#me actually reading the questions people have sent: i have never known anything about history. ever.
uighean · 2 years
13, 24, 24 (have fun!!)
13. [share some random historical trivia!]
bees!! bees are really cool. harvesting honey from wild beehives goes back at least 7000-9000 years (maybe longer - that's just when we start getting evidence for it via cave paintings and traces of beeswax on pottery), but 'true' beekeeping (providing an artificial space for the bees to live in) starts around 2500 BCE (in a european/north african context, anyway - I don't know about the rest of the world!
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^ I believe this is from the tomb of pabasa, around the 7th-6th century BCE
ancient greece and pre-roman italy have a lot of evidence for beekeeping. northern italy in particular. and the really interesting thing is that there's an etruscan trade centre called forcello with a burnt-out workshop, and the fire preserved bee breads (stored pollen basically). when those bee breads were analysed, it showed a marked preference by the bees for aquatic plants. which is SUPER unusual!! but it's probably evidence of itinerant beekeeping. the hives would have been made of something like wicker, and loaded onto boats, which would take them through littoral environments. the bees would collect the pollen, return to the hive, and then the hives would go back to the workshop so people could extract the honey and wax. and I just find that so delightful!! imagine if your job was to take bees out on daytrips
24. Who do you consider to be one of the most underrated historical figures?
[not sure if you meant to ask a different question or wanted me to answer this one twice ajghkfdgdf. I will answer it twice]
first of all, alasdair mac mhaighstir alasdair/alexander macdonald. who was a super prolific jacobite poet. he had worked with the sspck (a religious body that wanted to educate and 'civilise' the highlands/make english the primary language), and produced a gaelic-english dictionary for them, but he ended up abandoning the school he worked at and was dismissed in july 1745. later that month he goes to loch nan uamh, where prince charles has landed, and is one of the first people to board the boat. prince charles is not really broadcasting his identity at this point, and alasdair 'conversed with him in a very familiar way' and had to be told to chill and not be so overly friendly ajkhgfjdg.
he's interesting because he composed in gaelic, and much of his work is very gaelic in format and nature, but he'd also been educated at glasgow university, so he brings in a bunch of different elements like classical mythology. which makes him a very non-standard source for how your average highland jacobite would have conceived of the whole political situation/interacted with jacobite imagery, but as an individual there's a lot to dig into! on the flip side, he has a poem (ostensibly non-jacobite) where he complains about prostitutes, and it's super misogynistic and not at all a comfortable read - but there's one line where it kind of sounds like he's offended that they would dare to speak prince charles' name. and I'm fascinated by that line because we know there were prostitutes travelling with the jacobite army in the '45 - it was just a common army thing in that period, and there's a record of some of them drowning during a river crossing - but we don't really know anything about /them/. they're prostitutes, they're poor women, their thoughts and opinions don't get recorded. so to have that little snapshot, that little hint that yeah, of course they were involving themselves in jacobite discourse as well - it's possibly kind of unique.
the second person I'll go for is charlotte robertson, lady lude. who was another jacobite, and pretty notorious for the way she forced her tenants out to fight. the hanoverian propaganda machine at the time painted her as young, seductive, and having an affair with prince charles - but in reality she was much older, and there's no real evidence they ever had a sexual/romantic relationship. hanoverian propaganda was just super focused on the number of women supporting the jacobite cause as a way of painting it as unnatural. what we do know is that lady lude set herself up as the lady of a relative's house (the caretaker of the house was. not very happy about this ajhkdgfd) and threw prince charles a party, where she was VERY excited to present him with a pineapple to eat, as he'd never had one before. in thanks for the party, he gave her a snuff mull (a small box for storing snuff - they're sometimes considered to only have been used by men, but women did own them too, sometimes for snuff but more often for storing pins, makeup, etc) which had supposedly been in the stuart family for a few generations. and you can go and see it!! it's at the mcmanus museum in dundee (very nice museum & they were very kind and sent me an old article they had about it so I could use it in my honours thesis. shoutout to the mcmanus)
history asks!!
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
Hey! If it's not an uncomfortable or invasive question, would you mind telling me a little bit about how you found out you have NPD? It's because I'm questioning it and... Well, I thought asking someone with NPD would be a good idea, but if it's uncomfortable, would you mind mentioning some traits I should look out for? Or some common feelings for those with NPD? It's ok if you don't want to answer, but if you do, I really appreciate it! ❤️
i have known for awhile that i struggled with empathy and remorse because there were consistently times when i accidentally hurt someone i cared about but even though i desperately tried to, i couldn’t actually FEEL bad about it, which sucked. i think what really put the nail in the coffin for me though, was reading about “narc crashes”, when someone with NPD gets a blow to their ego/self confidence.
i have always had super unstable self worth. one day it’s sky high and the next it’s in the drain. but i never was able to describe the feeling of what it felt like when something happened that called into question one of the pillars of my self worth. for me, i have a few things that are pillars of my self worth- my singing, my violin, and my conscience. a lot of my self worth is defined off feeling superior in my singing, violin, and other capabilities. but for a super long time, whenever anything has even slightly called that into question (for example when i watched a video of someone singing better than me, or i joined an orchestra and everyone was just as good as i was, or someone in my writing camp wrote a better poem than mine), i felt what can only be described as a “crash”. my entire chest just feels like it’s falling. my entire self esteem crumbles. when there’s even a chance that i’m not the best at something that i value, then i get actively suicidal and feel like complete shit and it’s a very distinct feeling that never made sense to just be categorized as bad self esteem. i have RSD and that’s part of it sure, but when I read about narc crashes from other people with NPD, it sent me down a rabbit hole of analyzing my own self esteem and looking back at my history with it, and looking at other symptoms of NPD it all kind of just fell into place in my head. what a lot of people don’t realize about pwNPD is that we don’t actually necessarily value ourselves more than others, we just base our self worth on being better than them, so when we can’t live up to that impossible standard it ruins our mental health.
so that’s what really helped me find out. but i know it’s not the same for everyone with NPD.
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locallixie · 2 years
the stealers' tricks #1 : "make eye contact" — sunwoo
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[📓] — Trick #1, according to The Stealers' Tricks booklet, 'Make Eye Contact'. Your heart raced whenever he look into your eyes.
⇀ genre ; fluff, mature, suggestive, strangers-to-lovers, stealer!sunwoo, dates au, the stealer au, gn!reader.
⇀ warnings ; making out, marking, touching, longing eyes-contact.
⇀ word count ; 1.1k
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First date, nervous? Definitely. You were unfamiliar with these type of dates, blind dates, since the thought of being set up with someone you didn't know anything about alarmed you. What if they were a serial killer? Or worse, an amateur actor? A friend of yours set you up on a date with some guy they know, they felt bad for you since your love life was a terrible mess.
You walked into the café, holding your phone to text the person you would be meeting, and hopefully dating. The way he texted was adorable, how he would sent corny pick-up lines that he knew wouldn't impress you and would only make you have a chuckle.
Sunwoo | Come find me, I'm the one wearing grey xx. 11:25am
Reading the text message, you searched the whole café for someone wearing the colour grey on their body, and many were. You texted him back, asking him to individualise himself more.
Sunwoo | The one with the prettiest eyes here, that's the one you're looking for. 11:30am
From that text alone, you could already tell this guy was a weirdo. The same group of people, now unwillingly gazed at their eyes to look for this date you were not sure if you even like. The most awkward bit was when some of them stared back in a very uncomfortable way, you had to apologise for such a ridiculous thing. Pretty to your standards, or his? That was what troubled you, this date was a odd one that was for sure going into your book.
You passed through another table, glancing at a guy in grey. Shocked, to find his eyes incredibly beautiful. The soft curves of his double eyelids, his long and feather-like eyelashes. Though his eyes was dark like night, it was prettier than any ocean blue eyes you have seen. It was like an actual night sky, the reflection in his eyes acted as if they were sparkling stars.
"Uh, excuse me." You began, he turned his head to look at you. Your heart skipped a beat, at a lost for word at how those eyes charmed you. "Are you...Sunwoo?"
He smiled, "Well, yes, I am. You must be [Y/N], correct?" His eyes gleamed, you could see the whole galaxy.
You sat down on the seat across from him, looking down awkwardly. "Yes." You answered. Indeed, his eyes was absolutely gorgeous, and he knew it. You were everyone and anyone could be lost in his gaze, how they would saw their whole future planned out with him.
"So...You're a friend of Chanhee?" You asked, the name of the culprit that signed you up for this.
Sunwoo smiled, "Yeah, we known each other for quite some time." Your heart jumped, he glanced up at you from his cup of coffee, "And you? Are you two close?"
You were not as close to Chanhee as he was to you. You had history with him, yes, but you still felt a distance between the two of you. He enjoyed your company, he knew what you liked, while you weren't so much. You felt like you didn't understand him fully, and so thought yourself as a bad friend.
"To his definition, yes. To mine, I'm not sure how to answer." You replied.
Sunwoo sipped his coffee, "Don't quite understand him, right? I get it. That was what broke us apart too."
"You dated? So he set me up with his ex?" You questioned. When Chanhee said a friend, you never thought he meant ex-boyfriend.
Sunwoo chuckled, "I guess so." He leaned in closer, "But don't worry; if we do end up dating, I will devote my all to you. I don't dwell on the past like I used to." Those eyes told you his past, every moments that led up to here. The core memories that lived inside, only to show his internal sorrow through the windows of his soul.
"You're funny, I like that." You two clicked almost immediately. Your conversations were long, deep, and meaningful. You felt like you knew each other, you felt like twin flames, you felt like he was already yours. Those eyes said you two were special.
You looked to the side, avoiding the gaze that had such a influence on you. "I know this may sound crazy, mostly because it's a first date, can we kiss?" You were uncertain of what came over you, the sudden bold question lit up his eyes.
Sunwoo smiled, and then turned to laughing. He stood up, brought his chair to sit beside you. He slowly leaned in, holding your face with his hands. Eyes half-lidded, sensuous and full of admiration. You already lost your composure when he stared at you, those eyes of his made you do stupid things.
He closed his eyes, pressing his lips against yours. Tilting his head, he moved alongside you. You wanted him, and he wanted you as well. Desires showed through the kiss you shared, the passion, the longing for love once again.
He bit your bottom lip, he entered his tongue as you opened your mouth to whine. His tongue and yours dance together in a rhythmic motion. They pushed and swirled against each other. You felt lost yet so good, kissing someone this experienced. You touched his shoulders, hugged him as the intimacy increased.
He held your waist, pushing your body up against his. Though his eyes was what charmed you, his lips kept you addicted. That was what he wanted, how he successfully stole your heart away. With a single glance could already send you into a love daze.
You loved how he wasn't opposed to the idea of making out in public, displaying affection to his lover. He was the type of person who wasn't afraid to show you off and hold your hand.
Sunwoo moved down to your jaw, then your neck, littering them with marks that declared his feelings for you. They were red and bright, they couldn't be cover up by your shirt. You moaned quietly so other people couldn't hear. But you accidentally let something slip when he found your sweet spot, the area that was most sensitive, that could make you go weak.
He smiled against your skin, devious and naughty. The people from around began looking at you and him, unsure of what they just heard.
He pulled away, grinning at you blushing red cheeks. "What do you feel about a second date?" He asked.
"I don't even mind if we begin dating right now." You told, definitely sunk deep into his love. His eyes stared at you, an answer have been said silently.
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docholligay · 2 years
I guess I want to get murdered for my birthday
Do me a favor and read to the end of this before you lose your mind. Maybe go take a walk. I certainly took my time. 
Now that three months have passed, and we’ve calmed down some, I hope we can all admit that Ukraine’s Eurovision win was a political one, unattached from the merits of the song. There was a LOT of feelings in the air right after the win, and there was some severe lack of critical thinking skills going on. 
“I liked the song” “I want to feel like Ukraine is being supported” and “They won because of the political situation, and would not have otherwise” are not COMPETING or EXCLUSIVE thoughts. They can all sit on the plate together just fine. There is not a single thing wrong with any of those thoughts. 
They got something like 96% of the available televote, I think. Wacky numbers. We all know that was not sheerly out of a deep love of sopilka and hip hop. You are not stupid people. They could have sent Embers, and won. Even more shocking is the jury vote--juries traditionally HATE this stuff, and that was also more a show of political support than anything. In normal times, they would have eaten Stefania for breakfast. The fact that Eurovision fanblogs and forums have dozens of posts about how the results might have gone if there wasn’t a war on Ukraine, with statistical backing a different formulae--a whole category of discussion--shows this point pretty clearly. 
There are a couple questions that came up and retorts offered in the immediate after, and I think now, when we’ve all had a breather, is a better time to talk about them. 
Was the result FAIR? In the sense that I think absolutely no cheating went on, yes, it was fair. Now another meaning of fair is “Did it deserve it?” and that goes onto all the questions above--I don’t think that’s answerable, I think it’s too slippery. But going from a sheer “was there funny business?” no, it won fairly. 
I think for me the more compelling question is: Was it SATISFYING? I’ve tried to think about this as if it had been Shum, a song I fucking LOVE, and not Stefania, which in full fucking fairness, I DO hate. If it had been Shum, I would still be disappointed, because I know for the rest of Eurovision history, it would never be thought of as a song that won in its own right. Stefania will NEVER be able to come up without the contextual discussion of the war and how it won. And anyone who tries to assert that the song was “just that amazing” is going to sound sillier and sillier as we go down the line. It almost immediately started to get whupped on by Space Man and SloMo in the streaming stats. SloMo has more than twice the streams. And I HATED SloMo, this is not me trying to elevate Spain here. It’s just the accurate numbers reflecting people’s actual attitudes. 
But mostly I’m frustrated that it made Eurovision boring. The winner was chosen the second the news rolled out. 
It can be frustrating to see a song crush before the competition even starts, and I don’t think it was very fair the way anyone who was annoyed and frustrated by the domination was shouted down as some kinda pro-Russian bot. Obviously this is part and parcel of the internet problem of thinking of things as binaries but come on now. Use your heads for something other than a hatrack. Being frustrated that what is at least OSTENSIBLY a song competition became some classically social way of ‘showing Russia’ without actually having to DO anything for Ukraine, is not an anti-Ukraine stance. 
UKRAINE won, but Kalush Orchestra didn’t, you know? I think it’s okay to support Ukraine and find that deeply frustrating. Eurovision has always been political, of course--who knows how the fuck Greece decided to allocate points this year, I’m sure it kept them up at night--but it’s usually not so NAKEDLY so, and I, as a long time and fairly invested fan, found it unsatisfying to try and engage with a decided contest. 
But much worse than that was the denial that it was a decided contest. I much prefer someone say, “It was a known game, disconnected from the song, and I am fine with that.” Fantastic. I have no argument with that! How could I possibly? Fair enough. My only hope is that we can hold with two hands, “I am fine with Ukraine’s political win” and “people who were irritated by it are not necessarily pro-Russia.” 
Thank you, and goodnight. 
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luvdsc · 4 years
doing the bf tag with my bf.
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hey, siri, does bf stand for best friend or boyfriend? (or both?)
pairing :: na jaemin x reader genre :: fluff / best friend + youtuber au word count :: 4,691 words warnings :: none playlist :: mean it (lauv & lany) ⋆ always, i’ll care (jeremy zucker) ⋆ fearless (taylor swift) ⋆ fingers crossed (coin) ⋆ cardiac arrest (bad suns) author’s note :: this fic is a tiny bit different than my usual writing because i emphasize more on dialogue than description in order to mimic a youtube video. happy birthday to this absolute darling angel! you have the biggest heart in the universe, and thank you for sharing so much of it with the world ♡ ↳ part of the not clickbait series.
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Your subscribers have always wondered if you would do this type of video countless of times, and you never thought you’d ever actually record one due to the state of your love life (or lack thereof), yet here you are.
Unfortunately, the romantic department of your life still remains very much empty though. But lucky for you, so is your best friend’s. And that pretty much works out perfectly because he could stand in for your nonexistent boyfriend in order to complete the popular GF/BF tag (along with a hidden challenge that was popular by demand and personally requested by a certain friend with a flair for baking. Now if only the frantic butterflies in your stomach would settle down just enough for you to do it).
After all, BF could stand for either boyfriend or best friend, right?
It’s also no secret that yours and Jaemin’s subscribers shipped you two together either. Heck, you may be a little delusional as well because you ship yourself with your best friend, too. Blame the massive crush you’ve been secretly harboring. But two best friends sharing an apartment and frequently appearing in videos on each of your respective channels? In the eyes of your fans, that’s basically the perfect setup for a modern day love story.
It would 100% be the greatest love story since Kat and Patrick in 10 Things I Hate About You, but at this point in your life, your story is going to be marked down as a tragedy. You feel even more hopeless and dramatic than Romeo was about his unrequited love for Rosaline. Also, that dude got over her way too quickly at the sight of another pretty girl. You wish that would happen for you, too, but your heart is much too stubborn over Jaemin.
When you had asked him if he would do the video with you, Jaemin immediately agreed much to your initial surprise. The publicity would be good though, you surmise later on, and both our fan bases would grow, so of course, he would agree. It’s not like your best friend liked you back. That would be absolutely absurd.
“Are you ready?” Jaemin speaks up, breaking your train of thought, and you’re slightly startled. He plops down in the plush pink rolling chair next to you, the chair moving back a few inches. He scooches it closer to your own chair, buzzing with excitement. You smile at your best friend, pushing down the butterflies erupting in your stomach. You nod before reaching forward and pressing the record button on the camera set up in front of you. You pull up the list of questions on your phone.
“Yeah, let's do this.”
How did we meet?
“Oh, this is an easy question,” Jaemin says, flashing his award winning smile at the camera before he throws his arm around you happily, hugging you affectionately. “It was freshman year. You ran into me. Literally. We were in the same class, and it just ended. You were trying to shove your textbook into your bag and didn’t notice where you were walking until you face-planted into my back.”
The memory is still fresh in your mind, and you remember how you had already resigned yourself to your fate of becoming good friends with the floor. But Lady Luck was on your side for once, and she sent an angel in the form of Na Jaemin to save you from embarrassment on your first day of university.
“Yeah, I almost fell flat on my butt, but luckily, Nana has great reflexes and when he turned around, he grabbed my arm before I hit the ground,” you add on, still squished into his side. He beams, eyes crinkling into half moon crescents before placing a kiss on your cheek and turning back to the camera.
Your heart skips a beat, but you ignore it. Jaemin has always been affectionate, and kisses were all in good fun. You continue on, plastering a nonchalant smile on your face. “And he said, ‘Looks like you just fell for me.’ And then he insisted that we get lunch together.”
“And the rest is history!” he exclaims happily, resting his cheek on the top of your head. You smile fondly before going onto the next question.
Where was our first date?
“The dining hall immediately after you ran into me.”
“That wasn’t a date,” you interject. “We can skip this question since we aren’t dating.”
Jaemin shrugs, waiting for you to read the next question. He murmurs faintly under his breath, “It was supposed to be one.”
We’re going out to eat, where are we going?
Jaemin answers immediately, leaning back in his chair. “The little pizza place down the block! They always make three different types of unique pizza everyday, and once they sell out, they close for the day.”
“We always go on Wednesday because they make both of our favorite pizzas then.” You chime in, and he nods enthusiastically, moving closer to the front and throwing his hands up in the air for emphasis. “They have corn and potato pizza that day!”
You wrinkle your nose slightly before leaning towards the camera. “To my subscribers, for the record, I assure you that I have better taste than that, and I love the artichoke pesto pizza with ricotta.”
What food do I dislike?
“... Corn and potato pizza,” he says reluctantly with a pout. “And kiwis. The outside is furry and creeps you out, and the fruit makes your tongue itch.”
You flash a thumbs up at the camera, and your best friend grins, puffing up his chest. Chuckling quietly, you shake your head before answering the question yourself. “And this dork absolutely hates anything strawberry flavored. And he’s lactose intolerant, so dairy is his enemy.”
“I love cheese, but cheese hates me,” he says mournfully, hanging his head down low before he jumps back up and reads the following question listed on your phone’s screen aloud.
Who is my best friend?
“Me!” Jaemin shouts gleefully, throwing his hands up in the air, and you can’t help but laugh, grinning widely at your best friend, a fond expression on your face.
Am I a morning person or a night person?
“We’re both night people,” you say, and Jaemin nods in agreement. “You won’t catch either of us waking up before noon if we can’t help it, and we each have to set up like five alarms just to wake up.”
“It works out because we can stay up together watching movies or editing our videos,” he adds in, turning to you and smiling fondly. “And I always have a partner when I want to go on a midnight snack run to the convenience store nearby.”
Do we have a song? What is it?
“Jeremy Zucker’s Always, I’ll Care.”
“That’s our song?” You’re surprised. You were going to mention one of the go-to karaoke songs the two of you liked to belt out on the top of your lungs after a movie and wine night. Jaemin makes a great Sharpay Evans when you both want to bop to the top.
“It’s the song that reminds me of you,” he says, voice growing softer as he reaches the end of the sentence. Curse your heart for melting into a puddle. His cheeks turn pink under your gaze, and he becomes uncharacteristically shy, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“Anyway, what’s the next question?”
What’s my nickname?
“Nana!” You reach out to poke his cheek, and he puffs them up before pouting at you. He reaches out and pinches your cheek.
“I call you ‘angel’ sometimes. It’s why your channel is called peachyangel.”
What's my weirdest habit?
“Jaemin eats way too much cilantro,” you state, swinging around side to side in your rolling chair.
“I do not!” he protests loudly, and you give him a blank stare. The two of you sit there in silence, not breaking eye contact until he finally relents.
“Okay, maybe I do. But you pour cereal before milk!”
“That’s not a weird habit!” You defend yourself. You are appalled at your best friend. Neither of you have ever woken up early enough for breakfast, so this has never come up before. If you would’ve known this in the past, maybe you wouldn’t be so ridiculously in love with him in the present.
“Yes, it is! Your cereal gets all soggy that way!”
“Only idiots pour their milk first!”
He clutches his heart dramatically. “Are you calling me an idiot?!”
“... So moving onto the next question—”
What do you think I’m talented at?
“Making people fall in love with you,” Jaemin blurts out, and your eyes widen at his answer as your grip on your phone loosens considerably.
“I—I mean, you’re just so approachable, and you’re kind to everyone. You care so much about everyone and everything. People feel comfortable around you, they always gravitate towards you, and you just— I don’t know, you make people feel loved,” he explains, unable to meet your eyes, and his cheeks darken. He fiddles around with the loose strand on his sweater sleeve.
Your heart swells ten times bigger and beats faster than ever. You wonder if Jaemin knows he has the same effect on everyone, too. You hope he does.
You wonder if he knows you’re in love with him and if he would love you back. You hope he does.
When was the first time you said “I love you”  to me?
“Uh, we can skip this one, too,” you say awkwardly, but he throws his arm around your shoulder again, hugging you tightly. “Nope, not skipping! I have the answer to this one!”
He grins toothily at the camera before pinching your cheek for a second time affectionately. “I said ‘I love you’ when you showed up at my dorm and brought me pop tarts at three in the morning after I accidentally drunk texted you, instead of Jeno. That’s when I knew you were a keeper.”
“I did that because I felt bad about throwing up on your shoes at the party we went to the weekend before that,” you mumble, face growing warm when you remember your best friend’s drunken confession a few years back. “Besides, you were drunk. It doesn’t count.”
“Okay, fine, but we say it to each other all the time. The second time I said it was when you brought me chicken nuggets, and I was hungover, but sober.” He says, spinning in his chair.
“I can see the pattern now. You say it when I bring you food,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest with a fake pout. “You love food, not me.”
“That’s not true!” he exclaims, halting mid spin and facing you. He turns your chair towards him, moving forward to clutch both of your hands in his, and stares directly into your eyes seriously. “I love you.”
You inaudibly gulp, helplessly gazing back at him as you feel your face begin to burn, your heart speeding up in your chest. Jaemin grins, leaning back and letting go of your hand. “See? I love you!”
“Y-yeah.” You swallow hard, fumbling over your words. “You love me.”
What is your favorite thing about me?
“Your laugh,” Jaemin replies honestly, reaching out and absentmindedly drawing circles on the back of your hand as he looks at you. “Hyuck told me the other day that whenever I try to do something funny or make a joke, I have a habit of turning towards you for your reaction. It makes me kinda proud that I can make you laugh.”
You know that you’re stupidly grinning like an absolute idiot at this point, but you don’t care. You even almost forget about the camera.
“Your smile,” you answer, maintaining eye contact with him. Your smile widens when you see one appear on his face, his eyes shining brightly. “You have the prettiest smile, and I’m grateful that I’m able to see it everyday or be the cause of it sometimes.”
What film always makes me cry?
“Oh, The Lion King.” Jaemin responds automatically. “We both cry our eyes out at the stampede moment and when Simba tells his dad to wake up.”
“When we saw the live action version together, we brought along a ton of tissues with us, and he used almost all of them.”
What drink do I always order?
“Jaemin is crazy and always gets a venti iced americano with no water and eight espresso shots. He used to drink it six times a day until I yelled at him about it,” you say, shaking your head at the camera before glancing over at your best friend. “It’s seriously bad for your health.”
His lips jut out into a pout as he whines, “You wouldn't let me cuddle with you until I changed it!”
“It was for your own good! Plus, that drink tasted like battery acid!” You exclaim, and he sulks quietly before begrudgingly agreeing. You pat his head in consolation, and he grabs your hand, naturally interlocking your fingers with his.
“I drink it less now and with only two and half shots.”
If I could, what candy could I eat all day long?
“Chocolate,” you blurt out immediately. “Jaemin is a chocolate fanatic. But he’ll take anything with sugar. He has such a sweet tooth. He eats brown sugar when he’s bored. Even his boba drink has 100% sugar.”
“It’s as sweet as you.” Jaemin winks at you exaggeratingly, and you roll your eyes, turning your face away slightly to hide the smile that begins to spread across your face.
“Y/N likes matcha green tea Kit Kats.” He leans closer to the camera, peering into the lens in a serious manner. “If any chocolate companies are watching this, we are both open to sponsorships.”
If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?
“Here,” Jaemin says confidently, beaming at you, “You’d want to live here with me. And I want to live here, too. Because this is the bestest place in the world.” He hesitates, faltering for a moment before searching your eyes. “Right?”
Who are you to say no to that?
You smile at him. “Right.”
What am I deathly afraid of?
“You’re afraid of spiders,” he announces, “You make me take care of all the spiders in the apartment.”
“Yeah, it’s the only reason I keep you around,” you say casually, and he gasps, insulted. You give him a cheeky smile. “I’m just kidding.”
He scowls at you, lips pulled into a frown. “You better be.”
What is the first thing that I do in the morning?
“Jaemin is never awake before I am,” you inform the camera, crossing your legs. “I have to wake him up first if we go anywhere.”
“Even if you don’t have to go to an event, you still wake up early to make sure I’m awake, so I won’t be late. So that’s what you do first thing in the morning: wake me up.” Jaemin nudges your leg. “You always come into my room as a blanket burrito with your comforter wrapped around you.”
“That’s because I have to face the treacherous cold to make sure you aren’t late to your events. But you still end up late anyway because you drag me down onto your bed and refuse to let me go until we lay there for twenty minutes,” you grumble, pulling up your legs onto your chair and wrapping your arms around your knees.
“Cuddling is a good way to conserve body heat and start the morning,” Jaemin states, waving his arms around to emphasize his point.
“Really? Do studies show that it’s beneficial to cuddle in the morning?”
“I don’t know.” Jaemin shrugs, making a noncommittal noise. He smiles at you, causing your stomach to do flip flops and your heart to do cartwheels. “But it makes me happy every morning, so I’d say that’s enough proof.”
Who usually wins our arguments?
“Y/N does,” Jaemin sighs heavily, leaning back against his chair in resignation. “You always win.”
“It’s true.” You nod, patting Jaemin’s arm consolingly. “It’s tough always being right, but someone has to do it.”
“You always pout, too, and I just give in because you’re too cute,” he says casually, and you freeze in your seat. Never mind the fact that he’s implying you’re wrong, Na Jaemin just called you cute.
Good thing this is caught on camera because this means you can secretly watch this multiple times in private. And also cringe over your awkward reaction, but let’s not talk about that right now because once again, Jaemin just called you cute. You! Cute! Jaemin! Your mind is honestly short circuiting, and you can’t do anything, except nod and smile like a complete fool.
What do we usually argue about?
“Adopting,” Jaemin says solemnly. Eyes widening, you wait for a moment, but he offers no explanation. You lightly shove his chair, and he rolls a few inches away. “Nana, you can't just end it like that! You have to say more than that!”
Turning towards the camera, you hurriedly explain, “He’s talking about pets. He wants to adopt five dogs and name them after Jisung, Chenle, Jeno, Renjun, and Mark. And then he wants to adopt a snake and name it after Donghyuck.”
“She said we could only get one dog and the snake.” Jaemin scowls, slumping in his seat as he stares into the camera. “I can’t believe she isn’t letting me get five dogs. I love Jisung and all non-Jisung’s equally.”
What’s my favorite clothing item?
“It’s not even yours. You always steals my white hoodie. I haven’t been able to wear it for the past month,” Jaemin complains, and you have the decency to look a little guilty.
You play with the strings of said hoodie that’s currently engulfing your body, curling into yourself as you tuck your face into the sweater like a turtle. “Your clothes smell nice.”
“But we use the same laundry detergent.” Jaemin wrinkles his eyebrows, confusion evident in his eyes. “All our clothes smell like snuggles and cotton.”
“It’s not the same,” you insist, wrinkling your nose, and he shakes his head, lips curling into a smile. He reaches over and tugs the hood of the sweater over your head playfully.
“Okay, whatever you say, angel. You look better in them than me anyway.”
Where am I on a Friday night?
“You’re here with me, eating Chinese take out and watching Criminal Minds,” you answer, and he agrees, nodding.
“We just finished watching all twelve seasons on Netflix, so if anyone has any show recommendations, please send them in!”
What is my weirdest interest?
“Once again, my clothes,” Jaemin says, and you begin to protest but he wags his finger at you. “No, no, no, you don’t get to disagree! You hoarded like six of my sweaters in your closet. I bought you the exact same sweater for your birthday, but you still take mine!”
You silently decide that it is better to accept this defeat than correct him because you actually have seven of his sweaters and a few tee shirts as well.
Who’s my favorite YouTuber?
“Me!” Jaemin’s hand shoots up in the air. “I’m your favorite YouTuber. Next question.”
Your hands start to get clammy as you look down at the final question you have been saving for last. It’s been a good fifteen minutes, and the butterflies still haven’t subsided. If anything, they seem to have multiplied and transformed into a whole rampaging zoo complete with elephants and monkeys.
“Uh, are you sure about that, Nana? ShowMeTheMonet is really good. I also really like itsmebetch a lot.” You stall for time, staring at the last question until the words are stamped in your mind. “Dream Unsolved and Worth It are amazing, too.”
Suddenly, Jaemin is right in front of you as he spins your chair around to face him, frowning and complaining, “What do you mean I’m not your favorite? You’re my favorite! What kind of best friend are you? This is a betrayal! An insult! This is worse than Jisung not calling me his favorite! How could you do this to m—”
“Okay, okay, you’re my favorite! I’m sorry! It was a joke,” you interrupt, but he turns away from you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, go make a video with ShowMeTheMonet instead.” He sulks, shoulders hunched over. “If you like her so much, go be best friends with her.”
“I’m sorry! I’ll buy you all the chocolate you want after this,” you plead with him, placing your phone on the table next to you. “I’ll even buy you boba everyday for a week!”
Jaemin brightens up at that immediately. “Oh, yeah! I want some milk tea after this! Okay, what’s the last question?”
You swallow hard, nervously fiddling with the hoodie strings once more and shoving all the butterflies down to the pit of your stomach. Twisting in your seat, you move your chair and spin his around until you’re both facing each other, knees touching.
“‘Where and when was our first kiss?’”
At the immediate thought of kissing you, his cheeks explode in various shades of pink, the tips of his ears catching fire. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t thought about kissing you daily. Heck, he had to stop himself from doing so earlier when you were burying your face in his stolen hoodie. It’s so unfair that you’re always so cute and looking so… so… kissable.
“I, uh, I don’t think I can answer that,” your best friend stammers out as his eyes dart towards your lips before meeting yours.
“But you got all the other answers right.” Your voice comes out steadier than you thought it would, and you mentally pat yourself on the back. Gnawing on your bottom lip, you pause for a moment, balling your hands into fists before uncurling them and asking hesitantly, “Should I help you out?”
“Yes.” He wonders how exactly you can help him out. Oh god, did he kiss you before when he was drunk? But you would’ve told him if he did that. What if he had ki—
A soft pair of lips lands on his.
You’re kissing him. Oh my god, you’re kissing him! Jaemin wants to jump up and shout it from the rooftops. His heart leaps from his chest, and he’s wildly cheering in his mind as fireworks explode around him before he suddenly remembers that he has to kiss you back.
And so he does.
Jaemin tugs you closer until you’re pulled onto his lap, a muffled squeak of surprise coming from you, and he laughs as he presses his lips against yours more firmly, hands gripping your thighs as you straddle him. Your arms loop around his neck, and your heart ricochets in your chest as you kiss him back until your lungs are screaming for oxygen and you have to pull away.
Jaemin positively beams at you, eyes sparkling as he leans forward and nuzzles his nose against yours affectionately. He laughs breathlessly, resting his forehead against yours. “Yeah, that was really helpful. Our first kiss just happened right here a few seconds ago. And now, our second kiss is about to happen.”
Your best friend closes the distance, crashing his lips against yours once more, and you kiss him back just as fervently, smiling against his lips as he does the same. Never in either of your wildest dreams did you think this was going to happen, but you sure as heck aren’t complaining, and neither is he.
When the two of you finally break apart, you bury your face into the crook of his neck, flustered, and Jaemin laughs giddily, cheeks flushed and eyes twinkling. He hugs you tightly to his chest before nudging you to look up at him. “So did I get a 100% on the boyfriend tag?”
“Yes,” you say, sitting up straight on his lap and grabbing both of his hands in each of your own, intertwining your fingers with his. “You got twenty five out of twenty five. Congratulations on your perfect score.”
“Technically, you did do the boyfriend tag with your boyfriend then, right?” he says slyly, squeezing your fingers. “Shouldn’t I get some bonus points for helping you do the tag correctly?”
You chuckle, failing to contain your smile. “Okay, fine, you get bonus points, too. You did an A plus job, Nana.”
“I’ll take those bonus points in the form of kisses.” He puckers his lips at you, and you easily comply, wordlessly leaning forward to give him one, two, three kisses.
Jaemin grins at you, positively delighted before he attacks you with kisses, peppering soft kisses onto your cheeks, forehead, chin, the tip of your nose, and everywhere else in between until he finally kisses your lips gently.
If this was a cartoon, there would be hearts floating around his head and shooting from his eyes. He leans forward again to kiss you one more time for good measure. You smile mischievously, tilting your head to the side slightly as your hands curl around his shirt. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you want for your bonus points?”
His eyebrows furrow for a split second before his entire face lights up. Jaemin carefully cradles you, picking you up as his grip tightens under your thighs. You let out a quiet squeal, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he stands up enthusiastically.
“Cut the cameras!”
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One new notification: peachyangel uploaded a new video!
nana ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ commented:
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ANGEL 🥺💗💞💖💗🤩💝💕💜🤧💖💘😭💘🌼💐🥺💖🥺🥺🥺
peachyangel replied: ily too baby 🥺🤧💖💖
insert goofy’s chuckle commented:
is this allowed?? there are minors here 😫 jisung look away
peachyangel replied: get your mind out of the gutter, ya nasty 🙄 we turned off the cam because he wanted to go get milk tea
jisung pwark replied: I’m 18!!!!! Stop treating me like a child!!! 
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ jisung pwark stop making me cut the crusts off of your sandwiches then
big head king replied: @ ghosts are real so suck it hyuck how come you don’t cut the crusts off of my sandwiches 😭😭
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ big head king because you are a grown adult and jeno already does it for you
jenojam commented:
congrats jaemin!! :)
Starbucks Official commented:
we would love to sponsor you, Mr. Na!
OH YOU ARE NANA!!1!1!!! 🤯🤯
ShowMeTheMonet commented:
um hello i would love to do the gf tag with you! i accept!!! it would be an honor 🤩
peachyangel replied: omg yes!!!! 🥺🥺 let’s do it soon 💖
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ nana ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ did… did we just lose our gfs 🤧
mork lee rawr xD commented:
hahaha nice guys ! this was really cute haha
ty track commented:
the babies are all growing up too fast ):
jeno is my favorite commented:
.... i feel so single @.@
DonutKillMyVibe commented:
let it be known that I was the friend who challenged @ peachyangel to do the challenge and hence, I am the reason these two are together 👀👀
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck commented:
someone should make an updated version of that jaemin complaining video compilation with this
big head king commented:
ayyy you all are the GOAT 🐐🐐🐐
jenojam commented:
so are we just gonna let it slide when he called everyone except jisung “non jisungs” ?
jisung pwark replied: 😎😎
insert goofy’s chuckle commented:
is no one gonna comment on how he called me a snake?????
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle is no one gonna comment on how much of a clown hyuck is???
insert goofy’s chuckle replied: @ ghosts are real so suck it hyuck wtf? where did this even come from
ghosts are real so suck it hyuck replied: @ insert goofy’s chuckle sorry I thought we were stating the obvious here
big head king replied: LOLOLOL
apado gwenchana god commented:
nice 😎👍🏻
3K notes · View notes
thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
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A/N: Thank you hottie❤️ Tumblr was fucking with the format, so I had to repost.  Anyways, I looovveee this request. I’ve been waiting to be in the right mood to write this. Like, jealous muscular himbos completely head over heels for their s/o? Sign me up.
Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this, sugar plum
All characters are 18+
Warnings: smut below the line!
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Katsuki Bakugo:
bakugo doesnt get jealous
he usually felt secure in your relationship
yeah he got annoyed when kaminari would jokingly flirt with you
and yes, it made him angry when the dekusquad would literally stare at you with puppy dog eyes
and it pissed him off when kirishima suddenly became the funniest guy in the room when you were around
but he wasn’t jealous
how could he be? he’s bakugo katsuki
you agreed to go out with him. the strongest. the best. you couldn't get any better than him
lmao no
the bigger the ego, the more fragile it was
bakugo doesnt handle jealousy well
there’s a small part of him that knows he can be an asshole
he’s not the most...affectionate person
but damn it, if he doesnt try his hardest for you
you notice that he gets quieter but his actions become a lot more aggressive
he’s glaring at anyone that smiles at you
it’s honestly scarier than his threats
forces you to hold hands
is suddenly into PDA??? when he kissed you in front of your friends you literally made a face
you didn't know what was up with him, but you were really confused when you told him to chill and he visibility wilted
once he came around to telling you that he wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to leave him, you were quick to reassure him
give him a couple kisses and rub his ego just a tad, and he’ll be back to normal
acts like he didn't just look like he was about to cry two seconds ago
there are two things that happen when bakugo gets jealous
at first, he’s very rough and handsy
he likes to talk big and say things like
“imma fuck you up when we get home”
“you like when daddy does that, sweetheart?”
“kiss it right there, baby”
“youre mine. tell me your mine”
he’s doing everything he can to get you screaming and thrashing
he’ll go down on you for hours, leave you trembling, only to tell you that was a warm-up
there’s this dark look in his eyes when he’s pounding into you, gripping the headboard so he can angle himself in the best position possible
it’s like he’s trying to prove himself by wrecking you
in the midst of your fucking, just when you feel like youre about to pass out, bakugo’s head falls on your shoulder
he’s still thrusting into you, but it gets slower and deeper
now it’s not just fucking
looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze and kisses the breath of out you
he can’t speak, too deep into your lovemaking to express how much he loves you
how he’s so scared of losing you
but you don’t need his words to understand
lock your legs around his hips and tell him how you’ll always be his and he will let out a moan that makes your toes curl
when you reach your high, it’s a vulnerable moment
lots of soft kisses and hugging
wont admit to the tears that sting his eyes but is willing to express his adornment for you through his embrace and aftercare
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Todoroki Shouto:
todoroki doesnt have a lot of experience with jealousy
he knows what anger is
he’s felt insecurity
and he knows what it feels like to long for something or someone
but envy was a foreign concept to him
that was until he got into his first romantic relationship with you
don't get him wrong, he trusted you with everything
you gave him no reason to question your loyalty
and it never occurred to him that you would leave him for someone else because of how strong your love was for one another
however, his insecurities always got the best of him
he had a lot of baggage
he knew that
and when someone would approach you, someone that looked free-spirited and independent, he’d wonder if he was holding you back
even then, he can’t help but think that no one is worth the ground you walked on
not even himself sometimes
he never brings it up
but you notice that he started touching his scar a lot more
todoroki would try to act more extroverted thinking it would be better if he was livelier
youre deep talks about family matter diminished little by little
he tried to fill your comfortable silence with awkward conversation
you were so confused why your bf was acting so different
it took a couple attempts to get him to spill his thoughts
once he did, he’s stark quiet, looking away, fearing that you’d be so disappointed in him
but you just take his face in your hands and tell him
“you’re my whole world shouto. why would i ever give that up?”
he holds you in his arms for a long time after that
behind his jealousy of onlooking eyes is a deep steed of low self-esteem
and you can feel it when you get intimate
he’s always looking to please you, but now he’s desperate, trying so hard to think of what will make you feel good
it makes you sad bc he already knows the answer to those questions
but he overthinks it
he’s noticeably shier
his touches are hesitant as he second-guesses himself
is continuously asking if you’re okay or if he’s doing it right
at one point, you have to take charge and push him down on the bed
“let me show you how much i want you. just you”
licks his lips as you kiss down his body
one of those guys that believes sucking his dick is a chore 💀
“you don't have to do that” face ass
so when you suck the soul out of him, he’s SPRUNG
would write a song about it if he could LMAO
quickly says he loves you before kissing you like the world depends on it as you ride him
twirl your hips in the way he likes and he’ll hiss out curses
run your hands through his hair and kiss his scar and he’ll give you such pretty moans
please tell him how beautiful he is and how much you love him
my mans will nut on the spot
after the first round, he regains his confidence and flips you on your hands and knees
before you even know what’s going on, he’s pounding into you, gripping your hips like a lifeline
now that he’s reminded that he’s your man, he spends the night realigning your spine
bc who could do it better?
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Togata Mirio:
mirio is one of the most confident people ever
not only is he secure in himself, but he’s secure in your relationship
he knows he bagged a baddie
ofc people would be all over you
he couldn't blame them! i mean, look at you!
when people approached you, he usually let you handle it
if they were persistent, he would just put an arm around your waist
“you’ve got good taste, but they’re taken! sorry!”
it’s so wholesome that the other person can’t even find it within themselves to be upset
there was only one time he recalled getting genuinely jealous
it was during the time you two weren't exclusively dating
just going on dates to see how things went
at the same time, he overheard from your friend that your ex was trying to get back with you
when he heard that, he started sweating
it wasn't jealousy, but more like fear
he was determined not to lose you
not when things were going so well
mirio literally goes above and beyond on your dates
mans deadass learns how to cook all your favorite foods to bring to you
youre crying bc the seasoning was just *chef’s kiss*
brings you flowers at random times of the day
sends you pictures of things that remind him of you
you’re just soaking up all the attention
he’s always been an extra person so you didn't think much of it
it wasn't until you two were cuddling and watching a movie in his apartment that he confesses to you
“i know that i’m competing against history between you and your ex, but i want you to know that my feelings for you are strong, y/n. and i’ll do everything to prove to you that i can be the man of your dreams”
you stare at him before bringing him in for a kiss
“there’s a reason my ex is my ex”
“just ask me to be yours already, mirio”
he didnt have to be told twice
it was actually that same night that cuddling turned into something a little nastier
honestly, from then on, if you cuddled for more than 20min, there was a 99% chance yall end up fucking lmao
but that night, when he was kissing your neck and grinding his dick against you, he noticed your phone light up on the nightstand
you were too caught up in his fingers between your legs but he saw the text from your ex
it read: “i know this might be out of the blue, but would you wanna catch up over dinner sometime?”
now, mirio wasn't one to be spiteful
but he couldn't help but get a little heated
knowing your ex was trying to get back with you was way different than seeing it
a tiny switch goes off in his head and now he’s ready to make it known that you and him are together
you’re in heaven as mirio’s lips suck and nip at your neck and body
his head game is immaculate
turns you on your stomach so he can massage your back and ass before sliding into you
mirio holds your neck and gives you sloppy kisses as his hips swim into you
your phone lights up again and you can barely think straight when he gets rougher
starts pounding into you like he’s tryna put a baby in you whether it���s possible or not 💀
youre grabbing for anything you can hold as he starts whispering sweet nothings about how he’s gonna take care of you
whew...what a man yall 🥴
the entire time he’s wearing a shit-eating grin
bc he knows he won
might have accidentally sent your ex a voice recording of you moaning his name
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fridayfirefly · 4 years
The Power of Luck [Chapter One]
Read The Power of Luck on AO3
Masterlist [All Works]
Masterlist [The Power of Luck Series]
Written for Maribat March Day 6 - Miraculous Side Effects
The Ladybug Miraculous had quite a few side effects. Marinette was able to think quick on her feet, she was a skilled tactician in battle, and her reaction time was half that of a normal human. Most notably, the Ladybug Miraculous granted its user the force known as Miraculous Luck, which, depending on the situation, was sometimes more of a curse than a blessing. Marinette didn't get to choose how that good luck manifested. For instance, when she needed an extra day to finish a history project, her school closed down due to a gas leak. Or when she wished for a fresh start after the defeat of Hawkmoth, her parents were offered a deal to grow their bakery business in America.
Marinette assured her parents that she didn't mind moving. After all, most of her class had already moved on. Lila had been deported to Italy, narrowly avoiding jail time. Chloé (much to her dismay) was sent by her father to an all-girls boarding school in England. Adrien was taken in by his Aunt Amelie (as Gabriel was in jail and Emilie was declared brain-dead) and moved to England as well.
No one else from Marinette's class left the country, but many of them moved out of Paris. Nathanial was accepted to an elite art school in Marseille. Max was accepted to a gifted program at an elite school in Bordeaux. Officer Raincomprix was transferred to Toulouse and took Sabrina with him. Juleka and Luka both started homeschooling after their mother sailed the houseboat down the Seine to the city of Rouen.
Worst of all was the loss of Alya. Her parents were horrified that the son of Hawkmoth was in the same class as their daughter, and promptly pulled Alya out of class and decided to move out of the city. Alya begged them for weeks but nothing came of her protests. In the end, Alya left too.
The Miraculous Luck could do a lot of things, but it couldn't keep her friends together. Those who remained at François Dupont filled holes in other classes. Marinette tried to make the best of her new class, but she felt no real connection to them. When her parents proposed the move, Marinette jumped on the opportunity. In Gotham, she wouldn't be haunted by the ghost of her old life.
Marinette cut her hair, leaving it choppy and just above the shoulders. She donated all of her brightly colored clothes to the thrift store down the street and created a new wardrobe for herself. It was toned down and mature, much more fitting for Gotham.
Marinette left Paris a much different girl than the naive fourteen-year-old who thought she could save the world. She was ready for a city like Gotham, a city that didn't make any promises, a city where Marinette could set down some new roots.
At first, it was easy to fly under the radar at Gotham Academy. It was a school filled with the self-absorbed children of millionaires and billionaires, after all. Marinette was there on scholarship - her good grades, leadership experience, and working-class parents combined to cut her tuition down by 75%. Marinette quickly learned that scholarship students were at best ignored, and at worst mercilessly bullied. So Marinette kept her head down and vowed that she would get through the year unscathed.
There was one variable, however, that the Miraculous Luck wasn't able to account for. Marinette's entire plan fell apart thanks to one boy: Damian Wayne.
Marinette became acquainted with Damian Wayne through the school's rumor mill. She learned that he was one of the most wealthy and most attractive people in the school, but he was thought himself too good to spend time with any of his fellow classmates (Marinette couldn't fault him on the last bit; she also found the students at Gotham Academy to be difficult, to say the least). Marinette also learned through the school's rumor mill that Damian spent quite a lot of time staring at her. Given that Damian had never paid the slightest amount of attention to a Gotham Academy girl before, this was a big deal. Suddenly Marinette was the farthest thing from under the radar. Everyone who used to look down on her wanted to be her friend. It was exhausting.
Marinette resolved to ignore Damian Wayne - an easy task, given that she still didn't even know what he looked like. Now that everyone was staring at her, it was hard to
"Why?" grumbled Marinette. "Why couldn't my so-called Miraculous Luck help me get through one normal year of school?"
Tikki shrugged from her spot inside of Marinette's backpack. "Maybe all of this attention will turn out to be a good thing?"
"I doubt that." Marinette glanced around, checking that no one had spotted her talking to her backpack. There was one spot in the cafeteria that was hidden from view, a window-sill nestled behind a pillar, bordered by a wall on one side and an out of order vending machine on the other. Marinette sat on the window-sill every day to eat lunch, with Tikki as her companion for the meal.
"I think your problem is that you're overthinking this. Miraculous Luck always works out in the end, even if there are some obstacles in the middle."
"I just want this horrible school year to be over," sighed Marinette, setting her head down in her arms.
"Don't give up yet, Marinette. I have high hopes for this school year," said Tikki.
Marinette had some serious doubts but picked her head up anyway. Maybe this year wouldn't turn out the way she expected. Marinette defeated Hawkmoth, the greatest villain Paris ever faced. She could survive a year of high school.
Marinette was going to survive her senior year of high school. Damian Wayne on the other hand... Marinette still wasn't sure if she was going to let him survive the year, after everything he put her through.
"Excuse me?" a sickeningly sweet voice piped up from behind Marinette.
Marinette put on her best disinterested-face, took out one headphone, and turned around. "Yes?"
There were three girls standing behind her: a blonde, flanked on both sides by a brunette and a red-head. The blonde girl had a smile on her face but a devious look in her eyes. Marinette had long ago learned to spot manipulators, and this girl had it written all over her. "Are you Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"
"My name is Julie Cooper. I was just wondering... Are you dating Damian Wayne?"
Marinette huffed in exasperation. "What do you think?"
Julie's eyes narrowed. "I just wanted to warn you. I mean, did you really think that Damian Wayne would seriously date a girl here on scholarship? You should break up with him before you get hurt."
"It was a rhetorical question. I'm not dating Damian Wayne. It's just a rumor."
Julie instantly perked up. "Oh, good! I was beginning to think that Damian had lost his mind. I mean, I'm sure you would be a nine or a ten at a public school, but at Gotham Academy, you're like a seven, maybe an eight on a good day. Most of the girls who go here are actually hot, not just," the girl waved her hand towards Marinette. "Above average."
Marinette wasn't sure if Julie meant for her to feel flattered or offended, but her words had the strange effect of making Marinette feel both all at once. "Um, thanks? I'm going to go now."
Julie's brunette friend suddenly paled as the girl started to tug on Julie's sleeve. "Um, Julie?" she whispered.
"What, Nora?" Julie's eyes widened as they fixed on something behind Marinette.
Marinette turned around to see what the cause of their concern was. Or rather, to see who the cause of their concern was. It was a boy, tall and scowling. "Are you done here, Cooper?"
Julia nodded, a nervous edge to her voice, "Bye, Marinette." She and her two friends hurried off, exchanging frantic whispers.
"What do you want?" asked Marinette with a sigh. She was tired of dealing with boys who were only interested in her because Damian Wayne was interested in her.
"I wished to apologize."
"For Julie? Did you put her up to this?"
The boy looked confused. "No, of course not. I meant that I wanted to apologize for everything, not just Julie Cooper."
"For everything?" The truth suddenly dawned on Marinette. "You're Damian Wayne! I didn't think that you would be so tall."
"You didn't know what I looked like?" There was real shock in his voice.
"Well, by the time I learned that you had been staring at me everyone was staring at me, so that wasn't much help in figuring out who you were."
"You could have googled me."
Marinette shrugged. "I could have, but it felt weird to google one of my classmates. I pretty much just resigned myself to never figuring out who you were."
"I should have approached you sooner. I've wanted to apologize for a while, but every time I've caught you alone you've looked like you wanted to be left that way."
"I'm not a fan of most of the students here."
"The students here can be..." Damian searched for the appropriate word. "Tiresome. I resigned myself to a dull four years of high school in their company. That is, until I saw you."
Marinette cocked her head. "Why me, though? I'm nothing special."
"You're different than everyone else here."
Marinette stiffened. "I know. I've been told. I'm here on a scholarship which means I don't belong," she snapped
Damian shook his head. "No, that's not what I meant. You move through life differently than all of the other students here. You don't care about the gossip or drama - at least, not until you were right at the center of it all. You've seen the real world, so you float above the high school drama. You're just so... so..."
"So what?" Marinette's tone softened.
Damian ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it. The addition of the messy hair added a certain charm to his otherwise polished exterior. "I've been brainstorming for the right word for weeks. The best I can come up with is pure. You don't let yourself become affected by anything in this school."
It was a very flattering description of her. It was also very on the nose. "I'll forgive you, Damian Wayne, but only on one condition."
"I want to get to know you, and I have a feeling that you feel the same way."
Damian nodded. "It's a deal."
Maybe her Miraculous Luck wasn't so useless after all. Marinette had expected to go the whole year without making a single friend. Now, it seemed that she might make one after all.
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atheistforhumanity · 3 years
Why did u decide to be atheist?
Hello Anon,
This is an excellent question. I wouldn't describe my transition from belief to non-belief as a decision. To me it was much more of a realization that could not be avoided. I felt like I had finally solved a complex puzzle that I had spent years approaching from the wrong direction.
My education is solely responsible for transition and I've felt more free than I've ever been. Like everyone else, my world view was plagued by a number of fallacies, misinformation, emotional entanglement, and a drive to stick to what I felt was true. Maybe that's why I have this blog. So I can maybe I can help other people muddle through all those barriers I went through.
After spending many more years in college than anyone has to, I went from a high school drop out to a learned young man who had drastically improved my critical thinking and analytical skills, not to mention my reading level, which allowed me to read the great minds of the past. I learned how to conduct real research and how to evaluate sources.
Here are my top three major realizations that turned me into a non-believer:
1. Standard of Proof: Before I received an education, I frankly had no idea what it meant to prove an idea. Like most people, I thought an idea is proven when it's presented in the most convincing way. If I was convinced then it must be true. But that's not how reality works and by studying both philosophy and science, I came to realize that much of what I thought was evidence in favor of my higher power was in fact a string of poor reasoning on my part. Something that impacted me greatly was reading Descartes' Meditation where he attempts to prove the existence of God. After reading it I immediately saw that Descartes had broke his line of reasoning and made a massive jump with no evidential foundation. At the time I was a very spiritual, but not religious type person. This sent me on a spiral of reevaluating all ideas on the spirit, god, and any other metaphysical beliefs. I realized that the whole culture I participated in was also making declarations that had no foundation in reality, and only exist if we assume them to exist.
2. Knowledge of Pre-Christianity: Despite having a Christian upbringing, I was never one to really believe in the Bible. The glaring scientific and historical inaccuracies were too obvious to ignore. However, I remember reading about pagan religions before Christianity and before Judaism as well. I learned a little about the Gods that proceeded those religions, how the foundations of Judaism and their god were such retellings of older stories, and a little about how historical records show the slow transition of belief and progression of ideas. I always viewed Christianity as a fabrication, but seeing how the process unfolds in society and devastatingly simple and natural the process was it made me reevaluate everything I knew or thought about all supernatural and spiritual claims. Learning some detail about the process made me look at the whole world in a different way, and understand that most of what people believed in was a result of these evolving tales that never truly die. For a variety of psychological reasons, human beings are a sucker for a good story.
3. A Desire for Truth: This is the most crucial factor above all others. In America, there is a strong cultural focus on interpreting the world in your own way, because personal freedom means that your thoughts cannot be controlled. Throughout American history, since the Puritans settled here, people have taken this freedom to imply that anything goes. And I mean anything! This has been the cause of hundreds of new sects of Christianity, countless cults and waves of ever changing magical thinking. This has also led to a number of anti-intellectual movements in U.S. history, which I've written a little about before. It all stems from the idea that the freedom to hold any idea also means that the truth is always in debate and that they can never be wrong. I mean wrong in an objective way, that everything is a matter of opinion. America's religious routes are the foundation of all relativism in our culture today.
I had to shed this idea that everything was a matter of opinion and that the goal should be to come up with a world view. My idea of "figuring out" the world was like shopping at a super store and filling my cart with anything that appealed to me without any real concern for validity. I made a decision to drop ideas that I liked, and to actually interpret the world factually and critically. I essentially started completely over and asked myself, 'with all of our knowledge in the modern era, what can we say we truly know about life, the world, and existence?'
After that I cut away all magical thinking, all unfounded assumptions, evaluated all ideas with a new scrutiny, and educated myself on what is known so far. In the process of doing this I transitioned to atheism, not by choice, but as a matter of intellectual integrity. An atheist is simply someone who is not convinced that any gods exist, and I absolutely fit into that category.
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nikki-writes-stuff · 4 years
Beauty In the Blood - Part 5
Summary: One day your friend convinces you to join a dating website that matches people based on their search histories, and when you match with Loki Odinson, a handsome, intelligent coroner who’s a fan of your murder mysteries, you’re absolutely thrilled. But there’s something off about Loki, and as your relationship progresses, you discover that his dark side is even darker than you could ever have imagined…
Pairing: Serial Killer!Loki x Writer!Reader
Read part four here! 
A/N: This story is based off of this post! I hope you guys enjoy; this is my first time writing Loki, and this will probably be the darkest thing I’ve ever written. Please let me know what you think as the story progresses!
*Please read to the end for another author’s note!*
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A/N: Warning, folks! Here be smut! Nothing too dark in this chapter as far as gore or violence goes, though. Which... I suppose is a plus, considering this story. I hope you guys enjoy!
Too good to be true.
That was the thought that kept plaguing you, even four months later. He’s too good to be true. This relationship is too good to be true. What happens when I figure out that this is too good to possibly be true?
And yet, day after day, Loki continued to prove you wrong. It wasn’t all just the big romantic overtures that you found out he loved to make. (Like the time he had a dozen red roses delivered to your door on your one-months anniversary. Or the brand new matching wireless keyboard and mouse he got to make writing easier for you. Or the time he took you to a quaint, tucked away speak-easy to treat you to a night of drinks and slow dancing.)
It was in the little things, too. How he would come over on days where you felt less-than-good to hold you and watch your favorite movies. Or how he would send you texts throughout the day to tell you about an interesting case at work, or to ask you what you wanted for dinner on date night, or just to tell you that he was thinking about you.
In fact, some would even say that he was too attentive, too perfect, and were it anyone else, alarm bells would be going off in your head. But there was something about him that made you keep coming back for more, and even with months now behind you, you still couldn’t get enough.
And maybe that was why you were so nervous right now. Pacing back and forth across the length of your bedroom, you stared down at your stocking-clad feet as you tried frantically to tamp down the butterflies batting around your rib cage. You knew, consciously, that even if tonight were a disaster, Loki would still care about you. He wouldn’t just up and leave, even if Thor ended up despising you.
But you still really hoped he wouldn’t.
A gasp parted your lips when the tell-tale sound of your doorbell echoed throughout your home, and after one more deep breath, you pulled your heels on and made your way down the stairs. With one last glance in the mirror and a quick, silent prayer to whoever might be listening, you threw your purse over your shoulder and opened your front door.
His smile still caught you off guard sometimes. As you stepped out into the darkness of the evening, you felt heat flood your cheeks as Loki grinned up at you. He was dressed impeccably as always, sporting a dark green suit with a crisp white shirt, and if the way his eyes raked over you was anything to go by, he was more than pleased with how you looked, as well.
“And you must be the woman I’ve heard so much about!”
A loud, booming voice took you off guard, and you watched as annoyance flashed over your boyfriend’s face at the outburst. As he turned to shoot a glare over his shoulder, you caught a flash of the other man waiting at the base of your front steps, and though you already knew that Loki was adopted, you were still briefly taken aback by just how different the two brothers were.
Thor was just as large as Loki had described, and although the two stood at about the same height, his shoulders and build were so broad that he would have been quite intimidating, were it not for the large grin on his face. His long hair was pulled up into a loose bun, showing off a pair of blue eyes that seemed to radiate genuine happiness, and despite your still-present nerves, you couldn’t help but let a matching smile come over your features.
“Hi, Thor. Loki’s told me so much about you.”
“And I’m sure all of it is incredibly flattering, right?” He sent a conspiratorial glance back to Loki, who only raised an eyebrow.
“Whatever could I tell her about you that wouldn’t be flattering, brother?”
“Nothing comes to mind, seeing whereas I’ve never done anything wrong or questionable.”
“Thor Odinson? Perish the thought.”
The man in question let out a bark of laughter before turning back to you and extending his arm for a handshake.
“Well, my brother has nothing but glowing remarks about you,” he remarked, all but crushing your hand in his grip. “And I couldn’t be more thrilled to finally meet the woman who’s stolen Loki’s heart.”
Once more, you felt heat rising in your face, and you let out a nervous chuckle as Thor dropped your hand. From your right, you felt an arm slither around your waist, and you leaned into Loki’s warmth.
“Thank you so much! It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”
“You don’t need to lie for his sake, love,” Loki stage-whispered into your ear. Rolling your eyes, you gave him a nudge with your elbow, though Thor seemed to be used to his brother’s sass. Without a glance in his direction, Thor reached into his pocket and withdrew a set of keys, clicking a button on them until you heard a car beep close by.
“Shall we be off, then?” he asked. “We have about twenty minutes until our reservation.”
“That is if his driving doesn’t kill us along the way,” Loki snarked, guiding you towards the car with a hand on your lower back.
“I didn’t hear you offering to drive earlier, Loki,” Thor commented, sending his brother a look that elicited a scowl in response.
“Only because my car is in the shop. Remember?”
“Excuses, excuses.”
You giggled at the pained look your boyfriend sent you, pecking his cheek as Thor made his way around to the driver’s seat. Loki offered to sit in the back, but after a few moments of deliberation, you ended up sitting in the back with Loki on the passenger side next to Thor. Your seating arrangements ended up working out perfectly, though, because you had the perfect vantage point to watch the two brothers bicker over how to get to the restaurant. Loki was doing his best to navigate, but… Well. You quickly learned that it was of no use with Thor behind the wheel.
“I said take a left at Sycamore, Thor.”
“I heard you. But there’s a shortcut between Sycamore and Highland Street.”
“No, there’s not. Have you even driven through this part of New York before?”
“You forget I used to live here, too, brother. I know exactly what I’m doing.”
“Oh, just like you did when we were driving through London, yes?”
“That was your fault. If you hadn’t had tried to-“
Needless to say, the twenty minute drive was eventful to say the least, and you were only mildly traumatized by the way Thor was bobbing and weaving through the thick New York traffic. Even Loki looked a bit green from it, and you’d never seen your boyfriend shaken by anything. When both of you had your feet once again on solid ground, he wrapped an arm around you once again and whispered against your hair.
“I really do apologize for all of that, darling.”
“No, please don’t. It was funny,” you assured him, pecking his cheek as Thor rounded the vehicle towards you. “Usually you’re so…unperturbed. It was nice to see you a little ruffled.”
He sent you a bemused smile, but it vanished as Thor clapped him on the back hard enough to make him stumble forward a few steps.
“Well, nothing ruffles Loki’s feathers like me. It took an entire month of convincing for him to even agree to me visiting.”
“A decision I’m regretting more and more as the minutes tick by…”
Soon enough, the three of you were sat at a table in one of the nicest restaurants you’d ever been to. Surprisingly enough, Thor had recommended the place, and after your waiter came by to take your drink orders, you rested your hand on top of Loki’s and turned towards the blonde.
“Thank you for the restaurant suggestion, Thor. How’d you hear about this place?”
“My girlfriend actually told me about it. Usually when I’m in New York on business, I just go to local food trucks or pizza parlors. But Jane said that I should take you two somewhere nice. She apologizes for not being able to make the trip, by the way. She was just as curious about you as I was, but she had an important conference to give a lecture at.”
“That sounds amazing! And no worries; I’d love to meet her next time you’re in town. What do the two of you do for a living?”
“Well, Jane is an astronomer – one of the best in the entire world, actually,” he started, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his partner. “She’s lecturing on a new design she’s invented, some sort of spectrometer. Honestly, it all goes way over my head, but that’s why she’s the genius.”
“To be fair, most things go over your head, brother.”
Thor rolled his eyes at Loki’s quip, and when you turned towards your boyfriend, you saw that he had a small smile on his face to match the mischievous glint in his eyes. You knew better than to take him seriously; anyone would be able to see how close the two were, despite their back-and-forth.
“And what about you, Thor? Loki’s never told me what you do for a living.”
“I work for Stark Industries,” he replied, taking a sip of the large pint of beer he’d ordered. “It’s not much, but it keeps me busy.”
“Not much, indeed,” Loki interjected. “You’re only in charge of the entire marketing department, after all.”
Your eyes widened at that; Stark Industries was one of the biggest, most well-known brand names in the world. From appliances to electronics to clean energy, it was right up there with Google and Disney as far as most were concerned, and to think that Thor was in such a high-ranking position, well… From the things Loki had told you about Thor, you hadn’t expected such a career for him.
“Wow. That’s…incredible. So you know Tony Stark?”
“Oh, me and Tony are great friends. But I don’t ‘run’ the marketing department by any means. Just the UK faction of it.”
After that, the waiter stopped by to take your respective orders, after which Thor settled his attention on you once more.
“So, Loki has already told me about your writing. It’s funny to think of him dating the author responsible for those books he’s obsessed over for years.”
“I’m not obse-“
“Has he asked you to sign any of his copies yet?”
He had, jokingly, at one point. But you didn’t tell Thor that.
The rest of the evening passed by without incident, and your nerves quickly evaporated as the three of you laughed and talked through the rest of the meal. Loki liked to joke at Thor’s expense, but it was clear that he held his older brother in high regard, and Thor clearly loved Loki very much. More than a few times, you caught him watching you and Loki closely, a discerning, considering look in his eyes that belayed an intelligence you hadn’t expected. He might not be as book smart or as well-spoken as his younger sibling, but Thor obviously was good when it came to reading people. Whatever he was looking at, though, it didn’t disappoint, because any time your eyes met, he would send you a small, encouraging smile that would immediately dissipate any worries you might have had.
In what felt like no time at all, the three of you were piling out of the car at your house again, and you didn’t hesitate to return Thor’s hug as he said his goodbyes.
“It was wonderful to meet you,” he assured you. “Loki’s never let me meet any of his girlfriends before, but I see now that he was just waiting for the right one to come along first.”
Taken off guard by his genuine compliment, you could only blink up at him for a few moments in surprise before your brain kicked back in.
“That’s…so kind of you to say, Thor. Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
After clapping you on the shoulder, Thor said his goodbye and got back into his car, giving you and Loki some privacy. As soon as his blonde head disappeared into the vehicle, you felt two cold hands cup your cheeks, and before you knew it, you were being pulled into a deep, toe-curling kiss, and you let yourself melt into your boyfriend’s embrace as he held you against him.
“That went well, I would say,” he murmured as the two of you finally parted. “He likes you, if that wasn’t already obvious.”
“I like him, too,” you smiled. “Thank you for letting me meet him.”
“I should be the one thanking you, love.”
He opened his mouth to continue speaking, but you watched as uncertainty began to creep along his features, and after a few moments of considering, his mouth snapped shut once again.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” he replied, shaking his head. “I forgot what I was going to say, is all. I think driving with Thor still has my brains slightly scrambled.”
“Hm.” You didn’t believe him, not for a second, but whatever it was left your mind as soon as his lips came down onto yours once more. This kiss was slower than before, and lingering; his hands slid up over your hips to settle on your waist, and he let out a soft sigh through his nose before pulling away to set his forehead on yours.
“I should probably head home,” he whispered. “But Thor leaves out tomorrow morning. Would you like to come over tomorrow?”
“For dinner?”
“And dessert.”
You grinned, pressing one last kiss to his lips before taking a step towards your door.
“I love you, Loki. Have a good rest of your evening.”
“I will, darling. But only because I’ll be thinking of you.”
The two men drove in silence back to Loki’s house, leaving him to think back over the evening. It couldn’t have gone better, in his opinion. Thor liked you, but Thor was a bit like a golden retriever in that way. He loved most of the people he met, whereas Loki had always been more comparable to a cat; he needed to trust someone before deciding whether or not he liked them, typically, and his trust was not easily gained. In fact, there were only two people in the world he truly trusted, and now, they’d both finally made the other’s acquaintance.
The silence was finally broken when Thor parked in front of Loki’s home. As they both sat there, illuminated by the dashboard and streetlights, his elder brother turned to face him fully.
“I like her,” he announced, as though Loki couldn’t already tell that. “Does she know?”
Loki arched an eyebrow before getting out of the car and fishing his keys out of his pocket, striding up to his door as his brother scrambled to catch up with him.
“I have no idea what you could be alluding to,” he replied, opening his front door and bending down to scoop up Lovecraft, who had a habit of swiping at Thor anytime he tried to enter the house.
“Oh, I wonder,” Thor countered, shutting the door behind him before peeling off his winter coat. “I suppose I could be talking about your allergy to dogs. Or perhaps your aversion to the color orange. Or, oh, I don’t know, your habit of murdering innocents. Who knows?”
With a roll of his eyes, Loki hung his coat up beside Thor’s and started striding towards his basement stairs, trusting Thor to follow him.
“How many times must I tell you – there’s no such thing as ‘innocent’. Not in today’s world, at least.”
“Try telling that to a jury.”
“Hopefully it’ll never come to that point,” Loki sighed. He bypassed the first room of his basement, not giving a second glance to the old, miscellaneous pieces of furniture and the stacked boxes of keepsakes from childhood. No, instead he focused on the large, dusty bookshelf that covered the far wall of the room, reaching for the thick compendium of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets that hid the keyhole.
“I’ll never get used to being down here…” Thor’s voice was uncharacteristically small in here; usually, his baritone could be heard from several rooms away, but his mood always took a dark turn when he was reminded of Loki’s…’proclivities’.
“You can always wait upstairs, you know,” Loki uttered without a backwards glance, fitting the small key into the lock and twisting until he heard a click.
“I know,” his brother assured him. “But I promised I’d help you, so let’s just get this over with.”
Smirking, Loki pocketed his keys and pulled the hidden door open, watching a section of the bookcase separate from the rest and turn on the hinges he’d installed so long ago. The creaking shriek they elicited made him wince, and he made a mental note to grease them before his next houseguest.
Luckily for Thor, the only beings alive or dead in Loki’s house were the two of them and Lovecraft, who pattered in after them before jumping up onto the chair in the corner. He typically didn’t allow his cat entry to this room, for obvious reasons, but he decided to leave her be as he knelt next to the detached backseat from his car that was sitting in the middle of the room.
“I’ve already replaced the stuffing; you just need to help me reupholster, and then I can do the rest.”
Thor knelt beside him with a grumble, grabbing a staplegun from his wall of power tools and torture instruments as he kept his eyes stubbornly focused on the seat.
“You know, if you used plastic tarps like any self-respecting serial killer would, you wouldn’t have to reupholster anything in the first place,” he groused. Loki knew that he had a point, and he usually did use plastic when transporting his victims.
“…This one was a bit of a last minute decision,” he finally conceded. “But I’m handling it, as you can see.”
Thor’s lips turned white as he pressed them together, pausing in his struggle to roll out more fabric.
“Loki, you can’t afford to make many last minute decisions with this sort of thing,” he muttered, all joking gone from his voice. “You promised me you’d be careful if and when you get these…urges.”
“And I am,” Loki assured his brother. “Truthfully. No one has ever suspected me of anything. Not once, and you know that.”
With a huff, Thor nodded and continued his work, his movements echoing in the concrete chamber. In the back of his mind, Loki knew that his brother was right, though. Five months ago, he never would have been so careless as to get a victim’s blood on his suede car seats. But, now that he had you in his life, all of his passions seemed to be reigniting. For one, he’d never had as much sex in his previous relationships as he was having with you. He also never felt the need to talk to someone as much as he spoke with you; he hadn’t had many girlfriends or boyfriends in the past, but the ones he’d had always complained about him being too distant, too aloof, too ‘unfeeling’. Now, though, he found himself craving you and your company at all times during the day, and his alone time was less and less precious to him as he considered how much better it would be having you by his side.
However, as those passions rose, others did as well. You and your newest novel were a constant source of inspiration to him, and his lust for blood had grown considerably. If he kept up the pace that he was at right now, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he slipped up. But he pushed that thought aside, as he always had. That was a bridge he would cross when he came upon it.
“…Will you ever tell (Y/N)?”
Thor’s question was sudden, and it made his hands still as he reached for the staple gun.
“…Are you suggesting that I do?”
“Of course not.” Thor shook his head, biting back a curse as he tried stretching a length of suede over the car seat’s frame. “At least, not right now. I think both of us know that it wouldn’t end well. But this is a…mammoth secret to keep from a significant other, Loki. And if you weren’t able to hide it from me, there will come a day when you won’t be able to hide it from her, either. Not if you’re going to keep her in your life.”
“You didn’t find out until I was twenty,” he countered. “And you only found out because I got sloppy.”
“I still knew that there was something off. And, if I’m being honest with myself, I suspected the truth for years before I caught you in the act.”
Loki’s eyebrows rose, and he didn’t know what was more surprising to him – the truth, or the fact that his brother was still able to take him off guard, even after all of the years spent together.
“Of course, Loki. I knew you weren’t sneaking out at night to go clubbing.” He chuckled a bit at the thought, though his laughter died the second he saw the look Loki shot him. “I saw you burning your clothes once, in the field behind our house. We were 17 at the time, I think. And I knew you wouldn’t burn them unless it were to hide…well. Bloodstains. It was the only explanation for why you decided to burn them in the middle of the night, at least.
“But I told myself that I was wrong. People do that, you know; when someone you love hurts you, or when they do something wrong, you know it. But you lie to yourself anyways.”
There was a long, heavy silence before the two brothers got back to work, one that was only broken several minutes later, when they were mostly finished.
Loki looked up, catching a solemn expression on Thor’s face that immediately didn’t sit right with him. For all of his sociopathic tendencies towards most people, he didn’t like to see his typically jovial sibling so serious.
“I can’t pretend to know what it’s like to be you,” Thor sighed. “I’ve never fully understood how your mind works, but I know that it’s hard for you to let people in. So I’m happy for you and (Y/N). I am. But I also know that, someday, she’s going to find out. It can either be from you slipping up, or from you telling her outright. But, someday, she’s going to find out.
“I meant what I said – when you find out that someone you love is bad, and that they’ve done bad things, you lie to yourself before accepting the truth. Just…promise me that you’ll look out for when she starts lying to herself about you. Alright?”
Loki swallowed, his throat suddenly dry as he thought about you, about how your face would twist into an expression of fear, of disgust, of hatred, when you finally found out about him. And his heart sank as he pictured the fragile reality you two had been living in all of a sudden crumpling into ash. He couldn’t even bear the thought of losing you, but what other choice would he have if you found him out?
“What are you suggesting I do when she finds out?” he asked, a slight waver making its way through the syllables despite his best interest.
“I’m asking what you’re prepared to do, brother. Think it over, and please, just be careful.”
You woke up the next day to find a text waiting for you from an unknown number, but as soon as you opened it, a wide smile came over your face.
Loki wouldn’t give me your number, so I had to get it out of his phone while he slept. But I wanted to tell you before I fly back to London that it was lovely meeting you, and I’m very happy my brother finally found someone he loves. -Thor
The text was sent at 6:14am, so you knew that Thor was likely already on his plane, but you still tapped out a message before getting up and starting your day.
It was great to meet you, too! Have a safe trip back.
With that, you finally dragged yourself out of bed and went about your morning routine, sending Loki a quick good morning text as you ate breakfast. You were planning on finishing up the last chapter of your coroner story, and you were excited to let him read it that evening when it was done. He’d been so supportive throughout the entire writing process that you were making record time on it; even your editor was surprised at how productive you’d been lately, and you were anxious for his thoughts on the ending.
As you sat down at your computer to type it up, though, you saw that you had an email from your publisher, and your heartrate skyrocketed as you opened it up. You’d sent them the first five edited chapters a few weeks back, and even though you already had several published books, you still got excited anytime you heard back from them.
Your heart only beat faster as you read through their email, and though you’d only just sat down, you were soon leaping out of your chair once you were done. They were going to publish it! At least, they were going to as soon as you had all of the chapters. You’d been concerned that your main character wouldn’t have as much appeal as others of yours had in the past, but as it turned out, they loved Olivia.
Before you even realized what you were doing, your phone was out of your pocket and you were dialing Loki’s number, your fingers trembling in excitement. You tapped your foot anxiously as you waited for him to pick up, and when he finally did, he barely had time to say hello before you were telling him the good news.
“Hello, darling-“
“LOKI I HEARD BACK FROM MY PUBLISHER!” you cried, grinning from ear to ear. “Also hello! Good morning, my love.”
Loki’s velvety laugh only added to your elation, and you quickly ran up to your bedroom to start getting dressed.
“Good morning to you, too. I take it the news was good?”
“It was amazing news! Fantastic news, actually. I was going to finish the final chapter today, but now I’m too excited to focus!”
“Well, love, I’m sure that if you want to just take today to celebrate, it won’t put you too far behind schedule.”
“Speaking of celebrating, can I bring lunch by today on your break? If work isn’t too busy for you, that is.”
“That should be fine, darling; work is actually quite slow.”
“Perfect! I’m going to start getting dressed, but text me which restaurant you’d like, and I’ll pick it up. My treat!”
“Alright, love,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you around noon, then.”
After you two said your goodbyes, you flew through getting ready and ran a few errands before lunch time came around. Loki, as usually, had told you that he was fine with anything and that you should pick the restaurant, so you swung by your favorite bistro before taking a cab to Bellevue Hospital, waving at the front desk staff as you passed by. They all recognized you at this point from your previous visits to see Loki on his break, and they all smiled and waved back as you made your way to the elevators.
You turned to see one of the receptionists calling you over, and so you shifted the food boxes in your hands and approached the desk.
“Dr. Odinson asked me to tell you that he’s in his office – it’s on the same floor as the morgue, but take a left instead of a right when you get out of the elevators. His is the third office on the left.”
After thanking her for letting you know, you headed down that way, shivering as you stepped out into the cold basement floor. His office had a bronze name placard on it that had Loki’s name on it, and so, after a quiet knock, you walked in to find him sitting behind a tidy desk, tapping away at his laptop furiously.
“I come bearing gifts!” you announced, causing his head to pop up from staring at his screen.
“Come in, love,” he smiled, standing up to help you with the food. “Thank you so much for lunch.”
“Don’t mention it! I wanted to celebrate the latest book, and I can think of no way I’d like to celebrate more than to spend time with the man I love. …And that was incredibly cheesy, wasn’t it?”
“It was,” Loki laughed, pulling the chair in front of his desk out for you. “But it was also very sweet, and I appreciate it more than you realize.”
After setting your food down on the desk, you sat down, not realizing that Loki wasn’t going back to his side of the desk until you heard the click of a lock sliding shut behind you. Turning around, you watched as Loki stepped away from the door, approaching you with a conniving glint in his eyes.
“Did…you just lock the door?” you asked, taking a sip of your drink.
“I did,” he confirmed. He didn’t elaborate further before sinking down onto his knees in front of you, and you only caught on to his intent after he gently took the to-go cup out of your hands to rest it on his desk.
“…Am I stuck in here with you, or are you stuck in here with me?” you joked, starting to squirm in your chair as Loki’s hands came down onto your knees.
The only answer you got was a wink before his lips were on yours, and all other thoughts fizzled out as his palms started creeping up your thighs, getting closer and closer to the waistband of your jeans. His tongue tasted like coffee as it glided over your own, and a small moan escaped your lips when his teeth gently nipped at your bottom lip.
“Are you sure about this?” you whispered as he started unbuttoning your pants. “I mean… What if we get caught?”
“We won’t get caught, love,” he assured you, slowly dragging your zipper down before beginning to slide your jeans off. “No one can stop us from having a little celebration. As long as you can keep quiet, that is.”
You lifted your hips as he tugged your trousers down your legs, taking your panties with them, and you shivered when you felt the cold leather chair against your exposed skin. Biting your lip, you slowly nodded your head, spreading your legs wider as Loki stooped down to place open-mouthed kisses along your inner thigh. It was wrong; you knew that there were other doctors in the offices right next to his, and you had no idea how thick or thin the walls were. Could they hear how hard you were suddenly breathing? Would someone passing by be able to hear the low, muffled groans Loki was making as he nipped and sucked hickeys into your skin?
As if sensing your thoughts, Loki glanced upwards as he spread your thighs even further apart, his lips twitching up into a smirk before he suddenly grabbed your hips and pulled, forcing your ass closer to the edge of the chair. In the same instance, he leaned down and buried his face between your legs, his nose just barely brushing against your clit as his tongue started lapping at your entrance. Your eyes rolled back he slipped it inside of you, the vibrations from his voice like bolts of lightning as he let out a guttural growl. He’d commented before on how much he loved eating you out, and you had no reason to doubt him as he thrust his tongue deeper and deeper inside of you.
“Loki…” You kept your voice at a soft whisper, gripping his hair as his tongue started alternating between thrusting into you and tracing patterns into your clit. Your hips jolted every time he swirled his tongue over your swollen bud, and it wasn’t long until they started rocking up against his face of their own accord. If you were at home, you’d already be begging for more or moaning his name over and over again, but now you were acutely conscious of every sound the two of you were making.
The panting of your breath and the obscene, slick noise of his tongue moving against you seemed to echo in the small room. With every shift of your hips, the chair you were in creaked, and you were soon fighting not to move too much for fear that it would be too loud. You were biting your lip so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if you suddenly tasted blood, but the pleasure Loki was bringing you overshadowed any pain or discomfort.
Just as you felt the edge of your orgasm starting to approach, though, he was pulling away, licking his lips and watching your pussy clench around nothing as you tried to guide him back with the hands you had locked in his hair.
“Please,” you whimpered, “fuck, I was getting close-“
“Don’t worry, love,” he interrupted, leaning up to press a quick kiss to your lips. “I’m far from through with you.”
And that was all the warning you got before he scooped you up, setting you down onto his desk before you could do anything but let out a surprised gasp. At some point while he was eating you out, he must have taken his cock out of his pants, and now he was pushing you to lay on your back as he lined up with your entrance.
You gripped the edge of his desk so hard that your knuckles turned pale, but you still weren’t fully prepared for him to abruptly shove his cock inside of you, so hard that it pushed the air out of your lungs and pried a sharp moan from your lips. His hand came down over your mouth at its sound, and he leaned over you until your face was only inches from his.
“You have to stay quiet,” he panted, pulling out almost entirely before thrusting back into you. “You don’t want us to get caught, do you?”
You hurriedly shook your head no, and he nodded before pulling his hand away and sliding it between your bodies. You nearly moaned again once his fingertips found your clit, though, and you pressed your own hand to your mouth as he began playing with it in time with his thrusts.
“Good girl,” he purred, his own voice fighting back a moan as he started a fast rhythm. “Of course… Maybe you do want us to get caught.”
He punctuated his statement with a hard buck of his hips, and you pressed the back of your hand even harder to your lips as it startled another cry out you. The desk was beginning to creak in time with his movements, and you knew that anyone who walked by outside would be able to hear it. You just hoped that they couldn’t also hear Loki’s raspy breathing, or the way his balls were smacking against your ass with every thrust forward.
“Maybe you do want someone to hear me fucking you. Is that it?” he continued, his voice not once rising above a low growl. “Do you want them all to know that you’re mine? That you’re letting me use you, fuck you, right here in my office? Anyone with a key could get in, love. A janitor, another doctor… Anyone could come in and see what a good little slut you’re being for me. And you love that, don’t you?”
His thumb was moving faster and faster against your clit, and you were rapidly approaching your orgasm; you couldn’t remember the last time a partner had brought you so close so quickly. This was so different from how Loki usually was; typically, he was gentle with you, treating you like you would shatter if he were to grip you too tightly or kiss you too hard. But there were times, you’d found, when something else would peak through the cracks; some nights, his hand found its way around your throat, or his voice dropped into something predatory, threatening.
This was one of those times, evidently. And it always made something else rise up within you – the desire to submit, to bend to him completely, to let him have you and use you however he wanted. And so you did.
With a long, loud moan, you felt yourself cumming around his cock, so hard that it made your eyes roll back and your back arch up off of the desk, bending at an almost unnatural angle as your cunt clenched around him. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard him let out a muffled curse, and his thrusts began getting even harder, even faster, and through it all you laid back and took it. Your body was limp and pliable from your orgasm, and you watched through half-lidded eyes as he took what he wanted from it.
It wasn’t long, though, until he pulled out, stroking his cock a few more times before you felt his cum against your thighs and belly, staining your shirt with his release as he leaned heavily over you, catching his breath. After letting out a deep, heavy sigh, he leaned over, kissing you gently before resting his head on your chest.
“…Wow,” you breathed, settling one of your hands on the back of his head as your other arm drew him closer.
“I agree with that assessment,” he murmured, pressing a kiss over your heart before lazily turning towards you. “You did say you wanted to celebrate, though.”
A giggle escaped your lips at that, and he smiled softly before kissing you once again and slowly drawing himself up to full height.
“I’m…sorry, if I was too rough,” he began, but you sat up and pressed a finger to his lips, shaking your head.
“I liked it. Loki, I know you’d never hurt me,” you assured him. “And I know you don’t really mean it when you do things like call me a slut.”
“Good,” he nodded, his eyes skating over your face. “Because I don’t. And I would never, ever, hurt you.”
“Then don’t apologize for getting a little rough,” you countered, pecking his cheek before starting to stand on wobbly legs. “Because you better believe I enjoyed it.”
“Mm. I could tell.”
You swatted playfully at his arm before straightening your jeans and grabbing a tissue from his desk, dabbing at the cum he’d left on your shirt before giving up on the task entirely and deciding to just keep your coat buttoned up on the ride home.
You turned to find Loki staring at you, having already smoothed his appearance back to its usual unrumpled state. The look in his eyes gave you pause, though – it was the same look that he’d had the night before, when he’d looked like he had something to tell you before deciding against it. Unbidden, fear suddenly swept over you, and you had the worst feeling that he was going to break things off, that he was going to tell you that he’d rushed into things and that he didn’t feel the same way as you.
Gulping, you stepped closer, fighting against the trembling in your hands as he took them between his, pressing a kiss to each of your palms before looking up at you once more.
“I’ve…been doing a lot of thinking, and Thor’s visit yesterday made me realize something,” he began.
“I haven’t ever felt this way about anyone before. And, if I’m being honest, sometimes it terrifies me. There are… There are things about me that I haven’t told anyone besides Thor, and even then, there are things he still doesn’t know.
“I came to the realization last night, though, that I want you to know everything about me. I want you to accept me, fully, as I’ve accepted you. And even if I’m not ready to share it all with you, I know that I want us to grow to that point together. I want you to be mine, yes, but I want to be yours, too. Wholly and completely.”
He took a deep breath, then, and your eyes grew wide as he reached into his pocket, taking out a small box and handing it to you.
“I had this made earlier today, after I dropped Thor off at the airport. And I realize that, yes, this is rushing things a bit, and I want you to know that it’s alright if you need to say no or if you need to think it over. But I’m ready to take the next step, whenever you are.”
Feeling as if time was suddenly moving in slow motion, you opened the box, tearing your eyes away from Loki just long enough to look down…
…and see a key waiting for you.
Immediately, your heart soared, and you looked up to see a tiny, hopeful smile on his lips.
“Will you move in with me, my love?”
And even though, yes, it was probably too soon, even though you’d only known Loki for four months, even though all of the logic inside of you was screaming against it, you didn’t hesitate before answering him.
A/N: WOW it took forever to write this. I am so sorry! 2020 has really had its way with me, as it has with all of us, and I can’t apologize enough for letting my writing get so far behind. THANK YOU to anyone and everyone reading this, though. I hope you all are having a safe holiday season, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you ever wanna talk! You guys are the best readers in the world, and I appreciate every single one of you! 
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natromanxoff · 3 years
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Record Mirror (July 14, 1979): 119/?
WITHOUT DOUBT Queen are among that elite number of bands universally hated by the rock press.
The rancour is, make no mistake, mutual which is understandable. If you find yourself on the receiving end of an inveterate dislike at the outset of your career and watch it being nurtured and carefully cultivated over the next six years you’re bound to retaliate.
Queen’s hatred manifests itself by their continued habit of ignoring the music press i.e. refusing to give interviews. There is the occasional token “chat”, pointless as it is innocuous, but in the main it amounts to a blanket “No.”
One of the last interviews Freddie Mercury gave was the last nail in the perspex coffin. Under a headline which boldly asked ‘Is This Man A Prat?’ the king of the leotards was demolished by one of the old school Queen haters and Freddie obviously came to the conclusion, in its wake, that interviews in future would be both superfluous (he was popular enough) and detrimental.
The curtain, velvet naturally, closed.
Roger Taylor, a little wary, a little weary, sits stiffly in an armchair. The juggernauts rattling the Chelsea Street outside create a sonorous buzz bomb hum in the room.
You expect a member of Queen to look elegant. In fact Roger is only wearing a wine colour mohair jacket, black shirt and blue jeans.
He apologises for being a little late and explains how he went to the wrong address. Roger seems to be the only member of Queen left who is prepared, albeit rarely, to open his mouth in the presence of a hack. A question springs to mind . . . why?
“We all sat around a table before I flew over from Munich to discuss the press situation and we agreed I should be the one to represent the band. Freddie is very uncompromising and refuses to have much to do with journalists.
“Obviously, he’s had a few raw deals with them in the past,” observes Taylor.
Roger himself has a rather low view of the music press.
“Most of it is rubbish. There was something I liked recently, a piece on Malcolm McLaren, but in the main I think I’m the only one of Queen to actually read the music papers.”
Why does he think the band are systemically slagged?
“I think it’s because Queen have always come across as being a rather confident band. We seemed, to other people at least, to be very sure of ourselves. I think the press may have misconstrued the confidence, mistaking it for a form of arrogance. Hence they became wary of our motives which bred a dislike for our music.”
Now that’s what I call a neat conclusion.
At the risk of being sent to Coventry by my colleagues I’d like, if I may, to come clean. I love Queen (you’re fired, Ed).
I think it all began with a simple pre-packed but indisposable line – “Dynamite with a laser beam” and has continued uninterrupted (despite the occasional flaw) right through to ‘Queen Live Killers’.
A combination of reasons, Freddie Mercury’s lascivious lisp – the most attractive intonation known to man . . . Brian May’s reel ‘em off rococo riffs that would, in his capable hands, transform the theme music for ‘Waggoners’ Walk’ into a meisterwork . . . John Deacon’s almost stoic stance, incongruous yet integral . . . Roger Taylor’s intense power, so unexpected from one so slight . . . the ability to go over the top without failing into the trap of caricature . . . a desire to give the punters what they want without pandering . . . that cast iron confidence . . . those nine glorious winter weeks of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ which kept the cold away from my soul . . .
Yes, I love Queen.
Roger explains the story behind ‘Killers’ which features just about every Queen classic which ever found its way into a silk lined memory bank.
“We always knew that one day we would make a live album. I think it was well planned. About 90 per cent of our last European tour was recorded on a mobile unit and we then spent weeks sitting through the songs in the studio.
“The result is a 100 per cent LIVE album. Nothing has been touched up in the process of selection, I think that’s pretty rare these days. Many ‘live’ albums are tampered with.”
The choice of single is unusual – ‘Love Of My Life’. “It’s not so unusual when you hear the way it came out. The song seems to have such a wide appeal. Everywhere we go the reaction to it is the same. The audience are just bursting to sing along.”
The result is Queen’s best single since ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ (that was their LAST one crawler, ED)
As I mentioned earlier the band are currently residing in Munich where they are “experimenting” in the studio.
“We are recording in a totally different way for us,” says Roger who speaks with a delicate London accent only typical of cockneys with dramatic training and David Essex.
“Every time we entered a studio in the past we had a good idea of what we were going to do. This time we started from scratch and the result is amazing. The music is nothing like anything we’ve done before, I guess you could say it’s much simpler.”
And this novel approach to their music also extends to their shows. On their next British tour – in the late Autumn – the band will be playing much smaller venues than they are accustomed to.
“In London for example we went to play to audiences of about two or three thousand in different areas. I think it’s much fairer to the fans.”
But won’t this affect their stage show which is after all a crucial factor for any powerpomp outfit?
“Not really. We will just scale down the show accordingly. Besides,” he says taking another bite out of the biscuit, “we haven’t used dry ice in years.”
The monkey on Queen’s back, as corpulent and cantankerous as ever, has been put there by those who firmly believe the band can never emulate past achievements. Roger is cognizant of its presence but refuses to unpeel its bananas.
“That all began after ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. When it stayed at number one all those weeks we were kindly informed that we would never be able to make another single to rival it both artistically and from the point of view of sales.
“Yet ‘We Are The Champions’ sold a great deal more and has since become the biggest selling single in the entire history of Elektra Asylum – our label in the States.
“We don’t do the amazingly complex things any more because we’ve moved on from that. We concentrate on the music we are doing now and we intend to do it the best we can, it’s ridiculous looking behind and and what you’ve done.
“There’s nothing like going back on the road to re-unite the bond between the four personalities and strengthening our belief in the band. We are a real working unit and, in my experience of the music business, one of the most democratic bands around today.”
A statement like that cries out to be expounded.
“People think every member of all the bands, not naming any names, are treated equally that is get the same money as their colleagues. That’s rubbish. In many bands there are a couple of guys that get all the money. The rest are on wages. Queen share the profits equally.”
And they don’t have a manager taking his cut either, John Reid departed a couple of years back and now the band themselves make all the major policy decisions. Why did they decide to dispense with the services of a manager?
“Basically because we were fed up with giving other people money. Y’know it never ceases to amaze me how naive those guys are in bands who have just had their first hit. After all this time I’ve forgotten just how naive we must have been at the beginning.
“I mean, everything seems so great when you get into the charts for the first time. You’re living on cloud nine and nothing else matters. But in truth that hit means absolutely nothing. So few people achieve any amount of financial success in this business.
“Oh, you think, you’re really living . . . for a while. Somebody gets you a flat in Chelsea and it’s all free. But one day the rent stops being paid for you and you realise you’re skint.
“Since John Reid has gone the four of us have always made a point of discussing everything together. We have various people working for us but all the important decisions are made by us alone. That way we get freedom of choice – and financial independence.”
My attention is suddenly diverted.
“FORTY-LOVE!” Wimbledon, the Persil White opiate for the hoi polloi squashed in a strawberry crush wrings out its perspiring petticoats on the TV in the next room.  Roger’s girlfriend, an extremely attractive French girl called Dominique, is engrossed. The couple have lived together for two years. Crippled old marriage questions permeate the air.
“I don’t believe in marriage,” says Roger. “It’s simply a contract and the fewer contracts I enter into the better. If you get on well with someone then there isn’t any harm in living with that person – but marriage is something else again.”
They live in a six bedroomed Victorian house just outside London, which is set in 20 acres. Roger has a “tiny” town house in Barnes as well. What’s it like having a bank full of money at the age of 29?
“I don’t hide away from life. Queen have never been one of those ‘being grabbed in the street’ type bands. It may happen when the four of us are together – but when we are out alone we are seldom bothered. That gives me the opportunity to enjoy myself. I go to clubs a lot. I like having a good time. I don’t think you could describe any of the band as leading sheltered lives.
“But I have completely lost touch with how much things cost. When you find yourself living in hotels for so long you never really deal in money as such. Everything is available whenever you want it – but you never see the cash actually being handed over.
“I’ve forgotten what it was like to be penniless which Queen were for years. I guess that must happen to many successful rock bands.”
Another thing that happens to many successful rock bands – they quit the country. But not Queen it appears.
“We have always based ourselves in England and I see no reason why we shouldn’t continue to do so. We could leave at any time but we choose to stay. People believe we are tax exiles because we spend a lot of the time out of the country recording in studios all over Europe and touring.”
And what will happen when the band finally trudge wearily down the road leading to that  ivory strewn elephants’ graveyard . . . ?
“I know it’s bound to happen one day. I suppose I’d take a long, long holiday . . . and then make a solo album.”
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writtenonreceipts · 4 years
I got a prompt for you ^^ if you ever wanna get into it
Person A is athlete at a press conference and Person A makes comment to his buddy about Person B and Person A forgot his mic was on
For Feysand/Rowaelin~
Love your writing 💕
I loved writing this! Thanks so much for sending it in and for reading!
Has potential for more parts.  Feel free to send me prompts if you wanna or if you’d just like to see more of this, let me know.
And I know more about basketball than any other sport, so for the sake of reality/my sanity basketball is the sport of choice here.
Warnings: none
For the Love of the Game
And the final game of the regular season comes to a close!  In a clutch shot Rowan Whitethorn hit that three-pointer and brought the score 109-107.  No overtime for the Wendlyn Wyverns.  Whitethorn has been having a hell of a season--surprising since the slump he was in last year.  But he actually managed to be listed as MVP and leading in most assists for the regular season.
Aelin listened to the announcer, Duke Perrington, as he gave the wrap up of the game.  Duke was a sleaze as his name could only attest to.  And he would be leading the press-conference tonight after the post-game wrap ups.  Hell.  She didn’t want to deal with him.
She straightened her skirt and checked, again, that there were no runs in her pantyhose.  Dorian Havilliard Sr. had made certain she knew what the dress code was.  Pants were out of the question (she was a woman after all).  Shoes with a heel less than two inches were laughable.  And she always, always, had to have her make-up done.
Aelin had no problem with dressing up.  None at all.  The more glitz and glam the better.  But doing it for Havilliard? The man, who owned the sports magazine she wrote for, hardly appreciated her.
She muttered a string of oaths under her breath.  
After the slow start of the first quarter, it was good to see the usual energy of the Wyverns come out.  And of course, getting to see Lorcan Salvaterre fouling out of the game made everyone’s night.  Who won the pool this time?
As Aelin slipped from the bathroom, she made sure her reporter’s badge was unobscured.  She couldn’t count the times security had tried to escort her away from press conferences just because they couldn't be bothered to look for it.  Maybe if she clipped it right over her breasts.
She was usually the only female reporter in the conferences.  Mostly because Cairn Valg, owner of the Wendlyn Wyverns was a misogynistic pig-headed man.  And then Havilliard never bothered to listen to Aelin when she asked that he put her name on the list of reporters.
“Aelin,” Nox Banner, one of her fellow reporters and a good friend, walked beside her down the hall of the stadium towards the conference rooms. “Havilliard actually let you cover tonight’s game?”
She punched his shoulder when he howled with laughter. “Screw you.”
“I’m just saying,” Nox said, grinning madly, but Aelin cut him off with another punch.
“I am just as qualified as you to be there,” she said.
Nox threw his hands up in defense. “I know.  You’ll cover the game better than any of us too.”
“Damn straight,” Aelin agreed.  She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. “Dorian helped me get on the list.”
“Of course he did,” Nox said, making sure to waggle his brows.
“He’s a friend,” Aelin said.  Nox managed to dodge the next punch. 
Nox cackled in laughter as they were led into the conference room.  Aelin rolled her eyes, grateful to have at least one person on her side.  Being a female reporter in a male dominated environment had always been hard.  But she’d grown up with the sport.  It had been her life in the foster system, through college.  Almost to the WNBA.  
The conference room was packed with reporters, cameras, and a line of the players up on an elevated stage.  Just as she always felt with conferences and interviews, Aelin felt a rush of adrenaline.  It wasn’t as intense as when she would be on the court playing--but close enough.  The closest she ever got nowadays.
Ignoring the glances from her male counterparts, Aelin pushed her way through the reporters, Nox at her side.  She wasn’t quite at the front of the crowd as she would like to be, but close enough.  
Aelin watched as two delegates from each team--the Wyverns and the Sea Dragons--came onto the stage.  Rowan Whitethorn and Lorcan Salvaterre for the former and Sartaq Khagan and Sam Cortland for the latter.  Aelin never understood how such attractive people could get drafted for both teams.
Rowan Whitethorn in particular had always caught Aelin’s attention.  He’d been signed from the European league after dominating some private university division.  The Wyverns laid their claim on him five years ago and it seemed he’d found his home in Wendlyn.  It was his story, his history as a player that had always intrigued Aelin.
His striking silver-blonde hair and piercing green eyes also helped.
“Live in five...four...three…” a technician counted down giving a signal to Duke Perrington who stood in front of the main camera.
“Here we are at the post-game break down,” Perrington said, his slicked back and signature smirk of a smile ready for viewers. “Wendlyn barely cinched this win, as has been the norm for them through the entire regular season making everyone question, how are they going to do in the finals?”
Aelin wanted to roll her eyes. Perrington had washed out as an athlete in college and barely had the credentials to be a lead reporter for a major sports station.  He only had an in with Havilliard because the two could be sleazes together.  And money.  And they had similar values.  Demoralizing and inhuman ones, but similar nonetheless.
As the questions began for each team, Aelin got more and more frustrated that she’d never been able to pose a question.  Every time she’d raised her hand to ask a question, she’d been ignored.  Every time she tried to push her way through to that front of the line of reporters someone would nudge her back.  Even with Nox at her side, Aelin was at every disadvantage.
“I think,” Rowan Whitethorn said, his accent rolling off his tongue, “it took far more teamwork than anyone really notices to get us here.”
Teamwork.  The five best players for Wendlyn hated each other.  Rowan, Lorcan, Connal, Fenrys, and Vaughan.  Gavriel had finished out his last season five years ago and was now working as assistant coach but she was sure he hated the others as much as they hated him.
It was a nice sentiment really.  And even though Whitethorn was leading in assists, it was clear there was a rift in the team.  As was made evident by the Wyverns barely scraping their way into the finals.
Perrington made the mistake of pausing too long and Aelin sent a well-aimed kick at the instep of the man in front of her.  She had seconds to push her question.  It led to a larger theme that she was interested in as a sports writer, but one no one--no man-- took seriously.
“And what would you define teamwork as, Mr. Whitethorn,” she asked loud enough that any microphone would be able to pick up.  Aelin felt eyes and cameras turn to her, giving her a thrill of excitement.  Almost as good as being out on the court. “It’s become fairly evident that there is a divide among the Wyverns and how you all play together.  It would seem that teamwork only exists on the court, not off it.”
It seemed that everyone had forgotten a woman could be a reporter, let alone exist in general.
Rowan Whitethorn’s pine green eyes bore into her.  Even at a distance, Aelin could feel the intensity of his gaze, the scrutiny he was putting her through.  And she loved it.  Far too often men, and women, dismissed her as nothing more than a blonde bimbo.  Even though she’d risen high and mighty among the ranks in her college classes.  She’d become valedictorian even while playing basketball herself.  She’d been one of the best on and off the court.
Until Arobyn Hammel.
Now all she was known for was that she made good coffee runs in the office.
“Teamwork is trust.” Whitethorn didn’t have an opportunity to say anything else before Perrington swung the attention back around to how both teams would approach the finals and having to play each other again.
Whitethorn’s gaze continued to flick back to Aelin through the final questions.  Aelin alternated between glaring at him and Perrington.
Perhaps her question wasn’t the most interesting to them.  It was a bit more of a touchy feely sort and less about statistics and the male-esque propriety of victory.  But it was something worth considering.  Especially when the Wyverns hadn’t been playing their best in years.  Despite their successes, they were still being held back.
And Aelin wanted to know why.
She wasn’t able to sink her nails into the questions however.  Perrington called a final question and cameras flashed as the conference wound down.
Aelin seethed to herself as she faded back into nothing.  No one, not even Nox tried to say anything to her.  She knew she shouldn’t be surprised.  She shouldn’t even be as disappointed as she was.  This was everything she should have been expecting.
“Who let the skirt in?” Salvaterre muttered to Whitethorn as soon as someone called a loud “clear!” to indicate the conference was over.
Aelin was more than ready to let it go.  The microphone was muffled as the giant of a man moved, the fabric of his sweatsuit rubbing against the sensitive item.  She knew she should just forget the comment and get on with the article.  She had enough information to get something down.  Even if she did utterly fail at getting treated like a real reporter.  Again.
Until Whitethorn opened his mouth.
“At least it gave us something to look at.”
The prick hadn’t turned off his microphone, hadn’t put a hand over it, hadn’t even bothered to check if it was still on.  His words echoed over the din of voices.
Aelin didn’t think as she spun on her heel, head cocked to one side.  She could hear Nox cure under his breath as she stepped up to the stage where the players were still standing.
I was gratifying to see Cortland and Kahgan shuffle off to one side, expertly avoiding her.
“So I was right, was I?” Aelin asked before she could stop herself. “You are as big an ass off the court as on.  Is it alright if I quote you on that?”
“Aelin,” Nox hissed behind her.  Ah, so now he wanted to talk to her.  She ignored him.
Whitethorn stared down at Aelin, his ridiculously handsome face passive and unreadable.  If not for those green eyes that pinned her where she stood.
“As long as you call it a great ass, fireheart,” he said, his accent growing thick as he leaned over the press table to grin at her. “I don’t find I care.”
Aelin wondered if she would get fired for slapping a multi-million basketball player in the face.  No.  Punching. Punching would be far more satisfactory.
“Buzzard,” she hissed, instead.
“Princess,” he replied, that insufferably sexy smile never leaving his face.
A hand grabbed Aelin’s arm and she had to stop herself from swinging a right hook at Nox. 
“Havilliard is gonna kill you,” Nox said, he gestured around them and Aelin realized the scene she was making.
The cameramen had their cameras not quite in a position to start recording, but it was pretty damn close.  All the other reporters had their own recording devices not so secretly hidden in the flaps of their suit jackets or just out right ready to catch anything that might happen.
Aelin took a breath and shook Nox off.  She then put on her most charming smile--the one that had gotten Archer Flynn to give up VIP season passes to the Lakers last year.  And again this year.  The poor beautiful fool.
“Mr. Whitethorn, Mr. Salvaterre,” she purred, looking at each man in turn before leaving the conference hall with the loud, efficient snap of her heels echoing behind her.
thanks for reading guys!
let me know if you’d like to be added or removed, these are for TOG fics:
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hello Geo-san, just read your post on Malleus's birthday. It says that his only relative is his grandmother and she still rules the Valley of Thorns. There are theories that his grandmother is none other than Maleficent herself. If that's the case, there are two options here, either she survived her encounter with Prince Phillip or the TW timeline is following the 2014 film. Where she's still alive and ruling the Moors, maybe renamed as the Valley, alongside with Aurora. We'll just wait and see.
I've actually been thinking about this myself, that was much of a shoking reveal!
Aside from revealing the fact that Malleus's parents are dead, this somehow dropped a bomb on "Maleficent being Malleus's grandmother theory"
The main discussion going over the fandom regarding the topic is whether his grandmother is Maleficent or not, which is a really important question!
As someone who strongly supported this theory before this reveal, I can't say I wouldn't be disappointed if Maleficent isn't actually his grandmother, but on the other hand, the possibility of her being Maleficent and still alive would face some strong contradictions in the story:
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First off, let's flash back to where this theory begun in the first place:
In Malleus's personal chats, we can find Sebek complimenting Malleus's performance after the classes, telling him that he'd even surpass the witch of thorns herself one day!
Malleus immediately objects to it, saying his powers barely come close to his grandmother's.
Well, to think that they were actually talking about Maleficent but all of a sudden Malleus mentioned his grandmother instead, left us qith a great possibility of him being Maleficent's grandson, to the point that many, including me, considered this theory as canon! But now I highly doubt this theory, even though I wanted it to be confirmed true so much. But since we have more information to seriously discuss the matter right now, here are my thoughts whether this theory is still acceptable or not, which is mainly explaining what would happen if they're actually using the 2014 and 2019 live action movies as a reference:
1) Maleficent being alive would totally WRECK Silver's character development and design!
Come to think of it, there would be no Silver if Maleficent is still alive! Silver's twisted logo is the sword, and the one and only famous sword in the sleeping beauty classic AND the live action movie is the one which slayed Maleficent.
So... If Maleficent's still alive -> There hasn't ever been a sword which slayed her -> Silver doesn't have any special or specific symbol/ character which he is twisted from!
While his name might have something to do with the live action version, where they strongly used Silver to defeat Maleficent, it can also be referring to the fact that dark fairies would immediately be wounded if touched with Silver, which is most likely because of Yana's studies in the fae mythology field (Like how she chose ice cream as Malleus's favorite food since fairies love cream) which isn't necessarily bound to the live action version. But since the sword is Silver's most important role in the game, we can't really stick with the live action version because not only didn't we have any special swords in the live action version, but there also would be a big confusion if there hasn't ever been a sword which slayed Maleficent and Silver is twisted from!
In summary, I'd be honest and say this out loud: Maleficent HAS TO be dead because we need the Silver sword to exist somewhere in the story!!!
2) History of 'Classic Maleficent' vs 'Live action Maleficent'
one of the main points which needs to be considered in this matter, is how different Classic Maleficent and Live action Maleficent are. Maleficent is the very first Disney live action to present a totally different face of a well-known Disney villain such as Maleficent, which also led to a considerable growth in both "Maleficent" and the classic version of "sleeping beauty"'s popularity at the same time! But while 2014's Maleficent was an absolutely amazing movie (to at least) and nearly turned Maleficent into the most beloved villain of Disney's history, the live action (especially the 2019 version) received some strict critiques regarding how they pictured Maleficent: Many of the fans were familiar and attached to the original Maleficent, the mistress of all evil who had control over the powers of hell itself. A REAL villain and an absolutely perfect one. But the live action Maleficent wasn't meant to be a villain, the live action narrated a totally different story from what the classic was.
Though it didn't really lessen the movie's popularity, there were fans who begun to dislike this version of Maleficent after the 2019 version and their reason for disliking the movie actually made sense, the live action went TOO FAR with creating a second Maleficent, almost to the point of not being anything similar to the original, that strong villainous sense they were expecting to see in Maleficent had disappeared.
Now let's talk about twst, what is twst about? Villains. It's basically the world of villains. We need that evil, menacing and demonic sense of villains to be brought back to life through this twisted vessels, as it's confirmed that this school's students have villainous souls. From the Heartslabyul chapter till now, the Pomefiore chapter, his is all we've dealt with: Absolute villains. Each chapter is about a dorm leader (expect for Kalim) discovering and revealing their villainous spirits, which leads to an overblot. They want them to see just as evil and reckless as the original villains, which is why they put them into a mode such as overblot, where they're controlled by a puppet in the shape of one of the great seven.
Is such a story, where they need to make each of the main characters be as evil as possible, choosing live action Maleficent (who is a half villain, half hero character) not only is debatable but ia also a big contract to the previous chapters as they all followed the original villains' stories!
I guess we can all agree that Diasomnia's quite special compared to the rest of the dorms, but going as far as using a different source in character development and plot design compared to the rest of the characters and dorms seems to be a bit too much- I don't think Diasomnia's design and development is planned to be THAT different.
3) Key points about fhat has been officially mentioned in twst
Personal chats are VERY important to go through while doing a character analysis, they're such a wealthy and perfect source of information regarding each and every of the characters!
As for Diasomnia, each and every of the members mentioned something about the witch of thorns and her background, which directly leads us to how and who is the twst's Maleficent:
Lilia: Explains how Maleficent's Chronicles spent 16 years looking for a baby in a cradle -> This only happened in the classic! Live action Maleficent never sent any of her minions to look after aurora as she never had any!
Silver: Explains how the King of a well-known kingdom forgot to invite Maleficent and offended her with this, he wonders what kind of King would ever do such a disrespectful thing? -> Original Maleficent was offended and mad just because she wasn't invited, while the Live action Maleficent was betrayed by the King Stephan, Aurora's father who intentionally refused to invite Maleficent. Keep this in mind that Silver said forgetting to invite her, which is exactly what happened in the classic and King and Queen seriously forgot to invite Maleficent, not to intentionally avoid and decide to keep her away from baby Aurora like what happened in the live action.
Malleus: In his chats with Lilia, he mentions how The witch of thorns once invited the prince of as enemy Kingdom into her own castle -> This is again, something which only happened in the classic, referring to the scene where Maleficent captured prince Philip and imprisoned him inside her castle. Live action Maleficent didn't even have a castle to begin with, note that all she did was to take Phillip to Stephan's castle to give Aurora a chance to live.
Malleus: He explains how The Witch of thorns could turn into a dragon -> Live action Maleficent never turned into a dragon, she just once turned her crow, diaval, into a dragon (2014 ver.) and turned into a phoenix (2019 ver.). The only Maleficent which could and did transform into a dragon is the one we know from the sleeping beauty classic.
Hitting with the lighting: This is something Malleus is capable of doing, he both did this to Sebek back in the manga anthology and threatened Rook with it -> Again, this is something which the original Maleficent and herself only could do.
There are quite a few of other orginal Maleficent references you can find if you carefully go through the story and voice lines, but I'm not going to mention each and every of them because I believe I've already discussed this enough. Note that while there are tens of original Maleficent references in the story, there hasn't been anything mentioned about the live action Malleus so far expect for fan content and stuff.
Obviously, they're using Original Maleficent as the main reference. The question is whether they're using the live action too as a reference or not.
4) A summary + Existing debates
Aside from all of the current theories and headcanons, I guess this is all we can tell about the canon information revealed so far. But before we end, I'd like to add a few of small notes:
Lilia has never referred to the Witch of thorns as Queen of thorns, it's not quite specific to tell but it seems like Queen of thorns and Witch of thorns are indeed to different people.
But then again, why does Malleus bring his grandmother up in the middle of a discussion about Witch of thorns? Could it be that he just used her mother as an example since her too, is a very powerful magician but not exactly the witch of thorns herself, or...??
There hasn't been any information revealed regarding the great seven's current position in twisted wonderland's history, how long ago has their stories taken place? Could it be that some of them are still alive? Did their stories end just the same as orginal stories or did they decide to twist the endings as well?
The main reason why I think Maleficent cannot be alive now is not becuase she died in the original story, it's becuase of Silver, which has already been explained in part (1)!
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At last, I'd like to add a final note to this piece: Even if the "Grandmother Maleficent" theory turns out to be wrong, many of the fans are already enjoying the eixisting fanon twst content which are using the live action as a reference! The most popular reference is probably with Malleus's back, where many artists decide to add two wounds on as a reference to what happened to Maleficent's wings in the live action. This is personally one of my FAVORITES and I just love it when artists draw the wounds, though the possibility of Malleus actually having wings is pretty low! We can almost call it impossible lol. The thing is, from how the story has gone so far we can assume that they aren't going to use the live action at all, but if they do, that'll be quite amazing and interesting to discuss!!
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Any opinions on Remus Lupin? I just can't seem to find anything about him in your archive.
Just so you know, I wasn’t really avoiding this ask, it’s more that whenever anyone asks me about a character like this I have to prepare to have a good chunk of time free. Rants take time, you know.
But yes, there are now a number of asks about Remus Lupin and so the people have spoken and I am prepared to answer.
Remus Lupin’s life is a dumpster fire of pain and suffering culminating in him dying in pain and suffering nearly dooming his son Teddy to lead a life of pain and suffering and I can’t believe Remus agreed to have a kid knowing he’d probably pass on lycanthropy. Well, a lot of his decisions towards the end of the series become eyebrow raisingly questionable, but we’ll get into that.
I guess something I should probably address, since I see a lot of fics gloss over it or just never realize it, is that being a werewolf is akin to having leprosy. Whether it’s good or bad I won’t get into, personally I think turning into a blood thirty/uncontrollable wolf that will potentially eat a village probably isn’t a good thing and wizards are right to be at least wary, but it’s important to look at how he’s treated by society.
Lupin is given an opportunity the vast majority in his position are not and is allowed to attend Hogwarts. Dumbledore took a huge risk with this, had anyone found out (had Snape narked), I imagine the board of directors would have immediately sacked him. As this was the age before wolf’s bane (in which Lupin could have taken a potion and simply been ill for a few nights rather than turn into a werewolf), Dumbledore was actively endangering the lives of all the other students by giving Lupin admission. In fact, one student nearly gets eaten/infected. So, Lupin gets very very very lucky that Dumbledore took that risk for him, that Snape was silenced but not killed, and that he only ever had that close call with Snape.
However, on graduation his luck ends. Due to his disease, Lupin is not able to be employed anywhere and when we catch up to him in canon gives strong signs of being homeless. He seems incredibly worn down by life, aged far beyond his yeas (the guy’s gray at thirty something), and is resigned but not shocked when he’s fired from Hogwarts after having nearly eaten three students because he forgot to take his medicine.
But let’s take a side tour to Lupin’s shitty friends. My god, I’ve gone over James and Sirius before, but they are the world’s shittiest friends to everyone but each other. Lupin screams something like the charity friend for these guys, they’re friends with Lupin because it makes them feel generous and cool to be friends with a werewolf. The Animagus thing to keep him company, while cool and requiring a lot of hard work, feels like a weird gimmick if you take ten steps back. They turn into animals so that they can run around with their werewolf friend at night and keep him company? That’s great and all, guys, but it doesn’t exactly make Lupin’s life better.
More damning, everything they seem to do with Lupin is to remind him he has this horrible incurable disease that will see him dead in a gutter. Lupin is Moony to his friends, because he’s a werewolf, har har. I can’t quite recall but I do think there were offhand canon mentions that James and Sirius made a lot of jibes/good natured jokes about Lupin being a werewolf. Lupin is the werewolf friend.
And then we get to Sirius and what he did to Lupin. Sirius, as the world’s worst joke that belongs in a Stephen King novel, actively goads Snape into stumbling on Lupin on the night of a full moon nearly getting him mauled and making Lupin a murderer. This, more than anything else, highlights to me that Sirius never really cared about Lupin. Lupin’s condition, Lupin himself, is reduced to a tool Sirius can use to get what he wants (humiliating and or murdering Severus Snape). Lupin realizes this and the next day I’m sure Sirius and James are going, “Come on, Lupin, it was funny! And it was Snape! It was Snape and funny!” Never mind that Lupin probably would have been executed or else sent to a penal colony had Snape died or been infected. Sirius nearly destroys Lupin’s life, makes him a murderer, for a giggle. 
I don’t think Lupin ever really gets over that.
We see in canon that, at least by Harry’s third year, he has no doubt in his mind that Sirius betrayed Lily and James. Fics often make a gradiose show of Lupin having to apologize for doubting Sirius, BUT WHY SHOULD HE?! Given what Sirius did to Lupin with Snape, given Sirius’ complete lack of empathy afterwards, if I was Lupin and this horrible thing had happened with Lily and James I might be surprised but in retrospect I’d go “Yeah, there were signs”. Of course, this makes things a little awkward when Sirius turned out to be innocent, but I hardly blame Lupin for believing it was Sirius.
Which gets me into Sirius/Remus, Wolfstar, or whatever terrible thing we’re calling it today. I get that fandom loves to warp Remus and Sirius into Harry’s cool uncles (guys, neither of them were this, I’ve been over Sirius but I’ll get to Remus) but it’d be the most toxic mess I’ve ever heard of. Given their history, given the pit of depression Remus is in in canon, given the sheer crazy of Sirius when he gets out of Azkaban: it’d be a cesspit of terribleness of Nabokovian levels. 
Right, yes, so why Remus isn’t Harry’s cool uncle: Remus has no interest in being Harry’s cool uncle. If you go back and actually read “Prisoner of Azkaban”, rather than watch the film, Lupin is very very very hands off with Harry. Harry asks if Remus knew Sirius Black/his parents and Lupin gives a very vague non-committal response, Harry goes to Lupin and asks to be taught the patronus and Lupin agrees to give one very brief lesson, Harry’s the one who seeks out extra attention and rather than Remus. In other words, had it been up to Remus he would have been in and out of Hogwarts without Harry any the wiser. After the reveal, similarly, Remus never really reaches out. He’s always a much more distant figure than Sirius in Harry’s life, never really contacts him the way Sirius does despite not being on the run, and shows up awkwardly to one Christmas at the burrow. He’s not family to Harry, Harry stretches the definition to make him fit, but he’s not really interested in the role.
Instead he marries Tonks in what I can only describe as a complete descent into despair. Yes, feel free to throw stones at me, but guys. He marries this barely legal girl he barely knows, during most of that time period he gets to know her he’s off on the world’s worst mission trying to convince werewolves that the ministry/Dumbledore are great (needless to say, they’re not impressed). He marries her, she gets pregnant within the year while Voldemort takes over the country, and then they both die leaving their likely werewolf son an orphan. As it is, Lupin even starts panicking, realizing that he’s damned his son to a miserable life and that he’s married this girl he barely knows (and Harry, wise and empathetic man of the year, calls Remus a coward for fearing as much. Ah Harry, never change.) Teddy does get lucky in that he doesn’t apparently become a werewolf, though he is still discriminated against because his father is a known one. Lucky you, Teddy, dodged a bullet.
So yeah, that’s Lupin’s miserable life. What a dumpster fire, you poor, miserable, man.
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
dear... whoever | b.b.
summary: a mandated series of long and short diary entries from the new head of R&D for Stark Industries. 
WARNINGS: swearing, LOTS of fluff, mentions of drinking and sex and hospitals and guns, general fun and witty attitude, small angst, big jealousy, obviously au after civil war. everything after does not exist. pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader word count: 9.5k
a/n: written for @softbiker​ and 100% inspired by @sunmoonandbucky​ with the format. my prompt was let me love you by rita ora and i wrote it from the perspective the singer is singing it to rather than the actual singer. this was super fun to write. enjoy!
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July 31/20
Whoever is going to read this. So… me, in the future probably. So, it should be dear WHOMever, I think, but it sounds wrong.
Is it too cliché to say dear diary? I don’t know. After all, I don’t WANT to be writing this but unfortunately I am because it’s mandated. Apparently, the psychiatrist that works for Stark Industries thinks it’s necessary that I write down my feelings and show that I’ve adjusted to working part-time superhero, full-time head of Tony’s stupid R&D department.
Something about how that much stress can cause psychotic fractures in the worst case scenario.
Anyway, I don’t know what to write. Currently, it’s 4:23AM. The only reason I’m awake is because I have trouble sleeping on the best night. I heard Barnes messing about and because I am the Hermit of the Rec Room Couch (catchy, I know), I can hear him just walking about.
What the hell is he even doing?
To be honest, I’ve never talked to Barnes besides the occasional greetings because he’s the sort to keep to himself, I guess, and, valid. I’m not saying it’s not, considering his history, but you know.
I think I’m a friendly person, and I’m bored. He’s eventually going to hear me writing noisily because of super-soldier hearing or whatever, so I might just get up and introduce myself.
Not that I’ve been working here for years, but whatever.
I’m really bored and hungry, honestly, so a trip to the kitchen would be considered normal (and warranted) in such circumstances.
Fuck it.
Time to make a new friend or die trying. If you never hear from me again, you’ll know why.
Aug. 1/20
Dear Jane,
I finally got the time to write in here and you may be wondering why I have named you. Well, after the conversation at roughly 4:30 AM, here are things that’ve changed in a disorganized list. None is more important than the other. I'm just writing what comes to my head.
One: Barnes said he doesn’t really let anyone call him James. I called him James once because I forgot. Profuse apologies followed. He said it was okay and didn’t mind me calling him that. Now, in my mind, I think he’s just saying this to be polite and really just wants me to call him Bucky but he seemed sincere. We’ll see how it goes.
Two: Barnes was awake because his cat woke him up. I didn’t even know he had a cat but it’s a gorgeous white cat named Alpine that Barnes carries around in his half-zipped up hoodies sometimes. It’s adorable. He’s super soft and friendly and I love him already. He showed me all the tricks Alpine could do. Amazing.
Three: Barnes’ favourite movie is the Godfather. Totally surprising there. Please tell me you understand sarcasm.
Four: He said he liked the name Jane when I told him what I was doing up and also in the rec room (couldn’t sleep, writing in my diary) and that I didn’t want to say “Dear diary”
“Why don’t you just give it a name?” he eloquently suggested and Jane was his answer to my question of “Which name?”
Five: Barnes, or James, I guess he is now, is my friend.
Six: We said we’d meet up at 4:30AM or earlier again because I told him I wanted to show him my s’mores dip recipe.
Seven: Wish me luck. Hope I don’t get murdered.
Eight: I think I might be in love with him.
Aug. 5/20
Dear Jane,
In an effort to summarize what has happened in the past four days, I will open with the fact that James Buchana Barnes is the cutest motherfucker on the planet. He’s super old fashioned, but that’s a given. He opens the doors for me, offers to take my bags up, and in the past four days, we’ve met up at around midnight to just eat and chat. Then he walks me back to my room with a glass of water and I’m left fanning myself because it’s so sweet and he’s so sweet and OH, MY GOD, I am a child.
This feels like a crush. Like, butterflies in my stomach, self-conscious every time he looks at me, can’t stop staring, and wanting to impress him at every turn sort of crush.
AKA, a middle-school crush and I feel completely ridiculous but that is besides the point because he’s just the loveliest person.
Someone should tell him chivalry is dead. Steve thinks he’s just being sweet on me, and Sam says I should flash some ass just to get a rise out of him which would be funny. He’d look absolutely adorable blushing his head off.
We’ll see. I am considering it.
What else happened? I’m drawing a huge blank.
As explained in a previous entry, I was to show Barnes my s’mores dip recipe. Huge success. Crowd loved it. That’s how I learned he has a huge sweet tooth like me. Got an email from Pep about a board meeting which I ignored. If it’s really important, she’ll see me in person. Went swimming with Sam. We started planning Tony’s big Christmas party even though that’s MONTHS away.
But, you know. We’re so busy all the time, it might be worth it planning ahead.
As head of R&D, it’s vital to me that this goes well because they’re fun when they do go well, and a chaotic disaster when they don’t. Also, I have to find a date but details will follow.
I think that’s it.
If there’s more to follow, then I’ll just come back but there really isn’t.
Oh, Alpine found my room. He’s in here right now and he snores. It’s cute, just like his owner.
Okay, goodnight.
Aug. 7/20
Dear Jane,
Sam, James, and I went swimming.
Pro of the day: James is ripped and that man was GLISTENING.
Con of the day: I AM STUPID in front of hot ripped men.
Pro of the day: We got ice cream together. Strawberry for me, mango for James because he wants to try new flavours, and Sam ordered some monstrosity with vanilla ice cream, chocolate and raspberry syrups, and a bunch of banana slices. A swirl of whipped cream to finish it off. It looked like diabetes in a cup and that’s coming from me.
Con of the day: James used his thumb to wipe the ice cream off my lip and my brain short-circuited. Sam teased us about it, but James very stubbornly and convincingly said we’re just friends.
Con of the day x2: We are just friends and that is NOT going to change. I cannot explain how much my heart literally fell out of my body in disappointment.
God, and James and I are meeting up at 2AM tonight so he can show me this new stupid stuffed celerey recipe he learned.
It’s not stupid.
It’s really, REALLY cute he researched it.
This sucks.
Aug. 11/20
The worst day ever. I don’t want to talk about it but might as well make a note on it. More on it later, I guess.
Aug. 15/20
Dear Jane,
Sorry, I’m dramatic. Must get it from working with Tony for so many years.
Let’s just review what occurred on August 11, 2020, at approximately 3:23 in the afternoon.
I learned that James went out on a date. A DATE. From SAM. When James had ample opportunity to tell me at our regular meeting at witching hour over celery sticks.
I’m not even mad. I’m just angry that the man I became friends with only 2 weeks ago and caught feelings immediately for is seeing other people.
I sound like a raging bitch. I promise you, Jane, that I am not. I’m just the insanely jealous type.
No, I’m not.
God, what is happening to me and why does it have to be James.
I never get crushes and the instant I do, it’s for the most emotionally and physically unavailable person ON EARTH.
Also, work was work. I was distracted, drank soup from the canteen, and generally accomplished nothing. Alpine came for some snuggles while James was out. That’s the only good thing.
Thanks, universe.
Aug. 16/20
Dear Jane,
So, I brought up this mystery lady over homemade sundaes.
James seems pretty serious about her because he a) apologized for not telling because he wanted to keep it private and asked me not to tell anyone and b) has a second date with her later today.
Oh, GOD. There is no point to this.
Aug. 19/20
Dear Jane,
What’s the point of asking someone intimate, personal questions if not because you guys are best friends?
James called me his best friend today. He says he knows me, but if he did, he’d know I feel like throwing up whenever he’s around and that his stare burns through every layer of clothing until I feel like he just knows my secret.
I told him we’ve known each other less than a month, but he said something stupidly charming about “intuition” and feeling and that this feels right and how he knows he can tell me anything and that I was an easy person to talk to.
I should’ve been a shrink.
At least, my trip to Wakanda is going to give me distance. A solid two months of no one else but me, tech, and new faces. Going there to collaborate with Shuri is definitely exciting and taking up more space in my brain than James these days.
Maybe I’ll fall in love with some soldier over there because apparently, I’m catching feelings willy-nilly these days.
See you on the plane, Jane.
Aug. 23/20
Dear Jane,
On the quinjet, it’s fairly quiet. It’s one of the things I love about it. The silent yet soft engines that can lull me to sleep. We should be arriving in a few hours so I thought I’d write. I’m getting the hang of this, I think.
There's a press conference later, too, in the trip with the UN and it’s not that I can’t handle it, but that I could’ve done this in my sleep and wished Tony sent someone else. I hate the press, not gonna lie.
Anyway, this gives me time to be introspective.
Is it just me or James always Okay, is it just my imagination that whenever I try to get close to James, he just kinda pulls away? Not in a romantic way. I’m not stealing anyone’s man because girl code, but he won’t even let me just stand near him anymore. It’s like I have an infectious disease only transmitted through physical contact and it’s just weird.
I don’t know.
Before I left, he said he’d miss me and that we should keep in touch through calls (Obviously, I would) and that he hopes I won’t forget him.
So, you say those things but you won’t even let me even hug you?
You’re a manipulative asshole, Barnes.
Oct. 20/20
Dear Jane,
I am so sorry that it has taken so long for us to reunite.
In hindsight, I’m a fucking idiot.
I left you on the quinjet which went back to New York and a different quinjet came to pick me up. I came back like two days ago so these past few days have been spent searching for you.
James offered to help, and he seems normal again.
Weird. Guess he was just in a mood with the new girlfriend and adjusting to having me as a friend, too. Guys go through that, I guess.
In Wakanda, I did not, in fact, fall in love with a soldier or anything. I curse every day that I didn’t, trust me. I’m just as disappointed as you are because I just want to get over this stupid crush. For the two months I was gone, it was like I didn’t like James at all like that. Even during calls, I could pretend we were just two teammates keeping each other in the loop. He talked about his girlfriend, I listened, I explained science because he’s a nerd, and he asked questions like he was interested.
It was FINE.
Then, he was waiting for me when I came back to NYC and it slammed into me like Bruce in Hulk-mode.
James asked if I wanted to meet his girlfriend because she’d be coming around for the Halloween party anyway, and he thinks we’ll get along swimmingly.
He really said swimmingly. He is stuck in the wrong era, but we all knew that.
I said yes, to be polite.
Here’s to hoping she’s a vindictive bitch and I am justified in hating her entire being.
Oct. 22/20
Dear Jane,
I met her. She’s small and pretty and mature and normal.
If I wasn’t stupidly in my feelings about James, I’d love her, too. 
She’d treat him right, give him a good home to come back to.
Best not to notice the people fighting beside you in that way, I guess.
Oct. 25/20
Dear Jane,
God is dead and NO ONE has eyes on the road.
Jesus isn’t even taking the wheel on this one.
It’s a fucking disaster.
I do not want to describe in every little detail the intricacies of dreaming about James Buchanan Barnes fucking my brains out, so I won’t, but this is for the record that it happened and how the fuck am I supposed to come back and see him in his probably gorgeous attempt at his recreation of Brendan Fraser from the Mummy AKA my favourite movie (which HE KNOWS THAT IT IS?? GOD, the audacity.)
Girlfriend (his girlfriend. “Girlfriend” is the name which she shall be henceforth known as in these entries because petty wins are all I have right now) is dressing as Rachel Weisz. Because “couples goals” or whatever.
I wouldn’t know. Sam and I are dressed up as sexy salt and pepper shakers (his idea, not mine) and he made me take the salt stick because I think he knows. Steve’s not dressing up because he’s more focused on handing out candy as Captain America.
Tony is… Tony. Iron Man and all that.
Anyway, I’m out of town in DC for a meeting with the Secretary of State for a few days, but I’ll be back in New York on the 30th so I’ll have a few hours to adjust to being around James again before he dons on that outfit that I know will be totally hot.
He called me his best friend again in his latest email.
Made me smile like an idiot, but I digress.
Nov. 1/20
Dear Jane,
Halloween was killer. Sam and I won best duo for costumes because we’re that good. Ate a lot of candy and it seems to be looking up.
I dunno. I didn’t mind James and Girlfriend on the couch that much in the after-party. Mostly stuck by Nat and Sharon and Tony. An ood trio, but a fun one nonetheless.
It was fun, but I still have to go to work no matter how many jello shots and vodka gummy bears consumed.
Wish me luck, not that I need it.
Why do you think Tony hired me?
Nov. 4/20
Dear Jane.
Natasha said I smile at James in a way that utterly betrays every emotion I want to hide in my chest.
Note to self: Don’t smile at James, or at his jokes, or at anything he ever does again. Avoid him. Put a stopper on this friendship.
Note to note to self: I can’t. He just makes me smile whenever he’s around and he’s always around. There’s no simpler way to put it.
I’m gonna try this hiatus thing, though. Distance myself a bit. We’ll see how it goes.
Nov. 13/20
Dear Jane,
Day nine of this hiatus business and it sucks. I miss my best friend.
We’re scheduled for a mission together, and we’re leaving tomorrow so I was going to have to talk to him during the briefing and the op either way.
Well, glad to know this didn’t work.
Nov. 15/20
Dear Jane,
Guess who just got fucking shot!
Guess even scumbags can’t take a holiday because some stupid arms dealer got a cheap shot on me while I was downloading their whole computer system and other tech mumbo-jumbo I am too high to write about.
James left a few hours ago with the rest of the team, but not before he got me a bunch of ice chips and said he was worried and that he hopes I get better soon. He even promised to get me some flowers to spruce up the room and to say my HEART went CRAZY is an understatement.
He came to my rescue, essentially, as soon as he heard I got pinned. He carried me to the quinjet the instant he cleared the area and stayed by my side the whole time even though the bleeding stopped and I was in good hands. He was just so protective, barking at doctors and nurses. It was embarrassing but also really, really sweet.
Is it weird of me to say that I want him to stay by my side forever? 
I’ve never fallen in love before.
Is it always this fast and this hard? I feel like I’m crashing instead of gently and wonderfully falling. Everything is dumb and awful.
Is this what love is like? Because it hurts worse than getting shot because I think I’m going to vomit flowers or butterflies or something.
God, he’d never love me. We’re just friends and even though we have a lot in common, he’d never. It’s just too much of the past in the present or whatever.
Also, he has a girlfriend but it seems very surface-level. God, that makes me sound like a “one of the boys” type of girl who’s a bitch to one of the boy’s new girlfriends, but I don’t know. James told me they don’t really talk about the deep stuff like we do. But she makes him happy, I think.
In hindsight, one may ask what the deep stuff is.
More on that later. I’m tired.
God, why him?
Nov. 16/20
Dear Jane,
James visited again today. He sat beside me and we talked until the nurses had to kick him out. He also brought the flowers.
I asked about Girlfriend casually. I said I liked her.
He said he did, too.
I don’t know why I think he’s lying. No, I do.
It’s because jealousy is the green-eyed bitch from highschool who still shows up in my life because she thinks she’s relevant to society.
That was mean. Unrequited love makes you mean. Side effect noted.
P.S. The deep stuff includes his past, his arm, his memory, his favourite colour. I dunno why that matters. It just does.
Nov. 17/20
Dear Jane,
Got out of the hospital today because of advanced technology and all that. Nothing’s left but a scar and residual soreness. James helped me to my room and said to call him if I had a problem.
I joked that he has a girlfriend and for some reason, he got really weird about it. It’s hard to describe. I dunno. Nat dropped by for popcorn and movies.
It’s 2:32AM. I’m wondering if he’s in the kitchen but I’m confined to bed rest so I don’t know. Also, Nat is asleep beside me and I don’t want to bother her.
Hopefully I can get up and move in a few days. Life is boring.
Nov. 24/20
Dear Jane,
Sorry we haven’t caught up in a moment. Work’s been hectic and I’ve been working overtime trying to make ends meet. Most days I’m in the office or lab, just trying to get enough things done so I can take time off come Christmas.
James stopped by tonight with Chinese takeout and some sweet buns.
He broke up with his girlfriend, too.
Guess that’s why he was being weird about it.
I tried being as casual as I could asking why, but he didn’t want to talk about it, so I asked why he came by. Couldn’t be for the company because when I’m in work mode, I just don’t talk and he knows that.
He said something about his arm feeling funny so I gave it a quick diagnostics check.
I think both of us knew his arm was feeling fine.
Everything is stupid, life is meaningless, and James’ lips are the prettiest shade of pink in the ugly lights of the lab.
I would very much like to have kissed him, but I didn’t.
Girl code.
It’ll probably be a while before I get another chance to actually have time and energy to write another diary entry. Christmas season’s coming close and Pepper is gonna need help with the party.
Yay, me.
Dec. 4/20
Dear Jane,
Morgan asked me in less eloquent words if I had a boyfriend (it was more like “You boyfriend?” But whatever. Who even taught her that word?) and I swear to GOD Nat could not make it anymore obvious looking at James.
Remind me to absolutely throttle her. I don’t care if she’s the infamous Black Widow. She has clearly never seen me hopped up on nothing but a negative amount of sleep and rage/embarrassment/spite/all of the above.
On another note, Pep asked if I was bringing a plus one for the party. I said I’d think about it. Normally I’d just take Sam but he has his eyes on someone at the VA and I like my friends getting laid so no go there.
Might just go alone. I don’t know.
Pep said I should take James, but I don’t really think she knows the truth about that situation. Luckily, Tony instantly rejected the idea and said he’d find me a date if I couldn’t.
Thank the universe for at least placing me in the close circle of the most well-known and richest man in the world because he also gave me his card and said go wild.
He knows me so well. I’m thinking about Christmas shopping when I have another free day, and I’ll pay for that with my own money, of course, but clothes shopping is a free market.
I cannot wait.
Dec. 12/20
Dear Jane,
I wish I could show you my haul, but I got so much stuff Happy had to drive to help me. Besides obvious gifts, I also managed to snag a gorgeous dress for the party.
Thoughts on black and gold?
I think it’s beautiful. Hopefully Nat and Sharon think so. We’re having a girls night tonight and showing off outfits, so that’s exciting.
James asked if we could meet up tonight.
I told him I had plans and he looked so downcast.
I dunno. Everything feels weird between us. Like we’re fine, we’re best friends still, but something’s changed when no one was looking. He’s single now. I guess that energy is different because I had gotten used to his energy with ex-Girlfriend.
I don’t exactly mind but it’s not ideal either. I miss summer. It’s much less complicated than winter. Winter, one has to worry about wind and chills and snows blocking roads, black ice, dry skin, freezing fingers.
Summer: there’s just a lot of sun, wind, bugs, and the vaguest notion of being bored.
Look, I love winter. It’s my favourite season. It’s quiet and gorgeous and dreamy, even though it gets dreary in New York. The snow falls slowly sometimes, Christmas is gorgeous here, and I’d rather be cold than sweating buckets, and there are no bugs to bother me. Also, it gives me a good reason to stay in the labs or in my room where it’s warm and toasty.
I just miss the relative simplicity when James and I were just strangers on the edge of being friends, which is, in retrospect, a selfish reason to like one season and hate another.
Well, some philosopher somewhere probably said something about humanity being selfish.
Dec. 16/20
Dear Jane,
T-minus nine days until the party.
No date in sight.
Maybe I’ll ask Anderson from HR. We had coffee together a few times and he’s nice. Good catch: smart, not too bad looking, and really nice. I’ll head down tomorrow and ask.
Alpine had purred when I told him my plan and headbutted my hand, so I guess I got the Alpine-Seal-of-Approval.
Dec. 17/20
Dear Jane,
Operation: Ask Anderson from HR to Tony’s Christmas Party failed. Granted, it could’ve been because that was a god awful title and that that name, in itself, prophesied catastrophic failure, but also because I was accosted by my best friend.
I wish I meant Sam.
Nope. James caught me in the elevator and we made small talk. Sounds fine, right? Then we turned the topic to the party. Talked about clothes and prospective celebrity appearances and drinks and food. Just about everything, so might as well turn to talks about dates, which meant I had to explain why I was in the elevator in the first place.
Going down to ask Anderson ended in James revealing that he didn’t have a date either.
He doesn’t know who Anderson is, which I thought would be the case, and he popped the question before the doors opened.
Notice how I said “didn't” have a date.
Guess who’s going to the party with James, clearly stated as friends, platonic soulmates, etc.?
Dec. 18/20
Dear Jane,
It’s 3:42AM and I’m in the rec room as usual. I was gonna not write here today but it normally helps me sleep to just write a bit, get what little thoughts are in my head out. Yeah.
I hear James in the kitchen talking to Alpine and it’s making me smile like an idiot.
Oh, shit, he knows I’m in here. He’s making milkshakes.
I am morally obligated by best friend duties to join him.
Goodnight, Jane.
Dec. 24/20
Dear Jane,
I’m not sleeping with James Buchanan Barnes tomorrow night.
This is a resolute promise. An early New Year’s resolution.
Dec. 25/20
Dear Jane,
Merry Christmas! 
In between jovial festivities, I’ve finally found a little nook that’s quiet enough to write in. We opened presents, had a big family breakfast, went skating and just lounged around, and frankly, I’m exhausted. Need to recharge the old social battery.
Among the assortment of gifts is one that stands out to me. James got me a gift that said “Open When Alone” and I did before I started this entry and it was a fucking necklace. Like, a gorgeous one. It’s gold and thin and it feels wonderful. There’s a little cat paw charm on it and it’s so pretty because he has a matching bracelet for himself and I have still not yet recovered.
It’s just so sweet and it reminds me why I love him.
Yes, love has made me unbelievably sappy. I just heaved the biggest sigh in history.
Unfortunately, I have to go earlier tonight. To the party, as written in previous entries. I remember my oath of one-night celibacy and I intend on keeping it, despite how fucking endearing this gift was, because he said it best: we’re just friends. I’m not about to coerce my best friend into sleeping with me out of a piteous, unrequited love. That’s just gross.
You will either see me hungover tomorrow, or very drunk later tonight. It’s all very depending on how this night turns out.
Dec. 26/20
Dear Jane,
P.S. He REALLY does not mind me calling him James. Take that as dirtily or as clandestinely as you wish.
Dec. 27/20
Dear Jane,
I spent the entire day in bed with very pleasurable company.
I am SO GLAD we haven’t gotten called in because James doesn’t leave unless to go to sleep in his own bed or to eat, and I do NOT want to explain to the team that James fucked my brains out for two days straight because my heart is bursting.
He’s a good kisser. His lips are soft.
Intimate knowledge of that is now burned into my memory for future reference.
God, this is a dream come true. He doesn’t even question it, he just
It’s like I’m a goddess to him. He treats me like one, at least, and it’s like he’ll do anything I ask. And we act like it’s normal, too. Midnight trips to the kitchen included.
Best Christmas ever.
Dec. 28/20
Dear Jane,
I feel like I’m ignoring you but I’m also having the best sex of my life. He’s just… so fucking good and it’s a holiday and holy shit my mind is blown.
Love at first meeting isn’t real.
Well, maybe this one time, it was destiny.
Dec. 29/20
Dear Jane,
It isn’t just the sex, you know? It’s the pillowtalk, too. He just makes me laugh so much and everything is so easy between us and it feels real. Popcorn and chips in bed, some mojitos, just each other’s presence. It’s enough like that, you know?
Some quote about how the one you love should be both your lover and your best friend is in my head but I’m too lazy to look it up. James’ head is in my lap and he’s just reading while I’m writing and everything seems perfect.
He doesn’t ask what I’m writing because he knows it’s private and I trust him.
This is perfect.
I think I really am IN love with him.
Jan. 1/21
You know that cliché/tradition of New Year’s kisses?
Best (and worst) New Year’s ever. I’ll explain more later. I’m too tired and too angry and also sore and bruised.
See you when I’m not hungover.
Jan. 5/21
Dear Jane,
I’m finally stable enough to write.
In a crazy turn of events, Barnes and I got into a fight because of what happened after New Year’s Day’s events: I caught him leaving before I woke up and at first, curious questions ensued, and it wasn’t a fight but then it became one and I don’t even know how it happened. I wasn’t even mad. He just started being weird and I got annoyed and we tried and failed to keep our voices down. Luckily, my room is pretty soundproof.
Things just got out of hand and I feel like tearing my hair out. I wanna storm up to him and just yell some more.
Tony came into my room and didn’t say shit about my hickies and the fact that James is avoiding me like the plague. He gave me a really good hug, though and then gave me a few weeks off extra. I don’t know how he knows, but then again, it’s Tony.
He just said love’s tough sometimes.
Yeah, tell me about it.
I’m thinking about just taking a long vacation and disappearing. It seems like a good route to take at this point.
Jan. 6/21
Dear Jane,
James is looking at me right now as I write this. I wonder if I should look back or if he’s going to come up to me. We’ll see.
I’m only writing this so it seems like I’m busy. I’m running out of things to say, honestly. Can he just go? What’s the point in staring like that? What’s the point?
I could ask myself the same question. What’s the point in loving someone who’ll never love you? Yeah, he’s sleeping with me but he pulls away every time I try to do something more. Outside the bubble of my room and the small time frame of post-11PM to around 4:45AM, he acts like he’s allergic to intimacy.
It was never like that with ex-Girlfriend.
Maybe it’s something to do with me.
I don’t know, but he keeps looking and I want to get up and leave, but I won’t. I’m not gonna let him win.
Jan. 6/21
He didn’t. He just went out. Sam and Steve asked if I was okay because as soon as he left, I got up for the bathroom and screamed into a towel.
I don’t think either of them knows what’s going on, but they have a notion.
Jan. 9/21
Dear Jane,
He apologized. Still no explanation as to why, but it feels weird.
I told him I’m going on a vacation to Switzerland. Go skiing or something and asked if he wanted to come.
It was stupid to ask, but he said yes.
Jan. 14/21
Dear Jane,
Switzerland is lovely.
No work is relaxing. Awkwardness between me and the other traveller on this vacation. Weather’s supposed to be nice when we get there. Sunny snow days, pretty mountains, other Swiss things.
No other comment.
Jan. 21/21
Dear Jane,
I lasted all of a week.
Yep, I slept with him again, and yes, he was back in his hotel bed come sunrise.
I dunno. I’m over it. We don’t apologize and hope everything gets back to normal because neither of us want to say anything to ruin it any further and we both have a major fear of the complicated. To be fair, he said he didn’t want to sleep with me if I was completely against it.
Also, I tried calling him Bucky at dinner like ex-Girlfriend (and everyone else) does and he made the most disgusted face.
He said, and I quote, “Bucky? When did I stop being James?”
I told him I was trying something out and he said it failed. Snarky bastard.
I guess if he’s still James, that must mean I’m still special.
That’s the Tony-inherited ego talking.
But it does make me exceptionally happy to play with the idea that I’m special to him. Best friend with convoluted benefits. Sounds like the title of a very long-winded self-help book that doesn’t really help much but that does sound like the story of my life so I can’t complain too much.
We’re going home in a few days.
I’ll probably sleep with him again. Bet Steve’s shield that I do.
Jan. 24/21
Dear Jane,
I get three Steve’s shields because I was right every single fucking day.
He’s like a habit I can’t quite kick and don’t really want to.
We snuggled afterwards last night. His arm was around my shoulders, we were naked, I was resting my head on his chest. For a moment, it felt like something couples do and then I fell asleep and woke up alone.
Quantum physics is easier to understand than this but I think we’re being mutually exclusive right now, so it’s almost dating.
I dunno. I don’t mind it anymore. It’s better than nothing.
Feb. 2/21
Dear Jane,
I’m absolutely miserable.
I’m still getting laid, but that’s not related. Correlation and causation or something.
Why is New York so dreary and when can everything just stop?
I don’t know. Winter is ending and now it’s in that awful transition phase between seasons and it’s mucky and rainy and disgusting. Tony got these limited edition ice cream flavours though so I’m gonna ask James if we can make milkshakes out of them or something.
He doesn’t like the muck either. That’s not really relevant, I guess.
Feb. 14/21
Dear Jane,
I got flowers and chocolate from the department because I think they can sense I’ve been in a bad mood since forever. Then, there was an anonymous delivery and inside was this gorgeous chain bracelet that matches the necklace sort of. I lied and told the department it was from Pepper.
What a wretched holiday.
Yours truly.
Feb. 18/21
Dear Jane,
Normally, when boys get their haircut, they look ugly for a day or two after.
Not James.
He got his hair cut shorter and he looks really good. Like unbelievably good. Short hair fits him just as much as long hair does.
No other observations.
Feb. 25/21
Dear Jane,
It was Morgan’s birthday party today. James came in one of those brown jackets with the sheepskin wool inside and he looked so good. We mainly stayed apart to prevent any dalliance because one does not disappear from the Madame Secretary’s birthday party and the team doesn’t really know what’s happening behind the scenes except for Nat and Tony, really.
I really wanted to kiss him in front of our friends. I caught him staring a few times, and every time, the smile seemed to vanish off his face.
I’m lying in bed and it feels pretty empty.
It occurs to me that I’ve been in love for a pretty long time and I’m not even in a relationship with the guy.
Energy could’ve been devoted to so many other things and I’d hate being in love if it weren’t for the fact that it’s James.
Again, love making me sappy and all that.
Feb. 28/21
Dear Jane,
Jane is such a common name. Some would call it plain yet it means gift from God.
I wonder if James knew that.
Mar. 10/21
Dear Jane,
It’s James’ birthday. Birthday sex is a requirement and a desire. I also got him a gift which is a pair of new black Timbs. I hope he likes them. I’m excited for cake, I guess. Morgan did my makeup but I’m gonna have to wipe it off for the small little party tonight.
I think, ordinarily, I’d be in knots because it’s James’ birthday and I love him and he’s my best friend, but I just don’t know. March is fairly boring and contemplative and rainy. Work is work. Helen Cho did a presentation on her Cradle technology. Very cool.
Mar. 20/21
Dear Jane,
It’s raining and doesn’t feel like spring. Alpine vomited on my bed a few days ago because he’s not feeling well. James and I took him to the vet and he’s on antibiotics. Poor boy. He’s sleeping in the corner of my room right now while James is away on a mission. I think I’ll just work from my room for a bit until he’s feeling better.
Nothing much to report, which is why I didn’t write anything. The month passed by too quickly. James should be back by the end of the month. I miss him and not because of the sex. No one else who doesn’t work for me or pays me listens to me ramble on their own free will. Talking to screens just isn’t the same.
April 1/21
James got back really early this morning and I, by tradition, was awake. I sort of wish I wasn’t though. In true April Fool’s tradition, I made fun of him for being a day late to which he genuinely apologized. I told him to shower and get to sleep but he was in that mood where you’re so exhausted you’re wide awake.
James suggested we make really strong cocktails for each other as a celebration for an extraction mission completed successfully.
Who am I to say no to celebrating?
He really likes grapefruit juice so I made a REALLY strong Grapefruit Paloma. He made this really interesting drink that was purple and tasted like oranges and cranberries. A lot of blue curacao was in it so it was pretty bitter but it hit like a fucking truck which is probably why I didn’t understand anything he said at first.
He told me he loved me.
I think, somehow, he managed to get drunk after the Grapefruit Paloma and two more bottles of vodka. Don’t ask me how because Steve NEVER gets drunk. Maybe HYDRA-brand serum is faulty? I don’t know.
I asked if he knew what date it was. He laughed really loudly, said no, realized, stuttered apologies and then said it again.
It was the most perfect sound in the world and it was the best moment in recent history.
Or, the sickest practical joke.
Consensus not yet reached.
April 2/21
Dear Jane,
I asked if he remembered what happened yesterday morning.
He did not.
Sickest practical joke confirmed.
April 9/21
Dear Jane,
I’ve been avoiding writing because I’ve felt a whole lot of nothing. Everything is abysmal and James’ confession is all I can think about. Tony’s on my ass about slipping and he has half the mind to put me on paid leave until I get my shit together, both as the head of the department and as an agent.
Drunk words are sober thoughts, all that garbage.
I wish I could live my whole life drunk and honest. Maybe then I wouldn’t be in this situation where I’m stuck in eternal limbo with my best friend whom I’m in love with. Minus the drunk part.
Duty demands I return to this weathered journal until it’s finished so we’ll see. I might be back this month. Maybe not.
May 1/21
Dear Jane,
It rained a lot in April so now the flowers are blooming early. April showers bring May flowers. Guess it has some merit to it.
Limbo sucks. Its inescapable nature, its terrible facade of everything seeming fine when it really isn’t.
Of course, James still makes me smile, but nothing seems really okay when I let myself stop for a second.
I’m going out with Steve to a charity thing tomorrow. Should be a few hours worth of not thinking and free booze. Oh, and James and I made out in one of the quinjets after dinner today.
Felt weird considering we aren’t a couple, but it happened spontaneously as that is the nature of our relationship, it appears.
The cause also happens to be the cure of melancholy. Weird.
May 6/21
Dear Jane,
For context, it’s 5:23AM.
Went for a walk in Madison Square and then Central Park with James yesterday, although in my head it’s still today. We met up with Nat for some training at the gym. Got a bit mobbed by fans and the paps who asked if we were dating like we’re the tabloid’s biggest scoop.
We weren’t even holding hands, but I guess it’s just another reason why we shouldn’t be TOGETHER together in public.
We had another deep stuff talk again in bed after the usual business. I wanted to ask what this is between us and if he’s pursuing other options, because I’m not and I wanted to know if I should, but I also didn’t want to ruin the vibe.
He was in a good mood today, and seeing as sometimes he has nightmares, I thought it was best I don’t ruin it. He thinks I don’t notice but how do I not notice? He’s my best friend.
I kissed his cheek when he got up to leave and he kissed me goodbye on the lips.
I guess that means something.
May 17/21
Dear Jane,
In a moment of complete boredom, I listened to Imagine Dragons’ new album. It wasn’t too bad, to be honest, but Sharon thought it could’ve been better. Whatever.
May 22/21
Dear Jane,
Ran into ex-Girlfriend today. She still has that whole sunshine thing going on still. We had coffee and she asked if I got together with James yet.
I choked on my coffee and nearly died on the spot.
That’s how I learned that James apparently broke it off softly and ex-Girlfriend had, very wisely and knowingly, said that he should chase the apple of his eye before I (the apple) rotted alone and forgotten at the trunk of the tree. Or, as any sane person would say (and ex-Girlfriend DID say), get picked from the tree by another hand.
She said it was quite obvious that I was in love with James even months ago. She also thanked me for being so nice, anyway, and that it must’ve been difficult. What a fucking SAINT.
I set her up with a date with Steve because they have the same energy, honestly, and that’s going down on the 26th barring any emergencies.
Call me Cupid, but I think I just constructed the perfect match made in heaven.
Mentioned this meeting to James minus the apple detail. He asked if she was doing okay, which she was, and seemed glad for that. Between kisses and his sneaking hand beneath the covers, he also asked if there was anything else. Not really much to say on that front.
June 3/21
Dear Jane,
It’s starting to dry up consistently, now. It’s getting warmer, too. Sam brought me flowers and told me to at least turn the air-con on if I was gonna be stuck in the lab all day. Oh, the simplicities of summer are hopefully returning. Got out early and hung out with Morgan at the park in the evening.
It’s nice to hang out with someone so blissfully unaware with the stupidity of love. All Morgan cares about is grass and buttercups she grabs from the ground. She doesn’t have to worry about how to tell the guy she’s in love with that she loves him.
Oh, didn’t you hear? Nat said I should just buck the fuck up and tell him.
And Nat is scary when not listened to.
Much to brainstorm about.
June 14/21
Dear Jane,
Just here to brainstorm some ideas for future Stark Industries projects and thought I’d preface it with a small diary entry. Nothing really happened. Work’s catching up for some reason and bad guys are acting up. I’ve pulled a few all nighters, not gonna lie.
Really tired, but in a good, productive way. Haven’t thought much on the James front. Gonna have to focus on that after everything calms down.
June 20/21
Dear Jane,
It’s officially summer and yet today was awful with only subtle hints of being okay.
So much for simplicity.
In the evening, I read on the hammock on the balcony. No one really bothered me except James, but he’s never a bother.
Steve and ex-Girlfriend (who will now be reidentified as Girlfriend) are pretty cute, and she meshes well with the group. There’s nothing really awkward between her, James, or me, so I guess two people’s summers are going well. Bully for them.
Didn’t really eat. Was too busy working. James got me dinner. Didn’t feel right and just kept working. This whole agreement between us has been very flexible but we really need to fit in a session soon.
I’ll make it work somehow.
June 22/21
Dear Jane,
I got my wish and didn’t at the same time. We spent the whole day in the sheets (very blissfully relaxing) and I, stupidly and with very little sleep, let it slip.
In less elegant terms, I told him I loved him. It felt very real and genuine and very-out-of-a-movie, but his reaction was less so.
What did I say? Allergic to intimacy.
He tried to play it off as best friends and even that was uncomfortable, but I, very seriously and very foolishly, corrected him that “no, James Buchanan Barnes, I am IN LOVE with you.”
He left a few minutes ago, saying something about heading down to the gym, but I know he’s just trying to avoid me.
God, how am I so stupid?
June 25/21
Dear Jane,
I haven’t seen James in a few days. I thought he was avoiding me but turns out he’s out of the country. Something about protection for whatever dignitary is travelling at the end of the month. I don’t know.
I wasn’t assigned to that op so the details weren’t shared liberally. Sam just said it’d be a while during the ambassador’s entire stay. High threat level which is why the Avengers were contracted.
I just hope he stays safe. I know he probably took off to take his mind off things, but I don’t know how he’s focusing when all I can think of is those three little words.
I love you.
Seems so fake the more I hear it in my head, but his reaction was so real that I think I might’ve just irreversibly messed things up.
July 12/21
Dear Jane,
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks. If future me finds this with blotted words, it’s because I am indeed crying while writing this.
James was medically evac’ed last night and transferred back to New York. Helen Cho was flown in from her medical conference in Minnesota where she was showcasing the newest version of the Cradle.
There was an assasination attempt and James is fucked up bad.
Holy shit, I’m so scared. I’ve never been so scared in my life. It’s like an invisible demon has my heart in his claw-like hands and he’s squeezing with all his might. I think my heart might explode.
I just want to hold his hand but he’s so high risk no one’s allowed to see him right now.
The waiting room is too quiet. Steve’s holding on to Girlfriend’s hand so hard I think her bones are broken but she’s taking it like a champ. Nat’s pacing, slowly patting a sleeping Morgan who she’s carrying. Sam and Tony are talking about stuff.
It’s too quiet.
I’m so scared.
July 13/21
They got him into the Cradle. Thank God. I think I might cry some more out of relief, but he was conscious for a few minutes earlier and he’s stable now.
It’s really late at night but they extended privileges to me to stay with him so I’m just sitting here, writing. Listening to the Cradle do its thing and the monitors do theirs.
When he was conscious, I was with him. He said some stuff under his breath but the one thing I could make out was “I’m an idiot.”
Granted, he’s right. It was supposed to be Steve or Tony on that mission. You know, people with more defense op experience, but he had to go out and volunteer himself.
I feel sort of guilty.
It’s partially my fault, isn’t it?
I think I’ll try to tuck in for tonight. I wanna be awake when he wakes up, too.
July 14/21
Dear Jane,
James woke up today. He’s still in the Cradle (lots of internal damage spread throughout the body) but he’s conscious. He saw me and immediately tried to sit up which was sweet, but when he couldn’t, he just told me to come closer and then told me that he loved me.
I called him an idiot for running away. I told him he really scared me. I told him that I loved him so fucking much. I told him that I feel so guilty and he just held my face and said that it will never be my fault.
He’s so fucking romantic, even when he’s lying down with a wound being stitched closed live in front of my eyes.
Oh, and he kissed me. I don’t think I noticed how much I actually missed him until that moment.
I don’t know how to describe the feeling in my chest. It’s a mixture between super happy and super scared and super, super warm inside. Summer might be looking up.
July 18/21
Dear Jane,
We got home today. James is staying in my room. The team doesn’t say anything about it. We’re best friends, after all, but I think they’ve known for a long time that there’s something more. Some of them are just too polite to say so.
I won’t have much time to write over the next couple of days. James has to be kept on a strict, extremely healthy diet and medicine regime.
I don’t care. I’m just glad he’s home.
He’s kissing me a lot more, now. Alpine likes the fact that his two humans are now in the same room. He purrs so loudly, I can hear him from where he’s dozing, curled up underneath James’ chin. He (James) is resting after his second round of antibiotics for the day while I work from my room, and sometimes I catch myself looking back just to make sure he’s okay.
I’m going to go kiss him now.
Be right back.
July 21/21
Dear Jane,
It’s almost Nat’s birthday (the 26th). Super exciting. James is back on solids and I’m helping him around with walking. Even with the Cradle and the healing factor, he’s still super banged up, so it’s better safe than sorry.
We had a really long talk about love and stuff. It’s good to finally have it out in the open. It was mostly me talking about my side of things and he just nodded a lot. I know he was listening though.
We also kissed a lot, like seventeen year old couples who are heavy on the PDA, but within the privacy of my room. I dunno. I like the heat of his arms and the way he kisses the shell of my ear when he’s bored or it’s a commercial break.
It feels very natural.
I am very much in love with him.
I tell him that and he always looks skeptical, but whatever. He doesn’t have to say it back (I tell him that there’s no pressure) and he’ll get it through his thick skull eventually that he’s now stuck with me.
July 25/21
Dear Jane,
We made cookies in the early AM as tradition for the party tomorrow and I told him that I love him (again, but this time he didn’t run, nor has he the past few times. Fantastic).
While the cookies were baking, he explained everything on his side of the story: how he was scared to be vulnerable, how opening up to me is just different and new and scary and I get it. I really do. I know how it feels to think you don’t deserve good things and sabotage feels like the only way to save everyone from hurt.
He smiled a lot more after that. I guess he’s just glad I get it.
One day, I’ll successfully convince James that he deserves everything good this world has to offer.
Until then, I’ll just keep trying.
P.S. He said, with less hesitation than the first time, that he loves me, too. Best. Day. Ever.
P.P.S. The cookies are so good and I want to devour them all. I could barely stop James from eating all of them. Again: Best. Day. Ever.
July 26/21
Dear Jane,
In summary of today:
Happy birthday, Natasha.
James has been given the clear bill of health which is exciting. Also, I asked him about the Jane and gift of God thing.
He knew. “Intuition” and all that. He also said I looked “like a royal dame” in my swimsuit. Smug idiot just trying to be charming.
I love him and that’s the only reason it works.
Back to the festivities.
July 27/21
Dear Jane,
Good morning to you and to James who’s still in my bed at a ripe 6:23AM, fast asleep.
Progress. Now, back to sleep.
July 27/21
Dear Jane,
It’s now 9:49AM and James greeted me with orange juice and waffles. He said I was cute when I slept. Creep.
He also said he tried so many times to stay in my bed after, before we were like we are now, but he never could, and now he’s upset that he missed out on my cute sleeping/waking up for the day face every time he did so.
He is exceptionally cute when he’s pouting.
I think we’re officially boyfriend-girlfriend, but we’ll work out the semantics on that later. For now, it’s another summer day together. He suggested Chinese takeout for dinner because I have to go dip back into the lab later today to check on some samples.
I agreed and he kissed me in promise like it was our “thing.” I can’t stop smiling like an idiot.
Massive progress.
July 28/21
Dear Jane,
He told me I was the only one for him.
Also, he kissed me in front of our friends for the first time. Natasha yelled “FINALLY” and pushed us into the pool. Sam laughed and then I grabbed him and threw him into the pool. Ensuing: a water fight for the ages.
For a day: 10/10
July 31/21
Hey Jane,
I think I’m happy.
I’m sorry I ever doubted the effects of writing down my feelings.
James has a romantic trip to uptown planned for our first date and he said it’ll take the whole day so I thought I’d get this entry in the morning. I dunno. It’s really early and the happy thought was the first thing that came to my head.
Weird, but it’s a good weird.
See you in a bit.
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aftgandotherbooks · 3 years
Father-Son Bonding
Kevin only knew about his mum from what he heard about Tetsuji telling him (which is almost nothing really) and barely remembers her himself. What’s worse is that he knows nothing about Wymack and his past. A few years after Kevin graduated, he decided to visit his dad for the Christmas holidays. Wymack was a man of habit and still lived in that one room apartment near Palmetto university, which meant that Kevin unfortunately had to sleep on the couch for the week. One night of an especially bad nightmare of Riko, Kevin moved to the kitchen to make coffee since he wouldn’t have been able to fall asleep again. Coincidentally it was also around the time Wymack usually wakes up to go out for his morning smoke. After a short and gruff “‘morning” *nod* “‘morning” *nod* exchange, both men headed out to the front porch. It was the long stretches of quiet that Kevin appreciated the most from being around his father. After spending years around people who always had something to gossip or complain about, the comfortable silences he shared with his father were a blessing. After an hour of bliss, Wymack looked over at Kevin and saw deep dark purple bags under his eyes and a surge of concern welled up in his gut. He cleared his throat and nudged his son’s shoulder, asking “couldn’t sleep?” Kevin, transfixed by the quiet morning air jumped at the sound of his father’s voice. “Yeah, um. Nightmare” he muttered, looking down at his hands that were fidgeting with the string of his pyjama pants. Wymack sighed and looked out onto the grass and birds singing their wake-up songs to the rest of the world. He nodded his head and looked back to his son. “That’s one thing that never seems to leave you alone. I had a bad one before you came. I could barely leave my bed for two days.” Wymack huffed. Kevin looked up to his father in shock. He always knew Wymack had a troublesome upbringing, but he never mentioned it. Of course, he knew something must have happened, otherwise the foxes and their reputation of ‘second-chances’ would have never even existed. However, Kevin would have never known his father was still affected by it to this day. As morbid as it sounded, it was comforting knowing that his father was struggling the same as him. Kevin had never asked about his dad’s past. Mostly because Wymack made an active effort to stay out of Kevin’s personal business after he graduated because the other Foxes had a tendency to go too far whenever Riko or the nest were mentioned. Kevin respected the fact that Wymack refused to be like that. But before that morning, Wymack never spoke of his own burdens. He barely spoke about Kevin’s mum, the pain of her absence too painful most of time for Kevin. That’s why Kevin asked “you don’t have to answer me but… what happened? Does it have something to do with mum?” Wymack was quiet for a few minutes. Kevin started to think that his dad would ignore the question altogether. But then with a quiet sigh, Wymack put out his cigarette and turned to face Kevin. “Look kid, I know you’ve been through too much shit in your life, and I wish there was a way that I could have known and stopped it. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I knew you before Riko got his hands on you. The point is, I didn’t want to put more shit on you that you don’t need. But... I guess it’s only fair you know more about me. I am your dad afterall.” Kevin nodded, hearing the solemn tone Kevin was too familiar with. The same tone was used whenever Wymack was faced with another kid with a messed up childhood. Wymack then closed his eyes, breathed slowly and methodically and squeezed his hands into fists for a minute or two. It reminded Kevin of the breathing exercises Betsy taught him when he was plagued with the anxiety attacks that came with his sobriety. With a neutral and emotionless tone, Wymack started speaking. “I was in prison for a year before I met your mother.” Kevin’s face snapped to Wymack’s. He opened his mouth to say something when Wymack held up his finger to shut him up. Wymack continued speaking. “I had just turned 18 and thought it was a good idea to get in a car with my drunk best friend after we left a graduation party one of our other friends held t their house. I only had one drink that night, I didn’t see the point of drinking. My old man was in a shit mood that morning and would have punched and kicked me to hell and back if I came home 10 at night, drunk. I kept going on about how I should drive since I barely had anything to drink, but he was too stubborn and I just wanted to get home early enough. So, my friend ended up driving, and we were blasting music, all that typical stuff teens do when they’re young and too stupid to care. It only took a second of us not paying attention that a kid crossed the road to fetch a ball. What sane kid plays with a ball at ten at night?” Wymack rolled his eyes. “anyway, I saw the kid before my friend did and grabbed the wheel to swerve it to the opposite side the kid was on. It just so happened that the car swerved too far and the road was still slippery from the storm we had a few hours before. And can I just say kid, the moment the car swerved and smashed into the light pole I knew we were screwed.” Kevin’s eyes were starting to water. It wasn’t at all what he was expecting. His father went to prison? “My friend, Alex, he died on impact. He was on the side the pole smashed into. I only got away with a bruised right leg, a broken arm and severe whiplash. The kid was fine. It was actually his mom that called an ambulance for us. When I told the cops what happened, they said that even though I saved the kid, what I did was technically manslaughter. That’s why I was sent to prison. My sentence was way shorter though ‘cause I barely had alcohol in my system, and Alex was way over the limit, so he was at fault for the reckless driving. Plus, the fact that my intentions were to save the kid, not to kill-” Wymack took a shuddering breath. “Not to kill Alex.” Kevin grabbed his dads tight fist and squeezed it. “Dad, you don’t have to keep going”. Kevin said, he could see his father’s defences slowly crumbling. But Wymack, the stubborn and persistent old man he was, shook his head and kept going. “Prison was… prison. Not a fun place, and there were things that I would rather never think or talk about. And when I got out of prison, I had nowhere to go. My old man used my sentence as an excuse to stop speaking to me again. Useless pig he was probably celebrated the day I left. My mom, well she’s been dead since I was 13, breast cancer. I’ve always wondered what she would have done about it all. So, I had nowhere to go, and no one to run to. I was working at a run-down diner because that was the only place that would take in a fresh out of prison convict. It was just a few yards off from where your mom lived. Her and Tetsuji would meet up every Saturday at my diner to grab lunch and work on the specifics of how Exy should be played. I always tried to be the one who would serve her, and then we traded numbers and started talking. We got real close for a few years until she asked me to join her first trial team for Exy. She’s the one who got me a job at Palmetto when I told her I wanted to expand the sport to other universities. She gave me the chance to move forward in my life when no one else would.” Wymack opened his eyes and looked at Kevin again. “She reminds me so much of you kid. Every time I look at you I see her commitment and passion.” Kevin looked down to their hands again, and smiled a watery smile. “Thanks dad. All I ever wanted to do was make her proud of me.” Wymack huffed again and said “I’m sure she is… I know cause I sure am.”
A.N: I have no idea how the criminal system works. Nor do I know how long, or even if Wymack would have been charged. I also haven’t read the books since last year so my knowledge of Wymack’s history is limited to other fanfics, so if I got anything wrong, I’m sorry. This is just my interpretation of how Wymack’s character and his personality were formed :)
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