you need anything please, don’t hesitate to ask!” Glancing around, you hoped to find Tracy, but she had made herself scarce. Damn.
Steve mused a minute before speaking, “Thanks, think I’ll just browse around for now.”
Robin had sent him out with strict instructions and a list— myrtle, myrrh, a tea of some kind, and then, of course, Eddie had chocked in his items as well: devil’s nettle, a very specific type of coffee bean, along with a few other odds and ends.
Luckily, he could find most of the items with practiced ease and sauntered back to the counter. Making idle chit-chat, you rang up the purchase and recommended a few local cafes and stores for his consideration.
“So, what brings you to our neck of the woods?”
“Oh, me?” He smiles as you bag up the purchases, “I’m just some guy with a carpentry business.” Passing the bag to him along with a receipt he thanks you and turns to leave, but not before sliding a card on the counter that reads: ‘H & M Design and Construction: REMODELS, DRYWALL, CARPENTRY, PAINTING, INSTALLATION, ELECTRICAL, REPAIR - WE FIX THINGS.’
Before the bell can chime to signal his leave, he glances to the built-in bookshelves gracing one wall of the store, ladder docked near the register where Tracy left it.
“Your teak could do with a good oiling,” he nods to the built-ins in questions, “Think about it.” And stepped out of the store with a wave, into the indigo night.
Tracy, seemingly coming from nowhere, wore the contented grin of a cat who caught the canary. “Babe,” she said sweetly, “Do you have any idea who that was?”
Distracted by reorganizing the front of the store, you shrugged, “Said his name was Steve, just bought the old Blakely property.”
Tracy hummed and busied herself with tallying up the till eyes falling to the cream-colored business card. She pocketed it, making a mental note to call for an estimate for the store later that week.
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In the early morning, a cool breeze swept through the open second-floor window of the Callahan house. Quilts half on the floor, you shiver slightly and roll on to your side throwing an arm over your eyes. All was silent. The moonlight illuminated the photo of your late mother. The woman appeared to smile graciously at the photographer, her husband and your father. A slight breeze too swept through the photograph; the older woman laughed warmly.
This breeze continued down the to the old Blakely house. A picture window was opened slightly for the wind to slip through. Steve, dozing on the couch with a blanket half covering his torso, sighed in his sleep. The sea air was doing him some good. The breeze tousled his hair before it gracefully dissipated.
Unbeknownst to the two residents in the realm of dreams, a change was carried on that breeze. Slow and gradual, but still a change. It was coming swiftly and with intent. Just as a mother once promised her daughter it would.
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miss-nandini ¡ 7 months
Hiii, could you do a Riddle x reader angst where they are secretly dating, but the reader gets tired of being a secret and insists on meeting his mom. But when they do, she (obviously) doesn't approve their relationship and demands that Riddle breaks up with us. And for our surprise, he actually does because he's scared and still is chasing after his mom's approval? You can decide if it has a happy ending or not!!
Sorry if this is too long, I don't usually send requests💕
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. I really loved your idea 💜💜💜. It was a bit rushed, sorry!
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Don't Want a Mama's Boy
You don't know when or how you fell in love with Riddle Rosehearts out of all people. It started after his overblot incident. At first, it was fixing your tie. Then he started inviting you to the unbirthday parties, sometimes he would ask you to go on a walk with him around the rose maze in Heartslabyul. Whenever you needed tutoring, he always helped you out. Not to mention he acted so softly around you. You don't know when his eyes started looking at you so fondly, you don't know when subtle touches turned more frequent, you have absolutely no idea about when his lips crashed against yours. Before you got to know anything, both of you were already head over heels for each other.
He decided to keep your relationship a secret. Well, at first it all seemed good. But, as time went on, you grew tired of hiding. You didn't understand what was there to hide. You loved him and he loved you, right?
The first one who noticed was Leona—well, of course he found out. This lion somehow figures out every single damn thing. Slowly, your other friends kind of found out as well. That's when you decided to come out. Because, well if people already figured out your relationship, that means you two really love each other, right?
Oh honey, just how wrong you were.
You met his mother and of course that witch ruined it all. What you didn't expect was, Riddle actually breaking up with you. Wow, really? It broke your heart. You were the one who was trying to heal him slowly, for heaven's sake!! After everything, you couldn't understand why Riddle is still seeking her approval.
"Herbivore, are you really going to be like this the whole day?"
Leona lazily leaned against you.
To be honest, no, you didn't want cry over the guy who wronged you. But, your tears just wouldn't stop.
"I-I just don't understand...? I thought our love is genuine and he-he just—
You couldn't finish your sentence. Leona sighed and snuggled closer to you, hoping that his warmth will bring you some kind of comfort. If Riddle couldn't do his job as a boyfriend then that's his fault. Leona wasn't blind or stupid. He knew how much you loved the red-headed boy.
Meanwhile, Riddle was doing no better. He absolutely regretted breaking up with you. Seriously, how did his mother even manage to convince him to do that? All he wanted to do was take you back in his arms.
So, that's why, that night he sneaked out of his dorm to apologize. He was willing to break every single damn rule this time, if it meant you will take him back. With that thought in mind, he knocked on your door. Ramshackle was as quiet as ever.
Well, you didn't expect him, that much was sure. You didn't want to see him either, that was also quiet clear from the look you were giving him.
"The heck do you want, Rosehearts?"
"My rose—
"I'm not your rose or anything anymore, so get to the point."
"(Y/N)... I-I'm really sorry... What I did was extremely wrong. I-I don't know what came over me... I was so scared. She managed to manipulate me...again... I—
"Well, guess what Riddle? I'm so done. You did it once and you will do it again if you were given a second chance. I don't want a mama's boy like you."
"No...No...! (Y/N), please...please..forgive me for just this once... Without you, I can't be me. You complete me my rose... I cannot imagine a life without you anymore. You are my light, (Y/N)... Without you, I'm nothing but shattered pieces of glass..."
He tears flowed freely. You could see the sincerity and fear in his eyes. He was hurt and guilty. Even though he dumped you just like that... for some reason... you juat couldn't stand seeing him like this... so broken...so defeated...
"Oh Riddle..."
You slowly stepped closer and he immediately threw himself in your arms.
You were probably making a risky choice there. But...you couldn't help but give him another chance. You will probably need a long talk with him. But, for now, you were going to let him hold you and cry his heart out. After all, love can be so forgiving at times...
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riseofamoonycake ¡ 7 months
Luna~ Maybe this is a Halloween request... Idk, but hear me out:
Platonic, romantic, one-shots, headcanons, drabbles... Anything! I just love this dynamic just like I love Gomez x Morticia.
Scientist x Witch is simply>>> ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🩷🩵🩶♥️❣️💓💕💖💝💞💗💘💟❤️‍🔥
Drink water, eat right, take care of yourself and remember that you are wonderful and much loved <3
And I'm sorry for sending so many asks T v T
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At first time, all the Science Crew doesn't know how to really behave with you: for a long time science and witchcraft have been considered similar and the members of the group do not have good memories for this, so they may keep you slightly at a distance or simply not knowing how to react in your presence. It's up to you and your nature to choose whether to get closer or remain distant, but know that as the Science Crew gets to know you, their prejudices and fears will fall one after the other, or in any case they will change their minds. They are not stupid and have good hearts, and so are you; so there is every possibility to improve interactions and relationships.
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Galileo Galilei
Galileo is by nature quite silent and shy, so initially he looks at you almost with suspicion, even if he doesn't harbor anger or annoyance towards you: it's simply his way of doing things, he needs time to let go. However, when grandfather Galileo realizes that you both had to bear the torment of Inquisition or had to fight with its ghost, his ways gradually become softer and he is able to sit next to you right away, and start talking to you about what you have experienced. If you have fears and traumas regarding what the Inquisition has done, he is the right person to vent to. And with which to torment those nice inquisitors.
After that, get ready for lots of nights spent staring at the stars and planets and talking about the universe; if your abilities allow you to recreate a miniature but complete solar system, which can be studied and investigated in every corner, you will literally never get rid of grandpa Galileo. Now that he has eternity ahead of him and can study and experiment as much as he want with galaxies, no one has the right to stop him. GO GALILEO, GO!
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Albert Einstein + Isaac Newton
They are the two with their heads in the clouds who take a liking to you quite quickly, also because, even if they don't show it right away, they are very curious to see your powers; so it's no surprise if they start asking you more and more questions and to show off your skills to them. Albert is the most direct and passionate in this matter, while Isaac is calmer and almost hesitant; but just a look at their faces is enough to understand they both can't wait to see this witch at work.
The questions that follow are exhausting, because every little detail is investigated and asked, and I can't even imagine how many times you have to repeat your spells; but it is certainly a quite funny moment, both for their reactions, involved and enthusiastic (or scared? Even if for a little while?), and because they then start talking to each other about what they have seen and end up ignoring you, completely absorbed from their calculations (your spells make them fill pages and pages of notes) and conversations that reach late into the night, if not the next morning. More than once someone from the group finds all three asleep together, obviously leaning against the poor Newton. Thank you for your sacrifice, Isaac.
As with Galileo, it is now difficult for you to keep them away from you.
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Marie Curie + Alfred Nobel
No one will be surprised if I say that Alfred is so kind and sweet that he is the first to approach you, followed closely by Marie: the father and mother you never had, you lost too soon or you didn't even think you could want, that's it, you have found them.
Alfred always welcomes you with a smile and a warm word, and Marie is no less affectionate and thoughtful; you are so young, yet you have proven yourself to be so powerful. It's not easy to manage everything, and even if you are strong, knowing that you can count on adults who are able to take care of you and willing to do so is a lot. In this family of scientists who, once the first mistrust has been overcome, welcomes you with all the madness and love you deserve, no one will object if you take Alfred and Marie as role models or safe refuges to go to; you are part of the crew now too, they won't leave you behind.
In terms of interest, then, both are not very far from Einstein and Newton, only more restrained: they observe everything, take notes, push you to give your best, and as far as they can they look for a way to increase your powers. The days in the laboratory experimenting are always fun, slightly more chaotic with Marie than with Alfred, but certainly positive for the heart and mood. Now the question is one: who will spoil who more, you with your powers capable of create everything, or them with all the gifts and little thoughts they will give you?
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Thomas Edison
This gentleman is immediately struck by your skills, literally speechless… but he doesn't show it. In fact, he even acts like a know-it-all and a superior man, telling you that it's easy for you to reach certain goals since you have magic on your side! Not like him and the others, who have to try and study and experiment for years and years! The headaches that this man gives you are countless, simply… YES, he gives you a lot of them. Even if deep down he greatly respects you and envies your skills and the confidence with which you govern your powers, and spends his nights writing down observations… and also thoughts about you as a person.
In fact, at a certain point he starts to oppose you for no real reason, just for the sake of teasing you and making you lose your temper: it's his way of showing interest in you, if he were neutral towards you he would ignore you. He can't do it, he has to make you at least a little angry, it gives him too much fun… and let's be honest, if he were completely indifferent to you, you wouldn't be so upset about it; and at this point, to put him in his place and show which of the two has power, you can clearly push him against the wall, grab his curls and kiss him to keep him quiet, because that's what he wants and asks for, or make him scream by showing off some harmless spell against him. GO GO, TAME THAT BRAT, the only thing he can do next is… thank you for doing it.
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Nikola Tesla
Well, now that you have a grandparent, two parents, a boyfriend, two supportive uncles… we're missing the friend: and that's why we're bringing Tesla into the picture. He is the quietest of all as soon as he meets you, but also the most unpredictable: and in fact after a second you find him around you, intent on studying your appearance, your aura, your voice, your posture and even the way you breathe. The next moment, more or less, an avalanche of questions pours over you, as well as comments of all sorts: why do you have these powers?, since when?, does this hurt?, and if I do this?, can you do it again? And you can't help but always please him: there is something that makes you smile without limits every time you look at Tesla, an air of complicity and friendliness that pushes you to let go and satisfy his every request, and to work together to him. Especially this: together with him you work like never before, on yourself and your abilities, on the world around you, on your mutual abilities. His extraordinary mind opens up so many possibilities for growth and he is happy to help you achieve the best, to make you become a better, more confident and skilled you. With Tesla you work hard, always and constantly, but you also get countless results, even on a human level; so much so that in the end you could become so linked by a relationship of friendship and solidarity that Tesla could even go so far as to ask you to be your best man when you and Edison get married, even if it then goes into crisis, because at this point who will be the Thomas's best man?
Just enjoy this family. Just love them all.
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yelenasdiary ¡ 10 months
Okay, I though of a head cannon for Yelena or Flo, (you pick). One of them helping the reader through a big family gathering because they know it gives them major anxiety. They subtly squeeze your hand as you walk into the party to let you know they’re there. They wink at you from across the room like “you for this”, and take every opportunity to brag about you to your family. 💜
Posting this early, you know why! I did this with Florence, I could see this being more a Flo thing! Enjoy 💜
Florence likes to remind you that things are going to be just fine, she'll drive you both to the party and of course, she'll hold your hand with her free hand the entire trip.
Any given chance, she'll kiss your cheek and whisper sweet nothings, reminding you that you're doing amazing.
If she sees you across the room talking to one of your family members and you lock eyes with her, she'll send a supportive wink your way along with mouthing "you've got this!"
She's close with your parents, especially your mother so you'd often find her helping her out with food/tidy up.
She loves to tell the story of how you both met whenever it's asked!
If a family member asks you a question about a topic that Flo knew you'd been stressing over, she'll kindly take the conversation and answer for you without it seeming like you can't talk for yourself.
She'll refresh your drink, keeping you hydrated of course!
She'll gently pull you close to her when she see's you're starting to get anxious and remind you that it'll be over soon and she has a treat for you after the party.
Mostly likely taking you out for dessert after the party on the way home.
Florence knows you're not big on talking about yourself or your recent accomplishments but she's so proud of you and will mention them anyways!
After the party, Florence can't help but tell you exactly how proud she is of you and tells you that she knew you could do it!
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mittensdragon ¡ 24 days
Tarot Card Reading! Where are you on your shadow work journey?
“How can I be substancial without casting a shadow? I must have a dark side too if I am able to be whole.” -Carl Jung
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Hello everyone! Welcome to today’s tarot reading! Hope you are having a fine day/night, week or weekend, month or year! All of the above. May the stars shine bright above you! May you be guided through the darkness!
As you read, pay attention to whether the information resonated with you or your life or not, if it doesn’t and you are confused then it’s a sign that pile is not for you. Nonetheless, thank you for your time, and if you’d like a more personal reading, visit my Etsy Shop.
General Tarot Reading
Specific Tarot Reading
Tips <3
Other sources for tips:
• Note: Please let me know if you will be sending a tip on CashApp or PayPal! :D
Let us begin!
Where are you on your shadow work journey?
Choose a pile.
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Pile One: The Princess
Hello pile one, I hope your day is going spectacular so far. Today we have for you Four of Wands in reverse, Two of Wands upright, and King of Wands.
So far, I want to say you guys seem like you want to get straight to the point. Give me my message now, is what I’m hearing. I feel like this pile is very, very lonely. For some reason, I’m getting the feeling that you struggle a lot with teamwork or in general asking for help from other people. Your shadow work journey has been all you so far, and you don’t want to ask for help because you feel like it’s not anyone else’s responsibility. “I don’t need anyone to do it for me” is what I hear.
You have a very authoritative presence and personality in general. It shows in all aspects of your life and it takes place in your spiritual journey as well. I feel like you may be very strict on yourself, you don’t want any imperfections. Maybe you know this, maybe it’s barely coming to your awareness.
You definitely have to let go of the idea that you have to be alone, and I can tell you’re very strict on that. As I was writing my phone wouldn’t stop all caps, so what I’m hearing is “I HAVE TO BE ALONE”, which is a very unpleasant place to be at. Things are heavy for you and because of this strict rule that you have placed on yourself you push people away.
From now on, you need to accept help. You need to accept the people that want to help you. Stop resisting the help that the universe sends to you. The Universe sends these people with love because it wants you to get better. There are things that are not meant to be done alone, especially shadow work, which deals with a lot of your dark side. If you dig too much into your darker side, you will get lost. There is light and dark for a reason. Its balance. You need balance.
It’s okay to let yourself be loved, it’s okay to accept help. Tell yourself these things, it’s okay to love yourself to embrace who you are and what you want. There is someone out there that wants to help you, you just gotta let them in. And allow them into what you’re dealing with, what you are working through.
One more thing, there are two people who seem to really want to help you. Masculine and a feminine. Prince of Hearts (Cups in Raider Waite) and Queen of Swords. It could be that these are family, or close friends that feel like family. One may be younger than you or seem to act younger than their age, I’m feeling a “younger brother” type of energy. And for the Queen of Swords, it’s more of an “older sister” or “caring mother” kind of energy. They may not be related or a specific gender, but it’s the kind of presence that they give off when it comes to you. I feel like you may have been closed off to them, and they are concerned about you.
I really just feel like telling you that it’s okay. Just keep telling yourself this, give yourself a hug and tell yourself, “it’s okay to let go of this barrier that I have. It’s okay.” And know that I am saying this along with you. 💜
Pile Two: The Witch
Hello lovely pile two, hope you’re day was absolutely wonderful and magical. I hope you find this reading helpful for you today. Let’s get started.
We have The Moon in reverse, The Chariot, and Eight of Pentacles in reverse. I get a very chill vibe from you pile 2, but at the same time you also have a “face your problems head on” kind of vibe. And it’s not a bad thing either. You are not afraid to face your shadow work head on, you charge in there like ZOOM!
But at the same time, when you cross a boundary you don’t particularly like you tend to back away. It’s almost like you charged fast into a dungeon at level 1 and run out because you’re literally one HP close to dying. If you don’t get this, all I’m saying is, you charge into your shadow work head on instead of taking it slow and being patient with the work. You end up tiring yourself out, and for some this could end up in burnout. Don’t do this. Don’t do this to yourself.
Now, as for crossing boundaries, The Suit of Pentacles usually has to do with finances and success, but not necessarily all the time. Unless you feel that you have a problem with spending, cause that’s what I’m kinda sensing. Maybe the boundaries you cross is spending too much money, and you’re like, “oh I have to have this, I have to have that.” Maybe the boundary that you are hesitant on crossing is spending too much for shadow work.
Because you feel like you have to have material in order to achieve this goal (which you don’t) and this is what’s stopping you from doing so. It discourages you. You have the energy and the motivation to do so but this is what stops you.
As for resources, there are plenty online, trust me. Don’t let people fool you into believing that you have to buy things in order to achieve your goal. And also, don’t charge head on into shadow work either. Take it slow, it’s a lot of learning, it’s a lot of practice. There are plenty of spiritual mentors on YouTube, go to whoever you resonate with. If you are a reader, there are online sources to seek as well. But all of this takes time, and it’s not easy either.
I feel a sense of ease, as if saying all this definitely made you feel less pressure. I hope it did. 🫶
Ten of Wands speaks of Oppression as it falls out with the card of Justice. I feel like it’s possible many people have put you down, and this led you to your shadow work journey. You have a fire in you, a burning passion to get better, to show everyone that you made it. That’s where this energy and motivation comes from. That’s where your drive stems from. And that’s definitely where you should start. “I will prove them wrong.” Is what I see here. You want to do this to prove that you can. And you will! I’m rooting for you.
Hopefully this resonates and adds ease to your minds, my friends. Take it easy on your journey and I send you all the love you need. 🖤
Pile Three: The Knight
Good evening or morn to you, pile three. Hope you’re having a wonderful day! Let’s get to your reading and hope this resonates for you!
Here we have Eight of Swords, Judgement in reverse, and The Fool. For some reason I’m hearing old, vintage movies and seeing a black and white man in a suit and top hat saying, “top of the morning!” So, either you like Jacksepticeye or you like old movies, whichever resonates. And if it doesn’t resonate then that’s okay too! This could simply be your energy, and I definitely feel someone energetic and maybe you like vintage stuff. If it is, then this could definitely be your pile. (This doesn’t have to resonate to be your pile though, so you can keep reading! :D)
You are stuck. You are feeling very stuck on your shadow work journey. With this Judgement card I’m getting “lack of Judgement” actually. Maybe your lack of judgement has made you feel stuck, it could be that you went into shadow work blindly with different people telling you different things. Or lack of research is what has you stumped. It seems this has stopped you, maybe you’ve started all this work and you found out something new and now you feel like you have to start all over again.
There is definitely a sense of frustration here, I literally hear someone going, “UGGGH, now I have to start all over.” And so you become The Fool, venturing off into the journey again like new. This is kind of silly, and I feel like you may be laughing at yourself or maybe people have made you literally feel like a fool because of this situation. Or you just feel that way in general.
I feel like there’s not that much to touch on here, like you already know what to do but you just don’t know where to start. Or, because you feel silly, you don’t want to get things wrong again. I feel like doing a lot more research would definitely help you on this one.
The Queen of Wands and Queen of Hearts both came up for you. This could be two people in your life or maybe qualities that you express. I’m getting “devious” and also “self-assured”. If these are people in your life, I’m not so sure you’d want to keep them around. I feel like they will be the type of people who get what they want, no matter how. And that is concerning and a very disrupting energy to have around. It makes sense that they would also be self assured, because they are confident in their abilities to get what they want. I strongly feel that these are people in your life that you need to let go, because they are holding you back from accomplishing your goals. And if YOU are expressing these qualities, then this is something you need to work on based on shadow work.
You probably are wondering, “that’s it?! That’s all I have to do?” Well, yes. Nothing is missing for you, that’s all you have to do. But it’s not going to be easy. Shadow work is so much more than letting go of people and becoming friends with your dark self. It takes time to rebuild that relationship, to rebuild that trust and bond with yourself. I know as a Knight that is something hard to hear, since you’re so used to just going in on a mission and getting it done. This is not like that. It’s much deeper. You may be feeling stuck right now, but trust me after you let go of what’s needed to be let go, everything will flow easy. Everything will release.
Take it easy, my friend. I hope this reading resonated with you! 💜
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shadowdaddies ¡ 7 months
would you write something for asterin x f!reader, where she tries to impress elide's servant friend?
Ahh anon!! This request made me so happy💜 I was in my feels after my last Manon fic, thinking about Asterin. I love her and love this prompt. I enjoyed writing this so much, I hope you enjoy reading it💜
Taking Flight
Asterin Blackbeak x Reader
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Your mother, Finnula, was Elide’s caretaker when you both were children living with Elide’s uncle, Vernon. As you were born out of wedlock and illiterate, you were told that you were lucky to get a position as a laundry maid after your mother passed. Sent to Morath with Vernon, you tried to keep your head down while Elide and you worked on a plan to escape. It was easy for you to blend in with all the other servants in Morath, and you’d kept a low profile for quite awhile.
That is, until you saw Asterin. She was the most beautiful person you had ever seen, but that was part of her allure. She was an Ironteeth witch, designed for killing. As much as you tried to avoid the witches who were training in the Ferian Gap, you noticed Asterin looking at you often. She would even smile at you when others weren’t looking, her black and gold eyes sparkling with something that resembled kindness. 
Despite everything you had been taught about the danger of witches, there was something magnetic about Asterin that drew you to her. She seemed different, and you found yourself letting your guard down more and more during those fleeting moments you had with her. One day, you were bringing her laundry into her room. You gasped when you saw her sitting on her bed, sharpening her nails. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you would be in here at this time. I’ll get out of your way,” you mumbled, backing towards the door.
Asterin merely smiled at you, clearly amused by your nervous reaction. “Don’t be sorry, angel. Actually, I was just about to go down to the warrens to see my wyvern, maybe go for an evening flight. Would you care to join me?” Your eyes widened. She had clearly noticed your interest in the beautiful beasts, and thought that might tempt you to go with her. Unfortunately, she was right. She patiently observed as you shifted on your feet, torn between your intrigue - both in her and the wyverns - and your instincts, which led you to focus on her deadly iron nails. 
Asterin softly laughed as she tracked your gaze, making a show of retracting the nails as she stood, brushing past you to open the door. “Come on, angel. I won’t bite,” she said as she ushered you through the door, grabbing your hand with a wink to lead you toward the warrens, “unless you ask me to.” You heard the witches could smell fear, so you put on your best cool facade as you passed several wyverns with their witches. One witch - who looked like a Yellowlegs coven member - gave you a suspicious glance which was quickly diverted after a snarl from Asterin. 
She stopped in front of a beautiful sky-blue wyvern, still holding your hand as she did so. The wyvern perked up, clearly happy to see Asterin as it seemed to notice your conjoined hands. It cocked its head, turning to look at you, and your heart stopped. Before you could back away, Asterin took your hand that she held in hers, gently guiding it to the wyvern’s snout, allowing it to smell you. “This is Narene, she is my wyvern mount for scouting duties.” You giggled at the feeling of the beast’s heavy breaths against your skin, noticing how Asterin’s face lit up at your laugh.
She guided your hand to the top of the wyvern’s head, showing you how Narene liked to be pet. Narene let out a sound almost like a purr, melting away any feelings of fear or discomfort that you had in that moment. Asterin turned to you, almost nervous-sounding as she asked if you would like to go for a ride. You didn’t hesitate to agree, sure that this would be the only chance in your life to fly.
Asterin looked like she could burst with joy as she set up a saddle for the both of you on Narene, gently guiding you by your hips to lift you up. She sat in front of you, turning around to buckle you into the seat. Fixing the straps, she whispered, “these will keep you from flying out of the seat, but hold onto my waist as well - for extra security.” You nodded, excitement flooding your veins, whether it was for flying, or your close proximity to the beautiful witch, you couldn’t tell.
Asterin leaned forward, softly squeezing one of your hands that rested on her stomach before yelling a command to Narene, who shot into the sky. Something between a scream and a laugh escaped you as you soared high into the air, Asterin’s blonde hair glowing in the setting sun. You reached a height where Narene leveled out, and you took in the sight of the mountains, jagged and snow-capped against the purple-pink sunset. You relaxed into Asterin’s body as she murmured something about her training with Narene.
She turned around to look at you, a soft smile playing at her lips. “Can I show you one of my favorite places here?” You eagerly agreed, suddenly longing for any excuse to spend more time with Asterin. She gave Narene another command, and the wyvern set off once more, flapping her beautiful wings against the wind as you approached a great canyon between the mountains. Asterin gave you little warning, turning around to yell over the wind,” hold on tight, and stay low!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Narene nose-dived over the edge of the cliff, and you were in free fall. Your stomach in your throat, you couldn’t even manage a scream as you plummeted towards the ground. You clutched Asterin so tight, you thought you might break her. But as soon as the fall began, it ended, Narene spreading her wings to catch the air beneath her as she gracefully transitioned into a swoop, heading back to the skies as you crossed the canyon. Asterin spread her arms wide, and you wished that you were an artist in that moment, so that you could paint her. This symbol of ethereal beauty, wild nature, freedom. So different from what you had learned about the witches. She let out a whooping noise, almost like a howl, and you followed with one of your own, the two of you laughing as you embraced the utter liberty of flight.
Narene flew lower to the ground now, over a small group of trees before gracefully landing in a meadow filled with wildflowers. Asterin helped you out of the saddle, her hands lingering in your waist a bit longer than necessary before striding over to lay down in the grass. You sat down next to her, the field you were laying in positioned at an incline that provided you a perfect view of the setting sun. As Narene flipped onto her back with a thud that shook the ground, Asterin laughed. “This is where she and her little lover, Abraxos, like to come for their alone time,” she said with a smirk before adding, “it is quite a lovely view.” 
You looked at her, again transfixed by how the gold in her eyes caught the sunlight as you whispered back, “quite lovely.” Asterin looked at you, held your hand in hers as she held it over her chest, almost as though she found it comforting. “Sometimes I need to get away from it all, too. I come out here, and feel real again. The coven leaders, they teach us that cruelty is power. I don’t want power, I want peace. I think it’s time for a change.” Her eyes flicked to yours at that last part, and you instinctively brushed a stray strand of hair from her face as you unabashedly admired her. This person who should not know kindness, but was overflowing with it. You leaned down, your lips hovering hers as your hand gently brushed her jaw. Asterin reciprocated, bringing her hand to your neck as she lifted her head, her soft lips brushing yours, and you realized that no matter what tomorrow may bring, this beautiful witch would forever hold a special place in your heart.
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legacyshenanigans ¡ 1 year
Can we have more info on Ophelia 👀
Does she ever visit the Den or participate in the things Aleister and Marvolo do? What was she like as a child; do either of her kids reflect any aspects of her personality?
Do you have any info in particular you’d like to share about her? I love seeing you talk about your creations 🖤
Of course! 🥹💜 I'd love to do a little HC info on Mother Gaunt! 💚
Ophelia Belladonna Gaunt
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As a child, Ophelia was a quiet girl. She kept herself to herself and was very close to her mother rarely leaving her side until her sudden death when Ophelia was only 13 years old, which affected her greatly. When her mother died, her father became distant and quiet, and the nice family life they once had was destroyed. She craved a family to call her own, more than anything, and knew from a young age she would be set to marry her 2nd Cousin (as per taboo family traditions) Aleister Morfin Gaunt. As soon as she turned 18, she did so, quickly falling in love with him. They lived together in the Gaunt Manor, along with Aleisters Father, who died shortly after their wedding, leaving the house to them. They went on to have Marvolo and then Ominis 6 years later.
Ophelia, though a kind woman to most, is not a witch to messed with. She's very intelligent and powerful, but humble, and doesn't like to use it without extreme warrant. She knows, of course, the dark and twisted things her husband and Marvolo engage in. She knows of the Den but does not go there.
When it comes to which of her boys share more traits with her, Both carry traits of their mother, in regards to looks, Marvolo takes after her a lot more than Ominis does, even sharing the large front teeth with his mother, though hers are slightly smaller than his. Ominis shares her softness and quiet nature and gets on with her more than he does his father.
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hekatean-path ¡ 3 days
Prayer to Hekate and the deities of the alter (the other deities I worship):
Mistress Hekate of the crossroads.
She who sees all as the triple headed goddess of liminal spaces.
Hekate, who domain reaches far,
To the sea, land, sky, and Underworld.
She, whose knowledge of magic and herbs has helped shape numerous witches and practitioners across the centuries.
Hekate, thank you for aiding me in my practice,
And lending me your shoulder when I needed someone to cry on.
Thank you for listening when I thought no one else would,
And guided down the path which allows me to grow as a practitioner and human.
Blessed Be, Mother Hekate 💜
Lord Thanatos,
God of a good death and psychopump.
Who accompanies the recently departed to the Underworld,
And who is there when we take our last breath.
Lord Thanatos,
Thank you for showing me that death is not scary,
That it is the transition from our world to the next.
Thank you for watching over my family members and pets who have passed.
Thank you for being there for them and accompanying them to the other side.
Lord Thanatos, Blessed Be 🖤
Lady Selene of the Moon,
Whose chariot pulls the moon across the sky every night.
Who watches over the sacred menstrual cycle and those who go through it.
Lady Selene,
Thank you for showing me that my sacred cycle is not something to be shunned or dismissed,
That it is sacred on a spiritual level and connects me to the divine.
Thank you for showing me that I am different depending on the stage of my cycle,
And that is OK.
Blessed Be Lady Selene 🤍
Lady Aphrodite,
Born of sea form and is the embodiment of beauty.
She who rules the heart of all,
And shows beauty in all.
Aphrodite, protector of sailors and goddess of war,
Whose passion and beauty causes and ends conflicts.
Lady Aphrodite,
Thank you for showing me that I am more beautiful that I have previously thought.
Self care comes in many forms,
And loving yourself is the greatest form.
Thank you, Aphrodite.
Blessed Be, Lady Aphrodite 🩷
Lady Nemesis,
Goddess of revenge and divine retribution.
Who judges all and passes judgement over all.
Nemesis, I have talked about for since I was a child,
I put my faith in you when I was wronged,
And you were there.
When I was out of line and wronged others,
Your justice was swift and fair.
Thank you for your lessons Nemesis,
Both my own personal lessons and those I have witnessed.
Thank you.
Blessed Be, Lady Nemesis 💙
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battyaboutbooksreviews ¡ 7 months
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🦇 Mooncakes Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❓ #QOTD Witches or werewolves? ❓ 🦇 A story of love and demons, family, and witchcraft. Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. She works at her grandmothers' bookshop, where she helps them loan out spell books and investigate any supernatural occurrences in their New England town. One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any town home. Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.
[ Find my review below or on Insta | Goodreads | Storygraph ]
💜 It's no surprise that this graphic novel was a Goodreads Choice Award Nominee in 2019. From hard-of-hearing Nova and her sapphic grandmothers to nonbinary Tam, this graphic novel is full of diversity and representation. The smallest details tugged at my heartstrings: the magical Black Cat bookstore and cafe (complete with SIX black cats [and I thought my two were a handful]), Tam's adorable little pointy ears and fangs, the Sailor Moon poster, Nova's colorful hearing aids, Nova's Young Adult book pics (I recognized a few!!), ALL the cozy fall vibes. I could go on and on. The friends-to-lovers queer romance is cute, Nova's bestie shipping them is adorkable, and the art makes me eager to watch the leaves change this autumn. There's no end to the cute and cuddly feels.
🦇 The story is a bit simple, unfortunately. I read Paper Planes by Jennie Wood this year (also brimming with representation) and beyond its focus on identity were examinations into poverty, racism, and bullying. Not every graphic novel needs layers upon layers for a good story, of course, but it seems like Mooncakes touched on topics it could have delved further into. Nova's parents visit her as GHOSTS, but the story never fully examines her grief (or the INABILITY to grieve when your parents can still visit you as phantoms). Tam makes a comment about their mother not fully accepting their wolf side or queerness; how does that lack of acceptance weigh on Tam? Instead of examining these issues, Nova and Tam decide to leave and start their own journey. I would love a follow-up to this story that delves into the emotional aspects of the characters, allowing the story to grow from Young Adult to New Adult.
🦇 Recommended for anyone looking for a light witchy read full of beautiful representation! For fans of Nimona, Pumpkinheads, Crumbs, Squad, and The Price and the Dressmaker.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🌙 YA Graphic Novel 💜 Queer Romance 🪄 Hard-of-Hearing Witch MC 🐺 Nonbinary Werewolf MC 🔮 Queer Witchy Grandmas 💗 Childhood Friends-to-Lovers
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greypetrel ¡ 3 months
Hello 💜✨ n.24 per tutti (o solo per chi vuoi)? 👀
Hullo! 💜✨
No no per tutti! :P It's interesting and it gives me the chance to think to so many new AUs... :P
Tis the prompt list
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Alyra: She would have left Alistair a Warden, given him the command before Witch Hunt, and then followed Morrigan through the Eluvian. She would have been happy then: she loves politics, but fundamentally she doesn't care. She does care for Morrigan and Kieran tho. She would have stayed in contact with Alistair, of course... I don't think she would have forgiven the Inquisitor for leaving Alistair in the Fade, tho. Not after Tamlen. And after that, it would have been back to politics and move to unstabilize the Inquisition. She would have been to the Exalted Council instead of Teagan, and it would have probably lasted way less. No Leliana to talk her down.
Raina: Uhm, for her it's either ditching her responsibilities whatsoever, learning sooner rather than later that her family isn't her responsibility, she's a sister and not a mother for them... And left as she intended to before Malcolm died. I kinda picture her getting in contact with the Hero of Ferelden and becoming a companion, maybe? Or, leaving Kirkwall to the Arishok, supposing that Isabela didn't turn back and just... Sent the Book back via Thedas-Amazon. She would have actually tried with the Qun, just to discover she would have fitted VERY poorly in it. And then run from the city and live as a fugitive, most likely.
Garrett: Take his money after the Deep Roads, return to Ferelden and buy a farm in the countryside, in a place forgotten and isolated, and live as a hermit cultivating pumpkins. He would have been content, or that's what he would tell himself. "Raina will be better if she doesn't have me to worry about.". Except she would have not, remotely. I can picture Raina actually getting killed by the Arishok, Leandra's death would have destabilized her too much to actually pay attention to it. He'd feel horribly, horribly guilty and isolate himself all the more. No family of his own, picture him living as Heidi's grandfather.
Aisling: I'll leave the most obvious one with Radha and indulge in another what if here. Plan the Lavellan detouring to Soundermount during DA2. She would have been sent to town to investigate on Merrill as a favour for Merethari (the two met in Arlathven and got fairly along, they thought maybe Merrill would listen to Aisling). Except... Aisling actually listened to Merrill, agreed with her. And stopped in the city becoming another companion for Hawke. She would have been fairly happy there, befriended everyone (if not romanced, I laugh at the idea she would have gone pestering her way into Cullen's friendship anyway, somehow), got known as a herbalist, became Anders' therapist (he knocks at her door at 3am, gift her a kitten as an apology. She lives in a hut with 20 cats, by now). I think she would suggest Merrill to come with the Lavellans after game, or just decide to stay with Hawke if she's needed there, according to how much approval she'll have.
Radha: She would have not switched place with Aisling and travelled to the Conclave herself. She would have been a firmer Inquisitor, surely. Would have exiled the Wardens, let Celene die and keep Gaspard on the throne with Briala actually controlling him (and Leliana instructed to keep all her spies on de Chalons, and cut down every contact he has if he tries something against Briala). She wouldn't have trusted Morrigan for a moment, and drank from the Well herself. I think she would overall be way less popular Inquisitor than Aisling was amongst the people, but more palatable for nobles. She wouldn't have been happy, tho: She would be frustrated in a role of command and under so many eyes. She will adapt, but happy? Oh, no. Not at all, she would hate the position to bits. Woudn't have disbanded the Inquisition out of pure pettiness, and become a more and more bitter and angry person as time went by.
I'll spare you Mass Effect shenanigans :P
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vilandel ¡ 25 days
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 17 – Moonlight Whispers
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A/N For anyone who needs fluff right now, this chapter is for you. It is probably one of my favorites I ever wrote for this story💙💜 Inspiration music for it was this amazing piece!
Ao3 link
“Is something on your mind?”
“You mean, other than you?”
Nozel chuckled at her question, which made Vanessa grin even more and cuddle closer to him. One of her hands were lingering on his naked chest, his arm was around her shoulders, holding her to him. They were looking at each other, unable to look away.
At least, Nozel couldn’t. Right now, nothing else existed in the world anymore than those rosewood curls, the amethyst orbs, that gorgeous smile.
It was a night of full moon, the silver light shining brightly through his windows, bathing them. It was impossible to find sleep with that much light, but the lovers didn’t care. Nozel wondered why he should dare fall asleep when Vanessa was right there? As wonderful it was to fell asleep while holding her, Nozel wasn’t really inclined to do just that. He couldn’t enjoy Vanessas presence while he slept.
He felt her slender fingers run softly over his skin. Nozel smiled. His free hand took hers, their fingers intertwined.
How strange it was that every part of her seemed to fit perfectly with him. Long ago, it would have wondered him, scared him maybe. He would have questioned it, trying to ignore that bliss.
But he wasn’t able to do this anymore. Nozel ignored if he lost the strength to fight against it or if he actually became stronger by being able to accept it. Maybe it wasn’t to know that. And even if it was, he didn’t care. He never felt such happiness since his mother died and after he fight so long against it due to his guilt and sense of duty, Nozel would rather be damned than falling back into this controlled, lonely and cold life he had before.
Right now, it was only them, in their own little world. No royal, no witch. No Silver Eagle, no Black Bull. Just them, lying in the moonlight.
Just Vanessa and Nozel.
If he could show himself at her side out in the open, it would be better. But for now, what they had was enough.
He never slept alone anymore since their first time. Vanessa was there every night. It didn’t matter if he asked or if she appeared unannounced, if she was already there waiting on the balcony or if they came back after spending the late afternoon together. They really couldn’t get their hands of each other. As if they were two halves of a whole. Or better, two wholes becoming an entirely new whole.
Nozel was still surprised how quickly he fell in love with Vanessa. He never believed that this was possible, but now, he had to take this into consideration. And at the same time, it hadn’t that fast, given that it still took him some time to get to know her and then to realize his feelings.
Maybe it was different for every person?
Every romance is different from one another, Nozel.
His mother had told him that once, back then when he was still a little child. He didn’t really remember why she had told him that and to which occasion. But it seems logical, as logic love could be.
“Actually, there is something I can’t stop think about…” Vanessa murmured, interrupting his thoughts. She was still tracing patterns on his chest.
“What is it?”
“Three days ago, I had a talk with Finesse… You know, Finrals wife.”
The royal wedding… When Finesse Calmreich married Finral Vaude. Nozel could never forget his one dance with Vanessa.
Did all truly started back then? And would he dance again with her one day? No, he will. This should be certain.
“Finesse told me that the two of you almost got engaged.”
“There was nothing between us I swear!” Nozel immediately replied, kissing her forehead, in an attempt to calm her down. But it was more to calm himself.
Vanessa giggled. “Silly eagle, I wasn’t concerned about that. It’s just…” her voice was now sad and somehow, a little bit upset. “They only planned to engage you and Finesse to mock you. At least, that’s what Finesse told me. After all, she has a poor health, so she told me that it’s very difficult for her to have children. And… well, since other royals disliked you and despite the fact that there was only four Silvas left…”
She understood the implication. He heard it in the hesitation in her voice and how she slightly clinged stronger to him. Despite how carefree she usually was, Vanessa already knew more about the world of royalty than she should have normally.
Nozel didn’t really liked it, as he didn’t want her to be corrupted by this complicated and chained world. But it was kinda inevitable, right? The moment she started to ask questions back in Spade, it was probably a matter of time before Vanessa learned the dark truth behind the golden tapestry of royalty.
At the same time, it was also surprisingly reassuring that she came to understand. After years of loneliness and dealing alone with so many problems, it was nice to have someone at his  side who could get it all. Heaven’s know how much Nozel probably needed that, without even realizing it.
Nozel hold Vanessa closer to her. He didn’t know if she needed it more or him, but holding her clearly helped.
“It’s true. Our engagement was mostly planned to, well, mock house Silva, especially through me. We Silvas have a history to die young or in celibacy, most of the time. To a point that there are only four of us left, today. Mostly, a lot of members of each royal house tend to dislike the other royal families on principle. It is stupid, but somehow, it had always been like this. Not so much in my generation, thankfully. But the older ones… Achilles Vermillion, the head of house Vermillion, is especially… Silva-phobic, don’t ask me why. I have given up to understand his reasons, it’s always so contradictory. And king Augustus… well, mock royals who struggle to ignore the problems within his own house is practically a discipline he excels with. It seems… fun to them to marry the still unmarried head of house Silva with a woman who practically couldn’t give him any heirs. But it was never a serious business. The king somehow likes his grand-niece and my father would have never accepted such a match. For me to marry someone possibly sterile didn’t fit well in his schemes, even if Finesse is a royal related to the king, and since he is well loved by king Augustus and lord Achilles, it probably wasn’t hard to convince them otherwise.”
“That wasn’t fair. It’s so disrespectful towards both you and Finesse! It’s not her fault she has a poor health. And you… why did they disliked you in particular?”
“Probably because I already made some mistakes during my first weeks as head of house Silva.”
“But… you were fifteen, you just lost your mother, you were grieving. You were too young.”
“Sadly, this never counted for most royals and nobles. In this world, marriages aren’t out of love and children aren’t normally supposed to be attached to their parents, so why grieving? When you became the Head of your house, you have to be strong from the start, no mistakes, no acting like child. It’s like another one of those stupid unwritten golden rules. Lord Achilles often compared me to my grandfather when I made a mistake in his eyes. Which is ironic, given how he and my grandfather always hated each other. Or to my father, who only married into royalty though. But he had nobles and most royals in the palm of his hand.”
“Is that a reason why you tried to be a perfect royal?”
“Yes… I’m not proud of it, but I only cared about what my mother left behind and to protect my siblings, not realizing I’ve made all four of us unhappy and hurt. I controlled every inch of my life to be a perfect royal by those standards, but it was never enough. Add to this that I was never a liar, I always tried to avoid contradiction. But lies and complots and contradiction are a norm within royalty and nobility. Looking back at it, it’s no wonder I made everything more complicated than they already were.”
It was nothing he was proud of. In fact, in was ashamed, especially considering how much his siblings were hurt and unhappy, Noelle in particular. So many reasons…
“Nozel, I won’t deny you made mistakes. But not the ones the other royals fault you with and for the rest, you were alone for so long, even worse, you were lonely, and hurt as much as your siblings. They were circumstances and honestly, considering everything, except being a super human, I don’t know how you could handle all of this perfectly. I know that I wouldn’t have done better if I were in your shoes. Given all you went through, it shows that you have a lot of inner strength.”
Vanessa shifted, sitting up so that she could look at him. Nozel was taken aback by her kind smile and the compassion in her eyes. All this time he thought compassion would just hurt him more and yet, Vanessa proved him again that it wasn’t a bad thing. It was actually soothing.
“I know you now, Nozel. I know you have a good heart, that you care so much. You never got the occasion to show it, but you always have it in you. In fact, it’s amazing that despite all the hell you went through, you still kept your good heart and your ability to care. You try to make up for your mistakes and you do it great. Your siblings have forgiven you, at least Noelle and Nebra. And I’ve forgiven you as well.”
“I wonder how you all are doing this. Forgiving me… I still have a hard time to achieve that.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re too hard on yourself. But I help you with forgiving yourself. You have been strong alone for so long, Nozel. Time for you to be strong with other people.”
Vanessa didn’t let him any time to reply, as she immediately leaned down to kiss him. Leaving Nozel no other choice than to kiss her back. It was soft as first, but their lips were soon dancing more passionately with each other, lighting again a fire within them, impossible to ignore.
The kiss was long, but of course had to come to an end when they needed to breathe again. It still didn’t stop Nozel to hold Vanessa firmly against him. Holding her seemed so natural, as if it was the solution to everything. Did she realize what kind of power she had over him?
“It’s somehow strange.”
“What, honey?”
“When you’re with me… Everything seems so simple and I feel so at peace. It’s like I don’t care anymore about my worries or more like they seem so tiny all of a sudden. It’s very agreeable, I won’t deny that. But…”
“You’re not used to it.”
“You’re finally relaxing more and be more at peace. It’s just something you definitely needed after all those hellish years, that’s all.”
“Still, I worry more when you’re not with me.”
“You’re still in a learning phase. I am too, after all. How can I at the very least support you if I know nothing about how royalty works?”
“You’re here, that’s so much already for me.”
“Hm, you still deserve more help than just my presence, as entertaining as it is.”
His chuckle was heavy when he shifted a bit to kiss her forehead. She was amazing and even that word seemed like an understatement.
Nozel never knew he could feel so at ease with someone and he couldn’t imagine it with anyone else but her. Maybe because no one else would make him feel that way. Because people weren’t her, people weren’t Vanessa Enoteca.
Her fingers were still tracing on his chest, contouring the scars left by the attack of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, his muscles, even his nipples. But she wasn’t giggling. If Nozel knew Vanessa, then this would mean one thing.
“You’re still thinking?”
“Well, you know, learning also implies some thinking. Even more if it concerns royalty.”
“And what were you thinking about?”
Vanessa didn’t answered immediately, just absently tracing patterns on his skin. It must some difficult subject, maybe. Like so many when it came to royalty. Nozel hold her closer to him.
“It’s just… Mimosas mother, she is your aunt. So, she was a Silva before her wedding.”
“Yes, she was.”
“Then, if this Achilles Vermillion is so against the Silvas, why did he let one of them marry into his house?”
“Politics between the Silvas and the Vermillions, maybe. Probably also to take one Silva away, weakening the rival house or just to spite my grandfather. If the situation had been reversed, my grandfather would probably would have handled the same.”
Nozel hadn’t been born when Océane Silva was wed of, becoming Océane Vermillion. She came as often as she could when he was still a small child. When his mother was still alive.
He remembered how upset his mother was about her younger sister married to another royal house. Not because she hated the Vermillions, Acier Silva wasn’t like that, never had been. She just hated that her younger sister had been wed off, to a house which most members wouldn’t care less about her, with a husband who was at best indifferent, chained to a house that wouldn’t let her bloom her potential. Acier and Océane had always been very close, even more so after the death of their three older siblings. Two uncles and another aunt Nozel had no memories about.
“This sucks, honestly. Did she try to still visit a lot.”
“Despite Achilles’ protests she always did. Especially when my mother was still alive. But afterwards… With how I was back then, her own grief for her sister, the state of house Silva and everything… the visits are now rare.”
“It seems to pain you, Nozel.”
He only nodded. He liked his aunt and it clearly hadn’t been easy for Océane either. She tried to help at first, but he had been a grieving stubborn boy and Achilles Vermillion would never have accepted that his house helped house Silva.
Maybe he should start changing this as well. He already tried to mend his relationship with his siblings and it was today much better with his sisters. As for his close Vermillion relatives, Mimosa never had been a problem and Kirsch… well, his cousin just had a bigger heart than at first glance, despite how much he loved himself and how many times he was a pain with his beauty speeches. Océane was their mother, always trying to help and one of the rare people his father was unable to make yield.
“Do you think I should reach out to her again?”
“If you want, then yes. With what you just told me about her, your auntie seems to be a really nice lady. I’m sure she would be happy too.”
Knowing OcĂŠane, she would truly would be. Another thing he never would have done before, but now he was ready for it.
Vanessa giggled, starting to give him a scalp massage. It was one of the many ways she used to make him relax and Nozel would lie if he would say that he didn’t enjoy it.
“You’re a bit more like a cat more than an eagle when I’m doing that. And just as cute.”
“Is there anything you actually don’t find adorable?”
“About you? There’s nothing I don’t find cute.”
His chuckle was heavy. He was almost disappointed when she stopped her massage, but since she snuggled again to him, he had nothing to complain.
“Did you hear anything about your father, lately?”
“Only that he’s at one of his own estates, somewhere on the countryside of the Noble Realm. If he could stay there for the rest of his life and stop all his schemes altogether, it would be the best for everyone.”
“Estates? He has more than one?”
“Yes. And all for himself. He never let his wife or his children into one of his estates. My mother tried to believe that it was because of some charity he was doing or something like that. But she was so long in a delusion when it came to my father.”
Nozel sighed. He loved his mother, he truly did. But one thing he would never understand was the love Acier had for Lac. Even though she started to had doubts after Solids birth and finally gave up on this one-sided affection when she was pregnant with Noelle, Nozel never dared to ask what she saw in her husband.
“Nozel… The marriage you talked about, back in Spade. You were talking about your parents, right?”
Nozel only nodded, amazed that she still remembered this after half a year. But then again, should it surprised him? It was part of the never ending surprise or miracle that was Vanessa Enoteca.
“Damn… and you seemed to have known the truth for very long. Given how close you were to your mother, it must have hurt you to see her treated that way with the love she had to give.”
“I admit it was hard to witness, yes. She even had no idea he cheated on her many times.”
“I was nine or ten years old when I found out. It was pure coincidence I saw a crying woman leave his chambers, one of the rare times he was at the palace. My parents didn’t slept in the same bedroom and their chambers were far away from each other. Probably on my father’s wish. For long, I had no idea that he was committing adultery. And then, it also took me a while to understand that it wasn’t just for lust. He used his affairs to gain leverage and power over those women, as well as their houses. Because all of them were nobles, of course. One day, I confronted him about it. Or at least, I wanted. The moment I mentioned it in front of him, he slapped me, telling me that I don’t understand the greater good in those things. If my mother hadn’t seen him slap me… It was their first fight and I think she started to have doubts back then. It wasn’t an easy time for her. Noelle was conceived around that time as well. I think my mother hoped that she would win my father back with another child. But due to the difficult pregnancy, she didn’t had the strength for her delusion anymore.”
“Damn… This is harsh. No wonder you hate adultery.”
Her words surprised him. But Nozel realized that Vanessa was right. He always hated when people cheated on their spouses, even in arranged marriages. Because of his father and what he did to his mother. And his mistresses, since he was using them. Nozel never knew any of them, never tried to find out who they were. Should he had to? They were victims just as much as his mother.
But it was true. A lot of things were now making sense. Like why he gave up on marrying himself of into a loveless marriage the moment he and Vanessa became lovers. Nozel knew that this kind of situation wouldn’t have stopped others to keep their lovers as mistresses while going through arranged marriages.
But not him. He loved Vanessa with all his heart, she deserved so much better than to be just a mistress, living in the shadows of a marriage, to be only with him for a few fleeting hours. No, Nozel would never become like his father and Vanessa would never become his mistress, no matter what.
“It’s hard to believe that you’re his son, honestly.”
“I still have some traits from him. People often say that I was a perfect mix of my parents physically.”
“I wasn’t talking about your looks. I was talking about your personality.”
Nozel arched a brow, looking at her. But Vanessa just smiled.
“It isn’t obvious, of course, given your past mistakes, how cold you seem to many, how subtle your actions are. But I know that you have way more honour than your old man. And despite you doing things the roundabout way, your heart is obviously at the right place.”
Vanessa sat up while telling him this. She smiled so brightly at him it seems that the stars fell into her eyes, while the sun and the moon find their way in her smile.
Nozel could only just look at her, stunned and touched by her words, processing the way she saw him. Vanessa giggled and leaned down to kiss him.
“You are a good man, Nozel. Don’t forget that.”
“I still have some difficulties to believe this.”
“We really need to work on your guilt issues. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you. And to make sure you’ll never forget that you’re a good man.”
She gave him another peck on the lips, before cuddling against him, on his chest. Nozel put his arms around her, holding her the closest he could.
He wanted this for the rest of his life. He wanted to spend the rest of his days with Vanessa at his side. He might have no idea how he could manage this and when, since their relationship was still young. He didn’t know yet if they would need to fight for her to become a royal or he would need to find a way to get rid of his royal status.
But Vanessa was practically his wish at this point and Nozel refused to give up on her without a fight.
He closed his eyes for a moment and all he saw was children. With silver hair, but also rosewood pink just like Vanessas or brighter shades of her colour…
Wait, stop! It’s way too early to think about that!
It was a nice thought, though. Still, Nozel had to hold back. They just got together, no one else knew about them and more importantly, he still haven’t properly confessed to her yet!
He would need to do that, eventually. Why didn’t have it done it already? Either the timing wasn’t right. Or he wanted to make it a special occasion, because it’s what Vanessa would deserve. Or maybe he didn’t need to.
And most of the time, Nozel wondered why he haven’t confessed to her yet.
“You know, one of the things I love the most about you is the bond you had with your mother,” Vanessa whispered after a while, again tracing patterns on his skin. He could hear the smile in her voice.
“How so? Most people who would learn about that bond would call me a mama’s boy, mocking me.”
“As if being a mama’s boy would always be such a bad thing. You’re not the kind of being spoiled rotten by your mother, being unable to properly grow and being pampered every minute. No, you’re the kind who is close to your mother, who wanted to help and support her, who loved each moment spent with her and she was definitely was one who was proud at you, who would have loved to see grow, be it strong, kind or just becoming the best version of yourself as an adult. I think it’s a rare thing, especially given how nobles are most of the time, not to mention royals. But she cared for you and your siblings in any way possible and you still have so much affection for her. It is something I really love.”
He heard her sigh, then added, “I already told you that I didn’t had a good bond with mine. It is reassuring that it’s not the case for everyone.”
“What happened between you?”
“You interested in it…”
It wasn’t a question, her voice was soft. But not like his question hurt her. It sounded like she was relieved he actually ask.
“I am. But you always seemed wary when it’s about the Witches Forest and I was afraid my questions would hurt you and-“
Vanessa put a finger on his lips.
“Another proof that your heart is at the right place… But I warn you, it’s not a happy story, although you probably guessed that already.”
“I did…”
“Well, you know, I don’t even know if the Witch Queen is my biological mother. I have some traits very similar hers, but I’m not the only witch to have those. I called her mother, but every witch also called her like that and for her, each witch was like her daughter, in a way. I don’t know how witches are born even, despite being one. I think it’s only teached when a witch got her grimoire, but I was already out of the Forest back then, so I never learned? Anyways, little witches are raised together by older ones, all together, a bit like a mix of nursery and school. Unless the Queen took a special interest in you, so you’re more or less raised by her. Which was probably my case, she took me in before I could even walk, apparently.”
“Because of your Fate-binding spell.”
“You guessed that right… The Witch Queen, my mother, is someone difficult to read. She seems to be on this world like forever. Not to mention that she is able to see the future. At least, I think so? I’m not sure. But it’s certain that she has amazing power, although it never seemed enough for her. I don’t know if she wanted more power for herself or if it was to protect her forest and her daughters better. But I know for sure, she foresaw somehow that I would get a spell that would bend Fate itself. She wanted it. And for that… she put me in a cage.”
Nozel flinched. He had no idea what to say, so he hold Vanessa more, as tightly as he could.
She told him everything. Those lonely years in the cage, her suffering, how Yami saved her rather by coincidence, how she joined the Black Bulls and never wanted to came back. How she still returned to the Witches Forest to find a way to save Astas arms and how she was ready to even go back into the cage for her squadmate, the battle that occurred soon after… and how she finally got the spell her mother put her in a cage for.
“It wasn’t anything like she imagined. To be fair, after all the fuss my mother made about that spell, I actually expected something… grander, maybe? But it was somehow far simpler. It’s not like I can changed Fate entirely with Rouge, he only works on the people I care the most about. Maybe if I train more, I can use it on more people? But it is a fact that I can’t bend Fate entirely. The Queen… I think this shock was so terribly big for her. And I know that compared to the family I found out of the Forest, she was nothing to me. We’re on better terms today, more or less, I can visit the witches in the Forest if I want, but… It’s not my home and I can’t really consider her my mother entirely. I think I moved on…”
“But it is still making you wary today…”
“Yes. I never realized it, but it was still hurting me. I tried to ignore it, but I should have known that I wasn’t completely over it. I fight against all kinds of cages and limits my whole life since I came out of the cage. I just never really realized it.”
“It’s not really a bad thing.”
“I know. But by ignoring my trauma, I think I never really came to terms with it. After all, Yami haven’t known the whole context when he saved me and I never told anyone. Heck, my own squadmates never learned it from me directly. Asta was even angry that I was ready to sacrifice myself so that he could use his arms again. I don’t blame him, though.”
“You sound unsure, honey.”
“I understand that Asta was upset at you. But if I were in your shoes, I would have been ready to do the same. As much as we dislike when others sacrifice themselves for us, we would do the same thing for those we care about.”
“You did that a lot in your life.”
Nozel just nodded. As wrong as he was with how he did it, he was still ready to sacrifice anything for his siblings, even himself. And now, there was Vanessa… How strange, he never realized that maybe Nebra, Solid and Noelle would be upset if he had to sacrifice himself for them. But they would be, his sisters especially would be very mad. Vanessa probably too, but she also could understand.
Talking seems to put things into a new perspective.
He heard Vanessa sigh, before she talked again, “It’s strange. I never dared to tell my squadmates about my past. And yet I was ready to tell you. But to be fair, you’re also the reason why I stopped ignoring what happened to me.”
“How so?”
“It’s subtle, but I think it started during our talk in Spade. You never talked about it, but you also never ignored your past, unlike me. Despite all your mistakes and your pain, you never turned your eyes away from them, you were working on making things better instead. I came to admire that, so that I stopped ignoring my own past. I even considered telling you about it one day. And I just did. In fact, I should thank you for giving me the push to move on.”
“Are you sure it’s thanks to me? I’ve never really moved on from my own trauma until recently. And it’s actually a lot thanks to you.”
“And still you were a reason for me to finally starting to move on. Also, I’m glad that I somehow helped you as well with your own past. We both helped each other…”
Vanessa shifted to give him a proper kiss. Nozel closed his eyes, enjoying her touch on his lips, how she tasted, how perfectly she seemed to fit in his arms…
Heavens, how much he loved this woman.
They make out and cuddle for a while in comfortable silence. The only light come from the full moon shining through the windows.
“I promise I will never put you into a cage.”
“I know you won’t.”
“How can you be so sure about that?”
“Simple. I love you.”
Nozel froze, still holding Vanessa tightly.
Those words. Those three precious words. She said it. She said it so simply. As if it was perfectly normal, the natural course of things.
They both sat up and he looked at her. Vanessa was smiling and blushing, her eyes down on the blanket. Was it new for her? She always seemed so full of joy and certain about so many things. And now, she looked like she was again that young little witch that just was saved from the cage, experiencing something new that made her happy but unsure.
He had to tell her back. He needed it and more importantly, he wanted it. Why was it so difficult to say three tiny little words?
But what they could mean had so many possibilities and for him, the meaning was so precious he couldn’t let it go. Nozel was done of letting everything he kept dear.
It was difficult to hold her gaze, but he had to. Nozel knew that if he don’t look her in the eyes while telling her those precious three words, he will regret it for the rest of his life. So, he cupped her face with both his hands to anchor himself, surprising her in the process.
It was hard to look her in those mesmerizing amethyst eyes, but to Nozels relief, this way it was also harder to look away.
“I… I love you too.”
The world seemed to froze, only Vanessa seemed alive. He saw emotions coming one after another in her eyes, changing the shade, like a kaleidoscope.
First, there was surprise, then the slow process of realization. At the end, there was joy, the most pure and the biggest joy he ever saw in his life, her gorgeous smile back on her lips in all its glory.
Vanessa practically jumped on him, making them both fall back on the mattress while kissing him senseless. It was overwhelming, but Nozel gave in immediately, holding her like there was no tomorrow.
He had no idea how long they kissed and made love again. A few minutes? Hours? Honestly, it didn’t matter. Maybe time stopped altogether for them, for this very moment. It was still night and the moon was still shining through the windows when they parted again, their bodies still as close as they could be and looking at each other. Exhausted, but happy.
Vanessa fell asleep first, her head resting on his chest. While running his fingers through her curls, one thought came to Nozels mind.
How he wished that his mother could have met Vanessa. Acier would have loved her, of that he was sure, and the feeling would have certainly be mutual. Nozel had no doubt that his mother would have supported him, even if his love happened to be a witch.
As sad as it was, it was a very reassuring thought and it made him even happy. Nozel finally fell asleep, happy and Vanessas rosy scent in his nose.
Yami tried to hold it a bit more. Just for a moment. Just enough to see the pleasure wash over Charlotte before it was his turn.
Just a second. He got a glance at his Prickly Queen moving under him and letting go, but that was all he got, as he wasn’t able hold back more and gave in to the pleasure.
Yami groaned as he rolled away from Charlotte and fell heavily next to her. The mattress made a strange sound, but he didn’t care. It was a bit frustrating that he couldn’t watch his girlfriend gave in fully to pleasure properly, as he always came immediately.
But why should he complain? The nights with Charlotte were just worth it. It was fair to say that it was now more addicted to her than gambling or booze – which surprised Finral, but for some reason Yami didn’t quite got, his wheels seemed relieved about it. Heck, the perspective of sleeping alone seemed now intolerable. The mere thought of not having Charlottes warm body next to him made his blood boil.
This was the reason why he now came every night at the Blue Roses base. He hadn’t slept in his room back at the Hideout for quite a time now. Charlotte did mentioned that she could came over at the Black Bulls base from time to time, but Yami wasn’t quite sure if this was a good idea. Not really because of the base moving thanks to Henry, but more because, well… it was impossible to have privacy back there. One of the rare disadvantages of the Hideout, he’ll admit. You were either alone when you were asleep (in your room, that is) or when you were taking a dump. Or during a bath, and only if you INSISTED you wanted a lonely bath. It was easier to have privacy within the base of the Blue Roses, so this was settled.
Not to mention that Yami still wasn’t ready to let his brats know about his new and still young relationship. It sucked already that Luck knew. But Luck was also Charlottes brother, he also knew how to hold a secret and in his own berserk way, he was very supportive. If only he could stop attacking him or asking when he would be an uncle.
So yeah, in short, if they wanted some beddancing, the Blue Roses headquarters were the better option. The only thing that sucked was that he had to fly all the way there by himself. Okay, he could of course order Finral to bring him, like he did for everything else. But first, that would have meant to tell Finral and Yami wasn’t ready for that. And second, Charlotte actually scolded him for using his wheels for every tiny itsy-bitsy little thing, claiming that Finral and his spatial magic were way more than just a transport. Which was true, even though Yami would never admit it and still use Finral as a chauffeur. But well, since he didn’t wanted for Charlotte to be upset with him, Yami had no other options than to fly himself.
But since he loved Charlotte more than to fly all by himself, it wasn’t that difficult of a choice.
Yami turned his head to look at her. Her blonde hair was all undone except for the cute braid, all over the pillow some kind all-head crown, her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. There was a hickey on her neck and another one on her breast.
Yami couldn’t help but grin. He actually adored leaving those marks on her and given that Charlotte’s clothing style was the complete opposite to Vanessa’s, he had the full liberty to leave hickeys all over her body. Prickly Queen protested at first, but her protest had been more a formality than anything else.
Her blue eyes were closed, but she had the most gorgeous smile on her face. Really the most hot and beautiful woman in the kingdom. Her smiling that way… Damn, he must be really good. She was as well. For someone who never had any sex experience before him, she was a true goddess in bed.
“Wanna go for another round, Prickly Queen?”
“Yami! We just finished this one not even half a minute ago! And that was… our second round for tonight.”
“Yeah, if you ask me, that was still not enough.”
“Just kidding, Prickly Queen, just kidding.”
Charlotte turned towards him, frowning and a knowing glance in her eyes, clearly seeing through the lie. Yami sometimes wondered if she was able to read Ki, unknowingly. But it was probably more due to the fact that she seemed to know people well and was able tell immediately if someone was telling the truth or not.
Probably a needed talent when you dealt with nobles almost every day. She didn’t really need Ki for that.
“Okay, okay, I’m halfway kidding… I think?”
“You think…”
“Don’t be so harsh, Prickly Queen, you break my delicate little heart of glass, ya know.”
This had the result to make Charlotte burst into laughter. “Delicate little heart of glass? Seriously, Yami!”
“What? It’s true! This godly body here might be buff like no one else, but the heart is tiny and fragile, I wouldn’t be sensible otherwise.”
“You act like buff hearts can’t be sensible. But they are and I think that in some cases, they even have more sensibility than the most fragile glass hearts.”
“Oh, you can be good at poetry, Prickly Queen.”
“Better have to… I recall that you’re actually pretty solid when it comes to arts.”
“Good memory there. But I’m not that good, poetry is all about writing and reading, not really my style.”
“I saw that in your handwriting.”
“Seriously, again? I don’t know if my delicate little heart can’t take another break, your cold and thorny majesty.”
Charlotte laughed, making Yamis heart racing in his chest. He loved that sound, such a shame that he haven’t heard it during all those years he knew her. If he had known how crystal-like that sound was, he would have tried to make her laugh from the start.
Since they were a couple, one of his favourite things to do was to make Charlotte laugh. And when they were alone, it was actually quite easy to do. Once it was just the two of them, or also when Luck was present, when Charlotte could let go of her metaphorical armour and leave all duties and captaincy behind, she was way more relaxed and easy to make laugh.
Sometimes, Yami tickled her, a habit Luck immediately took on as well, but he prefer to say silly and funny things to make Charlotte laugh. Those were when her giggles were the most gorgeous.
“Did you try to make orders within your reports and paperwork?” Charlotte asked after she finished laughing, cuddling up on his chest.
“Yeah, sorta. You gave me good tips, but it’s still a pain in the ass.”
“Hey, you asked me for help, so don’t complain!”
“Yeah, I know, I know, I’m not allowed to put it on future Yami’s problem. Poor Finral had a heart attack when he saw me do paperwork yesterday. But it’s still a pain, since I don’t have an office.”
“You… don’t have one? The Black Bulls doesn’t have a captain’s office?”
“Yeah, we don’t. And given that even Jack, that jerk of beanpole has his own captain’s office, seems that I’m the only cap missing one. Which sucks. Usually I read some reports while taking a dump, but now I really need to talk with Henry about making a room for an office.”
“But the Black Bull’s base has a lot of empty rooms. At least, it’s what Luck and Vanessa told me. Can’t you use one of them instead of bothering Henry?”
“Crap, I haven’t thought about those rooms. Maybe… Nah, they’re all dark and cramped and a pain, not to mention dark. I’d rather have Henry made a completely new room for me.”
“Aren’t you a bit lazy for just letting others do something you could easily have done yourself?”
“Come on, Prickly Queen, why do you sound like a mom?”
Charlotte chuckled again, but it wasn’t like before. It felt heavier. Yami immediately frowned, automatically starting to stroke her hair.
“Something wrong, Prickly Queen?”
“It’s fine… Just, when you said I sound like a mom… It reminded me of something that happened three days ago. It’s on my mind quite often.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Well, it’s about my mother.”
“Did she tried again to engage you to Braids or Hard Nose?”
Yami knew that he had no reason to be jealous of his two royal colleagues and it was more Charlotte’s mother who wanted that, not them. But that stupid jealousy and the insecurity that comes with it made him rather over protective over his queen.
“No, it’s not about that. In fact, she wanted to apologize to me and she told me… some things about her life. Secrets she kept for herself for too long. It ended for me to have compassion with her, after what she went through.”
Okay, this had Yamis curiosity and he couldn’t help but worry a bit. Of course he would, since Charlotte seemed to take this at heart.
“Wanna tell me?”
“It’s a bit of a long story.”
“Well, we have time and it’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
Even though he would prefer to make love to Charlotte again or making her laugh, Yami could wait. He would be a bad boyfriend if he was only with her for the fun and to ignore her worries or to not share them.
They both sat up on the bed and Charlotte started to talk. “My mother actually wasn’t a virgin when she married my father.”
“Wait, isn’t that-“
“Unusual for a noble lady in an acceptable age to get married? I know. Before you ask, it wasn’t with my father. After all, they don’t love each other, never did, never will. She did it with a peasant…”
It took a while for Charlotte to tell the whole story. Not because Yami interrupted, at least, not only. But mostly because it really pained her, feeling terribly for her mother.
To be honest, Yami slowly started to feel bad for lady Orchidea Roselei as well. That woman didn’t had an easy life. Never been able with her true love, difficulties to have more children than Prickly Queen despite wanting more, married to a jerk who cheated on her, another jerk slept with her when she was down and drunk, using their one-night-stand as leverage. Worse, that jerk was the father of Noelle and Braids.
At least, it was fair to say that both didn’t want to have anything to do with their old man. Noelle only met him twice or trice in her life and while Nozel had a stick up his ass, he still had enough decency and what his father did was something he never would tolerate.
Actually, maybe Yami should pity Nozel. At least a bit. Having that jerk as a father while losing his mother this young surely wasn’t easy. Woah, for the first time, he could actually relate a little for Bird Braid. But well, details.
More importantly…
“Crap. Your mother had it rough.”
“You can say that. I feel bad to have stand up to her like this two months ago.”
Yami immediately cupped her face.
“Don’t say that. You needed that. At least, it helped your mom to actually get a grip on herself again. At least, she wanted you to be happy, not to use you for some bullshit alliance or something.”
“Still. Given the circumstances, I would have preferred to stand up against someone else. Like my father. Or my bitch aunt Rosamund.”
Yami grinned. Charlotte only started using curse words recently. And only when they were alone. Seems like his bad mouth started to rub off on her and in his humble opinion, it made her actually sexy.
“At least, mother got a heavy burden of on her shoulders. And more importantly, her heart. Maybe she needed to tell it finally, in order to have peace.”
“How does she cope?”
“Hm, she was never a rebel and she can be very sensitive, so I don’t know. It was already a lot to tell me all of her secrets. I will support her, of course. But it would still take a while for my mother to finally move on.”
“Moving on needs time. But with what you told me, yer mom’s might be on the right way.”
Charlotte smiled at him, making his heart flutter a little lot. “Thank you for your compassion towards my mother. I know how you feel about nobility and you’re honestly right. But it’s still nice that others than me can feel for her.”
“Your mom went through a lot of bullshit and given the squad I have, it would be dumb of me to not feel bad for her. Heck, if I had met her, I might would have threw a Black Bull robe at her.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me. Speaking of Black Bulls, I told her about Luck. She would love to meet him one day. With what I told her, she looked like she would love to adopt him, somehow.”
“What, really? Hey, I don’t give my brats away! Bad enough that a royal married my wheels, even worse that Finesse is too kind to be mad at!”
“Just kidding, Prickly Queen, just kidding. But seriously, is yer mom wants to meet Luck, ya can take her to our base at your next visit.”
Charlotte didn’t answered, but the joy and relief in her eyes said enough of her gratitude. That look was so beautiful on her that he had to kiss her. Charlotte immediately gave in, letting their lips and tongues dance.
“Does your mom also know… about us?” Yami still had to ask, as they ended their kiss.
“Well, she knows I have someone. But she asked me to not tell her. My mother doesn’t trust herself yet with that kind of knowledge. But she promised to support me, no matter what.”
That was some good news. Yami knows that parents supporting their children for love within nobility was a rare thing. Thankfully, Charlotte got this and Yami was happy for her.
He just hoped he wouldn’t need to impress lady Orchidea too much, as it was a pain in the ass to keep up a façade. Then again, given how his potential mom-in-law had been in love with a peasant, she might be open minded.
Hopefully, her life would be happier from now on. She could be a nice grandmother. With kiddos with either black or blond hair on her lap…
Wait, why was he thinking about that? It was still way too early.
“So, about that third round,” Charlotte suddenly said, interrupting his silly thoughts about grannies and kiddos. “If you let me lead, you’ll get it.”
Yami grinned. Oh, she gotten pretty bold since they started their still secret relationship. Prickly Queen still blushed from time to time, but she got confidence and that made him really thirsty.
So, Yami fell on his back, letting Charlotte climbing on top of him and looking down at him passionately in love. Gosh, he certainly would fight to be with her and that would never be future Yami’s problem.
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simonxriley ¡ 10 months
OCs As 'Evil' Women In Mythology/Folklore.
I was tagged by the wonderful @corvosattano to take this uquiz for some of the kiddos. Thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @nightwingshero @chazz-anova @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @jinfromyarikawa @shegetsburned @voidika @leviiackrman @chuckhansen and anyone else that wants to do it!!
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In Greek mythology, Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus. After the quarrel between her brothers ending in them both being killed, Antigone is determined to bury Polynices despite King Creon's wishes, and is punished. For defying Creon's wishes, she is sentenced to be buried alive in a tomb. You are, above all, resilient. You have known grief in your life, but you face your trauma with your head held high. You are immensely strong, intelligent, and passionate. You don't believe in irony or indifference. You are brave and inspire awe in those who closest to you.
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Baba Yaga In Slavic folklore, Baba Yaga is a supernatural forest witch who usually appears as a decrepit old woman. She varies between acting as a benefactor and a villain, either helping the hero of the Slavic myth or hindering them. Baba Yaga is also cast as a Mother Earth figure, having an influence on the natural world. You are multifaceted and adaptable. You show many faces to the world depending on what is needed. You are very driven and have an incomparable presence in the lives of those closest to you. You may have difficulties with the way people see you, but those who love you can attest to how good a person you are.
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Medusa is a gorgon in Greek mythology who has the ability to turn men to stone and is beheaded by Perseus. Different versions of her story involve her being impregnated in the temple of Athena by Poseidon, then turned into the legendary monster by a vengeful Athena. Her name comes from the ancient Greek word for "guardian". Like Medusa, your legend precedes you. You are well known and beloved by those in your circle. You have known pain in your life but you're resilient and have come through the other side all the more loving and kind. Love is important to you, whether the presence or the absence of it. Those closest to you know you as warm and strong.
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Morgan Le Fay
Morgan Le Fay, also known as Morgana, was a sorceress in Arthurian legend. In many legends, she is portrayed as a witch who can fly and change into shapes. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Vita Merlini (c. 1150) named her as the ruler of Avalon, a marvelous island where King Arthur was to be healed of his wounds, and it described her as skilled in the arts of healing and of changing shape. You are extremely versatile and adaptable. Like Morgan, you may change parts of yourself to suit the current situation. You are multifaceted, but you don't always let people see your complexity because you fear judgment. You believe yourself to be a bad person, but those nearest to you find you warm, loving, and kind.
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oathofkaslana ¡ 7 months
was just rereading your predictions/hopes for endgame content and I was wondering about your views on the Tsarista right now? Sincee (like you pointed out) she’s very likely a bronya Expy; you probably know the most bronya lore out of anyone ive ever known— so do you have predictions/theories for how her arc is gonna go in accordance to hi3 or even GGZ bronya?? 💜💜💜
bronya's arc in hi3 is verrry tied to humanity and emotions so im not very surprised that they made her an archon of love and the archon with. potentially the most loyal nation to her. (also semi-unrelated but it really reminds me of her chronicles where she has to piece herself back together in her dreams and the other parts of her are characterized as evil witches of other kingdoms. a lot of those chronicles deal with bronya finding agency within herself to deny the belief that she's destined for war and loneliness. AND because i find that hsr is easier to compare to genshin because they're both more fantasy than hi3, from what my dear friend told me! bronya is a princess in star rail who accepts the ruling position over her planet(?) after her mother betrays them and dies. she shoves aside her own grief and betrayal for the sake of her people and lies about her mother's crimes so as to not break the peoples hearts.) putting this together w what we already know i think the tsaritsa's arc will be dealing with almost the same things.. i feel like gnoses could be tied to the agency theme in bronya's story (seeing as theyre literally given by celestia and something stolen from the dragon sovereigns) and ofc. the emotions. x-10. etc etc. like all the other archons i don't think she has bad intentions. i think she has her own specific reasons and i think she does harbor a love for people even if it isn't currently being displayed the same as it was before. i wonder if they're gonna do an x-10 reference...... but maybe it being the passing of cocolia? hm..
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cancerian-woman ¡ 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
thank you!
Just going to bullet point recent ones for now!:
dear little witch: Bonnie Bennett has held plenty of titles. A daughter, friend, teen witch, and a former wife. The most important one to her now was mother and business owner. She earned this life for herself and would be damned if she lost. A witch’s premonition is nothing to ignore. Bonnie values her life away from Mystic Falls and returning wasn’t likely for her until her daughter’s safety was compromised. The Salvatore Boarding School would change everything for the Bennett witches. Secrets will unfold and time can only tell what’s to come next. Hope Mikaelson won’t be the only one with her world turned upside down. Family is forever, whether anyone likes it or not. Everything is done in the name of family. -an au of TVD/TO post season 8 & 4 of TO.
love lies: Between planning a wedding and helping her cousin find her missing lover. Bonnie had her hands full and just hoped they could make it to the altar in one piece
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