#maybe next time though because.. yum
weaksspot · 1 year
early seasons bath time for @demongirlmeg :-) (read on ao3)
Dean’s arm is fucked up, worse than just tape-a-plastic-bag-over-it-and-shower-anyway fucked up—his wrist and several fingers got smashed pretty bad and a whole lot of skin got torn off when he was dragged what felt like a hundred miles an hour down a stretch of asphalt by a screaming spirit, so now he’s all wrapped up in splints and bandages and a course of antibiotics to counter any infection from the god damn dirt and gore that got smeared into the road rash—and Sam is trying to wrangle him into a bath.
Because of course they got the motel room with the busted shower, and of course there aren’t any other rooms available. Of course they got the last one.
“You cannot get into bed like this,” Sam’s saying, in that voice he uses when he thinks Dean’s being bratty. “You’re filthy and you stink, Dean, and you have to let me clean your face up anyway. You’re still bleeding.”
“It’s a head wound. Head wounds do that,” Dean says, churlish. He knows he’s whining but he can’t help it; he’s woozy from the adrenaline of the hunt ebbing out of him and from the painkillers the nurse gave him. The side of his face is glowing hot where the skin is all raw. He had to let Sam drive them back to the motel. He wants to go to sleep.
“Look—I’ll put fucking bubbles in it, if you want, but you need to take a bath.”
Dean groans.
He looks up at Sam, standing over him, his too big baby brother, arms folded and eyebrows raised.
“I’m serious.”
“I ain’t a stray dog.”
“Well, you smell like one,” Sam says, and reaches out and gets his hands under Dean’s arms to haul him up, and there’s no fighting him.
The bathroom is blurry with steam, the air hot. Sam crouches down and unties Dean’s shoelaces for him and then looks like he’s about to go for his belt too so Dean kicks him with his socked foot, scoots him back across the tile a little bit and Sam just snort-laughs and says fine, if you think you don’t need my help. Dean fumbles his belt and jeans open himself, one-handed, and waits for Sam to slide round and face the other way before he actually strips. It’s not that he’s self-conscious. Obviously not. Sometimes it’s just—sometimes it’s just.
He makes it to the bathtub all by himself, leans hard on his good hand as he lowers himself in. It’s almost too hot. Just this side of bearable. Sam looks over again when he hears Dean sink up to his neck, groaning. His fucked up arm dangles useless over the edge of the tub, now and then producing a warm throb of pain.
“Good?” Sam sounds so pleased with himself, the little fucker. Dean closes his eyes and lets the water lap at his chin and doesn’t answer.
Sweetheart that he is, Sam sits there quietly and just lets Dean soak for a good five minutes before he says anything else. But then what he says is: “I’m gonna wash your hair.” Dean’s eyes snap open, and he stares over the side of the tub as Sam shifts onto his knees and shuffles across the scant space.
“I don't need you to wash my damn hair,” he says, but he takes so long to say it that Sam is already shrugging out of his flannel, leaning his elbows onto the edge of the bath. Dean surreptitiously closes his legs where they’d been splayed open, mindlessly comfortable.
“You gonna do it yourself, with one hand?” Sam has his eyebrows raised like he’s being perfectly reasonable. Dean scowls at him.
“Of course I can do it with one hand,” he grumbles. “Just—” he struggles into sitting up a bit more, skin squeaking on the plastic, and sticks his hand out. “Gimme some soap.”
“Shampoo,” Sam corrects him. One eyebrow goes a little higher than the other.
“Whatever. Jesus. They’re the same thing.”
It’s the heat of the water, and of the torn skin, that’s making Dean’s face so warm. Not how close Sam is, kneeling there fully dressed while Dean’s just. In here.
“No they’re not,” Sam tells him, all calm, but there’s a bit of pink in his cheeks, too. In the tip of his nose. He’s the only person in the world that Dean’s ever seen who blushes in the tip of his nose, like he has a cold.
Still—Sam produces a little travel bottle of shampoo, holds it up and squeezes a blob of it into Dean’s hand like he’d asked, and then sits back and watches the ensuing pathetic attempt to scrub it into his hair. He does it, but, Jesus—with the painkillers and the ache in his shoulders and sheer exhaustion, it’s hard. Dean drops his sudsy hand into the water and lets his head clunk back against the bath and glares at the ceiling. Shampoo trickles into the scraped up side of his face, and it stings.
After a minute, Sam says, “You gonna let me help?”
“No,” Dean mumbles. Then he closes his eyes again, and says: “…fine.”
There’s some quiet shuffling beside him, and then Sam’s hand, gentle, on his forehead. Smoothing his hair back, and then—scrubbing, at the crown of his head, just like Dean does himself every time he washes his hair but God, it feels real different when it’s someone else. When it’s Sammy. Dean drops his chin to his chest, eyes tight shut, teeth pressed together, but he can’t do anything about the shiver that goes through him when Sam’s nails scrape softly behind his each ear, over the nape of his neck. A fingertip running along the curve of his ear where blood had stuck and dried.
“Okay?” Sam asks, real low. Real close.
“Shut up,” Dean whispers into his knees.
“Put your head back,” Sam murmurs, and Dean does but slowly, reluctant, eyes still closed. One of Sam’s big hands comes up to cup his hairline, keeping the shampoo from getting into his eyes, as he scoops up palmfuls of water with the other to rinse it out. It’s so careful, so gentle, and it’s exactly what Dean used to do for him when he was little, too little to do it himself. For a second he can’t breathe quite right.
Sam’s hands fall away and Dean opens his eyes. His brother is just sitting there leaning on the edge of the tub like everything is fine and normal, except that his face is almost as red as Dean’s own is.
“We used to do this the other way round,” Dean says. “I used to wash your hair.”
He feels lightheaded. From the painkillers, probably. The adrenaline. The way Sam is looking at him, too steady. Sam’s t-shirt is damp and sticking to his chest. “You had so much damn hair. Never let anybody cut it ’cept me, and when I did you used to scream bloody murder if I snipped off more than the tiniest goddamn bit.” He’s rambling. He shuts his mouth.
Sam is smiling, just slightly. There’s a little smear of blood across his left cheekbone and in this light his eyes look dark. “I remember.”
Sam nods. Still looking at him with all that focus. Dean watches him suck his lip between his teeth and feels his dick twitch. He looks away. Breathes out slowly.
“Dean.” Sam’s voice is low and rough.
Dean shakes his head and doesn’t look at him, can’t look at him, because if he does—if he does. He lifts his not-fucked hand out of the water and rubs it over his face, squeezes hard at his temples. “If I don’t get out of this tub in a minute I’m gonna pass out and drown.”
His brother doesn't say anything for five unsteady breaths. Dean counts them, for something to concentrate on. Then he moves, stands up, and Dean keeps his eyes forward, right forward, does not even think about how if he turned his head he’d be at just the right height to—
“I’ll get you a towel,” Sam says, and Dean swallows the spit that's gathered under his tongue, and mumbles, “thanks, Sammy.”
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godsfavdarling · 1 month
kissing him
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part of him (one-shot series), my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader summary: You and Spencer are taking things slow, and kissing him might be your favorite thing in the world. words: 700 warnings: kissing, anxious/sensitive reader, no y/n a/n: a quick little thing I wrote when I woke up! a little treat! I'm imagining early seasons Spence but you do you! I'm not gonna yuck anybody's yum!
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You and Spencer had been dating for a while. Your relationship was built on cute dates, always doing something fun—museums, bookstores, parks, movies. Whenever he was home, he made sure to spend as much time with you as he could. 
You both took things very slowly because Spencer knew how anxious you were about being in a relationship. Sharing your days and yourself with someone else was overwhelming, so he never pushed or rushed you. 
Most people who saw the two of you might have thought you were just friends. 
It wasn't until you found yourselves in a larger crowd that Spencer would strategically place himself behind you—1) to not lose you, and 2) to make you feel safer. He’d place his hand on your back, barely touching it, but you could feel it, and it made your stomach do cartwheels. 
You hated how sensitive you were. You wished you could be the opposite—bold enough to throw yourself at him and have a hot and heavy make-out session. But you weren’t. You needed time, and he wanted you to feel good with him.
The light touches gradually transformed into soft hugs and holding hands. If it was too hot outside, you’d hook your pinky around his, which he loved. It always made him smile, even though he tried to hide how giddy it made him feel. 
On the metro, you’d always hold hands, not just to avoid losing each other, but because Spencer knew how much you hated fast-moving crowds and the creeps who sometimes occupied the trains. So, he’d squeeze your hand whenever he sensed you feeling uneasy.
Your first kiss was something you still weren’t sure who initiated. Was it you, looking at his lips as you said goodbye after a movie date? Or was it him, noticing how you were looking at him and slowly closing the distance between your faces? Maybe it was both. In the end, it didn’t matter. The kiss was soft and sweet, just like you had imagined it. 
The moment his lips touched yours, you felt him shudder and inhale deeply, which made you somehow cling to him even closer. You often forgot that Spencer was as inexperienced as you were. 
Suddenly, his hands were on your waist, holding you gently, and your hands were on his cheeks. Then he slowly pulled away and looked at you. Oh god, the way he looked at you—as if you were the most divine creature in the universe. And he probably saw how you looked at him, dumbfounded, trying to process what had just happened. He smiled, kissed your cheek, and said goodnight with a promise to call tomorrow.
The kisses grew more casual and soon became a normal occurrence. Kissing Spencer became as natural as holding his hand (or hooking pinkies).
It took months for the two of you to have a proper make-out session. You were on his couch, and it might have been your fault—you couldn’t stop thinking about him, about kissing him. He even wandered into your dreams.
The movie was on, but you had no idea what it was because you kept glancing over at him, your heart racing. You tried to focus and just enjoy the evening, but you couldn't. He looked so pretty sitting next to you, completely absorbed in the movie with his brows furrowed. You were in such awe that you were startled when he turned and asked, "Why are you staring like that? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, no you don’t. Your face is... just... pretty," you replied.
He blushed and said, "Your face is pretty."
You didn’t know what came over you, but right then, as he said that, you pressed your lips against his. Before you knew it, your hands were in his hair, his hands were on your hips, and you pulled him onto you as you both fell back on the couch. He opened his mouth, letting your tongue in. 
He tasted so good, so sweet. 
You loved kissing Spencer. You had always wondered what kissing someone like that felt like. What was all the buzz about? It’s just kissing, and if you thought about it too much, it was frankly kind of gross, but now, with Spencer, you understood the buzz. This was your favorite place to be.
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kitteneddiediaz · 3 months
167. “let me eat you out while you do that”
Hi anon! Wow, this sparked the greatest image in my head, please enjoy!! Of course, NSFW under the cut
Usually, when Eddie steps into their garage with an opened beer in one hand, loose shirt and sweats, Buck lets him go. Doesn't bother him until it's close to dinner time, calling Eddie back into the house, reminding him to wash the grease from his Chevelle off his hands before he sits down.
Today though, Buck opens the door to the garage, needing to grab just a screwdriver from their toolbox for the handle on the pantry door that's been driving him crazy for about two weeks. And, Buck thinks, as he steps into the garage, that he really needs to come in here more often when Eddie's working on the car.
He's got a wrench in hand, completely bent over the popped hood of the car, reaching down into the mechanics to fix whatever it is that he's got his focus on. But Buck's focus is on something completely different. Because Eddie's loose sweats that already like to hug his ass are stretched tight over his backside where he's bent over at the waist to reach into the car. His shirt is rucked up too, showing off those beautiful dimples he has on his lower back.
He hears Buck come in though, so Buck only gets a second to admire the view before Eddie is straightening up, the sweats loosening their hold on his ass, fabric following the rift between his cheeks and making heat rush to Buck's face.
"Hey babe," Eddie says, wiping his hair out of his face with his wrist and smearing the littlest bit of grease along his temple. "Is dinner ready?"
"U- uhh," Buck sputters, "Um, uh, um." He clears his throat. "Um, not yet, no. I-I just came out to grab a um, a screwdriver."
"Oh, okay. Yeah, they're in the top drawer over there." Eddie says, gesturing to the toolbox on the other side of the car, then turning back and leaning over the hood of the car again, sweats stretching again over his ass.
"Let me eat you out while you do that."
Eddie's hand stops cranking the wrench where he has it buried in the hood. "...What?" He says, incredulous.
"Let me. Eat you out. While you do that." Buck reiterates, hunkering down.
"Buck," Eddie starts, "the garage door is open."
"Yeah, and we're all the way in the back, hidden behind the car. Nobody will see, you'll just have to be quiet."
Eddie just stares for a second, then looks forward, maybe judging if having sex in their open garage is something he wants to do.
Buck steps forward though, wrapping his hands around Eddie's hips. "You can say no, but seriously Eddie, I come out here to find you bent over, sweaty and delicious, and you think I don't immediately want to eat you out."
Eddie chuckles, pressing his ass back into Buck's hips. "Okay. Okay, but, Buck, do not let me get cum on the front of this car."
"Deal," Buck says, sinking down onto his knees behind Eddie.
"There's a knee pad over there." Eddie supplies, gesturing just next to the tire.
"Thank you," Buck responds, grabbing it and positioning it under his knees. He kisses the small of Eddie's back, sliding his fingers under Eddie's sweats and underwear, tugging them down slowly. "Keep working on the car." He pushes his hand forward higher up on Eddie's back, pressing him back down onto the hood.
And Buck usually likes to tease Eddie before he eats him out, ghosting his fingers and nose along Eddie's crack, kneading the fat of his ass under his hands and giving him a few spanks, but today is not the day for that, because Buck figures he only has about 12 minutes before dinner is actually ready, and he's gotta get Eddie to the edge and tumbling over before the timer goes off.
He dives in, licking across Eddie's hole, petting at his taint with his fingers, other hand wrapping loosely around Eddie's cock. And Buck eats. Fucking in and out of Eddie's hole with his tongue, getting one spit-slicked finger inside to rub at his prostate.
And Eddie's - really trying. Every now and then Buck will hear the crank of the wrench, but mostly the garage is filled with the sound of Eddie's soft rock playlist contrasting the quiet moans he's letting out every now and then.
Buck hums against him, into him, feeling Eddie clenching around his tongue and finger as pleasure washes over his skin. He pulls his finger out, grabbing Eddie's cheeks to spread him wider for Buck to press his face harder against Eddie, tongue licking at him opening his mouth to graze his teeth against rim and suck on it.
Eddie reaches back to grip Buck's hair, arching his back farther.
Eddie's close, Buck can tell. He starts stripping his cock for all it's worth, using the little bit of precum to give Eddie even a little bit of glide.
"Buck, Buck, Buck," Eddie chants, grip tightening on Buck's hair. "Baby, baby, I-I'm close. Oh fuck Buck, Buck please."
Buck angles Eddie's cock down towards the floor of the garage, squeezing the head, and Eddie comes, moaning into the engine of the car, tugging on Buck's hair as spurts and spurts of cum land on the floor of the garage.
Eddie slumps against the hood fully, legs giving out, and Buck stands back up, pulling Eddie's sweats up for him. He leans over Eddie's back, pressing a kiss behind his ear. "I love you. Dinner should be ready in a minute. Make sure to wash up before you sit down at the table."
And then he's walking to the toolbox, grabbing the screwdriver out of the drawer, and heading back into the kitchen.
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i see fox childe and all thoughts in my head is breeding lmao,,,
- poor old u stuck and lost in some random forest after a camping trip, the sun setting and forest turning dark
- despite that, they hear a small whimper,,, look at that, a tiny fox injured its leg!
- the fox is hesitant at first and wary but a tiny piece of food u had on u and some clean rags wrapped around its tiny paw earned its trust
- the orange critter with bright blue eyes looked at u with a,,, smirk? nah, probably just ur eyes playing tricks on u but anyway, u pet it and,,, it bites u!!!
- u bring ur hand back and u notice that a glowing symbol engulfs ur hand where it bit it. Ur more worried about rabies though and u glare at it smiling cheekily at u
- still, u really need to either find ur way back or find a good place to spend the night at least. the fox doesn't care much about what u thought and nips ur shoe, trying to drag u into the direction it wants.
- honestly, u dont know what got into u but u decided to follow it as it yelps happily. it led u to a cozy spot, the leaves surrounding what seem to be a,,, nest? anyway its cozy, somewhat warm, and protects u from possible outside danger with its secluded and hidden location.
- tired, u decided to rest, praying that the weird bite marking isn't going to bite u back in the ass (pun intended)
- the next day, or actually more accurately, next few hours, u wake up feeling ur cunt being abused and on the verge of an orgasm
"good morning, my lovely mate~" an unfamiliar voice stirs u further as u are edged towards ur untimely climax. another thrust into ur wet hole and u are gone, as a bulbous knot stretches and plugs in the virile cum threatening to ooze out of u.
an orange haired man with familiar blue eyes smiled adoring at ur confused face as ur eyes settled on top of his head.
fox ears.
the glowing mark where the fox bit u throbbed with pleasure as it made u whimper.
"im glad such a nice, pretty human agreed to bear my kits." his hand grabbed ur own, the one with the bite, and angled it towards his grinning face as his free hand patted the bulge in ur tummy from his speared dick and cum nestling in it.
"i wonder what would our children look like, hmm"
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i always feel brief guilt for everyone else in my asks because i will ALWAYS RESPOND TO YOURS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!! YUM YUM DELICIOUS YUM!! he’s a manipulative little guy so desperate to empty his balls :(( he’s never gotten to have a mate before, let alone one so cute… not his fault he’s so desperate!! anyways… more btc as per usual U^ェ^U
contains: fem/afab reader, implied chubby reader, knotting, slight cumflation, foxboy childeeee <3
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darkness was gradually enveloping the forest surrounding you. you hadn’t intended to be out so late but with distractions coming from every turn and your poor sense of direction it had quickly become dusk. there was lush fauna all around you which would’ve been beautiful had the circumstances been different. all of the landscape and paths were virtually indistinguishable from each other. you tried your very best not to panic but being trapped here overnight and out in the open was certainly not on your bucket list. the most disconcerting part, however, was the incredible lack of animals in the area you had entered. you hadn’t seen a rabbit or a mouse or anything larger for quite some time and began wondering if maybe there was something else you should be worrying about. getting mauled to death by a bear didn’t sound like a good way to go. regardless, you carried on walking and trying to find an out.
the brush against your calves was rather harsh so suddenly feeling something soft and warm was alarming. stumbling back you tripped on the thick root of a tree and fell over. briefly you thought perhaps this was your end but the small yip you heard alerted you the perhaps it wasn’t. your eyes finally focussed on the fluffy orange fox coming to your side. the small thing began sniffing you all over and seemingly inspecting the slight scratches on your legs from all of the sharp sticks you had passed through and now fallen onto. it gave small licks to the areas that were bleeding. it was… endearing. when it finally made eye contact with you, you were slightly taken aback by its bright blue eyes. you’d only ever seen foxes with brown or slightly green ones before so the ocean coloured ones in front of you were unusual. ideally you would’ve liked to inspect them slightly further but the growing darkness came back to your mind. as quickly as it appeared your worry was gone. the little thing seemed to have a rather bad cut on its foot. slowly you reached out a hand. it seemed unsure but let you look at it nonetheless. you pulled out the water bottle from your bag and gently rinsed the skin and fur before wrapping it in a small piece of bandage and securing it with a small knot. the cute thing let out a pleased yip at your kindness. you couldn’t help but smile. next, you fed it a small piece of ham from the sandwich you never finished. the fox eagerly ate it up from the palm of your hand. it did a couple little circles around you wagging its tale happily. perhaps it thought of you as a friend. the soft fur was begging to be pet and so you did. it felt far silkier than you had expected. usually animals like this would have rather harsh fur to the touch since they were out in the wild but this fox was so soft. unusually soft. but it seemed so pleased with the attention that you didn’t bother to think further about it. you pet it’s small head with the back of your hand but when you pulled away it nipped at your skin. letting out a gasp, you pulled your hand towards you. the fox seemed to feel bad based on the whimpers it let out and the nuzzles it began to press all over you. your hand was… not injured? but a strange mark was left behind. one would think the combination of strange interactions would cause you to flee but for some reason you felt trusting of the little fox. you felt bizarrely safe with it by your side. standing up and stretching out finally, the fox began tugging at your shoe indicating it wanted you to follow. based on the sweet events you had just experienced and the reality that you wouldn’t find your way out of the forest before dark, you followed.
weaving through trees and bushes the fox looked behind at you every couple steps to ensure you were still following and hadn’t gotten left behind or ran away. its diligence was sweet and would've had you stopping to pet it further if it wasn't nearly pitch black out. the fox had you follow it up to the mouth of a cave. the cave had tall bushes of flowers covering the entrance that you had to push aside to slide through but once inside you felt the safest you had all day.
the floor, walls, and ceiling of the cave had not even the slightest trace of dust or cobwebs. it was ridiculously clean. on the far back wall there was a slight divot in the ground that housed a large pile of soft and clean pelts and blankets. the aches in your bones nearly disappeared from the sight alone. the was another divot closer to the caves opening that looked to have the remnants of a... fire in it? as if something capable of starting one had been here not long ago. perhaps this cave was inhabited by another lost wanderer recently, you pondered. that would make sense as to why the little fox was so comfortable with your presence. perhaps all humans were friendly towards it. regardless, the happy yips it let out and the further tugs to your shoe had you stumbling willingly towards and into the cozy pile in front of you. it felt more comfortable than any bed you'd slept on before. it certainly didn't take long for the exhaustion to overwhelm your body and for you to fall asleep amongst the comfortable nest-like situation.
after what felt like only minutes of a dreamless sleep you were awoken by your own body. shivers were running down your arched spine and a gasp left your lips in response. a slight purr came from above you. it took a couple moments for your eyes to focus through your pants and whimpers but when they finally did you took in the sight above you. a rather lithe and handsome man. his body was painted in scars and freckles with a light flush covering his face. the bone structure of his body was firm and beautiful. fluffy auburn locks were strewn in every direction as his body moved with the pushing and pulling motions. and his eyes were the brightest blue that reminded you of a certain little... fox? that was nowhere to be seen. your eyes were drawn to the pair of ears on top of his head. 'oh. oh,' passed through your hazy mind. the man above you desperately pounding away at your cunt was the little fox that had bit your hand and brought you here. seeming to pick up on your realization, he grinned showing off the sharp fangs at the front of his mouth. he was undeniably handsome. your hand pulsed slightly and the mark seemed to glow under the lack of lighting. the moonlight barely seeping through the bushes painted the scene before you with cool blues and silvers that contrasted the bright cerulean glimmer from your hand. with one hand moving to grab your own the foxboy in front of you aimed a particularly hard thrust breaching the opening of your womb pleasantly. on any other occasion this would've been rather painful but this fox seemed to know your body better than you. a particularly loud gasp and moan left your throat as your eyes rolled back. the orgasm that washed over you was like nothing you'd ever felt before. your back was arched to the heavens and your legs squeezed tightly around the man between them. he leaned down to nuzzle his head between your breasts with a purr.
"oh dear, little mate. i'm about to fill you up. please bear with me, it might hurt and i'm sorry for that but," his sentence was broken with a whine, "but i need to breed you full. gotta make sure your tummys gonna be round with my kits, 'kay? promise it'll feel good after it stops hurting. can tell you've never had a knot in this pussy before 'n i'm happy to be your first. 've never knotted anything before let alone someone, a mate, this cute." his mumbles were broken sentences leaking with desperation more than anything. "gonna stuff your womb, 'kay? you'll be so pretty full of our kits..." he trailed off as his knot and need grew to their peak. a hard and forceful thrust had his knot pushing into you with a soft 'pop' right before he began to empty his heavy balls full of potent seed into you. the sting from such a stretch only lasted a moment before the feeling of such massive amounts of warm seed filling you had you coming undone for the second time that night. your cunt was squeezing around him so tightly his hips were jerking slightly from such pleasant stimulation. the fox was panting into your neck while biting and sucking marks all over your previously pristine flesh. he planted gentle and loving kisses over all the marks he left while squeezing the hand he was still holding softly. purrs vibrated through you as he continued to nuzzle happily into you. after what felt like hours of coming back to your senses he pulled himself upright, knot still tightly situated in you. the movement had you whimpering slightly which was met with soft apologies from the fox.
"what... is your name?" the words slid out of your mouth before you realized it. promptly, you introduced yourself through slurred words as the man petted at your skull gently as if coaxing the speech out of your sticky mouth.
"my name? Ajax. yours is... beautiful. i'm sure together we'll be able to come up with ones just as perfect for our kits," he punctuated his point with a rub on your belly which was bloated with his cum and dick. "you'll be a perfect momma, i just know it. 'm so happy to finally have a mate... i've been waiting so long for the right one and now i have you." his smile was soft.
"i do wonder, though, what my first rut will be like with you? we'll just have to see... you did so good tonight but i'll have to fill you even more then. i suppose some training is in order, no?" <3
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Christmas (Baby, please come home)
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a/n: i did say i still have Christmas fics to write, so judge me if you want
Summary: Spencer's gone for Christmas, and you and the twins wish he wasn't.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (minor angst, major fluff)
Word Count: 3.2k
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Christmas Eve was a hot chocolate night. That was the tradition every year. Hot chocolate out of the house, a walk back home, bedtime, then Christmas morning.
This year, there's an extra step that they all wish wasn't there: Facetiming Spencer. And that's not a guarantee. It's scheduled, but there's no assurance about how long he can be on the phone.
It kills all of them, and the sacrifice sucks, but there aren't a lot of choices when the State Department calls. The deeply buried positive is that there's a year limit on how long he will be away, and only four months in, it seems impossible to do that two more times.
"Momma, look at the snow." Theo cheers, holding one hand up in the air while his other's wrapped around his hot chocolate.
The three of you are walking through the city on your way home, looking at all the fancy lights strung up around people's houses. It's gorgeous, but it can't be perfect without Spencer.
You nestle his hair. "Sorry, baby, it's a snow machine." You nod to the machine spurting out look-alike snow. "We're not going to get snow this year."
"Or daddy," Evie adds, pouting.
You wrap your arms around them, pulling their little bodies in for side hugs. "He'll be back soon." You promise, desperately hoping they believe it.
"Do you think he'll bring us a present?" Theo asks, grinning up at you.
Spencer will. If not for his guilt, then because he likes to spoil them. "Yup, what do you want?"
"Maybe..." He pauses to think about it. "Peanut butter."
"Peanut butter?" You repeat with a giggle, Evie joining in. "You'll have to ask him about that."
"I want food from wherever he is." She decides.
You frown at your picky eater who really doesn't like trying new foods and will order chicken nuggets from any menu anywhere. It's been a struggle to get her to try more than three of Rossi's pasta dishes. "I'm not sure you'd like it, E." You tell her. "And I'm not sure daddy's allowed to bring food back. We're going to have ham and turkey tomorrow, though."
It's going to be a lot of food, accompanied by stuffing, roasted potato and sweet potato, vegetables- that you'll have to bribe them to eat- and cranberry sauce. And that's not including dessert. There's brunch and dinner at Rossi's on boxing day as well, and he's never been on everyone bringing a plate.
"Remember when daddy set the oven mitt on fire last year?" Theo recalls, bursting into giggles with his sister. It was hilarious, Spencer's high pitch squeals as he threw the mitt in the sink and set off the smoke alarm.
"Remember that next time he asks who's the better cook." You remind them, anticipating Spencer would ask after Christmas to tease her.
Evie turns to look at you. "What's daddy going to have for Christmas dinner?"
You don't have an answer, but she's mostly asking for reassurance that he's okay. "Something really yum." You assure her. "You can ask when we call him."
That answer satisfies her enough for no more questions and saves you from having to explain anything more on his behalf. You can't resist taking a few photos of them on the way home, standing in the streets surrounded by Christmas lights, looking adorable in their coats.
"Okay, go put your pajamas on then we can call." You instruct them once you're back at home, taking their coats to hang up.
They scramble to get ready, excited to talk to Spencer. Everything about being home makes you miss him, like the display of framed pictures in the hallway, his shoes in the doorway, and his coat in the closet.
You clean up the living room a little, putting away all the toys that accumulate over the day. It's what you do when Spencer's working with the BAU since he's clumsy and likely to trip over blocks in the middle of the night.
The Christmas tree in the living room has lots of gifts under it, and their little Theodore and Evelyn stockings hang under the mantel, waiting for presents.
Then you make your way upstairs to their bedrooms just before 9:30, where they're waiting on Theo's bed. You sit next to them, holding out the phone so they'll be able to see him before you call him.
Cell reception in the desert, you anticipated and have discovered, is terrible, but for once, Spencer's face is clear on the screen. His background is blurred, as usual, safety concerns would mean you can't see what's behind him, but the timezone difference means it's dark.
"Hey, there are my favorite people in the world." He says, waving. His voice sounds different on the phone. You can't feel it either, like you're laying on his chest, and you miss that like you miss the rest of him.
"Daddy!" They cheer, pleased to see him.
"How are my sweet babies?" He asks with a wide smile.
They mirror it, and you don't think you'll ever get over the similarities between them. "Good," Theo answers.
"We had hot chocolate," Evie reports.
"With lots of marshmallows?" He checks. "And sprinkles."
Another similarity: sweet tooths. "And whipped cream," Evie tells him. "Did you have hot chocolate?"
"Not yet." He says.
"Can we have some when you're home?" Theo asks, looking between you and his dad.
You and Spencer nod in unison, and you avoid mentioning it could be 90 degrees and summer by the time he comes back. "Of course, bud." He answers. "All the hot chocolate you can drink."
He grins, pumping his fist in the air. "Yes!" He cheers. "I could drink a gallon."
"That might not be the best idea." You remind him, although the smile on his face is worth him thinking he can drink a sick-inducing amount of hot chocolate.
"Especially because we'll have marshmallows," Spencer adds. "We can have another Christmas dinner then, too."
"But mommy has to cook," Evie says.
Spencer chuckles, looking at you and shaking his head. "You wouldn't be poisoning young minds while I'm away, would you, Mrs. Reid?"
You shake your head. "Wouldn't dream of it, Doctor."
They talk for a little while longer before the twins can barely keep their eyes open, beyond tired from the late hour, their excitement reduced enough for them to be able to sleep.
As the new routine goes, Spencer wishes them goodnight while you tuck them in, giving them two kisses each, one from each of you. Then it's your turn to talk to him, and you're grateful you drank more coffee than you probably should have.
You sit on the couch instead of upstairs in bed since there's still some stocking stuffing to do. "What's the time where you are?" You ask.
You don't know exactly where he is or what he's doing it. It's the way you both prefer it because he's not in the middle of the desert half a world away to monitor the ecosystem.
"10pm in DC, so 5 am." He says.
You know he can't be getting a lot of sleep over there, and as much as you want to talk to him, you want him to rest when he has the rare opportunity. Getting up early does not help that.
"Don't worry, it's fine." He assures you, seeing your face change. "I can function on a few hours of sleep."
"How are you?" You ask. "Tell me about normal stuff, like the weather."
He laughs his adorable laugh. "Better than it was when I came." He tells you. "And it never rains. It's just hot and dry or less hot and dry."
"Thought you'd be used to that, desert boy." You tease his aversion to the warm weather.
"This might be a surprise, but I spend most of my summers inside where the aircon is." He corrects you.
"Here I was thinking you were outside playing basketball." You joke back. You can hear his laugh and see his smile, and things feel okay, but it'll end too soon like it always does. "I miss you." You tell him, and you feel bad about it.
At least you have two kids with you that are constant reminders of him. He's all alone, somewhere you don't even know, and he gets to talk to his family only a few times a week.
"I miss you, too, sweetheart." He says. "Can you switch this to a voice call?"
You pout, waving goodbye to him, but agree, placing the phone on your ear. "Now I don't get to see you." You complain about another situation that's worse for him.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes before adding an afterthought question. "Oh, did you get the package at the door?"
"No." You answer. "I would have seen it when we came in."
"I told them to drop it at the backdoor." He tells you. "Safety precautions and all that."
You get up off the couch, walking towards the location of your mystery package. "Please tell me you didn't add to the crazy Christmas delivery overload by buying me more gifts."
"Sort of." He says. "It's for all of you, though."
That gets the gears in your head turning about what it could be. "I hope it's a trampoline. They'd love it, but then you'd get on, and hurt your knee again."
"I got shot in the knee." He corrects you. "I could backflip."
You scoff, laughing. "That I would love to see. Or go-carts." You guess again, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder while you unlock the door and turn the door hand. "Oh, maybe tickets to an all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas."
What you're greeted with isn't plane tickets: it's the best gift you could imagine. "We can go to the Bahamas if you want." He says, out loud and through the phone.
Your first reaction is to drop your phone on the ground, not caring whether it shatters, and jump into your husband's arms which you haven't felt around you in a very hard, long one hundred and thirty-nine days.
Spencer still smells the same. His perfect cologne makes your house feel completely like home once again. Applying it to his pillow and hoodies for you to wear has not been enough.
He feels slightly more muscular than he used to in his arms and shoulders, and it's a welcomed change. He holds you there, tighter than he ever has before for so long that you stop counting. It satisfies what you've been craving.
He pulls his head back from your shoulder so he can kiss you while he hugs you. "I've missed you so much." You confess.
"We can say that in the past tense now." He says, kissing you once again. "We should go inside. You've got to be freezing."
You didn't realize until then that you went outside in jeans and a shirt, but you can't be cold when he's so warm. Spencer only keeps one arm around your shoulder when you step inside, carrying his bag in the other.
"I've missed this house." He says. "Everything about it."
"The unvacuumed floor?" You joke. "Or the toothpaste the twins spit on the mirror?"
"It's you and them and everything else in between." He assures you, putting his bag by the laundry as you move to the living room. "And I'm in time to be Santa." He cheers excitedly, noticing the stockings.
You nod, pulling him to the entryway. "They're in here." You say as you open the closet and take a trash bag full of gifts from the top shelf while Spencer takes off his shoes.
"Wow." He says when you hand him the heavy sack.
"I know." You nod. "I went a little crazy, but you weren't going to be here and I didn't even buy everything you suggested so..." When you turn back to look at him after closing the closet, he's just staring at you. "What?"
"I love you." He says like it's the most important thing ever.
You beam, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him again. "I love you."
"Let's stop being sappy in the hallway, we've got Christmases to make." He declares with a smirk.
"You're going to be making everyone's Christmas just by being here, Spence." You assure him, walking back into the lounge. "Oh, and the team! They'll be so excited to see you."
Spencer puts the bag down on the couch, pulling out gifts to put in the right stocking. It's always like no time has passed when he comes home, no awkward moments or getting back into routine.
"Are you hungry?" You question. "Thirsty? Are you too tired to be doing this?"
He shakes his head, smiling at you. "I'm good, sweetheart. I told you I can function on a few hours of sleep." He assures you. "Honestly, I've never been better."
"How'd you get back so early?" You wonder, sitting on the couch to watch him.
"I just heard I was leaving, so I got on the plane." He explains. "Oddly, they're not the most forthcoming government department."
You chuckle before answering the hard question. "Do you have to go back?"
And you get the answer you were hoping for as he shakes his head before adding more good news. "I don't have to go back to the BAU for a few months either."
That's more than enough of a Christmas gift for you. "They're going to be so happy when they wake up and you're here," You tell him.
"I'm so happy to be here." He says, finishing putting the last gift in Theo's stocking. "In time for Christmas, too."
"We're so lucky." You repeat, holding out your hands.
Spencer grabs your hands and pulls you up, wrapping his arms around your waist and spinning in circles in the living room. "Bed?" He offers.
"Please." You beg. "I have been sleeping in the middle of the bed, though, so I might kick you."
Spencer laughs as he follows you upstairs, holding your hand. "Well, I'm looking forward to sleeping on a mattress without lumps in it."
Once you reach the top of the stairs, Spencer wraps his arm around your shoulder, and it's like you're taken right back to when you first started living together, and you wouldn't let go of each other for hours after he got home from a case.
"I have to kiss them goodnight." Spencer stills when you pass Theo's room.
You go back to holding his hand as he pushes the door open slowly to avoid waking him. He's tightly tucked up in bed still, sleeping peacefully, and Spencer brushes some curls off his forehead before kissing him softly.
"I love you, little man." He says before you tiptoe out, careful of the creaks in the floorboards. "Did he get bigger?" He asks once you're safe in the hallway.
"They both did. I think at least an inch." You report.
You go to Evie's room next, repeating the same routine of Spencer admiring her before kissing her forehead and sneaking out of the room again.
"I never want to lose that much time with them again." He confesses as you walk towards your bedroom.
You know it must have killed him to be away for so long, but he's here now and that's really what matters. "But you're our hero." You remind him.
He smiles at that. "How many of the clothes I left here have been worn?" He asks, suspiciously looking around the closet you ended up in to get pajamas.
"Oh, all your hoodies and t-shirts." You assure him. "The good news is that they all smell like me now."
He nods in agreement. "That is good news." He grabs a hoodie and some pajama bottoms, but before he changes, he notices you just watching him. "Did you... want a show?"
You chuckle, shaking your head. "I think we might need to save that for tomorrow night. What I'm doing is admiring you and making sure you're not injured."
"Promise." He says, and maybe you're misleading him by making it sound like it's a 50/50 split because there's a lot more admiring going on than checking injuries. "Satisfied?" He asks, smirking at your wandering eyes.
"So satisfied." You assure him, blushing a little. "Thanks for that."
"You're very welcome." He says. "Wanna go to bed now?"
"Yes." You agree, both of you finishing your bedtime routines before getting under the covers.
Spencer pulls you close immediately, cuddling you into his side. "Merry Christmas." He whispers, kissing you softly.
"Merry Christmas." You reply, wiggling even closer to him. It doesn't take you too long to fall asleep with the warm feeling that your family is all under one roof finally.
And it's not a dream.
In the morning he's there, kissing your forehead as he gets out of bed. You turn to look at the clock. "Spence, it's 6:30."
"Lucky it's not earlier." He jokes. "My internal close is messed up." "You better be getting me coffee." You tell him, holding out your finger as you rest your face against the pillow in an attempt to get another few seconds of sleep.
He brushes the hair off your shoulder, exposing it so he can kiss your skin. "Promise." He says.
You don't fall back asleep. You just grin at the ceiling until Spencer comes back in a few minutes later with coffee. You moan at the taste since he always makes it better than you do. "This is so good."
He gets back under the covers next to you and sips his own mug. "I've had nothing but instant coffee, not even drip coffee."
"So how long do you think we have until two little people bust open the door?" You wonder.
"Two minutes." He estimates, and you raise your eyebrows, knowing the one way he could know that. "Okay, fine. I did go into their rooms to shake them." He confesses.
You laugh, shaking your head. It's an old trick of his to get them up. "You're terrible."
"I want to see my little babies." He sulks, pouting playfully. "Plus, they've had nearly nine hours of sleep."
The pitter-patter of tiny feet starts in the hallway when Spencer suggested it would, and you both put your coffees down in anticipation.
"Mommy, it's Christmas," Theo reports, tapping on your door.
"Come in." You instruct. "I've got an amazing surprise."
Spencer scoffs next to you. "Only amazing?"
There's no chance for you to provide another adjective before 2 five-year-olds race in, jumping onto the bed without looking at who's next to you. The realization sets in on their faces after a millisecond, and their eyes grow wide before the high-pitch squeals start as they launch at him.
He grabs both of them, one in each arm as he holds them tight to his chest. "Hi, sweet angels." He says, kissing their foreheads.
"I missed you." They both tell him.
"I missed you both more." He assures them.
Evie pulls back to eye him suspiciously. "How did you get here?" She asks.
Spencer smoothes a hand through her hair. "On a plane." He tells her. "I couldn't miss Christmas."
"Now this is the best Christmas ever," Theo says, assuming up how you're all feeling.
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978 notes · View notes
bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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togament · 4 months
Hi Bibi, i just want to say you’re doing amazing and your post are literally ADDICTING. I was a little worried because I didn’t know if Wind Breaker would get a lot of attention on Tumblr yk? (Just because it’s new) AND YOU CAME AND SAVED ME. I love you, your brain, and your page. Please keep going and I WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts on new episodes/chapters (only if you want). Thank you for feeding my delulu brain. Hugs 🫂
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thank you for the kind words dhdjkd i don’t know if i’m worthy of such praise too like—everyone leaving cute (and unhinged ofc) stuff in the tags and in my inbox gets me all giddy and blushy and!!!!!! Seeing you guys enjoying my stupid ramblings means the absolute world to me (i see you guys in the tags and i read every single one. Love you you freaks 😏) fun fact, I only started writing fics on this account and only for windbreaker so all the interactions and thirsty feedback I get genuinely, genuinely makes my heart do the boom boom. So smooches to every one of you!!!!!! (only if you want them. you could exchange it for a headpat if you want ig)
ok enough of the sappy stuff. WINDBREAKER TIME!
windbreaker blowing up on tumblr is so so so well deserved. i was genuinely shocked because it took a little bit for the hype to catch on???? the seiyuus are literal legends (in my eyes hehe), the animation’s SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HELLO!??, the op and ending song aren’t ass??????? I’m super excited for what’s to come for our fandom and the anime. ALSO fun fact, I have the fattest crush on Umehara Yuichiro so him voicing Togame literally brought me to my god damn knees, bro. I’m expecting Eguchi Takuya to secure a character too bc ofjfkdkd his voice would be perfect for a villain.
also may or may not have picked windbreaker up bc I saw a character named Kiryu and an eyepatched character and I 😮👈😮👈 YAKUZA REFERENCE!!!!! (probably not but the coincidence is silly to me)
I’m not super caught up on the anime (on episode 7 atm!) I wanna savor every episode and binge them back to back (also bc my hubby’s got so much screentime I wanna savor that him EVEN MORE YUM YUM YUMMY). Caught up on the manga though and I Have Thoughts.
(spoilers under the cut)
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the endo fight’s scaring me, man. also super fucking worried about ume bc WE HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR SO LONG??? the chair throw spooked me. also worried about ume’s vegetable garden. I know it’s getting trampled to shit. also very worried about sakura. he’s getting all banged up by endo, his nose is probably broken now wtf he was bleeding SO MUCH.
chika’s scary too. both him and endo. i honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen next like, they’re both so unpredictable and unhinged that my butthole’s clenching in sheer terror.
I’m also very concerned about suo. WHY HAVE WE NOT SEEN HIM EATING (or maybe I’ve missed a panel lol) but with every food offer he’s ever been given, he turns them down. also the fact that we only know him on a surface’s surface level even when he’s one of the main boys is scaring me. we’re 140+ chapters deep and not one single suo morsel for us to nibble on. I don’t want a betrayal thing happening ok lol that would be my tipping point i fear.
if you guys want me to yap about a chapter or an episode or potential seiyuus for other characters or if you just want my thoughts on things (i am a Certified Yapper), i am directing you to the askbox! This was super fun!! Extremely forgetful too so this could help me remember all the stuff that’s happened so far.
thank you so much again for sending over an askkskfnnxnx heaven knows i needed a little pick me up today. you delivered and made my entire day, sweetheart!!!!! Ily!!!!!!! 🥹
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glossysoap · 5 months
i get that about fetishizing tbh, but i hate fetishizing. so this is.. sfw and nsfw? so… !!
(ps. this is AFTER soap transitioned.)
sfw (nsfw mentioned)
- soap, has the best sculpted body. i mean. abs, thighs, legs, arms. also has the most attractive skin, if that makes sense. and has little moles and freckled everywhere. HEAVY freckles on his shoulders and back though.
- has back dimples. when you go to massage him, you start massaging his dimples and he loves it. like groaning and whining and you laugh, because when you stop he gives you the most sassiest look. like, ‘looks over his shoulder’ sass look
- he likes when you draw/connect his freckles together, it comfort him with the cooling ink on his skin, from a pen. also loves if you doodle on his hands, going to his biceps even.
- wears your underwear. don’t ask why. ‘it’s comfy sometimes’ he says to you when you find him wearing your underwear. you look at him like he’s crazy.
- loves, LOVES goldfish. he’ll chomp on those forever if he had the chance. literally would eat those crackers. devour them even. (self indulgent. i fucking love those crackers.)
- loves sharks. especially leopard sharks. his 2nd favourite is the great white. he actually seen a great white as he went scuba diving once when he was a teenager and has a necklace of a tooth. loves them!
- his least favourite tv show.. is military/army tv shows. he hates how they make the men misogynistic and realistic. it’s probably because he’s military/army.
- loves wearing muscle shirts, idk but he’d look so good with those shirts. just.. scrumdillyumptious. fit so perfectly on his broad shoulders and and the shirt cut just a bit to see his pecs.
- smells like gasoline. just.. gasoline.
- first crush was actually gaz, then ghost, then you. gaz because he’s such a pretty boy, and his first time with a man was him. then ghost, because of how stern he was. then you, the pretty lady who he seen shopping for something.
- prettiest eyelashes. idk why, but my man’s eyelashes are so on point, their just super nice? like, your jealous. (you put mascara and eyeliner on him once. may have loved him even more with the makeup on.)
- has the most prettiest pussy and bush. like, his bush is straights but slightly curled at the end, so it’s messy and overgrown. you love smelling it when you lick his cock, it just smells so musky. his pussy is JUICY. like, you suck at his lips while humming into them. then circling his cock. yum yum!
- slight nsfw? you like sucking on his nipples. it’s soothing, and it’s vice versa. he likes sucking in your tits, biting them, sucking them, leaving marks on them. works everytime.
- loves using his fingers instead of a strap. like, he can control his fingers better then a strap and fuck, he can go in and out fast us in his finger. lightning speed type of fast. making you squirt just using his fingers. (probably recorded the thing, the video being 11 seconds to make you squirt.)
- his strap is skin coloured i think. maybe a silicone blue or purple. but mostly skin coloured. (also has a strap that can eject fake semen.)
- he loves eating you out as much as you like eating him out. just lazily sucking on your clit as you grip his mohawk. or maybe y’all are in the car and he scoots his pants down for you to suck his enlarged cock.
- has also once finger-fucked you in the car with his fingers while he’s driving. very talented man.
anyways, my thoughts. may do gaz next.. 😼
OH MY GOD 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that was so perfectly fucking well written!!!! and soo fucking accurate!!!!
having me DROOLING 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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sssammich · 5 months
i’m starting with one even though frankly i want to send you all of them
i'll send you a document with a response to all of them how's that
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
god where would i even start
well i guess i'll pick one
personally, as in my personal opinion, i just don't believe in kara coming out as somehow the next best step for her. this matter of being your 'full self' just screams 'nobody knows what work/life balance is' lmao. this is what we call 'vocational awe' in libraries LMAO i get what it's trying to do in that this has been the series-long crusade for kara. who is she? kara danvers? or supergirl? and i have posited elsewhere that kara danvers is her default setting, not supergirl. so supergirl's role in kara's entire life is a cape/persona she dons...and then takes off. so i think the bigger identity reconciliation should be between kara danvers and kara zorel, not the hero but the alien. she's superpowered because she's alien first, etc etc. but idk how to explain that without writing an essay right now so i will withhold.
the point is i just didn't think it was a satisfying end for her to come out as supergirl to the world to satisfy the juggling of her two identities. i think she should have just done a better job juggling them LOL like i think it's important to determine how to be your most authentic self but i don't know if it needed to be done at the face of revealing your alien identity. because i still think that the target on her back just gets infinitely larger??? what's the point of keeping 4 years of secrets to lena at that point? couldn't she have reached that conclusion sooner if that was the case? i think she could have expressed her authentic self by marie kondoing what's the most important parts of her life and how to let the *right* people in, not *every single person* in. also like idk from a logistics standpoint, kara should have just hired a fucking assistant for herself to keep things organized. the issue here is that she keeps working 40 hour work weeks for both jobs. and also to accept editor in chief? like those people leave work early. the solution was for kara to have hired an assistant, maybe 2. like the reason why she's conflicted is that she's working 2 jobs? she doesn't need to combine those 2 jobs and announce to the world that she's doing them as 1 big job. ETHICALLY she was citing herself???? god the integrity of everything should be put to question lmao
what would have been more compelling to me myself and i is if she really took a look at her time as supergirl and wondered if she should maintain the cape or not. like did she do as much good as she hoped? what about the people who had died or who had gotten hurt or whose lives and situations were otherwise sacrificed on her behalf? is this the life for her? is this something she wants to keep doing because she wants to or because she feels she has to? she feels a responsibility and i think that's fascinating for a character, and she thinks that there's a duty to uphold to the humans of national city because she has these gifts. but i think the ending should have been kara determining the future of supergirl, the superhero, and not how to mix the two and count that as authenticity.
tangentially, it is oh so interesting to me that this authentic speeches comes from cat and lena to be the ones to convince her to stop hiding herself? two people who are notoriously private people???? who are essentially living private and public lives??????? funny how that goes i guess
anyway it's fine obviously and if you liked it then that's also great and it's an intentional high note feel good ending yes yes good great. i am not trying to yuck your yum at all, but based on how i have since engaged with the show, it's pretty clear the writers and i simply did not share a vision lmao
ask game
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creepslayer7 · 1 year
Tim: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, it's “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Tim: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Bruce: Real life should have a f***ing search function, or something.
Bruce: I need my socks.
Jason: You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Danny, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Danny or Jason: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Jason: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Tim: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Baby Jason: Did you just call me a shrimp, you a**hole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
Jason: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Tim to Damien: Could you maybe just like… stab me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Danny: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Steph: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
Damien: I wish I was a cat, but not in a furry kinda way, more like a “I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences” kinda way.
Danny: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Tim: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Jason: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Damien: What did you do Jason?
Jason: A Mistake.
Damien: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Jason: Killed without hesitation.
*Tim is comforting Dick when Damien stayed the night at the Kent farm*
Tim: Stop crying because he's gone. Start smiling because Damien is someone else’s problem now.
Dick: Damien, when’s your birthday?
Damien: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Dick: …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Dick: Nice rock.
Jason: Thanks, Damien gave it to me.
Damien: I threw it at you!
Jason: Isn't he the sweetest?
Bruce: Where are your parents?
Random black hair, blue eyed child he found: What are parents?
Bruce: You're coming home with me.
Jason or Danny: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Damien: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
Bruce : Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Damien: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Dick: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like-
Dick, to Danny: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual.
Damien, to Jason : Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire.
Tim: There are two types of people.
Bruce: You three, explain right now!
Damien : It was Danny.
Tim: It was Danny.
Dick: It was Danny.
Danny: …fuck.
Tim: Do you think I'm plastic?
Jason: No.
Tim: Phew. Oka-
Jason: Plastic, at least, has some use in life. You're not plastic.
Danny: Gatekeep, girlboss, and what's the other one again?
Damien : There isn't another one. You're crazy.
Danny: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Danny: Damien is late again.
Jason: How did this happen? I called him at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11.
Dick: I printed up a fake schedule for him saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.
Tim: I set his clock to say PM when it’s really AM.
Danny: Oh boy. We may have overdone it.
*Damien bursts through the door*
Tim: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
heyy can a request an aj fic where reader wants her attention and she’s a gamer and tries to do both at the same time if that makes sense !!
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, some coarse language
How hard could it be to get a kiss from your partner, right?
It was Saturday, and you were at AJ’s. You just got to her house. Her Mom lets you in, letting you know that AJ was up in her room. “Thanks.” You gave her a polite smile and made your way upstairs.
You knocked, but heard no response so you just entered. You thought she was asleep, but nope. AJ was sat at her desk, gaming. Expected too, but still. She didn’t hear you. That happens sometimes and it kinda sucks. “Hey.” You sat down on her bed.
She definitely heard you this time but did not actually acknowledge you because of what was going on in the game and the girl was trying to win the round. “AJ.” You repeated.
You sighed dramatically, laying down on her bed next, bored out of your mind. Staring at the ceiling, your hands grabbed a cushion from above your head and cuddled with it while you waited for her to be done with that round.
Well, a few minutes later, she finally spun around in swivel chair. “Hey, you.”
You sulked, “Took you awhile.”
“I know you got here a few minutes ago.” She says.
“Yeah, and?”
She nearly snorted trying not to giggle, “Baby, I know you’re annoyed but you look adorable.”
“Oh, yeah?” You put the cushion back and sat up. “Are you done with your game? Am I just gonna be sitting here watching you play?”
She raised her brows, “No. But, you don’t have to just sit there.”
“Yeah then, where do you want me to sit?” You asked exasperatedly.
“My lap.” She shrugs.
“Your lap?” You looked at her, eyes nearly falling out from their sockets.
“What? You do that all the time.”
“I’m not that short.” You pouted.
“I didn’t say that.” She chuckles, sitting down beside you, hand on your thigh caressing it. You stared at it, “Yeah, with what you’re doing right now I doubt you’ll win your games again today.”
She lets out a harsh exhale in amusement, “I can do both, you know? Yeah, you do.”
“AJ.” You huffed.
You rolled your eyes, laying back down.
“What?” AJ asks, hand resting on your abdomen.
“You’re sure I can just sit in your lap?”
“Yes, honey. I promise. Though if you want more, I’m happy to help.” She winks.
“Damn.” You chewed your lower lip.
“I’m serious.” She pulls you up by the hand, “It’s not like I usually leave my mic on anyway.”
“Eh, not today.” You decided.
“Then, okay.” She agrees earnestly, “C’mon.”
She guides you over to her desk and she sits down, then you settled down in her lap comfortably. AJ smooches you on the cheek, “You comfy?”
“Yep.” You grinned, contented that you got to have your attention pretty easily. She definitely didn’t mind it because she suggested this pretty often, though it usually leads to more afterwards. But whenever you said you weren’t in the mood, she always takes no for an answer. Always.
“Did you have any to eat for lunch yet?” She asks.
“I had cereal before I came over. Cheerios.”
“Yum.” AJ continued, starting new round of her game.
“Can we bake some cookies later?”
She suggests, “And watch a movie?”
“Ooh, yes please.” You nodded eagerly.
“Few more rounds, then we’ll go downstairs?”
“Sure.” You agreed, leaning against her while you watched.
“Yeah this was not the right movie.” You sniffed, “I’m crying, AJ. What the hell made me pick Marley & Me?”
“I dunno. Maybe because you wanted to see Jen Aniston?” She teases, rubbing your back.
You rolled over, facing away from the screen, “Turn it off.” Still crying.
“Okay.” She quickly got the remote and exited the video player, taking you both out to the homepage. Abandoning the remote, AJ looks at you. “It’s okay, baby. You wanna to pick a comedy movie? No?”
You were laying across two seats on the couch with your head in her lap, snuggled closely against her torso as you mumbled a ‘no’ in response to her question. “Do you just want to cuddle then?”
“Yeah. Please?”
“Of course.” She smiled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to the side of your head as she stroked your hair.
“You can finish the movie if you want.” You said, voice muffled a little bit.
“No, I’m good, honey.” She continues rubbing soothing circles on your back as you slowly just got soothed to sleep by that motion.
“You wanna go upstairs? And lie down? The couch is starting to feel a little cramped, baby.”
You sat up, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
With that being said, she took you by the hand to go back upstairs and you instantly crawled under the covers. Quickly, she was snuggled up against you, her arm wrapped around your waist.
“Let’s go for a drive up to the beach tonight?”
“That’d be great.” You hummed.
“Alrighty, it’s a date.” She presses a kiss to your shoulder, “Okay, okay. Close your eyes. Let’s get some rest.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Alright, last request I’ve got in my inbox. Here ya go. G’night.
(not a gamer so it was vague🫠)
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o7k5a8m9i · 8 months
♠️🌸💖Queen of the Circus💖🌸♠️ Hisomachi Fanfiction🌹🌙💮
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~| This is a Hisomachi oneshot (This is NOT cannon but this DOES include some cannon things if you wanna know what's cannon and not go look it up or ask me 🥰🌸💖🎐🍡✨💮 PS I know this story's really cheesy dumb and wholesome it's only cuz their kids when their older it's a completely different story lol🌹💘🌙🦋) [PG-13 ✨Backstory AU✨ again not really cannon ok enjoy💖🌹🎐🌸]
______________________________________________________________Machi POV: I was out on my nightly walk when I heard there was a circus in town (city it's meteor city) so me being the interested, little, 9 year old, girl I was. I decided to go take a SMALL look so no one would see me.
(She then hid behind a old car and watched the show. as much as she wanted to go home and sleep because she's a LITTLE kid she didn't she was hooked it was so Interesting to her🌹 the show was almost over the last act was on! it was a...... red haired little boy!?)
Machi POV: oh a little boy what can he do?
(The boy then performed a lot of AMAZING magic tricks)
[Ok I actually don't know what kinda stuff he could do back then so let's just say magic for fun ok?😅💖🌸] {PS it looks like this art NOT mine ⬇️⬇️💖🌸🌹}
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(After the show little Machi was tired because it was 11:00pm that was late for her and her friends might get suspicious so she decided to take the short cut home)
[BTW her "Friends" is the phantom troupe they just did call themselves that yet]
(The short cut led her behind the tent/caravan or whatever the circus was performing/traveling in. she was doing good on her way till she saw something...)
Machi POV: huh oh it's that boy.... I'll just sneak past him..oh a apple yum I'm hungry....==.... maybe I'll steal his another apple....
(She saw the boy with red hair sitting in the back looking at the stars eating a apple there was one more apple beside him and she was gonna steal it because she was hungry. she sneaked up and hid behind some trash she was about to grab it when she heard a voice)
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Boy: hey do you want this apple?
Machi: ahhhh!!!! w...w...who are you!?!
Boy: my name is Hisoka^^ what's yours?
Machi: m...m..Machi...
Hisoka: so do you want this apple?
Machi: uhhh......I...I..(she never took things that were offered to her she felt it was a sign of weakness but this time was different)
Machi: oh ok sure (*grabs and sits down next to him*)
Hisoka: Machi was it? nice to meet you^^ (*she just looks at him*)
Hisoka: so how old are you?
Machi: I'm 9 you?
Hisoka: ohh nice I'm 12^^.... so did you like my show? I saw you in the back behind the car^^
Machi: oh uhh.. (she thought she was hiding good and no one saw her)
Machi: yeah you're impressive...
Hisoka: your not to friendly are you? it's not your fault though you don't know how to be~
Machi: Hey don't jump to conclusions!! (he was right though)
Hisoka: oh sorry...I just don't get the chance to meet people...
Machi: I... it's ok...I really liked your tricks..///(*she was embarrassed*)
Hisoka: really thanks!!^^✨
Machi: no prob..///
Hisoka: Hey wanna be friends?^^
Machi: uhh...ok sure==////...
Hisoka: ohhh thank you!!^^~
Machi: but wait don't you live in this traveling circus you'll just have to move again besides I never really had a friend before....///
(the troupe is like family not friends)
Hisoka: well true but we'll be in town for two more days and we'll come back!^^ don't worry meteor city is one of our top places to visit~
Machi: I wasn't worried!!/// and ok we'll be friends.... I guess...
(*they ended up talking for awhile about all kinds of stuff*)
Machi: oh heck it's 1:00am!!! I gotta go!!
Hisoka: oh uhh ok..hey can you come back here tomorrow at 10:00?Machi: ok I will...bye... Hisoka..///
Hisoka POV: she said my name!^^~///
(and just like that Machi ran home as fast as she could. but little did she know he was forming a crush on the beautiful pink haired girl he just met and even she Machi Komacine was forming a small crush on the clown boy she just met although she'd never say it)
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{Art NOT mine ☁️}
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Morning ×××
Feitan: hey Machi wake up..
(*Sleepy Machi raisins her tired hard of her ripped up pillow*)
Machi: huh...Oh Fei hi what's up...==..
Feitan: Where were you? you were gone all night...what were you up to?
Phinks: yeah what were you doing?
Machi: uhh I....uhh......///..
(*she didn't want to say she spent the night with a clown boy she met From the circus it was embarrassing*)
Chrollo: come on guys don't push her she'll tell us when she's ready^^
Machi: thanks Chrollo///
Chrollo: no problem^^
[×× Later that night ××]
Machi: ok I'm off on my walk bye.
Pakunoda: bye Machi^^💖
(*Little Machi ran to the Circus and watched the show till the end*)
Hisoka: Oh Machi!!~^^//
Machi: hi clown boy
Hisoka: clown boy....////Cute I like it~^^ oh I got you something!
Machi: huh what is it?/// (*Hisoka hands her a caramel apple*)
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{🎐Just a cute drawing NOT mine 🎐}
Hisoka: it's a caramel apple^^ I've been saving it since I was in the last town but I wanna give it to you^^~
(*Her eyes lit up like they never have before as she held the apple she said Something she DID NOT say often in the happiest tone*)
Machi: Thank You it's so beautiful I've heard about them but I've never actually seen one thank you!!^^💖 (*but honestly she's still a child*)
(*They spent the rest of the night talking eating and having fun*)
Machi: oh it's getting late a gotta go!
Hisoka: ok take care dear Machi^^~
Machi: ok I will (*then she stopped walking and froze*) tomorrow is your last day here isn't it?///....
Hisoka: uhhh yeah it is....but we'll come back!💖
Machi: ok see you tomorrow I wanna show you my favorite spot's!^^
Hisoka: ok I'm excited to see them^^~
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Afternoon ×××
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(*Machi was heading out on her walk early because she wanted to show Hisoka her favorite spot's to play hang out and look at she doesn't have belongs so showing him her favorite places is her way of thanking him for the yummy caramel apple*)
Shalnark: Machi where are you going?^^
Machi: uhhh no where.......///...///
Chrollo: uhh Machi I need you to help me do some stuff sorry^^
Machi: oh uhh ok no prob^^
(*Btw by "STUFF" he means VHS stuff you know. read the manga^^*)
(She helped Chrollo but it took longer then she expected it was now 11:00 she was LATE even though she knew she couldn't show him her spots she could at least see him one last time. after a lot of running she got there and saw him standing in the back where she first met him it made her sad to think this was.....the end)
Hisoka: huh? oh Machi!!!💖 I thought you weren't coming!?^^~
Machi: yeah I was busy....///.....sorry..
Hisoka: it's ok I just appreciate you coming at all everyone always thinks I'm just a freak like a toy or something...
Machi: well....I don't think you're a freak infact I think you're really cool!
(*These words made Hisoka smile a small but beautiful smile*)
Machi: so tonight is it you'll be gone tomorrow...
Hisoka: yeah but and even if it takes YEAR'S I'll come back to you!^^
(*Machi blushed and sat beside him*)
Machi: t.. thank you...///...sorry I couldn't show you my spot's..///
Hisoka: aww it's ok maybe next time^^~
Machi: yeah...so what time do you leave?
Hisoka: uhhh 8:00am
Machi: ok wait for me I'll come tell you goodbye!
Hisoka: aww it's ok you don't have to do th-
Machi: No I'm gonna do it!
(Machi had never been wanted before everyone left her she was alone)
[Not the troupe they're family]
Hisoka: well ok then^^~
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Early Morning ×××
(*Machi was woken up by Pakunoda*)
Machi: huh... what's wrong Paku?==
Pakunoda: well you were crying in your sleep are you ok?
(*Machi just realized she was crying she wasn't sad but tears fell from her eyes then she remembered her dream it was about her Mother she didn't wanna remember anymore besides she had to go say goodbye)
Machi: oh yeah I'm fine thanks Paku^^
Pakunoda: well if you're sure...
(*then Machi looked at the time 7:30am*)
Machi POV: oh no I'm gonna be late!! all I want is to say goodbye!(*Machi got up and ran as fast as she could she ran faster and faster and finally she saw the caravan leaving she looked around but didn't see him then she looked to her left and saw him sitting looking at the rising sun and for the first time in her life she felt this feeling like her heart was being squeezed*)
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Hisoka: oh Mac-(*he was cut off by her hugging him*)
Machi: Bye clown boy^^
Hisoka: bye little Machi I can't wait to see you again^^
[And as they parted ways they both found something they never felt Love and it was a beautiful and sad thing but they had hope even if they had NO idea that they and feelings for one another. but the question is would they meet again?🌹♠️🌸]
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{If y'all like this I'll continue the story!💖☺️ actually I'm gonna anyway because I have plans!!✨🎐 anyway if you have any questions let me know no hate please!🥰💮 ok bye bye I hope you continue reading my cheesing story's 😅🌙🌹till we meet again!🌸}
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Thank you💖💜♠️
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berrypass-de-murdler · 2 months
63. The Body in the Snowdrift
So it's snowing now? It wasn't snowing last episode Eh whatever idk when this takes place
4 more days until my existaversary but that doesn't have anything to do with the episode
I am becoming S T R E S S
Logico gets a letter in the mail from Brownstone.
“Hello Deductive Logico. 
Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Dammit! That sounds suspicious. Regardless, I need your help - a lot. I need to talk to you about something of grave importance. Please, come to the monastery, I’m begging you. I don’t want to murder you…”
Would you trust that letter? Logico does. He goes there. And speaking of GRAVE importance, someone’s dead! And it’s BROWNSTONE, A NAMED CHARACTER??? Good thing we weren’t attached to him.
There’s the whole church gang. Mango, Verdigris, Lapis, and… Brownstone’s brother Brownstone. Identical twin, of course. He even has the broken antler on the same side. This is really weird...
BROWNSTONE: ‘Sup. I don’t work here, just wanted to see my bro. [casually points to the corpse] MANGO: They caught me for my crimes, and now I am stuck here in the smol church. [wails] 
Lapis is screaming her head off… just because. Mango is drowning his sorrows in wine.
Verdigris is singing [kill me now].
The big problem is that she’s GOOD. You know who isn’t good though, are the monks that Brownstone 2 is listening to. 
One of them sounds kinda good… the rest of them are shit.
LOGICO: I could listen to you sing all day… MONKS: THANK YOU.
They all start belting again, and Logi leaves. 
The killer was the UNmasked singer!
VERDIGRIS: [tears in her eyes] The parishioner that Brother Brownstone killed a while ago was my father… and I was bound, by blood, to defend him! 
Brownstone 2 is listening to this. Logico bets that he’s gonna murder her soon.
LOGICO: Goodbye, Deacon Verdigris. VERDIGRIS: WHAT?? BROWNSTONE: My bro had this. You should probably read it, ‘cuz it’s for you.
He hands Logi a note. It says…
“The answer to your questions is not found in the future, but the past.”
Logico doesn’t care. He wanders by the awful singing monks again and stares up at the ‘good’ one, whose voice made him feel something. It looks up at him slightly, and Logico sees FAMILIAR SHADES AND HAT UNDERNEATH THE HOOD-
LOGICO: [outrageous feminine scream]
The end!
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Look at this silli bunch
I love fucking around on gacha with all my little murdlers. Can you name everyone in this picture?
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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otrtbs · 1 year
The Ultimate Orange Muffins
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Hello everyone! So, previously, there has been some discussion on this blog about trying out several different orange muffin recipes on the quest to find the best Art Heist, Baby! James (and Regulus Black approved) Orange Muffin™️ ever made. I am now ready to begin this journey and will document my research and discoveries along the way! Please feel free to follow along on this orange muffin journey!
Starting Information:
I will be working my way through orange muffin recipes at least once a month (maybe twice if I can manage and have people to pawn muffins off on! We will see!)
The goal is to try at least 10 different iterations of orange muffins which i will rank (1-5) on skill (how easy is it to make, how many/what types of ingredients/ special tools you need, how long it takes), orange and overall flavor (arbitrary but it's my muffin bracket so idc!), and texture (consistency, moisture, idk, like, crumble factor)
After giving each recipe an overall score, the top scoring muffin will be crowned The Art Heist, Baby! Orange Muffin (James' version).
If you wish for your orange muffins to be included in the running, please feel free to send along your recipe and I will add it to the docket to bake! 😋
If you want to follow along with these bakes and form your own opinion, I will post all the recipes here for you to try!
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All that being said...Here is the first recipe and rank for September's bake! ✨
Chai Orange Muffins!
Ingredients: 🍊 3/4 cup Oil 🍊 1 cup Sugar 🍊 2 Eggs 🍊 1 tsp. Vanilla 🍊 1/3 cup Chai tea latte concentrate (store bought or make your own!) 🍊 1 and 1/2 cups Flour 🍊 1 tsp. Salt 🍊 1 tsp. Baking soda 🍊 2 Tbsp. Orange zest, grated
Directions: Set oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners. Combine oil, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and Chai Concentrate. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, salt, baking soda and orange zest. Blend in the oil mixture and stir lightly. Pour into muffin cups. Bake for 15 to 25 minutes. Serves 12.
Extra: I also made a chai glaze to put on top of the muffins which is optional but here is the recipe for that as well!
🍊 1 cup of powdered sugar 🍊 2 tbsp of chai concentrate 🍊 1 tsp of vanilla 🍊 1 tsp of cinnamon
Directions: Stir until glaze consistency and add more chai concentrate as needed! Wait till muffins are cooled to add the glaze.
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Skill: 4 (Super easy to make! Had all of the ingredients at home to make besides the chai concentrate! Just needed a bowl, a fork and a muffin tin really. Kinda hard to nail down a set bake time though. The recipe said 10-15 minutes mine needed like 25.) Flavor: 4.5 (The chai is so wonderful and it doesn't overpower the orange flavor. Muffins are good with or without the glaze. Can definitely taste the orange!) Texture: 4 (So yum. Not dry! bUT some cooked a little unevenly (that's on me ik but shush). Also they don't really have a good muffin top. They're more flat like a cupcake so I deducted some points for the aesthetic. Sorry!) FINAL RANKING: 4.2/5
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Final Thoughts: The muffins are good! Almost more of a dessert muffin because they are very sweet! But they're a strong contender for my favorite already because I love chai, and the muffins made my entire house smell so lovely. A slay! (Would Regulus be able to stack several of these on his plate and save them for later though??? Kinda doubt it. So we continue on!) ✨ Tune in next time for my "Bakery Style Orange Muffin" Bake! Recipe posted here for reference! 😋 ✨
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iantimony · 5 months
tue … wednesday,
gif warning on this one!
i was gonna post this last night but apparently i am now the type of person who gets extreme digestive distress from indian food :-( so i was too distracted by my agonies. much better today, and i feel like i had a worse reaction a few weeks ago from indian food, so maybe it's something that will get better with time like everything else ...
listening: so my brother spontaneously bought us tickets to see st vincent in [redacted] while we're on vacation...i haven't listened to her in ages but i was like sure why not...her new album dropped on the 26th and it's SO good. i'm kinda obsessed and very excited to see her live now. it's a good album. listen to it.
listened/watched the wtyp on five over ones, and started the more recent one on the camp fire.
reading: continuing 'how to read poetry like a professor'. yum. poetry.
watching: once again, dunmeshi (my boyf keeps asking "when is best girl showing up" (izutsumi) and i finally was able to be like "i think next episode"), more asobi asobase. insane show. the voice actors are masters of their craft, truly. good lord.
playing: fallow.
making: some stuff came out of the kiln that i actually like! the cave painting mugs!!! i made One fatal error - i put a 'satin' topper over the outside assuming it would be matte. it. kinda isn't? kinda is? made these weird "jizzy" (instructor's words, not mine, lol) streaks. thankfully it isn't too noticeable and they came out really good otherwise. the hardest part has been photographing them, the designs go all the way around and choosing a favorite is so hard...i made a gif to try and capture it all lol, and i really love the little handprints on the handles. these will go in their own post in the next few days so i can tag the inspiring artist :)
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i also threw some new ones to make more! i do think in the future i will be handbuilding them though. i just really don't like throwing red clay for some reason. maybe i just need to practice more i dunno. i've since trimmed and put handles on these but i forgor to take a photo.
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citrus juicer! it works!! it came out a little more Orange than i anticipated, the only downsides are manually scooping out the seeds, and also that it can kinda only handle one fruit at a time, but man, whatever, it's so cute.
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mug/teacup that i tried a new underglaze technique on, where i put the flowers on the greenware and then use liquid latex to cover them to just slather the thing in the bg color: works well, i did this for the mug from last week too! my mistake with this one was putting that same jizzy satin overglaze on the flowers and it made them weird and blurry. it's cute otherwise though.
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some stuff going in the kiln for bisque: fun texture bowl and a little trinket dish that i underglazed some cherry blossom trees on, inspired by something a friend in class did!
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in terms of new things, today is actually the last day of class for me til i get back in july, so i will be trimming a pot and plate that i made last week but will otherwise just work on things i already have! the goal is just to leave things in a place where no extra clay work needs to be done; things can be left as greenware til i get back.
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i also made some little watercolor palettes! for some reason the last one i made i didn't carve out material, i just sort of pressed in, and this made the whole thing a little wonky, so i'm hoping these will lay flat because i carved material out
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eating: nothing of crazy note. made deb smittenkitchen's soy glazed chicken again because it whips ass.
misc: wough...fucked up day......butter chicken for dinner knocked me for a major loop last night and i wasn't able to sleep til like 1:30am from the Agonies, woke up to feed the cats and then went right back to bed...didn't get up til noon...but now i feel loads better so i might try to do some light exercise this afternoon before pottery, otherwise sleeping tonight is gonna be a nightmare lol. the goal for the afternoon is to submit my last thing for classes (takehome exam, it's not bad i just have to finish it up, and then i officially finished my masters degree (!!!)) and then do a little more for my meeting tomorrow morning. this time next week my brother will be here with me, and that following weekend we drive home together, so everything is about to happen very fast! i'm not gonna be home for as long this summer, and won't just be rotting in my room the whole time, so hopefully things will go much more smoothly mental health wise. fingers crossed! things are looking up! :)
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Aran Ryan fanbase headcanons -RESULTS-
Finally! These are the results! I hope you had fun doing that! Comment or repost with your opinion, memes, drawings about it! See ya next survey!
Mod LL
What do you think about Aran Ryan?
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35%: The comic relief of Punch Out wii: he can be crazy and stuff but he makes you laugh hard
35%: Even if he can act tough, he is also a funny guy
Can Aran have romantic relationships?
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45%: Yes, and oddly he doesn't "cheat" in this filed!
Are Aran Ryan from the Wii and Aran Ryan from the SNES the same person?
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40%: Yes, Snes! Aran was him before snapping
Does Aran have a sister?
Yep! Baby sister named Daisy who plays Rugby
i'd like to think so! i imagine she's his little sister for some reason
He has multiple younger sisters
Yes, one younger sister
He must have one.
she has one to me, a younger one :3
Yes, and an older sister at it
Yes, and I like to think she's a lot younger than him for full big bro energy. She's just as crazy as him, though.
Yes. She hits harder than you, boy!
yes, and a brother. he’s the eldest of three children
Yes, I’m thinking she’d be about 9 to 12? I like Headcannoning that Arans sister would stay up at night until aran comes home from the pub to see if he’s okay 👍
Ermmm of course?
yes, a younger one
Yes, I think I gave her the name Aisling in my hcs
Why is Aran "obsessed" with cheeseburger? H3talia cannot be a "real" answer!!! (But you can write it if ya want lol)
Just finds it a fun insult for the Americans but also he had one cheeseburger and it was the shittest one so he uses to call someone shit
oh i just assumed it was a dig at little mac being american? because haha america and burgers and all that. is he obsessed with them? interesting...
Not obsessed, but definitely likes them
He came to America and first food was cheeseburgers.
i know what u did here (its me *** LMAO) he just likes to bully mac >:)
Simple, Little Mac is called Little Mac, and McDonald's has the Big Mac. He connected the dots and now it's his most iconic line.
He…likes cheeseburgers? Yum yum!
I wouldn’t say he’s obsessed per say, just ragging on American’s with the stereotype that we all just eat junk food. (I also headcanon that he actually likes cheeseburgers, but tries not to let anyone see him eat them.)
MACdonalds (funny)
that’s what he thinks of the us
I’d think that’s like his #1 insult of all time, either calling them a legitimate cheeseburger, or telling them they hit as hard as a cheeseburger being thrown as someone
Big Mac Little Mac haha get it
no, but why's that an answer???
He gets hungry a lot ):
Wait has someone actually thought Hetalia was a genuine answer or something this is extremely worrying
Teehee funny American joke
About you! What is your main fandom?
it is a mystery...
punch out
Punch out and Super Mario
tekken, sailor moon, tomb raider aside from po
Currently Pokemon, but feel free to ask me about Punch Out!!
Punch out at the present moment.
I have many but it’s def the Beatles. Currently it’s Ted Lasso
I started out in the FNAF fandom as a kid and it’s had a ton to do with me and my art since lol.
currently punch-out lol
Super pumch iut
punch-out!! and k-pop
Team Fortress 2 teehee
currently my main fandom is super mario!!
Either Puyo Puyo or Pokémon
Is Aran your fav one from PO and in general of all the fandoms you are in?
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66,7%: No, only in PO
Silly question: why does Aran draw with a paintbrush???? Why didn't he use a pen or something like a normal person? Or just destroy Little Mac like Don Flamenco did?
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30%: Because he has always weird stuff with him
Did Aran finish school?
No but he went back to school as a Mature Student and is doing some study
hmm... maybe. (cop-out answer lol)
Nope, only finished up to middle school
Pretty sure he did, but it was torture for him:
good question, maybe he did "ok"
Somehow yes
I think so. He used to be sane until he realized the potential for cheating there was in the WVBA
Assuming that him and SNES are the same person, I think he did but it was very rocky due to growing teen angst because of the bullying he faced.
he probably finished high school
He seems like the type of person to draw comically bad stick figure portraits so no
he did because of his mama
He’d probably drop out, or get expelled for beating up too many people, I guess his mum just didn’t look for anymore schools after that
prob not, maybe homeschooled?
Lel yeah
Yes but he didn't care much for it, and he hardly thinks back to it as well.
Yeah, had no interest in college though
Your Aran Ryan OTP is...
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40%: Aran Ryan x canon
Which are Aran's friends inside the WVBA? (OCs are good too)
Disco, Don, Hugger, Tiger, Mac, Bull and Soda
i honestly don't think he'd consider any of them his friends. he's very hard to get close to that way (not IMPOSSIBLE but... hard)
The entire world circuit and masked muscle at least
Soda (I ship him and Aran), Tiger, Bald the Bull and SMM.
SP is his good drinking buddy! But guess that's about it.
narcis is not only his bf in my canon but also his BFF, other than that disco and maybe heike, some fellas he met in ireland-
Mad clown and Masked Musle
Soda Popinski, Some of my OCs (Ikari (I haven't talked about her), Polar (mischief makers, haven't talked about her), Playmaker (would record pranks/prank each other))
Glass Joe, Piston Hondo, maybe Don Flamenco and Carmen, maybe Little Mac
Narcis (even more than), Don, Disco, Heike, Mr. Sandman, I’d even say he’s friendly with Mac too.
My mind flip flops between him either being good friends with some of the boxers or the other boxers warning everyone else that he’s a dangerous nutcase. (He can be, but it’s not his entire personality.)
don flamenco (rivals to lovers hehe), piston hondo, great tiger, soda popinski (drinking buddies lol)
I think aran and heilke could be friends
quite literally everyone in the wvba lmao
Hes definitely got lads outside of the WVBA but if we’re talking just inside the WVBA, I’ve got a feeling that hardly anymore wants to mess or talk with Aran but if I had to choose I’d probably say Don Flamenco, they fought eachother before so I guess they spoke more after that. Don wouldn’t really be the one to start a conversation with him at all but Aran can start up a conversation, by stealing his toupee and making him run room to room to get it making sure to let everyone see as Don chases after him, especially letting Carmen see👍
excluding ships, soda would be the closest, tho he's more of a "when things go wrong, call him" type guy. even if aran doesn't admit it, he's maybe the closest he's got to a friend. see below
Little Mac, Soda Popinski, somehow the ref
Everyone stays at least 5 feet away from him because he has rabies and he nearly bit a guy once. (I feel like he's alone by choice)
I imagine the world circuit is among his closest friends just because they’re around each other a lot, but I’m he has buddies he used to box with back in Ireland (I’d also say his sister but they grew up together so it’s bit of a given)
Can Aran Ryan have friends?
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35%: Yes, but his hot head can be problematic
Does Aran have hobbies outside boxing?
Art, Rugby and Horse Riding!
probably, but good luck getting him to share what they are lol
Yes! He enjoys sculpting and painting as well as dancing and making music among other things
Ice skating and art
Drawing. I'd imagine he adores biking too.
being a bitch, motorbiking and getting caught driving too fast, pub shenanigans, pulling pranks at people he doesnt like or likes
Drawing and playing the eletric guitar
Maybe, one I can think of is tinkering (Think of him making new things to help him win)
Art, harmless pranks, rubik's cube speed solving
I can see him being into art like painting and drawing.
I definitely thinks he likes small things like video games and movies.
yes, i hc that he’s sort of an artist
not sure?
I’d think he definitely does Hurling, and is absolutely amazing at it, he doesn’t usually brag about it but does bring it up whenever he can
bar hopping. & fighting. usually one after the other
Art, gardening, punching and biting random things to see what would happen, drinking
Yes, but I feel like he keeps most of them to himself.
Traditional Irish dancing (he just pulls that shit out during title defense), he also probably draws and maybe plays an instrument
Can being bullied during school (for his name and for his mother), the cause of Aran's angry behaviour?
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50% : yes
50%: sorta
Why did he started to cheat in your opinion?
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42,1%: He started to cheat as everyone was "doing that" in his opinion
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